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P l> P^
Carrag Acrt|cticr
crncr Mamachcr
Vl11 l' F
anu Uthrr Lr:a
\or_O P_amDCH
ram/d by O:nd K|s|nk
and S lrdncl
5l`A!1O1 U11A11l!13Y PPTSS
S3A!'O11, CA11TOP>1 :oo
btan0td LnIvctQ tc
btan0rd, L| |0tna
Lnglim tmnsIaton and slaton Motc G 2Oy by tbc oard ol 1mtccs
ol thc Lland bt|otd Junot Unvcnq. AIl t_hts m~.
`at Is RH Aggamttu` W or:@tnzy gubt:hcd n ltaltan n zo undcr
dc udc L rtr NA doertrtw*G zO, P0ttctcmg. `c rcnd w
orgnUy gublumd n u n zo ucr mc tdc Lmim C /,
Mottctcmg. Wt+ |hc Lntcmgr: W ot@nWy gubuhcd tn Ita|
an n zo undcr thc tdc Cw c0c i/ c0nh
rnm: 2O8, ouctcmg
Mo g ol thu bk may b Ngmuco or tmmucd n any mm 0t by
any mmns, Hctmn:cr mcchancal, nCludn@ ghotocQyn_ d mm-
n@, of tn My tmotmtton to@ ol tcttwl $yHcm wthum thc rior
wHttcn glmwon o 5unmm LhvcMQ lm.
lrntm n thc Lntcd Jtatc o| mcrm on aCd-l|c, anhv guQ gagcr
LbtaQ ol Ln@t Lmlo@gn-bltcaton Lzta
A@mbn, Lor@o, Iq2
[ty. bn@uh. consJ
at s ztu d otho y l Ltot@o @amDcn ;
Ulato by Lzvd h$hk 1nd tcMn cdcla.
g. 6m.~{mcrd, CmMu@ acthctO)
nOud bbo@aghc n|:mo.
lbP y)8 0 80) 12y 8 (coU. k ggt)
l>P )6-O8D}7)Dq gbk 8k pp)
. owCr (Ph|oghy) z. Kowlm_c o|y o. ). tuut, N|Chc,
tyz-Iy8. q. rcndhg. J. LntcmgN, 1c.
. tlc. . rc: Mcrdan (5tznmm, a(
jI1.q2y 2OOy
lrontttccc tma_c: Ota| o Lownn >rodn, Apt0rt Im am I4uI
0H m K mdrQm |tJ qJ). o on c|oth. Konv, IA brtn.
rmwI0r P0n
hat Is in AQQaratus:
hc rcnd
What ls thc IontcmQorary!


Jransators` lotc
LD_Ish ttzn1atiOns O sccl:dary sourCcs havc
bccn amcndcd i n Ordcr to take i nto aLCount thc au-
thor`s somcti mcs ditinctivc taian trans| at|ons. Man-
dc|stam`s pocm on pagcs qz-q
was ttan8atCd tOm
thc Kuian by )anc NIkkcson. Nc wOuld | i kc to
thank GIotgO Agambcn Ot hi gCnCtOu aiIanCc,
wbicb ba i mprovcd thc gracc and accuracy o| our
V!P l> P^
bat Is an ^ggaratus:
Jcrm|nO|g|ca| qucstions atc i mgortant in gh:!OsO-
phy. As a phi|osopbcr |or wbom I baVc tbc gtcztcst rc-
sQcct oncc sa1d. t0tm1DO!O_y I Ibc QOcIC mOmcnt Ol
tbOu_bt. Jhis is not to say thdt ghi!OsOgbcts must a|-
ways ncccssa:||y dchnc thci t t:chnica| tcrms. atO
ncvcr dchncd |1:a, his mOst i mportant tcrm. Ltbcrs,
| i kL Spinoza and Ici bni z, Qrccrrcd instcad tO dchnc
tbc r tcrm ac|O_y --: :-:-|:-
Jhc hypothLsis that l w:sb tO proposc |s tba1 tbc
wOtd ::-:::] or `apgaratus in Ln_| Isb, Is a dcCIsVc
tccbnca1 tcrm In thc sttatcgy o| Ioucau|t`s thOu_bt.'
lc uscs |t QuItc Oltcn, csgcCia11y |rom thc mid t)os,
whcn hc bc_| ns tO cOncctn hi msc| | wi th what hc
Ca!!s "govcrnmcnta| i ty" Or thc `_ovcmmcn: o| mcn.
hOu_h hc ncvcr o||crs cOmgcIc dcDDti On, hc
2 wbat t NN Apparam
comcs c|osc to somcthng |kc it i n an |ntctvicw |rom
hat m tryn_ to s| n
c LLl with th s tcrm s, hrst anJ
orcmost, z thotou_h!y hctcmgcncOus sCt cOn t ng
o d scourscs, tnstitut ons, architccrura! orms, rcgu a
tory dccsons, aws, admIDIsttatVc mcasurc, sCcntIhc
stztcmcnts, ghtoghIcz , mota, and Qh:anthrOQC
groQostOnstn tborr, thc sa|d as mucb as thc unsatd.
buch arc t hc ccm:nts o thc aQQarams. hc aQQzratu |t-
sc s thc nctwotk tbat can bc cstahsCd bctwccn thec
cements ...
. . . by t hc tcrm agQaratus l mczD a kInd Ol z Orma-
ton, sO tO sQcak, that zt a gVcn hIstertca mOmcnt has as
ts majot unctton thc rcsQonsc tO zn ur
cncy. hc aQQ1-
ratus thcrcorc has a dOmIDaDt ttatr_C unCt|On . ..
. . . l ad that thc nzturc o aD aQaratus | ccnta|y
stratcg c, whch mcans thzt wc atc scaktng about a
ccrta n mznguattOn o rcztons O orccs, Ol a rzttOna
znd concrctc tntcrvcnt on n the rcatOns Ol lOrCc, cthcr
so as to dcvcog thcm n z QattCu!at dt rccttOD, Or tO
bOck tbem, stzb zc thcm, and ta utt |zc thcm. Thc
zQQaratus I8 thus awzys nscrbcd nto a Qzy o Qowcr,
but t s aso awajs nkcd to ccrtza t mts o know cd_c
that ar sc rom tt and, to an cguz dc_tcc, CoDdItIoD t.
hc aQQaratus ts grccscy ths: z sct o st ratc
Ics o thc
rc atons o otcc: sugQort n_, and mQgortcd by, ccrta|n
QQc O knowcdgc.'
Lct mc btichy summar|zc tbtcc points:
. It i s a hctctogcncous sct that nc|udcs vi rtua||y
anyth ng, | i nguistic and non | i ngui stic, undcr :hc
Var r QM Appaam
samc hCadng. dsCOutc, nttutOns, bui |di ngs,
| aws, po||cc mcasurcs, phi |osophica| QrOposI
tOns, ad sO On. Jbc a
atatus itc|l is thc nct
work that is cstab| ishcd bctwccn thcsc c|cmcnts
b. hc aQatatu a|ways bas a ConCtctc sttatc-
gic Iunction and s a|wajs ocatcd in a powct
C. As suCh, it aQQcats at thc ntcrscCtOn Ol gOWct
rclatIOn and tclatOns O know|cdgc.
wou|d | ikc now to tty and tracc a bticI gcnca|ogy
o| thi s tctm, tst n thc WOtk Ol lOucault, znd |hcn n
a bto3dct hbIori Ca| ContcXt.
Pt thc cnd Ol thc lys, MOc Ot lc at thc ttmc
whcn hc was wri ti ng 1br Hrcbc00@ 0j n0urdgr,
loutau|t docs not yct usc thc tcrm `aQQatatus in Or
dcr lO dchnc thc ObjcCt Ol hs tcscatCh. ntcad, bc us08
thc tctm
t|tiit/, `QOtVty, an ctymo|ogca| ncgh
bot o| dt:0:rtg agan wtbOu| O|lcrng us a dcui |iOn.
o|tcn askcd mysc|| whctC OuCault Ound th:s
tctm, untl tbc mOmcnt Whcn, a lcW mOnth agO, tc-
rcad a book oy ]can Hyppo| itc Cntit|cd ntr0d0Ot0n u
a ]bt/0:0pbt dr l'bistoire dr Hrgr. You ptobab|y know
abot|t thc strong | nk that tc OuCault tO MyQQO|lc
w|ar L ao Appa:m?
a ptson whom hc re|crrcd to at tmc as "my mas-
tcr` Hyppo| |tc was n |act h|s tcachcr, hrst dut|ng thc
kbdgc | n thc Lyccc Hcnt-lV jthc prcparatory coursc
|or thc Lco|c norma|c supcticurc[ and tbcn |n thc
Lco|c norma |c).
1bc thi rd part oI Hyppo| |tc`s book bcars thc tidc
Raisoo ct hstoi rc. Lcs idccs dc pos|:|v|t CI dc dcs-
t| o Kcason and History. 1bc Idcas o| Iosi tivi ty and
Ocsti ny). Jhc Iocu hcrc is on tbc ana|ysis o| two
works that datc |rom Hcgc|s ycars i o crn and Irank-
|urt (t;);~p6): Jhc htst |s "Jhc Spi rit o| Chtstan|ty
and I ts Ocsti ny," and thc sccood~hcrc wc hnJ thc
tctm that i mcrcsts us-"Jhc Ios|t|vity o| thc Chtis-
tan Kc| i gion (Die 0tlt0tldl dtr cbr|I/tcbr Kr|gI0n).
Accotd| ng to Hyppo|tc, "dcsti ny aod "posi tivity
at: two kcy conccpts |n Hcgc|`s thought. In patt|cu-
| ar, thc tctm "positivity" hnds n Hcgc| its propcr p|a:c
n thc oppos|ton |twccn "natura| rc| igion and "posi-
t ic tc|gion." Vhilc natura| rc igio s concctncJ wi|h
thc | mmcJiatc and gcncta| rc|ation oI buman tcason
with thc di vi nc, pcsi ti vc or historica| tc| |g|on cncom-
ptsscs thc sct o| bc| |c|s, ru|cs, and t.tcs that i n a ccr-
tai o soc|cty and at a ccrtai n hi stot|ca| momcnt atc cx-
tcma| |y |mposcd on i ndividua| s. "A posi ti vc rc| iion,
|cgc| wr|tcs |n 3 passagc ci tcd by Hyppo| itc, "| mp| ics
|cc| i ngs that arc m:tc or |css mprcsscd througb con-
stra| nt on sou| s, thcsc atc actions that atc thc c||cct o|
what f un Appurt:m

command and thc |c$uIt o| obcdicncc and atc LLL^
p| i shcd without d rcCt ntctct.`
Hyppo| i tc shOws how thc OQQOstOn bctwccn na-
turc and QOstvty COrrcspOnd, n thIs scHsCg to thc
d alcctcs o| |rccdom and ObIgatOn, as wc|I 2S o| rca-
sOn and h s|Ory. In a Qassa

c that cOud nOt hav: |a |cd

tO provokc lOucaults curOsty, bccausc t |n a Way
ptcsagcs thc notion O agpratsg Hyppo|itc wttcs.
c scc hcrc thc knot oI gucsttons mQ ct n |hc cOnCcQt
ol QosltlVlIy, as wc as Mcgcs succcssvc at|cmQtI tO
oriD_ to_cthcr diacctlcaya d acct:cs tha| :s nO| yc|
conscous o tscl-urr rrd:un | thcOr:t:ca and Ovc a
graCtlCa) and gositlVlly, that l, Ibr httartral dcmcnt. n
a ccrtan scnsc, lc_c consdcn gost:v:ty as an O0s|aC c
tO thc rccdom ol man, and sttch :t :s cOndcmncd. O

nVcstl_atc thc gosittVc ccmcn|s O a rc:g:On, and wc

m_ht add, o a sOcta statc, mcans to d scOvcr :n |hcm
that wh ch s :mQOscd throug a cOnstratnt On man, |ha|
whch Obutcatcs thc Qurty ol rcasOn. Uut, :n anD|h:|
scnscand thts s thc asQcct that cnds uQ hav| ng thc
uQQcr hand n thc coursc O Mc_c s dcvcoQmcnt QOs-
lt vty must bc rccOnccd w th rcason, wht ch thcn Oscs
ts abst ract charzctcr and adaQts to thc cOncrctc rchncss
O c. c cc thcn why thc conccQt o gostlVlty :s at thc
ccntcr ol Mc_c tzn QcrsQcctvo.
lQOs| t| vty is thc namc that, accordi ng to yQ-
QOl|c, |hc young Hc


vcs tO thc hbtorica| clc-

mcnt-|Oadcd as tt ts wi th ruIcs, ritcs, and | nst|tutOns
that C i Mpscd on thc i ndi vidua| by an cXtcrnal
wnI Is MN HppnrnIm!
pawcr, but that bccomc, so to spcak, ntcrna| i zcd i n
thc systcm

