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Project: We Didnt Start the Fire

In 1989, Billy Joel wrote the song, We Didnt Start the Fire. The song includes
allusions to over 100 events and topics that took place over his lifetime (1949-1989).
The topics and terms were picked by Joel as ones that were most important to him.
In this way, the song serves as a narrative of the world during his life. The topics
covered are delivered quickly, and without explanation. Without any background
knowledge, the only clue we are given is in the chorus, in which he sums up his theme:
we didnt start the fire, or, more clearly, his generation did not cause the problems that
they were experiencing, rather, they are the long reaching consequences of past
events. The music video serves to echo the theme of cause and consequence, as well
as change over time.
Your Task: You will write a song along the same lines as We Didnt Start the Fire, from
the perspective of a Canadian during the time period we are covering in this unit
(1945-1991). Your song must include:
4 verses,
each with 25-30 allusions to important topics from the time
verses must be constructed either thematically or chronologically, either way it
must be clear to the audience why they are in the same verse, not randomly
an accompanied annotation of the terms used, with at least 2-3 sentences that
explain what the term is, and why it is impotant to the song
must clearly outline the theme of your song
Music Video
drive home the points raised in your song
echo the theme
well-produced with clear visuals and sound
lyrics must be easy to follow for the audience, if they are quickly stated, consider
having the lyrics available somehow
Due Dates:
Verse 1 with annotations due April 1
Verse 2 with annotations, and chorus due April 7
Verse 3 with annotations, and music video plan due April 15
Completed song lyrics, annotations and music video due April 23
Presentations on April 25

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