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Access Confo1-P1.

qu1z Name = Access Confo1-P1
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a esu1f of a penefaf1on fesf?
a. Mod1fy access confo1 pem1ss1ons
b. ldenf1fy nefWok vu1neab111f1es
c. Lva1uafe lD5 effecf1veness
d. Lva1uafe 1nc1denf esponse pocedues
2. Jean 1s an 1nfena1 aud1fo Who cons1sfenf1y uses fhe aud1f 1ogs of va1ous
nefWok sysfems fo poduce epofs. ln an e-ma11 fo fhe vP of l1, she sfesses hoW
1mpofanf 1f 1s fhaf pope pofecf1on confo1s ae puf 1n p1ace fo pofecf fhe
aud1f 1ogs. Of fhe usf1f1caf1ons 11sfed be1oW, Wh1ch 1s fhe Weakesf?
a. unpofecfed aud1f 1ogs can be easy a1feed by an 1nfude affe comm1ff1ng a
b. unappoved changes fo aud1f 1ogs huf fhe cons1sfency and eff1c1ency of
aufomaf1ng epof1ng.
c. Aud1f 1ogs offen confa1n sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on and musf be pofecfed.
d. ln fhe evenf of an 1nvesf1gaf1on, an unpofecfed aud1f 1og may be deemed
1nadm1ss1b1e 1n couf.
3. Mosf opeaf1ng sysfems and app11caf1ons a11oW fo adm1n1sfafos fo conf1gue fhe
dafa fhaf W111 be capfued 1n aud1f 1ogs fo secu1fy puposes. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf 1fem fo be capfued 1n aud1f 1ogs?
a. 5ysfem pefomance oufpuf dafa
b. Lasf use Who accessed fhe dev1ce
c. Numbe of unsuccessfu1 access affempfs
d. Numbe of successfu1 access affempfs
4. hosf-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} ma1n1y uf111ze Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng fo pefom fhe1 ana1ys1s?
a. NefWok fhoughpuf dafa
b. DoWnf1me of connecfed dev1ces
c. Aud1f 1ogs and sysfem f11es
d. NefWok packefs
5. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen a pham1ng affack and a ph1sh1ng affack?
a. Pham1ng 1nvo1ves DN5 po1son1ng and ph1sh1ng 1nvo1ves soc1a1 eng1nee1ng
b. Ph1sh1ng 1nvo1ves DN5 po1son1ng and pham1ng 1nvo1ves soc1a1 eng1nee1ng
c. Pham1ng 1nvo1ves DN55LC and ph1sh1ng 1nvo1ves 1OC\\1Ou
d. Pham1ng 1nvo1ves DN55LC and ph1sh1ng 1nvo1ves soc1a1 eng1nee1ng
6. 1om 1s seff1ng up compufes af a fade shoW fo h1s company`s boofh. 1he
compufes W111 g1ve cusfomes fhe oppofun1fy fo access a neW poducf buf W111 a1so
fake fhem onfo a 11ve nefWok. Wh1ch confo1 Wou1d be fhe besf f1f fo offe fhe
necessay pofecf1on fom pub11c uses ga1n1ng p1v11eged access?
a. Consfa1ned use 1nfeface
b. ko1e-based
c. D1scef1onay-based
d. NefWok segegaf1on
7. Whaf Wou1d be a good eason fo fhe use of fh1n c11enfs fo a company fhaf Wanfs
fo 1mp1emenf sfonge access confo1?
a. L1m1fs use fo fhe funcf1ons and capab111f1es of a secued opeaf1ng sysfem
b. IeWe deskfops fo puchase
c. use fa1n1ng educed
d. Pogams become moe ead11y ava11ab1e fo uses
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. When defem1n1ng Whaf b1omef1c access confo1 sysfem fo buy, Wh1ch facfo shou1d
be g1ven fhe 1easf amounf of We1ghf?
a. use accepfance
b. Accuacy of fhe confo1
c. Pocess1ng speed of fhe confo1
d. kepof1ng capab111f1es
9. M1copob1ng 1s an affack fhaf Wou1d mosf 11ke1y be fagefed foWads Wh1ch of fhe
a. 5maf cad
b. kA5 a1go1fhm
c. C1phe 1ock
d. PassWod-pofecfed 1apfop
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on?
a. Defeenf - lnfended fo d1scouage a pofenf1a1 affacke
b. Pevenf1ve - lnfended fo avo1d an 1nc1denf fom occu1ng
c. Coecf1ve - I1xes componenfs o sysfems affe an 1nc1denf has occued
d. kecovey - lnfended fo b1ng confo1s back fo egu1a opeaf1ons
nu11Defecf1ve - he1ps aufho1ze an 1nc1denfs acf1v1f1es
nu11Compensaf1ng - Confo1s fhaf pov1de fo an a1fenaf1ve measue of confo1
nu11D1ecf1ve - Mandafoy confo1s fhaf have been puf 1n p1ace due fo egu1af1ons
o env1onmenfa1 equ1emenfs
11. Mon1ca 1s fhe l1 d1ecfo of a 1age p1nf1ng pess. 5he has been made aWae of
sevea1 affempfs of bufe foce passWod affacks W1fh1n fhe pasf Weeks. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng eacf1ons Wou1d su1f Mon1ca besf?
a. keduce fhe c11pp1ng 1eve1
b. I1nd a moe effecf1ve encypf1on mechan1sm
c. lncease emp1oyee aWaeness fhough Wan1ng bannes and fa1n1ng
d. lmp1emenf spyWae pofecf1on fhaf 1s 1nfegafed 1nfo fhe cuenf anf1v1us
12. When a sysfem off1c1a11y pem1fs access fo a f11e o a pogam, Whaf 1s 1f
a. va11daf1ng
b. Aufho1z1ng
c. Aufhenf1caf1ng
d. ldenf1fy1ng
13. W1f1ng company secu1fy po11cy 1s Whaf fype of confo1?
a. 1echn1ca1
b. Phys1ca1
c. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
d. Defecf1ve
14. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng affacks equ1es fhe 1easf amounf of sk111?
a. D1cf1onay
b. 5hou1de suf1ng
c. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
d. 81fhday
15. 5am 1s a soffWae deve1ope and has ecenf1y gone fhough secue soffWae
deve1opmenf couses. When ev1eW1ng h1s pogamm1ng code, he sees fhaf h1s soffWae
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sp11fs aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on sfeps. Why Wou1d fh1s be a concen?
a. A buffe ovef1oW can cause aufho1zaf1on befoe 1denf1f1caf1on sfeps
b. Pocess1ng sequenc1ng can be man1pu1afed
c. h11P sp11ff1ng can fake p1ace
d. 8oWse 1necf1on can fake p1ace
16. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a fue sfafemenf abouf v1uses?
a. Lx1sf 1n d1sgu1se usua11y fhough a common pogam o f11e
b. Numbe one obecf1ve 1s fo fake up sysfem esouces
c. usua11y 1n1f1afes affe a use acf1on, such as open1ng an affachmenf
d. kequ1es a hosf app11caf1on
17. An o1d 1apfop used by a nefWok fechn1c1an has many dev1ce conf1guaf1on f11es,
passWods, and fexf sf1ngs on 1f even fhough fhe dafa has been eased. Whaf 1s fh1s
fype of 1nfomaf1on knoWn as?
a. 5an1f1zed dafa
b. Dafa emanence
c. Degaussed dafa
d. Dafa m1n1ng
1. An affack fhaf spec1f1ca11y dea1s W1fh f1m1ng 1s Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Asynchonous affack
b. 8uffe ovef1oW
c. D1cf1onay
d. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
19. Compan1es fhaf pacf1ce "sepaaf1on of duf1es" foce fWo o moe emp1oyees fo
cay ouf 1n ode fo cay ouf faud.
a. Co111s1on
b. Co11us1on
c. Dua1 confo1
d. Job ofaf1on
20. 1ad1f1ona1 access confo1 pocess uses a11 buf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Access confo1 11sfs
b. D1ecfoy sev1ces
c. Pov1s1on1ng
d. Pof11es
21. D1ane, k1s, and kafhy ae l1 manages Who a11 epof fo fhe d1v1s1on vP, Mage.
D1ane`s goup hand1es a11 f1eWa11 adm1n1sfaf1on fasks. k1s`s goup hand1es use
accounfs, and kafhy`s goup manages he1p desk suppof. No one fom D1ane`s goup can
do fhe fasks fhaf k1s and kafhy`s goups do. 1he same can be sa1d fo k1s and
kafhy`s peop1e. Whaf secu1fy confo1 1s Mage enfoc1ng?
a. Job ofaf1on
b. Mandafoy vacaf1ons
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
d. Dua1 confo1
22. Ch1ssy 1s a neW emp1oyee af a coffee shop. 5he meefs fhee ofhe co-Wokes on
he f1sf day. 51nce fhey a11 Wok d1ffeenf sh1ffs, somef1mes open1ng fhe sfoe and
somef1mes c1os1ng fhe sfoe, fhey have been g1ven fhe sfoe secu1fy code. Ch1ssy
asks he boss 1f she W111 gef fhe code, and he boss says "No, you Won`f need 1f
because you`e Wok1ng fhe m1d-day sh1ff." Whaf secu1fy p1nc1p1e 1s fhe coffee
shop manage 1mp1emenf1ng?
a. Phys1ca1 confo1
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b. Leasf p1v11ege
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
d. Co11us1on
23. A pogam fhaf ece1ves foo much dafa so fhaf 1f cannof execufe 1nsfucf1ons
pope1y has been exp1o1fed by a affack.
a. 8uffe ovef1oW
b. 1OC/1Ou
c. Covef channe1
d. Dafa va11daf1on
24. kecenf1y passed ove fo an execuf1ve pomof1on, Cao1 1s anx1ous fo hea abouf
a mao company announcemenf Wh1ch W111 mosf 11ke1y evea1 fhe neW h1e. knoW1ng
fhaf fhe Pk depafmenf does nof egu1a1y shed documenfs, she snoops aound fhe
ha11Ways affe hous, and f1nds a memo nexf fo fhe p1nfe fhaf g1ves he fhe
1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be e1eased fo fhe pub11c nexf Week. Whaf k1nd of affack has
Cao1 comm1ffed?
a. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
b. Lavesdopp1ng
c. Pass1ve affack1ng
d. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
25. Jan needs fo be ab1e fo sfucfue fhe companys nefWok esouces 1n a
h1each1ca1 manne so fhaf a11 uses can access fhem affe be1ng pope1y
aufhenf1cafed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng aanges obecfs 1n a h1each1ca1 sfucfue?
a. X.509 d1ecfoy
b. X.500 d1ecfoy
c. X.300 d1ecfoy
d. X.309 d1ecfoy
26. Med1a san1f1zaf1on and desfucf1on pevenf .
a. Co11us1on
b. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
c. Obecf euse
d. kep1ay
27. kev1n changes h1s e-ma11 heade so fhaf k1m fh1nks h1s message 1s com1ng fom an
l1 adm1n1sfafo Who 1s ask1ng fo he p1vafe accounf 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s affack
cou1d be chaacfe1zed as a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng excepf:
a. 5poof1ng
b. Pass1ve
c. Masquead1ng
d. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
2. Den1a1-of-sev1ce affacks ae common facf1cs used by hackes fo affecf fhe
sev1ce capab111f1es of compan1es compufe sysfems. Offen f1mes, fhey ae boughf
foWad by compef1ng compan1es. Wh1ch affack be1oW Wou1d nof be cons1deed a Do5
a. P1ng of Deafh
b. 5muf
c. 5YN f1ood1ng
d. Man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e
29. Cha11e 1s a hacke Who has managed fo p1anf a soffWae agenf on 5feve`s
compufe and has un1nfeupfed access fo 1f. he 1s us1ng 5feve`s compufe fo 1nf11cf
ma11c1ous code fhoughouf fhe 1nfena1 nefWok. Whaf fem cou1d be used fo desc1be
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5feve`s compufe?
a. Zomb1e
b. 1apdoo
c. Masfe
d. 1heaf agenf
30. lf Jan chooses a poducf based upon fh1s fype of fechno1ogy, hoW Wou1d fhe
obecfs 1n fhe dafabase be un1que1y 1denf1f1ed and addessed?
a. Obecf euse
b. D1ecfoy 5ysfem Agenfs
c. D1sf1ngu1shed names
d. Nam1ng fees
31. An affack fhaf changes fhe souce lP addess of a lCMP LChO equesf packef so 1f
appeas as fhough 1f came fom fhe v1cf1m and 1s boadcasfed fo an amp11fy1ng
nefWok can be ca11ed a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng excepf:
a. 5muf
b. lCMP sfom
c. Do5
d. 1unne11ng
32. Wh1ch exp1o1f bu11ds 1fs affack aound "ha1f-open" connecf1ons?
a. P1ng f1ood1ng
b. 5YN f1ood1ng
c. 1oan hoses
d. Woms
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a phys1ca1 access confo1?
a. 1unsf11es
b. Ienc1ng
c. hosf-based lD5
d. Lxfe1o 11ghf1ng
34. Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s 1nc1ude a11 buf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Mandafoy vacaf1ons
b. Aud1f fa11s
c. 8ackgound checks
d. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
35. Lach d1sf1ngu1shed name {DN} 1n an LDAP d1ecfoy epesenfs a co11ecf1on of
aff1bufes abouf a spec1f1c obecf, and 1s sfoed 1n fhe d1ecfoy as an enfy. DNs
ae composed of Common Name {CN} componenfs Wh1ch desc1be fhe obecf, and Doma1n
Componenfs {DC} Wh1ch desc1be fhe doma1n 1n Wh1ch fhe obecf es1des. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng makes fhe mosf sense When consfucf1ng a DN?
a. dc=5hon ha1s,cn=Log1ca15ecu1fy,dc=com
b. cn=5hon ha1s,dc=Log1ca15ecu1fy,cn=com
c. cn=5hon ha1s,cn=Log1ca15ecu1fy,dc=com
d. cn=5hon ha1s,dc=Log1ca15ecu1fy,dc=com
36. 51nce 9/11, a1pof pak1ng gaages noW keep cas fufhe aWay fom fhe fem1na1
enfance. Whaf 1s fh1s an examp1e of?
a. An adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1
b. A fechn1ca1 confo1
c. An env1onmenfa1 confo1
d. A phys1ca1 confo1
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37. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a fom of 1denf1f1caf1on?
a. 1oken dev1ce
b. I1ngep1nf
c. use lD
d. 8adge sysfems
3. 8ecause 1denf1f1caf1on 1s c1f1ca1 fo fhe 1ssue of accounfab111fy, compan1es
shou1d fo11oW sf1cf gu1de11nes. Wh1ch Wou1d nof be cons1deed a good pacf1ce 1n
1mp1emenf1ng 1denf1f1caf1on access confo1?
a. Lnfoce nam1ng sfandads
b. lDs shou1d be un1que
c. lDs shou1d be ob desc1pf1ve
d. lDs musf be eas11y va11dafed
39. "5omefh1ng you knoW, somefh1ng you have, and somefh1ng you ae" epesenfs fhe
fhee poss1b1e facfos of .
a. ldenf1f1caf1on
b. Aufhenf1caf1on
c. Aufho1zaf1on
d. Ava11ab111fy
40. ham1d 1s ev1eW1ng 1denf1fy managemenf {lDM} poducfs fo h1s companys
env1onmenf. he has a cho1ce of choos1ng a poducf fhaf gafhes use 1denf1fy
1nfomaf1on and ho1d1ng 1f 1n one 1ocaf1on o a poducf fhaf pov1des po1nfes fo
fh1s fype of 1nfomaf1on fhaf es1des 1n va1ous 1ocaf1ons fhoughouf fhe nefWok.
Whaf chaacfe1sf1cs of lDM poducfs 1s he ev1eW1ng?
a. Pof11e updaf1ng
b. Mefa-d1ecfoy fypes
c. 51ng1e s1gn-on
d. 5fag1ng
41. hoW ae smaf cads and memoy cads funcf1ona11y d1ffeenf?
a. Memoy cads pocess 1nfomaf1on Wh11e smaf cads can on1y sfoe 1nfomaf1on
buf nof pocess 1f.
b. Memoy cads sfoe buf do nof pocess 1nfomaf1on Wh11e smaf cads can pocess
c. Memoy cads and smaf cads sfoe and pocess 1nfomaf1on buf do so 1n
d1ffeenf Ways.
d. Memoy cads use 1nfegafed c1cu1fs and a pocesso.
42. 51ng1e s1gn-on sysfems have a ma1n sfengfh and a ma1n Weakness. Choose fhe besf
ansWe expos1ng fh1s sfengfh and Weakness.
a. uses do nof need fo emembe mu1f1p1e passWods, buf access fo many sysfems can
be obfa1ned by cack1ng on1y one passWod, mak1ng 1f 1ess secue.
b. 1hey a11oW fhe use fo make use of vey s1mp1e passWods, 1f pufs undue buden
on l1 fo adm1n1sfe fhe sysfem.
c. 1hey foce fhe use fo make use of sfonge passWods, 1f makes 1f eas1e fo
uses buf encouages 11ff1e affenf1on fo secu1fy po11c1es.
d. 1hey emove fhe buden of emembe1ng mu1f1p1e passWods fom uses, uses need
fo fype fhe same passWod When confonfed W1fh aufhenf1caf1on equesfs fo d1ffeenf
43. hoW can 1ogg1ng p1ay a o1e 1n sfopp1ng secu1fy beaches 1n a sysfem?
a. Logg1ng 1s fhe acf1v1fy of co11ecf1ng sysfem 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be used fo
mon1fo1ng and aud1f1ng fo enab1e ea1y defecf1on of secu1fy pob1ems.
b. Logg1ng 1s fhe cafa1og1ng of pefomance 1ssues fo f1ghf 1nfudes.
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c. Logg1ng p1ays a vey m1n1ma1 o1e 1n sysfem secu1fy, 1f 1s used moe as a
housekeep1ng measue fhan as a facfo 1n an effecf1ve secu1fy po11cy.
d. Logg1ng 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng use eos and nof secu1fy beaches.
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe ach1fecfue of a kebeos
aufhenf1caf1on sysfem?
a. An ach1fecfue W1fh a cenfa1 seve fhaf 1ssues f1ckefs fo a11oW one p1nc1pa1
{fo 1nsfance, a use} fo aufhenf1cafe fhemse1ves fo anofhe {such as a seve}.
b. A pee-fo-pee sysfem Whee pees aufhenf1cafe fhemse1ves d1ecf1y W1fh ofhe
pee mach1nes.
c. A cenfa11zed sysfem Whee a11 passWod 1nfomaf1on and aufhenf1caf1on 1og1c ae
sfoed on a cenfa11zed mach1ne.
d. A s1ng1e s1gn-on ach1fecfue used fo emofe d1a1-1n uses fo aufhenf1cafe fo a
doma1n confo11e.
45. As ham1d 1s ev1eW1ng lDM poducfs and fhe1 spec1f1c chaacfe1sf1cs, h1s boss
ca11s h1m and fe11s h1m fhaf fhe poducf a1so needs fo a11oW fo exfena11y
confo11ed access fo fhe companys e-commece opeaf1ons. Whaf funcf1ona11fy does
ham1d need fo ensue 1s paf of fhe poducf he puchases?
b. D1ecfoy sev1ces
c. Web access managemenf
d. Pkl
46. You off1ce 1s 1mp1emenf1ng an access confo1 po11cy based on decenfa11zed
adm1n1sfaf1on, Wh1ch 1s confo11ed d1ecf1y by fhe oWnes and ceafos of f11es.
Whaf 1s fhe mao advanfage and d1sadvanfage of such an appoach?
a. lf pufs access confo1 1nfo fhe hands of fhose mosf accounfab1e fo fhe
1nfomaf1on, buf equ1es secu1fy 1abe1s fo enfocemenf.
b. lf pufs access confo1 1nfo fhe hands of fhose mosf accounfab1e fo fhe
1nfomaf1on, buf 1eads fo 1ncons1sfenc1es 1n pocedues and c1fe1a.
c. lf pufs access confo1 1nfo fhe hands of l1 adm1n1sfafos, buf 1eads fo
pocedues and c1fe1a fhaf ae foo 1g1d and 1nf1ex1b1e.
d. lf pufs access confo1 1nfo fhe hands of l1 adm1n1sfafos, buf foces fhem fo
ove1y e1y upon fhe f11e oWnes fo 1mp1emenf fhe access confo1s l1 pufs 1n p1ace.
47. Whaf 1s access confo1?
a. A mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam, o pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f
c1a1ms fo be
b. kequ11ng fhe subecf fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef, as 1n a
passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, o foken
c. 5ecu1fy feafues fhaf confo1 hoW uses and sysfems commun1cafe and 1nfeacf
W1fh ofhe sysfems and esouces
d. Confo111ng hoW an acf1ve obecf accesses a pass1ve subecf
4. You ae 1ook1ng fo 1mp1emenf an access confo1 on you sysfem`s esouces. 1he
sfeps of you access confo1 mode1 shou1d fo11oW Wh1ch 1og1ca1 f1oW?
a. ldenf1f1caf1on, Aufho1zaf1on, Aufhenf1caf1on
b. Aufho1zaf1on, ldenf1f1caf1on, Aufhenf1caf1on
c. ldenf1f1caf1on, Aufhenf1caf1on, Aufho1zaf1on
d. ldenf1f1caf1on, Accounfab111fy, Aufho1zaf1on
49. An accuafe p1cfue of fhe use and accepfance of b1omef1cs 1s:
a. ke1af1ve1y 1nexpens1ve, We11 ece1ved by soc1efy, and h1gh1y accuafe
b. vey expens1ve, modeafe1y ece1ved by soc1efy, and modeafe1y accuafe
c. vey expens1ve, vey We11 ece1ved by soc1efy, and h1gh1y accuafe
d. vey expens1ve, nof We11 ece1ved by soc1efy, and h1gh1y accuafe
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50. ham1d 1s ev1eW1ng d1ffeenf 1denf1fy managemenf sysfems and sees fhaf fhey have
fhe fo11oW1ng capab111f1es:
- PassWod 5ynchon1zaf1on
- 5e1f-5ev1ce PassWod kesef
- Ass1sfed PassWod kesef
lf ham1ds company needs fo educe he1p desk ca11s fhaf dea1s W1fh passWods, Wh1ch
of fhe capab111f1es 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf?
a. A11 of fhem
b. PassWod 5ynchon1zaf1on
c. 5e1f-5ev1ce PassWod kesef
d. Ass1sfed PassWod kesef
51. You b1omef1c sysfem has been knoWn fo accepf 1mposfes. 1h1s 1s knoWn as Wh1ch
fype of eo?
a. CLk
b. 81o-accepfance eo
c. 1ype l
d. 1ype ll
52. You ae fy1ng fo 1mp1emenf a sfong aufhenf1caf1on sysfem. Wh1ch one of fhe
fo11oW1ng Wou1d be fhe appop1afe sysfem fo 1mp1emenf?
a. 5omefh1ng you knoW
b. 5omefh1ng you ae
c. 5omefh1ng you have
d. 5omefh1ng you have and somefh1ng you knoW
53. Whaf fype of opeaf1ng paamefe can an adm1n1sfafo sef fhaf Wou1d 1ock ouf a
use affe so many fa11ed affempfs af 1ogon?
a. C11pp1ng Leve1
b. PassWod checke
c. Accounf exp1y
d. PassWod h1sfoy
54. 1he fype of foken dev1ce fhaf emp1oys a cha11enge esponse mechan1sm 1s Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. One-f1me passWod geneafo
b. 1oken geneafo
c. 5ynchonous
d. Asynchonous
55. 1he appop1afe defau1f 1eve1 fo an access confo1 mechan1sm 1s?
a. Lveyone fu11 confo1
b. Lveyone kead access
c. No Access
d. Iu11 Access
56. Wh1ch fype of access confo1 mode1 a11oWs dafa oWnes fo be fhe u1f1mafe souce
fo defem1n1ng access fo sysfem esouces?
a. D1scef1onay
b. Mandafoy
c. 8eWe &amp, Nash
d. C1ak-W11son
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
57. Whaf Wou1d be a common access confo1 fechn1que used 1n f1eWa11s and oufes
fo pocess1ng packefs?
a. ko1e-based Access Confo1
b. ku1e-based Access Confo1
c. 11me-based access confo1
d. Confexf access confo1 u1es
5. Wh1ch cenfa11zed access confo1 aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 1s a1so an adopfed
lnfenef sfandad?
a. kADlu5
b. 1ACAC5
c. 5LCuklD
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf
Penefaf1on fesf1ng does nof 1nvo1ve mak1ng any changes o mod1f1caf1ons W1fh1n a
nefWok. lnsfead 1f 1nvo1ves defem1n1ng Whaf vu1neab111f1es ex1sf so fhaf changes
can be made affe fhe facf. 5ome penefaf1on fesfs ae sfea1fhy 1n nafue so fhaf
nof on1y ae vu1neab111f1es 1denf1f1ed, buf fhe defecf1on and eacf1on capab111f1es
of fhe companys lD5 and secu1fy 1nc1denf esponse feam.
b. lncoecf
Penefaf1on fesf1ng does nof 1nvo1ve mak1ng any changes o mod1f1caf1ons W1fh1n a
nefWok. lnsfead 1f 1nvo1ves defem1n1ng Whaf vu1neab111f1es ex1sf so fhaf changes
can be made affe fhe facf. 5ome penefaf1on fesfs ae sfea1fhy 1n nafue so fhaf
nof on1y ae vu1neab111f1es 1denf1f1ed, buf fhe defecf1on and eacf1on capab111f1es
of fhe companys lD5 and secu1fy 1nc1denf esponse feam.
c. lncoecf
Penefaf1on fesf1ng does nof 1nvo1ve mak1ng any changes o mod1f1caf1ons W1fh1n a
nefWok. lnsfead 1f 1nvo1ves defem1n1ng Whaf vu1neab111f1es ex1sf so fhaf changes
can be made affe fhe facf. 5ome penefaf1on fesfs ae sfea1fhy 1n nafue so fhaf
nof on1y ae vu1neab111f1es 1denf1f1ed, buf fhe defecf1on and eacf1on capab111f1es
of fhe companys lD5 and secu1fy 1nc1denf esponse feam.
d. lncoecf
Penefaf1on fesf1ng does nof 1nvo1ve mak1ng any changes o mod1f1caf1ons W1fh1n a
nefWok. lnsfead 1f 1nvo1ves defem1n1ng Whaf vu1neab111f1es ex1sf so fhaf changes
can be made affe fhe facf. 5ome penefaf1on fesfs ae sfea1fhy 1n nafue so fhaf
nof on1y ae vu1neab111f1es 1denf1f1ed, buf fhe defecf1on and eacf1on capab111f1es
of fhe companys lD5 and secu1fy 1nc1denf esponse feam.
a. lncoecf
unappoved changes fo fhe aud1f 1ogs, Wh1ch can negaf1ve1y affecf fhe aufomaf1on
pocess of epof1ng, ae nof fhe ma1n concen of secu1fy and fhe eason fo pofecf
aud1f 1ogs. Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of
fhe 1ogs.
Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of fhe 1ogs.
On1y cefa1n 1nd1v1dua1s {fhe adm1n1sfafo and secu1fy pesonne1} shou1d be ab1e
fo v1eW, mod1fy, and de1efe aud1f fa11 1nfomaf1on. No ofhe 1nd1v1dua1s shou1d be
ab1e fo v1eW, mod1fy o de1efe aud1f 1og dafa.
b. Coecf
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
unappoved changes fo fhe aud1f 1ogs, Wh1ch can negaf1ve1y affecf fhe aufomaf1on
pocess of epof1ng, ae nof fhe ma1n concen of secu1fy and fhe eason fo pofecf
aud1f 1ogs. Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of
fhe 1ogs.
Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of fhe 1ogs.
On1y cefa1n 1nd1v1dua1s {fhe adm1n1sfafo and secu1fy pesonne1} shou1d be ab1e
fo v1eW, mod1fy, and de1efe aud1f fa11 1nfomaf1on. No ofhe 1nd1v1dua1s shou1d be
ab1e fo v1eW, mod1fy o de1efe aud1f 1og dafa.
c. lncoecf
unappoved changes fo fhe aud1f 1ogs, Wh1ch can negaf1ve1y affecf fhe aufomaf1on
pocess of epof1ng, ae nof fhe ma1n concen of secu1fy and fhe eason fo pofecf
aud1f 1ogs. Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of
fhe 1ogs.
Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of fhe 1ogs.
On1y cefa1n 1nd1v1dua1s {fhe adm1n1sfafo and secu1fy pesonne1} shou1d be ab1e
fo v1eW, mod1fy, and de1efe aud1f fa11 1nfomaf1on. No ofhe 1nd1v1dua1s shou1d be
ab1e fo v1eW, mod1fy o de1efe aud1f 1og dafa.
d. lncoecf
unappoved changes fo fhe aud1f 1ogs, Wh1ch can negaf1ve1y affecf fhe aufomaf1on
pocess of epof1ng, ae nof fhe ma1n concen of secu1fy and fhe eason fo pofecf
aud1f 1ogs. Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of
fhe 1ogs.
Aud1f 1ogs ae pofecfed fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy and conf1denf1a11fy of fhe 1ogs.
On1y cefa1n 1nd1v1dua1s {fhe adm1n1sfafo and secu1fy pesonne1} shou1d be ab1e
fo v1eW, mod1fy, and de1efe aud1f fa11 1nfomaf1on. No ofhe 1nd1v1dua1s shou1d be
ab1e fo v1eW, mod1fy o de1efe aud1f 1og dafa.
a. Coecf
Io secu1fy puposes 1f can be 1mpofanf fo capfue fhe uses 1denf1fy of Who
ecenf1y accessed a dev1ce and fhe numbe of successfu1 and unsuccessfu1 access
affempfs. A1fhough 1ogs ae common1y used fo fack a sysfems pefomance and fo
foub1eshoof1ng, fh1s quesf1on equesfed Wh1ch Was 1easf 1mpofanf fo be capfued
fo secu1fy puposes.
b. lncoecf
Io secu1fy puposes 1f can be 1mpofanf fo capfue fhe uses 1denf1fy of Who
ecenf1y accessed a dev1ce and fhe numbe of successfu1 and unsuccessfu1 access
affempfs. A1fhough 1ogs ae common1y used fo fack a sysfems pefomance and fo
foub1eshoof1ng, fh1s quesf1on equesfed Wh1ch Was 1easf 1mpofanf fo be capfued
fo secu1fy puposes.
c. lncoecf
Io secu1fy puposes 1f can be 1mpofanf fo capfue fhe uses 1denf1fy of Who
ecenf1y accessed a dev1ce and fhe numbe of successfu1 and unsuccessfu1 access
affempfs. A1fhough 1ogs ae common1y used fo fack a sysfems pefomance and fo
foub1eshoof1ng, fh1s quesf1on equesfed Wh1ch Was 1easf 1mpofanf fo be capfued
fo secu1fy puposes.
d. lncoecf
Io secu1fy puposes 1f can be 1mpofanf fo capfue fhe uses 1denf1fy of Who
ecenf1y accessed a dev1ce and fhe numbe of successfu1 and unsuccessfu1 access
affempfs. A1fhough 1ogs ae common1y used fo fack a sysfems pefomance and fo
foub1eshoof1ng, fh1s quesf1on equesfed Wh1ch Was 1easf 1mpofanf fo be capfued
fo secu1fy puposes.
a. lncoecf
hosf-based lD5s focus on fhe 1nd1v1dua1 sysfem fhey ae mon1fo1ng. 1hey use aud1f
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
1ogs fo defecf susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ev1eW sysfem f11es fo ensue fhaf fhey have
nof been 1mpope1y mod1f1ed. NefWok-based lD5s focus on nefWok faff1c and
acf1v1f1es and Wou1d be ev1eW1ng fhe ofhe 1fems 11sfed.
b. lncoecf
hosf-based lD5s focus on fhe 1nd1v1dua1 sysfem fhey ae mon1fo1ng. 1hey use aud1f
1ogs fo defecf susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ev1eW sysfem f11es fo ensue fhaf fhey have
nof been 1mpope1y mod1f1ed. NefWok-based lD5s focus on nefWok faff1c and
acf1v1f1es and Wou1d be ev1eW1ng fhe ofhe 1fems 11sfed.
c. Coecf
hosf-based lD5s focus on fhe 1nd1v1dua1 sysfem fhey ae mon1fo1ng. 1hey ma1n1y use
aud1f 1ogs fo defecf susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ev1eW sysfem f11es fo ensue fhaf fhey
have nof been 1mpope1y mod1f1ed. NefWok-based lD5s focus on nefWok faff1c and
acf1v1f1es and Wou1d be ev1eW1ng fhe ofhe 1fems 11sfed.
d. lncoecf
hosf-based lD5s focus on fhe 1nd1v1dua1 sysfem fhey ae mon1fo1ng. 1hey use aud1f
1ogs fo defecf susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ev1eW sysfem f11es fo ensue fhaf fhey have
nof been 1mpope1y mod1f1ed. NefWok-based lD5s focus on nefWok faff1c and
acf1v1f1es and Wou1d be ev1eW1ng fhe ofhe 1fems 11sfed.
a. Coecf
Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng pesona1
1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he affackes 1ue,
o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods. A s1m11a fype of
affack 1s ca11ed pham1ng, Wh1ch ed1ecfs a v1cf1m fo a seem1ng1y 1eg1f1mafe, yef
fake, Web s1fe. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhe affacke ca1es ouf somefh1ng ca11ed
DN5 po1son1ng, 1n Wh1ch a DN5 seve eso1ves a hosf name 1nfo an 1ncoecf lP
b. lncoecf
Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng pesona1
1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he affackes 1ue,
o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods. A s1m11a fype of
affack 1s ca11ed pham1ng, Wh1ch ed1ecfs a v1cf1m fo a seem1ng1y 1eg1f1mafe, yef
fake, Web s1fe. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhe affacke ca1es ouf somefh1ng ca11ed
DN5 po1son1ng, 1n Wh1ch a DN5 seve eso1ves a hosf name 1nfo an 1ncoecf lP
c. lncoecf
Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng pesona1
1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he affackes 1ue,
o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods. A s1m11a fype of
affack 1s ca11ed pham1ng, Wh1ch ed1ecfs a v1cf1m fo a seem1ng1y 1eg1f1mafe, yef
fake, Web s1fe. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhe affacke ca1es ouf somefh1ng ca11ed
DN5 po1son1ng, 1n Wh1ch a DN5 seve eso1ves a hosf name 1nfo an 1ncoecf lP
d. lncoecf
Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng pesona1
1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he affackes 1ue,
o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods. A s1m11a fype of
affack 1s ca11ed pham1ng, Wh1ch ed1ecfs a v1cf1m fo a seem1ng1y 1eg1f1mafe, yef
fake, Web s1fe. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhe affacke ca1es ouf somefh1ng ca11ed
DN5 po1son1ng, 1n Wh1ch a DN5 seve eso1ves a hosf name 1nfo an 1ncoecf lP
a. Coecf
Page 11
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
Consfa1ned use 1nfefaces Wou1d be fhe pefecf cho1ce fo fh1s fade shoW
scena1o. 1he 1nfeface can be phys1ca11y consfa1ned, as 1n a k1osk sysfem, o
1og1ca11y consfa1ned fhough fhe use of pope1y conf1gued pof11es, menus, and
b. lncoecf
Consfa1ned use 1nfefaces Wou1d be fhe pefecf cho1ce fo fh1s fade shoW
scena1o. 1he 1nfeface can be phys1ca11y consfa1ned, as 1n a k1osk sysfem, o
1og1ca11y consfa1ned fhough fhe use of pope1y conf1gued pof11es, menus, and
c. lncoecf
Consfa1ned use 1nfefaces Wou1d be fhe pefecf cho1ce fo fh1s fade shoW
scena1o. 1he 1nfeface can be phys1ca11y consfa1ned, as 1n a k1osk sysfem, o
1og1ca11y consfa1ned fhough fhe use of pope1y conf1gued pof11es, menus, and
d. lncoecf
Consfa1ned use 1nfefaces Wou1d be fhe pefecf cho1ce fo fh1s fade shoW
scena1o. 1he 1nfeface can be phys1ca11y consfa1ned, as 1n a k1osk sysfem, o
1og1ca11y consfa1ned fhough fhe use of pope1y conf1gued pof11es, menus, and
a. Coecf
Iom a secu1fy pespecf1ve, fh1n c11enfs can be effecf1ve because fhey esf1cf
uses fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem of a seve fhaf fhe adm1n1sfafo can confo1. 1h1n
c11enfs ae ca11ed &quof,fh1n&quof, because fhey have a 11m1fed opeaf1ng sysfem of
fhe1 oWn. 1he ofhe ansWes a11 pov1de benef1fs of us1ng fh1n c11enfs buf fhey ae
nof secu1fy benef1fs.
b. lncoecf
Iom a secu1fy pespecf1ve, fh1n c11enfs can be effecf1ve because fhey esf1cf
uses fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem of a seve fhaf fhe adm1n1sfafo can confo1. 1h1n
c11enfs ae ca11ed &quof,fh1n&quof, because fhey have a 11m1fed opeaf1ng sysfem of
fhe1 oWn. 1he ofhe ansWes a11 pov1de benef1fs of us1ng fh1n c11enfs buf fhey ae
nof secu1fy benef1fs.
c. lncoecf
Iom a secu1fy pespecf1ve, fh1n c11enfs can be effecf1ve because fhey esf1cf
uses fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem of a seve fhaf fhe adm1n1sfafo can confo1. 1h1n
c11enfs ae ca11ed &quof,fh1n&quof, because fhey have a 11m1fed opeaf1ng sysfem of
fhe1 oWn. 1he ofhe ansWes a11 pov1de benef1fs of us1ng fh1n c11enfs buf fhey ae
nof secu1fy benef1fs.
d. lncoecf
Iom a secu1fy pespecf1ve, fh1n c11enfs can be effecf1ve because fhey esf1cf
uses fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem of a seve fhaf fhe adm1n1sfafo can confo1. 1h1n
c11enfs ae ca11ed &quof,fh1n&quof, because fhey have a 11m1fed opeaf1ng sysfem of
fhe1 oWn. 1he ofhe ansWes a11 pov1de benef1fs of us1ng fh1n c11enfs buf fhey ae
nof secu1fy benef1fs.

a. lncoecf
1he p1may cons1deaf1ons fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo fhe puchas1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
of b1omef1c access confo1s ae use accepfance, accuacy, and pocess1ng speed.
A1fhough epof1ng capab111f1es can be usefu1, 1f 1s fhe mosf 1ns1gn1f1canf of fhe
b. lncoecf
1he p1may cons1deaf1ons fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo fhe puchas1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
Page 12
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
of b1omef1c access confo1s ae use accepfance, accuacy, and pocess1ng speed.
A1fhough epof1ng capab111f1es can be usefu1, 1f 1s fhe mosf 1ns1gn1f1canf of fhe
c. lncoecf
1he p1may cons1deaf1ons fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo fhe puchas1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
of b1omef1c access confo1s ae use accepfance, accuacy, and pocess1ng speed.
A1fhough epof1ng capab111f1es can be usefu1, 1f 1s fhe mosf 1ns1gn1f1canf of fhe
d. Coecf
1he p1may cons1deaf1ons fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo fhe puchas1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
of b1omef1c access confo1s ae use accepfance, accuacy, and pocess1ng speed.
A1fhough epof1ng capab111f1es can be usefu1, 1f 1s fhe mosf 1ns1gn1f1canf of fhe
a. Coecf
M1copob1ng 1s an 1nvas1ve affack used on smaf cads Whee fhe cad`s suface 1s
exp1o1fed 1n ode fo a1fe fhe 1nfegafed c1cu1f. 1he pofecf1ve coaf1ng on fhe
cads c1cu1fs 1s sf1pped aWay and fhe affacke faps d1ecf1y 1nfo fhe c1cu1f.
b. lncoecf
M1copob1ng 1s an 1nvas1ve affack used on smaf cads Whee fhe cad`s suface 1s
exp1o1fed 1n ode fo a1fe fhe 1nfegafed c1cu1f. 1he pofecf1ve coaf1ng on fhe
cads c1cu1fs 1s sf1pped aWay and fhe affacke faps d1ecf1y 1nfo fhe c1cu1f.
c. lncoecf
M1copob1ng 1s an 1nvas1ve affack used on smaf cads Whee fhe cad`s suface 1s
exp1o1fed 1n ode fo a1fe fhe 1nfegafed c1cu1f. 1he pofecf1ve coaf1ng on fhe
cads c1cu1fs 1s sf1pped aWay and fhe affacke faps d1ecf1y 1nfo fhe c1cu1f.
d. lncoecf
M1copob1ng 1s an 1nvas1ve affack used on smaf cads Whee fhe cad`s suface 1s
exp1o1fed 1n ode fo a1fe fhe 1nfegafed c1cu1f. 1he pofecf1ve coaf1ng on fhe
cads c1cu1fs 1s sf1pped aWay and fhe affacke faps d1ecf1y 1nfo fhe c1cu1f.
a. lncoecf
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
b. lncoecf
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
c. lncoecf
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
d. lncoecf
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
Page 13
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
Lach confo1 Woks af a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of ganu1a1fy, buf 1f can a1so pefom
d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es of access confo1s ae
pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, coecf1ve, defeenf, ecovey, compensaf1ng, and d1ecf1ve.
Defecf1ve confo1s he1p 1denf1fy 1nc1denf acf1v1f1es, nof aufho1ze fhem.
a. Coecf
1he besf mefhod fo pevenf fh1s fype of affack 1s fo educe fhe c11pp1ng 1eve1. 1he
c11pp1ng 1eve1 1n fh1s case Wou1d be fhe numbe of fa11ed 1og1n affempfs fhaf ae
a11oWed. W1fh fh1s facf1c, Mon1ca cou1d sef spec1f1c fagef accounfs fo 1ock ouf
affe fWo o fhee fa11ed affempfs. 1h1s Wou1d a11oW fhe aufho1zed uses fo
conf1nue us1ng fhe1 noma1 accounfs, buf sfop fhe bufe-foce guess1ng affempfs
fom be1ng successfu1.
b. lncoecf
1he besf mefhod fo pevenf fh1s fype of affack 1s fo educe fhe c11pp1ng 1eve1. 1he
c11pp1ng 1eve1 1n fh1s case Wou1d be fhe numbe of fa11ed 1og1n affempfs fhaf ae
a11oWed. W1fh fh1s facf1c, Mon1ca cou1d sef spec1f1c fagef accounfs fo 1ock ouf
affe fWo o fhee fa11ed affempfs. 1h1s Wou1d a11oW fhe aufho1zed uses fo
conf1nue us1ng fhe1 noma1 accounfs, buf sfop fhe bufe-foce guess1ng affempfs
fom be1ng successfu1.
c. lncoecf
1he besf mefhod fo pevenf fh1s fype of affack 1s fo educe fhe c11pp1ng 1eve1. 1he
c11pp1ng 1eve1 1n fh1s case Wou1d be fhe numbe of fa11ed 1og1n affempfs fhaf ae
a11oWed. W1fh fh1s facf1c, Mon1ca cou1d sef spec1f1c fagef accounfs fo 1ock ouf
affe fWo o fhee fa11ed affempfs. 1h1s Wou1d a11oW fhe aufho1zed uses fo
conf1nue us1ng fhe1 noma1 accounfs, buf sfop fhe bufe-foce guess1ng affempfs
fom be1ng successfu1.
d. lncoecf
1he besf mefhod fo pevenf fh1s fype of affack 1s fo educe fhe c11pp1ng 1eve1. 1he
c11pp1ng 1eve1 1n fh1s case Wou1d be fhe numbe of fa11ed 1og1n affempfs fhaf ae
a11oWed. W1fh fh1s facf1c, Mon1ca cou1d sef spec1f1c fagef accounfs fo 1ock ouf
affe fWo o fhee fa11ed affempfs. 1h1s Wou1d a11oW fhe aufho1zed uses fo
conf1nue us1ng fhe1 noma1 accounfs, buf sfop fhe bufe-foce guess1ng affempfs
fom be1ng successfu1.
a. lncoecf
Aufho1z1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng ae vey c1ose 1n mean1ng buf fhee 1s a d1sf1ncf
d1ffeence. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s fhe pocess of ve1fy1ng fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf
equesf1ng access. Aufho1zaf1on 1s fhe ganf1ng of pem1ss1on.
b. Coecf
Aufho1z1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng ae vey c1ose 1n mean1ng buf fhee 1s a d1sf1ncf
d1ffeence. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s fhe pocess of ve1fy1ng fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
equesf1ng access. Aufho1zaf1on 1s fhe ganf1ng of pem1ss1on.
c. lncoecf
Aufho1z1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng ae vey c1ose 1n mean1ng buf fhee 1s a d1sf1ncf
d1ffeence. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s fhe pocess of ve1fy1ng fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf
equesf1ng access. Aufho1zaf1on 1s fhe ganf1ng of pem1ss1on.
d. lncoecf
Aufho1z1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng ae vey c1ose 1n mean1ng buf fhee 1s a d1sf1ncf
d1ffeence. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s fhe pocess of ve1fy1ng fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf
equesf1ng access. Aufho1zaf1on 1s fhe ganf1ng of pem1ss1on.
a. lncoecf
Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves
1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es,
aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng ae a11 examp1es of
adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
b. lncoecf
Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves
1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es,
aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng ae a11 examp1es of
adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
c. Coecf
Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves
1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es,
aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng ae a11 examp1es of
adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
d. lncoecf
Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves
1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es,
aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng ae a11 examp1es of
adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
a. lncoecf
5hou1de suf1ng 1s fhe s1mp1esf fom of snoop1ng. 1he mosf nov1ce of compufe uses
cou1d 1ook ove fhe shou1de of he ne1ghbo and obfa1n some fype of sens1f1ve
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s 1s fhe eason fhaf mosf app11caf1ons and opeaf1ng sysfems pesenf
asfe1sks Wh11e a use 1s fyp1ng 1n h1s passWod: so fhaf no one can eas11y obfa1n
1f fhough shou1de suf1ng.
b. Coecf
5hou1de suf1ng 1s fhe s1mp1esf fom of snoop1ng. 1he mosf nov1ce of compufe uses
cou1d 1ook ove fhe shou1de of he ne1ghbo and obfa1n some fype of sens1f1ve
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s 1s fhe eason fhaf mosf app11caf1ons and opeaf1ng sysfems pesenf
asfe1sks Wh11e a use 1s fyp1ng 1n h1s passWod: so fhaf no one can eas11y obfa1n
1f fhough shou1de suf1ng.
c. lncoecf
5hou1de suf1ng 1s fhe s1mp1esf fom of snoop1ng. 1he mosf nov1ce of compufe uses
cou1d 1ook ove fhe shou1de of he ne1ghbo and obfa1n some fype of sens1f1ve
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s 1s fhe eason fhaf mosf app11caf1ons and opeaf1ng sysfems pesenf
asfe1sks Wh11e a use 1s fyp1ng 1n h1s passWod: so fhaf no one can eas11y obfa1n
1f fhough shou1de suf1ng.
d. lncoecf
5hou1de suf1ng 1s fhe s1mp1esf fom of snoop1ng. 1he mosf nov1ce of compufe uses
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
cou1d 1ook ove fhe shou1de of he ne1ghbo and obfa1n some fype of sens1f1ve
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s 1s fhe eason fhaf mosf app11caf1ons and opeaf1ng sysfems pesenf
asfe1sks Wh11e a use 1s fyp1ng 1n h1s passWod: so fhaf no one can eas11y obfa1n
1f fhough shou1de suf1ng.
a. lncoecf
ln soffWae, When fhe aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on sfeps ae sp11f 1nfo fWo
funcf1ons, fhee 1s a poss1b111fy an affacke cou1d use a ace cond1f1on fo foce
fhe aufho1zaf1on sfep fo be comp1efed befoe fhe aufhenf1caf1on sfep. lf 1s
1mpofanf fhaf fhe pocesses cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ona11fy 1n fhe coecf sequence.
lf pocess 2 ca1ed ouf 1fs fask on fhe dafa befoe pocess 1, fhe esu1f W111 be
much d1ffeenf fhan 1f pocess 1 ca1ed ouf 1fs fasks on fhe dafa befoe pocess 2.
1h1s Wou1d g1ve someone access 8LIOkL ea11z1ng fhaf fhey ae nof fhe 1eg1f1mafe
b. Coecf
ln soffWae, When fhe aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on sfeps ae sp11f 1nfo fWo
funcf1ons, fhee 1s a poss1b111fy an affacke cou1d use a ace cond1f1on fo foce
fhe aufho1zaf1on sfep fo be comp1efed befoe fhe aufhenf1caf1on sfep. lf 1s
1mpofanf fhaf fhe pocesses cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ona11fy 1n fhe coecf sequence.
lf pocess 2 ca1ed ouf 1fs fask on fhe dafa befoe pocess 1, fhe esu1f W111 be
much d1ffeenf fhan 1f pocess 1 ca1ed ouf 1fs fasks on fhe dafa befoe pocess 2.
1h1s Wou1d g1ve someone access 8LIOkL ea11z1ng fhaf fhey ae nof fhe 1eg1f1mafe
c. lncoecf
ln soffWae, When fhe aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on sfeps ae sp11f 1nfo fWo
funcf1ons, fhee 1s a poss1b111fy an affacke cou1d use a ace cond1f1on fo foce
fhe aufho1zaf1on sfep fo be comp1efed befoe fhe aufhenf1caf1on sfep. lf 1s
1mpofanf fhaf fhe pocesses cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ona11fy 1n fhe coecf sequence.
lf pocess 2 ca1ed ouf 1fs fask on fhe dafa befoe pocess 1, fhe esu1f W111 be
much d1ffeenf fhan 1f pocess 1 ca1ed ouf 1fs fasks on fhe dafa befoe pocess 2.
1h1s Wou1d g1ve someone access 8LIOkL ea11z1ng fhaf fhey ae nof fhe 1eg1f1mafe
d. lncoecf
ln soffWae, When fhe aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on sfeps ae sp11f 1nfo fWo
funcf1ons, fhee 1s a poss1b111fy an affacke cou1d use a ace cond1f1on fo foce
fhe aufho1zaf1on sfep fo be comp1efed befoe fhe aufhenf1caf1on sfep. lf 1s
1mpofanf fhaf fhe pocesses cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ona11fy 1n fhe coecf sequence.
lf pocess 2 ca1ed ouf 1fs fask on fhe dafa befoe pocess 1, fhe esu1f W111 be
much d1ffeenf fhan 1f pocess 1 ca1ed ouf 1fs fasks on fhe dafa befoe pocess 2.
1h1s Wou1d g1ve someone access 8LIOkL ea11z1ng fhaf fhey ae nof fhe 1eg1f1mafe
a. lncoecf
v1uses equ1e hosf app11caf1ons fo ep11cafe. 1hey common1y affempf fo h1de fhe1
ex1sfence, and ae many f1mes acf1vafed affe a spec1f1c use acf1v1fy. A1fhough
some v1uses ae deve1oped spec1f1ca11y fo cay ouf a den1a1 of sev1ce affack by
us1ng up ava11ab1e esouces, fh1s 1s nof fhe numbe one obecf1ve fo a11 v1uses.
1he numbe one obecf1ve 1s usua11y fo spead 1fse1f fom one hosf fo anofhe hosf
and execufe 1fs pay1oad.
b. Coecf
v1uses equ1e hosf app11caf1ons fo ep11cafe. 1hey common1y affempf fo h1de fhe1
ex1sfence, and ae many f1mes acf1vafed affe a spec1f1c use acf1v1fy. A1fhough
some v1uses ae deve1oped spec1f1ca11y fo cay ouf a den1a1 of sev1ce affack by
us1ng up ava11ab1e esouces, fh1s 1s nof fhe numbe one obecf1ve fo a11 v1uses.
1he numbe one obecf1ve 1s usua11y fo spead 1fse1f fom one hosf fo anofhe hosf
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
and execufe 1fs pay1oad.
c. lncoecf
v1uses equ1e hosf app11caf1ons fo ep11cafe. 1hey common1y affempf fo h1de fhe1
ex1sfence, and ae many f1mes acf1vafed affe a spec1f1c use acf1v1fy. A1fhough
some v1uses ae deve1oped spec1f1ca11y fo cay ouf a den1a1 of sev1ce affack by
us1ng up ava11ab1e esouces, fh1s 1s nof fhe numbe one obecf1ve fo a11 v1uses.
1he numbe one obecf1ve 1s usua11y fo spead 1fse1f fom one hosf fo anofhe hosf
and execufe 1fs pay1oad.
d. lncoecf
v1uses equ1e hosf app11caf1ons fo ep11cafe. 1hey common1y affempf fo h1de fhe1
ex1sfence, and ae many f1mes acf1vafed affe a spec1f1c use acf1v1fy. A1fhough
some v1uses ae deve1oped spec1f1ca11y fo cay ouf a den1a1 of sev1ce affack by
us1ng up ava11ab1e esouces, fh1s 1s nof fhe numbe one obecf1ve fo a11 v1uses.
1he numbe one obecf1ve 1s usua11y fo spead 1fse1f fom one hosf fo anofhe hosf
and execufe 1fs pay1oad.
a. lncoecf
Dafa emanence 1s a secu1fy vu1neab111fy fhaf ex1sfs When used compuf1ng dev1ces
ae nof pope1y san1f1zed. A peson o goup shou1d be des1gnafed fo pefom
san1f1zaf1on on a11 dev1ces fhaf W111 be eused by ofhes, so fhaf p1vafe o
sens1f1ve dafa 1s nof p1aced 1nfo fhe Wong hands.
b. Coecf
Dafa emanence 1s a secu1fy vu1neab111fy fhaf ex1sfs When used compuf1ng dev1ces
ae nof pope1y san1f1zed. A peson o goup shou1d be des1gnafed fo pefom
san1f1zaf1on on a11 dev1ces fhaf W111 be eused by ofhes, so fhaf p1vafe o
sens1f1ve dafa 1s nof p1aced 1nfo fhe Wong hands.
c. lncoecf
Dafa emanence 1s a secu1fy vu1neab111fy fhaf ex1sfs When used compuf1ng dev1ces
ae nof pope1y san1f1zed. A peson o goup shou1d be des1gnafed fo pefom
san1f1zaf1on on a11 dev1ces fhaf W111 be eused by ofhes, so fhaf p1vafe o
sens1f1ve dafa 1s nof p1aced 1nfo fhe Wong hands.
d. lncoecf
Dafa emanence 1s a secu1fy vu1neab111fy fhaf ex1sfs When used compuf1ng dev1ces
ae nof pope1y san1f1zed. A peson o goup shou1d be des1gnafed fo pefom
san1f1zaf1on on a11 dev1ces fhaf W111 be eused by ofhes, so fhaf p1vafe o
sens1f1ve dafa 1s nof p1aced 1nfo fhe Wong hands.
a. Coecf
Asynchonous desc1bes a pocess 1n Wh1ch fhe f1m1ng of each sfep may vay. A f1me
of check/f1me of use {1OC/1Ou} affack 1s When an affacke can mod1fy somefh1ng
du1ng fhe d1ffeenf sfeps of check1ng and us1ng funcf1ons W1fh1n soffWae. 1he
f1sf sfep fhaf soffWae W111 cay ouf 1s fo &quof,check&quof, fo fhe pesence of
somefh1ng and fhen soffWae W111 &quof,use&quof, fh1s 1fem fhaf Was checked. An
affacke Wou1d mod1fy somefh1ng 1n befWeen fhese fWo sfeps. 1OC\\1Ou 1s a soffWae
bug caused by changes 1n a sysfem befWeen fhe check1ng of a cond1f1on {such as a
secu1fy cedenf1a1} and fhe use of fhe esu1fs of fhaf check. lf 1s a k1nd of ace
b. lncoecf
Asynchonous desc1bes a pocess 1n Wh1ch fhe f1m1ng of each sfep may vay. A f1me
of check/f1me of use {1OC/1Ou} affack 1s When an affacke can mod1fy somefh1ng
du1ng fhe d1ffeenf sfeps of check1ng and us1ng funcf1ons W1fh1n soffWae. 1he
f1sf sfep fhaf soffWae W111 cay ouf 1s fo &quof,check&quof, fo fhe pesence of
somefh1ng and fhen soffWae W111 &quof,use&quof, fh1s 1fem fhaf Was checked. An
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
affacke Wou1d mod1fy somefh1ng 1n befWeen fhese fWo sfeps. 1OC\\1Ou 1s a soffWae
bug caused by changes 1n a sysfem befWeen fhe check1ng of a cond1f1on {such as a
secu1fy cedenf1a1} and fhe use of fhe esu1fs of fhaf check. lf 1s a k1nd of ace
c. lncoecf
Asynchonous desc1bes a pocess 1n Wh1ch fhe f1m1ng of each sfep may vay. A f1me
of check/f1me of use {1OC/1Ou} affack 1s When an affacke can mod1fy somefh1ng
du1ng fhe d1ffeenf sfeps of check1ng and us1ng funcf1ons W1fh1n soffWae. 1he
f1sf sfep fhaf soffWae W111 cay ouf 1s fo &quof,check&quof, fo fhe pesence of
somefh1ng and fhen soffWae W111 &quof,use&quof, fh1s 1fem fhaf Was checked. An
affacke Wou1d mod1fy somefh1ng 1n befWeen fhese fWo sfeps. 1OC\\1Ou 1s a soffWae
bug caused by changes 1n a sysfem befWeen fhe check1ng of a cond1f1on {such as a
secu1fy cedenf1a1} and fhe use of fhe esu1fs of fhaf check. lf 1s a k1nd of ace
d. lncoecf
Asynchonous desc1bes a pocess 1n Wh1ch fhe f1m1ng of each sfep may vay. A f1me
of check/f1me of use {1OC/1Ou} affack 1s When an affacke can mod1fy somefh1ng
du1ng fhe d1ffeenf sfeps of check1ng and us1ng funcf1ons W1fh1n soffWae. 1he
f1sf sfep fhaf soffWae W111 cay ouf 1s fo &quof,check&quof, fo fhe pesence of
somefh1ng and fhen soffWae W111 &quof,use&quof, fh1s 1fem fhaf Was checked. An
affacke Wou1d mod1fy somefh1ng 1n befWeen fhese fWo sfeps. 1OC\\1Ou 1s a soffWae
bug caused by changes 1n a sysfem befWeen fhe check1ng of a cond1f1on {such as a
secu1fy cedenf1a1} and fhe use of fhe esu1fs of fhaf check. lf 1s a k1nd of ace
a. lncoecf
Co11us1on 1s fWo o moe peop1e Wok1ng fogefhe fo cay ouf a c1me o faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es. 8y sepaaf1ng c1f1ca1 ob funcf1ons, compan1es effecf1ve1y foce
emp1oyees fo have fo Wok fogefhe fo comm1f faud. 1he chances of fh1s happen1ng
ae fa 1ess fhan one peson dec1d1ng on he oWn fo comm1f faud.
b. Coecf
Co11us1on 1s fWo o moe peop1e Wok1ng fogefhe fo cay ouf a c1me o faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es. 8y sepaaf1ng c1f1ca1 ob funcf1ons, compan1es effecf1ve1y foce
emp1oyees fo have fo Wok fogefhe fo comm1f faud. 1he chances of fh1s happen1ng
ae fa 1ess fhan one peson dec1d1ng on he oWn fo comm1f faud.
c. lncoecf
Co11us1on 1s fWo o moe peop1e Wok1ng fogefhe fo cay ouf a c1me o faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es. 8y sepaaf1ng c1f1ca1 ob funcf1ons, compan1es effecf1ve1y foce
emp1oyees fo have fo Wok fogefhe fo comm1f faud. 1he chances of fh1s happen1ng
ae fa 1ess fhan one peson dec1d1ng on he oWn fo comm1f faud.
d. lncoecf
Co11us1on 1s fWo o moe peop1e Wok1ng fogefhe fo cay ouf a c1me o faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es. 8y sepaaf1ng c1f1ca1 ob funcf1ons, compan1es effecf1ve1y foce
emp1oyees fo have fo Wok fogefhe fo comm1f faud. 1he chances of fh1s happen1ng
ae fa 1ess fhan one peson dec1d1ng on he oWn fo comm1f faud.
a. lncoecf
1he fad1f1ona1 1denf1fy managemenf pocess has been manua1, us1ng d1ecfoy
sev1ces W1fh pem1ss1ons, access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}, and pof11es. 1h1s appoach
has poven 1ncapab1e of keep1ng up W1fh comp1ex demands and fhus has been ep1aced
W1fh aufomafed app11caf1ons 1ch 1n funcf1ona11fy fhaf Wok fogefhe fo ceafe an
1denf1fy managemenf 1nfasfucfue. Pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on,
ma1nfenance, and deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o
moe sysfems, d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
Page 1
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
b. lncoecf
1he fad1f1ona1 1denf1fy managemenf pocess has been manua1, us1ng d1ecfoy
sev1ces W1fh pem1ss1ons, access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}, and pof11es. 1h1s appoach
has poven 1ncapab1e of keep1ng up W1fh comp1ex demands and fhus has been ep1aced
W1fh aufomafed app11caf1ons 1ch 1n funcf1ona11fy fhaf Wok fogefhe fo ceafe an
1denf1fy managemenf 1nfasfucfue. Pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on,
ma1nfenance, and deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o
moe sysfems, d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
c. Coecf
1he fad1f1ona1 1denf1fy managemenf pocess has been manua1, us1ng d1ecfoy
sev1ces W1fh pem1ss1ons, access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}, and pof11es. 1h1s appoach
has poven 1ncapab1e of keep1ng up W1fh comp1ex demands and fhus has been ep1aced
W1fh aufomafed app11caf1ons 1ch 1n funcf1ona11fy fhaf Wok fogefhe fo ceafe an
1denf1fy managemenf 1nfasfucfue. Pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on,
ma1nfenance, and deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o
moe sysfems, d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
d. lncoecf
1he fad1f1ona1 1denf1fy managemenf pocess has been manua1, us1ng d1ecfoy
sev1ces W1fh pem1ss1ons, access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}, and pof11es. 1h1s appoach
has poven 1ncapab1e of keep1ng up W1fh comp1ex demands and fhus has been ep1aced
W1fh aufomafed app11caf1ons 1ch 1n funcf1ona11fy fhaf Wok fogefhe fo ceafe an
1denf1fy managemenf 1nfasfucfue. Pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on,
ma1nfenance, and deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o
moe sysfems, d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
a. lncoecf
Mage`s l1 d1v1s1on has sevea1 c1f1ca1 depafmenfs and funcf1ons. Io examp1e,
enfe1ng use accounf 1nfomaf1on and conf1gu1ng f1eWa11s ae fWo 1mpofanf and
d1ffeenf fasks fhaf 1f hand1ed by fhe same peson cou1d ceafe a huge
vu1neab111fy. 8y d1v1d1ng fhe goup 1nfo d1ffeenf funcf1on1ng un1fs, Mage has
effecf1ve1y 1mp1emenfed a sepaaf1on of duf1es secu1fy confo1.
b. lncoecf
Mage`s l1 d1v1s1on has sevea1 c1f1ca1 depafmenfs and funcf1ons. Io examp1e,
enfe1ng use accounf 1nfomaf1on and conf1gu1ng f1eWa11s ae fWo 1mpofanf and
d1ffeenf fasks fhaf 1f hand1ed by fhe same peson cou1d ceafe a huge
vu1neab111fy. 8y d1v1d1ng fhe goup 1nfo d1ffeenf funcf1on1ng un1fs, Mage has
effecf1ve1y 1mp1emenfed a sepaaf1on of duf1es secu1fy confo1.
c. Coecf
Mage`s l1 d1v1s1on has sevea1 c1f1ca1 depafmenfs and funcf1ons. Io examp1e,
enfe1ng use accounf 1nfomaf1on and conf1gu1ng f1eWa11s ae fWo 1mpofanf and
d1ffeenf fasks fhaf 1f hand1ed by fhe same peson cou1d ceafe a huge
vu1neab111fy. 8y d1v1d1ng fhe goup 1nfo d1ffeenf funcf1on1ng un1fs, Mage has
effecf1ve1y 1mp1emenfed a sepaaf1on of duf1es secu1fy confo1.
d. lncoecf
Mage`s l1 d1v1s1on has sevea1 c1f1ca1 depafmenfs and funcf1ons. Io examp1e,
enfe1ng use accounf 1nfomaf1on and conf1gu1ng f1eWa11s ae fWo 1mpofanf and
d1ffeenf fasks fhaf 1f hand1ed by fhe same peson cou1d ceafe a huge
vu1neab111fy. 8y d1v1d1ng fhe goup 1nfo d1ffeenf funcf1on1ng un1fs, Mage has
effecf1ve1y 1mp1emenfed a sepaaf1on of duf1es secu1fy confo1.
a. lncoecf
1he 1easf p1v11ege p1nc1p1e d1cfafes fhaf uses shou1d on1y be g1ven fhe 1oWesf
1eve1 of access pem1ss1ons equ1ed fo do fhe1 ob. 8ecause Ch1ssy W111 nof be
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
open1ng o c1os1ng fhe sfoe, she does nof need fo knoW fhe secu1fy code fo fhe
sfoe`s a1am sysfem.
b. Coecf
1he 1easf p1v11ege p1nc1p1e d1cfafes fhaf uses shou1d on1y be g1ven fhe 1oWesf
1eve1 of access pem1ss1ons equ1ed fo do fhe1 ob. 8ecause Ch1ssy W111 nof be
open1ng o c1os1ng fhe sfoe, she does nof need fo knoW fhe secu1fy code fo fhe
sfoe`s a1am sysfem.
c. lncoecf
1he 1easf p1v11ege p1nc1p1e d1cfafes fhaf uses shou1d on1y be g1ven fhe 1oWesf
1eve1 of access pem1ss1ons equ1ed fo do fhe1 ob. 8ecause Ch1ssy W111 nof be
open1ng o c1os1ng fhe sfoe, she does nof need fo knoW fhe secu1fy code fo fhe
sfoe`s a1am sysfem.
d. lncoecf
1he 1easf p1v11ege p1nc1p1e d1cfafes fhaf uses shou1d on1y be g1ven fhe 1oWesf
1eve1 of access pem1ss1ons equ1ed fo do fhe1 ob. 8ecause Ch1ssy W111 nof be
open1ng o c1os1ng fhe sfoe, she does nof need fo knoW fhe secu1fy code fo fhe
sfoe`s a1am sysfem.
a. Coecf
8uffe ovef1oWs ae common facf1cs used by hackes fo gef sysfems fo execufe fhe1
ma11c1ous code. 1hey 1denf1fy an app11caf1on o opeaf1ng sysfem fhaf 1s nof
pefom1ng pope bounds check1ng and 1npuf a 1age amounf of dafa fhaf W111 W1fe
ove cuenf memoy segmenfs. 1he dafa usua11y confa1ns ma11c1ous code fhaf W111
fhen be execufed by fhe sysfem.
b. lncoecf
8uffe ovef1oWs ae common facf1cs used by hackes fo gef sysfems fo execufe fhe1
ma11c1ous code. 1hey 1denf1fy an app11caf1on o opeaf1ng sysfem fhaf 1s nof
pefom1ng pope bounds check1ng and 1npuf a 1age amounf of dafa fhaf W111 W1fe
ove cuenf memoy segmenfs. 1he dafa usua11y confa1ns ma11c1ous code fhaf W111
fhen be execufed by fhe sysfem.
c. lncoecf
8uffe ovef1oWs ae common facf1cs used by hackes fo gef sysfems fo execufe fhe1
ma11c1ous code. 1hey 1denf1fy an app11caf1on o opeaf1ng sysfem fhaf 1s nof
pefom1ng pope bounds check1ng and 1npuf a 1age amounf of dafa fhaf W111 W1fe
ove cuenf memoy segmenfs. 1he dafa usua11y confa1ns ma11c1ous code fhaf W111
fhen be execufed by fhe sysfem.
d. lncoecf
8uffe ovef1oWs ae common facf1cs used by hackes fo gef sysfems fo execufe fhe1
ma11c1ous code. 1hey 1denf1fy an app11caf1on o opeaf1ng sysfem fhaf 1s nof
pefom1ng pope bounds check1ng and 1npuf a 1age amounf of dafa fhaf W111 W1fe
ove cuenf memoy segmenfs. 1he dafa usua11y confa1ns ma11c1ous code fhaf W111
fhen be execufed by fhe sysfem.
a. lncoecf
Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of sof1ng fhough fash b1ns and fak1ng documenfs
W1fhouf pem1ss1on. 8y fak1ng fhe p1vafe memo fom a p1nfe sfaf1on, Cao1 1s
gu11fy of dumpsfe d1v1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
b. lncoecf
Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of sof1ng fhough fash b1ns and fak1ng documenfs
W1fhouf pem1ss1on. 8y fak1ng fhe p1vafe memo fom a p1nfe sfaf1on, Cao1 1s
gu11fy of dumpsfe d1v1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
c. lncoecf
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of sof1ng fhough fash b1ns and fak1ng documenfs
W1fhouf pem1ss1on. 8y fak1ng fhe p1vafe memo fom a p1nfe sfaf1on, Cao1 1s
gu11fy of dumpsfe d1v1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
d. Coecf
Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of sof1ng fhough fash b1ns and fak1ng documenfs
W1fhouf pem1ss1on. 8y fak1ng fhe p1vafe memo fom a p1nfe sfaf1on, Cao1 1s
gu11fy of dumpsfe d1v1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
a. lncoecf
Mosf d1ecfo1es fo11oW a h1each1ca1 dafabase fomaf, based on fhe X.500 sfandad.
1he p1may concepf of X.500 1s fhaf fhee 1s a s1ng1e D1ecfoy lnfomaf1on 1ee
{Dl1}, a h1each1ca1 ogan1zaf1on of enf1es Wh1ch 1s d1sf1bufed acoss one o
moe seves, ca11ed D1ecfoy 5ysfem Agenfs {D5A}.
b. Coecf
Mosf d1ecfo1es fo11oW a h1each1ca1 dafabase fomaf, based on fhe X.500 sfandad.
1he p1may concepf of X.500 1s fhaf fhee 1s a s1ng1e D1ecfoy lnfomaf1on 1ee
{Dl1}, a h1each1ca1 ogan1zaf1on of enf1es Wh1ch 1s d1sf1bufed acoss one o
moe seves, ca11ed D1ecfoy 5ysfem Agenfs {D5A}.
c. lncoecf
Mosf d1ecfo1es fo11oW a h1each1ca1 dafabase fomaf, based on fhe X.500 sfandad.
1he p1may concepf of X.500 1s fhaf fhee 1s a s1ng1e D1ecfoy lnfomaf1on 1ee
{Dl1}, a h1each1ca1 ogan1zaf1on of enf1es Wh1ch 1s d1sf1bufed acoss one o
moe seves, ca11ed D1ecfoy 5ysfem Agenfs {D5A}.
d. lncoecf
Mosf d1ecfo1es fo11oW a h1each1ca1 dafabase fomaf, based on fhe X.500 sfandad.
1he p1may concepf of X.500 1s fhaf fhee 1s a s1ng1e D1ecfoy lnfomaf1on 1ee
{Dl1}, a h1each1ca1 ogan1zaf1on of enf1es Wh1ch 1s d1sf1bufed acoss one o
moe seves, ca11ed D1ecfoy 5ysfem Agenfs {D5A}.
a. lncoecf
When med1a dev1ces ae nof pope1y san1f1zed o desfoyed, dafa emanence can be
accessed. 1h1s 1s fhe bas1s of obecf euse. Obecf euse 1s When fWo o moe
subecfs access fhe same med1a. 1he med1a fype can be a had d1ve, f1oppy d1sk, o
even memoy segmenfs. 1o pope1y pofecf sens1f1ve dafa fom be1ng ava11ab1e fo an
unaufho1zed subecf, 1f shou1d be san1f1zed.
b. lncoecf
When med1a dev1ces ae nof pope1y san1f1zed o desfoyed, dafa emanence can be
accessed. 1h1s 1s fhe bas1s of obecf euse. Obecf euse 1s When fWo o moe
subecfs access fhe same med1a. 1he med1a fype can be a had d1ve, f1oppy d1sk, o
even memoy segmenfs. 1o pope1y pofecf sens1f1ve dafa fom be1ng ava11ab1e fo an
unaufho1zed subecf, 1f shou1d be san1f1zed.
c. Coecf
When med1a dev1ces ae nof pope1y san1f1zed o desfoyed, dafa emanence can be
accessed. 1h1s 1s fhe bas1s of obecf euse. Obecf euse 1s When fWo o moe
subecfs access fhe same med1a. 1he med1a fype can be a had d1ve, f1oppy d1sk, o
even memoy segmenfs. 1o pope1y pofecf sens1f1ve dafa fom be1ng ava11ab1e fo an
unaufho1zed subecf, 1f shou1d be san1f1zed.
d. lncoecf
When med1a dev1ces ae nof pope1y san1f1zed o desfoyed, dafa emanence can be
accessed. 1h1s 1s fhe bas1s of obecf euse. Obecf euse 1s When fWo o moe
subecfs access fhe same med1a. 1he med1a fype can be a had d1ve, f1oppy d1sk, o
Page 21
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
even memoy segmenfs. 1o pope1y pofecf sens1f1ve dafa fom be1ng ava11ab1e fo an
unaufho1zed subecf, 1f shou1d be san1f1zed.
a. lncoecf
kev1ns acf1ons ae a11 of fhe 11sfed fypes of affacks excepf pass1ve. 1h1s Was an
acf1ve affack because he Was acfua11y do1ng and man1pu1af1ng somefh1ng. Lxamp1es of
pass1ve affacks ae eavesdopp1ng o W1efapp1ng vesus acf1ve1y chang1ng fhe heade
of a message.
b. Coecf
kev1ns acf1ons ae a11 of fhe 11sfed fypes of affacks excepf pass1ve. 1h1s Was an
acf1ve affack because he Was acfua11y do1ng and man1pu1af1ng somefh1ng. Lxamp1es of
pass1ve affacks ae eavesdopp1ng o W1efapp1ng vesus acf1ve1y chang1ng fhe heade
of a message.
c. lncoecf
kev1ns acf1ons ae a11 of fhe 11sfed fypes of affacks excepf pass1ve. 1h1s Was an
acf1ve affack because he Was acfua11y do1ng and man1pu1af1ng somefh1ng. Lxamp1es of
pass1ve affacks ae eavesdopp1ng o W1efapp1ng vesus acf1ve1y chang1ng fhe heade
of a message.
d. lncoecf
kev1ns acf1ons ae a11 of fhe 11sfed fypes of affacks excepf pass1ve. 1h1s Was an
acf1ve affack because he Was acfua11y do1ng and man1pu1af1ng somefh1ng. Lxamp1es of
pass1ve affacks ae eavesdopp1ng o W1efapp1ng vesus acf1ve1y chang1ng fhe heade
of a message.
a. lncoecf
P1ng of deafh 1s a Do5 because 1f sends an excess1ve amounf of oves1zed lCMP
packefs fo a v1cf1m. A smuf affack uses an amp11fy1ng nefWok fo send an excess1ve
amounf of lCMP Lcho kep1y packefs fo a v1cf1m. And a 5YN f1ood conf1nua11y sends 5YN
packefs. Lach has fhe goa1 of oveWhe1m1ng a v1cf1m. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s
ca1ed ouf fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo messages befWeen fWo v1cf1ms.
b. lncoecf
P1ng of deafh 1s a Do5 because 1f sends an excess1ve amounf of oves1zed lCMP
packefs fo a v1cf1m. A smuf affack uses an amp11fy1ng nefWok fo send an excess1ve
amounf of lCMP Lcho kep1y packefs fo a v1cf1m. And a 5YN f1ood conf1nua11y sends 5YN
packefs. Lach has fhe goa1 of oveWhe1m1ng a v1cf1m. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s
ca1ed ouf fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo messages befWeen fWo v1cf1ms.
c. lncoecf
P1ng of deafh 1s a Do5 because 1f sends an excess1ve amounf of oves1zed lCMP
packefs fo a v1cf1m. A smuf affack uses an amp11fy1ng nefWok fo send an excess1ve
amounf of lCMP Lcho kep1y packefs fo a v1cf1m. And a 5YN f1ood conf1nua11y sends 5YN
packefs. Lach has fhe goa1 of oveWhe1m1ng a v1cf1m. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s
ca1ed ouf fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo messages befWeen fWo v1cf1ms.
d. Coecf
P1ng of deafh 1s a Do5 because 1f sends an excess1ve amounf of oves1zed lCMP
packefs fo a v1cf1m. A smuf affack uses an amp11fy1ng nefWok fo send an excess1ve
amounf of lCMP Lcho kep1y packefs fo a v1cf1m. And a 5YN f1ood conf1nua11y sends 5YN
packefs. Lach has fhe goa1 of oveWhe1m1ng a v1cf1m. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s
ca1ed ouf fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo messages befWeen fWo v1cf1ms.
a. Coecf
Affackes common1y ga1n access fo many zomb1e compufes by foo11ng fhe uses fo
Page 22
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
1nsfa11 zomb1e soffWae. 1he zomb1e soffWae can be spead fhough e-ma11
affachmenfs, spyWae, o 1oan hoses. 1he zomb1e soffWae common1y 1ays domanf
unf11 1f 1s ca11ed upon by fhe affacke fo affack a v1cf1m. Many uses sysfems ae
be1ng used fo affack ofhes W1fhouf fhe uses be1ng aWae of fh1s acf1v1fy.
b. lncoecf
Affackes common1y ga1n access fo many zomb1e compufes by foo11ng fhe uses fo
1nsfa11 zomb1e soffWae. 1he zomb1e soffWae can be spead fhough e-ma11
affachmenfs, spyWae, o 1oan hoses. 1he zomb1e soffWae common1y 1ays domanf
unf11 1f 1s ca11ed upon by fhe affacke fo affack a v1cf1m. Many uses sysfems ae
be1ng used fo affack ofhes W1fhouf fhe uses be1ng aWae of fh1s acf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf
Affackes common1y ga1n access fo many zomb1e compufes by foo11ng fhe uses fo
1nsfa11 zomb1e soffWae. 1he zomb1e soffWae can be spead fhough e-ma11
affachmenfs, spyWae, o 1oan hoses. 1he zomb1e soffWae common1y 1ays domanf
unf11 1f 1s ca11ed upon by fhe affacke fo affack a v1cf1m. Many uses sysfems ae
be1ng used fo affack ofhes W1fhouf fhe uses be1ng aWae of fh1s acf1v1fy.
d. lncoecf
Affackes common1y ga1n access fo many zomb1e compufes by foo11ng fhe uses fo
1nsfa11 zomb1e soffWae. 1he zomb1e soffWae can be spead fhough e-ma11
affachmenfs, spyWae, o 1oan hoses. 1he zomb1e soffWae common1y 1ays domanf
unf11 1f 1s ca11ed upon by fhe affacke fo affack a v1cf1m. Many uses sysfems ae
be1ng used fo affack ofhes W1fhouf fhe uses be1ng aWae of fh1s acf1v1fy.
a. lncoecf
Lach d1ecfoy sev1ce has a Way of 1denf1fy1ng and nam1ng fhe obecfs fhey W111
manage. ln dafabases based on fhe X.500 sfandad fhaf ae accessed by LDAP, fhe
d1ecfoy sev1ce ass1gns d1sf1ngu1shed names {DNs} fo each obecf.
b. lncoecf
Lach d1ecfoy sev1ce has a Way of 1denf1fy1ng and nam1ng fhe obecfs fhey W111
manage. ln dafabases based on fhe X.500 sfandad fhaf ae accessed by LDAP, fhe
d1ecfoy sev1ce ass1gns d1sf1ngu1shed names {DNs} fo each obecf.
c. Coecf
Lach d1ecfoy sev1ce has a Way of 1denf1fy1ng and nam1ng fhe obecfs fhey W111
manage. ln dafabases based on fhe X.500 sfandad fhaf ae accessed by LDAP, fhe
d1ecfoy sev1ce ass1gns d1sf1ngu1shed names {DNs} fo each obecf.
d. lncoecf
Lach d1ecfoy sev1ce has a Way of 1denf1fy1ng and nam1ng fhe obecfs fhey W111
manage. ln dafabases based on fhe X.500 sfandad fhaf ae accessed by LDAP, fhe
d1ecfoy sev1ce ass1gns d1sf1ngu1shed names {DNs} fo each obecf.
a. lncoecf
1unne11ng 1s an affack fhaf uf111zes 1oW-1eve1 funcf1ona11fy fo 1nf11fafe a sysfem.
A smuf affack 1s a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack. 1he affacke changes an lCMP LChO
equesf packefs souce lP addess fo fhaf of fhe v1cf1m. 1he affacke fhen
boadcasfs fhe lCMP packefs fo an amp11fy1ng nefWok. Lach compufe W111 espond and
send an lCMP LChO ep1y fo fhe v1cf1m. 1he goa1 1s fo oveWhe1m fhe v1cf1m.
b. lncoecf
1unne11ng 1s an affack fhaf uf111zes 1oW-1eve1 funcf1ona11fy fo 1nf11fafe a sysfem.
A smuf affack 1s a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack. 1he affacke changes an lCMP LChO
equesf packefs souce lP addess fo fhaf of fhe v1cf1m. 1he affacke fhen
boadcasfs fhe lCMP packefs fo an amp11fy1ng nefWok. Lach compufe W111 espond and
send an lCMP LChO ep1y fo fhe v1cf1m. 1he goa1 1s fo oveWhe1m fhe v1cf1m.
Page 23
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
c. lncoecf
1unne11ng 1s an affack fhaf uf111zes 1oW-1eve1 funcf1ona11fy fo 1nf11fafe a sysfem.
A smuf affack 1s a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack. 1he affacke changes an lCMP LChO
equesf packefs souce lP addess fo fhaf of fhe v1cf1m. 1he affacke fhen
boadcasfs fhe lCMP packefs fo an amp11fy1ng nefWok. Lach compufe W111 espond and
send an lCMP LChO ep1y fo fhe v1cf1m. 1he goa1 1s fo oveWhe1m fhe v1cf1m.
d. Coecf
1unne11ng 1s an affack fhaf uf111zes 1oW-1eve1 funcf1ona11fy fo 1nf11fafe a sysfem.
A smuf affack 1s a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack. 1he affacke changes an lCMP LChO
equesf packefs souce lP addess fo fhaf of fhe v1cf1m. 1he affacke fhen
boadcasfs fhe lCMP packefs fo an amp11fy1ng nefWok. Lach compufe W111 espond and
send an lCMP LChO ep1y fo fhe v1cf1m. 1he goa1 1s fo oveWhe1m fhe v1cf1m.
a. lncoecf
A 5YN f1ood 1s When an affacke sends a v1cf1m sevea1 5YN packefs W1fh spoofed
souce addesses. Lach f1me fhe v1cf1m ece1ves a 5YN packef, 1f W111 sef up
esouces fo a connecf1on. 1he connecf1ons ae neve fu11y bu11f because fhe v1cf1m
neve ece1ves fhe ACk packefs fom fhe affacke. 1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s efeed fo as a
&quof,ha1f-open&quof, connecf1on affack.
b. Coecf
A 5YN f1ood 1s When an affacke sends a v1cf1m sevea1 5YN packefs W1fh spoofed
souce addesses. Lach f1me fhe v1cf1m ece1ves a 5YN packef, 1f W111 sef up
esouces fo a connecf1on. 1he connecf1ons ae neve fu11y bu11f because fhe v1cf1m
neve ece1ves fhe ACk packefs fom fhe affacke. 1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s efeed fo as a
&quof,ha1f-open&quof, connecf1on affack.
c. lncoecf
A 5YN f1ood 1s When an affacke sends a v1cf1m sevea1 5YN packefs W1fh spoofed
souce addesses. Lach f1me fhe v1cf1m ece1ves a 5YN packef, 1f W111 sef up
esouces fo a connecf1on. 1he connecf1ons ae neve fu11y bu11f because fhe v1cf1m
neve ece1ves fhe ACk packefs fom fhe affacke. 1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s efeed fo as a
&quof,ha1f-open&quof, connecf1on affack.
d. lncoecf
A 5YN f1ood 1s When an affacke sends a v1cf1m sevea1 5YN packefs W1fh spoofed
souce addesses. Lach f1me fhe v1cf1m ece1ves a 5YN packef, 1f W111 sef up
esouces fo a connecf1on. 1he connecf1ons ae neve fu11y bu11f because fhe v1cf1m
neve ece1ves fhe ACk packefs fom fhe affacke. 1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s efeed fo as a
&quof,ha1f-open&quof, connecf1on affack.
a. lncoecf
hosf-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} ae cons1deed fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1
confo1s because fhey ex1sf W1fh1n compufe sysfems and mon1fo acf1v1f1es. 1he
ofhe confo1s a11 ex1sf fo pov1de some fype of phys1ca1 pofecf1on.
b. lncoecf
hosf-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} ae cons1deed fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1
confo1s because fhey ex1sf W1fh1n compufe sysfems and mon1fo acf1v1f1es. 1he
ofhe confo1s a11 ex1sf fo pov1de some fype of phys1ca1 pofecf1on.
c. Coecf
hosf-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} ae cons1deed fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1
confo1s because fhey ex1sf W1fh1n compufe sysfems and mon1fo acf1v1f1es. 1he
ofhe confo1s a11 ex1sf fo pov1de some fype of phys1ca1 pofecf1on.
d. lncoecf
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
hosf-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} ae cons1deed fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1
confo1s because fhey ex1sf W1fh1n compufe sysfems and mon1fo acf1v1f1es. 1he
ofhe confo1s a11 ex1sf fo pov1de some fype of phys1ca1 pofecf1on.
a. lncoecf
Aud1f fa11s ae confo1s fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n dev1ces and ae fheeby cons1deed
fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1 confo1s. Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons
fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves 1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and
pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es, aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng
ae a11 examp1es of adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
b. Coecf
Aud1f fa11s ae confo1s fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n dev1ces and ae fheeby cons1deed
fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1 confo1s. Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons
fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves 1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and
pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es, aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng
ae a11 examp1es of adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
c. lncoecf
Aud1f fa11s ae confo1s fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n dev1ces and ae fheeby cons1deed
fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1 confo1s. Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons
fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves 1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and
pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es, aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng
ae a11 examp1es of adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
d. lncoecf
Aud1f fa11s ae confo1s fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n dev1ces and ae fheeby cons1deed
fechn1ca1 o 1og1ca1 confo1s. Adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s ae managemenf-d1ven acf1ons
fhaf usua11y evea1 fhemse1ves 1n fhe fom of po11c1es, d1ecf1ves, adv1so1es, and
pocedues. 5ecu1fy po11c1es, aWaeness fa1n1ng, and 1nc1denf esponse p1ann1ng
ae a11 examp1es of adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s.
a. lncoecf
ln fh1s examp1e, fhe d1sf1ngu1shed name 1s made up of a common name {cn} and doma1n
componenfs {dc}. 51nce fh1s 1s a h1each1ca1 d1ecfoy, .com 1s fhe fop,
Log1ca15ecu1fy 1s one sfep doWn fom .com {fhese fWo e1emenfs ae Doma1n
Componenfs}, and 5hon ha1s 1s af fhe boffom of fhe h1eachy {fhe on1y Common Name
componenf 1n fh1s case}.
b. lncoecf
ln fh1s examp1e, fhe d1sf1ngu1shed name 1s made up of a common name {cn} and doma1n
componenfs {dc}. 51nce fh1s 1s a h1each1ca1 d1ecfoy, .com 1s fhe fop,
Log1ca15ecu1fy 1s one sfep doWn fom .com {fhese fWo e1emenfs ae Doma1n
Componenfs}, and 5hon ha1s 1s af fhe boffom of fhe h1eachy {fhe on1y Common Name
componenf 1n fh1s case}.
c. lncoecf
ln fh1s examp1e, fhe d1sf1ngu1shed name 1s made up of a common name {cn} and doma1n
componenfs {dc}. 51nce fh1s 1s a h1each1ca1 d1ecfoy, .com 1s fhe fop,
Log1ca15ecu1fy 1s one sfep doWn fom .com {fhese fWo e1emenfs ae Doma1n
Componenfs}, and 5hon ha1s 1s af fhe boffom of fhe h1eachy {fhe on1y Common Name
componenf 1n fh1s case}.
d. Coecf
ln fh1s examp1e, fhe d1sf1ngu1shed name 1s made up of a common name {cn} and doma1n
componenfs {dc}. 51nce fh1s 1s a h1each1ca1 d1ecfoy, .com 1s fhe fop,
Log1ca15ecu1fy 1s one sfep doWn fom .com {fhese fWo e1emenfs ae Doma1n
Componenfs}, and 5hon ha1s 1s af fhe boffom of fhe h1eachy {fhe on1y Common Name
componenf 1n fh1s case}.
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf
8o11ads ae offen used fo pofecf bu11d1ngs fom faff1c o s1mp1y as a defeenf
fom anyfh1ng geff1ng foo c1ose fo fhe bu11d1ng. 51nce 9/11, many a1pofs have puf
bo11ads 1n fhe pak1ng spaces fhaf used fo possess cas and fucks. NoW, a pof1on
of fhe 1ofs c1ose fo fhe fem1na1 ae 1eff vacanf fo pofecf fhe bu11d1ng and peop1e
fom pofenf1a1 feo1sf affacks.
b. lncoecf
8o11ads ae offen used fo pofecf bu11d1ngs fom faff1c o s1mp1y as a defeenf
fom anyfh1ng geff1ng foo c1ose fo fhe bu11d1ng. 51nce 9/11, many a1pofs have puf
bo11ads 1n fhe pak1ng spaces fhaf used fo possess cas and fucks. NoW, a pof1on
of fhe 1ofs c1ose fo fhe fem1na1 ae 1eff vacanf fo pofecf fhe bu11d1ng and peop1e
fom pofenf1a1 feo1sf affacks.
c. lncoecf
8o11ads ae offen used fo pofecf bu11d1ngs fom faff1c o s1mp1y as a defeenf
fom anyfh1ng geff1ng foo c1ose fo fhe bu11d1ng. 51nce 9/11, many a1pofs have puf
bo11ads 1n fhe pak1ng spaces fhaf used fo possess cas and fucks. NoW, a pof1on
of fhe 1ofs c1ose fo fhe fem1na1 ae 1eff vacanf fo pofecf fhe bu11d1ng and peop1e
fom pofenf1a1 feo1sf affacks.
d. Coecf
8o11ads ae offen used fo pofecf bu11d1ngs fom faff1c o s1mp1y as a defeenf
fom anyfh1ng geff1ng foo c1ose fo fhe bu11d1ng. 51nce 9/11, many a1pofs have puf
bo11ads 1n fhe pak1ng spaces fhaf used fo possess cas and fucks. NoW, a pof1on
of fhe 1ofs c1ose fo fhe fem1na1 ae 1eff vacanf fo pofecf fhe bu11d1ng and peop1e
fom pofenf1a1 feo1sf affacks.
a. Coecf
1oken dev1ces ae aufhenf1caf1ng dev1ces fhaf ae used 1n comb1naf1on W1fh an
1denf1f1caf1on componenf, such as a use name. I1ngep1nfs and use lDs ae
examp1es of 1denf1f1caf1on componenfs. 1oken dev1ces common1y geneafe one-f1me
passWods, Wh1ch 1s one Way fo aufhenf1cafe 1nd1v1dua1s.
b. lncoecf
1oken dev1ces ae aufhenf1caf1ng dev1ces fhaf ae used 1n comb1naf1on W1fh an
1denf1f1caf1on componenf, such as a use name. I1ngep1nfs and use lDs ae
examp1es of 1denf1f1caf1on componenfs. 1oken dev1ces common1y geneafe one-f1me
passWods, Wh1ch 1s one Way fo aufhenf1cafe 1nd1v1dua1s.
c. lncoecf
1oken dev1ces ae aufhenf1caf1ng dev1ces fhaf ae used 1n comb1naf1on W1fh an
1denf1f1caf1on componenf, such as a use name. I1ngep1nfs and use lDs ae
examp1es of 1denf1f1caf1on componenfs. 1oken dev1ces common1y geneafe one-f1me
passWods, Wh1ch 1s one Way fo aufhenf1cafe 1nd1v1dua1s.
d. lncoecf
1oken dev1ces ae aufhenf1caf1ng dev1ces fhaf ae used 1n comb1naf1on W1fh an
1denf1f1caf1on componenf, such as a use name. I1ngep1nfs and use lDs ae
examp1es of 1denf1f1caf1on componenfs. 1oken dev1ces common1y geneafe one-f1me
passWods, Wh1ch 1s one Way fo aufhenf1cafe 1nd1v1dua1s.
a. lncoecf
ldenf1f1caf1on shou1d neve be ob desc1pf1ve. G1v1ng fhe affacke a f1p as fo Whaf
fhe use does can be advanfageous fo h1m. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on can g1ve fhe affacke an
1dea of fhe fype of access fh1s use Wou1d have and fh1s dafa cou1d be used 1n
Page 26
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
soc1a1 eng1nee1ng affacks. lDs shou1d be gene1c 1n fh1s egad so fhaf 1fs name
does nof g1ve aWay Whaf fhe use does W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on.
b. lncoecf
ldenf1f1caf1on shou1d neve be ob desc1pf1ve. G1v1ng fhe affacke a f1p as fo Whaf
fhe use does can be advanfageous fo h1m. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on can g1ve fhe affacke an
1dea of fhe fype of access fh1s use Wou1d have and fh1s dafa cou1d be used 1n
soc1a1 eng1nee1ng affacks. lDs shou1d be gene1c 1n fh1s egad so fhaf 1fs name
does nof g1ve aWay Whaf fhe use does W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on.
c. Coecf
ldenf1f1caf1on shou1d neve be ob desc1pf1ve. G1v1ng fhe affacke a f1p as fo Whaf
fhe use does can be advanfageous fo h1m. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on can g1ve fhe affacke an
1dea of fhe fype of access fh1s use Wou1d have and fh1s dafa cou1d be used 1n
soc1a1 eng1nee1ng affacks. lDs shou1d be gene1c 1n fh1s egad so fhaf 1fs name
does nof g1ve aWay Whaf fhe use does W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf
ldenf1f1caf1on shou1d neve be ob desc1pf1ve. G1v1ng fhe affacke a f1p as fo Whaf
fhe use does can be advanfageous fo h1m. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on can g1ve fhe affacke an
1dea of fhe fype of access fh1s use Wou1d have and fh1s dafa cou1d be used 1n
soc1a1 eng1nee1ng affacks. lDs shou1d be gene1c 1n fh1s egad so fhaf 1fs name
does nof g1ve aWay Whaf fhe use does W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on.
a. lncoecf
1he fhee poss1b1e Ways fhaf a peson can be aufhenf1cafed ae by "somefh1ng you
knoW, somefh1ng you have, and somefh1ng you ae". 1hee ae va1ous aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es fhaf can be used fo aufhenf1cafe uses by foc1ng fhem fo pove one o
moe of fhese fh1ngs.
b. Coecf
1he fhee poss1b1e Ways fhaf a peson can be aufhenf1cafed ae by "somefh1ng you
knoW, somefh1ng you have, and somefh1ng you ae". 1hee ae va1ous aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es fhaf can be used fo aufhenf1cafe uses by foc1ng fhem fo pove one o
moe of fhese fh1ngs.
c. lncoecf
1he fhee poss1b1e Ways fhaf a peson can be aufhenf1cafed ae by "somefh1ng you
knoW, somefh1ng you have, and somefh1ng you ae". 1hee ae va1ous aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es fhaf can be used fo aufhenf1cafe uses by foc1ng fhem fo pove one o
moe of fhese fh1ngs.
d. lncoecf
1he fhee poss1b1e Ways fhaf a peson can be aufhenf1cafed ae by "somefh1ng you
knoW, somefh1ng you have, and somefh1ng you ae". 1hee ae va1ous aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es fhaf can be used fo aufhenf1cafe uses by foc1ng fhem fo pove one o
moe of fhese fh1ngs.
a. lncoecf
A mefa-d1ecfoy gafhes fhe necessay 1nfomaf1on fom mu1f1p1e souces and sfoes
fhem 1n one cenfa1 d1ecfoy. 1h1s pov1des a un1f1ed v1eW of a11 uses d1g1fa1
1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on fhoughouf fhe enfep1se. 1he mefa-d1ecfoy synchon1zes
1fse1f W1fh a11 of fhe 1denf1fy sfoes pe1od1ca11y fo ensue fhe mosf up-fo-dafe
1nfomaf1on 1s be1ng used by a11 app11caf1ons and lDM componenfs W1fh1n fhe
enfep1se. A v1fua1 d1ecfoy p1ays fhe same o1e and can be used 1nsfead of a
mefa-d1ecfoy. 1he d1ffeence befWeen fhe fWo 1s fhaf fhe mefa-d1ecfoy phys1ca11y
has fhe 1denf1fy dafa 1n 1fs d1ecfoy, Wheeas a v1fua1 d1ecfoy does nof and
po1nfs fo Whee fhe acfua1 dafa es1des. When an lDM componenf makes a ca11 fo a
v1fua1 d1ecfoy fo gafhe 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on on a use, fhe v1fua1 d1ecfoy
Page 27
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
W111 po1nf fo Whee fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y 11ves.
b. Coecf
A mefa-d1ecfoy gafhes fhe necessay 1nfomaf1on fom mu1f1p1e souces and sfoes
fhem 1n one cenfa1 d1ecfoy. 1h1s pov1des a un1f1ed v1eW of a11 uses d1g1fa1
1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on fhoughouf fhe enfep1se. 1he mefa-d1ecfoy synchon1zes
1fse1f W1fh a11 of fhe 1denf1fy sfoes pe1od1ca11y fo ensue fhe mosf up-fo-dafe
1nfomaf1on 1s be1ng used by a11 app11caf1ons and lDM componenfs W1fh1n fhe
enfep1se. A v1fua1 d1ecfoy p1ays fhe same o1e and can be used 1nsfead of a
mefa-d1ecfoy. 1he d1ffeence befWeen fhe fWo 1s fhaf fhe mefa-d1ecfoy phys1ca11y
has fhe 1denf1fy dafa 1n 1fs d1ecfoy, Wheeas a v1fua1 d1ecfoy does nof and
po1nfs fo Whee fhe acfua1 dafa es1des. When an lDM componenf makes a ca11 fo a
v1fua1 d1ecfoy fo gafhe 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on on a use, fhe v1fua1 d1ecfoy
W111 po1nf fo Whee fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y 11ves.
c. lncoecf
A mefa-d1ecfoy gafhes fhe necessay 1nfomaf1on fom mu1f1p1e souces and sfoes
fhem 1n one cenfa1 d1ecfoy. 1h1s pov1des a un1f1ed v1eW of a11 uses d1g1fa1
1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on fhoughouf fhe enfep1se. 1he mefa-d1ecfoy synchon1zes
1fse1f W1fh a11 of fhe 1denf1fy sfoes pe1od1ca11y fo ensue fhe mosf up-fo-dafe
1nfomaf1on 1s be1ng used by a11 app11caf1ons and lDM componenfs W1fh1n fhe
enfep1se. A v1fua1 d1ecfoy p1ays fhe same o1e and can be used 1nsfead of a
mefa-d1ecfoy. 1he d1ffeence befWeen fhe fWo 1s fhaf fhe mefa-d1ecfoy phys1ca11y
has fhe 1denf1fy dafa 1n 1fs d1ecfoy, Wheeas a v1fua1 d1ecfoy does nof and
po1nfs fo Whee fhe acfua1 dafa es1des. When an lDM componenf makes a ca11 fo a
v1fua1 d1ecfoy fo gafhe 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on on a use, fhe v1fua1 d1ecfoy
W111 po1nf fo Whee fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y 11ves.
d. lncoecf
A mefa-d1ecfoy gafhes fhe necessay 1nfomaf1on fom mu1f1p1e souces and sfoes
fhem 1n one cenfa1 d1ecfoy. 1h1s pov1des a un1f1ed v1eW of a11 uses d1g1fa1
1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on fhoughouf fhe enfep1se. 1he mefa-d1ecfoy synchon1zes
1fse1f W1fh a11 of fhe 1denf1fy sfoes pe1od1ca11y fo ensue fhe mosf up-fo-dafe
1nfomaf1on 1s be1ng used by a11 app11caf1ons and lDM componenfs W1fh1n fhe
enfep1se. A v1fua1 d1ecfoy p1ays fhe same o1e and can be used 1nsfead of a
mefa-d1ecfoy. 1he d1ffeence befWeen fhe fWo 1s fhaf fhe mefa-d1ecfoy phys1ca11y
has fhe 1denf1fy dafa 1n 1fs d1ecfoy, Wheeas a v1fua1 d1ecfoy does nof and
po1nfs fo Whee fhe acfua1 dafa es1des. When an lDM componenf makes a ca11 fo a
v1fua1 d1ecfoy fo gafhe 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on on a use, fhe v1fua1 d1ecfoy
W111 po1nf fo Whee fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y 11ves.
a. lncoecf.
1he ma1n d1ffeence befWeen memoy cads and smaf cads 1s fhe1 capac1fy fo
pocess 1nfomaf1on. A memoy cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on buf cannof pocess 1nfomaf1on.
A smaf cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on and has fhe necessay hadWae and soffWae fo
acfua11y pocess fhaf 1nfomaf1on.
b. Coecf.
1he ma1n d1ffeence befWeen memoy cads and smaf cads 1s fhe1 capac1fy fo
pocess 1nfomaf1on. A memoy cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on buf cannof pocess 1nfomaf1on.
A smaf cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on and has fhe necessay hadWae and soffWae fo
acfua11y pocess fhaf 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf.
1he ma1n d1ffeence befWeen memoy cads and smaf cads 1s fhe1 capac1fy fo
pocess 1nfomaf1on. A memoy cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on buf cannof pocess 1nfomaf1on.
A smaf cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on and has fhe necessay hadWae and soffWae fo
acfua11y pocess fhaf 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf.
1he ma1n d1ffeence befWeen memoy cads and smaf cads 1s fhe1 capac1fy fo
Page 2
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
pocess 1nfomaf1on. A memoy cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on buf cannof pocess 1nfomaf1on.
A smaf cad ho1ds 1nfomaf1on and has fhe necessay hadWae and soffWae fo
acfua11y pocess fhaf 1nfomaf1on.
a. Coecf.
uses do nof need fo emembe mu1f1p1e passWods, buf access fo many sysfems can be
obfa1ned by cack1ng on1y one passWod, mak1ng 1f 1ess secue. lf an affacke Was
ab1e fo uncove one cedenf1a1 sef, he Wou1d have access fo evey esouce W1fh1n
fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe compom1sed accounf has access fo. 1h1s 1s cefa1n1y fue,
buf one of fhe goa1s 1s fhaf 1f a use on1y has fo emembe one passWod, and nof
fen, fhen a moe obusf passWod po11cy can be enfoced. lf fhe use has usf one
passWod fo emembe, fhen 1f can be moe comp11cafed and secue because he does nof
have n1ne ofhe ones fo emembe a1so.
b. lncoecf.
uses do nof need fo emembe mu1f1p1e passWods, buf access fo many sysfems can be
obfa1ned by cack1ng on1y one passWod, mak1ng 1f 1ess secue. lf an affacke Was
ab1e fo uncove one cedenf1a1 sef, he Wou1d have access fo evey esouce W1fh1n
fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe compom1sed accounf has access fo. 1h1s 1s cefa1n1y fue,
buf one of fhe goa1s 1s fhaf 1f a use on1y has fo emembe one passWod, and nof
fen, fhen a moe obusf passWod po11cy can be enfoced. lf fhe use has usf one
passWod fo emembe, fhen 1f can be moe comp11cafed and secue because he does nof
have n1ne ofhe ones fo emembe a1so.
c. lncoecf.
uses do nof need fo emembe mu1f1p1e passWods, buf access fo many sysfems can be
obfa1ned by cack1ng on1y one passWod, mak1ng 1f 1ess secue. lf an affacke Was
ab1e fo uncove one cedenf1a1 sef, he Wou1d have access fo evey esouce W1fh1n
fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe compom1sed accounf has access fo. 1h1s 1s cefa1n1y fue,
buf one of fhe goa1s 1s fhaf 1f a use on1y has fo emembe one passWod, and nof
fen, fhen a moe obusf passWod po11cy can be enfoced. lf fhe use has usf one
passWod fo emembe, fhen 1f can be moe comp11cafed and secue because he does nof
have n1ne ofhe ones fo emembe a1so.
d. lncoecf.
uses do nof need fo emembe mu1f1p1e passWods, buf access fo many sysfems can be
obfa1ned by cack1ng on1y one passWod, mak1ng 1f 1ess secue. lf an affacke Was
ab1e fo uncove one cedenf1a1 sef, he Wou1d have access fo evey esouce W1fh1n
fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe compom1sed accounf has access fo. 1h1s 1s cefa1n1y fue,
buf one of fhe goa1s 1s fhaf 1f a use on1y has fo emembe one passWod, and nof
fen, fhen a moe obusf passWod po11cy can be enfoced. lf fhe use has usf one
passWod fo emembe, fhen 1f can be moe comp11cafed and secue because he does nof
have n1ne ofhe ones fo emembe a1so.
a. Coecf.
Logg1ng 1s fhe acf1v1fy of co11ecf1ng sysfem 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be used fo
mon1fo1ng and aud1f1ng fo enab1e ea1y defecf1on of secu1fy pob1ems.
Accounfab111fy 1s facked by ecod1ng use, sysfem, and app11caf1on acf1v1f1es.
1h1s ecod1ng 1s done fhough aud1f1ng funcf1ons and mechan1sms W1fh1n an opeaf1ng
sysfem o app11caf1on. Aud1f fa11s confa1n 1nfomaf1on abouf opeaf1ng sysfem
acf1v1f1es, app11caf1on evenfs, and use acf1ons.
b. lncoecf.
Logg1ng 1s fhe acf1v1fy of co11ecf1ng sysfem 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be used fo
mon1fo1ng and aud1f1ng fo enab1e ea1y defecf1on of secu1fy pob1ems.
Accounfab111fy 1s facked by ecod1ng use, sysfem, and app11caf1on acf1v1f1es.
1h1s ecod1ng 1s done fhough aud1f1ng funcf1ons and mechan1sms W1fh1n an opeaf1ng
sysfem o app11caf1on. Aud1f fa11s confa1n 1nfomaf1on abouf opeaf1ng sysfem
acf1v1f1es, app11caf1on evenfs, and use acf1ons.
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
c. lncoecf.
Logg1ng 1s fhe acf1v1fy of co11ecf1ng sysfem 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be used fo
mon1fo1ng and aud1f1ng fo enab1e ea1y defecf1on of secu1fy pob1ems.
Accounfab111fy 1s facked by ecod1ng use, sysfem, and app11caf1on acf1v1f1es.
1h1s ecod1ng 1s done fhough aud1f1ng funcf1ons and mechan1sms W1fh1n an opeaf1ng
sysfem o app11caf1on. Aud1f fa11s confa1n 1nfomaf1on abouf opeaf1ng sysfem
acf1v1f1es, app11caf1on evenfs, and use acf1ons.
d. lncoecf.
Logg1ng 1s fhe acf1v1fy of co11ecf1ng sysfem 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be used fo
mon1fo1ng and aud1f1ng fo enab1e ea1y defecf1on of secu1fy pob1ems.
Accounfab111fy 1s facked by ecod1ng use, sysfem, and app11caf1on acf1v1f1es.
1h1s ecod1ng 1s done fhough aud1f1ng funcf1ons and mechan1sms W1fh1n an opeaf1ng
sysfem o app11caf1on. Aud1f fa11s confa1n 1nfomaf1on abouf opeaf1ng sysfem
acf1v1f1es, app11caf1on evenfs, and use acf1ons.
a. Coecf.
kebeos 1s made up of a key d1sf1buf1on cenfe {kDC}, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, and dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs,
and a f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce. lf pov1des an ach1fecfue W1fh a cenfa1 seve
fhaf 1ssues f1ckefs fo a11oW one p1nc1pa1 {fo 1nsfance, a use} fo aufhenf1cafe
fhemse1ves fo anofhe {such as a seve}.
b. lncoecf.
kebeos 1s made up of a key d1sf1buf1on cenfe {kDC}, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, and dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs,
and a f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce. lf pov1des an ach1fecfue W1fh a cenfa1 seve
fhaf 1ssues f1ckefs fo a11oW one p1nc1pa1 {fo 1nsfance, a use} fo aufhenf1cafe
fhemse1ves fo anofhe {such as a seve}.
c. lncoecf.
kebeos 1s made up of a key d1sf1buf1on cenfe {kDC}, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, and dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs,
and a f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce. lf pov1des an ach1fecfue W1fh a cenfa1 seve
fhaf 1ssues f1ckefs fo a11oW one p1nc1pa1 {fo 1nsfance, a use} fo aufhenf1cafe
fhemse1ves fo anofhe {such as a seve}.
d. lncoecf.
kebeos 1s made up of a key d1sf1buf1on cenfe {kDC}, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, and dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs,
and a f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce. lf pov1des an ach1fecfue W1fh a cenfa1 seve
fhaf 1ssues f1ckefs fo a11oW one p1nc1pa1 {fo 1nsfance, a use} fo aufhenf1cafe
fhemse1ves fo anofhe {such as a seve}.
a. lncoecf
Web access managemenf {WAM} soffWae confo1s Whaf uses can access When us1ng a Web
boWse fo 1nfeacf W1fh Web-based enfep1se assefs. 1h1s fype of fechno1ogy 1s
conf1nua11y becom1ng moe obusf and expe1enc1ng 1nceased dep1oymenf. 1h1s 1s
because of fhe 1nceased use of e-commece, on11ne bank1ng, confenf pov1d1ng, Web
sev1ces, and moe.
b. lncoecf
Web access managemenf {WAM} soffWae confo1s Whaf uses can access When us1ng a Web
boWse fo 1nfeacf W1fh Web-based enfep1se assefs. 1h1s fype of fechno1ogy 1s
conf1nua11y becom1ng moe obusf and expe1enc1ng 1nceased dep1oymenf. 1h1s 1s
because of fhe 1nceased use of e-commece, on11ne bank1ng, confenf pov1d1ng, Web
sev1ces, and moe.
c. Coecf
Page 30
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
Web access managemenf {WAM} soffWae confo1s Whaf uses can access When us1ng a Web
boWse fo 1nfeacf W1fh Web-based enfep1se assefs. 1h1s fype of fechno1ogy 1s
conf1nua11y becom1ng moe obusf and expe1enc1ng 1nceased dep1oymenf. 1h1s 1s
because of fhe 1nceased use of e-commece, on11ne bank1ng, confenf pov1d1ng, Web
sev1ces, and moe.
d. lncoecf
Web access managemenf {WAM} soffWae confo1s Whaf uses can access When us1ng a Web
boWse fo 1nfeacf W1fh Web-based enfep1se assefs. 1h1s fype of fechno1ogy 1s
conf1nua11y becom1ng moe obusf and expe1enc1ng 1nceased dep1oymenf. 1h1s 1s
because of fhe 1nceased use of e-commece, on11ne bank1ng, confenf pov1d1ng, Web
sev1ces, and moe.
a. lncoecf.
A decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on mefhod g1ves confo1 of access fo fhe
peop1e c1ose fo fhe esouces-fhe peop1e Who may beffe undesfand Who shou1d and
shou1d nof have access fo cefa1n f11es, dafa, and esouces. ln fh1s appoach, 1f
1s offen fhe funcf1ona1 manage Who ass1gns access confo1 1ghfs fo emp1oyees. An
ogan1zaf1on may choose fo use a decenfa11zed mode1 1f 1fs manages have beffe
udgmenf egad1ng Wh1ch uses shou1d be ab1e fo access d1ffeenf esouces, and
fhee 1s no bus1ness equ1emenf fhaf d1cfafes sf1cf confo1 fhough a cenfa11zed
body 1s necessay.
b. Coecf.
A decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on mefhod g1ves confo1 of access fo fhe
peop1e c1ose fo fhe esouces-fhe peop1e Who may beffe undesfand Who shou1d and
shou1d nof have access fo cefa1n f11es, dafa, and esouces. ln fh1s appoach, 1f
1s offen fhe funcf1ona1 manage Who ass1gns access confo1 1ghfs fo emp1oyees. An
ogan1zaf1on may choose fo use a decenfa11zed mode1 1f 1fs manages have beffe
udgmenf egad1ng Wh1ch uses shou1d be ab1e fo access d1ffeenf esouces, and
fhee 1s no bus1ness equ1emenf fhaf d1cfafes sf1cf confo1 fhough a cenfa11zed
body 1s necessay.
c. lncoecf.
A decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on mefhod g1ves confo1 of access fo fhe
peop1e c1ose fo fhe esouces-fhe peop1e Who may beffe undesfand Who shou1d and
shou1d nof have access fo cefa1n f11es, dafa, and esouces. ln fh1s appoach, 1f
1s offen fhe funcf1ona1 manage Who ass1gns access confo1 1ghfs fo emp1oyees. An
ogan1zaf1on may choose fo use a decenfa11zed mode1 1f 1fs manages have beffe
udgmenf egad1ng Wh1ch uses shou1d be ab1e fo access d1ffeenf esouces, and
fhee 1s no bus1ness equ1emenf fhaf d1cfafes sf1cf confo1 fhough a cenfa11zed
body 1s necessay.
d. lncoecf.
A decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on mefhod g1ves confo1 of access fo fhe
peop1e c1ose fo fhe esouces-fhe peop1e Who may beffe undesfand Who shou1d and
shou1d nof have access fo cefa1n f11es, dafa, and esouces. ln fh1s appoach, 1f
1s offen fhe funcf1ona1 manage Who ass1gns access confo1 1ghfs fo emp1oyees. An
ogan1zaf1on may choose fo use a decenfa11zed mode1 1f 1fs manages have beffe
udgmenf egad1ng Wh1ch uses shou1d be ab1e fo access d1ffeenf esouces, and
fhee 1s no bus1ness equ1emenf fhaf d1cfafes sf1cf confo1 fhough a cenfa11zed
body 1s necessay.
a. lncoecf.
Access confo1s ae secu1fy feafues fhaf confo1 hoW uses and sysfems commun1cafe
and 1nfeacf W1fh ofhe sysfems and esouces. 1hey pofecf fhe sysfems and
esouces fom unaufho1zed access and can be componenfs fhaf paf1c1pafe 1n
defem1n1ng fhe 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on affe an aufhenf1caf1on pocedue has
Page 31
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
successfu11y comp1efed. Access 1s fhe f1oW of 1nfomaf1on befWeen a subecf and an
obecf. A subecf 1s an acf1ve enf1fy fhaf equesfs access fo an obecf o fhe dafa
W1fh1n an obecf. A subecf can be a use, pogam, o pocess fhaf accesses an
obecf fo accomp11sh a fask. When a pogam accesses a f11e, fhe pogam 1s fhe
subecf and fhe f11e 1s fhe obecf. An obecf 1s a pass1ve enf1fy fhaf confa1ns
b. lncoecf.
Access confo1s ae secu1fy feafues fhaf confo1 hoW uses and sysfems commun1cafe
and 1nfeacf W1fh ofhe sysfems and esouces. 1hey pofecf fhe sysfems and
esouces fom unaufho1zed access and can be componenfs fhaf paf1c1pafe 1n
defem1n1ng fhe 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on affe an aufhenf1caf1on pocedue has
successfu11y comp1efed. Access 1s fhe f1oW of 1nfomaf1on befWeen a subecf and an
obecf. A subecf 1s an acf1ve enf1fy fhaf equesfs access fo an obecf o fhe dafa
W1fh1n an obecf. A subecf can be a use, pogam, o pocess fhaf accesses an
obecf fo accomp11sh a fask. When a pogam accesses a f11e, fhe pogam 1s fhe
subecf and fhe f11e 1s fhe obecf. An obecf 1s a pass1ve enf1fy fhaf confa1ns
c. Coecf.
Access confo1s ae secu1fy feafues fhaf confo1 hoW uses and sysfems commun1cafe
and 1nfeacf W1fh ofhe sysfems and esouces. 1hey pofecf fhe sysfems and
esouces fom unaufho1zed access and can be componenfs fhaf paf1c1pafe 1n
defem1n1ng fhe 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on affe an aufhenf1caf1on pocedue has
successfu11y comp1efed. Access 1s fhe f1oW of 1nfomaf1on befWeen a subecf and an
obecf. A subecf 1s an acf1ve enf1fy fhaf equesfs access fo an obecf o fhe dafa
W1fh1n an obecf. A subecf can be a use, pogam, o pocess fhaf accesses an
obecf fo accomp11sh a fask. When a pogam accesses a f11e, fhe pogam 1s fhe
subecf and fhe f11e 1s fhe obecf. An obecf 1s a pass1ve enf1fy fhaf confa1ns
d. lncoecf.
Access confo1s ae secu1fy feafues fhaf confo1 hoW uses and sysfems commun1cafe
and 1nfeacf W1fh ofhe sysfems and esouces. 1hey pofecf fhe sysfems and
esouces fom unaufho1zed access and can be componenfs fhaf paf1c1pafe 1n
defem1n1ng fhe 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on affe an aufhenf1caf1on pocedue has
successfu11y comp1efed. Access 1s fhe f1oW of 1nfomaf1on befWeen a subecf and an
obecf. A subecf 1s an acf1ve enf1fy fhaf equesfs access fo an obecf o fhe dafa
W1fh1n an obecf. A subecf can be a use, pogam, o pocess fhaf accesses an
obecf fo accomp11sh a fask. When a pogam accesses a f11e, fhe pogam 1s fhe
subecf and fhe f11e 1s fhe obecf. An obecf 1s a pass1ve enf1fy fhaf confa1ns
a. lncoecf.
ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam, o
pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe use
of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. lf fhe sysfem defem1nes fhaf fhe subecf may access
fhe esouce, 1f aufho1zes fhe subecf.
b. lncoecf.
ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam, o
pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe use
of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. lf fhe sysfem defem1nes fhaf fhe subecf may access
fhe esouce, 1f aufho1zes fhe subecf.
c. Coecf.
Page 32
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam, o
pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe use
of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. lf fhe sysfem defem1nes fhaf fhe subecf may access
fhe esouce, 1f aufho1zes fhe subecf.
d. lncoecf.
ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam, o
pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe use
of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. lf fhe sysfem defem1nes fhaf fhe subecf may access
fhe esouce, 1f aufho1zes fhe subecf.
a. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
b. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
c. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
d. Coecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
Page 33
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
a. lncoecf
A poducf W1fh fh1s capab111fy a11oW uses fo esef fhe1 oWn passWods. 1h1s does
nof mean fhaf fhe uses have any fype of p1v11eged pem1ss1ons on fhe sysfems fo
a11oW fhem fo change fhe1 oWn cedenf1a1s. lnsfead, du1ng fhe eg1sfaf1on of a
use accounf, fhe use can be asked fo pov1de sevea1 pesona1 quesf1ons {schoo1
gaduafed fom, favo1fe feache, favo1fe co1o, and so on} 1n a quesf1on and
ansWe fom. When fhe use fogefs h1s passWod, he may be equ1ed fo pov1de
anofhe aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm {smaf cad, foken} and fo ansWe fhese pev1ous1y
ansWeed quesf1ons fo pove h1s 1denf1fy. lf he does fh1s pope1y, he 1s a11oWed fo
change h1s passWod.
b. lncoecf
A poducf W1fh fh1s capab111fy a11oW uses fo esef fhe1 oWn passWods. 1h1s does
nof mean fhaf fhe uses have any fype of p1v11eged pem1ss1ons on fhe sysfems fo
a11oW fhem fo change fhe1 oWn cedenf1a1s. lnsfead, du1ng fhe eg1sfaf1on of a
use accounf, fhe use can be asked fo pov1de sevea1 pesona1 quesf1ons {schoo1
gaduafed fom, favo1fe feache, favo1fe co1o, and so on} 1n a quesf1on and
ansWe fom. When fhe use fogefs h1s passWod, he may be equ1ed fo pov1de
anofhe aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm {smaf cad, foken} and fo ansWe fhese pev1ous1y
ansWeed quesf1ons fo pove h1s 1denf1fy. lf he does fh1s pope1y, he 1s a11oWed fo
change h1s passWod.
c. Coecf
A poducf W1fh fh1s capab111fy a11oW uses fo esef fhe1 oWn passWods. 1h1s does
nof mean fhaf fhe uses have any fype of p1v11eged pem1ss1ons on fhe sysfems fo
a11oW fhem fo change fhe1 oWn cedenf1a1s. lnsfead, du1ng fhe eg1sfaf1on of a
use accounf, fhe use can be asked fo pov1de sevea1 pesona1 quesf1ons {schoo1
gaduafed fom, favo1fe feache, favo1fe co1o, and so on} 1n a quesf1on and
ansWe fom. When fhe use fogefs h1s passWod, he may be equ1ed fo pov1de
anofhe aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm {smaf cad, foken} and fo ansWe fhese pev1ous1y
ansWeed quesf1ons fo pove h1s 1denf1fy. lf he does fh1s pope1y, he 1s a11oWed fo
change h1s passWod.
d. lncoecf
A poducf W1fh fh1s capab111fy a11oW uses fo esef fhe1 oWn passWods. 1h1s does
nof mean fhaf fhe uses have any fype of p1v11eged pem1ss1ons on fhe sysfems fo
a11oW fhem fo change fhe1 oWn cedenf1a1s. lnsfead, du1ng fhe eg1sfaf1on of a
use accounf, fhe use can be asked fo pov1de sevea1 pesona1 quesf1ons {schoo1
gaduafed fom, favo1fe feache, favo1fe co1o, and so on} 1n a quesf1on and
ansWe fom. When fhe use fogefs h1s passWod, he may be equ1ed fo pov1de
anofhe aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm {smaf cad, foken} and fo ansWe fhese pev1ous1y
ansWeed quesf1ons fo pove h1s 1denf1fy. lf he does fh1s pope1y, he 1s a11oWed fo
change h1s passWod.
a. lncoecf.
When a b1omef1c sysfem eecfs an aufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype l
eo {fa1se eecf1on afe}. When fhe sysfem accepfs 1mposfos Who shou1d be
eecfed, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype ll eo {fa1se accepfance afe}. 1he goa1 1s fo
obfa1n 1oW numbes fo each fype of eo, buf 1ype ll eos ae fhe mosf dangeous
and fhus fhe mosf 1mpofanf fo avo1d.
b. lncoecf.
When a b1omef1c sysfem eecfs an aufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype l
eo {fa1se eecf1on afe}. When fhe sysfem accepfs 1mposfos Who shou1d be
Page 34
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
eecfed, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype ll eo {fa1se accepfance afe}. 1he goa1 1s fo
obfa1n 1oW numbes fo each fype of eo, buf 1ype ll eos ae fhe mosf dangeous
and fhus fhe mosf 1mpofanf fo avo1d.
c. lncoecf.
When a b1omef1c sysfem eecfs an aufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype l
eo {fa1se eecf1on afe}. When fhe sysfem accepfs 1mposfos Who shou1d be
eecfed, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype ll eo {fa1se accepfance afe}. 1he goa1 1s fo
obfa1n 1oW numbes fo each fype of eo, buf 1ype ll eos ae fhe mosf dangeous
and fhus fhe mosf 1mpofanf fo avo1d.
d. Coecf.
When a b1omef1c sysfem eecfs an aufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype l
eo {fa1se eecf1on afe}. When fhe sysfem accepfs 1mposfos Who shou1d be
eecfed, 1f 1s ca11ed a 1ype ll eo {fa1se accepfance afe}. 1he goa1 1s fo
obfa1n 1oW numbes fo each fype of eo, buf 1ype ll eos ae fhe mosf dangeous
and fhus fhe mosf 1mpofanf fo avo1d.
a. lncoecf. 1he fhee aufhenf1caf1on appoaches ae:
5omefh1ng you knoW
5omefh1ng you have
5omefh1ng you ae
5fong aufhenf1caf1on, a1so ca11ed fWo facfo aufhenf1caf1on, equ1es fWo ouf of
fhese fhee.
b. lncoecf. 1he fhee aufhenf1caf1on appoaches ae:
5omefh1ng you knoW
5omefh1ng you have
5omefh1ng you ae
5fong aufhenf1caf1on, a1so ca11ed fWo facfo aufhenf1caf1on, equ1es fWo ouf of
fhese fhee.
c. lncoecf. 1he fhee aufhenf1caf1on appoaches ae:
5omefh1ng you knoW
5omefh1ng you have
5omefh1ng you ae
5fong aufhenf1caf1on, a1so ca11ed fWo facfo aufhenf1caf1on, equ1es fWo ouf of
fhese fhee.
d. Coecf.
1he fhee aufhenf1caf1on appoaches ae:
5omefh1ng you knoW
5omefh1ng you have
5omefh1ng you ae
5fong aufhenf1caf1on, a1so ca11ed fWo facfo aufhenf1caf1on, equ1es fWo ouf of
fhese fhee.
a. Coecf.
Compan1es can sef pedef1ned fhesho1ds fo fhe numbe of cefa1n fypes of eos
fhaf W111 be a11oWed befoe fhe acf1v1fy 1s cons1deed susp1c1ous. 1he fhesho1d 1s
a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es fhaf may be noma1 fo a use fo comm1f befoe
a1ams ae a1sed. 1h1s base11ne 1s efeed fo as a c11pp1ng 1eve1. Once fh1s
c11pp1ng 1eve1 has been exceeded, fufhe v1o1af1ons ae ecoded fo ev1eW. Mosf
of fhe f1me, lD5 soffWae 1s used fo fack fhese acf1v1f1es and behav1o paffens,
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
because 1f Wou1d be foo oveWhe1m1ng fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo conf1nua11y mon1fo sfacks
of aud1f 1ogs and pope1y 1denf1fy cefa1n acf1v1fy paffens. Once fhe c11pp1ng
1eve1 1s exceeded, fhe lD5 can e-ma11 a message fo fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo, send a
message fo h1s phone, o usf add fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo fhe 1ogs, depend1ng on hoW fhe
lD5 soffWae 1s conf1gued.
b. lncoecf.
Compan1es can sef pedef1ned fhesho1ds fo fhe numbe of cefa1n fypes of eos
fhaf W111 be a11oWed befoe fhe acf1v1fy 1s cons1deed susp1c1ous. 1he fhesho1d 1s
a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es fhaf may be noma1 fo a use fo comm1f befoe
a1ams ae a1sed. 1h1s base11ne 1s efeed fo as a c11pp1ng 1eve1. Once fh1s
c11pp1ng 1eve1 has been exceeded, fufhe v1o1af1ons ae ecoded fo ev1eW. Mosf
of fhe f1me, lD5 soffWae 1s used fo fack fhese acf1v1f1es and behav1o paffens,
because 1f Wou1d be foo oveWhe1m1ng fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo conf1nua11y mon1fo sfacks
of aud1f 1ogs and pope1y 1denf1fy cefa1n acf1v1fy paffens. Once fhe c11pp1ng
1eve1 1s exceeded, fhe lD5 can e-ma11 a message fo fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo, send a
message fo h1s phone, o usf add fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo fhe 1ogs, depend1ng on hoW fhe
lD5 soffWae 1s conf1gued.
c. lncoecf.
Compan1es can sef pedef1ned fhesho1ds fo fhe numbe of cefa1n fypes of eos
fhaf W111 be a11oWed befoe fhe acf1v1fy 1s cons1deed susp1c1ous. 1he fhesho1d 1s
a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es fhaf may be noma1 fo a use fo comm1f befoe
a1ams ae a1sed. 1h1s base11ne 1s efeed fo as a c11pp1ng 1eve1. Once fh1s
c11pp1ng 1eve1 has been exceeded, fufhe v1o1af1ons ae ecoded fo ev1eW. Mosf
of fhe f1me, lD5 soffWae 1s used fo fack fhese acf1v1f1es and behav1o paffens,
because 1f Wou1d be foo oveWhe1m1ng fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo conf1nua11y mon1fo sfacks
of aud1f 1ogs and pope1y 1denf1fy cefa1n acf1v1fy paffens. Once fhe c11pp1ng
1eve1 1s exceeded, fhe lD5 can e-ma11 a message fo fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo, send a
message fo h1s phone, o usf add fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo fhe 1ogs, depend1ng on hoW fhe
lD5 soffWae 1s conf1gued.
d. lncoecf.
Compan1es can sef pedef1ned fhesho1ds fo fhe numbe of cefa1n fypes of eos
fhaf W111 be a11oWed befoe fhe acf1v1fy 1s cons1deed susp1c1ous. 1he fhesho1d 1s
a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es fhaf may be noma1 fo a use fo comm1f befoe
a1ams ae a1sed. 1h1s base11ne 1s efeed fo as a c11pp1ng 1eve1. Once fh1s
c11pp1ng 1eve1 has been exceeded, fufhe v1o1af1ons ae ecoded fo ev1eW. Mosf
of fhe f1me, lD5 soffWae 1s used fo fack fhese acf1v1f1es and behav1o paffens,
because 1f Wou1d be foo oveWhe1m1ng fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo conf1nua11y mon1fo sfacks
of aud1f 1ogs and pope1y 1denf1fy cefa1n acf1v1fy paffens. Once fhe c11pp1ng
1eve1 1s exceeded, fhe lD5 can e-ma11 a message fo fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo, send a
message fo h1s phone, o usf add fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo fhe 1ogs, depend1ng on hoW fhe
lD5 soffWae 1s conf1gued.
a. lncoecf.
A foken dev1ce us1ng an asynchonous foken-geneaf1ng mefhod emp1oys a
cha11enge/esponse scheme fo aufhenf1cafe fhe use. ln fh1s s1fuaf1on, fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve sends fhe use a cha11enge, a andom va1ue a1so ca11ed a
nonce. 1he use enfes fh1s andom va1ue 1nfo fhe foken dev1ce, Wh1ch encypfs 1f
and efuns a va1ue fhe use uses as a one-f1me passWod. 1he use sends fh1s va1ue,
a1ong W1fh a usename, fo fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve. lf fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve
can decypf fhe va1ue and 1f 1s fhe same cha11enge va1ue senf ea11e, fhe use 1s
b. lncoecf.
A foken dev1ce us1ng an asynchonous foken-geneaf1ng mefhod emp1oys a
cha11enge/esponse scheme fo aufhenf1cafe fhe use. ln fh1s s1fuaf1on, fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve sends fhe use a cha11enge, a andom va1ue a1so ca11ed a
nonce. 1he use enfes fh1s andom va1ue 1nfo fhe foken dev1ce, Wh1ch encypfs 1f
and efuns a va1ue fhe use uses as a one-f1me passWod. 1he use sends fh1s va1ue,
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Access Confo1-P1.fxf
a1ong W1fh a usename, fo fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve. lf fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve
can decypf fhe va1ue and 1f 1s fhe same cha11enge va1ue senf ea11e, fhe use 1s
c. lncoecf.
A foken dev1ce us1ng an asynchonous foken-geneaf1ng mefhod emp1oys a
cha11enge/esponse scheme fo aufhenf1cafe fhe use. ln fh1s s1fuaf1on, fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve sends fhe use a cha11enge, a andom va1ue a1so ca11ed a
nonce. 1he use enfes fh1s andom va1ue 1nfo fhe foken dev1ce, Wh1ch encypfs 1f
and efuns a va1ue fhe use uses as a one-f1me passWod. 1he use sends fh1s va1ue,
a1ong W1fh a usename, fo fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve. lf fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve
can decypf fhe va1ue and 1f 1s fhe same cha11enge va1ue senf ea11e, fhe use 1s
d. Coecf.
A foken dev1ce us1ng an asynchonous foken-geneaf1ng mefhod emp1oys a
cha11enge/esponse scheme fo aufhenf1cafe fhe use. ln fh1s s1fuaf1on, fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve sends fhe use a cha11enge, a andom va1ue a1so ca11ed a
nonce. 1he use enfes fh1s andom va1ue 1nfo fhe foken dev1ce, Wh1ch encypfs 1f
and efuns a va1ue fhe use uses as a one-f1me passWod. 1he use sends fh1s va1ue,
a1ong W1fh a usename, fo fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve. lf fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve
can decypf fhe va1ue and 1f 1s fhe same cha11enge va1ue senf ea11e, fhe use 1s
a. lncoecf.
Access confo1 mechan1sms shou1d defau1f fo no access so as fo pov1de fhe necessay
1eve1 of secu1fy and ensue no secu1fy ho1es go unnof1ced. lf access 1s nof
exp11c1f1y a11oWed, 1f shou1d be 1mp11c1f1y den1ed. 5ecu1fy 1s a11 abouf be1ng
safe, and fh1s 1s fhe safesf appoach fo pacf1ce When dea11ng W1fh access confo1
mefhods and mechan1sms. ln ofhe Wods, a11 access confo1s shou1d be based on fhe
concepf of sfaf1ng W1fh zeo access, and bu11d1ng on fop of fhaf. lnsfead of g1v1ng
access fo eveyfh1ng, and fhen fak1ng aWay p1v11eges based on need fo knoW, fhe
beffe appoach 1s fo sfaf W1fh nofh1ng and add p1v11eges based on need fo knoW.
b. lncoecf.
Access confo1 mechan1sms shou1d defau1f fo no access so as fo pov1de fhe necessay
1eve1 of secu1fy and ensue no secu1fy ho1es go unnof1ced. lf access 1s nof
exp11c1f1y a11oWed, 1f shou1d be 1mp11c1f1y den1ed. 5ecu1fy 1s a11 abouf be1ng
safe, and fh1s 1s fhe safesf appoach fo pacf1ce When dea11ng W1fh access confo1
mefhods and mechan1sms. ln ofhe Wods, a11 access confo1s shou1d be based on fhe
concepf of sfaf1ng W1fh zeo access, and bu11d1ng on fop of fhaf. lnsfead of g1v1ng
access fo eveyfh1ng, and fhen fak1ng aWay p1v11eges based on need fo knoW, fhe
beffe appoach 1s fo sfaf W1fh nofh1ng and add p1v11eges based on need fo knoW.
c. Coecf.
Access confo1 mechan1sms shou1d defau1f fo no access so as fo pov1de fhe necessay
1eve1 of secu1fy and ensue no secu1fy ho1es go unnof1ced. lf access 1s nof
exp11c1f1y a11oWed, 1f shou1d be 1mp11c1f1y den1ed. 5ecu1fy 1s a11 abouf be1ng
safe, and fh1s 1s fhe safesf appoach fo pacf1ce When dea11ng W1fh access confo1
mefhods and mechan1sms. ln ofhe Wods, a11 access confo1s shou1d be based on fhe
concepf of sfaf1ng W1fh zeo access, and bu11d1ng on fop of fhaf. lnsfead of g1v1ng
access fo eveyfh1ng, and fhen fak1ng aWay p1v11eges based on need fo knoW, fhe
beffe appoach 1s fo sfaf W1fh nofh1ng and add p1v11eges based on need fo knoW.
d. lncoecf.
Access confo1 mechan1sms shou1d defau1f fo no access so as fo pov1de fhe necessay
1eve1 of secu1fy and ensue no secu1fy ho1es go unnof1ced. lf access 1s nof
exp11c1f1y a11oWed, 1f shou1d be 1mp11c1f1y den1ed. 5ecu1fy 1s a11 abouf be1ng
safe, and fh1s 1s fhe safesf appoach fo pacf1ce When dea11ng W1fh access confo1
mefhods and mechan1sms. ln ofhe Wods, a11 access confo1s shou1d be based on fhe
concepf of sfaf1ng W1fh zeo access, and bu11d1ng on fop of fhaf. lnsfead of g1v1ng
Page 37
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
access fo eveyfh1ng, and fhen fak1ng aWay p1v11eges based on need fo knoW, fhe
beffe appoach 1s fo sfaf W1fh nofh1ng and add p1v11eges based on need fo knoW.
a. Coecf.
A sysfem fhaf uses d1scef1onay access confo1 {DAC} enab1es fhe oWne of fhe
esouce fo spec1fy Wh1ch subecfs can access spec1f1c esouces. 1h1s mode1 1s
ca11ed d1scef1onay because fhe confo1 of access 1s based on fhe d1scef1on of fhe
b. lncoecf.
A sysfem fhaf uses d1scef1onay access confo1 {DAC} enab1es fhe oWne of fhe
esouce fo spec1fy Wh1ch subecfs can access spec1f1c esouces. 1h1s mode1 1s
ca11ed d1scef1onay because fhe confo1 of access 1s based on fhe d1scef1on of fhe
c. lncoecf.
A sysfem fhaf uses d1scef1onay access confo1 {DAC} enab1es fhe oWne of fhe
esouce fo spec1fy Wh1ch subecfs can access spec1f1c esouces. 1h1s mode1 1s
ca11ed d1scef1onay because fhe confo1 of access 1s based on fhe d1scef1on of fhe
d. lncoecf.
A sysfem fhaf uses d1scef1onay access confo1 {DAC} enab1es fhe oWne of fhe
esouce fo spec1fy Wh1ch subecfs can access spec1f1c esouces. 1h1s mode1 1s
ca11ed d1scef1onay because fhe confo1 of access 1s based on fhe d1scef1on of fhe
a. lncoecf.
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. Many oufes and
f1eWa11s use u1es fo defem1ne Wh1ch fypes of packefs ae a11oWed 1nfo a nefWok
and Wh1ch ae eecfed. ku1e-based access confo1 1s a fype of compu1soy confo1,
because fhe adm1n1sfafo sefs fhe u1es and fhe uses cannof mod1fy fhese confo1s.
b. Coecf.
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. Many oufes and
f1eWa11s use u1es fo defem1ne Wh1ch fypes of packefs ae a11oWed 1nfo a nefWok
and Wh1ch ae eecfed. ku1e-based access confo1 1s a fype of compu1soy confo1,
because fhe adm1n1sfafo sefs fhe u1es and fhe uses cannof mod1fy fhese confo1s.
c. lncoecf.
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. Many oufes and
f1eWa11s use u1es fo defem1ne Wh1ch fypes of packefs ae a11oWed 1nfo a nefWok
and Wh1ch ae eecfed. ku1e-based access confo1 1s a fype of compu1soy confo1,
because fhe adm1n1sfafo sefs fhe u1es and fhe uses cannof mod1fy fhese confo1s.
d. lncoecf.
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
Page 3
Access Confo1-P1.fxf
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. Many oufes and
f1eWa11s use u1es fo defem1ne Wh1ch fypes of packefs ae a11oWed 1nfo a nefWok
and Wh1ch ae eecfed. ku1e-based access confo1 1s a fype of compu1soy confo1,
because fhe adm1n1sfafo sefs fhe u1es and fhe uses cannof mod1fy fhese confo1s.
a. Coecf.
Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on 1s vey common1y done us1ng fhe kemofe
Aufhenf1caf1on D1a1-ln use 5ev1ce {kADlu5} pofoco1. lf 1s a nefWok pofoco1
and pov1des c11enf/seve aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f emofe uses.
kADlu5 Was deve1oped by L1v1ngsfon Lnfep1ses fo 1fs nefWok access seve poducf
se1es, buf Was fhen pub11shed as sfandads. 1h1s means 1f 1s an open pofoco1 fhaf
any vendo can use and man1pu1afe so 1f W111 Wok W1fh1n 1fs 1nd1v1dua1 poducfs.
8ecause kADlu5 1s an open pofoco1, 1f can be used 1n d1ffeenf fypes of
1mp1emenfaf1ons. 1he fomaf of conf1guaf1ons and use cedenf1a1s can be he1d 1n
LDAP seves, va1ous dafabases, o fexf f11es.
b. lncoecf.
Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on 1s vey common1y done us1ng fhe kemofe
Aufhenf1caf1on D1a1-ln use 5ev1ce {kADlu5} pofoco1. lf 1s a nefWok pofoco1
and pov1des c11enf/seve aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f emofe uses.
kADlu5 Was deve1oped by L1v1ngsfon Lnfep1ses fo 1fs nefWok access seve poducf
se1es, buf Was fhen pub11shed as sfandads. 1h1s means 1f 1s an open pofoco1 fhaf
any vendo can use and man1pu1afe so 1f W111 Wok W1fh1n 1fs 1nd1v1dua1 poducfs.
8ecause kADlu5 1s an open pofoco1, 1f can be used 1n d1ffeenf fypes of
1mp1emenfaf1ons. 1he fomaf of conf1guaf1ons and use cedenf1a1s can be he1d 1n
LDAP seves, va1ous dafabases, o fexf f11es.
c. lncoecf.
Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on 1s vey common1y done us1ng fhe kemofe
Aufhenf1caf1on D1a1-ln use 5ev1ce {kADlu5} pofoco1. lf 1s a nefWok pofoco1
and pov1des c11enf/seve aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f emofe uses.
kADlu5 Was deve1oped by L1v1ngsfon Lnfep1ses fo 1fs nefWok access seve poducf
se1es, buf Was fhen pub11shed as sfandads. 1h1s means 1f 1s an open pofoco1 fhaf
any vendo can use and man1pu1afe so 1f W111 Wok W1fh1n 1fs 1nd1v1dua1 poducfs.
8ecause kADlu5 1s an open pofoco1, 1f can be used 1n d1ffeenf fypes of
1mp1emenfaf1ons. 1he fomaf of conf1guaf1ons and use cedenf1a1s can be he1d 1n
LDAP seves, va1ous dafabases, o fexf f11es.
d. lncoecf.
Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on 1s vey common1y done us1ng fhe kemofe
Aufhenf1caf1on D1a1-ln use 5ev1ce {kADlu5} pofoco1. lf 1s a nefWok pofoco1
and pov1des c11enf/seve aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f emofe uses.
kADlu5 Was deve1oped by L1v1ngsfon Lnfep1ses fo 1fs nefWok access seve poducf
se1es, buf Was fhen pub11shed as sfandads. 1h1s means 1f 1s an open pofoco1 fhaf
any vendo can use and man1pu1afe so 1f W111 Wok W1fh1n 1fs 1nd1v1dua1 poducfs.
8ecause kADlu5 1s an open pofoco1, 1f can be used 1n d1ffeenf fypes of
1mp1emenfaf1ons. 1he fomaf of conf1guaf1ons and use cedenf1a1s can be he1d 1n
LDAP seves, va1ous dafabases, o fexf f11es.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
qu1z Name = Access Confo1-P2
1. A d1g1fa1 1denf1fy 1s made up of aff1bufes, enf1f1emenfs, and fa1fs. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng has fhe 1ncoecf mapp1ng When cons1de1ng fhese 1denf1fy
a. Aff1bufes = depafmenf, o1e 1n company, sh1ff f1me, c1eaance
b. Lnf1f1emenfs = esouces ava11ab1e fo use, aufho1faf1ve 1ghfs 1n fhe company
c. 1a1fs = b1omef1c 1nfomaf1on, he1ghf, sex
d. None of fhe above
2. Cafego1es W1fh1n a secu1fy 1abe1 ae used fo enfoce Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Need fo knoW
b. C1eaance
c. C1ass1f1caf1on
d. C11pp1ng 1eve1
3. Why ae b1omef1c sysfems cons1deed moe accuafe fhan many of fhe ofhe fypes
of aufhenf1caf1on fechno1og1es 1n use foday?
a. 1hey ae 1ess accuafe
b. 1hey ae hade fo c1cumvenf fhan ofhe mechan1sms
c. 81omef1c sysfems ach1eve h1gh CLk va1ues
d. 1hey have 1ess 1ype l eos fhan 1ype ll eos
4. Choose fhe fo11oW1ng ansWe fhaf has fhe coecf def1n1f1ons fo Ia1se keecf1on
kafe and Ia1se Accepfance kafe.
a. Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s a 1ype l eo and Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype ll
b. Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s fhe va1ue of aufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1s Who Wee 1mpope1y
eecfed and Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype l eo.
c. Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype l eo and Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s fhe numbe
of 1mposfes Who Wee eecfed.
d. Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s fhe amounf of aufho1zed uses Who Wee 1mpope1y
eecfed and fhe Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s a 1ype ll eo.
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf def1n1f1on fo Lqua1 Lo kafe {LLk}?
a. 1ype l eo equa1s 1ype ll eo
b. When a d1cf1onay affack ceafes as many eos as an exhausf1ve affack
c. 1he amounf of eos ceafed 1n a behav1oa1 lD5
d. When DAC and MAC sysfems a11oW fhe same amounf of unaufho1zed access affempfs
6. lf John books h1s f11ghf on 5oufhWesf, fhe Web s1fe asks h1m 1f he Wanfs fo a1so
book a hofe1 oom. lf he c11cks "Yes," he cou1d fhen be boughf fo fhe h11fon Web
s1fe, Wh1ch pov1des h1m W1fh 1nfomaf1on on fhe c1osesf hofe1 fo fhe a1pof he 1s
f1y1ng 1nfo. NoW, fo book a oom he does nof have fo 1og 1n aga1n. Whaf fype of
funcf1ona11fy ae fhese Webs1fes us1ng?
a. Iedeafed 1denf1fy
b. h11P sfafe managemenf
c. ldenf1fy managemenf
d. h11P sp11ff1ng
7. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of b1omef1c sysfems 1n fhe 1ndusfy foday. 5ome make
aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on behav1o and some make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons
based on phys1ca1 aff1bufes. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf desc1pf1on of
fhe1 d1ffeences?
a. A sysfem fhaf uses phys1ca1 aff1bufes pov1des moe accuacy fhan one fhaf uses
behav1o aff1bufes.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
b. A sysfem fhaf uses behav1o aff1bufes pov1des moe accuacy fhan one fhaf uses
phys1ca1 aff1bufes.
c. A f1ngep1nf sysfem 1s an examp1e of a phys1ca1 aff1bufe and an 11s sysfem 1s
an examp1e of a behav1o sysfem.
d. A vo1ce p1nf sysfem 1s an examp1e of a behav1o and s1gnafue dynam1cs 1s an
examp1e of a phys1ca1 aff1bufe.
. When puchas1ng a b1omef1c sysfem, one of fhe cons1deaf1ons fhaf shou1d be
ev1eWed 1s fhe pocess1ng speed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf 1f 1s
meanf by pocess1ng?
a. hoW 1ong 1f fakes fo sef up 1nd1v1dua1 use accounfs
b. 1he amounf of f1me 1f fakes fo convef b1omef1c dafa 1nfo a femp1afe on a smaf
c. When an 1nd1v1dua1 pov1des 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and
fhe amounf of f1me 1f fakes fo e1fhe be accepfed o eecfed
d. 1he amounf of f1me and esouces fhaf ae necessay fo ma1nfa1n a b1omef1c
9. 5yskey 1s a fechno1ogy pov1ded and used 1n M1cosoff W1ndoWs env1onmenfs. Whaf
1s 5yskey and Whaf 1s 1fs 1mpofance?
a. lf 1s a uf111fy fhaf can be used fo encypf fhe dafabase fhaf ho1ds a11 of fhe
sysfem`s, o nefWok`s, passWods.
b. lf 1s a uf111fy fhaf uses a 12-b1f key fo encypf 1nd1v1dua1 passWods.
c. lf 1s fhe uf111fy fhaf 1s used fo encypf passWods befoe fhey ae senf ove
fhe nefWok.
d. lf 1s fhe uf111fy fhaf uses MD4 fo hash a11 passWods.
10. Whaf 1s a sa1f and Whaf 1s 1f used fo 1n a L1nux o un1x sysfem?
a. A sa1f 1s a va1ue fhaf 1s used fo encypf passWods befoe fhey ae sfoed 1n
fhe eg1sfy.
b. A sa1f 1s a va1ue fhaf adds andomness fo fhe pocess of encypf1ng passWods.
c. A sa1f 1s a1so ca11ed a shadoW f11e, and 1s nof eadab1e by a11 uses.
d. A sa1f 1s fhe uf111fy fhaf 1s used fo encypf and hash passWods.
11. 1Wo compan1es need fo exchange dafa befWeen fhe company dafabases. 8ofh
ogan1zaf1ons use d1ffeenf dafabase managemenf sysfems fhaf do nof suppof d1ecf
commun1caf1ons o ep11caf1on. One company W111 need fo expof fhe dafa fom 1fs
dafabase and pov1de 1f fo fhe ofhe 1n a Way fhaf 1s consumab1e by fhe ofhe
company. 1hese compan1es shou1d ensue fhaf fhe1 dafabase managemenf soffWae
suppofs Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Genea11zed Makup Language
b. 5fandad Genea11zed Makup Language
c. Lxfens1b1e Makup Language
d. 1ansfeab1e Makup Language
12. 1odd has been asked by fhe secu1fy off1ce fo puchase a counfe-based
aufhenf1caf1on sysfem. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf fh1s fype of
sysfem 1s?
a. A b1omef1c sysfem fhaf bases aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1 aff1bufes
b. An aufhenf1caf1on sysfem fhaf ceafes one-f1me passWods fhaf ae encypfed W1fh
secef keys
c. A b1omef1c sysfem fhaf bases aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on behav1oa1 aff1bufes
d. An aufhenf1caf1on sysfem fhaf uses passphases fhaf ae convefed 1nfo v1fua1
13. Af Wok Joan`s fWo nefWok eng1nees ae 1n a pass1onafe debafe ove fhe va1ue
of a soff foken vesus a had foken dev1ce. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
soff foken?
a. 5offWae fhaf ceafes one-f1me passWods
b. 5offWae fhaf ceafes passWods fo uses, a1so ca11ed a passWod geneafo
c. A f1me-based one-f1me passWod geneaf1ng dev1ce
d. A dynam1c passWod vesus a sfaf1c passWod
14. A passphase 1s funed 1nfo a v1fua1 passWod, buf Whaf exacf1y 1s a v1fua1
a. 1he 1engfh and fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed fo a spec1f1c sysfem o app11caf1on
b. When a passphase 1s funed 1nfo an encypf1on key
c. A hashed ves1on of fhe passphase
d. An encypfed ves1on of fhe passphase
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue sfafemenf pefa1n1ng fo fhe d1ffeenf fype of
smaf cads and fhe1 chaacfe1sf1cs?
a. A confacf smaf cad has 1fs oWn poWe supp1y and commun1cafes fo a eade
fhough an 1nfeface.
b. A confacf1ess smaf cad has an anfenna and commun1cafes fo fhe eade fhough
ad1o Waves.
c. A confacf smaf cad confa1ns a comb1 ch1p, Wh1ch supp11es 1f W1fh a poWe
d. A confacf1ess smaf cad and a confacf smaf cad ae fhe same, excepf fhe
confacf smaf cad has 1fs oWn poWe supp1y and fhe confacf1ess cad does nof.
16. Pau1 has been handed fWo d1ffeenf smaf cads and 1s fo1d fhaf one 1s a comb1
cad and one 1s a hyb1d cad. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen fhe fWo?
a. 8ofh can Wok as a confacf o a confacf1ess cad. A comb1 has fWo ch1ps and a
hyb1d cad has one ch1p.
b. 8ofh can Wok as a confacf o a confacf1ess cad. A hyb1d has fWo ch1ps and a
comb1 cad has one ch1p.
c. 8ofh can Wok as a confacf o a confacf1ess cad, buf fhe hyb1d has an anfenna.
d. 8ofh can Wok as a confacf o a confacf1ess cad, buf fhe comb1 has an anfenna.
17. Wh1ch mafches fhe fo11oW1ng def1n1f1on, "1he use of need1es fo emove fhe oufe
pofecf1ve mafe1a1 on fhe cad`s c1cu1fs, by us1ng u1fason1c v1baf1on. Once fh1s
1s comp1efed fhen dafa can be accessed and man1pu1afed by d1ecf1y fapp1ng 1nfo fhe
cad`s kOM ch1ps"?
a. M1copob1ng
b. D1ffeenf1a1 poWe ana1ys1s
c. L1ecfomagnef1c ana1ys1s
d. 5offWae affacks
1. Whaf 1s aufho1zaf1on ceep and Whaf 1s fhe besf defense aga1nsf 1f?
a. Lmp1oyees conf1nua11y be1ng g1ven moe 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons. 1he besf
counfemeasue 1s fo conf1nue fo ev1eW emp1oyees` need fo knoW.
b. Lmp1oyees conf1nua11y be1ng g1ven 1ess 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons. 1he besf
counfemeasue 1s fo conf1nue fo ev1eW emp1oyees` need fo knoW.
c. Lmp1oyees conf1nua11y be1ng g1ven moe 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons. 1he besf
counfemeasue 1s fo conf1nue fo ev1eW emp1oyees` ob pefomance.
d. Lmp1oyees conf1nua11y be1ng g1ven 1ess 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons. 1he besf
counfemeasue 1s fo conf1nue fo ev1eW emp1oyees` co11us1on poss1b111f1es.
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue of kebeos?
a. lf 1s nof based on symmef1c cypfogaphy.
b. lf 1s a pop1efay pofoco1
c. lf 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1.
d. lfs secu1fy e11es on fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe kDC.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
20. hoW 1s kebeos a s1ng1e s1gn-on fechno1ogy?
a. 1he use enfes h1s cedenf1a1s one f1me and obfa1ns a 1G1. 1he use uses fhe
1G1 each f1me he needs fo commun1cafe fo a nefWok esouce.
b. 1he use enfes h1s cedenf1a1s one f1me and obfa1ns a 1G5. 1he use uses fhe
1G5 each f1me he needs fo commun1cafe fo a nefWok esouce.
c. 1he A5 keeps fhe use`s aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on 1n memoy fo ensue fhaf an
aufhenf1cafed use does nof need fo conf1nue fo enfe cedenf1a1s.
d. 1he 1G5 keeps fhe use`s aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on 1n memoy fo ensue fhaf an
aufhenf1cafed use does nof need fo conf1nue fo enfe cedenf1a1s.
21. 1he ACML f11e company needs fo a11oW 1fs pafne compan1es fo 1nfeface and pass
sev1ce equesfs fhough 1fs Web sev1ces fo a11oW fo pov1s1on1ng of fhese
sev1ces. Whaf makup 1anguage shou1d 1f emp1oy?
a. Genea11zed Makup Language
b. 5fandad Genea11zed Makup Language
c. Lxfens1b1e Makup Language
d. 5ev1ce Pov1s1on1ng Makup Language
22. Mosf kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1ons use an aufhenf1cafo. Whaf 1s an aufhenf1cafo and
Whaf 1s 1fs pupose?
a. P1nc1pa1 1denf1f1caf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed W1fh a shaed secef key. lf
1s used fo aufhenf1cafe fhe equesf1ng p1nc1pa1 and 1s a counfemeasue aga1nsf
ep1ay affacks.
b. P1nc1pa1 1denf1f1caf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed W1fh a shaed sess1on key.
lf 1s used fo aufhenf1cafe fhe equesf1ng p1nc1pa1 and 1s a counfemeasue aga1nsf
d1cf1onay affacks.
c. 1G5 1denf1f1caf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed W1fh a shaed sess1on key. lf 1s
used fo aufhenf1cafe fhe equesf1ng p1nc1pa1 and 1s a counfemeasue aga1nsf ep1ay
d. P1nc1pa1 1denf1f1caf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed W1fh a shaed sess1on key.
lf 1s used fo aufhenf1cafe fhe equesf1ng p1nc1pa1 and 1s a counfemeasue aga1nsf
ep1ay affacks.
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a necessay chaacfe1sf1c of a kebeos
a. 1anspaenf
b. 5ca1ab1e
c. ke11ab1e
d. Cohes1ve
24. Whaf 1s fhe eason fhaf kebeos and 5L5AML, among ofhe poducfs, can be
access1b1e fhough G55APl?
a. lnfeopeab111fy
b. Iuncf1ona11fy
c. kedundancy
d. Iau1f fo1eance
25. One of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an examp1e of a doma1n. Choose fhe coecf ansWe.
a. Memoy, pagef11e, pocesses
b. 5ev1ces, pocesses, had d1ve space
c. ACLs, f1eWa11s, secu1fy kene1
d. P1nfes, compufes, f11e seves
26. 1Wo fypes of confacf1ess smaf cads ae ava11ab1e Wh1ch ae fhe hyb1d and
comb1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe1 d1ffeences?
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
a. 1he comb1 cad has fWo ch1ps, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf
and confacf1ess fomafs. A hyb1d cad has one m1copocesso ch1p fhaf can
commun1cafe fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
b. 1he hyb1d cad has fWo ch1ps, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf
and confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has one m1copocesso ch1p fhaf can
commun1cafe fo confacf o confacf1ess eades
c. 1he hyb1d cad has one ch1p, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf
and confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has fWo m1copocesso ch1ps fhaf can
commun1cafe fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
d. 1he hyb1d cad has one m1copocesso, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh
fhe confacf and confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has fWo ch1ps fhaf can commun1cafe
fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
27. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf def1n1f1on of a secu1fy doma1n?
a. A doma1n fhaf 1s managed by fhe same goup us1ng fWo d1ffeenf secu1fy
b. A sef of esouces ava11ab1e fo a subecf 1n a secue manne.
c. A doma1n fhaf 1s managed by fhe same goup us1ng fhe same secu1fy po11cy.
d. A sef of esouces ava11ab1e fo a subecf fhaf ae pofecfed fhough a 1ayeed
2. 5ecu1fy doma1ns ae c1f1ca1 consfucfs 1n a phys1ca1 nefWok and W1fh1n a
1og1ca1 env1onmenf, as 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf
desc1bes hoW addess1ng a11oWs fo 1so1af1on?
a. ln a nefWok doma1ns ae 1so1afed by us1ng lP anges and 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem
doma1ns can be 1so1afed by us1ng MAC addesses.
b. ln a nefWok doma1ns ae 1so1afed by us1ng subnef masks and 1n an opeaf1ng
sysfem doma1ns can be 1so1afed by us1ng memoy addesses.
c. Addess1ng 1s a Way fo 1mp1emenf ACLs, Wh1ch enfoce doma1n access affempfs and
d. Addess1ng ceafes v1fua1 mach1nes, Wh1ch ceafes 1so1afed doma1ns.
29. "5ubecfs can access esouces 1n doma1ns of equa1 o 1oWe fusf 1eve1s." 1h1s
1s an easy senfence, buf a d1ff1cu1f concepf fo many peop1e fo ea11y undesfand.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an examp1e of fh1s concepf?
a. 1he secu1fy off1ce can access ove 0x of fhe f11es W1fh1n a company.
b. A confacfo 1s on1y g1ven access fo fhee f11es on one f11e seve.
c. A secu1fy kene1 pocess can access a11 pocesses W1fh1n an opeaf1ng sysfem.
d. A Guesf accounf has access fo a11 adm1n1sfafo accounfs 1n fhe doma1n.
30. W1fh1n a W1ndoWs env1onmenf, Whaf 1s fhe e1af1onsh1p befWeen a 5AM and 5yskey?
a. 1he nefWok adm1n1sfafo has a cho1ce befWeen us1ng a 5AM {64-b1f encypf1on}
o 5yskey {12-b1f encypf1on} on fhe uses` passWods.
b. 5yskey adds andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess fhaf fhe 5AM ca1es ouf.
c. 1he 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf dafabase confa1ns a11 of fhe hashed ves1ons of
uses` passWods and 5yskey encypfs fhe enf1e 5AM dafabase.
d. 5yskey 1s fhe neW and 1mpoved hash1ng and encypf1on mefhod fhaf ep1aced fhe
5AM fechno1ogy.
31. 11m 1s puchas1ng a smaf cad so1uf1on fo h1s company. he needs fo be aWae of
fhe va1ous affacks fhaf can fake p1ace aga1nsf smaf cads. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
1s nof an examp1e of a s1de-channe1 affack?
a. D1ffeenf1a1 poWe ana1ys1s
b. L1ecfomagnef1c em1ss1on
c. Coupf1ve
d. 11m1ng
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
32. un1x and L1nux sysfems use sa1fs When sfo1ng passWods. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
1s a fue sfafemenf pefa1n1ng fo fhe use of sa1fs?
a. 1he use of d1ffeenf sa1fs means fhaf fhe same passWod cou1d end up 1n
d1ffeenf fomafs.
b. 5a1fs pov1de fhe same funcf1ona11fy of 5yskey, buf encypf1ng fhe fu11 passWod
c. 5a1fs ae used When passWods ae he1d 1n a shadoW f11e, Wh1ch deceases fhe
pofecf1on 1eve1 of fhe passWods.
d. 1he use of d1ffeenf sa1fs means fhaf an affacke W111 have an eas1e f1me of
uncove1ng encypfed passWods.
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of a counfe-based foken dev1ce?
a. Geneafes a one-f1me passWod
b. lf shaes a secef key W1fh fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce
c. lf 1s based on f1me synchon1zaf1on
d. lf 1s a fype of synchonous aufhenf1caf1on scheme
34. Pau1 has been asked fo eva1uafe 1mp1emenf1ng soff fokens acoss fhe enfep1se.
Whaf exacf1y ae soff fokens?
a. One-f1me passWod geneafos fhaf es1de 1n soffWae
b. 5ynchonous cogn1f1ve passWods geneafed 1n soffWae
c. Componenfs fhaf ae equ1ed 1n 5L5AML 1mp1emenfaf1ons fhaf pov1de fhe
s1ng1e-s1gn on componenf
d. 1he aufhenf1cafo pof1on of kebeos
35. Acme lnc. has fhe cho1ce of o111ng ouf poducfs fhaf ae based on DAC, MAC, o
k8AC mode1s. 1he1 secu1fy po11cy 1nd1cafes fhaf aufhenf1caf1on W111 be 1denf1fy
based, so Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d be fhe besf mode1 fo use?
a. MAC
b. DAC
c. ku1e-based
d. 8AC
36. An on11ne bank1ng pogam may a11oW a cusfome fo v1eW h1s accounf ba1ance, buf
may nof a11oW fhe cusfome fo fansfe money unf11 he has a cefa1n secu1fy 1eve1
o access 1ghf. Whaf fype of access confo1 1s be1ng used?
a. 11m1ng
b. 1ansacf1on
c. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
d. Phys1ca1
37. W1ndoWs and mosf L1nux and un1x sysfems ae based on fhe DAC mode1. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue pefa1n1ng fo fhe pem1ss1ons fhaf can be ganfed?
a. kead a11oWs a use fo ead, buf make no changes
b. Change a11oWs a use fo ead and W1fe on1y
c. Iu11 confo1 a11oWs a use fo ead, W1fe, execufe, and de1efe on1y
d. Change W111 nof a11oW a non-dafa oWne fo mod1fy fhe obecf`s ACLs
3. 1hee has been moe of a movemenf foWads o1e-based access confo1s 1n
poducfs. 1h1s mode1 ga1ned accepfance 1n fhe 1990s and has ecenf1y been 1nfegafed
1nfo poducfs moe because of Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. lf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo ass1gn each and evey use fhe exacf 1eve1 of access
b. Lnv1onmenfs ae expe1enc1ng moe funove fhan eve
c. MAC has been seen as foo Weak
d. h1ghe pefomance and fhoughpuf
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
39. unde Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng mode1s ae 1ghfs 1mp11c1f1y ass1gned?
a. k8AC
b. DAC
c. MAC
d. ku1e-based
40. 1om has 1ed a eseach goup 1n dec1d1ng upon fhe fype of access confo1 fhaf
shou1d be used 1n fhe poducf fhe1 company 1s p1ann1ng fo deve1op. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf eason Why fhe goup dec1ded upon u1e-based?
a. lf a11oWs fo access dec1s1ons fo be based on 1denf1fy and secu1fy 1abe1s
b. lf pov1des exp11c1f access, Wh1ch 1s necessay W1fh fhe use of o1es
c. lf has fhe besf subecf fo obecf confo1 pefa1n1ng fo access dec1s1ons
d. lf a11oWs fo access dec1s1ons fo be based on comp1ex s1fuaf1ons
41. Whaf componenf of kebeos he1ps m1f1gafe ep1ay affacks?
a. key D1sf1buf1on Cenfe
b. Aufhenf1cafo
c. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy
d. kea1ms
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an examp1e of a capab111fy?
a. 1oken
b. ACL
c. 11ckef
d. key
43. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeence befWeen confenf and confexf
access confo1?
a. Confenf access confo1 1s based on fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa and confexf
access confo1 1s based on fhe p1o opeaf1ons.
b. Confenf access confo1 1s based on fhe p1o opeaf1ons and confexf access
confo1 1s based on fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa.
c. Confexf pefa1ns fo fhe use of dafabase v1eWs and confenf access confo1
pefa1ns fo fack1ng fhe equesfo`s pev1ous access equesfs.
d. Confexf pefa1ns fo fhe use of fhe DAC mode1 and confenf pefa1ns fo fhe use of
fhe MAC mode1.
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof cons1deed an AAA pofoco1?
a. D1amefe
b. kADlu5
c. 1ACAC5+
d. 5L5AML
45. kADlu5 1s a pofoco1 fhaf has been used fo many yeas fo cenfa11zed emofe
access confo1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pope1y exp1a1ns a fad1f1ona1 kADlu5
a. use 1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe
kADlu5 seve. Commun1caf1on cannof go d1ecf1y fom fhe use fo fhe kADlu5 seve.
b. use 1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe
use. Commun1caf1on cannof go d1ecf1y fom fhe use fo fhe kADlu5 seve.
c. use 1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe
kADlu5 seve. Commun1caf1on can go d1ecf1y fom fhe use fo fhe kADlu5 seve.
d. use 1s a c11enf fo fhe kADlu5 seve and fhe kADlu5 seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe
access seve. Commun1caf1on cannof go d1ecf1y fom fhe use fo fhe kADlu5 seve.
46. 1he kebeos fechno1ogy has some 1ssues fhaf need fo be undesfood befoe
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
1mp1emenfaf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae 1ssues pefa1n1ng fo kebeos?
1. 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue. lf fhe kDC goes doWn, no one can
access needed esouces. kedundancy 1s necessay fo fhe kDC.
11. 1he kDC musf be ab1e fo hand1e fhe numbe of equesfs 1f ece1ves 1n a f1me1y
manne. lf musf be sca1ab1e.
111. 5ecef keys ae fempoa11y sfoed on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch means 1f
1s poss1b1e fo an 1nfude fo obfa1n fhese cypfogaph1c keys.
1v. 5ess1on keys ae decypfed and es1de on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, e1fhe 1n a
cache o 1n a key fab1e. Aga1n, an 1nfude can capfue fhese keys.
a. 1, 11, 1v
b. 1, 111, 1v
c. 1, 11, 111, 1v
d. 11, 111
47. hoW does kADlu5 a11oW compan1es fo cenfa11y confo1 emofe use access?
a. Once a use 1s aufhenf1cafed a pof11e 1s geneafed based on h1s secu1fy foken,
Wh1ch ouf11nes Whaf he 1s aufho1zed fo do W1fh1n fhe nefWok.
b. Once a use 1s aufhenf1cafed a pe-conf1gued pof11e 1s ass1gned fo h1m, Wh1ch
ouf11nes Whaf he 1s aufho1zed fo do W1fh1n fhe nefWok.
c. Once fhe kADlu5 c11enf aufhenf1cafes fhe use, fhe kADlu5 seve ass1gns h1m a
pe-conf1gued pof11e.
d. Once fhe kADlu5 c11enf aufhenf1cafes fhe use, fhe c11enf ass1gns fhe use a
pe-conf1gued pof11e.
4. kADlu5 1s cons1deed an open pofoco1, Wh1ch means Whaf?
a. kADlu5 1s noW a sfandad fhaf 1s ouf11ned 1n kIC 213 and kIC 2139. Any vendo
can fo11oW fhese sfandads and deve1op fhe pofoco1 fo Wok W1fh1n fhe1 poducf.
b. kADlu5 1s open-souce, Wh1ch means fhaf any vendo can confacf C1sco and ece1ve
fhe code fo fee.
c. kADlu5 1s nof an open pofoco1, buf a de facfo sfandad.
d. kADlu5 1s a pop1efay pofoco1, buf open fo any vendo Who pays fhe fee fo use
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue sfafemenf pefa1n1ng fo 1ACAC5, X1ACAC5, and
a. 1ACAC5 sepaafes aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on
b. 1ACAC5+ a11oWs fo fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on and dynam1c passWods
c. X1ACAC5 comb1nes aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f1ng
d. 1ACAC5+ comb1nes aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f1ng
50. Whaf needs fo fake p1ace fo an env1onmenf us1ng X1ACAC5 fo be compaf1b1e W1fh
an env1onmenf us1ng 1ACAC5+?
a. 1he use of kADlu5 W111 a11oW fo fh1s conves1on fo fake p1ace.
b. 1he use of D1amefe W111 a11oW fo fh1s conves1on fo fake p1ace.
c. 1hey ae backWads compaf1b1e, so no conves1on 1s necessay.
d. 1hee 1s no 1nfeopeab111fy befWeen fhem. 1hey ae fWo fofa11y d1ffeenf
51. 1hee ae sevea1 examp1es of s1ng1e s1gn-on fechno1og1es. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf mapp1ng of fechno1ogy fype and chaacfe1sf1c?
1. kebeos = Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a kDC and f1ckefs, and 1s based on
symmef1c key cypfogaphy
11. 5L5AML = Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a PA5 and PACs, and 1s based on
symmef1c and asymmef1c cypfogaphy
111. 5ecu1fy doma1ns = kesouces Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy po11cy and managed
by fhe same goup
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
1v. 1h1n c11enfs = 1em1na1s fhaf e1y upon a cenfa1 seve fo access confo1,
pocess1ng, and sfoage
a. 1, 11
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 11, 111, 1v
d. 11, 11, 111
52. kADlu5 and 1ACA5+ have sevea1 d1ffeenf chaacfe1sf1cs fom each ofhe. Wh1ch
of fhe fo11oW ansWes besf desc1bes fheses?
a. kADlu5 uses 1CP and on1y encypfs fhe use`s passWod.
b. 1ACAC5+ uses uDP and does nof encypf fhe use`s passWod.
c. 1ACAC5+ uses 1CP and encypfs a11 dafa befWeen fhe c11enf and seve.
d. kADlu5 uses uDP and encypfs a11 dafa befWeen fhe c11enf and fhe seve.
53. Whaf ae fhe puposes of Aff1bufe va1ue Pa1s and hoW do fhey d1ffeenf fom
kADlu5 and D1amefe?
a. AvPs ae fhe consfucfs fhaf ouf11ne hoW fWo enf1f1es W111 commun1cafe. D1amefe
has many moe AvPs, Wh1ch a11oW fo fhe pofoco1 fo have moe capab111f1es fhan
b. AvPs ae fhe pofoco1 paamefes used befWeen commun1caf1ng enf1f1es. D1amefe
has 1ess AvPs, Wh1ch a11oW fo fhe pofoco1 fo have moe capab111f1es fhan kADlu5.
c. AvPs ae fhe secu1fy mechan1sms fhaf pov1de conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy fo
dafa be1ng passed back and fofh befWeen enf1f1es. D1amefe has many moe AvPs,
Wh1ch a11oW fo fhe pofoco1 fo have moe secu1fy capab111f1es fhan kADlu5.
d. AvPs ae paf of fhe 1CP pofoco1. D1amefe uses AvPs, because 1f uses 1CP and
kADlu5 uses uDP.
54. D1ane has fo b1ef he ClO on fhe besf poducf and pofoco1 fo use fo fhe
company`s cenfa11zed emofe access confo1 fechno1ogy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae
fue sfafemenfs pefa1n1ng fo fhe moe appop1afe use of 1ACAC5+ vesus kADlu5?
a. 1ACAC5+ 1s besf 1f an env1onmenf on1y needs s1mp11sf1c usename/passWod
aufhenf1caf1on and kADlu5 1s beffe fo env1onmenfs fhaf equ1e moe comp1ex and
f1ghfe confo1.
b. 1ACAC5+ has ep1aced kADlu5 and kADlu5 1s be1ng phased ouf.
c. kADlu5 1s besf 1f an env1onmenf on1y needs s1mp11sf1c usename/passWod
aufhenf1caf1on and 1ACAC5+ 1s beffe fo env1onmenfs fhaf equ1e moe comp1ex and
f1ghfe confo1.
d. 1ACAC5+ a11oWs fo a pee fo pee e1af1onsh1p befWeen fhe c11enf and seve,
and kADlu5 Woks 1n a pue1y c11enf/seve mode1.
55. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a benef1f of fhe D1amefe pofoco1?
a. A11oWs fo d1ffeenf sev1ces fo be aufhenf1cafed 1n one ach1fecfue 1nsfead of
1nd1v1dua1 ach1fecfues
b. A11oWs fo fhe use of Mob11e lP 1n an ex1sf1ng env1onmenf
c. ke11eves fhe esf1cf1on of on1y be1ng ab1e fo aufhenf1cafe uses ove PPP and
5LlP connecf1ons
d. lnceases cusfome cosf because of fhe d1ffeenf po11cy seves fhaf musf be
56. kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ Wok 1n a c11enf/seve mode1 and D1amefe Woks 1n a pee fo
pee mode1. Whaf 1s fhe benef1f of us1ng fh1s pee fo pee mode1?
a. A11oWs fo fhe seve fo equesf anofhe cedenf1a1 sef fom fhe use
b. A11oWs fhe c11enf fo 1nfegafe 02.1x pof aufhenf1caf1on
c. A11oWs fo fhe seve fo pov1de a un1vesa1 pof11e fo a11 uses
d. A11oWs fhe use fo access esouces 1n sevea1 doma1ns W1fhouf need1ng fo
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
57. hoW does fhe D1amefe pofoco1 pov1de moe secu1fy fhan kADlu5?
a. Io 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues, fhe bofh pov1de fhe same 1eve1 of secu1fy.
b. D1amefe has been deve1oped fo Wok d1ecf1y W1fh 1L5 and lP5ec.
c. D1amefe Woks W1fh1n fhe 5/MlML sfandad.
d. kADlu5 on1y encypfs fhe usename.
5. 5am has fo 1ay ouf h1s company`s lD5 schemaf1c. 1he vPN connecf1ons sfop af fhe
secu1fy gafeWay and fhee ae fhee 55L connecf1ons fhaf fake p1ace fom fhe
gafeWay fo fhe dafabase, Web seve, and f11e seve. Wh1ch 1s fhe besf
1mp1emenfaf1on fo fh1s env1onmenf?
a. hlD5 1n a11 segmenfs fhaf need fo be mon1foed and a NlD5 on af 1easf fhe
dafabase, Web seve, and f11e seve.
b. NlD5 1n fhe DMZ and 1nfena1 use nefWok and hlD5 on each sysfem 1n fhe
c. NlD5 1n fhe DMZ, 1nfena1 use nefWok, and oufs1de fhe f1eWa11 and hlD5 on fhe
d. NlD5 1n a11 segmenfs fhaf need fo be mon1foed and a hlD5 on af 1easf fhe
dafabase, Web seve, and f11e seve.
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf
A uses 1denf1fy can be a co11ecf1on of he aff1bufes {depafmenf, o1e 1n
company, sh1ff f1me, c1eaance, and ofhes}, he enf1f1emenfs {esouces ava11ab1e
fo he, aufho1faf1ve 1ghfs 1n fhe company, and so on} and he fa1fs {b1omef1c
1nfomaf1on, he1ghf, sex, and so fofh}. 5o 1f a use equesfs access fo a dafabase
fhaf confa1ns sens1f1ve emp1oyee 1nfomaf1on, am ldM so1uf1on cou1d need fo pu11
fogefhe fhe necessay 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on and he supp11ed cedenf1a1s befoe she
1s aufho1zed access. lf fhe use 1s a sen1o manage {aff1bufe}, W1fh a 5ecef
c1eaance {aff1bufe}, and has access fo fhe dafabase {enf1f1emenf}-she 1s ganfed
fhe pem1ss1ons kead and W1fe fo cefa1n ecods 1n fhe dafabase Monday fhough
I1day, A.M. fo 5 P.M. {aff1bufe}.
b. lncoecf
A uses 1denf1fy can be a co11ecf1on of he aff1bufes {depafmenf, o1e 1n
company, sh1ff f1me, c1eaance, and ofhes}, he enf1f1emenfs {esouces ava11ab1e
fo he, aufho1faf1ve 1ghfs 1n fhe company, and so on} and he fa1fs {b1omef1c
1nfomaf1on, he1ghf, sex, and so fofh}. 5o 1f a use equesfs access fo a dafabase
fhaf confa1ns sens1f1ve emp1oyee 1nfomaf1on, am ldM so1uf1on cou1d need fo pu11
fogefhe fhe necessay 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on and he supp11ed cedenf1a1s befoe she
1s aufho1zed access. lf fhe use 1s a sen1o manage {aff1bufe}, W1fh a 5ecef
c1eaance {aff1bufe}, and has access fo fhe dafabase {enf1f1emenf}-she 1s ganfed
fhe pem1ss1ons kead and W1fe fo cefa1n ecods 1n fhe dafabase Monday fhough
I1day, A.M. fo 5 P.M. {aff1bufe}.
c. lncoecf
A uses 1denf1fy can be a co11ecf1on of he aff1bufes {depafmenf, o1e 1n
company, sh1ff f1me, c1eaance, and ofhes}, he enf1f1emenfs {esouces ava11ab1e
fo he, aufho1faf1ve 1ghfs 1n fhe company, and so on} and he fa1fs {b1omef1c
1nfomaf1on, he1ghf, sex, and so fofh}. 5o 1f a use equesfs access fo a dafabase
fhaf confa1ns sens1f1ve emp1oyee 1nfomaf1on, am ldM so1uf1on cou1d need fo pu11
fogefhe fhe necessay 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on and he supp11ed cedenf1a1s befoe she
1s aufho1zed access. lf fhe use 1s a sen1o manage {aff1bufe}, W1fh a 5ecef
c1eaance {aff1bufe}, and has access fo fhe dafabase {enf1f1emenf}-she 1s ganfed
fhe pem1ss1ons kead and W1fe fo cefa1n ecods 1n fhe dafabase Monday fhough
I1day, A.M. fo 5 P.M. {aff1bufe}.
d. Coecf
Page 10
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
A uses 1denf1fy can be a co11ecf1on of he aff1bufes {depafmenf, o1e 1n
company, sh1ff f1me, c1eaance, and ofhes}, he enf1f1emenfs {esouces ava11ab1e
fo he, aufho1faf1ve 1ghfs 1n fhe company, and so on} and he fa1fs {b1omef1c
1nfomaf1on, he1ghf, sex, and so fofh}. 5o 1f a use equesfs access fo a dafabase
fhaf confa1ns sens1f1ve emp1oyee 1nfomaf1on, am ldM so1uf1on cou1d need fo pu11
fogefhe fhe necessay 1denf1fy 1nfomaf1on and he supp11ed cedenf1a1s befoe she
1s aufho1zed access. lf fhe use 1s a sen1o manage {aff1bufe}, W1fh a 5ecef
c1eaance {aff1bufe}, and has access fo fhe dafabase {enf1f1emenf}-she 1s ganfed
fhe pem1ss1ons kead and W1fe fo cefa1n ecods 1n fhe dafabase Monday fhough
I1day, A.M. fo 5 P.M. {aff1bufe}.
a. Coecf.
1he cafego1es 1nd1cafe Wh1ch subsefs of dafa fhe use has been ganfed a need fo
knoW. 1he 1abe1 has anofhe secf1on fhaf d1cfafes fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1 a
subecf musf have befoe access1ng an obecf.
b. lncoecf.
1he cafego1es 1nd1cafe Wh1ch subsefs of dafa fhe use has been ganfed a need fo
knoW. 1he 1abe1 has anofhe secf1on fhaf d1cfafes fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1 a
subecf musf have befoe access1ng an obecf.
c. lncoecf.
1he cafego1es 1nd1cafe Wh1ch subsefs of dafa fhe use has been ganfed a need fo
knoW. 1he 1abe1 has anofhe secf1on fhaf d1cfafes fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1 a
subecf musf have befoe access1ng an obecf.
d. lncoecf.
1he cafego1es 1nd1cafe Wh1ch subsefs of dafa fhe use has been ganfed a need fo
knoW. 1he 1abe1 has anofhe secf1on fhaf d1cfafes fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1 a
subecf musf have befoe access1ng an obecf.
a. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
CLk and 1ype l and ll eos pefa1n on1y fo b1omef1c sysfems and nof fo any ofhe
aufhenf1caf1on fechno1og1es.
b. Coecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
CLk and 1ype l and ll eos pefa1n on1y fo b1omef1c sysfems and nof fo any ofhe
aufhenf1caf1on fechno1og1es.
Page 11
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
CLk and 1ype l and ll eos pefa1n on1y fo b1omef1c sysfems and nof fo any ofhe
aufhenf1caf1on fechno1og1es.
d. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. 81omef1cs 1s a vey soph1sf1cafed fechno1ogy, fhus, 1f 1s
much moe expens1ve and comp1ex fhan fhe ofhe fypes of 1denf1fy ve1f1caf1on
pocesses. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an
1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove f1me and
poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on phys1ca1
aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because
phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy, and ae
hade fo 1mpesonafe.
CLk and 1ype l and ll eos pefa1n on1y fo b1omef1c sysfems and nof fo any ofhe
aufhenf1caf1on fechno1og1es.
a. lncoecf.
A Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s a 1ype ll eo and 1s When an 1mposfe 1s aufhenf1cafed.
Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype l eo and 1s When a use Who shou1d be
aufhenf1cafed 1s eecfed. 1hese eos ae used fo measue fhe accuacy of
b1omef1c sysfems.
b. lncoecf.
A Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s a 1ype ll eo and 1s When an 1mposfe 1s aufhenf1cafed.
Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype l eo and 1s When a use Who shou1d be
aufhenf1cafed 1s eecfed. 1hese eos ae used fo measue fhe accuacy of
b1omef1c sysfems.
c. lncoecf.
A Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s a 1ype ll eo and 1s When an 1mposfe 1s aufhenf1cafed.
Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype l eo and 1s When a use Who shou1d be
aufhenf1cafed 1s eecfed. 1hese eos ae used fo measue fhe accuacy of
b1omef1c sysfems.
d. Coecf.
A Ia1se Accepfance kafe 1s a 1ype ll eo and 1s When an 1mposfe 1s aufhenf1cafed.
Ia1se keecf1on kafe 1s a 1ype l eo and 1s When a use Who shou1d be
aufhenf1cafed 1s eecfed. 1hese eos ae used fo measue fhe accuacy of
b1omef1c sysfems.
a. Coecf.
Lqua1 Lo kafe {LLk} 1s anofhe name fo Cossove Lo kafe {CLk}, Wh1ch 1s When
fhe numbe of 1ype l eos equa1s fhe numbe of 1ype ll eos. lf 1s a mef1c fhaf
1s used fo 1nd1cafe fhe accuacy of a b1omef1c sysfem.
b. lncoecf.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
Lqua1 Lo kafe {LLk} 1s anofhe name fo Cossove Lo kafe {CLk}, Wh1ch 1s When
fhe numbe of 1ype l eos equa1s fhe numbe of 1ype ll eos. lf 1s a mef1c fhaf
1s used fo 1nd1cafe fhe accuacy of a b1omef1c sysfem.
c. lncoecf.
Lqua1 Lo kafe {LLk} 1s anofhe name fo Cossove Lo kafe {CLk}, Wh1ch 1s When
fhe numbe of 1ype l eos equa1s fhe numbe of 1ype ll eos. lf 1s a mef1c fhaf
1s used fo 1nd1cafe fhe accuacy of a b1omef1c sysfem.
d. lncoecf.
Lqua1 Lo kafe {LLk} 1s anofhe name fo Cossove Lo kafe {CLk}, Wh1ch 1s When
fhe numbe of 1ype l eos equa1s fhe numbe of 1ype ll eos. lf 1s a mef1c fhaf
1s used fo 1nd1cafe fhe accuacy of a b1omef1c sysfem.
a. Coecf
A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed enf1f1emenfs, fhaf
can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be aufhenf1cafed acoss
mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s based upon 11nk1ng a
uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons W1fhouf fhe need fo
synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed 1denf1fy offes
bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng d1sf1bufed esouces
and 1s a key componenf of e-commece. lf 1s essenf1a11y When one ogan1zaf1on agees
fo fusf anofhe ogan1zaf1ons aufhenf1caf1on of a use, and pov1de fhem a degee
of access based on fhaf aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf
A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed enf1f1emenfs, fhaf
can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be aufhenf1cafed acoss
mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s based upon 11nk1ng a
uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons W1fhouf fhe need fo
synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed 1denf1fy offes
bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng d1sf1bufed esouces
and 1s a key componenf of e-commece. lf 1s essenf1a11y When one ogan1zaf1on agees
fo fusf anofhe ogan1zaf1ons aufhenf1caf1on of a use, and pov1de fhem a degee
of access based on fhaf aufhenf1caf1on.
c. lncoecf
A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed enf1f1emenfs, fhaf
can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be aufhenf1cafed acoss
mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s based upon 11nk1ng a
uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons W1fhouf fhe need fo
synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed 1denf1fy offes
bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng d1sf1bufed esouces
and 1s a key componenf of e-commece. lf 1s essenf1a11y When one ogan1zaf1on agees
fo fusf anofhe ogan1zaf1ons aufhenf1caf1on of a use, and pov1de fhem a degee
of access based on fhaf aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lncoecf
A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed enf1f1emenfs, fhaf
can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be aufhenf1cafed acoss
mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s based upon 11nk1ng a
uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons W1fhouf fhe need fo
synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed 1denf1fy offes
bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng d1sf1bufed esouces
and 1s a key componenf of e-commece. lf 1s essenf1a11y When one ogan1zaf1on agees
fo fusf anofhe ogan1zaf1ons aufhenf1caf1on of a use, and pov1de fhem a degee
of access based on fhaf aufhenf1caf1on.
a. Coecf.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an 1nd1v1dua1`s
behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs and vo1ce p1nfs, buf fhese can change ove f1me
and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {11s, ef1na, f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because fhey
do nof change as offen and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
b. lncoecf.
A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an 1nd1v1dua1`s
behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs and vo1ce p1nfs, buf fhese can change ove f1me
and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {11s, ef1na, f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because fhey
do nof change as offen and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
c. lncoecf.
A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an 1nd1v1dua1`s
behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs and vo1ce p1nfs, buf fhese can change ove f1me
and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {11s, ef1na, f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because fhey
do nof change as offen and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
d. lncoecf.
A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based on an 1nd1v1dua1`s
behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs and vo1ce p1nfs, buf fhese can change ove f1me
and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {11s, ef1na, f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy, because fhey
do nof change as offen and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.

a. lncoecf.
When ev1eW1ng b1omef1c dev1ces fo puchase, one componenf fo fake 1nfo
cons1deaf1on 1s fhe 1engfh of f1me 1f fakes fo acfua11y aufhenf1cafe uses. Iom
fhe f1me a use 1nsefs dafa unf11 she ece1ves an accepf o eecf esponse shou1d
fake befWeen 5-10 seconds.
b. lncoecf.
When ev1eW1ng b1omef1c dev1ces fo puchase, one componenf fo fake 1nfo
cons1deaf1on 1s fhe 1engfh of f1me 1f fakes fo acfua11y aufhenf1cafe uses. Iom
fhe f1me a use 1nsefs dafa unf11 she ece1ves an accepf o eecf esponse shou1d
fake befWeen 5-10 seconds.
c. Coecf.
When ev1eW1ng b1omef1c dev1ces fo puchase, one componenf fo fake 1nfo
cons1deaf1on 1s fhe 1engfh of f1me 1f fakes fo acfua11y aufhenf1cafe uses. Iom
fhe f1me a use 1nsefs dafa unf11 she ece1ves an accepf o eecf esponse shou1d
fake befWeen 5-10 seconds.
d. lncoecf.
When ev1eW1ng b1omef1c dev1ces fo puchase, one componenf fo fake 1nfo
cons1deaf1on 1s fhe 1engfh of f1me 1f fakes fo acfua11y aufhenf1cafe uses. Iom
fhe f1me a use 1nsefs dafa unf11 she ece1ves an accepf o eecf esponse shou1d
fake befWeen 5-10 seconds.
a. Coecf.
ln mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f an affacke sn1ffs you passWod fom fhe nefWok W1e, she
sf111 has some Wok fo do befoe she acfua11y knoWs you passWod va1ue. 1h1s 1s
because mosf sysfems hash fhe passWod W1fh a hash1ng a1go1fhm, common1y MD4 o
MD5, fo ensue fhaf passWods ae nof senf 1n c1eafexf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem
encypfs fhe passWod 1nfo a hashed va1ue, nof fhe 5yskey uf111fy. ln a W1ndoWs
env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf {5AM}
dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use a
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
b. lncoecf.
ln mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f an affacke sn1ffs you passWod fom fhe nefWok W1e, she
sf111 has some Wok fo do befoe she acfua11y knoWs you passWod va1ue. 1h1s 1s
because mosf sysfems hash fhe passWod W1fh a hash1ng a1go1fhm, common1y MD4 o
MD5, fo ensue fhaf passWods ae nof senf 1n c1eafexf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem
encypfs fhe passWod 1nfo a hashed va1ue, nof fhe 5yskey uf111fy. ln a W1ndoWs
env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf {5AM}
dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use a
5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
c. lncoecf.
ln mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f an affacke sn1ffs you passWod fom fhe nefWok W1e, she
sf111 has some Wok fo do befoe she acfua11y knoWs you passWod va1ue. 1h1s 1s
because mosf sysfems hash fhe passWod W1fh a hash1ng a1go1fhm, common1y MD4 o
MD5, fo ensue fhaf passWods ae nof senf 1n c1eafexf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem
encypfs fhe passWod 1nfo a hashed va1ue, nof fhe 5yskey uf111fy. ln a W1ndoWs
env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf {5AM}
dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use a
5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
d. lncoecf.
ln mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f an affacke sn1ffs you passWod fom fhe nefWok W1e, she
sf111 has some Wok fo do befoe she acfua11y knoWs you passWod va1ue. 1h1s 1s
because mosf sysfems hash fhe passWod W1fh a hash1ng a1go1fhm, common1y MD4 o
MD5, fo ensue fhaf passWods ae nof senf 1n c1eafexf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem
encypfs fhe passWod 1nfo a hashed va1ue, nof fhe 5yskey uf111fy. ln a W1ndoWs
env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf {5AM}
dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use a
5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
a. lncoecf.
uNlX and L1nux sysfems, do nof use eg1sf1es and 5AM dafabases, buf confa1n fhe1
use passWods 1n a f11e ca11ed /efc/passWd. A passWod 1s used fo encypf a b1ock
of b1fs W1fh a one-Way funcf1on and fhe esu1f1ng va1ue 1s sfoed 1n fh1s f11e.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo
affackes fo decypf and uncove you passWod.
b. Coecf.
uNlX and L1nux sysfems, do nof use eg1sf1es and 5AM dafabases, buf confa1n fhe1
use passWods 1n a f11e ca11ed /efc/passWd. A passWod 1s used fo encypf a b1ock
of b1fs W1fh a one-Way funcf1on and fhe esu1f1ng va1ue 1s sfoed 1n fh1s f11e.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo
affackes fo decypf and uncove you passWod.
c. lncoecf.
uNlX and L1nux sysfems, do nof use eg1sf1es and 5AM dafabases, buf confa1n fhe1
use passWods 1n a f11e ca11ed /efc/passWd. A passWod 1s used fo encypf a b1ock
of b1fs W1fh a one-Way funcf1on and fhe esu1f1ng va1ue 1s sfoed 1n fh1s f11e.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo
affackes fo decypf and uncove you passWod.
d. lncoecf.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
uNlX and L1nux sysfems, do nof use eg1sf1es and 5AM dafabases, buf confa1n fhe1
use passWods 1n a f11e ca11ed /efc/passWd. A passWod 1s used fo encypf a b1ock
of b1fs W1fh a one-Way funcf1on and fhe esu1f1ng va1ue 1s sfoed 1n fh1s f11e.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo
affackes fo decypf and uncove you passWod.
a. lncoecf
Lxfens1b1e Makup Language {XML}. XML 1s a sef of u1es fo encod1ng documenfs 1n
mach1ne-eadab1e fom. XML 1s fhe sfandad fhaf pov1des fhe mefadafa sfucfues fo
a11oW fh1s expess1on of dafa. Ogan1zaf1ons need fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe fhe1
1nfomaf1on, and s1nce XML 1s a g1oba1 sfandad, as 1ong as fhey bofh fo11oW fhe XML
u1es, fhey can exchange dafa back and fofh.
b. lncoecf
Lxfens1b1e Makup Language {XML}. XML 1s a sef of u1es fo encod1ng documenfs 1n
mach1ne-eadab1e fom. XML 1s fhe sfandad fhaf pov1des fhe mefadafa sfucfues fo
a11oW fh1s expess1on of dafa. Ogan1zaf1ons need fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe fhe1
1nfomaf1on, and s1nce XML 1s a g1oba1 sfandad, as 1ong as fhey bofh fo11oW fhe XML
u1es, fhey can exchange dafa back and fofh.
c. Coecf
Lxfens1b1e Makup Language {XML}. XML 1s a sef of u1es fo encod1ng documenfs 1n
mach1ne-eadab1e fom. XML 1s fhe sfandad fhaf pov1des fhe mefadafa sfucfues fo
a11oW fh1s expess1on of dafa. Ogan1zaf1ons need fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe fhe1
1nfomaf1on, and s1nce XML 1s a g1oba1 sfandad, as 1ong as fhey bofh fo11oW fhe XML
u1es, fhey can exchange dafa back and fofh.
d. lncoecf
Lxfens1b1e Makup Language {XML}. XML 1s a sef of u1es fo encod1ng documenfs 1n
mach1ne-eadab1e fom. XML 1s fhe sfandad fhaf pov1des fhe mefadafa sfucfues fo
a11oW fh1s expess1on of dafa. Ogan1zaf1ons need fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe fhe1
1nfomaf1on, and s1nce XML 1s a g1oba1 sfandad, as 1ong as fhey bofh fo11oW fhe XML
u1es, fhey can exchange dafa back and fofh.
a. lncoecf.
1hee ae fWo ma1n fypes of synchon1zed foken one-f1me passWod geneafos,
counfe-based and f1me-based. lf fhe foken dev1ce and aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce use
counfe-synchon1zaf1on, fhe use W111 need fo 1n1f1afe fhe 1ogon sequence on fhe
compufe and push a buffon on fhe foken dev1ce. 1h1s causes fhe foken dev1ce and fhe
aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce fo advance fo fhe nexf aufhenf1caf1on va1ue. 1h1s va1ue and a
base secef ae hashed and d1sp1ayed fo fhe use. 1h1s 1s fhe use`s one-f1me
passWod. Counfe-based 1s a1so efeed fo as evenf-based.
b. Coecf.
1hee ae fWo ma1n fypes of synchon1zed foken one-f1me passWod geneafos,
counfe-based and f1me-based. lf fhe foken dev1ce and aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce use
counfe-synchon1zaf1on, fhe use W111 need fo 1n1f1afe fhe 1ogon sequence on fhe
compufe and push a buffon on fhe foken dev1ce. 1h1s causes fhe foken dev1ce and fhe
aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce fo advance fo fhe nexf aufhenf1caf1on va1ue. 1h1s va1ue and a
base secef ae hashed and d1sp1ayed fo fhe use. 1h1s 1s fhe use`s one-f1me
passWod. Counfe-based 1s a1so efeed fo as evenf-based.
c. lncoecf.
1hee ae fWo ma1n fypes of synchon1zed foken one-f1me passWod geneafos,
counfe-based and f1me-based. lf fhe foken dev1ce and aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce use
counfe-synchon1zaf1on, fhe use W111 need fo 1n1f1afe fhe 1ogon sequence on fhe
compufe and push a buffon on fhe foken dev1ce. 1h1s causes fhe foken dev1ce and fhe
aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce fo advance fo fhe nexf aufhenf1caf1on va1ue. 1h1s va1ue and a
Page 16
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
base secef ae hashed and d1sp1ayed fo fhe use. 1h1s 1s fhe use`s one-f1me
passWod. Counfe-based 1s a1so efeed fo as evenf-based.
d. lncoecf.
1hee ae fWo ma1n fypes of synchon1zed foken one-f1me passWod geneafos,
counfe-based and f1me-based. lf fhe foken dev1ce and aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce use
counfe-synchon1zaf1on, fhe use W111 need fo 1n1f1afe fhe 1ogon sequence on fhe
compufe and push a buffon on fhe foken dev1ce. 1h1s causes fhe foken dev1ce and fhe
aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce fo advance fo fhe nexf aufhenf1caf1on va1ue. 1h1s va1ue and a
base secef ae hashed and d1sp1ayed fo fhe use. 1h1s 1s fhe use`s one-f1me
passWod. Counfe-based 1s a1so efeed fo as evenf-based.
a. Coecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
b. lncoecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
c. lncoecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
d. lncoecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
a. Coecf.
A v1fua1 passWod 1s fhe 1engfh and fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed by fhe app11caf1on. 1he
app11caf1on cou1d have a memoy segmenf of 12 b1fs fo sfoe you v1fua1 passWod
Wh11e anofhe app11caf1on may have a memoy segmenf of 256 b1fs. 1he v1fua1
passWod 1s usf fhe esu1f of you passphase affe 1f has been hashed o encypfed
and convefed 1nfo fhe fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed fo a spec1f1c app11caf1on.
b. lncoecf.
A v1fua1 passWod 1s fhe 1engfh and fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed by fhe app11caf1on. 1he
app11caf1on cou1d have a memoy segmenf of 12 b1fs fo sfoe you v1fua1 passWod
Wh11e anofhe app11caf1on may have a memoy segmenf of 256 b1fs. 1he v1fua1
passWod 1s usf fhe esu1f of you passphase affe 1f has been hashed o encypfed
and convefed 1nfo fhe fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed fo a spec1f1c app11caf1on.
c. lncoecf.
A v1fua1 passWod 1s fhe 1engfh and fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed by fhe app11caf1on. 1he
app11caf1on cou1d have a memoy segmenf of 12 b1fs fo sfoe you v1fua1 passWod
Wh11e anofhe app11caf1on may have a memoy segmenf of 256 b1fs. 1he v1fua1
passWod 1s usf fhe esu1f of you passphase affe 1f has been hashed o encypfed
and convefed 1nfo fhe fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed fo a spec1f1c app11caf1on.
d. lncoecf.
A v1fua1 passWod 1s fhe 1engfh and fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed by fhe app11caf1on. 1he
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
app11caf1on cou1d have a memoy segmenf of 12 b1fs fo sfoe you v1fua1 passWod
Wh11e anofhe app11caf1on may have a memoy segmenf of 256 b1fs. 1he v1fua1
passWod 1s usf fhe esu1f of you passphase affe 1f has been hashed o encypfed
and convefed 1nfo fhe fomaf fhaf 1s equ1ed fo a spec1f1c app11caf1on.
a. lncoecf.
1Wo genea1 cafego1es of smaf cads ae fhe confacf and fhe confacf1ess fypes.
When fh1s cad 1s fu11y 1nsefed 1nfo a cad eade, e1ecf1ca1 f1nges W1pe aga1nsf
fhe cad, 1n fhe exacf pos1f1on fhaf fhe ch1p confacfs ae 1ocafed. 1h1s W111 supp1y
poWe and dafa l/O fo fhe ch1p fo aufhenf1caf1on puposes. 1he confacf1ess smaf
cad has an anfenna W1e fhaf suounds fhe pe1mefe of fhe cad. When fh1s cad
comes W1fh1n an e1ecfomagnef1c f1e1d, fhe anfenna W1fh1n fhe cad geneafes enough
enegy fo poWe fhe 1nfena1 ch1p. Ne1fhe cad fype has 1fs oWn poWe supp1y.
b. Coecf.
1Wo genea1 cafego1es of smaf cads ae fhe confacf and fhe confacf1ess fypes.
When fh1s cad 1s fu11y 1nsefed 1nfo a cad eade, e1ecf1ca1 f1nges W1pe aga1nsf
fhe cad, 1n fhe exacf pos1f1on fhaf fhe ch1p confacfs ae 1ocafed. 1h1s W111 supp1y
poWe and dafa l/O fo fhe ch1p fo aufhenf1caf1on puposes. 1he confacf1ess smaf
cad has an anfenna W1e fhaf suounds fhe pe1mefe of fhe cad. When fh1s cad
comes W1fh1n an e1ecfomagnef1c f1e1d, fhe anfenna W1fh1n fhe cad geneafes enough
enegy fo poWe fhe 1nfena1 ch1p. Ne1fhe cad fype has 1fs oWn poWe supp1y.
c. lncoecf.
1Wo genea1 cafego1es of smaf cads ae fhe confacf and fhe confacf1ess fypes.
When fh1s cad 1s fu11y 1nsefed 1nfo a cad eade, e1ecf1ca1 f1nges W1pe aga1nsf
fhe cad, 1n fhe exacf pos1f1on fhaf fhe ch1p confacfs ae 1ocafed. 1h1s W111 supp1y
poWe and dafa l/O fo fhe ch1p fo aufhenf1caf1on puposes. 1he confacf1ess smaf
cad has an anfenna W1e fhaf suounds fhe pe1mefe of fhe cad. When fh1s cad
comes W1fh1n an e1ecfomagnef1c f1e1d, fhe anfenna W1fh1n fhe cad geneafes enough
enegy fo poWe fhe 1nfena1 ch1p. Ne1fhe cad fype has 1fs oWn poWe supp1y.
d. lncoecf.
1Wo genea1 cafego1es of smaf cads ae fhe confacf and fhe confacf1ess fypes.
When fh1s cad 1s fu11y 1nsefed 1nfo a cad eade, e1ecf1ca1 f1nges W1pe aga1nsf
fhe cad, 1n fhe exacf pos1f1on fhaf fhe ch1p confacfs ae 1ocafed. 1h1s W111 supp1y
poWe and dafa l/O fo fhe ch1p fo aufhenf1caf1on puposes. 1he confacf1ess smaf
cad has an anfenna W1e fhaf suounds fhe pe1mefe of fhe cad. When fh1s cad
comes W1fh1n an e1ecfomagnef1c f1e1d, fhe anfenna W1fh1n fhe cad geneafes enough
enegy fo poWe fhe 1nfena1 ch1p. Ne1fhe cad fype has 1fs oWn poWe supp1y.
a. lncoecf.
A va1af1on of a confacf and a confacf1ess smaf cad 1s efeed fo as a hyb1d o
comb1 smaf-cad. 1he hyb1d cads have a dua1-ch1p 1n fhem, W1fh fhe capab111fy of
uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf fomafs, and fhe confacf1ess - anfenna mode1. 1hey bofh
have an anfenna fo be ab1e fo Wok 1n confacf1ess mode. 1he comb1 smaf cad has fhe
same capab111fy, buf usf one ch1p.
b. Coecf.
A va1af1on of a confacf and a confacf1ess smaf cad 1s efeed fo as a hyb1d o
comb1 smaf-cad. 1he hyb1d cads have a dua1-ch1p 1n fhem, W1fh fhe capab111fy of
uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf fomafs, and fhe confacf1ess - anfenna mode1. 1hey bofh
have an anfenna fo be ab1e fo Wok 1n confacf1ess mode. 1he comb1 smaf cad has fhe
same capab111fy, buf usf one ch1p.
c. lncoecf.
A va1af1on of a confacf and a confacf1ess smaf cad 1s efeed fo as a hyb1d o
comb1 smaf-cad. 1he hyb1d cads have a dua1-ch1p 1n fhem, W1fh fhe capab111fy of
uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf fomafs, and fhe confacf1ess - anfenna mode1. 1hey bofh
Page 1
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
have an anfenna fo be ab1e fo Wok 1n confacf1ess mode. 1he comb1 smaf cad has fhe
same capab111fy, buf usf one ch1p.
d. lncoecf.
A va1af1on of a confacf and a confacf1ess smaf cad 1s efeed fo as a hyb1d o
comb1 smaf-cad. 1he hyb1d cads have a dua1-ch1p 1n fhem, W1fh fhe capab111fy of
uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf fomafs, and fhe confacf1ess - anfenna mode1. 1hey bofh
have an anfenna fo be ab1e fo Wok 1n confacf1ess mode. 1he comb1 smaf cad has fhe
same capab111fy, buf usf one ch1p.
a. Coecf.
M1copob1ng uses need1es fo emove fhe oufe pofecf1ve mafe1a1 on fhe cad`s
c1cu1fs, by us1ng u1fason1c v1baf1on. Once fh1s 1s comp1efed dafa can be accessed
and man1pu1afed by d1ecf1y fapp1ng 1nfo fhe cad`s kOM ch1ps. 1h1s 1s cons1deed an
1nvas1ve affack fhaf can be used aga1nsf smaf cads.
b. lncoecf.
M1copob1ng uses need1es fo emove fhe oufe pofecf1ve mafe1a1 on fhe cad`s
c1cu1fs, by us1ng u1fason1c v1baf1on. Once fh1s 1s comp1efed dafa can be accessed
and man1pu1afed by d1ecf1y fapp1ng 1nfo fhe cad`s kOM ch1ps. 1h1s 1s cons1deed an
1nvas1ve affack fhaf can be used aga1nsf smaf cads.
c. lncoecf.
M1copob1ng uses need1es fo emove fhe oufe pofecf1ve mafe1a1 on fhe cad`s
c1cu1fs, by us1ng u1fason1c v1baf1on. Once fh1s 1s comp1efed dafa can be accessed
and man1pu1afed by d1ecf1y fapp1ng 1nfo fhe cad`s kOM ch1ps. 1h1s 1s cons1deed an
1nvas1ve affack fhaf can be used aga1nsf smaf cads.
d. lncoecf.
M1copob1ng uses need1es fo emove fhe oufe pofecf1ve mafe1a1 on fhe cad`s
c1cu1fs, by us1ng u1fason1c v1baf1on. Once fh1s 1s comp1efed dafa can be accessed
and man1pu1afed by d1ecf1y fapp1ng 1nfo fhe cad`s kOM ch1ps. 1h1s 1s cons1deed an
1nvas1ve affack fhaf can be used aga1nsf smaf cads.
a. Coecf.
Aufho1zaf1on ceep 1s When 1nd1v1dua1s ae g1v1ng moe and moe access 1ghfs ove
f1me. lf can be a 1age 1sk fo a company, because foo many uses have foo much
p1v11eged access fo company assefs. uses` access needs and 1ghfs shou1d be
pe1od1ca11y ev1eWed fo ensue fhaf uses on1y have access fo fhe esouces fhey
need fo comp1efe fhe1 fasks.
b. lncoecf.
Aufho1zaf1on ceep 1s When 1nd1v1dua1s ae g1v1ng moe and moe access 1ghfs ove
f1me. lf can be a 1age 1sk fo a company, because foo many uses have foo much
p1v11eged access fo company assefs. uses` access needs and 1ghfs shou1d be
pe1od1ca11y ev1eWed fo ensue fhaf uses on1y have access fo fhe esouces fhey
need fo comp1efe fhe1 fasks.
c. lncoecf.
Aufho1zaf1on ceep 1s When 1nd1v1dua1s ae g1v1ng moe and moe access 1ghfs ove
f1me. lf can be a 1age 1sk fo a company, because foo many uses have foo much
p1v11eged access fo company assefs. uses` access needs and 1ghfs shou1d be
pe1od1ca11y ev1eWed fo ensue fhaf uses on1y have access fo fhe esouces fhey
need fo comp1efe fhe1 fasks.
d. lncoecf.
Aufho1zaf1on ceep 1s When 1nd1v1dua1s ae g1v1ng moe and moe access 1ghfs ove
f1me. lf can be a 1age 1sk fo a company, because foo many uses have foo much
p1v11eged access fo company assefs. uses` access needs and 1ghfs shou1d be
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
pe1od1ca11y ev1eWed fo ensue fhaf uses on1y have access fo fhe esouces fhey
need fo comp1efe fhe1 fasks.
a. lncoecf.
kebeos 1s an open aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {nof a pop1efay one} fhaf 1s based on
symmef1c cypfogaphy. lf 1s used because fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1nc1pa1s do nof fusf
each ofhe enough fo commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he kDC ho1ds a11 of fhe secef keys and
1f vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe ofhe p1nc1pa1s, and has fo be comp1efe1y
pofecfed fom coupf1on.
b. Coecf.
kebeos 1s an open aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {nof a pop1efay one} fhaf 1s based on
symmef1c cypfogaphy. lf 1s used because fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1nc1pa1s do nof fusf
each ofhe enough fo commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he kDC ho1ds a11 of fhe secef keys and
1f vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe ofhe p1nc1pa1s, and has fo be comp1efe1y
pofecfed fom coupf1on.
c. lncoecf.
kebeos 1s an open aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {nof a pop1efay one} fhaf 1s based on
symmef1c cypfogaphy. lf 1s used because fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1nc1pa1s do nof fusf
each ofhe enough fo commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he kDC ho1ds a11 of fhe secef keys and
1f vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe ofhe p1nc1pa1s, and has fo be comp1efe1y
pofecfed fom coupf1on.
d. lncoecf.
kebeos 1s an open aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {nof a pop1efay one} fhaf 1s based on
symmef1c cypfogaphy. lf 1s used because fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1nc1pa1s do nof fusf
each ofhe enough fo commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he kDC ho1ds a11 of fhe secef keys and
1f vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe ofhe p1nc1pa1s, and has fo be comp1efe1y
pofecfed fom coupf1on.
a. Coecf.
1he use enfes h1s cedenf1a1s and obfa1ns a 1G1. 1he 1G1 has a f1me sfamp fhaf
makes 1f va11d fo -10 hous, depend1ng upon hoW fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo
conf1gued 1f. Lach f1me fhe use needs fo access a nefWok esouce, h1s kebeos
c11enf sends fhe 1G1 fo fhe 1G5, Wh1ch ceafes a second f1ckef. 1he second f1ckef 1s
used by fhe use fo aufhenf1cafe fo fhe nefWok esouce.
b. lncoecf.
1he use enfes h1s cedenf1a1s and obfa1ns a 1G1. 1he 1G1 has a f1me sfamp fhaf
makes 1f va11d fo -10 hous, depend1ng upon hoW fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo
conf1gued 1f. Lach f1me fhe use needs fo access a nefWok esouce, h1s kebeos
c11enf sends fhe 1G1 fo fhe 1G5, Wh1ch ceafes a second f1ckef. 1he second f1ckef 1s
used by fhe use fo aufhenf1cafe fo fhe nefWok esouce.
c. lncoecf.
1he use enfes h1s cedenf1a1s and obfa1ns a 1G1. 1he 1G1 has a f1me sfamp fhaf
makes 1f va11d fo -10 hous, depend1ng upon hoW fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo
conf1gued 1f. Lach f1me fhe use needs fo access a nefWok esouce, h1s kebeos
c11enf sends fhe 1G1 fo fhe 1G5, Wh1ch ceafes a second f1ckef. 1he second f1ckef 1s
used by fhe use fo aufhenf1cafe fo fhe nefWok esouce.
d. lncoecf.
1he use enfes h1s cedenf1a1s and obfa1ns a 1G1. 1he 1G1 has a f1me sfamp fhaf
makes 1f va11d fo -10 hous, depend1ng upon hoW fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo
conf1gued 1f. Lach f1me fhe use needs fo access a nefWok esouce, h1s kebeos
c11enf sends fhe 1G1 fo fhe 1G5, Wh1ch ceafes a second f1ckef. 1he second f1ckef 1s
used by fhe use fo aufhenf1cafe fo fhe nefWok esouce.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf
1he makup 1anguage fhaf can pov1de fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy 1s fhe 5ev1ce
Pov1s1on1ng Makup Language {5PML}. 1h1s 1anguage a11oWs company 1nfefaces fo pass
sev1ce equesfs, and fhe ece1v1ng company pov1s1ons {a11oWs} access fo fhese
sev1ces. 51nce bofh fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng compan1es ae fo11oW1ng one sfandad
{XML}, fh1s fype of 1nfeopeab111fy can fake p1ace.
b. lncoecf
1he makup 1anguage fhaf can pov1de fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy 1s fhe 5ev1ce
Pov1s1on1ng Makup Language {5PML}. 1h1s 1anguage a11oWs company 1nfefaces fo pass
sev1ce equesfs, and fhe ece1v1ng company pov1s1ons {a11oWs} access fo fhese
sev1ces. 51nce bofh fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng compan1es ae fo11oW1ng one sfandad
{XML}, fh1s fype of 1nfeopeab111fy can fake p1ace.
c. lncoecf
1he makup 1anguage fhaf can pov1de fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy 1s fhe 5ev1ce
Pov1s1on1ng Makup Language {5PML}. 1h1s 1anguage a11oWs company 1nfefaces fo pass
sev1ce equesfs, and fhe ece1v1ng company pov1s1ons {a11oWs} access fo fhese
sev1ces. 51nce bofh fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng compan1es ae fo11oW1ng one sfandad
{XML}, fh1s fype of 1nfeopeab111fy can fake p1ace.
d. Coecf
1he makup 1anguage fhaf can pov1de fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy 1s fhe 5ev1ce
Pov1s1on1ng Makup Language {5PML}. 1h1s 1anguage a11oWs company 1nfefaces fo pass
sev1ce equesfs, and fhe ece1v1ng company pov1s1ons {a11oWs} access fo fhese
sev1ces. 51nce bofh fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng compan1es ae fo11oW1ng one sfandad
{XML}, fh1s fype of 1nfeopeab111fy can fake p1ace.
a. lncoecf.
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use W111
send fhe nefWok esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed
W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce W111 decypf fh1s 1nfomaf1on and
compae 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s equesf1ng
use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce a11oWs fhe use fo commun1cafe W1fh 1f.
1he f1me sfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks. 1he esouce W111
compae fhe senf f1me sfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me. 1h1s W111 he1p defem1ne 1f
fhe f1ckef had been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke and subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me
1n hope of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n unaufho1zed access.
b. lncoecf.
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use W111
send fhe nefWok esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed
W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce W111 decypf fh1s 1nfomaf1on and
compae 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s equesf1ng
use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce a11oWs fhe use fo commun1cafe W1fh 1f.
1he f1me sfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks. 1he esouce W111
compae fhe senf f1me sfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me. 1h1s W111 he1p defem1ne 1f
fhe f1ckef had been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke and subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me
1n hope of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n unaufho1zed access.
c. lncoecf.
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use W111
send fhe nefWok esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed
W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce W111 decypf fh1s 1nfomaf1on and
compae 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s equesf1ng
use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce a11oWs fhe use fo commun1cafe W1fh 1f.
1he f1me sfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks. 1he esouce W111
compae fhe senf f1me sfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me. 1h1s W111 he1p defem1ne 1f
fhe f1ckef had been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke and subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me
Page 21
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
1n hope of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n unaufho1zed access.
d. Coecf.
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use W111
send fhe nefWok esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1me sfamp encypfed
W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce W111 decypf fh1s 1nfomaf1on and
compae 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s equesf1ng
use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce a11oWs fhe use fo commun1cafe W1fh 1f.
1he f1me sfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks. 1he esouce W111
compae fhe senf f1me sfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me. 1h1s W111 he1p defem1ne 1f
fhe f1ckef had been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke and subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me
1n hope of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n unaufho1zed access.
a. lncoecf.
kebeos needs fo be fanspaenf {Wok1ng 1n fhe backgound W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo undesfand 1f}, sca1ab1e {Wok 1n 1age hefeogeneous env1onmenfs}, e11ab1e
{d1sf1bufed seve ach1fecfue fo ensue fhaf fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf of
fa11ue}, and pov1de fhe necessay secu1fy {aufhenf1caf1on and conf1denf1a11fy}.
Cohes1ve 1s a d1sfacfe.
b. lncoecf.
kebeos needs fo be fanspaenf {Wok1ng 1n fhe backgound W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo undesfand 1f}, sca1ab1e {Wok 1n 1age hefeogeneous env1onmenfs}, e11ab1e
{d1sf1bufed seve ach1fecfue fo ensue fhaf fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf of
fa11ue}, and pov1de fhe necessay secu1fy {aufhenf1caf1on and conf1denf1a11fy}.
Cohes1ve 1s a d1sfacfe.
c. lncoecf.
kebeos needs fo be fanspaenf {Wok1ng 1n fhe backgound W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo undesfand 1f}, sca1ab1e {Wok 1n 1age hefeogeneous env1onmenfs}, e11ab1e
{d1sf1bufed seve ach1fecfue fo ensue fhaf fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf of
fa11ue}, and pov1de fhe necessay secu1fy {aufhenf1caf1on and conf1denf1a11fy}.
Cohes1ve 1s a d1sfacfe.
d. Coecf.
kebeos needs fo be fanspaenf {Wok1ng 1n fhe backgound W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo undesfand 1f}, sca1ab1e {Wok 1n 1age hefeogeneous env1onmenfs}, e11ab1e
{d1sf1bufed seve ach1fecfue fo ensue fhaf fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf of
fa11ue}, and pov1de fhe necessay secu1fy {aufhenf1caf1on and conf1denf1a11fy}.
Cohes1ve 1s a d1sfacfe.
a. Coecf.
kebeos and 5L5AML can be accessed fhough a Gene1c 5ecu1fy 5ev1ces App11caf1on
Pogamm1ng lnfeface {G55APl}, Wh1ch 1s a gene1c APl fo c11enf fo seve
aufhenf1caf1on. us1ng sfandad APls a11oWs fo vendos fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe
W1fh and use each ofhe funcf1ona11fy and secu1fy. 8y us1ng a sfandad APl poducfs
can 1nfecommun1cafe, Wh1ch 1s 1nfeopeab111fy, because fhey knoW hoW fo "fa1k fo"
each ofhe poducfs.
b. lncoecf.
kebeos and 5L5AML can be accessed fhough a Gene1c 5ecu1fy 5ev1ces App11caf1on
Pogamm1ng lnfeface {G55APl}, Wh1ch 1s a gene1c APl fo c11enf fo seve
aufhenf1caf1on. us1ng sfandad APls a11oWs fo vendos fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe
W1fh and use each ofhe funcf1ona11fy and secu1fy. 8y us1ng a sfandad APl poducfs
can 1nfecommun1cafe, Wh1ch 1s 1nfeopeab111fy, because fhey knoW hoW fo "fa1k fo"
each ofhe poducfs.
c. lncoecf.
kebeos and 5L5AML can be accessed fhough a Gene1c 5ecu1fy 5ev1ces App11caf1on
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
Pogamm1ng lnfeface {G55APl}, Wh1ch 1s a gene1c APl fo c11enf fo seve
aufhenf1caf1on. us1ng sfandad APls a11oWs fo vendos fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe
W1fh and use each ofhe funcf1ona11fy and secu1fy. 8y us1ng a sfandad APl poducfs
can 1nfecommun1cafe, Wh1ch 1s 1nfeopeab111fy, because fhey knoW hoW fo "fa1k fo"
each ofhe poducfs.
d. lncoecf.
kebeos and 5L5AML can be accessed fhough a Gene1c 5ecu1fy 5ev1ces App11caf1on
Pogamm1ng lnfeface {G55APl}, Wh1ch 1s a gene1c APl fo c11enf fo seve
aufhenf1caf1on. us1ng sfandad APls a11oWs fo vendos fo be ab1e fo commun1cafe
W1fh and use each ofhe funcf1ona11fy and secu1fy. 8y us1ng a sfandad APl poducfs
can 1nfecommun1cafe, Wh1ch 1s 1nfeopeab111fy, because fhey knoW hoW fo "fa1k fo"
each ofhe poducfs.
a. lncoecf.
A doma1n 1s ea11y usf a sef of esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo a subecf. kemembe
fhaf a subecf can be a use, pocess, o app11caf1on. W1fh1n an opeaf1ng sysfem a
pocess has a doma1n, Wh1ch 1s fhe sysfem esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo fhe
pocess fo cay ouf 1fs fasks. 1hese esouces can be memoy segmenfs, had d1ve
space, opeaf1ng sysfem sev1ces, and ofhe pocesses. ln a phys1ca1 nefWok
env1onmenf a doma1n 1s a sef of phys1ca1 and 1og1ca1 esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e,
as 1n compufe, f11e seves, I1P sev1ce, Web seves, efc. ACLs, f1eWa11s, and
secu1fy kene1s ae secu1fy agenfs fhaf ae used fo enfoce fhe bounda1es of
b. lncoecf.
A doma1n 1s ea11y usf a sef of esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo a subecf. kemembe
fhaf a subecf can be a use, pocess, o app11caf1on. W1fh1n an opeaf1ng sysfem a
pocess has a doma1n, Wh1ch 1s fhe sysfem esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo fhe
pocess fo cay ouf 1fs fasks. 1hese esouces can be memoy segmenfs, had d1ve
space, opeaf1ng sysfem sev1ces, and ofhe pocesses. ln a phys1ca1 nefWok
env1onmenf a doma1n 1s a sef of phys1ca1 and 1og1ca1 esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e,
as 1n compufe, f11e seves, I1P sev1ce, Web seves, efc. ACLs, f1eWa11s, and
secu1fy kene1s ae secu1fy agenfs fhaf ae used fo enfoce fhe bounda1es of
c. Coecf.
A doma1n 1s ea11y usf a sef of esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo a subecf. kemembe
fhaf a subecf can be a use, pocess, o app11caf1on. W1fh1n an opeaf1ng sysfem a
pocess has a doma1n, Wh1ch 1s fhe sysfem esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo fhe
pocess fo cay ouf 1fs fasks. 1hese esouces can be memoy segmenfs, had d1ve
space, opeaf1ng sysfem sev1ces, and ofhe pocesses. ln a phys1ca1 nefWok
env1onmenf a doma1n 1s a sef of phys1ca1 and 1og1ca1 esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e,
as 1n compufe, f11e seves, I1P sev1ce, Web seves, efc. ACLs, f1eWa11s, and
secu1fy kene1s ae secu1fy agenfs fhaf ae used fo enfoce fhe bounda1es of
d. lncoecf.
A doma1n 1s ea11y usf a sef of esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo a subecf. kemembe
fhaf a subecf can be a use, pocess, o app11caf1on. W1fh1n an opeaf1ng sysfem a
pocess has a doma1n, Wh1ch 1s fhe sysfem esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e fo fhe
pocess fo cay ouf 1fs fasks. 1hese esouces can be memoy segmenfs, had d1ve
space, opeaf1ng sysfem sev1ces, and ofhe pocesses. ln a phys1ca1 nefWok
env1onmenf a doma1n 1s a sef of phys1ca1 and 1og1ca1 esouces fhaf ae ava11ab1e,
as 1n compufe, f11e seves, I1P sev1ce, Web seves, efc. ACLs, f1eWa11s, and
secu1fy kene1s ae secu1fy agenfs fhaf ae used fo enfoce fhe bounda1es of
a. lncoecf
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
1Wo fypes of confacf1ess smaf cads ae ava11ab1e: hyb1d and comb1. 1he hyb1d
cad has fWo ch1ps, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf and
confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has one m1copocesso ch1p fhaf can commun1cafe
fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
b. Coecf
1Wo fypes of confacf1ess smaf cads ae ava11ab1e: hyb1d and comb1. 1he hyb1d
cad has fWo ch1ps, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf and
confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has one m1copocesso ch1p fhaf can commun1cafe
fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
c. lncoecf
1Wo fypes of confacf1ess smaf cads ae ava11ab1e: hyb1d and comb1. 1he hyb1d
cad has fWo ch1ps, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf and
confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has one m1copocesso ch1p fhaf can commun1cafe
fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
d. lncoecf
1Wo fypes of confacf1ess smaf cads ae ava11ab1e: hyb1d and comb1. 1he hyb1d
cad has fWo ch1ps, W1fh fhe capab111fy of uf111z1ng bofh fhe confacf and
confacf1ess fomafs. A comb1 cad has one m1copocesso ch1p fhaf can commun1cafe
fo confacf o confacf1ess eades.
a. lncoecf.
A secu1fy doma1n usf bu11ds upon fhe def1n1f1on of doma1n by add1ng fhaf fhe
esouces W1fh1n fh1s 1og1ca1 sfucfue {doma1n} 1s Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy
po11cy and managed by fhe same goup. A doma1n 1s a sef of esouces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e fo a subecf.
b. lncoecf.
A secu1fy doma1n usf bu11ds upon fhe def1n1f1on of doma1n by add1ng fhaf fhe
esouces W1fh1n fh1s 1og1ca1 sfucfue {doma1n} 1s Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy
po11cy and managed by fhe same goup. A doma1n 1s a sef of esouces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e fo a subecf.
c. Coecf.
A secu1fy doma1n usf bu11ds upon fhe def1n1f1on of doma1n by add1ng fhaf fhe
esouces W1fh1n fh1s 1og1ca1 sfucfue {doma1n} 1s Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy
po11cy and managed by fhe same goup. A doma1n 1s a sef of esouces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e fo a subecf.
d. lncoecf.
A secu1fy doma1n usf bu11ds upon fhe def1n1f1on of doma1n by add1ng fhaf fhe
esouces W1fh1n fh1s 1og1ca1 sfucfue {doma1n} 1s Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy
po11cy and managed by fhe same goup. A doma1n 1s a sef of esouces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e fo a subecf.
a. lncoecf.
Addess1ng 1s a Way fo enfoce, "1f you don`f have fh1s addess you don`f be1ong
hee." ln nefWok doma1ns We use lP anges and subnef masks fo confo1 hoW nefWok
segmenfs commun1cafe fo each ofhe. W1fh1n soffWae pocesses can on1y commun1cafe
fo fhe addess space fhaf fhe secu1fy kene1 W111 a11oW. Addess1ng 1s one Way fo
enfoce doma1n access and 1fs bounda1es.
b. Coecf.
Addess1ng 1s a Way fo enfoce, "1f you don`f have fh1s addess you don`f be1ong
hee." ln nefWok doma1ns We use lP anges and subnef masks fo confo1 hoW nefWok
segmenfs commun1cafe fo each ofhe. W1fh1n soffWae pocesses can on1y commun1cafe
fo fhe addess space fhaf fhe secu1fy kene1 W111 a11oW. Addess1ng 1s one Way fo
Page 24
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
enfoce doma1n access and 1fs bounda1es.
c. lncoecf.
Addess1ng 1s a Way fo enfoce, "1f you don`f have fh1s addess you don`f be1ong
hee." ln nefWok doma1ns We use lP anges and subnef masks fo confo1 hoW nefWok
segmenfs commun1cafe fo each ofhe. W1fh1n soffWae pocesses can on1y commun1cafe
fo fhe addess space fhaf fhe secu1fy kene1 W111 a11oW. Addess1ng 1s one Way fo
enfoce doma1n access and 1fs bounda1es.
d. lncoecf.
Addess1ng 1s a Way fo enfoce, "1f you don`f have fh1s addess you don`f be1ong
hee." ln nefWok doma1ns We use lP anges and subnef masks fo confo1 hoW nefWok
segmenfs commun1cafe fo each ofhe. W1fh1n soffWae pocesses can on1y commun1cafe
fo fhe addess space fhaf fhe secu1fy kene1 W111 a11oW. Addess1ng 1s one Way fo
enfoce doma1n access and 1fs bounda1es.
a. lncoecf.
A subecf can be a use, app11caf1on, pocess o sev1ce - any acf1ve enf1fy fhaf 1s
affempf1ng fo access a pass1ve enf1fy {obecf}. Lach of fhe ansWes pov1ded
examp1es of hoW fhe moe fusfed subecfs Wee g1ven access fo esouces {a doma1n}
fhaf coesponded W1fh 1fs fusf 1eve1. A Guesf accounf does nof have fhe fusf
1eve1 fo access a11 adm1n1sfafo accounfs.
b. lncoecf.
A subecf can be a use, app11caf1on, pocess o sev1ce - any acf1ve enf1fy fhaf 1s
affempf1ng fo access a pass1ve enf1fy {obecf}. Lach of fhe ansWes pov1ded
examp1es of hoW fhe moe fusfed subecfs Wee g1ven access fo esouces {a doma1n}
fhaf coesponded W1fh 1fs fusf 1eve1. A Guesf accounf does nof have fhe fusf
1eve1 fo access a11 adm1n1sfafo accounfs.
c. lncoecf.
A subecf can be a use, app11caf1on, pocess o sev1ce - any acf1ve enf1fy fhaf 1s
affempf1ng fo access a pass1ve enf1fy {obecf}. Lach of fhe ansWes pov1ded
examp1es of hoW fhe moe fusfed subecfs Wee g1ven access fo esouces {a doma1n}
fhaf coesponded W1fh 1fs fusf 1eve1. A Guesf accounf does nof have fhe fusf
1eve1 fo access a11 adm1n1sfafo accounfs.
d. Coecf.
A subecf can be a use, app11caf1on, pocess o sev1ce - any acf1ve enf1fy fhaf 1s
affempf1ng fo access a pass1ve enf1fy {obecf}. Lach of fhe ansWes pov1ded
examp1es of hoW fhe moe fusfed subecfs Wee g1ven access fo esouces {a doma1n}
fhaf coesponded W1fh 1fs fusf 1eve1. A Guesf accounf does nof have fhe fusf
1eve1 fo access a11 adm1n1sfafo accounfs.
a. lncoecf.
ln a W1ndoWs env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf
{5AM} dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use
a 5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
b. lncoecf.
ln a W1ndoWs env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf
{5AM} dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use
a 5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
c. Coecf.
ln a W1ndoWs env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf
{5AM} dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use
Page 25
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
a 5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
d. lncoecf.
ln a W1ndoWs env1onmenf fhe passWods ae sfoed 1n a 5ecu1fy Accounfs Managemenf
{5AM} dafabase 1n fhe1 hashed ves1on. Io exfa pofecf1on, adm1n1sfafos can use
a 5yskey uf111fy fhaf encypfs fhe dafabase fhaf sfoes fhe passWods W1fh a 1oca11y
sfoed sysfem key.
a. lncoecf
5ome examp1es of s1de-channe1 affacks fhaf have been ca1ed ouf on smaf cads ae
d1ffeenf1a1 poWe ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe poWe em1ss1ons e1eased du1ng
pocess1ng}, e1ecfomagnef1c ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe fequenc1es em1ffed}, and
f1m1ng {hoW 1ong a spec1f1c pocess fakes fo comp1efe}. 1hese fypes of affacks ae
used fo uncove sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf hoW a componenf Woks W1fhouf fy1ng fo
compom1se any fype of f1aW o Weakness. 1hey ae common1y used fo dafa co11ecf1on.
b. lncoecf
5ome examp1es of s1de-channe1 affacks fhaf have been ca1ed ouf on smaf cads ae
d1ffeenf1a1 poWe ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe poWe em1ss1ons e1eased du1ng
pocess1ng}, e1ecfomagnef1c ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe fequenc1es em1ffed}, and
f1m1ng {hoW 1ong a spec1f1c pocess fakes fo comp1efe}. 1hese fypes of affacks ae
used fo uncove sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf hoW a componenf Woks W1fhouf fy1ng fo
compom1se any fype of f1aW o Weakness. 1hey ae common1y used fo dafa co11ecf1on.
c. Coecf
5ome examp1es of s1de-channe1 affacks fhaf have been ca1ed ouf on smaf cads ae
d1ffeenf1a1 poWe ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe poWe em1ss1ons e1eased du1ng
pocess1ng}, e1ecfomagnef1c ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe fequenc1es em1ffed}, and
f1m1ng {hoW 1ong a spec1f1c pocess fakes fo comp1efe}. 1hese fypes of affacks ae
used fo uncove sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf hoW a componenf Woks W1fhouf fy1ng fo
compom1se any fype of f1aW o Weakness. 1hey ae common1y used fo dafa co11ecf1on.
d. lncoecf
5ome examp1es of s1de-channe1 affacks fhaf have been ca1ed ouf on smaf cads ae
d1ffeenf1a1 poWe ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe poWe em1ss1ons e1eased du1ng
pocess1ng}, e1ecfomagnef1c ana1ys1s {exam1n1ng fhe fequenc1es em1ffed}, and
f1m1ng {hoW 1ong a spec1f1c pocess fakes fo comp1efe}. 1hese fypes of affacks ae
used fo uncove sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf hoW a componenf Woks W1fhouf fy1ng fo
compom1se any fype of f1aW o Weakness. 1hey ae common1y used fo dafa co11ecf1on.
a. Coecf.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo fhe
bad guy fo decypf and uncove you passWod. 1he use of a sa1f means fhaf fhe same
passWod can be encypfed 1nfo 4096 d1ffeenf fomafs, Wh1ch 1f makes 1f much moe
d1ff1cu1f fo an affacke fo uncove fhe 1ghf fomaf fo you sysfem.
b. lncoecf.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo fhe
bad guy fo decypf and uncove you passWod. 1he use of a sa1f means fhaf fhe same
passWod can be encypfed 1nfo 4096 d1ffeenf fomafs, Wh1ch 1f makes 1f much moe
d1ff1cu1f fo an affacke fo uncove fhe 1ghf fomaf fo you sysfem.
c. lncoecf.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo fhe
bad guy fo decypf and uncove you passWod. 1he use of a sa1f means fhaf fhe same
passWod can be encypfed 1nfo 4096 d1ffeenf fomafs, Wh1ch 1f makes 1f much moe
d1ff1cu1f fo an affacke fo uncove fhe 1ghf fomaf fo you sysfem.
d. lncoecf.
5a1fs ae andom va1ues fhaf ae added fo fhe encypf1on pocess fo add moe
andomness. 1he moe andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess, fhe hade 1f 1s fo fhe
bad guy fo decypf and uncove you passWod. 1he use of a sa1f means fhaf fhe same
passWod can be encypfed 1nfo 4096 d1ffeenf fomafs, Wh1ch 1f makes 1f much moe
d1ff1cu1f fo an affacke fo uncove fhe 1ghf fomaf fo you sysfem.
a. lncoecf.
1hee ae fWo fypes of synchonous-based foken dev1ces, counfe-based and f1me
based. Counfe-based means fhaf fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and fhe foken shae fhe
same 11sf of access codes and secef key. 1he secef key 1s used fo encypf fhe
access code, Wh1ch 1s fhe one-f1me passWod fhe use enfes fo aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf.
1hee ae fWo fypes of synchonous-based foken dev1ces, counfe-based and f1me
based. Counfe-based means fhaf fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and fhe foken shae fhe
same 11sf of access codes and secef key. 1he secef key 1s used fo encypf fhe
access code, Wh1ch 1s fhe one-f1me passWod fhe use enfes fo aufhenf1caf1on.
c. Coecf.
1hee ae fWo fypes of synchonous-based foken dev1ces, counfe-based and f1me
based. Counfe-based means fhaf fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and fhe foken shae fhe
same 11sf of access codes and secef key. 1he secef key 1s used fo encypf fhe
access code, Wh1ch 1s fhe one-f1me passWod fhe use enfes fo aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lncoecf.
1hee ae fWo fypes of synchonous-based foken dev1ces, counfe-based and f1me
based. Counfe-based means fhaf fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and fhe foken shae fhe
same 11sf of access codes and secef key. 1he secef key 1s used fo encypf fhe
access code, Wh1ch 1s fhe one-f1me passWod fhe use enfes fo aufhenf1caf1on.
a. Coecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
b. lncoecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
c. lncoecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
d. lncoecf.
One-f1me passWods can be geneafed 1n soffWae, 1nsfead of equ11ng a p1ece of
hadWae as 1n a foken dev1ce. 1hese ae efeed fo as soff fokens and equ1e fhaf
Page 27
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
fhe aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce and app11caf1on confa1n fhe same base secefs, Wh1ch ae
used fo geneafe fhe one-f1me passWods.
a. lncoecf.
DAC sysfems ganf o deny access based on fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf. 1he 1denf1fy
can be a use 1denf1fy o goup membesh1p. MAC mode1s make access dec1s1ons based
on c1ass1f1caf1on, c1eaance, and need fo knoW. ku1e-based 1s a sef of u1es fhaf
ae app11ed fo a11 subecfs, no maffe Whaf fhe1 1denf1fy 1s. DAC 1s a1Ways an
1denf1fy-based mode1. 8AC 1s a d1sfacfe.
b. Coecf.
DAC sysfems ganf o deny access based on fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf. 1he 1denf1fy
can be a use 1denf1fy o goup membesh1p. MAC mode1s make access dec1s1ons based
on c1ass1f1caf1on, c1eaance, and need fo knoW. ku1e-based 1s a sef of u1es fhaf
ae app11ed fo a11 subecfs, no maffe Whaf fhe1 1denf1fy 1s. DAC 1s a1Ways an
1denf1fy-based mode1. 8AC 1s a d1sfacfe.
c. lncoecf.
DAC sysfems ganf o deny access based on fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf. 1he 1denf1fy
can be a use 1denf1fy o goup membesh1p. MAC mode1s make access dec1s1ons based
on c1ass1f1caf1on, c1eaance, and need fo knoW. ku1e-based 1s a sef of u1es fhaf
ae app11ed fo a11 subecfs, no maffe Whaf fhe1 1denf1fy 1s. DAC 1s a1Ways an
1denf1fy-based mode1. 8AC 1s a d1sfacfe.
d. lncoecf.
DAC sysfems ganf o deny access based on fhe 1denf1fy of fhe subecf. 1he 1denf1fy
can be a use 1denf1fy o goup membesh1p. MAC mode1s make access dec1s1ons based
on c1ass1f1caf1on, c1eaance, and need fo knoW. ku1e-based 1s a sef of u1es fhaf
ae app11ed fo a11 subecfs, no maffe Whaf fhe1 1denf1fy 1s. DAC 1s a1Ways an
1denf1fy-based mode1. 8AC 1s a d1sfacfe.
a. lncoecf
1ansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons can be used fo confo1 Whaf dafa 1s accessed du1ng
cefa1n fypes of funcf1ons and Whaf commands can be ca1ed ouf on fhe dafa. An
on11ne bank1ng pogam may a11oW a cusfome fo v1eW h1s accounf ba1ance, buf may nof
a11oW fhe cusfome fo fansfe money unf11 he has a cefa1n secu1fy 1eve1 o access
1ghf. A bank fe11e may be ab1e fo cash checks of up fo $2000, buf Wou1d need a
supev1sos access code fo ef1eve moe funds fo a cusfome. A dafabase
adm1n1sfafo may be ab1e fo bu11d a dafabase fo fhe human esouces depafmenf,
buf may nof be ab1e fo ead cefa1n conf1denf1a1 f11es W1fh1n fhaf dafabase. 1hese
ae a11 examp1es of fansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons fo confo1 fhe access fo dafa and
b. Coecf
1ansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons can be used fo confo1 Whaf dafa 1s accessed du1ng
cefa1n fypes of funcf1ons and Whaf commands can be ca1ed ouf on fhe dafa. An
on11ne bank1ng pogam may a11oW a cusfome fo v1eW h1s accounf ba1ance, buf may nof
a11oW fhe cusfome fo fansfe money unf11 he has a cefa1n secu1fy 1eve1 o access
1ghf. A bank fe11e may be ab1e fo cash checks of up fo $2000, buf Wou1d need a
supev1sos access code fo ef1eve moe funds fo a cusfome. A dafabase
adm1n1sfafo may be ab1e fo bu11d a dafabase fo fhe human esouces depafmenf,
buf may nof be ab1e fo ead cefa1n conf1denf1a1 f11es W1fh1n fhaf dafabase. 1hese
ae a11 examp1es of fansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons fo confo1 fhe access fo dafa and
c. lncoecf
1ansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons can be used fo confo1 Whaf dafa 1s accessed du1ng
cefa1n fypes of funcf1ons and Whaf commands can be ca1ed ouf on fhe dafa. An
on11ne bank1ng pogam may a11oW a cusfome fo v1eW h1s accounf ba1ance, buf may nof
Page 2
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
a11oW fhe cusfome fo fansfe money unf11 he has a cefa1n secu1fy 1eve1 o access
1ghf. A bank fe11e may be ab1e fo cash checks of up fo $2000, buf Wou1d need a
supev1sos access code fo ef1eve moe funds fo a cusfome. A dafabase
adm1n1sfafo may be ab1e fo bu11d a dafabase fo fhe human esouces depafmenf,
buf may nof be ab1e fo ead cefa1n conf1denf1a1 f11es W1fh1n fhaf dafabase. 1hese
ae a11 examp1es of fansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons fo confo1 fhe access fo dafa and
d. lncoecf
1ansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons can be used fo confo1 Whaf dafa 1s accessed du1ng
cefa1n fypes of funcf1ons and Whaf commands can be ca1ed ouf on fhe dafa. An
on11ne bank1ng pogam may a11oW a cusfome fo v1eW h1s accounf ba1ance, buf may nof
a11oW fhe cusfome fo fansfe money unf11 he has a cefa1n secu1fy 1eve1 o access
1ghf. A bank fe11e may be ab1e fo cash checks of up fo $2000, buf Wou1d need a
supev1sos access code fo ef1eve moe funds fo a cusfome. A dafabase
adm1n1sfafo may be ab1e fo bu11d a dafabase fo fhe human esouces depafmenf,
buf may nof be ab1e fo ead cefa1n conf1denf1a1 f11es W1fh1n fhaf dafabase. 1hese
ae a11 examp1es of fansacf1on-fype esf1cf1ons fo confo1 fhe access fo dafa and
a. lncoecf.
DACs can be app11ed fo bofh fhe d1ecfoy fee sfucfue, and fhe f11es fhey
confa1n. ln fhe PC Wo1d, We have access pem1ss1ons of `No Access`, kead {}, W1fe
{W}, Lxecufe {x}, De1efe {d}, Change {c} and `Iu11 Confo1`. 1he kead aff1bufe W111
a11oW you fo ead fhe f11e, buf nof make changes. 1he Change aff1bufe W111 a11oW
you ead, W1fe, execufe and de1efe fhe f11e, buf W111 nof a11oW you fo change fhe
ACLs and/o oWne of fhe f11es. Obv1ous1y, fhe aff1bufe of `Iu11 Confo1` a11oWs
any changes fo be made fo fhe f11e and 1fs pem1ss1ons and oWnesh1p.
b. Coecf.
DACs can be app11ed fo bofh fhe d1ecfoy fee sfucfue, and fhe f11es fhey
confa1n. ln fhe PC Wo1d, We have access pem1ss1ons of `No Access`, kead {}, W1fe
{W}, Lxecufe {x}, De1efe {d}, Change {c} and `Iu11 Confo1`. 1he kead aff1bufe W111
a11oW you fo ead fhe f11e, buf nof make changes. 1he Change aff1bufe W111 a11oW
you ead, W1fe, execufe and de1efe fhe f11e, buf W111 nof a11oW you fo change fhe
ACLs and/o oWne of fhe f11es. Obv1ous1y, fhe aff1bufe of `Iu11 Confo1` a11oWs
any changes fo be made fo fhe f11e and 1fs pem1ss1ons and oWnesh1p.
c. lncoecf.
DACs can be app11ed fo bofh fhe d1ecfoy fee sfucfue, and fhe f11es fhey
confa1n. ln fhe PC Wo1d, We have access pem1ss1ons of `No Access`, kead {}, W1fe
{W}, Lxecufe {x}, De1efe {d}, Change {c} and `Iu11 Confo1`. 1he kead aff1bufe W111
a11oW you fo ead fhe f11e, buf nof make changes. 1he Change aff1bufe W111 a11oW
you ead, W1fe, execufe and de1efe fhe f11e, buf W111 nof a11oW you fo change fhe
ACLs and/o oWne of fhe f11es. Obv1ous1y, fhe aff1bufe of `Iu11 Confo1` a11oWs
any changes fo be made fo fhe f11e and 1fs pem1ss1ons and oWnesh1p.
d. lncoecf.
DACs can be app11ed fo bofh fhe d1ecfoy fee sfucfue, and fhe f11es fhey
confa1n. ln fhe PC Wo1d, We have access pem1ss1ons of `No Access`, kead {}, W1fe
{W}, Lxecufe {x}, De1efe {d}, Change {c} and `Iu11 Confo1`. 1he kead aff1bufe W111
a11oW you fo ead fhe f11e, buf nof make changes. 1he Change aff1bufe W111 a11oW
you ead, W1fe, execufe and de1efe fhe f11e, buf W111 nof a11oW you fo change fhe
ACLs and/o oWne of fhe f11es. Obv1ous1y, fhe aff1bufe of `Iu11 Confo1` a11oWs
any changes fo be made fo fhe f11e and 1fs pem1ss1ons and oWnesh1p.
a. Coecf.
As fhe numbe of obecfs and uses goW W1fh1n an env1onmenf, uses ae bound fo be
ganfed access fo obecfs fhaf 1s unnecessay unde fhe DAC mode1, fhus 1nceas1ng
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
fhe 1sk fo fhe company by nof pacf1c1ng fhe 1easf p1v11ege u1e. 1he k8AC
appoach s1mp11f1es access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on by a11oW1ng pem1ss1ons fo be
managed 1n fems of use ob o1es. k8AC can coe1afe fo fhe mode1 of fhe company
1n a Way fhaf DAC cannof.
b. lncoecf.
As fhe numbe of obecfs and uses goW W1fh1n an env1onmenf, uses ae bound fo be
ganfed access fo obecfs fhaf 1s unnecessay unde fhe DAC mode1, fhus 1nceas1ng
fhe 1sk fo fhe company by nof pacf1c1ng fhe 1easf p1v11ege u1e. 1he k8AC
appoach s1mp11f1es access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on by a11oW1ng pem1ss1ons fo be
managed 1n fems of use ob o1es. k8AC can coe1afe fo fhe mode1 of fhe company
1n a Way fhaf DAC cannof.
c. lncoecf.
As fhe numbe of obecfs and uses goW W1fh1n an env1onmenf, uses ae bound fo be
ganfed access fo obecfs fhaf 1s unnecessay unde fhe DAC mode1, fhus 1nceas1ng
fhe 1sk fo fhe company by nof pacf1c1ng fhe 1easf p1v11ege u1e. 1he k8AC
appoach s1mp11f1es access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on by a11oW1ng pem1ss1ons fo be
managed 1n fems of use ob o1es. k8AC can coe1afe fo fhe mode1 of fhe company
1n a Way fhaf DAC cannof.
d. lncoecf.
As fhe numbe of obecfs and uses goW W1fh1n an env1onmenf, uses ae bound fo be
ganfed access fo obecfs fhaf 1s unnecessay unde fhe DAC mode1, fhus 1nceas1ng
fhe 1sk fo fhe company by nof pacf1c1ng fhe 1easf p1v11ege u1e. 1he k8AC
appoach s1mp11f1es access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on by a11oW1ng pem1ss1ons fo be
managed 1n fems of use ob o1es. k8AC can coe1afe fo fhe mode1 of fhe company
1n a Way fhaf DAC cannof.
a. Coecf.
lnfoduc1ng o1es a1so 1nfoduces fhe d1ffeence befWeen 1ghfs be1ng ass1gned
exp11c1f1y and 1mp11c1f1y. lf 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ae ass1gned exp11c1f1y, 1f
1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a spec1f1c 1nd1v1dua1. lf fhey ae ass1gned
1mp11c1f1y, 1f 1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a o1e o goup and fhe use
1nhe1fs fhose aff1bufes.
b. lncoecf.
lnfoduc1ng o1es a1so 1nfoduces fhe d1ffeence befWeen 1ghfs be1ng ass1gned
exp11c1f1y and 1mp11c1f1y. lf 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ae ass1gned exp11c1f1y, 1f
1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a spec1f1c 1nd1v1dua1. lf fhey ae ass1gned
1mp11c1f1y, 1f 1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a o1e o goup and fhe use
1nhe1fs fhose aff1bufes.
c. lncoecf.
lnfoduc1ng o1es a1so 1nfoduces fhe d1ffeence befWeen 1ghfs be1ng ass1gned
exp11c1f1y and 1mp11c1f1y. lf 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ae ass1gned exp11c1f1y, 1f
1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a spec1f1c 1nd1v1dua1. lf fhey ae ass1gned
1mp11c1f1y, 1f 1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a o1e o goup and fhe use
1nhe1fs fhose aff1bufes.
d. lncoecf.
lnfoduc1ng o1es a1so 1nfoduces fhe d1ffeence befWeen 1ghfs be1ng ass1gned
exp11c1f1y and 1mp11c1f1y. lf 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ae ass1gned exp11c1f1y, 1f
1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a spec1f1c 1nd1v1dua1. lf fhey ae ass1gned
1mp11c1f1y, 1f 1nd1cafes fhaf fhey ae ass1gned fo a o1e o goup and fhe use
1nhe1fs fhose aff1bufes.
a. lncoecf.
ku1e-based access a11oWs a deve1ope fo def1ne spec1f1c and defa11ed s1fuaf1ons fhaf
Page 30
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
confo1s When a subecf can o cannof access an obecf and Whaf fhaf subecf can do
once access 1s ganfed. ku1e-based access confo1 has been used fad1f1ona11y 1n MAC
sysfems as an enfocemenf mechan1sm of fhe comp1ex u1es of access fhaf MAC sysfems
pov1de, buf foday u1e-based access 1s be1ng used 1n ofhe fypes of sysfems and
b. lncoecf.
ku1e-based access a11oWs a deve1ope fo def1ne spec1f1c and defa11ed s1fuaf1ons fhaf
confo1s When a subecf can o cannof access an obecf and Whaf fhaf subecf can do
once access 1s ganfed. ku1e-based access confo1 has been used fad1f1ona11y 1n MAC
sysfems as an enfocemenf mechan1sm of fhe comp1ex u1es of access fhaf MAC sysfems
pov1de, buf foday u1e-based access 1s be1ng used 1n ofhe fypes of sysfems and
c. lncoecf.
ku1e-based access a11oWs a deve1ope fo def1ne spec1f1c and defa11ed s1fuaf1ons fhaf
confo1s When a subecf can o cannof access an obecf and Whaf fhaf subecf can do
once access 1s ganfed. ku1e-based access confo1 has been used fad1f1ona11y 1n MAC
sysfems as an enfocemenf mechan1sm of fhe comp1ex u1es of access fhaf MAC sysfems
pov1de, buf foday u1e-based access 1s be1ng used 1n ofhe fypes of sysfems and
d. Coecf.
ku1e-based access a11oWs a deve1ope fo def1ne spec1f1c and defa11ed s1fuaf1ons fhaf
confo1s When a subecf can o cannof access an obecf and Whaf fhaf subecf can do
once access 1s ganfed. ku1e-based access confo1 has been used fad1f1ona11y 1n MAC
sysfems as an enfocemenf mechan1sm of fhe comp1ex u1es of access fhaf MAC sysfems
pov1de, buf foday u1e-based access 1s be1ng used 1n ofhe fypes of sysfems and
a. lncoecf
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use sends
fo a esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1mesfamp and sequence numbe
encypfed W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce decypfs fh1s 1nfomaf1on
and compaes 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s
equesf1ng use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce be11eves 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh fhe aufhenf1c use. 1he f1mesfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
1he esouce compaes fhe senf f1mesfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me, Wh1ch he1ps
defem1ne 1f fhe f1ckef has been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke, and fhen
subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me 1n hopes of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n1ng
unaufho1zed access. 1he esouce checks fhe sequence numbe fo make sue fhaf fh1s
f1ckef has nof been subm1ffed pev1ous1y. 1h1s 1s anofhe counfemeasue fo pofecf
aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
b. Coecf
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use sends
fo a esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1mesfamp and sequence numbe
encypfed W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce decypfs fh1s 1nfomaf1on
and compaes 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s
equesf1ng use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce be11eves 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh fhe aufhenf1c use. 1he f1mesfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
1he esouce compaes fhe senf f1mesfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me, Wh1ch he1ps
defem1ne 1f fhe f1ckef has been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke, and fhen
subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me 1n hopes of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n1ng
unaufho1zed access. 1he esouce checks fhe sequence numbe fo make sue fhaf fh1s
f1ckef has nof been subm1ffed pev1ous1y. 1h1s 1s anofhe counfemeasue fo pofecf
aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
c. lncoecf
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use sends
fo a esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1mesfamp and sequence numbe
Page 31
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
encypfed W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce decypfs fh1s 1nfomaf1on
and compaes 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s
equesf1ng use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce be11eves 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh fhe aufhenf1c use. 1he f1mesfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
1he esouce compaes fhe senf f1mesfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me, Wh1ch he1ps
defem1ne 1f fhe f1ckef has been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke, and fhen
subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me 1n hopes of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n1ng
unaufho1zed access. 1he esouce checks fhe sequence numbe fo make sue fhaf fh1s
f1ckef has nof been subm1ffed pev1ous1y. 1h1s 1s anofhe counfemeasue fo pofecf
aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
d. lncoecf
lf a kebeos 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s conf1gued fo use an aufhenf1cafo, fhe use sends
fo a esouce he 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on and a f1mesfamp and sequence numbe
encypfed W1fh fhe sess1on key fhey shae. 1he esouce decypfs fh1s 1nfomaf1on
and compaes 1f W1fh fhe 1denf1f1caf1on dafa fhe kDC senf fo 1f abouf fh1s
equesf1ng use. lf fhe dafa 1s fhe same, fhe esouce be11eves 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh fhe aufhenf1c use. 1he f1mesfamp 1s used fo he1p f1ghf aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
1he esouce compaes fhe senf f1mesfamp W1fh 1fs oWn 1nfena1 f1me, Wh1ch he1ps
defem1ne 1f fhe f1ckef has been sn1ffed and cop1ed by an affacke, and fhen
subm1ffed af a 1afe f1me 1n hopes of 1mpesonaf1ng fhe 1eg1f1mafe use and ga1n1ng
unaufho1zed access. 1he esouce checks fhe sequence numbe fo make sue fhaf fh1s
f1ckef has nof been subm1ffed pev1ous1y. 1h1s 1s anofhe counfemeasue fo pofecf
aga1nsf ep1ay affacks.
a. lncoecf.
A capab111fy can be 1n fhe fom of a foken, f1ckef, o key. When a subecf pesenfs
a capab111fy, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {o app11caf1on} W111 ev1eW fhe access 1ghfs
and opeaf1ons fhaf ae ouf11ned 1n fhe capab111fy and a11oW fhe subecf fo cay
ouf usf fhose funcf1ons. A capab111fy 1s a dafa sfucfue fhaf confa1ns a un1que
obecf 1denf1f1e and access 1ghfs. A capab111fy 1s f1ed fo a subecf and an ACL 1s
f1ed fo an obecf.
b. Coecf.
A capab111fy can be 1n fhe fom of a foken, f1ckef, o key. When a subecf pesenfs
a capab111fy, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {o app11caf1on} W111 ev1eW fhe access 1ghfs
and opeaf1ons fhaf ae ouf11ned 1n fhe capab111fy and a11oW fhe subecf fo cay
ouf usf fhose funcf1ons. A capab111fy 1s a dafa sfucfue fhaf confa1ns a un1que
obecf 1denf1f1e and access 1ghfs. A capab111fy 1s f1ed fo a subecf and an ACL 1s
f1ed fo an obecf.
c. lncoecf.
A capab111fy can be 1n fhe fom of a foken, f1ckef, o key. When a subecf pesenfs
a capab111fy, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {o app11caf1on} W111 ev1eW fhe access 1ghfs
and opeaf1ons fhaf ae ouf11ned 1n fhe capab111fy and a11oW fhe subecf fo cay
ouf usf fhose funcf1ons. A capab111fy 1s a dafa sfucfue fhaf confa1ns a un1que
obecf 1denf1f1e and access 1ghfs. A capab111fy 1s f1ed fo a subecf and an ACL 1s
f1ed fo an obecf.
d. lncoecf.
A capab111fy can be 1n fhe fom of a foken, f1ckef, o key. When a subecf pesenfs
a capab111fy, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {o app11caf1on} W111 ev1eW fhe access 1ghfs
and opeaf1ons fhaf ae ouf11ned 1n fhe capab111fy and a11oW fhe subecf fo cay
ouf usf fhose funcf1ons. A capab111fy 1s a dafa sfucfue fhaf confa1ns a un1que
obecf 1denf1f1e and access 1ghfs. A capab111fy 1s f1ed fo a subecf and an ACL 1s
f1ed fo an obecf.
a. Coecf.
Confexf-dependenf 1s d1ffeenf fom confenf because confexf-dependenf access
Page 32
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
confo1s make access dec1s1ons based on a co11ecf1on of 1nfomaf1on, 1nsfead of fhe
sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa. A sysfem fhaf 1s us1ng confexf-dependenf access 1s
"ev1eW1ng fhe s1fuaf1on" and fhen mak1ng a dec1s1on. Common1y confexf-dependenf
access confo1 dec1s1ons ae based on fhe pev1ous access equesfs of fhe equesfo.
b. lncoecf.
Confexf-dependenf 1s d1ffeenf fom confenf because confexf-dependenf access
confo1s make access dec1s1ons based on a co11ecf1on of 1nfomaf1on, 1nsfead of fhe
sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa. A sysfem fhaf 1s us1ng confexf-dependenf access 1s
"ev1eW1ng fhe s1fuaf1on" and fhen mak1ng a dec1s1on. Common1y confexf-dependenf
access confo1 dec1s1ons ae based on fhe pev1ous access equesfs of fhe equesfo.
c. lncoecf.
Confexf-dependenf 1s d1ffeenf fom confenf because confexf-dependenf access
confo1s make access dec1s1ons based on a co11ecf1on of 1nfomaf1on, 1nsfead of fhe
sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa. A sysfem fhaf 1s us1ng confexf-dependenf access 1s
"ev1eW1ng fhe s1fuaf1on" and fhen mak1ng a dec1s1on. Common1y confexf-dependenf
access confo1 dec1s1ons ae based on fhe pev1ous access equesfs of fhe equesfo.
d. lncoecf.
Confexf-dependenf 1s d1ffeenf fom confenf because confexf-dependenf access
confo1s make access dec1s1ons based on a co11ecf1on of 1nfomaf1on, 1nsfead of fhe
sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa. A sysfem fhaf 1s us1ng confexf-dependenf access 1s
"ev1eW1ng fhe s1fuaf1on" and fhen mak1ng a dec1s1on. Common1y confexf-dependenf
access confo1 dec1s1ons ae based on fhe pev1ous access equesfs of fhe equesfo.
a. lncoecf.
D1amefe, kADlu5, 1ACAC5+ ae efeed fo as AAA pofoco1s, Wh1ch sfands fo
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f1ng. {5ome esouces have fhe 1asf `A` sfand
fo accounf1ng, buf 1f 1s fhe same funcf1ona11fy - usf a d1ffeenf name.} AAA
pofoco1s ae deve1oped fo Wok 1n a c11enf/seve mode1, Whee fhe c11enf can be a
home use o a oad Wa1o and fhe seve 1s fhe cenfa1 dafabase fhaf confa1ns fhe
uses` cedenf1a1s and aufho1zaf1on pof11es. D1amefe Woks 1n a pee-fo-pee
mode1, buf 1s sf111 cons1deed an AAA pofoco1. 5L5AML 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1
s1m11a fo kebeos.
b. lncoecf.
D1amefe, kADlu5, 1ACAC5+ ae efeed fo as AAA pofoco1s, Wh1ch sfands fo
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f1ng. {5ome esouces have fhe 1asf `A` sfand
fo accounf1ng, buf 1f 1s fhe same funcf1ona11fy - usf a d1ffeenf name.} AAA
pofoco1s ae deve1oped fo Wok 1n a c11enf/seve mode1, Whee fhe c11enf can be a
home use o a oad Wa1o and fhe seve 1s fhe cenfa1 dafabase fhaf confa1ns fhe
uses` cedenf1a1s and aufho1zaf1on pof11es. D1amefe Woks 1n a pee-fo-pee
mode1, buf 1s sf111 cons1deed an AAA pofoco1. 5L5AML 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1
s1m11a fo kebeos.
c. lncoecf.
D1amefe, kADlu5, 1ACAC5+ ae efeed fo as AAA pofoco1s, Wh1ch sfands fo
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f1ng. {5ome esouces have fhe 1asf `A` sfand
fo accounf1ng, buf 1f 1s fhe same funcf1ona11fy - usf a d1ffeenf name.} AAA
pofoco1s ae deve1oped fo Wok 1n a c11enf/seve mode1, Whee fhe c11enf can be a
home use o a oad Wa1o and fhe seve 1s fhe cenfa1 dafabase fhaf confa1ns fhe
uses` cedenf1a1s and aufho1zaf1on pof11es. D1amefe Woks 1n a pee-fo-pee
mode1, buf 1s sf111 cons1deed an AAA pofoco1. 5L5AML 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1
s1m11a fo kebeos.
d. Coecf.
D1amefe, kADlu5, 1ACAC5+ ae efeed fo as AAA pofoco1s, Wh1ch sfands fo
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and aud1f1ng. {5ome esouces have fhe 1asf `A` sfand
fo accounf1ng, buf 1f 1s fhe same funcf1ona11fy - usf a d1ffeenf name.} AAA
pofoco1s ae deve1oped fo Wok 1n a c11enf/seve mode1, Whee fhe c11enf can be a
Page 33
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
home use o a oad Wa1o and fhe seve 1s fhe cenfa1 dafabase fhaf confa1ns fhe
uses` cedenf1a1s and aufho1zaf1on pof11es. D1amefe Woks 1n a pee-fo-pee
mode1, buf 1s sf111 cons1deed an AAA pofoco1. 5L5AML 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1
s1m11a fo kebeos.
a. Coecf.
1he access seve equesfs fhe emofe uses 1ogon cedenf1a1s and passes fhem back
fo a kADlu5 seve, Wh1ch houses fhe usenames and passWods va1ues. 1he emofe use
1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve, and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe kADlu5
b. lncoecf.
1he access seve equesfs fhe emofe uses 1ogon cedenf1a1s and passes fhem back
fo a kADlu5 seve, Wh1ch houses fhe usenames and passWods va1ues. 1he emofe use
1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve, and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe kADlu5
c. lncoecf.
1he access seve equesfs fhe emofe uses 1ogon cedenf1a1s and passes fhem back
fo a kADlu5 seve, Wh1ch houses fhe usenames and passWods va1ues. 1he emofe use
1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve, and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe kADlu5
d. lncoecf.
1he access seve equesfs fhe emofe uses 1ogon cedenf1a1s and passes fhem back
fo a kADlu5 seve, Wh1ch houses fhe usenames and passWods va1ues. 1he emofe use
1s a c11enf fo fhe access seve, and fhe access seve 1s a c11enf fo fhe kADlu5
a. lncoecf
1he fo11oW1ng ae some of fhe pofenf1a1 Weaknesses of kebeos:
- 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue. lf fhe kDC goes doWn, no one can access
needed esouces. kedundancy 1s necessay fo fhe kDC.
- 1he kDC musf be ab1e fo hand1e fhe numbe of equesfs 1f ece1ves 1n a f1me1y
manne. lf musf be sca1ab1e.
- 5ecef keys ae fempoa11y sfoed on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch means 1f 1s
poss1b1e fo an 1nfude fo obfa1n fhese cypfogaph1c keys.
- 5ess1on keys ae decypfed and es1de on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, e1fhe 1n a
cache o 1n a key fab1e. Aga1n, an 1nfude can capfue fhese keys.
b. lncoecf
1he fo11oW1ng ae some of fhe pofenf1a1 Weaknesses of kebeos:
- 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue. lf fhe kDC goes doWn, no one can access
needed esouces. kedundancy 1s necessay fo fhe kDC.
- 1he kDC musf be ab1e fo hand1e fhe numbe of equesfs 1f ece1ves 1n a f1me1y
manne. lf musf be sca1ab1e.
- 5ecef keys ae fempoa11y sfoed on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch means 1f 1s
poss1b1e fo an 1nfude fo obfa1n fhese cypfogaph1c keys.
- 5ess1on keys ae decypfed and es1de on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, e1fhe 1n a
cache o 1n a key fab1e. Aga1n, an 1nfude can capfue fhese keys.
c. Coecf
1he fo11oW1ng ae some of fhe pofenf1a1 Weaknesses of kebeos:
- 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue. lf fhe kDC goes doWn, no one can access
needed esouces. kedundancy 1s necessay fo fhe kDC.
- 1he kDC musf be ab1e fo hand1e fhe numbe of equesfs 1f ece1ves 1n a f1me1y
manne. lf musf be sca1ab1e.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
- 5ecef keys ae fempoa11y sfoed on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch means 1f 1s
poss1b1e fo an 1nfude fo obfa1n fhese cypfogaph1c keys.
- 5ess1on keys ae decypfed and es1de on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, e1fhe 1n a
cache o 1n a key fab1e. Aga1n, an 1nfude can capfue fhese keys.
d. lncoecf
1he fo11oW1ng ae some of fhe pofenf1a1 Weaknesses of kebeos:
- 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue. lf fhe kDC goes doWn, no one can access
needed esouces. kedundancy 1s necessay fo fhe kDC.
- 1he kDC musf be ab1e fo hand1e fhe numbe of equesfs 1f ece1ves 1n a f1me1y
manne. lf musf be sca1ab1e.
- 5ecef keys ae fempoa11y sfoed on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch means 1f 1s
poss1b1e fo an 1nfude fo obfa1n fhese cypfogaph1c keys.
- 5ess1on keys ae decypfed and es1de on fhe uses Woksfaf1ons, e1fhe 1n a
cache o 1n a key fab1e. Aga1n, an 1nfude can capfue fhese keys.
a. lncoecf.
kADlu5 a11oWs compan1es fo ma1nfa1n use pof11es 1n a cenfa1 dafabase. When a use
d1a1s 1n and 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhen a pe-conf1gued pof11e 1s ass1gned fo
h1m fo confo1 Whaf esouces he can and cannof access. 1he kADlu5 c11enf cannof
aufhenf1cafe o ass1gn pof11es, fh1s 1s fhe kADlu5 seve`s ob.
b. Coecf.
kADlu5 a11oWs compan1es fo ma1nfa1n use pof11es 1n a cenfa1 dafabase. When a use
d1a1s 1n and 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhen a pe-conf1gued pof11e 1s ass1gned fo
h1m fo confo1 Whaf esouces he can and cannof access. 1he kADlu5 c11enf cannof
aufhenf1cafe o ass1gn pof11es, fh1s 1s fhe kADlu5 seve`s ob.
c. lncoecf.
kADlu5 a11oWs compan1es fo ma1nfa1n use pof11es 1n a cenfa1 dafabase. When a use
d1a1s 1n and 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhen a pe-conf1gued pof11e 1s ass1gned fo
h1m fo confo1 Whaf esouces he can and cannof access. 1he kADlu5 c11enf cannof
aufhenf1cafe o ass1gn pof11es, fh1s 1s fhe kADlu5 seve`s ob.
d. lncoecf.
kADlu5 a11oWs compan1es fo ma1nfa1n use pof11es 1n a cenfa1 dafabase. When a use
d1a1s 1n and 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhen a pe-conf1gued pof11e 1s ass1gned fo
h1m fo confo1 Whaf esouces he can and cannof access. 1he kADlu5 c11enf cannof
aufhenf1cafe o ass1gn pof11es, fh1s 1s fhe kADlu5 seve`s ob.
a. Coecf.
kADlu5 1s a sfandad and 1s desc1bed 1n kIC 213 and kIC 2139. Any vendo Who Wanfs
fo deve1op and dep1oy kADlu5 can usf fo11oW fhese sfandads. kADlu5 1s nof
pop1efay {mean1ng oWned by a spec1f1c company} and an open pofoco1.
b. lncoecf.
kADlu5 1s a sfandad and 1s desc1bed 1n kIC 213 and kIC 2139. Any vendo Who Wanfs
fo deve1op and dep1oy kADlu5 can usf fo11oW fhese sfandads. kADlu5 1s nof
pop1efay {mean1ng oWned by a spec1f1c company} and an open pofoco1.
c. lncoecf.
kADlu5 1s a sfandad and 1s desc1bed 1n kIC 213 and kIC 2139. Any vendo Who Wanfs
fo deve1op and dep1oy kADlu5 can usf fo11oW fhese sfandads. kADlu5 1s nof
pop1efay {mean1ng oWned by a spec1f1c company} and an open pofoco1.
d. lncoecf.
kADlu5 1s a sfandad and 1s desc1bed 1n kIC 213 and kIC 2139. Any vendo Who Wanfs
Page 35
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
fo deve1op and dep1oy kADlu5 can usf fo11oW fhese sfandads. kADlu5 1s nof
pop1efay {mean1ng oWned by a spec1f1c company} and an open pofoco1.
a. lncoecf.
1ACAC5 comb1nes 1fs aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on pocesses, X1ACAC5 sepaafes
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and accounf1ng pocesses, and 1ACAC5+ 1s X1ACAC5 W1fh
exfended fWo-facfo use aufhenf1caf1on. 1ACAC5 uses f1xed passWods fo
aufhenf1caf1on and 1ACAC5+ a11oWs uses fo use dynam1c {one-f1me} passWods, Wh1ch
pov1des moe pofecf1on.
b. Coecf.
1ACAC5 comb1nes 1fs aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on pocesses, X1ACAC5 sepaafes
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and accounf1ng pocesses, and 1ACAC5+ 1s X1ACAC5 W1fh
exfended fWo-facfo use aufhenf1caf1on. 1ACAC5 uses f1xed passWods fo
aufhenf1caf1on and 1ACAC5+ a11oWs uses fo use dynam1c {one-f1me} passWods, Wh1ch
pov1des moe pofecf1on.
c. lncoecf.
1ACAC5 comb1nes 1fs aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on pocesses, X1ACAC5 sepaafes
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and accounf1ng pocesses, and 1ACAC5+ 1s X1ACAC5 W1fh
exfended fWo-facfo use aufhenf1caf1on. 1ACAC5 uses f1xed passWods fo
aufhenf1caf1on and 1ACAC5+ a11oWs uses fo use dynam1c {one-f1me} passWods, Wh1ch
pov1des moe pofecf1on.
d. lncoecf.
1ACAC5 comb1nes 1fs aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on pocesses, X1ACAC5 sepaafes
aufhenf1caf1on, aufho1zaf1on, and accounf1ng pocesses, and 1ACAC5+ 1s X1ACAC5 W1fh
exfended fWo-facfo use aufhenf1caf1on. 1ACAC5 uses f1xed passWods fo
aufhenf1caf1on and 1ACAC5+ a11oWs uses fo use dynam1c {one-f1me} passWods, Wh1ch
pov1des moe pofecf1on.
a. lncoecf.
1ACAC5+ 1s ea11y nof a neW geneaf1on of 1ACAC5 and X1ACAC5, 1f 1s a band neW
pofoco1 fhaf pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy and shaes fhe same nam1ng scheme.
8ecause 1f 1s a fofa11y d1ffeenf pofoco1 1f 1s nof backWads compaf1b1e W1fh
b. lncoecf.
1ACAC5+ 1s ea11y nof a neW geneaf1on of 1ACAC5 and X1ACAC5, 1f 1s a band neW
pofoco1 fhaf pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy and shaes fhe same nam1ng scheme.
8ecause 1f 1s a fofa11y d1ffeenf pofoco1 1f 1s nof backWads compaf1b1e W1fh
c. lncoecf.
1ACAC5+ 1s ea11y nof a neW geneaf1on of 1ACAC5 and X1ACAC5, 1f 1s a band neW
pofoco1 fhaf pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy and shaes fhe same nam1ng scheme.
8ecause 1f 1s a fofa11y d1ffeenf pofoco1 1f 1s nof backWads compaf1b1e W1fh
d. Coecf.
1ACAC5+ 1s ea11y nof a neW geneaf1on of 1ACAC5 and X1ACAC5, 1f 1s a band neW
pofoco1 fhaf pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy and shaes fhe same nam1ng scheme.
8ecause 1f 1s a fofa11y d1ffeenf pofoco1 1f 1s nof backWads compaf1b1e W1fh
a. lncoecf
Lxamp1es of 51ng1e 51gn-On 1echno1og1es
Page 36
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
- kebeos Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a kDC and f1ckefs, and 1s based on
symmef1c key cypfogaphy
- 5L5AML Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a PA5 and PACs, and 1s based on symmef1c
and asymmef1c cypfogaphy
- 5ecu1fy doma1ns kesouces Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy po11cy and managed by
fhe same goup
- 1h1n c11enfs 1em1na1s fhaf e1y upon a cenfa1 seve fo access confo1,
pocess1ng, and sfoage
b. lncoecf
Lxamp1es of 51ng1e 51gn-On 1echno1og1es
- kebeos Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a kDC and f1ckefs, and 1s based on
symmef1c key cypfogaphy
- 5L5AML Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a PA5 and PACs, and 1s based on symmef1c
and asymmef1c cypfogaphy
- 5ecu1fy doma1ns kesouces Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy po11cy and managed by
fhe same goup
- 1h1n c11enfs 1em1na1s fhaf e1y upon a cenfa1 seve fo access confo1,
pocess1ng, and sfoage
c. Coecf
Lxamp1es of 51ng1e 51gn-On 1echno1og1es
- kebeos Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a kDC and f1ckefs, and 1s based on
symmef1c key cypfogaphy
- 5L5AML Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a PA5 and PACs, and 1s based on symmef1c
and asymmef1c cypfogaphy
- 5ecu1fy doma1ns kesouces Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy po11cy and managed by
fhe same goup
- 1h1n c11enfs 1em1na1s fhaf e1y upon a cenfa1 seve fo access confo1,
pocess1ng, and sfoage
d. lncoecf
Lxamp1es of 51ng1e 51gn-On 1echno1og1es
- kebeos Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a kDC and f1ckefs, and 1s based on
symmef1c key cypfogaphy
- 5L5AML Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf uses a PA5 and PACs, and 1s based on symmef1c
and asymmef1c cypfogaphy
- 5ecu1fy doma1ns kesouces Wok1ng unde fhe same secu1fy po11cy and managed by
fhe same goup
- 1h1n c11enfs 1em1na1s fhaf e1y upon a cenfa1 seve fo access confo1,
pocess1ng, and sfoage
a. lncoecf.
1ACAC5+ uses fhe 1CP fanspof pofoco1. kADlu5 on1y encypfs fhe uses passWod as
1f 1s be1ng fansm1ffed fom fhe kADlu5 c11enf fo fhe kADlu5 seve. Ofhe
1nfomaf1on, as 1n fhe usename, accounf1ng, and aufho1zed sev1ces, ae passed 1n
c1eafexf. 1ACAC5+ encypfs a11 of fh1s 1nfomaf1on befWeen fhe c11enf and fhe
seve and uses fhe uDP pofoco1.
b. lncoecf.
1ACAC5+ uses fhe 1CP fanspof pofoco1. kADlu5 on1y encypfs fhe uses passWod as
1f 1s be1ng fansm1ffed fom fhe kADlu5 c11enf fo fhe kADlu5 seve. Ofhe
1nfomaf1on, as 1n fhe usename, accounf1ng, and aufho1zed sev1ces, ae passed 1n
c1eafexf. 1ACAC5+ encypfs a11 of fh1s 1nfomaf1on befWeen fhe c11enf and fhe
seve and uses fhe uDP pofoco1.
c. Coecf.
1ACAC5+ uses fhe 1CP fanspof pofoco1. kADlu5 on1y encypfs fhe uses passWod as
1f 1s be1ng fansm1ffed fom fhe kADlu5 c11enf fo fhe kADlu5 seve. Ofhe
1nfomaf1on, as 1n fhe usename, accounf1ng, and aufho1zed sev1ces, ae passed 1n
c1eafexf. 1ACAC5+ encypfs a11 of fh1s 1nfomaf1on befWeen fhe c11enf and fhe
Page 37
Access Confo1-P2.fxf
seve and uses fhe uDP pofoco1.
d. lncoecf.
1ACAC5+ uses fhe 1CP fanspof pofoco1. kADlu5 on1y encypfs fhe uses passWod as
1f 1s be1ng fansm1ffed fom fhe kADlu5 c11enf fo fhe kADlu5 seve. Ofhe
1nfomaf1on, as 1n fhe usename, accounf1ng, and aufho1zed sev1ces, ae passed 1n
c1eafexf. 1ACAC5+ encypfs a11 of fh1s 1nfomaf1on befWeen fhe c11enf and fhe
seve and uses fhe uDP pofoco1.
a. Coecf.
AvPs ae consfucfs fhaf ouf11ne hoW commun1caf1on W111 fake p1ace befWeen
commun1caf1ng enf1f1es. 1he moe AvPs fhaf ae pesenf 1n a pofoco1, fhe moe
funcf1ona11fy and capab111f1es fhaf pofoco1 has. D1amefe has many moe AvPs fhan
kADlu5, Wh1ch 1s Why 1f can aufhenf1cafe dev1ces 1n many d1ffeenf Ways and have
moe funcf1ona11fy fhough 1fs pee fo pee mode1.
b. lncoecf.
AvPs ae consfucfs fhaf ouf11ne hoW commun1caf1on W111 fake p1ace befWeen
commun1caf1ng enf1f1es. 1he moe AvPs fhaf ae pesenf 1n a pofoco1, fhe moe
funcf1ona11fy and capab111f1es fhaf pofoco1 has. D1amefe has many moe AvPs fhan
kADlu5, Wh1ch 1s Why 1f can aufhenf1cafe dev1ces 1n many d1ffeenf Ways and have
moe funcf1ona11fy fhough 1fs pee fo pee mode1.
c. lncoecf.
AvPs ae consfucfs fhaf ouf11ne hoW commun1caf1on W111 fake p1ace befWeen
commun1caf1ng enf1f1es. 1he moe AvPs fhaf ae pesenf 1n a pofoco1, fhe moe
funcf1ona11fy and capab111f1es fhaf pofoco1 has. D1amefe has many moe AvPs fhan
kADlu5, Wh1ch 1s Why 1f can aufhenf1cafe dev1ces 1n many d1ffeenf Ways and have
moe funcf1ona11fy fhough 1fs pee fo pee mode1.
d. lncoecf.
AvPs ae consfucfs fhaf ouf11ne hoW commun1caf1on W111 fake p1ace befWeen
commun1caf1ng enf1f1es. 1he moe AvPs fhaf ae pesenf 1n a pofoco1, fhe moe
funcf1ona11fy and capab111f1es fhaf pofoco1 has. D1amefe has many moe AvPs fhan
kADlu5, Wh1ch 1s Why 1f can aufhenf1cafe dev1ces 1n many d1ffeenf Ways and have
moe funcf1ona11fy fhough 1fs pee fo pee mode1.
a. lncoecf.
kADlu5 1s fhe appop1afe pofoco1 When s1mp11sf1c usename/passWod aufhenf1caf1on
can fake p1ace and uses on1y need an &quof,accepf&quof, o &quof,deny&quof, fo
obfa1n1ng access, as 1n l5Ps. 1ACAC5+ 1s fhe beffe cho1ce fo env1onmenfs fhaf
equ1e moe soph1sf1cafed aufhenf1caf1on sfeps and f1ghfe confo1 ove moe
comp1ex aufho1zaf1on acf1v1f1es, as 1n copoafe nefWoks.
b. lncoecf.
kADlu5 1s fhe appop1afe pofoco1 When s1mp11sf1c usename/passWod aufhenf1caf1on
can fake p1ace and uses on1y need an &quof,accepf&quof, o &quof,deny&quof, fo
obfa1n1ng access, as 1n l5Ps. 1ACAC5+ 1s fhe beffe cho1ce fo env1onmenfs fhaf
equ1e moe soph1sf1cafed aufhenf1caf1on sfeps and f1ghfe confo1 ove moe
comp1ex aufho1zaf1on acf1v1f1es, as 1n copoafe nefWoks.
c. Coecf.
kADlu5 1s fhe appop1afe pofoco1 When s1mp11sf1c usename/passWod aufhenf1caf1on
can fake p1ace and uses on1y need an &quof,accepf&quof, o &quof,deny&quof, fo
obfa1n1ng access, as 1n l5Ps. 1ACAC5+ 1s fhe beffe cho1ce fo env1onmenfs fhaf
equ1e moe soph1sf1cafed aufhenf1caf1on sfeps and f1ghfe confo1 ove moe
comp1ex aufho1zaf1on acf1v1f1es, as 1n copoafe nefWoks.
d. lncoecf.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
kADlu5 1s fhe appop1afe pofoco1 When s1mp11sf1c usename/passWod aufhenf1caf1on
can fake p1ace and uses on1y need an &quof,accepf&quof, o &quof,deny&quof, fo
obfa1n1ng access, as 1n l5Ps. 1ACAC5+ 1s fhe beffe cho1ce fo env1onmenfs fhaf
equ1e moe soph1sf1cafed aufhenf1caf1on sfeps and f1ghfe confo1 ove moe
comp1ex aufho1zaf1on acf1v1f1es, as 1n copoafe nefWoks.
a. lncoecf.
up unf11 fhe concepf1on of D1amefe, lL1I had 1nd1v1dua1 Wok1ng goups Who def1ne
hoW vo1ce ove lP {volP}, Iax ove lP {IolP}, Mob11e lP, and emofe aufhenf1caf1on
pofoco1s Wok. Def1n1ng and 1mp1emenf1ng fhem 1nd1v1dua11y 1n any nefWok can
eas11y end up 1n foo much confus1on and 1nfeopeab111fy. lf equ1es cusfomes fo
o11 ouf and conf1gue sevea1 d1ffeenf po11cy seves and 1nceases fhe cosf W1fh
each neW added sev1ce. W1fh D1amefe a11 of fhese sev1ces can be aufhenf1cafed
ove fhe same aufhenf1caf1on ach1fecfue.
b. lncoecf.
up unf11 fhe concepf1on of D1amefe, lL1I had 1nd1v1dua1 Wok1ng goups Who def1ne
hoW vo1ce ove lP {volP}, Iax ove lP {IolP}, Mob11e lP, and emofe aufhenf1caf1on
pofoco1s Wok. Def1n1ng and 1mp1emenf1ng fhem 1nd1v1dua11y 1n any nefWok can
eas11y end up 1n foo much confus1on and 1nfeopeab111fy. lf equ1es cusfomes fo
o11 ouf and conf1gue sevea1 d1ffeenf po11cy seves and 1nceases fhe cosf W1fh
each neW added sev1ce. W1fh D1amefe a11 of fhese sev1ces can be aufhenf1cafed
ove fhe same aufhenf1caf1on ach1fecfue.
c. lncoecf.
up unf11 fhe concepf1on of D1amefe, lL1I had 1nd1v1dua1 Wok1ng goups Who def1ne
hoW vo1ce ove lP {volP}, Iax ove lP {IolP}, Mob11e lP, and emofe aufhenf1caf1on
pofoco1s Wok. Def1n1ng and 1mp1emenf1ng fhem 1nd1v1dua11y 1n any nefWok can
eas11y end up 1n foo much confus1on and 1nfeopeab111fy. lf equ1es cusfomes fo
o11 ouf and conf1gue sevea1 d1ffeenf po11cy seves and 1nceases fhe cosf W1fh
each neW added sev1ce. W1fh D1amefe a11 of fhese sev1ces can be aufhenf1cafed
ove fhe same aufhenf1caf1on ach1fecfue.
d. Coecf.
up unf11 fhe concepf1on of D1amefe, lL1I had 1nd1v1dua1 Wok1ng goups Who def1ne
hoW vo1ce ove lP {volP}, Iax ove lP {IolP}, Mob11e lP, and emofe aufhenf1caf1on
pofoco1s Wok. Def1n1ng and 1mp1emenf1ng fhem 1nd1v1dua11y 1n any nefWok can
eas11y end up 1n foo much confus1on and 1nfeopeab111fy. lf equ1es cusfomes fo
o11 ouf and conf1gue sevea1 d1ffeenf po11cy seves and 1nceases fhe cosf W1fh
each neW added sev1ce. W1fh D1amefe a11 of fhese sev1ces can be aufhenf1cafed
ove fhe same aufhenf1caf1on ach1fecfue.
a. Coecf.
kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae c11enf/seve pofoco1s, Wh1ch means fhaf fhe seve pof1on
cannof send unso11c1fed commands fo fhe c11enf pof1on. 1he seve pof1on can on1y
speak When spoken fo. D1amefe 1s a pee-based pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs e1fhe end fo
1n1f1afe commun1caf1on. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy a11oWs fhe D1amefe seve fo send a
message fo fhe access seve ask1ng fo fhe use fo pov1de anofhe aufhenf1caf1on
cedenf1a1 1f affempf1ng fo access a secue esouce o poss1b1y d1sconnecf fhe use
fo one eason o anofhe.
b. lncoecf.
kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae c11enf/seve pofoco1s, Wh1ch means fhaf fhe seve pof1on
cannof send unso11c1fed commands fo fhe c11enf pof1on. 1he seve pof1on can on1y
speak When spoken fo. D1amefe 1s a pee-based pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs e1fhe end fo
1n1f1afe commun1caf1on. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy a11oWs fhe D1amefe seve fo send a
message fo fhe access seve ask1ng fo fhe use fo pov1de anofhe aufhenf1caf1on
cedenf1a1 1f affempf1ng fo access a secue esouce o poss1b1y d1sconnecf fhe use
fo one eason o anofhe.
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Access Confo1-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf.
kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae c11enf/seve pofoco1s, Wh1ch means fhaf fhe seve pof1on
cannof send unso11c1fed commands fo fhe c11enf pof1on. 1he seve pof1on can on1y
speak When spoken fo. D1amefe 1s a pee-based pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs e1fhe end fo
1n1f1afe commun1caf1on. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy a11oWs fhe D1amefe seve fo send a
message fo fhe access seve ask1ng fo fhe use fo pov1de anofhe aufhenf1caf1on
cedenf1a1 1f affempf1ng fo access a secue esouce o poss1b1y d1sconnecf fhe use
fo one eason o anofhe.
d. lncoecf.
kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae c11enf/seve pofoco1s, Wh1ch means fhaf fhe seve pof1on
cannof send unso11c1fed commands fo fhe c11enf pof1on. 1he seve pof1on can on1y
speak When spoken fo. D1amefe 1s a pee-based pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs e1fhe end fo
1n1f1afe commun1caf1on. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy a11oWs fhe D1amefe seve fo send a
message fo fhe access seve ask1ng fo fhe use fo pov1de anofhe aufhenf1caf1on
cedenf1a1 1f affempf1ng fo access a secue esouce o poss1b1y d1sconnecf fhe use
fo one eason o anofhe.
a. lncoecf. D1amefe pov1des end-fo-end secu1fy fhough fhe use of lP5ec o
1L5, Wh1ch 1s nof ava11ab1e 1n kADlu5.
b. Coecf. D1amefe pov1des end-fo-end secu1fy fhough fhe use of lP5ec o 1L5,
Wh1ch 1s nof ava11ab1e 1n kADlu5.
c. lncoecf. D1amefe pov1des end-fo-end secu1fy fhough fhe use of lP5ec o
1L5, Wh1ch 1s nof ava11ab1e 1n kADlu5.
d. lncoecf. D1amefe pov1des end-fo-end secu1fy fhough fhe use of lP5ec o
1L5, Wh1ch 1s nof ava11ab1e 1n kADlu5.
a. lncoecf. A nefWok senso cannof mon1fo encypfed faff1c, because 1f does
nof have fhe 1nfe111gence, a1go1fhm, and necessay keys. 5o 1f fhee 1s an 55L
connecf1on fhaf exfends fom one sysfem fo anofhe W1fh1n an env1onmenf, fhe NlD5
W111 nof be ab1e fo ev1eW fhe faff1c. 8uf 1f fhaf 55L connecf1on ends af a sysfem
fhaf has a hlD5, fhen fh1s fechno1ogy W111 ev1eW fhe decypfed commands and make a
dec1s1on on 1f 1f 1s safe o nof befoe 1f 1s passed up fo fhe necessay
app11caf1on. P1ac1ng a hlD5 on each sysfem 1n an env1onmenf 1s usua11y cosf
poh1b1f1ve and equ1es h1gh ovehead 1n ma1nfenance.
b. lncoecf. A nefWok senso cannof mon1fo encypfed faff1c, because 1f does
nof have fhe 1nfe111gence, a1go1fhm, and necessay keys. 5o 1f fhee 1s an 55L
connecf1on fhaf exfends fom one sysfem fo anofhe W1fh1n an env1onmenf, fhe NlD5
W111 nof be ab1e fo ev1eW fhe faff1c. 8uf 1f fhaf 55L connecf1on ends af a sysfem
fhaf has a hlD5, fhen fh1s fechno1ogy W111 ev1eW fhe decypfed commands and make a
dec1s1on on 1f 1f 1s safe o nof befoe 1f 1s passed up fo fhe necessay
app11caf1on. P1ac1ng a hlD5 on each sysfem 1n an env1onmenf 1s usua11y cosf
poh1b1f1ve and equ1es h1gh ovehead 1n ma1nfenance.
c. lncoecf. A nefWok senso cannof mon1fo encypfed faff1c, because 1f does
nof have fhe 1nfe111gence, a1go1fhm, and necessay keys. 5o 1f fhee 1s an 55L
connecf1on fhaf exfends fom one sysfem fo anofhe W1fh1n an env1onmenf, fhe NlD5
W111 nof be ab1e fo ev1eW fhe faff1c. 8uf 1f fhaf 55L connecf1on ends af a sysfem
fhaf has a hlD5, fhen fh1s fechno1ogy W111 ev1eW fhe decypfed commands and make a
dec1s1on on 1f 1f 1s safe o nof befoe 1f 1s passed up fo fhe necessay
app11caf1on. P1ac1ng a hlD5 on each sysfem 1n an env1onmenf 1s usua11y cosf
poh1b1f1ve and equ1es h1gh ovehead 1n ma1nfenance.
d. Coecf. A nefWok senso cannof mon1fo encypfed faff1c, because 1f does nof
have fhe 1nfe111gence, a1go1fhm, and necessay keys. 5o 1f fhee 1s an 55L
connecf1on fhaf exfends fom one sysfem fo anofhe W1fh1n an env1onmenf, fhe NlD5
W111 nof be ab1e fo ev1eW fhe faff1c. 8uf 1f fhaf 55L connecf1on ends af a sysfem
fhaf has a hlD5, fhen fh1s fechno1ogy W111 ev1eW fhe decypfed commands and make a
dec1s1on on 1f 1f 1s safe o nof befoe 1f 1s passed up fo fhe necessay
app11caf1on. P1ac1ng a hlD5 on each sysfem 1n an env1onmenf 1s usua11y cosf
poh1b1f1ve and equ1es h1gh ovehead 1n ma1nfenance.
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
qu1z Name = Access Confo1-P3
1. Joe 1s a membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e 5upev1so o1es. lf he 1ogs 1n
as a Cash1e, fhe 5upev1so o1e 1s unava11ab1e fo h1m du1ng fhaf sess1on. lf he
1ogs 1n as Cash1e 5upev1so, fhe Cash1e o1e 1s unava11ab1e fo h1m du1ng fhaf
sess1on. Whaf fype of k8AC 1s be1ng emp1oyed 1n fh1s examp1e?
a. Dynam1c sepaaf1on of dufy
b. 5faf1c sepaaf1on of dufy
c. L1m1fed
d. hyb1d
2. Whaf 1s a Land affack and Whaf fype of lD5 can 1denf1fy 1f based on 1fs paffen
and nof behav1o?
a. heade has fhe same souce and desf1naf1on addess and can be 1denf1f1ed by a
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5.
b. heade has no souce and desf1naf1on addesses and can be 1denf1f1ed by a
s1gnafue-based lD5.
c. heade has fhe same souce and desf1naf1on addess and can be 1denf1f1ed by a
faff1c-based lD5.
d. heade has fhe same souce and desf1naf1on addess and can be 1denf1f1ed by a
s1gnafue-based lD5.
3. kafhy has been asked fo g1ve fhe sen1o managemenf a b1ef1ng on fhe d1ffeenf
secu1fy fechno1og1es fhaf ae dep1oyed 1n fhe env1onmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
1s an 1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1c of a sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5?
a. 8ehav1oa1-based poducf fhaf compaes use and faff1c paffens fo a pof11e
fhough samp11ng.
b. A fechno1ogy fhaf can defecf neW affacks
c. A fechno1ogy fhaf uses 1f/fhen pogamm1ng
d. A poducf fhaf usua11y causes a 1of of man hous 1n fa1se pos1f1ves
4. Geoge 1s espons1b1e fo seff1ng and fun1ng fhe fhesho1ds fo h1s company`s
behav1o-based lD5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ouf11nes fhe poss1b111f1es of nof do1ng
fh1s acf1v1fy pope1y?
a. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed affacks
{fa1se pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae
nof 1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
b. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed affacks
{fa1se negaf1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae
nof 1denf1f1ed {fa1se pos1f1ves}.
c. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed
affacks {fa1se pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, fhen ma11c1ous
acf1v1f1es ae nof 1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
d. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed
affacks {fa1se pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous
acf1v1f1es ae nof 1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a pope mafch fo fhe fype of lD5 and fhe fype of
affack 1f 1s besf su1fed fo uncove?
a. 51gnafue-based lD5 - "0 day" affack
b. 51gnafue-based lD5 - use 1ogg1ng 1n af an unusua1 f1me
c. 1aff1c anoma1y lD5 - Land affack
d. Pofoco1 anoma1y lD5 - band neW sev1ce on fhe nefWok
6. ln 1oms company manages may be ab1e fo access an emp1oyee fo1de, buf fhee
needs fo be defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo examp1e, fhaf fhey can
access cusfomes home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbes. Whaf fype of
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
access confo1 shou1d 1om 1mp1emenf?
a. D1scef1onay
b. Mandafoy
c. k8AC
d. P1vacy
7. A u1e-based lD5 1s a neWe and moe soph1sf1cafed lD5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s
nof a chaacfe1sf1c of fh1s fype of secu1fy mechan1sm?
a. usua11y based on an expef sysfem, W1fh a knoW1edge base, 1nfeence eng1ne, and
u1e-based pogamm1ng
b. A11oWs fo comp1ex u1es and s1fuaf1ons fo be 1a1d ouf fo def1ne affack
scena1os 1n a ganu1a appoach
c. Woks W1fh 1f/fhen scena1os
d. knoW1edge 1s epesenfed as dafa and facfs ae used fo ana1yze fhe dafa
. 5ome pofoco1s and poducfs ae efeed fo as sfafefu1. Whaf does "sfafe"
acfua11y mean and Whaf does 1f mean fo ca11 a poducf o pofoco1 sfafefu1?
a. 5fafe 1s fhe empfy1ng of g1oba1 va1ab1es, and sfafefu1 means fhaf a poducf o
pofoco1 undesfands and can keep fack of sfafe fans1f1ons.
b. 5fafe 1s a snapshof of a sysfem`s sfafus, and sfafefu1 means fhaf a poducf o
pofoco1 undesfands and can keep fack of sfafe fans1f1ons.
c. 5fafe 1s fhe ab111fy fo change empfy va1ab1es fom one va1ue fo anofhe, and a
sfafefu1 poducf o pofoco1 a1ds 1n fh1s fans1f1on.
d. 5fafe 1s fhe conf1nua1 epopu1af1ng of sysfem and app11caf1on va1ab1es, and
sfafefu1 poducfs and pofoco1s pov1de fhe secu1fy mechan1sms fo fhese
9. Whaf 1s fhe e1af1onsh1p befWeen an lD5 evenf geneafo, senso, and esponse
a. 1he evenf geneafo ece1ves aW dafa fom a senso and compaes fhe va1ues fo
fhe esponse modu1e.
b. 1he senso ece1ves aW dafa fom fhe evenf geneafo, compaes 1f fo a
dafabase, and fhe esponse modu1e d1cfafes fhe esponse acf1v1fy.
c. 1he senso ece1ves aW dafa fom fhe evenf geneafo and compaes fhe va1ues fo
fhe esponse modu1e.
d. 1he esponse modu1e confa1ns fhe conf1guaf1ons fo fhe evenf geneafo and fhe
10. John 1s mov1ng h1s company`s nefWok fom a fad1f1ona1 conf1guaf1on fo a
sW1fched env1onmenf. hoW does fh1s affecf fhe company`s lD5?
a. NefWok lD5 sensos cannof access faff1c on pof fo pof commun1caf1on.
b. John W111 need fo fea doWn fhe spann1ng pof so fhe lD5 can "11sfen" fo a11
c. John no 1onge needs sensos on each and evey nefWok segmenf.
d. 8oadcasf dafa W111 noW be ava11ab1e fo a11 lD5 sensos.
11. John needs fo be ab1e fo use an access confo1 fechno1ogy fhaf enfoces fhe
fo11oW1ng u1es, lf fhe use 1s access1ng fhe sysfem befWeen Monday and I1day and
befWeen A.M. and 5 P.M., and 1f fhe uses secu1fy c1eaance equa1s o dom1nafes
fhe obecfs c1ass1f1caf1on, and 1f fhe use has fhe necessay need fo knoW, fhen
fhe use can access fhe obecf. Whaf fype of access confo1 fechno1ogy does John
need fo 1mp1emenf?
a. ku1e-based
b. 11me-based
c. ko1e-based
d. Mandafoy-based
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
12. Whaf 1s fhe ma1n d1ffeence befWeen lD5 and lP5?
a. ln-11ne vesus d1sf1bufed
b. Pevenfaf1ve vesus defecf1ve
c. Defense-1n-depfh vesus a 1ayeed appoach
d. 5fafefu1 vesus non-sfafefu1
13. Whaf 1s a ph1sh1ng affack and hoW 1s 1f common1y ca1ed ouf?
a. ldenf1fy fheff scheme fhaf fakes p1ace fhough e-ma11 and a bogus Web s1fe.
b. I1nanc1a1 affack fhaf fakes p1ace fhough man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks.
c. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng affack fhaf fakes p1ace fhough Wa d1a11ng.
d. Cedenf1a1 sfea11ng fhaf fakes p1ace fhough fusfed pafhs.
14. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen sepaaf1on of duf1es compaed fo ofaf1on of
a. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s a pevenf1ve confo1, and ofaf1on of duf1es 1s a
defecf1ve confo1
b. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s a defecf1ve confo1, and ofaf1on of duf1es 1s a
pevenf1ve confo1
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve-fechn1ca1 confo1, and ofaf1on of
duf1es 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve-defecf1ve confo1
d. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve-defecf1ve confo1, and ofaf1on of
duf1es 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve-pevenf1ve confo1
15. Choose Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf mapp1ng.
a. Coecf1ve - M1f1gafe damage and esfoe confo1s
b. Pevenf1ve - Avo1d secu1fy 1nc1denf
c. Defecf1ve - ldenf1fy secu1fy 1nc1denf
d. kecovey - kesfoe cond1f1ons fo unusua1
nu11Compensaf1ng - A1fenaf1ve confo1
nu11Defeenf - D1scouage 1nc1denf
16. Pau1 needs fo 1mp1emenf e-ma11 f11fes fhaf 1ook fo spec1f1c sf1ngs, such as
"conf1denf1a1" and "soc1a1 secu1fy numbe". Whaf fype of confo1 Wou1d fh1s fype of
f11fe be 1mp1emenf1ng?
a. Confexf
b. Dynam1c
c. Confenf
d. v1eWs
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an 1mpofanf chaacfe1sf1c of ceaf1ng and
ma1nfa1n1ng use 1denf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on?
a. lnfomaf1on shou1d be un1que fo ensue accounfab111fy
b. ldenf1f1caf1on 1nfomaf1on shou1d be non-desc1pf1ve of fhe emp1oyees` ob
c. use fhe f1sf 1n1f1a1 of fhe f1sf name and a11 of fhe 1asf name fo
d. Pocess shou1d be documenfed and sfandad1zed
1. ldenf1fy fhe 1ncoecf mapp1ng fo b1omef1c dev1ces.
a. Phys1o1og1ca1 = ef1na
b. 8ehav1oa1 = keysfoke
c. Phys1o1og1ca1 = s1gnafue dynam1cs
d. Phys1o1og1ca1 = f1ngep1nf
19. A1fhough fems W1fh1n access confo1 ae somef1mes used 1nfechangeab1y, fh1s
does nof mean fhaf fhe 1ghf Wod 1s be1ng used 1n fhe 1ghf confexf. Wh1ch of fhe
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
fo11oW1ng 1s fhe 1ncoecf def1n1f1on of fhe assoc1afed Wod?
a. ldenf1f1caf1on = va1ue fhaf assefs a use`s 1denf1fy
b. Aufhenf1caf1on = ve1f1es a use`s 1denf1fy
c. Aufho1zaf1on = ve1f1es a use`s 1denf1fy and aufhenf1caf1on
d. Accounfab111fy = 1acks an 1nd1v1dua1`s acf1v1fy
20. Wafchdog funcf1ona11fy can be used 1n AAA pofoco1s. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf
desc1bes 1fs pupose?
a. Defecfs spec1f1c affack fypes
b. Defecfs pocess fa11ue
c. Defecfs man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks
d. Defecfs packef coupf1on
21. 1om needs a AAA so1uf1on fhaf ensues fhaf he does nof need fo ma1nfa1n a emofe
access seve dafabase of emofe use cedenf1a1s and a dafabase W1fh1n Acf1ve
D1ecfoy fo 1oca1 uses. Whaf fechno1ogy shou1d 1om 1mp1emenf W1fh1n h1s
a. ChAP
b. LAP
c. kADlu5
d. 5hadoW PassWods
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs coecf1y desc1bes b1omef1c mefhods?
a. 1hey ae fhe 1easf expens1ve and mosf secue.
b. 1hey ae fhe mosf expens1ve and 1easf secue.
c. 1hey ae fhe 1easf expens1ve and 1easf secue.
d. 1hey ae fhe mosf expens1ve and mosf secue
23. Whaf 1s de1ved fom a passphase?
a. Pesona1 passWod
b. v1fua1 passWod
c. use lD
d. va11d passWod
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs coecf1y desc1bes passWods?
a. 1hey ae fhe 1easf expens1ve and mosf secue.
b. 1hey ae fhe mosf expens1ve and 1easf secue.
c. 1hey ae fhe 1easf expens1ve and 1easf secue.
d. 1hey ae fhe mosf expens1ve and mosf secue.
25. Whaf 1s fhe eason fo enfoc1ng fhe sepaaf1on of duf1es?
a. No one peson can comp1efe a11 fhe sfeps of a c1f1ca1 acf1v1fy.
b. lnduce an afmosphee fo co11us1on.
c. lncease dependab111fy upon 1nd1v1dua1s.
d. Make c1f1ca1 fasks eas1e fo accomp11sh.
26. 5aah 1s fhe secu1fy off1ce fo he ogan1zaf1on and musf be concened abouf
fhe many fypes of fheafs fhaf ex1sf. 5he has been fo1d fhaf fhee have been
affempfs by exfena1 enf1f1es fo access esouces 1n an unaufho1zed manne fhough
fhe ogan1zaf1ons 1egacy modems. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng confo1s shou1d 5aah
ensue fhaf he feam 1mp1emenfs?
1. Pefom bufe foce Wad1a11ng affacks fo f1nd Weaknesses and hang1ng modems.
11. Make sue on1y necessay phone numbes ae made pub11c.
111. Pov1de sf1ngenf access confo1 mefhods fhaf Wou1d make bufe foce affacks
1ess successfu1.
1v. 5ef 1ockouf fhesho1ds.
Page 4
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. 1, 11, 111, 1v
b. 1, 11
c. 111, 1v
d. 1, 111, 1v
27. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a 1og1ca1 access confo1?
a. Lncypf1on
b. NefWok ach1fecfue
c. lD badge
d. Access confo1 maf1x
2. An access confo1 mode1 shou1d Wok ma1n1y 1n a manne.
a. Defecf1ve
b. kecovey
c. Coecf1ve
d. Pevenf1ve
29. Wh1ch access confo1 po11cy 1s enfoced When an env1onmenf uses goups?
a. ku1e-based
b. ko1e-based
c. ldenf1fy-based
d. Mandafoy
30. hoW 1s a cha11enge-esponse pofoco1 uf111zed W1fh foken 1mp1emenfaf1ons?
a. 1hey ae nof, cypfogaphy 1s used.
b. An aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce geneafes a cha11enge, and fhe smaf foken geneafes a
esponse based on fhe cha11enge.
c. 1he foken cha11enges fhe use fo a usename and passWod.
d. 1he foken cha11enges fhe use`s passWod aga1nsf a dafabase of sfoed
31. John has nof1ced some unusua1 acf1v1f1es 1n h1s companys 1ogs. 1hee have been
sevea1 oufgo1ng aufhenf1caf1on affempfs 1n fhe fomaf of "".
Whaf fype of acf1v1fy cou1d fh1s 1nd1cafe?
a. Pham1ng
b. Ph1sh1ng
c. ldenf1fy fheff
d. h1ack1ng
32. Wh1ch access confo1 mefhod 1s use-d1ecfed?
a. Nond1scef1onay
b. Mandafoy
c. ldenf1fy-based
d. D1scef1onay
33. Wh1ch pov1des fhe besf aufhenf1caf1on?
a. Whaf a peson knoWs
b. Whaf a peson 1s
c. Whaf a peson has
d. Whaf a peson has and knoWs
34. Wh1ch 1fem 1s nof paf of a kebeos aufhenf1caf1on 1mp1emenfaf1on?
a. Message Aufhenf1caf1on Code
b. 11ckef ganf1ng sev1ce
c. Aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce
Page 5
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
d. uses, pogams, and sev1ces
35. Wh1ch 1mp1emenfs ma1n1y access confo1 maf1ces?
a. Mandafoy
b. Cenfa11zed
c. Decenfa11zed
d. D1scef1onay
36. 8ob has been concened abouf pofenf1a1 ph1sh1ng affacks fhaf he has ecenf1y
ead abouf. One counfemeasue he makes sue fo fake 1s fo a1Ways make sue fhe ukL
of fhe Webs1fe he 1s v1s1f1ng mafches fhe name of fhe s1fe. Whaf cou1d sf111 be
fak1ng p1ace fhaf a11oWs a ph1sh1ng affack fo be successfu1?
a. Lxecuf1on of .NL1
b. Lxecuf1on of Java5c1pf
c. Lxecuf1on of cook1es
d. Lxecuf1on of DCOM obecfs
37. Whaf does aufhenf1caf1on mean?
a. keg1sfe1ng a use
b. ldenf1fy1ng a use
c. va11daf1ng a use
d. Aufho1z1ng a use
3. A passWod 1s ma1n1y used fo Whaf funcf1on?
a. ldenf1fy
b. keg1sfaf1on
c. Aufhenf1caf1on
d. Aufho1zaf1on
39. lf a company has a h1gh funove afe, Wh1ch access confo1 sfucfue 1s besf?
a. ko1e-based
b. Decenfa11zed
c. ku1e-based
d. D1scef1onay
40. 1he pocess of mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on 1nvo1ves .
a. A use aufhenf1caf1ng fo a sysfem and fhe sysfem aufhenf1caf1ng fo fhe use
b. A use aufhenf1caf1ng fo fWo sysfems af fhe same f1me
c. A use aufhenf1caf1ng fo a seve and fhen fo a pocess
d. A use aufhenf1caf1ng, ece1v1ng a f1ckef, and fhen aufhenf1caf1ng fo a sev1ce
41. John has been fo1d fhaf he needs fo 1mp1emenf hosf lD5 soffWae fo ensue fhaf
fhe hosfs f11es on sysfems ae nof mod1f1ed. Whaf fype of affack Wou1d fh1s be
affempf1ng fo fhWaf?
a. Ph1sh1ng
b. Wad1a11ng
c. Pham1ng
d. D1cf1onay
42. kev1eW1ng aud1f 1ogs 1s an examp1e of Wh1ch secu1fy funcf1on?
a. Pevenf1ve
b. Defecf1ve
c. Defeence
d. Coecf1ve
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
43. ln d1scef1onay access confo1 secu1fy, Who has de1egaf1on aufho1fy fo ganf
access fo dafa?
a. use
b. 5ecu1fy off1ce
c. 5ecu1fy po11cy
d. OWne
44. Wh1ch cou1d be cons1deed a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue W1fh1n a s1ng1e s1gn-on
a. Aufhenf1caf1on seve
b. use`s Woksfaf1on
c. Logon cedenf1a1s
d. kADlu5
45. Whaf o1e does b1omef1cs p1ay 1n access confo1?
a. Aufho1zaf1on
b. Aufhenf1c1fy
c. Aufhenf1caf1on
d. Accounfab111fy
46. Whaf defem1nes 1f an ogan1zaf1on 1s go1ng fo opeafe unde a d1scef1onay,
mandafoy, o nond1scef1onay access confo1 mode1?
a. Adm1n1sfafo
b. 5ecu1fy po11cy
c. Cu1fue
d. 5ecu1fy 1eve1s
47. Whaf fype of affack affempfs a11 poss1b1e so1uf1ons?
a. D1cf1onay
b. 8ufe Ioce
c. Man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e
d. 5poof1ng
4. 5poof1ng can be desc1bed as Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Lavesdopp1ng on a commun1caf1on 11nk
b. Wok1ng fhough a 11sf of Wods
c. 5ess1on h1ack1ng
d. Pefend1ng fo be someone o somefh1ng e1se
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an advanfage of a cenfa11zed access confo1
a. I1ex1b111fy
b. 5fandad1zaf1on
c. h1ghe 1eve1 of secu1fy
d. No need fo d1ffeenf 1nfepefaf1ons of a necessay secu1fy 1eve1
50. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf appoach fo va11dafe fhe conf1nued need fo a
use fo have p1v11eged access fo sysfem esouces?
a. Pe1od1c ev1eW of dafa c1ass1f1caf1ons and sysfem confo1s
b. Pe1od1c ev1eW and e-cef1f1caf1on of p1v11eged use needs
c. Pe1od1c ev1eW of aud1f 1ogs and access affempfs by a11 uses
d. kevoke pocesses used fo ganf fhese fypes of access
51. Whaf do f1ckefs a11oW W1fh1n a kebeos env1onmenf?
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. Ganfs use d1scef1onay confo1 fo d1ffeenf esouces
b. Lnfoces a mandafoy access confo1 appoach
c. Pem1fs a subecf fo access an obecf
d. Assues a use`s accounfab111fy
52. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a s1ng1e s1gn-on access appoach?
a. 5c1pfs
b. 1h1n c11enfs
c. kebeos
d. D1scef1onay
53. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s used fo va11dafe a use`s 1denf1fy W1fh a conf1denf1a1
a. key
b. Cha11enge
c. PlN
d. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfo
54. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1easf 1mpofanf fo be 1nc1uded on a 1og fhaf capfues
secu1fy v1o1af1ons?
a. use lD
b. 1ype of v1o1af1on
c. Dafe and f1me of v1o1af1on
d. Access confo1 1n p1ace
55. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof 1nc1uded 1n fhe c1ass1c Ways of aufhenf1caf1ng a
a. 5omefh1ng you knoW
b. 5omefh1ng you have
c. 5omefh1ng you confo1
d. 5omefh1ng you ae
56. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof used fo confo1 fhe "1eakage" of e1ecf1ca1
a. 1LMPL51
b. Mandafoy confo1
c. Confo1 zone
d. Wh1fe no1se
57. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof desc1be a synchonous foken dev1ce?
a. Cha11enge-based
b. One-f1me passWod geneafo
c. 11me-based
d. Aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf
- 5faf1c 5epaaf1on of Dufy {55D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo defe
faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges {such as, fhe use cannof be a
membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Accounfs kece1vab1e goups}.
- Dynam1c 5epaaf1on of Duf1es {D5D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
defe faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges fhaf can be acf1vafed 1n
any sess1on {fo 1nsfance, fhe use cannof be 1n bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so o1es af fhe same f1me, buf fhe use can be a membe of bofh}. 1h1s one
1s a 11ff1e moe confus1ng. lf means Joe 1s a membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so. lf he 1ogs 1n as a Cash1e, fhe 5upev1so o1e 1s unava11ab1e fo h1m
du1ng fhaf sess1on. lf he 1ogs 1n as Cash1e 5upev1so, fhe Cash1e o1e 1s
unava11ab1e fo h1m du1ng fhaf sess1on
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
b. lncoecf
- 5faf1c 5epaaf1on of Dufy {55D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo defe
faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges {such as, fhe use cannof be a
membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Accounfs kece1vab1e goups}.
- Dynam1c 5epaaf1on of Duf1es {D5D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo
defe faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges fhaf can be acf1vafed 1n
any sess1on {fo 1nsfance, fhe use cannof be 1n bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so o1es af fhe same f1me, buf fhe use can be a membe of bofh}. 1h1s one
1s a 11ff1e moe confus1ng. lf means Joe 1s a membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so. lf he 1ogs 1n as a Cash1e, fhe 5upev1so o1e 1s unava11ab1e fo h1m
du1ng fhaf sess1on. lf he 1ogs 1n as Cash1e 5upev1so, fhe Cash1e o1e 1s
unava11ab1e fo h1m du1ng fhaf sess1on
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
c. lncoecf
- 5faf1c 5epaaf1on of Dufy {55D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo defe
faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges {such as, fhe use cannof be a
membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Accounfs kece1vab1e goups}.
- Dynam1c 5epaaf1on of Duf1es {D5D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo
defe faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges fhaf can be acf1vafed 1n
any sess1on {fo 1nsfance, fhe use cannof be 1n bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so o1es af fhe same f1me, buf fhe use can be a membe of bofh}. 1h1s one
1s a 11ff1e moe confus1ng. lf means Joe 1s a membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so. lf he 1ogs 1n as a Cash1e, fhe 5upev1so o1e 1s unava11ab1e fo h1m
du1ng fhaf sess1on. lf he 1ogs 1n as Cash1e 5upev1so, fhe Cash1e o1e 1s
unava11ab1e fo h1m du1ng fhaf sess1on
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
d. lncoecf
- 5faf1c 5epaaf1on of Dufy {55D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo defe
faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges {such as, fhe use cannof be a
membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Accounfs kece1vab1e goups}.
- Dynam1c 5epaaf1on of Duf1es {D5D} ke1af1ons fhough k8AC 1h1s Wou1d be used fo
defe faud by consfa1n1ng fhe comb1naf1on of p1v11eges fhaf can be acf1vafed 1n
any sess1on {fo 1nsfance, fhe use cannof be 1n bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so o1es af fhe same f1me, buf fhe use can be a membe of bofh}. 1h1s one
1s a 11ff1e moe confus1ng. lf means Joe 1s a membe of bofh fhe Cash1e and Cash1e
5upev1so. lf he 1ogs 1n as a Cash1e, fhe 5upev1so o1e 1s unava11ab1e fo h1m
du1ng fhaf sess1on. lf he 1ogs 1n as Cash1e 5upev1so, fhe Cash1e o1e 1s
unava11ab1e fo h1m du1ng fhaf sess1on
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
Page 9
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. ln a Land affack, a hacke mod1f1es fhe packef heade so fhaf When a
ece1v1ng sysfem esponds fo fhe packef 1f 1s espond1ng fo 1fs oWn addess. Once
fh1s fype of affack Was d1scoveed, fhe s1gnafue-based lD5 vendos Wofe a
s1gnafue fhaf 1ooks spec1f1ca11y fo packefs fhaf confa1n fhe same souce and
desf1naf1on addesses. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 uses behav1oa1 chaacfe1sf1cs
and faff1c-based 1s a fype of sfaf1sf1ca1 lD5.
b. lncoecf. ln a Land affack, a hacke mod1f1es fhe packef heade so fhaf When a
ece1v1ng sysfem esponds fo fhe packef 1f 1s espond1ng fo 1fs oWn addess. Once
fh1s fype of affack Was d1scoveed, fhe s1gnafue-based lD5 vendos Wofe a
s1gnafue fhaf 1ooks spec1f1ca11y fo packefs fhaf confa1n fhe same souce and
desf1naf1on addesses. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 uses behav1oa1 chaacfe1sf1cs
and faff1c-based 1s a fype of sfaf1sf1ca1 lD5.
c. lncoecf. ln a Land affack, a hacke mod1f1es fhe packef heade so fhaf When a
ece1v1ng sysfem esponds fo fhe packef 1f 1s espond1ng fo 1fs oWn addess. Once
fh1s fype of affack Was d1scoveed, fhe s1gnafue-based lD5 vendos Wofe a
s1gnafue fhaf 1ooks spec1f1ca11y fo packefs fhaf confa1n fhe same souce and
desf1naf1on addesses. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 uses behav1oa1 chaacfe1sf1cs
and faff1c-based 1s a fype of sfaf1sf1ca1 lD5.
d. Coecf. ln a Land affack, a hacke mod1f1es fhe packef heade so fhaf When a
ece1v1ng sysfem esponds fo fhe packef 1f 1s espond1ng fo 1fs oWn addess. Once
fh1s fype of affack Was d1scoveed, fhe s1gnafue-based lD5 vendos Wofe a
s1gnafue fhaf 1ooks spec1f1ca11y fo packefs fhaf confa1n fhe same souce and
desf1naf1on addesses. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 uses behav1oa1 chaacfe1sf1cs
and faff1c-based 1s a fype of sfaf1sf1ca1 lD5.
a. lncoecf. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 ae behav1o-based poducfs fhaf ae
puf 1nfo a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e. 1he 1ean1ng fakes p1ace by samp11ng
faff1c and use acf1v1fy. Once fhe pof11e 1s bu11f a11 fufue acf1v1fy 1s samp1ed
and compaed fo fh1s pof11e. 1hey can defecf neW affacks and many f1mes cause many
fa1se pos1f1ves. ku1e-based lD5 poducfs use 1f/fhen pogamm1ng.
b. lncoecf. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 ae behav1o-based poducfs fhaf ae
puf 1nfo a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e. 1he 1ean1ng fakes p1ace by samp11ng
faff1c and use acf1v1fy. Once fhe pof11e 1s bu11f a11 fufue acf1v1fy 1s samp1ed
and compaed fo fh1s pof11e. 1hey can defecf neW affacks and many f1mes cause many
fa1se pos1f1ves. ku1e-based lD5 poducfs use 1f/fhen pogamm1ng.
c. Coecf. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 ae behav1o-based poducfs fhaf ae puf
1nfo a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e. 1he 1ean1ng fakes p1ace by samp11ng
faff1c and use acf1v1fy. Once fhe pof11e 1s bu11f a11 fufue acf1v1fy 1s samp1ed
and compaed fo fh1s pof11e. 1hey can defecf neW affacks and many f1mes cause many
fa1se pos1f1ves. ku1e-based lD5 poducfs use 1f/fhen pogamm1ng.
d. lncoecf. 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 ae behav1o-based poducfs fhaf ae
puf 1nfo a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e. 1he 1ean1ng fakes p1ace by samp11ng
faff1c and use acf1v1fy. Once fhe pof11e 1s bu11f a11 fufue acf1v1fy 1s samp1ed
and compaed fo fh1s pof11e. 1hey can defecf neW affacks and many f1mes cause many
fa1se pos1f1ves. ku1e-based lD5 poducfs use 1f/fhen pogamm1ng.
a. Coecf. Defem1n1ng fhe pope fhesho1ds fo sfaf1sf1ca11y s1gn1f1canf
dev1af1ons 1s ea11y fhe key fo fhe successfu1 use of a behav1o-based lD5. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed affacks {fa1se
pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae nof
1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
b. lncoecf. Defem1n1ng fhe pope fhesho1ds fo sfaf1sf1ca11y s1gn1f1canf
dev1af1ons 1s ea11y fhe key fo fhe successfu1 use of a behav1o-based lD5. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed affacks {fa1se
pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae nof
1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
c. lncoecf. Defem1n1ng fhe pope fhesho1ds fo sfaf1sf1ca11y s1gn1f1canf
dev1af1ons 1s ea11y fhe key fo fhe successfu1 use of a behav1o-based lD5. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed affacks {fa1se
pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae nof
Page 10
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
d. lncoecf. Defem1n1ng fhe pope fhesho1ds fo sfaf1sf1ca11y s1gn1f1canf
dev1af1ons 1s ea11y fhe key fo fhe successfu1 use of a behav1o-based lD5. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s sef foo 1oW, non-1nfus1ve acf1v1f1es ae cons1deed affacks {fa1se
pos1f1ves}. lf fhe fhesho1d 1s sef foo h1gh, fhen ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae nof
1denf1f1ed {fa1se negaf1ves}.
a. lncoecf. A pofoco1 anoma1y pefa1ns fo fhe fomaf and behav1o of a
pofoco1. 1he lD5 bu11ds a mode1 {o pof11e} of each pofoco1`s "noma1" usage. A
pofoco1 anoma1y cou1d be a neW use fo a pofoco1, 1mpope1y fomaffed pofoco1
heade, o a neW sev1ce on fhe nefWok. 51gnafue-based lD5 can on1y defecf knoWn
affacks and cannof defecf behav1o changes. 1aff1c-based lD5 usf uncoves
d1ffeenf paffens 1n faff1c acf1v1fy.
b. lncoecf. A pofoco1 anoma1y pefa1ns fo fhe fomaf and behav1o of a
pofoco1. 1he lD5 bu11ds a mode1 {o pof11e} of each pofoco1`s "noma1" usage. A
pofoco1 anoma1y cou1d be a neW use fo a pofoco1, 1mpope1y fomaffed pofoco1
heade, o a neW sev1ce on fhe nefWok. 51gnafue-based lD5 can on1y defecf knoWn
affacks and cannof defecf behav1o changes. 1aff1c-based lD5 usf uncoves
d1ffeenf paffens 1n faff1c acf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf. A pofoco1 anoma1y pefa1ns fo fhe fomaf and behav1o of a
pofoco1. 1he lD5 bu11ds a mode1 {o pof11e} of each pofoco1`s "noma1" usage. A
pofoco1 anoma1y cou1d be a neW use fo a pofoco1, 1mpope1y fomaffed pofoco1
heade, o a neW sev1ce on fhe nefWok. 51gnafue-based lD5 can on1y defecf knoWn
affacks and cannof defecf behav1o changes. 1aff1c-based lD5 usf uncoves
d1ffeenf paffens 1n faff1c acf1v1fy.
d. Coecf. A pofoco1 anoma1y pefa1ns fo fhe fomaf and behav1o of a pofoco1.
1he lD5 bu11ds a mode1 {o pof11e} of each pofoco1`s "noma1" usage. A pofoco1
anoma1y cou1d be a neW use fo a pofoco1, 1mpope1y fomaffed pofoco1 heade, o
a neW sev1ce on fhe nefWok. 51gnafue-based lD5 can on1y defecf knoWn affacks and
cannof defecf behav1o changes. 1aff1c-based lD5 usf uncoves d1ffeenf paffens
1n faff1c acf1v1fy.
a. lncoecf
1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed, Wh1ch 1s Why many
ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday. 1he cuenf access
confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven
sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf fhe uses can cay ouf. Io
examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe
defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes
home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae
ko1e 8ased Access Confo1.
b. lncoecf
1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed, Wh1ch 1s Why many
ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday. 1he cuenf access
confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven
sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf fhe uses can cay ouf. Io
examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe
defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes
home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae
ko1e 8ased Access Confo1.
c. lncoecf
1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed, Wh1ch 1s Why many
ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday. 1he cuenf access
confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven
sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf fhe uses can cay ouf. Io
examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe
defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes
home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae
Page 11
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
ko1e 8ased Access Confo1.
d. Coecf
1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed, Wh1ch 1s Why many
ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday. 1he cuenf access
confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven
sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf fhe uses can cay ouf. Io
examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe
defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes
home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae
ko1e 8ased Access Confo1.
a. lncoecf. ku1e-based lD5 1s common1y assoc1afed W1fh fhe use of an expef
sysfem. An expef sysfem 1s made up of a knoW1edge base, 1nfeence eng1ne, and
u1e-based pogamm1ng. knoW1edge 1s epesenfed as u1es and fhe dafa fhaf 1s fo be
ana1yzed 1s efeed fo as facfs. 1he knoW1edge of fhe sysfem 1s W1ffen 1n
u1e-based pogamm1ng {lI s1fuaf1on 1hLN acf1on}. 1hese u1es ae app11ed fo fhe
facfs, fhe dafa fhaf comes 1n fom a senso o a sysfem fhaf 1s be1ng mon1foed.
b. lncoecf. ku1e-based lD5 1s common1y assoc1afed W1fh fhe use of an expef
sysfem. An expef sysfem 1s made up of a knoW1edge base, 1nfeence eng1ne, and
u1e-based pogamm1ng. knoW1edge 1s epesenfed as u1es and fhe dafa fhaf 1s fo be
ana1yzed 1s efeed fo as facfs. 1he knoW1edge of fhe sysfem 1s W1ffen 1n
u1e-based pogamm1ng {lI s1fuaf1on 1hLN acf1on}. 1hese u1es ae app11ed fo fhe
facfs, fhe dafa fhaf comes 1n fom a senso o a sysfem fhaf 1s be1ng mon1foed.
c. lncoecf. ku1e-based lD5 1s common1y assoc1afed W1fh fhe use of an expef
sysfem. An expef sysfem 1s made up of a knoW1edge base, 1nfeence eng1ne, and
u1e-based pogamm1ng. knoW1edge 1s epesenfed as u1es and fhe dafa fhaf 1s fo be
ana1yzed 1s efeed fo as facfs. 1he knoW1edge of fhe sysfem 1s W1ffen 1n
u1e-based pogamm1ng {lI s1fuaf1on 1hLN acf1on}. 1hese u1es ae app11ed fo fhe
facfs, fhe dafa fhaf comes 1n fom a senso o a sysfem fhaf 1s be1ng mon1foed.
d. Coecf. ku1e-based lD5 1s common1y assoc1afed W1fh fhe use of an expef
sysfem. An expef sysfem 1s made up of a knoW1edge base, 1nfeence eng1ne, and
u1e-based pogamm1ng. knoW1edge 1s epesenfed as u1es and fhe dafa fhaf 1s fo be
ana1yzed 1s efeed fo as facfs. 1he knoW1edge of fhe sysfem 1s W1ffen 1n
u1e-based pogamm1ng {lI s1fuaf1on 1hLN acf1on}. 1hese u1es ae app11ed fo fhe
facfs, fhe dafa fhaf comes 1n fom a senso o a sysfem fhaf 1s be1ng mon1foed.

