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Endorsements for Michelle Casto aka Bright Michelle

"Want help discovering your Destiny? I recommend Michelle Casto to help you dig
deeper into who you are and let go of your story of what's been holding you back. he is
one of the most empowering piritual Coaches on the planet." --- Elizabeth Grant,
Songwriter and Spiritual Mentor
"Michelle Casto is truly enlightened and has the profound benefit of being tapped into
the Divine for her messages and her insight." --- LeeAnn Taylor, Actress and Author of
The ragile ace of God
"I went through several notebooks this morning ! one I made in our work together back
in "##". Can you believe it? $ years ago%%% &our bright path was clearly evident then and
you 'ust keep getting brighter and brighter () *hank you for illuminating the path for us
all Michelle. &ou are such an e+ample of how when we step fully, completely, radiantly
and clearly into our power the heavens open and -. -. -//M what a glorious sight%"
--- Susan !arsons, Singer "riter, # $urrent $lient
Discover Your Destiny & Love Your Life
Michelle L% $asto
!ublished by Michelle $asto at S&ashwords
$opyight '((', '((), '(** Michelle L% $asto
Than, you for downloading this free eboo,% -ou are welco&e to share it with your
friends. This eboo, &ay be reproduced, copies and distributed for non-co&&ercial
purposes, pro/ided the boo, re&ains in its co&plete original for&% 0f you en1oyed this
boo,, please return to S&ashwords%co& and purchase &ore of author2s boo,s% Than, you
for respecting the hard wor, of this author%
2011 uthors !ote"
This has been a wor, in progress for o/er a decade 3and e/en lifeti&es before this
one4%%%%there ha/e been &any /ersions of this content, as 0 ha/e de/eloped and e5panded
upon the infor&ation as gi/en to &e by the 6i/ine and fro& wor,ing with thousands of
people all across the world to cull &y uni7ue 6estiny Success !rocess% The ti&e has
co&e for this infor&ation to get into the hands of the &ass &ar,et, and so this wor, is
being re-released in the ne5t *-' years under the title The 6estiny 6isco/ery8 ind -our
Soul2s !ath to Success%
Get on the &ailing list at to participate in the
world-wide launch and recei/e thousands of dollars of bonuses.
The boo, you ha/e now is /ery /aluable indeed, howe/er, The 6estiny 6isco/ery will be
a &ore integrated, e5panded e5planation of the process of li/ing your greatest life and
disco/ering your uni7ue soul2s purpose% 0 ,now you will gain insight fro& this boo, that
will allow you to &o/e forward on your path of !urpose% 0 also would lo/e it if you
would consider supporting the release of &y forthco&ing boo,s on 6estiny% There is a
trilogy8 6estined or Lo/e 3another S&ashwords edition4, The 6estiny 6isco/ery and
The 6estiny 6ecision%
-ou &ay be inspired to read &ore of &y personal e&power&ent boo,s 3there are 9(:
and counting4 %%%%at &y E/eryday Enlighten&ent store8 http8;;www%brightlightcoach%co&;
May our paths cross again /ery soon.
"0or there to be a world at all, every indigenous, natural thing must start singing its
song, dancing its dance, moving and breathing according to its own nature, saying its
name, manifesting simultaneously it's secret spiritual signature." --- Martin !rechtel fro&
The Secrets of the Tal,ing <aguar
#hy $s $t $m%ortant &o Discover Your 'oul (ur%ose)
E/ery hu&an being longs to ,now what he or she is &eant to do in life, and what their
di/ine life purpose is% $ontrary to popular belief, you should not lea/e this i&portant
disco/ery up to fate% 0n fact, to increase your chances of finding out who you are &eant
to be and what you are &eant to do, you will want to use a practical, pro-acti/e, and
s&art approach to your life and career de/elop&ent%
6isco/ering your purpose will allow you to reconnect with your soul, and enable you to
&a,e a significant contribution to the world% -ou can do this by raising your self-
awareness and consciously wor,ing towards self-actualization% -ou will then beco&e
aware of your uni7ue life purpose%
"hen li/ing your life "on purpose", you are &ore fulfilled% As a result, you can show
others how to li/e up to their full potential% "hen who you are and what you do are in
align&ent with your authentic self, anything is possible.
This wor,boo, is designed to help you start the disco/ery process, and will e&power you
to beco&e &ore conscious, which will naturally lead you to disco/ering and li/ing out
your purpose%
6isco/ering -our Soul2s !urpose is a lot li,e putting a puzzle together, e5cept you do not
ha/e the finished i&age to loo, at% =owe/er, you were gi/en an internal G!S that will
guide you along your 1ourney, and when you notice the clues in the for& of signs,
synchronicities, and connections along the way, you will find your way, right on Ti&e%
This guide will e&power you to put your puzzle together so you can clearly see where
you are going ne5t>
Set -our 0ntention
"hat word or phrase describes how you feel about your soul purpose> ?
"hat word or phrase describes how would li,e it to be in the future>
@e Enlightened.
Aeep your future phrase in your &ind and heart as your wor, through this e@oo,%
Let2s get you started on the path to purposeBB
"Cherish your visions, your dreams, as they are the children of your soul1 *he blue prints
of your ultimate accomplishment." --- Capolean =ill
Chapter 1 - What is a Soul Purpose?
"ho a& 0> "hy a& 0 here> "hat is &y purpose in life> These are so&e of the oldest
and &ost i&portant 7uestions posed by hu&an beings throughout history% They beco&e
e/en &ore profound when an indi/idual such as yourself begins to thin, and reflect on
Dpon reading this wor,boo, and doing so&e soul-searching, you will disco/er your own
uni7ue answers to these i&portant 7uestions% The word purpose &eans to ha/e intentional
results% "hen we are on purpose, we are &a,ing a conscious effort to be or create
so&ething% Dsually what we really want to be or do see&s out of reach, and
"i&possible"% @ut we &ust re&e&ber that the word "i&possible" with an apostrophe is
actually 02& 30 a&4 possible% And you are.
6udley Lynch and !aul Lordis, in their boo, Strategy of the 6olphin, said this8
"We can define 'purpose' in several ways. 0or one, when we know our purpose, we have
an anchor !!! a device of the mind to provide some stability, to keep the surprises of a
creative universe from tossing us to and fro, from inflicting constant seasickness on us.
/r we can think of our purpose as being a master nautical chart marking shoals and
rocks. 2erhaps the most profound thing about 'being on purpose' is that when that is our
status, our condition, and our comfort, we find our lives have meaning, and when are 'off
purpose' we are confused about meanings and motives."
A clearly defined life purpose pro/ides &eaning, direction, and significance% -our life
purpose answers three essential 7uestions8 "ho do 0 want to be> "hat do 0 want to do>
=ow can 0 re&e&ber what 0 already ,now> "hen we are li/ing fro& our true soul2s
purpose, we feel &ore ali/e --- filled with e5cite&ent, 1oy, and inner peace --- in a
word, we feel "content&ent%" "e are &ore connected to one another as hu&an beings
and &ore content with who we are and what we do%
"hen we are "on purpose", we tap into a higher power, and we ha/e supernatural
support. "e see& to naturally attract the best things in life% "hen we are not on
purpose, we try to do it all alone. "e grasp at straws, because e/erything loo,s good ---
whether it is a new 1ob, going to school, &o/ing, or finding another lo/er% "e loo, for
anything to fill the /oid of the e5tre&e e&ptiness we feel inside% Cot being on purpose
leads to constantly see,ing e5ternal things to &a,e you feel &ore fulfilled% @eing on
purpose leads to effortless content&ent --- an internal peace with what is unfolding in
your life% -ou ha/e a feeling that "all is right with the world," and ,now that you ha/e an
i&portant part to play.
