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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the student Leadership

Club and Henderson House, a nonprofit that supports victims of
domestic abuse and sexual assault, have teamed up to educate students
like you about dating violence.
What is Dating Violence?
Dating violence is the act of physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse from one
partner to another in an intimate relationship for the purpose of exerting control or
power over his or her partner.
Who can be a Victim of Dating Violence?
Anyone of any age, ethnicity or gender can experience dating violence.
Dating Violence is Real
An estimated 1.5 million teenagers experience physical abuse from an intimate
partner per year.
One in three teenagers in the U.S. has experienced a form of dating violence
Two-thirds of victims of teen dating violence in the U.S. did not tell anyone
about their experience.
High school students fall within the 12 to 34 age range of people who have the
highest risk of being sexually assaulted.
Violent behavior can develop in teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18.
What You Can Do
Go to [insert the campaigns Stop Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Facebook page
here] to learn more information dating violence warning signs and prevention for
teens like you.
Help to stop dating abuse by spreading the word!

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