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Community Action and Active Citizenship Natasha Shearer

Pressure Groups Answers to questions ( Matching Activity )

Groups of people who share
particular political aims.
Pressure Groups raise awareness of
the interests of the community.
Pressure Groups want to influence
Government and do not want to
take power for themselves.
A type of Pressure Group that
represent a section of society. They
have specific goals and are only
interested in the groups interest.
A type of Pressure Group that
represent an issue or a cause. They
believe that what they want will
benefit the community.
This type of Pressure Group have
direct access to Government and
decision makers.
This type of Pressure Group does
not have access to government and
decision makers. They aim to get
public support and campaign using
direct action and social networking
Pressure Groups seek governmental
A government party wants
government power.
Concentrate on one or few issues,
while political parties look at a wide
range of issues.
Not accountable for
their policies.
Are accountable for
their policies.
Pressure groups promote pluralism
(lots of different lifestyles and
beliefs are able to work together).
Lobbying, Demonstrations and
media campaigning.

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