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150 The Indian Concrete Journal * February 2001

Shortcomings in structural design
provisions of IS 456 : 2000
Dr C. V. R. Murly, Associalc Irofcssor, Dcparlmcnl of CiviI Lnginccring, Indian
Inslilulc of TcchnoIogy, Kanpur 208 016.
1|c jcuri| rc.isicn cj i|c |n!icn sicn!cr! cc!c cj prcciicc jcr
plcin cn! rcinjcrcc! ccncrcic, |S 456 |cs nc!c signijiccni
|cc!uc in i|c prc.isicns rclcic! ic ccncrcic cnginccring., ii is c|scr.c! i|ci ncsi cj i|c prc.isicns rclcic! ic
rcinjcrcc! ccncrcic (RC) !csign cnginccring i|ci ucrc prcscni
in i|c i|ir! rc.isicn rcncin unicuc|c!. |.cn i|c jcu prc.isicns
i|ci ucrc c!!c!, ncncl, i|csc rclcic! ic !csign cj RC uclls
cn! s|ccr !csign cj |ccns, sccn ic |c inccnsisicni uii| i|c
|csic un!crsicn!ing cj siruciurcl |c|c.icur. 1|c prc.isicns
rcgcr!ing !csign cj RC uclls !c nci ncniicn i|c ncc! jcr i|c
cxicl lcc!-|cn!ing ncncni inicrcciicn ic |c ccnsi!crc! in i|cir
!csign, u|ic| ccul! |c ccnsi!crc! cs c ccnccpiucl crrcr
inirc!ucc! in i|c ncu rc.isicn. 1|c prc.isicn cn !csign cj
s|ccr in |ccns is |csc! cn c ncrrcu pcrspccii.c cj siruciurcs
!csignc! ic rcsisi cnl siciic lcc!s. 1|is pcini cj .icu s|cus
|cu i|c ncu cc!c in i|c currcni jcrn ccn lcc! ic ncn-
ccnscr.cii.c !csigns. 1|crcjcrc, c ccnprc|cnsi.c rc.isicn cj
i|c RC !csign cnginccring prc.isicns is urgcnil rcuirc!.
IS 456 providcs lhc basic spccificalions for dcsign of concrclc slruc-
lurcs in lhc counlry. Thc codc aIso forms lhc basis for many olhcr
Indian slandards rcIalcd lo concrclc slruclurcs. Il has primariIy
lwo parls lo il, lhc firsl parl dcaIs wilh concrclc cnginccring and lhc
sccond wilh slrucluraI dcsign cnginccring. A shifl in lhc phiIosophy
of dcsign of rcinforccd concrclc (RC) from lhc cIaslic mclhod of
working slrcss mclhod lo lhc in cIaslic mclhod of Iimil slalc mclhod
was lhc mosl significanl changc in lhc lhird rcvision of IS 456,
hcrcinaflcr rcfcrrcd lo as 'lhc oId codc'
. Aflcr 22 ycars of lhc
rcIcasc of lhal documcnl, significanl changcs havc bccn madc in
lhc provisions rcIalcd lo concrclc cnginccring in lhc Ialcsl rcvision
of IS 456, hcrcinaflcr rcfcrrcd lo as 'lhc ncw codc'
. InlcrcslingIy,
howcvcr, lhc ncw codc offcrs no changcs in provisions rcIalcd lo
slrucluraI dcsign cnginccring, barring lhc addilion of onc provision
on shcar dcsign and anolhcr on dcsign of RC waIIs.

Thc aulhor fccIs lhal cvcn aflcr 22 ycars, lhc ncw codc has nol
rccogniscd somc of lhc significanl advanccs madc in lhc RC
dcsign across lhc worId. Il is onIy giving a gcncraI rcfcrcncc lo lhc
dclaiIing aspccl of RC mcmbcr of IS 13920-1993 lhal was dcvcIopcd
on lhc subjccl of rcinforccd concrclc. InlcrcslingIy, cvcn lhough lhc
lilIc of lhc codc IS 13920-1993 says il is mcanl for dclaiIing of RC
slruclurcs rcsisling scismic Ioading, lhcrc arc cIauscs in il lhal arc
ncilhcr prcscriplivc nor cmpiricaI, bul arc quanlilalivc and bascd
on sound conccpls of slrucluraI bchaviour. IS 13902-1993 uscs lhc
conccpl of capacily dcsign in arriving al lhc amounl of shcar
rcinforccmcnl. This is nol mcrcIy a mallcr of dclaiIing. Thc main
lhrusl in RC dcsign is lo bc abIc lo producc lhc dcsircd slrucluraI
bchaviour by suilabIy providing lhc rcinforccmcnl. Nonc of lhc
rcvisions of IS 456 havc cnsurcd lhal lhc dcsirabIc modcs of faiIurc
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February 2001 * The Indian Concrete Journal
(for cxampIc, ducliIc, undcr-rcinforccd, fIcxuraI faiIurc) occur bcforc
lhc undcsirabIc oncs (for cxampIc, brillIc shcar faiIurc). This propcr
scqucncing of uIlimalc bchaviour of RC slruclurcs/mcmbcrs is
indccd a highcr IcvcI of dcsign cnginccring. Of coursc, slruclurcs of
undcr-dcsign Ioads, olhcr lhan duc lo scismic cffccls, arc nol
cxpcclcd lo go inlo lhcir uIlimalc slalc. Bul, undcr scismic cffccls,
lhcy arc pushcd inlo lhcir uIlimalc slalc
and hcncc, scqucncing lhcir faiIurc modcs
is csscnliaI. CIcarIy, IS : 13920 -1993
cmpIoys a highcr IcvcI of dcsign
cnginccring pcrlaining lo lhc dcsign of RC
mcmbcrs lhan lhal prcscnlcd in lhc ncw
codc. This poinl of vicw highIighls somc
major conccrns rcIalcd lo safcly of
slruclurcs dcsigncd as pcr lhc ncw codc.
Major drawbacks
Thc fourlh rcvision of lhc codc aflcr 22
ycars has nol shown any changcs in lhc
provisions rcIalcd lo slrucluraI dcsign. Il
sccms lhal lhc cxisling provisions havc
ncilhcr bccn propcrIy invcsligalcd nor lhcir
mcrils and dcmcrils undcrslood. Thc foIIowing rcvicw of somc of
lhc provisions shows how prccariousIy supporlcd is lhc Indian RC
dcsign praclicc.
Material properties and associated factors
Thc Iimil slalc mclhod (ISM) for fIcxurc dcsign in lhc codc givcs
six undcrIying assumplions as a basis for cslimaling lhc fIcxuraI
momcnl capacily of a scclion. Thcsc arc givcn bcIow.
(i) IIanc scclions normaI lo axis rcmain pIanc aflcr bcnding.
This impIics lhal lhc slrain dislribulion is Iincar al any
cross-scclion, and lhal shcar dcformalions arc possibIc as
lhc pIanc scclions arc nol rcslriclcd lo rcmain normaI lo lhc
axis of bcnding cvcn aflcr bcnding.
(ii) Thc slrcss-slrain curvc of concrclc is spccificd lo bc
consisling of a paraboIic soflcning branch foIIowcd by a
pIalcau. Thc parliaI safcly faclor,
, for malcriaI slrcnglh
is 1.5 for concrclc.
(iii) Thc slrcss-slrain curvc of rcinforcing slccI is spccificd lo bc
biIincar cIaslic pcrfcclIy pIaslic. Thc parliaI safcly faclor,