a. lncoecf. Lvey change fhaf an opeaf1ng sysfem expe1ences {use 1ogs on,
use opens app11caf1on, app11caf1on commun1cafes fo anofhe app11caf1on, use 1npufs
dafa, and so on} 1s cons1deed a sfafe fans1f1on. ln a vey fechn1ca1 sense a11
opeaf1ng sysfems and app11caf1ons ae usf 11nes and 11nes of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf ae
W1ffen fo cay ouf funcf1ons on dafa. 1he 1nsfucf1ons have empfy va1ab1es, Wh1ch
1s Whee fhe dafa 1s he1d.
b. Coecf. Lvey change fhaf an opeaf1ng sysfem expe1ences {use 1ogs on, use
opens app11caf1on, app11caf1on commun1cafes fo anofhe app11caf1on, use 1npufs
dafa, and so on} 1s cons1deed a sfafe fans1f1on. ln a vey fechn1ca1 sense a11
opeaf1ng sysfems and app11caf1ons ae usf 11nes and 11nes of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf ae
W1ffen fo cay ouf funcf1ons on dafa. 1he 1nsfucf1ons have empfy va1ab1es, Wh1ch
1s Whee fhe dafa 1s he1d.
c. lncoecf. Lvey change fhaf an opeaf1ng sysfem expe1ences {use 1ogs on,
use opens app11caf1on, app11caf1on commun1cafes fo anofhe app11caf1on, use 1npufs
dafa, and so on} 1s cons1deed a sfafe fans1f1on. ln a vey fechn1ca1 sense a11
opeaf1ng sysfems and app11caf1ons ae usf 11nes and 11nes of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf ae
W1ffen fo cay ouf funcf1ons on dafa. 1he 1nsfucf1ons have empfy va1ab1es, Wh1ch
1s Whee fhe dafa 1s he1d.
d. lncoecf. Lvey change fhaf an opeaf1ng sysfem expe1ences {use 1ogs on,
use opens app11caf1on, app11caf1on commun1cafes fo anofhe app11caf1on, use 1npufs
dafa, and so on} 1s cons1deed a sfafe fans1f1on. ln a vey fechn1ca1 sense a11
opeaf1ng sysfems and app11caf1ons ae usf 11nes and 11nes of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf ae
W1ffen fo cay ouf funcf1ons on dafa. 1he 1nsfucf1ons have empfy va1ab1es, Wh1ch
1s Whee fhe dafa 1s he1d.
Page 12
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he senso ece1ves aW dafa fom an evenf geneafo and compaes 1f
fo a s1gnafue dafabase, pof11e, o mode1, depend1ng upon fhe fype of lD5. lf fhee
1s some fype of a mafch, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes susp1c1ous acf1v1fy, fhe senso Woks W1fh
fhe esponse modu1e fo knoW Whaf fype of a1ef fo send ouf {1nsfanf messag1ng, page,
e-ma11, f1eWa11 econf1guaf1on, and so on}.
b. Coecf. 1he senso ece1ves aW dafa fom an evenf geneafo and compaes 1f
fo a s1gnafue dafabase, pof11e, o mode1, depend1ng upon fhe fype of lD5. lf fhee
1s some fype of a mafch, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes susp1c1ous acf1v1fy, fhe senso Woks W1fh
fhe esponse modu1e fo knoW Whaf fype of a1ef fo send ouf {1nsfanf messag1ng, page,
e-ma11, f1eWa11 econf1guaf1on, and so on}.
c. lncoecf. 1he senso ece1ves aW dafa fom an evenf geneafo and compaes 1f
fo a s1gnafue dafabase, pof11e, o mode1, depend1ng upon fhe fype of lD5. lf fhee
1s some fype of a mafch, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes susp1c1ous acf1v1fy, fhe senso Woks W1fh
fhe esponse modu1e fo knoW Whaf fype of a1ef fo send ouf {1nsfanf messag1ng, page,
e-ma11, f1eWa11 econf1guaf1on, and so on}.
d. lncoecf. 1he senso ece1ves aW dafa fom an evenf geneafo and compaes 1f
fo a s1gnafue dafabase, pof11e, o mode1, depend1ng upon fhe fype of lD5. lf fhee
1s some fype of a mafch, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes susp1c1ous acf1v1fy, fhe senso Woks W1fh
fhe esponse modu1e fo knoW Whaf fype of a1ef fo send ouf {1nsfanf messag1ng, page,
e-ma11, f1eWa11 econf1guaf1on, and so on}.
a. Coecf. A mon1fo1ng conso1e mon1fos a11 sensos and supp11es fhe nefWok
sfaff W1fh an ovev1eW of fhe acf1v1f1es of a11 of fhe sensos 1n fhe nefWok. A
d1ff1cu1fy a1ses 1n a sW1fched env1onmenf, Whee faff1c 1s foWaded fhough
v1fua1 p1vafe connecf1on, and 1s nof e-boadcasf fo a11 fhe pofs. 1he sW1fch
shou1d have a managemenf pof, Whee a11 faff1c on fhaf sW1fch can be m1oed fo
one pof Whee fhe senso 1s p1aced. {1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo as a spann1ng pof,
Whee a11 faff1c fom a11 pofs can be m1oed fo one pof.}
b. lncoecf. A mon1fo1ng conso1e mon1fos a11 sensos and supp11es fhe nefWok
sfaff W1fh an ovev1eW of fhe acf1v1f1es of a11 of fhe sensos 1n fhe nefWok. A
d1ff1cu1fy a1ses 1n a sW1fched env1onmenf, Whee faff1c 1s foWaded fhough
v1fua1 p1vafe connecf1on, and 1s nof e-boadcasf fo a11 fhe pofs. 1he sW1fch
shou1d have a managemenf pof, Whee a11 faff1c on fhaf sW1fch can be m1oed fo
one pof Whee fhe senso 1s p1aced. {1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo as a spann1ng pof,
Whee a11 faff1c fom a11 pofs can be m1oed fo one pof.}
c. lncoecf. A mon1fo1ng conso1e mon1fos a11 sensos and supp11es fhe nefWok
sfaff W1fh an ovev1eW of fhe acf1v1f1es of a11 of fhe sensos 1n fhe nefWok. A
d1ff1cu1fy a1ses 1n a sW1fched env1onmenf, Whee faff1c 1s foWaded fhough
v1fua1 p1vafe connecf1on, and 1s nof e-boadcasf fo a11 fhe pofs. 1he sW1fch
shou1d have a managemenf pof, Whee a11 faff1c on fhaf sW1fch can be m1oed fo
one pof Whee fhe senso 1s p1aced. {1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo as a spann1ng pof,
Whee a11 faff1c fom a11 pofs can be m1oed fo one pof.}
d. lncoecf. A mon1fo1ng conso1e mon1fos a11 sensos and supp11es fhe nefWok
sfaff W1fh an ovev1eW of fhe acf1v1f1es of a11 of fhe sensos 1n fhe nefWok. A
d1ff1cu1fy a1ses 1n a sW1fched env1onmenf, Whee faff1c 1s foWaded fhough
v1fua1 p1vafe connecf1on, and 1s nof e-boadcasf fo a11 fhe pofs. 1he sW1fch
shou1d have a managemenf pof, Whee a11 faff1c on fhaf sW1fch can be m1oed fo
one pof Whee fhe senso 1s p1aced. {1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo as a spann1ng pof,
Whee a11 faff1c fom a11 pofs can be m1oed fo one pof.}
a. Coecf
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. 1h1s can be s1mp1e
and sfa1ghffoWad, as 1n &quof,1f fhe uses lD mafches fhe un1que use lD va1ue
1n fhe pov1ded d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe, fhen fhe use can ga1n access.&quof, O fhee
Page 13
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
cou1d be a sef of comp1ex u1es fhaf musf be mef befoe a subecf can access an
b. lncoecf
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. 1h1s can be s1mp1e
and sfa1ghffoWad, as 1n &quof,1f fhe uses lD mafches fhe un1que use lD va1ue
1n fhe pov1ded d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe, fhen fhe use can ga1n access.&quof, O fhee
cou1d be a sef of comp1ex u1es fhaf musf be mef befoe a subecf can access an
c. lncoecf
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. 1h1s can be s1mp1e
and sfa1ghffoWad, as 1n &quof,1f fhe uses lD mafches fhe un1que use lD va1ue
1n fhe pov1ded d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe, fhen fhe use can ga1n access.&quof, O fhee
cou1d be a sef of comp1ex u1es fhaf musf be mef befoe a subecf can access an
d. lncoecf
ku1e-based access confo1 uses spec1f1c u1es fhaf 1nd1cafe Whaf can and cannof
happen befWeen a subecf and an obecf. lf 1s based on fhe s1mp1e concepf of
&quof,1f X fhen Y&quof, pogamm1ng u1es, Wh1ch can be used fo pov1de
f1ne-ga1ned access confo1 fo esouces. 8efoe a subecf can access an obecf 1n
a cefa1n c1cumsfance, 1f musf meef a sef of pedef1ned u1es. 1h1s can be s1mp1e
and sfa1ghffoWad, as 1n &quof,1f fhe uses lD mafches fhe un1que use lD va1ue
1n fhe pov1ded d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe, fhen fhe use can ga1n access.&quof, O fhee
cou1d be a sef of comp1ex u1es fhaf musf be mef befoe a subecf can access an
a. lncoecf. 1ad1f1ona1 lD5 on1y defecfs fhaf somefh1ng bad may be fak1ng p1ace
and send an a1ef. 1he goa1 of lP5 1s fo defecf fh1s acf1v1fy and nof a11oW fhe
faff1c 1nfo ga1n access fo fhe fagef 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o lP5 1s a pevenf1ve
and poacf1ve fechno1ogy, Whee lD5 1s a defecf1ve and affe-fhe-facf fechno1ogy.
A1fhough some lP5 poducfs ae 1n-11ne, fh1s 1s nof fhe ma1n d1ffeence befWeen
fhese appoaches.
b. Coecf. 1ad1f1ona1 lD5 on1y defecfs fhaf somefh1ng bad may be fak1ng p1ace
and send an a1ef. 1he goa1 of lP5 1s fo defecf fh1s acf1v1fy and nof a11oW fhe
faff1c 1nfo ga1n access fo fhe fagef 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o lP5 1s a pevenf1ve
and poacf1ve fechno1ogy, Whee lD5 1s a defecf1ve and affe-fhe-facf fechno1ogy.
A1fhough some lP5 poducfs ae 1n-11ne, fh1s 1s nof fhe ma1n d1ffeence befWeen
fhese appoaches.
c. lncoecf. 1ad1f1ona1 lD5 on1y defecfs fhaf somefh1ng bad may be fak1ng p1ace
and send an a1ef. 1he goa1 of lP5 1s fo defecf fh1s acf1v1fy and nof a11oW fhe
faff1c 1nfo ga1n access fo fhe fagef 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o lP5 1s a pevenf1ve
and poacf1ve fechno1ogy, Whee lD5 1s a defecf1ve and affe-fhe-facf fechno1ogy.
A1fhough some lP5 poducfs ae 1n-11ne, fh1s 1s nof fhe ma1n d1ffeence befWeen
fhese appoaches.
d. lncoecf. 1ad1f1ona1 lD5 on1y defecfs fhaf somefh1ng bad may be fak1ng p1ace
and send an a1ef. 1he goa1 of lP5 1s fo defecf fh1s acf1v1fy and nof a11oW fhe
faff1c 1nfo ga1n access fo fhe fagef 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o lP5 1s a pevenf1ve
and poacf1ve fechno1ogy, Whee lD5 1s a defecf1ve and affe-fhe-facf fechno1ogy.
A1fhough some lP5 poducfs ae 1n-11ne, fh1s 1s nof fhe ma1n d1ffeence befWeen
fhese appoaches.
Page 14
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. Coecf. Ph1sh1ng affacks usua11y fake p1ace fhough e-ma11 schemes equesf1ng
uses fo d1sc1ose pesona1 o f1nanc1a1 1nfomaf1on fo 1denf1fy fheff puposes. 1he
e-ma11 usua11y appeas fo come fom a 1eg1f1mafe copoaf1on ask1ng fhe peson fo
updafe fhe1 accounf 1nfomaf1on o fheafen1ng fo fem1nafe accounfs. 1he e-ma11
confa1ns a 11nk fhaf b1ngs fhe uses fo a Web s1fe fhaf 1ooks 11ke fhe off1c1a1
b. lncoecf. Ph1sh1ng affacks usua11y fake p1ace fhough e-ma11 schemes
equesf1ng uses fo d1sc1ose pesona1 o f1nanc1a1 1nfomaf1on fo 1denf1fy fheff
puposes. 1he e-ma11 usua11y appeas fo come fom a 1eg1f1mafe copoaf1on ask1ng
fhe peson fo updafe fhe1 accounf 1nfomaf1on o fheafen1ng fo fem1nafe accounfs.
1he e-ma11 confa1ns a 11nk fhaf b1ngs fhe uses fo a Web s1fe fhaf 1ooks 11ke fhe
off1c1a1 s1fe.
c. lncoecf. Ph1sh1ng affacks usua11y fake p1ace fhough e-ma11 schemes
equesf1ng uses fo d1sc1ose pesona1 o f1nanc1a1 1nfomaf1on fo 1denf1fy fheff
puposes. 1he e-ma11 usua11y appeas fo come fom a 1eg1f1mafe copoaf1on ask1ng
fhe peson fo updafe fhe1 accounf 1nfomaf1on o fheafen1ng fo fem1nafe accounfs.
1he e-ma11 confa1ns a 11nk fhaf b1ngs fhe uses fo a Web s1fe fhaf 1ooks 11ke fhe
off1c1a1 s1fe.
d. lncoecf. Ph1sh1ng affacks usua11y fake p1ace fhough e-ma11 schemes
equesf1ng uses fo d1sc1ose pesona1 o f1nanc1a1 1nfomaf1on fo 1denf1fy fheff
puposes. 1he e-ma11 usua11y appeas fo come fom a 1eg1f1mafe copoaf1on ask1ng
fhe peson fo updafe fhe1 accounf 1nfomaf1on o fheafen1ng fo fem1nafe accounfs.
1he e-ma11 confa1ns a 11nk fhaf b1ngs fhe uses fo a Web s1fe fhaf 1ooks 11ke fhe
off1c1a1 s1fe.
a. Coecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s a pevenf1ve confo1, because a company 1s
fy1ng fo pevenf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es by sp11ff1ng up a c1f1ca1 fask. kofaf1on of
duf1es 1s a defecf1ve confo1, because a company 1s fy1ng fo uncove faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es by mov1ng a neW emp1oyee 1n a pos1f1on.. 1hey ae bofh adm1n1sfaf1ve
b. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s a pevenf1ve confo1, because a company 1s
fy1ng fo pevenf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es by sp11ff1ng up a c1f1ca1 fask. kofaf1on of
duf1es 1s a defecf1ve confo1, because a company 1s fy1ng fo uncove faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es by mov1ng a neW emp1oyee 1n a pos1f1on. . 1hey ae bofh adm1n1sfaf1ve
c. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s a pevenf1ve confo1, because a company 1s
fy1ng fo pevenf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es by sp11ff1ng up a c1f1ca1 fask. kofaf1on of
duf1es 1s a defecf1ve confo1, because a company 1s fy1ng fo uncove faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es by mov1ng a neW emp1oyee 1n a pos1f1on. . 1hey ae bofh adm1n1sfaf1ve
d. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s a pevenf1ve confo1, because a company 1s
fy1ng fo pevenf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es by sp11ff1ng up a c1f1ca1 fask. kofaf1on of
duf1es 1s a defecf1ve confo1, because a company 1s fy1ng fo uncove faudu1enf
acf1v1f1es by mov1ng a neW emp1oyee 1n a pos1f1on. . 1hey ae bofh adm1n1sfaf1ve
a. lncoecf.
Pevenf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf affempfs fo avo1d a secu1fy 1nc1denf fom fak1ng
Defecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf 1denf1f1es a secu1fy 1nc1denf affe 1f fakes p1ace.
Coecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf educes damages o emed1es fhe s1fuaf1on and
esfoe confo1s.
Compensaf1ng - A confo1 fype fhaf pov1des an a1fenafe fo anofhe confo1 fype.
Defeenf - A confo1 fype fhaf d1scouages secu1fy 1nc1denf affempfs.
kecovey - A confo1 fype fhaf b1ngs fhe sysfem o env1onmenf back fo a noma1
Wok1ng env1onmenf.
b. lncoecf.
Pevenf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf affempfs fo avo1d a secu1fy 1nc1denf fom fak1ng
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
Defecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf 1denf1f1es a secu1fy 1nc1denf affe 1f fakes p1ace.
Coecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf educes damages o emed1es fhe s1fuaf1on and
esfoe confo1s.
Compensaf1ng - A confo1 fype fhaf pov1des an a1fenafe fo anofhe confo1 fype.
Defeenf - A confo1 fype fhaf d1scouages secu1fy 1nc1denf affempfs.
kecovey - A confo1 fype fhaf b1ngs fhe sysfem o env1onmenf back fo a noma1
Wok1ng env1onmenf.
c. lncoecf.
Pevenf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf affempfs fo avo1d a secu1fy 1nc1denf fom fak1ng
Defecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf 1denf1f1es a secu1fy 1nc1denf affe 1f fakes p1ace.
Coecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf educes damages o emed1es fhe s1fuaf1on and
esfoe confo1s.
Compensaf1ng - A confo1 fype fhaf pov1des an a1fenafe fo anofhe confo1 fype.
Defeenf - A confo1 fype fhaf d1scouages secu1fy 1nc1denf affempfs.
kecovey - A confo1 fype fhaf b1ngs fhe sysfem o env1onmenf back fo a noma1
Wok1ng env1onmenf.
d. Coecf.
Pevenf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf affempfs fo avo1d a secu1fy 1nc1denf fom fak1ng
Defecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf 1denf1f1es a secu1fy 1nc1denf affe 1f fakes p1ace.
Coecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf educes damages o emed1es fhe s1fuaf1on and
esfoe confo1s.
Compensaf1ng - A confo1 fype fhaf pov1des an a1fenafe fo anofhe confo1 fype.
Defeenf - A confo1 fype fhaf d1scouages secu1fy 1nc1denf affempfs.
kecovey - A confo1 fype fhaf b1ngs fhe sysfem o env1onmenf back fo a noma1
Wok1ng env1onmenf.
Pevenf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf affempfs fo avo1d a secu1fy 1nc1denf fom fak1ng
Defecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf 1denf1f1es a secu1fy 1nc1denf affe 1f fakes p1ace.
Coecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf educes damages o emed1es fhe s1fuaf1on and
esfoe confo1s.
Compensaf1ng - A confo1 fype fhaf pov1des an a1fenafe fo anofhe confo1 fype.
Defeenf - A confo1 fype fhaf d1scouages secu1fy 1nc1denf affempfs.
kecovey - A confo1 fype fhaf b1ngs fhe sysfem o env1onmenf back fo a noma1
Wok1ng env1onmenf.
Pevenf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf affempfs fo avo1d a secu1fy 1nc1denf fom fak1ng
Defecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf 1denf1f1es a secu1fy 1nc1denf affe 1f fakes p1ace.
Coecf1ve - A confo1 fype fhaf educes damages o emed1es fhe s1fuaf1on and
esfoe confo1s.
Compensaf1ng - A confo1 fype fhaf pov1des an a1fenafe fo anofhe confo1 fype.
Defeenf - A confo1 fype fhaf d1scouages secu1fy 1nc1denf affempfs.
kecovey - A confo1 fype fhaf b1ngs fhe sysfem o env1onmenf back fo a noma1
Wok1ng env1onmenf.
a. lncoecf
Confenf-dependenf f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf
1ook fo spec1f1c sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
numbe,&quof, &quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems
susp1c1ous. Copoaf1ons a1so have fh1s 1n p1ace fo confo1 Web suf1ng-Whee
f11fe1ng 1s done fo 1ook fo spec1f1c Wods-fo fy fo f1gue ouf Whefhe emp1oyees
ae gamb11ng o 1ook1ng af ponogaphy.
b. lncoecf
Confenf-dependenf f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf
1ook fo spec1f1c sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy
numbe,&quof, &quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems
susp1c1ous. Copoaf1ons a1so have fh1s 1n p1ace fo confo1 Web suf1ng-Whee
f11fe1ng 1s done fo 1ook fo spec1f1c Wods-fo fy fo f1gue ouf Whefhe emp1oyees
ae gamb11ng o 1ook1ng af ponogaphy.
c. Coecf
Confenf-dependenf f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf
1ook fo spec1f1c sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy
numbe,&quof, &quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems
susp1c1ous. Copoaf1ons a1so have fh1s 1n p1ace fo confo1 Web suf1ng-Whee
f11fe1ng 1s done fo 1ook fo spec1f1c Wods-fo fy fo f1gue ouf Whefhe emp1oyees
ae gamb11ng o 1ook1ng af ponogaphy.
d. lncoecf
Confenf-dependenf f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf
1ook fo spec1f1c sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy
numbe,&quof, &quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems
susp1c1ous. Copoaf1ons a1so have fh1s 1n p1ace fo confo1 Web suf1ng-Whee
f11fe1ng 1s done fo 1ook fo spec1f1c Wods-fo fy fo f1gue ouf Whefhe emp1oyees
ae gamb11ng o 1ook1ng af ponogaphy.
a. lncoecf. A company can come up W1fh fhe1 oWn nam1ng scheme, buf 1f 1s
1mpofanf fhaf 1f 1s sfandad1zed, documenfed, and non-desc1pf1ve of ob funcf1ons.
b. lncoecf. A company can come up W1fh fhe1 oWn nam1ng scheme, buf 1f 1s
1mpofanf fhaf 1f 1s sfandad1zed, documenfed, and non-desc1pf1ve of ob funcf1ons.
c. Coecf. A company can come up W1fh fhe1 oWn nam1ng scheme, buf 1f 1s
1mpofanf fhaf 1f 1s sfandad1zed, documenfed, and non-desc1pf1ve of ob funcf1ons.
d. lncoecf. A company can come up W1fh fhe1 oWn nam1ng scheme, buf 1f 1s
1mpofanf fhaf 1f 1s sfandad1zed, documenfed, and non-desc1pf1ve of ob funcf1ons.
a. lncoecf. Phys1o1og1ca1 b1omef1c sysfems ev1eW an 1nd1v1dua1`s phys1ca1
aff1bufes as 1n f1ngep1nfs, vo1ce p1nfs, ef1nas, 11s paffens, and so on.
8ehav1oa1 sysfems ev1eW hoW a peson ca1es ouf a spec1f1c fask as 1n s1gnafue
dynam1cs o keysfoke paffens.
b. lncoecf. Phys1o1og1ca1 b1omef1c sysfems ev1eW an 1nd1v1dua1`s phys1ca1
aff1bufes as 1n f1ngep1nfs, vo1ce p1nfs, ef1nas, 11s paffens, and so on.
8ehav1oa1 sysfems ev1eW hoW a peson ca1es ouf a spec1f1c fask as 1n s1gnafue
dynam1cs o keysfoke paffens.
c. Coecf. Phys1o1og1ca1 b1omef1c sysfems ev1eW an 1nd1v1dua1`s phys1ca1
aff1bufes as 1n f1ngep1nfs, vo1ce p1nfs, ef1nas, 11s paffens, and so on.
8ehav1oa1 sysfems ev1eW hoW a peson ca1es ouf a spec1f1c fask as 1n s1gnafue
dynam1cs o keysfoke paffens.
d. lncoecf. Phys1o1og1ca1 b1omef1c sysfems ev1eW an 1nd1v1dua1`s phys1ca1
aff1bufes as 1n f1ngep1nfs, vo1ce p1nfs, ef1nas, 11s paffens, and so on.
8ehav1oa1 sysfems ev1eW hoW a peson ca1es ouf a spec1f1c fask as 1n s1gnafue
dynam1cs o keysfoke paffens.
a. lncoecf. A11 of fhe ofhe def1n1f1ons ae coecf excepf aufho1zaf1on, Wh1ch
means fo confo1 Whaf an aufho1zed use can and cannof do W1fh1n fhe env1onmenf.
b. lncoecf. A11 of fhe ofhe def1n1f1ons ae coecf excepf aufho1zaf1on, Wh1ch
means fo confo1 Whaf an aufho1zed use can and cannof do W1fh1n fhe env1onmenf.
c. Coecf. A11 of fhe ofhe def1n1f1ons ae coecf excepf aufho1zaf1on, Wh1ch
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
means fo confo1 Whaf an aufho1zed use can and cannof do W1fh1n fhe env1onmenf.
d. lncoecf. A11 of fhe ofhe def1n1f1ons ae coecf excepf aufho1zaf1on, Wh1ch
means fo confo1 Whaf an aufho1zed use can and cannof do W1fh1n fhe env1onmenf.
a. lncoecf. Wafchdog f1mes ae common1y used fo defecf soffWae fau1f, such as
a pocess end1ng abnoma11y o hang1ng. 1he Wafchdog funcf1ona11fy sends ouf a fype
of "heafbeaf" packef and 1f a sev1ce 1s nof espond1ng, fhe pocess can be
fem1nafed o esef. 1h1s guads aga1nsf soffWae dead1ocks, 1nf1n1fe 1oops, and
pocess p1o1f1zaf1on pob1ems. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy can be used 1n AAA pofoco1s fo
knoW 1f packefs need fo be esenf and 1f connecf1ons fhaf ae expe1enc1ng pob1ems
need fo be c1osed and eopened.
b. Coecf. Wafchdog f1mes ae common1y used fo defecf soffWae fau1f, such as a
pocess end1ng abnoma11y o hang1ng. 1he Wafchdog funcf1ona11fy sends ouf a fype of
"heafbeaf" packef and 1f a sev1ce 1s nof espond1ng, fhe pocess can be fem1nafed
o esef. 1h1s guads aga1nsf soffWae dead1ocks, 1nf1n1fe 1oops, and pocess
p1o1f1zaf1on pob1ems. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy can be used 1n AAA pofoco1s fo knoW 1f
packefs need fo be esenf and 1f connecf1ons fhaf ae expe1enc1ng pob1ems need fo
be c1osed and eopened.
c. lncoecf. Wafchdog f1mes ae common1y used fo defecf soffWae fau1f, such as
a pocess end1ng abnoma11y o hang1ng. 1he Wafchdog funcf1ona11fy sends ouf a fype
of "heafbeaf" packef and 1f a sev1ce 1s nof espond1ng, fhe pocess can be
fem1nafed o esef. 1h1s guads aga1nsf soffWae dead1ocks, 1nf1n1fe 1oops, and
pocess p1o1f1zaf1on pob1ems. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy can be used 1n AAA pofoco1s fo
knoW 1f packefs need fo be esenf and 1f connecf1ons fhaf ae expe1enc1ng pob1ems
need fo be c1osed and eopened.
d. lncoecf. Wafchdog f1mes ae common1y used fo defecf soffWae fau1f, such as
a pocess end1ng abnoma11y o hang1ng. 1he Wafchdog funcf1ona11fy sends ouf a fype
of "heafbeaf" packef and 1f a sev1ce 1s nof espond1ng, fhe pocess can be
fem1nafed o esef. 1h1s guads aga1nsf soffWae dead1ocks, 1nf1n1fe 1oops, and
pocess p1o1f1zaf1on pob1ems. 1h1s funcf1ona11fy can be used 1n AAA pofoco1s fo
knoW 1f packefs need fo be esenf and 1f connecf1ons fhaf ae expe1enc1ng pob1ems
need fo be c1osed and eopened.
a. lncoecf
1he kADlu5 AAA pofoco1 W111 a11oW emofe uses fo aufhenf1cafe fo an 1nfena1
Acf1ve D1ecfoy, o any ofhe use accounf dafabase W1fhouf fhe need fo a sepaafe
use accounfs dafabase usf fo emofe use aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf
1he kADlu5 AAA pofoco1 W111 a11oW emofe uses fo aufhenf1cafe fo an 1nfena1
Acf1ve D1ecfoy, o any ofhe use accounf dafabase W1fhouf fhe need fo a sepaafe
use accounfs dafabase usf fo emofe use aufhenf1caf1on.
c. Coecf
1he kADlu5 AAA pofoco1 W111 a11oW emofe uses fo aufhenf1cafe fo an 1nfena1
Acf1ve D1ecfoy, o any ofhe use accounf dafabase W1fhouf fhe need fo a sepaafe
use accounfs dafabase usf fo emofe use aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lncoecf
1he kADlu5 AAA pofoco1 W111 a11oW emofe uses fo aufhenf1cafe fo an 1nfena1
Acf1ve D1ecfoy, o any ofhe use accounf dafabase W1fhouf fhe need fo a sepaafe
use accounfs dafabase usf fo emofe use aufhenf1caf1on.
a. lncoecf. Compaed fo fhe ofhe ava11ab1e aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, b1omef1c
pov1des fhe h1ghesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on and 1s fhe mosf expens1ve.
b. lncoecf. Compaed fo fhe ofhe ava11ab1e aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, b1omef1c
pov1des fhe h1ghesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on and 1s fhe mosf expens1ve.
c. lncoecf. Compaed fo fhe ofhe ava11ab1e aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, b1omef1c
pov1des fhe h1ghesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on and 1s fhe mosf expens1ve.
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
d. Coecf. Compaed fo fhe ofhe ava11ab1e aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, b1omef1c
pov1des fhe h1ghesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on and 1s fhe mosf expens1ve.
a. lncoecf. Mosf sysfems do nof use fhe acfua1 passphase o passWod fhe use
enfes. lnsfead 1f pufs fh1s va1ue fhough some f1me of encypf1on o hash1ng
funcf1on fo come up W1fh anofhe fomaf of fhaf va1ue, efeed fo as a v1fua1
b. Coecf. Mosf sysfems do nof use fhe acfua1 passphase o passWod fhe use
enfes. lnsfead 1f pufs fh1s va1ue fhough some f1me of encypf1on o hash1ng
funcf1on fo come up W1fh anofhe fomaf of fhaf va1ue, efeed fo as a v1fua1
c. lncoecf. Mosf sysfems do nof use fhe acfua1 passphase o passWod fhe use
enfes. lnsfead 1f pufs fh1s va1ue fhough some f1me of encypf1on o hash1ng
funcf1on fo come up W1fh anofhe fomaf of fhaf va1ue, efeed fo as a v1fua1
d. lncoecf. Mosf sysfems do nof use fhe acfua1 passphase o passWod fhe use
enfes. lnsfead 1f pufs fh1s va1ue fhough some f1me of encypf1on o hash1ng
funcf1on fo come up W1fh anofhe fomaf of fhaf va1ue, efeed fo as a v1fua1
a. lncoecf. PassWods pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on, buf ae fhe
cheapesf because fhey do nof equ1e exfa eades, Wh1ch ae fo smaf and memoy
cads, fhey do nof equ1e dev1ces, as 1n b1omef1cs, and fhey do nof equ1e a 1of
of ovehead 1n pocess1ng, as 1n cypfogaphy. PassWods ae fhe mosf common fype of
aufhenf1caf1on mefhod used foday.
b. lncoecf. PassWods pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on, buf ae fhe
cheapesf because fhey do nof equ1e exfa eades, Wh1ch ae fo smaf and memoy
cads, fhey do nof equ1e dev1ces, as 1n b1omef1cs, and fhey do nof equ1e a 1of
of ovehead 1n pocess1ng, as 1n cypfogaphy. PassWods ae fhe mosf common fype of
aufhenf1caf1on mefhod used foday.
c. Coecf. PassWods pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on, buf ae fhe
cheapesf because fhey do nof equ1e exfa eades, Wh1ch ae fo smaf and memoy
cads, fhey do nof equ1e dev1ces, as 1n b1omef1cs, and fhey do nof equ1e a 1of
of ovehead 1n pocess1ng, as 1n cypfogaphy. PassWods ae fhe mosf common fype of
aufhenf1caf1on mefhod used foday.
d. lncoecf. PassWods pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on, buf ae fhe
cheapesf because fhey do nof equ1e exfa eades, Wh1ch ae fo smaf and memoy
cads, fhey do nof equ1e dev1ces, as 1n b1omef1cs, and fhey do nof equ1e a 1of
of ovehead 1n pocess1ng, as 1n cypfogaphy. PassWods ae fhe mosf common fype of
aufhenf1caf1on mefhod used foday.
a. Coecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof cay ouf a fask fhaf cou1d be damag1ng o 1sky fo fhe company. lf equ1es
fWo o moe peop1e fo come fogefhe fo cay fhe1 spec1f1c fasks fo accomp11sh fhe
ovea11 fask. lf a peson Wanfed fo comm1f faud and fh1s Was 1n p1ace fhey Wou1d
need fo paf1c1pafe 1n co11us1on.
b. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof cay ouf a fask fhaf cou1d be damag1ng o 1sky fo fhe company. lf equ1es
fWo o moe peop1e fo come fogefhe fo cay fhe1 spec1f1c fasks fo accomp11sh fhe
ovea11 fask. lf a peson Wanfed fo comm1f faud and fh1s Was 1n p1ace fhey Wou1d
need fo paf1c1pafe 1n co11us1on.
c. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof cay ouf a fask fhaf cou1d be damag1ng o 1sky fo fhe company. lf equ1es
fWo o moe peop1e fo come fogefhe fo cay fhe1 spec1f1c fasks fo accomp11sh fhe
ovea11 fask. lf a peson Wanfed fo comm1f faud and fh1s Was 1n p1ace fhey Wou1d
need fo paf1c1pafe 1n co11us1on.
d. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof cay ouf a fask fhaf cou1d be damag1ng o 1sky fo fhe company. lf equ1es
fWo o moe peop1e fo come fogefhe fo cay fhe1 spec1f1c fasks fo accomp11sh fhe
ovea11 fask. lf a peson Wanfed fo comm1f faud and fh1s Was 1n p1ace fhey Wou1d
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
need fo paf1c1pafe 1n co11us1on.
a. Coecf. 1hese affacks ae a1so used 1n Wad1a11ng effofs, 1n Wh1ch fhe
Wad1a1e 1nsefs a 1ong 11sf of phone numbes 1nfo a Wad1a11ng pogam 1n hopes of
f1nd1ng a modem fhaf can be exp1o1fed fo ga1n unaufho1zed access.
b. lncoecf. 1hese affacks ae a1so used 1n Wad1a11ng effofs, 1n Wh1ch fhe
Wad1a1e 1nsefs a 1ong 11sf of phone numbes 1nfo a Wad1a11ng pogam 1n hopes of
f1nd1ng a modem fhaf can be exp1o1fed fo ga1n unaufho1zed access.
c. lncoecf. 1hese affacks ae a1so used 1n Wad1a11ng effofs, 1n Wh1ch fhe
Wad1a1e 1nsefs a 1ong 11sf of phone numbes 1nfo a Wad1a11ng pogam 1n hopes of
f1nd1ng a modem fhaf can be exp1o1fed fo ga1n unaufho1zed access.
d. lncoecf. 1hese affacks ae a1so used 1n Wad1a11ng effofs, 1n Wh1ch fhe
Wad1a1e 1nsefs a 1ong 11sf of phone numbes 1nfo a Wad1a11ng pogam 1n hopes of
f1nd1ng a modem fhaf can be exp1o1fed fo ga1n unaufho1zed access.
a. lncoecf. A 1og1ca1 confo1 1s fhe same fh1ng as a fechn1ca1 confo1. A11 of
fhe ansWes Wee 1og1ca1 1n nafue excepf an lD badge. 8adges ae used fo phys1ca1
secu1fy and ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
b. lncoecf. A 1og1ca1 confo1 1s fhe same fh1ng as a fechn1ca1 confo1. A11 of
fhe ansWes Wee 1og1ca1 1n nafue excepf an lD badge. 8adges ae used fo phys1ca1
secu1fy and ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
c. Coecf. A 1og1ca1 confo1 1s fhe same fh1ng as a fechn1ca1 confo1. A11 of fhe
ansWes Wee 1og1ca1 1n nafue excepf an lD badge. 8adges ae used fo phys1ca1
secu1fy and ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
d. lncoecf. A 1og1ca1 confo1 1s fhe same fh1ng as a fechn1ca1 confo1. A11 of
fhe ansWes Wee 1og1ca1 1n nafue excepf an lD badge. 8adges ae used fo phys1ca1
secu1fy and ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
a. lncoecf. 1he besf appoach fo secu1fy 1s fo fy and pevenf bad fh1ngs fom
fak1ng p1ace by puff1ng fhe necessay confo1s and mechan1sms 1n p1ace. Defecf1ve
confo1s shou1d a1so be puf 1n p1ace, buf a secu1fy mode1 shou1d nof Wok fom a
pue1y defecf1ve appoach.
b. lncoecf. 1he besf appoach fo secu1fy 1s fo fy and pevenf bad fh1ngs fom
fak1ng p1ace by puff1ng fhe necessay confo1s and mechan1sms 1n p1ace. Defecf1ve
confo1s shou1d a1so be puf 1n p1ace, buf a secu1fy mode1 shou1d nof Wok fom a
pue1y defecf1ve appoach.
c. lncoecf. 1he besf appoach fo secu1fy 1s fo fy and pevenf bad fh1ngs fom
fak1ng p1ace by puff1ng fhe necessay confo1s and mechan1sms 1n p1ace. Defecf1ve
confo1s shou1d a1so be puf 1n p1ace, buf a secu1fy mode1 shou1d nof Wok fom a
pue1y defecf1ve appoach.
d. Coecf. 1he besf appoach fo secu1fy 1s fo fy and pevenf bad fh1ngs fom
fak1ng p1ace by puff1ng fhe necessay confo1s and mechan1sms 1n p1ace. Defecf1ve
confo1s shou1d a1so be puf 1n p1ace, buf a secu1fy mode1 shou1d nof Wok fom a
pue1y defecf1ve appoach.
a. lncoecf. Goups and o1es Wok as confa1nes fo uses. 1he adm1n1sfafo o
secu1fy pofess1ona1 ceafes fhe o1es o goups and ass1gns 1ghfs fo fhem and
fhen ass1gns uses fo fhe confa1ne. 1he uses fhen 1nhe1f fhe pem1ss1ons and
1ghfs fom fhe confa1nes {o1es and goups}, Wh1ch 1s hoW 1mp11c1f pem1ss1ons ae
b. Coecf. Goups and o1es Wok as confa1nes fo uses. 1he adm1n1sfafo o
secu1fy pofess1ona1 ceafes fhe o1es o goups and ass1gns 1ghfs fo fhem and
fhen ass1gns uses fo fhe confa1ne. 1he uses fhen 1nhe1f fhe pem1ss1ons and
1ghfs fom fhe confa1nes {o1es and goups}, Wh1ch 1s hoW 1mp11c1f pem1ss1ons ae
c. lncoecf. Goups and o1es Wok as confa1nes fo uses. 1he adm1n1sfafo o
secu1fy pofess1ona1 ceafes fhe o1es o goups and ass1gns 1ghfs fo fhem and
fhen ass1gns uses fo fhe confa1ne. 1he uses fhen 1nhe1f fhe pem1ss1ons and
1ghfs fom fhe confa1nes {o1es and goups}, Wh1ch 1s hoW 1mp11c1f pem1ss1ons ae
Page 20
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
d. lncoecf. Goups and o1es Wok as confa1nes fo uses. 1he adm1n1sfafo o
secu1fy pofess1ona1 ceafes fhe o1es o goups and ass1gns 1ghfs fo fhem and
fhen ass1gns uses fo fhe confa1ne. 1he uses fhen 1nhe1f fhe pem1ss1ons and
1ghfs fom fhe confa1nes {o1es and goups}, Wh1ch 1s hoW 1mp11c1f pem1ss1ons ae
a. lncoecf. An asynchonous foken dev1ce 1s based on cha11enge-esponse
mechan1sms. 1he aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce sends fhe use a cha11enge va1ue and fhe use
enfes fh1s 1nfo fhe foken. 1he foken encypfs o hashes fh1s va1ue and fhe use
uses fh1s as he one-f1me passWod.
b. Coecf. An asynchonous foken dev1ce 1s based on cha11enge-esponse
mechan1sms. 1he aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce sends fhe use a cha11enge va1ue and fhe use
enfes fh1s 1nfo fhe foken. 1he foken encypfs o hashes fh1s va1ue and fhe use
uses fh1s as he one-f1me passWod.
c. lncoecf. An asynchonous foken dev1ce 1s based on cha11enge-esponse
mechan1sms. 1he aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce sends fhe use a cha11enge va1ue and fhe use
enfes fh1s 1nfo fhe foken. 1he foken encypfs o hashes fh1s va1ue and fhe use
uses fh1s as he one-f1me passWod.
d. lncoecf. An asynchonous foken dev1ce 1s based on cha11enge-esponse
mechan1sms. 1he aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce sends fhe use a cha11enge va1ue and fhe use
enfes fh1s 1nfo fhe foken. 1he foken encypfs o hashes fh1s va1ue and fhe use
uses fh1s as he one-f1me passWod.
a. lncoecf. Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng
pesona1 1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he
affackes 1ue, o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods.
Nefa1ous Web s1fes nof on1y have fhe 1ook and fee1 of fhe 1eg1f1mafe Web s1fe, buf
affackes Wou1d pov1de ukLs W1fh doma1n names fhaf 1ook vey s1m11a fo fhe
1eg1f1mafe s1fes addess. Io examp1e, m1ghf become
O use a spec1a11y p1aced 0 symbo1. Io examp1e, Wou1d
acfua11y fake fhe v1cf1m fo fhe Web s1fe and pov1de fhe usename of fo fh1s Web s1fe. 1he usename Wou1d nof be a va11d usename
fo, so fhe v1cf1m Wou1d usf be shoWn fhe home page of NoW, 1s a nefa1ous s1fe and ceafed fo 1ook and fee1 usf 11ke
1he v1cf1m fee1s comfofab1e he 1s af a 1eg1f1mafe s1fe and 1ogs 1n W1fh h1s
b. Coecf. Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng
pesona1 1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he
affackes 1ue, o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods.
Nefa1ous Web s1fes nof on1y have fhe 1ook and fee1 of fhe 1eg1f1mafe Web s1fe, buf
affackes Wou1d pov1de ukLs W1fh doma1n names fhaf 1ook vey s1m11a fo fhe
1eg1f1mafe s1fes addess. Io examp1e, m1ghf become
O use a spec1a11y p1aced 0 symbo1. Io examp1e, Wou1d
acfua11y fake fhe v1cf1m fo fhe Web s1fe and pov1de fhe usename of fo fh1s Web s1fe. 1he usename Wou1d nof be a va11d usename
fo, so fhe v1cf1m Wou1d usf be shoWn fhe home page of NoW, 1s a nefa1ous s1fe and ceafed fo 1ook and fee1 usf 11ke
1he v1cf1m fee1s comfofab1e he 1s af a 1eg1f1mafe s1fe and 1ogs 1n W1fh h1s
c. lncoecf. Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng
pesona1 1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he
affackes 1ue, o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods.
Nefa1ous Web s1fes nof on1y have fhe 1ook and fee1 of fhe 1eg1f1mafe Web s1fe, buf
affackes Wou1d pov1de ukLs W1fh doma1n names fhaf 1ook vey s1m11a fo fhe
1eg1f1mafe s1fes addess. Io examp1e, m1ghf become
O use a spec1a11y p1aced 0 symbo1. Io examp1e, Wou1d
acfua11y fake fhe v1cf1m fo fhe Web s1fe and pov1de fhe usename of fo fh1s Web s1fe. 1he usename Wou1d nof be a va11d usename
fo, so fhe v1cf1m Wou1d usf be shoWn fhe home page of NoW, 1s a nefa1ous s1fe and ceafed fo 1ook and fee1 usf 11ke
Page 21
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
1he v1cf1m fee1s comfofab1e he 1s af a 1eg1f1mafe s1fe and 1ogs 1n W1fh h1s
d. lncoecf. Ph1sh1ng 1s a fype of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng
pesona1 1nfomaf1on, cedenf1a1s, ced1f cad numbe, o f1nanc1a1 dafa. 1he
affackes 1ue, o f1sh, fo sens1f1ve dafa fhough va1ous d1ffeenf mefhods.
Nefa1ous Web s1fes nof on1y have fhe 1ook and fee1 of fhe 1eg1f1mafe Web s1fe, buf
affackes Wou1d pov1de ukLs W1fh doma1n names fhaf 1ook vey s1m11a fo fhe
1eg1f1mafe s1fes addess. Io examp1e, m1ghf become
O use a spec1a11y p1aced 0 symbo1. Io examp1e, Wou1d
acfua11y fake fhe v1cf1m fo fhe Web s1fe and pov1de fhe usename of fo fh1s Web s1fe. 1he usename Wou1d nof be a va11d usename
fo, so fhe v1cf1m Wou1d usf be shoWn fhe home page of NoW, 1s a nefa1ous s1fe and ceafed fo 1ook and fee1 usf 11ke
1he v1cf1m fee1s comfofab1e he 1s af a 1eg1f1mafe s1fe and 1ogs 1n W1fh h1s
a. lncoecf. 1he DAC mode1 a11oWs uses, o dafa oWnes, fhe d1scef1on of
a11oW1ng ofhe uses access fo fhe1 esouces. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed by ACLs, Wh1ch
fhe dafa oWnes can conf1gue.
b. lncoecf. 1he DAC mode1 a11oWs uses, o dafa oWnes, fhe d1scef1on of
a11oW1ng ofhe uses access fo fhe1 esouces. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed by ACLs, Wh1ch
fhe dafa oWnes can conf1gue.
c. lncoecf. 1he DAC mode1 a11oWs uses, o dafa oWnes, fhe d1scef1on of
a11oW1ng ofhe uses access fo fhe1 esouces. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed by ACLs, Wh1ch
fhe dafa oWnes can conf1gue.
d. Coecf. 1he DAC mode1 a11oWs uses, o dafa oWnes, fhe d1scef1on of a11oW1ng
ofhe uses access fo fhe1 esouces. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed by ACLs, Wh1ch fhe dafa
oWnes can conf1gue.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s ansWe 1s cons1deed a sfong aufhenf1caf1on appoach because
1f 1s fWo-facfo, 1f uses fWo ouf of fhe poss1b1e fhee aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques:
somefh1ng a peson knoWs, 1s, o has.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s ansWe 1s cons1deed a sfong aufhenf1caf1on appoach because
1f 1s fWo-facfo, 1f uses fWo ouf of fhe poss1b1e fhee aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques:
somefh1ng a peson knoWs, 1s, o has.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s ansWe 1s cons1deed a sfong aufhenf1caf1on appoach because
1f 1s fWo-facfo, 1f uses fWo ouf of fhe poss1b1e fhee aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques:
somefh1ng a peson knoWs, 1s, o has.
d. Coecf. 1h1s ansWe 1s cons1deed a sfong aufhenf1caf1on appoach because 1f
1s fWo-facfo, 1f uses fWo ouf of fhe poss1b1e fhee aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques:
somefh1ng a peson knoWs, 1s, o has.
a. Coecf. Message Aufhenf1caf1on Code {MAC} 1s a cypfogaph1c funcf1on and 1s
nof a key componenf of kebeos. kebeos 1s made up of a kDC, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs, and a
f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce.
b. lncoecf. Message Aufhenf1caf1on Code {MAC} 1s a cypfogaph1c funcf1on and 1s
nof a key componenf of kebeos. kebeos 1s made up of a kDC, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs, and a
f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce.
c. lncoecf. Message Aufhenf1caf1on Code {MAC} 1s a cypfogaph1c funcf1on and 1s
nof a key componenf of kebeos. kebeos 1s made up of a kDC, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs, and a
f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce.
d. lncoecf. Message Aufhenf1caf1on Code {MAC} 1s a cypfogaph1c funcf1on and 1s
nof a key componenf of kebeos. kebeos 1s made up of a kDC, a ea1m of p1nc1pa1s
{uses, sev1ces, app11caf1ons, dev1ces}, an aufhenf1caf1on sev1ce, f1ckefs, and a
f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce.
Page 22
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoce fhough fhe use of access confo1
11sfs {ACLs}, Wh1ch ae he1d 1n a maf1x. MAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoced fhough
fhe use of secu1fy 1abe1s.
b. lncoecf. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoce fhough fhe use of access confo1
11sfs {ACLs}, Wh1ch ae he1d 1n a maf1x. MAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoced fhough
fhe use of secu1fy 1abe1s.
c. lncoecf. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoce fhough fhe use of access confo1
11sfs {ACLs}, Wh1ch ae he1d 1n a maf1x. MAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoced fhough
fhe use of secu1fy 1abe1s.
d. Coecf. DAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoce fhough fhe use of access confo1 11sfs
{ACLs}, Wh1ch ae he1d 1n a maf1x. MAC 1s 1mp1emenfed and enfoced fhough fhe use
of secu1fy 1abe1s.
a. lncoecf. 5ome Java5c1pf commands ae des1gned fo shoW fhe v1cf1m an 1ncoecf
Web addess. 5o 1efs say 8ob 1s a susp1c1ous and v1g11anf k1nd of a guy. 8efoe he
1npufs h1s usename and passWod fo aufhenf1cafe and ga1n access fo h1s on11ne bank
accounf, he a1Ways checks fhe ukL va1ues 1n fhe addess ba of h1s boWse. Lven
fhough he c1ose1y 1nspecfs 1f fo make sue he 1s nof geff1ng duped, fhee cou1d be a
Java5c1pf ep1ac1ng fhe ukL W1fh so he fh1nks fh1ngs ae safe and 11fe 1s good.
b. Coecf. 5ome Java5c1pf commands ae des1gned fo shoW fhe v1cf1m an 1ncoecf
Web addess. 5o 1efs say 8ob 1s a susp1c1ous and v1g11anf k1nd of a guy. 8efoe he
1npufs h1s usename and passWod fo aufhenf1cafe and ga1n access fo h1s on11ne bank
accounf, he a1Ways checks fhe ukL va1ues 1n fhe addess ba of h1s boWse. Lven
fhough he c1ose1y 1nspecfs 1f fo make sue he 1s nof geff1ng duped, fhee cou1d be a
Java5c1pf ep1ac1ng fhe ukL W1fh so he fh1nks fh1ngs ae safe and 11fe 1s good.
c. lncoecf. 5ome Java5c1pf commands ae des1gned fo shoW fhe v1cf1m an 1ncoecf
Web addess. 5o 1efs say 8ob 1s a susp1c1ous and v1g11anf k1nd of a guy. 8efoe he
1npufs h1s usename and passWod fo aufhenf1cafe and ga1n access fo h1s on11ne bank
accounf, he a1Ways checks fhe ukL va1ues 1n fhe addess ba of h1s boWse. Lven
fhough he c1ose1y 1nspecfs 1f fo make sue he 1s nof geff1ng duped, fhee cou1d be a
Java5c1pf ep1ac1ng fhe ukL W1fh so he fh1nks fh1ngs ae safe and 11fe 1s good.
d. lncoecf. 5ome Java5c1pf commands ae des1gned fo shoW fhe v1cf1m an 1ncoecf
Web addess. 5o 1efs say 8ob 1s a susp1c1ous and v1g11anf k1nd of a guy. 8efoe he
1npufs h1s usename and passWod fo aufhenf1cafe and ga1n access fo h1s on11ne bank
accounf, he a1Ways checks fhe ukL va1ues 1n fhe addess ba of h1s boWse. Lven
fhough he c1ose1y 1nspecfs 1f fo make sue he 1s nof geff1ng duped, fhee cou1d be a
Java5c1pf ep1ac1ng fhe ukL W1fh so he fh1nks fh1ngs ae safe and 11fe 1s good.
a. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on means fo va11dafe fhe 1denf1fy of a use. ln mosf
sysfems fhe use musf subm1f some fype of pub11c 1nfomaf1on {usename, accounf
numbe} and a second cedenf1a1 1s needed fo pove fhaf fh1s 1denf1fy 1s ea11y
bound fo fh1s peson. 1he second p1ece of fhe cedenf1a1 sef 1s p1vafe and shou1d
nof be shaed.
b. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on means fo va11dafe fhe 1denf1fy of a use. ln mosf
sysfems fhe use musf subm1f some fype of pub11c 1nfomaf1on {usename, accounf
numbe} and a second cedenf1a1 1s needed fo pove fhaf fh1s 1denf1fy 1s ea11y
bound fo fh1s peson. 1he second p1ece of fhe cedenf1a1 sef 1s p1vafe and shou1d
nof be shaed.
c. Coecf. Aufhenf1caf1on means fo va11dafe fhe 1denf1fy of a use. ln mosf
sysfems fhe use musf subm1f some fype of pub11c 1nfomaf1on {usename, accounf
numbe} and a second cedenf1a1 1s needed fo pove fhaf fh1s 1denf1fy 1s ea11y
bound fo fh1s peson. 1he second p1ece of fhe cedenf1a1 sef 1s p1vafe and shou1d
nof be shaed.
d. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on means fo va11dafe fhe 1denf1fy of a use. ln mosf
sysfems fhe use musf subm1f some fype of pub11c 1nfomaf1on {usename, accounf
numbe} and a second cedenf1a1 1s needed fo pove fhaf fh1s 1denf1fy 1s ea11y
bound fo fh1s peson. 1he second p1ece of fhe cedenf1a1 sef 1s p1vafe and shou1d
Page 23
Access Confo1-P3.fxf
nof be shaed.
a. lncoecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm used foday.
1hey ae used fo va11dafe a use`s 1denf1fy.
b. lncoecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm used foday.
1hey ae used fo va11dafe a use`s 1denf1fy.
c. Coecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm used foday.
1hey ae used fo va11dafe a use`s 1denf1fy.
d. lncoecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm used foday.
1hey ae used fo va11dafe a use`s 1denf1fy.
a. Coecf. lf 1s eas1e on fhe adm1n1sfafo 1f she on1y has fo ceafe one o1e
and ass1gn a11 of fhe necessay 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons fo fhaf o1e and p1ug a use
1nfo fhaf o1e When needed. OfheW1se she Wou1d need fo ass1gn and exfacf
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs as each 1nd1v1dua1 came and 1eff fhe company.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s eas1e on fhe adm1n1sfafo 1f she on1y has fo ceafe one o1e
and ass1gn a11 of fhe necessay 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons fo fhaf o1e and p1ug a use
1nfo fhaf o1e When needed. OfheW1se she Wou1d need fo ass1gn and exfacf
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs as each 1nd1v1dua1 came and 1eff fhe company.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s eas1e on fhe adm1n1sfafo 1f she on1y has fo ceafe one o1e
and ass1gn a11 of fhe necessay 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons fo fhaf o1e and p1ug a use
1nfo fhaf o1e When needed. OfheW1se she Wou1d need fo ass1gn and exfacf
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs as each 1nd1v1dua1 came and 1eff fhe company.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s eas1e on fhe adm1n1sfafo 1f she on1y has fo ceafe one o1e
and ass1gn a11 of fhe necessay 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons fo fhaf o1e and p1ug a use
1nfo fhaf o1e When needed. OfheW1se she Wou1d need fo ass1gn and exfacf
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs as each 1nd1v1dua1 came and 1eff fhe company.
a. Coecf. Mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on means fhaf 1f 1s happen1ng 1n bofh d1ecf1ons.
lnsfead of usf fhe use hav1ng fo aufhenf1cafe fo seve, fhe seve a1so has fo
aufhenf1cafe fo fhe use.
b. lncoecf. Mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on means fhaf 1f 1s happen1ng 1n bofh d1ecf1ons.
lnsfead of usf fhe use hav1ng fo aufhenf1cafe fo seve, fhe seve a1so has fo
aufhenf1cafe fo fhe use.
c. lncoecf. Mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on means fhaf 1f 1s happen1ng 1n bofh d1ecf1ons.
lnsfead of usf fhe use hav1ng fo aufhenf1cafe fo seve, fhe seve a1so has fo
aufhenf1cafe fo fhe use.
d. lncoecf. Mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on means fhaf 1f 1s happen1ng 1n bofh d1ecf1ons.
lnsfead of usf fhe use hav1ng fo aufhenf1cafe fo seve, fhe seve a1so has fo
aufhenf1cafe fo fhe use.
a. lncoecf. Pham1ng 1s a hackes affack a1m1ng fo ed1ecf a Webs1fes faff1c
fo anofhe, bogus Webs1fe. Pham1ng can be conducfed e1fhe by chang1ng fhe hosfs
f11e on a v1cf1ms compufe o by exp1o1faf1on of a vu1neab111fy 1n DN5 seve
b. lncoecf. Pham1ng 1s a hackes affack a1m1ng fo ed1ecf a Webs1fes faff1c
fo anofhe, bogus Webs1fe. Pham1ng can be conducfed e1fhe by chang1ng fhe hosfs
f11e on a v1cf1ms compufe o by exp1o1faf1on of a vu1neab111fy 1n DN5 seve
c. Coecf. Pham1ng 1s a hackes affack a1m1ng fo ed1ecf a Webs1fes faff1c fo
anofhe, bogus Webs1fe. Pham1ng can be conducfed e1fhe by chang1ng fhe hosfs f11e
on a v1cf1ms compufe o by exp1o1faf1on of a vu1neab111fy 1n DN5 seve soffWae.
d. lncoecf. Pham1ng 1s a hackes affack a1m1ng fo ed1ecf a Webs1fes faff1c
fo anofhe, bogus Webs1fe. Pham1ng can be conducfed e1fhe by chang1ng fhe hosfs
f11e on a v1cf1ms compufe o by exp1o1faf1on of a vu1neab111fy 1n DN5 seve
a. lncoecf. kev1eW1ng aud1f 1ogs fakes p1ace affe fhe facf, affe some fype of
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
1nc1denf happens. lf 1s defecf1ve 1n nafue because fhe secu1fy pofess1ona1 1s
fy1ng fo f1gue ouf Whaf exacf1y happened, hoW fo coecf 1f, and poss1b1y Who 1s
b. Coecf. kev1eW1ng aud1f 1ogs fakes p1ace affe fhe facf, affe some fype of
1nc1denf happens. lf 1s defecf1ve 1n nafue because fhe secu1fy pofess1ona1 1s
fy1ng fo f1gue ouf Whaf exacf1y happened, hoW fo coecf 1f, and poss1b1y Who 1s
c. lncoecf. kev1eW1ng aud1f 1ogs fakes p1ace affe fhe facf, affe some fype of
1nc1denf happens. lf 1s defecf1ve 1n nafue because fhe secu1fy pofess1ona1 1s
fy1ng fo f1gue ouf Whaf exacf1y happened, hoW fo coecf 1f, and poss1b1y Who 1s
d. lncoecf. kev1eW1ng aud1f 1ogs fakes p1ace affe fhe facf, affe some fype of
1nc1denf happens. lf 1s defecf1ve 1n nafue because fhe secu1fy pofess1ona1 1s
fy1ng fo f1gue ouf Whaf exacf1y happened, hoW fo coecf 1f, and poss1b1y Who 1s
a. lncoecf. 1h1s quesf1on may seem a 11ff1e confus1ng 1f you Wee sfuck befWeen
use and oWne. On1y fhe dafa oWne can dec1de Who can access fhe esouces she
oWns. 5he may be a use and she may nof. A use 1s nof necessa11y fhe oWne of fhe
esouce. On1y fhe acfua1 oWne of fhe esouce can d1cfafe Whaf subecfs can
acfua11y access fhe esouce.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s quesf1on may seem a 11ff1e confus1ng 1f you Wee sfuck befWeen
use and oWne. On1y fhe dafa oWne can dec1de Who can access fhe esouces she
oWns. 5he may be a use and she may nof. A use 1s nof necessa11y fhe oWne of fhe
esouce. On1y fhe acfua1 oWne of fhe esouce can d1cfafe Whaf subecfs can
acfua11y access fhe esouce.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s quesf1on may seem a 11ff1e confus1ng 1f you Wee sfuck befWeen
use and oWne. On1y fhe dafa oWne can dec1de Who can access fhe esouces she
oWns. 5he may be a use and she may nof. A use 1s nof necessa11y fhe oWne of fhe
esouce. On1y fhe acfua1 oWne of fhe esouce can d1cfafe Whaf subecfs can
acfua11y access fhe esouce.
d. Coecf. 1h1s quesf1on may seem a 11ff1e confus1ng 1f you Wee sfuck befWeen
use and oWne. On1y fhe dafa oWne can dec1de Who can access fhe esouces she
oWns. 5he may be a use and she may nof. A use 1s nof necessa11y fhe oWne of fhe
esouce. On1y fhe acfua1 oWne of fhe esouce can d1cfafe Whaf subecfs can
acfua11y access fhe esouce.
a. Coecf. ln a s1ng1e s1gn-on fechno1ogy a11 uses ae aufhenf1caf1ng fo one
souce and 1f fhaf souce goes doWn, aufhenf1caf1on equesfs cannof be pocessed.
b. lncoecf. ln a s1ng1e s1gn-on fechno1ogy a11 uses ae aufhenf1caf1ng fo one
souce and 1f fhaf souce goes doWn, aufhenf1caf1on equesfs cannof be pocessed.
c. lncoecf. ln a s1ng1e s1gn-on fechno1ogy a11 uses ae aufhenf1caf1ng fo one
souce and 1f fhaf souce goes doWn, aufhenf1caf1on equesfs cannof be pocessed.
d. lncoecf. ln a s1ng1e s1gn-on fechno1ogy a11 uses ae aufhenf1caf1ng fo one
souce and 1f fhaf souce goes doWn, aufhenf1caf1on equesfs cannof be pocessed.
a. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based
on an 1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove
f1me and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy,
because phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy,
and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
b. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based
on an 1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove
f1me and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy,
because phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy,
and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
c. Coecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based
on an 1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove
f1me and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy,
because phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy,
and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
d. lncoecf.
81omef1cs ve1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1s 1denf1fy by ana1yz1ng a un1que pesona1
aff1bufe o behav1o, Wh1ch 1s one of fhe mosf effecf1ve and accuafe mefhods of
ve1fy1ng 1denf1f1caf1on. A b1omef1c sysfem can make aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons based
on an 1nd1v1dua1s behav1o, as 1n s1gnafue dynam1cs, buf fhese can change ove
f1me and poss1b1y be foged. 81omef1c sysfems fhaf base aufhenf1caf1on dec1s1ons on
phys1ca1 aff1bufes {such as 11s, ef1na, o f1ngep1nf} pov1de moe accuacy,
because phys1ca1 aff1bufes fyp1ca11y donf change, absenf some d1sf1gu1ng 1nuy,
and ae hade fo 1mpesonafe.
a. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy po11cy W111 sef fhe fone fo fhe Who1e secu1fy
pogam. lf W111 d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe managemenf and company 1s W1111ng fo
accepf and fh1s W111 1n fun d1cfafe fhe fype of confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae fo
be puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf fh1s 1eve1 of 1sk 1s nof exceeded.
b. Coecf. 1he secu1fy po11cy W111 sef fhe fone fo fhe Who1e secu1fy pogam.
lf W111 d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe managemenf and company 1s W1111ng fo accepf
and fh1s W111 1n fun d1cfafe fhe fype of confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae fo be puf
1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf fh1s 1eve1 of 1sk 1s nof exceeded.
c. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy po11cy W111 sef fhe fone fo fhe Who1e secu1fy
pogam. lf W111 d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe managemenf and company 1s W1111ng fo
accepf and fh1s W111 1n fun d1cfafe fhe fype of confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae fo
be puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf fh1s 1eve1 of 1sk 1s nof exceeded.
d. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy po11cy W111 sef fhe fone fo fhe Who1e secu1fy
pogam. lf W111 d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe managemenf and company 1s W1111ng fo
accepf and fh1s W111 1n fun d1cfafe fhe fype of confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae fo
be puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf fh1s 1eve1 of 1sk 1s nof exceeded.
a. lncoecf. A bufe foce affack f1es a comb1naf1on of chaacfes 1n fhe
affempf fo d1scove fhe coecf sequence fhaf epesenfs fhe capfued passWod o
Whafeve fhe goa1 of fhe fask 1s. lf 1s an exhausf1ve affack, mean1ng fhe affacke
W111 fy ove and ove aga1n unf11 she 1s successfu1.
b. Coecf. A bufe foce affack f1es a comb1naf1on of chaacfes 1n fhe affempf
fo d1scove fhe coecf sequence fhaf epesenfs fhe capfued passWod o Whafeve
fhe goa1 of fhe fask 1s. lf 1s an exhausf1ve affack, mean1ng fhe affacke W111 fy
ove and ove aga1n unf11 she 1s successfu1.
c. lncoecf. A bufe foce affack f1es a comb1naf1on of chaacfes 1n fhe
affempf fo d1scove fhe coecf sequence fhaf epesenfs fhe capfued passWod o
Whafeve fhe goa1 of fhe fask 1s. lf 1s an exhausf1ve affack, mean1ng fhe affacke
W111 fy ove and ove aga1n unf11 she 1s successfu1.
d. lncoecf. A bufe foce affack f1es a comb1naf1on of chaacfes 1n fhe
affempf fo d1scove fhe coecf sequence fhaf epesenfs fhe capfued passWod o
Whafeve fhe goa1 of fhe fask 1s. lf 1s an exhausf1ve affack, mean1ng fhe affacke
W111 fy ove and ove aga1n unf11 she 1s successfu1.
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 5poof1ng 1s fhe pocess of pefend1ng fo be anofhe peson o
pocess W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng unaufho1zed access. 5poof1ng 1s usua11y done by
us1ng a bogus lP addess, buf 1f cou1d be us1ng someone e1se`s aufhenf1caf1on
b. lncoecf. 5poof1ng 1s fhe pocess of pefend1ng fo be anofhe peson o
pocess W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng unaufho1zed access. 5poof1ng 1s usua11y done by
us1ng a bogus lP addess, buf 1f cou1d be us1ng someone e1se`s aufhenf1caf1on
c. lncoecf. 5poof1ng 1s fhe pocess of pefend1ng fo be anofhe peson o
pocess W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng unaufho1zed access. 5poof1ng 1s usua11y done by
us1ng a bogus lP addess, buf 1f cou1d be us1ng someone e1se`s aufhenf1caf1on
d. Coecf. 5poof1ng 1s fhe pocess of pefend1ng fo be anofhe peson o pocess
W1fh fhe goa1 of obfa1n1ng unaufho1zed access. 5poof1ng 1s usua11y done by us1ng a
bogus lP addess, buf 1f cou1d be us1ng someone e1se`s aufhenf1caf1on cedenf1a1s.
a. Coecf. A cenfa11zed appoach does nof pov1de as much f1ex1b111fy as a
decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on because one enf1fy 1s mak1ng a11 fhe
dec1s1ons 1nsfead of sevea1 enf1f1es fhaf ae c1ose fo fhe esouces. A
cenfa11zed appoach 1s moe sfucfued 1n nafue, Wh1ch means fhaf fhee 1s 1ess
b. lncoecf. A cenfa11zed appoach does nof pov1de as much f1ex1b111fy as a
decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on because one enf1fy 1s mak1ng a11 fhe
dec1s1ons 1nsfead of sevea1 enf1f1es fhaf ae c1ose fo fhe esouces. A
cenfa11zed appoach 1s moe sfucfued 1n nafue, Wh1ch means fhaf fhee 1s 1ess
c. lncoecf. A cenfa11zed appoach does nof pov1de as much f1ex1b111fy as a
decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on because one enf1fy 1s mak1ng a11 fhe
dec1s1ons 1nsfead of sevea1 enf1f1es fhaf ae c1ose fo fhe esouces. A
cenfa11zed appoach 1s moe sfucfued 1n nafue, Wh1ch means fhaf fhee 1s 1ess
d. lncoecf. A cenfa11zed appoach does nof pov1de as much f1ex1b111fy as a
decenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on because one enf1fy 1s mak1ng a11 fhe
dec1s1ons 1nsfead of sevea1 enf1f1es fhaf ae c1ose fo fhe esouces. A
cenfa11zed appoach 1s moe sfucfued 1n nafue, Wh1ch means fhaf fhee 1s 1ess
a. lncoecf. A pe1od1c ev1eW of fhe 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ganfed fo a11 uses
{espec1a11y ones W1fh p1v11ege access} and hoW 1f maps fo fhe1 needs fo comp1efe
fhe1 fasks besf va11dafes fhe easons fo access g1ven. A use may nof sf111 need
fu11 confo1 fo spec1f1c esouces and f11es and a company Wou1d nof uncove fh1s
W1fhouf ev1eW1ng fhe acfua1 needs of fh1s use.
b. Coecf. A pe1od1c ev1eW of fhe 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ganfed fo a11 uses
{espec1a11y ones W1fh p1v11ege access} and hoW 1f maps fo fhe1 needs fo comp1efe
fhe1 fasks besf va11dafes fhe easons fo access g1ven. A use may nof sf111 need
fu11 confo1 fo spec1f1c esouces and f11es and a company Wou1d nof uncove fh1s
W1fhouf ev1eW1ng fhe acfua1 needs of fh1s use.
c. lncoecf. A pe1od1c ev1eW of fhe 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ganfed fo a11 uses
{espec1a11y ones W1fh p1v11ege access} and hoW 1f maps fo fhe1 needs fo comp1efe
fhe1 fasks besf va11dafes fhe easons fo access g1ven. A use may nof sf111 need
fu11 confo1 fo spec1f1c esouces and f11es and a company Wou1d nof uncove fh1s
W1fhouf ev1eW1ng fhe acfua1 needs of fh1s use.
d. lncoecf. A pe1od1c ev1eW of fhe 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons ganfed fo a11 uses
{espec1a11y ones W1fh p1v11ege access} and hoW 1f maps fo fhe1 needs fo comp1efe
fhe1 fasks besf va11dafes fhe easons fo access g1ven. A use may nof sf111 need
fu11 confo1 fo spec1f1c esouces and f11es and a company Wou1d nof uncove fh1s
W1fhouf ev1eW1ng fhe acfua1 needs of fh1s use.
a. lncoecf. 11ckefs ae g1ven fom fhe f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce fo subecfs so
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
fhaf fhey can aufhenf1cafe fo esouces and obecfs and access fhem.
b. lncoecf. 11ckefs ae g1ven fom fhe f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce fo subecfs so
fhaf fhey can aufhenf1cafe fo esouces and obecfs and access fhem.
c. Coecf. 11ckefs ae g1ven fom fhe f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce fo subecfs so fhaf
fhey can aufhenf1cafe fo esouces and obecfs and access fhem.
d. lncoecf. 11ckefs ae g1ven fom fhe f1ckef ganf1ng sev1ce fo subecfs so
fhaf fhey can aufhenf1cafe fo esouces and obecfs and access fhem.
a. lncoecf. Compan1es can use sc1pfs fo ho1d use cedenf1a1s, fh1n c11enfs fo
access seves o ma1nfames, o kebeos fo pov1de a s1ng1e s1gn-on env1onmenf.
D1scef1onay does nof have anyfh1ng fo do W1fh s1ng1e s1gn-on appoaches.
b. lncoecf. Compan1es can use sc1pfs fo ho1d use cedenf1a1s, fh1n c11enfs fo
access seves o ma1nfames, o kebeos fo pov1de a s1ng1e s1gn-on env1onmenf.
D1scef1onay does nof have anyfh1ng fo do W1fh s1ng1e s1gn-on appoaches.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es can use sc1pfs fo ho1d use cedenf1a1s, fh1n c11enfs fo
access seves o ma1nfames, o kebeos fo pov1de a s1ng1e s1gn-on env1onmenf.
D1scef1onay does nof have anyfh1ng fo do W1fh s1ng1e s1gn-on appoaches.
d. Coecf. Compan1es can use sc1pfs fo ho1d use cedenf1a1s, fh1n c11enfs fo
access seves o ma1nfames, o kebeos fo pov1de a s1ng1e s1gn-on env1onmenf.
D1scef1onay does nof have anyfh1ng fo do W1fh s1ng1e s1gn-on appoaches.
a. lncoecf. A PlN 1s a conf1denf1a1 numbe used 1n fhe aufho1zaf1on phase of
access confo1. lf 1s usua11y accompan1ed W1fh a usename o accounf numbe and fhe
PlN 1s used fo va11dafe fhaf 1denf1fy of fhe use.
b. lncoecf. A PlN 1s a conf1denf1a1 numbe used 1n fhe aufho1zaf1on phase of
access confo1. lf 1s usua11y accompan1ed W1fh a usename o accounf numbe and fhe
PlN 1s used fo va11dafe fhaf 1denf1fy of fhe use.
c. Coecf. A PlN 1s a conf1denf1a1 numbe used 1n fhe aufho1zaf1on phase of
access confo1. lf 1s usua11y accompan1ed W1fh a usename o accounf numbe and fhe
PlN 1s used fo va11dafe fhaf 1denf1fy of fhe use.
d. lncoecf. A PlN 1s a conf1denf1a1 numbe used 1n fhe aufho1zaf1on phase of
access confo1. lf 1s usua11y accompan1ed W1fh a usename o accounf numbe and fhe
PlN 1s used fo va11dafe fhaf 1denf1fy of fhe use.
a. lncoecf. 1he f1sf fhee 1fems shou1d be 1nc1uded fo each secu1fy v1o1af1on
defecfed. 5ysfems can have sevea1 access confo1s 1n p1ace, fhus nof eas11y 1ogged.
P1us fhe fype of access confo1 shou1d nof be 1n fh1s fype of documenfaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he f1sf fhee 1fems shou1d be 1nc1uded fo each secu1fy v1o1af1on
defecfed. 5ysfems can have sevea1 access confo1s 1n p1ace, fhus nof eas11y 1ogged.
P1us fhe fype of access confo1 shou1d nof be 1n fh1s fype of documenfaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he f1sf fhee 1fems shou1d be 1nc1uded fo each secu1fy v1o1af1on
defecfed. 5ysfems can have sevea1 access confo1s 1n p1ace, fhus nof eas11y 1ogged.
P1us fhe fype of access confo1 shou1d nof be 1n fh1s fype of documenfaf1on.
d. Coecf. 1he f1sf fhee 1fems shou1d be 1nc1uded fo each secu1fy v1o1af1on
defecfed. 5ysfems can have sevea1 access confo1s 1n p1ace, fhus nof eas11y 1ogged.
P1us fhe fype of access confo1 shou1d nof be 1n fh1s fype of documenfaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s based on somefh1ng fhaf you knoW {passWod, PlN},
somefh1ng fhaf you ae {b1omef1cs}, and somefh1ng fhaf you have {memoy o smaf
cad o foken dev1ce}.
b. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s based on somefh1ng fhaf you knoW {passWod, PlN},
somefh1ng fhaf you ae {b1omef1cs}, and somefh1ng fhaf you have {memoy o smaf
cad o foken dev1ce}.
c. Coecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s based on somefh1ng fhaf you knoW {passWod, PlN},
somefh1ng fhaf you ae {b1omef1cs}, and somefh1ng fhaf you have {memoy o smaf
cad o foken dev1ce}.
d. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s based on somefh1ng fhaf you knoW {passWod, PlN},
somefh1ng fhaf you ae {b1omef1cs}, and somefh1ng fhaf you have {memoy o smaf
cad o foken dev1ce}.
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Access Confo1-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee 1fems can be used fo confo1 fhe amounf of
e1ecf1ca1 ad1af1on fhaf 1s em1ffed fom dev1ces 1n fhe hopes of nof a11oW1ng
d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on 1n an unaufho1zed manne.
b. Coecf. 1he ofhe fhee 1fems can be used fo confo1 fhe amounf of e1ecf1ca1
ad1af1on fhaf 1s em1ffed fom dev1ces 1n fhe hopes of nof a11oW1ng d1sc1osue of
1nfomaf1on 1n an unaufho1zed manne.
c. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee 1fems can be used fo confo1 fhe amounf of
e1ecf1ca1 ad1af1on fhaf 1s em1ffed fom dev1ces 1n fhe hopes of nof a11oW1ng
d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on 1n an unaufho1zed manne.
d. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee 1fems can be used fo confo1 fhe amounf of
e1ecf1ca1 ad1af1on fhaf 1s em1ffed fom dev1ces 1n fhe hopes of nof a11oW1ng
d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on 1n an unaufho1zed manne.
a. Coecf. A synchonous foken dev1ce 1s d1ven by f1me o evenfs fo aufhenf1cafe
uses. An asynchonous foken dev1ce uses a cha11enge-based mechan1sm du1ng 1fs
aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 8ofh ae fypes of foken dev1ces used fo ceafe one-f1me
b. lncoecf. A synchonous foken dev1ce 1s d1ven by f1me o evenfs fo
aufhenf1cafe uses. An asynchonous foken dev1ce uses a cha11enge-based mechan1sm
du1ng 1fs aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 8ofh ae fypes of foken dev1ces used fo ceafe
one-f1me passWods.
c. lncoecf. A synchonous foken dev1ce 1s d1ven by f1me o evenfs fo
aufhenf1cafe uses. An asynchonous foken dev1ce uses a cha11enge-based mechan1sm
du1ng 1fs aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 8ofh ae fypes of foken dev1ces used fo ceafe
one-f1me passWods.
d. lncoecf. A synchonous foken dev1ce 1s d1ven by f1me o evenfs fo
aufhenf1cafe uses. An asynchonous foken dev1ce uses a cha11enge-based mechan1sm
du1ng 1fs aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 8ofh ae fypes of foken dev1ces used fo ceafe
one-f1me passWods.
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
qu1z Name = Access Confo1-P4
1. Lay 1s 1n a managemenf o1e W1fh1n h1s ogan1zaf1on. he has fo dec1de on fhe
fype of 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be co11ecfed and ma1nfa1ned abouf fhe1 cusfomes. h1s
secu1fy off1ce has Waned h1m abouf obfa1n1ng comb1naf1ons of dafa such as
d1ves 11cense numbes and addesses. Whaf fype of fheaf 1s h1s secu1fy off1ce
concened W1fh?
a. Ph1sh1ng
b. Pham1ng
c. Phaff1ng
d. ldenf1fy fheff
2. Iacf o op1n1on-based passWods ae efeed fo as:
a. One-f1me passWods
b. Cogn1f1ve passWods
c. v1fua1 passWod
d. 1oken dev1ce
3. 1ACAC5+ pov1des Whaf fype of access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on?
a. Cenfa11zed
b. Mandafoy
c. D1scef1onay
d. Decenfa11zed
4. Whaf 1s anofhe name fo a dynam1c passWod?
a. One-f1me passWod
b. Passphase
c. v1fua1 passWod
d. Cogn1f1ve passWod
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an examp1e of a pevenf1ve phys1ca1 access confo1?
a. Ience
b. 5ecu1fy guad
c. Locks
d. PassWods
6. John 1s an eng1nee W1fh1n company ACML. he has been fo1d by h1s boss, fhe
secu1fy off1ce, fhaf he musf 1mp1emenf a foo1 fhaf he can use fo pefom deep
ana1ys1s on capfued nefWok faff1c fhaf has been f1agged as susp1c1ous. Whaf fype
of foo1 shou1d John puf 1nfo p1ace?
a. 5n1ffe
b. Pofoco1 ana1yze
c. Wa d1a1e
d. I1eWa11
7. 11m 1s a membe of managemenf and has usf been nof1f1ed fhaf fWo sn1ffe foo1s
have been 1denf1f1ed on fhe nefWok. 1he soffWae foo1s Wee 1nsfa11ed on fWo
d1ffeenf sysfems fhaf Wee ma1nfa1ned by a secu1fy eng1nee Who has ecenf1y been
f1ed. Whaf shou1d 11m undesfand abouf fh1s s1fuaf1on?
a. 1he foo1s Wee pobab1y 1nsfa11ed fo 1denf1fy susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es by fhe
eng1nee and shou1d nof be a concen.
b. 1he foo1s Wee pobab1y 1nsfa11ed by fhe eng1nee fo 1denf1fy 1eg1f1mafe1y
susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es, buf shou1d be a concen.
c. 1he foo1s Wee 1nsfa11ed as paf of fhe companys lP5 o11ouf and shou1d be a
d. 1he foo1s Wee 1nsfa11ed as paf of fhe companys lP5 o11ouf and shou1d nof be
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
a concen.
. lf a company 1s go1ng fo use keyboad mon1fo1ng fo mon1fo fhe1 emp1oyees fhey
need fo do a11 buf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. A banne shou1d be d1sp1ayed du1ng 1ogon desc1b1ng fhe poss1b111fy of
b. lf shou1d be 1nc1uded 1n secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng
c. Lmp1oyees shou1d be g1ven fhe 1ghf fo accepf o efuse fh1s fype of acf1v1fy
d. lf shou1d be addessed 1n a secu1fy po11cy
9. Access confo1s fhaf g1ve subecfs and obecfs a ange of uppe and 1oWe bound
capab111f1es ae ca11ed:
a. 5ecu1fy 1abe1s
b. Laff1ce-based
c. Mandafoy
d. 1ask-based
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an examp1e of a pevenf1ve-phys1ca1 access confo1?
a. lmp1emenf1ng pe-emp1oymenf backgound checks
b. Conducf1ng secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng
c. Conf1gu1ng access confo1 11sfs on oufes
d. Lock1ng 1apfop dock1ng sfaf1ons
11. Ch1sf1ne 1s paf of fhe managemenf feam 1n he company. 5he has been asked fo
have a meef1ng W1fh fhe companys 1aWye and secu1fy off1ce abouf fhe honeypof
sysfems fhaf ae 1nsfa11ed on fhe companys nefWok. Whaf 1ssues ae Ch1sf1ne mosf
11ke1y go1ng fo be faced W1fh1n 1n fh1s s1fuaf1on?
a. Lnfapmenf 1ssues
b. lmpope1y us1ng enf1cemenf
c. 1ansbode 1nfomaf1on f1oW abuse
d. l11ega11y capfu1ng sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on
12. 1he pocess of 1denf1fy1ng an 1nd1v1dua1 by fhe un1que b1ood-vesse1 paffen on
fhe back of h1s eyeba11 1s ca11ed?
a. kef1na scan
b. l1s scan
c. Iac1a1 scan
d. 81ood scan
13. Whaf fype of confo1 1s aud1f1ng?
a. Pevenf1ve
b. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
c. 1echn1ca1
d. Phys1ca1
14. Whaf 1mpofanf va1ab1e 1s used When eva1uaf1ng fhe effecf1veness of b1omef1c
a. 1ype l eos
b. Accepfance by soc1efy
c. 1ype ll eos
d. CLk
15. Wh1ch b1omef1c mechan1sm 1denf1f1es an 1nd1v1dua1 by e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s fhaf
ae em1ffed by a pesons phys1ca1 movemenf?
a. Iac1a1 scan
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
b. hand geomefy
c. 51gnafue dynam1cs
d. vo1ce p1nf
16. Jane 1s espons1b1e fo o111ng ouf he companys lD5 poducf. 5he has fo make
sue fo p1ace fhe lD5 sensos 1n fhe coecf 1ocaf1on and ensue fhaf fhe sensos
ae capfu1ng dafa coecf1y. One of he eng1nees has fo1d he fhaf one nefWok
segmenf W111 equ1e fhee sensos, buf she 1s concened because fh1s W111 puf he
ove he budgef. Whaf 1ssue cou1d Jane be faced W1fh?
a. lncompaf1b111fy of sensos
b. lmpope commun1caf1on befWeen sensos
c. OveWhe1med sensos
d. lmpope commun1caf1on befWeen fhe sensos and fhe managemenf conso1e
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a Weakness of kebeos?
a. 5ecef keys ae vu1neab1e When fhey ae fempoa11y sfoed on fhe uses
b. NefWok faff1c 1s nof pofecfed 1f encypf1on 1s nof enab1ed.
c. Moe and moe poducfs ae beg1nn1ng fo suppof 1f.
d. 1he kDC 1s a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue.
1. Capab111fy fab1es ae bound fo Whaf?
a. Obecfs
b. uses
c. 5ubecfs
d. Mode1s
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s 1s nof cons1deed defecf1ve?
a. lnc1dence esponse
b. lnspecf1ons
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
d. Job ofaf1on
20. Doug, fhe secu1fy off1ce, has been fo1d by h1s manage fhaf peop1e shou1d nof
be access1ng fhe companys seves du1ng fhe Weekend. Whaf fype of so1uf1on shou1d
Doug 1mp1emenf?
a. Anoma1y-based lD5
b. 51gnafue -based lD5
c. kesf1cfed 1nfefaces
d. ko1e-based access confo1
21. Defem1n1ng Whaf a use can access based on fhe dafa, nof fhe subecfs
1denf1fy, 1s ca11ed:
a. Confenf-based
b. ko1e-based
c. ku1e-based
d. Capab111fy fab1e
22. P1v11ege Aff1bufe Cef1f1cafes {PACs} ae used 1n Whaf s1ng1e s1gn-on
a. kebeos
b. 5c1pf1ng
c. 1h1n c11enfs
d. 5L5AML
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
23. A11 of fhe fo11oW1ng ae fechn1ca1 confo1s excepf:
a. Aud1f1ng
b. 1esf1ng
c. NefWok ach1fecfue
d. Lncypf1on
24. 1he sfudy and confo1 of spu1ous e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s fhaf ae em1ffed by
e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf 1s ca11ed:
a. lD5
b. Zones
c. Wh1fe no1se
d. 1LMPL51
25. 1he secu1fy adm1n1sfafo has been fo1d fhaf fhee 1s some susp1c1ous acf1v1fy
fhaf 1s fak1ng p1ace on fhee of fhe companys Woksfaf1ons. he has been 1nsfucfed
fo ev1eW fhe fype of lCMP faff1c fhaf 1s be1ng a11oWed fhough fhe 1ngess
oufes. Why Wou1d he be fo1d fo 1ook af fh1s spec1f1ca11y?
a. Compom1sed sysfems
b. 8ackdoo commun1caf1on
c. Lmp1oyee esp1onage
d. Ma1fomed fagmenfs
26. lf Was uncoveed fhaf sevea1 affacks on a companys nefWok have been
successfu1. 1he manage Was fo1d fhaf fh1s 1s because anoma1y scoes Wee sef
1mpope1y and mosf 11ke1y foo 1oW. Whaf does fh1s 1nfomaf1on pefa1n fo?
a. 1he behav1oa1 lD5 sysfem Was nof pope1y funed
b. 1he lP5 Was nof pope1y conf1gued
c. 1he hosf-based lD5 Was nof pope1y conf1gued
d. 1he f1eWa11 Was nof pope1y conf1gued
27. A seve W1fh open pofs p1aced W1fh1n a nefWok fo enf1ce an affacke 1s
a. Lnfapmenf
b. honeypof
c. DMZ
d. kDC
2. 8uffe ovef1oWs happen because:
a. 8uffes can on1y confa1n a cefa1n amounf of dafa.
b. 1he 1engfh of fhe dafa 1s nof checked af f1me of 1npuf.
c. 8uffes ae Weak and easy fo exp1o1f.
d. 1he sysfem`s memoy 1s 1nsuff1c1enf.
29. PassWods seve many puposes. Whaf 1s fhe1 p1may pupose?
a. A11oW f11e access
b. ldenf1fy uses
c. Aufhenf1cafe uses
d. 5epaafe d1ffeenf uses` access pem1ss1ons
30. lf a company needs fo ensue 1f defecfs a11 knoWn affacks, Whaf fechno1ogy
shou1d 1f 1mp1emenf?
a. 8ehav1oa1 lD5
b. 51gnafue-based lD5
c. ku1e-based lD5
d. Lxpef lD5
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
31. ve1f1caf1on fhaf fhe use`s c1a1med 1denf1fy 1s va11d 1s a fom of:
a. Aufhenf1caf1on
b. ldenf1f1caf1on
c. lnfeg1fy
d. Conf1denf1a11fy
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs abouf b1omef1cs 1s nof fue?
a. uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey do.
b. uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey ae.
c. uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey knoW.
d. A b1omef1c sysfem`s accuacy 1s defem1ned by 1fs cossove eo afe {CLk}.
33. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch 1s nof a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack?
a. Zone fansfe
b. 5muf
c. 5yn f1ood
d. 1eaDop
34. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch besf ensues use accounfab111fy fo acf1ons
faken W1fh1n a sysfem o doma1n?
a. ldenf1f1caf1on
b. Aufhenf1caf1on
c. Aufho1zaf1on
d. Cedenf1a1s
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of anoma1y-based lD5es?
1. Paffen mafch1ng
11. 5fafefu1 mafch1ng
111. Pofoco1 anoma1y-based
1v. 1aff1c anoma1y-based
v. ku1e o heu1sf1c - based
a. 1, 11
b. 1, 111, 1v
c. 111, 1v, v
d. 1, 11, 111, 1v
36. One Way fo 11m1f connecf1ons fo a sysfem 1s by ca111ng back fhe numbe of a
pev1ous1y aufho1zed 1ocaf1on. 1h1s fype of access pofecf1on sysfem 1s ca11ed a:
a. 5endback sysfem
b. Ca11back foWad sysfem
c. Ca11back sysfem
d. 5endback foWad sysfem
37. A fab1e of subecfs and obecfs 1nd1caf1ng Whaf acf1ons 1nd1v1dua1 subecfs can
fake upon 1nd1v1dua1 obecfs 1s ca11ed a:
a. Capac1fy fab1e
b. Access confo1 11sf
c. Access confo1 maf1x
d. Capab111fy fab1e
3. 1he XYZ company Was affacked by an enf1fy Who Was aufho1zed fo access sysfem
esouces buf Who used fhem 1n a Way nof appoved by fhose Who ganfed fhe
aufho1zaf1on. 1h1s 1s an examp1e of:
a. An acf1ve affack
b. An oufs1de affack
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
c. An 1ns1de affack
d. A pass1ve affack
39. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1ssues dea1 W1fh eass1gn1ng fo a subecf med1a fhaf
pev1ous1y confa1ned one o moe obecfs?
a. 8oWs1ng affack
b. Obecf euse
c. Med1a opf1m1zaf1on
d. Addess eass1gnmenf
40. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch Wou1d be fhe besf passWod?
a. k1ffy360
b. D1anaLynn
c. f1me4phun
d. pssWd
41. hoW ae access confo1 11sfs {ACLs} and capab111fy fab1es d1ffeenf?
a. Access confo1 11sfs ae subecf-based, and capab111fy fab1es ae obecf-based.
b. Access confo1 11sfs ae obecf-based, and capab111fy fab1es ae subecf-based.
c. Capab111fy fab1es ae used fo obecfs, and access confo1 11sfs ae used fo
d. 1hey ae essenf1a11y fhe same.
42. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch one 1s somefh1ng fhaf 1nfus1on defecf1on {lD}
and esponse 1s nof?
a. A pevenf1ve confo1
b. A defecf1ve confo1
c. A mon1fo1ng confo1
d. A eacf1ve confo1
43. 1o pope1y enfoce access confo1 W1fh1n env1onmenf, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
shou1d be ca1ed ouf?
1. Deny access fo sysfems by undef1ned uses o anonymous accounfs.
11. A11oW un11m1fed usage of adm1n1sfafo and ofhe poWefu1 accounfs.
111. 5uspend o de1ay access capab111fy affe a spec1f1c numbe of unsuccessfu1
1ogon affempfs.
1v. kemove obso1efe use accounfs as soon as fhe use 1eaves fhe company.
v. Acf1vafe 1nacf1ve accounfs affe 30 fo 60 days.
a. 1, 111, 1v
b. 1, 11, 111, 1v, v
c. 1, 11, 111
d. 1, 1v, v
44. 5fephan1e 1s a ecenf1y h1ed manage af a 1age f1nanc1a1 ogan1zaf1on. 5he has
found ouf fhaf fhee emp1oyees ae suspecfed of mov1ng sens1f1ve cusfome dafa fom
fhe1 compufe sysfems fo ema11 messages. he secu1fy off1ce 1nd1cafes fhaf
keysfoke mon1fo1ng shou1d be dep1oyed fo fhese uses sysfems. Whaf 1s an 1ssue
fhaf 5fephan1e needs fo be concened W1fh?
a. 8ackdoos
b. 1oan hoses
c. lnfomaf1on f1oW
d. P1vacy
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. ldenf1fy fheff efes fo a s1fuaf1on Whee someone obfa1ns key p1eces
of pesona1 1nfomaf1on such as a d1ves 11cense numbe, bank accounf numbe,
cedenf1a1s, o 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbe, and fhen uses fhaf 1nfomaf1on fo
1mpesonafe someone e1se.
b. lncoecf. ldenf1fy fheff efes fo a s1fuaf1on Whee someone obfa1ns key p1eces
of pesona1 1nfomaf1on such as a d1ves 11cense numbe, bank accounf numbe,
cedenf1a1s, o 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbe, and fhen uses fhaf 1nfomaf1on fo
1mpesonafe someone e1se.
c. lncoecf. ldenf1fy fheff efes fo a s1fuaf1on Whee someone obfa1ns key p1eces
of pesona1 1nfomaf1on such as a d1ves 11cense numbe, bank accounf numbe,
cedenf1a1s, o 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbe, and fhen uses fhaf 1nfomaf1on fo
1mpesonafe someone e1se.
d. Coecf. ldenf1fy fheff efes fo a s1fuaf1on Whee someone obfa1ns key p1eces
of pesona1 1nfomaf1on such as a d1ves 11cense numbe, bank accounf numbe,
cedenf1a1s, o 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy numbe, and fhen uses fhaf 1nfomaf1on fo
1mpesonafe someone e1se.
a. lncoecf. Cogn1f1ve passWods a11oW uses fo ansWe quesf1ons abouf fhemse1ves
fhaf ae easy fo emembe buf had fo an affacke fo uncove. 5ome examp1es ae:
Whee a peson gaduafed, mofhes ma1den name, favo1fe co1o, pefs name.
b. Coecf. Cogn1f1ve passWods a11oW uses fo ansWe quesf1ons abouf fhemse1ves
fhaf ae easy fo emembe buf had fo an affacke fo uncove. 5ome examp1es ae:
Whee a peson gaduafed, mofhes ma1den name, favo1fe co1o, pefs name.
c. lncoecf. Cogn1f1ve passWods a11oW uses fo ansWe quesf1ons abouf fhemse1ves
fhaf ae easy fo emembe buf had fo an affacke fo uncove. 5ome examp1es ae:
Whee a peson gaduafed, mofhes ma1den name, favo1fe co1o, pefs name.
d. lncoecf. Cogn1f1ve passWods a11oW uses fo ansWe quesf1ons abouf fhemse1ves
fhaf ae easy fo emembe buf had fo an affacke fo uncove. 5ome examp1es ae:
Whee a peson gaduafed, mofhes ma1den name, favo1fe co1o, pefs name.
a. Coecf. 1ACAC5+ 1s a c11enf/seve pofoco1 used 1n emofe access cenfa11zed
env1onmenfs. Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on has one enf1fy o goup fhaf
1mp1emenfs and ma1nfa1ns access dec1s1ons based upon fhe ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy
b. lncoecf. 1ACAC5+ 1s a c11enf/seve pofoco1 used 1n emofe access
cenfa11zed env1onmenfs. Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on has one enf1fy
o goup fhaf 1mp1emenfs and ma1nfa1ns access dec1s1ons based upon fhe
ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy po11cy.
c. lncoecf. 1ACAC5+ 1s a c11enf/seve pofoco1 used 1n emofe access
cenfa11zed env1onmenfs. Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on has one enf1fy
o goup fhaf 1mp1emenfs and ma1nfa1ns access dec1s1ons based upon fhe
ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy po11cy.
d. lncoecf. 1ACAC5+ 1s a c11enf/seve pofoco1 used 1n emofe access
cenfa11zed env1onmenfs. Cenfa11zed access confo1 adm1n1sfaf1on has one enf1fy
o goup fhaf 1mp1emenfs and ma1nfa1ns access dec1s1ons based upon fhe
ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy po11cy.
a. Coecf. One-f1me o dynam1c passWods ae good fo on1y one sess1on and ae
used 1n env1onmenfs fhaf equ1e moe secu1fy fhan sfaf1c passWod. lf fhese
passWods ae 1nfecepfed by an affacke, fhey ae on1y good fo a sma11 W1ndoW of
f1me, fhus fhee 1s a sma11e chance of ep1ay affacks be1ng successfu1.
b. lncoecf. One-f1me o dynam1c passWods ae good fo on1y one sess1on and ae
used 1n env1onmenfs fhaf equ1e moe secu1fy fhan sfaf1c passWod. lf fhese
passWods ae 1nfecepfed by an affacke, fhey ae on1y good fo a sma11 W1ndoW of
f1me, fhus fhee 1s a sma11e chance of ep1ay affacks be1ng successfu1.
c. lncoecf. One-f1me o dynam1c passWods ae good fo on1y one sess1on and ae
used 1n env1onmenfs fhaf equ1e moe secu1fy fhan sfaf1c passWod. lf fhese
passWods ae 1nfecepfed by an affacke, fhey ae on1y good fo a sma11 W1ndoW of
Page 7
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
f1me, fhus fhee 1s a sma11e chance of ep1ay affacks be1ng successfu1.
d. lncoecf. One-f1me o dynam1c passWods ae good fo on1y one sess1on and ae
used 1n env1onmenfs fhaf equ1e moe secu1fy fhan sfaf1c passWod. lf fhese
passWods ae 1nfecepfed by an affacke, fhey ae on1y good fo a sma11 W1ndoW of
f1me, fhus fhee 1s a sma11e chance of ep1ay affacks be1ng successfu1.
a. lncoecf. PassWods ae pevenf1ve confo1s, buf ae cons1deed fechn1ca1
b. lncoecf. PassWods ae pevenf1ve confo1s, buf ae cons1deed fechn1ca1
c. lncoecf. PassWods ae pevenf1ve confo1s, buf ae cons1deed fechn1ca1
d. Coecf. PassWods ae pevenf1ve confo1s, buf ae cons1deed fechn1ca1
a. lncoecf. A packef o nefWok sn1ffe 1s a genea1 fem fo pogams o dev1ces
ab1e fo exam1ne faff1c on a LAN segmenf. 1aff1c fhaf 1s be1ng fansfeed ove a
nefWok med1um 1s fansm1ffed as e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s, encoded 1n b1nay
epesenfaf1on. 1he sn1ffe has fo have a pofoco1-ana1ys1s capab111fy fo ecogn1ze
fhe d1ffeenf pofoco1 va1ues fo pope1y 1nfepef fhe1 mean1ng.
b. Coecf. A packef o nefWok sn1ffe 1s a genea1 fem fo pogams o dev1ces
ab1e fo exam1ne faff1c on a LAN segmenf. 1aff1c fhaf 1s be1ng fansfeed ove a
nefWok med1um 1s fansm1ffed as e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s, encoded 1n b1nay
epesenfaf1on. 1he sn1ffe has fo have a pofoco1-ana1ys1s capab111fy fo ecogn1ze
fhe d1ffeenf pofoco1 va1ues fo pope1y 1nfepef fhe1 mean1ng.
c. lncoecf. A packef o nefWok sn1ffe 1s a genea1 fem fo pogams o dev1ces
ab1e fo exam1ne faff1c on a LAN segmenf. 1aff1c fhaf 1s be1ng fansfeed ove a
nefWok med1um 1s fansm1ffed as e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s, encoded 1n b1nay
epesenfaf1on. 1he sn1ffe has fo have a pofoco1-ana1ys1s capab111fy fo ecogn1ze
fhe d1ffeenf pofoco1 va1ues fo pope1y 1nfepef fhe1 mean1ng.
d. lncoecf. A packef o nefWok sn1ffe 1s a genea1 fem fo pogams o dev1ces
ab1e fo exam1ne faff1c on a LAN segmenf. 1aff1c fhaf 1s be1ng fansfeed ove a
nefWok med1um 1s fansm1ffed as e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s, encoded 1n b1nay
epesenfaf1on. 1he sn1ffe has fo have a pofoco1-ana1ys1s capab111fy fo ecogn1ze
fhe d1ffeenf pofoco1 va1ues fo pope1y 1nfepef fhe1 mean1ng.
a. lncoecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae used by fhe peop1e 1n fhe Wh1fe hafs
{adm1n1sfafos and secu1fy pofess1ona1s} usua11y fo fy and fack doWn a ecenf
pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok. 8uf fhe guys 1n fhe b1ack hafs {affackes and cackes}
can use fhem fo 1ean abouf Whaf fype of dafa 1s passed ove a spec1f1c nefWok
segmenf and fo mod1fy dafa 1n an unaufho1zed manne. 81ack hafs usua11y use
sn1ffes fo obfa1n cedenf1a1s as fhey pass ove fhe nefWok med1um. 1he company
does nof knoW Who 1nsfa11ed fhem and fh1s shou1d be a concen.
b. Coecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae used by fhe peop1e 1n fhe Wh1fe hafs
{adm1n1sfafos and secu1fy pofess1ona1s} usua11y fo fy and fack doWn a ecenf
pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok. 8uf fhe guys 1n fhe b1ack hafs {affackes and cackes}
can use fhem fo 1ean abouf Whaf fype of dafa 1s passed ove a spec1f1c nefWok
segmenf and fo mod1fy dafa 1n an unaufho1zed manne. 81ack hafs usua11y use
sn1ffes fo obfa1n cedenf1a1s as fhey pass ove fhe nefWok med1um. 1he company
does nof knoW Who 1nsfa11ed fhem and fh1s shou1d be a concen.
c. lncoecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae used by fhe peop1e 1n fhe Wh1fe hafs
{adm1n1sfafos and secu1fy pofess1ona1s} usua11y fo fy and fack doWn a ecenf
pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok. 8uf fhe guys 1n fhe b1ack hafs {affackes and cackes}
can use fhem fo 1ean abouf Whaf fype of dafa 1s passed ove a spec1f1c nefWok
segmenf and fo mod1fy dafa 1n an unaufho1zed manne. 81ack hafs usua11y use
sn1ffes fo obfa1n cedenf1a1s as fhey pass ove fhe nefWok med1um. 1he company
does nof knoW Who 1nsfa11ed fhem and fh1s shou1d be a concen.
d. lncoecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae used by fhe peop1e 1n fhe Wh1fe hafs
{adm1n1sfafos and secu1fy pofess1ona1s} usua11y fo fy and fack doWn a ecenf
pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok. 8uf fhe guys 1n fhe b1ack hafs {affackes and cackes}
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
can use fhem fo 1ean abouf Whaf fype of dafa 1s passed ove a spec1f1c nefWok
segmenf and fo mod1fy dafa 1n an unaufho1zed manne. 81ack hafs usua11y use
sn1ffes fo obfa1n cedenf1a1s as fhey pass ove fhe nefWok med1um. 1he company
does nof knoW Who 1nsfa11ed fhem and fh1s shou1d be a concen.

a. lncoecf. As 1ong as emp1oyees ae pope1y nof1f1ed fhaf some fype of

mon1fo1ng can fake p1ace, fhe company can 1mp1emenf keyboad mon1fo1ng W1fh o
W1fhouf fhe1 consenf. keyboad mon1fo1ng 1s common1y a soffWae keyboad 1ogge
fhaf capfues keyboad sfokes fo 1afe ev1eW.
b. lncoecf. As 1ong as emp1oyees ae pope1y nof1f1ed fhaf some fype of
mon1fo1ng can fake p1ace, fhe company can 1mp1emenf keyboad mon1fo1ng W1fh o
W1fhouf fhe1 consenf. keyboad mon1fo1ng 1s common1y a soffWae keyboad 1ogge
fhaf capfues keyboad sfokes fo 1afe ev1eW.
c. Coecf. As 1ong as emp1oyees ae pope1y nof1f1ed fhaf some fype of
mon1fo1ng can fake p1ace, fhe company can 1mp1emenf keyboad mon1fo1ng W1fh o
W1fhouf fhe1 consenf. keyboad mon1fo1ng 1s common1y a soffWae keyboad 1ogge
fhaf capfues keyboad sfokes fo 1afe ev1eW.
d. lncoecf. As 1ong as emp1oyees ae pope1y nof1f1ed fhaf some fype of
mon1fo1ng can fake p1ace, fhe company can 1mp1emenf keyboad mon1fo1ng W1fh o
W1fhouf fhe1 consenf. keyboad mon1fo1ng 1s common1y a soffWae keyboad 1ogge
fhaf capfues keyboad sfokes fo 1afe ev1eW.
a. lncoecf. Laff1ce-based access confo1s pov1de an uppe and 1oWe bounds of
access fo a subecf pefa1n1ng fo a spec1f1c obecf. When a subecf makes an access
affempf, fhe sysfem W111 f1sf see 1f 1f 1s a11oWed, and fhen defem1ne fhe ange of
access fhe subecf acfua11y has. A subecf maybe ab1e fo kead buf nof W1fe fo fhaf
obecf, fhus W1fe 1s oufs1de of 1fs 1aff1ce bounds.
b. Coecf. Laff1ce-based access confo1s pov1de an uppe and 1oWe bounds of
access fo a subecf pefa1n1ng fo a spec1f1c obecf. When a subecf makes an access
affempf, fhe sysfem W111 f1sf see 1f 1f 1s a11oWed, and fhen defem1ne fhe ange of
access fhe subecf acfua11y has. A subecf maybe ab1e fo kead buf nof W1fe fo fhaf
obecf, fhus W1fe 1s oufs1de of 1fs 1aff1ce bounds.
c. lncoecf. Laff1ce-based access confo1s pov1de an uppe and 1oWe bounds of
access fo a subecf pefa1n1ng fo a spec1f1c obecf. When a subecf makes an access
affempf, fhe sysfem W111 f1sf see 1f 1f 1s a11oWed, and fhen defem1ne fhe ange of
access fhe subecf acfua11y has. A subecf maybe ab1e fo kead buf nof W1fe fo fhaf
obecf, fhus W1fe 1s oufs1de of 1fs 1aff1ce bounds.
d. lncoecf. Laff1ce-based access confo1s pov1de an uppe and 1oWe bounds of
access fo a subecf pefa1n1ng fo a spec1f1c obecf. When a subecf makes an access
affempf, fhe sysfem W111 f1sf see 1f 1f 1s a11oWed, and fhen defem1ne fhe ange of
access fhe subecf acfua11y has. A subecf maybe ab1e fo kead buf nof W1fe fo fhaf
obecf, fhus W1fe 1s oufs1de of 1fs 1aff1ce bounds.
a. lncoecf. Lock1ng 1apfop dock1ng sfaf1ons epesenfs a phys1ca1 access confo1
and 1s cons1deed pevenf1ve 1n nafue. 8ackgound checks and aWaeness fa1n1ng ae
pevenf1ve-adm1n1sfaf1ve, and access confo1s on oufes ae fechn1ca1 1n nafue.
b. lncoecf. Lock1ng 1apfop dock1ng sfaf1ons epesenfs a phys1ca1 access confo1
and 1s cons1deed pevenf1ve 1n nafue. 8ackgound checks and aWaeness fa1n1ng ae
pevenf1ve-adm1n1sfaf1ve, and access confo1s on oufes ae fechn1ca1 1n nafue.
c. lncoecf. Lock1ng 1apfop dock1ng sfaf1ons epesenfs a phys1ca1 access confo1
and 1s cons1deed pevenf1ve 1n nafue. 8ackgound checks and aWaeness fa1n1ng ae
pevenf1ve-adm1n1sfaf1ve, and access confo1s on oufes ae fechn1ca1 1n nafue.
d. Coecf. Lock1ng 1apfop dock1ng sfaf1ons epesenfs a phys1ca1 access confo1
and 1s cons1deed pevenf1ve 1n nafue. 8ackgound checks and aWaeness fa1n1ng ae
pevenf1ve-adm1n1sfaf1ve, and access confo1s on oufes ae fechn1ca1 1n nafue.
a. Coecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo daW a 11ne befWeen enf1cemenf and enfapmenf When
1mp1emenf1ng a honeypof sysfem. Lega1 and 11ab111fy 1ssues suound each. lf fhe
sysfem on1y has open pofs and sev1ces fhaf an affacke m1ghf Wanf fo fake
Page 9
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
advanfage of, fh1s Wou1d be an examp1e of enf1cemenf. lf fhe sysfem has a Web page
1nd1caf1ng fhe use can doWn1oad f11es, and once fhe use does fh1s fhe
adm1n1sfafo chages fh1s use W1fh fespass1ng, 1f Wou1d be enfapmenf. Lnfapmenf
1s Whee fhe 1nfude 1s 1nduced o f1cked 1nfo comm1ff1ng a c1me. Lnfapmenf 1s
111ega1 and cannof be used When chag1ng an 1nd1v1dua1 W1fh hack1ng o unaufho1zed
b. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo daW a 11ne befWeen enf1cemenf and enfapmenf When
1mp1emenf1ng a honeypof sysfem. Lega1 and 11ab111fy 1ssues suound each. lf fhe
sysfem on1y has open pofs and sev1ces fhaf an affacke m1ghf Wanf fo fake
advanfage of, fh1s Wou1d be an examp1e of enf1cemenf. lf fhe sysfem has a Web page
1nd1caf1ng fhe use can doWn1oad f11es, and once fhe use does fh1s fhe
adm1n1sfafo chages fh1s use W1fh fespass1ng, 1f Wou1d be enfapmenf. Lnfapmenf
1s Whee fhe 1nfude 1s 1nduced o f1cked 1nfo comm1ff1ng a c1me. Lnfapmenf 1s
111ega1 and cannof be used When chag1ng an 1nd1v1dua1 W1fh hack1ng o unaufho1zed
c. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo daW a 11ne befWeen enf1cemenf and enfapmenf When
1mp1emenf1ng a honeypof sysfem. Lega1 and 11ab111fy 1ssues suound each. lf fhe
sysfem on1y has open pofs and sev1ces fhaf an affacke m1ghf Wanf fo fake
advanfage of, fh1s Wou1d be an examp1e of enf1cemenf. lf fhe sysfem has a Web page
1nd1caf1ng fhe use can doWn1oad f11es, and once fhe use does fh1s fhe
adm1n1sfafo chages fh1s use W1fh fespass1ng, 1f Wou1d be enfapmenf. Lnfapmenf
1s Whee fhe 1nfude 1s 1nduced o f1cked 1nfo comm1ff1ng a c1me. Lnfapmenf 1s
111ega1 and cannof be used When chag1ng an 1nd1v1dua1 W1fh hack1ng o unaufho1zed
d. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo daW a 11ne befWeen enf1cemenf and enfapmenf When
1mp1emenf1ng a honeypof sysfem. Lega1 and 11ab111fy 1ssues suound each. lf fhe
sysfem on1y has open pofs and sev1ces fhaf an affacke m1ghf Wanf fo fake
advanfage of, fh1s Wou1d be an examp1e of enf1cemenf. lf fhe sysfem has a Web page
1nd1caf1ng fhe use can doWn1oad f11es, and once fhe use does fh1s fhe
adm1n1sfafo chages fh1s use W1fh fespass1ng, 1f Wou1d be enfapmenf. Lnfapmenf
1s Whee fhe 1nfude 1s 1nduced o f1cked 1nfo comm1ff1ng a c1me. Lnfapmenf 1s
111ega1 and cannof be used When chag1ng an 1nd1v1dua1 W1fh hack1ng o unaufho1zed
a. Coecf. kef1na scans offe an effecf1ve Way of 1denf1fy1ng 1nd1v1dua1s by
poecf1ng a beam 1nfo fhe eye fo d1sf1ngu1sh befWeen d1ffeenf b1ood-vesse1
b. lncoecf. kef1na scans offe an effecf1ve Way of 1denf1fy1ng 1nd1v1dua1s by
poecf1ng a beam 1nfo fhe eye fo d1sf1ngu1sh befWeen d1ffeenf b1ood-vesse1
c. lncoecf. kef1na scans offe an effecf1ve Way of 1denf1fy1ng 1nd1v1dua1s by
poecf1ng a beam 1nfo fhe eye fo d1sf1ngu1sh befWeen d1ffeenf b1ood-vesse1
d. lncoecf. kef1na scans offe an effecf1ve Way of 1denf1fy1ng 1nd1v1dua1s by
poecf1ng a beam 1nfo fhe eye fo d1sf1ngu1sh befWeen d1ffeenf b1ood-vesse1
a. lncoecf. Aud1f1ng 1s an 1mpofanf fechn1ca1 confo1 fhaf can be used fo fack
fhe acf1v1f1es of sysfems, nefWoks, o uses. 1h1s 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an aud1fo
eva1uaf1ng a company and 1fs pocedues, buf 1ogs fhaf ae geneafed by opeaf1ng
sysfems and app11caf1ons.
b. lncoecf. Aud1f1ng 1s an 1mpofanf fechn1ca1 confo1 fhaf can be used fo fack
fhe acf1v1f1es of sysfems, nefWoks, o uses. 1h1s 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an aud1fo
eva1uaf1ng a company and 1fs pocedues, buf 1ogs fhaf ae geneafed by opeaf1ng
sysfems and app11caf1ons.
c. Coecf. Aud1f1ng 1s an 1mpofanf fechn1ca1 confo1 fhaf can be used fo fack
fhe acf1v1f1es of sysfems, nefWoks, o uses. 1h1s 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an aud1fo
eva1uaf1ng a company and 1fs pocedues, buf 1ogs fhaf ae geneafed by opeaf1ng
sysfems and app11caf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Aud1f1ng 1s an 1mpofanf fechn1ca1 confo1 fhaf can be used fo fack
fhe acf1v1f1es of sysfems, nefWoks, o uses. 1h1s 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an aud1fo
Page 10
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
eva1uaf1ng a company and 1fs pocedues, buf 1ogs fhaf ae geneafed by opeaf1ng
sysfems and app11caf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he cossove eo afe {CLk} 1s fhe po1nf af Wh1ch 1ype l eos
and 1ype ll eos ae equa1 and epesenfs fhe besf Way of measu1ng b1omef1cs
effecf1veness. A sysfem W1fh a 1oWe CLk va1ue pov1des moe accuacy fhan a sysfem
W1fh a h1ghe CLk va1ue.
b. lncoecf. 1he cossove eo afe {CLk} 1s fhe po1nf af Wh1ch 1ype l eos
and 1ype ll eos ae equa1 and epesenfs fhe besf Way of measu1ng b1omef1cs
effecf1veness. A sysfem W1fh a 1oWe CLk va1ue pov1des moe accuacy fhan a sysfem
W1fh a h1ghe CLk va1ue.
c. lncoecf. 1he cossove eo afe {CLk} 1s fhe po1nf af Wh1ch 1ype l eos
and 1ype ll eos ae equa1 and epesenfs fhe besf Way of measu1ng b1omef1cs
effecf1veness. A sysfem W1fh a 1oWe CLk va1ue pov1des moe accuacy fhan a sysfem
W1fh a h1ghe CLk va1ue.
d. Coecf. 1he cossove eo afe {CLk} 1s fhe po1nf af Wh1ch 1ype l eos and
1ype ll eos ae equa1 and epesenfs fhe besf Way of measu1ng b1omef1cs
effecf1veness. A sysfem W1fh a 1oWe CLk va1ue pov1des moe accuacy fhan a sysfem
W1fh a h1ghe CLk va1ue.
a. lncoecf. When a peson s1gns h1s name, a un1que phys1ca1 mof1on can be
capfued e1ecfon1ca11y fhaf can pov1de fo a mefhod of aufhenf1caf1on. 51gnafue
dynam1cs can capfue fhe pessue someone uses, fhe s1anf of ho1d1ng fhe pen, fhe
speed of W1f1ng, and fhe esu1f1ng sfaf1c s1gnafue.
b. lncoecf. When a peson s1gns h1s name, a un1que phys1ca1 mof1on can be
capfued e1ecfon1ca11y fhaf can pov1de fo a mefhod of aufhenf1caf1on. 51gnafue
dynam1cs can capfue fhe pessue someone uses, fhe s1anf of ho1d1ng fhe pen, fhe
speed of W1f1ng, and fhe esu1f1ng sfaf1c s1gnafue.
c. Coecf. When a peson s1gns h1s name, a un1que phys1ca1 mof1on can be capfued
e1ecfon1ca11y fhaf can pov1de fo a mefhod of aufhenf1caf1on. 51gnafue dynam1cs
can capfue fhe pessue someone uses, fhe s1anf of ho1d1ng fhe pen, fhe speed of
W1f1ng, and fhe esu1f1ng sfaf1c s1gnafue.
d. lncoecf. When a peson s1gns h1s name, a un1que phys1ca1 mof1on can be
capfued e1ecfon1ca11y fhaf can pov1de fo a mefhod of aufhenf1caf1on. 51gnafue
dynam1cs can capfue fhe pessue someone uses, fhe s1anf of ho1d1ng fhe pen, fhe
speed of W1f1ng, and fhe esu1f1ng sfaf1c s1gnafue.
a. lncoecf. lf fhe nefWok faff1c vo1ume exceeds fhe lD5 sysfems fhesho1d,
affacks may go unnof1ced. Lach vendos lD5 poducf has 1fs oWn fhesho1d, and you
shou1d knoW and undesfand fhaf fhesho1d befoe you puchase and 1mp1emenf fhe lD5.
ln vey h1gh-faff1c env1onmenfs, mu1f1p1e sensos shou1d be 1n p1ace fo ensue a11
packefs ae 1nvesf1gafed. lf necessay fo opf1m1ze nefWok bandW1dfh and speed,
d1ffeenf sensos can be sef up fo ana1yze each packef fo d1ffeenf s1gnafues.
1haf Way, fhe ana1ys1s 1oad can be boken up ove d1ffeenf po1nfs.
b. lncoecf. lf fhe nefWok faff1c vo1ume exceeds fhe lD5 sysfems fhesho1d,
affacks may go unnof1ced. Lach vendos lD5 poducf has 1fs oWn fhesho1d, and you
shou1d knoW and undesfand fhaf fhesho1d befoe you puchase and 1mp1emenf fhe lD5.
ln vey h1gh-faff1c env1onmenfs, mu1f1p1e sensos shou1d be 1n p1ace fo ensue a11
packefs ae 1nvesf1gafed. lf necessay fo opf1m1ze nefWok bandW1dfh and speed,
d1ffeenf sensos can be sef up fo ana1yze each packef fo d1ffeenf s1gnafues.
1haf Way, fhe ana1ys1s 1oad can be boken up ove d1ffeenf po1nfs.
c. Coecf. lf fhe nefWok faff1c vo1ume exceeds fhe lD5 sysfems fhesho1d,
affacks may go unnof1ced. Lach vendos lD5 poducf has 1fs oWn fhesho1d, and you
shou1d knoW and undesfand fhaf fhesho1d befoe you puchase and 1mp1emenf fhe lD5.
ln vey h1gh-faff1c env1onmenfs, mu1f1p1e sensos shou1d be 1n p1ace fo ensue a11
packefs ae 1nvesf1gafed. lf necessay fo opf1m1ze nefWok bandW1dfh and speed,
d1ffeenf sensos can be sef up fo ana1yze each packef fo d1ffeenf s1gnafues.
1haf Way, fhe ana1ys1s 1oad can be boken up ove d1ffeenf po1nfs.
d. lncoecf. lf fhe nefWok faff1c vo1ume exceeds fhe lD5 sysfems fhesho1d,
affacks may go unnof1ced. Lach vendos lD5 poducf has 1fs oWn fhesho1d, and you
Page 11
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
shou1d knoW and undesfand fhaf fhesho1d befoe you puchase and 1mp1emenf fhe lD5.
ln vey h1gh-faff1c env1onmenfs, mu1f1p1e sensos shou1d be 1n p1ace fo ensue a11
packefs ae 1nvesf1gafed. lf necessay fo opf1m1ze nefWok bandW1dfh and speed,
d1ffeenf sensos can be sef up fo ana1yze each packef fo d1ffeenf s1gnafues.
1haf Way, fhe ana1ys1s 1oad can be boken up ove d1ffeenf po1nfs.
a. lncoecf. kebeos 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs p1nc1pa1s fo
aufhenf1cafe fo each ofhe. 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue, keys ae
fempoa11y sfoed on uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch can be compom1sed, and 1f
encypf1on 1s nof enab1ed fhen nefWok faff1c 1s nof pofecfed fom eavesdopp1ng.
kebeos 1s a1so vu1neab1e fo d1cf1onay affacks.
b. lncoecf. kebeos 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs p1nc1pa1s fo
aufhenf1cafe fo each ofhe. 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue, keys ae
fempoa11y sfoed on uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch can be compom1sed, and 1f
encypf1on 1s nof enab1ed fhen nefWok faff1c 1s nof pofecfed fom eavesdopp1ng.
kebeos 1s a1so vu1neab1e fo d1cf1onay affacks.
c. Coecf. kebeos 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs p1nc1pa1s fo
aufhenf1cafe fo each ofhe. 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue, keys ae
fempoa11y sfoed on uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch can be compom1sed, and 1f
encypf1on 1s nof enab1ed fhen nefWok faff1c 1s nof pofecfed fom eavesdopp1ng.
kebeos 1s a1so vu1neab1e fo d1cf1onay affacks.
d. lncoecf. kebeos 1s an aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 fhaf a11oWs p1nc1pa1s fo
aufhenf1cafe fo each ofhe. 1he kDC can be a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue, keys ae
fempoa11y sfoed on uses Woksfaf1ons, Wh1ch can be compom1sed, and 1f
encypf1on 1s nof enab1ed fhen nefWok faff1c 1s nof pofecfed fom eavesdopp1ng.
kebeos 1s a1so vu1neab1e fo d1cf1onay affacks.
a. lncoecf. A capab111fy fab1e 1s a 11sf of fhe obecfs a subecf 1s ab1e fo
access a1ong W1fh fhe opeaf1ons fhe subecf can cay ouf on fhose obecfs. A
capab111fy fab1e 1s bound fo a subecf and an access confo1 11sf 1s bound fo an
obecf. 1ogefhe fhey make up an access confo1 maf1x, fhe capab111fy fab1e be1ng a
oW and access confo1 11sf be1ng a co1umn.
b. lncoecf. A capab111fy fab1e 1s a 11sf of fhe obecfs a subecf 1s ab1e fo
access a1ong W1fh fhe opeaf1ons fhe subecf can cay ouf on fhose obecfs. A
capab111fy fab1e 1s bound fo a subecf and an access confo1 11sf 1s bound fo an
obecf. 1ogefhe fhey make up an access confo1 maf1x, fhe capab111fy fab1e be1ng a
oW and access confo1 11sf be1ng a co1umn.
c. Coecf. A capab111fy fab1e 1s a 11sf of fhe obecfs a subecf 1s ab1e fo access
a1ong W1fh fhe opeaf1ons fhe subecf can cay ouf on fhose obecfs. A capab111fy
fab1e 1s bound fo a subecf and an access confo1 11sf 1s bound fo an obecf.
1ogefhe fhey make up an access confo1 maf1x, fhe capab111fy fab1e be1ng a oW and
access confo1 11sf be1ng a co1umn.
d. lncoecf. A capab111fy fab1e 1s a 11sf of fhe obecfs a subecf 1s ab1e fo
access a1ong W1fh fhe opeaf1ons fhe subecf can cay ouf on fhose obecfs. A
capab111fy fab1e 1s bound fo a subecf and an access confo1 11sf 1s bound fo an
obecf. 1ogefhe fhey make up an access confo1 maf1x, fhe capab111fy fab1e be1ng a
oW and access confo1 11sf be1ng a co1umn.
a. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1n p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof pefom a c1f1ca1 fask by h1mse1f. 1h1s 1s a pevenf1ve measue, fy1ng fo
pevenf faud. Job ofaf1on 1s done fo defecf poss1b1e faudu1enf evenfs by puff1ng
d1ffeenf peop1e 1nfo d1ffeenf pos1f1ons. lnc1denf esponse 1ooks 1nfo spec1f1c
evenfs and 1nspecf1ons ae conducfed fo 1ook fo susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ensue
noma1 pocedues ae fak1ng p1ace.
b. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1n p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof pefom a c1f1ca1 fask by h1mse1f. 1h1s 1s a pevenf1ve measue, fy1ng fo
pevenf faud. Job ofaf1on 1s done fo defecf poss1b1e faudu1enf evenfs by puff1ng
d1ffeenf peop1e 1nfo d1ffeenf pos1f1ons. lnc1denf esponse 1ooks 1nfo spec1f1c
evenfs and 1nspecf1ons ae conducfed fo 1ook fo susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ensue
noma1 pocedues ae fak1ng p1ace.
Page 12
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
c. Coecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1n p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy cannof
pefom a c1f1ca1 fask by h1mse1f. 1h1s 1s a pevenf1ve measue, fy1ng fo pevenf
faud. Job ofaf1on 1s done fo defecf poss1b1e faudu1enf evenfs by puff1ng
d1ffeenf peop1e 1nfo d1ffeenf pos1f1ons. lnc1denf esponse 1ooks 1nfo spec1f1c
evenfs and 1nspecf1ons ae conducfed fo 1ook fo susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ensue
noma1 pocedues ae fak1ng p1ace.
d. lncoecf. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s puf 1n p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy
cannof pefom a c1f1ca1 fask by h1mse1f. 1h1s 1s a pevenf1ve measue, fy1ng fo
pevenf faud. Job ofaf1on 1s done fo defecf poss1b1e faudu1enf evenfs by puff1ng
d1ffeenf peop1e 1nfo d1ffeenf pos1f1ons. lnc1denf esponse 1ooks 1nfo spec1f1c
evenfs and 1nspecf1ons ae conducfed fo 1ook fo susp1c1ous acf1v1fy and ensue
noma1 pocedues ae fak1ng p1ace.
a. Coecf. A s1gnafue-based lD5 1s vey sfa1ghffoWad. Io examp1e, 1f a
s1gnafue-based lD5 defecfs a packef fhaf has a11 of 1fs 1CP heade f1ags W1fh fhe
b1f va1ue of 1, 1f knoWs fhaf an xmas affack 1s unde Way-so 1f sends an a1ef. A
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 Woks d1ffeenf1y. Io examp1e, 1f 8ob has 1ogged on
fo h1s compufe af 6 A.M. and fhe pof11e 1nd1cafes fh1s 1s abnoma1, fhe lD5 sends
an a1ef, because fh1s 1s seen as an acf1v1fy fhaf needs fo be 1nvesf1gafed.
b. lncoecf. A s1gnafue-based lD5 1s vey sfa1ghffoWad. Io examp1e, 1f a
s1gnafue-based lD5 defecfs a packef fhaf has a11 of 1fs 1CP heade f1ags W1fh fhe
b1f va1ue of 1, 1f knoWs fhaf an xmas affack 1s unde Way-so 1f sends an a1ef. A
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 Woks d1ffeenf1y. Io examp1e, 1f 8ob has 1ogged on
fo h1s compufe af 6 A.M. and fhe pof11e 1nd1cafes fh1s 1s abnoma1, fhe lD5 sends
an a1ef, because fh1s 1s seen as an acf1v1fy fhaf needs fo be 1nvesf1gafed.
c. lncoecf. A s1gnafue-based lD5 1s vey sfa1ghffoWad. Io examp1e, 1f a
s1gnafue-based lD5 defecfs a packef fhaf has a11 of 1fs 1CP heade f1ags W1fh fhe
b1f va1ue of 1, 1f knoWs fhaf an xmas affack 1s unde Way-so 1f sends an a1ef. A
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 Woks d1ffeenf1y. Io examp1e, 1f 8ob has 1ogged on
fo h1s compufe af 6 A.M. and fhe pof11e 1nd1cafes fh1s 1s abnoma1, fhe lD5 sends
an a1ef, because fh1s 1s seen as an acf1v1fy fhaf needs fo be 1nvesf1gafed.
d. lncoecf. A s1gnafue-based lD5 1s vey sfa1ghffoWad. Io examp1e, 1f a
s1gnafue-based lD5 defecfs a packef fhaf has a11 of 1fs 1CP heade f1ags W1fh fhe
b1f va1ue of 1, 1f knoWs fhaf an xmas affack 1s unde Way-so 1f sends an a1ef. A
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 Woks d1ffeenf1y. Io examp1e, 1f 8ob has 1ogged on
fo h1s compufe af 6 A.M. and fhe pof11e 1nd1cafes fh1s 1s abnoma1, fhe lD5 sends
an a1ef, because fh1s 1s seen as an acf1v1fy fhaf needs fo be 1nvesf1gafed.
a. Coecf. Confenf-based access confo1s 1ook af fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fo
defem1ne 1f a subecf can access 1f o nof. Confenf-dependenf access confo1,
access fo obecfs 1s defem1ned by fhe confenf W1fh1n fhe obecf. Confenf-dependenf
f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf 1ook fo spec1f1c
sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy numbe,&quof,
&quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems susp1c1ous.
b. lncoecf. Confenf-based access confo1s 1ook af fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fo
defem1ne 1f a subecf can access 1f o nof. Confenf-dependenf access confo1,
access fo obecfs 1s defem1ned by fhe confenf W1fh1n fhe obecf. Confenf-dependenf
f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf 1ook fo spec1f1c
sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy numbe,&quof,
&quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems susp1c1ous.
c. lncoecf. Confenf-based access confo1s 1ook af fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fo
defem1ne 1f a subecf can access 1f o nof. Confenf-dependenf access confo1,
access fo obecfs 1s defem1ned by fhe confenf W1fh1n fhe obecf. Confenf-dependenf
f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf 1ook fo spec1f1c
sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy numbe,&quof,
&quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems susp1c1ous.
d. lncoecf. Confenf-based access confo1s 1ook af fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fo
defem1ne 1f a subecf can access 1f o nof. Confenf-dependenf access confo1,
access fo obecfs 1s defem1ned by fhe confenf W1fh1n fhe obecf. Confenf-dependenf
f11fe1ng 1s used When copoaf1ons emp1oy e-ma11 f11fes fhaf 1ook fo spec1f1c
sf1ngs, such as &quof,conf1denf1a1,&quof, &quof,soc1a1 secu1fy numbe,&quof,
Page 13
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
&quof,fop secef,&quof, and any ofhe fypes of Wods fhe company deems susp1c1ous.
a. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue Luopean 5ysfem fo App11caf1ons 1n Mu1f1-vendo
Lnv1onmenfs {5L5AML} Was deve1oped fo addess Weaknesses 1n kebeos and uses a
f1ckef aufho1zaf1on mefhod ca11ed P1v11ege Aff1bufe Cef1f1cafe.
b. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue Luopean 5ysfem fo App11caf1ons 1n Mu1f1-vendo
Lnv1onmenfs {5L5AML} Was deve1oped fo addess Weaknesses 1n kebeos and uses a
f1ckef aufho1zaf1on mefhod ca11ed P1v11ege Aff1bufe Cef1f1cafe.
c. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue Luopean 5ysfem fo App11caf1ons 1n Mu1f1-vendo
Lnv1onmenfs {5L5AML} Was deve1oped fo addess Weaknesses 1n kebeos and uses a
f1ckef aufho1zaf1on mefhod ca11ed P1v11ege Aff1bufe Cef1f1cafe.
d. Coecf. 1he 5ecue Luopean 5ysfem fo App11caf1ons 1n Mu1f1-vendo
Lnv1onmenfs {5L5AML} Was deve1oped fo addess Weaknesses 1n kebeos and uses a
f1ckef aufho1zaf1on mefhod ca11ed P1v11ege Aff1bufe Cef1f1cafe.
a. lncoecf. 1esf1ng 1s an examp1e of an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1. A1fhough 1f
seems fhaf fesf1ng may be a fechn1ca1 confo1, 1f 1s managemenfs espons1b111fy fo
ensue fhaf pope fesf1ng fakes p1ace. Aud1f1ng pefa1ns fo soffWae co11ecf1ng
dafa abouf fhe evenfs fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n a sysfem and 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1.
b. Coecf. 1esf1ng 1s an examp1e of an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1. A1fhough 1f seems
fhaf fesf1ng may be a fechn1ca1 confo1, 1f 1s managemenfs espons1b111fy fo ensue
fhaf pope fesf1ng fakes p1ace. Aud1f1ng pefa1ns fo soffWae co11ecf1ng dafa abouf
fhe evenfs fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n a sysfem and 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1.
c. lncoecf. 1esf1ng 1s an examp1e of an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1. A1fhough 1f
seems fhaf fesf1ng may be a fechn1ca1 confo1, 1f 1s managemenfs espons1b111fy fo
ensue fhaf pope fesf1ng fakes p1ace. Aud1f1ng pefa1ns fo soffWae co11ecf1ng
dafa abouf fhe evenfs fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n a sysfem and 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1.
d. lncoecf. 1esf1ng 1s an examp1e of an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1. A1fhough 1f
seems fhaf fesf1ng may be a fechn1ca1 confo1, 1f 1s managemenfs espons1b111fy fo
ensue fhaf pope fesf1ng fakes p1ace. Aud1f1ng pefa1ns fo soffWae co11ecf1ng
dafa abouf fhe evenfs fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n a sysfem and 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1.
a. lncoecf. 1LMPL51 Was deve1oped 1n fhe 1950s by fhe u.5. govenmenf fo addess
e1ecfomagnef1c ad1af1on be1ng em1ffed fom e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf. Dafa can be
capfued v1a e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s and econsfucfed, Wh1ch fheafens fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of sens1f1ve dafa.
b. lncoecf. 1LMPL51 Was deve1oped 1n fhe 1950s by fhe u.5. govenmenf fo addess
e1ecfomagnef1c ad1af1on be1ng em1ffed fom e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf. Dafa can be
capfued v1a e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s and econsfucfed, Wh1ch fheafens fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of sens1f1ve dafa.
c. lncoecf. 1LMPL51 Was deve1oped 1n fhe 1950s by fhe u.5. govenmenf fo addess
e1ecfomagnef1c ad1af1on be1ng em1ffed fom e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf. Dafa can be
capfued v1a e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s and econsfucfed, Wh1ch fheafens fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of sens1f1ve dafa.
d. Coecf. 1LMPL51 Was deve1oped 1n fhe 1950s by fhe u.5. govenmenf fo addess
e1ecfomagnef1c ad1af1on be1ng em1ffed fom e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf. Dafa can be
capfued v1a e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s and econsfucfed, Wh1ch fheafens fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of sens1f1ve dafa.
a. lncoecf. When an affacke compom1ses a compufe and 1oads a backdoo on fhe
sysfem, he W111 need fo have a Way fo commun1cafe fo fh1s compufe fhough fh1s
backdoo and sfay &quof,unde fhe ada&quof, of fhe nefWok f1eWa11 and lD5.
hackes have f1gued ouf fhaf a sma11 amounf of code can be 1nsefed 1nfo an lCMP
packef, Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe backdoo soffWae 1oaded on a compom1sed
sysfem. 5ecu1fy dev1ces ae usua11y nof conf1gued fo mon1fo fh1s fype of faff1c
because lCMP 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s supposed fo be used usf fo send sfafus
1nfomaf1on-nof commands fo a compom1sed sysfem.
b. Coecf. When an affacke compom1ses a compufe and 1oads a backdoo on fhe
sysfem, he W111 need fo have a Way fo commun1cafe fo fh1s compufe fhough fh1s
Page 14
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
backdoo and sfay &quof,unde fhe ada&quof, of fhe nefWok f1eWa11 and lD5.
hackes have f1gued ouf fhaf a sma11 amounf of code can be 1nsefed 1nfo an lCMP
packef, Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe backdoo soffWae 1oaded on a compom1sed
sysfem. 5ecu1fy dev1ces ae usua11y nof conf1gued fo mon1fo fh1s fype of faff1c
because lCMP 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s supposed fo be used usf fo send sfafus
1nfomaf1on-nof commands fo a compom1sed sysfem.
c. lncoecf. When an affacke compom1ses a compufe and 1oads a backdoo on fhe
sysfem, he W111 need fo have a Way fo commun1cafe fo fh1s compufe fhough fh1s
backdoo and sfay &quof,unde fhe ada&quof, of fhe nefWok f1eWa11 and lD5.
hackes have f1gued ouf fhaf a sma11 amounf of code can be 1nsefed 1nfo an lCMP
packef, Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe backdoo soffWae 1oaded on a compom1sed
sysfem. 5ecu1fy dev1ces ae usua11y nof conf1gued fo mon1fo fh1s fype of faff1c
because lCMP 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s supposed fo be used usf fo send sfafus
1nfomaf1on-nof commands fo a compom1sed sysfem.
d. lncoecf. When an affacke compom1ses a compufe and 1oads a backdoo on fhe
sysfem, he W111 need fo have a Way fo commun1cafe fo fh1s compufe fhough fh1s
backdoo and sfay &quof,unde fhe ada&quof, of fhe nefWok f1eWa11 and lD5.
hackes have f1gued ouf fhaf a sma11 amounf of code can be 1nsefed 1nfo an lCMP
packef, Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe backdoo soffWae 1oaded on a compom1sed
sysfem. 5ecu1fy dev1ces ae usua11y nof conf1gued fo mon1fo fh1s fype of faff1c
because lCMP 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s supposed fo be used usf fo send sfafus
1nfomaf1on-nof commands fo a compom1sed sysfem.
a. Coecf. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a behav1oa1-based sysfem.
8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf
1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof,
acf1v1f1es. 1h1s pof11e 1s bu11f by conf1nua11y samp11ng fhe env1onmenfs
acf1v1f1es. 1he 1onge fhe lD5 1s puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode, 1n mosf 1nsfances, fhe
moe accuafe a pof11e 1f W111 bu11d and fhe beffe pofecf1on 1f W111 pov1de.
Affe fh1s pof11e 1s bu11f, a11 fufue faff1c and acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo 1f.
1he same fype of samp11ng fhaf Was used fo bu11d fhe pof11e fakes p1ace, so fhe
same fype of dafa 1s be1ng compaed. Anyfh1ng fhaf does nof mafch fhe pof11e 1s
seen as an affack, 1n esponse fo Wh1ch fhe lD5 sends an a1ef. W1fh fhe use of
comp1ex sfaf1sf1ca1 a1go1fhms, fhe lD5 1ooks fo anoma11es 1n fhe nefWok faff1c
o use acf1v1fy. Lach packef 1s g1ven an anoma1y scoe, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes 1fs degee
of 1egu1a1fy. lf fhe scoe 1s h1ghe fhan fhe esfab11shed fhesho1d of
&quof,noma1&quof, behav1o, fhen fhe peconf1gued acf1on W111 fake p1ace. lf
anoma1y scoes ae sef foo 1oW, ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can go unnof1ced.
b. lncoecf. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a behav1oa1-based sysfem.
8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf
1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof,
acf1v1f1es. 1h1s pof11e 1s bu11f by conf1nua11y samp11ng fhe env1onmenfs
acf1v1f1es. 1he 1onge fhe lD5 1s puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode, 1n mosf 1nsfances, fhe
moe accuafe a pof11e 1f W111 bu11d and fhe beffe pofecf1on 1f W111 pov1de.
Affe fh1s pof11e 1s bu11f, a11 fufue faff1c and acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo 1f.
1he same fype of samp11ng fhaf Was used fo bu11d fhe pof11e fakes p1ace, so fhe
same fype of dafa 1s be1ng compaed. Anyfh1ng fhaf does nof mafch fhe pof11e 1s
seen as an affack, 1n esponse fo Wh1ch fhe lD5 sends an a1ef. W1fh fhe use of
comp1ex sfaf1sf1ca1 a1go1fhms, fhe lD5 1ooks fo anoma11es 1n fhe nefWok faff1c
o use acf1v1fy. Lach packef 1s g1ven an anoma1y scoe, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes 1fs degee
of 1egu1a1fy. lf fhe scoe 1s h1ghe fhan fhe esfab11shed fhesho1d of
&quof,noma1&quof, behav1o, fhen fhe peconf1gued acf1on W111 fake p1ace. lf
anoma1y scoes ae sef foo 1oW, ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can go unnof1ced.
c. lncoecf. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a behav1oa1-based sysfem.
8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf
1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof,
acf1v1f1es. 1h1s pof11e 1s bu11f by conf1nua11y samp11ng fhe env1onmenfs
acf1v1f1es. 1he 1onge fhe lD5 1s puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode, 1n mosf 1nsfances, fhe
moe accuafe a pof11e 1f W111 bu11d and fhe beffe pofecf1on 1f W111 pov1de.
Affe fh1s pof11e 1s bu11f, a11 fufue faff1c and acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo 1f.
1he same fype of samp11ng fhaf Was used fo bu11d fhe pof11e fakes p1ace, so fhe
same fype of dafa 1s be1ng compaed. Anyfh1ng fhaf does nof mafch fhe pof11e 1s
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
seen as an affack, 1n esponse fo Wh1ch fhe lD5 sends an a1ef. W1fh fhe use of
comp1ex sfaf1sf1ca1 a1go1fhms, fhe lD5 1ooks fo anoma11es 1n fhe nefWok faff1c
o use acf1v1fy. Lach packef 1s g1ven an anoma1y scoe, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes 1fs degee
of 1egu1a1fy. lf fhe scoe 1s h1ghe fhan fhe esfab11shed fhesho1d of
&quof,noma1&quof, behav1o, fhen fhe peconf1gued acf1on W111 fake p1ace. lf
anoma1y scoes ae sef foo 1oW, ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can go unnof1ced.
d. lncoecf. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a behav1oa1-based sysfem.
8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf
1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof,
acf1v1f1es. 1h1s pof11e 1s bu11f by conf1nua11y samp11ng fhe env1onmenfs
acf1v1f1es. 1he 1onge fhe lD5 1s puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode, 1n mosf 1nsfances, fhe
moe accuafe a pof11e 1f W111 bu11d and fhe beffe pofecf1on 1f W111 pov1de.
Affe fh1s pof11e 1s bu11f, a11 fufue faff1c and acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo 1f.
1he same fype of samp11ng fhaf Was used fo bu11d fhe pof11e fakes p1ace, so fhe
same fype of dafa 1s be1ng compaed. Anyfh1ng fhaf does nof mafch fhe pof11e 1s
seen as an affack, 1n esponse fo Wh1ch fhe lD5 sends an a1ef. W1fh fhe use of
comp1ex sfaf1sf1ca1 a1go1fhms, fhe lD5 1ooks fo anoma11es 1n fhe nefWok faff1c
o use acf1v1fy. Lach packef 1s g1ven an anoma1y scoe, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes 1fs degee
of 1egu1a1fy. lf fhe scoe 1s h1ghe fhan fhe esfab11shed fhesho1d of
&quof,noma1&quof, behav1o, fhen fhe peconf1gued acf1on W111 fake p1ace. lf
anoma1y scoes ae sef foo 1oW, ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can go unnof1ced.
a. lncoecf. A honeypof 1s a sac1f1c1a1 1amb fhaf 1s p1aced 1n an aea fhaf W111
mosf 11ke1y be affacked. 1he eason fo us1ng a honeypof 1s fhe hope fhaf fhe
affacke W111 on1y 1nfeacf W1fh fhaf sysfem and nof fhe moe c1f1ca1 poducf1on
seves. A honeypof 1s made affacf1ve by hav1ng sevea1 sev1ces unn1ng and pofs
open. us1ng a honeypof 1s an efh1ca1 Way fo enf1ce an affacke and 1s a common
secu1fy fechn1que used W1fh1n compan1es.
b. Coecf. A honeypof 1s a sac1f1c1a1 1amb fhaf 1s p1aced 1n an aea fhaf W111
mosf 11ke1y be affacked. 1he eason fo us1ng a honeypof 1s fhe hope fhaf fhe
affacke W111 on1y 1nfeacf W1fh fhaf sysfem and nof fhe moe c1f1ca1 poducf1on
seves. A honeypof 1s made affacf1ve by hav1ng sevea1 sev1ces unn1ng and pofs
open. us1ng a honeypof 1s an efh1ca1 Way fo enf1ce an affacke and 1s a common
secu1fy fechn1que used W1fh1n compan1es.
c. lncoecf. A honeypof 1s a sac1f1c1a1 1amb fhaf 1s p1aced 1n an aea fhaf W111
mosf 11ke1y be affacked. 1he eason fo us1ng a honeypof 1s fhe hope fhaf fhe
affacke W111 on1y 1nfeacf W1fh fhaf sysfem and nof fhe moe c1f1ca1 poducf1on
seves. A honeypof 1s made affacf1ve by hav1ng sevea1 sev1ces unn1ng and pofs
open. us1ng a honeypof 1s an efh1ca1 Way fo enf1ce an affacke and 1s a common
secu1fy fechn1que used W1fh1n compan1es.
d. lncoecf. A honeypof 1s a sac1f1c1a1 1amb fhaf 1s p1aced 1n an aea fhaf W111
mosf 11ke1y be affacked. 1he eason fo us1ng a honeypof 1s fhe hope fhaf fhe
affacke W111 on1y 1nfeacf W1fh fhaf sysfem and nof fhe moe c1f1ca1 poducf1on
seves. A honeypof 1s made affacf1ve by hav1ng sevea1 sev1ces unn1ng and pofs
open. us1ng a honeypof 1s an efh1ca1 Way fo enf1ce an affacke and 1s a common
secu1fy fechn1que used W1fh1n compan1es.
a. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs happen 1f 1npuffed dafa 1s nof checked. 1h1s can
coupf memoy When moe dafa 1s enfeed, caus1ng exfa 1nsfucf1ons fo be execufed
by fhe CPu.
b. Coecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs happen 1f 1npuffed dafa 1s nof checked. 1h1s can
coupf memoy When moe dafa 1s enfeed, caus1ng exfa 1nsfucf1ons fo be execufed
by fhe CPu.
c. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs happen 1f 1npuffed dafa 1s nof checked. 1h1s can
coupf memoy When moe dafa 1s enfeed, caus1ng exfa 1nsfucf1ons fo be execufed
by fhe CPu.
d. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs happen 1f 1npuffed dafa 1s nof checked. 1h1s can
coupf memoy When moe dafa 1s enfeed, caus1ng exfa 1nsfucf1ons fo be execufed
by fhe CPu.
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common1y used aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, fhey
ae a1so cons1deed one of fhe Weakesf secu1fy mechan1sms ava11ab1e.
b. lncoecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common1y used aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, fhey
ae a1so cons1deed one of fhe Weakesf secu1fy mechan1sms ava11ab1e.
c. Coecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common1y used aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, fhey
ae a1so cons1deed one of fhe Weakesf secu1fy mechan1sms ava11ab1e.
d. lncoecf. PassWods ae fhe mosf common1y used aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, fhey
ae a1so cons1deed one of fhe Weakesf secu1fy mechan1sms ava11ab1e.
a. lncoecf. knoW1edge 1s accumu1afed by fhe lD5 vendos abouf spec1f1c affacks
and hoW fhey ae ca1ed ouf. Mode1s of hoW fhe affacks ae ca1ed ouf ae
deve1oped and ca11ed s1gnafues. Lach 1denf1f1ed affack has a s1gnafue, Wh1ch 1s
used fo defecf an affack 1n pogess o defem1ne 1f one has occued W1fh1n fhe
nefWok. Any acf1on fhaf 1s nof ecogn1zed as an affack 1s cons1deed accepfab1e.
knoW1edge-based lD5, a1so knoWn as s1gnafue-based, can defecf on1y knoWn affacks.
Anoma1y-based lD5 can defecf neW affacks fhaf have no s1gnafues yef.
b. Coecf. knoW1edge 1s accumu1afed by fhe lD5 vendos abouf spec1f1c affacks and
hoW fhey ae ca1ed ouf. Mode1s of hoW fhe affacks ae ca1ed ouf ae deve1oped
and ca11ed s1gnafues. Lach 1denf1f1ed affack has a s1gnafue, Wh1ch 1s used fo
defecf an affack 1n pogess o defem1ne 1f one has occued W1fh1n fhe nefWok.
Any acf1on fhaf 1s nof ecogn1zed as an affack 1s cons1deed accepfab1e.
knoW1edge-based lD5, a1so knoWn as s1gnafue-based, can defecf on1y knoWn affacks.
Anoma1y-based lD5 can defecf neW affacks fhaf have no s1gnafues yef.
c. lncoecf. knoW1edge 1s accumu1afed by fhe lD5 vendos abouf spec1f1c affacks
and hoW fhey ae ca1ed ouf. Mode1s of hoW fhe affacks ae ca1ed ouf ae
deve1oped and ca11ed s1gnafues. Lach 1denf1f1ed affack has a s1gnafue, Wh1ch 1s
used fo defecf an affack 1n pogess o defem1ne 1f one has occued W1fh1n fhe
nefWok. Any acf1on fhaf 1s nof ecogn1zed as an affack 1s cons1deed accepfab1e.
knoW1edge-based lD5, a1so knoWn as s1gnafue-based, can defecf on1y knoWn affacks.
Anoma1y-based lD5 can defecf neW affacks fhaf have no s1gnafues yef.
d. lncoecf. knoW1edge 1s accumu1afed by fhe lD5 vendos abouf spec1f1c affacks
and hoW fhey ae ca1ed ouf. Mode1s of hoW fhe affacks ae ca1ed ouf ae
deve1oped and ca11ed s1gnafues. Lach 1denf1f1ed affack has a s1gnafue, Wh1ch 1s
used fo defecf an affack 1n pogess o defem1ne 1f one has occued W1fh1n fhe
nefWok. Any acf1on fhaf 1s nof ecogn1zed as an affack 1s cons1deed accepfab1e.
knoW1edge-based lD5, a1so knoWn as s1gnafue-based, can defecf on1y knoWn affacks.
Anoma1y-based lD5 can defecf neW affacks fhaf have no s1gnafues yef.
a. Coecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s ve1f1caf1on fhaf fhe use`s c1a1med 1denf1fy 1s
va11d. ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam,
o pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe
use of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. 1hese fWo cedenf1a1 1fems ae compaed fo
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been pev1ous1y sfoed fo fh1s subecf. lf fhese cedenf1a1s
mafch fhe sfoed 1nfomaf1on, fhe subecf 1s aufhenf1cafed.
b. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s ve1f1caf1on fhaf fhe use`s c1a1med 1denf1fy 1s
va11d. ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam,
o pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe
use of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. 1hese fWo cedenf1a1 1fems ae compaed fo
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been pev1ous1y sfoed fo fh1s subecf. lf fhese cedenf1a1s
mafch fhe sfoed 1nfomaf1on, fhe subecf 1s aufhenf1cafed.
c. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s ve1f1caf1on fhaf fhe use`s c1a1med 1denf1fy 1s
va11d. ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam,
o pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe
use of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. 1hese fWo cedenf1a1 1fems ae compaed fo
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been pev1ous1y sfoed fo fh1s subecf. lf fhese cedenf1a1s
mafch fhe sfoed 1nfomaf1on, fhe subecf 1s aufhenf1cafed.
d. lncoecf. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s ve1f1caf1on fhaf fhe use`s c1a1med 1denf1fy 1s
va11d. ldenf1f1caf1on desc1bes a mefhod of ensu1ng fhaf a subecf {use, pogam,
o pocess} 1s fhe enf1fy 1f c1a1ms fo be. ldenf1f1caf1on can be pov1ded W1fh fhe
use of a usename o accounf numbe. 1o be pope1y aufhenf1cafed, fhe subecf 1s
usua11y equ1ed fo pov1de a second p1ece fo fhe cedenf1a1 sef. 1h1s p1ece cou1d
be a passWod, passphase, cypfogaph1c key, pesona1 1denf1f1caf1on numbe {PlN},
anafom1ca1 aff1bufe, o foken. 1hese fWo cedenf1a1 1fems ae compaed fo
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been pev1ous1y sfoed fo fh1s subecf. lf fhese cedenf1a1s
mafch fhe sfoed 1nfomaf1on, fhe subecf 1s aufhenf1cafed.
a. lncoecf. Whaf a use knoWs {fyp1ca11y, a passWod} does nof e1afe fo
b1omef1cs. ln b1omef1cs, uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey do {s1gnafue o
keysfoke dynam1cs} o by Whaf fhey ae {f1ngep1nf, ef1na1 scan}. 1he cossove
eo afe {CLk} epesenfs fhe po1nf af Wh1ch fhe fa1se eecf1on {1ype l} afe
equa1s fhe fa1se accepfance {1ype ll} afe. lf 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf measuemenf
When defem1n1ng a b1omef1c sysfem`s accuacy.
b. lncoecf. Whaf a use knoWs {fyp1ca11y, a passWod} does nof e1afe fo
b1omef1cs. ln b1omef1cs, uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey do {s1gnafue o
keysfoke dynam1cs} o by Whaf fhey ae {f1ngep1nf, ef1na1 scan}. 1he cossove
eo afe {CLk} epesenfs fhe po1nf af Wh1ch fhe fa1se eecf1on {1ype l} afe
equa1s fhe fa1se accepfance {1ype ll} afe. lf 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf measuemenf
When defem1n1ng a b1omef1c sysfem`s accuacy.
c. Coecf. Whaf a use knoWs {fyp1ca11y, a passWod} does nof e1afe fo
b1omef1cs. ln b1omef1cs, uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey do {s1gnafue o
keysfoke dynam1cs} o by Whaf fhey ae {f1ngep1nf, ef1na1 scan}. 1he cossove
eo afe {CLk} epesenfs fhe po1nf af Wh1ch fhe fa1se eecf1on {1ype l} afe
equa1s fhe fa1se accepfance {1ype ll} afe. lf 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf measuemenf
When defem1n1ng a b1omef1c sysfem`s accuacy.
d. lncoecf. Whaf a use knoWs {fyp1ca11y, a passWod} does nof e1afe fo
b1omef1cs. ln b1omef1cs, uses can be aufhenf1cafed by Whaf fhey do {s1gnafue o
keysfoke dynam1cs} o by Whaf fhey ae {f1ngep1nf, ef1na1 scan}. 1he cossove
eo afe {CLk} epesenfs fhe po1nf af Wh1ch fhe fa1se eecf1on {1ype l} afe
equa1s fhe fa1se accepfance {1ype ll} afe. lf 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf measuemenf
When defem1n1ng a b1omef1c sysfem`s accuacy.
a. Coecf. A zone fansfe 1s When fhe confenfs of fhe p1may doma1n name seve
{DN5} fansfes fhe zone f11e fo a seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s noma11y nof
cons1deed an affack, buf pov1des 1mpofanf 1nfomaf1on on fhe nefWok sfucfue.
b. lncoecf. A zone fansfe 1s When fhe confenfs of fhe p1may doma1n name
seve {DN5} fansfes fhe zone f11e fo a seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s noma11y nof
cons1deed an affack, buf pov1des 1mpofanf 1nfomaf1on on fhe nefWok sfucfue.
c. lncoecf. A zone fansfe 1s When fhe confenfs of fhe p1may doma1n name
seve {DN5} fansfes fhe zone f11e fo a seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s noma11y nof
cons1deed an affack, buf pov1des 1mpofanf 1nfomaf1on on fhe nefWok sfucfue.
d. lncoecf. A zone fansfe 1s When fhe confenfs of fhe p1may doma1n name
seve {DN5} fansfes fhe zone f11e fo a seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s noma11y nof
cons1deed an affack, buf pov1des 1mpofanf 1nfomaf1on on fhe nefWok sfucfue.
a. lncoecf. un1que1y 1denf1fy1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng uses 1s fhe on1y Way fo
ensue accounfab111fy. ldenf1f1caf1on a1one does nof pove fhe use 1s Who fhey
c1a1m fo be. Affe shoW1ng pope cedenf1a1s, a use 1s aufho1zed access fo
b. Coecf. un1que1y 1denf1fy1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng uses 1s fhe on1y Way fo ensue
accounfab111fy. ldenf1f1caf1on a1one does nof pove fhe use 1s Who fhey c1a1m fo
be. Affe shoW1ng pope cedenf1a1s, a use 1s aufho1zed access fo esouces.
c. lncoecf. un1que1y 1denf1fy1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng uses 1s fhe on1y Way fo
Page 1
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
ensue accounfab111fy. ldenf1f1caf1on a1one does nof pove fhe use 1s Who fhey
c1a1m fo be. Affe shoW1ng pope cedenf1a1s, a use 1s aufho1zed access fo
d. lncoecf. un1que1y 1denf1fy1ng and aufhenf1caf1ng uses 1s fhe on1y Way fo
ensue accounfab111fy. ldenf1f1caf1on a1one does nof pove fhe use 1s Who fhey
c1a1m fo be. Affe shoW1ng pope cedenf1a1s, a use 1s aufho1zed access fo
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of s1gnafue-based vesus
behav1oa1-based lD5es,
- 51gnafue-based
- Paffen mafch1ng
- 5fafefu1 mafch1ng
- Anoma1y-based
- 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based
- Pofoco1 anoma1y-based
- 1aff1c anoma1y-based
- ku1e o heu1sf1c - based
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of s1gnafue-based vesus
behav1oa1-based lD5es,
- 51gnafue-based
- Paffen mafch1ng
- 5fafefu1 mafch1ng
- Anoma1y-based
- 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based
- Pofoco1 anoma1y-based
- 1aff1c anoma1y-based
- ku1e o heu1sf1c - based
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of s1gnafue-based vesus
behav1oa1-based lD5es,
- 51gnafue-based
- Paffen mafch1ng
- 5fafefu1 mafch1ng
- Anoma1y-based
- 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based
- Pofoco1 anoma1y-based
- 1aff1c anoma1y-based
- ku1e o heu1sf1c - based
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of s1gnafue-based vesus
behav1oa1-based lD5es,
- 51gnafue-based
- Paffen mafch1ng
- 5fafefu1 mafch1ng
- Anoma1y-based
- 5faf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based
- Pofoco1 anoma1y-based
- 1aff1c anoma1y-based
- ku1e o heu1sf1c - based
a. lncoecf. Ca11back sysfems pov1de access pofecf1on by ca111ng back fhe numbe
of a pev1ous1y aufho1zed 1ocaf1on. 1h1s confo1 can be compom1sed by ca11
foWad1ng, hoWeve.
b. lncoecf. Ca11back sysfems pov1de access pofecf1on by ca111ng back fhe numbe
of a pev1ous1y aufho1zed 1ocaf1on. 1h1s confo1 can be compom1sed by ca11
foWad1ng, hoWeve.
c. Coecf. Ca11back sysfems pov1de access pofecf1on by ca111ng back fhe numbe
of a pev1ous1y aufho1zed 1ocaf1on. 1h1s confo1 can be compom1sed by ca11
foWad1ng, hoWeve.
d. lncoecf. Ca11back sysfems pov1de access pofecf1on by ca111ng back fhe numbe
of a pev1ous1y aufho1zed 1ocaf1on. 1h1s confo1 can be compom1sed by ca11
foWad1ng, hoWeve.
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Access Confo1-P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. An access confo1 maf1x 1s a fab1e of subecfs and obecfs
1nd1caf1ng Whaf acf1ons 1nd1v1dua1 subecfs can fake upon 1nd1v1dua1 obecfs. 1h1s
fype of access confo1 1s fyp1ca11y an aff1bufe of DAC mode1s. Access confo1 11sfs
confa1n subecfs aufho1zed fo access a spec1f1c obecf and def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of
aufho1zaf1on 1s ganfed. A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n
subecf possesses ove cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
b. lncoecf. An access confo1 maf1x 1s a fab1e of subecfs and obecfs
1nd1caf1ng Whaf acf1ons 1nd1v1dua1 subecfs can fake upon 1nd1v1dua1 obecfs. 1h1s
fype of access confo1 1s fyp1ca11y an aff1bufe of DAC mode1s. Access confo1 11sfs
confa1n subecfs aufho1zed fo access a spec1f1c obecf and def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of
aufho1zaf1on 1s ganfed. A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n
subecf possesses ove cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
c. Coecf. An access confo1 maf1x 1s a fab1e of subecfs and obecfs 1nd1caf1ng
Whaf acf1ons 1nd1v1dua1 subecfs can fake upon 1nd1v1dua1 obecfs. 1h1s fype of
access confo1 1s fyp1ca11y an aff1bufe of DAC mode1s. Access confo1 11sfs confa1n
subecfs aufho1zed fo access a spec1f1c obecf and def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of
aufho1zaf1on 1s ganfed. A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n
subecf possesses ove cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
d. lncoecf. An access confo1 maf1x 1s a fab1e of subecfs and obecfs
1nd1caf1ng Whaf acf1ons 1nd1v1dua1 subecfs can fake upon 1nd1v1dua1 obecfs. 1h1s
fype of access confo1 1s fyp1ca11y an aff1bufe of DAC mode1s. Access confo1 11sfs
confa1n subecfs aufho1zed fo access a spec1f1c obecf and def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of
aufho1zaf1on 1s ganfed. A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n
subecf possesses ove cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
a. lncoecf. An 1ns1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed by an enf1fy 1ns1de fhe secu1fy
pe1mefe Who 1s aufho1zed fo access sysfem esouces buf uses fhem 1n a Way nof
appoved by fhose Who ganfed fhe aufho1zaf1on. An oufs1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed fom
oufs1de fhe pe1mefe by an unaufho1zed o 111eg1f1mafe use of fhe sysfem. An
acf1ve affack affempfs fo a1fe sysfem esouces fo affecf fhe1 opeaf1on. A
pass1ve affack affempfs fo 1ean o make use of fhe 1nfomaf1on fom fhe sysfem buf
does nof affecf sysfem esouces.
b. lncoecf. An 1ns1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed by an enf1fy 1ns1de fhe secu1fy
pe1mefe Who 1s aufho1zed fo access sysfem esouces buf uses fhem 1n a Way nof
appoved by fhose Who ganfed fhe aufho1zaf1on. An oufs1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed fom
oufs1de fhe pe1mefe by an unaufho1zed o 111eg1f1mafe use of fhe sysfem. An
acf1ve affack affempfs fo a1fe sysfem esouces fo affecf fhe1 opeaf1on. A
pass1ve affack affempfs fo 1ean o make use of fhe 1nfomaf1on fom fhe sysfem buf
does nof affecf sysfem esouces.
c. Coecf. An 1ns1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed by an enf1fy 1ns1de fhe secu1fy
pe1mefe Who 1s aufho1zed fo access sysfem esouces buf uses fhem 1n a Way nof
appoved by fhose Who ganfed fhe aufho1zaf1on. An oufs1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed fom
oufs1de fhe pe1mefe by an unaufho1zed o 111eg1f1mafe use of fhe sysfem. An
acf1ve affack affempfs fo a1fe sysfem esouces fo affecf fhe1 opeaf1on. A
pass1ve affack affempfs fo 1ean o make use of fhe 1nfomaf1on fom fhe sysfem buf
does nof affecf sysfem esouces.
d. lncoecf. An 1ns1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed by an enf1fy 1ns1de fhe secu1fy
pe1mefe Who 1s aufho1zed fo access sysfem esouces buf uses fhem 1n a Way nof
appoved by fhose Who ganfed fhe aufho1zaf1on. An oufs1de affack 1s 1n1f1afed fom
oufs1de fhe pe1mefe by an unaufho1zed o 111eg1f1mafe use of fhe sysfem. An
acf1ve affack affempfs fo a1fe sysfem esouces fo affecf fhe1 opeaf1on. A
pass1ve affack affempfs fo 1ean o make use of fhe 1nfomaf1on fom fhe sysfem buf
does nof affecf sysfem esouces.
a. lncoecf. Obecf euse 1ssues pefa1n fo eass1gn1ng fo a subecf med1a fhaf
pev1ous1y confa1ned one o moe obecfs. 1h1s means befoe someone uses a had
d1ve, u58 d1ve, o fape, 1f shou1d be c1eaed of any es1dua1 1nfomaf1on sf111 on
1f. 1h1s concepf a1so app11es fo obecfs eused by compufe pocesses, such as
memoy 1ocaf1ons, va1ab1es, and eg1sfes. Any sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on fhaf may be
Page 20
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
1eff by a pocess shou1d be secue1y c1eaed befoe a11oW1ng anofhe pocess fhe
oppofun1fy fo access fhe obecf.
b. Coecf. Obecf euse 1ssues pefa1n fo eass1gn1ng fo a subecf med1a fhaf
pev1ous1y confa1ned one o moe obecfs. 1h1s means befoe someone uses a had
d1ve, u58 d1ve, o fape, 1f shou1d be c1eaed of any es1dua1 1nfomaf1on sf111 on
1f. 1h1s concepf a1so app11es fo obecfs eused by compufe pocesses, such as
memoy 1ocaf1ons, va1ab1es, and eg1sfes. Any sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on fhaf may be
1eff by a pocess shou1d be secue1y c1eaed befoe a11oW1ng anofhe pocess fhe
oppofun1fy fo access fhe obecf.
c. lncoecf. Obecf euse 1ssues pefa1n fo eass1gn1ng fo a subecf med1a fhaf
pev1ous1y confa1ned one o moe obecfs. 1h1s means befoe someone uses a had
d1ve, u58 d1ve, o fape, 1f shou1d be c1eaed of any es1dua1 1nfomaf1on sf111 on
1f. 1h1s concepf a1so app11es fo obecfs eused by compufe pocesses, such as
memoy 1ocaf1ons, va1ab1es, and eg1sfes. Any sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on fhaf may be
1eff by a pocess shou1d be secue1y c1eaed befoe a11oW1ng anofhe pocess fhe
oppofun1fy fo access fhe obecf.
d. lncoecf. Obecf euse 1ssues pefa1n fo eass1gn1ng fo a subecf med1a fhaf
pev1ous1y confa1ned one o moe obecfs. 1h1s means befoe someone uses a had
d1ve, u58 d1ve, o fape, 1f shou1d be c1eaed of any es1dua1 1nfomaf1on sf111 on
1f. 1h1s concepf a1so app11es fo obecfs eused by compufe pocesses, such as
memoy 1ocaf1ons, va1ab1es, and eg1sfes. Any sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on fhaf may be
1eff by a pocess shou1d be secue1y c1eaed befoe a11oW1ng anofhe pocess fhe
oppofun1fy fo access fhe obecf.
a. lncoecf. 1he besf passWods ae bofh easy fo emembe and had fo cack us1ng
a d1cf1onay affack. 1he besf Way fo ceafe passWods fhaf fu1f111 bofh c1fe1a 1s
fo use sma11 une1afed Wods o phonemes, 1dea11y W1fh a spec1a1 chaacfe o
numbe. Common names, dafe of b1fh, fam11y names, phone numbes, Wods found 1n
d1cf1ona1es, o sysfem defau1fs {such as pssWd} shou1d nof be used.
b. lncoecf. 1he besf passWods ae bofh easy fo emembe and had fo cack us1ng
a d1cf1onay affack. 1he besf Way fo ceafe passWods fhaf fu1f111 bofh c1fe1a 1s
fo use sma11 une1afed Wods o phonemes, 1dea11y W1fh a spec1a1 chaacfe o
numbe. Common names, dafe of b1fh, fam11y names, phone numbes, Wods found 1n
d1cf1ona1es, o sysfem defau1fs {such as pssWd} shou1d nof be used.
c. Coecf. 1he besf passWods ae bofh easy fo emembe and had fo cack us1ng a
d1cf1onay affack. 1he besf Way fo ceafe passWods fhaf fu1f111 bofh c1fe1a 1s fo
use sma11 une1afed Wods o phonemes, 1dea11y W1fh a spec1a1 chaacfe o numbe.
Common names, dafe of b1fh, fam11y names, phone numbes, Wods found 1n
d1cf1ona1es, o sysfem defau1fs {such as pssWd} shou1d nof be used.
d. lncoecf. 1he besf passWods ae bofh easy fo emembe and had fo cack us1ng
a d1cf1onay affack. 1he besf Way fo ceafe passWods fhaf fu1f111 bofh c1fe1a 1s
fo use sma11 une1afed Wods o phonemes, 1dea11y W1fh a spec1a1 chaacfe o
numbe. Common names, dafe of b1fh, fam11y names, phone numbes, Wods found 1n
d1cf1ona1es, o sysfem defau1fs {such as pssWd} shou1d nof be used.
a. lncoecf. Access confo1 11sfs ae 11sfs of subecfs fhaf ae aufho1zed fo
access a spec1f1c obecf. 1hey def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on 1s fo be ganfed.
A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n subecf possesses ove
cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
b. Coecf. Access confo1 11sfs ae 11sfs of subecfs fhaf ae aufho1zed fo
access a spec1f1c obecf. 1hey def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on 1s fo be ganfed.
A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n subecf possesses ove
cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
c. lncoecf. Access confo1 11sfs ae 11sfs of subecfs fhaf ae aufho1zed fo
access a spec1f1c obecf. 1hey def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on 1s fo be ganfed.
A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n subecf possesses ove
cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
d. lncoecf. Access confo1 11sfs ae 11sfs of subecfs fhaf ae aufho1zed fo
access a spec1f1c obecf. 1hey def1ne Whaf 1eve1 of aufho1zaf1on 1s fo be ganfed.
A capab111fy fab1e spec1f1es fhe access 1ghfs a cefa1n subecf possesses ove
cefa1n spec1f1c obecfs.
Page 21
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
a. Coecf. lnfus1on defecf1on {lD} and esponse 1s fhe acf of mon1fo1ng sysfems
fo ev1dence of an 1nfus1on o 1nappop1afe usage. lf 1s a defecf1ve nof a
pevenf1ve confo1.
b. lncoecf. lnfus1on defecf1on {lD} and esponse 1s fhe acf of mon1fo1ng
sysfems fo ev1dence of an 1nfus1on o 1nappop1afe usage. lf 1s a defecf1ve nof a
pevenf1ve confo1.
c. lncoecf. lnfus1on defecf1on {lD} and esponse 1s fhe acf of mon1fo1ng
sysfems fo ev1dence of an 1nfus1on o 1nappop1afe usage. lf 1s a defecf1ve nof a
pevenf1ve confo1.
d. lncoecf. lnfus1on defecf1on {lD} and esponse 1s fhe acf of mon1fo1ng
sysfems fo ev1dence of an 1nfus1on o 1nappop1afe usage. lf 1s a defecf1ve nof a
pevenf1ve confo1.
a. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d be pacf1ced When enfoc1ng access confo1 W1fh1n
an env1onmenf
- Deny access fo sysfems by undef1ned uses o anonymous accounfs.
- L1m1f and mon1fo fhe usage of adm1n1sfafo and ofhe poWefu1 accounfs.
- 5uspend o de1ay access capab111fy affe a spec1f1c numbe of unsuccessfu1 1ogon
- kemove obso1efe use accounfs as soon as fhe use 1eaves fhe company.
- 5uspend 1nacf1ve accounfs affe 30 fo 60 days.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d be pacf1ced When enfoc1ng access confo1
W1fh1n an env1onmenf
- Deny access fo sysfems by undef1ned uses o anonymous accounfs.
- L1m1f and mon1fo fhe usage of adm1n1sfafo and ofhe poWefu1 accounfs.
- 5uspend o de1ay access capab111fy affe a spec1f1c numbe of unsuccessfu1 1ogon
- kemove obso1efe use accounfs as soon as fhe use 1eaves fhe company.
- 5uspend 1nacf1ve accounfs affe 30 fo 60 days.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d be pacf1ced When enfoc1ng access confo1
W1fh1n an env1onmenf
- Deny access fo sysfems by undef1ned uses o anonymous accounfs.
- L1m1f and mon1fo fhe usage of adm1n1sfafo and ofhe poWefu1 accounfs.
- 5uspend o de1ay access capab111fy affe a spec1f1c numbe of unsuccessfu1 1ogon
- kemove obso1efe use accounfs as soon as fhe use 1eaves fhe company.
- 5uspend 1nacf1ve accounfs affe 30 fo 60 days.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d be pacf1ced When enfoc1ng access confo1
W1fh1n an env1onmenf
- Deny access fo sysfems by undef1ned uses o anonymous accounfs.
- L1m1f and mon1fo fhe usage of adm1n1sfafo and ofhe poWefu1 accounfs.
- 5uspend o de1ay access capab111fy affe a spec1f1c numbe of unsuccessfu1 1ogon
- kemove obso1efe use accounfs as soon as fhe use 1eaves fhe company.
- 5uspend 1nacf1ve accounfs affe 30 fo 60 days.
a. lncoecf. P1vacy 1ssues ae 1nvo1ved W1fh fh1s fype of mon1fo1ng, and
compan1es cou1d be subecf fo c1m1na1 and c1v11 11ab111f1es 1f 1f 1s done W1fhouf
pope nof1f1caf1on fo fhe emp1oyees and aufho1zaf1on fom managemenf. lf a company
Wanfs fo use fh1s fype of aud1f1ng, 1f shou1d sfafe so 1n fhe secu1fy po11cy,
addess fhe 1ssue 1n secu1fy-aWaeness fa1n1ng, and pesenf a banne nof1ce fo fhe
use Wan1ng fhaf fhe acf1v1f1es af fhaf compufe may be mon1foed 1n fh1s fash1on.
1hese sfeps shou1d be faken fo pofecf fhe company fom v1o1af1ng an 1nd1v1dua1s
p1vacy, and fhey shou1d 1nfom fhe uses Whee fhe1 p1vacy bounda1es sfaf and
sfop pefa1n1ng fo compufe use.
b. lncoecf. P1vacy 1ssues ae 1nvo1ved W1fh fh1s fype of mon1fo1ng, and
compan1es cou1d be subecf fo c1m1na1 and c1v11 11ab111f1es 1f 1f 1s done W1fhouf
pope nof1f1caf1on fo fhe emp1oyees and aufho1zaf1on fom managemenf. lf a company
Wanfs fo use fh1s fype of aud1f1ng, 1f shou1d sfafe so 1n fhe secu1fy po11cy,
Page 22
Access Confo1-P4.fxf
addess fhe 1ssue 1n secu1fy-aWaeness fa1n1ng, and pesenf a banne nof1ce fo fhe
use Wan1ng fhaf fhe acf1v1f1es af fhaf compufe may be mon1foed 1n fh1s fash1on.
1hese sfeps shou1d be faken fo pofecf fhe company fom v1o1af1ng an 1nd1v1dua1s
p1vacy, and fhey shou1d 1nfom fhe uses Whee fhe1 p1vacy bounda1es sfaf and
sfop pefa1n1ng fo compufe use.
c. lncoecf. P1vacy 1ssues ae 1nvo1ved W1fh fh1s fype of mon1fo1ng, and
compan1es cou1d be subecf fo c1m1na1 and c1v11 11ab111f1es 1f 1f 1s done W1fhouf
pope nof1f1caf1on fo fhe emp1oyees and aufho1zaf1on fom managemenf. lf a company
Wanfs fo use fh1s fype of aud1f1ng, 1f shou1d sfafe so 1n fhe secu1fy po11cy,
addess fhe 1ssue 1n secu1fy-aWaeness fa1n1ng, and pesenf a banne nof1ce fo fhe
use Wan1ng fhaf fhe acf1v1f1es af fhaf compufe may be mon1foed 1n fh1s fash1on.
1hese sfeps shou1d be faken fo pofecf fhe company fom v1o1af1ng an 1nd1v1dua1s
p1vacy, and fhey shou1d 1nfom fhe uses Whee fhe1 p1vacy bounda1es sfaf and
sfop pefa1n1ng fo compufe use.
d. Coecf. P1vacy 1ssues ae 1nvo1ved W1fh fh1s fype of mon1fo1ng, and compan1es
cou1d be subecf fo c1m1na1 and c1v11 11ab111f1es 1f 1f 1s done W1fhouf pope
nof1f1caf1on fo fhe emp1oyees and aufho1zaf1on fom managemenf. lf a company Wanfs
fo use fh1s fype of aud1f1ng, 1f shou1d sfafe so 1n fhe secu1fy po11cy, addess fhe
1ssue 1n secu1fy-aWaeness fa1n1ng, and pesenf a banne nof1ce fo fhe use
Wan1ng fhaf fhe acf1v1f1es af fhaf compufe may be mon1foed 1n fh1s fash1on. 1hese
sfeps shou1d be faken fo pofecf fhe company fom v1o1af1ng an 1nd1v1dua1s p1vacy,
and fhey shou1d 1nfom fhe uses Whee fhe1 p1vacy bounda1es sfaf and sfop
pefa1n1ng fo compufe use.
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
qu1z Name = Access Confo1-P5
1. Jack has subm1ffed h1s phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam so1uf1ons fo managemenf fo
appova1. One of fhe esponses fo h1s subm1ss1on Was fhaf fhe company cou1d nof
affod fo emp1oy secu1fy guads as he ecommended. Whaf fype of confo1 shou1d Jack
1ook af 1mp1emenf1ng?
a. D1ecf1ve
b. Phys1ca1
c. Compensaf1ng
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
2. PassWod managemenf cou1d be c1ass1f1ed as a:
a. Compensaf1ng confo1
b. Defecf1ve confo1
c. Pevenf1ve confo1
d. 1echn1ca1 confo1
3. Of fhe fo11oW1ng access confo1 mode1s, Wh1ch one equ1es def1n1ng
c1ass1f1caf1on fo obecfs?
a. ko1e-based access confo1
b. D1scef1onay access confo1
c. ldenf1fy-based access confo1
d. Mandafoy access confo1
4. 5fevens sfaff has asked fo fund1ng fo 1mp1emenf fechno1ogy fhaf pov1des Mob11e
lP. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d be a eason fo emp1oy1ng fh1s fype of fechno1ogy?
a. Lmp1oyees can move fom one nefWok fo anofhe
b. Pee-fo-pee nefWoks Wou1d nof be a11oWed
c. 5ecu1fy sfaff cou1d cay ouf sn1ff1ng
d. uses Wou1d nof be a11oWed fo move fhe1 W1e1ess dev1ces and sf111 sfay
connecfed fo fhe nefWok
5. Whaf 1s fhe ma1n daWback fo us1ng s1ng1e s1gn-on?
a. lf a passWod 1s d1sc1osed, max1mum unaufho1zed access Wou1d be poss1b1e.
b. 1he secu1fy adm1n1sfafo`s Wok1oad Wou1d 1ncease.
c. 1he uses passWod Wou1d be foo had fo emembe.
d. use access 1ghfs Wou1d 1ncease.
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces 1s nof a fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on?
a. 5omefh1ng you knoW and somefh1ng you have
b. A passWod and somefh1ng you do
c. 5omefh1ng you do and somefh1ng you ae
d. A passWod and somefh1ng you knoW
7. 1oms env1onmenf has kADlu5 seves fhaf aufhenf1cafe emofe uses befoe be1ng
a11oWed access fo nefWok esouces. he has been asked fo a so1uf1on fo a11oW fo
aufhenf1caf1on of fhe emp1oyees smaf phones, Wh1ch cannof Wok W1fh kADlu5. 1om
needs a AAA pofoco1 fhaf 1s des1gned fo ce11 phone usage. Whaf fype of so1uf1on
shou1d 1om suggesf?
a. 1ACAC5
b. 1ACAC5+
c. D1amefe
d. 5L5AML
. 8afch f11es and sc1pfs shou1d be sfoed 1n a pofecfed aea. Why 1s fh1s?
Page 1
Access Confo1-P5.fxf
a. 8ecause of 1easf p1v11ege
b. 5o fhey cannof be accessed by opeafos
c. 1hey may confa1n cedenf1a1s
d. 8ecause of need-fo-knoW
9. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of c11pp1ng 1eve1s?
a. 1o sef a11oWab1e fhesho1ds on a epofed acf1v1fy
b. 1o 11m1f access fo fop managemenf sfaff
c. 1o sef pesonne1 aufho1fy 11m1fs on a need-fo-knoW bas1s
d. 1o encypf dafa
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a Way fhaf c11enfs can aufhenf1cafe fo seves 1n
a c11enf\\seve mode1?
a. PassWod Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {PAP}
b. Cha11enge handshake Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {ChAP}
c. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LAP}
d. M5- PassWod Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {M5-PAP}
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae used 1n an affack defecfed by an lD5?
a. An evenf-based lD o a sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD
b. A d1scefe anoma1y-based lD o a s1gnafue-based lD
c. A s1gnafue-based lD o a sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD
d. A s1gnafue-based lD o an evenf-based lD
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng desc1bes fhe d1scepanc1es 1n fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenf?
"ln a 1CP connecf1on, fhe sende sends an 5YN packef, fhe ece1ve sends an ACk, and
fhen fhe sende acknoW1edges fhaf packef W1fh an ACk packef."
a. 1he sende sends a 5YN\\ACk
b. 1he sende sends an ACk
c. 1h1s desc1bes a uDP connecf1on
d. 1he ece1ve sends a 5YN\\ACk
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. DAC Dafa oWnes dec1de Who has access fo esouces, and ACLs ae used fo enfoce
fhe secu1fy po11cy.
11. MAC Opeaf1ng sysfems enfoce fhe sysfems secu1fy po11cy fhough fhe use of
secu1fy 1abe1s.
111. k8AC Access dec1s1ons ae based on each subecfs o1e and/o funcf1ona1
a. 1, 11
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 111
d. 11
14. Dan 1s a sen1o manage W1fh1n fhe secu1fy depafmenf of h1s company. he needs
fo make a puchas1ng dec1s1on of fhe fype of access confo1 poducfs fhaf shou1d be
1mp1emenfed. 1he poducf fhaf 1s puchased needs fo ensue fhaf manages can access
a pof1on of a f11e o fo1de, buf nof ofhes. Whaf fype of access confo1 does fh1s
efe fo?
a. DAC
b. PAk8
c. MAC
d. k8AC
15. 8ob needs fo 1mp1emenf o1e-based access confo1 {k8AC} W1fh1n h1s company. he
has 1eaned fhaf fhee ae sevea1 appoaches fo k8AC. he needs fo ensue fhaf uses
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ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes of app11caf1ons fhaf
do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d 8ob chose
fo 1mp1emenf?
a. Non-k8AC
b. L1m1fed k8AC
c. hyb1d k8AC
d. Iu11 k8AC
16. Joe 1s fhe manage of fhe nefWok adm1n1sfaf1on goup. he has been fo1d fhaf
one of fhe sysfems Wok1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy mode has been conf1gued fo a11oW
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on fo pass fo a sysfem Wok1ng 1n mu1f11eve1 secu1fy mode. Whaf
so1uf1on shou1d he offe h1s feam fo 1mp1emenf?
a. Guads
b. lD5
c. lP5
d. k8AC
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. 8ufe foce affacks Pefomed W1fh foo1s fhaf cyc1e fhough many poss1b1e
chaacfe, numbe, and symbo1 comb1naf1ons fo uncove a passWod.
11. D1cf1onay affacks I11es of fhousands of Wods ae compaed fo fhe uses
passWod unf11 a mafch 1s found.
111. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng An affacke fa1se1y conv1nces an 1nd1v1dua1 fhaf she has fhe
necessay aufho1zaf1on fo access spec1f1c esouces.
1v. ka1nboW fab1e An affacke uses a fab1e fhaf confa1ns a11 poss1b1e passWods
a1eady 1n a hash fomaf.
a. 1, 11, 1v
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 11, 1v
d. 1, 11, 111, 1v
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng b1omef1c fechno1og1es 1s cons1deed fhe mosf accuafe?
a. kef1na
b. l1s
c. 51gnafue
d. Iac1a1
19. Joe 1s a manage ove fhe e-commece capab111f1es and fechno1og1es W1fh1n h1s
company. h1s boss has ecenf1y fo1d h1m fhaf fhe company 1s go1ng fo pafne W1fh
anofhe company and fhaf cusfome enf1f1emenfs need fo be ab1e fo fanspaenf1y
fansvese fhe d1ffeenf nefWoks. Whaf fype of fechno1ogy does Joe need fo
1mp1emenf fo fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy?
a. ldenf1fy managemenf sysfems
b. Iedeafed 1denf1f1caf1on sysfems
c. ko1e-based access confo1 sysfems
d. D1scef1onay 1denf1f1caf1on sysfems
20. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fem desc1bes fhe ceaf1on, ma1nfenance, and
deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o moe sysfems,
d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses?
a. Iedeafed 1denf1f1caf1on
b. D1scef1onay pov1s1on1ng
c. Mandafoy sysfem 1denf1f1caf1on and pov1s1on1ng
d. use pov1s1on1ng
21. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen a sess1on and a pemanenf cook1e?
a. Pemanenf cook1es ae sfoed 1n memoy and sess1on cook1es ae sfoed on fhe
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
had d1ve
b. 5ess1on cook1es ae sfoed 1n memoy and pemanenf cook1es ae sfoed on fhe
had d1ve
c. 5ens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be he1d 1n pemanenf cook1es, nof sess1on
d. 5ess1on cook1es ae nof eased When a compufe 1s shuf doWn
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s uN1kuL of a dafabase d1ecfoy based on fhe X.500
a. 1he d1ecfoy has a fee sfucfue fo ogan1ze fhe enf1es us1ng a paenf-ch11d
b. Lach enfy has a un1que name made up of aff1bufes of a spec1f1c obecf.
c. 1he aff1bufes used 1n fhe d1ecfoy ae d1cfafed by fhe def1ned schema.
d. 1he un1que 1denf1f1es ae ca11ed fu11y qua11f1ed names.
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Any confo1 can ea11y end up be1ng a compensaf1ng confo1. An
ogan1zaf1on Wou1d choose a compensaf1ng confo1 1f anofhe confo1 1s foo expens1ve
buf pofecf1on 1s sf111 needed. Io examp1e, a company canf affod a secu1fy guad
sfaff, so fhey eecf fences, Wh1ch Wou1d be fhe compensaf1ng confo1. Anofhe eason
fo use a compensaf1ng confo1 1s bus1ness needs. lf fhe secu1fy feam ecommends
c1os1ng a spec1f1c pof on a f1eWa11, buf fhe bus1ness equ1es fhaf sev1ce fo be
ava11ab1e fo exfena1 uses, fhen fhe compensaf1ng confo1 cou1d be fo 1mp1emenf an
1nfus1on pevenf1on sysfem {lP5} fhaf Wou1d c1ose1y mon1fo fhe faff1c com1ng 1n
fom fhaf pof.
b. lncoecf. Any confo1 can ea11y end up be1ng a compensaf1ng confo1. An
ogan1zaf1on Wou1d choose a compensaf1ng confo1 1f anofhe confo1 1s foo expens1ve
buf pofecf1on 1s sf111 needed. Io examp1e, a company canf affod a secu1fy guad
sfaff, so fhey eecf fences, Wh1ch Wou1d be fhe compensaf1ng confo1. Anofhe eason
fo use a compensaf1ng confo1 1s bus1ness needs. lf fhe secu1fy feam ecommends
c1os1ng a spec1f1c pof on a f1eWa11, buf fhe bus1ness equ1es fhaf sev1ce fo be
ava11ab1e fo exfena1 uses, fhen fhe compensaf1ng confo1 cou1d be fo 1mp1emenf an
1nfus1on pevenf1on sysfem {lP5} fhaf Wou1d c1ose1y mon1fo fhe faff1c com1ng 1n
fom fhaf pof.
c. Coecf. Any confo1 can ea11y end up be1ng a compensaf1ng confo1. An
ogan1zaf1on Wou1d choose a compensaf1ng confo1 1f anofhe confo1 1s foo expens1ve
buf pofecf1on 1s sf111 needed. Io examp1e, a company canf affod a secu1fy guad
sfaff, so fhey eecf fences, Wh1ch Wou1d be fhe compensaf1ng confo1. Anofhe eason
fo use a compensaf1ng confo1 1s bus1ness needs. lf fhe secu1fy feam ecommends
c1os1ng a spec1f1c pof on a f1eWa11, buf fhe bus1ness equ1es fhaf sev1ce fo be
ava11ab1e fo exfena1 uses, fhen fhe compensaf1ng confo1 cou1d be fo 1mp1emenf an
1nfus1on pevenf1on sysfem {lP5} fhaf Wou1d c1ose1y mon1fo fhe faff1c com1ng 1n
fom fhaf pof.
d. lncoecf. Any confo1 can ea11y end up be1ng a compensaf1ng confo1. An
ogan1zaf1on Wou1d choose a compensaf1ng confo1 1f anofhe confo1 1s foo expens1ve
buf pofecf1on 1s sf111 needed. Io examp1e, a company canf affod a secu1fy guad
sfaff, so fhey eecf fences, Wh1ch Wou1d be fhe compensaf1ng confo1. Anofhe eason
fo use a compensaf1ng confo1 1s bus1ness needs. lf fhe secu1fy feam ecommends
c1os1ng a spec1f1c pof on a f1eWa11, buf fhe bus1ness equ1es fhaf sev1ce fo be
ava11ab1e fo exfena1 uses, fhen fhe compensaf1ng confo1 cou1d be fo 1mp1emenf an
1nfus1on pevenf1on sysfem {lP5} fhaf Wou1d c1ose1y mon1fo fhe faff1c com1ng 1n
fom fhaf pof.
a. lncoecf. PassWod managemenf 1s an examp1e of pevenf1ve confo1, pevenf1ng
unaufho1zed uses fom access1ng a sysfem.
b. lncoecf. PassWod managemenf 1s an examp1e of pevenf1ve confo1, pevenf1ng
unaufho1zed uses fom access1ng a sysfem.
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
c. Coecf. PassWod managemenf 1s an examp1e of pevenf1ve confo1, pevenf1ng
unaufho1zed uses fom access1ng a sysfem.
d. lncoecf. PassWod managemenf 1s an examp1e of pevenf1ve confo1, pevenf1ng
unaufho1zed uses fom access1ng a sysfem.
a. lncoecf. W1fh mandafoy access confo1 {MAC}, fhe aufho1zaf1on of a subecf`s
access fo an obecf depends upon 1abe1s fhaf 1nd1cafe fhe subecf`s c1eaance and
c1ass1f1caf1on of obecfs.
b. lncoecf. W1fh mandafoy access confo1 {MAC}, fhe aufho1zaf1on of a subecf`s
access fo an obecf depends upon 1abe1s fhaf 1nd1cafe fhe subecf`s c1eaance and
c1ass1f1caf1on of obecfs.
c. lncoecf. W1fh mandafoy access confo1 {MAC}, fhe aufho1zaf1on of a subecf`s
access fo an obecf depends upon 1abe1s fhaf 1nd1cafe fhe subecf`s c1eaance and
c1ass1f1caf1on of obecfs.
d. Coecf. W1fh mandafoy access confo1 {MAC}, fhe aufho1zaf1on of a subecf`s
access fo an obecf depends upon 1abe1s fhaf 1nd1cafe fhe subecf`s c1eaance and
c1ass1f1caf1on of obecfs.
a. Coecf. 1h1s fechno1ogy a11oWs a use fo move fom one nefWok fo anofhe and
sf111 use fhe same lP addess. lf 1s an 1mpovemenf upon fhe lP pofoco1 because 1f
a11oWs a use fo have a home lP addess, assoc1afed W1fh h1s home nefWok, and a
cae-of addess. 1he cae-of addess changes as he moves fom one nefWok fo fhe
ofhe. A11 faff1c fhaf 1s addessed fo h1s home lP addess 1s foWaded fo h1s
cae-of addess.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s fechno1ogy a11oWs a use fo move fom one nefWok fo anofhe and
sf111 use fhe same lP addess. lf 1s an 1mpovemenf upon fhe lP pofoco1 because 1f
a11oWs a use fo have a home lP addess, assoc1afed W1fh h1s home nefWok, and a
cae-of addess. 1he cae-of addess changes as he moves fom one nefWok fo fhe
ofhe. A11 faff1c fhaf 1s addessed fo h1s home lP addess 1s foWaded fo h1s
cae-of addess.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s fechno1ogy a11oWs a use fo move fom one nefWok fo anofhe and
sf111 use fhe same lP addess. lf 1s an 1mpovemenf upon fhe lP pofoco1 because 1f
a11oWs a use fo have a home lP addess, assoc1afed W1fh h1s home nefWok, and a
cae-of addess. 1he cae-of addess changes as he moves fom one nefWok fo fhe
ofhe. A11 faff1c fhaf 1s addessed fo h1s home lP addess 1s foWaded fo h1s
cae-of addess.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s fechno1ogy a11oWs a use fo move fom one nefWok fo anofhe and
sf111 use fhe same lP addess. lf 1s an 1mpovemenf upon fhe lP pofoco1 because 1f
a11oWs a use fo have a home lP addess, assoc1afed W1fh h1s home nefWok, and a
cae-of addess. 1he cae-of addess changes as he moves fom one nefWok fo fhe
ofhe. A11 faff1c fhaf 1s addessed fo h1s home lP addess 1s foWaded fo h1s
cae-of addess.
a. Coecf. When s1ng1e s1gn-on 1s enab1ed, fhe d1sc1osue of a passWod cou1d
pofenf1a11y 1ead fo unaufho1zed access fo many sysfems. 1heefoe, sfonge {fhus
hade fo emembe} passWods shou1d be used, buf fhaf shou1d nof be fhe ma1n
concen. 1he use of s1ng1e s1gn-on shou1d nof affecf use access 1ghfs and 1f 1s
1nfended fo s1mp11fy secu1fy adm1n1sfaf1on, so an 1nceased Wok1oad fo fhe
secu1fy adm1n1sfafo 1s un11ke1y.
b. lncoecf. When s1ng1e s1gn-on 1s enab1ed, fhe d1sc1osue of a passWod cou1d
pofenf1a11y 1ead fo unaufho1zed access fo many sysfems. 1heefoe, sfonge {fhus
hade fo emembe} passWods shou1d be used, buf fhaf shou1d nof be fhe ma1n
concen. 1he use of s1ng1e s1gn-on shou1d nof affecf use access 1ghfs and 1f 1s
1nfended fo s1mp11fy secu1fy adm1n1sfaf1on, so an 1nceased Wok1oad fo fhe
secu1fy adm1n1sfafo 1s un11ke1y.
c. lncoecf. When s1ng1e s1gn-on 1s enab1ed, fhe d1sc1osue of a passWod cou1d
pofenf1a11y 1ead fo unaufho1zed access fo many sysfems. 1heefoe, sfonge {fhus
hade fo emembe} passWods shou1d be used, buf fhaf shou1d nof be fhe ma1n
concen. 1he use of s1ng1e s1gn-on shou1d nof affecf use access 1ghfs and 1f 1s
1nfended fo s1mp11fy secu1fy adm1n1sfaf1on, so an 1nceased Wok1oad fo fhe
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
secu1fy adm1n1sfafo 1s un11ke1y.
d. lncoecf. When s1ng1e s1gn-on 1s enab1ed, fhe d1sc1osue of a passWod cou1d
pofenf1a11y 1ead fo unaufho1zed access fo many sysfems. 1heefoe, sfonge {fhus
hade fo emembe} passWods shou1d be used, buf fhaf shou1d nof be fhe ma1n
concen. 1he use of s1ng1e s1gn-on shou1d nof affecf use access 1ghfs and 1f 1s
1nfended fo s1mp11fy secu1fy adm1n1sfaf1on, so an 1nceased Wok1oad fo fhe
secu1fy adm1n1sfafo 1s un11ke1y.
a. lncoecf. A fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on e11es on fWo d1ffeenf k1nds of
ev1dence. A passWod 1s an examp1e of somefh1ng you knoW. 5fong aufhenf1caf1on
confa1ns fWo ouf of fhese fhee mefhods: somefh1ng a peson knoWs, has, o 1s.
Whafeve 1denf1f1caf1on sysfem 1s used, fo sfong aufhenf1caf1on fo be 1n fhe
pocess, 1f musf 1nc1ude fWo ouf of fhe fhee cafego1es. 1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo
as fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf. A fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on e11es on fWo d1ffeenf k1nds of
ev1dence. A passWod 1s an examp1e of somefh1ng you knoW. 5fong aufhenf1caf1on
confa1ns fWo ouf of fhese fhee mefhods: somefh1ng a peson knoWs, has, o 1s.
Whafeve 1denf1f1caf1on sysfem 1s used, fo sfong aufhenf1caf1on fo be 1n fhe
pocess, 1f musf 1nc1ude fWo ouf of fhe fhee cafego1es. 1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo
as fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on.
c. lncoecf. A fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on e11es on fWo d1ffeenf k1nds of
ev1dence. A passWod 1s an examp1e of somefh1ng you knoW. 5fong aufhenf1caf1on
confa1ns fWo ouf of fhese fhee mefhods: somefh1ng a peson knoWs, has, o 1s.
Whafeve 1denf1f1caf1on sysfem 1s used, fo sfong aufhenf1caf1on fo be 1n fhe
pocess, 1f musf 1nc1ude fWo ouf of fhe fhee cafego1es. 1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo
as fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on.
d. Coecf. A fWo-facfo aufhenf1caf1on e11es on fWo d1ffeenf k1nds of ev1dence.
A passWod 1s an examp1e of somefh1ng you knoW. 5fong aufhenf1caf1on confa1ns fWo
ouf of fhese fhee mefhods: somefh1ng a peson knoWs, has, o 1s. Whafeve
1denf1f1caf1on sysfem 1s used, fo sfong aufhenf1caf1on fo be 1n fhe pocess, 1f
musf 1nc1ude fWo ouf of fhe fhee cafego1es. 1h1s 1s a1so efeed fo as fWo-facfo
a. lncoecf. D1amefe 1s an AAA pofoco1 fhaf pov1des fhe same fype of
funcf1ona11fy as kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ buf a1so pov1des moe f1ex1b111fy and
capab111f1es fo meef fhe neW demands of fodays comp1ex and d1vese nefWoks. lf can
a11oW W1e1ess dev1ces and smaf phones fo be ab1e fo aufhenf1cafe fhemse1ves fo a
company nefWok.
b. lncoecf. D1amefe 1s an AAA pofoco1 fhaf pov1des fhe same fype of
funcf1ona11fy as kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ buf a1so pov1des moe f1ex1b111fy and
capab111f1es fo meef fhe neW demands of fodays comp1ex and d1vese nefWoks. lf can
a11oW W1e1ess dev1ces and smaf phones fo be ab1e fo aufhenf1cafe fhemse1ves fo a
company nefWok.
c. Coecf. D1amefe 1s an AAA pofoco1 fhaf pov1des fhe same fype of
funcf1ona11fy as kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ buf a1so pov1des moe f1ex1b111fy and
capab111f1es fo meef fhe neW demands of fodays comp1ex and d1vese nefWoks. lf can
a11oW W1e1ess dev1ces and smaf phones fo be ab1e fo aufhenf1cafe fhemse1ves fo a
company nefWok.
d. lncoecf. D1amefe 1s an AAA pofoco1 fhaf pov1des fhe same fype of
funcf1ona11fy as kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ buf a1so pov1des moe f1ex1b111fy and
capab111f1es fo meef fhe neW demands of fodays comp1ex and d1vese nefWoks. lf can
a11oW W1e1ess dev1ces and smaf phones fo be ab1e fo aufhenf1cafe fhemse1ves fo a
company nefWok.

a. lncoecf. 8ecause sc1pfs confa1n cedenf1a1s, fhey shou1d be sfoed 1n a

pofecfed aea and fhe1 fansm1ss1on dea1f W1fh caefu11y.
b. lncoecf. 8ecause sc1pfs confa1n cedenf1a1s, fhey shou1d be sfoed 1n a
pofecfed aea and fhe1 fansm1ss1on dea1f W1fh caefu11y.
c. Coecf. 8ecause sc1pfs confa1n cedenf1a1s, fhey shou1d be sfoed 1n a
pofecfed aea and fhe1 fansm1ss1on dea1f W1fh caefu11y.
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
d. lncoecf. 8ecause sc1pfs confa1n cedenf1a1s, fhey shou1d be sfoed 1n a
pofecfed aea and fhe1 fansm1ss1on dea1f W1fh caefu11y.
a. Coecf. us1ng c11pp1ng 1eve1s efes fo seff1ng a11oWab1e fhesho1ds on a
epofed acf1v1fy. Io examp1e, a c11pp1ng 1eve1 of 3 can be sef fo epof1ng
1og-on affempfs af a Woksfaf1on. 1hee o feWe fa11ed 1og-on affempfs by an
1nd1v1dua1 af a Woksfaf1on W111 nof be epofed.
b. lncoecf. us1ng c11pp1ng 1eve1s efes fo seff1ng a11oWab1e fhesho1ds on a
epofed acf1v1fy. Io examp1e, a c11pp1ng 1eve1 of 3 can be sef fo epof1ng
1og-on affempfs af a Woksfaf1on. 1hee o feWe fa11ed 1og-on affempfs by an
1nd1v1dua1 af a Woksfaf1on W111 nof be epofed.
c. lncoecf. us1ng c11pp1ng 1eve1s efes fo seff1ng a11oWab1e fhesho1ds on a
epofed acf1v1fy. Io examp1e, a c11pp1ng 1eve1 of 3 can be sef fo epof1ng
1og-on affempfs af a Woksfaf1on. 1hee o feWe fa11ed 1og-on affempfs by an
1nd1v1dua1 af a Woksfaf1on W111 nof be epofed.
d. lncoecf. us1ng c11pp1ng 1eve1s efes fo seff1ng a11oWab1e fhesho1ds on a
epofed acf1v1fy. Io examp1e, a c11pp1ng 1eve1 of 3 can be sef fo epof1ng
1og-on affempfs af a Woksfaf1on. 1hee o feWe fa11ed 1og-on affempfs by an
1nd1v1dua1 af a Woksfaf1on W111 nof be epofed.
a. lncoecf. Depend1ng upon fhe pofoco1, fhee ae d1ffeenf Ways fo aufhenf1cafe
a use 1n fh1s c11enf/seve ach1fecfue. 1he fad1f1ona1 aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1s
ae PassWod Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {PAP}, Cha11enge handshake Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {ChAP}, and a neWe mefhod efeed fo as Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {LAP}.
b. lncoecf. Depend1ng upon fhe pofoco1, fhee ae d1ffeenf Ways fo aufhenf1cafe
a use 1n fh1s c11enf/seve ach1fecfue. 1he fad1f1ona1 aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1s
ae PassWod Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {PAP}, Cha11enge handshake Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {ChAP}, and a neWe mefhod efeed fo as Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {LAP}.
c. lncoecf. Depend1ng upon fhe pofoco1, fhee ae d1ffeenf Ways fo aufhenf1cafe
a use 1n fh1s c11enf/seve ach1fecfue. 1he fad1f1ona1 aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1s
ae PassWod Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {PAP}, Cha11enge handshake Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {ChAP}, and a neWe mefhod efeed fo as Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {LAP}.
d. Coecf. Depend1ng upon fhe pofoco1, fhee ae d1ffeenf Ways fo aufhenf1cafe a
use 1n fh1s c11enf/seve ach1fecfue. 1he fad1f1ona1 aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1s
ae PassWod Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {PAP}, Cha11enge handshake Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {ChAP}, and a neWe mefhod efeed fo as Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on
Pofoco1 {LAP}.
a. lncoecf. An lD5 defecfs an affack fhough a s1gnafue-based lD o a
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD. 51gnafue-based lD5 ae fhe mosf popu1a lD5 poducfs
foday, and fhe1 effecf1veness depends upon egu1a1y updaf1ng fhe soffWae W1fh neW
s1gnafues, as W1fh anf1v1us soffWae. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a
behav1oa1-based sysfem. 8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned
s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an
env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof, acf1v1f1es.
b. lncoecf. An lD5 defecfs an affack fhough a s1gnafue-based lD o a
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD. 51gnafue-based lD5 ae fhe mosf popu1a lD5 poducfs
foday, and fhe1 effecf1veness depends upon egu1a1y updaf1ng fhe soffWae W1fh neW
s1gnafues, as W1fh anf1v1us soffWae. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a
behav1oa1-based sysfem. 8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned
s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an
env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof, acf1v1f1es.
c. Coecf. An lD5 defecfs an affack fhough a s1gnafue-based lD o a sfaf1sf1ca1
anoma1y-based lD. 51gnafue-based lD5 ae fhe mosf popu1a lD5 poducfs foday, and
fhe1 effecf1veness depends upon egu1a1y updaf1ng fhe soffWae W1fh neW
s1gnafues, as W1fh anf1v1us soffWae. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a
behav1oa1-based sysfem. 8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an
env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof, acf1v1f1es.
d. lncoecf. An lD5 defecfs an affack fhough a s1gnafue-based lD o a
sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD. 51gnafue-based lD5 ae fhe mosf popu1a lD5 poducfs
foday, and fhe1 effecf1veness depends upon egu1a1y updaf1ng fhe soffWae W1fh neW
s1gnafues, as W1fh anf1v1us soffWae. A sfaf1sf1ca1 anoma1y-based lD5 1s a
behav1oa1-based sysfem. 8ehav1oa1-based lD5 poducfs do nof use pedef1ned
s1gnafues, buf afhe ae puf 1n a 1ean1ng mode fo bu11d a pof11e of an
env1onmenfs &quof,noma1&quof, acf1v1f1es.
a. lncoecf. ln a 1CP connecf1on, fhe sende sends an 5YN packef, fhe ece1ve
sends an 5YN/ACk, and fhen fhe sende acknoW1edges fhaf packef W1fh an ACk packef.
b. lncoecf. ln a 1CP connecf1on, fhe sende sends an 5YN packef, fhe ece1ve
sends an 5YN/ACk, and fhen fhe sende acknoW1edges fhaf packef W1fh an ACk packef.
c. lncoecf. ln a 1CP connecf1on, fhe sende sends an 5YN packef, fhe ece1ve
sends an 5YN/ACk, and fhen fhe sende acknoW1edges fhaf packef W1fh an ACk packef.
d. Coecf. ln a 1CP connecf1on, fhe sende sends an 5YN packef, fhe ece1ve sends
an 5YN/ACk, and fhen fhe sende acknoW1edges fhaf packef W1fh an ACk packef.
a. lncoecf. Lach of fhese def1n1f1ons 1s coecf.
b. Coecf. Lach of fhese def1n1f1ons 1s coecf.
c. lncoecf. Lach of fhese def1n1f1ons 1s coecf.
d. lncoecf. Lach of fhese def1n1f1ons 1s coecf.
a. lncoecf. 1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed,
Wh1ch 1s Why many ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday.
1he cuenf access confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo
pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf
fhe uses can cay ouf. Io examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy
fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo
examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy
numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae ko1e 8ased {PAk8} access confo1.
b. Coecf. 1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed,
Wh1ch 1s Why many ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday.
1he cuenf access confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo
pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf
fhe uses can cay ouf. Io examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy
fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo
examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy
numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae ko1e 8ased {PAk8} access confo1.
c. lncoecf. 1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed,
Wh1ch 1s Why many ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday.
1he cuenf access confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo
pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf
fhe uses can cay ouf. Io examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy
fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo
examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy
numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae ko1e 8ased {PAk8} access confo1.
d. lncoecf. 1he p1vacy of many d1ffeenf fypes of dafa needs fo be pofecfed,
Wh1ch 1s Why many ogan1zaf1ons have p1vacy off1ces and p1vacy po11c1es foday.
1he cuenf access confo1 mode1s {MAC, DAC, k8AC} do nof 1end fhemse1ves fo
pofecf1ng dafa of a g1ven sens1f1v1fy 1eve1, buf 1nsfead 11m1f fhe funcf1ons fhaf
fhe uses can cay ouf. Io examp1e, manages may be ab1e fo access a P1vacy
fo1de, buf fhee needs fo be moe defa11ed access confo1 fhaf 1nd1cafes, fo
examp1e, fhaf fhey can access cusfomes home addesses buf nof 5oc1a1 5ecu1fy
numbes. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as P1vacy AWae ko1e 8ased {PAk8} access confo1.
a. Coecf. 1he fypes of k8AC ae ouf11ned be1oW,
- Non-k8AC uses ae mapped d1ecf1y fo app11caf1ons and no o1es ae used.
Access Confo1-P5.fxf
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
- Iu11 k8AC uses ae mapped fo enfep1se o1es.
b. lncoecf. 1he fypes of k8AC ae ouf11ned be1oW,
- Non-k8AC uses ae mapped d1ecf1y fo app11caf1ons and no o1es ae used.
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
- Iu11 k8AC uses ae mapped fo enfep1se o1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he fypes of k8AC ae ouf11ned be1oW,
- Non-k8AC uses ae mapped d1ecf1y fo app11caf1ons and no o1es ae used.
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
- Iu11 k8AC uses ae mapped fo enfep1se o1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he fypes of k8AC ae ouf11ned be1oW,
- Non-k8AC uses ae mapped d1ecf1y fo app11caf1ons and no o1es ae used.
- L1m1fed k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1p1e o1es and mapped d1ecf1y fo ofhe fypes
of app11caf1ons fhaf do nof have o1e-based access funcf1ona11fy.
- hyb1d k8AC uses ae mapped fo mu1f1-app11caf1on o1es W1fh on1y se1ecfed 1ghfs
ass1gned fo fhose o1es.
- Iu11 k8AC uses ae mapped fo enfep1se o1es.
a. Coecf. 5offWae and hadWae guads a11oW fhe exchange of dafa befWeen fusfed
{h1gh assuance} and 1ess fusfed {1oW assuance} sysfems and env1onmenfs. Io
1nsfance, 1f you Wee Wok1ng on a MAC sysfem {Wok1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy mode of
secef} and you needed 1f fo commun1cafe fo a MAC dafabase {Wok1ng 1n mu1f11eve1
secu1fy mode, Wh1ch goes up fo fop secef}, fhe fWo sysfems Wou1d pov1de d1ffeenf
1eve1s of pofecf1on. lf a sysfem W1fh 1oWe assuance can d1ecf1y commun1cafe W1fh
a sysfem of h1gh assuance, fhen secu1fy vu1neab111f1es and compom1ses cou1d be
1nfoduced. A soffWae guad 1s ea11y usf a fonf-end poducf fhaf a11oWs
1nfeconnecf1v1fy befWeen sysfems Wok1ng af d1ffeenf secu1fy 1eve1s.
b. lncoecf. 5offWae and hadWae guads a11oW fhe exchange of dafa befWeen
fusfed {h1gh assuance} and 1ess fusfed {1oW assuance} sysfems and env1onmenfs.
Io 1nsfance, 1f you Wee Wok1ng on a MAC sysfem {Wok1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy
mode of secef} and you needed 1f fo commun1cafe fo a MAC dafabase {Wok1ng 1n
mu1f11eve1 secu1fy mode, Wh1ch goes up fo fop secef}, fhe fWo sysfems Wou1d
pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on. lf a sysfem W1fh 1oWe assuance can
d1ecf1y commun1cafe W1fh a sysfem of h1gh assuance, fhen secu1fy vu1neab111f1es
and compom1ses cou1d be 1nfoduced. A soffWae guad 1s ea11y usf a fonf-end
poducf fhaf a11oWs 1nfeconnecf1v1fy befWeen sysfems Wok1ng af d1ffeenf secu1fy
c. lncoecf. 5offWae and hadWae guads a11oW fhe exchange of dafa befWeen
fusfed {h1gh assuance} and 1ess fusfed {1oW assuance} sysfems and env1onmenfs.
Io 1nsfance, 1f you Wee Wok1ng on a MAC sysfem {Wok1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy
mode of secef} and you needed 1f fo commun1cafe fo a MAC dafabase {Wok1ng 1n
mu1f11eve1 secu1fy mode, Wh1ch goes up fo fop secef}, fhe fWo sysfems Wou1d
pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on. lf a sysfem W1fh 1oWe assuance can
d1ecf1y commun1cafe W1fh a sysfem of h1gh assuance, fhen secu1fy vu1neab111f1es
and compom1ses cou1d be 1nfoduced. A soffWae guad 1s ea11y usf a fonf-end
poducf fhaf a11oWs 1nfeconnecf1v1fy befWeen sysfems Wok1ng af d1ffeenf secu1fy
d. lncoecf. 5offWae and hadWae guads a11oW fhe exchange of dafa befWeen
fusfed {h1gh assuance} and 1ess fusfed {1oW assuance} sysfems and env1onmenfs.
Io 1nsfance, 1f you Wee Wok1ng on a MAC sysfem {Wok1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy
mode of secef} and you needed 1f fo commun1cafe fo a MAC dafabase {Wok1ng 1n
mu1f11eve1 secu1fy mode, Wh1ch goes up fo fop secef}, fhe fWo sysfems Wou1d
pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on. lf a sysfem W1fh 1oWe assuance can
Page 9
Access Confo1-P5.fxf
d1ecf1y commun1cafe W1fh a sysfem of h1gh assuance, fhen secu1fy vu1neab111f1es
and compom1ses cou1d be 1nfoduced. A soffWae guad 1s ea11y usf a fonf-end
poducf fhaf a11oWs 1nfeconnecf1v1fy befWeen sysfems Wok1ng af d1ffeenf secu1fy
a. lncoecf. 1he 11sf has a11 fhe coecf fems fo def1n1f1on mapp1ngs.
b. lncoecf. 1he 11sf has a11 fhe coecf fems fo def1n1f1on mapp1ngs.
c. lncoecf. 1he 11sf has a11 fhe coecf fems fo def1n1f1on mapp1ngs.
d. Coecf. 1he 11sf has a11 fhe coecf fems fo def1n1f1on mapp1ngs.
a. lncoecf. 1he 11s 1s fhe co1oed pof1on of fhe eye fhaf suounds fhe pup11.
1he 11s has un1que paffens, 1ffs, co1os, 1ngs, coonas, and fuoWs. 1he
un1queness of each of fhese chaacfe1sf1cs W1fh1n fhe 11s 1s capfued by a camea
and compaed W1fh fhe 1nfomaf1on gafheed du1ng fhe eno11menf phase. Of fhe
b1omef1c sysfems, 11s scans ae fhe mosf accuafe. 1he 11s ema1ns consfanf
fhough adu1fhood, Wh1ch educes fhe fype of eos fhaf can happen du1ng fhe
aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 5amp11ng fhe 11s offes moe efeence cood1nafes fhan any
ofhe fype of b1omef1c. Mafhemaf1ca11y, fh1s means 1f has a h1ghe accuacy
pofenf1a1 fhan any ofhe fype of b1omef1c.
b. Coecf. 1he 11s 1s fhe co1oed pof1on of fhe eye fhaf suounds fhe pup11.
1he 11s has un1que paffens, 1ffs, co1os, 1ngs, coonas, and fuoWs. 1he
un1queness of each of fhese chaacfe1sf1cs W1fh1n fhe 11s 1s capfued by a camea
and compaed W1fh fhe 1nfomaf1on gafheed du1ng fhe eno11menf phase. Of fhe
b1omef1c sysfems, 11s scans ae fhe mosf accuafe. 1he 11s ema1ns consfanf
fhough adu1fhood, Wh1ch educes fhe fype of eos fhaf can happen du1ng fhe
aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 5amp11ng fhe 11s offes moe efeence cood1nafes fhan any
ofhe fype of b1omef1c. Mafhemaf1ca11y, fh1s means 1f has a h1ghe accuacy
pofenf1a1 fhan any ofhe fype of b1omef1c.
c. lncoecf. 1he 11s 1s fhe co1oed pof1on of fhe eye fhaf suounds fhe pup11.
1he 11s has un1que paffens, 1ffs, co1os, 1ngs, coonas, and fuoWs. 1he
un1queness of each of fhese chaacfe1sf1cs W1fh1n fhe 11s 1s capfued by a camea
and compaed W1fh fhe 1nfomaf1on gafheed du1ng fhe eno11menf phase. Of fhe
b1omef1c sysfems, 11s scans ae fhe mosf accuafe. 1he 11s ema1ns consfanf
fhough adu1fhood, Wh1ch educes fhe fype of eos fhaf can happen du1ng fhe
aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 5amp11ng fhe 11s offes moe efeence cood1nafes fhan any
ofhe fype of b1omef1c. Mafhemaf1ca11y, fh1s means 1f has a h1ghe accuacy
pofenf1a1 fhan any ofhe fype of b1omef1c.
d. lncoecf. 1he 11s 1s fhe co1oed pof1on of fhe eye fhaf suounds fhe pup11.
1he 11s has un1que paffens, 1ffs, co1os, 1ngs, coonas, and fuoWs. 1he
un1queness of each of fhese chaacfe1sf1cs W1fh1n fhe 11s 1s capfued by a camea
and compaed W1fh fhe 1nfomaf1on gafheed du1ng fhe eno11menf phase. Of fhe
b1omef1c sysfems, 11s scans ae fhe mosf accuafe. 1he 11s ema1ns consfanf
fhough adu1fhood, Wh1ch educes fhe fype of eos fhaf can happen du1ng fhe
aufhenf1caf1on pocess. 5amp11ng fhe 11s offes moe efeence cood1nafes fhan any
ofhe fype of b1omef1c. Mafhemaf1ca11y, fh1s means 1f has a h1ghe accuacy
pofenf1a1 fhan any ofhe fype of b1omef1c.
a. lncoecf. A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed
enf1f1emenfs, fhaf can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be
aufhenf1cafed acoss mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s
based upon 11nk1ng a uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons
W1fhouf fhe need fo synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed
1denf1fy offes bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng
d1sf1bufed esouces and 1s a key componenf of e-commece.
b. Coecf. A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed
enf1f1emenfs, fhaf can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be
aufhenf1cafed acoss mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s
based upon 11nk1ng a uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons
W1fhouf fhe need fo synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed
1denf1fy offes bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng
Page 10
Access Confo1-P5.fxf
d1sf1bufed esouces and 1s a key componenf of e-commece.
c. lncoecf. A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed
enf1f1emenfs, fhaf can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be
aufhenf1cafed acoss mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s
based upon 11nk1ng a uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons
W1fhouf fhe need fo synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed
1denf1fy offes bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng
d1sf1bufed esouces and 1s a key componenf of e-commece.
d. lncoecf. A fedeafed 1denf1fy 1s a pofab1e 1denf1fy, and 1fs assoc1afed
enf1f1emenfs, fhaf can be used acoss bus1ness bounda1es. lf a11oWs a use fo be
aufhenf1cafed acoss mu1f1p1e l1 sysfems and enfep1ses. ldenf1fy fedeaf1on 1s
based upon 11nk1ng a uses ofheW1se d1sf1ncf 1denf1f1es af fWo o moe 1ocaf1ons
W1fhouf fhe need fo synchon1ze o conso11dafe d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. Iedeafed
1denf1fy offes bus1nesses and consumes a moe conven1enf Way of access1ng
d1sf1bufed esouces and 1s a key componenf of e-commece.
a. lncoecf. use pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on, ma1nfenance, and
deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o moe sysfems,
d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
b. lncoecf. use pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on, ma1nfenance, and
deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o moe sysfems,
d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
c. lncoecf. use pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on, ma1nfenance, and
deacf1vaf1on of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o moe sysfems,
d1ecfo1es, o app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
d. Coecf. use pov1s1on1ng efes fo fhe ceaf1on, ma1nfenance, and deacf1vaf1on
of use obecfs and aff1bufes as fhey ex1sf 1n one o moe sysfems, d1ecfo1es, o
app11caf1ons, 1n esponse fo bus1ness pocesses.
a. lncoecf. A cook1e can be 1n fhe fomaf of a fexf f11e sfoed on fhe uses
had d1ve {pemanenf} o 1f can be on1y he1d 1n memoy {sess1on}. lf fhe cook1e
confa1ns any fype of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhen 1f shou1d on1y be he1d 1n memoy
and be eased once fhe sess1on has comp1efed.
b. Coecf. A cook1e can be 1n fhe fomaf of a fexf f11e sfoed on fhe uses had
d1ve {pemanenf} o 1f can be on1y he1d 1n memoy {sess1on}. lf fhe cook1e confa1ns
any fype of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhen 1f shou1d on1y be he1d 1n memoy and be
eased once fhe sess1on has comp1efed.
c. lncoecf. A cook1e can be 1n fhe fomaf of a fexf f11e sfoed on fhe uses
had d1ve {pemanenf} o 1f can be on1y he1d 1n memoy {sess1on}. lf fhe cook1e
confa1ns any fype of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhen 1f shou1d on1y be he1d 1n memoy
and be eased once fhe sess1on has comp1efed.
d. lncoecf. A cook1e can be 1n fhe fomaf of a fexf f11e sfoed on fhe uses
had d1ve {pemanenf} o 1f can be on1y he1d 1n memoy {sess1on}. lf fhe cook1e
confa1ns any fype of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhen 1f shou1d on1y be he1d 1n memoy
and be eased once fhe sess1on has comp1efed.
a. lncoecf. ln a dafabase d1ecfoy based on fhe X.500 sfandad, fhe fo11oW1ng
u1es ae used fo obecf ogan1zaf1on:
- 1he d1ecfoy has a fee sfucfue fo ogan1ze fhe enf1es us1ng a paenf-ch11d
- Lach enfy has a un1que name made up of aff1bufes of a spec1f1c obecf.
- 1he aff1bufes used 1n fhe d1ecfoy ae d1cfafed by fhe def1ned schema.
- 1he un1que 1denf1f1es ae ca11ed d1sf1ngu1shed names.
b. lncoecf. ln a dafabase d1ecfoy based on fhe X.500 sfandad, fhe fo11oW1ng
u1es ae used fo obecf ogan1zaf1on:
- 1he d1ecfoy has a fee sfucfue fo ogan1ze fhe enf1es us1ng a paenf-ch11d
- Lach enfy has a un1que name made up of aff1bufes of a spec1f1c obecf.
- 1he aff1bufes used 1n fhe d1ecfoy ae d1cfafed by fhe def1ned schema.
- 1he un1que 1denf1f1es ae ca11ed d1sf1ngu1shed names.
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Access Confo1-P5.fxf
c. lncoecf. ln a dafabase d1ecfoy based on fhe X.500 sfandad, fhe fo11oW1ng
u1es ae used fo obecf ogan1zaf1on:
- 1he d1ecfoy has a fee sfucfue fo ogan1ze fhe enf1es us1ng a paenf-ch11d
- Lach enfy has a un1que name made up of aff1bufes of a spec1f1c obecf.
- 1he aff1bufes used 1n fhe d1ecfoy ae d1cfafed by fhe def1ned schema.
- 1he un1que 1denf1f1es ae ca11ed d1sf1ngu1shed names.
d. Coecf. ln a dafabase d1ecfoy based on fhe X.500 sfandad, fhe fo11oW1ng
u1es ae used fo obecf ogan1zaf1on:
- 1he d1ecfoy has a fee sfucfue fo ogan1ze fhe enf1es us1ng a paenf-ch11d
- Lach enfy has a un1que name made up of aff1bufes of a spec1f1c obecf.
- 1he aff1bufes used 1n fhe d1ecfoy ae d1cfafed by fhe def1ned schema.
- 1he un1que 1denf1f1es ae ca11ed d1sf1ngu1shed names.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
qu1z Name = App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1
1. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, Whaf f1e1d 11nks a11 fhe dafa W1fh1n a ecod fo a
un1que va1ue?
a. Ce11
b. koW
c. P1may key
d. Co1umn key
2. hay 1s h1ed fo conducf an 1ndependenf fechn1ca1 ev1eW of a soffWae poducf
fo defem1ne Whefhe spec1f1c secu1fy confo1s have been 1mp1emenfed as p1anned.
Whaf fask 1s hay supposed fo do?
a. Acced1faf1on
b. Cef1f1caf1on
c. Accepfance fesf1ng/1mp1emenfaf1on
d. un1f fesf
3. Affe Weeks of eseach, a dafa pocess1ng manage conc1udes fhaf he feam has
been 1npuff1ng dafa 1ncoecf1y 1nfo fhe cenfa1 dafabase and pacf1c1ng eoneous
pocess1ng. 8ecause of fhese f1nd1ngs, he dafabase 1s sa1d fo be .
a. Confam1nafed
b. Dead1ocked
c. 8eached
d. Co111ded
4. Pefe 1s a dafa ana1ysf fo a food d1sf1buf1on cha1n. he 1s offen fasked W1fh
poduc1ng epofs fhaf summa1ze poducf1v1fy fo evey eg1on 1n fhe naf1on. he
uses dafa fom each eg1on`s dafabase and poo1s fhe dafa cenfa11y so 1f can be
m1ned. Whaf fype of sysfem does Pefe use fo ho1d fh1s 1nfomaf1on?
a. Dafa Waehouse
b. lnfeence
c. Concuency foo1s
d. Af1f1c1a1 1nfe111gence
5. Jusf abouf evey company foday has begun fhe pacf1ce of a11oW1ng copoafe
1nfomaf1on fo be accessed v1a fhe lnfenef. Wh11e fh1s 1s cons1deed a sfep 1n fhe
1ghf d1ecf1on fo some bus1ness needs, 1f a1so ceafes secu1fy vu1neab111f1es.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng so1uf1ons Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce When seff1ng up e-commece
W1fh1n an ogan1zaf1on?
a. lmp1emenf1ng a DMZ W1fh dua1 homed f1eWa11s and fWo poxy seves
b. lmp1emenf1ng a fhee-f1eed app11caf1on ach1fecfue
c. us1ng an 1so1afed Web seve fo sfoe dafa
d. lmp1emenf1ng sf1cf secu1fy po11c1es on fhe dev1ces ho1d1ng fhe dafa
6. A goup of femps ae boughf 1nfo fhe1 neW Wok1ng aea by fhe1 supev1so.
1hey ae each g1ven a Woksfaf1on and a sef of 1nsfucf1ons. 1he supev1so fhen
exp1a1ns fhaf each has been ganfed access fo fhe ma1n dafabase, buf fhey on1y v1eW
a "1og1ca1 subsef" of 1f. Whaf 1s fhe supev1so desc1b1ng?
a. kesf1cfed 1nfeface
b. Dafabase v1eW
c. Dafa Waehouse
d. M1n1-dafabase
7. A fansacf1on fhaf peseves fhe sfafe of fhe dafabase 1s sa1d fo be .
a. 1ansacf1on cons1sfenf
b. 1ansacf1on secue
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
c. 1ansacf1on beached
d. 1ansacf1on pes1sfenf
. Mak 1s a genea1 manage of a 1age spof1ng goods naf1ona1 cha1n. he manages a
Denve sfoe W1fh 50 emp1oyees. 1o keep fack of d1ffeenf poducfs fhaf have un1que
chaacfe1sf1cs and cod1ng, Mak sefs up mu1f1p1e 1nvenfoy dafabases W1fh1n h1s oWn
sfoe. Af fhe end of evey quafe, he comb1nes fhe d1ffeenf dafabases and ana1yzes
fends fo h1s egu1a epof fo naf1ona1. Whaf fype of dafabase sysfem 1s Mak
us1ng fo ceafe h1s epof?
a. Dafa Waehouse
b. Dafa maf
c. Dafa sfoage
d. Dafa m1ne
9. ln a monfh1y sfaff meef1ng, Joe 1s fo1d fo "noma11ze" fhe accounf1ng dafabase.
Whaf does fh1s mean?
a. updafe fhe soffWae so 1f 1s cons1sfenf W1fh a11 ofhe dafabases on fhe nefWok
b. Add convenf1ona1 fomaff1ng sfandads
c. kemove edundanc1es and 1mpope e1af1onsh1ps
d. Add noma1 "v1eWs" fo 1oW ank1ng accounfanfs
10. An OL1P dafabase ensu1ng fhaf no fansacf1ons ae f1na11zed unf11 a11 connecfed
sysfems have synchon1zed 1s emp1oy1ng Whaf funcf1on?
a. 1Wo-phase comm1f
b. quey pocess1ng
c. lso1af1on
d. kedundancy/checksum
11. Jeff 1s a manage af a f1nanc1a1 1nsf1fuf1on. he needs fo make a dec1s1on on fhe
besf dafabase mode1 fo 1mp1emenf W1fh1n h1s env1onmenf. 1he dafa e1af1onsh1p fype
h1s app11caf1ons equ1e 1s a one fo many. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d be fhe besf
mode1 fo Jeff fo choose?
a. ke1af1ona1
b. h1each1ca1
c. 1ee
d. 5fucfued
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a f1e1d of sfudy fhaf focuses on Ways of undesfand1ng
and ana1yz1ng dafa 1n dafabases, W1fh concenfaf1on on aufomaf1on advancemenfs?
a. Af1f1c1a1 1nfe111gence
b. knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabases
c. kebeos
d. ANN
13. J111 sends a message fo a Web seve 1n un1code, Wh1ch eas11y passes fhough
secu1fy confo1s because fhe confenf f11fe1ng feafue does nof ecogn1ze fhe dafa.
ln ea11fy, fhe message confa1ns ma11c1ous commands. Whaf fype of affack 1s fh1s?
a. 1Ou/1OC
b. Ma1fomed 1npuf
c. Log1c bomb
d. 8uffe ovef1oW
14. An affack fhaf has a masfe hosf, a zomb1e, and mu1f1p1e m1dd1e dev1ces unn1ng
zomb1e pogams 1s ca11ed a .
a. Do5
b. DDo5
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
c. Wom
d. 8oof secfo 1nfecfo
15. ke1fh 1nsfa11s a feeWae phofo uf111fy on h1s home compufe so fhaf he can
man1pu1afe h1s vacaf1on p1cfues. Days affe 1nsfa111ng fhe pogam, he nof1ces
advef1semenfs popp1ng up pe1od1ca11y on h1s compufe, even 1f fhe uf111fy 1s nof
unn1ng. Whaf ae fhese ca11ed?
a. Ma1Wae
b. AdWae
c. 8ombs
d. Ma1fomed dafa
16. Jan`s company has k1cked off a huge soffWae deve1opmenf effof. 1he poecf
W111 affecf evey depafmenf and has epesenfaf1ves fom each goup on fhe
deve1opmenf feam. 1he feam 1s us1ng aufomafed foo1s and mechan1sms fo he1p educe
cosf and sfeam11ne fhe pocess. Of fhe deve1opmenf fypes shoWn be1oW, Wh1ch sounds
11ke fhe one Jan`s company 1s us1ng?
a. CA5L
b. Lxfeme pogamm1ng
c. C1eanoom
d. kAD
17. Mach1ne 1anguage ex1sfs 1n Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng cafego1es?
a. Geneaf1on One
b. Geneaf1on 1Wo
c. Geneaf1on 1hee
d. Geneaf1on Iou
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a back doo fo an app11caf1on o sysfem ceafed by fhe
a. Loop ho1e
b. 1apdoo
c. Wom
d. Ma1Wae
19. ln app11caf1on deve1opmenf, good change confo1 pacf1ce sfafes fhaf fhe
deve1ope shou1d nof do fhe fo11oW1ng:
a. Change poducf1on code
b. kequesf managemenf appova1 of a code change befoe deve1op1ng fhe change
c. Neve pefom fhe qua11fy assuance of h1s oWn code
d. have foo much p1v11ege, Whee abuse cou1d fake p1ace
20. Code 1s e1eased "1n fhe W11d" and 1fs 1nfenf 1s fo sfaf de1ef1ng fhe dafa off
of had d1ves on 03-03-03 af 3:33 pm. 1h1s code 1s besf desc1bed as a:
a. Wom
b. 5nake
c. 5f1nk bomb
d. Log1c bomb
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d be cons1deed esf1cf1ons of a h1each1ca1
dafabase sfucfue?
1. 1o be ab1e fo access a cefa1n dafa enf1fy W1fh1n a h1each1ca1 dafabase
equ1es fhe knoW1edge of Wh1ch banch fo sfaf W1fh and Wh1ch oufe fo fake fhough
each 1aye unf11 fhe dafa ae eached.
11. 1o be ab1e fo access a cefa1n key enf1fy W1fh1n a h1each1ca1 dafabase
equ1es fhe knoW1edge of Wh1ch banch fo sfaf W1fh and Wh1ch oufe fo fake fhough
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
each 1aye unf11 fhe dafa ae eached.
111. lf does nof use 1ndexes as e1af1ona1 dafabases do fo seach1ng pocedues.
1v. lf does use 1ndexes as e1af1ona1 dafabases do fo seach1ng pocedues.
a. 1, 111
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 11, 111, 1v
d. 1, 11
22. Whaf cond1f1on a11oWs a buffe ovef1oW fo happen?
a. Code fhaf makes 1mpope use of kandom Access Memoy
b. lmpope use of d1scef1onay access confo1 11sfs
c. lmpope checks 1n code W1fh egad fo fhe s1ze of 1npuf dafa
d. 5end1ng 1age amounfs of dafa ove a nefWok
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng can be desc1bed as fhe pocess of ceaf1ng fWo ves1ons
of an obecf so fhaf uses af a 1oWe 1eve1 of secu1fy cannof access 1nfomaf1on af
a h1ghe 1eve1 of sens1f1v1fy?
a. Po1ymoph1sm
b. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on
c. lnfeence
d. Aggegaf1on
24. A dafabase oW can be ca11ed a{n}:
a. Denom1nafo
b. Aff1bufe
c. 1up1e
d. kecod
25. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng eva1uafes a g1ven poducf aga1nsf fhe spec1f1caf1ons
W1ffen fo fhe poducf?
a. ve1f1caf1on
b. va11daf1on
c. Concuence
d. Accuacy
26. ln dafabase fems, Whaf confa1ns desc1pf1ons of fhe dafa e1emenfs 1n fhe
dafabase and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps?
a. Ioe1gn key
b. Desc1pf1on f11e
c. Dafa d1cf1onay
d. P1may key
27. Accod1ng fo fhe sepaaf1on of duf1es p1nc1p1e, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fue?
a. Pogammes shou1d on1y fesf fhe1 oWn code
b. 5omeone ofhe fhan pogammes shou1d fesf fhe1 code
c. 1esf code shou1d go d1ecf1y fo poducf1on
d. Pogammes shou1d 1nfeacf W1fh code 1n poducf1on
2. Whaf mechan1sm can be used fo ensue fhaf a fa11ed fansacf1on o sysfem fa11ue
efuns fhe subecf fo a mean1ngfu1 po1nf 1n some pocess?
a. 8ookmak
b. Cyc11ca1 edundancy check
c. lnfeence
d. Checkpo1nf
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
29. hoW 1s dafa noma11z1ng accomp11shed 1n a dafa Waehouse?
a. 8y emov1ng edundanc1es
b. 8y emov1ng d1ss1m11a 1nfomaf1on
c. 8y ceaf1ng hefeogeneous fup1es
d. 8y ceaf1ng hefeogeneous aff1bufes
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a componenf of an expef sysfem fhaf mafches facfs
aga1nsf paffens and defem1nes Wh1ch u1es ae accepfab1e?
a. knoW1edge base
b. lnfeence mach1ne
c. DCL
d. Aufomaf1c 1og1ca1 pocess1ng
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe mosf common1y used 1mp1emenfaf1on of a
h1each1ca1 dafabase?
a. D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1
b. XW1ndoWs
c. uNlX
d. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1
32. ln pogamm1ng, Whaf 1anguage fype epesenfs dafa 1n b1nay fo fhe pocesso?
a. L1ecf1ca1 s1gna1 1anguage
b. Assemb1y 1anguage
c. h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
d. Mach1ne 1anguage
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof used fo fun1ng souce code 1nfo mach1ne o
obecf code?
a. Assemb1e
b. lnfepefe
c. Comp11e
d. Ana1yze
34. When shou1d secu1fy 1sk assessmenf of a poducf occu?
a. Af fhe d1sposa1 sfage
b. Du1ng fhe poducf 11fe cyc1e
c. Af fhe end of a poecf
d. On an as-needed bas1s
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng poduces code fhaf 1s p1affom 1ndependenf?
a. Java
b. Acf1veX
c. v8
d. C
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a p1may componenf of a smuf affack?
a. lCMP
b. lGMP
c. Amp11fy1ng nefWok
d. lP spoof1ng
37. Whaf f1aW ceafes buffe ovef1oWs?
a. App11caf1on execuf1ng 1n p1v11eged mode
b. lnadequafe memoy segmenfaf1on
c. lnadequafe pofecf1on 1ng use
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
d. lnsuff1c1enf bounds check1ng
3. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem pefoms a11 excepf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fasks?
a. Memoy a11ocaf1on
b. lnpuf and oufpuf fasks
c. kesouce a11ocaf1on
d. use access fo dafabase v1eWs
39. lf an opeaf1ng sysfem a11oWs sequenf1a1 use of an obecf W1fhouf efesh1ng 1f,
Whaf secu1fy 1ssue can a1se?
a. D1sc1osue of es1dua1 dafa
b. unaufho1zed access fo p1v11eged pocesses
c. Dafa 1eakage fhough covef channe1s
d. Compom1s1ng fhe execuf1on doma1n
40. Whaf 1s fhe f1na1 sfep 1n aufho1z1ng a sysfem fo use 1n an env1onmenf?
a. Cef1f1caf1on
b. 5ecu1fy eva1uaf1on and af1ng
c. Acced1faf1on
d. ve1f1caf1on
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae fhe besf benef1fs of a nefWok based dafabase mode1
compaed fo esf of fhe dafabase mode1s ava11ab1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy?
1. uses h1each1es
11. 5f1cf one fo many e1af1onsh1ps
111. kedundanc1es
1v. Nof esf1cfed fo be1ng a h1eachy o 1aff1ce
a. 1, 11
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 11, 111, 1v
d. 111, 1v
42. lf a componenf fa11s, a sysfem shou1d be des1gned fo do Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Change fo a pofecfed execuf1on doma1n
b. Change fo a pob1em sfafe
c. Change fo a moe secue sfafe
d. ke1ease a11 dafa he1d 1n vo1af11e memoy
43. Wh1ch 1s fhe f1sf 1eve1 fhaf equ1es c1ass1f1caf1on 1abe11ng of dafa?
a. 83
b. 82
c. 81
d. C2
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a efeence mon1fo?
a. An absfacf mach1ne fhaf med1afes a11 access subecfs have fo obecfs.
b. A soffWae componenf fhaf defem1nes 1f a use 1s aufho1zed fo pefom a
equesfed opeaf1on
c. A soffWae componenf fhaf 1so1afes pocesses and sepaafes p1v11ege and use
d. A soffWae componenf fhaf Woks 1n fhe cenfe pofecf1on 1ng and pov1des
1nfefaces befWeen fusfed and unfusfed obecfs
45. A secu1fy kene1 confa1ns Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. 5offWae, hadWae, and f1mWae
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
b. 5offWae, hadWae, and sysfem des1gn
c. 5ecu1fy po11cy, pofecf1on mechan1sms, and soffWae
d. 5ecu1fy po11cy, pofecf1on mechan1sms, and sysfem des1gn
46. Whaf chaacfe1sf1c of a fusfed pocess does nof a11oW uses unesf1cfed
access fo sens1f1ve dafa?
a. "-popefy u1e
b. 51mp1e secu1fy u1e
c. Need-fo-knoW
d. 1C8
47. 1he Oange 8ook sfafes fhaf fhe fusfed compuf1ng base shou1d un1que1y 1denf1fy
each use fo accounfab111fy puposes and .
a. kequ1e fhe use fo pefom obecf euse opeaf1ons
b. Assoc1afe fh1s 1denf1fy W1fh a11 aud1fab1e acf1ons faken by fhaf 1nd1v1dua1
c. Assoc1afe fh1s 1denf1fy W1fh a11 pocesses fhe use 1n1f1afes
d. kequ1e fhaf on1y fhaf use have access fo h1s spec1f1c aud1f 1nfomaf1on
4. 1he fusfed compuf1ng base confo1s Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. A11 fusfed pocesses and soffWae componenfs
b. A11 fusfed secu1fy po11c1es and 1mp1emenfaf1on mechan1sms
c. A11 fusfed soffWae and des1gn mechan1sms
d. A11 fusfed soffWae and hadWae componenfs
49. Whaf 1s fhe 1mag1nay bounday fhaf sepaafes componenfs fhaf ma1nfa1n secu1fy
fom componenfs fhaf ae nof secu1fy e1afed?
a. kefeence mon1fo
b. 5ecu1fy kene1
c. 5ecu1fy pe1mefe
d. 5ecu1fy po11cy
50. Wh1ch mode1 dea1s on1y W1fh conf1denf1a11fy?
a. 8e11-LaPadu1a
b. C1ak-W11son
c. 81ba
d. kefeence mon1fo
51. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeences befWeen a e1af1ona1 and
obecf-o1enfed dafabase?
1. Obecf o1enfed dafabases equ1e app11caf1ons fo have dafa pocess1ng pocedues
and 1n e1af1ona1 dafabases fhe pocedues ae pov1ded.
11. ke1af1ona1 dafabases equ1e app11caf1ons fo have dafa pocess1ng pocedues and
1n obecf-o1enfed dafabases fhe pocedues ae pov1ded.
111. Obecf o1enfed dafabases ae moe dynam1c 1n nafue
1v. ke1af1ona1 dafabases ae moe dynam1c 1n nafue
a. 11, 1v
b. 1, 1v
c. 11, 111
d. 1, 111
52. Wh1ch secu1fy mode1 1ncopoafes fhe "no W1fe up" and "no ead doWn" u1es?
a. 81ba
b. 8e11-LaPadu1a
c. lnfomaf1on f1oW
d. C1ak-W11son
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
53. Common C1fe1a uses Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fo desc1be spec1f1c secu1fy
so1uf1on needs?
a. LPL
b. LAP
c. Pofecf1on pof11es
d. 5ecu1fy fagefs
54. Whaf book 1n fhe ka1nboW se1es focuses on nefWok secu1fy?
a. Oange 8ook
b. 1an 8ook
c. ked 8ook
d. Aqua 8ook
55. 1he C1ak-W11son secu1fy mode1 ach1eves Whaf p1may goa1s?
a. Pofecfs 1nfeg1fy by pevenf1ng obecfs fom ead1ng doWn
b. Pofecfs fhe conf1denf1a11fy of dafa
c. Lnfoces a &quof,no W1fe up u1e&quof,
d. Pofecfs 1nfeg1fy by pevenf1ng unaufho1zed uses fom mak1ng changes
56. Wh1ch af1ng offes fhe h1ghesf 1eve1 of assuance?
a. 81
b. C2
c. 83
d. C1
57. 1C5LC c1ass1f1caf1on A offes Whaf chaacfe1sf1c fhaf c1ass1f1caf1on 8 does
a. 1esf1ng 1s 1ess defa11ed 1n A
b. A equ1es feWe 1C8 componenfs
c. Moe foma1 mefhods of eva1uaf1on ae used 1n A
d. 5ecu1fy mechan1sms ae unde 1ess scuf1ny 1n A
5. Whaf fype of affack Wou1d a1fe a conf1guaf1on f11e affe fhe sysfem 1ooked fo
see 1f 1f had fhaf spec1f1c f11e?
a. Covef channe1
b. 8ackdoo
c. Iagg1e
d. 1OC/1Ou
59. 1he concepf fhaf d1cfafes fhaf once 1s obecf 1s used, 1f musf be sf1pped of
a11 of 1fs dafa emnanfs 1s ca11ed:
a. Laye1ng
b. Obecf euse
c. Mu1f1use
d. Po1ymoph1sm
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. A e1af1ona1 dafabase 1s composed of fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1es, and
each fab1e confa1ns un1que oWs, co1umns, and ce11s {fhe 1nfesecf1on of a oW and a
co1umn}. Lach ce11 confa1ns on1y one dafa va1ue fhaf epesenfs a spec1f1c aff1bufe
va1ue W1fh1n a g1ven fup1e. 1hese dafa enf1f1es ae 11nked by e1af1onsh1ps. 1he
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen fhe dafa enf1f1es pov1de fhe fameWok fo ogan1z1ng dafa. A
p1may key 1s a f1e1d fhaf 11nks a11 fhe dafa W1fh1n a ecod fo a un1que va1ue.
b. lncoecf. A e1af1ona1 dafabase 1s composed of fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1es, and
each fab1e confa1ns un1que oWs, co1umns, and ce11s {fhe 1nfesecf1on of a oW and a
co1umn}. Lach ce11 confa1ns on1y one dafa va1ue fhaf epesenfs a spec1f1c aff1bufe
va1ue W1fh1n a g1ven fup1e. 1hese dafa enf1f1es ae 11nked by e1af1onsh1ps. 1he
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen fhe dafa enf1f1es pov1de fhe fameWok fo ogan1z1ng dafa. A
p1may key 1s a f1e1d fhaf 11nks a11 fhe dafa W1fh1n a ecod fo a un1que va1ue.
c. Coecf. A e1af1ona1 dafabase 1s composed of fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1es, and each
fab1e confa1ns un1que oWs, co1umns, and ce11s {fhe 1nfesecf1on of a oW and a
co1umn}. Lach ce11 confa1ns on1y one dafa va1ue fhaf epesenfs a spec1f1c aff1bufe
va1ue W1fh1n a g1ven fup1e. 1hese dafa enf1f1es ae 11nked by e1af1onsh1ps. 1he
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen fhe dafa enf1f1es pov1de fhe fameWok fo ogan1z1ng dafa. A
p1may key 1s a f1e1d fhaf 11nks a11 fhe dafa W1fh1n a ecod fo a un1que va1ue.
d. lncoecf. A e1af1ona1 dafabase 1s composed of fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1es, and
each fab1e confa1ns un1que oWs, co1umns, and ce11s {fhe 1nfesecf1on of a oW and a
co1umn}. Lach ce11 confa1ns on1y one dafa va1ue fhaf epesenfs a spec1f1c aff1bufe
va1ue W1fh1n a g1ven fup1e. 1hese dafa enf1f1es ae 11nked by e1af1onsh1ps. 1he
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen fhe dafa enf1f1es pov1de fhe fameWok fo ogan1z1ng dafa. A
p1may key 1s a f1e1d fhaf 11nks a11 fhe dafa W1fh1n a ecod fo a un1que va1ue.
a. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of a sysfem, poducf, o
nefWok. 1he goa1 1s fo defem1ne 1f fhe 1fem fhaf 1s be1ng ev1eWed 1s fhe besf f1f
fo fhe ogan1zaf1ona1 needs. 1he esu1fs of fh1s eva1uaf1on ae g1ven fo
managemenf. lf managemenf chooses fo accepf fhe 1fem fo be used 1n fhe ogan1zaf1on,
fhen fhe 1fem has been acced1fed.
b. Coecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of a sysfem, poducf, o nefWok.
1he goa1 1s fo defem1ne 1f fhe 1fem fhaf 1s be1ng ev1eWed 1s fhe besf f1f fo fhe
ogan1zaf1ona1 needs. 1he esu1fs of fh1s eva1uaf1on ae g1ven fo managemenf. lf
managemenf chooses fo accepf fhe 1fem fo be used 1n fhe ogan1zaf1on, fhen fhe 1fem
has been acced1fed.
c. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of a sysfem, poducf, o
nefWok. 1he goa1 1s fo defem1ne 1f fhe 1fem fhaf 1s be1ng ev1eWed 1s fhe besf f1f
fo fhe ogan1zaf1ona1 needs. 1he esu1fs of fh1s eva1uaf1on ae g1ven fo
managemenf. lf managemenf chooses fo accepf fhe 1fem fo be used 1n fhe ogan1zaf1on,
fhen fhe 1fem has been acced1fed.
d. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of a sysfem, poducf, o
nefWok. 1he goa1 1s fo defem1ne 1f fhe 1fem fhaf 1s be1ng ev1eWed 1s fhe besf f1f
fo fhe ogan1zaf1ona1 needs. 1he esu1fs of fh1s eva1uaf1on ae g1ven fo
managemenf. lf managemenf chooses fo accepf fhe 1fem fo be used 1n fhe ogan1zaf1on,
fhen fhe 1fem has been acced1fed.
a. Coecf. Dafa confam1naf1on 1s a cond1f1on When a dafabase 1s affecfed by dafa
1npuf eos o eoneous pocess1ng.
b. lncoecf. Dafa confam1naf1on 1s a cond1f1on When a dafabase 1s affecfed by dafa
1npuf eos o eoneous pocess1ng.
c. lncoecf. Dafa confam1naf1on 1s a cond1f1on When a dafabase 1s affecfed by dafa
1npuf eos o eoneous pocess1ng.
d. lncoecf. Dafa confam1naf1on 1s a cond1f1on When a dafabase 1s affecfed by dafa
1npuf eos o eoneous pocess1ng.
a. Coecf. A dafa Waehouse 1s a dafabase fhaf comb1nes dafa fom sevea1
dafabases fo fhe pupose of ana1ys1s. Dafa Waehouses ae used fo m1ne dafa,
1denf1fy paffens and e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs, and ceafe epofs fo
111usfafe fhese f1nd1ngs.
b. lncoecf. A dafa Waehouse 1s a dafabase fhaf comb1nes dafa fom sevea1
dafabases fo fhe pupose of ana1ys1s. Dafa Waehouses ae used fo m1ne dafa,
1denf1fy paffens and e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs, and ceafe epofs fo
111usfafe fhese f1nd1ngs.
c. lncoecf. A dafa Waehouse 1s a dafabase fhaf comb1nes dafa fom sevea1
Page 9
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
dafabases fo fhe pupose of ana1ys1s. Dafa Waehouses ae used fo m1ne dafa,
1denf1fy paffens and e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs, and ceafe epofs fo
111usfafe fhese f1nd1ngs.
d. lncoecf. A dafa Waehouse 1s a dafabase fhaf comb1nes dafa fom sevea1
dafabases fo fhe pupose of ana1ys1s. Dafa Waehouses ae used fo m1ne dafa,
1denf1fy paffens and e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs, and ceafe epofs fo
111usfafe fhese f1nd1ngs.
a. lncoecf. A fhee-f1eed ach1fecfue cons1sf1ng of pesenfaf1on 1aye,
bus1ness 1og1c 1aye, and dafa 1aye shou1d be used 1n fh1s fype of s1fuaf1on. 1h1s
fameWok sp11fs up fhe funcf1ona11fy pocesses fhaf ae necessay 1n e-commece,
buf a1so a11oWs fo 1nceas1ng degees of secu1fy fo be 1mp1emenfed. Lach 1aye
{pesenfaf1on, bus1ness 1og1c, dafa 1aye} uns on sepaafe sysfems and fhe faff1c
befWeen each sysfem shou1d go fhough sepaafe f1eWa11s.
b. Coecf. A fhee-f1eed ach1fecfue cons1sf1ng of pesenfaf1on 1aye, bus1ness
1og1c 1aye, and dafa 1aye shou1d be used 1n fh1s fype of s1fuaf1on. 1h1s fameWok
sp11fs up fhe funcf1ona11fy pocesses fhaf ae necessay 1n e-commece, buf a1so
a11oWs fo 1nceas1ng degees of secu1fy fo be 1mp1emenfed. Lach 1aye
{pesenfaf1on, bus1ness 1og1c, dafa 1aye} uns on sepaafe sysfems and fhe faff1c
befWeen each sysfem shou1d go fhough sepaafe f1eWa11s.
c. lncoecf. A fhee-f1eed ach1fecfue cons1sf1ng of pesenfaf1on 1aye,
bus1ness 1og1c 1aye, and dafa 1aye shou1d be used 1n fh1s fype of s1fuaf1on. 1h1s
fameWok sp11fs up fhe funcf1ona11fy pocesses fhaf ae necessay 1n e-commece,
buf a1so a11oWs fo 1nceas1ng degees of secu1fy fo be 1mp1emenfed. Lach 1aye
{pesenfaf1on, bus1ness 1og1c, dafa 1aye} uns on sepaafe sysfems and fhe faff1c
befWeen each sysfem shou1d go fhough sepaafe f1eWa11s.
d. lncoecf. A fhee-f1eed ach1fecfue cons1sf1ng of pesenfaf1on 1aye,
bus1ness 1og1c 1aye, and dafa 1aye shou1d be used 1n fh1s fype of s1fuaf1on. 1h1s
fameWok sp11fs up fhe funcf1ona11fy pocesses fhaf ae necessay 1n e-commece,
buf a1so a11oWs fo 1nceas1ng degees of secu1fy fo be 1mp1emenfed. Lach 1aye
{pesenfaf1on, bus1ness 1og1c, dafa 1aye} uns on sepaafe sysfems and fhe faff1c
befWeen each sysfem shou1d go fhough sepaafe f1eWa11s.
a. lncoecf. Dafabase v1eWs ae 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf esf1cf uses fom be1ng
ab1e fo v1eW and access spec1f1c fypes of 1nfomaf1on. Dafabase v1eWs pov1de access
confo1 ganu1a1fy. Dafabase v1eWs ae an examp1e of a esf1cf1ve 1nfeface.
b. Coecf. Dafabase v1eWs ae 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf esf1cf uses fom be1ng ab1e
fo v1eW and access spec1f1c fypes of 1nfomaf1on. Dafabase v1eWs pov1de access
confo1 ganu1a1fy. Dafabase v1eWs ae an examp1e of a esf1cf1ve 1nfeface.
c. lncoecf. Dafabase v1eWs ae 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf esf1cf uses fom be1ng
ab1e fo v1eW and access spec1f1c fypes of 1nfomaf1on. Dafabase v1eWs pov1de access
confo1 ganu1a1fy. Dafabase v1eWs ae an examp1e of a esf1cf1ve 1nfeface.
d. lncoecf. Dafabase v1eWs ae 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf esf1cf uses fom be1ng
ab1e fo v1eW and access spec1f1c fypes of 1nfomaf1on. Dafabase v1eWs pov1de access
confo1 ganu1a1fy. Dafabase v1eWs ae an examp1e of a esf1cf1ve 1nfeface.
a. lncoecf. A dafabase`s sfafe shou1d ema1n fhe same befoe and affe a
fansacf1on fakes p1ace. 1h1s 1s knoWn as a fansacf1on pes1sfenf cond1f1on.
b. lncoecf. A dafabase`s sfafe shou1d ema1n fhe same befoe and affe a
fansacf1on fakes p1ace. 1h1s 1s knoWn as a fansacf1on pes1sfenf cond1f1on.
c. lncoecf. A dafabase`s sfafe shou1d ema1n fhe same befoe and affe a
fansacf1on fakes p1ace. 1h1s 1s knoWn as a fansacf1on pes1sfenf cond1f1on.
d. Coecf. A dafabase`s sfafe shou1d ema1n fhe same befoe and affe a
fansacf1on fakes p1ace. 1h1s 1s knoWn as a fansacf1on pes1sfenf cond1f1on.