O bc| cts and |cc| i ogsthcn Ioucau|t,
bj bottowng this tcrm ( |atct to bc.omc "+ppatatus"),
takcs a pos|ton wth rcspcct to a dccsvc Qtob!cm,
whi ch is actua!!y a|so hi s Own prob|cm. t hc rc| at|on
betwccn i ndividua|s as | i vi ng bci ngs and thc hi stor-
ct| c|cmcnt. y "thc htstortca ccmcnt, I mcan t hc sct
o| i nstitutioos, O proccsscs o| subjc:thcaton, and o|
ra|cs n whch QOwcr rc|aton

bccomc conctctc. |ou-
cau|ts u| tmatc am is not, tbcn. as i o Hcgc|, thc rcc-
oac|| |at|on oI thc two c|cmcots, it i: not cvcn to cm-
pasizc thcit conhct. lor Ioucau| t, what s at stakc
s rathcr thc nvcstigat |oo O concrc:c modcs in whcD
thc pos|tvitics [Or thc apparatuscs) act w|tb|n thc rcla-
tions, mccha nisms, and "p|ays o| powct.
It shou|d oow b c|car in what scnsc I h3vc ad-
vanccd thc hypothcsi s tbat apparatus i s an csscn-
ta| tcchnica| tcrm in Ioucau|t's thcught. What is at
s:akc hcrc s not a parti cu| ar tcrm that rccrs On|y to
this ot that tccbnc|ogy O QOwcr. It is a gcocra tctm
that has thc samc btcadth as thc tcm "positvity" hzd,
accotdng to Hygpo| tc, Or thc young Hcgc|. Vithi o
Ioucau|ts st ratcgy, it comcs to OccuQy thc p|acc o|
Onc o| thosc tcrm: that bc dchnc

, crit ica| |y, as thc

w|at ao pa-a:?
univcrsa| s (ht antux). IocaUt, as you know, a| -
ways rc|Uscd to dca| with thc gcnCra ctegotcs ot
mcnta| consttucts tbat bc cas `thc unvcrsas,` such
as thc otatc, JOvcrcgnty, Lw. and lowcr. ut ths s
not to say tbat thcrc atc no opctattvc conccpts w|th a
gcncta| charctct n hs thoogt. Ppp2atusCs 3C, n
pont o| |act. what takc thc pbcc o| tbc unvctta |n
thc Foocao|dan sttatcgy. not si mp|y tbis or that po-
|cc mcasurc, thi s or that tCchoo|ogy o| powcr, and not
cvcn thc gcn:ta||ty obtancd by thct aDstractOn. In-
stcad, as bc ca ms n thc ntctvcw |rom l, zn appa-
ratUs is "tbc ae~otk [le reav| that can bc cstabI|shcd
ctwccn thcsc cIcmcnts."
I| wc now try to cXam|nc thc dchntOn Ol 3gpata-
tus tbat can bc |ound i n common |rcncb di ctonar-
ics, wc scc tbat thcy dstngu!h bctwccn thtcc mcan-
| ngs o| tbc tcrm.
. trCty urdCa cnc: `QQzrztu thc Qart o a
udgmc0t that COnta n tht dcCOn c
ztztc tOm
thc OQBOn. hat , thc tcCtOn O a cntcncc thzt
dcCdc, Or thc cnaCt ng Czuc O a aw.
b. tcChn0OgCa mcan ng: `hc way n whch thc
att o a mach nc Or Ol a cChan8m and. by cxtcn-
son, thC mcChanm t8c arc arrangcd.
L. m

tdQ uc. `hc ct O mcan zrrzngcd H CODOt

mty wh Qn.
w0at H an Appomm
O sOmc cxtcnt, |hc thrcc dchnti Ons arc a grcs-
cnt n lOuCaut. ut dIctOnarIcs,
artcuar thosc
that |ack a btstOttCalctymOlO_tcal charactcr, dtvdc
and scQaratc thi s t:rm nto a varicty O mcani ngs. hs
ta_mcntatOn@ ncvcrthc|css, gcncrx||j cOrrcspOnds
to thc h stOrca dcvcOQmcnt and artcttlatOn o| a
unQuc Otgna mcan ng that wc shOud nOt Osc s_ht
O| hat s ths Ort_na mcann_ or thc tcrm appa
tztus: hc tcrm ccrtnly rclcrs, n ts common |ou-
cxtt|di an usc, tO a sct O practiccs and mcchani sms
bOth ln_ustc a nd nonngustcg urdca| , tcchn-
Czl, and mt xry) thxt xm to txcc xn ur_cnt nccd and
to oDtaID an cHcct that s mOrc ot css mmcdatc. but
Vhat s thc stratc_y O QraCtCcs Or 0 tbOu_bt, what |s
thc histOriCa COntcxt, rOm which thc modcrn tcrm
Lvcr tDc
ast trcc ycars, l havc Ound mysc i n-
crcast n_y Involvcd n an i nvcstI_at|On that i s Ony now
DcgInni n_ tO cOmc lO i|s cnd, Onc that Can rOu_hy
dchnc a a thcOO_|Ca _cncaO_y O cCOnOmy. ln thc
hrst ccnturcs o| Lbutcb bstotykt`s say, bctwccn
thc scCOnd and stx|h C0ntutcs C..-thc Ltcck tctm
0k0n0m: dcvco
s dccsvc thcOo_ca unctOn. n
Lrcck, oikonomia sIgnhcs thc adm| ni stlatOn O t hc
0k0: (thc hOmc) a0d, mOrc _cncra| y, mana_cmcn|.
w0a: t NM Appuram
c zrc dca| i ng hcrc, as Pt stOt |c says ,P:|/t/cs t:;;bzt),
oot with an CQstcmiC Qaradi _mg Dut wth a Qrax| s,
wth a Qractca actvty thzt must acc a QrObcm and
a QartCu ar |tuatOn cach and cvcry t i mc. Whj, thcn,
dd thc athcts o| thc Church cc thc nccd tO ntrO-
duCc th tcr ntO thcOO_Ca| d sCOursc' MOw dd
thcy cOmc tO sQcak aDOut a dv n econom
What s at ssuc hcrc, tO Dc gtccsc, |s an cx|rcmcy
dc| catc and vta| QrObcm, QcrhaQs thc dcc|svc Qucs-
tiOn n thc htOry O Chri stan thcOOgy: thc n ty.
hcn thc athcr o| thc Chu:ch bc_Hn tO ar_uc dur-
n_ thc sccOnd ccntury abOut thc thrccO!d naturc O
thc dvnc h_utc (thc lathcr, thc On, and thc MOy
5g|r|t), thcrc was, as Onc can ma_nc a QOwcru rc-
sstzncc rOm rcasOnaDc-m ndcd QcOQc n thc LhurCh
whO wctc hOtr hcd at thc QrOspcct O rc| ntrOduc-
i og QO|ythcs znd ga_ansm tO thc Chtstan |ath.
n Ordcr to coovi ncc thOsc stubbOrn advCrsarics (whO
wcrc atcr ca|cd `mOnarcham, that s, QrOmOtcrs O
thc _Ovcrnmcnt O a s n_|c Go), thCOOgans suCh as
crtu| an, l rcnacus, QQOyms, and many Othcr
cOud nOt hnJ a Octtct tctm tO scrvc thcr nccd than
thc Grcck 0:k0n0m:n. 1hci r a@umcnt wcnt sOmc-
thn_ | kc thv. `LOd, nsOar 1s hs Ocn
and suU-
staDCc conLcrocd, is ccrta n|y Onc, Dut as to h s ::k:-
n0m:-that is tO say thc way i n whi ch hc adm| n stcrs
h hOmc, hs |c, and thc wOr|d t hat hc Ct0atcdhc
lu w0ar ls an A_araras
:, tatbct, trp|c. |ust as a good |ather can cntrust to
his son thc cxccuton oI ccna n |unctons and duti cs
wthout n so dong |osng hs Qowcr and hs un ty, so
God cnttusts to Cbrst tbc `ccOnomy, thc admnstr1-
tiOn and govcrnment o| human hstoty. Oikanama
thcrc|orc bccamc sQcca zcd tcrm sgn |y ng n pat-
t |Cu ar thc ncarntOn o| thC Son, tocthct wtth thc
oOnOmy o| rcdcmpton and sa|vat|on (ths s thc lC2-
son why i n Gnostic sccts, Lbrst s ca||cd tbc man o|
oonomy," b0 untbrapcr trr a/anamias}. Jhc thco|o
gans sOwy got accustomcd to dstngui sbi ng bctwccn
a "dscoursc~or mgas~o| thCooy and a "sgas o|
ccOnOmy. Ltk0nomtd bccamc t hcrca|tcr an apparatas
through whch thc rntaran doma and thc tdca o|
rOvidcnta| govctnancc o| thc wor|d wcrc n-
troduccd nto thc Christan |atb.
but, as o|tcn hapQCns, thc |racturc that thc thco-
|ogans had sougbt tO avod by rcmovng t |rom tbc
p|anc O LOds bc|ng, rcappcatcd io thc |olm O a C2C-
sura that scparatcd in m bcn_ and actOn, OntOgy
and QtaXs. Acton (cConomy, but aso po tC$} has oo
|Oundaton n bcng. ths s tbc scmzophrcna that thc
thco|ogica| doCtrDc O 0tk0n0m: c|t as ts |cgacy to
Wcstctn cu|turc.
w0ut Ir un Appumms 1
th nk that cvcn On thc Das O | hs brc cxpO-
|| On, wc Can nOw accOunt Or thc ccntra ty and m-
portancc o| thc uDctOn that :hc nOtOn Ol 0:kn0m:
Qcr0rmcd | n Lhrs|| an |hcOgy. Plrcady n L|cmcnt
O Acxandrd 0:
0n0m:d mcrgcs wth thc noton O|
ltOvdcDCc and begns to indicatc thc tcdcmQtvc gOv-
crnaDCc Ol thc wOrd znd humzn h tOry. POw, wha| s
thc transatOn O ths Undamcna Lrcck |crm n thc
wr|t| ngs o| thc Lat| n athcrs! r0r/0.
hc Lat n tcrm

|:0::t:0 tmm whch thc rcnch


|.p-s|: Or aQQara| u, dcrvcs, cOmcs thctc|orc

to takc on th COmQcx scman.|c sQhcrc O thc thcO-
lO_Cal 0:
0nm:d. hc `dsQO:t s abOut wbCh Ou-
cau|t spcaks zrc sOmchOw nkcd |O |h thcoOgCa|
cgacy. hcy can Dc n Omc wa

ttaCcd batk to thc
|racturc that d| v|dc and, at thc samc ti mc, zrt|cuztcs
n LOd bcng and praxs, thc naturc Or cscncc, On thc
Onc hand, an1 | hc OQcration throu_h wh|ch Hc ad-
m ns|cr and _Ovcrns thc crcatcd wOrd, On thc othcr.
hc term apQara|Us dcsgnatcs tbat n wbcb, and
tbtougb whch, Onc rcazcs a gurc aCtvIty o| _ovcr-
nancc dcvOd O any Ounda|On n bc| ng. hs |s thc
rcasOn why apQaratuc must Z|wz

s mQ|y z Qroccss O|
subjcct bcatonj that |s to say, thcy must QrOdutc | hc r
2 WbdI It dn z@drdm!
In | ght O| thi s thcO|OgiCa| gcDca|Ogy the FoucauI-
dian appatatuses acqoitc an cvcn morc prcgnant 1Dd
dcci sivc igDi hCaDLc, i nCc thcy intercCt not onIy w|t h
thc COntcXt O| whdt thc young Hcg| Ca| Icd "pOitiv
|ty," but a|O w|th what thc |atcr cidcggcr CaIIcd r-
trh (which is sim|lar |rom an ctyma|ogica| pOi nt O|
Vcw to dt!-Q6!tlt6, du-Q6nrrr, |ust b thc |ctmaD :u/-
k corrcpOnd tO thc Latin Q6nrrr). hcn Mc|dcggct,
in tc 1rhnk dtr Kehre (Thc QucstoD Concctn-
ing TcChDO|Ogy) , wrtcs that Cr-tu mcaD D Ordi-
oaty usagc an apparatus (Grrdt|, but that hc | ntcnd:
oy ths tcrm thc gathcrDg tO

ct hcr O| thc (n)stalla-

t|on jtrhm] that (n)stas man, tb|s is to say, Cha|-
Iengc hi m tO cXpsc thc rca| in the modc o| ordcri ng
rttrhm], thc ptOXi mity O| thi tcrm tO thc thcO|Og|-
cal dttQ6rtIt6, as vcII as to |oocaoh's apparatuscs, is cv-

