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{710}{788}(Mendelssohn's "Wedding March")

{2888}{2988}Ghosts? Little spirits or pixies?|I don't believe in 'em.

{2991}{3049}- Do you, Mr Foxx?|- No, sir.
{3053}{3128}You sound it, with all|your metaphysical gibberish.
{3132}{3209}I didn't mean ghosts as spirits, Professor.
{3213}{3267}Nothing is real but experience -
{3269}{3394}that which can be touched, tasted, felt|or, in some scientific fashi
on, proved.
{3397}{3455}We must never substitute|qualitative events
{3458}{3558}that are marked by similar properties|and recurrences for fixed subs
{3564}{3683}Mr Snell, since these are the last few|moments before the summer vac
{3687}{3782}I would appreciate it if you could|remain awake until the final bell
{3785}{3818}I'm sorry, sir.
{3821}{3931}I take it you rule out metaphysics|as unworthy of serious considerat
{3938}{4002}As I stated quite clearly|in my latest paper,
{4006}{4120}metaphysical philosophers are men who|are too weak to accept the wor
ld as it is.
{4123}{4188}Their theories of the so-called|"mysteries of life"
{4191}{4289}are nothing more than projections|of their own inner uneasiness.
{4292}{4380}Apart from this world,|there are no realities.
{4389}{4485}But that leaves many basic|human needs unanswered.
{4490}{4600}I'm sorry. I did not create the cosmos.|I merely explain it.
{4603}{4651}(bell chimes the hour)
{4899}{4975}Leopold! Congratulations!
{4977}{5038}Thank you so much. Thank you.
{5041}{5090}Do you have a photo of the lucky woman?
{5093}{5167}- The wedding is tomorrow?|- The day after. Sunday.
{5170}{5233}We're going to my cousin's|for a country ceremony.
{5235}{5314}- She's magnificent!|- She'll be the final jewel in your crown.
{5317}{5395}Is it boorish of me to ask you|to inscribe your books?
{5398}{5465}I agree with you about Balzac.|He's vastly overrated.
{5468}{5552}- She has the face of an angel.|- And the disposition of one, as wel
{5555}{5628}As someone who has resolutely|resisted matrimony,
{5631}{5696}I now must admit to being|the fortunate individual
{5699}{5749}on whom fortune showers her favours.
{5752}{5834}She must appreciate what|an extraordinary catch she's getting.
{5837}{5893}- You flatter me, Ambrose.|- I flatter him!
{5896}{6009}A philosopher, an art critic, an astute|political theorist, an outsp
oken pacifist.
{6012}{6077}- A man of culture!|- And a singer of Schubert lieder.
{6080}{6192}Come now, am I to be overpraised|merely for being a civilised human?
{6194}{6239}What after the wedding?
{6241}{6327}We are only having one week of leisure,|which we will spend in Londo
n -
{6330}{6411}a long-awaited opportunity|to show her Thomas Carlyle's grave.
{6415}{6472}Following that,|we depart for the continent,
{6475}{6569}where I have consented to give|a series of lectures on Renaissance a
{6572}{6700}It will be a pleasure to bring Tintoretto|into perspective for his m
any sycophants.
{7201}{7274}- (woman) Andrew, are you all right?|- Yeah. No, I'm fine.
{7277}{7357}I can't seem to get airborne|with my wings for some reason.
{7360}{7442}And I've had wonderful success|with my flying bicycle.
{7445}{7536}Why does a beautiful day like today|give me such a sad feeling?
{7543}{7662}Adrian, I don't want to hear anything sad|now. I want this to be a t
errific time for us.
{7665}{7721}I just wanna relax and have a good time
{7724}{7785}and go fishing|and work on my inventions,
{7787}{7845}and I don't wanna think about Wall Street.
{7848}{7904}This is supposed to be a vacation.
{7908}{7977}I never noticed this thing before,|Andrew. What is that?
{7980}{8097}That's my spirit ball. If it works - which|I doubt - it penetrates t
he unseen world.
{8101}{8159}Oh, yeah? Which unseen world is that?
{8162}{8290}You do admit that there's more to life|than meets the eye? Either th
at, or I weep.
{8293}{8402}- Yeah, well, like what?|- Like ectoplasm and various energies.
{8405}{8517}I want that thing to emit light rays,|and to capture the future and
the past.
{8520}{8623}Incidentally, I'm putting my cousin|Leopold and his fiance in our bed
{8626}{8676}We'll take the guest room for the night.
{8678}{8742}It'll be much nicer before their wedding.
{8745}{8842}Imagine sharing a bed before marriage.|It's a little bit depraved.
{8846}{8943}I'm very anxious to meet your cousin,|cos I tried to read both his b
{8947}{9019}I couldn't get through the first one|or the second one.
{9022}{9104}Is Maxwell going to come up alone|or will he bring a guest?
{9108}{9173}Maxwell appear without|female companionship?
{9177}{9245}You know better than that.|You look adorable.
{9248}{9290}Oh, Andrew. Um...
{9294}{9378}I don't know where he comes up|with some of these women.
{9380}{9499}He's a doctor. These poor women in|the tubercular ward show him grat
{9502}{9594}Don't think I don't notice you leering|at his buxom weekend guests.
{9598}{9684}I leer. I admit it.|I look. I leer. I salivate.
{9687}{9743}I salivated the day that I met you.
{9772}{9825}Andrew, what are you doing?
{9828}{9896}- Come on, Adrian.|- It's high noon!
{9899}{9963}This'll give you an appetite.
{9988}{10037}Oh, Maxwell.
{10040}{10113}Sweetheart, listen.|We can't go on like this.
{10117}{10158}Why not?
{10162}{10262}Because my husband is beginning to|realise there's nothing wrong w
ith me.
{10265}{10348}It's medically sound|to have periodic checkups.
{10352}{10454}Yes, but not so many. The president|doesn't have this kind of heal
{10457}{10527}- Come away with me this weekend.|- Oh, I can't!
{10529}{10613}- Why? You know how I feel about you.|- You know how much I wanna
{10616}{10667}but it's just not possible.
{10669}{10728}This is the best weekend|of the whole summer.
{10731}{10780}- Oh, Maxwell!|- What?
{10796}{10873}If there are other guests,|we'll have to have separate rooms...
{10876}{10958}That's OK. You can always|leave your door unlocked.
{10980}{11023}- I can't.|- We'd have fun.
{11026}{11086}It's impossible! Stop asking me.
{11139}{11178}Another time, I promise.
{11181}{11242}- You swear?|- I swear. Now I have to go out.
{11485}{11528}Thank you, Doctor.
{11531}{11607}It's all right, Charles.|It's only a muscle spasm.
{11636}{11727}Come in next Tuesday at three.|I'd like to take one more look.
{11979}{12029}What are you smiling at, Miss Ford?
{12032}{12130}I was thinking about something|I read in The Katzenjammer Kids.
{12175}{12233}- What are you doing this weekend?|- Me? Oh...
{12236}{12307}I'll probably go to Coney Island. Why?
{12309}{12368}- Come away with me.|- Where?
{12371}{12464}To the country. The cousin of my|best friend's wife is getting mar
{12468}{12546}- A few of us are gonna celebrate.|- Really?
{12549}{12656}- Is it all right if I called you Dulcy?|- (laughs) Yes. I'm just
{12658}{12736}Did you not know that I've had my eye|on you these last two weeks?
{12740}{12814}I've only been working here for five days.
{12817}{12896}I lose track.|You always seem so shy around me.
{12899}{12965}The nurses on the floor say you're fast.
{12968}{13037}- Me?|- I mean, I think you're handsome.
{13040}{13161}Come with me. We'll have a fabulous|weekend. We'll sun, swim and d
rink beer.
{13165}{13227}Naturally, I'll make sure|we have separate rooms.
{13230}{13294}We don't need separate rooms.
{13319}{13368}I'm sorry about this afternoon.
{13371}{13478}- It's not your fault. It's probably me.|- I don't know what's wro
ng with me.
{13480}{13545}What's wrong is that|we have a bad sex life.
{13548}{13657}- But why?|- Because we never sleep together now.
{13660}{13730}- But what went wrong?|- Don't ask me.
{13733}{13844}Everything seemed great till about a year|ago, then you just sort
of cooled off.
{13847}{13904}I've apologised to you|about a hundred times.
{13907}{13996}You don't have to. I must have done|something to make you feel tha
t way.
{13999}{14119}No. I can't explain it. I just started|having those moods and odd
{14122}{14202}And the annoying thing is|that I get tense and I can't relax
{14204}{14253}and the whole thing gets destroyed.
{14256}{14296}I know. It's become a chore.
{14298}{14404}Right. It's not the kind of thing that|should be hanging over our
heads all day,
{14407}{14453}that we're gonna be in bed together.
{14456}{14520}- It's not fair to you.|- It's not fair to you either.
{14523}{14661}That's why today at the barn I tried|to do it quickly and get it o
ver with...
{14665}{14744}I don't mean "get it over with"|in a horrible way.
{14747}{14812}I mean that... I don't know what else to do.
{14837}{14886}Adrian, I'm sorry.
{14934}{15002}- Come on, I'm sorry.|- It's OK.
{15005}{15058}Could you get me a headache tablet?
{15101}{15164}We should ask Maxwell.|He's a friend and a doctor.
{15167}{15246}God, no! I don't want everybody|to know our personal problems.
{15250}{15305}What about your cousin?|He's a philosopher.
{15308}{15372}Do geniuses have problems|with their sex lives?
{15375}{15432}(Adrian) Oh, please, don't bring it up!
{15435}{15491}(Andrew) I'm only kidding.
{15493}{15550}So who's he marrying anyhow?|What does she do?
{15554}{15623}Is she also a philosopher,|an astronomer or something?
{15626}{15746}(Adrian) She doesn't do anything.|I think that her family's in pol
{15749}{15806}I believe her name is Ariel Weymouth.
{15810}{15868}(glass shatters)
{15871}{15920}Did you drop something?
{15978}{16027}Yeah, I dropped a glass.
{16045}{16153}I better get the broom and make sure|all the slivers are up off th
e floor.
{16869}{16914}(Mendelssohn's "Symphony No.3|in A Minor")
{18848}{18897}(car approaches)
{19113}{19168}(Andrew) Hi! Hey, Maxwell!
{19170}{19232}Andrew, my goodness!|How are you? Be careful.
{19235}{19280}This is Dulcy. Andrew.
{19283}{19375}- Don't kill yourself. We just got here.|- Hello!
{19379}{19433}He delights in making impractical but...