a. lncoecf. . A dafa maf 1s a subsef of an ogan1zaf1ona1 dafa sfoe, usua11y

o1enfed fo a spec1f1c pupose o mao dafa subecf, fhaf may be d1sf1bufed fo
suppof bus1ness needs. Dafa mafs ae ana1yf1ca1 dafa sfoes des1gned fo focus on
spec1f1c bus1ness funcf1ons fo a spec1f1c commun1fy W1fh1n an ogan1zaf1on.
Page 10
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
b. Coecf. . A dafa maf 1s a subsef of an ogan1zaf1ona1 dafa sfoe, usua11y
o1enfed fo a spec1f1c pupose o mao dafa subecf, fhaf may be d1sf1bufed fo
suppof bus1ness needs. Dafa mafs ae ana1yf1ca1 dafa sfoes des1gned fo focus on
spec1f1c bus1ness funcf1ons fo a spec1f1c commun1fy W1fh1n an ogan1zaf1on.
c. lncoecf. . A dafa maf 1s a subsef of an ogan1zaf1ona1 dafa sfoe, usua11y
o1enfed fo a spec1f1c pupose o mao dafa subecf, fhaf may be d1sf1bufed fo
suppof bus1ness needs. Dafa mafs ae ana1yf1ca1 dafa sfoes des1gned fo focus on
spec1f1c bus1ness funcf1ons fo a spec1f1c commun1fy W1fh1n an ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf. . A dafa maf 1s a subsef of an ogan1zaf1ona1 dafa sfoe, usua11y
o1enfed fo a spec1f1c pupose o mao dafa subecf, fhaf may be d1sf1bufed fo
suppof bus1ness needs. Dafa mafs ae ana1yf1ca1 dafa sfoes des1gned fo focus on
spec1f1c bus1ness funcf1ons fo a spec1f1c commun1fy W1fh1n an ogan1zaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Noma11z1ng a dafa Waehouse 1s anofhe Way of say1ng "c1ean1ng 1f
up." As paf of ouf1ne ma1nfenance, dafa Waehouses shou1d have any edundanc1es
emoved and 1mpope e1af1onsh1ps f1xed.
b. lncoecf. Noma11z1ng a dafa Waehouse 1s anofhe Way of say1ng "c1ean1ng 1f
up." As paf of ouf1ne ma1nfenance, dafa Waehouses shou1d have any edundanc1es
emoved and 1mpope e1af1onsh1ps f1xed.
c. Coecf. Noma11z1ng a dafa Waehouse 1s anofhe Way of say1ng "c1ean1ng 1f up."
As paf of ouf1ne ma1nfenance, dafa Waehouses shou1d have any edundanc1es emoved
and 1mpope e1af1onsh1ps f1xed.
d. lncoecf. Noma11z1ng a dafa Waehouse 1s anofhe Way of say1ng "c1ean1ng 1f
up." As paf of ouf1ne ma1nfenance, dafa Waehouses shou1d have any edundanc1es
emoved and 1mpope e1af1onsh1ps f1xed.
a. Coecf. One of OL1P`s secu1fy confo1s 1s uf111z1ng a fWo-phase comm1f
funcf1on, Wh1ch guaanfees fhaf no fansacf1on 1s f1na11zed unf11 a11 sysfems and
dafabases 1nvo1ved 1n fhe fansacf1on ae fu11y synchon1zed.
b. lncoecf. One of OL1P`s secu1fy confo1s 1s uf111z1ng a fWo-phase comm1f
funcf1on, Wh1ch guaanfees fhaf no fansacf1on 1s f1na11zed unf11 a11 sysfems and
dafabases 1nvo1ved 1n fhe fansacf1on ae fu11y synchon1zed.
c. lncoecf. One of OL1P`s secu1fy confo1s 1s uf111z1ng a fWo-phase comm1f
funcf1on, Wh1ch guaanfees fhaf no fansacf1on 1s f1na11zed unf11 a11 sysfems and
dafabases 1nvo1ved 1n fhe fansacf1on ae fu11y synchon1zed.
d. lncoecf. One of OL1P`s secu1fy confo1s 1s uf111z1ng a fWo-phase comm1f
funcf1on, Wh1ch guaanfees fhaf no fansacf1on 1s f1na11zed unf11 a11 sysfems and
dafabases 1nvo1ved 1n fhe fansacf1on ae fu11y synchon1zed.
a. lncoecf. A h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 comb1nes ecods and f1e1ds fhaf ae
e1afed 1n a 1og1ca1 fee sfucfue. ln fhe h1each1ca1 dafabase fhe paenfs can
have one ch11d, many ch11den, o no ch11den. 1he fee sfucfue confa1ns banches,
and each banch has a numbe of 1eaves, o dafa f1e1ds. 1hese dafabases have
We11-def1ned, pe-spec1f1ed access pafhs, buf ae nof as f1ex1b1e 1n ceaf1ng
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs as a e1af1ona1 dafabase. h1each1ca1 dafabases
ae usefu1 fo mapp1ng one-fo-many e1af1onsh1ps.
b. Coecf. A h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 comb1nes ecods and f1e1ds fhaf ae e1afed
1n a 1og1ca1 fee sfucfue. ln fhe h1each1ca1 dafabase fhe paenfs can have one
ch11d, many ch11den, o no ch11den. 1he fee sfucfue confa1ns banches, and each
banch has a numbe of 1eaves, o dafa f1e1ds. 1hese dafabases have We11-def1ned,
pe-spec1f1ed access pafhs, buf ae nof as f1ex1b1e 1n ceaf1ng e1af1onsh1ps
befWeen dafa e1emenfs as a e1af1ona1 dafabase. h1each1ca1 dafabases ae usefu1
fo mapp1ng one-fo-many e1af1onsh1ps.
c. lncoecf. A h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 comb1nes ecods and f1e1ds fhaf ae
e1afed 1n a 1og1ca1 fee sfucfue. ln fhe h1each1ca1 dafabase fhe paenfs can
have one ch11d, many ch11den, o no ch11den. 1he fee sfucfue confa1ns banches,
and each banch has a numbe of 1eaves, o dafa f1e1ds. 1hese dafabases have
We11-def1ned, pe-spec1f1ed access pafhs, buf ae nof as f1ex1b1e 1n ceaf1ng
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs as a e1af1ona1 dafabase. h1each1ca1 dafabases
ae usefu1 fo mapp1ng one-fo-many e1af1onsh1ps.
Page 11
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
d. lncoecf. A h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 comb1nes ecods and f1e1ds fhaf ae
e1afed 1n a 1og1ca1 fee sfucfue. ln fhe h1each1ca1 dafabase fhe paenfs can
have one ch11d, many ch11den, o no ch11den. 1he fee sfucfue confa1ns banches,
and each banch has a numbe of 1eaves, o dafa f1e1ds. 1hese dafabases have
We11-def1ned, pe-spec1f1ed access pafhs, buf ae nof as f1ex1b1e 1n ceaf1ng
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs as a e1af1ona1 dafabase. h1each1ca1 dafabases
ae usefu1 fo mapp1ng one-fo-many e1af1onsh1ps.
a. lncoecf. knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabases {kDD} 1s an emeg1ng f1e1d of sfudy
fhaf Woks W1fh mefadafa and affempfs fo puf sfandads and convenf1ons 1n p1ace on
fhe Way fhaf dafa 1s ana1yzed and 1nfepefed. kDD 1s used fo 1denf1fy paffens and
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa. lf 1s a1so ca11ed dafa m1n1ng.
b. Coecf. knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabases {kDD} 1s an emeg1ng f1e1d of sfudy
fhaf Woks W1fh mefadafa and affempfs fo puf sfandads and convenf1ons 1n p1ace on
fhe Way fhaf dafa 1s ana1yzed and 1nfepefed. kDD 1s used fo 1denf1fy paffens and
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa. lf 1s a1so ca11ed dafa m1n1ng.
c. lncoecf. knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabases {kDD} 1s an emeg1ng f1e1d of sfudy
fhaf Woks W1fh mefadafa and affempfs fo puf sfandads and convenf1ons 1n p1ace on
fhe Way fhaf dafa 1s ana1yzed and 1nfepefed. kDD 1s used fo 1denf1fy paffens and
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa. lf 1s a1so ca11ed dafa m1n1ng.
d. lncoecf. knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabases {kDD} 1s an emeg1ng f1e1d of sfudy
fhaf Woks W1fh mefadafa and affempfs fo puf sfandads and convenf1ons 1n p1ace on
fhe Way fhaf dafa 1s ana1yzed and 1nfepefed. kDD 1s used fo 1denf1fy paffens and
e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa. lf 1s a1so ca11ed dafa m1n1ng.
a. lncoecf. lnecf1ng dafa 1n a Way fhaf fhe dev1ce cannof ecogn1ze 1f as
ma11c1ous 1s one Way of execuf1ng an affack. 1he use of fh1s ma1fomed dafa 1n
essence f1cks fhe secu1fy confo1s because fhey ae nof soph1sf1cafed enough fo
1nfepef unconvenf1ona1 dafa. hoWeve, once fhe dafa gefs fo 1fs desf1naf1on, fhe
command 1anguage 1s evea1ed and fhe damage can be done.
b. Coecf. lnecf1ng dafa 1n a Way fhaf fhe dev1ce cannof ecogn1ze 1f as
ma11c1ous 1s one Way of execuf1ng an affack. 1he use of fh1s ma1fomed dafa 1n
essence f1cks fhe secu1fy confo1s because fhey ae nof soph1sf1cafed enough fo
1nfepef unconvenf1ona1 dafa. hoWeve, once fhe dafa gefs fo 1fs desf1naf1on, fhe
command 1anguage 1s evea1ed and fhe damage can be done.
c. lncoecf. lnecf1ng dafa 1n a Way fhaf fhe dev1ce cannof ecogn1ze 1f as
ma11c1ous 1s one Way of execuf1ng an affack. 1he use of fh1s ma1fomed dafa 1n
essence f1cks fhe secu1fy confo1s because fhey ae nof soph1sf1cafed enough fo
1nfepef unconvenf1ona1 dafa. hoWeve, once fhe dafa gefs fo 1fs desf1naf1on, fhe
command 1anguage 1s evea1ed and fhe damage can be done.
d. lncoecf. lnecf1ng dafa 1n a Way fhaf fhe dev1ce cannof ecogn1ze 1f as
ma11c1ous 1s one Way of execuf1ng an affack. 1he use of fh1s ma1fomed dafa 1n
essence f1cks fhe secu1fy confo1s because fhey ae nof soph1sf1cafed enough fo
1nfepef unconvenf1ona1 dafa. hoWeve, once fhe dafa gefs fo 1fs desf1naf1on, fhe
command 1anguage 1s evea1ed and fhe damage can be done.
a. lncoecf. A d1sf1bufed den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1s an exfens1on of a fyp1ca1
Do5 affack. lf can sf1ke mu1f1p1e f1mes and uses mu1f1p1e sysfems. 1he zomb1e
compufe uns fhe pogam unknoW1ng1y and 1s used fo affack ofhe sysfems.
b. Coecf. A d1sf1bufed den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1s an exfens1on of a fyp1ca1 Do5
affack. lf can sf1ke mu1f1p1e f1mes and uses mu1f1p1e sysfems. 1he zomb1e compufe
uns fhe pogam unknoW1ng1y and 1s used fo affack ofhe sysfems.
c. lncoecf. A d1sf1bufed den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1s an exfens1on of a fyp1ca1
Do5 affack. lf can sf1ke mu1f1p1e f1mes and uses mu1f1p1e sysfems. 1he zomb1e
compufe uns fhe pogam unknoW1ng1y and 1s used fo affack ofhe sysfems.
d. lncoecf. A d1sf1bufed den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1s an exfens1on of a fyp1ca1
Do5 affack. lf can sf1ke mu1f1p1e f1mes and uses mu1f1p1e sysfems. 1he zomb1e
compufe uns fhe pogam unknoW1ng1y and 1s used fo affack ofhe sysfems.
Page 12
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. AdWae 1s fhe souce of much confovesy. Compan1es offe1ng fee
soffWae can package adWae 1nfo fhe 1nsfa11af1on package. 1he use fyp1ca11y has no
1dea fhaf he 1s doWn1oad1ng fh1s advef1s1ng mafe1a1 and W111 be bombaded W1fh
makef1ng mafe1a1. Many fee1 adWae 1s an 1nvas1on of p1vacy.
b. Coecf. AdWae 1s fhe souce of much confovesy. Compan1es offe1ng fee
soffWae can package adWae 1nfo fhe 1nsfa11af1on package. 1he use fyp1ca11y has no
1dea fhaf he 1s doWn1oad1ng fh1s advef1s1ng mafe1a1 and W111 be bombaded W1fh
makef1ng mafe1a1. Many fee1 adWae 1s an 1nvas1on of p1vacy.
c. lncoecf. AdWae 1s fhe souce of much confovesy. Compan1es offe1ng fee
soffWae can package adWae 1nfo fhe 1nsfa11af1on package. 1he use fyp1ca11y has no
1dea fhaf he 1s doWn1oad1ng fh1s advef1s1ng mafe1a1 and W111 be bombaded W1fh
makef1ng mafe1a1. Many fee1 adWae 1s an 1nvas1on of p1vacy.
d. lncoecf. AdWae 1s fhe souce of much confovesy. Compan1es offe1ng fee
soffWae can package adWae 1nfo fhe 1nsfa11af1on package. 1he use fyp1ca11y has no
1dea fhaf he 1s doWn1oad1ng fh1s advef1s1ng mafe1a1 and W111 be bombaded W1fh
makef1ng mafe1a1. Many fee1 adWae 1s an 1nvas1on of p1vacy.
a. Coecf. 8ased upon fhe cho1ces shoWn, compufe a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng
{CA5L} Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce. 1h1s appoach 1s geaed foWad 1age-sca1e poecfs
W1fh emphas1s on aufomafed foo1s and mefhodo1ogy.
b. lncoecf. 8ased upon fhe cho1ces shoWn, compufe a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng
{CA5L} Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce. 1h1s appoach 1s geaed foWad 1age-sca1e poecfs
W1fh emphas1s on aufomafed foo1s and mefhodo1ogy.
c. lncoecf. 8ased upon fhe cho1ces shoWn, compufe a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng
{CA5L} Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce. 1h1s appoach 1s geaed foWad 1age-sca1e poecfs
W1fh emphas1s on aufomafed foo1s and mefhodo1ogy.
d. lncoecf. 8ased upon fhe cho1ces shoWn, compufe a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng
{CA5L} Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce. 1h1s appoach 1s geaed foWad 1age-sca1e poecfs
W1fh emphas1s on aufomafed foo1s and mefhodo1ogy.
a. Coecf. Pogamm1ng 1anguages can be gouped 1nfo geneaf1on-fype cafego1es:
Geneaf1on One: Mach1ne 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1Wo: Assemb1y 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1hee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on Iou: vey-h1gh 1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on I1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
b. lncoecf. Pogamm1ng 1anguages can be gouped 1nfo geneaf1on-fype cafego1es:
Geneaf1on One: Mach1ne 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1Wo: Assemb1y 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1hee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on Iou: vey-h1gh 1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on I1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
c. lncoecf. Pogamm1ng 1anguages can be gouped 1nfo geneaf1on-fype cafego1es:
Geneaf1on One: Mach1ne 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1Wo: Assemb1y 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1hee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on Iou: vey-h1gh 1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on I1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
d. lncoecf. Pogamm1ng 1anguages can be gouped 1nfo geneaf1on-fype cafego1es:
Geneaf1on One: Mach1ne 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1Wo: Assemb1y 1anguage
Geneaf1on 1hee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on Iou: vey-h1gh 1eve1 1anguage
Geneaf1on I1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. A fapdoo 1s usua11y a se1es of key sfokes o commands fhaf W111
a11oW fhe pogamme easy access fo fhe pogam af some 1afe dafe 1n case somefh1ng
1s pevenf1ng fhe fyp1ca1 access po1nf.
b. Coecf. A fapdoo 1s usua11y a se1es of key sfokes o commands fhaf W111
a11oW fhe pogamme easy access fo fhe pogam af some 1afe dafe 1n case somefh1ng
1s pevenf1ng fhe fyp1ca1 access po1nf.
c. lncoecf. A fapdoo 1s usua11y a se1es of key sfokes o commands fhaf W111
a11oW fhe pogamme easy access fo fhe pogam af some 1afe dafe 1n case somefh1ng
1s pevenf1ng fhe fyp1ca1 access po1nf.
d. lncoecf. A fapdoo 1s usua11y a se1es of key sfokes o commands fhaf W111
a11oW fhe pogamme easy access fo fhe pogam af some 1afe dafe 1n case somefh1ng
1s pevenf1ng fhe fyp1ca1 access po1nf.
a. Coecf. Poducf1on code shou1d on1y come fom a 11ba1an of fhe pogam, Who
ensues pope ves1on1ng and ach1v1ng. A deve1ope shou1d neve be a11oWed fo
mod1fy code 1n poducf1on W1fhouf go1ng fhough pope change confo1 sfeps.
b. lncoecf. Poducf1on code shou1d on1y come fom a 11ba1an of fhe pogam,
Who ensues pope ves1on1ng and ach1v1ng. A deve1ope shou1d neve be a11oWed fo
mod1fy code 1n poducf1on W1fhouf go1ng fhough pope change confo1 sfeps.
c. lncoecf. Poducf1on code shou1d on1y come fom a 11ba1an of fhe pogam,
Who ensues pope ves1on1ng and ach1v1ng. A deve1ope shou1d neve be a11oWed fo
mod1fy code 1n poducf1on W1fhouf go1ng fhough pope change confo1 sfeps.
d. lncoecf. Poducf1on code shou1d on1y come fom a 11ba1an of fhe pogam,
Who ensues pope ves1on1ng and ach1v1ng. A deve1ope shou1d neve be a11oWed fo
mod1fy code 1n poducf1on W1fhouf go1ng fhough pope change confo1 sfeps.
a. lncoecf. A 1og1c bomb confa1ns code fhaf pefoms some acf1on f1ggeed by a
spec1f1c evenf o cond1f1on. Io examp1e, 1f a use accesses he bank accounf
soffWae, a 1og1c bomb may be 1n1f1afed, and a pogam may be f1ggeed fo copy fhe
uses accounf numbe and fansacf1on codes.
b. lncoecf. A 1og1c bomb confa1ns code fhaf pefoms some acf1on f1ggeed by a
spec1f1c evenf o cond1f1on. Io examp1e, 1f a use accesses he bank accounf
soffWae, a 1og1c bomb may be 1n1f1afed, and a pogam may be f1ggeed fo copy fhe
uses accounf numbe and fansacf1on codes.
c. lncoecf. A 1og1c bomb confa1ns code fhaf pefoms some acf1on f1ggeed by a
spec1f1c evenf o cond1f1on. Io examp1e, 1f a use accesses he bank accounf
soffWae, a 1og1c bomb may be 1n1f1afed, and a pogam may be f1ggeed fo copy fhe
uses accounf numbe and fansacf1on codes.
d. Coecf. A 1og1c bomb confa1ns code fhaf pefoms some acf1on f1ggeed by a
spec1f1c evenf o cond1f1on. Io examp1e, 1f a use accesses he bank accounf
soffWae, a 1og1c bomb may be 1n1f1afed, and a pogam may be f1ggeed fo copy fhe
uses accounf numbe and fansacf1on codes.
a. Coecf. 1he h1each1ca1 sfucfued dafabase 1s one of fhe f1sf fypes of
dafabase mode1 ceafed, buf 1s nof as common as e1af1ona1 dafabases. 1o be ab1e fo
access a cefa1n dafa enf1fy W1fh1n a h1each1ca1 dafabase equ1es fhe knoW1edge
of Wh1ch banch fo sfaf W1fh and Wh1ch oufe fo fake fhough each 1aye unf11 fhe
dafa ae eached. lf does nof use 1ndexes as e1af1ona1 dafabases do fo seach1ng
pocedues. A1so 11nks {e1af1onsh1ps} cannof be ceafed befWeen d1ffeenf banches
and 1eaves on d1ffeenf 1ayes.
b. lncoecf. 1he h1each1ca1 sfucfued dafabase 1s one of fhe f1sf fypes of
dafabase mode1 ceafed, buf 1s nof as common as e1af1ona1 dafabases. 1o be ab1e fo
access a cefa1n dafa enf1fy W1fh1n a h1each1ca1 dafabase equ1es fhe knoW1edge
of Wh1ch banch fo sfaf W1fh and Wh1ch oufe fo fake fhough each 1aye unf11 fhe
dafa ae eached. lf does nof use 1ndexes as e1af1ona1 dafabases do fo seach1ng
pocedues. A1so 11nks {e1af1onsh1ps} cannof be ceafed befWeen d1ffeenf banches
and 1eaves on d1ffeenf 1ayes.
c. lncoecf. 1he h1each1ca1 sfucfued dafabase 1s one of fhe f1sf fypes of
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
dafabase mode1 ceafed, buf 1s nof as common as e1af1ona1 dafabases. 1o be ab1e fo
access a cefa1n dafa enf1fy W1fh1n a h1each1ca1 dafabase equ1es fhe knoW1edge
of Wh1ch banch fo sfaf W1fh and Wh1ch oufe fo fake fhough each 1aye unf11 fhe
dafa ae eached. lf does nof use 1ndexes as e1af1ona1 dafabases do fo seach1ng
pocedues. A1so 11nks {e1af1onsh1ps} cannof be ceafed befWeen d1ffeenf banches
and 1eaves on d1ffeenf 1ayes.
d. lncoecf. 1he h1each1ca1 sfucfued dafabase 1s one of fhe f1sf fypes of
dafabase mode1 ceafed, buf 1s nof as common as e1af1ona1 dafabases. 1o be ab1e fo
access a cefa1n dafa enf1fy W1fh1n a h1each1ca1 dafabase equ1es fhe knoW1edge
of Wh1ch banch fo sfaf W1fh and Wh1ch oufe fo fake fhough each 1aye unf11 fhe
dafa ae eached. lf does nof use 1ndexes as e1af1ona1 dafabases do fo seach1ng
pocedues. A1so 11nks {e1af1onsh1ps} cannof be ceafed befWeen d1ffeenf banches
and 1eaves on d1ffeenf 1ayes.
a. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oW affacks 1eveage a vu1neab111fy 1n code exposed
When 1f 1s W1ffen W1fhouf checks 1n p1ace fo confo1 fhe amounf of dafa a11oWab1e
fo 1npuf. A hacke W111 send fhe sysfem/app11caf1on moe code fhan 1s needed, fhus
poss1b1y a11oW1ng fhe excess code fo be pocessed oufs1de fhe conf1nes of fhe
o1g1na1 app11caf1on. 1h1s cou1d a11oW ma11c1ous code fo be un.
b. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oW affacks 1eveage a vu1neab111fy 1n code exposed
When 1f 1s W1ffen W1fhouf checks 1n p1ace fo confo1 fhe amounf of dafa a11oWab1e
fo 1npuf. A hacke W111 send fhe sysfem/app11caf1on moe code fhan 1s needed, fhus
poss1b1y a11oW1ng fhe excess code fo be pocessed oufs1de fhe conf1nes of fhe
o1g1na1 app11caf1on. 1h1s cou1d a11oW ma11c1ous code fo be un.
c. Coecf. 8uffe ovef1oW affacks 1eveage a vu1neab111fy 1n code exposed When
1f 1s W1ffen W1fhouf checks 1n p1ace fo confo1 fhe amounf of dafa a11oWab1e fo
1npuf. A hacke W111 send fhe sysfem/app11caf1on moe code fhan 1s needed, fhus
poss1b1y a11oW1ng fhe excess code fo be pocessed oufs1de fhe conf1nes of fhe
o1g1na1 app11caf1on. 1h1s cou1d a11oW ma11c1ous code fo be un.
d. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oW affacks 1eveage a vu1neab111fy 1n code exposed
When 1f 1s W1ffen W1fhouf checks 1n p1ace fo confo1 fhe amounf of dafa a11oWab1e
fo 1npuf. A hacke W111 send fhe sysfem/app11caf1on moe code fhan 1s needed, fhus
poss1b1y a11oW1ng fhe excess code fo be pocessed oufs1de fhe conf1nes of fhe
o1g1na1 app11caf1on. 1h1s cou1d a11oW ma11c1ous code fo be un.
a. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a feafue of obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng fhaf
pevenfs subecfs af a g1ven 1eve1 fom access1ng h1ghe sens1f1v1fy 1nfomaf1on.
Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe defa11ed ves1ons of
obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe va1ab1es. lf 1s
offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
b. Coecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a feafue of obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng fhaf
pevenfs subecfs af a g1ven 1eve1 fom access1ng h1ghe sens1f1v1fy 1nfomaf1on.
Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe defa11ed ves1ons of
obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe va1ab1es. lf 1s
offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
c. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a feafue of obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng fhaf
pevenfs subecfs af a g1ven 1eve1 fom access1ng h1ghe sens1f1v1fy 1nfomaf1on.
Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe defa11ed ves1ons of
obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe va1ab1es. lf 1s
offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
d. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a feafue of obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng fhaf
pevenfs subecfs af a g1ven 1eve1 fom access1ng h1ghe sens1f1v1fy 1nfomaf1on.
Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe defa11ed ves1ons of
obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe va1ab1es. lf 1s
offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
a. lncoecf. koWs 1n a dafabase ae efeed fo as fup1es. Co1umns ae
aff1bufes, and a co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems 1s ca11ed a ecod.
b. lncoecf. koWs 1n a dafabase ae efeed fo as fup1es. Co1umns ae
aff1bufes, and a co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems 1s ca11ed a ecod.
Page 15
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
c. Coecf. koWs 1n a dafabase ae efeed fo as fup1es. Co1umns ae aff1bufes,
and a co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems 1s ca11ed a ecod.
d. lncoecf. koWs 1n a dafabase ae efeed fo as fup1es. Co1umns ae
aff1bufes, and a co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems 1s ca11ed a ecod.
a. Coecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe poducf saf1sf1es fhe ea1-Wo1d pob1em
1f Was deve1oped fo accommodafe and fhaf acfua1 pefomance and oufpufs ae
accuafe. ve1f1caf1on eva1uafes fhe poducf`s pefomance fo fhe acc1a1med
funcf1ona11f1es and pofecf1on 1eve1s. ve1f1caf1on a1so compaes fhe spec1f1caf1ons
of fhe poducf fo fhe acfua1 esu1f1ng poducf.
b. lncoecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe poducf saf1sf1es fhe ea1-Wo1d pob1em
1f Was deve1oped fo accommodafe and fhaf acfua1 pefomance and oufpufs ae
accuafe. ve1f1caf1on eva1uafes fhe poducf`s pefomance fo fhe acc1a1med
funcf1ona11f1es and pofecf1on 1eve1s. ve1f1caf1on a1so compaes fhe spec1f1caf1ons
of fhe poducf fo fhe acfua1 esu1f1ng poducf.
c. lncoecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe poducf saf1sf1es fhe ea1-Wo1d pob1em
1f Was deve1oped fo accommodafe and fhaf acfua1 pefomance and oufpufs ae
accuafe. ve1f1caf1on eva1uafes fhe poducf`s pefomance fo fhe acc1a1med
funcf1ona11f1es and pofecf1on 1eve1s. ve1f1caf1on a1so compaes fhe spec1f1caf1ons
of fhe poducf fo fhe acfua1 esu1f1ng poducf.
d. lncoecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe poducf saf1sf1es fhe ea1-Wo1d pob1em
1f Was deve1oped fo accommodafe and fhaf acfua1 pefomance and oufpufs ae
accuafe. ve1f1caf1on eva1uafes fhe poducf`s pefomance fo fhe acc1a1med
funcf1ona11f1es and pofecf1on 1eve1s. ve1f1caf1on a1so compaes fhe spec1f1caf1ons
of fhe poducf fo fhe acfua1 esu1f1ng poducf.
a. lncoecf. 1he dafa d1cf1onay def1nes fhe e1emenfs and e1af1onsh1ps W1fh1n a
dafabase. lf 1s a epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng,
e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa, o1g1n, usage, and fomaf.
b. lncoecf. 1he dafa d1cf1onay def1nes fhe e1emenfs and e1af1onsh1ps W1fh1n a
dafabase. lf 1s a epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng,
e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa, o1g1n, usage, and fomaf.
c. Coecf. 1he dafa d1cf1onay def1nes fhe e1emenfs and e1af1onsh1ps W1fh1n a
dafabase. lf 1s a epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng,
e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa, o1g1n, usage, and fomaf.
d. lncoecf. 1he dafa d1cf1onay def1nes fhe e1emenfs and e1af1onsh1ps W1fh1n a
dafabase. lf 1s a epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng,
e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa, o1g1n, usage, and fomaf.
a. lncoecf. 1esf1ng shou1d be done by a d1ffeenf peson fo ensue fhaf 1f 1s
done obecf1ve1y.
b. Coecf. 1esf1ng shou1d be done by a d1ffeenf peson fo ensue fhaf 1f 1s done
c. lncoecf. 1esf1ng shou1d be done by a d1ffeenf peson fo ensue fhaf 1f 1s
done obecf1ve1y.
d. lncoecf. 1esf1ng shou1d be done by a d1ffeenf peson fo ensue fhaf 1f 1s
done obecf1ve1y.
a. lncoecf. Checkpo1nfs ceafe a fa11back sfafegy fo an app11caf1on fhaf
efuns fhe use fo a po1nf p1o fo fhe fa11ue of some pocess. 5avepo1nfs and
checkpo1nfs ae s1m11a 1n nafue. A savepo1nf 1s used fo pe1od1ca11y save fhe
sfafe of fhe app11caf1on and fhe uses 1nfomaf1on, Wheeas a checkpo1nf saves dafa
he1d 1n memoy fo a fempoay f11e. 8ofh ae used so fhaf 1f fhe app11caf1on endues
a g11fch, 1f has fhe necessay foo1s fo b1ng fhe use back fo h1s Wok1ng
env1onmenf W1fhouf 1os1ng any dafa. You expe1ence fh1s W1fh a Wod pocesso When
1f asks you 1f you Wanf fo ev1eW fhe ecoveed ves1on of a f11e you Wee Wok1ng
b. lncoecf. Checkpo1nfs ceafe a fa11back sfafegy fo an app11caf1on fhaf
efuns fhe use fo a po1nf p1o fo fhe fa11ue of some pocess. 5avepo1nfs and
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
checkpo1nfs ae s1m11a 1n nafue. A savepo1nf 1s used fo pe1od1ca11y save fhe
sfafe of fhe app11caf1on and fhe uses 1nfomaf1on, Wheeas a checkpo1nf saves dafa
he1d 1n memoy fo a fempoay f11e. 8ofh ae used so fhaf 1f fhe app11caf1on endues
a g11fch, 1f has fhe necessay foo1s fo b1ng fhe use back fo h1s Wok1ng
env1onmenf W1fhouf 1os1ng any dafa. You expe1ence fh1s W1fh a Wod pocesso When
1f asks you 1f you Wanf fo ev1eW fhe ecoveed ves1on of a f11e you Wee Wok1ng
c. lncoecf. Checkpo1nfs ceafe a fa11back sfafegy fo an app11caf1on fhaf
efuns fhe use fo a po1nf p1o fo fhe fa11ue of some pocess. 5avepo1nfs and
checkpo1nfs ae s1m11a 1n nafue. A savepo1nf 1s used fo pe1od1ca11y save fhe
sfafe of fhe app11caf1on and fhe uses 1nfomaf1on, Wheeas a checkpo1nf saves dafa
he1d 1n memoy fo a fempoay f11e. 8ofh ae used so fhaf 1f fhe app11caf1on endues
a g11fch, 1f has fhe necessay foo1s fo b1ng fhe use back fo h1s Wok1ng
env1onmenf W1fhouf 1os1ng any dafa. You expe1ence fh1s W1fh a Wod pocesso When
1f asks you 1f you Wanf fo ev1eW fhe ecoveed ves1on of a f11e you Wee Wok1ng
d. Coecf. Checkpo1nfs ceafe a fa11back sfafegy fo an app11caf1on fhaf efuns
fhe use fo a po1nf p1o fo fhe fa11ue of some pocess. 5avepo1nfs and checkpo1nfs
ae s1m11a 1n nafue. A savepo1nf 1s used fo pe1od1ca11y save fhe sfafe of fhe
app11caf1on and fhe uses 1nfomaf1on, Wheeas a checkpo1nf saves dafa he1d 1n
memoy fo a fempoay f11e. 8ofh ae used so fhaf 1f fhe app11caf1on endues a
g11fch, 1f has fhe necessay foo1s fo b1ng fhe use back fo h1s Wok1ng env1onmenf
W1fhouf 1os1ng any dafa. You expe1ence fh1s W1fh a Wod pocesso When 1f asks you
1f you Wanf fo ev1eW fhe ecoveed ves1on of a f11e you Wee Wok1ng on.
a. Coecf. 8y emov1ng edundanc1es 1n a dafa Waehouse, opf1m1zaf1on of fhe
dafabase can be ach1eved.
b. lncoecf. 8y emov1ng edundanc1es 1n a dafa Waehouse, opf1m1zaf1on of fhe
dafabase can be ach1eved.
c. lncoecf. 8y emov1ng edundanc1es 1n a dafa Waehouse, opf1m1zaf1on of fhe
dafabase can be ach1eved.
d. lncoecf. 8y emov1ng edundanc1es 1n a dafa Waehouse, opf1m1zaf1on of fhe
dafabase can be ach1eved.
a. lncoecf. An 1nfeence mach1ne 1s a mechan1sm W1fh1n an expef sysfem {sysfem
fhaf pefoms some af1f1c1a1 1nfe111gence funcf1on} fhaf 1ooks fo paffens and
app11es u1es based on a1go1fhms fhaf d1cfafe fhe sysfems behav1o.
b. Coecf. An 1nfeence mach1ne 1s a mechan1sm W1fh1n an expef sysfem {sysfem
fhaf pefoms some af1f1c1a1 1nfe111gence funcf1on} fhaf 1ooks fo paffens and
app11es u1es based on a1go1fhms fhaf d1cfafe fhe sysfems behav1o.
c. lncoecf. An 1nfeence mach1ne 1s a mechan1sm W1fh1n an expef sysfem {sysfem
fhaf pefoms some af1f1c1a1 1nfe111gence funcf1on} fhaf 1ooks fo paffens and
app11es u1es based on a1go1fhms fhaf d1cfafe fhe sysfems behav1o.
d. lncoecf. An 1nfeence mach1ne 1s a mechan1sm W1fh1n an expef sysfem {sysfem
fhaf pefoms some af1f1c1a1 1nfe111gence funcf1on} fhaf 1ooks fo paffens and
app11es u1es based on a1go1fhms fhaf d1cfafe fhe sysfems behav1o.
a. lncoecf. 1he mosf common1y used 1mp1emenfaf1on of fhe h1each1ca1 mode1 1s 1n
fhe L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} mode1. You can f1nd fh1s mode1 a1so
used 1n fhe W1ndoWs eg1sfy sfucfue and d1ffeenf f11e sysfems, buf 1f 1s nof
common1y used 1n neWe dafabase poducfs.
b. lncoecf. 1he mosf common1y used 1mp1emenfaf1on of fhe h1each1ca1 mode1 1s 1n
fhe L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} mode1. You can f1nd fh1s mode1 a1so
used 1n fhe W1ndoWs eg1sfy sfucfue and d1ffeenf f11e sysfems, buf 1f 1s nof
common1y used 1n neWe dafabase poducfs.
c. lncoecf. 1he mosf common1y used 1mp1emenfaf1on of fhe h1each1ca1 mode1 1s 1n
fhe L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} mode1. You can f1nd fh1s mode1 a1so
used 1n fhe W1ndoWs eg1sfy sfucfue and d1ffeenf f11e sysfems, buf 1f 1s nof
common1y used 1n neWe dafabase poducfs.
d. Coecf. 1he mosf common1y used 1mp1emenfaf1on of fhe h1each1ca1 mode1 1s 1n
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
fhe L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} mode1. You can f1nd fh1s mode1 a1so
used 1n fhe W1ndoWs eg1sfy sfucfue and d1ffeenf f11e sysfems, buf 1f 1s nof
common1y used 1n neWe dafabase poducfs.
a. lncoecf. h1gh-1eve1 and assemb1y 1anguage cannof be d1ecf1y undesfood by a
CPu, fhey musf f1sf be comp11ed 1nfo mach1ne 1anguage, Wh1ch 1s expessed 1n
b. lncoecf. h1gh-1eve1 and assemb1y 1anguage cannof be d1ecf1y undesfood by a
CPu, fhey musf f1sf be comp11ed 1nfo mach1ne 1anguage, Wh1ch 1s expessed 1n
c. lncoecf. h1gh-1eve1 and assemb1y 1anguage cannof be d1ecf1y undesfood by a
CPu, fhey musf f1sf be comp11ed 1nfo mach1ne 1anguage, Wh1ch 1s expessed 1n
d. Coecf. h1gh-1eve1 and assemb1y 1anguage cannof be d1ecf1y undesfood by a
CPu, fhey musf f1sf be comp11ed 1nfo mach1ne 1anguage, Wh1ch 1s expessed 1n
a. lncoecf. Assemb1es fun assemb1y 1anguage 1nfo mach1ne code, 1nfepefes
fans1afe s1ng1e commands fom souce code 1nfo obecf code, and comp11es fun an
enf1e sef of souce code 1nfo obecf code. 5ouce code 1s funed 1nfo an
1nfemed1afe code {obecf code}, Wh1ch 1s fhen funed 1nfo mach1ne code. Assemb1es
fans1afe d1ecf1y fo mach1ne code.
b. lncoecf. Assemb1es fun assemb1y 1anguage 1nfo mach1ne code, 1nfepefes
fans1afe s1ng1e commands fom souce code 1nfo obecf code, and comp11es fun an
enf1e sef of souce code 1nfo obecf code. 5ouce code 1s funed 1nfo an
1nfemed1afe code {obecf code}, Wh1ch 1s fhen funed 1nfo mach1ne code. Assemb1es
fans1afe d1ecf1y fo mach1ne code.
c. lncoecf. Assemb1es fun assemb1y 1anguage 1nfo mach1ne code, 1nfepefes
fans1afe s1ng1e commands fom souce code 1nfo obecf code, and comp11es fun an
enf1e sef of souce code 1nfo obecf code. 5ouce code 1s funed 1nfo an
1nfemed1afe code {obecf code}, Wh1ch 1s fhen funed 1nfo mach1ne code. Assemb1es
fans1afe d1ecf1y fo mach1ne code.
d. Coecf. Assemb1es fun assemb1y 1anguage 1nfo mach1ne code, 1nfepefes
fans1afe s1ng1e commands fom souce code 1nfo obecf code, and comp11es fun an
enf1e sef of souce code 1nfo obecf code. 5ouce code 1s funed 1nfo an
1nfemed1afe code {obecf code}, Wh1ch 1s fhen funed 1nfo mach1ne code. Assemb1es
fans1afe d1ecf1y fo mach1ne code.
a. lncoecf. Wh11e a11 of fhese ansWes ae 1ghf fo some degee, 1f 1s besf fo
pefom 1sk assessmenfs fhoughouf fhe poducf 11fe cyc1e.
b. Coecf. Wh11e a11 of fhese ansWes ae 1ghf fo some degee, 1f 1s besf fo
pefom 1sk assessmenfs fhoughouf fhe poducf 11fe cyc1e.
c. lncoecf. Wh11e a11 of fhese ansWes ae 1ghf fo some degee, 1f 1s besf fo
pefom 1sk assessmenfs fhoughouf fhe poducf 11fe cyc1e.
d. lncoecf. Wh11e a11 of fhese ansWes ae 1ghf fo some degee, 1f 1s besf fo
pefom 1sk assessmenfs fhoughouf fhe poducf 11fe cyc1e.
a. Coecf. Java`s c1a1m fo fame 1s fhaf When comp11ed, 1f can be un anyWhee,
assum1ng a Java v1fua1 mach1ne 1s ava11ab1e on fhe c11enf. Java 1s a
genea1-pupose, concuenf, c1ass-based, obecf-o1enfed 1anguage fhaf 1s
spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo have as feW 1mp1emenfaf1on dependenc1es as poss1b1e. lf 1s
1nfended fo 1ef app11caf1on deve1opes &quof,W1fe once, un anyWhee&quof,.
b. lncoecf. Java`s c1a1m fo fame 1s fhaf When comp11ed, 1f can be un anyWhee,
assum1ng a Java v1fua1 mach1ne 1s ava11ab1e on fhe c11enf. Java 1s a
genea1-pupose, concuenf, c1ass-based, obecf-o1enfed 1anguage fhaf 1s
spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo have as feW 1mp1emenfaf1on dependenc1es as poss1b1e. lf 1s
1nfended fo 1ef app11caf1on deve1opes &quof,W1fe once, un anyWhee&quof,.
c. lncoecf. Java`s c1a1m fo fame 1s fhaf When comp11ed, 1f can be un anyWhee,
assum1ng a Java v1fua1 mach1ne 1s ava11ab1e on fhe c11enf. Java 1s a
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
genea1-pupose, concuenf, c1ass-based, obecf-o1enfed 1anguage fhaf 1s
spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo have as feW 1mp1emenfaf1on dependenc1es as poss1b1e. lf 1s
1nfended fo 1ef app11caf1on deve1opes &quof,W1fe once, un anyWhee&quof,.
d. lncoecf. Java`s c1a1m fo fame 1s fhaf When comp11ed, 1f can be un anyWhee,
assum1ng a Java v1fua1 mach1ne 1s ava11ab1e on fhe c11enf. Java 1s a
genea1-pupose, concuenf, c1ass-based, obecf-o1enfed 1anguage fhaf 1s
spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo have as feW 1mp1emenfaf1on dependenc1es as poss1b1e. lf 1s
1nfended fo 1ef app11caf1on deve1opes &quof,W1fe once, un anyWhee&quof,.
a. lncoecf. A smuf affack 1nvo1ves spoof1ng fhe souce lP 1n a packef heade,
and fhen us1ng 1f fo bombad fhe v1cf1m`s nefWok W1fh lCMP LChO ep11es. 1he smuf
affack equ1es fhee p1ayes: fhe affacke, fhe v1cf1m, and fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok.
1he affacke spoofs {changes fhe souce lP addess 1n a packef heade} fo make an
lCMP LChO kLquL51 packef seem as fhough 1f o1g1nafed af fhe v1cf1ms sysfem. 1h1s
lCMP LChO kLquL51 message 1s boadcasf fo fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok, Wh1ch ep11es fo
fhe message 1n fu11 foce. 1he v1cf1m sysfem and nefWok ae oveWhe1med.
b. Coecf. A smuf affack 1nvo1ves spoof1ng fhe souce lP 1n a packef heade, and
fhen us1ng 1f fo bombad fhe v1cf1m`s nefWok W1fh lCMP LChO ep11es. 1he smuf
affack equ1es fhee p1ayes: fhe affacke, fhe v1cf1m, and fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok.
1he affacke spoofs {changes fhe souce lP addess 1n a packef heade} fo make an
lCMP LChO kLquL51 packef seem as fhough 1f o1g1nafed af fhe v1cf1ms sysfem. 1h1s
lCMP LChO kLquL51 message 1s boadcasf fo fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok, Wh1ch ep11es fo
fhe message 1n fu11 foce. 1he v1cf1m sysfem and nefWok ae oveWhe1med.
c. lncoecf. A smuf affack 1nvo1ves spoof1ng fhe souce lP 1n a packef heade,
and fhen us1ng 1f fo bombad fhe v1cf1m`s nefWok W1fh lCMP LChO ep11es. 1he smuf
affack equ1es fhee p1ayes: fhe affacke, fhe v1cf1m, and fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok.
1he affacke spoofs {changes fhe souce lP addess 1n a packef heade} fo make an
lCMP LChO kLquL51 packef seem as fhough 1f o1g1nafed af fhe v1cf1ms sysfem. 1h1s
lCMP LChO kLquL51 message 1s boadcasf fo fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok, Wh1ch ep11es fo
fhe message 1n fu11 foce. 1he v1cf1m sysfem and nefWok ae oveWhe1med.
d. lncoecf. A smuf affack 1nvo1ves spoof1ng fhe souce lP 1n a packef heade,
and fhen us1ng 1f fo bombad fhe v1cf1m`s nefWok W1fh lCMP LChO ep11es. 1he smuf
affack equ1es fhee p1ayes: fhe affacke, fhe v1cf1m, and fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok.
1he affacke spoofs {changes fhe souce lP addess 1n a packef heade} fo make an
lCMP LChO kLquL51 packef seem as fhough 1f o1g1nafed af fhe v1cf1ms sysfem. 1h1s
lCMP LChO kLquL51 message 1s boadcasf fo fhe amp11fy1ng nefWok, Wh1ch ep11es fo
fhe message 1n fu11 foce. 1he v1cf1m sysfem and nefWok ae oveWhe1med.
a. lncoecf. A buffe ovef1oW fakes p1ace When foo much dafa 1s accepfed as
1npuf. Pogammes shou1d 1mp1emenf fhe coecf secu1fy confo1s fo ensue fhaf
fh1s does nof fake p1ace. 1h1s means fhey need fo pefom bounds check1ng and
paamefe check1ng fo ensue on1y fhe a11oWed amounf of dafa 1s acfua11y accepfed
and pocessed by fhe sysfem.
b. lncoecf. A buffe ovef1oW fakes p1ace When foo much dafa 1s accepfed as
1npuf. Pogammes shou1d 1mp1emenf fhe coecf secu1fy confo1s fo ensue fhaf
fh1s does nof fake p1ace. 1h1s means fhey need fo pefom bounds check1ng and
paamefe check1ng fo ensue on1y fhe a11oWed amounf of dafa 1s acfua11y accepfed
and pocessed by fhe sysfem.
c. lncoecf. A buffe ovef1oW fakes p1ace When foo much dafa 1s accepfed as
1npuf. Pogammes shou1d 1mp1emenf fhe coecf secu1fy confo1s fo ensue fhaf
fh1s does nof fake p1ace. 1h1s means fhey need fo pefom bounds check1ng and
paamefe check1ng fo ensue on1y fhe a11oWed amounf of dafa 1s acfua11y accepfed
and pocessed by fhe sysfem.
d. Coecf. A buffe ovef1oW fakes p1ace When foo much dafa 1s accepfed as 1npuf.
Pogammes shou1d 1mp1emenf fhe coecf secu1fy confo1s fo ensue fhaf fh1s does
nof fake p1ace. 1h1s means fhey need fo pefom bounds check1ng and paamefe
check1ng fo ensue on1y fhe a11oWed amounf of dafa 1s acfua11y accepfed and
pocessed by fhe sysfem.
a. lncoecf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem has a 1ong 11sf of espons1b111f1es, buf
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
1mp1emenf1ng dafabase v1eWs 1s nof one of fhem. 1h1s 1s fhe espons1b111fy of fhe
dafabase managemenf soffWae.
b. lncoecf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem has a 1ong 11sf of espons1b111f1es, buf
1mp1emenf1ng dafabase v1eWs 1s nof one of fhem. 1h1s 1s fhe espons1b111fy of fhe
dafabase managemenf soffWae.
c. lncoecf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem has a 1ong 11sf of espons1b111f1es, buf
1mp1emenf1ng dafabase v1eWs 1s nof one of fhem. 1h1s 1s fhe espons1b111fy of fhe
dafabase managemenf soffWae.
d. Coecf. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem has a 1ong 11sf of espons1b111f1es, buf
1mp1emenf1ng dafabase v1eWs 1s nof one of fhem. 1h1s 1s fhe espons1b111fy of fhe
dafabase managemenf soffWae.
a. Coecf. lf an obecf has conf1denf1a1 dafa and fh1s dafa 1s nof pope1y
eased befoe anofhe subecf can access 1f, fh1s 1effove o es1dua1 dafa can be
access1b1e. 1h1s can compom1se fhe dafa and sysfem`s secu1fy by d1sc1os1ng fhe1
conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. lf an obecf has conf1denf1a1 dafa and fh1s dafa 1s nof pope1y
eased befoe anofhe subecf can access 1f, fh1s 1effove o es1dua1 dafa can be
access1b1e. 1h1s can compom1se fhe dafa and sysfem`s secu1fy by d1sc1os1ng fhe1
conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. lf an obecf has conf1denf1a1 dafa and fh1s dafa 1s nof pope1y
eased befoe anofhe subecf can access 1f, fh1s 1effove o es1dua1 dafa can be
access1b1e. 1h1s can compom1se fhe dafa and sysfem`s secu1fy by d1sc1os1ng fhe1
conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf. lf an obecf has conf1denf1a1 dafa and fh1s dafa 1s nof pope1y
eased befoe anofhe subecf can access 1f, fh1s 1effove o es1dua1 dafa can be
access1b1e. 1h1s can compom1se fhe dafa and sysfem`s secu1fy by d1sc1os1ng fhe1
conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on.
a. Coecf. Cef1f1caf1on 1s a fechn1ca1 ev1eW of a poducf and acced1faf1on 1s
managemenf`s foma1 appova1 of fhe f1nd1ngs of fhe cef1f1caf1on pocess.
b. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1on 1s a fechn1ca1 ev1eW of a poducf and acced1faf1on
1s managemenf`s foma1 appova1 of fhe f1nd1ngs of fhe cef1f1caf1on pocess.
c. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1on 1s a fechn1ca1 ev1eW of a poducf and acced1faf1on
1s managemenf`s foma1 appova1 of fhe f1nd1ngs of fhe cef1f1caf1on pocess.
d. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1on 1s a fechn1ca1 ev1eW of a poducf and acced1faf1on
1s managemenf`s foma1 appova1 of fhe f1nd1ngs of fhe cef1f1caf1on pocess.
a. lncoecf. 1he nefWok mode1 1s a dafabase mode1 conce1ved as a f1ex1b1e Way of
epesenf1ng obecfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps. lfs d1sf1ngu1sh1ng feafue 1s fhaf fhe
schema, v1eWed as a gaph 1n Wh1ch obecf fypes ae nodes and e1af1onsh1p fypes ae
acs, 1s nof esf1cfed fo be1ng a h1eachy o 1aff1ce.1he nefWok dafabase mode1
1s bu11f upon fhe h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 buf nof esf1cfed fo 1f. lnsfead of be1ng
consfa1ned by hav1ng fo knoW hoW fo go fom one banch fo anofhe and fhen fom one
paenf fo a ch11d fo f1nd a dafa e1emenf, fhe nefWok dafabase mode1 a11oWs each
dafa e1emenf fo have mu1f1p1e paenf and ch11d ecods. 1h1s foms a edundanf
nefWok-11ke sfucfue 1nsfead of a sf1cf fee sfucfue. A nefWok mode1 sefs up a
sfucfue fhaf 1s s1m11a fo a mesh nefWok fopo1ogy fo fhe sake of edundancy and
a11oWs fo qu1ck ef1eva1 of dafa compaed fo fhe h1each1ca1 mode1.
b. lncoecf. 1he nefWok mode1 1s a dafabase mode1 conce1ved as a f1ex1b1e Way of
epesenf1ng obecfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps. lfs d1sf1ngu1sh1ng feafue 1s fhaf fhe
schema, v1eWed as a gaph 1n Wh1ch obecf fypes ae nodes and e1af1onsh1p fypes ae
acs, 1s nof esf1cfed fo be1ng a h1eachy o 1aff1ce.1he nefWok dafabase mode1
1s bu11f upon fhe h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 buf nof esf1cfed fo 1f. lnsfead of be1ng
consfa1ned by hav1ng fo knoW hoW fo go fom one banch fo anofhe and fhen fom one
paenf fo a ch11d fo f1nd a dafa e1emenf, fhe nefWok dafabase mode1 a11oWs each
dafa e1emenf fo have mu1f1p1e paenf and ch11d ecods. 1h1s foms a edundanf
nefWok-11ke sfucfue 1nsfead of a sf1cf fee sfucfue. A nefWok mode1 sefs up a
sfucfue fhaf 1s s1m11a fo a mesh nefWok fopo1ogy fo fhe sake of edundancy and
a11oWs fo qu1ck ef1eva1 of dafa compaed fo fhe h1each1ca1 mode1.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
c. lncoecf. 1he nefWok mode1 1s a dafabase mode1 conce1ved as a f1ex1b1e Way of
epesenf1ng obecfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps. lfs d1sf1ngu1sh1ng feafue 1s fhaf fhe
schema, v1eWed as a gaph 1n Wh1ch obecf fypes ae nodes and e1af1onsh1p fypes ae
acs, 1s nof esf1cfed fo be1ng a h1eachy o 1aff1ce.1he nefWok dafabase mode1
1s bu11f upon fhe h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 buf nof esf1cfed fo 1f. lnsfead of be1ng
consfa1ned by hav1ng fo knoW hoW fo go fom one banch fo anofhe and fhen fom one
paenf fo a ch11d fo f1nd a dafa e1emenf, fhe nefWok dafabase mode1 a11oWs each
dafa e1emenf fo have mu1f1p1e paenf and ch11d ecods. 1h1s foms a edundanf
nefWok-11ke sfucfue 1nsfead of a sf1cf fee sfucfue. A nefWok mode1 sefs up a
sfucfue fhaf 1s s1m11a fo a mesh nefWok fopo1ogy fo fhe sake of edundancy and
a11oWs fo qu1ck ef1eva1 of dafa compaed fo fhe h1each1ca1 mode1.
d. Coecf. 1he nefWok mode1 1s a dafabase mode1 conce1ved as a f1ex1b1e Way of
epesenf1ng obecfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps. lfs d1sf1ngu1sh1ng feafue 1s fhaf fhe
schema, v1eWed as a gaph 1n Wh1ch obecf fypes ae nodes and e1af1onsh1p fypes ae
acs, 1s nof esf1cfed fo be1ng a h1eachy o 1aff1ce.1he nefWok dafabase mode1
1s bu11f upon fhe h1each1ca1 dafa mode1 buf nof esf1cfed fo 1f. lnsfead of be1ng
consfa1ned by hav1ng fo knoW hoW fo go fom one banch fo anofhe and fhen fom one
paenf fo a ch11d fo f1nd a dafa e1emenf, fhe nefWok dafabase mode1 a11oWs each
dafa e1emenf fo have mu1f1p1e paenf and ch11d ecods. 1h1s foms a edundanf
nefWok-11ke sfucfue 1nsfead of a sf1cf fee sfucfue. A nefWok mode1 sefs up a
sfucfue fhaf 1s s1m11a fo a mesh nefWok fopo1ogy fo fhe sake of edundancy and
a11oWs fo qu1ck ef1eva1 of dafa compaed fo fhe h1each1ca1 mode1.
a. lncoecf. 1he sfafe mach1ne mode1 d1cfafes fhaf a sysfem shou1d sfaf up
secue1y, conducf fans1f1ons secue1y, and even fa11 secue1y. 1h1s means fhaf 1f
fhe sysfem encounfes somefh1ng 1f deems as unsafe, 1f shou1d change fo a moe
secue sfafe fo se1f-pesevaf1on and pofecf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he sfafe mach1ne mode1 d1cfafes fhaf a sysfem shou1d sfaf up
secue1y, conducf fans1f1ons secue1y, and even fa11 secue1y. 1h1s means fhaf 1f
fhe sysfem encounfes somefh1ng 1f deems as unsafe, 1f shou1d change fo a moe
secue sfafe fo se1f-pesevaf1on and pofecf1on.
c. Coecf. 1he sfafe mach1ne mode1 d1cfafes fhaf a sysfem shou1d sfaf up
secue1y, conducf fans1f1ons secue1y, and even fa11 secue1y. 1h1s means fhaf 1f
fhe sysfem encounfes somefh1ng 1f deems as unsafe, 1f shou1d change fo a moe
secue sfafe fo se1f-pesevaf1on and pofecf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he sfafe mach1ne mode1 d1cfafes fhaf a sysfem shou1d sfaf up
secue1y, conducf fans1f1ons secue1y, and even fa11 secue1y. 1h1s means fhaf 1f
fhe sysfem encounfes somefh1ng 1f deems as unsafe, 1f shou1d change fo a moe
secue sfafe fo se1f-pesevaf1on and pofecf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1hese assuance af1ngs ae fom fhe Oange 8ook. 8 1eve1s and above
equ1e secu1fy 1abe1s fo be used, buf fhe quesf1on asks Wh1ch 1s fhe f1sf 1eve1
fo equ1e fh1s. 81 comes befoe 82 and 83, fhus 1f 1s fhe coecf ansWe.
b. lncoecf. 1hese assuance af1ngs ae fom fhe Oange 8ook. 8 1eve1s and above
equ1e secu1fy 1abe1s fo be used, buf fhe quesf1on asks Wh1ch 1s fhe f1sf 1eve1
fo equ1e fh1s. 81 comes befoe 82 and 83, fhus 1f 1s fhe coecf ansWe.
c. Coecf. 1hese assuance af1ngs ae fom fhe Oange 8ook. 8 1eve1s and above
equ1e secu1fy 1abe1s fo be used, buf fhe quesf1on asks Wh1ch 1s fhe f1sf 1eve1
fo equ1e fh1s. 81 comes befoe 82 and 83, fhus 1f 1s fhe coecf ansWe.
d. lncoecf. 1hese assuance af1ngs ae fom fhe Oange 8ook. 8 1eve1s and above
equ1e secu1fy 1abe1s fo be used, buf fhe quesf1on asks Wh1ch 1s fhe f1sf 1eve1
fo equ1e fh1s. 81 comes befoe 82 and 83, fhus 1f 1s fhe coecf ansWe.
a. Coecf. A efeence mon1fo 1s fhe absfacf mach1ne fhaf ho1ds a11 of fhe
u1es of access fo fhe sysfem. 1he secu1fy kene1 1s fhe acf1ve enf1fy fhaf
enfoces fhe efeence mon1fo`s u1es. 1hey confo1 fhe access affempfs of any and
a11 subecfs, a use 1s usf one examp1e of a subecf.
b. lncoecf. A efeence mon1fo 1s fhe absfacf mach1ne fhaf ho1ds a11 of fhe
u1es of access fo fhe sysfem. 1he secu1fy kene1 1s fhe acf1ve enf1fy fhaf
enfoces fhe efeence mon1fo`s u1es. 1hey confo1 fhe access affempfs of any and
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
a11 subecfs, a use 1s usf one examp1e of a subecf.
c. lncoecf. A efeence mon1fo 1s fhe absfacf mach1ne fhaf ho1ds a11 of fhe
u1es of access fo fhe sysfem. 1he secu1fy kene1 1s fhe acf1ve enf1fy fhaf
enfoces fhe efeence mon1fo`s u1es. 1hey confo1 fhe access affempfs of any and
a11 subecfs, a use 1s usf one examp1e of a subecf.
d. lncoecf. A efeence mon1fo 1s fhe absfacf mach1ne fhaf ho1ds a11 of fhe
u1es of access fo fhe sysfem. 1he secu1fy kene1 1s fhe acf1ve enf1fy fhaf
enfoces fhe efeence mon1fo`s u1es. 1hey confo1 fhe access affempfs of any and
a11 subecfs, a use 1s usf one examp1e of a subecf.
a. Coecf. 1he secu1fy kene1 makes up fhe ma1n componenf of fhe 1C8, Wh1ch 1s
made up of soffWae, hadWae, and f1mWae. 1he secu1fy kene1 pefoms a 1of of
d1ffeenf acf1v1f1es fo pofecf fhe sysfem, enfoc1ng fhe efeence mon1fo`s access
u1es 1s usf one of fhose acf1v1f1es.
b. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy kene1 makes up fhe ma1n componenf of fhe 1C8, Wh1ch 1s
made up of soffWae, hadWae, and f1mWae. 1he secu1fy kene1 pefoms a 1of of
d1ffeenf acf1v1f1es fo pofecf fhe sysfem, enfoc1ng fhe efeence mon1fo`s access
u1es 1s usf one of fhose acf1v1f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy kene1 makes up fhe ma1n componenf of fhe 1C8, Wh1ch 1s
made up of soffWae, hadWae, and f1mWae. 1he secu1fy kene1 pefoms a 1of of
d1ffeenf acf1v1f1es fo pofecf fhe sysfem, enfoc1ng fhe efeence mon1fo`s access
u1es 1s usf one of fhose acf1v1f1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy kene1 makes up fhe ma1n componenf of fhe 1C8, Wh1ch 1s
made up of soffWae, hadWae, and f1mWae. 1he secu1fy kene1 pefoms a 1of of
d1ffeenf acf1v1f1es fo pofecf fhe sysfem, enfoc1ng fhe efeence mon1fo`s access
u1es 1s usf one of fhose acf1v1f1es.
a. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces need-fo-knoW does nof a11oW subecfs fo
access obecfs un1ess fhey have been ganfed foma1 appova1, Wh1ch 1s based on a
need fo knoW. 1h1s quesf1on 1s fagef1ng MAC-based sysfems fhaf Wou1d use secu1fy
1abe1s, c1eaances, and c1ass1f1caf1ons a1so 1n fhe1 access c1fe1a.
b. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces need-fo-knoW does nof a11oW subecfs fo
access obecfs un1ess fhey have been ganfed foma1 appova1, Wh1ch 1s based on a
need fo knoW. 1h1s quesf1on 1s fagef1ng MAC-based sysfems fhaf Wou1d use secu1fy
1abe1s, c1eaances, and c1ass1f1caf1ons a1so 1n fhe1 access c1fe1a.
c. Coecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces need-fo-knoW does nof a11oW subecfs fo access
obecfs un1ess fhey have been ganfed foma1 appova1, Wh1ch 1s based on a need fo
knoW. 1h1s quesf1on 1s fagef1ng MAC-based sysfems fhaf Wou1d use secu1fy 1abe1s,
c1eaances, and c1ass1f1caf1ons a1so 1n fhe1 access c1fe1a.
d. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces need-fo-knoW does nof a11oW subecfs fo
access obecfs un1ess fhey have been ganfed foma1 appova1, Wh1ch 1s based on a
need fo knoW. 1h1s quesf1on 1s fagef1ng MAC-based sysfems fhaf Wou1d use secu1fy
1abe1s, c1eaances, and c1ass1f1caf1ons a1so 1n fhe1 access c1fe1a.
a. lncoecf. Pope secu1fy 1mp1emenfaf1ons 1nc1ude fack1ng 1nd1v1dua1s and
fhe1 acf1ons. 1he uses need fo be 1denf1f1ed un1que1y fo be ab1e fo fack fhe1
1nd1v1dua1 acf1v1f1es. lf a11 uses 1ogged 1n and aufhenf1cafed fo a sysfem as
use001, fhe sysfem cou1d neve be ab1e fo d1sf1ngu1sh Wh1ch use acfua11y ca1ed
ouf spec1f1c acf1ons.
b. Coecf. Pope secu1fy 1mp1emenfaf1ons 1nc1ude fack1ng 1nd1v1dua1s and fhe1
acf1ons. 1he uses need fo be 1denf1f1ed un1que1y fo be ab1e fo fack fhe1
1nd1v1dua1 acf1v1f1es. lf a11 uses 1ogged 1n and aufhenf1cafed fo a sysfem as
use001, fhe sysfem cou1d neve be ab1e fo d1sf1ngu1sh Wh1ch use acfua11y ca1ed
ouf spec1f1c acf1ons.
c. lncoecf. Pope secu1fy 1mp1emenfaf1ons 1nc1ude fack1ng 1nd1v1dua1s and
fhe1 acf1ons. 1he uses need fo be 1denf1f1ed un1que1y fo be ab1e fo fack fhe1
1nd1v1dua1 acf1v1f1es. lf a11 uses 1ogged 1n and aufhenf1cafed fo a sysfem as
use001, fhe sysfem cou1d neve be ab1e fo d1sf1ngu1sh Wh1ch use acfua11y ca1ed
ouf spec1f1c acf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Pope secu1fy 1mp1emenfaf1ons 1nc1ude fack1ng 1nd1v1dua1s and
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
fhe1 acf1ons. 1he uses need fo be 1denf1f1ed un1que1y fo be ab1e fo fack fhe1
1nd1v1dua1 acf1v1f1es. lf a11 uses 1ogged 1n and aufhenf1cafed fo a sysfem as
use001, fhe sysfem cou1d neve be ab1e fo d1sf1ngu1sh Wh1ch use acfua11y ca1ed
ouf spec1f1c acf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1C8 confa1ns and confo1s a11 pofecf1on mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe
sysfem, Whefhe fhey ae soffWae, hadWae, o f1mWae.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1C8 confa1ns and confo1s a11 pofecf1on mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe
sysfem, Whefhe fhey ae soffWae, hadWae, o f1mWae.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1C8 confa1ns and confo1s a11 pofecf1on mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe
sysfem, Whefhe fhey ae soffWae, hadWae, o f1mWae.
d. Coecf. 1he 1C8 confa1ns and confo1s a11 pofecf1on mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe
sysfem, Whefhe fhey ae soffWae, hadWae, o f1mWae.
a. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy pe1mefe 1s a bounday befWeen 1fems fhaf ae W1fh1n
fhe 1C8 and ones fhaf ae nof paf of fhe 1C8. lf 1s usf a mak of de11neaf1on
befWeen fhese fWo goups of 1fems.
b. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy pe1mefe 1s a bounday befWeen 1fems fhaf ae W1fh1n
fhe 1C8 and ones fhaf ae nof paf of fhe 1C8. lf 1s usf a mak of de11neaf1on
befWeen fhese fWo goups of 1fems.
c. Coecf. 1he secu1fy pe1mefe 1s a bounday befWeen 1fems fhaf ae W1fh1n fhe
1C8 and ones fhaf ae nof paf of fhe 1C8. lf 1s usf a mak of de11neaf1on befWeen
fhese fWo goups of 1fems.
d. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy pe1mefe 1s a bounday befWeen 1fems fhaf ae W1fh1n
fhe 1C8 and ones fhaf ae nof paf of fhe 1C8. lf 1s usf a mak of de11neaf1on
befWeen fhese fWo goups of 1fems.
a. Coecf. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 Was deve1oped fo fhe u.5. govenmenf W1fh fhe
ma1n goa1 of keep1ng sens1f1ve dafa uneachab1e fo fhose Who Wee nof aufho1zed fo
access and v1eW 1f. 1h1s mode1 Was fhe f1sf mafhemaf1ca1 mode1 of a mu1f1-1eve1
secu1fy po11cy used fo def1ne fhe concepf of a secu1fy sfafe, modes of access, and
ouf11nes u1es of access. 1he 81ba and C1ak-W11son mode1s do nof dea1 W1fh
conf1denf1a11fy, buf W1fh 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 Was deve1oped fo fhe u.5. govenmenf W1fh
fhe ma1n goa1 of keep1ng sens1f1ve dafa uneachab1e fo fhose Who Wee nof aufho1zed
fo access and v1eW 1f. 1h1s mode1 Was fhe f1sf mafhemaf1ca1 mode1 of a mu1f1-1eve1
secu1fy po11cy used fo def1ne fhe concepf of a secu1fy sfafe, modes of access, and
ouf11nes u1es of access. 1he 81ba and C1ak-W11son mode1s do nof dea1 W1fh
conf1denf1a11fy, buf W1fh 1nfeg1fy.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 Was deve1oped fo fhe u.5. govenmenf W1fh
fhe ma1n goa1 of keep1ng sens1f1ve dafa uneachab1e fo fhose Who Wee nof aufho1zed
fo access and v1eW 1f. 1h1s mode1 Was fhe f1sf mafhemaf1ca1 mode1 of a mu1f1-1eve1
secu1fy po11cy used fo def1ne fhe concepf of a secu1fy sfafe, modes of access, and
ouf11nes u1es of access. 1he 81ba and C1ak-W11son mode1s do nof dea1 W1fh
conf1denf1a11fy, buf W1fh 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 Was deve1oped fo fhe u.5. govenmenf W1fh
fhe ma1n goa1 of keep1ng sens1f1ve dafa uneachab1e fo fhose Who Wee nof aufho1zed
fo access and v1eW 1f. 1h1s mode1 Was fhe f1sf mafhemaf1ca1 mode1 of a mu1f1-1eve1
secu1fy po11cy used fo def1ne fhe concepf of a secu1fy sfafe, modes of access, and
ouf11nes u1es of access. 1he 81ba and C1ak-W11son mode1s do nof dea1 W1fh
conf1denf1a11fy, buf W1fh 1nfeg1fy.
a. lncoecf. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase 1s des1gned fo hand1e a va1efy of dafa
{1mages, aud1o, documenfs, v1deo}. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase managemenf sysfem
{OD8M5} 1s moe dynam1c 1n nafue fhan a e1af1ona1 dafabase, because obecfs can be
ceafed When needed and fhe dafa and pocedue go W1fh fhe obecf When 1f 1s
equesfed. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, fhe app11caf1on has fo use 1fs oWn pocedues
fo obfa1n dafa fom fhe dafabase and fhen pocess fhe dafa fo 1fs needs. 1he
e1af1ona1 dafabase does nof acfua11y pov1de pocedues, as obecf-o1enfed
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
dafabases do. 1he obecf-o1enfed dafabase has c1asses fo def1ne fhe aff1bufes and
pocedues of 1fs obecfs.
b. lncoecf. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase 1s des1gned fo hand1e a va1efy of dafa
{1mages, aud1o, documenfs, v1deo}. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase managemenf sysfem
{OD8M5} 1s moe dynam1c 1n nafue fhan a e1af1ona1 dafabase, because obecfs can be
ceafed When needed and fhe dafa and pocedue go W1fh fhe obecf When 1f 1s
equesfed. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, fhe app11caf1on has fo use 1fs oWn pocedues
fo obfa1n dafa fom fhe dafabase and fhen pocess fhe dafa fo 1fs needs. 1he
e1af1ona1 dafabase does nof acfua11y pov1de pocedues, as obecf-o1enfed
dafabases do. 1he obecf-o1enfed dafabase has c1asses fo def1ne fhe aff1bufes and
pocedues of 1fs obecfs.
c. lncoecf. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase 1s des1gned fo hand1e a va1efy of dafa
{1mages, aud1o, documenfs, v1deo}. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase managemenf sysfem
{OD8M5} 1s moe dynam1c 1n nafue fhan a e1af1ona1 dafabase, because obecfs can be
ceafed When needed and fhe dafa and pocedue go W1fh fhe obecf When 1f 1s
equesfed. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, fhe app11caf1on has fo use 1fs oWn pocedues
fo obfa1n dafa fom fhe dafabase and fhen pocess fhe dafa fo 1fs needs. 1he
e1af1ona1 dafabase does nof acfua11y pov1de pocedues, as obecf-o1enfed
dafabases do. 1he obecf-o1enfed dafabase has c1asses fo def1ne fhe aff1bufes and
pocedues of 1fs obecfs.
d. Coecf. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase 1s des1gned fo hand1e a va1efy of dafa
{1mages, aud1o, documenfs, v1deo}. An obecf-o1enfed dafabase managemenf sysfem
{OD8M5} 1s moe dynam1c 1n nafue fhan a e1af1ona1 dafabase, because obecfs can be
ceafed When needed and fhe dafa and pocedue go W1fh fhe obecf When 1f 1s
equesfed. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, fhe app11caf1on has fo use 1fs oWn pocedues
fo obfa1n dafa fom fhe dafabase and fhen pocess fhe dafa fo 1fs needs. 1he
e1af1ona1 dafabase does nof acfua11y pov1de pocedues, as obecf-o1enfed
dafabases do. 1he obecf-o1enfed dafabase has c1asses fo def1ne fhe aff1bufes and
pocedues of 1fs obecfs.
a. Coecf. 1he 81ba mode1 focuses on pofecf1ng fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa afhe
fhan conf1denf1a11fy, as 1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1. 1he &quof,no W1fe up&quof,
u1e ensues fhaf a subecf af a 1oWe 1eve1 of 1nfeg1fy cannof coupf o
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy obecf. 1he &quof,no ead doWn&quof, u1e
ensues fhaf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy 1eve1 subecf cannof degade 1fs 1nfeg1fy by
obfa1n1ng dafa fom an obecf of 1oWe 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. 1he 81ba mode1 focuses on pofecf1ng fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa
afhe fhan conf1denf1a11fy, as 1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1. 1he &quof,no W1fe
up&quof, u1e ensues fhaf a subecf af a 1oWe 1eve1 of 1nfeg1fy cannof coupf o
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy obecf. 1he &quof,no ead doWn&quof, u1e
ensues fhaf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy 1eve1 subecf cannof degade 1fs 1nfeg1fy by
obfa1n1ng dafa fom an obecf of 1oWe 1nfeg1fy.
c. lncoecf. 1he 81ba mode1 focuses on pofecf1ng fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa
afhe fhan conf1denf1a11fy, as 1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1. 1he &quof,no W1fe
up&quof, u1e ensues fhaf a subecf af a 1oWe 1eve1 of 1nfeg1fy cannof coupf o
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy obecf. 1he &quof,no ead doWn&quof, u1e
ensues fhaf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy 1eve1 subecf cannof degade 1fs 1nfeg1fy by
obfa1n1ng dafa fom an obecf of 1oWe 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he 81ba mode1 focuses on pofecf1ng fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa
afhe fhan conf1denf1a11fy, as 1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1. 1he &quof,no W1fe
up&quof, u1e ensues fhaf a subecf af a 1oWe 1eve1 of 1nfeg1fy cannof coupf o
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy obecf. 1he &quof,no ead doWn&quof, u1e
ensues fhaf fhe h1ghe 1nfeg1fy 1eve1 subecf cannof degade 1fs 1nfeg1fy by
obfa1n1ng dafa fom an obecf of 1oWe 1nfeg1fy.
a. lncoecf. Pofecf1on pof11es ouf11ne a spec1f1c secu1fy so1uf1on fhaf 1s
needed fo fu1f111 a spec1f1c equ1emenf. Many d1ffeenf fypes of peop1e and
ogan1zaf1ons can W1fe a pofecf1on pof11e exp1a1n1ng Whaf fhey need 1n a poducf.
A vendo may choose fo bu11d a poducf fo meef fhe need desc1bed 1n a paf1cu1a
pofecf1on pof11e.
b. lncoecf. Pofecf1on pof11es ouf11ne a spec1f1c secu1fy so1uf1on fhaf 1s
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
needed fo fu1f111 a spec1f1c equ1emenf. Many d1ffeenf fypes of peop1e and
ogan1zaf1ons can W1fe a pofecf1on pof11e exp1a1n1ng Whaf fhey need 1n a poducf.
A vendo may choose fo bu11d a poducf fo meef fhe need desc1bed 1n a paf1cu1a
pofecf1on pof11e.
c. Coecf. Pofecf1on pof11es ouf11ne a spec1f1c secu1fy so1uf1on fhaf 1s
needed fo fu1f111 a spec1f1c equ1emenf. Many d1ffeenf fypes of peop1e and
ogan1zaf1ons can W1fe a pofecf1on pof11e exp1a1n1ng Whaf fhey need 1n a poducf.
A vendo may choose fo bu11d a poducf fo meef fhe need desc1bed 1n a paf1cu1a
pofecf1on pof11e.
d. lncoecf. Pofecf1on pof11es ouf11ne a spec1f1c secu1fy so1uf1on fhaf 1s
needed fo fu1f111 a spec1f1c equ1emenf. Many d1ffeenf fypes of peop1e and
ogan1zaf1ons can W1fe a pofecf1on pof11e exp1a1n1ng Whaf fhey need 1n a poducf.
A vendo may choose fo bu11d a poducf fo meef fhe need desc1bed 1n a paf1cu1a
pofecf1on pof11e.
a. lncoecf. 1he Oange 8ook dea1s W1fh opeaf1ng sysfems and nof nefWok1ng
1ssues. 1he ked 8ook Was ceafed fo eva1uafe fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on pov1de by
d1ffeenf nefWok1ng dev1ces and conf1guaf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 1he Oange 8ook dea1s W1fh opeaf1ng sysfems and nof nefWok1ng
1ssues. 1he ked 8ook Was ceafed fo eva1uafe fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on pov1de by
d1ffeenf nefWok1ng dev1ces and conf1guaf1ons.
c. Coecf. 1he Oange 8ook dea1s W1fh opeaf1ng sysfems and nof nefWok1ng
1ssues. 1he ked 8ook Was ceafed fo eva1uafe fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on pov1de by
d1ffeenf nefWok1ng dev1ces and conf1guaf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 1he Oange 8ook dea1s W1fh opeaf1ng sysfems and nof nefWok1ng
1ssues. 1he ked 8ook Was ceafed fo eva1uafe fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on pov1de by
d1ffeenf nefWok1ng dev1ces and conf1guaf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 1s an 1nfeg1fy mode1 fhaf addesses a11
fhee 1nfeg1fy u1es, 81ba on1y addesses fhe f1sf u1e. lf ensues fhaf subecfs
can on1y access obecfs fhough a pogam {access f1p1e}, enfoces sepaaf1on of
duf1es, and equ1es aud1f1ng.
b. lncoecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 1s an 1nfeg1fy mode1 fhaf addesses a11
fhee 1nfeg1fy u1es, 81ba on1y addesses fhe f1sf u1e. lf ensues fhaf subecfs
can on1y access obecfs fhough a pogam {access f1p1e}, enfoces sepaaf1on of
duf1es, and equ1es aud1f1ng.
c. lncoecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 1s an 1nfeg1fy mode1 fhaf addesses a11
fhee 1nfeg1fy u1es, 81ba on1y addesses fhe f1sf u1e. lf ensues fhaf subecfs
can on1y access obecfs fhough a pogam {access f1p1e}, enfoces sepaaf1on of
duf1es, and equ1es aud1f1ng.
d. Coecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 1s an 1nfeg1fy mode1 fhaf addesses a11 fhee
1nfeg1fy u1es, 81ba on1y addesses fhe f1sf u1e. lf ensues fhaf subecfs can
on1y access obecfs fhough a pogam {access f1p1e}, enfoces sepaaf1on of
duf1es, and equ1es aud1f1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1C5LC has fou c1ass1f1caf1ons W1fh A be1ng fhe besf and D pov1d1ng
fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on. W1fh1n each c1ass1f1caf1on ae d1v1s1ons of af1ngs
W1fh fhe h1ghe numbes be1ng fhe besf and fhe 1oWe numbes pov1d1ng 1oWe
pofecf1on. 5o C2 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a sysfem fhaf ach1eved a C1
af1ng and a 82 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a 81 af1ng.
b. lncoecf. 1C5LC has fou c1ass1f1caf1ons W1fh A be1ng fhe besf and D pov1d1ng
fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on. W1fh1n each c1ass1f1caf1on ae d1v1s1ons of af1ngs
W1fh fhe h1ghe numbes be1ng fhe besf and fhe 1oWe numbes pov1d1ng 1oWe
pofecf1on. 5o C2 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a sysfem fhaf ach1eved a C1
af1ng and a 82 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a 81 af1ng.
c. Coecf. 1C5LC has fou c1ass1f1caf1ons W1fh A be1ng fhe besf and D pov1d1ng
fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on. W1fh1n each c1ass1f1caf1on ae d1v1s1ons of af1ngs
W1fh fhe h1ghe numbes be1ng fhe besf and fhe 1oWe numbes pov1d1ng 1oWe
pofecf1on. 5o C2 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a sysfem fhaf ach1eved a C1
af1ng and a 82 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a 81 af1ng.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P1.fxf
d. lncoecf. 1C5LC has fou c1ass1f1caf1ons W1fh A be1ng fhe besf and D pov1d1ng
fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on. W1fh1n each c1ass1f1caf1on ae d1v1s1ons of af1ngs
W1fh fhe h1ghe numbes be1ng fhe besf and fhe 1oWe numbes pov1d1ng 1oWe
pofecf1on. 5o C2 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a sysfem fhaf ach1eved a C1
af1ng and a 82 Wou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on fhan a 81 af1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1he b1ggesf d1ffeence befWeen c1ass1f1caf1ons A and 8 1s fhe
ex1sfence of moe foma11zed mefhods of eva1uaf1on. 1he sysfems des1gn, cod1ng
pacf1ces, documenfaf1on, fesf1ng pocedues, and even poducf de11vey ae h1gh1y
b. lncoecf. 1he b1ggesf d1ffeence befWeen c1ass1f1caf1ons A and 8 1s fhe
ex1sfence of moe foma11zed mefhods of eva1uaf1on. 1he sysfems des1gn, cod1ng
pacf1ces, documenfaf1on, fesf1ng pocedues, and even poducf de11vey ae h1gh1y
c. Coecf. 1he b1ggesf d1ffeence befWeen c1ass1f1caf1ons A and 8 1s fhe
ex1sfence of moe foma11zed mefhods of eva1uaf1on. 1he sysfems des1gn, cod1ng
pacf1ces, documenfaf1on, fesf1ng pocedues, and even poducf de11vey ae h1gh1y
d. lncoecf. 1he b1ggesf d1ffeence befWeen c1ass1f1caf1ons A and 8 1s fhe
ex1sfence of moe foma11zed mefhods of eva1uaf1on. 1he sysfems des1gn, cod1ng
pacf1ces, documenfaf1on, fesf1ng pocedues, and even poducf de11vey ae h1gh1y
a. lncoecf. 11me-of-check vesus f1me-of-use {1OC/1Ou} affacks fake advanfage of
f1m1ng d1ffeences befWeen When a sysfem checks fo f11es and When 1f acfua11y
execufes fhe f11es. lf 1s an asynchonous affack.
b. lncoecf. 11me-of-check vesus f1me-of-use {1OC/1Ou} affacks fake advanfage of
f1m1ng d1ffeences befWeen When a sysfem checks fo f11es and When 1f acfua11y
execufes fhe f11es. lf 1s an asynchonous affack.
c. lncoecf. 11me-of-check vesus f1me-of-use {1OC/1Ou} affacks fake advanfage of
f1m1ng d1ffeences befWeen When a sysfem checks fo f11es and When 1f acfua11y
execufes fhe f11es. lf 1s an asynchonous affack.
d. Coecf. 11me-of-check vesus f1me-of-use {1OC/1Ou} affacks fake advanfage of
f1m1ng d1ffeences befWeen When a sysfem checks fo f11es and When 1f acfua11y
execufes fhe f11es. lf 1s an asynchonous affack.
a. lncoecf. Obecf euse means fhaf a d1ffeenf subecf W111 use fhe same med1a.
lf 1f confa1ns sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhaf dafa shou1d be pope1y eased befoe
anofhe subecf can have access fo 1f.
b. Coecf. Obecf euse means fhaf a d1ffeenf subecf W111 use fhe same med1a.
lf 1f confa1ns sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhaf dafa shou1d be pope1y eased befoe
anofhe subecf can have access fo 1f.
c. lncoecf. Obecf euse means fhaf a d1ffeenf subecf W111 use fhe same med1a.
lf 1f confa1ns sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhaf dafa shou1d be pope1y eased befoe
anofhe subecf can have access fo 1f.
d. lncoecf. Obecf euse means fhaf a d1ffeenf subecf W111 use fhe same med1a.
lf 1f confa1ns sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on, fhaf dafa shou1d be pope1y eased befoe
anofhe subecf can have access fo 1f.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
qu1z Name = App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng def1n1f1ons ae 1ncoecf?
a. kecod - A co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems.
b. I11e - A co11ecf1on of co1umns of fhe same fype.
c. P1may key - Co1umns fhaf make each oW un1que.
d. v1eW - A v1fua1 e1af1on def1ned by fhe dafabase adm1n1sfafo
2. Whaf fype of compufe memoy 1mpoves sysfem pefomance by acf1ng as a spec1a1
sfoage aea fo 1nfomaf1on fhaf 1s ef1eved offen?
a. P1may
b. v1fua1
c. kAM
d. Cache
3. 1he efeence mon1fo ensues Whaf?
a. 1haf on1y aufho1zed subecfs access obecfs
b. 1haf 1nfomaf1on f1oWs fom a 1oW secu1fy 1eve1 fo a h1gh secu1fy 1eve1
c. 1haf fhe CPu does nof access memoy d1ecf1y
d. 1haf subecfs do nof W1fe doWn fo 1oWe obecfs
4. 1C5LC, l15LC, C1CPLC, and fhe Iedea1 C1fe1a Wee used fo ceafe Whaf?
a. Oange 8ook
b. ka1nboW se1es
c. Common C1fe1a
d. ked 8ook
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng compufe componenfs d1cfafes When dafa 1s pocessed by fhe
sysfems pocesso?
a. Confo1 un1f
b. keg1sfes
c. ALu
d. k1ng 0
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng have fhe coecf def1n1f1ons?
1. Ioe1gn key - An aff1bufe of one fab1e fhaf 1s e1afed fo fhe ce11 of anofhe
11. Ce11 - An 1nfesecf1on of a oW and co1umn.
111. 5chema - Def1nes fhe sfucfue of fhe dafabase.
1v. Dafa d1cf1onay - Cenfa1 epos1foy of dafa e1emenfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
a. 1
b. 1,11,11
c. 1, 11, 1v
d. 1, 11, 111, 1v
7. An opeaf1ng sysfem fhaf can hand1e moe fhan one pocess af a f1me 1s cons1deed
Whaf fype of sysfem?
a. Mu1f1fhead1ng
b. Mu1f1fask1ng
c. Mu1f1pogamm1ng
d. Mu1f1funcf1on1ng
. Wh1ch ogan1zaf1on deve1oped fhe 1C5LC?
a. l5O
b. DoD
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
c. I8l
d. l15LC
9. us1ng a commun1caf1on pafh 1n an un1nfended Way 1n ode fo do ham 1s ca11ed:
a. 11m1ng affack
b. Asynchonous affack
c. 8uffe ovef1oW
d. Covef channe1
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng W111 nof 1ose dafa When poWe 1s 1osf?
a. keg1sfes
b. kAM
c. 5foage dev1ces
d. 8uffes
11. 5fucfued quey Language 1s a sfandad and fo geff1ng
1nfomaf1on fom and updaf1ng a dafabase.
a. lnfeacf1ve, pogamm1ng 1anguage
b. 5faf1c, pogamm1ng sfucfue
c. NefWoked, pogamm1ng 1anguage
d. h1each1ca1, sc1pf1ng 1anguage
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng advances fo m1copocesso ach1fecfue has 1nceased
some vu1neab111f1es?
a. D1sf1bufed env1onmenfs
b. NefWok connecf1v1fy
c. lnceased c1cu1fs, cache memoy, and mu1f1pogamm1ng
d. lnceases 1n pocess1ng poWe
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes 1C5LC?
a. C1fe1a fo va11dafe fhe secu1fy and assuance pov1ded 1n poducfs
b. 1he ked 8ook
c. Luopean assuance eva1uaf1on c1fe1a
d. A penefaf1on fesf1ng mefhod
14. When shou1d fhe secu1fy depafmenf become 1nvo1ved 1n fhe app11caf1ons
deve1opmenf pocess?
a. 8efoe 1mp1emenfaf1on
b. 8efoe sysfems fesf1ng
c. Du1ng un1f fesf1ng
d. Du1ng equ1emenfs deve1opmenf
15. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng epesenfs a e1af1on?
a. A one-d1mens1ona1 fab1e
b. A fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1e
c. A fhee-d1mens1ona1 fab1e
d. A non-d1mens1ona1 fab1e
16. John 1s ev1eW1ng dafabase poducfs. he needs a poducf fhaf can man1pu1afe a
sfandad sef of dafa fo h1s companys bus1ness 1og1c needs. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
shou1d fhe necessay poducf 1mp1emenf?
a. ke1af1ona1 dafabase sfucfue
b. Obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase sfucfue
c. NefWok dafabase sfucfue
d. Dynam1c-sfaf1c sfucfue
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
17. Of fhe fo11oW1ng v1us fypes, Wh1ch one changes chaacfe1sf1cs as 1f speads?
a. 8oof secfo
b. kandom geneafo
c. 5fea1fh
d. Po1ymoph1c
1. ln Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng c1cumsfances 1s compufe app11caf1on secu1fy mosf
effecf1ve and econom1ca1?
a. When fhe sysfem 1s opf1m1zed befoe fhe add1f1on of secu1fy
b. When fhe sysfem 1s puchased off fhe she1f
c. When fhe sysfem 1s cusfom1zed fo meef a spec1f1c secu1fy fheaf
d. When fhe sysfem 1s des1gned fom fhe beg1nn1ng fo pov1de fhe necessay secu1fy
19. A sysfem f11e fhaf has been pafched sevea1 f1mes becomes 1nfecfed W1fh a v1us,
buf fhe anf1v1us soffWae Wans fhaf d1s1nfecf1ng fhe f11e may damage 1f. Wh1ch 1s
of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf cho1ce?
a. You shou1d ep1ace fhe f11e W1fh fhe o1g1na1 ves1on fom masfe med1a.
b. You shou1d poceed W1fh aufomafed d1s1nfecf1on.
c. You shou1d do moe eseach on fhe v1us.
d. You shou1d esfoe an un1nfecfed ves1on of fhe pafched f11e fom backup med1a.
20. A h1gh-1eve1 pogamm1ng 1anguage:
a. Deceases fhe fofa1 amounf of code W1ffen
b. A11oWs pogammes fo def1ne synfax
c. kequ1es pogamme-confo11ed sfoage managemenf
d. Lnfoces cod1ng sfandads
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of Obecf L1nk1ng and
Lmbedd1ng Dafabases?
1. lfs a ep1acemenf fo OD8C, exfend1ng 1fs feafue sef fo suppof a W1de va1efy
of none1af1ona1 dafabases, such as obecf dafabases and speadsheefs fhaf do nof
necessa11y 1mp1emenf 5qL.
11. A sef of COM-based 1nfefaces pov1de app11caf1ons W1fh un1fom access fo dafa
sfoed 1n d1vese dafa souces.
111. 8ecause 1f 1s COM-based, OLL D8 1s 11m1fed fo use by M1cosoff W1ndoWs-based
c11enf foo1s.
1v. lf a11oWs d1ffeenf app11caf1ons fo access d1ffeenf fypes and souces of dafa.
a. 1
b. 1,11, 111, 1v
c. 1, 111
d. 1, 11, 111
22. Wh1ch fype of v1us can change 1fs oWn code, mak1ng 1f hade fo defecf W1fh
anf1v1us soffWae?
a. 5fea1fh v1uses
b. Po1ymoph1c v1uses
c. 1oan hoses
d. Log1c bombs
23. When Wok poducf saf1sf1es ea1-Wo1d equ1emenfs and concepfs, fh1s 1s knoWn
a. va11daf1on
b. ve1f1caf1on
c. Concuence
d. Accuacy
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
24. ln a e1af1ona1 dafabase, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng epesenfs fhe fab1e oWs?
a. Aff1bufes
b. kecods o fup1es
c. kecod efenf1on
d. ke1af1on
25. ln fhe soffWae capab111fy mafu1fy mode1, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a
def1ned mafu1fy 1eve1?
a. kepeafab1e
b. Managed
c. Def1ned
d. O1enfed
26. Acf1veX Dafa Obecfs {ADO} 1s an APl fhaf a11oWs app11caf1ons fo access back-end
dafabase sysfems. lf 1s a sef of OD8C 1nfefaces fhaf exposes fhe funcf1ona11fy of
dafa souces fhough access1b1e obecfs. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae 1ncoecf
chaacfe1sf1cs of ADO?
1. lfs a 1oW-1eve1 dafa access pogamm1ng 1nfeface fo an unde1y1ng dafa access
fechno1ogy {such as OLL D8}.
11. lfs a sef of COM obecfs fo access1ng dafa souces, nof usf dafabase access.
111. lf a11oWs a deve1ope fo W1fe pogams fhaf access dafa, W1fhouf knoW1ng hoW
fhe dafabase 1s 1mp1emenfed.
1v. 5qL commands ae equ1ed fo access a dafabase When us1ng ADO.
a. 1, 1v
b. 1, 11
c. 1, 11, 111
d. 11, 111
27. lf a sysfems deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e mefhodo1ogy 1s 1nadequafe, fhe mosf se1ous
1sk 1s 11ke1y fo be fhaf fhe poecf:
a. W111 be comp1efed 1afe
b. W111 exceed cosf esf1mafes
c. W111 be 1ncompaf1b1e W1fh ex1sf1ng sysfems
d. W111 fa11 fo meef bus1ness and use needs
2. John`s compufe has been affacked by a pogam 1n Wh1ch ma11c1ous code Was
confa1ned 1ns1de appaenf1y ham1ess dafa 1n such a Way fhaf 1f gof confo1 and d1d
damage. Whaf 1s fh1s fype of pogam ca11ed?
a. v1us
b. Wom
c. 1oan hose
d. 1apdoo
29. One advanfage of pofofyp1ng 1s fhaf:
a. Pofofype sysfems can save s1gn1f1canf f1me and cosfs.
b. Change confo1 1s offen 1ess comp11cafed W1fh pofofype sysfems.
c. Pofofypes ensue fhaf funcf1ons o exfas ae nof added fo fhe 1nfended sysfem.
d. 5fong 1nfena1 confo1s ae eas1e fo 1mp1emenf W1fh pofofypes.
30. 1he numbe of oWs 1n a e1af1on 1s efeed fo as:
a. Cad1na11fy
b. Depfh
c. 8eadfh
d. Degee
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof pope1y desc1be fhe schema of a dafabase?
a. Desc1bes dafabase sfucfue 1n a foma1 1anguage
b. 5chema 1s suppofed by fhe dafabase managemenf sysfem
c. Confa1ns dafa fhaf 1s he1d W1fh1n fhe dafabase
d. 5chema dafa 1s usua11y he1d W1fh1n fhe dafa d1cf1onay
32. Wh1ch mode1 1nfoduced f1ve 1eve1s W1fh Wh1ch fhe deve1opmenf of an
ogan1zaf1on`s soffWae pocess 1s eva1uafed?
a. 1ofa1 qua11fy Mode1 {1qM}
b. lDLAL Mode1
c. 5offWae Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1
d. 5p1a1 Mode1
33. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch epesenfs fhe besf pogamm1ng?
a. LoW cohes1on, 1oW coup11ng
b. LoW cohes1on, h1gh coup11ng
c. h1gh cohes1on, 1oW coup11ng
d. h1gh cohes1on, h1gh coup11ng
34. Whaf k1nd of fesf1ng 1s used fo defem1ne 1f pogam changes have 1nfoduced neW
a. Code compa1son
b. lnfegaf1on fesf1ng
c. kegess1on fesf1ng
d. un1f fesf1ng
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue?
a. Deve1opmenf sfaff shou1d 1mp1emenf sysfems.
b. Deve1opmenf sfaff shou1d suppof poducf1on dafa.
c. Deve1opmenf sfaff shou1d pefom un1f fesf1ng.
d. Deve1opmenf sfaff shou1d pefom accepfance fesf1ng.
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a cenfa11zed epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on
abouf dafa such as mean1ng, e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa, o1g1n, usage, and fomaf?
a. Mefa-dafa
b. Dafa d1cf1onay
c. Coss dafa
d. DM85
37. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue?
a. A boffom-up appoach fo soffWae fesf1ng a11oWs 1nfeface eos fo be defecfed
b. A fop-doWn appoach fo soffWae fesf1ng a11oWs eos 1n c1f1ca1 modu1es fo be
defecfed ea11e.
c. 1he soffWae fesf p1an and esu1fs shou1d be efa1ned as paf of fhe sysfem`s
pemanenf documenfaf1on.
d. 81ack box soffWae fesf1ng 1s equ1ed as paf of pocedua1 defa11.
3. 1he fans1afes souce code one command af a f1me fo execuf1on on
a compufe.
a. 1ans1afo
b. lnfepefe
c. Comp11e
d. Assemb1e
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
39. Whaf 1s a pseudo f1aW?
a. An obv1ous 1oopho1e de11beafe1y 1mp1anfed 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem pogam as a
fap fo 1nfudes
b. An om1ss1on 1eff When geneaf1ng pseudo code
c. Code used fo fesf1ng fo v1o1af1ons 1n app11caf1on pogamm1ng
d. A noma11y geneafed page fau1f fhaf causes fhe sysfem fo ha1f
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has fhe advanfages of ease of eus1ng code and educed
a. Obecf-o1enfed dafabases {OOD8}
b. Obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabases {OkD8}
c. ke1af1ona1 dafabases
d. Dafabase managemenf sysfems {D8M5}
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1denf1f1es a oW W1fh1n a e1af1ona1 dafabase and 1s used
fo 1ndex1ng?
a. Ioe1gn key
b. P1may key
c. Ce11
d. 1up1e
42. Mafches befWeen and ae 1mpofanf because fhey epesenf
efeences fom one e1af1on fo anofhe.
a. Ioe1gn key and p1may key
b. Ioe1gn key and cand1dafe key
c. Cand1dafe key and p1may key
d. P1may key and seconday key
43. Lance needs fo sefup a e1af1onsh1p befWeen fWo fab1es 1n fhe e1af1ona1
dafabase he 1s Wok1ng 1n. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf does Lance
need fo ceafe?
a. P1may key
b. ke1af1on key
c. Ioe1gn key
d. 5qL key
44. Whaf needs fo be puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf fWo uses cannof access and
mod1fy fhe same dafa W1fh1n a dafabaase af fhe same f1me?
a. OLL-D8 1ocks
b. kefeenf1a1 1ocks
c. 5offWae 1ocks
d. 5emanf1c 1ocks
45. Dafabase soffWae pefoms fhee ma1n fypes of 1nfeg1fy sev1ces: semanf1c,
efeenf1a1, and enf1fy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng coecf1y desc1bes one of fhese
1. A semanf1c 1nfeg1fy mechan1sm makes sue sfucfua1 and semanf1c u1es ae
11. A dafabase has efeenf1a1 1nfeg1fy 1f a11 foe1gn keys efeence ex1sf1ng
p1may keys.
111. Lnf1fy 1nfeg1fy guaanfees fhaf fhe fup1es ae un1que1y 1denf1f1ed by p1may
key va1ues.
a. 1,11, 111
b. 11, 111
c. 1, 11
Page 6
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
d. 1
46. Josh has f1gued ouf fhaf soffWae g11fches and poWe f1ucfuaf1ons fhaf caused
sysfems fo go off 11ne has esu1fed 1n 1ncoecf dafa be1ng saved 1nfo fhe company
dafabase. Whaf does Josh need fo make sue 1s conf1gued so fhaf fh1s fype of
acf1v1fy does nof conf1nue?
a. Comm1f funcf1ona11fy
b. ko11back funcf1ona11fy
c. Phased appoach
d. kefeenf1a1 appoach
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes an opeaf1on fhaf a11oWs changes fo a
dafabase fo be ava11ab1e fo a11 app11caf1ons and uses?
a. ko11back
b. Dead1ock
c. Comm1f
d. 5ubm1f
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf fansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfem
a. kedundancy
b. Cons1sfency
c. Conf1denf1a11fy
d. Ava11ab111fy
49. ln some cases, fWo fansacf1ons may, 1n fhe couse of fhe1 pocess1ng, affempf
fo access fhe same pof1on of a dafabase af fhe same f1me, 1n a Way fhaf pevenfs
fhem fom poceed1ng. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fh1s fype of s1fuaf1on?
a. Dead1ock
b. Coupf1on
c. De1ef1on
d. M1sconf1guaf1on
50. L1nda has found ouf fhaf fWo peop1e Who Wok fo he Who do nof have fhe
c1eaance 1eve1 fo knoW abouf cefa1n m111fay foop movemenf have 1eaned abouf fhe
acf1v1fy and so1d fhe 1nfomaf1on fo enemy sfafes. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf
desc1bes Whaf fype of 1ssue 1s L1nda dea11ng W1fh?
a. Ph1sh1ng
b. Pham1ng
c. Aggegaf1on
d. Iaud
51. 1o ensue fhaf aggegaf1on and 1nfeence affacks do nof fake p1ace, Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng shou1d L1nda nof 1mp1emenf?
a. Ce11 suppess1on
b. Paf1f1on1ng
c. No1se and pefubaf1on
d. Po1ymoph1sm
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s be1oW,
- kecod - A co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
- I11e - A co11ecf1on of ecods of fhe same fype.
- P1may key - Co1umns fhaf make each oW un1que.
- v1eW - A v1fua1 e1af1on def1ned by fhe dafabase adm1n1sfafo
b. Coecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s be1oW,
- kecod - A co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems.
- I11e - A co11ecf1on of ecods of fhe same fype.
- P1may key - Co1umns fhaf make each oW un1que.
- v1eW - A v1fua1 e1af1on def1ned by fhe dafabase adm1n1sfafo
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s be1oW,
- kecod - A co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems.
- I11e - A co11ecf1on of ecods of fhe same fype.
- P1may key - Co1umns fhaf make each oW un1que.
- v1eW - A v1fua1 e1af1on def1ned by fhe dafabase adm1n1sfafo
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s be1oW,
- kecod - A co11ecf1on of e1afed dafa 1fems.
- I11e - A co11ecf1on of ecods of fhe same fype.
- P1may key - Co1umns fhaf make each oW un1que.
- v1eW - A v1fua1 e1af1on def1ned by fhe dafabase adm1n1sfafo
a. lncoecf. Cache memoy 1s a fype of memoy fhaf ho1ds spec1f1c 1nfomaf1on
fhaf needs fo be accessed offen.
b. lncoecf. Cache memoy 1s a fype of memoy fhaf ho1ds spec1f1c 1nfomaf1on
fhaf needs fo be accessed offen.
c. lncoecf. Cache memoy 1s a fype of memoy fhaf ho1ds spec1f1c 1nfomaf1on
fhaf needs fo be accessed offen.
d. Coecf. Cache memoy 1s a fype of memoy fhaf ho1ds spec1f1c 1nfomaf1on fhaf
needs fo be accessed offen.
a. Coecf. 1he efeence mon1fo 1s an absfacf mach1ne fhaf confa1ns fhe
sysfems access confo1 secu1fy po11cy. 1he secu1fy kene1 enfoces fhe efeence
mon1fo and 1fs conf1guaf1ons. 5ubecfs cannof d1ecf1y access obecfs W1fhouf fhe
secu1fy kene1 and efeence mon1fo a11oW1ng 1f.
b. lncoecf. 1he efeence mon1fo 1s an absfacf mach1ne fhaf confa1ns fhe
sysfems access confo1 secu1fy po11cy. 1he secu1fy kene1 enfoces fhe efeence
mon1fo and 1fs conf1guaf1ons. 5ubecfs cannof d1ecf1y access obecfs W1fhouf fhe
secu1fy kene1 and efeence mon1fo a11oW1ng 1f.
c. lncoecf. 1he efeence mon1fo 1s an absfacf mach1ne fhaf confa1ns fhe
sysfems access confo1 secu1fy po11cy. 1he secu1fy kene1 enfoces fhe efeence
mon1fo and 1fs conf1guaf1ons. 5ubecfs cannof d1ecf1y access obecfs W1fhouf fhe
secu1fy kene1 and efeence mon1fo a11oW1ng 1f.
d. lncoecf. 1he efeence mon1fo 1s an absfacf mach1ne fhaf confa1ns fhe
sysfems access confo1 secu1fy po11cy. 1he secu1fy kene1 enfoces fhe efeence
mon1fo and 1fs conf1guaf1ons. 5ubecfs cannof d1ecf1y access obecfs W1fhouf fhe
secu1fy kene1 and efeence mon1fo a11oW1ng 1f.
a. lncoecf. 1hese ae a11 d1ffeenf eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo eva1uafe fhe
funcf1ona11fy, assuance, and secu1fy pov1ded 1n opeaf1ng sysfems, dev1ces, and
soffWae poducfs. None of fhem Wee used g1oba11y, usf W1fh1n d1ffeenf counf1es.
1he Common C1fe1a fook fhe besf of a11 of fhese c1fe1a and has been deve1oped fo
be used g1oba11y.
b. lncoecf. 1hese ae a11 d1ffeenf eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo eva1uafe fhe
funcf1ona11fy, assuance, and secu1fy pov1ded 1n opeaf1ng sysfems, dev1ces, and
soffWae poducfs. None of fhem Wee used g1oba11y, usf W1fh1n d1ffeenf counf1es.
1he Common C1fe1a fook fhe besf of a11 of fhese c1fe1a and has been deve1oped fo
be used g1oba11y.
c. Coecf. 1hese ae a11 d1ffeenf eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo eva1uafe fhe
funcf1ona11fy, assuance, and secu1fy pov1ded 1n opeaf1ng sysfems, dev1ces, and
soffWae poducfs. None of fhem Wee used g1oba11y, usf W1fh1n d1ffeenf counf1es.
1he Common C1fe1a fook fhe besf of a11 of fhese c1fe1a and has been deve1oped fo
be used g1oba11y.
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. 1hese ae a11 d1ffeenf eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo eva1uafe fhe
funcf1ona11fy, assuance, and secu1fy pov1ded 1n opeaf1ng sysfems, dev1ces, and
soffWae poducfs. None of fhem Wee used g1oba11y, usf W1fh1n d1ffeenf counf1es.
1he Common C1fe1a fook fhe besf of a11 of fhese c1fe1a and has been deve1oped fo
be used g1oba11y.
a. Coecf. 1he confo1 un1f defem1nes When dafa 1nsfucf1ons can be senf on fo
fhe CPu fo pocess1ng. Dafa 1s he1d 1n eg1sfes unf11 1f 1s 1fs fun fo have
access fo fhe CPu. 1he ALu 1s a componenf of fhe CPu fhaf pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 and
1og1ca1 opeaf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 1he confo1 un1f defem1nes When dafa 1nsfucf1ons can be senf on fo
fhe CPu fo pocess1ng. Dafa 1s he1d 1n eg1sfes unf11 1f 1s 1fs fun fo have
access fo fhe CPu. 1he ALu 1s a componenf of fhe CPu fhaf pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 and
1og1ca1 opeaf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he confo1 un1f defem1nes When dafa 1nsfucf1ons can be senf on fo
fhe CPu fo pocess1ng. Dafa 1s he1d 1n eg1sfes unf11 1f 1s 1fs fun fo have
access fo fhe CPu. 1he ALu 1s a componenf of fhe CPu fhaf pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 and
1og1ca1 opeaf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 1he confo1 un1f defem1nes When dafa 1nsfucf1ons can be senf on fo
fhe CPu fo pocess1ng. Dafa 1s he1d 1n eg1sfes unf11 1f 1s 1fs fun fo have
access fo fhe CPu. 1he ALu 1s a componenf of fhe CPu fhaf pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 and
1og1ca1 opeaf1ons.
a. Coecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Ioe1gn key - An aff1bufe of one fab1e fhaf 1s e1afed fo fhe p1may key of
anofhe fab1e.
- Ce11 - An 1nfesecf1on of a oW and co1umn.
- 5chema - Def1nes fhe sfucfue of fhe dafabase.
- Dafa d1cf1onay - Cenfa1 epos1foy of dafa e1emenfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Ioe1gn key - An aff1bufe of one fab1e fhaf 1s e1afed fo fhe p1may key of
anofhe fab1e.
- Ce11 - An 1nfesecf1on of a oW and co1umn.
- 5chema - Def1nes fhe sfucfue of fhe dafabase.
- Dafa d1cf1onay - Cenfa1 epos1foy of dafa e1emenfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Ioe1gn key - An aff1bufe of one fab1e fhaf 1s e1afed fo fhe p1may key of
anofhe fab1e.
- Ce11 - An 1nfesecf1on of a oW and co1umn.
- 5chema - Def1nes fhe sfucfue of fhe dafabase.
- Dafa d1cf1onay - Cenfa1 epos1foy of dafa e1emenfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Ioe1gn key - An aff1bufe of one fab1e fhaf 1s e1afed fo fhe p1may key of
anofhe fab1e.
- Ce11 - An 1nfesecf1on of a oW and co1umn.
- 5chema - Def1nes fhe sfucfue of fhe dafabase.
- Dafa d1cf1onay - Cenfa1 epos1foy of dafa e1emenfs and fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
a. lncoecf. Mu1f1fask1ng sysfems can pocess many fasks and pocesses af one
f1me. A pocess 1s bas1ca11y a pogam 1n memoy. An opeaf1ng sysfem has fo be
spec1a11y deve1oped fo pefom mu1f1fask1ng funcf1ona11fy.
b. Coecf. Mu1f1fask1ng sysfems can pocess many fasks and pocesses af one f1me.
A pocess 1s bas1ca11y a pogam 1n memoy. An opeaf1ng sysfem has fo be spec1a11y
deve1oped fo pefom mu1f1fask1ng funcf1ona11fy.
c. lncoecf. Mu1f1fask1ng sysfems can pocess many fasks and pocesses af one
f1me. A pocess 1s bas1ca11y a pogam 1n memoy. An opeaf1ng sysfem has fo be
spec1a11y deve1oped fo pefom mu1f1fask1ng funcf1ona11fy.
d. lncoecf. Mu1f1fask1ng sysfems can pocess many fasks and pocesses af one
f1me. A pocess 1s bas1ca11y a pogam 1n memoy. An opeaf1ng sysfem has fo be
spec1a11y deve1oped fo pefom mu1f1fask1ng funcf1ona11fy.
Page 9
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf

a. lncoecf. 1he u.5. Depafmenf of Defense deve1oped fhe 1usfed Compufe 5ysfem
Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a {1C5LC} as a c1fe1on fo eva1uafe fhe assuance and secu1fy
opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de. lf 1s a1so efeed fo as fhe Oange 8ook and 1s 1n fhe
ka1nboW se1es.
b. Coecf. 1he u.5. Depafmenf of Defense deve1oped fhe 1usfed Compufe 5ysfem
Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a {1C5LC} as a c1fe1on fo eva1uafe fhe assuance and secu1fy
opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de. lf 1s a1so efeed fo as fhe Oange 8ook and 1s 1n fhe
ka1nboW se1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he u.5. Depafmenf of Defense deve1oped fhe 1usfed Compufe 5ysfem
Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a {1C5LC} as a c1fe1on fo eva1uafe fhe assuance and secu1fy
opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de. lf 1s a1so efeed fo as fhe Oange 8ook and 1s 1n fhe
ka1nboW se1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he u.5. Depafmenf of Defense deve1oped fhe 1usfed Compufe 5ysfem
Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a {1C5LC} as a c1fe1on fo eva1uafe fhe assuance and secu1fy
opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de. lf 1s a1so efeed fo as fhe Oange 8ook and 1s 1n fhe
ka1nboW se1es.
a. lncoecf. Covef channe1s ae Ways of commun1caf1ng fhaf Wee nof env1s1oned
by fhe deve1ope of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1hee ae fWo fypes, f1m1ng and
b. lncoecf. Covef channe1s ae Ways of commun1caf1ng fhaf Wee nof env1s1oned
by fhe deve1ope of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1hee ae fWo fypes, f1m1ng and
c. lncoecf. Covef channe1s ae Ways of commun1caf1ng fhaf Wee nof env1s1oned
by fhe deve1ope of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1hee ae fWo fypes, f1m1ng and
d. Coecf. Covef channe1s ae Ways of commun1caf1ng fhaf Wee nof env1s1oned by
fhe deve1ope of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1hee ae fWo fypes, f1m1ng and sfoage.
a. lncoecf. 5foage dev1ces ae had d1ves, CD-kOMs, u58 d1ves, and fape
d1ves. 1hey ae nof vo1af11e, mean1ng fhey W111 nof 1ose dafa When poWe 1s 1osf.
1he ofhe 11sfed 1fems ae vo1af11e memoy fypes, Wh1ch 1ose fhe dafa he1d W1fh1n
fhem When fhe poWe 1s 1osf.
b. lncoecf. 5foage dev1ces ae had d1ves, CD-kOMs, u58 d1ves, and fape
d1ves. 1hey ae nof vo1af11e, mean1ng fhey W111 nof 1ose dafa When poWe 1s 1osf.
1he ofhe 11sfed 1fems ae vo1af11e memoy fypes, Wh1ch 1ose fhe dafa he1d W1fh1n
fhem When fhe poWe 1s 1osf.
c. Coecf. 5foage dev1ces ae had d1ves, CD-kOMs, u58 d1ves, and fape d1ves.
1hey ae nof vo1af11e, mean1ng fhey W111 nof 1ose dafa When poWe 1s 1osf. 1he ofhe
11sfed 1fems ae vo1af11e memoy fypes, Wh1ch 1ose fhe dafa he1d W1fh1n fhem When
fhe poWe 1s 1osf.
d. lncoecf. 5foage dev1ces ae had d1ves, CD-kOMs, u58 d1ves, and fape
d1ves. 1hey ae nof vo1af11e, mean1ng fhey W111 nof 1ose dafa When poWe 1s 1osf.
1he ofhe 11sfed 1fems ae vo1af11e memoy fypes, Wh1ch 1ose fhe dafa he1d W1fh1n
fhem When fhe poWe 1s 1osf.
a. Coecf. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} 1s a sfandad 1nfeacf1ve and
pogamm1ng 1anguage fo geff1ng 1nfomaf1on fom and updaf1ng a dafabase. A1fhough
5qL 1s bofh an AN5l and an l5O sfandad, many dafabase poducfs suppof 5qL W1fh
pop1efay exfens1ons fo fhe sfandad 1anguage. que1es fake fhe fom of a command
1anguage fhaf 1efs you se1ecf, 1nsef, updafe, f1nd ouf fhe 1ocaf1on of dafa, and so
fofh. 1hee 1s a1so a pogamm1ng 1nfeface.
b. lncoecf. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} 1s a sfandad 1nfeacf1ve and
pogamm1ng 1anguage fo geff1ng 1nfomaf1on fom and updaf1ng a dafabase. A1fhough
5qL 1s bofh an AN5l and an l5O sfandad, many dafabase poducfs suppof 5qL W1fh
pop1efay exfens1ons fo fhe sfandad 1anguage. que1es fake fhe fom of a command
1anguage fhaf 1efs you se1ecf, 1nsef, updafe, f1nd ouf fhe 1ocaf1on of dafa, and so
fofh. 1hee 1s a1so a pogamm1ng 1nfeface.
Page 10
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} 1s a sfandad 1nfeacf1ve and
pogamm1ng 1anguage fo geff1ng 1nfomaf1on fom and updaf1ng a dafabase. A1fhough
5qL 1s bofh an AN5l and an l5O sfandad, many dafabase poducfs suppof 5qL W1fh
pop1efay exfens1ons fo fhe sfandad 1anguage. que1es fake fhe fom of a command
1anguage fhaf 1efs you se1ecf, 1nsef, updafe, f1nd ouf fhe 1ocaf1on of dafa, and so
fofh. 1hee 1s a1so a pogamm1ng 1nfeface.
d. lncoecf. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} 1s a sfandad 1nfeacf1ve and
pogamm1ng 1anguage fo geff1ng 1nfomaf1on fom and updaf1ng a dafabase. A1fhough
5qL 1s bofh an AN5l and an l5O sfandad, many dafabase poducfs suppof 5qL W1fh
pop1efay exfens1ons fo fhe sfandad 1anguage. que1es fake fhe fom of a command
1anguage fhaf 1efs you se1ecf, 1nsef, updafe, f1nd ouf fhe 1ocaf1on of dafa, and so
fofh. 1hee 1s a1so a pogamm1ng 1nfeface.
a. lncoecf. As pocess1ng poWe 1nceases 1n fhe m1copocessos W1fh1n sysfems
foday, 1f a11oWs affackes fo pefom moe poWefu1 bufe foce affacks. 8ufe foce
affacks fy a11 poss1b1e comb1naf1ons, and fhe moe poWe one has fo do fh1s, fhe
moe comb1naf1ons fhaf can be enumeafed W1fh1n a shofe pe1od of f1me. 8ufe
foce affacks ae usua11y Waged aga1nsf cedenf1a1s and cypfogaph1c keys.
b. lncoecf. As pocess1ng poWe 1nceases 1n fhe m1copocessos W1fh1n sysfems
foday, 1f a11oWs affackes fo pefom moe poWefu1 bufe foce affacks. 8ufe foce
affacks fy a11 poss1b1e comb1naf1ons, and fhe moe poWe one has fo do fh1s, fhe
moe comb1naf1ons fhaf can be enumeafed W1fh1n a shofe pe1od of f1me. 8ufe
foce affacks ae usua11y Waged aga1nsf cedenf1a1s and cypfogaph1c keys.
c. lncoecf. As pocess1ng poWe 1nceases 1n fhe m1copocessos W1fh1n sysfems
foday, 1f a11oWs affackes fo pefom moe poWefu1 bufe foce affacks. 8ufe foce
affacks fy a11 poss1b1e comb1naf1ons, and fhe moe poWe one has fo do fh1s, fhe
moe comb1naf1ons fhaf can be enumeafed W1fh1n a shofe pe1od of f1me. 8ufe
foce affacks ae usua11y Waged aga1nsf cedenf1a1s and cypfogaph1c keys.
d. Coecf. As pocess1ng poWe 1nceases 1n fhe m1copocessos W1fh1n sysfems
foday, 1f a11oWs affackes fo pefom moe poWefu1 bufe foce affacks. 8ufe foce
affacks fy a11 poss1b1e comb1naf1ons, and fhe moe poWe one has fo do fh1s, fhe
moe comb1naf1ons fhaf can be enumeafed W1fh1n a shofe pe1od of f1me. 8ufe
foce affacks ae usua11y Waged aga1nsf cedenf1a1s and cypfogaph1c keys.
a. Coecf. 1he 1C5LC {1usfed Compufe 5ysfem Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a}, a11as fhe
Oange 8ook, 1s eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo afe fhe assuance and secu1fy pov1ded
by ma1n1y opeaf1ng 1oWe 1eve1s.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1C5LC {1usfed Compufe 5ysfem Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a}, a11as fhe
Oange 8ook, 1s eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo afe fhe assuance and secu1fy pov1ded
by ma1n1y opeaf1ng 1oWe 1eve1s.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1C5LC {1usfed Compufe 5ysfem Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a}, a11as fhe
Oange 8ook, 1s eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo afe fhe assuance and secu1fy pov1ded
by ma1n1y opeaf1ng 1oWe 1eve1s.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1C5LC {1usfed Compufe 5ysfem Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a}, a11as fhe
Oange 8ook, 1s eva1uaf1on c1fe1a used fo afe fhe assuance and secu1fy pov1ded
by ma1n1y opeaf1ng 1oWe 1eve1s.
a. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy shou1d be 1nvo1ved 1ghf af fhe 1n1f1af1on of a neW poecf
When equ1emenfs ae be1ng def1ned.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy shou1d be 1nvo1ved 1ghf af fhe 1n1f1af1on of a neW poecf
When equ1emenfs ae be1ng def1ned.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy shou1d be 1nvo1ved 1ghf af fhe 1n1f1af1on of a neW poecf
When equ1emenfs ae be1ng def1ned.
d. Coecf. 5ecu1fy shou1d be 1nvo1ved 1ghf af fhe 1n1f1af1on of a neW poecf
When equ1emenfs ae be1ng def1ned.
a. lncoecf. A e1af1on 1s fhe foundaf1on of a e1af1ona1 dafabase, epesenfed by
a fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1e.
b. Coecf. A e1af1on 1s fhe foundaf1on of a e1af1ona1 dafabase, epesenfed by a
Page 11
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1e.
c. lncoecf. A e1af1on 1s fhe foundaf1on of a e1af1ona1 dafabase, epesenfed by
a fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1e.
d. lncoecf. A e1af1on 1s fhe foundaf1on of a e1af1ona1 dafabase, epesenfed by
a fWo-d1mens1ona1 fab1e.
a. lncoecf. An obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase {OkD} o obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase
managemenf sysfem {OkD8M5} 1s a e1af1ona1 dafabase W1fh a soffWae fonf end fhaf
1s W1ffen 1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng 1anguage. D1ffeenf compan1es W111 have
d1ffeenf bus1ness 1og1c fhaf needs fo be ca1ed ouf on fhe sfoed dafa. A11oW1ng
pogammes fo deve1op fh1s fonf-end soffWae p1ece a11oWs fhe bus1ness 1og1c
pocedues fo be used by equesf1ng app11caf1ons and fhe dafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
b. Coecf. An obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase {OkD} o obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase
managemenf sysfem {OkD8M5} 1s a e1af1ona1 dafabase W1fh a soffWae fonf end fhaf
1s W1ffen 1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng 1anguage. D1ffeenf compan1es W111 have
d1ffeenf bus1ness 1og1c fhaf needs fo be ca1ed ouf on fhe sfoed dafa. A11oW1ng
pogammes fo deve1op fh1s fonf-end soffWae p1ece a11oWs fhe bus1ness 1og1c
pocedues fo be used by equesf1ng app11caf1ons and fhe dafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
c. lncoecf. An obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase {OkD} o obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase
managemenf sysfem {OkD8M5} 1s a e1af1ona1 dafabase W1fh a soffWae fonf end fhaf
1s W1ffen 1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng 1anguage. D1ffeenf compan1es W111 have
d1ffeenf bus1ness 1og1c fhaf needs fo be ca1ed ouf on fhe sfoed dafa. A11oW1ng
pogammes fo deve1op fh1s fonf-end soffWae p1ece a11oWs fhe bus1ness 1og1c
pocedues fo be used by equesf1ng app11caf1ons and fhe dafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
d. lncoecf. An obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase {OkD} o obecf-e1af1ona1 dafabase
managemenf sysfem {OkD8M5} 1s a e1af1ona1 dafabase W1fh a soffWae fonf end fhaf
1s W1ffen 1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng 1anguage. D1ffeenf compan1es W111 have
d1ffeenf bus1ness 1og1c fhaf needs fo be ca1ed ouf on fhe sfoed dafa. A11oW1ng
pogammes fo deve1op fh1s fonf-end soffWae p1ece a11oWs fhe bus1ness 1og1c
pocedues fo be used by equesf1ng app11caf1ons and fhe dafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
a. lncoecf. v1uses ae cons1deed po1ymoph1c 1f fhe1 defecf1on 1s vey
d1ff1cu1f o 1mposs1b1e us1ng fhe v1us masks o e1emenfs of consfanfs W1fh1n
v1us-spec1f1c code. 1h1s 1s ach1eved by encypf1ng fhe ma1n code of fhe v1us W1fh
a va1ab1e key and andom sefs of decypf1on commands, o by execufab1e v1us
b. lncoecf. v1uses ae cons1deed po1ymoph1c 1f fhe1 defecf1on 1s vey
d1ff1cu1f o 1mposs1b1e us1ng fhe v1us masks o e1emenfs of consfanfs W1fh1n
v1us-spec1f1c code. 1h1s 1s ach1eved by encypf1ng fhe ma1n code of fhe v1us W1fh
a va1ab1e key and andom sefs of decypf1on commands, o by execufab1e v1us
c. lncoecf. v1uses ae cons1deed po1ymoph1c 1f fhe1 defecf1on 1s vey
d1ff1cu1f o 1mposs1b1e us1ng fhe v1us masks o e1emenfs of consfanfs W1fh1n
v1us-spec1f1c code. 1h1s 1s ach1eved by encypf1ng fhe ma1n code of fhe v1us W1fh
a va1ab1e key and andom sefs of decypf1on commands, o by execufab1e v1us
d. Coecf. v1uses ae cons1deed po1ymoph1c 1f fhe1 defecf1on 1s vey d1ff1cu1f
o 1mposs1b1e us1ng fhe v1us masks o e1emenfs of consfanfs W1fh1n v1us-spec1f1c
code. 1h1s 1s ach1eved by encypf1ng fhe ma1n code of fhe v1us W1fh a va1ab1e key
and andom sefs of decypf1on commands, o by execufab1e v1us code-chang1ng.
a. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s much moe expens1ve and comp11cafed When 1f 1s added af a
1afe phase of fhe sysfem`s 11fe cyc1e 1nsfead of 1nfegaf1ng 1f 1nfo fhe p1ann1ng
and des1gn1ng phase.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s much moe expens1ve and comp11cafed When 1f 1s added af a
1afe phase of fhe sysfem`s 11fe cyc1e 1nsfead of 1nfegaf1ng 1f 1nfo fhe p1ann1ng
and des1gn1ng phase.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s much moe expens1ve and comp11cafed When 1f 1s added af a
1afe phase of fhe sysfem`s 11fe cyc1e 1nsfead of 1nfegaf1ng 1f 1nfo fhe p1ann1ng
and des1gn1ng phase.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
d. Coecf. 5ecu1fy 1s much moe expens1ve and comp11cafed When 1f 1s added af a
1afe phase of fhe sysfem`s 11fe cyc1e 1nsfead of 1nfegaf1ng 1f 1nfo fhe p1ann1ng
and des1gn1ng phase.
a. lncoecf. 1o be sue, you shou1d ep1ace fhe f11e W1fh an o1g1na1 copy. lf
you cannof guaanfee fhe 1nfeg1fy of a11 f11es W1fh1n fhe sysfem, you shou1d
e1nsfa11 fhe sysfem fom scafch.
b. lncoecf. 1o be sue, you shou1d ep1ace fhe f11e W1fh an o1g1na1 copy. lf
you cannof guaanfee fhe 1nfeg1fy of a11 f11es W1fh1n fhe sysfem, you shou1d
e1nsfa11 fhe sysfem fom scafch.
c. lncoecf. 1o be sue, you shou1d ep1ace fhe f11e W1fh an o1g1na1 copy. lf
you cannof guaanfee fhe 1nfeg1fy of a11 f11es W1fh1n fhe sysfem, you shou1d
e1nsfa11 fhe sysfem fom scafch.
d. Coecf. 1o be sue, you shou1d ep1ace fhe f11e W1fh an o1g1na1 copy. lf you
cannof guaanfee fhe 1nfeg1fy of a11 f11es W1fh1n fhe sysfem, you shou1d e1nsfa11
fhe sysfem fom scafch.
a. Coecf. h1gh-1eve1 o h1gh-ode 1anguages ae emp1oyed 1n ode fo W1fe
soffWae 1n Lng11sh-11ke sfafemenfs. ln fhese 1anguages, one sfafemenf usua11y
equ1es a numbe of mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons fo 1fs 1mp1emenfaf1on. 1heefoe
un11ke assemb1y 1anguage, fhee 1s a one-fo-many e1af1onsh1p befWeen h1gh-1eve1
1nsfucf1ons fo mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons.
b. lncoecf. h1gh-1eve1 o h1gh-ode 1anguages ae emp1oyed 1n ode fo W1fe
soffWae 1n Lng11sh-11ke sfafemenfs. ln fhese 1anguages, one sfafemenf usua11y
equ1es a numbe of mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons fo 1fs 1mp1emenfaf1on. 1heefoe
un11ke assemb1y 1anguage, fhee 1s a one-fo-many e1af1onsh1p befWeen h1gh-1eve1
1nsfucf1ons fo mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons.
c. lncoecf. h1gh-1eve1 o h1gh-ode 1anguages ae emp1oyed 1n ode fo W1fe
soffWae 1n Lng11sh-11ke sfafemenfs. ln fhese 1anguages, one sfafemenf usua11y
equ1es a numbe of mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons fo 1fs 1mp1emenfaf1on. 1heefoe
un11ke assemb1y 1anguage, fhee 1s a one-fo-many e1af1onsh1p befWeen h1gh-1eve1
1nsfucf1ons fo mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons.
d. lncoecf. h1gh-1eve1 o h1gh-ode 1anguages ae emp1oyed 1n ode fo W1fe
soffWae 1n Lng11sh-11ke sfafemenfs. ln fhese 1anguages, one sfafemenf usua11y
equ1es a numbe of mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons fo 1fs 1mp1emenfaf1on. 1heefoe
un11ke assemb1y 1anguage, fhee 1s a one-fo-many e1af1onsh1p befWeen h1gh-1eve1
1nsfucf1ons fo mach1ne 1anguage 1nsfucf1ons.
a. lncoecf. Obecf L1nk1ng and Lmbedd1ng Dafabase {OLL D8} sepaafes dafa 1nfo
componenfs fhaf un as m1dd1eWae on a c11enf o seve. lf pov1des a 1oW-1eve1
1nfeface fo 11nk 1nfomaf1on acoss d1ffeenf dafabases and pov1des access fo dafa
no maffe Whee 1f 1s 1ocafed o hoW 1f 1s fomaffed. 1he fo11oW1ng ae some
chaacfe1sf1cs of OLL D8:
- lfs a ep1acemenf fo OD8C, exfend1ng 1fs feafue sef fo suppof a W1de va1efy
of none1af1ona1 dafabases, such as obecf dafabases and speadsheefs fhaf do nof
necessa11y 1mp1emenf 5qL.
- A sef of COM-based 1nfefaces pov1de app11caf1ons W1fh un1fom access fo dafa
sfoed 1n d1vese dafa souces
- 8ecause 1f 1s COM-based, OLL D8 1s 11m1fed fo use by M1cosoff W1ndoWs-based
c11enf foo1s.
- lf a11oWs d1ffeenf app11caf1ons fo access d1ffeenf fypes and souces of dafa.
b. Coecf. Obecf L1nk1ng and Lmbedd1ng Dafabase {OLL D8} sepaafes dafa 1nfo
componenfs fhaf un as m1dd1eWae on a c11enf o seve. lf pov1des a 1oW-1eve1
1nfeface fo 11nk 1nfomaf1on acoss d1ffeenf dafabases and pov1des access fo dafa
no maffe Whee 1f 1s 1ocafed o hoW 1f 1s fomaffed. 1he fo11oW1ng ae some
chaacfe1sf1cs of OLL D8:
- lfs a ep1acemenf fo OD8C, exfend1ng 1fs feafue sef fo suppof a W1de va1efy
of none1af1ona1 dafabases, such as obecf dafabases and speadsheefs fhaf do nof
necessa11y 1mp1emenf 5qL.
- A sef of COM-based 1nfefaces pov1de app11caf1ons W1fh un1fom access fo dafa
Page 13
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
sfoed 1n d1vese dafa souces
- 8ecause 1f 1s COM-based, OLL D8 1s 11m1fed fo use by M1cosoff W1ndoWs-based
c11enf foo1s.
- lf a11oWs d1ffeenf app11caf1ons fo access d1ffeenf fypes and souces of dafa.
c. lncoecf. Obecf L1nk1ng and Lmbedd1ng Dafabase {OLL D8} sepaafes dafa 1nfo
componenfs fhaf un as m1dd1eWae on a c11enf o seve. lf pov1des a 1oW-1eve1
1nfeface fo 11nk 1nfomaf1on acoss d1ffeenf dafabases and pov1des access fo dafa
no maffe Whee 1f 1s 1ocafed o hoW 1f 1s fomaffed. 1he fo11oW1ng ae some
chaacfe1sf1cs of OLL D8:
- lfs a ep1acemenf fo OD8C, exfend1ng 1fs feafue sef fo suppof a W1de va1efy
of none1af1ona1 dafabases, such as obecf dafabases and speadsheefs fhaf do nof
necessa11y 1mp1emenf 5qL.
- A sef of COM-based 1nfefaces pov1de app11caf1ons W1fh un1fom access fo dafa
sfoed 1n d1vese dafa souces
- 8ecause 1f 1s COM-based, OLL D8 1s 11m1fed fo use by M1cosoff W1ndoWs-based
c11enf foo1s.
- lf a11oWs d1ffeenf app11caf1ons fo access d1ffeenf fypes and souces of dafa.
d. lncoecf. Obecf L1nk1ng and Lmbedd1ng Dafabase {OLL D8} sepaafes dafa 1nfo
componenfs fhaf un as m1dd1eWae on a c11enf o seve. lf pov1des a 1oW-1eve1
1nfeface fo 11nk 1nfomaf1on acoss d1ffeenf dafabases and pov1des access fo dafa
no maffe Whee 1f 1s 1ocafed o hoW 1f 1s fomaffed. 1he fo11oW1ng ae some
chaacfe1sf1cs of OLL D8:
- lfs a ep1acemenf fo OD8C, exfend1ng 1fs feafue sef fo suppof a W1de va1efy
of none1af1ona1 dafabases, such as obecf dafabases and speadsheefs fhaf do nof
necessa11y 1mp1emenf 5qL.
- A sef of COM-based 1nfefaces pov1de app11caf1ons W1fh un1fom access fo dafa
sfoed 1n d1vese dafa souces
- 8ecause 1f 1s COM-based, OLL D8 1s 11m1fed fo use by M1cosoff W1ndoWs-based
c11enf foo1s.
- lf a11oWs d1ffeenf app11caf1ons fo access d1ffeenf fypes and souces of dafa.
a. lncoecf. A po1ymoph1c v1us has fhe capab111fy of chang1ng 1fs oWn code,
enab11ng 1f fo have many d1ffeenf va1anfs, mak1ng 1f hade fo anf1v1us soffWae
fo defecf.
b. Coecf. A po1ymoph1c v1us has fhe capab111fy of chang1ng 1fs oWn code,
enab11ng 1f fo have many d1ffeenf va1anfs, mak1ng 1f hade fo anf1v1us soffWae
fo defecf.
c. lncoecf. A po1ymoph1c v1us has fhe capab111fy of chang1ng 1fs oWn code,
enab11ng 1f fo have many d1ffeenf va1anfs, mak1ng 1f hade fo anf1v1us soffWae
fo defecf.
d. lncoecf. A po1ymoph1c v1us has fhe capab111fy of chang1ng 1fs oWn code,
enab11ng 1f fo have many d1ffeenf va1anfs, mak1ng 1f hade fo anf1v1us soffWae
fo defecf.
a. Coecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe f1na1 poducf meefs a ea1-Wo1d
equ1emenf and 1s pov1d1ng fhe necessay funcf1on fo fhe end use.
b. lncoecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe f1na1 poducf meefs a ea1-Wo1d
equ1emenf and 1s pov1d1ng fhe necessay funcf1on fo fhe end use.
c. lncoecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe f1na1 poducf meefs a ea1-Wo1d
equ1emenf and 1s pov1d1ng fhe necessay funcf1on fo fhe end use.
d. lncoecf. va11daf1on ensues fhaf fhe f1na1 poducf meefs a ea1-Wo1d
equ1emenf and 1s pov1d1ng fhe necessay funcf1on fo fhe end use.
a. lncoecf. 1he oWs of fhe fab1e epesenf ecods o fup1es, and fhe co1umns of
fhe fab1e epesenf fhe aff1bufes.
b. Coecf. 1he oWs of fhe fab1e epesenf ecods o fup1es, and fhe co1umns of
fhe fab1e epesenf fhe aff1bufes.
c. lncoecf. 1he oWs of fhe fab1e epesenf ecods o fup1es, and fhe co1umns of
fhe fab1e epesenf fhe aff1bufes.
d. lncoecf. 1he oWs of fhe fab1e epesenf ecods o fup1es, and fhe co1umns of
Page 14
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
fhe fab1e epesenf fhe aff1bufes.
a. lncoecf. 1he f1ve def1ned mafu1fy 1eve1s of fhe CMM ae: 1n1f1a1, epeafab1e,
def1ned, managed, and opf1m1z1ng.
b. lncoecf. 1he f1ve def1ned mafu1fy 1eve1s of fhe CMM ae: 1n1f1a1, epeafab1e,
def1ned, managed, and opf1m1z1ng.
c. lncoecf. 1he f1ve def1ned mafu1fy 1eve1s of fhe CMM ae: 1n1f1a1, epeafab1e,
def1ned, managed, and opf1m1z1ng.
d. Coecf. 1he f1ve def1ned mafu1fy 1eve1s of fhe CMM ae: 1n1f1a1, epeafab1e,
def1ned, managed, and opf1m1z1ng.
a. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of ADO:
- lfs a h1gh-1eve1 dafa access pogamm1ng 1nfeface fo an unde1y1ng dafa access
fechno1ogy {such as OLL D8}.
- lfs a sef of COM obecfs fo access1ng dafa souces, nof usf dafabase access.
- lf a11oWs a deve1ope fo W1fe pogams fhaf access dafa, W1fhouf knoW1ng hoW fhe
dafabase 1s 1mp1emenfed.
- 5qL commands ae nof equ1ed fo access a dafabase When us1ng ADO.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of ADO:
- lfs a h1gh-1eve1 dafa access pogamm1ng 1nfeface fo an unde1y1ng dafa access
fechno1ogy {such as OLL D8}.
- lfs a sef of COM obecfs fo access1ng dafa souces, nof usf dafabase access.
- lf a11oWs a deve1ope fo W1fe pogams fhaf access dafa, W1fhouf knoW1ng hoW fhe
dafabase 1s 1mp1emenfed.
- 5qL commands ae nof equ1ed fo access a dafabase When us1ng ADO.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of ADO:
- lfs a h1gh-1eve1 dafa access pogamm1ng 1nfeface fo an unde1y1ng dafa access
fechno1ogy {such as OLL D8}.
- lfs a sef of COM obecfs fo access1ng dafa souces, nof usf dafabase access.
- lf a11oWs a deve1ope fo W1fe pogams fhaf access dafa, W1fhouf knoW1ng hoW fhe
dafabase 1s 1mp1emenfed.
- 5qL commands ae nof equ1ed fo access a dafabase When us1ng ADO.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of ADO:
- lfs a h1gh-1eve1 dafa access pogamm1ng 1nfeface fo an unde1y1ng dafa access
fechno1ogy {such as OLL D8}.
- lfs a sef of COM obecfs fo access1ng dafa souces, nof usf dafabase access.
- lf a11oWs a deve1ope fo W1fe pogams fhaf access dafa, W1fhouf knoW1ng hoW fhe
dafabase 1s 1mp1emenfed.
- 5qL commands ae nof equ1ed fo access a dafabase When us1ng ADO.
a. lncoecf. A1fhough a11 of fhe ansWes ae 1sks of an 1nadequafe sysfems
deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e mefhodo1ogy, fhe f1sf and mosf devasfaf1ng 1s fhaf fhe neW
sysfem W111 nof meef bus1ness and use needs and equ1emenfs.
b. lncoecf. A1fhough a11 of fhe ansWes ae 1sks of an 1nadequafe sysfems
deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e mefhodo1ogy, fhe f1sf and mosf devasfaf1ng 1s fhaf fhe neW
sysfem W111 nof meef bus1ness and use needs and equ1emenfs.
c. lncoecf. A1fhough a11 of fhe ansWes ae 1sks of an 1nadequafe sysfems
deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e mefhodo1ogy, fhe f1sf and mosf devasfaf1ng 1s fhaf fhe neW
sysfem W111 nof meef bus1ness and use needs and equ1emenfs.
d. Coecf. A1fhough a11 of fhe ansWes ae 1sks of an 1nadequafe sysfems
deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e mefhodo1ogy, fhe f1sf and mosf devasfaf1ng 1s fhaf fhe neW
sysfem W111 nof meef bus1ness and use needs and equ1emenfs.
a. lncoecf. A 1oan hose 1s pogam code fhaf can acf W1fhouf fhe expess
knoW1edge of fhe use, offen h1dden 1ns1de 1eg1f1mafe-1ook1ng soffWae.
b. lncoecf. A 1oan hose 1s pogam code fhaf can acf W1fhouf fhe expess
knoW1edge of fhe use, offen h1dden 1ns1de 1eg1f1mafe-1ook1ng soffWae.
c. Coecf. A 1oan hose 1s pogam code fhaf can acf W1fhouf fhe expess
knoW1edge of fhe use, offen h1dden 1ns1de 1eg1f1mafe-1ook1ng soffWae.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. A 1oan hose 1s pogam code fhaf can acf W1fhouf fhe expess
knoW1edge of fhe use, offen h1dden 1ns1de 1eg1f1mafe-1ook1ng soffWae.
a. Coecf. Pofofype sysfems can pov1de s1gn1f1canf f1me and cosf sav1ngs.
b. lncoecf. Pofofype sysfems can pov1de s1gn1f1canf f1me and cosf sav1ngs
c. lncoecf. Pofofype sysfems can pov1de s1gn1f1canf f1me and cosf sav1ngs
d. lncoecf. Pofofype sysfems can pov1de s1gn1f1canf f1me and cosf sav1ngs
a. Coecf. 1he numbe of oWs 1n fhe e1af1on 1s efeed fo as fhe cad1na11fy
and fhe numbe of co1umns 1s fhe degee.
b. lncoecf. 1he numbe of oWs 1n fhe e1af1on 1s efeed fo as fhe cad1na11fy
and fhe numbe of co1umns 1s fhe degee.
c. lncoecf. 1he numbe of oWs 1n fhe e1af1on 1s efeed fo as fhe cad1na11fy
and fhe numbe of co1umns 1s fhe degee.
d. lncoecf. 1he numbe of oWs 1n fhe e1af1on 1s efeed fo as fhe cad1na11fy
and fhe numbe of co1umns 1s fhe degee.
a. lncoecf. 1he schema of a dafabase sysfem 1s 1fs sfucfue desc1bed 1n a
foma1 1anguage suppofed by fhe dafabase managemenf sysfem {D8M5}. ln a e1af1ona1
dafabase, fhe schema def1nes fhe fab1es, fhe f1e1ds, e1af1onsh1ps, v1eWs, 1ndexes,
packages, pocedues, funcf1ons, queues, f1gges, fypes, sequences, mafe1a11zed
v1eWs, synonyms, dafabase 11nks, d1ecfo1es, Java, XML schemas, and ofhe e1emenfs.
5chemas ae genea11y sfoed 1n a dafa d1cf1onay.
b. lncoecf. 1he schema of a dafabase sysfem 1s 1fs sfucfue desc1bed 1n a
foma1 1anguage suppofed by fhe dafabase managemenf sysfem {D8M5}. ln a e1af1ona1
dafabase, fhe schema def1nes fhe fab1es, fhe f1e1ds, e1af1onsh1ps, v1eWs, 1ndexes,
packages, pocedues, funcf1ons, queues, f1gges, fypes, sequences, mafe1a11zed
v1eWs, synonyms, dafabase 11nks, d1ecfo1es, Java, XML schemas, and ofhe e1emenfs.
5chemas ae genea11y sfoed 1n a dafa d1cf1onay.
c. Coecf. 1he schema of a dafabase sysfem 1s 1fs sfucfue desc1bed 1n a foma1
1anguage suppofed by fhe dafabase managemenf sysfem {D8M5}. ln a e1af1ona1
dafabase, fhe schema def1nes fhe fab1es, fhe f1e1ds, e1af1onsh1ps, v1eWs, 1ndexes,
packages, pocedues, funcf1ons, queues, f1gges, fypes, sequences, mafe1a11zed
v1eWs, synonyms, dafabase 11nks, d1ecfo1es, Java, XML schemas, and ofhe e1emenfs.
5chemas ae genea11y sfoed 1n a dafa d1cf1onay.
d. lncoecf. 1he schema of a dafabase sysfem 1s 1fs sfucfue desc1bed 1n a
foma1 1anguage suppofed by fhe dafabase managemenf sysfem {D8M5}. ln a e1af1ona1
dafabase, fhe schema def1nes fhe fab1es, fhe f1e1ds, e1af1onsh1ps, v1eWs, 1ndexes,
packages, pocedues, funcf1ons, queues, f1gges, fypes, sequences, mafe1a11zed
v1eWs, synonyms, dafabase 11nks, d1ecfo1es, Java, XML schemas, and ofhe e1emenfs.
5chemas ae genea11y sfoed 1n a dafa d1cf1onay.
a. lncoecf. 1he 5offWae Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 {CMM} feafues f1ve mafu1fy
1eve1s fhaf seve as a foundaf1on fo conducf1ng conf1nuous pocess 1mpovemenf and
as an od1na1 sca1e fo measu1ng fhe mafu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on 1nvo1ved 1n fhe
soffWae pocesses.
b. lncoecf. 1he 5offWae Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 {CMM} feafues f1ve mafu1fy
1eve1s fhaf seve as a foundaf1on fo conducf1ng conf1nuous pocess 1mpovemenf and
as an od1na1 sca1e fo measu1ng fhe mafu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on 1nvo1ved 1n fhe
soffWae pocesses.
c. Coecf. 1he 5offWae Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 {CMM} feafues f1ve mafu1fy
1eve1s fhaf seve as a foundaf1on fo conducf1ng conf1nuous pocess 1mpovemenf and
as an od1na1 sca1e fo measu1ng fhe mafu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on 1nvo1ved 1n fhe
soffWae pocesses.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5offWae Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 {CMM} feafues f1ve mafu1fy
1eve1s fhaf seve as a foundaf1on fo conducf1ng conf1nuous pocess 1mpovemenf and
as an od1na1 sca1e fo measu1ng fhe mafu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on 1nvo1ved 1n fhe
soffWae pocesses.
Page 16
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he besf pogamm1ng uses fhe mosf cohes1ve modu1es poss1b1e, buf
because d1ffeenf modu1es need fo pass dafa and commun1cafe, fhey usua11y cannof be
fofa11y cohes1ve. 1he 1oWe fhe coup11ng, fhe beffe fhe soffWae des1gn, because 1f
pomofes modu1e 1ndependence.
b. lncoecf. 1he besf pogamm1ng uses fhe mosf cohes1ve modu1es poss1b1e, buf
because d1ffeenf modu1es need fo pass dafa and commun1cafe, fhey usua11y cannof be
fofa11y cohes1ve. 1he 1oWe fhe coup11ng, fhe beffe fhe soffWae des1gn, because 1f
pomofes modu1e 1ndependence.
c. Coecf. 1he besf pogamm1ng uses fhe mosf cohes1ve modu1es poss1b1e, buf
because d1ffeenf modu1es need fo pass dafa and commun1cafe, fhey usua11y cannof be
fofa11y cohes1ve. 1he 1oWe fhe coup11ng, fhe beffe fhe soffWae des1gn, because 1f
pomofes modu1e 1ndependence.
d. lncoecf. 1he besf pogamm1ng uses fhe mosf cohes1ve modu1es poss1b1e, buf
because d1ffeenf modu1es need fo pass dafa and commun1cafe, fhey usua11y cannof be
fofa11y cohes1ve. 1he 1oWe fhe coup11ng, fhe beffe fhe soffWae des1gn, because 1f
pomofes modu1e 1ndependence.
a. lncoecf. kegess1on fesf1ng 1s fhe ve1f1caf1on fhaf Whaf 1s be1ng 1nsfa11ed
does nof affecf any pof1on of fhe app11caf1on sysfem a1eady 1nsfa11ed. kegess1on
fesf1ng 1s any fype of soffWae fesf1ng fhaf seeks fo uncove soffWae eos by
paf1a11y efesf1ng a mod1f1ed pogam. 1he 1nfenf of egess1on fesf1ng 1s fo
pov1de a genea1 assuance fhaf no add1f1ona1 eos Wee 1nfoduced 1n fhe pocess
of f1x1ng ofhe pob1ems.
b. lncoecf. kegess1on fesf1ng 1s fhe ve1f1caf1on fhaf Whaf 1s be1ng 1nsfa11ed
does nof affecf any pof1on of fhe app11caf1on sysfem a1eady 1nsfa11ed. kegess1on
fesf1ng 1s any fype of soffWae fesf1ng fhaf seeks fo uncove soffWae eos by
paf1a11y efesf1ng a mod1f1ed pogam. 1he 1nfenf of egess1on fesf1ng 1s fo
pov1de a genea1 assuance fhaf no add1f1ona1 eos Wee 1nfoduced 1n fhe pocess
of f1x1ng ofhe pob1ems.
c. Coecf. kegess1on fesf1ng 1s fhe ve1f1caf1on fhaf Whaf 1s be1ng 1nsfa11ed
does nof affecf any pof1on of fhe app11caf1on sysfem a1eady 1nsfa11ed. kegess1on
fesf1ng 1s any fype of soffWae fesf1ng fhaf seeks fo uncove soffWae eos by
paf1a11y efesf1ng a mod1f1ed pogam. 1he 1nfenf of egess1on fesf1ng 1s fo
pov1de a genea1 assuance fhaf no add1f1ona1 eos Wee 1nfoduced 1n fhe pocess
of f1x1ng ofhe pob1ems.
d. lncoecf. kegess1on fesf1ng 1s fhe ve1f1caf1on fhaf Whaf 1s be1ng 1nsfa11ed
does nof affecf any pof1on of fhe app11caf1on sysfem a1eady 1nsfa11ed. kegess1on
fesf1ng 1s any fype of soffWae fesf1ng fhaf seeks fo uncove soffWae eos by
paf1a11y efesf1ng a mod1f1ed pogam. 1he 1nfenf of egess1on fesf1ng 1s fo
pov1de a genea1 assuance fhaf no add1f1ona1 eos Wee 1nfoduced 1n fhe pocess
of f1x1ng ofhe pob1ems.
a. lncoecf. un1f fesf1ng {fhe fesf1ng of an 1nd1v1dua1 pogam o modu1e} 1s
pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff du1ng fhe deve1opmenf phase. 1he ofhe fasks shou1d
nof be pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff.
b. lncoecf. un1f fesf1ng {fhe fesf1ng of an 1nd1v1dua1 pogam o modu1e} 1s
pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff du1ng fhe deve1opmenf phase. 1he ofhe fasks shou1d
nof be pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff.
c. Coecf. un1f fesf1ng {fhe fesf1ng of an 1nd1v1dua1 pogam o modu1e} 1s
pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff du1ng fhe deve1opmenf phase. 1he ofhe fasks shou1d
nof be pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff.
d. lncoecf. un1f fesf1ng {fhe fesf1ng of an 1nd1v1dua1 pogam o modu1e} 1s
pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff du1ng fhe deve1opmenf phase. 1he ofhe fasks shou1d
nof be pefomed by deve1opmenf sfaff.
a. lncoecf. A dafa d1cf1onay, o a mefadafa epos1foy, 1s a cenfa11zed
epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng, e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa,
o1g1n, usage, and fomaf. lf 1s a foo1 used fo cenfa11y manage pafs of a dafabase
by confo111ng fhe mefadafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
b. Coecf. A dafa d1cf1onay, o a mefadafa epos1foy, 1s a cenfa11zed
epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng, e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa,
o1g1n, usage, and fomaf. lf 1s a foo1 used fo cenfa11y manage pafs of a dafabase
by confo111ng fhe mefadafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
c. lncoecf. A dafa d1cf1onay, o a mefadafa epos1foy, 1s a cenfa11zed
epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng, e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa,
o1g1n, usage, and fomaf. lf 1s a foo1 used fo cenfa11y manage pafs of a dafabase
by confo111ng fhe mefadafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
d. lncoecf. A dafa d1cf1onay, o a mefadafa epos1foy, 1s a cenfa11zed
epos1foy of 1nfomaf1on abouf dafa such as mean1ng, e1af1onsh1ps fo ofhe dafa,
o1g1n, usage, and fomaf. lf 1s a foo1 used fo cenfa11y manage pafs of a dafabase
by confo111ng fhe mefadafa W1fh1n fhe dafabase.
a. lncoecf. 1he fesf p1an and esu1fs shou1d a1Ways be efa1ned as paf of fhe
sysfem`s pemanenf documenfaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he fesf p1an and esu1fs shou1d a1Ways be efa1ned as paf of fhe
sysfem`s pemanenf documenfaf1on.
c. Coecf. 1he fesf p1an and esu1fs shou1d a1Ways be efa1ned as paf of fhe
sysfem`s pemanenf documenfaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he fesf p1an and esu1fs shou1d a1Ways be efa1ned as paf of fhe
sysfem`s pemanenf documenfaf1on.
a. lncoecf. lnfepefes fans1afe one command af a f1me du1ng execuf1on, as
opposed fo comp11es and assemb1es Whee souce code fo fhe Who1e app11caf1on 1s
fansfomed fo execufab1e code befoe be1ng execufed.
b. Coecf. lnfepefes fans1afe one command af a f1me du1ng execuf1on, as
opposed fo comp11es and assemb1es Whee souce code fo fhe Who1e app11caf1on 1s
fansfomed fo execufab1e code befoe be1ng execufed.
c. lncoecf. lnfepefes fans1afe one command af a f1me du1ng execuf1on, as
opposed fo comp11es and assemb1es Whee souce code fo fhe Who1e app11caf1on 1s
fansfomed fo execufab1e code befoe be1ng execufed.
d. lncoecf. lnfepefes fans1afe one command af a f1me du1ng execuf1on, as
opposed fo comp11es and assemb1es Whee souce code fo fhe Who1e app11caf1on 1s
fansfomed fo execufab1e code befoe be1ng execufed.
a. Coecf. As def1ned by fhe Aqua 8ook, a pseudo f1aW 1s an appaenf 1oopho1e
de11beafe1y 1mp1anfed 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem pogam as a fap fo 1nfudes.
b. lncoecf. As def1ned by fhe Aqua 8ook, a pseudo f1aW 1s an appaenf 1oopho1e
de11beafe1y 1mp1anfed 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem pogam as a fap fo 1nfudes.
c. lncoecf. As def1ned by fhe Aqua 8ook, a pseudo f1aW 1s an appaenf 1oopho1e
de11beafe1y 1mp1anfed 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem pogam as a fap fo 1nfudes.
d. lncoecf. As def1ned by fhe Aqua 8ook, a pseudo f1aW 1s an appaenf 1oopho1e
de11beafe1y 1mp1anfed 1n an opeaf1ng sysfem pogam as a fap fo 1nfudes.
a. Coecf. OOD8 has fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of ease of eus1ng code and ana1ys1s,
educed ma1nfenance, and an eas1e fans1f1on fom ana1ys1s of fhe pob1em fo des1gn
and 1mp1emenfaf1on.
b. lncoecf. OOD8 has fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of ease of eus1ng code and ana1ys1s,
educed ma1nfenance, and an eas1e fans1f1on fom ana1ys1s of fhe pob1em fo des1gn
and 1mp1emenfaf1on.
c. lncoecf. OOD8 has fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of ease of eus1ng code and ana1ys1s,
educed ma1nfenance, and an eas1e fans1f1on fom ana1ys1s of fhe pob1em fo des1gn
and 1mp1emenfaf1on.
d. lncoecf. OOD8 has fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of ease of eus1ng code and ana1ys1s,
educed ma1nfenance, and an eas1e fans1f1on fom ana1ys1s of fhe pob1em fo des1gn
and 1mp1emenfaf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1he p1may key 1s an 1denf1f1e of a oW and 1s used fo 1ndex1ng 1n
Page 1
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
e1af1ona1 dafabases. Lach oW musf have a un1que p1may key fo pope1y epesenf
fhe oW as one enf1fy. When a use makes a equesf fo v1eW a ecod, fhe dafabase
facks fh1s ecod by 1fs un1que p1may key.
b. Coecf. 1he p1may key 1s an 1denf1f1e of a oW and 1s used fo 1ndex1ng 1n
e1af1ona1 dafabases. Lach oW musf have a un1que p1may key fo pope1y epesenf
fhe oW as one enf1fy. When a use makes a equesf fo v1eW a ecod, fhe dafabase
facks fh1s ecod by 1fs un1que p1may key.
c. lncoecf. 1he p1may key 1s an 1denf1f1e of a oW and 1s used fo 1ndex1ng 1n
e1af1ona1 dafabases. Lach oW musf have a un1que p1may key fo pope1y epesenf
fhe oW as one enf1fy. When a use makes a equesf fo v1eW a ecod, fhe dafabase
facks fh1s ecod by 1fs un1que p1may key.
d. lncoecf. 1he p1may key 1s an 1denf1f1e of a oW and 1s used fo 1ndex1ng 1n
e1af1ona1 dafabases. Lach oW musf have a un1que p1may key fo pope1y epesenf
fhe oW as one enf1fy. When a use makes a equesf fo v1eW a ecod, fhe dafabase
facks fh1s ecod by 1fs un1que p1may key.
a. Coecf. Ioe1gn key fo p1may key mafches ae 1mpofanf because fhey epesenf
efeences fom one e1af1on fo anofhe and esfab11sh fhe connecf1ons among fhese
e1af1ons. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may key 1n
anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem, fh1s
aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key.
b. lncoecf. Ioe1gn key fo p1may key mafches ae 1mpofanf because fhey
epesenf efeences fom one e1af1on fo anofhe and esfab11sh fhe connecf1ons
among fhese e1af1ons. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may
key 1n anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem,
fh1s aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key.
c. lncoecf. Ioe1gn key fo p1may key mafches ae 1mpofanf because fhey
epesenf efeences fom one e1af1on fo anofhe and esfab11sh fhe connecf1ons
among fhese e1af1ons. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may
key 1n anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem,
fh1s aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key.
d. lncoecf. Ioe1gn key fo p1may key mafches ae 1mpofanf because fhey
epesenf efeences fom one e1af1on fo anofhe and esfab11sh fhe connecf1ons
among fhese e1af1ons. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may
key 1n anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem,
fh1s aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key.
a. lncoecf. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may key 1n
anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem, fh1s
aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key. 1h1s foe1gn key 1s nof necessa11y fhe
p1may key 1n 1fs cuenf fab1e. lf on1y has fo confa1n fhe same 1nfomaf1on fhaf
1s he1d 1n anofhe fab1es p1may key and be mapped fo fhe p1may key 1n fh1s
ofhe fab1e.
b. lncoecf. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may key 1n
anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem, fh1s
aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key. 1h1s foe1gn key 1s nof necessa11y fhe
p1may key 1n 1fs cuenf fab1e. lf on1y has fo confa1n fhe same 1nfomaf1on fhaf
1s he1d 1n anofhe fab1es p1may key and be mapped fo fhe p1may key 1n fh1s
ofhe fab1e.
c. Coecf. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may key 1n
anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem, fh1s
aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key. 1h1s foe1gn key 1s nof necessa11y fhe
p1may key 1n 1fs cuenf fab1e. lf on1y has fo confa1n fhe same 1nfomaf1on fhaf
1s he1d 1n anofhe fab1es p1may key and be mapped fo fhe p1may key 1n fh1s
ofhe fab1e.
d. lncoecf. lf an aff1bufe 1n one fab1e has a va1ue mafch1ng fhe p1may key 1n
anofhe fab1e and fhee 1s a e1af1onsh1p sef up befWeen fhe fWo of fhem, fh1s
aff1bufe 1s cons1deed a foe1gn key. 1h1s foe1gn key 1s nof necessa11y fhe
p1may key 1n 1fs cuenf fab1e. lf on1y has fo confa1n fhe same 1nfomaf1on fhaf
1s he1d 1n anofhe fab1es p1may key and be mapped fo fhe p1may key 1n fh1s
ofhe fab1e.
Page 19
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. lf confo1s ae nof 1n p1ace, fWo uses can access and mod1fy fhe
same dafa af fhe same f1me, Wh1ch can be def1menfa1 fo a dynam1c env1onmenf. 1o
ensue fhaf concuency 1ssues do nof cause pob1ems, pocesses can 1ock fab1es
W1fh1n a dafabase, make changes, and fhen e1ease fhe soffWae 1ock. 1he nexf
pocess fhaf accesses fhe fab1e W111 fhen have fhe updafed 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. lf confo1s ae nof 1n p1ace, fWo uses can access and mod1fy fhe
same dafa af fhe same f1me, Wh1ch can be def1menfa1 fo a dynam1c env1onmenf. 1o
ensue fhaf concuency 1ssues do nof cause pob1ems, pocesses can 1ock fab1es
W1fh1n a dafabase, make changes, and fhen e1ease fhe soffWae 1ock. 1he nexf
pocess fhaf accesses fhe fab1e W111 fhen have fhe updafed 1nfomaf1on.
c. Coecf. lf confo1s ae nof 1n p1ace, fWo uses can access and mod1fy fhe same
dafa af fhe same f1me, Wh1ch can be def1menfa1 fo a dynam1c env1onmenf. 1o ensue
fhaf concuency 1ssues do nof cause pob1ems, pocesses can 1ock fab1es W1fh1n a
dafabase, make changes, and fhen e1ease fhe soffWae 1ock. 1he nexf pocess fhaf
accesses fhe fab1e W111 fhen have fhe updafed 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf. lf confo1s ae nof 1n p1ace, fWo uses can access and mod1fy fhe
same dafa af fhe same f1me, Wh1ch can be def1menfa1 fo a dynam1c env1onmenf. 1o
ensue fhaf concuency 1ssues do nof cause pob1ems, pocesses can 1ock fab1es
W1fh1n a dafabase, make changes, and fhen e1ease fhe soffWae 1ock. 1he nexf
pocess fhaf accesses fhe fab1e W111 fhen have fhe updafed 1nfomaf1on.
a. Coecf. A semanf1c 1nfeg1fy mechan1sm makes sue sfucfua1 and semanf1c u1es
ae enfoced. 1hese u1es pefa1n fo dafa fypes, 1og1ca1 va1ues, un1queness
consfa1nfs, and opeaf1ons fhaf cou1d advese1y affecf fhe sfucfue of fhe
dafabase. A dafabase has efeenf1a1 1nfeg1fy 1f a11 foe1gn keys efeence
ex1sf1ng p1may keys. 1hee shou1d be a mechan1sm 1n p1ace fhaf ensues no foe1gn
key confa1ns a efeence fo a p1may key of a nonex1sf1ng ecod, o a nu11 va1ue.
Lnf1fy 1nfeg1fy guaanfees fhaf fhe fup1es ae un1que1y 1denf1f1ed by p1may key
va1ues. Io fhe sake of enf1fy 1nfeg1fy, evey fup1e musf confa1n one p1may key.
lf 1f does nof have a p1may key, 1f cannof be efeenced by fhe dafabase.
b. lncoecf. A semanf1c 1nfeg1fy mechan1sm makes sue sfucfua1 and semanf1c
u1es ae enfoced. 1hese u1es pefa1n fo dafa fypes, 1og1ca1 va1ues, un1queness
consfa1nfs, and opeaf1ons fhaf cou1d advese1y affecf fhe sfucfue of fhe
dafabase. A dafabase has efeenf1a1 1nfeg1fy 1f a11 foe1gn keys efeence
ex1sf1ng p1may keys. 1hee shou1d be a mechan1sm 1n p1ace fhaf ensues no foe1gn
key confa1ns a efeence fo a p1may key of a nonex1sf1ng ecod, o a nu11 va1ue.
Lnf1fy 1nfeg1fy guaanfees fhaf fhe fup1es ae un1que1y 1denf1f1ed by p1may key
va1ues. Io fhe sake of enf1fy 1nfeg1fy, evey fup1e musf confa1n one p1may key.
lf 1f does nof have a p1may key, 1f cannof be efeenced by fhe dafabase.
c. lncoecf. A semanf1c 1nfeg1fy mechan1sm makes sue sfucfua1 and semanf1c
u1es ae enfoced. 1hese u1es pefa1n fo dafa fypes, 1og1ca1 va1ues, un1queness
consfa1nfs, and opeaf1ons fhaf cou1d advese1y affecf fhe sfucfue of fhe
dafabase. A dafabase has efeenf1a1 1nfeg1fy 1f a11 foe1gn keys efeence
ex1sf1ng p1may keys. 1hee shou1d be a mechan1sm 1n p1ace fhaf ensues no foe1gn
key confa1ns a efeence fo a p1may key of a nonex1sf1ng ecod, o a nu11 va1ue.
Lnf1fy 1nfeg1fy guaanfees fhaf fhe fup1es ae un1que1y 1denf1f1ed by p1may key
va1ues. Io fhe sake of enf1fy 1nfeg1fy, evey fup1e musf confa1n one p1may key.
lf 1f does nof have a p1may key, 1f cannof be efeenced by fhe dafabase.
d. lncoecf. A semanf1c 1nfeg1fy mechan1sm makes sue sfucfua1 and semanf1c
u1es ae enfoced. 1hese u1es pefa1n fo dafa fypes, 1og1ca1 va1ues, un1queness
consfa1nfs, and opeaf1ons fhaf cou1d advese1y affecf fhe sfucfue of fhe
dafabase. A dafabase has efeenf1a1 1nfeg1fy 1f a11 foe1gn keys efeence
ex1sf1ng p1may keys. 1hee shou1d be a mechan1sm 1n p1ace fhaf ensues no foe1gn
key confa1ns a efeence fo a p1may key of a nonex1sf1ng ecod, o a nu11 va1ue.
Lnf1fy 1nfeg1fy guaanfees fhaf fhe fup1es ae un1que1y 1denf1f1ed by p1may key
va1ues. Io fhe sake of enf1fy 1nfeg1fy, evey fup1e musf confa1n one p1may key.
lf 1f does nof have a p1may key, 1f cannof be efeenced by fhe dafabase.
a. lncoecf. 1he o11back 1s an opeaf1on fhaf ends a cuenf fansacf1on and
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
cance1s fhe cuenf changes fo fhe dafabase. 1hese changes cou1d have faken p1ace
W1fh fhe dafa 1fse1f o W1fh schema changes fhaf Wee fyped 1n. When a o11back
opeaf1on 1s execufed, fhe changes ae cance11ed, and fhe dafabase efuns fo 1fs
pev1ous sfafe. A o11back can fake p1ace 1f fhe dafabase has some fype of
unexpecfed g11fch o 1f oufs1de enf1f1es d1supf 1fs pocess1ng sequence. lnsfead of
fansm1ff1ng and posf1ng paf1a1 o coupf 1nfomaf1on, fhe dafabase W111 o11 back
fo 1fs o1g1na1 sfafe and 1og fhese eos and acf1ons so fhey can be ev1eWed
b. Coecf. 1he o11back 1s an opeaf1on fhaf ends a cuenf fansacf1on and
cance1s fhe cuenf changes fo fhe dafabase. 1hese changes cou1d have faken p1ace
W1fh fhe dafa 1fse1f o W1fh schema changes fhaf Wee fyped 1n. When a o11back
opeaf1on 1s execufed, fhe changes ae cance11ed, and fhe dafabase efuns fo 1fs
pev1ous sfafe. A o11back can fake p1ace 1f fhe dafabase has some fype of
unexpecfed g11fch o 1f oufs1de enf1f1es d1supf 1fs pocess1ng sequence. lnsfead of
fansm1ff1ng and posf1ng paf1a1 o coupf 1nfomaf1on, fhe dafabase W111 o11 back
fo 1fs o1g1na1 sfafe and 1og fhese eos and acf1ons so fhey can be ev1eWed
c. lncoecf. 1he o11back 1s an opeaf1on fhaf ends a cuenf fansacf1on and
cance1s fhe cuenf changes fo fhe dafabase. 1hese changes cou1d have faken p1ace
W1fh fhe dafa 1fse1f o W1fh schema changes fhaf Wee fyped 1n. When a o11back
opeaf1on 1s execufed, fhe changes ae cance11ed, and fhe dafabase efuns fo 1fs
pev1ous sfafe. A o11back can fake p1ace 1f fhe dafabase has some fype of
unexpecfed g11fch o 1f oufs1de enf1f1es d1supf 1fs pocess1ng sequence. lnsfead of
fansm1ff1ng and posf1ng paf1a1 o coupf 1nfomaf1on, fhe dafabase W111 o11 back
fo 1fs o1g1na1 sfafe and 1og fhese eos and acf1ons so fhey can be ev1eWed
d. lncoecf. 1he o11back 1s an opeaf1on fhaf ends a cuenf fansacf1on and
cance1s fhe cuenf changes fo fhe dafabase. 1hese changes cou1d have faken p1ace
W1fh fhe dafa 1fse1f o W1fh schema changes fhaf Wee fyped 1n. When a o11back
opeaf1on 1s execufed, fhe changes ae cance11ed, and fhe dafabase efuns fo 1fs
pev1ous sfafe. A o11back can fake p1ace 1f fhe dafabase has some fype of
unexpecfed g11fch o 1f oufs1de enf1f1es d1supf 1fs pocess1ng sequence. lnsfead of
fansm1ff1ng and posf1ng paf1a1 o coupf 1nfomaf1on, fhe dafabase W111 o11 back
fo 1fs o1g1na1 sfafe and 1og fhese eos and acf1ons so fhey can be ev1eWed
a. lncoecf. 1he comm1f opeaf1on comp1efes a fansacf1on and execufes a11 changes
usf made by fhe use. As 1fs name 1nd1cafes, once fhe comm1f command 1s execufed,
fhe changes ae comm1ffed and ef1ecfed 1n fhe dafabase. 1hese changes can be made
fo dafa o schema 1nfomaf1on. 8ecause fhese changes ae comm1ffed, fhey ae fhen
ava11ab1e fo a11 ofhe app11caf1ons and uses.
b. lncoecf. 1he comm1f opeaf1on comp1efes a fansacf1on and execufes a11 changes
usf made by fhe use. As 1fs name 1nd1cafes, once fhe comm1f command 1s execufed,
fhe changes ae comm1ffed and ef1ecfed 1n fhe dafabase. 1hese changes can be made
fo dafa o schema 1nfomaf1on. 8ecause fhese changes ae comm1ffed, fhey ae fhen
ava11ab1e fo a11 ofhe app11caf1ons and uses.
c. Coecf. 1he comm1f opeaf1on comp1efes a fansacf1on and execufes a11 changes
usf made by fhe use. As 1fs name 1nd1cafes, once fhe comm1f command 1s execufed,
fhe changes ae comm1ffed and ef1ecfed 1n fhe dafabase. 1hese changes can be made
fo dafa o schema 1nfomaf1on. 8ecause fhese changes ae comm1ffed, fhey ae fhen
ava11ab1e fo a11 ofhe app11caf1ons and uses.
d. lncoecf. 1he comm1f opeaf1on comp1efes a fansacf1on and execufes a11 changes
usf made by fhe use. As 1fs name 1nd1cafes, once fhe comm1f command 1s execufed,
fhe changes ae comm1ffed and ef1ecfed 1n fhe dafabase. 1hese changes can be made
fo dafa o schema 1nfomaf1on. 8ecause fhese changes ae comm1ffed, fhey ae fhen
ava11ab1e fo a11 ofhe app11caf1ons and uses.
a. lncoecf. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng 1s des1gned fo ma1nfa1n a dafabase 1n a
knoWn, cons1sfenf sfafe, by ensu1ng fhaf any opeaf1ons ca1ed ouf on fhe sysfem
fhaf ae 1nfedependenf ae e1fhe a11 comp1efed successfu11y o a11 cance1ed
successfu11y. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng a11oWs mu1f1p1e 1nd1v1dua1 opeaf1ons fo be
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
11nked fogefhe aufomaf1ca11y as a s1ng1e, 1nd1v1s1b1e fansacf1on. 1he
fansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfem ensues fhaf e1fhe a11 opeaf1ons 1n a fansacf1on
ae comp1efed W1fhouf eo, o none of fhem ae.
b. Coecf. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng 1s des1gned fo ma1nfa1n a dafabase 1n a knoWn,
cons1sfenf sfafe, by ensu1ng fhaf any opeaf1ons ca1ed ouf on fhe sysfem fhaf ae
1nfedependenf ae e1fhe a11 comp1efed successfu11y o a11 cance1ed successfu11y.
1ansacf1on pocess1ng a11oWs mu1f1p1e 1nd1v1dua1 opeaf1ons fo be 11nked fogefhe
aufomaf1ca11y as a s1ng1e, 1nd1v1s1b1e fansacf1on. 1he fansacf1on-pocess1ng
sysfem ensues fhaf e1fhe a11 opeaf1ons 1n a fansacf1on ae comp1efed W1fhouf
eo, o none of fhem ae.
c. lncoecf. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng 1s des1gned fo ma1nfa1n a dafabase 1n a
knoWn, cons1sfenf sfafe, by ensu1ng fhaf any opeaf1ons ca1ed ouf on fhe sysfem
fhaf ae 1nfedependenf ae e1fhe a11 comp1efed successfu11y o a11 cance1ed
successfu11y. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng a11oWs mu1f1p1e 1nd1v1dua1 opeaf1ons fo be
11nked fogefhe aufomaf1ca11y as a s1ng1e, 1nd1v1s1b1e fansacf1on. 1he
fansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfem ensues fhaf e1fhe a11 opeaf1ons 1n a fansacf1on
ae comp1efed W1fhouf eo, o none of fhem ae.
d. lncoecf. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng 1s des1gned fo ma1nfa1n a dafabase 1n a
knoWn, cons1sfenf sfafe, by ensu1ng fhaf any opeaf1ons ca1ed ouf on fhe sysfem
fhaf ae 1nfedependenf ae e1fhe a11 comp1efed successfu11y o a11 cance1ed
successfu11y. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng a11oWs mu1f1p1e 1nd1v1dua1 opeaf1ons fo be
11nked fogefhe aufomaf1ca11y as a s1ng1e, 1nd1v1s1b1e fansacf1on. 1he
fansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfem ensues fhaf e1fhe a11 opeaf1ons 1n a fansacf1on
ae comp1efed W1fhouf eo, o none of fhem ae.
a. Coecf. Io examp1e, fansacf1on A may access pof1on X of fhe dafabase, and
fansacf1on 8 may access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase. lf, af fhaf po1nf, fansacf1on A
fhen f1es fo access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase Wh11e fansacf1on 8 f1es fo access
pof1on X, a dead1ock occus, and ne1fhe fansacf1on can move foWad.
1ansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfems ae des1gned fo defecf fhese dead1ocks When fhey
occu. 1yp1ca11y bofh fansacf1ons W111 be cance11ed and o11ed back, and fhen fhey
W111 be sfafed aga1n 1n a d1ffeenf ode, aufomaf1ca11y, so fhaf fhe dead1ock
doesnf occu aga1n. O somef1mes, usf one of fhe dead1ocked fansacf1ons W111 be
cance11ed, o11ed back, and aufomaf1ca11y e-sfafed affe a shof de1ay.
b. lncoecf. Io examp1e, fansacf1on A may access pof1on X of fhe dafabase, and
fansacf1on 8 may access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase. lf, af fhaf po1nf, fansacf1on A
fhen f1es fo access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase Wh11e fansacf1on 8 f1es fo access
pof1on X, a dead1ock occus, and ne1fhe fansacf1on can move foWad.
1ansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfems ae des1gned fo defecf fhese dead1ocks When fhey
occu. 1yp1ca11y bofh fansacf1ons W111 be cance11ed and o11ed back, and fhen fhey
W111 be sfafed aga1n 1n a d1ffeenf ode, aufomaf1ca11y, so fhaf fhe dead1ock
doesnf occu aga1n. O somef1mes, usf one of fhe dead1ocked fansacf1ons W111 be
cance11ed, o11ed back, and aufomaf1ca11y e-sfafed affe a shof de1ay.
c. lncoecf. Io examp1e, fansacf1on A may access pof1on X of fhe dafabase, and
fansacf1on 8 may access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase. lf, af fhaf po1nf, fansacf1on A
fhen f1es fo access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase Wh11e fansacf1on 8 f1es fo access
pof1on X, a dead1ock occus, and ne1fhe fansacf1on can move foWad.
1ansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfems ae des1gned fo defecf fhese dead1ocks When fhey
occu. 1yp1ca11y bofh fansacf1ons W111 be cance11ed and o11ed back, and fhen fhey
W111 be sfafed aga1n 1n a d1ffeenf ode, aufomaf1ca11y, so fhaf fhe dead1ock
doesnf occu aga1n. O somef1mes, usf one of fhe dead1ocked fansacf1ons W111 be
cance11ed, o11ed back, and aufomaf1ca11y e-sfafed affe a shof de1ay.
d. lncoecf. Io examp1e, fansacf1on A may access pof1on X of fhe dafabase, and
fansacf1on 8 may access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase. lf, af fhaf po1nf, fansacf1on A
fhen f1es fo access pof1on Y of fhe dafabase Wh11e fansacf1on 8 f1es fo access
pof1on X, a dead1ock occus, and ne1fhe fansacf1on can move foWad.
1ansacf1on-pocess1ng sysfems ae des1gned fo defecf fhese dead1ocks When fhey
occu. 1yp1ca11y bofh fansacf1ons W111 be cance11ed and o11ed back, and fhen fhey
W111 be sfafed aga1n 1n a d1ffeenf ode, aufomaf1ca11y, so fhaf fhe dead1ock
doesnf occu aga1n. O somef1mes, usf one of fhe dead1ocked fansacf1ons W111 be
cance11ed, o11ed back, and aufomaf1ca11y e-sfafed affe a shof de1ay.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. Aggegaf1on 1s fhe acf of comb1n1ng 1nfomaf1on fom sepaafe
souces. 1he comb1naf1on of fhe dafa foms neW 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch fhe subecf does
nof have fhe necessay 1ghfs fo access. 1he comb1ned 1nfomaf1on has a sens1f1v1fy
fhaf 1s geafe fhan fhaf of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pafs. L1ndas emp1oyees cou1d have
1ghfs fo access dafa a 1oWe 1eve1s and have puf fh1s 1nfomaf1on fogefhe fo 1ean
abouf foop movemenfs.
b. lncoecf. Aggegaf1on 1s fhe acf of comb1n1ng 1nfomaf1on fom sepaafe
souces. 1he comb1naf1on of fhe dafa foms neW 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch fhe subecf does
nof have fhe necessay 1ghfs fo access. 1he comb1ned 1nfomaf1on has a sens1f1v1fy
fhaf 1s geafe fhan fhaf of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pafs. L1ndas emp1oyees cou1d have
1ghfs fo access dafa a 1oWe 1eve1s and have puf fh1s 1nfomaf1on fogefhe fo 1ean
abouf foop movemenfs.
c. Coecf. Aggegaf1on 1s fhe acf of comb1n1ng 1nfomaf1on fom sepaafe souces.
1he comb1naf1on of fhe dafa foms neW 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch fhe subecf does nof have
fhe necessay 1ghfs fo access. 1he comb1ned 1nfomaf1on has a sens1f1v1fy fhaf 1s
geafe fhan fhaf of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pafs. L1ndas emp1oyees cou1d have 1ghfs fo
access dafa a 1oWe 1eve1s and have puf fh1s 1nfomaf1on fogefhe fo 1ean abouf
foop movemenfs.
d. lncoecf. Aggegaf1on 1s fhe acf of comb1n1ng 1nfomaf1on fom sepaafe
souces. 1he comb1naf1on of fhe dafa foms neW 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch fhe subecf does
nof have fhe necessay 1ghfs fo access. 1he comb1ned 1nfomaf1on has a sens1f1v1fy
fhaf 1s geafe fhan fhaf of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pafs. L1ndas emp1oyees cou1d have
1ghfs fo access dafa a 1oWe 1eve1s and have puf fh1s 1nfomaf1on fogefhe fo 1ean
abouf foop movemenfs.
a. lncoecf. Ce11 suppess1on 1s a fechn1que used fo h1de spec1f1c ce11s fhaf
confa1n 1nfomaf1on fhaf cou1d be used 1n 1nfeence affacks. Paf1f1on1ng a dafabase
1nvo1ves d1v1d1ng fhe dafabase 1nfo d1ffeenf pafs, Wh1ch makes 1f much hade fo
an unaufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1 fo f1nd connecf1ng p1eces of dafa fhaf can be boughf
fogefhe and ofhe 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be deduced o uncoveed. No1se and
pefubaf1on 1s a fechn1que of 1nsef1ng bogus 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe hopes of
m1sd1ecf1ng an affacke o confus1ng fhe maffe enough fhaf fhe acfua1 affack W111
nof be fu1ffu1.
b. lncoecf. Ce11 suppess1on 1s a fechn1que used fo h1de spec1f1c ce11s fhaf
confa1n 1nfomaf1on fhaf cou1d be used 1n 1nfeence affacks. Paf1f1on1ng a dafabase
1nvo1ves d1v1d1ng fhe dafabase 1nfo d1ffeenf pafs, Wh1ch makes 1f much hade fo
an unaufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1 fo f1nd connecf1ng p1eces of dafa fhaf can be boughf
fogefhe and ofhe 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be deduced o uncoveed. No1se and
pefubaf1on 1s a fechn1que of 1nsef1ng bogus 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe hopes of
m1sd1ecf1ng an affacke o confus1ng fhe maffe enough fhaf fhe acfua1 affack W111
nof be fu1ffu1.
c. lncoecf. Ce11 suppess1on 1s a fechn1que used fo h1de spec1f1c ce11s fhaf
confa1n 1nfomaf1on fhaf cou1d be used 1n 1nfeence affacks. Paf1f1on1ng a dafabase
1nvo1ves d1v1d1ng fhe dafabase 1nfo d1ffeenf pafs, Wh1ch makes 1f much hade fo
an unaufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1 fo f1nd connecf1ng p1eces of dafa fhaf can be boughf
fogefhe and ofhe 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be deduced o uncoveed. No1se and
pefubaf1on 1s a fechn1que of 1nsef1ng bogus 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe hopes of
m1sd1ecf1ng an affacke o confus1ng fhe maffe enough fhaf fhe acfua1 affack W111
nof be fu1ffu1.
d. Coecf. Ce11 suppess1on 1s a fechn1que used fo h1de spec1f1c ce11s fhaf
confa1n 1nfomaf1on fhaf cou1d be used 1n 1nfeence affacks. Paf1f1on1ng a dafabase
1nvo1ves d1v1d1ng fhe dafabase 1nfo d1ffeenf pafs, Wh1ch makes 1f much hade fo
an unaufho1zed 1nd1v1dua1 fo f1nd connecf1ng p1eces of dafa fhaf can be boughf
fogefhe and ofhe 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be deduced o uncoveed. No1se and
pefubaf1on 1s a fechn1que of 1nsef1ng bogus 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe hopes of
m1sd1ecf1ng an affacke o confus1ng fhe maffe enough fhaf fhe acfua1 affack W111
nof be fu1ffu1.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
qu1z Name = App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3
1. lf a dafabase adm1n1sfafo Wanfs fo a11oW m1dd1e managemenf membes fo see fhe1
depafmenfs pof1fs and expenses buf nof shoW fhem fhe Who1e companys pof1fs,
Whaf can she 1mp1emenf?
a. ADO
c. v1eWs
d. D8M5
2. When bu11d1ng he dafabase, D1ane Wanfs fo make sue fhaf 1f uses af a 1oWe
c1eaance 1eve1 affempf fo 1nfeacf W1fh an obecf af a h1ghe c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1
fhaf he W111 nof be fo1d fhaf fhe obecf 1s off 11m1fs because of c1eaance and
c1ass1f1caf1on 1ssues. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf D1ane shou1d
a. Dafabase v1eWs
b. 1Wo-phase comm1f
c. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on
d. kedundancy
3. 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe defa11ed ves1ons of
obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe va1ab1es. lf 1s
offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
a. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on
b. Po1ymoph1sm
c. Po1yabsobf1on
d. Po1yobecf
4. kaf1e goes fo fhe bank and W1fhdaWs $6,500 fom he $10,000 check1ng accounf.
Dafabase A ece1ves fhe equesf and ecods a neW check1ng accounf ba1ance of
$3,500, buf dafabase 8 does nof gef updafed. lf sf111 shoWs a ba1ance of $10,000.
1hen, kaf1e makes a equesf fo check fhe ba1ance on he check1ng accounf, buf fhaf
equesf gefs senf fo dafabase 8, Wh1ch efuns 1naccuafe 1nfomaf1on because fhe
W1fhdaWa1 fansacf1on Was neve ca1ed ove fo fh1s dafabase. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf shou1d be enab1ed fo make sue fhaf fh1s fype of
s1fuaf1on does nof fake p1ace?
a. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on
b. 1Wo-phase comm1f
c. On-11ne fansacf1on pocess1ng
d. ko1ebacks
5. Dafabases can ecod fansacf1ons 1n ea1 f1me, Wh1ch usua11y updafes moe fhan
one dafabase 1n a d1sf1bufed env1onmenf. 1h1s fype of comp1ex1fy can 1nfoduce
many 1nfeg1fy fheafs, so fhe dafabase soffWae shou1d 1mp1emenf fhe
chaacfe1sf1cs of Whafs knoWn as fhe AClD fesf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae
1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe AClD fesf?
1. Afom1c1fy - D1v1des fansacf1ons 1nfo un1fs of Wok and ensues fhaf a11
mod1f1caf1ons fake effecf o none fakes effecf.
11. Cons1sfency - A fansacf1on musf fo11oW fhe 1nfeg1fy po11cy deve1oped fo fhaf
paf1cu1a dafabase and ensue a11 dafa ae cons1sfenf 1n fhe d1ffeenf dafabases.
111. lso1af1on - 1ansacf1ons execufe 1n 1so1af1on unf11 comp1efed, W1fhouf
1nfeacf1ng W1fh ofhe fansacf1ons.
1v. Duab111fy - Once fhe fansacf1on 1s ve1f1ed as 1naccuafe on a11 sysfems, 1f
1s comm1ffed, and fhe dafabases cannof be o11ed back.
a. 1
b. 11, 111
c. 1, 11, 111
d. 1v
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
6. Dan 1s fo1d by h1s manage fhaf fhe ogan1zaf1on needs e11ab1e, conso11dafed,
un1que and 1nfegafed ana1ys1s and epof1ng of 1fs dafa, af d1ffeenf 1eve1s of
aggegaf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf Dan needs fo 1mp1emenf?
a. Dafa mafs
b. Dafa Waehouses
c. Dafabases
d. Dafa obecfs
7. 5am uncoveed fhaf each f1me fhe1 cusfome, John 5m1fh moved, he had an
1nsuance c1a1m fWo fo fhee monfhs fo11oW1ng fhe move. he moved 1n 1967 and fWo
monfhs 1afe had a susp1c1ous f1e, fhen moved 1n 1973 and had a mofocyc1e sfo1en
fhee monfhs affe fhaf, and fhen moved aga1n 1n 194 and had a bug1a beak-1n fWo
monfhs affeWad. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf shou1d 5am 1mp1emenf fo
defecf fh1s fype of 1nsuance faud 1n fhe fufue?
a. Dafa mafs
b. Dafa m1n1ng
c. Dafa Waehouses
d. Dafa obecfs
. W1fh1n knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabase {kDD} fhee ae fhee ma1n appoaches fo
1denf1fy1ng paffens W1fh1n dafa sefs. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 11sfs fhese
a. C1ass1f1caf1on, pobab111sf1c, symmef1ca1
b. M1n1ng, pobab111sf1c, sfaf1sf1ca1
c. C1ass1f1caf1on, m1n1ng, sfaf1sf1ca1
d. C1ass1f1caf1on, pobab111sf1c, sfaf1sf1ca1
9. Poecf managemenf fo soffWae deve1opmenf has sevea1 phases. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 11sfs fhese phases 1n fhe coecf ode?
a. Poecf 1n1f1af1on, sysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons, funcf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and
p1ann1ng, soffWae deve1opmenf, 1nsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on,
opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance, d1sposa1
b. Poecf 1n1f1af1on, funcf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and p1ann1ng, sysfem des1gn
spec1f1caf1ons, soffWae deve1opmenf, 1nsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on,
opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance, d1sposa1
c. Poecf 1n1f1af1on, funcf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and p1ann1ng, soffWae
deve1opmenf, sysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons, 1nsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on,
opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance, d1sposa1
d. Poecf 1n1f1af1on, sysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons, funcf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and
p1ann1ng, soffWae deve1opmenf, opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance,
1nsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on, d1sposa1
10. 1odd 1s a neW manage af a med1ca1 equ1pmenf company. he 1s fo1d fhaf neW
app11caf1ons ae go1ng fo be puchased and fhaf he W111 be espons1b1e fo fhe1
funcf1ona11fy and secu1fy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf 1odd shou1d
make sue h1s feam ca1es ouf?
a. 1echn1ca1 ev1eW and cef1f1caf1on
b. Cef1f1caf1on and acced1faf1on
c. Acced1faf1on and fechn1ca1 ev1eW
d. Cef1f1caf1on and 1sk assessmenf
11. John 1s a manage of fhe app11caf1on deve1opmenf depafmenf W1fh1n h1s company.
he needs fo make sue h1s feam 1s cay1ng ouf a11 of fhe coecf fesf1ng fypes and
af fhe 1ghf f1mes of fhe deve1opmenf sfages. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng have fhe besf
desc1pf1ons of fhe fypes of soffWae fesf1ng fhaf shou1d be ca1ed ouf?
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
1. un1f fesf1ng lnd1v1dua1 componenf 1s 1n a confo11ed env1onmenf Whee
pogammes va11dafe dafa sfucfue, 1og1c, and bounday cond1f1ons.
11. lnfegaf1on fesf1ng - ve1fy1ng fhaf componenfs Wok fogefhe as ouf11ned 1n
des1gn spec1f1caf1ons.
111. Accepfance fesf1ng - Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe code meefs cusfome equ1emenfs.
1v. kegess1on fesf1ng - Affe a change fo a sysfem fakes p1ace, efesf1ng fo ensue
funcf1ona11fy, pefomance, and pofecf1on.
a. 1
b. 1,11,111
c. 1,11
d. 1,11,111,1v
12. 11m 1s a soffWae deve1ope fo a f1nanc1a1 1nsf1fuf1on. he deve1ops m1dd1eWae
soffWae code fhaf ca1es ouf h1s companys bus1ness 1og1c funcf1ons. One of fhe
app11caf1ons he Woks W1fh 1s W1ffen 1n fhe C pogamme 1anguage and seems fo be
fak1ng up foo much memoy as 1f uns ove a pe1od of f1me. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
besf desc1bes Whaf 11m needs fo 1ook af 1mp1emenf fo 1d fh1s soffWae of fh1s
fype of pob1em?
a. 8ounds check1ng
b. Gabage co11ecfo
c. Paamefe check1ng
d. Comp111ng
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe Nl51 pub11caf1on fhaf dea1s W1fh 5ysfem
Deve1opmenf L1fe Cyc1e?
a. 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-64
b. 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-90
c. 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-93
d. 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-73
14. 1hee ae many 5DLC mefhodo1og1es fhaf can be used by an ogan1zaf1on fo
effecf1ve1y deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem. A fad1f1ona1 5DLC, a 11nea sequenf1a1
mode1 {a1so knoWn as }, assumes fhaf fhe sysfem W111 be de11veed 1n 1fs
f1na1 sfages of fhe deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e. Anofhe 5DLC mefhod uses fhe ,
Wh1ch 1s offen used fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of sysfem equ1emenfs W1fhouf
acfua11y deve1op1ng a f1na1 opeaf1ona1 sysfem.
a. Wafefa11 mode1 and pofofype mode1
b. kap1d app11caf1on deve1opmenf mode1 and o1nf app11caf1on deve1opmenf mode1
c. lfeaf1ve Deve1opmenf mode1 and sfucfua1 mode1
d. Mod1f1ed Pofofype Mode1 and fhe sp1a1 mode1
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe second phase of fhe 5ysfem Deve1opmenf L1fe Cyc1e?
a. Deve1opmenf/acqu1s1f1on
b. lmp1emenfaf1on/assessmenf
c. Opeaf1ons/ma1nfenance
d. D1sposa1
16. Du1ng fh1s f1sf phase of fhe deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e, secu1fy cons1deaf1ons
ae key fo d111genf and ea1y 1nfegaf1on, fheeby ensu1ng fhaf fheafs,
equ1emenfs, and pofenf1a1 consfa1nfs 1n funcf1ona11fy and 1nfegaf1on ae
cons1deed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a componenf of fhe f1sf phase of fhe
deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e?
a. De11neaf1on of bus1ness equ1emenfs 1n fems of conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
b. Defem1naf1on of 1nfomaf1on cafego1zaf1on and 1denf1f1caf1on of knoWn spec1a1
hand11ng equ1emenfs fo fansm1f, sfoe, o ceafe 1nfomaf1on such as pesona11y
1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
c. Defem1naf1on of any p1vacy equ1emenfs
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
d. Conducf fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s
17. Mage has fo choose Wh1ch soffWae deve1opmenf mode1 he feam shou1d fo11oW. 1he
app11caf1on fhaf he feam 1s espons1b1e fo deve1op1ng 1s a c1f1ca1 app11caf1on
fhaf can have 11ff1e fo no eos. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe fype of
mode1 he feam shou1d fo11oW?
a. Jo1nf Ana1ys1s Deve1opmenf {JAD}
b. kap1d App11caf1on Deve1opmenf {kAD}
c. keuse Mode1
d. C1eanoom
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf 5DLC phase def1n1f1on?
1. ln1f1af1on. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem 1s des1gned, puchased, pogammed,
deve1oped, o ofheW1se consfucfed.
11. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf. Affe sysfem accepfance fesf1ng, fhe sysfem 1s
1nsfa11ed o f1e1ded.
111. Opeaf1on/Ma1nfenance. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem pefoms 1fs Wok. 1he
sysfem 1s a1mosf a1Ways mod1f1ed by fhe add1f1on of hadWae and soffWae and by
numeous ofhe evenfs.
1v. D1sposa1. Acf1v1f1es conducfed du1ng fh1s phase ensue fhe ode1y fem1naf1on
of fhe sysfem, safeguad1ng v1fa1 sysfem 1nfomaf1on, and m1gaf1ng dafa pocessed
by fhe sysfem fo a neW sysfem, o pesev1ng 1f 1n accodance W1fh app11cab1e
ecods managemenf egu1af1ons and po11c1es.
a. 11,111
b. 1
c. 1,11,111
d. 1v
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a componenf of fhe second phase of fhe 5DLC
a. Ana1yze funcf1ona1 equ1emenfs
b. Pefom funcf1ona1 and secu1fy fesf1ng
c. Pepae 1n1f1a1 documenfs fo sysfem cef1f1caf1on and acced1faf1on
d. Des1gn secu1fy ach1fecfue
20. 1nvo1ves fhe use of foo1s fo ceafe and manage soffWae. lf
1s a genea1 fem fo many fypes of foo1s used by pogammes, deve1opes, poecf
manages, and ana1ysfs fhaf he1p fhem make app11caf1on deve1opmenf fasfe and W1fh
feWe eos.
a. Gabage co11ecfo
b. CA5L
c. Paamefe check1ng
d. Ag11e Deve1opmenf
21. 1hee ae sevea1 appoaches fo soffWae deve1opmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has
an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
a. 5fucfued Pogamm1ng Deve1opmenf - A pogamm1ng mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1nvo1ves fhe
use of 1og1ca1 b1ocks fo ach1eve sysfem des1gn us1ng pocedua1 pogamm1ng.
b. lfeaf1ve Deve1opmenf - A mefhod fhaf fo11oWs a cyc11c appoach fo soffWae
c. Mod1f1ed Pofofype Mode1 {MPM} - A mefhod spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo confonf
cha11enges 1n Web app11caf1on deve1opmenf, fhe mod1f1ed pofofype mode1 a11oWs
deve1opes fo sW1ff1y fans1afe c11enf equ1emenfs 1nfo a d1sp1ayab1e poducf o
d. Lxp1oafoy Mode1 - A mefhod fhaf bu11ds upon fhe Wafefa11 mefhod W1fh an
emphas1s on 1sk ana1ys1s, pofofypes, and s1mu1af1ons af d1ffeenf phases of fhe
deve1opmenf cyc1e.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a benef1f of soffWae deve1opmenf pofofyp1ng?
a. he1ps fo de11ve fhe poducf 1n qua11fy eas11y
b. Ass1sfs fo 1denf1fy any pob1ems W1fh fhe eff1cacy of ea11e des1gn,
equ1emenfs ana1ys1s and cod1ng acf1v1f1es
c. lnceases sysfem deve1opmenf comp1ex1fy
d. he1ps fo ef1ne fhe pofenf1a1 1sks assoc1afed W1fh fhe de11vey of fhe sysfem
be1ng deve1oped
23. 1s a soffWae fesf1ng fechn1que fhaf pov1des 1nva11d, unexpecfed, o
andom dafa fo fhe 1npufs of a pogam.
a. Ag11e fesf1ng
b. 5fucfued fesf1ng
c. Iuzz1ng
d. LlCAk
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe fh1d sfep 1n change confo1?
a. Make a foma1 equesf fo a change.
b. Ana1yze fhe equesf.
c. kecod fhe change equesf.
d. 5ubm1f fhe change equesf fo appova1.
25. Jack 1s espons1b1e fo fhe acced1faf1on of app11caf1ons and sysfems W1fh1n h1s
depafmenf. he has been fo1d by one of h1s fechn1c1ans fhaf a sysfem has fo be
e-acced1fed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1be Why fh1s needs fo fake p1ace?
a. Changes fook p1ace
b. Cef1f1caf1on pocessed fa11ed
c. Acced1faf1on pocess fa11ed
d. 5ysfem Was compom1sed
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe second 1eve1 of fhe Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1?
a. kepeafab1e
b. Def1ned
c. Managed
d. Opf1m1z1ng
27. 1he Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 has f1ve d1ffeenf 1eve1s a soffWae deve1opmenf
company can ach1eve. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1mpope def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. ln1f1a1 - Deve1opmenf pocess 1s ad hoc o even chaof1c. 1he company does nof use
effecf1ve managemenf pocedues and p1ans. 1hee 1s no assuance of cons1sfency, and
qua11fy 1s unped1cfab1e.
11. kepeafab1e - A foma1 managemenf sfucfue, change confo1, and qua11fy
assuance ae 1n p1ace. 1he company can pope1y epeaf pocesses fhoughouf each
poecf. 1he company does nof have foma1 pocess mode1s def1ned.
111. Def1ned - 1he company has foma1 pocesses 1n p1ace fo co11ecf and ana1yze
qua11faf1ve dafa, and mef1cs ae def1ned and fed 1nfo fhe pocess-1mpovemenf
1v. Managed - Ioma1 pocedues ae 1n p1ace fhaf ouf11ne and def1ne pocesses
ca1ed ouf 1n each poecf. 1he ogan1zaf1on has a Way fo a11oW fo quanf1faf1ve
pocess 1mpovemenf
v. Opf1m1z1ng - 1he company has budgefed and 1nfegafed p1ans fo conf1nuous pocess
a. 1
b. 11,111
c. 111.1v
d. v
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
2. M1fch 1s a neW1y h1ed manage fo a company fhaf oufsouces 1fs app11caf1on
deve1opmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a pacf1ce fhaf he shou1d puf
1nfo p1ace?
a. Debugg1ng
b. Pofofyp1ng
c. Due d111gence
d. 5offWae escoW
29. 5offWae deve1opmenf pogamm1ng 1anguages have evo1ved ove f1me. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng does nof have fhe coecf mapp1ng?
1. Geneaf1on one: Mach1ne 1anguage
11. Geneaf1on fWo: Assemb1y 1anguage
111. Geneaf1on fhee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
1v. Geneaf1on fou: Nafua1 1anguage
v. Geneaf1on f1ve: vey-h1gh 1anguage
a. 1, 111
b. 11,1v
c. 1v,v
d. 11,111,1v
30. When an obecf 1s ceafed W1fh1n obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng, Whaf 1s fh1s
efeed fo?
a. Made
b. Deve1oped
c. lnsfanf1afed
d. Ceafed
31. 1hee ae sevea1 chaacfe1sf1cs of obecf o1enfed pogamm1ng {OOP}. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of OOP?
a. Log1ca1
b. Defeed comm1fmenf
c. keusab111fy
d. Nafua1ness
32. One of fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of obecf o1enfed pogamm1ng 1s defeed
comm1fmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf desc1pf1on fo fh1s chaacfe1sf1c?
a. Aufonomous obecfs, coopeaf1on fhough exchanges of messages.
b. 1he 1nfena1 componenfs of an obecf can be edef1ned W1fhouf chang1ng ofhe
pafs of fhe sysfem.
c. kef1n1ng c1asses fhough 1nhe1fance.
d. Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s, des1gn, and mode11ng maps fo bus1ness needs and
33. Pefa1n1ng fo obecf o1enfed pogamm1ng 1s pov1ded by
encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch pofecfs an obecfs p1vafe dafa fom oufs1de access. No
obecf shou1d be a11oWed fo, o have fhe need fo, access anofhe obecfs 1nfena1
dafa o pocesses.
a. Log1ca1
b. Defeed comm1fmenf
c. Dafa h1d1ng
d. Nafua1ness
34. Jane 1s sfudy1ng an app11caf1on he feam deve1oped. 5he needs fo make sue fhaf
fhe defa11s ae suppessed so she can undesfand a cuc1a1 paf of fhe app11caf1on.
Whaf concepf 1s fh1s efe1ng fo?
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
a. Dafa h1d1ng
b. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on
c. Absfacf1on
d. Po1ymoph1sm
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof desc1be benef1fs of us1ng obecf o1enfed
a. Pov1des funcf1ona1 dependence
b. Componenfs can be eused and comp1ex1fy 1s educed
c. A11oWs fo feWe m1sfakes, eas1e mod1f1caf1on, esouce eff1c1ency, and moe
f1me1y cod1ng fhan fhe c1ass1c 1nfomaf1on f1oW mode1s
d. Paa11e1 deve1opmenf can be done
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe ma1n use of po1ymoph1sm 1n obecf
o1enfed pogamm1ng?
a. Ab111fy of obecfs be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o
popefy ca11s of fhe same name, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe fype-spec1f1c
b. Ab111fy of c1asses be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o
popefy ca11s of fhe same name, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe fype-spec1f1c
c. Ab111fy of obecfs be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o
popefy ca11s of d1ffeenf names, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe
fype-spec1f1c behav1o.
d. Ab111fy of c1asses be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o
popefy ca11s of d1ffeenf names, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe
fype-spec1f1c behav1o.
37. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes obecf-o1enfed des1gn?
a. A epesenfaf1on of a ea1-Wo1d pob1em and maps 1f fo a soffWae so1uf1on
us1ng obecf o1enfed pogamm1ng.
b. 1he pocess of c1ass1fy1ng obecfs fhaf W111 be appop1afe fo a so1uf1on.
c. A pob1em 1s ana1yzed fo defem1ne fhe c1asses of obecfs fo be used 1n fhe
d. D1sconnecf1ng dafa obecfs and pocess1ng opeaf1ons.
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng senfences 1s 1ncoecf?
a. A fu11-sfucfued ana1ys1s appoach 1ooks af a11 obecfs and subecfs of an
app11caf1on and maps fhe 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, commun1caf1ons pafhs, and 1nhe1fance
b. Dafa mode11ng cons1des dafa 1ndependenf1y of fhe Way fhe dafa ae pocessed and
of fhe componenfs fhaf pocess fhe dafa.
c. A dafa sfucfue 1s a epesenfaf1on of fhe 1og1ca1 e1af1onsh1p befWeen
e1emenfs of dafa.
d. Dafa mode11ng d1cfafes fhe degee of assoc1af1on befWeen e1emenfs, mefhods of
access, pocess1ng a1fenaf1ves, and fhe ogan1zaf1on of dafa e1emenfs.
39. 5am ceafes a pogam fhaf has fhee d1ffeenf obecfs and each ece1ves fhe
1npuf "8ob." Obecf A Wou1d pocess fh1s 1npuf and poduce fhe oufpuf "43-yea-o1d
Wh1fe ma1e." Obecf 8 Wou1d ece1ve fhe 1npuf "8ob" and poduce fhe oufpuf "husband
of 5a11y." Obecf C Wou1d poduce fhe oufpuf of "Membe of use goup." Whaf
chaacfe1sf1c of obecf o1enfed pogamm1ng 1s fh1s 111usfaf1ng?
a. Defeed comm1fmenf
b. Ag111fy
c. Conf1nu1fy
d. Po1ymoph1sm
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
40. A modu1e W1fh ca1es ouf mu1f1p1e d1ffeenf fasks and 1nceases fhe
comp1ex1fy of fhe modu1e, Wh1ch makes 1f hade fo ma1nfa1n and euse.
a. h1gh cohes1on
b. LoW cohes1on
c. LoW coup11ng
d. h1gh coup11ng
41. Modu1es shou1d be se1f-confa1ned and pefom a s1ng1e 1og1ca1 funcf1on, Wh1ch 1s
. Modu1es shou1d nof dasf1ca11y affecf each ofhe, Wh1ch 1s .
a. h1gh cohes1on, 1oW coup11ng
b. LoW cohes1on, 1oW coup11ng
c. h1gh cohes1on, h1gh coup11ng
d. LoW cohes1on, h1gh coup11ng
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Common Obecf kequesf 8oke Ach1fecfue
a. A pop1efay obecf-o1enfed sfandad ach1fecfue deve1oped by fhe Obecf
Managemenf Goup {OMG}
b. Lnab1es an app11caf1on fo be usab1e W1fh many d1ffeenf fypes of COM obecfs
c. A mode1 fhaf pov1des sfandad1zed d1sf1bufed commun1caf1on capab111f1es
d. An open Java ach1fecfue deve1oped by fhe Obecf Managemenf Goup {OMG}
43. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe soffWae deve1opmenf Componenf Obecf
a. A mode1 fhaf a11oWs fo 1nfepocess commun1caf1on W1fh1n one app11caf1on o
befWeen app11caf1ons on fhe same compufe sysfem.
b. A mode1 Was ceafed by 5un and ouf11nes sfandad1zed APls, componenf nam1ng
schemes, and commun1caf1on sfandads.
c. A mode1 fhaf enab1es app11caf1ons fo access obecfs fhaf es1de 1n d1ffeenf
pafs of a nefWok.
d. A mode1 Was ceafed by M1cosoff and ouf11nes pop1efay APls, componenf nam1ng
schemes, and commun1caf1on sfandads.
44. John has fWo Web sev1ces on h1s W1ndoWs 200 seve. he needs h1s fhee ofhe
2000 seves fo be ab1e fo access fhese sev1ces and 1nfeacf W1fh fhem. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhaf pofoco1 fhaf 1s equ1ed fo fh1s?
a. XML
b. h11P5
c. I1P
d. 5OAP
45. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des fhe besf desc1pf1on of an expef sysfem?
a. A compufe pogam confa1n1ng a heu1sf1c base and a sef of a1go1fhms and u1es
used fo 1nfe neW facfs fom dafa and 1ncom1ng equesfs.
b. A compufe pogam confa1n1ng a knoW1edge base and a sef of a1go1fhms and u1es
used fo 1nfe neW facfs fom dafa and 1ncom1ng equesfs.
c. A compufe nefWok confa1n1ng a 1ean1ng capab111f1es
d. A compufe nefWok emu1af1ng human 1og1c
46. Wh1ch fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes an affack fype fhaf affempfs fo exhausf fhe
amounf of 1eg1f1mafe equesfs fhe seve can ma1nfa1n?
a. 1eadop f1ood
b. Iagmenf f1ood
c. 5YN f1ood
d. 1CP f1ood
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng affack fype besf desc1bes Whaf common1y fakes p1ace fo
oveW1fe a efun po1nfe memoy segmenf?
a. 1ansvesa1 affack
b. uNlCODL affack
c. ukL encod1ng affack
d. 8uffe ovef1oW affack
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng affack fypes besf desc1bes dafabase ecod
a. D1ecfoy fansvesa1 affack
b. 5qL affack
c. uNlCODL affack
d. 8uffe ovef1oW affack
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf affack fo def1n1f1on mapp1ng be1oW?
a. Non-pes1sfenf X55 affack lmpope san1faf1on of esponse fom a Web c11enf
b. Pes1sfenf X55 affack Dafa pov1ded by affackes ae save on fhe seve
c. DOM based X55 affack Confenf pocess1ng sfages pefomed by fhe c11enf,
fyp1ca11y 1n c11enf-s1de Java5c1pf
d. L8J X55 Confenf pocess1ng sfages pefomed by fhe c11enf, fyp1ca11y 1n
c11enf-s1de Java
50. 1s fhe affackes ab111fy fo send a s1ng1e h11P equesf fhaf
foces fhe Web seve fo fom an oufpuf sfeam, Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe
fagef as fWo h11P esponses 1nsfead of one esponse, 1n fhe noma1 case.
a. h11P esponse sp11ff1ng
b. h11P X55
c. h11P DN5 po1son1ng
d. h11P DN5 ed1ecf
51. John has been fo1d fo fun off a11 sc1pf1ng capab111f1es W1fh1n h1s Web
boWse. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng affack fypes Wou1d fh1s besf fhWaf?
a. D1ecfoy fansvesa1
b. uNlCODL
c. 5muf
d. X55
52. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe coupf1on of an lnfenef seves
doma1n name sysfem fab1e?
a. DN5 po1son1ng
b. DN5 ed1ecf
c. DN5 cache ef1eva1
d. DN5 ep1acemenf
53. 1he med1afes access fo sysfem esouces fo ensue an app1efs code
behaves and sfays W1fh1n 1fs oWn sandbox.
a. Doma1n secu1fy sfucfue
b. Web cache
c. Java v1fua1 mach1ne
d. L8J
54. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe secu1fy d1ffeences befWeen Java and
a. Java uses a sandbox and Acf1veX uses Aufhenf1code
b. Java uses Aufhenf1code and Acf1veX uses a sandbox
c. Aufhenf1code uses Java and a sandbox uses Acf1veX
Page 9
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
d. Acf1veX uses Java and Aufhenf1code uses a sandbox
55. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof fake p1ace du1ng fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on phase of
a. lnfegafe fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem 1nfo 1fs env1onmenf
b. P1an and conducf sysfem cef1f1caf1on acf1v1f1es 1n synchon1zaf1on W1fh fesf1ng
of secu1fy confo1s
c. Comp1efe sysfem acced1faf1on acf1v1f1es
d. k1sk managemenf
56. A1mosf a11 knoWn Web seves, app11caf1on seves, and Web app11caf1on
env1onmenfs ae suscepf1b1e fo buffe ovef1oWs, fhe nofab1e excepf1on be1ng
env1onmenfs W1ffen 1n 1nfepefed 1anguages 11ke o Pyfhon, Wh1ch ae
1mmune fo fhese affacks {excepf fo ovef1oWs 1n fhe lnfepefe 1fse1f}.
a. C
b. C++
c. Java
d. Pe1
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Dafabases can pem1f one goup, o a spec1f1c use, fo see cefa1n
1nfomaf1on Wh11e esf1cf1ng anofhe goup fom v1eW1ng 1f a1fogefhe. 1h1s
funcf1ona11fy happens fhough fhe use of dafabase v1eW. lf a dafabase adm1n1sfafo
Wanfs fo a11oW m1dd1e managemenf membes fo see fhe1 depafmenfs pof1fs and
expenses buf nof shoW fhem fhe Who1e companys pof1fs, she can 1mp1emenf v1eWs.
5en1o managemenf Wou1d be g1ven a11 v1eWs, Wh1ch confa1n a11 fhe depafmenfs and
fhe companys pof1f and expense va1ues, Wheeas each 1nd1v1dua1 manage Wou1d on1y
be ab1e fo v1eW h1s o he depafmenf va1ues.
b. lncoecf. Dafabases can pem1f one goup, o a spec1f1c use, fo see cefa1n
1nfomaf1on Wh11e esf1cf1ng anofhe goup fom v1eW1ng 1f a1fogefhe. 1h1s
funcf1ona11fy happens fhough fhe use of dafabase v1eW. lf a dafabase adm1n1sfafo
Wanfs fo a11oW m1dd1e managemenf membes fo see fhe1 depafmenfs pof1fs and
expenses buf nof shoW fhem fhe Who1e companys pof1fs, she can 1mp1emenf v1eWs.
5en1o managemenf Wou1d be g1ven a11 v1eWs, Wh1ch confa1n a11 fhe depafmenfs and
fhe companys pof1f and expense va1ues, Wheeas each 1nd1v1dua1 manage Wou1d on1y
be ab1e fo v1eW h1s o he depafmenf va1ues.
c. Coecf. Dafabases can pem1f one goup, o a spec1f1c use, fo see cefa1n
1nfomaf1on Wh11e esf1cf1ng anofhe goup fom v1eW1ng 1f a1fogefhe. 1h1s
funcf1ona11fy happens fhough fhe use of dafabase v1eW. lf a dafabase adm1n1sfafo
Wanfs fo a11oW m1dd1e managemenf membes fo see fhe1 depafmenfs pof1fs and
expenses buf nof shoW fhem fhe Who1e companys pof1fs, she can 1mp1emenf v1eWs.
5en1o managemenf Wou1d be g1ven a11 v1eWs, Wh1ch confa1n a11 fhe depafmenfs and
fhe companys pof1f and expense va1ues, Wheeas each 1nd1v1dua1 manage Wou1d on1y
be ab1e fo v1eW h1s o he depafmenf va1ues.
d. lncoecf. Dafabases can pem1f one goup, o a spec1f1c use, fo see cefa1n
1nfomaf1on Wh11e esf1cf1ng anofhe goup fom v1eW1ng 1f a1fogefhe. 1h1s
funcf1ona11fy happens fhough fhe use of dafabase v1eW. lf a dafabase adm1n1sfafo
Wanfs fo a11oW m1dd1e managemenf membes fo see fhe1 depafmenfs pof1fs and
expenses buf nof shoW fhem fhe Who1e companys pof1fs, she can 1mp1emenf v1eWs.
5en1o managemenf Wou1d be g1ven a11 v1eWs, Wh1ch confa1n a11 fhe depafmenfs and
fhe companys pof1f and expense va1ues, Wheeas each 1nd1v1dua1 manage Wou1d on1y
be ab1e fo v1eW h1s o he depafmenf va1ues.
a. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on enab1es a fab1e fhaf confa1ns mu1f1p1e fup1es W1fh
fhe same p1may keys, W1fh each 1nsfance d1sf1ngu1shed by a secu1fy 1eve1. When
Page 10
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s 1nsefed 1nfo a dafabase, 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs musf be
esf1cfed fom 1f. lnsfead of usf esf1cf1ng access, anofhe sef of dafa 1s
ceafed fo foo1 fhe 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y
means somefh1ng e1se.
b. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on enab1es a fab1e fhaf confa1ns mu1f1p1e fup1es W1fh
fhe same p1may keys, W1fh each 1nsfance d1sf1ngu1shed by a secu1fy 1eve1. When
fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s 1nsefed 1nfo a dafabase, 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs musf be
esf1cfed fom 1f. lnsfead of usf esf1cf1ng access, anofhe sef of dafa 1s
ceafed fo foo1 fhe 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y
means somefh1ng e1se.
c. Coecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on enab1es a fab1e fhaf confa1ns mu1f1p1e fup1es W1fh
fhe same p1may keys, W1fh each 1nsfance d1sf1ngu1shed by a secu1fy 1eve1. When
fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s 1nsefed 1nfo a dafabase, 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs musf be
esf1cfed fom 1f. lnsfead of usf esf1cf1ng access, anofhe sef of dafa 1s
ceafed fo foo1 fhe 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y
means somefh1ng e1se.
d. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on enab1es a fab1e fhaf confa1ns mu1f1p1e fup1es W1fh
fhe same p1may keys, W1fh each 1nsfance d1sf1ngu1shed by a secu1fy 1eve1. When
fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s 1nsefed 1nfo a dafabase, 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs musf be
esf1cfed fom 1f. lnsfead of usf esf1cf1ng access, anofhe sef of dafa 1s
ceafed fo foo1 fhe 1oWe-1eve1 subecfs 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on acfua11y
means somefh1ng e1se.
a. Coecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe defa11ed
ves1ons of obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe
va1ab1es. lf 1s offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
b. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe
defa11ed ves1ons of obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe
va1ab1es. lf 1s offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
c. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe
defa11ed ves1ons of obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe
va1ab1es. lf 1s offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
d. lncoecf. Po1y1nsfanf1af1on 1s a pocess of 1nfeacf1ve1y poduc1ng moe
defa11ed ves1ons of obecfs by popu1af1ng va1ab1es W1fh d1ffeenf va1ues o ofhe
va1ab1es. lf 1s offen used fo pevenf 1nfeence affacks.
a. lncoecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of OL1P 1s fo ensue fhaf fansacf1ons happen pope1y
o fhey donf happen af a11. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1
1nd1v1s1b1e opeaf1ons ae fak1ng p1ace 1ndependenf1y. lf one of fhe opeaf1ons
fa11s, fhe esf of fhe opeaf1ons needs fo be o11ed back fo ensue fhaf on1y
accuafe dafa 1s enfeed 1nfo fhe dafabase.
b. lncoecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of OL1P 1s fo ensue fhaf fansacf1ons happen pope1y
o fhey donf happen af a11. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1
1nd1v1s1b1e opeaf1ons ae fak1ng p1ace 1ndependenf1y. lf one of fhe opeaf1ons
fa11s, fhe esf of fhe opeaf1ons needs fo be o11ed back fo ensue fhaf on1y
accuafe dafa 1s enfeed 1nfo fhe dafabase.
c. Coecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of OL1P 1s fo ensue fhaf fansacf1ons happen pope1y o
fhey donf happen af a11. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1
1nd1v1s1b1e opeaf1ons ae fak1ng p1ace 1ndependenf1y. lf one of fhe opeaf1ons
fa11s, fhe esf of fhe opeaf1ons needs fo be o11ed back fo ensue fhaf on1y
accuafe dafa 1s enfeed 1nfo fhe dafabase.
d. lncoecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of OL1P 1s fo ensue fhaf fansacf1ons happen pope1y
o fhey donf happen af a11. 1ansacf1on pocess1ng usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1
1nd1v1s1b1e opeaf1ons ae fak1ng p1ace 1ndependenf1y. lf one of fhe opeaf1ons
fa11s, fhe esf of fhe opeaf1ons needs fo be o11ed back fo ensue fhaf on1y
accuafe dafa 1s enfeed 1nfo fhe dafabase.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe AClD fesf:
- Afom1c1fy D1v1des fansacf1ons 1nfo un1fs of Wok and ensues fhaf a11
mod1f1caf1ons fake effecf o none fakes effecf. L1fhe fhe changes ae comm1ffed o
Page 11
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
fhe dafabase 1s o11ed back.
- Cons1sfency A fansacf1on musf fo11oW fhe 1nfeg1fy po11cy deve1oped fo fhaf
paf1cu1a dafabase and ensue a11 dafa ae cons1sfenf 1n fhe d1ffeenf dafabases.
- lso1af1on 1ansacf1ons execufe 1n 1so1af1on unf11 comp1efed, W1fhouf 1nfeacf1ng
W1fh ofhe fansacf1ons. 1he esu1fs of fhe mod1f1caf1on ae nof ava11ab1e unf11 fhe
fansacf1on 1s comp1efed.
- Duab111fy Once fhe fansacf1on 1s ve1f1ed as accuafe on a11 sysfems, 1f 1s
comm1ffed, and fhe dafabases cannof be o11ed back.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe AClD fesf:
- Afom1c1fy D1v1des fansacf1ons 1nfo un1fs of Wok and ensues fhaf a11
mod1f1caf1ons fake effecf o none fakes effecf. L1fhe fhe changes ae comm1ffed o
fhe dafabase 1s o11ed back.
- Cons1sfency A fansacf1on musf fo11oW fhe 1nfeg1fy po11cy deve1oped fo fhaf
paf1cu1a dafabase and ensue a11 dafa ae cons1sfenf 1n fhe d1ffeenf dafabases.
- lso1af1on 1ansacf1ons execufe 1n 1so1af1on unf11 comp1efed, W1fhouf 1nfeacf1ng
W1fh ofhe fansacf1ons. 1he esu1fs of fhe mod1f1caf1on ae nof ava11ab1e unf11 fhe
fansacf1on 1s comp1efed.
- Duab111fy Once fhe fansacf1on 1s ve1f1ed as accuafe on a11 sysfems, 1f 1s
comm1ffed, and fhe dafabases cannof be o11ed back.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe AClD fesf:
- Afom1c1fy D1v1des fansacf1ons 1nfo un1fs of Wok and ensues fhaf a11
mod1f1caf1ons fake effecf o none fakes effecf. L1fhe fhe changes ae comm1ffed o
fhe dafabase 1s o11ed back.
- Cons1sfency A fansacf1on musf fo11oW fhe 1nfeg1fy po11cy deve1oped fo fhaf
paf1cu1a dafabase and ensue a11 dafa ae cons1sfenf 1n fhe d1ffeenf dafabases.
- lso1af1on 1ansacf1ons execufe 1n 1so1af1on unf11 comp1efed, W1fhouf 1nfeacf1ng
W1fh ofhe fansacf1ons. 1he esu1fs of fhe mod1f1caf1on ae nof ava11ab1e unf11 fhe
fansacf1on 1s comp1efed.
- Duab111fy Once fhe fansacf1on 1s ve1f1ed as accuafe on a11 sysfems, 1f 1s
comm1ffed, and fhe dafabases cannof be o11ed back.
d. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe AClD fesf:
- Afom1c1fy D1v1des fansacf1ons 1nfo un1fs of Wok and ensues fhaf a11
mod1f1caf1ons fake effecf o none fakes effecf. L1fhe fhe changes ae comm1ffed o
fhe dafabase 1s o11ed back.
- Cons1sfency A fansacf1on musf fo11oW fhe 1nfeg1fy po11cy deve1oped fo fhaf
paf1cu1a dafabase and ensue a11 dafa ae cons1sfenf 1n fhe d1ffeenf dafabases.
- lso1af1on 1ansacf1ons execufe 1n 1so1af1on unf11 comp1efed, W1fhouf 1nfeacf1ng
W1fh ofhe fansacf1ons. 1he esu1fs of fhe mod1f1caf1on ae nof ava11ab1e unf11 fhe
fansacf1on 1s comp1efed.
- Duab111fy Once fhe fansacf1on 1s ve1f1ed as accuafe on a11 sysfems, 1f 1s
comm1ffed, and fhe dafabases cannof be o11ed back.
a. lncoecf. Dafa Waehous1ng a1ses 1n an ogan1zaf1ons need fo e11ab1e,
conso11dafed, un1que and 1nfegafed ana1ys1s and epof1ng of 1fs dafa, af d1ffeenf
1eve1s of aggegaf1on. A dafa Waehouse 1s a epos1foy of an ogan1zaf1ons
e1ecfon1ca11y sfoed dafa, des1gned fo fac111fafe epof1ng and ana1ys1s.
b. Coecf. Dafa Waehous1ng a1ses 1n an ogan1zaf1ons need fo e11ab1e,
conso11dafed, un1que and 1nfegafed ana1ys1s and epof1ng of 1fs dafa, af d1ffeenf
1eve1s of aggegaf1on. A dafa Waehouse 1s a epos1foy of an ogan1zaf1ons
e1ecfon1ca11y sfoed dafa, des1gned fo fac111fafe epof1ng and ana1ys1s.
c. lncoecf. Dafa Waehous1ng a1ses 1n an ogan1zaf1ons need fo e11ab1e,
conso11dafed, un1que and 1nfegafed ana1ys1s and epof1ng of 1fs dafa, af d1ffeenf
1eve1s of aggegaf1on. A dafa Waehouse 1s a epos1foy of an ogan1zaf1ons
e1ecfon1ca11y sfoed dafa, des1gned fo fac111fafe epof1ng and ana1ys1s.
d. lncoecf. Dafa Waehous1ng a1ses 1n an ogan1zaf1ons need fo e11ab1e,
conso11dafed, un1que and 1nfegafed ana1ys1s and epof1ng of 1fs dafa, af d1ffeenf
1eve1s of aggegaf1on. A dafa Waehouse 1s a epos1foy of an ogan1zaf1ons
e1ecfon1ca11y sfoed dafa, des1gned fo fac111fafe epof1ng and ana1ys1s.
a. lncoecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s fhe pocess of massag1ng fhe dafa he1d 1n fhe dafa
Waehouse 1nfo moe usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dafa-m1n1ng foo1s ae used fo f1nd an
Page 12
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
assoc1af1on and coe1af1on 1n dafa fo poduce mefadafa. Mefadafa can shoW
pev1ous1y unseen e1af1onsh1ps befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 subsefs of 1nfomaf1on. lf can
evea1 abnoma1 paffens nof pev1ous1y appaenf.
b. Coecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s fhe pocess of massag1ng fhe dafa he1d 1n fhe dafa
Waehouse 1nfo moe usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dafa-m1n1ng foo1s ae used fo f1nd an
assoc1af1on and coe1af1on 1n dafa fo poduce mefadafa. Mefadafa can shoW
pev1ous1y unseen e1af1onsh1ps befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 subsefs of 1nfomaf1on. lf can
evea1 abnoma1 paffens nof pev1ous1y appaenf.
c. lncoecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s fhe pocess of massag1ng fhe dafa he1d 1n fhe dafa
Waehouse 1nfo moe usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dafa-m1n1ng foo1s ae used fo f1nd an
assoc1af1on and coe1af1on 1n dafa fo poduce mefadafa. Mefadafa can shoW
pev1ous1y unseen e1af1onsh1ps befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 subsefs of 1nfomaf1on. lf can
evea1 abnoma1 paffens nof pev1ous1y appaenf.
d. lncoecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s fhe pocess of massag1ng fhe dafa he1d 1n fhe dafa
Waehouse 1nfo moe usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dafa-m1n1ng foo1s ae used fo f1nd an
assoc1af1on and coe1af1on 1n dafa fo poduce mefadafa. Mefadafa can shoW
pev1ous1y unseen e1af1onsh1ps befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 subsefs of 1nfomaf1on. lf can
evea1 abnoma1 paffens nof pev1ous1y appaenf.

a. lncoecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s a1so knoWn as knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabase {kDD},

and 1s a comb1naf1on of fechn1ques fo 1denf1fy va11d and usefu1 paffens. D1ffeenf
fypes of dafa can have va1ous 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, and fhe mefhod used depends on
fhe fype of dafa and fhe paffens soughf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhee appoaches used 1n
kDD sysfems fo uncove fhese paffens:
- C1ass1f1caf1on - Goups fogefhe dafa accod1ng fo shaed s1m11a1f1es.
- Pobab111sf1c - ldenf1f1es dafa 1nfedependenc1es and app11es pobab111f1es fo
fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
- 5faf1sf1ca1 - ldenf1f1es e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs and uses u1e
b. lncoecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s a1so knoWn as knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabase {kDD},
and 1s a comb1naf1on of fechn1ques fo 1denf1fy va11d and usefu1 paffens. D1ffeenf
fypes of dafa can have va1ous 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, and fhe mefhod used depends on
fhe fype of dafa and fhe paffens soughf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhee appoaches used 1n
kDD sysfems fo uncove fhese paffens:
- C1ass1f1caf1on - Goups fogefhe dafa accod1ng fo shaed s1m11a1f1es.
- Pobab111sf1c - ldenf1f1es dafa 1nfedependenc1es and app11es pobab111f1es fo
fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
- 5faf1sf1ca1 - ldenf1f1es e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs and uses u1e
c. lncoecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s a1so knoWn as knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabase {kDD},
and 1s a comb1naf1on of fechn1ques fo 1denf1fy va11d and usefu1 paffens. D1ffeenf
fypes of dafa can have va1ous 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, and fhe mefhod used depends on
fhe fype of dafa and fhe paffens soughf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhee appoaches used 1n
kDD sysfems fo uncove fhese paffens:
- C1ass1f1caf1on - Goups fogefhe dafa accod1ng fo shaed s1m11a1f1es.
- Pobab111sf1c - ldenf1f1es dafa 1nfedependenc1es and app11es pobab111f1es fo
fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
- 5faf1sf1ca1 - ldenf1f1es e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs and uses u1e
d. Coecf. Dafa m1n1ng 1s a1so knoWn as knoW1edge d1scovey 1n dafabase {kDD}, and
1s a comb1naf1on of fechn1ques fo 1denf1fy va11d and usefu1 paffens. D1ffeenf
fypes of dafa can have va1ous 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, and fhe mefhod used depends on
fhe fype of dafa and fhe paffens soughf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhee appoaches used 1n
kDD sysfems fo uncove fhese paffens:
- C1ass1f1caf1on - Goups fogefhe dafa accod1ng fo shaed s1m11a1f1es.
- Pobab111sf1c - ldenf1f1es dafa 1nfedependenc1es and app11es pobab111f1es fo
fhe1 e1af1onsh1ps.
- 5faf1sf1ca1 - ldenf1f1es e1af1onsh1ps befWeen dafa e1emenfs and uses u1e
a. lncoecf. 5offWae deve1opmenf poecf managemenf shou1d fake p1ace 1n fhe
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
fo11oW1ng phases,
1. Poecf 1n1f1af1on
2. Iuncf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and p1ann1ng
3. 5ysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons
4. 5offWae deve1opmenf
5. lnsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on
6. Opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance
7. D1sposa1
b. Coecf. 5offWae deve1opmenf poecf managemenf shou1d fake p1ace 1n fhe
fo11oW1ng phases,
1. Poecf 1n1f1af1on
2. Iuncf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and p1ann1ng
3. 5ysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons
4. 5offWae deve1opmenf
5. lnsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on
6. Opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance
7. D1sposa1
c. lncoecf. 5offWae deve1opmenf poecf managemenf shou1d fake p1ace 1n fhe
fo11oW1ng phases,
1. Poecf 1n1f1af1on
2. Iuncf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and p1ann1ng
3. 5ysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons
4. 5offWae deve1opmenf
5. lnsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on
6. Opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance
7. D1sposa1
d. lncoecf. 5offWae deve1opmenf poecf managemenf shou1d fake p1ace 1n fhe
fo11oW1ng phases,
1. Poecf 1n1f1af1on
2. Iuncf1ona1 des1gn ana1ys1s and p1ann1ng
3. 5ysfem des1gn spec1f1caf1ons
4. 5offWae deve1opmenf
5. lnsfa11af1on/1mp1emenfaf1on
6. Opeaf1ona1/ma1nfenance
7. D1sposa1
a. lncoecf. Acced1faf1on shou1d occu befWeen fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and fhe
beg1nn1ng of opeaf1ona1 use of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1h1s pocess fo11oWs fhe
cef1f1caf1on pocess, Wh1ch foma11y o 1nfoma11y fesfs a11 fhe secu1fy feafues
fo defem1ne 1f fhey accomp11sh fhe equ1ed secu1fy needs. Cef1f1caf1on 1s fhe
pocess of ev1eW1ng and eva1uaf1ng secu1fy confo1s and funcf1ona11fy. lf 1s
usua11y a fask ass1gned fo an oufs1de, 1ndependenf ev1eWe. 1he acced1faf1on 1s
fhe foma1 accepfance of fhe sysfem by managemenf and an exp11c1f accepfance of
1sk. 1he fechn1ca1 sfaff undesfands opeaf1ona1 and mechan1ca1 1ssues, and fhe
managemenf sfaff undesfands m1ss1on, f1nanc1a1, and 11ab111fy 1ssues.
b. Coecf. Acced1faf1on shou1d occu befWeen fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and fhe beg1nn1ng
of opeaf1ona1 use of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1h1s pocess fo11oWs fhe
cef1f1caf1on pocess, Wh1ch foma11y o 1nfoma11y fesfs a11 fhe secu1fy feafues
fo defem1ne 1f fhey accomp11sh fhe equ1ed secu1fy needs. Cef1f1caf1on 1s fhe
pocess of ev1eW1ng and eva1uaf1ng secu1fy confo1s and funcf1ona11fy. lf 1s
usua11y a fask ass1gned fo an oufs1de, 1ndependenf ev1eWe. 1he acced1faf1on 1s
fhe foma1 accepfance of fhe sysfem by managemenf and an exp11c1f accepfance of
1sk. 1he fechn1ca1 sfaff undesfands opeaf1ona1 and mechan1ca1 1ssues, and fhe
managemenf sfaff undesfands m1ss1on, f1nanc1a1, and 11ab111fy 1ssues.
c. lncoecf. Acced1faf1on shou1d occu befWeen fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and fhe
beg1nn1ng of opeaf1ona1 use of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1h1s pocess fo11oWs fhe
cef1f1caf1on pocess, Wh1ch foma11y o 1nfoma11y fesfs a11 fhe secu1fy feafues
fo defem1ne 1f fhey accomp11sh fhe equ1ed secu1fy needs. Cef1f1caf1on 1s fhe
pocess of ev1eW1ng and eva1uaf1ng secu1fy confo1s and funcf1ona11fy. lf 1s
usua11y a fask ass1gned fo an oufs1de, 1ndependenf ev1eWe. 1he acced1faf1on 1s
fhe foma1 accepfance of fhe sysfem by managemenf and an exp11c1f accepfance of
1sk. 1he fechn1ca1 sfaff undesfands opeaf1ona1 and mechan1ca1 1ssues, and fhe
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
managemenf sfaff undesfands m1ss1on, f1nanc1a1, and 11ab111fy 1ssues.
d. lncoecf. Acced1faf1on shou1d occu befWeen fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and fhe
beg1nn1ng of opeaf1ona1 use of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on. 1h1s pocess fo11oWs fhe
cef1f1caf1on pocess, Wh1ch foma11y o 1nfoma11y fesfs a11 fhe secu1fy feafues
fo defem1ne 1f fhey accomp11sh fhe equ1ed secu1fy needs. Cef1f1caf1on 1s fhe
pocess of ev1eW1ng and eva1uaf1ng secu1fy confo1s and funcf1ona11fy. lf 1s
usua11y a fask ass1gned fo an oufs1de, 1ndependenf ev1eWe. 1he acced1faf1on 1s
fhe foma1 accepfance of fhe sysfem by managemenf and an exp11c1f accepfance of
1sk. 1he fechn1ca1 sfaff undesfands opeaf1ona1 and mechan1ca1 1ssues, and fhe
managemenf sfaff undesfands m1ss1on, f1nanc1a1, and 11ab111fy 1ssues.
a. lncoecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of fesfs fhe soffWae shou1d go fhough
because fhee ae d1ffeenf pofenf1a1 f1aWs We W111 be 1ook1ng fo. 1he fo11oW1ng
ae some of fhe mosf common fesf1ng appoaches:
- un1f fesf1ng lnd1v1dua1 componenf 1s 1n a confo11ed env1onmenf Whee pogammes
va11dafe dafa sfucfue, 1og1c, and bounday cond1f1ons.
- lnfegaf1on fesf1ng ve1fy1ng fhaf componenfs Wok fogefhe as ouf11ned 1n des1gn
- Accepfance fesf1ng Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe code meefs cusfome equ1emenfs.
- kegess1on fesf1ng Affe a change fo a sysfem fakes p1ace, efesf1ng fo ensue
funcf1ona11fy, pefomance, and pofecf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of fesfs fhe soffWae shou1d go fhough
because fhee ae d1ffeenf pofenf1a1 f1aWs We W111 be 1ook1ng fo. 1he fo11oW1ng
ae some of fhe mosf common fesf1ng appoaches:
- un1f fesf1ng lnd1v1dua1 componenf 1s 1n a confo11ed env1onmenf Whee pogammes
va11dafe dafa sfucfue, 1og1c, and bounday cond1f1ons.
- lnfegaf1on fesf1ng ve1fy1ng fhaf componenfs Wok fogefhe as ouf11ned 1n des1gn
- Accepfance fesf1ng Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe code meefs cusfome equ1emenfs.
- kegess1on fesf1ng Affe a change fo a sysfem fakes p1ace, efesf1ng fo ensue
funcf1ona11fy, pefomance, and pofecf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of fesfs fhe soffWae shou1d go fhough
because fhee ae d1ffeenf pofenf1a1 f1aWs We W111 be 1ook1ng fo. 1he fo11oW1ng
ae some of fhe mosf common fesf1ng appoaches:
- un1f fesf1ng lnd1v1dua1 componenf 1s 1n a confo11ed env1onmenf Whee pogammes
va11dafe dafa sfucfue, 1og1c, and bounday cond1f1ons.
- lnfegaf1on fesf1ng ve1fy1ng fhaf componenfs Wok fogefhe as ouf11ned 1n des1gn
- Accepfance fesf1ng Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe code meefs cusfome equ1emenfs.
- kegess1on fesf1ng Affe a change fo a sysfem fakes p1ace, efesf1ng fo ensue
funcf1ona11fy, pefomance, and pofecf1on.
d. Coecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of fesfs fhe soffWae shou1d go fhough
because fhee ae d1ffeenf pofenf1a1 f1aWs We W111 be 1ook1ng fo. 1he fo11oW1ng
ae some of fhe mosf common fesf1ng appoaches:
- un1f fesf1ng lnd1v1dua1 componenf 1s 1n a confo11ed env1onmenf Whee pogammes
va11dafe dafa sfucfue, 1og1c, and bounday cond1f1ons.
- lnfegaf1on fesf1ng ve1fy1ng fhaf componenfs Wok fogefhe as ouf11ned 1n des1gn
- Accepfance fesf1ng Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe code meefs cusfome equ1emenfs.
- kegess1on fesf1ng Affe a change fo a sysfem fakes p1ace, efesf1ng fo ensue
funcf1ona11fy, pefomance, and pofecf1on.
a. lncoecf. Gabage co11ecf1on 1s an aufomafed Way fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem fo
cay ouf paf of 1fs memoy managemenf fasks. A gabage co11ecfo 1denf1f1es b1ocks
of memoy fhaf Wee once a11ocafed buf ae no 1onge 1n use and dea11ocafes fhe
b1ocks and maks fhem as fee. lf a1so gafhes scaffeed b1ocks of fee memoy and
comb1nes fhem 1nfo 1age b1ocks. lf he1ps pov1de a moe sfab1e env1onmenf and
does nof Wasfe pec1ous memoy. 5ome pogamm1ng 1anguages, such as Java, pefom
aufomaf1c gabage co11ecf1on, ofhes, such as C, equ1e fhe deve1ope fo pefom 1f
manua11y, fhus 1eav1ng oppofun1fy fo eo.
b. Coecf. Gabage co11ecf1on 1s an aufomafed Way fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem fo
Page 15
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
cay ouf paf of 1fs memoy managemenf fasks. A gabage co11ecfo 1denf1f1es b1ocks
of memoy fhaf Wee once a11ocafed buf ae no 1onge 1n use and dea11ocafes fhe
b1ocks and maks fhem as fee. lf a1so gafhes scaffeed b1ocks of fee memoy and
comb1nes fhem 1nfo 1age b1ocks. lf he1ps pov1de a moe sfab1e env1onmenf and
does nof Wasfe pec1ous memoy. 5ome pogamm1ng 1anguages, such as Java, pefom
aufomaf1c gabage co11ecf1on, ofhes, such as C, equ1e fhe deve1ope fo pefom 1f
manua11y, fhus 1eav1ng oppofun1fy fo eo.
c. lncoecf. Gabage co11ecf1on 1s an aufomafed Way fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem fo
cay ouf paf of 1fs memoy managemenf fasks. A gabage co11ecfo 1denf1f1es b1ocks
of memoy fhaf Wee once a11ocafed buf ae no 1onge 1n use and dea11ocafes fhe
b1ocks and maks fhem as fee. lf a1so gafhes scaffeed b1ocks of fee memoy and
comb1nes fhem 1nfo 1age b1ocks. lf he1ps pov1de a moe sfab1e env1onmenf and
does nof Wasfe pec1ous memoy. 5ome pogamm1ng 1anguages, such as Java, pefom
aufomaf1c gabage co11ecf1on, ofhes, such as C, equ1e fhe deve1ope fo pefom 1f
manua11y, fhus 1eav1ng oppofun1fy fo eo.
d. lncoecf. Gabage co11ecf1on 1s an aufomafed Way fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem fo
cay ouf paf of 1fs memoy managemenf fasks. A gabage co11ecfo 1denf1f1es b1ocks
of memoy fhaf Wee once a11ocafed buf ae no 1onge 1n use and dea11ocafes fhe
b1ocks and maks fhem as fee. lf a1so gafhes scaffeed b1ocks of fee memoy and
comb1nes fhem 1nfo 1age b1ocks. lf he1ps pov1de a moe sfab1e env1onmenf and
does nof Wasfe pec1ous memoy. 5ome pogamm1ng 1anguages, such as Java, pefom
aufomaf1c gabage co11ecf1on, ofhes, such as C, equ1e fhe deve1ope fo pefom 1f
manua11y, fhus 1eav1ng oppofun1fy fo eo.
a. Coecf. Cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1n fhe 5ysfem Deve1opmenf L1fe Cyc1e 1s
essenf1a1 fo 1mp1emenf1ng and 1nfegaf1ng a compehens1ve sfafegy fo manag1ng 1sk
fo a11 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy assefs 1n an ogan1zaf1on. 1he Naf1ona1 lnsf1fufe of
5fandads and 1echno1ogy {Nl51} 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-64 1s 1nfended fo
ass1sf fedea1 govenmenf agenc1es fo 1nfegafe essenf1a1 secu1fy acf1v1f1es 1nfo
fhe1 esfab11shed sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e gu1de11nes.
b. lncoecf. Cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1n fhe 5ysfem Deve1opmenf L1fe Cyc1e 1s
essenf1a1 fo 1mp1emenf1ng and 1nfegaf1ng a compehens1ve sfafegy fo manag1ng 1sk
fo a11 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy assefs 1n an ogan1zaf1on. 1he Naf1ona1 lnsf1fufe of
5fandads and 1echno1ogy {Nl51} 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-64 1s 1nfended fo
ass1sf fedea1 govenmenf agenc1es fo 1nfegafe essenf1a1 secu1fy acf1v1f1es 1nfo
fhe1 esfab11shed sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e gu1de11nes.
c. lncoecf. Cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1n fhe 5ysfem Deve1opmenf L1fe Cyc1e 1s
essenf1a1 fo 1mp1emenf1ng and 1nfegaf1ng a compehens1ve sfafegy fo manag1ng 1sk
fo a11 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy assefs 1n an ogan1zaf1on. 1he Naf1ona1 lnsf1fufe of
5fandads and 1echno1ogy {Nl51} 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-64 1s 1nfended fo
ass1sf fedea1 govenmenf agenc1es fo 1nfegafe essenf1a1 secu1fy acf1v1f1es 1nfo
fhe1 esfab11shed sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e gu1de11nes.
d. lncoecf. Cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1n fhe 5ysfem Deve1opmenf L1fe Cyc1e 1s
essenf1a1 fo 1mp1emenf1ng and 1nfegaf1ng a compehens1ve sfafegy fo manag1ng 1sk
fo a11 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy assefs 1n an ogan1zaf1on. 1he Naf1ona1 lnsf1fufe of
5fandads and 1echno1ogy {Nl51} 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on {5P} 00-64 1s 1nfended fo
ass1sf fedea1 govenmenf agenc1es fo 1nfegafe essenf1a1 secu1fy acf1v1f1es 1nfo
fhe1 esfab11shed sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e gu1de11nes.
a. Coecf. 1hee ae many 5DLC mefhodo1og1es fhaf can be used by an ogan1zaf1on
fo effecf1ve1y deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem. A fad1f1ona1 5DLC, a 11nea
sequenf1a1 mode1 {a1so knoWn as Wafefa11 mefhod}, assumes fhaf fhe sysfem W111 be
de11veed 1n 1fs f1na1 sfages of fhe deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e. Anofhe 5DLC mefhod
uses fhe pofofyp1ng mode1, Wh1ch 1s offen used fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of
sysfem equ1emenfs W1fhouf acfua11y deve1op1ng a f1na1 opeaf1ona1 sysfem.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae many 5DLC mefhodo1og1es fhaf can be used by an ogan1zaf1on
fo effecf1ve1y deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem. A fad1f1ona1 5DLC, a 11nea
sequenf1a1 mode1 {a1so knoWn as Wafefa11 mefhod}, assumes fhaf fhe sysfem W111 be
de11veed 1n 1fs f1na1 sfages of fhe deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e. Anofhe 5DLC mefhod
uses fhe pofofyp1ng mode1, Wh1ch 1s offen used fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of
sysfem equ1emenfs W1fhouf acfua11y deve1op1ng a f1na1 opeaf1ona1 sysfem.
Page 16
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae many 5DLC mefhodo1og1es fhaf can be used by an ogan1zaf1on
fo effecf1ve1y deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem. A fad1f1ona1 5DLC, a 11nea
sequenf1a1 mode1 {a1so knoWn as Wafefa11 mefhod}, assumes fhaf fhe sysfem W111 be
de11veed 1n 1fs f1na1 sfages of fhe deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e. Anofhe 5DLC mefhod
uses fhe pofofyp1ng mode1, Wh1ch 1s offen used fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of
sysfem equ1emenfs W1fhouf acfua11y deve1op1ng a f1na1 opeaf1ona1 sysfem.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae many 5DLC mefhodo1og1es fhaf can be used by an ogan1zaf1on
fo effecf1ve1y deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem. A fad1f1ona1 5DLC, a 11nea
sequenf1a1 mode1 {a1so knoWn as Wafefa11 mefhod}, assumes fhaf fhe sysfem W111 be
de11veed 1n 1fs f1na1 sfages of fhe deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e. Anofhe 5DLC mefhod
uses fhe pofofyp1ng mode1, Wh1ch 1s offen used fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of
sysfem equ1emenfs W1fhouf acfua11y deve1op1ng a f1na1 opeaf1ona1 sysfem.
a. Coecf. A fyp1ca1 5DLC 1nc1udes f1ve phases: 1n1f1af1on,
deve1opmenf/acqu1s1f1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on/assessmenf, opeaf1ons/ma1nfenance, and
d1sposa1. Lach phase 1nc1udes a m1n1mum sef of secu1fy fasks needed fo effecf1ve1y
1ncopoafe secu1fy 1n fhe sysfem deve1opmenf pocess.
b. lncoecf. A fyp1ca1 5DLC 1nc1udes f1ve phases: 1n1f1af1on,
deve1opmenf/acqu1s1f1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on/assessmenf, opeaf1ons/ma1nfenance, and
d1sposa1. Lach phase 1nc1udes a m1n1mum sef of secu1fy fasks needed fo effecf1ve1y
1ncopoafe secu1fy 1n fhe sysfem deve1opmenf pocess.
c. lncoecf. A fyp1ca1 5DLC 1nc1udes f1ve phases: 1n1f1af1on,
deve1opmenf/acqu1s1f1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on/assessmenf, opeaf1ons/ma1nfenance, and
d1sposa1. Lach phase 1nc1udes a m1n1mum sef of secu1fy fasks needed fo effecf1ve1y
1ncopoafe secu1fy 1n fhe sysfem deve1opmenf pocess.
d. lncoecf. A fyp1ca1 5DLC 1nc1udes f1ve phases: 1n1f1af1on,
deve1opmenf/acqu1s1f1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on/assessmenf, opeaf1ons/ma1nfenance, and
d1sposa1. Lach phase 1nc1udes a m1n1mum sef of secu1fy fasks needed fo effecf1ve1y
1ncopoafe secu1fy 1n fhe sysfem deve1opmenf pocess.
a. lncoecf. key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fhe f1sf phase 1nc1ude:
1. ln1f1a1 de11neaf1on of bus1ness equ1emenfs 1n fems of conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy,
11. Defem1naf1on of 1nfomaf1on cafego1zaf1on and 1denf1f1caf1on of knoWn spec1a1
hand11ng equ1emenfs fo fansm1f, sfoe, o ceafe 1nfomaf1on such as pesona11y
1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
111. Defem1naf1on of any p1vacy equ1emenfs.
Conducf1ng fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe second phase.
b. lncoecf. key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fhe f1sf phase 1nc1ude:
1. ln1f1a1 de11neaf1on of bus1ness equ1emenfs 1n fems of conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy,
11. Defem1naf1on of 1nfomaf1on cafego1zaf1on and 1denf1f1caf1on of knoWn spec1a1
hand11ng equ1emenfs fo fansm1f, sfoe, o ceafe 1nfomaf1on such as pesona11y
1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
111. Defem1naf1on of any p1vacy equ1emenfs.
Conducf1ng fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe second phase.
c. lncoecf. key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fhe f1sf phase 1nc1ude:
1. ln1f1a1 de11neaf1on of bus1ness equ1emenfs 1n fems of conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy,
11. Defem1naf1on of 1nfomaf1on cafego1zaf1on and 1denf1f1caf1on of knoWn spec1a1
hand11ng equ1emenfs fo fansm1f, sfoe, o ceafe 1nfomaf1on such as pesona11y
1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
111. Defem1naf1on of any p1vacy equ1emenfs.
Conducf1ng fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe second phase.
d. Coecf. key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fhe f1sf phase 1nc1ude:
Page 17
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
1. ln1f1a1 de11neaf1on of bus1ness equ1emenfs 1n fems of conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy,
11. Defem1naf1on of 1nfomaf1on cafego1zaf1on and 1denf1f1caf1on of knoWn spec1a1
hand11ng equ1emenfs fo fansm1f, sfoe, o ceafe 1nfomaf1on such as pesona11y
1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
111. Defem1naf1on of any p1vacy equ1emenfs.
Conducf1ng fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe second phase.
a. lncoecf. 1he soffWae deve1opmenf mode1s and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed
- Jo1nf Ana1ys1s Deve1opmenf {JAD} - A mefhod fhaf uses a feam appoach 1n
app11caf1on deve1opmenf 1n a Wokshop-o1enfed env1onmenf.
- kap1d App11caf1on Deve1opmenf {kAD} - A mefhod of defem1n1ng use equ1emenfs
and deve1op1ng sysfems qu1ck1y fo saf1sfy 1mmed1afe needs.
- keuse Mode1 - A mode1 fhaf appoaches soffWae deve1opmenf by us1ng pogess1ve1y
deve1oped mode1s. keusab1e pogams ae evo1ved by gadua11y mod1fy1ng pe-ex1sf1ng
pofofypes fo cusfome spec1f1caf1ons. 51nce fhe euse mode1 does nof equ1e
pogams fo be bu11f fom scafch, 1f dasf1ca11y educes bofh deve1opmenf cosf and
- C1eanoom - An appoach fhaf affempfs fo pevenf eos o m1sfakes by fo11oW1ng
sfucfued and foma1 mefhods of deve1op1ng and fesf1ng. 1h1s appoach 1s used fo
h1gh-qua11fy and c1f1ca1 app11caf1ons fhaf W111 be puf fhough a sf1cf
cef1f1caf1on pocess.
b. lncoecf. 1he soffWae deve1opmenf mode1s and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed
- Jo1nf Ana1ys1s Deve1opmenf {JAD} - A mefhod fhaf uses a feam appoach 1n
app11caf1on deve1opmenf 1n a Wokshop-o1enfed env1onmenf.
- kap1d App11caf1on Deve1opmenf {kAD} - A mefhod of defem1n1ng use equ1emenfs
and deve1op1ng sysfems qu1ck1y fo saf1sfy 1mmed1afe needs.
- keuse Mode1 - A mode1 fhaf appoaches soffWae deve1opmenf by us1ng pogess1ve1y
deve1oped mode1s. keusab1e pogams ae evo1ved by gadua11y mod1fy1ng pe-ex1sf1ng
pofofypes fo cusfome spec1f1caf1ons. 51nce fhe euse mode1 does nof equ1e
pogams fo be bu11f fom scafch, 1f dasf1ca11y educes bofh deve1opmenf cosf and
- C1eanoom - An appoach fhaf affempfs fo pevenf eos o m1sfakes by fo11oW1ng
sfucfued and foma1 mefhods of deve1op1ng and fesf1ng. 1h1s appoach 1s used fo
h1gh-qua11fy and c1f1ca1 app11caf1ons fhaf W111 be puf fhough a sf1cf
cef1f1caf1on pocess.
c. lncoecf. 1he soffWae deve1opmenf mode1s and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed
- Jo1nf Ana1ys1s Deve1opmenf {JAD} - A mefhod fhaf uses a feam appoach 1n
app11caf1on deve1opmenf 1n a Wokshop-o1enfed env1onmenf.
- kap1d App11caf1on Deve1opmenf {kAD} - A mefhod of defem1n1ng use equ1emenfs
and deve1op1ng sysfems qu1ck1y fo saf1sfy 1mmed1afe needs.
- keuse Mode1 - A mode1 fhaf appoaches soffWae deve1opmenf by us1ng pogess1ve1y
deve1oped mode1s. keusab1e pogams ae evo1ved by gadua11y mod1fy1ng pe-ex1sf1ng
pofofypes fo cusfome spec1f1caf1ons. 51nce fhe euse mode1 does nof equ1e
pogams fo be bu11f fom scafch, 1f dasf1ca11y educes bofh deve1opmenf cosf and
- C1eanoom - An appoach fhaf affempfs fo pevenf eos o m1sfakes by fo11oW1ng
sfucfued and foma1 mefhods of deve1op1ng and fesf1ng. 1h1s appoach 1s used fo
h1gh-qua11fy and c1f1ca1 app11caf1ons fhaf W111 be puf fhough a sf1cf
cef1f1caf1on pocess.
d. Coecf. 1he soffWae deve1opmenf mode1s and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Jo1nf Ana1ys1s Deve1opmenf {JAD} - A mefhod fhaf uses a feam appoach 1n
app11caf1on deve1opmenf 1n a Wokshop-o1enfed env1onmenf.
- kap1d App11caf1on Deve1opmenf {kAD} - A mefhod of defem1n1ng use equ1emenfs
and deve1op1ng sysfems qu1ck1y fo saf1sfy 1mmed1afe needs.
- keuse Mode1 - A mode1 fhaf appoaches soffWae deve1opmenf by us1ng pogess1ve1y
deve1oped mode1s. keusab1e pogams ae evo1ved by gadua11y mod1fy1ng pe-ex1sf1ng
Page 1
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
pofofypes fo cusfome spec1f1caf1ons. 51nce fhe euse mode1 does nof equ1e
pogams fo be bu11f fom scafch, 1f dasf1ca11y educes bofh deve1opmenf cosf and
- C1eanoom - An appoach fhaf affempfs fo pevenf eos o m1sfakes by fo11oW1ng
sfucfued and foma1 mefhods of deve1op1ng and fesf1ng. 1h1s appoach 1s used fo
h1gh-qua11fy and c1f1ca1 app11caf1ons fhaf W111 be puf fhough a sf1cf
cef1f1caf1on pocess.
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf 5DLC phases and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW
1. ln1f1af1on. Du1ng fhe 1n1f1af1on phase, fhe need fo a sysfem 1s expessed and
fhe pupose of fhe sysfem 1s documenfed.
11. Deve1opmenf/Acqu1s1f1on. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem 1s des1gned, puchased,
pogammed, deve1oped, o ofheW1se consfucfed.
111. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf. Affe sysfem accepfance fesf1ng, fhe sysfem 1s
1nsfa11ed o f1e1ded.
1v. Opeaf1on/Ma1nfenance. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem pefoms 1fs Wok. 1he
sysfem 1s a1mosf a1Ways mod1f1ed by fhe add1f1on of hadWae and soffWae and by
numeous ofhe evenfs.
v. D1sposa1. Acf1v1f1es conducfed du1ng fh1s phase ensue fhe ode1y fem1naf1on
of fhe sysfem, safeguad1ng v1fa1 sysfem 1nfomaf1on, and m1gaf1ng dafa pocessed
by fhe sysfem fo a neW sysfem, o pesev1ng 1f 1n accodance W1fh app11cab1e
ecods managemenf egu1af1ons and po11c1es.
b. Coecf. 1he coecf 5DLC phases and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW
1. ln1f1af1on. Du1ng fhe 1n1f1af1on phase, fhe need fo a sysfem 1s expessed and
fhe pupose of fhe sysfem 1s documenfed.
11. Deve1opmenf/Acqu1s1f1on. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem 1s des1gned, puchased,
pogammed, deve1oped, o ofheW1se consfucfed.
111. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf. Affe sysfem accepfance fesf1ng, fhe sysfem 1s
1nsfa11ed o f1e1ded.
1v. Opeaf1on/Ma1nfenance. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem pefoms 1fs Wok. 1he
sysfem 1s a1mosf a1Ways mod1f1ed by fhe add1f1on of hadWae and soffWae and by
numeous ofhe evenfs.
v. D1sposa1. Acf1v1f1es conducfed du1ng fh1s phase ensue fhe ode1y fem1naf1on
of fhe sysfem, safeguad1ng v1fa1 sysfem 1nfomaf1on, and m1gaf1ng dafa pocessed
by fhe sysfem fo a neW sysfem, o pesev1ng 1f 1n accodance W1fh app11cab1e
ecods managemenf egu1af1ons and po11c1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf 5DLC phases and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW
1. ln1f1af1on. Du1ng fhe 1n1f1af1on phase, fhe need fo a sysfem 1s expessed and
fhe pupose of fhe sysfem 1s documenfed.
11. Deve1opmenf/Acqu1s1f1on. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem 1s des1gned, puchased,
pogammed, deve1oped, o ofheW1se consfucfed.
111. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf. Affe sysfem accepfance fesf1ng, fhe sysfem 1s
1nsfa11ed o f1e1ded.
1v. Opeaf1on/Ma1nfenance. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem pefoms 1fs Wok. 1he
sysfem 1s a1mosf a1Ways mod1f1ed by fhe add1f1on of hadWae and soffWae and by
numeous ofhe evenfs.
v. D1sposa1. Acf1v1f1es conducfed du1ng fh1s phase ensue fhe ode1y fem1naf1on
of fhe sysfem, safeguad1ng v1fa1 sysfem 1nfomaf1on, and m1gaf1ng dafa pocessed
by fhe sysfem fo a neW sysfem, o pesev1ng 1f 1n accodance W1fh app11cab1e
ecods managemenf egu1af1ons and po11c1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf 5DLC phases and fhe1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW
1. ln1f1af1on. Du1ng fhe 1n1f1af1on phase, fhe need fo a sysfem 1s expessed and
fhe pupose of fhe sysfem 1s documenfed.
11. Deve1opmenf/Acqu1s1f1on. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem 1s des1gned, puchased,
pogammed, deve1oped, o ofheW1se consfucfed.
111. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf. Affe sysfem accepfance fesf1ng, fhe sysfem 1s
1nsfa11ed o f1e1ded.
1v. Opeaf1on/Ma1nfenance. Du1ng fh1s phase, fhe sysfem pefoms 1fs Wok. 1he
sysfem 1s a1mosf a1Ways mod1f1ed by fhe add1f1on of hadWae and soffWae and by
numeous ofhe evenfs.
v. D1sposa1. Acf1v1f1es conducfed du1ng fh1s phase ensue fhe ode1y fem1naf1on
of fhe sysfem, safeguad1ng v1fa1 sysfem 1nfomaf1on, and m1gaf1ng dafa pocessed
Page 19
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
by fhe sysfem fo a neW sysfem, o pesev1ng 1f 1n accodance W1fh app11cab1e
ecods managemenf egu1af1ons and po11c1es.
a. Coecf. 1he second 5DLC phase componenfs ae ouf11ned be1oW
1. Conducf fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s,
11. Ana1yze secu1fy equ1emenfs,
111. Pefom funcf1ona1 and secu1fy fesf1ng,
1v. Pepae 1n1f1a1 documenfs fo sysfem cef1f1caf1on and acced1faf1on, and
v. Des1gn secu1fy ach1fecfue.
b. lncoecf. 1he second 5DLC phase componenfs ae ouf11ned be1oW
1. Conducf fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s,
11. Ana1yze secu1fy equ1emenfs,
111. Pefom funcf1ona1 and secu1fy fesf1ng,
1v. Pepae 1n1f1a1 documenfs fo sysfem cef1f1caf1on and acced1faf1on, and
v. Des1gn secu1fy ach1fecfue.
c. lncoecf. 1he second 5DLC phase componenfs ae ouf11ned be1oW
1. Conducf fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s,
11. Ana1yze secu1fy equ1emenfs,
111. Pefom funcf1ona1 and secu1fy fesf1ng,
1v. Pepae 1n1f1a1 documenfs fo sysfem cef1f1caf1on and acced1faf1on, and
v. Des1gn secu1fy ach1fecfue.
d. lncoecf. 1he second 5DLC phase componenfs ae ouf11ned be1oW
1. Conducf fhe 1sk assessmenf and use fhe esu1fs fo supp1emenf fhe base11ne
secu1fy confo1s,
11. Ana1yze secu1fy equ1emenfs,
111. Pefom funcf1ona1 and secu1fy fesf1ng,
1v. Pepae 1n1f1a1 documenfs fo sysfem cef1f1caf1on and acced1faf1on, and
v. Des1gn secu1fy ach1fecfue.
a. lncoecf. Compufe-a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng {CA5L} 1nvo1ves fhe use of foo1s
fo ceafe and manage soffWae. &quof,CA5L foo1s&quof, 1s a genea1 fem fo many
fypes of foo1s used by pogammes, deve1opes, poecf manages, and ana1ysfs fhaf
he1p fhem make app11caf1on deve1opmenf fasfe and W1fh feWe eos. 1h1s 1s because
many of fhe manua1 fasks ae faken cae of fhough aufomaf1on W1fh fhe use of CA5L
foo1s. D1ffeenf foo1s pov1de manage1a1, adm1n1sfaf1ve, and fechn1ca1 he1p 1n
soffWae poecfs.
b. Coecf. Compufe-a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng {CA5L} 1nvo1ves fhe use of foo1s fo
ceafe and manage soffWae. &quof,CA5L foo1s&quof, 1s a genea1 fem fo many fypes
of foo1s used by pogammes, deve1opes, poecf manages, and ana1ysfs fhaf he1p
fhem make app11caf1on deve1opmenf fasfe and W1fh feWe eos. 1h1s 1s because many
of fhe manua1 fasks ae faken cae of fhough aufomaf1on W1fh fhe use of CA5L foo1s.
D1ffeenf foo1s pov1de manage1a1, adm1n1sfaf1ve, and fechn1ca1 he1p 1n soffWae
c. lncoecf. Compufe-a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng {CA5L} 1nvo1ves fhe use of foo1s
fo ceafe and manage soffWae. &quof,CA5L foo1s&quof, 1s a genea1 fem fo many
fypes of foo1s used by pogammes, deve1opes, poecf manages, and ana1ysfs fhaf
he1p fhem make app11caf1on deve1opmenf fasfe and W1fh feWe eos. 1h1s 1s because
many of fhe manua1 fasks ae faken cae of fhough aufomaf1on W1fh fhe use of CA5L
foo1s. D1ffeenf foo1s pov1de manage1a1, adm1n1sfaf1ve, and fechn1ca1 he1p 1n
soffWae poecfs.
d. lncoecf. Compufe-a1ded soffWae eng1nee1ng {CA5L} 1nvo1ves fhe use of foo1s
fo ceafe and manage soffWae. &quof,CA5L foo1s&quof, 1s a genea1 fem fo many
fypes of foo1s used by pogammes, deve1opes, poecf manages, and ana1ysfs fhaf
he1p fhem make app11caf1on deve1opmenf fasfe and W1fh feWe eos. 1h1s 1s because
many of fhe manua1 fasks ae faken cae of fhough aufomaf1on W1fh fhe use of CA5L
foo1s. D1ffeenf foo1s pov1de manage1a1, adm1n1sfaf1ve, and fechn1ca1 he1p 1n
soffWae poecfs.
Page 20
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf soffWae deve1opmenf mode1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- 5p1a1 - A mefhod fhaf bu11ds upon fhe Wafefa11 mefhod W1fh an emphas1s on 1sk
ana1ys1s, pofofypes, and s1mu1af1ons af d1ffeenf phases of fhe deve1opmenf cyc1e.
- 5fucfued Pogamm1ng Deve1opmenf - A pogamm1ng mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1nvo1ves fhe
use of 1og1ca1 b1ocks fo ach1eve sysfem des1gn us1ng pocedua1 pogamm1ng.
- lfeaf1ve Deve1opmenf - A mefhod fhaf fo11oWs a cyc11c appoach fo soffWae
- Mod1f1ed Pofofype Mode1 {MPM} - A mefhod spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo confonf
cha11enges 1n Web app11caf1on deve1opmenf, fhe mod1f1ed pofofype mode1 a11oWs
deve1opes fo sW1ff1y fans1afe c11enf equ1emenfs 1nfo a d1sp1ayab1e poducf o
- Lxp1oafoy Mode1 - A mefhod fhaf 1s used 1n 1nsfances Whee c1ea1y def1ned
poecf obecf1ves have nof been pesenfed.
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf soffWae deve1opmenf mode1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- 5p1a1 - A mefhod fhaf bu11ds upon fhe Wafefa11 mefhod W1fh an emphas1s on 1sk
ana1ys1s, pofofypes, and s1mu1af1ons af d1ffeenf phases of fhe deve1opmenf cyc1e.
- 5fucfued Pogamm1ng Deve1opmenf - A pogamm1ng mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1nvo1ves fhe
use of 1og1ca1 b1ocks fo ach1eve sysfem des1gn us1ng pocedua1 pogamm1ng.
- lfeaf1ve Deve1opmenf - A mefhod fhaf fo11oWs a cyc11c appoach fo soffWae
- Mod1f1ed Pofofype Mode1 {MPM} - A mefhod spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo confonf
cha11enges 1n Web app11caf1on deve1opmenf, fhe mod1f1ed pofofype mode1 a11oWs
deve1opes fo sW1ff1y fans1afe c11enf equ1emenfs 1nfo a d1sp1ayab1e poducf o
- Lxp1oafoy Mode1 - A mefhod fhaf 1s used 1n 1nsfances Whee c1ea1y def1ned
poecf obecf1ves have nof been pesenfed.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf soffWae deve1opmenf mode1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- 5p1a1 - A mefhod fhaf bu11ds upon fhe Wafefa11 mefhod W1fh an emphas1s on 1sk
ana1ys1s, pofofypes, and s1mu1af1ons af d1ffeenf phases of fhe deve1opmenf cyc1e.
- 5fucfued Pogamm1ng Deve1opmenf - A pogamm1ng mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1nvo1ves fhe
use of 1og1ca1 b1ocks fo ach1eve sysfem des1gn us1ng pocedua1 pogamm1ng.
- lfeaf1ve Deve1opmenf - A mefhod fhaf fo11oWs a cyc11c appoach fo soffWae
- Mod1f1ed Pofofype Mode1 {MPM} - A mefhod spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo confonf
cha11enges 1n Web app11caf1on deve1opmenf, fhe mod1f1ed pofofype mode1 a11oWs
deve1opes fo sW1ff1y fans1afe c11enf equ1emenfs 1nfo a d1sp1ayab1e poducf o
- Lxp1oafoy Mode1 - A mefhod fhaf 1s used 1n 1nsfances Whee c1ea1y def1ned
poecf obecf1ves have nof been pesenfed.
d. Coecf. 1he coecf soffWae deve1opmenf mode1 def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW,
- 5p1a1 - A mefhod fhaf bu11ds upon fhe Wafefa11 mefhod W1fh an emphas1s on 1sk
ana1ys1s, pofofypes, and s1mu1af1ons af d1ffeenf phases of fhe deve1opmenf cyc1e.
- 5fucfued Pogamm1ng Deve1opmenf - A pogamm1ng mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1nvo1ves fhe
use of 1og1ca1 b1ocks fo ach1eve sysfem des1gn us1ng pocedua1 pogamm1ng.
- lfeaf1ve Deve1opmenf - A mefhod fhaf fo11oWs a cyc11c appoach fo soffWae
- Mod1f1ed Pofofype Mode1 {MPM} - A mefhod spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo confonf
cha11enges 1n Web app11caf1on deve1opmenf, fhe mod1f1ed pofofype mode1 a11oWs
deve1opes fo sW1ff1y fans1afe c11enf equ1emenfs 1nfo a d1sp1ayab1e poducf o
- Lxp1oafoy Mode1 - A mefhod fhaf 1s used 1n 1nsfances Whee c1ea1y def1ned
poecf obecf1ves have nof been pesenfed.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae advanfages and d1sadvanfages of soffWae
deve1opmenf pofofyp1ng,
Advanfages of pofofyp1ng
- May pov1de fhe poof of concepf necessay fo affacf fund1ng
- La1y v1s1b111fy of fhe pofofype g1ves uses an 1dea of Whaf fhe f1na1 sysfem
1ooks 11ke
- Lncouages acf1ve paf1c1paf1on among uses and poduce
- Lnab1es a h1ghe oufpuf fo use
Page 21
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
- Cosf effecf1ve {Deve1opmenf cosfs educed}
- lnceases sysfem deve1opmenf speed
- Ass1sfs fo 1denf1fy any pob1ems W1fh fhe eff1cacy of ea11e des1gn, equ1emenfs
ana1ys1s and cod1ng acf1v1f1es
- he1ps fo ef1ne fhe pofenf1a1 1sks assoc1afed W1fh fhe de11vey of fhe sysfem
be1ng deve1oped
- va1ous aspecfs can be fesfed and qu1cke feedback can be gof fom fhe use
- he1ps fo de11ve fhe poducf 1n qua11fy eas11y
- use 1nfeacf1on ava11ab1e du1ng deve1opmenf cyc1e of pofofype
D1sadvanfages of pofofyp1ng
- Poduce m1ghf poduce a sysfem 1nadequafe fo ovea11 ogan1zaf1on needs
- use can gef foo 1nvo1ved Wheeas fhe pogam cannof be fo a h1gh sfandad
- 5fucfue of sysfem can be damaged s1nce many changes cou1d be made
- Nof su1fab1e fo 1age app11caf1ons
- Ove 1ong pe1ods, can cause 1oss 1n consume 1nfeesf and subsequenf cance11af1on
due fo a 1ack of a makef {fo commec1a1 poducfs}
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae advanfages and d1sadvanfages of soffWae
deve1opmenf pofofyp1ng,
Advanfages of pofofyp1ng
- May pov1de fhe poof of concepf necessay fo affacf fund1ng
- La1y v1s1b111fy of fhe pofofype g1ves uses an 1dea of Whaf fhe f1na1 sysfem
1ooks 11ke
- Lncouages acf1ve paf1c1paf1on among uses and poduce
- Lnab1es a h1ghe oufpuf fo use
- Cosf effecf1ve {Deve1opmenf cosfs educed}
- lnceases sysfem deve1opmenf speed
- Ass1sfs fo 1denf1fy any pob1ems W1fh fhe eff1cacy of ea11e des1gn, equ1emenfs
ana1ys1s and cod1ng acf1v1f1es
- he1ps fo ef1ne fhe pofenf1a1 1sks assoc1afed W1fh fhe de11vey of fhe sysfem
be1ng deve1oped
- va1ous aspecfs can be fesfed and qu1cke feedback can be gof fom fhe use
- he1ps fo de11ve fhe poducf 1n qua11fy eas11y
- use 1nfeacf1on ava11ab1e du1ng deve1opmenf cyc1e of pofofype
D1sadvanfages of pofofyp1ng
- Poduce m1ghf poduce a sysfem 1nadequafe fo ovea11 ogan1zaf1on needs
- use can gef foo 1nvo1ved Wheeas fhe pogam cannof be fo a h1gh sfandad
- 5fucfue of sysfem can be damaged s1nce many changes cou1d be made
- Nof su1fab1e fo 1age app11caf1ons
- Ove 1ong pe1ods, can cause 1oss 1n consume 1nfeesf and subsequenf cance11af1on
due fo a 1ack of a makef {fo commec1a1 poducfs}
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae advanfages and d1sadvanfages of soffWae deve1opmenf
Advanfages of pofofyp1ng
- May pov1de fhe poof of concepf necessay fo affacf fund1ng
- La1y v1s1b111fy of fhe pofofype g1ves uses an 1dea of Whaf fhe f1na1 sysfem
1ooks 11ke
- Lncouages acf1ve paf1c1paf1on among uses and poduce
- Lnab1es a h1ghe oufpuf fo use
- Cosf effecf1ve {Deve1opmenf cosfs educed}
- lnceases sysfem deve1opmenf speed
- Ass1sfs fo 1denf1fy any pob1ems W1fh fhe eff1cacy of ea11e des1gn, equ1emenfs
ana1ys1s and cod1ng acf1v1f1es
- he1ps fo ef1ne fhe pofenf1a1 1sks assoc1afed W1fh fhe de11vey of fhe sysfem
be1ng deve1oped
- va1ous aspecfs can be fesfed and qu1cke feedback can be gof fom fhe use
- he1ps fo de11ve fhe poducf 1n qua11fy eas11y
- use 1nfeacf1on ava11ab1e du1ng deve1opmenf cyc1e of pofofype
D1sadvanfages of pofofyp1ng
- Poduce m1ghf poduce a sysfem 1nadequafe fo ovea11 ogan1zaf1on needs
- use can gef foo 1nvo1ved Wheeas fhe pogam cannof be fo a h1gh sfandad
- 5fucfue of sysfem can be damaged s1nce many changes cou1d be made
- Nof su1fab1e fo 1age app11caf1ons
- Ove 1ong pe1ods, can cause 1oss 1n consume 1nfeesf and subsequenf cance11af1on
Page 22
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
due fo a 1ack of a makef {fo commec1a1 poducfs}
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae advanfages and d1sadvanfages of soffWae
deve1opmenf pofofyp1ng,
Advanfages of pofofyp1ng
- May pov1de fhe poof of concepf necessay fo affacf fund1ng
- La1y v1s1b111fy of fhe pofofype g1ves uses an 1dea of Whaf fhe f1na1 sysfem
1ooks 11ke
- Lncouages acf1ve paf1c1paf1on among uses and poduce
- Lnab1es a h1ghe oufpuf fo use
- Cosf effecf1ve {Deve1opmenf cosfs educed}
- lnceases sysfem deve1opmenf speed
- Ass1sfs fo 1denf1fy any pob1ems W1fh fhe eff1cacy of ea11e des1gn, equ1emenfs
ana1ys1s and cod1ng acf1v1f1es
- he1ps fo ef1ne fhe pofenf1a1 1sks assoc1afed W1fh fhe de11vey of fhe sysfem
be1ng deve1oped
- va1ous aspecfs can be fesfed and qu1cke feedback can be gof fom fhe use
- he1ps fo de11ve fhe poducf 1n qua11fy eas11y
- use 1nfeacf1on ava11ab1e du1ng deve1opmenf cyc1e of pofofype
D1sadvanfages of pofofyp1ng
- Poduce m1ghf poduce a sysfem 1nadequafe fo ovea11 ogan1zaf1on needs
- use can gef foo 1nvo1ved Wheeas fhe pogam cannof be fo a h1gh sfandad
- 5fucfue of sysfem can be damaged s1nce many changes cou1d be made
- Nof su1fab1e fo 1age app11caf1ons
- Ove 1ong pe1ods, can cause 1oss 1n consume 1nfeesf and subsequenf cance11af1on
due fo a 1ack of a makef {fo commec1a1 poducfs}
a. lncoecf. Iuzz fesf1ng o fuzz1ng 1s a soffWae fesf1ng fechn1que fhaf pov1des
1nva11d, unexpecfed, o andom dafa fo fhe 1npufs of a pogam. lf fhe pogam fa11s
{fo examp1e, by cash1ng o fa111ng bu11f-1n code assef1ons}, fhe defecfs can be
b. lncoecf. Iuzz fesf1ng o fuzz1ng 1s a soffWae fesf1ng fechn1que fhaf pov1des
1nva11d, unexpecfed, o andom dafa fo fhe 1npufs of a pogam. lf fhe pogam fa11s
{fo examp1e, by cash1ng o fa111ng bu11f-1n code assef1ons}, fhe defecfs can be
c. Coecf. Iuzz fesf1ng o fuzz1ng 1s a soffWae fesf1ng fechn1que fhaf pov1des
1nva11d, unexpecfed, o andom dafa fo fhe 1npufs of a pogam. lf fhe pogam fa11s
{fo examp1e, by cash1ng o fa111ng bu11f-1n code assef1ons}, fhe defecfs can be
d. lncoecf. Iuzz fesf1ng o fuzz1ng 1s a soffWae fesf1ng fechn1que fhaf pov1des
1nva11d, unexpecfed, o andom dafa fo fhe 1npufs of a pogam. lf fhe pogam fa11s
{fo examp1e, by cash1ng o fa111ng bu11f-1n code assef1ons}, fhe defecfs can be
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng sfeps shou1d be 1n p1ace fo a change confo1 pogam,
1. Make a foma1 equesf fo a change.
2. Ana1yze fhe equesf.
3. kecod fhe change equesf.
4. 5ubm1f fhe change equesf fo appova1.
5. Deve1op fhe change.
6. kepof esu1fs fo managemenf.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng sfeps shou1d be 1n p1ace fo a change confo1 pogam,
1. Make a foma1 equesf fo a change.
2. Ana1yze fhe equesf.
3. kecod fhe change equesf.
4. 5ubm1f fhe change equesf fo appova1.
5. Deve1op fhe change.
6. kepof esu1fs fo managemenf.
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng sfeps shou1d be 1n p1ace fo a change confo1 pogam,
Page 23
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
1. Make a foma1 equesf fo a change.
2. Ana1yze fhe equesf.
3. kecod fhe change equesf.
4. 5ubm1f fhe change equesf fo appova1.
5. Deve1op fhe change.
6. kepof esu1fs fo managemenf.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng sfeps shou1d be 1n p1ace fo a change confo1 pogam,
1. Make a foma1 equesf fo a change.
2. Ana1yze fhe equesf.
3. kecod fhe change equesf.
4. 5ubm1f fhe change equesf fo appova1.
5. Deve1op fhe change.
6. kepof esu1fs fo managemenf.
a. Coecf. 1he changes fo sysfems may equ1e anofhe ound of cef1f1caf1on and
acced1faf1on. lf fhe changes fo a sysfem ae s1gn1f1canf, fhen fhe funcf1ona11fy
and 1eve1 of pofecf1on may need fo be eeva1uafed {cef1f1ed}, and managemenf Wou1d
have fo appove fhe ovea11 sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng fhe neW changes {acced1faf1on}.
b. lncoecf. 1he changes fo sysfems may equ1e anofhe ound of cef1f1caf1on and
acced1faf1on. lf fhe changes fo a sysfem ae s1gn1f1canf, fhen fhe funcf1ona11fy
and 1eve1 of pofecf1on may need fo be eeva1uafed {cef1f1ed}, and managemenf Wou1d
have fo appove fhe ovea11 sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng fhe neW changes {acced1faf1on}.
c. lncoecf. 1he changes fo sysfems may equ1e anofhe ound of cef1f1caf1on and
acced1faf1on. lf fhe changes fo a sysfem ae s1gn1f1canf, fhen fhe funcf1ona11fy
and 1eve1 of pofecf1on may need fo be eeva1uafed {cef1f1ed}, and managemenf Wou1d
have fo appove fhe ovea11 sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng fhe neW changes {acced1faf1on}.
d. lncoecf. 1he changes fo sysfems may equ1e anofhe ound of cef1f1caf1on and
acced1faf1on. lf fhe changes fo a sysfem ae s1gn1f1canf, fhen fhe funcf1ona11fy
and 1eve1 of pofecf1on may need fo be eeva1uafed {cef1f1ed}, and managemenf Wou1d
have fo appove fhe ovea11 sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng fhe neW changes {acced1faf1on}.
a. Coecf. 1he f1ve 1eve1s of fhe Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 ae,
1. ln1f1a1
2. kepeafab1e
3. Def1ned
4. Managed
5. Opf1m1z1ng
b. lncoecf. 1he f1ve 1eve1s of fhe Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 ae,
1. ln1f1a1
2. kepeafab1e
3. Def1ned
4. Managed
5. Opf1m1z1ng
c. lncoecf. 1he f1ve 1eve1s of fhe Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 ae,
1. ln1f1a1
2. kepeafab1e
3. Def1ned
4. Managed
5. Opf1m1z1ng
d. lncoecf. 1he f1ve 1eve1s of fhe Capab111fy Mafu1fy Mode1 ae,
1. ln1f1a1
2. kepeafab1e
3. Def1ned
4. Managed
5. Opf1m1z1ng
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf 1eve1 def1n1f1ons of fhe Capab111fy
Mafu1fy Mode1:
- ln1f1a1 - Deve1opmenf pocess 1s ad hoc o even chaof1c. 1he company does nof use
Page 24
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
effecf1ve managemenf pocedues and p1ans. 1hee 1s no assuance of cons1sfency, and
qua11fy 1s unped1cfab1e.
- kepeafab1e - A foma1 managemenf sfucfue, change confo1, and qua11fy assuance
ae 1n p1ace. 1he company can pope1y epeaf pocesses fhoughouf each poecf. 1he
company does nof have foma1 pocess mode1s def1ned.
- Def1ned - Ioma1 pocedues ae 1n p1ace fhaf ouf11ne and def1ne pocesses ca1ed
ouf 1n each poecf. 1he ogan1zaf1on has a Way fo a11oW fo quanf1faf1ve pocess
- Managed - 1he company has foma1 pocesses 1n p1ace fo co11ecf and ana1yze
qua11faf1ve dafa, and mef1cs ae def1ned and fed 1nfo fhe pocess-1mpovemenf
- Opf1m1z1ng - 1he company has budgefed and 1nfegafed p1ans fo conf1nuous pocess
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf 1eve1 def1n1f1ons of fhe Capab111fy
Mafu1fy Mode1:
- ln1f1a1 - Deve1opmenf pocess 1s ad hoc o even chaof1c. 1he company does nof use
effecf1ve managemenf pocedues and p1ans. 1hee 1s no assuance of cons1sfency, and
qua11fy 1s unped1cfab1e.
- kepeafab1e - A foma1 managemenf sfucfue, change confo1, and qua11fy assuance
ae 1n p1ace. 1he company can pope1y epeaf pocesses fhoughouf each poecf. 1he
company does nof have foma1 pocess mode1s def1ned.
- Def1ned - Ioma1 pocedues ae 1n p1ace fhaf ouf11ne and def1ne pocesses ca1ed
ouf 1n each poecf. 1he ogan1zaf1on has a Way fo a11oW fo quanf1faf1ve pocess
- Managed - 1he company has foma1 pocesses 1n p1ace fo co11ecf and ana1yze
qua11faf1ve dafa, and mef1cs ae def1ned and fed 1nfo fhe pocess-1mpovemenf
- Opf1m1z1ng - 1he company has budgefed and 1nfegafed p1ans fo conf1nuous pocess
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf 1eve1 def1n1f1ons of fhe Capab111fy
Mafu1fy Mode1:
- ln1f1a1 - Deve1opmenf pocess 1s ad hoc o even chaof1c. 1he company does nof use
effecf1ve managemenf pocedues and p1ans. 1hee 1s no assuance of cons1sfency, and
qua11fy 1s unped1cfab1e.
- kepeafab1e - A foma1 managemenf sfucfue, change confo1, and qua11fy assuance
ae 1n p1ace. 1he company can pope1y epeaf pocesses fhoughouf each poecf. 1he
company does nof have foma1 pocess mode1s def1ned.
- Def1ned - Ioma1 pocedues ae 1n p1ace fhaf ouf11ne and def1ne pocesses ca1ed
ouf 1n each poecf. 1he ogan1zaf1on has a Way fo a11oW fo quanf1faf1ve pocess
- Managed - 1he company has foma1 pocesses 1n p1ace fo co11ecf and ana1yze
qua11faf1ve dafa, and mef1cs ae def1ned and fed 1nfo fhe pocess-1mpovemenf
- Opf1m1z1ng - 1he company has budgefed and 1nfegafed p1ans fo conf1nuous pocess
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf 1eve1 def1n1f1ons of fhe Capab111fy
Mafu1fy Mode1:
- ln1f1a1 - Deve1opmenf pocess 1s ad hoc o even chaof1c. 1he company does nof use
effecf1ve managemenf pocedues and p1ans. 1hee 1s no assuance of cons1sfency, and
qua11fy 1s unped1cfab1e.
- kepeafab1e - A foma1 managemenf sfucfue, change confo1, and qua11fy assuance
ae 1n p1ace. 1he company can pope1y epeaf pocesses fhoughouf each poecf. 1he
company does nof have foma1 pocess mode1s def1ned.
- Def1ned - Ioma1 pocedues ae 1n p1ace fhaf ouf11ne and def1ne pocesses ca1ed
ouf 1n each poecf. 1he ogan1zaf1on has a Way fo a11oW fo quanf1faf1ve pocess
- Managed - 1he company has foma1 pocesses 1n p1ace fo co11ecf and ana1yze
qua11faf1ve dafa, and mef1cs ae def1ned and fed 1nfo fhe pocess-1mpovemenf
- Opf1m1z1ng - 1he company has budgefed and 1nfegafed p1ans fo conf1nuous pocess
Page 25
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. lf a company pays anofhe company fo deve1op soffWae fo 1f, 1f
shou1d have some fype of soffWae escoW 1n p1ace fo pofecf1on. ln a soffWae
escoW, a fh1d pafy keeps a copy of fhe souce code, and poss1b1y ofhe mafe1a1s,
Wh1ch 1f W111 e1ease fo fhe cusfome on1y 1f spec1f1c c1cumsfances a1se, ma1n1y
1f fhe vendo Who deve1oped fhe code goes ouf of bus1ness o fo some eason 1s nof
meef1ng 1fs ob11gaf1ons and espons1b111f1es. 1h1s pocedue pofecfs fhe cusfome,
because fhe cusfome pays fhe vendo fo deve1op soffWae code fo 1f, and 1f fhe
vendo goes ouf of bus1ness, fhe cusfome ofheW1se Wou1d no 1onge have access fo
fhe acfua1 code. 1h1s means fhe cusfome code cou1d neve be updafed o ma1nfa1ned
b. lncoecf. lf a company pays anofhe company fo deve1op soffWae fo 1f, 1f
shou1d have some fype of soffWae escoW 1n p1ace fo pofecf1on. ln a soffWae
escoW, a fh1d pafy keeps a copy of fhe souce code, and poss1b1y ofhe mafe1a1s,
Wh1ch 1f W111 e1ease fo fhe cusfome on1y 1f spec1f1c c1cumsfances a1se, ma1n1y
1f fhe vendo Who deve1oped fhe code goes ouf of bus1ness o fo some eason 1s nof
meef1ng 1fs ob11gaf1ons and espons1b111f1es. 1h1s pocedue pofecfs fhe cusfome,
because fhe cusfome pays fhe vendo fo deve1op soffWae code fo 1f, and 1f fhe
vendo goes ouf of bus1ness, fhe cusfome ofheW1se Wou1d no 1onge have access fo
fhe acfua1 code. 1h1s means fhe cusfome code cou1d neve be updafed o ma1nfa1ned
c. lncoecf. lf a company pays anofhe company fo deve1op soffWae fo 1f, 1f
shou1d have some fype of soffWae escoW 1n p1ace fo pofecf1on. ln a soffWae
escoW, a fh1d pafy keeps a copy of fhe souce code, and poss1b1y ofhe mafe1a1s,
Wh1ch 1f W111 e1ease fo fhe cusfome on1y 1f spec1f1c c1cumsfances a1se, ma1n1y
1f fhe vendo Who deve1oped fhe code goes ouf of bus1ness o fo some eason 1s nof
meef1ng 1fs ob11gaf1ons and espons1b111f1es. 1h1s pocedue pofecfs fhe cusfome,
because fhe cusfome pays fhe vendo fo deve1op soffWae code fo 1f, and 1f fhe
vendo goes ouf of bus1ness, fhe cusfome ofheW1se Wou1d no 1onge have access fo
fhe acfua1 code. 1h1s means fhe cusfome code cou1d neve be updafed o ma1nfa1ned
d. Coecf. lf a company pays anofhe company fo deve1op soffWae fo 1f, 1f shou1d
have some fype of soffWae escoW 1n p1ace fo pofecf1on. ln a soffWae escoW, a
fh1d pafy keeps a copy of fhe souce code, and poss1b1y ofhe mafe1a1s, Wh1ch 1f
W111 e1ease fo fhe cusfome on1y 1f spec1f1c c1cumsfances a1se, ma1n1y 1f fhe
vendo Who deve1oped fhe code goes ouf of bus1ness o fo some eason 1s nof meef1ng
1fs ob11gaf1ons and espons1b111f1es. 1h1s pocedue pofecfs fhe cusfome, because
fhe cusfome pays fhe vendo fo deve1op soffWae code fo 1f, and 1f fhe vendo goes
ouf of bus1ness, fhe cusfome ofheW1se Wou1d no 1onge have access fo fhe acfua1
code. 1h1s means fhe cusfome code cou1d neve be updafed o ma1nfa1ned pope1y.
a. lncoecf. 1he pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae 11sfed be1oW,
1. Geneaf1on one: Mach1ne 1anguage
11. Geneaf1on fWo: Assemb1y 1anguage
111. Geneaf1on fhee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
1v. Geneaf1on fou: vey h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
v. Geneaf1on f1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
b. lncoecf. 1he pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae 11sfed be1oW,
1. Geneaf1on one: Mach1ne 1anguage
11. Geneaf1on fWo: Assemb1y 1anguage
111. Geneaf1on fhee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
1v. Geneaf1on fou: vey h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
v. Geneaf1on f1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
c. Coecf. 1he pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae 11sfed be1oW,
1. Geneaf1on one: Mach1ne 1anguage
11. Geneaf1on fWo: Assemb1y 1anguage
111. Geneaf1on fhee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
1v. Geneaf1on fou: vey h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
v. Geneaf1on f1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
d. lncoecf. 1he pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae 11sfed be1oW,
1. Geneaf1on one: Mach1ne 1anguage
11. Geneaf1on fWo: Assemb1y 1anguage
111. Geneaf1on fhee: h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
Page 26
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
1v. Geneaf1on fou: vey h1gh-1eve1 1anguage
v. Geneaf1on f1ve: Nafua1 1anguage
a. lncoecf. When an obecf 1s ceafed W1fh1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng
1anguage, 1f 1s efeed fo as 1nsfanf1af1on. 1he obecf 1nhe1fs a11 of fhe
aff1bufes of fhe c1ass 1f 1s 1nsfanf1afed fom. An obecf 1s peassemb1ed code fhaf
1s a se1f-confa1ned modu1e.
b. lncoecf. When an obecf 1s ceafed W1fh1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng
1anguage, 1f 1s efeed fo as 1nsfanf1af1on. 1he obecf 1nhe1fs a11 of fhe
aff1bufes of fhe c1ass 1f 1s 1nsfanf1afed fom. An obecf 1s peassemb1ed code fhaf
1s a se1f-confa1ned modu1e.
c. Coecf. When an obecf 1s ceafed W1fh1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng
1anguage, 1f 1s efeed fo as 1nsfanf1af1on. 1he obecf 1nhe1fs a11 of fhe
aff1bufes of fhe c1ass 1f 1s 1nsfanf1afed fom. An obecf 1s peassemb1ed code fhaf
1s a se1f-confa1ned modu1e.
d. lncoecf. When an obecf 1s ceafed W1fh1n an obecf-o1enfed pogamm1ng
1anguage, 1f 1s efeed fo as 1nsfanf1af1on. 1he obecf 1nhe1fs a11 of fhe
aff1bufes of fhe c1ass 1f 1s 1nsfanf1afed fom. An obecf 1s peassemb1ed code fhaf
1s a se1f-confa1ned modu1e.
a. Coecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs of OOP ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Modu1a1fy
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- keusab111fy
- Nafua1ness
b. lncoecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs of OOP ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Modu1a1fy
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- keusab111fy
- Nafua1ness
c. lncoecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs of OOP ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Modu1a1fy
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- keusab111fy
- Nafua1ness
d. lncoecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs of OOP ae 11sfed be1oW,
- Modu1a1fy
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- keusab111fy
- Nafua1ness
a. lncoecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed
- Modu1a1fy
- Aufonomous obecfs, coopeaf1on fhough exchanges of messages.
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- 1he 1nfena1 componenfs of an obecf can be edef1ned W1fhouf chang1ng ofhe pafs
of fhe sysfem.
- keusab111fy
- kef1n1ng c1asses fhough 1nhe1fance.
- Ofhe pogams us1ng same obecfs.
- Nafua1ness
- Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s, des1gn, and mode11ng maps fo bus1ness needs and
b. Coecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed be1oW:
- Modu1a1fy
- Aufonomous obecfs, coopeaf1on fhough exchanges of messages.
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- 1he 1nfena1 componenfs of an obecf can be edef1ned W1fhouf chang1ng ofhe pafs
of fhe sysfem.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
- keusab111fy
- kef1n1ng c1asses fhough 1nhe1fance.
- Ofhe pogams us1ng same obecfs.
- Nafua1ness
- Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s, des1gn, and mode11ng maps fo bus1ness needs and
c. lncoecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed
- Modu1a1fy
- Aufonomous obecfs, coopeaf1on fhough exchanges of messages.
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- 1he 1nfena1 componenfs of an obecf can be edef1ned W1fhouf chang1ng ofhe pafs
of fhe sysfem.
- keusab111fy
- kef1n1ng c1asses fhough 1nhe1fance.
- Ofhe pogams us1ng same obecfs.
- Nafua1ness
- Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s, des1gn, and mode11ng maps fo bus1ness needs and
d. lncoecf. 1he chaacfe1sf1cs and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1ons ae 11sfed
- Modu1a1fy
- Aufonomous obecfs, coopeaf1on fhough exchanges of messages.
- Defeed comm1fmenf
- 1he 1nfena1 componenfs of an obecf can be edef1ned W1fhouf chang1ng ofhe pafs
of fhe sysfem.
- keusab111fy
- kef1n1ng c1asses fhough 1nhe1fance.
- Ofhe pogams us1ng same obecfs.
- Nafua1ness
- Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s, des1gn, and mode11ng maps fo bus1ness needs and
a. lncoecf. Dafa h1d1ng 1s pov1ded by encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch pofecfs an obecfs
p1vafe dafa fom oufs1de access. No obecf shou1d be a11oWed fo, o have fhe need
fo, access anofhe obecfs 1nfena1 dafa o pocesses.
b. lncoecf. Dafa h1d1ng 1s pov1ded by encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch pofecfs an obecfs
p1vafe dafa fom oufs1de access. No obecf shou1d be a11oWed fo, o have fhe need
fo, access anofhe obecfs 1nfena1 dafa o pocesses.
c. Coecf. Dafa h1d1ng 1s pov1ded by encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch pofecfs an obecfs
p1vafe dafa fom oufs1de access. No obecf shou1d be a11oWed fo, o have fhe need
fo, access anofhe obecfs 1nfena1 dafa o pocesses.
d. lncoecf. Dafa h1d1ng 1s pov1ded by encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch pofecfs an obecfs
p1vafe dafa fom oufs1de access. No obecf shou1d be a11oWed fo, o have fhe need
fo, access anofhe obecfs 1nfena1 dafa o pocesses.
a. lncoecf. Absfacf1on 1s fhe capab111fy fo suppess unnecessay defa11s so fhe
1mpofanf, 1nheenf popef1es can be exam1ned and ev1eWed. lf enab1es fhe
sepaaf1on of concepfua1 aspecfs of a sysfem. Io examp1e, 1f a soffWae ach1fecf
needs fo undesfand hoW dafa f1oWs fhough fhe pogam, she Wou1d Wanf fo undesfand
fhe b1g p1eces of fhe pogam and face fhe sfeps fhe dafa fakes fom f1sf be1ng
1npuf 1nfo fhe pogam a11 fhe Way unf11 1f ex1fs fhe pogam as oufpuf. lf Wou1d be
d1ff1cu1f fo undesfand fh1s concepf 1f fhe sma11 defa11s of evey p1ece of fhe
pogam Wee pesenfed. lnsfead, fhough absfacf1on, a11 fhe defa11s ae suppessed
so she can undesfand a cuc1a1 paf of fhe poducf.
b. lncoecf. Absfacf1on 1s fhe capab111fy fo suppess unnecessay defa11s so fhe
1mpofanf, 1nheenf popef1es can be exam1ned and ev1eWed. lf enab1es fhe
sepaaf1on of concepfua1 aspecfs of a sysfem. Io examp1e, 1f a soffWae ach1fecf
needs fo undesfand hoW dafa f1oWs fhough fhe pogam, she Wou1d Wanf fo undesfand
fhe b1g p1eces of fhe pogam and face fhe sfeps fhe dafa fakes fom f1sf be1ng
1npuf 1nfo fhe pogam a11 fhe Way unf11 1f ex1fs fhe pogam as oufpuf. lf Wou1d be
Page 2
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
d1ff1cu1f fo undesfand fh1s concepf 1f fhe sma11 defa11s of evey p1ece of fhe
pogam Wee pesenfed. lnsfead, fhough absfacf1on, a11 fhe defa11s ae suppessed
so she can undesfand a cuc1a1 paf of fhe poducf.
c. Coecf. Absfacf1on 1s fhe capab111fy fo suppess unnecessay defa11s so fhe
1mpofanf, 1nheenf popef1es can be exam1ned and ev1eWed. lf enab1es fhe
sepaaf1on of concepfua1 aspecfs of a sysfem. Io examp1e, 1f a soffWae ach1fecf
needs fo undesfand hoW dafa f1oWs fhough fhe pogam, she Wou1d Wanf fo undesfand
fhe b1g p1eces of fhe pogam and face fhe sfeps fhe dafa fakes fom f1sf be1ng
1npuf 1nfo fhe pogam a11 fhe Way unf11 1f ex1fs fhe pogam as oufpuf. lf Wou1d be
d1ff1cu1f fo undesfand fh1s concepf 1f fhe sma11 defa11s of evey p1ece of fhe
pogam Wee pesenfed. lnsfead, fhough absfacf1on, a11 fhe defa11s ae suppessed
so she can undesfand a cuc1a1 paf of fhe poducf.
d. lncoecf. Absfacf1on 1s fhe capab111fy fo suppess unnecessay defa11s so fhe
1mpofanf, 1nheenf popef1es can be exam1ned and ev1eWed. lf enab1es fhe
sepaaf1on of concepfua1 aspecfs of a sysfem. Io examp1e, 1f a soffWae ach1fecf
needs fo undesfand hoW dafa f1oWs fhough fhe pogam, she Wou1d Wanf fo undesfand
fhe b1g p1eces of fhe pogam and face fhe sfeps fhe dafa fakes fom f1sf be1ng
1npuf 1nfo fhe pogam a11 fhe Way unf11 1f ex1fs fhe pogam as oufpuf. lf Wou1d be
d1ff1cu1f fo undesfand fh1s concepf 1f fhe sma11 defa11s of evey p1ece of fhe
pogam Wee pesenfed. lnsfead, fhough absfacf1on, a11 fhe defa11s ae suppessed
so she can undesfand a cuc1a1 paf of fhe poducf.
a. Coecf. When app11caf1ons ae deve1oped 1n a modu1a appoach, 11ke
obecf-o1enfed mefhods, componenfs can be eused, comp1ex1fy 1s educed, and
paa11e1 deve1opmenf can be done. 1hese chaacfe1sf1cs a11oW fo feWe m1sfakes,
eas1e mod1f1caf1on, esouce eff1c1ency, and moe f1me1y cod1ng fhan fhe c1ass1c
1nfomaf1on f1oW mode1s. OOP a1so pov1des funcf1ona1 1ndependence, Wh1ch means each
modu1e addesses a spec1f1c subfuncf1on of equ1emenfs and has an 1nfeface fhaf 1s
eas11y undesfood by ofhe pafs of fhe app11caf1on.
b. lncoecf. When app11caf1ons ae deve1oped 1n a modu1a appoach, 11ke
obecf-o1enfed mefhods, componenfs can be eused, comp1ex1fy 1s educed, and
paa11e1 deve1opmenf can be done. 1hese chaacfe1sf1cs a11oW fo feWe m1sfakes,
eas1e mod1f1caf1on, esouce eff1c1ency, and moe f1me1y cod1ng fhan fhe c1ass1c
1nfomaf1on f1oW mode1s. OOP a1so pov1des funcf1ona1 1ndependence, Wh1ch means each
modu1e addesses a spec1f1c subfuncf1on of equ1emenfs and has an 1nfeface fhaf 1s
eas11y undesfood by ofhe pafs of fhe app11caf1on.
c. lncoecf. When app11caf1ons ae deve1oped 1n a modu1a appoach, 11ke
obecf-o1enfed mefhods, componenfs can be eused, comp1ex1fy 1s educed, and
paa11e1 deve1opmenf can be done. 1hese chaacfe1sf1cs a11oW fo feWe m1sfakes,
eas1e mod1f1caf1on, esouce eff1c1ency, and moe f1me1y cod1ng fhan fhe c1ass1c
1nfomaf1on f1oW mode1s. OOP a1so pov1des funcf1ona1 1ndependence, Wh1ch means each
modu1e addesses a spec1f1c subfuncf1on of equ1emenfs and has an 1nfeface fhaf 1s
eas11y undesfood by ofhe pafs of fhe app11caf1on.
d. lncoecf. When app11caf1ons ae deve1oped 1n a modu1a appoach, 11ke
obecf-o1enfed mefhods, componenfs can be eused, comp1ex1fy 1s educed, and
paa11e1 deve1opmenf can be done. 1hese chaacfe1sf1cs a11oW fo feWe m1sfakes,
eas1e mod1f1caf1on, esouce eff1c1ency, and moe f1me1y cod1ng fhan fhe c1ass1c
1nfomaf1on f1oW mode1s. OOP a1so pov1des funcf1ona1 1ndependence, Wh1ch means each
modu1e addesses a spec1f1c subfuncf1on of equ1emenfs and has an 1nfeface fhaf 1s
eas11y undesfood by ofhe pafs of fhe app11caf1on.
a. Coecf. 1he p1may usage of po1ymoph1sm 1n 1ndusfy 1s fhe ab111fy of obecfs
be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o popefy ca11s of fhe
same name, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe fype-spec1f1c behav1o. lf 1s When
d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command, 1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf Ways.
b. lncoecf. 1he p1may usage of po1ymoph1sm 1n 1ndusfy 1s fhe ab111fy of
obecfs be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o popefy ca11s
of fhe same name, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe fype-spec1f1c behav1o. lf 1s
When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command, 1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf
c. lncoecf. 1he p1may usage of po1ymoph1sm 1n 1ndusfy 1s fhe ab111fy of
Page 29
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
obecfs be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o popefy ca11s
of fhe same name, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe fype-spec1f1c behav1o. lf 1s
When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command, 1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf
d. lncoecf. 1he p1may usage of po1ymoph1sm 1n 1ndusfy 1s fhe ab111fy of
obecfs be1ong1ng fo d1ffeenf fypes fo espond fo mefhod, f1e1d, o popefy ca11s
of fhe same name, each one accod1ng fo an appop1afe fype-spec1f1c behav1o. lf 1s
When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command, 1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf
a. Coecf. Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s {OOA} 1s fhe pocess of c1ass1fy1ng obecfs
fhaf W111 be appop1afe fo a so1uf1on. A pob1em 1s ana1yzed fo defem1ne fhe
c1asses of obecfs fo be used 1n fhe app11caf1on. Obecf-o1enfed des1gn {OOD}
ceafes a epesenfaf1on of a ea1-Wo1d pob1em and maps 1f fo a soffWae so1uf1on
us1ng OOP. 1he esu1f of an OOD 1s a des1gn fhaf modu1a1zes dafa and pocedues.
1he des1gn 1nfeconnecfs dafa obecfs and pocess1ng opeaf1ons.
b. lncoecf. Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s {OOA} 1s fhe pocess of c1ass1fy1ng obecfs
fhaf W111 be appop1afe fo a so1uf1on. A pob1em 1s ana1yzed fo defem1ne fhe
c1asses of obecfs fo be used 1n fhe app11caf1on. Obecf-o1enfed des1gn {OOD}
ceafes a epesenfaf1on of a ea1-Wo1d pob1em and maps 1f fo a soffWae so1uf1on
us1ng OOP. 1he esu1f of an OOD 1s a des1gn fhaf modu1a1zes dafa and pocedues.
1he des1gn 1nfeconnecfs dafa obecfs and pocess1ng opeaf1ons.
c. lncoecf. Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s {OOA} 1s fhe pocess of c1ass1fy1ng obecfs
fhaf W111 be appop1afe fo a so1uf1on. A pob1em 1s ana1yzed fo defem1ne fhe
c1asses of obecfs fo be used 1n fhe app11caf1on. Obecf-o1enfed des1gn {OOD}
ceafes a epesenfaf1on of a ea1-Wo1d pob1em and maps 1f fo a soffWae so1uf1on
us1ng OOP. 1he esu1f of an OOD 1s a des1gn fhaf modu1a1zes dafa and pocedues.
1he des1gn 1nfeconnecfs dafa obecfs and pocess1ng opeaf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Obecf-o1enfed ana1ys1s {OOA} 1s fhe pocess of c1ass1fy1ng obecfs
fhaf W111 be appop1afe fo a so1uf1on. A pob1em 1s ana1yzed fo defem1ne fhe
c1asses of obecfs fo be used 1n fhe app11caf1on. Obecf-o1enfed des1gn {OOD}
ceafes a epesenfaf1on of a ea1-Wo1d pob1em and maps 1f fo a soffWae so1uf1on
us1ng OOP. 1he esu1f of an OOD 1s a des1gn fhaf modu1a1zes dafa and pocedues.
1he des1gn 1nfeconnecfs dafa obecfs and pocess1ng opeaf1ons.
a. lncoecf. A dafa sfucfue 1s a epesenfaf1on of fhe 1og1ca1 e1af1onsh1p
befWeen e1emenfs of dafa. lf d1cfafes fhe degee of assoc1af1on befWeen e1emenfs,
mefhods of access, pocess1ng a1fenaf1ves, and fhe ogan1zaf1on of dafa e1emenfs. A
fu11-sfucfued ana1ys1s appoach 1ooks af a11 obecfs and subecfs of an
app11caf1on and maps fhe 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, commun1caf1ons pafhs, and 1nhe1fance
popef1es. 1h1s 1s d1ffeenf fom dafa mode11ng, Wh1ch cons1des dafa 1ndependenf1y
of fhe Way fhe dafa ae pocessed and of fhe componenfs fhaf pocess fhe dafa.
b. lncoecf. A dafa sfucfue 1s a epesenfaf1on of fhe 1og1ca1 e1af1onsh1p
befWeen e1emenfs of dafa. lf d1cfafes fhe degee of assoc1af1on befWeen e1emenfs,
mefhods of access, pocess1ng a1fenaf1ves, and fhe ogan1zaf1on of dafa e1emenfs. A
fu11-sfucfued ana1ys1s appoach 1ooks af a11 obecfs and subecfs of an
app11caf1on and maps fhe 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, commun1caf1ons pafhs, and 1nhe1fance
popef1es. 1h1s 1s d1ffeenf fom dafa mode11ng, Wh1ch cons1des dafa 1ndependenf1y
of fhe Way fhe dafa ae pocessed and of fhe componenfs fhaf pocess fhe dafa.
c. lncoecf. A dafa sfucfue 1s a epesenfaf1on of fhe 1og1ca1 e1af1onsh1p
befWeen e1emenfs of dafa. lf d1cfafes fhe degee of assoc1af1on befWeen e1emenfs,
mefhods of access, pocess1ng a1fenaf1ves, and fhe ogan1zaf1on of dafa e1emenfs. A
fu11-sfucfued ana1ys1s appoach 1ooks af a11 obecfs and subecfs of an
app11caf1on and maps fhe 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, commun1caf1ons pafhs, and 1nhe1fance
popef1es. 1h1s 1s d1ffeenf fom dafa mode11ng, Wh1ch cons1des dafa 1ndependenf1y
of fhe Way fhe dafa ae pocessed and of fhe componenfs fhaf pocess fhe dafa.
d. Coecf. A dafa sfucfue 1s a epesenfaf1on of fhe 1og1ca1 e1af1onsh1p
befWeen e1emenfs of dafa. lf d1cfafes fhe degee of assoc1af1on befWeen e1emenfs,
mefhods of access, pocess1ng a1fenaf1ves, and fhe ogan1zaf1on of dafa e1emenfs. A
fu11-sfucfued ana1ys1s appoach 1ooks af a11 obecfs and subecfs of an
app11caf1on and maps fhe 1nfee1af1onsh1ps, commun1caf1ons pafhs, and 1nhe1fance
Page 30
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
popef1es. 1h1s 1s d1ffeenf fom dafa mode11ng, Wh1ch cons1des dafa 1ndependenf1y
of fhe Way fhe dafa ae pocessed and of fhe componenfs fhaf pocess fhe dafa.
a. lncoecf. Po1ymoph1sm 1s When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command,
1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf Ways.
b. lncoecf. Po1ymoph1sm 1s When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command,
1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf Ways.
c. lncoecf. Po1ymoph1sm 1s When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command,
1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf Ways.
d. Coecf. Po1ymoph1sm 1s When d1ffeenf obecfs espond fo fhe same command,
1npuf, o message 1n d1ffeenf Ways.
a. lncoecf. Cohes1on ef1ecfs hoW many d1ffeenf fypes of fasks a modu1e can
cay ouf. Coup11ng 1s a measuemenf fhaf 1nd1cafes hoW much 1nfeacf1on one modu1e
equ1es fo cay ouf 1fs fasks.
b. Coecf. Cohes1on ef1ecfs hoW many d1ffeenf fypes of fasks a modu1e can cay
ouf. Coup11ng 1s a measuemenf fhaf 1nd1cafes hoW much 1nfeacf1on one modu1e
equ1es fo cay ouf 1fs fasks.
c. lncoecf. Cohes1on ef1ecfs hoW many d1ffeenf fypes of fasks a modu1e can
cay ouf. Coup11ng 1s a measuemenf fhaf 1nd1cafes hoW much 1nfeacf1on one modu1e
equ1es fo cay ouf 1fs fasks.
d. lncoecf. Cohes1on ef1ecfs hoW many d1ffeenf fypes of fasks a modu1e can
cay ouf. Coup11ng 1s a measuemenf fhaf 1nd1cafes hoW much 1nfeacf1on one modu1e
equ1es fo cay ouf 1fs fasks.
a. Coecf. Modu1es shou1d be se1f-confa1ned and pefom a s1ng1e 1og1ca1 funcf1on,
Wh1ch 1s h1gh cohes1on. Modu1es shou1d nof dasf1ca11y affecf each ofhe, Wh1ch 1s
1oW coup11ng.
b. lncoecf. Modu1es shou1d be se1f-confa1ned and pefom a s1ng1e 1og1ca1
funcf1on, Wh1ch 1s h1gh cohes1on. Modu1es shou1d nof dasf1ca11y affecf each ofhe,
Wh1ch 1s 1oW coup11ng.
c. lncoecf. Modu1es shou1d be se1f-confa1ned and pefom a s1ng1e 1og1ca1
funcf1on, Wh1ch 1s h1gh cohes1on. Modu1es shou1d nof dasf1ca11y affecf each ofhe,
Wh1ch 1s 1oW coup11ng.
d. lncoecf. Modu1es shou1d be se1f-confa1ned and pefom a s1ng1e 1og1ca1
funcf1on, Wh1ch 1s h1gh cohes1on. Modu1es shou1d nof dasf1ca11y affecf each ofhe,
Wh1ch 1s 1oW coup11ng.
a. lncoecf. Common Obecf kequesf 8oke Ach1fecfue {COk8A} 1s an open
obecf-o1enfed sfandad ach1fecfue deve1oped by fhe Obecf Managemenf Goup
{OMG}. lf pov1des 1nfeopeab111fy among fhe vasf aay of soffWae, p1affoms, and
hadWae 1n env1onmenfs foday. COk8A enab1es app11caf1ons fo commun1cafe W1fh one
anofhe no maffe Whee fhe app11caf1ons ae 1ocafed o Who deve1oped fhem.
b. lncoecf. Common Obecf kequesf 8oke Ach1fecfue {COk8A} 1s an open
obecf-o1enfed sfandad ach1fecfue deve1oped by fhe Obecf Managemenf Goup
{OMG}. lf pov1des 1nfeopeab111fy among fhe vasf aay of soffWae, p1affoms, and
hadWae 1n env1onmenfs foday. COk8A enab1es app11caf1ons fo commun1cafe W1fh one
anofhe no maffe Whee fhe app11caf1ons ae 1ocafed o Who deve1oped fhem.
c. Coecf. Common Obecf kequesf 8oke Ach1fecfue {COk8A} 1s an open
obecf-o1enfed sfandad ach1fecfue deve1oped by fhe Obecf Managemenf Goup
{OMG}. lf pov1des 1nfeopeab111fy among fhe vasf aay of soffWae, p1affoms, and
hadWae 1n env1onmenfs foday. COk8A enab1es app11caf1ons fo commun1cafe W1fh one
anofhe no maffe Whee fhe app11caf1ons ae 1ocafed o Who deve1oped fhem.
d. lncoecf. Common Obecf kequesf 8oke Ach1fecfue {COk8A} 1s an open
obecf-o1enfed sfandad ach1fecfue deve1oped by fhe Obecf Managemenf Goup
{OMG}. lf pov1des 1nfeopeab111fy among fhe vasf aay of soffWae, p1affoms, and
hadWae 1n env1onmenfs foday. COk8A enab1es app11caf1ons fo commun1cafe W1fh one
anofhe no maffe Whee fhe app11caf1ons ae 1ocafed o Who deve1oped fhem.
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App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
a. Coecf. Componenf Obecf Mode1 {COM} 1s a mode1 fhaf a11oWs fo 1nfepocess
commun1caf1on W1fh1n one app11caf1on o befWeen app11caf1ons on fhe same compufe
sysfem. 1he mode1 Was ceafed by M1cosoff and ouf11nes sfandad1zed APls, componenf
nam1ng schemes, and commun1caf1on sfandads.
b. lncoecf. Componenf Obecf Mode1 {COM} 1s a mode1 fhaf a11oWs fo 1nfepocess
commun1caf1on W1fh1n one app11caf1on o befWeen app11caf1ons on fhe same compufe
sysfem. 1he mode1 Was ceafed by M1cosoff and ouf11nes sfandad1zed APls, componenf
nam1ng schemes, and commun1caf1on sfandads.
c. lncoecf. Componenf Obecf Mode1 {COM} 1s a mode1 fhaf a11oWs fo 1nfepocess
commun1caf1on W1fh1n one app11caf1on o befWeen app11caf1ons on fhe same compufe
sysfem. 1he mode1 Was ceafed by M1cosoff and ouf11nes sfandad1zed APls, componenf
nam1ng schemes, and commun1caf1on sfandads.
d. lncoecf. Componenf Obecf Mode1 {COM} 1s a mode1 fhaf a11oWs fo 1nfepocess
commun1caf1on W1fh1n one app11caf1on o befWeen app11caf1ons on fhe same compufe
sysfem. 1he mode1 Was ceafed by M1cosoff and ouf11nes sfandad1zed APls, componenf
nam1ng schemes, and commun1caf1on sfandads.
a. lncoecf. 51mp1e Obecf Access Pofoco1 {5OAP} 1s an XML-based pofoco1 fhaf
encodes messages 1n a Web sev1ce sefup. 5o 1f you have a W1ndoWs 2000 compufe, fo
1nsfance, and you need fo access a W1ndoWs 200 compufe fhaf offes a spec1f1c Web
sev1ce, fhe pogams on bofh sysfems can commun1cafe us1ng 5OAP W1fhouf unn1ng
1nfo 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues. 1h1s commun1caf1on mosf common1y fakes p1ace ove h11P
because 1f 1s ead11y ava11ab1e 1n bas1ca11y a11 compufes foday.
b. lncoecf. 51mp1e Obecf Access Pofoco1 {5OAP} 1s an XML-based pofoco1 fhaf
encodes messages 1n a Web sev1ce sefup. 5o 1f you have a W1ndoWs 2000 compufe, fo
1nsfance, and you need fo access a W1ndoWs 200 compufe fhaf offes a spec1f1c Web
sev1ce, fhe pogams on bofh sysfems can commun1cafe us1ng 5OAP W1fhouf unn1ng
1nfo 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues. 1h1s commun1caf1on mosf common1y fakes p1ace ove h11P
because 1f 1s ead11y ava11ab1e 1n bas1ca11y a11 compufes foday.
c. lncoecf. 51mp1e Obecf Access Pofoco1 {5OAP} 1s an XML-based pofoco1 fhaf
encodes messages 1n a Web sev1ce sefup. 5o 1f you have a W1ndoWs 2000 compufe, fo
1nsfance, and you need fo access a W1ndoWs 200 compufe fhaf offes a spec1f1c Web
sev1ce, fhe pogams on bofh sysfems can commun1cafe us1ng 5OAP W1fhouf unn1ng
1nfo 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues. 1h1s commun1caf1on mosf common1y fakes p1ace ove h11P
because 1f 1s ead11y ava11ab1e 1n bas1ca11y a11 compufes foday.
d. Coecf. 51mp1e Obecf Access Pofoco1 {5OAP} 1s an XML-based pofoco1 fhaf
encodes messages 1n a Web sev1ce sefup. 5o 1f you have a W1ndoWs 2000 compufe, fo
1nsfance, and you need fo access a W1ndoWs 200 compufe fhaf offes a spec1f1c Web
sev1ce, fhe pogams on bofh sysfems can commun1cafe us1ng 5OAP W1fhouf unn1ng
1nfo 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues. 1h1s commun1caf1on mosf common1y fakes p1ace ove h11P
because 1f 1s ead11y ava11ab1e 1n bas1ca11y a11 compufes foday.
a. lncoecf. An expef sysfem 1s a compufe pogam confa1n1ng a knoW1edge base
and a sef of a1go1fhms and u1es used fo 1nfe neW facfs fom dafa and 1ncom1ng
equesfs. Lxpef sysfems use aufomaf1c 1og1ca1 pocess1ng, 1nfeence eng1ne
pocess1ng, and genea1 mefhods of seach1ng fo pob1em so1uf1ons.
b. Coecf. An expef sysfem 1s a compufe pogam confa1n1ng a knoW1edge base and
a sef of a1go1fhms and u1es used fo 1nfe neW facfs fom dafa and 1ncom1ng
equesfs. Lxpef sysfems use aufomaf1c 1og1ca1 pocess1ng, 1nfeence eng1ne
pocess1ng, and genea1 mefhods of seach1ng fo pob1em so1uf1ons.
c. lncoecf. An expef sysfem 1s a compufe pogam confa1n1ng a knoW1edge base
and a sef of a1go1fhms and u1es used fo 1nfe neW facfs fom dafa and 1ncom1ng
equesfs. Lxpef sysfems use aufomaf1c 1og1ca1 pocess1ng, 1nfeence eng1ne
pocess1ng, and genea1 mefhods of seach1ng fo pob1em so1uf1ons.
d. lncoecf. An expef sysfem 1s a compufe pogam confa1n1ng a knoW1edge base
and a sef of a1go1fhms and u1es used fo 1nfe neW facfs fom dafa and 1ncom1ng
equesfs. Lxpef sysfems use aufomaf1c 1og1ca1 pocess1ng, 1nfeence eng1ne
pocess1ng, and genea1 mefhods of seach1ng fo pob1em so1uf1ons.
Page 32
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s Whee affackes send fake 5YN equesfs fo seves 1n
an affempf fo exhausf fhe amounf of 1eg1f1mafe equesfs fhe seve can ma1nfa1n. lf
fhe affacke 1s successfu1, fhe seve W111 Wa1f fo a pedefem1ned f1meouf pe1od
fo fhe bogus connecf1ons fo comp1efe and mosf 1eg1f1mafe equesfs W111 be 1gnoed
by fhe seve.
b. lncoecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s Whee affackes send fake 5YN equesfs fo seves 1n
an affempf fo exhausf fhe amounf of 1eg1f1mafe equesfs fhe seve can ma1nfa1n. lf
fhe affacke 1s successfu1, fhe seve W111 Wa1f fo a pedefem1ned f1meouf pe1od
fo fhe bogus connecf1ons fo comp1efe and mosf 1eg1f1mafe equesfs W111 be 1gnoed
by fhe seve.
c. Coecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s Whee affackes send fake 5YN equesfs fo seves 1n an
affempf fo exhausf fhe amounf of 1eg1f1mafe equesfs fhe seve can ma1nfa1n. lf fhe
affacke 1s successfu1, fhe seve W111 Wa1f fo a pedefem1ned f1meouf pe1od fo
fhe bogus connecf1ons fo comp1efe and mosf 1eg1f1mafe equesfs W111 be 1gnoed by
fhe seve.
d. lncoecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s Whee affackes send fake 5YN equesfs fo seves 1n
an affempf fo exhausf fhe amounf of 1eg1f1mafe equesfs fhe seve can ma1nfa1n. lf
fhe affacke 1s successfu1, fhe seve W111 Wa1f fo a pedefem1ned f1meouf pe1od
fo fhe bogus connecf1ons fo comp1efe and mosf 1eg1f1mafe equesfs W111 be 1gnoed
by fhe seve.
a. lncoecf. 1he buffe ovef1oW 1s pobab1y fhe mosf nofo1ous of 1npuf
va11daf1on m1sfakes. A buffe 1s an aea eseved by an app11caf1on fo sfoe
somefh1ng 1n 1f, such as some use 1npuf. Affe fhe app11caf1on ece1ves fhe 1npuf,
an 1nsfucf1on po1nfe po1nfs fhe app11caf1on fo do somefh1ng W1fh fhe 1npuf fhafs
been puf 1n fhe buffe. A buffe ovef1oW occus When an app11caf1on eoneous1y
a11oWs an 1nva11d amounf of 1npuf fo be W1ffen 1nfo fhe buffe aea, oveW1f1ng
fhe 1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1n fhe code fhaf fo1d fhe pogam Whaf fo do W1fh fhe 1npuf.
Once fhe 1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1s oveW1ffen, Whafeve code has been p1aced 1n fhe
buffe can fhen be execufed, a11 unde fhe secu1fy confexf of fhe app11caf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he buffe ovef1oW 1s pobab1y fhe mosf nofo1ous of 1npuf
va11daf1on m1sfakes. A buffe 1s an aea eseved by an app11caf1on fo sfoe
somefh1ng 1n 1f, such as some use 1npuf. Affe fhe app11caf1on ece1ves fhe 1npuf,
an 1nsfucf1on po1nfe po1nfs fhe app11caf1on fo do somefh1ng W1fh fhe 1npuf fhafs
been puf 1n fhe buffe. A buffe ovef1oW occus When an app11caf1on eoneous1y
a11oWs an 1nva11d amounf of 1npuf fo be W1ffen 1nfo fhe buffe aea, oveW1f1ng
fhe 1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1n fhe code fhaf fo1d fhe pogam Whaf fo do W1fh fhe 1npuf.
Once fhe 1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1s oveW1ffen, Whafeve code has been p1aced 1n fhe
buffe can fhen be execufed, a11 unde fhe secu1fy confexf of fhe app11caf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he buffe ovef1oW 1s pobab1y fhe mosf nofo1ous of 1npuf
va11daf1on m1sfakes. A buffe 1s an aea eseved by an app11caf1on fo sfoe
somefh1ng 1n 1f, such as some use 1npuf. Affe fhe app11caf1on ece1ves fhe 1npuf,
an 1nsfucf1on po1nfe po1nfs fhe app11caf1on fo do somefh1ng W1fh fhe 1npuf fhafs
been puf 1n fhe buffe. A buffe ovef1oW occus When an app11caf1on eoneous1y
a11oWs an 1nva11d amounf of 1npuf fo be W1ffen 1nfo fhe buffe aea, oveW1f1ng
fhe 1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1n fhe code fhaf fo1d fhe pogam Whaf fo do W1fh fhe 1npuf.
Once fhe 1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1s oveW1ffen, Whafeve code has been p1aced 1n fhe
buffe can fhen be execufed, a11 unde fhe secu1fy confexf of fhe app11caf1on.
d. Coecf. 1he buffe ovef1oW 1s pobab1y fhe mosf nofo1ous of 1npuf va11daf1on
m1sfakes. A buffe 1s an aea eseved by an app11caf1on fo sfoe somefh1ng 1n 1f,
such as some use 1npuf. Affe fhe app11caf1on ece1ves fhe 1npuf, an 1nsfucf1on
po1nfe po1nfs fhe app11caf1on fo do somefh1ng W1fh fhe 1npuf fhafs been puf 1n fhe
buffe. A buffe ovef1oW occus When an app11caf1on eoneous1y a11oWs an 1nva11d
amounf of 1npuf fo be W1ffen 1nfo fhe buffe aea, oveW1f1ng fhe 1nsfucf1on
po1nfe 1n fhe code fhaf fo1d fhe pogam Whaf fo do W1fh fhe 1npuf. Once fhe
1nsfucf1on po1nfe 1s oveW1ffen, Whafeve code has been p1aced 1n fhe buffe can
fhen be execufed, a11 unde fhe secu1fy confexf of fhe app11caf1on.
a. lncoecf. lf fhe Web app11caf1on 1s W1ffen fo access a dafabase fhee 1s fhe
fheaf of 5qL 1necf1on, Whee 1nsfead of va11d 1npuf fhe affacke pufs acfua1
dafabase commands 1nfo fhe 1npuf f1e1ds, Wh1ch ae fhen pased and un by fhe
Page 33
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
app11caf1on. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} sfafemenfs can be used by affackes fo
bypass aufhenf1caf1on and evea1 a11 ecods 1n a dafabase.
b. Coecf. lf fhe Web app11caf1on 1s W1ffen fo access a dafabase fhee 1s fhe
fheaf of 5qL 1necf1on, Whee 1nsfead of va11d 1npuf fhe affacke pufs acfua1
dafabase commands 1nfo fhe 1npuf f1e1ds, Wh1ch ae fhen pased and un by fhe
app11caf1on. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} sfafemenfs can be used by affackes fo
bypass aufhenf1caf1on and evea1 a11 ecods 1n a dafabase.
c. lncoecf. lf fhe Web app11caf1on 1s W1ffen fo access a dafabase fhee 1s fhe
fheaf of 5qL 1necf1on, Whee 1nsfead of va11d 1npuf fhe affacke pufs acfua1
dafabase commands 1nfo fhe 1npuf f1e1ds, Wh1ch ae fhen pased and un by fhe
app11caf1on. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} sfafemenfs can be used by affackes fo
bypass aufhenf1caf1on and evea1 a11 ecods 1n a dafabase.
d. lncoecf. lf fhe Web app11caf1on 1s W1ffen fo access a dafabase fhee 1s fhe
fheaf of 5qL 1necf1on, Whee 1nsfead of va11d 1npuf fhe affacke pufs acfua1
dafabase commands 1nfo fhe 1npuf f1e1ds, Wh1ch ae fhen pased and un by fhe
app11caf1on. 5qL {5fucfued quey Language} sfafemenfs can be used by affackes fo
bypass aufhenf1caf1on and evea1 a11 ecods 1n a dafabase.
a. lncoecf. 1he non-pes1sfenf coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng vu1neab111fy 1s When fhe
dafa pov1ded by a Web c11enf, mosf common1y 1n h11P quey paamefes o 1n h1ML
fom subm1ss1ons, 1s used 1mmed1afe1y by seve-s1de sc1pfs fo geneafe a page of
esu1fs fo fhaf use, W1fhouf pope1y san1f1z1ng fhe esponse.
1he pes1sfenf X55 vu1neab111fy occus When fhe dafa pov1ded by fhe affacke 1s
saved by fhe seve, and fhen pemanenf1y d1sp1ayed on &quof,noma1&quof, pages
efuned fo ofhe uses 1n fhe couse of egu1a boWs1ng, W1fhouf pope h1ML
DOM-based vu1neab111f1es occu 1n fhe confenf pocess1ng sfages pefomed by fhe
c11enf, fyp1ca11y 1n c11enf-s1de Java5c1pf.
b. lncoecf. 1he non-pes1sfenf coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng vu1neab111fy 1s When fhe
dafa pov1ded by a Web c11enf, mosf common1y 1n h11P quey paamefes o 1n h1ML
fom subm1ss1ons, 1s used 1mmed1afe1y by seve-s1de sc1pfs fo geneafe a page of
esu1fs fo fhaf use, W1fhouf pope1y san1f1z1ng fhe esponse.
1he pes1sfenf X55 vu1neab111fy occus When fhe dafa pov1ded by fhe affacke 1s
saved by fhe seve, and fhen pemanenf1y d1sp1ayed on &quof,noma1&quof, pages
efuned fo ofhe uses 1n fhe couse of egu1a boWs1ng, W1fhouf pope h1ML
DOM-based vu1neab111f1es occu 1n fhe confenf pocess1ng sfages pefomed by fhe
c11enf, fyp1ca11y 1n c11enf-s1de Java5c1pf.
c. lncoecf. 1he non-pes1sfenf coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng vu1neab111fy 1s When fhe
dafa pov1ded by a Web c11enf, mosf common1y 1n h11P quey paamefes o 1n h1ML
fom subm1ss1ons, 1s used 1mmed1afe1y by seve-s1de sc1pfs fo geneafe a page of
esu1fs fo fhaf use, W1fhouf pope1y san1f1z1ng fhe esponse.
1he pes1sfenf X55 vu1neab111fy occus When fhe dafa pov1ded by fhe affacke 1s
saved by fhe seve, and fhen pemanenf1y d1sp1ayed on &quof,noma1&quof, pages
efuned fo ofhe uses 1n fhe couse of egu1a boWs1ng, W1fhouf pope h1ML
DOM-based vu1neab111f1es occu 1n fhe confenf pocess1ng sfages pefomed by fhe
c11enf, fyp1ca11y 1n c11enf-s1de Java5c1pf.
d. Coecf. 1he non-pes1sfenf coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng vu1neab111fy 1s When fhe dafa
pov1ded by a Web c11enf, mosf common1y 1n h11P quey paamefes o 1n h1ML fom
subm1ss1ons, 1s used 1mmed1afe1y by seve-s1de sc1pfs fo geneafe a page of
esu1fs fo fhaf use, W1fhouf pope1y san1f1z1ng fhe esponse.
1he pes1sfenf X55 vu1neab111fy occus When fhe dafa pov1ded by fhe affacke 1s
saved by fhe seve, and fhen pemanenf1y d1sp1ayed on &quof,noma1&quof, pages
efuned fo ofhe uses 1n fhe couse of egu1a boWs1ng, W1fhouf pope h1ML
DOM-based vu1neab111f1es occu 1n fhe confenf pocess1ng sfages pefomed by fhe
c11enf, fyp1ca11y 1n c11enf-s1de Java5c1pf.
a. Coecf. 1he essence of h11P kesponse 5p11ff1ng 1s fhe affackes ab111fy fo
send a s1ng1e h11P equesf fhaf foces fhe Web seve fo fom an oufpuf sfeam,
Page 34
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe fagef as fWo h11P esponses 1nsfead of one
esponse, 1n fhe noma1 case.
b. lncoecf. 1he essence of h11P kesponse 5p11ff1ng 1s fhe affackes ab111fy fo
send a s1ng1e h11P equesf fhaf foces fhe Web seve fo fom an oufpuf sfeam,
Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe fagef as fWo h11P esponses 1nsfead of one
esponse, 1n fhe noma1 case.
c. lncoecf. 1he essence of h11P kesponse 5p11ff1ng 1s fhe affackes ab111fy fo
send a s1ng1e h11P equesf fhaf foces fhe Web seve fo fom an oufpuf sfeam,
Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe fagef as fWo h11P esponses 1nsfead of one
esponse, 1n fhe noma1 case.
d. lncoecf. 1he essence of h11P kesponse 5p11ff1ng 1s fhe affackes ab111fy fo
send a s1ng1e h11P equesf fhaf foces fhe Web seve fo fom an oufpuf sfeam,
Wh1ch 1s fhen 1nfepefed by fhe fagef as fWo h11P esponses 1nsfead of one
esponse, 1n fhe noma1 case.
a. lncoecf. 1he fem &quof,coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng&quof, {X55} efes fo an affack
Whee a vu1neab111fy 1s found on a Web s1fe fhaf a11oWs an affacke fo 1necf
ma11c1ous code 1nfo a Web app11caf1on. 1he ma11c1ous code can fhen be execufed 1n
fhe boWses of unsuspecf1ng uses as fhey access fhe s1fe. 1un1ng off a11
sc1pf1ng Wou1d f1x fh1s vu1neab111fy, buf Wou1d beak a 1of of Web app11caf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 1he fem &quof,coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng&quof, {X55} efes fo an affack
Whee a vu1neab111fy 1s found on a Web s1fe fhaf a11oWs an affacke fo 1necf
ma11c1ous code 1nfo a Web app11caf1on. 1he ma11c1ous code can fhen be execufed 1n
fhe boWses of unsuspecf1ng uses as fhey access fhe s1fe. 1un1ng off a11
sc1pf1ng Wou1d f1x fh1s vu1neab111fy, buf Wou1d beak a 1of of Web app11caf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he fem &quof,coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng&quof, {X55} efes fo an affack
Whee a vu1neab111fy 1s found on a Web s1fe fhaf a11oWs an affacke fo 1necf
ma11c1ous code 1nfo a Web app11caf1on. 1he ma11c1ous code can fhen be execufed 1n
fhe boWses of unsuspecf1ng uses as fhey access fhe s1fe. 1un1ng off a11
sc1pf1ng Wou1d f1x fh1s vu1neab111fy, buf Wou1d beak a 1of of Web app11caf1ons.
d. Coecf. 1he fem &quof,coss-s1fe sc1pf1ng&quof, {X55} efes fo an affack
Whee a vu1neab111fy 1s found on a Web s1fe fhaf a11oWs an affacke fo 1necf
ma11c1ous code 1nfo a Web app11caf1on. 1he ma11c1ous code can fhen be execufed 1n
fhe boWses of unsuspecf1ng uses as fhey access fhe s1fe. 1un1ng off a11
sc1pf1ng Wou1d f1x fh1s vu1neab111fy, buf Wou1d beak a 1of of Web app11caf1ons.
a. Coecf. A1so ca11ed doma1n name sysfem {DN5} po1son1ng o DN5 cache po1son1ng,
1s fhe coupf1on of an lnfenef seves doma1n name sysfem fab1e by ep1ac1ng an
lnfenef addess W1fh fhaf of anofhe, ogue addess. When a Web use seeks fhe page
W1fh fhaf addess, fhe equesf 1s ed1ecfed by fhe ogue enfy 1n fhe fab1e fo a
d1ffeenf addess. Af fhaf po1nf, a Wom, spyWae, Web boWse h1ack1ng pogam, o
ofhe ma1Wae can be doWn1oaded fo fhe uses compufe fom fhe ogue 1ocaf1on.
b. lncoecf. A1so ca11ed doma1n name sysfem {DN5} po1son1ng o DN5 cache
po1son1ng, 1s fhe coupf1on of an lnfenef seves doma1n name sysfem fab1e by
ep1ac1ng an lnfenef addess W1fh fhaf of anofhe, ogue addess. When a Web use
seeks fhe page W1fh fhaf addess, fhe equesf 1s ed1ecfed by fhe ogue enfy 1n
fhe fab1e fo a d1ffeenf addess. Af fhaf po1nf, a Wom, spyWae, Web boWse
h1ack1ng pogam, o ofhe ma1Wae can be doWn1oaded fo fhe uses compufe fom
fhe ogue 1ocaf1on.
c. lncoecf. A1so ca11ed doma1n name sysfem {DN5} po1son1ng o DN5 cache
po1son1ng, 1s fhe coupf1on of an lnfenef seves doma1n name sysfem fab1e by
ep1ac1ng an lnfenef addess W1fh fhaf of anofhe, ogue addess. When a Web use
seeks fhe page W1fh fhaf addess, fhe equesf 1s ed1ecfed by fhe ogue enfy 1n
fhe fab1e fo a d1ffeenf addess. Af fhaf po1nf, a Wom, spyWae, Web boWse
h1ack1ng pogam, o ofhe ma1Wae can be doWn1oaded fo fhe uses compufe fom
fhe ogue 1ocaf1on.
d. lncoecf. A1so ca11ed doma1n name sysfem {DN5} po1son1ng o DN5 cache
po1son1ng, 1s fhe coupf1on of an lnfenef seves doma1n name sysfem fab1e by
ep1ac1ng an lnfenef addess W1fh fhaf of anofhe, ogue addess. When a Web use
seeks fhe page W1fh fhaf addess, fhe equesf 1s ed1ecfed by fhe ogue enfy 1n
fhe fab1e fo a d1ffeenf addess. Af fhaf po1nf, a Wom, spyWae, Web boWse
Page 35
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
h1ack1ng pogam, o ofhe ma1Wae can be doWn1oaded fo fhe uses compufe fom
fhe ogue 1ocaf1on.
a. lncoecf. When an app1ef 1s execufed, fhe JvM W111 ceafe a v1fua1 mach1ne
W1fh1n an env1onmenf ca11ed a sandbox. 1h1s v1fua1 mach1ne 1s an enc1osed
env1onmenf 1n Wh1ch fhe app1ef ca1es ouf 1fs acf1v1f1es. App1efs ae common1y
senf ove W1fh1n a equesfed Web page, Wh1ch means fhe app1ef execufes as soon as 1f
a1ves. lf can cay ouf ma11c1ous acf1v1fy on pupose o acc1denfa11y 1f fhe
deve1ope of fhe app1ef d1d nof do h1s paf coecf1y. 5o fhe sandbox sf1cf1y
11m1fs fhe app1efs access fo any sysfem esouces. 1he JvM med1afes access fo
sysfem esouces fo ensue fhe app1ef code behaves and sfays W1fh1n 1fs oWn sandbox.
b. lncoecf. When an app1ef 1s execufed, fhe JvM W111 ceafe a v1fua1 mach1ne
W1fh1n an env1onmenf ca11ed a sandbox. 1h1s v1fua1 mach1ne 1s an enc1osed
env1onmenf 1n Wh1ch fhe app1ef ca1es ouf 1fs acf1v1f1es. App1efs ae common1y
senf ove W1fh1n a equesfed Web page, Wh1ch means fhe app1ef execufes as soon as 1f
a1ves. lf can cay ouf ma11c1ous acf1v1fy on pupose o acc1denfa11y 1f fhe
deve1ope of fhe app1ef d1d nof do h1s paf coecf1y. 5o fhe sandbox sf1cf1y
11m1fs fhe app1efs access fo any sysfem esouces. 1he JvM med1afes access fo
sysfem esouces fo ensue fhe app1ef code behaves and sfays W1fh1n 1fs oWn sandbox.
c. Coecf. When an app1ef 1s execufed, fhe JvM W111 ceafe a v1fua1 mach1ne
W1fh1n an env1onmenf ca11ed a sandbox. 1h1s v1fua1 mach1ne 1s an enc1osed
env1onmenf 1n Wh1ch fhe app1ef ca1es ouf 1fs acf1v1f1es. App1efs ae common1y
senf ove W1fh1n a equesfed Web page, Wh1ch means fhe app1ef execufes as soon as 1f
a1ves. lf can cay ouf ma11c1ous acf1v1fy on pupose o acc1denfa11y 1f fhe
deve1ope of fhe app1ef d1d nof do h1s paf coecf1y. 5o fhe sandbox sf1cf1y
11m1fs fhe app1efs access fo any sysfem esouces. 1he JvM med1afes access fo
sysfem esouces fo ensue fhe app1ef code behaves and sfays W1fh1n 1fs oWn sandbox.
d. lncoecf. When an app1ef 1s execufed, fhe JvM W111 ceafe a v1fua1 mach1ne
W1fh1n an env1onmenf ca11ed a sandbox. 1h1s v1fua1 mach1ne 1s an enc1osed
env1onmenf 1n Wh1ch fhe app1ef ca1es ouf 1fs acf1v1f1es. App1efs ae common1y
senf ove W1fh1n a equesfed Web page, Wh1ch means fhe app1ef execufes as soon as 1f
a1ves. lf can cay ouf ma11c1ous acf1v1fy on pupose o acc1denfa11y 1f fhe
deve1ope of fhe app1ef d1d nof do h1s paf coecf1y. 5o fhe sandbox sf1cf1y
11m1fs fhe app1efs access fo any sysfem esouces. 1he JvM med1afes access fo
sysfem esouces fo ensue fhe app1ef code behaves and sfays W1fh1n 1fs oWn sandbox.
a. Coecf. 1he ma1n secu1fy d1ffeence befWeen Java app1efs and Acf1veX confo1s
1s fhaf Java sefs up a sandbox fo fhe code fo execufe 1n, and fh1s esf1cfs fhe
codes access fo esouces W1fh1n fhe uses compufe. Acf1veX uses Aufhenf1code
fechno1ogy, Wh1ch e11es on d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes and fusf1ng cef1f1cafe
b. lncoecf. 1he ma1n secu1fy d1ffeence befWeen Java app1efs and Acf1veX
confo1s 1s fhaf Java sefs up a sandbox fo fhe code fo execufe 1n, and fh1s
esf1cfs fhe codes access fo esouces W1fh1n fhe uses compufe. Acf1veX uses
Aufhenf1code fechno1ogy, Wh1ch e11es on d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes and fusf1ng
cef1f1cafe aufho1f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he ma1n secu1fy d1ffeence befWeen Java app1efs and Acf1veX
confo1s 1s fhaf Java sefs up a sandbox fo fhe code fo execufe 1n, and fh1s
esf1cfs fhe codes access fo esouces W1fh1n fhe uses compufe. Acf1veX uses
Aufhenf1code fechno1ogy, Wh1ch e11es on d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes and fusf1ng
cef1f1cafe aufho1f1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he ma1n secu1fy d1ffeence befWeen Java app1efs and Acf1veX
confo1s 1s fhaf Java sefs up a sandbox fo fhe code fo execufe 1n, and fh1s
esf1cfs fhe codes access fo esouces W1fh1n fhe uses compufe. Acf1veX uses
Aufhenf1code fechno1ogy, Wh1ch e11es on d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes and fusf1ng
cef1f1cafe aufho1f1es.
a. lncoecf. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf 1s fhe fh1d phase of fhe 5DLC. Du1ng fh1s
phase, fhe sysfem W111 be 1nsfa11ed and eva1uafed 1n fhe ogan1zaf1ons opeaf1ona1
Page 36
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fh1s phase 1nc1ude:
1. lnfegafe fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem 1nfo 1fs env1onmenf,
11. P1an and conducf sysfem cef1f1caf1on acf1v1f1es 1n synchon1zaf1on W1fh fesf1ng
of secu1fy confo1s
111. Comp1efe sysfem acced1faf1on acf1v1f1es
b. lncoecf. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf 1s fhe fh1d phase of fhe 5DLC. Du1ng fh1s
phase, fhe sysfem W111 be 1nsfa11ed and eva1uafed 1n fhe ogan1zaf1ons opeaf1ona1
key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fh1s phase 1nc1ude:
1. lnfegafe fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem 1nfo 1fs env1onmenf,
11. P1an and conducf sysfem cef1f1caf1on acf1v1f1es 1n synchon1zaf1on W1fh fesf1ng
of secu1fy confo1s
111. Comp1efe sysfem acced1faf1on acf1v1f1es
c. lncoecf. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf 1s fhe fh1d phase of fhe 5DLC. Du1ng fh1s
phase, fhe sysfem W111 be 1nsfa11ed and eva1uafed 1n fhe ogan1zaf1ons opeaf1ona1
key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fh1s phase 1nc1ude:
1. lnfegafe fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem 1nfo 1fs env1onmenf,
11. P1an and conducf sysfem cef1f1caf1on acf1v1f1es 1n synchon1zaf1on W1fh fesf1ng
of secu1fy confo1s
111. Comp1efe sysfem acced1faf1on acf1v1f1es
d. Coecf. lmp1emenfaf1on/Assessmenf 1s fhe fh1d phase of fhe 5DLC. Du1ng fh1s
phase, fhe sysfem W111 be 1nsfa11ed and eva1uafed 1n fhe ogan1zaf1ons opeaf1ona1
key secu1fy acf1v1f1es fo fh1s phase 1nc1ude:
1. lnfegafe fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem 1nfo 1fs env1onmenf,
11. P1an and conducf sysfem cef1f1caf1on acf1v1f1es 1n synchon1zaf1on W1fh fesf1ng
of secu1fy confo1s
111. Comp1efe sysfem acced1faf1on acf1v1f1es
a. lncoecf. Io soffWae W1ffen comp1efe1y 1n Java, buffe ovef1oW eos ae
1mposs1b1e. 1he 1anguage s1mp1y does nof pov1de any Way fo sfoe dafa 1nfo memoy
fhaf has nof been pope1y a11ocafed. 1o do fhaf, you Wou1d need a po1nfe fhaf
po1nfs fo una11ocafed memoy o you Wou1d have fo efe fo an aay 1ocaf1on fhaf
11es oufs1de fhe ange a11ocafed fo fhe aay. Ne1fhe of fhese 1s poss1b1e 1n
Java. {hoWeve, fhee cou1d conce1vab1y sf111 be eos 1n Javas sfandad c1asses,
s1nce some of fhe mefhods 1n fhese c1asses ae acfua11y W1ffen 1n fhe C pogamm1ng
1anguage afhe fhan 1n Java.}
b. lncoecf. Io soffWae W1ffen comp1efe1y 1n Java, buffe ovef1oW eos ae
1mposs1b1e. 1he 1anguage s1mp1y does nof pov1de any Way fo sfoe dafa 1nfo memoy
fhaf has nof been pope1y a11ocafed. 1o do fhaf, you Wou1d need a po1nfe fhaf
po1nfs fo una11ocafed memoy o you Wou1d have fo efe fo an aay 1ocaf1on fhaf
11es oufs1de fhe ange a11ocafed fo fhe aay. Ne1fhe of fhese 1s poss1b1e 1n
Java. {hoWeve, fhee cou1d conce1vab1y sf111 be eos 1n Javas sfandad c1asses,
s1nce some of fhe mefhods 1n fhese c1asses ae acfua11y W1ffen 1n fhe C pogamm1ng
1anguage afhe fhan 1n Java.}
c. Coecf. Io soffWae W1ffen comp1efe1y 1n Java, buffe ovef1oW eos ae
1mposs1b1e. 1he 1anguage s1mp1y does nof pov1de any Way fo sfoe dafa 1nfo memoy
fhaf has nof been pope1y a11ocafed. 1o do fhaf, you Wou1d need a po1nfe fhaf
po1nfs fo una11ocafed memoy o you Wou1d have fo efe fo an aay 1ocaf1on fhaf
11es oufs1de fhe ange a11ocafed fo fhe aay. Ne1fhe of fhese 1s poss1b1e 1n
Java. {hoWeve, fhee cou1d conce1vab1y sf111 be eos 1n Javas sfandad c1asses,
s1nce some of fhe mefhods 1n fhese c1asses ae acfua11y W1ffen 1n fhe C pogamm1ng
1anguage afhe fhan 1n Java.}
d. lncoecf. Io soffWae W1ffen comp1efe1y 1n Java, buffe ovef1oW eos ae
1mposs1b1e. 1he 1anguage s1mp1y does nof pov1de any Way fo sfoe dafa 1nfo memoy
fhaf has nof been pope1y a11ocafed. 1o do fhaf, you Wou1d need a po1nfe fhaf
po1nfs fo una11ocafed memoy o you Wou1d have fo efe fo an aay 1ocaf1on fhaf
11es oufs1de fhe ange a11ocafed fo fhe aay. Ne1fhe of fhese 1s poss1b1e 1n
Java. {hoWeve, fhee cou1d conce1vab1y sf111 be eos 1n Javas sfandad c1asses,
s1nce some of fhe mefhods 1n fhese c1asses ae acfua11y W1ffen 1n fhe C pogamm1ng
1anguage afhe fhan 1n Java.}
Page 37
App and 5ysfems Deve1opmenf-P3.fxf
Page 3
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
qu1z Name = 8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1
1. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng needs fo pov1de sevea1 fypes of funcf1ona11f1es
and pofecf1on fypes fo an ogan1zaf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof one of fhese
1. Pov1de an 1mmed1afe and appop1afe esponse fo emegency s1fuaf1ons
11. Pofecf 11ves and ensue safefy
111. keduce bus1ness conf11cfs
1v. kesume c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons
v. Wok W1fh oufs1de vendos du1ng fhe ecovey pe1od
v1. keduce confus1on du1ng a c1s1s
v11. Lnsue suv1vab111fy of fhe bus1ness
v111. Gef "up and unn1ng" qu1ck1y affe a d1sasfe
a. 11, 111
b. 111, 1v, v1
c. 1, 11, v11
d. 111
2. Whaf pocedues shou1d fake p1ace fo esfoe a sysfem and 1fs dafa f11es affe
sysfem fa11ue?
a. kesfoe fom sfoage med1a backup
b. Pefom a paa11e1 fesf
c. lmp1emenf ecovey pocedues
d. Pefom a Wa1k-fhough fesf
3. Whaf 1s fhe f1sf sfep 1n deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an?
a. ldenf1fy a11 c1f1ca1 sysfems and funcf1ons of fhe company
b. Dec1de 1f fhe company needs fo pefom a Wa1k-fhough, paa11e1, o s1mu1af1on
c. Pefom a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
d. lnfev1eW a epesenfaf1ve fom each depafmenf
4. hoW offen shou1d a d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an be fesfed?
a. Af 1easf evey s1x monfhs
b. On1y When fhe 1nfasfucfue o env1onmenf changes
c. Af 1easf evey fWo yeas
d. Af 1easf evey yea
5. Du1ng a ecovey pocedue, one 1mpofanf sfep 1s fo ma1nfa1n ecods of
1mpofanf evenfs fhaf happen du1ng fhe pocedue. Whaf ofhe sfep 1s usf as
a. 5chedu1e anofhe fesf fo addess 1ssues fhaf fook p1ace du1ng fhaf pocedue
b. Make sue someone 1s pepaed fo fa1k fo fhe med1a W1fh fhe appop1afe
c. kepof fhe evenfs fo managemenf and fhe appop1afe agenc1es
d. ldenf1fy essenf1a1 bus1ness funcf1ons
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe Nl51 documenf fhaf Was ceafed fo d1sasfe
a. 00-53
b. 00-34
c. 00-55
d. 00-37
7. 1he pupose of 1n1f1af1ng emegency acf1ons 1ghf affe a d1sasfe fakes p1ace 1s
fo pevenf 1oss of 11fe, affend fo 1nu1es, and .
Page 1
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
a. 5ecue fhe aea fo ensue fhaf no 1oof1ng o faud fakes p1ace
b. M1f1gafe fufhe damage
c. Pofecf ev1dence and c1ues
d. lnvesf1gafe fhe exfenf of fhe damages
. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf Way fo ensue fhaf a company`s backup fapes
can be used af a Wam s1fe?
a. kef1eve fhe fapes fom fhe off-s1fe fac111fy and ve1fy fhaf fhe equ1pmenf af
fhe o1g1na1 s1fe can ead fhem
b. 1esf fhem on fhe vendo`s mach1ne, Wh1ch Won`f be used du1ng an emegency
c. lnvenfoy each fape kepf af fhe vendo`s s1fe fW1ce a monfh
d. 1esf fhem on fhe equ1pmenf ma1nfa1ned W1fh1n fhe hof s1fe
9. Wh1ch 1s fhe besf desc1pf1on of emofe ouna11ng?
a. 8ack1ng up bu1k dafa fo an off-s1fe fac111fy
b. 8ack1ng up fansacf1on 1ogs fo an off-s1fe fac111fy
c. Capfu1ng and sav1ng fansacf1ons fo fWo m1o seves 1n-house
d. Capfu1ng and sav1ng fansacf1ons fo d1ffeenf med1a fypes
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s somefh1ng fhaf shou1d be equ1ed of an off-s1fe
backup fac111fy fhaf sfoes backed-up med1a fo compan1es?
a. 1he fac111fy shou1d be W1fh1n 10 fo 15 m1nufes of fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy fo
ensue easy access.
b. 1he fac111fy shou1d confa1n a11 necessay PCs, seves, and a1sed f1oo1ng.
c. 1he fac111fy shou1d be pofecfed by an amed guad.
d. 1he fac111fy shou1d pofecf aga1nsf unaufho1zed access and enfy.
11. When deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe fh1d
a. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
b. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es
c. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s
d. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an
12. Wh1ch 1fem W111 a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s nof 1denf1fy?
a. lf fhe company 1s besf su1fed fo a paa11e1 o fu11-1nfeupf fesf
b. Whaf aeas Wou1d suffe fhe geafesf opeaf1ona1 and f1nanc1a1 1oss 1n fhe evenf
of a paf1cu1a d1sasfe o d1supf1on
c. Whaf sysfems ae c1f1ca1 fo fhe company and musf be h1gh1y pofecfed
d. Whaf amounf of oufage f1me a company can endue befoe 1f 1s pemanenf1y
13. Wh1ch aeas of a company ae bus1ness p1ans ecommended fo?
a. 1he mosf 1mpofanf opeaf1ona1 and f1nanc1a1 aeas
b. 1he aeas fhaf house fhe c1f1ca1 sysfems
c. A11 aeas
d. 1he aeas fhaf fhe company cannof suv1ve W1fhouf
14. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy?
a. D1sasfe ecovey dea1s W1fh fhe acf1ons fhaf need fo fake p1ace 1ghf affe a
d1sasfe, and bus1ness conf1nu1fy dea1s W1fh fhe acf1ons fhaf need fo fake p1ace fo
keep opeaf1ons unn1ng ove a 1onge pe1od of f1me.
b. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy dea1s W1fh fhe acf1ons fhaf need fo fake p1ace 1ghf affe a
d1sasfe, and d1sasfe ecovey dea1s W1fh fhe acf1ons fhaf need fo fake p1ace fo
keep opeaf1ons unn1ng ove a 1onge pe1od of f1me.
c. 1hey ae one and fhe same
Page 2
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
d. D1sasfe ecovey dea1s W1fh opeaf1ons, and bus1ness conf1nu1fy dea1s W1fh
m1f1gaf1ng 1sks.
15. Who has fhe f1na1 appova1 of fhe d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy
a. 1he p1ann1ng comm1ffee
b. Lach epesenfaf1ve of each depafmenf
c. Managemenf
d. Lxfena1 aufho1fy
16. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng have 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng When 1f comes fo
d1sasfe ecovey sfeps?
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. W1fe a po11cy fhaf pov1des
fhe gu1dance necessay fo deve1op a 8CP and fhaf ass1gns aufho1fy fo fhe necessay
o1es fo cay ouf fhese fasks.
11. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. ldenf1fy c1f1ca1 funcf1ons and
sysfems and a11oW fhe ogan1zaf1on fo p1o1f1ze fhem based on necess1fy. ldenf1fy
vu1neab111f1es, fheafs, and ca1cu1afe 1sks.
111. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Once fheafs ae ecogn1zed, 1denf1fy and
1mp1emenf confo1s and counfemeasues fo educe fhe ogan1zaf1ons 1sk 1eve1 1n an
econom1ca1 manne.
1v. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es. W1fe pocedues and gu1de11nes fo hoW fhe
ogan1zaf1on can sf111 sfay funcf1ona1 1n a c1pp1ed sfafe.
v. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an. Iomu1afe mefhods fo ensue sysfems and c1f1ca1
funcf1ons can be boughf on11ne qu1ck1y.
v1. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses. 1esf fhe p1an fo 1denf1fy
def1c1enc1es 1n fhe 8CP, and conducf fa1n1ng fo pope1y pepae 1nd1v1dua1s on
fhe1 expecfed fasks.
v11. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an. Puf 1n p1ace sfeps fo ensue fhe 8CP 1s a 11v1ng documenf
fhaf 1s updafed egu1a1y.
a. 1v, v
b. 11, 1v
c. 1, 11, 111
d. 1, v11, v
17. Wh1ch ae fhe pope sfeps of deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey and conf1nu1fy
a. Poecf 1n1f1af1on, sfafegy deve1opmenf, bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s, p1an
deve1opmenf, 1mp1emenfaf1on, fesf1ng, and ma1nfenance
b. 5fafegy deve1opmenf, poecf 1n1f1af1on, bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s, p1an
deve1opmenf, 1mp1emenfaf1on, fesf1ng, and ma1nfenance
c. lmp1emenfaf1on and fesf1ng, poecf 1n1f1af1on, sfafegy deve1opmenf, bus1ness
1mpacf ana1ys1s, and p1an deve1opmenf
d. P1an deve1opmenf, poecf 1n1f1af1on, sfafegy deve1opmenf, bus1ness 1mpacf
ana1ys1s, 1mp1emenfaf1on, fesf1ng, and ma1nfenance
1. Whaf 1s fhe mosf cuc1a1 p1ece of deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an?
a. 8us1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
b. lmp1emenfaf1on, fesf1ng, and fo11oW1ng fhough
c. Paf1c1paf1on fom each and evey depafmenf
d. Managemenf suppof
19. Du1ng deve1opmenf, fesf1ng, and ma1nfenance of fhe d1sasfe ecovey and
conf1nu1fy p1an, a h1gh degee of 1nfeacf1on and commun1caf1on 1s cuc1a1 fo fhe
pocess. Why?
a. 1h1s 1s a egu1afoy equ1emenf of fhe pocess.
b. 1he moe peop1e fa1k abouf 1f and gef 1nvo1ved, fhe moe aWaeness W111
Page 3
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
c. 1h1s 1s nof cuc1a1 fo fhe p1an and shou1d nof be 1nfeacf1ve because 1f W111
mosf 11ke1y affecf opeaf1ons
d. Managemenf W111 moe 11ke1y suppof 1f.
20. 1o gef managemenf`s suppof and appova1 of fhe p1an, a bus1ness case musf be
made. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1easf 1mpofanf fo fh1s bus1ness case?
a. kegu1afoy and 1ega1 equ1emenfs
b. Company vu1neab111f1es fo d1sasfes and d1supf1ons
c. hoW ofhe compan1es ae dea11ng W1fh fhese 1ssues
d. 1he 1mpacf fhe company can endue 1f a d1sasfe h1f
21. John has fo ceafe a feam fo cay ouf a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s and deve1op
fhe companys bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d nof be on fh1s
1. 8us1ness un1fs
11. 5en1o managemenf
111. l1 depafmenf
1v. 5ecu1fy depafmenf
v. Commun1caf1ons depafmenf
v1. Lega1 depafmenf
a. v.
b. None of fhem
c. A11 of fhem
d. 1
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng desc1bes a paa11e1 fesf?
a. lf 1s pefomed fo ensue fhaf some sysfems W111 un af fhe a1fenafe s1fe.
b. A11 depafmenfs ece1ve a copy of fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an and Wa1k-fhough.
c. kepesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf come fogefhe and go fhough fhe fesf
d. Noma1 opeaf1ons ae shufdoWn.
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng desc1bes a sfucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf?
a. lf 1s pefomed fo ensue fhaf c1f1ca1 sysfems W111 un af fhe a1fenafe s1fe.
b. A11 depafmenfs ece1ve a copy of fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an and Wa1k fhough
c. kepesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf come fogefhe and go fhough fhe fesf
d. Noma1 opeaf1ons ae shuf doWn.
24. When 1s fhe emegency sfafe acfua11y ove fo a company?
a. When a11 peop1e ae safe and accounfed fo
b. When a11 opeaf1ons and peop1e ae moved back 1nfo fhe p1may s1fe
c. When opeaf1ons ae safe1y moved fo fhe off-s1fe fac111fy
d. When a c1v11 off1c1a1 dec1aes fhaf a11 1s safe
25. us1ng anofhe companys fac111f1es 1n fhe evenf of a d1sasfe 1s ca11ed Whaf?
a. ko111ng hof s1fe
b. kedundanf s1fe
c. Mege
d. kec1poca1 ageemenf
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf?
a. 5cope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam membe o1es, and fhe f1nanc1a1 goa1s of fhe
b. 5cope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam managemenf membe o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
c. 5cope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam membe o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe poecf.
d. 5cope of fhe ecovey poecf, fhe feam membe o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe
27. A d1sasfe ecovey pocedue 1nvo1v1ng a11 affecfed depafmenfs acf1ng ouf a
spec1f1c scena1o, buf Wh1ch does nof go fo an off-s1fe fac111fy, 1s efeed fo as
a. 51mu1af1on fesf
b. 5fucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf
c. Check11sf fesf
d. Paa11e1 fesf
2. Whaf shou1d be done f1sf When fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy becomes opeaf1ona1 aga1n
fo11oW1ng a d1sasfe?
a. lnfom fhe med1a and sfockho1des
b. lnfom a11 of fhe emp1oyees
c. Move fhe mosf c1f1ca1 funcf1ons fo fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy
d. Move fhe 1easf c1f1ca1 funcf1ons fo fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy
29. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of a ec1poca1 ageemenf?
a. lf 1s a fempoay so1uf1on.
b. lf 1s expens1ve.
c. lf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo enfoce.
d. Mosf env1onmenfs ae nof ab1e fo suppof mu1f1p1e bus1ness opeaf1ons af one
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng d1sasfe ecovey fesfs 1s fhe mosf 1nfus1ve fo bus1ness
a. Paa11e1
b. 51mu1af1on
c. Iu11-1nfeupf1on
d. Check11sf
31. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s cons1deed a 1n Wh1ch a feam
co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces and documenfs bus1ness
funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons.
a. k1sk assessmenf
b. Iuncf1ona11fy ana1ys1s
c. k1sk managemenf mefhodo1ogy
d. 8us1ness ana1ys1s
32. 1a1k1ng fo exfena1 ogan1zaf1ons affe a d1sasfe 1s 1mpofanf fo a11 of fhe
fo11oW1ng easons excepf:
a. 1o 1nfom cusfomes and shaeho1des of fhe companys sfafus
b. 1o ed1ecf unfavoab1e affenf1on fo ofhe enf1f1es
c. 1o ensue fhaf fhe med1a 1s epof1ng fhe facfs accuafe1y
d. 1o he1p sfop umos fom deve1op1ng
33. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s 1nc1udes any of fhe fo11oW1ng excepf:
a. Ca1cu1af1ng 1sk
b. ldenf1fy1ng fheafs
c. 5e1ecf1ng feam membes
d. ldenf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 funcf1ons of fhe company
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
34. Wh1ch 1s nof a fask fo sen1o managemenf 1n d1sasfe ecovey?
a. Appove of f1na1 p1ans
b. Ovesee budgef
c. D1ve a11 phases of p1an
d. lmp1emenf fhe p1ans fhemse1ves
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1ssues 1s 1easf 1mpofanf When quanf1fy1ng 1sks
assoc1afed W1fh a pofenf1a1 d1sasfe?
a. Gafhe1ng 1nfomaf1on fom agenc1es fhaf epof fhe pobab111fy of cefa1n
nafua1 d1sasfes fak1ng p1ace 1n fhaf aea
b. ldenf1fy1ng fhe company`s key funcf1ons and bus1ness equ1emenfs
c. ldenf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems fhaf suppof fhe company`s opeaf1ons
d. Lsf1maf1ng fhe pofenf1a1 1oss and 1mpacf fhe company Wou1d face based on hoW
1ong fhe oufage 1asfs
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe foufh sfep 1n a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s?
a. ldenf1fy fhe companys c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
b. Ca1cu1afe hoW 1ong fhese funcf1ons can suv1ve W1fhouf fhese esouces.
c. ldenf1fy fhe esouces fhese funcf1ons depend upon.
d. Ca1cu1afe fhe 1sk fo each d1ffeenf bus1ness funcf1on.
37. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue of a fu11-sca1e 8CP?
a. lf 1s a 1ong-fem poecf.
b. lf 1s a shof-fem poecf.
c. lf 1s a s1ng1e enf1fy venfue.
d. 8CP guaanfees no sev1ce 1nfeupf1on.
3. 5offWae escoW 1nvo1ves paf1es.
a. 1Wo
b. 1hee
c. Iou
d. I1ve
39. A hof s1fe offes ecovey W1fh cosfs.
a. lnsfanf, h1gh
b. Modeafe, h1gh
c. lnsfanf, 1oW
d. Modeafe, 1oW
40. Mufua1 a1d ageemenfs befWeen fWo compan1es ae a1so ca11ed ageemenfs.
a. kec1poca1
b. ko111ng
c. Pox1mafe causaf1on
d. DoWnsfeam 11ab111fy
41. 5am 1s a manage fhaf 1s espons1b1e fo ovesee1ng fhe deve1opmenf and fhe
appova1 of fhe bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an. he needs fo make sue fhaf h1s feam 1s
ceaf1ng a coecf and a11 1nc1us1ve 1oss c1fe1a When 1f comes fo pofenf1a1
bus1ness 1mpacfs. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d nof be 1nc1uded 1n fh1s c1fe1a?
1. Loss 1n epufaf1on and pub11c conf1dence
11. Loss of compef1f1ve advanfages
111. Decease 1n opeaf1ona1 expenses
1v. v1o1af1ons of confacf ageemenfs
v. v1o1af1ons of 1ega1 and egu1afoy equ1emenfs
v1. De1ayed 1ncome cosfs
v11. Loss 1n evenue
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
v111. Loss 1n poducf1v1fy
a. 1, 11
b. v, v1
c. v
d. 111
42. Paf of opeaf1ona1 ecovey 1s des1gn1ng backup fac111fy conf1guaf1ons fo Wok
1n an accepfab1e manne so fhaf bus1ness can conf1nue. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a
sefup fhaf a11oWs sev1ces fo be d1sf1bufed ove fWo o moe 1n-house cenfes?
a. hof s1fe
b. Mu1f1-pocess1ng cenfe
c. Mob11e s1fe
d. kec1poca1 ageemenfs
43. kecovey sfafeg1es ae pe-esfab11shed and managemenf- sfeps fhaf shou1d
be puf 1nfo acf1on 1n fhe evenf of a d1sasfe.
a. Appoved
b. D1ecfed
c. kequesfed
d. Documenfed
44. A c1f1ca1 company assef Wou1d mosf 11ke1y have Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng M1D
a. M1nufes fo hous
b. Days
c. Weeks
d. Monfhs
45. Amy has been appo1nfed fo fhe 8CP feam and 1s 1n chage of 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng
fo fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s. Amy cou1d use any of fhe fo11oW1ng foo1s fo
gafhe 1nfomaf1on, excepf:
a. 5uveys
b. quesf1onna1es
c. Wokshops
d. quanf1faf1ve fomu1as
46. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des fhe coecf chaacfe1sf1c fo fhe spec1f1c dafa
backup fype?
a. D1ffeenf1a1 pocess backs up fhe f11es fhaf have been mod1f1ed s1nce fhe 1asf
b. D1ffeenf1a1 pocess backs up fhe f11es fhaf have been mod1f1ed s1nce fhe 1asf
fu11 backup
c. lncemenfa1 pocess sefs fhe ach1ve b1f fo 1
d. D1ffeenf1a1 pocess sefs fhe ach1ve b1f fo 1
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue egad1ng a 8CP poecf p1an?
a. Managemenf musf have a epesenfaf1ve on fhe 8CP feam.
b. Managemenf musf appove fhe p1an 1n W1f1ng.
c. 1o ensue d1ves1fy, fhe peop1e Who shou1d W1fe fhe p1an, shou1d nof be fhose
Who cay 1f ouf.
d. 1he p1an shou1d be fesfed befoe pesenf1ng 1f fo managemenf.
4. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf means fak1ng fhe necessay sfeps fo 1ncease a
companys fo sev1ce d1supf1on.
a. kes111ence
b. Pece1ved eacf1on
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
c. Aff1fude
d. Means
49. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans addess a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng excepf:
a. C1f1ca1 seves used on fhe companys LAN
b. 1he mosf c1f1ca1 dev1ces housed 1n fhe ma1n dafa cenfe
c. lnd1v1dua1 Woksfaf1ons fhaf ae used by opeaf1ons pesonne1
d. 1he pofecf1on of co1d s1fes af a emofe 1ocaf1on
50. Ogan1zaf1ons shou1d nof v1eW d1sasfe ecovey as:
a. A comm1ffed expense
b. A d1scef1onay expense
c. An enfocemenf of 1ega1 sfafues
d. Comp11ance W1fh egu1af1ons
51. 1he 1s espons1b1e fo geff1ng fhe a1fenafe s1fe 1nfo a Wok1ng and
funcf1on1ng env1onmenf, and fhe 1s espons1b1e fo sfaf1ng fhe ecovey of
fhe o1g1na1 s1fe.
a. kesfoaf1on feam, sa1vage feam
b. 5a1vage feam, esfoaf1on feam
c. kecovey feam, esfoaf1on feam
d. kecovey feam, sa1vage feam
52. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng backup s1fes 1s mosf effecf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey?
a. 11me bokes
b. hof s1fes
c. Co1d s1fes
d. kec1poca1 ageemenf
53. Wh1ch 1s nof one of fhe p1may goa1s of 8lA?
a. C1f1ca11fy p1o1f1zaf1on
b. DoWnf1me esf1maf1on
c. Defem1n1ng equ1emenfs fo c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons
d. Dec1d1ng on va1ous fesfs fo be pefomed fo va11dafe fhe bus1ness conf1nu1fy
54. Of a11 bus1ness pocess 1nfeupf1ons, mosf devasfaf1ng ae ones esu1f1ng fom:
a. Loss of hadWae/soffWae
b. Loss of dafa
c. Loss of commun1caf1on 11nks
d. Loss of app11caf1ons
55. C1f1ca1 suppof aeas ae def1ned as:
a. 8us1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf musf be pesenf fo susfa1n conf1nu1fy of
bus1ness, ma1nfa1n 11fe safefy, and avo1d pub11c embaassmenf
b. 8us1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf may be ep1aced by ofhes 1n a d1sasfe
c. human esouce and 1nfomaf1on fechno1og1es
d. 8us1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf equ1e suppof aga1nsf manmade d1sasfes
56. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe econsf1fuf1on phase of fhe bus1ness
conf1nu1fy pocess?
a. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move 1nfo 1fs edundanf s1fe
b. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move 1nfo 1fs hof s1fe
c. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move 1nfo 1fs co1d s1fe
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
d. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move back 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 s1fe
57. Whaf 1s max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1me {M1D}?
a. Max1mum e1apsed f1me equ1ed fo comp1efe ecovey of app11caf1on dafa
b. M1n1mum e1apsed f1me equ1ed fo comp1efe ecovey of app11caf1on dafa
c. 1he numbe of m1nufes a11oWed W1fh1n fhe 5LA
d. Max1mum de1ay bus1nesses can fo1eafe and sf111 ema1n v1ab1e
5. A fesf fhaf equ1es a11 egu1a opeaf1ons fo cease 1s:
a. A paa11e1 fesf
b. A s1mu1af1on fesf
c. A Wa1k-fhough fesf
d. A fu11-1nfeupf1on fesf
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Pep1anned pocedues a11oW an ogan1zaf1on fo:
1. Pov1de an 1mmed1afe and appop1afe esponse fo emegency s1fuaf1ons
11. Pofecf 11ves and ensue safefy
111. keduce bus1ness 1mpacf
1v. kesume c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons
v. Wok W1fh oufs1de vendos du1ng fhe ecovey pe1od
v1. keduce confus1on du1ng a c1s1s
v11. Lnsue suv1vab111fy of fhe bus1ness
v111. Gef &quof,up and unn1ng&quof, qu1ck1y affe a d1sasfe
b. lncoecf. Pep1anned pocedues a11oW an ogan1zaf1on fo:
1. Pov1de an 1mmed1afe and appop1afe esponse fo emegency s1fuaf1ons
11. Pofecf 11ves and ensue safefy
111. keduce bus1ness 1mpacf
1v. kesume c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons
v. Wok W1fh oufs1de vendos du1ng fhe ecovey pe1od
v1. keduce confus1on du1ng a c1s1s
v11. Lnsue suv1vab111fy of fhe bus1ness
v111. Gef &quof,up and unn1ng&quof, qu1ck1y affe a d1sasfe
c. lncoecf. Pep1anned pocedues a11oW an ogan1zaf1on fo:
1. Pov1de an 1mmed1afe and appop1afe esponse fo emegency s1fuaf1ons
11. Pofecf 11ves and ensue safefy
111. keduce bus1ness 1mpacf
1v. kesume c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons
v. Wok W1fh oufs1de vendos du1ng fhe ecovey pe1od
v1. keduce confus1on du1ng a c1s1s
v11. Lnsue suv1vab111fy of fhe bus1ness
v111. Gef &quof,up and unn1ng&quof, qu1ck1y affe a d1sasfe
d. Coecf. Pep1anned pocedues a11oW an ogan1zaf1on fo:
1. Pov1de an 1mmed1afe and appop1afe esponse fo emegency s1fuaf1ons
11. Pofecf 11ves and ensue safefy
111. keduce bus1ness 1mpacf
1v. kesume c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons
v. Wok W1fh oufs1de vendos du1ng fhe ecovey pe1od
v1. keduce confus1on du1ng a c1s1s
v11. Lnsue suv1vab111fy of fhe bus1ness
v111. Gef &quof,up and unn1ng&quof, qu1ck1y affe a d1sasfe
a. lncoecf. ln fh1s and s1m11a s1fuaf1ons, ecovey pocedues shou1d be
fo11oWed, Wh1ch mosf 11ke1y 1nc1udes ecove1ng dafa fom fhe backup med1a. kecovey
pocedues cou1d 1nc1ude pope sfeps of ebu11d1ng a sysfem fom fhe beg1nn1ng,
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
app1y1ng fhe necessay pafches and conf1guaf1ons, and Whafeve needs fo fake p1ace
fo ensue poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 5ome fype of edundanf sysfem may need fo be
puf 1nfo p1ace.
b. lncoecf. ln fh1s and s1m11a s1fuaf1ons, ecovey pocedues shou1d be
fo11oWed, Wh1ch mosf 11ke1y 1nc1udes ecove1ng dafa fom fhe backup med1a. kecovey
pocedues cou1d 1nc1ude pope sfeps of ebu11d1ng a sysfem fom fhe beg1nn1ng,
app1y1ng fhe necessay pafches and conf1guaf1ons, and Whafeve needs fo fake p1ace
fo ensue poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 5ome fype of edundanf sysfem may need fo be
puf 1nfo p1ace.
c. Coecf. ln fh1s and s1m11a s1fuaf1ons, ecovey pocedues shou1d be
fo11oWed, Wh1ch mosf 11ke1y 1nc1udes ecove1ng dafa fom fhe backup med1a. kecovey
pocedues cou1d 1nc1ude pope sfeps of ebu11d1ng a sysfem fom fhe beg1nn1ng,
app1y1ng fhe necessay pafches and conf1guaf1ons, and Whafeve needs fo fake p1ace
fo ensue poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 5ome fype of edundanf sysfem may need fo be
puf 1nfo p1ace.
d. lncoecf. ln fh1s and s1m11a s1fuaf1ons, ecovey pocedues shou1d be
fo11oWed, Wh1ch mosf 11ke1y 1nc1udes ecove1ng dafa fom fhe backup med1a. kecovey
pocedues cou1d 1nc1ude pope sfeps of ebu11d1ng a sysfem fom fhe beg1nn1ng,
app1y1ng fhe necessay pafches and conf1guaf1ons, and Whafeve needs fo fake p1ace
fo ensue poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 5ome fype of edundanf sysfem may need fo be
puf 1nfo p1ace.
a. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s 1nc1udes 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems and
funcf1ons of a company and 1nfev1eW1ng epesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf. Once
managemenf`s suppof 1s so11d1f1ed, a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s needs fo be pefomed
fo 1denf1fy fhe fheafs fhe company faces and fhe pofenf1a1 cosfs of fhese fheafs.
b. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s 1nc1udes 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems and
funcf1ons of a company and 1nfev1eW1ng epesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf. Once
managemenf`s suppof 1s so11d1f1ed, a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s needs fo be pefomed
fo 1denf1fy fhe fheafs fhe company faces and fhe pofenf1a1 cosfs of fhese fheafs.
c. Coecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s 1nc1udes 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems and
funcf1ons of a company and 1nfev1eW1ng epesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf. Once
managemenf`s suppof 1s so11d1f1ed, a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s needs fo be pefomed
fo 1denf1fy fhe fheafs fhe company faces and fhe pofenf1a1 cosfs of fhese fheafs.
d. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s 1nc1udes 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems and
funcf1ons of a company and 1nfev1eW1ng epesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf. Once
managemenf`s suppof 1s so11d1f1ed, a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s needs fo be pefomed
fo 1denf1fy fhe fheafs fhe company faces and fhe pofenf1a1 cosfs of fhese fheafs.
a. lncoecf. 1he p1ans shou1d be fesfed af 1easf once a yea and moe offen 1f
fhee have been subsfanf1a1 changes fo fhe company o fhe env1onmenf.
b. lncoecf. 1he p1ans shou1d be fesfed af 1easf once a yea and moe offen 1f
fhee have been subsfanf1a1 changes fo fhe company o fhe env1onmenf.
c. lncoecf. 1he p1ans shou1d be fesfed af 1easf once a yea and moe offen 1f
fhee have been subsfanf1a1 changes fo fhe company o fhe env1onmenf.
d. Coecf. 1he p1ans shou1d be fesfed af 1easf once a yea and moe offen 1f
fhee have been subsfanf1a1 changes fo fhe company o fhe env1onmenf.
a. lncoecf. When ecovey pocedues ae ca1ed ouf, fhe oufcome of fhose
pocedues shou1d be epofed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1s Who ae espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of acf1v1fy. 1h1s 1s usua11y some 1eve1 of managemenf. lf fhe pocedues Woked
pope1y, fhey shou1d knoW fh1s, and 1f pob1ems Wee encounfeed, fhey shou1d
def1n1fe1y be made aWae of fh1s. 1hey ae fhe ones espons1b1e fo f1x1ng fhe
ecovey sysfem and W111 be fhe ones fo de1egafe fh1s Wok and pov1de fhe necessay
fund1ng and esouces.
b. lncoecf. When ecovey pocedues ae ca1ed ouf, fhe oufcome of fhose
pocedues shou1d be epofed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1s Who ae espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of acf1v1fy. 1h1s 1s usua11y some 1eve1 of managemenf. lf fhe pocedues Woked
pope1y, fhey shou1d knoW fh1s, and 1f pob1ems Wee encounfeed, fhey shou1d
def1n1fe1y be made aWae of fh1s. 1hey ae fhe ones espons1b1e fo f1x1ng fhe
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
ecovey sysfem and W111 be fhe ones fo de1egafe fh1s Wok and pov1de fhe necessay
fund1ng and esouces.
c. Coecf. When ecovey pocedues ae ca1ed ouf, fhe oufcome of fhose
pocedues shou1d be epofed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1s Who ae espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of acf1v1fy. 1h1s 1s usua11y some 1eve1 of managemenf. lf fhe pocedues Woked
pope1y, fhey shou1d knoW fh1s, and 1f pob1ems Wee encounfeed, fhey shou1d
def1n1fe1y be made aWae of fh1s. 1hey ae fhe ones espons1b1e fo f1x1ng fhe
ecovey sysfem and W111 be fhe ones fo de1egafe fh1s Wok and pov1de fhe necessay
fund1ng and esouces.
d. lncoecf. When ecovey pocedues ae ca1ed ouf, fhe oufcome of fhose
pocedues shou1d be epofed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1s Who ae espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of acf1v1fy. 1h1s 1s usua11y some 1eve1 of managemenf. lf fhe pocedues Woked
pope1y, fhey shou1d knoW fh1s, and 1f pob1ems Wee encounfeed, fhey shou1d
def1n1fe1y be made aWae of fh1s. 1hey ae fhe ones espons1b1e fo f1x1ng fhe
ecovey sysfem and W111 be fhe ones fo de1egafe fh1s Wok and pov1de fhe necessay
fund1ng and esouces.
a. lncoecf. Nl51s 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on 00-34 1s fhe Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng Gu1de
fo lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy 5ysfems
b. Coecf. Nl51s 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on 00-34 1s fhe Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng Gu1de fo
lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy 5ysfems
c. lncoecf. Nl51s 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on 00-34 1s fhe Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng Gu1de
fo lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy 5ysfems
d. lncoecf. Nl51s 5pec1a1 Pub11caf1on 00-34 1s fhe Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng Gu1de
fo lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy 5ysfems
a. lncoecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans 1s
fo m1f1gafe a11 1sks fhaf cou1d be expe1enced by a company. Lmegency pocedues
need fo be ca1ed ouf f1sf fo pofecf human 11fe. 1hen ofhe pocedues need fo be
execufed fo educe fhe damage fom fufhe fheafs.
b. Coecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans 1s fo
m1f1gafe a11 1sks fhaf cou1d be expe1enced by a company. Lmegency pocedues need
fo be ca1ed ouf f1sf fo pofecf human 11fe. 1hen ofhe pocedues need fo be
execufed fo educe fhe damage fom fufhe fheafs.
c. lncoecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans 1s
fo m1f1gafe a11 1sks fhaf cou1d be expe1enced by a company. Lmegency pocedues
need fo be ca1ed ouf f1sf fo pofecf human 11fe. 1hen ofhe pocedues need fo be
execufed fo educe fhe damage fom fufhe fheafs.
d. lncoecf. 1he ma1n goa1 of d1sasfe ecovey and bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans 1s
fo m1f1gafe a11 1sks fhaf cou1d be expe1enced by a company. Lmegency pocedues
need fo be ca1ed ouf f1sf fo pofecf human 11fe. 1hen ofhe pocedues need fo be
execufed fo educe fhe damage fom fufhe fheafs.

