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Recommendation :

1. Operation :
- Find problems, loss in activities in previous peroid of transformation stages to fix aand omit
- Measures the effectiveness of current strategy based on criterias such as : resources, costs for
these cooperate cultures policies, return on investemnent, sustanablity of policies.
- ess dependent on human resorces factors and cooperare culture, focus on the result
- !lan effectively for costs and expected results after training coures
- earn business models from other successful "#s that invested in "$
%. ong - term:
- &eveloped clear strategy, action plans to achieve the target, mission, vision of Me'ong #apital.
- (ncrease the effectiveness of investments, finding more good deals, )ithdra) investments in
ineffective firms * exhibibit +,
- -ulid up middle manager system to less dependent on #hris Freud. s direct involvement
- &o talents searching and training programs for middle managers to sustainable development.

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