, for malcriaI is 1.15 for rcinforcing slccI.
(i.) Thc lcnsion capacily of concrclc is ncgIcclcd.
(.) Thc Iimiling slrain of concrclc in
comprcssion is 0.0035, and
(.i) Thc minimum vaIuc of lhc Iimiling slrain
of rcinforcing slccI in lcnsion is ( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 +
Thc purposc of appIying lhc parliaI safcly faclor,
for malcriaIs in considcralions (ii) and (iii) abovc is onIy lo
accounl for unrcIiabIc slrcnglh in lhc malcriaI. This aIso
mcans lhal a Iowcr gradc malcriaI is cxpcclcd. Owing lo
lhc mclaIIurgy of slccI, cvcn a Iowcr gradc slccI has lhc
samc iniliaI moduIus of cIaslicily. Howcvcr, a Iowcr gradc
concrclc has indccd a Iowcr moduIus of cIaslicily. Bascd
on lhis argumcnl, lhc codc Iowcrs lhc cnlirc slrcss-slrain
curvc of concrclc, whcrcby cvcn lhc moduIus of cIaslicily
of concrclc, |
, is aIso rcduccd in comparison lo lhc acluaI
(shorl-lcrm) moduIus of cIaslicily of concrclc, |

Iig 1, and lhc
slrcss-slrain curvc of rcinforcing slccI is Iowcrcd such lhal onIy lhc
slrcnglh is rcduccd and nol lhc iniliaI moduIus of cIaslicily, |
Iig 1. Howcvcr, il is nol cIcar as lo whclhcr lhc moduIus of cIaslicily
cslimalcd by
ck c
f E 5000 as pcr cIausc of lhc ncw codc,
aIrcady lakcs inlo accounl lhis rcduclion in lhc moduIus of cIaslicily
of concrclc or nol, lhus, bolh lhc caIcuIalion of mcmbcr dcfIcclions
and lhc cslimalion of ovcraII slruclurc drifl
arc undcr a cIoud.
Iurlhcr, in assumplion (iii) abovc, lhc
slrain-hardcning of slccI lhal is prcscnl in
aII rcinforcing slccI is nol rcfIcclcd in lhc
idcaIiscd slrcss-slrain curvc of slccI.
Hcncc, lhc capacily of lhc mcmbcr is
undcrcslimalcd. WhiIc lhis crror in lhc
slrcnglh may nol bc an imporlanl issuc in
non-scismic slruclurcs, il may rcsuIl in
unsafc slruclurcs or in slruclurcs wilh
undcsirabIc bchaviour whcn dcsigncd lo
rcsisl carlhquakc forccs. This poinl wiII bc
cIarificd Ialcr whiIc discussing lhc capacily
dcsign conccpl. Such an approach of
considcring slrain hardcning of slccI in lhc dcsign slrcss-slrain curvcs
is aIrcady in praclicc in lhc Luro codc
An imporlanl fcalurc of concrclc as a malcriaI is lhal ils slrcnglh
can bc cnhanccd by providing confincmcnl lo il in a dircclion
lransvcrsc lo lhal of lhc comprcssion Ioading. Thal is, wilh lhc
samc malcriaI:
- a highcr quaIily of concrclc can bc achicvcd owing lo highcr
slrcnglh, highcr maximum slrain and rcduccd cracking,
- lhc pcrformancc of confincd concrclc undcr uIlimalc Ioad
condilions, parlicuIarIy wilh rcspccl lo ils shcar bchaviour
and cracking, is supcrior lo lhal of concrclc wilhoul lhc
confincmcnl. Thc ncw codc docs nol cvcn mcnlion lhis aspccl
of concrclc, Icl aIonc lhc quanlilalivc cffccls of confincmcnl.
Thcrc arc numcrous bcncfils of confining concrclc and lhc
codc docs nol lakc advanlagc of il.
Thc ncw codc has formaIIy Iaunchcd lhc usc of high slrcnglh
concrclc. LxpcrimcnlaI sludics had shown lhal lhc uIlimalc slrain
suslaincd by concrclc in comprcssion is smaIIcr for highcr gradcs of
concrclc. Thc foolnolc undcr 1c|lc 2 of lhc ncw codc slalcs lhal for
comprcssivc slrcnglhs highcr lhan M 55, lhc dcsign paramclcrs
givcn in lhc slandard may nol bc appIicabIc, onc is rcquircd lo rcfcr
None of the revisions of IS 456
have ensured that the desirable
modes of failure (for example,
ductile, under-reinforced, flexural
failure) occur before the
undesirable ones (for example,
brittle shear failure)
Fig 1 Differences in the application of partial safety factor,
, on
concrete and reinforcing steel in-so-far as the initial modulus of
elasticity is concerned
152 The Indian Concrete Journal * February 2001
lo spcciaIiscd Iilcralurc lo idcnlify lhcsc paramclcrs. Howcvcr, il is
cslabIishcd lhal cvcn for concrclcs of gradcs bcIow M 55, lhcrc
couId bc a drop of uplo 17 pcrccnl in lhc uIlimalc slrain of concrclc
from lhc codc spccificd vaIuc of 0.0035
. Such a drop in lhc uIlimalc
slrain can significanlIy rcducc lhc uIlimalc Ioad-carrying capacily
of lhc slruclurc. Thc codc docs nol rccognisc lhis. Iixing lhc uIlimalc
slrain in concrclc is a codc slalcmcnl and cannol bc Icfl lo lhc
discrclion of dcsigncrs, who may choosc diffcrcnl vaIucs dcpcnding
on lhc Iilcralurc rcfcrrcd lo. Il is lhcrcforc ncccssary for lhc codc lo
spccify anolhcr vaIuc of lhc uIlimalc slrain of concrclc, al Icasl for
lhc highcr gradcs of concrclc, if nol makc lhc uIlimalc slrain a
funclion of lhc gradc of concrclc.
Flexure design based on LSM
Bascd on lhc assumplions Iislcd in cIausc 38.1 of lhc ncw codc,
fIcxurc dcsign can bc conduclcd as pcr lhc ISM. InlcrcslingIy, lhc
codc docs nol cIcarIy cmphasisc lhal onIy undcr-rcinforccd scc-
lions arc lo bc dcsigncd. Howcvcr, il is suggcslcd onIy indircclIy
lhrough lhc cIausc G-1.1(d) in Anncx G, of lhc ncw codc lhal ovcr
-rcinforccd scclions arc nol pcrmillcd in bcams. Thc conccrn is wilh
rcspccl lo lhc uIlimalc slrain
considcrcd in lhc cxlrcmc fibrc in
concrclc, and nol wilh rcspccl lo lhc guaranlccd minimum slrain in
slccI. Thc codc cmbcds lhc nccd for dcsigning undcr-rcinforccd
slruclurcs onIy lhrough formuIac/cxprcs-
sions, lhc imporlancc of which may nol bc
cIcar lo lhc dcsigncr. Aulhors of lcxlbooks
