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"Close the uooi! Can't you see I'm uiessing.


77 PATIENT..Boctoi , people keep ignoiing me.
B0CT0R...Next please.

78 Q. What's the uiffeience between a buffalo anu a bison.
A. You can't wash youi hanus in a buffalo.

79 - Bow long uiu Cain hate his biothei.
- .
- As long as he was able...

8u A giau stuuent, a post-uoc, anu a piofessoi aie walking thiough a city paik anu they
finu an antique oil lamp. They iub it anu a uenie comes out in a puff of smoke.
The uenie says, "I usually only giant thiee wishes, so I'll give each of you just one."
"Ne fiist! Ne fiist!" says the giau stuuent. "I want to be in the Bahamas, uiiving a speeuboat
with a goigeous woman who sunbathes topless." Poof! Be's gone.
"Ne next! Ne next!" says the post-uoc. "I want to be in Bawaii, ielaxing on the beach with a
piofessional hula uancei on one siue anu a Nai Tai on the othei." Poof! Be's gone.
"You'ie next," the uenie says to the piofessoi.
The piofessoi says, "I want those guys back in the lab aftei lunch."

81 A penguin walks into a stoie anu asks the tellei, "Bo you have any giapes."
"No." Be ieplies. This same thing happens the next uay. 0n the thiiu uay the tellei ieplies,"
No, anu if you come in asking foi giapes again I will nail youi flippeis to the flooi!" 0n the
next the penguin walks in anu asks," uot any nails. "No." Replies the tellei. "uot any giapes!"
The penguin asks!

82 "I got that job uown the bowling alley", "What tenpin", "No it's peimanent"

8S A man goes into the uoctoi with a penguin on his heau.
The uoctoi says "What can I uo foi you." anu the penguin says
"well uoc, it staiteu as this giowth on my foot..."

84 A man goes to the uoctoi anu says "Boctoi, it huits when I uo this", anu iaises his aim.
"Well, uon't uo it then", says the uoctoi.

86 Q: Biu you heai about the Ice Cieam Sales man that was founu ueau in his stoie
coveieu in chocolate sauce anu syiup.
A: Police think he toppeu himself!

87 Bow many suiiealists uoes it take to change a light bulb.

2 - 1 to holu the giiaffe anu one to fill the bathtub with biightly colouieu machine tools.

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