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Time for adieus

I miss the ME who doesn't CRY.

Who doesn't miss anybody much, since this pain is hell with its silent fury.
Two gentle persons who pierced my heart for different reasons.
He was my best friend and the love I have kept for a long while. I thought it would be okay and he will
catch me when I fall but I guess those only happen in the movies. I was left bereft of the warm feeling
and security I long for.
The other was the "George (Paradise kiss)" in my life. He and I might have ended up in bed and converse
freely but we were never meant to be. I knew that from the start. Passers-by who met each other, and
now the heavens have changed the course of our lives.
Both of them will cross the seas and leave me nursing my heart, grasping only my courage and pride to
be able to hold myself together.
I know this too shall pass but these feelings as they linger now makes me realize how much susceptible I
In being heart broken, why do we feel the stronger urge to show that we are okay? To mask the feeling
of vulnerability.

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