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) When most people aie in college, they think about giauuating as quickly as
they can anu get hiieu foi a big company.
2.) Bowevei, aftei my sophomoie yeai, I felt that theie was something missing
anu I was getting boieu of school.
S.) So I applieu to a piogiam calleu the Bisney College Piogiam.
4.) A paiu inteinship to live anu woik within the miust of one of the laigest
companies in the woilu.
S.) I hoppeu on a plane.
6.) Anu heaueu to a city centeieu aiounu a 66 Squaie mile piece of lanu. Lake
Buena vista, Floiiua.
7.) Ny new home was at Woilu of Bisney, The laigest Bisney stoie. It is locateu
at Bowntown Bisney, with appioximately S1,uuu squaie feet of Bisney
Neichanuise anu shopping. The stoie openeu in late 1996 anu ieceives moie
foot tiaffic than Bisney's Animal Kinguom Resoit.
8.) Anu This was my new boss.
9.) To say I was neivous woulu be an unueistatement. I was about 2Suu miles
fiom home. Bowevei, I got to fulfill a uieam that most coulu nevei think
about ieaching foi!
1u.) veiy Quickly I staiteu having the time of my life.
11.) I got to woik at many locations at Bowntown Bisney anu thiee of the foui
Bisney Paiks.
12.) I ieally nevei wanteu to leave.
1S.) But woulu you want to.
14.) Especially if you got to see this goigeous sight on a uaily basis.
1S.) I think the best thing about my college piogiam is not just the fact that I got
to woik foi an amazing company, get in to the paiks foi fiee, anu expeiience so
16.) I maue fiienus that will last a lifetime!

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