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Sharp: this accidental is produced when the pitch of the note increases a semitone.
Flat: this accidental is produced when the pitch of the note go down a semitone.
Natural signs: this accidental cancels the effect of a sharp or a flat.
Key signatures: accidentals in the beginning of the piece that indicate the tonality.
Interval: The distant between of two notes.
Chords: A group of notes plays simultaneously,
Tie: With a tie you can increase the duration of notes.
Slurs: Its referring to the form to play a group of notes. You must play these notes
without a distance among them.
1. Staccato. Its produced the effect opposite to slurs, so with the staccato, it
emphasized each note.
2. Accent. The note with accent is played more stress.
3. Marcato. The note is played more stress than the rest of notes.
4. Tenuto. Its a small tension in a note.
5. Sforzando. Its referring to the intensity of the sound, so with this articulation,
its reinforced the sound.
6. Fermata. The note goes on according to the performer.
Dynamics. All these signs is referring to the intensity of the sound.
1. Pianissimo. You must play quiet soft.
2. Piano. You must play soft.
3. Mezzopiano. You must perform half soft.
4. Mezzoforte. You must perform half strong.
5. Forte. You must play strong.
6. Fortissimo. You must play quiet strong.
7. Crescendo. Progressive increase of the intensity.
8. Decrescendo. Progressive reduction of the intensity.

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