{19437}{19486}- Adrian!|- Hello.
{19511}{19554}- This is Dulcy.|- How do you do?
{19558}{19596}Charmed, I'm sure.
{19645}{19731}- He's down.|- Don't worry. I always carry bandages.
{19734}{19860}You must be tired after your motor trip.|Can I show you to your ro
om... rooms?
{19892}{19959}- It's up to him.|- We'll just use one room.
{19962}{20011}- (Andrew) Maxwell!|- Andrew, you OK?
{20013}{20121}- I've fractured my last remaining nose.|- You shouldn't fly. You'
re a mammal.
{20124}{20199}Thank you, Maxwell. A doctor|with a licence is no smarter.
{20201}{20263}The man always insults me,|but when he's sick...
{20267}{20351}- Yeah, who overcharges me?|- But you always get well, don't you?
{20354}{20409}I would get well even without the leeches.
{20411}{20466}- Say hello to Dulcy.|- Hello, Dulcy.
{20469}{20512}Charmed, I'm sure.
{20515}{20608}- Maxwell, I'll help you with that.|- I'll show you to the house.
{20612}{20686}- Oh, it's a beautiful house.|- Thank you.
{20689}{20768}It was Andrew's before we were married.
{20771}{20831}Mm, smell that air.
{20834}{20924}Oh, a hammock. That's so nostalgic.
{20926}{20975}I lost it in a hammock.
{20994}{21081}- Pardon me?|- You really have to have good balance.
{21084}{21141}Dulcy's cute.|What is she, 12 years old? 13?
{21145}{21246}She's twice that. She's very experienced.|She couldn't keep her ha
nds off me.
{21250}{21366}Will you grow up? You're like a character|in Greek mythology who's
{21369}{21427}- You only live once.|- Yeah, I know your theory.
{21430}{21502}I see what goes on at the hospital.|I've had a hell of a week.
{21506}{21572}- Really?|- People with tumours and brain damage,
{21575}{21694}a guy with sudden heart failure... Young|people. We tell 'em they'
re gonna die.
{21697}{21802}And they never seized the moment, never|had a life. "Gather ye ros
ebuds", Andrew.
{21806}{21870}So you never have any interest|in getting married?
{21874}{21956}I don't stick around|long enough to fall in love.
{21959}{22019}Marriage for me is the death of hope.
{22023}{22085}Plus I can't seem to find that one person.
{22152}{22229}What is it? What's the matter, Andrew?|What's wrong?
{22284}{22371}Maxwell, things are very bad|with Adrian and myself.
{22374}{22460}- No!|- Yeah. We don't sleep together any more.
{22479}{22564}- That could be just temporary.|- It's been going on for six month
{22566}{22632}- I don't know what to do.|- That's a long time.
{22635}{22725}- Maybe I should take your pulse.|- Oh, Jesus... It's awful.
{22728}{22798}She was never like that,|and then one day it just set in.
{22800}{22873}- Do you cheat?|- Of course I don't cheat.
{22876}{22948}What I do is I pour all my energy|into my inventions.
{22952}{23038}Because of my problem in bed with her,|I can now fly. It's awful.
{23041}{23121}Maybe she's anaemic.|Although it sounds like it's mental.
{23124}{23205}They're doing some amazing things|with hypnosis now in Europe.
{23208}{23248}Really? Hypnosis?
{23251}{23344}Hi! Maxwell, come on up!
{23427}{23493}She's a very pretty little girl, isn't she?
{23527}{23618}- Who?|- Dulcy, Maxwell's guest.
{23621}{23681}Why? Who were you thinking of?
{23685}{23748}Yes, she's adorable, I think. She is.
{23777}{23839}What was going through|your mind just now?
{23842}{23891}Just... Nothing. Why?
{23936}{24021}Last night, when you broke that glass|and I came upstairs to sweep
{24024}{24146}you were just sitting on the edge of|the bathtub, looking off into
the distance.
{24149}{24198}I was exhausted.
{24234}{24291}Do you know Ariel Weymouth?
{24352}{24414}How is it possible for me... Of course not.
{24416}{24474}Don't be silly, Adrian.
{24477}{24558}She's very freethinking|and forward, isn't she?
{24561}{24615}- Who, Ariel Weymouth?|- No, Dulcy.
{24619}{24707}She seems to give off animal vibrations.
{24710}{24767}Yeah, well, she's a nurse.
{24770}{24819}Well, not every nurse is sexy.
{24822}{24887}But they're very knowledgeable|about the body.
{24890}{24998}They know exactly how all the organs|function, so they're wonderfu
{25034}{25089}Maybe I should ask for lessons.
{25092}{25195}I bet she'd be willing to answer|any questions that you might have
{25226}{25295}I was just joking.|You think I need lessons?
{25323}{25372}Do you like it?
{25375}{25477}No, not a bit. My blood pressure|is always 90 over 680.
{25480}{25536}It drives them wild at Coney Island.
{25539}{25646}But if we're gonna be in a country stream,|why do I have to wear a
nything at all?
{25650}{25706}Well, it might shock Andrew. He's elderly.
{25745}{25825}I brought some contraceptives|with me in case you forgot.
{25829}{25895}Oh, good. Cos I only brought 300.
{25988}{26040}(car horn)
{26043}{26078}(Maxwell sighs)
{26141}{26189}(car horn)
{26311}{26382}Leopold, hello.|It's wonderful to see you again.
{26384}{26431}- Hi, there.|- You must be Ariel.
{26434}{26483}I'm Adrian. This is my husband Andrew.
{26489}{26557}- Yes, we've met before.|- Ariel told me about it.
{26560}{26655}It was such a coincidence when Leopold|said you were his cousin's
{26659}{26710}I told him we were old friends.
{26713}{26773}Acquaintances. We're...
{26776}{26883}I didn't know it was the same... I couldn't|imagine it was the sam
e Ariel Weymouth.
{26886}{26945}I'll get the luggage, right?
{26948}{27035}(Leopold) Like each snowflake,|there is only one Ariel Weymouth.
{27038}{27064}Ha ha!
{27067}{27123}(stutters breathlessly)
{27127}{27230}"Only one Ariel..." Did you hear?|Every snowflake...
{27237}{27287}It's been a long time, Cousin Adrian.
{27290}{27345}- Hello.|- Hello.
{27351}{27430}(Adrian) Professor Leopold Sturgis,|Dr Maxwell Jordan.
{27434}{27502}- Charmed.|- (Adrian) Dulcy Ford, Ariel Weymouth.
{27505}{27554}Blue Moon Glow.
{27557}{27655}That's exactly right. I'm amazed.|I didn't think they sold it in t
his country.
{27661}{27759}Well, an old love of mine wore it.|A ballerina from Spain.
{27762}{27844}And the scent you're wearing,|is that Bay Rum?
{27847}{27930}Yes, exactly right.|Straight from the corner drugstore.
{27933}{28027}We recognise each other's smells.|In the animal kingdom, we'd be m
{28030}{28110}Are you the Dr Jordan who|wrote the book on natural science?
{28113}{28195}- Yes, it's my hobby.|- I must be honest. I thought it was poor.
{28199}{28286}It wasn't great. I'm just|an amateur speculator on science.
{28289}{28375}I liked your book, Professor.|Both of 'em. I liked both of 'em.
{28378}{28470}The first one was chosen as the best|philosophical treatise of the
{28473}{28523}- Which one?|- Conceptual Pragmatism.
{28526}{28593}I haven't gotten to that yet.|Exactly what is it?
{28597}{28679}- The house is exactly as I remember it.|- You've been here before
{28682}{28765}- Just once. Years ago.|- What an odd coincidence.
{28769}{28838}Shall I show you to your room,|or do you know the way?
{28841}{28902}(laughs) "Do you know the way?"|Did you hear that?
{28906}{28947}Come, wife.
{28951}{29028}"Sumer is icumen in,|Lhude sing cuccu!"
{29031}{29129}"Groweth sed, and bloweth med,|And springth the wude nu."
{29132}{29195}"Sing cuccu!"
{29198}{29263}So, you've been here before.|You've met Andrew?
{29266}{29342}Yes. A long time ago,|before I left for Paris.
{29346}{29414}We spent a little time together.|Very little.
{29417}{29486}I've been to Paris twice,|but I was miserable both times.
{29489}{29553}Probably because I was there|with the wrong person.
{29557}{29636}That's important,|because it's such a romantic place.
{29638}{29741}If two people are really in love,|a city like Paris becomes a grea
t medium
{29744}{29801}through which to explore their feelings.
{29803}{29865}- Don't you think, Leopold?|- I like large cities.
{29868}{29904}Oh, and in the rain...
{29908}{29986}Tell me about your book, Professor.|What's the plot?
{29988}{30038}- What do you do, Miss, uh...?|- Dulcy.
{30041}{30065}Miss Dulcy.
{30069}{30164}I'm a nurse, but I get to do a lot of reading.|The patients all ha
ve books.
{30167}{30276}A lot of them are too weak to read,|or they die and I get to keep
the copies.
{30296}{30375}Look, why don't we change our clothes|and play badminton?
{30389}{30488}- (Adrian) How could you lie to me?|- (Andrew) I didn't lie, Adria
{30491}{30543}I was not lying.
{30547}{30625}- Do you wanna know why I lied?|- You told me you didn't know her.
{30628}{30696}- Yes, that part I admit.|- What do you mean, "admit"?
{30699}{30778}- I caught you! You were exposed!|- May I make my point, please?
{30782}{30871}- Why didn't you want me to know?|- The way things are in our marr
{30875}{30937}I thought you'd be full|of fear and suspicion.
{30940}{31021}- I thought you'd be uneasy all weekend.|- Because you're guilty.
{31024}{31136}Guilty? That's a laugh. How am I guilty?|How can I be guilty if I
didn't do anything?
{31139}{31197}Why should I be uneasy|unless you were lovers?
{31201}{31267}Lovers? I never laid|a finger on the woman.
{31270}{31352}Didn't you even think|she was gonna give you away?
{31355}{31461}I thought it was so insignificant she|wouldn't remember. It was so
long ago.
{31464}{31537}You think that I would care?|I know I wasn't the first one.
{31540}{31602}It's just that you lied to me|that makes me wonder.
{31604}{31665}You dropped that glass|at the mention of her name.
{31669}{31785}Our marriage is not going well,|so I thought the less said, the be
{31789}{31843}- You went out with her?|- No, never!
{31846}{31904}- Yeah, once.|- Once, and you took her here?
{31908}{31965}So twice, three times. You gonna quibble?
{31969}{32026}I drove her up here.|It was a simple thing.
