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Nakiayah Watson
Lynn M. Raymond
The Daily Writings of Student No.72
Day#6 America, the Genealogical Forested Land of Native Americans.
E plubris unum translated into Out of many, one is the motto of America, signifying the
melting pot of culture here. Its funny to think that the land of cultural difference that is America was
once homogenous with Native Americas. However, fate has a way of working around things and details
such as that. Since then, America has became the worlds superpower, and we managed to stay strong
against the 9/11 attack. Let me tell a little bit of Americas past that isnt preached in public schools!

Technically, if you consider a flag to represent something American, the first instance of that will trace
back to New Years Day in 1776. The Continental Army was attacking the British Army who had usurped
control of Boston, with their leader, George Washington by their side. At some point, he ordeded that
the Grand Union flag would be flown from his base. This flag had thirteen stripes alternating between
red and white, most likely to represent the colonies.

If you go by the classic red, white, and blue with stars, then according to legend, Betsy Ross, a woman
whose job was sewing flags and other sorts of manner is responsible for it. Back to the Siege of Boston,
when George Washington ordered the flag to be flown at Prospect Hill, it caused great confusion. The
Grand Union flag has some resemblance to Great Britians flag. So when it was flown, the loyalists,
(People still loyal to King George the III throughout the war.) thought the colonists had surrendered due
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to a speech by King George the III that was going around promising good terms if they surrendered. The
flag ultimately needed an official design, both not only to not cause confusion, but to have the
Continental Army all under one flag.

According to the legend, on one day in May, the Congressional Committee, which consisted of George
Washington, Robert Morris, and George Ross, had came to her to make a new flag. Normally, this would
sound like a split second idea of how to sound famous that should be not taken seriously by anyone, but
there are some things in her favor. For starters, she knows George Ross because she is married to one of
his nephews. She also had moments with George Washington at Christ Church; in fact, her pew was next
to George and his wifes pew! She does at least have a pretty good chance of being the creator of the
American flag. It was finally done in either late May or early June, just in time for a certain day in July

As for what the flag is like, the typical household flag is 3X5. However, they can be much bigger. The
colors of the American flag are red, white, and blue. There is a square and thirteen stripes. The thirteen
stripes still alternate between white and red and represent the thirteen original colonies. In the blue
square are the stars. Each star represents a state, thus the original flag had 13 stars. Due to multiple new
states being included, the design of the stars changed multiple times. Ever since 1960, we have had the
same design, with 37 more stars added over time. All of this info, and thats just merely about the flag

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Works Cited
Coddington, Ron. "''How the U.S. Flag Changed over Time''", 22/07/2014
N.p., n.d. Web.
"History of American Flag." History of American Flag. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 July 2014.
Betsy Ross and the American Flag, 15/7/14, N.p, n.d, 22/07/2014 Web

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