E/ery hu&an being has the uni/ersal purpose of learning how to lo/e &ore% A $ourse in
Miracles teaches that only lo/e is real% And it is not about getting lo/e but learning to
gi/e it freely% Dnli,e so&e false teachings, we are not bro,en and we do not need to be
fi5ed, but we do need to awa,en and learn to @E LEFE% 0n the uni/ersal purpose,
e/eryone is called but few are chosenB%&eaning few will do the inner wor, necessary to
fulfill their destiny% =ere, we need to recognize that we are the la&p, and God;The
6i/ine;0nfinite 0ntelligence is the electricity% 0t is our choice to plug in or not%
0n addition, we each ha/e two uni7ue purposes% A $hinese pro/erb says, "0f hea/en
&ade hi&, God will find so&e purpose for hi&%" 0ndi/idually, we are called to
participate in personal and planetary e/olution% So this gi/es each of us the opportunity
to ha/e uni7ue purposes of contributing to our world and relating with other people%
!lanet Earth is the ulti&ate uni/ersity for our souls, where we ha/e the opportunity to
learn our lessons%
-ou can e/ol/e by understanding, accepting, and ta,ing action to li/e out your uni/ersal
and uni7ue life purposes% -ou are here to show lo/e and to share your God-gi/en gifts%
-ou were born to do so&ething specific% A role and opportunity was entrusted to you
and you alone% 0f you don2t ,now your life purpose, you are still a dia&ond in the rough%
6isco/ering one2s life purpose is li,e cutting a dia&ond% E/ery ge&-7uality dia&ond has
within it a ready-&ade design, waiting to be disco/ered%
So do you% The secret is to disco/er and actualize your uni7ue pattern% Li,e a dia&ond
needs to be e5ca/ated to ha/e worth, you ha/e to dig deep within yourself to disco/er
your uni7ue life purpose% And 1ust li,e a dia&ond that needs friction in order to beco&e
polished, you too need trials and tribulations to perfect you% E/erything is grist for the
&ill, and ser/es our soul2s growth%
Characteristics of a 'oul (ur%ose
+ lasts a lifeti&e, shaping you fro& birth to death, and usually doesn2t change%
+ 0s bigger than you, connecting you to others and allowing you to share your gifts with
the world%
+ Supports your /alues and beliefs, pro/iding you an opportunity to e5ca/ate your hopes,
drea&s, and aspirations, and bringing the& to the light of awareness%
+ !ro/ides structure for what you will be and do during your lifeti&e, so that you achie/e
&a5i&u& perfor&ance and satisfaction, e5perience less stress, and en1oy &ore &eaning
and authenticity%
+ 0s the the&e of your life story, gi/ing you &ore freedo& to decide how to li/e out your
personal and professional roles%
+ 0s your core "co&e fro&" where &ost e/erything you say, thin, or do originates%
ear ,eeps &any people fro& fulfilling their purpose% And fear of change is a co&&on
hu&an condition% "e are afraid of change often because it upsets our way of doing
things% "e also ha/e habituated ways of being, so stepping into our di/ine purpose &ay
&ean we ha/e to grow beyond our i&&ature and selfish ways into so&eone &ature,
gi/ing and guided by so&ething greater than oursel/es% Tho&as Edison said, "If we all
did the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." To reach
this place of soulful purpose, an inner shift &ust first occur% "hen you can accept the
fact that change is necessary to li/ing your purpose, you ha/e ta,en a big step towards
your di/ine destiny%
$hange starts on the inside, and as you awa,en to the true part you are &eant to play, you
will de/elop confidence in ,nowing who you are &eant to be and what you are &eant to
do in the world% -ou will de/elop awareness of how big and bright you really are% -ou
will then begin to accept your part, articulating it to yourself and others, and finally
ta,ing action to li/e out your purpose%
Be Enlightened*
-ou ha/e a 1ewel within your soul waiting to be seen, e5pressed, and shared%
<ournal Assign&ent *
Ta,e your 1ournal out and answer the following 7uestions8
0 a& here on Earth to shareB
0 a& here on Earth to showB
"More will be accomplished 3 better 3 with more ease, if every man does what he is best
fitted to do and nothing else" --- !lato
Six Stages to Discovering Your Soul Purpose
'tage 1" +akening
This is the stage where you awa,en to the fact that you ha/e a bigger ga&e to play in life
--- a uni7ue personal and professional purpose%
"hen you are awa,ening, you are beginning to notice a restlessness in your soul, you
&ay be ha/ing trouble sleeping, getting intuiti/e &essages, ha/ing sy&bolic drea&s%
'tage 2" +areness
This is the stage where you beco&e aware that you need to find out e5actly what your life
purposes are%
"hen you are in awareness, you are wanting to find out &ore about what else there is to
life, desiring &ore fulfill&ent and &eaning, and feeling &ore awa,e about who you
really are%
'tage ," cce%tance
This is the stage where you accept your life purposes and co&e to ter&s with what it
&eans to you and the world%
"hen you are in acceptance, you are beginning to e&brace the idea that your life has
purpose, realizing it is your 1ob to be it and do it, and wanting to find out how%
'tage -" rticulation
This is the stage where you articulate your life purposes by putting the& into words%
"hen you are articulating, you are putting in words what it is that you are &eant to be
and do, starting to share it with others, and getting e5cited about it%
'tage ." ction
This is the stage where you ta,e action by &o/ing towards the fulfill&ent of your life
"hen you are ta,ing action, you ha/e begun &a,ing &a1or personal and professional life
changes that are &ore in align&ent with who you are and what you are &eant to do%
'tage /" llo+ing
This is the stage where you stop doing so &uch and start being a contented and peaceful
hu&an being% "hen you are allowing, you are opening to recei/e the abundance that has
always been yours---ease, fun, freedo&, and fulfill&ent%
Be Enlightened*
-ou can li/e out your soul purpose, 1ust belie/e in yourself.
<ournal Assign&ent '
"here are you in the disco/ery process> =ow does it feel to be there>
"*here are two educations. /ne should teach us how to make a living,the other how to
--- <ohn Ada&s
Chapter 2 - Two Kinds o !ni"ue Soul Purposes
"e are focused on the uni7ue hu&an e5perience of ha/ing a personal purpose and a
professional purpose% "hen spea,ing of your personal purpose, it is &eant to be easyG it
is your uni7ue essence% -our personal purpose is &ade up of the innate gifts and talents
that you naturally share with all of the people in your life --- listening, supporting,
encouraging, inspiring, etc%
-our inherent personal purpose &ay or &ay not ha/e been nurtured while you were
growing up% or e5a&ple, if your personal purpose is to be gi/ing, you &ay ha/e
beco&e too gi/ing and now not be able to recei/e% "hen ta,en to e5tre&es, your
personal purpose will feel &ore li,e a burden% -ou will de/elop resent&ent and withhold
it fro& others% "hen it is ,ept in balance, your personal purpose will be easy and
en1oyable for you% -ou will be open and freely share it with others%
0 ,now that when 0 consciously create circu&stances where 0 can play out &y personal
purpose of being in e&power&ent, 0 feel great and totally free to be &e% En the other
hand, when 0 unconsciously create circu&stances where 0 a& unable to be who 0 really
a&, 0 feel disconnected and restricted% 0t is i&portant to ,now that your personal purpose
is often unconsciously progra&&ed fro& a lifeti&e of trying to get your egoic needs &et%
"hen you realize what your real personal purpose is, you will step into your soul purpose
and feel whole and co&plete%
"hen spea,ing of your professional purpose, it is &eant to be funG it is what you are
passionate about% $onfucius once said, "$hoose a career you lo/e and you will ne/er
wor, another day in your life%" "hich is so true% =ow &any 1obs ha/e you had that you
dreaded going to> -ou ,new that it wasn2t in align&ent with your bigger purpose%
A&azingly, when you find your true professional purpose, it feels &ore li,e play because
you en1oy doing it so &uch% @ecause when you are using your gifts, ti&e flies% -our
professional purpose allows you to do wor, you lo/e and &a,e a contribution to the
world at the sa&e ti&e%
Dnli,e a 1ob where there is a right and wrong way to do it, your life2s wor, is open to
interpretation and change% 0n fact, the wor, you were &eant to do does not co&e with a
set of instructionsG it 1ust shows up and you ha/e to follow it, usually not ,nowing where
it is headed% or instance, 0 ,now that when 0 a& called to write, it is so&ething 0 si&ply
&ust do% "hen 0 a& open and recepti/e to &y inner wisdo&, 0 a& the &ost creati/e and
-our soul purpose shows you your destined path to follow in life% -our di/ine purpose
is li,e an internal G!S---global positioning syste&, and helps you to stay the course
despite what T=E- &ight say%
Li,e the dia&ond analogy 0 used earlier, &any of us spend a lifeti&e searching for our
purpose outside of oursel/es in so&e role or position% "e would be loo,ing in the
wrong place% Hu&i warns us, "&ou wander from room to room hunting for the diamond
necklace that is already around your neck."
