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30 Acts of Kindness for Mollys 30


1. I put together a coworker's patient file because she was running late and didn't have time to get
that ready before the patient arrived. I also greeted the patient and let them know she would be
running a few minutes late. When she got there, she was all set to go because of the little extra
time I took to make sure she had everything she needed.
2. I am spending 2 weeks volunteering with operation smile!
3. I made dinner for a family from our church who just had a baby, plus it was my grandmother's
recipe for chicken tetrazzini, so that makes it pretty special!
4. I work in a restaurant and we get a lot of military folks in. I decided to anonymously pay for two
random bills. They were upset they were not told who paid their meals but were very gracious in
5. This older fella looked lost in the soaps/body wash aisle at giant, so I asked him if he needed help
finding something. He said he was looking for vitamins, so I told him he was close and walked
with him to show him where they were (in the same aisle, he just didn't walk up far enough). He
laughed because he was in the correct aisle but still couldn't find it. I offered to help him find the
vitamins he needed but he said he was good and thanked me for getting him to the proper location.
He was so cute. I hope he was able to find the other things on his list OK!!
6. My neighbor is disabled with a degenerative muscle condition. She needed a new laptop so I got
her in the car and drove her to Best Buy. Then I got her wheelchair out of the back and pushed her
around the store until she found a new one she liked. We then went to lunch and headed home
where I set up the new laptop for her. She was most appreciative. I help her often, but this was
most of a Saturday we spent together.
7. My daughter and I went out to dinner on Friday. I got into a conversation with our waitress about
kids in restaurants, and she mentioned she has a daughter almost the exact age as mine. We were
both lamenting how difficult it can be to be full-time working moms, and how it's fun to have
"date nights" with our girls when we can. I left a tip for her that was equal to the amount of my bill
with a note saying "enjoy your next mommy daughter date night on us!" I hope she has as much
fun with her little one as I did on Friday.
8. My son and I went to target today and bought school supplies for a couple kids in our community
who were in need of them for school. He loved picking out the colors! Happy Birthday!!
9. Some young, soon-to-be-married friends were moving to a new place. Since they are from outside
of the Pittsburgh area and away from their moms, I surprised them with a care package of cleaning
supplies and spent the day cleaning their new place for them.
10. We would regularly see a number of homeless men downtown so we bought a stash of Subway
gift cards and took them down to hand out to a few guys. We hung onto the rest so we are
prepared anytime someone looks in need of a little boost.
11. I played matchmaker when out in Chicago, setting up my friend (who I stayed with) with an uber-
awesome guy I used to work with as I knew both were single, looking, and had similar
music/social/creative tastes.
12. I just finished volunteering at Food Bank for Produce to People- Happy Birthday!
13. I helped an old lady that was in hurry to get down a flight of stairs and I also offered a man jumper
cables when his car wouldn't start. I also let an older man go in front of me at the store. With this
request I think some people may find out just how often they do a small act of kindness
throughout their daily living without giving it a thought.
14. Months ago one of my coworkers said she liked my bracelets and couldn't find them. I guess the
style is popular and I thought most jewelry stores had them. I know someone who sells them very
inexpensively. I bought her one that matched our work shirts and she thanked me all day. It wasn't
about affordability it was about access.
15. I decided to be kind to someone who was the most annoying person I knew. She makes me roll my
eyes, and steer as far away from her as I can. I just decided to ignore her until I got your challenge.
So I was beyond kind to her with notes and gifts of encouragement. I even spent time talking to
her - and found out she needed that attention. It made me learn to observe and not judge others
especially if they are the type you just want to walk away from.
16. I got an electric cart for a guest recovering from double knee surgery and rode it back to her when
I could have easily blamed the guy who didn't help her or walkie called for one. This makes more
sense when you know I work at Target now - and no other mobile rep would have done that.
17. After much thought and consideration I have decided to embrace a minor life change for at least
the month of August, in honor of your birthday. However, I imagine it will continue long
afterwards. While I consider myself basically a "good" person I know I can do a lot better than I
currently am. So, I am invoking the wise words of Mother Teresa and implementing them into my
life. "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." While these "small things" or
kind acts will change daily and will depend on whether I am at home, at work or out and about, I
plan to do them with abandon and a happy heart! I know holding a door for an elderly person or a
mom pushing a stroller, or complimenting someone on something well done, etc., doesn't sound
like much. But, trying not to miss an opportunity to acknowledge or help others and to be more
selfless will ultimately be the challenge.
18. My act of kindness was buying a student in class lunch that couldn't afford it and hadn't eaten all
19. My random act of kindness (although committing to one, led me to many more!). I recently went
to my moms house and did some major yard work for her...potting flowers, major tree trimming,
pulling weeds, etc. and then I went and bought her some wind chimes and a bird feeder for her
back yard, so she could sit on her back porch without worrying about looking around at what's
wrong (because now it's all cleaned up) and instead meditate, pray, and focus on what's right each
morning when she has her coffee before work. She's been able to do this for the last 2 weeks and
she said how much it meant to her to not only have the yard work done but also how much it
meant to her mentally and emotionally because now she uses that time to decompress, live a more
stress free life, and take in the beauty of nature around her. It's really been a great thing and I'm so
glad I got to do this with you and so many others!!
20. This morning as I lay in bed for some inexplicable reason a young man I hired a couple years ago
came to mind. My first thought was I need to message him to see how he is. Hes a nice young
man, hard times...some minor trouble...not crime related. I knew further into the conversation that
this young man was the "one I would celebrate in honor of your I met him, gave
him the $ he needed ...bought him donuts and chocolate milk and gave him money for
dinner....$30 for your 30
21. I was saving money for a big weekend concert/festival at the end of August. A friend of mine in
Mexico just lost his mom. He was struggling with the funeral costs and paying some of her debt,
so I sent him the money I saved to help towards the costs of things. Better to have the money put
towards something needed instead of wanted. Happy birthday!!!
22. For your birthday acts of kindness I recently stopped at a drive-thru for morning coffee and tipped
each worker at the two windows $10 each. I also tipped an entire kitchen staff and dish washer of
six $10 each with a thank you note. I chose the food service industry because I know and
remember how hard the work can be with little gratitude.
23. I put money in an envelope and taped it to the pump at the gas station with a note saying I was
doing a random act of kindness for a friend's birthday and could the recipient please pay it forward
whenever they are able.
24. Did my good deed! Went to a play and there was this 91 year old man sitting next to me and I
helped him in his seat and out of his seat. Talked with him a while, I think I made his day.
25. When I went to Starbucks this morning I paid for the person behind me in the drive thru in honor
of your 30th! Definitely a great experience!
26. I paid for my coworkers breakfast, and cleaned my mothers room on Sunday at her home.
27. We've been doing this at my house for a few months now. My RAOK is that I've challenged
myself to say or do something nice to/for someone every time I run an errand. I find a worker to
compliment or tell someone how nice they look or find a well behaved kid to praise or help an
elderly person load their car with groceries... It has made my annoying trips out so much better
and it brings smiles to other peoples' faces! The second part is that I've challenged my kids to do
the same and they are doing awesome! Happy happy birthday Molly!!
28. I'm a volunteer addict. I work with Achilles (every Saturday) and attended a seminar for all
adaptive sports leagues in Pittsburgh representing Achilles. I also donated to my friends cystic
fibrosis fund and attended a few other fundraisers.

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