What is COmDOD tO a| | thcsc tctm | that tDcy
lc|ct back to this 0tk6n6mtd, that i:, to a sct o| prac-
lCc, bOdc O| knOw|cdgc, mcautc, and institotiOD
that aim to manc, govcrn, contra, and oricnt~i a
way that putpOtts tO bc osc|u|~thc bchaviors, gcs-
Iutc, and thOught O| human bci ng.
LDc O| thc mct hOdO|OgiLa| pri ncip|cs that COn-
!tantIy |OIIOw |n my i nvcstigations is tO idcDtij in Ihc
IcXt and contcxts OD whCh I work what cucrDaCh
w|ai Ir ao Appa:? lj
uscd to ca| | thc phi |osophica ccmcnt, that s to say,
thc po| nt Ol thct L0iwtck/v0@btgkrtI || tcra|yg Ca-
paOi ty to bc dcvc|opcd), thc |ocus and thc moment
whcrc n thcy 1rc susCcQtbc tO deve|opmcnt. Ncvcr-
thc|cssg wbcncvct wc | ntcrprct and dcvc|op thc tcxt o|
an author n thi s way, thctc comcs a momcnt whcn wc
arc awarc O Or nabty tO QrCccd any urthct w:th-
Lut contravcni ng thc most c|cmcntary ru|cs o| hcrmc
mcan |hat t
c dcvcOQmcnt O thc tcXt
in gucstOn has tcachcd a pont o| undccidabi | it
whcrc It bccomcs ImgOssb|C to disti nguish bctwccn
thc author and thc | ntcrprctcr. A|though ths s par
ti cu| ar|y happy momcnt lOr thc i ntcrpctcr, hc knOws
that t s nOw tmc tO abandOn thc tcxt that hc t ana-
|yzi ng and to procccd on hs own.
I nvtc you thctcOtc tO abadOn thc COntcXt D
lOuCaud an ghi |o|ogy in which wc havc movcd up to
now i n Ordcr |O situatc appatatuscs n a ncw CoLtcXt
l w|sh to pmposc to you notnng |css than a gn-
cra| and mass|vc parti tonng O| bcngs nto two atgc
groups Or Cascs. On thc onc hnd@ |v|ng bcn

s (or
substanccs), aad on thc othcr, apparatuscs in wli Oh
vn_ bci n_s 8rc nCcssant|y Caturcde Ln Onc s|dc,
tbcn, to tcturn to thc tcrmi no|ogy o| thc thco|ogans
cs thc OntL|Ogy o| crcaturcs, and on t
c Othcr udc,
thc 0:k0n0m:u o| aQQara|uscs that scck to govcrn and
guidc thcm |Oward t hc gOOd.

w|at lr an Aparam
Iutthct cXpandi ng thc a|rcady |ztgc c|ass o| ou-
cau!dan aQQaIatuscs, hall ca| | aa apparatus ||tcta||y
anythi ng tbat bas n somc way thc capaLi ty to captutc,
oricnt, dctcrminc, | ntcrccQt, mOdcI, COnttOl, Ot sccutc

cstutcsg bchaviors, opi nons, or dCoutsCs o| liv

ng bc|n
s. Not oMlyg thctc|orc, ptisons, madhouscs,
tbc panopt|con. schoo|s, con|cssioa, |aclotIes dICI-
glincs@ jut|dca| mcasutcs, and so lort h (wbosc conncc-
tion with gowct s n a Ccttan scnsc cvidcnt), but a|so
thc pcn, wri ti ng@ |tctatutc, pbi |osophy, a

ricult utc,
Ligarcttcsg navigation, computcts, Lclu| at tclcQhOncs
znd~why notl angugc IIC, wDICh gcthags thc
most anc|cnt o| a
patatuscs~onc i n wb|ch t housaads
and tbousands o| ycars ago a pri mxtc i nadVettently |ct
hi msc|| bc captund, ptobably wthout rca| |7| ng tbc
ucnccs t h+t hc was abOu| tO |acc.
Jo tccapi tu|atc, wc bavc tbcn two gtcat c|asscs: | iv-
ng bc ngs (Ot substanccs) and appxratuscs. Pnd, bc-
iwccn tbcsc two, as a th:td classg sJbjcCts CHll a sub-
cct tbat wb|cb tcsu|ts |tom thc tclation and, so to
spcak, |rom tbc tc|cnt|css hght bctwccn liVi ng bc-

s and appatatuscs. atutally, thc substanccs and

tbc sub|cLts a8 in anLicD mc|aQhyscs, sccm to ovcr-
|ap, but not comp|ctc|y. l n tbs scnsc, |ot cXamp|c ihc
samc ndi vdual thc samc substancc can bc thc pIacc
ot mu| tp|c ptocc:scs o| subccti hcxtion: thc t:scr o|
cc| | u| ar Qhoncs, thc wcb sur|cr, thc writct o| stotics,
w0at t NN Appam? t
tbc tan

o ahcionado, thc antig|oba| izt ion actiist,

and so on and so |ottb. Jhc bound|css gtowth c| ap-
paratuscs in out ti mc cottcspoads to thc cqua| | , cx-
treme pro| i |crdt ion in proccsscs o| subcctihcation.
Jhis may proJuLc tbc mprcssion tbat n out tmc, thc
catcgo o| subjcctivity is wavcri ng and | osing its con-
sistcncy, but what |s at stakc, t0 bc prcc|sc, |s not an
crasutc or an ovctcomi n, but rathcr a di sscmi nation
that pushcs lC tbc cxttcmc thc masqucradc that has a|-
ways accompanicd cvcty pctsona| idcnti ty.

It wou|d pmbab|y not bc wtong to dchnc thc cx-
trcmc phasc o| capita| i st dCvC|cpmCnt i n wDiCh wc | ivc
as a masstvc a:cumulation and prol i |cration o| appara-
tuscs. It is ccat that cvct si ncc Homo sapicns htst ap-
pcarcd, thctc havc bccn appatatuscs, but wc cou|d say
that today tberc is not cvcn a|c |nstant in wbicb
thc | | |c o| | nd|vidua|s |s not modc|cd, contam|n1tcd,
or contro| |cd by somc apparatus. In what way, thcn,
can wc con|ront tbis situation, what sttatcgy must wc
|o| |ow in out cvctyday hand-tc-hand st rugg|c wtth ap-
patatuscs! Waat wc atc |ooki ng |or |s ncithct si mp|y to
dcstroy thcm not, as somc naivc|y suggcst, to ux tbcm
in thc corrcct way.
or cxamp|c, I | i vc |n Ita|y, 2 countty whcrc thc gcs-
t utcs and bchaviots o| i ndivi dual s havc bccn rcshapcd
w|ar I ao Apa:am?
|rom top to toc b, thc cc| | u| at tc|cgonc (which thc
|ta| ans dob thc u/qnine. I bavc dcvc|opcd an i mpla
cab|c battcd |ot this appatatus, which has madc thc rc-
| dtionsbp bctwcca pcop|c a| | tc morc abst tact. A|-
though I |ound mysc| | morc than oncc wondctng
how tO dcstrOy Or dcaCtiv3tc thosc t:|:nini, as wc| |
as how t o c| i mi natc ot at |cast to punsh and impri5on
thosc who do not toQ usIn_ thcm, I do not bc| icvc
that ts |s thc r_t 8OlutOn to tbc ptob|cme
1hc |act is that accotdi ng to a| | . ndications, appa-
DlU5C5 atc DOl 3 mctc accidcnt in which humans arc
caught by chancc, but rathcr arc rOotcd tn thc vcty
proccss o| humanizat|on tat madc humans" oui
o| thc ani ma| s wc c|ass[ undcr lhc rubrIC lOmO sa-
piense n |act, thc cvcnt that has ptoduccd thc human
constitutcs, |or thc |i vi n bcing 5omctbn_ | i kc a divi-
sion, wbicb tcptoJUccs i n somc way thc dvson thzt
thc eikenemia i nt.oduccd n God bctwccu bci ng and
acti on. Jhi s di vi sion scpatatcs thc | ivi ng bcng Itom t-
sc| | and |rom its i mmcdiatc rc| ationship wi th its cnvI-
tonmcnt~that is, wi th what |akob von \cXkull and
thcn leideggct namc thc ci rc|c o| tcccptots-di si nhib-
itorse Jhc btcak ct ntcttuption Ol th8 tc|3tonshi p
produccs In | i vi ng bcns both bodom~that s, thc
capacity tO 8u5pcad tbi s mmcdat: rc|ationshi p with
tbci t disi nhibitotsand thc Lpca whi ch i s tbc pos-
:bi | i ty o| knowi ag bci ng as suCh, Dy const rULti ng
w0at I: NN Appummr I}
wor|d. ut, a| 5n wth thcc Q0D|cs, wc mut a|so
i mmcdatcy constdct thc apparatuscs that crowJ thc
Opcn w|tb |nstrumcnts. ob|ccts, gadgcts, odds and
cnds, and various tcchno|ogics. hrou
b thcsc 1QQara-
tusc, man aticmpts to nu!! |y |hc ani ma|stic bcbav-
iors that arc now scparatcd |rom h m, and to cnjoy thc
OQcn as such, |O cnj oy be ng |nso|ar as t s bctnge At
thc toot o| cath appatatus | |c 1n a||-too-buman dc-
strc Iot haQQncss. hc capturc and sub cct hcation o|
thi s dcsi tc i n 1 scQaratc sQhctc consttutcs thc spccihc
powcr o| t hc pQatatuse
A| | o| this mcans that thc stratcgy that wc must
adoQ| |n out hand-to-hand combat wi th aQQara|uscs
cannot Dc a s| mQl c onc. Jhs i. because what wc arc
witb hcrc is |hc | ibctaton o| that wbch rc-
mai ns capt urcd and scparatcd Dy mcans o| apQara
t uscs, i n ordcr to bri ng t Dack to a Qossib|c common
usc. lt |s |ron th QcrQcCtVc |ha| I wou| d | kc now
to sQcak about a cOnccgt that haQQcn to havc workcd
on rcccn|ye I am tc|ctring to term that origi nstcs
in thc sphcrc o| Romao | aw and rc| igion (|aw aad rc-
|igton atc c!osc|y conncctcd, aad not on| y n an:|cnt
Romc): pro|aaation.
Accotdi ng to Koman |aw obccts that bc|ongcd
in somc way lO the ods wcrc cons|dcrcd sactcd or
I6 w|at r an A_aratu
t:| igious As such thcsc t hi ngs wcrc tcmOVcd |tom
|rcc usc and t tadc among humans. thcy cou|d nci-
thct bc so|d not givcn as sccutityg ncithct tc| i nquishcd
lor thc cnjOymcnt O Othcrs nOr subjcctcd tO scrvtudc.
5acr| |cgious wcrc thc acts that vio|:tcd or transgrcsscd
thc spcci a| unavai| abi | ity o| t hcsc objcctsg whi ch wctc
r:scrvcd c|thcr |or cc|cst|a| bc|ngs +nd so tbcy wcrc
ptopct|y ca| |cd "sactcd) ot |ot thc bci ngs o| thc ncth-
crwor|d i n thi s casc, t hcy wctc si mp|y ca| |cd "rc|i-
gious"). Whi |c "to consecrate" (sactar was thc tcrm
that dcsignatcd thc cxit o| thi ngs rOm thc sQhcrc Ol
human | aw, "to pto|anc signi hcd, on thc contrary, to
testotc thc thi ng to thc |tcc usc o| mcn. to|anc, thc
gtcat ut|st Jtcbatus was tbcrc|otc ab|c to writc, |s, |n
thc ttucst scnsc o| thc wotd, that which was sacrcd ot
n| igiousg but was thcn rcstorcd to thc usc and prop-
crty ol human bcings."
rom thi s pcrspctivc, onc can dchnc tc| igion as
that which tcmovcs thi ngsg p|accs anma| s, ot pco-
p|c |tom common usc and ttansports thcm to a scpa-
rxtc spbctc. Not on|y is thctc no tcl ig|on w|tbout scp-
aration, but cvcry scparation conta. ns or conscrvcs in
itsc|| a gcnui nc|y tc| igious nuc|cus. Jhc apparatus that
acti vatcs and rcgu| atcs scparation is sacri hcc. Jhrogh
a sctics o| mi nutc ti tua| s that vary |tOm cu| tutc to cu-
tutc (which cntl ubctt and NarCc Nauss havc
paticnt|y | , sacri hcc a|wxys saoctioos thc
w0ut r un Appurutm I

passagc o| somcth1ng |rom tbc pto|anc to thc sacrcd,
|rom thc human sphcrc to thc 0ivi nc bu1 wDa1 haS
bccn rtua|ly sepatatcO can a|so bc rcstorcd to th: pto-
|anc Qhctce ro|a1a1IOn :s thc countcr-apparatus tbat
rcstorcs to common usc what sacrthcc had scpa1atcd
dnd O:VOcO
rom thi s pctSpcctivcg capta|ism and othct m5dcrn
|otms o| powct sccm to _cn0ta| |Zc and push to thc cx-
t rcmc thc ptoccsscs o| scparat1On that dchnc tc|i

