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Assessment cover sheet

James Benbow
Login #:
Lecturer: Jody Kruger

Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment
GDS 100 Level Development
100.1 Level Design Document
Date Due
Tutorial Group:
Tutor Jody Kruger

Special Instructions:

design doc
water treatment plant

what am i doing:
My vision for this project is to
create my own take on a Water
Treatment Plant. I like industrial
type buildings and structures.
Furthermore, out of all my ideas,
this was the only idea that I could
come up that would incorporate
both indoor and outdoor settings,
and provide what I think would be
an interesting and fun map to play

Above: Some pre-existing designs of Water
Treatment plants. I intend to use elements of these
designs in my own map. (More on this below)
things that come
to mind...
When I think of Water
Treatment Plants, I think of the
following things:
- Machines
- Water
- Water Tanks
- Industrial-Type Buildings
- Pipes
- Generators and other
misc. equipment

level idea:
Map size: Medium
My own take on a Water Treatment Plant. Large admin block on one side of the
map, which has a lot of small buildings branching off from it. On the other side of
the map, some smaller buildings again, but with more water tanks and
machinery about. I want the middle of the map to be fairly sparce, with 4
clarifiers in the middle to provide some form of cover for the objective.
- Multiple entry/exit points for the builings.
- All buildings to have at least one window.
- I want some of the buildings to be incomplete, to have the impression that
they are still in the process of being built, or have possibly been destroyed.

key areas:
- Focal point is the middle of the map,
which is where the flag ( in ctf) or the
B objective (in a map like domination)
would be. The middle of the map, for
the most part will be fairly light on
cover, however, it will give some
protection to those how go to that
objective. In the middle of the map, I
want to have four clarifiers (shown
below) with the map either in an
empty one, or in the middle of all four.
The clarifiers will all be connected by a series of walkways. The clear risk
here in this section is that lack of cover you have getting to the clarifiers.
Above: A clarifier. I intend to have 4 of these
In the middle of the map.

- The Water tanks: In my map there are going to be water tanks of varying
sizes, but the larger ones are going to provide the perfect vantage spots
for snipers. This will come with its fair share of risks and rewards though.
While you do get a surpreme vantage point from which to view the
battlefield an pick off opponents,you also leave yourself incredibly
vulnerable due to the fact that you are so high up with no cover and no
easy escape.

- The buildings. There are many different buidings with many different
functions within a Water Treatment Plant, and I intend to incorporate many
of these buildings into my own map. The buildings will provide a nice
change in pace and action for the player, with varying levels (up to three
story buildings) which will provide lots of cover and CQC. I may also link a
few of the buildings together with some ground level walkways (partially
enclosed), to provide some cover when moving about from building to

design ideas / inspirations
overhead plans:

indoor inspirations:


These images show
some aspects that I
want to show in my
own map. I particularly
like the narrow
walkways and the all
the ladders and stairs
that you have to
traverse in order to get
from point A, to point
B. I also like how the
rooms are fairly large,
yet you get funneled (or
you funnel yourself, in
some cases) down
certain paths.


These images pertain more to
walkways and clarifying
tanks, because I felt that
they would be the hardest
part of my map to get right.
Also included some water
tanks just so I had some
points of reference.

game modes supported:
There are three main game modes that I can see my map supporting: Team
Deathmatch, Capture the flag and Domination (or Conquest or Hardpoint,
depending on what FPS you play.)


On this map, players can
choose to either go it
alone, or work as a
team to lock down
specific points on the
With the map designed
the way it is, the players
will have no shortage of
ways to traverse the
map, and some of the
larger buildings will
provide plenty of close
quarters combat
capture the

The plan I had for this
game mode was to have
only one flag, and that
would be in the middle of
the map (where the B
flag would normally be in
Domination, with the
clarifiers) and have
players spawn in on
opposite ends and have
to take the flag back to
their respective base.
What this would create
is a huge kill-zone in the
middle of the map,
which would produce
hectic, fast paced


As is normally the case,
This game mode would
encourage players to
work together to
capture the B flag (or
This wouldnt be the only
kill-zone in in this map
type however. The A
flag would also pose as a
potential kill-zone if it
were to be rushed,
given that it would be
inside of the admin
building, meaning that if
the team who spawned
there were smart
enough, they could set
themselves up in a way
that they could funnel the
enemy down certain
paths, and pick them

references and links:

All images obtained from Google Images
The fonts used were obtained from all credit goes to the creators

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