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It works with both jailbroken and non jailbroken devices.

1. Install iFunbox and connect your idevice to your pc ( or use any ssh if you a
re jailbroken )
2. Go to iFunbox Classic tab and open you connected device
3. Open User Application or navigate to Raw File System->var->mobile->Applicatio
ns->DH 2014
4. Drag the deerhunter2 folder their or open the folder and right click and choo
se Copy From Pc.
5. Restart or respring your idevice.
6. Open the game and start playing..HAVE FUN...!!!
For security purpose we added password to the document folder you can get your p
assword from the given link below
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Spanish: abrir esta url apoyarnos :
German : ffnen Sie diese URL, uns zu untersttzen :

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