E/ery hu&an being has a @0G, @H0G=T, @EADT0DL purpose% -es that &eans you.
To disco/er who you want to be and the wor, that you are &eant to do while here, you
&ust as, for guidance fro& your higher self% @eing tuned into your higher self and
listening to your intuition is essential to disco/ering your di/ine life purpose%
"hen it co&es to disco/ering and li/ing your di/ine life purpose, it is already within
you% All you ha/e to do is loo, inside, see your light and consciously decide to shine it
to the world%
Be Enlightened*
A great life and right wor, can flow fro& the sa&e inner space----our Soul% -ou can
learn to co-create a life full of &eaning, purpose, and 1oy while sharing your God-gi/en
gifts with hu&anity%
"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being,
then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life." --- Abraha& Maslow
$dentifying Your Default (ersonal (ur%ose
@eing born auto&atically &eans you ha/e a uni7ue purpose, howe/er it is your 1ob to
assign &eaning to your life and to co&e to an understanding of your True Self, to act
fro& a place of consciousness% Dnless you &a,e conscious what is running you, you will
li/e out a default purpose, one that does not reflect who you really are and were born to
be% -ou li/e a default purpose when you fail to wa,e up fro& the trance you are to see
beyond the for& of your physical self and recognize the spiritual self%
Eur ego2s 3default4 personal purpose is how we gain attention fro& others%
Eur soul2s 3di/ine4 personal purpose is how we show attention to others%
-ou2/e probably heard that "all the world is a stage"% 0t is actually 7uite true% "e all
unconsciously play out our roles, &uch li,e actors in a play% "e also create and write
scenes in which we can play out our roles% The underlying &oti/ation is to get attention
fro& our audience% Eur ego needs an audience to feel good about itself% E/en the other
actors in the play beco&e &e&bers of our personal audience%
0n the story of your life, you unconsciously create, direct, and act out the acts and scenes%
-ou are the writer, director, and lead actor% ear of re1ection ,eeps you in your ego role
--- it is li&ited and fear-based% @eing open to acceptance e&powers you to step into
your soul role --- which is e5pansi/e and lo/e-based%
=a/e you e/er stopped to notice what your unconscious life story is>
$o&&on ego stories8
0 a& not good enough, 0 a& not???????????enough
0 a& unworthy
Life is disappointing
0 ha/e to be in control
Life is hard
Cobody lo/es &e
0 ha/e to please people in order to be li,ed;accepted
-our default personal purpose is learned fro& all of your life2s e5perience and is a
powerful force that shapes how you function in life% 0t de/elops 7uite early 3in
childhood4 and is based on e5periences that were negati/e or didn2t feel good% 0t is based
on fear and your need to sur/i/e in the world% eelings of disconnection and discontent
are co&&on% -our unconscious personal purpose is your default &ode --- when you are
flying on auto-pilot and are not consciously aware of how you are reacting to what life
throws at you% -ou &ay say, "Cot this again%"
Eur unconscious causes us to beco&e "hung up" on issues, and feeds off of e&otionally-
laden triggers% This happens when so&ething is done or said to us 3in the present4 and we
fly off the handle and;or ha/e an e5tre&e reaction to it 3fro& the past4% Eften, we aren2t
e/en aware of why we feel the way we do, we 1ust ,now that we don2t feel "good"% 0n
reaction to a resurrection of past patterns, e5pectations, reactions, and beha/iors you
e5perienced as a child, you &ay throw a te&per tantru&, gobble up center stage in a
group of people, o/er-gi/e, get defensi/e, act li,e a spoiled brat, withdraw, beco&e
in/isible, etc% @asically, it is when you are "acting out" in so&e way% Eften you cannot
see your beha/ior but others usually can and do%
The following are beha/ioral clues that you are li/ing in ego unconsciousness8
Hegression8 -ou regress to a &ore pri&iti/e le/el of personality and social de/elop&ent%
-ou &ay beco&e li,e a little child, whining or crying%
E/erly E&otional8 The &ore e&otional 3angry, frustrated, upset4 you are, the less ability
you ha/e to adapt% -ou &ay "go ballistic" or "fly off the handle%"
!ro1ection8 -ou bla&e;pro1ect your feelings onto so&eone or so&ething else% -ou &ay
/iew the source "as out there" and not "in here"%
!ersistence8 -ou hang on to the negati/e thought, i&age, or e&otion, unable to thin, of
anything else% -ou &ay &a,e yourself &iserable, sic,, or stressed as a result%
Be Enlightened*
Each of these reactions is because of how you feel about how your life has been and will
be in the future%
<ournal Assign&ent 9
"hat do you re&e&ber about your childhood;for&ati/e years> "hat did you learn fro&
your fa&ily of origin> "hat do you say to yourself when you thin,, "This is the story of
&y life" or "=ere we go again">
"*he only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of
contributing to the healing of the world." --- Marianne "illia&son
To be able to heal the world, and lo/e &ore deeply and co&pletely, we &ust first heal
oursel/es fro& our unconscious progra&s and li&iting beliefs, and ego-based beha/iors%
"hen we heal oursel/es, we heal our inner circle, and create a positi/e flow of healing
=ere is an e5ercise to help you heal your ego2s "default" purpose% 3than, you to @rad
Swift of lifeonpurpose%co& for the idea for this process4%
0emem1ering Your Divine (ersonal (ur%ose"
@eco&e the detached obser/er of the &o/ie of your life --- your life story% Ta,e
fifteen-thirty &inutes to re&e&ber all of the significant &o&ents of your lifeG all the
good, bad, happy, sad, 1oyful, and painful ti&es%
En a sheet of paper draw a lifeline and di/ide it into two sides% The right side of the
paper will be the highlights of your life% The left side of the paper will be the low lights%
0nclude all of the pi/otal points, large and s&all, that ha/e shaped who you are today%
$onsider the e/ents of your life story and notice the &o/ie2s the&es% "rite out a short
rough draft as though you were writing a &o/ie su&&ary% List out all of the &any roles
you ha/e played 3good daughter;son, the helper, the loner, /icti&, etc4%
"hat roles ha/e you been playing to thri/e 3the roles that ha/e supported your soul2s
de/elop&ent4> "hat roles ha/e you been playing to sur/i/e 3the roles that ha/e
supported your ego2s de/elop&ent4> "hat roles are based on your default purpose> "hat
roles are based on your di/ine purpose> "hich role see&s to be the "lead role" of your
Dsing words and i&ages fro& your childhood, write a paragraph that defines your default
purpose% He/iew it a day or two later to polish it%
"rite a script where your di/ine purpose is a character who has a con/ersation with your
default purpose as a character% "hat does your conscious self ha/e to say to your
unconscious self>
$onsciously decide which role you want to play in life% Anow that you can create a
brand new character for yourself% He-write the &o/ie so that is has a happy ending.