I| wc COn8dcr oncc a
ain thc thco|ogica| cncalo
y o|
apQa ratuscs that I bavc ttaccd abovc a gcnca|ogy that
connccts thcm 1o 1hc LD11s1Ia Qa1aO1_m o|
mia, that s to say, thc di vi nc
ovcrnancc o| thc wOr|d)@
wc can 1hcn scc tDat modcrn agparatuscs di ||cr |tom
thc|r tradition1l ptcdcccssors :L a way 1Dat 1cndcr any
attcmpt to prc|anc thcm patt1ca|ar|y prob|cmatic. In-
dccd. cvcry apparatus i mp| ics a ptoccss o| uD]cOIhCa
tion, w1thou1 wbicb it cannot |anct|on as an apgaratus

ovcrnancc, but 1 tathct rcduccd to a mctc cxcrcisc

o| vo|cncc. Cn t hs basis, Foucau|t has dcmonstratcd
how, in 3 di scip|nary socicty, apparatuscs ai m to crc-
atcthrough 3 sctics oI prac1:Cc O1COu18C, and
bodics o| know|cdgcdoci |c, yct |rcc, bodcs that as-
sumc thci r idcnt ity and t hci r "|rccdom" as ubjcCts in
2D w0at : an Apparam
thc vcry QtOccs O thcr dcsub]cCt hcatOn. Pggat1tu,
thcn, htt O a a maCh nc that QrOducc uD]ccth-
catOn, and On j a uch t aso a mach nc O _Ov-
ctnanCc. hc cxmQc O COncOn may cucdatc thc
mattct at hand: thc OrmatOn O ctcrn sub]cctvty
that DOth Qt znd, nOnct hccs, matct and cCurc
thc sc| ncgzrabc rOm th| ccnturcs-Od actvty
O thc aQQatatus O Qcnanccan aQQatatu n whCh a
ncw l COnt|utcd |hrOu_h thc ncgat| On and, at thc
amc tmc, thc aumQtOn O thc Od |. hc sQ t o
thc ubjcCt Qct0tmcd by thc aQQztatu Ol Qcnancc rc-
utcd, thcrcorc, n thc QtOductOn O 3 ncw subjcct,
whch Ound ts rca ttuth n thc nOnttuth O thc al-
tcady rcQud atcd s nn n_ l. AnaO_Ou cOndcratons
can bc madc cOnCcrn ng thc aQQaratu O thc gtOn:
hcrc an aQQatatus that QtOduccs, a a mOrc Ot c
unOrcccn COncgucncc, thc cOnsttutOn O 3 uD] cct
and oI a m cu u dc ngucnt, WhO thcn DccOmc thc
uD]cct O ncw-and, th t mc, Qcrccty Ca| Cu atcd
tcChnQuc O _OvcHanCc.
hat dChncs thc aQQara|uc that wc havc tO dc
w th n thc cuttcnt Qhac O CaQ tz| m |h2t thcy nO
On_ct aCt a much thtOu_h thc QtOductOn O a ub-
jcct, a thrOu_h thc QtOccc O What can bc Cacd
dcub]cct hCatOn. P dcuD]cCt ]D_ mOmcnt ccr-
ta ny mQ Ct n cvcty grOcc O vuD]cCt hcatOn. A
wc havc ccn, thc Qcn tcnt a c tv COnt| tutcd On y
Wat t an Hppamtm 2I
t htoUh its own nc
ation. ut what wc arc now wi t-
ncssing is that proccsscs o| subjccthcation and gm-
ccsc o| dcsub|cct|hcat|on sccm to bccomc rccipto-
ca| | y i ndi ||crcm, and so tbcy do not ivc tisc to thc
rccompositoa o| a ncw sub|ccl g cxccpt i n |ara| ot,
as i t wctc, spOtrd| |orm. I n the nOnttutb o| thc sub-
jcct, |ts own ttut h i s no |onCr at stake. He who |cts
hi msc|| bc CaQtutcd by thc cc`|u|at tccphonc appa-
rat u$whatcvct thc |ntcnsty o| thc dCsi rC that has
dtivcn i mcnnot aCqutc a ncw subjcctiVty, but
on|y d numbct t hrough wh|cb hc can, cvcntua||y, bc
contm| |cd. Jhc spcctator who spcnds hi s cvcni n

s | n
|tont o| thc t :|cvision sct on|y gcts, n cXcbanc |ot h|s
dcsubccti hca:on, thc ||usttated mHsk o| thc coach
potato, or hi s i nc|uson in thc ca|cu|at ion o| vicwct-
ship tat ngs.
Hctc | ics thc Vani ty o| t hc w0| |mcani n
on tcchnu|ugyg wbicb asscrts that thc prob|cm with ap-
paratuscs can bc rcduccd to the qucston o| thcit cor-
tcct usc. 1hox wbo makc sucl c| a|ms sccm to ignorc
a simp|c |act. || a ccrtai n proccs o| subCCti hcat|on (ot,
in this casc, dcsubjccti hcat ion) corrcsponds to cvcry
pparatu tbcn |t is i mpossb|c |or thc subcct o| an
apparatus to usc it "i n thc tiht way. Jbosc who con-
ti nuc to Qmmotc si miat arumcnts arc, |or IhC| parr,
thc ploduct o| thc mcdi a apparatus in wbich thcy atc
22 wnI It nn Hypnrnm:
LontcmgoraQ sOcctcs thcrcOrc gtcscnt thcm-
scvcs as i ncrt bodcs gon_ through massvc gtoccscs
oI dcsuD]cct hcation w|thOut acknow|cdging any tca
uD]ccthcation- cncc thc cc | Qsc O go| tcs, whCh
uscd tO QrcsuQQoc thc cxistcncc o| sub]cCts aDd tcz
dcnt tcs [thc wOrkcrs mOvcmcnt, thc Dourgcosic,
ctc.), and thc ttiumQh o| thc eikeoema, |ha| s to wy,
o| a gurc actvty o| govcrnmcnt that a| ms at nOth-
| n_ Othct than t: Own rcQ catOn. hc Kght and
thc LcIt, which today a| tcrnatc i n thc mnagcmcm
O gOwct, havc Or th s rcason vcry |itt|c to do wth
thc gO| i tiCa| sQherc i n which thcy Orig natcd. hcy
arc si mgy thc nmcs O two go|cs-thc hrst goi nt i ng
wthout scrug|c to dcsuD]cct hcatOn, thc scCond wnt-
ng i nstcad to h Jc Dch nd thc hyocri ti ca| mask o|
tc _OOd dcmOciatc ctzcnO |hc samc _Ovcrnmcn-
ta mach| nc.
hs, aDOvc a|, s thc sOurcc O thc Qccu| ar uncas-
ncss O gOwct QtcC| scy dmi ng an cta n WhCh t con-
rOnts thc most doci | c and cowardy soca Dody that
has cvct cxstcd n humaD history. t |s ODy an aQgat-
cm Qaradox tbat tbc barm|css ci ti tcn o| posti ndusi ti a|
dcmOcraCcs (|hc 00m, as t has bccn ccctVcy sg-
gcstcd hc Dc ca| | :d), whO rcadi |y dOcs cvcryth| ng :hat
hc i s askcd to do, i nasmuch as hc |cavcs hs cvcryddy
w0at r an Appumms 2]
_cturc and hI hcalth, h amucmcnt and h OCCu-
QatOns h dict and hi s dcsi rc:, tO bc COmmandcd aDd
COntrOcd n |hc malcst dcta by a
artucsy s asO
consdcrcd by QOwcrpcrhaps Qtccscy bcCauc O
t h as a
L|cmia tcrrOrt. h c a ncw LurOQcan
nOrm mQOscs btOmctrtc aQQamtuscs On a | ts c| t zcns
by dcvcOp ng and QctcctIn_ 3nthrOQOmctrc tcChnO-
O_ic | nvcntcd In thc n Dctccnth Ccn|ury n Otdrr tO
dcnty rccd|vst cr m na s [lmm mu_ shOt tO hn-
_crQrIntn_) survclancc by mcans u vdcO Camcras
t ranstorms thc Qub| c QaCc O thc cty ntO thc intcr|Or
O an mmcn:c
rsun. ln thc cycs O authottyand
maybc r_hty sOnOth n_ Ook morc | i kc a tcrrOrst
than thc Ord ary man.
Jhc morc QQaratuc Qcrvadc and dIcm na|c
thcr QOwcr u cvcj hcd O l:, thc mOrc _Ovcrnmcnt
wI hnd Itc aCcd wth an c0svc c|cmcnt, whCh
ccms tO cscapc ts _rasQ thc mOrc t dOccy subm:ts
tO t. h s cthcr IO say t ha thi s c|cmcnt consti -
tutcs a rcvO ut Onary subjcct tn :t Own rt _ht, nor that
t Cn ha| t Or cvcn t hrcatcn t hr _Ovcrnmcnta mach nc-
Rathcr than thc QrOCaImcd c0d O hItOry, wc zrc, n
act, wtncss _ thc nccssant thOu_h a mlcss mOt On
O thI maChIDc, whCh, n a 0tt O Cooa Qamdy O
thcOO_ca akanamu, has ass0mcd thc |c_acy o thc
QrOvdcnta gOvcrnancc Ol the wurd, yct i nstcad O tc-
dccmIn_ Our wOrd, th| s machnc (truc tO thc Or_ na
2q w|at t ao pa:at?
cschatOOgca voatOn O tOvdcncc} s cad ng Lb tO
CatasttOQhc. hc QtObcm Ol thc QtOlanatOn Ol aQQa-
ratu&cs-that is tO say, thc rcstitutiOn tO cOmmOn 0sc
Ol wha| has bccn CaQ|utcd and scata|cd n |hcm
s, Or th s rcasOn, a thc mOrc urgcnt. ut th| s grO-
cm Cannut bc QoQct
rascd as On
as t hOsc whO
atc cOncctncd wth t atc unahc to ntctvcnc n thc r
Own QtOccsscs O subjccthcatOn, any mOtc than n
thct OwD aQQatatuscs, n Otdct tO thcn btng tO ght
thc Ln_Ovcrnabc whch s thc bc_nnn_ and, at thc
samc t mc, |hc vznsh ng QOnt Ol cvcty QO|Cs
Jbc Ircnd
tcndshp s sO t ght|y | nk0d tO thc dchn t on O
gh| |osoQhy |ha| t can bc sa|d that wi thout |t, ph||os-
Oghy wou|d aot tca||y bc pOss. b|ce 1hc ntmaQ bc
twccn rcndvhQ and phi |osophy s sO grOOund that
phi |osophy cOntaIns thc ]ho:, thc |ticnd, n ts vcry
namc, and as Otcn hapQcns w th such an cxccsVc
Qroxt mttyg thc tik tun hgh ot not mak|n

hc+ds Or
ta s O t. n thc c|assca| wOr|d, th s grOm scu|y, th s
DC3l COnsubtan|a|y, o| thc r|cnd and thc phi |oso-
phct was takCn as a givcn. t s ccrta ny wth a somc-
what alCha zn_ ntcnt, t hcn, |hat a cOntcmgOrry gh-
|osophcr~wHcn pOsIng thc cxtrcmc QuctiOn hat
Is phi |osophy!" -was abc tO wrtc that ths s Qucs-
tIOn tO bc dtscusscd cntrc umr, bCtwCCn tcnds. O-
ddy thc rcat|Onshp Dctwccn |tcndshQ and gh OsO-
phy has 2Ctu1 y acn | nto d|scrcd|t, and |t |s w|th a
2 0c !rcnd
ki nd o| cmbarrassmcnt and bad consccncc t hat pro-
|cssiona| phi |osophcrs try to comc to tcrms wi th th. s
uncom|ortab|c aad, as it wcrc, c|aadcsti nc partncr o|
: hc| t thought.
Many ycars ago my |ricnd |can-Luc Nancy and
had dccidcd to cxchangc somc |ct tcrs on thc thcmc o|
|ricndship. c wcrc pcrsuadcd that this was thc bcst
way o| drawing closcr to-a| most 'stagi ng"~a proo-
|cm that othcrwix sccmcd to rcsist ana|ytica| trcat-
mcnt. I wtotc thc hrst |cttcr and awai tcd h| s rcspon:c,
aot without trcp|dati on. Jh|s is not thc p|acc to at-
tcmpt to comprchcnd what rcasonsor, pcrhaps, what
mi sundctstandi ngs-signa|cd thc cnd o| thc procct
upon thc arri va| o| |can-Iuc`s |cnct. but it is ccrta| n
taat our |ricndshipwhich wc assumcd wou|d opca
up a privi|cgcd po| nt o| acccss to thc prob|cm~was
i astcad an obstac|c, and that |t was, in somc mcasurc,
a: | cast tcmpotari |y, obscurcd.
It is an ana|ogous, aod probab|y conscious, scnsc o|
discomlort t hat |cd |acqucs Ocrt|da IO choosc as 3 |cit-
mot|l |or hi s book on |ricndshi p a siby| | i nc motto, 3l
ttibutcd to Aristot. c by t radi tion, that ncgatcs |r|cnd-
ship with t hc vcry samc gcsturc by which i t sccms to
i nvokc |t. 0 ]hI0t, 0udc: ]ho:, L |ricnds, thcrc arc
no |ricnds." Cnc o| thc thcmcs o| thc book i s, i n |act,
thc crit|quc o| what thc author dchocs as thc pha| |o-
ccntr|c noti on o| Iticndshi p that has dom|natcd our
l:c lrid 2
Qh OsOQhca and QO| tca trad| t|On. hcn Lcrrda
was st wot|i ng On thc ccturc that wOu|d bc thc Ot-
_n O thc bOuk, wc dsCusscd |O_cthcr a curOus gh O-
O_ca QrObcm cOnccrn n_ thc motto ot QuQ n Qucs-
tOn. t can bc Ound n NOm_nc aDd n ctr.schc,
bOth O whOm wOu d havc takcn t rOm tO_cucs
acrtus. ut wc OQcn a modctn cdtOn O thc at-
tcrs lie:s -] minent hI0:o]brn tO thc chaQtcr dcd-
catcd tO Pr stOtcs bO_raghy ,t), wc dO nOt hnd thc
ghtasc |n QuctOn but rathcr Onc tO a| aQQcaranccs a-
mOst dcntca, whosc s_n hcancc is ncVcrthccu d -
crcnt and muCh css mystcrOus 0t |Omc_a w th iota
suDscrgt) ]hu0, oudrt: ]hI o:, `c whO has many)
|ticnds, dOcs nOt havc a s| ngc |tcnd.'
A vst tO thc btary was a| it tOOk tO cary thc
mystcty. In t6|6, a ncw cd t|On O thc Ltct aQQctcd,
cdtcd by thc gtcat Lcncvan Qh OO_ st lsaac Lzsau-
DOn. KCachi ng thc gassa_c n gucstOnwhch tt
rcad o ,o|/-| O rcnds) n thc 0dtOn cstab shcd by
h s athcr- n-zw lcnry LsticnacCaaubon w|thOut
hcstatOn cOrrcctcd t hc cngmtC cssOD O thc man-
usCrQts, whC0 thcn bccamc so gcrccty ntc _b|c
that t was takcn uQ by mOdcrn cdtOrs.
o| nCc l h3d mmcdatc|y nOrmcd Crrda O thc
rcsuts o| my rcscarch, was stunncd nOt tO hnd any
tracc o| thc sccOnd tcad n_ whcn hs DOOk r-:o-:
dr / umlrwas gub i shCd. l thc mot toapocrypha|
2 I|e lmd
3ccOrd n_ tO mOdtn ph OOgsts-was rcprOduccd n
thc Or_ na| Orm, t ccrta ny was not duc tO Or_ctm -
0css t was csscnt| a tO thc bOOks tratc_y th2t rcnd-

hQ wOud bc 2l onCC ahtmcd aDd tcvOkcd.

