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My name is Faidil Ihsan, People call me faidil.

I am 22 years old, I am the 2nd

child of 4 children, and I am originally from padang.
I've Finished my bachelor degree of electrical engineering in Andalas University
in February 2014.
Beside of studying, I spent my time in campus in many kinds of activities Such a
s academic activities and extra-curricular activities.
In the extracurricular activities, I had experience as Head Division of Multimed
ia and Design at UKM Neo Telemetry Andalas University for one year
and three years as an active member of organizations engaged in the IT field.
This experience has built my good communication skills, negotiation, strategy, t
ime management and responsibility.
Because of my activities in campus organization, I got an achievement from recto
r in Andalas University as Bintang Aktivis Kampus
in 1st Graduation ceremony of Andalas University in 22 February, 2014

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