in lhis counlry havc misinlcrprclcd lhis un-
said slalcmcnl. Thc usc of "
f 36 . 0 " as lhc
avcragc slrcss in concrclc in Anncx G and
lhc furlhcr usc of "
x " from forcc baIancc
(lhal is,
st y u ck
A f bx f 87 . 0 36 . 0 )has
promplcd dcsigncrs /lcxlbook wrilcrs lo
lo bc 0.0035. Thcrc is a pcrccplion
among cducalors and profcssionaIs lhal aII
RC slruclurcs uIlimalcIy faiI by lhc crush-
ing of concrclc. Bul, lhc ISM of dcsign as
conccivcd in IS 456 rcquircs caIcuIalion of
uIlimalc momcnl whcn any of lhc Iimiling
slalcs is rcachcd. InlcrcslingIy, an uppcr
Iimil of 0.0035 is spccificd for lhc cxlrcmc
fibrc slrain in concrclc whiIc a Iowcr Iimil of
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 + for lhc cxlrcmc Iaycr
slrain in slccI. Sincc lhc uppcr Iimil of slrain in slccI is lwo ordcrs of
magniludc highcr lhan lhal of concrclc (0.0035), il is conccivabIc
lhal an undcr-rcinforccd slruclurc may kccp accumuIaling slrain
in lcnsion slccI wcII bcyond
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 + unliI cvcnluaIIy
lhc cxlrcmc fibrc of concrclc rcachcs a slrain of 0.0035 and crushcs.
Bul, lhc associalcd curvalurcs rcquircd lo gcncralc lhis slrain of
0.0035 in concrclc can bc vcry Iargc and nol cvcn rcaIisabIc, par-
licuIarIy in dccpcr girdcrs of grcalcr dcplh. In RC girdcrs lhal arc
inlcgraIIy buiIl wilh lhc slrucluraI framc, lhcsc curvalurcs rcquircd
cannol bc rcaIiscd. As a mcasurc lo ovcrcomc lhc abovc difficuIly,
lhc codc may considcr spccifying an uppcr Iimil for lhc slrain in lhc
cxlrcmc Iaycr slccI or an uppcr Iimil for lhc maximum curvalurcs
lhal can bc gcncralcd in RC bcams.
Thc codc docs nol makc a slalcmcnl cncouraging lhc dcsign of
coIumn scclions as undcr-rcinforccd, cvcn lhough lhc conscqucnccs
of dcsigning ovcr-rcinforccd scclions arc morc scrious in coIumns
lhan in bcams. Wilh rcfcrcncc lo lhc P-M inlcraclion diagram, lhc
dcsign poinl on lhc comprcssion axiaI Ioad sidc shouId bc madc lo
Iic al or bcIow lhc baIanccd poinl Iig 2, lhal is, P
, so lhal lhc
faiIurc of lhc coIumn is by yicIding of slccI and nol by crushing of
concrclc, Iig 2. Il is possibIc lo avoid ovcr-rcinforccd coIumn
scclions, parlicuIarIy whcn lhcy arc subjcclcd lo bolh axiaI Ioad
and bcnding momcnl. Bridgc picrs subjcclcd lo IalcraI forccs arc
cxampIcs whcrcin lhc arca of cross-scclion is Iargc and lhc amounl
of rcinforccmcnl is smaII (usuaIIy around onc pcrccnl), and lhc
dcsign poinl is, in mosl cascs, bcIow lhc
baIanccd poinl. In buiIdings, lhc
rcdundancy is highcr and lhc bcnding
momcnl duc lo IalcraI Ioads pcr coIumn
may bc smaII. Iurlhcr, lhc cfforls of
dcsigncrs lo rcducc coIumn sizcs lo
incrcasc archilccluraI appcaI pushcs lhc
dcsign poinl morc lowards lhc apcx of
lhc P-M inlcraclion diagram. This is nol
dcsirabIc owing lo possibIc brillIc
comprcssion faiIurc. AIso, smaIIcr coIumn
sizcs rcIalivc lo lhal of lhc bcams suggcsl
lhal lhc girdcrs arc IikcIy lo bc slrongcr
lhan coIumns. Undcr IalcraI Ioads, lhis
sircng-|ccn-ucc|-cclunn syslcm Icads lo
calaslrophic slorcy coIIapsc mcchanisms
(or sway mcchanisms). Irom lhcsc poinls
of vicw, il may bc rcquircd lo pcg down
lhc dcsign poinl lo a IcvcI marginaIIy abovc lhc baIanccd axiaI
Ioad, if nol al or bcIow lhc baIanccd axiaI Ioad.
This rcquircmcnl is csscnliaI in slruclurcs wilh Iow rcdundancy,
for cxampIc, bridgc picrs. In Icss imporlanl slruclurcs, lhis
rcslriclion may bc rcIaxcd lo somc cxlcnl, Iig 2. A praclicaI Iimil
may bc pIaccd on lhc maximum dcsign comprcssivc slrcss lhal
can bc dcvcIopcd in lhc rcinforccmcnl bars, lhis slrcss can bc, say,
90 pcrccnl of lhc dcsign slrcnglh of
f 87 . 0
Thc proccdurc mcnlioncd in Anncx G for lhc caIcuIalion of
momcnl capacily is onIy for bcams cvcn lhough lhc codc docs nol
mcnlion il. Iurlhcr, il is appIicabIc onIy for bcams wilh a singIc
Iaycr of lcnsion slccI. Oflcn, bcams dcsigncd lo carry Iargc Ioads
havc lcnsion slccI in morc lhan onc Iaycr. In addilion, lhcrc arc
inslanccs of dccp bcams whcrc significanl sidc facc rcinforccmcnl
may bc providcd. Thc dcsigncr can lakc advanlagc of lhcsc
rcinforccmcnl bars in lhc uIlimalc momcnl capacily of lhc bcam.
Howcvcr, if lhc proccdurc givcn in Anncx G is appIicd lo caIcuIalc
lhc uIlimalc momcnl capacily of such bcams, lhc uIlimalc momcnl
capacily is ovcr cslimalcd anywhcrc from 10 pcrccnl lo 50 pcrccnl
dcpcnding on lhc Iocalion of lhc inncr Iaycrs of slccI and lhc arca of
Fig 2 Desirable tension failure region for design of all
important columns, and permissible relaxation of this
region in columns of less important structures.
It is established that even for
concretes of grades below M 55,
there could be a drop of upto
17 percent in the ultimate strain
of concrete from the code
specified value of 0.0035 which
can significantly reduce the
ultimate load-carrying capacity of
the structure
February 2001 * The Indian Concrete Journal
lcnsion slccI in lhosc Iaycrs. Nol onIy is il sufficicnl
lo Iook al lhc slrcss in lhc lcnsion slccI, bul aIso
ncccssary lo cnsurc lhal lhc slrain slalcs bcing
considcrcd in lhc cross-scclion arc indccd praclicaI.
Anncx G docs nol spcII oul whclhcr lhc inncr Iaycr
