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Gabriela Lara Pereira

Error Analysis 5B
Dear Abby v. Ann Landers
Esther Pauline and Pauline Esther Friedman were twins. Known respectively as Eppie
and Popo, they were born in 1918 in Sioux City, Iowa. Their father came from Russia.
At first, he sold chickens then became successful and owned several movie theaters.
His daughters each wanted to make a mark, but they also competed to be the best.
Eppie wrote a successful syndicated advice column, under the name of Ann Landers.
It inspired her sister to begin a rival column, under called Dear Abby. The sisters
did not speak to each other for five years because the competition between them was
so bitter. When Eppie died in 2002, everyone expected her column to die with her. It
did, but her sister's rival Dear Abby column continued.

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