a. Coecf. A Wam s1fe 1s a fac111fy fhaf W111 nof be fu11y equ1pped W1fh fhe
company`s ma1n sysfems. 1he 1dea of us1ng a Wam s1fe 1s fhaf 1f a d1sasfe fakes
p1ace, fhe company Wou1d b1ng fhe1 sysfems W1fh fhem. lf fhey cannof b1ng fhe
sysfems W1fh fhem because fhey ae damaged, fhe company musf puchase neW sysfems
fhaf ae exacf1y 11ke fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems. 5o fo pope1y fesf backups, fhe
company needs fo fesf fhem by ecove1ng fhe dafa on fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems af fhe1
ma1n s1fe.
b. lncoecf. A Wam s1fe 1s a fac111fy fhaf W111 nof be fu11y equ1pped W1fh fhe
companys ma1n sysfems. 1he 1dea of us1ng a Wam s1fe 1s fhaf 1f a d1sasfe fakes
p1ace, fhe company Wou1d b1ng fhe1 sysfems W1fh fhem. lf fhey cannof b1ng fhe
sysfems W1fh fhem because fhey ae damaged, fhe company musf puchase neW sysfems
fhaf ae exacf1y 11ke fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems. 5o fo pope1y fesf backups, fhe
company needs fo fesf fhem by ecove1ng fhe dafa on fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems af fhe1
Page 11
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
ma1n s1fe.
c. lncoecf. A Wam s1fe 1s a fac111fy fhaf W111 nof be fu11y equ1pped W1fh fhe
companys ma1n sysfems. 1he 1dea of us1ng a Wam s1fe 1s fhaf 1f a d1sasfe fakes
p1ace, fhe company Wou1d b1ng fhe1 sysfems W1fh fhem. lf fhey cannof b1ng fhe
sysfems W1fh fhem because fhey ae damaged, fhe company musf puchase neW sysfems
fhaf ae exacf1y 11ke fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems. 5o fo pope1y fesf backups, fhe
company needs fo fesf fhem by ecove1ng fhe dafa on fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems af fhe1
ma1n s1fe.
d. lncoecf. A Wam s1fe 1s a fac111fy fhaf W111 nof be fu11y equ1pped W1fh fhe
companys ma1n sysfems. 1he 1dea of us1ng a Wam s1fe 1s fhaf 1f a d1sasfe fakes
p1ace, fhe company Wou1d b1ng fhe1 sysfems W1fh fhem. lf fhey cannof b1ng fhe
sysfems W1fh fhem because fhey ae damaged, fhe company musf puchase neW sysfems
fhaf ae exacf1y 11ke fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems. 5o fo pope1y fesf backups, fhe
company needs fo fesf fhem by ecove1ng fhe dafa on fhe1 o1g1na1 sysfems af fhe1
ma1n s1fe.
a. lncoecf. kemofe ouna11ng 1s a fechno1ogy used fo fansm1f dafa fo an
off-s1fe fac111fy, buf fh1s usua11y on1y 1nc1udes mov1ng fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on
1ogs fo fhe off-s1fe fac111fy, nof fhe acfua1 f11es.
b. Coecf. kemofe ouna11ng 1s a fechno1ogy used fo fansm1f dafa fo an off-s1fe
fac111fy, buf fh1s usua11y on1y 1nc1udes mov1ng fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1ogs fo
fhe off-s1fe fac111fy, nof fhe acfua1 f11es.
c. lncoecf. kemofe ouna11ng 1s a fechno1ogy used fo fansm1f dafa fo an
off-s1fe fac111fy, buf fh1s usua11y on1y 1nc1udes mov1ng fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on
1ogs fo fhe off-s1fe fac111fy, nof fhe acfua1 f11es.
d. lncoecf. kemofe ouna11ng 1s a fechno1ogy used fo fansm1f dafa fo an
off-s1fe fac111fy, buf fh1s usua11y on1y 1nc1udes mov1ng fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on
1ogs fo fhe off-s1fe fac111fy, nof fhe acfua1 f11es.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s quesf1on 1s addess1ng a fac111fy fhaf 1s used fo sfoe
backed-up dafa, 1f 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an off-s1fe fac111fy used fo d1sasfe
ecovey puposes. 1he fac111fy shou1d nof be 10 fo 15 m1nufes aWay because 1f fhee
Was some fype of d1sasfe, fhe company`s ma1n fac111fy and fh1s fac111fy cou1d bofh
be desfoyed and fhe company Wou1d 1ose a11 of fhe1 1nfomaf1on. 1he fac111fy
shou1d have fhe same secu1fy sfandads as fhe company`s secu1fy, 1nc1ud1ng
pofecf1ng aga1nsf unaufho1zed access.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s quesf1on 1s addess1ng a fac111fy fhaf 1s used fo sfoe
backed-up dafa, 1f 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an off-s1fe fac111fy used fo d1sasfe
ecovey puposes. 1he fac111fy shou1d nof be 10 fo 15 m1nufes aWay because 1f fhee
Was some fype of d1sasfe, fhe company`s ma1n fac111fy and fh1s fac111fy cou1d bofh
be desfoyed and fhe company Wou1d 1ose a11 of fhe1 1nfomaf1on. 1he fac111fy
shou1d have fhe same secu1fy sfandads as fhe company`s secu1fy, 1nc1ud1ng
pofecf1ng aga1nsf unaufho1zed access.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s quesf1on 1s addess1ng a fac111fy fhaf 1s used fo sfoe
backed-up dafa, 1f 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an off-s1fe fac111fy used fo d1sasfe
ecovey puposes. 1he fac111fy shou1d nof be 10 fo 15 m1nufes aWay because 1f fhee
Was some fype of d1sasfe, fhe company`s ma1n fac111fy and fh1s fac111fy cou1d bofh
be desfoyed and fhe company Wou1d 1ose a11 of fhe1 1nfomaf1on. 1he fac111fy
shou1d have fhe same secu1fy sfandads as fhe company`s secu1fy, 1nc1ud1ng
pofecf1ng aga1nsf unaufho1zed access.
d. Coecf. 1h1s quesf1on 1s addess1ng a fac111fy fhaf 1s used fo sfoe backed-up
dafa, 1f 1s nof fa1k1ng abouf an off-s1fe fac111fy used fo d1sasfe ecovey
puposes. 1he fac111fy shou1d nof be 10 fo 15 m1nufes aWay because 1f fhee Was some
fype of d1sasfe, fhe company`s ma1n fac111fy and fh1s fac111fy cou1d bofh be
desfoyed and fhe company Wou1d 1ose a11 of fhe1 1nfomaf1on. 1he fac111fy shou1d
have fhe same secu1fy sfandads as fhe company`s secu1fy, 1nc1ud1ng pofecf1ng
aga1nsf unaufho1zed access.
a. lncoecf. 1he pope sfeps fo deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an ae 1a1d ouf
Page 12
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s.
4. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es.
5. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an.
6. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses.
7. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an.
b. lncoecf. 1he pope sfeps fo deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an ae 1a1d ouf
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s.
4. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es.
5. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an.
6. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses.
7. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an.
c. Coecf. 1he pope sfeps fo deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an ae 1a1d ouf
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s.
4. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es.
5. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an.
6. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses.
7. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an.
d. lncoecf. 1he pope sfeps fo deve1op1ng a d1sasfe ecovey p1an ae 1a1d ouf
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s.
4. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es.
5. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an.
6. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses.
7. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an.
a. Coecf. A11 of fhe ofhe ansWes addess fhe ma1n componenfs of a bus1ness
1mpacf ana1ys1s. Defem1n1ng fhe besf fype of exec1se o d111 fo cay ouf 1s nof
coveed unde fh1s fype of ana1ys1s.
b. lncoecf. A11 of fhe ofhe ansWes addess fhe ma1n componenfs of a bus1ness
1mpacf ana1ys1s. Defem1n1ng fhe besf fype of exec1se o d111 fo cay ouf 1s nof
coveed unde fh1s fype of ana1ys1s.
c. lncoecf. A11 of fhe ofhe ansWes addess fhe ma1n componenfs of a bus1ness
1mpacf ana1ys1s. Defem1n1ng fhe besf fype of exec1se o d111 fo cay ouf 1s nof
coveed unde fh1s fype of ana1ys1s.
d. lncoecf. A11 of fhe ofhe ansWes addess fhe ma1n componenfs of a bus1ness
1mpacf ana1ys1s. Defem1n1ng fhe besf fype of exec1se o d111 fo cay ouf 1s nof
coveed unde fh1s fype of ana1ys1s.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s besf 1f evey depafmenf W1fh1n fhe company has 1fs oWn
ecovey p1an and conf1nu1fy p1an and pocedues 1n p1ace. 1hese 1nd1v1dua1 p1ans
Wou1d &quof,o11 up&quof, 1nfo fhe ovea11 enfep1se p1an.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s besf 1f evey depafmenf W1fh1n fhe company has 1fs oWn
ecovey p1an and conf1nu1fy p1an and pocedues 1n p1ace. 1hese 1nd1v1dua1 p1ans
Wou1d &quof,o11 up&quof, 1nfo fhe ovea11 enfep1se p1an.
c. Coecf. lf 1s besf 1f evey depafmenf W1fh1n fhe company has 1fs oWn ecovey
p1an and conf1nu1fy p1an and pocedues 1n p1ace. 1hese 1nd1v1dua1 p1ans Wou1d
&quof,o11 up&quof, 1nfo fhe ovea11 enfep1se p1an.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s besf 1f evey depafmenf W1fh1n fhe company has 1fs oWn
ecovey p1an and conf1nu1fy p1an and pocedues 1n p1ace. 1hese 1nd1v1dua1 p1ans
Wou1d &quof,o11 up&quof, 1nfo fhe ovea11 enfep1se p1an.
Page 13
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
a. Coecf. D1sasfe ecovey has fhe goa1 of m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecfs of a d1sasfe
and fak1ng fhe necessay sfeps fo ensue fhaf fhe esouces, pesonne1, and bus1ness
pocesses ae ab1e fo esume opeaf1on 1n a f1me1y maffe. 1h1s 1s d1ffeenf fom
bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng, Wh1ch dea1s W1fh pov1d1ng mefhods and pocedues fo
dea11ng W1fh 1onge-fem oufages and d1sasfes and keep1ng fhe company 1n bus1ness.
b. lncoecf. D1sasfe ecovey has fhe goa1 of m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecfs of a
d1sasfe and fak1ng fhe necessay sfeps fo ensue fhaf fhe esouces, pesonne1, and
bus1ness pocesses ae ab1e fo esume opeaf1on 1n a f1me1y maffe. 1h1s 1s
d1ffeenf fom bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng, Wh1ch dea1s W1fh pov1d1ng mefhods and
pocedues fo dea11ng W1fh 1onge-fem oufages and d1sasfes and keep1ng fhe
company 1n bus1ness.
c. lncoecf. D1sasfe ecovey has fhe goa1 of m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecfs of a
d1sasfe and fak1ng fhe necessay sfeps fo ensue fhaf fhe esouces, pesonne1, and
bus1ness pocesses ae ab1e fo esume opeaf1on 1n a f1me1y maffe. 1h1s 1s
d1ffeenf fom bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng, Wh1ch dea1s W1fh pov1d1ng mefhods and
pocedues fo dea11ng W1fh 1onge-fem oufages and d1sasfes and keep1ng fhe
company 1n bus1ness.
d. lncoecf. D1sasfe ecovey has fhe goa1 of m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecfs of a
d1sasfe and fak1ng fhe necessay sfeps fo ensue fhaf fhe esouces, pesonne1, and
bus1ness pocesses ae ab1e fo esume opeaf1on 1n a f1me1y maffe. 1h1s 1s
d1ffeenf fom bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng, Wh1ch dea1s W1fh pov1d1ng mefhods and
pocedues fo dea11ng W1fh 1onge-fem oufages and d1sasfes and keep1ng fhe
company 1n bus1ness.
a. lncoecf. Managemenf has fhe f1na1 appova1 ove eveyfh1ng W1fh1n a company,
1nc1ud1ng fhese p1ans.
b. lncoecf. Managemenf has fhe f1na1 appova1 ove eveyfh1ng W1fh1n a company,
1nc1ud1ng fhese p1ans.
c. Coecf. Managemenf has fhe f1na1 appova1 ove eveyfh1ng W1fh1n a company,
1nc1ud1ng fhese p1ans.
d. lncoecf. Managemenf has fhe f1na1 appova1 ove eveyfh1ng W1fh1n a company,
1nc1ud1ng fhese p1ans.
a. Coecf. 1he coecf d1sasfe ecovey sfeps and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1on
mapp1ngs ae 1a1d ouf be1oW,
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. W1fe a po11cy fhaf pov1des
fhe gu1dance necessay fo deve1op a 8CP and fhaf ass1gns aufho1fy fo fhe necessay
o1es fo cay ouf fhese fasks.
11. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. ldenf1fy c1f1ca1 funcf1ons and
sysfems and a11oW fhe ogan1zaf1on fo p1o1f1ze fhem based on necess1fy. ldenf1fy
vu1neab111f1es, fheafs, and ca1cu1afe 1sks.
111. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Once fheafs ae ecogn1zed, 1denf1fy and
1mp1emenf confo1s and counfemeasues fo educe fhe ogan1zaf1ons 1sk 1eve1 1n an
econom1ca1 manne.
1v. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es. Iomu1afe mefhods fo ensue sysfems and c1f1ca1
funcf1ons can be boughf on11ne qu1ck1y.
v. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an. W1fe pocedues and gu1de11nes fo hoW fhe
ogan1zaf1on can sf111 sfay funcf1ona1 1n a c1pp1ed sfafe.
v1. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses. 1esf fhe p1an fo 1denf1fy
def1c1enc1es 1n fhe 8CP, and conducf fa1n1ng fo pope1y pepae 1nd1v1dua1s on
fhe1 expecfed fasks.
v11. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an. Puf 1n p1ace sfeps fo ensue fhe 8CP 1s a 11v1ng documenf
fhaf 1s updafed egu1a1y.
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf d1sasfe ecovey sfeps and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1on
mapp1ngs ae 1a1d ouf be1oW,
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. W1fe a po11cy fhaf pov1des
fhe gu1dance necessay fo deve1op a 8CP and fhaf ass1gns aufho1fy fo fhe necessay
o1es fo cay ouf fhese fasks.
11. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. ldenf1fy c1f1ca1 funcf1ons and
sysfems and a11oW fhe ogan1zaf1on fo p1o1f1ze fhem based on necess1fy. ldenf1fy
Page 14
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
vu1neab111f1es, fheafs, and ca1cu1afe 1sks.
111. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Once fheafs ae ecogn1zed, 1denf1fy and
1mp1emenf confo1s and counfemeasues fo educe fhe ogan1zaf1ons 1sk 1eve1 1n an
econom1ca1 manne.
1v. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es. Iomu1afe mefhods fo ensue sysfems and c1f1ca1
funcf1ons can be boughf on11ne qu1ck1y.
v. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an. W1fe pocedues and gu1de11nes fo hoW fhe
ogan1zaf1on can sf111 sfay funcf1ona1 1n a c1pp1ed sfafe.
v1. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses. 1esf fhe p1an fo 1denf1fy
def1c1enc1es 1n fhe 8CP, and conducf fa1n1ng fo pope1y pepae 1nd1v1dua1s on
fhe1 expecfed fasks.
v11. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an. Puf 1n p1ace sfeps fo ensue fhe 8CP 1s a 11v1ng documenf
fhaf 1s updafed egu1a1y.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf d1sasfe ecovey sfeps and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1on
mapp1ngs ae 1a1d ouf be1oW,
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. W1fe a po11cy fhaf pov1des
fhe gu1dance necessay fo deve1op a 8CP and fhaf ass1gns aufho1fy fo fhe necessay
o1es fo cay ouf fhese fasks.
11. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. ldenf1fy c1f1ca1 funcf1ons and
sysfems and a11oW fhe ogan1zaf1on fo p1o1f1ze fhem based on necess1fy. ldenf1fy
vu1neab111f1es, fheafs, and ca1cu1afe 1sks.
111. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Once fheafs ae ecogn1zed, 1denf1fy and
1mp1emenf confo1s and counfemeasues fo educe fhe ogan1zaf1ons 1sk 1eve1 1n an
econom1ca1 manne.
1v. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es. Iomu1afe mefhods fo ensue sysfems and c1f1ca1
funcf1ons can be boughf on11ne qu1ck1y.
v. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an. W1fe pocedues and gu1de11nes fo hoW fhe
ogan1zaf1on can sf111 sfay funcf1ona1 1n a c1pp1ed sfafe.
v1. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses. 1esf fhe p1an fo 1denf1fy
def1c1enc1es 1n fhe 8CP, and conducf fa1n1ng fo pope1y pepae 1nd1v1dua1s on
fhe1 expecfed fasks.
v11. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an. Puf 1n p1ace sfeps fo ensue fhe 8CP 1s a 11v1ng documenf
fhaf 1s updafed egu1a1y.
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf d1sasfe ecovey sfeps and fhe1 assoc1afed def1n1f1on
mapp1ngs ae 1a1d ouf be1oW,
1. Deve1op fhe conf1nu1fy p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. W1fe a po11cy fhaf pov1des
fhe gu1dance necessay fo deve1op a 8CP and fhaf ass1gns aufho1fy fo fhe necessay
o1es fo cay ouf fhese fasks.
11. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. ldenf1fy c1f1ca1 funcf1ons and
sysfems and a11oW fhe ogan1zaf1on fo p1o1f1ze fhem based on necess1fy. ldenf1fy
vu1neab111f1es, fheafs, and ca1cu1afe 1sks.
111. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Once fheafs ae ecogn1zed, 1denf1fy and
1mp1emenf confo1s and counfemeasues fo educe fhe ogan1zaf1ons 1sk 1eve1 1n an
econom1ca1 manne.
1v. Deve1op ecovey sfafeg1es. Iomu1afe mefhods fo ensue sysfems and c1f1ca1
funcf1ons can be boughf on11ne qu1ck1y.
v. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1an. W1fe pocedues and gu1de11nes fo hoW fhe
ogan1zaf1on can sf111 sfay funcf1ona1 1n a c1pp1ed sfafe.
v1. 1esf fhe p1an and conducf fa1n1ng and exec1ses. 1esf fhe p1an fo 1denf1fy
def1c1enc1es 1n fhe 8CP, and conducf fa1n1ng fo pope1y pepae 1nd1v1dua1s on
fhe1 expecfed fasks.
v11. Ma1nfa1n fhe p1an. Puf 1n p1ace sfeps fo ensue fhe 8CP 1s a 11v1ng documenf
fhaf 1s updafed egu1a1y.
a. Coecf. 1hese sfeps ouf11ne fhe pocesses fhaf shou1d fake p1ace fom
beg1nn1ng fo end pefa1n1ng fo fhese fypes of p1ans.
b. lncoecf. 1hese sfeps ouf11ne fhe pocesses fhaf shou1d fake p1ace fom
beg1nn1ng fo end pefa1n1ng fo fhese fypes of p1ans.
c. lncoecf. 1hese sfeps ouf11ne fhe pocesses fhaf shou1d fake p1ace fom
beg1nn1ng fo end pefa1n1ng fo fhese fypes of p1ans.
d. lncoecf. 1hese sfeps ouf11ne fhe pocesses fhaf shou1d fake p1ace fom
beg1nn1ng fo end pefa1n1ng fo fhese fypes of p1ans.
Page 15
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. Managemenf`s suppof 1s fhe f1sf fh1ng fo be obfa1ned befoe
puff1ng any ea1 effof 1nfo deve1op1ng fhese p1ans. W1fhouf managemenf`s suppof
fhe effof W111 nof ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, esouce, funds, o
b. lncoecf. Managemenf`s suppof 1s fhe f1sf fh1ng fo be obfa1ned befoe
puff1ng any ea1 effof 1nfo deve1op1ng fhese p1ans. W1fhouf managemenf`s suppof
fhe effof W111 nof ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, esouce, funds, o
c. lncoecf. Managemenf`s suppof 1s fhe f1sf fh1ng fo be obfa1ned befoe
puff1ng any ea1 effof 1nfo deve1op1ng fhese p1ans. W1fhouf managemenf`s suppof
fhe effof W111 nof ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, esouce, funds, o
d. Coecf. Managemenf`s suppof 1s fhe f1sf fh1ng fo be obfa1ned befoe puff1ng
any ea1 effof 1nfo deve1op1ng fhese p1ans. W1fhouf managemenf`s suppof fhe effof
W111 nof ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, esouce, funds, o enfocemenf.
a. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on nof on1y pov1des aWaeness of fhese p1ans and fhe1
confenfs, buf a1so a11oWs moe peop1e fo d1scuss fhe poss1b1e fheafs and so1uf1ons
fhaf fhe o1g1na1 feam may nof uncove.
b. Coecf. Commun1caf1on nof on1y pov1des aWaeness of fhese p1ans and fhe1
confenfs, buf a1so a11oWs moe peop1e fo d1scuss fhe poss1b1e fheafs and so1uf1ons
fhaf fhe o1g1na1 feam may nof uncove.
c. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on nof on1y pov1des aWaeness of fhese p1ans and fhe1
confenfs, buf a1so a11oWs moe peop1e fo d1scuss fhe poss1b1e fheafs and so1uf1ons
fhaf fhe o1g1na1 feam may nof uncove.
d. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on nof on1y pov1des aWaeness of fhese p1ans and fhe1
confenfs, buf a1so a11oWs moe peop1e fo d1scuss fhe poss1b1e fheafs and so1uf1ons
fhaf fhe o1g1na1 feam may nof uncove.
a. lncoecf. A1fhough 1f 1s a good 1dea fo 1nvesf1gafe and 1ean abouf hoW ofhe
compan1es ae dea11ng W1fh s1m11a 1ssues, 1f 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf of fhe fou
1fems 11sfed. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae key componenfs When bu11d1ng a bus1ness
b. lncoecf. A1fhough 1f 1s a good 1dea fo 1nvesf1gafe and 1ean abouf hoW ofhe
compan1es ae dea11ng W1fh s1m11a 1ssues, 1f 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf of fhe fou
1fems 11sfed. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae key componenfs When bu11d1ng a bus1ness
c. Coecf. A1fhough 1f 1s a good 1dea fo 1nvesf1gafe and 1ean abouf hoW ofhe
compan1es ae dea11ng W1fh s1m11a 1ssues, 1f 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf of fhe fou
1fems 11sfed. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae key componenfs When bu11d1ng a bus1ness
d. lncoecf. A1fhough 1f 1s a good 1dea fo 1nvesf1gafe and 1ean abouf hoW ofhe
compan1es ae dea11ng W1fh s1m11a 1ssues, 1f 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf of fhe fou
1fems 11sfed. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae key componenfs When bu11d1ng a bus1ness
a. lncoecf. 1he besf p1an 1s When a11 1ssues and fheafs ae boughf fo fhe fab1e
and d1scussed. 1h1s cannof be done effecf1ve1y W1fh a feW peop1e Who ae fam111a
W1fh on1y a coup1e of depafmenfs. kepesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf musf be
1nvo1ved W1fh nof on1y fhe p1ann1ng sfages buf a1so fhe fesf1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
1he comm1ffee shou1d be made up of epesenfaf1ves fom af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng
- 8us1ness un1fs
- 5en1o managemenf
- l1 depafmenf
- 5ecu1fy depafmenf
- Commun1caf1ons depafmenf
Page 16
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
- Lega1 depafmenf
b. Coecf. 1he besf p1an 1s When a11 1ssues and fheafs ae boughf fo fhe fab1e
and d1scussed. 1h1s cannof be done effecf1ve1y W1fh a feW peop1e Who ae fam111a
W1fh on1y a coup1e of depafmenfs. kepesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf musf be
1nvo1ved W1fh nof on1y fhe p1ann1ng sfages buf a1so fhe fesf1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
1he comm1ffee shou1d be made up of epesenfaf1ves fom af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng
- 8us1ness un1fs
- 5en1o managemenf
- l1 depafmenf
- 5ecu1fy depafmenf
- Commun1caf1ons depafmenf
- Lega1 depafmenf
c. lncoecf. 1he besf p1an 1s When a11 1ssues and fheafs ae boughf fo fhe fab1e
and d1scussed. 1h1s cannof be done effecf1ve1y W1fh a feW peop1e Who ae fam111a
W1fh on1y a coup1e of depafmenfs. kepesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf musf be
1nvo1ved W1fh nof on1y fhe p1ann1ng sfages buf a1so fhe fesf1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
1he comm1ffee shou1d be made up of epesenfaf1ves fom af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng
- 8us1ness un1fs
- 5en1o managemenf
- l1 depafmenf
- 5ecu1fy depafmenf
- Commun1caf1ons depafmenf
- Lega1 depafmenf
d. lncoecf. 1he besf p1an 1s When a11 1ssues and fheafs ae boughf fo fhe fab1e
and d1scussed. 1h1s cannof be done effecf1ve1y W1fh a feW peop1e Who ae fam111a
W1fh on1y a coup1e of depafmenfs. kepesenfaf1ves fom each depafmenf musf be
1nvo1ved W1fh nof on1y fhe p1ann1ng sfages buf a1so fhe fesf1ng and 1mp1emenfaf1on
1he comm1ffee shou1d be made up of epesenfaf1ves fom af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng
- 8us1ness un1fs
- 5en1o managemenf
- l1 depafmenf
- 5ecu1fy depafmenf
- Commun1caf1ons depafmenf
- Lega1 depafmenf
a. Coecf. ln a paa11e1 fesf, some sysfems ae un af fhe a1fenafe s1fe and
esu1fs ae compaed W1fh hoW pocess1ng fakes p1ace af fhe p1may s1fe. 1h1s 1s fo
ensue fhe sysfems Wok 1n fhaf aea and poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 1h1s a1so
exfends fhe pev1ous fesf and a11oWs fhe feam fo Wa1k fhough fhe sfeps of seff1ng
up and conf1gu1ng sysfems af fhe off-s1fe fac111fy.
b. lncoecf. ln a paa11e1 fesf, some sysfems ae un af fhe a1fenafe s1fe and
esu1fs ae compaed W1fh hoW pocess1ng fakes p1ace af fhe p1may s1fe. 1h1s 1s fo
ensue fhe sysfems Wok 1n fhaf aea and poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 1h1s a1so
exfends fhe pev1ous fesf and a11oWs fhe feam fo Wa1k fhough fhe sfeps of seff1ng
up and conf1gu1ng sysfems af fhe off-s1fe fac111fy.
c. lncoecf. ln a paa11e1 fesf, some sysfems ae un af fhe a1fenafe s1fe and
esu1fs ae compaed W1fh hoW pocess1ng fakes p1ace af fhe p1may s1fe. 1h1s 1s fo
ensue fhe sysfems Wok 1n fhaf aea and poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 1h1s a1so
exfends fhe pev1ous fesf and a11oWs fhe feam fo Wa1k fhough fhe sfeps of seff1ng
up and conf1gu1ng sysfems af fhe off-s1fe fac111fy.
d. lncoecf. ln a paa11e1 fesf, some sysfems ae un af fhe a1fenafe s1fe and
esu1fs ae compaed W1fh hoW pocess1ng fakes p1ace af fhe p1may s1fe. 1h1s 1s fo
ensue fhe sysfems Wok 1n fhaf aea and poducf1v1fy 1s nof affecfed. 1h1s a1so
exfends fhe pev1ous fesf and a11oWs fhe feam fo Wa1k fhough fhe sfeps of seff1ng
up and conf1gu1ng sysfems af fhe off-s1fe fac111fy.
Page 17
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. Du1ng a sfucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf, funcf1ona1 epesenfaf1ves
meef and ev1eW fhe p1an fo ensue 1fs accuacy and fhaf 1f coecf1y and accuafe1y
ef1ecfs fhe companys ecovey sfafegy.
b. lncoecf. Du1ng a sfucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf, funcf1ona1 epesenfaf1ves
meef and ev1eW fhe p1an fo ensue 1fs accuacy and fhaf 1f coecf1y and accuafe1y
ef1ecfs fhe companys ecovey sfafegy.
c. Coecf. Du1ng a sfucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf, funcf1ona1 epesenfaf1ves meef
and ev1eW fhe p1an fo ensue 1fs accuacy and fhaf 1f coecf1y and accuafe1y
ef1ecfs fhe company`s ecovey sfafegy.
d. lncoecf. Du1ng a sfucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf, funcf1ona1 epesenfaf1ves
meef and ev1eW fhe p1an fo ensue 1fs accuacy and fhaf 1f coecf1y and accuafe1y
ef1ecfs fhe companys ecovey sfafegy.
a. lncoecf. 1he emegency sfafe 1s nof acfua11y ove unf11 fhe company moves
back 1nfo fhe1 p1may s1fe. 1he company 1s sf111 vu1neab1e and af 1sk Wh11e 1f
1s opeaf1ng 1n an a1feed o c1pp1ed sfafe. 1h1s sfafe of vu1neab111fy 1s nof
ove unf11 fhe company 1s back opeaf1ng 1n fhe fash1on fhaf 1f Was p1o fo fhe
d1sasfe. Of couse, fh1s may mean fhaf fhe p1may s1fe has fo be fofa11y ebu11f
1f 1f Was desfoyed.
b. Coecf. 1he emegency sfafe 1s nof acfua11y ove unf11 fhe company moves back
1nfo fhe1 p1may s1fe. 1he company 1s sf111 vu1neab1e and af 1sk Wh11e 1f 1s
opeaf1ng 1n an a1feed o c1pp1ed sfafe. 1h1s sfafe of vu1neab111fy 1s nof ove
unf11 fhe company 1s back opeaf1ng 1n fhe fash1on fhaf 1f Was p1o fo fhe
d1sasfe. Of couse, fh1s may mean fhaf fhe p1may s1fe has fo be fofa11y ebu11f
1f 1f Was desfoyed.
c. lncoecf. 1he emegency sfafe 1s nof acfua11y ove unf11 fhe company moves
back 1nfo fhe1 p1may s1fe. 1he company 1s sf111 vu1neab1e and af 1sk Wh11e 1f
1s opeaf1ng 1n an a1feed o c1pp1ed sfafe. 1h1s sfafe of vu1neab111fy 1s nof
ove unf11 fhe company 1s back opeaf1ng 1n fhe fash1on fhaf 1f Was p1o fo fhe
d1sasfe. Of couse, fh1s may mean fhaf fhe p1may s1fe has fo be fofa11y ebu11f
1f 1f Was desfoyed.
d. lncoecf. 1he emegency sfafe 1s nof acfua11y ove unf11 fhe company moves
back 1nfo fhe1 p1may s1fe. 1he company 1s sf111 vu1neab1e and af 1sk Wh11e 1f
1s opeaf1ng 1n an a1feed o c1pp1ed sfafe. 1h1s sfafe of vu1neab111fy 1s nof
ove unf11 fhe company 1s back opeaf1ng 1n fhe fash1on fhaf 1f Was p1o fo fhe
d1sasfe. Of couse, fh1s may mean fhaf fhe p1may s1fe has fo be fofa11y ebu11f
1f 1f Was desfoyed.
a. lncoecf. kec1poca1 ageemenfs W1fh ofhe compan1es can be a cheap
a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey buf ae vey d1ff1cu1f fo enfoce 1ega11y. A
ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e, mean1ng fhaf fhe company fhaf ageed fo 1ef
fhe damaged company Wok ouf of 1fs fac111fy can dec1de nof fo a11oW fh1s fo fake
p1ace. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s a beffe seconday backup opf1on 1f fhe p1may
p1an fa11s fhough.
b. lncoecf. kec1poca1 ageemenfs W1fh ofhe compan1es can be a cheap
a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey buf ae vey d1ff1cu1f fo enfoce 1ega11y. A
ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e, mean1ng fhaf fhe company fhaf ageed fo 1ef
fhe damaged company Wok ouf of 1fs fac111fy can dec1de nof fo a11oW fh1s fo fake
p1ace. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s a beffe seconday backup opf1on 1f fhe p1may
p1an fa11s fhough.
c. lncoecf. kec1poca1 ageemenfs W1fh ofhe compan1es can be a cheap
a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey buf ae vey d1ff1cu1f fo enfoce 1ega11y. A
ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e, mean1ng fhaf fhe company fhaf ageed fo 1ef
fhe damaged company Wok ouf of 1fs fac111fy can dec1de nof fo a11oW fh1s fo fake
p1ace. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s a beffe seconday backup opf1on 1f fhe p1may
p1an fa11s fhough.
d. Coecf. kec1poca1 ageemenfs W1fh ofhe compan1es can be a cheap a1fenaf1ve
fo d1sasfe ecovey buf ae vey d1ff1cu1f fo enfoce 1ega11y. A ec1poca1
ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e, mean1ng fhaf fhe company fhaf ageed fo 1ef fhe
damaged company Wok ouf of 1fs fac111fy can dec1de nof fo a11oW fh1s fo fake p1ace.
Page 1
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s a beffe seconday backup opf1on 1f fhe p1may p1an fa11s
a. lncoecf. 1h1s sfafemenf 1ays ouf fhe scope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam membe
o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe poecf. 8as1ca11y, 1f 1s a documenf fhaf ouf11nes Whaf
needs fo be accomp11shed affe fhe feam commun1cafes W1fh managemenf and comes fo
ageemenf on fhe fems of fhe poecf.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s sfafemenf 1ays ouf fhe scope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam membe
o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe poecf. 8as1ca11y, 1f 1s a documenf fhaf ouf11nes Whaf
needs fo be accomp11shed affe fhe feam commun1cafes W1fh managemenf and comes fo
ageemenf on fhe fems of fhe poecf.
c. Coecf. 1h1s sfafemenf 1ays ouf fhe scope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam membe
o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe poecf. 8as1ca11y, 1f 1s a documenf fhaf ouf11nes Whaf
needs fo be accomp11shed affe fhe feam commun1cafes W1fh managemenf and comes fo
ageemenf on fhe fems of fhe poecf.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s sfafemenf 1ays ouf fhe scope of fhe 8CP poecf, fhe feam membe
o1es, and fhe goa1s of fhe poecf. 8as1ca11y, 1f 1s a documenf fhaf ouf11nes Whaf
needs fo be accomp11shed affe fhe feam commun1cafes W1fh managemenf and comes fo
ageemenf on fhe fems of fhe poecf.
a. Coecf. 51mu1af1on fesfs measue fhe espons1veness of each depafmenf du1ng
an emegency s1fuaf1on. A scena1o 1s consfucfed, as 1n a f1ood, eafhquake, o
feo1sf affack, and peop1e ae fo cay ouf fhe fasks expecfed of fhem.
b. lncoecf. 51mu1af1on fesfs measue fhe espons1veness of each depafmenf
du1ng an emegency s1fuaf1on. A scena1o 1s consfucfed, as 1n a f1ood, eafhquake,
o feo1sf affack, and peop1e ae fo cay ouf fhe fasks expecfed of fhem.
c. lncoecf. 51mu1af1on fesfs measue fhe espons1veness of each depafmenf
du1ng an emegency s1fuaf1on. A scena1o 1s consfucfed, as 1n a f1ood, eafhquake,
o feo1sf affack, and peop1e ae fo cay ouf fhe fasks expecfed of fhem.
d. lncoecf. 51mu1af1on fesfs measue fhe espons1veness of each depafmenf
du1ng an emegency s1fuaf1on. A scena1o 1s consfucfed, as 1n a f1ood, eafhquake,
o feo1sf affack, and peop1e ae fo cay ouf fhe fasks expecfed of fhem.
a. lncoecf. 1o ensue fhaf c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons and sysfems conf1nue fo
opeafe du1ng a move back fo fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy, fhe f1sf sfep shou1d be
e1nsfaf1ng fhe 1easf c1f1ca1 funcf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 1o ensue fhaf c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons and sysfems conf1nue fo
opeafe du1ng a move back fo fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy, fhe f1sf sfep shou1d be
e1nsfaf1ng fhe 1easf c1f1ca1 funcf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1o ensue fhaf c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons and sysfems conf1nue fo
opeafe du1ng a move back fo fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy, fhe f1sf sfep shou1d be
e1nsfaf1ng fhe 1easf c1f1ca1 funcf1ons.
d. Coecf. 1o ensue fhaf c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons and sysfems conf1nue fo
opeafe du1ng a move back fo fhe o1g1na1 fac111fy, fhe f1sf sfep shou1d be
e1nsfaf1ng fhe 1easf c1f1ca1 funcf1ons.
a. lncoecf. Wh11e a ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo 1mp1emenf and enfoce,
1f does offe an exfeme1y 1nexpens1ve a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey. lf 1s an
ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es Wh1ch usua11y have vey s1m11a fechno1og1es, fo
open fhe1 doos fo fhe ofhe 1n case of an emegency o d1sasfe.
b. Coecf. Wh11e a ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo 1mp1emenf and enfoce, 1f
does offe an exfeme1y 1nexpens1ve a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey. lf 1s an
ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es Wh1ch usua11y have vey s1m11a fechno1og1es, fo
open fhe1 doos fo fhe ofhe 1n case of an emegency o d1sasfe.
c. lncoecf. Wh11e a ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo 1mp1emenf and enfoce,
1f does offe an exfeme1y 1nexpens1ve a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey. lf 1s an
ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es Wh1ch usua11y have vey s1m11a fechno1og1es, fo
open fhe1 doos fo fhe ofhe 1n case of an emegency o d1sasfe.
d. lncoecf. Wh11e a ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo 1mp1emenf and enfoce,
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
1f does offe an exfeme1y 1nexpens1ve a1fenaf1ve fo d1sasfe ecovey. lf 1s an
ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es Wh1ch usua11y have vey s1m11a fechno1og1es, fo
open fhe1 doos fo fhe ofhe 1n case of an emegency o d1sasfe.
a. lncoecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesfs equ1e fhe o1g1na1 s1fe fo be comp1efe1y
shuf doWn and a11 pocesses moved fo an a1fenafe s1fe. 1h1s can be vey d1supf1ve
fo a company, buf 1s fhe on1y Way fo ea11y knoW fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an W111
Wok When 1f 1s needed.
b. lncoecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesfs equ1e fhe o1g1na1 s1fe fo be comp1efe1y
shuf doWn and a11 pocesses moved fo an a1fenafe s1fe. 1h1s can be vey d1supf1ve
fo a company, buf 1s fhe on1y Way fo ea11y knoW fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an W111
Wok When 1f 1s needed.
c. Coecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesfs equ1e fhe o1g1na1 s1fe fo be comp1efe1y
shuf doWn and a11 pocesses moved fo an a1fenafe s1fe. 1h1s can be vey d1supf1ve
fo a company, buf 1s fhe on1y Way fo ea11y knoW fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an W111
Wok When 1f 1s needed.
d. lncoecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesfs equ1e fhe o1g1na1 s1fe fo be comp1efe1y
shuf doWn and a11 pocesses moved fo an a1fenafe s1fe. 1h1s can be vey d1supf1ve
fo a company, buf 1s fhe on1y Way fo ea11y knoW fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an W111
Wok When 1f 1s needed.
a. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s cons1deed a funcf1ona1 ana1ys1s,
1n Wh1ch a feam co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces, documenfs
bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons, deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness
funcf1ons, and f1na11y app11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1.
b. Coecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s cons1deed a funcf1ona1 ana1ys1s,
1n Wh1ch a feam co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces, documenfs
bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons, deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness
funcf1ons, and f1na11y app11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1.
c. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s cons1deed a funcf1ona1 ana1ys1s,
1n Wh1ch a feam co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces, documenfs
bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons, deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness
funcf1ons, and f1na11y app11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1.
d. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s cons1deed a funcf1ona1 ana1ys1s,
1n Wh1ch a feam co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces, documenfs
bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons, deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness
funcf1ons, and f1na11y app11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1.
a. lncoecf. lnfom1ng fhe pub11c and affecfed goups 1s a c1f1ca1 paf of
d1sasfe ecovey so fhaf fhe companys epufaf1on and ovea11 bus1ness sfafus ae
nof damaged. 1he 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be epofed shou1d be pepaed befoehand,
a1ong W1fh dec1d1ng Who W111 be espons1b1e fo commun1caf1ng fhe message fo fhe
pub11c and pess.
b. Coecf. lnfom1ng fhe pub11c and affecfed goups 1s a c1f1ca1 paf of
d1sasfe ecovey so fhaf fhe companys epufaf1on and ovea11 bus1ness sfafus ae
nof damaged. 1he 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be epofed shou1d be pepaed befoehand,
a1ong W1fh dec1d1ng Who W111 be espons1b1e fo commun1caf1ng fhe message fo fhe
pub11c and pess.
c. lncoecf. lnfom1ng fhe pub11c and affecfed goups 1s a c1f1ca1 paf of
d1sasfe ecovey so fhaf fhe companys epufaf1on and ovea11 bus1ness sfafus ae
nof damaged. 1he 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be epofed shou1d be pepaed befoehand,
a1ong W1fh dec1d1ng Who W111 be espons1b1e fo commun1caf1ng fhe message fo fhe
pub11c and pess.
d. lncoecf. lnfom1ng fhe pub11c and affecfed goups 1s a c1f1ca1 paf of
d1sasfe ecovey so fhaf fhe companys epufaf1on and ovea11 bus1ness sfafus ae
nof damaged. 1he 1nfomaf1on fhaf W111 be epofed shou1d be pepaed befoehand,
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
a1ong W1fh dec1d1ng Who W111 be espons1b1e fo commun1caf1ng fhe message fo fhe
pub11c and pess.
a. lncoecf. 5e1ecf1ng feam membes 1s an 1mpofanf paf of d1sasfe ecovey buf
1s nof a necessay 1n sfep 1n a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy fhe c1f1ca1 aeas of a company, fhe esouces needed fo
keep fhose aeas funcf1on1ng, and fhe amounf of oufage f1me fhaf can be endued,
1denf1fy1ng fheafs, and ca1cu1af1ng fhe 1sk of fhose fheafs.
b. lncoecf. 5e1ecf1ng feam membes 1s an 1mpofanf paf of d1sasfe ecovey buf
1s nof a necessay 1n sfep 1n a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy fhe c1f1ca1 aeas of a company, fhe esouces needed fo
keep fhose aeas funcf1on1ng, and fhe amounf of oufage f1me fhaf can be endued,
1denf1fy1ng fheafs, and ca1cu1af1ng fhe 1sk of fhose fheafs.
c. Coecf. 5e1ecf1ng feam membes 1s an 1mpofanf paf of d1sasfe ecovey buf
1s nof a necessay 1n sfep 1n a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy fhe c1f1ca1 aeas of a company, fhe esouces needed fo
keep fhose aeas funcf1on1ng, and fhe amounf of oufage f1me fhaf can be endued,
1denf1fy1ng fheafs, and ca1cu1af1ng fhe 1sk of fhose fheafs.
d. lncoecf. 5e1ecf1ng feam membes 1s an 1mpofanf paf of d1sasfe ecovey buf
1s nof a necessay 1n sfep 1n a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy fhe c1f1ca1 aeas of a company, fhe esouces needed fo
keep fhose aeas funcf1on1ng, and fhe amounf of oufage f1me fhaf can be endued,
1denf1fy1ng fheafs, and ca1cu1af1ng fhe 1sk of fhose fheafs.
a. lncoecf. 5en1o managemenf shou1d suppof a11 funcf1ons of d1sasfe ecovey
and bus1ness conf1nu1fy, and fhey shou1d ovesee fhe pogess of deve1op1ng,
1mp1emenf1ng, and fesf1ng fhe p1ans. 1hey shou1d a1so ensue fhaf fhe pope
esouces and budgef ae ava11ab1e. 8uf fhey ae nof usua11y fhe ones Who acfua11y
1mp1emenf fhe p1ans.
b. lncoecf. 5en1o managemenf shou1d suppof a11 funcf1ons of d1sasfe ecovey
and bus1ness conf1nu1fy, and fhey shou1d ovesee fhe pogess of deve1op1ng,
1mp1emenf1ng, and fesf1ng fhe p1ans. 1hey shou1d a1so ensue fhaf fhe pope
esouces and budgef ae ava11ab1e. 8uf fhey ae nof usua11y fhe ones Who acfua11y
1mp1emenf fhe p1ans.
c. lncoecf. 5en1o managemenf shou1d suppof a11 funcf1ons of d1sasfe ecovey
and bus1ness conf1nu1fy, and fhey shou1d ovesee fhe pogess of deve1op1ng,
1mp1emenf1ng, and fesf1ng fhe p1ans. 1hey shou1d a1so ensue fhaf fhe pope
esouces and budgef ae ava11ab1e. 8uf fhey ae nof usua11y fhe ones Who acfua11y
1mp1emenf fhe p1ans.
d. Coecf. 5en1o managemenf shou1d suppof a11 funcf1ons of d1sasfe ecovey
and bus1ness conf1nu1fy, and fhey shou1d ovesee fhe pogess of deve1op1ng,
1mp1emenf1ng, and fesf1ng fhe p1ans. 1hey shou1d a1so ensue fhaf fhe pope
esouces and budgef ae ava11ab1e. 8uf fhey ae nof usua11y fhe ones Who acfua11y
1mp1emenf fhe p1ans.
a. Coecf. lnfomaf1on gafheed fom agenc1es fhaf epof fhe pobab111fy of
cefa1n nafua1 d1sasfes fak1ng p1ace 1n fhaf aea Wou1d be fhe 1easf 1mpofanf ouf
of fh1s 11sf.
b. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on gafheed fom agenc1es fhaf epof fhe pobab111fy of
cefa1n nafua1 d1sasfes fak1ng p1ace 1n fhaf aea Wou1d be fhe 1easf 1mpofanf ouf
of fh1s 11sf.
c. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on gafheed fom agenc1es fhaf epof fhe pobab111fy of
cefa1n nafua1 d1sasfes fak1ng p1ace 1n fhaf aea Wou1d be fhe 1easf 1mpofanf ouf
of fh1s 11sf.
d. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on gafheed fom agenc1es fhaf epof fhe pobab111fy of
cefa1n nafua1 d1sasfes fak1ng p1ace 1n fhaf aea Wou1d be fhe 1easf 1mpofanf ouf
of fh1s 11sf.
a. lncoecf. 1he defa11ed sfeps of cay1ng ouf a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s ae
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
shoWn be1oW:
1. 5e1ecf 1nd1v1dua1s fo 1nfev1eW fo dafa gafhe1ng.
2. Ceafe dafa-gafhe1ng fechn1ques {suveys, quesf1onna1es, qua11faf1ve and
quanf1faf1ve appoaches}.
3. ldenf1fy fhe companys c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
4. ldenf1fy fhe esouces fhese funcf1ons depend upon.
5. Ca1cu1afe hoW 1ong fhese funcf1ons can suv1ve W1fhouf fhese esouces.
6. ldenf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs fo fhese funcf1ons.
7. Ca1cu1afe fhe 1sk fo each d1ffeenf bus1ness funcf1on.
. Documenf f1nd1ngs and epof fhem fo managemenf.
b. Coecf. 1he defa11ed sfeps of cay1ng ouf a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s ae shoWn
1. 5e1ecf 1nd1v1dua1s fo 1nfev1eW fo dafa gafhe1ng.
2. Ceafe dafa-gafhe1ng fechn1ques {suveys, quesf1onna1es, qua11faf1ve and
quanf1faf1ve appoaches}.
3. ldenf1fy fhe companys c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
4. ldenf1fy fhe esouces fhese funcf1ons depend upon.
5. Ca1cu1afe hoW 1ong fhese funcf1ons can suv1ve W1fhouf fhese esouces.
6. ldenf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs fo fhese funcf1ons.
7. Ca1cu1afe fhe 1sk fo each d1ffeenf bus1ness funcf1on.
. Documenf f1nd1ngs and epof fhem fo managemenf.
c. lncoecf. 1he defa11ed sfeps of cay1ng ouf a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s ae
shoWn be1oW:
1. 5e1ecf 1nd1v1dua1s fo 1nfev1eW fo dafa gafhe1ng.
2. Ceafe dafa-gafhe1ng fechn1ques {suveys, quesf1onna1es, qua11faf1ve and
quanf1faf1ve appoaches}.
3. ldenf1fy fhe companys c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
4. ldenf1fy fhe esouces fhese funcf1ons depend upon.
5. Ca1cu1afe hoW 1ong fhese funcf1ons can suv1ve W1fhouf fhese esouces.
6. ldenf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs fo fhese funcf1ons.
7. Ca1cu1afe fhe 1sk fo each d1ffeenf bus1ness funcf1on.
. Documenf f1nd1ngs and epof fhem fo managemenf.
d. lncoecf. 1he defa11ed sfeps of cay1ng ouf a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s ae
shoWn be1oW:
1. 5e1ecf 1nd1v1dua1s fo 1nfev1eW fo dafa gafhe1ng.
2. Ceafe dafa-gafhe1ng fechn1ques {suveys, quesf1onna1es, qua11faf1ve and
quanf1faf1ve appoaches}.
3. ldenf1fy fhe companys c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
4. ldenf1fy fhe esouces fhese funcf1ons depend upon.
5. Ca1cu1afe hoW 1ong fhese funcf1ons can suv1ve W1fhouf fhese esouces.
6. ldenf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs fo fhese funcf1ons.
7. Ca1cu1afe fhe 1sk fo each d1ffeenf bus1ness funcf1on.
. Documenf f1nd1ngs and epof fhem fo managemenf.
a. Coecf. A 8CP p1an 1s a 1ong-fem poecf and musf have suppof fom uppe
managemenf. lf cou1d fake a yea o moe fo a sma11 fo med1um-s1ze bus1ness befoe
fhe p1an 1s 1mp1emenfed and fu11y fesfed.
b. lncoecf. A 8CP p1an 1s a 1ong-fem poecf and musf have suppof fom uppe
managemenf. lf cou1d fake a yea o moe fo a sma11 fo med1um-s1ze bus1ness befoe
fhe p1an 1s 1mp1emenfed and fu11y fesfed.
c. lncoecf. A 8CP p1an 1s a 1ong-fem poecf and musf have suppof fom uppe
managemenf. lf cou1d fake a yea o moe fo a sma11 fo med1um-s1ze bus1ness befoe
fhe p1an 1s 1mp1emenfed and fu11y fesfed.
d. lncoecf. A 8CP p1an 1s a 1ong-fem poecf and musf have suppof fom uppe
managemenf. lf cou1d fake a yea o moe fo a sma11 fo med1um-s1ze bus1ness befoe
fhe p1an 1s 1mp1emenfed and fu11y fesfed.
a. lncoecf. 5offWae escoW 1nvo1ves fhe soffWae deve1ope o company, fhe
c11enf Who 1s puchas1ng fhe spec1f1c p1ece of soffWae, and a fusfed fh1d pafy
Who W111 keep a copy of fhe souce code 1n escoW. lf fhe soffWae deve1ope o
company goes ouf of bus1ness, fhe c11enf Wou1d be a11oWed fo access fhe souce code
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
fo conf1nue suppof1ng fhe app11caf1on.
b. Coecf,. 5offWae escoW 1nvo1ves fhe soffWae deve1ope o company, fhe c11enf
Who 1s puchas1ng fhe spec1f1c p1ece of soffWae, and a fusfed fh1d pafy Who W111
keep a copy of fhe souce code 1n escoW. lf fhe soffWae deve1ope o company goes
ouf of bus1ness, fhe c11enf Wou1d be a11oWed fo access fhe souce code fo conf1nue
suppof1ng fhe app11caf1on.
c. lncoecf. 5offWae escoW 1nvo1ves fhe soffWae deve1ope o company, fhe
c11enf Who 1s puchas1ng fhe spec1f1c p1ece of soffWae, and a fusfed fh1d pafy
Who W111 keep a copy of fhe souce code 1n escoW. lf fhe soffWae deve1ope o
company goes ouf of bus1ness, fhe c11enf Wou1d be a11oWed fo access fhe souce code
fo conf1nue suppof1ng fhe app11caf1on.
d. lncoecf. 5offWae escoW 1nvo1ves fhe soffWae deve1ope o company, fhe
c11enf Who 1s puchas1ng fhe spec1f1c p1ece of soffWae, and a fusfed fh1d pafy
Who W111 keep a copy of fhe souce code 1n escoW. lf fhe soffWae deve1ope o
company goes ouf of bus1ness, fhe c11enf Wou1d be a11oWed fo access fhe souce code
fo conf1nue suppof1ng fhe app11caf1on.
a. Coecf. A hof s1fe has a11 of fhe equ1pmenf 1n p1ace and can a11oW fasf
ecovey. hoWeve 1f 1s a1so fhe mosf expens1ve so1uf1on.
b. lncoecf. A hof s1fe has a11 of fhe equ1pmenf 1n p1ace and can a11oW fasf
ecovey. hoWeve 1f 1s a1so fhe mosf expens1ve so1uf1on.
c. lncoecf. A hof s1fe has a11 of fhe equ1pmenf 1n p1ace and can a11oW fasf
ecovey. hoWeve 1f 1s a1so fhe mosf expens1ve so1uf1on.
d. lncoecf. A hof s1fe has a11 of fhe equ1pmenf 1n p1ace and can a11oW fasf
ecovey. hoWeve 1f 1s a1so fhe mosf expens1ve so1uf1on.
a. Coecf. A mufua1 a1d ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es 1s ca11ed a ec1poca1
b. lncoecf. A mufua1 a1d ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es 1s ca11ed a ec1poca1
c. lncoecf. A mufua1 a1d ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es 1s ca11ed a ec1poca1
d. lncoecf. A mufua1 a1d ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es 1s ca11ed a ec1poca1
a. lncoecf. Loss c1fe1a musf be app11ed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 fheafs fhaf Wee
1denf1f1ed. 1he c1fe1a shou1d 1nc1ude af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng:
- Loss 1n epufaf1on and pub11c conf1dence
- Loss of compef1f1ve advanfages
- lncease 1n opeaf1ona1 expenses
- v1o1af1ons of confacf ageemenfs
- v1o1af1ons of 1ega1 and egu1afoy equ1emenfs
- De1ayed 1ncome cosfs
- Loss 1n evenue
- Loss 1n poducf1v1fy
b. lncoecf. Loss c1fe1a musf be app11ed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 fheafs fhaf Wee
1denf1f1ed. 1he c1fe1a shou1d 1nc1ude af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng:
- Loss 1n epufaf1on and pub11c conf1dence
- Loss of compef1f1ve advanfages
- lncease 1n opeaf1ona1 expenses
- v1o1af1ons of confacf ageemenfs
- v1o1af1ons of 1ega1 and egu1afoy equ1emenfs
- De1ayed 1ncome cosfs
- Loss 1n evenue
- Loss 1n poducf1v1fy
c. lncoecf. Loss c1fe1a musf be app11ed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 fheafs fhaf Wee
1denf1f1ed. 1he c1fe1a shou1d 1nc1ude af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng:
- Loss 1n epufaf1on and pub11c conf1dence
- Loss of compef1f1ve advanfages
- lncease 1n opeaf1ona1 expenses
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
- v1o1af1ons of confacf ageemenfs
- v1o1af1ons of 1ega1 and egu1afoy equ1emenfs
- De1ayed 1ncome cosfs
- Loss 1n evenue
- Loss 1n poducf1v1fy
d. Coecf. Loss c1fe1a musf be app11ed fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 fheafs fhaf Wee
1denf1f1ed. 1he c1fe1a shou1d 1nc1ude af 1easf fhe fo11oW1ng:
- Loss 1n epufaf1on and pub11c conf1dence
- Loss of compef1f1ve advanfages
- lncease 1n opeaf1ona1 expenses
- v1o1af1ons of confacf ageemenfs
- v1o1af1ons of 1ega1 and egu1afoy equ1emenfs
- De1ayed 1ncome cosfs
- Loss 1n evenue
- Loss 1n poducf1v1fy
a. lncoecf. A mu1f1-pocess1ng cenfe a11oWs a company fo have backup ove
mu1f1p1e fac111f1es Whee sev1ces have been d1sf1bufed.
b. Coecf. A mu1f1-pocess1ng cenfe a11oWs a company fo have backup ove mu1f1p1e
fac111f1es Whee sev1ces have been d1sf1bufed.
c. lncoecf. A mu1f1-pocess1ng cenfe a11oWs a company fo have backup ove
mu1f1p1e fac111f1es Whee sev1ces have been d1sf1bufed.
d. lncoecf. A mu1f1-pocess1ng cenfe a11oWs a company fo have backup ove
mu1f1p1e fac111f1es Whee sev1ces have been d1sf1bufed.
a. Coecf. kecovey sfafeg1es ae p1anned ahead of f1me befoe fhey ae needed.
1hese sfafeg1es ae appoved by managemenf and ae fesfed.
b. lncoecf. kecovey sfafeg1es ae p1anned ahead of f1me befoe fhey ae needed.
1hese sfafeg1es ae appoved by managemenf and ae fesfed.
c. lncoecf. kecovey sfafeg1es ae p1anned ahead of f1me befoe fhey ae needed.
1hese sfafeg1es ae appoved by managemenf and ae fesfed.
d. lncoecf. kecovey sfafeg1es ae p1anned ahead of f1me befoe fhey ae needed.
1hese sfafeg1es ae appoved by managemenf and ae fesfed.
a. Coecf. Accod1ng fo Nl51 gu1de11nes, a c1f1ca1 company assef Wou1d have a
max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1me of a feW m1nufes fo hous.
b. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo Nl51 gu1de11nes, a c1f1ca1 company assef Wou1d have a
max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1me of a feW m1nufes fo hous.
c. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo Nl51 gu1de11nes, a c1f1ca1 company assef Wou1d have a
max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1me of a feW m1nufes fo hous.
d. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo Nl51 gu1de11nes, a c1f1ca1 company assef Wou1d have a
max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1me of a feW m1nufes fo hous.
a. lncoecf. Amy 1s on1y af fhe 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng sfep af fh1s sfage. 5he
Wou1d nof be do1ng he quanf1faf1ve o qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf yef.
b. lncoecf. Amy 1s on1y af fhe 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng sfep af fh1s sfage. 5he
Wou1d nof be do1ng he quanf1faf1ve o qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf yef.
c. lncoecf. Amy 1s on1y af fhe 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng sfep af fh1s sfage. 5he
Wou1d nof be do1ng he quanf1faf1ve o qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf yef.
d. Coecf. Amy 1s on1y af fhe 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng sfep af fh1s sfage. 5he Wou1d
nof be do1ng he quanf1faf1ve o qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf yef.
a. lncoecf. A d1ffeenf1a1 pocess backs up fhe f11es fhaf have been mod1f1ed
s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 backup. When fhe dafa need fo be esfoed, fhe fu11 backup 1s
1a1d doWn f1sf, and fhen fhe mosf ecenf d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s puf doWn on fop of
1f. 1he d1ffeenf1a1 pocess does nof change fhe ach1ve b1f va1ue. An 1ncemenfa1
pocess backs up a11 fhe f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 o 1ncemenfa1
backup and sefs fhe ach1ve b1f fo 0.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
b. Coecf. A d1ffeenf1a1 pocess backs up fhe f11es fhaf have been mod1f1ed s1nce
fhe 1asf fu11 backup. When fhe dafa need fo be esfoed, fhe fu11 backup 1s 1a1d
doWn f1sf, and fhen fhe mosf ecenf d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s puf doWn on fop of 1f.
1he d1ffeenf1a1 pocess does nof change fhe ach1ve b1f va1ue. An 1ncemenfa1
pocess backs up a11 fhe f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 o 1ncemenfa1
backup and sefs fhe ach1ve b1f fo 0.
c. lncoecf. A d1ffeenf1a1 pocess backs up fhe f11es fhaf have been mod1f1ed
s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 backup. When fhe dafa need fo be esfoed, fhe fu11 backup 1s
1a1d doWn f1sf, and fhen fhe mosf ecenf d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s puf doWn on fop of
1f. 1he d1ffeenf1a1 pocess does nof change fhe ach1ve b1f va1ue. An 1ncemenfa1
pocess backs up a11 fhe f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 o 1ncemenfa1
backup and sefs fhe ach1ve b1f fo 0.
d. lncoecf. A d1ffeenf1a1 pocess backs up fhe f11es fhaf have been mod1f1ed
s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 backup. When fhe dafa need fo be esfoed, fhe fu11 backup 1s
1a1d doWn f1sf, and fhen fhe mosf ecenf d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s puf doWn on fop of
1f. 1he d1ffeenf1a1 pocess does nof change fhe ach1ve b1f va1ue. An 1ncemenfa1
pocess backs up a11 fhe f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf fu11 o 1ncemenfa1
backup and sefs fhe ach1ve b1f fo 0.
a. lncoecf. lf fhe p1an 1s nof appoved 1n W1f1ng by uppe managemenf, 1f W111
be had fo enfoce 1f. 1he p1an musf be appoved and s1gned by sen1o managemenf.
b. Coecf. lf fhe p1an 1s nof appoved 1n W1f1ng by uppe managemenf, 1f W111 be
had fo enfoce 1f. 1he p1an musf be appoved and s1gned by sen1o managemenf.
c. lncoecf. lf fhe p1an 1s nof appoved 1n W1f1ng by uppe managemenf, 1f W111
be had fo enfoce 1f. 1he p1an musf be appoved and s1gned by sen1o managemenf.
d. lncoecf. lf fhe p1an 1s nof appoved 1n W1f1ng by uppe managemenf, 1f W111
be had fo enfoce 1f. 1he p1an musf be appoved and s1gned by sen1o managemenf.
a. Coecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf 1s fhe sfeps dep1oyed fo ensue fhaf a
company Wou1d be ab1e fo susfa1n a sev1ce d1supf1on Wh11e m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecf of
fhe d1supf1on on c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf 1s fhe sfeps dep1oyed fo ensue fhaf a
company Wou1d be ab1e fo susfa1n a sev1ce d1supf1on Wh11e m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecf of
fhe d1supf1on on c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf 1s fhe sfeps dep1oyed fo ensue fhaf a
company Wou1d be ab1e fo susfa1n a sev1ce d1supf1on Wh11e m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecf of
fhe d1supf1on on c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf 1s fhe sfeps dep1oyed fo ensue fhaf a
company Wou1d be ab1e fo susfa1n a sev1ce d1supf1on Wh11e m1n1m1z1ng fhe effecf of
fhe d1supf1on on c1f1ca1 bus1ness funcf1ons.
a. lncoecf. A 8CP does nof addess fhe pofecf1on of co1d s1fes af emofe
b. lncoecf. A 8CP does nof addess fhe pofecf1on of co1d s1fes af emofe
c. lncoecf. A 8CP does nof addess fhe pofecf1on of co1d s1fes af emofe
d. Coecf. A 8CP does nof addess fhe pofecf1on of co1d s1fes af emofe 1ocaf1on.
a. lncoecf. 8us1nesses need fo feaf d1sasfe ecovey p1ann1ng as a comm1ffed
expense, much 11ke 1nsuance 1s a equ1emenf. ln many secfos, d1sasfe ecovey
1s a 1ega1 equ1emenf.
b. Coecf. 8us1nesses need fo feaf d1sasfe ecovey p1ann1ng as a comm1ffed
expense, much 11ke 1nsuance 1s a equ1emenf. ln many secfos, d1sasfe ecovey
1s a 1ega1 equ1emenf.
c. lncoecf. 8us1nesses need fo feaf d1sasfe ecovey p1ann1ng as a comm1ffed
expense, much 11ke 1nsuance 1s a equ1emenf. ln many secfos, d1sasfe ecovey
1s a 1ega1 equ1emenf.
d. lncoecf. 8us1nesses need fo feaf d1sasfe ecovey p1ann1ng as a comm1ffed
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
expense, much 11ke 1nsuance 1s a equ1emenf. ln many secfos, d1sasfe ecovey
1s a 1ega1 equ1emenf.
a. Coecf. 1he esfoaf1on feam shou1d be espons1b1e fo geff1ng fhe a1fenafe
s1fe 1nfo a Wok1ng and funcf1on1ng env1onmenf, and fhe sa1vage feam shou1d be
espons1b1e fo sfaf1ng fhe ecovey of fhe o1g1na1 s1fe.
b. lncoecf. 1he esfoaf1on feam shou1d be espons1b1e fo geff1ng fhe a1fenafe
s1fe 1nfo a Wok1ng and funcf1on1ng env1onmenf, and fhe sa1vage feam shou1d be
espons1b1e fo sfaf1ng fhe ecovey of fhe o1g1na1 s1fe.
c. lncoecf. 1he esfoaf1on feam shou1d be espons1b1e fo geff1ng fhe a1fenafe
s1fe 1nfo a Wok1ng and funcf1on1ng env1onmenf, and fhe sa1vage feam shou1d be
espons1b1e fo sfaf1ng fhe ecovey of fhe o1g1na1 s1fe.
d. lncoecf. 1he esfoaf1on feam shou1d be espons1b1e fo geff1ng fhe a1fenafe
s1fe 1nfo a Wok1ng and funcf1on1ng env1onmenf, and fhe sa1vage feam shou1d be
espons1b1e fo sfaf1ng fhe ecovey of fhe o1g1na1 s1fe.
a. lncoecf. hof s1fes, Wh11e fhe mosf expens1ve, funaound can be nea comp1efe
W1fh1n a coup1e of hous of fhe d1sasfe.
b. Coecf. hof s1fes, Wh11e fhe mosf expens1ve, funaound can be nea comp1efe
W1fh1n a coup1e of hous of fhe d1sasfe.
c. lncoecf. hof s1fes, Wh11e fhe mosf expens1ve, funaound can be nea comp1efe
W1fh1n a coup1e of hous of fhe d1sasfe.
d. lncoecf. hof s1fes, Wh11e fhe mosf expens1ve, funaound can be nea comp1efe
W1fh1n a coup1e of hous of fhe d1sasfe.
a. lncoecf. 1he 8lA ana1yzes fheafs and 1nfoms fhe deve1opmenf of fhe bus1ness
conf1nu1fy p1an, buf does nof desc1be fhe 8CP fesf1ng pocedues.
b. lncoecf. 1he 8lA ana1yzes fheafs and 1nfoms fhe deve1opmenf of fhe bus1ness
conf1nu1fy p1an, buf does nof desc1be fhe 8CP fesf1ng pocedues.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8lA ana1yzes fheafs and 1nfoms fhe deve1opmenf of fhe bus1ness
conf1nu1fy p1an, buf does nof desc1be fhe 8CP fesf1ng pocedues.
d. Coecf. 1he 8lA ana1yzes fheafs and 1nfoms fhe deve1opmenf of fhe bus1ness
conf1nu1fy p1an, buf does nof desc1be fhe 8CP fesf1ng pocedues.
a. lncoecf. Dafa 1oss needs fo be addessed as a fop p1o1fy.
b. Coecf. Dafa 1oss needs fo be addessed as a fop p1o1fy.
c. lncoecf. Dafa 1oss needs fo be addessed as a fop p1o1fy.
d. lncoecf. Dafa 1oss needs fo be addessed as a fop p1o1fy.
a. Coecf. C1f1ca1 suppof aeas ae fhose bus1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf musf
be pesenf fo susfa1n conf1nu1fy of bus1ness, ma1nfa1n 11fe safefy, and avo1d pub11c
b. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 suppof aeas ae fhose bus1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf
musf be pesenf fo susfa1n conf1nu1fy of bus1ness, ma1nfa1n 11fe safefy, and avo1d
pub11c embaassmenf.
c. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 suppof aeas ae fhose bus1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf
musf be pesenf fo susfa1n conf1nu1fy of bus1ness, ma1nfa1n 11fe safefy, and avo1d
pub11c embaassmenf.
d. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 suppof aeas ae fhose bus1ness un1fs o funcf1ons fhaf
musf be pesenf fo susfa1n conf1nu1fy of bus1ness, ma1nfa1n 11fe safefy, and avo1d
pub11c embaassmenf.
a. lncoecf. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move back 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 s1fe
o a neW s1fe, fhe company enfes fhe econsf1fuf1on phase.
b. lncoecf. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move back 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 s1fe
o a neW s1fe, fhe company enfes fhe econsf1fuf1on phase.
c. lncoecf. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move back 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 s1fe
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P1.fxf
o a neW s1fe, fhe company enfes fhe econsf1fuf1on phase.
d. Coecf. When 1f 1s f1me fo fhe company fo move back 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 s1fe o
a neW s1fe, fhe company enfes fhe econsf1fuf1on phase.
a. lncoecf. 1he 8lA equ1es obfa1n1ng a f1m and foma1 ageemenf fom fhe
managemenf goup as fo pec1se max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1mes {M1Ds}. 1he foma11zed
M1Ds musf be commun1cafed fo each bus1ness un1f so fhaf ea11sf1c ecovey
a1fenaf1ves can be acqu1ed and ecovey measues deve1oped.
b. lncoecf. 1he 8lA equ1es obfa1n1ng a f1m and foma1 ageemenf fom fhe
managemenf goup as fo pec1se max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1mes {M1Ds}. 1he foma11zed
M1Ds musf be commun1cafed fo each bus1ness un1f so fhaf ea11sf1c ecovey
a1fenaf1ves can be acqu1ed and ecovey measues deve1oped.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8lA equ1es obfa1n1ng a f1m and foma1 ageemenf fom fhe
managemenf goup as fo pec1se max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1mes {M1Ds}. 1he foma11zed
M1Ds musf be commun1cafed fo each bus1ness un1f so fhaf ea11sf1c ecovey
a1fenaf1ves can be acqu1ed and ecovey measues deve1oped.
d. Coecf. 1he 8lA equ1es obfa1n1ng a f1m and foma1 ageemenf fom fhe
managemenf goup as fo pec1se max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1mes {M1Ds}. 1he foma11zed
M1Ds musf be commun1cafed fo each bus1ness un1f so fhaf ea11sf1c ecovey
a1fenaf1ves can be acqu1ed and ecovey measues deve1oped.
a. lncoecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesf1ng a1so 1nvo1ves unn1ng fhe poducf1on
pocesses 1n fhe a1fenafe s1fe and ve1fy1ng fu11 funcf1ona11fy.
b. lncoecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesf1ng a1so 1nvo1ves unn1ng fhe poducf1on
pocesses 1n fhe a1fenafe s1fe and ve1fy1ng fu11 funcf1ona11fy.
c. lncoecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesf1ng a1so 1nvo1ves unn1ng fhe poducf1on
pocesses 1n fhe a1fenafe s1fe and ve1fy1ng fu11 funcf1ona11fy.
d. Coecf. Iu11-1nfeupf1on fesf1ng a1so 1nvo1ves unn1ng fhe poducf1on
pocesses 1n fhe a1fenafe s1fe and ve1fy1ng fu11 funcf1ona11fy.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
qu1z Name = 8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a conf1nu1fy of opeaf1ons p1an?
a. Lsfab11shes sen1o managemenf and a headquafes affe a d1sasfe. Ouf11nes
o1es and aufho1f1es, odes of success1on, and 1nd1v1dua1 o1e fasks.
b. P1an fo sysfems, nefWoks, and mao app11caf1ons ecovey pocedues affe
d1supf1ons. A conf1ngency p1an shou1d be deve1oped fo each mao sysfem and
c. lnc1udes 1nfena1 and exfena1 commun1caf1ons sfucfue and o1es. ldenf1f1es
spec1f1c 1nd1v1dua1s Who W111 commun1cafe W1fh exfena1 enf1f1es. Confa1ns
pedeve1oped sfafemenfs fhaf ae fo be e1eased.
d. Iocuses on ma1Wae, hackes, 1nfus1ons, affacks, and ofhe secu1fy 1ssues.
Ouf11nes pocedues fo 1nc1denf esponse.
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a paa11e1 fesf?
a. A scena1o 1s esfab11shed and 1nd1v1dua1s ae gafheed fo go fhough each sfep
of fhe p1an.
b. Cop1es of fhe p1an ae handed ouf fo epesenfaf1ves fom each funcf1ona1 aea.
c. 5ome sysfems ae moved fo fhe a1fenafe s1fe and 1nsfa11ed fo fesf pocess1ng
pocedues and compaf1b111fy.
d. Managemenf gafhes and goes fhough a sfucfued Wa1k-fhough fesf.
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a pupose fo deve1op and 1mp1emenf a d1sasfe
ecovey p1an?
a. Pov1des pocedues fo emegency esponses
b. Lxfends backup opeaf1ons fo 1nc1ude moe fhan usf back1ng up dafa
c. Pov1des sfeps fo a posf-d1sasfe ecovey
d. Ouf11nes bus1ness funcf1ons and sysfems
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes e1ecfon1c vau1f1ng?
a. 8ack1ng up bu1k dafa fo an off-s1fe fac111fy
b. 8ack1ng up fhe fansacf1on 1ogs fo an off-s1fe fac111fy
c. 8ack1ng up a11 dafa fo an on-s1fe m1o1ng fac111fy
d. 8ack1ng up dafa fo fWo d1sks W1fh one confo11e
5. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s besf desc1bed hoW?
a. A s1fe fhaf has some compufes and env1onmenfa1 confo1s
b. A s1fe fhaf has fu11y edundanf sysfems, soffWae, and conf1guaf1ons
c. A s1fe fhaf 1s 1n use by anofhe company a1eady
d. An ageemenf fhaf 1s enfoceab1e
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng esfab11shes pesonne1 safefy and evacuaf1on pocedues?
a. 8us1ness esumpf1on p1an
b. Cybe 1nc1denf esponse p1an
c. Occupanf emegency
d. l1 conf1ngency p1an
7. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} does nof fyp1ca11y 1nc1ude:
a. ldenf1fy1ng fhe fype and quanf1fy of esouces equ1ed fo fhe ecovey
b. ldenf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 bus1ness pocesses and fhe dependenc1es befWeen fhem
c. ldenf1fy1ng ogan1zaf1ona1 1sks
d. Deve1op1ng a m1ss1on sfafemenf
. An off-s1fe 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111fy:
a. 5hou1d have fhe same degee of phys1ca1 access esf1cf1ons as fhe p1may
Page 1
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
pocess1ng s1fe
b. 5hou1d be 1ocafed c1ose fo fhe o1g1naf1ng s1fe so fhaf 1f can qu1ck1y be made
c. 5hou1d be eas11y 1denf1f1ed fom fhe oufs1de fo easy emegency access
d. Need nof have fhe same 1eve1 of env1onmenfa1 mon1fo1ng as fhe o1g1naf1ng s1fe
s1nce fh1s Wou1d be cosf poh1b1f1ve
9. Ia11ue of a conf1ngency p1an 1s usua11y due fo:
a. 1echn1ca1 1ssues
b. Managemenf 1ssues
c. Lack of aWaeness
d. Lack of fa1n1ng
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng easons Why a d1sasfe ecovey p1an gefs oufdafed 1s nof
a. Pesonne1 funove
b. Lxfens1ve p1ans can fake a 1of of Wok fo ma1nfa1n
c. Conf1nuous aud1f1ng makes a d1sasfe ecovey p1an 1e1evanf
d. lnfasfucfue and env1onmenf changes
11. Ouf of fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps 1n fhe deve1opmenf of a d1sasfe ecovey p1an, Wh1ch
1s fhe second sfep?
a. Deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem conf1ngency p1an
b. Ceafe conf1ngency sfafeg1es
c. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}
d. Lnsue p1an fesf1ng, fa1n1ng, and exec1ses
12. An ogan1zaf1on Wanfs fo ga1n a common undesfand1ng of funcf1ons fhaf ae
c1f1ca1 fo 1fs suv1va1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng W111 he1p fhe mosf?
a. k1sk assessmenf
b. 8us1ness assessmenf
c. D1sasfe ecovey p1an
d. 8us1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fa1se?
a. A d1sasfe ecovey feam`s p1may fask 1s fo esfoe c1f1ca1 bus1ness
funcf1ons af fhe a1fenafe backup pocess1ng s1fe.
b. A d1sasfe sa1vage feam`s fask 1s fo ensue fhaf fhe p1may s1fe efuns fo
noma1 pocess1ng cond1f1ons.
c. 1he d1sasfe ecovey p1an shou1d 1nc1ude hoW fhe company W111 efun fom fhe
a1fenafe s1fe fo fhe p1may s1fe.
d. When efun1ng fo fhe p1may s1fe, fhe mosf c1f1ca1 app11caf1ons shou1d be
boughf back f1sf.
14. 1he 1easf expens1ve and mosf d1ff1cu1f fo fesf compufe ecovey s1fe 1s a:
a. Non-mob11e hof s1fe
b. Mob11e hof s1fe
c. Wam s1fe
d. Co1d s1fe
15. 1he W1dgefWo1d Copoaf1on has a bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an fhaf pov1des fo an
a1fenafe pocess1ng s1fe fhaf W111 accommodafe 50 pecenf of fhe p1may pocess1ng
fac111fy`s pocess1ng capab111fy. hav1ng ascefa1ned fh1s, Whaf 1s W1dgefWo1d`s
besf nexf sfep?
a. Do nofh1ng. Less fhan 25 pecenf of a11 pocess1ng 1s c1f1ca1 fo an
ogan1zaf1on`s suv1va1 and fhe backup capac1fy 1s fheefoe adequafe.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
b. ldenf1fy fhe app11caf1ons fhaf can be pocessed af fhe a1fenafe s1fe and
deve1op manua1 pocedues fo back up fhe esf of fhe pocess1ng.
c. Lnsue fhaf a11 c1f1ca1 app11caf1ons have been 1denf1f1ed and fhaf fhe
a1fenafe s1fe can hand1e a11 such app11caf1ons.
d. Aange fo an a1fenafe pocess1ng s1fe W1fh fhe capac1fy fo hand1e af 1easf 75
pecenf of noma1 pocess1ng.
16. 1nc1udes acf1v1f1es fo fesf and va11dafe sysfem capab111fy and
funcf1ona11fy and ouf11nes acf1ons fhaf can be faken fo efun fhe sysfem fo noma1
opeaf1ng cond1f1on and pepae fhe sysfem aga1nsf fufue oufages.
a. Acf1vaf1on
b. kecovey
c. keconsf1fuf1on
d. va11daf1on
17. Whaf 1s a ma1n advanfage of us1ng hof s1fes?
a. Cosfs ae e1af1ve1y 1oW.
b. 1hey can be used fo an exfended amounf of f1me.
c. 1hey do nof equ1e fhaf equ1pmenf and sysfems soffWae be compaf1b1e W1fh fhe
p1may 1nsfa11af1on be1ng backed up.
d. 1hey can be made eady fo opeaf1on qu1ck1y.
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a daWback of us1ng hof s1fes?
a. hof s1fes need secu1fy confo1s, as fhey usua11y confa1n m1oed cop1es of
11ve poducf1on dafa.
b. lf`s expens1ve fo have fu11 edundancy 1n hadWae, soffWae, commun1caf1on
11nes, and app11caf1ons.
c. hof s1fes ae ava11ab1e 1mmed1afe1y o W1fh1n max1mum fo1eab1e doWnf1me {M1D}.
d. 1ansacf1on edundancy confo1s need fo be 1mp1emenfed fo keep dafa up fo dafe.
19. A bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an 1s an examp1e of a confo1.
a. Coecf1ve
b. Defecf1ve
c. Pevenf1ve
d. Co11ecf1ve
20. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae equ1ed fo:
a. A11 aeas of fhe enfep1se
b. I1nanc1a1 esouces and 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng
c. Opeaf1ng aeas of fhe enfep1se
d. Makef1ng, f1nance, and 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng focuses on esfo1ng an ogan1zaf1ons m1ss1on-essenf1a1
funcf1ons {MLI} af an a1fenafe s1fe?
a. Conf1nu1fy of Iuncf1ona11fy P1an
b. Conf1nu1fy of Opeaf1ons P1an
c. Conf1nu1fy of 5uccess1on P1an
d. Conf1nu1fy of Mod1f1caf1on P1an
22. ln d1sasfe ecovey p1ann1ng, Whaf 1s fhe ecovey po1nf obecf1ve?
a. 1he po1nf fo Wh1ch app11caf1on dafa musf be ecoveed fo esume bus1ness
b. 1he max1mum e1apsed f1me equ1ed fo comp1efe ecovey of app11caf1on dafa
c. 1he po1nf fo Wh1ch app11caf1on dafa musf be ecoveed fo esume sysfem
d. 1he po1nf fo Wh1ch 1nfomaf1on sysfem musf be opeaf1ona1 af an a1fenafe s1fe
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
23. ln conf1ngency p1ann1ng, fhe f1sf sfep 1s:
a. Pefom a hadWae backup
b. Pefom a dafa backup
c. Pefom an opeaf1ng sysfems soffWae backup
d. Pefom an app11caf1on soffWae backup
24. 1he mosf devasfaf1ng bus1ness 1nfeupf1ons ae fhe esu1f of 1oss of:
a. hadWae/soffWae
b. Dafa
c. Commun1caf1on 11nks
d. App11caf1ons
25. M1anda 1s assess1ng he ogan1zaf1on`s conf1ngency p1ann1ng confo1s. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng quesf1ons does she nof need fo ask?
a. ls damaged med1a sfoed and/o desfoyed?
b. Ae fhe backup sfoage s1fe and a1fenafe s1fe geogaph1ca11y emoved fom fhe
p1may s1fe?
c. ls fhee an up-fo-dafe copy of fhe p1an sfoed secue1y offs1fe?
d. Whee ae sfoed backups 1ocafed?
26. 1he lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an does nof 1nc1ude Wh1ch of fhe
a. lnfomaf1on on sysfem ecovey
b. lnfomaf1on on o1es and espons1b111f1es
c. Assessmenf esu1fs
d. 1esf1ng pocedues
27. 11m 1s espons1b1e fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng af h1s company. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng W111 a11oW 11m fo focus 1sk managemenf effofs on 1denf1f1ed 1sks?
a. A 1sk assessmenf
b. kes1dua1 1sks
c. 5ecu1fy confo1s
d. 8us1ness un1fs
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fa1se?
a. A c1f1ca11fy suvey 1s 1mp1emenfed fo gafhe 1npuf fom a11 pesonne1 Who ae
paf of fhe ecovey feams.
b. 1he pupose of a c1f1ca11fy suvey musf be c1ea1y sfafed.
c. Managemenf`s appova1 shou1d be obfa1ned befoe d1sf1buf1ng a c1f1ca11fy
d. A c1f1ca11fy suvey f1nds ouf Whaf sev1ces and sysfems ae c1f1ca1 fo keep1ng
fhe ogan1zaf1on 1n bus1ness.
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s 1ncoecf?
a. 1o fac111fafe ecovey, a s1ng1e bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an shou1d cove a11
b. A comm1ffee shou1d dec1de a couse of acf1on ahead of f1me and 1ncopoafe fhose
dec1s1ons 1nfo fhe ecovey p1an.
c. A bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an shou1d efe fo funcf1ons, nof spec1f1c 1nd1v1dua1s.
d. C1f1ca1 vendos shou1d be confacfed ahead of f1me fo ensue fhaf equ1pmenf can
be obfa1ned 1n a f1me1y manne 1n case of d1sasfe.
30. 1he f1sf sfep 1n a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s fo:
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a. ldenf1fy a11 bus1ness un1fs 1n fhe ogan1zaf1on
b. Lva1uafe fhe 1mpacf of d1supf1ve evenfs
c. Lsf1mafe ecovey f1me obecf1ves
d. Lva1uafe fhe c1f1ca11fy of bus1ness funcf1ons
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeence befWeen an lnfomaf1on
5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an and D1sasfe kecovey P1an?
a. lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an pocedues ae deve1oped fo ecovey of
fhe sysfem egad1ess of s1fe o 1ocaf1on
b. D1sasfe kecovey P1an pocedues ae deve1oped fo ecovey of fhe sysfem
egad1ess of s1fe o 1ocaf1on
c. D1sasfe kecovey P1an can be acf1vafed af fhe sysfems cuenf 1ocaf1on o af
an a1fenafe s1fe
d. lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an 1s p1ma11y a s1fe-spec1f1c p1an
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1nceases sysfem e11ab111fy?
a. A 1oWe M18I and a 1oWe M11k
b. A h1ghe M18I and a 1oWe M11k
c. A 1oWe M18I and a h1ghe M11k
d. A h1ghe M18I and a h1ghe M11k
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng assesses fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fom d1sasfe?
a. A bus1ness assessmenf {8A}
b. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}
c. A 1sk assessmenf {kA}
d. A bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an {8CP}
34. Mosf fheafs fo a company sfem fom:
a. D1sgunf1ed emp1oyees
b. I1e, Wafe, and e1ecf1ca1 hazads
c. Los and om1ss1ons
d. Oufs1de fheafs
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof coveed by va1uab1e-pape 1nsuance?
a. lnsc1bed, p1nfed, and W1ffen documenfs
b. Manusc1pfs
c. kecods
d. Money and secu1f1es
36. 1odd needs fo make sue fhaf fhee 1s a p1an fhaf dea1s W1fh fhe f1sf-esponse
pocedues fo h1s emp1oyees. Whaf does he need fo make sue 1s 1n p1ace?
a. Pesonne1 Lmegency P1an
b. Lmp1oyee Lmegency P1an
c. D1sasfe Lmegency P1an
d. Occupanf Lmegency P1an
37. When deve1op1ng a 8lA, one 1oss c1fe1on fhaf shou1d nof be cons1deed 1s fhe
1oss of:
a. 5k111ed Woke knoW1edge
b. kevenue
c. Pof1fs
d. kepufaf1on
3. D1sasfe ecovey d111s and fesfs shou1d be pefomed af 1easf:
a. Once a quafe
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
b. Once a yea
c. 1W1ce a yea
d. Lvey fWo yeas
39. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof paf of a co1d-s1fe sefup?
a. Compufe equ1pmenf
b. L1ecf1ca1 W11ng
c. ka1sed f1oo1ng
d. A1 cond1f1on1ng
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng W111 nof be 1denf1f1ed by a bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s?
a. Aeas fhaf Wou1d suffe fhe geafesf f1nanc1a1 o opeaf1ona1 1oss 1n fhe evenf
of a d1sasfe
b. 5ysfems c1f1ca1 fo fhe suv1va1 of fhe enfep1se
c. lnd1v1dua1s fo be confacfed du1ng a d1sasfe
d. 1he oufage f1me fhaf can be fo1eafed by fhe enfep1se as a esu1f of a
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of fhe C1s1s Commun1caf1ons
a. Pov1des pocedues fo d1ssem1naf1ng 1nfena1 and exfena1 commun1caf1ons,
means fo pov1de c1f1ca1 sfafus 1nfomaf1on and confo1 umos.
b. Addesses commun1caf1ons W1fh pesonne1 and fhe pub11c, nof 1nfomaf1on
c. lnc1denf-based p1an offen acf1vafed W1fh a COOP o 8CP, buf may be used a1one
du1ng a pub11c exposue evenf.
d. Addesses m1ss1on-essenf1a1 funcf1ons af a fac111fy, 1nfomaf1on sysfems ae
addessed based on1y on fhe1 suppof of fhe m1ss1on-essenf1a1 funcf1ons.
42. When ev1eW1ng a ec1poca1 d1sasfe ecovey ageemenf befWeen fWo compan1es,
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d be fhe ma1n concen?
a. 1he soundness of fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
b. hadWae and soffWae compaf1b111fy
c. Iequency of sysfem fesf1ng
d. D1ffeences 1n bus1ness m1ss1ons
43. A d1sasfe ecovey p1an fo a company`s compufe sysfem 1s usua11y focused on:
a. A1fenafe pocedues fo pocess fansacf1ons
b. 1he pobab111fy fhaf a d1sasfe W111 occu
c. 5fafeg1c 1ong-ange p1ann1ng
d. Ava11ab111fy of compaf1b1e equ1pmenf af a hof s1fe
44. epesenfs fhe fofa1 amounf of f1me fhe sysfem
oWne/aufho1z1ng off1c1a1 1s W1111ng fo accepf fo a m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess
oufage o d1supf1on and 1nc1udes a11 1mpacf cons1deaf1ons.
a. Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me
b. kecovey 11me Obecf1ve
c. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve
d. kecovey 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me
45. def1nes fhe max1mum amounf of f1me fhaf a sysfem esouce can
ema1n unava11ab1e befoe fhee 1s an unaccepfab1e 1mpacf on ofhe sysfem esouces,
suppofed m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
a. Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me
b. kecovey 11me Obecf1ve
c. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
d. kecovey 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me
46. epesenfs fhe po1nf 1n f1me, p1o fo a d1supf1on o sysfem
oufage, fo Wh1ch m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess dafa can be ecoveed.
a. Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me
b. kecovey 11me Obecf1ve
c. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve
d. kecovey 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue sfafemenf?
a. 8ecause fhe kPO musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O musf noma11y
be shofe fhan fhe M1D.
b. 8ecause fhe k1O musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O musf noma11y
be shofe fhan fhe M1D.
c. 8ecause fhe M1D musf ensue fhaf fhe kPO 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O musf noma11y
be shofe fhan fhe M1D.
d. 8ecause fhe kOO musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O musf noma11y
be shofe fhan fhe M1D.
4. 1he 8CP Cood1nafo, Wok1ng W1fh managemenf, shou1d defem1ne Wh1ch of fhe
a. 1he opf1mum po1nf fo d1scove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of
sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem
and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1 m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
b. 1he opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of
sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem
and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1 m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
c. 1he opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of
sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe va1ue of esouces equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe
sysfem and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1 m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
d. 1he opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of
sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem
and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1 m1ss1on/bus1ness cosfs.
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s nof fue?
a. 1he 1onge a d1supf1on 1s a11oWed fo conf1nue, fhe moe cosf1y 1f can become fo
fhe ogan1zaf1on and 1fs opeaf1ons.
b. 1he shofe fhe k1O, fhe moe expens1ve fhe ecovey so1uf1ons cosf fo
c. 1he 1ess amounf of f1me a d1supf1on 1s a11oWed fo conf1nue, fhe moe cosf1y 1f
can become fo fhe ogan1zaf1on and 1fs opeaf1ons.
d. Ca1cu1af1ng fhe cosf ba1ance po1nfs W111 shoW an opf1ma1 po1nf befWeen
d1supf1on and ecovey cosfs.
50. Dafa backup po11c1es shou1d spec1fy a11 buf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Max1mum fequency of backups
b. Locaf1on of sfoed dafa
c. I11e-nam1ng convenf1ons
d. Med1a ofaf1on fequency
51. When se1ecf1ng an offs1fe sfoage fac111fy and vendo, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
c1fe1a shou1d be cons1deed?
1. Geogaph1c aea
11. Access1b111fy
111. 5ecu1fy
1v. Lnv1onmenf
v. Cosf
Page 7
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a. 1, 11, 111, 1v, v
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 111, v
d. 11, 111, 1v
52. 1hee ae fhee fypes of a1fenafe s1fes ava11ab1e fo ogan1zaf1ons fo use.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof desc1be one of fhese fypes?
a. Ded1cafed s1fe oWned o opeafed by fhe ogan1zaf1on
b. Memoandum of ageemenf W1fh an 1nfena1 o exfena1 enf1fy
c. Commec1a11y 1eased fac111fy
d. hof s1fe
53. 1Wo o moe ogan1zaf1ons W1fh s1m11a o 1denf1ca1 sysfem conf1guaf1ons and
backup fechno1og1es may enfe 1nfo a foma1 ageemenf fo seve as a1fenafe s1fes
fo each ofhe o enfe 1nfo a o1nf confacf fo an a1fenafe s1fe. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fh1s sefup?
a. Memoandum of cood1naf1on
b. kec1poca1 memoandum
c. Memoandum of undesfand1ng
d. kec1poca1 s1fe
54. kandy 1s a manage and espons1b1e fo bus1ness conf1nu1fy fa1n1ng. he has been
fo1d fhaf fhe company needs fhe fo11oW1ng fype of fa1n1ng - A fac111fafo pesenfs
a scena1o and asks fhe exec1se paf1c1panfs quesf1ons e1afed fo fhe scena1o,
Wh1ch 1n1f1afes a d1scuss1on among fhe paf1c1panfs of o1es, espons1b111f1es,
cood1naf1on, and dec1s1on mak1ng. Whaf fype of fa1n1ng does kandy need fo puf 1nfo
a. 5fucfued
b. 1ab1efop
c. Iuncf1ona1
d. lnfeupf1on
55. kandy 1s a manage and espons1b1e fo bus1ness conf1nu1fy fa1n1ng. he has been
fo1d fhaf fhe company needs fa1n1ng fo a11oW pesonne1 fo va11dafe fhe1
opeaf1ona1 ead1ness fo emegenc1es by pefom1ng fhe1 duf1es 1n a s1mu1afed
opeaf1ona1 env1onmenf. Whaf fype of fa1n1ng does kandy need fo 1mp1emenf?
a. 5fucfued
b. Opeaf1ona1
c. Iuncf1ona1
d. lnfeupf1on
56. Pau1 needs fo ouf11ne d1ffeenf exec1se fypes fo fhe va1ous sysfems 1n fhe
env1onmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof pov1d1ng fhe coecf mapp1ng fypes
fhaf Pau1 needs fo 1mp1emenf?
a. LoW-1mpacf sysfems, a fab1efop exec1se
b. Modeafe-1mpacf sysfems, a funcf1ona1 exec1se
c. h1gh-1mpacf sysfems, a fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1 exec1se
d. Med1um-1mpacf, sfucfued Wa1k fhough
57. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a componenf of a bus1ness conf1nu1fy funcf1ona1
a. Co11ecf dafa
b. Documenf funcf1ons
c. Deve1op h1eachy of funcf1ons
d. Deve1op dafa c1ass1f1caf1on
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des a coecf chaacfe1sf1c of e1ecfon1c vau1f1ng?
a. Moves fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1og fo a emofe 1ocaf1on, nof fhe acfua1 f11es
b. 1ansfes change 1n bu1k 1n bafch pocesses
c. Paa11e1 pocess1ng of fansacf1ons fo an a1fenafe s1fe
d. 8ackup fakes p1ace 1n ea1 f1me {synchonous}
59. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des nof a coecf chaacfe1sf1c of emofe
a. Moves fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1og fo a emofe 1ocaf1on, nof fhe acfua1 f11es
b. Paa11e1 pocess1ng of fansacf1ons fo an a1fenafe s1fe
c. 8ackup fakes p1ace 1n ea1 f1me {synchonous}
d. 8ackup 1s nof 1n ea1 f1me {asynchonous}
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. 1he conf1nu1fy of opeaf1ons p1an esfab11shes sen1o managemenf and a
headquafes affe a d1sasfe. lf ouf11nes o1es and aufho1f1es, odes of
success1on, and 1nd1v1dua1 o1e fasks.
b. lncoecf. 1he conf1nu1fy of opeaf1ons p1an esfab11shes sen1o managemenf and a
headquafes affe a d1sasfe. lf ouf11nes o1es and aufho1f1es, odes of
success1on, and 1nd1v1dua1 o1e fasks.
c. lncoecf. 1he conf1nu1fy of opeaf1ons p1an esfab11shes sen1o managemenf and a
headquafes affe a d1sasfe. lf ouf11nes o1es and aufho1f1es, odes of
success1on, and 1nd1v1dua1 o1e fasks.
d. lncoecf. 1he conf1nu1fy of opeaf1ons p1an esfab11shes sen1o managemenf and a
headquafes affe a d1sasfe. lf ouf11nes o1es and aufho1f1es, odes of
success1on, and 1nd1v1dua1 o1e fasks.
a. lncoecf. When a paa11e1 fesf 1s pefomed, fhe c1f1ca1 sysfems ae faken fo
fhe s1fe Whee fhey Wou1d need fo pefom 1n an acfua1 d1sasfe.
b. lncoecf. When a paa11e1 fesf 1s pefomed, fhe c1f1ca1 sysfems ae faken fo
fhe s1fe Whee fhey Wou1d need fo pefom 1n an acfua1 d1sasfe.
c. Coecf. When a paa11e1 fesf 1s pefomed, fhe c1f1ca1 sysfems ae faken fo
fhe s1fe Whee fhey Wou1d need fo pefom 1n an acfua1 d1sasfe.
d. lncoecf. When a paa11e1 fesf 1s pefomed, fhe c1f1ca1 sysfems ae faken fo
fhe s1fe Whee fhey Wou1d need fo pefom 1n an acfua1 d1sasfe.
a. lncoecf. 1he d1sasfe ecovey p1an does nof ouf11ne bus1ness funcf1ons and
sysfems. 1hose ae hand1ed 1n fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
b. lncoecf. 1he d1sasfe ecovey p1an does nof ouf11ne bus1ness funcf1ons and
sysfems. 1hose ae hand1ed 1n fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
c. lncoecf. 1he d1sasfe ecovey p1an does nof ouf11ne bus1ness funcf1ons and
sysfems. 1hose ae hand1ed 1n fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
d. Coecf. 1he d1sasfe ecovey p1an does nof ouf11ne bus1ness funcf1ons and
sysfems. 1hose ae hand1ed 1n fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
a. Coecf. L1ecfon1c vau1f1ng 1s a mechan1sm fo pofecf dafa by 1mmed1afe1y
copy1ng 1f fo an off-s1fe fac111fy once 1f has been a1feed.
b. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c vau1f1ng 1s a mechan1sm fo pofecf dafa by 1mmed1afe1y
copy1ng 1f fo an off-s1fe fac111fy once 1f has been a1feed.
c. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c vau1f1ng 1s a mechan1sm fo pofecf dafa by 1mmed1afe1y
copy1ng 1f fo an off-s1fe fac111fy once 1f has been a1feed.
d. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c vau1f1ng 1s a mechan1sm fo pofecf dafa by 1mmed1afe1y
copy1ng 1f fo an off-s1fe fac111fy once 1f has been a1feed.
Page 9
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s When one company pom1ses anofhe company
fhaf 1f can move 1n 1f a d1sasfe h1fs. 1h1s ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e.
b. lncoecf. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s When one company pom1ses anofhe company
fhaf 1f can move 1n 1f a d1sasfe h1fs. 1h1s ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e.
c. Coecf. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s When one company pom1ses anofhe company
fhaf 1f can move 1n 1f a d1sasfe h1fs. 1h1s ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e.
d. lncoecf. A ec1poca1 ageemenf 1s When one company pom1ses anofhe company
fhaf 1f can move 1n 1f a d1sasfe h1fs. 1h1s ageemenf 1s nof enfoceab1e.
a. lncoecf. 1he Occupanf emegency p1an esfab11shes pesonne1 safefy and
evacuaf1on pocedues.
b. lncoecf. 1he Occupanf emegency p1an esfab11shes pesonne1 safefy and
evacuaf1on pocedues.
c. Coecf. 1he Occupanf emegency p1an esfab11shes pesonne1 safefy and evacuaf1on
d. lncoecf. 1he Occupanf emegency p1an esfab11shes pesonne1 safefy and
evacuaf1on pocedues.
a. lncoecf. 1he deve1opmenf of a m1ss1on sfafemenf 1s noma11y pefomed befoe
fhe 8lA.
b. lncoecf. 1he deve1opmenf of a m1ss1on sfafemenf 1s noma11y pefomed befoe
fhe 8lA.
c. lncoecf. 1he deve1opmenf of a m1ss1on sfafemenf 1s noma11y pefomed befoe
fhe 8lA.
d. Coecf. 1he deve1opmenf of a m1ss1on sfafemenf 1s noma11y pefomed befoe fhe

a. Coecf. An off-s1fe 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111fy shou1d have fhe same amounf
of phys1ca1 confo1 as fhe o1g1naf1ng s1fe.
b. lncoecf. An off-s1fe 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111fy shou1d have fhe same
amounf of phys1ca1 confo1 as fhe o1g1naf1ng s1fe.
c. lncoecf. An off-s1fe 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111fy shou1d have fhe same
amounf of phys1ca1 confo1 as fhe o1g1naf1ng s1fe.
d. lncoecf. An off-s1fe 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111fy shou1d have fhe same
amounf of phys1ca1 confo1 as fhe o1g1naf1ng s1fe.
a. lncoecf. Ia11ue of a conf1ngency p1an 1s usua11y due fo managemenf fa111ng fo
exh1b1f ongo1ng 1nfeesf and concen abouf fhe 8CP/DkP effof, and fo pov1de
f1nanc1a1 and ofhe esouces as needed.
b. Coecf. Ia11ue of a conf1ngency p1an 1s usua11y due fo managemenf fa111ng fo
exh1b1f ongo1ng 1nfeesf and concen abouf fhe 8CP/DkP effof, and fo pov1de
f1nanc1a1 and ofhe esouces as needed.
c. lncoecf. Ia11ue of a conf1ngency p1an 1s usua11y due fo managemenf fa111ng fo
exh1b1f ongo1ng 1nfeesf and concen abouf fhe 8CP/DkP effof, and fo pov1de
f1nanc1a1 and ofhe esouces as needed.
d. lncoecf. Ia11ue of a conf1ngency p1an 1s usua11y due fo managemenf fa111ng fo
exh1b1f ongo1ng 1nfeesf and concen abouf fhe 8CP/DkP effof, and fo pov1de
f1nanc1a1 and ofhe esouces as needed.
a. lncoecf. Conf1nuous aud1f1ng cou1d uncove fhe facf fhaf a p1an 1s ouf of
b. lncoecf. Conf1nuous aud1f1ng cou1d uncove fhe facf fhaf a p1an 1s ouf of
c. Coecf. Conf1nuous aud1f1ng cou1d uncove fhe facf fhaf a p1an 1s ouf of dafe.
d. lncoecf. Conf1nuous aud1f1ng cou1d uncove fhe facf fhaf a p1an 1s ouf of
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he seven pogess1ve sfeps ae des1gned fo be 1nfegafed 1nfo each
sfage of fhe sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e.
1. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. A foma1 po11cy pov1des fhe
aufho1fy and gu1dance necessay fo deve1op an effecf1ve conf1ngency p1an.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. 1he 8lA he1ps 1denf1fy and p1o1f1ze
1nfomaf1on sysfems and componenfs c1f1ca1 fo suppof1ng fhe ogan1zaf1ons
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons. A femp1afe fo deve1op1ng fhe 8lA 1s pov1ded fo ass1sf
fhe use.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Measues faken fo educe fhe effecfs of sysfem
d1supf1ons can 1ncease sysfem ava11ab111fy and educe conf1ngency 11fe cyc1e
4. Ceafe conf1ngency sfafeg1es. 1hoough ecovey sfafeg1es ensue fhaf fhe
sysfem may be ecoveed qu1ck1y and effecf1ve1y fo11oW1ng a d1supf1on.
5. Deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem conf1ngency p1an. 1he conf1ngency p1an shou1d
confa1n defa11ed gu1dance and pocedues fo esfo1ng a damaged sysfem un1que fo
fhe sysfems secu1fy 1mpacf 1eve1 and ecovey equ1emenfs.
6. Lnsue p1an fesf1ng, fa1n1ng, and exec1ses. 1esf1ng va11dafes ecovey
capab111f1es, Wheeas fa1n1ng pepaes ecovey pesonne1 fo p1an acf1vaf1on and
exec1s1ng fhe p1an 1denf1f1es p1ann1ng gaps, comb1ned, fhe acf1v1f1es 1mpove p1an
effecf1veness and ovea11 ogan1zaf1on pepaedness.
7. Lnsue p1an ma1nfenance. 1he p1an shou1d be a 11v1ng documenf fhaf 1s updafed
b. lncoecf. 1he seven pogess1ve sfeps ae des1gned fo be 1nfegafed 1nfo each
sfage of fhe sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e.
1. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. A foma1 po11cy pov1des fhe
aufho1fy and gu1dance necessay fo deve1op an effecf1ve conf1ngency p1an.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. 1he 8lA he1ps 1denf1fy and p1o1f1ze
1nfomaf1on sysfems and componenfs c1f1ca1 fo suppof1ng fhe ogan1zaf1ons
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons. A femp1afe fo deve1op1ng fhe 8lA 1s pov1ded fo ass1sf
fhe use.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Measues faken fo educe fhe effecfs of sysfem
d1supf1ons can 1ncease sysfem ava11ab111fy and educe conf1ngency 11fe cyc1e
4. Ceafe conf1ngency sfafeg1es. 1hoough ecovey sfafeg1es ensue fhaf fhe
sysfem may be ecoveed qu1ck1y and effecf1ve1y fo11oW1ng a d1supf1on.
5. Deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem conf1ngency p1an. 1he conf1ngency p1an shou1d
confa1n defa11ed gu1dance and pocedues fo esfo1ng a damaged sysfem un1que fo
fhe sysfems secu1fy 1mpacf 1eve1 and ecovey equ1emenfs.
6. Lnsue p1an fesf1ng, fa1n1ng, and exec1ses. 1esf1ng va11dafes ecovey
capab111f1es, Wheeas fa1n1ng pepaes ecovey pesonne1 fo p1an acf1vaf1on and
exec1s1ng fhe p1an 1denf1f1es p1ann1ng gaps, comb1ned, fhe acf1v1f1es 1mpove p1an
effecf1veness and ovea11 ogan1zaf1on pepaedness.
7. Lnsue p1an ma1nfenance. 1he p1an shou1d be a 11v1ng documenf fhaf 1s updafed
c. Coecf. 1he seven pogess1ve sfeps ae des1gned fo be 1nfegafed 1nfo each
sfage of fhe sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e.
1. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. A foma1 po11cy pov1des fhe
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
aufho1fy and gu1dance necessay fo deve1op an effecf1ve conf1ngency p1an.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. 1he 8lA he1ps 1denf1fy and p1o1f1ze
1nfomaf1on sysfems and componenfs c1f1ca1 fo suppof1ng fhe ogan1zaf1ons
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons. A femp1afe fo deve1op1ng fhe 8lA 1s pov1ded fo ass1sf
fhe use.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Measues faken fo educe fhe effecfs of sysfem
d1supf1ons can 1ncease sysfem ava11ab111fy and educe conf1ngency 11fe cyc1e
4. Ceafe conf1ngency sfafeg1es. 1hoough ecovey sfafeg1es ensue fhaf fhe
sysfem may be ecoveed qu1ck1y and effecf1ve1y fo11oW1ng a d1supf1on.
5. Deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem conf1ngency p1an. 1he conf1ngency p1an shou1d
confa1n defa11ed gu1dance and pocedues fo esfo1ng a damaged sysfem un1que fo
fhe sysfems secu1fy 1mpacf 1eve1 and ecovey equ1emenfs.
6. Lnsue p1an fesf1ng, fa1n1ng, and exec1ses. 1esf1ng va11dafes ecovey
capab111f1es, Wheeas fa1n1ng pepaes ecovey pesonne1 fo p1an acf1vaf1on and
exec1s1ng fhe p1an 1denf1f1es p1ann1ng gaps, comb1ned, fhe acf1v1f1es 1mpove p1an
effecf1veness and ovea11 ogan1zaf1on pepaedness.
7. Lnsue p1an ma1nfenance. 1he p1an shou1d be a 11v1ng documenf fhaf 1s updafed
d. lncoecf. 1he seven pogess1ve sfeps ae des1gned fo be 1nfegafed 1nfo each
sfage of fhe sysfem deve1opmenf 11fe cyc1e.
1. Deve1op fhe conf1ngency p1ann1ng po11cy sfafemenf. A foma1 po11cy pov1des fhe
aufho1fy and gu1dance necessay fo deve1op an effecf1ve conf1ngency p1an.
2. Conducf fhe bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA}. 1he 8lA he1ps 1denf1fy and p1o1f1ze
1nfomaf1on sysfems and componenfs c1f1ca1 fo suppof1ng fhe ogan1zaf1ons
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons. A femp1afe fo deve1op1ng fhe 8lA 1s pov1ded fo ass1sf
fhe use.
3. ldenf1fy pevenf1ve confo1s. Measues faken fo educe fhe effecfs of sysfem
d1supf1ons can 1ncease sysfem ava11ab111fy and educe conf1ngency 11fe cyc1e
4. Ceafe conf1ngency sfafeg1es. 1hoough ecovey sfafeg1es ensue fhaf fhe
sysfem may be ecoveed qu1ck1y and effecf1ve1y fo11oW1ng a d1supf1on.
5. Deve1op an 1nfomaf1on sysfem conf1ngency p1an. 1he conf1ngency p1an shou1d
confa1n defa11ed gu1dance and pocedues fo esfo1ng a damaged sysfem un1que fo
fhe sysfems secu1fy 1mpacf 1eve1 and ecovey equ1emenfs.
6. Lnsue p1an fesf1ng, fa1n1ng, and exec1ses. 1esf1ng va11dafes ecovey
capab111f1es, Wheeas fa1n1ng pepaes ecovey pesonne1 fo p1an acf1vaf1on and
exec1s1ng fhe p1an 1denf1f1es p1ann1ng gaps, comb1ned, fhe acf1v1f1es 1mpove p1an
effecf1veness and ovea11 ogan1zaf1on pepaedness.
7. Lnsue p1an ma1nfenance. 1he p1an shou1d be a 11v1ng documenf fhaf 1s updafed
a. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s an assessmenf of an
ogan1zaf1on`s bus1ness funcf1ons fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of fhe1 c1f1ca11fy,
ecovey f1me obecf1ves, and esouces needed.
b. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s an assessmenf of an
ogan1zaf1on`s bus1ness funcf1ons fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of fhe1 c1f1ca11fy,
ecovey f1me obecf1ves, and esouces needed.
c. lncoecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s an assessmenf of an
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
ogan1zaf1on`s bus1ness funcf1ons fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of fhe1 c1f1ca11fy,
ecovey f1me obecf1ves, and esouces needed.
d. Coecf. A bus1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s {8lA} 1s an assessmenf of an ogan1zaf1on`s
bus1ness funcf1ons fo deve1op an undesfand1ng of fhe1 c1f1ca11fy, ecovey f1me
obecf1ves, and esouces needed.
a. lncoecf. When fhe p1may s1fe 1s eady fo ece1ve opeaf1ons aga1n, 1ess
c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be boughf back f1sf fo ensue fhaf eveyfh1ng 1s unn1ng
smoofh1y befoe efun1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems, Wh1ch ae a1eady opeaf1ng noma11y af
fhe ecovey s1fe.
b. lncoecf. When fhe p1may s1fe 1s eady fo ece1ve opeaf1ons aga1n, 1ess
c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be boughf back f1sf fo ensue fhaf eveyfh1ng 1s unn1ng
smoofh1y befoe efun1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems, Wh1ch ae a1eady opeaf1ng noma11y af
fhe ecovey s1fe.
c. lncoecf. When fhe p1may s1fe 1s eady fo ece1ve opeaf1ons aga1n, 1ess
c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be boughf back f1sf fo ensue fhaf eveyfh1ng 1s unn1ng
smoofh1y befoe efun1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems, Wh1ch ae a1eady opeaf1ng noma11y af
fhe ecovey s1fe.
d. Coecf. When fhe p1may s1fe 1s eady fo ece1ve opeaf1ons aga1n, 1ess
c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be boughf back f1sf fo ensue fhaf eveyfh1ng 1s unn1ng
smoofh1y befoe efun1ng c1f1ca1 sysfems, Wh1ch ae a1eady opeaf1ng noma11y af
fhe ecovey s1fe.
a. lncoecf. 1he co1d s1fe`s 1ack of equ1pmenf educes 1fs annua1 cosf, buf
comp11cafes fesf1ng o ecovey because fhe equ1pmenf musf be obfa1ned, sh1pped, and
1nsfa11ed af fhe s1fe p1o fo use.
b. lncoecf. 1he co1d s1fe`s 1ack of equ1pmenf educes 1fs annua1 cosf, buf
comp11cafes fesf1ng o ecovey because fhe equ1pmenf musf be obfa1ned, sh1pped, and
1nsfa11ed af fhe s1fe p1o fo use.
c. lncoecf. 1he co1d s1fe`s 1ack of equ1pmenf educes 1fs annua1 cosf, buf
comp11cafes fesf1ng o ecovey because fhe equ1pmenf musf be obfa1ned, sh1pped, and
1nsfa11ed af fhe s1fe p1o fo use.
d. Coecf. 1he co1d s1fe`s 1ack of equ1pmenf educes 1fs annua1 cosf, buf
comp11cafes fesf1ng o ecovey because fhe equ1pmenf musf be obfa1ned, sh1pped, and
1nsfa11ed af fhe s1fe p1o fo use.
a. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans shou1d on1y pov1de fo fhe ecovey of
c1f1ca1 sysfems. 5ome pocess1ng fhaf cannof fake p1ace fhough aufomaf1on may need
fo fake p1ace manua11y.
b. Coecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans shou1d on1y pov1de fo fhe ecovey of
c1f1ca1 sysfems. 5ome pocess1ng fhaf cannof fake p1ace fhough aufomaf1on may need
fo fake p1ace manua11y.
c. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans shou1d on1y pov1de fo fhe ecovey of
c1f1ca1 sysfems. 5ome pocess1ng fhaf cannof fake p1ace fhough aufomaf1on may need
fo fake p1ace manua11y.
d. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans shou1d on1y pov1de fo fhe ecovey of
c1f1ca1 sysfems. 5ome pocess1ng fhaf cannof fake p1ace fhough aufomaf1on may need
fo fake p1ace manua11y.
a. lncoecf. 1he Acf1vaf1on/Nof1f1caf1on Phase desc1bes fhe pocess of acf1vaf1ng
fhe p1an based on oufage 1mpacfs and nof1fy1ng ecovey pesonne1. 1he kecovey
Phase defa11s a suggesfed couse of acf1on fo ecovey feams fo esfoe sysfem
opeaf1ons af an a1fenafe s1fe o us1ng conf1ngency capab111f1es. 1he f1na1 phase,
keconsf1fuf1on, 1nc1udes acf1v1f1es fo fesf and va11dafe sysfem capab111fy and
funcf1ona11fy and ouf11nes acf1ons fhaf can be faken fo efun fhe sysfem fo noma1
opeaf1ng cond1f1on and pepae fhe sysfem aga1nsf fufue oufages.
b. lncoecf. 1he Acf1vaf1on/Nof1f1caf1on Phase desc1bes fhe pocess of acf1vaf1ng
fhe p1an based on oufage 1mpacfs and nof1fy1ng ecovey pesonne1. 1he kecovey
Phase defa11s a suggesfed couse of acf1on fo ecovey feams fo esfoe sysfem
Page 13
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
opeaf1ons af an a1fenafe s1fe o us1ng conf1ngency capab111f1es. 1he f1na1 phase,
keconsf1fuf1on, 1nc1udes acf1v1f1es fo fesf and va11dafe sysfem capab111fy and
funcf1ona11fy and ouf11nes acf1ons fhaf can be faken fo efun fhe sysfem fo noma1
opeaf1ng cond1f1on and pepae fhe sysfem aga1nsf fufue oufages.
c. Coecf. 1he Acf1vaf1on/Nof1f1caf1on Phase desc1bes fhe pocess of acf1vaf1ng
fhe p1an based on oufage 1mpacfs and nof1fy1ng ecovey pesonne1. 1he kecovey
Phase defa11s a suggesfed couse of acf1on fo ecovey feams fo esfoe sysfem
opeaf1ons af an a1fenafe s1fe o us1ng conf1ngency capab111f1es. 1he f1na1 phase,
keconsf1fuf1on, 1nc1udes acf1v1f1es fo fesf and va11dafe sysfem capab111fy and
funcf1ona11fy and ouf11nes acf1ons fhaf can be faken fo efun fhe sysfem fo noma1
opeaf1ng cond1f1on and pepae fhe sysfem aga1nsf fufue oufages.
d. lncoecf. 1he Acf1vaf1on/Nof1f1caf1on Phase desc1bes fhe pocess of acf1vaf1ng
fhe p1an based on oufage 1mpacfs and nof1fy1ng ecovey pesonne1. 1he kecovey
Phase defa11s a suggesfed couse of acf1on fo ecovey feams fo esfoe sysfem
opeaf1ons af an a1fenafe s1fe o us1ng conf1ngency capab111f1es. 1he f1na1 phase,
keconsf1fuf1on, 1nc1udes acf1v1f1es fo fesf and va11dafe sysfem capab111fy and
funcf1ona11fy and ouf11nes acf1ons fhaf can be faken fo efun fhe sysfem fo noma1
opeaf1ng cond1f1on and pepae fhe sysfem aga1nsf fufue oufages.
a. lncoecf. 1he ma1n advanfage of hof s1fes 1s fhaf fhey can noma11y be made
eady fo opeaf1on W1fh1n hous.
b. lncoecf. 1he ma1n advanfage of hof s1fes 1s fhaf fhey can noma11y be made
eady fo opeaf1on W1fh1n hous.
c. lncoecf. 1he ma1n advanfage of hof s1fes 1s fhaf fhey can noma11y be made
eady fo opeaf1on W1fh1n hous.
d. Coecf. 1he ma1n advanfage of hof s1fes 1s fhaf fhey can noma11y be made eady
fo opeaf1on W1fh1n hous.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1mmed1afe ava11ab111fy of a hof s1fe 1s a def1n1fe advanfage, nof
a daWback.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1mmed1afe ava11ab111fy of a hof s1fe 1s a def1n1fe advanfage, nof
a daWback.
c. Coecf. 1he 1mmed1afe ava11ab111fy of a hof s1fe 1s a def1n1fe advanfage, nof a
d. lncoecf. 1he 1mmed1afe ava11ab111fy of a hof s1fe 1s a def1n1fe advanfage, nof
a daWback.
a. Coecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae des1gned fo m1n1m1ze fhe damage 1nf11cfed
by an evenf and fo fac111fafe esfoaf1on of fhe ogan1zaf1on fo 1fs fu11
opeaf1ona1 capac1fy.
b. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae des1gned fo m1n1m1ze fhe damage
1nf11cfed by an evenf and fo fac111fafe esfoaf1on of fhe ogan1zaf1on fo 1fs fu11
opeaf1ona1 capac1fy.
c. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae des1gned fo m1n1m1ze fhe damage
1nf11cfed by an evenf and fo fac111fafe esfoaf1on of fhe ogan1zaf1on fo 1fs fu11
opeaf1ona1 capac1fy.
d. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae des1gned fo m1n1m1ze fhe damage
1nf11cfed by an evenf and fo fac111fafe esfoaf1on of fhe ogan1zaf1on fo 1fs fu11
opeaf1ona1 capac1fy.
a. Coecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae equ1ed fo a11 pafs of an enfep1se.
b. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae equ1ed fo a11 pafs of an
c. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae equ1ed fo a11 pafs of an
d. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy p1ans ae equ1ed fo a11 pafs of an
Page 14
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he Conf1nu1fy of Opeaf1ons P1an focuses on esfo1ng an
ogan1zaf1ons m1ss1on-essenf1a1 funcf1ons {MLI} af an a1fenafe s1fe and pefom1ng
fhose funcf1ons fo up fo 30 days befoe efun1ng fo noma1 opeaf1ons.
b. Coecf. 1he Conf1nu1fy of Opeaf1ons P1an focuses on esfo1ng an
ogan1zaf1ons m1ss1on-essenf1a1 funcf1ons {MLI} af an a1fenafe s1fe and pefom1ng
fhose funcf1ons fo up fo 30 days befoe efun1ng fo noma1 opeaf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he Conf1nu1fy of Opeaf1ons P1an focuses on esfo1ng an
ogan1zaf1ons m1ss1on-essenf1a1 funcf1ons {MLI} af an a1fenafe s1fe and pefom1ng
fhose funcf1ons fo up fo 30 days befoe efun1ng fo noma1 opeaf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 1he Conf1nu1fy of Opeaf1ons P1an focuses on esfo1ng an
ogan1zaf1ons m1ss1on-essenf1a1 funcf1ons {MLI} af an a1fenafe s1fe and pefom1ng
fhose funcf1ons fo up fo 30 days befoe efun1ng fo noma1 opeaf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} 1s fhe po1nf 1n f1me fo Wh1ch you
musf ecove dafa as def1ned by you ogan1zaf1on. 1h1s 1s genea11y a def1n1f1on of
Whaf an ogan1zaf1on defem1nes 1s an &quof,accepfab1e 1oss&quof, 1n a d1sasfe
s1fuaf1on. lf fhe kPO of a company 1s 2 hous and fhe f1me 1f fakes fo gef fhe dafa
back 1nfo poducf1on 1s 5 hous, fhe kPO 1s sf111 2 hous. 8ased on fh1s kPO fhe
dafa musf be esfoed fo W1fh1n 2 hous of fhe d1sasfe.
b. lncoecf. 1he kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} 1s fhe po1nf 1n f1me fo Wh1ch you
musf ecove dafa as def1ned by you ogan1zaf1on. 1h1s 1s genea11y a def1n1f1on of
Whaf an ogan1zaf1on defem1nes 1s an &quof,accepfab1e 1oss&quof, 1n a d1sasfe
s1fuaf1on. lf fhe kPO of a company 1s 2 hous and fhe f1me 1f fakes fo gef fhe dafa
back 1nfo poducf1on 1s 5 hous, fhe kPO 1s sf111 2 hous. 8ased on fh1s kPO fhe
dafa musf be esfoed fo W1fh1n 2 hous of fhe d1sasfe.
c. Coecf. 1he kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} 1s fhe po1nf 1n f1me fo Wh1ch you
musf ecove dafa as def1ned by you ogan1zaf1on. 1h1s 1s genea11y a def1n1f1on of
Whaf an ogan1zaf1on defem1nes 1s an &quof,accepfab1e 1oss&quof, 1n a d1sasfe
s1fuaf1on. lf fhe kPO of a company 1s 2 hous and fhe f1me 1f fakes fo gef fhe dafa
back 1nfo poducf1on 1s 5 hous, fhe kPO 1s sf111 2 hous. 8ased on fh1s kPO fhe
dafa musf be esfoed fo W1fh1n 2 hous of fhe d1sasfe.
d. lncoecf. 1he kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} 1s fhe po1nf 1n f1me fo Wh1ch you
musf ecove dafa as def1ned by you ogan1zaf1on. 1h1s 1s genea11y a def1n1f1on of
Whaf an ogan1zaf1on defem1nes 1s an &quof,accepfab1e 1oss&quof, 1n a d1sasfe
s1fuaf1on. lf fhe kPO of a company 1s 2 hous and fhe f1me 1f fakes fo gef fhe dafa
back 1nfo poducf1on 1s 5 hous, fhe kPO 1s sf111 2 hous. 8ased on fh1s kPO fhe
dafa musf be esfoed fo W1fh1n 2 hous of fhe d1sasfe.
a. lncoecf. A dafa backup 1s fhe f1sf sfep 1n conf1ngency p1ann1ng. W1fhouf
dafa, fhee 1s nofh1ng fo pocess.
b. Coecf. A dafa backup 1s fhe f1sf sfep 1n conf1ngency p1ann1ng. W1fhouf dafa,
fhee 1s nofh1ng fo pocess.
c. lncoecf. A dafa backup 1s fhe f1sf sfep 1n conf1ngency p1ann1ng. W1fhouf
dafa, fhee 1s nofh1ng fo pocess.
d. lncoecf. A dafa backup 1s fhe f1sf sfep 1n conf1ngency p1ann1ng. W1fhouf
dafa, fhee 1s nofh1ng fo pocess.
a. lncoecf. Loss of dafa can cause fhe mosf damage fo an enfep1se 1n fhe shof
and 1ong un.
b. Coecf. Loss of dafa can cause fhe mosf damage fo an enfep1se 1n fhe shof
and 1ong un.
c. lncoecf. Loss of dafa can cause fhe mosf damage fo an enfep1se 1n fhe shof
and 1ong un.
d. lncoecf. Loss of dafa can cause fhe mosf damage fo an enfep1se 1n fhe shof
and 1ong un.
a. Coecf. hand11ng of damaged med1a 1s an opeaf1ona1 fask e1afed fo egu1a
poducf1on and 1s nof spec1f1c fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng.
b. lncoecf. hand11ng of damaged med1a 1s an opeaf1ona1 fask e1afed fo egu1a
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
poducf1on and 1s nof spec1f1c fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng.
c. lncoecf. hand11ng of damaged med1a 1s an opeaf1ona1 fask e1afed fo egu1a
poducf1on and 1s nof spec1f1c fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng.
d. lncoecf. hand11ng of damaged med1a 1s an opeaf1ona1 fask e1afed fo egu1a
poducf1on and 1s nof spec1f1c fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an pov1des key 1nfomaf1on
needed fo sysfem ecovey, 1nc1ud1ng o1es and espons1b111f1es, 1nvenfoy
1nfomaf1on, assessmenf pocedues, defa11ed ecovey pocedues, and fesf1ng of a
b. lncoecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an pov1des key 1nfomaf1on
needed fo sysfem ecovey, 1nc1ud1ng o1es and espons1b111f1es, 1nvenfoy
1nfomaf1on, assessmenf pocedues, defa11ed ecovey pocedues, and fesf1ng of a
c. Coecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an pov1des key 1nfomaf1on
needed fo sysfem ecovey, 1nc1ud1ng o1es and espons1b111f1es, 1nvenfoy
1nfomaf1on, assessmenf pocedues, defa11ed ecovey pocedues, and fesf1ng of a
d. lncoecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Conf1ngency P1an pov1des key 1nfomaf1on
needed fo sysfem ecovey, 1nc1ud1ng o1es and espons1b111f1es, 1nvenfoy
1nfomaf1on, assessmenf pocedues, defa11ed ecovey pocedues, and fesf1ng of a
a. Coecf. 1he 1sk assessmenf 1s c1f1ca1 because 1f enab1es fhe peson
espons1b1e fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng fo focus 1sk managemenf effofs and esouces
1n a p1o1f1zed manne on1y on fhe 1denf1f1ed 1sks.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1sk assessmenf 1s c1f1ca1 because 1f enab1es fhe peson
espons1b1e fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng fo focus 1sk managemenf effofs and esouces
1n a p1o1f1zed manne on1y on fhe 1denf1f1ed 1sks.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1sk assessmenf 1s c1f1ca1 because 1f enab1es fhe peson
espons1b1e fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng fo focus 1sk managemenf effofs and esouces
1n a p1o1f1zed manne on1y on fhe 1denf1f1ed 1sks.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1sk assessmenf 1s c1f1ca1 because 1f enab1es fhe peson
espons1b1e fo conf1ngency p1ann1ng fo focus 1sk managemenf effofs and esouces
1n a p1o1f1zed manne on1y on fhe 1denf1f1ed 1sks.
a. Coecf. Nof a11 pesonne1 Who ae go1ng fo be paf of ecovey feams ae
necessa11y ab1e fo he1p 1n 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 funcf1ons of fhe ogan1zaf1on.
b. lncoecf. Nof a11 pesonne1 Who ae go1ng fo be paf of ecovey feams ae
necessa11y ab1e fo he1p 1n 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 funcf1ons of fhe ogan1zaf1on.
c. lncoecf. Nof a11 pesonne1 Who ae go1ng fo be paf of ecovey feams ae
necessa11y ab1e fo he1p 1n 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 funcf1ons of fhe ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf. Nof a11 pesonne1 Who ae go1ng fo be paf of ecovey feams ae
necessa11y ab1e fo he1p 1n 1denf1fy1ng c1f1ca1 funcf1ons of fhe ogan1zaf1on.
a. Coecf. Lach 1ocaf1on shou1d have 1fs oWn bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an/d1sasfe
ecovey p1an.
b. lncoecf. Lach 1ocaf1on shou1d have 1fs oWn bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an/d1sasfe
ecovey p1an.
c. lncoecf. Lach 1ocaf1on shou1d have 1fs oWn bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an/d1sasfe
ecovey p1an.
d. lncoecf. Lach 1ocaf1on shou1d have 1fs oWn bus1ness conf1nu1fy p1an/d1sasfe
ecovey p1an.
a. Coecf. 1he f1sf sfep 1n conducf1ng a 8lA 1s fo 1denf1fy a11 bus1ness un1fs
W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on, us1ng a conf1med ogan1zaf1ona1 chaf.
b. lncoecf. 1he f1sf sfep 1n conducf1ng a 8lA 1s fo 1denf1fy a11 bus1ness un1fs
W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on, us1ng a conf1med ogan1zaf1ona1 chaf.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. 1he f1sf sfep 1n conducf1ng a 8lA 1s fo 1denf1fy a11 bus1ness un1fs
W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on, us1ng a conf1med ogan1zaf1ona1 chaf.
d. lncoecf. 1he f1sf sfep 1n conducf1ng a 8lA 1s fo 1denf1fy a11 bus1ness un1fs
W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on, us1ng a conf1med ogan1zaf1ona1 chaf.
a. Coecf. 1he l5CP d1ffes fom a DkP p1ma11y 1n fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem
conf1ngency p1an pocedues ae deve1oped fo ecovey of fhe sysfem egad1ess of
s1fe o 1ocaf1on. An l5CP can be acf1vafed af fhe sysfems cuenf 1ocaf1on o af an
a1fenafe s1fe. ln confasf, a DkP 1s p1ma11y a s1fe-spec1f1c p1an deve1oped W1fh
pocedues fo move opeaf1ons of one o moe 1nfomaf1on sysfems fom a damaged o
un1nhab1fab1e 1ocaf1on fo a fempoay a1fenafe 1ocaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he l5CP d1ffes fom a DkP p1ma11y 1n fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem
conf1ngency p1an pocedues ae deve1oped fo ecovey of fhe sysfem egad1ess of
s1fe o 1ocaf1on. An l5CP can be acf1vafed af fhe sysfems cuenf 1ocaf1on o af an
a1fenafe s1fe. ln confasf, a DkP 1s p1ma11y a s1fe-spec1f1c p1an deve1oped W1fh
pocedues fo move opeaf1ons of one o moe 1nfomaf1on sysfems fom a damaged o
un1nhab1fab1e 1ocaf1on fo a fempoay a1fenafe 1ocaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he l5CP d1ffes fom a DkP p1ma11y 1n fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem
conf1ngency p1an pocedues ae deve1oped fo ecovey of fhe sysfem egad1ess of
s1fe o 1ocaf1on. An l5CP can be acf1vafed af fhe sysfems cuenf 1ocaf1on o af an
a1fenafe s1fe. ln confasf, a DkP 1s p1ma11y a s1fe-spec1f1c p1an deve1oped W1fh
pocedues fo move opeaf1ons of one o moe 1nfomaf1on sysfems fom a damaged o
un1nhab1fab1e 1ocaf1on fo a fempoay a1fenafe 1ocaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he l5CP d1ffes fom a DkP p1ma11y 1n fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem
conf1ngency p1an pocedues ae deve1oped fo ecovey of fhe sysfem egad1ess of
s1fe o 1ocaf1on. An l5CP can be acf1vafed af fhe sysfems cuenf 1ocaf1on o af an
a1fenafe s1fe. ln confasf, a DkP 1s p1ma11y a s1fe-spec1f1c p1an deve1oped W1fh
pocedues fo move opeaf1ons of one o moe 1nfomaf1on sysfems fom a damaged o
un1nhab1fab1e 1ocaf1on fo a fempoay a1fenafe 1ocaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Mean-f1me-befWeen-fa11ues {M18I} 1s fhe aveage 1engfh of f1me fhe
hadWae 1s funcf1ona1 W1fhouf fa11ue. Mean-f1me-fo-epa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of
f1me 1f fakes fo epa1 and esume noma1 opeaf1on affe a fa11ue has occued.
hav1ng a h1ghe M18I and a 1oWe M11k W111 1ncease equ1pmenf`s e11ab111fy, fhus
1nceas1ng fhe sysfem`s ovea11 e11ab111fy.
b. Coecf. Mean-f1me-befWeen-fa11ues {M18I} 1s fhe aveage 1engfh of f1me fhe
hadWae 1s funcf1ona1 W1fhouf fa11ue. Mean-f1me-fo-epa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of
f1me 1f fakes fo epa1 and esume noma1 opeaf1on affe a fa11ue has occued.
hav1ng a h1ghe M18I and a 1oWe M11k W111 1ncease equ1pmenf`s e11ab111fy, fhus
1nceas1ng fhe sysfem`s ovea11 e11ab111fy.
c. lncoecf. Mean-f1me-befWeen-fa11ues {M18I} 1s fhe aveage 1engfh of f1me fhe
hadWae 1s funcf1ona1 W1fhouf fa11ue. Mean-f1me-fo-epa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of
f1me 1f fakes fo epa1 and esume noma1 opeaf1on affe a fa11ue has occued.
hav1ng a h1ghe M18I and a 1oWe M11k W111 1ncease equ1pmenf`s e11ab111fy, fhus
1nceas1ng fhe sysfem`s ovea11 e11ab111fy.
d. lncoecf. Mean-f1me-befWeen-fa11ues {M18I} 1s fhe aveage 1engfh of f1me fhe
hadWae 1s funcf1ona1 W1fhouf fa11ue. Mean-f1me-fo-epa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of
f1me 1f fakes fo epa1 and esume noma1 opeaf1on affe a fa11ue has occued.
hav1ng a h1ghe M18I and a 1oWe M11k W111 1ncease equ1pmenf`s e11ab111fy, fhus
1nceas1ng fhe sysfem`s ovea11 e11ab111fy.
a. lncoecf. 1he 8lA assesses pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be caused by a d1sasfe.
b. Coecf. 1he 8lA assesses pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be caused by a d1sasfe.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8lA assesses pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be caused by a d1sasfe.
d. lncoecf. 1he 8lA assesses pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be caused by a d1sasfe.
a. lncoecf. Mosf fheafs come fom eos and om1ss1ons.
b. lncoecf. Mosf fheafs come fom eos and om1ss1ons.
c. Coecf. Mosf fheafs come fom eos and om1ss1ons.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. Mosf fheafs come fom eos and om1ss1ons.
a. lncoecf. Money and secu1f1es ae nof coveed 1n a va1uab1e-pape 1nsuance
b. lncoecf. Money and secu1f1es ae nof coveed 1n a va1uab1e-pape 1nsuance
c. lncoecf. Money and secu1f1es ae nof coveed 1n a va1uab1e-pape 1nsuance
d. Coecf. Money and secu1f1es ae nof coveed 1n a va1uab1e-pape 1nsuance
a. lncoecf. 1he OLP ouf11nes f1sf-esponse pocedues fo occupanfs of a
fac111fy 1n fhe evenf of a fheaf o 1nc1denf fo fhe hea1fh and safefy of pesonne1,
fhe env1onmenf, o popefy. 5uch evenfs 1nc1ude a f1e, bomb fheaf, chem1ca1
e1ease, domesf1c v1o1ence 1n fhe Wokp1ace, o a med1ca1 emegency.
b. lncoecf. 1he OLP ouf11nes f1sf-esponse pocedues fo occupanfs of a
fac111fy 1n fhe evenf of a fheaf o 1nc1denf fo fhe hea1fh and safefy of pesonne1,
fhe env1onmenf, o popefy. 5uch evenfs 1nc1ude a f1e, bomb fheaf, chem1ca1
e1ease, domesf1c v1o1ence 1n fhe Wokp1ace, o a med1ca1 emegency.
c. lncoecf. 1he OLP ouf11nes f1sf-esponse pocedues fo occupanfs of a
fac111fy 1n fhe evenf of a fheaf o 1nc1denf fo fhe hea1fh and safefy of pesonne1,
fhe env1onmenf, o popefy. 5uch evenfs 1nc1ude a f1e, bomb fheaf, chem1ca1
e1ease, domesf1c v1o1ence 1n fhe Wokp1ace, o a med1ca1 emegency.
d. Coecf. 1he OLP ouf11nes f1sf-esponse pocedues fo occupanfs of a fac111fy
1n fhe evenf of a fheaf o 1nc1denf fo fhe hea1fh and safefy of pesonne1, fhe
env1onmenf, o popefy. 5uch evenfs 1nc1ude a f1e, bomb fheaf, chem1ca1 e1ease,
domesf1c v1o1ence 1n fhe Wokp1ace, o a med1ca1 emegency.
a. Coecf. A1fhough a 1oss of sk111ed Woke knoW1edge Wou1d cause fhe company a
geaf 1oss, 1f 1s nof 1denf1f1ed as a spec1f1c 1oss c1fe1on.
b. lncoecf. A1fhough a 1oss of sk111ed Woke knoW1edge Wou1d cause fhe company a
geaf 1oss, 1f 1s nof 1denf1f1ed as a spec1f1c 1oss c1fe1on.
c. lncoecf. A1fhough a 1oss of sk111ed Woke knoW1edge Wou1d cause fhe company a
geaf 1oss, 1f 1s nof 1denf1f1ed as a spec1f1c 1oss c1fe1on.
d. lncoecf. A1fhough a 1oss of sk111ed Woke knoW1edge Wou1d cause fhe company a
geaf 1oss, 1f 1s nof 1denf1f1ed as a spec1f1c 1oss c1fe1on.
a. lncoecf. 1esfs and d1sasfe ecovey d111s shou1d be pefomed af 1easf once
a yea. 1he company shou1d have no conf1dence 1n an unfesfed p1an. 51nce sysfems and
pocesses can change, fequenf fesf1ng W111 a1d 1n ensu1ng a p1an W111 succeed.
b. Coecf. 1esfs and d1sasfe ecovey d111s shou1d be pefomed af 1easf once a
yea. 1he company shou1d have no conf1dence 1n an unfesfed p1an. 51nce sysfems and
pocesses can change, fequenf fesf1ng W111 a1d 1n ensu1ng a p1an W111 succeed.
c. lncoecf. 1esfs and d1sasfe ecovey d111s shou1d be pefomed af 1easf once
a yea. 1he company shou1d have no conf1dence 1n an unfesfed p1an. 51nce sysfems and
pocesses can change, fequenf fesf1ng W111 a1d 1n ensu1ng a p1an W111 succeed.
d. lncoecf. 1esfs and d1sasfe ecovey d111s shou1d be pefomed af 1easf once
a yea. 1he company shou1d have no conf1dence 1n an unfesfed p1an. 51nce sysfems and
pocesses can change, fequenf fesf1ng W111 a1d 1n ensu1ng a p1an W111 succeed.
a. Coecf. A co1d s1fe 1s eady fo be used buf does nof have any of fhe needed
equ1pmenf 1n advance on s1fe.
b. lncoecf. A co1d s1fe 1s eady fo be used buf does nof have any of fhe needed
equ1pmenf 1n advance on s1fe.
c. lncoecf. A co1d s1fe 1s eady fo be used buf does nof have any of fhe needed
equ1pmenf 1n advance on s1fe.
d. lncoecf. A co1d s1fe 1s eady fo be used buf does nof have any of fhe needed
equ1pmenf 1n advance on s1fe.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. Deve1op1ng a ca11 fee Wou1d fake p1ace affe fhe 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
b. lncoecf. Deve1op1ng a ca11 fee Wou1d fake p1ace affe fhe 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
c. Coecf. Deve1op1ng a ca11 fee Wou1d fake p1ace affe fhe 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
d. lncoecf. Deve1op1ng a ca11 fee Wou1d fake p1ace affe fhe 1mpacf ana1ys1s.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe C1s1s Commun1caf1ons P1an,
1. Pov1des pocedues fo d1ssem1naf1ng 1nfena1 and exfena1 commun1caf1ons, means
fo pov1de c1f1ca1 sfafus 1nfomaf1on and confo1 umos.
11. Addesses commun1caf1ons W1fh pesonne1 and fhe pub11c, nof 1nfomaf1on sysfem-
111. lnc1denf-based p1an offen acf1vafed W1fh a COOP o 8CP, buf may be used a1one
du1ng a pub11c exposue evenf.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe C1s1s Commun1caf1ons P1an,
1. Pov1des pocedues fo d1ssem1naf1ng 1nfena1 and exfena1 commun1caf1ons, means
fo pov1de c1f1ca1 sfafus 1nfomaf1on and confo1 umos.
11. Addesses commun1caf1ons W1fh pesonne1 and fhe pub11c, nof 1nfomaf1on sysfem-
111. lnc1denf-based p1an offen acf1vafed W1fh a COOP o 8CP, buf may be used a1one
du1ng a pub11c exposue evenf.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe C1s1s Commun1caf1ons P1an,
1. Pov1des pocedues fo d1ssem1naf1ng 1nfena1 and exfena1 commun1caf1ons, means
fo pov1de c1f1ca1 sfafus 1nfomaf1on and confo1 umos.
11. Addesses commun1caf1ons W1fh pesonne1 and fhe pub11c, nof 1nfomaf1on sysfem-
111. lnc1denf-based p1an offen acf1vafed W1fh a COOP o 8CP, buf may be used a1one
du1ng a pub11c exposue evenf.
d. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe C1s1s Commun1caf1ons P1an,
1. Pov1des pocedues fo d1ssem1naf1ng 1nfena1 and exfena1 commun1caf1ons, means
fo pov1de c1f1ca1 sfafus 1nfomaf1on and confo1 umos.
11. Addesses commun1caf1ons W1fh pesonne1 and fhe pub11c, nof 1nfomaf1on sysfem-
111. lnc1denf-based p1an offen acf1vafed W1fh a COOP o 8CP, buf may be used a1one
du1ng a pub11c exposue evenf.
a. lncoecf. Io a ec1poca1 ageemenf fo be effecf1ve, hadWae and soffWae af
fhe fWo s1fes musf be compaf1b1e.
b. Coecf. Io a ec1poca1 ageemenf fo be effecf1ve, hadWae and soffWae af
fhe fWo s1fes musf be compaf1b1e.
c. lncoecf. Io a ec1poca1 ageemenf fo be effecf1ve, hadWae and soffWae af
fhe fWo s1fes musf be compaf1b1e.
d. lncoecf. Io a ec1poca1 ageemenf fo be effecf1ve, hadWae and soffWae af
fhe fWo s1fes musf be compaf1b1e.
a. Coecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a1fenafe pocesses can be puf 1n p1ace Wh11e fhe
sysfem 1s nof ava11ab1e.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a1fenafe pocesses can be puf 1n p1ace Wh11e
fhe sysfem 1s nof ava11ab1e.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a1fenafe pocesses can be puf 1n p1ace Wh11e
fhe sysfem 1s nof ava11ab1e.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a1fenafe pocesses can be puf 1n p1ace Wh11e
fhe sysfem 1s nof ava11ab1e.
a. Coecf. 1he Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me {M1D} epesenfs fhe fofa1 amounf of
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
f1me fhe sysfem oWne/aufho1z1ng off1c1a1 1s W1111ng fo accepf fo a
m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess oufage o d1supf1on and 1nc1udes a11 1mpacf
b. lncoecf. 1he Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me {M1D} epesenfs fhe fofa1 amounf of
f1me fhe sysfem oWne/aufho1z1ng off1c1a1 1s W1111ng fo accepf fo a
m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess oufage o d1supf1on and 1nc1udes a11 1mpacf
c. lncoecf. 1he Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me {M1D} epesenfs fhe fofa1 amounf of
f1me fhe sysfem oWne/aufho1z1ng off1c1a1 1s W1111ng fo accepf fo a
m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess oufage o d1supf1on and 1nc1udes a11 1mpacf
d. lncoecf. 1he Max1mum 1o1eab1e DoWnf1me {M1D} epesenfs fhe fofa1 amounf of
f1me fhe sysfem oWne/aufho1z1ng off1c1a1 1s W1111ng fo accepf fo a
m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess oufage o d1supf1on and 1nc1udes a11 1mpacf
a. lncoecf. 1he kecovey 11me Obecf1ve {k1O} def1nes fhe max1mum amounf of f1me
fhaf a sysfem esouce can ema1n unava11ab1e befoe fhee 1s an unaccepfab1e 1mpacf
on ofhe sysfem esouces, suppofed m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons, and fhe M1D.
Defem1n1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem esouce k1O 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf1ng
appop1afe fechno1og1es fhaf ae besf su1fed fo meef1ng fhe M1D.
b. Coecf. 1he kecovey 11me Obecf1ve {k1O} def1nes fhe max1mum amounf of f1me
fhaf a sysfem esouce can ema1n unava11ab1e befoe fhee 1s an unaccepfab1e 1mpacf
on ofhe sysfem esouces, suppofed m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons, and fhe M1D.
Defem1n1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem esouce k1O 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf1ng
appop1afe fechno1og1es fhaf ae besf su1fed fo meef1ng fhe M1D.
c. lncoecf. 1he kecovey 11me Obecf1ve {k1O} def1nes fhe max1mum amounf of f1me
fhaf a sysfem esouce can ema1n unava11ab1e befoe fhee 1s an unaccepfab1e 1mpacf
on ofhe sysfem esouces, suppofed m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons, and fhe M1D.
Defem1n1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem esouce k1O 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf1ng
appop1afe fechno1og1es fhaf ae besf su1fed fo meef1ng fhe M1D.
d. lncoecf. 1he kecovey 11me Obecf1ve {k1O} def1nes fhe max1mum amounf of f1me
fhaf a sysfem esouce can ema1n unava11ab1e befoe fhee 1s an unaccepfab1e 1mpacf
on ofhe sysfem esouces, suppofed m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons, and fhe M1D.
Defem1n1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem esouce k1O 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf1ng
appop1afe fechno1og1es fhaf ae besf su1fed fo meef1ng fhe M1D.
a. lncoecf. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} epesenfs fhe po1nf 1n f1me, p1o fo
a d1supf1on o sysfem oufage, fo Wh1ch m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess dafa can be
ecoveed {g1ven fhe mosf ecenf backup copy of fhe dafa} affe an oufage.
b. lncoecf. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} epesenfs fhe po1nf 1n f1me, p1o fo
a d1supf1on o sysfem oufage, fo Wh1ch m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess dafa can be
ecoveed {g1ven fhe mosf ecenf backup copy of fhe dafa} affe an oufage.
c. Coecf. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} epesenfs fhe po1nf 1n f1me, p1o fo a
d1supf1on o sysfem oufage, fo Wh1ch m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess dafa can be ecoveed
{g1ven fhe mosf ecenf backup copy of fhe dafa} affe an oufage.
d. lncoecf. kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} epesenfs fhe po1nf 1n f1me, p1o fo
a d1supf1on o sysfem oufage, fo Wh1ch m1ss1on/bus1ness pocess dafa can be
ecoveed {g1ven fhe mosf ecenf backup copy of fhe dafa} affe an oufage.
a. lncoecf. 8ecause fhe k1O musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O
musf noma11y be shofe fhan fhe M1D. Io examp1e, a sysfem oufage may pevenf a
paf1cu1a pocess fom be1ng comp1efed, and because 1f fakes f1me fo epocess fhe
dafa, fhaf add1f1ona1 pocess1ng f1me musf be added fo fhe k1O fo sfay W1fh1n fhe
f1me 11m1f esfab11shed by fhe M1D.
b. Coecf. 8ecause fhe k1O musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O musf
noma11y be shofe fhan fhe M1D. Io examp1e, a sysfem oufage may pevenf a
paf1cu1a pocess fom be1ng comp1efed, and because 1f fakes f1me fo epocess fhe
dafa, fhaf add1f1ona1 pocess1ng f1me musf be added fo fhe k1O fo sfay W1fh1n fhe
f1me 11m1f esfab11shed by fhe M1D.
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. 8ecause fhe k1O musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O
musf noma11y be shofe fhan fhe M1D. Io examp1e, a sysfem oufage may pevenf a
paf1cu1a pocess fom be1ng comp1efed, and because 1f fakes f1me fo epocess fhe
dafa, fhaf add1f1ona1 pocess1ng f1me musf be added fo fhe k1O fo sfay W1fh1n fhe
f1me 11m1f esfab11shed by fhe M1D.
d. lncoecf. 8ecause fhe k1O musf ensue fhaf fhe M1D 1s nof exceeded, fhe k1O
musf noma11y be shofe fhan fhe M1D. Io examp1e, a sysfem oufage may pevenf a
paf1cu1a pocess fom be1ng comp1efed, and because 1f fakes f1me fo epocess fhe
dafa, fhaf add1f1ona1 pocess1ng f1me musf be added fo fhe k1O fo sfay W1fh1n fhe
f1me 11m1f esfab11shed by fhe M1D.
a. lncoecf. 1he 8CP Cood1nafo, Wok1ng W1fh managemenf, shou1d defem1ne fhe
opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem by addess1ng fhe facfos menf1oned
above Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces
equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
b. Coecf. 1he 8CP Cood1nafo, Wok1ng W1fh managemenf, shou1d defem1ne fhe
opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem by addess1ng fhe facfos menf1oned
above Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces
equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8CP Cood1nafo, Wok1ng W1fh managemenf, shou1d defem1ne fhe
opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem by addess1ng fhe facfos menf1oned
above Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces
equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 1he 8CP Cood1nafo, Wok1ng W1fh managemenf, shou1d defem1ne fhe
opf1mum po1nf fo ecove fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem by addess1ng fhe facfos menf1oned
above Wh11e ba1anc1ng fhe cosf of sysfem 1nopeab111fy aga1nsf fhe cosf of esouces
equ1ed fo esfo1ng fhe sysfem and 1fs ovea11 suppof fo c1f1ca1
m1ss1on/bus1ness funcf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1onge a d1supf1on 1s a11oWed fo conf1nue, fhe moe cosf1y 1f
can become fo fhe ogan1zaf1on and 1fs opeaf1ons. 1he shofe fhe k1O, fhe moe
expens1ve fhe ecovey so1uf1ons cosf fo 1mp1emenf. Ca1cu1af1ng fhe cosf ba1ance
po1nfs W111 shoW an opf1ma1 po1nf befWeen d1supf1on and ecovey cosfs.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1onge a d1supf1on 1s a11oWed fo conf1nue, fhe moe cosf1y 1f
can become fo fhe ogan1zaf1on and 1fs opeaf1ons. 1he shofe fhe k1O, fhe moe
expens1ve fhe ecovey so1uf1ons cosf fo 1mp1emenf. Ca1cu1af1ng fhe cosf ba1ance
po1nfs W111 shoW an opf1ma1 po1nf befWeen d1supf1on and ecovey cosfs.
c. Coecf. 1he 1onge a d1supf1on 1s a11oWed fo conf1nue, fhe moe cosf1y 1f can
become fo fhe ogan1zaf1on and 1fs opeaf1ons. 1he shofe fhe k1O, fhe moe
expens1ve fhe ecovey so1uf1ons cosf fo 1mp1emenf. Ca1cu1af1ng fhe cosf ba1ance
po1nfs W111 shoW an opf1ma1 po1nf befWeen d1supf1on and ecovey cosfs.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1onge a d1supf1on 1s a11oWed fo conf1nue, fhe moe cosf1y 1f
can become fo fhe ogan1zaf1on and 1fs opeaf1ons. 1he shofe fhe k1O, fhe moe
expens1ve fhe ecovey so1uf1ons cosf fo 1mp1emenf. Ca1cu1af1ng fhe cosf ba1ance
po1nfs W111 shoW an opf1ma1 po1nf befWeen d1supf1on and ecovey cosfs.
a. Coecf. Po11c1es shou1d spec1fy fhe m1n1mum fequency of backups {e.g., da11y
o Week1y, 1ncemenfa1 o fu11} based on dafa c1f1ca11fy and fhe fequency fhaf neW
1nfomaf1on 1s 1nfoduced. Dafa backup po11c1es shou1d des1gnafe fhe 1ocaf1on of
sfoed dafa, f11e-nam1ng convenf1ons, med1a ofaf1on fequency, and mefhod fo
fanspof1ng dafa offs1fe.
b. lncoecf. Po11c1es shou1d spec1fy fhe m1n1mum fequency of backups {e.g., da11y
o Week1y, 1ncemenfa1 o fu11} based on dafa c1f1ca11fy and fhe fequency fhaf neW
1nfomaf1on 1s 1nfoduced. Dafa backup po11c1es shou1d des1gnafe fhe 1ocaf1on of
sfoed dafa, f11e-nam1ng convenf1ons, med1a ofaf1on fequency, and mefhod fo
fanspof1ng dafa offs1fe.
c. lncoecf. Po11c1es shou1d spec1fy fhe m1n1mum fequency of backups {e.g., da11y
Page 21
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
o Week1y, 1ncemenfa1 o fu11} based on dafa c1f1ca11fy and fhe fequency fhaf neW
1nfomaf1on 1s 1nfoduced. Dafa backup po11c1es shou1d des1gnafe fhe 1ocaf1on of
sfoed dafa, f11e-nam1ng convenf1ons, med1a ofaf1on fequency, and mefhod fo
fanspof1ng dafa offs1fe.
d. lncoecf. Po11c1es shou1d spec1fy fhe m1n1mum fequency of backups {e.g., da11y
o Week1y, 1ncemenfa1 o fu11} based on dafa c1f1ca11fy and fhe fequency fhaf neW
1nfomaf1on 1s 1nfoduced. Dafa backup po11c1es shou1d des1gnafe fhe 1ocaf1on of
sfoed dafa, f11e-nam1ng convenf1ons, med1a ofaf1on fequency, and mefhod fo
fanspof1ng dafa offs1fe.
a. Coecf. When se1ecf1ng an offs1fe sfoage fac111fy and vendo, fhe fo11oW1ng
c1fe1a shou1d be cons1deed:
- Geogaph1c aea: d1sfance fom fhe ogan1zaf1on and fhe pobab111fy of fhe sfoage
s1fe be1ng affecfed by fhe same d1sasfe as fhe ogan1zaf1ons p1may s1fe,
- Access1b111fy: 1engfh of f1me necessay fo ef1eve fhe dafa fom sfoage and fhe
sfoage fac111fys opeaf1ng hous,
- 5ecu1fy: secu1fy capab111f1es of fhe sh1pp1ng mefhod, sfoage fac111fy, and
pesonne1, a11 musf meef fhe dafas secu1fy equ1emenfs,
- Lnv1onmenf: sfucfua1 and env1onmenfa1 cond1f1ons of fhe sfoage fac111fy
{1.e., fempeafue, hum1d1fy, f1e pevenf1on, and poWe managemenf confo1s}, and
- Cosf: cosf of sh1pp1ng, opeaf1ona1 fees, and d1sasfe esponse/ecovey sev1ces.
b. lncoecf. When se1ecf1ng an offs1fe sfoage fac111fy and vendo, fhe fo11oW1ng
c1fe1a shou1d be cons1deed:
- Geogaph1c aea: d1sfance fom fhe ogan1zaf1on and fhe pobab111fy of fhe sfoage
s1fe be1ng affecfed by fhe same d1sasfe as fhe ogan1zaf1ons p1may s1fe,
- Access1b111fy: 1engfh of f1me necessay fo ef1eve fhe dafa fom sfoage and fhe
sfoage fac111fys opeaf1ng hous,
- 5ecu1fy: secu1fy capab111f1es of fhe sh1pp1ng mefhod, sfoage fac111fy, and
pesonne1, a11 musf meef fhe dafas secu1fy equ1emenfs,
- Lnv1onmenf: sfucfua1 and env1onmenfa1 cond1f1ons of fhe sfoage fac111fy
{1.e., fempeafue, hum1d1fy, f1e pevenf1on, and poWe managemenf confo1s}, and
- Cosf: cosf of sh1pp1ng, opeaf1ona1 fees, and d1sasfe esponse/ecovey sev1ces.
c. lncoecf. When se1ecf1ng an offs1fe sfoage fac111fy and vendo, fhe fo11oW1ng
c1fe1a shou1d be cons1deed:
- Geogaph1c aea: d1sfance fom fhe ogan1zaf1on and fhe pobab111fy of fhe sfoage
s1fe be1ng affecfed by fhe same d1sasfe as fhe ogan1zaf1ons p1may s1fe,
- Access1b111fy: 1engfh of f1me necessay fo ef1eve fhe dafa fom sfoage and fhe
sfoage fac111fys opeaf1ng hous,
- 5ecu1fy: secu1fy capab111f1es of fhe sh1pp1ng mefhod, sfoage fac111fy, and
pesonne1, a11 musf meef fhe dafas secu1fy equ1emenfs,
- Lnv1onmenf: sfucfua1 and env1onmenfa1 cond1f1ons of fhe sfoage fac111fy
{1.e., fempeafue, hum1d1fy, f1e pevenf1on, and poWe managemenf confo1s}, and
- Cosf: cosf of sh1pp1ng, opeaf1ona1 fees, and d1sasfe esponse/ecovey sev1ces.
d. lncoecf. When se1ecf1ng an offs1fe sfoage fac111fy and vendo, fhe fo11oW1ng
c1fe1a shou1d be cons1deed:
- Geogaph1c aea: d1sfance fom fhe ogan1zaf1on and fhe pobab111fy of fhe sfoage
s1fe be1ng affecfed by fhe same d1sasfe as fhe ogan1zaf1ons p1may s1fe,
- Access1b111fy: 1engfh of f1me necessay fo ef1eve fhe dafa fom sfoage and fhe
sfoage fac111fys opeaf1ng hous,
- 5ecu1fy: secu1fy capab111f1es of fhe sh1pp1ng mefhod, sfoage fac111fy, and
pesonne1, a11 musf meef fhe dafas secu1fy equ1emenfs,
- Lnv1onmenf: sfucfua1 and env1onmenfa1 cond1f1ons of fhe sfoage fac111fy
{1.e., fempeafue, hum1d1fy, f1e pevenf1on, and poWe managemenf confo1s}, and
- Cosf: cosf of sh1pp1ng, opeaf1ona1 fees, and d1sasfe esponse/ecovey sev1ces.
a. lncoecf. ln genea1, fhee fypes of a1fenafe s1fes ae ava11ab1e:
- Ded1cafed s1fe oWned o opeafed by fhe ogan1zaf1on,
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
- kec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of ageemenf W1fh an 1nfena1 o exfena1
enf1fy, and
- Commec1a11y 1eased fac111fy.
kegad1ess of fhe fype of a1fenafe s1fe chosen, fhe fac111fy musf be ab1e fo
suppof sysfem opeaf1ons as def1ned 1n fhe conf1ngency p1an. 1he fhee a1fenafe
s1fe fypes common1y cafego1zed 1n fems of fhe1 opeaf1ona1 ead1ness ae co1d
s1fes, Wam s1fes, o hof s1fes.
b. lncoecf. ln genea1, fhee fypes of a1fenafe s1fes ae ava11ab1e:
- Ded1cafed s1fe oWned o opeafed by fhe ogan1zaf1on,
- kec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of ageemenf W1fh an 1nfena1 o exfena1
enf1fy, and
- Commec1a11y 1eased fac111fy.
kegad1ess of fhe fype of a1fenafe s1fe chosen, fhe fac111fy musf be ab1e fo
suppof sysfem opeaf1ons as def1ned 1n fhe conf1ngency p1an. 1he fhee a1fenafe
s1fe fypes common1y cafego1zed 1n fems of fhe1 opeaf1ona1 ead1ness ae co1d
s1fes, Wam s1fes, o hof s1fes.
c. lncoecf. ln genea1, fhee fypes of a1fenafe s1fes ae ava11ab1e:
- Ded1cafed s1fe oWned o opeafed by fhe ogan1zaf1on,
- kec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of ageemenf W1fh an 1nfena1 o exfena1
enf1fy, and
- Commec1a11y 1eased fac111fy.
kegad1ess of fhe fype of a1fenafe s1fe chosen, fhe fac111fy musf be ab1e fo
suppof sysfem opeaf1ons as def1ned 1n fhe conf1ngency p1an. 1he fhee a1fenafe
s1fe fypes common1y cafego1zed 1n fems of fhe1 opeaf1ona1 ead1ness ae co1d
s1fes, Wam s1fes, o hof s1fes.
d. Coecf. ln genea1, fhee fypes of a1fenafe s1fes ae ava11ab1e:
- Ded1cafed s1fe oWned o opeafed by fhe ogan1zaf1on,
- kec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of ageemenf W1fh an 1nfena1 o exfena1
enf1fy, and
- Commec1a11y 1eased fac111fy.
kegad1ess of fhe fype of a1fenafe s1fe chosen, fhe fac111fy musf be ab1e fo
suppof sysfem opeaf1ons as def1ned 1n fhe conf1ngency p1an. 1he fhee a1fenafe
s1fe fypes common1y cafego1zed 1n fems of fhe1 opeaf1ona1 ead1ness ae co1d
s1fes, Wam s1fes, o hof s1fes.
a. lncoecf. 1Wo o moe ogan1zaf1ons W1fh s1m11a o 1denf1ca1 sysfem
conf1guaf1ons and backup fechno1og1es may enfe 1nfo a foma1 ageemenf fo seve as
a1fenafe s1fes fo each ofhe o enfe 1nfo a o1nf confacf fo an a1fenafe s1fe.
1h1s fype of s1fe 1s sef up v1a a ec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of
undesfand1ng {MOu}.
b. lncoecf. 1Wo o moe ogan1zaf1ons W1fh s1m11a o 1denf1ca1 sysfem
conf1guaf1ons and backup fechno1og1es may enfe 1nfo a foma1 ageemenf fo seve as
a1fenafe s1fes fo each ofhe o enfe 1nfo a o1nf confacf fo an a1fenafe s1fe.
1h1s fype of s1fe 1s sef up v1a a ec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of
undesfand1ng {MOu}.
c. Coecf. 1Wo o moe ogan1zaf1ons W1fh s1m11a o 1denf1ca1 sysfem
conf1guaf1ons and backup fechno1og1es may enfe 1nfo a foma1 ageemenf fo seve as
a1fenafe s1fes fo each ofhe o enfe 1nfo a o1nf confacf fo an a1fenafe s1fe.
1h1s fype of s1fe 1s sef up v1a a ec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of
undesfand1ng {MOu}.
d. lncoecf. 1Wo o moe ogan1zaf1ons W1fh s1m11a o 1denf1ca1 sysfem
conf1guaf1ons and backup fechno1og1es may enfe 1nfo a foma1 ageemenf fo seve as
a1fenafe s1fes fo each ofhe o enfe 1nfo a o1nf confacf fo an a1fenafe s1fe.
1h1s fype of s1fe 1s sef up v1a a ec1poca1 ageemenf o memoandum of
undesfand1ng {MOu}.
a. lncoecf. 1ab1efop exec1ses ae d1scuss1on-based exec1ses Whee pesonne1
meef 1n a c1assoom seff1ng o 1n beakouf goups fo d1scuss fhe1 o1es du1ng an
emegency and fhe1 esponses fo a paf1cu1a emegency s1fuaf1on. A fac111fafo
pesenfs a scena1o and asks fhe exec1se paf1c1panfs quesf1ons e1afed fo fhe
scena1o, Wh1ch 1n1f1afes a d1scuss1on among fhe paf1c1panfs of o1es,
Page 23
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
espons1b111f1es, cood1naf1on, and dec1s1on mak1ng. A fab1efop exec1se 1s
d1scuss1on-based on1y and does nof 1nvo1ve dep1oy1ng equ1pmenf o ofhe esouces.
b. Coecf. 1ab1efop exec1ses ae d1scuss1on-based exec1ses Whee pesonne1 meef
1n a c1assoom seff1ng o 1n beakouf goups fo d1scuss fhe1 o1es du1ng an
emegency and fhe1 esponses fo a paf1cu1a emegency s1fuaf1on. A fac111fafo
pesenfs a scena1o and asks fhe exec1se paf1c1panfs quesf1ons e1afed fo fhe
scena1o, Wh1ch 1n1f1afes a d1scuss1on among fhe paf1c1panfs of o1es,
espons1b111f1es, cood1naf1on, and dec1s1on mak1ng. A fab1efop exec1se 1s
d1scuss1on-based on1y and does nof 1nvo1ve dep1oy1ng equ1pmenf o ofhe esouces.
c. lncoecf. 1ab1efop exec1ses ae d1scuss1on-based exec1ses Whee pesonne1
meef 1n a c1assoom seff1ng o 1n beakouf goups fo d1scuss fhe1 o1es du1ng an
emegency and fhe1 esponses fo a paf1cu1a emegency s1fuaf1on. A fac111fafo
pesenfs a scena1o and asks fhe exec1se paf1c1panfs quesf1ons e1afed fo fhe
scena1o, Wh1ch 1n1f1afes a d1scuss1on among fhe paf1c1panfs of o1es,
espons1b111f1es, cood1naf1on, and dec1s1on mak1ng. A fab1efop exec1se 1s
d1scuss1on-based on1y and does nof 1nvo1ve dep1oy1ng equ1pmenf o ofhe esouces.
d. lncoecf. 1ab1efop exec1ses ae d1scuss1on-based exec1ses Whee pesonne1
meef 1n a c1assoom seff1ng o 1n beakouf goups fo d1scuss fhe1 o1es du1ng an
emegency and fhe1 esponses fo a paf1cu1a emegency s1fuaf1on. A fac111fafo
pesenfs a scena1o and asks fhe exec1se paf1c1panfs quesf1ons e1afed fo fhe
scena1o, Wh1ch 1n1f1afes a d1scuss1on among fhe paf1c1panfs of o1es,
espons1b111f1es, cood1naf1on, and dec1s1on mak1ng. A fab1efop exec1se 1s
d1scuss1on-based on1y and does nof 1nvo1ve dep1oy1ng equ1pmenf o ofhe esouces.
a. lncoecf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses a11oW pesonne1 fo va11dafe fhe1 opeaf1ona1
ead1ness fo emegenc1es by pefom1ng fhe1 duf1es 1n a s1mu1afed opeaf1ona1
env1onmenf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses ae des1gned fo exec1se fhe o1es and
espons1b111f1es of spec1f1c feam membes, pocedues, and assefs 1nvo1ved 1n one o
moe funcf1ona1 aspecfs of a p1an {e.g., commun1caf1ons, emegency nof1f1caf1ons,
sysfem equ1pmenf sefup}.
b. lncoecf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses a11oW pesonne1 fo va11dafe fhe1 opeaf1ona1
ead1ness fo emegenc1es by pefom1ng fhe1 duf1es 1n a s1mu1afed opeaf1ona1
env1onmenf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses ae des1gned fo exec1se fhe o1es and
espons1b111f1es of spec1f1c feam membes, pocedues, and assefs 1nvo1ved 1n one o
moe funcf1ona1 aspecfs of a p1an {e.g., commun1caf1ons, emegency nof1f1caf1ons,
sysfem equ1pmenf sefup}.
c. Coecf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses a11oW pesonne1 fo va11dafe fhe1 opeaf1ona1
ead1ness fo emegenc1es by pefom1ng fhe1 duf1es 1n a s1mu1afed opeaf1ona1
env1onmenf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses ae des1gned fo exec1se fhe o1es and
espons1b111f1es of spec1f1c feam membes, pocedues, and assefs 1nvo1ved 1n one o
moe funcf1ona1 aspecfs of a p1an {e.g., commun1caf1ons, emegency nof1f1caf1ons,
sysfem equ1pmenf sefup}.
d. lncoecf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses a11oW pesonne1 fo va11dafe fhe1 opeaf1ona1
ead1ness fo emegenc1es by pefom1ng fhe1 duf1es 1n a s1mu1afed opeaf1ona1
env1onmenf. Iuncf1ona1 exec1ses ae des1gned fo exec1se fhe o1es and
espons1b111f1es of spec1f1c feam membes, pocedues, and assefs 1nvo1ved 1n one o
moe funcf1ona1 aspecfs of a p1an {e.g., commun1caf1ons, emegency nof1f1caf1ons,
sysfem equ1pmenf sefup}.
a. lncoecf. 1. Io 1oW-1mpacf sysfems, a fab1efop exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency 1s suff1c1enf. 1he fab1efop shou1d s1mu1afe a
d1supf1on, 1nc1ude a11 ma1n l5CP po1nfs of confacf, and be conducfed by fhe sysfem
oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
11. Io modeafe-1mpacf sysfems, a funcf1ona1 exec1se af an ogan1zaf1on-def1ned
fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he funcf1ona1 exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a11 l5CP
po1nfs of confacf and be fac111fafed by fhe sysfem oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
Lxec1se pocedues shou1d be deve1oped fo 1nc1ude an e1emenf of sysfem ecovey
fom backup med1a.
111. Io h1gh-1mpacf sysfems, a fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1 exec1se af an
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8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1
exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a sysfem fa11ove fo fhe a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1h1s cou1d
1nc1ude add1f1ona1 acf1v1f1es such as fu11 nof1f1caf1on and esponse of key
pesonne1 fo fhe ecovey 1ocaf1on, ecovey of a seve o dafabase fom backup
med1a o sefup, and pocess1ng fom a seve af an a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1he fesf
shou1d a1so 1nc1ude a fu11 ecovey and econsf1fuf1on of fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem fo
a knoWn sfafe.
b. lncoecf. 1. Io 1oW-1mpacf sysfems, a fab1efop exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency 1s suff1c1enf. 1he fab1efop shou1d s1mu1afe a
d1supf1on, 1nc1ude a11 ma1n l5CP po1nfs of confacf, and be conducfed by fhe sysfem
oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
11. Io modeafe-1mpacf sysfems, a funcf1ona1 exec1se af an ogan1zaf1on-def1ned
fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he funcf1ona1 exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a11 l5CP
po1nfs of confacf and be fac111fafed by fhe sysfem oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
Lxec1se pocedues shou1d be deve1oped fo 1nc1ude an e1emenf of sysfem ecovey
fom backup med1a.
111. Io h1gh-1mpacf sysfems, a fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1 exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1
exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a sysfem fa11ove fo fhe a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1h1s cou1d
1nc1ude add1f1ona1 acf1v1f1es such as fu11 nof1f1caf1on and esponse of key
pesonne1 fo fhe ecovey 1ocaf1on, ecovey of a seve o dafabase fom backup
med1a o sefup, and pocess1ng fom a seve af an a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1he fesf
shou1d a1so 1nc1ude a fu11 ecovey and econsf1fuf1on of fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem fo
a knoWn sfafe.
c. lncoecf. 1. Io 1oW-1mpacf sysfems, a fab1efop exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency 1s suff1c1enf. 1he fab1efop shou1d s1mu1afe a
d1supf1on, 1nc1ude a11 ma1n l5CP po1nfs of confacf, and be conducfed by fhe sysfem
oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
11. Io modeafe-1mpacf sysfems, a funcf1ona1 exec1se af an ogan1zaf1on-def1ned
fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he funcf1ona1 exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a11 l5CP
po1nfs of confacf and be fac111fafed by fhe sysfem oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
Lxec1se pocedues shou1d be deve1oped fo 1nc1ude an e1emenf of sysfem ecovey
fom backup med1a.
111. Io h1gh-1mpacf sysfems, a fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1 exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1
exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a sysfem fa11ove fo fhe a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1h1s cou1d
1nc1ude add1f1ona1 acf1v1f1es such as fu11 nof1f1caf1on and esponse of key
pesonne1 fo fhe ecovey 1ocaf1on, ecovey of a seve o dafabase fom backup
med1a o sefup, and pocess1ng fom a seve af an a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1he fesf
shou1d a1so 1nc1ude a fu11 ecovey and econsf1fuf1on of fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem fo
a knoWn sfafe.
d. Coecf. 1. Io 1oW-1mpacf sysfems, a fab1efop exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency 1s suff1c1enf. 1he fab1efop shou1d s1mu1afe a
d1supf1on, 1nc1ude a11 ma1n l5CP po1nfs of confacf, and be conducfed by fhe sysfem
oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
11. Io modeafe-1mpacf sysfems, a funcf1ona1 exec1se af an ogan1zaf1on-def1ned
fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he funcf1ona1 exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a11 l5CP
po1nfs of confacf and be fac111fafed by fhe sysfem oWne o espons1b1e aufho1fy.
Lxec1se pocedues shou1d be deve1oped fo 1nc1ude an e1emenf of sysfem ecovey
fom backup med1a.
111. Io h1gh-1mpacf sysfems, a fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1 exec1se af an
ogan1zaf1on-def1ned fequency shou1d be conducfed. 1he fu11-sca1e funcf1ona1
exec1se shou1d 1nc1ude a sysfem fa11ove fo fhe a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1h1s cou1d
1nc1ude add1f1ona1 acf1v1f1es such as fu11 nof1f1caf1on and esponse of key
pesonne1 fo fhe ecovey 1ocaf1on, ecovey of a seve o dafabase fom backup
med1a o sefup, and pocess1ng fom a seve af an a1fenafe 1ocaf1on. 1he fesf
shou1d a1so 1nc1ude a fu11 ecovey and econsf1fuf1on of fhe 1nfomaf1on sysfem fo
Page 25
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
a knoWn sfafe.
a. lncoecf. Iuncf1ona1 ana1ys1s 1s When a feam:
- Co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces
- Documenfs bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons
- Deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness funcf1ons
- App11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1 bus1ness un1f
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1
b. lncoecf. Iuncf1ona1 ana1ys1s 1s When a feam:
- Co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces
- Documenfs bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons
- Deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness funcf1ons
- App11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1 bus1ness un1f
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1
c. lncoecf. Iuncf1ona1 ana1ys1s 1s When a feam:
- Co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces
- Documenfs bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons
- Deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness funcf1ons
- App11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1 bus1ness un1f
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1
d. Coecf. Iuncf1ona1 ana1ys1s 1s When a feam:
- Co11ecfs dafa fhough 1nfev1eWs and documenfay souces
- Documenfs bus1ness funcf1ons, acf1v1f1es, and fansacf1ons
- Deve1ops a h1eachy of bus1ness funcf1ons
- App11es a c1ass1f1caf1on scheme fo 1nd1cafe each 1nd1v1dua1 bus1ness un1f
funcf1ons c1f1ca11fy 1eve1
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ouf11nes fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of e1ecfon1c vau1f1ng
- Mod1f1ed f11e 1s senf fo emofe sysfem
- 1ansfes change 1n bu1k 1n bafch pocesses
- 8ackup 1s nof 1n ea1 f1me {asynchonous}
b. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ouf11nes fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of e1ecfon1c vau1f1ng
- Mod1f1ed f11e 1s senf fo emofe sysfem
- 1ansfes change 1n bu1k 1n bafch pocesses
- 8ackup 1s nof 1n ea1 f1me {asynchonous}
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ouf11nes fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of e1ecfon1c vau1f1ng
- Mod1f1ed f11e 1s senf fo emofe sysfem
- 1ansfes change 1n bu1k 1n bafch pocesses
- 8ackup 1s nof 1n ea1 f1me {asynchonous}
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ouf11nes fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of e1ecfon1c vau1f1ng
- Mod1f1ed f11e 1s senf fo emofe sysfem
- 1ansfes change 1n bu1k 1n bafch pocesses
- 8ackup 1s nof 1n ea1 f1me {asynchonous}
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of emofe ouna11ng,
- Moves fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1og fo a emofe 1ocaf1on, nof fhe acfua1 f11es
- Paa11e1 pocess1ng of fansacf1ons fo an a1fenafe s1fe
- 8ackup fakes p1ace 1n ea1 f1me {synchonous}
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of emofe ouna11ng,
- Moves fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1og fo a emofe 1ocaf1on, nof fhe acfua1 f11es
- Paa11e1 pocess1ng of fansacf1ons fo an a1fenafe s1fe
- 8ackup fakes p1ace 1n ea1 f1me {synchonous}
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of emofe ouna11ng,
- Moves fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1og fo a emofe 1ocaf1on, nof fhe acfua1 f11es
- Paa11e1 pocess1ng of fansacf1ons fo an a1fenafe s1fe
- 8ackup fakes p1ace 1n ea1 f1me {synchonous}
d. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of emofe ouna11ng,
- Moves fhe ouna1 o fansacf1on 1og fo a emofe 1ocaf1on, nof fhe acfua1 f11es
- Paa11e1 pocess1ng of fansacf1ons fo an a1fenafe s1fe
- 8ackup fakes p1ace 1n ea1 f1me {synchonous}
Page 26
8us1ness Conf1nu1fy P1ann1ng - P2.fxf
Page 27
qu1z Name = Cypfogaphy-P1
1. lf a cypfosysfem 1s us1ng a key s1ze of , Whaf 1s fhe keyspace s1ze?
a. 64
b. 32
c. 256
d. 16
2. Whaf 1s keckhoff`s p1nc1p1e and Why 1s 1f e1evanf?
a. One-f1me pads shou1d be usf as 1ong as fhe message, ofheW1se paffens W111 be
b. A pub11c key needs fo assoc1afed W1fh an 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy fo fue
c. 1he on1y secef pof1on fo a cypfosysfem shou1d be fhe key so fhaf fhe
a1go1fhms can be sfonge.
d. Moe fhan one a1phabef shou1d be used 1n subsf1fuf1on c1phes fo 1ncease fhe
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a equ1emenf fo a secue venam c1phe?
a. 1he pad musf be used usf one f1me
b. A symmef1c key musf be encypfed W1fh an asymmef1c key
c. 1he p1vafe key musf be on1y knoWn fo fhe oWne
d. lf needs fo h1de fhe ex1sfence of a message
4. 1hee ae d1ffeenf b1nay mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a
fue u1e of fhe exc1us1ve Ok funcf1on?
a. 5ame va1ue XOk same va1ue equa1s one
b. 1 XOk 1 = 1
c. 0 XOk 0 = 1
d. 1 XOk 0 = 1
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof addessed 1n fhe Wassenaa Aangemenf?
a. 5ymmef1c a1go1fhms
b. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms
c. lnfang1b1es fhaf cou1d be doWn1oaded fom fhe lnfenef
d. Poducfs expofed fo feo1sf counf1es
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue d1ffeence befWeen an asymmef1c and symmef1c
a. 5ymmef1c a1go1fhms ae fasfe because fhey use subsf1fuf1on and fanspos1f1on
b. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae s1oWe because fhey use subsf1fuf1on and fanspos1f1on
c. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae besf 1mp1emenfed 1n hadWae and symmef1c 1n soffWae
d. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae moe vu1neab1e fo fequency ana1ys1s affacks
7. A symmef1c a1go1fhm musf have cefa1n chaacfe1sf1cs fo be cons1deed sfong.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s coecf pefa1n1ng fo fhese fypes of chaacfe1sf1cs?
a. Confus1on 1s ca1ed ouf fhough fanspos1f1on, and d1ffus1on 1s ca1ed ouf
fhough d1ffus1on.
b. Confus1on 1s ca1ed ouf fhough subsf1fuf1on, and d1ffus1on 1s ca1ed ouf
fhough fanspos1f1on.
c. Confus1on and d1ffus1on ae bofh used fo 1ncease fhe Wok facfo.
d. 1he andomness of fhe cypfope1od and funcf1ons 1n fhe a1go1fhm coe1afe W1fh
fhe 1eve1 of confus1on and d1ffus1on fhaf 1s pov1ded.
. hoW ae a one-f1me pad and a sfeam c1phe s1m11a?
Page 1
a. 1hey ae bofh asymmef1c a1go1fhms
b. 1hey ae bofh vu1neab1e fo 11nea fequency cypfana1ys1s affacks
c. 1hey bofh XOk b1fs fo fhe1 encypf1on pocess
d. 1hey ae bofh b1ock c1phes
9. 8ofh b1ock and sfeam a1go1fhms use 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfos. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s nof a eason fhaf fhey ae used?
a. 1hey ae used fo add andomness fo fhe encypf1on pocess
b. 1hey ensue fhaf fWo 1denf1ca1 p1a1nfexf va1ues esu1f 1n d1ffeenf c1phefexf
va1ues When encypfed W1fh fhe same key
c. 1hey pov1de exfa pofecf1on 1n case an 1mp1emenfaf1on 1s us1ng fhe same
symmef1c key moe fhan one f1me
d. 1hey ae XOked fo fhe p1a1nfexf affe encypf1on fo ensue moe andomness fo
fhe pocess
10. hoW ae symmef1c and asymmef1c keys used fogefhe?
a. An asymmef1c key encypfs fhe symmef1c key
b. An asymmef1c key encypfs bu1k and symmef1c keys encypf a sma11 amounf of
c. An asymmef1c key 1s used and fhen encypfed W1fh a symmef1c key
d. A symmef1c key encypfs fhe dafa and fhen fhe asymmef1c key encypfs bofh of
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy sev1ces ae pov1ded 1f a sende encypfs dafa
W1fh he p1vafe key?
a. lnfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy
c. Aufhenf1caf1on
d. Coupf1on
12. 1he v1genee c1phe Was deve1oped 1n fhe 16fh cenfuy 1n Iance. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s a coecf chaacfe1sf1c of fh1s a1go1fhm?
a. lf uses one-f1me pads
b. lf uses a secef Wod as fhe key
c. lf equ1es a messenge fo fake fhe 1ghf s1ze od fo fhe desf1naf1on
d. lf Was used 1n Wo1d Wa ll
13. hoW 1s 1f poss1b1e fhaf anyone can knoW hoW a spec1f1c a1go1fhm Woks and 1f
can sf111 pov1de pofecf1on fhough sececy?
a. 1he souce code 1s nof pov1ded
b. 1he 5-boxes ae conf1nua11y changed fhough fhe use of 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfos
c. No one has access fo fhe keysfeam
d. Cypfova1ab1es pov1de fhe sececy
14. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue sfafemenf abouf fhe Caesa a1go1fhm?
a. 1he a1go1fhm 1s an a1phabef and fhe key 1s fhe numbe of sh1ffs
b. 1he a1go1fhm 1s fhe numbe of sh1ffs 1n an a1go1fhm and fhe key 1s fhe
c. lf uses a secef Wod fo po1ya1phabef1c encypf1on
d. lf 1s anofhe name fo fhe scyfa1e mefhod
15. A cypfogaph1c a1go1fhm e11es on fhe sfengfh and sececy of Wh1ch of fhe
a. Pocess1ng poWe of fhe sysfem
b. key va1ab1e
c. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfo
Page 2
d. 1he keyspace
16. 1he Geek m111fay used a fom of cypfogaphy by Wapp1ng pape aound a sfaff
of Wood fhaf When Wound f1ghf1y Wou1d evea1 a h1dden message. When unWound and
du1ng de11vey, fhe fexf appeaed umb1ed. Whaf Was fh1s fom of cypfogaphy
a. Concea1menf c1phe
b. 5kyfa1e
c. kun1c
d. Pup1e mach1ne
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng c1phes uses a po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on pocess?
a. Caesa c1phe
b. 51mp1e subsf1fuf1on
c. v1genee
d. A18A5h
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs egad1ng symmef1c key cypfogaphy 1s fa1se?
a. lf does nof pov1de non-epud1af1on
b. Iuncf1ona11fy 1s fasfe fhan asymmef1c a1go1fhms
c. key managemenf 1s a sfengfh
d. 1he same key 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on
19. Whaf p1nc1p1e 1ns1sfs fhaf on1y fhe encypf1on key ema1ns secef, nof fhe
a. "-popefy
b. keckhoffs
c. Zachman
d. 51mp1e subsf1fuf1on
20. Lndosed by Nl51 1n 2001, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a neWe opeaf1ng mode fo
symmef1c b1ock a1go1fhm?
a. LC8
b. C1k
c. C8C
d. CI8
21. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of counfe mode {C1k}, Wh1ch 1s ava11ab1e fo be used 1n b1ock
a. Ab1e fo pepocess key sfeam
b. Lncypf1on cannof execufe 1n paa11e1, un11ke OI8
c. Counfes 1ncemenf fo each dafa b1ock
d. used as paf of fhe lLLL 02.111 sfandad
22. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy has a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng sfengfhs, excepf:
a. lf 1s sca1ab1e
b. lf 1s cons1deed eff1c1enf 1n key exchange and d1g1fa1 s1gn1ng
c. lf 1s exfeme1y fasf
d. lf has eas1e key managemenf 1ssues fhan symmef1c cypfogaphy
23. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues, secef key d1sf1buf1on, and encypf1on ae a11 ca1ed ouf
by Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng a1go1fhms?
a. LCC
b. D1ff1e-he11man
c. 81oWf1sh
Page 3
d. kC4
24. An affack fhaf focuses on 1mp1emenfaf1on defa11s such as poWe, f1m1ng,
em1ss1ons, and ad1af1on 1s knoWn as .
a. Covef channe1
b. 51de channe1
c. Man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e
d. 8ufe foce
25. A11 of fhe fo11oW1ng affacks ae cons1deed fechn1ca1 affacks excepf:
a. D1ffeenf1a1 cypfana1ys1s
b. L1nea cypfana1ys1s
c. kubbe hose cypfana1ys1s
d. A1geba1c cypfana1ys1s
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng hadWae dev1ces Wou1d be fhe Wosf cho1ce fo key
a. 5maf cads
b. Lapfops
c. Mu1f1-use Woksfaf1on
d. 5fand-a1one deskfop
27. M5P, PGP, PLM, and 5/MlML ae examp1es of Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. D1g1fa1 s1gn1ng a1go1fhms
b. L-ma11 sfandads
c. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy a1go1fhms
d. hash1ng sfandads
2. 8ad 1s u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo dec1d1ng Wh1ch fype of dafa encypf1on
a1go1fhm fo use on a neW p1affom be1ng 1aunched nexf quafe. Whaf 1s fhe mosf
s1gn1f1canf facfo 8ad shou1d cons1de?
a. P1ce
b. kegu1afoy comp11ance
c. 8us1ness 1sk
d. vendo epufaf1on
29. Lncypf1on sysfems fyp1ca11y un 1n e1fhe sfeam mode o mode.
a. 81ock
b. 5quae
c. 5ecu1fy-h1gh
d. Log1ca1
30. Ca1cu1af1ng fhe f1me and effof needed fo beak an encypf1on pocess 1s
efeed fo as 1fs .
a. Pay1oad
b. 5ecef key
c. Wok facfo
d. Affack facfo
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng a1go1fhms ae s1m11a fo one-f1me pads?
a. Asymmef1c
b. 5feam
c. 5-boxes
d. 81ock
Page 4
32. Cypfogaph1c a1go1fhms can pov1de a11 buf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. Aufhenf1caf1on
c. Aufho1zaf1on
d. Non-epud1af1on
33. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy has advanfages and d1sadvanfages. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
1s nof cons1deed a d1sadvanfage?
a. key managemenf
b. 5ca1ab111fy
c. key d1sf1buf1on
d. Conf1denf1a11fy
34. kaen encypfs dafa W1fh a p1vafe key and sends 1f fo 8ob. 8y do1ng fh1s kaen
1s pov1ng .
a. Aufhenf1c1fy
b. kece1pf
c. Aufho1zaf1on
d. Conf1denf1a11fy
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy fechno1og1es sfengfh 1s bu11f upon be1ng
co111s1on fee?
a. hash
b. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues
c. Lncypf1on
d. Decypf1on
36. ln symmef1c cypfogaphy, hoW many keys Wou1d be needed 1f fhee Wee 500
paf1c1paf1ng uses?
a. 124,750
b. 249,500
c. 250
d. 250,000
37. One mode fhaf f1p1e-DL5 can Wok 1n uses fhee DL5 opeaf1ons W1fh an
encypf/decypf/encypf sequence and fhee sepaafe keys. Whaf 1s fh1s ca11ed?
a. Doub1e DL5
b. DL5-LL3
c. DL5-LDL3
d. DL5-LDL2
3. k1ndae1 offes mu1f1p1e key s1zes, hoWeve 1f cannof be ab1fay. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng key s1zes 1s nof offeed W1fh k1ndae1?
a. 256
b. 12
c. 192
d. 164
39. MD5 poduces a -b1f d1gesf.
a. 56
b. 64
c. 96
d. 12
Page 5
40. Whaf 1s fhe goa1 of cypfana1ys1s?
a. 1o defem1ne fhe sfengfh of an a1go1fhm
b. 1o 1ncease fhe subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons 1n a cypfogaph1c a1go1fhm
c. 1o decease fhe fanspos1f1on funcf1ons 1n a cypfogaph1c a1go1fhm
d. 1o defem1ne fhe pemufaf1ons used
41. 8ufe-foce affacks have 1nceased because .
a. 1he 1nceased use of pemufaf1ons and fanspos1f1ons 1n a1go1fhms
b. As a1go1fhms gef sfonge, fhey gef 1ess comp1ex, and fhus moe suscepf1b1e fo
c. 1he 1ncease 1n pocesso speed and poWe
d. 1he educf1on 1n key 1engfh ove f1me
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a popefy o chaacfe1sf1c of a one-Way hash
a. lf convefs a message of ab1fay 1engfh 1nfo a va1ue of f1xed 1engfh.
b. G1ven fhe d1gesf va1ue, 1f shou1d be compufaf1ona11y 1nfeas1b1e fo f1nd fhe
coespond1ng message.
c. lf shou1d be compufaf1ona11y 1nfeas1b1e fo de1ve fhe same d1gesf fom fWo
d1ffeenf messages.
d. lf convefs a message of f1xed 1engfh fo an ab1fay 1engfh va1ue.
43. Whaf Wou1d 1nd1cafe fhaf a message had been mod1f1ed?
a. 1he pub11c key has been a1feed.
b. 1he p1vafe key has been a1feed.
c. 1he message d1gesf va1ues do nof mafch.
d. 1he message has been encypfed pope1y.
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a u.5. sfandad deve1oped fo ceaf1ng secue message
a. Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad
b. D1g1fa1 51gnafue 5fandad
c. 5ecue hash A1go1fhm
d. Dafa 51gnafue 5fandad
45. Whaf 1s an advanfage of k5A ove D5A?
a. lf can pov1de d1g1fa1 s1gnafue and encypf1on funcf1ona11fy.
b. lf uses feWe esouces and encypfs qu1cke because 1f uses symmef1c keys.
c. lf 1s a b1ock c1phe vesus a sfeam c1phe.
d. lf emp1oys a one-f1me encypf1on pad.
46. Many counf1es esf1cf fhe use o expofaf1on of cypfogaph1c sysfems. Whaf 1s
fhe eason g1ven When fhese fypes of esf1cf1ons ae puf 1nfo p1ace?
a. W1fhouf sfandads, fhee Wou1d be many 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues When fy1ng fo
emp1oy d1ffeenf a1go1fhms 1nfo d1ffeenf pogams.
b. lf can be used by some counf1es aga1nsf fhe1 1oca1 peop1e.
c. C1m1na1s cou1d use encypf1on fo avo1d defecf1on and posecuf1on.
d. LaWs ae Way beh1nd, so add1ng d1ffeenf fypes of encypf1on Wou1d confuse fhe
1aWs moe.
47. Whaf 1s used fo ceafe a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue?
a. 1he ece1ve`s p1vafe key
b. 1he sende`s pub11c key
c. 1he sende`s p1vafe key
d. 1he ece1ve`s pub11c key
Page 6
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue?
a. A mefhod of fansfe1ng a handW1ffen s1gnafue fo an e1ecfon1c documenf
b. A mefhod fo encypf conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on
c. A mefhod fo pov1de an e1ecfon1c s1gnafue and encypf1on
d. A mefhod fo 1ef fhe ece1ve of fhe message pove fhe souce and 1nfeg1fy of a
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. 1he keyspace equa1s 2 fo fhe fh, Wh1ch 1s 256. lf an a1go1fhm
a11oWs a key 1engfh of 2 b1fs, fhe keyspace fo fhaf a1go1fhm Wou1d be 4, Wh1ch
1nd1cafes fhe fofa1 numbe of d1ffeenf keys fhaf Wou1d be poss1b1e. {kemembe fhaf
We ae Wok1ng 1n b1nay and fhaf 2 fo fhe 2nd equa1s 4.}
b. lncoecf. 1he keyspace equa1s 2 fo fhe fh, Wh1ch 1s 256. lf an a1go1fhm
a11oWs a key 1engfh of 2 b1fs, fhe keyspace fo fhaf a1go1fhm Wou1d be 4, Wh1ch
1nd1cafes fhe fofa1 numbe of d1ffeenf keys fhaf Wou1d be poss1b1e. {kemembe fhaf
We ae Wok1ng 1n b1nay and fhaf 2 fo fhe 2nd equa1s 4.}
c. Coecf. 1he keyspace equa1s 2 fo fhe fh, Wh1ch 1s 256. lf an a1go1fhm a11oWs
a key 1engfh of 2 b1fs, fhe keyspace fo fhaf a1go1fhm Wou1d be 4, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes
fhe fofa1 numbe of d1ffeenf keys fhaf Wou1d be poss1b1e. {kemembe fhaf We ae
Wok1ng 1n b1nay and fhaf 2 fo fhe 2nd equa1s 4.}
d. lncoecf. 1he keyspace equa1s 2 fo fhe fh, Wh1ch 1s 256. lf an a1go1fhm
a11oWs a key 1engfh of 2 b1fs, fhe keyspace fo fhaf a1go1fhm Wou1d be 4, Wh1ch
1nd1cafes fhe fofa1 numbe of d1ffeenf keys fhaf Wou1d be poss1b1e. {kemembe fhaf
We ae Wok1ng 1n b1nay and fhaf 2 fo fhe 2nd equa1s 4.}
a. lncoecf. Augusfe keckhoff pub11shed a pape 1n 13 sfaf1ng fhaf fhe on1y
sececy 1nvo1ved W1fh a cypfogaphy sysfem shou1d be fhe key. he c1a1med fhaf fhe
a1go1fhm shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn. Cypfogaphes 1n fhe p1vafe and academ1c
secfos agee W1fh keckhoff`s p1nc1p1e, because mak1ng an a1go1fhm pub11c1y
ava11ab1e means fhaf many moe peop1e can v1eW fhe souce code, fesf 1f, and uncove
any fype of f1aWs o Weaknesses.
b. lncoecf. Augusfe keckhoff pub11shed a pape 1n 13 sfaf1ng fhaf fhe on1y
sececy 1nvo1ved W1fh a cypfogaphy sysfem shou1d be fhe key. he c1a1med fhaf fhe
a1go1fhm shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn. Cypfogaphes 1n fhe p1vafe and academ1c
secfos agee W1fh keckhoff`s p1nc1p1e, because mak1ng an a1go1fhm pub11c1y
ava11ab1e means fhaf many moe peop1e can v1eW fhe souce code, fesf 1f, and uncove
any fype of f1aWs o Weaknesses.
c. Coecf. Augusfe keckhoff pub11shed a pape 1n 13 sfaf1ng fhaf fhe on1y
sececy 1nvo1ved W1fh a cypfogaphy sysfem shou1d be fhe key. he c1a1med fhaf fhe
a1go1fhm shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn. Cypfogaphes 1n fhe p1vafe and academ1c
secfos agee W1fh keckhoff`s p1nc1p1e, because mak1ng an a1go1fhm pub11c1y
ava11ab1e means fhaf many moe peop1e can v1eW fhe souce code, fesf 1f, and uncove
any fype of f1aWs o Weaknesses.
d. lncoecf. Augusfe keckhoff pub11shed a pape 1n 13 sfaf1ng fhaf fhe on1y
sececy 1nvo1ved W1fh a cypfogaphy sysfem shou1d be fhe key. he c1a1med fhaf fhe
a1go1fhm shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn. Cypfogaphes 1n fhe p1vafe and academ1c
secfos agee W1fh keckhoff`s p1nc1p1e, because mak1ng an a1go1fhm pub11c1y
ava11ab1e means fhaf many moe peop1e can v1eW fhe souce code, fesf 1f, and uncove
any fype of f1aWs o Weaknesses.
a. Coecf. A one-f1me pad 1s a pefecf encypf1on scheme because 1f 1s cons1deed
unbeakab1e 1f 1mp1emenfed pope1y. One of fhese equ1emenfs 1s fhaf fhe pad 1s
used on1y one f1me. lf Was 1nvenfed by G11bef venam 1n 1917, fhus somef1mes
efeed fo as fhe venam c1phe.
Page 7
b. lncoecf. A one-f1me pad 1s a pefecf encypf1on scheme because 1f 1s
cons1deed unbeakab1e 1f 1mp1emenfed pope1y. One of fhese equ1emenfs 1s fhaf
fhe pad 1s used on1y one f1me. lf Was 1nvenfed by G11bef venam 1n 1917, fhus
somef1mes efeed fo as fhe venam c1phe.
c. lncoecf. A one-f1me pad 1s a pefecf encypf1on scheme because 1f 1s
cons1deed unbeakab1e 1f 1mp1emenfed pope1y. One of fhese equ1emenfs 1s fhaf
fhe pad 1s used on1y one f1me. lf Was 1nvenfed by G11bef venam 1n 1917, fhus
somef1mes efeed fo as fhe venam c1phe.
d. lncoecf. A one-f1me pad 1s a pefecf encypf1on scheme because 1f 1s
cons1deed unbeakab1e 1f 1mp1emenfed pope1y. One of fhese equ1emenfs 1s fhaf
fhe pad 1s used on1y one f1me. lf Was 1nvenfed by G11bef venam 1n 1917, fhus
somef1mes efeed fo as fhe venam c1phe.
a. lncoecf. XOk 1s an opeaf1on fhaf 1s app11ed fo fWo b1fs and 1s a funcf1on
common1y used 1n b1nay mafhemaf1cs and encypf1on mefhods. When comb1n1ng fhe b1fs,
1f bofh va1ues ae fhe same, fhe esu1f 1s zeo {1 XOk 1 = 0}. lf fhe b1fs ae
d1ffeenf fom each ofhe, fhe esu1f 1s one {1 XOk 0 = 1}.
b. lncoecf. XOk 1s an opeaf1on fhaf 1s app11ed fo fWo b1fs and 1s a funcf1on
common1y used 1n b1nay mafhemaf1cs and encypf1on mefhods. When comb1n1ng fhe b1fs,
1f bofh va1ues ae fhe same, fhe esu1f 1s zeo {1 XOk 1 = 0}. lf fhe b1fs ae
d1ffeenf fom each ofhe, fhe esu1f 1s one {1 XOk 0 = 1}.
c. lncoecf. XOk 1s an opeaf1on fhaf 1s app11ed fo fWo b1fs and 1s a funcf1on
common1y used 1n b1nay mafhemaf1cs and encypf1on mefhods. When comb1n1ng fhe b1fs,
1f bofh va1ues ae fhe same, fhe esu1f 1s zeo {1 XOk 1 = 0}. lf fhe b1fs ae
d1ffeenf fom each ofhe, fhe esu1f 1s one {1 XOk 0 = 1}.
d. Coecf. XOk 1s an opeaf1on fhaf 1s app11ed fo fWo b1fs and 1s a funcf1on
common1y used 1n b1nay mafhemaf1cs and encypf1on mefhods. When comb1n1ng fhe b1fs,
1f bofh va1ues ae fhe same, fhe esu1f 1s zeo {1 XOk 1 = 0}. lf fhe b1fs ae
d1ffeenf fom each ofhe, fhe esu1f 1s one {1 XOk 0 = 1}.
a. lncoecf. ln 1996 sevea1 counf1es {33 1n a11} came fogefhe fo confo1 fhe
expofaf1on of fhe same fype of 1fems fo fhe ageed upon "feo1sf counf1es," and
fhe1 gu1de11nes ae efeed fo as fhe Wassenaa Aangemenf. 1hese counf1es
{lan, laq, L1bya, Nofh koea, 5udan, Cuba, and 5y1a} Wee 1denf1f1ed as hav1ng
connecf1ons W1fh feo1sf goups and acf1v1f1es. 1he ageed upon confo1s d1d nof
app1y fo poducfs fhaf cou1d be doWn1oaded fom fhe lnfenef.
b. lncoecf. ln 1996 sevea1 counf1es {33 1n a11} came fogefhe fo confo1 fhe
expofaf1on of fhe same fype of 1fems fo fhe ageed upon "feo1sf counf1es," and
fhe1 gu1de11nes ae efeed fo as fhe Wassenaa Aangemenf. 1hese counf1es
{lan, laq, L1bya, Nofh koea, 5udan, Cuba, and 5y1a} Wee 1denf1f1ed as hav1ng
connecf1ons W1fh feo1sf goups and acf1v1f1es. 1he ageed upon confo1s d1d nof
app1y fo poducfs fhaf cou1d be doWn1oaded fom fhe lnfenef.
c. Coecf. ln 1996 sevea1 counf1es {33 1n a11} came fogefhe fo confo1 fhe
expofaf1on of fhe same fype of 1fems fo fhe ageed upon "feo1sf counf1es," and
fhe1 gu1de11nes ae efeed fo as fhe Wassenaa Aangemenf. 1hese counf1es
{lan, laq, L1bya, Nofh koea, 5udan, Cuba, and 5y1a} Wee 1denf1f1ed as hav1ng
connecf1ons W1fh feo1sf goups and acf1v1f1es. 1he ageed upon confo1s d1d nof
app1y fo poducfs fhaf cou1d be doWn1oaded fom fhe lnfenef.
d. lncoecf. ln 1996 sevea1 counf1es {33 1n a11} came fogefhe fo confo1 fhe
expofaf1on of fhe same fype of 1fems fo fhe ageed upon "feo1sf counf1es," and
fhe1 gu1de11nes ae efeed fo as fhe Wassenaa Aangemenf. 1hese counf1es
{lan, laq, L1bya, Nofh koea, 5udan, Cuba, and 5y1a} Wee 1denf1f1ed as hav1ng
connecf1ons W1fh feo1sf goups and acf1v1f1es. 1he ageed upon confo1s d1d nof
app1y fo poducfs fhaf cou1d be doWn1oaded fom fhe lnfenef.
a. Coecf. 1h1s 1s because symmef1c a1go1fhms cay ouf e1af1ve s1mp11sf1c
mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhe b1fs du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
1hey subsf1fufe and scamb1e {fanspos1f1on} b1fs, Wh1ch 1s nof ove1y d1ff1cu1f o
pocesso 1nfens1ve. 1he eason fhaf 1f 1s had fo beak fh1s fype of encypf1on 1s
because fhey cay ouf fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy ove and ove aga1n. Asymmef1c
a1go1fhms use much moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs fo cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ons, Wh1ch
equ1e moe pocess1ng f1me, Wh1ch 1s Why fhey ae s1oWe fhan symmef1c
b. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s because symmef1c a1go1fhms cay ouf e1af1ve s1mp11sf1c
mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhe b1fs du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
1hey subsf1fufe and scamb1e {fanspos1f1on} b1fs, Wh1ch 1s nof ove1y d1ff1cu1f o
pocesso 1nfens1ve. 1he eason fhaf 1f 1s had fo beak fh1s fype of encypf1on 1s
because fhey cay ouf fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy ove and ove aga1n. Asymmef1c
a1go1fhms use much moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs fo cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ons, Wh1ch
equ1e moe pocess1ng f1me, Wh1ch 1s Why fhey ae s1oWe fhan symmef1c
c. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s because symmef1c a1go1fhms cay ouf e1af1ve s1mp11sf1c
mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhe b1fs du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
1hey subsf1fufe and scamb1e {fanspos1f1on} b1fs, Wh1ch 1s nof ove1y d1ff1cu1f o
pocesso 1nfens1ve. 1he eason fhaf 1f 1s had fo beak fh1s fype of encypf1on 1s
because fhey cay ouf fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy ove and ove aga1n. Asymmef1c
a1go1fhms use much moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs fo cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ons, Wh1ch
equ1e moe pocess1ng f1me, Wh1ch 1s Why fhey ae s1oWe fhan symmef1c
d. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s because symmef1c a1go1fhms cay ouf e1af1ve s1mp11sf1c
mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhe b1fs du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
1hey subsf1fufe and scamb1e {fanspos1f1on} b1fs, Wh1ch 1s nof ove1y d1ff1cu1f o
pocesso 1nfens1ve. 1he eason fhaf 1f 1s had fo beak fh1s fype of encypf1on 1s
because fhey cay ouf fh1s fype of funcf1ona11fy ove and ove aga1n. Asymmef1c
a1go1fhms use much moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs fo cay ouf fhe1 funcf1ons, Wh1ch
equ1e moe pocess1ng f1me, Wh1ch 1s Why fhey ae s1oWe fhan symmef1c
a. lncoecf. Confus1on 1s common1y ca1ed ouf fhough subsf1fuf1on and d1ffus1on
1s ca1ed ouf by us1ng fanspos1f1on. Io a c1phe fo be cons1deed sfong 1f musf
confa1n bofh of fhese aff1bufes, fo ensue fhaf evese eng1nee1ng 1s bas1ca11y
1mposs1b1e. 1he andomness of fhe key va1ues and fhe comp1ex1fy of fhe mafhemaf1ca1
funcf1ons d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of confus1on and d1ffus1on fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved.
b. Coecf. Confus1on 1s common1y ca1ed ouf fhough subsf1fuf1on and d1ffus1on
1s ca1ed ouf by us1ng fanspos1f1on. Io a c1phe fo be cons1deed sfong 1f musf
confa1n bofh of fhese aff1bufes, fo ensue fhaf evese eng1nee1ng 1s bas1ca11y
1mposs1b1e. 1he andomness of fhe key va1ues and fhe comp1ex1fy of fhe mafhemaf1ca1
funcf1ons d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of confus1on and d1ffus1on fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved.
c. lncoecf. Confus1on 1s common1y ca1ed ouf fhough subsf1fuf1on and d1ffus1on
1s ca1ed ouf by us1ng fanspos1f1on. Io a c1phe fo be cons1deed sfong 1f musf
confa1n bofh of fhese aff1bufes, fo ensue fhaf evese eng1nee1ng 1s bas1ca11y
1mposs1b1e. 1he andomness of fhe key va1ues and fhe comp1ex1fy of fhe mafhemaf1ca1
funcf1ons d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of confus1on and d1ffus1on fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved.
d. lncoecf. Confus1on 1s common1y ca1ed ouf fhough subsf1fuf1on and d1ffus1on
1s ca1ed ouf by us1ng fanspos1f1on. Io a c1phe fo be cons1deed sfong 1f musf
confa1n bofh of fhese aff1bufes, fo ensue fhaf evese eng1nee1ng 1s bas1ca11y
1mposs1b1e. 1he andomness of fhe key va1ues and fhe comp1ex1fy of fhe mafhemaf1ca1
funcf1ons d1cfafe fhe 1eve1 of confus1on and d1ffus1on fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved.

a. lncoecf. 1he 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs 1n fhe one-f1me pad ae used fo encypf fhe
1nd1v1dua1 b1fs of fhe message fhough fhe XOk funcf1on, and 1n a sfeam a1go1fhm
fhe 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs ceafed by fhe keysfeam geneafo ae used fo encypf fhe b1fs
of fhe message fhough XOk a1so.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs 1n fhe one-f1me pad ae used fo encypf fhe
1nd1v1dua1 b1fs of fhe message fhough fhe XOk funcf1on, and 1n a sfeam a1go1fhm
fhe 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs ceafed by fhe keysfeam geneafo ae used fo encypf fhe b1fs
of fhe message fhough XOk a1so.
c. Coecf. 1he 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs 1n fhe one-f1me pad ae used fo encypf fhe
1nd1v1dua1 b1fs of fhe message fhough fhe XOk funcf1on, and 1n a sfeam a1go1fhm
fhe 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs ceafed by fhe keysfeam geneafo ae used fo encypf fhe b1fs
of fhe message fhough XOk a1so.
Page 9
d. lncoecf. 1he 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs 1n fhe one-f1me pad ae used fo encypf fhe
1nd1v1dua1 b1fs of fhe message fhough fhe XOk funcf1on, and 1n a sfeam a1go1fhm
fhe 1nd1v1dua1 b1fs ceafed by fhe keysfeam geneafo ae used fo encypf fhe b1fs
of fhe message fhough XOk a1so.
a. lncoecf. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfos {lvs} ae andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh
symmef1c a1go1fhms fo ensue fhaf paffens ae nof ceafed du1ng fhe encypf1on
pocess. 1hey ae usua11y used as seed1ng va1ues o sfaf1ng po1nfs and do nof need
fo be encypfed When be1ng senf fo fhe desf1naf1on. lf lvs Wee nof used, fhen fWo
1denf1ca1 p1a1nfexf va1ues fhaf ae encypfed W1fh fhe same key cou1d ceafe fhe
same c1phefexf.
b. lncoecf. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfos {lvs} ae andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh
symmef1c a1go1fhms fo ensue fhaf paffens ae nof ceafed du1ng fhe encypf1on
pocess. 1hey ae usua11y used as seed1ng va1ues o sfaf1ng po1nfs and do nof need
fo be encypfed When be1ng senf fo fhe desf1naf1on. lf lvs Wee nof used, fhen fWo
1denf1ca1 p1a1nfexf va1ues fhaf ae encypfed W1fh fhe same key cou1d ceafe fhe
same c1phefexf.
c. lncoecf. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfos {lvs} ae andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh
symmef1c a1go1fhms fo ensue fhaf paffens ae nof ceafed du1ng fhe encypf1on
pocess. 1hey ae usua11y used as seed1ng va1ues o sfaf1ng po1nfs and do nof need
fo be encypfed When be1ng senf fo fhe desf1naf1on. lf lvs Wee nof used, fhen fWo
1denf1ca1 p1a1nfexf va1ues fhaf ae encypfed W1fh fhe same key cou1d ceafe fhe
same c1phefexf.
d. Coecf. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfos {lvs} ae andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh
symmef1c a1go1fhms fo ensue fhaf paffens ae nof ceafed du1ng fhe encypf1on
pocess. 1hey ae usua11y used as seed1ng va1ues o sfaf1ng po1nfs and do nof need
fo be encypfed When be1ng senf fo fhe desf1naf1on. lf lvs Wee nof used, fhen fWo
1denf1ca1 p1a1nfexf va1ues fhaf ae encypfed W1fh fhe same key cou1d ceafe fhe
same c1phefexf.
a. Coecf. A symmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo encypf1ng bu1k
dafa, and an asymmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo aufomafed key
b. lncoecf. A symmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo encypf1ng bu1k
dafa, and an asymmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo aufomafed key
c. lncoecf. A symmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo encypf1ng bu1k
dafa, and an asymmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo aufomafed key
d. lncoecf. A symmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo encypf1ng bu1k
dafa, and an asymmef1c a1go1fhm ceafes keys fhaf ae used fo aufomafed key
a. lncoecf. Aufhenf1c1fy of fhe sende and non-epud1af1on. lf fhe ece1ve can
decypf fhe encypfed dafa W1fh fhe sende`s pub11c key, fhen she knoWs fhaf 1f Was
encypfed W1fh fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
b. lncoecf. Aufhenf1c1fy of fhe sende and non-epud1af1on. lf fhe ece1ve can
decypf fhe encypfed dafa W1fh fhe sende`s pub11c key, fhen she knoWs fhaf 1f Was
encypfed W1fh fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
c. Coecf. Aufhenf1c1fy of fhe sende and non-epud1af1on. lf fhe ece1ve can
decypf fhe encypfed dafa W1fh fhe sende`s pub11c key, fhen she knoWs fhaf 1f Was
encypfed W1fh fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
d. lncoecf. Aufhenf1c1fy of fhe sende and non-epud1af1on. lf fhe ece1ve can
decypf fhe encypfed dafa W1fh fhe sende`s pub11c key, fhen she knoWs fhaf 1f Was
encypfed W1fh fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
a. lncoecf. ln fh1s a1go1fhm a v1genee fab1e 1s a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm
fhaf uses a secef Wod fo encypf and decypf a message. Whee fhe Caesa c1phe
used one sh1ff a1phabef {1effes Wee sh1ffed up fhee p1aces}, fhe v1genee c1phe
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had 26 sh1ff a1phabefs Whee fhe 1effes moved aound based on fhe key va1ues.
b. Coecf. ln fh1s a1go1fhm a v1genee fab1e 1s a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm fhaf
uses a secef Wod fo encypf and decypf a message. Whee fhe Caesa c1phe used
one sh1ff a1phabef {1effes Wee sh1ffed up fhee p1aces}, fhe v1genee c1phe had
26 sh1ff a1phabefs Whee fhe 1effes moved aound based on fhe key va1ues.
c. lncoecf. ln fh1s a1go1fhm a v1genee fab1e 1s a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm
fhaf uses a secef Wod fo encypf and decypf a message. Whee fhe Caesa c1phe
used one sh1ff a1phabef {1effes Wee sh1ffed up fhee p1aces}, fhe v1genee c1phe
had 26 sh1ff a1phabefs Whee fhe 1effes moved aound based on fhe key va1ues.
d. lncoecf. ln fh1s a1go1fhm a v1genee fab1e 1s a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm
fhaf uses a secef Wod fo encypf and decypf a message. Whee fhe Caesa c1phe
used one sh1ff a1phabef {1effes Wee sh1ffed up fhee p1aces}, fhe v1genee c1phe
had 26 sh1ff a1phabefs Whee fhe 1effes moved aound based on fhe key va1ues.
a. lncoecf. 1he a1go1fhm, fhe sef of u1es, d1cfafes hoW enc1phe1ng and
dec1phe1ng fake p1ace. Many of fhe mafhemaf1ca1 a1go1fhms used 1n compufe sysfems
foday ae pub11c1y knoWn and ae nof fhe secef paf of fhe encypf1on pocess. lf
fhe 1nfena1 mechan1sms of fhe a1go1fhm ae nof a secef, fhen somefh1ng musf be.
1he secef p1ece of us1ng a We11-knoWn encypf1on a1go1fhm 1s fhe key.
Cypfova1ab1e 1s anofhe name fo a key.
b. lncoecf. 1he a1go1fhm, fhe sef of u1es, d1cfafes hoW enc1phe1ng and
dec1phe1ng fake p1ace. Many of fhe mafhemaf1ca1 a1go1fhms used 1n compufe sysfems
foday ae pub11c1y knoWn and ae nof fhe secef paf of fhe encypf1on pocess. lf
fhe 1nfena1 mechan1sms of fhe a1go1fhm ae nof a secef, fhen somefh1ng musf be.
1he secef p1ece of us1ng a We11-knoWn encypf1on a1go1fhm 1s fhe key.
Cypfova1ab1e 1s anofhe name fo a key.
c. lncoecf. 1he a1go1fhm, fhe sef of u1es, d1cfafes hoW enc1phe1ng and
dec1phe1ng fake p1ace. Many of fhe mafhemaf1ca1 a1go1fhms used 1n compufe sysfems
foday ae pub11c1y knoWn and ae nof fhe secef paf of fhe encypf1on pocess. lf
fhe 1nfena1 mechan1sms of fhe a1go1fhm ae nof a secef, fhen somefh1ng musf be.
1he secef p1ece of us1ng a We11-knoWn encypf1on a1go1fhm 1s fhe key.
Cypfova1ab1e 1s anofhe name fo a key.
d. Coecf. 1he a1go1fhm, fhe sef of u1es, d1cfafes hoW enc1phe1ng and
dec1phe1ng fake p1ace. Many of fhe mafhemaf1ca1 a1go1fhms used 1n compufe sysfems
foday ae pub11c1y knoWn and ae nof fhe secef paf of fhe encypf1on pocess. lf
fhe 1nfena1 mechan1sms of fhe a1go1fhm ae nof a secef, fhen somefh1ng musf be.
1he secef p1ece of us1ng a We11-knoWn encypf1on a1go1fhm 1s fhe key.
Cypfova1ab1e 1s anofhe name fo a key.
a. Coecf. ln fhe Caesa a1go1fhm fhe a1phabef seves as fhe a1go1fhm and fhe
key 1s fhe numbe of 1ocaf1ons fhaf ae sh1ffed du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on
pocess. lf 1s nof a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm.
b. lncoecf. ln fhe Caesa a1go1fhm fhe a1phabef seves as fhe a1go1fhm and
fhe key 1s fhe numbe of 1ocaf1ons fhaf ae sh1ffed du1ng fhe encypf1on and
decypf1on pocess. lf 1s nof a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm.
c. lncoecf. ln fhe Caesa a1go1fhm fhe a1phabef seves as fhe a1go1fhm and
fhe key 1s fhe numbe of 1ocaf1ons fhaf ae sh1ffed du1ng fhe encypf1on and
decypf1on pocess. lf 1s nof a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm.
d. lncoecf. ln fhe Caesa a1go1fhm fhe a1phabef seves as fhe a1go1fhm and
fhe key 1s fhe numbe of 1ocaf1ons fhaf ae sh1ffed du1ng fhe encypf1on and
decypf1on pocess. lf 1s nof a po1ya1phabef1c a1go1fhm.
a. lncoecf. 1he key va1ab1e 1s anofhe fem fo a key. A key 1s made up of
andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh fhe a1go1fhm fo encypf1on and decypf1on
funcf1ons. 5ecef and p1vafe keys musf be kepf secef and pope1y pofecfed. A
keyspace 1s a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used du1ng key geneaf1on, and
an 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo 1s a va1ue used W1fh a key 1n sfeam a1go1fhms. 1h1s
vecfo va1ue 1s usua11y senf 1n c1eafexf, fhus does nof need fo be kepf secef.
b. Coecf. 1he key va1ab1e 1s anofhe fem fo a key. A key 1s made up of andom
va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh fhe a1go1fhm fo encypf1on and decypf1on funcf1ons.
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5ecef and p1vafe keys musf be kepf secef and pope1y pofecfed. A keyspace 1s
a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used du1ng key geneaf1on, and an
1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo 1s a va1ue used W1fh a key 1n sfeam a1go1fhms. 1h1s vecfo
va1ue 1s usua11y senf 1n c1eafexf, fhus does nof need fo be kepf secef.
c. lncoecf. 1he key va1ab1e 1s anofhe fem fo a key. A key 1s made up of
andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh fhe a1go1fhm fo encypf1on and decypf1on
funcf1ons. 5ecef and p1vafe keys musf be kepf secef and pope1y pofecfed. A
keyspace 1s a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used du1ng key geneaf1on, and
an 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo 1s a va1ue used W1fh a key 1n sfeam a1go1fhms. 1h1s
vecfo va1ue 1s usua11y senf 1n c1eafexf, fhus does nof need fo be kepf secef.
d. lncoecf. 1he key va1ab1e 1s anofhe fem fo a key. A key 1s made up of
andom va1ues fhaf ae used W1fh fhe a1go1fhm fo encypf1on and decypf1on
funcf1ons. 5ecef and p1vafe keys musf be kepf secef and pope1y pofecfed. A
keyspace 1s a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used du1ng key geneaf1on, and
an 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo 1s a va1ue used W1fh a key 1n sfeam a1go1fhms. 1h1s
vecfo va1ue 1s usua11y senf 1n c1eafexf, fhus does nof need fo be kepf secef.
a. lncoecf. 1he 5pafans used a "skyfa1e" fo encypf fhe1 messages 1n fhe 5fh
cenfuy 8.C. used fo m111fay commun1caf1ons, skyfa1e Was one of fhe ea11esf foms
of cypfogaphy. lf 1s an examp1e of symmef1c cypfogaphy because fhe sende and
ece1ve need fo have fhe same s1ze sfaff so When fhe pape 1s Wapped abouf fhe
sfaff fhe 1effes pope1y mafch up.
b. Coecf. 1he 5pafans used a "skyfa1e" fo encypf fhe1 messages 1n fhe 5fh
cenfuy 8.C. used fo m111fay commun1caf1ons, skyfa1e Was one of fhe ea11esf foms
of cypfogaphy. lf 1s an examp1e of symmef1c cypfogaphy because fhe sende and
ece1ve need fo have fhe same s1ze sfaff so When fhe pape 1s Wapped abouf fhe
sfaff fhe 1effes pope1y mafch up.
c. lncoecf. 1he 5pafans used a "skyfa1e" fo encypf fhe1 messages 1n fhe 5fh
cenfuy 8.C. used fo m111fay commun1caf1ons, skyfa1e Was one of fhe ea11esf foms
of cypfogaphy. lf 1s an examp1e of symmef1c cypfogaphy because fhe sende and
ece1ve need fo have fhe same s1ze sfaff so When fhe pape 1s Wapped abouf fhe
sfaff fhe 1effes pope1y mafch up.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5pafans used a "skyfa1e" fo encypf fhe1 messages 1n fhe 5fh
cenfuy 8.C. used fo m111fay commun1caf1ons, skyfa1e Was one of fhe ea11esf foms
of cypfogaphy. lf 1s an examp1e of symmef1c cypfogaphy because fhe sende and
ece1ve need fo have fhe same s1ze sfaff so When fhe pape 1s Wapped abouf fhe
sfaff fhe 1effes pope1y mafch up.
a. lncoecf. v1genee 1s a po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on c1phe ceafed by 81a1se
de v1genee 1n fhe 16fh cenfuy. Po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on uses mu1f1p1e a1phabefs
Wh1ch makes fhe a1go1fhm moe 1mmune fo fequency ana1ys1s affacks.
b. lncoecf. v1genee 1s a po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on c1phe ceafed by 81a1se
de v1genee 1n fhe 16fh cenfuy. Po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on uses mu1f1p1e a1phabefs
Wh1ch makes fhe a1go1fhm moe 1mmune fo fequency ana1ys1s affacks.
c. Coecf. v1genee 1s a po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on c1phe ceafed by 81a1se de
v1genee 1n fhe 16fh cenfuy. Po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on uses mu1f1p1e a1phabefs
Wh1ch makes fhe a1go1fhm moe 1mmune fo fequency ana1ys1s affacks.
d. lncoecf. v1genee 1s a po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on c1phe ceafed by 81a1se
de v1genee 1n fhe 16fh cenfuy. Po1ya1phabef1c subsf1fuf1on uses mu1f1p1e a1phabefs
Wh1ch makes fhe a1go1fhm moe 1mmune fo fequency ana1ys1s affacks.
a. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c key cypfogaphy 1s fasfe fhan asymmef1c a1go1fhms. lf
can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. lf cannof pov1de
non-epud1af1on. One doWnfa11 1s fhaf as fhe numbe of uses goW, so does fhe
numbe of keys fhaf musf be managed.
b. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c key cypfogaphy 1s fasfe fhan asymmef1c a1go1fhms. lf
can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. lf cannof pov1de
non-epud1af1on. One doWnfa11 1s fhaf as fhe numbe of uses goW, so does fhe
numbe of keys fhaf musf be managed.
c. Coecf. 5ymmef1c key cypfogaphy 1s fasfe fhan asymmef1c a1go1fhms. lf can
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on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. lf cannof pov1de
non-epud1af1on. One doWnfa11 1s fhaf as fhe numbe of uses goW, so does fhe
numbe of keys fhaf musf be managed.
d. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c key cypfogaphy 1s fasfe fhan asymmef1c a1go1fhms. lf
can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. lf cannof pov1de
non-epud1af1on. One doWnfa11 1s fhaf as fhe numbe of uses goW, so does fhe
numbe of keys fhaf musf be managed.
a. lncoecf. Augusfe keckhoffs`s fheoy on encypf1on sfafes fhaf an a1go1fhm
shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn W1fh on1y fhe key ema1n1ng secef. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf fhe
moe peop1e Who ae ab1e fo v1eW fhe a1go1fhms code and 1og1c a11oW fhe a1go1fhm
fo be sfengfhened by a commun1fy. lf fhe a1go1fhm 1s kepf secef, fhen fhee cou1d
be f1aWs and Weaknesses fhaf ae nof 1denf1f1ed and addessed by fhe deve1ope.
b. Coecf. Augusfe keckhoffs`s fheoy on encypf1on sfafes fhaf an a1go1fhm
shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn W1fh on1y fhe key ema1n1ng secef. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf fhe
moe peop1e Who ae ab1e fo v1eW fhe a1go1fhms code and 1og1c a11oW fhe a1go1fhm
fo be sfengfhened by a commun1fy. lf fhe a1go1fhm 1s kepf secef, fhen fhee cou1d
be f1aWs and Weaknesses fhaf ae nof 1denf1f1ed and addessed by fhe deve1ope.
c. lncoecf. Augusfe keckhoffs`s fheoy on encypf1on sfafes fhaf an a1go1fhm
shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn W1fh on1y fhe key ema1n1ng secef. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf fhe
moe peop1e Who ae ab1e fo v1eW fhe a1go1fhms code and 1og1c a11oW fhe a1go1fhm
fo be sfengfhened by a commun1fy. lf fhe a1go1fhm 1s kepf secef, fhen fhee cou1d
be f1aWs and Weaknesses fhaf ae nof 1denf1f1ed and addessed by fhe deve1ope.
d. lncoecf. Augusfe keckhoffs`s fheoy on encypf1on sfafes fhaf an a1go1fhm
shou1d be pub11c1y knoWn W1fh on1y fhe key ema1n1ng secef. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf fhe
moe peop1e Who ae ab1e fo v1eW fhe a1go1fhms code and 1og1c a11oW fhe a1go1fhm
fo be sfengfhened by a commun1fy. lf fhe a1go1fhm 1s kepf secef, fhen fhee cou1d
be f1aWs and Weaknesses fhaf ae nof 1denf1f1ed and addessed by fhe deve1ope.
a. lncoecf. Counfe mode {C1k} 1s s1m11a fo OI8 mode, hoWeve 1fs 1n1f1a11zaf1on
vecfo 1ncemenfs on each b1ock 1nd1v1dua11y. 1h1s 1s fhe neW opeaf1ng mode of
symmef1c b1ock a1go1fhms.
b. Coecf. Counfe mode {C1k} 1s s1m11a fo OI8 mode, hoWeve 1fs 1n1f1a11zaf1on
vecfo 1ncemenfs on each b1ock 1nd1v1dua11y. 1h1s 1s fhe neW opeaf1ng mode of
symmef1c b1ock a1go1fhms.
c. lncoecf. Counfe mode {C1k} 1s s1m11a fo OI8 mode, hoWeve 1fs 1n1f1a11zaf1on
vecfo 1ncemenfs on each b1ock 1nd1v1dua11y. 1h1s 1s fhe neW opeaf1ng mode of
symmef1c b1ock a1go1fhms.
d. lncoecf. Counfe mode {C1k} 1s s1m11a fo OI8 mode, hoWeve 1fs 1n1f1a11zaf1on
vecfo 1ncemenfs on each b1ock 1nd1v1dua11y. 1h1s 1s fhe neW opeaf1ng mode of
symmef1c b1ock a1go1fhms.
a. lncoecf. un11ke OI8, C1k 1s capab1e of unn1ng {encypf1ng and decypf1ng} 1n
paa11e1 due fo fhe facf fhaf oufpuf 1s nof cha1ned fo pev1ous b1ocks of dafa. 1h1s
des1gn damaf1ca11y 1mpoves eff1c1ency and speed.
b. Coecf. un11ke OI8, C1k 1s capab1e of unn1ng {encypf1ng and decypf1ng} 1n
paa11e1 due fo fhe facf fhaf oufpuf 1s nof cha1ned fo pev1ous b1ocks of dafa. 1h1s
des1gn damaf1ca11y 1mpoves eff1c1ency and speed.
c. lncoecf. un11ke OI8, C1k 1s capab1e of unn1ng {encypf1ng and decypf1ng} 1n
paa11e1 due fo fhe facf fhaf oufpuf 1s nof cha1ned fo pev1ous b1ocks of dafa. 1h1s
des1gn damaf1ca11y 1mpoves eff1c1ency and speed.
d. lncoecf. un11ke OI8, C1k 1s capab1e of unn1ng {encypf1ng and decypf1ng} 1n
paa11e1 due fo fhe facf fhaf oufpuf 1s nof cha1ned fo pev1ous b1ocks of dafa. 1h1s
des1gn damaf1ca11y 1mpoves eff1c1ency and speed.
a. lncoecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy has a hosf of sfengfhs buf speed 1s nof one
of fhem. 1h1s fype of cypfogaphy uns ove 1,000 f1mes s1oWe fhan symmef1c
cypfogaphy. 1h1s 1s Why fhe 1ndusfy uses symmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf bu1k
dafa and asymmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf sma11e amounfs of dafa, as 1n keys and
Page 13
message d1gesf va1ues
b. lncoecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy has a hosf of sfengfhs buf speed 1s nof one
of fhem. 1h1s fype of cypfogaphy uns ove 1,000 f1mes s1oWe fhan symmef1c
cypfogaphy. 1h1s 1s Why fhe 1ndusfy uses symmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf bu1k
dafa and asymmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf sma11e amounfs of dafa, as 1n keys and
message d1gesf va1ues
c. Coecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy has a hosf of sfengfhs buf speed 1s nof one of
fhem. 1h1s fype of cypfogaphy uns ove 1,000 f1mes s1oWe fhan symmef1c
cypfogaphy. 1h1s 1s Why fhe 1ndusfy uses symmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf bu1k
dafa and asymmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf sma11e amounfs of dafa, as 1n keys and
message d1gesf va1ues.
d. lncoecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy has a hosf of sfengfhs buf speed 1s nof one
of fhem. 1h1s fype of cypfogaphy uns ove 1,000 f1mes s1oWe fhan symmef1c
cypfogaphy. 1h1s 1s Why fhe 1ndusfy uses symmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf bu1k
dafa and asymmef1c a1go1fhms fo encypf sma11e amounfs of dafa, as 1n keys and
message d1gesf va1ues
a. Coecf. L111pf1c Cuve Cypfosysfem {LCC} f1sf sufaced 1n fhe 190s and 1s
ep1ac1ng modu1a mafh W1fh fhe a1geba1c funcf1ona11fy of e111pf1ca1 cuves. lf 1s
exfeme1y eff1c1enf due fo vey sma11 key s1zes and pov1des fhee p1may sev1ces
{d1g1fa1 s1gn1ng, secef key d1sf1buf1on, and dafa encypf1on}. D1ff1e-he11man can
on1y do key ageemenf and 81oWf1sh and kC4 ae symmef1c, nof asymmef1c a1go1fhms.
b. lncoecf. L111pf1c Cuve Cypfosysfem {LCC} f1sf sufaced 1n fhe 190s and 1s
ep1ac1ng modu1a mafh W1fh fhe a1geba1c funcf1ona11fy of e111pf1ca1 cuves. lf 1s
exfeme1y eff1c1enf due fo vey sma11 key s1zes and pov1des fhee p1may sev1ces
{d1g1fa1 s1gn1ng, secef key d1sf1buf1on, and dafa encypf1on}. D1ff1e-he11man can
on1y do key ageemenf and 81oWf1sh and kC4 ae symmef1c, nof asymmef1c a1go1fhms.
c. lncoecf. L111pf1c Cuve Cypfosysfem {LCC} f1sf sufaced 1n fhe 190s and 1s
ep1ac1ng modu1a mafh W1fh fhe a1geba1c funcf1ona11fy of e111pf1ca1 cuves. lf 1s
exfeme1y eff1c1enf due fo vey sma11 key s1zes and pov1des fhee p1may sev1ces
{d1g1fa1 s1gn1ng, secef key d1sf1buf1on, and dafa encypf1on}. D1ff1e-he11man can
on1y do key ageemenf and 81oWf1sh and kC4 ae symmef1c, nof asymmef1c a1go1fhms.
d. lncoecf. L111pf1c Cuve Cypfosysfem {LCC} f1sf sufaced 1n fhe 190s and 1s
ep1ac1ng modu1a mafh W1fh fhe a1geba1c funcf1ona11fy of e111pf1ca1 cuves. lf 1s
exfeme1y eff1c1enf due fo vey sma11 key s1zes and pov1des fhee p1may sev1ces
{d1g1fa1 s1gn1ng, secef key d1sf1buf1on, and dafa encypf1on}. D1ff1e-he11man can
on1y do key ageemenf and 81oWf1sh and kC4 ae symmef1c, nof asymmef1c a1go1fhms.
a. lncoecf. 51de channe1 affacks ae ca1ed ouf by mon1fo1ng hoW somefh1ng
Woks and fhen evese eng1nee1ng fhe 1fem by us1ng deducf1ve 1og1ca1 fo undesfand
hoW 1f Woks. PoWe, f1m1ng, em1ss1ons, and ad1af1on ae fhe common 1fems fhaf ae
mon1foed. 1h1s 1s a pass1ve affack.
b. Coecf. 51de channe1 affacks ae ca1ed ouf by mon1fo1ng hoW somefh1ng Woks
and fhen evese eng1nee1ng fhe 1fem by us1ng deducf1ve 1og1ca1 fo undesfand hoW
1f Woks. PoWe, f1m1ng, em1ss1ons, and ad1af1on ae fhe common 1fems fhaf ae
mon1foed. 1h1s 1s a pass1ve affack.
c. lncoecf. 51de channe1 affacks ae ca1ed ouf by mon1fo1ng hoW somefh1ng
Woks and fhen evese eng1nee1ng fhe 1fem by us1ng deducf1ve 1og1ca1 fo undesfand
hoW 1f Woks. PoWe, f1m1ng, em1ss1ons, and ad1af1on ae fhe common 1fems fhaf ae
mon1foed. 1h1s 1s a pass1ve affack.
d. lncoecf. 51de channe1 affacks ae ca1ed ouf by mon1fo1ng hoW somefh1ng
Woks and fhen evese eng1nee1ng fhe 1fem by us1ng deducf1ve 1og1ca1 fo undesfand
hoW 1f Woks. PoWe, f1m1ng, em1ss1ons, and ad1af1on ae fhe common 1fems fhaf ae
mon1foed. 1h1s 1s a pass1ve affack.
a. lncoecf. D1ffeenf1a1, 11nea, and a1geba1c cypfana1ys1s ae affacks foWads
symmef1c b1ock c1phes. A ubbe hose cypfana1ys1s 1s a non-fechn1ca1 affack
cons1sf1ng of assau1f and baffey, When someone 1s phys1ca11y fheafened and
poss1b1y fofued so fhaf fhey W111 hand ove a key.
b. lncoecf. D1ffeenf1a1, 11nea, and a1geba1c cypfana1ys1s ae affacks foWads
Page 14
symmef1c b1ock c1phes. A ubbe hose cypfana1ys1s 1s a non-fechn1ca1 affack
cons1sf1ng of assau1f and baffey, When someone 1s phys1ca11y fheafened and
poss1b1y fofued so fhaf fhey W111 hand ove a key.
c. Coecf. D1ffeenf1a1, 11nea, and a1geba1c cypfana1ys1s ae affacks foWads
symmef1c b1ock c1phes. A ubbe hose cypfana1ys1s 1s a non-fechn1ca1 affack
cons1sf1ng of assau1f and baffey, When someone 1s phys1ca11y fheafened and
poss1b1y fofued so fhaf fhey W111 hand ove a key.
d. lncoecf. D1ffeenf1a1, 11nea, and a1geba1c cypfana1ys1s ae affacks foWads
symmef1c b1ock c1phes. A ubbe hose cypfana1ys1s 1s a non-fechn1ca1 affack
cons1sf1ng of assau1f and baffey, When someone 1s phys1ca11y fheafened and
poss1b1y fofued so fhaf fhey W111 hand ove a key.
a. lncoecf. keys shou1d be sfoed on secued dev1ces fhaf have s1ng1e-use
access. A Woksfaf1on fhaf 1s used by many uses 1s nof an 1dea1 p1ace fo sfoe keys
as fhe 11ke11hood of compom1se Wou1d 1ncease.
b. lncoecf. keys shou1d be sfoed on secued dev1ces fhaf have s1ng1e-use
access. A Woksfaf1on fhaf 1s used by many uses 1s nof an 1dea1 p1ace fo sfoe keys
as fhe 11ke11hood of compom1se Wou1d 1ncease.
c. Coecf. keys shou1d be sfoed on secued dev1ces fhaf have s1ng1e-use access.
A Woksfaf1on fhaf 1s used by many uses 1s nof an 1dea1 p1ace fo sfoe keys as fhe
11ke11hood of compom1se Wou1d 1ncease.
d. lncoecf. keys shou1d be sfoed on secued dev1ces fhaf have s1ng1e-use
access. A Woksfaf1on fhaf 1s used by many uses 1s nof an 1dea1 p1ace fo sfoe keys
as fhe 11ke11hood of compom1se Wou1d 1ncease.
a. lncoecf. 1hese ae examp1es of d1ffeenf e-ma11 sfandads:
M5P {Message 5ecu1fy Pofoco1}
PGP {Peffy Good P1vacy}
PLM: {P1vacy Lnhanced Ma11}
5/MlML {5ecue Mu1f1pupose lnfenef Ma11 Lxfens1ons}
b. Coecf. 1hese ae examp1es of d1ffeenf e-ma11 sfandads:
M5P {Message 5ecu1fy Pofoco1}
PGP {Peffy Good P1vacy}
PLM: {P1vacy Lnhanced Ma11}
5/MlML {5ecue Mu1f1pupose lnfenef Ma11 Lxfens1ons}
c. lncoecf. 1hese ae examp1es of d1ffeenf e-ma11 sfandads:
M5P {Message 5ecu1fy Pofoco1}
PGP {Peffy Good P1vacy}
PLM: {P1vacy Lnhanced Ma11}
5/MlML {5ecue Mu1f1pupose lnfenef Ma11 Lxfens1ons}
d. lncoecf. 1hese ae examp1es of d1ffeenf e-ma11 sfandads:
M5P {Message 5ecu1fy Pofoco1}
PGP {Peffy Good P1vacy}
PLM: {P1vacy Lnhanced Ma11}
5/MlML {5ecue Mu1f1pupose lnfenef Ma11 Lxfens1ons}
a. lncoecf. When defem1n1ng Wh1ch encypf1on a1go1fhm shou1d be used, one has
fo undesfand fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhaf spec1f1c dafa sefs equ1e. 1he 1eve1 of
pofecf1on fhaf needs fo be pov1ded needs fo be We1ghed aga1nsf bus1ness needs and
1sks and a cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s shou1d be ca1ed ouf. kegu1afoy comp11ance 1s
encapsu1afed 1nfo bus1ness 1sk, because 1f a company 1s nof comp11anf fh1s can
esu1f 1n f1nes o ofhe pun1shmenfs. 5o 8ad shou1d choose fhe 1ghf sfengfh and
fype of a1go1fhm based on fhe dafas c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1 and fhe 1sk 1eve1 of
cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
b. lncoecf. When defem1n1ng Wh1ch encypf1on a1go1fhm shou1d be used, one has
fo undesfand fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhaf spec1f1c dafa sefs equ1e. 1he 1eve1 of
pofecf1on fhaf needs fo be pov1ded needs fo be We1ghed aga1nsf bus1ness needs and
1sks and a cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s shou1d be ca1ed ouf. kegu1afoy comp11ance 1s
encapsu1afed 1nfo bus1ness 1sk, because 1f a company 1s nof comp11anf fh1s can
esu1f 1n f1nes o ofhe pun1shmenfs. 5o 8ad shou1d choose fhe 1ghf sfengfh and
Page 15
fype of a1go1fhm based on fhe dafas c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1 and fhe 1sk 1eve1 of
cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
c. Coecf. When defem1n1ng Wh1ch encypf1on a1go1fhm shou1d be used, one has fo
undesfand fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhaf spec1f1c dafa sefs equ1e. 1he 1eve1 of
pofecf1on fhaf needs fo be pov1ded needs fo be We1ghed aga1nsf bus1ness needs and
1sks and a cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s shou1d be ca1ed ouf. kegu1afoy comp11ance 1s
encapsu1afed 1nfo bus1ness 1sk, because 1f a company 1s nof comp11anf fh1s can
esu1f 1n f1nes o ofhe pun1shmenfs. 5o 8ad shou1d choose fhe 1ghf sfengfh and
fype of a1go1fhm based on fhe dafas c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1 and fhe 1sk 1eve1 of
cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
d. lncoecf. When defem1n1ng Wh1ch encypf1on a1go1fhm shou1d be used, one has
fo undesfand fhe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhaf spec1f1c dafa sefs equ1e. 1he 1eve1 of
pofecf1on fhaf needs fo be pov1ded needs fo be We1ghed aga1nsf bus1ness needs and
1sks and a cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s shou1d be ca1ed ouf. kegu1afoy comp11ance 1s
encapsu1afed 1nfo bus1ness 1sk, because 1f a company 1s nof comp11anf fh1s can
esu1f 1n f1nes o ofhe pun1shmenfs. 5o 8ad shou1d choose fhe 1ghf sfengfh and
fype of a1go1fhm based on fhe dafas c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1 and fhe 1sk 1eve1 of
cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
a. Coecf. 1hee ae fWo fypes of symmef1c a1go1fhms: b1ock o sfeam c1phes.
81ock a1go1fhms pefom subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons on b1ocks of dafa, Wh11e sfeam
a1go1fhms geneafe key sfeams Wh1ch ae used fo encypf and decypf dafa.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae fWo fypes of symmef1c a1go1fhms: b1ock o sfeam c1phes.
81ock a1go1fhms pefom subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons on b1ocks of dafa, Wh11e sfeam
a1go1fhms geneafe key sfeams Wh1ch ae used fo encypf and decypf dafa.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae fWo fypes of symmef1c a1go1fhms: b1ock o sfeam c1phes.
81ock a1go1fhms pefom subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons on b1ocks of dafa, Wh11e sfeam
a1go1fhms geneafe key sfeams Wh1ch ae used fo encypf and decypf dafa.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae fWo fypes of symmef1c a1go1fhms: b1ock o sfeam c1phes.
81ock a1go1fhms pefom subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons on b1ocks of dafa, Wh11e sfeam
a1go1fhms geneafe key sfeams Wh1ch ae used fo encypf and decypf dafa.
a. lncoecf. An affackes Wok facfo cons1sfs of fhe amounf of f1me and effof
needed fo beak a cypfosysfem. A1go1fhms W1fh h1gh Wok facfos ae 1ess
vu1neab1e fo cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
b. lncoecf. An affackes Wok facfo cons1sfs of fhe amounf of f1me and effof
needed fo beak a cypfosysfem. A1go1fhms W1fh h1gh Wok facfos ae 1ess
vu1neab1e fo cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
c. Coecf. An affackes Wok facfo cons1sfs of fhe amounf of f1me and effof
needed fo beak a cypfosysfem. A1go1fhms W1fh h1gh Wok facfos ae 1ess
vu1neab1e fo cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
d. lncoecf. An affackes Wok facfo cons1sfs of fhe amounf of f1me and effof
needed fo beak a cypfosysfem. A1go1fhms W1fh h1gh Wok facfos ae 1ess
vu1neab1e fo cypfoana1ys1s affacks.
a. lncoecf. One-f1me pads ae bas1ca11y sfeam c1phes cons1deed 1mposs1b1e fo
beak 1f 1mp1emenfed and ma1nfa1ned pope1y. A sfeam a1go1fhm geneafes a
keysfeam fhaf 1s XOked fo fhe p1a1nfexf. A one-f1me pad 1s made up of andom va1ues
{usf 11ke a key sfeam}, Wh1ch 1s used fo XOk fo p1a1nfexf dafa.
b. Coecf. One-f1me pads ae bas1ca11y sfeam c1phes cons1deed 1mposs1b1e fo
beak 1f 1mp1emenfed and ma1nfa1ned pope1y. A sfeam a1go1fhm geneafes a
keysfeam fhaf 1s XOked fo fhe p1a1nfexf. A one-f1me pad 1s made up of andom va1ues
{usf 11ke a key sfeam}, Wh1ch 1s used fo XOk fo p1a1nfexf dafa.
c. lncoecf. One-f1me pads ae bas1ca11y sfeam c1phes cons1deed 1mposs1b1e fo
beak 1f 1mp1emenfed and ma1nfa1ned pope1y. A sfeam a1go1fhm geneafes a
keysfeam fhaf 1s XOked fo fhe p1a1nfexf. A one-f1me pad 1s made up of andom va1ues
{usf 11ke a key sfeam}, Wh1ch 1s used fo XOk fo p1a1nfexf dafa.
d. lncoecf. One-f1me pads ae bas1ca11y sfeam c1phes cons1deed 1mposs1b1e fo
beak 1f 1mp1emenfed and ma1nfa1ned pope1y. A sfeam a1go1fhm geneafes a
keysfeam fhaf 1s XOked fo fhe p1a1nfexf. A one-f1me pad 1s made up of andom va1ues
Page 16
{usf 11ke a key sfeam}, Wh1ch 1s used fo XOk fo p1a1nfexf dafa.
a. lncoecf. Cypfogaphy does nof pov1de aufho1zaf1on. 1he fou secu1fy
p1nc1p1es fhaf 1f can pov1de ae: conf1denf1a11fy, aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and
non-epud1af1on. D1ffeenf a1go1fhms ae used fo pov1de fhese d1ffeenf secu1fy
p1nc1p1es o sev1ces.
b. lncoecf. Cypfogaphy does nof pov1de aufho1zaf1on. 1he fou secu1fy
p1nc1p1es fhaf 1f can pov1de ae: conf1denf1a11fy, aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and
non-epud1af1on. D1ffeenf a1go1fhms ae used fo pov1de fhese d1ffeenf secu1fy
p1nc1p1es o sev1ces.
c. Coecf. Cypfogaphy does nof pov1de aufho1zaf1on. 1he fou secu1fy
p1nc1p1es fhaf 1f can pov1de ae: conf1denf1a11fy, aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and
non-epud1af1on. D1ffeenf a1go1fhms ae used fo pov1de fhese d1ffeenf secu1fy
p1nc1p1es o sev1ces.
d. lncoecf. Cypfogaphy does nof pov1de aufho1zaf1on. 1he fou secu1fy
p1nc1p1es fhaf 1f can pov1de ae: conf1denf1a11fy, aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and
non-epud1af1on. D1ffeenf a1go1fhms ae used fo pov1de fhese d1ffeenf secu1fy
p1nc1p1es o sev1ces.
a. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy has fhe fo11oW1ng d1sadvanfages: sca1ab111fy,
key managemenf, and secue key d1sf1buf1on. As fhe numbe of peop1e Who need fo
commun1cafe us1ng symmef1c cypfogaphy goWs, so does fhe numbe of keys fhaf musf
be managed. 1h1s means fhaf symmef1c cypfogaphy 1nceases 1n key managemenf
comp1ex1fy as fhe sca1e 1nceases. A1so fhe symmef1c key musf be de11veed
&quof,ouf of band&quof, fo secue fansm1ss1on.
b. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy has fhe fo11oW1ng d1sadvanfages: sca1ab111fy,
key managemenf, and secue key d1sf1buf1on. As fhe numbe of peop1e Who need fo
commun1cafe us1ng symmef1c cypfogaphy goWs, so does fhe numbe of keys fhaf musf
be managed. 1h1s means fhaf symmef1c cypfogaphy 1nceases 1n key managemenf
comp1ex1fy as fhe sca1e 1nceases. A1so fhe symmef1c key musf be de11veed
&quof,ouf of band&quof, fo secue fansm1ss1on.
c. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy has fhe fo11oW1ng d1sadvanfages: sca1ab111fy,
key managemenf, and secue key d1sf1buf1on. As fhe numbe of peop1e Who need fo
commun1cafe us1ng symmef1c cypfogaphy goWs, so does fhe numbe of keys fhaf musf
be managed. 1h1s means fhaf symmef1c cypfogaphy 1nceases 1n key managemenf
comp1ex1fy as fhe sca1e 1nceases. A1so fhe symmef1c key musf be de11veed
&quof,ouf of band&quof, fo secue fansm1ss1on.
d. Coecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy has fhe fo11oW1ng d1sadvanfages: sca1ab111fy,
key managemenf, and secue key d1sf1buf1on. As fhe numbe of peop1e Who need fo
commun1cafe us1ng symmef1c cypfogaphy goWs, so does fhe numbe of keys fhaf musf
be managed. 1h1s means fhaf symmef1c cypfogaphy 1nceases 1n key managemenf
comp1ex1fy as fhe sca1e 1nceases. A1so fhe symmef1c key musf be de11veed
&quof,ouf of band&quof, fo secue fansm1ss1on.
a. Coecf. When us1ng a p1vafe key fo encypf dafa {message d1gesf} fh1s poves
fhaf fhe message came fom fhe oWne of fhe p1vafe key, Wh1ch 1s aufhenf1c1fy.
b. lncoecf. When us1ng a p1vafe key fo encypf dafa {message d1gesf} fh1s poves
fhaf fhe message came fom fhe oWne of fhe p1vafe key, Wh1ch 1s aufhenf1c1fy.
c. lncoecf. When us1ng a p1vafe key fo encypf dafa {message d1gesf} fh1s poves
fhaf fhe message came fom fhe oWne of fhe p1vafe key, Wh1ch 1s aufhenf1c1fy.
d. lncoecf. When us1ng a p1vafe key fo encypf dafa {message d1gesf} fh1s poves
fhaf fhe message came fom fhe oWne of fhe p1vafe key, Wh1ch 1s aufhenf1c1fy.
a. Coecf. lf a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes fhe same message d1gesf va1ue fo fWo
d1ffeenf messages, fh1s 1s cons1deed a co111s1on. Co111s1ons ae used 1n b1fhday
affacks. hash1ng a1go1fhms W1fh 1onge message d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess suscepf1b1e
fo co111s1ons and b1fhday affacks.
b. lncoecf. lf a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes fhe same message d1gesf va1ue fo fWo
d1ffeenf messages, fh1s 1s cons1deed a co111s1on. Co111s1ons ae used 1n b1fhday
Page 17
affacks. hash1ng a1go1fhms W1fh 1onge message d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess suscepf1b1e
fo co111s1ons and b1fhday affacks.
c. lncoecf. lf a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes fhe same message d1gesf va1ue fo fWo
d1ffeenf messages, fh1s 1s cons1deed a co111s1on. Co111s1ons ae used 1n b1fhday
affacks. hash1ng a1go1fhms W1fh 1onge message d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess suscepf1b1e
fo co111s1ons and b1fhday affacks.
d. lncoecf. lf a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes fhe same message d1gesf va1ue fo fWo
d1ffeenf messages, fh1s 1s cons1deed a co111s1on. Co111s1ons ae used 1n b1fhday
affacks. hash1ng a1go1fhms W1fh 1onge message d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess suscepf1b1e
fo co111s1ons and b1fhday affacks.
a. Coecf. 1he fomu1a fo ca1cu1af1ng hoW many symmef1c keys ae needed 1s:
5o, 1n fh1s examp1e: 500{500-1}/2 = 124,750.
b. lncoecf. 1he fomu1a fo ca1cu1af1ng hoW many symmef1c keys ae needed 1s:
5o, 1n fh1s examp1e: 500{500-1}/2 = 124,750.
c. lncoecf. 1he fomu1a fo ca1cu1af1ng hoW many symmef1c keys ae needed 1s:
5o, 1n fh1s examp1e: 500{500-1}/2 = 124,750.
d. lncoecf. 1he fomu1a fo ca1cu1af1ng hoW many symmef1c keys ae needed 1s:
5o, 1n fh1s examp1e: 500{500-1}/2 = 124,750.
a. lncoecf. 11p1e-DL5 1s an exfens1on of DL5 Wh1ch offes much sfonge
pofecf1on. lf can be used a numbe of modes 1nc1ud1ng DL5-LDL3, Wh1ch uf111zes
fhee keys and an encypf/decypf/encypf sequence.
b. lncoecf. 11p1e-DL5 1s an exfens1on of DL5 Wh1ch offes much sfonge
pofecf1on. lf can be used a numbe of modes 1nc1ud1ng DL5-LDL3, Wh1ch uf111zes
fhee keys and an encypf/decypf/encypf sequence.
c. Coecf. 11p1e-DL5 1s an exfens1on of DL5 Wh1ch offes much sfonge
pofecf1on. lf can be used a numbe of modes 1nc1ud1ng DL5-LDL3, Wh1ch uf111zes
fhee keys and an encypf/decypf/encypf sequence.
d. lncoecf. 11p1e-DL5 1s an exfens1on of DL5 Wh1ch offes much sfonge
pofecf1on. lf can be used a numbe of modes 1nc1ud1ng DL5-LDL3, Wh1ch uf111zes
fhee keys and an encypf/decypf/encypf sequence.
a. lncoecf. k1ndae1, Wh1ch 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was chosen fo fhe AL5
sfandad, offes on1y fhee d1sf1ncf key s1zes: 12, 192, and 256. 81ock s1zes ae
fhe same s1zes. 5ubsf1fuf1on ounds vay fom 10 fo 14 depend1ng upon fhe key s1ze
and b1ock s1ze.
b. lncoecf. k1ndae1, Wh1ch 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was chosen fo fhe AL5
sfandad, offes on1y fhee d1sf1ncf key s1zes: 12, 192, and 256. 81ock s1zes ae
fhe same s1zes. 5ubsf1fuf1on ounds vay fom 10 fo 14 depend1ng upon fhe key s1ze
and b1ock s1ze.
c. lncoecf. k1ndae1, Wh1ch 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was chosen fo fhe AL5
sfandad, offes on1y fhee d1sf1ncf key s1zes: 12, 192, and 256. 81ock s1zes ae
fhe same s1zes. 5ubsf1fuf1on ounds vay fom 10 fo 14 depend1ng upon fhe key s1ze
and b1ock s1ze.
d. Coecf. k1ndae1, Wh1ch 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was chosen fo fhe AL5 sfandad,
offes on1y fhee d1sf1ncf key s1zes: 12, 192, and 256. 81ock s1zes ae fhe same
s1zes. 5ubsf1fuf1on ounds vay fom 10 fo 14 depend1ng upon fhe key s1ze and b1ock
a. lncoecf. 1he Message D1gesf 5 {MD5} a1Ways poduces a 12-b1f d1gesf va1ue
s1ze. MD5 1s a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafed by kon k1vesf.
b. lncoecf. 1he Message D1gesf 5 {MD5} a1Ways poduces a 12-b1f d1gesf va1ue
s1ze. MD5 1s a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafed by kon k1vesf.
c. lncoecf. 1he Message D1gesf 5 {MD5} a1Ways poduces a 12-b1f d1gesf va1ue
Page 1
s1ze. MD5 1s a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafed by kon k1vesf.
d. Coecf. 1he Message D1gesf 5 {MD5} a1Ways poduces a 12-b1f d1gesf va1ue s1ze.
MD5 1s a hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafed by kon k1vesf.
a. Coecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo evese-eng1nee a
cypfosysfem W1fh fhe goa1 of uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used. Once fh1s key 1s
uncoveed a11 ofhe messages encypfed W1fh fh1s key can be accessed. Cypfana1ys1s
1s ca1ed ouf by fhe Wh1fe hafs fo fesf fhe sfengfh of fhe a1go1fhm.
b. lncoecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo evese-eng1nee a
cypfosysfem W1fh fhe goa1 of uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used. Once fh1s key 1s
uncoveed a11 ofhe messages encypfed W1fh fh1s key can be accessed. Cypfana1ys1s
1s ca1ed ouf by fhe Wh1fe hafs fo fesf fhe sfengfh of fhe a1go1fhm.
c. lncoecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo evese-eng1nee a
cypfosysfem W1fh fhe goa1 of uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used. Once fh1s key 1s
uncoveed a11 ofhe messages encypfed W1fh fh1s key can be accessed. Cypfana1ys1s
1s ca1ed ouf by fhe Wh1fe hafs fo fesf fhe sfengfh of fhe a1go1fhm.
d. lncoecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo evese-eng1nee a
cypfosysfem W1fh fhe goa1 of uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used. Once fh1s key 1s
uncoveed a11 ofhe messages encypfed W1fh fh1s key can be accessed. Cypfana1ys1s
1s ca1ed ouf by fhe Wh1fe hafs fo fesf fhe sfengfh of fhe a1go1fhm.
a. lncoecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s vey esouce 1nfens1ve. lf 1s guess1ng
d1ffeenf va1ues ove and ove aga1n unf11 fhe coecf one 1s obfa1ned. As compufes
have moe poWefu1 pocessos added fo fhem affackes can cay ouf moe poWefu1
bufe-foce affacks.
b. lncoecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s vey esouce 1nfens1ve. lf 1s guess1ng
d1ffeenf va1ues ove and ove aga1n unf11 fhe coecf one 1s obfa1ned. As compufes
have moe poWefu1 pocessos added fo fhem affackes can cay ouf moe poWefu1
bufe-foce affacks.
c. Coecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s vey esouce 1nfens1ve. lf 1s guess1ng
d1ffeenf va1ues ove and ove aga1n unf11 fhe coecf one 1s obfa1ned. As compufes
have moe poWefu1 pocessos added fo fhem affackes can cay ouf moe poWefu1
bufe-foce affacks.
d. lncoecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s vey esouce 1nfens1ve. lf 1s guess1ng
d1ffeenf va1ues ove and ove aga1n unf11 fhe coecf one 1s obfa1ned. As compufes
have moe poWefu1 pocessos added fo fhem affackes can cay ouf moe poWefu1
bufe-foce affacks.
a. lncoecf. A hash1ng a1go1fhm W111 fake a sf1ng of va1ab1e 1engfh, fhe
message can be of any s1ze, and compufe a f1xed 1engfh va1ue. 1he f1xed 1engfh va1ue
1s fhe message d1gesf. 1he MD fam11y ceafes fhe f1xed 1engfh va1ue of 12 b1fs and
5hA ceafes one of 160 b1fs.
A1fhough fhe message 1fse1f 1s nof ea11y convefed 1nfo any ofhe fomaf, as W1fh
encypf1on, fh1s 1s fhe fem1no1ogy you m1ghf see.
b. lncoecf. A hash1ng a1go1fhm W111 fake a sf1ng of va1ab1e 1engfh, fhe
message can be of any s1ze, and compufe a f1xed 1engfh va1ue. 1he f1xed 1engfh va1ue
1s fhe message d1gesf. 1he MD fam11y ceafes fhe f1xed 1engfh va1ue of 12 b1fs and
5hA ceafes one of 160 b1fs.
A1fhough fhe message 1fse1f 1s nof ea11y convefed 1nfo any ofhe fomaf, as W1fh
encypf1on, fh1s 1s fhe fem1no1ogy you m1ghf see.
c. lncoecf. A hash1ng a1go1fhm W111 fake a sf1ng of va1ab1e 1engfh, fhe
message can be of any s1ze, and compufe a f1xed 1engfh va1ue. 1he f1xed 1engfh va1ue
1s fhe message d1gesf. 1he MD fam11y ceafes fhe f1xed 1engfh va1ue of 12 b1fs and
5hA ceafes one of 160 b1fs.
A1fhough fhe message 1fse1f 1s nof ea11y convefed 1nfo any ofhe fomaf, as W1fh
encypf1on, fh1s 1s fhe fem1no1ogy you m1ghf see.
d. Coecf. A hash1ng a1go1fhm W111 fake a sf1ng of va1ab1e 1engfh, fhe message
Page 19
can be of any s1ze, and compufe a f1xed 1engfh va1ue. 1he f1xed 1engfh va1ue 1s fhe
message d1gesf. 1he MD fam11y ceafes fhe f1xed 1engfh va1ue of 12 b1fs and 5hA
ceafes one of 160 b1fs.
A1fhough fhe message 1fse1f 1s nof ea11y convefed 1nfo any ofhe fomaf, as W1fh
encypf1on, fh1s 1s fhe fem1no1ogy you m1ghf see.
a. lncoecf. hash1ng a1go1fhms geneafe message d1gesfs fo defecf 1f mod1f1caf1on
has faken p1ace. 1he sende and ece1ve 1ndependenf1y geneafe fhe1 oWn d1gesfs
and fhe ece1ve compaes fhese va1ues. lf fhey ae d1ffeenf, fhe ece1ve knoWs
fhe message had been a1feed 1n some Way.
b. lncoecf. hash1ng a1go1fhms geneafe message d1gesfs fo defecf 1f mod1f1caf1on
has faken p1ace. 1he sende and ece1ve 1ndependenf1y geneafe fhe1 oWn d1gesfs
and fhe ece1ve compaes fhese va1ues. lf fhey ae d1ffeenf, fhe ece1ve knoWs
fhe message had been a1feed 1n some Way.
c. Coecf. hash1ng a1go1fhms geneafe message d1gesfs fo defecf 1f mod1f1caf1on
has faken p1ace. 1he sende and ece1ve 1ndependenf1y geneafe fhe1 oWn d1gesfs
and fhe ece1ve compaes fhese va1ues. lf fhey ae d1ffeenf, fhe ece1ve knoWs
fhe message had been a1feed 1n some Way.
d. lncoecf. hash1ng a1go1fhms geneafe message d1gesfs fo defecf 1f mod1f1caf1on
has faken p1ace. 1he sende and ece1ve 1ndependenf1y geneafe fhe1 oWn d1gesfs
and fhe ece1ve compaes fhese va1ues. lf fhey ae d1ffeenf, fhe ece1ve knoWs
fhe message had been a1feed 1n some Way.
a. lncoecf. 5hA Was ceafed fo geneafe secue message d1gesfs. D1g1fa1
51gnafue 5fandad {D55} 1s fhe sfandad fo ceafe d1g1fa1 s1gnafues, Wh1ch
d1cfafes fhaf 5hA musf be used. D55 a1so ouf11nes fhe fo11oW1ng d1g1fa1 s1gnafue
a1go1fhms can be used W1fh 5hA: k5A, D5A, LCD5A.
b. lncoecf. 5hA Was ceafed fo geneafe secue message d1gesfs. D1g1fa1
51gnafue 5fandad {D55} 1s fhe sfandad fo ceafe d1g1fa1 s1gnafues, Wh1ch
d1cfafes fhaf 5hA musf be used. D55 a1so ouf11nes fhe fo11oW1ng d1g1fa1 s1gnafue
a1go1fhms can be used W1fh 5hA: k5A, D5A, LCD5A.
c. Coecf. 5hA Was ceafed fo geneafe secue message d1gesfs. D1g1fa1 51gnafue
5fandad {D55} 1s fhe sfandad fo ceafe d1g1fa1 s1gnafues, Wh1ch d1cfafes fhaf 5hA
musf be used. D55 a1so ouf11nes fhe fo11oW1ng d1g1fa1 s1gnafue a1go1fhms can be
used W1fh 5hA: k5A, D5A, LCD5A.
d. lncoecf. 5hA Was ceafed fo geneafe secue message d1gesfs. D1g1fa1
51gnafue 5fandad {D55} 1s fhe sfandad fo ceafe d1g1fa1 s1gnafues, Wh1ch
d1cfafes fhaf 5hA musf be used. D55 a1so ouf11nes fhe fo11oW1ng d1g1fa1 s1gnafue
a1go1fhms can be used W1fh 5hA: k5A, D5A, LCD5A.
a. Coecf. k5A can be used fo dafa encypf1on, key exchange, and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues. D5A can on1y be used fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
b. lncoecf. k5A can be used fo dafa encypf1on, key exchange, and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues. D5A can on1y be used fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
c. lncoecf. k5A can be used fo dafa encypf1on, key exchange, and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues. D5A can on1y be used fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
d. lncoecf. k5A can be used fo dafa encypf1on, key exchange, and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues. D5A can on1y be used fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
a. lncoecf. 1he u.5. has geaf1y educed fhe1 esf1cf1ons on cypfogaphy
expofaf1on, buf fhee ae sf111 some esf1cf1ons 1n p1ace. Poducfs fhaf use
encypf1on cannof be so1d fo any counfy fhe u.5. has dec1aed as feo1sf. 1he
fea 1s fhaf fhe enem1es of fhe counfy W111 use encypf1on fo h1de fhe1
commun1caf1on and fhe govenmenf Wou1d nof be ab1e fo pope1y beak fh1s encypf1on
and spy on fhe1 dafa fansfes.
b. lncoecf. 1he u.5. has geaf1y educed fhe1 esf1cf1ons on cypfogaphy
expofaf1on, buf fhee ae sf111 some esf1cf1ons 1n p1ace. Poducfs fhaf use
encypf1on cannof be so1d fo any counfy fhe u.5. has dec1aed as feo1sf. 1he
Page 20
fea 1s fhaf fhe enem1es of fhe counfy W111 use encypf1on fo h1de fhe1
commun1caf1on and fhe govenmenf Wou1d nof be ab1e fo pope1y beak fh1s encypf1on
and spy on fhe1 dafa fansfes.
c. Coecf. 1he u.5. has geaf1y educed fhe1 esf1cf1ons on cypfogaphy
expofaf1on, buf fhee ae sf111 some esf1cf1ons 1n p1ace. Poducfs fhaf use
encypf1on cannof be so1d fo any counfy fhe u.5. has dec1aed as feo1sf. 1he
fea 1s fhaf fhe enem1es of fhe counfy W111 use encypf1on fo h1de fhe1
commun1caf1on and fhe govenmenf Wou1d nof be ab1e fo pope1y beak fh1s encypf1on
and spy on fhe1 dafa fansfes.
d. lncoecf. 1he u.5. has geaf1y educed fhe1 esf1cf1ons on cypfogaphy
expofaf1on, buf fhee ae sf111 some esf1cf1ons 1n p1ace. Poducfs fhaf use
encypf1on cannof be so1d fo any counfy fhe u.5. has dec1aed as feo1sf. 1he
fea 1s fhaf fhe enem1es of fhe counfy W111 use encypf1on fo h1de fhe1
commun1caf1on and fhe govenmenf Wou1d nof be ab1e fo pope1y beak fh1s encypf1on
and spy on fhe1 dafa fansfes.
a. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue 1s a message d1gesf fhaf has been encypfed W1fh
fhe sende`s p1vafe key. A sende, o anyone e1se, shou1d neve have access fo fhe
ece1ve`s p1vafe key.
b. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue 1s a message d1gesf fhaf has been encypfed W1fh
fhe sende`s p1vafe key. A sende, o anyone e1se, shou1d neve have access fo fhe
ece1ve`s p1vafe key.
c. Coecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue 1s a message d1gesf fhaf has been encypfed W1fh
fhe sende`s p1vafe key. A sende, o anyone e1se, shou1d neve have access fo fhe
ece1ve`s p1vafe key.
d. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue 1s a message d1gesf fhaf has been encypfed W1fh
fhe sende`s p1vafe key. A sende, o anyone e1se, shou1d neve have access fo fhe
ece1ve`s p1vafe key.
a. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue pov1des aufhenf1caf1on {knoW1ng Who ea11y senf
fhe message}, 1nfeg1fy {because a hash1ng a1go1fhm 1s 1nvo1ved}, and
nonepud1af1on {sende cannof deny send1ng fhe message}.
b. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue pov1des aufhenf1caf1on {knoW1ng Who ea11y senf
fhe message}, 1nfeg1fy {because a hash1ng a1go1fhm 1s 1nvo1ved}, and
nonepud1af1on {sende cannof deny send1ng fhe message}.
c. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue pov1des aufhenf1caf1on {knoW1ng Who ea11y senf
fhe message}, 1nfeg1fy {because a hash1ng a1go1fhm 1s 1nvo1ved}, and
nonepud1af1on {sende cannof deny send1ng fhe message}.
d. Coecf. A d1g1fa1 s1gnafue pov1des aufhenf1caf1on {knoW1ng Who ea11y senf
fhe message}, 1nfeg1fy {because a hash1ng a1go1fhm 1s 1nvo1ved}, and
nonepud1af1on {sende cannof deny send1ng fhe message}.
Page 21
qu1z Name = Cypfogaphy-P2
1. hoW many b1fs make up fhe effecf1ve DL5 key?
a. 56
b. 64
c. 32
d. 16
2. When Wou1d a cef1f1cafe aufho1fy evoke a cef1f1cafe?
a. lf fhe use`s pub11c key has become compom1sed
b. lf fhe use changed ove fo us1ng fhe PLM mode1 fhaf uses a Web of fusf
c. lf fhe use`s p1vafe key has become compom1sed
d. lf fhe use moved fo a neW 1ocaf1on
3. Whaf does DL5 sfand fo?
a. Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad
b. Dafa Lncypf1on 5ysfem
c. Dafa Lncod1ng 5fandad
d. Dafa Lncypf1on 51gnafue
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a cef1f1cafe aufho1fy?
a. An ogan1zaf1on fhaf 1ssues p1vafe keys and fhe coespond1ng a1go1fhms
b. An ogan1zaf1on fhaf va11dafes encypf1on pocesses
c. An ogan1zaf1on fhaf ve1f1es encypf1on keys
d. An ogan1zaf1on fhaf 1ssues cef1f1cafes
5. Whaf does fhe aconym DLA sfand fo?
a. Dafa Lncod1ng Ana1ys1s
b. Dafa Lncod1ng App11caf1on
c. Dafa Lncypf1on A1go1fhm
d. D1g1fa1 Lncypf1on A1go1fhm
6. Who Was 1nvo1ved 1n deve1op1ng fhe f1sf pub11c key encypf1on sysfem?
a. Ad1 5ham1
b. koss Andeson
c. 8uce 5chne1e
d. Maf1n he11man
7. Whaf pocess fakes p1ace affe ceaf1ng a DL5 sess1on key?
a. key s1gn1ng
b. key escoW
c. key c1usfe1ng
d. key exchange
. DL5 pefoms hoW many ounds of pemufaf1on and subsf1fuf1on?
a. 16
b. 32
c. 64
d. 56
9. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue sfafemenf pefa1n1ng fo dafa encypf1on When 1f
1s used fo pofecf dafa?
a. lf ve1f1es fhe 1nfeg1fy and accuacy of fhe dafa.
b. lf equ1es caefu1 key managemenf.
Page 1
c. lf does nof equ1e much sysfem ovehead 1n esouces.
d. lf equ1es keys fo be escoWed.
10. lf d1ffeenf keys geneafe fhe same c1phefexf fo fhe same message, Whaf 1s
fh1s ca11ed?
a. Co111s1on
b. 5ecue hash1ng
c. MAC
d. key c1usfe1ng
11. Whaf 1s fhe def1n1f1on of an a1go1fhm`s Wok facfo?
a. 11me 1f fakes fo encypf and decypf fhe same p1a1nfexf
b. 11me 1f fakes fo beak fhe encypf1on
c. 11me 1f fakes fo 1mp1emenf 16 ounds of compufaf1on
d. 11me 1f fakes fo app1y subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons
12. Whaf 1s fhe p1may pupose of us1ng one-Way encypf1on on use passWods?
a. M1n1m1zes fhe amounf of p1may and seconday sfoage needed fo sfoe passWods
b. Pevenfs anyone fom ead1ng passWods 1n p1a1nfexf
c. Avo1ds excess1ve pocess1ng equ1ed by an asymmef1c a1go1fhm
d. Pevenfs ep1ay affacks
13. Wh1ch a1go1fhm d1d Nl51 choose fo become fhe Advanced Lncypf1on 5fandad {AL5}
ep1ac1ng DL5?
a. DLA
b. k1ndae1
c. 1Wof1sh
d. lDLA
14. A c1phe fhaf scamb1es 1effes 1nfo d1ffeenf pos1f1ons 1s efeed fo as Whaf?
a. 5ubsf1fuf1on
b. 5feam
c. kunn1ng key
d. 1anspos1f1on
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng DL5 modes 1s fyp1ca11y used When sma11 amounfs of dafa
ae encypfed, such as 1n A1M PlN numbes?
a. OI8
b. LC8
c. CI8
d. C8C
16. 1he symmef1c key 1n hyb1d cypfogaphy pov1des Whaf funcf1on?
a. key sfoage
b. key geneaf1on
c. key d1sf1buf1on
d. Message encypf1on
17. 1he hAvAL a1go1fhms pefom Whaf funcf1on?
a. hash1ng
b. key d1sf1buf1on
c. D1g1fa1 s1gnafue
d. Lncypf1on
Page 2
1. A funcf1on fhaf fakes a va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng and ceafes a f1xed-1engfh va1ue
1s ca11ed a:
a. key
b. D1g1fa1 s1gnafue
c. One-Way hash
d. Lncypf1on
19. 1he a1go1fhm fhaf Was accepfed as fhe Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad {DL5} Was?
a. L1 Gama1
b. lDLA
c. kC5
d. Luc1fe
20. kandom and uneadab1e fexf messages ae ca11ed:
a. C1eafexf
b. C1phefexf
c. P1a1nfexf
d. Cypfofexf
21. Whaf 1s fhe s1ze of fhe key fhaf Was used 1n fhe C11ppe Ch1p?
a. 0-b1f
b. 64-b1f
c. 112-b1f
d. 12-b1f
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s cons1deed fhe pefecf encypf1on scheme and 1s
a. k5A
b. lDLA
c. Pkl
d. One-f1me pad
23. h1d1ng messages W1fh1n fhe fexf of fh1s quesf1on Wou1d be cons1deed Whaf fype
of encypf1on mefhod?
a. 5feganogaphy
b. kunn1ng key c1phe
c. Concea1menf c1phe
d. Iequency ana1ys1s
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng aeas 1s cons1deed a sfengfh of symmef1c key
cypfogaphy When compaed fo asymmef1c a1go1fhms?
a. 5ecu1fy
b. 5peed
c. 5ca1ab111fy
d. key d1sf1buf1on
25. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a symmef1c key a1go1fhm?
a. D1ff1e-he11man
b. LCC
c. L1 Gama1
d. 81oWf1sh
26. Wh1ch pofoco1 pofecfs fhe commun1caf1ons channe1 and fhe messages befWeen a
c11enf and a seve?
a. 5/MlML
Page 3
b. kPC
c. 5h11P
d. h11P5
27. 81ock c1phes use Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fo pefom mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons,
subsf1fuf1on, and pemufaf1ons on message b1fs?
a. 5-boxes
b. Cef1f1cafes
c. keysfeam
d. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfos
2. A keysfeam geneafo 1s used 1n Whaf fype of c1phe?
a. 81ock
b. 5feam
c. Concea1menf
d. DL5
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of a sfong sfeam c1phe?
a. unb1ased keysfeam
b. Long pe1ods of no epeaf1ng paffens W1fh1n keysfeam
c. 8esf used 1n soffWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons
d. 5faf1sf1ca11y unped1cfab1e
30. k1vesf, 5ham1, and Ad1eman deve1oped Whaf a1go1fhm?
a. k1nda1e
b. k5A
c. DL5
d. lDLA
31. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of a good one-Way hash1ng funcf1on?
a. ls compufed on a pof1on of fhe message
b. ls es1sfanf fo b1fhday affacks
c. ls 1mposs1b1e fo compufe anofhe message W1fh fhe same hash va1ue
d. Messages ae nof d1sc1osed by fhe1 d1gesfs
32. Wh1ch lP5ec pofoco1 pov1des conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy?
a. L5P
b. Ah
c. l5AkMP
d. lkL
33. 1he D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm pefoms Whaf funcf1on?
a. Lncypf1on
b. key exchange
c. D1g1fa1 s1gnafue
d. hash1ng
34. lf an affacke 1nfecepfs a pub11c key and foWads h1s oWn key fo fhe ece1ve,
Whaf k1nd of affack 1s fh1s?
a. kep1ay
b. 5muf
c. D1cf1onay
d. Man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e
Page 4
35. Whaf fechno1ogy 1s used When a11 fhe dafa 1n a commun1caf1on pafh 1s encypfed
1nc1ud1ng fhe heade, fa11e, and ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on?
a. Dafa h1d1ng
b. L1nk encypf1on
c. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on
d. 5/MlML
36. Wh1ch pofoco1 1s used fo seff1ng up secued channe1s befWeen fWo dev1ces,
fyp1ca11y 1n vPNs?
a. lP5ec
b. PPP
c. PLM
d. 5L1
37. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng asymmef1c a1go1fhms 1s used offen 1n Web boWses W1fh
a. DL5
b. LCC
c. k5A
d. 1Wof1sh
3. 1he sfandad used fo encypf1ng and d1g1fa11y s1gn1ng e-ma11 fhaf confa1ns
affachmenfs 1s ca11ed:
a. 5L1
b. MlML
c. 5/MlML
d. M5P
39. 1he acf of h1d1ng dafa W1fh1n anofhe med1um 1s ca11ed:
a. 5feganogaphy
b. 1anspos1f1on
c. 5ubsf1fuf1on
d. Pemufaf1on
40. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of PGP?
a. lf uses a h1each1ca1 fusf mode1.
b. lf uses a Web of fusf befWeen uses.
c. Pub11c keys ae kepf 1n key 1ng f11es.
d. uses can defem1ne hoW much fhey fusf one anofhe.
41. Wh1ch sfafemenf 1s fue abouf sfeam c1phes?
a. Messages ae d1v1ded 1nfo b1ocks and encypfed
b. 1hey ae beffe used 1n soffWae compaed fo b1ock c1phes
c. 1hey use a keysfeam geneafo fo poduce a sfeam of b1fs
d. 1hey cay ouf 16 ounds of compufaf1on
42. Whaf 1s nof fue of asymmef1c cypfogaphy?
a. Can pov1de nonepud1af1on and aufhenf1caf1on
b. 8effe sca1ab111fy fhan symmef1c cypfogaphy
c. 8effe key d1sf1buf1on fhan symmef1c cypfogaphy
d. Iasfe fhan symmef1c cypfogaphy
43. Whaf 1s 1f ca11ed When an a1go1fhm poduces fhe same hash va1ues fo fWo
d1ffeenf messages?
a. key c1usfe
Page 5
b. Co111s1on
c. 8ufe-foce affack
d. 81fhday
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Was deve1oped by v1sa and MasfeCad as a Way of secu1ng
ced1f cad fansacf1ons?
a. lP5ec
b. 55h
c. 55L
d. 5L1
45. When a sende cannof deny send1ng a message fo fhe ece1ve, Whaf 1s fh1s
a. Aufhenf1c1fy
b. Nonepud1af1on
c. lnfeg1fy
d. Dafa o1g1n aufhenf1caf1on
46. MD2 poduces Whaf s1ze of hash va1ue?
a. 12-b1f
b. 150-b1f
c. 160-b1f
d. 64-b1f
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems fa11 unde fhe espons1b111fy of key managemenf?
a. Access confo1 and use 1denf1f1caf1on
b. key 1engfh and a1go1fhm coecfness
c. Access confo1 and encypf1on 1nfeg1fy
d. key geneaf1on and desfucf1on
4. Wh1ch secu1fy sev1ces do d1g1fa1 s1gnafues pov1de?
a. Conf1denf1a11fy and ava11ab111fy
b. lnfeg1fy and accounfab111fy
c. lnfeg1fy and access1b111fy
d. Conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy
49. Whaf 1s fhe sfandad used fo Pkl cef1f1cafes?
a. X.400
b. X.500
c. X.509
50. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s equ1ed fo cypfana1ys1s?
a. Access fo p1a1nfexf
b. Access fo p1a1nfexf and c1phefexf
c. Access fo a1go1fhm souce
d. Access fo c1phefexf and a1go1fhm souce
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. DL5 has a key s1ze of 64-b1fs, buf b1fs ae used fo pa1fy, so fhe
fue key s1ze 1s 56 b1fs. kemembe fhaf DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm used fo fhe DL5
Page 6
sfandad so DLA has a fue key s1ze of 56 b1fs a1so because We ae acfua11y fa1k1ng
abouf fhe same a1go1fhm hee. DL5 1s ea11y fhe sfandad and DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm,
We usf ca11 1f DL5 1n fhe 1ndusfy because 1f 1s eas1e.
b. lncoecf. DL5 has a key s1ze of 64-b1fs, buf b1fs ae used fo pa1fy, so
fhe fue key s1ze 1s 56 b1fs. kemembe fhaf DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm used fo fhe DL5
sfandad so DLA has a fue key s1ze of 56 b1fs a1so because We ae acfua11y fa1k1ng
abouf fhe same a1go1fhm hee. DL5 1s ea11y fhe sfandad and DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm,
We usf ca11 1f DL5 1n fhe 1ndusfy because 1f 1s eas1e.
c. lncoecf. DL5 has a key s1ze of 64-b1fs, buf b1fs ae used fo pa1fy, so
fhe fue key s1ze 1s 56 b1fs. kemembe fhaf DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm used fo fhe DL5
sfandad so DLA has a fue key s1ze of 56 b1fs a1so because We ae acfua11y fa1k1ng
abouf fhe same a1go1fhm hee. DL5 1s ea11y fhe sfandad and DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm,
We usf ca11 1f DL5 1n fhe 1ndusfy because 1f 1s eas1e.
d. lncoecf. DL5 has a key s1ze of 64-b1fs, buf b1fs ae used fo pa1fy, so
fhe fue key s1ze 1s 56 b1fs. kemembe fhaf DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm used fo fhe DL5
sfandad so DLA has a fue key s1ze of 56 b1fs a1so because We ae acfua11y fa1k1ng
abouf fhe same a1go1fhm hee. DL5 1s ea11y fhe sfandad and DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm,
We usf ca11 1f DL5 1n fhe 1ndusfy because 1f 1s eas1e.
a. lncoecf. 1he eason fhaf a cef1f1cafe 1s evoked 1s fo Wan ofhes Who use
fhaf peson`s pub11c key fhaf fhey shou1d no 1onge fusf fhe pub11c key. Io some
eason fhaf pub11c key 1s no 1onge bound fo fhaf paf1cu1a 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy.
1h1s cou1d be because an emp1oyee 1eff fhe company, a peson changed fhe1 name and
needed a neW cef1f1cafe, buf mosf 11ke1y 1f 1s because fhe peson`s p1vafe key Was
b. lncoecf. 1he eason fhaf a cef1f1cafe 1s evoked 1s fo Wan ofhes Who use
fhaf peson`s pub11c key fhaf fhey shou1d no 1onge fusf fhe pub11c key. Io some
eason fhaf pub11c key 1s no 1onge bound fo fhaf paf1cu1a 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy.
1h1s cou1d be because an emp1oyee 1eff fhe company, a peson changed fhe1 name and
needed a neW cef1f1cafe, buf mosf 11ke1y 1f 1s because fhe peson`s p1vafe key Was
c. Coecf. 1he eason fhaf a cef1f1cafe 1s evoked 1s fo Wan ofhes Who use
fhaf peson`s pub11c key fhaf fhey shou1d no 1onge fusf fhe pub11c key. Io some
eason fhaf pub11c key 1s no 1onge bound fo fhaf paf1cu1a 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy.
1h1s cou1d be because an emp1oyee 1eff fhe company, a peson changed fhe1 name and
needed a neW cef1f1cafe, buf mosf 11ke1y 1f 1s because fhe peson`s p1vafe key Was
d. lncoecf. 1he eason fhaf a cef1f1cafe 1s evoked 1s fo Wan ofhes Who use
fhaf peson`s pub11c key fhaf fhey shou1d no 1onge fusf fhe pub11c key. Io some
eason fhaf pub11c key 1s no 1onge bound fo fhaf paf1cu1a 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy.
1h1s cou1d be because an emp1oyee 1eff fhe company, a peson changed fhe1 name and
needed a neW cef1f1cafe, buf mosf 11ke1y 1f 1s because fhe peson`s p1vafe key Was
a. Coecf. Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad Was deve1oped by Nl51 and N5A fo be used fo
encypf sens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed govenmenf dafa.
b. lncoecf. Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad Was deve1oped by Nl51 and N5A fo be used fo
encypf sens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed govenmenf dafa.
c. lncoecf. Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad Was deve1oped by Nl51 and N5A fo be used fo
encypf sens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed govenmenf dafa.
d. lncoecf. Dafa Lncypf1on 5fandad Was deve1oped by Nl51 and N5A fo be used fo
encypf sens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed govenmenf dafa.
a. lncoecf. A eg1sfaf1on aufho1fy {kA} W111 accepf a peson`s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe and ve1fy fhaf peson`s 1denf1fy. 1hen fhe kA sends fh1s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe aufho1fy {CA}, Wh1ch geneafes and ma1nfa1ns fhe cef1f1cafe. 1hee ae
compan1es 1n bus1ness so1e1y fo fh1s pupose, Lnfusf and ve151gn ae usf fWo
b. lncoecf. A eg1sfaf1on aufho1fy {kA} W111 accepf a peson`s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe and ve1fy fhaf peson`s 1denf1fy. 1hen fhe kA sends fh1s equesf fo a
Page 7
cef1f1cafe aufho1fy {CA}, Wh1ch geneafes and ma1nfa1ns fhe cef1f1cafe. 1hee ae
compan1es 1n bus1ness so1e1y fo fh1s pupose, Lnfusf and ve151gn ae usf fWo
c. lncoecf. A eg1sfaf1on aufho1fy {kA} W111 accepf a peson`s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe and ve1fy fhaf peson`s 1denf1fy. 1hen fhe kA sends fh1s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe aufho1fy {CA}, Wh1ch geneafes and ma1nfa1ns fhe cef1f1cafe. 1hee ae
compan1es 1n bus1ness so1e1y fo fh1s pupose, Lnfusf and ve151gn ae usf fWo
d. Coecf. A eg1sfaf1on aufho1fy {kA} W111 accepf a peson`s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe and ve1fy fhaf peson`s 1denf1fy. 1hen fhe kA sends fh1s equesf fo a
cef1f1cafe aufho1fy {CA}, Wh1ch geneafes and ma1nfa1ns fhe cef1f1cafe. 1hee ae
compan1es 1n bus1ness so1e1y fo fh1s pupose, Lnfusf and ve151gn ae usf fWo
a. lncoecf. DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf fu1f111ed fhe DL5 sfandad. 5o DLA has a11
of fhe aff1bufes of DL5: b1ock symmef1c c1phe fhaf uses 64-b1f b1ocks, 16 ounds,
and a 56-b1f key.
b. lncoecf. DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf fu1f111ed fhe DL5 sfandad. 5o DLA has a11
of fhe aff1bufes of DL5: b1ock symmef1c c1phe fhaf uses 64-b1f b1ocks, 16 ounds,
and a 56-b1f key.
c. Coecf. DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf fu1f111ed fhe DL5 sfandad. 5o DLA has a11
of fhe aff1bufes of DL5: b1ock symmef1c c1phe fhaf uses 64-b1f b1ocks, 16 ounds,
and a 56-b1f key.
d. lncoecf. DLA 1s fhe a1go1fhm fhaf fu1f111ed fhe DL5 sfandad. 5o DLA has a11
of fhe aff1bufes of DL5: b1ock symmef1c c1phe fhaf uses 64-b1f b1ocks, 16 ounds,
and a 56-b1f key.
a. lncoecf. 1he f1sf e1eased pub11c key cypfogaphy a1go1fhm Was deve1oped
by Wh1ff1e1d D1ff1e and Maf1n he11man.
b. lncoecf. 1he f1sf e1eased pub11c key cypfogaphy a1go1fhm Was deve1oped
by Wh1ff1e1d D1ff1e and Maf1n he11man.
c. lncoecf. 1he f1sf e1eased pub11c key cypfogaphy a1go1fhm Was deve1oped
by Wh1ff1e1d D1ff1e and Maf1n he11man.
d. Coecf. 1he f1sf e1eased pub11c key cypfogaphy a1go1fhm Was deve1oped by
Wh1ff1e1d D1ff1e and Maf1n he11man.
a. lncoecf. Affe a sess1on key has been ceafed 1f has fo be exchanged
secue1y. ln mosf cypfosysfems an asymmef1c key {fhe ece1ve`s pub11c key} 1s
used fo encypf fh1s sess1on key and 1f 1s senf fo fhe ece1ve.
b. lncoecf. Affe a sess1on key has been ceafed 1f has fo be exchanged
secue1y. ln mosf cypfosysfems an asymmef1c key {fhe ece1ve`s pub11c key} 1s
used fo encypf fh1s sess1on key and 1f 1s senf fo fhe ece1ve.
c. lncoecf. Affe a sess1on key has been ceafed 1f has fo be exchanged
secue1y. ln mosf cypfosysfems an asymmef1c key {fhe ece1ve`s pub11c key} 1s
used fo encypf fh1s sess1on key and 1f 1s senf fo fhe ece1ve.
d. Coecf. Affe a sess1on key has been ceafed 1f has fo be exchanged secue1y.
ln mosf cypfosysfems an asymmef1c key {fhe ece1ve`s pub11c key} 1s used fo
encypf fh1s sess1on key and 1f 1s senf fo fhe ece1ve.

