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Child Development Learning Outcomes

Theoretical and Research Knowledge

Theoretical and research knowledge outcome has been met through doing two comprehensive
case study. When doing the case studies, I interacted with one child and I assessed her overall
domain development while planning activities.
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Developmentally appropriate curriculum has been met by developing different lesson plans with
different domains. I have made a unit plan for second grade age and I have also created a week
plan that had appropriate activities and materials was created around a theme of a book for
preschool age. Throughout my career, I have practiced writing and developing different lessons
that match the Michigan standards.
Methodology outcome has been met when doing a case study, completing individual plans,
journals, as well as my co-op experience.
During my co-op experience I was able to observe, model, and provide guidance methods that
positively encouraged self- control. On daily basics during my co-op experience I would
redirected a child by encouraging self-control and using his/her words to work out at a conflict.
Field Experience
I had a professional demeanor and showed commitment while doing my field experience. During
my undergrad I have completed hours 535 hours of field work.

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