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Answers to Analysis Questions Direct Example to Prove Answers (quotes) What Group Members Added

Significance -His goal was to always become a

collegiate athlete

- Yes, it was always my goals to play collegiate ball! -Devin saw the same idea as me.
Activities -Playing AAU basketball and practicing by
himself to become better.

- When I got older I knew that I wanted to play at
the highest level possible.
-Devin added that he played a lot
of tournaments to get better.
Identities -He went from playing as a child and
teenage to becoming a college player.

- When I got older I knew that I wanted to play at
the highest level possible.
-Devin saw the same idea as me.
Relationships -Enacts with other collegiate athletes
because of the shared goals they have.

- When I got older I knew that I wanted to play at
the highest level possible.
-Devin said that they share the
same goals as other athletes.
Politics (social goods)

-It was a normal idea that a young good
athlete tries and play sports at the
collegiate level.
- When I got older I knew that I wanted to play at
the highest level possible.
-Devin saw the same idea as me.
Connections -The sport is used to connect with
different parts of his life, from his
childhood to his adulthood.

- When I got older I knew that I wanted to play at
the highest level possible.
-Devin showed how his life
connected through basketball
Sign Systems and
-Informal because he was talking to
another student athlete.

-Who quote is the answer -Devin saw the same idea as me.

1. When you were young, was it your goal to become a collegiate athlete?
Yes, it was always my goals to play collegiate ball! Ever since I was little I have loved the sport of basketball and when I got older I knew that I
wanted to play at the highest level possible.
2. Whats the hardest task you had to complete while being a part of the team?
The hardest task I had to complete so far was when I first got here. The pace of the game is a lot faster and adjusting to that hasnt been the
easiest. The running and lifting isnt that bad overall, but playing with players who are fast and know more about the game has challenged me.

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