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Michael Milner

Humanities 1100

1: I watched the movie Amlie.
2: Released in 2001
3: Film was in French
4: Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
5:Main characters were:
Audrey Tautou as Amlie Poulain
Mathieu Kassovitz as Nino Quincampoix
Andr Dussollier as Narrator
6: The movie was about a French girl who lived in Montmartre, France. She had trouble with her family
when she was young so she grew up as an awkward person who didnt get much attention in society.
Amelie lived in her own world where she had very specific things she was interested in which made her
even a weirder person. After growing up, she began work as a waitress at a small caf. In her apartment
she found a small box of treasures in a hidden hole in the wall and her main goal was to find the original
owner. She eventually found the owner who previously lived in her apartment, and she found that it
gave him great joy to be reunited with something he was missing. She saw that he was happy and now
she wanted to continue to make people happy by doing random good-deeds. A lot of the movie was her
going out of her way to make people happy, but along the way she found a guy she was interested in.
Amelie was shy at first but a relationship eventually blossoms between the two.
7: The film was very interesting, and it was different than anything I have watched before. I watched this
film in high school, but I watched it again for this class. Both times watching it I found different
meanings. I obviously wasnt as mature as I am now in high school so I perceived things differently. Back
in high school I perceived some parts as comedy but in reality the director put these comical things in
because they added a lot of detail although it was very funny. In the beginning of the movie it showed a
bunch of acquaintances, along with what they liked and disliked. Most movies would not do this, but
because they did it added a lot of quick detail to characters. It took maybe 30-45 minutes for the movie
to show most of the other characters along with their likes and disliked, in a regular movie it may take
the whole movie to add this type of detail. When I first watched this movie I didnt pay much attention
to these details because I thought it was just funny, so I didnt remember much. However, watching it
now I really realize and appreciate how much detail this added. Because of this I think the intended
audience is meant for primarily adults. Watching the film now I caught a lot of things I didnt notice
before. Along with that detail, there is a lot of adult humor which leads me to believe that its intended
for a more mature audience. I think there are multiple ways you can view this movie. Some people may
just think this movie is extremely odd and nothing more. I think this movie is very philosophical as in
there is a greater message at store. I think a big message I got from this movie is that helping others will
help you in return. You dont know what other people are going through, but small kind things can make
your day. Although she had an awkward life growing up, she eventually made the best of it by making
other people happy.
8: This is a hard question to answer because there are many ways to interpret this movie. I thoroughly
enjoyed this movie although in the beginning it was hard to follow and it was quite confusing. I think
after watching this movie two times, years apart I understand it better. I would not say this was an indie
film because it isnt. I did now know this film went on to win many awards and gross over 30 million
before doing some research on the film. It was made in a way I havent seen before so it made it
interesting. I dont watch many movies in which you had to read subtitles either so that was different as
well. Since you had to read subtitles you really had to pay closer attention to make sure you understand
everything by reading. I know no French at all so reading every word was a must. Obviously you can hear
the French in the background while reading; sometimes you could hear the emotions in the narrators
voice. You could distinguish emotion from the narrator, as well as viewing the characters faces.
9: Although this is just a movie, I believe it was accurate on how it portrayed France. They speak a
different language there, they dress a little different and they have different meals as well. I have been
to Germany before so the movie reminded me a little of Germany, and vice versa. I think the art work
and all the old architecture in Germany and France is very beautiful, its a lot different than seeing all the
buildings in down town Salt Lake. They also have a different type of humor, in America people avoid
sexual comedies because its deemed bad even though we will watch people get shot and blown up in
movies. Sex is portrayed differently, but in a good way. I believe that movies should be censoring death,
rather than sex. The intended audience is mature so It doesnt matter if they censor either, which they
dont. Music is also different, but its refreshing to hear that type of music rather than the stuff Im
accustomed to.
10: This movie was narrated which is something Im not used to. I have seen movies with narrators
before but not to this extent. Since it was narrated the characters were forced so show more emotions
by body gestures rather than their voices. The last few movies Ive watched have been major Hollywood
blockbuster films, they are nothing like Amelie. I could probably find an American movie somewhat like
Amelie, but the major Hollywood films are very different than Amelie. The atmosphere is different,
characters in Amelie were displayed different, especially how they introduced the characters by showing
what they like and dislike. If you have never been to Europe before, I think this movie portrayed France
as what you would think it would be like. Not all of France and Europe is like this movie but I think it
gives a good sense of actually being there.
11: This film related to almost everything we do in class. I would not normally read about religions but
you are teaching us about multiple religions, something I would not normally do but its interesting to
learn about. Ive stumbled upon the Foreign Movie section on Netflix, but Amelie wouldnt be my first
choice to watch, but its always good to do something youre not used to. Going out of your comfort
zone will lead you to interesting topics you would not have gone to before. All knowledge is good,
especially on new topics.

12: Viewing a foreign film educates us on another cultures society and how it differs from our own.
Studying different cultures will make you a smarter person because you will know more about the
world. Humanities are the study of everything relating to philosophy, art, religion, etc. Watching a
foreign film is a great way to view another society because a foreign film will include all parts of their
society you arent accustomed to. Its very difficult to understand another society without being part of
it, but most movies I believe can give a great sense of actually being there. Watching Amelie and other
foreign films are always interesting because they are a learning experience. This movie is relevant to
class because it allows us to see a different culture in their point of view, in return it will broaden your

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