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First it is 8ft mash dish with 7 LNBs for 8 satellites,

Asiasat 3S, NSS 6, Yemal 102, Insat 2E, Express 6A, Thaicom 3, Apstar 2R and PAS
7/10. Centrel position is Thaicom.

Dear gowhar here is detail about all LNBs on both dishes.

Soild dish pointing towards Arabsat 2D at 26E and the LNB which you can see on the
uper side of the centrel LNB is for Hotbird. Other detail is here,
First LNB below to centrel LNB is C band LNB with poloriser is for moving purpose.

2nd for Paksat at 38E

3rd for PAS 12 at 45E
4th for Express AM 22 at 53E.
Mesh dish is fixed on Thaicom at 78.5E and the only LNB on the right side of the
centrel LNB is for PAS 10 at 68.5E.
First LNB from the left side of the centrel LNB is for Insat 2E at 83E
2nd for Yemal 102 at 90E
3rd for Nss 6 at 95E
4th and last from left side is for Asiasat 3S at 105.5
I hope you will understand through this detail that which LNB is for which

It is 2nd 8ft solid dish. i am receiveing three satellites on it, Hotbird, Arabsat
2D and Pak.sat 1. Centrel position is Arabsat 2D. you are looking four LNBs on it,
The fourth one is use for moving option.

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