{32029}{32137}I showed her the premises and I drove her|back to New York City. I
t was very easy...
{32141}{32215}- I swear by my mother.|- You didn't make love to her?
{32218}{32267}No! I would remember that.
{32292}{32360}And what if I did?|Which I didn't. I never did.
{32387}{32475}I've got a really terrible headache.|I'm gonna go get more tablets
{32478}{32582}Listen, so how do you feel about her now,|when you see her after a
ll these years?
{32586}{32702}This is why I didn't tell you. If things were|OK between us, this
wouldn't bother you.
{32705}{32778}But you're so vulnerable,|and they'll be here all weekend,
{32781}{32859}- and we don't sleep together any more...|- Oh! Not so loud.
{32863}{32917}- And she's so beautiful...|- Oh...
{32920}{32998}That's a simple fact.|A blind man could see that.
{33001}{33117}Adrian, I love you. I was never in love with|Ariel Weymouth and I
don't love her now.
{33121}{33170}Hey, trust me.
{33202}{33256}(Maxwell)|So how did you and Leopold meet?
{33259}{33345}(Ariel) We were both tourists|at St Peter's in Rome.
{33348}{33402}(Maxwell) You picked her up|at the Vatican?
{33405}{33482}(Ariel) My whole life I wanted|to see the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
{33485}{33548}(Leopold) I met her in|the basilica before a madonna.
{33551}{33638}I couldn't resist the impulse|to speak to this heavenly creature.
{33641}{33698}(Ariel) Leopold's an expert on Italian art.
{33701}{33806}(Leopold) I had the privilege of escorting|Ariel through the Sisti
ne Chapel
{33809}{33907}and explaining to her exactly why|Michelangelo's ceiling was indee
d great.
{33911}{34000}(Ariel) When Raphael first|laid eyes on it, he fainted.
{34003}{34038}(Maxwell) Had he eaten?
{34046}{34129}(Mendelssohn's|"Violin Concerto in E Minor")
{35567}{35622}- To summer.|- To summer
{35625}{35694}(Leopold) "The spring, the summer,|The childing autumn,
{35698}{35802}angry winter, change|Their wonted liveries."
{36452}{36500}OK. Try something else.
{36570}{36619}- Got it.|- Can I stop now?
{36653}{36746}Do you remember these woods at all?|Do you remember the bridge dow
n there?
{36750}{36839}Of course. It was one of the most|beautiful summer nights I'd ever
{36843}{36923}It was very romantic.|I think about that night all the time.
{36926}{36972}- No, really?|- Yeah.
{36975}{37080}And when I do, I want to kill you.|Kill you or myself, but much mo
re you.
{37083}{37110}What for?
{37113}{37192}Do you have any idea|how much I lusted after you?
{37196}{37258}Why didn't you do something?|I wanted you to.
{37261}{37331}You were this diplomat's daughter,|raised by nuns.
{37335}{37418}I was shy. We were not in love.|It was pure animal lust.
{37421}{37531}- That's just what I was in the mood for.|- I know. I missed an op
{37534}{37582}I've regretted it ever since.
{37585}{37658}That's the saddest thing in life,|a missed opportunity.
{37662}{37717}And particularly rotten in this case
{37719}{37791}because after you left,|a month after you went to Europe,
{37794}{37915}I learned that you were, and had been,|sleeping with everyone. Eve
{37919}{37979}Not everyone.|Well, maybe it was everyone.
{37982}{38050}I wouldn't have been the first,|I'd have been the 21st.
{38053}{38162}Writers, bankers, poets, the entire|infield of the Chicago White S
{38164}{38266}You have to admit, I wasn't one of|your shrinking, mousy, inhibite
d virgins.
{38269}{38356}- The understatement of the century.|- Did you want me to take cha
{38360}{38447}- You didn't act like you wanted anything.|- I was used to slower
{38450}{38504}Adrian and I had no sex|till we were married.
{38507}{38601}Why are we rehashing all this? Huh?|It's over. We're two older peo
ple now.
{38604}{38658}By tomorrow this time, I'll be married too.
{38661}{38735}What is it with you and Leopold?|He's so much older than you.
{38738}{38792}Leopold's very brilliant. A genius.
{38794}{38890}So what? If you're such a free spirit,|why do you want to tie your
self down?
{38899}{38987}You know. For a woman,|the years slip away quickly.
{38997}{39075}- Don't tell me you're getting scared.|- Maybe.
{39080}{39160}But why? I don't understand.|You're so beautiful and charming.
{39164}{39258}- You could get any man that you wanted.|- No, that's not true.
{39262}{39321}That was always true, Ariel.
{39324}{39373}- Not you.|- Me?
{39377}{39456}I think amongst all the love affairs|I was running through then,
{39459}{39523}you were the one person|that could have stopped me.
{39528}{39586}- I could have?|- Yeah. I...
{39589}{39655}I was really beginning to care for you.
{39664}{39756}Sometimes I wonder what would have|happened if we'd made love that
{39759}{39817}The moment was so perfect.
{39820}{39902}People find out things about|themselves through lovemaking
{39905}{39963}that they never dreamed of.
{39966}{40013}What? What are you thinking?
{40071}{40187}Nothing. Only that our whole lives might|have been different if on
ly I had acted.
{40190}{40267}Tell me something, Andrew.|If you lusted after me so,
{40269}{40334}why weren't you also in love with me?
{40338}{40399}Can the two feelings really be separate?
{40451}{40535}(Andrew) Did you see the trout|that I got? It was great!
{40538}{40625}- (Leopold) Look, Ariel, a fossil!|- (Maxwell) He means you, Andre
{40628}{40732}Millions of years old, when prehistoric|man roamed here naked and
{40735}{40774}Give me the good, old days.
{40777}{40846}You'd like to see|some long-haired Neanderthal,
{40850}{40940}his primitive weapon in hand,|stalking through the brush like an a
{40944}{41001}never dreaming that|some day he will be extinct
{41004}{41059}and culture will be the order of the day?
{41063}{41114}Well, I'd like to try it for one night.
{41117}{41179}Look! There's a yellow-bellied sapsucker.
{41182}{41272}- We get a lot of great birds here.|- I love nature. I could live
in the woods.
{41276}{41350}- Maxwell was raised by wolves.|- And he was raised by skunks.
{41353}{41420}Maxwell, why not do|the dance of the merry peasants?
{41423}{41480}(Leopold) There are|too many peasants as it is.
{41484}{41573}- (Dulcy) There's another sapsucker!|- (Maxwell) That sounds dirty
{41577}{41628}These woods are especially beautiful.
{41630}{41715}(Andrew) They're enchanted.|On summer nights, you can see things.
{41719}{41811}- (Adrian) Shadows and glowing things.|- (Andrew) Yeah, spirits.
{41814}{41871}(Leopold) Shadows,|glowing things, spirits...
{41874}{41942}What pathetic delusions|we frightened humans cling to.
{41945}{42015}(Ariel) Leopold has no patience|with the spirit world.
{42018}{42070}(Maxwell) I believe in the spirit world.
{42073}{42148}(Andrew) You have to.|That's where all your patients wind up.
{42151}{42223}(Maxwell) Very funny, Andrew.|Very funny.
{42235}{42306}You were fishing with Ariel|for such a long time.
{42308}{42372}I couldn't get the fish to bite, that's all.
{42375}{42448}- Were you reminiscing?|- I was out with her once years ago!
{42451}{42518}We had a couple of lobsters,|some beers and that was it.
{42521}{42575}You still remember exactly what you ate?
{42579}{42672}Adrian, I'm gonna be glad when|this weekend is over - it's a disas
{42676}{42783}Leopold and Maxwell hate each other and|you I'm gonna have to take
to a hypnotist.
{42786}{42850}- Why?|- So we can start making love again.
{42853}{42925}- You'll be in a trance, but that's OK.|- That's terrible!
{42928}{43022}- You haven't read my ideas.|- Your view is educated, but it's nar
{43026}{43082}That's why your book was second-rate.
{43085}{43189}A yellow-banded butterfly.|I've been looking for one my whole life
{43193}{43281}- Don't scare it. Bring the net.|- (Ariel) It went that way.
{43285}{43379}- (Dulcy) Which way did it go?|- (Maxwell) Everybody quiet and fan
{43383}{43501}(Andrew) What am I supposed to be|looking for? I didn't see any bu
{43503}{43580}- (Dulcy) There it is!|- (Andrew) What colour is it?
{43634}{43688}Did you hurt yourself? Did you...
{43691}{43760}Everybody stand back. Give her air.
{43763}{43852}- Does that hurt?|- It's probably the metatarsal.
{43854}{43949}- Relax, it's nothing serious.|- Maxwell, stop fondling her instep
{43952}{44009}- The butterfly's gone.|- I'm sorry.
{44026}{44140}That's what comes from horsing around.|Running around the woods li
ke Indians.
{44143}{44213}She's gonna be fine.|This man is a major quack.
{44216}{44260}Oh, oh, oh!
{44263}{44348}Oh, that feels good. Oh, yes.
{44372}{44419}- Right in there, isn't it?|- Yes.
{44422}{44496}- Do you two want to be alone?|- Are you well enough to walk?
{44501}{44543}- I think so.|- Just hold it.
{44546}{44604}- It's much better.|- You don't want it to come back.
{44607}{44681}- She said she was fine.|- OK. All better.
{44694}{44780}It's fine! It's good. I used|to get this at dance class all the ti
{44784}{44861}You studied dance? So did I,|but my folks insisted on medicine.
{44864}{44951}I'm tired of standing around amidst|poison ivy, snakes and toadsto
{44953}{45016}I just wanted to make sure|she didn't pull a tendon.
{45020}{45092}Besides, it's not poison ivy|and they're not toadstools.
{45094}{45162}You are wrong.|Toadstools is exactly what they are.
{45164}{45242}Yes? Well, these|happen to be mushrooms.
{45245}{45337}- Those are poisonous fungi.|- I believe you're mistaken.
{45340}{45413}- Does it matter?|- I don't think you'd be willing to eat one.
{45419}{45486}- No?|- (Ariel) Don't be ridiculous. Let's go.
{45490}{45594}Those are toadstools. A doctor who writes|about nature should know
the difference.
{45597}{45707}Yeah, give us all a thrill. Pop one|into your mouth and go into co
{45789}{45843}OK, Leopold. Yeah.
{45845}{45914}For once in your life, do you stand...
{45917}{45963}(Maxwell splutters)
{45966}{46015}Get some coffee or something.
{46018}{46068}Do we have anything in here? Quickly.
