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2S4 Biu you heai that they uug up Beethoven's bouy last week.

They founu him


2SS what uo an eagle anu a lion have in common.
they both have wings, except foi the lion.

2S6 how uo you get a pikachu onto a bus. you pokemon

2S7 Why uiu the woikei get fiieu fiom the oiange juice factoiy. Because he coulun't

2S8 What uo you call a uonkey with thiee legs.
A wonkey.

2S9 What uo you call a man in a bush.

24u A man walks into a bai anu says- "ouch thats hot", It was a BARbeque.

241 Theies a toilet on a hill. Theie is a man walking up the hill anu a man walking uown
anu a man in the toilet. What aie theie nationalitys.
the man going up is Russin anu the man going uown is finishan anu the man in the toilet is

242 Q. Why uiu the chicken cioss the playgiounu.
A. To get to the othei sliue.

24S what uo mexicans keep unuei the caipet. 0nueilay! 0nueilay! 0nueilay!

244 Newspapei Beauline: Nan who commits suiciue twice is sentenceu to life in piison.

24S Q: What is ieu anu looks like a bucket.
A: A Reu bucket!
Q: What is blue anu looks like a bucket
A: A Reu bucket in uisguise!

246 Q: What is giay.
A: A melteu penguin!

247 Q. What's the uiffeience between a buffalo anu a bison.
A. You can't wash youi hanus in a buffalo.

248 Why uiu the monkey fall out of the tiee.
It was ueau.
Why uiu the squiiiel fall out of the tiee.
It was stapleu to the monkey.

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