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Dear Grade One Parents,

Now more than ever, its imperative we all think about how our actions and
choices affect our planet. In Grade One we try to be as green as possible. We
would like the children to become excited about doing their part to follow the
Melawati Way and take care of this place. One way to do this is to reduce the
amount of garbage entering already overflowing landfills. At Melawati every
Friday will be Trash Free Fri day! The children are asked to bring in snacks
and lunches every Friday that do not produce trash. Fresh, natural foods that
dont come in packages are much healthier for our planet and growing bodies too!
Students are strongly encouraged to bring trash free snacks and lunches
Monday-Thursday as well. Please send food i n reusable contai ners
i nstead of Zi p Loc bags, plasti c wrap and alumi num foi l. The children
will also compost food waste after eating their snack and lunches.

Foods That Don t Produce Trash

Foods That Produce Trash
Fresh fruit Drink boxes/Vitagen
Fresh vegetables (veggie sticks) Single serving yogurt containers
Dried fruit (e.g., raisons, apricots) Cookies/crackers/snacks in packages
Sandwiches Granola/cereal bars
Home Made Baked Goods *All si ngle servi ng food*
Leftovers and Salads

The Earth and children appreciate and thank you for your cooperation with
supporting Trash Free Fridays at Melawati! If you have any questions or
comments please feel free to contact your childs teacher.

Greenly Yours,

The Grade One Team

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