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Changes between 1.1.17 and 1.1.

* Fix: Fix CVE-2009-3555 SSL-Man-In-The-Middle attack. (mturk)
Changes between 1.1.16 and 1.1.17
* Update: Arrange build after svn reorganisation (rjung)
* Fix: 47852: Fix some Javadoc errors. Patch provided by Sebb. (rjung)
* Fix: 46950: Fix SSL renegotiation in combination with client certificates.
The complete solution also needs a fix in Tomcat's Java code. (markt)
* Fix: Align method names and signatures of native C code and java code.
(markt, rjung)
* Fix: 42728: Remove memory leak. (markt)
* Fix: 46457: Fix use of multicast. (markt)
* Fix: Fix API name for recvfrom (mturk)
* Fix: Allow building against APR 1.3 (mturk)
* Fix: Improve fix for 43327 with better handling for IPv6 addresses (markt)
Changes between 1.1.15 and 1.1.16
* Fix: Fix API name for recvfrom (mturk)
* Fix: Allow building against APR 1.3 (mturk)
* Fix: Improve fix for 43327 with better handling for IPv6 addresses (markt)
Changes between 1.1.14 and 1.1.15
* Fix: 43327: Socket bind fail because mixing IPv4/IPv6 (markt, jfclere)
* Fix: 44864: Use additional check for SSL verify like with mod_ssl for
SSLVerifyClient=optionalNoCA. (mturk)
Changes between 1.1.13 and 1.1.14
* Fix: 45071: Reset ttl when Poll.pool remove is false. Additional patch was
provided by Alex Barclay. (mturk)
* Fix: Fix optGet that was always throwing exceptions. (jfclere)
* Fix: Fix optSet don't throw exception as JAVA prototype doesn't. (jfclere)
Changes between 1.1.12 and 1.1.13
* Fix: IFS problem in native/build/tcnative.m4 (rjung)
* Fix: Wrong gcc link flag in native/build/tcnative.m4 (rjung)
Changes between 1.1.11 and 1.1.12
* Update: Add support of J9VM based JVM. (jfclere)
* Update: Arrange licence in source files. (markt)
* Update: Add two new 'immediate' methods for sending the data. It is the
responsibility of the Java callee to deal with the returned values and
retry if the error was non-fatal. (mturk)
* Fix: Arrange the check of openssl version. It was failing on Linux.
* Fix: Prevent returning APR_SUCCESS when there is something wrong in ssl
layer. (jfclere)
* Fix: 44087: Fix it. (jfclere)
Copyright (C) 2008-2014, The Apache Software Foundation

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