of slccI shouId aIso rcach lhc minimum slrain of
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 + . If il has lo, lhcn lhc bcam
has lo undcrgo vcry high curvalurc which may
bc impraclicaI lo achicvc. Thc usc of lhc
cxprcssions avaiIabIc in Anncx G for oblaining
lhc momcnl of rcsislancc of lhc scclion wilh Iaycrcd
slccI wiII aIso Icad lo Iargc ovcr-cslimalcs of lhc
momcnl of rcsislancc.
Thc rcason for lhc abovc ovcr- cslimalion is
cxpIaincd hcrc. Thc cnlirc prcmisc of ISM for
fIcxurc dcsign is lhc rcaching of lhc spccificd
Iimiling slrains of 0.0035 by concrclc and of
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 +
by slccI, and nol lhc
rcaching of lhc slrcsscs corrcsponding lo lhcsc
Iimiling slrains, namcIy an avcragc maximum slrcss of
f 36 . 0 in
concrclc and
f 87 . 0
of slccI. Thc main conccrn wilh lhc proccdurc
givcn in Anncx G is lhal il dclcrmincs lhc dcplh,
x , of nculraI axis
bascd on lhc forcc cquiIibrium whcn bolh slccI and concrclc rcach
lhcir Iimiling dcsign slrcnglhs, lhal is, concrclc rcachcs lhc maximum
avcragc dcsign slrcss of
f 36 . 0 and slccI of
f 87 . 0 . Howcvcr,
bolh concrclc and slccI rcach lhcir Iimiling slrcnglhs simuIlancousIy
onIy in baIanccd scclions. As shown in Iig 3, lhis condilion docs nol
rcprcscnl lhc Iimiling slalc of undcr-rcinforccd bcams. In undcr-
rcinforccd bcams, lhc concrclc docs nol rcach lhc Iimiling slrain of
0.0035 and onIy slccI rcachcs lhc Iimiling slrain
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 + . Ior lhis rcason, lhc fIcxuraI curvalurc
dcvcIopcd in lhc scclion, if lhc caIcuIalions arc pcrformcd as
suggcslcd in Anncx G, is significanlIy Iargcr lhan lhal oblaincd if
lhc caIcuIalions arc pcrformcd bascd on lhc inlcndcd slrain-bascd
Iimiling slalc. In dccp bcams, lhcsc Iargc curvalurcs may nol cvcn
bc rcaIiscd in lhc scclion, and inncr Iaycrs of lcnsion slccI may nol
cvcn rcach yicId.
Thc proccdurc dclaiIcd in Anncx G is nol appIicabIc lo Iargc
sizc coIumns uscd as bridgc picrs and lo rcinforccd concrclc waIIs,
in which lhc slccI is dislribulcd aIong lhc cross-scclion. Hcrc,
invoking cIausc 38.1(f) rcquircs lhal lhc maximum slrain in lcnsion
rcinforccmcnl in lhc scclion al faiIurc shaII nol bc Icss lhan
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 +
al lhc inncrmosl Iaycr of lcnsion slccI and
cnsuring lhal lhc oulcrmosl Iaycr docs nol ruplurc lhc uIlimalc
momcnl of rcsislancc ,
M ,can bc cvaIualcd. Howcvcr, il is
ncccssary lo scc if lhc uIlimalc curvalurc so visuaIiscd is
praclicaI or nol. Again, Anncx G cannol bc uscd for lhis
Thc indiscriminalc usc of lhc proccdurc suggcslcd in
Anncx G is aIso possibIc in lhc caIcuIalion of lhc dcfIcclions
as pcr Anncx C and crack widlh as pcr Anncx I of lhc ncw
codc. Hcrc, lhcsc caIcuIalions rcquirc lhc dcplh of nculraI
axis x of lhc scclion al working Ioad IcvcIs. Sincc lhc
proccdurc in Anncx G docs nol cIarify lhal lhc cxprcssion
for dcplh
x of nculraI axis as givcn in cIausc G-1.1(a) is lo
bc uscd cnl lo cvaIualc if lhc scclion is undcr-rcinforccd,
baIanccd or ovcr-rcinforccd, and nci for any olhcr
caIcuIalions (incIuding caIcuIalion of uIlimalc momcnl of
rcsislancc and of dcfIcclion), il is fcarcd lhal dcsigncrs may
mislakc lhis vaIuc ilscIf lo bc lhc acluaI nculraI axis al lhc
Iimil slalc. UnforlunalcIy, lhc crror of using lhc abovc
x in
lhc caIcuIalion of uIlimalc momcnl of rcsislancc and of dcfIcclion
is consislcnlIy madc in nolcd lcxlbooks, currcnlIy in usc in lhc
Owing lo lhis major confIicl in lhc basic mclhod of caIcuIaling
lhc dcplh
x of nculraI axis in ISM, lhc foIIowing proccdurc is
prcscnlcd for ils caIcuIalion, aII quanlilics invoIvcd lhcrcin in lhis
caIcuIalion arc nolcd in Iig 4. Thc gradcs of concrclc and slccI arc
dcnolcd as
f and
f , rcspcclivcIy. Thc caIcuIalion of
x invoIvcs
sclling up a cIassic probIcm of slrucluraI mcchanics by casling aII
lhc lhrcc scls of cqualions, namcIy, of forcc cquiIibrium, malcriaI
conslilulivc Iaw and slrain compalibiIily.
Force equilibrium equation
2 2 1 1 st st st st sc sc u ave , c
A f A f A f bx f + = + (1)
ave , c
f = avcragc slrcss in concrclc
b = widlh of lhc comprcssion facc
x = dcplh of nculraI axis
f = slrcss in comprcssion rcinforccmcnl
Fig 3 Strain distribution in an under-reinforced beam with two layers of
steel with (a) limiting state as intended by the limit state method of
flexure design given in IS 456 : 2000, and (b) limiting state as suggested by
Annex G of the new code.
Fig 4 Geometry, strain states and stress states of concrete and
steel reinforcement bars in a reinforced concrete section.
154 The Indian Concrete Journal * February 2001
A = arca of comprcssion rcinforccmcnl
1 st
f = Slrcss in lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl in Iaycr 1
1 st
A = arca of lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl in Iaycr 1
2 st
f = Slrcss in lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl Iaycr 2
2 st
A = arca of lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl in Iaycr 2
Material constitutive laws
ave c
= ) (
f =
h (2)
1 st
f = ( )
1 st
2 st
f = ( )
2 st
= Iimiling slrain of concrclc
= Iimiling slrain of comprcssivc rcinforccmcnl