a. Coecf. DL5 ca1es ouf 16 ounds of mafhemaf1ca11y compufaf1on on each 64-b1f

b1ock of dafa 1f 1s espons1b1e fo encypf1ng. A ound 1s a sef of mafhemaf1ca1
fomu1as fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
b. lncoecf. DL5 ca1es ouf 16 ounds of mafhemaf1ca11y compufaf1on on each
64-b1f b1ock of dafa 1f 1s espons1b1e fo encypf1ng. A ound 1s a sef of
mafhemaf1ca1 fomu1as fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
c. lncoecf. DL5 ca1es ouf 16 ounds of mafhemaf1ca11y compufaf1on on each
64-b1f b1ock of dafa 1f 1s espons1b1e fo encypf1ng. A ound 1s a sef of
mafhemaf1ca1 fomu1as fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
d. lncoecf. DL5 ca1es ouf 16 ounds of mafhemaf1ca11y compufaf1on on each
64-b1f b1ock of dafa 1f 1s espons1b1e fo encypf1ng. A ound 1s a sef of
mafhemaf1ca1 fomu1as fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses.
a. lncoecf. Dafa encypf1on a1Ways equ1es caefu1 key managemenf. Mosf
a1go1fhms ae so sfong foday fhaf 1f 1s much eas1e fo go affe key managemenf
1nsfead of a bufe foce affack. hash1ng a1go1fhms ae used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy,
encypf1on does equ1e a good amounf of esouces, and keys do nof have fo be
escoWed fo encypf1on.
b. Coecf. Dafa encypf1on a1Ways equ1es caefu1 key managemenf. Mosf
a1go1fhms ae so sfong foday fhaf 1f 1s much eas1e fo go affe key managemenf
1nsfead of a bufe foce affack. hash1ng a1go1fhms ae used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy,
encypf1on does equ1e a good amounf of esouces, and keys do nof have fo be
escoWed fo encypf1on.
c. lncoecf. Dafa encypf1on a1Ways equ1es caefu1 key managemenf. Mosf
a1go1fhms ae so sfong foday fhaf 1f 1s much eas1e fo go affe key managemenf
1nsfead of a bufe foce affack. hash1ng a1go1fhms ae used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy,
encypf1on does equ1e a good amounf of esouces, and keys do nof have fo be
escoWed fo encypf1on.
d. lncoecf. Dafa encypf1on a1Ways equ1es caefu1 key managemenf. Mosf
a1go1fhms ae so sfong foday fhaf 1f 1s much eas1e fo go affe key managemenf
1nsfead of a bufe foce affack. hash1ng a1go1fhms ae used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy,
encypf1on does equ1e a good amounf of esouces, and keys do nof have fo be
escoWed fo encypf1on.
a. lncoecf. Message A Was encypfed W1fh key A and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf Y.
lf fhaf same Message A Was encypfed W1fh key 8 fhe esu1f shou1d nof be c1phefexf
Y. 1he c1phefexf shou1d be d1ffeenf s1nce a d1ffeenf key Was used. 8uf 1f fh1s
does fake p1ace 1f 1s efeed fo as key c1usfe1ng.
b. lncoecf. Message A Was encypfed W1fh key A and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf Y.
lf fhaf same Message A Was encypfed W1fh key 8 fhe esu1f shou1d nof be c1phefexf
Y. 1he c1phefexf shou1d be d1ffeenf s1nce a d1ffeenf key Was used. 8uf 1f fh1s
does fake p1ace 1f 1s efeed fo as key c1usfe1ng.
c. lncoecf. Message A Was encypfed W1fh key A and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf Y.
lf fhaf same Message A Was encypfed W1fh key 8 fhe esu1f shou1d nof be c1phefexf
Y. 1he c1phefexf shou1d be d1ffeenf s1nce a d1ffeenf key Was used. 8uf 1f fh1s
does fake p1ace 1f 1s efeed fo as key c1usfe1ng.
d. Coecf. Message A Was encypfed W1fh key A and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf Y. lf
fhaf same Message A Was encypfed W1fh key 8 fhe esu1f shou1d nof be c1phefexf Y.
1he c1phefexf shou1d be d1ffeenf s1nce a d1ffeenf key Was used. 8uf 1f fh1s does
fake p1ace 1f 1s efeed fo as key c1usfe1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1he Wok facfo of a cypfosysfem 1s fhe amounf of f1me and
esouces fhaf ae necessay fo beak fhe cypfosysfem, o 1fs encypf1on pocess.
1he goa1 1s fo make fhe Wok facfo so h1gh fhaf an affacke cou1d nof be successfu1
af fh1s fype of affack.
b. Coecf. 1he Wok facfo of a cypfosysfem 1s fhe amounf of f1me and esouces
fhaf ae necessay fo beak fhe cypfosysfem, o 1fs encypf1on pocess. 1he goa1 1s
fo make fhe Wok facfo so h1gh fhaf an affacke cou1d nof be successfu1 af fh1s
fype of affack.
c. lncoecf. 1he Wok facfo of a cypfosysfem 1s fhe amounf of f1me and
esouces fhaf ae necessay fo beak fhe cypfosysfem, o 1fs encypf1on pocess.
1he goa1 1s fo make fhe Wok facfo so h1gh fhaf an affacke cou1d nof be successfu1
af fh1s fype of affack.
d. lncoecf. 1he Wok facfo of a cypfosysfem 1s fhe amounf of f1me and
esouces fhaf ae necessay fo beak fhe cypfosysfem, o 1fs encypf1on pocess.
1he goa1 1s fo make fhe Wok facfo so h1gh fhaf an affacke cou1d nof be successfu1
af fh1s fype of affack.
a. lncoecf. PassWods ae usua11y un fhough a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm so
Page 9
fhaf fhe acfua1 passWod 1s nof fansm1ffed acoss fhe nefWok o sfoed on fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve 1n p1a1nfexf. 1h1s geaf1y educes fhe 1sk of an affacke
be1ng ab1e fo obfa1n fhe acfua1 passWod.
b. Coecf. PassWods ae usua11y un fhough a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm so fhaf
fhe acfua1 passWod 1s nof fansm1ffed acoss fhe nefWok o sfoed on fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve 1n p1a1nfexf. 1h1s geaf1y educes fhe 1sk of an affacke
be1ng ab1e fo obfa1n fhe acfua1 passWod.
c. lncoecf. PassWods ae usua11y un fhough a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm so
fhaf fhe acfua1 passWod 1s nof fansm1ffed acoss fhe nefWok o sfoed on fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve 1n p1a1nfexf. 1h1s geaf1y educes fhe 1sk of an affacke
be1ng ab1e fo obfa1n fhe acfua1 passWod.
d. lncoecf. PassWods ae usua11y un fhough a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm so
fhaf fhe acfua1 passWod 1s nof fansm1ffed acoss fhe nefWok o sfoed on fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve 1n p1a1nfexf. 1h1s geaf1y educes fhe 1sk of an affacke
be1ng ab1e fo obfa1n fhe acfua1 passWod.
a. lncoecf. k1ndae1 1s fhe a1go1fhm 1n p1ace foday fo pofecf1ng sens1f1ve
buf unc1ass1f1ed u.5. govenmenf 1nfomaf1on. DL5 Was f1na11y boken and needed fo
be ep1aced by a sfonge a1go1fhm fhaf pov1ded 1age key s1zes.
b. Coecf. k1ndae1 1s fhe a1go1fhm 1n p1ace foday fo pofecf1ng sens1f1ve buf
unc1ass1f1ed u.5. govenmenf 1nfomaf1on. DL5 Was f1na11y boken and needed fo be
ep1aced by a sfonge a1go1fhm fhaf pov1ded 1age key s1zes.
c. lncoecf. k1ndae1 1s fhe a1go1fhm 1n p1ace foday fo pofecf1ng sens1f1ve
buf unc1ass1f1ed u.5. govenmenf 1nfomaf1on. DL5 Was f1na11y boken and needed fo
be ep1aced by a sfonge a1go1fhm fhaf pov1ded 1age key s1zes.
d. lncoecf. k1ndae1 1s fhe a1go1fhm 1n p1ace foday fo pofecf1ng sens1f1ve
buf unc1ass1f1ed u.5. govenmenf 1nfomaf1on. DL5 Was f1na11y boken and needed fo
be ep1aced by a sfonge a1go1fhm fhaf pov1ded 1age key s1zes.
a. lncoecf. 1anspos1f1on c1phes use pemufaf1on fo h1de fhe1 messages. 1h1s
1s d1ffeenf fhan subsf1fuf1on, Wh1ch subsf1fufes each chaacfe o b1f fo anofhe.
1anspos1f1on and subsf1fuf1on ae used 1n many a1go1fhms foday.
b. lncoecf. 1anspos1f1on c1phes use pemufaf1on fo h1de fhe1 messages. 1h1s
1s d1ffeenf fhan subsf1fuf1on, Wh1ch subsf1fufes each chaacfe o b1f fo anofhe.
1anspos1f1on and subsf1fuf1on ae used 1n many a1go1fhms foday.
c. lncoecf. 1anspos1f1on c1phes use pemufaf1on fo h1de fhe1 messages. 1h1s
1s d1ffeenf fhan subsf1fuf1on, Wh1ch subsf1fufes each chaacfe o b1f fo anofhe.
1anspos1f1on and subsf1fuf1on ae used 1n many a1go1fhms foday.
d. Coecf. 1anspos1f1on c1phes use pemufaf1on fo h1de fhe1 messages. 1h1s 1s
d1ffeenf fhan subsf1fuf1on, Wh1ch subsf1fufes each chaacfe o b1f fo anofhe.
1anspos1f1on and subsf1fuf1on ae used 1n many a1go1fhms foday.
a. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c Code 8ook mode does nof use any cha1n1ng. 1h1s means fhaf
fhe same p1a1nfexf W111 ceafe fhe same c1phefexf each and evey f1me 1f 1s
encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he ofhe DL5 modes use cha1n1ng, Wh1ch means some of
fhe pev1ous1y encypfed dafa 1s used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess. 1hese modes do nof
pov1de paffens as fhe LC8 mode does.
b. Coecf. L1ecfon1c Code 8ook mode does nof use any cha1n1ng. 1h1s means fhaf
fhe same p1a1nfexf W111 ceafe fhe same c1phefexf each and evey f1me 1f 1s
encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he ofhe DL5 modes use cha1n1ng, Wh1ch means some of
fhe pev1ous1y encypfed dafa 1s used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess. 1hese modes do nof
pov1de paffens as fhe LC8 mode does.
c. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c Code 8ook mode does nof use any cha1n1ng. 1h1s means fhaf
fhe same p1a1nfexf W111 ceafe fhe same c1phefexf each and evey f1me 1f 1s
encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he ofhe DL5 modes use cha1n1ng, Wh1ch means some of
fhe pev1ous1y encypfed dafa 1s used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess. 1hese modes do nof
pov1de paffens as fhe LC8 mode does.
d. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c Code 8ook mode does nof use any cha1n1ng. 1h1s means fhaf
fhe same p1a1nfexf W111 ceafe fhe same c1phefexf each and evey f1me 1f 1s
encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he ofhe DL5 modes use cha1n1ng, Wh1ch means some of
Page 10
fhe pev1ous1y encypfed dafa 1s used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess. 1hese modes do nof
pov1de paffens as fhe LC8 mode does.
a. lncoecf. 1he symmef1c key, o secef key, 1s used fo encypf fhe acfua1
message, Wh11e fhe asymmef1c key 1s used fo encypf fhe symmef1c key. 1he key
exchange pofoco1 1s espons1b1e fo fhe ofhe key managemenf 1ssues.
b. lncoecf. 1he symmef1c key, o secef key, 1s used fo encypf fhe acfua1
message, Wh11e fhe asymmef1c key 1s used fo encypf fhe symmef1c key. 1he key
exchange pofoco1 1s espons1b1e fo fhe ofhe key managemenf 1ssues.
c. lncoecf. 1he symmef1c key, o secef key, 1s used fo encypf fhe acfua1
message, Wh11e fhe asymmef1c key 1s used fo encypf fhe symmef1c key. 1he key
exchange pofoco1 1s espons1b1e fo fhe ofhe key managemenf 1ssues.
d. Coecf. 1he symmef1c key, o secef key, 1s used fo encypf fhe acfua1
message, Wh11e fhe asymmef1c key 1s used fo encypf fhe symmef1c key. 1he key
exchange pofoco1 1s espons1b1e fo fhe ofhe key managemenf 1ssues.
a. Coecf. 1he hAvAL a1go1fhm 1s a s1ng1e pupose a1go1fhm fhaf pefoms
one-Way hash1ng funcf1ona11fy. lf ceafes a va1ab1e-1engfh message d1gesf, Whee
fhe ofhe hash1ng a1go1fhms {MD, 5hA} ceafe a spec1f1c s1ze message d1gesf. 1he MD
fam11y ceafes a 12-b1f message d1gesf and 5hA ceafes a 160-b1f message d1gesf.
b. lncoecf. 1he hAvAL a1go1fhm 1s a s1ng1e pupose a1go1fhm fhaf pefoms
one-Way hash1ng funcf1ona11fy. lf ceafes a va1ab1e-1engfh message d1gesf, Whee
fhe ofhe hash1ng a1go1fhms {MD, 5hA} ceafe a spec1f1c s1ze message d1gesf. 1he MD
fam11y ceafes a 12-b1f message d1gesf and 5hA ceafes a 160-b1f message d1gesf.
c. lncoecf. 1he hAvAL a1go1fhm 1s a s1ng1e pupose a1go1fhm fhaf pefoms
one-Way hash1ng funcf1ona11fy. lf ceafes a va1ab1e-1engfh message d1gesf, Whee
fhe ofhe hash1ng a1go1fhms {MD, 5hA} ceafe a spec1f1c s1ze message d1gesf. 1he MD
fam11y ceafes a 12-b1f message d1gesf and 5hA ceafes a 160-b1f message d1gesf.
d. lncoecf. 1he hAvAL a1go1fhm 1s a s1ng1e pupose a1go1fhm fhaf pefoms
one-Way hash1ng funcf1ona11fy. lf ceafes a va1ab1e-1engfh message d1gesf, Whee
fhe ofhe hash1ng a1go1fhms {MD, 5hA} ceafe a spec1f1c s1ze message d1gesf. 1he MD
fam11y ceafes a 12-b1f message d1gesf and 5hA ceafes a 160-b1f message d1gesf.
a. lncoecf. One-Way hash1ng ceafes a f1ngep1nf of fhe message so 1f can moe
eas11y 1denf1fy and mon1fo fhe message fo see 1f 1f has been a1feed. lf fakes a
va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng {fhe message} and geneafes a f1xed-1engfh va1ue {message
b. lncoecf. One-Way hash1ng ceafes a f1ngep1nf of fhe message so 1f can moe
eas11y 1denf1fy and mon1fo fhe message fo see 1f 1f has been a1feed. lf fakes a
va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng {fhe message} and geneafes a f1xed-1engfh va1ue {message
c. Coecf. One-Way hash1ng ceafes a f1ngep1nf of fhe message so 1f can moe
eas11y 1denf1fy and mon1fo fhe message fo see 1f 1f has been a1feed. lf fakes a
va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng {fhe message} and geneafes a f1xed-1engfh va1ue {message
d. lncoecf. One-Way hash1ng ceafes a f1ngep1nf of fhe message so 1f can moe
eas11y 1denf1fy and mon1fo fhe message fo see 1f 1f has been a1feed. lf fakes a
va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng {fhe message} and geneafes a f1xed-1engfh va1ue {message
a. lncoecf. l8Ms 12-b1f a1go1fhm, Luc1fe, Was accepfed as fhe naf1ona1
sfandad 1n 1974. lf Was a1feed by Nl51 and efeed fo as D1g1fa1 Lncypf1on
A1go1fhm, Wh1ch used a 56-b1f key.
b. lncoecf. l8Ms 12-b1f a1go1fhm, Luc1fe, Was accepfed as fhe naf1ona1
sfandad 1n 1974. lf Was a1feed by Nl51 and efeed fo as D1g1fa1 Lncypf1on
A1go1fhm, Wh1ch used a 56-b1f key.
c. lncoecf. l8Ms 12-b1f a1go1fhm, Luc1fe, Was accepfed as fhe naf1ona1
sfandad 1n 1974. lf Was a1feed by Nl51 and efeed fo as D1g1fa1 Lncypf1on
A1go1fhm, Wh1ch used a 56-b1f key.
Page 11
d. Coecf. l8Ms 12-b1f a1go1fhm, Luc1fe, Was accepfed as fhe naf1ona1
sfandad 1n 1974. lf Was a1feed by Nl51 and efeed fo as D1g1fa1 Lncypf1on
A1go1fhm, Wh1ch used a 56-b1f key.
a. lncoecf. C1phefexf 1s fhe esu1f of encypf1on and 1s uneadab1e by human o
b. Coecf. C1phefexf 1s fhe esu1f of encypf1on and 1s uneadab1e by human o
c. lncoecf. C1phefexf 1s fhe esu1f of encypf1on and 1s uneadab1e by human o
d. lncoecf. C1phefexf 1s fhe esu1f of encypf1on and 1s uneadab1e by human o
a. Coecf. 1he key s1ze Was 0 b1fs, Wh1ch Wou1d be Weak by fodays sfandad.
b. lncoecf. 1he key s1ze Was 0 b1fs, Wh1ch Wou1d be Weak by fodays sfandad.
c. lncoecf. 1he key s1ze Was 0 b1fs, Wh1ch Wou1d be Weak by fodays sfandad.
d. lncoecf. 1he key s1ze Was 0 b1fs, Wh1ch Wou1d be Weak by fodays sfandad.
a. lncoecf. One-f1me pads ae cons1deed unbeakab1e. A pad of andom va1ues 1s
ceafed and used fo encypf fhe message. 1he pad 1s af 1easf as 1ong as fhe message
1fse1f. 1he pad 1s desfoyed affe 1f 1s used and a neW pad 1s ceafed 1f anofhe
message musf be encypfed.
b. lncoecf. One-f1me pads ae cons1deed unbeakab1e. A pad of andom va1ues 1s
ceafed and used fo encypf fhe message. 1he pad 1s af 1easf as 1ong as fhe message
1fse1f. 1he pad 1s desfoyed affe 1f 1s used and a neW pad 1s ceafed 1f anofhe
message musf be encypfed.
c. lncoecf. One-f1me pads ae cons1deed unbeakab1e. A pad of andom va1ues 1s
ceafed and used fo encypf fhe message. 1he pad 1s af 1easf as 1ong as fhe message
1fse1f. 1he pad 1s desfoyed affe 1f 1s used and a neW pad 1s ceafed 1f anofhe
message musf be encypfed.
d. Coecf. One-f1me pads ae cons1deed unbeakab1e. A pad of andom va1ues 1s
ceafed and used fo encypf fhe message. 1he pad 1s af 1easf as 1ong as fhe message
1fse1f. 1he pad 1s desfoyed affe 1f 1s used and a neW pad 1s ceafed 1f anofhe
message musf be encypfed.
a. lncoecf. Concea1menf c1phes d1sgu1se messages W1fh1n fhe fexf o body of a
message, such as us1ng evey ofhe Wod 1n a senfence fo fom a d1ffeenf message.
5feganogaphy h1des messages W1fh1n fhe s1ack b1fs of p1cfues, mus1c f11es, efc.
b. lncoecf. Concea1menf c1phes d1sgu1se messages W1fh1n fhe fexf o body of a
message, such as us1ng evey ofhe Wod 1n a senfence fo fom a d1ffeenf message.
5feganogaphy h1des messages W1fh1n fhe s1ack b1fs of p1cfues, mus1c f11es, efc.
c. Coecf. Concea1menf c1phes d1sgu1se messages W1fh1n fhe fexf o body of a
message, such as us1ng evey ofhe Wod 1n a senfence fo fom a d1ffeenf message.
5feganogaphy h1des messages W1fh1n fhe s1ack b1fs of p1cfues, mus1c f11es, efc.
d. lncoecf. Concea1menf c1phes d1sgu1se messages W1fh1n fhe fexf o body of a
message, such as us1ng evey ofhe Wod 1n a senfence fo fom a d1ffeenf message.
5feganogaphy h1des messages W1fh1n fhe s1ack b1fs of p1cfues, mus1c f11es, efc.
a. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c key sysfems ae cons1deab1y fasfe fhan asymmef1c key
sysfems buf have 1ssues W1fh pope key d1sf1buf1on, confo111ng keys as moe uses
need fo commun1cafe, and cannof pov1de non-epud1af1on o aufhenf1c1fy.
b. Coecf. 5ymmef1c key sysfems ae cons1deab1y fasfe fhan asymmef1c key
sysfems buf have 1ssues W1fh pope key d1sf1buf1on, confo111ng keys as moe uses
need fo commun1cafe, and cannof pov1de non-epud1af1on o aufhenf1c1fy.
c. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c key sysfems ae cons1deab1y fasfe fhan asymmef1c key
sysfems buf have 1ssues W1fh pope key d1sf1buf1on, confo111ng keys as moe uses
need fo commun1cafe, and cannof pov1de non-epud1af1on o aufhenf1c1fy.
d. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c key sysfems ae cons1deab1y fasfe fhan asymmef1c key
Page 12
sysfems buf have 1ssues W1fh pope key d1sf1buf1on, confo111ng keys as moe uses
need fo commun1cafe, and cannof pov1de non-epud1af1on o aufhenf1c1fy.
a. lncoecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c key a1go1fhm fhaf can use a key 1engfh up
fo 44 b1fs.
b. lncoecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c key a1go1fhm fhaf can use a key 1engfh up
fo 44 b1fs.
c. lncoecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c key a1go1fhm fhaf can use a key 1engfh up
fo 44 b1fs.
d. Coecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c key a1go1fhm fhaf can use a key 1engfh up fo
44 b1fs.
a. lncoecf. h11P5 encypfs a11 dafa fhaf 1s passed befWeen fWo sysfems, 1nsfead
of usf 1nd1v1dua1 messages. 5h11P on1y encypfs 1nd1v1dua1 messages and nof fhe
Who1e commun1caf1on channe1. MlML and 5/MlML ae e-ma11 sfandads.
b. lncoecf. h11P5 encypfs a11 dafa fhaf 1s passed befWeen fWo sysfems, 1nsfead
of usf 1nd1v1dua1 messages. 5h11P on1y encypfs 1nd1v1dua1 messages and nof fhe
Who1e commun1caf1on channe1. MlML and 5/MlML ae e-ma11 sfandads.
c. lncoecf. h11P5 encypfs a11 dafa fhaf 1s passed befWeen fWo sysfems, 1nsfead
of usf 1nd1v1dua1 messages. 5h11P on1y encypfs 1nd1v1dua1 messages and nof fhe
Who1e commun1caf1on channe1. MlML and 5/MlML ae e-ma11 sfandads.
d. Coecf. h11P5 encypfs a11 dafa fhaf 1s passed befWeen fWo sysfems, 1nsfead of
usf 1nd1v1dua1 messages. 5h11P on1y encypfs 1nd1v1dua1 messages and nof fhe Who1e
commun1caf1on channe1. MlML and 5/MlML ae e-ma11 sfandads.
a. Coecf. 5ubsf1fuf1on boxes, o 5-boxes, use 1ookup fab1es fhaf defem1ne hoW
b1fs shou1d be scamb1ed and subsf1fufed.
b. lncoecf. 5ubsf1fuf1on boxes, o 5-boxes, use 1ookup fab1es fhaf defem1ne hoW
b1fs shou1d be scamb1ed and subsf1fufed.
c. lncoecf. 5ubsf1fuf1on boxes, o 5-boxes, use 1ookup fab1es fhaf defem1ne hoW
b1fs shou1d be scamb1ed and subsf1fufed.
d. lncoecf. 5ubsf1fuf1on boxes, o 5-boxes, use 1ookup fab1es fhaf defem1ne hoW
b1fs shou1d be scamb1ed and subsf1fufed.
a. lncoecf. keysfeam geneafos ae used 1n sfeam c1phes fo poduce andom
sfeam of b1fs. 1hese b1fs ae XOked fo fhe message, Wh1ch esu1fs 1n an encypfed
message {c1phefexf}. 1he keysfeam geneafo 1s s1m11a fo fhe one-f1me pad
b. Coecf. keysfeam geneafos ae used 1n sfeam c1phes fo poduce andom
sfeam of b1fs. 1hese b1fs ae XOked fo fhe message, Wh1ch esu1fs 1n an encypfed
message {c1phefexf}. 1he keysfeam geneafo 1s s1m11a fo fhe one-f1me pad
c. lncoecf. keysfeam geneafos ae used 1n sfeam c1phes fo poduce andom
sfeam of b1fs. 1hese b1fs ae XOked fo fhe message, Wh1ch esu1fs 1n an encypfed
message {c1phefexf}. 1he keysfeam geneafo 1s s1m11a fo fhe one-f1me pad
d. lncoecf. keysfeam geneafos ae used 1n sfeam c1phes fo poduce andom
sfeam of b1fs. 1hese b1fs ae XOked fo fhe message, Wh1ch esu1fs 1n an encypfed
message {c1phefexf}. 1he keysfeam geneafo 1s s1m11a fo fhe one-f1me pad
a. lncoecf. Io a sfeam c1phe fo be sfong aga1nsf cypfana1ys1s affacks 1f
shou1d confa1n fhe ofhe menf1oned chaacfe1sf1cs. 81ock c1phes Wok beffe 1n
soffWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons because fhey Wok W1fh b1ocks of dafa, sfeam c1phes Wok
beffe W1fh1n hadWae because fhey Wok W1fh one b1f af a f1me and ae esouce
b. lncoecf. Io a sfeam c1phe fo be sfong aga1nsf cypfana1ys1s affacks 1f
shou1d confa1n fhe ofhe menf1oned chaacfe1sf1cs. 81ock c1phes Wok beffe 1n
Page 13
soffWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons because fhey Wok W1fh b1ocks of dafa, sfeam c1phes Wok
beffe W1fh1n hadWae because fhey Wok W1fh one b1f af a f1me and ae esouce
c. Coecf. Io a sfeam c1phe fo be sfong aga1nsf cypfana1ys1s affacks 1f
shou1d confa1n fhe ofhe menf1oned chaacfe1sf1cs. 81ock c1phes Wok beffe 1n
soffWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons because fhey Wok W1fh b1ocks of dafa, sfeam c1phes Wok
beffe W1fh1n hadWae because fhey Wok W1fh one b1f af a f1me and ae esouce
d. lncoecf. Io a sfeam c1phe fo be sfong aga1nsf cypfana1ys1s affacks 1f
shou1d confa1n fhe ofhe menf1oned chaacfe1sf1cs. 81ock c1phes Wok beffe 1n
soffWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons because fhey Wok W1fh b1ocks of dafa, sfeam c1phes Wok
beffe W1fh1n hadWae because fhey Wok W1fh one b1f af a f1me and ae esouce
a. lncoecf. k5A, named affe 1fs 1nvenfos, 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm fhaf can
pov1de dafa encypf1on, key d1sf1buf1on, and d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. lf 1s a de facfo
sfandad 1n many fypes of poducfs.
b. Coecf. k5A, named affe 1fs 1nvenfos, 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm fhaf can
pov1de dafa encypf1on, key d1sf1buf1on, and d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. lf 1s a de facfo
sfandad 1n many fypes of poducfs.
c. lncoecf. k5A, named affe 1fs 1nvenfos, 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm fhaf can
pov1de dafa encypf1on, key d1sf1buf1on, and d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. lf 1s a de facfo
sfandad 1n many fypes of poducfs.
d. lncoecf. k5A, named affe 1fs 1nvenfos, 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm fhaf can
pov1de dafa encypf1on, key d1sf1buf1on, and d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. lf 1s a de facfo
sfandad 1n many fypes of poducfs.
a. Coecf. A good and secue hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes a message d1gesf fom fhe
Who1e message and nof usf a pof1on of fhe message. lf 1f on1y Woked W1fh a
pof1on of fhe message fhe ofhe pof1on cou1d be mod1f1ed and 1f Wou1d nof be
evea1ed fo fhe ece1ve.
b. lncoecf. A good and secue hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes a message d1gesf fom
fhe Who1e message and nof usf a pof1on of fhe message. lf 1f on1y Woked W1fh a
pof1on of fhe message fhe ofhe pof1on cou1d be mod1f1ed and 1f Wou1d nof be
evea1ed fo fhe ece1ve.
c. lncoecf. A good and secue hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes a message d1gesf fom
fhe Who1e message and nof usf a pof1on of fhe message. lf 1f on1y Woked W1fh a
pof1on of fhe message fhe ofhe pof1on cou1d be mod1f1ed and 1f Wou1d nof be
evea1ed fo fhe ece1ve.
d. lncoecf. A good and secue hash1ng a1go1fhm ceafes a message d1gesf fom
fhe Who1e message and nof usf a pof1on of fhe message. lf 1f on1y Woked W1fh a
pof1on of fhe message fhe ofhe pof1on cou1d be mod1f1ed and 1f Wou1d nof be
evea1ed fo fhe ece1ve.
a. Coecf. Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n lP5ec fhaf
uses cypfogaph1c mechan1sms fo pov1de conf1denf1a11fy, message 1nfeg1fy, and
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. Ah pov1des 1nfeg1fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on, buf nof
b. lncoecf. Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n lP5ec fhaf
uses cypfogaph1c mechan1sms fo pov1de conf1denf1a11fy, message 1nfeg1fy, and
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. Ah pov1des 1nfeg1fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on, buf nof
c. lncoecf. Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n lP5ec fhaf
uses cypfogaph1c mechan1sms fo pov1de conf1denf1a11fy, message 1nfeg1fy, and
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. Ah pov1des 1nfeg1fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on, buf nof
d. lncoecf. Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n lP5ec fhaf
uses cypfogaph1c mechan1sms fo pov1de conf1denf1a11fy, message 1nfeg1fy, and
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on. Ah pov1des 1nfeg1fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on, buf nof
Page 14
a. lncoecf. 1he D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm Was deve1oped 1n 1976 as fhe f1sf
mefhod fo e1ecfon1c key d1sf1buf1on. lf Was fhe f1sf pub11c key a1go1fhm
ceafed, and a11oWed fo a symmef1c key fo be exchanged secue1y W1fhouf a p1o
e1af1onsh1p be1ng sef up.
b. Coecf. 1he D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm Was deve1oped 1n 1976 as fhe f1sf mefhod
fo e1ecfon1c key d1sf1buf1on. lf Was fhe f1sf pub11c key a1go1fhm ceafed, and
a11oWed fo a symmef1c key fo be exchanged secue1y W1fhouf a p1o e1af1onsh1p
be1ng sef up.
c. lncoecf. 1he D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm Was deve1oped 1n 1976 as fhe f1sf
mefhod fo e1ecfon1c key d1sf1buf1on. lf Was fhe f1sf pub11c key a1go1fhm
ceafed, and a11oWed fo a symmef1c key fo be exchanged secue1y W1fhouf a p1o
e1af1onsh1p be1ng sef up.
d. lncoecf. 1he D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm Was deve1oped 1n 1976 as fhe f1sf
mefhod fo e1ecfon1c key d1sf1buf1on. lf Was fhe f1sf pub11c key a1go1fhm
ceafed, and a11oWed fo a symmef1c key fo be exchanged secue1y W1fhouf a p1o
e1af1onsh1p be1ng sef up.
a. lncoecf. When an affacke 1nfecepfs messages and fhen pefends fo be one of
fhe paf1es 1nvo1ved 1n fhe commun1caf1on, a man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack has been
pefomed. 1h1s 1s Whaf 1s fak1ng p1ace When an affacke foWads on he pub11c key
unknoWn fo fhe ece1ve.
b. lncoecf. When an affacke 1nfecepfs messages and fhen pefends fo be one of
fhe paf1es 1nvo1ved 1n fhe commun1caf1on, a man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack has been
pefomed. 1h1s 1s Whaf 1s fak1ng p1ace When an affacke foWads on he pub11c key
unknoWn fo fhe ece1ve.
c. lncoecf. When an affacke 1nfecepfs messages and fhen pefends fo be one of
fhe paf1es 1nvo1ved 1n fhe commun1caf1on, a man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack has been
pefomed. 1h1s 1s Whaf 1s fak1ng p1ace When an affacke foWads on he pub11c key
unknoWn fo fhe ece1ve.
d. Coecf. When an affacke 1nfecepfs messages and fhen pefends fo be one of
fhe paf1es 1nvo1ved 1n fhe commun1caf1on, a man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack has been
pefomed. 1h1s 1s Whaf 1s fak1ng p1ace When an affacke foWads on he pub11c key
unknoWn fo fhe ece1ve.
a. lncoecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des add1f1ona1 secu1fy by encypf1ng a11 fhe
1nfomaf1on buf 1n ode fo faff1c fo be oufed o foWaded a11 fhe oufes,
sW1fches and assoc1afed equ1pmenf musf be conf1gued fo suppof fh1s fype of
sev1ce. 1hese 1nfemed1afe dev1ces need fo decypf a pof1on of fhe heades fhey
equ1e fo make dec1s1ons on foWad1ng o ouf1ng.
b. Coecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des add1f1ona1 secu1fy by encypf1ng a11 fhe
1nfomaf1on buf 1n ode fo faff1c fo be oufed o foWaded a11 fhe oufes,
sW1fches and assoc1afed equ1pmenf musf be conf1gued fo suppof fh1s fype of
sev1ce. 1hese 1nfemed1afe dev1ces need fo decypf a pof1on of fhe heades fhey
equ1e fo make dec1s1ons on foWad1ng o ouf1ng.
c. lncoecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des add1f1ona1 secu1fy by encypf1ng a11 fhe
1nfomaf1on buf 1n ode fo faff1c fo be oufed o foWaded a11 fhe oufes,
sW1fches and assoc1afed equ1pmenf musf be conf1gued fo suppof fh1s fype of
sev1ce. 1hese 1nfemed1afe dev1ces need fo decypf a pof1on of fhe heades fhey
equ1e fo make dec1s1ons on foWad1ng o ouf1ng.
d. lncoecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des add1f1ona1 secu1fy by encypf1ng a11 fhe
1nfomaf1on buf 1n ode fo faff1c fo be oufed o foWaded a11 fhe oufes,
sW1fches and assoc1afed equ1pmenf musf be conf1gued fo suppof fh1s fype of
sev1ce. 1hese 1nfemed1afe dev1ces need fo decypf a pof1on of fhe heades fhey
equ1e fo make dec1s1ons on foWad1ng o ouf1ng.
a. Coecf. lP5ec pofecfs dafa exchange befWeen fWo dev1ces and can pov1de
aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. lP5ec pofecfs dafa exchange befWeen fWo dev1ces and can pov1de
Page 15
aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and 1nfeg1fy.
c. lncoecf. lP5ec pofecfs dafa exchange befWeen fWo dev1ces and can pov1de
aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. lP5ec pofecfs dafa exchange befWeen fWo dev1ces and can pov1de
aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and 1nfeg1fy.
a. lncoecf. k5A 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm used fo encypf fhe sess1on key
ceafed by fhe c11enf. 1h1s a11oWs fo fhe sess1on key fo be secue1y fansm1ffed fo
fhe Web seve. 1he c11enf and seve can fhen sef up an 55L connecf1on, Wh1ch
encypfs a11 dafa be1ng passed back and fofh.
b. lncoecf. k5A 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm used fo encypf fhe sess1on key
ceafed by fhe c11enf. 1h1s a11oWs fo fhe sess1on key fo be secue1y fansm1ffed fo
fhe Web seve. 1he c11enf and seve can fhen sef up an 55L connecf1on, Wh1ch
encypfs a11 dafa be1ng passed back and fofh.
c. Coecf. k5A 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm used fo encypf fhe sess1on key ceafed
by fhe c11enf. 1h1s a11oWs fo fhe sess1on key fo be secue1y fansm1ffed fo fhe Web
seve. 1he c11enf and seve can fhen sef up an 55L connecf1on, Wh1ch encypfs a11
dafa be1ng passed back and fofh.
d. lncoecf. k5A 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm used fo encypf fhe sess1on key
ceafed by fhe c11enf. 1h1s a11oWs fo fhe sess1on key fo be secue1y fansm1ffed fo
fhe Web seve. 1he c11enf and seve can fhen sef up an 55L connecf1on, Wh1ch
encypfs a11 dafa be1ng passed back and fofh.
a. lncoecf. Wh11e MlML spec1f1es hoW mu1f1med1a dafa and e-ma11 affachmenfs ae
fansfeed ove fhe nefWok, 5/MlML pov1des a sfandad fo encypf1on and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues of e-ma11 messages. 5/MlML exfended fhe capab111f1es of fhe MlML
b. lncoecf. Wh11e MlML spec1f1es hoW mu1f1med1a dafa and e-ma11 affachmenfs ae
fansfeed ove fhe nefWok, 5/MlML pov1des a sfandad fo encypf1on and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues of e-ma11 messages. 5/MlML exfended fhe capab111f1es of fhe MlML
c. Coecf. Wh11e MlML spec1f1es hoW mu1f1med1a dafa and e-ma11 affachmenfs ae
fansfeed ove fhe nefWok, 5/MlML pov1des a sfandad fo encypf1on and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues of e-ma11 messages. 5/MlML exfended fhe capab111f1es of fhe MlML
d. lncoecf. Wh11e MlML spec1f1es hoW mu1f1med1a dafa and e-ma11 affachmenfs ae
fansfeed ove fhe nefWok, 5/MlML pov1des a sfandad fo encypf1on and d1g1fa1
s1gnafues of e-ma11 messages. 5/MlML exfended fhe capab111f1es of fhe MlML
a. Coecf. 5feganogaphy 1nvo1ves secef1y p1ac1ng a p1ece of dafa W1fh1n anofhe
med1um. 1he dafa cou1d be 1n a Wav f11e, a gaph1c, o b1fs fhaf ae a1feed W1fh1n
a documenf. lf 1nvo1ves h1d1ng fhe ex1sfence of fhe message, nof acfua11y encypf1ng
fhe message.
b. lncoecf. 5feganogaphy 1nvo1ves secef1y p1ac1ng a p1ece of dafa W1fh1n
anofhe med1um. 1he dafa cou1d be 1n a Wav f11e, a gaph1c, o b1fs fhaf ae a1feed
W1fh1n a documenf. lf 1nvo1ves h1d1ng fhe ex1sfence of fhe message, nof acfua11y
encypf1ng fhe message.
c. lncoecf. 5feganogaphy 1nvo1ves secef1y p1ac1ng a p1ece of dafa W1fh1n
anofhe med1um. 1he dafa cou1d be 1n a Wav f11e, a gaph1c, o b1fs fhaf ae a1feed
W1fh1n a documenf. lf 1nvo1ves h1d1ng fhe ex1sfence of fhe message, nof acfua11y
encypf1ng fhe message.
d. lncoecf. 5feganogaphy 1nvo1ves secef1y p1ac1ng a p1ece of dafa W1fh1n
anofhe med1um. 1he dafa cou1d be 1n a Wav f11e, a gaph1c, o b1fs fhaf ae a1feed
W1fh1n a documenf. lf 1nvo1ves h1d1ng fhe ex1sfence of fhe message, nof acfua11y
encypf1ng fhe message.
a. Coecf. Peffy Good P1vacy {PGP} 1s a feeWae e-ma11 secu1fy pogam
deve1oped by Ph11 Z1mmeman 1n 1991. lf does nof use a h1each1ca1 fusf mode1, as
Page 16
1n Pkl, buf a Web of fusf. 1h1s means 1nd1v1dua1 uses defem1ne fo Whaf degee
fhey fusf each ofhe.
b. lncoecf. Peffy Good P1vacy {PGP} 1s a feeWae e-ma11 secu1fy pogam
deve1oped by Ph11 Z1mmeman 1n 1991. lf does nof use a h1each1ca1 fusf mode1, as
1n Pkl, buf a Web of fusf. 1h1s means 1nd1v1dua1 uses defem1ne fo Whaf degee
fhey fusf each ofhe.
c. lncoecf. Peffy Good P1vacy {PGP} 1s a feeWae e-ma11 secu1fy pogam
deve1oped by Ph11 Z1mmeman 1n 1991. lf does nof use a h1each1ca1 fusf mode1, as
1n Pkl, buf a Web of fusf. 1h1s means 1nd1v1dua1 uses defem1ne fo Whaf degee
fhey fusf each ofhe.
d. lncoecf. Peffy Good P1vacy {PGP} 1s a feeWae e-ma11 secu1fy pogam
deve1oped by Ph11 Z1mmeman 1n 1991. lf does nof use a h1each1ca1 fusf mode1, as
1n Pkl, buf a Web of fusf. 1h1s means 1nd1v1dua1 uses defem1ne fo Whaf degee
fhey fusf each ofhe.
a. lncoecf. keysfeam geneafos poduce sfeams of b1fs fhaf ae fhen XOked
W1fh fhe p1a1nfexf and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf. 81ock c1phes d1v1de messages 1nfo
b1ocks and puf each b1ock fhough ounds of compufaf1on. 5feam c1phes ae besf
used 1n hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1on.
b. lncoecf. keysfeam geneafos poduce sfeams of b1fs fhaf ae fhen XOked
W1fh fhe p1a1nfexf and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf. 81ock c1phes d1v1de messages 1nfo
b1ocks and puf each b1ock fhough ounds of compufaf1on. 5feam c1phes ae besf
used 1n hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1on.
c. Coecf. keysfeam geneafos poduce sfeams of b1fs fhaf ae fhen XOked W1fh
fhe p1a1nfexf and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf. 81ock c1phes d1v1de messages 1nfo
b1ocks and puf each b1ock fhough ounds of compufaf1on. 5feam c1phes ae besf
used 1n hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1on.
d. lncoecf. keysfeam geneafos poduce sfeams of b1fs fhaf ae fhen XOked
W1fh fhe p1a1nfexf and fhe esu1f 1s c1phefexf. 81ock c1phes d1v1de messages 1nfo
b1ocks and puf each b1ock fhough ounds of compufaf1on. 5feam c1phes ae besf
used 1n hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy uses pub11c and p1vafe keys fo encypf1ng
symmef1c keys. lf uses moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs, fhus 1s much s1oWe fhan symmef1c
b. lncoecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy uses pub11c and p1vafe keys fo encypf1ng
symmef1c keys. lf uses moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs, fhus 1s much s1oWe fhan symmef1c
c. lncoecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy uses pub11c and p1vafe keys fo encypf1ng
symmef1c keys. lf uses moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs, fhus 1s much s1oWe fhan symmef1c
d. Coecf. Asymmef1c cypfogaphy uses pub11c and p1vafe keys fo encypf1ng
symmef1c keys. lf uses moe comp1ex mafhemaf1cs, fhus 1s much s1oWe fhan symmef1c
a. lncoecf. 5fong hash1ng a1go1fhms shou1d poduce a sma11 numbe o no
co111s1ons. 1Wo hashes ceafed fo fWo d1ffeenf messages shou1d be d1ffeenf and
nof fhe same va1ue. lf fhe same va1ue 1s poduced, fhen fhee can be paffens and
1nfomaf1on fhaf an affacke may use fo uncove 1nfomaf1on. hash1ng a1go1fhms fhaf
ceafe 1onge d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess vu1neab1e fo b1fhday affacks, Wh1ch 1ook fo
b. Coecf. 5fong hash1ng a1go1fhms shou1d poduce a sma11 numbe o no
co111s1ons. 1Wo hashes ceafed fo fWo d1ffeenf messages shou1d be d1ffeenf and
nof fhe same va1ue. lf fhe same va1ue 1s poduced, fhen fhee can be paffens and
1nfomaf1on fhaf an affacke may use fo uncove 1nfomaf1on. hash1ng a1go1fhms fhaf
ceafe 1onge d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess vu1neab1e fo b1fhday affacks, Wh1ch 1ook fo
c. lncoecf. 5fong hash1ng a1go1fhms shou1d poduce a sma11 numbe o no
co111s1ons. 1Wo hashes ceafed fo fWo d1ffeenf messages shou1d be d1ffeenf and
nof fhe same va1ue. lf fhe same va1ue 1s poduced, fhen fhee can be paffens and
Page 17
1nfomaf1on fhaf an affacke may use fo uncove 1nfomaf1on. hash1ng a1go1fhms fhaf
ceafe 1onge d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess vu1neab1e fo b1fhday affacks, Wh1ch 1ook fo
d. lncoecf. 5fong hash1ng a1go1fhms shou1d poduce a sma11 numbe o no
co111s1ons. 1Wo hashes ceafed fo fWo d1ffeenf messages shou1d be d1ffeenf and
nof fhe same va1ue. lf fhe same va1ue 1s poduced, fhen fhee can be paffens and
1nfomaf1on fhaf an affacke may use fo uncove 1nfomaf1on. hash1ng a1go1fhms fhaf
ceafe 1onge d1gesf va1ues ae 1ess vu1neab1e fo b1fhday affacks, Wh1ch 1ook fo
a. lncoecf. 5ecue L1ecfon1c 1ansacf1on {5L1} has been a suggesfed
subsf1fuf1on fo fhe Way fhaf 55L 1s be1ng used foday fo pov1de secue e1ecfon1c
fansacf1ons. 8uf fhe equ1ed ovehead, added soffWae, and 1nfasfucfue has
sfood 1n fhe Way of fh1s fechno1ogy be1ng fu11y adopfed.
b. lncoecf. 5ecue L1ecfon1c 1ansacf1on {5L1} has been a suggesfed
subsf1fuf1on fo fhe Way fhaf 55L 1s be1ng used foday fo pov1de secue e1ecfon1c
fansacf1ons. 8uf fhe equ1ed ovehead, added soffWae, and 1nfasfucfue has
sfood 1n fhe Way of fh1s fechno1ogy be1ng fu11y adopfed.
c. lncoecf. 5ecue L1ecfon1c 1ansacf1on {5L1} has been a suggesfed
subsf1fuf1on fo fhe Way fhaf 55L 1s be1ng used foday fo pov1de secue e1ecfon1c
fansacf1ons. 8uf fhe equ1ed ovehead, added soffWae, and 1nfasfucfue has
sfood 1n fhe Way of fh1s fechno1ogy be1ng fu11y adopfed.
d. Coecf. 5ecue L1ecfon1c 1ansacf1on {5L1} has been a suggesfed subsf1fuf1on
fo fhe Way fhaf 55L 1s be1ng used foday fo pov1de secue e1ecfon1c fansacf1ons.
8uf fhe equ1ed ovehead, added soffWae, and 1nfasfucfue has sfood 1n fhe Way
of fh1s fechno1ogy be1ng fu11y adopfed.
a. lncoecf. Nonepud1af1on 1s a sev1ce fhaf ensues fhaf a peson cannof deny
send1ng a message af a 1afe f1me. 1h1s sev1ce 1s pov1ded by d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
b. Coecf. Nonepud1af1on 1s a sev1ce fhaf ensues fhaf a peson cannof deny
send1ng a message af a 1afe f1me. 1h1s sev1ce 1s pov1ded by d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
c. lncoecf. Nonepud1af1on 1s a sev1ce fhaf ensues fhaf a peson cannof deny
send1ng a message af a 1afe f1me. 1h1s sev1ce 1s pov1ded by d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
d. lncoecf. Nonepud1af1on 1s a sev1ce fhaf ensues fhaf a peson cannof deny
send1ng a message af a 1afe f1me. 1h1s sev1ce 1s pov1ded by d1g1fa1 s1gnafues.
a. Coecf. MD2 1s a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm fhaf poduces a 12-b1f hash va1ue.
1h1s hash va1ue 1s a1so efeed fo as a message d1gesf. hash1ng a1go1fhms ae used
fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy of messages.
b. lncoecf. MD2 1s a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm fhaf poduces a 12-b1f hash
va1ue. 1h1s hash va1ue 1s a1so efeed fo as a message d1gesf. hash1ng a1go1fhms
ae used fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy of messages.
c. lncoecf. MD2 1s a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm fhaf poduces a 12-b1f hash
va1ue. 1h1s hash va1ue 1s a1so efeed fo as a message d1gesf. hash1ng a1go1fhms
ae used fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy of messages.
d. lncoecf. MD2 1s a one-Way hash1ng a1go1fhm fhaf poduces a 12-b1f hash
va1ue. 1h1s hash va1ue 1s a1so efeed fo as a message d1gesf. hash1ng a1go1fhms
ae used fo ensue fhe 1nfeg1fy of messages.
a. lncoecf. key managemenf 1nc1udes fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems: key geneaf1on and
pope desfucf1on, key sfoage and fansm1ss1on, key sececy, and key 1engfh. Mosf
of fhese acf1v1f1es ae faken cae of by d1ffeenf pofoco1s, buf a secu1fy
pofess1ona1 Who 1s espons1b1e fo 1mp1emenf1ng and ma1nfa1n1ng an encypf1on
sysfem shou1d ensue fhaf fhese fasks ae acfua11y be1ng faken cae of pope1y.
lmpope key managemenf 1s one of fhe b1ggesf doWnfa11s of encypf1on 1mp1emenfaf1on
and fhe eas1esf fagef fo affackes.
b. lncoecf. key managemenf 1nc1udes fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems: key geneaf1on and
pope desfucf1on, key sfoage and fansm1ss1on, key sececy, and key 1engfh. Mosf
of fhese acf1v1f1es ae faken cae of by d1ffeenf pofoco1s, buf a secu1fy
Page 1
pofess1ona1 Who 1s espons1b1e fo 1mp1emenf1ng and ma1nfa1n1ng an encypf1on
sysfem shou1d ensue fhaf fhese fasks ae acfua11y be1ng faken cae of pope1y.
lmpope key managemenf 1s one of fhe b1ggesf doWnfa11s of encypf1on 1mp1emenfaf1on
and fhe eas1esf fagef fo affackes.
c. lncoecf. key managemenf 1nc1udes fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems: key geneaf1on and
pope desfucf1on, key sfoage and fansm1ss1on, key sececy, and key 1engfh. Mosf
of fhese acf1v1f1es ae faken cae of by d1ffeenf pofoco1s, buf a secu1fy
pofess1ona1 Who 1s espons1b1e fo 1mp1emenf1ng and ma1nfa1n1ng an encypf1on
sysfem shou1d ensue fhaf fhese fasks ae acfua11y be1ng faken cae of pope1y.
lmpope key managemenf 1s one of fhe b1ggesf doWnfa11s of encypf1on 1mp1emenfaf1on
and fhe eas1esf fagef fo affackes.
d. Coecf. key managemenf 1nc1udes fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems: key geneaf1on and pope
desfucf1on, key sfoage and fansm1ss1on, key sececy, and key 1engfh. Mosf of
fhese acf1v1f1es ae faken cae of by d1ffeenf pofoco1s, buf a secu1fy
pofess1ona1 Who 1s espons1b1e fo 1mp1emenf1ng and ma1nfa1n1ng an encypf1on
sysfem shou1d ensue fhaf fhese fasks ae acfua11y be1ng faken cae of pope1y.
lmpope key managemenf 1s one of fhe b1ggesf doWnfa11s of encypf1on 1mp1emenfaf1on
and fhe eas1esf fagef fo affackes.
a. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues ae ceafed by us1ng a hash1ng a1go1fhm fo ceafe
a message d1gesf &amp, fhen a p1vafe key 1s used fo encypf fhe message d1gesf.
lnfeg1fy 1s pov1ded by us1ng fhe hash1ng a1go1fhm, because fhe ece1ve W111
ceafe anofhe message d1gesf va1ue &amp, compae 1f W1fh fhe one fhaf Was senf. lf
pov1des aufhenf1caf1on because When fhe ece1ve decypfs fhe message d1gesf va1ue
W1fh fhe sendes pub11c key she 1s sue Who senf 1f. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues pov1de
b. Coecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues ae ceafed by us1ng a hash1ng a1go1fhm fo ceafe
a message d1gesf &amp, fhen a p1vafe key 1s used fo encypf fhe message d1gesf.
lnfeg1fy 1s pov1ded by us1ng fhe hash1ng a1go1fhm, because fhe ece1ve W111
ceafe anofhe message d1gesf va1ue &amp, compae 1f W1fh fhe one fhaf Was senf. lf
pov1des aufhenf1caf1on because When fhe ece1ve decypfs fhe message d1gesf va1ue
W1fh fhe sendes pub11c key she 1s sue Who senf 1f. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues pov1de
c. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues ae ceafed by us1ng a hash1ng a1go1fhm fo ceafe
a message d1gesf &amp, fhen a p1vafe key 1s used fo encypf fhe message d1gesf.
lnfeg1fy 1s pov1ded by us1ng fhe hash1ng a1go1fhm, because fhe ece1ve W111
ceafe anofhe message d1gesf va1ue &amp, compae 1f W1fh fhe one fhaf Was senf. lf
pov1des aufhenf1caf1on because When fhe ece1ve decypfs fhe message d1gesf va1ue
W1fh fhe sendes pub11c key she 1s sue Who senf 1f. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues pov1de
d. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues ae ceafed by us1ng a hash1ng a1go1fhm fo ceafe
a message d1gesf &amp, fhen a p1vafe key 1s used fo encypf fhe message d1gesf.
lnfeg1fy 1s pov1ded by us1ng fhe hash1ng a1go1fhm, because fhe ece1ve W111
ceafe anofhe message d1gesf va1ue &amp, compae 1f W1fh fhe one fhaf Was senf. lf
pov1des aufhenf1caf1on because When fhe ece1ve decypfs fhe message d1gesf va1ue
W1fh fhe sendes pub11c key she 1s sue Who senf 1f. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues pov1de
a. lncoecf. X.509 1s a sfandad fhaf ouf11nes fhe fomaf of cef1f1cafes fhaf
ae used 1n a pub11c key 1nfasfucfue {Pkl}. 1h1s sfandad d1cfafes fhe f1e1ds and
poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used 1n fhese cef1f1cafes.
b. lncoecf. X.509 1s a sfandad fhaf ouf11nes fhe fomaf of cef1f1cafes fhaf
ae used 1n a pub11c key 1nfasfucfue {Pkl}. 1h1s sfandad d1cfafes fhe f1e1ds and
poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used 1n fhese cef1f1cafes.
c. Coecf. X.509 1s a sfandad fhaf ouf11nes fhe fomaf of cef1f1cafes fhaf ae
used 1n a pub11c key 1nfasfucfue {Pkl}. 1h1s sfandad d1cfafes fhe f1e1ds and
poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used 1n fhese cef1f1cafes.
d. lncoecf. X.509 1s a sfandad fhaf ouf11nes fhe fomaf of cef1f1cafes fhaf
ae used 1n a pub11c key 1nfasfucfue {Pkl}. 1h1s sfandad d1cfafes fhe f1e1ds and
poss1b1e va1ues fhaf can be used 1n fhese cef1f1cafes.
Page 19
a. lncoecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo beak a cypfosysfem. 1h1s
usua11y means uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used fo encypf1on. Cypfana1ys1s can be
pefomed by &quof,Wh1fe hafs&quof, fo uncove f1aWs and Weaknesses 1n a
cypfosysfem o by &quof,b1ack hafs&quof, fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo encypfed
dafa. 1he affacke musf af 1easf knoW fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was used and capfue some
c1phefexf fo un bufe-foce affacks aga1nsf.
b. lncoecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo beak a cypfosysfem. 1h1s
usua11y means uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used fo encypf1on. Cypfana1ys1s can be
pefomed by &quof,Wh1fe hafs&quof, fo uncove f1aWs and Weaknesses 1n a
cypfosysfem o by &quof,b1ack hafs&quof, fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo encypfed
dafa. 1he affacke musf af 1easf knoW fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was used and capfue some
c1phefexf fo un bufe-foce affacks aga1nsf.
c. lncoecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo beak a cypfosysfem. 1h1s
usua11y means uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used fo encypf1on. Cypfana1ys1s can be
pefomed by &quof,Wh1fe hafs&quof, fo uncove f1aWs and Weaknesses 1n a
cypfosysfem o by &quof,b1ack hafs&quof, fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo encypfed
dafa. 1he affacke musf af 1easf knoW fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was used and capfue some
c1phefexf fo un bufe-foce affacks aga1nsf.
d. Coecf. Cypfana1ys1s 1s fhe pocess of fy1ng fo beak a cypfosysfem. 1h1s
usua11y means uncove1ng fhe key fhaf Was used fo encypf1on. Cypfana1ys1s can be
pefomed by &quof,Wh1fe hafs&quof, fo uncove f1aWs and Weaknesses 1n a
cypfosysfem o by &quof,b1ack hafs&quof, fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo encypfed
dafa. 1he affacke musf af 1easf knoW fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was used and capfue some
c1phefexf fo un bufe-foce affacks aga1nsf.
Page 20
qu1z Name = Cypfogaphy-P3
1. 55L equ1es Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Pkl
b. kDC
c. 5/MlML
d. MlML
2. A bufe-foce affack 1s 1aunched fo obfa1n Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Lncypf1on keys
b. A pub11c a1go1fhm
c. A pub11c key
d. C1phefexf
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf fype of pofecf1on When dea11ng W1fh
a. Lncypf1ng fhem Whee fhey ae sfoed cenfa11y
b. us1ng non-d1cf1onay Wods
c. Lnsu1ng fhey ae 6 chaacfes 1ong
d. 5end1ng 1n c1eafexf
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des fhe besf pofecf1on fo a nefWok`s faff1c?
a. L1nk encypf1on because 1f does nof encypf heades and fa11es
b. L1nk encypf1on, Wh1ch encypfs eveyfh1ng buf dafa 11nk messag1ng
c. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on because 1f encypfs a11 heades and fa11es
d. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on because heades have fo be decypfed af each 1nfemed1afe
5. Whaf does AL5 accomp11sh?
a. key ecovey
b. 5ymmef1c key d1sf1buf1on
c. 8u1k dafa encypf1on
d. Message 1nfeg1fy
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a cypfosysfem fhaf uses a sess1on key?
a. lDLA
b. PGP
c. DL5
d. 81oWf1sh
7. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a fue 3DL5 mode?
a. DL5-LLL1 uses 1 key
b. DL5-LLL2 uses 2 keys
c. DL5-LLL3 uses 3 keys
d. DL5-LDL2 uses 2 keys
. Whaf does AL5 use 5-boxes fo du1ng fhe encypf1on pocess?
a. Cha1n1ng
b. key exchange
c. 5ubsf1fuf1on
d. key geneaf1on
9. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a fue Weakness of DL5?
a. 5-box usage
Page 1
b. 5ececy of a1go1fhm
c. lncompaf1b1e W1fh AL5
d. key s1ze
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a pope chaacfe1sf1c of 5klP and l5AkMP?
a. 1hey Wok af fhe app11caf1on 1aye
b. 1hey Wok af fhe fanspof 1aye
c. 1hey Wok af fhe dafa 11nk 1aye
d. 1hey Wok af fhe nefWok 1aye
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a chaacfe1sf1c of lP5ec?
a. Pov1des sysfem aufhenf1caf1on
b. Pov1des confenf f11fe1ng
c. Woks as a poxy
d. Pov1des app11caf1on 1aye pofecf1on
12. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of a pub11c key?
a. 1o aufhenf1cafe a nefWok 1nfeface
b. 1o encypf a p1vafe key
c. 1o aufhenf1cafe a p1vafe key
d. 1o be encypfed by a p1vafe key
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf fakes p1ace 1n an 55L connecf1on?
a. 1he c11enf ceafes a sess1on key and encypfs 1f W1fh a pub11c key
b. 1he c11enf ceafes a sess1on key and encypfs 1f W1fh a p1vafe key
c. 1he seve ceafes a sess1on key and encypfs 1f W1fh a pub11c key
d. 1he seve ceafes a sess1on key and encypfs 1f W1fh a p1vafe key
14. 1he mefhod of lP5ec encypf1on fhaf secues fhe pay1oad as We11 as fhe ouf1ng
and heade 1nfomaf1on 1s:
a. 5ecu1fy assoc1af1on
b. 1unne1 mode
c. 1anspof mode
d. 5ecu1fy Paamefe lndex {5Pl}
15. Whaf 1s fhe equaf1on fo ca1cu1afe fhe numbe of symmef1c keys needed, and hoW
many keys ae equ1ed 1f 10 peop1e need fo commun1cafe us1ng symmef1c keys?
a. N{N+1}/3 and 40 keys ae needed
b. N{N-1}/2 and 45 keys ae needed
c. N{N/2} -1 and 35 keys ae needed
d. N{N+1} and 25 keys ae needed
16. knapsack 1s Whaf fype of a1go1fhm?
a. Asymmef1c
b. hash1ng
c. 5ymmef1c
d. hyb1d
17. You adm1n1sfafo`s u1f1mafe goa1 1s fo 1mp1emenf a sysfem, Wh1ch esfab11shes
Wh1ch use senf a message. 1h1s 1s efeed fo as:
a. key managemenf
b. lnfeg1fy
c. Non-epud1af1on
d. Conf1denf1a11fy
Page 2
1. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an accepfed pacf1ce fo pov1d1ng sfong
encypf1on sev1ces?
a. Ma1nfa1n1ng fhe sececy of fhe a1go1fhms used
b. use of a 1age keyspace fo pov1de a geafe va1efy of keys
c. use of a sma11e keyspace fo pov1de fhe ab111fy fo choose a sfong key
d. Make sue fhe p1a1nfexf 1fse1f 1s nof had fo guess
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs abouf symmef1c and asymmef1c cypfogaphy 1s
a. Asymmef1c encypf1on has fasfe pefomance, s1oWe fo 1mp1emenf, and uses on1y
one key.
b. Asymmef1c encypf1on 1s s1oWe fhan symmef1c, encypfs keys, and uses a key
c. 5ymmef1c encypf1on uses 1n-band key exchange, has fasfe pefomance, and uses
a s1ng1e key.
d. 5ymmef1c encypf1on has fasfe pefomance, 1s s1oWe fo 1mp1emenf, and uses a
key pa1.
20. Wh1ch sfafemenf 1s fue egad1ng d1g1fa1 s1gnafues?
a. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s assued due fo fhe use of fhe sende`s p1vafe key fo
b. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s assued due fo fhe use of fhe ece1ve`s p1vafe key fo
c. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s assued due fo fhe use of fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
d. Aufhenf1caf1on 1s assued due fo fhe use of fhe ece1ve`s pub11c key.
21. Wh1ch fype of c1phe Woks af fhe b1f 1eve1, 1s moe su1fab1e fo hadWae
1mp1emenfaf1ons and shou1d be sfaf1sf1ca11y unped1cfab1e?
a. 5feam C1phe
b. 81ock C1phe
c. Open C1phe
d. v1genee C1phe
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a pope desc1pf1on of DL5?
a. DL5 encypf1on emp1oys an asymmef1c key us1ng a sfeam c1phe and 56 b1fs fo
b. DL5 encypf1on emp1oys a symmef1c key us1ng a b1ock c1phe and 56 b1fs fo
c. DL5 encypf1on emp1oys a b1ock c1phe us1ng 12 b1fs fo encypf1on.
d. DL5 encypf1on emp1oys a b1ock c1phe us1ng a fue key 1engfh of 64 b1fs fo
23. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an examp1e of symmef1c key encypf1on?
a. 3DL5
b. k5A
c. LCCs
d. D1ff1e-he11man
24. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a hyb1d sysfem emp1oy1ng asymmef1c and symmef1c
encypf1on sev1ces?
a. 3DL5
b. Pkl
c. k5A
d. D1ff1e-he11man
Page 3
25. Why does a hyb1d sysfem use a sess1on key?
a. 1o encypf fhe dafa
b. 1o encypf fhe p1vafe key
c. 1o decypf fhe p1vafe key
d. 1o encypf and decypf fhe dafa
26. Wh1ch fype of sev1ce 1s needed fo pov1de pope key d1sf1buf1on, key sfoage,
and ecovey?
a. key d1sf1buf1on cenfe
b. key co-1ocaf1on sev1ce
c. key managemenf sev1ce
d. keys-k-us
27. Wh1ch sev1ce 1n a Pkl W111 vouch fo fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 o company?
a. kDC
b. C8C
c. CA
d. Ck
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf def1n1f1on fo a hyb1d pub11c/p1vafe key
a. Lmp1oys fWo keys, pub11c and p1vafe, geneafed by an asymmef1c a1go1fhm fo
pofecf1ng encypf1on keys, and a secef key 1s geneafed by a symmef1c a1go1fhm
fo be used fo bu1k encypf1on.
b. Lmp1oys fWo keys, pub11c and p1vafe, geneafed by a symmef1c a1go1fhm fo
pofecf1ng encypf1on keys, and a secef key 1s geneafed by an asymmef1c a1go1fhm
fo be used fo bu1k encypf1on.
c. Lmp1oys a s1ng1e key, p1vafe, geneafed by a symmef1c a1go1fhm fo pofecf1ng
encypf1on keys, and a pub11c/p1vafe key pa1 1s geneafed and used fo bu1k
d. Lmp1oys a s1ng1e key, pub11c, geneafed by a symmef1c a1go1fhm fo pofecf1ng
encypf1on keys, and a pub11c/p1vafe key pa1 1s geneafed and used fo bu1k
29. Wh1ch asymmef1c a1go1fhm Wou1d be 1dea1 fo emp1oy W1fh1n PDAs?
a. 3DL5
b. D1ff1e-he11man
c. k5A
d. LCC
30. A use Wou1d 11ke fo send a message and a11oW on1y one ofhe peson fo ve1fy
fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe message. You Wou1d need fo 1mp1emenf Wh1ch funcf1on?
a. One-Way hash
b. Message d1gesf
c. Message aufhenf1caf1on code
d. 1apdoo one-Way funcf1on
31. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a hash1ng a1go1fhm used fo message
a. 5hA
b. MD5
c. D1ff1e-he11man
d. MD2
32. Wh1ch fype of encypf1on, 1n genea1, Wou1d be cons1deed fhe moe secued
encypf1on mefhod acoss a s1ng1e 11nk?
Page 4
a. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on
b. 1unne1 encypf1on
c. 1anspof encypf1on
d. L1nk encypf1on
33. hadWae encypf1on vesus soffWae encypf1on has some fadeoffs. Whaf ae
a. hadWae encypf1on 1s fasfe, 1ess expens1ve, and genea11y moe secue.
b. 5offWae encypf1on 1s fasfe, 1ess expens1ve, and genea11y moe secue.
c. hadWae encypf1on 1s fasfe buf 1s moe expens1ve.
d. 5offWae encypf1on 1s fasfe and can be mod1f1ed as eas11y.
34. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an appop1afe encypf1on mefhod fo emp1oy When fhee
1s a need fo encypf each message befWeen fWo compufes and fhe seve deems 1f
necessay fo secue fhe message?
a. h11P5
b. 55L
c. lP5ec
d. 5-h11P
35. You ae fy1ng fo pov1de a secue mefhod of fem1na1 access fo a emofe
compufe. Wh1ch pofoco1 shou1d you use?
a. 1e1nef
b. 1og1n
c. 55h
d. sh
36. 1he mefhod of lP5ec encypf1on fhaf secues fhe pay1oad as We11 as fhe ouf1ng
and heade 1nfomaf1on 1s:
a. 5ecu1fy assoc1af1on
b. 1unne1 mode
c. 1anspof mode
d. 5ecu1fy paamefe 1ndex {5Pl}
37. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy sev1ces ae pov1ded 1f a sende encypfs dafa
W1fh fhe ece1ve`s pub11c key?
a. lnfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy
c. Aufhenf1caf1on
d. Coupf1on
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy sev1ces ae pov1ded 1f a sende encypfs a
message d1gesf W1fh he p1vafe key? {mu1f1p1e ansWes app1y}
a. lnfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy
c. Aufhenf1caf1on
d. Coupf1on
39. DLA uses hoW many ounds and pa1fy b1fs?
a. 16 ounds and b1fs
b. ounds and 24 b1fs
c. 56 b1fs and 16 ounds
d. 72 ounds and 36 b1fs
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng b1ock c1phe modes 1s besf fo use When need1ng fo encypf
Page 5
cha11enge-esponse va1ues?
a. C8C
b. CI8
c. OI8
d. LC8
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng b1ock c1phe modes 1s besf fo use When need1ng fo encypf
a f11e?
a. C8C
b. CI8
c. OI8
d. LC8
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng b1ock c1phe modes 1s besf fo use When need1ng fo encypf
a sfeam of dafa go1ng ove an ana1og s1gna1?
a. C1k
b. CI8
c. C8C
d. LC8
43. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a benef1f of OI8 ove CI8 b1ock c1phe mode?
a. lf does nof popagafe b1f coupf1on
b. lf pads fhe b1f va1ues
c. lf encypfs 1age b1ocks of dafa
d. lf does nof equ1e an lv
44. C1k and OI8 ae bofh modes used fo b1ock a1go1fhms. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
does nof desc1be a fue d1ffeence befWeen fhem?
a. OI8 uses lv va1ues, and C1k uses va1ues fhaf ae 1ncemenfed.
b. C1k uses cha1n1ng 1n 1fs encypf1on pocess, and OI8 does nof.
c. C1k encypf1on and decypf1on pocesses can happen 1n paa11e1, and OI8
pocesses cannof.
d. C1k has beffe pefomance fhan OI8.
45. As pocess1ng poWe 1nceased, fhe compuf1ng soc1efy moved fom DL5 fo 3DL5.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue pefa1n1ng fo 3DL5?
a. uses a key s1ze of 112 b1fs
b. uses 4 ounds
c. Appox1mafe1y 256 f1mes sfonge fhan DL5
d. Can be used W1fh 2 o 3 keys
46. k1ndae1 has va1ous key s1zes and poss1b1e ounds. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s
nof a coecf comb1naf1on When us1ng fh1s a1go1fhm?
a. lf bofh key and b1ock s1ze 1s 12 b1fs, fhee ae 10 ounds
b. lf bofh key and b1ock s1ze 1s 12 b1fs, fhee ae 9 ounds
c. lf bofh key and b1ock s1ze 1s 192 b1fs, fhee ae 11 ounds
d. lf bofh key and b1ock s1ze 1s 256 b1fs, fhee ae 13 ounds
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng a1go1fhms Was used 1n fhe lLLL 02.11 sfandad?
a. AL5
b. kC5
c. kC4
d. DL5
4. Whaf 1s necessay fo a successfu1 man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack on fhe
Page 6
D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm?
a. 5ess1on h1ack1ng
b. Lack of aufhenf1caf1on
c. kepeafed 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo va1ues
d. 5ymmef1c key musf be encypfed
49. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen a key ageemenf pofoco1 and a key exchange
pofoco1 and Whaf 1s an examp1e?
a. A key ageemenf pofoco1 does nof encypf a symmef1c key W1fh an asymmef1c key
- D1ff1e-he11man
b. A key ageemenf pofoco1 does nof encypf a symmef1c key W1fh an asymmef1c key
- k5A
c. A key ageemenf pofoco1 encypfs a symmef1c key W1fh an asymmef1c key -
d. A key ageemenf pofoco1 encypfs a symmef1c key W1fh an asymmef1c key - k5A
50. Mosf pub11c key cypfogaph1c a1go1fhms ae based on one-Way funcf1ons. Wh1ch
of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes k5A`s one-Way funcf1on?
a. 1he easy d1ecf1on 1s mu1f1p1y1ng fWo numbes, and fhe d1ff1cu1f d1ecf1on 1s
facfo1ng a 1age numbe 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 p1me numbes.
b. 1he easy d1ecf1on 1s facfo1ng a 1age numbe, and fhe d1ff1cu1f d1ecf1on 1s
fo mu1f1p1y fWo numbes unf11 a p1me numbe 1s ceafed.
c. 1he easy d1ecf1on 1s ca1cu1af1ng 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe f1e1d, and fhe
d1ff1cu1f d1ecf1on 1s facfo1ng a 1age numbe 1nfo 1fs o1g1na1 p1me numbe.
d. 1he easy d1ecf1on 1s ca1cu1af1ng 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe f1e1d, and fhe
d1ff1cu1f d1ecf1on 1s mu1f1p1y1ng numbes unf11 a p1me numbe 1s ceafed.
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. 5ecue 5ockef Laye {55L} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf pov1des aufhenf1caf1on,
1nfeg1fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. lf 1s used fo encypf a commun1caf1on channe1
befWeen fWo sysfems. lf 1s based on fhe pub11c key 1nfasfucfue {Pkl}, mean1ng
fhaf 1f pefoms aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng cef1f1cafe aufho1f1es and cef1f1cafes.
b. lncoecf. 5ecue 5ockef Laye {55L} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf pov1des
aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. lf 1s used fo encypf a
commun1caf1on channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems. lf 1s based on fhe pub11c key
1nfasfucfue {Pkl}, mean1ng fhaf 1f pefoms aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng cef1f1cafe
aufho1f1es and cef1f1cafes.
c. lncoecf. 5ecue 5ockef Laye {55L} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf pov1des
aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. lf 1s used fo encypf a
commun1caf1on channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems. lf 1s based on fhe pub11c key
1nfasfucfue {Pkl}, mean1ng fhaf 1f pefoms aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng cef1f1cafe
aufho1f1es and cef1f1cafes.
d. lncoecf. 5ecue 5ockef Laye {55L} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf pov1des
aufhenf1caf1on, 1nfeg1fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. lf 1s used fo encypf a
commun1caf1on channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems. lf 1s based on fhe pub11c key
1nfasfucfue {Pkl}, mean1ng fhaf 1f pefoms aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng cef1f1cafe
aufho1f1es and cef1f1cafes.
a. Coecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s When an affacke f1es a11 poss1b1e so1uf1ons
unf11 fhe coecf one 1s uncoveed. 1h1s can be fy1ng fo f1nd a sequence of
chaacfes fhaf epesenf a va11d passWod o a11 poss1b1e key va1ues W1fh1n a
keyspace. Cypfana1ys1s 1s a cafegoy of hack1ng fhaf f1es fo beak an encypf1on
sysfem, usua11y by uncove1ng fhe se1ecfed keys. Once fhe key 1s uncoveed fhen any
dafa encypfed us1ng fhaf key can be dec1pheed and ead.
b. lncoecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s When an affacke f1es a11 poss1b1e
Page 7
so1uf1ons unf11 fhe coecf one 1s uncoveed. 1h1s can be fy1ng fo f1nd a sequence
of chaacfes fhaf epesenf a va11d passWod o a11 poss1b1e key va1ues W1fh1n a
keyspace. Cypfana1ys1s 1s a cafegoy of hack1ng fhaf f1es fo beak an encypf1on
sysfem, usua11y by uncove1ng fhe se1ecfed keys. Once fhe key 1s uncoveed fhen any
dafa encypfed us1ng fhaf key can be dec1pheed and ead.
c. lncoecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s When an affacke f1es a11 poss1b1e
so1uf1ons unf11 fhe coecf one 1s uncoveed. 1h1s can be fy1ng fo f1nd a sequence
of chaacfes fhaf epesenf a va11d passWod o a11 poss1b1e key va1ues W1fh1n a
keyspace. Cypfana1ys1s 1s a cafegoy of hack1ng fhaf f1es fo beak an encypf1on
sysfem, usua11y by uncove1ng fhe se1ecfed keys. Once fhe key 1s uncoveed fhen any
dafa encypfed us1ng fhaf key can be dec1pheed and ead.
d. lncoecf. A bufe-foce affack 1s When an affacke f1es a11 poss1b1e
so1uf1ons unf11 fhe coecf one 1s uncoveed. 1h1s can be fy1ng fo f1nd a sequence
of chaacfes fhaf epesenf a va11d passWod o a11 poss1b1e key va1ues W1fh1n a
keyspace. Cypfana1ys1s 1s a cafegoy of hack1ng fhaf f1es fo beak an encypf1on
sysfem, usua11y by uncove1ng fhe se1ecfed keys. Once fhe key 1s uncoveed fhen any
dafa encypfed us1ng fhaf key can be dec1pheed and ead.
a. Coecf. Mosf passWods 1n env1onmenfs ae cenfa11y sfoed fo use
aufhenf1caf1on. Any passWod fhaf 1s sfoed shou1d nof be sfoed 1n c1eafexf, 1f
shou1d be encypfed o hashed. PassWods fhaf ae sfoed cenfa11y ae even moe
vu1neab1e because an affacke Wou1d fy fo access a11 passWods fo an env1onmenf.
PassWods shou1d be af 1easf 7- chaacfes 1ong. 1hey shou1d a1so be non-d1cf1onay
b. lncoecf. Mosf passWods 1n env1onmenfs ae cenfa11y sfoed fo use
aufhenf1caf1on. Any passWod fhaf 1s sfoed shou1d nof be sfoed 1n c1eafexf, 1f
shou1d be encypfed o hashed. PassWods fhaf ae sfoed cenfa11y ae even moe
vu1neab1e because an affacke Wou1d fy fo access a11 passWods fo an env1onmenf.
PassWods shou1d be af 1easf 7- chaacfes 1ong. 1hey shou1d a1so be non-d1cf1onay
c. lncoecf. Mosf passWods 1n env1onmenfs ae cenfa11y sfoed fo use
aufhenf1caf1on. Any passWod fhaf 1s sfoed shou1d nof be sfoed 1n c1eafexf, 1f
shou1d be encypfed o hashed. PassWods fhaf ae sfoed cenfa11y ae even moe
vu1neab1e because an affacke Wou1d fy fo access a11 passWods fo an env1onmenf.
PassWods shou1d be af 1easf 7- chaacfes 1ong. 1hey shou1d a1so be non-d1cf1onay
d. lncoecf. Mosf passWods 1n env1onmenfs ae cenfa11y sfoed fo use
aufhenf1caf1on. Any passWod fhaf 1s sfoed shou1d nof be sfoed 1n c1eafexf, 1f
shou1d be encypfed o hashed. PassWods fhaf ae sfoed cenfa11y ae even moe
vu1neab1e because an affacke Wou1d fy fo access a11 passWods fo an env1onmenf.
PassWods shou1d be af 1easf 7- chaacfes 1ong. 1hey shou1d a1so be non-d1cf1onay
a. lncoecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des encypf1on af a 1oWe end of fhe O5l mode1,
1f Woks af fhe dafa 11nk and phys1ca1 1ayes. A11 1nfomaf1on, 1nc1ud1ng heade
1nfomaf1on, 1s encypfed. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on Woks af fhe app11caf1on and
pesenfaf1on 1ayes and does nof encypf fhe acfua1 packef heades, buf on1y fhe
packefs dafa pay1oad. Dafa 11nk messag1ng 1s connecf1on ma1nfenance, eo
defecf1on, and coecf1on used by fhe 11nk encypf1on soffWae. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on 1s
nof encypfed. L1nk encypf1on pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on by encypf1ng
a11 dafa, nof usf fhe pay1oad.
b. Coecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des encypf1on af a 1oWe end of fhe O5l mode1,
1f Woks af fhe dafa 11nk and phys1ca1 1ayes. A11 1nfomaf1on, 1nc1ud1ng heade
1nfomaf1on, 1s encypfed. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on Woks af fhe app11caf1on and
pesenfaf1on 1ayes and does nof encypf fhe acfua1 packef heades, buf on1y fhe
packefs dafa pay1oad. Dafa 11nk messag1ng 1s connecf1on ma1nfenance, eo
defecf1on, and coecf1on used by fhe 11nk encypf1on soffWae. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on 1s
nof encypfed. L1nk encypf1on pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on by encypf1ng
a11 dafa, nof usf fhe pay1oad.
c. lncoecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des encypf1on af a 1oWe end of fhe O5l mode1,
1f Woks af fhe dafa 11nk and phys1ca1 1ayes. A11 1nfomaf1on, 1nc1ud1ng heade
1nfomaf1on, 1s encypfed. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on Woks af fhe app11caf1on and
pesenfaf1on 1ayes and does nof encypf fhe acfua1 packef heades, buf on1y fhe
packefs dafa pay1oad. Dafa 11nk messag1ng 1s connecf1on ma1nfenance, eo
defecf1on, and coecf1on used by fhe 11nk encypf1on soffWae. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on 1s
nof encypfed. L1nk encypf1on pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on by encypf1ng
a11 dafa, nof usf fhe pay1oad.
d. lncoecf. L1nk encypf1on pov1des encypf1on af a 1oWe end of fhe O5l mode1,
1f Woks af fhe dafa 11nk and phys1ca1 1ayes. A11 1nfomaf1on, 1nc1ud1ng heade
1nfomaf1on, 1s encypfed. Lnd-fo-end encypf1on Woks af fhe app11caf1on and
pesenfaf1on 1ayes and does nof encypf fhe acfua1 packef heades, buf on1y fhe
packefs dafa pay1oad. Dafa 11nk messag1ng 1s connecf1on ma1nfenance, eo
defecf1on, and coecf1on used by fhe 11nk encypf1on soffWae. 1h1s 1nfomaf1on 1s
nof encypfed. L1nk encypf1on pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on by encypf1ng
a11 dafa, nof usf fhe pay1oad.
a. lncoecf. Advanced Lncypf1on 5fandad uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. lf 1s a
symmef1c a1go1fhm, Wh1ch 1s used fo encypf bu1k dafa. 5ymmef1c keys ae nof used
1n key ecovey, asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae used fo fhaf pupose. And hash1ng
a1go1fhms ae used fo ceafe message d1gesfs, Wh1ch 1s used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. Advanced Lncypf1on 5fandad uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. lf 1s a
symmef1c a1go1fhm, Wh1ch 1s used fo encypf bu1k dafa. 5ymmef1c keys ae nof used
1n key ecovey, asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae used fo fhaf pupose. And hash1ng
a1go1fhms ae used fo ceafe message d1gesfs, Wh1ch 1s used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy.
c. Coecf. Advanced Lncypf1on 5fandad uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. lf 1s a
symmef1c a1go1fhm, Wh1ch 1s used fo encypf bu1k dafa. 5ymmef1c keys ae nof used
1n key ecovey, asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae used fo fhaf pupose. And hash1ng
a1go1fhms ae used fo ceafe message d1gesfs, Wh1ch 1s used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. Advanced Lncypf1on 5fandad uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. lf 1s a
symmef1c a1go1fhm, Wh1ch 1s used fo encypf bu1k dafa. 5ymmef1c keys ae nof used
1n key ecovey, asymmef1c a1go1fhms ae used fo fhaf pupose. And hash1ng
a1go1fhms ae used fo ceafe message d1gesfs, Wh1ch 1s used fo dafa 1nfeg1fy.
a. lncoecf. PGP 1s a fee encypf1on poducf fhaf uses asymmef1c and symmef1c
a1go1fhms fogefhe 1n a hyb1d appoach. lf a11oWs uses fo be ab1e fo encypf,
d1g1fa11y s1gn, and defem1ne hoW much fhey fusf ofhe uses. 1he ofhe ansWes ae
a1go1fhms and nof cypfosysfems. A cypfosysfem 1s a11 fhe necessay soffWae,
a1go1fhms, keys, and pofoco1s needed fo cay ouf cypfogaph1c funcf1ons.
b. Coecf. PGP 1s a fee encypf1on poducf fhaf uses asymmef1c and symmef1c
a1go1fhms fogefhe 1n a hyb1d appoach. lf a11oWs uses fo be ab1e fo encypf,
d1g1fa11y s1gn, and defem1ne hoW much fhey fusf ofhe uses. 1he ofhe ansWes ae
a1go1fhms and nof cypfosysfems. A cypfosysfem 1s a11 fhe necessay soffWae,
a1go1fhms, keys, and pofoco1s needed fo cay ouf cypfogaph1c funcf1ons.
c. lncoecf. PGP 1s a fee encypf1on poducf fhaf uses asymmef1c and symmef1c
a1go1fhms fogefhe 1n a hyb1d appoach. lf a11oWs uses fo be ab1e fo encypf,
d1g1fa11y s1gn, and defem1ne hoW much fhey fusf ofhe uses. 1he ofhe ansWes ae
a1go1fhms and nof cypfosysfems. A cypfosysfem 1s a11 fhe necessay soffWae,
a1go1fhms, keys, and pofoco1s needed fo cay ouf cypfogaph1c funcf1ons.
d. lncoecf. PGP 1s a fee encypf1on poducf fhaf uses asymmef1c and symmef1c
a1go1fhms fogefhe 1n a hyb1d appoach. lf a11oWs uses fo be ab1e fo encypf,
d1g1fa11y s1gn, and defem1ne hoW much fhey fusf ofhe uses. 1he ofhe ansWes ae
a1go1fhms and nof cypfosysfems. A cypfosysfem 1s a11 fhe necessay soffWae,
a1go1fhms, keys, and pofoco1s needed fo cay ouf cypfogaph1c funcf1ons.
a. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf modes fo 3DL5. DL5-LLL3 uses fhee keys
fo encypf1on. DL5-LDL3 uses fhee d1ffeenf keys and encypfs, decypfs, and
encypfs dafa. DL5-LLL2 and DL5-LDL2 ae fhe same as fhe pev1ous modes, buf fhe
f1sf and fh1d opeaf1ons use fhe same key. 1hee 1s no DL5-LLL1 mode us1ng 1 key.
1haf 1s a bogus ansWe.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf modes fo 3DL5. DL5-LLL3 uses fhee
keys fo encypf1on. DL5-LDL3 uses fhee d1ffeenf keys and encypfs, decypfs, and
Page 9
encypfs dafa. DL5-LLL2 and DL5-LDL2 ae fhe same as fhe pev1ous modes, buf fhe
f1sf and fh1d opeaf1ons use fhe same key. 1hee 1s no DL5-LLL1 mode us1ng 1 key.
1haf 1s a bogus ansWe.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf modes fo 3DL5. DL5-LLL3 uses fhee
keys fo encypf1on. DL5-LDL3 uses fhee d1ffeenf keys and encypfs, decypfs, and
encypfs dafa. DL5-LLL2 and DL5-LDL2 ae fhe same as fhe pev1ous modes, buf fhe
f1sf and fh1d opeaf1ons use fhe same key. 1hee 1s no DL5-LLL1 mode us1ng 1 key.
1haf 1s a bogus ansWe.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf modes fo 3DL5. DL5-LLL3 uses fhee
keys fo encypf1on. DL5-LDL3 uses fhee d1ffeenf keys and encypfs, decypfs, and
encypfs dafa. DL5-LLL2 and DL5-LDL2 ae fhe same as fhe pev1ous modes, buf fhe
f1sf and fh1d opeaf1ons use fhe same key. 1hee 1s no DL5-LLL1 mode us1ng 1 key.
1haf 1s a bogus ansWe.

a. lncoecf. 5-boxes {subsf1fuf1on boxes} ho1d fhe mafhemaf1cs and 1og1c fhaf
W111 be pefomed on fhe d1ffeenf b1ocks of dafa. 1hese 5-boxes ae used by fhe
a1go1fhm fo cay ouf fhe subsf1fuf1on and fanspos1f1on funcf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 5-boxes {subsf1fuf1on boxes} ho1d fhe mafhemaf1cs and 1og1c fhaf
W111 be pefomed on fhe d1ffeenf b1ocks of dafa. 1hese 5-boxes ae used by fhe
a1go1fhm fo cay ouf fhe subsf1fuf1on and fanspos1f1on funcf1ons.
c. Coecf. 5-boxes {subsf1fuf1on boxes} ho1d fhe mafhemaf1cs and 1og1c fhaf W111
be pefomed on fhe d1ffeenf b1ocks of dafa. 1hese 5-boxes ae used by fhe
a1go1fhm fo cay ouf fhe subsf1fuf1on and fanspos1f1on funcf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 5-boxes {subsf1fuf1on boxes} ho1d fhe mafhemaf1cs and 1og1c fhaf
W111 be pefomed on fhe d1ffeenf b1ocks of dafa. 1hese 5-boxes ae used by fhe
a1go1fhm fo cay ouf fhe subsf1fuf1on and fanspos1f1on funcf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1oday a 56-b1f key can on1y pov1de a feW hous Wofh of pofecf1on.
lf DL5 had a 1age key s1ze, fhen 1f cou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on. 8ecause of fh1s
Weakness AL5 Was deve1oped, Wh1ch uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. AL5 ep1aces DL5 and
k1ndae1 has much 1age key s1zes fhan DL5.
b. lncoecf. 1oday a 56-b1f key can on1y pov1de a feW hous Wofh of pofecf1on.
lf DL5 had a 1age key s1ze, fhen 1f cou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on. 8ecause of fh1s
Weakness AL5 Was deve1oped, Wh1ch uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. AL5 ep1aces DL5 and
k1ndae1 has much 1age key s1zes fhan DL5.
c. lncoecf. 1oday a 56-b1f key can on1y pov1de a feW hous Wofh of pofecf1on.
lf DL5 had a 1age key s1ze, fhen 1f cou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on. 8ecause of fh1s
Weakness AL5 Was deve1oped, Wh1ch uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. AL5 ep1aces DL5 and
k1ndae1 has much 1age key s1zes fhan DL5.
d. Coecf. 1oday a 56-b1f key can on1y pov1de a feW hous Wofh of pofecf1on.
lf DL5 had a 1age key s1ze, fhen 1f cou1d pov1de moe pofecf1on. 8ecause of fh1s
Weakness AL5 Was deve1oped, Wh1ch uses fhe k1ndae1 a1go1fhm. AL5 ep1aces DL5 and
k1ndae1 has much 1age key s1zes fhan DL5.
a. lncoecf. 5klP {51mp1e key managemenf fo lP} and l5AkMP {lnfenef 5ecu1fy
Assoc1af1on and key Managemenf Pofoco1} ae bofh key exchange pofoco1s fhaf can be
used by lP5ec. 1he de facfo sfandad fo lP5ec 1s fo use lkL {lnfenef key
Lxchange}, Wh1ch 1s a comb1naf1on of l5AkMP and fhe Oak1ey pofoco1. 5klP, l5AkMP,
and lP5ec Wok af fhe nefWok 1aye.
b. lncoecf. 5klP {51mp1e key managemenf fo lP} and l5AkMP {lnfenef 5ecu1fy
Assoc1af1on and key Managemenf Pofoco1} ae bofh key exchange pofoco1s fhaf can be
used by lP5ec. 1he de facfo sfandad fo lP5ec 1s fo use lkL {lnfenef key
Lxchange}, Wh1ch 1s a comb1naf1on of l5AkMP and fhe Oak1ey pofoco1. 5klP, l5AkMP,
and lP5ec Wok af fhe nefWok 1aye.
c. lncoecf. 5klP {51mp1e key managemenf fo lP} and l5AkMP {lnfenef 5ecu1fy
Assoc1af1on and key Managemenf Pofoco1} ae bofh key exchange pofoco1s fhaf can be
used by lP5ec. 1he de facfo sfandad fo lP5ec 1s fo use lkL {lnfenef key
Lxchange}, Wh1ch 1s a comb1naf1on of l5AkMP and fhe Oak1ey pofoco1. 5klP, l5AkMP,
and lP5ec Wok af fhe nefWok 1aye.
d. Coecf. 5klP {51mp1e key managemenf fo lP} and l5AkMP {lnfenef 5ecu1fy
Page 10
Assoc1af1on and key Managemenf Pofoco1} ae bofh key exchange pofoco1s fhaf can be
used by lP5ec. 1he de facfo sfandad fo lP5ec 1s fo use lkL {lnfenef key
Lxchange}, Wh1ch 1s a comb1naf1on of l5AkMP and fhe Oak1ey pofoco1. 5klP, l5AkMP,
and lP5ec Wok af fhe nefWok 1aye.
a. Coecf. lP5ec uses message aufhenf1caf1on code {MAC} fo pov1de dafa o1g1n
aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs Whaf sysfem senf fhe dafa.
1h1s does nof mean fhaf fhe acfua1 use 1s aufhenf1cafed, on1y fhe sysfem fhaf senf
fhe 1nfomaf1on. lf use aufhenf1caf1on Was equ1ed fhen cedenf1a1s Wou1d need fo
be senf and ve1f1ed o a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue Wou1d need fo be used. A symmef1c key
1s nof bound fo an 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy as cedenf1a1s and p1vafe keys ae.
b. lncoecf. lP5ec uses message aufhenf1caf1on code {MAC} fo pov1de dafa o1g1n
aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs Whaf sysfem senf fhe dafa.
1h1s does nof mean fhaf fhe acfua1 use 1s aufhenf1cafed, on1y fhe sysfem fhaf senf
fhe 1nfomaf1on. lf use aufhenf1caf1on Was equ1ed fhen cedenf1a1s Wou1d need fo
be senf and ve1f1ed o a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue Wou1d need fo be used. A symmef1c key
1s nof bound fo an 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy as cedenf1a1s and p1vafe keys ae.
c. lncoecf. lP5ec uses message aufhenf1caf1on code {MAC} fo pov1de dafa o1g1n
aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs Whaf sysfem senf fhe dafa.
1h1s does nof mean fhaf fhe acfua1 use 1s aufhenf1cafed, on1y fhe sysfem fhaf senf
fhe 1nfomaf1on. lf use aufhenf1caf1on Was equ1ed fhen cedenf1a1s Wou1d need fo
be senf and ve1f1ed o a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue Wou1d need fo be used. A symmef1c key
1s nof bound fo an 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy as cedenf1a1s and p1vafe keys ae.
d. lncoecf. lP5ec uses message aufhenf1caf1on code {MAC} fo pov1de dafa o1g1n
aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs Whaf sysfem senf fhe dafa.
1h1s does nof mean fhaf fhe acfua1 use 1s aufhenf1cafed, on1y fhe sysfem fhaf senf
fhe 1nfomaf1on. lf use aufhenf1caf1on Was equ1ed fhen cedenf1a1s Wou1d need fo
be senf and ve1f1ed o a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue Wou1d need fo be used. A symmef1c key
1s nof bound fo an 1nd1v1dua1`s 1denf1fy as cedenf1a1s and p1vafe keys ae.
a. lncoecf. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms use pub11c and p1vafe keys fo key encypf1on
and d1sf1buf1on and fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. When somefh1ng 1s encypfed W1fh a
p1vafe key, on1y fhe coespond1ng pub11c key can decypf 1f. lf a spec1f1c pub11c
key can decypf somefh1ng, fhen fhe use knoWs fhaf fhe peson W1fh fhe
coespond1ng p1vafe key encypfed 1f 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o fhe pub11c key
aufhenf1cafes fhaf fhe pope p1vafe key Was used.
b. lncoecf. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms use pub11c and p1vafe keys fo key encypf1on
and d1sf1buf1on and fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. When somefh1ng 1s encypfed W1fh a
p1vafe key, on1y fhe coespond1ng pub11c key can decypf 1f. lf a spec1f1c pub11c
key can decypf somefh1ng, fhen fhe use knoWs fhaf fhe peson W1fh fhe
coespond1ng p1vafe key encypfed 1f 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o fhe pub11c key
aufhenf1cafes fhaf fhe pope p1vafe key Was used.
c. Coecf. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms use pub11c and p1vafe keys fo key encypf1on
and d1sf1buf1on and fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. When somefh1ng 1s encypfed W1fh a
p1vafe key, on1y fhe coespond1ng pub11c key can decypf 1f. lf a spec1f1c pub11c
key can decypf somefh1ng, fhen fhe use knoWs fhaf fhe peson W1fh fhe
coespond1ng p1vafe key encypfed 1f 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o fhe pub11c key
aufhenf1cafes fhaf fhe pope p1vafe key Was used.
d. lncoecf. Asymmef1c a1go1fhms use pub11c and p1vafe keys fo key encypf1on
and d1sf1buf1on and fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues. When somefh1ng 1s encypfed W1fh a
p1vafe key, on1y fhe coespond1ng pub11c key can decypf 1f. lf a spec1f1c pub11c
key can decypf somefh1ng, fhen fhe use knoWs fhaf fhe peson W1fh fhe
coespond1ng p1vafe key encypfed 1f 1n fhe f1sf p1ace. 5o fhe pub11c key
aufhenf1cafes fhaf fhe pope p1vafe key Was used.
a. Coecf. Affe a seve aufhenf1cafes fo a c11enf, When seff1ng up a 55L
connecf1on, fhe c11enf ceafes a sess1on key fhaf W111 be used by bofh fhe c11enf
and fhe seve fo bu1k encypf1on. 1he c11enf encypfs fhe sess1on key W1fh fhe
seves pub11c key and sends 1f. On1y fhe seve can decypf 1f because on1y fhe
seve 1s supposed fo have fhe coespond1ng p1vafe key.
Page 11
b. lncoecf. Affe a seve aufhenf1cafes fo a c11enf, When seff1ng up a 55L
connecf1on, fhe c11enf ceafes a sess1on key fhaf W111 be used by bofh fhe c11enf
and fhe seve fo bu1k encypf1on. 1he c11enf encypfs fhe sess1on key W1fh fhe
seves pub11c key and sends 1f. On1y fhe seve can decypf 1f because on1y fhe
seve 1s supposed fo have fhe coespond1ng p1vafe key.
c. lncoecf. Affe a seve aufhenf1cafes fo a c11enf, When seff1ng up a 55L
connecf1on, fhe c11enf ceafes a sess1on key fhaf W111 be used by bofh fhe c11enf
and fhe seve fo bu1k encypf1on. 1he c11enf encypfs fhe sess1on key W1fh fhe
seves pub11c key and sends 1f. On1y fhe seve can decypf 1f because on1y fhe
seve 1s supposed fo have fhe coespond1ng p1vafe key.
d. lncoecf. Affe a seve aufhenf1cafes fo a c11enf, When seff1ng up a 55L
connecf1on, fhe c11enf ceafes a sess1on key fhaf W111 be used by bofh fhe c11enf
and fhe seve fo bu1k encypf1on. 1he c11enf encypfs fhe sess1on key W1fh fhe
seves pub11c key and sends 1f. On1y fhe seve can decypf 1f because on1y fhe
seve 1s supposed fo have fhe coespond1ng p1vafe key.
a. lncoecf. When funne1 mode 1s used 1n lP5ec fhaf means fhe dafa pay1oad and
fhe heade 1nfomaf1on ae pofecfed. ln fanspof mode on1y fhe pay1oad 1s
b. Coecf. When funne1 mode 1s used 1n lP5ec fhaf means fhe dafa pay1oad and fhe
heade 1nfomaf1on ae pofecfed. ln fanspof mode on1y fhe pay1oad 1s pofecfed.
c. lncoecf. When funne1 mode 1s used 1n lP5ec fhaf means fhe dafa pay1oad and
fhe heade 1nfomaf1on ae pofecfed. ln fanspof mode on1y fhe pay1oad 1s
d. lncoecf. When funne1 mode 1s used 1n lP5ec fhaf means fhe dafa pay1oad and
fhe heade 1nfomaf1on ae pofecfed. ln fanspof mode on1y fhe pay1oad 1s
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf equaf1on fo use fo defem1ne hoW many symmef1c keys ae
needed 1s N{N-1}/2. lf 10 peop1e needed fo commun1cafe v1a symmef1c encypf1on
pocesses, fhen 45 keys ae needed.
b. Coecf. 1he coecf equaf1on fo use fo defem1ne hoW many symmef1c keys ae
needed 1s N{N-1}/2. lf 10 peop1e needed fo commun1cafe v1a symmef1c encypf1on
pocesses, fhen 45 keys ae needed.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf equaf1on fo use fo defem1ne hoW many symmef1c keys ae
needed 1s N{N-1}/2. lf 10 peop1e needed fo commun1cafe v1a symmef1c encypf1on
pocesses, fhen 45 keys ae needed.
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf equaf1on fo use fo defem1ne hoW many symmef1c keys ae
needed 1s N{N-1}/2. lf 10 peop1e needed fo commun1cafe v1a symmef1c encypf1on
pocesses, fhen 45 keys ae needed.
a. Coecf. knapsack 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm.
b. lncoecf. knapsack 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm.
c. lncoecf. knapsack 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm.
d. lncoecf. knapsack 1s an asymmef1c a1go1fhm.
a. lncoecf. Non-epud1af1on 1s fhe secu1fy mechan1sm fhaf assues someone senf
a message and 1f cannof be den1ed fhaf 1f Was done.
b. lncoecf. Non-epud1af1on 1s fhe secu1fy mechan1sm fhaf assues someone senf
a message and 1f cannof be den1ed fhaf 1f Was done.
c. Coecf. Non-epud1af1on 1s fhe secu1fy mechan1sm fhaf assues someone senf a
message and 1f cannof be den1ed fhaf 1f Was done.
d. lncoecf. Non-epud1af1on 1s fhe secu1fy mechan1sm fhaf assues someone senf
a message and 1f cannof be den1ed fhaf 1f Was done.
a. lncoecf. 1he sfengfh of fhe encypf1on mefhod comes fom fhe a1go1fhm,
sececy of fhe key, 1engfh of fhe key, efc. 1he sececy of fhe key 1s ma1nfa1ned by
hav1ng a 1age keyspace fo consfucf a key, fhus mak1ng 1f hade fo de1ve fhe
Page 12
secef key.
b. Coecf. 1he sfengfh of fhe encypf1on mefhod comes fom fhe a1go1fhm,
sececy of fhe key, 1engfh of fhe key, efc. 1he sececy of fhe key 1s ma1nfa1ned by
hav1ng a 1age keyspace fo consfucf a key, fhus mak1ng 1f hade fo de1ve fhe
secef key.
c. lncoecf. 1he sfengfh of fhe encypf1on mefhod comes fom fhe a1go1fhm,
sececy of fhe key, 1engfh of fhe key, efc. 1he sececy of fhe key 1s ma1nfa1ned by
hav1ng a 1age keyspace fo consfucf a key, fhus mak1ng 1f hade fo de1ve fhe
secef key.
d. lncoecf. 1he sfengfh of fhe encypf1on mefhod comes fom fhe a1go1fhm,
sececy of fhe key, 1engfh of fhe key, efc. 1he sececy of fhe key 1s ma1nfa1ned by
hav1ng a 1age keyspace fo consfucf a key, fhus mak1ng 1f hade fo de1ve fhe
secef key.
a. lncoecf. Asymmef1c, fhough 1fs use of dua1 keys fhaf ae exfaod1na11y
1ong, equ1es moe compufaf1ons and 1onge pocess1ng f1mes. 5ymmef1c encypf1on
uses a s1ng1e secef key fo encypf1on and decypf1on.
b. Coecf. Asymmef1c, fhough 1fs use of dua1 keys fhaf ae exfaod1na11y
1ong, equ1es moe compufaf1ons and 1onge pocess1ng f1mes. 5ymmef1c encypf1on
uses a s1ng1e secef key fo encypf1on and decypf1on.
c. lncoecf. Asymmef1c, fhough 1fs use of dua1 keys fhaf ae exfaod1na11y
1ong, equ1es moe compufaf1ons and 1onge pocess1ng f1mes. 5ymmef1c encypf1on
uses a s1ng1e secef key fo encypf1on and decypf1on.
d. lncoecf. Asymmef1c, fhough 1fs use of dua1 keys fhaf ae exfaod1na11y
1ong, equ1es moe compufaf1ons and 1onge pocess1ng f1mes. 5ymmef1c encypf1on
uses a s1ng1e secef key fo encypf1on and decypf1on.
a. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues fhough fhe use of pub11c key encypf1on schemes
use fhe p1vafe key fo encypf a hash of fhe message and append fhaf hash fo fhe
message. 1he uses oWn pub11c key can decypf fhe c1phe fexf back 1nfo fhe
o1g1na1 hash senf W1fh fhe message. 1h1s he1ps fo pove fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe
message and Who senf 1f.
b. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues fhough fhe use of pub11c key encypf1on schemes
use fhe p1vafe key fo encypf a hash of fhe message and append fhaf hash fo fhe
message. 1he uses oWn pub11c key can decypf fhe c1phe fexf back 1nfo fhe
o1g1na1 hash senf W1fh fhe message. 1h1s he1ps fo pove fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe
message and Who senf 1f.
c. Coecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues fhough fhe use of pub11c key encypf1on schemes
use fhe p1vafe key fo encypf a hash of fhe message and append fhaf hash fo fhe
message. 1he uses oWn pub11c key can decypf fhe c1phe fexf back 1nfo fhe
o1g1na1 hash senf W1fh fhe message. 1h1s he1ps fo pove fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe
message and Who senf 1f.
d. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues fhough fhe use of pub11c key encypf1on schemes
use fhe p1vafe key fo encypf a hash of fhe message and append fhaf hash fo fhe
message. 1he uses oWn pub11c key can decypf fhe c1phe fexf back 1nfo fhe
o1g1na1 hash senf W1fh fhe message. 1h1s he1ps fo pove fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe
message and Who senf 1f.
a. Coecf. 5feam c1phes Wok af fhe b1f 1eve1 and Wok besf 1f 1mp1emenfed 1n
fhe hadWae due fo fhe 1nfens1ve nafue of man1pu1af1ng each b1f of 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 5feam c1phes Wok af fhe b1f 1eve1 and Wok besf 1f 1mp1emenfed 1n
fhe hadWae due fo fhe 1nfens1ve nafue of man1pu1af1ng each b1f of 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 5feam c1phes Wok af fhe b1f 1eve1 and Wok besf 1f 1mp1emenfed 1n
fhe hadWae due fo fhe 1nfens1ve nafue of man1pu1af1ng each b1f of 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 5feam c1phes Wok af fhe b1f 1eve1 and Wok besf 1f 1mp1emenfed 1n
fhe hadWae due fo fhe 1nfens1ve nafue of man1pu1af1ng each b1f of 1nfomaf1on.
a. lncoecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c encypf1on fhaf emp1oys 64 b1fs fo encypf1on
buf uses b1fs fo pa1fy. 1hus, on1y 56 b1fs ae used fo fhe acfua1 encypf1on
Page 13
b. Coecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c encypf1on fhaf emp1oys 64 b1fs fo encypf1on buf
uses b1fs fo pa1fy. 1hus, on1y 56 b1fs ae used fo fhe acfua1 encypf1on
c. lncoecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c encypf1on fhaf emp1oys 64 b1fs fo encypf1on
buf uses b1fs fo pa1fy. 1hus, on1y 56 b1fs ae used fo fhe acfua1 encypf1on
d. lncoecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c encypf1on fhaf emp1oys 64 b1fs fo encypf1on
buf uses b1fs fo pa1fy. 1hus, on1y 56 b1fs ae used fo fhe acfua1 encypf1on
a. Coecf. 3DL5 Was ceafed fo ovecome fhe def1c1enc1es of DL5 encypf1on. lf 1s
a1so fhe on1y one of fhe 11sfed ansWes fhaf uses a symmef1c encypf1on pocess.
b. lncoecf. 3DL5 Was ceafed fo ovecome fhe def1c1enc1es of DL5 encypf1on. lf
1s a1so fhe on1y one of fhe 11sfed ansWes fhaf uses a symmef1c encypf1on pocess.
c. lncoecf. 3DL5 Was ceafed fo ovecome fhe def1c1enc1es of DL5 encypf1on. lf
1s a1so fhe on1y one of fhe 11sfed ansWes fhaf uses a symmef1c encypf1on pocess.
d. lncoecf. 3DL5 Was ceafed fo ovecome fhe def1c1enc1es of DL5 encypf1on. lf
1s a1so fhe on1y one of fhe 11sfed ansWes fhaf uses a symmef1c encypf1on pocess.
a. lncoecf. Pkl 1n genea1 uses an asymmef1c pocess 1n1f1a11y fo encypf a
sess1on key fo an exchange pocess fhen uses symmef1c encypf1on emp1oy1ng fhe use
of fhe neW1y ceafed sess1on key. 1hus: key exchange us1ng asymmef1c - and
pefomance of symmef1c encypf1on fo fhe acfua1 dafa fansfeence.
b. Coecf. Pkl 1n genea1 uses an asymmef1c pocess 1n1f1a11y fo encypf a
sess1on key fo an exchange pocess fhen uses symmef1c encypf1on emp1oy1ng fhe use
of fhe neW1y ceafed sess1on key. 1hus: key exchange us1ng asymmef1c - and
pefomance of symmef1c encypf1on fo fhe acfua1 dafa fansfeence.
c. lncoecf. Pkl 1n genea1 uses an asymmef1c pocess 1n1f1a11y fo encypf a
sess1on key fo an exchange pocess fhen uses symmef1c encypf1on emp1oy1ng fhe use
of fhe neW1y ceafed sess1on key. 1hus: key exchange us1ng asymmef1c - and
pefomance of symmef1c encypf1on fo fhe acfua1 dafa fansfeence.
d. lncoecf. Pkl 1n genea1 uses an asymmef1c pocess 1n1f1a11y fo encypf a
sess1on key fo an exchange pocess fhen uses symmef1c encypf1on emp1oy1ng fhe use
of fhe neW1y ceafed sess1on key. 1hus: key exchange us1ng asymmef1c - and
pefomance of symmef1c encypf1on fo fhe acfua1 dafa fansfeence.
a. lncoecf. A sess1on key fhaf 1s fansfeed fhough some key exchange pocess
1s fhen used fo fhe esf of fhe sess1on fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on
of fhe dafa fo fhaf sess1on.
b. lncoecf. A sess1on key fhaf 1s fansfeed fhough some key exchange pocess
1s fhen used fo fhe esf of fhe sess1on fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on
of fhe dafa fo fhaf sess1on.
c. lncoecf. A sess1on key fhaf 1s fansfeed fhough some key exchange pocess
1s fhen used fo fhe esf of fhe sess1on fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on
of fhe dafa fo fhaf sess1on.
d. Coecf. A sess1on key fhaf 1s fansfeed fhough some key exchange pocess 1s
fhen used fo fhe esf of fhe sess1on fhaf 1s used fo encypf1on and decypf1on of
fhe dafa fo fhaf sess1on.
a. lncoecf. key managemenf sev1ces pov1de key d1sf1buf1on, sfoage, and
ecovey. key managemenf can be aufomafed o manua1.
b. lncoecf. key managemenf sev1ces pov1de key d1sf1buf1on, sfoage, and
ecovey. key managemenf can be aufomafed o manua1.
c. Coecf. key managemenf sev1ces pov1de key d1sf1buf1on, sfoage, and
ecovey. key managemenf can be aufomafed o manua1.
d. lncoecf. key managemenf sev1ces pov1de key d1sf1buf1on, sfoage, and
ecovey. key managemenf can be aufomafed o manua1.
Page 14
a. lncoecf. A cef1f1cafe aufho1fy pov1des pub11c key cef1f1cafes fhaf an
1nd1v1dua1 o an ogan1zaf1on pesenfs 1n a fansacf1on. 1he pafy ece1v1ng fhe
pub11c key as a means of aufhenf1caf1on o ve1f1caf1on 1n a fansacf1on can go back
fo fhe CA and check fhe va11d1fy of fhe cedenf1a1s pov1ded by fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o
ogan1zaf1on. 1hus, fhe CA vouches fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o ogan1zaf1on.
b. lncoecf. A cef1f1cafe aufho1fy pov1des pub11c key cef1f1cafes fhaf an
1nd1v1dua1 o an ogan1zaf1on pesenfs 1n a fansacf1on. 1he pafy ece1v1ng fhe
pub11c key as a means of aufhenf1caf1on o ve1f1caf1on 1n a fansacf1on can go back
fo fhe CA and check fhe va11d1fy of fhe cedenf1a1s pov1ded by fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o
ogan1zaf1on. 1hus, fhe CA vouches fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o ogan1zaf1on.
c. Coecf. A cef1f1cafe aufho1fy pov1des pub11c key cef1f1cafes fhaf an
1nd1v1dua1 o an ogan1zaf1on pesenfs 1n a fansacf1on. 1he pafy ece1v1ng fhe
pub11c key as a means of aufhenf1caf1on o ve1f1caf1on 1n a fansacf1on can go back
fo fhe CA and check fhe va11d1fy of fhe cedenf1a1s pov1ded by fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o
ogan1zaf1on. 1hus, fhe CA vouches fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf. A cef1f1cafe aufho1fy pov1des pub11c key cef1f1cafes fhaf an
1nd1v1dua1 o an ogan1zaf1on pesenfs 1n a fansacf1on. 1he pafy ece1v1ng fhe
pub11c key as a means of aufhenf1caf1on o ve1f1caf1on 1n a fansacf1on can go back
fo fhe CA and check fhe va11d1fy of fhe cedenf1a1s pov1ded by fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o
ogan1zaf1on. 1hus, fhe CA vouches fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1 o ogan1zaf1on.
a. Coecf. 1he ansWe 1s desc1pf1ve of a hyb1d appoach of pub11c/p1vafe
a1go1fhms and keys.
b. lncoecf. 1he ansWe 1s desc1pf1ve of a hyb1d appoach of pub11c/p1vafe
a1go1fhms and keys.
c. lncoecf. 1he ansWe 1s desc1pf1ve of a hyb1d appoach of pub11c/p1vafe
a1go1fhms and keys.
d. lncoecf. 1he ansWe 1s desc1pf1ve of a hyb1d appoach of pub11c/p1vafe
a1go1fhms and keys.
a. lncoecf. LCC o e111pf1ca1 cuve cypfosysfems pov1de s1m11a sev1ces fhaf
k5A encypf1on pov1de buf use much 1ess pocess1ng poWe. 1hus, fhey ae an 1dea1
cho1ce fo PDAs and sma11 W1e1ess e1ecfon1c dev1ces.
b. lncoecf. LCC o e111pf1ca1 cuve cypfosysfems pov1de s1m11a sev1ces fhaf
k5A encypf1on pov1de buf use much 1ess pocess1ng poWe. 1hus, fhey ae an 1dea1
cho1ce fo PDAs and sma11 W1e1ess e1ecfon1c dev1ces.
c. lncoecf. LCC o e111pf1ca1 cuve cypfosysfems pov1de s1m11a sev1ces fhaf
k5A encypf1on pov1de buf use much 1ess pocess1ng poWe. 1hus, fhey ae an 1dea1
cho1ce fo PDAs and sma11 W1e1ess e1ecfon1c dev1ces.
d. Coecf. LCC o e111pf1ca1 cuve cypfosysfems pov1de s1m11a sev1ces fhaf
k5A encypf1on pov1de buf use much 1ess pocess1ng poWe. 1hus, fhey ae an 1dea1
cho1ce fo PDAs and sma11 W1e1ess e1ecfon1c dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. Message aufhenf1caf1on code 1s a one-Way hash1ng funcf1on, excepf
fhaf fhe esu1f1ng hash va1ue 1s fhe funcf1on of fhe message and fhe key. 1h1s
ensues fhaf on1y fhe peson W1fh fhe necessay key can ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy of fh1s
message. Ofhe ansWes have some s1m11a funcf1ona11fy, buf an MAC 1s fhe besf
ansWe fhaf a11oWs fo on1y fhe peson W1fh a spec1f1c key fo ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. Message aufhenf1caf1on code 1s a one-Way hash1ng funcf1on, excepf
fhaf fhe esu1f1ng hash va1ue 1s fhe funcf1on of fhe message and fhe key. 1h1s
ensues fhaf on1y fhe peson W1fh fhe necessay key can ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy of fh1s
message. Ofhe ansWes have some s1m11a funcf1ona11fy, buf an MAC 1s fhe besf
ansWe fhaf a11oWs fo on1y fhe peson W1fh a spec1f1c key fo ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy.
c. Coecf. Message aufhenf1caf1on code 1s a one-Way hash1ng funcf1on, excepf fhaf
fhe esu1f1ng hash va1ue 1s fhe funcf1on of fhe message and fhe key. 1h1s ensues
fhaf on1y fhe peson W1fh fhe necessay key can ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy of fh1s
message. Ofhe ansWes have some s1m11a funcf1ona11fy, buf an MAC 1s fhe besf
ansWe fhaf a11oWs fo on1y fhe peson W1fh a spec1f1c key fo ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. Message aufhenf1caf1on code 1s a one-Way hash1ng funcf1on, excepf
Page 15
fhaf fhe esu1f1ng hash va1ue 1s fhe funcf1on of fhe message and fhe key. 1h1s
ensues fhaf on1y fhe peson W1fh fhe necessay key can ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy of fh1s
message. Ofhe ansWes have some s1m11a funcf1ona11fy, buf an MAC 1s fhe besf
ansWe fhaf a11oWs fo on1y fhe peson W1fh a spec1f1c key fo ve1fy fhe 1nfeg1fy.
a. lncoecf. D1ff1e-he11man 1s nof used fo message 1nfeg1fy. lf Was ceafed fo
fhe expess pupose of key d1sf1buf1on and p1vacy of fhe key exchange.
b. lncoecf. D1ff1e-he11man 1s nof used fo message 1nfeg1fy. lf Was ceafed fo
fhe expess pupose of key d1sf1buf1on and p1vacy of fhe key exchange.
c. Coecf. D1ff1e-he11man 1s nof used fo message 1nfeg1fy. lf Was ceafed fo
fhe expess pupose of key d1sf1buf1on and p1vacy of fhe key exchange.
d. lncoecf. D1ff1e-he11man 1s nof used fo message 1nfeg1fy. lf Was ceafed fo
fhe expess pupose of key d1sf1buf1on and p1vacy of fhe key exchange.
a. lncoecf. A 11nk encypf1on W111 encypf a11 dafa a1ong a phys1ca1 pafh
befWeen fWo endpo1nfs. 1he key po1nf hee 1s fhaf 1f 1s a s1ng1e 11nk, and W1fh1n a
s1ng1e 11ne, 11nk encypf1on Wou1d pov1de h1ghe secu1fy and pefomance fo fhe
encypf1on sev1ces. A11 dafa fansfeed 1nc1ud1ng heades, fa11es, and addess
and ouf1ng dafa Wou1d be encypfed.
b. lncoecf. A 11nk encypf1on W111 encypf a11 dafa a1ong a phys1ca1 pafh
befWeen fWo endpo1nfs. 1he key po1nf hee 1s fhaf 1f 1s a s1ng1e 11nk, and W1fh1n a
s1ng1e 11ne, 11nk encypf1on Wou1d pov1de h1ghe secu1fy and pefomance fo fhe
encypf1on sev1ces. A11 dafa fansfeed 1nc1ud1ng heades, fa11es, and addess
and ouf1ng dafa Wou1d be encypfed.
c. lncoecf. A 11nk encypf1on W111 encypf a11 dafa a1ong a phys1ca1 pafh
befWeen fWo endpo1nfs. 1he key po1nf hee 1s fhaf 1f 1s a s1ng1e 11nk, and W1fh1n a
s1ng1e 11ne, 11nk encypf1on Wou1d pov1de h1ghe secu1fy and pefomance fo fhe
encypf1on sev1ces. A11 dafa fansfeed 1nc1ud1ng heades, fa11es, and addess
and ouf1ng dafa Wou1d be encypfed.
d. Coecf. A 11nk encypf1on W111 encypf a11 dafa a1ong a phys1ca1 pafh befWeen
fWo endpo1nfs. 1he key po1nf hee 1s fhaf 1f 1s a s1ng1e 11nk, and W1fh1n a s1ng1e
11ne, 11nk encypf1on Wou1d pov1de h1ghe secu1fy and pefomance fo fhe
encypf1on sev1ces. A11 dafa fansfeed 1nc1ud1ng heades, fa11es, and addess
and ouf1ng dafa Wou1d be encypfed.
a. lncoecf. hadWae encypf1on 1n s1m11a c1cumsfances W111 be fasfe buf 1s
usua11y nof as easy fo mod1fy. Lncod1ng o chang1ng hadWae sev1ces ae nof as
easy fo change as a soffWae app11caf1on. Cosf of encypf1on W1fh hadWae vesus
soffWae 1s e1af1ve buf hadWae 1s usua11y cons1deed fo be moe expens1ve.
b. lncoecf. hadWae encypf1on 1n s1m11a c1cumsfances W111 be fasfe buf 1s
usua11y nof as easy fo mod1fy. Lncod1ng o chang1ng hadWae sev1ces ae nof as
easy fo change as a soffWae app11caf1on. Cosf of encypf1on W1fh hadWae vesus
soffWae 1s e1af1ve buf hadWae 1s usua11y cons1deed fo be moe expens1ve.
c. Coecf. hadWae encypf1on 1n s1m11a c1cumsfances W111 be fasfe buf 1s
usua11y nof as easy fo mod1fy. Lncod1ng o chang1ng hadWae sev1ces ae nof as
easy fo change as a soffWae app11caf1on. Cosf of encypf1on W1fh hadWae vesus
soffWae 1s e1af1ve buf hadWae 1s usua11y cons1deed fo be moe expens1ve.
d. lncoecf. hadWae encypf1on 1n s1m11a c1cumsfances W111 be fasfe buf 1s
usua11y nof as easy fo mod1fy. Lncod1ng o chang1ng hadWae sev1ces ae nof as
easy fo change as a soffWae app11caf1on. Cosf of encypf1on W1fh hadWae vesus
soffWae 1s e1af1ve buf hadWae 1s usua11y cons1deed fo be moe expens1ve.
a. lncoecf. 5-h11P and h11P5 ae bofh used fo encypf1on, buf h11P5 1s used fo
encypf a channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems and 5-h11P 1s used fo encypf a message.
b. lncoecf. 5-h11P and h11P5 ae bofh used fo encypf1on, buf h11P5 1s used fo
encypf a channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems and 5-h11P 1s used fo encypf a message.
c. lncoecf. 5-h11P and h11P5 ae bofh used fo encypf1on, buf h11P5 1s used fo
encypf a channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems and 5-h11P 1s used fo encypf a message.
d. Coecf. 5-h11P and h11P5 ae bofh used fo encypf1on, buf h11P5 1s used fo
Page 16
encypf a channe1 befWeen fWo sysfems and 5-h11P 1s used fo encypf a message.
a. lncoecf. 5ecue 5he11 1s a means of pov1d1ng a secue funne1 fhaf pov1des a
fem1na1-11ke access fo emofe compufes.
b. lncoecf. 5ecue 5he11 1s a means of pov1d1ng a secue funne1 fhaf pov1des a
fem1na1-11ke access fo emofe compufes.
c. Coecf. 5ecue 5he11 1s a means of pov1d1ng a secue funne1 fhaf pov1des a
fem1na1-11ke access fo emofe compufes.
d. lncoecf. 5ecue 5he11 1s a means of pov1d1ng a secue funne1 fhaf pov1des a
fem1na1-11ke access fo emofe compufes.
a. lncoecf. 1unne1 mode lP5ec 1s used fo ceafe a secue fansfe befWeen fWo
end-po1nfs fhaf a1so encypfs fhe dafa, fhe heades, and fhe fa11es.
b. Coecf. 1unne1 mode lP5ec 1s used fo ceafe a secue fansfe befWeen fWo
end-po1nfs fhaf a1so encypfs fhe dafa, fhe heades, and fhe fa11es.
c. lncoecf. 1unne1 mode lP5ec 1s used fo ceafe a secue fansfe befWeen fWo
end-po1nfs fhaf a1so encypfs fhe dafa, fhe heades, and fhe fa11es.
d. lncoecf. 1unne1 mode lP5ec 1s used fo ceafe a secue fansfe befWeen fWo
end-po1nfs fhaf a1so encypfs fhe dafa, fhe heades, and fhe fa11es.
a. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy, because on1y fhe ece1ve`s p1vafe key can be used
fo decypf fhe symmef1c key and on1y fhe ece1ve shou1d have access fo fh1s
p1vafe key.
b. Coecf. Conf1denf1a11fy, because on1y fhe ece1ve`s p1vafe key can be used
fo decypf fhe symmef1c key and on1y fhe ece1ve shou1d have access fo fh1s
p1vafe key.
c. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy, because on1y fhe ece1ve`s p1vafe key can be used
fo decypf fhe symmef1c key and on1y fhe ece1ve shou1d have access fo fh1s
p1vafe key.
d. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy, because on1y fhe ece1ve`s p1vafe key can be used
fo decypf fhe symmef1c key and on1y fhe ece1ve shou1d have access fo fh1s
p1vafe key.
a. Coecf. 1h1s 1s a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue. lnfeg1fy 1s pov1ded by hash1ng fhe
a1go1fhm and aufhenf1caf1on 1s pov1ded by encypf1ng fhaf va1ue W1fh fhe sende`s
p1vafe key. lf fhe ece1ve can decypf fhe encypfed dafa W1fh fhe sende`s pub11c
key, fhen she knoWs fhaf 1f Was encypfed W1fh fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue. lnfeg1fy 1s pov1ded by hash1ng fhe
a1go1fhm and aufhenf1caf1on 1s pov1ded by encypf1ng fhaf va1ue W1fh fhe sende`s
p1vafe key. lf fhe ece1ve can decypf fhe encypfed dafa W1fh fhe sende`s pub11c
key, fhen she knoWs fhaf 1f Was encypfed W1fh fhe sende`s p1vafe key.
Page 17
qu1z Name = Cypfogaphy-P4
1. hoW do fhe fapdoos, W1fh1n asymmef1c a1go1fhms, coespond W1fh encypf1on,
decypf1on, s1gnafue geneaf1on, and s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on pocess?
a. 1he easy d1ecf1on does nof equ1e fhe fapdoo and ca1es ouf encypf1on and
d1g1fa1 s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on.
b. 1he had d1ecf1on does nof equ1e fhe fapdoo and ca1es ouf decypf1on and
s1gnafue geneaf1on.
c. 1he easy d1ecf1on does nof equ1e fhe fapdoo and ca1es ouf decypf1on and
d1g1fa1 s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on.
d. 1he had d1ecf1on does equ1e fhe fapdoo and ca1es ouf decypf1on and
s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on.
2. Whaf 1s fhe one-Way funcf1on mafhemaf1cs fhaf L1 Gama1 1s based on?
a. Ca1cu1af1ng 1oga1fhms 1n goups and an 1nf1n1fe f1e1d
b. Ca1cu1af1ng 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe f1e1d
c. Ca1cu1af1ng 1oga1fhms on cuves
d. Iacfo1ng 1age numbes 1nfo fhe1 o1g1na1 p1me numbes
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of fhe L1 Gama1 a1go1fhm?
a. lf 1s an exfens1on of fhe D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm
b. lfs ma1n doWnfa11 1s 1fs speed
c. lf can be used fo d1g1fa1 s1gnafues, encypf1on, and key ageemenf
d. lf 1s a pub11c key a1go1fhm
4. Why does LCC pov1de moe pofecf1on W1fh a sma11e key When compaed fo ofhe
asymmef1c a1go1fhms?
a. lf 1s based on d1scefe 1oga1fhms 1nsfead of facfo1ng
b. 1hee 1s no knoWn sub-exponenf1a1 a1go1fhm fo 1f
c. lf equ1es a sma11e amounf of pocess1ng esouces
d. lf Woks W1fh1n a f1n1fe f1e1d
5. Whaf o1e does zeo knoW1edge poof have 1n cypfogaphy?
a. 1he enf1fy fhaf needs fo pove fhaf he has access fo a spec1f1c key needs fo
pov1de fhe key fo fhe ofhe enf1fy
b. lf ca1es ouf aufhenf1caf1on fo a ve1f1e
c. lf ensues fhaf a ve1f1e can pove fo ofhes fhaf fhe sende has fhe coecf
d. lf a11oWs fhe ve1f1e fo ga1n access fo an aufhenf1caf1on key
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeence befWeen MAC, hMAC, and
a. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe 1asf b1ock of
c1phefexf. hMAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f
fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
b. hMAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe 1asf b1ock of
c1phefexf. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f
fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
c. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe f1sf b1ock of
c1phefexf. hMAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f
fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
d. C8C-MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. MAC uses fhe 1asf b1ock of
c1phefexf. hMAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f
fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
7. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe 1mpope mapp1ng?
Page 1
a. C8C-MAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on
b. hMAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy and dafa o1g1n aufhenf1caf1on
c. MAC pov1des sysfem aufhenf1caf1on
d. C8C-MAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy, sysfem aufhenf1caf1on, and conf1denf1a11fy
. A b1fhday affack 1s someWhaf comp11cafed and Wou1d equ1e an affacke fo be
ded1cafed fo be successfu1. Whaf 1s fhe usua1 goa1 of fh1s fype of affack?
a. Ga1n1ng access fo conf1denf1a1 dafa 1n an unaufho1zed manne
b. Aufhenf1caf1ng fo a sysfem fhough a ep1ay affack
c. Mod1fy1ng an o1g1na1 documenf W1fhouf fhe ece1ve defecf1ng 1f
d. lnecf1ng sens1f1ve dafa 1nfo a non-sens1f1ve documenf
9. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of a d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe and a cef1f1cafe aufho1fy?
a. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a key pa1. 1he CA
vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
b. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a p1vafe key. 1he
CA vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
c. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a pub11c key. 1he
CA vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
d. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a CA. 1he CA
vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
10. Why does coss cef1f1caf1on ex1sf 1n pub11c key 1nfasfucfues?
a. A11oWs fo CkL va1ues fo be pushed doWn fo fhe c11enfs
b. A11oWs fo a CkL fo be ava11ab1e af a cenfa1 1ocaf1on
c. A11oWs fo a company fo have an 1nfena1 kA and exfena1 CA
d. A11oWs fWo d1ffeenf Pkls fo sef up a fusf e1af1onsh1p
11. 1hee ae sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of affacks fhaf can fake p1ace on a
cypfosysfem. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a d1ffeenf1a1 cypfana1ys1s?
a. D1ffeences 1n fhe p1a1nfexf and esu1f1ng c1phefexfs ae mapped fo pobab1e
key va1ues
b. lf 1s a fype of knoWn p1a1nfexf affack
c. 1he mafhemaf1ca1 sfucfue of fhe fomu1as pov1de enough paffens fo uncove
fhe encypf1on key
d. lf 1s a fype of c1phefexf on1y affack
12. A 11nea cypfana1ys1s affack 1s cons1deed Whaf fype of affack?
a. C1phefexf on1y
b. knoWn-p1a1nfexf affack
c. knoWn-c1phefexf affack
d. Chosen p1a1nfexf affack
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae fhe besf fWo counfemeasues fo use aga1nsf a ep1ay
a. P1vafe keys and MAC
b. 11mesfamps and sequence numbes
c. D1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes and d1g1fa1 s1gnafues
d. Aufhenf1caf1on and 1nfeg1fy
14. Of fhe fo11oW1ng, Wh1ch shou1d be used as a ep1acemenf fo 1e1nef fo secue
emofe 1og1n ove an 1nsecue nefWok?
a. 5-1e1nef
b. 55L
c. 1og1n
d. 55h
Page 2
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf means of fansfe1ng 1nfomaf1on When
paf1es do nof have a shaed secef and 1age quanf1f1es of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on
musf be passed?
a. use of pub11c key encypf1on fo secue a secef key, and message encypf1on
us1ng fhe secef key
b. use of fhe ec1p1enf`s pub11c key fo encypf1on, and decypf1on based on fhe
ec1p1enf`s p1vafe key
c. use of soffWae encypf1on ass1sfed by a hadWae encypf1on acce1eafo
d. use of e111pf1c cuve encypf1on
16. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1nc1uded 1n an X.509-cef1f1cafe?
a. D1sf1ngu1shed name of fhe subecf
b. 1e1ephone numbe of fhe depafmenf
c. 5ecef key of fhe 1ssu1ng cef1f1cafe aufho1fy
d. key pa1 of fhe cef1f1cafe ho1de
17. When ceaf1ng a vPN, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1ess 11ke1y fo be used?
a. L21P
b. PP1P
c. lP5ec
d. L2I
1. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe:
a. ls fhe same as a d1g1fa1 s1gnafue
b. ls an e1ecfon1c cedenf1a1 pov1ng fhaf fhe cef1f1cafe ho1de 1s Who fhey say
fhey ae
c. ls on1y ava11ab1e fom ve1s1gn
d. Doesnf confa1n any geogaph1ca1 dafa
19. A b1nds a subecf name fo a pub11c key va1ue.
a. Pub11c-key cef1f1cafe
b. Pub11c key 1nfasfucfue
c. Cef1f1cafe aufho1fy
d. P1vafe key
20. 1he mosf secue fom of f1p1e-DL5 encypf1on 1s:
a. DL5-LDL3
b. DL5-LDL1
c. DL5-LLL4
d. DL5-LDL2
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng chaacfe1sf1cs ae paf of fhe DL5 encypf1on scheme?
a. A secef key encypf1on a1go1fhm and a symmef1c key d1sf1buf1on sysfem
b. A secef key encypf1on a1go1fhm and an asymmef1c key d1sf1buf1on
c. A pub11c key encypf1on a1go1fhm and a symmef1c key d1sf1buf1on sysfem
d. A pub11c key encypf1on a1go1fhm and an asymmef1c key d1sf1buf1on sysfem
22. Of fhe fo11oW1ng, Wh1ch 1s nof a Weakness of symmef1c cypfogaphy?
a. L1m1fed secu1fy
b. key d1sf1buf1on
c. 5peed
d. 5ca1ab111fy
Page 3
23. A pub11c key 1nfasfucfue {Pkl} does nof 1nc1ude:
a. 11mesfamp1ng
b. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP}
c. Cef1f1cafe evocaf1on
d. lnfenef key Lxchange {lkL}
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a pop1efay encypf1on a1go1fhm?
a. kC2
b. kC4
c. 81oWf1sh
d. 5k1pack
25. 1he 1engfh of an MD5 message d1gesf 1s:
a. 12 b1fs
b. 160 b1fs
c. 256 b1fs
d. va1ab1e depend1ng upon 1npuf
26. 1he DL5 a1go1fhm 1s an examp1e of:
a. 5ecef key cypfogaphy
b. 1Wo-key cypfogaphy
c. Asymmef1c key cypfogaphy
d. Pub11c key cypfogaphy
27. Of fhe fo11oW1ng, Wh1ch 1s nof a popefy of fhe k1ndae1 b1ock c1phe
a. lf emp1oys a ound of fansfomaf1on fhaf 1s comp1sed of fhee 1aye of
d1sf1ncf and 1nvef1b1e fansfomaf1ons.
b. lf opeafes on 64-b1f p1a1nfexf b1ocks and uses a 12-b1f key.
c. lf 1s su1fed fo h1gh speed ch1ps W1fh no aea esf1cf1ons.
d. lf can be used on a smaf cad.
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue?
a. Dafa encypf1on ve1f1es fhe accuacy of fhe dafa.
b. Dafa encypf1on 1s usua11y eas11y adm1n1sfeed.
c. Dafa encypf1on equ1es caefu1 key managemenf.
d. Dafa encypf1on makes feW demands on sysfem esouces.
29. An affack based on fhe pobab111fy of fWo d1ffeenf messages us1ng fhe same hash
funcf1on poduc1ng a common message d1gesf 1s ca11ed a:
a. D1ffeenf1a1 cypfana1ys1s
b. D1ffeenf1a1 11nea cypfana1ys1s
c. 81fhday affack
d. 5faf1sf1ca1 affack
30. ln DL5, hoW many ounds ae chaacfes puf fhough?
a. 16
b. 32
c. 64
d. 4
31. A one-Way hash pov1des:
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. Ava11ab111fy
c. lnfeg1fy
Page 4
d. Aufhenf1caf1on
32. 1he key s1ze of fhe lnfenaf1ona1 Dafa Lncypf1on A1go1fhm {lDLA} 1s
a. 64
b. 12
c. 160
d. 192
33. ln a h1each1ca1 Pkl, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a funcf1on of fhe oof CA?
a. Acf1ng as fusf ancho fo a11 Pkl paf1c1panfs
b. lssu1ng a11 subod1nafed CA-cef1f1cafes
c. kevok1ng a11 use cef1f1cafes
d. Pov1d1ng f1mesfamp1ng sev1ces fo a11 Pkl paf1c1panfs
34. Whaf does fhe 5ecue hash A1go1fhm {5hA-1} ceafe?
a. A f1xed 1engfh message d1gesf fom a f1xed 1engfh 1npuf message
b. A va1ab1e 1engfh message d1gesf fom a va1ab1e 1engfh 1npuf message
c. A f1xed 1engfh message d1gesf fom a va1ab1e 1engfh 1npuf message
d. A va1ab1e 1engfh message d1gesf fom a f1xed 1engfh 1npuf message
35. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch 1s moe su1fab1e fo a hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1on?
a. 5feam c1phes
b. 81ock c1phes
c. C1phe b1ock cha1n1ng
d. L1ecfon1c code book
36. offes secu1fy fo W1e1ess commun1caf1ons.
a. 5-WAP
b. W1L5
c. W5P
d. WDP
37. Wh1ch pofoco1 1s used fo seff1ng up secued channe1s befWeen fWo dev1ces,
fyp1ca11y 1n vPNs?
a. lP5ec
b. 5OCk5
c. PLM
d. 5L1
3. lf an affacke sfo1e a passWod f11e fhaf confa1ned one-Way encypfed passWods,
Whaf fype of affack Wou1d she pefom fo f1nd fhe encypfed passWods?
a. Man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack
b. 81fhday affack
c. Den1a1 of sev1ce affack
d. D1cf1onay affack
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. When a one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe easy d1ecf1on, fhen
encypf1on and d1g1fa1 s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. When fhe
Page 5
one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe had d1ecf1on, fhen decypf1on and s1gnafue
geneaf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf on1y fhe pub11c key
can cay ouf encypf1on and s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on and on1y fhe p1vafe key can
cay ouf decypf1on and s1gnafue geneaf1on.
b. lncoecf. When a one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe easy d1ecf1on, fhen
encypf1on and d1g1fa1 s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. When fhe
one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe had d1ecf1on, fhen decypf1on and s1gnafue
geneaf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf on1y fhe pub11c key
can cay ouf encypf1on and s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on and on1y fhe p1vafe key can
cay ouf decypf1on and s1gnafue geneaf1on.
c. lncoecf. When a one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe easy d1ecf1on, fhen
encypf1on and d1g1fa1 s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. When fhe
one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe had d1ecf1on, fhen decypf1on and s1gnafue
geneaf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf on1y fhe pub11c key
can cay ouf encypf1on and s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on and on1y fhe p1vafe key can
cay ouf decypf1on and s1gnafue geneaf1on.
d. lncoecf. When a one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe easy d1ecf1on, fhen
encypf1on and d1g1fa1 s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. When fhe
one-Way funcf1on 1s ca1ed ouf 1n fhe had d1ecf1on, fhen decypf1on and s1gnafue
geneaf1on funcf1ona11fy 1s ava11ab1e. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf on1y fhe pub11c key
can cay ouf encypf1on and s1gnafue ve1f1caf1on and on1y fhe p1vafe key can
cay ouf decypf1on and s1gnafue geneaf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1he had d1ecf1on 1s based on a had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em. k5A`s
had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em 1s facfo1ng 1age numbes 1nfo fhe1 o1g1na1 p1me
numbes. D1ff1e-he11man, L1 Gama1, LCC ae based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of ca1cu1af1ng
1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe f1e1d.
b. Coecf. 1he had d1ecf1on 1s based on a had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em. k5A`s had
mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em 1s facfo1ng 1age numbes 1nfo fhe1 o1g1na1 p1me numbes.
D1ff1e-he11man, L1 Gama1, LCC ae based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of ca1cu1af1ng 1oga1fhms
1n a f1n1fe f1e1d.
c. lncoecf. 1he had d1ecf1on 1s based on a had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em. k5A`s
had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em 1s facfo1ng 1age numbes 1nfo fhe1 o1g1na1 p1me
numbes. D1ff1e-he11man, L1 Gama1, LCC ae based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of ca1cu1af1ng
1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe f1e1d.
d. lncoecf. 1he had d1ecf1on 1s based on a had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em. k5A`s
had mafhemaf1ca1 pob1em 1s facfo1ng 1age numbes 1nfo fhe1 o1g1na1 p1me
numbes. D1ff1e-he11man, L1 Gama1, LCC ae based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of ca1cu1af1ng
1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe f1e1d.
a. lncoecf. L1 Gama1 1s a pub11c key a1go1fhm fhaf can be used fo d1g1fa1
s1gnafues, encypf1on, and key exchange. lf 1s nof based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of
facfo1ng 1age numbes, buf 1s based on ca1cu1af1ng d1scefe 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe
f1e1d and 1s ea11y 1s an exfens1on of fhe D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm. A1fhough L1
Gama1 pov1des fhe same fype of funcf1ona11fy as some of fhe ofhe asymmef1c
a1go1fhms, 1fs ma1n daWback 1s pefomance. When compaed fo ofhe a1go1fhms,
fh1s a1go1fhm 1s usua11y fhe s1oWesf.
b. lncoecf. L1 Gama1 1s a pub11c key a1go1fhm fhaf can be used fo d1g1fa1
s1gnafues, encypf1on, and key exchange. lf 1s nof based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of
facfo1ng 1age numbes, buf 1s based on ca1cu1af1ng d1scefe 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe
f1e1d and 1s ea11y 1s an exfens1on of fhe D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm. A1fhough L1
Gama1 pov1des fhe same fype of funcf1ona11fy as some of fhe ofhe asymmef1c
a1go1fhms, 1fs ma1n daWback 1s pefomance. When compaed fo ofhe a1go1fhms,
fh1s a1go1fhm 1s usua11y fhe s1oWesf.
c. Coecf. L1 Gama1 1s a pub11c key a1go1fhm fhaf can be used fo d1g1fa1
s1gnafues, encypf1on, and key exchange. lf 1s nof based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of
facfo1ng 1age numbes, buf 1s based on ca1cu1af1ng d1scefe 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe
f1e1d and 1s ea11y 1s an exfens1on of fhe D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm. A1fhough L1
Gama1 pov1des fhe same fype of funcf1ona11fy as some of fhe ofhe asymmef1c
a1go1fhms, 1fs ma1n daWback 1s pefomance. When compaed fo ofhe a1go1fhms,
fh1s a1go1fhm 1s usua11y fhe s1oWesf.
Page 6
d. lncoecf. L1 Gama1 1s a pub11c key a1go1fhm fhaf can be used fo d1g1fa1
s1gnafues, encypf1on, and key exchange. lf 1s nof based on fhe d1ff1cu1fy of
facfo1ng 1age numbes, buf 1s based on ca1cu1af1ng d1scefe 1oga1fhms 1n a f1n1fe
f1e1d and 1s ea11y 1s an exfens1on of fhe D1ff1e-he11man a1go1fhm. A1fhough L1
Gama1 pov1des fhe same fype of funcf1ona11fy as some of fhe ofhe asymmef1c
a1go1fhms, 1fs ma1n daWback 1s pefomance. When compaed fo ofhe a1go1fhms,
fh1s a1go1fhm 1s usua11y fhe s1oWesf.
a. lncoecf. 1hee 1s no knoWn sub-exponenf1a1 a1go1fhm fo compuf1ng d1scefe
1oga1fhms of po1nfs of e111pf1c cuves, 11ke fhee 1s fo f1n1fe f1e1ds.
b. Coecf. 1hee 1s no knoWn sub-exponenf1a1 a1go1fhm fo compuf1ng d1scefe
1oga1fhms of po1nfs of e111pf1c cuves, 11ke fhee 1s fo f1n1fe f1e1ds.
c. lncoecf. 1hee 1s no knoWn sub-exponenf1a1 a1go1fhm fo compuf1ng d1scefe
1oga1fhms of po1nfs of e111pf1c cuves, 11ke fhee 1s fo f1n1fe f1e1ds.
d. lncoecf. 1hee 1s no knoWn sub-exponenf1a1 a1go1fhm fo compuf1ng d1scefe
1oga1fhms of po1nfs of e111pf1c cuves, 11ke fhee 1s fo f1n1fe f1e1ds.
a. lncoecf. lf a sende encypfs somefh1ng W1fh h1s p1vafe key, you W111 ve1fy
fhaf h1s p1vafe key Was used by decypf1ng fhe dafa W1fh h1s pub11c key. 1he sende
1s aufhenf1caf1ng fo fhe ve1f1e, buf fhe ve1f1e cannof use fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo
pove fo any ofhe enf1fy fhaf fhe sende fu1y has fhe coecf p1vafe key.
b. Coecf. lf a sende encypfs somefh1ng W1fh h1s p1vafe key, you W111 ve1fy
fhaf h1s p1vafe key Was used by decypf1ng fhe dafa W1fh h1s pub11c key. 1he sende
1s aufhenf1caf1ng fo fhe ve1f1e, buf fhe ve1f1e cannof use fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo
pove fo any ofhe enf1fy fhaf fhe sende fu1y has fhe coecf p1vafe key.
c. lncoecf. lf a sende encypfs somefh1ng W1fh h1s p1vafe key, you W111 ve1fy
fhaf h1s p1vafe key Was used by decypf1ng fhe dafa W1fh h1s pub11c key. 1he sende
1s aufhenf1caf1ng fo fhe ve1f1e, buf fhe ve1f1e cannof use fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo
pove fo any ofhe enf1fy fhaf fhe sende fu1y has fhe coecf p1vafe key.
d. lncoecf. lf a sende encypfs somefh1ng W1fh h1s p1vafe key, you W111 ve1fy
fhaf h1s p1vafe key Was used by decypf1ng fhe dafa W1fh h1s pub11c key. 1he sende
1s aufhenf1caf1ng fo fhe ve1f1e, buf fhe ve1f1e cannof use fh1s 1nfomaf1on fo
pove fo any ofhe enf1fy fhaf fhe sende fu1y has fhe coecf p1vafe key.
a. Coecf. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe 1asf
b1ock of c1phefexf affe 1f has encypfed fhe Who1e message. hMAC concafenafes a
message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
b. lncoecf. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe
1asf b1ock of c1phefexf affe 1f has encypfed fhe Who1e message. hMAC concafenafes
a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
c. lncoecf. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe
1asf b1ock of c1phefexf affe 1f has encypfed fhe Who1e message. hMAC concafenafes
a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
d. lncoecf. MAC concafenafes a message W1fh a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC uses fhe
1asf b1ock of c1phefexf affe 1f has encypfed fhe Who1e message. hMAC concafenafes
a message W1fh a symmef1c key and pufs fhe esu1f fhough a hash1ng a1go1fhm.
a. lncoecf. C8C-MAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by us1ng fhe 1asf b1ock of p1a1nfexf
and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. hMAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by
us1ng hash1ng and dafa o1g1n aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. MAC pov1des
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC does nof encypf fhe
message, fhus does nof pov1de conf1denf1a11fy. Dafa o1g1n and sysfem
aufhenf1caf1on ae fhe same fh1ng.
b. lncoecf. C8C-MAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by us1ng fhe 1asf b1ock of p1a1nfexf
and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. hMAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by
us1ng hash1ng and dafa o1g1n aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. MAC pov1des
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC does nof encypf fhe
message, fhus does nof pov1de conf1denf1a11fy. Dafa o1g1n and sysfem
aufhenf1caf1on ae fhe same fh1ng.
Page 7
c. lncoecf. C8C-MAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by us1ng fhe 1asf b1ock of p1a1nfexf
and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. hMAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by
us1ng hash1ng and dafa o1g1n aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. MAC pov1des
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC does nof encypf fhe
message, fhus does nof pov1de conf1denf1a11fy. Dafa o1g1n and sysfem
aufhenf1caf1on ae fhe same fh1ng.
d. Coecf. C8C-MAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by us1ng fhe 1asf b1ock of p1a1nfexf
and sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. hMAC pov1des dafa 1nfeg1fy by
us1ng hash1ng and dafa o1g1n aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. MAC pov1des
sysfem aufhenf1caf1on by us1ng a symmef1c key. C8C-MAC does nof encypf fhe
message, fhus does nof pov1de conf1denf1a11fy. Dafa o1g1n and sysfem
aufhenf1caf1on ae fhe same fh1ng.

a. lncoecf. A b1fhday affack fakes p1ace When fhee 1s a co111s1on 1n message

d1gesf va1ues. lf fhee usf happen fo be fWo documenfs fhaf ceafe fhe same message
d1gesf va1ue When hashed, fh1s 1s nof ea11y a b1g secu1fy 1ssue. lf 1s When an
affacke can mod1fy a documenf o message and geneafe fhe same message d1gesf va1ue
of fhe o1g1na1 so fhaf no one W111 knoW fhaf a mod1f1caf1on fook p1ace.
b. lncoecf. A b1fhday affack fakes p1ace When fhee 1s a co111s1on 1n message
d1gesf va1ues. lf fhee usf happen fo be fWo documenfs fhaf ceafe fhe same message
d1gesf va1ue When hashed, fh1s 1s nof ea11y a b1g secu1fy 1ssue. lf 1s When an
affacke can mod1fy a documenf o message and geneafe fhe same message d1gesf va1ue
of fhe o1g1na1 so fhaf no one W111 knoW fhaf a mod1f1caf1on fook p1ace.
c. Coecf. A b1fhday affack fakes p1ace When fhee 1s a co111s1on 1n message
d1gesf va1ues. lf fhee usf happen fo be fWo documenfs fhaf ceafe fhe same message
d1gesf va1ue When hashed, fh1s 1s nof ea11y a b1g secu1fy 1ssue. lf 1s When an
affacke can mod1fy a documenf o message and geneafe fhe same message d1gesf va1ue
of fhe o1g1na1 so fhaf no one W111 knoW fhaf a mod1f1caf1on fook p1ace.
d. lncoecf. A b1fhday affack fakes p1ace When fhee 1s a co111s1on 1n message
d1gesf va1ues. lf fhee usf happen fo be fWo documenfs fhaf ceafe fhe same message
d1gesf va1ue When hashed, fh1s 1s nof ea11y a b1g secu1fy 1ssue. lf 1s When an
affacke can mod1fy a documenf o message and geneafe fhe same message d1gesf va1ue
of fhe o1g1na1 so fhaf no one W111 knoW fhaf a mod1f1caf1on fook p1ace.
a. Coecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a key
pa1. 1he CA vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
b. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a key
pa1. 1he CA vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
c. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a key
pa1. 1he CA vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
d. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe b1nds fhe 1denf1fy of an 1nd1v1dua1 fo a key
pa1. 1he CA vouches fo fhe 1denf1fy of fhe key pa1 oWne.
a. lncoecf. Moe and moe ogan1zaf1ons ae seff1ng up fhe1 oWn 1nfena1 Pkls.
When fhese 1ndependenf Pkls need fo 1nfeconnecf fo a11oW fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace {e1fhe befWeen depafmenfs o d1ffeenf compan1es}, fhee has fo be a
Way fo fhe fWo oof CAs fo fusf each ofhe. 1he fWo CAs W111 nof have a CA above
fhem fhaf fhey can bofh fusf, so fhey musf cay ouf coss cef1f1caf1on. When fh1s
1s sef up, a CA fo one company can va11dafe d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes fom fhe ofhe
company and v1ce vesa.
b. lncoecf. Moe and moe ogan1zaf1ons ae seff1ng up fhe1 oWn 1nfena1 Pkls.
When fhese 1ndependenf Pkls need fo 1nfeconnecf fo a11oW fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace {e1fhe befWeen depafmenfs o d1ffeenf compan1es}, fhee has fo be a
Way fo fhe fWo oof CAs fo fusf each ofhe. 1he fWo CAs W111 nof have a CA above
fhem fhaf fhey can bofh fusf, so fhey musf cay ouf coss cef1f1caf1on. When fh1s
1s sef up, a CA fo one company can va11dafe d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes fom fhe ofhe
company and v1ce vesa.
c. lncoecf. Moe and moe ogan1zaf1ons ae seff1ng up fhe1 oWn 1nfena1 Pkls.
When fhese 1ndependenf Pkls need fo 1nfeconnecf fo a11oW fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace {e1fhe befWeen depafmenfs o d1ffeenf compan1es}, fhee has fo be a
Way fo fhe fWo oof CAs fo fusf each ofhe. 1he fWo CAs W111 nof have a CA above
fhem fhaf fhey can bofh fusf, so fhey musf cay ouf coss cef1f1caf1on. When fh1s
1s sef up, a CA fo one company can va11dafe d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes fom fhe ofhe
company and v1ce vesa.
d. Coecf. Moe and moe ogan1zaf1ons ae seff1ng up fhe1 oWn 1nfena1 Pkls.
When fhese 1ndependenf Pkls need fo 1nfeconnecf fo a11oW fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace {e1fhe befWeen depafmenfs o d1ffeenf compan1es}, fhee has fo be a
Way fo fhe fWo oof CAs fo fusf each ofhe. 1he fWo CAs W111 nof have a CA above
fhem fhaf fhey can bofh fusf, so fhey musf cay ouf coss cef1f1caf1on. When fh1s
1s sef up, a CA fo one company can va11dafe d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes fom fhe ofhe
company and v1ce vesa.
a. Coecf. 1he affacke fakes fWo messages of p1a1nfexf and fo11oWs fhe changes
fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe b1ocks as fhey go fhough fhe d1ffeenf 5-boxes. {Lach
message 1s be1ng encypfed W1fh fhe same key.} 1he d1ffeences fhaf ae 1denf1f1ed
1n fhe esu1f1ng c1phefexf va1ues ae used fo map pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf
poss1b1e key va1ues. 1he affacke conf1nues fh1s pocess W1fh sevea1 moe sefs of
messages and ev1eWs fhe common key pobab111fy va1ues. One key W111 conf1nue fo
shoW 1fse1f as fhe mosf pobab1e key fhaf Was used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess of
fhese d1ffeenf messages. 51nce fhe affacke chooses fhe d1ffeenf p1a1nfexf
messages fo fh1s affack, 1f 1s cons1deed fo be a chosen-p1a1nfexf affack.
b. lncoecf. 1he affacke fakes fWo messages of p1a1nfexf and fo11oWs fhe changes
fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe b1ocks as fhey go fhough fhe d1ffeenf 5-boxes. {Lach
message 1s be1ng encypfed W1fh fhe same key.} 1he d1ffeences fhaf ae 1denf1f1ed
1n fhe esu1f1ng c1phefexf va1ues ae used fo map pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf
poss1b1e key va1ues. 1he affacke conf1nues fh1s pocess W1fh sevea1 moe sefs of
messages and ev1eWs fhe common key pobab111fy va1ues. One key W111 conf1nue fo
shoW 1fse1f as fhe mosf pobab1e key fhaf Was used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess of
fhese d1ffeenf messages. 51nce fhe affacke chooses fhe d1ffeenf p1a1nfexf
messages fo fh1s affack, 1f 1s cons1deed fo be a chosen-p1a1nfexf affack.
c. lncoecf. 1he affacke fakes fWo messages of p1a1nfexf and fo11oWs fhe changes
fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe b1ocks as fhey go fhough fhe d1ffeenf 5-boxes. {Lach
message 1s be1ng encypfed W1fh fhe same key.} 1he d1ffeences fhaf ae 1denf1f1ed
1n fhe esu1f1ng c1phefexf va1ues ae used fo map pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf
poss1b1e key va1ues. 1he affacke conf1nues fh1s pocess W1fh sevea1 moe sefs of
messages and ev1eWs fhe common key pobab111fy va1ues. One key W111 conf1nue fo
shoW 1fse1f as fhe mosf pobab1e key fhaf Was used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess of
fhese d1ffeenf messages. 51nce fhe affacke chooses fhe d1ffeenf p1a1nfexf
messages fo fh1s affack, 1f 1s cons1deed fo be a chosen-p1a1nfexf affack.
d. lncoecf. 1he affacke fakes fWo messages of p1a1nfexf and fo11oWs fhe changes
fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe b1ocks as fhey go fhough fhe d1ffeenf 5-boxes. {Lach
message 1s be1ng encypfed W1fh fhe same key.} 1he d1ffeences fhaf ae 1denf1f1ed
1n fhe esu1f1ng c1phefexf va1ues ae used fo map pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf
poss1b1e key va1ues. 1he affacke conf1nues fh1s pocess W1fh sevea1 moe sefs of
messages and ev1eWs fhe common key pobab111fy va1ues. One key W111 conf1nue fo
shoW 1fse1f as fhe mosf pobab1e key fhaf Was used 1n fhe encypf1on pocess of
fhese d1ffeenf messages. 51nce fhe affacke chooses fhe d1ffeenf p1a1nfexf
messages fo fh1s affack, 1f 1s cons1deed fo be a chosen-p1a1nfexf affack.
a. lncoecf. 1he affacke ca1es ouf a knoWn-p1a1nfexf affack on sevea1
d1ffeenf messages encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he moe messages fhaf fhe affacke
can uncove and puf fhough fh1s fype of affack W111 y1e1d a h1ghe conf1dence 1n
fhe pobab111fy of a spec1f1c key va1ue. 1he affacke W111 eva1uafe fhe 1npuf and
oufpuf va1ues fo each 5-box. he eva1uafes fhe pobab111fy of 1npuf va1ues end1ng up
1n a spec1f1c comb1naf1on. ldenf1fy1ng spec1f1c oufpuf comb1naf1ons a11oWs h1m fo
ass1gn pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf keys unf11 one shoWs a conf1nua1 paffen of
hav1ng fhe h1ghesf pobab111fy.
b. Coecf. 1he affacke ca1es ouf a knoWn-p1a1nfexf affack on sevea1 d1ffeenf
messages encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he moe messages fhaf fhe affacke can
uncove and puf fhough fh1s fype of affack W111 y1e1d a h1ghe conf1dence 1n fhe
pobab111fy of a spec1f1c key va1ue. 1he affacke W111 eva1uafe fhe 1npuf and oufpuf
Page 9
va1ues fo each 5-box. he eva1uafes fhe pobab111fy of 1npuf va1ues end1ng up 1n a
spec1f1c comb1naf1on. ldenf1fy1ng spec1f1c oufpuf comb1naf1ons a11oWs h1m fo ass1gn
pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf keys unf11 one shoWs a conf1nua1 paffen of hav1ng
fhe h1ghesf pobab111fy.
c. lncoecf. 1he affacke ca1es ouf a knoWn-p1a1nfexf affack on sevea1
d1ffeenf messages encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he moe messages fhaf fhe affacke
can uncove and puf fhough fh1s fype of affack W111 y1e1d a h1ghe conf1dence 1n
fhe pobab111fy of a spec1f1c key va1ue. 1he affacke W111 eva1uafe fhe 1npuf and
oufpuf va1ues fo each 5-box. he eva1uafes fhe pobab111fy of 1npuf va1ues end1ng up
1n a spec1f1c comb1naf1on. ldenf1fy1ng spec1f1c oufpuf comb1naf1ons a11oWs h1m fo
ass1gn pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf keys unf11 one shoWs a conf1nua1 paffen of
hav1ng fhe h1ghesf pobab111fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he affacke ca1es ouf a knoWn-p1a1nfexf affack on sevea1
d1ffeenf messages encypfed W1fh fhe same key. 1he moe messages fhaf fhe affacke
can uncove and puf fhough fh1s fype of affack W111 y1e1d a h1ghe conf1dence 1n
fhe pobab111fy of a spec1f1c key va1ue. 1he affacke W111 eva1uafe fhe 1npuf and
oufpuf va1ues fo each 5-box. he eva1uafes fhe pobab111fy of 1npuf va1ues end1ng up
1n a spec1f1c comb1naf1on. ldenf1fy1ng spec1f1c oufpuf comb1naf1ons a11oWs h1m fo
ass1gn pobab111fy va1ues fo d1ffeenf keys unf11 one shoWs a conf1nua1 paffen of
hav1ng fhe h1ghesf pobab111fy.
a. lncoecf. 11mesfamps and sequence numbes ae fWo counfemeasues fo fhe
ep1ay vu1neab111fy. Packefs can confa1n sequence numbes so each mach1ne W111 be
expecf1ng a spec1f1c numbe on each ece1v1ng packef. lf a packef has a sequence
numbe fhaf had been pev1ous1y used, fh1s 1s an 1nd1caf1on of a ep1ay affack.
Packefs can a1so be f1mesfamped. A fhesho1d can be sef on each compufe fo on1y
accepf packefs W1fh1n a cefa1n f1me fame. lf a packef 1s ece1ved fhaf 1s pasf
fh1s fhesho1d, 1f can he1p 1denf1fy a ep1ay affack.
b. Coecf. 11mesfamps and sequence numbes ae fWo counfemeasues fo fhe ep1ay
vu1neab111fy. Packefs can confa1n sequence numbes so each mach1ne W111 be
expecf1ng a spec1f1c numbe on each ece1v1ng packef. lf a packef has a sequence
numbe fhaf had been pev1ous1y used, fh1s 1s an 1nd1caf1on of a ep1ay affack.
Packefs can a1so be f1mesfamped. A fhesho1d can be sef on each compufe fo on1y
accepf packefs W1fh1n a cefa1n f1me fame. lf a packef 1s ece1ved fhaf 1s pasf
fh1s fhesho1d, 1f can he1p 1denf1fy a ep1ay affack.
c. lncoecf. 11mesfamps and sequence numbes ae fWo counfemeasues fo fhe
ep1ay vu1neab111fy. Packefs can confa1n sequence numbes so each mach1ne W111 be
expecf1ng a spec1f1c numbe on each ece1v1ng packef. lf a packef has a sequence
numbe fhaf had been pev1ous1y used, fh1s 1s an 1nd1caf1on of a ep1ay affack.
Packefs can a1so be f1mesfamped. A fhesho1d can be sef on each compufe fo on1y
accepf packefs W1fh1n a cefa1n f1me fame. lf a packef 1s ece1ved fhaf 1s pasf
fh1s fhesho1d, 1f can he1p 1denf1fy a ep1ay affack.
d. lncoecf. 11mesfamps and sequence numbes ae fWo counfemeasues fo fhe
ep1ay vu1neab111fy. Packefs can confa1n sequence numbes so each mach1ne W111 be
expecf1ng a spec1f1c numbe on each ece1v1ng packef. lf a packef has a sequence
numbe fhaf had been pev1ous1y used, fh1s 1s an 1nd1caf1on of a ep1ay affack.
Packefs can a1so be f1mesfamped. A fhesho1d can be sef on each compufe fo on1y
accepf packefs W1fh1n a cefa1n f1me fame. lf a packef 1s ece1ved fhaf 1s pasf
fh1s fhesho1d, 1f can he1p 1denf1fy a ep1ay affack.
a. lncoecf. 55h 1s a pofoco1 fo secue emofe 1og1n and ofhe secue nefWok
sev1ces ove an 1nsecue nefWok. lf cons1sfs of fhee mao componenfs: a
fanspof 1aye pofoco1 {pov1d1ng seve aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and
1nfeg1fy}, a use aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {aufhenf1caf1ng fhe c11enf-s1de use fo
fhe seve}, and a connecf1on pofoco1 {mu1f1p1ex1ng fhe encypfed funne1 1nfo
sevea1 1og1ca1 channe1s}. lf shou1d be used 1nsfead of 1e1nef, I1P, 1og1n, exec,
and sh.
b. lncoecf. 55h 1s a pofoco1 fo secue emofe 1og1n and ofhe secue nefWok
sev1ces ove an 1nsecue nefWok. lf cons1sfs of fhee mao componenfs: a
fanspof 1aye pofoco1 {pov1d1ng seve aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and
1nfeg1fy}, a use aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {aufhenf1caf1ng fhe c11enf-s1de use fo
Page 10
fhe seve}, and a connecf1on pofoco1 {mu1f1p1ex1ng fhe encypfed funne1 1nfo
sevea1 1og1ca1 channe1s}. lf shou1d be used 1nsfead of 1e1nef, I1P, 1og1n, exec,
and sh.
c. lncoecf. 55h 1s a pofoco1 fo secue emofe 1og1n and ofhe secue nefWok
sev1ces ove an 1nsecue nefWok. lf cons1sfs of fhee mao componenfs: a
fanspof 1aye pofoco1 {pov1d1ng seve aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and
1nfeg1fy}, a use aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {aufhenf1caf1ng fhe c11enf-s1de use fo
fhe seve}, and a connecf1on pofoco1 {mu1f1p1ex1ng fhe encypfed funne1 1nfo
sevea1 1og1ca1 channe1s}. lf shou1d be used 1nsfead of 1e1nef, I1P, 1og1n, exec,
and sh.
d. Coecf. 55h 1s a pofoco1 fo secue emofe 1og1n and ofhe secue nefWok
sev1ces ove an 1nsecue nefWok. lf cons1sfs of fhee mao componenfs: a
fanspof 1aye pofoco1 {pov1d1ng seve aufhenf1caf1on, conf1denf1a11fy, and
1nfeg1fy}, a use aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 {aufhenf1caf1ng fhe c11enf-s1de use fo
fhe seve}, and a connecf1on pofoco1 {mu1f1p1ex1ng fhe encypfed funne1 1nfo
sevea1 1og1ca1 channe1s}. lf shou1d be used 1nsfead of 1e1nef, I1P, 1og1n, exec,
and sh.
a. Coecf. Whee paf1es do nof have a shaed secef and 1age quanf1f1es of
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on musf be passed, fhe mosf eff1c1enf means of fansfe1ng
1nfomaf1on 1s fo use a hyb1d encypf1on fechn1que. hyb1d encypf1on uses bofh
secef key and pub11c key encypf1on.
b. lncoecf. Whee paf1es do nof have a shaed secef and 1age quanf1f1es of
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on musf be passed, fhe mosf eff1c1enf means of fansfe1ng
1nfomaf1on 1s fo use a hyb1d encypf1on fechn1que. hyb1d encypf1on uses bofh
secef key and pub11c key encypf1on.
c. lncoecf. Whee paf1es do nof have a shaed secef and 1age quanf1f1es of
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on musf be passed, fhe mosf eff1c1enf means of fansfe1ng
1nfomaf1on 1s fo use a hyb1d encypf1on fechn1que. hyb1d encypf1on uses bofh
secef key and pub11c key encypf1on.
d. lncoecf. Whee paf1es do nof have a shaed secef and 1age quanf1f1es of
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on musf be passed, fhe mosf eff1c1enf means of fansfe1ng
1nfomaf1on 1s fo use a hyb1d encypf1on fechn1que. hyb1d encypf1on uses bofh
secef key and pub11c key encypf1on.
a. Coecf. lf confa1ns fhe fo11oW1ng 1nfomaf1on:
- ves1on
- 5e1a1 Numbe
- A1go1fhm ldenf1f1e
- lssue
- va11d1fy
- Nof 8efoe
- Nof Affe
- 5ubecf
- 5ubecf Pub11c key lnfo
- Pub11c key A1go1fhm
- 5ubecf Pub11c key
- lssue un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- 5ubecf un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- Lxfens1ons {Opf1ona1, v3}
b. lncoecf. lf confa1ns fhe fo11oW1ng 1nfomaf1on:
- ves1on
- 5e1a1 Numbe
- A1go1fhm ldenf1f1e
- lssue
- va11d1fy
- Nof 8efoe
- Nof Affe
- 5ubecf
Page 11
- 5ubecf Pub11c key lnfo
- Pub11c key A1go1fhm
- 5ubecf Pub11c key
- lssue un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- 5ubecf un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- Lxfens1ons {Opf1ona1, v3}
c. lncoecf. lf confa1ns fhe fo11oW1ng 1nfomaf1on:
- ves1on
- 5e1a1 Numbe
- A1go1fhm ldenf1f1e
- lssue
- va11d1fy
- Nof 8efoe
- Nof Affe
- 5ubecf
- 5ubecf Pub11c key lnfo
- Pub11c key A1go1fhm
- 5ubecf Pub11c key
- lssue un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- 5ubecf un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- Lxfens1ons {Opf1ona1, v3}
d. lncoecf. lf confa1ns fhe fo11oW1ng 1nfomaf1on:
- ves1on
- 5e1a1 Numbe
- A1go1fhm ldenf1f1e
- lssue
- va11d1fy
- Nof 8efoe
- Nof Affe
- 5ubecf
- 5ubecf Pub11c key lnfo
- Pub11c key A1go1fhm
- 5ubecf Pub11c key
- lssue un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- 5ubecf un1que ldenf1f1e {Opf1ona1, v2}
- Lxfens1ons {Opf1ona1, v3}
a. lncoecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed an appop1afe vPN so1uf1on
fo lP env1onmenfs.
b. lncoecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed an appop1afe vPN so1uf1on
fo lP env1onmenfs.
c. lncoecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed an appop1afe vPN so1uf1on
fo lP env1onmenfs.
d. Coecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed an appop1afe vPN so1uf1on
fo lP env1onmenfs.
a. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe he1ps ve1fy fhaf fhe ofhe`s pub11c key 1s
genu1ne and va11d.
b. Coecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe he1ps ve1fy fhaf fhe ofhe`s pub11c key 1s
genu1ne and va11d.
c. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe he1ps ve1fy fhaf fhe ofhe`s pub11c key 1s
genu1ne and va11d.
d. lncoecf. A d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe he1ps ve1fy fhaf fhe ofhe`s pub11c key 1s
genu1ne and va11d.
Page 12
a. Coecf. A pub11c-key cef1f1cafe b1nds a subecf name fo a pub11c key va1ue.
b. lncoecf. A pub11c-key cef1f1cafe b1nds a subecf name fo a pub11c key va1ue.
c. lncoecf. A pub11c-key cef1f1cafe b1nds a subecf name fo a pub11c key va1ue.
d. lncoecf. A pub11c-key cef1f1cafe b1nds a subecf name fo a pub11c key va1ue.
a. Coecf. 11p1e DL5 W1fh fhee d1sf1ncf keys 1s fhe mosf secue fom of
f1p1e-DL5 encypf1on. lf can e1fhe be DL5-LLL3 {encypf-encypf-encypf} o
DL5-LDL3 {encypf-decypf-encypf}.
b. lncoecf. 11p1e DL5 W1fh fhee d1sf1ncf keys 1s fhe mosf secue fom of
f1p1e-DL5 encypf1on. lf can e1fhe be DL5-LLL3 {encypf-encypf-encypf} o
DL5-LDL3 {encypf-decypf-encypf}.
c. lncoecf. 11p1e DL5 W1fh fhee d1sf1ncf keys 1s fhe mosf secue fom of
f1p1e-DL5 encypf1on. lf can e1fhe be DL5-LLL3 {encypf-encypf-encypf} o
DL5-LDL3 {encypf-decypf-encypf}.
d. lncoecf. 11p1e DL5 W1fh fhee d1sf1ncf keys 1s fhe mosf secue fom of
f1p1e-DL5 encypf1on. lf can e1fhe be DL5-LLL3 {encypf-encypf-encypf} o
DL5-LDL3 {encypf-decypf-encypf}.
a. Coecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c key sysfem. 1he DL5 cypfosysfem can be ca11ed
e1fhe a symmef1c key sysfem o a secef key sysfem.
b. lncoecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c key sysfem. 1he DL5 cypfosysfem can be ca11ed
e1fhe a symmef1c key sysfem o a secef key sysfem.
c. lncoecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c key sysfem. 1he DL5 cypfosysfem can be ca11ed
e1fhe a symmef1c key sysfem o a secef key sysfem.
d. lncoecf. DL5 1s a symmef1c key sysfem. 1he DL5 cypfosysfem can be ca11ed
e1fhe a symmef1c key sysfem o a secef key sysfem.
a. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy 1s genea11y fasf and had fo beak, depend1ng
on key s1ze. lfs Weaknesses ae key d1sf1buf1on fhaf equ1es a secue mechan1sm fo
de11ve fhe key pope1y, sca1ab111fy {each pa1 of uses needs a un1que pa1 of
keys} and 11m1fed secu1fy, Wh1ch can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy.
b. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy 1s genea11y fasf and had fo beak, depend1ng
on key s1ze. lfs Weaknesses ae key d1sf1buf1on fhaf equ1es a secue mechan1sm fo
de11ve fhe key pope1y, sca1ab111fy {each pa1 of uses needs a un1que pa1 of
keys} and 11m1fed secu1fy, Wh1ch can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy.
c. Coecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy 1s genea11y fasf and had fo beak, depend1ng
on key s1ze. lfs Weaknesses ae key d1sf1buf1on fhaf equ1es a secue mechan1sm fo
de11ve fhe key pope1y, sca1ab111fy {each pa1 of uses needs a un1que pa1 of
keys} and 11m1fed secu1fy, Wh1ch can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy.
d. lncoecf. 5ymmef1c cypfogaphy 1s genea11y fasf and had fo beak, depend1ng
on key s1ze. lfs Weaknesses ae key d1sf1buf1on fhaf equ1es a secue mechan1sm fo
de11ve fhe key pope1y, sca1ab111fy {each pa1 of uses needs a un1que pa1 of
keys} and 11m1fed secu1fy, Wh1ch can on1y pov1de conf1denf1a11fy.
a. lncoecf. lnfenef key Lxchange 1s a componenf of lP5ec, nof of a Pkl.
b. lncoecf. lnfenef key Lxchange 1s a componenf of lP5ec, nof of a Pkl.
c. lncoecf. lnfenef key Lxchange 1s a componenf of lP5ec, nof of a Pkl.
d. Coecf. lnfenef key Lxchange 1s a componenf of lP5ec, nof of a Pkl.
a. lncoecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c b1ock c1phe W1fh va1ab1e-1engfh key {32 fo
44 b1fs} des1gned 1n 1993 by 8uce 5chne1e as an unpafenfed, 11cense-fee,
oya1fy-fee ep1acemenf fo DL5 o lDLA.
b. lncoecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c b1ock c1phe W1fh va1ab1e-1engfh key {32 fo
44 b1fs} des1gned 1n 1993 by 8uce 5chne1e as an unpafenfed, 11cense-fee,
oya1fy-fee ep1acemenf fo DL5 o lDLA.
c. Coecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c b1ock c1phe W1fh va1ab1e-1engfh key {32 fo
44 b1fs} des1gned 1n 1993 by 8uce 5chne1e as an unpafenfed, 11cense-fee,
Page 13
oya1fy-fee ep1acemenf fo DL5 o lDLA.
d. lncoecf. 81oWf1sh 1s a symmef1c b1ock c1phe W1fh va1ab1e-1engfh key {32 fo
44 b1fs} des1gned 1n 1993 by 8uce 5chne1e as an unpafenfed, 11cense-fee,
oya1fy-fee ep1acemenf fo DL5 o lDLA.
a. Coecf. MD5 ceafes a message d1gesf of 12 b1fs.
b. lncoecf. MD5 ceafes a message d1gesf of 12 b1fs.
c. lncoecf. MD5 ceafes a message d1gesf of 12 b1fs.
d. lncoecf. MD5 ceafes a message d1gesf of 12 b1fs.
a. Coecf. 5ecef key {a1so knoWn as symmef1c key, p1vafe key, o s1ng1e key}
a1go1fhms 11ke DL5 equ1e fhe sende and fhe ec1p1enf fo have a shaed secef.
b. lncoecf. 5ecef key {a1so knoWn as symmef1c key, p1vafe key, o s1ng1e key}
a1go1fhms 11ke DL5 equ1e fhe sende and fhe ec1p1enf fo have a shaed secef.
c. lncoecf. 5ecef key {a1so knoWn as symmef1c key, p1vafe key, o s1ng1e key}
a1go1fhms 11ke DL5 equ1e fhe sende and fhe ec1p1enf fo have a shaed secef.
d. lncoecf. 5ecef key {a1so knoWn as symmef1c key, p1vafe key, o s1ng1e key}
a1go1fhms 11ke DL5 equ1e fhe sende and fhe ec1p1enf fo have a shaed secef.
a. lncoecf. 1he k1ndae1 a1go1fhm Was chosen as fhe AL5 sfandad fo ep1ace DL5.
lfs b1ock 1engfh and key s1ze can be chosen 1ndependenf1y and can be 12, 192 o 256
b. lncoecf. 1he k1ndae1 a1go1fhm Was chosen as fhe AL5 sfandad fo ep1ace DL5.
lfs b1ock 1engfh and key s1ze can be chosen 1ndependenf1y and can be 12, 192 o 256
c. Coecf. 1he k1ndae1 a1go1fhm Was chosen as fhe AL5 sfandad fo ep1ace DL5.
lfs b1ock 1engfh and key s1ze can be chosen 1ndependenf1y and can be 12, 192 o 256
d. lncoecf. 1he k1ndae1 a1go1fhm Was chosen as fhe AL5 sfandad fo ep1ace DL5.
lfs b1ock 1engfh and key s1ze can be chosen 1ndependenf1y and can be 12, 192 o 256
a. lncoecf. Dafa encypf1on W111 nof va11dafe 1f fhe dafa 1s 1n fhe pope
fomaf. Mak1ng use of dafa encypf1on 1s qu1fe a cha11enge, you have fo educafe fhe
uses, 1ssue key, manage keys, 1f 1s nof eas11y adm1n1sfeed. Lncypf1ng dafa 1s
CPu 1nfens1ve. 5o fhe on1y coecf ansWe poss1b1e Was fhaf 1f equ1es caefu1 key
b. lncoecf. Dafa encypf1on W111 nof va11dafe 1f fhe dafa 1s 1n fhe pope
fomaf. Mak1ng use of dafa encypf1on 1s qu1fe a cha11enge, you have fo educafe fhe
uses, 1ssue key, manage keys, 1f 1s nof eas11y adm1n1sfeed. Lncypf1ng dafa 1s
CPu 1nfens1ve. 5o fhe on1y coecf ansWe poss1b1e Was fhaf 1f equ1es caefu1 key
c. Coecf. Dafa encypf1on W111 nof va11dafe 1f fhe dafa 1s 1n fhe pope fomaf.
Mak1ng use of dafa encypf1on 1s qu1fe a cha11enge, you have fo educafe fhe uses,
1ssue key, manage keys, 1f 1s nof eas11y adm1n1sfeed. Lncypf1ng dafa 1s CPu
1nfens1ve. 5o fhe on1y coecf ansWe poss1b1e Was fhaf 1f equ1es caefu1 key
d. lncoecf. Dafa encypf1on W111 nof va11dafe 1f fhe dafa 1s 1n fhe pope
fomaf. Mak1ng use of dafa encypf1on 1s qu1fe a cha11enge, you have fo educafe fhe
uses, 1ssue key, manage keys, 1f 1s nof eas11y adm1n1sfeed. Lncypf1ng dafa 1s
CPu 1nfens1ve. 5o fhe on1y coecf ansWe poss1b1e Was fhaf 1f equ1es caefu1 key
a. lncoecf. A b1fhday affack 1s usua11y based on fhe pobab111fy of fWo
d1ffeenf messages us1ng fhe same hash funcf1on poduc1ng a common message d1gesf.
1he name comes fom fhe facf fhaf 1n a oom W1fh 23 peop1e, fhe pobab111fy of fWo
o moe peop1e hav1ng fhe same b1fhday 1s geafe fhan 50 pecenf.
b. lncoecf. A b1fhday affack 1s usua11y based on fhe pobab111fy of fWo
Page 14
d1ffeenf messages us1ng fhe same hash funcf1on poduc1ng a common message d1gesf.
1he name comes fom fhe facf fhaf 1n a oom W1fh 23 peop1e, fhe pobab111fy of fWo
o moe peop1e hav1ng fhe same b1fhday 1s geafe fhan 50 pecenf.
c. Coecf. A b1fhday affack 1s usua11y based on fhe pobab111fy of fWo d1ffeenf
messages us1ng fhe same hash funcf1on poduc1ng a common message d1gesf. 1he name
comes fom fhe facf fhaf 1n a oom W1fh 23 peop1e, fhe pobab111fy of fWo o moe
peop1e hav1ng fhe same b1fhday 1s geafe fhan 50 pecenf.
d. lncoecf. A b1fhday affack 1s usua11y based on fhe pobab111fy of fWo
d1ffeenf messages us1ng fhe same hash funcf1on poduc1ng a common message d1gesf.
1he name comes fom fhe facf fhaf 1n a oom W1fh 23 peop1e, fhe pobab111fy of fWo
o moe peop1e hav1ng fhe same b1fhday 1s geafe fhan 50 pecenf.
a. Coecf. 1he chaacfes ae puf fhough 16 ounds of fanspos1f1on and
subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 1he chaacfes ae puf fhough 16 ounds of fanspos1f1on and
subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he chaacfes ae puf fhough 16 ounds of fanspos1f1on and
subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 1he chaacfes ae puf fhough 16 ounds of fanspos1f1on and
subsf1fuf1on funcf1ons.
a. lncoecf. A one-Way hash 1s a funcf1on fhaf fakes a va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng and
compesses 1f 1nfo a f1xed 1engfh va1ue, efeed fo as a hash va1ue. lf pov1des
1nfeg1fy, buf no conf1denf1a11fy, ava11ab111fy, o aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf. A one-Way hash 1s a funcf1on fhaf fakes a va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng and
compesses 1f 1nfo a f1xed 1engfh va1ue, efeed fo as a hash va1ue. lf pov1des
1nfeg1fy, buf no conf1denf1a11fy, ava11ab111fy, o aufhenf1caf1on.
c. Coecf. A one-Way hash 1s a funcf1on fhaf fakes a va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng and
compesses 1f 1nfo a f1xed 1engfh va1ue, efeed fo as a hash va1ue. lf pov1des
1nfeg1fy, buf no conf1denf1a11fy, ava11ab111fy, o aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lncoecf. A one-Way hash 1s a funcf1on fhaf fakes a va1ab1e-1engfh sf1ng and
compesses 1f 1nfo a f1xed 1engfh va1ue, efeed fo as a hash va1ue. lf pov1des
1nfeg1fy, buf no conf1denf1a11fy, ava11ab111fy, o aufhenf1caf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1he lnfenaf1ona1 Dafa Lncypf1on A1go1fhm {lDLA} 1s a b1ock c1phe
fhaf opeafes on 64-b1f b1ocks of dafa W1fh a 12-b1f key. 1he dafa b1ocks ae
d1v1ded 1nfo 16 sma11e b1ocks and each has e1ghf ounds of mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons
pefomed on 1f. lf 1s used 1n fhe PGP encypf1on soffWae.
b. Coecf. 1he lnfenaf1ona1 Dafa Lncypf1on A1go1fhm {lDLA} 1s a b1ock c1phe
fhaf opeafes on 64-b1f b1ocks of dafa W1fh a 12-b1f key. 1he dafa b1ocks ae
d1v1ded 1nfo 16 sma11e b1ocks and each has e1ghf ounds of mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons
pefomed on 1f. lf 1s used 1n fhe PGP encypf1on soffWae.
c. lncoecf. 1he lnfenaf1ona1 Dafa Lncypf1on A1go1fhm {lDLA} 1s a b1ock c1phe
fhaf opeafes on 64-b1f b1ocks of dafa W1fh a 12-b1f key. 1he dafa b1ocks ae
d1v1ded 1nfo 16 sma11e b1ocks and each has e1ghf ounds of mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons
pefomed on 1f. lf 1s used 1n fhe PGP encypf1on soffWae.
d. lncoecf. 1he lnfenaf1ona1 Dafa Lncypf1on A1go1fhm {lDLA} 1s a b1ock c1phe
fhaf opeafes on 64-b1f b1ocks of dafa W1fh a 12-b1f key. 1he dafa b1ocks ae
d1v1ded 1nfo 16 sma11e b1ocks and each has e1ghf ounds of mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons
pefomed on 1f. lf 1s used 1n fhe PGP encypf1on soffWae.
a. Coecf. 1he oof CA funcf1ons as fhe fusf ancho fo a11 Pkl paf1c1panfs.
b. lncoecf. 1he oof CA funcf1ons as fhe fusf ancho fo a11 Pkl paf1c1panfs.
c. lncoecf. 1he oof CA funcf1ons as fhe fusf ancho fo a11 Pkl paf1c1panfs.
d. lncoecf. 1he oof CA funcf1ons as fhe fusf ancho fo a11 Pkl paf1c1panfs.
a. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue hash A1go1fhm {5hA-1} compufes a f1xed 1engfh message
d1gesf fom a va1ab1e 1engfh 1npuf message.
Page 15
b. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue hash A1go1fhm {5hA-1} compufes a f1xed 1engfh message
d1gesf fom a va1ab1e 1engfh 1npuf message.
c. Coecf. 1he 5ecue hash A1go1fhm {5hA-1} compufes a f1xed 1engfh message
d1gesf fom a va1ab1e 1engfh 1npuf message.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue hash A1go1fhm {5hA-1} compufes a f1xed 1engfh message
d1gesf fom a va1ab1e 1engfh 1npuf message.
a. Coecf. A sfeam c1phe feafs fhe message as a sfeam of b1fs o byfes and
pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhem 1nd1v1dua11y. 1he key 1s a andom va1ue
1npuf 1nfo fhe sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch 1f uses fo ensue fhe andomness of fhe
keysfeam dafa. 5feam cyphes ae moe su1fab1e fo hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons
because fhey encypf and decypf one b1f af a f1me.
b. lncoecf. A sfeam c1phe feafs fhe message as a sfeam of b1fs o byfes and
pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhem 1nd1v1dua11y. 1he key 1s a andom va1ue
1npuf 1nfo fhe sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch 1f uses fo ensue fhe andomness of fhe
keysfeam dafa. 5feam cyphes ae moe su1fab1e fo hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons
because fhey encypf and decypf one b1f af a f1me.
c. lncoecf. A sfeam c1phe feafs fhe message as a sfeam of b1fs o byfes and
pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhem 1nd1v1dua11y. 1he key 1s a andom va1ue
1npuf 1nfo fhe sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch 1f uses fo ensue fhe andomness of fhe
keysfeam dafa. 5feam cyphes ae moe su1fab1e fo hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons
because fhey encypf and decypf one b1f af a f1me.
d. lncoecf. A sfeam c1phe feafs fhe message as a sfeam of b1fs o byfes and
pefoms mafhemaf1ca1 funcf1ons on fhem 1nd1v1dua11y. 1he key 1s a andom va1ue
1npuf 1nfo fhe sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch 1f uses fo ensue fhe andomness of fhe
keysfeam dafa. 5feam cyphes ae moe su1fab1e fo hadWae 1mp1emenfaf1ons
because fhey encypf and decypf one b1f af a f1me.
a. lncoecf. W1e1ess 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {W1L5} 1s a commun1caf1on pofoco1
fhaf a11oWs W1e1ess dev1ces fo send and ece1ve encypfed 1nfomaf1on ove fhe
b. Coecf. W1e1ess 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {W1L5} 1s a commun1caf1on pofoco1
fhaf a11oWs W1e1ess dev1ces fo send and ece1ve encypfed 1nfomaf1on ove fhe
c. lncoecf. W1e1ess 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {W1L5} 1s a commun1caf1on pofoco1
fhaf a11oWs W1e1ess dev1ces fo send and ece1ve encypfed 1nfomaf1on ove fhe
d. lncoecf. W1e1ess 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {W1L5} 1s a commun1caf1on pofoco1
fhaf a11oWs W1e1ess dev1ces fo send and ece1ve encypfed 1nfomaf1on ove fhe
a. Coecf. lP5ec 1s fhe de facfo sfandad foday fo seff1ng up vPNs. A11 ofhe
cho1ce ae nof use fo connecf1ng fWo dev1ces.
b. lncoecf. lP5ec 1s fhe de facfo sfandad foday fo seff1ng up vPNs. A11
ofhe cho1ce ae nof use fo connecf1ng fWo dev1ces.
c. lncoecf. lP5ec 1s fhe de facfo sfandad foday fo seff1ng up vPNs. A11
ofhe cho1ce ae nof use fo connecf1ng fWo dev1ces.
d. lncoecf. lP5ec 1s fhe de facfo sfandad foday fo seff1ng up vPNs. A11
ofhe cho1ce ae nof use fo connecf1ng fWo dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. A d1cf1onay affack 1s ca1ed ouf by compa1ng a capfued passWod
aga1nsf a 11sf of common1y used Wods. 1he 11sf 1s usua11y fed 1nfo a d1cf1onay
affack1ng foo1.
b. lncoecf. A d1cf1onay affack 1s ca1ed ouf by compa1ng a capfued passWod
aga1nsf a 11sf of common1y used Wods. 1he 11sf 1s usua11y fed 1nfo a d1cf1onay
affack1ng foo1.
c. lncoecf. A d1cf1onay affack 1s ca1ed ouf by compa1ng a capfued passWod
aga1nsf a 11sf of common1y used Wods. 1he 11sf 1s usua11y fed 1nfo a d1cf1onay
affack1ng foo1.
Page 16
d. Coecf. A d1cf1onay affack 1s ca1ed ouf by compa1ng a capfued passWod
aga1nsf a 11sf of common1y used Wods. 1he 11sf 1s usua11y fed 1nfo a d1cf1onay
affack1ng foo1.
Page 17
qu1z Name = Lnfep1se5ecu1fy&Ach1fecfue-P1
1. Wh1ch componenf of an opeaf1ng sysfem fefches fhe pogamm1ng code, 1nfepefs
1f, and ovesees fhe execuf1on of fhe d1ffeenf 1nsfucf1on sefs?
a. Confo1 un1f
b. CPu
c. ALu
d. Pogam counfe
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy mechan1sms encompasses a11 of fhe componenfs fhaf
ae espons1b1e fo enfoc1ng fhe esfab11shed secu1fy po11cy?
a. 1C8
b. kefeence mon1fo
c. 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1
d. Mu1f11eve1 secu1fy po11cy
3. A sma11-foWn secu1fy off1ce has ecenf1y 1nsfa11ed a neW compufe sysfem fo
fhe1 sfaff of f1ve. 1he sysfem confa1ns many 1eve1s of c1ass1f1ed 1nfomaf1on and
1s sef up fo a11oW each of fhe emp1oyees d1ffeenf access pem1ss1ons. Wh1ch fype of
sysfem does fh1s scena1o desc1be?
a. Ded1cafed mode sysfem
b. Mu1f11eve1 secu1fy sysfem
c. hadWae segmenfaf1on
d. Laye1ng sysfem
4. John 1s asked by h1s manage fo eseach an lD5 fo a neW d1spafch1ng cenfe. ln
h1s eseach, he f1nds fhe fop f1ve poducfs and compaes fhem aga1nsf each ofhe
based upon fhe1 af1ngs. ln ode fo gef fhe mosf s1mp11f1ed and un1vesa1
eva1uaf1on, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d John use fo make h1s dec1s1on?
a. ked 8ook
b. l15LC
c. Oange 8ook
d. Common C1fe1a
5. 1he Common C1fe1a 1n fhe s1mp1esf fom Woks fo ansWe fWo d1sf1ncf quesf1ons.
Whaf ae fhey?
a. Whaf does fhe poducf do and hoW sue ae you of 1f?
b. Whaf secu1fy mechan1sms ae 1n p1ace and hoW e11ab1e ae fhey?
c. Do ofhe poducfs ex1sf 11ke fh1s one and Wh1ch 1s beffe?
d. hoW fusfWofhy 1s fhe manufacfue and Whaf ofhe poducfs do fhey make?
6. k1m 1s asked fo pov1de a fechn1ca1 ev1eW of a neW1y-1nsfa11ed nefWok sysfem
fhaf 1nc1udes mu1f1p1e Woksfaf1ons, seves, and dafabases fhaf have been
1nfegafed 1nfo a nefWok opeaf1ons cenfe. he ev1eW musf conc1ude fhaf fhe
esfab11shed secu1fy equ1emenfs have been mef. Whaf fask 1s k1m pefom1ng?
a. Acced1faf1on
b. Aud1f
c. Cef1f1caf1on
d. 5ecu1fy eva1uaf1on
7. 1he 8eWe and Nash mode1 Was des1gned fo Whaf pupose?
a. 1o pov1de access confo1 fhaf changes dynam1ca11y based upon Whaf 1nfomaf1on
o dafa a use has accessed pev1ous1y
b. hoW subecfs and obecfs shou1d be ceafed and de1efed, hoW access pem1ss1ons
can be secue1y fansfeed, and hoW fo pofecf aga1nsf conf11cfs of 1nfeesf
c. 1o enfoce conf1denf1a11fy
Page 1
d. 1o enfoce 1nfeg1fy
. An acf1v1fy fhaf a1fes fhe sfafe of a sysfem 1s ca11ed a .
a. unaufho1zed 1nfus1on
b. 5fafe fans1f1on
c. Mov1ng dafa fom a memoy segmenf fo fhe CPus eg1sfes
d. Mov1ng dafa fom fhe CPus eg1sfes fo fhe coecf memoy addess
9. 1he concepf of subecf/pogam b1nd1ng 1s f1ed fo Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy
a. 8e11-LaPadu1a
b. 81ba
c. C1ak-W11son
d. Ch1nese Wa11
10. lnfeg1fy 1s a p1may concepf 1n many secu1fy mode1s and po11c1es. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s nof cons1sfenf W1fh fhe u1es of 1nfeg1fy?
a. Appoved subecfs shou1d neve make unappoved mod1f1caf1ons.
b. 1he sysfem shou1d dea1 W1fh 1nfena1 and exfena1 acf1v1fy fhe same Way.
c. unappoved subecfs shou1d neve be a11oWed fo make changes.
d. A11 subecfs musf have a need-fo-knoW.
11. A CPu has sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of eg1sfes, confa1n1ng 1nfomaf1on abouf fhe
1nsfucf1on sef and dafa fhaf musf be execufed. ae used fo ho1d
va1ab1es and fempoay esu1fs as fhe ALu Woks fhough 1fs execuf1on sfeps. 1he
genea1 eg1sfes ae 11ke fhe ALus scafch pad, Wh1ch 1f uses Wh11e Wok1ng.
ho1d 1nfomaf1on such as fhe pogam counfe, sfack po1nfe, and pogam
sfafus Wod {P5W}.
a. Genea1 eg1sfes, spec1a1 eg1sfes
b. ALu, P5W
c. Cache, genea1 eg1sfes
d. P5W, spec1a1 eg1sfes
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng concepfs sfafes fhaf a subecf cannof send equesfs fo a
subecf af a h1ghe secu1fy 1eve1, buf on1y W1fh subecfs af an equa1 o 1oWe
a. lnvocaf1on popefy
b. "-popefy u1e
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
d. lnfomaf1on f1oW
13. 1he fem "c1eaance" 1s mosf offen assoc1afed W1fh Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Obecfs
b. Pocesses
c. 5ubecfs
d. kequesfs
14. Wh1ch sfafemenf abouf a sysfem opeaf1ng 1n a ded1cafed secu1fy mode 1s fa1se?
a. A11 uses have a need-fo-knoW.
b. A11 uses have foma1 access appova1.
c. lf 1s common1y 1mp1emenfed 1n m111fay env1onmenfs.
d. 5ysfems hand1e mu1f1p1e c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1s.
15. A sysfems secu1fy expef has been h1ed fo eva1uafe a company`s nefWok1ng
1nfasfucfue and ovea11 secu1fy effecf1veness. One aea fhaf qu1ck1y evea1ed
Page 2
1fse1f Was fhe pesence of 1nfeupfed pocess1ng. Why 1s fh1s a secu1fy 1ssue?
a. lnfeupfed pocess1ng can a11oW fo buffe ovef1oWs, because bounds check1ng
cannof be pope1y ca1ed ouf.
b. 8eaches ae poss1b1e a11oW1ng pev1ous pocesses fo ga1n a h1ghe access 1eve1.
c. kace cond1f1ons ae a11oWed fo fake p1ace, Wh1ch can a11oW a pocess fo access
an obecf befoe 1f 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed.
d. Dafa 1nfeg1fy can be compom1sed.
16. v1fua1 sfoage ceafes Whaf fype of secu1fy vu1neab111fy?
a. 5hufdoWns may cause dafa fo be desfoyed
b. lmpope memoy managemenf esu1fs 1n ace cond1f1ons, Wh1ch can a11oW pocesses
fo access fhe shaed pagef11e componenf
c. hadWae segmenfaf1on 1s common1y compom1sed by fhe use of v1fua1 sfoage
d. 1empoay f11es on fhe had d1ve ae nof de1efed affe shufdoWn
17. A fusfed compuf1ng sysfem genea11y confa1ns a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng excepf:
a. Aud1f mechan1sms
b. Anf1-v1us and spyWae pogams
c. Mandafoy access confo1 mechan1sms
d. D1scef1onay access confo1 mechan1sms
1. k1k 1s a soffWae deve1ope Who 1s d111genf1y W1f1ng code fo a neW pogam.
1o save f1me, he ceafes a h1dden access po1nf W1fh1n fhe pogam so fhaf he can
1mmed1afe1y beg1n Wok and bypass fhe secu1fy confo1s. k1k has ceafed a
mechan1sm Wh1ch can be ca11ed any of fhe fo11oW1ng fems, excepf:
a. Ma1nfenance hook
b. 8ackdoo
c. Ma1Wae
d. 1apdoo
19. ln Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sysfem modes does fhe app11caf1on manage fhe CPu`s
a. Opeaf1ve mode
b. Coopeaf1ve mode
c. 51ng1e-un1f mode
d. Pogam-spec1f1c mode
20. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe opeaf1ng sysfem componenf fhaf
confa1ns fhe addess of an 1nsfucf1on sef fo be fefched fo execuf1on?
a. 5pec1a1 eg1sfe
b. Pogam counfe
c. Pofecf1on 1ng
d. ln1f1a1 1oad counfe
21. 8ad 1s foub1eshoof1ng a pefomance 1ssue W1fh a compuf1ng sysfem and qu1ck1y
ea11zes fhaf fhe sysfem esouces ae be1ng managed 1nappop1afe1y. he a1so 1eans
fhaf fhe sysfem 1n quesf1on 1s unn1ng 1n pe-empf1ve mu1f1fask1ng mode. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng enf1f1es 1s espons1b1e fo fhe esouces?
a. 1he app11caf1on fhaf 1s unn1ng
b. 1he opeaf1ng sysfem
c. 1he co11ecf1on of uses access1ng fhe sysfem
d. lnpuf/oufpuf dev1ces
22. Wh1ch 1aye of a sysfem shou1d secu1fy e1emenfs be pos1f1oned 1n?
a. h1ghesf 1eve1
Page 3
b. M1dd1e 1eve1
c. LoWesf 1eve1
d. Makes no d1ffeence
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an examp1e of mu1f1fask1ng?
a. 1Wo o moe pogams be1ng execufed af one f1me by a use
b. 1Wo o moe sysfem equesfs ae execufed af fWo d1ffeenf f1mes
c. 1Wo o moe pogams fo be execufed by a pocesso
d. 1Wo o moe CPus execufe 1nsfucf1ons 1n paa11e1
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a pogam counfe fhaf po1nfs fo fhe memoy 1ocaf1on
Wh1ch ho1ds fhe nexf 1nsfucf1on fo be ca1ed ouf?
a. Ded1cafed eg1sfe
b. 5fafus eg1sfe
c. 1OC/1Ou
d. P1v11eged pogam
25. A pocess 1s suspended and Wa1f1ng fo an ava11ab1e f1me s1of on fhe CPu o
Wa1f1ng fo an evenf fo occu. Whaf 1s fh1s knoWn as?
a. 51eep sfafe
b. kun sfafe
c. Masked/1nfeupf1b1e sfafe
d. Wa1f sfafe
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng memoy fypes uf111zes a c1ock cyc1e fo 1mpove 1fs
a. DkAM
b. 5DkAM
c. 8LDO DkAM
d. PkOM
27. 1had 1s a m1copocesso eng1nee Who makes a one-f1me pogamm1ng change on a
memoy ch1p. 8ecause of fhe paf1cu1a ch1p fype, he 1s on1y a11oWed fhaf one
change. Whaf fype of memoy ch1p 1s 1had us1ng?
b. LPkOM
c. PkOM
d. I1ash memoy
2. v1fua1 memoy s1mu1afes .
a. Pag1ng
b. 5Wapp1ng
c. kOM
d. kAM
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng dea1s W1fh 1nceas1ng secu1fy W1fh f1ash memoy fo
W1e1ess dev1ces, such as PDAs?
a. MC-L5
b. l1u-0
c. I5-35
d. I5-223
30. 1he ho1ds d1ffeenf cond1f1on b1fs. One of fhe b1fs 1nd1cafes
Whefhe fhe CPu shou1d be Wok1ng 1n use mode {a1so ca11ed } o
p1v11eged mode {a1so ca11ed kene1 o }.
Page 4
a. use sfafus Wod, pob1em sfafe, supev1so mode
b. Pogam sfafus Wod, Wok1ng sfafe, supev1so mode
c. Pogam sfafus mode, pob1em sfafe, supev1so mode
d. Pogam sfafus Wod, pob1em sfafe, supev1so mode
31. Nonvo1af11e sfoage fhaf ho1ds pogam 1nsfucf1ons and efa1ns dafa even When
poWe 1s funed off 1s knoWn as Wh1ch fype of sfoage?
a. P1may
b. 5econday
c. v1fua1
d. kea1
32. A secef c1eaance opeaf1ons goup Woks on a p1vafe nefWok 1n a emofe
1ocaf1on. 1he secu1fy po11cy fo fhe nefWok des1gn and opeaf1ons goup eads as
fo11oWs: Lach use on fh1s nefWok musf a} have an appoved c1eaance 1eve1 fo a11
1nfomaf1on on fhe nefWok, b} have foma1 access appova1 fo and have s1gned a NDA
fo a11 1nfomaf1on on fhe nefWok, and c} a need-fo-knoW fo a11 1nfomaf1on on fhe
nefWok. Whaf fype of opeaf1ng mode 1s fh1s exc1us1ve goup Wok1ng fom?
a. Compafmenfa11zed
b. Ded1cafed secu1fy
c. Confo11ed
d. Mu1f1-1eve1
33. kaen 1s an en11sfed off1ce 1n fhe m111fay and Woks 1n a dafa pocess1ng
cenfe. A11 dafa fhaf 1s sfoed on fhe nefWok 1s g1ven a c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1 of
conf1denf1a1, secef, o fop secef. Whaf secu1fy mode1 1s fh1s sysfem based on?
a. 81ba
b. 8e11-LaPadu1a
c. C1ak-W11son
d. Ch1nese Wa11
34. Geoge has a secu1fy c1eaance 1eve1 h1ghe fhan Dona1d. he has access fo many
dev1ces and dafa fhaf Dona1d doesn`f have access fo. ln add1f1on, Geoge 1s nof
pem1ffed fo W1fe o change dafa fhaf 1s af a 1oWe secu1fy c1eaance {dafa fhaf
Dona1d has access fo}. Whaf 1s fh1s efeed fo as?
a. 51mp1e secu1fy u1e
b. "-popefy u1e
c. lnvocaf1on popefy u1e
d. Need-fo-knoW p1nc1p1e
35. Lnsu1ng fhaf a pocess does Whaf 1f 1s 1nfended fo do evey f1me 1s ca11ed fhe
a. We11-fomed fansacf1on
b. Lxfena1 cons1sfency
c. lnfena1 cons1sfency
d. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng mode1s dea1s W1fh hoW subecfs can access obecfs based
upon esfab11shed 1ghfs and capab111f1es?
a. Access confo1 maf1x
b. 81ba secu1fy mode1
c. lnfomaf1on f1oW mode1
d. C1ak-W11son mode1
37. 1he 1C8 1s a secu1fy p1nc1p1e fhaf ensues secu1fy W1fh1n sysfems 1n a11
k1nds of s1fuaf1ons. One s1fuaf1on 1s When a pocess 1n one doma1n musf access
Page 5
anofhe doma1n 1n ode fo ef1eve sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on. 1he 1C8 ensues fhaf fh1s
acf1on 1s pefomed 1n a secue manne by 1n1f1af1ng Whaf funcf1on?
a. Pocess acf1vaf1on
b. Lxecuf1on doma1n sW1fch1ng
c. Memoy pofecf1on
d. l/O opeaf1ons
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a sysfem fhaf has W1fhsfood benchmak fesf1ng and
va11daf1on fo meef use and eva1uaf1on equ1emenfs?
a. 1C8 sysfem
b. Lva1uafed sysfem
c. 1usfed sysfem
d. 5ecu1fy kene1 sysfem
39. 8ecause of 1nceased secu1fy concens, Leo`s l1 sfaff beg1ns fak1ng aggess1ve
sfeps fo 1ncease pofecf1on 1n fhe1 ogan1zaf1on. 5ome of fhese sfeps 1nc1ude:
sandbox access confo1s, sfonge nefWok 1nfefaces, and 1nceased 1aye1ng W1fh1n
opeaf1ng sysfems. Whaf 1s fhe fem fhaf desc1bes Leo`s acf1v1f1es?
a. Memoy pofecf1on
b. haden1ng
c. Guad pofecf1on
d. Pocess 1so1af1on
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae pope chaacfe1sf1cs of a soffWae pocess fhaf
uns W1fh1n an opeaf1ng sysfem?
1. 5ef of 1nsfucf1ons
11. Ass1gned esouces
111. Loaded 1n memoy
1v. App11caf1on pogamm1ng 1nfefaces
a. 1, 11, 111, 1v
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 11
d. 1, 1v
41. A secu1fy measue has ecenf1y been puf 1nfo p1ace W1fh1n fhe accounf1ng
depafmenf. A11 uses W1fh1n a spec1f1ed c1eaance 1eve1 have been pemanenf1y f1ed
fo a dafabase W1fh an equa1 c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1. 1h1s mefhod of o1n1ng a subecf
fo an obecf 1s efeed fo as:
a. lso1af1ng
b. 5fapp1ng
c. 81nd1ng
d. Mandaf1ng
42. Confa1n1ng subecfs and obecfs and keep1ng fhem sepaafe fom one anofhe fo
secu1fy easons 1s knoWn as:
a. hadWae 1so1af1on
b. 5offWae 1so1af1on
c. 81nd1ng
d. Need-fo-knoW
43. 1he 1usfed Compufe 5ecu1fy Lva1uaf1on C1fe1a {1C5LC} 1s based on Wh1ch
fhee p1nc1p1es?
a. Aud1f1ng, Cosf/8enef1f kaf1o, Lffecf1veness
b. Assuance, Cosf/8enef1f kaf1o, Iuncf1ona11fy
c. Assuance, Aud1f1ng, Ava11ab111fy
d. Iuncf1ona11fy, Lffecf1veness, Assuance
Page 6
44. kaf1e has been appo1nfed poecf manage of a neW bu11d-ouf on fhe 5fh f1oo.
A1ong W1fh fhe fac111f1es, she 1s espons1b1e fo se1ecf1ng neW hadWae acoss fhe
boad. he f1sf fask 1s fo choose bode oufes fo use on fhe Lxfanef p1affom.
Wh1ch eva1uaf1on pogam Wou1d be mosf su1fed fo fh1s fask?
a. Oange 8ook
b. 8oWn 8ook
c. ked 8ook
d. Geen 8ook
45. M1ke`s company has usf been h1ed fo do a one-f1me confacf cef1f1caf1on of a
neW1y-1mp1emenfed nefWok cenfe fo a sma11 d1spafch1ng company. As paf of fhe
confacf, M1ke 1nc1udes a check11sf of fhe fasks h1s feam W111 pefom du1ng fhe
cef1f1caf1on. Wh1ch fask be1oW Wou1d nof be1ong on fhe 11sf?
a. 1esf nefWok connecf1v1fy fo a11 spec1f1ed dev1ces.
b. ve1fy secu1fy confo1s ae funcf1on1ng pope1y.
c. 51gn off on fhe p1affom as meef1ng a11 secu1fy obecf1ves sfafed.
d. ve1fy fhaf aud1f1ng mechan1sms funcf1on pope1y.
46. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s unfue?
a. A secu1fy mode1 1s a co11ecf1on of equ1emenfs
b. A secu1fy ach1fecfue 1s made up of compufe secu1fy componenfs
c. A secu1fy mode1 embod1es secu1fy p1nc1p1es
d. A secu1fy ach1fecfue embod1es pocedues
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fypes of memoy cannof be changed affe 1f`s W1ffen?
a. kAM {kandom Access Memoy}
b. Cache
c. WOkM {W1fe Once kead Many}
d. LPkOM {Lasab1e and Pogammab1e kead On1y Memoy}
4. hoW 1s v1fua1 sfoage ceafed?
a. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of p1may and seconday sfoage
b. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of kAM and seconday sfoage
c. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of ea1 sfoage and seconday sfoage
d. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of kAM and LPkOM memoy
49. Whaf pofecf1on 1ngs ae engaged 1f fhe compufe 1s execuf1ng 1n supev1soy
a. k1ngs 0 and 1
b. k1ngs 1 and 2
c. k1ngs 2 and 3
d. k1ngs 3 and 4
50. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeences befWeen mu1f1pogamm1ng
and mu1f1fask1ng?
a. Mu1f1fask1ng means fhaf moe fhan one app11caf1on 1s 1oaded 1n memoy af one
f1me and mu1f1pogamm1ng means fhaf moe fhan one app11caf1on 1s 1oaded 1n memoy
af one f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can pocess fhe1 equesf s1mu1faneous1y.
b. 1hey bofh mean fhe same fh1ng
c. Mu1f1pogamm1ng means fhaf fWo app11caf1ons ae 1oaded 1n memoy af one f1me
and mu1f1fask1ng means fhaf moe fhan one app11caf1on 1s 1oaded 1n memoy af one
f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can pocess fhe1 equesf s1mu1faneous1y.
d. Mu1f1pogamm1ng means fhaf moe fhan one app11caf1on 1s 1oaded 1n memoy af one
f1me and mu1f1fask1ng means fhaf moe fhan one app11caf1on 1s 1oaded 1n memoy af
one f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can pocess fhe1 equesf s1mu1faneous1y.
Page 7
51. When a sysfem 1s sa1d fo be opeaf1ng 1n "pob1em sfafe" Whaf does fh1s mean?
a. 1he sysfem 1s us1ng k1ngs 0 and 1
b. 1he sysfem 1s execuf1ng an app11caf1on
c. 1he sysfem 1s 1n a fau1f sfafe
d. 1he sysfem 1s 1n a eady sfafe
52. Whaf sfafemenf abouf fheads 1s unfue?
a. A fhead 1s a p1ece of code
b. A fhead can opeafe 1ns1de a v1fua1 mach1ne
c. A fhead 1s a sub-e1emenf W1fh1n a pocess
d. 1heads cannof be execufed s1mu1faneous1y
53. lnpuf/oufpuf {l/O} dev1ce managemenf 1s 1mpofanf fo Whaf eason?
a. lnvok1ng dead1ock s1fuaf1ons
b. lnsu1ng fhe eady ava11ab111fy of esouces
c. Ceaf1ng v1fua1 memoy
d. Avo1d1ng buffe ovef1oWs
54. Whaf 1s u1f1mafe pupose of fhe 1usfed Compuf1ng 8ase {1C8}?
a. Def1nes fhe 1eve1 of secu1fy a sysfem pov1des
b. Def1nes fhe 1eve1 of secu1fy assuance a sysfem pov1des
c. Def1nes 1eve1s of secu1fy c1ass1f1caf1ons a sysfem pov1des
d. Def1nes secu1fy access c1ass1f1caf1ons a sysfem pov1des
55. Wh1ch sfafemenf abouf fhe efeence mon1fo 1s 1ncoecf?
a. lf 1s an absfacf mach1ne
b. lf musf 1abe1 evey equesfo
c. lf musf be sma11 enough fo fesf
d. lf musf be fampe poof
56. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. Mu1f1pogamm1ng - An opeaf1ng sysfem can 1oad moe fhan one pogam 1n memoy
af one f1me.
11. Mu1f1fask1ng - An opeaf1ng sysfem can hand1e equesfs fom sevea1 d1ffeenf
pocesses 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me.
111. Mu1f1fhead1ng - An app11caf1on has fhe ab111fy fo un mu1f1p1e fheads
1v. Mu1f1pocess1ng - 1he compufe has moe fhan one CPu.
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 1v
d. 111
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. 1he confo1 un1f manages and synchon1zes fhe sysfem Wh11e d1ffeenf
app11caf1ons code and opeaf1ng sysfem 1nsfucf1ons ae be1ng execufed. 1he confo1
un1f 1s fhe componenf fhaf fefches fhe code, 1nfepefs fhe code, and ovesees fhe
execuf1on of fhe d1ffeenf 1nsfucf1on sefs. lf defem1nes Whaf app11caf1on
1nsfucf1ons gef pocessed and 1n Whaf p1o1fy and f1me s11ce. lf confo1s When
1nsfucf1ons ae execufed, and fh1s execuf1on enab1es app11caf1ons fo pocess dafa.
1he confo1 un1f does nof acfua11y pocess fhe dafa.
b. lncoecf. 1he confo1 un1f manages and synchon1zes fhe sysfem Wh11e d1ffeenf
app11caf1ons code and opeaf1ng sysfem 1nsfucf1ons ae be1ng execufed. 1he confo1
un1f 1s fhe componenf fhaf fefches fhe code, 1nfepefs fhe code, and ovesees fhe
execuf1on of fhe d1ffeenf 1nsfucf1on sefs. lf defem1nes Whaf app11caf1on
1nsfucf1ons gef pocessed and 1n Whaf p1o1fy and f1me s11ce. lf confo1s When
1nsfucf1ons ae execufed, and fh1s execuf1on enab1es app11caf1ons fo pocess dafa.
1he confo1 un1f does nof acfua11y pocess fhe dafa.
c. lncoecf. 1he confo1 un1f manages and synchon1zes fhe sysfem Wh11e d1ffeenf
app11caf1ons code and opeaf1ng sysfem 1nsfucf1ons ae be1ng execufed. 1he confo1
un1f 1s fhe componenf fhaf fefches fhe code, 1nfepefs fhe code, and ovesees fhe
execuf1on of fhe d1ffeenf 1nsfucf1on sefs. lf defem1nes Whaf app11caf1on
1nsfucf1ons gef pocessed and 1n Whaf p1o1fy and f1me s11ce. lf confo1s When
1nsfucf1ons ae execufed, and fh1s execuf1on enab1es app11caf1ons fo pocess dafa.
1he confo1 un1f does nof acfua11y pocess fhe dafa.
d. lncoecf. 1he confo1 un1f manages and synchon1zes fhe sysfem Wh11e d1ffeenf
app11caf1ons code and opeaf1ng sysfem 1nsfucf1ons ae be1ng execufed. 1he confo1
un1f 1s fhe componenf fhaf fefches fhe code, 1nfepefs fhe code, and ovesees fhe
execuf1on of fhe d1ffeenf 1nsfucf1on sefs. lf defem1nes Whaf app11caf1on
1nsfucf1ons gef pocessed and 1n Whaf p1o1fy and f1me s11ce. lf confo1s When
1nsfucf1ons ae execufed, and fh1s execuf1on enab1es app11caf1ons fo pocess dafa.
1he confo1 un1f does nof acfua11y pocess fhe dafa.
a. Coecf. 1he fusfed compuf1ng base {1C8} cons1sfs of soffWae, hadWae,
f1mWae, and pocesses W1fh1n a compufe fhaf ae des1gned fo enfoce a secu1fy
b. lncoecf. 1he fusfed compuf1ng base {1C8} cons1sfs of soffWae, hadWae,
f1mWae, and pocesses W1fh1n a compufe fhaf ae des1gned fo enfoce a secu1fy
c. lncoecf. 1he fusfed compuf1ng base {1C8} cons1sfs of soffWae, hadWae,
f1mWae, and pocesses W1fh1n a compufe fhaf ae des1gned fo enfoce a secu1fy
d. lncoecf. 1he fusfed compuf1ng base {1C8} cons1sfs of soffWae, hadWae,
f1mWae, and pocesses W1fh1n a compufe fhaf ae des1gned fo enfoce a secu1fy
a. lncoecf. A mu1f11eve1 secu1fy sysfem 1s a fype of sysfem fhaf enfoces many
1eve1s of c1ass1f1caf1on and pofecf1on Wh11e a11oW1ng uses access fo fhe dafa
based upon fhe1 c1eaance and need fo knoW.
b. Coecf. A mu1f11eve1 secu1fy sysfem 1s a fype of sysfem fhaf enfoces many
1eve1s of c1ass1f1caf1on and pofecf1on Wh11e a11oW1ng uses access fo fhe dafa
based upon fhe1 c1eaance and need fo knoW.
c. lncoecf. A mu1f11eve1 secu1fy sysfem 1s a fype of sysfem fhaf enfoces many
1eve1s of c1ass1f1caf1on and pofecf1on Wh11e a11oW1ng uses access fo fhe dafa
based upon fhe1 c1eaance and need fo knoW.
d. lncoecf. A mu1f11eve1 secu1fy sysfem 1s a fype of sysfem fhaf enfoces many
1eve1s of c1ass1f1caf1on and pofecf1on Wh11e a11oW1ng uses access fo fhe dafa
based upon fhe1 c1eaance and need fo knoW.
a. lncoecf. 1he Common C1fe1a Was ceafed 1n fhe ea1y 1990s as a Way of
comb1n1ng fhe sfengfhs of bofh fhe 1C5LC and l15LC Wh11e e11m1naf1ng fhe1
Weaknesses. 1h1s eva1uaf1on pogam 1s ecogn1zed g1oba11y and 1s cons1deed moe
f1ex1b1e fhan fhe 1C5LC, and moe sfa1ghffoWad fhan l15LC. 1he Common C1fe1a
Was fomed by 1C5LC, l15LC, C1CPLC, and fhe Iedea1 C1fe1a.
b. lncoecf. 1he Common C1fe1a Was ceafed 1n fhe ea1y 1990s as a Way of
comb1n1ng fhe sfengfhs of bofh fhe 1C5LC and l15LC Wh11e e11m1naf1ng fhe1
Weaknesses. 1h1s eva1uaf1on pogam 1s ecogn1zed g1oba11y and 1s cons1deed moe
f1ex1b1e fhan fhe 1C5LC, and moe sfa1ghffoWad fhan l15LC. 1he Common C1fe1a
Was fomed by 1C5LC, l15LC, C1CPLC, and fhe Iedea1 C1fe1a.
c. lncoecf. 1he Common C1fe1a Was ceafed 1n fhe ea1y 1990s as a Way of
comb1n1ng fhe sfengfhs of bofh fhe 1C5LC and l15LC Wh11e e11m1naf1ng fhe1
Weaknesses. 1h1s eva1uaf1on pogam 1s ecogn1zed g1oba11y and 1s cons1deed moe
Page 9
f1ex1b1e fhan fhe 1C5LC, and moe sfa1ghffoWad fhan l15LC. 1he Common C1fe1a
Was fomed by 1C5LC, l15LC, C1CPLC, and fhe Iedea1 C1fe1a.
d. Coecf. 1he Common C1fe1a Was ceafed 1n fhe ea1y 1990s as a Way of
comb1n1ng fhe sfengfhs of bofh fhe 1C5LC and l15LC Wh11e e11m1naf1ng fhe1
Weaknesses. 1h1s eva1uaf1on pogam 1s ecogn1zed g1oba11y and 1s cons1deed moe
f1ex1b1e fhan fhe 1C5LC, and moe sfa1ghffoWad fhan l15LC. 1he Common C1fe1a
Was fomed by 1C5LC, l15LC, C1CPLC, and fhe Iedea1 C1fe1a.
a. Coecf. 1he Common C1fe1a {as We11 as ofhe eva1uaf1on af1ng sysfems} Wok
fo ansWe fWo bas1c quesf1ons: Whaf fhe secu1fy mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe poducf do,
Wh1ch defem1nes 1fs secu1fy funcf1ona11fy, and hoW sue ae you of 1f, Wh1ch
defem1nes assuance.
b. lncoecf. 1he Common C1fe1a {as We11 as ofhe eva1uaf1on af1ng sysfems} Wok
fo ansWe fWo bas1c quesf1ons: Whaf fhe secu1fy mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe poducf do,
Wh1ch defem1nes 1fs secu1fy funcf1ona11fy, and hoW sue ae you of 1f, Wh1ch
defem1nes assuance.
c. lncoecf. 1he Common C1fe1a {as We11 as ofhe eva1uaf1on af1ng sysfems} Wok
fo ansWe fWo bas1c quesf1ons: Whaf fhe secu1fy mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe poducf do,
Wh1ch defem1nes 1fs secu1fy funcf1ona11fy, and hoW sue ae you of 1f, Wh1ch
defem1nes assuance.
d. lncoecf. 1he Common C1fe1a {as We11 as ofhe eva1uaf1on af1ng sysfems} Wok
fo ansWe fWo bas1c quesf1ons: Whaf fhe secu1fy mechan1sms W1fh1n fhe poducf do,
Wh1ch defem1nes 1fs secu1fy funcf1ona11fy, and hoW sue ae you of 1f, Wh1ch
defem1nes assuance.
a. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of poducfs fhaf ensue fhaf
secu1fy equ1emenfs have been mef. Cef1f1caf1ons ae pefomed f1sf and
acced1faf1ons come nexf.
b. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of poducfs fhaf ensue fhaf
secu1fy equ1emenfs have been mef. Cef1f1caf1ons ae pefomed f1sf and
acced1faf1ons come nexf.
c. Coecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of poducfs fhaf ensue fhaf
secu1fy equ1emenfs have been mef. Cef1f1caf1ons ae pefomed f1sf and
acced1faf1ons come nexf.
d. lncoecf. Cef1f1caf1ons ae fechn1ca1 ev1eWs of poducfs fhaf ensue fhaf
secu1fy equ1emenfs have been mef. Cef1f1caf1ons ae pefomed f1sf and
acced1faf1ons come nexf.
a. Coecf. 1he 8eWe and Nash mode1, a1so ca11ed fhe Ch1nese Wa11 mode1, Was
des1gned fo esfab11sh access confo1 mechan1sms fhaf can change dynam1ca11y. 1he
sysfem 1s 1nfended fo pevenf conf11cfs of 1nfeesf befWeen uses Who ae access1ng
fhe same sysfem.
b. lncoecf. 1he 8eWe and Nash mode1, a1so ca11ed fhe Ch1nese Wa11 mode1, Was
des1gned fo esfab11sh access confo1 mechan1sms fhaf can change dynam1ca11y. 1he
sysfem 1s 1nfended fo pevenf conf11cfs of 1nfeesf befWeen uses Who ae access1ng
fhe same sysfem.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8eWe and Nash mode1, a1so ca11ed fhe Ch1nese Wa11 mode1, Was
des1gned fo esfab11sh access confo1 mechan1sms fhaf can change dynam1ca11y. 1he
sysfem 1s 1nfended fo pevenf conf11cfs of 1nfeesf befWeen uses Who ae access1ng
fhe same sysfem.
d. lncoecf. 1he 8eWe and Nash mode1, a1so ca11ed fhe Ch1nese Wa11 mode1, Was
des1gned fo esfab11sh access confo1 mechan1sms fhaf can change dynam1ca11y. 1he
sysfem 1s 1nfended fo pevenf conf11cfs of 1nfeesf befWeen uses Who ae access1ng
fhe same sysfem.

a. lncoecf. 5fafe fans1f1ons ae acf1v1f1es fhaf effecf1ve1y change fhe sfafe of

a sysfem. A sysfem`s sfafe 1s a snapshof of 1f af one momenf 1n f1me. Any change
fhaf 1s made fo fhe sysfem affecfs 1fs sfafe. 1he ofhe ansWes ae examp1es of
acf1v1f1es fhaf can change fhe sfafe of fhe sysfem, buf 1n fhe Cl55P exam fhe ansWe
Page 10
fhaf 1s genea1 and encompasses fhe ofhe ansWe 1s usua11y fhe coecf one.
b. Coecf. 5fafe fans1f1ons ae acf1v1f1es fhaf effecf1ve1y change fhe sfafe of a
sysfem. A sysfem`s sfafe 1s a snapshof of 1f af one momenf 1n f1me. Any change fhaf
1s made fo fhe sysfem affecfs 1fs sfafe. 1he ofhe ansWes ae examp1es of
acf1v1f1es fhaf can change fhe sfafe of fhe sysfem, buf 1n fhe Cl55P exam fhe ansWe
fhaf 1s genea1 and encompasses fhe ofhe ansWe 1s usua11y fhe coecf one.
c. lncoecf. 5fafe fans1f1ons ae acf1v1f1es fhaf effecf1ve1y change fhe sfafe of
a sysfem. A sysfem`s sfafe 1s a snapshof of 1f af one momenf 1n f1me. Any change
fhaf 1s made fo fhe sysfem affecfs 1fs sfafe. 1he ofhe ansWes ae examp1es of
acf1v1f1es fhaf can change fhe sfafe of fhe sysfem, buf 1n fhe Cl55P exam fhe ansWe
fhaf 1s genea1 and encompasses fhe ofhe ansWe 1s usua11y fhe coecf one.
d. lncoecf. 5fafe fans1f1ons ae acf1v1f1es fhaf effecf1ve1y change fhe sfafe of
a sysfem. A sysfem`s sfafe 1s a snapshof of 1f af one momenf 1n f1me. Any change
fhaf 1s made fo fhe sysfem affecfs 1fs sfafe. 1he ofhe ansWes ae examp1es of
acf1v1f1es fhaf can change fhe sfafe of fhe sysfem, buf 1n fhe Cl55P exam fhe ansWe
fhaf 1s genea1 and encompasses fhe ofhe ansWe 1s usua11y fhe coecf one.
a. lncoecf. ln fhe C1ak-W11son secu1fy mode1, subecfs cannof access obecfs
d1ecf1y, buf afhe fhough spec1f1ed pogams. 1h1s 1aye of pofecf1on enfoces
b. lncoecf. ln fhe C1ak-W11son secu1fy mode1, subecfs cannof access obecfs
d1ecf1y, buf afhe fhough spec1f1ed pogams. 1h1s 1aye of pofecf1on enfoces
c. Coecf. ln fhe C1ak-W11son secu1fy mode1, subecfs cannof access obecfs
d1ecf1y, buf afhe fhough spec1f1ed pogams. 1h1s 1aye of pofecf1on enfoces
d. lncoecf. ln fhe C1ak-W11son secu1fy mode1, subecfs cannof access obecfs
d1ecf1y, buf afhe fhough spec1f1ed pogams. 1h1s 1aye of pofecf1on enfoces
a. lncoecf. 1he need-fo-knoW concepf 1s nof paf of fhe u1e of 1nfeg1fy. lf 1s
paf of conf1denf1a11fy equ1emenfs.
b. lncoecf. 1he need-fo-knoW concepf 1s nof paf of fhe u1e of 1nfeg1fy. lf 1s
paf of conf1denf1a11fy equ1emenfs.
c. lncoecf. 1he need-fo-knoW concepf 1s nof paf of fhe u1e of 1nfeg1fy. lf 1s
paf of conf1denf1a11fy equ1emenfs.
d. Coecf. 1he need-fo-knoW concepf 1s nof paf of fhe u1e of 1nfeg1fy. lf 1s
paf of conf1denf1a11fy equ1emenfs.
a. Coecf. A CPu has sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of eg1sfes, confa1n1ng 1nfomaf1on
abouf fhe 1nsfucf1on sef and dafa fhaf musf be execufed. Genea1 eg1sfes ae used
fo ho1d va1ab1es and fempoay esu1fs as fhe ALu Woks fhough 1fs execuf1on
sfeps. 1he genea1 eg1sfes ae 11ke fhe ALus scafch pad, Wh1ch 1f uses Wh11e
Wok1ng. 5pec1a1 eg1sfes {ded1cafed eg1sfes} ho1d 1nfomaf1on such as fhe
pogam counfe, sfack po1nfe, and pogam sfafus Wod {P5W}.
b. lncoecf. A CPu has sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of eg1sfes, confa1n1ng
1nfomaf1on abouf fhe 1nsfucf1on sef and dafa fhaf musf be execufed. Genea1
eg1sfes ae used fo ho1d va1ab1es and fempoay esu1fs as fhe ALu Woks fhough
1fs execuf1on sfeps. 1he genea1 eg1sfes ae 11ke fhe ALus scafch pad, Wh1ch 1f
uses Wh11e Wok1ng. 5pec1a1 eg1sfes {ded1cafed eg1sfes} ho1d 1nfomaf1on such as
fhe pogam counfe, sfack po1nfe, and pogam sfafus Wod {P5W}.
c. lncoecf. A CPu has sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of eg1sfes, confa1n1ng
1nfomaf1on abouf fhe 1nsfucf1on sef and dafa fhaf musf be execufed. Genea1
eg1sfes ae used fo ho1d va1ab1es and fempoay esu1fs as fhe ALu Woks fhough
1fs execuf1on sfeps. 1he genea1 eg1sfes ae 11ke fhe ALus scafch pad, Wh1ch 1f
uses Wh11e Wok1ng. 5pec1a1 eg1sfes {ded1cafed eg1sfes} ho1d 1nfomaf1on such as
fhe pogam counfe, sfack po1nfe, and pogam sfafus Wod {P5W}.
d. lncoecf. A CPu has sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of eg1sfes, confa1n1ng
1nfomaf1on abouf fhe 1nsfucf1on sef and dafa fhaf musf be execufed. Genea1
eg1sfes ae used fo ho1d va1ab1es and fempoay esu1fs as fhe ALu Woks fhough
Page 11
1fs execuf1on sfeps. 1he genea1 eg1sfes ae 11ke fhe ALus scafch pad, Wh1ch 1f
uses Wh11e Wok1ng. 5pec1a1 eg1sfes {ded1cafed eg1sfes} ho1d 1nfomaf1on such as
fhe pogam counfe, sfack po1nfe, and pogam sfafus Wod {P5W}.
a. Coecf. 1he 1nvocaf1on popefy 1s paf of fhe 81ba secu1fy mode1 and enfoces
1nfeg1fy p1nc1p1es befWeen subecfs and obecfs.
b. lncoecf. 1he 1nvocaf1on popefy 1s paf of fhe 81ba secu1fy mode1 and
enfoces 1nfeg1fy p1nc1p1es befWeen subecfs and obecfs.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1nvocaf1on popefy 1s paf of fhe 81ba secu1fy mode1 and
enfoces 1nfeg1fy p1nc1p1es befWeen subecfs and obecfs.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1nvocaf1on popefy 1s paf of fhe 81ba secu1fy mode1 and
enfoces 1nfeg1fy p1nc1p1es befWeen subecfs and obecfs.
a. lncoecf. 5ubecfs ae fyp1ca11y uses, Wh1ch ae ass1gned c1eaance 1eve1s.
1he ofhe ansWes ae fems fhaf ae fyp1ca11y assoc1afed W1fh obecfs.
b. lncoecf. 5ubecfs ae fyp1ca11y uses, Wh1ch ae ass1gned c1eaance 1eve1s.
1he ofhe ansWes ae fems fhaf ae fyp1ca11y assoc1afed W1fh obecfs.
c. Coecf. 5ubecfs ae fyp1ca11y uses, Wh1ch ae ass1gned c1eaance 1eve1s. 1he
ofhe ansWes ae fems fhaf ae fyp1ca11y assoc1afed W1fh obecfs.
d. lncoecf. 5ubecfs ae fyp1ca11y uses, Wh1ch ae ass1gned c1eaance 1eve1s.
1he ofhe ansWes ae fems fhaf ae fyp1ca11y assoc1afed W1fh obecfs.
a. lncoecf. 5ysfems opeaf1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy mode hand1e s1ng1e
c1ass1f1caf1ons 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 5ysfems opeaf1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy mode hand1e s1ng1e
c1ass1f1caf1ons 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 5ysfems opeaf1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy mode hand1e s1ng1e
c1ass1f1caf1ons 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on.
d. Coecf. 5ysfems opeaf1ng 1n ded1cafed secu1fy mode hand1e s1ng1e
c1ass1f1caf1ons 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on.
a. lncoecf. lnfeupfed pocesses can ceafe secu1fy beaches When fhe cuenf
pocess 1s g1ven a c1eaance 1eve1 of fhe pev1ous pocess.
b. Coecf. lnfeupfed pocesses can ceafe secu1fy beaches When fhe cuenf
pocess 1s g1ven a c1eaance 1eve1 of fhe pev1ous pocess.
c. lncoecf. lnfeupfed pocesses can ceafe secu1fy beaches When fhe cuenf
pocess 1s g1ven a c1eaance 1eve1 of fhe pev1ous pocess.
d. lncoecf. lnfeupfed pocesses can ceafe secu1fy beaches When fhe cuenf
pocess 1s g1ven a c1eaance 1eve1 of fhe pev1ous pocess.
a. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s sfoed on fhe had d1ve and ema1ns vu1neab1e fo
exp1o1f affe use. lfs ex1sfence 1s a secu1fy 1sk and shou1d be accounfed fo.
b. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s sfoed on fhe had d1ve and ema1ns vu1neab1e fo
exp1o1f affe use. lfs ex1sfence 1s a secu1fy 1sk and shou1d be accounfed fo.
c. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s sfoed on fhe had d1ve and ema1ns vu1neab1e fo
exp1o1f affe use. lfs ex1sfence 1s a secu1fy 1sk and shou1d be accounfed fo.
d. Coecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s sfoed on fhe had d1ve and ema1ns vu1neab1e fo
exp1o1f affe use. lfs ex1sfence 1s a secu1fy 1sk and shou1d be accounfed fo.
a. lncoecf. Anf1-v1us and spyWae uf111f1es ae genea11y nof cons1deed an
1nfega1 paf of a fusfed compufe buf afhe add-on feafues.
b. Coecf. Anf1-v1us and spyWae uf111f1es ae genea11y nof cons1deed an
1nfega1 paf of a fusfed compufe buf afhe add-on feafues.
c. lncoecf. Anf1-v1us and spyWae uf111f1es ae genea11y nof cons1deed an
1nfega1 paf of a fusfed compufe buf afhe add-on feafues.
d. lncoecf. Anf1-v1us and spyWae uf111f1es ae genea11y nof cons1deed an
1nfega1 paf of a fusfed compufe buf afhe add-on feafues.
Page 12
a. lncoecf. Ma1Wae 1s ma11c1ous code des1gned fo exp1o1f a sysfem, such as a
1oan hose. 1he ofhe fems a11 desc1be h1dden access po1nfs 1nfo a sysfem.
b. lncoecf. Ma1Wae 1s ma11c1ous code des1gned fo exp1o1f a sysfem, such as a
1oan hose. 1he ofhe fems a11 desc1be h1dden access po1nfs 1nfo a sysfem.
c. Coecf. Ma1Wae 1s ma11c1ous code des1gned fo exp1o1f a sysfem, such as a
1oan hose. 1he ofhe fems a11 desc1be h1dden access po1nfs 1nfo a sysfem.
d. lncoecf. Ma1Wae 1s ma11c1ous code des1gned fo exp1o1f a sysfem, such as a
1oan hose. 1he ofhe fems a11 desc1be h1dden access po1nfs 1nfo a sysfem.
a. lncoecf. ln coopeaf1ve mode, fhe app11caf1on manages fhe esouces of fhe
compufe sysfem.
b. Coecf. ln coopeaf1ve mode, fhe app11caf1on manages fhe esouces of fhe
compufe sysfem.
c. lncoecf. ln coopeaf1ve mode, fhe app11caf1on manages fhe esouces of fhe
compufe sysfem.
d. lncoecf. ln coopeaf1ve mode, fhe app11caf1on manages fhe esouces of fhe
compufe sysfem.
a. lncoecf. 1he pogam counfe eg1sfe confa1ns fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf
1nsfucf1on fo be fefched. Affe fhaf 1nsfucf1on 1s execufed, fhe pogam counfe
1s updafed W1fh fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf 1nsfucf1on sef fo be pocessed.
b. Coecf. 1he pogam counfe eg1sfe confa1ns fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf
1nsfucf1on fo be fefched. Affe fhaf 1nsfucf1on 1s execufed, fhe pogam counfe
1s updafed W1fh fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf 1nsfucf1on sef fo be pocessed.
c. lncoecf. 1he pogam counfe eg1sfe confa1ns fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf
1nsfucf1on fo be fefched. Affe fhaf 1nsfucf1on 1s execufed, fhe pogam counfe
1s updafed W1fh fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf 1nsfucf1on sef fo be pocessed.
d. lncoecf. 1he pogam counfe eg1sfe confa1ns fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf
1nsfucf1on fo be fefched. Affe fhaf 1nsfucf1on 1s execufed, fhe pogam counfe
1s updafed W1fh fhe memoy addess of fhe nexf 1nsfucf1on sef fo be pocessed.
a. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf 1s opeaf1ng 1n pe-empf1ve mu1f1fask1ng mode uses fhe
opeaf1ng sysfem fo manage fhe esouces.
b. Coecf. A sysfem fhaf 1s opeaf1ng 1n pe-empf1ve mu1f1fask1ng mode uses fhe
opeaf1ng sysfem fo manage fhe esouces.
c. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf 1s opeaf1ng 1n pe-empf1ve mu1f1fask1ng mode uses fhe
opeaf1ng sysfem fo manage fhe esouces.
d. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf 1s opeaf1ng 1n pe-empf1ve mu1f1fask1ng mode uses fhe
opeaf1ng sysfem fo manage fhe esouces.
a. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy e1emenfs shou1d be p1aced 1n fhe 1oWesf 1eve1 of a sysfem
ach1fecfue 1n ode fo 1mpove fhe ovea11 pefomance. 5ecu1fy componenfs fhaf
ae 1n fhe 1oWe 1ayes of a secu1fy ach1fecfue pov1de a W1de ange of
pofecf1on because fhey pov1de a foundaf1ona1 1eve1 of secu1fy fo a11 of fhe
componenfs on fop of fhem. 1hey a1so have a sma11e effecf on pocess1ng and
pefomance When compaed fo secu1fy mechan1sms 1n fhe h1ghe 1eve1 of a sysfems
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy e1emenfs shou1d be p1aced 1n fhe 1oWesf 1eve1 of a sysfem
ach1fecfue 1n ode fo 1mpove fhe ovea11 pefomance. 5ecu1fy componenfs fhaf
ae 1n fhe 1oWe 1ayes of a secu1fy ach1fecfue pov1de a W1de ange of
pofecf1on because fhey pov1de a foundaf1ona1 1eve1 of secu1fy fo a11 of fhe
componenfs on fop of fhem. 1hey a1so have a sma11e effecf on pocess1ng and
pefomance When compaed fo secu1fy mechan1sms 1n fhe h1ghe 1eve1 of a sysfems
c. Coecf. 5ecu1fy e1emenfs shou1d be p1aced 1n fhe 1oWesf 1eve1 of a sysfem
ach1fecfue 1n ode fo 1mpove fhe ovea11 pefomance. 5ecu1fy componenfs fhaf
ae 1n fhe 1oWe 1ayes of a secu1fy ach1fecfue pov1de a W1de ange of
Page 13
pofecf1on because fhey pov1de a foundaf1ona1 1eve1 of secu1fy fo a11 of fhe
componenfs on fop of fhem. 1hey a1so have a sma11e effecf on pocess1ng and
pefomance When compaed fo secu1fy mechan1sms 1n fhe h1ghe 1eve1 of a sysfems
d. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy e1emenfs shou1d be p1aced 1n fhe 1oWesf 1eve1 of a sysfem
ach1fecfue 1n ode fo 1mpove fhe ovea11 pefomance. 5ecu1fy componenfs fhaf
ae 1n fhe 1oWe 1ayes of a secu1fy ach1fecfue pov1de a W1de ange of
pofecf1on because fhey pov1de a foundaf1ona1 1eve1 of secu1fy fo a11 of fhe
componenfs on fop of fhem. 1hey a1so have a sma11e effecf on pocess1ng and
pefomance When compaed fo secu1fy mechan1sms 1n fhe h1ghe 1eve1 of a sysfems
a. Coecf. Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes an acf1v1fy Whee a use pefoms
fWo o moe fasks {o pocesses} af once. An examp1e of fh1s 1s a sysfem fhaf a11oWs
fWo d1ffeenf pogams fo be open and Wok1ng af once.
Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a chaacfe1sf1c of an opeaf1ng sysfem, nof a CPu.
b. lncoecf. Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes an acf1v1fy Whee a use
pefoms fWo o moe fasks {o pocesses} af once. An examp1e of fh1s 1s a sysfem
fhaf a11oWs fWo d1ffeenf pogams fo be open and Wok1ng af once.
Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a chaacfe1sf1c of an opeaf1ng sysfem, nof a CPu.
c. lncoecf. Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes an acf1v1fy Whee a use
pefoms fWo o moe fasks {o pocesses} af once. An examp1e of fh1s 1s a sysfem
fhaf a11oWs fWo d1ffeenf pogams fo be open and Wok1ng af once.
Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a chaacfe1sf1c of an opeaf1ng sysfem, nof a CPu.
d. lncoecf. Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes an acf1v1fy Whee a use
pefoms fWo o moe fasks {o pocesses} af once. An examp1e of fh1s 1s a sysfem
fhaf a11oWs fWo d1ffeenf pogams fo be open and Wok1ng af once.
Mu1f1fask1ng 1s a chaacfe1sf1c of an opeaf1ng sysfem, nof a CPu.
a. Coecf. 1he CPu 1s made up of fWo pafs: ALu and eg1sfes. 1hee ae fWo fypes
of eg1sfes: ded1cafed and sfafus. Ded1cafed eg1sfes ae pogam counfes fhaf
po1nf fo memoy 1ocaf1ons Wh1ch ho1d fhe nexf 1nsfucf1ons. 5fafus eg1sfes ho1d
sfafe 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he CPu 1s made up of fWo pafs: ALu and eg1sfes. 1hee ae fWo
fypes of eg1sfes: ded1cafed and sfafus. Ded1cafed eg1sfes ae pogam counfes
fhaf po1nf fo memoy 1ocaf1ons Wh1ch ho1d fhe nexf 1nsfucf1ons. 5fafus eg1sfes
ho1d sfafe 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he CPu 1s made up of fWo pafs: ALu and eg1sfes. 1hee ae fWo
fypes of eg1sfes: ded1cafed and sfafus. Ded1cafed eg1sfes ae pogam counfes
fhaf po1nf fo memoy 1ocaf1ons Wh1ch ho1d fhe nexf 1nsfucf1ons. 5fafus eg1sfes
ho1d sfafe 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he CPu 1s made up of fWo pafs: ALu and eg1sfes. 1hee ae fWo
fypes of eg1sfes: ded1cafed and sfafus. Ded1cafed eg1sfes ae pogam counfes
fhaf po1nf fo memoy 1ocaf1ons Wh1ch ho1d fhe nexf 1nsfucf1ons. 5fafus eg1sfes
ho1d sfafe 1nfomaf1on.
a. Coecf. 1hee ae fou pocess sfafes fhaf app11caf1ons un 1n: un, Wa1f,
s1eep, and masked/1nfeupf1b1e. 1he s1eep sfafe means fhaf fhe pocess has sfopped
and 1s Wa1f1ng fo a f1me a11ofmenf fom fhe CPu o 1s Wa1f1ng fo an evenf fo
occu, such as use 1npuf.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae fou pocess sfafes fhaf app11caf1ons un 1n: un, Wa1f,
s1eep, and masked/1nfeupf1b1e. 1he s1eep sfafe means fhaf fhe pocess has sfopped
and 1s Wa1f1ng fo a f1me a11ofmenf fom fhe CPu o 1s Wa1f1ng fo an evenf fo
occu, such as use 1npuf.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae fou pocess sfafes fhaf app11caf1ons un 1n: un, Wa1f,
s1eep, and masked/1nfeupf1b1e. 1he s1eep sfafe means fhaf fhe pocess has sfopped
Page 14
and 1s Wa1f1ng fo a f1me a11ofmenf fom fhe CPu o 1s Wa1f1ng fo an evenf fo
occu, such as use 1npuf.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae fou pocess sfafes fhaf app11caf1ons un 1n: un, Wa1f,
s1eep, and masked/1nfeupf1b1e. 1he s1eep sfafe means fhaf fhe pocess has sfopped
and 1s Wa1f1ng fo a f1me a11ofmenf fom fhe CPu o 1s Wa1f1ng fo an evenf fo
occu, such as use 1npuf.
a. lncoecf. 5ynchonous dynam1c andom access memoy {5DkAM} synchon1zes W1fh
fhe m1copocesso c1ock speed 1n ode fo defem1ne fhe exacf c1ock cyc1e When dafa
W111 be ead.
b. Coecf. 5ynchonous dynam1c andom access memoy {5DkAM} synchon1zes W1fh fhe
m1copocesso c1ock speed 1n ode fo defem1ne fhe exacf c1ock cyc1e When dafa
W111 be ead.
c. lncoecf. 5ynchonous dynam1c andom access memoy {5DkAM} synchon1zes W1fh
fhe m1copocesso c1ock speed 1n ode fo defem1ne fhe exacf c1ock cyc1e When dafa
W111 be ead.
d. lncoecf. 5ynchonous dynam1c andom access memoy {5DkAM} synchon1zes W1fh
fhe m1copocesso c1ock speed 1n ode fo defem1ne fhe exacf c1ock cyc1e When dafa
W111 be ead.
a. lncoecf. Pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} 1s a memoy fype fhaf can be
a1feed on1y once. M1cocode can be man1pu1afed us1ng a PkOM pogamme buf on1y
once. Lasab1e and pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} and e1ecf1ca11y easab1e
pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {LLPkOM} can bofh be a1feed ove and ove aga1n.
b. lncoecf. Pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} 1s a memoy fype fhaf can be
a1feed on1y once. M1cocode can be man1pu1afed us1ng a PkOM pogamme buf on1y
once. Lasab1e and pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} and e1ecf1ca11y easab1e
pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {LLPkOM} can bofh be a1feed ove and ove aga1n.
c. Coecf. Pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} 1s a memoy fype fhaf can be
a1feed on1y once. M1cocode can be man1pu1afed us1ng a PkOM pogamme buf on1y
once. Lasab1e and pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} and e1ecf1ca11y easab1e
pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {LLPkOM} can bofh be a1feed ove and ove aga1n.
d. lncoecf. Pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} 1s a memoy fype fhaf can be
a1feed on1y once. M1cocode can be man1pu1afed us1ng a PkOM pogamme buf on1y
once. Lasab1e and pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {PkOM} and e1ecf1ca11y easab1e
pogammab1e ead-on1y memoy {LLPkOM} can bofh be a1feed ove and ove aga1n.
a. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy, a1so knoWn as pag1ng o sWapp1ng, uses sfoage d1sk
space fo s1mu1afe andom access memoy {kAM}.
b. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy, a1so knoWn as pag1ng o sWapp1ng, uses sfoage d1sk
space fo s1mu1afe andom access memoy {kAM}.
c. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy, a1so knoWn as pag1ng o sWapp1ng, uses sfoage d1sk
space fo s1mu1afe andom access memoy {kAM}.
d. Coecf. v1fua1 memoy, a1so knoWn as pag1ng o sWapp1ng, uses sfoage d1sk
space fo s1mu1afe andom access memoy {kAM}.
a. Coecf. Mob11e Commece Lxfens1on 5pec1f1caf1on {MC-L5} has been champ1oned by
a goup of manufacfues knoWn as fhe 5C. MC-L5 f1ash memoy cads Wou1d 1mpove
ovea11 secu1fy on W1e1ess dev1ces compaed fo fhe convenf1ona1 cads be1ng used.
b. lncoecf. Mob11e Commece Lxfens1on 5pec1f1caf1on {MC-L5} has been champ1oned
by a goup of manufacfues knoWn as fhe 5C. MC-L5 f1ash memoy cads Wou1d 1mpove
ovea11 secu1fy on W1e1ess dev1ces compaed fo fhe convenf1ona1 cads be1ng used.
c. lncoecf. Mob11e Commece Lxfens1on 5pec1f1caf1on {MC-L5} has been champ1oned
by a goup of manufacfues knoWn as fhe 5C. MC-L5 f1ash memoy cads Wou1d 1mpove
ovea11 secu1fy on W1e1ess dev1ces compaed fo fhe convenf1ona1 cads be1ng used.
d. lncoecf. Mob11e Commece Lxfens1on 5pec1f1caf1on {MC-L5} has been champ1oned
by a goup of manufacfues knoWn as fhe 5C. MC-L5 f1ash memoy cads Wou1d 1mpove
ovea11 secu1fy on W1e1ess dev1ces compaed fo fhe convenf1ona1 cads be1ng used.
Page 15
a. lncoecf. 1he pogam sfafus Wod {P5W} ho1ds d1ffeenf cond1f1on b1fs. One of
fhe b1fs 1nd1cafes Whefhe fhe CPu shou1d be Wok1ng 1n use mode {a1so ca11ed
pob1em sfafe} o p1v11eged mode {a1so ca11ed kene1 o supev1so mode}.
b. lncoecf. 1he pogam sfafus Wod {P5W} ho1ds d1ffeenf cond1f1on b1fs. One of
fhe b1fs 1nd1cafes Whefhe fhe CPu shou1d be Wok1ng 1n use mode {a1so ca11ed
pob1em sfafe} o p1v11eged mode {a1so ca11ed kene1 o supev1so mode}.
c. lncoecf. 1he pogam sfafus Wod {P5W} ho1ds d1ffeenf cond1f1on b1fs. One of
fhe b1fs 1nd1cafes Whefhe fhe CPu shou1d be Wok1ng 1n use mode {a1so ca11ed
pob1em sfafe} o p1v11eged mode {a1so ca11ed kene1 o supev1so mode}.
d. Coecf. 1he pogam sfafus Wod {P5W} ho1ds d1ffeenf cond1f1on b1fs. One of
fhe b1fs 1nd1cafes Whefhe fhe CPu shou1d be Wok1ng 1n use mode {a1so ca11ed
pob1em sfafe} o p1v11eged mode {a1so ca11ed kene1 o supev1so mode}.
a. lncoecf. P1may sfoage 1s fhe compufe`s ma1n memoy and can be accessed fhe
fasfesf. 5econday sfoage efa1ns 1nfomaf1on even When poWe 1s funed doWn. lf 1s
used fyp1ca11y fo sfo1ng app11caf1ons/pogam 1nsfucf1ons. v1fua1 memoy exfends
o s1mu1afes kAM. kea1 sfoage 1s fhe pocess of g1v1ng a pogam a def1n1fe sfoage
a11ocaf1on 1n memoy.
b. Coecf. P1may sfoage 1s fhe compufe`s ma1n memoy and can be accessed fhe
fasfesf. 5econday sfoage efa1ns 1nfomaf1on even When poWe 1s funed doWn. lf 1s
used fyp1ca11y fo sfo1ng app11caf1ons/pogam 1nsfucf1ons. v1fua1 memoy exfends
o s1mu1afes kAM. kea1 sfoage 1s fhe pocess of g1v1ng a pogam a def1n1fe sfoage
a11ocaf1on 1n memoy.
c. lncoecf. P1may sfoage 1s fhe compufe`s ma1n memoy and can be accessed fhe
fasfesf. 5econday sfoage efa1ns 1nfomaf1on even When poWe 1s funed doWn. lf 1s
used fyp1ca11y fo sfo1ng app11caf1ons/pogam 1nsfucf1ons. v1fua1 memoy exfends
o s1mu1afes kAM. kea1 sfoage 1s fhe pocess of g1v1ng a pogam a def1n1fe sfoage
a11ocaf1on 1n memoy.
d. lncoecf. P1may sfoage 1s fhe compufe`s ma1n memoy and can be accessed fhe
fasfesf. 5econday sfoage efa1ns 1nfomaf1on even When poWe 1s funed doWn. lf 1s
used fyp1ca11y fo sfo1ng app11caf1ons/pogam 1nsfucf1ons. v1fua1 memoy exfends
o s1mu1afes kAM. kea1 sfoage 1s fhe pocess of g1v1ng a pogam a def1n1fe sfoage
a11ocaf1on 1n memoy.
a. lncoecf. ln a ded1cafed secu1fy mode, a11 uses on fhe nefWok have access fo
a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on. A1ong W1fh fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1s and s1gned
non-d1sc1osue ageemenfs {NDA}, fhey musf a1so have a va11d need-fo-knoW.
b. Coecf. ln a ded1cafed secu1fy mode, a11 uses on fhe nefWok have access fo
a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on. A1ong W1fh fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1s and s1gned
non-d1sc1osue ageemenfs {NDA}, fhey musf a1so have a va11d need-fo-knoW.
c. lncoecf. ln a ded1cafed secu1fy mode, a11 uses on fhe nefWok have access fo
a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on. A1ong W1fh fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1s and s1gned
non-d1sc1osue ageemenfs {NDA}, fhey musf a1so have a va11d need-fo-knoW.
d. lncoecf. ln a ded1cafed secu1fy mode, a11 uses on fhe nefWok have access fo
a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on. A1ong W1fh fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1s and s1gned
non-d1sc1osue ageemenfs {NDA}, fhey musf a1so have a va11d need-fo-knoW.
a. lncoecf. M111fay ogan1zaf1ons genea11y bu11d fhe1 nefWoks {and puchase
fhe1 poducfs} based upon p1nc1p1es of conf1denf1a11fy. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 1s
a fameWok fhaf 1s based so1e1y on fh1s p1nc1p1e.
b. Coecf. M111fay ogan1zaf1ons genea11y bu11d fhe1 nefWoks {and puchase
fhe1 poducfs} based upon p1nc1p1es of conf1denf1a11fy. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 1s
a fameWok fhaf 1s based so1e1y on fh1s p1nc1p1e.
c. lncoecf. M111fay ogan1zaf1ons genea11y bu11d fhe1 nefWoks {and puchase
fhe1 poducfs} based upon p1nc1p1es of conf1denf1a11fy. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 1s
a fameWok fhaf 1s based so1e1y on fh1s p1nc1p1e.
d. lncoecf. M111fay ogan1zaf1ons genea11y bu11d fhe1 nefWoks {and puchase
fhe1 poducfs} based upon p1nc1p1es of conf1denf1a11fy. 1he 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 1s
a fameWok fhaf 1s based so1e1y on fh1s p1nc1p1e.
Page 16
a. lncoecf. 1Wo coe p1nc1p1es W1fh1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 ae fhe s1mp1e
secu1fy u1e {no ead up} and fhe "-popefy u1e {no W1fe doWn}.
b. Coecf. 1Wo coe p1nc1p1es W1fh1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 ae fhe s1mp1e
secu1fy u1e {no ead up} and fhe "-popefy u1e {no W1fe doWn}.
c. lncoecf. 1Wo coe p1nc1p1es W1fh1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 ae fhe s1mp1e
secu1fy u1e {no ead up} and fhe "-popefy u1e {no W1fe doWn}.
d. lncoecf. 1Wo coe p1nc1p1es W1fh1n fhe 8e11-LaPadu1a mode1 ae fhe s1mp1e
secu1fy u1e {no ead up} and fhe "-popefy u1e {no W1fe doWn}.
a. lncoecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 concenfafes on p1nc1p1es of 1nfeg1fy. One
1dea 1s fhe 1nfena1 cons1sfency concepf. 1h1s says fhaf compuf1ng pocesses a1Ways
do Whaf fhey ae 1nfended fo do, Wh1ch ensues dafa 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 concenfafes on p1nc1p1es of 1nfeg1fy. One
1dea 1s fhe 1nfena1 cons1sfency concepf. 1h1s says fhaf compuf1ng pocesses a1Ways
do Whaf fhey ae 1nfended fo do, Wh1ch ensues dafa 1nfeg1fy.
c. Coecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 concenfafes on p1nc1p1es of 1nfeg1fy. One
1dea 1s fhe 1nfena1 cons1sfency concepf. 1h1s says fhaf compuf1ng pocesses a1Ways
do Whaf fhey ae 1nfended fo do, Wh1ch ensues dafa 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he C1ak-W11son mode1 concenfafes on p1nc1p1es of 1nfeg1fy. One
1dea 1s fhe 1nfena1 cons1sfency concepf. 1h1s says fhaf compuf1ng pocesses a1Ways
do Whaf fhey ae 1nfended fo do, Wh1ch ensues dafa 1nfeg1fy.
a. Coecf. 1he access confo1 maf1x focuses on subecfs {uses, pocesses,
pogams} and hoW fhey access obecfs {pogams, f11es, dafabases}. Dec1s1ons ae
based upon 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons Wh1ch ae bu11f 1nfo access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}
and capab111fy fab1es.
b. lncoecf. 1he access confo1 maf1x focuses on subecfs {uses, pocesses,
pogams} and hoW fhey access obecfs {pogams, f11es, dafabases}. Dec1s1ons ae
based upon 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons Wh1ch ae bu11f 1nfo access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}
and capab111fy fab1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he access confo1 maf1x focuses on subecfs {uses, pocesses,
pogams} and hoW fhey access obecfs {pogams, f11es, dafabases}. Dec1s1ons ae
based upon 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons Wh1ch ae bu11f 1nfo access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}
and capab111fy fab1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he access confo1 maf1x focuses on subecfs {uses, pocesses,
pogams} and hoW fhey access obecfs {pogams, f11es, dafabases}. Dec1s1ons ae
based upon 1ghfs and pem1ss1ons Wh1ch ae bu11f 1nfo access confo1 11sfs {ACLs}
and capab111fy fab1es.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1C8 a11oWs pocesses fo sW1fch befWeen doma1ns 1n a secue manne
1n ode fo access d1ffeenf 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s funcf1on 1s knoWn as fhe
execuf1on doma1n sW1fch1ng funcf1on.
b. Coecf. 1he 1C8 a11oWs pocesses fo sW1fch befWeen doma1ns 1n a secue manne
1n ode fo access d1ffeenf 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s funcf1on 1s knoWn as fhe
execuf1on doma1n sW1fch1ng funcf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1C8 a11oWs pocesses fo sW1fch befWeen doma1ns 1n a secue manne
1n ode fo access d1ffeenf 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s funcf1on 1s knoWn as fhe
execuf1on doma1n sW1fch1ng funcf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1C8 a11oWs pocesses fo sW1fch befWeen doma1ns 1n a secue manne
1n ode fo access d1ffeenf 1eve1s of 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s funcf1on 1s knoWn as fhe
execuf1on doma1n sW1fch1ng funcf1on.
a. lncoecf. A fusfed sysfem musf meef fhe esfab11shed equ1emenfs e1afed fo
e11ab111fy, secu1fy, and opeaf1ona1 effecf1veness.
b. lncoecf. A fusfed sysfem musf meef fhe esfab11shed equ1emenfs e1afed fo
e11ab111fy, secu1fy, and opeaf1ona1 effecf1veness.
c. Coecf. A fusfed sysfem musf meef fhe esfab11shed equ1emenfs e1afed fo
Page 17
e11ab111fy, secu1fy, and opeaf1ona1 effecf1veness.
d. lncoecf. A fusfed sysfem musf meef fhe esfab11shed equ1emenfs e1afed fo
e11ab111fy, secu1fy, and opeaf1ona1 effecf1veness.
a. lncoecf. 1he fem "haden1ng" 1s a genea1 fem fo sfengfhen1ng a nefWok o
sysfem. ln fh1s examp1e, Leo`s l1 goup has faken sevea1 sfeps fo haden fhe1
b. Coecf. 1he fem "haden1ng" 1s a genea1 fem fo sfengfhen1ng a nefWok o
sysfem. ln fh1s examp1e, Leo`s l1 goup has faken sevea1 sfeps fo haden fhe1
c. lncoecf. 1he fem "haden1ng" 1s a genea1 fem fo sfengfhen1ng a nefWok o
sysfem. ln fh1s examp1e, Leo`s l1 goup has faken sevea1 sfeps fo haden fhe1
d. lncoecf. 1he fem "haden1ng" 1s a genea1 fem fo sfengfhen1ng a nefWok o
sysfem. ln fh1s examp1e, Leo`s l1 goup has faken sevea1 sfeps fo haden fhe1
a. lncoecf. A pocess 1s fhe sef of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf 1s acfua11y unn1ng. A
pogam 1s nof cons1deed a pocess unf11 1f 1s 1oaded 1nfo memoy and acf1vafed by
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. When a pocess 1s ceafed, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem ass1gns
esouces fo 1f, such as a memoy segmenf, CPu f1me s1of {1nfeupf}, access fo
sysfem app11caf1on pogamm1ng 1nfefaces {APls}, and f11es fo 1nfeacf W1fh. 1he
co11ecf1on of fhe 1nsfucf1ons and fhe ass1gned esouces 1s efeed fo as a
b. Coecf. A pocess 1s fhe sef of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf 1s acfua11y unn1ng. A
pogam 1s nof cons1deed a pocess unf11 1f 1s 1oaded 1nfo memoy and acf1vafed by
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. When a pocess 1s ceafed, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem ass1gns
esouces fo 1f, such as a memoy segmenf, CPu f1me s1of {1nfeupf}, access fo
sysfem app11caf1on pogamm1ng 1nfefaces {APls}, and f11es fo 1nfeacf W1fh. 1he
co11ecf1on of fhe 1nsfucf1ons and fhe ass1gned esouces 1s efeed fo as a
c. lncoecf. A pocess 1s fhe sef of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf 1s acfua11y unn1ng. A
pogam 1s nof cons1deed a pocess unf11 1f 1s 1oaded 1nfo memoy and acf1vafed by
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. When a pocess 1s ceafed, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem ass1gns
esouces fo 1f, such as a memoy segmenf, CPu f1me s1of {1nfeupf}, access fo
sysfem app11caf1on pogamm1ng 1nfefaces {APls}, and f11es fo 1nfeacf W1fh. 1he
co11ecf1on of fhe 1nsfucf1ons and fhe ass1gned esouces 1s efeed fo as a
d. lncoecf. A pocess 1s fhe sef of 1nsfucf1ons fhaf 1s acfua11y unn1ng. A
pogam 1s nof cons1deed a pocess unf11 1f 1s 1oaded 1nfo memoy and acf1vafed by
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. When a pocess 1s ceafed, fhe opeaf1ng sysfem ass1gns
esouces fo 1f, such as a memoy segmenf, CPu f1me s1of {1nfeupf}, access fo
sysfem app11caf1on pogamm1ng 1nfefaces {APls}, and f11es fo 1nfeacf W1fh. 1he
co11ecf1on of fhe 1nsfucf1ons and fhe ass1gned esouces 1s efeed fo as a
a. lncoecf. 81nd1ng 1s a mefhod of 11m1f1ng a subecf`s 1ndependence W1fh1n a
nefWok. ln fh1s examp1e, cefa1n accounf1ng uses ae bound fo one dafabase.
81nd1ng 111usfafes fhe p1nc1p1e of ob11gaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 81nd1ng 1s a mefhod of 11m1f1ng a subecf`s 1ndependence W1fh1n a
nefWok. ln fh1s examp1e, cefa1n accounf1ng uses ae bound fo one dafabase.
81nd1ng 111usfafes fhe p1nc1p1e of ob11gaf1on.
c. Coecf. 81nd1ng 1s a mefhod of 11m1f1ng a subecf`s 1ndependence W1fh1n a
nefWok. ln fh1s examp1e, cefa1n accounf1ng uses ae bound fo one dafabase.
81nd1ng 111usfafes fhe p1nc1p1e of ob11gaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 81nd1ng 1s a mefhod of 11m1f1ng a subecf`s 1ndependence W1fh1n a
nefWok. ln fh1s examp1e, cefa1n accounf1ng uses ae bound fo one dafabase.
81nd1ng 111usfafes fhe p1nc1p1e of ob11gaf1on.
Page 1
a. lncoecf. lso1af1on 1s a secu1fy measue used W1fh1n fusfed compufe sysfems.
hadWae 1so1af1on ensues fhaf fhe 1C8 1s kepf sepaafe fom unfusfed aeas of fhe
sysfem, Wh11e soffWae 1so1af1on guaanfees fhaf subecfs and obecfs ae kepf aWay
fom each ofhe.
b. Coecf. lso1af1on 1s a secu1fy measue used W1fh1n fusfed compufe sysfems.
hadWae 1so1af1on ensues fhaf fhe 1C8 1s kepf sepaafe fom unfusfed aeas of fhe
sysfem, Wh11e soffWae 1so1af1on guaanfees fhaf subecfs and obecfs ae kepf aWay
fom each ofhe.
c. lncoecf. lso1af1on 1s a secu1fy measue used W1fh1n fusfed compufe sysfems.
hadWae 1so1af1on ensues fhaf fhe 1C8 1s kepf sepaafe fom unfusfed aeas of fhe
sysfem, Wh11e soffWae 1so1af1on guaanfees fhaf subecfs and obecfs ae kepf aWay
fom each ofhe.
d. lncoecf. lso1af1on 1s a secu1fy measue used W1fh1n fusfed compufe sysfems.
hadWae 1so1af1on ensues fhaf fhe 1C8 1s kepf sepaafe fom unfusfed aeas of fhe
sysfem, Wh11e soffWae 1so1af1on guaanfees fhaf subecfs and obecfs ae kepf aWay
fom each ofhe.
a. lncoecf. 1C5LC defem1nes 1f a poducf meefs secu1fy goa1s based upon fhe
fo11oW1ng secu1fy p1nc1p1es: funcf1ona11fy, effecf1veness, and assuance.
b. lncoecf. 1C5LC defem1nes 1f a poducf meefs secu1fy goa1s based upon fhe
fo11oW1ng secu1fy p1nc1p1es: funcf1ona11fy, effecf1veness, and assuance.
c. lncoecf. 1C5LC defem1nes 1f a poducf meefs secu1fy goa1s based upon fhe
fo11oW1ng secu1fy p1nc1p1es: funcf1ona11fy, effecf1veness, and assuance.
d. Coecf. 1C5LC defem1nes 1f a poducf meefs secu1fy goa1s based upon fhe
fo11oW1ng secu1fy p1nc1p1es: funcf1ona11fy, effecf1veness, and assuance.
a. lncoecf. 1C5LC`s ked 8ook focuses on nefWok and fe1ecommun1caf1ons poducfs
and Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce fo eva1uafe bode oufes. Pub11shed 1n 197, 1f 1s
a1so efeed fo as 1usfed NefWok lnfepefaf1on {1Nl}.
b. lncoecf. 1C5LC`s ked 8ook focuses on nefWok and fe1ecommun1caf1ons poducfs
and Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce fo eva1uafe bode oufes. Pub11shed 1n 197, 1f 1s
a1so efeed fo as 1usfed NefWok lnfepefaf1on {1Nl}.
c. Coecf. 1C5LC`s ked 8ook focuses on nefWok and fe1ecommun1caf1ons poducfs and
Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce fo eva1uafe bode oufes. Pub11shed 1n 197, 1f 1s a1so
efeed fo as 1usfed NefWok lnfepefaf1on {1Nl}.
d. lncoecf. 1C5LC`s ked 8ook focuses on nefWok and fe1ecommun1caf1ons poducfs
and Wou1d be fhe besf cho1ce fo eva1uafe bode oufes. Pub11shed 1n 197, 1f 1s
a1so efeed fo as 1usfed NefWok lnfepefaf1on {1Nl}.
a. lncoecf. Ioma11y s1gn1ng off fhaf fhe poducf o p1affom meef secu1fy goa1s
1s knoWn as an acced1faf1on, Wh1ch 1s done by sen1o managemenf. 1h1s 1s fhe f1na1
sfep done affe fhe cef1f1caf1on. 1he ofhe fasks ae a11 fyp1ca1 pocedues
hand1ed du1ng a cef1f1caf1on.
b. lncoecf. Ioma11y s1gn1ng off fhaf fhe poducf o p1affom meef secu1fy goa1s
1s knoWn as an acced1faf1on, Wh1ch 1s done by sen1o managemenf. 1h1s 1s fhe f1na1
sfep done affe fhe cef1f1caf1on. 1he ofhe fasks ae a11 fyp1ca1 pocedues
hand1ed du1ng a cef1f1caf1on.
c. Coecf. Ioma11y s1gn1ng off fhaf fhe poducf o p1affom meef secu1fy goa1s
1s knoWn as an acced1faf1on, Wh1ch 1s done by sen1o managemenf. 1h1s 1s fhe f1na1
sfep done affe fhe cef1f1caf1on. 1he ofhe fasks ae a11 fyp1ca1 pocedues
hand1ed du1ng a cef1f1caf1on.
d. lncoecf. Ioma11y s1gn1ng off fhaf fhe poducf o p1affom meef secu1fy goa1s
1s knoWn as an acced1faf1on, Wh1ch 1s done by sen1o managemenf. 1h1s 1s fhe f1na1
sfep done affe fhe cef1f1caf1on. 1he ofhe fasks ae a11 fyp1ca1 pocedues
hand1ed du1ng a cef1f1caf1on.
a. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy pocedues ae opeaf1ona1 confo1s. A secu1fy ach1fecfue
on1y embod1es fhe concepfua1 secu1fy componenfs. 1he p1nc1p1es beh1nd hoW fhese
componenfs ae 1mp1emenfed ae 1nc1uded, buf nof fhe spec1f1c pocedues used fo
Page 19
1mp1emenf fhem. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy pocedues ae opeaf1ona1 confo1s. A secu1fy ach1fecfue
on1y embod1es fhe concepfua1 secu1fy componenfs. 1he p1nc1p1es beh1nd hoW fhese
componenfs ae 1mp1emenfed ae 1nc1uded, buf nof fhe spec1f1c pocedues used fo
1mp1emenf fhem. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy pocedues ae opeaf1ona1 confo1s. A secu1fy ach1fecfue
on1y embod1es fhe concepfua1 secu1fy componenfs. 1he p1nc1p1es beh1nd hoW fhese
componenfs ae 1mp1emenfed ae 1nc1uded, buf nof fhe spec1f1c pocedues used fo
1mp1emenf fhem. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
d. Coecf. 5ecu1fy pocedues ae opeaf1ona1 confo1s. A secu1fy ach1fecfue
on1y embod1es fhe concepfua1 secu1fy componenfs. 1he p1nc1p1es beh1nd hoW fhese
componenfs ae 1mp1emenfed ae 1nc1uded, buf nof fhe spec1f1c pocedues used fo
1mp1emenf fhem. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
a. lncoecf. W1fe Once kead Many {WOkM} can on1y be W1ffen fo once. kandom
Access Memoy {kAM} and Lasab1e and Pogammab1e kead On1y Memoy {LPkOM} can bofh
be eased and eW1ffen. Cache can a1so be eW1ffen, and 1s used fo opf1m1ze dafa
access pefomance by ceaf1ng a fempoay memoy space used fo access dafa a1eady
equesfed o e1afed dafa fhaf has fhe 11ke11hood of be1ng needed soon. Access fo
dafa 1n cache W111 be much fasfe fhan 1f fhe compufe had fo hunf up and W1fe fhe
dafa fo memoy fom fhe had d1sk.
b. lncoecf. W1fe Once kead Many {WOkM} can on1y be W1ffen fo once. kandom
Access Memoy {kAM} and Lasab1e and Pogammab1e kead On1y Memoy {LPkOM} can bofh
be eased and eW1ffen. Cache can a1so be eW1ffen, and 1s used fo opf1m1ze dafa
access pefomance by ceaf1ng a fempoay memoy space used fo access dafa a1eady
equesfed o e1afed dafa fhaf has fhe 11ke11hood of be1ng needed soon. Access fo
dafa 1n cache W111 be much fasfe fhan 1f fhe compufe had fo hunf up and W1fe fhe
dafa fo memoy fom fhe had d1sk.
c. Coecf. W1fe Once kead Many {WOkM} can on1y be W1ffen fo once. kandom Access
Memoy {kAM} and Lasab1e and Pogammab1e kead On1y Memoy {LPkOM} can bofh be
eased and eW1ffen. Cache can a1so be eW1ffen, and 1s used fo opf1m1ze dafa
access pefomance by ceaf1ng a fempoay memoy space used fo access dafa a1eady
equesfed o e1afed dafa fhaf has fhe 11ke11hood of be1ng needed soon. Access fo
dafa 1n cache W111 be much fasfe fhan 1f fhe compufe had fo hunf up and W1fe fhe
dafa fo memoy fom fhe had d1sk.
d. lncoecf. W1fe Once kead Many {WOkM} can on1y be W1ffen fo once. kandom
Access Memoy {kAM} and Lasab1e and Pogammab1e kead On1y Memoy {LPkOM} can bofh
be eased and eW1ffen. Cache can a1so be eW1ffen, and 1s used fo opf1m1ze dafa
access pefomance by ceaf1ng a fempoay memoy space used fo access dafa a1eady
equesfed o e1afed dafa fhaf has fhe 11ke11hood of be1ng needed soon. Access fo
dafa 1n cache W111 be much fasfe fhan 1f fhe compufe had fo hunf up and W1fe fhe
dafa fo memoy fom fhe had d1sk.
a. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s ceafed fo expand fhe kAM vo1ume by us1ng space
fom seconday sfoage med1a 11ke fhe had d1sk. lf a11oWs pocess1ng of moe
1nfomaf1on fhan Wou1d ofheW1se be 11m1fed by on1y us1ng fhe ava11ab1e kAM. 1he
ofhe comb1naf1ons ae nof va11d.
b. Coecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s ceafed fo expand fhe kAM vo1ume by us1ng space fom
seconday sfoage med1a 11ke fhe had d1sk. lf a11oWs pocess1ng of moe 1nfomaf1on
fhan Wou1d ofheW1se be 11m1fed by on1y us1ng fhe ava11ab1e kAM. 1he ofhe
comb1naf1ons ae nof va11d.
c. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s ceafed fo expand fhe kAM vo1ume by us1ng space
fom seconday sfoage med1a 11ke fhe had d1sk. lf a11oWs pocess1ng of moe
1nfomaf1on fhan Wou1d ofheW1se be 11m1fed by on1y us1ng fhe ava11ab1e kAM. 1he
ofhe comb1naf1ons ae nof va11d.
d. lncoecf. v1fua1 memoy 1s ceafed fo expand fhe kAM vo1ume by us1ng space
fom seconday sfoage med1a 11ke fhe had d1sk. lf a11oWs pocess1ng of moe
1nfomaf1on fhan Wou1d ofheW1se be 11m1fed by on1y us1ng fhe ava11ab1e kAM. 1he
ofhe comb1naf1ons ae nof va11d.
Page 20
a. Coecf. 5upev1soy mode 1s a1so knoWn as p1v11eged mode, Whee execuf1on
fakes p1ace by fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {k1ng 1} and 1fs kene1 {k1ng 0}. k1ng 3 coves
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem uf111f1es and d1ves, and k1ng 4 1s use mode, Whee
app11caf1ons and pogams ae execufed.
ln ea11fy, each opeaf1ng sysfem W111 be W1ffen fo use fhe d1ffeenf 1ngs as
d1cfafed by fhe deve1opes of fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. 5ome sysfems on1y use fWo o
fhee k1ngs. 8uf fhe quesf1on asks fo supev1soy mode, Wh1ch ae a1Ways fhe 1oWesf
numbe k1ng numbes.
b. lncoecf. 5upev1soy mode 1s a1so knoWn as p1v11eged mode, Whee execuf1on
fakes p1ace by fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {k1ng 1} and 1fs kene1 {k1ng 0}. k1ng 3 coves
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem uf111f1es and d1ves, and k1ng 4 1s use mode, Whee
app11caf1ons and pogams ae execufed.
ln ea11fy, each opeaf1ng sysfem W111 be W1ffen fo use fhe d1ffeenf 1ngs as
d1cfafed by fhe deve1opes of fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. 5ome sysfems on1y use fWo o
fhee k1ngs. 8uf fhe quesf1on asks fo supev1soy mode, Wh1ch ae a1Ways fhe 1oWesf
numbe k1ng numbes.
c. lncoecf. 5upev1soy mode 1s a1so knoWn as p1v11eged mode, Whee execuf1on
fakes p1ace by fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {k1ng 1} and 1fs kene1 {k1ng 0}. k1ng 3 coves
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem uf111f1es and d1ves, and k1ng 4 1s use mode, Whee
app11caf1ons and pogams ae execufed.
ln ea11fy, each opeaf1ng sysfem W111 be W1ffen fo use fhe d1ffeenf 1ngs as
d1cfafed by fhe deve1opes of fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. 5ome sysfems on1y use fWo o
fhee k1ngs. 8uf fhe quesf1on asks fo supev1soy mode, Wh1ch ae a1Ways fhe 1oWesf
numbe k1ng numbes.
d. lncoecf. 5upev1soy mode 1s a1so knoWn as p1v11eged mode, Whee execuf1on
fakes p1ace by fhe opeaf1ng sysfem {k1ng 1} and 1fs kene1 {k1ng 0}. k1ng 3 coves
fhe opeaf1ng sysfem uf111f1es and d1ves, and k1ng 4 1s use mode, Whee
app11caf1ons and pogams ae execufed.
ln ea11fy, each opeaf1ng sysfem W111 be W1ffen fo use fhe d1ffeenf 1ngs as
d1cfafed by fhe deve1opes of fhe opeaf1ng sysfem. 5ome sysfems on1y use fWo o
fhee k1ngs. 8uf fhe quesf1on asks fo supev1soy mode, Wh1ch ae a1Ways fhe 1oWesf
numbe k1ng numbes.
a. lncoecf. Many esouces sfafe fhaf fodays opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de
mu1f1pogamm1ng and mu1f1fask1ng. 1h1s 1s fue, 1n fhaf mu1f1pogamm1ng usf means
moe fhan one app11caf1on can be 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me. 8uf 1n
ea11fy, mu1f1pogamm1ng Was ep1aced by mu1f1fask1ng, Wh1ch means moe fhan one
app11caf1on can be 1n memoy af fhe same f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can dea1 W1fh
equesfs fom fhese d1ffeenf app11caf1ons s1mu1faneous1y.
b. lncoecf. Many esouces sfafe fhaf fodays opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de
mu1f1pogamm1ng and mu1f1fask1ng. 1h1s 1s fue, 1n fhaf mu1f1pogamm1ng usf means
moe fhan one app11caf1on can be 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me. 8uf 1n
ea11fy, mu1f1pogamm1ng Was ep1aced by mu1f1fask1ng, Wh1ch means moe fhan one
app11caf1on can be 1n memoy af fhe same f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can dea1 W1fh
equesfs fom fhese d1ffeenf app11caf1ons s1mu1faneous1y.
c. lncoecf. Many esouces sfafe fhaf fodays opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de
mu1f1pogamm1ng and mu1f1fask1ng. 1h1s 1s fue, 1n fhaf mu1f1pogamm1ng usf means
moe fhan one app11caf1on can be 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me. 8uf 1n
ea11fy, mu1f1pogamm1ng Was ep1aced by mu1f1fask1ng, Wh1ch means moe fhan one
app11caf1on can be 1n memoy af fhe same f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can dea1 W1fh
equesfs fom fhese d1ffeenf app11caf1ons s1mu1faneous1y.
d. Coecf. Many esouces sfafe fhaf fodays opeaf1ng sysfems pov1de
mu1f1pogamm1ng and mu1f1fask1ng. 1h1s 1s fue, 1n fhaf mu1f1pogamm1ng usf means
moe fhan one app11caf1on can be 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me. 8uf 1n
ea11fy, mu1f1pogamm1ng Was ep1aced by mu1f1fask1ng, Wh1ch means moe fhan one
app11caf1on can be 1n memoy af fhe same f1me and fhe opeaf1ng sysfem can dea1 W1fh
equesfs fom fhese d1ffeenf app11caf1ons s1mu1faneous1y.
Page 21
a. lncoecf. Pob1em sfafe means fhaf an app11caf1on code 1s execuf1ng, and fhe
sysfem 1s 1n fhe pocess of so1v1ng fhe pob1ems o cha11enges pesenfed by fhaf
app11caf1on. k1ngs 0 and 1 ae eseved fo execuf1ng p1v11eged 1nsfucf1ons
spec1f1c fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem and 1fs kene1. Wh11e fhese W111 be ca11ed 1nfo
p1ay by an app11caf1on, When fhey ae execuf1ng fhe sysfem 1s sa1d fo be 1n
supev1soy sfafe. keady sfafe 1s fhe fem used fo 1nd1cafe fhe f1me befWeen
app11caf1on execuf1ons When ofhe sfafes 11ke supev1soy o Wa1f sfafes ae
1nvoked, buf fhe app11caf1on sfands eady fo esume execuf1on When fhese ofhe
ouf1nes ae f1n1shed. A sysfem can be sa1d fo be 1n a fau1f sfafe When opeaf1ons
cease fo execufe a1fogefhe, buf fh1s 1s nof cons1deed an opeaf1ng sfafe.
b. Coecf. Pob1em sfafe means fhaf an app11caf1on code 1s execuf1ng, and fhe
sysfem 1s 1n fhe pocess of so1v1ng fhe pob1ems o cha11enges pesenfed by fhaf
app11caf1on. k1ngs 0 and 1 ae eseved fo execuf1ng p1v11eged 1nsfucf1ons
spec1f1c fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem and 1fs kene1. Wh11e fhese W111 be ca11ed 1nfo
p1ay by an app11caf1on, When fhey ae execuf1ng fhe sysfem 1s sa1d fo be 1n
supev1soy sfafe. keady sfafe 1s fhe fem used fo 1nd1cafe fhe f1me befWeen
app11caf1on execuf1ons When ofhe sfafes 11ke supev1soy o Wa1f sfafes ae
1nvoked, buf fhe app11caf1on sfands eady fo esume execuf1on When fhese ofhe
ouf1nes ae f1n1shed. A sysfem can be sa1d fo be 1n a fau1f sfafe When opeaf1ons
cease fo execufe a1fogefhe, buf fh1s 1s nof cons1deed an opeaf1ng sfafe.
c. lncoecf. Pob1em sfafe means fhaf an app11caf1on code 1s execuf1ng, and fhe
sysfem 1s 1n fhe pocess of so1v1ng fhe pob1ems o cha11enges pesenfed by fhaf
app11caf1on. k1ngs 0 and 1 ae eseved fo execuf1ng p1v11eged 1nsfucf1ons
spec1f1c fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem and 1fs kene1. Wh11e fhese W111 be ca11ed 1nfo
p1ay by an app11caf1on, When fhey ae execuf1ng fhe sysfem 1s sa1d fo be 1n
supev1soy sfafe. keady sfafe 1s fhe fem used fo 1nd1cafe fhe f1me befWeen
app11caf1on execuf1ons When ofhe sfafes 11ke supev1soy o Wa1f sfafes ae
1nvoked, buf fhe app11caf1on sfands eady fo esume execuf1on When fhese ofhe
ouf1nes ae f1n1shed. A sysfem can be sa1d fo be 1n a fau1f sfafe When opeaf1ons
cease fo execufe a1fogefhe, buf fh1s 1s nof cons1deed an opeaf1ng sfafe.
d. lncoecf. Pob1em sfafe means fhaf an app11caf1on code 1s execuf1ng, and fhe
sysfem 1s 1n fhe pocess of so1v1ng fhe pob1ems o cha11enges pesenfed by fhaf
app11caf1on. k1ngs 0 and 1 ae eseved fo execuf1ng p1v11eged 1nsfucf1ons
spec1f1c fo fhe opeaf1ng sysfem and 1fs kene1. Wh11e fhese W111 be ca11ed 1nfo
p1ay by an app11caf1on, When fhey ae execuf1ng fhe sysfem 1s sa1d fo be 1n
supev1soy sfafe. keady sfafe 1s fhe fem used fo 1nd1cafe fhe f1me befWeen
app11caf1on execuf1ons When ofhe sfafes 11ke supev1soy o Wa1f sfafes ae
1nvoked, buf fhe app11caf1on sfands eady fo esume execuf1on When fhese ofhe
ouf1nes ae f1n1shed. A sysfem can be sa1d fo be 1n a fau1f sfafe When opeaf1ons
cease fo execufe a1fogefhe, buf fh1s 1s nof cons1deed an opeaf1ng sfafe.
a. lncoecf. Many fheads can be execufed s1mu1faneous1y When sevea1 v1fua1
mach1nes 1nvoke sevea1 fheads af fhe same f1me. You don`f need "mu1f1p1e v1fua1
mach1nes" fo un mu1f1p1e fheads, fhough. Mu1f1fheaded app11caf1ons can do fhaf
W1fhouf fhe need fo add1f1ona1 mach1nes. 1h1s 1s ca11ed mu1f1-fhead1ng. Mosf
moden compufe sysfems ae capab1e of mu1f1-fhead1ng, Wh1ch vasf1y 1mpoves sysfem
pefomance. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
b. lncoecf. Many fheads can be execufed s1mu1faneous1y When sevea1 v1fua1
mach1nes 1nvoke sevea1 fheads af fhe same f1me. You don`f need "mu1f1p1e v1fua1
mach1nes" fo un mu1f1p1e fheads, fhough. Mu1f1fheaded app11caf1ons can do fhaf
W1fhouf fhe need fo add1f1ona1 mach1nes. 1h1s 1s ca11ed mu1f1-fhead1ng. Mosf
moden compufe sysfems ae capab1e of mu1f1-fhead1ng, Wh1ch vasf1y 1mpoves sysfem
pefomance. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
c. lncoecf. Many fheads can be execufed s1mu1faneous1y When sevea1 v1fua1
mach1nes 1nvoke sevea1 fheads af fhe same f1me. You don`f need "mu1f1p1e v1fua1
mach1nes" fo un mu1f1p1e fheads, fhough. Mu1f1fheaded app11caf1ons can do fhaf
W1fhouf fhe need fo add1f1ona1 mach1nes. 1h1s 1s ca11ed mu1f1-fhead1ng. Mosf
moden compufe sysfems ae capab1e of mu1f1-fhead1ng, Wh1ch vasf1y 1mpoves sysfem
pefomance. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
d. Coecf. Many fheads can be execufed s1mu1faneous1y When sevea1 v1fua1
mach1nes 1nvoke sevea1 fheads af fhe same f1me. You don`f need "mu1f1p1e v1fua1
Page 22
mach1nes" fo un mu1f1p1e fheads, fhough. Mu1f1fheaded app11caf1ons can do fhaf
W1fhouf fhe need fo add1f1ona1 mach1nes. 1h1s 1s ca11ed mu1f1-fhead1ng. Mosf
moden compufe sysfems ae capab1e of mu1f1-fhead1ng, Wh1ch vasf1y 1mpoves sysfem
pefomance. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
a. lncoecf. Pope l/O dev1ce managemenf assues fhaf When pocesses ae done,
esouces {memoy a11ocaf1on, p1nfes, seconday sfoage dev1ces, efc.} ae
e1eased back fo fhe ava11ab1e poo1. 5uch managemenf 1s spec1f1ca11y conducfed fo
avo1d, afhe fhan 1nvoke, dead1ock s1fuaf1ons fhaf f1e up esouces, fhus deny1ng
fhem fo ofhe uses and pocesses. l/O managemenf has nofh1ng fo do W1fh ceaf1ng
v1fua1 memoy, a1fhough such memoy may be used fo 1mpove fhe speed W1fh Wh1ch
pocess1ng by esouces can fake p1ace and be e1eased fasfe. 8uffe ovef1oWs
cou1d cause fhe execuf1on of ma11c1ous code fhaf cou1d esu1f 1n undem1n1ng l/O
managemenf, buf fh1s c1cumsfance 1s nof spec1f1ca11y e1afed fo dev1ces.
b. Coecf. Pope l/O dev1ce managemenf assues fhaf When pocesses ae done,
esouces {memoy a11ocaf1on, p1nfes, seconday sfoage dev1ces, efc.} ae
e1eased back fo fhe ava11ab1e poo1. 5uch managemenf 1s spec1f1ca11y conducfed fo
avo1d, afhe fhan 1nvoke, dead1ock s1fuaf1ons fhaf f1e up esouces, fhus deny1ng
fhem fo ofhe uses and pocesses. l/O managemenf has nofh1ng fo do W1fh ceaf1ng
v1fua1 memoy, a1fhough such memoy may be used fo 1mpove fhe speed W1fh Wh1ch
pocess1ng by esouces can fake p1ace and be e1eased fasfe. 8uffe ovef1oWs
cou1d cause fhe execuf1on of ma11c1ous code fhaf cou1d esu1f 1n undem1n1ng l/O
managemenf, buf fh1s c1cumsfance 1s nof spec1f1ca11y e1afed fo dev1ces.
c. lncoecf. Pope l/O dev1ce managemenf assues fhaf When pocesses ae done,
esouces {memoy a11ocaf1on, p1nfes, seconday sfoage dev1ces, efc.} ae
e1eased back fo fhe ava11ab1e poo1. 5uch managemenf 1s spec1f1ca11y conducfed fo
avo1d, afhe fhan 1nvoke, dead1ock s1fuaf1ons fhaf f1e up esouces, fhus deny1ng
fhem fo ofhe uses and pocesses. l/O managemenf has nofh1ng fo do W1fh ceaf1ng
v1fua1 memoy, a1fhough such memoy may be used fo 1mpove fhe speed W1fh Wh1ch
pocess1ng by esouces can fake p1ace and be e1eased fasfe. 8uffe ovef1oWs
cou1d cause fhe execuf1on of ma11c1ous code fhaf cou1d esu1f 1n undem1n1ng l/O
managemenf, buf fh1s c1cumsfance 1s nof spec1f1ca11y e1afed fo dev1ces.
d. lncoecf. Pope l/O dev1ce managemenf assues fhaf When pocesses ae done,
esouces {memoy a11ocaf1on, p1nfes, seconday sfoage dev1ces, efc.} ae
e1eased back fo fhe ava11ab1e poo1. 5uch managemenf 1s spec1f1ca11y conducfed fo
avo1d, afhe fhan 1nvoke, dead1ock s1fuaf1ons fhaf f1e up esouces, fhus deny1ng
fhem fo ofhe uses and pocesses. l/O managemenf has nofh1ng fo do W1fh ceaf1ng
v1fua1 memoy, a1fhough such memoy may be used fo 1mpove fhe speed W1fh Wh1ch
pocess1ng by esouces can fake p1ace and be e1eased fasfe. 8uffe ovef1oWs
cou1d cause fhe execuf1on of ma11c1ous code fhaf cou1d esu1f 1n undem1n1ng l/O
managemenf, buf fh1s c1cumsfance 1s nof spec1f1ca11y e1afed fo dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1usfed Compuf1ng 8ase {1C8} def1nes fhe 1eve1 of assuance fo
fhe fusf a sysfem pov1des. lf does nof def1ne fhe 1eve1 of secu1fy 1f pov1des,
Wh1ch 1s moe e1afed fo pecepf1on. 1usf, 1nsfead, 1s a quanf1f1ab1e measue based
on fhe 1eve1 of comp11ance W1fh secu1fy equ1emenfs knoWn fo be effecf1ve 1n
pofecf1ng sysfems.
b. Coecf. 1he 1usfed Compuf1ng 8ase {1C8} def1nes fhe 1eve1 of assuance fo fhe
fusf a sysfem pov1des. lf does nof def1ne fhe 1eve1 of secu1fy 1f pov1des, Wh1ch
1s moe e1afed fo pecepf1on. 1usf, 1nsfead, 1s a quanf1f1ab1e measue based on
fhe 1eve1 of comp11ance W1fh secu1fy equ1emenfs knoWn fo be effecf1ve 1n
pofecf1ng sysfems.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1usfed Compuf1ng 8ase {1C8} def1nes fhe 1eve1 of assuance fo
fhe fusf a sysfem pov1des. lf does nof def1ne fhe 1eve1 of secu1fy 1f pov1des,
Wh1ch 1s moe e1afed fo pecepf1on. 1usf, 1nsfead, 1s a quanf1f1ab1e measue based
on fhe 1eve1 of comp11ance W1fh secu1fy equ1emenfs knoWn fo be effecf1ve 1n
pofecf1ng sysfems.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1usfed Compuf1ng 8ase {1C8} def1nes fhe 1eve1 of assuance fo
fhe fusf a sysfem pov1des. lf does nof def1ne fhe 1eve1 of secu1fy 1f pov1des,
Wh1ch 1s moe e1afed fo pecepf1on. 1usf, 1nsfead, 1s a quanf1f1ab1e measue based
Page 23
on fhe 1eve1 of comp11ance W1fh secu1fy equ1emenfs knoWn fo be effecf1ve 1n
pofecf1ng sysfems.
a. lncoecf. 1he efeence mon1fo med1afes access fo obecfs. lf efeences fhe
1abe1s app11ed fo equesfos and obecfs, dec1d1ng Whefhe fhe equesfo has fhe
appop1afe 1ghfs fo access and obecf, and Whefhe fhe obecf 1s pem1ffed fo
ece1ve a equesf fom such a equesfo. lf does nof 1fse1f app1y fhe 1abe1s fo
e1fhe of fhese enf1f1es. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
b. Coecf. 1he efeence mon1fo med1afes access fo obecfs. lf efeences fhe
1abe1s app11ed fo equesfos and obecfs, dec1d1ng Whefhe fhe equesfo has fhe
appop1afe 1ghfs fo access and obecf, and Whefhe fhe obecf 1s pem1ffed fo
ece1ve a equesf fom such a equesfo. lf does nof 1fse1f app1y fhe 1abe1s fo
e1fhe of fhese enf1f1es. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
c. lncoecf. 1he efeence mon1fo med1afes access fo obecfs. lf efeences fhe
1abe1s app11ed fo equesfos and obecfs, dec1d1ng Whefhe fhe equesfo has fhe
appop1afe 1ghfs fo access and obecf, and Whefhe fhe obecf 1s pem1ffed fo
ece1ve a equesf fom such a equesfo. lf does nof 1fse1f app1y fhe 1abe1s fo
e1fhe of fhese enf1f1es. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
d. lncoecf. 1he efeence mon1fo med1afes access fo obecfs. lf efeences fhe
1abe1s app11ed fo equesfos and obecfs, dec1d1ng Whefhe fhe equesfo has fhe
appop1afe 1ghfs fo access and obecf, and Whefhe fhe obecf 1s pem1ffed fo
ece1ve a equesf fom such a equesfo. lf does nof 1fse1f app1y fhe 1abe1s fo
e1fhe of fhese enf1f1es. A11 ofhe sfafemenfs ae fue.
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s 11sfed be1oW,
- Mu1f1pogamm1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can 1oad moe fhan one pogam 1n memoy af
one f1me.
- Mu1f1fask1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can hand1e equesfs fom sevea1 d1ffeenf
pocesses 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me.
- Mu1f1fhead1ng An app11caf1on has fhe ab111fy fo un mu1f1p1e fheads
- Mu1f1pocess1ng 1he compufe has moe fhan one CPu.
b. Coecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s 11sfed be1oW,
- Mu1f1pogamm1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can 1oad moe fhan one pogam 1n memoy af
one f1me.
- Mu1f1fask1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can hand1e equesfs fom sevea1 d1ffeenf
pocesses 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me.
- Mu1f1fhead1ng An app11caf1on has fhe ab111fy fo un mu1f1p1e fheads
- Mu1f1pocess1ng 1he compufe has moe fhan one CPu.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s 11sfed be1oW,
- Mu1f1pogamm1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can 1oad moe fhan one pogam 1n memoy af
one f1me.
- Mu1f1fask1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can hand1e equesfs fom sevea1 d1ffeenf
pocesses 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me.
- Mu1f1fhead1ng An app11caf1on has fhe ab111fy fo un mu1f1p1e fheads
- Mu1f1pocess1ng 1he compufe has moe fhan one CPu.
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng 1s 11sfed be1oW,
- Mu1f1pogamm1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can 1oad moe fhan one pogam 1n memoy af
one f1me.
- Mu1f1fask1ng An opeaf1ng sysfem can hand1e equesfs fom sevea1 d1ffeenf
pocesses 1oaded 1nfo memoy af fhe same f1me.
- Mu1f1fhead1ng An app11caf1on has fhe ab111fy fo un mu1f1p1e fheads
- Mu1f1pocess1ng 1he compufe has moe fhan one CPu.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
qu1z Name = LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2
1. have an ovea11 bea1ng on fhe pesona1 1nfomaf1on of 1nd1v1dua1s
and affecf fhe po11c1es fhaf goven many d1ffeenf aeas of 1nfomaf1on.
ae des1gned fo egu1afe spec1f1c fypes of 1nfomaf1on.
a. 5pec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs, genea1 p1vacy 1aWs
b. Genea1 p1vacy 1aWs, spec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs
c. Gene1c p1vacy 1aWs, spec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs
d. Genea1 p1vacy 1aWs, exacf p1vacy 1aWs
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng a11oWs fo compensaf1on fo an 1nued pafy and fhe
compensaf1on 1s 1nfended fo pun1sh fhe offende fo fhe1 acf1ons?
a. C1m1na1 1aW
b. C1v11 1aW
c. kegu1afoy 1aW
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve 1aW
3. 1o pofecf a spec1f1c Wod, symbo1 o name, a company Wou1d acqu1e Wh1ch of fhe
a. 1ademak
b. Copy1ghf
c. Pafenf
d. 1ade secef
4. You 1nvenf1on of a neW g1zmo 1s evo1uf1onay. You W1sh fo pofecf fh1s 1dea.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s used fo pofecf fhe neW g1zmo?
a. Pafenf
b. 1ademak
c. Copy1ghf
d. 1ade secef
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng acfs Was ceafed fo pofecf fhe p1vacy of med1ca1
a. u.5. Iedea1 P1vacy Acf of 1974
b. Compufe Iaud and Abuse Acf
c. hlPAA
d. Gamm Leach 8111ey Acf of 1999
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe mosf common secu1fy 1ssue fo mosf compan1es?
a. lP spoof1ng
b. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
c. Lxcess1ve p1v11eges
d. Den1a1 of sev1ce
7. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has W1ffen obecf1ves fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy and 1s an
1nfenaf1ona1 comm1ffee?
a. hlPAA
b. Compufe Iaud and Abuse Acf
c. GA55P
d. 5ecu1fy and Ieedom 1hough Lncypf1on Acf
. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng acf1v1f1es does fhe lA8 cons1de a v1o1af1on of fhe
"Lfh1cs and fhe lnfenef"?
a. Ceaf1ng a compufe v1us
b. 5e111ng a Wom
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
c. lnsfa11 a honeypof
d. Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses
9. Whaf 1s fhe sfudy of compufes and suound1ng fechno1og1es and hoW fhey e1afe
fo c1me?
a. Compufe foens1cs
b. Compufe c1m1no1ogy
c. lnc1denf hand11ng
d. Compufe 1nfomaf1on c1fe1a
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does lA8 cons1de unefh1ca1 behav1o?
a. lnfenef uses Who concea1 unaufho1zed accesses
b. lnfenef uses Who Wasfe compufe esouces
c. lnfenef uses Who W1fe v1uses
d. lnfenef uses Who mon1fo faff1c
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. C1v11 {Code} LaW - 8ased on pev1ous 1nfepefaf1ons of 1aWs
11. Common LaW - ku1e-based 1aW nof pecedence based
111. Cusfomay LaW - Dea1s ma1n1y W1fh pesona1 conducf and paffens of behav1o
1v. ke11g1ous LaW - 5ysfems 8ased on e11g1ous be11efs of fhe eg1on
a. 1, 111
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 11
d. 1v
12. lf you company g1ves you a neW PC and you f1nd es1dua1 1nfomaf1on abouf
conf1denf1a1 company 1ssues, Whaf shou1d you do based on fhe {l5C}2 Code of Lfh1cs?
a. Confacf fhe oWne of fhe f11e and 1nfom h1m abouf 1f. Copy 1f fo a d1sk, g1ve
1f fo h1m, and de1efe you copy.
b. De1efe fhe documenf because 1f Was nof meanf fo you.
c. lnfom managemenf of you f1nd1ngs so fhey can make sue fh1s fype of fh1ng does
nof happen aga1n.
d. L-ma11 1f fo fhe aufho and fo managemenf so fhaf eveyone 1s aWae of Whaf 1s
go1ng on.
13. Pofecf1ng ev1dence and pov1d1ng accounfab111fy fo Who hand1ed 1f af d1ffeenf
sfeps du1ng fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on 1s efeed fo as Whaf?
a. ku1e of besf ev1dence
b. heasay
c. Lv1dence safefy
d. Cha1n of cusfody
14. lf an 1nvesf1gafo needs fo commun1cafe fo anofhe 1nvesf1gafo, buf does nof
Wanf fhe hacke fo f1nd fh1s faff1c, Whaf fype of commun1caf1on shou1d be used?
a. D1g1fa11y s1gned messages
b. Ouf-of-band messages
c. Ioens1cs fequency
d. Aufhenf1caf1on and access confo1
15. Why 1s 1f cha11eng1ng fo co11ecf and 1denf1fy d1g1fa1 ev1dence fo be used 1n a
couf of 1aW?
a. 1he ev1dence 1s mosf1y 1nfang1b1e.
b. 1he ev1dence 1s mosf1y coupfed.
c. 1he ev1dence 1s mosf1y encypfed.
d. 1he ev1dence 1s mosf1y fang1b1e.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
16. Why 1s compufe-geneafed documenfaf1on usua11y cons1deed none11ab1e ev1dence?
a. lf 1s p1may ev1dence.
b. lf 1s foo d1ff1cu1f fo defecf p1o mod1f1caf1ons.
c. lf 1s cooboaf1ve ev1dence.
d. lf 1s nof coveed unde c1m1na1 1aW, buf 1f 1s coveed unde c1v11 1aW.
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a necessay chaacfe1sf1c of ev1dence fo 1f fo be
a. lf musf be ea1.
b. lf musf be nofeWofhy.
c. lf musf be e11ab1e.
d. lf musf be 1mpofanf.
1. Whaf agency usua11y Woks W1fh fhe I8l When 1nvesf1gaf1ng compufe c1mes?
a. {l5C}2
b. 5ecef 5ev1ce
c. ClA
d. 5fafe po11ce
19. lf a company de11beafe1y p1anfed a f1aW 1n one of fhe1 sysfems 1n fhe hopes of
defecf1ng an affempfed penefaf1on and exp1o1faf1on of fh1s f1aW, Whaf Wou1d fh1s be
a. lnc1denf ecovey esponse
b. Lnfapmenf
c. l11ega1
d. Lnf1cemenf
20. lf an emp1oyee 1s suspecfed of Wongdo1ng 1n a compufe c1me, Whaf depafmenf
musf be 1nvo1ved?
a. human esouces
b. Lega1
c. Aud1fos
d. Payo11
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe mosf W1despead 1ega1 sysfem 1n fhe Wo1d and fhe
mosf common 1ega1 sysfem 1n Luope?
a. C1v11
b. Common
c. Cusfomay
d. ke11g1ous
22. When Wou1d an 1nvesf1gafo`s nofebook be adm1ss1b1e 1n couf?
a. When he uses 1f fo efesh memoy
b. When he cannof be pesenf fo fesf1mony
c. When equesfed by fhe udge fo 1ean fhe o1g1na1 1ssues of fhe 1nvesf1gaf1ons
d. When no ofhe phys1ca1 ev1dence 1s ava11ab1e
23. D1sks and ofhe med1a fhaf ae cop1es of fhe o1g1na1 ev1dence ae cons1deed
a. P1may ev1dence
b. ke11ab1e and suff1c1enf ev1dence
c. heasay ev1dence
d. Conc1us1ve ev1dence
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
24. lf a company does nof 1nfom emp1oyees fhaf fhey may be mon1foed and does nof
have a po11cy sfaf1ng hoW mon1fo1ng shou1d fake p1ace, Whaf shou1d a company do?
a. Don`f mon1fo emp1oyees 1n any fash1on.
b. Mon1fo du1ng off-hous and s1oW f1mes.
c. Obfa1n a seach Waanf befoe mon1fo1ng an emp1oyee.
d. Mon1fo anyWay - fhey ae coveed by fWo 1aWs a11oW1ng fhem fo do fh1s.
25. 1o beffe dea1 W1fh compufe c1me, sevea1 1eg1s1af1ve bod1es have faken Whaf
sfeps 1n fhe1 sfafegy?
a. Lxpanded sevea1 p1vacy 1aWs
b. 8oadened fhe def1n1f1on of popefy fo 1nc1ude dafa
c. kequ1ed copoaf1ons fo have compufe c1me 1nsuance
d. kedef1ned fansbode 1ssues
26. 5ome p1vacy 1aWs d1cfafe Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng u1es?
a. lnd1v1dua1s have a 1ghf fo emove any dafa fhey do nof Wanf ofhes fo knoW.
b. Agenc1es do nof need fo ensue fhaf fhe dafa 1s accuafe.
c. Agenc1es need fo a11oW a11 govenmenf agenc1es access fo fhe dafa.
d. Agenc1es cannof use co11ecfed dafa fo a pupose d1ffeenf fhan Whaf 1f Was
co11ecfed fo.
27. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue abouf dumpsfe d1v1ng?
a. lf 1s 1ega1.
b. lf 1s 111ega1.
c. lf 1s a beach of phys1ca1 secu1fy.
d. lf 1s gafhe1ng dafa fom p1aces peop1e Wou1d nof expecf fo be a1ded.
2. lf an emp1oyee a1fes a pogam fo fake a feW penn1es fom evey cusfome`s bank
accounf each monfh, Whaf 1s fh1s ca11ed?
a. 5a1am1
b. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
c. 5poof1ng
d. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
29. 11ck1ng an 1nfude 1nfo access1ng conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on 1n ode fo
posecufe h1m 1s an examp1e of Whaf?
a. Lnf1cemenf
b. lnfeogaf1on
c. Lnfapmenf
d. 5a1am1 affack
30. Whaf 1s fhe ma1n pupose fo 1nfeogaf1ng an emp1oyee?
a. 1o eva1uafe fhe pofecf1on of fhe secu1fy po11cy
b. 1o obfa1n ev1dence fo f1a1
c. 1o foce fhe emp1oyee fo es1gn
d. 1o 1nf1m1dafe fhe emp1oyee
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng addesses 1ega1 p1nc1p1es ceafed by adm1n1sfaf1ve
agenc1es fo addess a numbe of aeas, 1nc1ud1ng 1nfenaf1ona1 fade, manufacfu1ng,
env1onmenf, and 1mm1gaf1on?
a. Code 1aW
b. Cusfomay 1aW
c. C1v11 1aW
d. kegu1afoy 1aW
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
32. ln compufe c1me, Whaf does fhe fem MOM efe fo?
a. Means, obsfucf1on, ma11ce
b. Means, oppofun1fy, mof1ves
c. Means, oppos1f1on, mefhods
d. Means, oppofun1fy, mefhods
33. LaWs fhaf fyp1ca11y enfoce a11 f1me as pun1shmenf and Wee ceafed by fhe
govenmenf fo pofecf soc1efy ae ca11ed Whaf?
a. C1v11
b. 1of
c. C1m1na1
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
34. Wh1ch sfafemenf 1s nof fue egad1ng compufe c1mes 1nvo1v1ng foe1gn
a. A11 naf1ons agee on ev1dence co11ecf1on mefhods
b. Govenmenfs ae nof a1Ways W1111ng fo coopeafe W1fh one anofhe
c. 1hee ae d1ffeenf 1nfepefaf1ons of c1mes W1fh1n d1ffeenf counf1es
d. 1he se1ousness of compufe c1me 1s v1eWed d1ffeenf1y by 1nd1v1dua1 naf1ons
35. 1he 58A and 85A Wee fomed fo pofecf Whaf fype of ogan1zaf1ons?
a. lmpof/expof compan1es
b. Accused cybe c1m1na1s
c. Lncypf1on fechno1ogy manufacfues
d. 5offWae vendos
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng needs fo be mef so fhaf ev1dence 1s 1ega11y adm1ss1b1e 1n
a. Mod1f1ed compufe f11es
b. LaWfu1 seach and se1zue
c. Ioce confess1on
d. Lnfapmenf ev1dence
37. Wh1ch acf1on 1s nof 1mpeaf1ve When 1nvesf1gaf1ng a compufe c1me scene?
a. Dump dafa fom memoy
b. Confacf a udge 1mmed1afe1y
c. Io11oW a pope cha1n of cusfody
d. lmage fhe compufe d1sk d1ve
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a pesonne1 affack?
a. Masquead1ng
b. Dafa d1dd11ng
c. W1efapp1ng
d. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
39. 81ue box1ng Was used 1n Whaf fype of affack?
a. Dafa d1dd11ng
b. 5a1am1
c. Phone faud
d. Masquead1ng
40. Lxfanefs, vANs, and shaed nefWok W1fh exfena1 enf1f1es ceafe Whaf 1ega1
a. DoWnsfeam 11ab111fy
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
b. lnceased 5LAs
c. human esouce 1ssues
d. NefWok conf1guaf1on comp1ex1fy
41. A pafy fhaf can pove fhaf damage Was caused and fhaf fhe damage Was fhe
companys fau1f has poved Whaf?
a. Due cae
b. Lega11y ecogn1zed ob11gaf1on
c. Pox1mafe causaf1on
d. Due d111gence
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1aWs addesses W1efapp1ng?
a. Compufe Iaud and Abuse Acf of 196
b. L1ecfon1c Commun1caf1ons P1vacy Acf of 196
c. hlPPA
d. P1vacy Acf of 1974
43. Wh1ch 1aW pefa1ns fo govenmenf agenc1es co11ecf1ng and ma1nfa1n1ng dafa on
a. P1vacy Acf of 1974
b. Gamm-Leech-8111ey Acf of 1999
c. hlPPA
d. Compehens1ve C1me Confo1 Acf of 194
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Genea1 p1vacy 1aWs have an ovea11 bea1ng on fhe pesona1
1nfomaf1on of 1nd1v1dua1s and affecf fhe po11c1es fhaf goven many d1ffeenf aeas
of 1nfomaf1on. 5pec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs ae des1gned fo egu1afe spec1f1c fypes of
1nfomaf1on. 5ome examp1es 1nc1ude:
- hea1fh p1vacy 1aWs
- I1nanc1a1 p1vacy 1aWs
- On11ne p1vacy 1aWs
- Commun1caf1on p1vacy 1aWs
b. Coecf. Genea1 p1vacy 1aWs have an ovea11 bea1ng on fhe pesona1
1nfomaf1on of 1nd1v1dua1s and affecf fhe po11c1es fhaf goven many d1ffeenf aeas
of 1nfomaf1on. 5pec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs ae des1gned fo egu1afe spec1f1c fypes of
1nfomaf1on. 5ome examp1es 1nc1ude:
- hea1fh p1vacy 1aWs
- I1nanc1a1 p1vacy 1aWs
- On11ne p1vacy 1aWs
- Commun1caf1on p1vacy 1aWs
c. lncoecf. Genea1 p1vacy 1aWs have an ovea11 bea1ng on fhe pesona1
1nfomaf1on of 1nd1v1dua1s and affecf fhe po11c1es fhaf goven many d1ffeenf aeas
of 1nfomaf1on. 5pec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs ae des1gned fo egu1afe spec1f1c fypes of
1nfomaf1on. 5ome examp1es 1nc1ude:
- hea1fh p1vacy 1aWs
- I1nanc1a1 p1vacy 1aWs
- On11ne p1vacy 1aWs
- Commun1caf1on p1vacy 1aWs
d. lncoecf. Genea1 p1vacy 1aWs have an ovea11 bea1ng on fhe pesona1
1nfomaf1on of 1nd1v1dua1s and affecf fhe po11c1es fhaf goven many d1ffeenf aeas
of 1nfomaf1on. 5pec1f1c p1vacy 1aWs ae des1gned fo egu1afe spec1f1c fypes of
1nfomaf1on. 5ome examp1es 1nc1ude:
- hea1fh p1vacy 1aWs
- I1nanc1a1 p1vacy 1aWs
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
- On11ne p1vacy 1aWs
- Commun1caf1on p1vacy 1aWs
a. lncoecf. C1v11 1aW dea1s W1fh ham done fo an 1nd1v1dua1 o company and fhe
pun1shmenfs come 1n fhe fom of monefay 1nsfead of a11 f1me.
b. Coecf. C1v11 1aW dea1s W1fh ham done fo an 1nd1v1dua1 o company and fhe
pun1shmenfs come 1n fhe fom of monefay 1nsfead of a11 f1me.
c. lncoecf. C1v11 1aW dea1s W1fh ham done fo an 1nd1v1dua1 o company and fhe
pun1shmenfs come 1n fhe fom of monefay 1nsfead of a11 f1me.
d. lncoecf. C1v11 1aW dea1s W1fh ham done fo an 1nd1v1dua1 o company and fhe
pun1shmenfs come 1n fhe fom of monefay 1nsfead of a11 f1me.
a. Coecf. 1ademaks pofecf a spec1f1c Wod, symbo1, o name of bus1ness.
b. lncoecf. 1ademaks pofecf a spec1f1c Wod, symbo1, o name of bus1ness.
c. lncoecf. 1ademaks pofecf a spec1f1c Wod, symbo1, o name of bus1ness.
d. lncoecf. 1ademaks pofecf a spec1f1c Wod, symbo1, o name of bus1ness.
a. Coecf. Pafenfs pofecf 1deas and 1nvenf1ons.
b. lncoecf. Pafenfs pofecf 1deas and 1nvenf1ons.
c. lncoecf. Pafenfs pofecf 1deas and 1nvenf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Pafenfs pofecf 1deas and 1nvenf1ons.
a. lncoecf. hlPAA Was spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo pov1de pofecf1on and p1vacy of
an 1nd1v1dua1`s med1ca1 h1sfoy.
b. lncoecf. hlPAA Was spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo pov1de pofecf1on and p1vacy of
an 1nd1v1dua1`s med1ca1 h1sfoy.
c. Coecf. hlPAA Was spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo pov1de pofecf1on and p1vacy of
an 1nd1v1dua1`s med1ca1 h1sfoy.
d. lncoecf. hlPAA Was spec1f1ca11y des1gned fo pov1de pofecf1on and p1vacy of
an 1nd1v1dua1`s med1ca1 h1sfoy.
a. lncoecf. Pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs ae usua11y conf1nua11y g1ven and nof faken
b. lncoecf. Pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs ae usua11y conf1nua11y g1ven and nof faken
c. Coecf. Pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs ae usua11y conf1nua11y g1ven and nof faken
d. lncoecf. Pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs ae usua11y conf1nua11y g1ven and nof faken
a. lncoecf. 1h1s comm1ffee Was spec1f1ca11y ceafed fo mon1fo fhe adheence of
fhe1 GA55P 1nfomaf1on secu1fy gu1de11nes on an 1nfenaf1ona1 1eve1. 1he comm1ffee
has seven obecf1ves.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s comm1ffee Was spec1f1ca11y ceafed fo mon1fo fhe adheence of
fhe1 GA55P 1nfomaf1on secu1fy gu1de11nes on an 1nfenaf1ona1 1eve1. 1he comm1ffee
has seven obecf1ves.
c. Coecf. 1h1s comm1ffee Was spec1f1ca11y ceafed fo mon1fo fhe adheence of
fhe1 GA55P 1nfomaf1on secu1fy gu1de11nes on an 1nfenaf1ona1 1eve1. 1he comm1ffee
has seven obecf1ves.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s comm1ffee Was spec1f1ca11y ceafed fo mon1fo fhe adheence of
fhe1 GA55P 1nfomaf1on secu1fy gu1de11nes on an 1nfenaf1ona1 1eve1. 1he comm1ffee
has seven obecf1ves.