Thin, about who and how you want to be with other people%
"rite a new life script about the person you really are on the inside% This is your 6i/ine
personal purpose%
$o&&it to li/ing in awareness, and when the old character wal,s bac, on stage,
re&e&ber that you can consciously replace hi& or her with the real you%
$reate a new role, na&e, and personality for your new e&powered and purposeful Self%
Lo/e yourself enough to co&&it to this process% -ou &ay e/en want to go through it a
couple of ti&es before you are really able to "see it%" 6o this with a friend or &entor to
gain greater insight% 3inspired by lifeonpurpose%co& resource4
4uestions to Consider(
"hat is the tape that runs in your head>
"hat is the &o/ie2s the&e;&ain story line>
"hat ,ind of &o/ie is it --- a tragedy, co&edy, dra&a, or lo/e story>
"hat is your /icti& story>
=ow do you feel when you watch this &o/ie>
"hat is your the&e song>
=ow is the audience reacting;responding to you>
=ow are you reacting;responding to the other actors>
Be Enlightened*
The &ore you are aware of how your default life purpose is running your
life, the easier it will be to li/e a soul-centered and nurtured life%
0 ha/e the right to be a big, bright, beautiful, purposeful hu&an being%
"If you have a voice within you saying you are not a painter, then by all means paint and
that voice will be silenced%" --- Fincent Fan Gogh
$dentifying Your Default (rofessional (ur%ose
0n today2s &odern world of wor,, people are see,ing &ore &eaning fro& the wor, that
they do% 0n the old days, you got a 1ob, hung on to it, and &ore than li,ely retired with it%
0n the '*st century world of wor,, though, you are free to choose to do anything you
would li,e and will usually wor, in fi/e to se/en different career fields in your lifeti&e.
"ith that freedo& co&es choice, which can be o/erwhel&ing because so&eti&es you
don2t ,now where to start%
Are you still trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up>
The s&arter 7uestion is8 what gifts do you want to share with the world>
Many &odern people ha/e &ista,enly li&ited their career decisions based on titles or
roles% or instance, <ohnnie gets the idea of beco&ing a doctor fro& his parents, but after
he goes through &edical school and is a practicing doctor, he finds that he is not feeling
fulfilled at all% At this point, he cannot see any other possibilities for hi&self% =e feels
purposeless% To ,eep this fro& happening to you, it is i&portant to decide on what you
want to do for the world;other people% or e5a&ple, instead of focusing on beco&ing a
doctor, you decide that you want to perfor& wor, that helps people li/e healthier li/es%
This now pro/ides se/eral options, such as doctor, nurse, health educator, and scientist%
Thus, your professional purpose is the ,ind of i&pact you want to ha/e on the world,
rather than 1ust what your parents suggested%
Anowing what your underlying life purpose is helps you to &a,e successful career 3and
life4 transitions --- so&ething that you will be doing throughout your lifeti&e% 0t is safe
to say that when &ost people lose a 1ob or an i&portant position, they do not ,now what
to do with the&sel/es% This is because their identity is tied so closely to their 1ob title%
En the other hand, a person who has disco/ered his or her purpose will attract new wor,
that allows the& to be who they are and apply their God-gi/en gifts%
To choose wisely, create your wor, and career around your desired lifestyle% $hoose
wor, that allows you to wor, with your passions 3things you lo/e to do4% Ma,e sure that
your chosen wor, is in align&ent with your internal &oti/ators and /alues --- those
things that are closest to your soul, and the things that &atter &ost%
E5ternal &oti/ators are things li,e &oney, power, and control%
0nternal &oti/ators are things li,e a sense of pride, wanting to &a,e a contribution, and
personal satisfaction%
Learn to do things for the sheer en1oy&ent of it, and you are sure to ha/e stu&bled upon
a way to fulfill your deepest calling%
(hiloso%hies of (ur%ose
"/nly passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things." --- 6enis 62egerot
".bove all, you must illumine your own soul, with all its profundities, its shadows, and its
vanities and generosities and say what your inner beauty means to you." ---Firginia
"oolf, A Hoo& "ith a Fiew
"I dream my paintings, and then paint my dream."---Fan Gogh
"I cannot be defined by what other people think. I can only be defined by my purpose."
---Eprah "infrey
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. .nd
then go do that. 5ecause what the world needs are people who have come alive." ---
=arold "hit&an
"*he only way you can live a truly creative life or know the highest happiness is by
developing your own uni6ue potential." 6r% Cor&al Fincent !eale
7ey 4uestions to Consider 8&es9:o)
"ill 0 be passionate about this>
"ill this challenge &e to beco&e &ore>
$an 0 e5press &y inner self 3soul4 in this relationship>
$an 0 e5press &y inner self 3soul4 in this wor,>
0s this is so&ething that 0 will en1oy>
<ournal Assign&ent I
=ow did you co&e to choose the career path you are on> 0s it a perfect fit> 6oes it stir
your soul>
"If you Dream 5ig, *hink 5I;, you will D/ 5I; *<I:;" --- Michelle L% $asto
Chapter # - $e%e%&ering Your Divine Proessional
So&e reasons you &ay ha/e not yet disco/ered your professional purpose are8
6isconnected fro& your =igher Self --- you are not following your intuition or paying
attention to the signs and synchronicities in your life%
Lac, of Self Awareness --- you are not aware of your personality, talents, gifts, or
strengths% So, get in touch with your inner spirit% Listen to your inner wisdo&, trust that
you already ha/e the answers to your 7uestions inside, and beco&e self-aware%
E2ercises Designed to 3el% You 4et in &ouch #ith Your '%irit
.nswer these 6uestions(
"ho a& 0 really>
"hat ,ind of life do 0 want to lead> "hat ,ind of wor, do 0 want to do>
"hat is i&portant to &e 3spiritually, &entally, e&otionally and physically4>
"hat are &y core /alues;beliefs> 3See /alues chec,list4
"hat ,ind of e5periences do 0 want fro& &y life>
0f 0 could pro/ide one thing for the world, what would it be and why>
"hat a& 0 doing when the ti&e passes by without &y realizing it>
"hat are so&e of the i&portant issues in today2s world>
=ow can 0 be of ser/ice to others>
"hat things a& 0 naturally good at>
"hat things do 0 en1oy doing> 3List at least *(4
"hat a& 0 passionate about>
'% 6efine your life% 6efining &o&ents ha/e both positi/e and negati/e effects on your
life% They usually i&pact your life and often ta,e you in une5pected directions, as, you
to ta,e ris,s, or to choose a non-traditional path% "hat &o&ents ha/e been your
defining &o&ents>
9% "rite About 0t;<ournal8 Ene idea8 define your spiritual self% "rite e5actly who you
thin, you areG this can be as creati/e as you want it to be% 0t can be descripti/e
words, short sentences, a detailed paragraph, or anything else% "rite as &uch as you can
for as long as you can% And afterwards, read what you ha/e written%
"hat did you learn about yourself>
I% Meditate on your soul purpose8 "hat is your personal;professional di/ine life
purpose> Sit down, rela5, and loo, inside% Let your body and &ind slow down and rest
into the 7uestion% "hat is &y uni7ue reason for being> "ho a& 0 to be> "hat a& 0 to
learn> "hat a& 0 to do> 0&agine that your higher self is spea,ing to you% 0&agine and
/isualize that so&eone is spea,ing to you inside your &ind, and then gi/e the& the
answer% Hela5 and &editate on the infor&ation you recei/e% $onte&plate the insights
you recei/e%
J% Access the power of your unconscious by ,eeping a drea& 1ournal% Go to bed
thin,ing about the 7uestion you would li,e to answer, and then write about it when you
wa,e up%
)% Effer -our Gift; Share -our Message% 0&agine that you and a few other people ha/e
been chosen to colonize a new planet% -ou are allowed to bring 1ust one thing to this new