ln th s scnsc, Lcrrdas gcstutc s a rcQct tOn O
ctzsChcs. hc0 hc wa t a smdcD| oI pb|o|ogj,
Nctzschc bad bcgun a wOrk On thc sOurccs O O-
gcncs Lacrtuss boOk, and sO thc tcxtua h stOry O |hc
Luer | hcncc a| sO LasaubOns amcndmcnt) must havc
0ccn Qcrccty known tO h m. Pcvcrthccss, thc nc-
ccss| ty O tcndsh Q and, at thc samc t mc, a Cctta 0
dstrust O rcnds wcrc csscnta| tO Pctzschcs Qh o-
OQhCa sttatc_y. cDCc h lCCOUlSC LO tbc uadtODa
cssOn that was a rcady Out o| datc by ctzschcs tmc
(I Iuebnct's t8z8 cdtOn adOQts thc mOdcrn Vcrs On,
zdd n_ thc annOtt On, /eta:- ph o , rmrndutI
t s QOssbC that t hc gccu ar scmamc status O
thc tcrm Ircnd has contt butcd | O thc d sCOm-
|Ort O mOdcrn Qh OsOphcrs. lt s LOmmOn know|-
cdgc that nO Onc has cvcr bccn abc tO sdtsactOr y dc-
hnc thc mcant n_ O thc 8ynta_m |OVc yOu, sO muLh

th s thc casc t ht Onc m_ht tbnk that t has 2 pcr-
|Otmat vc charactcr. that ts mcan| n

, n Othcr wOrds,
10e red 2
cO| nc|dcs wtth t hc zct Ol ts unerancc. Anaogous con-
sdctat|Ons CO0d bc madc rcgatd ng thc cxQrcsson, `
am yOur rtcnd, a|thOugh rccoarsc to thc pct|otma-
uvc Catc_ory xcms i mpossib|c hctc. l manta n, rat hcr,
that ` rtcnd bc|ongs to thc c ass o| tctms tbat n-
_u sts dchnc as nonptcdicativc, thcsc arc tcrms rOm
wh|ch |t |s nO| QODc fO cstab| |h a cass that tu-
cudcs a t hc t h| ngs to wbch thc prcdtcatc | n Qucs
t ion s attributcd. `h tc, batd, Or "hot arc ccr-
tat ny QrcdtCz|tvc tcrms, Dut s it Qossib|c to say that
`rcnd dchncs a cOnsstcnt czss n thc aDOVc srnsc!
Ps strangc as . t might sccm, ` rcnd sharcs ths Qua|-
ty wth anOthcr typc o| nOnQrcdcatVc tcrm. t nsuts.
|ngusts haVc dcmonstratcd that nsu|ts dO nOt Ocnd
thOsc whO arc subjcctcd tO thcm as a rcsu t o| i oc|ud-
i n

thc t nu tcd QcrsOn n a gartcu ar CatcgOry Or cx-
ampc, that O cxcrcmcnt or thc mac or cmac scxua|
Organs, dcgcnd| ng On thc an_ua_c) sOmcth ng that
wOu d stmp y bc mpossi D|c or, anyway, |a sc. An n-
su| t |s ccctVc Qrccscy bccautc t dOcs nol uncttOn as
a constativc uttcrancc, Du| rat0cr as a ptOpct noun, bc-
causc t uscs xngua_c in Ordcr tO givc a namc |n such
a way that thr namcd cannOt acccQt h s namc, z nd
a_a nst wh c hc cannOt dccnd h msc (as somcOnc
wcrc tO nstst On ca| | i ng mc LzstOnc knOw| n_ that my
namc ts LtOrgtO). hat s Ocnsvc in thc t nsu| s, i n
]D 0r lrrnd
othcr words, a purc cxpcricncc o| | anguagc and not a
rc|crcncc tO thc wOrdo
l | th s s truc, rcnd sharcs t: cOnd tOn oOt Oay
wtth tnsu| ts but d|so w|th gh| |osoph| ca| tcrms-tcrms
that@ as s wc| known, dO nOt QOstcss an Ob|cctve dc-
notati on, and, | | kc thosc tcrms that mcd|cva| |og| c|ans
dchnc as `transccndcnta| , s mpy s_n |y bc n_e
l n thc cO| |cct on O thc La| era nazOnac d ar
ant|ca n hOmc, | hcrc i s a pai nt | ng by L|Ovanni Sc-
rOd| nc that tcQrCcnts thc mcct ng O thc apOstcs c-
tcr and au| On thc tOad tO thc t martyrdOmo hc twO
sants, mmOb| c, OccuQy thc ccntct O thc canvas, sur-
roundcd by thc w d _cstCuatOns o| tbc so|d|cts and
cxccutOncr whO arc |cadi ng thcm IO thcr tormcnt .
Lrtcs haVc Otc0 rcmarkcd On thc cOntrast betwccn
thc hcrOC Ort tudc O thc twO aQotc and t hc t umu| t
o| thc crOwd hgh| _htcd hcrc and thcrc by droQs c
_ht sg|ashcd a| mOs| a| randOm On arms, |accs anJ
trumQcts. Ps tar as l am concctncd, I mai nta| n that
what rcndcrs th : Qa nt n_ _cnu ncy |ncomparabe s
that ocrOd nc has depcted thc twu apost|cs sO cOs0 IO
cach othcr |thc r Orchcads arc a| mOst stuck tOgcthcr)
that thcrc s no Vay that thcy can cc onc anothcr.
Cn thc road tO martyrdOmg thcy |OOk at cach Othc
|c Imd jI
without rcCO0 z n onc anotbct. Jhs mptcss|OD O a
ncatncss that s, sO tO sgcak, cxccssivc |s cDhancCd by
|hc s cn| _cs|utc O thc batcy vsb|C, shak n_ hdnds
at thc bottom o| thc pai nti ng. h s Qat ntt n_ has a|-
ways sccmcd I0 mc to bc a pctCCt a c_Ory O rLnd-
sh| p I ndccd, what i s ttcndsbip Othcr than a QrOx mty
that rcsists bOt h rLQrcscntaton and cOnccQtua zat On'
O tcCOgD|zc mmconc as a |ticnd mcans nOt bC 0g abC
tO tcco

nzc h|m as a sOmcth n

. La n
` rcnd s not tbc samc as La| ||D_ hi m "whitc, Ita|-
aD, or hot," si ncc rtcDdsh| Q . s Dc| thcr a QrOQcrty
nOr a Qu|| ty o a subjcCt.
ut t s nOw t mc to bcg| n rcadi ng thc passagc by
Ar|stotc that | was p|anni n ID commcnt on. 1hc ph
|osophcr dcdicatcs to thc subjcct O rcndsh Q a : rca-
t| sc, wh|ch compr|scs thc c|ghth and ni nth books o|
thc Promurhmn Lthrs. o| ncc wc arc dca| | n_ hcrc
w|th onc o| thc most cc|cbtatcd and wdc|y d sc0cd
tcxts n thc cnt rc h|stOry O Qh| OsOQhy, I sha as-
sumc yOut am atty w| th Is wc||-known thcscs. that
wc cannot | | vc w| thout |r| cnds, that wc Dccd to di sti n-
guish bctwccn a tcndsh| Q bascd On utty Or on Q|ca
surc aDd vi rtuous |t|cndshi p, whctc thc |ricnd is |ovcd
as suCh, that it |s not QOssb|c to havc maDy r|cnds}
)2 hr Iicnd
that a di stant tcndship tcnds to CRU to ob |Vong and
so on. hcsc gO nts arc common know|cdgc. Jbctc
s, t hougb, R pasagc n thc tfCRtl9 tbat sccms to mc
to havc tcccvcd | nsuhccnt attcnt|on, cvcn though |t
COnl0 nS, SO lO SgCRk, tbc onto|og|ca| bHs| S oI Ari sto-
Ucs thcory o |r|endship. I am tcrr ng to tt)oaz&
t t)b;. lcts rcad i t togcthct.
Hc whO cc cucs [asthancmt] that hc ccD_, hc whO
hcat cuc that hc hcar n_, hc who wak cDc that
hC wa k n_, md thu Or a thc Othcr 8CtVtcs thcc
somct hi ng tat cDc that Wc arc cxcrtD_ thcm [hat
cncrgaumcn] , n uch a way that wc cnc, wc cnc
tat wc atc cmD_, and Wc th Dk, wc cDc that arc
thDk u_. h thc amc thD_ a cnD_ cXtcncc cX
t n_ jta cn:u| mcaDs n aCt scnun_ and thDk n_.
bcns n_ that wc atc a vc n and O tc wcct, kr
c s by uatutc good, and t s sWcct tO cDc that uCh a
_OOd bcOu_ to u.
L V n_ dc|tabc, abOVc a|| O| thOc whO arc _O0d,
nCc Ot thcm cXtD_ a gOOd and wcct thD_.
Ot _OOd mcD, `Con-cm ng jqnusthunamca, cns-
D_ tO_cthct] cc wcct cCausc thcy tcCO_Dzc thc gOOd
tc, and What a _Ood maD CCs w t h tc

