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Michael Daryl P.

Galsim Abnormal Psychology

Reaction on Movie about Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a disorder that causes someone to move and speak in
uncontrolled way. The movie was somehow disheartening; showing how other people
treat these people.
The movie is a documentary style showing the life of a typical person affected. It shows
the activities of their daily living and how the involuntary speaking and moving affects
them. It also shows how they fight for the said neurological disorder. Together with
that, the movie also shows how their family and friends help them cope on this disorder.
Watching this film and listening to the presentation made me realize how lucky I am not
experiencing the same disease. It made me feel grateful on being normal free from any
neurological disorder.
Part of the movie also shows the different support group that will help them be more
confident and fight on the disorder. It is good that group empowers them and live at
their fullest.
Thus, we should be mindful and sensitive on our actions. We have to understand that
not all mannerism is intentional. Some are involuntary with no way to control. In case
we have family member experiencing the same problem then we have to help them and
support them. And should we have some friend or encounter someone with this
disorder, and then we dont have to make fun out of him or her.

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