world% All of the usual natural resources are a/ailable% -ou decide to bring so&ething
/ery i&portant to youG so&ething that you feel will positi/ely contribute to this perfect
world% -ou can bring anything you want, real or i&agined --- anything at all% $onsider
carefully what you would want to bring% -ou also ha/e the opportunity to share one
piece of ad/ice with the people of this planet% -ou should share so&ething that you thin,
it is i&portant that they ,now or understand about hu&an life% "hen it is ti&e to board
the spaceship and go to your new ho&e, you tra/el at warp speed, and arri/e on the new
planet in no ti&e% "hat gift are you going to offer to the new population> "hat &essage
do you want to share> 3"=->4
K% !ray8 6ear God, please show &e &y gifts that 0 ha/e to gi/e the world%
God show &e your spirit within &yself --- &y enli/en&ent% 0 a& a child of God ---
God please let &e shine --- let &y light shine% 0 want to be a &iracle wor,erBbe a
Star in &y life% !lease let &e shine% Show &e &y power, &y stardo&, and
&y higher purpose% Miracles are as,ing God what 0 can do for hi&%
God what can 0 do for you, led &e to &y perfect careerBshow &e your will for &e and 0
will follow% 3Marianne "illia&son4
E2ercises Designed to 0aise Your 'elf5+areness
L% 6raw your life &ap% =ighlight all of your &a1or acco&plish&ents and
disappoint&ents% "hat are the the&es> "hat does your spirit need to say or do
in this lifeti&e> "hat is the "it" that you &ust do> 6raw it, teach it, write it, say it, and
de/elop it%
M% $lean out your personal attic% Go inside your heart and &ind to ta,e a good loo, at
your past% Go inside to see what is lying dor&ant --- what needs to be brought out
to the present and properly tended to> "hat things, feelings, and e5periences
co&e to your &ind> Ence you ha/e brought things to the light, what do you need
to ,eep> "hat do you need to let go>
*(% "rite out your life story% Tell it se/eral ti&es to others% Cotice which areas are
illu&inated in your life% "hat lessons ha/e you learned that you can share with others>
**% 0nter/iew three to fi/e people who ,now you well% As, the& about you --- what
are your gifts, talents, strengths, and wea,nesses> 6raw8 draw a sy&bol or logo of
what your professional purpose &ight loo, li,e%
". musician must make his music, an artist must paint, a poet must write if he is to
ultimately be at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be%" --- Abraha& Maslow
Chapter ' - Writing Your Soul Purpose State%ents
There are two basic ,inds of hu&an purpose --- personal and professional% 0n other
words, who you are being and what you are doing% A personal purpose focuses on who
you want to be% 0t is about the ,ind of person you want to be with others% -our personal
3or relational4 purpose corresponds with yin nature, the fe&inine, nurturing 7ualities that
e5ist within all hu&ans% This is you "being"% A professional purpose focuses on what
you want to do% 0t is about the ,ind of wor, you want to do% -our professional 3or wor,4
purpose corresponds with yang nature, the &asculine, aggressi/e 7ualities that e5ist
within all hu&ans% This is about what you "do%"
The energy and focus you gi/e to the purpose you choose to pursue &ay change
depending on the different roles you find yourself playing in life% or instance, your
professional purpose &ay be "put on hold" for &any years, as you gi/e your ti&e and
attention to your personal purpose, while you play the role of "&other"% To be &ost
fulfilled, people need to en1oy their passions in both areas% Many &odern people are
disco/ering that they can, if they choose, effecti/ely balance both%
"!urpose", as defined by the dictionary, &eans a result or an effect that is intended or
desired% @eing "on purpose" &eans that who you are being and what you are doing is
intentional and &eaningful% Li/ing on purpose in/ol/es an intentional act of lo/e%
"or,ing with purpose in/ol/es an intentional act of creation% To find your purpose in
life and li/e it is truly heroic and courageous%
"hen your relationships are lo/ing and supporti/e, you are relating on purpose%
"hen your wor, see&s &ore li,e passionate play, you are wor,ing on purpose%
The thing about your professional purpose is that you &ay find yourself engaging in it
both in and out of wor,% -ou can2t separate your professional purpose fro& who you are,
so you will find that it often flows into your personal life% And li,ewise, your personal
purpose flows into your professional life%
-our personal purpose state&ent is about who you want to be in the world and with
others% -our professional purpose state&ent is about what you feel passionate about
pro/iding to the world and;or what you want to share with others% @oth should be a
sentence in length and clearly co&&unicate to others what you want to be and do during
your life%
S&art Tip
He&e&ber that purpose state&ents &ay slightly change and be e5pressed in different
ways, as you e/ol/e and grow throughout your lifeti&e% The essence tends to re&ain the
sa&e, howe/er%
Sa&ple words for your !ersonal !urpose State&ent8
Ac,nowledge, Aspiring, @alance, @eauty, $aring, $reate, $ourageous, 6aring, 6ifferent,
E&power, un, ulfilled, Generous, Gi/ing, =appy, 0nspiring, <oyful, Lo/ing, Curturing,
!layful, Heassuring, Supporti/e, Tender, Dni7ue
Sa&ple words for your !rofessional !urpose State&ent8
Ad/ance, Ad/ise, Affir&, $hoose, $oordinate, $o&pose, $ounsel, $reate, 6e&onstrate,
6e/elop, Educate, Encourage, E5press, acilitate, Gi/e, =eal, 0nspire, 0n/ent, 0n/ol/e,
Lead, Lo/e, Ma,e, Moti/ate, Erganize, !erfor&, !ro&ote, Haise, Support, Stri/e, Teach,
Touch, Falidate, Falue, "isdo&, "rite
2urposeful 4uestions
"hat is the 6i/ine2s "ill or Me>
"hat do 0 stand for>
"hat a& 0 willing to spea, up about or defend>
"hat are &y deepest heart-felt desires, drea&s, and /isions>
"hat a& 0 doing when ti&e flies by>
"ho do 0 en1oy ser/ing;helping;teaching>
0 a&B%%
0 ,nowB%
"&ou have a song to sing that's yours and it's a worthwhile song. It might only be a little
song, but there are people out there who will like it%" --- !hilip Toshido Sudo
Soul 0nsight Nuestion or personal purpose8 "hat is essential to &y soul in
Soul 0nsight Nuestion or professional purpose8 "hat is essential to &y soul in wor,>
!ersonal !urpose State&ent E5a&ples8
"0 a& a lo/ing and gi/ing hu&an being who /alues inti&acy and de&onstrations of lo/e
and care%"
"0 a& on purpose when 0 &odel inner peace%"
"My personal di/ine life purpose is to radiate e&power&ent and freely shine &y bright
light to the world%"
"My personal di/ine life purpose is be of lo/ing ser/ice to the people in &y life%"
"My personal di/ine life purpose is to show &yself and others how to be &ore open-
hearted and undefended%"
"My personal di/ine life purpose is to nurture ,ey interpersonal relationships%"
"My personal di/ine life purpose is to bring people together in unity and har&ony%"
"My personal di/ine life purpose is to use &y intuition to help people see where they are
!rofessional !urpose State&ent E5a&ples8
"0 a& a hu&an being who /alues teaching others to ,now and lo/e the&sel/es deeply and
"0 a& on purpose when 0 ta,e a stand for what is wrong in the world%"
"My professional di/ine life purpose is to educate and e&power people to li/e with
passion, purpose, and possibility%"
"My professional di/ine life purpose is to inspire people to lead &eaningful and
e5traordinary li/es%"
"My professional di/ine life purpose is to find easier ways to sol/e technical proble&s%"
"My professional di/ine life purpose is to lead people to spiritual enlighten&ent%"
"My professional di/ine life purpose is to restore order out of chaos%"
"My professional di/ine life purpose is to be a &aster at groups dyna&ics and
To get on purpose in relationships, you will ha/e to do a lot of inner wor, to clear &ental
and e&otional progra& for&ed o/er the course of your lifeti&e%
To get on purpose in wor,, you will ha/e to be fle5ible and play with different roles8 for