{46072}{46164}There's some aspirin.|Get some plain white bread.
{46168}{46245}(Andrew) I don't know|what he was trying to prove.
{46248}{46338}(Adrian) Leopold, put down|the telescope and come help us.
{46927}{47009}The summer light is so beautiful|at this hour, isn't it?
{47013}{47061}I love the long days.
{47099}{47173}So do I. It makes me think|of when I was a little girl.
{47177}{47247}Me too. Full of dreams.
{47250}{47341}Yes. Mostly about falling in love.
{47343}{47392}Mine too.
{47440}{47513}Do you think that when|two people are in love
{47516}{47582}it must always express itself physically?
{47602}{47672}I don't understand.
{47676}{47782}Do you mean that, um... a man|could lust passionately for a woman
{47785}{47841}but still he might not love her?
{47907}{48022}I don't know. It's very confusing|when you try and think about it,
isn't it?
{48091}{48223}Tell me, I don't mean to be forward,|but was it a difficult decisi
{48226}{48325}to, you know, come from a convent|and everything, and guard your c
{48327}{48433}to decide to share the bed|with Leopold before the wedding?
{48475}{48524}N... N... Not too tough.
{48606}{48661}I wish I'd have been that brave.
{48697}{48790}It's funny. I always considered|myself a modern woman,
{48793}{48878}and then I see someone like Nurse Dulcy.
{48881}{49035}(Adrian) Yeah. I hear she knows how all|the organs function and ju
st what to do.
{49038}{49100}(Ariel) I think men|appreciate vigorous women.
{49104}{49133}(Adrian) Yes?
{49137}{49246}(Ariel) And young ones. This beautiful|summer light doesn't last f
or ever.
{49265}{49320}I was watching you. You shoot well.
{49323}{49425}It's all in the pectoral muscles.|Healthy pectorals. You should tr
y it.
{49444}{49504}Rather than using|weapons of destruction,
{49507}{49622}my aggressive impulses are given vent in|the more socially accepta
ble chessboard.
{49630}{49716}- I wouldn't mind learning chess.|- I feel it would be tame for yo
{49720}{49771}I like the way the stallions look.
{49781}{49893}They're called knights.|That's a knight. Not a stallion.
{50007}{50052}- They're watching us.|- Who?
{50056}{50136}- Leopold. He tried to poison me.|- Yeah. Right, sure.
{50139}{50210}- I'm in love with Ariel.|- I know, she's beautiful.
{50213}{50321}- No, I mean I'm really in love with her.|- I don't blame you. She
's exceptional.
{50324}{50391}You don't understand.|I don't want her to get married.
{50394}{50452}Maxwell, make your shot.|I wanna take my bath.
{50455}{50534}I've never felt like this.|The moment I smelled her, I loved her.
{50537}{50595}Smell someone else,|because she's taken.
{50597}{50654}- Jesus, he's such a pompous ass!|- I know.
{50657}{50724}But this time tomorrow|she's gonna be Mrs Pompous Ass.
{50727}{50812}What's the matter with you?|Don't you know what she's thinking?
{50815}{50885}- What does that mean?|- I kissed her!
{50888}{50952}- You did?|- Yeah, in the woods. I think Leopold saw.
{50955}{51024}- He's watching me like a hawk.|- She let you kiss her?
{51027}{51104}Not exactly, but I could feel|her lips tremble with feeling.
{51108}{51212}Don't tell me about it. Adrian's jealous|enough. I've had an exper
ience with Ariel.
{51215}{51270}- What was that experience?|- It was nothing.
{51274}{51354}- What do you mean "It was nothing"?|- It was brief and platonic.
{51357}{51423}Bring her to the brook.|Don't tell her it's to meet me.
{51426}{51500}- Why the brook?|- What's the matter? Relax.
{51503}{51591}You just lust after her. You're not in love.|You wanna sleep with
{51594}{51699}How could anyone just wanna sleep with|such a dream? Not that I do
n't. She's hot.
{51703}{51773}They're incredible in bed,|the ones raised in a convent.
{51776}{51831}Maxwell, go play with your butterfly net.
{51835}{51924}- Take a walk with Ariel. Go to the brook.|- I can't! Adrian's too
{51927}{51985}What did you two do|that was so incriminating?
{52016}{52102}- Don't say nothing. You're blushing.|- Leave me alone, Maxwell.
{52105}{52161}- You slept with her, didn't you?|- I didn't.
{52164}{52233}- You still like her, don't you?|- No. Go away.
{52237}{52301}God, Andrew, I'm suffering. I mean it!
{52304}{52406}All right! I'll bring her to the brook.|I'll talk to her on your b
ehalf. I'll try.
{52409}{52461}Stop it, they're looking at us.
{52464}{52535}Didn't he say|that they napped before dinner?
{52565}{52611}(Dulcy) Check.
{52614}{52677}(Leopold) Very aggressive.|You learn quickly.
{52681}{52734}And if I do this?
{52737}{52799}(Dulcy) Trapped.
{52801}{52886}You have a wonderful flair|for spatial relationships.
{52963}{53016}Can you get away later on?
{53022}{53085}- What do you mean?|- I mean can you get away later on
{53088}{53139}to be alone with me?
{53142}{53225}- What for?|- These are my last few hours of freedom.
{53283}{53356}I pray you, do not register|untoward dismay.
{53360}{53454}I have known many women, and it is|only because I cherish Ariel so
{53457}{53573}that I am, with some trepidation, closing|the book on my bachelorh
ood for ever.
{53585}{53696}I hold the marriage vows sacred and,|once wed, would never be unfa
{53699}{53749}- I don't know what to say.|- Please,
{53752}{53825}the shame I feel over my desires|is already too much to bear.
{53829}{53913}Don't be ashamed.|I'm just surprised it's me you asked.
{53932}{54036}You have an open personality and I feel|you're modern enough in yo
ur thinking
{54040}{54115}not to make more of the experience|than is intended.
{54118}{54201}And, although I'm surely|not the first to tell you,
{54204}{54333}you're quite attractive|and you radiate a certain raw energy.
{54349}{54477}I'm not saying that it wouldn't be|an interesting experience for m
{54480}{54548}- What if your fiance finds out?|- She must never.
{54561}{54620}I want Ariel for my wife and...
{54624}{54679}yet the pull is strong.
{54682}{54771}I cannot help imagining|what it would be like with you.
{54774}{54823}I'm flattered.
{54879}{54936}Have you ever made love|with a much older man?
{54985}{55055}Illicitly? In the woods?
{55094}{55182}- Was he a genius?|- He was a dentist.
{55186}{55273}- Do you find me unattractive?|- No, you're elegant.
{55312}{55377}Would you meet me|where we swam today, at six?
{55411}{55456}I'm grateful.
{56040}{56089}(Andrew) Ariel! Psst!
{56220}{56286}Ariel! Ariel!
{56460}{56511}(stones clatter on wall)
{56795}{56844}Are you gonna be in there for a while?
{56848}{56915}(Maxwell) I just got in the tub|about two minutes ago.
{56919}{56989}I really like soaking in a good, hot bath.
{56992}{57113}I think I'll stay in here for half an hour,|cos the water feels so
good on my back.
{57116}{57149}Mm. Well...
{57153}{57258}I'm bushed. I think I'll just|take nap, so just, you know...
{57261}{57342}relax and take as long|as you want in the tub.
{57345}{57488}Don't worry about me. I'll take a nap|for about, maybe, half an ho
ur or so.
{57965}{58022}(water flows)
{58666}{58724}- (Dulcy) Oh!|- (Adrian) I have to speak to you.
{58727}{58805}- (Dulcy) Now?|- (Adrian) Please. It's an emergency.
{58808}{58929}- (Dulcy) What's the matter?|- I didn't know where else to turn.
{58933}{58992}(Dulcy) Calm down, please.|I'm a nurse. It's OK.
{58995}{59084}- Sorry. This is very hard for me.|- (Dulcy) Don't worry.
{59087}{59153}He can't hear you. It's fine. It's OK.
{59156}{59205}All right. The thing is...
{59234}{59317}I want to learn how|to please my husband in bed.
{59790}{59839}Ariel! Ariel!
{59872}{59961}- Andrew! What are you doing there?|- Maxwell Jordan is in love wi
th you.
{59965}{60014}He's a medical Casanova.
{60017}{60085}No, he's a wonderful guy|and a terrific doctor.
{60088}{60194}Really. Never lost a patient. Got a couple|of 'em pregnant, but ne
ver lost one.
{60197}{60293}- I'm getting married tomorrow.|- You don't love Leopold. You know
{60296}{60387}You're just in love with the idea of|marrying a great scholar. I k
now you.
{60390}{60510}- You've got a lot of nerve.|- That was your goal even way back th
{60513}{60592}You weren't listening to anything|I was saying "way back then".
{60597}{60659}All that was on your mind|was animal passion.
{60662}{60723}And what was on your mind?
{60726}{60808}It's my fault.|I shouldn't have flirted with Maxwell.
{60810}{60897}It just comes naturally.|Now I've started something.
{60902}{60994}- He likes the way you smell.|- Oh, Andrew. I'm so mixed up.
{60996}{61083}That's why the sooner I marry Leopold|and settle down, the better.
{61087}{61185}You've gotta give Maxwell five minutes.|He's pining away for you.
{61188}{61250}I never saw the guy so serious in his life.
{61253}{61370}Unless you're absolutely certain that what|you're doing tomorrow i
s the right thing.
{61375}{61443}It's a little late for me|to be having those thoughts.
{61446}{61495}But not too late.
{61517}{61593}I was fine till I saw you again. Fine!
{61596}{61659}Come with me to the brook.|Here, I've brought a hat.
{61662}{61714}Hop on, really. For five minutes.
{61718}{61767}Andrew, we'll get killed.
{61769}{61857}No, don't be silly. Trust me.|It's me, Andrew.
{61860}{61896}Trust me anyhow.
{62342}{62421}- (Ariel) My God, we're flying!|- (Andrew) I know. It's perfect.
{62424}{62518}- (Ariel) It's great. Better not look down.|- (Andrew) Hang on tig
{62521}{62601}- (Andrew) I knew it would work! I knew it!|- (Ariel) It's wonderf
{62778}{62831}I was, uh...
{62834}{62951}I was just here and looking|at some moss formations.
{62954}{63033}I couldn't sleep. I felt like a stroll.
{63048}{63097}What a coincidence.
{63101}{63164}Are you staying?
{63168}{63216}Are you? No!
{63241}{63299}Uh... Why don't we stroll together?
{63314}{63384}- Yes.|- No! Not that way.
