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Preston Wood

Cooperative Education
Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives

1. Gain necessary experience that relates to my future employment.
a. Have at least one program I develop to remain at the Nature Center for future
programs and have it designed by the end of August.
b. Design, develop and run a family evening program that reaches both children and
adults by the end of the internship. Have children remember at least one main
point and have adults remember at least two main points or be able to identify a

2. Become experienced at creating, and leading programs for children.
a. Design, develop and run a 40 min Zion Lodge program for children, where the
children remember at least one main point.
b. Design, develop and run a drop in program and to reach at least 100 visitors by the
end of a single shift.
3. Become more comfortable leading programs with groups of children and adults.
a. Design, develop and run a family evening program that reaches both children and
adults by the end of the internship. Have children remember at least one main
point and have adults remember at least two main points or be able to identify a
b. Design a childrens booth program at the nature center, have children recall two
important things by the end of their visit at the booth.

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