e5a&ple, 0 a& still on purpose whether 0 a& writing, teaching, coaching, or spea,ing%
This is because e/erything 0 do co&es fro& that deeper part of &e, it is 1ust e5pressed in
different for&s%
'even 'igns You are Living Your (ersonal (ur%ose
*% -ou are unfiltered and do not hide your light%
'% -ou see the best in yourself and others%
9% -ou practice forgi/eness and co&passion%
I% -ou are forthright and forthco&ing when spea,ing your Truth%
J% -ou are li/ing in the present &o&ent%
)% -ou are grateful and happy for "no reason%"
K% !eople en1oy being around you and describe you as &agnetic;attracti/e%
'even 'igns You re Living Your (rofessional (ur%ose
*% -ou cannot CET do it%
'% -ou lose trac, of ti&e when you are doing it%
9% -ou lo/e to tal, about it whene/er you get the chance%
I% -ou want to teach others what you ,now about what you ,now%
J% -ou are e5cited to get out of bed in the &orning%
)% -ou would do it e/en if you did not get paid%
K% -ou feel li,e there is so&ething bigger co&ing through you%
S&art Tip
!ost your purpose state&ents in your office, so you can reflect on the& daily%
<ournal Assign&ent J
"rite out a rough draft of your personal and professional purpose state&ents%
"Move toward the solution, not away from the problem." --- Dn,nown
Be+are of the &ricks of the Ego
=ow &any ti&es in life ha/e you beco&e e5cited about &a,ing life better only to fall
bac, into old energy patterns of fear and doubt> As you beco&e &ore awa,e and aware,
you will realize that you ha/e the choice to choose new energy% 0f you do not &a,e a
conscious choice to change your life2s direction, you will continue down the ego path,
which is &essy, hard, and a struggle% -ou will li/e your life in fear and doubt% -ou will
stay stuc, and be unable to fully e5perience your highest potential as a hu&an being%
En this path, you are unconscious --- li/ing your life blindly% This ad/ersely affects
your thoughts, feelings, and actions% -ou will continue to be unconsciously triggered,
often as result of your childhoodG you will o/er react to things in the present because of
things that were said and done to you in the past % 0t is also co&&on to be un,nowingly
li/ing out your parent2s belief syste&, rather than your own% or e5a&ple, &aybe you
grew up with an e&otionally una/ailable father, and you ha/e beco&e the sa&e ,ind of
person with your own children%
@eing unconscious, you will continue to pay attention to the past, re-creating i&ages,
feelings, and scenarios that &a,e you feel unworthy of being an influential and powerful
person% -ou will feel safe and secure there, but it will be a false security% A co&&on
definition for fear in the self-help fields is "alse E/idence Appearing Heal"% A funny
definition is orget E/erything And Hun%
Heal fear ,eeps you safe% alse fear ,eeps you stuc,% Learning to ,now the difference
will e&power you to brea, out of old patterns and write a new software progra& for
li/ing your life% 0t is also essential to debug your "syste&" by ob1ecti/ely loo,ing at your
past, ,eeping what is /aluable, and re&o/ing what is not%
!ast &ental and e&otional progra&s are li,e an old co&puter software that ,eeps running
your syste& the sa&e way it always has, despite new infor&ation that has been recei/ed%
-ou will feel ai&less, wandering fro& one unfulfilling e5perience to another, hungering
for so&ething &ore, but unable to articulate what it is%
En this path, you will wear a &as,, pretending to be so&eone you aren2t% !sychologist
$arl <ung calls this our "persona"8 the s,ills we use to adapt to the outer world% This
&as, or costu&e ,eeps us fro& beco&ing our authentic self% 0t has been said that what
we resist, persists%
=ntil we awaken to learn the lessons of our life, we will continue to recreate dramas
in which our ego can gain gratification via attention from an audience%
Be Enlightened*
-our ego li,es to be in control and wants to ,eep the status 7uo%
$onsciously choose what you want.
"*here are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you
everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become." --- Erison Swet Marde
6ollo+ the (ath #ith 3eart
En the path of the soul, you will be li/ing fro& your conscious self, awa,e and aware of
your surroundings, and ,nowing your internal progra&s and patterns% -ou will &a,e a
conscious choice to be in awareness and to be and do what is i&portant% -ou will &a,e
an internal shift in consciousness once you answer the 7uestion ""hat 6o 0 "ant>"
After conscious consideration, you will resol/e to re&e&ber and honor your soul% -ou
no longer buy into li&iting beliefs such as "02& not good enough" or "0 don2t belong%"
-ou &ay ha/e an epiphany li,e "0 a& good enough 1ust as 0 a&," or "0 can create life as 0
would li,e it%"
-ou will e5perience indi/iduation, a ter& psychologist $arl <ung referred to as the
process of co&ing into selfhood or self-realization% This is the powerful force in each of
us that propels us to consciously actualize our uni7ue psychological reality, and our
indi/idual strengths and wea,nesses% There is an integration of your shadow side with
your soul --- the ti&e when you realize that all of you is part of Source%
This personal growth process is by no &eans a straight shot% Hather, the path to the soul
can be li,ened to a labyrinth, with twists and turns, starts and stops, while always stri/ing
to reach the center% E/ery hu&an being on the planet is on a spiritual 1ourney to learn to
be &ore lo/ing and awa,en to our soul2s power% So&e of us ,now this% Ethers do not%
To be on a soul purposeful path is to be aware, awa,e, and ali/e and learning our soul2s
lessons so that we can e/ol/e%
There are &any ancient teachings that gi/e us access to the way the world can wor,%
=ere are a few ,ey ter&s to be fa&iliar with on your 1ourney to awa,ening%
6ar&a is the ti&eless order of nature, and the archetypal patterns;natural laws of hu&an
life% Swardhar&a 3life purpose4 is the law of one2s being, the indi/idual uni7ueness that
stri/es for self-actualization within one2s fa&ily, society, and ti&e in history% Aar&a is
the Sans,rit word for "action"% The law of Aar&a i&plies that the uni/erse is in eternal
&oral order% Aar&a e&phasizes free choice --- by the choices we &a,e today, we retire
or co&pound the conse7uences of past actions, and lay the foundation for the future%
To go down this path re7uires you to see life as a gift, and to realize that the greatest gift
fro& God is the ability to co-create% Anowing that you are of Source, you will attract all
of life2s 1oys and pleasures%
As a ,nowledgeable actor, you will &anifest what you desire% As a result, your thoughts
will beco&e intentional --- pre&editated, &eaningful, and purposeful% This will set the
stage for positi/e and e5cited feelings, which will translate into a creator who is /ibrating
fro& a place of conscious purpose% 0nstead of being stuc, in the past, you will be present
to the &o&ent and intentional about what you want to create in the future%
Ence you are well on the path, you will flow with life2s changes, challenges, and
obstacles with &ore ease and grace% -our direction will see& clearer and easier all
because your operating syste& has been upgraded to one of faith 3ind Answers 0n The
=eart4% -ou now ha/e a solid belief that all is right with the world, and an inner peace
about your life purpose and significance% -ou will no longer struggle and get stressed
about what the future holds% -ou will feel sure that your future will unfold and ta,e care
of itself, allowing you to feel inner peace%
"If we face in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking." --- @uddhist
Let Your 'oul Be Your 4uide
Edwin $hap&an once said, "A true &an ne/er frets about his place in the world, but 1ust
slides into it by the gra/itation of his nature, and swings there as easily as a star%" -our
spirit is your nature, and it will guide you, if you 1ust let it% -our life purpose is li,e a
ri/er that pulls you along% 0f you go against the ri/er2s flow, you will e5perience struggle
