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A few years ago I was in the Air Force, working at Tinker on the High Velocity Maintenance Team for

B-1 Bomber. I was working directly for Major Buckley. I grew close to him, and he actually became a
Mentor in my Military Career. We both enjoyed running and did a lot of Races together. While I was
working for him on the team, Maj. Buckley was awarded a promotion to Lt. Col. In the Active Duty Air
Force world, this is a big deal becoming a Lt. Col. There is a big promotion ceremony involved. Since we
were close, Maj. Buckley asked me if I would be in charge of his ceremony. I agreed with no hesitation,
not knowing what all would be involved. I then received an email from the protocol office with a three
page attachment, a list of things to do and have for the ceremony.
A few things included:
Securing and setting up a large conference room, big enough to hold a large crowd
Having reserved seating for distinguished guests, including a 2 star General and several Colonels
Providing drinks and snacks for all attendees
Giving flowers to Maj. Buckleys wife and children
Having a narrator for the script and reading of orders
Being the proffer, the person who held the rank until the pinning
And most important, that the ceremonys flow was within required protocol
I got everything ready, and it was the day of the promotion. Everything was going great; I even had Mom
make Maj. Buckley a walnut chocolate chip cookie cake, which he loved. It was time for the ceremony to
begin. In entered the distinguished guests, which the 2 star General sat right next to me on the front
row. Then entered the official party, Maj. Buckley and his Commanding Officer Col Sherwin. They
stopped in the middle of the stage, turned and faced the Flag in the room and saluted. That meant it
was time for the National Anthem.
(The next paragraph all happened within 30 sec)
The narrator looked at me and nodded.and I nodded back. He then mouthed to me to push
play.Then I remembered I was supposed to have the CD ready for the playing of the National Anthem,
which is protocol for a promotion ceremony. I pressed play and nothing happened. I then realized that I
did not even bring the CD. Everyone was standing and ready to hear it played. I wanted to run out the
door, but knew that I had the Commander of the Oklahoma Air Logistics Center standing right next to
me, that was not an option. Sweat started dripping down my face and my mind started racing.
(Reminder: This all happened within 30 sec)

Thats when I stepped up from to the stage and said, Ladies and Gentlemen please join me in the
singing of the National Anthem. I then proceeded to lead the room in singing the National Anthem,
while simultaneously praying that I would remember all of the words. Thank God I was able to get
through the whole thing.
Afterwards I was addressed by the General.He said wow that was great, usually they just play a CD.
You did a good job! Then my Boss Lt. Col Buckley came to me and said, I did not know you were going
to do that! Thank you! It was a great personal touch! I told him, I actually SirI just forgot the CD. He
responded with Ha thats great, way to think on your feet Nockels!

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