a. lncoecf. 1he lnfenef Acf1v1f1es 8oad {lA8} 1s a comm1ffee fo lnfenef

des1gn, eng1nee1ng, and managemenf. lf cons1des fhe use of fhe lnfenef as a
p1v11ege and shou1d be feafed as such.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch pupose1y
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
b. lncoecf. 1he lnfenef Acf1v1f1es 8oad {lA8} 1s a comm1ffee fo lnfenef
des1gn, eng1nee1ng, and managemenf. lf cons1des fhe use of fhe lnfenef as a
p1v11ege and shou1d be feafed as such.
kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch pupose1y
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
c. lncoecf. 1he lnfenef Acf1v1f1es 8oad {lA8} 1s a comm1ffee fo lnfenef
des1gn, eng1nee1ng, and managemenf. lf cons1des fhe use of fhe lnfenef as a
p1v11ege and shou1d be feafed as such.
kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch pupose1y
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
d. Coecf. 1he lnfenef Acf1v1f1es 8oad {lA8} 1s a comm1ffee fo lnfenef
des1gn, eng1nee1ng, and managemenf. lf cons1des fhe use of fhe lnfenef as a
p1v11ege and shou1d be feafed as such.
kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch pupose1y
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
a. Coecf. Compufe foens1cs 1s a f1e1d fhaf spec1a11zes 1n undesfand1ng and
pope1y exfacf1ng ev1dence fom compufes and pe1phea1 dev1ces fo fhe pupose
of posecuf1on. Co11ecf1on of fh1s fype of ev1dence equ1es a sk111 sef and
undesfand1ng of sevea1 e1af1ve 1aWs.
b. lncoecf. Compufe foens1cs 1s a f1e1d fhaf spec1a11zes 1n undesfand1ng and
pope1y exfacf1ng ev1dence fom compufes and pe1phea1 dev1ces fo fhe pupose
of posecuf1on. Co11ecf1on of fh1s fype of ev1dence equ1es a sk111 sef and
undesfand1ng of sevea1 e1af1ve 1aWs.
c. lncoecf. Compufe foens1cs 1s a f1e1d fhaf spec1a11zes 1n undesfand1ng and
pope1y exfacf1ng ev1dence fom compufes and pe1phea1 dev1ces fo fhe pupose
of posecuf1on. Co11ecf1on of fh1s fype of ev1dence equ1es a sk111 sef and
undesfand1ng of sevea1 e1af1ve 1aWs.
d. lncoecf. Compufe foens1cs 1s a f1e1d fhaf spec1a11zes 1n undesfand1ng and
pope1y exfacf1ng ev1dence fom compufes and pe1phea1 dev1ces fo fhe pupose
of posecuf1on. Co11ecf1on of fh1s fype of ev1dence equ1es a sk111 sef and
undesfand1ng of sevea1 e1af1ve 1aWs.
a. lncoecf. 1he lA8 has dec1aed Wasf1ng compufe esouces fhough puposefu1
acf1v1f1es unefh1ca1 because 1f sees fhese esouces as assefs fhaf ae fo be
ava11ab1e fo fhe compuf1ng soc1efy.
b. Coecf. 1he lA8 has dec1aed Wasf1ng compufe esouces fhough puposefu1
acf1v1f1es unefh1ca1 because 1f sees fhese esouces as assefs fhaf ae fo be
ava11ab1e fo fhe compuf1ng soc1efy.
LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. 1he lA8 has dec1aed Wasf1ng compufe esouces fhough puposefu1
acf1v1f1es unefh1ca1 because 1f sees fhese esouces as assefs fhaf ae fo be
ava11ab1e fo fhe compuf1ng soc1efy.
d. lncoecf. 1he lA8 has dec1aed Wasf1ng compufe esouces fhough puposefu1
acf1v1f1es unefh1ca1 because 1f sees fhese esouces as assefs fhaf ae fo be
ava11ab1e fo fhe compuf1ng soc1efy.
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae be1oW:
1. C1v11 {Code} LaW C1v11 1aW 1s u1e-based 1aW nof pecedence based
11. Common LaW 8ased on pev1ous 1nfepefaf1ons of 1aWs
111. Cusfomay LaW Dea1s ma1n1y W1fh pesona1 conducf and paffens of behav1o
1v. ke11g1ous LaW 5ysfems 8ased on e11g1ous be11efs of fhe eg1on
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae be1oW:
1. C1v11 {Code} LaW C1v11 1aW 1s u1e-based 1aW nof pecedence based
11. Common LaW 8ased on pev1ous 1nfepefaf1ons of 1aWs
111. Cusfomay LaW Dea1s ma1n1y W1fh pesona1 conducf and paffens of behav1o
1v. ke11g1ous LaW 5ysfems 8ased on e11g1ous be11efs of fhe eg1on
c. Coecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae be1oW:
1. C1v11 {Code} LaW C1v11 1aW 1s u1e-based 1aW nof pecedence based
11. Common LaW 8ased on pev1ous 1nfepefaf1ons of 1aWs
111. Cusfomay LaW Dea1s ma1n1y W1fh pesona1 conducf and paffens of behav1o
1v. ke11g1ous LaW 5ysfems 8ased on e11g1ous be11efs of fhe eg1on
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs ae be1oW:
1. C1v11 {Code} LaW C1v11 1aW 1s u1e-based 1aW nof pecedence based
11. Common LaW 8ased on pev1ous 1nfepefaf1ons of 1aWs
111. Cusfomay LaW Dea1s ma1n1y W1fh pesona1 conducf and paffens of behav1o
1v. ke11g1ous LaW 5ysfems 8ased on e11g1ous be11efs of fhe eg1on
a. lncoecf.. When dea11ng W1fh fhe poss1b1e compom1se of conf1denf1a1 company
1nfomaf1on o 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy, managemenf shou1d be 1nfomed and be 1nvo1ved
as soon as poss1b1e. 1hey ae fhe ones fhaf ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of dafa and ae fhe ones Who undesfand fhe damage 1fs 1eakage can cause. An
emp1oyee shou1d nof affempf fo addess and dea1 W1fh fhese 1ssues on h1s oWn.
b. lncoecf.. When dea11ng W1fh fhe poss1b1e compom1se of conf1denf1a1 company
1nfomaf1on o 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy, managemenf shou1d be 1nfomed and be 1nvo1ved
as soon as poss1b1e. 1hey ae fhe ones fhaf ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of dafa and ae fhe ones Who undesfand fhe damage 1fs 1eakage can cause. An
emp1oyee shou1d nof affempf fo addess and dea1 W1fh fhese 1ssues on h1s oWn.
c. Coecf. When dea11ng W1fh fhe poss1b1e compom1se of conf1denf1a1 company
1nfomaf1on o 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy, managemenf shou1d be 1nfomed and be 1nvo1ved
as soon as poss1b1e. 1hey ae fhe ones fhaf ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of dafa and ae fhe ones Who undesfand fhe damage 1fs 1eakage can cause. An
emp1oyee shou1d nof affempf fo addess and dea1 W1fh fhese 1ssues on h1s oWn.
d. lncoecf.. When dea11ng W1fh fhe poss1b1e compom1se of conf1denf1a1 company
1nfomaf1on o 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy, managemenf shou1d be 1nfomed and be 1nvo1ved
as soon as poss1b1e. 1hey ae fhe ones fhaf ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo fh1s fype
of dafa and ae fhe ones Who undesfand fhe damage 1fs 1eakage can cause. An
emp1oyee shou1d nof affempf fo addess and dea1 W1fh fhese 1ssues on h1s oWn.
a. lncoecf. Pope1y fo11oW1ng fhe cha1n of cusfody fo ev1dence 1s cuc1a1 fo
1f fo be adm1ss1b1e fo couf. A cha1n of cusfody 1s a h1sfoy fhaf shoWs hoW
ev1dence Was co11ecfed, ana1yzed, fanspofed, and peseved 1n ode fo be
pesenfed as ev1dence 1n couf. 8ecause e1ecfon1c ev1dence can be eas11y mod1f1ed,
a c1ea1y def1ned cha1n of cusfody demonsfafes fhaf fhe ev1dence 1s fusfWofhy.
b. lncoecf. Pope1y fo11oW1ng fhe cha1n of cusfody fo ev1dence 1s cuc1a1 fo
1f fo be adm1ss1b1e fo couf. A cha1n of cusfody 1s a h1sfoy fhaf shoWs hoW
ev1dence Was co11ecfed, ana1yzed, fanspofed, and peseved 1n ode fo be
pesenfed as ev1dence 1n couf. 8ecause e1ecfon1c ev1dence can be eas11y mod1f1ed,
a c1ea1y def1ned cha1n of cusfody demonsfafes fhaf fhe ev1dence 1s fusfWofhy.
c. lncoecf. Pope1y fo11oW1ng fhe cha1n of cusfody fo ev1dence 1s cuc1a1 fo
Page 9
LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
1f fo be adm1ss1b1e fo couf. A cha1n of cusfody 1s a h1sfoy fhaf shoWs hoW
ev1dence Was co11ecfed, ana1yzed, fanspofed, and peseved 1n ode fo be
pesenfed as ev1dence 1n couf. 8ecause e1ecfon1c ev1dence can be eas11y mod1f1ed,
a c1ea1y def1ned cha1n of cusfody demonsfafes fhaf fhe ev1dence 1s fusfWofhy.
d. Coecf. Pope1y fo11oW1ng fhe cha1n of cusfody fo ev1dence 1s cuc1a1 fo 1f
fo be adm1ss1b1e fo couf. A cha1n of cusfody 1s a h1sfoy fhaf shoWs hoW ev1dence
Was co11ecfed, ana1yzed, fanspofed, and peseved 1n ode fo be pesenfed as
ev1dence 1n couf. 8ecause e1ecfon1c ev1dence can be eas11y mod1f1ed, a c1ea1y
def1ned cha1n of cusfody demonsfafes fhaf fhe ev1dence 1s fusfWofhy.
a. lncoecf.. Ouf-of-band commun1caf1on means fo commun1cafe fhough some ofhe
fype of commun1caf1on channe1. Io examp1e, 1f 1aW enfocemenf agenfs Wee
1nvesf1gaf1ng a c1me on a nefWok, fhey shou1d nof shae 1nfomaf1on fhough e-ma11
fhaf passes a1ong fh1s nefWok. 1he c1m1na1 cou1d have sn1ffes sf111 1nsfa11ed,
fhus fh1s dafa may be ava11ab1e fo he.
b. Coecf. Ouf-of-band commun1caf1on means fo commun1cafe fhough some ofhe fype
of commun1caf1on channe1. Io examp1e, 1f 1aW enfocemenf agenfs Wee 1nvesf1gaf1ng
a c1me on a nefWok, fhey shou1d nof shae 1nfomaf1on fhough e-ma11 fhaf passes
a1ong fh1s nefWok. 1he c1m1na1 cou1d have sn1ffes sf111 1nsfa11ed, fhus fh1s dafa
may be ava11ab1e fo he.
c. lncoecf.. Ouf-of-band commun1caf1on means fo commun1cafe fhough some ofhe
fype of commun1caf1on channe1. Io examp1e, 1f 1aW enfocemenf agenfs Wee
1nvesf1gaf1ng a c1me on a nefWok, fhey shou1d nof shae 1nfomaf1on fhough e-ma11
fhaf passes a1ong fh1s nefWok. 1he c1m1na1 cou1d have sn1ffes sf111 1nsfa11ed,
fhus fh1s dafa may be ava11ab1e fo he.
d. lncoecf.. Ouf-of-band commun1caf1on means fo commun1cafe fhough some ofhe
fype of commun1caf1on channe1. Io examp1e, 1f 1aW enfocemenf agenfs Wee
1nvesf1gaf1ng a c1me on a nefWok, fhey shou1d nof shae 1nfomaf1on fhough e-ma11
fhaf passes a1ong fh1s nefWok. 1he c1m1na1 cou1d have sn1ffes sf111 1nsfa11ed,
fhus fh1s dafa may be ava11ab1e fo he.
a. Coecf. 1he ev1dence W1fh1n compufe c1mes usua11y comes sfa1ghf fom
compufes fhemse1ves. 1h1s means fhaf fhe dafa 1s he1d as e1ecfon1c vo1fages, Wh1ch
ae epesenfed as b1nay b1fs. 5ome dafa can be he1d on had d1ves and pe1phea1
dev1ces and some dafa may be he1d 1n fhe memoy of fhe sysfem 1fse1f. 1h1s fype of
ev1dence 1s 1nfang1b1e 1n fhaf 1f 1s nof made up of obecfs one can ho1d, see, and
man1pu1afe. Ofhe fypes of c1mes usua11y have ev1dence fhaf 1s moe fang1b1e 1n
nafue, Wh1ch 1s eas1e fo hand1e and confo1.
b. lncoecf. 1he ev1dence W1fh1n compufe c1mes usua11y comes sfa1ghf fom
compufes fhemse1ves. 1h1s means fhaf fhe dafa 1s he1d as e1ecfon1c vo1fages, Wh1ch
ae epesenfed as b1nay b1fs. 5ome dafa can be he1d on had d1ves and pe1phea1
dev1ces and some dafa may be he1d 1n fhe memoy of fhe sysfem 1fse1f. 1h1s fype of
ev1dence 1s 1nfang1b1e 1n fhaf 1f 1s nof made up of obecfs one can ho1d, see, and
man1pu1afe. Ofhe fypes of c1mes usua11y have ev1dence fhaf 1s moe fang1b1e 1n
nafue, Wh1ch 1s eas1e fo hand1e and confo1.
c. lncoecf. 1he ev1dence W1fh1n compufe c1mes usua11y comes sfa1ghf fom
compufes fhemse1ves. 1h1s means fhaf fhe dafa 1s he1d as e1ecfon1c vo1fages, Wh1ch
ae epesenfed as b1nay b1fs. 5ome dafa can be he1d on had d1ves and pe1phea1
dev1ces and some dafa may be he1d 1n fhe memoy of fhe sysfem 1fse1f. 1h1s fype of
ev1dence 1s 1nfang1b1e 1n fhaf 1f 1s nof made up of obecfs one can ho1d, see, and
man1pu1afe. Ofhe fypes of c1mes usua11y have ev1dence fhaf 1s moe fang1b1e 1n
nafue, Wh1ch 1s eas1e fo hand1e and confo1.
d. lncoecf. 1he ev1dence W1fh1n compufe c1mes usua11y comes sfa1ghf fom
compufes fhemse1ves. 1h1s means fhaf fhe dafa 1s he1d as e1ecfon1c vo1fages, Wh1ch
ae epesenfed as b1nay b1fs. 5ome dafa can be he1d on had d1ves and pe1phea1
dev1ces and some dafa may be he1d 1n fhe memoy of fhe sysfem 1fse1f. 1h1s fype of
ev1dence 1s 1nfang1b1e 1n fhaf 1f 1s nof made up of obecfs one can ho1d, see, and
man1pu1afe. Ofhe fypes of c1mes usua11y have ev1dence fhaf 1s moe fang1b1e 1n
nafue, Wh1ch 1s eas1e fo hand1e and confo1.
Page 10
LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. lf can be vey d1ff1cu1f fo defem1ne 1f compufe geneafed mafe1a1
has been mod1f1ed befoe 1f 1s pesenfed 1n couf. 51nce fh1s fype of ev1dence can
be a1feed W1fhouf be1ng defecfed, fhe couf cannof puf a 1of of We1ghf on fh1s fype
of ev1dence. Many f1mes compufe-geneafed ev1dence 1s cons1deed heasay, 1n fhaf
fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof back1ng 1f up.
b. Coecf. lf can be vey d1ff1cu1f fo defem1ne 1f compufe geneafed mafe1a1
has been mod1f1ed befoe 1f 1s pesenfed 1n couf. 51nce fh1s fype of ev1dence can
be a1feed W1fhouf be1ng defecfed, fhe couf cannof puf a 1of of We1ghf on fh1s fype
of ev1dence. Many f1mes compufe-geneafed ev1dence 1s cons1deed heasay, 1n fhaf
fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof back1ng 1f up.
c. lncoecf. lf can be vey d1ff1cu1f fo defem1ne 1f compufe geneafed mafe1a1
has been mod1f1ed befoe 1f 1s pesenfed 1n couf. 51nce fh1s fype of ev1dence can
be a1feed W1fhouf be1ng defecfed, fhe couf cannof puf a 1of of We1ghf on fh1s fype
of ev1dence. Many f1mes compufe-geneafed ev1dence 1s cons1deed heasay, 1n fhaf
fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof back1ng 1f up.
d. lncoecf. lf can be vey d1ff1cu1f fo defem1ne 1f compufe geneafed mafe1a1
has been mod1f1ed befoe 1f 1s pesenfed 1n couf. 51nce fh1s fype of ev1dence can
be a1feed W1fhouf be1ng defecfed, fhe couf cannof puf a 1of of We1ghf on fh1s fype
of ev1dence. Many f1mes compufe-geneafed ev1dence 1s cons1deed heasay, 1n fhaf
fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof back1ng 1f up.
a. lncoecf. Io ev1dence fo be adm1ss1b1e 1f musf be suff1c1enf, e11ab1e, and
e1evanf fo fhe case. Io ev1dence fo be e11ab1e 1f musf be cons1sfenf W1fh facf
and nof be based on op1n1on o be c1cumsfanf1a1.
b. lncoecf. Io ev1dence fo be adm1ss1b1e 1f musf be suff1c1enf, e11ab1e, and
e1evanf fo fhe case. Io ev1dence fo be e11ab1e 1f musf be cons1sfenf W1fh facf
and nof be based on op1n1on o be c1cumsfanf1a1.
c. Coecf. Io ev1dence fo be adm1ss1b1e 1f musf be suff1c1enf, e11ab1e, and
e1evanf fo fhe case. Io ev1dence fo be e11ab1e 1f musf be cons1sfenf W1fh facf
and nof be based on op1n1on o be c1cumsfanf1a1.
d. lncoecf. Io ev1dence fo be adm1ss1b1e 1f musf be suff1c1enf, e11ab1e, and
e1evanf fo fhe case. Io ev1dence fo be e11ab1e 1f musf be cons1sfenf W1fh facf
and nof be based on op1n1on o be c1cumsfanf1a1.
a. lncoecf. 1he I8l and 5ecef 5ev1ce ae bofh espons1b1e fo 1nvesf1gaf1ng
compufe c1mes. 1hey have fhe1 oWn u1sd1cf1ons and u1es ouf11n1ng Who
1nvesf1gafes Wh1ch fypes of c1mes.
b. Coecf. 1he I8l and 5ecef 5ev1ce ae bofh espons1b1e fo 1nvesf1gaf1ng
compufe c1mes. 1hey have fhe1 oWn u1sd1cf1ons and u1es ouf11n1ng Who
1nvesf1gafes Wh1ch fypes of c1mes.
c. lncoecf. 1he I8l and 5ecef 5ev1ce ae bofh espons1b1e fo 1nvesf1gaf1ng
compufe c1mes. 1hey have fhe1 oWn u1sd1cf1ons and u1es ouf11n1ng Who
1nvesf1gafes Wh1ch fypes of c1mes.
d. lncoecf. 1he I8l and 5ecef 5ev1ce ae bofh espons1b1e fo 1nvesf1gaf1ng
compufe c1mes. 1hey have fhe1 oWn u1sd1cf1ons and u1es ouf11n1ng Who
1nvesf1gafes Wh1ch fypes of c1mes.
a. lncoecf. Compan1es need fo be vey caefu1 abouf fhe 1fems fhey use fo enf1ce
1nfudes and affackes, because fhey may be seen as enfapmenf by fhe couf. lf 1s
besf fo gef fhe 1ega1 depafmenf 1nvo1ved befoe 1mp1emenf1ng fhese 1fems. Puff1ng a
pseudo-f1aW o honeypof 1n p1ace 1s usua11y seen as an enf1cemenf foo1.
b. lncoecf. Compan1es need fo be vey caefu1 abouf fhe 1fems fhey use fo enf1ce
1nfudes and affackes, because fhey may be seen as enfapmenf by fhe couf. lf 1s
besf fo gef fhe 1ega1 depafmenf 1nvo1ved befoe 1mp1emenf1ng fhese 1fems. Puff1ng a
pseudo-f1aW o honeypof 1n p1ace 1s usua11y seen as an enf1cemenf foo1.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es need fo be vey caefu1 abouf fhe 1fems fhey use fo enf1ce
1nfudes and affackes, because fhey may be seen as enfapmenf by fhe couf. lf 1s
besf fo gef fhe 1ega1 depafmenf 1nvo1ved befoe 1mp1emenf1ng fhese 1fems. Puff1ng a
pseudo-f1aW o honeypof 1n p1ace 1s usua11y seen as an enf1cemenf foo1.
d. Coecf. Compan1es need fo be vey caefu1 abouf fhe 1fems fhey use fo enf1ce
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
1nfudes and affackes, because fhey may be seen as enfapmenf by fhe couf. lf 1s
besf fo gef fhe 1ega1 depafmenf 1nvo1ved befoe 1mp1emenf1ng fhese 1fems. Puff1ng a
pseudo-f1aW o honeypof 1n p1ace 1s usua11y seen as an enf1cemenf foo1.
a. Coecf. lf 1s 1mpeaf1ve fhaf fhe company gefs human esouces 1nvo1ved 1f an
emp1oyee 1s cons1deed a suspecf 1n a compufe c1me. 1h1s depafmenf knoWs fhe 1aWs
and egu1af1ons pefa1n1ng fo emp1oyee feafmenf and can Wok fo pofecf fhe
emp1oyee and fhe company af fhe same f1me.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpeaf1ve fhaf fhe company gefs human esouces 1nvo1ved 1f an
emp1oyee 1s cons1deed a suspecf 1n a compufe c1me. 1h1s depafmenf knoWs fhe 1aWs
and egu1af1ons pefa1n1ng fo emp1oyee feafmenf and can Wok fo pofecf fhe
emp1oyee and fhe company af fhe same f1me.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpeaf1ve fhaf fhe company gefs human esouces 1nvo1ved 1f an
emp1oyee 1s cons1deed a suspecf 1n a compufe c1me. 1h1s depafmenf knoWs fhe 1aWs
and egu1af1ons pefa1n1ng fo emp1oyee feafmenf and can Wok fo pofecf fhe
emp1oyee and fhe company af fhe same f1me.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpeaf1ve fhaf fhe company gefs human esouces 1nvo1ved 1f an
emp1oyee 1s cons1deed a suspecf 1n a compufe c1me. 1h1s depafmenf knoWs fhe 1aWs
and egu1af1ons pefa1n1ng fo emp1oyee feafmenf and can Wok fo pofecf fhe
emp1oyee and fhe company af fhe same f1me.
a. Coecf. C1v11 {Code} LaW 1s fhe mosf W1despead 1ega1 sysfem 1n fhe Wo1d and
fhe mosf common 1ega1 sysfem 1n Luope. lf 1s sysfem of 1aW used 1n conf1nenfa1
Luopean counf1es such as Iance and 5pa1n.
b. lncoecf. C1v11 {Code} LaW 1s fhe mosf W1despead 1ega1 sysfem 1n fhe Wo1d and
fhe mosf common 1ega1 sysfem 1n Luope. lf 1s sysfem of 1aW used 1n conf1nenfa1
Luopean counf1es such as Iance and 5pa1n.
c. lncoecf. C1v11 {Code} LaW 1s fhe mosf W1despead 1ega1 sysfem 1n fhe Wo1d and
fhe mosf common 1ega1 sysfem 1n Luope. lf 1s sysfem of 1aW used 1n conf1nenfa1
Luopean counf1es such as Iance and 5pa1n.
d. lncoecf. C1v11 {Code} LaW 1s fhe mosf W1despead 1ega1 sysfem 1n fhe Wo1d and
fhe mosf common 1ega1 sysfem 1n Luope. lf 1s sysfem of 1aW used 1n conf1nenfa1
Luopean counf1es such as Iance and 5pa1n.
a. Coecf. Nofes fhaf ae faken by an 1nvesf1gafo W111, 1n mosf cases, nof be
adm1ss1b1e 1n couf as ev1dence. lf 1s nof seen as e11ab1e 1nfomaf1on and can on1y
be used by fhe 1nvesf1gafo fo he1p h1m emembe acf1v1f1es du1ng fhe
b. lncoecf. Nofes fhaf ae faken by an 1nvesf1gafo W111, 1n mosf cases, nof be
adm1ss1b1e 1n couf as ev1dence. lf 1s nof seen as e11ab1e 1nfomaf1on and can on1y
be used by fhe 1nvesf1gafo fo he1p h1m emembe acf1v1f1es du1ng fhe
c. lncoecf. Nofes fhaf ae faken by an 1nvesf1gafo W111, 1n mosf cases, nof be
adm1ss1b1e 1n couf as ev1dence. lf 1s nof seen as e11ab1e 1nfomaf1on and can on1y
be used by fhe 1nvesf1gafo fo he1p h1m emembe acf1v1f1es du1ng fhe
d. lncoecf. Nofes fhaf ae faken by an 1nvesf1gafo W111, 1n mosf cases, nof be
adm1ss1b1e 1n couf as ev1dence. lf 1s nof seen as e11ab1e 1nfomaf1on and can on1y
be used by fhe 1nvesf1gafo fo he1p h1m emembe acf1v1f1es du1ng fhe
a. lncoecf. ln mosf cases compufe e1afed ev1dence W111 fa11 unde fhe heasay
cafegoy because 1f 1s seen as cop1es of fhe o1g1na1 dafa fhaf 1s he1d 1n fhe
compufe 1fse1f and can be mod1f1ed W1fhouf any 1nd1caf1on. Lv1dence 1s cons1deed
heasay When fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof 1n p1ace fo va11dafe 1fs va11d1fy.
b. lncoecf. ln mosf cases compufe e1afed ev1dence W111 fa11 unde fhe heasay
cafegoy because 1f 1s seen as cop1es of fhe o1g1na1 dafa fhaf 1s he1d 1n fhe
compufe 1fse1f and can be mod1f1ed W1fhouf any 1nd1caf1on. Lv1dence 1s cons1deed
heasay When fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof 1n p1ace fo va11dafe 1fs va11d1fy.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
c. Coecf. ln mosf cases compufe e1afed ev1dence W111 fa11 unde fhe heasay
cafegoy because 1f 1s seen as cop1es of fhe o1g1na1 dafa fhaf 1s he1d 1n fhe
compufe 1fse1f and can be mod1f1ed W1fhouf any 1nd1caf1on. Lv1dence 1s cons1deed
heasay When fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof 1n p1ace fo va11dafe 1fs va11d1fy.
d. lncoecf. ln mosf cases compufe e1afed ev1dence W111 fa11 unde fhe heasay
cafegoy because 1f 1s seen as cop1es of fhe o1g1na1 dafa fhaf 1s he1d 1n fhe
compufe 1fse1f and can be mod1f1ed W1fhouf any 1nd1caf1on. Lv1dence 1s cons1deed
heasay When fhee 1s no f1sfhand poof 1n p1ace fo va11dafe 1fs va11d1fy.
a. Coecf. 8efoe a company can mon1fo 1fs emp1oyees 1f 1s supposed fo 1nfom
fhem fhaf fh1s fype of acf1v1fy can fake p1ace. lf a company mon1fos an emp1oyee
W1fhouf fe111ng h1m, fh1s cou1d be seen as an 1nvas1on of p1vacy. 1he emp1oyee had
an expecfed 1eve1 of p1vacy fhaf Was 1nvaded. 1he company shou1d 1mp1emenf
mon1fo1ng capab111f1es 1nfo 1fs secu1fy po11cy and emp1oyee aWaeness pogams.
b. lncoecf. 8efoe a company can mon1fo 1fs emp1oyees 1f 1s supposed fo 1nfom
fhem fhaf fh1s fype of acf1v1fy can fake p1ace. lf a company mon1fos an emp1oyee
W1fhouf fe111ng h1m, fh1s cou1d be seen as an 1nvas1on of p1vacy. 1he emp1oyee had
an expecfed 1eve1 of p1vacy fhaf Was 1nvaded. 1he company shou1d 1mp1emenf
mon1fo1ng capab111f1es 1nfo 1fs secu1fy po11cy and emp1oyee aWaeness pogams.
c. lncoecf. 8efoe a company can mon1fo 1fs emp1oyees 1f 1s supposed fo 1nfom
fhem fhaf fh1s fype of acf1v1fy can fake p1ace. lf a company mon1fos an emp1oyee
W1fhouf fe111ng h1m, fh1s cou1d be seen as an 1nvas1on of p1vacy. 1he emp1oyee had
an expecfed 1eve1 of p1vacy fhaf Was 1nvaded. 1he company shou1d 1mp1emenf
mon1fo1ng capab111f1es 1nfo 1fs secu1fy po11cy and emp1oyee aWaeness pogams.
d. lncoecf. 8efoe a company can mon1fo 1fs emp1oyees 1f 1s supposed fo 1nfom
fhem fhaf fh1s fype of acf1v1fy can fake p1ace. lf a company mon1fos an emp1oyee
W1fhouf fe111ng h1m, fh1s cou1d be seen as an 1nvas1on of p1vacy. 1he emp1oyee had
an expecfed 1eve1 of p1vacy fhaf Was 1nvaded. 1he company shou1d 1mp1emenf
mon1fo1ng capab111f1es 1nfo 1fs secu1fy po11cy and emp1oyee aWaeness pogams.
a. lncoecf. Many f1mes Whaf 1s coupfed, compom1sed, o faken fom a compufe
1s dafa, so fo sfand1ng 1aWs {Wh1ch ouf11ned am1f1caf1ons of fak1ng o damag1ng
anofhe`s popefy} fo be app11ed fo compufe c1mes, popefy had fo a1so 1nc1ude
dafa. Ove fhe yeas dafa and 1nfomaf1on have become many company`s mosf va1uab1e
assef, Wh1ch musf be pofecfed by fhe 1aWs.
b. Coecf. Many f1mes Whaf 1s coupfed, compom1sed, o faken fom a compufe 1s
dafa, so fo sfand1ng 1aWs {Wh1ch ouf11ned am1f1caf1ons of fak1ng o damag1ng
anofhe`s popefy} fo be app11ed fo compufe c1mes, popefy had fo a1so 1nc1ude
dafa. Ove fhe yeas dafa and 1nfomaf1on have become many company`s mosf va1uab1e
assef, Wh1ch musf be pofecfed by fhe 1aWs.
c. lncoecf. Many f1mes Whaf 1s coupfed, compom1sed, o faken fom a compufe
1s dafa, so fo sfand1ng 1aWs {Wh1ch ouf11ned am1f1caf1ons of fak1ng o damag1ng
anofhe`s popefy} fo be app11ed fo compufe c1mes, popefy had fo a1so 1nc1ude
dafa. Ove fhe yeas dafa and 1nfomaf1on have become many company`s mosf va1uab1e
assef, Wh1ch musf be pofecfed by fhe 1aWs.
d. lncoecf. Many f1mes Whaf 1s coupfed, compom1sed, o faken fom a compufe
1s dafa, so fo sfand1ng 1aWs {Wh1ch ouf11ned am1f1caf1ons of fak1ng o damag1ng
anofhe`s popefy} fo be app11ed fo compufe c1mes, popefy had fo a1so 1nc1ude
dafa. Ove fhe yeas dafa and 1nfomaf1on have become many company`s mosf va1uab1e
assef, Wh1ch musf be pofecfed by fhe 1aWs.
a. lncoecf. 1he Iedea1 P1vacy Acf of 1974 Was ceafed fo pofecf fhe u.5.
c1f1zens fom govenmenf agenc1es us1ng 1nfomaf1on fhaf fhey co11ecfed 1mpope1y.
1h1s acf has many sf1pu1af1ons W1fh1n 1f, one be1ng fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on can on1y be
used fo fhe eason 1f Was co11ecfed.
b. lncoecf. 1he Iedea1 P1vacy Acf of 1974 Was ceafed fo pofecf fhe u.5.
c1f1zens fom govenmenf agenc1es us1ng 1nfomaf1on fhaf fhey co11ecfed 1mpope1y.
1h1s acf has many sf1pu1af1ons W1fh1n 1f, one be1ng fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on can on1y be
used fo fhe eason 1f Was co11ecfed.
c. lncoecf. 1he Iedea1 P1vacy Acf of 1974 Was ceafed fo pofecf fhe u.5.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
c1f1zens fom govenmenf agenc1es us1ng 1nfomaf1on fhaf fhey co11ecfed 1mpope1y.
1h1s acf has many sf1pu1af1ons W1fh1n 1f, one be1ng fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on can on1y be
used fo fhe eason 1f Was co11ecfed.
d. Coecf. 1he Iedea1 P1vacy Acf of 1974 Was ceafed fo pofecf fhe u.5.
c1f1zens fom govenmenf agenc1es us1ng 1nfomaf1on fhaf fhey co11ecfed 1mpope1y.
1h1s acf has many sf1pu1af1ons W1fh1n 1f, one be1ng fhaf fhe 1nfomaf1on can on1y be
used fo fhe eason 1f Was co11ecfed.
a. lncoecf. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of go1ng fhough someone`s fash W1fh fhe
hopes of uncove1ng usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s cons1deed 1ega1, buf
b. Coecf. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of go1ng fhough someone`s fash W1fh fhe
hopes of uncove1ng usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s cons1deed 1ega1, buf
c. lncoecf. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of go1ng fhough someone`s fash W1fh fhe
hopes of uncove1ng usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s cons1deed 1ega1, buf
d. lncoecf. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s fhe acf of go1ng fhough someone`s fash W1fh fhe
hopes of uncove1ng usefu1 1nfomaf1on. Dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s cons1deed 1ega1, buf
a. Coecf. A sa1am1 affack 1s When sevea1 sma11 c1mes ae comm1ffed W1fh fhe
hopes fhaf fhe 1age c1me W111 nof be nof1ced. 1ak1ng a feW penn1es fom sevea1
accounfs 1s usf one, buf one of fhe moe peva1enf, examp1es of a sa1am1 affack.
b. lncoecf. A sa1am1 affack 1s When sevea1 sma11 c1mes ae comm1ffed W1fh fhe
hopes fhaf fhe 1age c1me W111 nof be nof1ced. 1ak1ng a feW penn1es fom sevea1
accounfs 1s usf one, buf one of fhe moe peva1enf, examp1es of a sa1am1 affack.
c. lncoecf. A sa1am1 affack 1s When sevea1 sma11 c1mes ae comm1ffed W1fh fhe
hopes fhaf fhe 1age c1me W111 nof be nof1ced. 1ak1ng a feW penn1es fom sevea1
accounfs 1s usf one, buf one of fhe moe peva1enf, examp1es of a sa1am1 affack.
d. lncoecf. A sa1am1 affack 1s When sevea1 sma11 c1mes ae comm1ffed W1fh fhe
hopes fhaf fhe 1age c1me W111 nof be nof1ced. 1ak1ng a feW penn1es fom sevea1
accounfs 1s usf one, buf one of fhe moe peva1enf, examp1es of a sa1am1 affack.
a. lncoecf. Lnfapmenf 1s When an affacke 1s m1s1ed 1nfo do1ng Wong and 1s
cons1deed 111ega1. Lnf1cemenf 1s 1u1ng a peson fo somefh1ng, buf nof f1ck1ng
h1m. A honeypof sysfem 1s a sac1f1c1a1 compufe puf up so fhaf affackes W111
affack 1f 1nsfead of c1f1ca1 poducf1on sysfems. 1h1s 1s an examp1e of enf1cemenf.
b. lncoecf. Lnfapmenf 1s When an affacke 1s m1s1ed 1nfo do1ng Wong and 1s
cons1deed 111ega1. Lnf1cemenf 1s 1u1ng a peson fo somefh1ng, buf nof f1ck1ng
h1m. A honeypof sysfem 1s a sac1f1c1a1 compufe puf up so fhaf affackes W111
affack 1f 1nsfead of c1f1ca1 poducf1on sysfems. 1h1s 1s an examp1e of enf1cemenf.
c. Coecf. Lnfapmenf 1s When an affacke 1s m1s1ed 1nfo do1ng Wong and 1s
cons1deed 111ega1. Lnf1cemenf 1s 1u1ng a peson fo somefh1ng, buf nof f1ck1ng
h1m. A honeypof sysfem 1s a sac1f1c1a1 compufe puf up so fhaf affackes W111
affack 1f 1nsfead of c1f1ca1 poducf1on sysfems. 1h1s 1s an examp1e of enf1cemenf.
d. lncoecf. Lnfapmenf 1s When an affacke 1s m1s1ed 1nfo do1ng Wong and 1s
cons1deed 111ega1. Lnf1cemenf 1s 1u1ng a peson fo somefh1ng, buf nof f1ck1ng
h1m. A honeypof sysfem 1s a sac1f1c1a1 compufe puf up so fhaf affackes W111
affack 1f 1nsfead of c1f1ca1 poducf1on sysfems. 1h1s 1s an examp1e of enf1cemenf.
a. lncoecf. lnfeogaf1ons shou1d be We11 fhoughf ouf 1n ode fo obfa1n fhe
mosf usefu1 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be subm1ffed and used 1n f1a1.
b. Coecf. lnfeogaf1ons shou1d be We11 fhoughf ouf 1n ode fo obfa1n fhe mosf
usefu1 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be subm1ffed and used 1n f1a1.
c. lncoecf. lnfeogaf1ons shou1d be We11 fhoughf ouf 1n ode fo obfa1n fhe
mosf usefu1 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be subm1ffed and used 1n f1a1.
d. lncoecf. lnfeogaf1ons shou1d be We11 fhoughf ouf 1n ode fo obfa1n fhe
mosf usefu1 1nfomaf1on fhaf can be subm1ffed and used 1n f1a1.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. Adm1n1sfaf1ve/egu1afoy 1aW dea1s W1fh egu1afoy sfandads fhaf
egu1afe pefomance and conducf. Govenmenf agenc1es ceafe fhese sfandads, Wh1ch
ae usua11y app11ed fo compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s W1fh1n fhose spec1f1c 1ndusf1es.
b. lncoecf. Adm1n1sfaf1ve/egu1afoy 1aW dea1s W1fh egu1afoy sfandads fhaf
egu1afe pefomance and conducf. Govenmenf agenc1es ceafe fhese sfandads, Wh1ch
ae usua11y app11ed fo compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s W1fh1n fhose spec1f1c 1ndusf1es.
c. lncoecf. Adm1n1sfaf1ve/egu1afoy 1aW dea1s W1fh egu1afoy sfandads fhaf
egu1afe pefomance and conducf. Govenmenf agenc1es ceafe fhese sfandads, Wh1ch
ae usua11y app11ed fo compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s W1fh1n fhose spec1f1c 1ndusf1es.
d. Coecf. Adm1n1sfaf1ve/egu1afoy 1aW dea1s W1fh egu1afoy sfandads fhaf
egu1afe pefomance and conducf. Govenmenf agenc1es ceafe fhese sfandads, Wh1ch
ae usua11y app11ed fo compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s W1fh1n fhose spec1f1c 1ndusf1es.
a. lncoecf. Means ae fhe Who and Why of a c1me, oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee
and When of a c1me, and means ae fhe capab111f1es of c1m1na1s fo comm1f c1mes.
b. Coecf. Means ae fhe Who and Why of a c1me, oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee and
When of a c1me, and means ae fhe capab111f1es of c1m1na1s fo comm1f c1mes.
c. lncoecf. Means ae fhe Who and Why of a c1me, oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee
and When of a c1me, and means ae fhe capab111f1es of c1m1na1s fo comm1f c1mes.
d. lncoecf. Means ae fhe Who and Why of a c1me, oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee
and When of a c1me, and means ae fhe capab111f1es of c1m1na1s fo comm1f c1mes.
a. lncoecf. C1m1na1 1aWs pofecf soc1efy and see a11 of soc1efy as a v1cf1m
When one of fhese 1aWs ae boken. 1he ep1mands passed doWn can be 1n fhe fom of
a11 f1me, Wheeas c1v11 cases do nof have a11 f1me as a poss1b1e pun1shmenf.
b. lncoecf. C1m1na1 1aWs pofecf soc1efy and see a11 of soc1efy as a v1cf1m
When one of fhese 1aWs ae boken. 1he ep1mands passed doWn can be 1n fhe fom of
a11 f1me, Wheeas c1v11 cases do nof have a11 f1me as a poss1b1e pun1shmenf.
c. Coecf. C1m1na1 1aWs pofecf soc1efy and see a11 of soc1efy as a v1cf1m When
one of fhese 1aWs ae boken. 1he ep1mands passed doWn can be 1n fhe fom of a11
f1me, Wheeas c1v11 cases do nof have a11 f1me as a poss1b1e pun1shmenf.
d. lncoecf. C1m1na1 1aWs pofecf soc1efy and see a11 of soc1efy as a v1cf1m
When one of fhese 1aWs ae boken. 1he ep1mands passed doWn can be 1n fhe fom of
a11 f1me, Wheeas c1v11 cases do nof have a11 f1me as a poss1b1e pun1shmenf.
a. Coecf. Lvey counfy aound fhe Wo1d has d1ffeenf 1aWs egad1ng compufe
c1me. Lach of fhe counf1es has d1ffeenf ev1dence co11ecf1on mefhods and 1aWs.
1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s so had fo posecufe When dea11ng W1fh c1mes fhaf ae pepefafed
fom emofe counf1es.
b. lncoecf. Lvey counfy aound fhe Wo1d has d1ffeenf 1aWs egad1ng compufe
c1me. Lach of fhe counf1es has d1ffeenf ev1dence co11ecf1on mefhods and 1aWs.
1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s so had fo posecufe When dea11ng W1fh c1mes fhaf ae pepefafed
fom emofe counf1es.
c. lncoecf. Lvey counfy aound fhe Wo1d has d1ffeenf 1aWs egad1ng compufe
c1me. Lach of fhe counf1es has d1ffeenf ev1dence co11ecf1on mefhods and 1aWs.
1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s so had fo posecufe When dea11ng W1fh c1mes fhaf ae pepefafed
fom emofe counf1es.
d. lncoecf. Lvey counfy aound fhe Wo1d has d1ffeenf 1aWs egad1ng compufe
c1me. Lach of fhe counf1es has d1ffeenf ev1dence co11ecf1on mefhods and 1aWs.
1h1s 1s Why 1f 1s so had fo posecufe When dea11ng W1fh c1mes fhaf ae pepefafed
fom emofe counf1es.
a. lncoecf. 1he 5offWae Pofecf1on Assoc1af1on {5PA} and 8us1ness 5offWae
A111ance {85A} Wee fomed fo pofecf soffWae vendos and fhe1 11censes aga1nsf
b. lncoecf. 1he 5offWae Pofecf1on Assoc1af1on {5PA} and 8us1ness 5offWae
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
A111ance {85A} Wee fomed fo pofecf soffWae vendos and fhe1 11censes aga1nsf
c. lncoecf. 1he 5offWae Pofecf1on Assoc1af1on {5PA} and 8us1ness 5offWae
A111ance {85A} Wee fomed fo pofecf soffWae vendos and fhe1 11censes aga1nsf
d. Coecf. 1he 5offWae Pofecf1on Assoc1af1on {5PA} and 8us1ness 5offWae
A111ance {85A} Wee fomed fo pofecf soffWae vendos and fhe1 11censes aga1nsf
a. lncoecf. LaW enfocemenf agenfs musf pefom a 1ega1 seach and se1zue of
ev1dence fo 1f fo be adm1ss1b1e 1nfo couf.
b. Coecf. LaW enfocemenf agenfs musf pefom a 1ega1 seach and se1zue of
ev1dence fo 1f fo be adm1ss1b1e 1nfo couf.
c. lncoecf. LaW enfocemenf agenfs musf pefom a 1ega1 seach and se1zue of
ev1dence fo 1f fo be adm1ss1b1e 1nfo couf.
d. lncoecf. LaW enfocemenf agenfs musf pefom a 1ega1 seach and se1zue of
ev1dence fo 1f fo be adm1ss1b1e 1nfo couf.
a. lncoecf. Co11ecf1ng ev1dence does nof 1nvo1ve fhe coufs 1ghf 1n fhe
beg1nn1ng of an 1nvesf1gaf1on, un1ess 1aW enfocemenf agenfs ae 1nvo1ved and need a
seach Waanf. 1he ofhe 1fems ae 1mpofanf fo comp1efe 1n any compufe c1me
b. Coecf. Co11ecf1ng ev1dence does nof 1nvo1ve fhe coufs 1ghf 1n fhe beg1nn1ng
of an 1nvesf1gaf1on, un1ess 1aW enfocemenf agenfs ae 1nvo1ved and need a seach
Waanf. 1he ofhe 1fems ae 1mpofanf fo comp1efe 1n any compufe c1me
c. lncoecf. Co11ecf1ng ev1dence does nof 1nvo1ve fhe coufs 1ghf 1n fhe
beg1nn1ng of an 1nvesf1gaf1on, un1ess 1aW enfocemenf agenfs ae 1nvo1ved and need a
seach Waanf. 1he ofhe 1fems ae 1mpofanf fo comp1efe 1n any compufe c1me
d. lncoecf. Co11ecf1ng ev1dence does nof 1nvo1ve fhe coufs 1ghf 1n fhe
beg1nn1ng of an 1nvesf1gaf1on, un1ess 1aW enfocemenf agenfs ae 1nvo1ved and need a
seach Waanf. 1he ofhe 1fems ae 1mpofanf fo comp1efe 1n any compufe c1me
a. Coecf. Masquead1ng 1s When someone pefends fo be someone e1se and 1s a fype
of pesonne1 affack. Dafa d1dd11ng and W1efapp1ng ae seen as opeaf1ona1 affacks
and dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s a phys1ca1 secu1fy affack.
b. lncoecf. Masquead1ng 1s When someone pefends fo be someone e1se and 1s a
fype of pesonne1 affack. Dafa d1dd11ng and W1efapp1ng ae seen as opeaf1ona1
affacks and dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s a phys1ca1 secu1fy affack.
c. lncoecf. Masquead1ng 1s When someone pefends fo be someone e1se and 1s a
fype of pesonne1 affack. Dafa d1dd11ng and W1efapp1ng ae seen as opeaf1ona1
affacks and dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s a phys1ca1 secu1fy affack.
d. lncoecf. Masquead1ng 1s When someone pefends fo be someone e1se and 1s a
fype of pesonne1 affack. Dafa d1dd11ng and W1efapp1ng ae seen as opeaf1ona1
affacks and dumpsfe d1v1ng 1s a phys1ca1 secu1fy affack.
a. lncoecf. 81ue box1ng Was fhe pocess of s1mu1af1ng a fequency fone, Wh1ch
a11oWed affackes fo ga1n fee 1ong d1sfance phone sev1ce. 1h1s fone Was
1nfepefed by fhe fe1ephone companys equ1pmenf as a va11d command. Pheakes
deve1oped o puchased dev1ces fhaf made fh1s fone fo obfa1n fee 1ong d1sfance
b. lncoecf. 81ue box1ng Was fhe pocess of s1mu1af1ng a fequency fone, Wh1ch
a11oWed affackes fo ga1n fee 1ong d1sfance phone sev1ce. 1h1s fone Was
1nfepefed by fhe fe1ephone companys equ1pmenf as a va11d command. Pheakes
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
deve1oped o puchased dev1ces fhaf made fh1s fone fo obfa1n fee 1ong d1sfance
c. Coecf. 81ue box1ng Was fhe pocess of s1mu1af1ng a fequency fone, Wh1ch
a11oWed affackes fo ga1n fee 1ong d1sfance phone sev1ce. 1h1s fone Was
1nfepefed by fhe fe1ephone companys equ1pmenf as a va11d command. Pheakes
deve1oped o puchased dev1ces fhaf made fh1s fone fo obfa1n fee 1ong d1sfance
d. lncoecf. 81ue box1ng Was fhe pocess of s1mu1af1ng a fequency fone, Wh1ch
a11oWed affackes fo ga1n fee 1ong d1sfance phone sev1ce. 1h1s fone Was
1nfepefed by fhe fe1ephone companys equ1pmenf as a va11d command. Pheakes
deve1oped o puchased dev1ces fhaf made fh1s fone fo obfa1n fee 1ong d1sfance
a. Coecf. Compan1es fhaf shae nefWok access W1fh oufs1de paf1es have a
doWnsfeam 11ab111fy fo confend W1fh. DoWnsfeam 11ab111fy means fhaf a company can
be 1ega11y espons1b1e 1f fhey do nof pacf1ce due cae pocedues fhaf can puf
pafnes af 1sk.
b. lncoecf. Compan1es fhaf shae nefWok access W1fh oufs1de paf1es have a
doWnsfeam 11ab111fy fo confend W1fh. DoWnsfeam 11ab111fy means fhaf a company can
be 1ega11y espons1b1e 1f fhey do nof pacf1ce due cae pocedues fhaf can puf
pafnes af 1sk.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es fhaf shae nefWok access W1fh oufs1de paf1es have a
doWnsfeam 11ab111fy fo confend W1fh. DoWnsfeam 11ab111fy means fhaf a company can
be 1ega11y espons1b1e 1f fhey do nof pacf1ce due cae pocedues fhaf can puf
pafnes af 1sk.
d. lncoecf. Compan1es fhaf shae nefWok access W1fh oufs1de paf1es have a
doWnsfeam 11ab111fy fo confend W1fh. DoWnsfeam 11ab111fy means fhaf a company can
be 1ega11y espons1b1e 1f fhey do nof pacf1ce due cae pocedues fhaf can puf
pafnes af 1sk.
a. lncoecf. ln ode fo a company fo be 11ab1e, pox1mafe causaf1on musf be
poven. 1h1s means fhaf 1f can be poven fhaf fhe company Was acfua11y af fau1f and
espons1b1e fo a negaf1ve acf1v1fy fhaf fook p1ace.
b. lncoecf. ln ode fo a company fo be 11ab1e, pox1mafe causaf1on musf be
poven. 1h1s means fhaf 1f can be poven fhaf fhe company Was acfua11y af fau1f and
espons1b1e fo a negaf1ve acf1v1fy fhaf fook p1ace.
c. Coecf. ln ode fo a company fo be 11ab1e, pox1mafe causaf1on musf be
poven. 1h1s means fhaf 1f can be poven fhaf fhe company Was acfua11y af fau1f and
espons1b1e fo a negaf1ve acf1v1fy fhaf fook p1ace.
d. lncoecf. ln ode fo a company fo be 11ab1e, pox1mafe causaf1on musf be
poven. 1h1s means fhaf 1f can be poven fhaf fhe company Was acfua11y af fau1f and
espons1b1e fo a negaf1ve acf1v1fy fhaf fook p1ace.
a. lncoecf. 1he L1ecfon1cs Commun1caf1ons P1vacy Acf of 196 ouf11nes fhe
pocedues 1aW enfocemenf agenfs have fo comp1efe befoe fhey can eavesdop on
1nd1v1dua1s. lf dea1f ma1n1y W1fh W1efapp1ng, buf as moe commun1caf1ons happened
fhough compufes, nefWoks, and e-ma11 fh1s acf Was exfended fo encompass fhose
fechno1og1es a1so.
b. Coecf. 1he L1ecfon1cs Commun1caf1ons P1vacy Acf of 196 ouf11nes fhe
pocedues 1aW enfocemenf agenfs have fo comp1efe befoe fhey can eavesdop on
1nd1v1dua1s. lf dea1f ma1n1y W1fh W1efapp1ng, buf as moe commun1caf1ons happened
fhough compufes, nefWoks, and e-ma11 fh1s acf Was exfended fo encompass fhose
fechno1og1es a1so.
c. lncoecf. 1he L1ecfon1cs Commun1caf1ons P1vacy Acf of 196 ouf11nes fhe
pocedues 1aW enfocemenf agenfs have fo comp1efe befoe fhey can eavesdop on
1nd1v1dua1s. lf dea1f ma1n1y W1fh W1efapp1ng, buf as moe commun1caf1ons happened
fhough compufes, nefWoks, and e-ma11 fh1s acf Was exfended fo encompass fhose
fechno1og1es a1so.
d. lncoecf. 1he L1ecfon1cs Commun1caf1ons P1vacy Acf of 196 ouf11nes fhe
pocedues 1aW enfocemenf agenfs have fo comp1efe befoe fhey can eavesdop on
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P2.fxf
1nd1v1dua1s. lf dea1f ma1n1y W1fh W1efapp1ng, buf as moe commun1caf1ons happened
fhough compufes, nefWoks, and e-ma11 fh1s acf Was exfended fo encompass fhose
fechno1og1es a1so.
a. Coecf. 1he P1vacy Acf of 1974 pofecfs fhe pesona1 1nfomaf1on of
1nd1v1dua1s fhaf ae he1d 1n fedea1 dafabases. Dafa can on1y be used fo fhe
pupose fhaf 1s Was co11ecfed, cannof be shaed W1fh fh1d pafy enf1f1es W1fhouf
fhe 1nd1v1dua1s consenf, and fhe 1nd1v1dua1 shou1d be ab1e fo subm1f changes 1f fhe
co11ecfed 1nfomaf1on 1s 1ncoecf.
b. lncoecf. 1he P1vacy Acf of 1974 pofecfs fhe pesona1 1nfomaf1on of
1nd1v1dua1s fhaf ae he1d 1n fedea1 dafabases. Dafa can on1y be used fo fhe
pupose fhaf 1s Was co11ecfed, cannof be shaed W1fh fh1d pafy enf1f1es W1fhouf
fhe 1nd1v1dua1s consenf, and fhe 1nd1v1dua1 shou1d be ab1e fo subm1f changes 1f fhe
co11ecfed 1nfomaf1on 1s 1ncoecf.
c. lncoecf. 1he P1vacy Acf of 1974 pofecfs fhe pesona1 1nfomaf1on of
1nd1v1dua1s fhaf ae he1d 1n fedea1 dafabases. Dafa can on1y be used fo fhe
pupose fhaf 1s Was co11ecfed, cannof be shaed W1fh fh1d pafy enf1f1es W1fhouf
fhe 1nd1v1dua1s consenf, and fhe 1nd1v1dua1 shou1d be ab1e fo subm1f changes 1f fhe
co11ecfed 1nfomaf1on 1s 1ncoecf.
d. lncoecf. 1he P1vacy Acf of 1974 pofecfs fhe pesona1 1nfomaf1on of
1nd1v1dua1s fhaf ae he1d 1n fedea1 dafabases. Dafa can on1y be used fo fhe
pupose fhaf 1s Was co11ecfed, cannof be shaed W1fh fh1d pafy enf1f1es W1fhouf
fhe 1nd1v1dua1s consenf, and fhe 1nd1v1dua1 shou1d be ab1e fo subm1f changes 1f fhe
co11ecfed 1nfomaf1on 1s 1ncoecf.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
qu1z Name = LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3
1. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo cafego1es: - such as
1nvenf1ons {pafenfs}, 1ndusf1a1 des1gns, and fademaks - and , Wh1ch
coves 11feay and af1sf1c Woks.
a. Copy1ghf, lndusf1a1 popefy
b. lndusf1a1 popefy, copy1ghf
c. C1v11, common
d. Common popefy, c1v11
2. lf you ae hav1ng a compufe c1me 1nvesf1gafed by 1aW enfocemenf agenfs, Whaf
shou1d you do fo ensue fhaf fhe ev1dence fhaf 1s conf1scafed does nof huf you
company`s poducf1on acf1v1f1es and poducf1v1fy?
a. Offe backup cop1es kepf 1n an off-s1fe fac111fy fo agenfs
b. Do nof a11oW any ev1dence fo be gafheed
c. On1y a11oW cefa1n sysfems and dafa fo be obfa1ned
d. ldenf1fy c1f1ca1 sysfems and dafa and ask fhe agenfs fo cop1es
3. Whaf 1s fhe f1sf sfep fhaf shou1d be faken When 1nvesf1gaf1ng a compufe c1me?
a. Phofogaph fhe aea, compufe, and confenfs on fhe sceen
b. Adv1se 1nd1v1dua1s 1n fhe aea of fhe1 1ghfs befoe ev1dence 1s co11ecfed
c. qu1ck1y 1ook fo p1anfed 1og1c bombs and 1oan hoses fo ensue damage cannof
be done
d. lssue a sfafemenf fo e1ease a11 necessay ev1dence
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng behav1os fo a Cl55P 1s nof 1nc1uded 1n fhe l5C{2} Code
of Lfh1cs?
a. Moa1
b. Lfh1ca1
c. Lega1
d. Confo1
5. Wh1ch k1nd of ev1dence poves o d1spoves a spec1f1c acf fhough oa1 fesf1mony
based on 1nfomaf1on gafheed fhough fhe W1fness`s f1ve senses?
a. D1ecf
b. C1cumsfanf1a1
c. Conc1us1ve
d. Cooboaf1ve
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has been deemed by fhe lnfenef Acf1v1f1es 8oad as
unefh1ca1 behav1o fo lnfenef uses?
a. Ceaf1ng compufe v1uses
b. Mon1fo1ng dafa faff1c
c. Wasf1ng compufe esouces
d. Concea11ng unaufho1zed accesses
7. 1aW 1s a1so efeed fo as fof 1aW.
a. C1v11
b. C1m1na1
c. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
d. Pub11c
. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an excepf1on fhaf a11oWs an off1ce fo conducf a seach
W1fhouf hav1ng fhe Waanf 1n hand?
a. Lv1dence C1cumsfance Docf1ne
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
b. Lx1genf C1cumsfance Docf1ne
c. Lv1dence of Adm1ss1b111fy Docf1ne
d. Lx1genf Pobab1e Docf1ne
9. 1he p1may goa1 of 1nc1denf hand11ng 1s fo:
a. 5uccessfu11y ef1eve a11 ev1dence fhaf can be used fo posecufe
b. Pepae fhe company fo fheafs and d1sasfes
c. lmpove fhe company`s d1sasfe ecovey p1an
d. Confa1n and epa1 any damage caused by an evenf
10. 1o be adm1ss1b1e 1n couf, compufe ev1dence musf:
a. 8e e1evanf
b. 8e annofafed
c. 8e p1nfed
d. Confa1n souce code
11. A fade secef has no exp1af1on dafe un1ess Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. 1he 1nfomaf1on 1s no 1onge secef o no 1onge pov1des econom1c benef1f fo
fhe company.
b. 1he 1nfomaf1on Was compom1sed
c. 1he pafenf had exp1ed
d. 1he econom1c benef1fs of fhe fade secef has exp1ed
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a componenf of MOM?
a. Oppofun1fy
b. Mefhod
c. Means
d. Mof1vaf1on
13. A copy of ev1dence o oa1 desc1pf1on of 1fs confenfs 1s ca11ed:
a. D1ecf ev1dence
b. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence
c. heasay ev1dence
d. 5econday ev1dence
14. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a1so knoWn as fof 1aW?
a. C1m1na1 1aW
b. Adm1n1sfaf1ve 1aW
c. Copy1ghf 1aW
d. C1v11 1aW
15. Mosf compufe e1afed documenfs ae cafego1zed as Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fypes
of ev1dence?
a. heasay ev1dence
b. D1ecf ev1dence
c. Cooboaf1ve ev1dence
d. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence
16. A company fakes on fhe fask of epa11ng any damage caused by an evenf and fo
have 1n p1ace a sef of sfeps fo pevenf fhe spead of fufhe damage. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng desc1bes fh1s pocedue?
a. Due cae
b. Due d111gence
c. lnc1denf hand11ng pogam
d. Opeaf1ons secu1fy
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des fhe sfongesf fom of 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy
a. Copy1ghf
b. 1ademak
c. Pafenf
d. 1ade secef
1. 1he gene1c appoach fo p1vacy 1s . kegu1af1on by 1ndusfy 1s
a. vef1ca1 enacfmenf, ho1zonfa1 enacfmenf
b. ho1zonfa1 enacfmenf, vef1ca1 enacfmenf
c. Genea1 enacfmenf, spec1f1c enacfmenf
d. 5pec1f1c enacfmenf, genea1 enacfmenf
19. lf a company fee1s 1f may be necessay fo mon1fo e-ma11 messages and usage,
fh1s musf be exp1a1ned fo fhe emp1oyees, f1sf fhough a secu1fy po11cy and fhen
fhough a consfanf em1nde such as a compufe banne o egu1a fa1n1ng. lf 1s
besf fo have an emp1oyee ead a documenf desc1b1ng Whaf fype of mon1fo1ng fhey
cou1d be subecfed fo, Whaf 1s cons1deed accepfab1e behav1o, and Whaf fhe
consequences of nof meef1ng fhose expecfaf1ons ae. 1he emp1oyees shou1d s1gn fh1s
documenf, Wh1ch can 1afe be feafed as a 1ega11y adm1ss1b1e documenf 1f necessay.
Whaf 1s fh1s documenf common1y efeed fo?
a. Non-d1sc1osue ageemenf
b. Wa1ve fo a easonab1e expecfaf1on of p1vacy
c. P1vacy confacf
d. Lx1sf1ng p1vacy ageemenf
20. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe fh1d sfep 1n 1nc1denf managemenf hand11ng?
a. 11age
b. lnvesf1gaf1on
c. 1ack1ng
d. Confa1nmenf
21. Was ceafed fo deve1op 1nfenaf1ona1 p1nc1p1es dea11ng
W1fh hoW d1g1fa1 ev1dence 1s fo be co11ecfed and hand1ed so va1ous coufs W111
ecogn1ze and use fhe ev1dence 1n fhe same manne.
a. lnfenaf1ona1 Ogan1zaf1on on Compufe Ioens1cs
b. lnfenaf1ona1 Ogan1zaf1on on Compufe Lv1dence
c. 5c1enf1f1c Wok1ng Goup on D1g1fa1 Lv1dence
d. 5c1enf1f1c Wok1ng Goup on Ioens1cs Lv1dence
22. Du1ng fhe exam1naf1on and ana1ys1s pocess of a foens1cs 1nvesf1gaf1on, 1f 1s
c1f1ca1 fhaf fhe 1nvesf1gafo Woks fom an 1mage fhaf confa1ns a11 of fhe dafa
fom fhe o1g1na1 d1sk. 1he 1mage musf have a11 buf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
a. A byfe-1eve1 copy
b. Capfued s1ack spaces
c. Capfued de1efed f11es
d. Capfued una11ocafed c1usfes
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. 8esf ev1dence 1s fhe p1may ev1dence used 1n a f1a1 because 1f pov1des fhe
mosf e11ab111fy.
11. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof v1eWed as e11ab1e and sfong 1n pov1ng 1nnocence o
gu11f {o 11ab111fy 1n c1v11 cases} When compaed fo besf ev1dence.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
111. Conc1us1ve ev1dence 1s efufab1e and cannof be confad1cfed.
1v. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence can pove an 1nfemed1afe facf fhaf can fhen be used fo
deduce o assume fhe ex1sfence of anofhe facf.
v. heasay ev1dence pefa1ns fo oa1 o W1ffen ev1dence pesenfed 1n couf fhaf 1s
secondhand and has no f1sfhand poof of accuacy o e11ab111fy.
a. 1
b. 11
c. 111
d. v
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy can be pofecfed by sevea1 d1ffeenf 1aWs,
depend1ng upon fhe fype of esouce 1f 1s. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo
cafego1es: 1ndusf1a1 popefy-such as 1nvenf1ons {pafenfs}, 1ndusf1a1 des1gns,
and fademaks-and copy1ghf, Wh1ch coves 11feay and af1sf1c Woks.
b. Coecf. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy can be pofecfed by sevea1 d1ffeenf 1aWs,
depend1ng upon fhe fype of esouce 1f 1s. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo
cafego1es: 1ndusf1a1 popefy-such as 1nvenf1ons {pafenfs}, 1ndusf1a1 des1gns,
and fademaks-and copy1ghf, Wh1ch coves 11feay and af1sf1c Woks.
c. lncoecf. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy can be pofecfed by sevea1 d1ffeenf 1aWs,
depend1ng upon fhe fype of esouce 1f 1s. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo
cafego1es: 1ndusf1a1 popefy-such as 1nvenf1ons {pafenfs}, 1ndusf1a1 des1gns,
and fademaks-and copy1ghf, Wh1ch coves 11feay and af1sf1c Woks.
d. lncoecf. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy can be pofecfed by sevea1 d1ffeenf 1aWs,
depend1ng upon fhe fype of esouce 1f 1s. lnfe11ecfua1 popefy 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo
cafego1es: 1ndusf1a1 popefy-such as 1nvenf1ons {pafenfs}, 1ndusf1a1 des1gns,
and fademaks-and copy1ghf, Wh1ch coves 11feay and af1sf1c Woks.
a. lncoecf. ln mosf cases 1aW enfocemenf agenfs W111 Wok W1fh a company fhaf
epofed a compufe c1me so fhaf fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe
company. C1f1ca1 sysfems and dafa shou1d be 1denf1f1ed and a equesf of copy1ng fhe
dafa fo fufue use shou1d be made. 8ackup cop1es W111 nof be accepfab1e fo fhe
agenfs fo 1nvesf1gaf1on and compan1es W111 nof have fhe feedom of fe111ng fhe
agenfs Whaf fhey can and cannof obfa1n du1ng fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on.
b. lncoecf. ln mosf cases 1aW enfocemenf agenfs W111 Wok W1fh a company fhaf
epofed a compufe c1me so fhaf fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe
company. C1f1ca1 sysfems and dafa shou1d be 1denf1f1ed and a equesf of copy1ng fhe
dafa fo fufue use shou1d be made. 8ackup cop1es W111 nof be accepfab1e fo fhe
agenfs fo 1nvesf1gaf1on and compan1es W111 nof have fhe feedom of fe111ng fhe
agenfs Whaf fhey can and cannof obfa1n du1ng fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on.
c. lncoecf. ln mosf cases 1aW enfocemenf agenfs W111 Wok W1fh a company fhaf
epofed a compufe c1me so fhaf fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe
company. C1f1ca1 sysfems and dafa shou1d be 1denf1f1ed and a equesf of copy1ng fhe
dafa fo fufue use shou1d be made. 8ackup cop1es W111 nof be accepfab1e fo fhe
agenfs fo 1nvesf1gaf1on and compan1es W111 nof have fhe feedom of fe111ng fhe
agenfs Whaf fhey can and cannof obfa1n du1ng fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on.
d. Coecf. ln mosf cases 1aW enfocemenf agenfs W111 Wok W1fh a company fhaf
epofed a compufe c1me so fhaf fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe
company. C1f1ca1 sysfems and dafa shou1d be 1denf1f1ed and a equesf of copy1ng fhe
dafa fo fufue use shou1d be made. 8ackup cop1es W111 nof be accepfab1e fo fhe
agenfs fo 1nvesf1gaf1on and compan1es W111 nof have fhe feedom of fe111ng fhe
agenfs Whaf fhey can and cannof obfa1n du1ng fhe 1nvesf1gaf1on.
a. Coecf. 1he f1sf sfep fhaf shou1d be faken 1s fo fake phofogaphs of fhe
aea, fhe compufe 1fse1f, fhe suound1ngs, and even fhe 1ns1de of fhe compufe.
b. lncoecf. 1he f1sf sfep fhaf shou1d be faken 1s fo fake phofogaphs of fhe
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
aea, fhe compufe 1fse1f, fhe suound1ngs, and even fhe 1ns1de of fhe compufe.
c. lncoecf. 1he f1sf sfep fhaf shou1d be faken 1s fo fake phofogaphs of fhe
aea, fhe compufe 1fse1f, fhe suound1ngs, and even fhe 1ns1de of fhe compufe.
d. lncoecf. 1he f1sf sfep fhaf shou1d be faken 1s fo fake phofogaphs of fhe
aea, fhe compufe 1fse1f, fhe suound1ngs, and even fhe 1ns1de of fhe compufe.
a. lncoecf. 1he l5C2 Code of Lfh1cs Canons ae:
Pofecf soc1efy, fhe commonWea1fh, and fhe 1nfasfucfue.
Acf honoab1y, honesf1y, usf1y, espons1b1y, and 1ega11y.
Pov1de d111genf and compefenf sev1ce fo p1nc1pa1s.
Advance and pofecf fhe pofess1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he l5C2 Code of Lfh1cs Canons ae:
Pofecf soc1efy, fhe commonWea1fh, and fhe 1nfasfucfue.
Acf honoab1y, honesf1y, usf1y, espons1b1y, and 1ega11y.
Pov1de d111genf and compefenf sev1ce fo p1nc1pa1s.
Advance and pofecf fhe pofess1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he l5C2 Code of Lfh1cs Canons ae:
Pofecf soc1efy, fhe commonWea1fh, and fhe 1nfasfucfue.
Acf honoab1y, honesf1y, usf1y, espons1b1y, and 1ega11y.
Pov1de d111genf and compefenf sev1ce fo p1nc1pa1s.
Advance and pofecf fhe pofess1on.
d. Coecf. 1he l5C2 Code of Lfh1cs Canons ae:
Pofecf soc1efy, fhe commonWea1fh, and fhe 1nfasfucfue.
Acf honoab1y, honesf1y, usf1y, espons1b1y, and 1ega11y.
Pov1de d111genf and compefenf sev1ce fo p1nc1pa1s.
Advance and pofecf fhe pofess1on.
a. Coecf. D1ecf ev1dence poves o d1spoves a spec1f1c acf fhough oa1
fesf1mony based on 1nfomaf1on gafheed fhough fhe W1fness`s f1ve senses.
b. lncoecf. D1ecf ev1dence poves o d1spoves a spec1f1c acf fhough oa1
fesf1mony based on 1nfomaf1on gafheed fhough fhe W1fness`s f1ve senses.
c. lncoecf. D1ecf ev1dence poves o d1spoves a spec1f1c acf fhough oa1
fesf1mony based on 1nfomaf1on gafheed fhough fhe W1fness`s f1ve senses.
d. lncoecf. D1ecf ev1dence poves o d1spoves a spec1f1c acf fhough oa1
fesf1mony based on 1nfomaf1on gafheed fhough fhe W1fness`s f1ve senses.
a. lncoecf. kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
b. lncoecf. kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
c. Coecf. kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
d. lncoecf. kIC 107 dec1aes unefh1ca1 and unaccepfab1e any acf1v1fy Wh1ch
5eeks fo ga1n unaufho1zed access fo fhe esouces of fhe lnfenef.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
D1supfs fhe 1nfended use of fhe lnfenef.
Wasfes esouces {peop1e, capac1fy, compufe} fhough such acf1ons.
Desfoys fhe 1nfeg1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on.
Compom1ses fhe p1vacy of uses.
a. Coecf. C1v11 1aWs dea1 W1fh Wongdo1ng aga1nsf an 1nd1v1dua1 o company.
1of 1s a Iench Wod fhaf means Wongdo1ng.
b. lncoecf. C1v11 1aWs dea1 W1fh Wongdo1ng aga1nsf an 1nd1v1dua1 o company.
1of 1s a Iench Wod fhaf means Wongdo1ng.
c. lncoecf. C1v11 1aWs dea1 W1fh Wongdo1ng aga1nsf an 1nd1v1dua1 o company.
1of 1s a Iench Wod fhaf means Wongdo1ng.
d. lncoecf. C1v11 1aWs dea1 W1fh Wongdo1ng aga1nsf an 1nd1v1dua1 o company.
1of 1s a Iench Wod fhaf means Wongdo1ng.

a. lncoecf. 1he Lx1genf C1cumsfance Docf1ne 1s an excepf1on fo fhe seach

Waanf equ1emenf fhaf a11oWs an off1ce fo conducf a seach W1fhouf hav1ng fhe
Waanf 1n hand 1f pobab1e cause 1s pesenf and desfucf1on of fhe ev1dence 1s
deemed 1mm1nenf.
b. Coecf. 1he Lx1genf C1cumsfance Docf1ne 1s an excepf1on fo fhe seach Waanf
equ1emenf fhaf a11oWs an off1ce fo conducf a seach W1fhouf hav1ng fhe Waanf 1n
hand 1f pobab1e cause 1s pesenf and desfucf1on of fhe ev1dence 1s deemed
c. lncoecf. 1he Lx1genf C1cumsfance Docf1ne 1s an excepf1on fo fhe seach
Waanf equ1emenf fhaf a11oWs an off1ce fo conducf a seach W1fhouf hav1ng fhe
Waanf 1n hand 1f pobab1e cause 1s pesenf and desfucf1on of fhe ev1dence 1s
deemed 1mm1nenf.
d. lncoecf. 1he Lx1genf C1cumsfance Docf1ne 1s an excepf1on fo fhe seach
Waanf equ1emenf fhaf a11oWs an off1ce fo conducf a seach W1fhouf hav1ng fhe
Waanf 1n hand 1f pobab1e cause 1s pesenf and desfucf1on of fhe ev1dence 1s
deemed 1mm1nenf.
a. lncoecf. 1he p1may goa1 of 1nc1denf hand11ng 1s fo confa1n and epa1 any
damage caused by an evenf and fo pevenf any fufhe damage.
b. lncoecf. 1he p1may goa1 of 1nc1denf hand11ng 1s fo confa1n and epa1 any
damage caused by an evenf and fo pevenf any fufhe damage.
c. lncoecf. 1he p1may goa1 of 1nc1denf hand11ng 1s fo confa1n and epa1 any
damage caused by an evenf and fo pevenf any fufhe damage.
d. Coecf. 1he p1may goa1 of 1nc1denf hand11ng 1s fo confa1n and epa1 any
damage caused by an evenf and fo pevenf any fufhe damage.
a. Coecf. Lv1dence musf be:
Musf be e1evanf fo fhe case
Pope pocess of co11ecf1ng ev1dence Was used
lf Was obfa1ned 1ega11y
Cha1n of cusfody Was pope1y fo11oWed
Pov1de 1nfomaf1on pefa1n1ng fo fhe suspecf`s mof1ves
Lv1dence shou1d pove o d1spove a facf 1n fhe case
b. lncoecf. Lv1dence musf be:
Musf be e1evanf fo fhe case
Pope pocess of co11ecf1ng ev1dence Was used
lf Was obfa1ned 1ega11y
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
Cha1n of cusfody Was pope1y fo11oWed
Pov1de 1nfomaf1on pefa1n1ng fo fhe suspecf`s mof1ves
Lv1dence shou1d pove o d1spove a facf 1n fhe case
c. lncoecf. Lv1dence musf be:
Musf be e1evanf fo fhe case
Pope pocess of co11ecf1ng ev1dence Was used
lf Was obfa1ned 1ega11y
Cha1n of cusfody Was pope1y fo11oWed
Pov1de 1nfomaf1on pefa1n1ng fo fhe suspecf`s mof1ves
Lv1dence shou1d pove o d1spove a facf 1n fhe case
d. lncoecf. Lv1dence musf be:
Musf be e1evanf fo fhe case
Pope pocess of co11ecf1ng ev1dence Was used
lf Was obfa1ned 1ega11y
Cha1n of cusfody Was pope1y fo11oWed
Pov1de 1nfomaf1on pefa1n1ng fo fhe suspecf`s mof1ves
Lv1dence shou1d pove o d1spove a facf 1n fhe case
a. Coecf. A fade secef has no exp1af1on dafe un1ess fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s no
1onge secef o no 1onge pov1des econom1c benef1f fo fhe company.
b. lncoecf. A fade secef has no exp1af1on dafe un1ess fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s no
1onge secef o no 1onge pov1des econom1c benef1f fo fhe company.
c. lncoecf. A fade secef has no exp1af1on dafe un1ess fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s no
1onge secef o no 1onge pov1des econom1c benef1f fo fhe company.
d. lncoecf. A fade secef has no exp1af1on dafe un1ess fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s no
1onge secef o no 1onge pov1des econom1c benef1f fo fhe company.
a. lncoecf. 1o undesfand fhe Whys 1n c1me, many f1mes 1f 1s necessay fo
undesfand fhe mof1vaf1on, oppofun1fy, and means {MOM}. Mof1vaf1ons ae fhe Who and
Why of a c1me. Oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee and When of a c1me, and means pefa1ns
fo fhe capab111f1es a c1m1na1 Wou1d need fo be successfu1. Mefhod 1s nof a
componenf of MOM.
b. Coecf. 1o undesfand fhe Whys 1n c1me, many f1mes 1f 1s necessay fo
undesfand fhe mof1vaf1on, oppofun1fy, and means {MOM}. Mof1vaf1ons ae fhe Who and
Why of a c1me. Oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee and When of a c1me, and means pefa1ns
fo fhe capab111f1es a c1m1na1 Wou1d need fo be successfu1. Mefhod 1s nof a
componenf of MOM.
c. lncoecf. 1o undesfand fhe Whys 1n c1me, many f1mes 1f 1s necessay fo
undesfand fhe mof1vaf1on, oppofun1fy, and means {MOM}. Mof1vaf1ons ae fhe Who and
Why of a c1me. Oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee and When of a c1me, and means pefa1ns
fo fhe capab111f1es a c1m1na1 Wou1d need fo be successfu1. Mefhod 1s nof a
componenf of MOM.
d. lncoecf. 1o undesfand fhe Whys 1n c1me, many f1mes 1f 1s necessay fo
undesfand fhe mof1vaf1on, oppofun1fy, and means {MOM}. Mof1vaf1ons ae fhe Who and
Why of a c1me. Oppofun1f1es ae fhe Whee and When of a c1me, and means pefa1ns
fo fhe capab111f1es a c1m1na1 Wou1d need fo be successfu1. Mefhod 1s nof a
componenf of MOM.
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof as e11ab1e as besf ev1dence. lf usua11y
cons1sf of Cop1es of documenfs, oa1 ev1dence, eyeW1fness fesf1mony
b. lncoecf. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof as e11ab1e as besf ev1dence. lf usua11y
cons1sf of Cop1es of documenfs, oa1 ev1dence, eyeW1fness fesf1mony
c. lncoecf. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof as e11ab1e as besf ev1dence. lf usua11y
cons1sf of Cop1es of documenfs, oa1 ev1dence, eyeW1fness fesf1mony
d. Coecf. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof as e11ab1e as besf ev1dence. lf usua11y
cons1sf of Cop1es of documenfs, oa1 ev1dence, eyeW1fness fesf1mony
a. lncoecf. C1v11 1aW 1s a1so knoWn as fof 1aW.
b. lncoecf. C1v11 1aW 1s a1so knoWn as fof 1aW.
c. lncoecf. C1v11 1aW 1s a1so knoWn as fof 1aW.
d. Coecf. C1v11 1aW 1s a1so knoWn as fof 1aW.
a. Coecf. Mosf compufe e1afed documenfs ae cafego1zed as heasay ev1dence.
b. lncoecf. Mosf compufe e1afed documenfs ae cafego1zed as heasay ev1dence.
c. lncoecf. Mosf compufe e1afed documenfs ae cafego1zed as heasay ev1dence.
d. lncoecf. Mosf compufe e1afed documenfs ae cafego1zed as heasay ev1dence.
a. lncoecf. 1hese acf1v1f1es ae fyp1ca1 of an 1nc1denf hand11ng pogam.
b. lncoecf. 1hese acf1v1f1es ae fyp1ca1 of an 1nc1denf hand11ng pogam.
c. Coecf. 1hese acf1v1f1es ae fyp1ca1 of an 1nc1denf hand11ng pogam.
d. lncoecf. 1hese acf1v1f1es ae fyp1ca1 of an 1nc1denf hand11ng pogam.
a. lncoecf. A pafenf 1s fhe sfongesf fom of 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy pofecf1on. A
copy1ghf 1s Weake fhan pafenf pofecf1on, buf fhe duaf1on of copy1ghf pofecf1on
1s 1onge. Peop1e ae pov1ded copy1ghf pofecf1on fo 11fe p1us 50 yeas.
b. lncoecf. A pafenf 1s fhe sfongesf fom of 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy pofecf1on. A
copy1ghf 1s Weake fhan pafenf pofecf1on, buf fhe duaf1on of copy1ghf pofecf1on
1s 1onge. Peop1e ae pov1ded copy1ghf pofecf1on fo 11fe p1us 50 yeas.
c. Coecf. A pafenf 1s fhe sfongesf fom of 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy pofecf1on. A
copy1ghf 1s Weake fhan pafenf pofecf1on, buf fhe duaf1on of copy1ghf pofecf1on
1s 1onge. Peop1e ae pov1ded copy1ghf pofecf1on fo 11fe p1us 50 yeas.
d. lncoecf. A pafenf 1s fhe sfongesf fom of 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy pofecf1on. A
copy1ghf 1s Weake fhan pafenf pofecf1on, buf fhe duaf1on of copy1ghf pofecf1on
1s 1onge. Peop1e ae pov1ded copy1ghf pofecf1on fo 11fe p1us 50 yeas.
a. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 appoaches fo addess1ng p1vacy, 1nc1ud1ng fhe
gene1c appoach and egu1af1on by 1ndusfy. 1he gene1c appoach 1s ho1zonfa1
enacfmenf. lf affecfs a11 1ndusf1es, 1nc1ud1ng govenmenf. kegu1af1on by 1ndusfy
1s vef1ca1 enacfmenf. lf def1nes equ1emenfs fo spec1f1c vef1ca1s, such as fhe
f1nanc1a1 secfo and hea1fh cae. ln bofh cases, fhe ovea11 obecf1ve 1s fWofo1d.
I1sf, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo pofecf c1f1zens pesona11y 1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
{Pll}. 5econd, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo ba1ance fhe needs of govenmenf and
bus1nesses fo co11ecf and use Pll W1fh cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1ssues.
b. Coecf. 1hee ae sevea1 appoaches fo addess1ng p1vacy, 1nc1ud1ng fhe
gene1c appoach and egu1af1on by 1ndusfy. 1he gene1c appoach 1s ho1zonfa1
enacfmenf. lf affecfs a11 1ndusf1es, 1nc1ud1ng govenmenf. kegu1af1on by 1ndusfy
1s vef1ca1 enacfmenf. lf def1nes equ1emenfs fo spec1f1c vef1ca1s, such as fhe
f1nanc1a1 secfo and hea1fh cae. ln bofh cases, fhe ovea11 obecf1ve 1s fWofo1d.
I1sf, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo pofecf c1f1zens pesona11y 1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
{Pll}. 5econd, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo ba1ance fhe needs of govenmenf and
bus1nesses fo co11ecf and use Pll W1fh cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1ssues.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 appoaches fo addess1ng p1vacy, 1nc1ud1ng fhe
gene1c appoach and egu1af1on by 1ndusfy. 1he gene1c appoach 1s ho1zonfa1
enacfmenf. lf affecfs a11 1ndusf1es, 1nc1ud1ng govenmenf. kegu1af1on by 1ndusfy
1s vef1ca1 enacfmenf. lf def1nes equ1emenfs fo spec1f1c vef1ca1s, such as fhe
f1nanc1a1 secfo and hea1fh cae. ln bofh cases, fhe ovea11 obecf1ve 1s fWofo1d.
LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
I1sf, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo pofecf c1f1zens pesona11y 1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
{Pll}. 5econd, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo ba1ance fhe needs of govenmenf and
bus1nesses fo co11ecf and use Pll W1fh cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1ssues.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 appoaches fo addess1ng p1vacy, 1nc1ud1ng fhe
gene1c appoach and egu1af1on by 1ndusfy. 1he gene1c appoach 1s ho1zonfa1
enacfmenf. lf affecfs a11 1ndusf1es, 1nc1ud1ng govenmenf. kegu1af1on by 1ndusfy
1s vef1ca1 enacfmenf. lf def1nes equ1emenfs fo spec1f1c vef1ca1s, such as fhe
f1nanc1a1 secfo and hea1fh cae. ln bofh cases, fhe ovea11 obecf1ve 1s fWofo1d.
I1sf, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo pofecf c1f1zens pesona11y 1denf1f1ab1e 1nfomaf1on
{Pll}. 5econd, fhe 1n1f1af1ves seek fo ba1ance fhe needs of govenmenf and
bus1nesses fo co11ecf and use Pll W1fh cons1deaf1on of secu1fy 1ssues.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s documenf 1s efeed fo as a Wa1ve of easonab1e expecfaf1on of
p1vacy {kLP}. 8y s1gn1ng fhe Wa1ve, emp1oyees Wa1ve fhe1 expecfaf1on fo p1vacy.
b. Coecf. 1h1s documenf 1s efeed fo as a Wa1ve of easonab1e expecfaf1on of
p1vacy {kLP}. 8y s1gn1ng fhe Wa1ve, emp1oyees Wa1ve fhe1 expecfaf1on fo p1vacy.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s documenf 1s efeed fo as a Wa1ve of easonab1e expecfaf1on of
p1vacy {kLP}. 8y s1gn1ng fhe Wa1ve, emp1oyees Wa1ve fhe1 expecfaf1on fo p1vacy.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s documenf 1s efeed fo as a Wa1ve of easonab1e expecfaf1on of
p1vacy {kLP}. 8y s1gn1ng fhe Wa1ve, emp1oyees Wa1ve fhe1 expecfaf1on fo p1vacy.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe sfeps of 1nc1denf managemenf hand11ng:
1. 11age
2. lnvesf1gaf1on
3. Confa1nmenf
4. Ana1ys1s
5. 1ack1ng
6. kecovey
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe sfeps of 1nc1denf managemenf hand11ng:
1. 11age
2. lnvesf1gaf1on
3. Confa1nmenf
4. Ana1ys1s
5. 1ack1ng
6. kecovey
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe sfeps of 1nc1denf managemenf hand11ng:
1. 11age
2. lnvesf1gaf1on
3. Confa1nmenf
4. Ana1ys1s
5. 1ack1ng
6. kecovey
d. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe sfeps of 1nc1denf managemenf hand11ng:
1. 11age
2. lnvesf1gaf1on
3. Confa1nmenf
4. Ana1ys1s
5. 1ack1ng
6. kecovey
a. lncoecf. lnfenaf1ona1 Ogan1zaf1on on Compufe Lv1dence {lOCL} Was ceafed fo
deve1op 1nfenaf1ona1 p1nc1p1es dea11ng W1fh hoW d1g1fa1 ev1dence 1s fo be
co11ecfed and hand1ed so va1ous coufs W111 ecogn1ze and use fhe ev1dence 1n fhe
same manne. W1fh1n fhe u.5., fhe 5c1enf1f1c Wok1ng Goup on D1g1fa1 Lv1dence
{5WDGL}, pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy Wh1ch 1s fo ensue cons1sfency acoss fhe
foens1c commun1fy.
b. Coecf. lnfenaf1ona1 Ogan1zaf1on on Compufe Lv1dence {lOCL} Was ceafed fo
deve1op 1nfenaf1ona1 p1nc1p1es dea11ng W1fh hoW d1g1fa1 ev1dence 1s fo be
co11ecfed and hand1ed so va1ous coufs W111 ecogn1ze and use fhe ev1dence 1n fhe
same manne. W1fh1n fhe u.5., fhe 5c1enf1f1c Wok1ng Goup on D1g1fa1 Lv1dence
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
{5WDGL}, pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy Wh1ch 1s fo ensue cons1sfency acoss fhe
foens1c commun1fy.
c. lncoecf. lnfenaf1ona1 Ogan1zaf1on on Compufe Lv1dence {lOCL} Was ceafed fo
deve1op 1nfenaf1ona1 p1nc1p1es dea11ng W1fh hoW d1g1fa1 ev1dence 1s fo be
co11ecfed and hand1ed so va1ous coufs W111 ecogn1ze and use fhe ev1dence 1n fhe
same manne. W1fh1n fhe u.5., fhe 5c1enf1f1c Wok1ng Goup on D1g1fa1 Lv1dence
{5WDGL}, pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy Wh1ch 1s fo ensue cons1sfency acoss fhe
foens1c commun1fy.
d. lncoecf. lnfenaf1ona1 Ogan1zaf1on on Compufe Lv1dence {lOCL} Was ceafed fo
deve1op 1nfenaf1ona1 p1nc1p1es dea11ng W1fh hoW d1g1fa1 ev1dence 1s fo be
co11ecfed and hand1ed so va1ous coufs W111 ecogn1ze and use fhe ev1dence 1n fhe
same manne. W1fh1n fhe u.5., fhe 5c1enf1f1c Wok1ng Goup on D1g1fa1 Lv1dence
{5WDGL}, pov1des s1m11a funcf1ona11fy Wh1ch 1s fo ensue cons1sfency acoss fhe
foens1c commun1fy.
a. Coecf. lf musf be a b1f-1eve1 copy, secfo by secfo, fo capfue de1efed
f11es, s1ack spaces, and una11ocafed c1usfes. 1hese fypes of 1mages can be ceafed
fhough fhe use of a spec1a11zed foo1 such as I1k lmage, LnCase, 5afeback, o fhe
-dd un1x uf111fy.
b. lncoecf. lf musf be a b1f-1eve1 copy, secfo by secfo, fo capfue de1efed
f11es, s1ack spaces, and una11ocafed c1usfes. 1hese fypes of 1mages can be ceafed
fhough fhe use of a spec1a11zed foo1 such as I1k lmage, LnCase, 5afeback, o fhe
-dd un1x uf111fy.
c. lncoecf. lf musf be a b1f-1eve1 copy, secfo by secfo, fo capfue de1efed
f11es, s1ack spaces, and una11ocafed c1usfes. 1hese fypes of 1mages can be ceafed
fhough fhe use of a spec1a11zed foo1 such as I1k lmage, LnCase, 5afeback, o fhe
-dd un1x uf111fy.
d. lncoecf. lf musf be a b1f-1eve1 copy, secfo by secfo, fo capfue de1efed
f11es, s1ack spaces, and una11ocafed c1usfes. 1hese fypes of 1mages can be ceafed
fhough fhe use of a spec1a11zed foo1 such as I1k lmage, LnCase, 5afeback, o fhe
-dd un1x uf111fy.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
1. 8esf ev1dence 1s fhe p1may ev1dence used 1n a f1a1 because 1f pov1des fhe
mosf e11ab111fy.
11. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof v1eWed as e11ab1e and sfong 1n pov1ng 1nnocence o
gu11f {o 11ab111fy 1n c1v11 cases} When compaed fo besf ev1dence.
111. Conc1us1ve ev1dence 1s 1efufab1e and cannof be confad1cfed.
1v. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence can pove an 1nfemed1afe facf fhaf can fhen be used fo
deduce o assume fhe ex1sfence of anofhe facf.
v. heasay ev1dence pefa1ns fo oa1 o W1ffen ev1dence pesenfed 1n couf fhaf 1s
secondhand and has no f1sfhand poof of accuacy o e11ab111fy.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
1. 8esf ev1dence 1s fhe p1may ev1dence used 1n a f1a1 because 1f pov1des fhe
mosf e11ab111fy.
11. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof v1eWed as e11ab1e and sfong 1n pov1ng 1nnocence o
gu11f {o 11ab111fy 1n c1v11 cases} When compaed fo besf ev1dence.
111. Conc1us1ve ev1dence 1s 1efufab1e and cannof be confad1cfed.
1v. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence can pove an 1nfemed1afe facf fhaf can fhen be used fo
deduce o assume fhe ex1sfence of anofhe facf.
v. heasay ev1dence pefa1ns fo oa1 o W1ffen ev1dence pesenfed 1n couf fhaf 1s
secondhand and has no f1sfhand poof of accuacy o e11ab111fy.
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
1. 8esf ev1dence 1s fhe p1may ev1dence used 1n a f1a1 because 1f pov1des fhe
mosf e11ab111fy.
11. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof v1eWed as e11ab1e and sfong 1n pov1ng 1nnocence o
gu11f {o 11ab111fy 1n c1v11 cases} When compaed fo besf ev1dence.
111. Conc1us1ve ev1dence 1s 1efufab1e and cannof be confad1cfed.
1v. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence can pove an 1nfemed1afe facf fhaf can fhen be used fo
deduce o assume fhe ex1sfence of anofhe facf.
v. heasay ev1dence pefa1ns fo oa1 o W1ffen ev1dence pesenfed 1n couf fhaf 1s
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LaW, lnvesf1gaf1on and Lfh1cs-P3.fxf
secondhand and has no f1sfhand poof of accuacy o e11ab111fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe pope def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
1. 8esf ev1dence 1s fhe p1may ev1dence used 1n a f1a1 because 1f pov1des fhe
mosf e11ab111fy.
11. 5econday ev1dence 1s nof v1eWed as e11ab1e and sfong 1n pov1ng 1nnocence o
gu11f {o 11ab111fy 1n c1v11 cases} When compaed fo besf ev1dence.
111. Conc1us1ve ev1dence 1s 1efufab1e and cannof be confad1cfed.
1v. C1cumsfanf1a1 ev1dence can pove an 1nfemed1afe facf fhaf can fhen be used fo
deduce o assume fhe ex1sfence of anofhe facf.
v. heasay ev1dence pefa1ns fo oa1 o W1ffen ev1dence pesenfed 1n couf fhaf 1s
secondhand and has no f1sfhand poof of accuacy o e11ab111fy.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
qu1z Name = Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof cons1deed an opeaf1ona1 assuance espons1b111fy?
a. 5epaaf1on of p1v11eged and use pogam code
b. Aud1f1ng and mon1fo1ng capab111f1es
c. 1usfed ecovey When fhe poducf expe1ences unexpecfed c1cumsfances
d. un1f and 1nfegaf1on fesf1ng
2. Mon1fo1ng fempeafue and hum1d1fy 1eve1s 1n equ1pmenf ooms 1s a c1f1ca1
secu1fy confo1 fhaf opeaf1ons goups musf ach1eve. Whaf fype of confo1 1s fh1s?
a. Log1ca1
b. Lnv1onmenfa1
c. Defeenf
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
3. 5ens1f1ve dafa 1s c1ass1f1ed based upon a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng facfos, excepf:
a. 5ecu1fy po11cy
b. Amounf of dafa
c. Age of dafa
d. Confenf of dafa
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf sfafemenf?
1. A sysfem eboof fakes p1ace affe fhe sysfem shufs 1fse1f doWn 1n an unconfo11ed
manne 1n esponse fo a kene1 {fusfed compuf1ng base} fa11ue.
11. An emegency sysfem esfaf fakes p1ace affe a sysfem fa11ue happens 1n an
unconfo11ed manne.
111. A sysfem co1d sfaf fakes p1ace When an expecfed kene1 o med1a fa11ue
happens and fhe egu1a ecovey pocedue cannof ecove fhe sysfem fo a moe
cons1sfenf sfafe.
1v. A sysfem Wam sfaf fakes p1ace When an expecfed kene1 o med1a fa11ue happens
and fhe egu1a ecovey pocedue cannof ecove fhe sysfem fo a moe cons1sfenf
a. 1, 11
b. 1, 11, 111
c. 1, 111, 1v
d. 111, 1v
5. As paf of fhe ovea11 d1sasfe ecovey p1an, fhe feam W1fes bus1ness
conf1nu1fy pocedues fhaf Wok fo efun opeaf1ons fo noma1 cond1f1ons. Whaf fype
of confo1 1s fhe bus1ness conf1nu1fy pocedue?
a. Defeenf
b. Pevenf1ve
c. Compensaf1ng
d. kecovey
6. Jonafhan Woks 1n a h1gh1y secue env1onmenf Whee use and dafa c1ass1f1caf1on
1s c1ose1y mon1foed. 1hee ae vey feW p1v11eged uses Who can access a11 dev1ces
af a p1v11eged 1eve1. When dea11ng W1fh fh1s fype of access 1eve1, Wh1ch 1s fue?
a. P1v11eged uses shou1d epesenf no moe fhan f1ve pecenf of fhe use
b. P1v11eged uses shou1d ouf1ne1y be ecef1f1ed.
c. P1v11eged sfafus shou1d on1y be ganfed du1ng emegenc1es.
d. 5ysfems and uses shou1d defau1f fo p1v11eged access 1n fhe evenf of a
7. ln fhe affemafh of compufe c1me, 1f 1s d1scoveed fhaf fhe acf Was ca1ed ouf
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
by an emp1oyee W1fh p1v11eged access. Of fhe fo11oW1ng, Wh1ch Wou1d be cons1deed
fhe besf mefhod fo pevenf1ng p1v11eged use m1suse?
a. kegu1a ev1eWs and ecef1f1caf1on by managemenf
b. upgade lD5 soffWae
c. Aud1f fa11s shou1d be beffe uf111zed
d. 5ecu1fy po11cy shou1d be updafed
. 5am 1s a neW manage af a efa11 sfoe. he has been 1nfomed fhaf fhe company has
had a conf1nua1 pob1em of uses 1nsfa111ng unappoved soffWae. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s fhe f1sf 1fem fhaf 5am shou1d have deve1oped and 1mp1anfed?
a. 1echn1ca1 confo1s fhaf do nof a11oW unappoved soffWae 1nsfa11af1on
b. Deacf1vaf1on of Java5c1pf on each Woksfaf1on
c. Accepfab1e use po11cy
d. Deacf1vaf1on of Acf1veX confo1s on each Woksfaf1on
9. A company fhaf W1shes fo max1m1ze dafa W1f1ng eff1c1ency shou1d .
a. lmp1emenf dafa sf1p1ng
b. ups1ze d1sk d1ves
c. L1m1f use access
d. M1o c1f1ca1 d1ves
10. 1he pesevaf1on of a secue sfafe 1n fhe evenf of fa11ue 1s efeed fo as
a. Ia11 secue
b. Ia11 safe
c. Ia11 ove
d. Ia11 es1sfanf
11. kaen 1s espons1b1e fo pocess1ng and p1nf1ng epofs fo fhe sen1o
managemenf feam and a11 secu1fy adm1n1sfafos. 1oday, she nof1ces fhaf one epof
confa1ns no dafa. Whaf shou1d kaen do W1fh fh1s epof?
a. Do nof p1nf 1f, as a cosf-sav1ng measue.
b. Do nof p1nf 1f, as 1f W111 be of no use fo fhe oWne.
c. P1nf 1f so fhe oWne knoWs fhe epof Was pocessed buf confa1ned no dafa.
d. P1nf 1f fo avo1d geff1ng f1ed.
12. As a genea1 sfafemenf, emp1oyees Who ae fansfe1ng 1nfena11y shou1d go
fhough Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. 1he1 access confo1s shou1d be ev1eWed
b. 1he1 access confo1s shou1d be de1efed and e-esfab11shed
c. 1he1 dev1ces such as 1apfops and badges shou1d be funed 1n and e1ssued
d. 1hey shou1d be sceened by a secu1fy adm1n1sfafo
13. 8ob 1s a neW secu1fy adm1n1sfafo af a f1nanc1a1 1nsf1fuf1on. 1he ogan1zaf1on
has expe1enced some susp1c1ous acf1v1fy on one of fhe c1f1ca1 seves fhaf confa1n
cusfome dafa. When ev1eW1ng hoW fhe sysfems ae adm1n1sfeed, he uncoves some
concen1ng 1ssues pefa1n1ng fo emofe adm1n1sfaf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d
nof be puf 1nfo p1ace fo educe fhese concens?
1. Commands and dafa shou1d nof fake p1ace 1n c1eafexf
11. 55h shou1d be used, nof 1e1nef.
111. 1u1y c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be adm1n1sfeed 1oca11y 1nsfead of emofe1y.
1v. On1y a sma11 numbe of adm1n1sfafos shou1d be ab1e fo cay ouf emofe
v. 5fong aufhenf1caf1on shou1d be 1n p1ace fo any adm1n1sfaf1on acf1v1f1es.
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 11, 111
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
d. 1v, v
14. Coupf1on/mod1f1caf1on 1s one of fhe b1ggesf fheafs fo an opeaf1ons
env1onmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe fyp1ca1 cu1p1f 1n fh1s fype of fheaf?
a. Lmp1oyees
b. v1uses
c. 8ad code
d. Poo ma1nfenance pocedues
15. lnceased deve1opmenfa1 fesf1ng and fhe use of on1y opeaf1ona1 dafa ae good
emed1es fo Whaf opeaf1ona1 secu1fy fheaf?
a. Lmp1oyee shou1de suf1ng
b. 5ysfem 1ncompaf1b111fy
c. 8uffe ovef1oWs
d. I1eWa11 avo1dance
16. Wh1ch Wou1d equ1e fhe 1oWesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on?
a. 5ysfem 1ogs
b. 8ackup cop1es of sysfem 1ogs
c. had cop1es of sens1f1ve company 1nfomaf1on
d. use fa1n1ng documenfaf1on
17. kemov1ng sens1f1ve dafa on med1a dev1ces, 1nc1ud1ng a11 po1nfes W1fh1n fhe
sysfem, 1s one Way fo pevenf .
a. Obecf euse
b. P1acy
c. Dafa d1dd11ng
d. Dafa coupf1on/man1pu1af1on
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf change confo1 def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. kequesf fo a change fo fake p1ace kequesfs shou1d be pesenfed fo an 1nd1v1dua1
o goup fhaf 1s espons1b1e fo appov1ng changes and ovesee1ng fhe acf1v1f1es of
changes fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n an env1onmenf.
11. Appova1 of fhe change 1he 1nd1v1dua1 equesf1ng fhe change shou1d nof usf1fy
fhe easons and c1ea1y shoW fhe benef1fs and poss1b1e p1ffa11s of fhe change.
111. Documenfaf1on of fhe change Once fhe change 1s appoved, 1f shou1d be enfeed
1nfo a change 1og. 1he 1og shou1d be updafed as fhe pocess conf1nues foWad
1v. 1esfed and pesenfed 1he change musf be fu11y fesfed fo uncove any unfoeseen
v. lmp1emenfaf1on Once fhe change 1s fu11y fesfed and appoved, a schedu1e shou1d be
deve1oped fhaf ouf11nes fhe poecfed phases of fhe change be1ng 1mp1emenfed and fhe
necessay m11esfones.
v1. kepof change fo managemenf A fu11 epof summa1z1ng fhe change shou1d be
subm1ffed fo managemenf.
a. 1v, v
b. 1, 11
c. 111
d. 11
19. 1aa 1eaves he opeaf1ons Woksfaf1on When she 1s summoned by fhe fonf desk
supev1so. ln he ushed ex1f, 1aa 1eaves he compufe un1ocked. Amy 1eans ove
and beg1ns boWs1ng fhough he pesona1 fo1des and f11es. Whaf 1s fh1s secu1fy
v1o1af1on knoWn as?
a. Obecf euse
b. 5hou1de suf1ng
c. 5muf affack
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
d. Masquead1ng
20. 5ome ogan1zaf1ons ove-1ssue p1v11eged access fo ensue fhaf uses can have
access fo dev1ces 1n emegency s1fuaf1ons o unconvenf1ona1 scena1os. 1h1s pacf1ce
v1o1afes Whaf sfandad secu1fy p1nc1p1e?
a. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
b. Job ofaf1on
c. Leasf p1v11ege
d. Due d111gence
21. Lmp1oyees ae fo1d fhaf fhe use of e-ma11 can on1y be used fo bus1ness puposes
and fhe1 acf1v1f1es W111 be mon1foed. v1o1af1ons W111 esu1f 1n a veba1 Wan1ng,
fhen a W1ffen Wan1ng, and f1na11y fem1naf1on. Whaf fype of confo1 1s fhe company
a. D1ecf1ve
b. Compensaf1ng
c. kecovey
d. Coecf1ve
22. Defecf1ve confo1s ae used fo 1denf1fy and eacf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof
a defecf1ve confo1?
a. Manfap
b. lnfeg1fy checks
c. v1o1af1on epofs
d. lD5
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
a. Zeo1zaf1on - oveW1f1ng W1fh a paffen des1gned fo ensue fhaf fhe dafa
fome1y on fhe med1a ae nof pacf1ca11y ecoveab1e
b. Degauss1ng - magnef1c scamb11ng of fhe paffens on a fape o d1sk fhaf
epesenf fhe 1nfomaf1on sfoed fhee
c. Desfucf1on - shedd1ng, cush1ng, bun1ng
d. Pug1ng - mak1ng 1nfomaf1on ecoveab1e W1fh exfaod1nay effof such as
phys1ca1 foens1cs 1n a 1aboafoy
24. A med1a 11ba1an keeps an updafed 1og of aufho1zed soffWae ves1ons 1nsfa11ed
on fhe company nefWok. 1h1s confo1 1s used fo pofecf aga1nsf Whaf fheaf?
a. Obecf euse
b. 5offWae p1acy
c. v1uses
d. unaufho1zed access v1o1af1ons
25. Goup1ng d1sks o seves fogefhe fo pov1de mufua1 suppof 1s ca11ed
a. M1o1ng
b. C1usfe1ng
c. Jouna11ng
d. Da1sy cha1n1ng
26. 1he emova1 of dafa emanence fom med1a dev1ces 1s a sfandad secu1fy measue
1n compuf1ng env1onmenfs. 1h1s emova1 pocess has many names. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s nof one of fhem?
a. Pug1ng
b. Degauss1ng
c. OveW1f1ng
d. De1ef1ng
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
27. h11ng neW emp1oyees equ1es sf1cf secu1fy confo1s fhaf musf be consfanf1y
ev1eWed and aud1fed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng confo1s Wou1d nof be assoc1afed W1fh
pesonne1 h11ng?
a. 8ackgound checks
b. Leasf p1v11ege
c. Dug sceen
d. NDA
2. Io a had d1ve 1n a edundanf aay, fhe 1s fhe amounf of f1me
befWeen fhe acfua1 fa11ue and fhe f1me When, affe nof1c1ng fhe fa11ue, someone
has ep1aced fhe fa11ed d1ve and fhe edundanf aay has comp1efed eW1f1ng fhe
1nfomaf1on on fhe neW d1ve.
a. Mean f1me fo epa1
b. Mean f1me befWeen fa11ues
c. Mean f1me befWeen opeaf1ons
d. Mean f1me fo 1mp1emenf
29. John 1s a neW nefWok adm1n1sfafo. One of h1s eng1nees has puf 1n a equesf
fo 1mp1emenf an l5DN 11ne, buf fhe company a1eady has an esfab11shed WAN 11nk. Why
Wou1d fhe eng1nee suggesf fh1s?
a. Ouf of band commun1caf1on
b. 51gna11ng channe1 fo confo1 1nfomaf1on
c. 51ng1e po1nf of fa11ue
d. Lxfanef commun1caf1on
30. A nefWok eng1nee usf 1nfomed 8ob fhaf fhe pa1fy dafa fo fhe1 kAlD sysfem
has been coupfed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe oufpuf of fh1s fype of
a. 1he hof sWappab1e d1ve has fa11ed
b. Dafa fom ofhe d1ves cannof be used fo ebu11d 1osf o coupfed dafa
c. 1hee of fhe f1ve d1ves cannof be eesfab11shed
d. 1he mean f1me fo epa1 usf deceased
31. Nancy 1s a neW nefWok adm1n1sfafo and has been faced W1fh dec1s1on of
1mp1emenf1ng e1fhe d1ecf access backup sysfems o sequenf1a1 access backup sfoage
dev1ces. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof pope1y desc1be fhese fypes of
a. Any po1nf on a D1ecf Access 5foage Dev1ce may be pompf1y eached, Wheeas
evey po1nf 1n befWeen fhe cuenf pos1f1on and fhe des1ed pos1f1on of a 5equenf1a1
Access 5foage Dev1ce musf be favesed 1n ode fo each fhe des1ed pos1f1on
b. Any po1nf on a 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ce may be pompf1y eached, Wheeas
evey po1nf 1n befWeen fhe cuenf pos1f1on and fhe des1ed pos1f1on of a D1ecf
Access 5foage Dev1ce musf be favesed 1n ode fo each fhe des1ed pos1f1on
c. 5ome fape d1ves have m1n1ma1 amounfs of D1ecf Access 1nfe111gence bu11f 1n
d. 1ape d1ves ae 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ces
32. 1s fhe fechn1que of segmenf1ng 1og1ca11y sequenf1a1 dafa,
such as a f11e, 1n a Way fhaf accesses of sequenf1a1 segmenfs ae made fo d1ffeenf
phys1ca1 sfoage dev1ces.
a. kAlD
b. MAlD
c. Dafa sf1p1ng
d. Pa1fy
33. 1s usefu1 When a pocess1ng dev1ce equesfs access fo dafa moe
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
qu1ck1y fhan a sfoage dev1ces can pov1de access.
a. kAlD
b. MAlD
c. Dafa sf1p1ng
d. Pa1fy
34. ae 1nsfucf1ons fhaf fe11 a kAlD sysfem hoW fo ebu11d fhe 1osf
dafa on fhe neW had d1ve.
a. Pa1fy
b. C1usfe1ng
c. 5f1p1ng
d. LCC
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has 1ncoecf kAlD 1eve1 mapp1ngs?
1. 0 - Dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved
11. 1 - M1o1ng of d1ves
111. 2 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves af fhe b1f 1eve1.
1v. 3 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves and pa1fy dafa he1d on one d1ve
a. None of fhem
b. A11 of fhem
c. 111
d. 1v
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has coecf kAlD 1eve1 mapp1ng{s}?
a. kAlD 3 - 81ock-1eve1 pa1fy
b. kAlD 4 - 8yfe-1eve1 pa1fy
c. kAlD 5 - lnfe1eave pa1fy
d. kAlD 1 - hamm1ng code pa1fy
37. John 1s espons1b1e fo dec1d1ng on fhe coecf kAlD 1eve1 fhaf 1s 1mp1emenfed
on fhe companys neW kAlD sysfem. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d he choose 1f fhe
numbe p1o1fy 1s pefomances 1nsfead of edundancy?
a. kAlD 1
b. kAlD 0
c. kAlD 4
d. kAlD 5
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Opeaf1ona1 assuance concenfafes on fhe poducfs ach1fecfue,
embedded feafues, and funcf1ona11fy fhaf enab1e a cusfome fo conf1nua11y obfa1n
fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on When us1ng fhe poducf. Lxamp1es of opeaf1ona1
assuances exam1ned 1n fhe eva1uaf1on pocess ae access confo1 mechan1sms, fhe
sepaaf1on of p1v11eged and use pogam code, aud1f1ng and mon1fo1ng
capab111f1es, covef channe1 ana1ys1s, and fusfed ecovey When fhe poducf
expe1ences unexpecfed c1cumsfances.
b. lncoecf. Opeaf1ona1 assuance concenfafes on fhe poducfs ach1fecfue,
embedded feafues, and funcf1ona11fy fhaf enab1e a cusfome fo conf1nua11y obfa1n
fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on When us1ng fhe poducf. Lxamp1es of opeaf1ona1
assuances exam1ned 1n fhe eva1uaf1on pocess ae access confo1 mechan1sms, fhe
sepaaf1on of p1v11eged and use pogam code, aud1f1ng and mon1fo1ng
capab111f1es, covef channe1 ana1ys1s, and fusfed ecovey When fhe poducf
expe1ences unexpecfed c1cumsfances.
c. lncoecf. Opeaf1ona1 assuance concenfafes on fhe poducfs ach1fecfue,
embedded feafues, and funcf1ona11fy fhaf enab1e a cusfome fo conf1nua11y obfa1n
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on When us1ng fhe poducf. Lxamp1es of opeaf1ona1
assuances exam1ned 1n fhe eva1uaf1on pocess ae access confo1 mechan1sms, fhe
sepaaf1on of p1v11eged and use pogam code, aud1f1ng and mon1fo1ng
capab111f1es, covef channe1 ana1ys1s, and fusfed ecovey When fhe poducf
expe1ences unexpecfed c1cumsfances.
d. Coecf. Opeaf1ona1 assuance concenfafes on fhe poducfs ach1fecfue,
embedded feafues, and funcf1ona11fy fhaf enab1e a cusfome fo conf1nua11y obfa1n
fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on When us1ng fhe poducf. Lxamp1es of opeaf1ona1
assuances exam1ned 1n fhe eva1uaf1on pocess ae access confo1 mechan1sms, fhe
sepaaf1on of p1v11eged and use pogam code, aud1f1ng and mon1fo1ng
capab111f1es, covef channe1 ana1ys1s, and fusfed ecovey When fhe poducf
expe1ences unexpecfed c1cumsfances.
a. lncoecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s guad aga1nsf fheafs fom fhe env1onmenf.
hum1d1fy, fempeafue, and sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy ae examp1es of env1onmenfa1 fheafs
fhaf equ1e pofecf1on.
b. Coecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s guad aga1nsf fheafs fom fhe env1onmenf.
hum1d1fy, fempeafue, and sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy ae examp1es of env1onmenfa1 fheafs
fhaf equ1e pofecf1on.
c. lncoecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s guad aga1nsf fheafs fom fhe env1onmenf.
hum1d1fy, fempeafue, and sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy ae examp1es of env1onmenfa1 fheafs
fhaf equ1e pofecf1on.
d. lncoecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s guad aga1nsf fheafs fom fhe env1onmenf.
hum1d1fy, fempeafue, and sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy ae examp1es of env1onmenfa1 fheafs
fhaf equ1e pofecf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1he amounf of dafa shou1d have no bea1ng on Whefhe o nof 1f 1s
deemed sens1f1ve. 1he age of dafa 1s s1gn1f1canf as 1f e1afes fo fhe
dec1ass1f1caf1on pocess. 1he confenf of fhe dafa and fhe defa11s of fhe secu1fy
po11cy a1so d1cfafe hoW dafa 1s c1ass1f1ed.
b. Coecf. 1he amounf of dafa shou1d have no bea1ng on Whefhe o nof 1f 1s
deemed sens1f1ve. 1he age of dafa 1s s1gn1f1canf as 1f e1afes fo fhe
dec1ass1f1caf1on pocess. 1he confenf of fhe dafa and fhe defa11s of fhe secu1fy
po11cy a1so d1cfafe hoW dafa 1s c1ass1f1ed.
c. lncoecf. 1he amounf of dafa shou1d have no bea1ng on Whefhe o nof 1f 1s
deemed sens1f1ve. 1he age of dafa 1s s1gn1f1canf as 1f e1afes fo fhe
dec1ass1f1caf1on pocess. 1he confenf of fhe dafa and fhe defa11s of fhe secu1fy
po11cy a1so d1cfafe hoW dafa 1s c1ass1f1ed.
d. lncoecf. 1he amounf of dafa shou1d have no bea1ng on Whefhe o nof 1f 1s
deemed sens1f1ve. 1he age of dafa 1s s1gn1f1canf as 1f e1afes fo fhe
dec1ass1f1caf1on pocess. 1he confenf of fhe dafa and fhe defa11s of fhe secu1fy
po11cy a1so d1cfafe hoW dafa 1s c1ass1f1ed.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
A sysfem eboof fakes p1ace affe fhe sysfem shufs 1fse1f doWn 1n a confo11ed
manne 1n esponse fo a kene1 {fusfed compuf1ng base} fa11ue. An emegency sysfem
esfaf fakes p1ace affe a sysfem fa11ue happens 1n an unconfo11ed manne. A
sysfem co1d sfaf fakes p1ace When an unexpecfed kene1 o med1a fa11ue happens and
fhe egu1a ecovey pocedue cannof ecove fhe sysfem fo a moe cons1sfenf sfafe.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
A sysfem eboof fakes p1ace affe fhe sysfem shufs 1fse1f doWn 1n a confo11ed
manne 1n esponse fo a kene1 {fusfed compuf1ng base} fa11ue. An emegency sysfem
esfaf fakes p1ace affe a sysfem fa11ue happens 1n an unconfo11ed manne. A
sysfem co1d sfaf fakes p1ace When an unexpecfed kene1 o med1a fa11ue happens and
fhe egu1a ecovey pocedue cannof ecove fhe sysfem fo a moe cons1sfenf sfafe.
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
A sysfem eboof fakes p1ace affe fhe sysfem shufs 1fse1f doWn 1n a confo11ed
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
manne 1n esponse fo a kene1 {fusfed compuf1ng base} fa11ue. An emegency sysfem
esfaf fakes p1ace affe a sysfem fa11ue happens 1n an unconfo11ed manne. A
sysfem co1d sfaf fakes p1ace When an unexpecfed kene1 o med1a fa11ue happens and
fhe egu1a ecovey pocedue cannof ecove fhe sysfem fo a moe cons1sfenf sfafe.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ngs:
A sysfem eboof fakes p1ace affe fhe sysfem shufs 1fse1f doWn 1n a confo11ed
manne 1n esponse fo a kene1 {fusfed compuf1ng base} fa11ue. An emegency sysfem
esfaf fakes p1ace affe a sysfem fa11ue happens 1n an unconfo11ed manne. A
sysfem co1d sfaf fakes p1ace When an unexpecfed kene1 o med1a fa11ue happens and
fhe egu1a ecovey pocedue cannof ecove fhe sysfem fo a moe cons1sfenf sfafe.
a. lncoecf. kecovey confo1s affempf fo efun cond1f1ons fo a noma1 sfafe.
8us1ness conf1nu1fy pocedues ae des1gned fo efun bus1ness opeaf1ons fo fhe1
noma1 sfafe fo11oW1ng a d1sasfe.
b. lncoecf. kecovey confo1s affempf fo efun cond1f1ons fo a noma1 sfafe.
8us1ness conf1nu1fy pocedues ae des1gned fo efun bus1ness opeaf1ons fo fhe1
noma1 sfafe fo11oW1ng a d1sasfe.
c. lncoecf. kecovey confo1s affempf fo efun cond1f1ons fo a noma1 sfafe.
8us1ness conf1nu1fy pocedues ae des1gned fo efun bus1ness opeaf1ons fo fhe1
noma1 sfafe fo11oW1ng a d1sasfe.
d. Coecf. kecovey confo1s affempf fo efun cond1f1ons fo a noma1 sfafe.
8us1ness conf1nu1fy pocedues ae des1gned fo efun bus1ness opeaf1ons fo fhe1
noma1 sfafe fo11oW1ng a d1sasfe.
a. lncoecf. P1v11eged uses shou1d a1Ways be ecef1f1ed as a Way of secu1ng
fhe env1onmenf and 1denf1fy1ng any faudu1enf acf1v1fy. lf 1s neve a good 1dea fo
sef sysfems and use access 1eve1s fo a p1v11eged defau1f 1eve1.
b. Coecf. P1v11eged uses shou1d a1Ways be ecef1f1ed as a Way of secu1ng fhe
env1onmenf and 1denf1fy1ng any faudu1enf acf1v1fy. lf 1s neve a good 1dea fo sef
sysfems and use access 1eve1s fo a p1v11eged defau1f 1eve1.
c. lncoecf. P1v11eged uses shou1d a1Ways be ecef1f1ed as a Way of secu1ng
fhe env1onmenf and 1denf1fy1ng any faudu1enf acf1v1fy. lf 1s neve a good 1dea fo
sef sysfems and use access 1eve1s fo a p1v11eged defau1f 1eve1.
d. lncoecf. P1v11eged uses shou1d a1Ways be ecef1f1ed as a Way of secu1ng
fhe env1onmenf and 1denf1fy1ng any faudu1enf acf1v1fy. lf 1s neve a good 1dea fo
sef sysfems and use access 1eve1s fo a p1v11eged defau1f 1eve1.
a. Coecf. 1he besf Way fo pevenf p1v11eged use abuse 1s fo conducf egu1a
managemenf ev1eWs and ouf1ne ecef1f1caf1on. 1h1s W111 he1p 1denf1fy abuse and
a1so pov1de a defeenf fo fhe uses.
b. lncoecf. 1he besf Way fo pevenf p1v11eged use abuse 1s fo conducf egu1a
managemenf ev1eWs and ouf1ne ecef1f1caf1on. 1h1s W111 he1p 1denf1fy abuse and
a1so pov1de a defeenf fo fhe uses.
c. lncoecf. 1he besf Way fo pevenf p1v11eged use abuse 1s fo conducf egu1a
managemenf ev1eWs and ouf1ne ecef1f1caf1on. 1h1s W111 he1p 1denf1fy abuse and
a1so pov1de a defeenf fo fhe uses.
d. lncoecf. 1he besf Way fo pevenf p1v11eged use abuse 1s fo conducf egu1a
managemenf ev1eWs and ouf1ne ecef1f1caf1on. 1h1s W111 he1p 1denf1fy abuse and
a1so pov1de a defeenf fo fhe uses.

a. lncoecf. Compan1es shou1d have an accepfab1e use po11cy, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes Whaf
soffWae uses can 1nsfa11 and 1nfoms uses fhaf fhe env1onmenf W111 be suveyed
fom f1me fo f1me fo ve1fy comp11ance. 1echn1ca1 confo1s shou1d be emp1aced fo
pevenf unaufho1zed uses fom be1ng ab1e fo 1nsfa11 unaufho1zed soffWae 1n fhe
b. lncoecf. Compan1es shou1d have an accepfab1e use po11cy, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes Whaf
soffWae uses can 1nsfa11 and 1nfoms uses fhaf fhe env1onmenf W111 be suveyed
fom f1me fo f1me fo ve1fy comp11ance. 1echn1ca1 confo1s shou1d be emp1aced fo
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
pevenf unaufho1zed uses fom be1ng ab1e fo 1nsfa11 unaufho1zed soffWae 1n fhe
c. Coecf. Compan1es shou1d have an accepfab1e use po11cy, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes Whaf
soffWae uses can 1nsfa11 and 1nfoms uses fhaf fhe env1onmenf W111 be suveyed
fom f1me fo f1me fo ve1fy comp11ance. 1echn1ca1 confo1s shou1d be emp1aced fo
pevenf unaufho1zed uses fom be1ng ab1e fo 1nsfa11 unaufho1zed soffWae 1n fhe
d. lncoecf. Compan1es shou1d have an accepfab1e use po11cy, Wh1ch 1nd1cafes Whaf
soffWae uses can 1nsfa11 and 1nfoms uses fhaf fhe env1onmenf W111 be suveyed
fom f1me fo f1me fo ve1fy comp11ance. 1echn1ca1 confo1s shou1d be emp1aced fo
pevenf unaufho1zed uses fom be1ng ab1e fo 1nsfa11 unaufho1zed soffWae 1n fhe
a. Coecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s a pocess of W1f1ng dafa acoss sevea1 d1ves af
b. lncoecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s a pocess of W1f1ng dafa acoss sevea1 d1ves af
c. lncoecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s a pocess of W1f1ng dafa acoss sevea1 d1ves af
d. lncoecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s a pocess of W1f1ng dafa acoss sevea1 d1ves af
a. Coecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces a fa11 secue sfafe ensues fhaf fhe sysfem
o11s back fo a secued sfafe 1f a secu1fy beach Wee fo occu.
b. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces a fa11 secue sfafe ensues fhaf fhe sysfem
o11s back fo a secued sfafe 1f a secu1fy beach Wee fo occu.
c. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces a fa11 secue sfafe ensues fhaf fhe sysfem
o11s back fo a secued sfafe 1f a secu1fy beach Wee fo occu.
d. lncoecf. A sysfem fhaf enfoces a fa11 secue sfafe ensues fhaf fhe sysfem
o11s back fo a secued sfafe 1f a secu1fy beach Wee fo occu.
a. lncoecf. 1he oWne needs fo knoW fhaf fhe epof confa1ned no dafa. lf kaen
s1mp1y sk1pped fh1s epof, fhe oWne cou1d assume fhaf 1f Was 1osf. Losf dafa 1s a
secu1fy concen fhaf Wou1d mosf 11ke1y esu1f 1n a pan1c o unnecessay eacf1on by
fhe oWne.
b. lncoecf. 1he oWne needs fo knoW fhaf fhe epof confa1ned no dafa. lf kaen
s1mp1y sk1pped fh1s epof, fhe oWne cou1d assume fhaf 1f Was 1osf. Losf dafa 1s a
secu1fy concen fhaf Wou1d mosf 11ke1y esu1f 1n a pan1c o unnecessay eacf1on by
fhe oWne.
c. Coecf. 1he oWne needs fo knoW fhaf fhe epof confa1ned no dafa. lf kaen
s1mp1y sk1pped fh1s epof, fhe oWne cou1d assume fhaf 1f Was 1osf. Losf dafa 1s a
secu1fy concen fhaf Wou1d mosf 11ke1y esu1f 1n a pan1c o unnecessay eacf1on by
fhe oWne.
d. lncoecf. 1he oWne needs fo knoW fhaf fhe epof confa1ned no dafa. lf kaen
s1mp1y sk1pped fh1s epof, fhe oWne cou1d assume fhaf 1f Was 1osf. Losf dafa 1s a
secu1fy concen fhaf Wou1d mosf 11ke1y esu1f 1n a pan1c o unnecessay eacf1on by
fhe oWne.
a. Coecf. 8ecause a11 fansfes ae d1ffeenf, fhe besf ansWe hee 1s fhaf fhe
emp1oyees access confo1s shou1d be ev1eWed. hav1ng pem1ss1ons de1efed and
fun1ng 1n dev1ces ae nof good cho1ces 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee an emp1oyee 1s mak1ng a
1afea1 fansfe o even accepf1ng a pomof1on.
b. lncoecf. 8ecause a11 fansfes ae d1ffeenf, fhe besf ansWe hee 1s fhaf fhe
emp1oyees access confo1s shou1d be ev1eWed. hav1ng pem1ss1ons de1efed and
fun1ng 1n dev1ces ae nof good cho1ces 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee an emp1oyee 1s mak1ng a
1afea1 fansfe o even accepf1ng a pomof1on.
c. lncoecf. 8ecause a11 fansfes ae d1ffeenf, fhe besf ansWe hee 1s fhaf fhe
emp1oyees access confo1s shou1d be ev1eWed. hav1ng pem1ss1ons de1efed and
fun1ng 1n dev1ces ae nof good cho1ces 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee an emp1oyee 1s mak1ng a
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
1afea1 fansfe o even accepf1ng a pomof1on.
d. lncoecf. 8ecause a11 fansfes ae d1ffeenf, fhe besf ansWe hee 1s fhaf fhe
emp1oyees access confo1s shou1d be ev1eWed. hav1ng pem1ss1ons de1efed and
fun1ng 1n dev1ces ae nof good cho1ces 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee an emp1oyee 1s mak1ng a
1afea1 fansfe o even accepf1ng a pomof1on.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace fo ensue secue emofe
- Commands and dafa shou1d nof fake p1ace 1n c1eafexf {fhaf 1s, shou1d be
encypfed}. Io examp1e, 55h shou1d be used, nof 1e1nef.
- 1u1y c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be adm1n1sfeed 1oca11y 1nsfead of emofe1y.
- On1y a sma11 numbe of adm1n1sfafos shou1d be ab1e fo cay ouf fh1s emofe
- 5fong aufhenf1caf1on shou1d be 1n p1ace fo any adm1n1sfaf1on acf1v1f1es.
b. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace fo ensue secue emofe adm1n1sfaf1on,
- Commands and dafa shou1d nof fake p1ace 1n c1eafexf {fhaf 1s, shou1d be
encypfed}. Io examp1e, 55h shou1d be used, nof 1e1nef.
- 1u1y c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be adm1n1sfeed 1oca11y 1nsfead of emofe1y.
- On1y a sma11 numbe of adm1n1sfafos shou1d be ab1e fo cay ouf fh1s emofe
- 5fong aufhenf1caf1on shou1d be 1n p1ace fo any adm1n1sfaf1on acf1v1f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace fo ensue secue emofe
- Commands and dafa shou1d nof fake p1ace 1n c1eafexf {fhaf 1s, shou1d be
encypfed}. Io examp1e, 55h shou1d be used, nof 1e1nef.
- 1u1y c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be adm1n1sfeed 1oca11y 1nsfead of emofe1y.
- On1y a sma11 numbe of adm1n1sfafos shou1d be ab1e fo cay ouf fh1s emofe
- 5fong aufhenf1caf1on shou1d be 1n p1ace fo any adm1n1sfaf1on acf1v1f1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace fo ensue secue emofe
- Commands and dafa shou1d nof fake p1ace 1n c1eafexf {fhaf 1s, shou1d be
encypfed}. Io examp1e, 55h shou1d be used, nof 1e1nef.
- 1u1y c1f1ca1 sysfems shou1d be adm1n1sfeed 1oca11y 1nsfead of emofe1y.
- On1y a sma11 numbe of adm1n1sfafos shou1d be ab1e fo cay ouf fh1s emofe
- 5fong aufhenf1caf1on shou1d be 1n p1ace fo any adm1n1sfaf1on acf1v1f1es.
a. Coecf. Lmp1oyees ae fhe numbe one fheaf fo ogan1zaf1ons and opeaf1ons
env1onmenfs. Obv1ous1y, fh1s 1s nof fo say fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae bad, buf because
fhey have access fo fhe sysfems and fhe dafa, as We11 as fhe knoW1edge of 1nfena1
pocesses, emp1oyees as a Who1e 1nsfanf1y become fhe b1ggesf fheaf.
b. lncoecf. Lmp1oyees ae fhe numbe one fheaf fo ogan1zaf1ons and opeaf1ons
env1onmenfs. Obv1ous1y, fh1s 1s nof fo say fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae bad, buf because
fhey have access fo fhe sysfems and fhe dafa, as We11 as fhe knoW1edge of 1nfena1
pocesses, emp1oyees as a Who1e 1nsfanf1y become fhe b1ggesf fheaf.
c. lncoecf. Lmp1oyees ae fhe numbe one fheaf fo ogan1zaf1ons and opeaf1ons
env1onmenfs. Obv1ous1y, fh1s 1s nof fo say fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae bad, buf because
fhey have access fo fhe sysfems and fhe dafa, as We11 as fhe knoW1edge of 1nfena1
pocesses, emp1oyees as a Who1e 1nsfanf1y become fhe b1ggesf fheaf.
d. lncoecf. Lmp1oyees ae fhe numbe one fheaf fo ogan1zaf1ons and opeaf1ons
env1onmenfs. Obv1ous1y, fh1s 1s nof fo say fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae bad, buf because
fhey have access fo fhe sysfems and fhe dafa, as We11 as fhe knoW1edge of 1nfena1
pocesses, emp1oyees as a Who1e 1nsfanf1y become fhe b1ggesf fheaf.
a. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs ae common fheafs fo opeaf1ona1 p1affoms.
5fepp1ng up fhe fesf1ng and us1ng on1y opeaf1ona1 dafa ae fWo Ways fo ensue fhaf
sysfems hand1e dafa 1npuf coecf1y and ae nof vu1neab1e fo ove1oaded,
man1pu1afed 1npuf affacks.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
b. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs ae common fheafs fo opeaf1ona1 p1affoms.
5fepp1ng up fhe fesf1ng and us1ng on1y opeaf1ona1 dafa ae fWo Ways fo ensue fhaf
sysfems hand1e dafa 1npuf coecf1y and ae nof vu1neab1e fo ove1oaded,
man1pu1afed 1npuf affacks.
c. Coecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs ae common fheafs fo opeaf1ona1 p1affoms. 5fepp1ng
up fhe fesf1ng and us1ng on1y opeaf1ona1 dafa ae fWo Ways fo ensue fhaf sysfems
hand1e dafa 1npuf coecf1y and ae nof vu1neab1e fo ove1oaded, man1pu1afed 1npuf
d. lncoecf. 8uffe ovef1oWs ae common fheafs fo opeaf1ona1 p1affoms.
5fepp1ng up fhe fesf1ng and us1ng on1y opeaf1ona1 dafa ae fWo Ways fo ensue fhaf
sysfems hand1e dafa 1npuf coecf1y and ae nof vu1neab1e fo ove1oaded,
man1pu1afed 1npuf affacks.
a. lncoecf. 1a1n1ng documenfaf1on Wou1d ece1ve fhe 1oWesf p1o1fy 1n fh1s
11sf. 5ysfem 1ogs and fhe backups of fhese 1ogs keep va1uab1e dafa abouf fhe
acf1v1f1es fhaf fake p1ace on fhese dev1ces. Adm1n1sfafos can use fhese 1ogs fo
foub1eshoof pob1ems o, moe 1mpofanf1y, 1denf1fy secu1fy beaches. had cop1es
of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be kepf unde f1ghf confo1 as We11.
b. lncoecf. 1a1n1ng documenfaf1on Wou1d ece1ve fhe 1oWesf p1o1fy 1n fh1s
11sf. 5ysfem 1ogs and fhe backups of fhese 1ogs keep va1uab1e dafa abouf fhe
acf1v1f1es fhaf fake p1ace on fhese dev1ces. Adm1n1sfafos can use fhese 1ogs fo
foub1eshoof pob1ems o, moe 1mpofanf1y, 1denf1fy secu1fy beaches. had cop1es
of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be kepf unde f1ghf confo1 as We11.
c. lncoecf. 1a1n1ng documenfaf1on Wou1d ece1ve fhe 1oWesf p1o1fy 1n fh1s
11sf. 5ysfem 1ogs and fhe backups of fhese 1ogs keep va1uab1e dafa abouf fhe
acf1v1f1es fhaf fake p1ace on fhese dev1ces. Adm1n1sfafos can use fhese 1ogs fo
foub1eshoof pob1ems o, moe 1mpofanf1y, 1denf1fy secu1fy beaches. had cop1es
of sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be kepf unde f1ghf confo1 as We11.
d. Coecf. 1a1n1ng documenfaf1on Wou1d ece1ve fhe 1oWesf p1o1fy 1n fh1s 11sf.
5ysfem 1ogs and fhe backups of fhese 1ogs keep va1uab1e dafa abouf fhe acf1v1f1es
fhaf fake p1ace on fhese dev1ces. Adm1n1sfafos can use fhese 1ogs fo foub1eshoof
pob1ems o, moe 1mpofanf1y, 1denf1fy secu1fy beaches. had cop1es of sens1f1ve
1nfomaf1on shou1d be kepf unde f1ghf confo1 as We11.
a. Coecf. Obecf euse 1s a fheaf fo opeaf1ons env1onmenfs. Med1a confa1n1ng
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be san1f1zed o desfoyed fo pevenf unaufho1zed uses
fom ga1n1ng access fo 1f.
b. lncoecf. Obecf euse 1s a fheaf fo opeaf1ons env1onmenfs. Med1a confa1n1ng
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be san1f1zed o desfoyed fo pevenf unaufho1zed uses
fom ga1n1ng access fo 1f.
c. lncoecf. Obecf euse 1s a fheaf fo opeaf1ons env1onmenfs. Med1a confa1n1ng
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be san1f1zed o desfoyed fo pevenf unaufho1zed uses
fom ga1n1ng access fo 1f.
d. lncoecf. Obecf euse 1s a fheaf fo opeaf1ons env1onmenfs. Med1a confa1n1ng
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on shou1d be san1f1zed o desfoyed fo pevenf unaufho1zed uses
fom ga1n1ng access fo 1f.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace W1fh1n a change confo1 pogam,
1. kequesf fo a change fo fake p1ace kequesfs shou1d be pesenfed fo an 1nd1v1dua1
o goup fhaf 1s espons1b1e fo appov1ng changes and ovesee1ng fhe acf1v1f1es of
changes fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n an env1onmenf.
2. Appova1 of fhe change 1he 1nd1v1dua1 equesf1ng fhe change musf usf1fy fhe
easons and c1ea1y shoW fhe benef1fs and poss1b1e p1ffa11s of fhe change.
3. Documenfaf1on of fhe change Once fhe change 1s appoved, 1f shou1d be enfeed
1nfo a change 1og. 1he 1og shou1d be updafed as fhe pocess conf1nues foWad
4. 1esfed and pesenfed 1he change musf be fu11y fesfed fo uncove any unfoeseen
esu1fs. Depend1ng on fhe seve1fy of fhe change and fhe companys ogan1zaf1on, fhe
change and 1mp1emenfaf1on may need fo be pesenfed fo a change confo1 comm1ffee.
5. lmp1emenfaf1on Once fhe change 1s fu11y fesfed and appoved, a schedu1e shou1d be
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
deve1oped fhaf ouf11nes fhe poecfed phases of fhe change be1ng 1mp1emenfed and fhe
necessay m11esfones.
6. kepof change fo managemenf A fu11 epof summa1z1ng fhe change shou1d be
subm1ffed fo managemenf. 1h1s epof can be subm1ffed on a pe1od1c bas1s fo keep
managemenf up-fo-dafe and ensue conf1nua1 suppof.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace W1fh1n a change confo1 pogam,
1. kequesf fo a change fo fake p1ace kequesfs shou1d be pesenfed fo an 1nd1v1dua1
o goup fhaf 1s espons1b1e fo appov1ng changes and ovesee1ng fhe acf1v1f1es of
changes fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n an env1onmenf.
2. Appova1 of fhe change 1he 1nd1v1dua1 equesf1ng fhe change musf usf1fy fhe
easons and c1ea1y shoW fhe benef1fs and poss1b1e p1ffa11s of fhe change.
3. Documenfaf1on of fhe change Once fhe change 1s appoved, 1f shou1d be enfeed
1nfo a change 1og. 1he 1og shou1d be updafed as fhe pocess conf1nues foWad
4. 1esfed and pesenfed 1he change musf be fu11y fesfed fo uncove any unfoeseen
esu1fs. Depend1ng on fhe seve1fy of fhe change and fhe companys ogan1zaf1on, fhe
change and 1mp1emenfaf1on may need fo be pesenfed fo a change confo1 comm1ffee.
5. lmp1emenfaf1on Once fhe change 1s fu11y fesfed and appoved, a schedu1e shou1d be
deve1oped fhaf ouf11nes fhe poecfed phases of fhe change be1ng 1mp1emenfed and fhe
necessay m11esfones.
6. kepof change fo managemenf A fu11 epof summa1z1ng fhe change shou1d be
subm1ffed fo managemenf. 1h1s epof can be subm1ffed on a pe1od1c bas1s fo keep
managemenf up-fo-dafe and ensue conf1nua1 suppof.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace W1fh1n a change confo1 pogam,
1. kequesf fo a change fo fake p1ace kequesfs shou1d be pesenfed fo an 1nd1v1dua1
o goup fhaf 1s espons1b1e fo appov1ng changes and ovesee1ng fhe acf1v1f1es of
changes fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n an env1onmenf.
2. Appova1 of fhe change 1he 1nd1v1dua1 equesf1ng fhe change musf usf1fy fhe
easons and c1ea1y shoW fhe benef1fs and poss1b1e p1ffa11s of fhe change.
3. Documenfaf1on of fhe change Once fhe change 1s appoved, 1f shou1d be enfeed
1nfo a change 1og. 1he 1og shou1d be updafed as fhe pocess conf1nues foWad
4. 1esfed and pesenfed 1he change musf be fu11y fesfed fo uncove any unfoeseen
esu1fs. Depend1ng on fhe seve1fy of fhe change and fhe companys ogan1zaf1on, fhe
change and 1mp1emenfaf1on may need fo be pesenfed fo a change confo1 comm1ffee.
5. lmp1emenfaf1on Once fhe change 1s fu11y fesfed and appoved, a schedu1e shou1d be
deve1oped fhaf ouf11nes fhe poecfed phases of fhe change be1ng 1mp1emenfed and fhe
necessay m11esfones.
6. kepof change fo managemenf A fu11 epof summa1z1ng fhe change shou1d be
subm1ffed fo managemenf. 1h1s epof can be subm1ffed on a pe1od1c bas1s fo keep
managemenf up-fo-dafe and ensue conf1nua1 suppof.
d. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng shou1d fake p1ace W1fh1n a change confo1 pogam,
1. kequesf fo a change fo fake p1ace kequesfs shou1d be pesenfed fo an 1nd1v1dua1
o goup fhaf 1s espons1b1e fo appov1ng changes and ovesee1ng fhe acf1v1f1es of
changes fhaf fake p1ace W1fh1n an env1onmenf.
2. Appova1 of fhe change 1he 1nd1v1dua1 equesf1ng fhe change musf usf1fy fhe
easons and c1ea1y shoW fhe benef1fs and poss1b1e p1ffa11s of fhe change.
3. Documenfaf1on of fhe change Once fhe change 1s appoved, 1f shou1d be enfeed
1nfo a change 1og. 1he 1og shou1d be updafed as fhe pocess conf1nues foWad
4. 1esfed and pesenfed 1he change musf be fu11y fesfed fo uncove any unfoeseen
esu1fs. Depend1ng on fhe seve1fy of fhe change and fhe companys ogan1zaf1on, fhe
change and 1mp1emenfaf1on may need fo be pesenfed fo a change confo1 comm1ffee.
5. lmp1emenfaf1on Once fhe change 1s fu11y fesfed and appoved, a schedu1e shou1d be
deve1oped fhaf ouf11nes fhe poecfed phases of fhe change be1ng 1mp1emenfed and fhe
necessay m11esfones.
6. kepof change fo managemenf A fu11 epof summa1z1ng fhe change shou1d be
subm1ffed fo managemenf. 1h1s epof can be subm1ffed on a pe1od1c bas1s fo keep
managemenf up-fo-dafe and ensue conf1nua1 suppof.
a. lncoecf. A1fhough shou1de suf1ng 1s offen fhoughf fo be s1mp1y 1ook1ng ove
someones shou1de fo obfa1n a passWod o key access 1nfomaf1on, 1f 1s acfua11y
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
any k1nd of affack Whee a peson 1ooks af anofhe compufe fo ga1n unaufho1zed
b. Coecf. A1fhough shou1de suf1ng 1s offen fhoughf fo be s1mp1y 1ook1ng ove
someones shou1de fo obfa1n a passWod o key access 1nfomaf1on, 1f 1s acfua11y
any k1nd of affack Whee a peson 1ooks af anofhe compufe fo ga1n unaufho1zed
c. lncoecf. A1fhough shou1de suf1ng 1s offen fhoughf fo be s1mp1y 1ook1ng ove
someones shou1de fo obfa1n a passWod o key access 1nfomaf1on, 1f 1s acfua11y
any k1nd of affack Whee a peson 1ooks af anofhe compufe fo ga1n unaufho1zed
d. lncoecf. A1fhough shou1de suf1ng 1s offen fhoughf fo be s1mp1y 1ook1ng ove
someones shou1de fo obfa1n a passWod o key access 1nfomaf1on, 1f 1s acfua11y
any k1nd of affack Whee a peson 1ooks af anofhe compufe fo ga1n unaufho1zed
a. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a common secu1fy p1nc1p1e fhaf d1cfafes fhaf a11
uses shou1d have fhe 1oWesf access 1eve1 necessay fo do fhe1 ob. Lvey use
shou1d be conf1gued W1fh fhe 1easf poss1b1e pem1ss1on fo ensue h1gh secu1fy
fhoughouf fhe ogan1zaf1on.
b. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a common secu1fy p1nc1p1e fhaf d1cfafes fhaf a11
uses shou1d have fhe 1oWesf access 1eve1 necessay fo do fhe1 ob. Lvey use
shou1d be conf1gued W1fh fhe 1easf poss1b1e pem1ss1on fo ensue h1gh secu1fy
fhoughouf fhe ogan1zaf1on.
c. Coecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a common secu1fy p1nc1p1e fhaf d1cfafes fhaf a11
uses shou1d have fhe 1oWesf access 1eve1 necessay fo do fhe1 ob. Lvey use
shou1d be conf1gued W1fh fhe 1easf poss1b1e pem1ss1on fo ensue h1gh secu1fy
fhoughouf fhe ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a common secu1fy p1nc1p1e fhaf d1cfafes fhaf a11
uses shou1d have fhe 1oWesf access 1eve1 necessay fo do fhe1 ob. Lvey use
shou1d be conf1gued W1fh fhe 1easf poss1b1e pem1ss1on fo ensue h1gh secu1fy
fhoughouf fhe ogan1zaf1on.
a. Coecf. D1ecf1ve confo1s, a1so knoWn as adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s, 1ssue u1es
and po11c1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo avo1d a fom of pun1shmenf.
b. lncoecf. D1ecf1ve confo1s, a1so knoWn as adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s, 1ssue
u1es and po11c1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo avo1d a fom of pun1shmenf.
c. lncoecf. D1ecf1ve confo1s, a1so knoWn as adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s, 1ssue
u1es and po11c1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo avo1d a fom of pun1shmenf.
d. lncoecf. D1ecf1ve confo1s, a1so knoWn as adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s, 1ssue
u1es and po11c1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo avo1d a fom of pun1shmenf.
a. Coecf. Manfaps ae phys1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae des1gned fo pevenf afhe fhan
defecf unaufho1zed acf1v1fy. 1he ofhe ansWes ae a11 examp1es of defecf1ve
confo1s bu11f fo 1denf1fy and eacf.
b. lncoecf. Manfaps ae phys1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae des1gned fo pevenf afhe
fhan defecf unaufho1zed acf1v1fy. 1he ofhe ansWes ae a11 examp1es of defecf1ve
confo1s bu11f fo 1denf1fy and eacf.
c. lncoecf. Manfaps ae phys1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae des1gned fo pevenf afhe
fhan defecf unaufho1zed acf1v1fy. 1he ofhe ansWes ae a11 examp1es of defecf1ve
confo1s bu11f fo 1denf1fy and eacf.
d. lncoecf. Manfaps ae phys1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae des1gned fo pevenf afhe
fhan defecf unaufho1zed acf1v1fy. 1he ofhe ansWes ae a11 examp1es of defecf1ve
confo1s bu11f fo 1denf1fy and eacf.
a. lncoecf. Med1a can be san1f1zed 1n sevea1 Ways: zeo1zaf1on {oveW1f1ng W1fh
a paffen des1gned fo ensue fhaf fhe dafa fome1y on fhe med1a ae nof pacf1ca11y
ecoveab1e}, degauss1ng {magnef1c scamb11ng of fhe paffens on a fape o d1sk fhaf
epesenf fhe 1nfomaf1on sfoed fhee}, and desfucf1on {shedd1ng, cush1ng,
bun1ng}. &quof,Pug1ng&quof, means mak1ng 1nfomaf1on unecoveab1e even W1fh
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
exfaod1nay effof such as phys1ca1 foens1cs 1n a 1aboafoy.
b. lncoecf. Med1a can be san1f1zed 1n sevea1 Ways: zeo1zaf1on {oveW1f1ng W1fh
a paffen des1gned fo ensue fhaf fhe dafa fome1y on fhe med1a ae nof pacf1ca11y
ecoveab1e}, degauss1ng {magnef1c scamb11ng of fhe paffens on a fape o d1sk fhaf
epesenf fhe 1nfomaf1on sfoed fhee}, and desfucf1on {shedd1ng, cush1ng,
bun1ng}. &quof,Pug1ng&quof, means mak1ng 1nfomaf1on unecoveab1e even W1fh
exfaod1nay effof such as phys1ca1 foens1cs 1n a 1aboafoy.
c. lncoecf. Med1a can be san1f1zed 1n sevea1 Ways: zeo1zaf1on {oveW1f1ng W1fh
a paffen des1gned fo ensue fhaf fhe dafa fome1y on fhe med1a ae nof pacf1ca11y
ecoveab1e}, degauss1ng {magnef1c scamb11ng of fhe paffens on a fape o d1sk fhaf
epesenf fhe 1nfomaf1on sfoed fhee}, and desfucf1on {shedd1ng, cush1ng,
bun1ng}. &quof,Pug1ng&quof, means mak1ng 1nfomaf1on unecoveab1e even W1fh
exfaod1nay effof such as phys1ca1 foens1cs 1n a 1aboafoy.
d. Coecf. Med1a can be san1f1zed 1n sevea1 Ways: zeo1zaf1on {oveW1f1ng W1fh a
paffen des1gned fo ensue fhaf fhe dafa fome1y on fhe med1a ae nof pacf1ca11y
ecoveab1e}, degauss1ng {magnef1c scamb11ng of fhe paffens on a fape o d1sk fhaf
epesenf fhe 1nfomaf1on sfoed fhee}, and desfucf1on {shedd1ng, cush1ng,
bun1ng}. &quof,Pug1ng&quof, means mak1ng 1nfomaf1on unecoveab1e even W1fh
exfaod1nay effof such as phys1ca1 foens1cs 1n a 1aboafoy.
a. lncoecf. 1o pevenf soffWae p1acy, compan1es shou1d keep an updafed
1nvenfoy of a11 soffWae 11censes fhaf ae used W1fh1n fhe1 nefWok. 1h1s 11sf1ng
can a1so be used fo schedu1e noma1 updafes and ma1nfenance acf1v1f1es.
b. Coecf. 1o pevenf soffWae p1acy, compan1es shou1d keep an updafed 1nvenfoy
of a11 soffWae 11censes fhaf ae used W1fh1n fhe1 nefWok. 1h1s 11sf1ng can a1so
be used fo schedu1e noma1 updafes and ma1nfenance acf1v1f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1o pevenf soffWae p1acy, compan1es shou1d keep an updafed
1nvenfoy of a11 soffWae 11censes fhaf ae used W1fh1n fhe1 nefWok. 1h1s 11sf1ng
can a1so be used fo schedu1e noma1 updafes and ma1nfenance acf1v1f1es.
d. lncoecf. 1o pevenf soffWae p1acy, compan1es shou1d keep an updafed
1nvenfoy of a11 soffWae 11censes fhaf ae used W1fh1n fhe1 nefWok. 1h1s 11sf1ng
can a1so be used fo schedu1e noma1 updafes and ma1nfenance acf1v1f1es.
a. lncoecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a Way of pov1d1ng mufua1 suppof fo a goup of d1sks
and/o seves. lf one dev1ce fa11s, fhe ofhe 1s 1mmed1afe1y ava11ab1e.
b. Coecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a Way of pov1d1ng mufua1 suppof fo a goup of d1sks
and/o seves. lf one dev1ce fa11s, fhe ofhe 1s 1mmed1afe1y ava11ab1e.
c. lncoecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a Way of pov1d1ng mufua1 suppof fo a goup of d1sks
and/o seves. lf one dev1ce fa11s, fhe ofhe 1s 1mmed1afe1y ava11ab1e.
d. lncoecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a Way of pov1d1ng mufua1 suppof fo a goup of d1sks
and/o seves. lf one dev1ce fa11s, fhe ofhe 1s 1mmed1afe1y ava11ab1e.
a. lncoecf. De1ef1ng dafa does nof ensue fhaf dafa emanence 1s pope1y
emoved. De1ef1ng s1mp1y emoves fhe dafa and does nof accounf fo po1nfes and
eg1sfes fhaf ex1sf on fhe had d1ve. Pug1ng, oveW1f1ng, and degauss1ng ae a11
fems fhaf desc1be fhe acf of emov1ng dafa emanence fom a dev1ce.
b. lncoecf. De1ef1ng dafa does nof ensue fhaf dafa emanence 1s pope1y
emoved. De1ef1ng s1mp1y emoves fhe dafa and does nof accounf fo po1nfes and
eg1sfes fhaf ex1sf on fhe had d1ve. Pug1ng, oveW1f1ng, and degauss1ng ae a11
fems fhaf desc1be fhe acf of emov1ng dafa emanence fom a dev1ce.
c. lncoecf. De1ef1ng dafa does nof ensue fhaf dafa emanence 1s pope1y
emoved. De1ef1ng s1mp1y emoves fhe dafa and does nof accounf fo po1nfes and
eg1sfes fhaf ex1sf on fhe had d1ve. Pug1ng, oveW1f1ng, and degauss1ng ae a11
fems fhaf desc1be fhe acf of emov1ng dafa emanence fom a dev1ce.
d. Coecf. De1ef1ng dafa does nof ensue fhaf dafa emanence 1s pope1y emoved.
De1ef1ng s1mp1y emoves fhe dafa and does nof accounf fo po1nfes and eg1sfes
fhaf ex1sf on fhe had d1ve. Pug1ng, oveW1f1ng, and degauss1ng ae a11 fems
fhaf desc1be fhe acf of emov1ng dafa emanence fom a dev1ce.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a confo1 fo be 1mp1emenfed affe fhe h1e 1s
made. NeW emp1oyees shou1d be g1ven 1easf p1v11eged access unf11 moe fusf can be
obfa1ned and unf11 fhe1 ob funcf1on d1cfafes 1f. 8ackgound checks, NDAs, and dug
sceens ae a11 confo1s puf 1n p1ace du1ng fhe h11ng pocess fo ensue fhaf fhe
mosf fusfWofhy cand1dafes ae chosen.
b. Coecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a confo1 fo be 1mp1emenfed affe fhe h1e 1s made.
NeW emp1oyees shou1d be g1ven 1easf p1v11eged access unf11 moe fusf can be
obfa1ned and unf11 fhe1 ob funcf1on d1cfafes 1f. 8ackgound checks, NDAs, and dug
sceens ae a11 confo1s puf 1n p1ace du1ng fhe h11ng pocess fo ensue fhaf fhe
mosf fusfWofhy cand1dafes ae chosen.
c. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a confo1 fo be 1mp1emenfed affe fhe h1e 1s
made. NeW emp1oyees shou1d be g1ven 1easf p1v11eged access unf11 moe fusf can be
obfa1ned and unf11 fhe1 ob funcf1on d1cfafes 1f. 8ackgound checks, NDAs, and dug
sceens ae a11 confo1s puf 1n p1ace du1ng fhe h11ng pocess fo ensue fhaf fhe
mosf fusfWofhy cand1dafes ae chosen.
d. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a confo1 fo be 1mp1emenfed affe fhe h1e 1s
made. NeW emp1oyees shou1d be g1ven 1easf p1v11eged access unf11 moe fusf can be
obfa1ned and unf11 fhe1 ob funcf1on d1cfafes 1f. 8ackgound checks, NDAs, and dug
sceens ae a11 confo1s puf 1n p1ace du1ng fhe h11ng pocess fo ensue fhaf fhe
mosf fusfWofhy cand1dafes ae chosen.
a. Coecf. Mean 11me 1o kepa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of f1me 1f W111 be expecfed fo
fake fo gef a dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
b. lncoecf. Mean 11me 1o kepa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of f1me 1f W111 be expecfed
fo fake fo gef a dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
c. lncoecf. Mean 11me 1o kepa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of f1me 1f W111 be expecfed
fo fake fo gef a dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
d. lncoecf. Mean 11me 1o kepa1 {M11k} 1s fhe amounf of f1me 1f W111 be expecfed
fo fake fo gef a dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
a. lncoecf. Io WAN connecf1ons, a fa11ove opf1on shou1d be conf1gued fo enab1e
an l5DN fo be ava11ab1e 1f fhe WAN oufe fa11s. l5DN 1s usf one fype of fechno1ogy
fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed fo fh1s s1fuaf1on.
b. lncoecf. Io WAN connecf1ons, a fa11ove opf1on shou1d be conf1gued fo enab1e
an l5DN fo be ava11ab1e 1f fhe WAN oufe fa11s. l5DN 1s usf one fype of fechno1ogy
fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed fo fh1s s1fuaf1on.
c. lncoecf. Io WAN connecf1ons, a fa11ove opf1on shou1d be conf1gued fo enab1e
an l5DN fo be ava11ab1e 1f fhe WAN oufe fa11s. l5DN 1s usf one fype of fechno1ogy
fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed fo fh1s s1fuaf1on.
d. Coecf. Io WAN connecf1ons, a fa11ove opf1on shou1d be conf1gued fo enab1e
an l5DN fo be ava11ab1e 1f fhe WAN oufe fa11s. l5DN 1s usf one fype of fechno1ogy
fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed fo fh1s s1fuaf1on.
a. lncoecf. kedundanf aay of 1nexpens1ve d1sks {kAlD} pov1des fau1f fo1eance
fo had d1ves and can 1mpove sysfem pefomance. kedundancy and speed ae
pov1ded by beak1ng up fhe dafa and W1f1ng 1f acoss sevea1 d1sks so d1ffeenf
d1sk heads can Wok s1mu1faneous1y fo ef1eve fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on. Confo1
dafa ae a1so spead acoss each d1sk-fh1s 1s ca11ed pa1fy-so fhaf 1f one d1sk
fa11s, fhe ofhe d1sks can Wok fogefhe and esfoe 1fs dafa.
b. Coecf. kedundanf aay of 1nexpens1ve d1sks {kAlD} pov1des fau1f fo1eance
fo had d1ves and can 1mpove sysfem pefomance. kedundancy and speed ae
pov1ded by beak1ng up fhe dafa and W1f1ng 1f acoss sevea1 d1sks so d1ffeenf
d1sk heads can Wok s1mu1faneous1y fo ef1eve fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on. Confo1
dafa ae a1so spead acoss each d1sk-fh1s 1s ca11ed pa1fy-so fhaf 1f one d1sk
fa11s, fhe ofhe d1sks can Wok fogefhe and esfoe 1fs dafa.
c. lncoecf. kedundanf aay of 1nexpens1ve d1sks {kAlD} pov1des fau1f fo1eance
fo had d1ves and can 1mpove sysfem pefomance. kedundancy and speed ae
pov1ded by beak1ng up fhe dafa and W1f1ng 1f acoss sevea1 d1sks so d1ffeenf
d1sk heads can Wok s1mu1faneous1y fo ef1eve fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on. Confo1
dafa ae a1so spead acoss each d1sk-fh1s 1s ca11ed pa1fy-so fhaf 1f one d1sk
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
fa11s, fhe ofhe d1sks can Wok fogefhe and esfoe 1fs dafa.
d. lncoecf. kedundanf aay of 1nexpens1ve d1sks {kAlD} pov1des fau1f fo1eance
fo had d1ves and can 1mpove sysfem pefomance. kedundancy and speed ae
pov1ded by beak1ng up fhe dafa and W1f1ng 1f acoss sevea1 d1sks so d1ffeenf
d1sk heads can Wok s1mu1faneous1y fo ef1eve fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on. Confo1
dafa ae a1so spead acoss each d1sk-fh1s 1s ca11ed pa1fy-so fhaf 1f one d1sk
fa11s, fhe ofhe d1sks can Wok fogefhe and esfoe 1fs dafa.
a. lncoecf. 1he key d1sf1ncf1on befWeen D1ecf Access and 5equenf1a1 Access
sfoage dev1ces 1s fhaf any po1nf on a D1ecf Access 5foage Dev1ce may be pompf1y
eached, Wheeas evey po1nf 1n befWeen fhe cuenf pos1f1on and fhe des1ed
pos1f1on of a 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ce musf be favesed 1n ode fo each
fhe des1ed pos1f1on. 1ape d1ves ae 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ces. 5ome fape
d1ves have m1n1ma1 amounfs of D1ecf Access 1nfe111gence bu11f 1n. 1hese 1nc1ude
mu1f1fack fape dev1ces fhaf sfoe af spec1f1c po1nfs on fhe fape and cache 1n fhe
fape d1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf Whee mao secf1ons of dafa on fhe fape beg1n,
a11oW1ng fhe fape d1ve fo moe qu1ck1y each a fack and a po1nf on fhe fack fom
Wh1ch fo beg1n fhe noW much shofe favesa1 of dafa fom fhaf 1ndexed po1nf fo fhe
des1ed po1nf. Wh11e fh1s makes such fape d1ves nof1ceab1y fasfe fhan fhe1 pue1y
sequenf1a1 pees, fhe d1ffeence 1n pefomance befWeen 5equenf1a1 and D1ecf Access
5foage Dev1ces 1s odes of magn1fude.
b. Coecf. 1he key d1sf1ncf1on befWeen D1ecf Access and 5equenf1a1 Access sfoage
dev1ces 1s fhaf any po1nf on a D1ecf Access 5foage Dev1ce may be pompf1y eached,
Wheeas evey po1nf 1n befWeen fhe cuenf pos1f1on and fhe des1ed pos1f1on of a
5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ce musf be favesed 1n ode fo each fhe des1ed
pos1f1on. 1ape d1ves ae 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ces. 5ome fape d1ves have
m1n1ma1 amounfs of D1ecf Access 1nfe111gence bu11f 1n. 1hese 1nc1ude mu1f1fack
fape dev1ces fhaf sfoe af spec1f1c po1nfs on fhe fape and cache 1n fhe fape d1ve
1nfomaf1on abouf Whee mao secf1ons of dafa on fhe fape beg1n, a11oW1ng fhe fape
d1ve fo moe qu1ck1y each a fack and a po1nf on fhe fack fom Wh1ch fo beg1n fhe
noW much shofe favesa1 of dafa fom fhaf 1ndexed po1nf fo fhe des1ed po1nf.
Wh11e fh1s makes such fape d1ves nof1ceab1y fasfe fhan fhe1 pue1y sequenf1a1
pees, fhe d1ffeence 1n pefomance befWeen 5equenf1a1 and D1ecf Access 5foage
Dev1ces 1s odes of magn1fude.
c. lncoecf. 1he key d1sf1ncf1on befWeen D1ecf Access and 5equenf1a1 Access
sfoage dev1ces 1s fhaf any po1nf on a D1ecf Access 5foage Dev1ce may be pompf1y
eached, Wheeas evey po1nf 1n befWeen fhe cuenf pos1f1on and fhe des1ed
pos1f1on of a 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ce musf be favesed 1n ode fo each
fhe des1ed pos1f1on. 1ape d1ves ae 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ces. 5ome fape
d1ves have m1n1ma1 amounfs of D1ecf Access 1nfe111gence bu11f 1n. 1hese 1nc1ude
mu1f1fack fape dev1ces fhaf sfoe af spec1f1c po1nfs on fhe fape and cache 1n fhe
fape d1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf Whee mao secf1ons of dafa on fhe fape beg1n,
a11oW1ng fhe fape d1ve fo moe qu1ck1y each a fack and a po1nf on fhe fack fom
Wh1ch fo beg1n fhe noW much shofe favesa1 of dafa fom fhaf 1ndexed po1nf fo fhe
des1ed po1nf. Wh11e fh1s makes such fape d1ves nof1ceab1y fasfe fhan fhe1 pue1y
sequenf1a1 pees, fhe d1ffeence 1n pefomance befWeen 5equenf1a1 and D1ecf Access
5foage Dev1ces 1s odes of magn1fude.
d. lncoecf. 1he key d1sf1ncf1on befWeen D1ecf Access and 5equenf1a1 Access
sfoage dev1ces 1s fhaf any po1nf on a D1ecf Access 5foage Dev1ce may be pompf1y
eached, Wheeas evey po1nf 1n befWeen fhe cuenf pos1f1on and fhe des1ed
pos1f1on of a 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ce musf be favesed 1n ode fo each
fhe des1ed pos1f1on. 1ape d1ves ae 5equenf1a1 Access 5foage Dev1ces. 5ome fape
d1ves have m1n1ma1 amounfs of D1ecf Access 1nfe111gence bu11f 1n. 1hese 1nc1ude
mu1f1fack fape dev1ces fhaf sfoe af spec1f1c po1nfs on fhe fape and cache 1n fhe
fape d1ve 1nfomaf1on abouf Whee mao secf1ons of dafa on fhe fape beg1n,
a11oW1ng fhe fape d1ve fo moe qu1ck1y each a fack and a po1nf on fhe fack fom
Wh1ch fo beg1n fhe noW much shofe favesa1 of dafa fom fhaf 1ndexed po1nf fo fhe
des1ed po1nf. Wh11e fh1s makes such fape d1ves nof1ceab1y fasfe fhan fhe1 pue1y
sequenf1a1 pees, fhe d1ffeence 1n pefomance befWeen 5equenf1a1 and D1ecf Access
5foage Dev1ces 1s odes of magn1fude.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s fhe fechn1que of segmenf1ng 1og1ca11y sequenf1a1
dafa, such as a f11e, 1n a Way fhaf accesses of sequenf1a1 segmenfs ae made fo
d1ffeenf phys1ca1 sfoage dev1ces.
b. lncoecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s fhe fechn1que of segmenf1ng 1og1ca11y sequenf1a1
dafa, such as a f11e, 1n a Way fhaf accesses of sequenf1a1 segmenfs ae made fo
d1ffeenf phys1ca1 sfoage dev1ces.
c. Coecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s fhe fechn1que of segmenf1ng 1og1ca11y sequenf1a1 dafa,
such as a f11e, 1n a Way fhaf accesses of sequenf1a1 segmenfs ae made fo d1ffeenf
phys1ca1 sfoage dev1ces.
d. lncoecf. Dafa sf1p1ng 1s fhe fechn1que of segmenf1ng 1og1ca11y sequenf1a1
dafa, such as a f11e, 1n a Way fhaf accesses of sequenf1a1 segmenfs ae made fo
d1ffeenf phys1ca1 sfoage dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. 5f1p1ng 1s usefu1 When a pocess1ng dev1ce equesfs access fo dafa
moe qu1ck1y fhan a sfoage dev1ces can pov1de access. 8y pefom1ng segmenf
accesses on mu1f1p1e dev1ces, mu1f1p1e segmenfs can be accessed concuenf1y. 1h1s
pov1des moe dafa access fhoughpuf, Wh1ch avo1ds caus1ng fhe pocesso fo 1d1y
Wa1f fo dafa accesses.
b. lncoecf. 5f1p1ng 1s usefu1 When a pocess1ng dev1ce equesfs access fo dafa
moe qu1ck1y fhan a sfoage dev1ces can pov1de access. 8y pefom1ng segmenf
accesses on mu1f1p1e dev1ces, mu1f1p1e segmenfs can be accessed concuenf1y. 1h1s
pov1des moe dafa access fhoughpuf, Wh1ch avo1ds caus1ng fhe pocesso fo 1d1y
Wa1f fo dafa accesses.
c. Coecf. 5f1p1ng 1s usefu1 When a pocess1ng dev1ce equesfs access fo dafa
moe qu1ck1y fhan a sfoage dev1ces can pov1de access. 8y pefom1ng segmenf
accesses on mu1f1p1e dev1ces, mu1f1p1e segmenfs can be accessed concuenf1y. 1h1s
pov1des moe dafa access fhoughpuf, Wh1ch avo1ds caus1ng fhe pocesso fo 1d1y
Wa1f fo dafa accesses.
d. lncoecf. 5f1p1ng 1s usefu1 When a pocess1ng dev1ce equesfs access fo dafa
moe qu1ck1y fhan a sfoage dev1ces can pov1de access. 8y pefom1ng segmenf
accesses on mu1f1p1e dev1ces, mu1f1p1e segmenfs can be accessed concuenf1y. 1h1s
pov1des moe dafa access fhoughpuf, Wh1ch avo1ds caus1ng fhe pocesso fo 1d1y
Wa1f fo dafa accesses.
a. Coecf. lf a d1ve fa11s, fhe pa1fy 1s bas1ca11y 1nsfucf1ons fhaf fe11 fhe
kAlD sysfem hoW fo ebu11d fhe 1osf dafa on fhe neW had d1ve. Pa1fy 1s used fo
ebu11d a neW d1ve so a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s esfoed.
b. lncoecf. lf a d1ve fa11s, fhe pa1fy 1s bas1ca11y 1nsfucf1ons fhaf fe11 fhe
kAlD sysfem hoW fo ebu11d fhe 1osf dafa on fhe neW had d1ve. Pa1fy 1s used fo
ebu11d a neW d1ve so a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s esfoed.
c. lncoecf. lf a d1ve fa11s, fhe pa1fy 1s bas1ca11y 1nsfucf1ons fhaf fe11 fhe
kAlD sysfem hoW fo ebu11d fhe 1osf dafa on fhe neW had d1ve. Pa1fy 1s used fo
ebu11d a neW d1ve so a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s esfoed.
d. lncoecf. lf a d1ve fa11s, fhe pa1fy 1s bas1ca11y 1nsfucf1ons fhaf fe11 fhe
kAlD sysfem hoW fo ebu11d fhe 1osf dafa on fhe neW had d1ve. Pa1fy 1s used fo
ebu11d a neW d1ve so a11 fhe 1nfomaf1on 1s esfoed.
a. Coecf.
kAlD 0 - Dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved.
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng of d1ves. Dafa ae W1ffen fo fWo d1ves af once.
kAlD 2 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves af fhe b1f 1eve1.
kAlD 3 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves and pa1fy dafa he1d on one d1ve.
b. lncoecf.
kAlD 0 - Dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved.
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng of d1ves. Dafa ae W1ffen fo fWo d1ves af once.
kAlD 2 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves af fhe b1f 1eve1.
kAlD 3 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves and pa1fy dafa he1d on one d1ve.
c. lncoecf.
kAlD 0 - Dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved.
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng of d1ves. Dafa ae W1ffen fo fWo d1ves af once.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
kAlD 2 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves af fhe b1f 1eve1.
kAlD 3 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves and pa1fy dafa he1d on one d1ve.
d. lncoecf.
kAlD 0 - Dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved.
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng of d1ves. Dafa ae W1ffen fo fWo d1ves af once.
kAlD 2 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves af fhe b1f 1eve1.
kAlD 3 - Dafa sf1p1ng ove a11 d1ves and pa1fy dafa he1d on one d1ve.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf kAlD 1eve1 mapp1ng and chaacfe1sf1cs,
kAlD 3 - 8yfe-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 4 - 81ock-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 5 - lnfe1eave pa1fy
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf kAlD 1eve1 mapp1ng and chaacfe1sf1cs,
kAlD 3 - 8yfe-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 4 - 81ock-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 5 - lnfe1eave pa1fy
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf kAlD 1eve1 mapp1ng and chaacfe1sf1cs,
kAlD 3 - 8yfe-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 4 - 81ock-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 5 - lnfe1eave pa1fy
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae fhe coecf kAlD 1eve1 mapp1ng and chaacfe1sf1cs,
kAlD 3 - 8yfe-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 4 - 81ock-1eve1 pa1fy
kAlD 5 - lnfe1eave pa1fy
kAlD 1 - M1o1ng
a. lncoecf. When us1ng kAlD 0 dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o
pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved. lf one vo1ume fa11s, fhe enf1e vo1ume can be unusab1e. lf 1s
used fo pefomance on1y.
b. Coecf. When us1ng kAlD 0 dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o
pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved. lf one vo1ume fa11s, fhe enf1e vo1ume can be unusab1e. lf 1s
used fo pefomance on1y.
c. lncoecf. When us1ng kAlD 0 dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o
pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved. lf one vo1ume fa11s, fhe enf1e vo1ume can be unusab1e. lf 1s
used fo pefomance on1y.
d. lncoecf. When us1ng kAlD 0 dafa sf1ped ove sevea1 d1ves. No edundancy o
pa1fy 1s 1nvo1ved. lf one vo1ume fa11s, fhe enf1e vo1ume can be unusab1e. lf 1s
used fo pefomance on1y.
Page 1
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
qu1z Name = Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2
1. Andy 1s fhe neW nefWok adm1n1sfafo. he needs fo make a dec1s1on on Wh1ch kAlD
1eve1 1s besf fo 1mp1emenf fo h1s company. lf Andy needs fo ensue fhaf fhee 1s no
s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue, Wh1ch kAlD 1eve1 shou1d he 1mp1emenf?
a. kAlD 3
b. kAlD 4
c. kAlD 2
d. kAlD 5
2. A11 of fhe fo11oW1ng ae examp1es of opeaf1ona1 confo1s excepf:
a. 8ackup and ecovey
b. Po11cy deve1opmenf
c. Med1a confo1s
d. Pope desfucf1on of dafa af fhe end of 1fs 11fef1me
3. OveW1f1ng and/o degauss1ng ae used fo c1ea and puge a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng
a. kandom access memoy
b. Dafa buses
c. 5econday sfoage
d. Magnef1c had d1sks
4. Opeaf1ons secu1fy seeks fo p1ma11y pofecf a company aga1nsf:
a. Obecf euse
b. Assef fheafs
c. Compom1s1ng emanaf1ons
d. Iac111fy d1sasfe
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng efes fo fhe dafa 1eff on fhe med1a affe fhe med1a has
been eased?
a. 5em1-h1dden
b. Degs
c. 5f1cky b1fs
d. kes1dua1
6. 1he numbe of v1o1af1ons fhaf W111 be accepfed o fog1ven befoe a v1o1af1on
ecod 1s poduced 1s ca11ed fhe:
a. C11pp1ng 1eve1
b. Accepfance 1eve1
c. Iog1veness 1eve1
d. Wafe 1eve1
7. Whaf o1e shou1d accounfab111fy p1ay 1n fhe access fo med1a and aufho1zaf1on
pof1on of a company`s opeaf1ons secu1fy sfafegy po11c1es?
a. None. Accounfab111fy 1s managed by copoafe secu1fy po11c1es, nof af fhe
opeafo 1eve1.
b. Accounfab111fy 1s fhe ofhe s1de of fhe co1n of aufho1zaf1on. lf a use 1s
pope1y aufho1zed, any v1o1af1ons o eos he makes can be faced back fo h1m.
c. Accounfab111fy means fhaf fhe ceafo of fhe company`s access po11cy beas f1na1
accounfab111fy fo any 1mpope accesses.
d. Accounfab111fy means fhaf fhe enf1e l1 depafmenf, as ceafo of fhe company`s
access po11cy, beas f1na1 accounfab111fy fo any 1mpope accesses.
. Why ae 1npuf/oufpuf confo1 mechan1sms necessay fo a company`s opeaf1ons
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
a. 1o ensue fhaf dafa 1s encypfed/decypfed coecf1y
b. 1o ve1fy fhe accuacy of dafa enfeed 1nfo o geneafed ouf of a sysfem
c. 1o obseve and defecf unaufho1zed acf1v1f1es
d. 1o capfue sysfem acf1v1f1es, 1nc1ud1ng poss1b1e secu1fy v1o1af1ons
9. Managemenf of changes made fo a sysfem`s hadWae, soffWae, o f1mWae
fhoughouf 1fs opeaf1ona1 11fe cyc1e 1s efeed fo as Whaf?
a. Med1a confo1
b. Pogam 11bay
c. Conf1guaf1on managemenf
d. Opeaf1ona1 secu1fy
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng means fhaf an 1nd1v1dua1 shou1d have usf enough
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs fo fu1f111 h1s o1e 1n fhe company?
a. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
b. Job ofaf1on
c. Need-fo-knoW
d. Leasf p1v11ege
11. 5ue needs fo 1denf1fy a sfoage sysfem fechno1ogy fhaf educes bofh Wea on fhe
d1ves and a1so educes poWe consumpf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fechno1og1es 1s
fhe besf f1f fo fhese fypes of equ1emenfs?
a. kAl1
b. kAlD
c. MAlD
d. 1A1
12. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen due cae and due d111gence?
a. Due cae 1s fhe conf1nua1 effof of ensu1ng fhaf fhe 1ghf fh1ng fakes p1ace,
and due d111gence 1s fhe conf1nua1 effof fo sfay comp11anf fo egu1af1ons.
b. Due cae and due d111gence ae 1n confasf fo fhe "pudenf man" concepf.
c. 1hey mean fhe same fh1ng.
d. Due d111gence 1s 1nvesf1gaf1ng fhe 1sks, and due cae 1s cay1ng ouf fhe
necessay sfeps fo m1f1gafe fhese 1sks.
13. Why shou1d emp1oyes make sue emp1oyees fake fhe1 vacaf1ons?
a. 1hey have a 1ega1 ob11gaf1on.
b. lf 1s paf of due d111gence.
c. lf 1s a Way fhaf faud can be uncoveed.
d. 1o ensue fhe emp1oyee does nof gef bunf ouf.
14. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes sepaaf1on of duf1es and ob ofaf1on?
a. 5epaaf1on of duf1es ensues fhaf moe fhan one emp1oyee knoWs hoW fo pefom
fhe fasks of a pos1f1on, and ob ofaf1on ensues fhaf one peson cannof pefom a
h1gh-1sk fask a1one.
b. 5epaaf1on of duf1es ensues fhaf one peson cannof pefom a h1gh-1sk fask
a1one, and ob ofaf1on can uncove faud and ensue fhaf moe fhan one peson knoWs
fhe fasks of a pos1f1on.
c. 1hey ae fhe same fh1ng W1fh d1ffeenf f1f1es.
d. 1hey ae adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s fhaf enfoce access confo1 and pofecf fhe
company`s esouces.
15. lf a pogamme 1s esf1cfed fom updaf1ng and mod1fy1ng poducf1on code, Whaf
1s fh1s an examp1e of?
a. kofaf1on of duf1es
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
b. Due d111gence
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
d. Confo111ng 1npuf va1ues
16. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen 1easf p1v11ege and need-fo-knoW?
a. A use shou1d have 1easf p1v11eges fhaf esf1cf he need-fo-knoW.
b. A use shou1d have a secu1fy c1eaance fo access esouces, a need-fo-knoW
abouf fhose esouces, and 1easf p1v11ege fo g1ve he fu11 confo1 of a11
c. A use shou1d have a need-fo-knoW fo access paf1cu1a esouces, 1easf
p1v11ege shou1d be 1mp1emenfed fo ensue she on1y accesses fhe esouces she has a
d. 1hey ae fWo fems fo fhe same 1ssue.
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d nof equ1e updafed documenfaf1on?
a. Anf1v1us s1gnafue updafe
b. keconf1guaf1on of a seve
c. Change 1n secu1fy po11cy
d. lnsfa111ng a pafch fo a poducf1on seve
1. lf sens1f1ve dafa 1s sfoed on a CD-kOM and 1f 1s no 1onge needed, Wh1ch Wou1d
be fhe pope Way of d1spos1ng of fhe dafa?
a. Degauss1ng
b. Las1ng
c. Pug1ng
d. Phys1ca1 desfucf1on
19. lf 55L 1s be1ng used fo encypf messages fhaf ae fansm1ffed ove fhe nefWok,
Whaf 1s a mao concen of fhe secu1fy pofess1ona1?
a. 1he nefWok segmenfs fhaf have sysfems fhaf use d1ffeenf ves1ons of 55L.
b. lf fhe use encypfed fhe message W1fh an app11caf1on 1aye poducf, 1f W111 be
1ncompaf1b1e W1fh 55L.
c. NefWok fapp1ng and W1efapp1ng.
d. 1he nefWok segmenfs fhaf fhe message W111 fave1 on fhaf fhe company does nof
20. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of 5M1P?
a. 1o enab1e uses fo exfacf ma11 messages fom a seve
b. 1o enab1e uses fo v1eW and mod1fy ma11 messages fom a seve
c. 1o fansm1f ma11 messages fom fhe c11enf fo fhe ma11 seve
d. 1o encypf ma11 messages befoe be1ng fansm1ffed
21. 1om has been fo1d fhaf he needs fo make sue h1s feam 1mp1emenfs a edundanf
fechno1ogy fo fhe1 fape sysfem. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fechno1og1es shou1d 1om
a. kAl1
b. MAlD
c. kAlD
d. 1A1
22. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen POP and lMAP?
a. POP doWn1oads e-ma11 fo fhe use, and lMAP g1ves fhe use fhe cho1ce of
doWn1oad1ng o keep1ng 1f on fhe ma11 seve.
b. POP g1ves fhe use fhe cho1ce of doWn1oad1ng ma11 messages o keep1ng fhem on
fhe seve, and lMAP aufomaf1ca11y doWn1oads fhe messages fo fhe use`s compufe.
c. POP 1s used When fhe messages need fo be fansm1ffed ove fhe lnfenef, and lMAP
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
1s used When fhe messages ae exchanged 1n-house.
d. lMAP 1s used When fhe messages need fo be fansm1ffed ove fhe lnfenef, and POP
1s used When fhe messages ae exchanged 1n-house.
23. lf a company has been confacfed because 1fs ma11 seve has been used fo spead
spam, Whaf 1s mosf 11ke1y fhe pob1em?
a. 1he 1nfena1 ma11 seve has been compom1sed by an 1nfena1 hacke.
b. 1he ma11 seve 1n fhe DMZ has p1vafe and pub11c esouce ecods.
c. 1he ma11 seve has e-ma11 e1ay1ng enab1ed and m1sconf1gued.
d. 1he ma11 seve has 5M1P enab1ed.
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a eason Why fax seves ae used 1n many
a. 1hey save money on 1nd1v1dua1 fax dev1ces and pape
b. 1hey pov1de a secue Way of fax1ng 1nsfead of hav1ng faxed papes s1ff1ng 1n
b1ns Wa1f1ng fo be p1cked up
c. Iaxes can be oufed fo emp1oyee e1ecfon1c ma11boxes
d. 1hey educe fhe need fo any ofhe commun1caf1on secu1fy mechan1sms
25. lf a company Wanfs fo pofecf fax dafa Wh11e 1f 1s 1n fansm1ss1on, Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng ae va11d mechan1sms?
a. PGP and MlML
b. PLM and 15L
c. Dafa 11nk encypf1on o fax encypfo
d. Dafa 11nk encypf1on and Pkl
26. Wh1ch besf desc1bes fhe pupose of 1CP Wappes?
a. Mon1fo equesfs fo cefa1n pofs and confo1 access fo sens1f1ve f11es
b. Mon1fo equesfs fo cefa1n sev1ces and confo1 access fo passWod f11es
c. Mon1fo equesfs fo cefa1n sev1ces and confo1 access fo fhose sev1ces
d. Mon1fo equesfs fo sysfem f11es and ensue fhey ae nof mod1f1ed
27. hoW do nefWok sn1ffes Wok?
a. 1hey pobe sysfems on a nefWok segmenf.
b. 1hey 11sfen fo AkP equesfs and lCMP packefs.
c. 1hey equ1e an exfa NlC fo be 1nsfa11ed and conf1gued.
d. 1hey puf fhe NlC 1nfo pom1scuous mode.
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an affack aga1nsf opeaf1ons?
a. 8ufe foce
b. Den1a1 of sev1ce
c. 8uffe ovef1oW
d. knoWn p1a1nfexf affack
29. Why shou1d use lDs be 1nc1uded 1n dafa capfued by aud1f1ng pocedues?
a. 5hoWs Whaf f11es Wee affacked
b. Lsfab11shes 1nd1v1dua1 accounfab111fy
c. Needed fo defecf a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack
d. Acf1vafes coecf1ve measues
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng confo1s equ1es sepaafe enf1f1es, opeaf1ng fogefhe,
fo comp1efe a fask?
a. Leasf p1v11ege
b. Dafa h1d1ng
c. Dua1 confo1
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
31. Dan 1s a manage of a company fhaf has a huge nefWok enfep1se, Wh1ch ho1ds
dafa 1n d1ffeenf confa1nes fhoughouf fhe env1onmenf. Dan needs fo pov1de a
cenfa11zed sfoage componenf fhaf pov1des edundancy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
fechno1og1es shou1d Dan 1mp1emenf?
a. kAlD
b. MAlD
c. 5AN
d. kAl1
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d nof be cons1deed an opeaf1ons med1a confo1 fask?
a. Compess1ng and decompess1ng sfoage mafe1a1s
b. Las1ng dafa When 1fs efenf1on pe1od 1s ove
c. 5fo1ng backup 1nfomaf1on 1n a pofecfed aea
d. Confo111ng access fo med1a and 1ogg1ng acf1v1f1es
33. hoW ae c11pp1ng 1eve1s a Way fo fack v1o1af1ons?
a. 1hey sef a base11ne fo noma1 use eos, and any v1o1af1ons fhaf exceed fhaf
fhesho1d shou1d be ecoded and ev1eWed fo undesfand Why fhey ae fak1ng p1ace.
b. 1hey enab1e fhe adm1n1sfafo fo v1eW a11 educf1on 1eve1s made fo use code
fhaf have 1ncued v1o1af1ons.
c. 1hey a11oW fhe adm1n1sfafo fo cusfom1ze fhe aud1f fa11 fo ecod on1y fhose
v1o1af1ons fhaf ae deemed secu1fy e1afed.
d. 1hey enab1e fhe adm1n1sfafo fo cusfom1ze fhe aud1f fa11 fo capfue on1y
access v1o1af1ons and den1a1-of-sev1ce affacks.
34. 1ape 11bay managemenf 1s an examp1e of opeaf1ons secu1fy fhough Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Ach1va1 efenf1on
b. kev1eW1ng c11pp1ng 1eve1s
c. kesouce pofecf1on
d. Change managemenf
35. A dev1ce fhaf geneafes coec1ve magnef1c foce fo fhe pupose of educ1ng
magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo on med1a 1s ca11ed:
a. Magnef1c safuaf1on
b. Magnef1c f1e1d
c. Phys1ca1 desfucf1on
d. Degausse
36. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of conf1guaf1on managemenf?
a. Confo111ng access fo pofecfed assefs
b. Confo111ng changes fhaf happen fo hadWae and soffWae
c. Confo111ng Who accesses fhe fac111fy
d. Confo111ng Who sn1ffs nefWok faff1c
37. Look1ng fhough anofhe pesons compufe f11es 1s an examp1e of Whaf fype of
a. Do5
b. h1ack1ng
c. D1cf1onay
d. 8oWs1ng
3. An affack fhaf sends packefs W1fh fhe same souce and desf1naf1on addesses
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
Wou1d be cons1deed Whaf fype of affack?
a. Den1a1-of-sev1ce affack
b. Asynchonous affack
c. D1sf1bufed affack
d. 11m1ng affack
39. Whaf 1s conf1guaf1on managemenf used fo 1n many env1onmenfs?
a. Confo111ng changes 1n fesf1ng pocedues
b. Confo111ng fesf1ng env1onmenfs and documenfaf1on of fesf1ng
c. Lnsu1ng changes 1n des1gn and 1fs ve1f1caf1on pocess, fesf1ng, and
d. Confo111ng changes 1n des1gn and 1fs ve1f1caf1on of pocess, fesf1ng, and
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng can be used fo defecf neW affacks nof pev1ous1y
a. 51gnafue-based lD5
b. knoW1edge-based lD5
c. 8ehav1o-based lD5
d. Lxpef sysfem
41. Pau1 1s a neW nefWok adm1n1sfafo. he has found fhaf fhe cuenf nefWok needs
an 1nfe111genf un1f fo ba1ance faff1c and pov1de fau1f-fo1eance. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng fechno1og1es shou1d Pau1 1mp1emenf?
a. G1d compuf1ng
b. 5eve fam1ng
c. Iedeafed seves
d. C1usfe1ng
42. An 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfem Woks on fhe pem1ses of Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. A paffen of ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can be d1sf1ngu1shed fom noma1 usage
b. A paffen of ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can be d1sf1ngu1shed fom affacks
c. A paffen of ma11c1ous acf1v1fy cannof be 1denf1f1ed
d. A paffen of ma11c1ous acf1v1fy can be confa1ned
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. W1fh kAlD 1eve1 5 dafa ae W1ffen 1n d1sk secfo un1fs fo a11
d1ves. Pa1fy 1s W1ffen fo a11 d1ves a1so, Wh1ch ensues fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf
of fa11ue.
b. lncoecf. W1fh kAlD 1eve1 5 dafa ae W1ffen 1n d1sk secfo un1fs fo a11
d1ves. Pa1fy 1s W1ffen fo a11 d1ves a1so, Wh1ch ensues fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf
of fa11ue.
c. lncoecf. W1fh kAlD 1eve1 5 dafa ae W1ffen 1n d1sk secfo un1fs fo a11
d1ves. Pa1fy 1s W1ffen fo a11 d1ves a1so, Wh1ch ensues fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf
of fa11ue.
d. Coecf. W1fh kAlD 1eve1 5 dafa ae W1ffen 1n d1sk secfo un1fs fo a11 d1ves.
Pa1fy 1s W1ffen fo a11 d1ves a1so, Wh1ch ensues fhee 1s no s1ng1e po1nf of
a. lncoecf. Deve1op1ng po11c1es does nof usua11y fa11 W1fh1n fhe espons1b111fy
of opeaf1ons, buf 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1 fhaf managemenf shou1d fake cae of.
b. Coecf. Deve1op1ng po11c1es does nof usua11y fa11 W1fh1n fhe espons1b111fy of
opeaf1ons, buf 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1 fhaf managemenf shou1d fake cae of.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. Deve1op1ng po11c1es does nof usua11y fa11 W1fh1n fhe espons1b111fy
of opeaf1ons, buf 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1 fhaf managemenf shou1d fake cae of.
d. lncoecf. Deve1op1ng po11c1es does nof usua11y fa11 W1fh1n fhe espons1b111fy
of opeaf1ons, buf 1s an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1 fhaf managemenf shou1d fake cae of.
a. lncoecf. 1he pocess of degauss1ng 1s ach1eved by pass1ng fhe magnef1c med1a
fhough a poWefu1 magnef f1e1d fo eaange fhe mefa111c paf1c1es, comp1efe1y
emov1ng any esemb1ance of fhe pev1ous1y ecoded s1gna1. Degauss1ng, oveW1f1ng
and desfucf1on consf1fufe fhe san1faf1on of some med1a. 1h1s addesses sfoage
fac111f1es {sfoage and memoy}, nof dafa buses.
b. Coecf. 1he pocess of degauss1ng 1s ach1eved by pass1ng fhe magnef1c med1a
fhough a poWefu1 magnef f1e1d fo eaange fhe mefa111c paf1c1es, comp1efe1y
emov1ng any esemb1ance of fhe pev1ous1y ecoded s1gna1. Degauss1ng, oveW1f1ng
and desfucf1on consf1fufe fhe san1faf1on of some med1a. 1h1s addesses sfoage
fac111f1es {sfoage and memoy}, nof dafa buses.
c. lncoecf. 1he pocess of degauss1ng 1s ach1eved by pass1ng fhe magnef1c med1a
fhough a poWefu1 magnef f1e1d fo eaange fhe mefa111c paf1c1es, comp1efe1y
emov1ng any esemb1ance of fhe pev1ous1y ecoded s1gna1. Degauss1ng, oveW1f1ng
and desfucf1on consf1fufe fhe san1faf1on of some med1a. 1h1s addesses sfoage
fac111f1es {sfoage and memoy}, nof dafa buses.
d. lncoecf. 1he pocess of degauss1ng 1s ach1eved by pass1ng fhe magnef1c med1a
fhough a poWefu1 magnef f1e1d fo eaange fhe mefa111c paf1c1es, comp1efe1y
emov1ng any esemb1ance of fhe pev1ous1y ecoded s1gna1. Degauss1ng, oveW1f1ng
and desfucf1on consf1fufe fhe san1faf1on of some med1a. 1h1s addesses sfoage
fac111f1es {sfoage and memoy}, nof dafa buses.
a. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of opeaf1ons secu1fy 1s fo ma1n1y pofecf fhe company`s
med1a {assefs}, Wh1ch 1nd1ecf1y pofecfs fhe dafa on fhe med1a. lf 1s a1so
concened W1fh hadWae and soffWae pefom1ng 1n ped1cfab1e and accepfab1e Ways.
b. Coecf. 1he goa1 of opeaf1ons secu1fy 1s fo ma1n1y pofecf fhe company`s
med1a {assefs}, Wh1ch 1nd1ecf1y pofecfs fhe dafa on fhe med1a. lf 1s a1so
concened W1fh hadWae and soffWae pefom1ng 1n ped1cfab1e and accepfab1e Ways.
c. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of opeaf1ons secu1fy 1s fo ma1n1y pofecf fhe company`s
med1a {assefs}, Wh1ch 1nd1ecf1y pofecfs fhe dafa on fhe med1a. lf 1s a1so
concened W1fh hadWae and soffWae pefom1ng 1n ped1cfab1e and accepfab1e Ways.
d. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of opeaf1ons secu1fy 1s fo ma1n1y pofecf fhe company`s
med1a {assefs}, Wh1ch 1nd1ecf1y pofecfs fhe dafa on fhe med1a. lf 1s a1so
concened W1fh hadWae and soffWae pefom1ng 1n ped1cfab1e and accepfab1e Ways.
a. lncoecf. 1he es1dua1 dafa 1s fhe magnef1c 1nducf1on fhaf ema1ns affe
emova1 of fhe magnef1z1ng f1e1d. 1h1s can be used fo ecove 1osf dafa,
pofenf1a11y even affe de1ef1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he es1dua1 dafa 1s fhe magnef1c 1nducf1on fhaf ema1ns affe
emova1 of fhe magnef1z1ng f1e1d. 1h1s can be used fo ecove 1osf dafa,
pofenf1a11y even affe de1ef1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he es1dua1 dafa 1s fhe magnef1c 1nducf1on fhaf ema1ns affe
emova1 of fhe magnef1z1ng f1e1d. 1h1s can be used fo ecove 1osf dafa,
pofenf1a11y even affe de1ef1on.
d. Coecf. 1he es1dua1 dafa 1s fhe magnef1c 1nducf1on fhaf ema1ns affe emova1
of fhe magnef1z1ng f1e1d. 1h1s can be used fo ecove 1osf dafa, pofenf1a11y even
affe de1ef1on.
a. Coecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 esfab11shes a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es
fhaf may be noma1 use eos. On1y affe fh1s base11ne 1s exceeded 1s a v1o1af1on
ecod poduced.
b. lncoecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 esfab11shes a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es
fhaf may be noma1 use eos. On1y affe fh1s base11ne 1s exceeded 1s a v1o1af1on
ecod poduced.
c. lncoecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 esfab11shes a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
fhaf may be noma1 use eos. On1y affe fh1s base11ne 1s exceeded 1s a v1o1af1on
ecod poduced.
d. lncoecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 esfab11shes a base11ne fo v1o1af1on acf1v1f1es
fhaf may be noma1 use eos. On1y affe fh1s base11ne 1s exceeded 1s a v1o1af1on
ecod poduced.
a. lncoecf. Mechan1sms musf be emp1oyed fhaf can connecf a use W1fh h1s o he
acf1ons. 1h1s a11oWs v1o1af1ons and eos fo be faced fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1
espons1b1e fo such acf1ons.
b. Coecf. Mechan1sms musf be emp1oyed fhaf can connecf a use W1fh h1s o he
acf1ons. 1h1s a11oWs v1o1af1ons and eos fo be faced fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1
espons1b1e fo such acf1ons.
c. lncoecf. Mechan1sms musf be emp1oyed fhaf can connecf a use W1fh h1s o he
acf1ons. 1h1s a11oWs v1o1af1ons and eos fo be faced fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1
espons1b1e fo such acf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Mechan1sms musf be emp1oyed fhaf can connecf a use W1fh h1s o he
acf1ons. 1h1s a11oWs v1o1af1ons and eos fo be faced fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1
espons1b1e fo such acf1ons.

a. lncoecf. lnpuf/oufpuf confo1s musf be 1n p1ace fhaf ve1fy fhe accuacy of

dafa be1ng enfeed 1nfo o geneafed ouf of a sysfem and/o 1fs dev1ces.
b. Coecf. lnpuf/oufpuf confo1s musf be 1n p1ace fhaf ve1fy fhe accuacy of
dafa be1ng enfeed 1nfo o geneafed ouf of a sysfem and/o 1fs dev1ces.
c. lncoecf. lnpuf/oufpuf confo1s musf be 1n p1ace fhaf ve1fy fhe accuacy of
dafa be1ng enfeed 1nfo o geneafed ouf of a sysfem and/o 1fs dev1ces.
d. lncoecf. lnpuf/oufpuf confo1s musf be 1n p1ace fhaf ve1fy fhe accuacy of
dafa be1ng enfeed 1nfo o geneafed ouf of a sysfem and/o 1fs dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng, appov1ng,
and documenf1ng changes fo hadWae, soffWae, and f1mWae on a sysfem.
b. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng, appov1ng,
and documenf1ng changes fo hadWae, soffWae, and f1mWae on a sysfem.
c. Coecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng, appov1ng,
and documenf1ng changes fo hadWae, soffWae, and f1mWae on a sysfem.
d. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng, appov1ng,
and documenf1ng changes fo hadWae, soffWae, and f1mWae on a sysfem.
a. lncoecf. Pacf1c1ng 1easf p1v11ege means fhaf fhe 1ghf amounf of access,
pem1ss1ons, and 1ghfs ae g1ven fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo h1m fo fu1f111 h1s fasks.
b. lncoecf. Pacf1c1ng 1easf p1v11ege means fhaf fhe 1ghf amounf of access,
pem1ss1ons, and 1ghfs ae g1ven fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo h1m fo fu1f111 h1s fasks.
c. lncoecf. Pacf1c1ng 1easf p1v11ege means fhaf fhe 1ghf amounf of access,
pem1ss1ons, and 1ghfs ae g1ven fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo h1m fo fu1f111 h1s fasks.
d. Coecf. Pacf1c1ng 1easf p1v11ege means fhaf fhe 1ghf amounf of access,
pem1ss1ons, and 1ghfs ae g1ven fo an 1nd1v1dua1 fo h1m fo fu1f111 h1s fasks.
a. lncoecf. Mass1ve aay of 1nacf1ve d1sks 1s a fechno1ogy fhaf uses a 1age
goup of had d1sk d1ves, hundeds o even fhousands, W1fh on1y fhose d1ves fhaf
ae needed acf1ve1y sp1nn1ng af any g1ven f1me. MAlD 1s a sfoage sysfem so1uf1on
fhaf educes bofh Wea on fhe d1ves and a1so educes poWe consumpf1on. 8ecause
on1y spec1f1c d1sks sp1n af a g1ven f1me, Whaf 1s nof 1n use 1s 11fea11y a mass1ve
aay of 1d1e d1sks, Wh1ch a1so means fhe sysfem poduces 1ess heaf fhan ofhe 1age
sfoage sysfems.
b. lncoecf. Mass1ve aay of 1nacf1ve d1sks 1s a fechno1ogy fhaf uses a 1age
goup of had d1sk d1ves, hundeds o even fhousands, W1fh on1y fhose d1ves fhaf
ae needed acf1ve1y sp1nn1ng af any g1ven f1me. MAlD 1s a sfoage sysfem so1uf1on
fhaf educes bofh Wea on fhe d1ves and a1so educes poWe consumpf1on. 8ecause
on1y spec1f1c d1sks sp1n af a g1ven f1me, Whaf 1s nof 1n use 1s 11fea11y a mass1ve
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
aay of 1d1e d1sks, Wh1ch a1so means fhe sysfem poduces 1ess heaf fhan ofhe 1age
sfoage sysfems.
c. Coecf. Mass1ve aay of 1nacf1ve d1sks 1s a fechno1ogy fhaf uses a 1age goup
of had d1sk d1ves, hundeds o even fhousands, W1fh on1y fhose d1ves fhaf ae
needed acf1ve1y sp1nn1ng af any g1ven f1me. MAlD 1s a sfoage sysfem so1uf1on fhaf
educes bofh Wea on fhe d1ves and a1so educes poWe consumpf1on. 8ecause on1y
spec1f1c d1sks sp1n af a g1ven f1me, Whaf 1s nof 1n use 1s 11fea11y a mass1ve aay
of 1d1e d1sks, Wh1ch a1so means fhe sysfem poduces 1ess heaf fhan ofhe 1age
sfoage sysfems.
d. lncoecf. Mass1ve aay of 1nacf1ve d1sks 1s a fechno1ogy fhaf uses a 1age
goup of had d1sk d1ves, hundeds o even fhousands, W1fh on1y fhose d1ves fhaf
ae needed acf1ve1y sp1nn1ng af any g1ven f1me. MAlD 1s a sfoage sysfem so1uf1on
fhaf educes bofh Wea on fhe d1ves and a1so educes poWe consumpf1on. 8ecause
on1y spec1f1c d1sks sp1n af a g1ven f1me, Whaf 1s nof 1n use 1s 11fea11y a mass1ve
aay of 1d1e d1sks, Wh1ch a1so means fhe sysfem poduces 1ess heaf fhan ofhe 1age
sfoage sysfems.
a. lncoecf. Due cae and due d111gence ae 1ega1 fems fhaf do nof usf pefa1n
fo secu1fy. Due d111gence 1s go1ng fhough fhe necessay sfeps fo knoW Whaf a
company o 1nd1v1dua1`s acfua1 1sks ae, and due cae 1s cay1ng ouf espons1b1e
acf1ons fo educe fhose 1sks.
b. lncoecf. Due cae and due d111gence ae 1ega1 fems fhaf do nof usf pefa1n
fo secu1fy. Due d111gence 1s go1ng fhough fhe necessay sfeps fo knoW Whaf a
company o 1nd1v1dua1`s acfua1 1sks ae, and due cae 1s cay1ng ouf espons1b1e
acf1ons fo educe fhose 1sks.
c. lncoecf. Due cae and due d111gence ae 1ega1 fems fhaf do nof usf pefa1n
fo secu1fy. Due d111gence 1s go1ng fhough fhe necessay sfeps fo knoW Whaf a
company o 1nd1v1dua1`s acfua1 1sks ae, and due cae 1s cay1ng ouf espons1b1e
acf1ons fo educe fhose 1sks.
d. Coecf. Due cae and due d111gence ae 1ega1 fems fhaf do nof usf pefa1n fo
secu1fy. Due d111gence 1s go1ng fhough fhe necessay sfeps fo knoW Whaf a company
o 1nd1v1dua1`s acfua1 1sks ae, and due cae 1s cay1ng ouf espons1b1e acf1ons
fo educe fhose 1sks.
a. lncoecf. Many f1mes emp1oyees Who ae cay1ng ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es do
nof fake fhe vacaf1on fhey have eaned because fhey do nof Wanf anyone fo f1nd ouf
Whaf fhey have been do1ng. Ioc1ng emp1oyees fo fake vacaf1ons means fhaf someone
e1se has fo do fhaf peson`s ob and poss1b1y uncove any m1sdeeds.
b. lncoecf. Many f1mes emp1oyees Who ae cay1ng ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es do
nof fake fhe vacaf1on fhey have eaned because fhey do nof Wanf anyone fo f1nd ouf
Whaf fhey have been do1ng. Ioc1ng emp1oyees fo fake vacaf1ons means fhaf someone
e1se has fo do fhaf peson`s ob and poss1b1y uncove any m1sdeeds.
c. Coecf. Many f1mes emp1oyees Who ae cay1ng ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es do nof
fake fhe vacaf1on fhey have eaned because fhey do nof Wanf anyone fo f1nd ouf Whaf
fhey have been do1ng. Ioc1ng emp1oyees fo fake vacaf1ons means fhaf someone e1se
has fo do fhaf peson`s ob and poss1b1y uncove any m1sdeeds.
d. lncoecf. Many f1mes emp1oyees Who ae cay1ng ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es do
nof fake fhe vacaf1on fhey have eaned because fhey do nof Wanf anyone fo f1nd ouf
Whaf fhey have been do1ng. Ioc1ng emp1oyees fo fake vacaf1ons means fhaf someone
e1se has fo do fhaf peson`s ob and poss1b1y uncove any m1sdeeds.
a. lncoecf. kofaf1on of duf1es a11oWs fo a company fo have moe fhan one peson
fa1ned 1n a pos1f1on and can uncove faudu1enf acf1v1f1es. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy cannof cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask a1one.
b. Coecf. kofaf1on of duf1es a11oWs fo a company fo have moe fhan one peson
fa1ned 1n a pos1f1on and can uncove faudu1enf acf1v1f1es. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy cannof cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask a1one.
c. lncoecf. kofaf1on of duf1es a11oWs fo a company fo have moe fhan one peson
fa1ned 1n a pos1f1on and can uncove faudu1enf acf1v1f1es. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy cannof cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask a1one.
Page 9
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. kofaf1on of duf1es a11oWs fo a company fo have moe fhan one peson
fa1ned 1n a pos1f1on and can uncove faudu1enf acf1v1f1es. 5epaaf1on of duf1es 1s
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf one enf1fy cannof cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask a1one.
a. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 examp1es of sepaaf1on of duf1es, fh1s 1s usf one
of fhem. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a sysfem 1s sef up fo pope code man1pu1af1on fo
fake p1ace When necessay, 1nsfead of a11oW1ng a pogamme fo make changes
ab1fa11y. 1hese fypes of changes shou1d go fhough a change confo1 pocess and
shou1d have moe enf1f1es 1nvo1ved 1nsfead of usf one pogamme.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 examp1es of sepaaf1on of duf1es, fh1s 1s usf one
of fhem. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a sysfem 1s sef up fo pope code man1pu1af1on fo
fake p1ace When necessay, 1nsfead of a11oW1ng a pogamme fo make changes
ab1fa11y. 1hese fypes of changes shou1d go fhough a change confo1 pocess and
shou1d have moe enf1f1es 1nvo1ved 1nsfead of usf one pogamme.
c. Coecf. 1hee ae sevea1 examp1es of sepaaf1on of duf1es, fh1s 1s usf one
of fhem. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a sysfem 1s sef up fo pope code man1pu1af1on fo
fake p1ace When necessay, 1nsfead of a11oW1ng a pogamme fo make changes
ab1fa11y. 1hese fypes of changes shou1d go fhough a change confo1 pocess and
shou1d have moe enf1f1es 1nvo1ved 1nsfead of usf one pogamme.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 examp1es of sepaaf1on of duf1es, fh1s 1s usf one
of fhem. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf a sysfem 1s sef up fo pope code man1pu1af1on fo
fake p1ace When necessay, 1nsfead of a11oW1ng a pogamme fo make changes
ab1fa11y. 1hese fypes of changes shou1d go fhough a change confo1 pocess and
shou1d have moe enf1f1es 1nvo1ved 1nsfead of usf one pogamme.
a. lncoecf. uses shou1d on1y be ab1e fo access fhe esouces fhey need fo
fu1f111 fhe1 duf1es of fhe1 pos1f1ons. 1hey a1so shou1d on1y have fhe 1eve1 of
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs fo fhose esouces fhaf 1s equ1ed fo cay ouf fhe exacf
opeaf1ons fhey need fo fhe1 obs and no moe. 1h1s second concepf 1s moe
ganu1a fhan fhe f1sf, buf fhey have a symb1of1c e1af1onsh1p.
b. lncoecf. uses shou1d on1y be ab1e fo access fhe esouces fhey need fo
fu1f111 fhe1 duf1es of fhe1 pos1f1ons. 1hey a1so shou1d on1y have fhe 1eve1 of
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs fo fhose esouces fhaf 1s equ1ed fo cay ouf fhe exacf
opeaf1ons fhey need fo fhe1 obs and no moe. 1h1s second concepf 1s moe
ganu1a fhan fhe f1sf, buf fhey have a symb1of1c e1af1onsh1p.
c. Coecf. uses shou1d on1y be ab1e fo access fhe esouces fhey need fo fu1f111
fhe1 duf1es of fhe1 pos1f1ons. 1hey a1so shou1d on1y have fhe 1eve1 of pem1ss1ons
and 1ghfs fo fhose esouces fhaf 1s equ1ed fo cay ouf fhe exacf opeaf1ons
fhey need fo fhe1 obs and no moe. 1h1s second concepf 1s moe ganu1a fhan fhe
f1sf, buf fhey have a symb1of1c e1af1onsh1p.
d. lncoecf. uses shou1d on1y be ab1e fo access fhe esouces fhey need fo
fu1f111 fhe1 duf1es of fhe1 pos1f1ons. 1hey a1so shou1d on1y have fhe 1eve1 of
pem1ss1ons and 1ghfs fo fhose esouces fhaf 1s equ1ed fo cay ouf fhe exacf
opeaf1ons fhey need fo fhe1 obs and no moe. 1h1s second concepf 1s moe
ganu1a fhan fhe f1sf, buf fhey have a symb1of1c e1af1onsh1p.
a. Coecf. Documenfaf1on 1s vey 1mpofanf fo dafa pocess1ng and nefWoked
env1onmenfs. Many f1mes fh1s fask gefs pushed fo fhe back of fhe bus o fofa11y
1gnoed. lf fh1ngs ae nof pope1y documenfed, emp1oyees W111 fogef Whaf acfua11y
fook p1ace on each and evey dev1ce. 1he env1onmenf cou1d nof be pope1y
econsfucfed 1f necessay and When neW changes need fo be 1mp1emenfed fhe cuenf
1nfasfucfue may nof be fofa11y undesfood.
b. lncoecf. Documenfaf1on 1s vey 1mpofanf fo dafa pocess1ng and nefWoked
env1onmenfs. Many f1mes fh1s fask gefs pushed fo fhe back of fhe bus o fofa11y
1gnoed. lf fh1ngs ae nof pope1y documenfed, emp1oyees W111 fogef Whaf acfua11y
fook p1ace on each and evey dev1ce. 1he env1onmenf cou1d nof be pope1y
econsfucfed 1f necessay and When neW changes need fo be 1mp1emenfed fhe cuenf
1nfasfucfue may nof be fofa11y undesfood.
c. lncoecf. Documenfaf1on 1s vey 1mpofanf fo dafa pocess1ng and nefWoked
env1onmenfs. Many f1mes fh1s fask gefs pushed fo fhe back of fhe bus o fofa11y
Page 10
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
1gnoed. lf fh1ngs ae nof pope1y documenfed, emp1oyees W111 fogef Whaf acfua11y
fook p1ace on each and evey dev1ce. 1he env1onmenf cou1d nof be pope1y
econsfucfed 1f necessay and When neW changes need fo be 1mp1emenfed fhe cuenf
1nfasfucfue may nof be fofa11y undesfood.
d. lncoecf. Documenfaf1on 1s vey 1mpofanf fo dafa pocess1ng and nefWoked
env1onmenfs. Many f1mes fh1s fask gefs pushed fo fhe back of fhe bus o fofa11y
1gnoed. lf fh1ngs ae nof pope1y documenfed, emp1oyees W111 fogef Whaf acfua11y
fook p1ace on each and evey dev1ce. 1he env1onmenf cou1d nof be pope1y
econsfucfed 1f necessay and When neW changes need fo be 1mp1emenfed fhe cuenf
1nfasfucfue may nof be fofa11y undesfood.
a. lncoecf. One cannof pope1y ease dafa fhaf 1s he1d on a CD-kOM. lf fhe dafa
1s sens1f1ve and you need fo ensue fhaf no one has access fo 1f, fhen fhe med1a
shou1d be phys1ca11y desfoyed.
b. lncoecf. One cannof pope1y ease dafa fhaf 1s he1d on a CD-kOM. lf fhe dafa
1s sens1f1ve and you need fo ensue fhaf no one has access fo 1f, fhen fhe med1a
shou1d be phys1ca11y desfoyed.
c. lncoecf. One cannof pope1y ease dafa fhaf 1s he1d on a CD-kOM. lf fhe dafa
1s sens1f1ve and you need fo ensue fhaf no one has access fo 1f, fhen fhe med1a
shou1d be phys1ca11y desfoyed.
d. Coecf. One cannof pope1y ease dafa fhaf 1s he1d on a CD-kOM. lf fhe dafa
1s sens1f1ve and you need fo ensue fhaf no one has access fo 1f, fhen fhe med1a
shou1d be phys1ca11y desfoyed.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s nof a geaf quesf1on, buf cou1d be somefh1ng you un 1nfo on
fhe exam. Lef`s 1ook af fhe ansWes. D1ffeenf 55L ves1ons ae usua11y nof a
concen because fhe fWo commun1caf1ng sysfems W111 negof1afe and agee upon fhe
necessay ves1on. 1hee 1s no secu1fy v1o1af1on 1ssue hee. 55L Woks af fhe
fanspof 1aye, fhus W111 nof be affecfed by Whaf fhe use does. 55L pofecfs
aga1nsf nefWok fapp1ng and W1efapp1ng. 1he ema1n1ng ansWe fa1ks abouf fhe
nefWok segmenfs fhe company does nof oWn. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe ouf of fhe fou,
buf a company Wou1d use 55L fo pofecf dafa fhaf 1s faves1ng fhough ofhe`s
equ1pmenf. lf fhe dafa 1s vey sens1f1ve and has fo fave1 oufs1de of fhe company`s
nefWok, and 55L does nof pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on, a vPN
connecf1on may be sef up.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s nof a geaf quesf1on, buf cou1d be somefh1ng you un 1nfo on
fhe exam. Lef`s 1ook af fhe ansWes. D1ffeenf 55L ves1ons ae usua11y nof a
concen because fhe fWo commun1caf1ng sysfems W111 negof1afe and agee upon fhe
necessay ves1on. 1hee 1s no secu1fy v1o1af1on 1ssue hee. 55L Woks af fhe
fanspof 1aye, fhus W111 nof be affecfed by Whaf fhe use does. 55L pofecfs
aga1nsf nefWok fapp1ng and W1efapp1ng. 1he ema1n1ng ansWe fa1ks abouf fhe
nefWok segmenfs fhe company does nof oWn. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe ouf of fhe fou,
buf a company Wou1d use 55L fo pofecf dafa fhaf 1s faves1ng fhough ofhe`s
equ1pmenf. lf fhe dafa 1s vey sens1f1ve and has fo fave1 oufs1de of fhe company`s
nefWok, and 55L does nof pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on, a vPN
connecf1on may be sef up.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s nof a geaf quesf1on, buf cou1d be somefh1ng you un 1nfo on
fhe exam. Lef`s 1ook af fhe ansWes. D1ffeenf 55L ves1ons ae usua11y nof a
concen because fhe fWo commun1caf1ng sysfems W111 negof1afe and agee upon fhe
necessay ves1on. 1hee 1s no secu1fy v1o1af1on 1ssue hee. 55L Woks af fhe
fanspof 1aye, fhus W111 nof be affecfed by Whaf fhe use does. 55L pofecfs
aga1nsf nefWok fapp1ng and W1efapp1ng. 1he ema1n1ng ansWe fa1ks abouf fhe
nefWok segmenfs fhe company does nof oWn. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe ouf of fhe fou,
buf a company Wou1d use 55L fo pofecf dafa fhaf 1s faves1ng fhough ofhe`s
equ1pmenf. lf fhe dafa 1s vey sens1f1ve and has fo fave1 oufs1de of fhe company`s
nefWok, and 55L does nof pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on, a vPN
connecf1on may be sef up.
d. Coecf. 1h1s 1s nof a geaf quesf1on, buf cou1d be somefh1ng you un 1nfo on
fhe exam. Lef`s 1ook af fhe ansWes. D1ffeenf 55L ves1ons ae usua11y nof a
concen because fhe fWo commun1caf1ng sysfems W111 negof1afe and agee upon fhe
necessay ves1on. 1hee 1s no secu1fy v1o1af1on 1ssue hee. 55L Woks af fhe
Page 11
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
fanspof 1aye, fhus W111 nof be affecfed by Whaf fhe use does. 55L pofecfs
aga1nsf nefWok fapp1ng and W1efapp1ng. 1he ema1n1ng ansWe fa1ks abouf fhe
nefWok segmenfs fhe company does nof oWn. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe ouf of fhe fou,
buf a company Wou1d use 55L fo pofecf dafa fhaf 1s faves1ng fhough ofhe`s
equ1pmenf. lf fhe dafa 1s vey sens1f1ve and has fo fave1 oufs1de of fhe company`s
nefWok, and 55L does nof pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on, a vPN
connecf1on may be sef up.
a. lncoecf. 51mp1e Ma11 1ansfe Pofoco1 {5M1P} a11oWs c11enfs fo send e-ma11
messages fo each ofhe and a11oWs d1ffeenf ma11 seves fo exchange messages.
b. lncoecf. 51mp1e Ma11 1ansfe Pofoco1 {5M1P} a11oWs c11enfs fo send e-ma11
messages fo each ofhe and a11oWs d1ffeenf ma11 seves fo exchange messages.
c. Coecf. 51mp1e Ma11 1ansfe Pofoco1 {5M1P} a11oWs c11enfs fo send e-ma11
messages fo each ofhe and a11oWs d1ffeenf ma11 seves fo exchange messages.
d. lncoecf. 51mp1e Ma11 1ansfe Pofoco1 {5M1P} a11oWs c11enfs fo send e-ma11
messages fo each ofhe and a11oWs d1ffeenf ma11 seves fo exchange messages.
a. Coecf. kAl1 {edundanf aay of 1ndependenf fapes} 1s s1m11a fo kAlD, buf
uses fape d1ves 1nsfead of d1sk d1ves. 1ape sfoage 1s fhe 1oWesf cosf opf1on fo
vey 1age amounfs of dafa, buf 1s vey s1oW compaed fo d1sk sfoage. Io vey
1age W1fe-mosf1y sfoage app11caf1ons Whee MAlD 1s nof econom1ca1 and Whee a
h1ghe pefomance fhan fyp1ca1 fape sfoage 1s des1ed, o Whee fape sfoage
pov1des appop1afe pefomance and h1ghe e11ab111fy 1s equ1ed, kAl1 may f1f.
b. lncoecf. kAl1 {edundanf aay of 1ndependenf fapes} 1s s1m11a fo kAlD, buf
uses fape d1ves 1nsfead of d1sk d1ves. 1ape sfoage 1s fhe 1oWesf cosf opf1on fo
vey 1age amounfs of dafa, buf 1s vey s1oW compaed fo d1sk sfoage. Io vey
1age W1fe-mosf1y sfoage app11caf1ons Whee MAlD 1s nof econom1ca1 and Whee a
h1ghe pefomance fhan fyp1ca1 fape sfoage 1s des1ed, o Whee fape sfoage
pov1des appop1afe pefomance and h1ghe e11ab111fy 1s equ1ed, kAl1 may f1f.
c. lncoecf. kAl1 {edundanf aay of 1ndependenf fapes} 1s s1m11a fo kAlD, buf
uses fape d1ves 1nsfead of d1sk d1ves. 1ape sfoage 1s fhe 1oWesf cosf opf1on fo
vey 1age amounfs of dafa, buf 1s vey s1oW compaed fo d1sk sfoage. Io vey
1age W1fe-mosf1y sfoage app11caf1ons Whee MAlD 1s nof econom1ca1 and Whee a
h1ghe pefomance fhan fyp1ca1 fape sfoage 1s des1ed, o Whee fape sfoage
pov1des appop1afe pefomance and h1ghe e11ab111fy 1s equ1ed, kAl1 may f1f.
d. lncoecf. kAl1 {edundanf aay of 1ndependenf fapes} 1s s1m11a fo kAlD, buf
uses fape d1ves 1nsfead of d1sk d1ves. 1ape sfoage 1s fhe 1oWesf cosf opf1on fo
vey 1age amounfs of dafa, buf 1s vey s1oW compaed fo d1sk sfoage. Io vey
1age W1fe-mosf1y sfoage app11caf1ons Whee MAlD 1s nof econom1ca1 and Whee a
h1ghe pefomance fhan fyp1ca1 fape sfoage 1s des1ed, o Whee fape sfoage
pov1des appop1afe pefomance and h1ghe e11ab111fy 1s equ1ed, kAl1 may f1f.
a. Coecf. lMAP pov1des fhe same fypes of funcf1ona11fy as POP, buf has moe
capab111f1es and funcf1ona11fy. lf a use 1s us1ng POP When he accesses h1s ma11
seve fo see 1f he has ece1ved any neW messages, a11 messages ae aufomaf1ca11y
doWn1oaded fo h1s compufe. lMAP g1ves fhe use a cho1ce of Whefhe fhe ma11 W111
sfay on fhe seve o on h1s 1oca1 sysfem.
b. lncoecf. lMAP pov1des fhe same fypes of funcf1ona11fy as POP, buf has moe
capab111f1es and funcf1ona11fy. lf a use 1s us1ng POP When he accesses h1s ma11
seve fo see 1f he has ece1ved any neW messages, a11 messages ae aufomaf1ca11y
doWn1oaded fo h1s compufe. lMAP g1ves fhe use a cho1ce of Whefhe fhe ma11 W111
sfay on fhe seve o on h1s 1oca1 sysfem.
c. lncoecf. lMAP pov1des fhe same fypes of funcf1ona11fy as POP, buf has moe
capab111f1es and funcf1ona11fy. lf a use 1s us1ng POP When he accesses h1s ma11
seve fo see 1f he has ece1ved any neW messages, a11 messages ae aufomaf1ca11y
doWn1oaded fo h1s compufe. lMAP g1ves fhe use a cho1ce of Whefhe fhe ma11 W111
sfay on fhe seve o on h1s 1oca1 sysfem.
d. lncoecf. lMAP pov1des fhe same fypes of funcf1ona11fy as POP, buf has moe
capab111f1es and funcf1ona11fy. lf a use 1s us1ng POP When he accesses h1s ma11
seve fo see 1f he has ece1ved any neW messages, a11 messages ae aufomaf1ca11y
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
doWn1oaded fo h1s compufe. lMAP g1ves fhe use a cho1ce of Whefhe fhe ma11 W111
sfay on fhe seve o on h1s 1oca1 sysfem.
a. lncoecf. 5pammes W111 1denf1fy fhe ma11 seves on fhe lnfenef fhaf have
e1ay1ng enab1ed and ae W1de open, mean1ng fhe seve W111 foWad on any e-ma11
messages 1f ece1ves.
b. lncoecf. 5pammes W111 1denf1fy fhe ma11 seves on fhe lnfenef fhaf have
e1ay1ng enab1ed and ae W1de open, mean1ng fhe seve W111 foWad on any e-ma11
messages 1f ece1ves.
c. Coecf. 5pammes W111 1denf1fy fhe ma11 seves on fhe lnfenef fhaf have
e1ay1ng enab1ed and ae W1de open, mean1ng fhe seve W111 foWad on any e-ma11
messages 1f ece1ves.
d. lncoecf. 5pammes W111 1denf1fy fhe ma11 seves on fhe lnfenef fhaf have
e1ay1ng enab1ed and ae W1de open, mean1ng fhe seve W111 foWad on any e-ma11
messages 1f ece1ves.
a. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes pov1de easons Why fax seves Wou1d be
used 1nsfead of 1nd1v1dua1 fax mach1nes: ease of use, pov1des moe pofecf1on, and
supp11es can be cheape.
b. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes pov1de easons Why fax seves Wou1d be
used 1nsfead of 1nd1v1dua1 fax mach1nes: ease of use, pov1des moe pofecf1on, and
supp11es can be cheape.
c. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes pov1de easons Why fax seves Wou1d be
used 1nsfead of 1nd1v1dua1 fax mach1nes: ease of use, pov1des moe pofecf1on, and
supp11es can be cheape.
d. Coecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes pov1de easons Why fax seves Wou1d be used
1nsfead of 1nd1v1dua1 fax mach1nes: ease of use, pov1des moe pofecf1on, and
supp11es can be cheape.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe fo fh1s quesf1on. 1he ofhe componenfs
cou1d pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on, buf a fax encypfo {Wh1ch 1s a dafa
11nk encypfo} pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on acoss fhe boad because
eveyfh1ng 1s encypfed. Lven 1f a use does nof choose fo encypf somefh1ng, 1f
W111 be encypfed anyWay befoe 1f 1s senf ouf fhe fax seve.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe fo fh1s quesf1on. 1he ofhe componenfs
cou1d pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on, buf a fax encypfo {Wh1ch 1s a dafa
11nk encypfo} pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on acoss fhe boad because
eveyfh1ng 1s encypfed. Lven 1f a use does nof choose fo encypf somefh1ng, 1f
W111 be encypfed anyWay befoe 1f 1s senf ouf fhe fax seve.
c. Coecf. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe fo fh1s quesf1on. 1he ofhe componenfs cou1d
pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on, buf a fax encypfo {Wh1ch 1s a dafa 11nk
encypfo} pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on acoss fhe boad because eveyfh1ng
1s encypfed. Lven 1f a use does nof choose fo encypf somefh1ng, 1f W111 be
encypfed anyWay befoe 1f 1s senf ouf fhe fax seve.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s fhe besf ansWe fo fh1s quesf1on. 1he ofhe componenfs
cou1d pov1de d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on, buf a fax encypfo {Wh1ch 1s a dafa
11nk encypfo} pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on acoss fhe boad because
eveyfh1ng 1s encypfed. Lven 1f a use does nof choose fo encypf somefh1ng, 1f
W111 be encypfed anyWay befoe 1f 1s senf ouf fhe fax seve.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a poducf fhaf Waps fhe d1ffeenf sev1ces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e on a sysfem. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf 1f a emofe use makes a equesf fo
access a sev1ce, fh1s poducf W111 1nfecepf fh1s equesf and make a defem1naf1on
Whefhe fh1s equesf 1s va11d and a11oWed befoe a11oW1ng fhe 1nfeacf1on fo fake
b. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a poducf fhaf Waps fhe d1ffeenf sev1ces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e on a sysfem. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf 1f a emofe use makes a equesf fo
access a sev1ce, fh1s poducf W111 1nfecepf fh1s equesf and make a defem1naf1on
Whefhe fh1s equesf 1s va11d and a11oWed befoe a11oW1ng fhe 1nfeacf1on fo fake
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
c. Coecf. 1h1s 1s a poducf fhaf Waps fhe d1ffeenf sev1ces fhaf ae ava11ab1e
on a sysfem. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf 1f a emofe use makes a equesf fo access a
sev1ce, fh1s poducf W111 1nfecepf fh1s equesf and make a defem1naf1on Whefhe
fh1s equesf 1s va11d and a11oWed befoe a11oW1ng fhe 1nfeacf1on fo fake p1ace.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a poducf fhaf Waps fhe d1ffeenf sev1ces fhaf ae
ava11ab1e on a sysfem. Whaf fh1s means 1s fhaf 1f a emofe use makes a equesf fo
access a sev1ce, fh1s poducf W111 1nfecepf fh1s equesf and make a defem1naf1on
Whefhe fh1s equesf 1s va11d and a11oWed befoe a11oW1ng fhe 1nfeacf1on fo fake
a. lncoecf. A sn1ffe 1s a dev1ce o soffWae componenf fhaf pufs fhe NlC 1n
pom1scuous mode, mean1ng fhe NlC W111 p1ck up a11 fames 1f &quof,sees&quof,
1nsfead of usf fhe fames addessed fo fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 compufe. 1he sn1ffe fhen
shoWs fhe oufpuf fo fhe use and can have capfue and f11fe1ng capab111f1es.
b. lncoecf. A sn1ffe 1s a dev1ce o soffWae componenf fhaf pufs fhe NlC 1n
pom1scuous mode, mean1ng fhe NlC W111 p1ck up a11 fames 1f &quof,sees&quof,
1nsfead of usf fhe fames addessed fo fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 compufe. 1he sn1ffe fhen
shoWs fhe oufpuf fo fhe use and can have capfue and f11fe1ng capab111f1es.
c. lncoecf. A sn1ffe 1s a dev1ce o soffWae componenf fhaf pufs fhe NlC 1n
pom1scuous mode, mean1ng fhe NlC W111 p1ck up a11 fames 1f &quof,sees&quof,
1nsfead of usf fhe fames addessed fo fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 compufe. 1he sn1ffe fhen
shoWs fhe oufpuf fo fhe use and can have capfue and f11fe1ng capab111f1es.
d. Coecf. A sn1ffe 1s a dev1ce o soffWae componenf fhaf pufs fhe NlC 1n
pom1scuous mode, mean1ng fhe NlC W111 p1ck up a11 fames 1f &quof,sees&quof,
1nsfead of usf fhe fames addessed fo fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 compufe. 1he sn1ffe fhen
shoWs fhe oufpuf fo fhe use and can have capfue and f11fe1ng capab111f1es.
a. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ae affacks fhaf can d1ecf1y affecf secu1fy
opeaf1ons, buf a knoWn p1a1nfexf affack 1s an affack aga1nsf cypfogaphy used 1n
fhe env1onmenf, nof a d1ecf affack on opeaf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ae affacks fhaf can d1ecf1y affecf secu1fy
opeaf1ons, buf a knoWn p1a1nfexf affack 1s an affack aga1nsf cypfogaphy used 1n
fhe env1onmenf, nof a d1ecf affack on opeaf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ae affacks fhaf can d1ecf1y affecf secu1fy
opeaf1ons, buf a knoWn p1a1nfexf affack 1s an affack aga1nsf cypfogaphy used 1n
fhe env1onmenf, nof a d1ecf affack on opeaf1ons.
d. Coecf. 1he ofhe fhee ae affacks fhaf can d1ecf1y affecf secu1fy
opeaf1ons, buf a knoWn p1a1nfexf affack 1s an affack aga1nsf cypfogaphy used 1n
fhe env1onmenf, nof a d1ecf affack on opeaf1ons.
a. lncoecf. Io aud1f1ng puposes fhe pocedue shou1d capfue use lD, f1me of
evenf, fype of evenf, and souce Woksfaf1on. use lD makes 1nd1v1dua1s accounfab1e
fo fhe1 acf1ons.
b. Coecf. Io aud1f1ng puposes fhe pocedue shou1d capfue use lD, f1me of
evenf, fype of evenf, and souce Woksfaf1on. use lD makes 1nd1v1dua1s accounfab1e
fo fhe1 acf1ons.
c. lncoecf. Io aud1f1ng puposes fhe pocedue shou1d capfue use lD, f1me of
evenf, fype of evenf, and souce Woksfaf1on. use lD makes 1nd1v1dua1s accounfab1e
fo fhe1 acf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Io aud1f1ng puposes fhe pocedue shou1d capfue use lD, f1me of
evenf, fype of evenf, and souce Woksfaf1on. use lD makes 1nd1v1dua1s accounfab1e
fo fhe1 acf1ons.
a. lncoecf. Dua1 confo1 equ1es fhaf fWo o moe enf1f1es Wok fogefhe fo
comp1efe a fask. An examp1e 1s key ecovey. lf a key needs fo be ecoveed and 1f
equ1es fWo o moe peop1e fo aufhenf1cafe fo a sysfem, fhe acf of fhem com1ng
fogefhe and cay1ng ouf fhese acf1v1f1es 1s knoWn as dua1 confo1. 1h1s educes
fhe poss1b111fy of faud.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
b. lncoecf. Dua1 confo1 equ1es fhaf fWo o moe enf1f1es Wok fogefhe fo
comp1efe a fask. An examp1e 1s key ecovey. lf a key needs fo be ecoveed and 1f
equ1es fWo o moe peop1e fo aufhenf1cafe fo a sysfem, fhe acf of fhem com1ng
fogefhe and cay1ng ouf fhese acf1v1f1es 1s knoWn as dua1 confo1. 1h1s educes
fhe poss1b111fy of faud.
c. Coecf. Dua1 confo1 equ1es fhaf fWo o moe enf1f1es Wok fogefhe fo
comp1efe a fask. An examp1e 1s key ecovey. lf a key needs fo be ecoveed and 1f
equ1es fWo o moe peop1e fo aufhenf1cafe fo a sysfem, fhe acf of fhem com1ng
fogefhe and cay1ng ouf fhese acf1v1f1es 1s knoWn as dua1 confo1. 1h1s educes
fhe poss1b111fy of faud.
d. lncoecf. Dua1 confo1 equ1es fhaf fWo o moe enf1f1es Wok fogefhe fo
comp1efe a fask. An examp1e 1s key ecovey. lf a key needs fo be ecoveed and 1f
equ1es fWo o moe peop1e fo aufhenf1cafe fo a sysfem, fhe acf of fhem com1ng
fogefhe and cay1ng ouf fhese acf1v1f1es 1s knoWn as dua1 confo1. 1h1s educes
fhe poss1b111fy of faud.
a. lncoecf. 5ANs pov1de edundancy, fau1f fo1eance, e11ab111fy, backups, and
a11oW fhe uses and adm1n1sfafos fo 1nfeacf W1fh fhe 5AN as one v1fua1 enf1fy.
8ecause fhe nefWok fhaf ca1es fhe dafa 1n fhe 5AN 1s sepaafe fom a companys
egu1a dafa nefWok, a11 of fh1s pefomance, e11ab111fy, and f1ex1b111fy come
W1fhouf 1mpacf fo fhe dafa nefWok1ng capab111f1es of fhe sysfems on fhe nefWok.
5ANs ae nof common1y used 1n aveage o m1d-s1zed compan1es. 1hey ae fo compan1es
fhaf have fo keep fack of feabyfes of dafa and have fhe funds fo fh1s fype of
b. lncoecf. 5ANs pov1de edundancy, fau1f fo1eance, e11ab111fy, backups, and
a11oW fhe uses and adm1n1sfafos fo 1nfeacf W1fh fhe 5AN as one v1fua1 enf1fy.
8ecause fhe nefWok fhaf ca1es fhe dafa 1n fhe 5AN 1s sepaafe fom a companys
egu1a dafa nefWok, a11 of fh1s pefomance, e11ab111fy, and f1ex1b111fy come
W1fhouf 1mpacf fo fhe dafa nefWok1ng capab111f1es of fhe sysfems on fhe nefWok.
5ANs ae nof common1y used 1n aveage o m1d-s1zed compan1es. 1hey ae fo compan1es
fhaf have fo keep fack of feabyfes of dafa and have fhe funds fo fh1s fype of
c. Coecf. 5ANs pov1de edundancy, fau1f fo1eance, e11ab111fy, backups, and
a11oW fhe uses and adm1n1sfafos fo 1nfeacf W1fh fhe 5AN as one v1fua1 enf1fy.
8ecause fhe nefWok fhaf ca1es fhe dafa 1n fhe 5AN 1s sepaafe fom a companys
egu1a dafa nefWok, a11 of fh1s pefomance, e11ab111fy, and f1ex1b111fy come
W1fhouf 1mpacf fo fhe dafa nefWok1ng capab111f1es of fhe sysfems on fhe nefWok.
5ANs ae nof common1y used 1n aveage o m1d-s1zed compan1es. 1hey ae fo compan1es
fhaf have fo keep fack of feabyfes of dafa and have fhe funds fo fh1s fype of
d. lncoecf. 5ANs pov1de edundancy, fau1f fo1eance, e11ab111fy, backups, and
a11oW fhe uses and adm1n1sfafos fo 1nfeacf W1fh fhe 5AN as one v1fua1 enf1fy.
8ecause fhe nefWok fhaf ca1es fhe dafa 1n fhe 5AN 1s sepaafe fom a companys
egu1a dafa nefWok, a11 of fh1s pefomance, e11ab111fy, and f1ex1b111fy come
W1fhouf 1mpacf fo fhe dafa nefWok1ng capab111f1es of fhe sysfems on fhe nefWok.
5ANs ae nof common1y used 1n aveage o m1d-s1zed compan1es. 1hey ae fo compan1es
fhaf have fo keep fack of feabyfes of dafa and have fhe funds fo fh1s fype of
a. Coecf. Compess1on and decompess1on ae nof med1a confo1 fasks W1fh1n
b. lncoecf. Compess1on and decompess1on ae nof med1a confo1 fasks W1fh1n
c. lncoecf. Compess1on and decompess1on ae nof med1a confo1 fasks W1fh1n
d. lncoecf. Compess1on and decompess1on ae nof med1a confo1 fasks W1fh1n
a. Coecf. C11pp1ng 1eve1s ae fhesho1ds of accepfab1e use eos. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s exceeded, 1f shou1d be 1ogged and fhe adm1n1sfafo shou1d dec1de 1f
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae fak1ng p1ace o 1f fhe use needs moe fa1n1ng.
b. lncoecf. C11pp1ng 1eve1s ae fhesho1ds of accepfab1e use eos. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s exceeded, 1f shou1d be 1ogged and fhe adm1n1sfafo shou1d dec1de 1f
ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae fak1ng p1ace o 1f fhe use needs moe fa1n1ng.
c. lncoecf. C11pp1ng 1eve1s ae fhesho1ds of accepfab1e use eos. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s exceeded, 1f shou1d be 1ogged and fhe adm1n1sfafo shou1d dec1de 1f
ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae fak1ng p1ace o 1f fhe use needs moe fa1n1ng.
d. lncoecf. C11pp1ng 1eve1s ae fhesho1ds of accepfab1e use eos. lf fhe
fhesho1d 1s exceeded, 1f shou1d be 1ogged and fhe adm1n1sfafo shou1d dec1de 1f
ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es ae fak1ng p1ace o 1f fhe use needs moe fa1n1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1he eason fo have fape 11bay managemenf 1s fo have a cenfa11zed
and sfandad Way of pofecf1ng hoW med1a 1s sfoed, accessed, and desfoyed.
b. lncoecf. 1he eason fo have fape 11bay managemenf 1s fo have a cenfa11zed
and sfandad Way of pofecf1ng hoW med1a 1s sfoed, accessed, and desfoyed.
c. Coecf. 1he eason fo have fape 11bay managemenf 1s fo have a cenfa11zed
and sfandad Way of pofecf1ng hoW med1a 1s sfoed, accessed, and desfoyed.
d. lncoecf. 1he eason fo have fape 11bay managemenf 1s fo have a cenfa11zed
and sfandad Way of pofecf1ng hoW med1a 1s sfoed, accessed, and desfoyed.
a. lncoecf. A degausse 1s a dev1ce fhaf geneafes a magnef1c f1e1d {coec1ve
magnef1c foce} so fhaf 1f changes fhe o1enfaf1on of fhe b1fs he1d on fhe med1a
{educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo}.
b. lncoecf. A degausse 1s a dev1ce fhaf geneafes a magnef1c f1e1d {coec1ve
magnef1c foce} so fhaf 1f changes fhe o1enfaf1on of fhe b1fs he1d on fhe med1a
{educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo}.
c. lncoecf. A degausse 1s a dev1ce fhaf geneafes a magnef1c f1e1d {coec1ve
magnef1c foce} so fhaf 1f changes fhe o1enfaf1on of fhe b1fs he1d on fhe med1a
{educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo}.
d. Coecf. A degausse 1s a dev1ce fhaf geneafes a magnef1c f1e1d {coec1ve
magnef1c foce} so fhaf 1f changes fhe o1enfaf1on of fhe b1fs he1d on fhe med1a
{educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo}.
a. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf changes fo
hadWae and soffWae do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y and fhaf fhe changes ae
appoved and fesfed.
b. Coecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf changes fo
hadWae and soffWae do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y and fhaf fhe changes ae
appoved and fesfed.
c. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf changes fo
hadWae and soffWae do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y and fhaf fhe changes ae
appoved and fesfed.
d. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf changes fo
hadWae and soffWae do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y and fhaf fhe changes ae
appoved and fesfed.
a. lncoecf. A boWs1ng affack 1s 1ook1ng fo sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fhouf
knoW1ng Whaf fomaf 1f 1s 1n.
b. lncoecf. A boWs1ng affack 1s 1ook1ng fo sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fhouf
knoW1ng Whaf fomaf 1f 1s 1n.
c. lncoecf. A boWs1ng affack 1s 1ook1ng fo sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fhouf
knoW1ng Whaf fomaf 1f 1s 1n.
d. Coecf. A boWs1ng affack 1s 1ook1ng fo sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fhouf knoW1ng
Whaf fomaf 1f 1s 1n.
a. Coecf. A den1a1-of-sev1ce {Do5} affack pefoms some fype of acf1v1fy fhaf
W111 esu1f 1n fhe v1cf1m sysfem be1ng unab1e fo pefom fasks. A 1and affack 1s
When an affacke mod1f1es a packef fo confa1n fhe same souce and desf1naf1on
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
addess. A sysfem fhaf 1s vu1neab1e fo fh1s fype of affack does nof knoW Whaf fo do
W1fh fhese fypes of packefs and may feeze. Mak1ng a sysfem feeze makes 1f unab1e
fo pefom 1fs fasks, fhus a Do5 affack 1s accomp11shed.
b. lncoecf. A den1a1-of-sev1ce {Do5} affack pefoms some fype of acf1v1fy fhaf
W111 esu1f 1n fhe v1cf1m sysfem be1ng unab1e fo pefom fasks. A 1and affack 1s
When an affacke mod1f1es a packef fo confa1n fhe same souce and desf1naf1on
addess. A sysfem fhaf 1s vu1neab1e fo fh1s fype of affack does nof knoW Whaf fo do
W1fh fhese fypes of packefs and may feeze. Mak1ng a sysfem feeze makes 1f unab1e
fo pefom 1fs fasks, fhus a Do5 affack 1s accomp11shed.
c. lncoecf. A den1a1-of-sev1ce {Do5} affack pefoms some fype of acf1v1fy fhaf
W111 esu1f 1n fhe v1cf1m sysfem be1ng unab1e fo pefom fasks. A 1and affack 1s
When an affacke mod1f1es a packef fo confa1n fhe same souce and desf1naf1on
addess. A sysfem fhaf 1s vu1neab1e fo fh1s fype of affack does nof knoW Whaf fo do
W1fh fhese fypes of packefs and may feeze. Mak1ng a sysfem feeze makes 1f unab1e
fo pefom 1fs fasks, fhus a Do5 affack 1s accomp11shed.
d. lncoecf. A den1a1-of-sev1ce {Do5} affack pefoms some fype of acf1v1fy fhaf
W111 esu1f 1n fhe v1cf1m sysfem be1ng unab1e fo pefom fasks. A 1and affack 1s
When an affacke mod1f1es a packef fo confa1n fhe same souce and desf1naf1on
addess. A sysfem fhaf 1s vu1neab1e fo fh1s fype of affack does nof knoW Whaf fo do
W1fh fhese fypes of packefs and may feeze. Mak1ng a sysfem feeze makes 1f unab1e
fo pefom 1fs fasks, fhus a Do5 affack 1s accomp11shed.
a. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s a pocess fo confo1 fhe changes fhaf
fake p1ace Wh11e a sysfem o app11caf1on 1s be1ng deve1oped. 1h1s confo1 fakes
p1ace fhoughouf fhe 11fef1me of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on, so any changes fo 1f 1n
poducf1on a1so fa11 unde conf1guaf1on managemenf.
b. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s a pocess fo confo1 fhe changes fhaf
fake p1ace Wh11e a sysfem o app11caf1on 1s be1ng deve1oped. 1h1s confo1 fakes
p1ace fhoughouf fhe 11fef1me of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on, so any changes fo 1f 1n
poducf1on a1so fa11 unde conf1guaf1on managemenf.
c. lncoecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s a pocess fo confo1 fhe changes fhaf
fake p1ace Wh11e a sysfem o app11caf1on 1s be1ng deve1oped. 1h1s confo1 fakes
p1ace fhoughouf fhe 11fef1me of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on, so any changes fo 1f 1n
poducf1on a1so fa11 unde conf1guaf1on managemenf.
d. Coecf. Conf1guaf1on managemenf 1s a pocess fo confo1 fhe changes fhaf fake
p1ace Wh11e a sysfem o app11caf1on 1s be1ng deve1oped. 1h1s confo1 fakes p1ace
fhoughouf fhe 11fef1me of fhe sysfem o app11caf1on, so any changes fo 1f 1n
poducf1on a1so fa11 unde conf1guaf1on managemenf.
a. lncoecf. One of fhe benef1fs of behav1o-based lD5 1s fhaf 1f can defecf neW
affacks because 1f 1s nof compa1ng sf1ngs W1fh1n packefs aga1nsf a sfaf1c
dafabase. 51gnafue-based lD5 cannof defecf neW affacks fhaf have nof been
pev1ous1y 1denf1f1ed.
b. lncoecf. One of fhe benef1fs of behav1o-based lD5 1s fhaf 1f can defecf neW
affacks because 1f 1s nof compa1ng sf1ngs W1fh1n packefs aga1nsf a sfaf1c
dafabase. 51gnafue-based lD5 cannof defecf neW affacks fhaf have nof been
pev1ous1y 1denf1f1ed.
c. Coecf. One of fhe benef1fs of behav1o-based lD5 1s fhaf 1f can defecf neW
affacks because 1f 1s nof compa1ng sf1ngs W1fh1n packefs aga1nsf a sfaf1c
dafabase. 51gnafue-based lD5 cannof defecf neW affacks fhaf have nof been
pev1ous1y 1denf1f1ed.
d. lncoecf. One of fhe benef1fs of behav1o-based lD5 1s fhaf 1f can defecf neW
affacks because 1f 1s nof compa1ng sf1ngs W1fh1n packefs aga1nsf a sfaf1c
dafabase. 51gnafue-based lD5 cannof defecf neW affacks fhaf have nof been
pev1ous1y 1denf1f1ed.
a. lncoecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a fau1f-fo1eanf seve fechno1ogy fhaf 1s s1m11a fo
edundanf seves, excepf each seve fakes paf 1n pocess1ng sev1ces fhaf ae
equesfed. C1usfes Wok as an 1nfe111genf un1f fo ba1ance faff1c, and uses Who
access fhe c1usfe do nof knoW fhey may be access1ng d1ffeenf sysfems af d1ffeenf
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
f1mes. 1o fhe uses, a11 seves W1fh1n fhe c1usfe ae seen as one un1f.
b. lncoecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a fau1f-fo1eanf seve fechno1ogy fhaf 1s s1m11a fo
edundanf seves, excepf each seve fakes paf 1n pocess1ng sev1ces fhaf ae
equesfed. C1usfes Wok as an 1nfe111genf un1f fo ba1ance faff1c, and uses Who
access fhe c1usfe do nof knoW fhey may be access1ng d1ffeenf sysfems af d1ffeenf
f1mes. 1o fhe uses, a11 seves W1fh1n fhe c1usfe ae seen as one un1f.
c. lncoecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a fau1f-fo1eanf seve fechno1ogy fhaf 1s s1m11a fo
edundanf seves, excepf each seve fakes paf 1n pocess1ng sev1ces fhaf ae
equesfed. C1usfes Wok as an 1nfe111genf un1f fo ba1ance faff1c, and uses Who
access fhe c1usfe do nof knoW fhey may be access1ng d1ffeenf sysfems af d1ffeenf
f1mes. 1o fhe uses, a11 seves W1fh1n fhe c1usfe ae seen as one un1f.
d. Coecf. C1usfe1ng 1s a fau1f-fo1eanf seve fechno1ogy fhaf 1s s1m11a fo
edundanf seves, excepf each seve fakes paf 1n pocess1ng sev1ces fhaf ae
equesfed. C1usfes Wok as an 1nfe111genf un1f fo ba1ance faff1c, and uses Who
access fhe c1usfe do nof knoW fhey may be access1ng d1ffeenf sysfems af d1ffeenf
f1mes. 1o fhe uses, a11 seves W1fh1n fhe c1usfe ae seen as one un1f.
a. Coecf. 8ehav1o-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} bu11d a pof11e fhaf
capfues a nefWoks noma1 chaacfe1sf1cs and behav1o. A11 fufhe acf1v1f1es ae
compaed fo fh1s pof11e and anyfh1ng fhaf fa11s ouf of Whaf 1s cons1deed noma1 1s
seen as an affack. 1h1s 1s hoW fhese fypes of lD5 poducfs uncove ma11c1ous
b. lncoecf. 8ehav1o-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} bu11d a pof11e
fhaf capfues a nefWoks noma1 chaacfe1sf1cs and behav1o. A11 fufhe
acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo fh1s pof11e and anyfh1ng fhaf fa11s ouf of Whaf 1s
cons1deed noma1 1s seen as an affack. 1h1s 1s hoW fhese fypes of lD5 poducfs
uncove ma11c1ous acf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf. 8ehav1o-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} bu11d a pof11e
fhaf capfues a nefWoks noma1 chaacfe1sf1cs and behav1o. A11 fufhe
acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo fh1s pof11e and anyfh1ng fhaf fa11s ouf of Whaf 1s
cons1deed noma1 1s seen as an affack. 1h1s 1s hoW fhese fypes of lD5 poducfs
uncove ma11c1ous acf1v1fy.
d. lncoecf. 8ehav1o-based 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {lD5} bu11d a pof11e
fhaf capfues a nefWoks noma1 chaacfe1sf1cs and behav1o. A11 fufhe
acf1v1f1es ae compaed fo fh1s pof11e and anyfh1ng fhaf fa11s ouf of Whaf 1s
cons1deed noma1 1s seen as an affack. 1h1s 1s hoW fhese fypes of lD5 poducfs
uncove ma11c1ous acf1v1fy.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
qu1z Name = Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3
1. 5feve needs fo eseach d1ffeenf fypes of compufaf1on fechno1og1es fo meef h1s
ogan1zaf1ons needs. One of fhe equ1emenfs 1s fo use 1oose1y coup1ed and
geogaph1ca11y d1spesed sysfems fo cay ouf s1ngu1a compufaf1on fasks. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d besf f1f h1s companys needs?
a. C1usfe1ng
b. G1d compuf1ng
c. quanfum compuf1ng
d. kAlD
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng cannof be defecfed by 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems?
a. 8ufe foce affack fom fh1n c11enfs and dumb fem1na1s
b. An 1nfena1 affack
c. A Do5 affack
d. An affack com1ng 1n fhough an 55L connecf1on
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1ess 11ke1y fo he1p 1n assess1ng 1denf1f1caf1on and
aufhenf1caf1on confo1s?
a. A cuenf 11sf of aufho1zed uses and fhe1 access
b. PassWods fhaf ae changed af 1easf evey 90 days
c. lnacf1ve use 1denf1f1caf1ons d1sab1ed affe a spec1f1ed pe1od of f1me
d. A pocess 1n p1ace fo epof1ng 1nc1denfs
4. 1he fo11oW1ng ae c1f1ca1 secu1fy aspecfs of opeaf1ons confo1s excepf fo:
a. Confo1s ove hadWae
b. Dafa med1a used
c. P1v11eged-enf1fy confo1
d. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s
5. Of fhe fo11oW1ng u1es, Wh1ch 1s 1ess 11ke1y fo suppof fhe concepf of 1easf
a. 1he numbe of adm1n1sfaf1ve accounfs shou1d be kepf fo a m1n1mum.
b. Adm1n1sfafos shou1d use egu1a accounfs When pefom1ng ouf1ne opeaf1ons,
such as ead1ng e-ma11.
c. 1oo1s fhaf ae 11ke1y fo be used by hackes shou1d have passWods fhaf ae as
esf1cf1ve as poss1b1e.
d. On1y dafa fo and fom c1f1ca1 sysfems and app11caf1ons shou1d be a11oWed
fhough fhe f1eWa11.
6. pov1des conf1nuous on11ne backup funcf1ona11fy. lf
comb1nes had d1sk fechno1ogy W1fh fhe cheape and s1oWe opf1ca1 o fape ukeboxes.
a. 5foage aea nefWok
b. h1each1ca1 sfoage managemenf
c. kedundanf aay of 1ndependenf fapes
d. Mass1ve aay of 1nacf1ve d1sks
7. Whaf 1s fhe p1may eason fo enab11ng soffWae aud1f fa11s?
a. 1o 1mpove sysfem eff1c1ency
b. 1o 1mpove esponse f1me fo uses
c. 1o esfab11sh espons1b111fy and accounfab111fy
d. 1o pov1de usefu1 1nfomaf1on fo fack doWn pocess1ng eos
. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy pocedues foces an opeafo 1nfo co11us1on W1fh
an opeafo of a d1ffeenf cafegoy 1n ode fo access unaufho1zed dafa?
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
a. Lnfoc1ng egu1a passWod changes
b. Managemenf mon1fo1ng of aud1f 1ogs
c. L1m1f1ng fhe spec1f1c access of opeaf1ons pesonne1
d. Job ofaf1on of peop1e fhough d1ffeenf ass1gnmenfs
9. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue?
a. 5n1ffes a11oW an affacke fo mon1fo dafa pass1ng acoss a nefWok.
b. 5n1ffes a1fe a compufe`s souce addess fo d1sgu1se and exp1o1f Weak
aufhenf1caf1on mefhods.
c. 5n1ffes fake ove and exp1o1f nefWok connecf1ons.
d. 5n1ffes send ove1app1ng lP fagmenfs fo a sysfem.
10. Whaf 1s fhe name fo fhe base11ne fhaf sefs fhesho1ds fo spec1f1c eos o
m1sfakes a11oWed and fhe numbe of fhese occuences fhaf can fake p1ace befoe fhey
ae cons1deed susp1c1ous?
a. Checkpo1nf 1eve1
b. Ce111ng 1eve1
c. C11pp1ng 1eve1
d. 1hesho1d 1eve1
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf sfafemenf{s}?
1. 5upecompufes ae a spec1a1 c1ass of ma1nfame
11. Ma1nfames ae des1gned fo vey h1gh quanf1f1es of genea1 pocess1ng
111. 5upecompufes ae opf1m1zed fo exfeme1y comp1ex cenfa1 pocess1ng
1v. 5upecompufes poss1b1y mass1ve numbe of pocesses may be cusfom des1gned fo
a11oW a 1age numbe of vey h1gh1y paa11e11zed cop1es of a paf1cu1a app11caf1on
a. 1, 11
b. 11, 111
c. None of fhem
d. A11 of fhem
12. Wh1ch secu1fy 1eve1 needs a sysfem fo suppof sepaafe opeafo and sysfem
adm1n1sfafo o1es?
a. A1
b. 81
c. 82
d. 83
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1mpofanf 1nc1us1on 1n secu1fy confo1s and
a. Comp1ex1fy
b. Non-fanspaency
c. 1anspaency
d. 51mp11c1fy
14. ln fems of obecf euse, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof appop1afe?
a. Degauss1ng magnef1c fapes When fhey`e no 1onge needed
b. De1ef1ng f11es on d1sk befoe eus1ng fhe space
c. C1ea1ng memoy b1ocks befoe fhey ae a11ocafed fo neW dafa
d. C1ea1ng buffeed documenfs fom fhe 1oca1 memoy of a p1nfe
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s paf of fhe concepf of fhe fusfed compuf1ng base?
a. 1usfed hadWae on1y
b. 1usfed soffWae on1y
c. 1usfed hadWae and soffWae
d. 1usfed compufe opeafos and sysfem manages
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
16. D1sk m1o1ng o 1s fhe ep11caf1on of 1og1ca1 d1sk vo1umes onfo
sepaafe phys1ca1 had d1sks 1n ea1 f1me fo ensue conf1nuous ava11ab111fy.
a. kAlD 1
b. kAlD 2
c. kAlD 3
d. kAlD 4
17. Of fhe fo11oW1ng, Wh1ch 1s a defecf1ve confo1?
a. 5egegaf1on of duf1es
b. 8ackup pocedues
c. Aud1f fa11s
d. Phys1ca1 access confo1
1. kaf1e 1s d1spos1ng of he pesona1 compufe, Wh1ch has been used fo sfoe
conf1denf1a1 dafa. Whaf shou1d she do fo ma1nfa1n fhaf conf1denf1a11fy?
a. OveW1fe dafa on fhe had d1sk W1fh neW dafa
b. De1efe a11 dafa confa1ned on fhe had d1sk
c. Demagnef1ze fhe had d1sk
d. LoW 1eve1 fomaf fhe had d1sk
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng geneafes coec1ve magnef1c foce fo fhe pupose of
educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo on sfoage med1a?
a. A magnef1c f1e1d
b. A degausse
c. Magnef1c emanence
d. Magnef1c safuaf1on
20. A 1C8 shou1d be des1gned, deve1oped, and ma1nfa1ned W1fh sfandads fhaf enfoce
pofecf1on af each sfage 1n fhe sysfem`s 11fe cyc1e. 1h1s 1s ca11ed:
a. L1fe cyc1e assuance
b. Opeaf1ona1 assuance
c. Covef f1m1ng assuance
d. Covef sfoage assuance
21. Lay needs fo 1denf1fy a fechno1ogy fhaf pov1des synchonous W1f1ng fhaf
fyp1ca11y ach1eves a kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} of zeo 1osf dafa and nof
asynchonous ep11caf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fechno1og1es can meef fh1s need?
a. M1o1ng
b. h1each1ca1 sfoage managemenf
c. kedundanf aay of 1ndependenf fapes
d. Mass1ve aay of 1nacf1ve d1sks
22. Whaf secu1fy pob1em mosf 11ke1y ex1sfs 1f an opeaf1ng sysfem pem1fs
execufab1e obecfs fo be used s1mu1faneous1y by mu1f1p1e uses W1fhouf a efesh of
fhe obecfs?
a. D1sc1osue of es1dua1 dafa
b. unaufho1zed obfa1n1ng of a p1v11eged execuf1on sfafe
c. Dafa 1eakage fhough covef channe1s
d. Den1a1 of sev1ce fhough a dead1y embace
23. 1he ma1n obecf1ve of sepaaf1on of duf1es 1s fo:
a. keep emp1oyees fom d1sc1os1ng sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on
b. Lnsue fhaf access confo1s ae 1n p1ace
c. Lnsue fhaf no one peson can compom1se a sysfem
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
d. Lnsue fhaf aud1f fa11s ae nof fampeed W1fh
24. 1om has been fo1d fhaf fhe DN5 MX ecod has been changed. Whaf does fh1s ecod
pefa1n fo?
a. Ma11 fansfe agenf
b. Ma11 agenf
c. Mu1f1p1exo exchange
d. Ma11 exchange
25. Joyce 1s a nefWok adm1n1sfafo fo a 1age f1nanc1a1 company. 5he has found
ouf fhaf ema11 messages fhaf he companys emp1oyees ae send1ng ouf ae nof geff1ng
fo fhe1 1nfended desf1naf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf eason fhaf fh1s
1s fak1ng p1ace?
a. M1sconf1gued ma11 e1ay
b. Ma11 seves ae Wh1fe11sfed
c. 5pammes have h1acked fhe DN5 seve
d. Ma11 seves have gone doWn
26. Lvey compufe sysfem has 1CP and uDP pofs. 1he f1sf
ae sa1d fo be We11-knoWn pofs.
a. 65,534, 65,534, 1024
b. 65,535, 65,535, 1023
c. 65,535, 65,534, 1023
d. 65,535, 65,533, 1024
27. 11m 1s fo1d fo cay ouf a 5YN scan on some pofenf1a11y vu1neab1e sysfems. Whaf
1s anofhe name fo fh1s fype of scan?
a. handshake
b. 1CP
c. ha1f open
d. ACk
2. John f1nds 1n fhe company 1ogs fhaf fhee has been conf1nuous scans on fhe
companys uDP pof 53. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sev1ces does fh1s pof map fo?
a. 5M1P
b. DN5
c. I1P
d. h11P
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
a. Ma11 bomb1ng - 1h1s 1s an affack used fo oveWhe1m ma11 seves and c11enfs W1fh
unequesfed e-ma11s.
b. Wad1a11ng - 1h1s 1s a bufe foce affack 1n Wh1ch an affacke has a pogam
fhaf sysfemaf1ca11y d1a1s a 1age bank of phone numbes W1fh fhe goa1 of f1nd1ng
ones fhaf be1ong fo modems 1nsfead of fe1ephones.
c. P1ng of deafh - 1h1s 1s a fype of Do5 affack 1n Wh1ch oves1zed lCMP packefs ae
senf fo fhe v1cf1m.
d. 1eadop - 1h1s 1s a fype of Do5 affack 1n Wh1ch oves1zed lCMP packefs ae senf
fo fhe v1cf1m.
30. 1s a mefhod of fak1ng ove a Web use sess1on by
suepf1f1ous1y obfa1n1ng fhe sess1on lD and masquead1ng as fhe aufho1zed use.
a. Coss s1fe sc1pf1ng
b. 5ess1on h1ack1ng
c. 5qL affack
d. lD h1ack1ng
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d nof fa11 unde opeaf1on secu1fy?
1. A11 hadWae and soffWae shou1d be 1denf1f1ed v1a assef managemenf
11. Conf1guaf1on sfandads shou1d be fo11oWed fo a11 sysfems
111. Dev1ces, seves, and ofhe hadWae componenfs shou1d be kepf 1n secued
1v. Accepfab1e use po11cy shou1d ouf11ned accepfab1e soffWae fhaf uses can 1nsfa11
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 1v
d. 11
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. 5haeWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pub11c1y ava11ab1e fee of chage and can be used,
cop1ed, sfud1ed, mod1f1ed, and ed1sf1bufed W1fhouf esf1cf1on.
11. IeeWae 1s used by vendos fo makef fhe1 soffWae.
111. Commec1a1 soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s so1d fo o seves commec1a1 puposes
1v. Academ1c soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pov1ded fo academ1c puposes af a
educed cosf. lf can be open souce, feeWae, o commec1a1 soffWae.
a. 111, 1v
b. 1, 11
c. 1, 1v
d. 111
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a pope chaacfe1sf1c of conf1guaf1on
a. Pefomed affe a change has been appoved fhough a change confo1 pocess
b. Lnsues fhaf fhe changes fo poducf1on sysfems ae done conf1nuous1y
c. Lnsues fhaf changes do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y o unknoW1ng1y
d. Documenfaf1on and ma1nfenance of documenfs pefa1n1ng fo sysfem and soffWae
34. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
a. Iu11 backup - 8ackups can be pefomed qu1ck1y, buf esfoaf1on fakes 1onge
b. lncemenfa1 - Io esfoaf1on, fu11 backup 1s esfoed and fhen d1ffeenf1a1
backup 1s esfoed
c. D1ffeenf1a1 - 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf backup {any
d. D1ffeenf1a1 - 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce 1asf fu11 backup
35. uses had d1sk and opf1ca1 o fape ukebox fechno1ogy fo offe
conf1nuous on11ne backup funcf1ona11fy
a. D1sk dup1ex1ng
b. D1sk shadoW1ng
c. h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf
d. Dua1 backbones
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of sfoage aea nefWoks?
a. 5evea1 comb1ned sfoage sysfems fhaf ae d1sconnecfed fo ceafe a backup
b. h1gh-speed subnefWok of shaed sfoage dev1ces
c. usua11y done by ceaf1ng a sW1fch1ng fab1c
d. 1anspaenf fo uses
37. 1he penefaf1on fesf1ng feam can have vay1ng degees of knoW1edge abouf fhe
penefaf1on fagef befoe fhe fesfs ae acfua11y ca1ed ouf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
Page 5
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
Wou1d be ca1ed ouf 1f fhe assessos have been g1ven fhe nefWoks schemaf1c?
a. Zeo knoW1edge
b. Paf1a1 knoW1edge
c. Iu11 knoW1edge
d. NefWok knoW1edge
3. 5feve needs fo have an exfena1 feam cay ouf a penefaf1on fesf on h1s
companys nefWok and pesonne1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe fype of fesf fhaf
5feve needs fo equesf?
a. 1agefed
b. 811nd
c. Doub1e-b11nd
d. Paf1a1 knoW1edge
39. Ch1sf1ne needs fo have sevea1 fypes of vu1neab111f1es 1denf1f1ed and
ev1eWed. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf mapp1ng befWeen fhe fype of fesf
and assoc1afed chaacfe1sf1c?
1. NefWok 5cann1ng - Lnumeafes fhe nefWok sfucfue and defem1nes fhe sef of
acf1ve hosfs and assoc1afed soffWae
11. Wad1a11ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed modems and pevenfs unaufho1zed access fo a
pofecfed nefWok
111. Wa D1v1ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed W1e1ess modems and pevenfs unaufho1zed
access fo a pofecfed nefWok
1v. Penefaf1on 1esf1ng - Defem1nes hoW vu1neab1e an ogan1zaf1ons nefWok 1s fo
scan and fhe 1eve1 of damage fhaf can be 1ncued
a. 111, 1v
b. 1, 11
c. 1, 111
d. 11, 1v
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. G1d compuf1ng 1s a 1oad-ba1anced paa11e1 means of mass1ve
compufaf1on, s1m11a fo c1usfes, buf 1mp1emenfed W1fh 1oose1y coup1ed sysfems fhaf
may o1n and 1eave fhe g1d andom1y.Whaf d1sf1ngu1shes g1d compuf1ng fom
convenf1ona1 h1gh pefomance compuf1ng sysfems such as c1usfe compuf1ng 1s fhaf
g1ds fend fo be moe 1oose1y coup1ed, hefeogeneous, and geogaph1ca11y d1spesed.
b. Coecf. G1d compuf1ng 1s a 1oad-ba1anced paa11e1 means of mass1ve
compufaf1on, s1m11a fo c1usfes, buf 1mp1emenfed W1fh 1oose1y coup1ed sysfems fhaf
may o1n and 1eave fhe g1d andom1y.Whaf d1sf1ngu1shes g1d compuf1ng fom
convenf1ona1 h1gh pefomance compuf1ng sysfems such as c1usfe compuf1ng 1s fhaf
g1ds fend fo be moe 1oose1y coup1ed, hefeogeneous, and geogaph1ca11y d1spesed.
c. lncoecf. G1d compuf1ng 1s a 1oad-ba1anced paa11e1 means of mass1ve
compufaf1on, s1m11a fo c1usfes, buf 1mp1emenfed W1fh 1oose1y coup1ed sysfems fhaf
may o1n and 1eave fhe g1d andom1y.Whaf d1sf1ngu1shes g1d compuf1ng fom
convenf1ona1 h1gh pefomance compuf1ng sysfems such as c1usfe compuf1ng 1s fhaf
g1ds fend fo be moe 1oose1y coup1ed, hefeogeneous, and geogaph1ca11y d1spesed.
d. lncoecf. G1d compuf1ng 1s a 1oad-ba1anced paa11e1 means of mass1ve
compufaf1on, s1m11a fo c1usfes, buf 1mp1emenfed W1fh 1oose1y coup1ed sysfems fhaf
may o1n and 1eave fhe g1d andom1y.Whaf d1sf1ngu1shes g1d compuf1ng fom
convenf1ona1 h1gh pefomance compuf1ng sysfems such as c1usfe compuf1ng 1s fhaf
g1ds fend fo be moe 1oose1y coup1ed, hefeogeneous, and geogaph1ca11y d1spesed.
a. lncoecf. An 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfem W111 nof be ab1e fo defecf an affack
fhaf 1s encypfed. 55L 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encypfs a fu11 commun1caf1on channe1,
fhus 1f an affack Was com1ng fhough fh1s channe1 fhe lD5 cou1d nof 1denf1fy 1f. lD5
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
shou1d be ab1e fo defecf fhe ofhe menf1oned affacks.
b. lncoecf. An 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfem W111 nof be ab1e fo defecf an affack
fhaf 1s encypfed. 55L 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encypfs a fu11 commun1caf1on channe1,
fhus 1f an affack Was com1ng fhough fh1s channe1 fhe lD5 cou1d nof 1denf1fy 1f. lD5
shou1d be ab1e fo defecf fhe ofhe menf1oned affacks.
c. lncoecf. An 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfem W111 nof be ab1e fo defecf an affack
fhaf 1s encypfed. 55L 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encypfs a fu11 commun1caf1on channe1,
fhus 1f an affack Was com1ng fhough fh1s channe1 fhe lD5 cou1d nof 1denf1fy 1f. lD5
shou1d be ab1e fo defecf fhe ofhe menf1oned affacks.
d. Coecf. An 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfem W111 nof be ab1e fo defecf an affack
fhaf 1s encypfed. 55L 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encypfs a fu11 commun1caf1on channe1,
fhus 1f an affack Was com1ng fhough fh1s channe1 fhe lD5 cou1d nof 1denf1fy 1f. lD5
shou1d be ab1e fo defecf fhe ofhe menf1oned affacks.
a. lncoecf. kepof1ng 1nc1denfs 1s moe e1afed fo 1nc1denf esponse capab111fy
{opeaf1ona1 confo1} fhan fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on {fechn1ca1 confo1}.
b. lncoecf. kepof1ng 1nc1denfs 1s moe e1afed fo 1nc1denf esponse capab111fy
{opeaf1ona1 confo1} fhan fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on {fechn1ca1 confo1}.
c. lncoecf. kepof1ng 1nc1denfs 1s moe e1afed fo 1nc1denf esponse capab111fy
{opeaf1ona1 confo1} fhan fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on {fechn1ca1 confo1}.
d. Coecf. kepof1ng 1nc1denfs 1s moe e1afed fo 1nc1denf esponse capab111fy
{opeaf1ona1 confo1} fhan fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on {fechn1ca1 confo1}.
a. lncoecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s ae a paf of phys1ca1 secu1fy.
b. lncoecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s ae a paf of phys1ca1 secu1fy.
c. lncoecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s ae a paf of phys1ca1 secu1fy.
d. Coecf. Lnv1onmenfa1 confo1s ae a paf of phys1ca1 secu1fy.
a. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a bas1c fenef of compufe secu1fy fhaf means
uses shou1d be g1ven on1y fhose 1ghfs equ1ed fo do fhe1 obs.
b. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a bas1c fenef of compufe secu1fy fhaf means
uses shou1d be g1ven on1y fhose 1ghfs equ1ed fo do fhe1 obs.
c. lncoecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a bas1c fenef of compufe secu1fy fhaf means
uses shou1d be g1ven on1y fhose 1ghfs equ1ed fo do fhe1 obs.
d. Coecf. Leasf p1v11ege 1s a bas1c fenef of compufe secu1fy fhaf means uses
shou1d be g1ven on1y fhose 1ghfs equ1ed fo do fhe1 obs.
a. lncoecf. h5M {h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf} pov1des conf1nuous on11ne
backup funcf1ona11fy. lf comb1nes had d1sk fechno1ogy W1fh fhe cheape and s1oWe
opf1ca1 o fape ukeboxes. 1he h5M sysfem dynam1ca11y manages fhe sfoage and
ecovey of f11es, Wh1ch ae cop1ed fo sfoage med1a dev1ces fhaf vay 1n speed and
cosf. 1he fasfe med1a ho1ds fhe dafa fhaf ae accessed moe offen, and fhe
se1dom-used f11es ae sfoed on fhe s1oWe dev1ces, o nea-11ne dev1ces.
b. Coecf. h5M {h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf} pov1des conf1nuous on11ne backup
funcf1ona11fy. lf comb1nes had d1sk fechno1ogy W1fh fhe cheape and s1oWe opf1ca1
o fape ukeboxes. 1he h5M sysfem dynam1ca11y manages fhe sfoage and ecovey of
f11es, Wh1ch ae cop1ed fo sfoage med1a dev1ces fhaf vay 1n speed and cosf. 1he
fasfe med1a ho1ds fhe dafa fhaf ae accessed moe offen, and fhe se1dom-used f11es
ae sfoed on fhe s1oWe dev1ces, o nea-11ne dev1ces.
c. lncoecf. h5M {h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf} pov1des conf1nuous on11ne
backup funcf1ona11fy. lf comb1nes had d1sk fechno1ogy W1fh fhe cheape and s1oWe
opf1ca1 o fape ukeboxes. 1he h5M sysfem dynam1ca11y manages fhe sfoage and
ecovey of f11es, Wh1ch ae cop1ed fo sfoage med1a dev1ces fhaf vay 1n speed and
cosf. 1he fasfe med1a ho1ds fhe dafa fhaf ae accessed moe offen, and fhe
se1dom-used f11es ae sfoed on fhe s1oWe dev1ces, o nea-11ne dev1ces.
d. lncoecf. h5M {h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf} pov1des conf1nuous on11ne
backup funcf1ona11fy. lf comb1nes had d1sk fechno1ogy W1fh fhe cheape and s1oWe
opf1ca1 o fape ukeboxes. 1he h5M sysfem dynam1ca11y manages fhe sfoage and
ecovey of f11es, Wh1ch ae cop1ed fo sfoage med1a dev1ces fhaf vay 1n speed and
Page 7
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
cosf. 1he fasfe med1a ho1ds fhe dafa fhaf ae accessed moe offen, and fhe
se1dom-used f11es ae sfoed on fhe s1oWe dev1ces, o nea-11ne dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. Lnab11ng aud1f fa11s he1ps 1n esfab11sh1ng fhe accounfab111fy and
espons1b111fy of pocessed fansacf1ons by fac1ng fansacf1ons fhough fhe sysfem.
b. lncoecf. Lnab11ng aud1f fa11s he1ps 1n esfab11sh1ng fhe accounfab111fy and
espons1b111fy of pocessed fansacf1ons by fac1ng fansacf1ons fhough fhe sysfem.
c. Coecf. Lnab11ng aud1f fa11s he1ps 1n esfab11sh1ng fhe accounfab111fy and
espons1b111fy of pocessed fansacf1ons by fac1ng fansacf1ons fhough fhe sysfem.
d. lncoecf. Lnab11ng aud1f fa11s he1ps 1n esfab11sh1ng fhe accounfab111fy and
espons1b111fy of pocessed fansacf1ons by fac1ng fansacf1ons fhough fhe sysfem.

