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For backspace not working in cygwin's vim after going to the next line and coming back

to previous line (or) after closing and reopening a file, please follow these steps......
These steps will turn on Syntax highlighting, solve the arrow keys malfunctioning, fix the
backspace not working problem and many more. Sorry I didn't provide a fix sooner.
1.Open cygwin terminal by clicking on the desktop shortcut. open the vim configuration file by typing the following comment
vim ~/.vimrc
3. Press i to enter insert mode and then type the following lines in it. (You can copy it
and paste it by right clicking and selecting paste)
set nocp
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set term=xterm-256
syntax on
set hlsearch
set t_Co=8
set t_Sb=m
set t_Sf=m
those who didn't get installed cygwin by my hand, add the following lines too..
filetype plugin indent on
set nocompatible
4. press esc and then type :wq (just like saving and quitting after you type a program)
5. Open vim again and see that the syntax is highlighted and it has basically become like
it is natively running on Linux.
6. Hit like.( Likes in secret group don't do me any good but helps to know that everyone
has taken note of it.) Also pass it to people who are not in FB. Madam has asked for
cygwin in next lab. May be we'll not have to use. It is better to be prepared.
Thank you!!! Happy to help!!!

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