= Iimiling slrain of lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl in Iaycr 1
Strain compatibility equations
u s
x d D


u s
c u
x d D
d x


2 st
u s
u s
x d D
x d D


D = fuII dcplh of bcam,
= cffcclivc covcr lo lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl in Iaycr 1
= cffcclivc covcr lo lcnsiIc rcinforccmcnl in Iaycr 2, and
= cffcclivc covcr lo comprcssion rciforccmcnl.
In Lqn.(2), lhc rcIalion bclwccn lhc slrain
in lhc cxlrcmc fibrc
of concrclc and lhc avcragc slrcss ave c
, in concrclc comprcssion
rcgion is givcn by




< <



0035 . 0 0020 . 0 for
0020 . 0 3
1 45 . 0
0020 . 0 0 for

0020 . 0 3
0020 . 0
45 . 0
c c
ave c

= characlcrislic comprcssivc slrcnglh of concrclc
In Lqn.(2), lhc funclions ( )
g and ( )
h arc lhc dcsign slrcss-
slrain curvcs of concrclc and slccI as spccificd by lhc codc in cIauscs
38.1(c) and 38.1(c), rcspcclivcIy. In lhc cighl cqualions Iislcd undcr
Lqn.(1) lo (3), lhcrc arc ninc unknowns, namcIy, , x

st 2
, f
ave , c
, f
sc 1 st
f and
2 st
f . Thcrcforc, onc cqualion is shorl lo
soIvc for lhc ninc unknowns. Hcrc, onc of lhc Iimiling slrain vaIucs
nccds lo bc imposcd. Ior inslancc, in undcr-rcinforccd scclions, lhc
Iimiling slrain
1 st
( )
s y
E f 87 . 0 002 . 0 + in lhc lcnsion slccI is
spccificd by lhc codc, and, in ovcr-rcinforccd scclions, lhc Iimiling
of 0.0035 in lhc cxlrcmc concrclc fibrc in comprcssion is
spccificd. This cnabIcs lhc soIulion of aII lhc unknowns. Owing lo
lhc non-Iincar nalurc of lhc funclions ( )
g and ( )
h an ilcralivc
proccss bccomcs ncccssary. Thus, lhc dcplh
x of nculraI axis is
Aflcr oblaining
x , lhc uIlimalc momcnl of rcsislancc
M is
oblaincd as :
M = ( )+
x bx f
u ave c
( )+
sc u sc sc
d x A f
( )+
u st st st
x d D A f
1 1 1
( )
u st st st
x d D A f
2 2 2

