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Photo II Todays Date: DUE DATE:

Self Portrait: A portrait an artist makes using himself or herself as its


You will be making several self portraits for this assignment, Two color and Two black and
white images are required. In addition to the nal prints you will be turning in a proof
sheet of at least 40 images.
Inevitably, photographers who make portraits come to the most challenging subject of all:
themselves. To do this they must try and show the character of themselves.
Therein lies the questions you are going to have to think about:
1. How do you think others perceive you?
2. How do you want others to perceive you?
3. When you think about yourself, what things come to mind? Think of the things that are both
happy and sad.
4. If you could be anything, what would it be?
5. Who is your alter-ego?
6. What visual stories t with your answers?
7. What aspect of your character do you wish to build up?
8. Are you more interested in personality or physique?

For this assignment, the picture must be pre-created, meaning you need to have thought about
where and what your image is going to look like before taking the picture. Someone can help
you take the image, stand in for you to focus, even click the shutter if needed. Self timers work
as do cable releases, remember, the camera is always welcome in the image. Mirrors, masks,
cutouts, double images, blur, ghosts, text, coloring, cutting, montage, shadow.........

Links: After reviewing the links, you will turn in a preplan of ideas, and answer the
questions posed in class.
Jen Davis Article Visual Contrasts
Vivian Maier
The NewYorker
Laura Williams

What makes a self portrait
different from a Sele?
How is Jen Davis using self
Laura Williams uses
symbolism in her work.
Describe three images and
discuss the symbolism and/
or feeling the images portray.
Give titles if available.
Create your own list of 10
visual contrasts and how you
might use them in a
Describe 4 ideas for a self
portrait you may use.

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