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Book Review Rubric

Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

___ You begin with a creative, attention-grabbing hook and a transition (10 points)
___ Your transition includes the title of the book and the authors nae (! points)
___ Your second paragraph is a nice, concise suar" of the book (#! points)
$t answers the %uestions&

1' (ho is the book about)
#' (hat is the ain proble the characters face)
You dont go into too uch detail or give awa" too uch of the plot' *o spoilers+
___ $n "our third paragraph, "ou give "our opinion of the book' You e,plain what "ou
liked-disliked about it' You back up each of "our clais with e,aples and evidence
fro the te,t (1! points)
___ Your fourth paragraph includes a specific recoendation (age, gender, genre) (10)
___ .hroughout the review "ou use persuasive language to convince "our reader to go out
and read the book (or avoid reading it) (10 points)
___ You indent each paragraph (! points)
___ You capitali0e the beginning of each sentence, all proper nouns, and the pronoun 1$2 (!)
___ You use appropriate end punctuation (' + )) at the end of each sentence (!)
___ You underline the title of the book and capitali0e the a3or words in the title (!)
___ You use the correct for of there-their-the"re and "our-"oure throughout (!)
_____ Total Score

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