and stress% 0f you leap into it, you will flow and grow%
Dnli,e arri/ing at a specific destination on a trip, you do not co&e to an end with your
life purpose% 0t is a lifelong 1ourney% -ou do also don2t really "acco&plish" your life
purpose% -our life purpose is not li&ited to what you do% 0n fact, integrating "being" and
"doing" is where you feel the &ost connected to Source and the &ost fully ali/e% -ou
beco&e your life purpose and show it by your life choices --- the e/eryday &o&ents in
ti&e in which you li/e your life%
0t &ight be scary to first step on the path of di/ine purpose, for it see&s to be such a huge
co&&it&ent% And 0 ha/e found for &yself and &y clients that li/ing a life of purpose is
not for the faint of heart, and it ta,es courage% =owe/er, you can reduce your fear by
focusing on your /ision instead of the details% 6raw a &ap by writing out your life
/ision, purpose, and goals to help you stay on course%
"ho is in charge of your life direction> -our ego or your soul>
The ego is li,e a first &ate who ta,es orders fro& the captain 3soul4% 0f your ego is
steering the ship, you will get ta,en off course again and again% Li,e a ship needs a
captain to steer it, you need your soul to guide you% <ust as a ship e5periences both easy
sailing and stor&y sailing, you will ha/e days when it is challenging to stay afloat%
Staying on course is i&portant% He&e&ber what $harles Garfield said8 "En course does
not &ean perfect% En course &eans that e/en when things don2t go perfectly, you are still
going in the right direction%"
<ournal Assign&ent )
Are you headed in the right direction> =ow can you allow your soul to guide you> "hat
can you do to stay on course>
"&ou can have anything you want !!! if you want it badly enough. &ou can be anything
you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold to that desire with
singleness of purpose." --- Abraha& Lincoln
Living 7ut Your 'oul (ur%oses
"hen creating the person you want to be and the wor, you want to do, it is i&portant to
pay attention to your longings;yearnings --- this is your soul trying to co&&unicate its
deepest with you desires% The word intuition is Latin for "in to you," and by learning to
listen to your intuition, you will &a,e wiser decisions% $ontrary to popular belief, life is
not &eant to be a struggle% -ou are &eant to e5perience ease and en1oy&ent, but you
ha/e to learn to listen to what your higher self is saying to you to do that%
En1oy&ent is the path that leads to fulfill&ent% -ou deser/e to en1oy what you are doing
and who you are being in life% Ene way to e5perience &ore en1oy&ent is to gi/e yourself
per&ission to be creati/e% $reati/ity leads to a deeper self-understanding, and is also a
way to share who you really are with the world% Thin, out-of-the-bo5 and create the life
of your drea&s.
ear of success or fear of failure often pre/ents people fro& pursuing their heart2s desire%
=owe/er, when you feel fear, ,now that it is o,% 0n fact, fear is usually a sign that you
are on the right trac,% Cotice the fear, but don2t gi/e it powerG si&ply focus on what you
want and then ta,e action% This will dissipate the fear, and you will soon forget what all
the dra&a was about. "hen considering your drea&s and goals, ne/er as, yourself if
you are good enough to do so&ething% As, yourself, ""ill 0 en1oy it>" @y creating your
life based on your /ision, purpose, and passions, you will e5perience &ore 1oy and inner
peace% And re&e&ber that when you are being and doing things "on purpose", others
benefit and can learn how to li/e by purpose, too%
0t will not be easy to shift fro& unconsciousness to consciousness% -our ego is a /ery
powerful tric,ster% 0t can sabotage your best efforts% -ou &ay, for instance, self-
sabotage yourself by placing yourself in en/iron&ents that are not good for you% This
will &a,e it challenging for you to li/e out your personal purpose% or e5a&ple, if you
are li/ing with people who bring you down, are negati/e, or are unsupporti/e of your
growth, it is a negati/e en/iron&ent% -our professional purpose will also be difficult if
you beco&e stuc, wor,ing in a place that doesn2t /alue, /alidate, or encourage your true
gifts and natural talents% To pre/ent that fro& happening, be conscious of where you go
and with who& you share your energy%
"hen you choose to ta,e the ti&e to 7uest for the answers to "ho a& 0> "hy a& 0
=ere> "hat 6o 0 Ceed to Learn> -ou begin to disco/er your inner treasure that lies
within your /ery heart and soul% As you begin li/ing your life on purpose, you are aware
and conscious of your thoughts and actions% -ou are &indful of what you are doing% The
&ore you li/e life true to your soul purpose and allow that to shape your life, the &ore
1oyful, ali/e, # fulfilled you will beco&e% -ou will also li/e in a state of grace and
greatness that you ha/e not ,nown before and be able to connect &ore deeply with other
people in your life%
Many people belie/e that a &a1or life e/ent &ust happen to push the& onto a &ore
spiritual path% Anow that nothing big has to happen for you to raise your consciousness%
Eften, the whispers of your soul, your intuition, is what nudges you awa,e% "hen you
learn to listen to your intuition, it will guide you in the direction of your di/ine destiny
and life purpose% Li/ing out your life purpose in/ol/es seeing the &eaning in the
e/eryday e5periences of life, achie/ing what 0 li,e to call "e/eryday enlighten&ent%" Oen
teaches that you will be chopping wood and carrying water before and after
enlighten&ent% Cothing really changes on the outside world, but the inside world is
radically renewed --- lo/ing, open, bright, and accepting%
The Ce5t StepB%%
Cow that you are aware of your life purposes, let2s see where you are and where you need
to go ne5t%
A& 0 li/ing &y personal purpose 3-es;Co4>
0f no, this is because 0 ha/e a fear of ???????????????????????????????????
0 do not understand?????????????????????????????????????????????????
A& 0 li/ing &y professional purpose 3-es;Co4>
0f no, this is because 0 ha/e a fear of????????????????????????????????????
0 do not understand?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Heaffir& and Hewrite -our 6i/ine !urposes
0 choose to li/e &y personal purpose of??????????????????????????????????????
0 will easily achie/e this because 0 ha/e the courage to and ,now about????????
0 choose to li/e &y professional purpose of???????????????????????????????????
0 will easily achie/e this because 0 ha/e the courage to and ,now about????????
So be it and so it is%
Cow it is ti&e to ta,e inspired action% @rainstor& the /arious en/iron&ents in which you
can li/e out your purpose% Cotice that you can be on purpose whene/er and where/er
you choose% To ta,e the ne5t step along your path, as, yourself8
"hat do 0 want to learn ne5t>
"here do 0 want to be ne5t>
"hat do 0 want to do ne5t>
=ow will this ser/e &y soul purpose>
Listen to your intuition, and then confidently ta,e the ne5t step% He&e&ber that your life
purpose can be played out in &any roles% or e5a&ple, &y life purposes are played out
as a significant other, daughter, friend, teacher, writer, and coach% Co &atter who 0 a&
with or what 0 a& doing, 0 a& conscious of &y di/ine life purposes%
<ournal Assign&ent K
0f you were li/ing your life on purpose, what would your life be li,e>
=ow would you feel>
"hat would you not be doing> "hat would you be doing &ore of>
"hat would you lea/e behind> "hat would you ta,e with you>
"0 ,now that what 0 want is good and right for &e, and 0 can ha/e it easily and
"<e most lives who thinks most, who feels the noblest, and who acts the best." --- !hilip
<a&es @ailey
&ake $ns%ired ction
The ancient Egyptians thought that words were &agic% They belie/ed that if you wrote it,
it would surely happen% To get into positi/e action, begin by writing a life /ision, which
is the o/erall blueprint for your life 3or &ore infor&ation on how to write a /ision
state&ent, see the Life Strategy 101 workbook .
