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Nursery School in South Delhi

Nursery School in South Delhi is a school for children between the aes of three to fi!e
years" The oal of a nursery school are #ore s$ecific than for childcare but less
strenuous than for Pri#ary School" The nursery school carries out the followin
acti!ities for all%round enrich#ent& and o!erall $ersonality de!elo$#ent of their
Here at Nursery School in South Delhi the children are i!en a $leasant and ha$$y
en!iron#ent for a healthy and all%round de!elo$#ent of their $ersonality& so that in the
lon run they e#ere as confident social beins( ready to co#e out in the co#$etiti!e
world" Effort is towards brinin out the best in each child)s $ersonality" The children in
the nursery school ae rou$ are e*tre#ely acti!e( runnin& +u#$in& $layin and
carryin thins in their hands" Nursery School in South Delhi is ha!in as #uch enouh
s$ace for our childrens both outdoor and indoor to i!e freedo# of #o!e#ents to the
childrens so that they can #o!e freely and can use those anes in a creti!e way as they
want" Those children enterin in the nursery school are co#$letely new for the school
en!iron#ent" Our staff do their best +ob with the# so that they can win the confidence of
our children and their $arents also and ad+ust the# with the school en!iron#ent and et
fa#iliari,ed with the# in that en!iron#ent" Our teachers and $eons are one hour earlier
and they also lea!e the school after than the children after $lannin& $re$arin and
arranin the classroo#s for the ne*t day"
Nursery School in South Delhi ha!in trans$ort facility for our childrens to carry fro#
their houses and also ha!in one #aid in each bus for the safety of children because we
ha!e full res$onsibility of the#" School is ha!in a $layround located in a !ery wide
area so it can be easy for children to $lay and en+oy with their and friends" -e also ha!e
$lay roo# for the children to $lay with a#es" In this ae children learn !arious thins
and they can catch it !ery easily and we also belie!es in children creati!e with
their own s.ills" Here our school teachers and we also want to #a.e $roud $arents of
e!ery children that he or she has so#e different talent which can hel$ the# a lot to row
in their life" The early childhood years de#and a lot of e*$loration& sti#ulatin
en!iron#ent& indi!idual attention& freedo# of free e*$ression and loads of lo!e and care"
't Nursery School in South Delhi we cater to these needs of a child"
Nursery School in South Delhi wants to achie!e the best result of our school& a few
ob+ecti!es are .e$t in #ind while dealin with the tiny tots" Thus the .ey result areas of
our Nursery School are:
To brin out a well defined coordination between hand and #ind"
To enable the# to e*$ress the#sel!es in their #other tonue and to i#$ro!e their
!ocabulary and their $ronunciation"
To #a.e the# understand the i#$ortance of ti#e and disci$line"
To brin out the hidden talents in children by i!in the# freedo# of e*$ression"
To de!elo$ in the# the habits of cleanliness and tidiness"
To de!elo$ in the# aesthetic sense& sense of colour and $ro$ortion"
To #a.e the# wor. in a #ethodical and syste#atic #anner"
To teach the# the i#$ortance of correct $osture& ood eatin habits and $ersonal
To #a.e the# confident and inde$endent"

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