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Hi Claudia:

How are you? I hope you're well. Im writing to tell you that:
I had a tired week, because the cycle in the University is finishing. I did not sleep well
all week. I delivered three reports and pass four exams. Also I had a sore throat. Lately
the morning is cold and the midday is hot. Right now, I'm drinking a cup of hot tea
because the night is cold too.
I have two pending exams for next week, so Im traveling to Lima next Sunday. I hope
to see you.
Do you remember the last time that I visit you? I enjoyed it very much: we ate ice
cream, we swam in the beach, we walked in boat and visited many Shopping Centres.
Oh almost I forget it, yesterday, Sara told me that Ftima is sick, you visit her and say
her that Im traveling soon.
Well that's all for now. See you soon.
Geraldine Gmez Labn

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