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1 pict 1st shift comp

2nd shift comp

2 vit comp 1st and 2nd shift
3 vit it
4 pict it
5 mit comp
6 mit it
7 sighgad comp 1st 2nd shift
8 sighgad it
9 skn comp
10 viit comp 1st 2nd shift it
11 avasari comp
12 pvg comp
13 pvg it
14 dy patil akurdi comp and it
15 rscoe comp
16 modern comp
17 progressive modern comp it and it 2nd shift
18 pc coe copm it
19 mit alandi comp it
20 sighgad kondawa
21 aissms
22 dy patil pimpri
23 mm coe
24 ke sosiety rit
25 jspm
wit solapur

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