cCt tO h msc
hC aO cc W|h fcQcCl |O h tknd. thc tcDd , | n
aCt , an Othct c hcttras autas] . And a a cOgc bad
tC aCt O thct Own cx |cnCC jta uutan cnu| dc r-
abc, |hc cXtc0Cc O t hc t tCnda cgua| |y-or a mOt
Cgua ydc r1bc. X tcDCC dc8 taUc bcCausc O0c
Cnc that t a _Ood th n_, and th cDatOD
jaisthrsts] 8 n |tc wcct. Inc must t hctcOtc aO
bc rmd jj
COncnt thzt h ltcnd cxsts, znd th: hzQQcn by
Vng to_cth0f aDd by sharD
aCts znd thOught 0 COm-
mOn jkananrin] . n th s CMC WC szy thzt humzm Vc
to_cthcf [:gZn] , uD kC LattC thzt shz|c thc Qzturc tO-
_ChCt . . .
It|cndsb|p s, D aCt, a LomHun| ty, znd z wc ztc
wi tb tcspcct M out5CVCs, o wc arc, z wc, wth msQcCt
to U r|cnds. Dd as thc scnsat:On Ol cXst ng |dnIbr::
hati rstin) 8 0c rabC lOr us, sO wOud t z O bc ot ouf
Wc arc dca| i ng hcrc with an cxtraord| nari |y dcnsc
passagc, bccausc Af|stot |c cnuncatcs a cw thcscs o|
hrst phi |osophy that w| | | DOl ltCUI |n th| s |orm in any
o| h|s othct writ ngs.
- hcrc d scnsatOn Ol gufc bcD_, aD uuIbrtt o
cXtcnCc. PtstOtc tcQczt | h Q Dt sCVCra || mc
by mob2D_ thc tcChnCa VoCabuary o oDtOo_y:
d:Ibdn0mrlbu b0l r:mrn, ut:lbr:: b6I rJIn: thC b6l
r:In cIstcnCc~thc gu0d r: nsoa zs t Oggoc8
cscnCc |gud r:l, lI min).
2. s CDatoD o cxst| n_ t n tcl wcct |br1}:).
]. hcrc zn cQuVzcnCc bctwccn bCD_ aDd V D_,
bcOCcn scnsng Onc c8 5ltDCC znd CDD_ onc c.
l t s z dcCdcd zntCQztOn 0 thc CtZ8ChCaD tcss
that tztcs: cng~wc hzY'c Do otCr way o t ma_D-
| D_ |t zQztt lmm ` l V ng. ' [D aDao_ous, morc _c
br lricnd
ncrc, ca m can bc Ound tn Oe anma ql ybl |: `hc n_,
Or thc v ng, s c. )
q. th n th s scnsat On O cxst0_ thcrc ts anOthcr
scnsattOn, sgcc hca y a human Onc, that takcs thc
Orm O a ]Oi nt scnsatOn, Or a cOn-scnt qnasrhaoet-
har} wtth thc cx stcncc O thc rcnd. rcndshp ! lbr
n:lnncr a/ I0: con-rrnImrnl oylbr cstcnce o/ tbe
yrnd atha Ihc :cnImcuI ojcx:lcncr tscq but th s
mcans that |rcndsh Q has an ontOO_tca and gOt
ca stat us. hc scnsatOn O bc|n_ s, t n act, aways
a rcady bOth d vdcd and `cOn-d v|dcd jcan-duisa,
sharcd] , and rcndsh Q s thc uamc O th| s `cOn-
dvOn. s shar n_ has nOth n_ whatsOcvcr to
dO wth thc mOdcrn ch mcra o ntcrsubjcct v ty, thc
rcatOnshtQ bctwccn subjccts. Kathcr, bc n_ tsc| s
d vdcd hcrc, t s nOndcntca| tO tsc, and sO th l
and thc rtcnd arc thc twO laccs, Or thc twO QOcs, O
t h cOn-dtvtsOn Or shar n_.
y. hc rcnd is, thcrcOrc, an Othcr sc a hClrra: n-
tas. hrOugh ts Lat n transatOn, alter ga, th s
cxQrcssOn has had a On_ h| story, whch cannOt 0c
rccOnstruttcd hcrc. ut tt ts mQOrtant tO nOtc that
t hc Ltcck hrmuat|On s much mOrc Qrc_nant wth
mcan n_ than what undcrstOOd by thc mOdcrn car.
rs| and OrcmOst, Grcck, kc lat n, has wO tcrms
Or atcrty: aho: ( at. :tlia:) s gcncrc a tcr ty, whc
brIr6J (at. alrcr} s atcrtty n thc scnsc O an OQgOs|-
|On Otwccn t wO, a t n hctcro_cncty. NOrcOvcr, thc
lztt n
6 s nO| an cXact trans| at On O nuIo:, wh|ch
mcans `sc . hc rcnd | s nOt an Othcr , but an
Othcrncss mmancnt L sc ncts, a bccOm ng othcr O
0e rmd
thc cl. hc QOnt zt whCh Qcrccvc my cxstcncc
as wcct, my cnztOn gOc thrOugh z con-scntng
whi ch d OCatc znd dcQOrt. my cnszton toward thc
Ir|cnd, toward thc othcr sc| | Fri cndshi p i s t his dcsub-
jcct| hcat|on at thc vcry hcar| o tbc most t nt matc
scnsaton o thc sc.
At thi s poi nt wc can takc tbc onto|og|ca| status O
|tcndsh p n rstOt|cs gh oso
hy as a givcn. Iticnd-
sb|p bc|ongs to Qrol bilesbie, si ncc thc samc CX-
pct|cncc, tbc mc `scnsatOn o bi n

, s what is
at stakc in boh. Cnc tbcrc|orc comprchcnds why
"|ricnd" cannot bc a tca| ptcdcatc addcd tO a cOnccpt
n Ordcr tO bc admittcd to a ccrtain c|ass. Ls| ng mod-
crn tcrms, onc cou|d say that |r|cnd" |s an cx|stcnt|a|
and not a catcgot|a| . but ths cxstcnt a|-whch, as
such, canno bc conccptua||zcd-|s st| | | n
uscd w th
an ntcnsit
that chargcs it wi th sOmcthi ng kc z gO-
| tca| Qotcnta ty. hs i ntcnsity is tbc sjt, tbc con-"
Or "with," that dtvtdcs, dtsscmt natcs, and rcndcn sbat-
ab|c ,actua |
, it has a| ways bccn sharcd) thc samc scn-
sation, thc samc swccmcss o| cxisti n.
Jbat tb|s shar|ng or cOn-dvsOn has, Or Prstot|c,
a po||t|ca| s|gn| hcancc |s |mp| |cd |n a passagc | n thc
tcxt that I havc a rcady anayzo and to whch t is op-
Qortunc to tctum.
1hc Icd
Lnc mUxt thCRotC aSO `cOn-cnt thzt h |tcnd Cx5tS,
and th8 hagQC0 by tV|ng tOgcthrt jt
zn] znd by at
D_ HLb and thou_ht tn cOmmOn jkanancn| . n thb
scnsc, C say t|at huMHnS | vc tOgcthct, un kc LB

tC thal
shatc thC pas

urc togcthct.
Jbc cxprcssion that wc havc rcndcrcd as "shatc :bc
pastutc togcthct i s C ta uutot ncmcstha. ut thc
vcrb ncma~whi ch, as you know, is ticb w|tb po| it ica|
| mp| ications |t . s cnougb to tbi nk o| tbc dcvctbativc
nama:)-a|so mcans in thc m|dd|c voicc partaki og,"
and so thc Atistotc| i an cxprcssioa cou|d si mp|y stznd
|ot "partaki ng ia tbc samc." I t i s csscnti a| at any txtc
tbat tbc human communi ty comcs fO bc dchncd hctc,
|n conttast to thc ani ma| communi ty, tbtough a | . vi ng
tocthct syzm zcqui rcs hcrc a tcchnica| mcan|ng) that
|s not dchncd by thc partic|pation in a common sab-
stancc, but tathcr by a shati ng that |s purc|y cxistcn-
ti a| , a con-division tbat, so to spcak, |acks an obj cct.
|ticndship, as thc con-scnti mcnt o thc purc |act ot bc-
i ng. Iticnds do not sharc somcthing bi rtb, |aw, placc,
tastc) . tbcy atc :harcd by thc cxpricncc ol lticndship.
It|cndshi p i s thc con-division that ptcccdcs cvcry di-
v|s|on, si ncc what has to bc sbatcd |s t hc vcty |act o|
cx|stcncc, | i |c itsc| | And it i s tb|s sbari ng witbout an
obcct, thi s origina| con-scnti ng, that constitutcs thc
hc lrmd }
How t hi s o:igi naty po| i ti ca| "synacst hcsia bccamc
ovcr tmc thc conscnsus to which dcmocracics today
cnttust tbct |atc n tbs |ast, cxttcmc, and cxbaustcd
phasc o| thcir cvo|ution, is, as thcy say, anothcr .tory,
whch l cavc
ou to rchcct on.
at ls thc Contcm
1 .
1bc qucst ion tbat l wou| d | ikc t o i nsctibc on
tbc t hrcsbo|d o| bis scmi nar is. "C| wbom and o|
what arc wc contcmporarics! ^nd, hrst and |otc-
most, Vbat docs it mcan to bc contcmporary! I n
tbc coutsc o| t his scmi nat, wc sba| | bavc ocasion to
rcad tcxts wbosc autbors arc many ccntur|cs rcmovcd
Irom us, as wc| | as Ohcrs |ha| zrc morc rcCcn|, or cvcn
vcry rcccnt. At a| | cvcnts, i t is csscntia| that wc man-
c to bc in somc way contcmgorarcs o thcsc tcxts.
Jhc t mc o| our scm nar s contcm
orar ncss, and
as sucb | t dcmands j csigc| to bc contcmporaty witb tbc
tcxts and tbc authors it cxam| ocs. Jo a gtcat dcgtcc,
tbc succcss o| tb|s scm| nar may bc cva| uatcd by |ts-
by ourCaQaC||y to mcasurC uQ |O |hs cx_cnCy.
An i niti a| , provisiona| i ndication that may ot.
CDt Our scarC0 Or an answcr tU thc aDOvc qucst|Ons
40 wt : t|c l0nr~QomQ!
comcs rOm Pctzschc. hO and atthcs summa-
rizcs thi s answcr i n a nOtc tOm h s cctutcs at thc
LOcgc dc Itancc. "Thc COntcmgOrary s thc un-
t mcy. l n t8)q, Iticdtich Nictzschc, a young gh oO-
gi st who had workcd op to that QO nt On Gtcck tctts
and had ~o ycrs car| icr achicvcd an uncxpcctcd cc-
|cbr|ty w|th Ibc 8irtb e] Iragcd, puD shcd thc Ua-
zctt_emmc bctruchIuu_ru, thc LnImrQ rdII:0r, a
work in which hc ttics to CODc I0 tctms w th hs t| mc
and takc a pos|ton wtth rcgards lO thc Qrcscnt. `hs
mcdtatOn s tsc unt i mc|y," wc tcad at thc bcgi n-
ni ng oI thc sccond mcdtaton, bccausc |t sccks I0 Un-
dctstand as an ncss, a di saDi ty, and a dc|cct somc-
th| ng wh|ch |h|s cpoch |s Qu |c t_h|y ptoud o| that
i s to sy, ts hstorCa cu turc, bccausc I bc icvc that wc
atc a consumcd by thc |cvct o| hstOty and wc shOud
at cast tca zc tt. Io othct wotds, Nctzschc situatcs
hi s Own C a m ot `tccvancc jImlm], b|s "contcm-
porart ncss w|th rcsgcct to the pmscnt, in a d|sconncc-
tion and out-o|-oi ntncss. Jhosc who arc truy contcm-
porary, who truly bc|ong to |hc t t mc, atc thOsc Vho
ncthcr pctccty CO nCdc w th t nOr ad] ust thcmscvcs
|O ts dcmands. 1hcy arc thus in t his scnsc ttccvznt
inottuole| . but prcci scy bccausc ol th|s cond tion,
QtcCi sc|y thtou_h th s discOnnccuOn and thi s 3nachro-
n|sm, t hcy zrc morc capaDc thzn othcrs o| pcrccivi ng
and gtaspi ng thci t own timc.
whet l: thc Cantm

Natura| |y, thi s nonco| nc|dcncc, th|s dys-chrony,
docs uOt mcaD that thc COutcmQOtaty |s a pcrson who
| ivcs in anothct ti mc, a nosta|gic who |cc|s morc at
homc n thc Athcns o| |cric|cs or in t hc |aris o|
Kobcspcttc and thc matqus dc Sadc tban n tbc cty
and thc tmc |n whch hc vcs. Pn ntc _cnt D3D
can dcspisc h|s ti mc, wh||c knowi ng that hc ncvcrthc-
|css | rrcvocably bc|On_s to t, that hc cannOt csc1gc h s
own t| mc.
Contcmporari ncs i s, thcn, d si ngu| at rc|ationshi p
wi t h onc`s Own t mc, whch adhcrcs tO t and, at t hc
samC tc, kccps a distancc Itom t. Motc ptccsc|y, t
s tbat rrmt0n:bp utb tmr tbt udbrrr: t0 t tbr0ugb
a diun:tien end an anacbronitm. Jhosc who coi nc|dc
too wc| | w|tb thc cpocb, tbosc who atc pct|cct|y t|cd
to |t u cvcry |csQcCt, arc uOt COntcmporar|cs, QrcC|sc|y
bccausc thCy do not mana_c to scc it, thcy atc not ab|c
to hrm|y ho|d thc| r gazc on | t.
l n tyz], Cs. Q audc|stam wr| tcs QOcm cnt|t |cd
Jhc |cntury [thou_h thc Russi an word tck a| so
mcans "cpoch" ot "agc"). It dos not contai n a tcdcc-
t|on on tbc ccntuty, but ratbct a tcdcct|on on thc rc|a-
toD bctwccn thc poct and hs tmc, that s tO say, oD
COntcmpOrarnc. Not "thc ccntuty," but, zCcord n_
q2 what Is thc Canumparuq
to thc wotds tbat oQcn thc hrst vctsc, "my ccntury or
"my a@C (eek msr):
My Ccntufy, my bcstg whO w mzn@c
tO OOk i nsidc yuul cyc
and wcd tOgcthcr wth h s own b0Od
rhc vcrtcbrzc O L ccnt uric!
Jhc poct, who must pay |ot h contcmpotat| ncss
wth hs ||c, | s hc who must hrm|y |ock hi s gazc onto
thc cycs o| h|s ccntury-bcast, who must wc|d w|th h| s
own b|ood thc shattcrcd backbonc o| t| mc. 1hc two
ccntutics, thc two t mCs, atC not on|y, a8 a bcCn sug-
gcstcd, t hC n nctccnth and twcnt|ctb, but a|so, morL
to thc po nt, thc |cngth o| si n@|C i ndividua| `s |c (rc-
mcmbcr that :urculum or|g| na||y mcans thc pct|od o|
a pctson`s | i |c) aad thc co||cct|vc hi storica| pcriod that
wc ca|| |n tb|s casc thc twcnticth ccntury. P wc sha||
|carn i n tbc |ast stroQhc O| thc
ocm@ thc backbonc o|
this a@C i s shat tcrcd. Jhc poct, i nso|ar as hc i s con-
tcmQOrary, : |hs |rac| urc, u at oacc that wh|ch m-
pcdcs ti mc |rom composi ng itsc|I and thc b|ood that
must suturc this btcak ot tb|s woand. Jhc pata |c|-
i sm bctwccn thc t i mc and thc vCttCbrac o| thc Clc3-
turc, on tbc onc hand, and thc t mc and thc vcttcbtac
o| thc agc, OH th othcr, COnSt tulcs onc o| thc csscnt|a|
thcmcs o| thc pocm.
O on_ 5 t hc crcaturc | vcs
t must carry Orth ts vcrt cbrac,
B thc wavcs Qay aong
wth an nvsbc sQnc.
WbJl s lbr Cantcmpamq
ltkc R cht ds tcndcr ctt agc
s thc ccntury o thc ncwborn canh.
hc othct gtcat t hcmc~and thi s, | i kc thc grecCd
i ng onc, is aO an magc o| coatcmpotat| ncss-is that
o| thc shattcnn, 2S wc| | as o| thc wc| d|ng, oI thc agc`s
vcttcbtac, both o| which arc thc work o| a si ng|c i nd|
v|dua| (| n tb|s casc tbc pOct).
`lo wrcst thc ccntury away rom bndagc
so as to start thc word ancw
onc must tc togcthct wth a datc
thc knccs o a thc knottcd days.
Jhat ths s an mpossib|c taskot at any ratc a gar-
doica| oncs ptovcn by tbc Io| |ow| ng sttOQhc wi th
which thc gom conc|udcs. Mot on|y docs thc cpoch-
bcast havc btokcn vcrtcDrac, Dt eek, thc ncwbotn agc,
wants tO tUt atotr nd an i mpossib|c gchturc |or pct-
son wth a bmkcn backbonc) in Ordcr tO cOntcmgatc
its own ttacks and, |n this way, to disp|ay |ts dcmcntcd
but yOur Dkbnc h bccn hzttcrcd
O my wondroug wrctChcd CcDtuty.
th a cncc8 mc
| i kc Dct |hat w OnCc mDcr
yOu |OOk k, wck and Ctuc|
tO COntcmQlatc your own trzCk.