As an unli&ited and eternal soul, you actually fulfill &any purposes in a lifeti&e%
=owe/er, being conscious of your di/ine life personal and professional purpose3s4 and
allows you to set goals to help you fulfill drea&s and aspirations, and co&&it to li/ing
your life consciously and purposefully%
Ma,e a conscious co&&it&ent to yourself that you will ta,e action when necessary%
!ersonally, you &ay decide that you no longer want to play the role of /icti&, and would
rather be the heroine or hero% -ou will ha/e to &a,e significant changes in the way that
you percei/e and respond to the world% "hen you fall into an old, fa&iliar pattern, you
will ha/e to ta,e action to brea, out of the old bo5%
!rofessionally, you &ay disco/er that you are &eant to be a fashion designer% -ou &ight
thin,, "Great now 0 ,now what 0 a& supposed to do with &y life." And then a second
later, you &ight respond with, "Cot great, 0 don2t ,now a thing about fashion design%"
This is where you co&&it&ent is testedG you &ay ha/e to go bac, to school or get &ore
training;education to do what you really want to do% @ut by ta,ing action, you are
creating energy, which will propel you forward% Ta,e the ne5t steps by ta,ing a class,
hiring a coach, setting goals, etc%
6o anything positi/e that will help ,eep you on trac, of what is i&portant%
@y li/ing out your life purpose, you will lea/e the world a little better than you found it%
Truly, it is your 1ob to find your real wor, and do it. 0n ro&ance, a passionate e&brace
usually leads to the ne5t step in lo/e&a,ing% "hen you finally e&brace who and what
you are passionate about, you will find that you are forced to ta,e action% E&braced by
passion, you are co&pelled to continue with the process% Lo/ing yourself and others, and
what you do, will bring you 1oy that will lead to creation% Anything that co&es fro& 1oy
or lo/e has to be worthwhile% "hile passion is what we feel, pursuit is what we do%
The reason we say, "pursuing a career" is because it ta,es continuous effort and action%
=owe/er, with a purpose, it will ta,e you where you need to go and not the other way
around% -ou need to learn to let go and get into the flow.
"hat idea can you e&brace and &o/e toward> Surrender to your own soul%
Let yourself go, because li,e e%e% cu&&ings, who said, "0n ti&e of daffodils who ,now
the goal of li/ing is to grow, forgetting why, re&e&ber how%" -ou are li,e a flower, who
,nows its only duty is to bloo& --- once you find out what you are &eant to be and do,
you will start to bloo& in une5pected directions%
Head the brand new, greatly e5panded and professionally released boo,,
&he Destiny Discovery % <oin &y &ailing list to recei/e a ree 6estiny Success Ait and
to find out when it launches
Message from Michelle"
0 a& a Life $oach for !eople "ho "ant to 6isco/er and Li/e Their SEDL2s !urpose #
-ou &ay ha/e tried to &a,e your soul fit into the life you ha/e created instead of
designing your life oriented around your soul2s desires% -ou &ay suffer fro& being off
purpose, out of balance, low on passion, energy and e5cite&ent% -ou &ay ha/e &issed
nu&erous uni/ersal nudges and need to wa,e up to a new reality%
-ou can do this by stop being busy being busy and hear the song of your own soul%
"ith the help of a personal coach, you can then set your song to &usic and get &o/ing
and groo/ing, so you can dance with life2s changes, challenges and decisions%
0 belie/e that each hu&an being possesses a di/ine spar, waiting to be ignited and that
one of &y greatest honors is being able to acti/ate that spar, within you% "hen you are
ready to not 1ust disco/er but li/e out your life purpose, ha/ing a 7ualified coach at your
side will &a,e the 1ourney easier and &ore en1oyable%
As the Soul $oach, 0 help people to be on purpose in their relationships, career, business
and life so they can &aster their soul2s lessons and e/ol/e% 0f you are ready to ta,e what
you ha/e learned to the ne5t le/el, then schedule a Soul Acti/ation Session with &e% <ust
e&ail &e at or call 39)*4 '9'-9M9M%
Mention that you read one of &y "S&ash boo,s" for a special J(Q discount on a 6estiny
Fisioning Session.
And always re&e&ber how beautiful, powerful, and a&azing that you are%
To -our Greatness,
Michelle L% $asto
ind More of My "or, at
# on the E/eryday Enlighten&ent Success Store
+++!roceeds fro& boo, sales go to &y fa/orite charity, Dnited "orld =ealing, which is
the world2s largest organization dedicated to educating hu&anity about the power of
conscious creation%
Enroll in the <ourney of a Lifeti&e!ourney
Remember to shine your bright light, because the world needs your light!

1out Your (ur%ose 4uide & uthor
Michelle L% $asto AAA @right Michelle is a wo&an on a &ission% She is here to set souls
free fro& their &ind-&ade prisons so they can e5perience their di/ine life and reach their
fullest hu&an potential% Throughout her career, this powerhouse of personal
transfor&ation has been ,nown as spiritual teacher, author, healer, Guru, Soul $oach,
consciousness shifter, Lightwor,er, and "bright light%"
To her, she is si&ply an awa,ener, who carries and co&&unicates the light of
understanding, wisdo&, and enlighten&ent to those who are ready to recei/e it% eeling
called fro& an early age, Michelle has always possessed an insatiable curiosity to ,now
the &eaning of life and her role in &a,ing the planet a better place to be% =er Nuest for
this understanding led her to /iew Life itself as a curriculu& for her enlighten&ent% She
was gifted with the ability to ta,e co&ple5 ideas li,e and &a,e the& easy to understand
and thus wrote about what the 6i/ine was teaching her at the ti&e in /arious areas of life
&astery8 ro&antic relationships, career, stress, # spiritual de/elop&ent%
@right Michelle also recognizes there is a di/ine spar, within e/ery hu&an being that
longs to be fully ignited and e5pressed% Through her co&pany, E/eryday Enlighten&ent,
she writes, teaches, coaches, and inspires people to co-create an a&azing reality in both
their life and business% Through a re/olutionary process called The !resence !rocess, she
wor,s with people in groups and indi/idually to build a bridge to their inner self so they
can tap into the wisdo& of their own souls%
"*he only person who is spiritually smart is the one who has learned how to learn,
unlearn, and change directions instantly, and start all over again, if your soul calls for
it%" --- Michelle L% $asto
Get your ree Special Heport -ou $an Transfor& -our Life Cow # <u&p Start -our
$areer #
Schedule your appoint to e5perience soul-centered coaching to help you shine &ore
@oo,s and e@oo,s
Get S&art. About Modern Ho&antic Helationships
Get S&art. <ournals
Get S&art. About Modern $areer 6e/elop&ent
Get S&art. About Modern Stress Manage&ent
Life Strategy *(*
6isco/ering -our Life !urpose
Attracting -our Life Mate
Li/ing a @alanced Life
Life Transfor&ation
Manifesting *(*
*I* $urious Nuestions
*I* "ays to Alle/iate Stress
The Self-$oaching Guide
"riting "ith the 6i/ine
The 0llu&inations Nuote $ollection
ree E-Mail Cewsletter8 The Enlightened Mo&ent
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E/eryday Enlighten&ent 0ntl
Anow, =onor # Lo/e Thyself
Tel8 39)*4 '9'-9M9M

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