{63386}{63460}I think there's something|more interesting up there.
{63463}{63494}- Yes?|- Oh, yes.
{63497}{63595}There's some very interesting leaves.|I'd like to show them to you
{63597}{63701}It's much better that way, especially|if you're in the mood for a
{63704}{63794}Yes, that's the only reason|I'm about. I usually nap.
{63799}{63872}If you'd prefer to walk alone,|I could give you directions.
{63877}{63962}- Would you rather stroll by yourself?|- Certainly not! Not me.
{63965}{64043}We can talk about nature,|even if we don't agree on everything.
{64046}{64070}(Leopold chuckles)
{64077}{64144}(Ariel) Oh, God. What am I gonna do?
{64147}{64217}Now I know my flying bicycle|won't handle that weight.
{64220}{64302}- We could have been killed.|- Not killed. Crippled.
{64323}{64382}- That lake is cold.|- You're shivering.
{64385}{64438}Come on, you're shaking.
{64442}{64505}- You know, you're wet.|- I know I'm wet!
{64575}{64650}- I thought I saw a red-winged blackbird.|- Yes.
{64653}{64710}These woods are fascinating|and beautiful.
{64713}{64764}There is something|magical about them.
{64767}{64829}Four miles is rather longer|than I anticipated.
{64833}{64919}We're half there.|So, tomorrow's the big day, huh?
{64953}{65028}You know what I jokingly call marriage?|"The death of hope".
{65031}{65123}Jokingly, of course. Although|no joke is ever completely untrue.
{65126}{65187}I'm aware that you have designs on Ariel.
{65247}{65297}- What?!|- It's pointless to deny it.
{65301}{65391}I observe the way you stare at her|and take pleasure in her behavi
{65394}{65466}I can almost hear your heart beat|when she's close to you.
{65469}{65523}You have some imagination.
{65526}{65642}I assure you Ariel does not return these|rather desperate and vulg
ar feelings.
{65645}{65712}You're not too overeducated|to get a punch in the nose.
{65715}{65775}Go ahead, hit me.|You've wanted to all day.
{65778}{65834}Don't be afraid. I never resist violence.
{65837}{65928}I realise that often it is|the sole recourse of primitives.
{65933}{66002}It's like swimming.|It's a measured stroke.
{66006}{66053}And remember, here's the key.
{66055}{66131}When the sperm count is low,|they won't listen to reason.
{66134}{66234}But when the sperm count is high,|they'll do anything you want.
{66264}{66314}It sounds awfully clinical.
{66317}{66383}Well, we're just going over some basics.
{66386}{66460}But if you love the guy,|it should all come together
{66463}{66551}with a certain sense|of danger and excitement.
{66554}{66628}You shouldn't just limit|yourself to the bedroom.
{66633}{66718}It should be full of surprise|and spontaneity.
{66721}{66770}It shouldn't be routine.
{66872}{66933}(Andrew) I understand|Maxwell kissed you today?
{66936}{66991}(Ariel) Yes. Very suddenly, in the woods.
{66995}{67058}- (Andrew) How did it feel?|- It felt good.
{67061}{67140}- (Andrew) What do you mean?|- You asked how it felt. I said good.
{67143}{67208}(Andrew) So how can you|think of getting married?
{67211}{67290}(Ariel) I'm always mixed up|when it comes to the opposite sex.
{67293}{67375}I think I know what I want,|and then I don't. And then I do.
{67384}{67459}- What about you? How's your marriage?|- My marriage is fine.
{67462}{67519}- It's not working, but it's fine.|- I'm sorry.
{67522}{67620}- So you find Maxwell attractive?|- Well, kind of. In his own way.
{67623}{67716}You're kidding. The kid's tubby.|Haven't you noticed? He's a butte
{67719}{67786}A few minutes ago you were|telling me how great he was.
{67789}{67873}He's great. Don't misunderstand me.|It's just that he's blubber.
{67876}{67926}I guess he is.
{67929}{68021}If I had only acted that time|when we were at the brook that night
{68025}{68075}- Yeah.|- It just haunts me.
{68078}{68167}Not a week has gone by that I haven't|dreamt about you or that eve
{68170}{68252}We shouldn't be talking like this.|I gotta get married tomorrow.
{68255}{68319}Why? What are you running into?|Stop for a second.
{68323}{68396}I'm not running into it. No.|He's perfect for me, really.
{68399}{68452}He's solid. He's taught me a lot.
{68455}{68537}- Like what?|- Like how to listen to Mozart.
{68540}{68617}With your ears, right?|Is that a reason to marry...
{68630}{68689}- (sneezes)|- Hey, are you OK?
{68808}{68868}We got wet. We should go back.
{68871}{68895}(knocking at door)
{68898}{69015}Maxwell, it's flooding!|Maxwell, are you all right?
{69018}{69092}- Max...|- I fell asleep in the tub and it overflowed.
{69096}{69169}I got everything under control.|Did you have a good nap?
{69172}{69227}Yeah, I just decided to change.
{69333}{69409}I, uh... didn't feel tired|so I took a brief stroll.
{69438}{69504}- You've been in there a long time.|- Oh, I... I... I...
{69507}{69562}I fell asleep in the bath.
{69566}{69614}Did you have a nice stroll?
{69626}{69681}Yes. Very enlightening.
{69684}{69772}- Did you have a nice bath?|- Oh, yes. Very refreshing.
{69871}{69932}Where have you been?|The table's still not set.
{69935}{69998}I was... chopping ice. I was in the barn.
{70001}{70057}I was just...
{70059}{70117}There was a huge block of ice|and I chopped it.
{70120}{70167}We... We'll have the ice for dinner.
{70175}{70231}OK, I understand.
{70307}{70360}Dinner's nowhere near ready.
{70374}{70430}Oh. No.
{70433}{70496}I had to clean the fish.
{70499}{70575}I thought you said you cleaned the fish.
{70578}{70670}Oh, I didn't mean to say the fish.|I meant to say the chicken.
{70674}{70774}We're having fish and chicken,|because Leopold hates fish.
{71078}{71135}- More trout, Leopold?|- Please, yes.
{71138}{71223}The trellis is broken. Have you|been climbing on it again, Andrew?
{71226}{71325}No, I was just trying to fix|something there. It's a terrible stor
{71329}{71404}I once got locked in the bathroom.
{71407}{71512}Andrew climbed up the trellis and got|me out the window. It was ve
ry romantic.
{71515}{71604}I'd like to say that,|also that I'm a little drunk.
{71606}{71689}- The wine is a little heavy.|- It's gone straight to my head too.
{71692}{71804}You'll turn into one of those doctors|whose hands shake when they
{71807}{71858}Domestic brands are always less subtle.
{71862}{71958}Did anyone see that big, strange bird|that was flying around befor
e dinner?
{71961}{72044}- What bird?|- The one that dived into the lake.
{72047}{72147}You know what there is up here?|There's hawks and eagles.
{72150}{72222}You haven't been trying|your wings on again, Andrew?
{72227}{72340}Yeah, sure. I always spin around the lake|a couple of times before
{72343}{72394}It builds my appetite.
{72398}{72500}- So you're an inventor, eh?|- Crackpot inventor.
{72503}{72611}In actual life, I help people with their|investments until there's
nothing left.
{72614}{72737}What was that odd-looking contraption|with the ball on top that we
saw earlier?
{72740}{72807}That was my spirit box.
{72810}{72911}It's a kind of a magic lantern|that penetrates the unseen world.
{72919}{73008}What unseen world?|Forest spirits? Little glowing things?
{73021}{73086}You can make fun if you want,|but you all will admit
{73089}{73197}that there's more to life than|what we perceive with our five sens
{73199}{73266}- I'm afraid not.|- (Ariel) Oh, I think there is.
{73269}{73346}I've seen these spirits on summer nights.
{73349}{73394}Truth is nobody really knows.
{73397}{73483}That thing looked like something I saw|at a magic show at Coney Is
{73487}{73592}There is nothing magical about existence.|It grows more understand
able every day.
{73595}{73686}Greater familiarity with some of|our best minds might make that cl
{73689}{73805}I disagree. I think that if anything can|be said to be magical, it
's the universe.
{73808}{73833}(Andrew) Me, too.
{73836}{73912}What a pity that people require|more for their existence
{73915}{73970}than the wonderful world about them.
{73973}{74040}It's not always so wonderful|down at the hospital.
{74064}{74158}So when are you gonna show us|this little trick of yours?
{74161}{74268}It's not a trick. I'm gonna try it later.|It's gotta be dark befor
e I can do anything.
{74271}{74347}Andrew's invented a wedding present|for you and Ariel.
{74350}{74411}- Oh, really? What?|- Tell them about that.
{74414}{74508}It's nothing. It's a silly apparatus|that takes the bones out of f
{74511}{74608}Or if you prefer, although there's|no point to it, it puts bones i
n fish.
{74611}{74641}That's great.
{74644}{74692}To Leopold and Ariel.
{74695}{74756}Tomorrow they will be man and wife,
{74759}{74845}forsaking all others|till death do them part.
{74852}{74961}May they be very happy with one|another for the rest of their live
{75035}{75114}- (Adrian) Are you all right?|- Are you choking? Are you OK?
{75117}{75173}Just a little wine|went down the wrong way.
{75176}{75228}You're gulping it down like it was milk.
{75231}{75323}- I'll be all right. I'm just a little dizzy.|- It's not a bone?
{75353}{75460}- Is he an alcoholic?|- No. He just had a little too much tonight.
{75463}{75557}(Dulcy) He started on an empty stomach.|He just has to walk it off
{75560}{75636}(Adrian) So, where will you|settle after you're married?
{75639}{75703}I've taken a townhouse|near the university.
{75706}{75831}I can't wait for Ariel to meet the|professors. I'm the envy of the
{75838}{75927}You'll adore Professor Eddy and his wife.|They're very entertainin
{75930}{75981}with a kind of a theme to their marriage.
{75984}{76074}He specialises in Dr Johnson|and she teaches Boswell.
{76077}{76135}They're an entertaining|and amusing couple,
{76138}{76199}and I look forward to|many wonderful chats.
{76223}{76278}Well, to wonderful chats,
{76281}{76334}and Boswell and Johnson,
{76337}{76387}and Leopold and Ariel,
{76390}{76465}and this summer night,|and you two, of course.
{76468}{76534}- And Maxwell.|- And Dr Maxwell Jordan.
{76537}{76609}- Doctor of high jinks.|- And to Adrian and Andrew.
{76640}{76682}Where did that come from?
{76903}{76991}Maxwell! Maxwell!