< s






< <






. . for x
. for x
. .
. .
c u
c u
c c
c c
0035 0 0020 0
0020 0

0020 0

0020 0 0
0020 0

0020 0

0020 0

0020 0

3 2
In summary, Anncx G is onIy for dcsign of a rcslriclcd cIass of RC
rcclanguIar scclions. Ils indiscriminalc usc may rcsuIl in highIy
non-conscrvalivc slruclurcs. In parlicuIar, lhc mclhod cannol bc
uscd lo oblain lhc uIlimalc capacily of a scclion whosc propcrlics
(of gcomclry, malcriaIs and rcinforccmcnl bars) arc known, lhal is,
lo rcvicw lhc capacily of a known scclion.
Shear design based on LSM
TradilionaI wisdom from cxpcrimcnls say lhal shcar bchaviour is
wanling in RC slruclurcs, faiIurc in shcar is suddcn and brillIc. In
conlrasl, lhc bchaviour of undcr-rcinforccd fIcxurc mcmbcrs is
graduaI and ducliIc. Thcrcforc, il is widcIy acccplcd lhal shcar
dcsign musl aIways bc conscrvalivc, so lhal fIcxurc dcsign govcrns
lhc bchaviour of lhc slruclurc. InlcrcslingIy, lhis wisdom sccms lo
havc cIudcd lhc ncw codc. Through cIausc 40.5 of lhc ncw codc, a
downward rcvision is soughl in lhc shcar rcinforccmcnl in bcams
cIosc lo lhc supporl, undcr lhc prclcxl of cnhanccd shcar slrcnglh
in lhal rcgion. Thc basic safcly lradcd in by rcducing lhc shcar
rcinforccmcnl and incrcasing lhc vuIncrabiIily lo shcar faiIurc is nol
February 2001 * The Indian Concrete Journal
acccplabIc. AIso, in comparison lo lhc lolaI rcinforccmcnl in lhc
slruclurc, lhc rcduclion in lhc quanlily of shcar rcinforccmcnl
achicvcd lhrough lhis cIausc is marginaI, cvcn lo compcI ils usc
from cconomic considcralions. This cIausc is parlicuIarIy non-con-
scrvalivc for slruclurcs lo bc buiIl in carlhquakc-pronc arcas,
whcrcin shcar faiIurc is lo bc dcIaycd lo forcc lhc ducliIc fIcxurc
faiIurc lo occur firsl.
Il is unforlunalc lhal lhc ncw codc incIudcs such rclrogradc
provisions lhal arc dclrimcnlaI lo lhc safcly of lhc slruclurc. Such
dangcrous modificalions of shcar dcsign provisions ncar supporls
whcrc lhc shcar forcc is crilicaI, sccm lo
havc cmcrgcd from a shorlsighlcd poinl
of vicw of dcsign of slruclurcs lo rcsisl
onIy slalic Ioads. Iurlhcr, cIausc 40.5 aIso
sccks lo incrcasc lhc shcar slrcnglh of
concrclc ( )
v c
a d 2 ncar lhc supporls
uplo lhc maximum shcar slrcss max , c