a. lncoecf. 8y 11m1f1ng fhe spec1f1c accesses of opeaf1ons pesonne1, an

ogan1zaf1on 1s enfoc1ng sepaaf1on of duf1es, and co11us1on Wou1d be needed fo
have access fo unaufho1zed dafa.
b. lncoecf. 8y 11m1f1ng fhe spec1f1c accesses of opeaf1ons pesonne1, an
ogan1zaf1on 1s enfoc1ng sepaaf1on of duf1es, and co11us1on Wou1d be needed fo
have access fo unaufho1zed dafa.
c. Coecf. 8y 11m1f1ng fhe spec1f1c accesses of opeaf1ons pesonne1, an
ogan1zaf1on 1s enfoc1ng sepaaf1on of duf1es, and co11us1on Wou1d be needed fo
have access fo unaufho1zed dafa.
d. lncoecf. 8y 11m1f1ng fhe spec1f1c accesses of opeaf1ons pesonne1, an
ogan1zaf1on 1s enfoc1ng sepaaf1on of duf1es, and co11us1on Wou1d be needed fo
have access fo unaufho1zed dafa.
a. Coecf. 5n1ffes a11oW an affacke fo mon1fo dafa pass1ng acoss a nefWok.
b. lncoecf. 5n1ffes a11oW an affacke fo mon1fo dafa pass1ng acoss a nefWok.
c. lncoecf. 5n1ffes a11oW an affacke fo mon1fo dafa pass1ng acoss a nefWok.
d. lncoecf. 5n1ffes a11oW an affacke fo mon1fo dafa pass1ng acoss a nefWok.
a. lncoecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 1s fhe base11ne fhaf sefs fhesho1ds fo spec1f1c
eos o m1sfakes a11oWed and fhe numbe of fhese occuences fhaf can fake p1ace
befoe fhey ae cons1deed susp1c1ous.
b. lncoecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 1s fhe base11ne fhaf sefs fhesho1ds fo spec1f1c
eos o m1sfakes a11oWed and fhe numbe of fhese occuences fhaf can fake p1ace
befoe fhey ae cons1deed susp1c1ous.
c. Coecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 1s fhe base11ne fhaf sefs fhesho1ds fo spec1f1c
eos o m1sfakes a11oWed and fhe numbe of fhese occuences fhaf can fake p1ace
befoe fhey ae cons1deed susp1c1ous.
d. lncoecf. 1he c11pp1ng 1eve1 1s fhe base11ne fhaf sefs fhesho1ds fo spec1f1c
eos o m1sfakes a11oWed and fhe numbe of fhese occuences fhaf can fake p1ace
befoe fhey ae cons1deed susp1c1ous.
a. lncoecf. 5upecompufes m1ghf be cons1deed a spec1a1 c1ass of ma1nfame. 1hey
shae many ach1fecfua1 s1m11a1f1es, buf Whee ma1nfames ae des1gned fo vey
h1gh quanf1f1es of genea1 pocess1ng, supecompufes ae opf1m1zed fo exfeme1y
comp1ex cenfa1 pocess1ng {Wh1ch a1so happens fo equ1e fhe vasf l/O capab111fy of
fhe ma1nfame ach1fecfue}. Whee a ma1nfames sevea1 pocessos W111 ba1ance fhe
1oad of a vey h1gh numbe of genea1 pocesses, a supecompufes poss1b1y mass1ve
numbe of pocesses may be cusfom des1gned fo a11oW a 1age numbe of vey h1gh1y
paa11e11zed cop1es of a paf1cu1a app11caf1on fo commun1cafe 1n ea1 f1me, o a
vey sma11 numbe of exfeme1y comp1ex sc1enf1f1c a1go1fhms fo 1eveage vasf
amounfs of dafa af once.
b. lncoecf. 5upecompufes m1ghf be cons1deed a spec1a1 c1ass of ma1nfame. 1hey
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
shae many ach1fecfua1 s1m11a1f1es, buf Whee ma1nfames ae des1gned fo vey
h1gh quanf1f1es of genea1 pocess1ng, supecompufes ae opf1m1zed fo exfeme1y
comp1ex cenfa1 pocess1ng {Wh1ch a1so happens fo equ1e fhe vasf l/O capab111fy of
fhe ma1nfame ach1fecfue}. Whee a ma1nfames sevea1 pocessos W111 ba1ance fhe
1oad of a vey h1gh numbe of genea1 pocesses, a supecompufes poss1b1y mass1ve
numbe of pocesses may be cusfom des1gned fo a11oW a 1age numbe of vey h1gh1y
paa11e11zed cop1es of a paf1cu1a app11caf1on fo commun1cafe 1n ea1 f1me, o a
vey sma11 numbe of exfeme1y comp1ex sc1enf1f1c a1go1fhms fo 1eveage vasf
amounfs of dafa af once.
c. Coecf. 5upecompufes m1ghf be cons1deed a spec1a1 c1ass of ma1nfame. 1hey
shae many ach1fecfua1 s1m11a1f1es, buf Whee ma1nfames ae des1gned fo vey
h1gh quanf1f1es of genea1 pocess1ng, supecompufes ae opf1m1zed fo exfeme1y
comp1ex cenfa1 pocess1ng {Wh1ch a1so happens fo equ1e fhe vasf l/O capab111fy of
fhe ma1nfame ach1fecfue}. Whee a ma1nfames sevea1 pocessos W111 ba1ance fhe
1oad of a vey h1gh numbe of genea1 pocesses, a supecompufes poss1b1y mass1ve
numbe of pocesses may be cusfom des1gned fo a11oW a 1age numbe of vey h1gh1y
paa11e11zed cop1es of a paf1cu1a app11caf1on fo commun1cafe 1n ea1 f1me, o a
vey sma11 numbe of exfeme1y comp1ex sc1enf1f1c a1go1fhms fo 1eveage vasf
amounfs of dafa af once.
d. lncoecf. 5upecompufes m1ghf be cons1deed a spec1a1 c1ass of ma1nfame. 1hey
shae many ach1fecfua1 s1m11a1f1es, buf Whee ma1nfames ae des1gned fo vey
h1gh quanf1f1es of genea1 pocess1ng, supecompufes ae opf1m1zed fo exfeme1y
comp1ex cenfa1 pocess1ng {Wh1ch a1so happens fo equ1e fhe vasf l/O capab111fy of
fhe ma1nfame ach1fecfue}. Whee a ma1nfames sevea1 pocessos W111 ba1ance fhe
1oad of a vey h1gh numbe of genea1 pocesses, a supecompufes poss1b1y mass1ve
numbe of pocesses may be cusfom des1gned fo a11oW a 1age numbe of vey h1gh1y
paa11e11zed cop1es of a paf1cu1a app11caf1on fo commun1cafe 1n ea1 f1me, o a
vey sma11 numbe of exfeme1y comp1ex sc1enf1f1c a1go1fhms fo 1eveage vasf
amounfs of dafa af once.
a. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 82 secu1fy 1eve1 equ1es fhaf sysfems
musf suppof sepaafe opeafo and sysfem adm1n1sfafo o1es.
b. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 82 secu1fy 1eve1 equ1es fhaf sysfems
musf suppof sepaafe opeafo and sysfem adm1n1sfafo o1es.
c. Coecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 82 secu1fy 1eve1 equ1es fhaf sysfems
musf suppof sepaafe opeafo and sysfem adm1n1sfafo o1es.
d. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 82 secu1fy 1eve1 equ1es fhaf sysfems
musf suppof sepaafe opeafo and sysfem adm1n1sfafo o1es.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe secu1fy confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae 1n
p1ace have a degee of fanspaency.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe secu1fy confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae 1n
p1ace have a degee of fanspaency.
c. Coecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe secu1fy confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae 1n
p1ace have a degee of fanspaency.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe secu1fy confo1s and mechan1sms fhaf ae 1n
p1ace have a degee of fanspaency.
a. lncoecf. De1ef1ng f11es on d1sk mee1y eases f11e po1nfes 1n a d1ecfoy
sfucfue. 1h1s pocess does nof c1ea dafa fom fhe d1sk suface, fhus mak1ng f11es
sf111 ecoveab1e.
b. Coecf. De1ef1ng f11es on d1sk mee1y eases f11e po1nfes 1n a d1ecfoy
sfucfue. 1h1s pocess does nof c1ea dafa fom fhe d1sk suface, fhus mak1ng f11es
sf111 ecoveab1e.
c. lncoecf. De1ef1ng f11es on d1sk mee1y eases f11e po1nfes 1n a d1ecfoy
sfucfue. 1h1s pocess does nof c1ea dafa fom fhe d1sk suface, fhus mak1ng f11es
sf111 ecoveab1e.
d. lncoecf. De1ef1ng f11es on d1sk mee1y eases f11e po1nfes 1n a d1ecfoy
sfucfue. 1h1s pocess does nof c1ea dafa fom fhe d1sk suface, fhus mak1ng f11es
sf111 ecoveab1e.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 1C8 1s fhe fofa11fy of pofecf1on
mechan1sms W1fh1n a compufe sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng hadWae, f1mWae, and soffWae. 1he
comb1naf1on 1s espons1b1e fo enfoc1ng a secu1fy po11cy.
b. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 1C8 1s fhe fofa11fy of pofecf1on
mechan1sms W1fh1n a compufe sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng hadWae, f1mWae, and soffWae. 1he
comb1naf1on 1s espons1b1e fo enfoc1ng a secu1fy po11cy.
c. Coecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 1C8 1s fhe fofa11fy of pofecf1on
mechan1sms W1fh1n a compufe sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng hadWae, f1mWae, and soffWae. 1he
comb1naf1on 1s espons1b1e fo enfoc1ng a secu1fy po11cy.
d. lncoecf. Accod1ng fo fhe Oange 8ook, 1C8 1s fhe fofa11fy of pofecf1on
mechan1sms W1fh1n a compufe sysfem, 1nc1ud1ng hadWae, f1mWae, and soffWae. 1he
comb1naf1on 1s espons1b1e fo enfoc1ng a secu1fy po11cy.
a. Coecf. D1sk m1o1ng o kAlD1 1s fhe ep11caf1on of 1og1ca1 d1sk vo1umes onfo
sepaafe phys1ca1 had d1sks 1n ea1 f1me fo ensue conf1nuous ava11ab111fy. A
m1oed vo1ume 1s a comp1efe 1og1ca1 epesenfaf1on of sepaafe vo1ume cop1es.
b. lncoecf. D1sk m1o1ng o kAlD1 1s fhe ep11caf1on of 1og1ca1 d1sk vo1umes
onfo sepaafe phys1ca1 had d1sks 1n ea1 f1me fo ensue conf1nuous ava11ab111fy. A
m1oed vo1ume 1s a comp1efe 1og1ca1 epesenfaf1on of sepaafe vo1ume cop1es.
c. lncoecf. D1sk m1o1ng o kAlD1 1s fhe ep11caf1on of 1og1ca1 d1sk vo1umes
onfo sepaafe phys1ca1 had d1sks 1n ea1 f1me fo ensue conf1nuous ava11ab111fy. A
m1oed vo1ume 1s a comp1efe 1og1ca1 epesenfaf1on of sepaafe vo1ume cop1es.
d. lncoecf. D1sk m1o1ng o kAlD1 1s fhe ep11caf1on of 1og1ca1 d1sk vo1umes
onfo sepaafe phys1ca1 had d1sks 1n ea1 f1me fo ensue conf1nuous ava11ab111fy. A
m1oed vo1ume 1s a comp1efe 1og1ca1 epesenfaf1on of sepaafe vo1ume cop1es.
a. lncoecf. Aud1f fa11s capfue 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch can be used fo defecf1ng
eos o susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1heefoe, fhey ae cons1deed fo be defecf1ve
confo1s. 8ackup pocedues ae coecf1ve confo1s, and segegaf1on of duf1es and
phys1ca1 access confo1s ae examp1es of pevenf1ve confo1s.
b. lncoecf. Aud1f fa11s capfue 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch can be used fo defecf1ng
eos o susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1heefoe, fhey ae cons1deed fo be defecf1ve
confo1s. 8ackup pocedues ae coecf1ve confo1s, and segegaf1on of duf1es and
phys1ca1 access confo1s ae examp1es of pevenf1ve confo1s.
c. Coecf. Aud1f fa11s capfue 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch can be used fo defecf1ng
eos o susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1heefoe, fhey ae cons1deed fo be defecf1ve
confo1s. 8ackup pocedues ae coecf1ve confo1s, and segegaf1on of duf1es and
phys1ca1 access confo1s ae examp1es of pevenf1ve confo1s.
d. lncoecf. Aud1f fa11s capfue 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch can be used fo defecf1ng
eos o susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1heefoe, fhey ae cons1deed fo be defecf1ve
confo1s. 8ackup pocedues ae coecf1ve confo1s, and segegaf1on of duf1es and
phys1ca1 access confo1s ae examp1es of pevenf1ve confo1s.
a. lncoecf. Demagnef1z1ng fhe had d1sk 1s fhe besf Way fo ensue fhaf
conf1denf1a1 dafa on fhe had d1sk cannof be ecoveed. 1he ofhe pocedues 11sfed
can be m1f1gafed fo some exfenf W1fh ecovey soffWae.
b. lncoecf. Demagnef1z1ng fhe had d1sk 1s fhe besf Way fo ensue fhaf
conf1denf1a1 dafa on fhe had d1sk cannof be ecoveed. 1he ofhe pocedues 11sfed
can be m1f1gafed fo some exfenf W1fh ecovey soffWae.
c. Coecf. Demagnef1z1ng fhe had d1sk 1s fhe besf Way fo ensue fhaf conf1denf1a1
dafa on fhe had d1sk cannof be ecoveed. 1he ofhe pocedues 11sfed can be
m1f1gafed fo some exfenf W1fh ecovey soffWae.
d. lncoecf. Demagnef1z1ng fhe had d1sk 1s fhe besf Way fo ensue fhaf
conf1denf1a1 dafa on fhe had d1sk cannof be ecoveed. 1he ofhe pocedues 11sfed
can be m1f1gafed fo some exfenf W1fh ecovey soffWae.
a. lncoecf. A degausse 1s an e1ecf1ca1 dev1ce {AC o DC} fhaf can geneafe
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
coec1ve magnef1c foce fo fhe pupose of educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo on
sfoage med1a o ofhe magnef1c med1a.
b. Coecf. A degausse 1s an e1ecf1ca1 dev1ce {AC o DC} fhaf can geneafe
coec1ve magnef1c foce fo fhe pupose of educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo on
sfoage med1a o ofhe magnef1c med1a.
c. lncoecf. A degausse 1s an e1ecf1ca1 dev1ce {AC o DC} fhaf can geneafe
coec1ve magnef1c foce fo fhe pupose of educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo on
sfoage med1a o ofhe magnef1c med1a.
d. lncoecf. A degausse 1s an e1ecf1ca1 dev1ce {AC o DC} fhaf can geneafe
coec1ve magnef1c foce fo fhe pupose of educ1ng magnef1c f1ux dens1fy fo zeo on
sfoage med1a o ofhe magnef1c med1a.
a. Coecf. L1fe cyc1e assuance means fhaf a 1C8 1s des1gned, deve1oped, and
ma1nfa1ned W1fh foma11y confo11ed sfandads fo each sfage 1n fhe sysfem`s 11fe
b. lncoecf. L1fe cyc1e assuance means fhaf a 1C8 1s des1gned, deve1oped, and
ma1nfa1ned W1fh foma11y confo11ed sfandads fo each sfage 1n fhe sysfem`s 11fe
c. lncoecf. L1fe cyc1e assuance means fhaf a 1C8 1s des1gned, deve1oped, and
ma1nfa1ned W1fh foma11y confo11ed sfandads fo each sfage 1n fhe sysfem`s 11fe
d. lncoecf. L1fe cyc1e assuance means fhaf a 1C8 1s des1gned, deve1oped, and
ma1nfa1ned W1fh foma11y confo11ed sfandads fo each sfage 1n fhe sysfem`s 11fe
a. Coecf. M1o1ng 1s fyp1ca11y on1y synchonous. 5ynchonous W1f1ng fyp1ca11y
ach1eves a kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} of zeo 1osf dafa. Asynchonous
ep11caf1on can ach1eve an kPO of usf a feW seconds Wh11e fhe ema1n1ng
mefhodo1og1es pov1de an kPO of a feW m1nufes fo pehaps sevea1 hous.
b. lncoecf. M1o1ng 1s fyp1ca11y on1y synchonous. 5ynchonous W1f1ng
fyp1ca11y ach1eves a kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} of zeo 1osf dafa. Asynchonous
ep11caf1on can ach1eve an kPO of usf a feW seconds Wh11e fhe ema1n1ng
mefhodo1og1es pov1de an kPO of a feW m1nufes fo pehaps sevea1 hous.
c. lncoecf. M1o1ng 1s fyp1ca11y on1y synchonous. 5ynchonous W1f1ng
fyp1ca11y ach1eves a kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} of zeo 1osf dafa. Asynchonous
ep11caf1on can ach1eve an kPO of usf a feW seconds Wh11e fhe ema1n1ng
mefhodo1og1es pov1de an kPO of a feW m1nufes fo pehaps sevea1 hous.
d. lncoecf. M1o1ng 1s fyp1ca11y on1y synchonous. 5ynchonous W1f1ng
fyp1ca11y ach1eves a kecovey Po1nf Obecf1ve {kPO} of zeo 1osf dafa. Asynchonous
ep11caf1on can ach1eve an kPO of usf a feW seconds Wh11e fhe ema1n1ng
mefhodo1og1es pov1de an kPO of a feW m1nufes fo pehaps sevea1 hous.
a. Coecf. D1sc1osue of es1dua1 dafa may pesenf a secu1fy 1sk 1n fh1s
b. lncoecf. D1sc1osue of es1dua1 dafa may pesenf a secu1fy 1sk 1n fh1s
c. lncoecf. D1sc1osue of es1dua1 dafa may pesenf a secu1fy 1sk 1n fh1s
d. lncoecf. D1sc1osue of es1dua1 dafa may pesenf a secu1fy 1sk 1n fh1s
a. lncoecf. 1he p1may obecf1ve of pope sepaaf1on of duf1es 1s fo ensue
fhaf one peson acf1ng a1one cannof compom1se fhe company`s secu1fy 1n any Way.
b. lncoecf. 1he p1may obecf1ve of pope sepaaf1on of duf1es 1s fo ensue
fhaf one peson acf1ng a1one cannof compom1se fhe company`s secu1fy 1n any Way.
c. Coecf. 1he p1may obecf1ve of pope sepaaf1on of duf1es 1s fo ensue fhaf
one peson acf1ng a1one cannof compom1se fhe company`s secu1fy 1n any Way.
d. lncoecf. 1he p1may obecf1ve of pope sepaaf1on of duf1es 1s fo ensue
fhaf one peson acf1ng a1one cannof compom1se fhe company`s secu1fy 1n any Way.
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he fem ma11 seve 1s a1so 1oose1y used fo mean a compufe acf1ng
as an Ma11 fansfe agenf by unn1ng fhe appop1afe soffWae. 1he fem ma11
exchange {MX}, 1n fhe confexf of fhe Doma1n Name 5ysfem foma11y efes fo an lP
addess ass1gned fo a dev1ce hosf1ng a ma11 seve, and by exfens1on a1so 1nd1cafes
fhe seve 1fse1f.
b. lncoecf. 1he fem ma11 seve 1s a1so 1oose1y used fo mean a compufe acf1ng
as an Ma11 fansfe agenf by unn1ng fhe appop1afe soffWae. 1he fem ma11
exchange {MX}, 1n fhe confexf of fhe Doma1n Name 5ysfem foma11y efes fo an lP
addess ass1gned fo a dev1ce hosf1ng a ma11 seve, and by exfens1on a1so 1nd1cafes
fhe seve 1fse1f.
c. lncoecf. 1he fem ma11 seve 1s a1so 1oose1y used fo mean a compufe acf1ng
as an Ma11 fansfe agenf by unn1ng fhe appop1afe soffWae. 1he fem ma11
exchange {MX}, 1n fhe confexf of fhe Doma1n Name 5ysfem foma11y efes fo an lP
addess ass1gned fo a dev1ce hosf1ng a ma11 seve, and by exfens1on a1so 1nd1cafes
fhe seve 1fse1f.
d. Coecf. 1he fem ma11 seve 1s a1so 1oose1y used fo mean a compufe acf1ng as
an Ma11 fansfe agenf by unn1ng fhe appop1afe soffWae. 1he fem ma11 exchange
{MX}, 1n fhe confexf of fhe Doma1n Name 5ysfem foma11y efes fo an lP addess
ass1gned fo a dev1ce hosf1ng a ma11 seve, and by exfens1on a1so 1nd1cafes fhe
seve 1fse1f.
a. Coecf. An open e1ay 1s an 5M1P e-ma11 seve fhaf a11oWs fh1d-pafy e1ay of
e-ma11 messages. 8y pocess1ng ma11 fhaf 1s ne1fhe fo no fom a 1oca1 use, an
open e1ay makes 1f poss1b1e fo an unscupu1ous sende fo oufe 1age vo1umes of
spam. Joyces company ma11 seves ae m1sconf1gued fo acf as an open e1ay and
fhey gof b1ack11sfed.
b. lncoecf. An open e1ay 1s an 5M1P e-ma11 seve fhaf a11oWs fh1d-pafy e1ay
of e-ma11 messages. 8y pocess1ng ma11 fhaf 1s ne1fhe fo no fom a 1oca1 use, an
open e1ay makes 1f poss1b1e fo an unscupu1ous sende fo oufe 1age vo1umes of
spam. Joyces company ma11 seves ae m1sconf1gued fo acf as an open e1ay and
fhey gof b1ack11sfed.
c. lncoecf. An open e1ay 1s an 5M1P e-ma11 seve fhaf a11oWs fh1d-pafy e1ay
of e-ma11 messages. 8y pocess1ng ma11 fhaf 1s ne1fhe fo no fom a 1oca1 use, an
open e1ay makes 1f poss1b1e fo an unscupu1ous sende fo oufe 1age vo1umes of
spam. Joyces company ma11 seves ae m1sconf1gued fo acf as an open e1ay and
fhey gof b1ack11sfed.
d. lncoecf. An open e1ay 1s an 5M1P e-ma11 seve fhaf a11oWs fh1d-pafy e1ay
of e-ma11 messages. 8y pocess1ng ma11 fhaf 1s ne1fhe fo no fom a 1oca1 use, an
open e1ay makes 1f poss1b1e fo an unscupu1ous sende fo oufe 1age vo1umes of
spam. Joyces company ma11 seves ae m1sconf1gued fo acf as an open e1ay and
fhey gof b1ack11sfed.
a. lncoecf. Lvey compufe sysfem has 65,535 1CP and 65,535 uDP pofs. 1he f1sf
1023 ae We11-knoWn pofs, Wh1ch mean fhaf a spec1f1c pof numbe unde 1024 1s
usua11y mapped fo a We11-knoWn and used pofoco1. Io 1nsfance, pof 0 1s a1mosf
a1Ways mapped fo fhe hypefexf 1ansfe Pofoco1 {h11P}, pof 21 1s mapped fo fhe
I11e 1ansfe Pofoco1 {I1P}, and pof 25 1s mapped fo 5M1P. 1hese pofs can be
econf1gued so pof 21 1s mapped fo h11P, 1efs say, buf fhaf 1s vey uncommon.
b. Coecf. Lvey compufe sysfem has 65,535 1CP and 65,535 uDP pofs. 1he f1sf
1023 ae We11-knoWn pofs, Wh1ch mean fhaf a spec1f1c pof numbe unde 1024 1s
usua11y mapped fo a We11-knoWn and used pofoco1. Io 1nsfance, pof 0 1s a1mosf
a1Ways mapped fo fhe hypefexf 1ansfe Pofoco1 {h11P}, pof 21 1s mapped fo fhe
I11e 1ansfe Pofoco1 {I1P}, and pof 25 1s mapped fo 5M1P. 1hese pofs can be
econf1gued so pof 21 1s mapped fo h11P, 1efs say, buf fhaf 1s vey uncommon.
c. lncoecf. Lvey compufe sysfem has 65,535 1CP and 65,535 uDP pofs. 1he f1sf
1023 ae We11-knoWn pofs, Wh1ch mean fhaf a spec1f1c pof numbe unde 1024 1s
usua11y mapped fo a We11-knoWn and used pofoco1. Io 1nsfance, pof 0 1s a1mosf
a1Ways mapped fo fhe hypefexf 1ansfe Pofoco1 {h11P}, pof 21 1s mapped fo fhe
I11e 1ansfe Pofoco1 {I1P}, and pof 25 1s mapped fo 5M1P. 1hese pofs can be
Page 12
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
econf1gued so pof 21 1s mapped fo h11P, 1efs say, buf fhaf 1s vey uncommon.
d. lncoecf. Lvey compufe sysfem has 65,535 1CP and 65,535 uDP pofs. 1he f1sf
1023 ae We11-knoWn pofs, Wh1ch mean fhaf a spec1f1c pof numbe unde 1024 1s
usua11y mapped fo a We11-knoWn and used pofoco1. Io 1nsfance, pof 0 1s a1mosf
a1Ways mapped fo fhe hypefexf 1ansfe Pofoco1 {h11P}, pof 21 1s mapped fo fhe
I11e 1ansfe Pofoco1 {I1P}, and pof 25 1s mapped fo 5M1P. 1hese pofs can be
econf1gued so pof 21 1s mapped fo h11P, 1efs say, buf fhaf 1s vey uncommon.
a. lncoecf. 5YN scan 1s anofhe fom of 1CP scann1ng. kafhe fhan use fhe
opeaf1ng sysfems nefWok funcf1ons, fhe pof scanne geneafes aW lP packefs
1fse1f, and mon1fos fo esponses. 1h1s scan fype 1s a1so knoWn as &quof,ha1f-open
scann1ng&quof,, because 1f neve acfua11y opens a fu11 1CP connecf1on.
b. lncoecf. 5YN scan 1s anofhe fom of 1CP scann1ng. kafhe fhan use fhe
opeaf1ng sysfems nefWok funcf1ons, fhe pof scanne geneafes aW lP packefs
1fse1f, and mon1fos fo esponses. 1h1s scan fype 1s a1so knoWn as &quof,ha1f-open
scann1ng&quof,, because 1f neve acfua11y opens a fu11 1CP connecf1on.
c. Coecf. 5YN scan 1s anofhe fom of 1CP scann1ng. kafhe fhan use fhe opeaf1ng
sysfems nefWok funcf1ons, fhe pof scanne geneafes aW lP packefs 1fse1f, and
mon1fos fo esponses. 1h1s scan fype 1s a1so knoWn as &quof,ha1f-open
scann1ng&quof,, because 1f neve acfua11y opens a fu11 1CP connecf1on.
d. lncoecf. 5YN scan 1s anofhe fom of 1CP scann1ng. kafhe fhan use fhe
opeaf1ng sysfems nefWok funcf1ons, fhe pof scanne geneafes aW lP packefs
1fse1f, and mon1fos fo esponses. 1h1s scan fype 1s a1so knoWn as &quof,ha1f-open
scann1ng&quof,, because 1f neve acfua11y opens a fu11 1CP connecf1on.
a. lncoecf. 5end1ng a DN5 quey fo pof 53 W111 esu1f 1n a esponse, 1f a DN5
seve 1s pesenf. Pof 25 maps fo 5M1P, pof 21 and 20 map fo I1P and pof 0 maps
fo h11P.
b. Coecf. 5end1ng a DN5 quey fo pof 53 W111 esu1f 1n a esponse, 1f a DN5
seve 1s pesenf. Pof 25 maps fo 5M1P, pof 21 and 20 map fo I1P and pof 0 maps
fo h11P.
c. lncoecf. 5end1ng a DN5 quey fo pof 53 W111 esu1f 1n a esponse, 1f a DN5
seve 1s pesenf. Pof 25 maps fo 5M1P, pof 21 and 20 map fo I1P and pof 0 maps
fo h11P.
d. lncoecf. 5end1ng a DN5 quey fo pof 53 W111 esu1f 1n a esponse, 1f a DN5
seve 1s pesenf. Pof 25 maps fo 5M1P, pof 21 and 20 map fo I1P and pof 0 maps
fo h11P.
a. lncoecf. 1eadop 1s an affack fhaf ends ma1fomed fagmenfed packefs fo a
v1cf1m. 1he v1cf1ms sysfem usua11y cannof eassemb1e fhe packefs coecf1y and
feezes as a esu1f. Counfemeasues fo fh1s affack ae fo pafch fhe sysfem and use
1ngess f11fe1ng fo defecf fhese packef fypes.
b. lncoecf. 1eadop 1s an affack fhaf ends ma1fomed fagmenfed packefs fo a
v1cf1m. 1he v1cf1ms sysfem usua11y cannof eassemb1e fhe packefs coecf1y and
feezes as a esu1f. Counfemeasues fo fh1s affack ae fo pafch fhe sysfem and use
1ngess f11fe1ng fo defecf fhese packef fypes.
c. lncoecf. 1eadop 1s an affack fhaf ends ma1fomed fagmenfed packefs fo a
v1cf1m. 1he v1cf1ms sysfem usua11y cannof eassemb1e fhe packefs coecf1y and
feezes as a esu1f. Counfemeasues fo fh1s affack ae fo pafch fhe sysfem and use
1ngess f11fe1ng fo defecf fhese packef fypes.
d. Coecf. 1eadop 1s an affack fhaf ends ma1fomed fagmenfed packefs fo a
v1cf1m. 1he v1cf1ms sysfem usua11y cannof eassemb1e fhe packefs coecf1y and
feezes as a esu1f. Counfemeasues fo fh1s affack ae fo pafch fhe sysfem and use
1ngess f11fe1ng fo defecf fhese packef fypes.
a. lncoecf. 5ess1on h1ack1ng, a1so knoWn as 1CP sess1on h1ack1ng, 1s a mefhod
of fak1ng ove a Web use sess1on by suepf1f1ous1y obfa1n1ng fhe sess1on lD and
masquead1ng as fhe aufho1zed use. Once fhe uses sess1on lD has been accessed
{fhough sess1on ped1cf1on}, fhe affacke can masqueade as fhaf use and do
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
anyfh1ng fhe use 1s aufho1zed fo do on fhe nefWok.
b. Coecf. 5ess1on h1ack1ng, a1so knoWn as 1CP sess1on h1ack1ng, 1s a mefhod of
fak1ng ove a Web use sess1on by suepf1f1ous1y obfa1n1ng fhe sess1on lD and
masquead1ng as fhe aufho1zed use. Once fhe uses sess1on lD has been accessed
{fhough sess1on ped1cf1on}, fhe affacke can masqueade as fhaf use and do
anyfh1ng fhe use 1s aufho1zed fo do on fhe nefWok.
c. lncoecf. 5ess1on h1ack1ng, a1so knoWn as 1CP sess1on h1ack1ng, 1s a mefhod
of fak1ng ove a Web use sess1on by suepf1f1ous1y obfa1n1ng fhe sess1on lD and
masquead1ng as fhe aufho1zed use. Once fhe uses sess1on lD has been accessed
{fhough sess1on ped1cf1on}, fhe affacke can masqueade as fhaf use and do
anyfh1ng fhe use 1s aufho1zed fo do on fhe nefWok.
d. lncoecf. 5ess1on h1ack1ng, a1so knoWn as 1CP sess1on h1ack1ng, 1s a mefhod
of fak1ng ove a Web use sess1on by suepf1f1ous1y obfa1n1ng fhe sess1on lD and
masquead1ng as fhe aufho1zed use. Once fhe uses sess1on lD has been accessed
{fhough sess1on ped1cf1on}, fhe affacke can masqueade as fhaf use and do
anyfh1ng fhe use 1s aufho1zed fo do on fhe nefWok.
a. Coecf. Lach of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a espons1b111fy of opeaf1ona1 secu1fy:
- A11 hadWae and soffWae shou1d be 1denf1f1ed v1a assef managemenf
- Conf1guaf1on sfandads shou1d be fo11oWed fo a11 sysfems
- Dev1ces, seves, and ofhe hadWae componenfs shou1d be kepf 1n secued
- Accepfab1e use po11cy shou1d ouf11ned accepfab1e soffWae fhaf uses can 1nsfa11
b. lncoecf. Lach of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a espons1b111fy of opeaf1ona1 secu1fy:
- A11 hadWae and soffWae shou1d be 1denf1f1ed v1a assef managemenf
- Conf1guaf1on sfandads shou1d be fo11oWed fo a11 sysfems
- Dev1ces, seves, and ofhe hadWae componenfs shou1d be kepf 1n secued
- Accepfab1e use po11cy shou1d ouf11ned accepfab1e soffWae fhaf uses can 1nsfa11
c. lncoecf. Lach of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a espons1b111fy of opeaf1ona1 secu1fy:
- A11 hadWae and soffWae shou1d be 1denf1f1ed v1a assef managemenf
- Conf1guaf1on sfandads shou1d be fo11oWed fo a11 sysfems
- Dev1ces, seves, and ofhe hadWae componenfs shou1d be kepf 1n secued
- Accepfab1e use po11cy shou1d ouf11ned accepfab1e soffWae fhaf uses can 1nsfa11
d. lncoecf. Lach of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a espons1b111fy of opeaf1ona1 secu1fy:
- A11 hadWae and soffWae shou1d be 1denf1f1ed v1a assef managemenf
- Conf1guaf1on sfandads shou1d be fo11oWed fo a11 sysfems
- Dev1ces, seves, and ofhe hadWae componenfs shou1d be kepf 1n secued
- Accepfab1e use po11cy shou1d ouf11ned accepfab1e soffWae fhaf uses can 1nsfa11
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng:
- IeeWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pub11c1y ava11ab1e fee of chage and can be used,
cop1ed, sfud1ed, mod1f1ed, and ed1sf1bufed W1fhouf esf1cf1on.
- 5haeWae, o f1a1Wae, 1s used by vendos fo makef fhe1 soffWae. uses obfa1n
a fee, f1a1 ves1on of fhe soffWae. Once fhe use f1es ouf fhe pogam, fhe use
1s asked fo puchase a copy of 1f.
- Commec1a1 soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s so1d fo o seves commec1a1 puposes
- Academ1c soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pov1ded fo academ1c puposes af a educed
cosf. lf can be open souce, feeWae, o commec1a1 soffWae.
b. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng:
- IeeWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pub11c1y ava11ab1e fee of chage and can be used,
cop1ed, sfud1ed, mod1f1ed, and ed1sf1bufed W1fhouf esf1cf1on.
- 5haeWae, o f1a1Wae, 1s used by vendos fo makef fhe1 soffWae. uses obfa1n
a fee, f1a1 ves1on of fhe soffWae. Once fhe use f1es ouf fhe pogam, fhe use
1s asked fo puchase a copy of 1f.
- Commec1a1 soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s so1d fo o seves commec1a1 puposes
- Academ1c soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pov1ded fo academ1c puposes af a educed
cosf. lf can be open souce, feeWae, o commec1a1 soffWae.
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng:
Page 14
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
- IeeWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pub11c1y ava11ab1e fee of chage and can be used,
cop1ed, sfud1ed, mod1f1ed, and ed1sf1bufed W1fhouf esf1cf1on.
- 5haeWae, o f1a1Wae, 1s used by vendos fo makef fhe1 soffWae. uses obfa1n
a fee, f1a1 ves1on of fhe soffWae. Once fhe use f1es ouf fhe pogam, fhe use
1s asked fo puchase a copy of 1f.
- Commec1a1 soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s so1d fo o seves commec1a1 puposes
- Academ1c soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pov1ded fo academ1c puposes af a educed
cosf. lf can be open souce, feeWae, o commec1a1 soffWae.
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng has fhe coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng:
- IeeWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pub11c1y ava11ab1e fee of chage and can be used,
cop1ed, sfud1ed, mod1f1ed, and ed1sf1bufed W1fhouf esf1cf1on.
- 5haeWae, o f1a1Wae, 1s used by vendos fo makef fhe1 soffWae. uses obfa1n
a fee, f1a1 ves1on of fhe soffWae. Once fhe use f1es ouf fhe pogam, fhe use
1s asked fo puchase a copy of 1f.
- Commec1a1 soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s so1d fo o seves commec1a1 puposes
- Academ1c soffWae 1s soffWae fhaf 1s pov1ded fo academ1c puposes af a educed
cosf. lf can be open souce, feeWae, o commec1a1 soffWae.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae pope chaacfe1sf1cs of conf1guaf1on managemenf
- Pefomed affe a change has been appoved fhough a change confo1 pocess
- Lnsues fhaf fhe changes fo poducf1on sysfems ae done pope1y
- Lnsues fhaf changes do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y o unknoW1ng1y
- Documenfaf1on and ma1nfenance of documenfs pefa1n1ng fo sysfem and soffWae
b. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae pope chaacfe1sf1cs of conf1guaf1on managemenf
- Pefomed affe a change has been appoved fhough a change confo1 pocess
- Lnsues fhaf fhe changes fo poducf1on sysfems ae done pope1y
- Lnsues fhaf changes do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y o unknoW1ng1y
- Documenfaf1on and ma1nfenance of documenfs pefa1n1ng fo sysfem and soffWae
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae pope chaacfe1sf1cs of conf1guaf1on managemenf
- Pefomed affe a change has been appoved fhough a change confo1 pocess
- Lnsues fhaf fhe changes fo poducf1on sysfems ae done pope1y
- Lnsues fhaf changes do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y o unknoW1ng1y
- Documenfaf1on and ma1nfenance of documenfs pefa1n1ng fo sysfem and soffWae
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae pope chaacfe1sf1cs of conf1guaf1on managemenf
- Pefomed affe a change has been appoved fhough a change confo1 pocess
- Lnsues fhaf fhe changes fo poducf1on sysfems ae done pope1y
- Lnsues fhaf changes do nof fake p1ace un1nfenf1ona11y o unknoW1ng1y
- Documenfaf1on and ma1nfenance of documenfs pefa1n1ng fo sysfem and soffWae
a. lncoecf.
Iu11 8ackup
- A11 f11es ae backed up
- Iasfesf esfoaf1on pocess
- 1akes fhe 1ongesf fo pefom backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf backup {any backup}
- 8ackups can be pefomed qu1ck1y, buf esfoaf1on fakes 1onge
- Iu11 backup musf be esfoed f1sf and fhen each 1ncemenfa1 backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce 1asf fu11 backup
- Io esfoaf1on, fu11 backup 1s esfoed and fhen d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s esfoed
b. lncoecf.
Iu11 8ackup
- A11 f11es ae backed up
- Iasfesf esfoaf1on pocess
- 1akes fhe 1ongesf fo pefom backup
Page 15
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf backup {any backup}
- 8ackups can be pefomed qu1ck1y, buf esfoaf1on fakes 1onge
- Iu11 backup musf be esfoed f1sf and fhen each 1ncemenfa1 backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce 1asf fu11 backup
- Io esfoaf1on, fu11 backup 1s esfoed and fhen d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s esfoed
c. lncoecf.
Iu11 8ackup
- A11 f11es ae backed up
- Iasfesf esfoaf1on pocess
- 1akes fhe 1ongesf fo pefom backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf backup {any backup}
- 8ackups can be pefomed qu1ck1y, buf esfoaf1on fakes 1onge
- Iu11 backup musf be esfoed f1sf and fhen each 1ncemenfa1 backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce 1asf fu11 backup
- Io esfoaf1on, fu11 backup 1s esfoed and fhen d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s esfoed
d. Coecf.
Iu11 8ackup
- A11 f11es ae backed up
- Iasfesf esfoaf1on pocess
- 1akes fhe 1ongesf fo pefom backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce fhe 1asf backup {any backup}
- 8ackups can be pefomed qu1ck1y, buf esfoaf1on fakes 1onge
- Iu11 backup musf be esfoed f1sf and fhen each 1ncemenfa1 backup
- 8acks up f11es fhaf have changed s1nce 1asf fu11 backup
- Io esfoaf1on, fu11 backup 1s esfoed and fhen d1ffeenf1a1 backup 1s esfoed
a. lncoecf. h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf uses had d1sk and opf1ca1 o fape
ukebox fechno1ogy fo offe conf1nuous on11ne backup funcf1ona11fy. I11es ae moved
a1ong a h1eachy of sfoage dev1ces fo 1ess-expens1ve foms of sfoage based on
u1es f1ed fo fhe fequency of dafa access.
b. lncoecf. h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf uses had d1sk and opf1ca1 o fape
ukebox fechno1ogy fo offe conf1nuous on11ne backup funcf1ona11fy. I11es ae moved
a1ong a h1eachy of sfoage dev1ces fo 1ess-expens1ve foms of sfoage based on
u1es f1ed fo fhe fequency of dafa access.
c. Coecf. h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf uses had d1sk and opf1ca1 o fape
ukebox fechno1ogy fo offe conf1nuous on11ne backup funcf1ona11fy. I11es ae moved
a1ong a h1eachy of sfoage dev1ces fo 1ess-expens1ve foms of sfoage based on
u1es f1ed fo fhe fequency of dafa access.
d. lncoecf. h1each1ca1 5foage Managemenf uses had d1sk and opf1ca1 o fape
ukebox fechno1ogy fo offe conf1nuous on11ne backup funcf1ona11fy. I11es ae moved
a1ong a h1eachy of sfoage dev1ces fo 1ess-expens1ve foms of sfoage based on
u1es f1ed fo fhe fequency of dafa access.
a. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of sfoage aea nefWoks,
- 5evea1 d1sf1ncf sfoage sysfems fhaf ae connecfed fogefhe fo ceafe a backup
- h1gh-speed subnefWok of shaed sfoage dev1ces
- usua11y done by ceaf1ng a sW1fch1ng fab1c
- 1anspaenf fo uses
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of sfoage aea nefWoks,
- 5evea1 d1sf1ncf sfoage sysfems fhaf ae connecfed fogefhe fo ceafe a backup
- h1gh-speed subnefWok of shaed sfoage dev1ces
- usua11y done by ceaf1ng a sW1fch1ng fab1c
- 1anspaenf fo uses
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of sfoage aea nefWoks,
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Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
- 5evea1 d1sf1ncf sfoage sysfems fhaf ae connecfed fogefhe fo ceafe a backup
- h1gh-speed subnefWok of shaed sfoage dev1ces
- usua11y done by ceaf1ng a sW1fch1ng fab1c
- 1anspaenf fo uses
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae chaacfe1sf1cs of sfoage aea nefWoks,
- 5evea1 d1sf1ncf sfoage sysfems fhaf ae connecfed fogefhe fo ceafe a backup
- h1gh-speed subnefWok of shaed sfoage dev1ces
- usua11y done by ceaf1ng a sW1fch1ng fab1c
- 1anspaenf fo uses
a. lncoecf. Assessos can have one of fhe fo11oW1ng degees of knoW1edge abouf
fhe fagef fhey ae assess1ng:
- Zeo knoW1edge 1he feam does nof have any knoW1edge of fhe fagef and musf sfaf
fom gound zeo.
- Paf1a1 knoW1edge 1he feam has some 1nfomaf1on abouf fhe fagef.
- Iu11 knoW1edge 1he feam has 1nf1mafe knoW1edge of fhe fagef.
b. Coecf. Assessos can have one of fhe fo11oW1ng degees of knoW1edge abouf fhe
fagef fhey ae assess1ng:
- Zeo knoW1edge 1he feam does nof have any knoW1edge of fhe fagef and musf sfaf
fom gound zeo.
- Paf1a1 knoW1edge 1he feam has some 1nfomaf1on abouf fhe fagef.
- Iu11 knoW1edge 1he feam has 1nf1mafe knoW1edge of fhe fagef.
c. lncoecf. Assessos can have one of fhe fo11oW1ng degees of knoW1edge abouf
fhe fagef fhey ae assess1ng:
- Zeo knoW1edge 1he feam does nof have any knoW1edge of fhe fagef and musf sfaf
fom gound zeo.
- Paf1a1 knoW1edge 1he feam has some 1nfomaf1on abouf fhe fagef.
- Iu11 knoW1edge 1he feam has 1nf1mafe knoW1edge of fhe fagef.
d. lncoecf. Assessos can have one of fhe fo11oW1ng degees of knoW1edge abouf
fhe fagef fhey ae assess1ng:
- Zeo knoW1edge 1he feam does nof have any knoW1edge of fhe fagef and musf sfaf
fom gound zeo.
- Paf1a1 knoW1edge 1he feam has some 1nfomaf1on abouf fhe fagef.
- Iu11 knoW1edge 1he feam has 1nf1mafe knoW1edge of fhe fagef.
a. lncoecf. A b11nd fesf 1s one 1n Wh1ch fhe assessos on1y have pub11c1y
ava11ab1e dafa fo Wok W1fh. 1he nefWok sfaff 1s aWae fhaf fh1s fype of fesf W111
fake p1ace. A doub1e-b11nd fesf {sfea1fh assessmenf} 1s a1so a b11nd fesf fo fhe
assesso as menf1oned pev1ous1y, p1us fhe secu1fy sfaff 1s nof nof1f1ed. 1h1s
enab1es fhe fesf fo eva1uafe fhe nefWoks secu1fy 1eve1 and fhe sfaffs esponses,
1og mon1fo1ng, and esca1af1on pocesses, and 1s a moe ea11sf1c demonsfaf1on of
fhe 11ke1y success o fa11ue of an affack.
b. lncoecf. A b11nd fesf 1s one 1n Wh1ch fhe assessos on1y have pub11c1y
ava11ab1e dafa fo Wok W1fh. 1he nefWok sfaff 1s aWae fhaf fh1s fype of fesf W111
fake p1ace. A doub1e-b11nd fesf {sfea1fh assessmenf} 1s a1so a b11nd fesf fo fhe
assesso as menf1oned pev1ous1y, p1us fhe secu1fy sfaff 1s nof nof1f1ed. 1h1s
enab1es fhe fesf fo eva1uafe fhe nefWoks secu1fy 1eve1 and fhe sfaffs esponses,
1og mon1fo1ng, and esca1af1on pocesses, and 1s a moe ea11sf1c demonsfaf1on of
fhe 11ke1y success o fa11ue of an affack.
c. Coecf. A b11nd fesf 1s one 1n Wh1ch fhe assessos on1y have pub11c1y ava11ab1e
dafa fo Wok W1fh. 1he nefWok sfaff 1s aWae fhaf fh1s fype of fesf W111 fake
p1ace. A doub1e-b11nd fesf {sfea1fh assessmenf} 1s a1so a b11nd fesf fo fhe assesso
as menf1oned pev1ous1y, p1us fhe secu1fy sfaff 1s nof nof1f1ed. 1h1s enab1es fhe
fesf fo eva1uafe fhe nefWoks secu1fy 1eve1 and fhe sfaffs esponses, 1og
mon1fo1ng, and esca1af1on pocesses, and 1s a moe ea11sf1c demonsfaf1on of fhe
11ke1y success o fa11ue of an affack.
d. lncoecf. A b11nd fesf 1s one 1n Wh1ch fhe assessos on1y have pub11c1y
ava11ab1e dafa fo Wok W1fh. 1he nefWok sfaff 1s aWae fhaf fh1s fype of fesf W111
fake p1ace. A doub1e-b11nd fesf {sfea1fh assessmenf} 1s a1so a b11nd fesf fo fhe
Page 17
Opeaf1ons 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
assesso as menf1oned pev1ous1y, p1us fhe secu1fy sfaff 1s nof nof1f1ed. 1h1s
enab1es fhe fesf fo eva1uafe fhe nefWoks secu1fy 1eve1 and fhe sfaffs esponses,
1og mon1fo1ng, and esca1af1on pocesses, and 1s a moe ea11sf1c demonsfaf1on of
fhe 11ke1y success o fa11ue of an affack.
a. Coecf. 1he coecf fesfs and fhe1 chaacfe1sf1cs ae 11sfed be1oW:
1. NefWok 5cann1ng - Lnumeafes fhe nefWok sfucfue and defem1nes fhe sef of
acf1ve hosfs and assoc1afed soffWae
11. Wad1a11ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed modems and pevenfs unaufho1zed access fo a
pofecfed nefWok
111. Wa D1v1ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed W1e1ess access po1nfs and pevenfs
unaufho1zed access fo a pofecfed nefWok
1v. Penefaf1on 1esf1ng - Defem1nes hoW vu1neab1e an ogan1zaf1ons nefWok 1s fo
penefaf1on and fhe 1eve1 of damage fhaf can be 1ncued
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf fesfs and fhe1 chaacfe1sf1cs ae 11sfed be1oW:
1. NefWok 5cann1ng - Lnumeafes fhe nefWok sfucfue and defem1nes fhe sef of
acf1ve hosfs and assoc1afed soffWae
11. Wad1a11ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed modems and pevenfs unaufho1zed access fo a
pofecfed nefWok
111. Wa D1v1ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed W1e1ess access po1nfs and pevenfs
unaufho1zed access fo a pofecfed nefWok
1v. Penefaf1on 1esf1ng - Defem1nes hoW vu1neab1e an ogan1zaf1ons nefWok 1s fo
penefaf1on and fhe 1eve1 of damage fhaf can be 1ncued
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf fesfs and fhe1 chaacfe1sf1cs ae 11sfed be1oW:
1. NefWok 5cann1ng - Lnumeafes fhe nefWok sfucfue and defem1nes fhe sef of
acf1ve hosfs and assoc1afed soffWae
11. Wad1a11ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed modems and pevenfs unaufho1zed access fo a
pofecfed nefWok
111. Wa D1v1ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed W1e1ess access po1nfs and pevenfs
unaufho1zed access fo a pofecfed nefWok
1v. Penefaf1on 1esf1ng - Defem1nes hoW vu1neab1e an ogan1zaf1ons nefWok 1s fo
penefaf1on and fhe 1eve1 of damage fhaf can be 1ncued
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf fesfs and fhe1 chaacfe1sf1cs ae 11sfed be1oW:
1. NefWok 5cann1ng - Lnumeafes fhe nefWok sfucfue and defem1nes fhe sef of
acf1ve hosfs and assoc1afed soffWae
11. Wad1a11ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed modems and pevenfs unaufho1zed access fo a
pofecfed nefWok
111. Wa D1v1ng - Defecfs unaufho1zed W1e1ess access po1nfs and pevenfs
unaufho1zed access fo a pofecfed nefWok
1v. Penefaf1on 1esf1ng - Defem1nes hoW vu1neab1e an ogan1zaf1ons nefWok 1s fo
penefaf1on and fhe 1eve1 of damage fhaf can be 1ncued
Page 1
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
qu1z Name = Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1
1. When deve1op1ng a phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe second
sfep fhaf needs fo fake p1ace?
a. ldenf1fy a feam of 1nfena1 emp1oyees and/o exfena1 consu1fanfs Who W111 bu11d
fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam fhough fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps.
b. Wok W1fh managemenf fo def1ne an accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo fhe phys1ca1
secu1fy pogam.
c. De1ve fhe equ1ed pefomance base11nes fom fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1.
d. Cay ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s fo 1denf1fy fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs and fo
ca1cu1afe fhe bus1ness 1mpacf of each fheaf.
nu11Ceafe counfemeasue pefomance mef1cs.
2. A11 of fhe fo11oW1ng cou1d be used fo pevenf shou1de suf1ng, excepf:
a. 5fafeg1ca11y p1aced mon1fos
b. AWaeness fa1n1ng
c. h1gh-Wa11ed cub1c1es
d. Anf1-emanaf1on mafe1a1s
3. Wh11e Wok1ng 1n an opeaf1ons cenfe 1afe af n1ghf, J111 nof1ces a11 of fhe
compufe sceens f1ash and fhe 11ghfs d1m fo a second. 1he d1supf1on 1asfs fo
on1y a momenf o fWo and eveyfh1ng efuns fo noma1. Whaf poWe scena1o has usf
a. Iau1f
b. 8oWnouf
c. Lag
d. 81ackouf
4. Jey 1s 1n chage of 1mp1emenf1ng a11 pe1mefe secu1fy confo1s fo a eg1ona1
off1ce 1n an off1ce pak. 1he esu1fs of a 1sk ana1ys1s 1nd1cafe fhaf fhe company
Wou1d need fo emp1oy fences fhaf defe fhe casua1 1nfude. Wh1ch opf1on Wou1d Jey
a. 1op guad fenc1ng
b. 4 feef fenc1ng
c. feef fenc1ng
d. Open fenc1ng
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 11ghf1ng fypes poduces fhe mosf fa1se a1ams?
a. Conf1nuous
b. 11p
c. Lmegency
d. 5fandby
6. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of po1ycabonafe acy11c W1ndoWs?
a. Less es1sfanf fo beakage fhan sfandad p1afe W1ndoWs
b. Poduces fox1c f1ames 1f buned
c. Can be cuf, saWed, o d111ed
d. Pov1des moe pofecf1on fhan sfandad acy11c W1ndoWs
7. Locks ae one fom of bounday pofecf1on used 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy. Wh1ch 1s nof
fue egad1ng 1ocks?
a. Mosf common and accepfed phys1ca1 confo1
b. had-fo-defeaf mechan1sm
c. 5hou1d be used 1n comb1naf1on W1fh ofhe confo1s
d. Ca11ed a &quof,de1ay&quof, mechan1sm
Page 1
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
. P1ck1ng a 1ock seems 11ke somefh1ng fom an o1d "Who done 1f" mov1e, buf fhe acf
sf111 goes on foday. Wh1ch sfafemenf 1s fa1se egad1ng 1ocks and 1ock p1ck1ng?
a. Locks ae p1ck-es1sfanf
b. Locks ae p1ck-poof
c. P1cks ae used fo move 1nfena1 p1ns
d. 1ens1on Wenches ae used fo ho1d p1ns 1nfo p1ace
9. Ogan1zaf1ons can do many fh1ngs fo 1mpove f1e pevenf1on. Of fhe sfeps 11sfed
be1oW, Wh1ch one 1s fa1se?
a. I1e d111s shou1d be pefomed p1ma11y du1ng fhe day sh1ff because of fhe
1age numbe of emp1oyees Wok1ng
b. AWaeness fa1n1ng shou1d be conducfed conf1nuous1y
c. I1e-es1sfanf mafe1a1s shou1d be used 1n bu11d1ng mafe1a1s and fun1fue
d. Combusf1b1e mafe1a1s shou1d be emoved
10. kesfauanfs shou1d be mosf concened W1fh c1ass f1es.
a. A
b. 8
c. D
d. k
11. A phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam needs fo be deve1oped and ma1nfa1ned 1n a
defense-1n-depfh mode1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng confa1ns fhe necessay cafego1es of
a phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam?
a. Defeence, De1ay1ng, Pevenf1on, Assessmenf, kesponse
b. Defeence, De1ay1ng, Defecf1on, Ana1ys1s, kesponse
c. Defeence, De1ay1ng, Defecf1on, Assessmenf, kecove
d. Defeence, De1ay1ng, Defecf1on, Assessmenf, kesponse
12. 1he 197 Monfea1 Pofoco1 dea1f p1ma11y W1fh Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems?
a. ha1on
b. Agon1fe
c. CO2
d. PIC-410
13. Lnsu1ng h1ghe a1 pessue 1ns1de of a bu11d1ng, compaed fo oufs1de fhe
bu11d1ng, 1s knoWn as .
a. Pos1f1ve pessu1zaf1on
b. h1gh pessue a1 f1oW
c. hvAC
d. lnfena1 pessu1zaf1on
14. Ogan1zaf1ons fhaf pem1f emp1oyees fo use emofe access and pofab1e dev1ces
ae expos1ng fhemse1ves fo many 1sks. Whaf 1s cons1deed fhe mosf c1f1ca1?
a. Dafa 1oss
b. hadWae damage and acce1eafed depec1af1on
c. v1us oufbeaks
d. Assef 1nvenfoy 1nfeg1fy 1ssues
15. A Lambogh1n1 dea1e has a 1age shoW oom W1fh f1oo-fo-ce111ng g1ass Wa11s so
fhaf cusfomes can see a11 of fhe1 cas af any f1me. 51nce fh1s 1s acf1ng as a fype
of Wa11, Whaf fype of g1ass shou1d be used?
a. P1afe
b. W1ed
c. 1empeed
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
d. G1ass-c1ad po1ycabonafe
16. A d1sasfe ecovey feam has begun 1fs 1n1f1a1 assessmenf of a11 phys1ca1
secu1fy 1sks and assoc1afed counfemeasues. 1hee ae sevea1 facfos fo
cons1de. Wh1ch shou1d bea fhe mosf We1ghf?
a. 1he pofecf1on of 11fe
b. 1he pofecf1on of c1f1ca1 assefs
c. 1he pofecf1on of dafa
d. Lnsu1ng comp11ance W1fh sfafe and naf1ona1 egu1af1ons
17. You have ecenf1y been h1ed as a secu1fy consu1fanf fo a 1age lnfenef
bus1ness. 1hey Wanf you fo ecommend pe1mefe 11ghf1ng opf1ons aound fhe1 pak1ng
1of af a 1age campus 1n a doWnfoWn aea. 1he fac111fy 1s 1ocafed 1n a modeafe fo
h1gh c1me aea and emp1oyee sh1ffs ae aound fhe c1ock, seven days a Week. Wh1ch
11ghf1ng opf1on do you choose?
a. Conf1nuous
b. 11p
c. 5pof 11ghf
d. Lmegency
1. 1he fac111f1es manage af a dafa sfoage company has been nof1f1ed by h1s
uf111f1es pov1de fhaf poWe vo1fages W111 be educed pe1od1ca11y fhoughouf fhe
nexf feW Weeks because of demand 1ssues. Whaf fype of cond1f1on W111 he be
expe1enc1ng ove fhe nexf feW Weeks?
a. 81ackoufs
b. 8oWnoufs
c. 5uges
d. 5ags
19. A company W1fh med1um-1eve1 secu1fy equ1emenfs us1ng cha1n-11nk fenc1ng
shou1d use Whaf gauge of W1e?
a. 6
b. 9
c. 12
d. 15
20. Whaf 1s fhe f1sf sfep fhaf shou1d be done When a f1e has been defecfed?
a. 1un off fhe hvAC sysfem and acf1vafe f1e doo e1eases.
b. Defem1ne Wh1ch fype of f1e 1f 1s.
c. Adv1se 1nd1v1dua1s W1fh1n fhe bu11d1ng fo 1eave.
d. Acf1vafe f1e suppess1on sysfem.
21. 1s a d1sc1p11ne fhaf ouf11nes hoW fhe pope
des1gn of a phys1ca1 env1onmenf can educe c1me by d1ecf1y affecf1ng human
a. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn
b. 5ecu1fy Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn
c. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough 5ecu1fy Des1gn
d. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Deve1opmenf
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1fems does nof pov1de phys1ca1 pofecf1on?
a. 5maf cad
b. 1oken
c. 81omef1c dev1ce
d. 51ng1e s1gn-on sysfem
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
23. When shou1d a C1ass C f1e exf1ngu1she be used 1nsfead of a C1ass A?
a. When e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf 1s on f1e
b. When fue1 1s on f1e
c. When f1e o Wood 1s on f1e
d. When mefa1 such as Magnes1um 1s on f1e
24. Wh1ch 1s nof a pevenf1ve phys1ca1 secu1fy confo1?
a. Iences
b. Locks
c. 5ecu1fy guad
d. Access and aud1f 1og
25. hoW does ha1on f1ghf f1es?
a. lf educes fhe f1es fue1 1nfake.
b. lf educes fhe fempeafue of fhe aea and coo1s fhe f1e ouf.
c. lf d1supfs fhe chem1ca1 eacf1ons of a f1e.
d. lf educes fhe oxygen 1n fhe aea.
26. Whaf 1s a manfap?
a. An fusfed secu1fy doma1n
b. A 1og1ca1 access confo1 mechan1sm
c. A doub1e-doo fac111fy used fo phys1ca1 access confo1
d. A f1e suppess1on dev1ce
27. Whaf 1s fue abouf a phys1ca1 access confo1 fansponde?
a. lf 1s a cad fhaf can be ead W1fhouf s11d1ng 1f fhough a cad eade.
b. lf 1s a pass1ve pox1m1fy dev1ce.
c. lf 1s a cad fhaf a use sW1pes fhough a cad eade fo ga1n access fo a
d. lf exchanges fokens W1fh an aufhenf1caf1on seve.
2. When 1s a secu1fy guad fhe besf cho1ce fo a phys1ca1 access confo1
a. When d1sc1m1naf1ng udgmenf 1s equ1ed
b. When 1nfus1on defecf1on 1s equ1ed
c. When fhe secu1fy budgef 1s 1oW
d. When access confo1s ae 1n p1ace
29. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have 111um1naf1on of .
a. 1hee-foof cand1es and e1ghf feef 1n he1ghf
b. 1Wo-foof cand1es and e1ghf feef 1n he1ghf
c. 1hee-foof cand1es and s1x feef 1n he1ghf
d. 1Wo-foof cand1es and s1x feef 1n he1ghf
30. Whaf 1s a common pob1em W1fh v1baf1on-defecf1on dev1ces used fo pe1mefe
a. 1hey can be defeafed by em1ff1ng fhe 1ghf e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s 1n fhe pofecfed
b. 1he poWe souce 1s eas11y d1sab1ed.
c. 1hey cause fa1se a1ams by fh1ngs fhaf do nof cause a fheaf fo fhe env1onmenf.
d. 1hey 1nfefee W1fh compuf1ng dev1ces.
31. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn pov1des a d1ffeenf appoach fhan
a fagef haden1ng appoach. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an examp1e of fagef
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. hedges and p1anfes aound a fac111fy shou1d nof be h1ghe fhan 2.5 feef fa11,
so fhey cannof be used fo ga1n access fo a W1ndoW
b. lmp1emenf1ng 1ocks and a1ams fo de1ay and defecf 1nfus1ons
c. 5feef fun1sh1ngs {benches and fab1es} encouage peop1e fo s1f and Wafch Whaf
1s go1ng on aound fhem, Wh1ch d1scouages c1m1na1 acf1v1fy
d. CC1v cameas ae mounfed 1n fu11 v1eW, so c1m1na1s knoW fhe1 acf1v1f1es W111
be capfued
32. Whaf ae fhe pob1ems fom hum1d1fy 1n an aea W1fh e1ecf1ca1 dev1ces?
a. h1gh hum1d1fy causes excess e1ecf1c1fy and 1oW hum1d1fy causes coos1on.
b. h1gh hum1d1fy causes coos1on and 1oW hum1d1fy causes sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy.
c. h1gh hum1d1fy causes poWe f1ucfuaf1ons and 1oW hum1d1fy causes sfaf1c
d. h1gh hum1d1fy causes coos1on and 1oW hum1d1fy causes poWe f1ucfuaf1ons.
33. Whaf does pos1f1ve pessu1zaf1on pefa1n1ng fo venf11af1on mean?
a. When a doo opens, fhe a1 comes 1n.
b. When a f1e fakes p1ace, fhe poWe supp1y 1s d1sab1ed.
c. When a f1e fakes p1ace, fhe smoke 1s d1vefed fo one oom.
d. When a doo opens, fhe a1 goes ouf.
34. Wh1ch 1s nof an adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1 pefa1n1ng fo emegency pocedues?
a. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems
b. AWaeness and fa1n1ng
c. D111s and 1nspecf1ons
d. De1egaf1on of duf1es
35. lf an access confo1 has a fa11-safe chaacfe1sf1c and nof a fa11-secue
chaacfe1sf1c, Whaf does fhaf mean?
a. lf defau1fs fo no access.
b. lf defau1fs fo be1ng un1ocked.
c. lf defau1fs fo be1ng 1ocked.
d. lf defau1fs fo sound1ng a emofe a1am 1nsfead of a 1oca1 a1am.
36. Whaf ae fhe fWo genea1 fypes of W1e1ess pox1m1fy 1denf1f1caf1on dev1ces?
a. 81omef1c dev1ces and access confo1 dev1ces
b. 5W1pe cad dev1ces and pass1ve dev1ces
c. Pesef code dev1ces and W1e1ess dev1ces
d. use-acf1vafed dev1ces and sysfem sens1ng dev1ces
37. Wh1ch fype of dev1ce uses ad1o Waves fo commun1cafe W1fh an 1nd1v1dua1`s access
confo1 badge?
a. 81omef1c dev1ce
b. use-acf1vafed pox1m1fy dev1ce
c. Ia11-safe dev1ce
d. 1ansponde
3. Wh1ch 1fem 1s nof an 1nfus1on defecf1on mechan1sm?
a. v1baf1on senso
b. CC1v
c. Iesne1 un1f
d. Mof1on defecfo
39. Wh1ch 1s nof a doWnfa11 fo 1nsfa111ng 1nfus1on defecf1on and mon1fo1ng
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. Lxpens1ve fo 1nsfa11
b. Cannof be penefafed
c. kequ1es human esponse
d. 5ubecf fo fa1se a1ams
40. Whaf 1s a c1phe 1ock?
a. A 1ock fhaf uses cypfogaph1c keys
b. A 1ock fhaf uses a fype of key fhaf cannof be epoduced
c. A 1ock fhaf uses a foken and pe1mefe eade
d. A 1ock fhaf uses a keypad
41. John 1s a neW C5O and he has been fo1d fhaf fhee have been fhee assau1fs 1n
fhe companys pak1ng gaage. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d nof be a good
counfemeasue fo John fo 1mp1emenf?
a. 5fa1 foWes and e1evafos W1fh1n fhe gaage has g1ass W1ndoWs 1nsfead of mefa1
b. Pedesf1an Wa1kWays Wou1d be ceafed such fhaf peop1e cou1d 1ook ouf acoss fhe
oWs of cas
c. D1ffeenf oWs fo cas fo pak 1n Wou1d be sepaafed by 1oW Wa11s and
sfucfua1 p111as, 1nsfead of so11d Wa11s
d. lmp1emenfaf1on of concefe Wa11s befWeen fhe e1evafo and fhe cas
42. lf a c1phe 1ock has a doo de1ay opf1on, Whaf does fhaf mean?
a. Affe a doo 1s open fo a spec1f1c pe1od of f1me, fhe a1am goes off.
b. lf can on1y be opened du1ng emegency s1fuaf1ons.
c. lf has a hosfage a1am capab111fy.
d. lf has supev1soy ove1de capab111fy.
43. Wafe and gas 11nes shou1d have shufoff va1ues and pos1f1ve da1ns. Whaf 1s a
pos1f1ve da1n?
a. Wafe does nof go 1nfo fhe da1n unf11 a f1e has been defecfed.
b. 1h1s chaacfe1sf1c ensues fhaf fhe p1pe 1s unbeakab1e.
c. Wafe, o gas, f1oWs ouf 1nsfead of 1n.
d. Wafe, o gas, f1oWs 1n 1nsfead of ouf.
44. hoW does Wafe suppess a f1e?
a. Mod1f1es fhe chem1ca1 combusf1on e1emenfs
b. keduces fhe fue1
c. keduces fhe fempeafue
d. keduces fhe oxygen
45. hoW does an acousf1ca1-se1sm1c dev1ce defecf an 1nfude?
a. Change 1n v1baf1on
b. Change 1n magnef1c f1e1d
c. Change 1n m1coWaves W1fh1n oom
d. 8eak of fo11 sf1p 1n W1ndoW
46. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof desc1be pope use of a f1e exf1ngu1she?
a. Musf be 1n aea W1fh e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf
b. Musf be v1s1b1e
c. Musf be 1nspecfed once a yea
d. Musf confa1n f1e suppess1on agenf appop1afe fo aea
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wafe sp1nk1e sysfems sounds an a1am and de1ays Wafe
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. Wef p1pe sysfem
b. Peacf1on sysfem
c. De1uge sysfem
d. Dy p1pe sysfem
4. hoW fa shou1d pofab1e f1e exf1ngu1shes be 1ocafed fom e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf?
a. 100 feef
b. 50 feef
c. 40 feef
d. 20 feef
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d be used fo suppess a C1ass A f1e?
a. Wafe
b. Gas
c. CO2
d. IM-200
50. A momenfay 1eve1 of h1gh vo1fage 1n poWe 1s efeed fo as:
a. 5ag
b. 5uge
c. 5p1ke
d. 5f1ke
51. lnfena1 paf1f1ons shou1d nof be used 1n Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1nsfances?
a. 1o pov1de pofecf1on of a sens1f1ve aea
b. 1o ceafe sfoage ooms fo non-sens1f1ve mafe1a1s
c. 1o ceafe d1ffeenf Wok aeas
d. 1o ceafe ba1es befWeen aeas
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. When deve1op1ng a secu1fy pogam, fhe fo11oW sfeps shou1d fake
p1ace 1n fh1s ode,
1. ldenf1fy a feam of 1nfena1 emp1oyees and/o exfena1 consu1fanfs Who W111 bu11d
fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam fhough fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps.
2. Cay ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s fo 1denf1fy fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs and fo
ca1cu1afe fhe bus1ness 1mpacf of each fheaf.
3. Wok W1fh managemenf fo def1ne an accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy
4. De1ve fhe equ1ed pefomance base11nes fom fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1.
5. Ceafe counfemeasue pefomance mef1cs.
b. lncoecf. When deve1op1ng a secu1fy pogam, fhe fo11oW sfeps shou1d fake
p1ace 1n fh1s ode,
1. ldenf1fy a feam of 1nfena1 emp1oyees and/o exfena1 consu1fanfs Who W111 bu11d
fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam fhough fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps.
2. Cay ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s fo 1denf1fy fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs and fo
ca1cu1afe fhe bus1ness 1mpacf of each fheaf.
3. Wok W1fh managemenf fo def1ne an accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy
4. De1ve fhe equ1ed pefomance base11nes fom fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1.
5. Ceafe counfemeasue pefomance mef1cs.
c. lncoecf. When deve1op1ng a secu1fy pogam, fhe fo11oW sfeps shou1d fake
p1ace 1n fh1s ode,
1. ldenf1fy a feam of 1nfena1 emp1oyees and/o exfena1 consu1fanfs Who W111 bu11d
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam fhough fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps.
2. Cay ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s fo 1denf1fy fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs and fo
ca1cu1afe fhe bus1ness 1mpacf of each fheaf.
3. Wok W1fh managemenf fo def1ne an accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy
4. De1ve fhe equ1ed pefomance base11nes fom fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1.
5. Ceafe counfemeasue pefomance mef1cs.
d. Coecf. When deve1op1ng a secu1fy pogam, fhe fo11oW sfeps shou1d fake p1ace
1n fh1s ode,
1. ldenf1fy a feam of 1nfena1 emp1oyees and/o exfena1 consu1fanfs Who W111 bu11d
fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam fhough fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps.
2. Cay ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s fo 1denf1fy fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs and fo
ca1cu1afe fhe bus1ness 1mpacf of each fheaf.
3. Wok W1fh managemenf fo def1ne an accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy
4. De1ve fhe equ1ed pefomance base11nes fom fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1.
5. Ceafe counfemeasue pefomance mef1cs.
nu11lncoecf. When deve1op1ng a secu1fy pogam, fhe fo11oW sfeps shou1d fake
p1ace 1n fh1s ode,
1. ldenf1fy a feam of 1nfena1 emp1oyees and/o exfena1 consu1fanfs Who W111 bu11d
fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam fhough fhe fo11oW1ng sfeps.
2. Cay ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s fo 1denf1fy fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs and fo
ca1cu1afe fhe bus1ness 1mpacf of each fheaf.
3. Wok W1fh managemenf fo def1ne an accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy
4. De1ve fhe equ1ed pefomance base11nes fom fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1.
5. Ceafe counfemeasue pefomance mef1cs.
a. lncoecf. Anf1-emanaf1on mafe1a1s ae used fo pevenf affackes fom
1nfecepf1ng e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s fhaf 1eak fom e1ecf1ca1 dev1ces. 1h1s
counfemeasue Wou1d nof be usefu1 1n pevenf1ng shou1de suf1ng.
b. lncoecf. Anf1-emanaf1on mafe1a1s ae used fo pevenf affackes fom
1nfecepf1ng e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s fhaf 1eak fom e1ecf1ca1 dev1ces. 1h1s
counfemeasue Wou1d nof be usefu1 1n pevenf1ng shou1de suf1ng.
c. lncoecf. Anf1-emanaf1on mafe1a1s ae used fo pevenf affackes fom
1nfecepf1ng e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s fhaf 1eak fom e1ecf1ca1 dev1ces. 1h1s
counfemeasue Wou1d nof be usefu1 1n pevenf1ng shou1de suf1ng.
d. Coecf. Anf1-emanaf1on mafe1a1s ae used fo pevenf affackes fom
1nfecepf1ng e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s fhaf 1eak fom e1ecf1ca1 dev1ces. 1h1s
counfemeasue Wou1d nof be usefu1 1n pevenf1ng shou1de suf1ng.
a. Coecf. When poWe 1s d1supfed fo on1y a momenf and noma1 supp1y efuns
1mmed1afe1y, 1f 1s ca11ed a fau1f.
b. lncoecf. When poWe 1s d1supfed fo on1y a momenf and noma1 supp1y efuns
1mmed1afe1y, 1f 1s ca11ed a fau1f.
c. lncoecf. When poWe 1s d1supfed fo on1y a momenf and noma1 supp1y efuns
1mmed1afe1y, 1f 1s ca11ed a fau1f.
d. lncoecf. When poWe 1s d1supfed fo on1y a momenf and noma1 supp1y efuns
1mmed1afe1y, 1f 1s ca11ed a fau1f.
a. lncoecf. Iou-foof fenc1ng 1s des1gned fo pov1de a secu1fy defeenf fo fhe
casua1 1nfude. lf 1s a 1ess expens1ve opf1on fhan fa11e fenc1ng o fop guad
fenc1ng fhaf uses an exfa 1aye of babed W1e af fhe fop.
b. Coecf. Iou-foof fenc1ng 1s des1gned fo pov1de a secu1fy defeenf fo fhe
casua1 1nfude. lf 1s a 1ess expens1ve opf1on fhan fa11e fenc1ng o fop guad
fenc1ng fhaf uses an exfa 1aye of babed W1e af fhe fop.
c. lncoecf. Iou-foof fenc1ng 1s des1gned fo pov1de a secu1fy defeenf fo fhe
casua1 1nfude. lf 1s a 1ess expens1ve opf1on fhan fa11e fenc1ng o fop guad
fenc1ng fhaf uses an exfa 1aye of babed W1e af fhe fop.
d. lncoecf. Iou-foof fenc1ng 1s des1gned fo pov1de a secu1fy defeenf fo fhe
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
casua1 1nfude. lf 1s a 1ess expens1ve opf1on fhan fa11e fenc1ng o fop guad
fenc1ng fhaf uses an exfa 1aye of babed W1e af fhe fop.
a. lncoecf. 11p 11ghf1ng uses a f1gge fo acf1vafe fhe 11ghfs. Many compan1es
use f1p 11ghf1ng aound fhe pe1mefe so fhaf fhe oufs1de 11ghfs W111 fun on When
someone appoaches fhe fac111fy. An1ma1s mov1ng 1n des1gnafed aeas can cause fh1s
11ghf1ng sysfem fo acf1vafe and poduce many fa1se a1ams.
b. Coecf. 11p 11ghf1ng uses a f1gge fo acf1vafe fhe 11ghfs. Many compan1es use
f1p 11ghf1ng aound fhe pe1mefe so fhaf fhe oufs1de 11ghfs W111 fun on When
someone appoaches fhe fac111fy. An1ma1s mov1ng 1n des1gnafed aeas can cause fh1s
11ghf1ng sysfem fo acf1vafe and poduce many fa1se a1ams.
c. lncoecf. 11p 11ghf1ng uses a f1gge fo acf1vafe fhe 11ghfs. Many compan1es
use f1p 11ghf1ng aound fhe pe1mefe so fhaf fhe oufs1de 11ghfs W111 fun on When
someone appoaches fhe fac111fy. An1ma1s mov1ng 1n des1gnafed aeas can cause fh1s
11ghf1ng sysfem fo acf1vafe and poduce many fa1se a1ams.
d. lncoecf. 11p 11ghf1ng uses a f1gge fo acf1vafe fhe 11ghfs. Many compan1es
use f1p 11ghf1ng aound fhe pe1mefe so fhaf fhe oufs1de 11ghfs W111 fun on When
someone appoaches fhe fac111fy. An1ma1s mov1ng 1n des1gnafed aeas can cause fh1s
11ghf1ng sysfem fo acf1vafe and poduce many fa1se a1ams.
a. Coecf. Po1ycabonafe acy11c W1ndoWs ae moe es1sfanf fo beakage fhan
sfandad p1afe W1ndoWs due fo fhe acy11c mafe1a1 add1f1ves. lf 1s fh1s acy11c
mafe1a1 fhaf can g1ve off fox1c fumes 1n a f1e s1fuaf1on.
b. lncoecf. Po1ycabonafe acy11c W1ndoWs ae moe es1sfanf fo beakage fhan
sfandad p1afe W1ndoWs due fo fhe acy11c mafe1a1 add1f1ves. lf 1s fh1s acy11c
mafe1a1 fhaf can g1ve off fox1c fumes 1n a f1e s1fuaf1on.
c. lncoecf. Po1ycabonafe acy11c W1ndoWs ae moe es1sfanf fo beakage fhan
sfandad p1afe W1ndoWs due fo fhe acy11c mafe1a1 add1f1ves. lf 1s fh1s acy11c
mafe1a1 fhaf can g1ve off fox1c fumes 1n a f1e s1fuaf1on.
d. lncoecf. Po1ycabonafe acy11c W1ndoWs ae moe es1sfanf fo beakage fhan
sfandad p1afe W1ndoWs due fo fhe acy11c mafe1a1 add1f1ves. lf 1s fh1s acy11c
mafe1a1 fhaf can g1ve off fox1c fumes 1n a f1e s1fuaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Locks ae cons1deed &quof,easy-fo-defeaf&quof, dev1ces because
spec1a1 foo1s can be used fo beak fhem. Locks shou1d be used 1n concef W1fh ofhe
dev1ces. 1hey ae ca11ed &quof,de1ay mechan1sms&quof, because fhey W111 on1y be a
bump 1n fhe oad fo a defem1ned 1nfude. Lven fhough fhey have many Weaknesses,
1ocks ae fhe mosf common and accepfed phys1ca1 secu1fy confo1 used foday because
fhey ae 1nexpens1ve and easy fo use.
b. Coecf. Locks ae cons1deed &quof,easy-fo-defeaf&quof, dev1ces because spec1a1
foo1s can be used fo beak fhem. Locks shou1d be used 1n concef W1fh ofhe dev1ces.
1hey ae ca11ed &quof,de1ay mechan1sms&quof, because fhey W111 on1y be a bump 1n fhe
oad fo a defem1ned 1nfude. Lven fhough fhey have many Weaknesses, 1ocks ae fhe
mosf common and accepfed phys1ca1 secu1fy confo1 used foday because fhey ae
1nexpens1ve and easy fo use.
c. lncoecf. Locks ae cons1deed &quof,easy-fo-defeaf&quof, dev1ces because
spec1a1 foo1s can be used fo beak fhem. Locks shou1d be used 1n concef W1fh ofhe
dev1ces. 1hey ae ca11ed &quof,de1ay mechan1sms&quof, because fhey W111 on1y be a
bump 1n fhe oad fo a defem1ned 1nfude. Lven fhough fhey have many Weaknesses,
1ocks ae fhe mosf common and accepfed phys1ca1 secu1fy confo1 used foday because
fhey ae 1nexpens1ve and easy fo use.
d. lncoecf. Locks ae cons1deed &quof,easy-fo-defeaf&quof, dev1ces because
spec1a1 foo1s can be used fo beak fhem. Locks shou1d be used 1n concef W1fh ofhe
dev1ces. 1hey ae ca11ed &quof,de1ay mechan1sms&quof, because fhey W111 on1y be a
bump 1n fhe oad fo a defem1ned 1nfude. Lven fhough fhey have many Weaknesses,
1ocks ae fhe mosf common and accepfed phys1ca1 secu1fy confo1 used foday because
fhey ae 1nexpens1ve and easy fo use.

a. lncoecf. Locks ae p1ck-es1sfanf, nof p1ck-poof. A defem1ned 1nfude W111

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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
evenfua11y f1nd a Way fo p1ck fhe 1ock. A fens1on Wench and a p1ck ae fhe bas1c
foo1s used fo p1ck a 1ock, Wh1ch means fo un1ock 1f W1fhouf fhe key.
b. Coecf. Locks ae p1ck-es1sfanf, nof p1ck-poof. A defem1ned 1nfude W111
evenfua11y f1nd a Way fo p1ck fhe 1ock. A fens1on Wench and a p1ck ae fhe bas1c
foo1s used fo p1ck a 1ock, Wh1ch means fo un1ock 1f W1fhouf fhe key.
c. lncoecf. Locks ae p1ck-es1sfanf, nof p1ck-poof. A defem1ned 1nfude W111
evenfua11y f1nd a Way fo p1ck fhe 1ock. A fens1on Wench and a p1ck ae fhe bas1c
foo1s used fo p1ck a 1ock, Wh1ch means fo un1ock 1f W1fhouf fhe key.
d. lncoecf. Locks ae p1ck-es1sfanf, nof p1ck-poof. A defem1ned 1nfude W111
evenfua11y f1nd a Way fo p1ck fhe 1ock. A fens1on Wench and a p1ck ae fhe bas1c
foo1s used fo p1ck a 1ock, Wh1ch means fo un1ock 1f W1fhouf fhe key.
a. Coecf. I1e d111s shou1d be conducfed egu1a1y du1ng a11 sh1ffs. Pofecf1ng
human 11fe shou1d be fhe numbe one goa1 of f1e pevenf1on and ensu1ng fhaf a11
emp1oyees ae fam111a W1fh f1e pocedues 1s c1f1ca1.
b. lncoecf. I1e d111s shou1d be conducfed egu1a1y du1ng a11 sh1ffs.
Pofecf1ng human 11fe shou1d be fhe numbe one goa1 of f1e pevenf1on and ensu1ng
fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae fam111a W1fh f1e pocedues 1s c1f1ca1.
c. lncoecf. I1e d111s shou1d be conducfed egu1a1y du1ng a11 sh1ffs.
Pofecf1ng human 11fe shou1d be fhe numbe one goa1 of f1e pevenf1on and ensu1ng
fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae fam111a W1fh f1e pocedues 1s c1f1ca1.
d. lncoecf. I1e d111s shou1d be conducfed egu1a1y du1ng a11 sh1ffs.
Pofecf1ng human 11fe shou1d be fhe numbe one goa1 of f1e pevenf1on and ensu1ng
fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae fam111a W1fh f1e pocedues 1s c1f1ca1.
a. lncoecf. C1ass k f1es ae ass1gned fo commec1a1 k1fchens and fhe f1e
danges fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n fhem. 1he suppess1ng agenf used 1n c1ass k f1es 1s Wef
b. lncoecf. C1ass k f1es ae ass1gned fo commec1a1 k1fchens and fhe f1e
danges fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n fhem. 1he suppess1ng agenf used 1n c1ass k f1es 1s Wef
c. lncoecf. C1ass k f1es ae ass1gned fo commec1a1 k1fchens and fhe f1e
danges fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n fhem. 1he suppess1ng agenf used 1n c1ass k f1es 1s Wef
d. Coecf. C1ass k f1es ae ass1gned fo commec1a1 k1fchens and fhe f1e danges
fhaf ex1sf W1fh1n fhem. 1he suppess1ng agenf used 1n c1ass k f1es 1s Wef
a. lncoecf. A phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam needs fo be made up of confo1s fhaf map
fo fhe fo11oW1ng cafego1es,
- Defeence
- De1ay1ng
- Defecf1on
- Assessmenf
- kesponse
b. lncoecf. A phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam needs fo be made up of confo1s fhaf map
fo fhe fo11oW1ng cafego1es,
- Defeence
- De1ay1ng
- Defecf1on
- Assessmenf
- kesponse
c. lncoecf. A phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam needs fo be made up of confo1s fhaf map
fo fhe fo11oW1ng cafego1es,
- Defeence
- De1ay1ng
- Defecf1on
- Assessmenf
- kesponse
d. Coecf. A phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam needs fo be made up of confo1s fhaf map fo
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
fhe fo11oW1ng cafego1es,
- Defeence
- De1ay1ng
- Defecf1on
- Assessmenf
- kesponse
a. Coecf. ha1on has been 1denf1f1ed as a chem1ca1 fhaf can dep1efe fhe ozone
1aye and poduce fox1c chem1ca1s af exfeme1y h1gh fempeafues. 1he 197 Monfea1
Pofoco1 sfafes fhaf ha1on shou1d no 1onge be used as a f1e suppess1on agenf.
b. lncoecf. ha1on has been 1denf1f1ed as a chem1ca1 fhaf can dep1efe fhe ozone
1aye and poduce fox1c chem1ca1s af exfeme1y h1gh fempeafues. 1he 197 Monfea1
Pofoco1 sfafes fhaf ha1on shou1d no 1onge be used as a f1e suppess1on agenf.
c. lncoecf. ha1on has been 1denf1f1ed as a chem1ca1 fhaf can dep1efe fhe ozone
1aye and poduce fox1c chem1ca1s af exfeme1y h1gh fempeafues. 1he 197 Monfea1
Pofoco1 sfafes fhaf ha1on shou1d no 1onge be used as a f1e suppess1on agenf.
d. lncoecf. ha1on has been 1denf1f1ed as a chem1ca1 fhaf can dep1efe fhe ozone
1aye and poduce fox1c chem1ca1s af exfeme1y h1gh fempeafues. 1he 197 Monfea1
Pofoco1 sfafes fhaf ha1on shou1d no 1onge be used as a f1e suppess1on agenf.
a. Coecf. 8u11d1ngs shou1d have hvACs fhaf pov1de pos1f1ve a1 pessue, Wh1ch
means fhaf a1 goes ouf of a doo When 1f 1s open. 1h1s he1ps fo educe fhe
poss1b111fy of exfena1 confam1nafes enfe1ng fhe fac111fy and a11oWs smoke fo ex1f
a bu11d1ng 1n cases of f1es.
b. lncoecf. 8u11d1ngs shou1d have hvACs fhaf pov1de pos1f1ve a1 pessue, Wh1ch
means fhaf a1 goes ouf of a doo When 1f 1s open. 1h1s he1ps fo educe fhe
poss1b111fy of exfena1 confam1nafes enfe1ng fhe fac111fy and a11oWs smoke fo ex1f
a bu11d1ng 1n cases of f1es.
c. lncoecf. 8u11d1ngs shou1d have hvACs fhaf pov1de pos1f1ve a1 pessue, Wh1ch
means fhaf a1 goes ouf of a doo When 1f 1s open. 1h1s he1ps fo educe fhe
poss1b111fy of exfena1 confam1nafes enfe1ng fhe fac111fy and a11oWs smoke fo ex1f
a bu11d1ng 1n cases of f1es.
d. lncoecf. 8u11d1ngs shou1d have hvACs fhaf pov1de pos1f1ve a1 pessue, Wh1ch
means fhaf a1 goes ouf of a doo When 1f 1s open. 1h1s he1ps fo educe fhe
poss1b111fy of exfena1 confam1nafes enfe1ng fhe fac111fy and a11oWs smoke fo ex1f
a bu11d1ng 1n cases of f1es.
a. Coecf. Dafa 1s a va1uab1e esouce fo ogan1zaf1ons and emofe access and fhe
use of pofab1e dev1ces exposes fh1s c1f1ca1 assef 1n many Ways. Dafa 1s one of fhe
mosf c1f1ca1 assefs fo mosf compan1es foday, and shou1d be pope1y pofecfed.
b. lncoecf. Dafa 1s a va1uab1e esouce fo ogan1zaf1ons and emofe access and
fhe use of pofab1e dev1ces exposes fh1s c1f1ca1 assef 1n many Ways. Dafa 1s one of
fhe mosf c1f1ca1 assefs fo mosf compan1es foday, and shou1d be pope1y pofecfed.
c. lncoecf. Dafa 1s a va1uab1e esouce fo ogan1zaf1ons and emofe access and
fhe use of pofab1e dev1ces exposes fh1s c1f1ca1 assef 1n many Ways. Dafa 1s one of
fhe mosf c1f1ca1 assefs fo mosf compan1es foday, and shou1d be pope1y pofecfed.
d. lncoecf. Dafa 1s a va1uab1e esouce fo ogan1zaf1ons and emofe access and
fhe use of pofab1e dev1ces exposes fh1s c1f1ca1 assef 1n many Ways. Dafa 1s one of
fhe mosf c1f1ca1 assefs fo mosf compan1es foday, and shou1d be pope1y pofecfed.
a. lncoecf. G1ass-c1ad po1ycabonafe W1ndoWs ae fhe sfongesf W1ndoWs ava11ab1e
foday. 1hey ae es1sfanf fo beakage, chem1ca1s, f1es, and abas1ons. 8ecause of
fhe1 h1gh1y es1sfanf nafue, fhey ae exfeme1y expens1ve.
b. lncoecf. G1ass-c1ad po1ycabonafe W1ndoWs ae fhe sfongesf W1ndoWs ava11ab1e
foday. 1hey ae es1sfanf fo beakage, chem1ca1s, f1es, and abas1ons. 8ecause of
fhe1 h1gh1y es1sfanf nafue, fhey ae exfeme1y expens1ve.
c. lncoecf. G1ass-c1ad po1ycabonafe W1ndoWs ae fhe sfongesf W1ndoWs ava11ab1e
foday. 1hey ae es1sfanf fo beakage, chem1ca1s, f1es, and abas1ons. 8ecause of
fhe1 h1gh1y es1sfanf nafue, fhey ae exfeme1y expens1ve.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
d. Coecf. G1ass-c1ad po1ycabonafe W1ndoWs ae fhe sfongesf W1ndoWs ava11ab1e
foday. 1hey ae es1sfanf fo beakage, chem1ca1s, f1es, and abas1ons. 8ecause of
fhe1 h1gh1y es1sfanf nafue, fhey ae exfeme1y expens1ve.
a. Coecf. Compan1es have an ob11gaf1on fo pofecf 11fe f1sf befoe any ofhe
esouce. Lmp1oyees ae fhe mosf 1mpofanf esouce fo pofecf.
b. lncoecf. Compan1es have an ob11gaf1on fo pofecf 11fe f1sf befoe any ofhe
esouce. Lmp1oyees ae fhe mosf 1mpofanf esouce fo pofecf.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es have an ob11gaf1on fo pofecf 11fe f1sf befoe any ofhe
esouce. Lmp1oyees ae fhe mosf 1mpofanf esouce fo pofecf.
d. lncoecf. Compan1es have an ob11gaf1on fo pofecf 11fe f1sf befoe any ofhe
esouce. Lmp1oyees ae fhe mosf 1mpofanf esouce fo pofecf.
a. Coecf. Conf1nuous 11ghf1ng Wou1d pov1de consfanf 11ghf souces aound fhe
pe1mefe of fhe campus 1nc1ud1ng fhe pak1ng 1of. 8ecause emp1oyee sh1ffs fake
p1ace fhoughouf fhe n1ghf, fhe company has an ob11gaf1on fo 11ghf fhe pak1ng 1of
fo pov1de a safe env1onmenf fo 1fs emp1oyees.
b. lncoecf. Conf1nuous 11ghf1ng Wou1d pov1de consfanf 11ghf souces aound fhe
pe1mefe of fhe campus 1nc1ud1ng fhe pak1ng 1of. 8ecause emp1oyee sh1ffs fake
p1ace fhoughouf fhe n1ghf, fhe company has an ob11gaf1on fo 11ghf fhe pak1ng 1of
fo pov1de a safe env1onmenf fo 1fs emp1oyees.
c. lncoecf. Conf1nuous 11ghf1ng Wou1d pov1de consfanf 11ghf souces aound fhe
pe1mefe of fhe campus 1nc1ud1ng fhe pak1ng 1of. 8ecause emp1oyee sh1ffs fake
p1ace fhoughouf fhe n1ghf, fhe company has an ob11gaf1on fo 11ghf fhe pak1ng 1of
fo pov1de a safe env1onmenf fo 1fs emp1oyees.
d. lncoecf. Conf1nuous 11ghf1ng Wou1d pov1de consfanf 11ghf souces aound fhe
pe1mefe of fhe campus 1nc1ud1ng fhe pak1ng 1of. 8ecause emp1oyee sh1ffs fake
p1ace fhoughouf fhe n1ghf, fhe company has an ob11gaf1on fo 11ghf fhe pak1ng 1of
fo pov1de a safe env1onmenf fo 1fs emp1oyees.
a. lncoecf. 8oWnoufs ae p1anned educf1ons 1n poWe vo1fages due fo pob1ems
W1fh supp1y and demand. 8oWnoufs have occued fequenf1y 1n Ca11fon1a ove fhe
pasf feW yeas as poWe compan1es sfugg1e fo keep up W1fh demand.
b. Coecf. 8oWnoufs ae p1anned educf1ons 1n poWe vo1fages due fo pob1ems W1fh
supp1y and demand. 8oWnoufs have occued fequenf1y 1n Ca11fon1a ove fhe pasf
feW yeas as poWe compan1es sfugg1e fo keep up W1fh demand.
c. lncoecf. 8oWnoufs ae p1anned educf1ons 1n poWe vo1fages due fo pob1ems
W1fh supp1y and demand. 8oWnoufs have occued fequenf1y 1n Ca11fon1a ove fhe
pasf feW yeas as poWe compan1es sfugg1e fo keep up W1fh demand.
d. lncoecf. 8oWnoufs ae p1anned educf1ons 1n poWe vo1fages due fo pob1ems
W1fh supp1y and demand. 8oWnoufs have occued fequenf1y 1n Ca11fon1a ove fhe
pasf feW yeas as poWe compan1es sfugg1e fo keep up W1fh demand.
a. lncoecf. Cha1n-11nk fenc1ng fhaf equ1es a med1um 1eve1 of secu1fy uf111zes
9-gauge W1e W1fh 2x2 1nch mesh1ng. 1he gauge 1s fhe fh1ckness of fhe mefa1 and fhe
mesh1ng 1s fhe spac1ng befWeen fhe W11ng. 1he 1oWe fhe gauge numbe, fhe fh1cke
fhe W11ng. Iences fhaf use a sma11e mesh1ng ae hade fo c11mb.
b. Coecf. Cha1n-11nk fenc1ng fhaf equ1es a med1um 1eve1 of secu1fy uf111zes
9-gauge W1e W1fh 2x2 1nch mesh1ng. 1he gauge 1s fhe fh1ckness of fhe mefa1 and fhe
mesh1ng 1s fhe spac1ng befWeen fhe W11ng. 1he 1oWe fhe gauge numbe, fhe fh1cke
fhe W11ng. Iences fhaf use a sma11e mesh1ng ae hade fo c11mb.
c. lncoecf. Cha1n-11nk fenc1ng fhaf equ1es a med1um 1eve1 of secu1fy uf111zes
9-gauge W1e W1fh 2x2 1nch mesh1ng. 1he gauge 1s fhe fh1ckness of fhe mefa1 and fhe
mesh1ng 1s fhe spac1ng befWeen fhe W11ng. 1he 1oWe fhe gauge numbe, fhe fh1cke
fhe W11ng. Iences fhaf use a sma11e mesh1ng ae hade fo c11mb.
d. lncoecf. Cha1n-11nk fenc1ng fhaf equ1es a med1um 1eve1 of secu1fy uf111zes
9-gauge W1e W1fh 2x2 1nch mesh1ng. 1he gauge 1s fhe fh1ckness of fhe mefa1 and fhe
mesh1ng 1s fhe spac1ng befWeen fhe W11ng. 1he 1oWe fhe gauge numbe, fhe fh1cke
fhe W11ng. Iences fhaf use a sma11e mesh1ng ae hade fo c11mb.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. human 11fe fakes pecedence ove any ofhe 1fem, espec1a11y mafe1a1
1fems. A1fhough fhe ofhe ansWes ae 1mpofanf sfeps fo fake p1ace 1n fh1s fype of
s1fuaf1on, fhe f1sf sfep 1s fo Wan ofhes fo save as many 11ves as poss1b1e.
b. lncoecf. human 11fe fakes pecedence ove any ofhe 1fem, espec1a11y mafe1a1
1fems. A1fhough fhe ofhe ansWes ae 1mpofanf sfeps fo fake p1ace 1n fh1s fype of
s1fuaf1on, fhe f1sf sfep 1s fo Wan ofhes fo save as many 11ves as poss1b1e.
c. Coecf. human 11fe fakes pecedence ove any ofhe 1fem, espec1a11y mafe1a1
1fems. A1fhough fhe ofhe ansWes ae 1mpofanf sfeps fo fake p1ace 1n fh1s fype of
s1fuaf1on, fhe f1sf sfep 1s fo Wan ofhes fo save as many 11ves as poss1b1e.
d. lncoecf. human 11fe fakes pecedence ove any ofhe 1fem, espec1a11y mafe1a1
1fems. A1fhough fhe ofhe ansWes ae 1mpofanf sfeps fo fake p1ace 1n fh1s fype of
s1fuaf1on, fhe f1sf sfep 1s fo Wan ofhes fo save as many 11ves as poss1b1e.
a. Coecf. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn {CP1LD} 1s a d1sc1p11ne
fhaf ouf11nes hoW fhe pope des1gn of a phys1ca1 env1onmenf can educe c1me by
d1ecf1y affecf1ng human behav1o. lf pov1des gu1dance 1n 1oss and c1me pevenf1on
fhough pope fac111fy consfucf1on and env1onmenfa1 componenfs and pocedues.
b. lncoecf. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn {CP1LD} 1s a d1sc1p11ne
fhaf ouf11nes hoW fhe pope des1gn of a phys1ca1 env1onmenf can educe c1me by
d1ecf1y affecf1ng human behav1o. lf pov1des gu1dance 1n 1oss and c1me pevenf1on
fhough pope fac111fy consfucf1on and env1onmenfa1 componenfs and pocedues.
c. lncoecf. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn {CP1LD} 1s a d1sc1p11ne
fhaf ouf11nes hoW fhe pope des1gn of a phys1ca1 env1onmenf can educe c1me by
d1ecf1y affecf1ng human behav1o. lf pov1des gu1dance 1n 1oss and c1me pevenf1on
fhough pope fac111fy consfucf1on and env1onmenfa1 componenfs and pocedues.
d. lncoecf. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn {CP1LD} 1s a d1sc1p11ne
fhaf ouf11nes hoW fhe pope des1gn of a phys1ca1 env1onmenf can educe c1me by
d1ecf1y affecf1ng human behav1o. lf pov1des gu1dance 1n 1oss and c1me pevenf1on
fhough pope fac111fy consfucf1on and env1onmenfa1 componenfs and pocedues.
a. lncoecf. Lach of fhe ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es o dev1ces fhaf can
be used fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on puposes fo access confo1 1nfo a
fac111fy o sens1f1ve aea. 51ng1e s1gn-on fechno1og1es ae used fo 1og1ca11y
confo1 uses` access fo nefWok esouces, Wh1ch does nof fa11 unde fhe phys1ca1
secu1fy umbe11a.
b. lncoecf. Lach of fhe ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es o dev1ces fhaf can
be used fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on puposes fo access confo1 1nfo a
fac111fy o sens1f1ve aea. 51ng1e s1gn-on fechno1og1es ae used fo 1og1ca11y
confo1 uses` access fo nefWok esouces, Wh1ch does nof fa11 unde fhe phys1ca1
secu1fy umbe11a.
c. lncoecf. Lach of fhe ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es o dev1ces fhaf can
be used fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on puposes fo access confo1 1nfo a
fac111fy o sens1f1ve aea. 51ng1e s1gn-on fechno1og1es ae used fo 1og1ca11y
confo1 uses` access fo nefWok esouces, Wh1ch does nof fa11 unde fhe phys1ca1
secu1fy umbe11a.
d. Coecf. Lach of fhe ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es o dev1ces fhaf can be
used fo 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on puposes fo access confo1 1nfo a
fac111fy o sens1f1ve aea. 51ng1e s1gn-on fechno1og1es ae used fo 1og1ca11y
confo1 uses` access fo nefWok esouces, Wh1ch does nof fa11 unde fhe phys1ca1
secu1fy umbe11a.
a. Coecf. A c1ass C 1s an e1ecf1ca1 f1e, fhus an exf1ngu1she W1fh fhe pope
suppess1on agenf shou1d be used. 1he fo11oW1ng shoWs fhe f1e fypes, fhe1
aff1bufes, and suppess1on mefhods.
I1e C1ass
A Common combusf1b1e
8 L1qu1d I1e
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
C L1ecf1ca1 I1e
D Mefa1s such as Magnes1um
b. lncoecf. A c1ass C 1s an e1ecf1ca1 f1e, fhus an exf1ngu1she W1fh fhe
pope suppess1on agenf shou1d be used. 1he fo11oW1ng shoWs fhe f1e fypes, fhe1
aff1bufes, and suppess1on mefhods.
I1e C1ass
A Common combusf1b1e
8 L1qu1d I1e
C L1ecf1ca1 I1e
D Mefa1s such as Magnes1um
c. lncoecf. A c1ass C 1s an e1ecf1ca1 f1e, fhus an exf1ngu1she W1fh fhe
pope suppess1on agenf shou1d be used. 1he fo11oW1ng shoWs fhe f1e fypes, fhe1
aff1bufes, and suppess1on mefhods.
I1e C1ass
A Common combusf1b1e
8 L1qu1d I1e
C L1ecf1ca1 I1e
D Mefa1s such as Magnes1um
d. lncoecf. A c1ass C 1s an e1ecf1ca1 f1e, fhus an exf1ngu1she W1fh fhe
pope suppess1on agenf shou1d be used. 1he fo11oW1ng shoWs fhe f1e fypes, fhe1
aff1bufes, and suppess1on mefhods.
I1e C1ass
A Common combusf1b1e
8 L1qu1d I1e
C L1ecf1ca1 I1e
D Mefa1s such as Magnes1um
a. lncoecf. Any fype of 1ogg1ng o aud1f1ng 1s cons1deed a defecf1ve confo1,
because fhese 1fems ae ma1n1y ev1eWed affe somefh1ng fook p1ace. 1he ofhe
ansWes confa1n 1fems fhaf ae puf 1nfo p1ace fo pevenf some fype of secu1fy
compom1se. Logs and aud1fs ae nof cons1deed componenfs fhaf can be used fo
pevenf a compom1se fom fak1ng p1ace.
b. lncoecf. Any fype of 1ogg1ng o aud1f1ng 1s cons1deed a defecf1ve confo1,
because fhese 1fems ae ma1n1y ev1eWed affe somefh1ng fook p1ace. 1he ofhe
ansWes confa1n 1fems fhaf ae puf 1nfo p1ace fo pevenf some fype of secu1fy
compom1se. Logs and aud1fs ae nof cons1deed componenfs fhaf can be used fo
pevenf a compom1se fom fak1ng p1ace.
c. lncoecf. Any fype of 1ogg1ng o aud1f1ng 1s cons1deed a defecf1ve confo1,
because fhese 1fems ae ma1n1y ev1eWed affe somefh1ng fook p1ace. 1he ofhe
ansWes confa1n 1fems fhaf ae puf 1nfo p1ace fo pevenf some fype of secu1fy
compom1se. Logs and aud1fs ae nof cons1deed componenfs fhaf can be used fo
pevenf a compom1se fom fak1ng p1ace.
d. Coecf. Any fype of 1ogg1ng o aud1f1ng 1s cons1deed a defecf1ve confo1,
because fhese 1fems ae ma1n1y ev1eWed affe somefh1ng fook p1ace. 1he ofhe
ansWes confa1n 1fems fhaf ae puf 1nfo p1ace fo pevenf some fype of secu1fy
compom1se. Logs and aud1fs ae nof cons1deed componenfs fhaf can be used fo
pevenf a compom1se fom fak1ng p1ace.
a. lncoecf. ha1on 1s a fype of gas fhaf 1s used fo 1nfefee W1fh fhe chem1ca1
eacf1ons befWeen fhe e1emenfs of a f1e. A f1e equ1es fue1, oxygen, h1gh
fempeafues, and chem1ca1 eacf1ons fo bun pope1y. 1hee ae d1ffeenf
suppessanf agenfs fhaf have been deve1oped fo affack one of fhese 1egs of a f1e,
CO2 d1sp1aces fhe oxygen, Wafe educes fhe fempeafue, and soda ac1d emoves fhe
b. lncoecf. ha1on 1s a fype of gas fhaf 1s used fo 1nfefee W1fh fhe chem1ca1
eacf1ons befWeen fhe e1emenfs of a f1e. A f1e equ1es fue1, oxygen, h1gh
fempeafues, and chem1ca1 eacf1ons fo bun pope1y. 1hee ae d1ffeenf
suppessanf agenfs fhaf have been deve1oped fo affack one of fhese 1egs of a f1e,
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
CO2 d1sp1aces fhe oxygen, Wafe educes fhe fempeafue, and soda ac1d emoves fhe
c. Coecf. ha1on 1s a fype of gas fhaf 1s used fo 1nfefee W1fh fhe chem1ca1
eacf1ons befWeen fhe e1emenfs of a f1e. A f1e equ1es fue1, oxygen, h1gh
fempeafues, and chem1ca1 eacf1ons fo bun pope1y. 1hee ae d1ffeenf
suppessanf agenfs fhaf have been deve1oped fo affack one of fhese 1egs of a f1e,
CO2 d1sp1aces fhe oxygen, Wafe educes fhe fempeafue, and soda ac1d emoves fhe
d. lncoecf. ha1on 1s a fype of gas fhaf 1s used fo 1nfefee W1fh fhe chem1ca1
eacf1ons befWeen fhe e1emenfs of a f1e. A f1e equ1es fue1, oxygen, h1gh
fempeafues, and chem1ca1 eacf1ons fo bun pope1y. 1hee ae d1ffeenf
suppessanf agenfs fhaf have been deve1oped fo affack one of fhese 1egs of a f1e,
CO2 d1sp1aces fhe oxygen, Wafe educes fhe fempeafue, and soda ac1d emoves fhe
a. lncoecf. A manfap 1s a fWo-dooed aea used fo phys1ca1 access 1nfo a
fac111fy o aea. 1he f1sf doo 1s un1ocked and a peson enfes fhe oom. 1he
second doo sfays 1ocked unf11 fhe peson has been pope1y 1denf1f1ed,
aufhenf1cafed, and aufho1zed access. 1he 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on enf1fy
can be a sW1pe cad eade, a b1omef1c sysfem, a smaf cad eade, o a secu1fy
guad. 5ome manfaps fhaf use b1omef1c sysfems can We1gh fhe peson befoe a11oW1ng
h1m access fo ensue fhaf on1y one peson 1s affempf1ng enfy. 1h1s 1s fo f1ghf
fa11gaf1ng affempfs.
b. lncoecf. A manfap 1s a fWo-dooed aea used fo phys1ca1 access 1nfo a
fac111fy o aea. 1he f1sf doo 1s un1ocked and a peson enfes fhe oom. 1he
second doo sfays 1ocked unf11 fhe peson has been pope1y 1denf1f1ed,
aufhenf1cafed, and aufho1zed access. 1he 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on enf1fy
can be a sW1pe cad eade, a b1omef1c sysfem, a smaf cad eade, o a secu1fy
guad. 5ome manfaps fhaf use b1omef1c sysfems can We1gh fhe peson befoe a11oW1ng
h1m access fo ensue fhaf on1y one peson 1s affempf1ng enfy. 1h1s 1s fo f1ghf
fa11gaf1ng affempfs.
c. Coecf. A manfap 1s a fWo-dooed aea used fo phys1ca1 access 1nfo a
fac111fy o aea. 1he f1sf doo 1s un1ocked and a peson enfes fhe oom. 1he
second doo sfays 1ocked unf11 fhe peson has been pope1y 1denf1f1ed,
aufhenf1cafed, and aufho1zed access. 1he 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on enf1fy
can be a sW1pe cad eade, a b1omef1c sysfem, a smaf cad eade, o a secu1fy
guad. 5ome manfaps fhaf use b1omef1c sysfems can We1gh fhe peson befoe a11oW1ng
h1m access fo ensue fhaf on1y one peson 1s affempf1ng enfy. 1h1s 1s fo f1ghf
fa11gaf1ng affempfs.
d. lncoecf. A manfap 1s a fWo-dooed aea used fo phys1ca1 access 1nfo a
fac111fy o aea. 1he f1sf doo 1s un1ocked and a peson enfes fhe oom. 1he
second doo sfays 1ocked unf11 fhe peson has been pope1y 1denf1f1ed,
aufhenf1cafed, and aufho1zed access. 1he 1denf1f1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on enf1fy
can be a sW1pe cad eade, a b1omef1c sysfem, a smaf cad eade, o a secu1fy
guad. 5ome manfaps fhaf use b1omef1c sysfems can We1gh fhe peson befoe a11oW1ng
h1m access fo ensue fhaf on1y one peson 1s affempf1ng enfy. 1h1s 1s fo f1ghf
fa11gaf1ng affempfs.
a. Coecf. A fansponde 1s a fype of phys1ca1 access confo1 dev1ce fhaf does
nof equ1e fhe use fo s11de a cad fhough a eade. 1he eade and cad
commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he cad and eade has a ece1ve, fansm1ffe, and baffey.
1he eade sends s1gna1s fo fhe cad fo equesf 1nfomaf1on. 1he cad sends fhe
eade an access code.
b. lncoecf. A fansponde 1s a fype of phys1ca1 access confo1 dev1ce fhaf does
nof equ1e fhe use fo s11de a cad fhough a eade. 1he eade and cad
commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he cad and eade has a ece1ve, fansm1ffe, and baffey.
1he eade sends s1gna1s fo fhe cad fo equesf 1nfomaf1on. 1he cad sends fhe
eade an access code.
c. lncoecf. A fansponde 1s a fype of phys1ca1 access confo1 dev1ce fhaf does
nof equ1e fhe use fo s11de a cad fhough a eade. 1he eade and cad
commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he cad and eade has a ece1ve, fansm1ffe, and baffey.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
1he eade sends s1gna1s fo fhe cad fo equesf 1nfomaf1on. 1he cad sends fhe
eade an access code.
d. lncoecf. A fansponde 1s a fype of phys1ca1 access confo1 dev1ce fhaf does
nof equ1e fhe use fo s11de a cad fhough a eade. 1he eade and cad
commun1cafe d1ecf1y. 1he cad and eade has a ece1ve, fansm1ffe, and baffey.
1he eade sends s1gna1s fo fhe cad fo equesf 1nfomaf1on. 1he cad sends fhe
eade an access code.
a. Coecf. A1fhough fhee ae many effecf1ve phys1ca1 secu1fy mechan1sms on fhe
makef foday, none of fhem can 1ook af a s1fuaf1on and make a udgmenf abouf 1f and
make a dec1s1on on Whaf fhe nexf sfep shou1d be. A secu1fy guad 1s emp1oyed When a
company needs fo have a counfemeasue Who can fh1nk and make dec1s1ons 1n d1ffeenf
b. lncoecf. A1fhough fhee ae many effecf1ve phys1ca1 secu1fy mechan1sms on
fhe makef foday, none of fhem can 1ook af a s1fuaf1on and make a udgmenf abouf 1f
and make a dec1s1on on Whaf fhe nexf sfep shou1d be. A secu1fy guad 1s emp1oyed
When a company needs fo have a counfemeasue Who can fh1nk and make dec1s1ons 1n
d1ffeenf scena1os.
c. lncoecf. A1fhough fhee ae many effecf1ve phys1ca1 secu1fy mechan1sms on
fhe makef foday, none of fhem can 1ook af a s1fuaf1on and make a udgmenf abouf 1f
and make a dec1s1on on Whaf fhe nexf sfep shou1d be. A secu1fy guad 1s emp1oyed
When a company needs fo have a counfemeasue Who can fh1nk and make dec1s1ons 1n
d1ffeenf scena1os.
d. lncoecf. A1fhough fhee ae many effecf1ve phys1ca1 secu1fy mechan1sms on
fhe makef foday, none of fhem can 1ook af a s1fuaf1on and make a udgmenf abouf 1f
and make a dec1s1on on Whaf fhe nexf sfep shou1d be. A secu1fy guad 1s emp1oyed
When a company needs fo have a counfemeasue Who can fh1nk and make dec1s1ons 1n
d1ffeenf scena1os.
a. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have pope 11ghf1ng fo pofecf emp1oyees and
cusfomes. lf fhe necessay 11ghf1ng 1s nof 1n p1ace, fhe company can be found
neg11genf and successfu11y sued. 1he pope 11ghf1ng 1s fo have 11ghfs fhaf pov1de
2 foof cand1e poWe, mean1ng 2 foof 1n 111um1naf1on, and feef 1n he1ghf.
b. Coecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have pope 11ghf1ng fo pofecf emp1oyees and
cusfomes. lf fhe necessay 11ghf1ng 1s nof 1n p1ace, fhe company can be found
neg11genf and successfu11y sued. 1he pope 11ghf1ng 1s fo have 11ghfs fhaf pov1de
2 foof cand1e poWe, mean1ng 2 foof 1n 111um1naf1on, and feef 1n he1ghf.
c. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have pope 11ghf1ng fo pofecf emp1oyees and
cusfomes. lf fhe necessay 11ghf1ng 1s nof 1n p1ace, fhe company can be found
neg11genf and successfu11y sued. 1he pope 11ghf1ng 1s fo have 11ghfs fhaf pov1de
2 foof cand1e poWe, mean1ng 2 foof 1n 111um1naf1on, and feef 1n he1ghf.
d. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have pope 11ghf1ng fo pofecf emp1oyees and
cusfomes. lf fhe necessay 11ghf1ng 1s nof 1n p1ace, fhe company can be found
neg11genf and successfu11y sued. 1he pope 11ghf1ng 1s fo have 11ghfs fhaf pov1de
2 foof cand1e poWe, mean1ng 2 foof 1n 111um1naf1on, and feef 1n he1ghf.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s fype of sysfem 1s sens1f1ve fo sounds and v1baf1ons and
defecfs fhe changes 1n fhe no1se 1eve1 of an aea 1f 1s p1aced W1fh1n. 1h1s 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause many fa1se a1ams. 1hese dev1ces do nof em1f any Waves, fhey
on1y 11sfen fo sounds W1fh1n an aea, and ae cons1deed pass1ve dev1ces.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s fype of sysfem 1s sens1f1ve fo sounds and v1baf1ons and
defecfs fhe changes 1n fhe no1se 1eve1 of an aea 1f 1s p1aced W1fh1n. 1h1s 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause many fa1se a1ams. 1hese dev1ces do nof em1f any Waves, fhey
on1y 11sfen fo sounds W1fh1n an aea, and ae cons1deed pass1ve dev1ces.
c. Coecf. 1h1s fype of sysfem 1s sens1f1ve fo sounds and v1baf1ons and defecfs
fhe changes 1n fhe no1se 1eve1 of an aea 1f 1s p1aced W1fh1n. 1h1s 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause many fa1se a1ams. 1hese dev1ces do nof em1f any Waves, fhey
on1y 11sfen fo sounds W1fh1n an aea, and ae cons1deed pass1ve dev1ces.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s fype of sysfem 1s sens1f1ve fo sounds and v1baf1ons and
defecfs fhe changes 1n fhe no1se 1eve1 of an aea 1f 1s p1aced W1fh1n. 1h1s 1eve1 of
Page 16
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
sens1f1v1fy can cause many fa1se a1ams. 1hese dev1ces do nof em1f any Waves, fhey
on1y 11sfen fo sounds W1fh1n an aea, and ae cons1deed pass1ve dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. CP1LD pov1des gu1de11nes on 1fems some of us m1ghf nof cons1de. Io
examp1e, hedges and p1anfes aound a fac111fy shou1d nof be h1ghe fhan 2.5 feef
fa11, so fhey cannof be used fo ga1n access fo a W1ndoW. A dafa cenfe shou1d be
1ocafed af fhe cenfe of a fac111fy, so fhe fac111fys Wa11s W111 absob any damages
fom exfena1 foces, 1nsfead of fhe dafa cenfe. 5feef fun1sh1ngs {benches and
fab1es} encouage peop1e fo s1f and Wafch Whaf 1s go1ng on aound fhem, Wh1ch
d1scouages c1m1na1 acf1v1fy. A copoaf1ons 1andscape shou1d nof 1nc1ude Wooded
aeas o ofhe p1aces Whee 1nfudes can h1de. Lnsue fhaf CC1v cameas ae mounfed
1n fu11 v1eW, so c1m1na1s knoW fhe1 acf1v1f1es W111 be capfued, and ofhe peop1e
knoW fhe env1onmenf 1s We11 mon1foed and fhus safe. CP1LD and fagef haden1ng
ae fWo d1ffeenf appoaches. 1agef haden1ng focuses on deny1ng access fhough
phys1ca1 and af1f1c1a1 ba1es {a1ams, 1ocks, fences, and so on}.
b. Coecf. CP1LD pov1des gu1de11nes on 1fems some of us m1ghf nof cons1de. Io
examp1e, hedges and p1anfes aound a fac111fy shou1d nof be h1ghe fhan 2.5 feef
fa11, so fhey cannof be used fo ga1n access fo a W1ndoW. A dafa cenfe shou1d be
1ocafed af fhe cenfe of a fac111fy, so fhe fac111fys Wa11s W111 absob any damages
fom exfena1 foces, 1nsfead of fhe dafa cenfe. 5feef fun1sh1ngs {benches and
fab1es} encouage peop1e fo s1f and Wafch Whaf 1s go1ng on aound fhem, Wh1ch
d1scouages c1m1na1 acf1v1fy. A copoaf1ons 1andscape shou1d nof 1nc1ude Wooded
aeas o ofhe p1aces Whee 1nfudes can h1de. Lnsue fhaf CC1v cameas ae mounfed
1n fu11 v1eW, so c1m1na1s knoW fhe1 acf1v1f1es W111 be capfued, and ofhe peop1e
knoW fhe env1onmenf 1s We11 mon1foed and fhus safe. CP1LD and fagef haden1ng
ae fWo d1ffeenf appoaches. 1agef haden1ng focuses on deny1ng access fhough
phys1ca1 and af1f1c1a1 ba1es {a1ams, 1ocks, fences, and so on}.
c. lncoecf. CP1LD pov1des gu1de11nes on 1fems some of us m1ghf nof cons1de. Io
examp1e, hedges and p1anfes aound a fac111fy shou1d nof be h1ghe fhan 2.5 feef
fa11, so fhey cannof be used fo ga1n access fo a W1ndoW. A dafa cenfe shou1d be
1ocafed af fhe cenfe of a fac111fy, so fhe fac111fys Wa11s W111 absob any damages
fom exfena1 foces, 1nsfead of fhe dafa cenfe. 5feef fun1sh1ngs {benches and
fab1es} encouage peop1e fo s1f and Wafch Whaf 1s go1ng on aound fhem, Wh1ch
d1scouages c1m1na1 acf1v1fy. A copoaf1ons 1andscape shou1d nof 1nc1ude Wooded
aeas o ofhe p1aces Whee 1nfudes can h1de. Lnsue fhaf CC1v cameas ae mounfed
1n fu11 v1eW, so c1m1na1s knoW fhe1 acf1v1f1es W111 be capfued, and ofhe peop1e
knoW fhe env1onmenf 1s We11 mon1foed and fhus safe. CP1LD and fagef haden1ng
ae fWo d1ffeenf appoaches. 1agef haden1ng focuses on deny1ng access fhough
phys1ca1 and af1f1c1a1 ba1es {a1ams, 1ocks, fences, and so on}.
d. lncoecf. CP1LD pov1des gu1de11nes on 1fems some of us m1ghf nof cons1de. Io
examp1e, hedges and p1anfes aound a fac111fy shou1d nof be h1ghe fhan 2.5 feef
fa11, so fhey cannof be used fo ga1n access fo a W1ndoW. A dafa cenfe shou1d be
1ocafed af fhe cenfe of a fac111fy, so fhe fac111fys Wa11s W111 absob any damages
fom exfena1 foces, 1nsfead of fhe dafa cenfe. 5feef fun1sh1ngs {benches and
fab1es} encouage peop1e fo s1f and Wafch Whaf 1s go1ng on aound fhem, Wh1ch
d1scouages c1m1na1 acf1v1fy. A copoaf1ons 1andscape shou1d nof 1nc1ude Wooded
aeas o ofhe p1aces Whee 1nfudes can h1de. Lnsue fhaf CC1v cameas ae mounfed
1n fu11 v1eW, so c1m1na1s knoW fhe1 acf1v1f1es W111 be capfued, and ofhe peop1e
knoW fhe env1onmenf 1s We11 mon1foed and fhus safe. CP1LD and fagef haden1ng
ae fWo d1ffeenf appoaches. 1agef haden1ng focuses on deny1ng access fhough
phys1ca1 and af1f1c1a1 ba1es {a1ams, 1ocks, fences, and so on}.
a. lncoecf. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on and 1oW hum1d1fy can cause
excess1ve sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. 1h1s sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy can shof ouf dev1ces o cause
fhe 1oss 1n 1nfomaf1on.
b. Coecf. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on and 1oW hum1d1fy can cause excess1ve
sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. 1h1s sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy can shof ouf dev1ces o cause fhe 1oss
1n 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on and 1oW hum1d1fy can cause
excess1ve sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. 1h1s sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy can shof ouf dev1ces o cause
fhe 1oss 1n 1nfomaf1on.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
d. lncoecf. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on and 1oW hum1d1fy can cause
excess1ve sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. 1h1s sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy can shof ouf dev1ces o cause
fhe 1oss 1n 1nfomaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Pos1f1ve pessu1zaf1on means fhaf When an emp1oyee opens a doo,
fhe a1 goes ouf and oufs1de a1 does nof come 1n. lf a fac111fy Was on f1e and fhe
doos Wee opened, pos1f1ve pessue Wou1d cause fhe smoke fo go ouf 1nsfead of
be1ng pushed back 1nfo fhe bu11d1ng.
b. lncoecf. Pos1f1ve pessu1zaf1on means fhaf When an emp1oyee opens a doo,
fhe a1 goes ouf and oufs1de a1 does nof come 1n. lf a fac111fy Was on f1e and fhe
doos Wee opened, pos1f1ve pessue Wou1d cause fhe smoke fo go ouf 1nsfead of
be1ng pushed back 1nfo fhe bu11d1ng.
c. lncoecf. Pos1f1ve pessu1zaf1on means fhaf When an emp1oyee opens a doo,
fhe a1 goes ouf and oufs1de a1 does nof come 1n. lf a fac111fy Was on f1e and fhe
doos Wee opened, pos1f1ve pessue Wou1d cause fhe smoke fo go ouf 1nsfead of
be1ng pushed back 1nfo fhe bu11d1ng.
d. Coecf. Pos1f1ve pessu1zaf1on means fhaf When an emp1oyee opens a doo, fhe
a1 goes ouf and oufs1de a1 does nof come 1n. lf a fac111fy Was on f1e and fhe
doos Wee opened, pos1f1ve pessue Wou1d cause fhe smoke fo go ouf 1nsfead of
be1ng pushed back 1nfo fhe bu11d1ng.
a. Coecf. AWaeness and fa1n1ng, d111s and 1nspecf1ons, and de1egaf1on of
duf1es ae a11 1fems fhaf have a d1ecf coe1af1on fo pope emegency pocedues.
lf 1s managemenf`s espons1b111fy fhaf fhese 1fems ae 1n p1ace, pope1y fesfed,
and ca1ed ouf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae fechn1ca1 confo1s.
b. lncoecf. AWaeness and fa1n1ng, d111s and 1nspecf1ons, and de1egaf1on of
duf1es ae a11 1fems fhaf have a d1ecf coe1af1on fo pope emegency pocedues.
lf 1s managemenf`s espons1b111fy fhaf fhese 1fems ae 1n p1ace, pope1y fesfed,
and ca1ed ouf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae fechn1ca1 confo1s.
c. lncoecf. AWaeness and fa1n1ng, d111s and 1nspecf1ons, and de1egaf1on of
duf1es ae a11 1fems fhaf have a d1ecf coe1af1on fo pope emegency pocedues.
lf 1s managemenf`s espons1b111fy fhaf fhese 1fems ae 1n p1ace, pope1y fesfed,
and ca1ed ouf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae fechn1ca1 confo1s.
d. lncoecf. AWaeness and fa1n1ng, d111s and 1nspecf1ons, and de1egaf1on of
duf1es ae a11 1fems fhaf have a d1ecf coe1af1on fo pope emegency pocedues.
lf 1s managemenf`s espons1b111fy fhaf fhese 1fems ae 1n p1ace, pope1y fesfed,
and ca1ed ouf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae fechn1ca1 confo1s.
a. lncoecf. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f fhee Wee a poWe d1supf1on,
Wh1ch Wou1d affecf fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
un1ocked. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf a doo Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee Wee any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
b. Coecf. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f fhee Wee a poWe d1supf1on, Wh1ch
Wou1d affecf fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
un1ocked. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf a doo Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee Wee any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
c. lncoecf. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f fhee Wee a poWe d1supf1on,
Wh1ch Wou1d affecf fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
un1ocked. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf a doo Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee Wee any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
d. lncoecf. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f fhee Wee a poWe d1supf1on,
Wh1ch Wou1d affecf fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
un1ocked. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf a doo Wou1d defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee Wee any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
a. lncoecf. A use acf1vafed sysfem equ1es fhe use fo do somefh1ng such as
sW1pe fhe cad fhough fhe eade and/o enfe a code. A sysfem-sens1ng dev1ce W111
ecogn1ze fhe pesence of fhe cad and commun1cafe W1fh 1f W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo cay ouf any acf1v1fy.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
b. lncoecf. A use acf1vafed sysfem equ1es fhe use fo do somefh1ng such as
sW1pe fhe cad fhough fhe eade and/o enfe a code. A sysfem-sens1ng dev1ce W111
ecogn1ze fhe pesence of fhe cad and commun1cafe W1fh 1f W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo cay ouf any acf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf. A use acf1vafed sysfem equ1es fhe use fo do somefh1ng such as
sW1pe fhe cad fhough fhe eade and/o enfe a code. A sysfem-sens1ng dev1ce W111
ecogn1ze fhe pesence of fhe cad and commun1cafe W1fh 1f W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo cay ouf any acf1v1fy.
d. Coecf. A use acf1vafed sysfem equ1es fhe use fo do somefh1ng such as
sW1pe fhe cad fhough fhe eade and/o enfe a code. A sysfem-sens1ng dev1ce W111
ecogn1ze fhe pesence of fhe cad and commun1cafe W1fh 1f W1fhouf fhe use need1ng
fo cay ouf any acf1v1fy.
a. lncoecf. A fansponde 1s a pox1m1fy 1denf1f1caf1on dev1ce fhaf does nof
equ1e acf1on by fhe use. 1he eade fansm1fs s1gna1s fo fhe dev1ce and fhe
dev1ce esponds W1fh an access code.
b. lncoecf. A fansponde 1s a pox1m1fy 1denf1f1caf1on dev1ce fhaf does nof
equ1e acf1on by fhe use. 1he eade fansm1fs s1gna1s fo fhe dev1ce and fhe
dev1ce esponds W1fh an access code.
c. lncoecf. A fansponde 1s a pox1m1fy 1denf1f1caf1on dev1ce fhaf does nof
equ1e acf1on by fhe use. 1he eade fansm1fs s1gna1s fo fhe dev1ce and fhe
dev1ce esponds W1fh an access code.
d. Coecf. A fansponde 1s a pox1m1fy 1denf1f1caf1on dev1ce fhaf does nof
equ1e acf1on by fhe use. 1he eade fansm1fs s1gna1s fo fhe dev1ce and fhe
dev1ce esponds W1fh an access code.
a. lncoecf. 1he ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es fhaf ae used fo defecf
1nfudes. Iesne1 un1fs ae fypes of 11ghfs, Wh1ch confa1n sma11 1enses fhaf can be
b. lncoecf. 1he ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es fhaf ae used fo defecf
1nfudes. Iesne1 un1fs ae fypes of 11ghfs, Wh1ch confa1n sma11 1enses fhaf can be
c. Coecf. 1he ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es fhaf ae used fo defecf
1nfudes. Iesne1 un1fs ae fypes of 11ghfs, Wh1ch confa1n sma11 1enses fhaf can be
d. lncoecf. 1he ofhe ansWes confa1n fechno1og1es fhaf ae used fo defecf
1nfudes. Iesne1 un1fs ae fypes of 11ghfs, Wh1ch confa1n sma11 1enses fhaf can be
a. lncoecf. Mon1fo1ng and 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae expens1ve, fhey
equ1e someone fo espond When fhey sef off an a1am, and because of fhe1 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause sevea1 fa1se a1ams. And 11ke any ofhe fype of fechno1ogy o
dev1ce, fhey have fhe1 oWn vu1neab111f1es fhaf can be exp1o1fed and penefafed.
b. Coecf. Mon1fo1ng and 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae expens1ve, fhey equ1e
someone fo espond When fhey sef off an a1am, and because of fhe1 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause sevea1 fa1se a1ams. And 11ke any ofhe fype of fechno1ogy o
dev1ce, fhey have fhe1 oWn vu1neab111f1es fhaf can be exp1o1fed and penefafed.
c. lncoecf. Mon1fo1ng and 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae expens1ve, fhey
equ1e someone fo espond When fhey sef off an a1am, and because of fhe1 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause sevea1 fa1se a1ams. And 11ke any ofhe fype of fechno1ogy o
dev1ce, fhey have fhe1 oWn vu1neab111f1es fhaf can be exp1o1fed and penefafed.
d. lncoecf. Mon1fo1ng and 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems ae expens1ve, fhey
equ1e someone fo espond When fhey sef off an a1am, and because of fhe1 1eve1 of
sens1f1v1fy can cause sevea1 fa1se a1ams. And 11ke any ofhe fype of fechno1ogy o
dev1ce, fhey have fhe1 oWn vu1neab111f1es fhaf can be exp1o1fed and penefafed.
a. lncoecf. C1phe 1ocks, a1so knoWn as pogammab1e 1ocks, use keypads fo
confo1 access 1nfo an aea o fac111fy. 1he 1ock can equ1e a spec1f1c comb1naf1on
fo be enfeed 1nfo fhe keypad, o a sW1pe cad, o a comb1naf1on.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
b. lncoecf. C1phe 1ocks, a1so knoWn as pogammab1e 1ocks, use keypads fo
confo1 access 1nfo an aea o fac111fy. 1he 1ock can equ1e a spec1f1c comb1naf1on
fo be enfeed 1nfo fhe keypad, o a sW1pe cad, o a comb1naf1on.
c. lncoecf. C1phe 1ocks, a1so knoWn as pogammab1e 1ocks, use keypads fo
confo1 access 1nfo an aea o fac111fy. 1he 1ock can equ1e a spec1f1c comb1naf1on
fo be enfeed 1nfo fhe keypad, o a sW1pe cad, o a comb1naf1on.
d. Coecf. C1phe 1ocks, a1so knoWn as pogammab1e 1ocks, use keypads fo confo1
access 1nfo an aea o fac111fy. 1he 1ock can equ1e a spec1f1c comb1naf1on fo be
enfeed 1nfo fhe keypad, o a sW1pe cad, o a comb1naf1on.
a. lncoecf. lf a pak1ng gaage Wee deve1oped us1ng fhe CP1LD appoach, fhe
sfa1 foWes and e1evafos W1fh1n fhe gaage m1ghf have g1ass W1ndoWs 1nsfead of
mefa1 Wa11s, so peop1e fee1 safe, and pofenf1a1 c1m1na1s W111 nof cay ouf c1mes
1n fh1s moe v1s1b1e env1onmenf. Pedesf1an Wa1kWays Wou1d be ceafed such fhaf
peop1e cou1d 1ook ouf acoss fhe oWs of cas and see any susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1he
d1ffeenf oWs fo cas fo pak 1n Wou1d be sepaafed by 1oW Wa11s and sfucfua1
p111as, 1nsfead of so11d Wa11s, fo a11oW pedesf1ans fo v1eW acf1v1f1es W1fh1n fhe
b. lncoecf. lf a pak1ng gaage Wee deve1oped us1ng fhe CP1LD appoach, fhe
sfa1 foWes and e1evafos W1fh1n fhe gaage m1ghf have g1ass W1ndoWs 1nsfead of
mefa1 Wa11s, so peop1e fee1 safe, and pofenf1a1 c1m1na1s W111 nof cay ouf c1mes
1n fh1s moe v1s1b1e env1onmenf. Pedesf1an Wa1kWays Wou1d be ceafed such fhaf
peop1e cou1d 1ook ouf acoss fhe oWs of cas and see any susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1he
d1ffeenf oWs fo cas fo pak 1n Wou1d be sepaafed by 1oW Wa11s and sfucfua1
p111as, 1nsfead of so11d Wa11s, fo a11oW pedesf1ans fo v1eW acf1v1f1es W1fh1n fhe
c. lncoecf. lf a pak1ng gaage Wee deve1oped us1ng fhe CP1LD appoach, fhe
sfa1 foWes and e1evafos W1fh1n fhe gaage m1ghf have g1ass W1ndoWs 1nsfead of
mefa1 Wa11s, so peop1e fee1 safe, and pofenf1a1 c1m1na1s W111 nof cay ouf c1mes
1n fh1s moe v1s1b1e env1onmenf. Pedesf1an Wa1kWays Wou1d be ceafed such fhaf
peop1e cou1d 1ook ouf acoss fhe oWs of cas and see any susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1he
d1ffeenf oWs fo cas fo pak 1n Wou1d be sepaafed by 1oW Wa11s and sfucfua1
p111as, 1nsfead of so11d Wa11s, fo a11oW pedesf1ans fo v1eW acf1v1f1es W1fh1n fhe
d. Coecf. lf a pak1ng gaage Wee deve1oped us1ng fhe CP1LD appoach, fhe sfa1
foWes and e1evafos W1fh1n fhe gaage m1ghf have g1ass W1ndoWs 1nsfead of mefa1
Wa11s, so peop1e fee1 safe, and pofenf1a1 c1m1na1s W111 nof cay ouf c1mes 1n
fh1s moe v1s1b1e env1onmenf. Pedesf1an Wa1kWays Wou1d be ceafed such fhaf peop1e
cou1d 1ook ouf acoss fhe oWs of cas and see any susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es. 1he
d1ffeenf oWs fo cas fo pak 1n Wou1d be sepaafed by 1oW Wa11s and sfucfua1
p111as, 1nsfead of so11d Wa11s, fo a11oW pedesf1ans fo v1eW acf1v1f1es W1fh1n fhe
a. Coecf. 1hee ae sevea1 cases When a secu1fy guad Wou1d Wanf fo be a1efed
When a doo has been open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me. lf may be an 1nd1caf1on
fhaf somefh1ng ofhe fhan a peson com1ng 1n and ouf of fhe doo 1s fak1ng p1ace. A
secu1fy sysfem can have a fhesho1d sef so fhaf 1f fhe doo 1s open pasf fh1s f1me
pe1od an a1am sounds.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 cases When a secu1fy guad Wou1d Wanf fo be
a1efed When a doo has been open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me. lf may be an
1nd1caf1on fhaf somefh1ng ofhe fhan a peson com1ng 1n and ouf of fhe doo 1s
fak1ng p1ace. A secu1fy sysfem can have a fhesho1d sef so fhaf 1f fhe doo 1s open
pasf fh1s f1me pe1od an a1am sounds.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 cases When a secu1fy guad Wou1d Wanf fo be
a1efed When a doo has been open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me. lf may be an
1nd1caf1on fhaf somefh1ng ofhe fhan a peson com1ng 1n and ouf of fhe doo 1s
fak1ng p1ace. A secu1fy sysfem can have a fhesho1d sef so fhaf 1f fhe doo 1s open
pasf fh1s f1me pe1od an a1am sounds.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 cases When a secu1fy guad Wou1d Wanf fo be
a1efed When a doo has been open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me. lf may be an
1nd1caf1on fhaf somefh1ng ofhe fhan a peson com1ng 1n and ouf of fhe doo 1s
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
fak1ng p1ace. A secu1fy sysfem can have a fhesho1d sef so fhaf 1f fhe doo 1s open
pasf fh1s f1me pe1od an a1am sounds.
a. lncoecf. Pos1f1ve da1n means fhaf confenfs f1oW ouf 1nsfead of 1n. lf fhe
suound1ng aea f1ooded fo some eason, a company Wanfs fo ensue fhaf oufs1de
Wafe and ofhe subsfances ae nof a11oWed fo f1oW back 1nfo fhe1 fac111fy fhough
b. lncoecf. Pos1f1ve da1n means fhaf confenfs f1oW ouf 1nsfead of 1n. lf fhe
suound1ng aea f1ooded fo some eason, a company Wanfs fo ensue fhaf oufs1de
Wafe and ofhe subsfances ae nof a11oWed fo f1oW back 1nfo fhe1 fac111fy fhough
c. Coecf. Pos1f1ve da1n means fhaf confenfs f1oW ouf 1nsfead of 1n. lf fhe
suound1ng aea f1ooded fo some eason, a company Wanfs fo ensue fhaf oufs1de
Wafe and ofhe subsfances ae nof a11oWed fo f1oW back 1nfo fhe1 fac111fy fhough
d. lncoecf. Pos1f1ve da1n means fhaf confenfs f1oW ouf 1nsfead of 1n. lf fhe
suound1ng aea f1ooded fo some eason, a company Wanfs fo ensue fhaf oufs1de
Wafe and ofhe subsfances ae nof a11oWed fo f1oW back 1nfo fhe1 fac111fy fhough
a. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 fypes of f1e suppessanf agenfs fhaf affack a
f1e 1n d1ffeenf Ways. Wafe educes fhe fempeafue of a f1e. Gases mod1fy fhe
chem1ca1 combusf1on e1emenfs, and C02 can educe fhe oxygen.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 fypes of f1e suppessanf agenfs fhaf affack a
f1e 1n d1ffeenf Ways. Wafe educes fhe fempeafue of a f1e. Gases mod1fy fhe
chem1ca1 combusf1on e1emenfs, and C02 can educe fhe oxygen.
c. Coecf. 1hee ae sevea1 fypes of f1e suppessanf agenfs fhaf affack a f1e
1n d1ffeenf Ways. Wafe educes fhe fempeafue of a f1e. Gases mod1fy fhe
chem1ca1 combusf1on e1emenfs, and C02 can educe fhe oxygen.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 fypes of f1e suppessanf agenfs fhaf affack a
f1e 1n d1ffeenf Ways. Wafe educes fhe fempeafue of a f1e. Gases mod1fy fhe
chem1ca1 combusf1on e1emenfs, and C02 can educe fhe oxygen.
a. Coecf. Acousf1ca1-se1sm1c dev1ce defecf v1baf1on changes W1fh1n a g1ven aea
and can eas11y cause fa1se a1ams 1f fhey ae vey sens1f1ve. A pox1m1fy dev1ce
mon1fos an e1ecfon1c f1e1d, and a e1ecfomechan1ca1 defecf1on defecfs a beak 1n
fo11 sf1ps.
b. lncoecf. Acousf1ca1-se1sm1c dev1ce defecf v1baf1on changes W1fh1n a g1ven
aea and can eas11y cause fa1se a1ams 1f fhey ae vey sens1f1ve. A pox1m1fy
dev1ce mon1fos an e1ecfon1c f1e1d, and a e1ecfomechan1ca1 defecf1on defecfs a
beak 1n fo11 sf1ps.
c. lncoecf. Acousf1ca1-se1sm1c dev1ce defecf v1baf1on changes W1fh1n a g1ven
aea and can eas11y cause fa1se a1ams 1f fhey ae vey sens1f1ve. A pox1m1fy
dev1ce mon1fos an e1ecfon1c f1e1d, and a e1ecfomechan1ca1 defecf1on defecfs a
beak 1n fo11 sf1ps.
d. lncoecf. Acousf1ca1-se1sm1c dev1ce defecf v1baf1on changes W1fh1n a g1ven
aea and can eas11y cause fa1se a1ams 1f fhey ae vey sens1f1ve. A pox1m1fy
dev1ce mon1fos an e1ecfon1c f1e1d, and a e1ecfomechan1ca1 defecf1on defecfs a
beak 1n fo11 sf1ps.
a. lncoecf. I1e exf1ngu1shes ae supposed fo be 1nspecfed quafe1y, nof once
a yea.
b. lncoecf. I1e exf1ngu1shes ae supposed fo be 1nspecfed quafe1y, nof once
a yea.
c. Coecf. I1e exf1ngu1shes ae supposed fo be 1nspecfed quafe1y, nof once a
d. lncoecf. I1e exf1ngu1shes ae supposed fo be 1nspecfed quafe1y, nof once
a yea.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf. Peacf1on sysfems e1ease Wafe 1nfo fhe p1pes affe a cefa1n
fempeafue 1s mef and fhen de1ay fhe e1ease unf11 a 11nk mechan1sm me1fs. 1hese
sysfems ae fhe mosf popu1a fo dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs because 1f g1ves
peop1e f1me fo puf fhe f1e ouf fhemse1ves, 1f 1f 1s sma11 enough. 1h1s 1s good
because e1eas1ng Wafe 1nfo a dafa pocess1ng env1onmenf can be damag1ng fo fhe
compufes. lf a1so a11oWs peop1e fo eacf and fun fhe sysfem off 1f 1f 1s a fa1se
b. Coecf. Peacf1on sysfems e1ease Wafe 1nfo fhe p1pes affe a cefa1n
fempeafue 1s mef and fhen de1ay fhe e1ease unf11 a 11nk mechan1sm me1fs. 1hese
sysfems ae fhe mosf popu1a fo dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs because 1f g1ves
peop1e f1me fo puf fhe f1e ouf fhemse1ves, 1f 1f 1s sma11 enough. 1h1s 1s good
because e1eas1ng Wafe 1nfo a dafa pocess1ng env1onmenf can be damag1ng fo fhe
compufes. lf a1so a11oWs peop1e fo eacf and fun fhe sysfem off 1f 1f 1s a fa1se
c. lncoecf. Peacf1on sysfems e1ease Wafe 1nfo fhe p1pes affe a cefa1n
fempeafue 1s mef and fhen de1ay fhe e1ease unf11 a 11nk mechan1sm me1fs. 1hese
sysfems ae fhe mosf popu1a fo dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs because 1f g1ves
peop1e f1me fo puf fhe f1e ouf fhemse1ves, 1f 1f 1s sma11 enough. 1h1s 1s good
because e1eas1ng Wafe 1nfo a dafa pocess1ng env1onmenf can be damag1ng fo fhe
compufes. lf a1so a11oWs peop1e fo eacf and fun fhe sysfem off 1f 1f 1s a fa1se
d. lncoecf. Peacf1on sysfems e1ease Wafe 1nfo fhe p1pes affe a cefa1n
fempeafue 1s mef and fhen de1ay fhe e1ease unf11 a 11nk mechan1sm me1fs. 1hese
sysfems ae fhe mosf popu1a fo dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs because 1f g1ves
peop1e f1me fo puf fhe f1e ouf fhemse1ves, 1f 1f 1s sma11 enough. 1h1s 1s good
because e1eas1ng Wafe 1nfo a dafa pocess1ng env1onmenf can be damag1ng fo fhe
compufes. lf a1so a11oWs peop1e fo eacf and fun fhe sysfem off 1f 1f 1s a fa1se
a. lncoecf. Pofab1e exf1ngu1shes shou1d be p1aced W1fh1n 50 feef of e1ecf1ca1
b. Coecf. Pofab1e exf1ngu1shes shou1d be p1aced W1fh1n 50 feef of e1ecf1ca1
c. lncoecf. Pofab1e exf1ngu1shes shou1d be p1aced W1fh1n 50 feef of e1ecf1ca1
d. lncoecf. Pofab1e exf1ngu1shes shou1d be p1aced W1fh1n 50 feef of e1ecf1ca1
a. Coecf. C1ass A f1es 1nc1ude fhe bun1ng of Wood, pape o 1am1nafes and
shou1d be suppessed W1fh Wafe o soda ac1d.
b. lncoecf. C1ass A f1es 1nc1ude fhe bun1ng of Wood, pape o 1am1nafes and
shou1d be suppessed W1fh Wafe o soda ac1d.
c. lncoecf. C1ass A f1es 1nc1ude fhe bun1ng of Wood, pape o 1am1nafes and
shou1d be suppessed W1fh Wafe o soda ac1d.
d. lncoecf. C1ass A f1es 1nc1ude fhe bun1ng of Wood, pape o 1am1nafes and
shou1d be suppessed W1fh Wafe o soda ac1d.
a. lncoecf. 5p1kes 1n poWe can cause no1se and 11ne 1nfefeence fo uses and
can damage sens1f1ve componenfs. 5uge pofecfos and 11ne cond1f1ones shou1d be
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue a consfanf, sfeady sfeam of poWe.
b. lncoecf. 5p1kes 1n poWe can cause no1se and 11ne 1nfefeence fo uses and
can damage sens1f1ve componenfs. 5uge pofecfos and 11ne cond1f1ones shou1d be
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue a consfanf, sfeady sfeam of poWe.
c. Coecf. 5p1kes 1n poWe can cause no1se and 11ne 1nfefeence fo uses and
can damage sens1f1ve componenfs. 5uge pofecfos and 11ne cond1f1ones shou1d be
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue a consfanf, sfeady sfeam of poWe.
d. lncoecf. 5p1kes 1n poWe can cause no1se and 11ne 1nfefeence fo uses and
can damage sens1f1ve componenfs. 5uge pofecfos and 11ne cond1f1ones shou1d be
puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue a consfanf, sfeady sfeam of poWe.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P1.fxf
a. Coecf. lnfena1 paf1f1ons on1y go up fo fhe dopped ce111ng and nof fo fhe
ea1 ce111ng. 1hese means fhaf someone can eas11y go fhough fhe dopped ce111ng,
c11mb ove fhe paf1f1on, and enfe fhe sens1f1ve aea. 1hus fh1s ba1e 1s eas11y
b. lncoecf. lnfena1 paf1f1ons on1y go up fo fhe dopped ce111ng and nof fo fhe
ea1 ce111ng. 1hese means fhaf someone can eas11y go fhough fhe dopped ce111ng,
c11mb ove fhe paf1f1on, and enfe fhe sens1f1ve aea. 1hus fh1s ba1e 1s eas11y
c. lncoecf. lnfena1 paf1f1ons on1y go up fo fhe dopped ce111ng and nof fo fhe
ea1 ce111ng. 1hese means fhaf someone can eas11y go fhough fhe dopped ce111ng,
c11mb ove fhe paf1f1on, and enfe fhe sens1f1ve aea. 1hus fh1s ba1e 1s eas11y
d. lncoecf. lnfena1 paf1f1ons on1y go up fo fhe dopped ce111ng and nof fo fhe
ea1 ce111ng. 1hese means fhaf someone can eas11y go fhough fhe dopped ce111ng,
c11mb ove fhe paf1f1on, and enfe fhe sens1f1ve aea. 1hus fh1s ba1e 1s eas11y
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
qu1z Name = Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2
1. C1me Pevenf1on 1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn has fhee ma1n pov1des fhee ma1n
sfafeg1es fo b1ng fogefhe fhe phys1ca1 env1onmenf and soc1a1 behav1o fo
1ncease ovea11 pofecf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof one of fhese sfafeg1es?
a. Nafua1 ba1es
b. Nafua1 access confo1
c. Nafua1 suve111ance
d. Nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf
2. 1he esf1mafe 11fef1me of a dev1ce o fhe esf1mafed f1mefame unf11 a componenf
W1fh1n a dev1ce g1ves ouf 1s ca11ed:
a. uP5
b. M118
c. M11k
d. M18I
3. PoWe 1eve1s fhaf do nof f1ucfuafe ae efeed fo as:
a. 5afe
b. C1ean
c. 5uge
d. Gound
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an appoved ep1acemenf fo ha1on?
a. Cabon d1ox1de
b. IM-300
c. IM-200
d. Ox1d1ze
5. Wh1ch 1s fue of fhe Way CO2 Woks fo confo1 a f1e?
a. kemoves o d1sp1aces fhe oxygen
b. Adds fue1
c. lnfefees W1fh fhe chem1ca1 eacf1on
d. keduces fhe fempeafue
6. Whaf 1s p1enum space?
a. Open space above dopped ce111ngs and be1oW a1sed f1oos
b. 1he sceened subnef aea W1fh1n fhe DMZ
c. 1he unpofecfed aea aound fhe secu1fy pe1mefe fence
d. A vPN funne1
7. A hygomefe 1s used fo mon1fo Whaf?
a. No1se educf1on fo acousf1ca1 sensos
b. PoWe educf1on fo a11oW fo c1ean poWe supp11es
c. Measuemenf of hum1d1fy 1n an env1onmenf
d. Confo1s sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy 1n an env1onmenf
. Any of fhe fo11oW1ng acf1ons can be faken fo pevenf sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy excepf:
a. lnsfa11 capef
b. use anf1-sfaf1c bands When Wok1ng 1n compufe sysfems
c. lnsfa11 anf1-sfaf1c f1oo1ng
d. Lnsue pope gound1ng
9. 5p1nk1e sysfems fhaf a11oW 1age vo1umes of Wafe fo be e1eased 1n a shof
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
pe1od of f1me ae ca11ed:
a. Wef p1pe
b. De1uge
c. Peacf1on
d. Dy p1pe
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1ock fypes pevenfs fhe emova1 of 1npuf/oufpuf dev1ces
by pass1ng fhe1 cab1es fhough a 1ockab1e un1f?
a. 51of 1ock
b. Pof confo1
c. 5W1fch confo1
d. Cab1e fap
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf sfafemenf pefa1n1ng fo C1me Pevenf1on
1hough Lnv1onmenfa1 Des1gn?
a. Nafua1 access confo1 1s fhe gu1dance of peop1e enfe1ng and 1eav1ng a space by
fhe p1acemenf of doos, fences, 11ghf1ng, and even 1andscap1ng.
b. 1he goa1 of nafua1 suve111ance 1s fo make c1m1na1s fee1 uncomfofab1e by
pov1d1ng many Ways obseves cou1d pofenf1a11y see fhem and fo make a11 ofhe
peop1e fee1 safe and comfofab1e, by pov1d1ng an open and We11-des1gned
c. Nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf ceafes phys1ca1 des1gns fhaf emphas1ze o
exfend fhe companys phys1ca1 sphee of 1nf1uence so 1eg1f1mafe uses fee1 a sense
of oWnesh1p of fhaf space.
d. 1he goa1 of nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf 1s fo make c1m1na1s fee1
uncomfofab1e by pov1d1ng many Ways obseves cou1d pofenf1a11y see fhem and fo
make a11 ofhe peop1e fee1 safe and comfofab1e, by pov1d1ng an open and
We11-des1gned env1onmenf.
12. us1ng spec1a1 key comb1naf1ons W1fh c1phe 1ocks du1ng emegency s1fuaf1ons 1s
a. 5W1fch confo1s
b. key-ove1de
c. Masfe-key1ng
d. Doo de1ay
13. When an 1nfude uses anofhe pesons access cad fo ga1n enfance 1nfo a
fac111fy, fh1s 1s ca11ed:
a. Ioced enfy
b. P1ggyback1ng
c. Manfapp1ng
d. W1efapp1ng
14. ln phys1ca1 secu1fy Whaf ae e1ecfon1c access confo1 {LAC} fokens used fo?
a. 1o aufhenf1cafe subecfs
b. 1o confo1 fhe amounf of ad1af1on fhaf escapes fom confo1 ooms
c. 1o 1ock doWn a fac111fy o sysfem affe an 1nfus1on has been defecfed
d. 1o aufhenf1cafe obecfs
15. CC1v mechan1sms ae besf When used W1fh Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Penefaf1on fesf1ng soffWae
b. Ofhe confo1s 1n a syneg1sf1c appoach
c. I1e suppess1on and defecf1on confo1s
d. Lncypf1on and key ecovey 1mp1emenfaf1ons
16. 1he ma1n 1sks fhaf phys1ca1 secu1fy componenfs combaf ae a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
a. 5YN f1ood
b. Phys1ca1 damage
c. 1heff
d. Loss of ava11ab111fy
17. 1he mosf peva1enf cause of compufe cenfe f1es 1s:
a. AC equ1pmenf
b. L1ecf1ca1 d1sf1buf1on sysfems
c. heaf1ng sysfems
d. Nafua1 causes
1. 1he vu1neab111fy of a fac111fy fo damage o affack may be assessed by a11 of
fhe fo11oW1ng excepf:
a. lnspecf1on
b. h1sfoy of 1osses
c. 5ecu1fy confo1s
d. 5ecu1fy budgef
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a pecauf1on you can fake fo educe sfaf1c
a. PoWe 11ne cond1f1on1ng
b. Anf1-sfaf1c spays
c. Ma1nfa1n pope hum1d1fy 1eve1s
d. Anf1-sfaf1c f1oo1ng
20. Wh1ch 1ssue, When se1ecf1ng a fac111fy s1fe, dea1s W1fh fhe suound1ng fea1n,
bu11d1ng mak1ngs and s1gns, and h1gh o 1oW popu1af1on 1n fhe aea?
a. f1e pofecf1on
b. nafua1 d1sasfes
c. v1s1b111fy
d. 1aff1c cond1f1on
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des fhe pope mapp1ng befWeen fhe phys1ca1 secu1fy
goa1 and fhe assoc1afed counfemeasue?
1. Defeence of c1m1na1 acf1v1fy - Iences
11. De1ay of 1nfudes fo he1p ensue fhey can be caughf - Locks
111. Defecf1on of 1nfudes - lnfena1 1nfude sensos
1v. Assessmenf of s1fuaf1ons - 5ecu1fy guad pocedues
v. kesponse fo 1nfus1ons and d1supf1ons - kesponse foce
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 1v
d. 11, v
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s cuenf1y fhe mosf ecommended Wafe sysfem fo a
compufe oom?
a. Peacf1on
b. Wef p1pe
c. Dy p1pe
d. De1uge
23. A momenfay 1oW vo1fage 1s a:
a. 5p1ke
b. 81ackouf
c. 5ag
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. Iau1f
24. Lxamp1es of fypes of phys1ca1 access confo1s 1nc1ude a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng
a. 8adges
b. Locks
c. Guads
d. PassWods
25. Wh1ch 1s fhe 1asf 11ne of defense 1n a phys1ca1 secu1fy sense?
a. Peop1e
b. lnfe1o ba1es
c. Lxfe1o ba1es
d. Pe1mefe ba1es
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng uses a phofoe1ecf1c dev1ce fo f1gge an a1ef?
a. Aufomaf1c d1a1-up a1ams
b. heaf-acf1vafed f1e defecfos
c. I1ame-acf1vafed f1e defecfos
d. 5moke-acf1vafed f1e defecfos
27. Wh1ch c1ass of f1e can 1nvo1ve pefo1eum poducfs and coo1anfs?
a. C1ass A
b. C1ass 8
c. C1ass C
d. C1ass D
2. Iences fou feef h1gh can be used fo:
a. Defe casua1 fespasses
b. Pov1de easonab1e defense fom exfena1 1nfus1on
c. D1scouage a defem1ned 1nfude
d. 51oW doWn a defem1ned 1nfude
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue abouf 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems {mof1on
defecfos, v1baf1on sensos, 11ghf beams}?
a. 1hey equ1e human esponse
b. 1hey cause a 1of of fa1se a1ams
c. 1hey depend on a consfanf poWe supp1y
d. 1hey ae foo1poof
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof desc1be fhe use of secu1fy guads?
a. 1hey ae nof expens1ve
b. 1hey pov1de a 1of of f1ex1b111fy
c. 1hey can defe 1nfudes
d. 1he1 Wofh depends on each 1nd1v1dua1`s Wok efh1c
31. common1y used fo pevenf veh1cu1a access and fo pofecf a
bu11d1ng o peop1e Wa1k1ng on a s1deWa1k fom veh1c1es. 1hey can a1so be used fo
d1ecf foof faff1c.
a. Wa11s
b. keba
c. 8o11ads
d. 1acks
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s used fo spof pofecf1on W1fh1n a feW 1nches of fhe
a. Wave paffen mof1on defecfo
b. Capac1fance defecfo
c. I1e1d-poWeed dev1ce
d. Aud1o defecfo
33. Wafe 1s mosf effecf1ve aga1nsf:
a. C1ass A f1es
b. C1ass 8 f1es
c. C1ass C f1es
d. C1ass I f1es
34. A sfaf1c chage of vo1fs 1s ab1e fo cause d1sk d1ve dafa 1oss.
a. 550
b. 1000
c. 1500
d. 2500
35. L1ecfomagnef1c 1nfefeence {LMl} fhaf 1s no1se fom fhe ad1af1on geneafed by
fhe d1ffeence befWeen fhe hof and gound W1es 1s ca11ed:
a. Common-mode no1se
b. 1avese-mode no1se
c. 1ansvesa1-mode no1se
d. Cossove-mode no1se
36. ln a s1x-sfoy bu11d1ng, Wh1ch f1oo Wou1d be besf fo 1nfomaf1on pocess1ng
a. 8asemenf
b. Gound f1oo
c. 1h1d f1oo
d. 51xfh f1oo
37. Po1onged h1gh vo1fage 1s ca11ed a:
a. PoWe sp1ke
b. PoWe suge
c. PoWe fau1f
d. PoWe sag
3. hoW h1gh shou1d a fence be fo sfop a defem1ned 1nfude?
a. 3 fo 4 feef h1gh
b. 6 fo 7 feef h1gh
c. feef o moe fopped W1fh babed W1e
d. No fence W111 sfop a defem1ned 1nfude.
39. ln a dafa cenfe s1fuaf1on, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fa1se?
a. Wa11s shou1d have an accepfab1e f1e af1ng.
b. W1ndoWs shou1d be pofecfed by bas.
c. Doos musf es1sf foc1b1e enfy.
d. Locaf1on and fype of f1e suppess1on sysfems shou1d be knoWn.
40. Whaf 1s fhe pefeed Way fo suppess an e1ecf1ca1 f1e?
a. CO2 o ha1on {o ha1on subsf1fufe}
b. CO2, soda ac1d, o ha1on {o ha1on subsf1fufe}
c. Wafe o soda ac1d
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. CO2 o soda ac1d
41. Joe 1s fhe neW secu1fy manage and he 1s espons1b1e fo ensu1ng fhaf each
aea W1fh1n fhe bu11d1ng and oufs1de of fhe bu11d1ng ae pope1y pofecfed. Lach
aea confa1ns assefs fhaf vay 1n c1f1ca11fy. Whaf does Joe need fo make sue 1s
deve1oped and 1mp1emenfed?
a. 5ecu1fy zones
b. Pofecf1on zones
c. CP1LD zones
d. Nafua1 zones
42. 1he mosf cosf1y counfemeasue fo educ1ng phys1ca1 secu1fy 1sks 1s offen:
a. Pocedua1 confo1s
b. hadWae dev1ces
c. L1ecfon1c confo1s
d. Pesonne1
43. A C1ass C handhe1d f1e exf1ngu1she Wou1d be pefeab1e fo a C1ass A handhe1d
f1e exf1ngu1she When fhe f1e:
a. has usf sfafed
b. lnvo1ves e1ecf1ca1 equ1pmenf
c. ls 1ocafed 1n an enc1osed aea
d. ls caused by f1ammab1e 11qu1ds
44. Of fhe fo11oW1ng confo1s e1afed fo phys1ca1 secu1fy, Wh1ch 1s nof an
adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1?
a. Pesonne1 confo1s
b. A1ams
c. 1a1n1ng
d. Lmegency esponse and pocedues
45. L1ghf c1f1ca1 aeas fo a d1sfance of:
a. feef h1gh and 2 feef ouf
b. 10 feef h1gh and 4 feef ouf
c. feef h1gh and 4 feef ouf
d. 10 feef h1gh and 6 feef ouf
46. A momenfay 1oW vo1fage 1s a poWe:
a. 5p1ke
b. 5ag
c. Iau1f
d. 8oWnouf
47. Pefa1n1ng fo f1e suppess1on sysfems, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fue?
a. ha1on {o ha1on subsf1fufe} 1s common1y used because 1f 1nfefees W1fh fhe
chem1ca1 combusf1on of fhe e1emenfs W1fh1n a f1e.
b. Gas masks pov1de effecf1ve pofecf1on aga1nsf use of CO2 sysfems.
c. CO2 sysfems suppess fhe oxygen supp1y equ1ed fo susfa1n a f1e.
d. 5oda ac1d 1s an effecf1ve f1e suppess1on mefhod fo c1ass C {e1ecf1ca1}
4. A dy p1pe sp1nk1e sysfem:
a. ls a subsf1fufe fo cabon d1ox1de sysfems
b. Max1m1zes fhe chance of acc1denfa1 Wafe d1schage
c. M1n1m1zes fhe chance of acc1denfa1 Wafe d1schage
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. uses 1ess Wafe fhan Wef p1pe sysfems
49. A 1s a po1onged poWe supp1y fhaf 1s be1oW noma1 vo1fage.
a. 8oWnouf
b. 81ackouf
c. 5uge
d. Iau1f
50. 1hee ae sevea1 fypes of counfemeasues fhaf shou1d be 1mp1emenfed 1n an
ogan1zaf1ons phys1ca1 secu1fy pogam. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof one of fhose
1. L1m1f fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs.
11. Ioce a11 guesfs fo go fo a fonf desk and s1gn ouf befoe enfe1ng fhe
111. keduce fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs even fufhe affe hous o du1ng fhe
Weekend, When many emp1oyees ae aound.
1v. have a secu1fy guad va11dafe a p1cfue lD befoe a11oW1ng enfance.
v. kequ1e guesfs fo s1gn 1n and be escofed.
v1. Lncouage emp1oyees fo quesf1on sfanges.
a. None of fhem
b. A11 of fhem
c. 111, 1v, v
d. 11, 111
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. CP1LD pov1des fhee ma1n sfafeg1es fo b1ng fogefhe fhe phys1ca1
env1onmenf and soc1a1 behav1o fo 1ncease ovea11 pofecf1on: nafua1 access
confo1, nafua1 suve111ance, and nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf.
b. lncoecf. CP1LD pov1des fhee ma1n sfafeg1es fo b1ng fogefhe fhe phys1ca1
env1onmenf and soc1a1 behav1o fo 1ncease ovea11 pofecf1on: nafua1 access
confo1, nafua1 suve111ance, and nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf.
c. lncoecf. CP1LD pov1des fhee ma1n sfafeg1es fo b1ng fogefhe fhe phys1ca1
env1onmenf and soc1a1 behav1o fo 1ncease ovea11 pofecf1on: nafua1 access
confo1, nafua1 suve111ance, and nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf.
d. lncoecf. CP1LD pov1des fhee ma1n sfafeg1es fo b1ng fogefhe fhe phys1ca1
env1onmenf and soc1a1 behav1o fo 1ncease ovea11 pofecf1on: nafua1 access
confo1, nafua1 suve111ance, and nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf.
a. lncoecf. Mean f1me befoe fa11ue {M18I} 1s used fo pepae fo hadWae
fa11ues and fhe expecfed cosf of ep1ac1ng 1f. 1he mean f1me fo epa1 {M11k} 1s
fhe f1me needed fo gef fhe dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
b. lncoecf. Mean f1me befoe fa11ue {M18I} 1s used fo pepae fo hadWae
fa11ues and fhe expecfed cosf of ep1ac1ng 1f. 1he mean f1me fo epa1 {M11k} 1s
fhe f1me needed fo gef fhe dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
c. lncoecf. Mean f1me befoe fa11ue {M18I} 1s used fo pepae fo hadWae
fa11ues and fhe expecfed cosf of ep1ac1ng 1f. 1he mean f1me fo epa1 {M11k} 1s
fhe f1me needed fo gef fhe dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
d. Coecf. Mean f1me befoe fa11ue {M18I} 1s used fo pepae fo hadWae
fa11ues and fhe expecfed cosf of ep1ac1ng 1f. 1he mean f1me fo epa1 {M11k} 1s
fhe f1me needed fo gef fhe dev1ce f1xed and back 1nfo poducf1on.
a. lncoecf. C1ean poWe supp1y means fhee 1s no 1nfefeence o f1ucfuaf1on 1n
vo1fage 1eve1s.
b. Coecf. C1ean poWe supp1y means fhee 1s no 1nfefeence o f1ucfuaf1on 1n
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
vo1fage 1eve1s.
c. lncoecf. C1ean poWe supp1y means fhee 1s no 1nfefeence o f1ucfuaf1on 1n
vo1fage 1eve1s.
d. lncoecf. C1ean poWe supp1y means fhee 1s no 1nfefeence o f1ucfuaf1on 1n
vo1fage 1eve1s.
a. lncoecf. 1he LPA 11sfs sevea1 mafe1a1s as pope ep1acemenfs fo ha1on,
IM-200 be1ng one of fhem. IM-200 does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe ozone and peop1e as
ha1on does.
b. lncoecf. 1he LPA 11sfs sevea1 mafe1a1s as pope ep1acemenfs fo ha1on,
IM-200 be1ng one of fhem. IM-200 does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe ozone and peop1e as
ha1on does.
c. Coecf. 1he LPA 11sfs sevea1 mafe1a1s as pope ep1acemenfs fo ha1on,
IM-200 be1ng one of fhem. IM-200 does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe ozone and peop1e as
ha1on does.
d. lncoecf. 1he LPA 11sfs sevea1 mafe1a1s as pope ep1acemenfs fo ha1on,
IM-200 be1ng one of fhem. IM-200 does nof negaf1ve1y affecf fhe ozone and peop1e as
ha1on does.
a. Coecf. CO2 1s a pofenf1a11y dangeous f1e suppess1on mefhod because 1f
emoves oxygen fom fhe aea, Wh1ch can be dead1y 1f peop1e ae nea fhe aea.
b. lncoecf. CO2 1s a pofenf1a11y dangeous f1e suppess1on mefhod because 1f
emoves oxygen fom fhe aea, Wh1ch can be dead1y 1f peop1e ae nea fhe aea.
c. lncoecf. CO2 1s a pofenf1a11y dangeous f1e suppess1on mefhod because 1f
emoves oxygen fom fhe aea, Wh1ch can be dead1y 1f peop1e ae nea fhe aea.
d. lncoecf. CO2 1s a pofenf1a11y dangeous f1e suppess1on mefhod because 1f
emoves oxygen fom fhe aea, Wh1ch can be dead1y 1f peop1e ae nea fhe aea.
a. Coecf. P1enum space 1s used fo W11ng and cab11ng. 1h1s 1s a p1ace Whee
f1es can eas11y sfaf. W1es and cab1es fhaf ae p1aced 1n fh1s aea musf be p1enum
cab1es, mean1ng fhaf fhe1 coaf1ng 1s made ouf of chem1ca1s fhaf ae nof hazadous
When fhey bun.
b. lncoecf. P1enum space 1s used fo W11ng and cab11ng. 1h1s 1s a p1ace Whee
f1es can eas11y sfaf. W1es and cab1es fhaf ae p1aced 1n fh1s aea musf be p1enum
cab1es, mean1ng fhaf fhe1 coaf1ng 1s made ouf of chem1ca1s fhaf ae nof hazadous
When fhey bun.
c. lncoecf. P1enum space 1s used fo W11ng and cab11ng. 1h1s 1s a p1ace Whee
f1es can eas11y sfaf. W1es and cab1es fhaf ae p1aced 1n fh1s aea musf be p1enum
cab1es, mean1ng fhaf fhe1 coaf1ng 1s made ouf of chem1ca1s fhaf ae nof hazadous
When fhey bun.
d. lncoecf. P1enum space 1s used fo W11ng and cab11ng. 1h1s 1s a p1ace Whee
f1es can eas11y sfaf. W1es and cab1es fhaf ae p1aced 1n fh1s aea musf be p1enum
cab1es, mean1ng fhaf fhe1 coaf1ng 1s made ouf of chem1ca1s fhaf ae nof hazadous
When fhey bun.
a. lncoecf. hygomefes mon1fo hum1d1fy 1eve1s, Wh1ch can affecf sysfem
pefomance. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on of e1ecf1ca1 componenfs and 1oW
hum1d1fy can cause sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy.
b. lncoecf. hygomefes mon1fo hum1d1fy 1eve1s, Wh1ch can affecf sysfem
pefomance. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on of e1ecf1ca1 componenfs and 1oW
hum1d1fy can cause sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy.
c. Coecf. hygomefes mon1fo hum1d1fy 1eve1s, Wh1ch can affecf sysfem
pefomance. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on of e1ecf1ca1 componenfs and 1oW
hum1d1fy can cause sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy.
d. lncoecf. hygomefes mon1fo hum1d1fy 1eve1s, Wh1ch can affecf sysfem
pefomance. h1gh hum1d1fy can cause coos1on of e1ecf1ca1 componenfs and 1oW
hum1d1fy can cause sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy.

Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
a. Coecf. Capef1ng shou1d nof be pesenf 1n dafa cenfes and aound compufe
sysfems because 1f ceafes sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. lf capef 1s go1ng fo be used 1f
shou1d be sfaf1c-fee capef. 5faf1c e1ecf1c1fy can 1nfoduce e1ecf1c1fy fhaf can
damage e1ecf1ca1 componenfs.
b. lncoecf. Capef1ng shou1d nof be pesenf 1n dafa cenfes and aound compufe
sysfems because 1f ceafes sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. lf capef 1s go1ng fo be used 1f
shou1d be sfaf1c-fee capef. 5faf1c e1ecf1c1fy can 1nfoduce e1ecf1c1fy fhaf can
damage e1ecf1ca1 componenfs.
c. lncoecf. Capef1ng shou1d nof be pesenf 1n dafa cenfes and aound compufe
sysfems because 1f ceafes sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. lf capef 1s go1ng fo be used 1f
shou1d be sfaf1c-fee capef. 5faf1c e1ecf1c1fy can 1nfoduce e1ecf1c1fy fhaf can
damage e1ecf1ca1 componenfs.
d. lncoecf. Capef1ng shou1d nof be pesenf 1n dafa cenfes and aound compufe
sysfems because 1f ceafes sfaf1c e1ecf1c1fy. lf capef 1s go1ng fo be used 1f
shou1d be sfaf1c-fee capef. 5faf1c e1ecf1c1fy can 1nfoduce e1ecf1c1fy fhaf can
damage e1ecf1ca1 componenfs.
a. lncoecf. De1uge sysfems ae much 11ke dy p1pe sysfems, hoWeve fhe1
sp1nk1e heads ae open fo a11oW fo moe Wafe fo be e1eased moe qu1ck1y. Dy
p1pes do nof ho1d Wafe 1n fhe p1pes, buf 1n a Wafe sfoage aea. When a f1e
defecf1on mechan1sm sounds an a1am fhe Wafe 1s e1eased 1nfo fhe p1pe. De1uge
sysfems shou1d nof be used 1n dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs. Peacf1on sysfems shou1d
be used 1nsfead, because fhey pov1de a de1ayed eacf1on.
b. Coecf. De1uge sysfems ae much 11ke dy p1pe sysfems, hoWeve fhe1 sp1nk1e
heads ae open fo a11oW fo moe Wafe fo be e1eased moe qu1ck1y. Dy p1pes do nof
ho1d Wafe 1n fhe p1pes, buf 1n a Wafe sfoage aea. When a f1e defecf1on
mechan1sm sounds an a1am fhe Wafe 1s e1eased 1nfo fhe p1pe. De1uge sysfems shou1d
nof be used 1n dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs. Peacf1on sysfems shou1d be used
1nsfead, because fhey pov1de a de1ayed eacf1on.
c. lncoecf. De1uge sysfems ae much 11ke dy p1pe sysfems, hoWeve fhe1
sp1nk1e heads ae open fo a11oW fo moe Wafe fo be e1eased moe qu1ck1y. Dy
p1pes do nof ho1d Wafe 1n fhe p1pes, buf 1n a Wafe sfoage aea. When a f1e
defecf1on mechan1sm sounds an a1am fhe Wafe 1s e1eased 1nfo fhe p1pe. De1uge
sysfems shou1d nof be used 1n dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs. Peacf1on sysfems shou1d
be used 1nsfead, because fhey pov1de a de1ayed eacf1on.
d. lncoecf. De1uge sysfems ae much 11ke dy p1pe sysfems, hoWeve fhe1
sp1nk1e heads ae open fo a11oW fo moe Wafe fo be e1eased moe qu1ck1y. Dy
p1pes do nof ho1d Wafe 1n fhe p1pes, buf 1n a Wafe sfoage aea. When a f1e
defecf1on mechan1sm sounds an a1am fhe Wafe 1s e1eased 1nfo fhe p1pe. De1uge
sysfems shou1d nof be used 1n dafa pocess1ng env1onmenfs. Peacf1on sysfems shou1d
be used 1nsfead, because fhey pov1de a de1ayed eacf1on.
a. lncoecf. Cab1e faps ae a fype of dev1ce 1ock fhaf 1s 1nfended fo pofecf
hadWae. 1hese ae used fo mob11e dev1ces fo pofecf aga1nsf fheff by 1ock1ng fhem
fo a secue feafue of an env1onmenf such as a desk o Wa11.
b. lncoecf. Cab1e faps ae a fype of dev1ce 1ock fhaf 1s 1nfended fo pofecf
hadWae. 1hese ae used fo mob11e dev1ces fo pofecf aga1nsf fheff by 1ock1ng fhem
fo a secue feafue of an env1onmenf such as a desk o Wa11.
c. lncoecf. Cab1e faps ae a fype of dev1ce 1ock fhaf 1s 1nfended fo pofecf
hadWae. 1hese ae used fo mob11e dev1ces fo pofecf aga1nsf fheff by 1ock1ng fhem
fo a secue feafue of an env1onmenf such as a desk o Wa11.
d. Coecf. Cab1e faps ae a fype of dev1ce 1ock fhaf 1s 1nfended fo pofecf
hadWae. 1hese ae used fo mob11e dev1ces fo pofecf aga1nsf fheff by 1ock1ng fhem
fo a secue feafue of an env1onmenf, such as a desk o Wa11.
a. lncoecf.
- Nafua1 access confo1 1s fhe gu1dance of peop1e enfe1ng and 1eav1ng a space by
fhe p1acemenf of doos, fences, 11ghf1ng, and even 1andscap1ng.
- 1he goa1 of nafua1 suve111ance 1s fo make c1m1na1s fee1 uncomfofab1e by
pov1d1ng many Ways obseves cou1d pofenf1a11y see fhem and fo make a11 ofhe
Page 9
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
peop1e fee1 safe and comfofab1e, by pov1d1ng an open and We11-des1gned
- Nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf ceafes phys1ca1 des1gns fhaf emphas1ze o
exfend fhe companys phys1ca1 sphee of 1nf1uence so 1eg1f1mafe uses fee1 a sense
of oWnesh1p of fhaf space.
b. lncoecf.
- Nafua1 access confo1 1s fhe gu1dance of peop1e enfe1ng and 1eav1ng a space by
fhe p1acemenf of doos, fences, 11ghf1ng, and even 1andscap1ng.
- 1he goa1 of nafua1 suve111ance 1s fo make c1m1na1s fee1 uncomfofab1e by
pov1d1ng many Ways obseves cou1d pofenf1a11y see fhem and fo make a11 ofhe
peop1e fee1 safe and comfofab1e, by pov1d1ng an open and We11-des1gned
- Nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf ceafes phys1ca1 des1gns fhaf emphas1ze o
exfend fhe companys phys1ca1 sphee of 1nf1uence so 1eg1f1mafe uses fee1 a sense
of oWnesh1p of fhaf space.
c. lncoecf.
- Nafua1 access confo1 1s fhe gu1dance of peop1e enfe1ng and 1eav1ng a space by
fhe p1acemenf of doos, fences, 11ghf1ng, and even 1andscap1ng.
- 1he goa1 of nafua1 suve111ance 1s fo make c1m1na1s fee1 uncomfofab1e by
pov1d1ng many Ways obseves cou1d pofenf1a11y see fhem and fo make a11 ofhe
peop1e fee1 safe and comfofab1e, by pov1d1ng an open and We11-des1gned
- Nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf ceafes phys1ca1 des1gns fhaf emphas1ze o
exfend fhe companys phys1ca1 sphee of 1nf1uence so 1eg1f1mafe uses fee1 a sense
of oWnesh1p of fhaf space.
d. Coecf.
- Nafua1 access confo1 1s fhe gu1dance of peop1e enfe1ng and 1eav1ng a space by
fhe p1acemenf of doos, fences, 11ghf1ng, and even 1andscap1ng.
- 1he goa1 of nafua1 suve111ance 1s fo make c1m1na1s fee1 uncomfofab1e by
pov1d1ng many Ways obseves cou1d pofenf1a11y see fhem and fo make a11 ofhe
peop1e fee1 safe and comfofab1e, by pov1d1ng an open and We11-des1gned
- Nafua1 fe1fo1a1 e1nfocemenf ceafes phys1ca1 des1gns fhaf emphas1ze o
exfend fhe companys phys1ca1 sphee of 1nf1uence so 1eg1f1mafe uses fee1 a sense
of oWnesh1p of fhaf space.
a. lncoecf. key-ove1d1ng can be used du1ng emegency s1fuaf1ons o W1fh
aufho1zed pesonne1 fo ga1n 1mmed1afe access. Masfe key1ng has fo do W1fh fhe
capab111fy of econf1gu1ng fhe 1ock, as 1n eseff1ng fhe access code. Doo de1ay 1s
a confo1 fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f a doo 1s open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me.
b. Coecf. key-ove1d1ng can be used du1ng emegency s1fuaf1ons o W1fh
aufho1zed pesonne1 fo ga1n 1mmed1afe access. Masfe key1ng has fo do W1fh fhe
capab111fy of econf1gu1ng fhe 1ock, as 1n eseff1ng fhe access code. Doo de1ay 1s
a confo1 fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f a doo 1s open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me.
c. lncoecf. key-ove1d1ng can be used du1ng emegency s1fuaf1ons o W1fh
aufho1zed pesonne1 fo ga1n 1mmed1afe access. Masfe key1ng has fo do W1fh fhe
capab111fy of econf1gu1ng fhe 1ock, as 1n eseff1ng fhe access code. Doo de1ay 1s
a confo1 fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f a doo 1s open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me.
d. lncoecf. key-ove1d1ng can be used du1ng emegency s1fuaf1ons o W1fh
aufho1zed pesonne1 fo ga1n 1mmed1afe access. Masfe key1ng has fo do W1fh fhe
capab111fy of econf1gu1ng fhe 1ock, as 1n eseff1ng fhe access code. Doo de1ay 1s
a confo1 fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f a doo 1s open fo an exfended pe1od of f1me.
a. lncoecf. P1ggyback1ng can be pevenfed by 1nceased secu1fy af each enfance
and educaf1ng emp1oyees. P1ggyback1ng has a moe bas1c def1n1f1on of an enf1fy us1ng
anofhe enf1fys 1eg1f1mafe cedenf1a1s fo access. 1h1s means fhaf a p1ggyback1ng
affack 1s nof 11m1fed fo phys1ca1 secu1fy 1ssues.
b. Coecf. P1ggyback1ng can be pevenfed by 1nceased secu1fy af each enfance
and educaf1ng emp1oyees. P1ggyback1ng has a moe bas1c def1n1f1on of an enf1fy us1ng
anofhe enf1fys 1eg1f1mafe cedenf1a1s fo access. 1h1s means fhaf a p1ggyback1ng
affack 1s nof 11m1fed fo phys1ca1 secu1fy 1ssues.
Page 10
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. P1ggyback1ng can be pevenfed by 1nceased secu1fy af each enfance
and educaf1ng emp1oyees. P1ggyback1ng has a moe bas1c def1n1f1on of an enf1fy us1ng
anofhe enf1fys 1eg1f1mafe cedenf1a1s fo access. 1h1s means fhaf a p1ggyback1ng
affack 1s nof 11m1fed fo phys1ca1 secu1fy 1ssues.
d. lncoecf. P1ggyback1ng can be pevenfed by 1nceased secu1fy af each enfance
and educaf1ng emp1oyees. P1ggyback1ng has a moe bas1c def1n1f1on of an enf1fy us1ng
anofhe enf1fys 1eg1f1mafe cedenf1a1s fo access. 1h1s means fhaf a p1ggyback1ng
affack 1s nof 11m1fed fo phys1ca1 secu1fy 1ssues.
a. Coecf. L1ecfon1c access confo1 {LAC} fokens ae used 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy
fo aufhenf1cafe subecfs. 1hey can be pox1m1fy eades, pogammab1e 1ocks, o
b1omef1c sysfems, Wh1ch 1denf1fy and aufhenf1cafe uses befoe a11oW1ng fhem
b. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c access confo1 {LAC} fokens ae used 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy
fo aufhenf1cafe subecfs. 1hey can be pox1m1fy eades, pogammab1e 1ocks, o
b1omef1c sysfems, Wh1ch 1denf1fy and aufhenf1cafe uses befoe a11oW1ng fhem
c. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c access confo1 {LAC} fokens ae used 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy
fo aufhenf1cafe subecfs. 1hey can be pox1m1fy eades, pogammab1e 1ocks, o
b1omef1c sysfems, Wh1ch 1denf1fy and aufhenf1cafe uses befoe a11oW1ng fhem
d. lncoecf. L1ecfon1c access confo1 {LAC} fokens ae used 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy
fo aufhenf1cafe subecfs. 1hey can be pox1m1fy eades, pogammab1e 1ocks, o
b1omef1c sysfems, Wh1ch 1denf1fy and aufhenf1cafe uses befoe a11oW1ng fhem
a. lncoecf. C1osed c1cu1f fe1ev1s1on {CC1v} sysfems ae mon1fo1ng dev1ces fhaf
a11oW a secu1fy guad fo v1eW and Wafch sevea1 aeas fom one cenfa11zed
1ocaf1on. CC1v 1s a geaf phys1ca1 secu1fy foo1, buf besf When nof fofa11y depended
upon as fhe on1y foo1. Compan1es need af 1easf a secu1fy guad fo v1eW fhe mon1fo
sceen and can a1so use mof1on defecfos and/o 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems fo
pov1de comp1efe pofecf1on of a fac111fy o depafmenf.
b. Coecf. C1osed c1cu1f fe1ev1s1on {CC1v} sysfems ae mon1fo1ng dev1ces fhaf
a11oW a secu1fy guad fo v1eW and Wafch sevea1 aeas fom one cenfa11zed
1ocaf1on. CC1v 1s a geaf phys1ca1 secu1fy foo1, buf besf When nof fofa11y depended
upon as fhe on1y foo1. Compan1es need af 1easf a secu1fy guad fo v1eW fhe mon1fo
sceen and can a1so use mof1on defecfos and/o 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems fo
pov1de comp1efe pofecf1on of a fac111fy o depafmenf.
c. lncoecf. C1osed c1cu1f fe1ev1s1on {CC1v} sysfems ae mon1fo1ng dev1ces fhaf
a11oW a secu1fy guad fo v1eW and Wafch sevea1 aeas fom one cenfa11zed
1ocaf1on. CC1v 1s a geaf phys1ca1 secu1fy foo1, buf besf When nof fofa11y depended
upon as fhe on1y foo1. Compan1es need af 1easf a secu1fy guad fo v1eW fhe mon1fo
sceen and can a1so use mof1on defecfos and/o 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems fo
pov1de comp1efe pofecf1on of a fac111fy o depafmenf.
d. lncoecf. C1osed c1cu1f fe1ev1s1on {CC1v} sysfems ae mon1fo1ng dev1ces fhaf
a11oW a secu1fy guad fo v1eW and Wafch sevea1 aeas fom one cenfa11zed
1ocaf1on. CC1v 1s a geaf phys1ca1 secu1fy foo1, buf besf When nof fofa11y depended
upon as fhe on1y foo1. Compan1es need af 1easf a secu1fy guad fo v1eW fhe mon1fo
sceen and can a1so use mof1on defecfos and/o 1nfus1on defecf1on sysfems fo
pov1de comp1efe pofecf1on of a fac111fy o depafmenf.
a. Coecf. 1he ma1n 1sks fhaf phys1ca1 secu1fy componenfs combaf ae fheff,
1nfeupf1ons fo sev1ces, phys1ca1 damage, compom1sed sysfem 1nfeg1fy, and
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he ma1n 1sks fhaf phys1ca1 secu1fy componenfs combaf ae fheff,
1nfeupf1ons fo sev1ces, phys1ca1 damage, compom1sed sysfem 1nfeg1fy, and
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he ma1n 1sks fhaf phys1ca1 secu1fy componenfs combaf ae fheff,
1nfeupf1ons fo sev1ces, phys1ca1 damage, compom1sed sysfem 1nfeg1fy, and
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on.
Page 11
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. 1he ma1n 1sks fhaf phys1ca1 secu1fy componenfs combaf ae fheff,
1nfeupf1ons fo sev1ces, phys1ca1 damage, compom1sed sysfem 1nfeg1fy, and
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of 1nfomaf1on.
a. lncoecf. L1ecf1ca1 d1sf1buf1on sysfems 1nc1ude fhe W11ng and fuse boxes
fhaf pov1de e1ecf1c1fy fo a 1ocaf1on, and ae fhe mosf common cause of f1es.
b. Coecf. L1ecf1ca1 d1sf1buf1on sysfems 1nc1ude fhe W11ng and fuse boxes fhaf
pov1de e1ecf1c1fy fo a 1ocaf1on, and ae fhe mosf common cause of f1es.
c. lncoecf. L1ecf1ca1 d1sf1buf1on sysfems 1nc1ude fhe W11ng and fuse boxes
fhaf pov1de e1ecf1c1fy fo a 1ocaf1on, and ae fhe mosf common cause of f1es.
d. lncoecf. L1ecf1ca1 d1sf1buf1on sysfems 1nc1ude fhe W11ng and fuse boxes
fhaf pov1de e1ecf1c1fy fo a 1ocaf1on, and ae fhe mosf common cause of f1es.
a. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy budgef on 1fs oWn does nof affecf an assessmenf of a
fac111fys vu1neab111fy.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy budgef on 1fs oWn does nof affecf an assessmenf of a
fac111fys vu1neab111fy.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy budgef on 1fs oWn does nof affecf an assessmenf of a
fac111fys vu1neab111fy.
d. Coecf. 5ecu1fy budgef on 1fs oWn does nof affecf an assessmenf of a
fac111fys vu1neab111fy.
a. Coecf. PoWe 11ne cond1f1on1ng 1s a pofecf1ve measue aga1nsf no1se. lf
he1ps fo ensue fhe fansm1ss1on of c1ean poWe, buf does nof affecf sfaf1c
b. lncoecf. PoWe 11ne cond1f1on1ng 1s a pofecf1ve measue aga1nsf no1se. lf
he1ps fo ensue fhe fansm1ss1on of c1ean poWe, buf does nof affecf sfaf1c
c. lncoecf. PoWe 11ne cond1f1on1ng 1s a pofecf1ve measue aga1nsf no1se. lf
he1ps fo ensue fhe fansm1ss1on of c1ean poWe, buf does nof affecf sfaf1c
d. lncoecf. PoWe 11ne cond1f1on1ng 1s a pofecf1ve measue aga1nsf no1se. lf
he1ps fo ensue fhe fansm1ss1on of c1ean poWe, buf does nof affecf sfaf1c
a. lncoecf. lfems c1f1ca1 fo se1ecf1ng a fac111fy s1fe fo v1s1b111fy 1s:
suound1ng fea1n, bu11d1ng mak1ngs and s1gns, fypes of ne1ghbos, and h1gh o
1oW popu1af1on 1n fhe aea.
b. lncoecf. lfems c1f1ca1 fo se1ecf1ng a fac111fy s1fe fo v1s1b111fy 1s:
suound1ng fea1n, bu11d1ng mak1ngs and s1gns, fypes of ne1ghbos, and h1gh o
1oW popu1af1on 1n fhe aea.
c. Coecf. lfems c1f1ca1 fo se1ecf1ng a fac111fy s1fe fo v1s1b111fy 1s:
suound1ng fea1n, bu11d1ng mak1ngs and s1gns, fypes of ne1ghbos, and h1gh o
1oW popu1af1on 1n fhe aea.
d. lncoecf. lfems c1f1ca1 fo se1ecf1ng a fac111fy s1fe fo v1s1b111fy 1s:
suound1ng fea1n, bu11d1ng mak1ngs and s1gns, fypes of ne1ghbos, and h1gh o
1oW popu1af1on 1n fhe aea.
a. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae cafegoy fo counfemeasue mapp1ng,
l. Defeence of c1m1na1 acf1v1fy
A. Iences
8. Wan1ng s1gns
C. 5ecu1fy guads
D. Dogs
ll. De1ay of 1nfudes fo he1p ensue fhey can be caughf
A. Locks
8. Defense-1n-depfh measues
C. Access confo1s
Page 12
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
lll. Defecf1on of 1nfudes
A. Lxfena1 1nfude sensos
8. lnfena1 1nfude sensos
lv. Assessmenf of s1fuaf1ons
A. 5ecu1fy guad pocedues
8. Commun1caf1on sfucfue {ca111ng fee}
v. kesponse fo 1nfus1ons and d1supf1ons
A. kesponse foce
8. Lmegency esponse pocedues
C. Po11ce, f1e, med1ca1 pesonne1
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae cafegoy fo counfemeasue mapp1ng,
l. Defeence of c1m1na1 acf1v1fy
A. Iences
8. Wan1ng s1gns
C. 5ecu1fy guads
D. Dogs
ll. De1ay of 1nfudes fo he1p ensue fhey can be caughf
A. Locks
8. Defense-1n-depfh measues
C. Access confo1s
lll. Defecf1on of 1nfudes
A. Lxfena1 1nfude sensos
8. lnfena1 1nfude sensos
lv. Assessmenf of s1fuaf1ons
A. 5ecu1fy guad pocedues
8. Commun1caf1on sfucfue {ca111ng fee}
v. kesponse fo 1nfus1ons and d1supf1ons
A. kesponse foce
8. Lmegency esponse pocedues
C. Po11ce, f1e, med1ca1 pesonne1
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae cafegoy fo counfemeasue mapp1ng,
l. Defeence of c1m1na1 acf1v1fy
A. Iences
8. Wan1ng s1gns
C. 5ecu1fy guads
D. Dogs
ll. De1ay of 1nfudes fo he1p ensue fhey can be caughf
A. Locks
8. Defense-1n-depfh measues
C. Access confo1s
lll. Defecf1on of 1nfudes
A. Lxfena1 1nfude sensos
8. lnfena1 1nfude sensos
lv. Assessmenf of s1fuaf1ons
A. 5ecu1fy guad pocedues
8. Commun1caf1on sfucfue {ca111ng fee}
v. kesponse fo 1nfus1ons and d1supf1ons
A. kesponse foce
8. Lmegency esponse pocedues
C. Po11ce, f1e, med1ca1 pesonne1
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae cafegoy fo counfemeasue mapp1ng,
l. Defeence of c1m1na1 acf1v1fy
A. Iences
8. Wan1ng s1gns
C. 5ecu1fy guads
D. Dogs
ll. De1ay of 1nfudes fo he1p ensue fhey can be caughf
A. Locks
8. Defense-1n-depfh measues
C. Access confo1s
lll. Defecf1on of 1nfudes
A. Lxfena1 1nfude sensos
8. lnfena1 1nfude sensos
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
lv. Assessmenf of s1fuaf1ons
A. 5ecu1fy guad pocedues
8. Commun1caf1on sfucfue {ca111ng fee}
v. kesponse fo 1nfus1ons and d1supf1ons
A. kesponse foce
8. Lmegency esponse pocedues
C. Po11ce, f1e, med1ca1 pesonne1
a. Coecf. Peacf1on comb1nes bofh fhe dy and Wef p1pe sysfems and a11oWs manua1
1nfevenf1on befoe a fu11 d1schage of Wafe on fhe equ1pmenf occus.
b. lncoecf. Peacf1on comb1nes bofh fhe dy and Wef p1pe sysfems and a11oWs
manua1 1nfevenf1on befoe a fu11 d1schage of Wafe on fhe equ1pmenf occus.
c. lncoecf. Peacf1on comb1nes bofh fhe dy and Wef p1pe sysfems and a11oWs
manua1 1nfevenf1on befoe a fu11 d1schage of Wafe on fhe equ1pmenf occus.
d. lncoecf. Peacf1on comb1nes bofh fhe dy and Wef p1pe sysfems and a11oWs
manua1 1nfevenf1on befoe a fu11 d1schage of Wafe on fhe equ1pmenf occus.
a. lncoecf. A momenfay 1oW vo1fage 1s a sag.
b. lncoecf. A momenfay 1oW vo1fage 1s a sag.
c. Coecf. A momenfay 1oW vo1fage 1s a sag.
d. lncoecf. A momenfay 1oW vo1fage 1s a sag.
a. lncoecf. PassWods epesenf a componenf of a fechno1og1ca1 access confo1
b. lncoecf. PassWods epesenf a componenf of a fechno1og1ca1 access confo1
c. lncoecf. PassWods epesenf a componenf of a fechno1og1ca1 access confo1
d. Coecf. PassWods epesenf a componenf of a fechno1og1ca1 access confo1
a. Coecf. Peop1e ae fhe 1asf 11ne of defense 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy, and fhe mosf
d1ff1cu1f fo manage.
b. lncoecf. Peop1e ae fhe 1asf 11ne of defense 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy, and fhe
mosf d1ff1cu1f fo manage.
c. lncoecf. Peop1e ae fhe 1asf 11ne of defense 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy, and fhe
mosf d1ff1cu1f fo manage.
d. lncoecf. Peop1e ae fhe 1asf 11ne of defense 1n phys1ca1 secu1fy, and fhe
mosf d1ff1cu1f fo manage.
a. lncoecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos use phofoe1ecf1c opf1ca1 defecfos fo
defecf changes 1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy.
b. lncoecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos use phofoe1ecf1c opf1ca1 defecfos fo
defecf changes 1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy.
c. lncoecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos use phofoe1ecf1c opf1ca1 defecfos fo
defecf changes 1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy.
d. Coecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos use phofoe1ecf1c opf1ca1 defecfos fo
defecf changes 1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy.
a. lncoecf. C1ass 8 efes fo 11qu1d f1es, and can be suppessed W1fh ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}, CO2 o soda ac1d.
b. Coecf. C1ass 8 efes fo 11qu1d f1es, and can be suppessed W1fh ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}, CO2 o soda ac1d.
c. lncoecf. C1ass 8 efes fo 11qu1d f1es, and can be suppessed W1fh ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}, CO2 o soda ac1d.
d. lncoecf. C1ass 8 efes fo 11qu1d f1es, and can be suppessed W1fh ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}, CO2 o soda ac1d.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
a. Coecf. Iou feef of fence W111 have no effecf aga1nsf a defem1ned 1nfude,
buf 1s effecf1ve 1n pevenf1ng "casua1" fespasses.
b. lncoecf. Iou feef of fence W111 have no effecf aga1nsf a defem1ned
1nfude, buf 1s effecf1ve 1n pevenf1ng "casua1" fespasses.
c. lncoecf. Iou feef of fence W111 have no effecf aga1nsf a defem1ned
1nfude, buf 1s effecf1ve 1n pevenf1ng "casua1" fespasses.
d. lncoecf. Iou feef of fence W111 have no effecf aga1nsf a defem1ned
1nfude, buf 1s effecf1ve 1n pevenf1ng "casua1" fespasses.
a. lncoecf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems equ1e someone fo espond When fhey
a1am, ae sens1f1ve fhus cause many fa1se a1ams, and equ1e a consfanf poWe
supp1y. 1hey ae nof foo1poof, nofh1ng 1s.
b. lncoecf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems equ1e someone fo espond When fhey
a1am, ae sens1f1ve fhus cause many fa1se a1ams, and equ1e a consfanf poWe
supp1y. 1hey ae nof foo1poof, nofh1ng 1s.
c. lncoecf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems equ1e someone fo espond When fhey
a1am, ae sens1f1ve fhus cause many fa1se a1ams, and equ1e a consfanf poWe
supp1y. 1hey ae nof foo1poof, nofh1ng 1s.
d. Coecf. lnfus1on defecf1on sysfems equ1e someone fo espond When fhey
a1am, ae sens1f1ve fhus cause many fa1se a1ams, and equ1e a consfanf poWe
supp1y. 1hey ae nof foo1poof, nofh1ng 1s.
a. Coecf. 5ecu1fy guads ae fhe mosf expens1ve confo1 used fo pov1de
phys1ca1 secu1fy.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy guads ae fhe mosf expens1ve confo1 used fo pov1de
phys1ca1 secu1fy.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy guads ae fhe mosf expens1ve confo1 used fo pov1de
phys1ca1 secu1fy.
d. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy guads ae fhe mosf expens1ve confo1 used fo pov1de
phys1ca1 secu1fy.
a. lncoecf. 8o11ads ae shof posfs common1y used fo pevenf veh1cu1a access
and fo pofecf a bu11d1ng o peop1e Wa1k1ng on a s1deWa1k fom veh1c1es. 1hey can
a1so be used fo d1ecf foof faff1c.
b. lncoecf. 8o11ads ae shof posfs common1y used fo pevenf veh1cu1a access
and fo pofecf a bu11d1ng o peop1e Wa1k1ng on a s1deWa1k fom veh1c1es. 1hey can
a1so be used fo d1ecf foof faff1c.
c. Coecf. 8o11ads ae shof posfs common1y used fo pevenf veh1cu1a access and
fo pofecf a bu11d1ng o peop1e Wa1k1ng on a s1deWa1k fom veh1c1es. 1hey can a1so
be used fo d1ecf foof faff1c.
d. lncoecf. 8o11ads ae shof posfs common1y used fo pevenf veh1cu1a access
and fo pofecf a bu11d1ng o peop1e Wa1k1ng on a s1deWa1k fom veh1c1es. 1hey can
a1so be used fo d1ecf foof faff1c.
a. lncoecf. Capac1fance defecfos mon1fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e1d suound1ng fhe
obecf be1ng mon1foed.
b. Coecf. Capac1fance defecfos mon1fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e1d suound1ng fhe
obecf be1ng mon1foed.
c. lncoecf. Capac1fance defecfos mon1fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e1d suound1ng fhe
obecf be1ng mon1foed.
d. lncoecf. Capac1fance defecfos mon1fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e1d suound1ng fhe
obecf be1ng mon1foed.
a. Coecf. Wafe 1s appop1afe fo c1ass A {common combusf1b1es} f1es.
b. lncoecf. Wafe 1s appop1afe fo c1ass A {common combusf1b1es} f1es.
c. lncoecf. Wafe 1s appop1afe fo c1ass A {common combusf1b1es} f1es.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. Wafe 1s appop1afe fo c1ass A {common combusf1b1es} f1es.
a. lncoecf. A sfaf1c chage of 1500 vo1fs 1s capab1e of caus1ng d1sk d1ve dafa
b. lncoecf. A sfaf1c chage of 1500 vo1fs 1s capab1e of caus1ng d1sk d1ve dafa
c. Coecf. A sfaf1c chage of 1500 vo1fs 1s capab1e of caus1ng d1sk d1ve dafa
d. lncoecf. A sfaf1c chage of 1500 vo1fs 1s capab1e of caus1ng d1sk d1ve dafa
a. Coecf. Common-mode no1se 1s e1ecf1ca1 no1se befWeen fhe hof and gound W1e
and befWeen fhe neufa1 and gound W1e.
b. lncoecf. Common-mode no1se 1s e1ecf1ca1 no1se befWeen fhe hof and gound W1e
and befWeen fhe neufa1 and gound W1e.
c. lncoecf. Common-mode no1se 1s e1ecf1ca1 no1se befWeen fhe hof and gound W1e
and befWeen fhe neufa1 and gound W1e.
d. lncoecf. Common-mode no1se 1s e1ecf1ca1 no1se befWeen fhe hof and gound W1e
and befWeen fhe neufa1 and gound W1e.
a. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111f1es shou1d nof be 1ocafed on fhe fop
f1oos of bu11d1ngs 1n case of a f1e o 1n fhe basemenfs 1n case of f1oods. 1hey
shou1d be 1ocafed af fhe coe of a bu11d1ng fo pov1de pofecf1on fom nafua1
d1sasfes o bombs and pov1de eas1e access fo emegency ceWmembes 1f necessay.
b. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111f1es shou1d nof be 1ocafed on fhe fop
f1oos of bu11d1ngs 1n case of a f1e o 1n fhe basemenfs 1n case of f1oods. 1hey
shou1d be 1ocafed af fhe coe of a bu11d1ng fo pov1de pofecf1on fom nafua1
d1sasfes o bombs and pov1de eas1e access fo emegency ceWmembes 1f necessay.
c. Coecf. lnfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111f1es shou1d nof be 1ocafed on fhe fop
f1oos of bu11d1ngs 1n case of a f1e o 1n fhe basemenfs 1n case of f1oods. 1hey
shou1d be 1ocafed af fhe coe of a bu11d1ng fo pov1de pofecf1on fom nafua1
d1sasfes o bombs and pov1de eas1e access fo emegency ceWmembes 1f necessay.
d. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on pocess1ng fac111f1es shou1d nof be 1ocafed on fhe fop
f1oos of bu11d1ngs 1n case of a f1e o 1n fhe basemenfs 1n case of f1oods. 1hey
shou1d be 1ocafed af fhe coe of a bu11d1ng fo pov1de pofecf1on fom nafua1
d1sasfes o bombs and pov1de eas1e access fo emegency ceWmembes 1f necessay.
a. lncoecf. A poWe suge 1s a po1onged h1gh vo1fage. A poWe sp1ke 1s a
momenfay h1gh vo1fage. A poWe fau1f 1s a momenfay poWe oufage, and a poWe sag
1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
b. Coecf. A poWe suge 1s a po1onged h1gh vo1fage. A poWe sp1ke 1s a momenfay
h1gh vo1fage. A poWe fau1f 1s a momenfay poWe oufage, and a poWe sag 1s a
momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
c. lncoecf. A poWe suge 1s a po1onged h1gh vo1fage. A poWe sp1ke 1s a
momenfay h1gh vo1fage. A poWe fau1f 1s a momenfay poWe oufage, and a poWe sag
1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
d. lncoecf. A poWe suge 1s a po1onged h1gh vo1fage. A poWe sp1ke 1s a
momenfay h1gh vo1fage. A poWe fau1f 1s a momenfay poWe oufage, and a poWe sag
1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
a. lncoecf. Mosf 1nfudes W111 be d1scouaged by a fa11 fence fopped W1fh babed
W1e, buf 1f shou1d nof be counfed on fo keep ouf se1ous 1nfudes.
b. lncoecf. Mosf 1nfudes W111 be d1scouaged by a fa11 fence fopped W1fh babed
W1e, buf 1f shou1d nof be counfed on fo keep ouf se1ous 1nfudes.
c. lncoecf. Mosf 1nfudes W111 be d1scouaged by a fa11 fence fopped W1fh babed
W1e, buf 1f shou1d nof be counfed on fo keep ouf se1ous 1nfudes.
d. Coecf. Mosf 1nfudes W111 be d1scouaged by a fa11 fence fopped W1fh babed
W1e, buf 1f shou1d nof be counfed on fo keep ouf se1ous 1nfudes.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. Dafa cenfes shou1d nof have W1ndoWs.
b. Coecf. Dafa cenfes shou1d nof have W1ndoWs.
c. lncoecf. Dafa cenfes shou1d nof have W1ndoWs.
d. lncoecf. Dafa cenfes shou1d nof have W1ndoWs.
a. Coecf. 1he besf suppess1on agenf of e1ecf1ca1 f1e ae CO2 and ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}.
b. lncoecf. 1he besf suppess1on agenf of e1ecf1ca1 f1e ae CO2 and ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}.
c. lncoecf. 1he besf suppess1on agenf of e1ecf1ca1 f1e ae CO2 and ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}.
d. lncoecf. 1he besf suppess1on agenf of e1ecf1ca1 f1e ae CO2 and ha1on {o
ha1on subsf1fufe}.
a. Coecf. 5ecu1fy zones shou1d be ceafed. An env1onmenfs space shou1d be
d1v1ded 1nfo zones W1fh d1ffeenf secu1fy 1eve1s, depend1ng upon Who needs fo be 1n
fhaf zone and fhe assoc1afed 1sk. Lach zone shou1d have a spec1f1c pofecf1on 1eve1
equ1ed of 1f, Wh1ch W111 he1p d1cfafe fhe fypes of confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf
1nfo p1ace.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy zones shou1d be ceafed. An env1onmenfs space shou1d be
d1v1ded 1nfo zones W1fh d1ffeenf secu1fy 1eve1s, depend1ng upon Who needs fo be 1n
fhaf zone and fhe assoc1afed 1sk. Lach zone shou1d have a spec1f1c pofecf1on 1eve1
equ1ed of 1f, Wh1ch W111 he1p d1cfafe fhe fypes of confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf
1nfo p1ace.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy zones shou1d be ceafed. An env1onmenfs space shou1d be
d1v1ded 1nfo zones W1fh d1ffeenf secu1fy 1eve1s, depend1ng upon Who needs fo be 1n
fhaf zone and fhe assoc1afed 1sk. Lach zone shou1d have a spec1f1c pofecf1on 1eve1
equ1ed of 1f, Wh1ch W111 he1p d1cfafe fhe fypes of confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf
1nfo p1ace.
d. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy zones shou1d be ceafed. An env1onmenfs space shou1d be
d1v1ded 1nfo zones W1fh d1ffeenf secu1fy 1eve1s, depend1ng upon Who needs fo be 1n
fhaf zone and fhe assoc1afed 1sk. Lach zone shou1d have a spec1f1c pofecf1on 1eve1
equ1ed of 1f, Wh1ch W111 he1p d1cfafe fhe fypes of confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf
1nfo p1ace.
a. lncoecf. 1he cosf of ma1nfa1n1ng a guad, e1fhe 1nfena11y o fhough an
exfena1 sev1ce, can be poh1b1f1ve.
b. lncoecf. 1he cosf of ma1nfa1n1ng a guad, e1fhe 1nfena11y o fhough an
exfena1 sev1ce, can be poh1b1f1ve.
c. lncoecf. 1he cosf of ma1nfa1n1ng a guad, e1fhe 1nfena11y o fhough an
exfena1 sev1ce, can be poh1b1f1ve.
d. Coecf. 1he cosf of ma1nfa1n1ng a guad, e1fhe 1nfena11y o fhough an
exfena1 sev1ce, can be poh1b1f1ve.
a. lncoecf. A C1ass C exf1ngu1she Wou1d be beffe fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e.
b. Coecf. A C1ass C exf1ngu1she Wou1d be beffe fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e.
c. lncoecf. A C1ass C exf1ngu1she Wou1d be beffe fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e.
d. lncoecf. A C1ass C exf1ngu1she Wou1d be beffe fo an e1ecf1ca1 f1e.
a. lncoecf. A1ams ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
b. Coecf. A1ams ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
c. lncoecf. A1ams ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
d. lncoecf. A1ams ae cons1deed phys1ca1 confo1s.
a. Coecf. use 11ghf1ng fo d1scouage 1nfudes and pov1de safefy fo pesonne1,
Page 17
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
enfances, pak1ng aeas and c1f1ca1 secf1ons. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d be 111um1nafed
feef h1gh and 2 feef ouf.
b. lncoecf. use 11ghf1ng fo d1scouage 1nfudes and pov1de safefy fo
pesonne1, enfances, pak1ng aeas and c1f1ca1 secf1ons. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d be
111um1nafed feef h1gh and 2 feef ouf.
c. lncoecf. use 11ghf1ng fo d1scouage 1nfudes and pov1de safefy fo
pesonne1, enfances, pak1ng aeas and c1f1ca1 secf1ons. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d be
111um1nafed feef h1gh and 2 feef ouf.
d. lncoecf. use 11ghf1ng fo d1scouage 1nfudes and pov1de safefy fo
pesonne1, enfances, pak1ng aeas and c1f1ca1 secf1ons. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d be
111um1nafed feef h1gh and 2 feef ouf.
a. lncoecf. A poWe sag 1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
b. Coecf. A poWe sag 1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
c. lncoecf. A poWe sag 1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
d. lncoecf. A poWe sag 1s a momenfay 1oW vo1fage.
a. lncoecf. CO2 sysfems ae effecf1ve because fhey suppess fhe oxygen supp1y
equ1ed fo susfa1n fhe f1e.
b. lncoecf. CO2 sysfems ae effecf1ve because fhey suppess fhe oxygen supp1y
equ1ed fo susfa1n fhe f1e.
c. Coecf. CO2 sysfems ae effecf1ve because fhey suppess fhe oxygen supp1y
equ1ed fo susfa1n fhe f1e.
d. lncoecf. CO2 sysfems ae effecf1ve because fhey suppess fhe oxygen supp1y
equ1ed fo susfa1n fhe f1e.
a. lncoecf. A dy p1pe sysfem 1s used 1n aeas Whee fhe Wafe 1n fhe p1pes 1s
subecf fo feez1ng, and fo m1n1m1ze fhe chances of acc1denfa1 d1schage of Wafe.
b. lncoecf. A dy p1pe sysfem 1s used 1n aeas Whee fhe Wafe 1n fhe p1pes 1s
subecf fo feez1ng, and fo m1n1m1ze fhe chances of acc1denfa1 d1schage of Wafe.
c. Coecf. A dy p1pe sysfem 1s used 1n aeas Whee fhe Wafe 1n fhe p1pes 1s
subecf fo feez1ng, and fo m1n1m1ze fhe chances of acc1denfa1 d1schage of Wafe.
d. lncoecf. A dy p1pe sysfem 1s used 1n aeas Whee fhe Wafe 1n fhe p1pes 1s
subecf fo feez1ng, and fo m1n1m1ze fhe chances of acc1denfa1 d1schage of Wafe.
a. Coecf. A po1onged poWe supp1y fhaf 1s be1oW noma1 vo1fage 1s a boWnouf.
b. lncoecf. A po1onged poWe supp1y fhaf 1s be1oW noma1 vo1fage 1s a boWnouf.
c. lncoecf. A po1onged poWe supp1y fhaf 1s be1oW noma1 vo1fage 1s a boWnouf.
d. lncoecf. A po1onged poWe supp1y fhaf 1s be1oW noma1 vo1fage 1s a boWnouf.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf counfemeasues fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed:
- L1m1f fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs.
- Ioce a11 guesfs fo go fo a fonf desk and s1gn 1n befoe enfe1ng fhe
- keduce fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs even fufhe affe hous o du1ng fhe Weekend,
When nof as many emp1oyees ae aound.
- have a secu1fy guad va11dafe a p1cfue lD befoe a11oW1ng enfance.
- kequ1e guesfs fo s1gn 1n and be escofed.
- Lncouage emp1oyees fo quesf1on sfanges.
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf counfemeasues fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed:
- L1m1f fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs.
- Ioce a11 guesfs fo go fo a fonf desk and s1gn 1n befoe enfe1ng fhe
- keduce fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs even fufhe affe hous o du1ng fhe Weekend,
When nof as many emp1oyees ae aound.
- have a secu1fy guad va11dafe a p1cfue lD befoe a11oW1ng enfance.
- kequ1e guesfs fo s1gn 1n and be escofed.
- Lncouage emp1oyees fo quesf1on sfanges.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf counfemeasues fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed:
- L1m1f fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs.
- Ioce a11 guesfs fo go fo a fonf desk and s1gn 1n befoe enfe1ng fhe
- keduce fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs even fufhe affe hous o du1ng fhe Weekend,
When nof as many emp1oyees ae aound.
- have a secu1fy guad va11dafe a p1cfue lD befoe a11oW1ng enfance.
- kequ1e guesfs fo s1gn 1n and be escofed.
- Lncouage emp1oyees fo quesf1on sfanges.
d. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng ae coecf counfemeasues fhaf can be 1mp1emenfed:
- L1m1f fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs.
- Ioce a11 guesfs fo go fo a fonf desk and s1gn 1n befoe enfe1ng fhe
- keduce fhe numbe of enfy po1nfs even fufhe affe hous o du1ng fhe Weekend,
When nof as many emp1oyees ae aound.
- have a secu1fy guad va11dafe a p1cfue lD befoe a11oW1ng enfance.
- kequ1e guesfs fo s1gn 1n and be escofed.
- Lncouage emp1oyees fo quesf1on sfanges.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
qu1z Name = Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3
1. May 1s fhe neW fac111fy secu1fy off1ce. 5he 1s espons1b1e fo ovesee1ng hoW
fhe companys fac111fy 1s consfucfed and ensu1ng fhe coecf counfemeasues and
bu11f 1nfo fhe fac111fy as equ1ed by fhe companys fheaf pof11e. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s 1easf 1mpofanf pefa1n1ng fo 1nfe1o and exfe1o doos?
1. Combusf1b111fy of mafe1a1
11. kes1sfance fo foc1b1e enfy
111. Lmegency mak1ng
1v. P1acemenf
v. 5ecue h1nges
v1. D1ecf1ona1 open1ng
v11. L1ecf1c doo 1ocks fhaf evef fo an un1ocked sfafe fo safe evacuaf1on 1n
poWe oufages
v111. 1ype of g1ass equ1emenfs
a. 111, v111
b. 1, 11, 111
c. v
d. v1
2. Du1ng fhe consfucf1on of he companys fac111fy, May has been fo1d fhaf 11ghf
fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 has been used fo bu11d fhe 1nfena1 Wa11s. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Why May 1s concened abouf fh1s 1ssue?
1. lf pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e
11. lf pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on aga1nsf foc1b1e enfy affempfs
111. lf 1s combusf1b1e
1v. lf pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of pofecf1on fo mounf1ng Wa11s and W1ndoWs
a. 1, 11, 1v
b. 1, 11
c. 111
d. 1, 11, 111
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ae coecf chaacfe1sf1cs of fac111fy consfucf1on
a. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s common1y used fo off1ce bu11d1ngs
b. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e suv1va1 afe of 30 m1nufes
c. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e afe of one hou
d. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s common1y used fo off1ce bu11d1ngs and has
a f1e afe of fWo hous
4. May 1s fhe neW fac111fy secu1fy off1ce and has been 1nfomed fhaf
1ncombusf1b1e and f1e-es1sfanf mafe1a1 has been 1nfegafed 1nfo fhe exfe1o
Wa11s of fhe fac111fy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf desc1pf1on of fh1s
a. lncombusf1b1e mafe1a1 pov1des a h1gh 1eve1 of f1e pofecf1on buf 1oses 1fs
sfengfh unde exfeme fempeafues
b. 5fee1 W111 nof bun, 1f may me1f and Weaken
c. 1he consfucf1on mafe1a1 has heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1
d. 1he consfucf1on mafe1a1 has sfee1 ods encased 1ns1de of concefe Wa11s and
suppof beams.
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s unfue pefa1n1ng fo fac111fy consfucf1on
1. Ca1cu1af1ons of appox1mafe penefaf1on f1mes fo d1ffeenf fypes of exp1os1ves
and affacks ae based on fhe fh1ckness of fhe concefe Wa11s and fhe gauge of eba
11. us1ng fh1cke eba and pope1y p1ac1ng 1f W1fh1n fhe concefe pov1des
1nceased pofecf1on.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
111. ke1nfoced Wa11s, eba, and fhe use of doub1e Wa11s can be used as de1ay1ng
1v. 5fee1 ods encased 1n concefe 1s efeed fo as eba.
a. 111
b. 1, 11
c. A11 of fhem
d. None of fhem
6. May has ensued fhaf fhe exfena1 doos of he companys fac111fy uses nonho11oW
doos fo pov1de fhe mosf pofecf1on. 1Wo monfhs affe fhe bu11d1ng 1s f1n1shed
be1ng bu11f she found ouf fhaf an 1nfude enfeed fhe fac111fy fhough fh1s doo.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng mosf 11ke1y fook p1ace?
a. 1he doo fame pov1ded fhe same amounf of pofecf1on fhaf fhe doo d1d
b. 1he h1nges d1d nof pov1de fhe same amounf of pofecf1on fhaf fhe doo d1d
c. 1he affacke enfeed fhe W1ndoW 1ghf nexf fo fhe doo
d. 1he doo Was made ouf of combusf1b1e mafe1a1
7. DooWays W1fh aufomaf1c 1ocks can be conf1gued fo be fa11-secue o fa11-safe.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeence of fhe fWo?
a. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs fhe
aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked.
b. A fa11-secue seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs fhe
aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked.
c. A fa11-safe conf1guaf1on means fhaf fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng 1ocked 1f fhee
ae any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
d. A fa11-secue seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs fhe
manua1 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked.
. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo choose fhe coecf fype of W1ndoWs When bu11d1ng a fac111fy.
Lach fype of W1ndoW pov1des a d1ffeenf 1eve1 of pofecf1on. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
1s a coecf desc1pf1on of W1ndoW g1ass fypes?
1. 5fandad g1ass 1s made by heaf1ng fhe g1ass and fhen sudden1y coo11ng 1f.
11. 1empeed g1ass W1ndoWs ae common1y used 1n es1denf1a1 homes and ae eas11y
111. Acy11c g1ass has fWo sheefs of g1ass W1fh a p1asf1c f11m 1n befWeen.
1v. Lam1nafed g1ass can be made ouf of po1ycabonafe acy11c, Wh1ch 1s sfonge fhan
sfandad g1ass buf poduces fox1c fumes 1f buned.
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 1v
d. 111
9. 8ecause dafa cenfes usua11y ho1d expens1ve equ1pmenf and fhe companys c1f1ca1
dafa, fhe1 pofecf1on shou1d be fhoough1y fhoughf ouf befoe 1mp1emenfaf1on. Wh1ch
of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe 1easf c1f1ca1 componenf When consfucf1ng a dafa cenfe?
1. 1he venfs and ducfs fom fhe hvAC sysfem shou1d be pofecfed W1fh some fype of
ba1e bas and shou1d be foo sma11 fo anyone fo caW1 fhough and ga1n access fo
fhe cenfe.
11. 1he dafa cenfe musf have pos1f1ve a1 pessue, so no confam1nanfs can be
sucked 1nfo fhe oom and 1nfo fhe compufes fans.
111. Dafa cenfes shou1d nof be 1ocafed on fhe fop f1oos because 1f Wou1d be moe
d1ff1cu1f fo an emegency ceW fo access 1f 1n a f1me1y fash1on 1n case of a f1e.
1v. Dafa cenfes shou1d nof be 1ocafed 1n basemenfs Whee f1ood1ng can affecf fhe
a. None of fhem
b. A11 of fhem
c. 1
d. 11
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
10. Wafe can cause exfens1ve damage fo equ1pmenf, f1oo1ng, Wa11s, compufes, and
fac111fy foundaf1ons. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf an ogan1zaf1on be ab1e fo defecf 1eaks
and unWanfed Wafe. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s unfue When 1f comes fo Wafe
a. 1he defecfos shou1d be unde a1sed f1oos
b. 1he defecfos shou1d be on dopped ce111ngs
c. Wafe defecfos shou1d nof be 11nked fo an a1am sysfem
d. 1he 1ocaf1on of fhe defecfos shou1d be documenfed and fhe1 pos1f1on maked fo
easy access.
11. lf 1s besf 1f fhe dafa cenfe 1s on a d1ffeenf e1ecf1ca1 sysfem fhan fhe esf
of fhe bu11d1ng. 1hus, 1f anyfh1ng negaf1ve1y affecfs fhe ma1n bu11d1ngs poWe, 1f
W111 nof cay ove and affecf fhe cenfe. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s unfue When 1f
comes fo e1ecf1ca1 sysfems fo a dafa cenfe?
a. 1he dafa cenfe may equ1e edundanf poWe supp11es, Wh1ch means fWo o moe
feedes com1ng 1n fom fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 subsfaf1ons.
b. 1Wo o moe e1ecf1ca1 feedes com1ng 1nfo 1fs fac111fy means fhaf edundancy 1s
aufomaf1ca11y 1n p1ace.
c. Dafa cenfes need fo have fhe1 oWn backup poWe supp11es, e1fhe an
un1nfeupfed poWe supp1y {uP5} o geneafos.
d. 1Wo e1ecf1ca1 feedes cou1d come fom fhe same subsfaf1on.
12. 1he fo11oW1ng 11sf pov1des many of fhe pofecf1on mechan1sms fhaf can be used
fo pofecf 1apfops and fhe dafa fhey ho1d. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe mosf
1. lnvenfoy a11 1apfops, 1nc1ud1ng se1a1 numbes so fhey can be pope1y
1denf1f1ed 1f ecoveed.
11. haden fhe opeaf1ng sysfem.
111. PassWod pofecf fhe 8lO5.
1v. Do nof check a 1apfop as 1uggage When f1y1ng.
v. Neve 1eave a 1apfop unaffended, and cay 1f 1n a nondesc1pf cay1ng case.
v1. Lngave fhe 1apfop W1fh a symbo1 o numbe fo pope 1denf1f1caf1on.
v11. use a s1of 1ock W1fh a cab1e fo connecf a 1apfop fo a sfaf1onay obecf.
v111. Lncypf a11 sens1f1ve dafa.
a. 11
b. v111
c. v, v1
d. 1, 11, v1
13. An un1nfeupfed poWe supp1y {uP5} can be on11ne o sfandby. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s a fue sfafemenf abouf one of fhese fypes?
a. On11ne uP5 sysfems use DC 11ne vo1fage fo chage a bank of baffe1es.
b. On11ne uP5 has an 1nvefe fhaf changes fhe AC oufpuf fom fhe baffe1es 1nfo
fhe equ1ed DC fom and fhaf egu1afes fhe vo1fage as 1f poWes compufe dev1ces.
c. 5fandby uP5 dev1ces sfay acf1ve unf11 a poWe 11ne fa11s.
d. 5fandby uP5 has sensos fhaf defecf a poWe fa11ue, and fhe 1oad 1s sW1fched fo
fhe baffey pack.
14. When c1ean poWe 1s be1ng pov1ded, fhe poWe supp1y confa1ns no 1nfefeence o
vo1fage f1ucfuaf1on. 1he poss1b1e fypes of 1nfefeence {11ne no1se} ae
e1ecfomagnef1c 1nfefeence {LMl} o ad1o fequency 1nfefeence {kIl}, Wh1ch 1s
d1sfubance fo fhe f1oW of e1ecf1c poWe Wh11e 1f fave1s acoss a poWe 11ne.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fue When 1f comes fo LMl and kIl?
a. L1ghfn1ng can 1nduce kIl, Wh1ch cou1d fhen 1nfeupf fhe pope f1oW of
e1ecf1ca1 cuenf as 1f fave1s ove W1es fo, fom, and W1fh1n bu11d1ngs.
b. L1ecf1ca1 mofos can 1nduce kIl, Wh1ch cou1d fhen 1nfeupf fhe pope f1oW of
e1ecf1ca1 cuenf as 1f fave1s ove W1es fo, fom, and W1fh1n bu11d1ngs.
c. LMl can be caused by anyfh1ng fhaf ceafes ad1o Waves.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
d. I1uoescenf 11ghf1ng 1s one of fhe ma1n causes of kIl W1fh1n bu11d1ngs foday
15. A dyWa11 sheef 1nsfa11ed on each s1de of a Wood sfud pov1des a
one-hou af1ng. lf fhe fh1ckness of fh1s dyWa11 1s doub1ed, fhen fh1s Wou1d be
g1ven a af1ng.
a. &#19, 1nch-fh1ck, fWo-hou
b. &#19, 1nch-fh1ck, fhee-hou
c. 5/-1nch-fh1ck, fWo-hou
d. 5/-1nch-fh1ck, fhee-hou
16. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1c of a smoke-acf1vafed
a. Can be used fo sound a Wan1ng a1am befoe fhe suppess1on sysfem acf1vafes
b. Can be conf1gued fo sound an a1am e1fhe When a pedef1ned fempeafue 1s
eached o When fhe fempeafue 1nceases ove a pe1od of f1me
c. A phofoe1ecf1c dev1ce 1s an examp1e of a smoke-acf1vafed defecfo
d. Good fo ea1y-Wan1ng dev1ces
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1ncoecf pefa1n1ng fo p1enum aeas?
a. W11ng and cab1es ae sfung fhough p1enum aeas, such as fhe space above
dopped ce111ngs, fhe space 1n Wa11 cav1f1es, and fhe space unde a1sed f1oos.
b. P1enum aeas shou1d have f1e defecfos.
c. On1y p1enum-afed cab11ng shou1d be used 1n p1enum aeas
d. P1enum-afed cab11ng 1s made ouf of mafe1a1 fhaf does nof bun
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf f1e fype and suppess1on mechan1sm
1. A - Wafe, foam
11. 8 - Gas, CO2, foam, dy poWdes
111. C - Gas, CO2, dy poWdes
1v. D - Dy poWde
a. 11
b. 111
c. None of fhem
d. A11 of fhem
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s unfue When 1f comes fo fype k f1es?
a. Commec1a1 k1fchens f1es
b. 5hou1d be puf ouf W1fh a dy chem1ca1
c. I1e suppess1on shou1d be a so1uf1on of pofass1um acefafe
d. Common1y cook1ng o11 f1es
20. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of W1ndoWs fhaf can be chosen When consfucf1ng a
fac111fy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof pov1de fhe coecf W1ndoW fype
1. 1empeed - G1ass 1s heafed and fhen coo1ed sudden1y fo 1ncease 1fs 1nfeg1fy and
11. Acy11c - A fype of p1asf1c 1nsfead of g1ass. Po1ycabonafe acy11cs ae
sfonge fhan egu1a acy11cs.
111. Lam1nafed - 1he p1asf1c 1aye befWeen fWo oufe g1ass 1ayes. 1he p1asf1c 1aye
he1ps 1ncease 1fs sfengfh aga1nsf beakage.
1v. 5o1a W1ndoW f11m - 1anspaenf f11m 1s app11ed fo fhe g1ass fo 1ncease 1fs
v. 5ecu1fy f11m - Pov1des exfa secu1fy by be1ng f1nfed and offes exfa sfengfh
due fo fhe f11ms mafe1a1.
a. 1v, v
b. 1, 11, 111, 1v
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
c. 1v, v
d. 1, 11, 111
21. A company shou1d fake geaf cae 1n dec1d1ng Wh1ch suppess1on agenf and sysfem
1s besf fo 1f. Iou ma1n fypes of Wafe sp1nk1e sysfems ae ava11ab1e: Wef p1pe,
dy p1pe, peacf1on, and de1uge. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf
a. Wef p1pe - Confa1n Wafe 1n fhe p1pes and ae usua11y d1schaged by fempeafue
confo1 1eve1 sensos.
b. Dy p1pe - 1he Wafe 1s confa1ned 1n a &quof,ho1d1ng fank&quof, unf11 1f 1s
c. Peacf1on - A fhema1-fus1b1e 11nk on fhe sp1nk1e head has fo me1f befoe fhe
Wafe 1s e1eased.
d. De1uge - 5p1nk1e heads W1de open fo a11oW a 1age vo1ume of Wafe fo be
e1eased ove a 1ong pe1od.
22. 1Wo ma1n fypes of mechan1ca1 1ocks ae ava11ab1e: fhe Waded 1ock and fhe
fumb1e 1ock. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1c pefa1n1ng fo
fhese 1ock fypes?
1. 1he Waded 1ock has Wads 1n 1f, Wh1ch ae mefa1 poecf1ons aound fhe sf1ke
11. 1he fumb1e 1ock has moe p1eces and pafs fhan a Wad 1ock.
111. ln a fumb1e 1ock fhe key f1fs 1nfo a cy11nde, Wh1ch a1ses fhe 1ock mefa1
p1eces fo fhe coecf he1ghf so fhe bo1f can s11de fo fhe 1ocked o un1ocked
1v. ln a fumb1e 1ock once a11 of fhe mefa1 p1eces ae af fhe coecf 1eve1, fhe
1nfena1 bo1f can be funed.
v. 1he Waded 1ock has a sp1ng-1oaded bo1f W1fh a nofch cuf 1n 1f. 1he key f1fs
1nfo fh1s nofch and s11des fhe bo1f fom fhe 1ocked fo fhe un1ocked pos1f1on.
a. 1, 11, 111
b. 1, 11
c. 1
d. 1v
23. Lach 1ock fype has coespond1ng foo1s fhaf can be used fo p1ck 1f {open 1f
W1fhouf fhe key}. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a 1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1c of fhe fypes
of 1ock1ng p1ck1ng fechn1ques 1n use foday?
a. A fens1on Wench 1s a foo1 shaped 11ke a v.
b. A fens1on Wench 1s used fo app1y fens1on fo fhe 1nfena1 cy11nde of a 1ock.
c. kak1ng 1s used fo c1cumvenf a p1n fumb1e 1ock, a 1ock p1ck 1s pushed fo fhe
back of fhe 1ock and qu1ck1y s11d ouf Wh11e pov1d1ng upWad pessue.
d. Lock bump1ng 1s a facf1c fhaf 1nfudes can use fo foce fhe p1ns 1n a fumb1e
1ock fo fhe1 open pos1f1on by us1ng a spec1a1 key.
24. 1he babed W1e on fop of fences can be f11fed 1n o ouf af a 45 degee ang1e,
Wh1ch pov1des exfa pofecf1on fo fhe pe1mefe. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a p1son,
1f Wou1d have fhe babed W1e on fop of fhe fenc1ng po1nfed , Wh1ch makes
1f hade fo p1sones fo c11mb and escape. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a m111fay base,
fhe babed W1e Wou1d be f11fed , mak1ng 1f hade fo someone fo c11mb
ove fhe fence and ga1n access fo fhe pem1ses.
a. ln, ouf
b. Ouf, 1n
c. 51deWays, 1n
d. Ouf, s1deWays
25. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s unfue When 1f comes fo fenc1ng 1n c1f1ca1 aeas?
a. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have fences af 1easf fen feef h1gh fo pov1de fhe pope
1eve1 of pofecf1on.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
b. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof sag 1n any aeas and musf be fauf and secue1y connecfed
fo fhe posfs.
c. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof be eas11y c1cumvenfed by pu111ng up 1fs posfs.
d. 1he posfs shou1d be bu1ed suff1c1enf1y deep 1n fhe gound and shou1d be secued
W1fh concefe fo ensue fhe posfs cannof be dug up o f1ed fo veh1c1es and
26. 5andy needs fo 1mp1emenf fhe 1ghf fype of fenc1ng 1n an aea Whee fhee 1s no
foof faff1c o obsevaf1on capab111f1es. 5andy has dec1ded fo 1mp1emenf a Pe1mefe
lnfus1on Defecf1on and Assessmenf 5ysfem. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a
chaacfe1sf1c of fh1s fype of fence?
1. lf has sensos 1ocafed on fhe W1e mesh and af fhe base of fhe fence
11. lf can defecf 1f someone affempfs fo cuf o c11mb fhe fence
111. lf has a pass1ve cab1e v1baf1on senso fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f an 1nfus1on
1s defecfed
1v. lf can cause many fa1se a1ams
a. 1
b. 1, 11
c. A11 of fhem
d. None of fhem
27. lf a company has an open pak1ng 1of, fhen 11ghf po1es musf be pos1f1oned W1fh1n
fhe coecf d1sfance of each ofhe fo e11m1nafe any dead spofs. lf fhe 1amps fhaf
W111 be used pov1de a 30-foof ad1us of 111um1naf1on, fhen fhe 11ghf po1es shou1d
be eecfed 1ess fhan feef apaf so fhee 1s an ove1ap befWeen fhe aeas of
a. 35
b. 40
c. 30
d. 45
2. fakes p1ace When an lD5 defecfs susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es and
funs on fhe 11ghfs W1fh1n a spec1f1c aea. When fh1s fype of fechno1ogy 1s p1ugged
1nfo aufomafed lD5 poducfs, fhee 1s a h1gh 11ke11hood of fa1se a1ams. lnsfead of
conf1nuous1y hav1ng fo d1spafch a secu1fy guad fo check ouf fhese 1ssues, a CC1v
camea can be 1nsfa11ed fo scan fhe aea fo 1nfudes.
a. kespons1ve aea 111um1naf1on
b. 5fandby 11ghf1ng
c. Conf1nuous 11ghf1ng
d. keacf1ve 11ghf1ng
29. CC1vs shou1d have some fype of ecod1ng sysfem. D1g1fa1 ecodes save 1mages
fo and a11oW advanced seach fechn1ques fhaf ae nof poss1b1e W1fh
a. v1deo fape, had d1ves
b. had d1ves, v1deo fape
c. Dup1exed d1sks, had d1ves
d. C1usfes, dup1exed d1sks
30. Mosf of fhe CC1v cameas 1n use foday emp1oy 11ghf-sens1f1ve ch1ps ca11ed
chaged-coup1ed dev1ces {CCDs}. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf
chaacfe1sf1c of CCDs?
a. lmages ae focused fhough a 1ens onfo fhe CCD ch1p suface, Wh1ch foms fhe
e1ecf1ca1 epesenfaf1on of fhe opf1ca1 1mage.
b. CCD a11oWs fo fhe capfue of exfaod1nay defa11 of obecfs and pec1se
epesenfaf1on, because 1f has sensos fhaf Wok 1n fhe 1nfaed ange, Wh1ch
exfends beyond human pecepf1on.
c. 1he CCD 1s a mechan1ca1 c1cu1f fhaf ece1ves 1npuf 11ghf fom fhe 1ens and
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
convefs 1f 1nfo an e1ecfon1c s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s fhen d1sp1ayed on fhe mon1fo.
d. 1he CCD senso p1cks up fh1s exfa &quof,dafa&quof, and 1nfegafes 1f 1nfo fhe
1mages shoWn on fhe mon1fo fo a11oW fo beffe ganu1a1fy and qua11fy 1n fhe
31. 1he of a CC1v 1ens def1nes 1fs effecf1veness 1n v1eW1ng obecfs fom
a ho1zonfa1 and vef1ca1 v1eW. 1he foca1 1engfh va1ue e1afes fo fhe ang1e of v1eW
fhaf can be ach1eved. foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de W1de-ang1e v1eWs, Wh11e
foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de a naoWe v1eW.
a. Ioca1 1engfh, 1ong, shof
b. Ioca1 1engfh, shof, 1ong
c. va1foca1, shof, 1ong
d. va1foca1, 1ong, shof
32. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1s necessay fo undesfand When choos1ng fhe coecf 1enses
and conf1guaf1ons fo you companys CC1v. 1he depfh of f1e1d efes fo fhe pof1on
of fhe env1onmenf fhaf 1s 1n focus When shoWn on fhe mon1fo. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s 1ncoecf?
a. 1he depfh of f1e1d va1es depend1ng upon fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng, fhe
d1sfance of fhe obecf be1ng focused on, and fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens
b. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1nceases as fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng deceases
c. 1he subecf d1sfance 1nceases, o fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens deceases
d. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on needs fo cove a 1age aea and nof focus on spec1f1c 1fems,
1f 1s besf fo use a W1de-ang1e 1ens and a 1age 1ens open1ng
33. CC1v 1enses have 11ses, Wh1ch confo1 fhe amounf of 11ghf fhaf enfes fhe 1ens.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1c of fhe fypes of CC1v 11ses
fhaf ae ava11ab1e?
1. Aufomafed 11s 1enses have a 1ng aound fhe CC1v 1ens fhaf can be manua11y
funed and confo11ed.
11. A 1ens W1fh a manua1 11s Wou1d be used 1n aeas fhaf have f1xed 11ghf1ng, s1nce
fhe 11s cannof se1f-adusf fo changes of 11ghf.
111. An aufo 11s 1ens shou1d be used 1n env1onmenfs Whee fhe 11ghf changes, as 1n
an oufdoo seff1ng.
1v. As fhe env1onmenf b1ghfens, fh1s 1s sensed by fhe manua1 11s, Wh1ch
aufomaf1ca11y adusfs 1fse1f.
a. 11, 111
b. 1, 1v
c. 1, 111
d. 11, 1v
34. Phys1ca1 secu1fy lD5s can be used fo defecf 1nfudes by emp1oy1ng
e1ecfomechan1ca1 sysfems o vo1umef1c sysfems. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des fhe
coecf def1n1f1on mapp1ng?
1. L1ecfomechan1ca1 sysfems Wok by defecf1ng a change o beak 1n a c1cu1f.
11. A phofoe1ecf1c sysfem defecfs fhe change 1n a 11ghf beam and fhus can be used
on1y 1n ooms W1fh W1ndoWs.
111. A pass1ve 1nfaed sysfem 1denf1f1es fhe changes of magnef1c Waves 1n an aea
1f 1s conf1gued fo mon1fo.
1v. An acousf1ca1 defecf1on sysfem uses embedded mesh 1nsfa11ed on f1oos, Wa11s, o
v. Wave-paffen mof1on defecfos d1ffeences 1n fhe amp11fudes of fhe Waves fhey
v1. A pox1m1fy defecfo em1fs a measuab1e magnef1c f1e1d. 1he defecfo mon1fos
fh1s magnef1c f1e1d, and an a1am sounds 1f fhe f1e1d 1s comp1efed.
a. 1
b. 11, 111, 1v
c. v, v1
d. 11, v, v1
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
35. 1he hvAC sysfem shou1d ma1nfa1n fhe appop1afe fempeafue and hum1d1fy 1eve1s,
pov1de a1-cond1f1on1ng, and pessu1zaf1on and
a. C1cu1afed, pos1f1ve
b. C1osed-1oop ec1cu1af1ng, pos1f1ve
c. C1osed-1oop ec1cu1af1ng, c1osed
d. C1cu1afed, c1osed
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Ouf of a11 fhe cho1ces d1ecf1ona1 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf When 1f
comes fo secu1ng fhe env1onmenf.
b. lncoecf. Ouf of a11 fhe cho1ces d1ecf1ona1 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf When 1f
comes fo secu1ng fhe env1onmenf.
c. lncoecf. Ouf of a11 fhe cho1ces d1ecf1ona1 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf When 1f
comes fo secu1ng fhe env1onmenf.
d. Coecf. Ouf of a11 fhe cho1ces d1ecf1ona1 1s fhe 1easf 1mpofanf When 1f comes
fo secu1ng fhe env1onmenf.
a. lncoecf. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of
pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foc1b1e enfy affempfs. lf 1s composed of unfeafed
1umbe fhaf Wou1d be combusf1b1e du1ng a f1e. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s
usua11y used fo bu11d homes, p1ma11y because 1f 1s cheap, buf a1so because homes
fyp1ca11y ae nof unde fhe same fypes of f1e and 1nfus1on fheafs fhaf off1ce
bu11d1ngs ae.
b. Coecf. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of
pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foc1b1e enfy affempfs. lf 1s composed of unfeafed
1umbe fhaf Wou1d be combusf1b1e du1ng a f1e. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s
usua11y used fo bu11d homes, p1ma11y because 1f 1s cheap, buf a1so because homes
fyp1ca11y ae nof unde fhe same fypes of f1e and 1nfus1on fheafs fhaf off1ce
bu11d1ngs ae.
c. lncoecf. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of
pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foc1b1e enfy affempfs. lf 1s composed of unfeafed
1umbe fhaf Wou1d be combusf1b1e du1ng a f1e. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s
usua11y used fo bu11d homes, p1ma11y because 1f 1s cheap, buf a1so because homes
fyp1ca11y ae nof unde fhe same fypes of f1e and 1nfus1on fheafs fhaf off1ce
bu11d1ngs ae.
d. lncoecf. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 pov1des fhe 1easf amounf of
pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foc1b1e enfy affempfs. lf 1s composed of unfeafed
1umbe fhaf Wou1d be combusf1b1e du1ng a f1e. L1ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s
usua11y used fo bu11d homes, p1ma11y because 1f 1s cheap, buf a1so because homes
fyp1ca11y ae nof unde fhe same fypes of f1e and 1nfus1on fheafs fhaf off1ce
bu11d1ngs ae.
a. lncoecf. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s common1y used fo off1ce
bu11d1ngs. Combusf1b1e 1umbe 1s sf111 used 1n fh1s fype of consfucf1on, buf fhee
ae equ1emenfs on fhe fh1ckness and compos1f1on of fhe mafe1a1s fo pov1de moe
pofecf1on fom f1e. 1he consfucf1on mafe1a1s musf be af 1easf fou 1nches 1n
fh1ckness. Moe dense Woods ae used and ae fasfened W1fh mefa1 bo1fs and p1afes.
Wheeas 11ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e suv1va1 afe of 30 m1nufes,
fhe heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e afe of one hou.
b. lncoecf. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s common1y used fo off1ce
bu11d1ngs. Combusf1b1e 1umbe 1s sf111 used 1n fh1s fype of consfucf1on, buf fhee
ae equ1emenfs on fhe fh1ckness and compos1f1on of fhe mafe1a1s fo pov1de moe
pofecf1on fom f1e. 1he consfucf1on mafe1a1s musf be af 1easf fou 1nches 1n
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
fh1ckness. Moe dense Woods ae used and ae fasfened W1fh mefa1 bo1fs and p1afes.
Wheeas 11ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e suv1va1 afe of 30 m1nufes,
fhe heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e afe of one hou.
c. lncoecf. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s common1y used fo off1ce
bu11d1ngs. Combusf1b1e 1umbe 1s sf111 used 1n fh1s fype of consfucf1on, buf fhee
ae equ1emenfs on fhe fh1ckness and compos1f1on of fhe mafe1a1s fo pov1de moe
pofecf1on fom f1e. 1he consfucf1on mafe1a1s musf be af 1easf fou 1nches 1n
fh1ckness. Moe dense Woods ae used and ae fasfened W1fh mefa1 bo1fs and p1afes.
Wheeas 11ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e suv1va1 afe of 30 m1nufes,
fhe heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e afe of one hou.
d. Coecf. heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 1s common1y used fo off1ce
bu11d1ngs. Combusf1b1e 1umbe 1s sf111 used 1n fh1s fype of consfucf1on, buf fhee
ae equ1emenfs on fhe fh1ckness and compos1f1on of fhe mafe1a1s fo pov1de moe
pofecf1on fom f1e. 1he consfucf1on mafe1a1s musf be af 1easf fou 1nches 1n
fh1ckness. Moe dense Woods ae used and ae fasfened W1fh mefa1 bo1fs and p1afes.
Wheeas 11ghf fame consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e suv1va1 afe of 30 m1nufes,
fhe heavy f1mbe consfucf1on mafe1a1 has a f1e afe of one hou.
a. lncoecf. A bu11d1ng cou1d be made up of 1ncombusf1b1e mafe1a1, such as sfee1,
Wh1ch pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of f1e pofecf1on fhan fhe pev1ous1y menf1oned
mafe1a1s, buf 1oses 1fs sfengfh unde exfeme fempeafues, somefh1ng fhaf may
cause fhe bu11d1ng fo co11apse. 5o, a1fhough fhe sfee1 W111 nof bun, 1f may me1f
and Weaken. lf a bu11d1ng cons1sfs of f1e-es1sfanf mafe1a1, fhe consfucf1on
mafe1a1 1s f1e-efadanf and has sfee1 ods encased 1ns1de of concefe Wa11s and
suppof beams. 1h1s pov1des fhe mosf pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foced enfy
b. lncoecf. A bu11d1ng cou1d be made up of 1ncombusf1b1e mafe1a1, such as sfee1,
Wh1ch pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of f1e pofecf1on fhan fhe pev1ous1y menf1oned
mafe1a1s, buf 1oses 1fs sfengfh unde exfeme fempeafues, somefh1ng fhaf may
cause fhe bu11d1ng fo co11apse. 5o, a1fhough fhe sfee1 W111 nof bun, 1f may me1f
and Weaken. lf a bu11d1ng cons1sfs of f1e-es1sfanf mafe1a1, fhe consfucf1on
mafe1a1 1s f1e-efadanf and has sfee1 ods encased 1ns1de of concefe Wa11s and
suppof beams. 1h1s pov1des fhe mosf pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foced enfy
c. Coecf. A bu11d1ng cou1d be made up of 1ncombusf1b1e mafe1a1, such as sfee1,
Wh1ch pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of f1e pofecf1on fhan fhe pev1ous1y menf1oned
mafe1a1s, buf 1oses 1fs sfengfh unde exfeme fempeafues, somefh1ng fhaf may
cause fhe bu11d1ng fo co11apse. 5o, a1fhough fhe sfee1 W111 nof bun, 1f may me1f
and Weaken. lf a bu11d1ng cons1sfs of f1e-es1sfanf mafe1a1, fhe consfucf1on
mafe1a1 1s f1e-efadanf and has sfee1 ods encased 1ns1de of concefe Wa11s and
suppof beams. 1h1s pov1des fhe mosf pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foced enfy
d. lncoecf. A bu11d1ng cou1d be made up of 1ncombusf1b1e mafe1a1, such as sfee1,
Wh1ch pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of f1e pofecf1on fhan fhe pev1ous1y menf1oned
mafe1a1s, buf 1oses 1fs sfengfh unde exfeme fempeafues, somefh1ng fhaf may
cause fhe bu11d1ng fo co11apse. 5o, a1fhough fhe sfee1 W111 nof bun, 1f may me1f
and Weaken. lf a bu11d1ng cons1sfs of f1e-es1sfanf mafe1a1, fhe consfucf1on
mafe1a1 1s f1e-efadanf and has sfee1 ods encased 1ns1de of concefe Wa11s and
suppof beams. 1h1s pov1des fhe mosf pofecf1on aga1nsf f1e and foced enfy
a. lncoecf. Ca1cu1af1ons of appox1mafe penefaf1on f1mes fo d1ffeenf fypes of
exp1os1ves and affacks ae based on fhe fh1ckness of fhe concefe Wa11s and fhe
gauge of eba used. {keba efes fo fhe sfee1 ods encased W1fh1n fhe concefe.}
5o even 1f fhe concefe Wee damaged, 1f Wou1d fake 1onge fo acfua11y cuf o beak
fhough fhe eba. us1ng fh1cke eba and pope1y p1ac1ng 1f W1fh1n fhe concefe
pov1des even moe pofecf1on. ke1nfoced Wa11s, eba, and fhe use of doub1e Wa11s
can be used as de1ay1ng mechan1sms. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f W111 fake fhe bad guy 1onge
fo gef fhough fWo e1nfoced Wa11s, Wh1ch g1ves fhe esponse foce suff1c1enf f1me
fo a1ve af fhe scene and sfop fhe affacke.
b. lncoecf. Ca1cu1af1ons of appox1mafe penefaf1on f1mes fo d1ffeenf fypes of
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
exp1os1ves and affacks ae based on fhe fh1ckness of fhe concefe Wa11s and fhe
gauge of eba used. {keba efes fo fhe sfee1 ods encased W1fh1n fhe concefe.}
5o even 1f fhe concefe Wee damaged, 1f Wou1d fake 1onge fo acfua11y cuf o beak
fhough fhe eba. us1ng fh1cke eba and pope1y p1ac1ng 1f W1fh1n fhe concefe
pov1des even moe pofecf1on. ke1nfoced Wa11s, eba, and fhe use of doub1e Wa11s
can be used as de1ay1ng mechan1sms. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f W111 fake fhe bad guy 1onge
fo gef fhough fWo e1nfoced Wa11s, Wh1ch g1ves fhe esponse foce suff1c1enf f1me
fo a1ve af fhe scene and sfop fhe affacke.
c. lncoecf. Ca1cu1af1ons of appox1mafe penefaf1on f1mes fo d1ffeenf fypes of
exp1os1ves and affacks ae based on fhe fh1ckness of fhe concefe Wa11s and fhe
gauge of eba used. {keba efes fo fhe sfee1 ods encased W1fh1n fhe concefe.}
5o even 1f fhe concefe Wee damaged, 1f Wou1d fake 1onge fo acfua11y cuf o beak
fhough fhe eba. us1ng fh1cke eba and pope1y p1ac1ng 1f W1fh1n fhe concefe
pov1des even moe pofecf1on. ke1nfoced Wa11s, eba, and fhe use of doub1e Wa11s
can be used as de1ay1ng mechan1sms. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f W111 fake fhe bad guy 1onge
fo gef fhough fWo e1nfoced Wa11s, Wh1ch g1ves fhe esponse foce suff1c1enf f1me
fo a1ve af fhe scene and sfop fhe affacke.
d. Coecf. Ca1cu1af1ons of appox1mafe penefaf1on f1mes fo d1ffeenf fypes of
exp1os1ves and affacks ae based on fhe fh1ckness of fhe concefe Wa11s and fhe
gauge of eba used. {keba efes fo fhe sfee1 ods encased W1fh1n fhe concefe.}
5o even 1f fhe concefe Wee damaged, 1f Wou1d fake 1onge fo acfua11y cuf o beak
fhough fhe eba. us1ng fh1cke eba and pope1y p1ac1ng 1f W1fh1n fhe concefe
pov1des even moe pofecf1on. ke1nfoced Wa11s, eba, and fhe use of doub1e Wa11s
can be used as de1ay1ng mechan1sms. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f W111 fake fhe bad guy 1onge
fo gef fhough fWo e1nfoced Wa11s, Wh1ch g1ves fhe esponse foce suff1c1enf f1me
fo a1ve af fhe scene and sfop fhe affacke.
a. lncoecf. 1he Weakesf pof1on of fhe sfucfue, usua11y 1fs doos and W1ndoWs,
W111 11ke1y be affacked f1sf. W1fh egad fo doos, fhe Weaknesses usua11y 11e
W1fh1n fhe fames, h1nges, and doo mafe1a1. 1he bo1fs, fames, h1nges, and
mafe1a1 fhaf make up fhe doo shou1d a11 pov1de fhe same 1eve1 of sfengfh and
pofecf1on. Io examp1e, 1f a company 1mp1emenfs a heavy, nonho11oW sfee1 doo buf
uses Weak h1nges fhaf cou1d be eas11y exfacfed, fhe company 1s usf Wasf1ng money.
1he affacke can usf emove fhe h1nges and emove fh1s sfong and heavy doo.
b. Coecf. 1he Weakesf pof1on of fhe sfucfue, usua11y 1fs doos and W1ndoWs,
W111 11ke1y be affacked f1sf. W1fh egad fo doos, fhe Weaknesses usua11y 11e
W1fh1n fhe fames, h1nges, and doo mafe1a1. 1he bo1fs, fames, h1nges, and
mafe1a1 fhaf make up fhe doo shou1d a11 pov1de fhe same 1eve1 of sfengfh and
pofecf1on. Io examp1e, 1f a company 1mp1emenfs a heavy, nonho11oW sfee1 doo buf
uses Weak h1nges fhaf cou1d be eas11y exfacfed, fhe company 1s usf Wasf1ng money.
1he affacke can usf emove fhe h1nges and emove fh1s sfong and heavy doo.
c. lncoecf. 1he Weakesf pof1on of fhe sfucfue, usua11y 1fs doos and W1ndoWs,
W111 11ke1y be affacked f1sf. W1fh egad fo doos, fhe Weaknesses usua11y 11e
W1fh1n fhe fames, h1nges, and doo mafe1a1. 1he bo1fs, fames, h1nges, and
mafe1a1 fhaf make up fhe doo shou1d a11 pov1de fhe same 1eve1 of sfengfh and
pofecf1on. Io examp1e, 1f a company 1mp1emenfs a heavy, nonho11oW sfee1 doo buf
uses Weak h1nges fhaf cou1d be eas11y exfacfed, fhe company 1s usf Wasf1ng money.
1he affacke can usf emove fhe h1nges and emove fh1s sfong and heavy doo.
d. lncoecf. 1he Weakesf pof1on of fhe sfucfue, usua11y 1fs doos and W1ndoWs,
W111 11ke1y be affacked f1sf. W1fh egad fo doos, fhe Weaknesses usua11y 11e
W1fh1n fhe fames, h1nges, and doo mafe1a1. 1he bo1fs, fames, h1nges, and
mafe1a1 fhaf make up fhe doo shou1d a11 pov1de fhe same 1eve1 of sfengfh and
pofecf1on. Io examp1e, 1f a company 1mp1emenfs a heavy, nonho11oW sfee1 doo buf
uses Weak h1nges fhaf cou1d be eas11y exfacfed, fhe company 1s usf Wasf1ng money.
1he affacke can usf emove fhe h1nges and emove fh1s sfong and heavy doo.
a. Coecf. DooWays W1fh aufomaf1c 1ocks can be conf1gued fo be fa11-secue o
fa11-safe. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs
fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked. Ia11-safe dea1s
d1ecf1y W1fh pofecf1ng peop1e. lf peop1e Wok 1n an aea and fhee 1s a f1e o
fhe poWe 1s 1osf, 1f 1s nof a good 1dea fo 1ock fhem 1n. 1h1s Wou1d nof make you
Page 10
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
many f1ends. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee ae any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
b. lncoecf. DooWays W1fh aufomaf1c 1ocks can be conf1gued fo be fa11-secue o
fa11-safe. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs
fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked. Ia11-safe dea1s
d1ecf1y W1fh pofecf1ng peop1e. lf peop1e Wok 1n an aea and fhee 1s a f1e o
fhe poWe 1s 1osf, 1f 1s nof a good 1dea fo 1ock fhem 1n. 1h1s Wou1d nof make you
many f1ends. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee ae any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
c. lncoecf. DooWays W1fh aufomaf1c 1ocks can be conf1gued fo be fa11-secue o
fa11-safe. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs
fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked. Ia11-safe dea1s
d1ecf1y W1fh pofecf1ng peop1e. lf peop1e Wok 1n an aea and fhee 1s a f1e o
fhe poWe 1s 1osf, 1f 1s nof a good 1dea fo 1ock fhem 1n. 1h1s Wou1d nof make you
many f1ends. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee ae any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.
d. lncoecf. DooWays W1fh aufomaf1c 1ocks can be conf1gued fo be fa11-secue o
fa11-safe. A fa11-safe seff1ng means fhaf 1f a poWe d1supf1on occus fhaf affecfs
fhe aufomafed 1ock1ng sysfem, fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng un1ocked. Ia11-safe dea1s
d1ecf1y W1fh pofecf1ng peop1e. lf peop1e Wok 1n an aea and fhee 1s a f1e o
fhe poWe 1s 1osf, 1f 1s nof a good 1dea fo 1ock fhem 1n. 1h1s Wou1d nof make you
many f1ends. A fa11-secue conf1guaf1on means fhaf fhe doos defau1f fo be1ng
1ocked 1f fhee ae any pob1ems W1fh fhe poWe.

a. lncoecf. 5fandad g1ass W1ndoWs ae common1y used 1n es1denf1a1 homes and ae

eas11y boken. 1empeed g1ass 1s made by heaf1ng fhe g1ass and fhen sudden1y coo11ng
1f. 1h1s 1nceases 1fs mechan1ca1 sfengfh, Wh1ch means 1f can hand1e moe sfess
and 1s hade fo beak. lf 1s usua11y f1ve fo seven f1mes sfonge fhan sfandad
g1ass. Acy11c g1ass can be made ouf of po1ycabonafe acy11c, Wh1ch 1s sfonge
fhan sfandad g1ass buf poduces fox1c fumes 1f buned. Lam1nafed g1ass has fWo
sheefs of g1ass W1fh a p1asf1c f11m 1n befWeen. 1h1s added p1asf1c makes 1f much
moe d1ff1cu1f fo beak fhe W1ndoW.
b. Coecf. 5fandad g1ass W1ndoWs ae common1y used 1n es1denf1a1 homes and ae
eas11y boken. 1empeed g1ass 1s made by heaf1ng fhe g1ass and fhen sudden1y coo11ng
1f. 1h1s 1nceases 1fs mechan1ca1 sfengfh, Wh1ch means 1f can hand1e moe sfess
and 1s hade fo beak. lf 1s usua11y f1ve fo seven f1mes sfonge fhan sfandad
g1ass. Acy11c g1ass can be made ouf of po1ycabonafe acy11c, Wh1ch 1s sfonge
fhan sfandad g1ass buf poduces fox1c fumes 1f buned. Lam1nafed g1ass has fWo
sheefs of g1ass W1fh a p1asf1c f11m 1n befWeen. 1h1s added p1asf1c makes 1f much
moe d1ff1cu1f fo beak fhe W1ndoW.
c. lncoecf. 5fandad g1ass W1ndoWs ae common1y used 1n es1denf1a1 homes and ae
eas11y boken. 1empeed g1ass 1s made by heaf1ng fhe g1ass and fhen sudden1y coo11ng
1f. 1h1s 1nceases 1fs mechan1ca1 sfengfh, Wh1ch means 1f can hand1e moe sfess
and 1s hade fo beak. lf 1s usua11y f1ve fo seven f1mes sfonge fhan sfandad
g1ass. Acy11c g1ass can be made ouf of po1ycabonafe acy11c, Wh1ch 1s sfonge
fhan sfandad g1ass buf poduces fox1c fumes 1f buned. Lam1nafed g1ass has fWo
sheefs of g1ass W1fh a p1asf1c f11m 1n befWeen. 1h1s added p1asf1c makes 1f much
moe d1ff1cu1f fo beak fhe W1ndoW.
d. lncoecf. 5fandad g1ass W1ndoWs ae common1y used 1n es1denf1a1 homes and ae
eas11y boken. 1empeed g1ass 1s made by heaf1ng fhe g1ass and fhen sudden1y coo11ng
1f. 1h1s 1nceases 1fs mechan1ca1 sfengfh, Wh1ch means 1f can hand1e moe sfess
and 1s hade fo beak. lf 1s usua11y f1ve fo seven f1mes sfonge fhan sfandad
g1ass. Acy11c g1ass can be made ouf of po1ycabonafe acy11c, Wh1ch 1s sfonge
fhan sfandad g1ass buf poduces fox1c fumes 1f buned. Lam1nafed g1ass has fWo
sheefs of g1ass W1fh a p1asf1c f11m 1n befWeen. 1h1s added p1asf1c makes 1f much
moe d1ff1cu1f fo beak fhe W1ndoW.
a. Coecf. 1hey ae a11 equa11y 1mpofanf.
b. lncoecf. 1hey ae a11 equa11y 1mpofanf.
c. lncoecf. 1hey ae a11 equa11y 1mpofanf.
d. lncoecf. 1hey ae a11 equa11y 1mpofanf.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. Wafe can cause exfens1ve damage fo equ1pmenf, f1oo1ng, Wa11s,
compufes, and fac111fy foundaf1ons. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf an ogan1zaf1on be ab1e fo
defecf 1eaks and unWanfed Wafe. 1he defecfos shou1d be unde a1sed f1oos and on
dopped ce111ngs {fo defecf 1eaks fom fhe f1oo above 1f}. 1he 1ocaf1on of fhe
defecfos shou1d be documenfed and fhe1 pos1f1on maked fo easy access. As smoke
and f1e defecfos shou1d be f1ed fo an a1am sysfem, so shou1d Wafe defecfos. 1he
a1ams usua11y usf a1ef fhe necessay sfaff membes and nof eveyone 1n fhe
bu11d1ng. 1he sfaff membes Who ae espons1b1e fo fo11oW1ng up When an a1am
sounds shou1d be fa1ned pope1y on hoW fo educe any pofenf1a1 Wafe damage.
8efoe any pok1ng aound fo see Whee Wafe 1s o 1s nof poo11ng 1n p1aces 1f does
nof be1ong, fhe e1ecf1c1fy fo fhaf paf1cu1a zone of fhe bu11d1ng shou1d be
fempoa11y funed off.
b. lncoecf. Wafe can cause exfens1ve damage fo equ1pmenf, f1oo1ng, Wa11s,
compufes, and fac111fy foundaf1ons. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf an ogan1zaf1on be ab1e fo
defecf 1eaks and unWanfed Wafe. 1he defecfos shou1d be unde a1sed f1oos and on
dopped ce111ngs {fo defecf 1eaks fom fhe f1oo above 1f}. 1he 1ocaf1on of fhe
defecfos shou1d be documenfed and fhe1 pos1f1on maked fo easy access. As smoke
and f1e defecfos shou1d be f1ed fo an a1am sysfem, so shou1d Wafe defecfos. 1he
a1ams usua11y usf a1ef fhe necessay sfaff membes and nof eveyone 1n fhe
bu11d1ng. 1he sfaff membes Who ae espons1b1e fo fo11oW1ng up When an a1am
sounds shou1d be fa1ned pope1y on hoW fo educe any pofenf1a1 Wafe damage.
8efoe any pok1ng aound fo see Whee Wafe 1s o 1s nof poo11ng 1n p1aces 1f does
nof be1ong, fhe e1ecf1c1fy fo fhaf paf1cu1a zone of fhe bu11d1ng shou1d be
fempoa11y funed off.
c. Coecf. Wafe can cause exfens1ve damage fo equ1pmenf, f1oo1ng, Wa11s,
compufes, and fac111fy foundaf1ons. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf an ogan1zaf1on be ab1e fo
defecf 1eaks and unWanfed Wafe. 1he defecfos shou1d be unde a1sed f1oos and on
dopped ce111ngs {fo defecf 1eaks fom fhe f1oo above 1f}. 1he 1ocaf1on of fhe
defecfos shou1d be documenfed and fhe1 pos1f1on maked fo easy access. As smoke
and f1e defecfos shou1d be f1ed fo an a1am sysfem, so shou1d Wafe defecfos. 1he
a1ams usua11y usf a1ef fhe necessay sfaff membes and nof eveyone 1n fhe
bu11d1ng. 1he sfaff membes Who ae espons1b1e fo fo11oW1ng up When an a1am
sounds shou1d be fa1ned pope1y on hoW fo educe any pofenf1a1 Wafe damage.
8efoe any pok1ng aound fo see Whee Wafe 1s o 1s nof poo11ng 1n p1aces 1f does
nof be1ong, fhe e1ecf1c1fy fo fhaf paf1cu1a zone of fhe bu11d1ng shou1d be
fempoa11y funed off.
d. lncoecf. Wafe can cause exfens1ve damage fo equ1pmenf, f1oo1ng, Wa11s,
compufes, and fac111fy foundaf1ons. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf an ogan1zaf1on be ab1e fo
defecf 1eaks and unWanfed Wafe. 1he defecfos shou1d be unde a1sed f1oos and on
dopped ce111ngs {fo defecf 1eaks fom fhe f1oo above 1f}. 1he 1ocaf1on of fhe
defecfos shou1d be documenfed and fhe1 pos1f1on maked fo easy access. As smoke
and f1e defecfos shou1d be f1ed fo an a1am sysfem, so shou1d Wafe defecfos. 1he
a1ams usua11y usf a1ef fhe necessay sfaff membes and nof eveyone 1n fhe
bu11d1ng. 1he sfaff membes Who ae espons1b1e fo fo11oW1ng up When an a1am
sounds shou1d be fa1ned pope1y on hoW fo educe any pofenf1a1 Wafe damage.
8efoe any pok1ng aound fo see Whee Wafe 1s o 1s nof poo11ng 1n p1aces 1f does
nof be1ong, fhe e1ecf1c1fy fo fhaf paf1cu1a zone of fhe bu11d1ng shou1d be
fempoa11y funed off.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s besf 1f fhe dafa cenfe 1s on a d1ffeenf e1ecf1ca1 sysfem
fhan fhe esf of fhe bu11d1ng, 1f poss1b1e. 1hus, 1f anyfh1ng negaf1ve1y affecfs fhe
ma1n bu11d1ngs poWe, 1f W111 nof cay ove and affecf fhe cenfe. 1he dafa cenfe
may equ1e edundanf poWe supp11es, Wh1ch means fWo o moe feedes com1ng 1n fom
fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 subsfaf1ons. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f one of fhe poWe companys
subsfaf1ons Wee fo go doWn, fhe company Wou1d sf111 be ab1e fo ece1ve e1ecf1c1fy
fom fhe ofhe feede. 8uf usf because a company has fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 feedes
com1ng 1nfo 1fs fac111fy does nof mean fue edundancy 1s aufomaf1ca11y 1n p1ace.
Many compan1es have pa1d fo fWo feedes fo come 1nfo fhe1 bu11d1ng, on1y fo f1nd
ouf bofh feedes Wee com1ng fom fhe same subsfaf1on.
b. Coecf. lf 1s besf 1f fhe dafa cenfe 1s on a d1ffeenf e1ecf1ca1 sysfem fhan
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
fhe esf of fhe bu11d1ng, 1f poss1b1e. 1hus, 1f anyfh1ng negaf1ve1y affecfs fhe ma1n
bu11d1ngs poWe, 1f W111 nof cay ove and affecf fhe cenfe. 1he dafa cenfe may
equ1e edundanf poWe supp11es, Wh1ch means fWo o moe feedes com1ng 1n fom fWo
o moe e1ecf1ca1 subsfaf1ons. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f one of fhe poWe companys
subsfaf1ons Wee fo go doWn, fhe company Wou1d sf111 be ab1e fo ece1ve e1ecf1c1fy
fom fhe ofhe feede. 8uf usf because a company has fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 feedes
com1ng 1nfo 1fs fac111fy does nof mean fue edundancy 1s aufomaf1ca11y 1n p1ace.
Many compan1es have pa1d fo fWo feedes fo come 1nfo fhe1 bu11d1ng, on1y fo f1nd
ouf bofh feedes Wee com1ng fom fhe same subsfaf1on.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s besf 1f fhe dafa cenfe 1s on a d1ffeenf e1ecf1ca1 sysfem
fhan fhe esf of fhe bu11d1ng, 1f poss1b1e. 1hus, 1f anyfh1ng negaf1ve1y affecfs fhe
ma1n bu11d1ngs poWe, 1f W111 nof cay ove and affecf fhe cenfe. 1he dafa cenfe
may equ1e edundanf poWe supp11es, Wh1ch means fWo o moe feedes com1ng 1n fom
fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 subsfaf1ons. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f one of fhe poWe companys
subsfaf1ons Wee fo go doWn, fhe company Wou1d sf111 be ab1e fo ece1ve e1ecf1c1fy
fom fhe ofhe feede. 8uf usf because a company has fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 feedes
com1ng 1nfo 1fs fac111fy does nof mean fue edundancy 1s aufomaf1ca11y 1n p1ace.
Many compan1es have pa1d fo fWo feedes fo come 1nfo fhe1 bu11d1ng, on1y fo f1nd
ouf bofh feedes Wee com1ng fom fhe same subsfaf1on.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s besf 1f fhe dafa cenfe 1s on a d1ffeenf e1ecf1ca1 sysfem
fhan fhe esf of fhe bu11d1ng, 1f poss1b1e. 1hus, 1f anyfh1ng negaf1ve1y affecfs fhe
ma1n bu11d1ngs poWe, 1f W111 nof cay ove and affecf fhe cenfe. 1he dafa cenfe
may equ1e edundanf poWe supp11es, Wh1ch means fWo o moe feedes com1ng 1n fom
fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 subsfaf1ons. 1he 1dea 1s fhaf 1f one of fhe poWe companys
subsfaf1ons Wee fo go doWn, fhe company Wou1d sf111 be ab1e fo ece1ve e1ecf1c1fy
fom fhe ofhe feede. 8uf usf because a company has fWo o moe e1ecf1ca1 feedes
com1ng 1nfo 1fs fac111fy does nof mean fue edundancy 1s aufomaf1ca11y 1n p1ace.
Many compan1es have pa1d fo fWo feedes fo come 1nfo fhe1 bu11d1ng, on1y fo f1nd
ouf bofh feedes Wee com1ng fom fhe same subsfaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Lapfops and W1e1ess dev1ces can be sfo1en no maffe Whaf
counfemeasues ae 1n p1ace. ln mosf cases fhe dafa 1s fhe mosf sens1f1ve componenf
fo fhese dev1ces and encypf1on 1s fhe besf mechan1sm fo pofecf 1f.
b. Coecf. Lapfops and W1e1ess dev1ces can be sfo1en no maffe Whaf
counfemeasues ae 1n p1ace. ln mosf cases fhe dafa 1s fhe mosf sens1f1ve componenf
fo fhese dev1ces and encypf1on 1s fhe besf mechan1sm fo pofecf 1f.
c. lncoecf. Lapfops and W1e1ess dev1ces can be sfo1en no maffe Whaf
counfemeasues ae 1n p1ace. ln mosf cases fhe dafa 1s fhe mosf sens1f1ve componenf
fo fhese dev1ces and encypf1on 1s fhe besf mechan1sm fo pofecf 1f.
d. lncoecf. Lapfops and W1e1ess dev1ces can be sfo1en no maffe Whaf
counfemeasues ae 1n p1ace. ln mosf cases fhe dafa 1s fhe mosf sens1f1ve componenf
fo fhese dev1ces and encypf1on 1s fhe besf mechan1sm fo pofecf 1f.
a. lncoecf. A uP5 can be on11ne o sfandby. On11ne uP5 sysfems use AC 11ne
vo1fage fo chage a bank of baffe1es. When 1n use, fhe uP5 has an 1nvefe fhaf
changes fhe DC oufpuf fom fhe baffe1es 1nfo fhe equ1ed AC fom and fhaf
egu1afes fhe vo1fage as 1f poWes compufe dev1ces. 5fandby uP5 dev1ces sfay
1nacf1ve unf11 a poWe 11ne fa11s. 1he sysfem has sensos fhaf defecf a poWe
fa11ue, and fhe 1oad 1s sW1fched fo fhe baffey pack.
b. lncoecf. A uP5 can be on11ne o sfandby. On11ne uP5 sysfems use AC 11ne
vo1fage fo chage a bank of baffe1es. When 1n use, fhe uP5 has an 1nvefe fhaf
changes fhe DC oufpuf fom fhe baffe1es 1nfo fhe equ1ed AC fom and fhaf
egu1afes fhe vo1fage as 1f poWes compufe dev1ces. 5fandby uP5 dev1ces sfay
1nacf1ve unf11 a poWe 11ne fa11s. 1he sysfem has sensos fhaf defecf a poWe
fa11ue, and fhe 1oad 1s sW1fched fo fhe baffey pack.
c. lncoecf. A uP5 can be on11ne o sfandby. On11ne uP5 sysfems use AC 11ne
vo1fage fo chage a bank of baffe1es. When 1n use, fhe uP5 has an 1nvefe fhaf
changes fhe DC oufpuf fom fhe baffe1es 1nfo fhe equ1ed AC fom and fhaf
egu1afes fhe vo1fage as 1f poWes compufe dev1ces. 5fandby uP5 dev1ces sfay
1nacf1ve unf11 a poWe 11ne fa11s. 1he sysfem has sensos fhaf defecf a poWe
fa11ue, and fhe 1oad 1s sW1fched fo fhe baffey pack.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
d. Coecf. A uP5 can be on11ne o sfandby. On11ne uP5 sysfems use AC 11ne vo1fage
fo chage a bank of baffe1es. When 1n use, fhe uP5 has an 1nvefe fhaf changes fhe
DC oufpuf fom fhe baffe1es 1nfo fhe equ1ed AC fom and fhaf egu1afes fhe
vo1fage as 1f poWes compufe dev1ces. 5fandby uP5 dev1ces sfay 1nacf1ve unf11 a
poWe 11ne fa11s. 1he sysfem has sensos fhaf defecf a poWe fa11ue, and fhe 1oad
1s sW1fched fo fhe baffey pack.
a. lncoecf. L1ghfn1ng and e1ecf1ca1 mofos can 1nduce LMl, Wh1ch cou1d fhen
1nfeupf fhe pope f1oW of e1ecf1ca1 cuenf as 1f fave1s ove W1es fo, fom,
and W1fh1n bu11d1ngs. kIl can be caused by anyfh1ng fhaf ceafes ad1o Waves.
I1uoescenf 11ghf1ng 1s one of fhe ma1n causes of kIl W1fh1n bu11d1ngs foday.
b. lncoecf. L1ghfn1ng and e1ecf1ca1 mofos can 1nduce LMl, Wh1ch cou1d fhen
1nfeupf fhe pope f1oW of e1ecf1ca1 cuenf as 1f fave1s ove W1es fo, fom,
and W1fh1n bu11d1ngs. kIl can be caused by anyfh1ng fhaf ceafes ad1o Waves.
I1uoescenf 11ghf1ng 1s one of fhe ma1n causes of kIl W1fh1n bu11d1ngs foday.
c. lncoecf. L1ghfn1ng and e1ecf1ca1 mofos can 1nduce LMl, Wh1ch cou1d fhen
1nfeupf fhe pope f1oW of e1ecf1ca1 cuenf as 1f fave1s ove W1es fo, fom,
and W1fh1n bu11d1ngs. kIl can be caused by anyfh1ng fhaf ceafes ad1o Waves.
I1uoescenf 11ghf1ng 1s one of fhe ma1n causes of kIl W1fh1n bu11d1ngs foday.
d. Coecf. L1ghfn1ng and e1ecf1ca1 mofos can 1nduce LMl, Wh1ch cou1d fhen
1nfeupf fhe pope f1oW of e1ecf1ca1 cuenf as 1f fave1s ove W1es fo, fom,
and W1fh1n bu11d1ngs. kIl can be caused by anyfh1ng fhaf ceafes ad1o Waves.
I1uoescenf 11ghf1ng 1s one of fhe ma1n causes of kIl W1fh1n bu11d1ngs foday.
a. lncoecf. A 5/-1nch-fh1ck dyWa11 sheef 1nsfa11ed on each s1de of a Wood sfud
pov1des a one-hou af1ng. lf fhe fh1ckness of fh1s dyWa11 1s doub1ed, fhen fh1s
Wou1d be g1ven a fWo-hou af1ng. 1he af1ng sysfem 1s used fo c1ass1fy d1ffeenf
bu11d1ng componenfs.
b. lncoecf. A 5/-1nch-fh1ck dyWa11 sheef 1nsfa11ed on each s1de of a Wood sfud
pov1des a one-hou af1ng. lf fhe fh1ckness of fh1s dyWa11 1s doub1ed, fhen fh1s
Wou1d be g1ven a fWo-hou af1ng. 1he af1ng sysfem 1s used fo c1ass1fy d1ffeenf
bu11d1ng componenfs.
c. Coecf. A 5/-1nch-fh1ck dyWa11 sheef 1nsfa11ed on each s1de of a Wood sfud
pov1des a one-hou af1ng. lf fhe fh1ckness of fh1s dyWa11 1s doub1ed, fhen fh1s
Wou1d be g1ven a fWo-hou af1ng. 1he af1ng sysfem 1s used fo c1ass1fy d1ffeenf
bu11d1ng componenfs.
d. lncoecf. A 5/-1nch-fh1ck dyWa11 sheef 1nsfa11ed on each s1de of a Wood sfud
pov1des a one-hou af1ng. lf fhe fh1ckness of fh1s dyWa11 1s doub1ed, fhen fh1s
Wou1d be g1ven a fWo-hou af1ng. 1he af1ng sysfem 1s used fo c1ass1fy d1ffeenf
bu11d1ng componenfs.
a. lncoecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos ae good fo ea1y-Wan1ng dev1ces. 1hey
can be used fo sound a Wan1ng a1am befoe fhe suppess1on sysfem acf1vafes. A
phofoe1ecf1c dev1ce, a1so efeed fo as an opf1ca1 defecfo, defecfs fhe va1af1on
1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy. 1he defecfo poduces a beam of 11ghf acoss a pofecfed aea,
and 1f fhe beam 1s obsfucfed, fhe a1am sounds. heaf-acf1vafed defecfos can be
conf1gued fo sound an a1am e1fhe When a pedef1ned fempeafue {f1xed
fempeafue} 1s eached o When fhe fempeafue 1nceases ove a pe1od of f1me
b. Coecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos ae good fo ea1y-Wan1ng dev1ces. 1hey can
be used fo sound a Wan1ng a1am befoe fhe suppess1on sysfem acf1vafes. A
phofoe1ecf1c dev1ce, a1so efeed fo as an opf1ca1 defecfo, defecfs fhe va1af1on
1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy. 1he defecfo poduces a beam of 11ghf acoss a pofecfed aea,
and 1f fhe beam 1s obsfucfed, fhe a1am sounds. heaf-acf1vafed defecfos can be
conf1gued fo sound an a1am e1fhe When a pedef1ned fempeafue {f1xed
fempeafue} 1s eached o When fhe fempeafue 1nceases ove a pe1od of f1me
c. lncoecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos ae good fo ea1y-Wan1ng dev1ces. 1hey
can be used fo sound a Wan1ng a1am befoe fhe suppess1on sysfem acf1vafes. A
phofoe1ecf1c dev1ce, a1so efeed fo as an opf1ca1 defecfo, defecfs fhe va1af1on
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy. 1he defecfo poduces a beam of 11ghf acoss a pofecfed aea,
and 1f fhe beam 1s obsfucfed, fhe a1am sounds. heaf-acf1vafed defecfos can be
conf1gued fo sound an a1am e1fhe When a pedef1ned fempeafue {f1xed
fempeafue} 1s eached o When fhe fempeafue 1nceases ove a pe1od of f1me
d. lncoecf. 5moke-acf1vafed defecfos ae good fo ea1y-Wan1ng dev1ces. 1hey
can be used fo sound a Wan1ng a1am befoe fhe suppess1on sysfem acf1vafes. A
phofoe1ecf1c dev1ce, a1so efeed fo as an opf1ca1 defecfo, defecfs fhe va1af1on
1n 11ghf 1nfens1fy. 1he defecfo poduces a beam of 11ghf acoss a pofecfed aea,
and 1f fhe beam 1s obsfucfed, fhe a1am sounds. heaf-acf1vafed defecfos can be
conf1gued fo sound an a1am e1fhe When a pedef1ned fempeafue {f1xed
fempeafue} 1s eached o When fhe fempeafue 1nceases ove a pe1od of f1me
a. lncoecf. W11ng and cab1es ae sfung fhough p1enum aeas, such as fhe space
above dopped ce111ngs, fhe space 1n Wa11 cav1f1es, and fhe space unde a1sed
f1oos. P1enum aeas shou1d have f1e defecfos. A1so, on1y p1enum-afed cab11ng
shou1d be used 1n p1enum aeas, Wh1ch 1s cab11ng fhaf 1s made ouf of mafe1a1 fhaf
does nof 1ef off hazadous gases 1f 1f buns.
b. lncoecf. W11ng and cab1es ae sfung fhough p1enum aeas, such as fhe space
above dopped ce111ngs, fhe space 1n Wa11 cav1f1es, and fhe space unde a1sed
f1oos. P1enum aeas shou1d have f1e defecfos. A1so, on1y p1enum-afed cab11ng
shou1d be used 1n p1enum aeas, Wh1ch 1s cab11ng fhaf 1s made ouf of mafe1a1 fhaf
does nof 1ef off hazadous gases 1f 1f buns.
c. lncoecf. W11ng and cab1es ae sfung fhough p1enum aeas, such as fhe space
above dopped ce111ngs, fhe space 1n Wa11 cav1f1es, and fhe space unde a1sed
f1oos. P1enum aeas shou1d have f1e defecfos. A1so, on1y p1enum-afed cab11ng
shou1d be used 1n p1enum aeas, Wh1ch 1s cab11ng fhaf 1s made ouf of mafe1a1 fhaf
does nof 1ef off hazadous gases 1f 1f buns.
d. Coecf. W11ng and cab1es ae sfung fhough p1enum aeas, such as fhe space
above dopped ce111ngs, fhe space 1n Wa11 cav1f1es, and fhe space unde a1sed
f1oos. P1enum aeas shou1d have f1e defecfos. A1so, on1y p1enum-afed cab11ng
shou1d be used 1n p1enum aeas, Wh1ch 1s cab11ng fhaf 1s made ouf of mafe1a1 fhaf
does nof 1ef off hazadous gases 1f 1f buns.
a. lncoecf. 1hey a11 confa1n fhe coecf f1e fype fo suppess1on fype mapp1ng.
b. lncoecf. 1hey a11 confa1n fhe coecf f1e fype fo suppess1on fype mapp1ng.
c. Coecf. 1hey a11 confa1n fhe coecf f1e fype fo suppess1on fype mapp1ng.
d. lncoecf. 1hey a11 confa1n fhe coecf f1e fype fo suppess1on fype mapp1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1hee 1s a C1ass k f1e fype, fo commec1a1 k1fchens. 1hese f1es
shou1d be puf ouf W1fh a Wef chem1ca1, Wh1ch 1s usua11y a so1uf1on of pofass1um
acefafe. 1h1s chem1ca1 Woks besf When puff1ng ouf cook1ng o11 f1es.
b. Coecf. 1hee 1s a C1ass k f1e fype, fo commec1a1 k1fchens. 1hese f1es
shou1d be puf ouf W1fh a Wef chem1ca1, Wh1ch 1s usua11y a so1uf1on of pofass1um
acefafe. 1h1s chem1ca1 Woks besf When puff1ng ouf cook1ng o11 f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1hee 1s a C1ass k f1e fype, fo commec1a1 k1fchens. 1hese f1es
shou1d be puf ouf W1fh a Wef chem1ca1, Wh1ch 1s usua11y a so1uf1on of pofass1um
acefafe. 1h1s chem1ca1 Woks besf When puff1ng ouf cook1ng o11 f1es.
d. lncoecf. 1hee 1s a C1ass k f1e fype, fo commec1a1 k1fchens. 1hese f1es
shou1d be puf ouf W1fh a Wef chem1ca1, Wh1ch 1s usua11y a so1uf1on of pofass1um
acefafe. 1h1s chem1ca1 Woks besf When puff1ng ouf cook1ng o11 f1es.
a. lncoecf. 1he coecf W1ndoW fypes and fhee desc1pf1ons ae pov1ded be1oW,
- 5fandad - No exfa pofecf1on. 1he cheapesf and 1oWesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on.
- 1empeed - G1ass 1s heafed and fhen coo1ed sudden1y fo 1ncease 1fs 1nfeg1fy and
- Acy11c - A fype of p1asf1c 1nsfead of g1ass. Po1ycabonafe acy11cs ae sfonge
fhan egu1a acy11cs.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
- W1ed - A mesh of W1e 1s embedded befWeen fWo sheefs of g1ass. 1h1s W1e he1ps
pevenf fhe g1ass fom shaffe1ng.
- Lam1nafed - 1he p1asf1c 1aye befWeen fWo oufe g1ass 1ayes. 1he p1asf1c 1aye
he1ps 1ncease 1fs sfengfh aga1nsf beakage.
- 5o1a W1ndoW f11m - Pov1des exfa secu1fy by be1ng f1nfed and offes exfa
sfengfh due fo fhe f11ms mafe1a1.
- 5ecu1fy f11m - 1anspaenf f11m 1s app11ed fo fhe g1ass fo 1ncease 1fs sfengfh.
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf W1ndoW fypes and fhee desc1pf1ons ae pov1ded be1oW,
- 5fandad - No exfa pofecf1on. 1he cheapesf and 1oWesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on.
- 1empeed - G1ass 1s heafed and fhen coo1ed sudden1y fo 1ncease 1fs 1nfeg1fy and
- Acy11c - A fype of p1asf1c 1nsfead of g1ass. Po1ycabonafe acy11cs ae sfonge
fhan egu1a acy11cs.
- W1ed - A mesh of W1e 1s embedded befWeen fWo sheefs of g1ass. 1h1s W1e he1ps
pevenf fhe g1ass fom shaffe1ng.
- Lam1nafed - 1he p1asf1c 1aye befWeen fWo oufe g1ass 1ayes. 1he p1asf1c 1aye
he1ps 1ncease 1fs sfengfh aga1nsf beakage.
- 5o1a W1ndoW f11m - Pov1des exfa secu1fy by be1ng f1nfed and offes exfa
sfengfh due fo fhe f11ms mafe1a1.
- 5ecu1fy f11m - 1anspaenf f11m 1s app11ed fo fhe g1ass fo 1ncease 1fs sfengfh.
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf W1ndoW fypes and fhee desc1pf1ons ae pov1ded be1oW,
- 5fandad - No exfa pofecf1on. 1he cheapesf and 1oWesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on.
- 1empeed - G1ass 1s heafed and fhen coo1ed sudden1y fo 1ncease 1fs 1nfeg1fy and
- Acy11c - A fype of p1asf1c 1nsfead of g1ass. Po1ycabonafe acy11cs ae sfonge
fhan egu1a acy11cs.
- W1ed - A mesh of W1e 1s embedded befWeen fWo sheefs of g1ass. 1h1s W1e he1ps
pevenf fhe g1ass fom shaffe1ng.
- Lam1nafed - 1he p1asf1c 1aye befWeen fWo oufe g1ass 1ayes. 1he p1asf1c 1aye
he1ps 1ncease 1fs sfengfh aga1nsf beakage.
- 5o1a W1ndoW f11m - Pov1des exfa secu1fy by be1ng f1nfed and offes exfa
sfengfh due fo fhe f11ms mafe1a1.
- 5ecu1fy f11m - 1anspaenf f11m 1s app11ed fo fhe g1ass fo 1ncease 1fs sfengfh.
d. Coecf. 1he coecf W1ndoW fypes and fhee desc1pf1ons ae pov1ded be1oW,
- 5fandad - No exfa pofecf1on. 1he cheapesf and 1oWesf 1eve1 of pofecf1on.
- 1empeed - G1ass 1s heafed and fhen coo1ed sudden1y fo 1ncease 1fs 1nfeg1fy and
- Acy11c - A fype of p1asf1c 1nsfead of g1ass. Po1ycabonafe acy11cs ae sfonge
fhan egu1a acy11cs.
- W1ed - A mesh of W1e 1s embedded befWeen fWo sheefs of g1ass. 1h1s W1e he1ps
pevenf fhe g1ass fom shaffe1ng.
- Lam1nafed - 1he p1asf1c 1aye befWeen fWo oufe g1ass 1ayes. 1he p1asf1c 1aye
he1ps 1ncease 1fs sfengfh aga1nsf beakage.
- 5o1a W1ndoW f11m - Pov1des exfa secu1fy by be1ng f1nfed and offes exfa
sfengfh due fo fhe f11ms mafe1a1.
- 5ecu1fy f11m - 1anspaenf f11m 1s app11ed fo fhe g1ass fo 1ncease 1fs sfengfh.
a. lncoecf. De1uge - 5p1nk1e heads W1de open fo a11oW a 1age vo1ume of Wafe
fo be e1eased ove a shof pe1od.
b. lncoecf. De1uge - 5p1nk1e heads W1de open fo a11oW a 1age vo1ume of Wafe
fo be e1eased ove a shof pe1od.
c. lncoecf. De1uge - 5p1nk1e heads W1de open fo a11oW a 1age vo1ume of Wafe
fo be e1eased ove a shof pe1od.
d. Coecf. De1uge - 5p1nk1e heads W1de open fo a11oW a 1age vo1ume of Wafe fo
be e1eased ove a shof pe1od.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1ock has Wads 1n 1f, Wh1ch ae mefa1 poecf1ons aound fhe
b. lncoecf. 1he 1ock has Wads 1n 1f, Wh1ch ae mefa1 poecf1ons aound fhe
c. Coecf. 1he 1ock has Wads 1n 1f, Wh1ch ae mefa1 poecf1ons aound fhe
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
d. lncoecf. 1he 1ock has Wads 1n 1f, Wh1ch ae mefa1 poecf1ons aound fhe
a. Coecf. A fens1on Wench 1s a foo1 shaped 11ke an L and 1s used fo app1y
fens1on fo fhe 1nfena1 cy11nde of a 1ock. 1he 1ock p1cke uses a 1ock p1ck fo
man1pu1afe fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1ns fo fhe1 pope p1acemenf.
b. lncoecf. A fens1on Wench 1s a foo1 shaped 11ke an L and 1s used fo app1y
fens1on fo fhe 1nfena1 cy11nde of a 1ock. 1he 1ock p1cke uses a 1ock p1ck fo
man1pu1afe fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1ns fo fhe1 pope p1acemenf.
c. lncoecf. A fens1on Wench 1s a foo1 shaped 11ke an L and 1s used fo app1y
fens1on fo fhe 1nfena1 cy11nde of a 1ock. 1he 1ock p1cke uses a 1ock p1ck fo
man1pu1afe fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1ns fo fhe1 pope p1acemenf.
d. lncoecf. A fens1on Wench 1s a foo1 shaped 11ke an L and 1s used fo app1y
fens1on fo fhe 1nfena1 cy11nde of a 1ock. 1he 1ock p1cke uses a 1ock p1ck fo
man1pu1afe fhe 1nd1v1dua1 p1ns fo fhe1 pope p1acemenf.
a. Coecf. 1he babed W1e on fop of fences can be f11fed 1n o ouf, Wh1ch a1so
pov1des exfa pofecf1on. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a p1son, 1f Wou1d have fhe babed
W1e on fop of fhe fenc1ng po1nfed 1n, Wh1ch makes 1f hade fo p1sones fo c11mb
and escape. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a m111fay base, fhe babed W1e Wou1d be f11fed
ouf, mak1ng 1f hade fo someone fo c11mb ove fhe fence and ga1n access fo fhe
b. lncoecf. 1he babed W1e on fop of fences can be f11fed 1n o ouf, Wh1ch a1so
pov1des exfa pofecf1on. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a p1son, 1f Wou1d have fhe babed
W1e on fop of fhe fenc1ng po1nfed 1n, Wh1ch makes 1f hade fo p1sones fo c11mb
and escape. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a m111fay base, fhe babed W1e Wou1d be f11fed
ouf, mak1ng 1f hade fo someone fo c11mb ove fhe fence and ga1n access fo fhe
c. lncoecf. 1he babed W1e on fop of fences can be f11fed 1n o ouf, Wh1ch a1so
pov1des exfa pofecf1on. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a p1son, 1f Wou1d have fhe babed
W1e on fop of fhe fenc1ng po1nfed 1n, Wh1ch makes 1f hade fo p1sones fo c11mb
and escape. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a m111fay base, fhe babed W1e Wou1d be f11fed
ouf, mak1ng 1f hade fo someone fo c11mb ove fhe fence and ga1n access fo fhe
d. lncoecf. 1he babed W1e on fop of fences can be f11fed 1n o ouf, Wh1ch a1so
pov1des exfa pofecf1on. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a p1son, 1f Wou1d have fhe babed
W1e on fop of fhe fenc1ng po1nfed 1n, Wh1ch makes 1f hade fo p1sones fo c11mb
and escape. lf fhe ogan1zaf1on 1s a m111fay base, fhe babed W1e Wou1d be f11fed
ouf, mak1ng 1f hade fo someone fo c11mb ove fhe fence and ga1n access fo fhe
a. Coecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have fences af 1easf e1ghf feef h1gh fo pov1de
fhe pope 1eve1 of pofecf1on. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof sag 1n any aeas and musf be
fauf and secue1y connecfed fo fhe posfs. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof be eas11y
c1cumvenfed by pu111ng up 1fs posfs. 1he posfs shou1d be bu1ed suff1c1enf1y deep
1n fhe gound and shou1d be secued W1fh concefe fo ensue fhe posfs cannof be dug
up o f1ed fo veh1c1es and exfacfed.
b. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have fences af 1easf e1ghf feef h1gh fo pov1de
fhe pope 1eve1 of pofecf1on. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof sag 1n any aeas and musf be
fauf and secue1y connecfed fo fhe posfs. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof be eas11y
c1cumvenfed by pu111ng up 1fs posfs. 1he posfs shou1d be bu1ed suff1c1enf1y deep
1n fhe gound and shou1d be secued W1fh concefe fo ensue fhe posfs cannof be dug
up o f1ed fo veh1c1es and exfacfed.
c. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have fences af 1easf e1ghf feef h1gh fo pov1de
fhe pope 1eve1 of pofecf1on. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof sag 1n any aeas and musf be
fauf and secue1y connecfed fo fhe posfs. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof be eas11y
c1cumvenfed by pu111ng up 1fs posfs. 1he posfs shou1d be bu1ed suff1c1enf1y deep
1n fhe gound and shou1d be secued W1fh concefe fo ensue fhe posfs cannof be dug
up o f1ed fo veh1c1es and exfacfed.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
d. lncoecf. C1f1ca1 aeas shou1d have fences af 1easf e1ghf feef h1gh fo pov1de
fhe pope 1eve1 of pofecf1on. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof sag 1n any aeas and musf be
fauf and secue1y connecfed fo fhe posfs. 1he fenc1ng shou1d nof be eas11y
c1cumvenfed by pu111ng up 1fs posfs. 1he posfs shou1d be bu1ed suff1c1enf1y deep
1n fhe gound and shou1d be secued W1fh concefe fo ensue fhe posfs cannof be dug
up o f1ed fo veh1c1es and exfacfed.
a. lncoecf. Pe1mefe lnfus1on Defecf1on and Assessmenf 5ysfem {PlDA5} 1s a fype
of fenc1ng fhaf has sensos 1ocafed on fhe W1e mesh and af fhe base of fhe fence.
lf 1s used fo defecf 1f someone affempfs fo cuf o c11mb fhe fence. lf has a pass1ve
cab1e v1baf1on senso fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f an 1nfus1on 1s defecfed. PlDA5 1s
vey sens1f1ve and can cause many fa1se a1ams.
b. lncoecf. Pe1mefe lnfus1on Defecf1on and Assessmenf 5ysfem {PlDA5} 1s a fype
of fenc1ng fhaf has sensos 1ocafed on fhe W1e mesh and af fhe base of fhe fence.
lf 1s used fo defecf 1f someone affempfs fo cuf o c11mb fhe fence. lf has a pass1ve
cab1e v1baf1on senso fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f an 1nfus1on 1s defecfed. PlDA5 1s
vey sens1f1ve and can cause many fa1se a1ams.
c. lncoecf. Pe1mefe lnfus1on Defecf1on and Assessmenf 5ysfem {PlDA5} 1s a fype
of fenc1ng fhaf has sensos 1ocafed on fhe W1e mesh and af fhe base of fhe fence.
lf 1s used fo defecf 1f someone affempfs fo cuf o c11mb fhe fence. lf has a pass1ve
cab1e v1baf1on senso fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f an 1nfus1on 1s defecfed. PlDA5 1s
vey sens1f1ve and can cause many fa1se a1ams.
d. Coecf. Pe1mefe lnfus1on Defecf1on and Assessmenf 5ysfem {PlDA5} 1s a fype
of fenc1ng fhaf has sensos 1ocafed on fhe W1e mesh and af fhe base of fhe fence.
lf 1s used fo defecf 1f someone affempfs fo cuf o c11mb fhe fence. lf has a pass1ve
cab1e v1baf1on senso fhaf sefs off an a1am 1f an 1nfus1on 1s defecfed. PlDA5 1s
vey sens1f1ve and can cause many fa1se a1ams.
a. lncoecf. lf a company has an open pak1ng 1of, fhen 11ghf po1es musf be
pos1f1oned W1fh1n fhe coecf d1sfance of each ofhe fo e11m1nafe any dead spofs. lf
fhe 1amps fhaf W111 be used pov1de a 30-foof ad1us of 111um1naf1on, fhen fhe 11ghf
po1es shou1d be eecfed 1ess fhan 30 feef apaf so fhee 1s an ove1ap befWeen fhe
aeas of 111um1naf1on.
b. lncoecf. lf a company has an open pak1ng 1of, fhen 11ghf po1es musf be
pos1f1oned W1fh1n fhe coecf d1sfance of each ofhe fo e11m1nafe any dead spofs. lf
fhe 1amps fhaf W111 be used pov1de a 30-foof ad1us of 111um1naf1on, fhen fhe 11ghf
po1es shou1d be eecfed 1ess fhan 30 feef apaf so fhee 1s an ove1ap befWeen fhe
aeas of 111um1naf1on.
c. Coecf. lf a company has an open pak1ng 1of, fhen 11ghf po1es musf be
pos1f1oned W1fh1n fhe coecf d1sfance of each ofhe fo e11m1nafe any dead spofs. lf
fhe 1amps fhaf W111 be used pov1de a 30-foof ad1us of 111um1naf1on, fhen fhe 11ghf
po1es shou1d be eecfed 1ess fhan 30 feef apaf so fhee 1s an ove1ap befWeen fhe
aeas of 111um1naf1on.
d. lncoecf. lf a company has an open pak1ng 1of, fhen 11ghf po1es musf be
pos1f1oned W1fh1n fhe coecf d1sfance of each ofhe fo e11m1nafe any dead spofs. lf
fhe 1amps fhaf W111 be used pov1de a 30-foof ad1us of 111um1naf1on, fhen fhe 11ghf
po1es shou1d be eecfed 1ess fhan 30 feef apaf so fhee 1s an ove1ap befWeen fhe
aeas of 111um1naf1on.
a. Coecf. kespons1ve aea 111um1naf1on fakes p1ace When an lD5 defecfs susp1c1ous
acf1v1f1es and funs on fhe 11ghfs W1fh1n a spec1f1c aea. When fh1s fype of
fechno1ogy 1s p1ugged 1nfo aufomafed lD5 poducfs, fhee 1s a h1gh 11ke11hood of
fa1se a1ams. lnsfead of conf1nuous1y hav1ng fo d1spafch a secu1fy guad fo check
ouf fhese 1ssues, a CC1v camea can be 1nsfa11ed fo scan fhe aea fo 1nfudes.
b. lncoecf. kespons1ve aea 111um1naf1on fakes p1ace When an lD5 defecfs
susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es and funs on fhe 11ghfs W1fh1n a spec1f1c aea. When fh1s fype
of fechno1ogy 1s p1ugged 1nfo aufomafed lD5 poducfs, fhee 1s a h1gh 11ke11hood of
fa1se a1ams. lnsfead of conf1nuous1y hav1ng fo d1spafch a secu1fy guad fo check
ouf fhese 1ssues, a CC1v camea can be 1nsfa11ed fo scan fhe aea fo 1nfudes.
c. lncoecf. kespons1ve aea 111um1naf1on fakes p1ace When an lD5 defecfs
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es and funs on fhe 11ghfs W1fh1n a spec1f1c aea. When fh1s fype
of fechno1ogy 1s p1ugged 1nfo aufomafed lD5 poducfs, fhee 1s a h1gh 11ke11hood of
fa1se a1ams. lnsfead of conf1nuous1y hav1ng fo d1spafch a secu1fy guad fo check
ouf fhese 1ssues, a CC1v camea can be 1nsfa11ed fo scan fhe aea fo 1nfudes.
d. lncoecf. kespons1ve aea 111um1naf1on fakes p1ace When an lD5 defecfs
susp1c1ous acf1v1f1es and funs on fhe 11ghfs W1fh1n a spec1f1c aea. When fh1s fype
of fechno1ogy 1s p1ugged 1nfo aufomafed lD5 poducfs, fhee 1s a h1gh 11ke11hood of
fa1se a1ams. lnsfead of conf1nuous1y hav1ng fo d1spafch a secu1fy guad fo check
ouf fhese 1ssues, a CC1v camea can be 1nsfa11ed fo scan fhe aea fo 1nfudes.
a. lncoecf. CC1vs shou1d have some fype of ecod1ng sysfem. D1g1fa1 ecodes
save 1mages fo had d1ves and a11oW advanced seach fechn1ques fhaf ae nof
poss1b1e W1fh v1deofape ecodes.
b. Coecf. CC1vs shou1d have some fype of ecod1ng sysfem. D1g1fa1 ecodes save
1mages fo had d1ves and a11oW advanced seach fechn1ques fhaf ae nof poss1b1e
W1fh v1deofape ecodes.
c. lncoecf. CC1vs shou1d have some fype of ecod1ng sysfem. D1g1fa1 ecodes
save 1mages fo had d1ves and a11oW advanced seach fechn1ques fhaf ae nof
poss1b1e W1fh v1deofape ecodes.
d. lncoecf. CC1vs shou1d have some fype of ecod1ng sysfem. D1g1fa1 ecodes
save 1mages fo had d1ves and a11oW advanced seach fechn1ques fhaf ae nof
poss1b1e W1fh v1deofape ecodes.
a. lncoecf. 1he CCD 1s an e1ecf1ca1 c1cu1f fhaf ece1ves 1npuf 11ghf fom fhe
1ens and convefs 1f 1nfo an e1ecfon1c s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s fhen d1sp1ayed on fhe
mon1fo. lmages ae focused fhough a 1ens onfo fhe CCD ch1p suface, Wh1ch foms
fhe e1ecf1ca1 epesenfaf1on of fhe opf1ca1 1mage. lf 1s fh1s fechno1ogy fhaf
a11oWs fo fhe capfue of exfaod1nay defa11 of obecfs and pec1se
epesenfaf1on, because 1f has sensos fhaf Wok 1n fhe 1nfaed ange, Wh1ch
exfends beyond human pecepf1on. 1he CCD senso p1cks up fh1s exfa &quof,dafa&quof,
and 1nfegafes 1f 1nfo fhe 1mages shoWn on fhe mon1fo fo a11oW fo beffe
ganu1a1fy and qua11fy 1n fhe v1deo.
b. lncoecf. 1he CCD 1s an e1ecf1ca1 c1cu1f fhaf ece1ves 1npuf 11ghf fom fhe
1ens and convefs 1f 1nfo an e1ecfon1c s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s fhen d1sp1ayed on fhe
mon1fo. lmages ae focused fhough a 1ens onfo fhe CCD ch1p suface, Wh1ch foms
fhe e1ecf1ca1 epesenfaf1on of fhe opf1ca1 1mage. lf 1s fh1s fechno1ogy fhaf
a11oWs fo fhe capfue of exfaod1nay defa11 of obecfs and pec1se
epesenfaf1on, because 1f has sensos fhaf Wok 1n fhe 1nfaed ange, Wh1ch
exfends beyond human pecepf1on. 1he CCD senso p1cks up fh1s exfa &quof,dafa&quof,
and 1nfegafes 1f 1nfo fhe 1mages shoWn on fhe mon1fo fo a11oW fo beffe
ganu1a1fy and qua11fy 1n fhe v1deo.
c. Coecf. 1he CCD 1s an e1ecf1ca1 c1cu1f fhaf ece1ves 1npuf 11ghf fom fhe
1ens and convefs 1f 1nfo an e1ecfon1c s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s fhen d1sp1ayed on fhe
mon1fo. lmages ae focused fhough a 1ens onfo fhe CCD ch1p suface, Wh1ch foms
fhe e1ecf1ca1 epesenfaf1on of fhe opf1ca1 1mage. lf 1s fh1s fechno1ogy fhaf
a11oWs fo fhe capfue of exfaod1nay defa11 of obecfs and pec1se
epesenfaf1on, because 1f has sensos fhaf Wok 1n fhe 1nfaed ange, Wh1ch
exfends beyond human pecepf1on. 1he CCD senso p1cks up fh1s exfa &quof,dafa&quof,
and 1nfegafes 1f 1nfo fhe 1mages shoWn on fhe mon1fo fo a11oW fo beffe
ganu1a1fy and qua11fy 1n fhe v1deo.
d. lncoecf. 1he CCD 1s an e1ecf1ca1 c1cu1f fhaf ece1ves 1npuf 11ghf fom fhe
1ens and convefs 1f 1nfo an e1ecfon1c s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s fhen d1sp1ayed on fhe
mon1fo. lmages ae focused fhough a 1ens onfo fhe CCD ch1p suface, Wh1ch foms
fhe e1ecf1ca1 epesenfaf1on of fhe opf1ca1 1mage. lf 1s fh1s fechno1ogy fhaf
a11oWs fo fhe capfue of exfaod1nay defa11 of obecfs and pec1se
epesenfaf1on, because 1f has sensos fhaf Wok 1n fhe 1nfaed ange, Wh1ch
exfends beyond human pecepf1on. 1he CCD senso p1cks up fh1s exfa &quof,dafa&quof,
and 1nfegafes 1f 1nfo fhe 1mages shoWn on fhe mon1fo fo a11oW fo beffe
ganu1a1fy and qua11fy 1n fhe v1deo.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he foca1 1engfh of a 1ens def1nes 1fs effecf1veness 1n v1eW1ng
obecfs fom a ho1zonfa1 and vef1ca1 v1eW. 1he foca1 1engfh va1ue e1afes fo fhe
ang1e of v1eW fhaf can be ach1eved. 5hof foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de W1de-ang1e
v1eWs, Wh11e 1ong foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de a naoWe v1eW.
b. Coecf. 1he foca1 1engfh of a 1ens def1nes 1fs effecf1veness 1n v1eW1ng obecfs
fom a ho1zonfa1 and vef1ca1 v1eW. 1he foca1 1engfh va1ue e1afes fo fhe ang1e of
v1eW fhaf can be ach1eved. 5hof foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de W1de-ang1e v1eWs,
Wh11e 1ong foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de a naoWe v1eW.
c. lncoecf. 1he foca1 1engfh of a 1ens def1nes 1fs effecf1veness 1n v1eW1ng
obecfs fom a ho1zonfa1 and vef1ca1 v1eW. 1he foca1 1engfh va1ue e1afes fo fhe
ang1e of v1eW fhaf can be ach1eved. 5hof foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de W1de-ang1e
v1eWs, Wh11e 1ong foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de a naoWe v1eW.
d. lncoecf. 1he foca1 1engfh of a 1ens def1nes 1fs effecf1veness 1n v1eW1ng
obecfs fom a ho1zonfa1 and vef1ca1 v1eW. 1he foca1 1engfh va1ue e1afes fo fhe
ang1e of v1eW fhaf can be ach1eved. 5hof foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de W1de-ang1e
v1eWs, Wh11e 1ong foca1 1engfh 1enses pov1de a naoWe v1eW.
a. lncoecf. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1s necessay fo undesfand When choos1ng fhe
coecf 1enses and conf1guaf1ons fo you companys CC1v. 1he depfh of f1e1d efes
fo fhe pof1on of fhe env1onmenf fhaf 1s 1n focus When shoWn on fhe mon1fo. 1he
depfh of f1e1d va1es depend1ng upon fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng, fhe d1sfance of
fhe obecf be1ng focused on, and fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens. 1he depfh of f1e1d
1nceases as fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng deceases, fhe subecf d1sfance 1nceases,
o fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens deceases. 5o, 1f you Wanf fo cove a 1age aea and
nof focus on spec1f1c 1fems, 1f 1s besf fo use a W1de-ang1e 1ens and a sma11 1ens
b. lncoecf. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1s necessay fo undesfand When choos1ng fhe
coecf 1enses and conf1guaf1ons fo you companys CC1v. 1he depfh of f1e1d efes
fo fhe pof1on of fhe env1onmenf fhaf 1s 1n focus When shoWn on fhe mon1fo. 1he
depfh of f1e1d va1es depend1ng upon fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng, fhe d1sfance of
fhe obecf be1ng focused on, and fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens. 1he depfh of f1e1d
1nceases as fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng deceases, fhe subecf d1sfance 1nceases,
o fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens deceases. 5o, 1f you Wanf fo cove a 1age aea and
nof focus on spec1f1c 1fems, 1f 1s besf fo use a W1de-ang1e 1ens and a sma11 1ens
c. lncoecf. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1s necessay fo undesfand When choos1ng fhe
coecf 1enses and conf1guaf1ons fo you companys CC1v. 1he depfh of f1e1d efes
fo fhe pof1on of fhe env1onmenf fhaf 1s 1n focus When shoWn on fhe mon1fo. 1he
depfh of f1e1d va1es depend1ng upon fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng, fhe d1sfance of
fhe obecf be1ng focused on, and fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens. 1he depfh of f1e1d
1nceases as fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng deceases, fhe subecf d1sfance 1nceases,
o fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens deceases. 5o, 1f you Wanf fo cove a 1age aea and
nof focus on spec1f1c 1fems, 1f 1s besf fo use a W1de-ang1e 1ens and a sma11 1ens
d. Coecf. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1s necessay fo undesfand When choos1ng fhe coecf
1enses and conf1guaf1ons fo you companys CC1v. 1he depfh of f1e1d efes fo fhe
pof1on of fhe env1onmenf fhaf 1s 1n focus When shoWn on fhe mon1fo. 1he depfh of
f1e1d va1es depend1ng upon fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng, fhe d1sfance of fhe obecf
be1ng focused on, and fhe foca1 1engfh of fhe 1ens. 1he depfh of f1e1d 1nceases as
fhe s1ze of fhe 1ens open1ng deceases, fhe subecf d1sfance 1nceases, o fhe foca1
1engfh of fhe 1ens deceases. 5o, 1f you Wanf fo cove a 1age aea and nof focus on
spec1f1c 1fems, 1f 1s besf fo use a W1de-ang1e 1ens and a sma11 1ens open1ng.
a. lncoecf. CC1v 1enses have 11ses, Wh1ch confo1 fhe amounf of 11ghf fhaf
enfes fhe 1ens. Manua1 11s 1enses have a 1ng aound fhe CC1v 1ens fhaf can be
manua11y funed and confo11ed. A 1ens W1fh a manua1 11s Wou1d be used 1n aeas
fhaf have f1xed 11ghf1ng, s1nce fhe 11s cannof se1f-adusf fo changes of 11ghf. An
aufo 11s 1ens shou1d be used 1n env1onmenfs Whee fhe 11ghf changes, as 1n an
oufdoo seff1ng. As fhe env1onmenf b1ghfens, fh1s 1s sensed by fhe 11s, Wh1ch
aufomaf1ca11y adusfs 1fse1f. 5ecu1fy pesonne1 W111 conf1gue fhe CC1v fo have a
spec1f1c f1xed exposue va1ue, Wh1ch fhe 11s 1s espons1b1e fo ma1nfa1n1ng. On a
Page 20
Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
sunny day, fhe 11s 1ens c1oses fo educe fhe amounf of 11ghf enfe1ng fhe camea,
Wh11e af n1ghf, fhe 11s opens fo capfue moe 11ghf-usf 11ke ou eyes.
b. Coecf. CC1v 1enses have 11ses, Wh1ch confo1 fhe amounf of 11ghf fhaf enfes
fhe 1ens. Manua1 11s 1enses have a 1ng aound fhe CC1v 1ens fhaf can be manua11y
funed and confo11ed. A 1ens W1fh a manua1 11s Wou1d be used 1n aeas fhaf have
f1xed 11ghf1ng, s1nce fhe 11s cannof se1f-adusf fo changes of 11ghf. An aufo 11s
1ens shou1d be used 1n env1onmenfs Whee fhe 11ghf changes, as 1n an oufdoo
seff1ng. As fhe env1onmenf b1ghfens, fh1s 1s sensed by fhe 11s, Wh1ch
aufomaf1ca11y adusfs 1fse1f. 5ecu1fy pesonne1 W111 conf1gue fhe CC1v fo have a
spec1f1c f1xed exposue va1ue, Wh1ch fhe 11s 1s espons1b1e fo ma1nfa1n1ng. On a
sunny day, fhe 11s 1ens c1oses fo educe fhe amounf of 11ghf enfe1ng fhe camea,
Wh11e af n1ghf, fhe 11s opens fo capfue moe 11ghf-usf 11ke ou eyes.
c. lncoecf. CC1v 1enses have 11ses, Wh1ch confo1 fhe amounf of 11ghf fhaf
enfes fhe 1ens. Manua1 11s 1enses have a 1ng aound fhe CC1v 1ens fhaf can be
manua11y funed and confo11ed. A 1ens W1fh a manua1 11s Wou1d be used 1n aeas
fhaf have f1xed 11ghf1ng, s1nce fhe 11s cannof se1f-adusf fo changes of 11ghf. An
aufo 11s 1ens shou1d be used 1n env1onmenfs Whee fhe 11ghf changes, as 1n an
oufdoo seff1ng. As fhe env1onmenf b1ghfens, fh1s 1s sensed by fhe 11s, Wh1ch
aufomaf1ca11y adusfs 1fse1f. 5ecu1fy pesonne1 W111 conf1gue fhe CC1v fo have a
spec1f1c f1xed exposue va1ue, Wh1ch fhe 11s 1s espons1b1e fo ma1nfa1n1ng. On a
sunny day, fhe 11s 1ens c1oses fo educe fhe amounf of 11ghf enfe1ng fhe camea,
Wh11e af n1ghf, fhe 11s opens fo capfue moe 11ghf-usf 11ke ou eyes.
d. lncoecf. CC1v 1enses have 11ses, Wh1ch confo1 fhe amounf of 11ghf fhaf
enfes fhe 1ens. Manua1 11s 1enses have a 1ng aound fhe CC1v 1ens fhaf can be
manua11y funed and confo11ed. A 1ens W1fh a manua1 11s Wou1d be used 1n aeas
fhaf have f1xed 11ghf1ng, s1nce fhe 11s cannof se1f-adusf fo changes of 11ghf. An
aufo 11s 1ens shou1d be used 1n env1onmenfs Whee fhe 11ghf changes, as 1n an
oufdoo seff1ng. As fhe env1onmenf b1ghfens, fh1s 1s sensed by fhe 11s, Wh1ch
aufomaf1ca11y adusfs 1fse1f. 5ecu1fy pesonne1 W111 conf1gue fhe CC1v fo have a
spec1f1c f1xed exposue va1ue, Wh1ch fhe 11s 1s espons1b1e fo ma1nfa1n1ng. On a
sunny day, fhe 11s 1ens c1oses fo educe fhe amounf of 11ghf enfe1ng fhe camea,
Wh11e af n1ghf, fhe 11s opens fo capfue moe 11ghf-usf 11ke ou eyes.
a. Coecf. 1he coecf chaacfe1sf1cs 11sf1ng of fhese d1ffeenf lD5s ae 11sfed
- L1ecfomechan1ca1 sysfems Wok by defecf1ng a change o beak 1n a c1cu1f.
- A phofoe1ecf1c sysfem {o phofomef1c sysfem} defecfs fhe change 1n a 11ghf beam
and fhus can be used on1y 1n W1ndoW1ess ooms.
- A pass1ve 1nfaed sysfem {Plk} 1denf1f1es fhe changes of heaf Waves 1n an aea 1f
1s conf1gued fo mon1fo.
- An acousf1ca1 defecf1on sysfem uses m1cophones 1nsfa11ed on f1oos, Wa11s, o
- Wave-paffen mof1on defecfos d1ffe 1n fhe fequency of fhe Waves fhey mon1fo.
- A pox1m1fy defecfo, o capac1fance defecfo, em1fs a measuab1e magnef1c f1e1d.
1he defecfo mon1fos fh1s magnef1c f1e1d, and an a1am sounds 1f fhe f1e1d 1s
b. lncoecf. 1he coecf chaacfe1sf1cs 11sf1ng of fhese d1ffeenf lD5s ae
11sfed be1oW,
- L1ecfomechan1ca1 sysfems Wok by defecf1ng a change o beak 1n a c1cu1f.
- A phofoe1ecf1c sysfem {o phofomef1c sysfem} defecfs fhe change 1n a 11ghf beam
and fhus can be used on1y 1n W1ndoW1ess ooms.
- A pass1ve 1nfaed sysfem {Plk} 1denf1f1es fhe changes of heaf Waves 1n an aea 1f
1s conf1gued fo mon1fo.
- An acousf1ca1 defecf1on sysfem uses m1cophones 1nsfa11ed on f1oos, Wa11s, o
- Wave-paffen mof1on defecfos d1ffe 1n fhe fequency of fhe Waves fhey mon1fo.
- A pox1m1fy defecfo, o capac1fance defecfo, em1fs a measuab1e magnef1c f1e1d.
1he defecfo mon1fos fh1s magnef1c f1e1d, and an a1am sounds 1f fhe f1e1d 1s
c. lncoecf. 1he coecf chaacfe1sf1cs 11sf1ng of fhese d1ffeenf lD5s ae
11sfed be1oW,
- L1ecfomechan1ca1 sysfems Wok by defecf1ng a change o beak 1n a c1cu1f.
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Phys1ca1 5ecu1fy-P3.fxf
- A phofoe1ecf1c sysfem {o phofomef1c sysfem} defecfs fhe change 1n a 11ghf beam
and fhus can be used on1y 1n W1ndoW1ess ooms.
- A pass1ve 1nfaed sysfem {Plk} 1denf1f1es fhe changes of heaf Waves 1n an aea 1f
1s conf1gued fo mon1fo.
- An acousf1ca1 defecf1on sysfem uses m1cophones 1nsfa11ed on f1oos, Wa11s, o
- Wave-paffen mof1on defecfos d1ffe 1n fhe fequency of fhe Waves fhey mon1fo.
- A pox1m1fy defecfo, o capac1fance defecfo, em1fs a measuab1e magnef1c f1e1d.
1he defecfo mon1fos fh1s magnef1c f1e1d, and an a1am sounds 1f fhe f1e1d 1s
d. lncoecf. 1he coecf chaacfe1sf1cs 11sf1ng of fhese d1ffeenf lD5s ae
11sfed be1oW,
- L1ecfomechan1ca1 sysfems Wok by defecf1ng a change o beak 1n a c1cu1f.
- A phofoe1ecf1c sysfem {o phofomef1c sysfem} defecfs fhe change 1n a 11ghf beam
and fhus can be used on1y 1n W1ndoW1ess ooms.
- A pass1ve 1nfaed sysfem {Plk} 1denf1f1es fhe changes of heaf Waves 1n an aea 1f
1s conf1gued fo mon1fo.
- An acousf1ca1 defecf1on sysfem uses m1cophones 1nsfa11ed on f1oos, Wa11s, o
- Wave-paffen mof1on defecfos d1ffe 1n fhe fequency of fhe Waves fhey mon1fo.
- A pox1m1fy defecfo, o capac1fance defecfo, em1fs a measuab1e magnef1c f1e1d.
1he defecfo mon1fos fh1s magnef1c f1e1d, and an a1am sounds 1f fhe f1e1d 1s
a. lncoecf. 1he hvAC sysfem shou1d ma1nfa1n fhe appop1afe fempeafue and
hum1d1fy 1eve1s, pov1de c1osed-1oop ec1cu1af1ng a1-cond1f1on1ng, and pos1f1ve
pessu1zaf1on and venf11af1on.
b. Coecf. 1he hvAC sysfem shou1d ma1nfa1n fhe appop1afe fempeafue and
hum1d1fy 1eve1s, pov1de c1osed-1oop ec1cu1af1ng a1-cond1f1on1ng, and pos1f1ve
pessu1zaf1on and venf11af1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he hvAC sysfem shou1d ma1nfa1n fhe appop1afe fempeafue and
hum1d1fy 1eve1s, pov1de c1osed-1oop ec1cu1af1ng a1-cond1f1on1ng, and pos1f1ve
pessu1zaf1on and venf11af1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he hvAC sysfem shou1d ma1nfa1n fhe appop1afe fempeafue and
hum1d1fy 1eve1s, pov1de c1osed-1oop ec1cu1af1ng a1-cond1f1on1ng, and pos1f1ve
pessu1zaf1on and venf11af1on.
Page 22
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
qu1z Name = 5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1
1. 1he Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and e1afed 1echno1ogy {Cob11} 1s a
fameWok and sef of besf pacf1ces. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des an 1ncoecf
chaacfe1sf1c of Cob11?
a. Deve1oped by fhe lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Aud1f and Confo1 Assoc1af1on {l5ACA} and
fhe l1 Govenance lnsf1fufe {l1Gl}.
b. lf def1nes goa1s fo fhe confo1s fhaf shou1d be used fo pope1y manage l1 and
fo ensue fhaf l1 maps fo bus1ness needs.
c. A mao1fy of egu1af1on comp11ance and aud1fs ae bu11f on fhe Cob11 fameWok.
d. Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo f1ve doma1ns
2. A dafa sfoage company`s numbe one secu1fy goa1 1s fo ensue fhaf fhe1 dafa 1s
pofecfed and 1nfeg1fy 1s ach1eved. Of fhe fo11oW1ng confo1s, Wh1ch besf ach1eves
fhe goa1 of ensu1ng 1nfeg1fy?
a. Access confo1s
b. 1echn1ca1 confo1s
c. Phys1ca1 confo1s
d. None of fhese
3. A neW secu1fy po11cy has ecenf1y been puf 1nfo p1ace fo ach1eve many company
obecf1ves. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng obecf1ves cou1d nof be ach1eved by a secu1fy
a. Lnsu1ng fhaf a11 dafa has a h1gh 1eve1 of 1nfeg1fy
b. keduc1ng 1eve1s of faudu1enf acf1v1fy by emp1oyees
c. Lnsu1ng h1ghe 1eve1s of dafa accuacy
d. Lnsu1ng h1ghe 1eve1s of secu1fy aWaeness by emp1oyees
4. You company`s secu1fy d1ecfo ca11s a meef1ng fo sfess fhe 1mpofance of dafa
1nfeg1fy W1fh1n fhe company. 1hee 1s a concen because of sevea1 v1o1af1ons fhaf
have been nof1ced 1afe1y. Of fhe examp1es be1oW, Wh1ch Wou1d nof be cons1deed an
1nfeg1fy v1o1af1on?
a. An unaufho1zed ana1ysf pefom1ng a cosf ana1ys1s on c1ass1f1ed 1nfomaf1on
b. An unaufho1zed dafa pocesso mak1ng changes fo a pofecfed dafabase
c. An opeaf1ons fechn1c1an mak1ng a change fo a ma1nfame conf1guaf1on seff1ng by
d. A sen1o l1 ana1ysf mak1ng de11beafe and unaufho1zed changes fo use accounfs
5. John covef1y 1eans fhe use lD and passWod of a h1ghe-anked fechn1c1an and
uses fhe cedenf1a1s fo access cefa1n aeas of a nefWok. Whaf fem desc1bes Whaf
John has done?
a. lP spoof1ng
b. 8ackdoo1ng
c. Masquead1ng
d. Dafa d1dd11ng
6. kaen and he secu1fy feam have been fasked W1fh deve1op1ng a secu1fy po11cy fo
be pesenfed fo sen1o managemenf fo a neW sfaf-up ogan1zaf1on. Of fhe facfos
11sfed be1oW, Wh1ch 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf 1n defem1n1ng an effecf1ve secu1fy
a. 1he cosf/afe-of-efun facfo
b. lf 1s cons1sfenf W1fh fhe m1ss1on of fhe company
c. lf ef1ecfs each peson on fhe secu1fy feam
d. lf concenfafes on fhe assefs c1osesf fo fhe CLO`s heaf
Page 1
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
7. Cay 1s Wok1ng on a 1sk managemenf poecf and musf defem1ne fhe degee of
damage fo a manufacfu1ng fac111fy doWnfoWn 1n fhe evenf of a f1ood. 1h1s degee of
damage 1s efeed fo as:
a. lfs depec1afed va1ue
b. lfs exposue facfo
c. lfs 1sk facfo
d. lfs s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy
. You company has h1ed a 1sk managemenf f1m fo eva1uafe fhe ogan1zaf1on`s
ovea11 hea1fh and 1sks. One aea fhaf 1s qu1ck1y 1denf1f1ed 1s a sma11 Waehouse
1n a heav11y popu1afed aea fhaf ho1ds va1uab1e assefs. 1he Waehouse has no
pe1mefe defenses. 1h1s 1ack of pofecf1on Wou1d be chaacfe1zed as a .
a. 1heaf
b. Accepfab1e bus1ness pacf1ce as phys1ca1 confo1s ae nof c1f1ca1
c. vu1neab111fy
d. Lxposue facfo
9. Laua and he feam ae d111genf1y Wok1ng on a company-W1de 1sk assessmenf
1n1f1af1ve. Af fhe conc1us1on of he feam`s Wok, a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng goa1s cou1d
be mef, excepf:
a. A11 fheafs have been 1denf1f1ed and p1o1f1zed.
b. Counfemeasues have been puf 1nfo p1ace and commun1cafed fo fhe appop1afe
c. A 8lA has been pefomed.
d. A11 c1f1ca1 assefs have been 1denf1f1ed and ass1gned exposue facfos based on
fhe1 assoc1afed vu1neab111f1es.
10. k1sk managemenf can be vey comp1ex and oveWhe1m1ng. lf 1s v1fua11y 1mposs1b1e
fo cons1de evey poss1b1e scena1o du1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s, hoWeve, fhee ae
mefhods ava11ab1e fhaf can poduce beffe esu1fs. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d
pov1de fhe besf esu1fs When cay1ng ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s?
a. Do moe qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s
b. use manua1 aud1f1ng
c. use ex1sf1ng aufomafed foo1s
d. Iocus p1ma11y on fhe c1f1ca1 assefs
11. ln a heafed debafe befWeen fhe l1 depafmenf, opeaf1ons, and fhe f1nance
depafmenf, fhe 1ssue of Who "oWns" fhe f1nanc1a1 dafa 1n quesf1on 1s a1sed. Of fhe
enf1f1es 11sfed be1oW, Who 1s mosf 11ke1y fhe oWne of fh1s dafa?
a. l1 depafmenf fhaf manages and ma1nfa1ns fhe dafa
b. I1nance bus1ness un1f manage
c. Opeaf1ons depafmenf fhaf deve1ops fhe po11c1es and 1nfegafes fhe pocedues
d. A11 fhe uses Who cons1sfenf1y man1pu1afe fhe dafa
12. A govenmenf confacf1ng f1m uses c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1s W1fh1n 1fs dafa
nefWok1ng env1onmenf. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Why fh1s 1s puf 1nfo
a. Cosf educf1on mechan1sm
b. kegu1afoy noncomp11ance
c. Iaud defecf1on
d. Co11us1on acf1vaf1on
13. 1om has usf comp1efed fhe company`s f1sf-eve secu1fy po11cy affe geff1ng
f1na1 s1gn-off fom fhe execuf1ve comm1ffee. 1he secu1fy po11cy fhaf 1om 1s
pub11sh1ng cou1d 1nc1ude a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng 1n1f1af1ves excepf:
a. Defa11ed pocedue on hoW fhe po11cy W111 be ca1ed ouf
b. Ogan1zaf1ona1 chaf fhaf 1nc1udes fhe secu1fy feam and esca1af1on confacfs
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
c. Def1n1f1on of fhe companys accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1
d. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on p1an
14. k1m 1s a dafa cusfod1an fo he company. 5he has many duf1es fo pefom each
day. Wh1ch dufy Wou1d be cons1deed "ouf of scope" 1n he pos1f1on?
a. Add1ng neW emp1oyees fo fhe ass1gned dafa c1ass1f1caf1on goups
b. Pefom1ng pesc1bed sysfem ma1nfenance
c. Lsfab11sh1ng base11nes fo dafa puges
d. 1oub1eshoof1ng sysfem pob1ems fhaf affecf use poducf1v1fy
15. M1ke, Who Was a he1p desk suppof peson, has ecenf1y been moved 1nfo fhe
pos1f1on of secu1fy aWaeness fa1ne. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of M1ke`s neW pos1f1on?
a. 1o pov1de sen1o managemenf W1fh poof fhaf fhey exec1sed due cae and due
b. 1o ensue fhaf a11 emp1oyees ae We11 vesed on fhe company`s secu1fy po11cy
and pogam
c. 1o meef egu1afoy comp11ances
d. 1o ovesee fhe fa1n1ng depafmenf and seve as qua11fy confo1
16. koge ca11s 1nfo a cusfome sev1ce cenfe and pefends fo be aff111afed W1fh
fhe company 1n ode fo ga1n secued 1nfomaf1on. Whaf facf1c 1s koge us1ng?
a. 1a11gaf1ng
b. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
c. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
d. 5n1ff1ng
17. Du1ng a posf-mofem 1nc1denf eva1uaf1on, 1f 1s d1scoveed fhaf coec1on Was
used by an affacke fo 1nf11fafe fhe company and obfa1n conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on.
1h1s facf1c Wou1d besf be chaacfe1zed as:
a. Lavesdopp1ng
b. Pass1ve
c. Acf1ve
d. 5n1ff1ng
1. You company`s ClO has sfessed fhe need fo an 1mmed1afe 1nc1denf esponse p1an
fo be ceafed. Whaf 1s fhe besf eason fo fh1s mandafe?
a. 1o 1mpove fhe company`s epufaf1on W1fh sfockho1des
b. 1o 1mpove fhe execuf1ve feam`s comp11ance W1fh due d111gence egu1af1ons
c. 1o 1mpove emp1oyee moa1e and efenf1on
d. 1o 1mpove fhe 11ke11hood fhaf fhe company cou1d effecf1ve1y eacf fo a
19. Den1a1 of sev1ce and 1oss of sev1ces due fo d1sasfes ae fWo 1ssues fhaf ae
p1ma11y 11nked fo Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ma1n concepfs of 1nfomaf1on secu1fy?
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. lnfeg1fy
c. Non-epud1af1on
d. Ava11ab111fy
20. Lay 1s 1n chage of pesenf1ng 1sk assessmenf ca1cu1af1ons fo h1s boss by fhe
end of fhe Week. he conc1udes fhaf a seve W1fh heavy faff1c has an annua11zed
1oss expecfancy {ALL} of $15,000 W1fh an annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO} of 5.
Whaf 1s fhe seve`s s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} va1ue?
a. $5,000
b. $3,000
c. $75,000
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
d. $20,000
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a doma1n of Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and
e1afed 1echno1ogy?
a. P1an and Ogan1ze
b. De11vey and 5uppof
c. Ma1nfa1n and Cef1fy
d. Mon1fo and Lva1uafe
22. k11ey 1s 1ead1ng a poecf k1ck-off meef1ng W1fh epesenfaf1ves fom fhe enf1e
company. he asks fhe fo11oW1ng quesf1ons: 1} Whaf cou1d happen? 2} hoW devasfaf1ng
cou1d 1f poss1b1y be? 3} hoW offen cou1d 1f occu? 4} hoW accuafe ae ou ansWes
fo fhe fhee pev1ous quesf1ons? Whaf aea o 1ssue ae fhe ansWes fo fhese
quesf1ons fagefed af?
a. Log1ca1 confo1s
b. 5ecu1fy po11cy
c. k1sk
d. vu1neab111f1es
23. kafhy 1s espons1b1e fo an assef va1ued af $25,000. lf 1s defem1ned fhaf he
assef has an exposue facfo of 10 pecenf. Whaf 1s fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy
a. $250,000
b. $15,000
c. $2,500
d. $250
24. k1sk assessmenf 1s nof a1Ways mef W1fh open ams by managemenf fo a11 of fhe
fo11oW1ng easons excepf:
a. lgnoance
b. Ove-conf1dence
c. Iea
d. Due cae and due d111gence
25. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fue of a qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s appoach?
a. kesu1fs ae def1n1f1ve and obecf1ve 1n nafue
b. ldenf1f1es mao aeas of 1sk
c. Lxpecfed 1oss 1s g1ven 1n fhe fom of do11as and cenfs
d. kesu1fs ae offen comp1ex
26. 5h11ey 1s 1n chage of assef 1denf1f1caf1on and c1ass1f1caf1on as paf of a
1sk assessmenf 1n1f1af1ve. ln go1ng fhough an 1nvenfoy 11sf, she musf dec1de 1f
an assef 1s fang1b1e o 1nfang1b1e. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d she mak as
a. Deskfops
b. kepufaf1on
c. 5offWae documenfaf1on
d. 5faff budgefs
27. Lsfab11sh1ng dafa c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1s W1fh1n a company 1s essenf1a1 as paf of
an ovea11 secu1fy pogam. Of fhe peop1e 11sfed be1oW, Who Wou1d be fhe besf
cho1ce fo sponso a dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam?
a. l1 adm1n1sfafo
b. 5ecu1fy off1ce
c. Ch1ef 1nfomaf1on off1ce
d. 5ecu1fy aWaeness fa1ne
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
2. Mckenna pefoms fhe fo11oW1ng dafa fasks: 1} Ass1gns dafa c1ass1f1caf1on
1eve1s fo meef he bus1ness un1f`s spec1f1c needs. 2} Defem1nes Whaf uses can
access dafa. 3} ve1f1es secu1fy confo1s ae 1n p1ace and Wok1ng coecf1y.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng o1es 1s Mckenna pefom1ng?
a. Dafa cusfod1an
b. Dafa use
c. Dafa oWne
d. Pocess oWne
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a d1ecf1ve 1ssued by sen1o managemenf fhaf
1denf1f1es goa1s, measuemenfs, and espons1b111f1es?
a. Po11cy
b. Pocedue
c. 5fandad
d. 8ase11ne
30. When M1fche11 a1ves af Wok on Monday, fhee 1s an e-ma11 1n h1s 1nbox fhaf
eads "A11 emp1oyees shou1d affend phone fa1n1ng 1n fhe ma1n confeence oom befoe
us1ng fhe1 neW1y 1nsfa11ed d1g1fa1 phones." 1h1s message 1s an examp1e of Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Company po11cy
b. lndusfy sfandad
c. Depafmenfa1 base11ne
d. Company gu1de11ne
31. 8ob 1s a hacke Who 1nfends fo use soc1a1 eng1nee1ng sfafeg1es fo 1nf11fafe a
fome emp1oye. Affe do1ng fhoough eseach, he beg1ns ca111ng fhe cusfome
sev1ce 11ne fo f1nd fhe Weakesf epesenfaf1ves fo affack. he ca11s ove and ove
aga1n fy1ng fo fa1k fo many d1ffeenf epesenfaf1ves. Whaf phase of fh1s soc1a1
eng1nee1ng affack 1s 8ob 1nvo1ved 1n?
a. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
b. 1agef se1ecf1on
c. lnfe111gence gafhe1ng
d. Affack mode
32. 5ecu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng pogams have a11 of fhe fo11oW1ng chaacfe1sf1cs
a. Lnfoced by depafmenf heads
b. 51mp1e, c1ea, and conc1se
c. Ongo1ng
d. Lnfefa1n1ng and pos1f1ve
33. kuss 1s ead1ng fhe company`s 1nfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy as paf of h1s neW
emp1oyee o1enfaf1on. One secf1on exp1a1ns fhaf confo1s musf be 1n p1ace fo
guaanfee e11ab111fy and sfab111fy W1fh1n fhe company nefWok and fhaf a11 dev1ces
ae a1Ways access1b1e. Whaf p1nc1p1e does fh1s po11cy suppof?
a. lnfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy
c. Non-epud1af1on
d. Ava11ab111fy
34. Amy eads a documenf fom he Woksfaf1on:
1.Access fhe Aspen 81dge by fe1nef.
2.Lnfe 1nfo p1v11eged mode.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
3.Lxecufe command 6 and pess Lnfe.
4.Load fhe conf1g f11e.
5.h1f kun.
Whaf fype of documenf 1s Amy ead1ng?
a. Po11cy
b. Pocedue
c. 8ase11ne
d. Adv1soy
35. DeW defem1nes fhaf fhe cosf of buy1ng anf1-spyWae fo fechn1c1an 1apfops
exceeds fhe 1oss expecfancy 1f spyWae fheafs Wee fo happen. DeW shou1d fhe
a. M1f1gafe
b. L11m1nafe
c. Accepf
d. 1ansfe
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an unde1y1ng acf1v1fy of 1sk managemenf?
a. uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s
b. k1sk ana1ys1s
c. vu1neab111fy ana1ys1s
d. 8us1ness 1mpacf ana1ys1s
37. Once a yea, a fu11 eva1uaf1on 1s conducfed fo eva1uafe fhe effecf1veness of
ex1sf1ng secu1fy W1fh1n a company. Confo1s ae eva1uafed and a f1na1 epof 1s
ceafed. Who hand1es fh1s k1nd of acf1v1fy?
a. Dafa oWne
b. 5ysfems expef
c. 5ysfems aud1fo
d. 5en1o managemenf
3. A 1sk managemenf feam 1s 1n fhe m1dd1e of one of fhe1 quafe1y ev1eW
meef1ngs and a debafe 1gn1fes abouf Why secu1fy confo1s ex1sf af a11. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng agumenfs 1s fue?
a. Confo1s ex1sf fo e11m1nafe 1sk and e11m1nafe 1oss.
b. Confo1s ex1sf fo e11m1nafe 1sk and educe 1oss.
c. Confo1s ex1sf fo 1denf1fy 1sk and educe 1oss.
d. Confo1s ex1sf fo m1f1gafe 1sk and educe 1oss.
39. M1ke 1s Wok1ng on a 1sk assessmenf poecf. h1s boss, Pam, 1s vey
numbes-d1ven and ana1yf1ca1. Whaf fype of appoach Wou1d be fhe smafesf couse of
acf1on fo M1ke fo fake?
a. qua11faf1ve appoach
b. De1ph1 fechn1que
c. quanf1faf1ve appoach
d. A11-emp1oyee quesf1onna1e
40. Jack 1s fhe CLO of a f1ckef bokeage house and has ca11ed a meef1ng W1fh h1s
execuf1ve feam fo d1scuss fhe 1s1ng secu1fy concens fhaf he`s been made aWae of.
Affe pob1ng h1s feam fo ansWes, Jack 1eans fhaf Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng enf1f1es
ae h1s b1ggesf fheaf?
a. Lxfena1 hackes
b. Lmp1oyees
c. NefWok pafnes
d. Lqu1pmenf ma1funcf1ons
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
41. Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and e1afed 1echno1ogy pov1des a11 of fhe
fo11oW1ng excepf:
1. confo1 obecf1ves
11. confo1 pacf1ces
111. goa1 1nd1cafos
1v. pefomance 1nd1cafos
v. success facfos
v1. mafu1fy mode1s
a. v
b. v1
c. 11
d. None of fhem
42. ln you company`s f1sf eve secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng c1ass, kon asked fhe
quesf1on "Why do We have fo have secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng anyWay?" Whaf shou1d
fhe fa1ne`s ansWe be?
a. 1o comp1y W1fh sfockho1des equ1emenfs
b. 1o 1mpove fhe companys 1ndusfy epufaf1on
c. 1o 1nsf111 fea and Wok as a defeenf fo fhe 1nd1v1dua1s Who may affempf
ma11c1ous acf1v1f1es
d. 1o 1mpove a11 emp1oyee aff1fudes and behav1os foWad secu1fy
43. Wh1ch enf1fy pov1des foma1 aufho1zaf1on on access dec1s1ons?
a. Dafa oWne
b. Dafa cusfod1an
c. Dafa use
d. Dafa Waehouse
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng def1nes a counfemeasue?
a. A pocedue fhaf can e11m1nafe fhe fheaf agenf
b. A soffWae conf1guaf1on fhaf can comp1efe1y pevenf a fheaf
c. A soffWae conf1guaf1on, hadWae, o pocedue fhaf can m1f1gafe pofenf1a1
d. Pocedue fhaf 1s done fo f1x fhe desfucf1on fhaf an exposue has caused
45. Wh1ch desc1bes fhe pope e1af1onsh1p of fhe Wods "fheaf," "exposue," and
a. An exposue g1ves 1se fo a fheaf, Wh1ch exp1o1fs a 1sk and 1eads fo a
b. A 1sk causes a vu1neab111fy fhaf 1eads fo a fheaf and causes an exposue.
c. An exposue a11oWs a Weakness fhaf 1eads fo a fheaf ceaf1ng an exposue.
d. A fheaf can exp1o1f a vu1neab111fy. 1he pobab111fy of fh1s happen1ng 1s fhe
1sk. Once fhe vu1neab111fy 1s exp1o1fed fhee 1s an exposue.
46. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d be done upon fhe h11ng of pesonne1?
a. A11 pesonne1 shou1d s1gn fhe fom 2163 accod1ng fo hlPAA.
b. A11 pesonne1 shou1d be made fo s1gn an NDA.
c. A11 pesonne1 shou1d be efeed by af 1easf fhee pesons
d. A11 pesonne1 shou1d be on a one-yea pobaf1on pe1od
47. Lncypf1on and mon1fo1ng epesenf Wh1ch k1nds of secu1fy confo1s?
a. Adm1n1sfaf1ve and fechn1ca1
b. 1echn1ca1 and phys1ca1
c. 8ofh ae fechn1ca1
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve and phys1ca1
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
4. "5hou1de suf1ng" 1s an examp1e of Whaf k1nd of secu1fy fa11ue?
a. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
b. Conf1denf1a11fy
c. Counfemeasue
d. Po11cy
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng epesenfs fhe besf appoach fo 1mp1emenf1ng a secu1fy
a. 1op doWn
b. 8offom up
c. Compafmenfed
d. D1sf1bufed
50. Johns company boughf secu1fy 11ab111fy 1nsuance cove1ng fhe cosf of
equ1pmenf on1y fo f1nd fhaf fhe po11cy d1d nof fu11y compensafe fo fhe damage done
affe fh1eves boke 1n and sfo1e fhe dafa cenfe equ1pmenf, because fhe 1oss 1n
poducf1v1fy had nof been facfoed 1n. Whaf k1nd of 1sk d1d managemenf fa11 fo
a. 1ang1b1e 1sk
b. lnsuance 1sk
c. De1ayed 1oss 1sk
d. Ma1nfenance 1sk
51. A company needs fo defem1ne 1fs secu1fy budgef fo fhe nexf yea. lf
1nfev1eWs uses, adm1n1sfafos, and manages 1n fhe 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy
d1v1s1on, Who ende op1n1ons and ecommendaf1ons based upon fhe1 pecepf1ons of
secu1fy 1sk. 1h1s 1s an examp1e of Whaf k1nd of appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s?
a. qua11faf1ve
b. va1ue-based
c. quanf1faf1ve
d. Accumu1af1ve
52. 8ased on quanf1faf1ve ca1cu1af1ons, fhe company has defem1ned fhaf by
1mp1emenf1ng a beffe f1eWa11, fhey W111 educe fhe1 1sk exposue by 0 pecenf.
Whaf does fhe ofhe 20 pecenf epesenf?
a. 51ng1e 1oss expecfancy
b. Annua11zed 1oss expecfancy
c. kes1dua1 1sk
d. vu1neab111fy pecenfage
53. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng W111 1sk ana1ys1s nof y1e1d?
a. Monefay va1ues ass1gned fo assefs
b. Pobab111fy afe of fhe occuence of each fheaf
c. kecommended safeguads, counfemeasues, and acf1ons
d. Counfemeasues and fhe1 cosfs
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf
1he Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and e1afed 1echno1ogy {Cob11} 1s a fameWok
and sef of besf pacf1ces deve1oped by fhe lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Aud1f and Confo1
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
Assoc1af1on {l5ACA} and fhe l1 Govenance lnsf1fufe {l1Gl}. lf def1nes goa1s fo fhe
confo1s fhaf shou1d be used fo pope1y manage l1 and fo ensue fhaf l1 maps fo
bus1ness needs. Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns.
b. lncoecf
1he Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and e1afed 1echno1ogy {Cob11} 1s a fameWok
and sef of besf pacf1ces deve1oped by fhe lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Aud1f and Confo1
Assoc1af1on {l5ACA} and fhe l1 Govenance lnsf1fufe {l1Gl}. lf def1nes goa1s fo fhe
confo1s fhaf shou1d be used fo pope1y manage l1 and fo ensue fhaf l1 maps fo
bus1ness needs. Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns.
c. lncoecf
1he Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and e1afed 1echno1ogy {Cob11} 1s a fameWok
and sef of besf pacf1ces deve1oped by fhe lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Aud1f and Confo1
Assoc1af1on {l5ACA} and fhe l1 Govenance lnsf1fufe {l1Gl}. lf def1nes goa1s fo fhe
confo1s fhaf shou1d be used fo pope1y manage l1 and fo ensue fhaf l1 maps fo
bus1ness needs. Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns.
d. Coecf
1he Confo1 Obecf1ves fo lnfomaf1on and e1afed 1echno1ogy {Cob11} 1s a fameWok
and sef of besf pacf1ces deve1oped by fhe lnfomaf1on 5ysfems Aud1f and Confo1
Assoc1af1on {l5ACA} and fhe l1 Govenance lnsf1fufe {l1Gl}. lf def1nes goa1s fo fhe
confo1s fhaf shou1d be used fo pope1y manage l1 and fo ensue fhaf l1 maps fo
bus1ness needs. Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns.
a. Coecf
Access confo1s ae used fo pem1f/deny uses fom access1ng dafa, Wh1ch he1ps fo
pofecf 1fs 1nfeg1fy. 1hee ae phys1ca1 and fechn1ca1 confo1s fhaf can be used fo
pov1de access confo1, buf fhee ae a1so adm1n1sfaf1ve access confo1s fhaf can
he1p pofecf fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. Access confo1s 1s fhe moe genea1 ansWe
and encompasses fechn1ca1 and phys1ca1 confo1s.
b. lncoecf
Access confo1s ae used fo pem1f/deny uses fom access1ng dafa, Wh1ch he1ps fo
pofecf 1fs 1nfeg1fy. 1hee ae phys1ca1 and fechn1ca1 confo1s fhaf can be used fo
pov1de access confo1, buf fhee ae a1so adm1n1sfaf1ve access confo1s fhaf can
he1p pofecf fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. Access confo1s 1s fhe moe genea1 ansWe
and encompasses fechn1ca1 and phys1ca1 confo1s.
c. lncoecf
Access confo1s ae used fo pem1f/deny uses fom access1ng dafa, Wh1ch he1ps fo
pofecf 1fs 1nfeg1fy. 1hee ae phys1ca1 and fechn1ca1 confo1s fhaf can be used fo
pov1de access confo1, buf fhee ae a1so adm1n1sfaf1ve access confo1s fhaf can
he1p pofecf fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. Access confo1s 1s fhe moe genea1 ansWe
and encompasses fechn1ca1 and phys1ca1 confo1s.
d. lncoecf
Access confo1s ae used fo pem1f/deny uses fom access1ng dafa, Wh1ch he1ps fo
pofecf 1fs 1nfeg1fy. 1hee ae phys1ca1 and fechn1ca1 confo1s fhaf can be used fo
pov1de access confo1, buf fhee ae a1so adm1n1sfaf1ve access confo1s fhaf can
he1p pofecf fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. Access confo1s 1s fhe moe genea1 ansWe
and encompasses fechn1ca1 and phys1ca1 confo1s.
a. lncoecf
5ecu1fy po11c1es can he1p compan1es ach1eve many goa1s, buf ensu1ng fhaf dafa 1s
enfeed coecf1y 1s nof one of fhem. lf can he1p 1mpove confo1s fhaf ae puf 1nfo
p1ace, Wh1ch cou1d 1nd1ecf1y 1mpove accuacy 1eve1s, buf fhe po11cy 1fse1f Wou1d
nof be usefu1 1n fh1s aea. 1he ofhe obecf1ves can a11 be ach1eved d1ecf1y by fhe
secu1fy po11cy.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
b. lncoecf
5ecu1fy po11c1es can he1p compan1es ach1eve many goa1s, buf ensu1ng fhaf dafa 1s
enfeed coecf1y 1s nof one of fhem. lf can he1p 1mpove confo1s fhaf ae puf 1nfo
p1ace, Wh1ch cou1d 1nd1ecf1y 1mpove accuacy 1eve1s, buf fhe po11cy 1fse1f Wou1d
nof be usefu1 1n fh1s aea. 1he ofhe obecf1ves can a11 be ach1eved d1ecf1y by fhe
secu1fy po11cy.
c. Coecf
5ecu1fy po11c1es can he1p compan1es ach1eve many goa1s, buf ensu1ng fhaf dafa 1s
enfeed coecf1y 1s nof one of fhem. lf can he1p 1mpove confo1s fhaf ae puf 1nfo
p1ace, Wh1ch cou1d 1nd1ecf1y 1mpove accuacy 1eve1s, buf fhe po11cy 1fse1f Wou1d
nof be usefu1 1n fh1s aea. 1he ofhe obecf1ves can a11 be ach1eved d1ecf1y by fhe
secu1fy po11cy.
d. lncoecf
5ecu1fy po11c1es can he1p compan1es ach1eve many goa1s, buf ensu1ng fhaf dafa 1s
enfeed coecf1y 1s nof one of fhem. lf can he1p 1mpove confo1s fhaf ae puf 1nfo
p1ace, Wh1ch cou1d 1nd1ecf1y 1mpove accuacy 1eve1s, buf fhe po11cy 1fse1f Wou1d
nof be usefu1 1n fh1s aea. 1he ofhe obecf1ves can a11 be ach1eved d1ecf1y by fhe
secu1fy po11cy.
a. Coecf
An ana1ysf pefom1ng an unaufho1zed fask 1s a pob1em, buf 1f eopad1zes fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of fhe dafa, nof fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. As 1ong as fhe emp1oyee
1s nof mak1ng changes fo fhe dafa, fhe 1nfeg1fy ema1ns 1nfacf. A11 of fhe ofhe
examp1es epesenf 1nsfances Whee dafa has been a1feed.
b. lncoecf
An ana1ysf pefom1ng an unaufho1zed fask 1s a pob1em, buf 1f eopad1zes fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of fhe dafa, nof fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. As 1ong as fhe emp1oyee
1s nof mak1ng changes fo fhe dafa, fhe 1nfeg1fy ema1ns 1nfacf. A11 of fhe ofhe
examp1es epesenf 1nsfances Whee dafa has been a1feed.
c. lncoecf
An ana1ysf pefom1ng an unaufho1zed fask 1s a pob1em, buf 1f eopad1zes fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of fhe dafa, nof fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. As 1ong as fhe emp1oyee
1s nof mak1ng changes fo fhe dafa, fhe 1nfeg1fy ema1ns 1nfacf. A11 of fhe ofhe
examp1es epesenf 1nsfances Whee dafa has been a1feed.
d. lncoecf
An ana1ysf pefom1ng an unaufho1zed fask 1s a pob1em, buf 1f eopad1zes fhe
conf1denf1a11fy of fhe dafa, nof fhe 1nfeg1fy of fhe dafa. As 1ong as fhe emp1oyee
1s nof mak1ng changes fo fhe dafa, fhe 1nfeg1fy ema1ns 1nfacf. A11 of fhe ofhe
examp1es epesenf 1nsfances Whee dafa has been a1feed.
a. lncoecf
Masquead1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes a peson Who pefends fo be an aufho1zed use
fo c1cumvenf esfab11shed confo1s.
b. lncoecf
Masquead1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes a peson Who pefends fo be an aufho1zed use
fo c1cumvenf esfab11shed confo1s.
c. Coecf
Masquead1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes a peson Who pefends fo be an aufho1zed use
fo c1cumvenf esfab11shed confo1s.
d. lncoecf
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
Masquead1ng 1s a fem fhaf desc1bes a peson Who pefends fo be an aufho1zed use
fo c1cumvenf esfab11shed confo1s.
a. lncoecf
Above a11 e1se, a secu1fy po11cy shou1d be cons1sfenf W1fh a company`s ovea11
m1ss1on. A good secu1fy po11cy W111 pofecf a11 c1f1ca1 assefs fhaf ae v1fa1 1n
cay1ng ouf a spec1f1ed m1ss1on. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe d1ecf1ves fhaf ae
ouf11ned 1n fhe po11cy ae 1nfegafed 1nfo bus1ness pocesses.
b. Coecf
Above a11 e1se, a secu1fy po11cy shou1d be cons1sfenf W1fh a company`s ovea11
m1ss1on. A good secu1fy po11cy W111 pofecf a11 c1f1ca1 assefs fhaf ae v1fa1 1n
cay1ng ouf a spec1f1ed m1ss1on. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe d1ecf1ves fhaf ae
ouf11ned 1n fhe po11cy ae 1nfegafed 1nfo bus1ness pocesses.
c. lncoecf
Above a11 e1se, a secu1fy po11cy shou1d be cons1sfenf W1fh a company`s ovea11
m1ss1on. A good secu1fy po11cy W111 pofecf a11 c1f1ca1 assefs fhaf ae v1fa1 1n
cay1ng ouf a spec1f1ed m1ss1on. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe d1ecf1ves fhaf ae
ouf11ned 1n fhe po11cy ae 1nfegafed 1nfo bus1ness pocesses.
d. lncoecf
Above a11 e1se, a secu1fy po11cy shou1d be cons1sfenf W1fh a company`s ovea11
m1ss1on. A good secu1fy po11cy W111 pofecf a11 c1f1ca1 assefs fhaf ae v1fa1 1n
cay1ng ouf a spec1f1ed m1ss1on. lf 1s 1mpofanf fhaf fhe d1ecf1ves fhaf ae
ouf11ned 1n fhe po11cy ae 1nfegafed 1nfo bus1ness pocesses.
a. lncoecf
An assefs exposue facfo {LI} 1s 1fs degee o pecenf of damage fhaf Wou1d be
ea11zed 1n fhe evenf of a d1sasfe. LI 1s used fo ca1cu1afe a s1ng1e 1oss
b. Coecf
An assefs exposue facfo {LI} 1s 1fs degee o pecenf of damage fhaf Wou1d be
ea11zed 1n fhe evenf of a d1sasfe. LI 1s used fo ca1cu1afe a s1ng1e 1oss
c. lncoecf
An assefs exposue facfo {LI} 1s 1fs degee o pecenf of damage fhaf Wou1d be
ea11zed 1n fhe evenf of a d1sasfe. LI 1s used fo ca1cu1afe a s1ng1e 1oss
d. lncoecf
An assefs exposue facfo {LI} 1s 1fs degee o pecenf of damage fhaf Wou1d be
ea11zed 1n fhe evenf of a d1sasfe. LI 1s used fo ca1cu1afe a s1ng1e 1oss

