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Lets Talk About Reading

Even if your child spent time quizzing for AR last year, it is still ne and
e!citing in "
grade# This year, students still en$oy picture books, but also
move into chapter books#
Although e have a system for quiz taking in the room, e only have a small
amount of time during class# That means there is build in responsibility on
your part to help your child quiz in the morning %&'() in the Library#* +nce
they get the volunteer schedule set for the year, more times ill be
available in the Library to take quizzes#
,t ill be important that you assist your child as he-she learns to make good
book choices# AR color labels most appropriate for "
grade, beginning of
the year, are blue and lavender# .ince e have Library once a eek, you ill
ant to periodically ask your child if they need ne books and again, try to
come by the library before school#
/lease stress to your child the importance of actually reading the book and
understanding it before taking a quiz# 0e have talked about , /,12
strategies# Also, hen you receive a quiz printout, e!plain your childs scores
to them#
/lease note another great tool for book choices# At #fclibrary#org you
can vie all of the books that have AR quizzes as ell as the reading levels#
AR is $ust one facet of our reading program# 3or some children, it is the
magic that gets them motivated to read# 3or others, points are not that
important, so rela! and $ust let your child en$oy books ithout a lot of
pressure to quiz# 4oever, let me say that your child should quiz once or
tice a eek#
,f you have any questions please dont hesitate to contact me#
5ulie .teart

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