4 Wb0l : lbr Contnporaq

Jhc poct~thc contcmporary-must htm|y ho|d hi s
gazc on his own t i mc. ut what docs hc wbo sccs hi s
i mc actua y scc: Wbat i s thi s dcmcntcd gti n on thc
|acc o| his agc! I Wou|d | | kc at t his poi nt to proposc a
scCOnd dchnition o| contcmpotatincss. Jhc contcmpo-
raty |s hc who hm|y ho|ds his gazc on h s own t | mc
:o as to pctccivc not ts | i ght, but tathct its datkncss.
A|| cras, |or thosc who cpcricncc contcmpotati ncss,
1tc obscurc. Jhc contcmpotaty i s ptcc|sc|y thc pctmn
who knows how to scc thi s obscutity, who i s ab|c I0
wr tc by dippi ng h|s pcn |n tbc obscuri ty O thc prcs-
cnt. but what does it mcan, "to scc an obscutty," ":o
pctccvc thc datkncss"!
Jhc ncutophysio|ogy o| vi sion suggcsts an i ni-
ti a| answcr. What happcns whcn wc hnd outsc|vcs i n
a p|acc dcgriVCd o | ght, ot whcn wc c|osc our cycs
What is thc datkncss that wc scc thcn| Mcutophysio|-
ogsts tc| | us that thc abscncc oI ght act ivatcs sctcs
o| pcriphcta| cc||s in thc tcti na ca| |cd `O-ccs. Whcn
aCtVatcd, thcsc Lc s prLducC t hc parti cu| at k nd o| v|-
sion that wc ca|| datkncss. arkncss s nOt, thctc|otc, a
pt|vat ivc notion thc si mp|c abscncc o| |ghty ot somc-
t hi ng | i kc nonvision) but tathct thc tcsu|t oI tbc aCuV-
t y o| thc "o||-cc| |s, 2 product oI out own tcti na. Jhi s
mcans, i | wc now tctulD tO our thcsis on thc darkncss
wht Is thc Cantcmpamq

o| contcmQotati ncss_ that to gcrccvc thi s darkncss is
not |orm o| i ncrti a ot o| passvty, Out r3thct mQ ics
an activity and a D_u ar aOi | ity. lD our Cac, lb ai
ity amounts to a ncutta iztoa o thc ights t hat cOmc
rOm thc cgoch in otdcr tO d sOVCt ts OOsCurty, t8
sgcc a| darkocss, which is Dot@ hOwcvcr, scgarabc |rom
thosc | |ghts.
Jhc Oncs whO can ca thcmsc|vcs cOntcmgorzry arc
ony thosc who do not a| |ow tacmsc|vcs to bc D ndcd
by thC | |ghts o| thc ccntury, and so maD_c |o _cl a
g i mQse o| thc shadows i n tbo:c | i ghts, O thc r nt -
matc obscurity. Havi ng said thi s much, wc havc ncv-
ctthc|css sti | | not addrcsscd out qucst |on. Why shou|d
wc bc at a | |ntcrcstcd in QcrCciv| D_ thc obCur|ty that
cmanatcs rom lhc cQoch! Is datkDcss not gtcc|sc|y aD
anonymou cx
cricncc that s by dchni ton mpcnctta
b|c, somcthi ng that t not di retcd at us aDd Ihu CaD-
not COnccrn 0s' On thc coDttdty@ thc cOntcmgorary i s
thc QcrsOn who gCrccvCs IhC darkDc o| hi s t i mc as
somcth D_ that COnCctns h m, b somcthi n
thzt ncvcr
ccascs to cng+gc h m Oarkncs is somcth Dg that-
morc than aay |_hltutn di tccty and sngu| aty to-
ward h| m. hc contcm
orary s tbe onc whosc cycs
arc struck by thc bcam o| datkncss that comcs |tom
h own ti mc.
q whar It rhc Cntcparaqr

l n thc hrmamcD| that wc ObscrYc a| n|_htg thc st1rs
shtnc Dftghty surrOundcd by a th| Ck darkncss. o ncc
|hc numbct O gaax|cs and | um nous bOdcs n thc
unVcrsc s a mOst | nDntc, thc darkncss that wc scc n
tbc sky s Omcth| n_ |ha|, aCCOtd n_ tO 5LCnt|sts, dc-
mands an cxQanat On. lt |s QrcC|sc|y thc cxp|anat|on
that COntcmQOrary astrOQhysCs |vcs Or ths darkncss
that l wOud DOV kc tO dCuss. In an cxQand| ng 0n-
vcrsc, thc mOst rcmOtc _a|axcs movc away rOm us at
x spced O grca| Iba| tbc| t | _ht s ncvcr abc |O fcaCh
us. hat wc gcrcc|vc as |hc datkMcss O thc hcaVcns
|s tb|s _h| th3t, though |favc | n_ tOward us, CanDot
rCaLh L b s| ncc thc _| axCs rOm whCh thc | |ght orig|-
natcs mOvc away rOm us at a vcOty _rcatcr than thc
sQccd O | ght.
O Qcrccvc, n thc darkncss o| thc Qrcscnt, th| s ||_ht
tha| sttvcs tO rc3Cb us but CaDDOtthS s wha| |
mcans tO bc cOntcmQOrary. As such, cOntcmQOrartrs
arc rarc. Pnd Or I h s tcaSOD, |O br cOntcmQOrary :,
hrst and OrcmOst, a Qucst|On O L0uta_cg bcCausc |
mcans Dc ng abc nO| On| y tO hrmy hx yOur _azc On
thc darkncss O |hc cpOChg but a|so IO QcrCc|vc n ths
dfkncs5 3 |ght | hat, wh c d rcctcd tOward us, | nh-
D||cy dstaDCcs |c rOm us. n othcr wOrds, | s kc
Dcn_ On t| c |or an aQQO| n|mcm that Onc CannOt but
w|ei Is :|e Canumparaq
h s s thc rcasOn why thc grcscnt that cOntcmQO-
rar| ncss Qcrccvcs has DtOkcn vcrtcbrac. Lur t mc, thc
Qrcscnt, s |n |act nOt On|y thc mOst dstant. | t CaDDOt
In any way rcach us. lts backbonc s brOkcn and wc
hnd Ourscvcv |n thc cxact QOnt O th s taC|utc. h
s why wc arc, dcsQtc cvcrythn_, cOntcmgOrar.cs.
t s mQOrtaut tO rca| zc that |hc aQQOntmcnt :ha|
s n QucstOn n cOntcmQOrarncss dOcs HOl s| mQy
takc Qacc n chrOnOO_ca t mc. t s sOmcth| ng that,
wOtkn_ wt n chrOnO|O_|ca| t | mc, ur_cs, Qrcsscs, aDd
transOrms t. Pnd t hs urgcncy |s thc unt mc ncV,
thc anachrOn| sm that Qcrmts us tO _tasQ Our ||mc n
thc Orm O a `toO soOn that asO a `tOO atc, O an
`atcady that s asO a `DOt yct. NOrcOvct, t al |ows
us tO rccO_nzc n thc Obscurty O thc Qrcscnt |hc | |_ht
that, w|thOul cvcr Dcn_ aDc tO rcach us, s Qcrctua y
vOya_n_ tOvard us.
P _OOd cxzmQc O t hs sgcca| cxQcrcncc O t mc
that wc ca cOmcmQOrar ncss s ashOn. ashon can
bc dchncd a thc n|tOductO0 ntO t mc O a QcCu at
dscOnt nuty that dv|dcs t accOrd n_ tO ts rc|cvancc
Ot ttccvancc, | t bcng-| n-ash|On Or nO-OD_cr-Dc n_-
n-ash| On. Jh| s cacsura, as subt| c as t may bc. |s rc-
markabc | n |hc scnsc that thcsc whO nccd tO makc
qb khat : tbc Cntcparaq
notc oI |t do so |nla |by, and n so dong thcy at-
tcst tO thc r own bcn_ n zshOn. ut | wc try tC Cb-
j ecti |y and hx ths cacsur1 wth n Chro0OO_|Ca | mc,
t rCvcas |t | as un_fagabc. n thC |s| Q aCc, |hc
`now o |ah| oD, thc n8|ant n whCh t COmcs ntO
Ocn_, v no| dcn| haDc vz any k Dd O thrOnOmctc|.
8 th `now Qc|haQs t hc momcnt n Whch t hc |ash-
oD dc8_nCr concctvcs o t hc _cncrz concc
t , t hc nu-
anCc thzt w dChnC thc nc sty|c O thc clothcs' Lr t
t t hc omCnt whCn hc |atb|on dcstgncr convcys thc
conCcQt ID h t asststants, a0d thcn |O t hc tz Ot Who
w scw thc grototyg! Lr, rzthcr, s t thc momcnt
o| thc zshtOn show, whCn rhc cOthCs C wO|n by t hc
on y gCOgC whO a|c zwayt and Ony n |ah| oD, thc
mdunrqutm, Or mOc s, thOsc who nonct hc|css , Qtc-
c8cy lO| th s rcavoD, a|c ncvc| ttuy n l1sh On' bc-
czuc tn th|s |avt nstanCc, |hc Dcng D lzsbtOn oI |hc
tyC w dcgnd on t hc |act tha thc gcogc ot hCvh
and bCCd, rathcr tban thc munrqutm (thosc sacr h-
c| a vict ms O z Iacccss gOd), w rcco_nt zc t as such
and choOsc that s tyc h:r thcir own wardrobc.
hc t mc o |ashon, thcrcorc, const t uttvcy znt | C-
gatct tsc and conscqucnty zC aw1ys |oO | a|c. lt
a|way8 takc t hc o|m oI an un_tag1C thrcshOd C-
twcCn d `DOt yct und z nO 0DR. lt 8 gutC QrOD-
aDc |hzt, as !hc thcOOgans su_gc1t, t D CoDtc| a-
t|on dcQcnd8 on thC |ac| that ashOn, at cat | n our
ba: 1 b: C0rrmpmuQ`

