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Annotated Bibliography

Chace, William M. "The Decline of the English Department." American Scholar 1 !ept. "##$. %rint.
Co&, Carole. "What the 'esearch !ays Abo(t )iterat(re*Based Teaching and !cience." Reading
Rockets. WETA %(blic Broadcasting. Web. "+ ,(ly "#1-.
What is disc(ssed in this article is the fact that many teachers in grade school le4el classrooms
are (ncomfortable teaching math and science or ha4e limited time and reso(rces to teach it in addition
to the basic c(rric(l(m they m(st get thro(gh. This article poses some sol(tions to this problem. 5t
recommends that the teacher can incorparate literat(re based teaching techni6(es to f(rther impro4e
their science ded(ction s2ills as 1ell as literary research s2ills. An important aspect of this method is
the 6(ality and acc(racy of the boo2s (sed. A teacher m(st ma2e s(re that the material they are (sing is
not only acc(rate and (p*to*date b(t that it also is able to con4ey the scientific concepts needed in a
clear and concise manner. This article goes into 7(st ho1 a teacher sho(ld (se these boo2s to help them
in teaching science related topics.
8it9h(gh, Will. ":igh !chool 8light 8rom 'eading And Writing."Academic Questions "-.-
;"#11</ -1"*-1+. Professional Development Collection. Web. "$ ,(ly "#1-.
5n this article 8it9h(gh tries to emphasi9e the importance of tal2ing reading and 1riting
ed(cation from an early age. :e compares many st(dents reading and 1riting le4els from high school
to college. :e sho1s ho1 many college professors, e4en those in the !TEM fields, are complaining
abo(t ho1 their st(dents don=t ha4e the necessary reading and 1riting s2ills for their college le4el
co(rse. :e emphasi9es that in today=s 1orld 1e are p(tting less and less importance on the 4al(e of a
1ell ed(cated st(dent and more and more 4al(e on 6(alities s(ch as being a good athlete. :e (rges that
1e try and tac2le reading and 1riting ed(cation at an early age so that 1e can more easily teach
st(dents these principles as 1ell as minimi9e the impact of lo1 reading and 1riting s2ills.
:eisey, >atalie, and )inda ?(can. "5ntrod(cing !cience Concepts to %rimary !t(dents Thro(gh 'ead*
Alo(ds/ 5nteractions and M(ltiple Te&ts Ma2e the Difference." Reading Rockets. WETA %(blic
Broadcasting. Web. "$ ,(ly "#1-. .http/00111.readingroc2ets.org0article0-1@3.
5n this article it foc(ses on a specific st(dy done 1ith children to gather res(lts on
comprehension of scientific material thro(gh the (se of read*alo(ds. 5t prefaces this by saying ho1 1e
as caregi4ers and teachers ha4e been (sing read alo(ds for years in a 4ariety of different topics, b(t
rarely e4er for science. They sho1 that an integrated science0literacy program has st(dents scoring
higher than those 1ithin a solely scientific or literary class. The article goes on to describe the method
and data of the st(dy and concl(des that those children that 1here in the read alo(d sessions 1ere able
to comprehend not only specific information from the stories b(t also 1ere able to better connect
concepts bet1een the stories they listened too.
:(dson, Thom. "A Content Comprehension Approach to 'eading English for !cience and
Technology." TESOL Quarterl ".1 ;1$$1</ @@*1#-. Web. "+ ,(ly "#1-.
?ennedy, Michael. ,.We&ler, ,ade. ":elping !t(dents !(cceed Within !econdary*)e4el !TEM
Content." Teaching E!ceptional Children -.- ;"#1A</ "B*AA. Professional Development
Collection. Web. "$ ,(ly "#1-.
Michael and ,ade really try and hammer home the effecti4eness of technological teaching aids
in regards to teaching !TEM ed(cation to st(dents. They tal2 abo(t ho1 many c(rrent !TEM classes
are dominated by long lect(res and long readings from te&tboo2s 1hich aren=t al1ays an effecti4e
strategy for e4ery st(dent. !ome st(dents 7(st don=t respons 1ell to that type of teaching style or they
may ha4e a learning dissability that ma2es it diffic(lt for them to process ne1 information. They try
and pose sol(tions to this problem by introd(cing ne1 methods that (tili9e technology to help 2ids
learn more effecti4ely. They incorporate many styles of m(ltimedia lessons and an emphasis on
learning and (nderstanding the diffic(lt 4ocab(lary that many !TEM st(dents m(st learn.
Montelongo, ,osC A., and 'oberta ,. :erter. "Dsing Technology to !(pport E&pository 'eading and
Writing in !cience Classes." Science Activities -@.A/ +$*1#". %rint.
>ord6(ist, 'ichard. "The Endless Decline of the English )ang(age." A"out. Web. "+ ,(ly "#1-.
%aton, Fraeme. "!tandard English in decline among teenagers." The Telegraph "- Ect. "##+,
sec. Ed(cation/ 1. %rint.
5n this article %aton describes to (s the errors that many c(rrent primary school st(dents are
ma2ing 1hen it comes to the !tandard English lang(age. !he sho1s ho1 many st(dents can=t
acc(rately disting(ish an incorrect English phrase 1ith a correct one. !he also tells of ho1 many
st(dents are ma2ing barely passing grades in their English co(rses. !he brings (p the possibility that
these problems are associated 1ith the yo(ths c(rrent trend to1ards 1atching TG and playing 4ideo
games as 1ell as increased interest in social media sites and instant messaging. The increased (se and
familiarity that todayHs yo(th ha4e 1ith s(ch things co(ld be a significant ca(se for this lac2 of English
Wilco&, Brad, and E(la E1ing Monroe. "5ntegrating Writing and Mathematics." Reading
Rockets. >.p., 1 ,an. "#11. Web. "$ ,(ly "#1-.
This article tries to tac2le the fact that 1riting and mathematics do not go hand in hand, yet an
impro4ement of 1riting tas2s d(ring a mathematics co(rse co(ld greatly impro4e a st(dents 1riting
s2ills. Brad and E(la gi4e e&amples of ho1 c(rrent mathematics teachers ha4e beg(n to incorporate
1riting into their classes. They split (p these e&amples into Writing 1ith 'e4ision and Writing 1itho(t
'e4ision. 5n Writing 1itho(t 'e4ision they tal2 abo(t ho1 some teachers ha4e beg(n as2ing st(dents
to 1rite a 6(ic2 response to a prompt gi4en at the beginning of class, (s(ally math related. Er
sometimes they 1ill ha4e their 2ids 2eep logs of 1hat they ha4e learned o4er the co(rse of the day or
1ee2. 5n Writing 1ith 'e4ision they tell of ho1 some teachers help their st(dents together 1rite abo(t
1hat the class has learned this 1ee2 and then once they ha4e recorded do1n the st(dents responses,
help ad4ise them in re4ising their response.

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