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26.1 Fixed action patterns and released of behaviors

- Its color that makes fish angry (genetically programmed). Releasers: red belly, send
signals to make fish angry
- In mating season, male fish gets red belly.

26.2 Imprinting: In animal behavior, formation at specific stage in life of long-lasting
behavioral response to specific individual or object.
- In birds
a) Some species know their songs even if
raised in isolation from adults (New World flycatchers), likely genetically
b) Other species must hear a song as juveniles. If raised with another species,
they will learn the song of a different species when their own song
crystallizes. (White-crowned sparrow)
1. Model that is memorized @ youth
2. As adult, they practice sing in to math template in brain-fixed afterwards
c) Some birds can learn new songs throughout life (mockingbird) increase
in plasticity (=flexibility) of learning

26.3 Types of learning. Classical learning. Associative learning: acquired
ability to associate one environmental feature (such as a color) with another
(such as danger).
26.4 Complex learning: possible origins of language. 3 dif alarm calls
- Leopard [call A]: troop respond by climbing tree
- Eagle [call B]: troop look at sky
- Snake [call C]: troop stand up tall to see what sneaking around in grass
- Juvenile learns call-shape them properly. Young monkey has to learn 3
- Dolphins & syntax: Surface pipe fetch bottom hoop=take surface pipe to
bottom hoop. Dolphin understand sentence structure & how we change it ~
brain/body ratio close to human. Human has larger brain according to body

- Honey dance language: Bees knows this system genetically. Young bees can do
wiggle dance
26.5 Flexible tool use & culture
- Chimpanzee tools to circle nuts. Young observe adults to learn techniques
observational learning
- Stone anvil (middle) supported by wedge (lowest) with hammer (top) used to
crack nuts, assembled by wild chimpanzees in Bossou, Guinea.
- Esp in animal in high body/brain ratio:
-slow maturation brain
-extended juvenile, high parental
- 2 mechanism for learning:
1. Hard wiring: growing neurons to each otherwiring or firing
2. Soft wiring: strengthening particular connection wt more ions channels

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