CutufC, 3 thco|ogca| si_3|Ufc o cOt h ng, whCh
Ucr|Vcs tCm thc Dr8t QtCcc O cOtn_ that scwn
Uy dam aDd LVc ztcr thc Ln_|na bi n, tn thc |orm
o| o ncoth Wovcn rOm h
cavcs. [O bc Qrcc sc,
thc c|othcs that wC wCzr dcVc@ nOt tt0m th|s vc_c-
tz |O| ncOth, but trom thC nntcac pcceuc, thc Clothc
madc lrom an mas skn that LOd, zCCOrd n_ t0 Lcn-
c!8 ]. 2I , gaVc to our Qm_CD tC|s a a tzng| Dc ymDO
O s n and dCtD | n thC momCn| Dc CxQC Cd lcm tOm
arad|sc.I n ahy Czsc, whtcVcr thc fCl8OD may Uc, tc
DOw, thc karo: o| lash|on s un_rasgabC: |hc Q|a8C,
"| am |D t| S u8laDt D 1shOn s COttaCClCfy, bC-
C1usc thc mOmCnt n WhCD thc subjem QrOnounCcs | t,
bc | s a rczdy out oI zsh on. So, bc n_ n tshn, kc
Omr| nc, cnta s B ccrtat n `casc, a ccrtatn
guz ty C bc| n

out-O-Qhasc or Out-O-datC, a whch
oncs rccVanCc nC|udC w| th n tsc a 8mz Qan ot
what | cs Ouudc o| t8clL d shzdc oI dod, O| Dc-
ing out ot atbtOn. lt tn |h8 scntC that tt Wa ta|U o|
aD Cc_anl aJy n DDctCChth-CCDtu|y zr. s, LC Ct
COntcmQOta nc Cc tOut c mOndc, `bc s cvcrybody'
but t hc |CQOfa Iy o| msDOn ha znOthcr CharaCtcr
tbat |c|atcs t lD cOntcm
orar ncss. lo| ow n_ thc bC
_cturc Dy wbCh tc grcscnt dvdcs t|mc accord| n
a no morc and a `no yct, t as cstab tshcs a Qctt
| a| nzti onshQ wtth thc8c ot hcr t mcsccrtz ny
w0at tbr Canmpara

w1th thc gat, and gcthags alO Wth |hc uturc. lash-
On Cau thctcOtc CtC, and :n th:s Way maKc tc|c-
vam a
aIu, auy mOmcnt tOm thc QasI thc tgDs, thc
Iy)Os, but alsO thc ncOcla:ca| Ot cmgItc stylc). lt Can
thctClOtc tic tO
cthct that wh:Ch :t has ncxOtaby d1
V:dcdtcCall, tc-cVOkc, aud tcVtal|zc that whCh :t
had dcc|atcd dcaO
hctc :s alO anOthct asgcCt tO th:s QcC|z| tc| t:On-
sh:Q W:th thc Qat.
LOuIcmQOtatInc nsct:bcs :tscl In thc Qrccm Oy
t aboVc al z atchatc \nly hc WhO QctCcVcs
thc :nd:ccs anO si
uatutcs O thc a:cha:c tn thc mOst
modcrn and rcccm Cau bc COntcmQO:a:y. AtchaIC
mcan8 clOsc tO thc urkh Ihat is tO say, thc Or:_:n uI
|hc OtI
n |s nOt Ony s:tuatcd in a ChrOnOO
ICa Qast:
|I s COntcmQOrary W1|h h:stOrtCal bcCOmug and dOc
nOt Ccasc tO Opcta|c W:th:n :t, ust as thc cmbtyO Con-
tInucs Io bc actvc In thc |Isuc Ol thO matutc Ot
_an:m and thc Chld :n thc Qych:c :c Ol thc aOult.
Oth th:s dIstancIn
and ncarncss, WhCh dchnc COn-
tcmQOratncss havc thcIt OundatIOn In |h QtOx:m-
ity tO thc Or_| n tat nowhCrc Qulscs W1th mOtc OtCc
thau n thc Qtcscm. hOcvct has sccn thc skysCraQcts
O cW IOtk lOt thc h:st tmc attv:n_ tOm IDc OCcan
w0at L thc Cuntcmpotary
at dawn has Immcdiatcly gctCcIvcd this a:ChaIC _ctc:
O thc grcscnt, th: COntIguOusncss w:th thc ru:n |hal
tc atcmQora! |magcs O ocQtcmOcr IIlD haVc madc cv-
|dcnt tO a.
stOtans O ltcratutc and O att knOW tat tcrc s
a scCtct aDnIty bctwccn thc atChaIC and thc mOdctn,
nOt sO muCh bccausc thc atCaIC lJtms sccm tJ cxct-
CIsc a QartICular Charm On tc Qrccnt, but rzthcr Oc-
Causc thc kcy tO thc mOdctn Iddcn |n lc mmc-
mOta aDd tc ptch|stOtIC hus, thc aDCcnt WOtd n
Its dcCInc tDrDs tO tc QrImOtdIl sO as to tcdIsCOVct
Itscl c aVaDt_atdc, WICh has lOst Itscl OVct tImc,
alsO gutsucs thc gtmItIvc and tc atchaC. lt Is In tDis
scnsc that onc can say that thc cntry gOnt tO thc gtcs-
cnt ncCcssarIly |akcs thc OrD O an arCcOOgy an ar-
ChcOlOgy that dOc DOt, hOWcVcr, tc_tcs tO a hItOtCa
Qat, but rctutns |O |Dt Qatt Wt:n tc Qrcscnt tat
Wc atc absOlutcly nCaQabc Ol IVin_. hat tcmaIns
UnlIVcd tDcrcOtc Is nccssantly suCkcd baCk tOwatd tDc
otigin, wthout cVct cin_ zbc to rcaCh it. Jhc rc8cnt
s nothIn_ OthCr than ths unVcd ccmcnt In cVcty-
tng that s Vcd. at WhIC |mpcdcs aCCcs tO thc
prcscnt s QtcCscy thc mass O What Dt Omc tcaOD
|t ttaumatC ChataCtct, t cxCcss|Vc ncatnc8s} Wc aVc
nOt mana_cd tO lVc. hc zttcntIOn tO thIs unlivcd
Is thc |c o| thc cOntCmgotaty. And tO bc ontcmgo
)2 what D rhe Centepomq
taty mC1D8 n th SD8c tO tCtutn tO a pt0scDt whcrc
wc havc ncVct Dcn.

hosc Who h1VC trCd to th nk abCut Om0mgfaf-
| Dcb DaVc Ucn aUc fO dO 8o ouy Uy sg |t| ng |t ug
Dto scVct1 t mC8, by uttoduCln_ Dto t mc an Csscn-
t z dsomO_CDCi ty. hOc who say
mj tmc aCtua y
dVdc t| mClhCy | DsC| bC ntO | z Cac8ufz znd J d i-
CUn!nuty. 0t Qrccscy by mcans o ths cacsdta, t h
ntctgoaton ol thc gtCsCDt ntO t hc | ncrt homogcnc. ty
oI ncar t mC, thc comcmgorary guts L work a sgca
rc a| ODh g btwccn thC dllcrcDt | mcs. l , as wc havc
sccn, it |s thc contcm

Who hzs DrOk0n t hC VcttC-
brac O |1 |s | | mc [Ot, at zny tatc, Who hz8 Qcrcci vcd n t
a |a0 | | DC Ot a brczk| ng gO nt), t hcn hc ao mMc8 ot
t h8 taCt utc d mcC| | D_ gaCC, ot z D CncOdntcl DctWcD
t mcs aud _CnC|atOn. Dctc | s Olh Dg motc cXCm-
gaty, n t | s CO8C, thaD zu| s _cs|u|c a| thc gO| n|
tn whtch hc cXgC|cnCc and HMLULCb to hi s btoth-
Ct8 |hc CoDtcmgotar Dcs g1t CxCcCnCc that s mcss-
anc t mc, tc bc| n

-Contcmgory w|h thc mcssah,

whch hc Cz s QtcC| scy thc `t mc Ol thC DOw (ho njn
kairo). Io| ony s th t| mc ChtODo|o_caly ndCtCf-
m natc [t hc ]arousm, thc tctum O Lhrt rt thzt 8_na|8
thC CDd CCHa|D aDd nC1t, lhOugh DOt zt a CaCu1OC
what lt thr Contm

QOBt), Dut |t x|so h2s thC $n_u at Ca

aC |y O| guH| ng
cvcty t nstant ot thC Q1St u d| rCCt rczttonsh p |th t-
sc | o zk| n_ cvcty momcnt Or CpisodC o| bb La
| stOQ a pmghccy Dl a Q|cD_u|a|Ou ( Iaa| Qrc|c8 thc
tcrm Qyor, R
ote o thc Qmscnt (thus dam, trou_
wDOm humauty rcccvOd dczth and s n, s a tygC Ot
h_urC oI t hc mcss ah, who br n_s abOut :eJemp:ioo
and |lc tO mcu}.
h|s C thzt thc comcm
t s uot Ony thc
ouC vho, gcrCC|Vn_ thc darkncss ot |hC pDscnt, _|a!Q
a | g| l zt Can oever tcaCh t8 dc8t ny, hC |s x|so thC
OnC wO, dl V| U| ng znd ntctQo|at|n_ t mc, 8 CzQ1-
UC O ttaDs|O|m| D_ |l and Qutt| n_ |t |n tc ztOH wth
Otct t | mCs. Mc s U|C IO rcad hlOty i n UDh|C5C0n
wys, to `CtC | zCcOrd u_ tD uCCCs||y that dOs DOl
al8 n any wa
trom hs w, but |rom zn cx_cncy
tO wC c CaBDOl not rcsgOnd. t I th8 uV|8-
| bC |_ht tat thc datkncss o thc grCsCn| ca:t t
shadow on tc Qast, 5O that tc gatt, touchcd by th
shadow, zCgu tcd thc aD| | ty to tcsQond to thC dzrk-
ncss o| |C DOw. lt .s omCl| ng z On_ |C | Dc tzt
Nchc rOuczu| t gmbab|y had | u m DC wCn hC wtOtc
that h s stO|ca| | nVCt |gat Ons o thC Qas| a rc ODl y
thc hadOw C15| by h| s thCOrctCa | nC|tO_lt| OD O thC
QlCCHt. om|a|ly, atc| bcnj 1m n wrtCs t ht t hc
h| 8lOtCl ndC7 coatziacd |n thc _e8 o| tbc Qa5t |n-
d| Cztcs that thcc mz_cs ma
zCh cw | C_ b ty oD|y
whar D the Centcpra
|n 3 dctcrmncd HODC0I O thc| r h| stOty. lt t: on Our
zb | |ty to rctQond to thi cxtgcncy and to tht shzdow,
|O bc contcmpOrartcs not Ony oI Our ccntury and thc
`nOw,` bu| aO O ts D_urc tn thc tcxts znd docu-
mcnts o| thc past, that thc WLLCb or aurc oI LU
scm| nar dcgcnds.
WbdI : dN H]]drdm'
. ransaIot8 MUC. Wc oow crc thc Common Lng||sh
t f8ni 8t On u luuCutv t0f0 qsrq zgparam. ln cv-
mc, tHc lnnCh word CM dcs|gaatc zny sort o| dcvicc.
Agamma gO| nts Out tzt tc KHUN mODc |mm Kha's In
th !a! Cok- |S cal|cd M arat
2. MichC Ioucaul t, furr/naukd_r: rkrrr ntrrvru:
ad Otb~ Wrttag, l/2~I, cJ. L. LCfduD hcw York.
antcon ook, I y8O) , I yq-y.
y. ]eaa ygp lc, nmdnen to Hgl Pbdb o] MI:-
toq, traos. . Harris znd |. b. 5pm|eck (Lncsvi||c. Lovcr-
s ty n8t o| |orida, iy6) , .
q. lDd e y 2).
y. Nart| n Hcid_ct, aic wtn_) m. O. F Kc| | ( Ncw
Yor|. Hatpct Lo| ns, :)]), yz,.
. Tms|ots' notc. Scc Iorc d om Pb. Iabtquc,
LL) , by thc ltcnch co| | ot|vc Jqqat . 1hc a uson |s to
luuU |uOm, thc m D ChJfaCtcf n |amcs |oycc`s 0(sss.
)0 6lr:
hc rcnd
. Li ogcncs >ctt us, fhe Luc s/ Eimt Pb:|sob:rs.
vo' . d3. K. l. I| cks (Cambrdgc, Ms.. H On
vc q ltc, t /z) , q6.
/- ]8CgucS Lrrda, Iolirirt s[Pnb/, . L. Lo| I i ns
|Lndan. cl8u, ty)) .
|. I|mrica cuschc, 7bc W l6 0wc, |tMt. V KauI-
mann and K. ] . lo 0_dac (Mcw York. Ytntz_c books,
i 68l , ] l 1, y&z.
Wbdr s rhc CamcmQoruQr
- lrcdrCh Mienchc, "Oo thc Uscs aod Puc o
|oq to llc, " n Cotimeq M:a|mtiom Hb. K. |. MO| ngdc
Lbrtd_c: LMbrtd_c Unvcttq Ftcs, tyy| , O.
P L K | | | P
LmDn_ Zc:tbctic
ol c_cf, rcbn/cs a mr, . LI30rrnlnlI0n
bcroatq ol cgcf, Ann

busan crnstc n, Hoasa_ Po9lm: WrIn_ und
7rchIcclurr n L0clm, 0aqo, Fem and Hcidrer
hartln Hgg|unJ, kamcal A0nsm: rnd and rhe mr
J /P
LOrnca Nsmznn, lilc: Lau aad meda !chnam

nnc-Lc ltaoos, Oe Sc-eis: hr LINrdlurr s/
Lnr0un|rd Lcrec
|cznLC PaD, bc Ltrarx g b: Sycepe

LzrOl |acobs, Sk:-t|og the Lthicm: 5qhads, Imro,
Mmunn, SHm, Camyen
LOrncus LastOrad, !:g-es o[ the 7nkable
]acqae Ocrrda, Iqdc wnl0m oJ tbe Otm,
voumcs, cdtcd by Pcy Kamol xnd E|izbeth

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