{77027}{77104}- Maxwell, what is it?|- Maxwell, are you all right?
{77108}{77167}- Did you hurt yourself?|- You're bleeding.
{77170}{77246}I just picked it up and it went off.|I didn't know it was loaded.
{77249}{77315}Put that thing down! Be careful with it!
{77319}{77376}- Jesus, are you OK?|- Yeah, I'm all right.
{77379}{77425}Andrew, you keep it loaded!
{77428}{77482}No, I don't. That's what I don't understand.
{77486}{77581}I'm OK. Go on back to dinner.|There's no harm done. I'm all right.
{77584}{77658}- Everybody, go.|- We'll put a bandage on it.
{77661}{77757}Go back to the house. We'll put some|alcohol on it. Just relax. He
's OK.
{77760}{77818}Maxwell, let me see|that thing for a second.
{77821}{77903}Maxwell, are you crazy?|I never keep bullets in that thing.
{77906}{77952}- So what?|- So are you insane?
{77956}{78021}Is she worth putting|a bullet through your head for?
{78023}{78055}I love her.
{78058}{78149}I don't know who I'm talking to|any more. I don't know you.
{78152}{78238}- Nobody knows me.|- Don't be melodramatic. Are you crazy?
{78241}{78342}Maybe I'm drunk, but I haven't been able|to think of anything else
but her all day.
{78345}{78416}- I have to be alone with her.|- What are you telling me?
{78419}{78528}What would have happened if you hadn't|missed? What a tragedy that
would be.
{78531}{78579}- Wouldn't you die for Ariel?|- Me?
{78582}{78655}- I see the way you look at her.|- I'm not a poet.
{78659}{78713}I don't die for love.|I work on Wall Street.
{78716}{78790}- I waited for her. You never sent her.|- I tried!
{78793}{78865}- Was she willing to come?|- Yes! I tried to take her by air.
{78869}{78920}We fell into the lake. It was ridiculous.
{78923}{79001}We had to get out. We walked.|Our clothes were soaking wet.
{79004}{79083}It sounds very romantic,|walking around with wet clothes.
{79086}{79150}- Did you kiss her?|- Kiss her? I sneezed on her.
{79153}{79232}- Why do you blush when we discuss her?|- Maxwell, leave me alone!
{79235}{79313}If I did love her, it wouldn't matter.|She's marrying Leopold.
{79316}{79386}What do you mean, if you did love her?|Do you love her?
{79389}{79467}I'm saying "if". If I loved her,|if I wasn't married, then...
{79508}{79567}Well, then we would have some problems.
{79601}{79655}Lass singen, Gesell, lass rauschen
{79656}{79724}Und wandre frhlich nach!
{79730}{79796}Es gehn ja Mhlenrder
{79799}{79862}In jedem klaren Bach
{79866}{79930}Es gehn ja Mhlenrder
{79933}{80001}In jedem klaren Bach
{80004}{80071}Lass singen, Gesell, lass rauschen
{80074}{80129}Und wandre frhlich nach!
{80133}{80157}Frhlich nach!
{80165}{80266}Frhlich nach!
{80346}{80395}(Dulcy) That's wonderful.
{80454}{80532}Ich grolle nicht
{80536}{80692}Und wenn das Herz auch bricht
{80729}{80863}Ewig verlor'nes Lieb!
{80882}{81024}Ewig verlor'nes Lieb!
{81044}{81098}- I love you. Don't get married.|- Ssh.
{81101}{81202}- I can't live without you. I'm serious.|- What a childish thing t
o do in the barn.
{81210}{81277}- Do you have any feelings for me at all?|- I don't know.
{81281}{81347}- How will you ever if you get married?|- I won't.
{81351}{81406}- Meet me later.|- Go away.
{81409}{81470}- By the brook at midnight.|- Don't cause trouble!
{81474}{81546}Give me a chance! I haven't|had a single free moment
{81549}{81598}to show you how charming I can be.
{81601}{81662}Your charm is apparent,|but that's not enough.
{81665}{81738}Why are you so stubborn?|Do you love Andrew?
{81741}{81814}- How dare you!|- You protest too strongly.
{81816}{81899}- I love Leopold.|- You don't. He'd run a poor third.
{81902}{81983}- You're rude.|- You're adorable. And Andrew's married.
{81987}{82031}(Leopold continues singing)
{82034}{82083}(Maxwell whispers)
{82198}{82263}Go away, will you?|We've both had too much wine.
{82266}{82355}How can you resist? The moon is full.|You're about to be married f
or ever.
{82359}{82422}This is your last free night.|Spend it with me.
{82424}{82512}Ten minutes, just talking. I know if|you knew me better, you'd lik
e me.
{82515}{82620}You don't want to get married with the|nagging thought "Maybe I sh
ould have."
{82623}{82716}"Maybe if I'd given him ten minutes,|he would have changed my mind
{82719}{82782}"But now it's too late.|I'm the professor's wife."
{82785}{82891}"Secure, it's true, yet something's|missing. Maybe if I'd acted...
{82894}{82918}Stop it!
{82922}{82986}- Marriage is the death of hope.|- It is not.
{82990}{83056}- No, not with the right person.|- I don't love you.
{83060}{83151}Because you don't know me.|Give me ten minutes. Ten lousy minutes.
{83155}{83262}If you don't, I'll kill myself right after|the wedding. This time
I won't miss.
{83266}{83314}(whispering continues)
{83367}{83425}All right! OK, I'll meet you.
{83428}{83492}- You promise?|- Go away.
{83495}{83570}If you don't come,|the guilt will haunt you for ever.
{83573}{83638}- (Adrian) Ariel, come play for a while.|- All right.
{83641}{83724}Yes, why don't you?|I feel like something devotional.
{83750}{83861}I love your accompaniment. You have|a way of caressing the words I
{83931}{83980}(Ariel plays)
{84048}{84225}Our Father
{84240}{84423}Which art in heaven
{84475}{84578}Hallowed be...
{84582}{84648}- (door closes)|- What are you slamming the door for?
{84651}{84700}He doesn't sound that bad.
{84728}{84841}Is something the matter? You've got|a funny look on your face. Are
you OK?
{84845}{84900}Andrew, kiss me.
{84950}{84974}(Andrew gasps)
{84977}{85057}- What are you doing?|- I want to make love to you.
{85060}{85123}Adrian, what's the matter with you?
{85126}{85226}Adrian, stop! Adrian! Adrian, stop that!
{85229}{85336}- Adrian, we've got guests in the house.|- Yeah, that makes it a l
ittle dangerous.
{85339}{85457}Adrian, stop it. Adrian! This is|the kitchen table! What are you d
{85460}{85538}Adrian! I cannot have intercourse|where we eat oatmeal.
{85540}{85588}I want you right now!
{85592}{85662}Adrian, stop this. You're crazy.
{85665}{85706}Stop it!
{85710}{85766}Adrian, there's a fork under me.
{85769}{85818}Oh, stop that.
{85859}{85927}Look, I broke an egg!|This is like a Flemish painting.
{85930}{85987}- Get those pants off!|- Ssh, quiet!
{85991}{86095}There's a man in the next room singing|the Lord's Prayer. We'll go
{86098}{86175}- Adrian! Adrian, I'm on the burner.|- Kiss me.
{86179}{86276}(Leopold) Lead us not into temptation
{86280}{86376}But deliver us from evil
{86380}{86517}For thine is the Kingdom
{86606}{86655}What are you doing?
{86702}{86765}- Don't stop.|- (Adrian pants)
{86768}{86823}I suddenly feel panicky.
{86827}{86897}You can't stop now.|I'm past the point of no return.
{86901}{86976}I feel a lot of fear|in the bottom of my stomach.
{86979}{87040}Yeah, but you're gonna|have to pack me in ice.
{87044}{87107}I can't. It's disgusting.
{87110}{87177}How can it be?|I don't have my clothes off yet.
{87180}{87261}I'm sorry, Andrew.|I really wanted to. You know that.
{87264}{87386}I just... suddenly...|I became aware of myself, of the others.
{87389}{87435}I could feel my heart beating.
{87437}{87506}You don't feel it for me any more. Face it.
{87510}{87551}Oh, look.
{87554}{87616}Maybe I don't. I don't know what I feel.
{87625}{87696}I know one thing.|I can't go on like this any more.
{87700}{87795}(Leopold) What about the spirit world,|Andrew? We're all waiting.
{87841}{87935}(Andrew) OK, everyone, I can't|guarantee this thing is gonna work.
{87938}{88038}You're a man of science.|What are your views on an unseen world?
{88041}{88116}I don't believe in ghosts,|though I almost became one before.
{88120}{88190}- I believe in science and sex.|- Not love?
{88194}{88243}Yes. Love at first sight.
{88246}{88341}- Can there be love without sex?|- I think the two can be totally
{88344}{88440}- How?|- Sex alleviates tension and love causes it.
{88443}{88500}Think about that for a minute.
{88503}{88632}OK, join hands, everyone. Everyone,|just hold your hand. Everyone,
{88636}{88728}I'm dealing here with ectoplasm|and animal magnetism.
{88732}{88824}Everyone, concentrate on the ball|and make your mind a blank.
{88828}{88883}- Can we look at it?|- You can look at it, yeah.
{88886}{88948}OK, relax. Please, take this seriously.
{88971}{89012}Keep concentrating.
{89054}{89102}Just relax.
{89283}{89331}Just relax.
{89848}{89903}Look at that! Look, isn't that fantastic?
{89906}{89967}- (Dulcy) Oh, it's wonderful.|- It's working!
{89977}{90029}- We went swimming there.|- It's the brook.
{90032}{90139}- (Ariel) It's a person. Some man.|- (Adrian) It's Andrew! No, it'
s Maxwell.
{90142}{90186}It's Andrew. It's neither of them.
{90189}{90254}- (Ariel) He's waiting.|- (Adrian) For who?
{90257}{90281}(Dulcy) A woman.
{90284}{90374}- He's alone. She never came.|- (Andrew) Is this looking into the
{90377}{90460}- (Leopold) It's an optical illusion.|- There's someone in a dress
{90464}{90536}- They're just talking.|- Why doesn't he kiss her?
{90539}{90600}- I know he wants to.|- I wonder why he doesn't.
{90604}{90682}- He's too timid.|- She really wants him to.
{90685}{90762}(Ariel) She does want him to.|You can see. She's straining too.
{90766}{90849}- (Adrian) But he just isn't.|- (Maxwell) He's missing his chance.
{90852}{90886}(Adrian) It's so sad.
