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To what extent is the rise in the demand of water the cause of water shortage in

China? (8m)

There are 3 contributing factors to the water crisis in China. The rise in the demand
of water, the lack of supply of water and water pollution are the main causes of
water shortage in China.

The rise in the demand of water can cause water shortage in China. With the
population of China expecting to rise to 1.4billion in the next 10 years, there will be
a greater need for water for domestic consumption, for agricultural use and for
industrial purposes.put in all the stats to impress the examiner.

Besides the rise in demand, the uneven distribution of water in China is also a
reason why water is scarce.

Finally the inefficient use of water also causes water shortage in China. Chinas
rivers are polluted by industries that do not use environmentally friendly measures
in their production. ..

Of all the factors, the most important factor is

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