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Introduction of Table Tennis

Table tennis, which is also known as Ping-pong, is a game that is usually played with an
opponent, with a couple of ping-pong paddles, a ball or two, and a table-tennis table. There is
absolutely no need to buy an expensive paddle in order to play better table tennis. The
objective is to have fun. The basic objective of the sport of ping-pong is to win matches
made up of an odd number of games, by being the first to win 11 points in each game.
Table Tennis can be classified as a major sport worldwide. It is a sport that emphasizes
endurance and reflexes above simple size and strength, people of all ages and genders can
play on an equal field. The equipment can be had for a reasonable price, and the sport is
played indoors so year-round competition and practice is possible.

History of Table Tennis
The true origin of Table Tennis is largely unknown, although forms of the sport have been
documented as early as the late 1800s in England. The sport started becoming popular around
the world in the early 1900s. During this time, the official name of the sport was changed
from Ping-Pong to table tennis.

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