{90889}{90972}(Dulcy) Isn't it true, the best|opportunities only happen once?
{91028}{91104}- Careful, Andrew.|- You got something to pour on it?
{91107}{91199}- Take that away from there.|- The house'll burn down.
{91202}{91272}- You've really invented something.|- Yeah, but what?
{91275}{91390}- Give it time. It'll die down.|- I hope so. I can't seem to put i
t out.
{91393}{91470}There, you see? That explains it.|Movement is no miracle.
{91474}{91565}The retina retains an image for 1/16th|of a second, flickering lig
{91568}{91616}- Quite explainable.|- Is it?
{91619}{91691}But what did we see?|The past, the present, the future?
{91694}{91764}Maybe it was the spirit world|and those were two ghosts.
{91767}{91822}There are no ghosts,|except in Shakespeare.
{91825}{91899}And many of those are more real|than many people that I know.
{91902}{91951}Come along, Ariel. Time to go to bed.
{91954}{92007}Thank you, everyone. Lovely dinner.
{92011}{92058}Thank you for dinner.
{92061}{92143}- Marvellous demonstration.|- I think I'd better go to bed too.
{92147}{92207}Adrian, dinner was super. Thank you.
{92210}{92252}Goodnight, Andrew.
{92255}{92368}- I was always scared of ghosts.|- Andrew's got everything under c
{92951}{93064}- (Andrew) Aren't you coming to bed?|- (Maxwell) I'm gonna stay up
for a while.
{93067}{93171}- I'm not tired.|- (Andrew) Really? You're just gonna...
{93173}{93238}- (Maxwell) Get a little air.|- (Andrew) No kidding.
{93241}{93291}A little. It's such a pretty night.
{93295}{93367}- Oh. Where's Dulcy?|- She's exhausted.
{93399}{93505}It's funny, Maxwell. You don't seem|as depressed now as you were b
{93509}{93542}- I'm not.|- No?
{93545}{93634}- I'm much better.|- Good. I like to hear that.
{93754}{93840}How come, Maxwell?|Why do you feel better?
{93843}{93923}Well, I guess if marriage|is the death of hope,
{93925}{94007}then the night before marriage,|there's still hope.
{94029}{94093}Where do you think|you're gonna walk at this hour?
{94096}{94183}- Just around, under the stars.|- You think maybe down by the broo
{94187}{94263}- Why are you so concerned? Go to sleep.|- I'm not concerned.
{94266}{94330}I'm gonna take a walk.|It's good for the digestion.
{94333}{94419}- Maybe I should walk along with you?|- No, no, don't bother.
{94423}{94507}- Why not? I'd like to. I like to digest.|- I prefer to be alone.
{94509}{94596}- Yeah, but why?|- Look, go to bed.
{94599}{94648}I'm going to meet Ariel.
{94650}{94721}- You are?|- Yes. By the brook at midnight.
{94726}{94800}- Since when did that happen?|- I spoke to her.
{94803}{94860}- She's gonna meet you?|- Yes.
{94863}{94921}- What did you tell her?|- I told her I loved her.
{94924}{95010}I told her not to marry Leopold.|I told her to meet me tonight.
{95013}{95105}- And she agreed to this?|- Andrew, I think I have a chance with h
{95108}{95166}- You do?|- Yeah.
{95170}{95275}- I got an idea. I'll bring her to meet you.|- No, you go to sleep
{95278}{95344}No, I'm not tired. I'll bring her. Ma... Ma...
{95347}{95396}- Wish me luck.|- Good luck.
{95451}{95500}Maxwell, I'm not tired.
{97079}{97125}(Leopold) Ariel?
{97128}{97187}Yes? Yes, Leopold?
{97190}{97319}(Leopold) Ariel... Doctor...|Andrew... sing... music...
{97321}{97370}(Leopold mumbles)
{97635}{97712}Ariel! Ariel, over here by the tree.
{97721}{97770}Ariel, by the tree!
{97800}{97851}- Why are you here?|- I'm here to see Ariel.
{97854}{97936}- I said I wanna be alone with her.|- It's no use. I'm in love wit
h her.
{97940}{97998}- What?!|- I can't fight it any more.
{98000}{98070}- I said I thought you loved her.|- I know. Don't get upset.
{98074}{98166}- You denied it. And I'm not upset.|- She's been in love with me a
long time.
{98170}{98219}- You said it was platonic.|- It was.
{98222}{98303}I never touched her, but I could have.|She wanted me to years ago.
{98307}{98398}- I said I thought you loved her!|- What am I gonna tell Adrian?
{98402}{98503}- I asked you to help me.|- I tried to bring her. It didn't work o
{98506}{98597}- We flew, we laughed. It turned romantic.|- Did she tell you she
loved you?
{98600}{98660}She's loved me since|I took her to a baseball game.
{98664}{98725}- I'll kill you!|- I knew you would take this badly.
{98729}{98807}- You knew how much I cared for her.|- Nobody plans these things.
{98810}{98877}They just happen.|You gotta be a little mature.
{98880}{98946}I'll show you what mature is,|you backstabbing runt!
{98949}{99018}- (Ariel) Hey, what's going on here?|- Ariel, I love you.
{99021}{99046}- You do?|- Yes.
{99050}{99115}- She's not bowled over.|- I can't fight it any longer.
{99118}{99179}- Ariel, I love you too.|- Stop confusing things.
{99182}{99251}I'm surprised.|When did this feeling come over you?
{99254}{99333}I've had it for a long time.|I just didn't know what to do.
{99336}{99400}He's having some|domestic problems, that's all.
{99403}{99465}- Don't marry Leopold.|- She's not going to.
{99468}{99556}- You can't do that, you won't be happy.|- He's not the right guy
for you.
{99559}{99630}- I told you she's not marrying him.|- I'm talking to her.
{99633}{99704}And I'm talking to you.|Ariel and I had a rendezvous.
{99707}{99788}- You're married, Andrew.|- The magic has gone in the bedroom.
{99791}{99880}- How can you reveal intimate secrets?|- What do you care?
{99884}{99946}Ariel, we stood here years ago|and I failed to act.
{99950}{100011}He'll always fail to act.|He's a procrastinator.
{100013}{100083}- He talks big schemes and does nothing.|- Don't get me angry.
{100087}{100153}I love you, Ariel.|I just need time to show you how much.
{100156}{100214}One thing's for sure:|I can't marry Leopold.
{100217}{100282}No, you can't.|And I gotta say something to Adrian.
{100285}{100351}Listen to him!|I wouldn't tell Adrian anything.
{100354}{100398}That's my business, OK?
{100401}{100457}We have a second chance.|Let's not mess it up.
{100460}{100533}It's no use. She may have|cared for you once, but this is now.
{100537}{100652}Ariel, I love you and, in spite of|all his nauseating begging, I
want you.
{100656}{100716}I'm sorry, Maxwell.
{100720}{100769}Maxwell, you gotta understand.
{100772}{100834}Maxwell, I'm your best friend. Forgive me.
{100838}{100909}- I should have killed myself.|- Don't talk like that!
{100913}{100994}Only a drunken idiot shoots|himself over love. Not an internist.
{100996}{101043}- You'll forget me.|- No.
{101047}{101147}You will, we'll help you. You'll come|over. We won't let you sit
and brood.
{101150}{101221}If I come over, how am I gonna|forget her? She'll be here.
{101224}{101276}That's a point. So don't come over.
{101279}{101381}Maxwell, we know each other|for so long. This was inevitable.
{101409}{101465}Maxwell, you know I love you.
{101487}{101567}Better Andrew than Leopold.|At least you'll have a few laughs.
{101570}{101622}What are you gonna do?
{101625}{101723}I'll go for a walk. I'll throw|a rock in the brook. I'll go to s
{101727}{101788}Don't worry, I'm not|a drunken infantile idiot.
{101791}{101905}I'll go back and I'll get anaesthetised|with meaningless lovemak
{101908}{101991}- Maxwell, I didn't mean it.|- Will he be all right? I'm worried
{101994}{102100}Why does it have to be so complicated?|The guy's my best friend.
{102398}{102507}(Ariel) Remember this tree? We stood|under it and looked at the
{102510}{102596}(Andrew) The constellations are|in the same place. There's Gemin
{102599}{102665}(Ariel) Yeah, I remember|you pointed that out to me.
{102669}{102756}We both had wine, and you showed|me your latest invention.
{102760}{102863}Did I? Oh, of course!|My musical house slippers, right?
{102866}{102966}As you walked, they would play|"My Old Kentucky Home". Never sol
{102970}{103019}Remember what we talked about?
{103023}{103115}We talked about the brook|and the stars... and your dress.
{103118}{103213}- You had bought a new dress.|- Yes. This is it. This is the sam
e dress.
{103216}{103283}It looks more beautiful.|You look more beautiful.
{103286}{103320}Thank you.
{103323}{103421}- You've lost a little hair from the top.|- I'm working on a hai
r restorer.
{103424}{103517}But you still have|that little boy's look. You do.
{104605}{104716}It's only Leopold. There's no need|to worry. I'm not a spirit.
{104719}{104826}I couldn't sleep, so I came downstairs|to read The Katzenjammer
{104875}{104924}The Katzenjammer Kids?
{104999}{105047}That's extraordinary.
{105089}{105164}- That's what happened in the dream.|- What dream?
{105191}{105240}Just now, before I awoke.
{105277}{105355}- I was dreaming this.|- Me?
{105359}{105416}Precisely this. That's incredible.
{105491}{105656}We were alone and you were lying|across the sofa, and you were r
{105659}{105753}I asked you what, and you said|"The Katzenjammer Kids".
{105777}{105825}And I thought it was funny.
{105855}{105936}And then your robe fell open slightly.
{105938}{106000}Only slightly, the way it is now,
{106003}{106092}and I was taken with|a great erotic fervour.
{106115}{106192}And all the terrible thoughts|of my whole life,
{106194}{106252}that I'd been afraid to unleash,
{106277}{106336}poured forth.
{106339}{106388}How did I react?
{106437}{106500}You pressed your lips to mine...
{106536}{106655}And then the scene changed, and we|were two savages in the wilde
{106658}{106710}It was a prehistoric era.
{106713}{106831}I was a Neanderthal, hunting|my enemies with primitive weapons,
{106835}{106890}and loving you uninhibitedly.
{106897}{106986}Jesus. What did you eat|before you went to bed?
{107020}{107080}- What are you doing here?|- I couldn't sleep.
{107083}{107181}I didn't want to read alone in the room.|All that ghost talk mak
es me nervous.
{107185}{107283}- Alone? Why alone?|- Maxwell's off walking.
