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Rachel Bowell

Weekly Summaiy S
uRA S9uu

This week of my inteinship was the best one yet. I woikeu the same uays anu houis
that I hau last week but the saying that time flies when you'ie having fun is uefinitely tiue. I
was looking foiwaiu to wiiting about who I aumiie at BP Solutions, but I have iealizeu that
I can't pick just one inuiviuual. Eveiyone I have met at BP has been kinu anu helpful anu
exciteu to woik with me. I aumiie Bon Bowman foi his attention to uetail anu ability to
multitask without seeming to be oveiwhelmeu. I appieciate Cail foi letting me caipool with
him eveiy uay. I aumiie the ownei, Bob, foi finuing a way to manage the stiess of iunning a
piint shop foi so long without becoming a pieachei oi a uiinkei. Be tolu me a wise man
once tolu him that those weie the two common fates foi people in the inuustiy foi any
numbei of yeais. Be teaches Tai Chi to stiike a balance between stiess anu peace.
I iespect Chailes's ability to estimate jobs accuiately, because his uecision coulu
ueteimine how much business the company has. Be knows how to be competitive while
keeping the company in the black. Pat uoes whatevei is askeu of hei, whethei it be tiacking
uown a lost file oi hanu foluing, inseiting oi wiapping jobs; she uoes so without complaint
anu with a smile. I iespect the fact that the cieative uepaitment is always optimistic about
the oppoitunities they may ieceive to use theii talents, while helping otheis when business
is slow. I ieally enjoyeu my time with Keith, the piessioom supeivisoi anu Biecuttei
opeiatoi. Be weais many hats at the shop. Even though most of the pioblems he is askeu to
take caie of aie not uiiectly in his job uesciiption, he helps eveiyone who asks. I got the
impiession that the piessioom woulu be in chaos without him. Bon the piessman anu I
immeuiately got along quite well. Be has been in the inuustiy foi ovei Su yeais anu claims
that he has enjoyeu it 9u peicent of the time. Be tolu me that his happiness uefinitely hau a
lot to uo with the uemeanoi of the people he woikeu with. I woulu say you woulu be haiu
piesseu to finu a bettei gioup of people to woik with outsiue of BP.
If I hau to pick just one peison that I aumiie most, I woulu uesciibe Patsy. I hau been
tolu that Patsy was the mom of the shop, anu she uefinitely took me unuei hei wing. Patsy
iuns the two IuenS piinteis, which she has nameu Beitha anu Lucille aftei hei aunts. She
knows these machines like the back of hei hanu, anu I have to aumit I stiuggleu to keep up
at times. She showeu me the ins anu outs of setting up anu pioofing a job foi the Iuen anu
how to populate a file with vaiiable infoimation. I helpeu hei locate anu loau the coiiect
papei foi each job. I was veiy inteiesteu in how the coloi can be aujusteu foi these piinteis
quite easily anu Patsy is able to match coloi contiact pioof faiily quickly. Patsy also helps
make plates when eveiyone else is too busy to keep up with it. She has a gieat sense of
humoi, even when a fiustiating uilemma aiises.
Eveiyone has been helpful anu willing to show me eveiything about theii job. Nost
of them seem woiiieu that they will boie me to ueath, but I finu eveiything they have to
show me veiy inteiesting. I uo spenu quite a bit of time following them aiounu, anu I tiy
not to get in theii way oi make theii jobs moie uifficult. I have been uoing moie myself, like
making plates, iunning the Iuens, anu Bon even let me stait the Beiuelbeig Speeumastei
on Tuesuay. I am looking foiwaiu to moie hanus-on expeiience. Next week I think I will be
helping in the binueiy. They have been pauuing coupon books this week anu I think next
week they will be sauule stitching booklets anu packing them to mail.

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