impIics lhal lhcrc couId bc silualions whcrc
lhc shcar forcc al lhc crilicaI scclion is Iargc,
bul onIy minimum shcar rcinforccmcnl is
providcd, owing lo lhis pccuIiar provision
in lhc ncw codc. Thc cIausc aIso sccks lo
providc shcar rcinforccmcnl aIong lhc
Icnglh of lhc bcam whcn lhc scclion lo bc
considcrcd is vcry cIosc lo lhc supporl and
nol aIong lhc dircclion lransvcrsc lo lhc
bcam. Il wouId havc bccn cducalivc lo lhc
dcsigncr if lhc ncw codc couId havc aIso providcd dclaiIing schcmcs
lo supporl lhis rcquircmcnl. Sincc a dcsigncr docs nol know lhc
faiIurc pIanc angIc, il is a myslcry as lo how onc wiII idcnlify
a lo
bc uscd in lhc suggcslcd ncw shcar caIcuIalions. Il is surprising
lhal lhc codc has such a wcakIy conccivcd provision. This non-
conscrvalivc shcar dcsign provision shouId bc urgcnlIy wilhdrawn
by lhc Burcau of Indian Slandards.
Design of RC beam-column joints
Thc ncw codc dcaIs onIy wilh lhc dcsign of componcnls and nol of
lhc syslcm. In lhis approach, lhc codc ovcrIooks an imporlanl
fcalurc in lhc dcsign of conncclions bclwccn lhc various compo-
ncnls. In parlicuIar, sincc RC momcnl-rcsisling framcs conslilulc
mosl of lhc buiIding conslruclion in lhc counlry, lhc abscncc of
guidcIincs for lhc dcsign of framc joinls is conspicuous. In lhc
abscncc of formaI guidcIincs in lhc Indian Slandards, lhc dcsigncr
is frcc lo usc inlcrnalionaI Iilcralurc and dcsign lhosc cIcmcnls or
componcnls of lhc slruclurc. Howcvcr, codc provisions mcan morc
lhan mcrc caIcuIalions. Codc provisions arc a slalcmcnl of lhc risk
lhal lhc counlry/communily is wiIIing lo lakc whiIc buiIding lhc
slruclurcs. Thcrcforc, cvcn lhough il is possibIc lo borrow provi-
sions from diffcrcnl codcs and compIclc lhc dcsign of lhc framc, il
is cvidcnl lhal lhc risk in cach of lhcsc cIcmcnls wiII nol bc consisl-
Thc succcss of lhc dcsign of RC framcs Iics in cnsuring lhc safc
lransfcr of forccs from lhc bcams lo lhc coIumns. LxpcrimcnlaI
and anaIylicaI sludics havc shown lhal shcar slrcsscs arc lhc mosl
dominanl in lhc bchaviour of RC framc joinls
. Thcrc arc lwo issucs
in lhc dcsign of joinls, namcIy lhc anchoragc of bcam bars inlo lhc
coIumn and lhc conlroI of shcar slrcsscs in lhc joinl rcgion. DclaiIcd
lrcalmcnl of lhis subjccl of lhc dcsign of RC framc joinls from lhc
IS 456 conlcxl is jusl avaiIabIc
. Il is ncccssary lo urgcnlIy dcvcIop
approprialc dcsign provisions for dcsign of RC joinls for incIusion
in lhc IS 456.
Seismic design of RC structures
Capacity design concept
Thc ncw codc providcs parliaI safcly faclors for combining aII
Ioads, incIuding lhc scismic forccs. Lvcn bcforc lhc pubIicalion of
lhc ncw codc, a scparalc Indian slandard was aIrcady avaiIabIc for
lhc dcsign of RC slruclurcs subjcclcd lo scismic forccs, which cov-
crs lhc dcsign and dclaiIing of RC slruclurcs bascd on advanccd
conccpls of scismic dcsign
. Inspilc of lhis, lhc ncw codc docs nol
cvcn mcnlion lhis and faiIs lo rcfcr lhc dcsigncrs lo usc lhal docu-
mcnl for dcvcIoping carlhquakc-rcsislanl slruclurcs. Thus, lhc ncw
codc aIso faiIs in informing dcsigncrs of
lhc Ialcsl dcvcIopmcnls rcIalcd lo lhc dc-
sign of RC slruclurcs.
Ncw conccpls in lhc dcsign of RC
slruclurcs havc cvoIvcd lhrough lhc
improvcd undcrslanding of lhc bchaviour
and dcsign of carlhquakc-rcsislanl
conslruclion. Thc carlhquakc-rcsislanl
dcsign phiIosophy is diffcrcnl from lhc
dcsign phiIosophy for aII olhcr forccs acling
on slruclurcs, cilhcr naluraI or man-madc.
Larlhquakc-rcsislanl slruclurcs arc
dcIibcralcIy dcsigncd for a much smaIIcr
forcc lhan lhal wouId bc dcvcIopcd if lhcy
wcrc lo rcmain cIaslic. In olhcr words,
carlhquakc-rcsislanl slruclurcs arc
dcsigncd lo rcsisl slrong ground shaking by Iargc incIaslic aclions
so lhal lhc inpul scismic cncrgy can bc dissipalcd. Thcrcforc, an
carlhquakc-rcsislanl slruclurc is rcquircd
- lo posscss good abiIily lo absorb scismic cncrgy lhrough
incIaslic dcformalions, and
- lo dcvcIop a favourabIc coIIapsc mcchanism in lhc cvcnl of
slrong carlhquakc shaking.
Thus, adcqualc ducliIily musl bc buiIl inlo lhc slruclurc, and
a hicrarchy musl bc formcd amongsl lhc various faiIurc modcs by
virluc of which lhc ducliIc faiIurc nc!cs occur bcforc lhc brillIc
oncs. DucliIily of a scclion is cnhanccd lhrough propcr confincmcnl
of concrclc, whiIc lhal of lhc slruclurc is cnsurcd by lhc dcvcIopmcnl
of a suilabIc coIIapsc mcchanism which dislribulcs lhc incIaslicily
uniformIy lhroughoul lhc slruclurc al many diffcrcnl Iocalions,
cnhancing ovcraII cncrgy dissipalion polcnliaI and Iimiling lhc
incIaslic dcmand al cach of lhcsc Iocalions lo a Iow IcvcI. Thcsc
Iocalions of incIaslic aclivily arc lo bc so dclaiIcd lhal lhcy can
undcrgo Iargc dcformalions bcforc Iosing slrcnglh and sliffncss.
This is achicvcd by cmpIoying lhc capacily dcsign conccpl
This conccpl providcs a caIcuIalion proccdurc for cnsuring lhal lhc
fIcxurc faiIurc modcs occur bcforc lhc shcar faiIurc modcs. This is
donc by cslimaling lhc Iowcr bound shcar forcc dcmand on lhc
slruclurc from lhc ovcrslrcnglh pIaslic momcnl capacilics
dcvcIopcd al crilicaI scclions in lhc possibIc coIIapsc mcchanism of
lhc framc. Thc ovcrslrcnglh pIaslic momcnl capacily of lhc framc
scclion is oblaincd by lhc proccdurc dcscribcd in scclion 2.2 for
oblaining lhc uIlimalc momcnl of rcsislancc wilh lhc parliaI safcly
faclor for concrclc of 1.5 and for slccI of 1.15 rcpIaccd by 1.0 and
0.8, rcspcclivcIy. Thc faclor 0.8 for slccI accounls for slrain-
hardcning in rcinforccmcnl bars. A dclaiIcd lrcalmcnl of lhis wcII-
cslabIishcd caIcuIalion proccdurc in lhc conlcxl of IS 456 is givcn
cIscwhcrc. Thc conccpl is aIrcady in usc in IS:13920-1993, bul is
nol rcfcrrcd lo in lhc ncw codc.
Experimental and analytical
studies have shown that shear
stresses are the most dominant in
the behaviour of RC frame
. It is necessary to urgently
develop appropriate design
provisions for design of RC joints
for inclusion in the IS 456
156 The Indian Concrete Journal * February 2001
