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Marcus's Journal:

Age: 24
Year: 512 Year of the DragonFire
Day 1 of Glorious Adventure: The Meeting of Hero's (In my mind that is.)
Heard about spectures appearing at the outside of the catacomb's, Going to inves
Met the Lord of Vana'hall, said that an exrocist is coming in the morning to pur
ge the Catacombs of any spiritual energy.
Told us the wait until tomorrow to go with the exrocist.
Different Payout's: Brekflek Silver and shappire necklace and 90 Gold.
Dune Set of family Rings and 20 Gold
Roshum Ruby Inlaid Dagger and 40 Gold
Day 2 of Glorious Adventure: A Simple Trip into the Catacombs.
Age: 24
Year: 512 Year of the DragonFire
Fought 15 Skeletal Babies (They called me MOMMA!)
Fought 7 Skeleton's
Fought 3 Bandits
Fought 2 Cultists
Fought 1 Virgin Sacrifice (Male D:)
Fought 1 Demon (Holy Hell)
Ran away from 10 Flying Demonic Skeleton's (Another Holy Hell)
All in all a level up and HOLY HELL!?!
Day 3 Of Glorious Adventure: Deck Of All Gold!?!
100 pounds of GOLD was made by turning Matheal's Weapons into GOLD.(BTW He bonde
d himself
To the Deck of Many Things.)

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