{107286}{107334}- He is?|- Yeah.
{107337}{107418}So's Ariel. She slipped|out of bed after I fell asleep.
{107422}{107522}- You don't think that they...|- I will not play the cuckold for
that goat.
{107525}{107603}Relax! You must learn to trust Ariel|if you're gonna marry her.
{107607}{107720}I trust no one. I can feel it. They're looking|into each other's
eyes or holding hands.
{107724}{107816}I can just envision his clumsy general|practitioner's attempts t
o kiss her.
{107820}{107920}Or worse. Worse! And it is|now officially our wedding day.
{107923}{108011}OK, you can relax now,|cos there's Maxwell and he's alone.
{108032}{108091}- He's right there.|- But where's Ariel?
{108426}{108481}Those shadows...
{108484}{108564}That's Ariel's dress. Her French frock.
{108568}{108626}But if Maxwell is here...
{108636}{108701}Those eyeglasses... That's Andrew!
{108704}{108766}- (Dulcy) Leopold.|- (Leopold) Andrew and Ariel.
{108772}{108833}Deceived by that third-rate inventor.
{108856}{108935}- I'll kill him.|- Leopold!
{108990}{109065}Leopold, come back! Leopold!
{109068}{109179}Maxwell, go get Leopold!|Leopold's gone to kill Andrew.
{109245}{109339}Was... was it a completely|horrible experience, Ariel?
{109343}{109436}No. At least I didn't...|At least we bulled our way though it.
{109440}{109513}Yeah. Great. That's exactly what it was.
{109516}{109630}- The frogs kept croaking.|- I know, I know. I got a headache.
{109633}{109714}Yeah, but it wasn't|what I thought it would be.
{109718}{109783}- Did you feel it was?|- No.
{109787}{109838}I think it's true.
{109841}{109982}You really do learn an awful lot|about yourself through lovemaki
{109985}{110047}- It's quite incredible.|- It's so strange.
{110050}{110171}Years ago when we were here,|that kind of stuff never bothered m
{110174}{110282}I know. I think if we had made love that|very first night when w
e had the chance,
{110285}{110370}we never would have dreamed|that the outside world even existed.
{110374}{110446}Boy, time passes.
{110449}{110519}Before you know it, a little hair falls out,
{110522}{110590}a little noise becomes bothersome...
{110593}{110700}I guess we just... we change.|We become different people.
{110704}{110753}Ah-hah, you little vermin!
{110756}{110789}- Leopold!|- Prepare to die!
{110793}{110835}Leopold, don't shoot!
{110897}{110972}Leopold, you're a man of reason.|You're a pacifist.
{110974}{111022}You're an animal.
{111026}{111085}Stop it, Leopold! Come back!
{111308}{111371}Leopold! Leopold!
{111541}{111595}Hold still, you miserable worm!
{111604}{111635}Leopold, I can exp...
{112139}{112188}I've drawn blood.
{112209}{112258}Who am I?
{112473}{112550}(Andrew) Maxwell! Maxwell!
{112564}{112654}- Maxwell, are you all right?|- No. I'm badly hit. I'm dying.
{112657}{112712}Oh, Jesus. Help! Help!
{112716}{112799}- It's no use, Andrew. I'm finished.|- Don't say that. Help!
{112801}{112880}I'm a doctor. I know where I've been hit.
{113030}{113083}(Leopold) Blood. Blood!
{113087}{113147}I've drawn blood - and I relished it!
{113150}{113268}- (Dulcy) Leopold, what's gotten into you?|- I've returned from
the hunt.
{113271}{113395}(Dulcy) What's an intellectual genius like|you want with a simpl
e nurse like me?
{113399}{113446}(clothes ripping)
{113451}{113538}Maxwell, for what it's worth to you,|I don't think the magic is
{113541}{113590}between Ariel and myself any more.
{113593}{113689}If it's any incentive for you to pull through,|I think you got a
chance with her.
{113692}{113747}- I can't breathe. I'm dying.|- Take it easy.
{113750}{113846}I have a confession to make.|I want my soul, if it exists, to be
{113849}{113905}Don't talk like that.|We won't let you die.
{113909}{113970}I slept with your wife.
{113972}{114024}- Pardon me?|- I did it with Adrian.
{114071}{114158}- What did you say?|- By the brook, one night last summer.
{114161}{114244}- What are you talking about?|- The images from the spirit box.
{114247}{114349}Didn't you recognise us? Adrian and me.|Didn't you notice? It wa
s her dress.
{114353}{114422}- How could you?!|- The moment was perfect. I seized it.
{114426}{114498}- You only live once.|- But you're my best friend.
{114501}{114594}- I apologise.|- I don't accept it.
{114597}{114640}Oh, no. Oh, my God.
{114643}{114718}It's nothing serious.|Just an arrow in his heart.
{114754}{114860}He's still breathing. Where are you going?|We have to help him.
{114865}{114994}(Dulcy) Leopold. Bite me... hard. Harder!
{114997}{115078}(Leopold) I can't. These are not my teeth.
{115255}{115311}(Adrian) Hello!
{115354}{115412}Andrew? I saw a light.
{115431}{115479}So you slept with Maxwell?
{115520}{115564}Me? Why?
{115569}{115649}- Why? Cos he told me you did.|- How could he?
{115652}{115761}Cos he thinks he's dying, which|he's probably not, unfortunately
{115795}{115855}I don't know what to tell you. It's true.
{115888}{115959}We were alone by the brook.
{115961}{116083}You weren't paying any attention to me.|You were obsessed with y
our inventions.
{116087}{116191}It was a perfect, moonlit, summer night.
{116194}{116322}He put his hands on my breasts|and my blood just started to boil
{116325}{116419}And afterwards, I've never been|able to rid myself of the guilt.
{116423}{116499}- But you enjoyed it?|- Oh, yeah, definitely. It was hot.
{116536}{116597}How could you?
{116602}{116699}That's exactly when all the trouble|began between the two of us.
{116722}{116779}I will make it up to you, Andrew.
{116791}{116867}Now that you know this, I feel...
{116870}{116958}I feel really relieved.|This is like a weight is off my back.
{116961}{117027}I've been carrying around|a terrible secret.
{117030}{117075}Don't lie to me.
{117078}{117184}No, Andrew. I swear to you.|This is like a curse has been lifted
{117189}{117238}- I hate you.|- You love me.
{117241}{117311}No. I love Ariel.|I always loved Ariel.
{117314}{117357}No, that's not true.
{117360}{117447}Andrew, make love to me.
{117451}{117539}- Adrian, don't mix me up.|- I mean it. In fact, let me handle i
{117543}{117625}- No, I'm furious with you.|- I really mean it this time.
{117628}{117688}No, Adrian. Stop.
{117691}{117779}- Andrew, you're gonna like this.|- Stop, I've had a very rough
{117782}{117841}- Excuse me.|- Adrian, stop. What are you doing?
{117845}{117907}Andrew, I promise you,|this is a good idea.
{117910}{117988}Adrian, what is this with table tops?
{117991}{118049}I'm on a loaded pistol!
{118060}{118103}- It feels much better.|- Does it?
{118107}{118180}I can't believe I did this.|The sight of blood terrifies me.
{118183}{118235}- I love you.|- You're still wounded.
{118239}{118326}I need time to be with you, to prove|to you that you can be happ
y with me.
{118328}{118448}I'm such a frivolous person. First|I thought I loved Leopold, th
en Andrew...
{118452}{118582}But you never loved Leopold, and Andrew|was just a dream out of
the past.
{118584}{118650}I, however, am the man of the moment.
{118653}{118720}We're gonna seize this moment|and keep it for ever.
{118723}{118816}I have to admit that when we first met,|and you recognised my pe
{118818}{118888}you smelled it,|I did feel a little weak at the knees.
{118890}{118955}I know. You were scared|and attracted to me all day.
{118958}{119054}We're two of a kind. We're both flirts,|but our flirting days ar
e all over.
{119057}{119128}- Aagh!|- Careful. Just easy.
{119132}{119229}Me, a confirmed bachelor,|struck down by Cupid's arrow.
{119232}{119281}Unfortunately, it was shot by Leopold.
{119284}{119343}You said you believed|in love at first sight.
{119347}{119395}It's all in the smell,
{119398}{119447}and you smell wonderful.
{119510}{119559}Oh, Adrian, I'm still spinning.
{119562}{119650}That was a deeply religious|experience on that table top.
{119654}{119718}It's only the beginning.|Wait till everyone's gone,
{119722}{119796}I'll show you what Dulcy|calls a Mexican Cartwheel.
{119799}{119865}- Really? That sounds incredibly filthy.|- It is!
{119868}{119946}- Good. I can't wait.|- So can you forgive me?
{119950}{120069}Forgive you? I can ordain you. You've|cleared my sinuses for the
{120072}{120113}- And Maxwell too?|- Yes.
{120116}{120172}The way I feel tonight, I could heal people.
{120175}{120226}Oh! What is he doing with Ariel?
{120229}{120301}- Doing well, I think.|- Really? What about Leopold?
{120349}{120422}Help! Come quickly! Leopold's dead.
{120453}{120507}Help! Help! Come quickly!
{120527}{120612}- Oh, my God!|- What happened to him?
{120621}{120716}- Maxwell, what's wrong with him?|- We were making love...
{120719}{120781}He was like an animal.|He tore off my robe.
{120784}{120895}He was wonderful. We did it|all violently, like two savages.
{120898}{121002}He was screaming with pleasure,|and at the highest moment of ecs
{121006}{121094}he just keeled over|with that smile on his face.
{121129}{121194}- Poor Leopold.|- I'm sorry, Ariel.
{121710}{121762}(Leopold) Don't feel|sorry for me, Maxwell.
{121765}{121840}My soul has merely passed|into a different dimension.
{121843}{121919}I feel myself floating, liberated.
{121923}{121986}I am, at long last, pure essence.
{121998}{122069}Leopold? Is that really you?
{122072}{122142}Of course it's me, Ariel.|And I am most delighted to say
{122144}{122196}that Andrew and Adrian were right.
{122200}{122243}These woods are enchanted,
{122247}{122323}filled with the spirits of|the lucky men and women of passion
{122326}{122395}who have passed away|at the height of lovemaking.
{122398}{122476}Promise me, all of you,|to look for my glowing presence
{122479}{122547}on starlit evenings, in these woods,
{122551}{122629}under the summer moon... for ever.
{122684}{122759}- Look!|- Leopold!
{122763}{122796}That's incredible.
{125830}{125896}Visiontext subtitles: Julie Clayton

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