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Now a day having cellphone is almost the same to have DNI, is indispensable, necessary.
But there are places where you shouldnt use it, and there are places where you must not
What are these places and why dont use the cellphone
Well for example when you in classes you shouldnt use, because you have to pay
attention what the teacher is teaching, but is not obligatory, you can put your cellphone in
silences mode.
Places like interviews, schools, meting, you are available to answer your calls but it is not
polite, it would be better if you low the volume
For example you are in an interview and, your cellphone start ringing, what do you do, you
are not bound to hang up, but it would be sure you wont get the job
At school probably the cellphones ring could distract the students and the teacher
In meetings answer the call or even the cellphone ring could take off the seriousness
And there are places where you arent available to answer or even to use your cellphone
for example, banks, planes, hospitals, etc
You mustnt use you cell in banks because the people could think you are a thieve
In planes you are required to turn off your cell because it could interrupt the sign and it
could be a serious problem
In hospitals there some areas where is obligatory to turn down

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