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Good Morning Honorable Judges and Teacher and my Fellow

My story today is titled

Elephant, Crocodile and Toad
Many years ago, believe it or not, the elephant had a little pug nose.
It was a large beast, of course, and it roamed the jungles of Asia and
Africa, hoping to become the king of all beasts!

Now it had not rained for some time, and the elephant decided to
go down to the river for a drink. There, swam the long brightly
green crocodile back and forth...
it eyes out for a tasty bite of something!

Now it so happened that a brightly green toad liked to tease(tis) the would often(ofen) hop onto its back and let the
crocodile take it for a spin down the river.

Crocodile soon got tired of giving free rides and would often shake
its body to rid itself of the toad. Unfortunately, it just could not.
So, each and every day it would yell out to the toad, "Get off of my

Not only was the crocodile irritated with the toad, but it also
resented that large beast of an elephant drinking the very water
that it swam in each day...especially since water was getting scarce!

So, as soon as the large head of elephant would reach into the
water for a drink& SNAP! The crocodile would tug at elephants

Elephant would pull back to protect its little nose, but alas, each
time this happened, Crocodile would tug a little more. It soon
seemed as though elephants nose was becoming a hose!

"Le go of my nothe, pleathe," shouted the elephant, nicely, of
course. Oh dear, poor elephants voice was changing as well!
"I thed, pleathe le go of my nothe!"

And with that, the elephant pulled away with all of its might!
Its nose soon drooped onto the ground. KERTHUD!
Elephant glared at the crocodile and that pesky little toad hopping
along its back with glee.

Elephant then stuck its nose into the river and sucked what was left
of all of its water and mud,... leaving crocodile and toad high and

With one full blow of its nose, all water and mud, sprayed all over
crocodile and toad!

To this day, this is WHY crocodile and toad are not bright green
anymore. Instead, they are muddy looking due to their dastardly

As for elephant? It is still not the king of the jungle, but it certainly
does not get thirsty very often nowadays! The End!

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