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1. In Part A of the experiment, is the range x dependent on height of launch y? How does x vary with y?
2. In your data of Part B of the experiment, did the two angles produce the same range? Is this the
expected result? If not, what may have caused the difference?
3. In your data of Part C of the experiment, which angle produced the greater maximum height? By
how much is one's maximum height greater than the other? Does this agree with the expected result?
1. What factors affect the range of a projectile launched horizontally? How is the range related to each
of these factors?
2. What is the relationship between the launch angle and the range of the projectile? Is this evident in
your data? Cite parts of your data to support your answer.
3. Which launch setting (short, medium, long range) produce the most and least precise results? What
may be the cause of this?
4. Give 2 recommendations to improve the results of the experiment.

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