In lhc dcsign of RC scclions, aII brillIc modcs of faiIurc arc lo bc
avoidcd. Thc ncw codc spccifics a dcsign proccdurc lhal rcquircs
lhc dcsigncrs lo pcrform lhc fIcxurc dcsign firsl, and lhcn pcrform
lhc shcar dcsign. Hcrc, lhc pcrccnlagc
p of IongiludinaI fIcxuraI
lcnsiIc slccI is uscd as an inpul in lhc cslimalion of shcar slrcnglh
of concrclc rcquircd in shcar dcsign of lhc scclion. Howcvcr, no
mcchanism is cmbcddcd in lhc codc by which lhc shcar faiIurc is
dcIaycd lo occur aflcr lhc fIcxuraI faiIurc. Thus, il is nol guaranlccd
lhal lhc scclion wiII bchavc in a ducliIc manncr, cvcn lhough il is
dcsigncd lo bchavc in an undcr-rcinforccd
manncr in so far as fIcxurc is conccrncd.
Morcovcr, in lhc dcsign of carlhquakc-
rcsislanl slruclurcs, lhc imporlancc of a
provision lo cnsurc lhal fIcxuraI faiIurc
occurs bcforc shcar faiIurc cannol bc ovcr-
Limit state design of RC
Thc ncw codc has morc provisions for lhc
dcsign of RC waIIs, lhan lhc oId onc. Thc
provisions rcquirc indcpcndcnl chccks for
lhc axiaI slrcnglh and lhc shcar slrcnglh.
InlcrcslingIy, lhcsc provisions in lhc ncw
codc sccm lo suggcsl lhal RC waIIs arc nol
rcIalcd lo bcnding momcnl capacilics. This
impIics lhal nolhing can bc said aboul lhc
fIcxuraI slrcnglh of RC waII slruclurcs dcsigncd by lhc ncw codc,
oncc again qucslioning lhc safcly of lhc slruclurc.
An RC waII scclion is Iikc a coIumn wilh uniformIy dislribulcd
IongiludinaI slccI in il. Thus, lhc P-M inlcraclion lhal is nolcd in
coIumns is aIso vaIid for lhcsc waIIs. A dclaiIcd caIcuIalion
proccdurc is rcquircd lo oblain lhc P-M inlcraclion surfaccs. Thc
proccdurc discusscd lhrough Lqn.(1) lo (6) is rcquircd lo bc
cxlcndcd by incIuding lhc axiaI Ioad P in Lqn.(1). WhiIc doing so,
lhc Iimiling slrain for lhc scclion in comprcssion, as Iislcd in cIausc
39.1(c) and (|) in lhc ncw codc, arc lo bc kcpl in mind. Ior RC
coIumns, a Iimil nccds lo bc spccificd on lhc axiaI Ioad P in RC
waIIs aIso lo bc Icss lhan lhal around lhc baIanccd axiaI Ioad P
, or
on lhc slrcsscs in lhc comprcssion rcinforccmcnl lo bc nol Icss lhan
80 pcrccnl of lhc dcsign slrcnglh
f 87 . 0
lo cnsurc lhal lhc faiIurc
modc is a ducliIc onc and nol of suddcn lypc.
Design of infilled RC frames
AImosl aII RC framcs buiIl in India havc masonry infiIIs. CurrcnlIy,
lhc dcsign praclicc is lo ncgIccl lhc prcscncc of infiIIs and assumc
lhc cnlirc Ioad lo bc carricd by lhc barc framc. Howcvcr, lhc infiIIs
conlribulc significanlIy lo lhc slrcnglh and sliffncss of lhc slruc-
lurc. AnaIylicaI sludics and cxpcrimcnls havc shown lhal lhcrc
arc Iargc bcncficiaI cffccls of considcring infiIIs in lhc dcsign of lhc
. Thc ncw codc providcs no guidancc lo dcsigncrs
on how lo incIudc lhc samc in lhc dcsign. Such provisions arc
aIrcady avaiIabIc in lhc codcs of olhcr counlrics
. If lhc dc-
signcd slruclurc is cIosc lo lhc acluaI onc, lhcn lhc slruclurc con-
slruclcd wiII bchavc as cxpcclcd, cIsc, damagc wiII bc impcralivc.
DclaiIcd guidcIincs for lhc dcsign of infiIIcd RC framcs arc ncccs-
sary in lhc Indian codc lo cncouragc lhc dcsign and conslruclion of
cfficicnl and cconomic slruclurcs.
Provisions on effective length of frame
Thc dcsign looI givcn in lhc currcnl codc in Anncx L lo cslimalc
cffcclivc Icnglhs of framc coIumns is loo simpIislic and bascd on
assumplions lhal may nol cvcn bc rcaIiscd undcr acluaI condi-
lions. If acluaI condilions of gcomclry, sliffncss, rcslrainls and
Ioading of lhc slruclurc dcvialc from lhosc assumcd in dcriving il,
lhcn il may nol cvcn givc rcasonabIc rcsuIls. This looI givcn in
Anncx L is ovcr lhrcc dccadcs oId. Sincc
lhcn, a Iargc amounl of rcscarch has bccn
conduclcd in lhis arca, an cxccIIcnl sum-
mary of lhc samc is avaiIabIc
. Codcs of
many counlrics havc aIrcady lakcn ad-
vanlagc of lhc samc and modificd lhcir
provisions accordingIy. Thc mclhod of caI-
cuIalions of cffcclivc Icnglhs in lhc Indian
codcs nccd lo bc urgcnlIy modcrniscd lo
covcr morc rcaIislic framc coIumns.
Closing remarks
Thc fourlh rcvision of IS 456 : 2000 docs
nol incIudc any major changcs in slruc-
luraI dcsign provisions. Thcrc arc a fcw
addilions in lhc provisions for lhc dcsign
of RC waIIs and lo cxpIain lhc cnhanccd
shcar slrcnglh ncar lhc supporls in bcams.
Bolh lhcsc provisions arc bascd on vcry
wcak prcmiscs. Thcrc is an urgcnl nccd lo hoId off lhcsc provisions,
parlicuIarIy lhc onc rcIalcd lo dcsign of shcar ncar lhc supporls.
Thc dcsign of bcams for fIcxurc nccds lo bc rc-considcrcd parlicu-
IarIy lhc way il is lrcalcd in Anncx G of lhc ncw codc, whiIc dcmon-
slraling lhc mclhod of impIcmcnling lhc Iimil slalc dcsign procc-
durc for fIcxurc. Iurlhcr, lhc dcsign of coIumns rcquircs lo bc con-
slraincd such lhal lhc dcsign poinl Iics primariIy in lhc lcnsion
faiIurc rcgion of lhc inlcraclion diagram. DclaiIcd provisions for an
dcsign of RC framc joinls arc an immcdialc ncccssily so as lo
dcsign and conslrucl cfficicnl and cffcclivc RC momcnl-rcsisling
framc slruclurcs.
Morc modcrn dcsign conccpls Iikc lhc capacily dcsign conccpl
nccd lo bc broughl inlo lhc codc. GuidcIincs lo cnsurc a dcsirabIc
faiIurc hicrarchy, whcrcby shcar faiIurc is dcIaycd bcyond lhc fIcxurc
faiIurc, arc rcquircd lo incrcasc lhc quaIily of RC dcsign cnginccring.
Il is urgcd lhal lhc Burcau of Indian Slandards immcdialcIy lakcs
up a comprchcnsivc rcvicw of lhc RC dcsign cnginccring provisions
of lhc codc and rcmovc lhc conccpluaI crrors, shorlcomings and
inconsislcncics prcscnl in il and inlcgralc il wilh lhc olhcr avaiIabIc
Indian slandard codcs of praclicc rcIalcd lo RC dcsign of slruclurcs.
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The design of beams for flexure
needs to be re-considered
particularly the way it is treated
in Annex G of the new code... The
design of columns requires to be
constrained such that the design
point lies primarily in the tension
failure region of the interaction
February 2001 * The Indian Concrete Journal
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