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The True Devotion

One day Narada thought that he was the most pious man. The Lord told him to go and see a
peasant who was more pious than he. He went. The peasant invoked the name of God when he
woke up and went he went to bed.; the rest of the day he worked in the fields.
Narada did not understand and told the God "I pray and think of You 24 hours a day, how can
you compare him to me ?"
The God smiled and told him to take a cup filled to the brim with oil and carry it around the city
without spilling a drop. Narada obeyed and came back successfully without spilling a drop.
The God asked, "How many times did you think of me?".Narada replied, "Lord how could I
think of You ? My mind was concentrated on ensuring that the oil did not spill."
Thus the God made Narada realized the greatness of peasant's devotion.
So what are the learnings from this story? Request the readers contribute their learnings and
takeaways in the comment section below.

my learning it is not the number of hours put in efforts that shud be measured but
the number of efforts in hours that shud be measured

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