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This agreement is made and entered on June 2014.

This agreement is made between the first party, SAI AG KARTHIK ARTS
PRODUCTION , ( Res No :PG 0338706-U) Manager Mr. Sathiyamurthy S/O Raman
( Ic No : 8906029025377), and Assistant Manager Mr. Peter Jeevaraj S/O Winsor
( Ic No : 910414025113 ) with the second party, DARMEN PRODUCTION Manager
Mr. Darmen S/O Sekaran.
The first party agrees that they will pay RM 25 000 in between six months
which is, by 30
January 2015 to second party, DARMEN PRODUCTION Manager,
Mr. Darmen S/O Sekaran.
The second party convents and agree to receive RM 25 000 in between six
months which is, by 30
January 2015 from the first party, SAI AG KARTHIK ARTS
PRODUCTION Manager Mr. Sathiyamurthy S/O Raman and Assistant Manager,
Mr. Peter Jeevaraj S/O Winsor.
This is the entire agreement. Both parties agree on what is stated above, and
both realise that this is a binding production agreement between the parties, their
successors, and personal representatives.
The signatures below confirm all parties involved understand this agreement
in full and feel it is fair and just.
Executed on the _________ 2014.

Signature :
Name :
Position :
Date :

Signature :
Name :
Position :
Date :

Signature :
Name :
Position :
Date :

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