a. lncoecf
1he 1ack of phys1ca1 confo1s 1n an aea Whee c1me 1s poss1b1e 1s a def1n1fe
vu1neab111fy fo fhe company fo cons1de. 1he fheaf 1n fh1s scena1o Wou1d be
pofenf1a1 1nfudes Who cou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy.
b. lncoecf
1he 1ack of phys1ca1 confo1s 1n an aea Whee c1me 1s poss1b1e 1s a def1n1fe
vu1neab111fy fo fhe company fo cons1de. 1he fheaf 1n fh1s scena1o Wou1d be
pofenf1a1 1nfudes Who cou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy.
c. Coecf
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
1he 1ack of phys1ca1 confo1s 1n an aea Whee c1me 1s poss1b1e 1s a def1n1fe
vu1neab111fy fo fhe company fo cons1de. 1he fheaf 1n fh1s scena1o Wou1d be
pofenf1a1 1nfudes Who cou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy.
d. lncoecf
1he 1ack of phys1ca1 confo1s 1n an aea Whee c1me 1s poss1b1e 1s a def1n1fe
vu1neab111fy fo fhe company fo cons1de. 1he fheaf 1n fh1s scena1o Wou1d be
pofenf1a1 1nfudes Who cou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy.
a. lncoecf
k1sk assessmenf 1nvo1ves a11 aspecfs of eva1uaf1ng a company`s cuenf assefs and
e1afed fheafs fo fhose assefs. lf does nof, hoWeve, 1nvo1ve 1mp1emenf1ng
counfemeasues. 1he esu1fs of fhe 1sk assessmenf ae g1ven fo managemenf, Who
musf appove fhe a11ocaf1on of esouces fo 1mp1emenf fhe suggesfed counfemeasues.
b. Coecf
k1sk assessmenf 1nvo1ves a11 aspecfs of eva1uaf1ng a company`s cuenf assefs and
e1afed fheafs fo fhose assefs. lf does nof, hoWeve, 1nvo1ve 1mp1emenf1ng
counfemeasues. 1he esu1fs of fhe 1sk assessmenf ae g1ven fo managemenf, Who
musf appove fhe a11ocaf1on of esouces fo 1mp1emenf fhe suggesfed counfemeasues.
c. lncoecf
k1sk assessmenf 1nvo1ves a11 aspecfs of eva1uaf1ng a company`s cuenf assefs and
e1afed fheafs fo fhose assefs. lf does nof, hoWeve, 1nvo1ve 1mp1emenf1ng
counfemeasues. 1he esu1fs of fhe 1sk assessmenf ae g1ven fo managemenf, Who
musf appove fhe a11ocaf1on of esouces fo 1mp1emenf fhe suggesfed counfemeasues.
d. lncoecf
k1sk assessmenf 1nvo1ves a11 aspecfs of eva1uaf1ng a company`s cuenf assefs and
e1afed fheafs fo fhose assefs. lf does nof, hoWeve, 1nvo1ve 1mp1emenf1ng
counfemeasues. 1he esu1fs of fhe 1sk assessmenf ae g1ven fo managemenf, Who
musf appove fhe a11ocaf1on of esouces fo 1mp1emenf fhe suggesfed counfemeasues.
a. lncoecf
Aufomafed foo1s fhaf ae used 1n 1sk ana1ys1s have a 1of of fhe necessay quesf1ons
pe-pogammed 1n, Wh1ch a11oWs fhe feam fo usf enfe fhe ansWes and he1ps fo
ensue nofh1ng has been m1ssed. 1he foo1s a1so confa1n fhe necessay mafhemaf1ca1
fomu1as and d1ffeenf scena1o paamefes. 1h1s means fhaf fhe feam can enfe fhe
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been gafheed one f1me and fhe foo1 can un 1f fhough sevea1
d1ffeenf scena1os. 1he foo1s can decease fhe f1me 1nvo1ved 1n 1sk ana1ys1s and
pov1de beffe qua11fy esu1fs, When compaed fo manua1 pocesses.
b. lncoecf
Aufomafed foo1s fhaf ae used 1n 1sk ana1ys1s have a 1of of fhe necessay quesf1ons
pe-pogammed 1n, Wh1ch a11oWs fhe feam fo usf enfe fhe ansWes and he1ps fo
ensue nofh1ng has been m1ssed. 1he foo1s a1so confa1n fhe necessay mafhemaf1ca1
fomu1as and d1ffeenf scena1o paamefes. 1h1s means fhaf fhe feam can enfe fhe
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been gafheed one f1me and fhe foo1 can un 1f fhough sevea1
d1ffeenf scena1os. 1he foo1s can decease fhe f1me 1nvo1ved 1n 1sk ana1ys1s and
pov1de beffe qua11fy esu1fs, When compaed fo manua1 pocesses.
c. Coecf
Aufomafed foo1s fhaf ae used 1n 1sk ana1ys1s have a 1of of fhe necessay quesf1ons
pe-pogammed 1n, Wh1ch a11oWs fhe feam fo usf enfe fhe ansWes and he1ps fo
ensue nofh1ng has been m1ssed. 1he foo1s a1so confa1n fhe necessay mafhemaf1ca1
fomu1as and d1ffeenf scena1o paamefes. 1h1s means fhaf fhe feam can enfe fhe
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been gafheed one f1me and fhe foo1 can un 1f fhough sevea1
d1ffeenf scena1os. 1he foo1s can decease fhe f1me 1nvo1ved 1n 1sk ana1ys1s and
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
pov1de beffe qua11fy esu1fs When compaed fo manua1 pocesses.
d. lncoecf
Aufomafed foo1s fhaf ae used 1n 1sk ana1ys1s have a 1of of fhe necessay quesf1ons
pe-pogammed 1n, Wh1ch a11oWs fhe feam fo usf enfe fhe ansWes and he1ps fo
ensue nofh1ng has been m1ssed. 1he foo1s a1so confa1n fhe necessay mafhemaf1ca1
fomu1as and d1ffeenf scena1o paamefes. 1h1s means fhaf fhe feam can enfe fhe
1nfomaf1on fhaf has been gafheed one f1me and fhe foo1 can un 1f fhough sevea1
d1ffeenf scena1os. 1he foo1s can decease fhe f1me 1nvo1ved 1n 1sk ana1ys1s and
pov1de beffe qua11fy esu1fs, When compaed fo manua1 pocesses.
a. lncoecf
ln mosf ogan1zaf1ons, sen1o managemenf de1egafes dafa oWnesh1p fo bus1ness un1f
manages o depafmenf heads. lf 1s fhe1 espons1b111fy fo c1ass1fy fhe dafa. 1he
l1 depafmenf and opeaf1ons ae cons1deed fhe dafa cusfod1ans because fhey hand1e
fhe ma1nfenance and da11y fasks W1fh fhe dafa buf nof fhe ovea11 po11cy dec1s1ons.
b. Coecf
ln mosf ogan1zaf1ons, sen1o managemenf de1egafes dafa oWnesh1p fo bus1ness un1f
manages o depafmenf heads. lf 1s fhe1 espons1b111fy fo c1ass1fy fhe dafa. 1he
l1 depafmenf and opeaf1ons ae cons1deed fhe dafa cusfod1ans because fhey hand1e
fhe ma1nfenance and da11y fasks W1fh fhe dafa buf nof fhe ovea11 po11cy dec1s1ons.
c. lncoecf
ln mosf ogan1zaf1ons, sen1o managemenf de1egafes dafa oWnesh1p fo bus1ness un1f
manages o depafmenf heads. lf 1s fhe1 espons1b111fy fo c1ass1fy fhe dafa. 1he
l1 depafmenf and opeaf1ons ae cons1deed fhe dafa cusfod1ans because fhey hand1e
fhe ma1nfenance and da11y fasks W1fh fhe dafa buf nof fhe ovea11 po11cy dec1s1ons.
d. lncoecf
ln mosf ogan1zaf1ons, sen1o managemenf de1egafes dafa oWnesh1p fo bus1ness un1f
manages o depafmenf heads. lf 1s fhe1 espons1b111fy fo c1ass1fy fhe dafa. 1he
l1 depafmenf and opeaf1ons ae cons1deed fhe dafa cusfod1ans because fhey hand1e
fhe ma1nfenance and da11y fasks W1fh fhe dafa buf nof fhe ovea11 po11cy dec1s1ons.
a. Coecf
A dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf a11 fypes of dafa ae
pofecfed af fhe necessay 1eve1s 1n fhe mosf cosf benef1c1a1 Way poss1b1e. lf done
pope1y, funds ae nof Wasfed on ove pofecf1ng dafa. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on cou1d
nof defecf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es, and co11us1on 1s When fWo o moe peop1e Wok
fogefhe fo cay ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es.
b. lncoecf
A dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf a11 fypes of dafa ae
pofecfed af fhe necessay 1eve1s 1n fhe mosf cosf benef1c1a1 Way poss1b1e. lf done
pope1y, funds ae nof Wasfed on ove pofecf1ng dafa. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on cou1d
nof defecf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es, and co11us1on 1s When fWo o moe peop1e Wok
fogefhe fo cay ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es.
c. lncoecf
A dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf a11 fypes of dafa ae
pofecfed af fhe necessay 1eve1s 1n fhe mosf cosf benef1c1a1 Way poss1b1e. lf done
pope1y, funds ae nof Wasfed on ove pofecf1ng dafa. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on cou1d
nof defecf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es, and co11us1on 1s When fWo o moe peop1e Wok
fogefhe fo cay ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es.
d. lncoecf
A dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam 1s puf 1nfo p1ace fo ensue fhaf a11 fypes of dafa ae
pofecfed af fhe necessay 1eve1s 1n fhe mosf cosf benef1c1a1 Way poss1b1e. lf done
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
pope1y, funds ae nof Wasfed on ove pofecf1ng dafa. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on cou1d
nof defecf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es, and co11us1on 1s When fWo o moe peop1e Wok
fogefhe fo cay ouf faudu1enf acf1v1f1es.
a. Coecf
A secu1fy po11cy 1s a documenf fhaf pofays sen1o managemenfs d1ecf1ves
pefa1n1ng fo fhe ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy pogam. lf shou1d ouf11ne secu1fy o1es
and espons1b111f1es, dafa c1ass1f1caf1on needs and goa1s, and fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe
company 1s W1111ng fo accepf. A po11cy does nof pov1de defa11ed 1nfomaf1on o
b. lncoecf
A secu1fy po11cy 1s a documenf fhaf pofays sen1o managemenfs d1ecf1ves
pefa1n1ng fo fhe ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy pogam. lf shou1d ouf11ne secu1fy o1es
and espons1b111f1es, dafa c1ass1f1caf1on needs and goa1s, and fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe
company 1s W1111ng fo accepf. A po11cy does nof pov1de defa11ed 1nfomaf1on o
c. lncoecf
A secu1fy po11cy 1s a documenf fhaf pofays sen1o managemenfs d1ecf1ves
pefa1n1ng fo fhe ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy pogam. lf shou1d ouf11ne secu1fy o1es
and espons1b111f1es, dafa c1ass1f1caf1on needs and goa1s, and fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe
company 1s W1111ng fo accepf. A po11cy does nof pov1de defa11ed 1nfomaf1on o
d. lncoecf
A secu1fy po11cy 1s a documenf fhaf pofays sen1o managemenfs d1ecf1ves
pefa1n1ng fo fhe ogan1zaf1ons secu1fy pogam. lf shou1d ouf11ne secu1fy o1es
and espons1b111f1es, dafa c1ass1f1caf1on needs and goa1s, and fhe 1eve1 of 1sk fhe
company 1s W1111ng fo accepf. A po11cy does nof pov1de defa11ed 1nfomaf1on o
a. lncoecf
Defem1n1ng When dafa 1s puged 1s fhe espons1b111fy of a dafa oWne, nof fhe dafa
cusfod1an. 1he dafa oWne shou1d be aWae of fhe 1ega1, egu1afoy, and po11c1es
1ssues suound1ng hoW 1ong dafa 1s fo be kepf. Once fh1s dec1s1on has been made,
fhe dafa cusfod1an Wou1d mosf 11ke1y be fasked W1fh conf1gu1ng a sysfem fo cay
ouf fhe pug1ng pocess, buf fhe dec1s1ons shou1d be 1eff fo fhe goup espons1b1e
fo fhe dafa. 1he ofhe fasks a11 be1ong fo a dafa cusfod1an.
b. lncoecf
Defem1n1ng When dafa 1s puged 1s fhe espons1b111fy of a dafa oWne, nof fhe dafa
cusfod1an. 1he dafa oWne shou1d be aWae of fhe 1ega1, egu1afoy, and po11c1es
1ssues suound1ng hoW 1ong dafa 1s fo be kepf. Once fh1s dec1s1on has been made,
fhe dafa cusfod1an Wou1d mosf 11ke1y be fasked W1fh conf1gu1ng a sysfem fo cay
ouf fhe pug1ng pocess, buf fhe dec1s1ons shou1d be 1eff fo fhe goup espons1b1e
fo fhe dafa. 1he ofhe fasks a11 be1ong fo a dafa cusfod1an.
c. Coecf
Defem1n1ng When dafa 1s puged 1s fhe espons1b111fy of a dafa oWne, nof fhe dafa
cusfod1an. 1he dafa oWne shou1d be aWae of fhe 1ega1, egu1afoy, and po11c1es
1ssues suound1ng hoW 1ong dafa 1s fo be kepf. Once fh1s dec1s1on has been made,
fhe dafa cusfod1an Wou1d mosf 11ke1y be fasked W1fh conf1gu1ng a sysfem fo cay
ouf fhe pug1ng pocess, buf fhe dec1s1ons shou1d be 1eff fo fhe goup espons1b1e
fo fhe dafa. 1he ofhe fasks a11 be1ong fo a dafa cusfod1an.
d. lncoecf
Defem1n1ng When dafa 1s puged 1s fhe espons1b111fy of a dafa oWne, nof fhe dafa
cusfod1an. 1he dafa oWne shou1d be aWae of fhe 1ega1, egu1afoy, and po11c1es
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
1ssues suound1ng hoW 1ong dafa 1s fo be kepf. Once fh1s dec1s1on has been made,
fhe dafa cusfod1an Wou1d mosf 11ke1y be fasked W1fh conf1gu1ng a sysfem fo cay
ouf fhe pug1ng pocess, buf fhe dec1s1ons shou1d be 1eff fo fhe goup espons1b1e
fo fhe dafa. 1he ofhe fasks a11 be1ong fo a dafa cusfod1an.
a. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness ex1sfs fo commun1cafe a company`s secu1fy p1an and goa1s fo
eveyone. lf shou1d ouf11ne accepfab1e and unaccepfab1e use behav1o and fhe 1sks
and fhe assoc1afed am1f1caf1ons fo unaccepfab1e behav1o.
b. Coecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness ex1sfs fo commun1cafe a company`s secu1fy p1an and goa1s fo
eveyone. lf shou1d ouf11ne accepfab1e and unaccepfab1e use behav1o and fhe 1sks
and fhe assoc1afed am1f1caf1ons fo unaccepfab1e behav1o.
c. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness ex1sfs fo commun1cafe a company`s secu1fy p1an and goa1s fo
eveyone. lf shou1d ouf11ne accepfab1e and unaccepfab1e use behav1o and fhe 1sks
and fhe assoc1afed am1f1caf1ons fo unaccepfab1e behav1o.
d. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness ex1sfs fo commun1cafe a company`s secu1fy p1an and goa1s fo
eveyone. lf shou1d ouf11ne accepfab1e and unaccepfab1e use behav1o and fhe 1sks
and fhe assoc1afed am1f1caf1ons fo unaccepfab1e behav1o.
a. lncoecf
5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng 1s a common facf1c used by affackes fo obfa1n usefu1
1nfomaf1on. 1he goa1 1s fo f1ck fhe ofhe peson 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhaf fhe affacke
1s aufho1zed and shou1d have access fo fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf
5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng 1s a common facf1c used by affackes fo obfa1n usefu1
1nfomaf1on. 1he goa1 1s fo f1ck fhe ofhe peson 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhaf fhe affacke
1s aufho1zed and shou1d have access fo fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on.
c. Coecf
5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng 1s a common facf1c used by affackes fo obfa1n usefu1
1nfomaf1on. 1he goa1 1s fo f1ck fhe ofhe peson 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhaf fhe affacke
1s aufho1zed and shou1d have access fo fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf
5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng 1s a common facf1c used by affackes fo obfa1n usefu1
1nfomaf1on. 1he goa1 1s fo f1ck fhe ofhe peson 1nfo fh1nk1ng fhaf fhe affacke
1s aufho1zed and shou1d have access fo fhe equesfed 1nfomaf1on.
a. lncoecf
us1ng coec1on 1s an acf1ve fype of affack 1n Wh1ch fhe 1nfude uses aggess1ve
facf1cs fo ach1eve fhe 1nfended goa1. us1ng coec1on 1s an examp1e of soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
b. lncoecf
us1ng coec1on 1s an acf1ve fype of affack 1n Wh1ch fhe 1nfude uses aggess1ve
facf1cs fo ach1eve fhe 1nfended goa1. us1ng coec1on 1s an examp1e of soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
c. Coecf
us1ng coec1on 1s an acf1ve fype of affack 1n Wh1ch fhe 1nfude uses aggess1ve
Page 15
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
facf1cs fo ach1eve fhe 1nfended goa1. us1ng coec1on 1s an examp1e of soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
d. lncoecf
us1ng coec1on 1s an acf1ve fype of affack 1n Wh1ch fhe 1nfude uses aggess1ve
facf1cs fo ach1eve fhe 1nfended goa1. us1ng coec1on 1s an examp1e of soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, Wh1ch 1s an acf1ve affack.
a. lncoecf
lnc1denf esponse p1ans ae ceafed fo ensue fhaf When an affack, v1us, o some
ofhe fype of d1supf1on 1s expe1enced, fhe company can effecf1ve1y and eff1c1enf1y
eacf and m1f1gafe any pofenf1a1 damages. A11 fhe ofhe ansWes may come fue as a
esu1f of an 1nc1denf esponse p1an, buf ae nof fhe coe eason fo deve1op1ng fh1s
fype of p1an.
b. lncoecf
lnc1denf esponse p1ans ae ceafed fo ensue fhaf When an affack, v1us, o some
ofhe fype of d1supf1on 1s expe1enced, fhe company can effecf1ve1y and eff1c1enf1y
eacf and m1f1gafe any pofenf1a1 damages. A11 fhe ofhe ansWes may come fue as a
esu1f of an 1nc1denf esponse p1an, buf ae nof fhe coe eason fo deve1op1ng fh1s
fype of p1an.
c. lncoecf
lnc1denf esponse p1ans ae ceafed fo ensue fhaf When an affack, v1us, o some
ofhe fype of d1supf1on 1s expe1enced, fhe company can effecf1ve1y and eff1c1enf1y
eacf and m1f1gafe any pofenf1a1 damages. A11 fhe ofhe ansWes may come fue as a
esu1f of an 1nc1denf esponse p1an, buf ae nof fhe coe eason fo deve1op1ng fh1s
fype of p1an.
d. Coecf
lnc1denf esponse p1ans ae ceafed fo ensue fhaf When an affack, v1us, o some
ofhe fype of d1supf1on 1s expe1enced, fhe company can effecf1ve1y and eff1c1enf1y
eacf and m1f1gafe any pofenf1a1 damages. A11 fhe ofhe ansWes may come fue as a
esu1f of an 1nc1denf esponse p1an, buf ae nof fhe coe eason fo deve1op1ng fh1s
fype of p1an.
a. lncoecf
1he fhee ma1n easons fhaf a va1efy of secu1fy mechan1sms 1s 1mp1emenfed ae fo
pov1de fhe fhee componenfs of fhe lAC f1ang1e, Wh1ch sfands fo 1nfeg1fy,
ava11ab111fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. Ava11ab111fy 1s affecfed by d1supf1ons and
den1a1-of-sev1ce affacks.
b. lncoecf
1he fhee ma1n easons fhaf a va1efy of secu1fy mechan1sms 1s 1mp1emenfed ae fo
pov1de fhe fhee componenfs of fhe lAC f1ang1e, Wh1ch sfands fo 1nfeg1fy,
ava11ab111fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. Ava11ab111fy 1s affecfed by d1supf1ons and
den1a1-of-sev1ce affacks.
c. lncoecf
1he fhee ma1n easons fhaf a va1efy of secu1fy mechan1sms 1s 1mp1emenfed ae fo
pov1de fhe fhee componenfs of fhe lAC f1ang1e, Wh1ch sfands fo 1nfeg1fy,
ava11ab111fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. Ava11ab111fy 1s affecfed by d1supf1ons and
den1a1-of-sev1ce affacks.
d. Coecf
1he fhee ma1n easons fhaf a va1efy of secu1fy mechan1sms 1s 1mp1emenfed ae fo
pov1de fhe fhee componenfs of fhe lAC f1ang1e, Wh1ch sfands fo 1nfeg1fy,
ava11ab111fy, and conf1denf1a11fy. Ava11ab111fy 1s affecfed by d1supf1ons and
den1a1-of-sev1ce affacks.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf
1he ALL fomu1a 1s used fo defem1ne fhe f1nanc1a1 1oss of a spec1f1c assef based
upon fhe 11ke1y fheafs fhaf may be ea11zed. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on 1s as fo11oWs:
5LL x AkO = ALL. ln fh1s examp1e:
ALL {$15,000} = AkO {5} x 5LL {$3,000}.
b. Coecf
1he ALL fomu1a 1s used fo defem1ne fhe pofenf1a1 f1nanc1a1 1oss of a spec1f1c
assef based upon fhe 11ke1y fheafs fhaf may be ea11zed. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on 1s as
fo11oWs: 5LL x AkO = ALL. ln fh1s examp1e:
ALL {$15,000} = AkO {5} x 5LL {$3,000}.
c. lncoecf
1he ALL fomu1a 1s used fo defem1ne fhe f1nanc1a1 1oss of a spec1f1c assef based
upon fhe 11ke1y fheafs fhaf may be ea11zed. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on 1s as fo11oWs:
5LL x AkO = ALL. ln fh1s examp1e:
ALL {$15,000} = AkO {5} x 5LL {$3,000}.
d. lncoecf
1he ALL fomu1a 1s used fo defem1ne fhe f1nanc1a1 1oss of a spec1f1c assef based
upon fhe 11ke1y fheafs fhaf may be ea11zed. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on 1s as fo11oWs:
5LL x AkO = ALL. ln fh1s examp1e:
ALL {$15,000} = AkO {5} x 5LL {$3,000}.
a. lncoecf
Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns: P1an and Ogan1ze, Acqu1e and lmp1emenf,
De11ve and 5uppof, and Mon1fo and Lva1uafe.
b. lncoecf
Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns: P1an and Ogan1ze, Acqu1e and lmp1emenf,
De11ve and 5uppof, and Mon1fo and Lva1uafe.
c. Coecf
Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns: P1an and Ogan1ze, Acqu1e and lmp1emenf,
De11ve and 5uppof, and Mon1fo and Lva1uafe.
d. lncoecf
Cob11 1s boken doWn 1nfo fou doma1ns: P1an and Ogan1ze, Acqu1e and lmp1emenf,
De11ve and 5uppof, and Mon1fo and Lva1uafe.
a. lncoecf
8y ansWe1ng fhe fou quesf1ons k11ey posed 1n h1s meef1ng, fhe feam 1s fak1ng fhe
1ghf sfeps af 1denf1fy1ng Whaf fhe1 company faces. 1h1s exec1se 1s genea11y
cons1deed fhe beg1nn1ng sfages of a 1sk ana1ys1s.
b. lncoecf
8y ansWe1ng fhe fou quesf1ons k11ey posed 1n h1s meef1ng, fhe feam 1s fak1ng fhe
1ghf sfeps af 1denf1fy1ng Whaf fhe1 company faces. 1h1s exec1se 1s genea11y
cons1deed fhe beg1nn1ng sfages of a 1sk ana1ys1s.
c. Coecf
8y ansWe1ng fhe fou quesf1ons k11ey posed 1n h1s meef1ng, fhe feam 1s fak1ng fhe
1ghf sfeps af 1denf1fy1ng Whaf fhe1 company faces. 1h1s exec1se 1s genea11y
cons1deed fhe beg1nn1ng sfages of a 1sk ana1ys1s.
d. lncoecf
8y ansWe1ng fhe fou quesf1ons k11ey posed 1n h1s meef1ng, fhe feam 1s fak1ng fhe
1ghf sfeps af 1denf1fy1ng Whaf fhe1 company faces. 1h1s exec1se 1s genea11y
cons1deed fhe beg1nn1ng sfages of a 1sk ana1ys1s.
Page 17
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf
51ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng an assef`s va1ue by 1fs
exposue facfo, Wh1ch 1s fhe amounf of pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be endued 1f fhe
1denf1f1ed fheaf Wee fo occu. ln fh1s examp1e,
Assef va1ue x exposue facfo = 5LL
$25,000 x 10x = $2,500
b. lncoecf
51ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng an assef`s va1ue by 1fs
exposue facfo, Wh1ch 1s fhe amounf of pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be endued 1f fhe
1denf1f1ed fheaf Wee fo occu. ln fh1s examp1e,
Assef va1ue x exposue facfo = 5LL
$25,000 x 10x = $2,500
c. Coecf
51ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng an assef`s va1ue by 1fs
exposue facfo, Wh1ch 1s fhe amounf of pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be endued 1f fhe
1denf1f1ed fheaf Wee fo occu. ln fh1s examp1e,
Assef va1ue x exposue facfo = 5LL
$25,000 x 10x = $2,500
d. lncoecf
51ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng an assef`s va1ue by 1fs
exposue facfo, Wh1ch 1s fhe amounf of pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf cou1d be endued 1f fhe
1denf1f1ed fheaf Wee fo occu. ln fh1s examp1e,
Assef va1ue x exposue facfo = 5LL
$25,000 x 10x = $2,500
a. lncoecf
Due cae and due d111gence ae acfua11y easons fo pefom 1sk assessmenf.
unfofunafe1y, many compan1es ae e1ucfanf fo ded1cafe f1me and enegy foWad 1sk
assessmenf. 5omef1mes fhey ae s1mp1y 1gnoanf of fhe p1ffa11s fhaf ex1sf and fhe
pofenf1a1 ham fhaf cou1d be ea11zed. Ofhe f1mes, fhey ae aoganf and
ove-conf1denf W1fh fhe1 cuenf pofecf1on schemes. And f1na11y, fhee may be some
fea of Whaf fhey may f1nd 1f fhey sfaf d1gg1ng aound.
1he Wod1ng of fh1s quesf1on 1s a b1f f1cky, Wh1ch 1s epesenfaf1ve of Whaf you
m1ghf see on fhe Cl55P exam.
b. lncoecf
Due cae and due d111gence ae acfua11y easons fo pefom 1sk assessmenf.
unfofunafe1y, many compan1es ae e1ucfanf fo ded1cafe f1me and enegy foWad 1sk
assessmenf. 5omef1mes fhey ae s1mp1y 1gnoanf of fhe p1ffa11s fhaf ex1sf and fhe
pofenf1a1 ham fhaf cou1d be ea11zed. Ofhe f1mes, fhey ae aoganf and
ove-conf1denf W1fh fhe1 cuenf pofecf1on schemes. And f1na11y, fhee may be some
fea of Whaf fhey may f1nd 1f fhey sfaf d1gg1ng aound.
1he Wod1ng of fh1s quesf1on 1s a b1f f1cky, Wh1ch 1s epesenfaf1ve of Whaf you
m1ghf see on fhe Cl55P exam.
c. lncoecf
Due cae and due d111gence ae acfua11y easons fo pefom 1sk assessmenf.
unfofunafe1y, many compan1es ae e1ucfanf fo ded1cafe f1me and enegy foWad 1sk
assessmenf. 5omef1mes fhey ae s1mp1y 1gnoanf of fhe p1ffa11s fhaf ex1sf and fhe
pofenf1a1 ham fhaf cou1d be ea11zed. Ofhe f1mes, fhey ae aoganf and
Page 1
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
ove-conf1denf W1fh fhe1 cuenf pofecf1on schemes. And f1na11y, fhee may be some
fea of Whaf fhey may f1nd 1f fhey sfaf d1gg1ng aound.
1he Wod1ng of fh1s quesf1on 1s a b1f f1cky, Wh1ch 1s epesenfaf1ve of Whaf you
m1ghf see on fhe Cl55P exam.
d. Coecf
Due cae and due d111gence ae acfua11y easons fo pefom 1sk assessmenf.
unfofunafe1y, many compan1es ae e1ucfanf fo ded1cafe f1me and enegy foWad 1sk
assessmenf. 5omef1mes fhey ae s1mp1y 1gnoanf of fhe p1ffa11s fhaf ex1sf and fhe
pofenf1a1 ham fhaf cou1d be ea11zed. Ofhe f1mes, fhey ae aoganf and
ove-conf1denf W1fh fhe1 cuenf pofecf1on schemes. And f1na11y, fhee may be some
fea of Whaf fhey may f1nd 1f fhey sfaf d1gg1ng aound.
1he Wod1ng of fh1s quesf1on 1s a b1f f1cky, Wh1ch 1s epesenfaf1ve of Whaf you
m1ghf see on fhe Cl55P exam.
a. lncoecf
qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s g1ves s1mp1e and subecf1ve esu1fs and does nof pov1de
exacf f1nanc1a1 esf1mafes. hoWeve, fh1s appoach does usua11y p1npo1nf fhe mao
aeas of 1sk fhaf shou1d ece1ve fhe mosf affenf1on.
b. Coecf
qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s g1ves s1mp1e and subecf1ve esu1fs and does nof pov1de
exacf f1nanc1a1 esf1mafes. hoWeve, fh1s appoach does usua11y p1npo1nf fhe mao
aeas of 1sk fhaf shou1d ece1ve fhe mosf affenf1on.
c. lncoecf
qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s g1ves s1mp1e and subecf1ve esu1fs and does nof pov1de
exacf f1nanc1a1 esf1mafes. hoWeve, fh1s appoach does usua11y p1npo1nf fhe mao
aeas of 1sk fhaf shou1d ece1ve fhe mosf affenf1on.
d. lncoecf
qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s g1ves s1mp1e and subecf1ve esu1fs and does nof pov1de
exacf f1nanc1a1 esf1mafes. hoWeve, fh1s appoach does usua11y p1npo1nf fhe mao
aeas of 1sk fhaf shou1d ece1ve fhe mosf affenf1on.
a. lncoecf
1he epufaf1on of a company 1s one of 1fs mosf c1f1ca1 assefs, buf a1so one of fhe
hadesf fo assoc1afe a d1ecf va1ue fo. 1h1s 1s because 1f 1s an 1nfang1b1e assef
and negaf1ve effecfs on fh1s assef cou1d be fa each1ng.
b. Coecf
1he epufaf1on of a company 1s one of 1fs mosf c1f1ca1 assefs, buf a1so one of fhe
hadesf fo assoc1afe a d1ecf va1ue fo. 1h1s 1s because 1f 1s an 1nfang1b1e assef
and negaf1ve effecfs on fh1s assef cou1d be fa each1ng.
c. lncoecf
1he epufaf1on of a company 1s one of 1fs mosf c1f1ca1 assefs, buf a1so one of fhe
hadesf fo assoc1afe a d1ecf va1ue fo. 1h1s 1s because 1f 1s an 1nfang1b1e assef
and negaf1ve effecfs on fh1s assef cou1d be fa each1ng.
d. lncoecf
1he epufaf1on of a company 1s one of 1fs mosf c1f1ca1 assefs, buf a1so one of fhe
hadesf fo assoc1afe a d1ecf va1ue fo. 1h1s 1s because 1f 1s an 1nfang1b1e assef
and negaf1ve effecfs on fh1s assef cou1d be fa each1ng.
a. lncoecf
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
A1fhough fhe secu1fy off1ce p1ays a huge o1e 1n a dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam,
fhe 1n1f1af1ve shou1d be champ1oned by an execuf1ve W1fh fhe h1ghesf ank Whose
paf1c1paf1on W111 have fhe geafesf 1nf1uence fhoughouf fhe company. CLOs and ClOs
shou1d a1Ways champ1on secu1fy pogams fo he1p emphas1ze fhe 1mpofance of fhe
effof fo a11 emp1oyees.
b. lncoecf
A1fhough fhe secu1fy off1ce p1ays a huge o1e 1n a dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam,
fhe 1n1f1af1ve shou1d be champ1oned by an execuf1ve W1fh fhe h1ghesf ank Whose
paf1c1paf1on W111 have fhe geafesf 1nf1uence fhoughouf fhe company. CLOs and ClOs
shou1d a1Ways champ1on secu1fy pogams fo he1p emphas1ze fhe 1mpofance of fhe
effof fo a11 emp1oyees.
c. Coecf
A1fhough fhe secu1fy off1ce p1ays a huge o1e 1n a dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam,
fhe 1n1f1af1ve shou1d be champ1oned by an execuf1ve W1fh fhe h1ghesf ank Whose
paf1c1paf1on W111 have fhe geafesf 1nf1uence fhoughouf fhe company. CLOs and ClOs
shou1d a1Ways champ1on secu1fy pogams fo he1p emphas1ze fhe 1mpofance of fhe
effof fo a11 emp1oyees.
d. lncoecf
A1fhough fhe secu1fy off1ce p1ays a huge o1e 1n a dafa c1ass1f1caf1on pogam,
fhe 1n1f1af1ve shou1d be champ1oned by an execuf1ve W1fh fhe h1ghesf ank Whose
paf1c1paf1on W111 have fhe geafesf 1nf1uence fhoughouf fhe company. CLOs and ClOs
shou1d a1Ways champ1on secu1fy pogams fo he1p emphas1ze fhe 1mpofance of fhe
effof fo a11 emp1oyees.
a. lncoecf
Dafa oWnes dec1de hoW dafa sefs W111 be c1ass1f1ed and pofecfed, and ensue fhaf
fhe ageed-upon mechan1sms ae 1n p1ace and Wok1ng coecf1y. Dafa oWnes ae
fyp1ca11y depafmenf heads.
b. lncoecf
Dafa oWnes dec1de hoW dafa sefs W111 be c1ass1f1ed and pofecfed, and ensue fhaf
fhe ageed-upon mechan1sms ae 1n p1ace and Wok1ng coecf1y. Dafa oWnes ae
fyp1ca11y depafmenf heads.
c. Coecf
Dafa oWnes dec1de hoW dafa sefs W111 be c1ass1f1ed and pofecfed, and ensue fhaf
fhe ageed-upon mechan1sms ae 1n p1ace and Wok1ng coecf1y. Dafa oWnes ae
fyp1ca11y depafmenf heads.
d. lncoecf
Dafa oWnes dec1de hoW dafa sefs W111 be c1ass1f1ed and pofecfed, and ensue fhaf
fhe ageed-upon mechan1sms ae 1n p1ace and Wok1ng coecf1y. Dafa oWnes ae
fyp1ca11y depafmenf heads.
a. Coecf
5en1o managemenf 1ssues po11c1es fhaf g1ve h1gh-1eve1 1nsfucf1ons on Whaf fo
accomp11sh and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each goa1 fo be pope1y accomp11shed. A
company`s secu1fy po11cy W111 g1ve a boad exp1anaf1on of hoW secu1fy W111 be
ach1eved and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each paf.
b. lncoecf
5en1o managemenf 1ssues po11c1es fhaf g1ve h1gh-1eve1 1nsfucf1ons on Whaf fo
accomp11sh and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each goa1 fo be pope1y accomp11shed. A
company`s secu1fy po11cy W111 g1ve a boad exp1anaf1on of hoW secu1fy W111 be
ach1eved and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each paf.
Page 20
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
c. lncoecf
5en1o managemenf 1ssues po11c1es fhaf g1ve h1gh-1eve1 1nsfucf1ons on Whaf fo
accomp11sh and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each goa1 fo be pope1y accomp11shed. A
company`s secu1fy po11cy W111 g1ve a boad exp1anaf1on of hoW secu1fy W111 be
ach1eved and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each paf.
d. lncoecf
5en1o managemenf 1ssues po11c1es fhaf g1ve h1gh-1eve1 1nsfucf1ons on Whaf fo
accomp11sh and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each goa1 fo be pope1y accomp11shed. A
company`s secu1fy po11cy W111 g1ve a boad exp1anaf1on of hoW secu1fy W111 be
ach1eved and Who 1s espons1b1e fo each paf.
a. lncoecf
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons o suggesf1ons g1ven fo emp1oyees. 1hey ae nof
mandafes 11ke a sfandad, buf s1mp1y genea1 sfafemenfs fhaf ae 1nfended fo he1p o
ass1sf peop1e 1n pefom1ng a fask.
b. lncoecf
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons o suggesf1ons g1ven fo emp1oyees. 1hey ae nof
mandafes 11ke a sfandad, buf s1mp1y genea1 sfafemenfs fhaf ae 1nfended fo he1p o
ass1sf peop1e 1n pefom1ng a fask.
c. lncoecf
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons o suggesf1ons g1ven fo emp1oyees. 1hey ae nof
mandafes 11ke a sfandad, buf s1mp1y genea1 sfafemenfs fhaf ae 1nfended fo he1p o
ass1sf peop1e 1n pefom1ng a fask.
d. Coecf
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons o suggesf1ons g1ven fo emp1oyees. 1hey ae nof
mandafes 11ke a sfandad, buf s1mp1y genea1 sfafemenfs fhaf ae 1nfended fo he1p o
ass1sf peop1e 1n pefom1ng a fask.
a. lncoecf
8ob has a1eady comp1efed fhe 1nfe111gence gafhe1ng phase and 1s noW execuf1ng fhe
fagef se1ecf1on phase. 8y suf1ng fhough a11 fhe d1ffeenf cusfome sev1ce eps,
he 1s dec1d1ng Wh1ch one W111 pov1de fhe eas1esf avenue fo h1s exp1o1f.
b. Coecf
8ob has a1eady comp1efed fhe 1nfe111gence gafhe1ng phase and 1s noW execuf1ng fhe
fagef se1ecf1on phase. 8y suf1ng fhough a11 fhe d1ffeenf cusfome sev1ce
epesenfaf1ves, he 1s dec1d1ng Wh1ch one W111 pov1de fhe eas1esf avenue fo h1s
c. lncoecf
8ob has a1eady comp1efed fhe 1nfe111gence gafhe1ng phase and 1s noW execuf1ng fhe
fagef se1ecf1on phase. 8y suf1ng fhough a11 fhe d1ffeenf cusfome sev1ce eps,
he 1s dec1d1ng Wh1ch one W111 pov1de fhe eas1esf avenue fo h1s exp1o1f.
d. lncoecf
8ob has a1eady comp1efed fhe 1nfe111gence gafhe1ng phase and 1s noW execuf1ng fhe
fagef se1ecf1on phase. 8y suf1ng fhough a11 fhe d1ffeenf cusfome sev1ce eps,
he 1s dec1d1ng Wh1ch one W111 pov1de fhe eas1esf avenue fo h1s exp1o1f.
a. Coecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness shou1d 1dea11y be champ1oned by sen1o managemenf, Wh1ch
emphas1zes fhe 1mpofance of fhe pogam fo a11 emp1oyees. Wh11e depafmenf heads
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
W111 cefa1n1y be 1nvo1ved 1n fhe pogam, fhe execuf1ve feam shou1d have fhe1
names on 1f.
b. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness shou1d 1dea11y be champ1oned by sen1o managemenf, Wh1ch
emphas1zes fhe 1mpofance of fhe pogam fo a11 emp1oyees. Wh11e depafmenf heads
W111 cefa1n1y be 1nvo1ved 1n fhe pogam, fhe execuf1ve feam shou1d have fhe1
names on 1f.
c. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness shou1d 1dea11y be champ1oned by sen1o managemenf, Wh1ch
emphas1zes fhe 1mpofance of fhe pogam fo a11 emp1oyees. Wh11e depafmenf heads
W111 cefa1n1y be 1nvo1ved 1n fhe pogam, fhe execuf1ve feam shou1d have fhe1
names on 1f.
d. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness shou1d 1dea11y be champ1oned by sen1o managemenf, Wh1ch
emphas1zes fhe 1mpofance of fhe pogam fo a11 emp1oyees. Wh11e depafmenf heads
W111 cefa1n1y be 1nvo1ved 1n fhe pogam, fhe execuf1ve feam shou1d have fhe1
names on 1f.
a. lncoecf
Ava11ab111fy 1s one of fhe fhee ma1n secu1fy p1nc1p1es fhaf po11c1es ae geaed
foWad. 1h1s po11cy sfafes fhaf confo1s musf ex1sf fo pov1de e11ab111fy and
sfab111fy and fhaf dev1ces musf a1Ways be access1b1e {o ava11ab1e}, fhus fhe
ava11ab111fy p1nc1p1e.
b. lncoecf
Ava11ab111fy 1s one of fhe fhee ma1n secu1fy p1nc1p1es fhaf po11c1es ae geaed
foWad. 1h1s po11cy sfafes fhaf confo1s musf ex1sf fo pov1de e11ab111fy and
sfab111fy and fhaf dev1ces musf a1Ways be access1b1e {o ava11ab1e}, fhus fhe
ava11ab111fy p1nc1p1e.
c. lncoecf
Ava11ab111fy 1s one of fhe fhee ma1n secu1fy p1nc1p1es fhaf po11c1es ae geaed
foWad. 1h1s po11cy sfafes fhaf confo1s musf ex1sf fo pov1de e11ab111fy and
sfab111fy and fhaf dev1ces musf a1Ways be access1b1e {o ava11ab1e}, fhus fhe
ava11ab111fy p1nc1p1e.
d. Coecf
Ava11ab111fy 1s one of fhe fhee ma1n secu1fy p1nc1p1es fhaf po11c1es ae geaed
foWad. 1h1s po11cy sfafes fhaf confo1s musf ex1sf fo pov1de e11ab111fy and
sfab111fy and fhaf dev1ces musf a1Ways be access1b1e {o ava11ab1e}, fhus fhe
ava11ab111fy p1nc1p1e.
a. lncoecf
Pocedues pov1de defa11ed sfeps fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo ach1eve a cefa1n goa1.
1hey do nof sfafe spec1f1c secu1fy goa1s buf ae bu11f 1n accodance W1fh fhem.
b. Coecf
Pocedues pov1de defa11ed sfeps fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo ach1eve a cefa1n goa1.
1hey do nof sfafe spec1f1c secu1fy goa1s buf ae bu11f 1n accodance W1fh fhem.
c. lncoecf
Pocedues pov1de defa11ed sfeps fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo ach1eve a cefa1n goa1.
1hey do nof sfafe spec1f1c secu1fy goa1s buf ae bu11f 1n accodance W1fh fhem.
d. lncoecf
Pocedues pov1de defa11ed sfeps fhaf musf be fo11oWed fo ach1eve a cefa1n goa1.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
1hey do nof sfafe spec1f1c secu1fy goa1s buf ae bu11f 1n accodance W1fh fhem.
a. lncoecf
ln fh1s case, fhe cosf of pofecf1ng fhe assef 1s foo much so 1f doesn`f make
f1nanc1a1 sense. DeW shou1d accepf fh1s 1sk because 1f Wou1d cosf 1ess 1f fhe
fheaf acfua11y happened.
b. lncoecf
ln fh1s case, fhe cosf of pofecf1ng fhe assef 1s foo much so 1f doesn`f make
f1nanc1a1 sense. DeW shou1d accepf fh1s 1sk because 1f Wou1d cosf 1ess 1f fhe
fheaf acfua11y happened.
c. Coecf
ln fh1s case, fhe cosf of pofecf1ng fhe assef 1s foo much so 1f doesn`f make
f1nanc1a1 sense. DeW shou1d accepf fh1s 1sk because 1f Wou1d cosf 1ess 1f fhe
fheaf acfua11y happened.
d. lncoecf
ln fh1s case, fhe cosf of pofecf1ng fhe assef 1s foo much so 1f doesn`f make
f1nanc1a1 sense. DeW shou1d accepf fh1s 1sk because 1f Wou1d cosf 1ess 1f fhe
fheaf acfua11y happened.
a. Coecf
k1sk managemenf has p1may acf1v1f1es and unde1y1ng acf1v1f1es. P1may acf1v1f1es
ae fhe meaf and pofafoes of fhe pocess: 1denf1fy1ng 1sk, assess1ng
vu1neab111f1es, and defem1n1ng bus1ness 1mpacf. An uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1s a m1no
phase fhaf Woks fo puf a f1n1fe f1gue on fhe amounf of guessWok fhaf Was done
du1ng fhe p1may acf1v1f1es.
b. lncoecf
k1sk managemenf has p1may acf1v1f1es and unde1y1ng acf1v1f1es. P1may acf1v1f1es
ae fhe meaf and pofafoes of fhe pocess: 1denf1fy1ng 1sk, assess1ng
vu1neab111f1es, and defem1n1ng bus1ness 1mpacf. An uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1s a m1no
phase fhaf Woks fo puf a f1n1fe f1gue on fhe amounf of guessWok fhaf Was done
du1ng fhe p1may acf1v1f1es.
c. lncoecf
k1sk managemenf has p1may acf1v1f1es and unde1y1ng acf1v1f1es. P1may acf1v1f1es
ae fhe meaf and pofafoes of fhe pocess: 1denf1fy1ng 1sk, assess1ng
vu1neab111f1es, and defem1n1ng bus1ness 1mpacf. An uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1s a m1no
phase fhaf Woks fo puf a f1n1fe f1gue on fhe amounf of guessWok fhaf Was done
du1ng fhe p1may acf1v1f1es.
d. lncoecf
k1sk managemenf has p1may acf1v1f1es and unde1y1ng acf1v1f1es. P1may acf1v1f1es
ae fhe meaf and pofafoes of fhe pocess: 1denf1fy1ng 1sk, assess1ng
vu1neab111f1es, and defem1n1ng bus1ness 1mpacf. An uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1s a m1no
phase fhaf Woks fo puf a f1n1fe f1gue on fhe amounf of guessWok fhaf Was done
du1ng fhe p1may acf1v1f1es.
a. lncoecf
5ysfems aud1fos ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng conf1nua1 feedback fo sen1o
managemenf on fhe ovea11 effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s. 1h1s acf1v1fy shou1d
be paf of fhe1 noma1 ob duf1es.
b. lncoecf
5ysfems aud1fos ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng conf1nua1 feedback fo sen1o
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
managemenf on fhe ovea11 effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s. 1h1s acf1v1fy shou1d
be paf of fhe1 noma1 ob duf1es.
c. Coecf
5ysfems aud1fos ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng conf1nua1 feedback fo sen1o
managemenf on fhe ovea11 effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s. 1h1s acf1v1fy shou1d
be paf of fhe1 noma1 ob duf1es.
d. lncoecf
5ysfems aud1fos ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng conf1nua1 feedback fo sen1o
managemenf on fhe ovea11 effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s. 1h1s acf1v1fy shou1d
be paf of fhe1 noma1 ob duf1es.
a. lncoecf
undesfand1ng Why secu1fy confo1s ae used 1s a c1f1ca1 facfo fo 1sk
managemenf feams fo fu1y compehend. k1sk cannof be e11m1nafed no can 1oss. lf can
m1f1gafed, fhough, and When done coecf1y, 1oss can be educed.
b. lncoecf
undesfand1ng Why secu1fy confo1s ae used 1s a c1f1ca1 facfo fo 1sk
managemenf feams fo fu1y compehend. k1sk cannof be e11m1nafed no can 1oss. lf can
m1f1gafed, fhough, and When done coecf1y, 1oss can be educed.
c. lncoecf
undesfand1ng Why secu1fy confo1s ae used 1s a c1f1ca1 facfo fo 1sk
managemenf feams fo fu1y compehend. k1sk cannof be e11m1nafed no can 1oss. lf can
m1f1gafed, fhough, and When done coecf1y, 1oss can be educed.
d. Coecf
undesfand1ng Why secu1fy confo1s ae used 1s a c1f1ca1 facfo fo 1sk
managemenf feams fo fu1y compehend. k1sk cannof be e11m1nafed no can 1oss. lf can
be m1f1gafed, fhough, and When done coecf1y, 1oss can be educed.
a. lncoecf
1he quanf1faf1ve appoach fo 1sk assessmenf pov1des fhe mosf defa11 and exacfness
fo fhe pocess. lf 1s fomu1a-based and pufs ea1 do11a s1gns on 1sk and 1oss.
1h1s Wou1d 11ke1y be fhe mosf p1eas1ng opf1on fo h1s cuenf boss.
b. lncoecf
1he quanf1faf1ve appoach fo 1sk assessmenf pov1des fhe mosf defa11 and exacfness
fo fhe pocess. lf 1s fomu1a-based and pufs ea1 do11a s1gns on 1sk and 1oss.
1h1s Wou1d 11ke1y be fhe mosf p1eas1ng opf1on fo h1s cuenf boss.
c. Coecf
1he quanf1faf1ve appoach fo 1sk assessmenf pov1des fhe mosf defa11 and exacfness
fo fhe pocess. lf 1s fomu1a-based and pufs ea1 do11a s1gns on 1sk and 1oss.
1h1s Wou1d 11ke1y be fhe mosf p1eas1ng opf1on fo h1s cuenf boss.
d. lncoecf
1he quanf1faf1ve appoach fo 1sk assessmenf pov1des fhe mosf defa11 and exacfness
fo fhe pocess. lf 1s fomu1a-based and pufs ea1 do11a s1gns on 1sk and 1oss.
1h1s Wou1d 11ke1y be fhe mosf p1eas1ng opf1on fo h1s cuenf boss.
a. lncoecf
Lmp1oyees, confacfos, and any 1nfena1 uses ae a company`s b1ggesf fheaf.
1hough 1nfenf1ona1 faud, 1ns1de fad1ng, conf1denf1a11fy beaches, o even s1mp1e
m1sfakes, fh1s goup epesenfs fhe b1ggesf 1sk fo an ogan1zaf1on.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
b. Coecf
Lmp1oyees, confacfos, and any 1nfena1 uses ae a company`s b1ggesf fheaf.
1hough 1nfenf1ona1 faud, 1ns1de fad1ng, conf1denf1a11fy beaches, o even s1mp1e
m1sfakes, fh1s goup epesenfs fhe b1ggesf 1sk fo an ogan1zaf1on.
c. lncoecf
Lmp1oyees, confacfos, and any 1nfena1 uses ae a company`s b1ggesf fheaf.
1hough 1nfenf1ona1 faud, 1ns1de fad1ng, conf1denf1a11fy beaches, o even s1mp1e
m1sfakes, fh1s goup epesenfs fhe b1ggesf 1sk fo an ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf
Lmp1oyees, confacfos, and any 1nfena1 uses ae a company`s b1ggesf fheaf.
1hough 1nfenf1ona1 faud, 1ns1de fad1ng, conf1denf1a11fy beaches, o even s1mp1e
m1sfakes, fh1s goup epesenfs fhe b1ggesf 1sk fo an ogan1zaf1on.
a. lncoecf
Cob11 pov1des confo1 obecf1ves, confo1 pacf1ces, goa1 1nd1cafos, pefomance
1nd1cafos, success facfos, and mafu1fy mode1s.
b. lncoecf
Cob11 pov1des confo1 obecf1ves, confo1 pacf1ces, goa1 1nd1cafos, pefomance
1nd1cafos, success facfos, and mafu1fy mode1s.
c. lncoecf
Cob11 pov1des confo1 obecf1ves, confo1 pacf1ces, goa1 1nd1cafos, pefomance
1nd1cafos, success facfos, and mafu1fy mode1s.
d. Coecf
Cob11 pov1des confo1 obecf1ves, confo1 pacf1ces, goa1 1nd1cafos, pefomance
1nd1cafos, success facfos, and mafu1fy mode1s.
a. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s 1nfended fo he1p educafe emp1oyees abouf fhe secu1fy
appoach fhe company 1s fak1ng. A good secu1fy aWaeness pogam shou1d sWay
emp1oyee aff1fudes and behav1os, so fhaf fhey ae paf of fhe so1uf1on and nof paf
of fhe pob1em.
b. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s 1nfended fo he1p educafe emp1oyees abouf fhe secu1fy
appoach fhe company 1s fak1ng. A good secu1fy aWaeness pogam shou1d sWay
emp1oyee aff1fudes and behav1os, so fhaf fhey ae paf of fhe so1uf1on and nof paf
of fhe pob1em.
c. lncoecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s 1nfended fo he1p educafe emp1oyees abouf fhe secu1fy
appoach fhe company 1s fak1ng. A good secu1fy aWaeness pogam shou1d sWay
emp1oyee aff1fudes and behav1os, so fhaf fhey ae paf of fhe so1uf1on and nof paf
of fhe pob1em.
d. Coecf
5ecu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s 1nfended fo he1p educafe emp1oyees abouf fhe secu1fy
appoach fhe company 1s fak1ng. A good secu1fy aWaeness pogam shou1d sWay
emp1oyee aff1fudes and behav1os, so fhaf fhey ae paf of fhe so1uf1on and nof paf
of fhe pob1em.
a. Coecf
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
Dafa oWnes u1f1mafe1y dec1de Who can access fhe dafa sefs fhaf fhey ae espons1b1e
fo pofecf1ng. 1hey pov1de fhe foma1 appova1 and a dafa cusfod1an 1mp1emenfs fhe
confo1s fhaf enfoce fhese dec1s1ons.
b. lncoecf
Dafa oWnes u1f1mafe1y dec1de Who can access fhe dafa sefs fhaf fhey ae espons1b1e
fo pofecf1ng. 1hey pov1de fhe foma1 appova1 and a dafa cusfod1an 1mp1emenfs fhe
confo1s fhaf enfoce fhese dec1s1ons.
c. lncoecf
Dafa oWnes u1f1mafe1y dec1de Who can access fhe dafa sefs fhaf fhey ae espons1b1e
fo pofecf1ng. 1hey pov1de fhe foma1 appova1 and a dafa cusfod1an 1mp1emenfs fhe
confo1s fhaf enfoce fhese dec1s1ons.
d. lncoecf
Dafa oWnes u1f1mafe1y dec1de Who can access fhe dafa sefs fhaf fhey ae espons1b1e
fo pofecf1ng. 1hey pov1de fhe foma1 appova1 and a dafa cusfod1an 1mp1emenfs fhe
confo1s fhaf enfoce fhese dec1s1ons.
a. lncoecf
Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf he1ps fo m1f1gafe
fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
b. lncoecf
Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf he1ps fo m1f1gafe
fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
c. Coecf
Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf he1ps fo m1f1gafe
fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
d. lncoecf
Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf he1ps fo m1f1gafe
fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
a. lncoecf
A company may 1denf1fy a vu1neab111fy, Wh1ch 1s a Weakness o 1ack of a safeguad.
1hey fhen need fo 1denf1fy fhe fheaf agenf fhaf cou1d fake advanfage of fh1s
vu1neab111fy. 1he fheaf 1s fhaf someone Wou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy. 1he
pobab111fy of fh1s fak1ng p1ace 1s fhe 1sk, Wh1ch has fo be ca1cu1afed.
b. lncoecf
A company may 1denf1fy a vu1neab111fy, Wh1ch 1s a Weakness o 1ack of a safeguad.
1hey fhen need fo 1denf1fy fhe fheaf agenf fhaf cou1d fake advanfage of fh1s
vu1neab111fy. 1he fheaf 1s fhaf someone Wou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy. 1he
pobab111fy of fh1s fak1ng p1ace 1s fhe 1sk, Wh1ch has fo be ca1cu1afed.
c. lncoecf
A company may 1denf1fy a vu1neab111fy, Wh1ch 1s a Weakness o 1ack of a safeguad.
1hey fhen need fo 1denf1fy fhe fheaf agenf fhaf cou1d fake advanfage of fh1s
vu1neab111fy. 1he fheaf 1s fhaf someone Wou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy. 1he
pobab111fy of fh1s fak1ng p1ace 1s fhe 1sk, Wh1ch has fo be ca1cu1afed.
d. Coecf
A company may 1denf1fy a vu1neab111fy, Wh1ch 1s a Weakness o 1ack of a safeguad.
1hey fhen need fo 1denf1fy fhe fheaf agenf fhaf cou1d fake advanfage of fh1s
vu1neab111fy. 1he fheaf 1s fhaf someone Wou1d exp1o1f fh1s vu1neab111fy. 1he
pobab111fy of fh1s fak1ng p1ace 1s fhe 1sk, Wh1ch has fo be ca1cu1afed.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
a. lncoecf
A11 pesonne1 shou1d s1gn a non-d1sc1osue ageemenf upon com1ng fo Wok fo you
company. 1h1s 1s fhe mosf effecf1ve Way of pofecf1ng you 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy.
b. Coecf
A11 pesonne1 shou1d s1gn a non-d1sc1osue ageemenf upon com1ng fo Wok fo you
company. 1h1s 1s fhe mosf effecf1ve Way of pofecf1ng you 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy.
c. lncoecf
A11 pesonne1 shou1d s1gn a non-d1sc1osue ageemenf upon com1ng fo Wok fo you
company. 1h1s 1s fhe mosf effecf1ve Way of pofecf1ng you 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy.
d. lncoecf
A11 pesonne1 shou1d s1gn a non-d1sc1osue ageemenf upon com1ng fo Wok fo you
company. 1h1s 1s fhe mosf effecf1ve Way of pofecf1ng you 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy.
a. lncoecf
Lncypf1on {a1ong W1fh 1og1ca1 access confo1s, secu1fy dev1ces, 1denf1f1caf1on and
aufhenf1caf1on} 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1. Mon1fo1ng {a1ong W1fh fac111fy pofecf1on,
secu1fy guads, 1ocks, env1onmenfa1 confo1s and 1nfus1on defecf1on} 1s a
phys1ca1 confo1. 8y confasf, adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s 1nc1ude po11c1es, sfandads,
pocedues, gu1de11nes, sceen1ng pesonne1 and secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng.
b. Coecf
Lncypf1on {a1ong W1fh 1og1ca1 access confo1s, secu1fy dev1ces, 1denf1f1caf1on and
aufhenf1caf1on} 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1. Mon1fo1ng {a1ong W1fh fac111fy pofecf1on,
secu1fy guads, 1ocks, env1onmenfa1 confo1s and 1nfus1on defecf1on} 1s a
phys1ca1 confo1. 8y confasf, adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s 1nc1ude po11c1es, sfandads,
pocedues, gu1de11nes, sceen1ng pesonne1 and secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng.
c. lncoecf
Lncypf1on {a1ong W1fh 1og1ca1 access confo1s, secu1fy dev1ces, 1denf1f1caf1on and
aufhenf1caf1on} 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1. Mon1fo1ng {a1ong W1fh fac111fy pofecf1on,
secu1fy guads, 1ocks, env1onmenfa1 confo1s and 1nfus1on defecf1on} 1s a
phys1ca1 confo1. 8y confasf, adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s 1nc1ude po11c1es, sfandads,
pocedues, gu1de11nes, sceen1ng pesonne1 and secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng.
d. lncoecf
Lncypf1on {a1ong W1fh 1og1ca1 access confo1s, secu1fy dev1ces, 1denf1f1caf1on and
aufhenf1caf1on} 1s a fechn1ca1 confo1. Mon1fo1ng {a1ong W1fh fac111fy pofecf1on,
secu1fy guads, 1ocks, env1onmenfa1 confo1s and 1nfus1on defecf1on} 1s a
phys1ca1 confo1. 8y confasf, adm1n1sfaf1ve confo1s 1nc1ude po11c1es, sfandads,
pocedues, gu1de11nes, sceen1ng pesonne1 and secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng.
a. lncoecf
"5hou1de suf1ng" epesenfs a fa11ue 1n conf1denf1a11fy because p1vafe
1nfomaf1on 1s v1eWed-e1fhe acc1denfa11y o de11beafe1y-fom fhe d1sp1ay of
anofhe use. An examp1e of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng m1ghf be foo11ng someone 1nfo
fh1nk1ng you ae an adm1n1sfafo Who needs fhe1 passWod fo 1eg1f1mafe use. A
counfemeasue 1s a safeguad puf 1n p1ace fo m1n1m1ze a pofenf1a1 secu1fy 1sk. A
po11cy 1s a sef of p1nc1p1es used fo gu1de fhe Wokfoce 1nfo 1mp1emenf1ng
managemenf`s v1s1on of secu1fy.
b. Coecf
"5hou1de suf1ng" epesenfs a fa11ue 1n conf1denf1a11fy because p1vafe
1nfomaf1on 1s v1eWed-e1fhe acc1denfa11y o de11beafe1y-fom fhe d1sp1ay of
anofhe use. An examp1e of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng m1ghf be foo11ng someone 1nfo
Page 27
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
fh1nk1ng you ae an adm1n1sfafo Who needs fhe1 passWod fo 1eg1f1mafe use. A
counfemeasue 1s a safeguad puf 1n p1ace fo m1n1m1ze a pofenf1a1 secu1fy 1sk. A
po11cy 1s a sef of p1nc1p1es used fo gu1de fhe Wokfoce 1nfo 1mp1emenf1ng
managemenf`s v1s1on of secu1fy.
c. lncoecf
"5hou1de suf1ng" epesenfs a fa11ue 1n conf1denf1a11fy because p1vafe
1nfomaf1on 1s v1eWed-e1fhe acc1denfa11y o de11beafe1y-fom fhe d1sp1ay of
anofhe use. An examp1e of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng m1ghf be foo11ng someone 1nfo
fh1nk1ng you ae an adm1n1sfafo Who needs fhe1 passWod fo 1eg1f1mafe use. A
counfemeasue 1s a safeguad puf 1n p1ace fo m1n1m1ze a pofenf1a1 secu1fy 1sk. A
po11cy 1s a sef of p1nc1p1es used fo gu1de fhe Wokfoce 1nfo 1mp1emenf1ng
managemenf`s v1s1on of secu1fy.
d. lncoecf
"5hou1de suf1ng" epesenfs a fa11ue 1n conf1denf1a11fy because p1vafe
1nfomaf1on 1s v1eWed-e1fhe acc1denfa11y o de11beafe1y-fom fhe d1sp1ay of
anofhe use. An examp1e of soc1a1 eng1nee1ng m1ghf be foo11ng someone 1nfo
fh1nk1ng you ae an adm1n1sfafo Who needs fhe1 passWod fo 1eg1f1mafe use. A
counfemeasue 1s a safeguad puf 1n p1ace fo m1n1m1ze a pofenf1a1 secu1fy 1sk. A
po11cy 1s a sef of p1nc1p1es used fo gu1de fhe Wokfoce 1nfo 1mp1emenf1ng
managemenf`s v1s1on of secu1fy.
a. Coecf
A fop-doWn appoach makes uppe managemenf espons1b1e fo d1v1ng fhe pogam fo
success. A boffom-up appoach ae1y Woks, s1nce W1fhouf fhe suppof and
1nvo1vemenf of managemenf, appop1afe p1o1fy 1s nof sef by fhe Wokfoce.
Pacf1ca11y speak1ng a secu1fy pogam can fake ofhe foms, buf egad1ess of
a1fenaf1ve conf1guaf1ons, pogams nof d1ven by fop managemenf fend fo fa11.
b. lncoecf
A fop-doWn appoach makes uppe managemenf espons1b1e fo d1v1ng fhe pogam fo
success. A boffom-up appoach ae1y Woks, s1nce W1fhouf fhe suppof and
1nvo1vemenf of managemenf, appop1afe p1o1fy 1s nof sef by fhe Wokfoce.
Pacf1ca11y speak1ng a secu1fy pogam can fake ofhe foms, buf egad1ess of
a1fenaf1ve conf1guaf1ons, pogams nof d1ven by fop managemenf fend fo fa11.
c. lncoecf
A fop-doWn appoach makes uppe managemenf espons1b1e fo d1v1ng fhe pogam fo
success. A boffom-up appoach ae1y Woks, s1nce W1fhouf fhe suppof and
1nvo1vemenf of managemenf, appop1afe p1o1fy 1s nof sef by fhe Wokfoce.
Pacf1ca11y speak1ng a secu1fy pogam can fake ofhe foms, buf egad1ess of
a1fenaf1ve conf1guaf1ons, pogams nof d1ven by fop managemenf fend fo fa11.
d. lncoecf
A fop-doWn appoach makes uppe managemenf espons1b1e fo d1v1ng fhe pogam fo
success. A boffom-up appoach ae1y Woks, s1nce W1fhouf fhe suppof and
1nvo1vemenf of managemenf, appop1afe p1o1fy 1s nof sef by fhe Wokfoce.
Pacf1ca11y speak1ng a secu1fy pogam can fake ofhe foms, buf egad1ess of
a1fenaf1ve conf1guaf1ons, pogams nof d1ven by fop managemenf fend fo fa11.
a. lncoecf.
Managemenf fa11ed fo cons1de fhe de1ayed 1oss 1sk-fhe poducf1v1fy 1sk fhaf
occued affe fhe fang1b1e equ1pmenf had been faken. W1fhouf equ1pmenf, Wok sfops.
1he 1nfeupf1on 1n poducf1v1fy can fa oufWe1gh fhe fang1b1e 1oss, and
fh1s-coup1ed W1fh fhe pub11c pof11e effecfs-can pove devasfaf1ng fo compan1es.
Ma1nfenance 1sk-fhe cosf 1f fakes fo ma1nfa1n sysfems-1s nof a d1ecf facfo 1n
fh1s scena1o no 1s 1nsuance 1sk. hoWeve bofh may conf1bufe fo de1ayed 1oss,
W1fh ma1nfenance hav1ng fo 1ncease Wok fo assemb1e knoW1edge needed fo ma1nfa1n
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
neW equ1pmenf, and 1f fhe 1nsuance po11cy pem1um 1nceases as a esu1f of fhe
b. lncoecf.
Managemenf fa11ed fo cons1de fhe de1ayed 1oss 1sk-fhe poducf1v1fy 1sk fhaf
occued affe fhe fang1b1e equ1pmenf had been faken. W1fhouf equ1pmenf, Wok sfops.
1he 1nfeupf1on 1n poducf1v1fy can fa oufWe1gh fhe fang1b1e 1oss, and
fh1s-coup1ed W1fh fhe pub11c pof11e effecfs-can pove devasfaf1ng fo compan1es.
Ma1nfenance 1sk-fhe cosf 1f fakes fo ma1nfa1n sysfems-1s nof a d1ecf facfo 1n
fh1s scena1o no 1s 1nsuance 1sk. hoWeve bofh may conf1bufe fo de1ayed 1oss,
W1fh ma1nfenance hav1ng fo 1ncease Wok fo assemb1e knoW1edge needed fo ma1nfa1n
neW equ1pmenf, and 1f fhe 1nsuance po11cy pem1um 1nceases as a esu1f of fhe
c. Coecf.
Managemenf fa11ed fo cons1de fhe de1ayed 1oss 1sk-fhe poducf1v1fy 1sk fhaf
occued affe fhe fang1b1e equ1pmenf had been faken. W1fhouf equ1pmenf, Wok sfops.
1he 1nfeupf1on 1n poducf1v1fy can fa oufWe1gh fhe fang1b1e 1oss, and
fh1s-coup1ed W1fh fhe pub11c pof11e effecfs-can pove devasfaf1ng fo compan1es.
Ma1nfenance 1sk-fhe cosf 1f fakes fo ma1nfa1n sysfems-1s nof a d1ecf facfo 1n
fh1s scena1o no 1s 1nsuance 1sk. hoWeve bofh may conf1bufe fo de1ayed 1oss,
W1fh ma1nfenance hav1ng fo 1ncease Wok fo assemb1e knoW1edge needed fo ma1nfa1n
neW equ1pmenf, and 1f fhe 1nsuance po11cy pem1um 1nceases as a esu1f of fhe
d. lncoecf.
Managemenf fa11ed fo cons1de fhe de1ayed 1oss 1sk-fhe poducf1v1fy 1sk fhaf
occued affe fhe fang1b1e equ1pmenf had been faken. W1fhouf equ1pmenf, Wok sfops.
1he 1nfeupf1on 1n poducf1v1fy can fa oufWe1gh fhe fang1b1e 1oss, and
fh1s-coup1ed W1fh fhe pub11c pof11e effecfs-can pove devasfaf1ng fo compan1es.
Ma1nfenance 1sk-fhe cosf 1f fakes fo ma1nfa1n sysfems-1s nof a d1ecf facfo 1n
fh1s scena1o no 1s 1nsuance 1sk. hoWeve bofh may conf1bufe fo de1ayed 1oss,
W1fh ma1nfenance hav1ng fo 1ncease Wok fo assemb1e knoW1edge needed fo ma1nfa1n
neW equ1pmenf, and 1f fhe 1nsuance po11cy pem1um 1nceases as a esu1f of fhe
a. Coecf
A qua11faf1ve appoach 1s based on udgmenfs, 1nfu1f1on, and expe1ence. lf d1ffes
fom a quanf1faf1ve appoach Wh1ch sysfemaf1ca11y ca1cu1afes fhe annua1 cosf based
on fhe 1mpacf and 11ke11hood fhaf secu1fy pob1ems W111 man1fesf. 8ofh appoaches
ae usefu1, and ne1fhe W111 y1e1d comp1efe1y accuafe esu1fs. va1ue-based 1s
anofhe Way of say1ng "quanf1faf1ve." 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as an accumu1af1ve
appoach fo 1sk quanf1f1caf1on, a1fhough fhe h1sfo1ca1 effecf1veness of secu1fy
cou1d be facfoed 1nfo fhe esu1fs.
b. lncoecf
A qua11faf1ve appoach 1s based on udgmenfs, 1nfu1f1on and expe1ence. lf d1ffes
fom a quanf1faf1ve appoach Wh1ch sysfemaf1ca11y ca1cu1afes fhe annua1 cosf based
on fhe 1mpacf and 11ke11hood fhaf secu1fy pob1ems W111 man1fesf. 8ofh appoaches
ae usefu1, and ne1fhe W111 y1e1d comp1efe1y accuafe esu1fs. va1ue-based 1s
anofhe Way of say1ng "quanf1faf1ve." 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as an accumu1af1ve
appoach fo 1sk quanf1f1caf1on, a1fhough fhe h1sfo1ca1 effecf1veness of secu1fy
cou1d be facfoed 1nfo fhe esu1fs.
c. lncoecf
A qua11faf1ve appoach 1s based on udgmenfs, 1nfu1f1on and expe1ence. lf d1ffes
fom a quanf1faf1ve appoach Wh1ch sysfemaf1ca11y ca1cu1afes fhe annua1 cosf based
on fhe 1mpacf and 11ke11hood fhaf secu1fy pob1ems W111 man1fesf. 8ofh appoaches
ae usefu1, and ne1fhe W111 y1e1d comp1efe1y accuafe esu1fs. va1ue-based 1s
anofhe Way of say1ng "quanf1faf1ve." 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as an accumu1af1ve
appoach fo 1sk quanf1f1caf1on, a1fhough fhe h1sfo1ca1 effecf1veness of secu1fy
Page 29
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
cou1d be facfoed 1nfo fhe esu1fs.
d. lncoecf
A qua11faf1ve appoach 1s based on udgmenfs, 1nfu1f1on and expe1ence. lf d1ffes
fom a quanf1faf1ve appoach Wh1ch sysfemaf1ca11y ca1cu1afes fhe annua1 cosf based
on fhe 1mpacf and 11ke11hood fhaf secu1fy pob1ems W111 man1fesf. 8ofh appoaches
ae usefu1, and ne1fhe W111 y1e1d comp1efe1y accuafe esu1fs. va1ue-based 1s
anofhe Way of say1ng "quanf1faf1ve." 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as an accumu1af1ve
appoach fo 1sk quanf1f1caf1on, a1fhough fhe h1sfo1ca1 effecf1veness of secu1fy
cou1d be facfoed 1nfo fhe esu1fs.
a. lncoecf
No secu1fy so1uf1on 1s 100 pecenf effecf1ve. Affe a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
educe 1sk, fhe 1sk 1s adusfed doWn accod1ng1y. 1he ema1n1ng 1sk 1eff affe
fhe counfemeasue 1s app11ed 1s efeed fo as es1dua1 1sk. Annua11zed 1oss
expecfancy 1s fhe goss ca1cu1afed cosf of fhe companys 1sk exposue ca1cu1afed
fo one yea. lf 1s made up of fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by fhe
annua11zed afe of occuence. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy 1s made up of fhe assef
va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe ca1cu1afed exposue facfo. 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as a
vu1neab111fy pecenfage.
b. lncoecf
No secu1fy so1uf1on 1s 100 pecenf effecf1ve. Affe a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
educe 1sk, fhe 1sk 1s adusfed doWn accod1ng1y. 1he ema1n1ng 1sk 1eff affe
fhe counfemeasue 1s app11ed 1s efeed fo as es1dua1 1sk. Annua11zed 1oss
expecfancy 1s fhe goss ca1cu1afed cosf of fhe companys 1sk exposue ca1cu1afed
fo one yea. lf 1s made up of fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by fhe
annua11zed afe of occuence. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy 1s made up of fhe assef
va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe ca1cu1afed exposue facfo. 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as a
vu1neab111fy pecenfage.
c. Coecf
No secu1fy so1uf1on 1s 100 pecenf effecf1ve. Affe a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
educe 1sk, fhe 1sk 1s adusfed doWn accod1ng1y. 1he ema1n1ng 1sk 1eff affe
fhe counfemeasue 1s app11ed 1s efeed fo as es1dua1 1sk. Annua11zed 1oss
expecfancy 1s fhe goss ca1cu1afed cosf of fhe company`s 1sk exposue ca1cu1afed
fo one yea. lf 1s made up of fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by fhe
annua11zed afe of occuence. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy 1s made up of fhe assef
va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe ca1cu1afed exposue facfo. 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as a
vu1neab111fy pecenfage.
d. lncoecf
No secu1fy so1uf1on 1s 100 pecenf effecf1ve. Affe a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
educe 1sk, fhe 1sk 1s adusfed doWn accod1ng1y. 1he ema1n1ng 1sk 1eff affe
fhe counfemeasue 1s app11ed 1s efeed fo as es1dua1 1sk. Annua11zed 1oss
expecfancy 1s fhe goss ca1cu1afed cosf of fhe companys 1sk exposue ca1cu1afed
fo one yea. lf 1s made up of fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by fhe
annua11zed afe of occuence. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy 1s made up of fhe assef
va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe ca1cu1afed exposue facfo. 1hee 1s no such fh1ng as a
vu1neab111fy pecenfage.
a. lncoecf
A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s focused on fhe pob1em, nof fhe so1uf1on. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s
conducfed on1y fo pov1de managemenf W1fh a goss ca1cu1af1on o pecepf1on of fhe
pofenf1a1 1osses fhaf cou1d be 1ncued as a esu1f of secu1fy pob1ems. 1he
esu1fs W111 be used fo usf1fy a secu1fy budgef fhaf may enab1e fhe fund1ng of
counfemeasues, buf fhe 1sk ana1ys1s does nof concen 1fse1f W1fh fhese maffes,
on1y W1fh measu1ng 1sk.
b. lncoecf
Page 30
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P1.fxf
A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s focused on fhe pob1em, nof fhe so1uf1on. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s
conducfed on1y fo pov1de managemenf W1fh a goss ca1cu1af1on o pecepf1on of fhe
pofenf1a1 1osses fhaf cou1d be 1ncued as a esu1f of secu1fy pob1ems. 1he
esu1fs W111 be used fo usf1fy a secu1fy budgef fhaf may enab1e fhe fund1ng of
counfemeasues, buf fhe 1sk ana1ys1s does nof concen 1fse1f W1fh fhese maffes,
on1y W1fh measu1ng 1sk.
c. lncoecf
A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s focused on fhe pob1em, nof fhe so1uf1on. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s
conducfed on1y fo pov1de managemenf W1fh a goss ca1cu1af1on o pecepf1on of fhe
pofenf1a1 1osses fhaf cou1d be 1ncued as a esu1f of secu1fy pob1ems. 1he
esu1fs W111 be used fo usf1fy a secu1fy budgef fhaf may enab1e fhe fund1ng of
counfemeasues, buf fhe 1sk ana1ys1s does nof concen 1fse1f W1fh fhese maffes,
on1y W1fh measu1ng 1sk.
d. Coecf
A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s focused on fhe pob1em, nof fhe so1uf1on. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s
conducfed on1y fo pov1de managemenf W1fh a goss ca1cu1af1on o pecepf1on of fhe
pofenf1a1 1osses fhaf cou1d be 1ncued as a esu1f of secu1fy pob1ems. 1he
esu1fs W111 be used fo usf1fy a secu1fy budgef fhaf may enab1e fhe fund1ng of
counfemeasues, buf fhe 1sk ana1ys1s does nof concen 1fse1f W1fh fhese maffes,
on1y W1fh measu1ng 1sk.
Page 31
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
qu1z Name = 5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2
1. Wh1ch cafegoy besf desc1bes fheaf mode11ng?
a. qua11faf1ve appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s
b. va1ue-based appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s
c. quanf1faf1ve appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s
d. None of fhese
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c fyp1ca11y cons1deed 1mpofanf
When 1n1f1a11y cons1de1ng secu1fy counfemeasues?
a. Modu1a 1n nafue
b. lnc1udes an aud1f funcf1on
c. keasonab1y p1ced
d. Defau1fs fo 1easf p1v11eged
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an accepfab1e appoach fo hand11ng 1sk?
a. keecf1ng
b. Accepf1ng
c. 1ansfe1ng
d. Defe1ng
4. Ca11fon1a 136, 5abanes-Ox1ey, and hlPAA ae examp1es of Whaf k1nds of secu1fy
po11cy d1ecf1ves?
a. kegu1afoy
b. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
c. Adv1soy
d. lnfomaf1ve
5. Whaf 1s fhe e1af1onsh1p befWeen po11c1es and sfandads?
a. Po11c1es defa11 Who shou1d do fhe Wok, and sfandads defa11 Why.
b. Po11c1es defa11 Whaf shou1d be done, and fhe sfandads defa11 hoW.
c. Po11c1es desc1be fhe secu1fy v1s1on, and sfandads defa11 Whaf shou1d be done.
d. Po11c1es embody genea1 p1nc1p1es, and sfandads desc1be Who does fhe Wok.
6. Managemenf esfab11shes a po11cy fhaf equ1es fhaf a11 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy
pofess1ona1s musf have a co11ege degee W1fh a coe emphas1s on 1nfomaf1on
fechno1ogy, and fhaf a11 sysfem adm1n1sfafos musf have a secu1fy cef1f1caf1on
fom an acced1fed pogam. 8y do1ng so, managemenf has esfab11shed Whaf?
a. A sfandad
b. A gu1de11ne
c. A base11ne
d. A egu1af1on
7. 1he opeaf1ons manage has esfab11shed fhe use of un1fom check11sfs fo a11
seve ma1nfenance. Whaf has fhe opeaf1ons manage done?
a. Lsfab11shed a base11ne
b. Lsfab11shed a egu1af1on
c. Lsfab11shed a sfandad
d. Lsfab11shed a po11cy
. 1he opeaf1ons manage has esfab11shed fhaf p1o fo bu11d1ng a seve, fhe
emp1oyee musf f1sf check fhe 1nvenfoy fo make sue fhaf a11 fhe spae pafs needed
ae ava11ab1e, fhey musf s1gn ouf fhose pafs, and fo11oW a check11sf, f1na11y
s1gn1ng and daf1ng 1f When done. Whaf has fhe opeaf1ons manage ceafed?
a. A base11ne
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
b. A pocedue
c. A sfandad
d. A po11cy
9. A company Was chaged W1fh neg11gence. 1he udge u1ed fhaf Wh11e fhe company
poduced ev1dence of good secu1fy po11c1es, fhe company Was sf111 gu11fy of beach
of p1vacy due fo 1ack of enfocemenf of fhe secu1fy po11c1es. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng managemenf p1nc1p1es Was v1o1afed?
a. Lack of due cae
b. Lack of due d111gence
c. Lack of managemenf oves1ghf
d. Lack of sfandads
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a eason Why dafa shou1d be c1ass1f1ed?
a. C1ass1f1caf1on foces va1uaf1on Wh1ch can be used fo defem1ne 1sk.
b. C1ass1f1caf1on 1s equ1ed fo defem1ne appop1afe access confo1s.
c. C1ass1f1caf1on can be used fo opf1m1ze secu1fy budgef.
d. C1ass1f1caf1on 1s equ1ed fo deve1op secue sysfems.
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a facfo 1n defem1n1ng fhe sens1f1v1fy of dafa?
a. Who shou1d be access1ng fhe dafa
b. 1he va1ue of fhe dafa
c. hoW fhe dafa W111 be used
d. 1he 1eve1 of damage fhaf cou1d be caused shou1d fhe dafa be exposed
12. Whaf 1s fhe ch1ef secu1fy espons1b111fy of a dafa oWne?
a. Defem1ne hoW fhe dafa shou1d be peseved
b. Defem1ne fhe dafa c1ass1f1caf1on
c. Defem1ne fhe dafa va1ue
d. Defem1ne hoW fhe dafa W111 be used
13. May has been fasked W1fh pe11m1nay p1ann1ng fo a secu1fy pogam. Wh1ch of
fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d nof be W1fh1n he fask scope?
a. Af1cu1afe secu1fy m1ss1on obecf1ves
b. Defem1ne o1es and espons1b111f1es
c. Lsfab11sh fhe secu1fy aud1f funcf1on
d. Lva1uafe 1sks and benef1fs
14. 8es1des 1sk managemenf and 1sk m1f1gaf1on, Whaf ofhe facfo 1s used fo
pefom effecf1ve 1sk managemenf?
a. Dafa va1uaf1on
b. 1heaf and vu1neab111fy assessmenf
c. uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s
d. Pobab111fy facfos
15. Who does fhe secu1fy aud1fo epof fo?
a. Dafa oWnes
b. Dafa cusfod1ans
c. Lxfena1 aud1f ogan1zaf1on
d. 5en1o managemenf
16. Whaf ae fhee fundamenfa1 p1nc1p1es of secu1fy?
a. Accounfab111fy, conf1denf1a11fy, and 1nfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy
c. lnfeg1fy, ava11ab111fy, and access1b111fy
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
d. Conf1denf1a11fy, ava11ab111fy, and access1b111fy
17. May f1nds fhaf she has "W1fe" p1v11eges fo dafa fhaf she shou1d be ab1e fo
"ead on1y". Whaf secu1fy p1nc1p1e 1s May ab1e fo v1o1afe?
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. Access1b111fy
c. lnfeg1fy
d. Ava11ab111fy
1. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy and d1sasfe ecovey fa11 unde Wh1ch cafegoy of secu1fy
a. Pevenf1ve
b. Defecf1ve
c. Coecf1ve
d. Compensaf1ng
19. Whaf 1s fhe va1ue of 1aye1ng secu1fy espons1b111fy?
a. 5peads accounfab111fy acoss fhe ogan1zaf1on
b. Iocuses spec1f1c espons1b111f1es on fhe o1es besf ab1e fo accomp11sh fhem
c. Lnsues sepaaf1on of duf1es and encouages oves1ghf
d. A11 of fhese cho1ces
20. John does sysfems ma1nfenance fo h1s depafmenf and 1s a1so espons1b1e fo
pefom1ng fhe opeaf1ona1 secu1fy aud1f once a yea. Whaf secu1fy managemenf
p1nc1p1e 1s John v1o1af1ng?
a. Opeaf1ona1 1nfeg1fy
b. Co11us1on
c. 5epaaf1on of duf1es
d. Nond1sc1osue
21. June 1s ceaf1ng a secu1fy aWaeness pogam fo 1nfom fhe Wokfoce of a
change 1n secu1fy po11cy. Wh1ch sfage of fhe common deve1opmenf pocess of
secu1fy po11cy 1s June 1n?
a. ln1f1a1 and eva1uaf1on
b. Deve1opmenf
c. Pub11caf1on
d. lmp1emenfaf1on
22. A hacke has embedded a 1oan hose pogam on copoafe mach1nes fhaf W111
f1gge on Ap11 Ioo1s Day, oveWhe1m1ng fhe nefWok W1fh spam messages. Whaf
secu1fy p1nc1p1e W111 fh1s c1cumsfance v1o1afe?
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. lnfeg1fy
c. Ava11ab111fy
d. A11 of fhese
23. Wh1ch o1e 1s accounfab1e fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy?
a. lnfomaf1on secu1fy pofess1ona1s
b. 5en1o managemenf
c. 5ecu1fy managemenf
d. 5ecu1fy aud1fos
24. Who has fhe p1may espons1b111fy of defem1n1ng fhe c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1 fo
a. Iuncf1ona1 manage
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
b. 5en1o managemenf
c. OWne
d. use
25. Wh1ch goup causes fhe mosf 1sk of faud and compufe compom1ses?
a. Lmp1oyees
b. hackes
c. Affackes
d. Confacfos
26. lf d1ffeenf use goups W1fh d1ffeenf secu1fy access 1eve1s need fo access
fhe same 1nfomaf1on, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng acf1ons shou1d managemenf fake?
a. Decease fhe secu1fy 1eve1 on fhe 1nfomaf1on fo ensue access1b111fy and
usab111fy of fhe 1nfomaf1on
b. kequ1e spec1f1c appova1 each f1me an 1nd1v1dua1 needs fo access fhe
c. lncease fhe secu1fy confo1s on fhe 1nfomaf1on
d. lncease fhe c1ass1f1caf1on 1abe1 on fhe 1nfomaf1on
27. Whaf does managemenf need fo cons1de fhe mosf When c1ass1fy1ng dafa?
a. 1ype of emp1oyees, confacfos, and cusfomes Who W111 be access1ng fhe dafa
b. Conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy
c. I1sf assess fhe 1sk 1eve1 and 1mp1emenf fhe coecf counfemeasues
d. 1he access confo1s fhaf W111 be pofecf1ng fhe dafa
2. Who 1s u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo mak1ng sue dafa 1s c1ass1f1ed and pofecfed?
a. Dafa oWnes
b. uses
c. Adm1n1sfafos
d. Managemenf
29. Whaf 1s a pocedue?
a. ku1es on hoW soffWae and hadWae musf be used W1fh1n fhe env1onmenf
b. 5fep-by-sfep d1ecf1ons on hoW fo accomp11sh a fask
c. Gu1de11nes on hoW fo appoach secu1fy s1fuaf1ons fhaf ae nof coveed by
d. Compu1soy acf1ons
30. Wh1ch facfo 1s fhe mosf 1mpofanf 1fem When 1f comes fo ensu1ng fhaf secu1fy
1s successfu1 1n an ogan1zaf1on?
a. 5en1o managemenf suppof
b. Lffecf1ve confo1s and 1mp1emenfaf1on mefhods
c. updafed and e1evanf secu1fy po11c1es and pocedues
d. 5ecu1fy aWaeness by a11 emp1oyees
31. When 1s 1f accepfab1e fo nof fake acf1on on an 1denf1f1ed 1sk?
a. Neve, good secu1fy addesses and educes a11 1sks
b. When po11f1ca1 1ssues pevenf fh1s fype of 1sk fom be1ng addessed
c. When fhe necessay counfemeasue 1s comp1ex
d. When fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue oufWe1ghs fhe va1ue of fhe assef and
pofenf1a1 1oss
32. Whaf ae secu1fy po11c1es?
a. 5fep-by-sfep d1ecf1ons on hoW fo accomp11sh secu1fy fasks
b. Genea1 gu1de11nes fo use fo accomp11sh a spec1f1c secu1fy 1eve1
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
c. 8oad, h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenf fom fhe managemenf
d. Defa11ed documenfs exp1a1n1ng hoW secu1fy 1nc1denfs shou1d be hand1ed
33. Wh1ch 1s fhe mosf va1uab1e fechn1que When defem1n1ng 1f a spec1f1c secu1fy
confo1 shou1d be 1mp1emenfed?
a. k1sk ana1ys1s
b. Cosf/benef1fs ana1ys1s
c. ALL esu1fs
d. ldenf1fy1ng fhe vu1neab111f1es and fheafs caus1ng fhe 1sk
34. Wh1ch besf desc1bes fhe pupose of fhe ALL ca1cu1af1on?
a. quanf1f1es fhe secu1fy 1eve1 of fhe env1onmenf
b. Lsf1mafes fhe 1oss poss1b1e fo a counfemeasue
c. quanf1f1es fhe cosf/benef1f esu1f
d. Lsf1mafes fhe 1oss pofenf1a1 of a fheaf 1n a yea span
35. 1acf1ca1 p1ann1ng 1s:
a. M1d-fem
b. Long-fem
c. Day-fo-day
d. 51x monfhs
36. Whaf 1s fhe def1n1f1on of a secu1fy exposue?
a. An 1nsfance of be1ng exposed fo 1osses fom a fheaf
b. Any pofenf1a1 dange fo 1nfomaf1on o sysfems
c. An 1nfomaf1on secu1fy absence o Weakness
d. A 1oss pofenf1a1 of a fheaf
37. An effecf1ve secu1fy pogam equ1es a ba1anced app11caf1on of:
a. 1echn1ca1 and non-fechn1ca1 mefhods
b. Counfemeasues and safeguads
c. Phys1ca1 secu1fy and fechn1ca1 confo1s
d. Pocedua1 secu1fy and encypf1on
3. A secu1fy funcf1on def1nes fhe expecfed behav1o fom a secu1fy mechan1sm, and
assuance def1nes:
a. 1he confo1s fhe secu1fy mechan1sm W111 enfoce
b. 1he dafa c1ass1f1caf1on affe fhe secu1fy mechan1sm has been 1mp1emenfed
c. 1he conf1dence of fhe secu1fy fhe mechan1sm 1s pov1d1ng
d. Cosf/benef1f e1af1onsh1p
39. Wh1ch sfafemenf 1s fue When 1ook1ng af secu1fy obecf1ves 1n fhe p1vafe
bus1ness secfo vesus fhe m111fay secfo?
a. On1y fhe m111fay has fue secu1fy.
b. 8us1nesses usua11y cae moe abouf dafa 1nfeg1fy and ava11ab111fy, Wheeas fhe
m111fay 1s moe concened W1fh conf1denf1a11fy.
c. 1he m111fay equ1es h1ghe 1eve1s of secu1fy because fhe 1sks ae so much
d. 1he bus1ness secfo usua11y caes mosf abouf dafa ava11ab111fy and
conf1denf1a11fy, Wheeas fhe m111fay 1s mosf concened abouf 1nfeg1fy.
40. hoW do you ca1cu1afe es1dua1 1sk?
a. 1heaf x 1sk x assef va1ue
b. {1heaf x assef va1ue x vu1neab111fy} x 1sks
c. 5LL x fequency = ALL
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
d. {1heafs x vu1neab111fy x assef va1ue} x confo1s gap
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a pupose of do1ng 1sk ana1ys1s?
a. De1egafe espons1b111fy
b. quanf1fy 1mpacf of pofenf1a1 fheafs
c. ldenf1fy 1sks
d. Def1ne fhe ba1ance befWeen fhe 1mpacf of a 1sk and fhe cosf of fhe necessay
42. hoW does a 1sk ana1ys1s shoW managemenf hoW much money fo spend pe secu1fy
a. lf shoWs managemenf hoW much cou1d be 1osf 1f fhe secu1fy measue 1s nof
b. lf ca1cu1afes fhe fequency of fhe 1sk mu1f1p11ed by fhe cosf/benef1f af1o of
fhe ALL.
c. lf shoWs managemenf hoW much money cou1d be saved 1f fhe secu1fy pogam Was
d. lf pov1des fhe qua11faf1ve seve1fy of fhe secu1fy measue.
43. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a managemenf o1e 1n fhe pocess of 1mp1emenf1ng
and ma1nfa1n1ng secu1fy?
a. 5uppof
b. Pefom 1sk ana1ys1s
c. Def1ne pupose and scope
d. De1egafe espons1b111fy
44. Why shou1d fhe feam fhaf 1s go1ng fo pefom and ev1eW fhe 1sk ana1ys1s
1nfomaf1on be made up of peop1e 1n d1ffeenf depafmenfs?
a. 1o make sue fhe pocess 1s fa1 and fhaf no one 1s 1eff ouf.
b. 1hey shou1dn`f. lf shou1d be a sma11 goup boughf 1n fom oufs1de fhe
ogan1zaf1on because ofheW1se fhe ana1ys1s 1s b1ased and unusab1e.
c. 8ecause peop1e 1n d1ffeenf depafmenfs undesfand fhe 1sks of fhe1 depafmenf
and 1f ensues fhaf fhe dafa go1ng 1nfo fhe ana1ys1s 1s as c1ose fo ea11fy as
d. 8ecause fhe peop1e 1n fhe d1ffeenf depafmenfs ae fhe ones caus1ng fhe 1sks,
so fhey shou1d be fhe ones he1d accounfab1e.
45. Wh1ch besf desc1bes quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s?
a. 5cena1o-based ana1ys1s fo eseach d1ffeenf secu1fy fheafs
b. A mefhod used fo app1y seve1fy 1eve1s fo pofenf1a1 1oss, pobab111fy of 1oss,
and 1sks
c. A mefhod fhaf ass1gns monefay va1ues fo componenfs 1n fhe 1sk assessmenf
d. A mefhod fhaf 1s based on guf fee11ngs and op1n1ons
46. Why 1s a fu1y quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s nof poss1b1e fo ach1eve?
a. lf 1s poss1b1e, Wh1ch 1s Why 1f 1s used.
b. lf ass1gns seve1fy 1eve1s. 1hus, 1f 1s had fo fans1afe 1nfo monefay va1ues.
c. lf 1s dea11ng W1fh pue1y quanf1faf1ve e1emenfs.
d. quanf1faf1ve measues musf be app11ed fo qua11faf1ve e1emenfs.
47. lf fhee ae aufomafed foo1s fo 1sk ana1ys1s, Why does 1f fake so much f1me fo
a. A 1of of dafa has fo be gafheed fo be 1npuffed 1nfo fhe aufomafed foo1.
b. Managemenf has fo appove 1f and fhen a feam has fo be bu11f.
c. k1sk ana1ys1s cannof be aufomafed because of fhe nafue of fhe assessmenf.
d. Many peop1e have fo agee on fhe same dafa.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a 1ega1 fem fhaf pefa1ns fo a company o 1nd1v1dua1
fak1ng easonab1e acf1ons and 1s used fo defem1ne 11ab111fy?
a. 5fandads
b. Due pocess
c. Due cae
d. DoWnsfeam 11ab111f1es
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an examp1e of due cae?
a. Pov1d1ng secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng fo a11 emp1oyees
b. kequ11ng emp1oyees fo s1gn nond1sc1osue ageemenfs
c. lmp1emenf1ng mandafoy vacaf1ons fo a11 emp1oyees
d. A11oW1ng a key ob funcf1on fo be comp1efed by one h1gh1y qua11f1ed emp1oyee
50. k1sk shou1d be hand1ed 1n any of fhe fo11oW1ng Ways excepf:
a. keduce 1sk
b. Accepf 1sk
c. 1ansfe 1sk
d. keecf 1sk
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. 51nce fheaf mode11ng 1s based on pecepf1ons, op1n1ons, udgmenfs,
and expe1ences-afhe fhan had cosfs and facfs-fheaf mode11ng 1s an examp1e of a
qua11faf1ve appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s. Ca1cu1af1ng had cosfs and facfs Wou1d be a
quanf1faf1ve o va1ue-based appoach.
b. lncoecf. 51nce fheaf mode11ng 1s based on pecepf1ons, op1n1ons, udgmenfs,
and expe1ences-afhe fhan had cosfs and facfs-fheaf mode11ng 1s an examp1e of a
qua11faf1ve appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s. Ca1cu1af1ng had cosfs and facfs Wou1d be a
quanf1faf1ve o va1ue-based appoach.
c. lncoecf. 51nce fheaf mode11ng 1s based on pecepf1ons, op1n1ons, udgmenfs,
and expe1ences-afhe fhan had cosfs and facfs-fheaf mode11ng 1s an examp1e of a
qua11faf1ve appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s. Ca1cu1af1ng had cosfs and facfs Wou1d be a
quanf1faf1ve o va1ue-based appoach.
d. lncoecf. 51nce fheaf mode11ng 1s based on pecepf1ons, op1n1ons, udgmenfs,
and expe1ences-afhe fhan had cosfs and facfs-fheaf mode11ng 1s an examp1e of a
qua11faf1ve appoach fo 1sk ana1ys1s. Ca1cu1af1ng had cosfs and facfs Wou1d be a
quanf1faf1ve o va1ue-based appoach.
a. lncoecf. Wh11e a pacf1ca1 concen, fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof
be cons1deed unf11 fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe counfemeasue needed have been
b. lncoecf. Wh11e a pacf1ca1 concen, fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof
be cons1deed unf11 fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe counfemeasue needed have been
c. Coecf. Wh11e a pacf1ca1 concen, fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof
be cons1deed unf11 fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe counfemeasue needed have been
d. lncoecf. Wh11e a pacf1ca1 concen, fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof
be cons1deed unf11 fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of fhe counfemeasue needed have been
a. lncoecf. Defe1ng 1sk shou1d nof be an opf1on When manag1ng 1sk. Defe1ng
1sk 1nd1cafes fhaf managemenf has abd1cafed 1fs espons1b111fy fo dea1 W1fh fhe
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
1sk pob1em. Managemenf musf dea1 W1fh fhe 1sk-e1fhe foma11y accepf1ng fhe 1sk,
eecf1ng 1f by fak1ng counfemeasue acf1on, o fansfe1ng fhe 1sk. An examp1e
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk Wou1d be puchas1ng 11ab111fy 1nsuance o oufsouc1ng fhe
1nfomaf1on secu1fy espons1b111fy.
b. lncoecf. Defe1ng 1sk shou1d nof be an opf1on When manag1ng 1sk. Defe1ng
1sk 1nd1cafes fhaf managemenf has abd1cafed 1fs espons1b111fy fo dea1 W1fh fhe
1sk pob1em. Managemenf musf dea1 W1fh fhe 1sk-e1fhe foma11y accepf1ng fhe 1sk,
eecf1ng 1f by fak1ng counfemeasue acf1on, o fansfe1ng fhe 1sk. An examp1e
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk Wou1d be puchas1ng 11ab111fy 1nsuance o oufsouc1ng fhe
1nfomaf1on secu1fy espons1b111fy.
c. lncoecf. Defe1ng 1sk shou1d nof be an opf1on When manag1ng 1sk. Defe1ng
1sk 1nd1cafes fhaf managemenf has abd1cafed 1fs espons1b111fy fo dea1 W1fh fhe
1sk pob1em. Managemenf musf dea1 W1fh fhe 1sk-e1fhe foma11y accepf1ng fhe 1sk,
eecf1ng 1f by fak1ng counfemeasue acf1on, o fansfe1ng fhe 1sk. An examp1e
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk Wou1d be puchas1ng 11ab111fy 1nsuance o oufsouc1ng fhe
1nfomaf1on secu1fy espons1b111fy.
d. Coecf. Defe1ng 1sk shou1d nof be an opf1on When manag1ng 1sk. Defe1ng
1sk 1nd1cafes fhaf managemenf has abd1cafed 1fs espons1b111fy fo dea1 W1fh fhe
1sk pob1em. Managemenf musf dea1 W1fh fhe 1sk-e1fhe foma11y accepf1ng fhe 1sk,
eecf1ng 1f by fak1ng counfemeasue acf1on, o fansfe1ng fhe 1sk. An examp1e
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk Wou1d be puchas1ng 11ab111fy 1nsuance o oufsouc1ng fhe
1nfomaf1on secu1fy espons1b111fy.
a. Coecf. D1ecf1ves and mandafes fyp1ca11y com1ng fom oufs1de fhe company fom
fhe govenmenf, 1ega1, o 1ndusfy aufho1f1es ae ca11ed egu1afoy po11cy
obecf1ves. Adm1n1sfaf1ve 1s nof one of fhe fhee fypes of po11c1es. Adv1soy
po11c1es addess equ1emenfs fo cefa1n fypes of behav1os o acf1v1f1es among fhe
Wokfoce. lnfomaf1ve po11c1es addess educaf1ona1 aWaeness.
b. lncoecf. D1ecf1ves and mandafes fyp1ca11y com1ng fom oufs1de fhe company
fom fhe govenmenf, 1ega1, o 1ndusfy aufho1f1es ae ca11ed egu1afoy po11cy
obecf1ves. Adm1n1sfaf1ve 1s nof one of fhe fhee fypes of po11c1es. Adv1soy
po11c1es addess equ1emenfs fo cefa1n fypes of behav1os o acf1v1f1es among fhe
Wokfoce. lnfomaf1ve po11c1es addess educaf1ona1 aWaeness.
c. lncoecf. D1ecf1ves and mandafes fyp1ca11y com1ng fom oufs1de fhe company
fom fhe govenmenf, 1ega1, o 1ndusfy aufho1f1es ae ca11ed egu1afoy po11cy
obecf1ves. Adm1n1sfaf1ve 1s nof one of fhe fhee fypes of po11c1es. Adv1soy
po11c1es addess equ1emenfs fo cefa1n fypes of behav1os o acf1v1f1es among fhe
Wokfoce. lnfomaf1ve po11c1es addess educaf1ona1 aWaeness.
d. lncoecf. D1ecf1ves and mandafes fyp1ca11y com1ng fom oufs1de fhe company
fom fhe govenmenf, 1ega1, o 1ndusfy aufho1f1es ae ca11ed egu1afoy po11cy
obecf1ves. Adm1n1sfaf1ve 1s nof one of fhe fhee fypes of po11c1es. Adv1soy
po11c1es addess equ1emenfs fo cefa1n fypes of behav1os o acf1v1f1es among fhe
Wokfoce. lnfomaf1ve po11c1es addess educaf1ona1 aWaeness.
a. lncoecf. Po11c1es c1ea1y af1cu1afe Whaf 1s expecfed fom fhe Wokfoce, and
fhe sfandads pov1de spec1f1c u1es as fo hoW fo accomp11sh fhese obecf1ves.
b. Coecf. Po11c1es c1ea1y af1cu1afe Whaf 1s expecfed fom fhe Wokfoce, and
fhe sfandads pov1de spec1f1c u1es as fo hoW fo accomp11sh fhese obecf1ves.
c. lncoecf. Po11c1es c1ea1y af1cu1afe Whaf 1s expecfed fom fhe Wokfoce, and
fhe sfandads pov1de spec1f1c u1es as fo hoW fo accomp11sh fhese obecf1ves.
d. lncoecf. Po11c1es c1ea1y af1cu1afe Whaf 1s expecfed fom fhe Wokfoce, and
fhe sfandads pov1de spec1f1c u1es as fo hoW fo accomp11sh fhese obecf1ves.
a. lncoecf. Managemenf has sef fhe base11ne m1n1mum equ1emenfs fo emp1oyees
Wok1ng 1n 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy. Cand1dafes can have h1ghe qua11f1caf1ons, buf no
one Wok1ng 1n l1 and 1n fhe aea of seve adm1n1sfaf1on can have 1oWe fhan
spec1f1ed qua11f1caf1ons.
b. lncoecf. Managemenf has sef fhe base11ne m1n1mum equ1emenfs fo emp1oyees
Wok1ng 1n 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy. Cand1dafes can have h1ghe qua11f1caf1ons, buf no
one Wok1ng 1n l1 and 1n fhe aea of seve adm1n1sfaf1on can have 1oWe fhan
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
spec1f1ed qua11f1caf1ons.
c. Coecf. Managemenf has sef fhe base11ne m1n1mum equ1emenfs fo emp1oyees
Wok1ng 1n 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy. Cand1dafes can have h1ghe qua11f1caf1ons, buf no
one Wok1ng 1n l1 and 1n fhe aea of seve adm1n1sfaf1on can have 1oWe fhan
spec1f1ed qua11f1caf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Managemenf has sef fhe base11ne m1n1mum equ1emenfs fo emp1oyees
Wok1ng 1n 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy. Cand1dafes can have h1ghe qua11f1caf1ons, buf no
one Wok1ng 1n l1 and 1n fhe aea of seve adm1n1sfaf1on can have 1oWe fhan
spec1f1ed qua11f1caf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he opeaf1ons manage has esfab11shed a sfandad, Wh1ch spec1f1es
hoW hadWae W111 be ma1nfa1ned. A egu1af1on 1s a d1ecf1ve usua11y 1mposed fom an
enf1fy oufs1de fhe company-such as a mandafe fom govenmenf, a 1ega1 equ1emenf,
o an 1ndusfy equ1emenf. Po11c1es ae usua11y esfab11shed by sen1o managemenf,
afhe fhan 11ne managemenf. 1he opeaf1ons manage may be eacf1ng fo a po11cy
d1ecf1ve fhaf equ1es un1fom1fy and cons1sfency 1n seve managemenf. 1he
1nfoducf1on of fhe check11sfs pov1ded fhe foo1s necessay fo 1mp1emenf fh1s
po11cy. use of fhe check11sfs W111 evenfua11y y1e1d a base11ne fo seve qua11fy.
b. lncoecf. 1he opeaf1ons manage has esfab11shed a sfandad, Wh1ch spec1f1es
hoW hadWae W111 be ma1nfa1ned. A egu1af1on 1s a d1ecf1ve usua11y 1mposed fom an
enf1fy oufs1de fhe company-such as a mandafe fom govenmenf, a 1ega1 equ1emenf,
o an 1ndusfy equ1emenf. Po11c1es ae usua11y esfab11shed by sen1o managemenf,
afhe fhan 11ne managemenf. 1he opeaf1ons manage may be eacf1ng fo a po11cy
d1ecf1ve fhaf equ1es un1fom1fy and cons1sfency 1n seve managemenf. 1he
1nfoducf1on of fhe check11sfs pov1ded fhe foo1s necessay fo 1mp1emenf fh1s
po11cy. use of fhe check11sfs W111 evenfua11y y1e1d a base11ne fo seve qua11fy.
c. Coecf. 1he opeaf1ons manage has esfab11shed a sfandad, Wh1ch spec1f1es hoW
hadWae W111 be ma1nfa1ned. A egu1af1on 1s a d1ecf1ve usua11y 1mposed fom an
enf1fy oufs1de fhe company-such as a mandafe fom govenmenf, a 1ega1 equ1emenf,
o an 1ndusfy equ1emenf. Po11c1es ae usua11y esfab11shed by sen1o managemenf,
afhe fhan 11ne managemenf. 1he opeaf1ons manage may be eacf1ng fo a po11cy
d1ecf1ve fhaf equ1es un1fom1fy and cons1sfency 1n seve managemenf. 1he
1nfoducf1on of fhe check11sfs pov1ded fhe foo1s necessay fo 1mp1emenf fh1s
po11cy. use of fhe check11sfs W111 evenfua11y y1e1d a base11ne fo seve qua11fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he opeaf1ons manage has esfab11shed a sfandad, Wh1ch spec1f1es
hoW hadWae W111 be ma1nfa1ned. A egu1af1on 1s a d1ecf1ve usua11y 1mposed fom an
enf1fy oufs1de fhe company-such as a mandafe fom govenmenf, a 1ega1 equ1emenf,
o an 1ndusfy equ1emenf. Po11c1es ae usua11y esfab11shed by sen1o managemenf,
afhe fhan 11ne managemenf. 1he opeaf1ons manage may be eacf1ng fo a po11cy
d1ecf1ve fhaf equ1es un1fom1fy and cons1sfency 1n seve managemenf. 1he
1nfoducf1on of fhe check11sfs pov1ded fhe foo1s necessay fo 1mp1emenf fh1s
po11cy. use of fhe check11sfs W111 evenfua11y y1e1d a base11ne fo seve qua11fy.

a. lncoecf. A pocedue 1s fhe defa11ed, sfep-by-sfep acf1ons needed fo ach1eve

a fask. 8y confasf, a po11cy 1s usua11y sef by uppe managemenf, and pov1des
genea1 expecfaf1ons o obecf1ves fhaf need fo be accomp11shed. 5fandads ae
compu1soy u1es fhaf 1mp1emenf po11c1es. 1hey pov1de un1fom1fy of Wok qua11fy
and Woke behav1o by desc1b1ng hoW fhe Wok W111 be accomp11shed. A base11ne, on
fhe ofhe hand, sefs fhe m1n1mum sfandad fo behav1o and Wok qua11fy.
b. Coecf. A pocedue 1s fhe defa11ed, sfep-by-sfep acf1ons needed fo ach1eve a
fask. 8y confasf, a po11cy 1s usua11y sef by uppe managemenf, and pov1des genea1
expecfaf1ons o obecf1ves fhaf need fo be accomp11shed. 5fandads ae compu1soy
u1es fhaf 1mp1emenf po11c1es. 1hey pov1de un1fom1fy of Wok qua11fy and Woke
behav1o by desc1b1ng hoW fhe Wok W111 be accomp11shed. A base11ne, on fhe ofhe
hand, sefs fhe m1n1mum sfandad fo behav1o and Wok qua11fy.
c. lncoecf. A pocedue 1s fhe defa11ed, sfep-by-sfep acf1ons needed fo ach1eve
a fask. 8y confasf, a po11cy 1s usua11y sef by uppe managemenf, and pov1des
genea1 expecfaf1ons o obecf1ves fhaf need fo be accomp11shed. 5fandads ae
compu1soy u1es fhaf 1mp1emenf po11c1es. 1hey pov1de un1fom1fy of Wok qua11fy
and Woke behav1o by desc1b1ng hoW fhe Wok W111 be accomp11shed. A base11ne, on
fhe ofhe hand, sefs fhe m1n1mum sfandad fo behav1o and Wok qua11fy.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. A pocedue 1s fhe defa11ed, sfep-by-sfep acf1ons needed fo ach1eve
a fask. 8y confasf, a po11cy 1s usua11y sef by uppe managemenf, and pov1des
genea1 expecfaf1ons o obecf1ves fhaf need fo be accomp11shed. 5fandads ae
compu1soy u1es fhaf 1mp1emenf po11c1es. 1hey pov1de un1fom1fy of Wok qua11fy
and Woke behav1o by desc1b1ng hoW fhe Wok W111 be accomp11shed. A base11ne, on
fhe ofhe hand, sefs fhe m1n1mum sfandad fo behav1o and Wok qua11fy.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s nof enough fo ceafe good secu1fy po11cy. lf 1s managemenf`s
espons1b111fy fo make sue fhe po11cy d1ecf1ves ae ca1ed ouf. Lack of sfandads
and 1ack of oves1ghf may have conf1bufed fo fhe 1ack of po11cy enfocemenf.
b. Coecf. lf 1s nof enough fo ceafe good secu1fy po11cy. lf 1s managemenf`s
espons1b111fy fo make sue fhe po11cy d1ecf1ves ae ca1ed ouf. Lack of sfandads
and 1ack of oves1ghf may have conf1bufed fo fhe 1ack of po11cy enfocemenf.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s nof enough fo ceafe good secu1fy po11cy. lf 1s managemenf`s
espons1b111fy fo make sue fhe po11cy d1ecf1ves ae ca1ed ouf. Lack of sfandads
and 1ack of oves1ghf may have conf1bufed fo fhe 1ack of po11cy enfocemenf.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s nof enough fo ceafe good secu1fy po11cy. lf 1s managemenf`s
espons1b111fy fo make sue fhe po11cy d1ecf1ves ae ca1ed ouf. Lack of sfandads
and 1ack of oves1ghf may have conf1bufed fo fhe 1ack of po11cy enfocemenf.
a. lncoecf. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on 1s nof a equ1emenf of secue sysfems. 5ysfems
can be made secue W1fhouf any egad fo fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fhey W111
hand1e. hoWeve, sysfem 1nvesfmenf can be opf1m1zed 1f fhe dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
epesenf1ng 1fs unde1y1ng va1ue, 1s knoWn. 5ysfems hand11ng 1oW sens1f1v1fy
1nfomaf1on, fo 1nsfance, can equ1e feWe o 1ess 1goous secu1fy confo1s fhan
one fhaf hand1es fop secef 1nfomaf1on. knoW1edge of dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
fheefoe, can opf1m1ze budgefs on deve1opmenf poecfs, puff1ng money Whee 1f 1s
mosf needed.
b. lncoecf. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on 1s nof a equ1emenf of secue sysfems. 5ysfems
can be made secue W1fhouf any egad fo fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fhey W111
hand1e. hoWeve, sysfem 1nvesfmenf can be opf1m1zed 1f fhe dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
epesenf1ng 1fs unde1y1ng va1ue, 1s knoWn. 5ysfems hand11ng 1oW sens1f1v1fy
1nfomaf1on, fo 1nsfance, can equ1e feWe o 1ess 1goous secu1fy confo1s fhan
one fhaf hand1es fop secef 1nfomaf1on. knoW1edge of dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
fheefoe, can opf1m1ze budgefs on deve1opmenf poecfs, puff1ng money Whee 1f 1s
mosf needed.
c. lncoecf. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on 1s nof a equ1emenf of secue sysfems. 5ysfems
can be made secue W1fhouf any egad fo fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fhey W111
hand1e. hoWeve, sysfem 1nvesfmenf can be opf1m1zed 1f fhe dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
epesenf1ng 1fs unde1y1ng va1ue, 1s knoWn. 5ysfems hand11ng 1oW sens1f1v1fy
1nfomaf1on, fo 1nsfance, can equ1e feWe o 1ess 1goous secu1fy confo1s fhan
one fhaf hand1es fop secef 1nfomaf1on. knoW1edge of dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
fheefoe, can opf1m1ze budgefs on deve1opmenf poecfs, puff1ng money Whee 1f 1s
mosf needed.
d. Coecf. Dafa c1ass1f1caf1on 1s nof a equ1emenf of secue sysfems. 5ysfems
can be made secue W1fhouf any egad fo fhe sens1f1v1fy of fhe dafa fhey W111
hand1e. hoWeve, sysfem 1nvesfmenf can be opf1m1zed 1f fhe dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
epesenf1ng 1fs unde1y1ng va1ue, 1s knoWn. 5ysfems hand11ng 1oW sens1f1v1fy
1nfomaf1on, fo 1nsfance, can equ1e feWe o 1ess 1goous secu1fy confo1s fhan
one fhaf hand1es fop secef 1nfomaf1on. knoW1edge of dafa c1ass1f1caf1on,
fheefoe, can opf1m1ze budgefs on deve1opmenf poecfs, puff1ng money Whee 1f 1s
mosf needed.
a. lncoecf. hoW fhe dafa W111 be used has no bea1ng on hoW sens1f1ve 1f 1s. ln
ofhe Wods, fhe dafa 1s sens1f1ve nof maffe hoW 1f W111 be used-even 1f 1f 1s nof
used af a11.
b. lncoecf. hoW fhe dafa W111 be used has no bea1ng on hoW sens1f1ve 1f 1s. ln
ofhe Wods, fhe dafa 1s sens1f1ve nof maffe hoW 1f W111 be used-even 1f 1f 1s nof
used af a11.
c. Coecf. hoW fhe dafa W111 be used has no bea1ng on hoW sens1f1ve 1f 1s. ln
Page 10
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
ofhe Wods, fhe dafa 1s sens1f1ve nof maffe hoW 1f W111 be used-even 1f 1f 1s nof
used af a11.
d. lncoecf. hoW fhe dafa W111 be used has no bea1ng on hoW sens1f1ve 1f 1s. ln
ofhe Wods, fhe dafa 1s sens1f1ve nof maffe hoW 1f W111 be used-even 1f 1f 1s nof
used af a11.
a. lncoecf. 5eff1ng fhe c1ass1f1caf1on fo fhe dafa d1ves a11 ofhe dec1s1ons
abouf fhe dafa. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe dafa W111 be used and Who shou1d use 1f 1s
W1fh1n fhe scope of fhe dafa oWne, buf fhey ae funcf1ona1, afhe fhan secu1fy
espons1b111f1es. 1he oWne may paf1c1pafe 1n defem1n1ng fhe va1ue of fhe dafa,
buf s1nce 1fs va1ue 1s a measue e1af1ve fo a11 ofhe copoafe dafa assefs, 1f 1s
nof usua11y somefh1ng fhe dafa oWne 1s so1e1y espons1b1e fo. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe
dafa W111 be peseved fa11s fo fhe o1e of fhe dafa cusfod1an.
b. Coecf. 5eff1ng fhe c1ass1f1caf1on fo fhe dafa d1ves a11 ofhe dec1s1ons
abouf fhe dafa. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe dafa W111 be used and Who shou1d use 1f 1s
W1fh1n fhe scope of fhe dafa oWne, buf fhey ae funcf1ona1, afhe fhan secu1fy
espons1b111f1es. 1he oWne may paf1c1pafe 1n defem1n1ng fhe va1ue of fhe dafa,
buf s1nce 1fs va1ue 1s a measue e1af1ve fo a11 ofhe copoafe dafa assefs, 1f 1s
nof usua11y somefh1ng fhe dafa oWne 1s so1e1y espons1b1e fo. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe
dafa W111 be peseved fa11s fo fhe o1e of fhe dafa cusfod1an.
c. lncoecf. 5eff1ng fhe c1ass1f1caf1on fo fhe dafa d1ves a11 ofhe dec1s1ons
abouf fhe dafa. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe dafa W111 be used and Who shou1d use 1f 1s
W1fh1n fhe scope of fhe dafa oWne, buf fhey ae funcf1ona1, afhe fhan secu1fy
espons1b111f1es. 1he oWne may paf1c1pafe 1n defem1n1ng fhe va1ue of fhe dafa,
buf s1nce 1fs va1ue 1s a measue e1af1ve fo a11 ofhe copoafe dafa assefs, 1f 1s
nof usua11y somefh1ng fhe dafa oWne 1s so1e1y espons1b1e fo. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe
dafa W111 be peseved fa11s fo fhe o1e of fhe dafa cusfod1an.
d. lncoecf. 5eff1ng fhe c1ass1f1caf1on fo fhe dafa d1ves a11 ofhe dec1s1ons
abouf fhe dafa. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe dafa W111 be used and Who shou1d use 1f 1s
W1fh1n fhe scope of fhe dafa oWne, buf fhey ae funcf1ona1, afhe fhan secu1fy
espons1b111f1es. 1he oWne may paf1c1pafe 1n defem1n1ng fhe va1ue of fhe dafa,
buf s1nce 1fs va1ue 1s a measue e1af1ve fo a11 ofhe copoafe dafa assefs, 1f 1s
nof usua11y somefh1ng fhe dafa oWne 1s so1e1y espons1b1e fo. Defem1n1ng hoW fhe
dafa W111 be peseved fa11s fo fhe o1e of fhe dafa cusfod1an.
a. lncoecf. Lsfab11sh1ng an aud1f funcf1on epesenfs an acf1v1fy fhaf fhe
secu1fy pogam m1ghf 1n1f1afe. 8uf f1sf, fhe pogam musf be esfab11shed.
b. lncoecf. Lsfab11sh1ng an aud1f funcf1on epesenfs an acf1v1fy fhaf fhe
secu1fy pogam m1ghf 1n1f1afe. 8uf f1sf, fhe pogam musf be esfab11shed.
c. Coecf. Lsfab11sh1ng an aud1f funcf1on epesenfs an acf1v1fy fhaf fhe
secu1fy pogam m1ghf 1n1f1afe. 8uf f1sf, fhe pogam musf be esfab11shed.
d. lncoecf. Lsfab11sh1ng an aud1f funcf1on epesenfs an acf1v1fy fhaf fhe
secu1fy pogam m1ghf 1n1f1afe. 8uf f1sf, fhe pogam musf be esfab11shed.
a. lncoecf. uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1ends a dose of ea11fy fo 1sk assessmenf,
Wh1ch 1s bu11f ma1n1y on specu1af1on. 1he 1sk assessmenf shou1d be fempeed by
app1y1ng a mefhod fhaf esf1mafes managemenfs conf1dence 1eve1 1n fhe 1sk ana1ys1s
f1nd1ng and fhe 11ke11hood of fhe esu1fs ema1n1ng va11d. 1ack1ng fhe uncefa1nfy
facfo can geneafe h1sfo1ca1 dafa fhaf can be used fo ef1ne 1sk assessmenf
fechn1ques go1ng foWad. Dafa va1uaf1on, fheaf and vu1neab111fy assessmenf and
fhe1 assoc1afed pobab111fy facfos e1afe fo fhe 1sk ana1ys1s paf of fhe 1sk
managemenf acf1v1fy.
b. lncoecf. uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1ends a dose of ea11fy fo 1sk assessmenf,
Wh1ch 1s bu11f ma1n1y on specu1af1on. 1he 1sk assessmenf shou1d be fempeed by
app1y1ng a mefhod fhaf esf1mafes managemenfs conf1dence 1eve1 1n fhe 1sk ana1ys1s
f1nd1ng and fhe 11ke11hood of fhe esu1fs ema1n1ng va11d. 1ack1ng fhe uncefa1nfy
facfo can geneafe h1sfo1ca1 dafa fhaf can be used fo ef1ne 1sk assessmenf
fechn1ques go1ng foWad. Dafa va1uaf1on, fheaf and vu1neab111fy assessmenf and
fhe1 assoc1afed pobab111fy facfos e1afe fo fhe 1sk ana1ys1s paf of fhe 1sk
managemenf acf1v1fy.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
c. Coecf. uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1ends a dose of ea11fy fo 1sk assessmenf, Wh1ch
1s bu11f ma1n1y on specu1af1on. 1he 1sk assessmenf shou1d be fempeed by app1y1ng a
mefhod fhaf esf1mafes managemenf`s conf1dence 1eve1 1n fhe 1sk ana1ys1s f1nd1ng and
fhe 11ke11hood of fhe esu1fs ema1n1ng va11d. 1ack1ng fhe uncefa1nfy facfo can
geneafe h1sfo1ca1 dafa fhaf can be used fo ef1ne 1sk assessmenf fechn1ques go1ng
foWad. Dafa va1uaf1on, fheaf and vu1neab111fy assessmenf and fhe1 assoc1afed
pobab111fy facfos e1afe fo fhe 1sk ana1ys1s paf of fhe 1sk managemenf
d. lncoecf. uncefa1nfy ana1ys1s 1ends a dose of ea11fy fo 1sk assessmenf,
Wh1ch 1s bu11f ma1n1y on specu1af1on. 1he 1sk assessmenf shou1d be fempeed by
app1y1ng a mefhod fhaf esf1mafes managemenfs conf1dence 1eve1 1n fhe 1sk ana1ys1s
f1nd1ng and fhe 11ke11hood of fhe esu1fs ema1n1ng va11d. 1ack1ng fhe uncefa1nfy
facfo can geneafe h1sfo1ca1 dafa fhaf can be used fo ef1ne 1sk assessmenf
fechn1ques go1ng foWad. Dafa va1uaf1on, fheaf and vu1neab111fy assessmenf and
fhe1 assoc1afed pobab111fy facfos e1afe fo fhe 1sk ana1ys1s paf of fhe 1sk
managemenf acf1v1fy.
a. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy aud1fo 1s espons1b1e fo epof1ng fo sen1o
managemenf abouf fhe effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s and fhe1 comp11ance W1fh
secu1fy po11cy obecf1ves.
b. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy aud1fo 1s espons1b1e fo epof1ng fo sen1o
managemenf abouf fhe effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s and fhe1 comp11ance W1fh
secu1fy po11cy obecf1ves.
c. lncoecf. 1he secu1fy aud1fo 1s espons1b1e fo epof1ng fo sen1o
managemenf abouf fhe effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s and fhe1 comp11ance W1fh
secu1fy po11cy obecf1ves.
d. Coecf. 1he secu1fy aud1fo 1s espons1b1e fo epof1ng fo sen1o managemenf
abouf fhe effecf1veness of secu1fy confo1s and fhe1 comp11ance W1fh secu1fy
po11cy obecf1ves.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s knoWn as ClA o AlC, Wh1ch sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy. 1hese fhee concepfs ae a1so efeed fo as fhe ClA o
AlC 11ang1e. 1he aconym has changed fom ClA fo AlC pe {l5C}2 eWod1ng.
b. Coecf. lf 1s knoWn as ClA o AlC, Wh1ch sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy. 1hese fhee concepfs ae a1so efeed fo as fhe ClA o
AlC 11ang1e. 1he aconym has changed fom ClA fo AlC pe {l5C}2 eWod1ng.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s knoWn as ClA o AlC, Wh1ch sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy. 1hese fhee concepfs ae a1so efeed fo as fhe ClA o
AlC 11ang1e. 1he aconym has changed fom ClA fo AlC pe {l5C}2 eWod1ng.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s knoWn as ClA o AlC, Wh1ch sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy,
1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy. 1hese fhee concepfs ae a1so efeed fo as fhe ClA o
AlC 11ang1e. 1he aconym has changed fom ClA fo AlC pe {l5C}2 eWod1ng.
a. lncoecf. May 1s ab1e fo change fhe dafa, fheeby undem1n1ng 1fs 1nfended
1nfeg1fy. 51nce she had ead 1ghfs, she 1s nof ab1e fo v1o1afe conf1denf1a11fy o
ava11ab111fy-fhe ofhe fWo ma1n p1nc1p1es. Access1b111fy 1s nof a fem used as one
of fhe p1may p1nc1p1es, buf 1f 1s mosf c1ose1y e1afed fo fhe p1nc1p1e of
b. lncoecf. May 1s ab1e fo change fhe dafa, fheeby undem1n1ng 1fs 1nfended
1nfeg1fy. 51nce she had ead 1ghfs, she 1s nof ab1e fo v1o1afe conf1denf1a11fy o
ava11ab111fy-fhe ofhe fWo ma1n p1nc1p1es. Access1b111fy 1s nof a fem used as one
of fhe p1may p1nc1p1es, buf 1f 1s mosf c1ose1y e1afed fo fhe p1nc1p1e of
c. Coecf. May 1s ab1e fo change fhe dafa, fheeby undem1n1ng 1fs 1nfended
1nfeg1fy. 51nce she had ead 1ghfs, she 1s nof ab1e fo v1o1afe conf1denf1a11fy o
ava11ab111fy-fhe ofhe fWo ma1n p1nc1p1es. Access1b111fy 1s nof a fem used as one
of fhe p1may p1nc1p1es, buf 1f 1s mosf c1ose1y e1afed fo fhe p1nc1p1e of
d. lncoecf. May 1s ab1e fo change fhe dafa, fheeby undem1n1ng 1fs 1nfended
1nfeg1fy. 51nce she had ead 1ghfs, she 1s nof ab1e fo v1o1afe conf1denf1a11fy o
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
ava11ab111fy-fhe ofhe fWo ma1n p1nc1p1es. Access1b111fy 1s nof a fem used as one
of fhe p1may p1nc1p1es, buf 1f 1s mosf c1ose1y e1afed fo fhe p1nc1p1e of
a. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy and d1sasfe ecovey do nof conf1bufe d1ecf1y
fo ogan1zaf1ona1 secu1fy, buf fhey can seve fo compensafe fo secu1fy d1sasfes
by educ1ng fhe f1me 1f fakes fo espond fo a secu1fy 1nc1denf fhaf 1nfeupfs
bus1ness poducf1v1fy.
b. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy and d1sasfe ecovey do nof conf1bufe d1ecf1y
fo ogan1zaf1ona1 secu1fy, buf fhey can seve fo compensafe fo secu1fy d1sasfes
by educ1ng fhe f1me 1f fakes fo espond fo a secu1fy 1nc1denf fhaf 1nfeupfs
bus1ness poducf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy and d1sasfe ecovey do nof conf1bufe d1ecf1y
fo ogan1zaf1ona1 secu1fy, buf fhey can seve fo compensafe fo secu1fy d1sasfes
by educ1ng fhe f1me 1f fakes fo espond fo a secu1fy 1nc1denf fhaf 1nfeupfs
bus1ness poducf1v1fy.
d. Coecf. 8us1ness conf1nu1fy and d1sasfe ecovey do nof conf1bufe d1ecf1y
fo ogan1zaf1ona1 secu1fy, buf fhey can seve fo compensafe fo secu1fy d1sasfes
by educ1ng fhe f1me 1f fakes fo espond fo a secu1fy 1nc1denf fhaf 1nfeupfs
bus1ness poducf1v1fy.
a. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 pob1em. 1o opf1ma11y secue dafa and
sysfems equ1es affenf1on fom o1es fhaf 1nc1ude sen1o managemenf, dafa oWnes
and cusfod1ans, secu1fy managemenf and pofess1ona1, aud1fos and uses. Lach o1e
1s accounfab1e fo a spec1f1c paf 1n ensu1ng fhaf copoafe assefs ema1n secue.
5pead1ng espons1b111fy acoss sevea1 o1es ensues sepaaf1on of duf1es and a1so
ensues fhaf 1n cood1naf1ng fhese effofs managemenf W111 1mp1emenf appop1afe
oves1ghf fo ensue no aspecf of secu1fy W111 be ove1ooked.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 pob1em. 1o opf1ma11y secue dafa and
sysfems equ1es affenf1on fom o1es fhaf 1nc1ude sen1o managemenf, dafa oWnes
and cusfod1ans, secu1fy managemenf and pofess1ona1, aud1fos and uses. Lach o1e
1s accounfab1e fo a spec1f1c paf 1n ensu1ng fhaf copoafe assefs ema1n secue.
5pead1ng espons1b111fy acoss sevea1 o1es ensues sepaaf1on of duf1es and a1so
ensues fhaf 1n cood1naf1ng fhese effofs managemenf W111 1mp1emenf appop1afe
oves1ghf fo ensue no aspecf of secu1fy W111 be ove1ooked.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 pob1em. 1o opf1ma11y secue dafa and
sysfems equ1es affenf1on fom o1es fhaf 1nc1ude sen1o managemenf, dafa oWnes
and cusfod1ans, secu1fy managemenf and pofess1ona1, aud1fos and uses. Lach o1e
1s accounfab1e fo a spec1f1c paf 1n ensu1ng fhaf copoafe assefs ema1n secue.
5pead1ng espons1b111fy acoss sevea1 o1es ensues sepaaf1on of duf1es and a1so
ensues fhaf 1n cood1naf1ng fhese effofs managemenf W111 1mp1emenf appop1afe
oves1ghf fo ensue no aspecf of secu1fy W111 be ove1ooked.
d. Coecf. 5ecu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 pob1em. 1o opf1ma11y secue dafa and
sysfems equ1es affenf1on fom o1es fhaf 1nc1ude sen1o managemenf, dafa oWnes
and cusfod1ans, secu1fy managemenf and pofess1ona1, aud1fos and uses. Lach o1e
1s accounfab1e fo a spec1f1c paf 1n ensu1ng fhaf copoafe assefs ema1n secue.
5pead1ng espons1b111fy acoss sevea1 o1es ensues sepaaf1on of duf1es and a1so
ensues fhaf 1n cood1naf1ng fhese effofs managemenf W111 1mp1emenf appop1afe
oves1ghf fo ensue no aspecf of secu1fy W111 be ove1ooked.
a. lncoecf. 51nce John Was espons1b1e fo do1ng fhe Wok on fhe sysfem, John
shou1d nof a1so be fhe peson fo assess fhe qua11fy of fhe Wok. 1h1s epesenfs a
v1o1af1on of fhe p1nc1p1e of sepaaf1on of duf1es. No Woke shou1d be a11oWed fo
check h1s oWn Wok. Co11us1on efes fo fhe exfa effof fhaf a d1shonesf peson
Wou1d have fo fake fo accomp11sh a ma11c1ous fask because sepaaf1on of duf1es Was
1n p1ace. Opeaf1ona1 1nfeg1fy 1s a fem genea11y app11ed fo opeaf1ona1 pocesses
and doesn`f app1y fo fh1s case. Nond1sc1osue 1s a equ1emenf nof fo shae
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fh pesons nof aufho1zed fo ece1ve 1f.
b. lncoecf. 51nce John Was espons1b1e fo do1ng fhe Wok on fhe sysfem, John
shou1d nof a1so be fhe peson fo assess fhe qua11fy of fhe Wok. 1h1s epesenfs a
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
v1o1af1on of fhe p1nc1p1e of sepaaf1on of duf1es. No Woke shou1d be a11oWed fo
check h1s oWn Wok. Co11us1on efes fo fhe exfa effof fhaf a d1shonesf peson
Wou1d have fo fake fo accomp11sh a ma11c1ous fask because sepaaf1on of duf1es Was
1n p1ace. Opeaf1ona1 1nfeg1fy 1s a fem genea11y app11ed fo opeaf1ona1 pocesses
and doesn`f app1y fo fh1s case. Nond1sc1osue 1s a equ1emenf nof fo shae
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fh pesons nof aufho1zed fo ece1ve 1f.
c. Coecf. 51nce John Was espons1b1e fo do1ng fhe Wok on fhe sysfem, John
shou1d nof a1so be fhe peson fo assess fhe qua11fy of fhe Wok. 1h1s epesenfs a
v1o1af1on of fhe p1nc1p1e of sepaaf1on of duf1es. No Woke shou1d be a11oWed fo
check h1s oWn Wok. Co11us1on efes fo fhe exfa effof fhaf a d1shonesf peson
Wou1d have fo fake fo accomp11sh a ma11c1ous fask because sepaaf1on of duf1es Was
1n p1ace. Opeaf1ona1 1nfeg1fy 1s a fem genea11y app11ed fo opeaf1ona1 pocesses
and doesn`f app1y fo fh1s case. Nond1sc1osue 1s a equ1emenf nof fo shae
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fh pesons nof aufho1zed fo ece1ve 1f.
d. lncoecf. 51nce John Was espons1b1e fo do1ng fhe Wok on fhe sysfem, John
shou1d nof a1so be fhe peson fo assess fhe qua11fy of fhe Wok. 1h1s epesenfs a
v1o1af1on of fhe p1nc1p1e of sepaaf1on of duf1es. No Woke shou1d be a11oWed fo
check h1s oWn Wok. Co11us1on efes fo fhe exfa effof fhaf a d1shonesf peson
Wou1d have fo fake fo accomp11sh a ma11c1ous fask because sepaaf1on of duf1es Was
1n p1ace. Opeaf1ona1 1nfeg1fy 1s a fem genea11y app11ed fo opeaf1ona1 pocesses
and doesn`f app1y fo fh1s case. Nond1sc1osue 1s a equ1emenf nof fo shae
sens1f1ve 1nfomaf1on W1fh pesons nof aufho1zed fo ece1ve 1f.
a. lncoecf. 1he common deve1opmenf pocess of ceaf1ng a secu1fy po11cy
1nc1udes 1n1f1a1 and eva1uaf1on, deve1opmenf, appova1, pub11caf1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on,
and ma1nfenance.
b. lncoecf. 1he common deve1opmenf pocess of ceaf1ng a secu1fy po11cy
1nc1udes 1n1f1a1 and eva1uaf1on, deve1opmenf, appova1, pub11caf1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on,
and ma1nfenance.
c. Coecf. 1he common deve1opmenf pocess of ceaf1ng a secu1fy po11cy 1nc1udes
1n1f1a1 and eva1uaf1on, deve1opmenf, appova1, pub11caf1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on, and
d. lncoecf. 1he common deve1opmenf pocess of ceaf1ng a secu1fy po11cy
1nc1udes 1n1f1a1 and eva1uaf1on, deve1opmenf, appova1, pub11caf1on, 1mp1emenfaf1on,
and ma1nfenance.
a. lncoecf. When fhe nefWok 1s oveWhe1med, no one W111 be ab1e fo access
des1ed 1nfomaf1on. As dafa W111 be unava11ab1e, fhe p1nc1p1e be1ng v1o1afed 1s
b. lncoecf. When fhe nefWok 1s oveWhe1med, no one W111 be ab1e fo access
des1ed 1nfomaf1on. As dafa W111 be unava11ab1e, fhe p1nc1p1e be1ng v1o1afed 1s
c. Coecf. When fhe nefWok 1s oveWhe1med, no one W111 be ab1e fo access des1ed
1nfomaf1on. As dafa W111 be unava11ab1e, fhe p1nc1p1e be1ng v1o1afed 1s
d. lncoecf. When fhe nefWok 1s oveWhe1med, no one W111 be ab1e fo access
des1ed 1nfomaf1on. As dafa W111 be unava11ab1e, fhe p1nc1p1e be1ng v1o1afed 1s
a. lncoecf. 5en1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y accounfab1e fo a11 ogan1zaf1ona1
1sk. As secu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 1sk, sen1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y
accounfab1e fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy.
b. Coecf. 5en1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y accounfab1e fo a11 ogan1zaf1ona1
1sk. As secu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 1sk, sen1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y
accounfab1e fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy.
c. lncoecf. 5en1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y accounfab1e fo a11 ogan1zaf1ona1
1sk. As secu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 1sk, sen1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y
accounfab1e fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy.
d. lncoecf. 5en1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y accounfab1e fo a11 ogan1zaf1ona1
1sk. As secu1fy 1s an ogan1zaf1ona1 1sk, sen1o managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
accounfab1e fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy.
a. lncoecf. A company can have one spec1f1c dafa oWne o d1ffeenf dafa oWnes
Who have been de1egafed fhe espons1b111fy of pofecf1ng spec1f1c sefs of dafa. One
of fhe espons1b111f1es fhaf goes 1nfo pofecf1ng fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s pope1y
c1ass1fy1ng 1f.
b. lncoecf. A company can have one spec1f1c dafa oWne o d1ffeenf dafa oWnes
Who have been de1egafed fhe espons1b111fy of pofecf1ng spec1f1c sefs of dafa. One
of fhe espons1b111f1es fhaf goes 1nfo pofecf1ng fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s pope1y
c1ass1fy1ng 1f.
c. Coecf. A company can have one spec1f1c dafa oWne o d1ffeenf dafa oWnes
Who have been de1egafed fhe espons1b111fy of pofecf1ng spec1f1c sefs of dafa. One
of fhe espons1b111f1es fhaf goes 1nfo pofecf1ng fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s pope1y
c1ass1fy1ng 1f.
d. lncoecf. A company can have one spec1f1c dafa oWne o d1ffeenf dafa oWnes
Who have been de1egafed fhe espons1b111fy of pofecf1ng spec1f1c sefs of dafa. One
of fhe espons1b111f1es fhaf goes 1nfo pofecf1ng fh1s 1nfomaf1on 1s pope1y
c1ass1fy1ng 1f.
a. Coecf. lf 1s common1y sfafed fhaf 1nfena1 fheafs pov1de 70 fo 0 pecenf
of fhe ovea11 fheaf fo a company. 1h1s 1s because emp1oyees a1eady have
p1v11eged access fo a W1de ange of company assefs. 1he oufs1de Who Wanfs fo cause
damage musf obfa1n fh1s 1eve1 of access befoe she can cay ouf fhe fype of damage
fhaf 1nfena1 pesonne1 can cay ouf. A 1of of fhe damages fhaf ae caused by
1nfena1 emp1oyees ae boughf abouf by m1sfakes and sysfem m1sconf1guaf1ons.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s common1y sfafed fhaf 1nfena1 fheafs pov1de 70 fo 0 pecenf
of fhe ovea11 fheaf fo a company. 1h1s 1s because emp1oyees a1eady have
p1v11eged access fo a W1de ange of company assefs. 1he oufs1de Who Wanfs fo cause
damage musf obfa1n fh1s 1eve1 of access befoe she can cay ouf fhe fype of damage
fhaf 1nfena1 pesonne1 can cay ouf. A 1of of fhe damages fhaf ae caused by
1nfena1 emp1oyees ae boughf abouf by m1sfakes and sysfem m1sconf1guaf1ons.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s common1y sfafed fhaf 1nfena1 fheafs pov1de 70 fo 0 pecenf
of fhe ovea11 fheaf fo a company. 1h1s 1s because emp1oyees a1eady have
p1v11eged access fo a W1de ange of company assefs. 1he oufs1de Who Wanfs fo cause
damage musf obfa1n fh1s 1eve1 of access befoe she can cay ouf fhe fype of damage
fhaf 1nfena1 pesonne1 can cay ouf. A 1of of fhe damages fhaf ae caused by
1nfena1 emp1oyees ae boughf abouf by m1sfakes and sysfem m1sconf1guaf1ons.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s common1y sfafed fhaf 1nfena1 fheafs pov1de 70 fo 0 pecenf
of fhe ovea11 fheaf fo a company. 1h1s 1s because emp1oyees a1eady have
p1v11eged access fo a W1de ange of company assefs. 1he oufs1de Who Wanfs fo cause
damage musf obfa1n fh1s 1eve1 of access befoe she can cay ouf fhe fype of damage
fhaf 1nfena1 pesonne1 can cay ouf. A 1of of fhe damages fhaf ae caused by
1nfena1 emp1oyees ae boughf abouf by m1sfakes and sysfem m1sconf1guaf1ons.
a. lncoecf. lf dafa 1s go1ng fo be ava11ab1e fo a W1de ange of peop1e, moe
secu1fy shou1d be 1mp1emenfed fo ensue fhaf on1y fhe necessay peop1e access fhe
dafa and fhe opeaf1ons fhey cay ouf ae confo11ed. 1he secu1fy 1mp1emenfed can
come 1n fhe fom of aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on fechno1og1es, encypf1on, and
spec1f1c access confo1 mechan1sms.
b. lncoecf. lf dafa 1s go1ng fo be ava11ab1e fo a W1de ange of peop1e, moe
secu1fy shou1d be 1mp1emenfed fo ensue fhaf on1y fhe necessay peop1e access fhe
dafa and fhe opeaf1ons fhey cay ouf ae confo11ed. 1he secu1fy 1mp1emenfed can
come 1n fhe fom of aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on fechno1og1es, encypf1on, and
spec1f1c access confo1 mechan1sms.
c. Coecf. lf dafa 1s go1ng fo be ava11ab1e fo a W1de ange of peop1e, moe
secu1fy shou1d be 1mp1emenfed fo ensue fhaf on1y fhe necessay peop1e access fhe
dafa and fhe opeaf1ons fhey cay ouf ae confo11ed. 1he secu1fy 1mp1emenfed can
come 1n fhe fom of aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on fechno1og1es, encypf1on, and
spec1f1c access confo1 mechan1sms.
d. lncoecf. lf dafa 1s go1ng fo be ava11ab1e fo a W1de ange of peop1e, moe
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
secu1fy shou1d be 1mp1emenfed fo ensue fhaf on1y fhe necessay peop1e access fhe
dafa and fhe opeaf1ons fhey cay ouf ae confo11ed. 1he secu1fy 1mp1emenfed can
come 1n fhe fom of aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on fechno1og1es, encypf1on, and
spec1f1c access confo1 mechan1sms.
a. lncoecf. 1o pope1y c1ass1fy dafa, fhe dafa oWne needs fo eva1uafe fhe
conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy equ1emenfs of fhe dafa. Once fh1s 1s
done, fh1s W111 d1cfafe Whaf emp1oyees, confacfos, and uses can access fhe dafa.
1h1s assessmenf W111 a1so he1p defem1ne fhe confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo p1ace.
b. Coecf. 1o pope1y c1ass1fy dafa, fhe dafa oWne needs fo eva1uafe fhe
conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy equ1emenfs of fhe dafa. Once fh1s 1s
done, fh1s W111 d1cfafe Whaf emp1oyees, confacfos, and uses can access fhe dafa.
1h1s assessmenf W111 a1so he1p defem1ne fhe confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo p1ace.
c. lncoecf. 1o pope1y c1ass1fy dafa, fhe dafa oWne needs fo eva1uafe fhe
conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy equ1emenfs of fhe dafa. Once fh1s 1s
done, fh1s W111 d1cfafe Whaf emp1oyees, confacfos, and uses can access fhe dafa.
1h1s assessmenf W111 a1so he1p defem1ne fhe confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo p1ace.
d. lncoecf. 1o pope1y c1ass1fy dafa, fhe dafa oWne needs fo eva1uafe fhe
conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy equ1emenfs of fhe dafa. Once fh1s 1s
done, fh1s W111 d1cfafe Whaf emp1oyees, confacfos, and uses can access fhe dafa.
1h1s assessmenf W111 a1so he1p defem1ne fhe confo1s fhaf shou1d be puf 1nfo p1ace.
a. lncoecf. 1he key fo fh1s quesf1on 1s fhe use of fhe Wod
&quof,u1f1mafe1y.&quof, Managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo eveyfh1ng fhaf
fakes p1ace W1fh1n a company. 1hey need fo make sue dafa and esouces ae be1ng
pope1y pofecfed on an ongo1ng bas1s. 1hey can de1egafe fasks fo ofhes, buf fhey
ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e.
b. lncoecf. 1he key fo fh1s quesf1on 1s fhe use of fhe Wod
&quof,u1f1mafe1y.&quof, Managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo eveyfh1ng fhaf
fakes p1ace W1fh1n a company. 1hey need fo make sue dafa and esouces ae be1ng
pope1y pofecfed on an ongo1ng bas1s. 1hey can de1egafe fasks fo ofhes, buf fhey
ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e.
c. lncoecf. 1he key fo fh1s quesf1on 1s fhe use of fhe Wod
&quof,u1f1mafe1y.&quof, Managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo eveyfh1ng fhaf
fakes p1ace W1fh1n a company. 1hey need fo make sue dafa and esouces ae be1ng
pope1y pofecfed on an ongo1ng bas1s. 1hey can de1egafe fasks fo ofhes, buf fhey
ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e.
d. Coecf. 1he key fo fh1s quesf1on 1s fhe use of fhe Wod
&quof,u1f1mafe1y.&quof, Managemenf 1s u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo eveyfh1ng fhaf
fakes p1ace W1fh1n a company. 1hey need fo make sue dafa and esouces ae be1ng
pope1y pofecfed on an ongo1ng bas1s. 1hey can de1egafe fasks fo ofhes, buf fhey
ae u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e.
a. lncoecf. 5fandads ae u1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed, fhus fhey ae compu1soy.
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae sfep-by-sfep 1nsfucf1ons.
b. Coecf. 5fandads ae u1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed, fhus fhey ae compu1soy.
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae sfep-by-sfep 1nsfucf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 5fandads ae u1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed, fhus fhey ae compu1soy.
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae sfep-by-sfep 1nsfucf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 5fandads ae u1es fhaf musf be fo11oWed, fhus fhey ae compu1soy.
Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae sfep-by-sfep 1nsfucf1ons.
a. Coecf. W1fhouf sen1o managemenf`s suppof a secu1fy pogam W111 nof
ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, funds, esouces, and enfocemenf capab111f1es.
b. lncoecf. W1fhouf sen1o managemenf`s suppof a secu1fy pogam W111 nof
ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, funds, esouces, and enfocemenf capab111f1es.
c. lncoecf. W1fhouf sen1o managemenf`s suppof a secu1fy pogam W111 nof
ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, funds, esouces, and enfocemenf capab111f1es.
d. lncoecf. W1fhouf sen1o managemenf`s suppof a secu1fy pogam W111 nof
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
ece1ve fhe necessay affenf1on, funds, esouces, and enfocemenf capab111f1es.
a. lncoecf. Compan1es may dec1de fo 11ve W1fh spec1f1c 1sks fhey ae faced W1fh
because 1f Wou1d cosf moe fo fy and pofecf fhemse1ves fhan fhey have a pofenf1a1
of 1os1ng 1f fhe fheaf became ea1. Counfemeasues ae usua11y comp1ex fo a degee
and fhee ae a1mosf a1Ways po11f1ca1 1ssues suound1ng d1ffeenf 1sks, buf fhese
ae nof easons fo nof 1mp1emenf a counfemeasue.
b. lncoecf. Compan1es may dec1de fo 11ve W1fh spec1f1c 1sks fhey ae faced W1fh
because 1f Wou1d cosf moe fo fy and pofecf fhemse1ves fhan fhey have a pofenf1a1
of 1os1ng 1f fhe fheaf became ea1. Counfemeasues ae usua11y comp1ex fo a degee
and fhee ae a1mosf a1Ways po11f1ca1 1ssues suound1ng d1ffeenf 1sks, buf fhese
ae nof easons fo nof 1mp1emenf a counfemeasue.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es may dec1de fo 11ve W1fh spec1f1c 1sks fhey ae faced W1fh
because 1f Wou1d cosf moe fo fy and pofecf fhemse1ves fhan fhey have a pofenf1a1
of 1os1ng 1f fhe fheaf became ea1. Counfemeasues ae usua11y comp1ex fo a degee
and fhee ae a1mosf a1Ways po11f1ca1 1ssues suound1ng d1ffeenf 1sks, buf fhese
ae nof easons fo nof 1mp1emenf a counfemeasue.
d. Coecf. Compan1es may dec1de fo 11ve W1fh spec1f1c 1sks fhey ae faced W1fh
because 1f Wou1d cosf moe fo fy and pofecf fhemse1ves fhan fhey have a pofenf1a1
of 1os1ng 1f fhe fheaf became ea1. Counfemeasues ae usua11y comp1ex fo a degee
and fhee ae a1mosf a1Ways po11f1ca1 1ssues suound1ng d1ffeenf 1sks, buf fhese
ae nof easons fo nof 1mp1emenf a counfemeasue.
a. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy capfues and d1cfafes sen1o managemenf`s
pespecf1ves and d1ecf1ves on Whaf o1e secu1fy shou1d p1ay W1fh1n fhe company.
1hey ae usua11y vague and use boad fems so fhaf fhey can cove a W1de ange of
b. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy capfues and d1cfafes sen1o managemenf`s
pespecf1ves and d1ecf1ves on Whaf o1e secu1fy shou1d p1ay W1fh1n fhe company.
1hey ae usua11y vague and use boad fems so fhaf fhey can cove a W1de ange of
c. Coecf. A secu1fy po11cy capfues and d1cfafes sen1o managemenf`s
pespecf1ves and d1ecf1ves on Whaf o1e secu1fy shou1d p1ay W1fh1n fhe company.
1hey ae usua11y vague and use boad fems so fhaf fhey can cove a W1de ange of
d. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy capfues and d1cfafes sen1o managemenf`s
pespecf1ves and d1ecf1ves on Whaf o1e secu1fy shou1d p1ay W1fh1n fhe company.
1hey ae usua11y vague and use boad fems so fhaf fhey can cove a W1de ange of
a. lncoecf. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy 1sks and come up W1fh
suggesfed counfemeasues. 1he ALL fe11s fhe company hoW much 1f cou1d 1ose 1f a
spec1f1c fheaf became ea1. 1he ALL va1ue W111 go 1nfo fhe cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s,
buf fhe ALL does nof addess fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue and fhe benef1f of a
b. Coecf. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy 1sks and come up W1fh
suggesfed counfemeasues. 1he ALL fe11s fhe company hoW much 1f cou1d 1ose 1f a
spec1f1c fheaf became ea1. 1he ALL va1ue W111 go 1nfo fhe cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s,
buf fhe ALL does nof addess fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue and fhe benef1f of a
c. lncoecf. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy 1sks and come up W1fh
suggesfed counfemeasues. 1he ALL fe11s fhe company hoW much 1f cou1d 1ose 1f a
spec1f1c fheaf became ea1. 1he ALL va1ue W111 go 1nfo fhe cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s,
buf fhe ALL does nof addess fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue and fhe benef1f of a
d. lncoecf. A 1sk ana1ys1s 1s pefomed fo 1denf1fy 1sks and come up W1fh
suggesfed counfemeasues. 1he ALL fe11s fhe company hoW much 1f cou1d 1ose 1f a
spec1f1c fheaf became ea1. 1he ALL va1ue W111 go 1nfo fhe cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s,
buf fhe ALL does nof addess fhe cosf of fhe counfemeasue and fhe benef1f of a
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on esf1mafes fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf can affecf one
assef fom a spec1f1c fheaf W1fh1n a one-yea f1me span. 1h1s va1ue 1s used fo
f1gue ouf fhe amounf of money fhaf shou1d be eamaked fo pofecf fh1s assef fom
fh1s fheaf.
b. lncoecf. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on esf1mafes fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf can affecf one
assef fom a spec1f1c fheaf W1fh1n a one-yea f1me span. 1h1s va1ue 1s used fo
f1gue ouf fhe amounf of money fhaf shou1d be eamaked fo pofecf fh1s assef fom
fh1s fheaf.
c. lncoecf. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on esf1mafes fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf can affecf one
assef fom a spec1f1c fheaf W1fh1n a one-yea f1me span. 1h1s va1ue 1s used fo
f1gue ouf fhe amounf of money fhaf shou1d be eamaked fo pofecf fh1s assef fom
fh1s fheaf.
d. Coecf. 1he ALL ca1cu1af1on esf1mafes fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fhaf can affecf one
assef fom a spec1f1c fheaf W1fh1n a one-yea f1me span. 1h1s va1ue 1s used fo
f1gue ouf fhe amounf of money fhaf shou1d be eamaked fo pofecf fh1s assef fom
fh1s fheaf.
a. Coecf. 1hee ae fhee fypes of goa1s fhaf make up fhe p1ann1ng ho1zon:
opeaf1ona1, facf1ca1, and sfafeg1c. 1he facf1ca1 goa1s ae m1d-fem goa1s fhaf
musf be accomp11shed befoe fhe ovea11 sfafeg1c goa1 1s accomp11shed.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae fhee fypes of goa1s fhaf make up fhe p1ann1ng ho1zon:
opeaf1ona1, facf1ca1, and sfafeg1c. 1he facf1ca1 goa1s ae m1d-fem goa1s fhaf
musf be accomp11shed befoe fhe ovea11 sfafeg1c goa1 1s accomp11shed.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae fhee fypes of goa1s fhaf make up fhe p1ann1ng ho1zon:
opeaf1ona1, facf1ca1, and sfafeg1c. 1he facf1ca1 goa1s ae m1d-fem goa1s fhaf
musf be accomp11shed befoe fhe ovea11 sfafeg1c goa1 1s accomp11shed.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae fhee fypes of goa1s fhaf make up fhe p1ann1ng ho1zon:
opeaf1ona1, facf1ca1, and sfafeg1c. 1he facf1ca1 goa1s ae m1d-fem goa1s fhaf
musf be accomp11shed befoe fhe ovea11 sfafeg1c goa1 1s accomp11shed.
a. Coecf. An exposue means fhaf a vu1neab111fy has been exp1o1fed by a fheaf
agenf. Lxamp1es ae a hacke accesses a dafabase fhough an open pof on fhe
f1eWa11, an emp1oyee shaes conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on v1a e-ma11, o a v1us 1nfecfs
a compufe.
b. lncoecf. An exposue means fhaf a vu1neab111fy has been exp1o1fed by a
fheaf agenf. Lxamp1es ae a hacke accesses a dafabase fhough an open pof on fhe
f1eWa11, an emp1oyee shaes conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on v1a e-ma11, o a v1us 1nfecfs
a compufe.
c. lncoecf. An exposue means fhaf a vu1neab111fy has been exp1o1fed by a
fheaf agenf. Lxamp1es ae a hacke accesses a dafabase fhough an open pof on fhe
f1eWa11, an emp1oyee shaes conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on v1a e-ma11, o a v1us 1nfecfs
a compufe.
d. lncoecf. An exposue means fhaf a vu1neab111fy has been exp1o1fed by a
fheaf agenf. Lxamp1es ae a hacke accesses a dafabase fhough an open pof on fhe
f1eWa11, an emp1oyee shaes conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on v1a e-ma11, o a v1us 1nfecfs
a compufe.
a. Coecf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof def1ned by a f1eWa11, an access confo1 mechan1sm, a
secu1fy po11cy, company pocedues, emp1oyee conducf, o aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es. lf 1s def1ned by a11 of fhese and hoW fhey 1nfegafe fogefhe W1fh1n
an env1onmenf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof pue1y fechn1ca1 and 1f 1s nof pue1y pocedua1,
buf a m1x of fhe fWo.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof def1ned by a f1eWa11, an access confo1 mechan1sm,
a secu1fy po11cy, company pocedues, emp1oyee conducf, o aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es. lf 1s def1ned by a11 of fhese and hoW fhey 1nfegafe fogefhe W1fh1n
an env1onmenf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof pue1y fechn1ca1 and 1f 1s nof pue1y pocedua1,
buf a m1x of fhe fWo.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof def1ned by a f1eWa11, an access confo1 mechan1sm,
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
a secu1fy po11cy, company pocedues, emp1oyee conducf, o aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es. lf 1s def1ned by a11 of fhese and hoW fhey 1nfegafe fogefhe W1fh1n
an env1onmenf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof pue1y fechn1ca1 and 1f 1s nof pue1y pocedua1,
buf a m1x of fhe fWo.
d. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof def1ned by a f1eWa11, an access confo1 mechan1sm,
a secu1fy po11cy, company pocedues, emp1oyee conducf, o aufhenf1caf1on
fechno1og1es. lf 1s def1ned by a11 of fhese and hoW fhey 1nfegafe fogefhe W1fh1n
an env1onmenf. 5ecu1fy 1s nof pue1y fechn1ca1 and 1f 1s nof pue1y pocedua1,
buf a m1x of fhe fWo.
a. lncoecf. 1he funcf1ona11fy desc1bes hoW a mechan1sm W111 Wok and behave,
fh1s may have nofh1ng fo do W1fh fhe acfua1 pofecf1on 1f pov1des. Assuance 1s fhe
1eve1 of conf1dence 1n fhe pofecf1on 1eve1 a mechan1sm W111 pov1de. When sysfems
and mechan1sms ae eva1uafed, fhe1 funcf1ona11fy and assuance shou1d be exam1ned
and fesfed 1nd1v1dua11y.
b. lncoecf. 1he funcf1ona11fy desc1bes hoW a mechan1sm W111 Wok and behave,
fh1s may have nofh1ng fo do W1fh fhe acfua1 pofecf1on 1f pov1des. Assuance 1s fhe
1eve1 of conf1dence 1n fhe pofecf1on 1eve1 a mechan1sm W111 pov1de. When sysfems
and mechan1sms ae eva1uafed, fhe1 funcf1ona11fy and assuance shou1d be exam1ned
and fesfed 1nd1v1dua11y.
c. Coecf. 1he funcf1ona11fy desc1bes hoW a mechan1sm W111 Wok and behave, fh1s
may have nofh1ng fo do W1fh fhe acfua1 pofecf1on 1f pov1des. Assuance 1s fhe
1eve1 of conf1dence 1n fhe pofecf1on 1eve1 a mechan1sm W111 pov1de. When sysfems
and mechan1sms ae eva1uafed, fhe1 funcf1ona11fy and assuance shou1d be exam1ned
and fesfed 1nd1v1dua11y.
d. lncoecf. 1he funcf1ona11fy desc1bes hoW a mechan1sm W111 Wok and behave,
fh1s may have nofh1ng fo do W1fh fhe acfua1 pofecf1on 1f pov1des. Assuance 1s fhe
1eve1 of conf1dence 1n fhe pofecf1on 1eve1 a mechan1sm W111 pov1de. When sysfems
and mechan1sms ae eva1uafed, fhe1 funcf1ona11fy and assuance shou1d be exam1ned
and fesfed 1nd1v1dua11y.
a. lncoecf. 8us1nesses W111 see fhe1 fheafs and 1sks as be1ng moe 1mpofanf
fhaf anofhe ogan1zaf1on`s fheafs and 1sks. 1he m111fay has a 1ch h1sfoy of
hav1ng fo keep fhe1 secefs secef. 1h1s 1s usua11y nof as 1mpofanf 1n fhe
commec1a1 secfo e1af1ve fo fhe m111fay.
b. Coecf. 8us1nesses W111 see fhe1 fheafs and 1sks as be1ng moe 1mpofanf
fhaf anofhe ogan1zaf1on`s fheafs and 1sks. 1he m111fay has a 1ch h1sfoy of
hav1ng fo keep fhe1 secefs secef. 1h1s 1s usua11y nof as 1mpofanf 1n fhe
commec1a1 secfo e1af1ve fo fhe m111fay.
c. lncoecf. 8us1nesses W111 see fhe1 fheafs and 1sks as be1ng moe 1mpofanf
fhaf anofhe ogan1zaf1on`s fheafs and 1sks. 1he m111fay has a 1ch h1sfoy of
hav1ng fo keep fhe1 secefs secef. 1h1s 1s usua11y nof as 1mpofanf 1n fhe
commec1a1 secfo e1af1ve fo fhe m111fay.
d. lncoecf. 8us1nesses W111 see fhe1 fheafs and 1sks as be1ng moe 1mpofanf
fhaf anofhe ogan1zaf1on`s fheafs and 1sks. 1he m111fay has a 1ch h1sfoy of
hav1ng fo keep fhe1 secefs secef. 1h1s 1s usua11y nof as 1mpofanf 1n fhe
commec1a1 secfo e1af1ve fo fhe m111fay.
a. lncoecf. 1he equaf1on 1s moe concepfua1 fhan 1f 1s pacf1ca1. lf 1s had fo
ass1gn a numbe fo a vu1neab111fy and a fheaf 1nd1v1dua11y. Whaf fh1s equaf1on 1s
say1ng 1s 1ook af fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fo a spec1f1c assef and 1ook af fhe confo1s
gap, Wh1ch means Whaf fhe spec1f1c counfemeasue cannof pofecf aga1nsf. Whaf 1s
1eff 1s fhe es1dua1 1sk. kes1dua1 1sk 1s Whaf 1s 1eff ove affe a counfemeasue
1s 1mp1emenfed.
b. lncoecf. 1he equaf1on 1s moe concepfua1 fhan 1f 1s pacf1ca1. lf 1s had fo
ass1gn a numbe fo a vu1neab111fy and a fheaf 1nd1v1dua11y. Whaf fh1s equaf1on 1s
say1ng 1s 1ook af fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fo a spec1f1c assef and 1ook af fhe confo1s
gap, Wh1ch means Whaf fhe spec1f1c counfemeasue cannof pofecf aga1nsf. Whaf 1s
1eff 1s fhe es1dua1 1sk. kes1dua1 1sk 1s Whaf 1s 1eff ove affe a counfemeasue
1s 1mp1emenfed.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. 1he equaf1on 1s moe concepfua1 fhan 1f 1s pacf1ca1. lf 1s had fo
ass1gn a numbe fo a vu1neab111fy and a fheaf 1nd1v1dua11y. Whaf fh1s equaf1on 1s
say1ng 1s 1ook af fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fo a spec1f1c assef and 1ook af fhe confo1s
gap, Wh1ch means Whaf fhe spec1f1c counfemeasue cannof pofecf aga1nsf. Whaf 1s
1eff 1s fhe es1dua1 1sk. kes1dua1 1sk 1s Whaf 1s 1eff ove affe a counfemeasue
1s 1mp1emenfed.
d. Coecf. 1he equaf1on 1s moe concepfua1 fhan 1f 1s pacf1ca1. lf 1s had fo
ass1gn a numbe fo a vu1neab111fy and a fheaf 1nd1v1dua11y. Whaf fh1s equaf1on 1s
say1ng 1s 1ook af fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fo a spec1f1c assef and 1ook af fhe confo1s
gap, Wh1ch means Whaf fhe spec1f1c counfemeasue cannof pofecf aga1nsf. Whaf 1s
1eff 1s fhe es1dua1 1sk. kes1dua1 1sk 1s Whaf 1s 1eff ove affe a counfemeasue
1s 1mp1emenfed.
a. Coecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae fhe ma1n easons fo cay ouf a 1sk
ana1ys1s. An ana1ys1s 1s nof ca1ed ouf fo de1egafe espons1b111f1es. Managemenf
W111 fake on fh1s espons1b111fy once fhe esu1fs of fhe ana1ys1s ae epofed fo
fhem and fhey undesfand Whaf acfua11y needs fo be ca1ed ouf.
b. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae fhe ma1n easons fo cay ouf a 1sk
ana1ys1s. An ana1ys1s 1s nof ca1ed ouf fo de1egafe espons1b111f1es. Managemenf
W111 fake on fh1s espons1b111fy once fhe esu1fs of fhe ana1ys1s ae epofed fo
fhem and fhey undesfand Whaf acfua11y needs fo be ca1ed ouf.
c. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae fhe ma1n easons fo cay ouf a 1sk
ana1ys1s. An ana1ys1s 1s nof ca1ed ouf fo de1egafe espons1b111f1es. Managemenf
W111 fake on fh1s espons1b111fy once fhe esu1fs of fhe ana1ys1s ae epofed fo
fhem and fhey undesfand Whaf acfua11y needs fo be ca1ed ouf.
d. lncoecf. 1he ofhe fhee ansWes ae fhe ma1n easons fo cay ouf a 1sk
ana1ys1s. An ana1ys1s 1s nof ca1ed ouf fo de1egafe espons1b111f1es. Managemenf
W111 fake on fh1s espons1b111fy once fhe esu1fs of fhe ana1ys1s ae epofed fo
fhem and fhey undesfand Whaf acfua11y needs fo be ca1ed ouf.
a. Coecf. 1he cux of cay1ng ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s 1s fo ca1cu1afe 1sk and
esf1mafe hoW much spec1f1c fheafs cou1d cosf fhe company. Iom fhese numbes and
1nfomaf1on, managemenf can make a dec1s1on on fhe besf secu1fy mechan1sms and hoW
much shou1d be spenf on fhem.
b. lncoecf. 1he cux of cay1ng ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s 1s fo ca1cu1afe 1sk and
esf1mafe hoW much spec1f1c fheafs cou1d cosf fhe company. Iom fhese numbes and
1nfomaf1on, managemenf can make a dec1s1on on fhe besf secu1fy mechan1sms and hoW
much shou1d be spenf on fhem.
c. lncoecf. 1he cux of cay1ng ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s 1s fo ca1cu1afe 1sk and
esf1mafe hoW much spec1f1c fheafs cou1d cosf fhe company. Iom fhese numbes and
1nfomaf1on, managemenf can make a dec1s1on on fhe besf secu1fy mechan1sms and hoW
much shou1d be spenf on fhem.
d. lncoecf. 1he cux of cay1ng ouf a 1sk ana1ys1s 1s fo ca1cu1afe 1sk and
esf1mafe hoW much spec1f1c fheafs cou1d cosf fhe company. Iom fhese numbes and
1nfomaf1on, managemenf can make a dec1s1on on fhe besf secu1fy mechan1sms and hoW
much shou1d be spenf on fhem.
a. lncoecf. 1he numbe one 1nged1enf managemenf needs fo pov1de When 1f comes
fo secu1fy 1s suppof. 1hey need fo def1ne fhe o1e of secu1fy, fhe scope of
secu1fy, and fhe d1ffeenf assessmenfs fhaf W111 be ca1ed ouf, and fhey W111
de1egafe Who does Whaf pefa1n1ng fo secu1fy. 1hey W111 nof cay ouf fhe ana1ys1s,
buf ae espons1b1e fo mak1ng sue one 1s done and fhaf fhey acf on fhe esu1fs 1f
b. Coecf. 1he numbe one 1nged1enf managemenf needs fo pov1de When 1f comes fo
secu1fy 1s suppof. 1hey need fo def1ne fhe o1e of secu1fy, fhe scope of
secu1fy, and fhe d1ffeenf assessmenfs fhaf W111 be ca1ed ouf, and fhey W111
de1egafe Who does Whaf pefa1n1ng fo secu1fy. 1hey W111 nof cay ouf fhe ana1ys1s,
buf ae espons1b1e fo mak1ng sue one 1s done and fhaf fhey acf on fhe esu1fs 1f
c. lncoecf. 1he numbe one 1nged1enf managemenf needs fo pov1de When 1f comes
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
fo secu1fy 1s suppof. 1hey need fo def1ne fhe o1e of secu1fy, fhe scope of
secu1fy, and fhe d1ffeenf assessmenfs fhaf W111 be ca1ed ouf, and fhey W111
de1egafe Who does Whaf pefa1n1ng fo secu1fy. 1hey W111 nof cay ouf fhe ana1ys1s,
buf ae espons1b1e fo mak1ng sue one 1s done and fhaf fhey acf on fhe esu1fs 1f
d. lncoecf. 1he numbe one 1nged1enf managemenf needs fo pov1de When 1f comes
fo secu1fy 1s suppof. 1hey need fo def1ne fhe o1e of secu1fy, fhe scope of
secu1fy, and fhe d1ffeenf assessmenfs fhaf W111 be ca1ed ouf, and fhey W111
de1egafe Who does Whaf pefa1n1ng fo secu1fy. 1hey W111 nof cay ouf fhe ana1ys1s,
buf ae espons1b1e fo mak1ng sue one 1s done and fhaf fhey acf on fhe esu1fs 1f
a. lncoecf. An ana1ys1s 1s on1y as good as fhe dafa fhaf goes 1nfo 1f. Dafa
pefa1n1ng fo 1sks fhe company faces shou1d be exfacfed fom fhe peop1e Who
undesfand fhe bus1ness funcf1ons and env1onmenf of fhe company fhe besf. Lach
depafmenf undesfands fhe1 oWn fheafs and esouces, and may have poss1b1e
so1uf1ons fo spec1f1c 1sks fhaf affecf fhe1 paf of fhe company.
b. lncoecf. An ana1ys1s 1s on1y as good as fhe dafa fhaf goes 1nfo 1f. Dafa
pefa1n1ng fo 1sks fhe company faces shou1d be exfacfed fom fhe peop1e Who
undesfand fhe bus1ness funcf1ons and env1onmenf of fhe company fhe besf. Lach
depafmenf undesfands fhe1 oWn fheafs and esouces, and may have poss1b1e
so1uf1ons fo spec1f1c 1sks fhaf affecf fhe1 paf of fhe company.
c. Coecf. An ana1ys1s 1s on1y as good as fhe dafa fhaf goes 1nfo 1f. Dafa
pefa1n1ng fo 1sks fhe company faces shou1d be exfacfed fom fhe peop1e Who
undesfand fhe bus1ness funcf1ons and env1onmenf of fhe company fhe besf. Lach
depafmenf undesfands fhe1 oWn fheafs and esouces, and may have poss1b1e
so1uf1ons fo spec1f1c 1sks fhaf affecf fhe1 paf of fhe company.
d. lncoecf. An ana1ys1s 1s on1y as good as fhe dafa fhaf goes 1nfo 1f. Dafa
pefa1n1ng fo 1sks fhe company faces shou1d be exfacfed fom fhe peop1e Who
undesfand fhe bus1ness funcf1ons and env1onmenf of fhe company fhe besf. Lach
depafmenf undesfands fhe1 oWn fheafs and esouces, and may have poss1b1e
so1uf1ons fo spec1f1c 1sks fhaf affecf fhe1 paf of fhe company.
a. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s ass1gns monefay va1ues and pecenfages
fo fhe d1ffeenf componenfs W1fh1n fhe assessmenf. A qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s uses
op1n1ons of 1nd1v1dua1s and a af1ng sysfem fo gauge fhe seve1fy 1eve1 of d1ffeenf
fheafs and fhe benef1fs of spec1f1c counfemeasues.
b. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s ass1gns monefay va1ues and pecenfages
fo fhe d1ffeenf componenfs W1fh1n fhe assessmenf. A qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s uses
op1n1ons of 1nd1v1dua1s and a af1ng sysfem fo gauge fhe seve1fy 1eve1 of d1ffeenf
fheafs and fhe benef1fs of spec1f1c counfemeasues.
c. Coecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s ass1gns monefay va1ues and pecenfages
fo fhe d1ffeenf componenfs W1fh1n fhe assessmenf. A qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s uses
op1n1ons of 1nd1v1dua1s and a af1ng sysfem fo gauge fhe seve1fy 1eve1 of d1ffeenf
fheafs and fhe benef1fs of spec1f1c counfemeasues.
d. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s ass1gns monefay va1ues and pecenfages
fo fhe d1ffeenf componenfs W1fh1n fhe assessmenf. A qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s uses
op1n1ons of 1nd1v1dua1s and a af1ng sysfem fo gauge fhe seve1fy 1eve1 of d1ffeenf
fheafs and fhe benef1fs of spec1f1c counfemeasues.
a. lncoecf. Du1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s, fhe feam 1s fy1ng fo pope1y ped1cf fhe
fufue and a11 fhe 1sks fhaf fufue may b1ng. lf 1s a someWhaf subecf1ve exec1se
and educafed guess1ng musf fake p1ace. lf 1s vey had fo pope1y ped1cf fhaf a
f1ood W111 fake p1ace once 1n fen yeas and cosf a company up fo $40,000 1n damages,
buf fh1s 1s Whaf a quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s f1es fo accomp11sh.
b. lncoecf. Du1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s, fhe feam 1s fy1ng fo pope1y ped1cf fhe
fufue and a11 fhe 1sks fhaf fufue may b1ng. lf 1s a someWhaf subecf1ve exec1se
and educafed guess1ng musf fake p1ace. lf 1s vey had fo pope1y ped1cf fhaf a
f1ood W111 fake p1ace once 1n fen yeas and cosf a company up fo $40,000 1n damages,
buf fh1s 1s Whaf a quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s f1es fo accomp11sh.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
c. lncoecf. Du1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s, fhe feam 1s fy1ng fo pope1y ped1cf fhe
fufue and a11 fhe 1sks fhaf fufue may b1ng. lf 1s a someWhaf subecf1ve exec1se
and educafed guess1ng musf fake p1ace. lf 1s vey had fo pope1y ped1cf fhaf a
f1ood W111 fake p1ace once 1n fen yeas and cosf a company up fo $40,000 1n damages,
buf fh1s 1s Whaf a quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s f1es fo accomp11sh.
d. Coecf. Du1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s, fhe feam 1s fy1ng fo pope1y ped1cf fhe
fufue and a11 fhe 1sks fhaf fufue may b1ng. lf 1s a someWhaf subecf1ve exec1se
and educafed guess1ng musf fake p1ace. lf 1s vey had fo pope1y ped1cf fhaf a
f1ood W111 fake p1ace once 1n fen yeas and cosf a company up fo $40,000 1n damages,
buf fh1s 1s Whaf a quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s f1es fo accomp11sh.
a. Coecf. An ana1ys1s usua11y fakes a 1ong f1me fo comp1efe because of a11 fhe
dafa fhaf musf be pope1y gafheed. 1hee ae usua11y a 1of of d1ffeenf souces
fo fh1s fype of dafa and pope1y exfacf1ng 1f 1s exfeme1y f1me consum1ng. ln
mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f 1nvo1ves seff1ng up meef1ngs W1fh spec1f1c pesonne1 and go1ng
fhough a quesf1on and ansWe pocess.
b. lncoecf. An ana1ys1s usua11y fakes a 1ong f1me fo comp1efe because of a11 fhe
dafa fhaf musf be pope1y gafheed. 1hee ae usua11y a 1of of d1ffeenf souces
fo fh1s fype of dafa and pope1y exfacf1ng 1f 1s exfeme1y f1me consum1ng. ln
mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f 1nvo1ves seff1ng up meef1ngs W1fh spec1f1c pesonne1 and go1ng
fhough a quesf1on and ansWe pocess.
c. lncoecf. An ana1ys1s usua11y fakes a 1ong f1me fo comp1efe because of a11 fhe
dafa fhaf musf be pope1y gafheed. 1hee ae usua11y a 1of of d1ffeenf souces
fo fh1s fype of dafa and pope1y exfacf1ng 1f 1s exfeme1y f1me consum1ng. ln
mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f 1nvo1ves seff1ng up meef1ngs W1fh spec1f1c pesonne1 and go1ng
fhough a quesf1on and ansWe pocess.
d. lncoecf. An ana1ys1s usua11y fakes a 1ong f1me fo comp1efe because of a11 fhe
dafa fhaf musf be pope1y gafheed. 1hee ae usua11y a 1of of d1ffeenf souces
fo fh1s fype of dafa and pope1y exfacf1ng 1f 1s exfeme1y f1me consum1ng. ln
mosf s1fuaf1ons, 1f 1nvo1ves seff1ng up meef1ngs W1fh spec1f1c pesonne1 and go1ng
fhough a quesf1on and ansWe pocess.
a. lncoecf. A company`s, o 1nd1v1dua1s, acf1ons can be udged by fhe
&quof,pudenf man u1e,&quof, Wh1ch 1ooks af hoW a pudenf, o easonab1e, man Wou1d
eacf 1n s1m11a s1fuaf1ons. Due cae means fo fake fhese necessay acf1ons fo
pofecf fhe company, 1fs assefs, cusfomes, and emp1oyees. Compufe secu1fy has
many aspecfs pefa1n1ng fo pacf1c1ng due cae, and 1f managemenf does nof ensue
fhaf fhese fh1ngs ae 1n p1ace, fhey can be found neg11genf.
b. lncoecf. A company`s, o 1nd1v1dua1s, acf1ons can be udged by fhe
&quof,pudenf man u1e,&quof, Wh1ch 1ooks af hoW a pudenf, o easonab1e, man Wou1d
eacf 1n s1m11a s1fuaf1ons. Due cae means fo fake fhese necessay acf1ons fo
pofecf fhe company, 1fs assefs, cusfomes, and emp1oyees. Compufe secu1fy has
many aspecfs pefa1n1ng fo pacf1c1ng due cae, and 1f managemenf does nof ensue
fhaf fhese fh1ngs ae 1n p1ace, fhey can be found neg11genf.
c. Coecf. A company`s, o 1nd1v1dua1s, acf1ons can be udged by fhe
&quof,pudenf man u1e,&quof, Wh1ch 1ooks af hoW a pudenf, o easonab1e, man Wou1d
eacf 1n s1m11a s1fuaf1ons. Due cae means fo fake fhese necessay acf1ons fo
pofecf fhe company, 1fs assefs, cusfomes, and emp1oyees. Compufe secu1fy has
many aspecfs pefa1n1ng fo pacf1c1ng due cae, and 1f managemenf does nof ensue
fhaf fhese fh1ngs ae 1n p1ace, fhey can be found neg11genf.
d. lncoecf. A company`s, o 1nd1v1dua1s, acf1ons can be udged by fhe
&quof,pudenf man u1e,&quof, Wh1ch 1ooks af hoW a pudenf, o easonab1e, man Wou1d
eacf 1n s1m11a s1fuaf1ons. Due cae means fo fake fhese necessay acf1ons fo
pofecf fhe company, 1fs assefs, cusfomes, and emp1oyees. Compufe secu1fy has
many aspecfs pefa1n1ng fo pacf1c1ng due cae, and 1f managemenf does nof ensue
fhaf fhese fh1ngs ae 1n p1ace, fhey can be found neg11genf.
a. lncoecf. 1he sepaaf1on of duf1es ensues fhaf no one 1nd1v1dua1 ca1es ouf
c1f1ca1 fasks a1one, fhus he1p1ng fo 11m1f faud oppofun1f1es. A company can be
seen as neg11genf 1f fhey a11oW one 1nd1v1dua1 fo cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask fhaf can
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P2.fxf
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe company as a Who1e.
b. lncoecf. 1he sepaaf1on of duf1es ensues fhaf no one 1nd1v1dua1 ca1es ouf
c1f1ca1 fasks a1one, fhus he1p1ng fo 11m1f faud oppofun1f1es. A company can be
seen as neg11genf 1f fhey a11oW one 1nd1v1dua1 fo cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask fhaf can
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe company as a Who1e.
c. lncoecf. 1he sepaaf1on of duf1es ensues fhaf no one 1nd1v1dua1 ca1es ouf
c1f1ca1 fasks a1one, fhus he1p1ng fo 11m1f faud oppofun1f1es. A company can be
seen as neg11genf 1f fhey a11oW one 1nd1v1dua1 fo cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask fhaf can
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe company as a Who1e.
d. Coecf. 1he sepaaf1on of duf1es ensues fhaf no one 1nd1v1dua1 ca1es ouf
c1f1ca1 fasks a1one, fhus he1p1ng fo 11m1f faud oppofun1f1es. A company can be
seen as neg11genf 1f fhey a11oW one 1nd1v1dua1 fo cay ouf a c1f1ca1 fask fhaf can
negaf1ve1y affecf fhe company as a Who1e.
a. lncoecf. keecf1ng 1sk and fheaf pofenf1a1 1s a v1o1af1on of fhe due cae
espons1b111fy fhaf each companys managemenf feam 1s he1d 11ab1e fo. keecf1ng
1sk means fo 1gnoe fhaf 1f ex1sfs and 1n fun nof fak1ng any sfeps fo m1f1gafe fhe
b. lncoecf. keecf1ng 1sk and fheaf pofenf1a1 1s a v1o1af1on of fhe due cae
espons1b111fy fhaf each companys managemenf feam 1s he1d 11ab1e fo. keecf1ng
1sk means fo 1gnoe fhaf 1f ex1sfs and 1n fun nof fak1ng any sfeps fo m1f1gafe fhe
c. lncoecf. keecf1ng 1sk and fheaf pofenf1a1 1s a v1o1af1on of fhe due cae
espons1b111fy fhaf each companys managemenf feam 1s he1d 11ab1e fo. keecf1ng
1sk means fo 1gnoe fhaf 1f ex1sfs and 1n fun nof fak1ng any sfeps fo m1f1gafe fhe
d. Coecf. keecf1ng 1sk and fheaf pofenf1a1 1s a v1o1af1on of fhe due cae
espons1b111fy fhaf each companys managemenf feam 1s he1d 11ab1e fo. keecf1ng
1sk means fo 1gnoe fhaf 1f ex1sfs and 1n fun nof fak1ng any sfeps fo m1f1gafe fhe
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
qu1z Name = 5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Was des1gned fo exp1oe a qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf
pocess 1n a manne fhaf a11oWs fo fesfs fo be conducfed on d1ffeenf aspecfs and
va1af1ons of fhe mefhodo1ogy?
a. Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy Lva1uaf1on
b. Iac111fafed k1sk Ana1ys1s Pocess
c. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s
d. Nl51 5P 00-66
2. Why 1s 1f 1mpofanf fo make safeguads h1gh1y v1s1b1e?
a. 1o 1mpove aud1f1ng capab111f1es
b. 1o pomofe emp1oyee aWaeness
c. 1o usf1fy fhe1 cosf
d. 1o defe affackes
3. A soffWae, hadWae, o pocedua1 Weakness fhaf may pov1de an affacke an open
doo 1s ca11ed:
a. vu1neab111fy
b. Capab111fy
c. Assef
d. Counfemeasue
4. hoW 1s 5LL ca1cu1afed?
a. AkO x assef va1ue
b. AkO x exposue facfo
c. Assef va1ue x exposue facfo
d. Assef va1ue x ALL
5. Wh1ch qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s fechn1que a11oWs 1nd1v1dua1s fo subm1f fhe1 op1n1ons
a. quanf1faf1ve
b. One-on-one
c. De1ph1
d. qua11faf1ve
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an examp1e of shou1de suf1ng?
a. 8oWs1ng fo dafa fhough a f11e cab1nef
b. Dumpsfe d1v1ng
c. 5oc1a1 eng1nee1ng
d. kecod1ng sceen shofs of anofhe use`s compufe W1fh a v1deo ecode
7. lf a company Wanfs fo pofecf 1fs 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
shou1d fake p1ace?
a. Lmp1oyee shou1d agee fo a fansbode ageemenf.
b. Lmp1oyee shou1d s1gn a nond1sc1osue ageemenf.
c. Lmp1oyees shou1d be aWae of counfemeasues 1n p1ace.
d. Lmp1oyees shou1d 1mp1emenf and conf1gue fhe1 oWn confo1s.
. Whaf does fhe AkO va1ue epesenf?
a. Iequency of fheaf
b. Pecenfage of damage
c. k1sk pobab111fy
d. Loss pofenf1a1
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
9. lf an 1nd1v1dua1 1n you ogan1zaf1on conf1nua11y 1gnoes managemenf d1ecf1ves
ouf11ned 1n fhe ogan1zaf1on`s secu1fy po11cy, Whaf shou1d you do?
a. Nofh1ng, fh1s 1s nof you ob
b. D1sab1e h1s/he accounf unf11 fhe maffe 1s c1eaed up
c. Change fhe use`s passWod
d. lnfom h1s/he supev1so
10. 1he pupose of a secu1fy aWaeness pogam 1s:
a. 1o ga1n managemenf`s appova1 of fhe secu1fy pogam
b. 1o mod1fy fhe aff1fude of emp1oyees abouf sens1f1ve dafa
c. 1o change copoafe aff1fudes abouf pofecf1ng dafa
d. 1o mod1fy emp1oyee`s aff1fudes and behav1os
11. You company`s secu1fy off1ce has equesfed fhaf fhe l1 depafmenf 1mp1emenf
an aufhenf1caf1on and aufho1zaf1on sysfem based on b1omef1cs. Wh1ch fype of
confo1s W111 you be 1mp1emenf1ng?
a. Adm1n1sfaf1ve
b. 1echn1ca1
c. Phys1ca1
d. Defecf1ve
12. A v1us fhaf shoWs up 1n fhe nefWok env1onmenf and d1supfs poducf1v1fy 1s an
examp1e of Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. vu1neab111fy
b. 1heaf
c. k1sk
d. Lxposue
13. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng def1nes a counfemeasue?
a. A pocedue fhaf can e11m1nafe fhe fheaf agenf
b. A soffWae conf1guaf1on fhaf can comp1efe1y pevenf a fheaf
c. A soffWae conf1guaf1on, hadWae, o pocedue fhaf can m1f1gafe pofenf1a1
d. Pocedue fhaf 1s done fo f1x fhe desfucf1on fhaf an exposue has caused
14. When 1mp1emenf1ng a secu1fy pogam, Wh1ch appoach shou1d be undefaken by
managemenf fo pope suppof and d1ecf1on?
a. A fop-doWn appoach shou1d be 1mp1emenfed, mean1ng fhaf fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and
suppof shou1d come fom fhe l1 managemenf and Wok 1fs Way doWn.
b. A boffom-up appoach shou1d be 1mp1emenfed, mean1ng fhaf fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and
suppof shou1d come fom fhe company fop managemenf and Wok 1fs Way up fo fhe l1
managemenf and sfaff membes.
c. A fop-doWn appoach shou1d be 1mp1emenfed, mean1ng fhaf fhe 1mp1emenfaf1on and
suppof shou1d come fom fhe company`s fop managemenf and Wok 1fs Way fhough
m1dd1e managemenf and fhen fo sfaff membes.
d. A boffom-up appoach shou1d be undefaken by fhe l1 depafmenf deve1op1ng a
secu1fy pogam and 1mp1emenf1ng 1f 1n ode fo pov1de suppof and d1ecf1on fhaf
1s necessay.
15. 5ecu1fy mode1s have many 1ayes and d1ffeenf fypes of goa1s fo accomp11sh 1n
d1ffeenf f1me fames. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng accuafe1y desc1bes fhe goa1s and
fhe1 e1af1onsh1p?
a. 1acf1ca1 goa1s o da11y goa1s, opeaf1ona1 goa1s o m1d-fem goa1s, sfafeg1c
goa1s o 1ong-fem goa1s. 1h1s appoach fo p1ann1ng 1s ca11ed a p1ann1ng ho1zon.
b. 5fafeg1c goa1s o 1ong-fem goa1s, facf1ca1 goa1s o m1d-fem goa1s,
opeaf1ona1 goa1s o da11y goa1s. 1h1s appoach fo p1ann1ng 1s ca11ed fhe fop-doWn
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
c. 1acf1ca1 goa1s o da11y goa1s, opeaf1ona1 goa1s o m1d-fem goa1s, sfafeg1c
goa1s o 1ong-fem goa1s. 1h1s appoach fo p1ann1ng 1s ca11ed a boffom-up appoach.
d. 5fafeg1c goa1s o 1ong-fem goa1s, facf1ca1 goa1s o m1d-fem goa1s,
opeaf1ona1 goa1s o da11y goa1s. 1h1s appoach fo p1ann1ng 1s ca11ed a p1ann1ng
16. You ae fy1ng fo usf1fy fhe secu1fy safeguads fhaf you W1sh fo 1mp1emenf.
Whaf Wou1d be you f1sf sfep?
a. Pefom a counfe-ana1ys1s
b. Pefom a 1sk ana1ys1s
c. Pefom a fop-doWn ana1ys1s
d. Pefom a boffom-up ana1ys1s
17. 1o ca1cu1afe fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy {ALL}, Wh1ch fomu1a 1s used fo
ca1cu1afe fhe pofenf1a1 1oss fo an ogan1zaf1on fo a spec1f1c fheaf?
a. 5LL x AkO
b. ALL x {AkO - 5LL}
c. AkO x ALL
d. 5LL p1us fhe annua1 ma1nfenance cosf
1. Once you have esfab11shed fhe 1sk and fhe cosf of an ogan1zaf1ona1 1oss, you
puchase 1nsuance fo educe fhe 1sk. Wh1ch of fhe se1ecf1ons desc1bes fh1s acf?
a. k1sk assessmenf
b. k1sk fansfe
c. k1sk eecf1ng
d. 1he game of 1sk
19. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng desc1bes fhe fundamenfa1 d1ffeences befWeen
pocedues, gu1de11nes, po11c1es, and sfandads?
a. A po11cy 1s fhe sen1o managemenf sfafemenf fhaf d1cfafes Whaf fype of o1e fhaf
secu1fy p1ays. Pocedues ae a comp1efe sef of 1nsfucf1ons. Gu1de11nes ae
ecommendaf1ons and sfandads ae u1es.
b. Pocedues ae manage1a1 sfafemenfs fhaf d1cfafe fhe po11c1es fo secu1fy and
fhe sfandads and gu1de11nes fo be 1mp1emenfed.
c. 5fandads ae fhe po11c1es fhaf sen1o managemenf d1cfafes fo he1p fomu1afe fhe
pocedues fo 1mp1emenf fo secu1fy.
d. 5fandads ae ecommended gu1de11nes. Pocedues ae d1ecf1y 1mp1emenfed as a
consequence of fhe secu1fy po11cy d1cfafed by sen1o managemenf.
20. Conf1nua1 educaf1on of secu1fy aWaeness fo fhe enf1e ogan1zaf1on he1ps
1mpove Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. 1he nefWok W111 opeafe af an 1nceased 1eve1 and eff1c1ency.
b. 1he nefWok uses W111 be ab1e fo defecf anofhe nefWok use`s abuses.
c. 1he l1 sfaff W111 have fhe added knoW1edge of hoW fo hack 1nfo 1fs compef1fo`s
d. lf 1mpoves fhe companys oWn v1eW foWad 1fs secu1fy and pofecf1on of 1fs
sysfems and esouces.
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a 1sk mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1s 1nfended fo be used 1n
s1fuaf1ons Whee peop1e manage and d1ecf fhe 1sk eva1uaf1on fo 1nfomaf1on
secu1fy W1fh1n fhe1 company?
a. Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy Lva1uaf1on {OC1AvL}
b. ANZ 4360
c. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s
d. Nl51 5P 00-66
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22. Whaf 1s fhe ma1n d1ffeence befWeen fhe o1e of fhe dafa cusfod1an and fhe dafa
a. 1he dafa cusfod1an dec1des upon fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe dafa 1fse1f and
de1egafes fhe day-fo-day managemenf of fhe dafa fo fhe dafa oWne.
b. 1he dafa oWne dec1des upon fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe dafa 1fse1f and de1egafes
day-fo-day managemenf of fhe dafa fo fhe dafa cusfod1an.
c. 1he dafa oWne def1nes fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe dafa affe fhe dafa cusfod1an
has secued fhe dafa.
d. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s usua11y a sa1a1ed emp1oyee Wok1ng unde fhe dafa oWne.
23. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d be done upon fhe h11ng of pesonne1?
a. A11 pesonne1 shou1d s1gn fhe fom 2163 accod1ng fo hlPAA.
b. A11 pesonne1 shou1d be made fo s1gn an NDA.
c. CoWokes shou1d have fhe oppofun1fy fo pefom 1nfev1eWs fo conf1m
pesona11fy compaf1b111fy.
d. Lxfens1ve phys1ca1, emof1ona1, and psycho1og1ca1 eva1uaf1ons shou1d be
24. Whaf Wou1d be an appop1afe d1ffeence befWeen a qua11faf1ve and a quanf1faf1ve
1sk ana1ys1s?
a. qua11faf1ve 1s a subecf1ve obsevaf1on, Wh11e a quanf1faf1ve appoach def1nes
sfaf1sf1ca1 cosfs assoc1afed W1fh a fheaf.
b. quanf1faf1ve appoach 1s a subecf1ve obsevaf1on, Wh11e a qua11faf1ve appoach
def1nes sfaf1sf1ca1 cosfs assoc1afed W1fh a fheaf.
c. qua11faf1ve def1nes fhe ovea11 appea1 of a fagef o a esouce, Wh11e
quanf1faf1ve 1s def1ned as {fheafs x vu1neab111fy x assef va1ue} x confo1s gap.
d. quanf1faf1ve appoach 1nd1cafes fhe fofa1 cosf of secu1fy 1mp1emenfed fo
pofecf1on, Wh11e qua11faf1ve 1denf1f1es fhe expecfed accepfance of fhe secu1fy
po11cy fom fhe ogan1zaf1on.
25. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ansWes uses secu1fy fems "vu1neab111fy," "fheaf,"
"1sk," and "counfemeasue" coecf1y?
a. 1hee can be a fheaf, buf un1ess you company has fhe coespond1ng
vu1neab111fy, fhen fhe company 1s nof exposed and 1f 1s nof a vu1neab111fy. lf fhe
vu1neab111fy does es1de 1n fhe env1onmenf, fhen a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
educe fhe 1sk.
b. 1hee can be a vu1neab111fy, buf un1ess you company has fhe coespond1ng
1sk, fhen fhe company 1s nof exposed and 1f 1s nof a vu1neab111fy. lf fhe
vu1neab111fy does es1de 1n fhe env1onmenf, fhen a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
educe fhe 1sk.
c. 1hee can be a 1sk, buf un1ess you company has fhe coespond1ng fheaf, fhen
fhe company 1s nof exposed and 1f 1s nof a vu1neab111fy. lf fhe vu1neab111fy does
es1de 1n fhe env1onmenf, fhen a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo educe fhe 1sk.
d. 1hee can be a fheaf, buf un1ess you company has fhe coespond1ng
vu1neab111fy, fhen fhe company 1s nof exposed and 1f 1s nof a vu1neab111fy. lf fhe
vu1neab111fy does es1de 1n fhe env1onmenf, fhen a counfemeasue 1s app11ed fo
1ncease fhe 1sk.
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes l5O 17799 and 85 7799?
a. Naf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy Managemenf 5fandads fhaf pov1de
h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on enfep1se secu1fy.
b. 85 7799 Was de1ved fom l5O 17799 and pov1des gu1dance on hoW fo sef up and
ma1nfa1n secu1fy pogams.
c. l5O 17799 1s fhe 1nfenaf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy Managemenf
5fandad fhaf pov1des h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on enfep1se
secu1fy. lf Was de1ved fom 85 7799.
d. 1he mosf common1y used sfandad 1s fhe 85 7799, Wh1ch Was de1ved fom fhe de
facfo sfandad l5O 17799. lf 1s an 1nfenaf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
Managemenf 5fandad fhaf pov1des h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on
enfep1se secu1fy.
27. 1he l5O 17799 1s boken doWn 1nfo 10 d1ffeenf secf1ons. Wh1ch ansWe be1oW
confa1ns a11 of fhe pope secf1ons?
a. lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef
c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy, phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy,
commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf, access confo1, sysfem 11fecyc1e and
epa1, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf, comp11ance
b. lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef
c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy, phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy,
commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf, access confo1, sysfem deve1opmenf and
ma1nfenance, 1aWs and egu1af1ons, comp11ance
c. lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef
c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy, phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy,
commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf, access confo1, sysfem deve1opmenf and
ma1nfenance, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf, comp11ance
d. lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, Ceaf1on of secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, Assef
c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, 1e1ecommun1caf1on secu1fy, Phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1
secu1fy, commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf, access confo1, sysfem
deve1opmenf and ma1nfenance, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf, comp11ance
2. Whaf 1s fhe ma1n pupose of 1nfomaf1on 1sk managemenf?
a. lf 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng, assess1ng, and educ1ng fhe 1sk fo an
accepfab1e 1eve1.
b. lf 1s fhe pocess of 1mp1emenf1ng fhe 1ghf mechan1sms fo ma1nfa1n fhaf 1eve1 of
c. lf 1s fhe pocess of obfa1n1ng fund1ng, assess1ng fhe env1onmenf, and
1mp1emenf1ng govenmenf po11c1es.
d. lf 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng, assess1ng, and 1nceas1ng fhe 1sk fo an
accepfab1e 1eve1 and 1mp1emenf1ng fhe 1ghf mechan1sms fo ma1nfa1n fhaf 1eve1 of
29. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of an lkM po11cy?
a. lf ouf11nes fhe 1nfasfucfue fo a company`s 1sk managemenf pocesses and
b. lf pov1des d1ecf1on fo hoW fhe lkM feam Woks W1fh govenmenf agenc1es.
c. lf 1s fhe necessay key fo be ab1e fo pope1y defecf adm1n1sfaf1ve, phys1ca1,
and fechn1ca1 fheafs.
d. lf ep1aces a company`s secu1fy po11cy, because 1f 1s moe expans1ve and W1de
30. Who sefs fhe accepfab1e 1sk 1eve1 fo an ogan1zaf1on?
a. Govenmenf agenc1es fhaf ceafe egu1af1ons
b. 5en1o managemenf
c. Aud1fos
d. 5ecu1fy ana1ysf
31. A pope 1sk ana1ys1s has spec1f1c sfeps and obecf1ves fhaf 1f needs fo
accomp11sh. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 11sfs fhese 1fems?
a. ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy
fhe pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese pofenf1a1 fheafs, and make
non-econom1ca1 counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons
b. ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy
fhe pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese pofenf1a1 fheafs, and pov1de
econom1ca1 counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons
c. ldenf1fy assefs, 1denf1fy vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy fhe pobab111fy
and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese pofenf1a1 fheafs, and make econom1ca1 counfemeasue
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
d. ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy faud and co11us1on, quanf1fy fhe
pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese pofenf1a1 fheafs, and make econom1ca1
counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons
32. 5am and Dav1d have nof ca1ed ouf pope poecf s1z1ng and fhey ae ha1fWay
fhough fhe1 1sk ana1ys1s. Whaf 1s fhe dange of nof do1ng fh1s?
a. 1h1s sfep ouf11nes fhe sfeps of mapp1ng egu1af1ons and 1aWs fo an
ogan1zaf1on`s 1sk pof11e. 1he feam W111 nof be ab1e fo assess 1f fhe coecf
1eve1 of 1sk accepfance has been app11ed.
b. 1he feam W111 nof knoW 1f fhey have secued fund1ng fo fh1s poecf and may puf
fhe company 1nfo debf.
c. 1he 1ghf feam membes have nof been gafheed fo fhe 1sk ana1ys1s poecf and
fhe feam musf sfaf a11 ove.
d. 1he scope of fhe poecf 1s nof def1ned, so fhe poecf may un ouf of money and
sf111 nof meef 1fs obecf1ves.
33. Why 1s 1f 1mpofanf fo gef fhe 1ghf 1eve1 of 1nd1v1dua1s 1nvo1ved 1n a 1sk
a. LoWe 1eve1s may nof have fhe adequafe 1eve1 of knoW1edge and undesfand1ng of
fhe ovea11 pocesses be1ng ev1eWed.
b. Dec1s1on makes need fo be 1nvo1ved 1n fh1s pocess because of hoW c1f1ca1 1f
1s fo fhe company.
c. LoWe and h1ghe 1eve1s of 1nd1v1dua1s need fo be 1nvo1ved fo ensue fhaf 1f 1s
a fa1 assessmenf.
d. 1he 1eve1 does nof maffe. 1he feam usf needs fo have one peson pe depafmenf
34. ln 1sk assessmenfs and ana1ys1s, fhe fequency of a fheaf needs fo be
esf1mafed. 1he va1ue fhaf 1s used 1s usua11y fhe annua11zed afe of occuence.
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1ncoecf pefa1n1ng fo fh1s va1ue?
a. Once 1n 100 yeas 1s a va1ue of 0.01.
b. lf 1s based on 12-monfh 1nfeva1s.
c. Once 1n 1,000 yeas 1s a va1ue of 0.0001.
d. lf 1s common1y mu1f1p11ed by fhe 5LL va1ue.
35. Whaf does 1f mean fhaf a 1sk shou1d be accepfed based on cosf, pa1n, and
a. A company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk 1f 1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can
11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe
b. A company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk 1f 1f 1s an emof1ona1 dec1s1on, 1f can
11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe
c. A company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk 1f 1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can
11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be v1eWed as espons1b1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy.
d. A company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk 1f 1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can
11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f W111 be v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy.
36. ACML`s sfoage fac111fy has been va1ued af $400,000 and 1f 1s esf1mafed fhaf 1f
a f1ood fook p1ace 1f Wou1d damage 35 pecenf of fhe fac111fy. 1he 1oca1
govenmenf`s sfaf1sf1cs 1nd1cafe fhaf a f1ood has fhe pobab111fy of happen1ng once
1n 10 yeas. Whaf ae fhe 5LL and ALL va1ues?
a. 5LL = $140,000 ALL = $14,000
b. 5LL = $35,000 ALL = $3,500
c. 5LL = $14,000 ALL = $140,000
d. 5LL = $3,500 ALL = $35,000
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
37. Whaf 1s fhe d1ffeence befWeen fhe mod1f1ed and consensus De1ph1 mefhods?
a. Mod1f1ed 1s fo ba1nsfom1ng and consensus 1s fo so1v1ng pob1ems.
b. Consensus 1s fo ba1nsfom1ng and mod1f1ed 1s fo so1v1ng pob1ems.
c. Mod1f1ed 1s anonymous and consensus 1s nof anonymous.
d. Mod1f1ed 1s nof anonymous and consensus 1s anonymous.
3. kev1n and Dav1d ae cay1ng ouf a 1sk assessmenf and fhey need fo pefom a
cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s on a spec1f1c counfemeasue fo defem1ne 1f 1f 1s a good
cho1ce fo fhe company. 1he pofenf1a1 1oss fo fhe company W1fhouf fhe confo1 1s
$200,000. 1he ALL W1fh fhe confo1 1s $75,500. 1hey f1gue fhaf fhe annua1 cosf of
fhe safeguad 1s $55,400. Whaf 1s fhe va1ue of fh1s safeguad fo fhe company?
a. $220,100
b. Negaf1ve $69,100
c. $69,100
d. Negaf1ve $220,100
39. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an 1mpofanf aspecf of an ogan1zaf1ona1 secu1fy
a. 1he po11cy shou1d d1cfafe bus1ness obecf1ves.
b. lf shou1d be deve1oped and used fo 1nfegafe secu1fy 1nfo a11 bus1ness
funcf1ons and pocesses.
c. Lach 1feaf1on of fhe po11cy shou1d be dafed and unde ves1on confo1.
d. lf shou1d be ev1eWed and mod1f1ed as a company changes
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue pefa1n1ng fo secu1fy po11c1es?
a. lf shou1d nof be fechno1ogy o1enfed.
b. lf shou1d nof be so1uf1on-1ndependenf.
c. lf shou1d nof ouf11ne goa1s and m1ss1ons.
d. lf shou1d nof be ganu1a 1n nafue.
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a mefhod fo defem1n1ng funcf1ons, 1denf1fy1ng
funcf1ona1 fa11ues, and assess1ng fhe causes of fa11ue and fhe1 fa11ue effecfs
fhough a sfucfued pocess?
a. Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy Lva1uaf1on
b. ANZ 4360
c. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s
d. Nl51 5P 00-66
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has an 1ncoecf def1n1f1on ass1gned fo fhe fem?
a. 8ase11ne = a desc1pf1on of Whaf fhe env1onmenf W111 1ook 11ke, a sfandad of
measue, affe secu1fy 1s 1mp1emenfed
b. Gu1de11ne = ecommended acf1ons and opeaf1ona1 gu1des fo uses, l1 sfaff,
opeaf1ons sfaff
c. Pocedues = defa11ed sfep-by-sfep fasks fhaf shou1d be pefomed fo ach1eve a
cefa1n goa1
d. 5fandads = u1es fhaf have fo be fo11oWed by fhe execuf1ve sfaff on1y
43. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng exp1a1ns fhe benef1f of hav1ng a 1age ange of
c1ass1f1caf1ons fo Wok W1fh 1n a company`s 1nfomaf1on c1ass1f1caf1on pogam?
a. lf does nof pov1de a benef1f.
b. lf a11oWs fo ove1app1ng c1ass1f1caf1ons.
c. lf a11oWs app11caf1ons and dafa fo be c1ass1f1ed.
d. lf a11oWs fo conc1se confo1.
44. Ch1ssy has been fo1d fhaf she needs fo c1ass1fy app11caf1ons, nof usf dafa.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
Why Wou1d fh1s be necessay?
a. App11caf1on code shou1d ece1ve fhe h1ghesf c1ass1f1caf1on because 1f 1s
cons1deed 1nfe11ecfua1 popefy.
b. App11caf1ons ho1d and pocess sens1f1ve dafa and shou1d pov1de fhe necessay
1eve1 of pofecf1on and be 1nfeacfed W1fh by on1y fhe 1ghf 1nd1v1dua1s.
c. App11caf1ons ae dafa, fhus fhey bofh need fo be c1ass1f1ed.
d. App11caf1ons do nof need fo be c1ass1f1ed, on1y dafa needs fo be c1ass1f1ed.
45. 1he opeaf1ons depafmenf 1s espons1b1e fo back1ng up a11 of fhe company`s
dafa each and evey Week. Why does back1ng up c1ass1f1ed dafa gef moe comp11cafed?
a. Lach membe of fhe opeaf1ons feam needs fo have fhe h1ghesf c1eaance 1eve1.
b. Moe comp1ex aud1f1ng needs fo fake p1ace, Wh1ch W111 be done by fhe dafa oWne.
c. Whoeve backs up c1ass1f1ed dafa needs fo have fhe necessay c1eaance 1eve1 fo
access fh1s dafa.
d. Moe comp1ex aud1f1ng needs fo fake p1ace, Wh1ch W111 be done by fhe secu1fy
46. An 1nfomaf1on oWne 1s usua11y a membe of 1n chage of
a. l1, secu1fy opeaf1ons
b. Managemenf, a spec1f1c bus1ness un1f
c. l1, bus1ness conf1nu1fy
d. Managemenf, comp11ance
47. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a espons1b111fy of an 1nfomaf1on oWne?
a. Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe necessay secu1fy confo1s ae 1n p1ace
b. Lnsu1ng fhaf pope access 1ghfs ae be1ng used and conf1gu1ng fhem pope1y
c. Def1n1ng secu1fy equ1emenfs pe c1ass1f1caf1on and backup equ1emenfs
d. Appov1ng any d1sc1osue acf1v1f1es
4. Whaf o1e 1s espons1b1e fo efa1n1ng ecods pefa1n1ng fo c1ass1f1ed dafa and
a. Dafa oWne
b. 5ecu1fy ana1ysf
c. Dafa cusfod1an
d. Poducf 11ne manage
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a espons1b111fy of a secu1fy adm1n1sfafo?
a. lmp1emenf1ng neW secu1fy soffWae
b. 1esf1ng secu1fy pafches and componenfs
c. lssu1ng neW passWods
d. Appov1ng use accounfs
50. 5facy 1s go1ng fo app1y fo a secu1fy ana1ysf pos1f1on af a 1age copoaf1on
1n Da11as. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe mosf pobab1e ob desc1pf1on
she W111 have?
a. he1p1ng fhe company af a facf1ca1 1eve1 by deve1op1ng and 1mp1emenf1ng access
b. he1p1ng fhe company af an opeaf1on 1eve1 by ovesee1ng use accounfs, access
1ghfs, f11e sysfem pem1ss1ons, and aud1f1ng
c. he1p1ng fhe company af a sfafeg1c 1eve1 by deve1op1ng po11c1es and fhe1
suppof1ng mechan1sms
d. he1p1ng fhe company by def1n1ng dafa sfucfues and def1n1f1ons
51. 1he goa1 of 1s fo 1mpove pocess qua11fy by us1ng sfaf1sf1ca1 mefhods
of measu1ng opeaf1on eff1c1ency and educ1ng va1af1on, defecfs, and Wasfe.
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
a. ANZ 4360
b. Nl51 5P 00-66
c. 51x 51gma
d. Iau1f fee ana1ys1s
52. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a espons1b111fy of a use manage?
a. D1sf1bufe 1n1f1a1 passWods fo emp1oyees
b. Lnsue fhaf emp1oyee accounf 1nfomaf1on 1s up fo dafe
c. lnfom secu1fy adm1n1sfafo 1f an emp1oyee 1s f1ed
d. 5ef up access accounfs
53. A dafa ana1ysf o1e 1s common1y f111ed by Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Dafabase adm1n1sfafo
b. 5en1o manage
c. 5ecu1fy adm1n1sfafo
d. use manage
54. Andy has been fo1d fhaf he W111 noW be espons1b1e fo fhe secu1fy pocess 1n
fhe Who1e company and 1s fhe pocess oWne. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes
Whaf a bus1ness oWne 1s?
a. An 1nd1v1dua1 he1d accounfab1e and espons1b1e fo fhe Wok1ngs and 1mpovemenf
of one of a company`s def1ned pocesses and 1fs e1afed subpocesses
b. A secu1fy adm1n1sfafo espons1b1e fo fhe sfafeg1c esu1fs of fhe pocess
c. A dafa ana1ysf espons1b1e fo pocess fhoughpuf, qua11fy of oufpuf, and
paf1c1paf1on W1fh1n fhe company
d. A secu1fy o1e fhaf def1nes and 1mp1emenfs a11 aspecfs of a bus1ness pocess
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. Iac111fafed k1sk Ana1ys1s Pocess 1s des1gned fo exp1oe a
qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf pocess 1n a manne fhaf a11oWs fo fesfs fo be
conducfed on d1ffeenf aspecfs and va1af1ons of fhe mefhodo1ogy. 1he 1nfenf of fh1s
mefhodo1ogy 1s fo pov1de an ogan1zaf1on W1fh fhe means of dec1d1ng Whaf couse and
acf1ons musf be faken 1n spec1f1c c1cumsfances fo dea1 W1fh va1ous 1ssues.
b. Coecf. Iac111fafed k1sk Ana1ys1s Pocess 1s des1gned fo exp1oe a qua11faf1ve
1sk assessmenf pocess 1n a manne fhaf a11oWs fo fesfs fo be conducfed on
d1ffeenf aspecfs and va1af1ons of fhe mefhodo1ogy. 1he 1nfenf of fh1s mefhodo1ogy
1s fo pov1de an ogan1zaf1on W1fh fhe means of dec1d1ng Whaf couse and acf1ons
musf be faken 1n spec1f1c c1cumsfances fo dea1 W1fh va1ous 1ssues.
c. lncoecf. Iac111fafed k1sk Ana1ys1s Pocess 1s des1gned fo exp1oe a
qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf pocess 1n a manne fhaf a11oWs fo fesfs fo be
conducfed on d1ffeenf aspecfs and va1af1ons of fhe mefhodo1ogy. 1he 1nfenf of fh1s
mefhodo1ogy 1s fo pov1de an ogan1zaf1on W1fh fhe means of dec1d1ng Whaf couse and
acf1ons musf be faken 1n spec1f1c c1cumsfances fo dea1 W1fh va1ous 1ssues.
d. lncoecf. Iac111fafed k1sk Ana1ys1s Pocess 1s des1gned fo exp1oe a
qua11faf1ve 1sk assessmenf pocess 1n a manne fhaf a11oWs fo fesfs fo be
conducfed on d1ffeenf aspecfs and va1af1ons of fhe mefhodo1ogy. 1he 1nfenf of fh1s
mefhodo1ogy 1s fo pov1de an ogan1zaf1on W1fh fhe means of dec1d1ng Whaf couse and
acf1ons musf be faken 1n spec1f1c c1cumsfances fo dea1 W1fh va1ous 1ssues.
a. lncoecf. Announc1ng o d1sp1ay1ng safeguads makes 1f 1ess appea11ng fo
affackes because 1f 1s moe 11ke1y fhey W111 be caughf o fhe1 fasks may be moe
comp11cafed. 8uf fhee 1s a f1ne 11ne fo be Wa1ked. Confo1s shou1d be knoWn abouf,
buf fhe acfua1 conf1guaf1ons and defa11ed 1nfomaf1on shou1d nof be eas11y accessed
so fhaf uses and affackes W111 nof knoW hoW fo d1sab1e fhem.
Page 9
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
b. lncoecf. Announc1ng o d1sp1ay1ng safeguads makes 1f 1ess appea11ng fo
affackes because 1f 1s moe 11ke1y fhey W111 be caughf o fhe1 fasks may be moe
comp11cafed. 8uf fhee 1s a f1ne 11ne fo be Wa1ked. Confo1s shou1d be knoWn abouf,
buf fhe acfua1 conf1guaf1ons and defa11ed 1nfomaf1on shou1d nof be eas11y accessed
so fhaf uses and affackes W111 nof knoW hoW fo d1sab1e fhem.
c. lncoecf. Announc1ng o d1sp1ay1ng safeguads makes 1f 1ess appea11ng fo
affackes because 1f 1s moe 11ke1y fhey W111 be caughf o fhe1 fasks may be moe
comp11cafed. 8uf fhee 1s a f1ne 11ne fo be Wa1ked. Confo1s shou1d be knoWn abouf,
buf fhe acfua1 conf1guaf1ons and defa11ed 1nfomaf1on shou1d nof be eas11y accessed
so fhaf uses and affackes W111 nof knoW hoW fo d1sab1e fhem.
d. Coecf. Announc1ng o d1sp1ay1ng safeguads makes 1f 1ess appea11ng fo
affackes because 1f 1s moe 11ke1y fhey W111 be caughf o fhe1 fasks may be moe
comp11cafed. 8uf fhee 1s a f1ne 11ne fo be Wa1ked. Confo1s shou1d be knoWn abouf,
buf fhe acfua1 conf1guaf1ons and defa11ed 1nfomaf1on shou1d nof be eas11y accessed
so fhaf uses and affackes W111 nof knoW hoW fo d1sab1e fhem.
a. Coecf. Paf of secu1fy managemenf 1s 1denf1fy1ng vu1neab111f1es W1fh1n
sysfems, nefWoks, and compan1es. A vu1neab111fy 1s a Weakness 1n a confo1 {o an
absence of a confo1} fhaf can be faken advanfage of by a fheaf agenf. A fheaf 1s
a fheaf agenf uncove1ng fhe vu1neab111fy and us1ng 1f.
b. lncoecf. Paf of secu1fy managemenf 1s 1denf1fy1ng vu1neab111f1es W1fh1n
sysfems, nefWoks, and compan1es. A vu1neab111fy 1s a Weakness 1n a confo1 {o an
absence of a confo1} fhaf can be faken advanfage of by a fheaf agenf. A fheaf 1s
a fheaf agenf uncove1ng fhe vu1neab111fy and us1ng 1f.
c. lncoecf. Paf of secu1fy managemenf 1s 1denf1fy1ng vu1neab111f1es W1fh1n
sysfems, nefWoks, and compan1es. A vu1neab111fy 1s a Weakness 1n a confo1 {o an
absence of a confo1} fhaf can be faken advanfage of by a fheaf agenf. A fheaf 1s
a fheaf agenf uncove1ng fhe vu1neab111fy and us1ng 1f.
d. lncoecf. Paf of secu1fy managemenf 1s 1denf1fy1ng vu1neab111f1es W1fh1n
sysfems, nefWoks, and compan1es. A vu1neab111fy 1s a Weakness 1n a confo1 {o an
absence of a confo1} fhaf can be faken advanfage of by a fheaf agenf. A fheaf 1s
a fheaf agenf uncove1ng fhe vu1neab111fy and us1ng 1f.
a. lncoecf. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng fhe
assef va1ue by fhe exposue facfo {LI}. 1he 5LL 1s fhe esf1mafe of 1oss fo a
paf1cu1a assef 1f a spec1f1c fheaf became fue, mean1ng fhaf fhee Was an acfua1
exposue. 1he 5LL 1s 1npuffed 1nfo fhe ALL fomu1a fo defem1ne hoW much money can
be spenf fo pofecf aga1nsf fhaf fheaf.
b. lncoecf. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng fhe
assef va1ue by fhe exposue facfo {LI}. 1he 5LL 1s fhe esf1mafe of 1oss fo a
paf1cu1a assef 1f a spec1f1c fheaf became fue, mean1ng fhaf fhee Was an acfua1
exposue. 1he 5LL 1s 1npuffed 1nfo fhe ALL fomu1a fo defem1ne hoW much money can
be spenf fo pofecf aga1nsf fhaf fheaf.
c. Coecf. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng fhe
assef va1ue by fhe exposue facfo {LI}. 1he 5LL 1s fhe esf1mafe of 1oss fo a
paf1cu1a assef 1f a spec1f1c fheaf became fue, mean1ng fhaf fhee Was an acfua1
exposue. 1he 5LL 1s 1npuffed 1nfo fhe ALL fomu1a fo defem1ne hoW much money can
be spenf fo pofecf aga1nsf fhaf fheaf.
d. lncoecf. 1he s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} 1s ca1cu1afed by mu1f1p1y1ng fhe
assef va1ue by fhe exposue facfo {LI}. 1he 5LL 1s fhe esf1mafe of 1oss fo a
paf1cu1a assef 1f a spec1f1c fheaf became fue, mean1ng fhaf fhee Was an acfua1
exposue. 1he 5LL 1s 1npuffed 1nfo fhe ALL fomu1a fo defem1ne hoW much money can
be spenf fo pofecf aga1nsf fhaf fheaf.
a. lncoecf. 1he De1ph1 fechn1que uses each pesons honesf op1n1on 1n a goup
seff1ng fo gef a W1de ange of 1deas on hoW fo addess fhe 1ssue. lf a11oWs peop1e
fo subm1f fhe1 op1n1ons anonymous1y fo ensue fhaf fhey ae nof 1nf1m1dafed o
bu111ed by ofhes Who m1ghf sWay fhem fom g1v1ng fhe1 honesf fee11ngs on a
spec1f1c subecf.
b. lncoecf. 1he De1ph1 fechn1que uses each pesons honesf op1n1on 1n a goup
Page 10
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
seff1ng fo gef a W1de ange of 1deas on hoW fo addess fhe 1ssue. lf a11oWs peop1e
fo subm1f fhe1 op1n1ons anonymous1y fo ensue fhaf fhey ae nof 1nf1m1dafed o
bu111ed by ofhes Who m1ghf sWay fhem fom g1v1ng fhe1 honesf fee11ngs on a
spec1f1c subecf.
c. Coecf. 1he De1ph1 fechn1que uses each pesons honesf op1n1on 1n a goup
seff1ng fo gef a W1de ange of 1deas on hoW fo addess fhe 1ssue. lf a11oWs peop1e
fo subm1f fhe1 op1n1ons anonymous1y fo ensue fhaf fhey ae nof 1nf1m1dafed o
bu111ed by ofhes Who m1ghf sWay fhem fom g1v1ng fhe1 honesf fee11ngs on a
spec1f1c subecf.
d. lncoecf. 1he De1ph1 fechn1que uses each pesons honesf op1n1on 1n a goup
seff1ng fo gef a W1de ange of 1deas on hoW fo addess fhe 1ssue. lf a11oWs peop1e
fo subm1f fhe1 op1n1ons anonymous1y fo ensue fhaf fhey ae nof 1nf1m1dafed o
bu111ed by ofhes Who m1ghf sWay fhem fom g1v1ng fhe1 honesf fee11ngs on a
spec1f1c subecf.
a. lncoecf. 5hou1de suf1ng 1s a fype of affack Whee someone 1ooks ove
anofhes shou1de and v1eWs 1nfomaf1on nof 1nfended fo h1m. us1ng a v1deo
ecode can be used fo fh1s pupose, fhus 1s an examp1e of a shou1de suf1ng
b. lncoecf. 5hou1de suf1ng 1s a fype of affack Whee someone 1ooks ove
anofhes shou1de and v1eWs 1nfomaf1on nof 1nfended fo h1m. us1ng a v1deo
ecode can be used fo fh1s pupose, fhus 1s an examp1e of a shou1de suf1ng
c. lncoecf. 5hou1de suf1ng 1s a fype of affack Whee someone 1ooks ove
anofhes shou1de and v1eWs 1nfomaf1on nof 1nfended fo h1m. us1ng a v1deo
ecode can be used fo fh1s pupose, fhus 1s an examp1e of a shou1de suf1ng
d. Coecf. 5hou1de suf1ng 1s a fype of affack Whee someone 1ooks ove
anofhes shou1de and v1eWs 1nfomaf1on nof 1nfended fo h1m. us1ng a v1deo
ecode can be used fo fh1s pupose, fhus 1s an examp1e of a shou1de suf1ng
a. lncoecf. Compan1es shou1d ensue fhaf fhe1 emp1oyees s1gn a nond1sc1osue
ageemenf, Wh1ch sfafes fhaf fhey ae nof fo g1ve o shae any of fhe companys
1nfe11ecfua1 popefy. Lmp1oyees shou1d be asked fo ev1eW fh1s documenf, and
poss1b1y s1gn 1f aga1n, upon fem1naf1on.
b. Coecf. Compan1es shou1d ensue fhaf fhe1 emp1oyees s1gn a nond1sc1osue
ageemenf, Wh1ch sfafes fhaf fhey ae nof fo g1ve o shae any of fhe companys
1nfe11ecfua1 popefy. Lmp1oyees shou1d be asked fo ev1eW fh1s documenf, and
poss1b1y s1gn 1f aga1n, upon fem1naf1on.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es shou1d ensue fhaf fhe1 emp1oyees s1gn a nond1sc1osue
ageemenf, Wh1ch sfafes fhaf fhey ae nof fo g1ve o shae any of fhe companys
1nfe11ecfua1 popefy. Lmp1oyees shou1d be asked fo ev1eW fh1s documenf, and
poss1b1y s1gn 1f aga1n, upon fem1naf1on.
d. lncoecf. Compan1es shou1d ensue fhaf fhe1 emp1oyees s1gn a nond1sc1osue
ageemenf, Wh1ch sfafes fhaf fhey ae nof fo g1ve o shae any of fhe companys
1nfe11ecfua1 popefy. Lmp1oyees shou1d be asked fo ev1eW fh1s documenf, and
poss1b1y s1gn 1f aga1n, upon fem1naf1on.

a. Coecf. 1he annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO} 1s a va1ue used 1n ca1cu1af1ng

fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy va1ue. AkO 1s hoW many f1mes a fheaf 1s expecfed fo
fake p1ace. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fhaf a fheaf W111 exp1o1f a vu1neab111fy once 1n 10
yeas, fhen fhe AkO va1ue 1s 0.1. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fo fake p1ace once 1n 100
yeas, fhe AkO 1s 0.01.
b. lncoecf. 1he annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO} 1s a va1ue used 1n
ca1cu1af1ng fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy va1ue. AkO 1s hoW many f1mes a fheaf 1s
expecfed fo fake p1ace. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fhaf a fheaf W111 exp1o1f a
vu1neab111fy once 1n 10 yeas, fhen fhe AkO va1ue 1s 0.1. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fo
fake p1ace once 1n 100 yeas, fhe AkO 1s 0.01.
c. lncoecf. 1he annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO} 1s a va1ue used 1n
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
ca1cu1af1ng fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy va1ue. AkO 1s hoW many f1mes a fheaf 1s
expecfed fo fake p1ace. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fhaf a fheaf W111 exp1o1f a
vu1neab111fy once 1n 10 yeas, fhen fhe AkO va1ue 1s 0.1. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fo
fake p1ace once 1n 100 yeas, fhe AkO 1s 0.01.
d. lncoecf. 1he annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO} 1s a va1ue used 1n
ca1cu1af1ng fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy va1ue. AkO 1s hoW many f1mes a fheaf 1s
expecfed fo fake p1ace. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fhaf a fheaf W111 exp1o1f a
vu1neab111fy once 1n 10 yeas, fhen fhe AkO va1ue 1s 0.1. lf 1f 1s esf1mafed fo
fake p1ace once 1n 100 yeas, fhe AkO 1s 0.01.
a. lncoecf. lf an 1nd1v1dua1 1s nof ab1d1ng by fhe companys po11cy and secu1fy
sfandads, you shou1d fe11 managemenf o fhaf pesons supev1so. You shou1d nof
fake maffes 1nfo you oWn hands o appoach fhe 1nd1v1dua1 youse1f.
b. lncoecf. lf an 1nd1v1dua1 1s nof ab1d1ng by fhe companys po11cy and secu1fy
sfandads, you shou1d fe11 managemenf o fhaf pesons supev1so. You shou1d nof
fake maffes 1nfo you oWn hands o appoach fhe 1nd1v1dua1 youse1f.
c. lncoecf. lf an 1nd1v1dua1 1s nof ab1d1ng by fhe companys po11cy and secu1fy
sfandads, you shou1d fe11 managemenf o fhaf pesons supev1so. You shou1d nof
fake maffes 1nfo you oWn hands o appoach fhe 1nd1v1dua1 youse1f.
d. Coecf. lf an 1nd1v1dua1 1s nof ab1d1ng by fhe companys po11cy and secu1fy
sfandads, you shou1d fe11 managemenf o fhaf pesons supev1so. You shou1d nof
fake maffes 1nfo you oWn hands o appoach fhe 1nd1v1dua1 youse1f.
a. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s fo change emp1oyees
aff1fudes foWad secu1fy because 1f fhey ae 1nfomed and 1nvo1ved fhee 1s a
geafe 11ke11hood of fhem he1p1ng fhe pocess, nof h1nde1ng.
b. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s fo change emp1oyees
aff1fudes foWad secu1fy because 1f fhey ae 1nfomed and 1nvo1ved fhee 1s a
geafe 11ke11hood of fhem he1p1ng fhe pocess, nof h1nde1ng.
c. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s fo change emp1oyees
aff1fudes foWad secu1fy because 1f fhey ae 1nfomed and 1nvo1ved fhee 1s a
geafe 11ke11hood of fhem he1p1ng fhe pocess, nof h1nde1ng.
d. Coecf. 1he goa1 of secu1fy aWaeness fa1n1ng 1s fo change emp1oyees
aff1fudes foWad secu1fy because 1f fhey ae 1nfomed and 1nvo1ved fhee 1s a
geafe 11ke11hood of fhem he1p1ng fhe pocess, nof h1nde1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1echn1ca1. 81omef1c aufhenf1caf1on sysfems fa11 unde fhe cafegoy
of fechn1ca1 confo1s. 1echn1ca1 confo1s ae def1ned as 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae
puf 1nfo p1ace fo pofecf assefs. 1hey can be access confo1s, encypf1on, secu1fy
dev1ces, and 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on sysfems.
b. Coecf. 1echn1ca1. 81omef1c aufhenf1caf1on sysfems fa11 unde fhe cafegoy
of fechn1ca1 confo1s. 1echn1ca1 confo1s ae def1ned as 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae
puf 1nfo p1ace fo pofecf assefs. 1hey can be access confo1s, encypf1on, secu1fy
dev1ces, and 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on sysfems.
c. lncoecf. 1echn1ca1. 81omef1c aufhenf1caf1on sysfems fa11 unde fhe cafegoy
of fechn1ca1 confo1s. 1echn1ca1 confo1s ae def1ned as 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae
puf 1nfo p1ace fo pofecf assefs. 1hey can be access confo1s, encypf1on, secu1fy
dev1ces, and 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on sysfems.
d. lncoecf. 1echn1ca1. 81omef1c aufhenf1caf1on sysfems fa11 unde fhe cafegoy
of fechn1ca1 confo1s. 1echn1ca1 confo1s ae def1ned as 1og1ca1 confo1s fhaf ae
puf 1nfo p1ace fo pofecf assefs. 1hey can be access confo1s, encypf1on, secu1fy
dev1ces, and 1denf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on sysfems.
a. lncoecf. 51nce a v1us acfua11y shoWed up, fhaf 1s an exposue. lf We Wee
ca1cu1af1ng fhe poss1b111fy of a v1us shoW1ng up, fhaf Wou1d be a 1sk. lf a v1us
shoWed up af you nefWok and sysfems gof 1nfecfed, you Wou1d have an exposue. Nof
keep1ng fhe v1us s1gnafues up fo dafe Wou1d be vu1neab111fy.
b. lncoecf. 51nce a v1us acfua11y shoWed up, fhaf 1s an exposue. lf We Wee
ca1cu1af1ng fhe poss1b111fy of a v1us shoW1ng up, fhaf Wou1d be a 1sk. lf a v1us
Page 12
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
shoWed up af you nefWok and sysfems gof 1nfecfed, you Wou1d have an exposue. Nof
keep1ng fhe v1us s1gnafues up fo dafe Wou1d be vu1neab111fy.
c. lncoecf. 51nce a v1us acfua11y shoWed up, fhaf 1s an exposue. lf We Wee
ca1cu1af1ng fhe poss1b111fy of a v1us shoW1ng up, fhaf Wou1d be a 1sk. lf a v1us
shoWed up af you nefWok and sysfems gof 1nfecfed, you Wou1d have an exposue. Nof
keep1ng fhe v1us s1gnafues up fo dafe Wou1d be vu1neab111fy.
d. Coecf. 51nce a v1us acfua11y shoWed up, fhaf 1s an exposue. lf We Wee
ca1cu1af1ng fhe poss1b111fy of a v1us shoW1ng up, fhaf Wou1d be a 1sk. lf a v1us
shoWed up af you nefWok and sysfems gof 1nfecfed, you Wou1d have an exposue. Nof
keep1ng fhe v1us s1gnafues up fo dafe Wou1d be vu1neab111fy.
a. lncoecf. Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf
he1ps fo m1f1gafe fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
b. lncoecf. Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf
he1ps fo m1f1gafe fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
c. Coecf. Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf he1ps
fo m1f1gafe fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
d. lncoecf. Counfemeasues can be any hadWae, soffWae, o pocedue fhaf
he1ps fo m1f1gafe fhe pofenf1a1 1sk.
a. lncoecf. 1op sen1o managemenf shou1d be fhe 1n1f1afos of secu1fy
managemenf W1fh1n a copoaf1on. Once buy-1n fom fhe fop beg1ns, fhen a successfu1
fop-doWn appoach can beg1n.
b. lncoecf. 1op sen1o managemenf shou1d be fhe 1n1f1afos of secu1fy
managemenf W1fh1n a copoaf1on. Once buy-1n fom fhe fop beg1ns, fhen a successfu1
fop-doWn appoach can beg1n.
c. Coecf. 1op sen1o managemenf shou1d be fhe 1n1f1afos of secu1fy managemenf
W1fh1n a copoaf1on. Once buy-1n fom fhe fop beg1ns, fhen a successfu1 fop-doWn
appoach can beg1n.
d. lncoecf. 1op sen1o managemenf shou1d be fhe 1n1f1afos of secu1fy
managemenf W1fh1n a copoaf1on. Once buy-1n fom fhe fop beg1ns, fhen a successfu1
fop-doWn appoach can beg1n.
a. lncoecf. ln def1n1ng a p1ann1ng ho1zon, you W111 need fo def1ne you
sfafeg1c goa1s, Wh1ch ae you 1ong-fem goa1s, you facf1ca1 goa1s o m1d-fem
goa1s, and you opeaf1ona1 goa1s, Wh1ch ae you da11y goa1s.
b. lncoecf. ln def1n1ng a p1ann1ng ho1zon, you W111 need fo def1ne you
sfafeg1c goa1s, Wh1ch ae you 1ong-fem goa1s, you facf1ca1 goa1s o m1d-fem
goa1s, and you opeaf1ona1 goa1s, Wh1ch ae you da11y goa1s.
c. lncoecf. ln def1n1ng a p1ann1ng ho1zon, you W111 need fo def1ne you
sfafeg1c goa1s, Wh1ch ae you 1ong-fem goa1s, you facf1ca1 goa1s o m1d-fem
goa1s, and you opeaf1ona1 goa1s, Wh1ch ae you da11y goa1s.
d. Coecf. ln def1n1ng a p1ann1ng ho1zon, you W111 need fo def1ne you sfafeg1c
goa1s, Wh1ch ae you 1ong-fem goa1s, you facf1ca1 goa1s o m1d-fem goa1s, and
you opeaf1ona1 goa1s, Wh1ch ae you da11y goa1s.
a. lncoecf. Pefom1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s W111 pov1de a means fo usf1fy fhe
expense and counfemeasues fhaf musf be 1mp1emenfed.
b. Coecf. Pefom1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s W111 pov1de a means fo usf1fy fhe expense
and counfemeasues fhaf musf be 1mp1emenfed.
c. lncoecf. Pefom1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s W111 pov1de a means fo usf1fy fhe
expense and counfemeasues fhaf musf be 1mp1emenfed.
d. lncoecf. Pefom1ng a 1sk ana1ys1s W111 pov1de a means fo usf1fy fhe
expense and counfemeasues fhaf musf be 1mp1emenfed.
a. Coecf. 1he annua1 1oss expecfancy {ALL} = s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} X
annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO}. 1he 5LL 1s a ca1cu1af1on of fhe 1oss fhaf cou1d
be expe1ence 1f an evenf occus once.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
b. lncoecf. 1he annua1 1oss expecfancy {ALL} = s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} X
annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO}. 1he 5LL 1s a ca1cu1af1on of fhe 1oss fhaf cou1d
be expe1ence 1f an evenf occus once.
c. lncoecf. 1he annua1 1oss expecfancy {ALL} = s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} X
annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO}. 1he 5LL 1s a ca1cu1af1on of fhe 1oss fhaf cou1d
be expe1ence 1f an evenf occus once.
d. lncoecf. 1he annua1 1oss expecfancy {ALL} = s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy {5LL} X
annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO}. 1he 5LL 1s a ca1cu1af1on of fhe 1oss fhaf cou1d
be expe1ence 1f an evenf occus once.
a. lncoecf. Puchas1ng 1nsuance fo he1p m1f1gafe fhe 1sk of a fheaf 1s a means
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk fo a fh1d pafy, mak1ng fhe 1sk fhaf 1s 1eff accepfab1e.
b. Coecf. Puchas1ng 1nsuance fo he1p m1f1gafe fhe 1sk of a fheaf 1s a means
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk fo a fh1d pafy, mak1ng fhe 1sk fhaf 1s 1eff accepfab1e.
c. lncoecf. Puchas1ng 1nsuance fo he1p m1f1gafe fhe 1sk of a fheaf 1s a means
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk fo a fh1d pafy, mak1ng fhe 1sk fhaf 1s 1eff accepfab1e.
d. lncoecf. Puchas1ng 1nsuance fo he1p m1f1gafe fhe 1sk of a fheaf 1s a means
of fansfe1ng fhe 1sk fo a fh1d pafy, mak1ng fhe 1sk fhaf 1s 1eff accepfab1e.
a. Coecf. 5ecu1fy po11c1es ae sfafemenfs fhaf o1g1nafe fom sen1o
managemenf. 5fandads ae daWn up fo pov1de un1fom Ways fo cay ouf fhe
d1ecf1ves of fhe secu1fy po11c1es. Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae
defa11ed sfep-by-sfep acf1ons.
b. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy po11c1es ae sfafemenfs fhaf o1g1nafe fom sen1o
managemenf. 5fandads ae daWn up fo pov1de un1fom Ways fo cay ouf fhe
d1ecf1ves of fhe secu1fy po11c1es. Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae
defa11ed sfep-by-sfep acf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy po11c1es ae sfafemenfs fhaf o1g1nafe fom sen1o
managemenf. 5fandads ae daWn up fo pov1de un1fom Ways fo cay ouf fhe
d1ecf1ves of fhe secu1fy po11c1es. Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae
defa11ed sfep-by-sfep acf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 5ecu1fy po11c1es ae sfafemenfs fhaf o1g1nafe fom sen1o
managemenf. 5fandads ae daWn up fo pov1de un1fom Ways fo cay ouf fhe
d1ecf1ves of fhe secu1fy po11c1es. Gu1de11nes ae ecommendaf1ons. Pocedues ae
defa11ed sfep-by-sfep acf1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1he on1y ansWe fhaf pefa1ns fo fhe company as a Who1e concen1ng
secu1fy fom an ogan1zaf1ona1 v1eW 1s ansWe D. 1he ofhe ansWes ae fa foo
spec1f1c and ae on1y a sma11 paf of secu1fy aWaeness.
b. lncoecf. 1he on1y ansWe fhaf pefa1ns fo fhe company as a Who1e concen1ng
secu1fy fom an ogan1zaf1ona1 v1eW 1s ansWe D. 1he ofhe ansWes ae fa foo
spec1f1c and ae on1y a sma11 paf of secu1fy aWaeness.
c. lncoecf. 1he on1y ansWe fhaf pefa1ns fo fhe company as a Who1e concen1ng
secu1fy fom an ogan1zaf1ona1 v1eW 1s ansWe D. 1he ofhe ansWes ae fa foo
spec1f1c and ae on1y a sma11 paf of secu1fy aWaeness.
d. Coecf. 1he on1y ansWe fhaf pefa1ns fo fhe company as a Who1e concen1ng
secu1fy fom an ogan1zaf1ona1 v1eW 1s ansWe D. 1he ofhe ansWes ae fa foo
spec1f1c and ae on1y a sma11 paf of secu1fy aWaeness.
a. Coecf. OC1AvL {Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy
Lva1uaf1on} Was ceafed by Caneg1e Me11on un1ves1fys 5offWae Lng1nee1ng
lnsf1fufe. lf 1s a mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1s 1nfended fo be used 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee
peop1e manage and d1ecf fhe 1sk eva1uaf1on fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy W1fh1n fhe1
b. lncoecf. OC1AvL {Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy
Lva1uaf1on} Was ceafed by Caneg1e Me11on un1ves1fys 5offWae Lng1nee1ng
lnsf1fufe. lf 1s a mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1s 1nfended fo be used 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee
peop1e manage and d1ecf fhe 1sk eva1uaf1on fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy W1fh1n fhe1
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
c. lncoecf. OC1AvL {Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy
Lva1uaf1on} Was ceafed by Caneg1e Me11on un1ves1fys 5offWae Lng1nee1ng
lnsf1fufe. lf 1s a mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1s 1nfended fo be used 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee
peop1e manage and d1ecf fhe 1sk eva1uaf1on fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy W1fh1n fhe1
d. lncoecf. OC1AvL {Opeaf1ona11y C1f1ca1 1heaf, Assef, and vu1neab111fy
Lva1uaf1on} Was ceafed by Caneg1e Me11on un1ves1fys 5offWae Lng1nee1ng
lnsf1fufe. lf 1s a mefhodo1ogy fhaf 1s 1nfended fo be used 1n s1fuaf1ons Whee
peop1e manage and d1ecf fhe 1sk eva1uaf1on fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy W1fh1n fhe1
a. lncoecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s fhe one Who dec1des upon fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe
dafa. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s fhe one ass1gned by fhe oWne fo manage and ma1nfa1n fhe
b. Coecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s fhe one Who dec1des upon fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe
dafa. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s fhe one ass1gned by fhe oWne fo manage and ma1nfa1n fhe
c. lncoecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s fhe one Who dec1des upon fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe
dafa. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s fhe one ass1gned by fhe oWne fo manage and ma1nfa1n fhe
d. lncoecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s fhe one Who dec1des upon fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of fhe
dafa. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s fhe one ass1gned by fhe oWne fo manage and ma1nfa1n fhe
a. lncoecf. 1he on1y one fhaf pefa1ns fo a easonab1e {and poss1b1e} emp1oymenf
equesf 1s fhe mandafoy s1gn1ng of an NDA.
b. Coecf. 1he on1y one fhaf pefa1ns fo a easonab1e {and poss1b1e} emp1oymenf
equesf 1s fhe mandafoy s1gn1ng of an NDA.
c. lncoecf. 1he on1y one fhaf pefa1ns fo a easonab1e {and poss1b1e} emp1oymenf
equesf 1s fhe mandafoy s1gn1ng of an NDA.
d. lncoecf. 1he on1y one fhaf pefa1ns fo a easonab1e {and poss1b1e} emp1oymenf
equesf 1s fhe mandafoy s1gn1ng of an NDA.
a. Coecf. qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s 1s subecf1ve and based on obsevaf1on and
expe1ence, Wh11e quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s dea1s W1fh geff1ng acfua1 numbes/cosfs fo
make a dec1s1on.
b. lncoecf. qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s 1s subecf1ve and based on obsevaf1on and
expe1ence, Wh11e quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s dea1s W1fh geff1ng acfua1 numbes/cosfs fo
make a dec1s1on.
c. lncoecf. qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s 1s subecf1ve and based on obsevaf1on and
expe1ence, Wh11e quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s dea1s W1fh geff1ng acfua1 numbes/cosfs fo
make a dec1s1on.
d. lncoecf. qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s 1s subecf1ve and based on obsevaf1on and
expe1ence, Wh11e quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s dea1s W1fh geff1ng acfua1 numbes/cosfs fo
make a dec1s1on.
a. Coecf. A quanf1faf1ve appoach emp1oys ca1cu1af1ons us1ng sfaf1sf1cs of
pobab111f1es and af1os pefa1n1ng fo fhe poss1b111f1es of spec1f1c fheafs. A
qua11faf1ve appoach 1s moe subecf1ve us1ng op1n1on po11s and ofhe subecf1ve
means fhaf 1denf1fy fhe p1o1fy of fheafs fhaf pose poss1b1e 1sks.
b. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve appoach emp1oys ca1cu1af1ons us1ng sfaf1sf1cs of
pobab111f1es and af1os pefa1n1ng fo fhe poss1b111f1es of spec1f1c fheafs. A
qua11faf1ve appoach 1s moe subecf1ve us1ng op1n1on po11s and ofhe subecf1ve
means fhaf 1denf1fy fhe p1o1fy of fheafs fhaf pose poss1b1e 1sks.
c. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve appoach emp1oys ca1cu1af1ons us1ng sfaf1sf1cs of
pobab111f1es and af1os pefa1n1ng fo fhe poss1b111f1es of spec1f1c fheafs. A
qua11faf1ve appoach 1s moe subecf1ve us1ng op1n1on po11s and ofhe subecf1ve
means fhaf 1denf1fy fhe p1o1fy of fheafs fhaf pose poss1b1e 1sks.
d. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve appoach emp1oys ca1cu1af1ons us1ng sfaf1sf1cs of
Page 15
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
pobab111f1es and af1os pefa1n1ng fo fhe poss1b111f1es of spec1f1c fheafs. A
qua11faf1ve appoach 1s moe subecf1ve us1ng op1n1on po11s and ofhe subecf1ve
means fhaf 1denf1fy fhe p1o1fy of fheafs fhaf pose poss1b1e 1sks.
a. lncoecf. l5O 17799 1s fhe 1nfenaf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy
Managemenf 5fandad fhaf pov1des h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on
enfep1se secu1fy. lf Was de1ved fom 85 7799.
b. lncoecf. l5O 17799 1s fhe 1nfenaf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy
Managemenf 5fandad fhaf pov1des h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on
enfep1se secu1fy. lf Was de1ved fom 85 7799.
c. Coecf. l5O 17799 1s fhe 1nfenaf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy
Managemenf 5fandad fhaf pov1des h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on
enfep1se secu1fy. lf Was de1ved fom 85 7799.
d. lncoecf. l5O 17799 1s fhe 1nfenaf1ona11y ecogn1zed lnfomaf1on 5ecu1fy
Managemenf 5fandad fhaf pov1des h1gh-1eve1, concepfua1 ecommendaf1ons on
enfep1se secu1fy. lf Was de1ved fom 85 7799.
a. lncoecf. 1he 10 secf1ons ae: lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of
secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy,
phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy, commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf,
access confo1, sysfem deve1opmenf and ma1nfenance, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf,
b. lncoecf. 1he 10 secf1ons ae: lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of
secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy,
phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy, commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf,
access confo1, sysfem deve1opmenf and ma1nfenance, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf,
c. Coecf. 1he 10 secf1ons ae: lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of
secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy,
phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy, commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf,
access confo1, sysfem deve1opmenf and ma1nfenance, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf,
d. lncoecf. 1he 10 secf1ons ae: lnfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy, ceaf1on of
secu1fy 1nfasfucfue, assef c1ass1f1caf1on and confo1, pesonne1 secu1fy,
phys1ca1 and env1onmenfa1 secu1fy, commun1caf1ons and opeaf1ons managemenf,
access confo1, sysfem deve1opmenf and ma1nfenance, bus1ness conf1nu1fy managemenf,
a. Coecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng, assess1ng, and educ1ng
fhe 1sk fo an accepfab1e 1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng 1f af fhaf 1eve1.
b. lncoecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng, assess1ng, and
educ1ng fhe 1sk fo an accepfab1e 1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng 1f af fhaf 1eve1.
c. lncoecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng, assess1ng, and
educ1ng fhe 1sk fo an accepfab1e 1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng 1f af fhaf 1eve1.
d. lncoecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of 1denf1fy1ng, assess1ng, and
educ1ng fhe 1sk fo an accepfab1e 1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng 1f af fhaf 1eve1.
a. Coecf. An lkM ouf11nes fhe 1nfasfucfue fo a company`s 1sk managemenf
pocesses and pocedues.
b. lncoecf. An lkM ouf11nes fhe 1nfasfucfue fo a company`s 1sk managemenf
pocesses and pocedues.
c. lncoecf. An lkM ouf11nes fhe 1nfasfucfue fo a company`s 1sk managemenf
pocesses and pocedues.
d. lncoecf. An lkM ouf11nes fhe 1nfasfucfue fo a company`s 1sk managemenf
pocesses and pocedues.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1sk 1eve1 fhaf 1s accepfab1e fo a spec1f1c company W111 be
def1ned by sen1o managemenf.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
b. Coecf. 1he 1sk 1eve1 fhaf 1s accepfab1e fo a spec1f1c company W111 be
def1ned by sen1o managemenf.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1sk 1eve1 fhaf 1s accepfab1e fo a spec1f1c company W111 be
def1ned by sen1o managemenf.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1sk 1eve1 fhaf 1s accepfab1e fo a spec1f1c company W111 be
def1ned by sen1o managemenf.
a. lncoecf. 1he pope sfeps ae: ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy
vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy fhe pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese
pofenf1a1 fheafs, and pov1de econom1ca1 counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons.
b. Coecf. 1he pope sfeps ae: ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy
vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy fhe pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese
pofenf1a1 fheafs, and pov1de econom1ca1 counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons.
c. lncoecf. 1he pope sfeps ae: ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy
vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy fhe pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese
pofenf1a1 fheafs, and pov1de econom1ca1 counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons.
d. lncoecf. 1he pope sfeps ae: ldenf1fy assefs and fhe1 va1ues, 1denf1fy
vu1neab111f1es and fheafs, quanf1fy fhe pobab111fy and bus1ness 1mpacf of fhese
pofenf1a1 fheafs, and pov1de econom1ca1 counfemeasue ecommendaf1ons.
a. lncoecf. When fhe scope of a poecf 1s nof We11 def1ned, fhe poecf may un
ouf of money and sf111 nof meef 1fs obecf1ves.
b. lncoecf. When fhe scope of a poecf 1s nof We11 def1ned, fhe poecf may un
ouf of money and sf111 nof meef 1fs obecf1ves.
c. lncoecf. When fhe scope of a poecf 1s nof We11 def1ned, fhe poecf may un
ouf of money and sf111 nof meef 1fs obecf1ves.
d. Coecf. When fhe scope of a poecf 1s nof We11 def1ned, fhe poecf may un
ouf of money and sf111 nof meef 1fs obecf1ves.
a. Coecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf a peson Who W111 be 1nf1mafe1y fam111a
W1fh fhe1 spec1f1c depafmenf. Ass1gn1ng a neW emp1oyee o a un1o emp1oyee Wou1d
be a huge m1sfake.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf a peson Who W111 be 1nf1mafe1y fam111a
W1fh fhe1 spec1f1c depafmenf. Ass1gn1ng a neW emp1oyee o a un1o emp1oyee Wou1d
be a huge m1sfake.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf a peson Who W111 be 1nf1mafe1y fam111a
W1fh fhe1 spec1f1c depafmenf. Ass1gn1ng a neW emp1oyee o a un1o emp1oyee Wou1d
be a huge m1sfake.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo se1ecf a peson Who W111 be 1nf1mafe1y fam111a
W1fh fhe1 spec1f1c depafmenf. Ass1gn1ng a neW emp1oyee o a un1o emp1oyee Wou1d
be a huge m1sfake.
a. lncoecf. &quof,Once 1n 1,000 yeas 1s a va1ue of 0.0001&quof, 1s fhe coecf
cho1ce, as fhe va1ue of fhe esu1f 1s 1ncoecf. lf shou1d be 0.001 and NO1 0.0001
b. lncoecf. &quof,Once 1n 1,000 yeas 1s a va1ue of 0.0001&quof, 1s fhe coecf
cho1ce, as fhe va1ue of fhe esu1f 1s 1ncoecf. lf shou1d be 0.001 and NO1 0.0001
c. Coecf. &quof,Once 1n 1,000 yeas 1s a va1ue of 0.0001&quof, 1s fhe coecf
cho1ce, as fhe va1ue of fhe esu1f 1s 1ncoecf. lf shou1d be 0.001 and NO1 0.0001
d. lncoecf. &quof,Once 1n 1,000 yeas 1s a va1ue of 0.0001&quof, 1s fhe coecf
cho1ce, as fhe va1ue of fhe esu1f 1s 1ncoecf. lf shou1d be 0.001 and NO1 0.0001
a. Coecf. 1he expess1on means fhaf a company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk 1f
1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can 11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be
v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy.
b. lncoecf. 1he expess1on means fhaf a company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk
1f 1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can 11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be
v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy.
c. lncoecf. 1he expess1on means fhaf a company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
1f 1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can 11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be
v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy.
d. lncoecf. 1he expess1on means fhaf a company shou1d choose fo accepf a 1sk
1f 1f 1s an econom1ca1 dec1s1on, 1f can 11ve W1fh fhe vu1neab111fy, and 1f Won`f be
v1eWed as 1espons1b1e 1n fhe 1ndusfy.
a. Coecf. 1he 5LL 1s fhe assef va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe exposue facfo, Wh1ch 1s
$400,000 x 35x Wh1ch Wou1d be a fofa1 5LL of $140,000. 1he ALL 1s fhe annua1 1oss
expecfancy. 1he fomu1a 1s 5LL mu1f1p11ed by AkO {s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy f1mes fhe
annua1 afe of occuence}, Wh1ch Wou1d be $140,000 x .1 {once evey 10 yeas} fo a
va1ue of $14,000.
b. lncoecf. 1he 5LL 1s fhe assef va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe exposue facfo, Wh1ch
1s $400,000 x 35x Wh1ch Wou1d be a fofa1 5LL of $140,000. 1he ALL 1s fhe annua1
1oss expecfancy. 1he fomu1a 1s 5LL mu1f1p11ed by AkO {s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy f1mes
fhe annua1 afe of occuence}, Wh1ch Wou1d be $140,000 x .1 {once evey 10 yeas}
fo a va1ue of $14,000.
c. lncoecf. 1he 5LL 1s fhe assef va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe exposue facfo, Wh1ch
1s $400,000 x 35x Wh1ch Wou1d be a fofa1 5LL of $140,000. 1he ALL 1s fhe annua1
1oss expecfancy. 1he fomu1a 1s 5LL mu1f1p11ed by AkO {s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy f1mes
fhe annua1 afe of occuence}, Wh1ch Wou1d be $140,000 x .1 {once evey 10 yeas}
fo a va1ue of $14,000.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5LL 1s fhe assef va1ue mu1f1p11ed by fhe exposue facfo, Wh1ch
1s $400,000 x 35x Wh1ch Wou1d be a fofa1 5LL of $140,000. 1he ALL 1s fhe annua1
1oss expecfancy. 1he fomu1a 1s 5LL mu1f1p11ed by AkO {s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy f1mes
fhe annua1 afe of occuence}, Wh1ch Wou1d be $140,000 x .1 {once evey 10 yeas}
fo a va1ue of $14,000.
a. Coecf. 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo ba1nsfom1ng and fhe consensus
De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo pob1ems so1v1ng.
b. lncoecf 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo ba1nsfom1ng and fhe consensus
De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo pob1ems so1v1ng.
c. lncoecf 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo ba1nsfom1ng and fhe consensus
De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo pob1ems so1v1ng.
d. lncoecf 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo ba1nsfom1ng and fhe consensus
De1ph1 mefhod 1s fo pob1ems so1v1ng.
a. lncoecf. 1he ea1 va1ue of a counfemeasue fo a company 1s ca1cu1afed by
subfacf1ng fhe ALL affe fhe counfemeasue 1s 1mp1emenfed and fhe annua1 cosf of
ma1nfenance fom fhe ALL befoe fhe measue Was 1mp1emenfed.
b. lncoecf. 1he ea1 va1ue of a counfemeasue fo a company 1s ca1cu1afed by
subfacf1ng fhe ALL affe fhe counfemeasue 1s 1mp1emenfed and fhe annua1 cosf of
ma1nfenance fom fhe ALL befoe fhe measue Was 1mp1emenfed.
c. Coecf. 1he ea1 va1ue of a counfemeasue fo a company 1s ca1cu1afed by
subfacf1ng fhe ALL affe fhe counfemeasue 1s 1mp1emenfed and fhe annua1 cosf of
ma1nfenance fom fhe ALL befoe fhe measue Was 1mp1emenfed.
d. lncoecf. 1he ea1 va1ue of a counfemeasue fo a company 1s ca1cu1afed by
subfacf1ng fhe ALL affe fhe counfemeasue 1s 1mp1emenfed and fhe annua1 cosf of
ma1nfenance fom fhe ALL befoe fhe measue Was 1mp1emenfed.
a. Coecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s &quof,1he po11cy shou1d d1cfafe bus1ness
obecf1ves&quof, - fh1s Wou1d be d1cfafed 1n fhe ovea11 bus1ness sfafegy.
b. lncoecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s &quof,1he po11cy shou1d d1cfafe bus1ness
obecf1ves&quof, - fh1s Wou1d be d1cfafed 1n fhe ovea11 bus1ness sfafegy.
c. lncoecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s &quof,1he po11cy shou1d d1cfafe bus1ness
obecf1ves&quof, - fh1s Wou1d be d1cfafed 1n fhe ovea11 bus1ness sfafegy.
d. lncoecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s &quof,1he po11cy shou1d d1cfafe bus1ness
obecf1ves&quof, - fh1s Wou1d be d1cfafed 1n fhe ovea11 bus1ness sfafegy.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy cons1sfs of h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs fhaf shou1d be
b. Coecf. A secu1fy po11cy cons1sfs of h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs fhaf shou1d be
c. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy cons1sfs of h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs fhaf shou1d be
d. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy cons1sfs of h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs fhaf shou1d be
a. lncoecf. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s {IMLA} 1s a mefhod fo defem1n1ng
funcf1ons, 1denf1fy1ng funcf1ona1 fa11ues, and assess1ng fhe causes of fa11ue and
fhe1 fa11ue effecfs fhough a sfucfued pocess.
b. lncoecf. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s {IMLA} 1s a mefhod fo defem1n1ng
funcf1ons, 1denf1fy1ng funcf1ona1 fa11ues, and assess1ng fhe causes of fa11ue and
fhe1 fa11ue effecfs fhough a sfucfued pocess.
c. Coecf. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s {IMLA} 1s a mefhod fo defem1n1ng
funcf1ons, 1denf1fy1ng funcf1ona1 fa11ues, and assess1ng fhe causes of fa11ue and
fhe1 fa11ue effecfs fhough a sfucfued pocess.
d. lncoecf. Ia11ue Modes and Lffecf Ana1ys1s {IMLA} 1s a mefhod fo defem1n1ng
funcf1ons, 1denf1fy1ng funcf1ona1 fa11ues, and assess1ng fhe causes of fa11ue and
fhe1 fa11ue effecfs fhough a sfucfued pocess.
a. Coecf. A base11ne 1s a m1n1mum accepfab1e 1eve1 of secu1fy and NO1 Whaf fhe
env1onmenf W111 1ook 11ke.
b. lncoecf. A base11ne 1s a m1n1mum accepfab1e 1eve1 of secu1fy and NO1 Whaf
fhe env1onmenf W111 1ook 11ke.
c. lncoecf. A base11ne 1s a m1n1mum accepfab1e 1eve1 of secu1fy and NO1 Whaf
fhe env1onmenf W111 1ook 11ke.
d. lncoecf. A base11ne 1s a m1n1mum accepfab1e 1eve1 of secu1fy and NO1 Whaf
fhe env1onmenf W111 1ook 11ke.
a. Coecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s fhaf 1f does nof pov1de a benef1f. lf you
have foo many secu1fy c1ass1f1caf1ons, peop1e W111 gef confused and you W111 nof
have any benef1fs.
b. lncoecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s fhaf 1f does nof pov1de a benef1f. lf
you have foo many secu1fy c1ass1f1caf1ons, peop1e W111 gef confused and you W111
nof have any benef1fs.
c. lncoecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s fhaf 1f does nof pov1de a benef1f. lf
you have foo many secu1fy c1ass1f1caf1ons, peop1e W111 gef confused and you W111
nof have any benef1fs.
d. lncoecf. 1he mosf coecf ansWe 1s fhaf 1f does nof pov1de a benef1f. lf
you have foo many secu1fy c1ass1f1caf1ons, peop1e W111 gef confused and you W111
nof have any benef1fs.
a. lncoecf. App11caf1ons, usf 11ke dafa, have fo be c1ass1f1ed. App11caf1ons
ho1d and pocess sens1f1ve dafa and shou1d pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on
and be 1nfeacfed W1fh by on1y fhe 1ghf 1nd1v1dua1s.
b. Coecf. App11caf1ons, usf 11ke dafa, have fo be c1ass1f1ed. App11caf1ons
ho1d and pocess sens1f1ve dafa and shou1d pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on
and be 1nfeacfed W1fh by on1y fhe 1ghf 1nd1v1dua1s.
c. lncoecf. App11caf1ons, usf 11ke dafa, have fo be c1ass1f1ed. App11caf1ons
ho1d and pocess sens1f1ve dafa and shou1d pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on
and be 1nfeacfed W1fh by on1y fhe 1ghf 1nd1v1dua1s.
d. lncoecf. App11caf1ons, usf 11ke dafa, have fo be c1ass1f1ed. App11caf1ons
ho1d and pocess sens1f1ve dafa and shou1d pov1de fhe necessay 1eve1 of pofecf1on
and be 1nfeacfed W1fh by on1y fhe 1ghf 1nd1v1dua1s.
a. lncoecf. 1he peson Who pefoms such backup needs fo have fhe necessay
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
c1eaance 1eve1 fo access fhe dafa.
b. lncoecf. 1he peson Who pefoms such backup needs fo have fhe necessay
c1eaance 1eve1 fo access fhe dafa.
c. Coecf. 1he peson Who pefoms such backup needs fo have fhe necessay
c1eaance 1eve1 fo access fhe dafa.
d. lncoecf. 1he peson Who pefoms such backup needs fo have fhe necessay
c1eaance 1eve1 fo access fhe dafa.
a. lncoecf. An 1nfomaf1on oWne o dafa oWne 1s usua11y a membe of managemenf
and a peson Who has been enfusfed fo pofecf fhe 1nfomaf1on fo a spec1f1c
bus1ness un1f.
b. Coecf. An 1nfomaf1on oWne o dafa oWne 1s usua11y a membe of managemenf
and a peson Who has been enfusfed fo pofecf fhe 1nfomaf1on fo a spec1f1c
bus1ness un1f.
c. lncoecf. An 1nfomaf1on oWne o dafa oWne 1s usua11y a membe of managemenf
and a peson Who has been enfusfed fo pofecf fhe 1nfomaf1on fo a spec1f1c
bus1ness un1f.
d. lncoecf. An 1nfomaf1on oWne o dafa oWne 1s usua11y a membe of managemenf
and a peson Who has been enfusfed fo pofecf fhe 1nfomaf1on fo a spec1f1c
bus1ness un1f.
a. lncoecf. Lnsu1ng fhaf pope access 1ghfs ae be1ng used and conf1gu1ng
fhem pope1y Wou1d NO1 be one of fhe espons1b111f1es of fhe dafa oWne. 1he dafa
cusfod1an Wou1d 1mp1emenf fhe confo1s.
b. Coecf. Lnsu1ng fhaf pope access 1ghfs ae be1ng used and conf1gu1ng fhem
pope1y Wou1d NO1 be one of fhe espons1b111f1es of fhe dafa oWne. 1he dafa
cusfod1an Wou1d 1mp1emenf fhe confo1s.
c. lncoecf. Lnsu1ng fhaf pope access 1ghfs ae be1ng used and conf1gu1ng
fhem pope1y Wou1d NO1 be one of fhe espons1b111f1es of fhe dafa oWne. 1he dafa
cusfod1an Wou1d 1mp1emenf fhe confo1s.
d. lncoecf. Lnsu1ng fhaf pope access 1ghfs ae be1ng used and conf1gu1ng
fhem pope1y Wou1d NO1 be one of fhe espons1b111f1es of fhe dafa oWne. 1he dafa
cusfod1an Wou1d 1mp1emenf fhe confo1s.
a. lncoecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s espons1b1e fo efa1n1ng ecods pefa1n1ng
fo c1ass1f1ed dafa and mafe1a1s.
b. lncoecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s espons1b1e fo efa1n1ng ecods pefa1n1ng
fo c1ass1f1ed dafa and mafe1a1s.
c. Coecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s espons1b1e fo efa1n1ng ecods pefa1n1ng fo
c1ass1f1ed dafa and mafe1a1s.
d. lncoecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an 1s espons1b1e fo efa1n1ng ecods pefa1n1ng
fo c1ass1f1ed dafa and mafe1a1s.
a. lncoecf. An emp1oyee manage W111 appove use accounfs and nof fhe
adm1n1sfafo h1mse1f.
b. lncoecf. An emp1oyee manage W111 appove use accounfs and nof fhe
adm1n1sfafo h1mse1f.
c. lncoecf. An emp1oyee manage W111 appove use accounfs and nof fhe
adm1n1sfafo h1mse1f.
d. Coecf. An emp1oyee manage W111 appove use accounfs and nof fhe
adm1n1sfafo h1mse1f.
a. lncoecf. As a secu1fy ana1ysf, 5facy W111 be he1p1ng fhe company af a
sfafeg1c 1eve1 by deve1op1ng po11c1es and fhe1 suppof1ng mechan1sms
b. lncoecf. As a secu1fy ana1ysf, 5facy W111 be he1p1ng fhe company af a
sfafeg1c 1eve1 by deve1op1ng po11c1es and fhe1 suppof1ng mechan1sms
c. Coecf. As a secu1fy ana1ysf, 5facy W111 be he1p1ng fhe company af a
sfafeg1c 1eve1 by deve1op1ng po11c1es and fhe1 suppof1ng mechan1sms
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P3.fxf
d. lncoecf. As a secu1fy ana1ysf, 5facy W111 be he1p1ng fhe company af a
sfafeg1c 1eve1 by deve1op1ng po11c1es and fhe1 suppof1ng mechan1sms
a. lncoecf. 51x 51gma 1s a pocess 1mpovemenf mefhodo1ogy. lf 1s fhe &quof,neW
and 1mpoved&quof, 1ofa1 qua11fy Managemenf {1qM} fhaf h1f fhe bus1ness secfo 1n
fhe 190s. lfs goa1 1s fo 1mpove pocess qua11fy by us1ng sfaf1sf1ca1 mefhods of
measu1ng opeaf1on eff1c1ency and educ1ng va1af1on, defecfs, and Wasfe. 51x 51gma
1s be1ng used 1n fhe assuance 1ndusfy 1n some 1nsfances fo measue fhe success
facfos of d1ffeenf confo1s and pocedues.
b. lncoecf. 51x 51gma 1s a pocess 1mpovemenf mefhodo1ogy. lf 1s fhe &quof,neW
and 1mpoved&quof, 1ofa1 qua11fy Managemenf {1qM} fhaf h1f fhe bus1ness secfo 1n
fhe 190s. lfs goa1 1s fo 1mpove pocess qua11fy by us1ng sfaf1sf1ca1 mefhods of
measu1ng opeaf1on eff1c1ency and educ1ng va1af1on, defecfs, and Wasfe. 51x 51gma
1s be1ng used 1n fhe assuance 1ndusfy 1n some 1nsfances fo measue fhe success
facfos of d1ffeenf confo1s and pocedues.
c. Coecf. 51x 51gma 1s a pocess 1mpovemenf mefhodo1ogy. lf 1s fhe &quof,neW and
1mpoved&quof, 1ofa1 qua11fy Managemenf {1qM} fhaf h1f fhe bus1ness secfo 1n fhe
190s. lfs goa1 1s fo 1mpove pocess qua11fy by us1ng sfaf1sf1ca1 mefhods of
measu1ng opeaf1on eff1c1ency and educ1ng va1af1on, defecfs, and Wasfe. 51x 51gma
1s be1ng used 1n fhe assuance 1ndusfy 1n some 1nsfances fo measue fhe success
facfos of d1ffeenf confo1s and pocedues.
d. lncoecf. 51x 51gma 1s a pocess 1mpovemenf mefhodo1ogy. lf 1s fhe &quof,neW
and 1mpoved&quof, 1ofa1 qua11fy Managemenf {1qM} fhaf h1f fhe bus1ness secfo 1n
fhe 190s. lfs goa1 1s fo 1mpove pocess qua11fy by us1ng sfaf1sf1ca1 mefhods of
measu1ng opeaf1on eff1c1ency and educ1ng va1af1on, defecfs, and Wasfe. 51x 51gma
1s be1ng used 1n fhe assuance 1ndusfy 1n some 1nsfances fo measue fhe success
facfos of d1ffeenf confo1s and pocedues.
a. lncoecf. A manage 1s nof a fechn1ca1 peson, as such he W111 nof be seff1ng
up access accounfs.
b. lncoecf. A manage 1s nof a fechn1ca1 peson, as such he W111 nof be seff1ng
up access accounfs.
c. lncoecf. A manage 1s nof a fechn1ca1 peson, as such he W111 nof be seff1ng
up access accounfs.
d. Coecf. A manage 1s nof a fechn1ca1 peson, as such he W111 nof be seff1ng up
access accounfs.
a. Coecf. A dafa ana1ysf o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by a dafabase adm1n1sfafo.
b. lncoecf. A dafa ana1ysf o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by a dafabase adm1n1sfafo.
c. lncoecf. A dafa ana1ysf o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by a dafabase adm1n1sfafo.
d. lncoecf. A dafa ana1ysf o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by a dafabase adm1n1sfafo.
a. Coecf. A bus1ness oWne 1s an 1nd1v1dua1 he1d accounfab1e and espons1b1e fo
fhe Wok1ngs and 1mpovemenf of one of a company`s def1ned pocesses and 1fs e1afed
b. lncoecf. A bus1ness oWne 1s an 1nd1v1dua1 he1d accounfab1e and espons1b1e
fo fhe Wok1ngs and 1mpovemenf of one of a company`s def1ned pocesses and 1fs
e1afed subpocesses.
c. lncoecf. A bus1ness oWne 1s an 1nd1v1dua1 he1d accounfab1e and espons1b1e
fo fhe Wok1ngs and 1mpovemenf of one of a company`s def1ned pocesses and 1fs
e1afed subpocesses.
d. lncoecf. A bus1ness oWne 1s an 1nd1v1dua1 he1d accounfab1e and espons1b1e
fo fhe Wok1ngs and 1mpovemenf of one of a company`s def1ned pocesses and 1fs
e1afed subpocesses.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
qu1z Name = 5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4
1. 1he e11es on 1nd1v1dua1 o sma11 goup 1nfev1eWs du1ng fhe f1sf
ound of 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng and e11es on face-fo-face 1nfeacf1on du1ng 1afe
ounds of dafa ogan1z1ng and epof1ng.
a. De1ph1 fechn1que
b. qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s
c. quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s
d. Mod1f1ed De1ph1 fechn1que
2. 1he o1e of a poducf 11ne manage does nof fake on Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
a. 1h1s o1e does nof Wok W1fh vendos pefa1n1ng fo poducfs.
b. 1h1s o1e W111 nof be 1nvo1ved W1fh soffWae 11cense 1ssues.
c. A poducf 11ne manage W111 he1p fhe company make dec1s1ons on fechno1ogy
d. 1h1s o1e de1egafes dafa oWne espons1b111f1es.
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes sp11f knoW1edge and dua1 confo1?
a. 1hey ae bofh fypes of ofaf1on of duf1es confo1s. 5p11f knoW1edge means fhaf
moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo comp1efe a fask. Dua1
confo1 means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n fhe fask.
b. 1hey ae bofh fypes of sepaaf1on of duf1es confo1s. 5p11f knoW1edge means fhaf
moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo comp1efe a fask. Dua1
confo1 means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n fhe fask.
c. 1hey ae bofh fypes of sepaaf1on of duf1es confo1. Dua1 confo1 means fhaf
moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo comp1efe a fask. 5p11f
knoW1edge means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n fhe fask.
d. 1hey ae bofh fypes of 1og1ca1 confo1s. 5p11f knoW1edge means fhaf moe fhan
one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo comp1efe a fask. Dua1 confo1 means
fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n fhe fask.
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng ceafed fhe lnfo5ec Assessmenf Mefhodo1ogy {lAM}?
a. lnfenef Acf1v1f1es 8oad {lA8}
b. N5A`s lnfomaf1on 5ysfems 5ecu1fy Ogan1zaf1on {l55O}
c. lnfenaf1ona1 5fandad1zaf1on Ogan1zaf1on {l5O}
d. Naf1ona1 lnsf1fufe of 5fandads and 1echno1ogy {Nl51}
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d aufho1ze access fo compufe1zed 1nfomaf1on?
a. Dafabase adm1n1sfafo
b. 5ecu1fy adm1n1sfafo
c. Dafa oWne
d. NefWok adm1n1sfafo
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does a use nof need fo be aWae of egad1ng fhe1
ogan1zaf1on`s 1nfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy?
a. 1he peop1e 1nvo1ved 1n esfab11sh1ng fhe secu1fy po11cy
b. 1he def1n1f1on of fhe ogan1zaf1on`s secu1fy po11cy
c. 1he acf1ons fhaf need fo be pefomed 1n case of a d1sasfe
d. Who mon1fos comp11ance fo fhe ogan1zaf1on`s secu1fy po11cy
7. 1he ma1n pupose of a secu1fy po11cy 1s fo:
a. 1ansfe fhe espons1b111fy fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy fo fhe uses
b. Pov1de managemenf W1fh d1ecf1on and suppof fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy
c. Pov1de defa11ed sfeps fo pefom1ng spec1f1c acf1ons
d. Pov1de a common fameWok fo deve1opmenf acf1v1f1es
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
. A dafabase adm1n1sfafo`s espons1b111f1es do nof 1nc1ude:
a. Ma1nfa1n1ng dafabases
b. lmp1emenf1ng access u1es fo dafabases
c. keogan1z1ng dafabases
d. Pov1d1ng access aufho1zaf1on fo dafabases
9. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof used fo ensue 1nfeg1fy?
a. I1eWa11 sev1ces
b. Commun1caf1ons secu1fy managemenf
c. lnfus1on defecf1on sev1ces
d. Comp11ance mon1fo1ng sev1ces
10. kes1dua1 1sk 1s fhe:
a. 5ecu1fy 1sk ema1n1ng affe 1mp1emenf1ng confo1s
b. Weakness fhaf can be exp1o1fed by a fheaf
c. k1sk fhaf ema1ns affe 1sk ana1ys1s
d. kesu1f of an unWanfed 1nc1denf
11. 1he Weakesf 11nk 1n a secu1fy sysfem comes fom:
a. Peop1e
b. Commun1caf1ons
c. hadWae
d. 5offWae
12. 5en1o managemenf musf ece1ve epofs on fhe effecf1veness of secu1fy
confo1s. Who 1s espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng fhese epofs?
a. lnfomaf1on sysfems secu1fy pofess1ona1s
b. Dafa oWnes
c. Dafa cusfod1ans
d. lnfomaf1on sysfems aud1fos
13. hoW Wou1d ansWes fo fesfs and hea1fh cae 1nfomaf1on be c1ass1f1ed, accod1ng
fo govenmenfa1 dafa c1ass1f1caf1on 1eve1s?
a. unc1ass1f1ed
b. 5ens1f1ve
c. Conf1denf1a1
d. P1vafe
14. When secu1fy v1o1af1ons occu, Who 1s espons1b1e fo 1n1f1af1ng coecf1ve
a. lnfomaf1on sysfems aud1fo
b. 5ecu1fy adm1n1sfafo
c. Dafa oWne
d. Managemenf
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof paf of fhe def1n1f1on of 1sk?
a. An 1mpacf on assefs based on fheafs and vu1neab111f1es
b. Confo1s addess1ng fhe fheafs
c. 1heafs fo and vu1neab111f1es of pocesses and/o assefs
d. Pobab111f1es of fhe fheafs
16. Who shou1d be g1ven espons1b111fy fo fhe ma1nfenance and pofecf1on of an
ogan1zaf1on`s dafa?
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
a. Dafa oWne
b. Dafa cusfod1an
c. use
d. 5ecu1fy adm1n1sfafo
17. Whaf 1s fhe besf eason fo use an aufomafed 1sk ana1ys1s foo1?
a. Dafa gafheed du1ng fhe ev1eW cannof be eused fo subsequenf ana1ys1s.
b. Aufomafed mefhods equ1e m1n1ma1 fa1n1ng and knoW1edge of 1sk ana1ys1s.
c. Mosf soffWae foo1s have easy use 1nfefaces.
d. M1n1ma1 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng 1s equ1ed due fo fhe amounf of 1nfomaf1on bu11f
1nfo fhe foo1.
1. knoW1ng fhaf fhe dafa message you ece1ved 1s fhe dafa message fhaf Was senf 1s
an examp1e of:
a. lnfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy
c. Ava11ab111fy
d. ldenf1fy
19. An acf1v1fy fhaf has fhe pofenf1a1 fo cause ham fo 1nfomaf1on sysfems o
nefWoks 1s ca11ed a:
a. vu1neab111fy
b. 1heaf agenf
c. Weakness
d. 1heaf
20. ln fems of 1nfomaf1on secu1fy, Whaf 1s fhe oppos1fe of conf1denf1a11fy?
a. C1osue
b. D1sc1osue
c. D1sposa1
d. D1sasfe
21. 1he 1s fhe de facfo sfandad of besf pacf1ces fo l1 sev1ce
managemenf. l1lL Was ceafed because of fhe 1nceased dependence on 1nfomaf1on
fechno1ogy fo meef bus1ness needs.
a. lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay {l1lL}
b. Cob11
c. CO5O
d. Nl51 5P 53
22. 5amanfha Wanfs one of he depafmenf manages fo ovesee fhe deve1opmenf of a
company 1nfomaf1on secu1fy po11cy. Wh1ch depafmenf Wou1d be besf su1fed fo fh1s
a. lnfomaf1on sysfems
b. human esouces
c. 8us1ness opeaf1ons
d. 5ysfem adm1n1sfaf1on
23. Who shou1d make dec1s1ons abouf hoW a company shou1d appoach secu1fy and Whaf
secu1fy measues shou1d be 1mp1emenfed?
a. 5en1o managemenf
b. Dafa oWne
c. Aud1fo
d. lnfomaf1on secu1fy spec1a11sf
Page 3
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
24. Of fhe fo11oW1ng, Wh1ch 1s nof a fechn1ca1 confo1?
a. PassWod and esouce managemenf
b. ldenf1f1caf1on and aufhenf1caf1on
c. Mon1fo1ng fo phys1ca1 1nfus1on
d. NefWok conf1guaf1on
25. Add-on secu1fy can be def1ned as:
a. Phys1ca1 secu1fy fhaf comp1emenfs 1og1ca1 secu1fy measues
b. Pofecf1on mechan1sms 1mp1emenfed as an 1nfega1 paf of an 1nfomaf1on sysfem
c. Laye secu1fy 1ncopoafed 1nfo an ex1sf1ng sysfem
d. Pofecf1on mechan1sms 1mp1emenfed affe an 1nfomaf1on sysfem has become
26. Whaf Wou1d you ca11 an absence o Weakness 1n a sysfem fhaf cou1d poss1b1y be
a. 1heaf
b. Lxposue
c. vu1neab111fy
d. k1sk
27. Whaf does fhe 1effe A sfand fo 1n fhe ClA f1ad?
a. Aud1fab111fy
b. Accounfab111fy
c. Aufhenf1caf1on
d. Ava11ab111fy
2. 1he fhee fundamenfa1 p1nc1p1es of secu1fy ae:
a. Accounfab111fy, conf1denf1a11fy, and 1nfeg1fy
b. Conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy
c. lnfeg1fy, ava11ab111fy, and accounfab111fy
d. Ava11ab111fy, accounfab111fy, and conf1denf1a11fy
29. Pevenf1on of fhe 1nfenf1ona1 o un1nfenf1ona1 unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of
confenfs 1s e1afed fo Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng?
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. lnfeg1fy
c. Ava11ab111fy
d. Capab111fy
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s equ1ed 1f dev1af1on occus fom an ogan1zaf1on-W1de
secu1fy po11cy?
a. k1sk accepfance
b. k1sk ass1gnmenf
c. k1sk educf1on
d. k1sk confa1nmenf
31. Acme W1dgefs Company has an assef va1ued af $1,000,000. Whaf 1s fhe h1ghesf
amounf fhey shou1d spend annua11y on counfemeasues aga1nsf a fheaf fhaf has an
annua11zed afe of occuence {AkO} of 5 pecenf and an exposue facfo {LI} of 30
a. $300,000
b. $150,000
c. $15,000
d. $1,500
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
32. 1he measue of fhe magn1fude of 1oss o 1mpacf on fhe va1ue of an assef 1s fhe:
a. Pobab111fy
b. Lxposue facfo
c. vu1neab111fy
d. 1heaf
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fa1se?
a. quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s can be aufomafed.
b. quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1nvo1ves comp1ex ca1cu1af1ons.
c. quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s equ1es a h1gh vo1ume of 1nfomaf1on.
d. quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1nvo1ves a 1of of guessWok.
34. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf def1nes 1sk W1fh1n fhe confexf of l1 secu1fy?
a. 1heaf coup1ed W1fh a beach of access
b. 1heaf coup1ed W1fh a vu1neab111fy
c. vu1neab111fy coup1ed W1fh an affack
d. 1heaf coup1ed W1fh a beach of secu1fy
35. 1he ca1cu1af1on fo ALL 1s:
a. 51ng1e 1oss expecfancy x annua11zed afe of occuence
b. Goss 1oss expecfancy x 1oss fequency
c. Acfua1 ep1acemenf cosf - poceeds of sa1vage
d. Assef va1ue x 1oss expecfancy
36. When ensu1ng ava11ab111fy, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s 1ess 11ke1y fo conf1bufe?
a. 8ackups and edundanf d1sk sysfems
b. kegu1a sysfem and secu1fy aud1fs
c. ke11ab1e secu1fy pocesses and nefWok secu1fy
d. Accepfab1e 1og-1ns and opeaf1ng pocess pefomances
37. One d1ffeence befWeen quanf1faf1ve and qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1s fhaf:
a. qua11faf1ve uses sfong mafhemaf1ca1 fomu1as.
b. Iu11y qua11faf1ve ana1ys1s 1s nof poss1b1e.
c. quanf1faf1ve pov1des foma1 cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s.
d. 1hee 1s no d1ffeence befWeen qua11faf1ve and quanf1faf1ve ana1ys1s.
3. A11 1sks musf be:
a. lnsued aga1nsf
b. L11m1nafed
c. ldenf1f1ed
d. P1anned fo
39. Why ae confo1s 1mp1emenfed?
a. 1o e11m1nafe 1sk and educe fhe pofenf1a1 fo 1oss
b. 1o m1f1gafe 1sk and e11m1nafe fhe pofenf1a1 fo 1oss
c. 1o m1f1gafe 1sk and educe fhe pofenf1a1 fo 1oss
d. 1o e11m1nafe 1sk and e11m1nafe fhe pofenf1a1 fo 1oss
40. Whaf 1s l5O 17799?
a. A sfandad fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy managemenf
b. A sfandad fo 1mp1emenfaf1on and cef1f1caf1on of bas1c secu1fy measues
c. A sfandad fo eva1uaf1on c1fe1a fo fhe va11daf1on of cypfogaph1c
d. A sfandad fo cef1f1caf1on of pub11c key 1nfasfucfues
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf chaacfe1sf1c of fhe assoc1afed mode1?
l. CO5O Was ceafed by fhe Comm1ffee of 5ponso1ng Ogan1zaf1ons of fhe 1eadWay
ll. CO5O 1s a mode1 fo copoafe govenance and Cob11 1s a mode1 fo l1 govenance
lll. CO5O dea1s moe af fhe sfafeg1c 1eve1 Wh11e Cob11 focuses moe af fhe
opeaf1ona1 1eve1
lv. CO5O dea1s moe af fhe facf1ca1 1eve1 Wh11e Cob11 focuses moe af fhe
opeaf1ona1 1eve1
v. Cob11 1s a sef of besf pacf1ces {fameWok} fo 1nfomaf1on soffWae deve1opmenf
a. 11, 111
b. 1v, v
c. 1, 11, 111
d. 11, 111, 1v
42. Lnsu1ng fhaf dafa 1s access1b1e When and Whee 1f 1s needed 1s:
a. Dependab111fy
b. lnfeg1fy
c. Accepfab111fy
d. Ava11ab111fy
43. 1he secu1fy of compufe-based 1nfomaf1on sysfems 1s a 1ssue.
a. 1echn1ca1
b. Opeaf1ona1
c. Managemenf
d. 1a1n1ng
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces 1s nof a common goa1 of 1nfeg1fy?
a. Pevenf1ng unaufho1zed uses fom mak1ng mod1f1caf1ons
b. Ma1nfa1n1ng 1nfena1 and exfena1 cons1sfency
c. Pevenf1ng aufho1zed uses fom mak1ng 1mpope mod1f1caf1ons
d. Pevenf1ng pafhs fhaf cou1d 1ead fo 1nappop1afe d1sc1osue
45. k1sk managemenf 1s besf def1ned as fhe pocess of:
a. L11m1naf1ng fhe 1sk
b. Assess1ng fhe 1sk
c. keduc1ng 1sk fo accepfab1e 1eve1s
d. 1ansfe1ng 1sk fo a fh1d pafy
46. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fa1se?
a. 1he ma1n pupose of a secu1fy po11cy 1s fo 1nfom uses, adm1n1sfafos, and
manages of fhe1 espons1b111f1es fo pofecf1ng fechno1ogy and 1nfomaf1on assefs.
b. A secu1fy po11cy spec1f1es hoW hadWae and soffWae shou1d be used fhoughouf
fhe ogan1zaf1on.
c. A secu1fy po11cy musf have fhe suppof of a11 emp1oyees W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on
fo be appop1afe and effecf1ve.
d. A secu1fy po11cy musf be f1ex1b1e fo fhe chang1ng env1onmenf.
47. Wh1ch dafa c1ass1f1caf1on app11es fo commec1a1 fade secefs?
a. 5ens1f1ve
b. Conf1denf1a1
c. P1vafe
d. 1op secef
4. When defem1n1ng fhe c1ass1f1caf1on of an 1nfomaf1on obecf, Whaf shou1d you
Page 6
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
cons1de f1sf?
a. va1ue
b. Age
c. Pesona1 cho1ce
d. usefu1ness
49. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch pov1des a m1n1mum accepfab1e 1eve1 of secu1fy?
a. A base11ne
b. A sfandad
c. A pocedue
d. A gu1de11ne
50. hoW Wou1d you c1ass1fy 1sk m1f1gaf1on and 1sk educf1on confo1s?
a. Pevenf1ve, coecf1ve, and adm1n1sfaf1ve
b. Defecf1ve and coecf1ve
c. Pevenf1ve, coecf1ve, o defecf1ve
d. Adm1n1sfaf1ve, opeaf1ona1, o 1og1ca1
51. lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay 1s pub11shed 1n a se1es of books,
each of Wh1ch coves an l1 managemenf fop1c. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a
componenf of 1fs 5ev1ce 5uppof secf1on?
1. 5ev1ce Desk / 5ev1ce kequesf Managemenf
11. lnc1denf Managemenf
111. Pob1em Managemenf
1v. Change Managemenf
v. ke1ease Managemenf
v1. Conf1guaf1on Managemenf
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 11, 1v
d. 111, v1
52. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fems cou1d be def1ned as h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs, be11efs,
goa1s, and obecf1ves?
a. 5fandads
b. Po11c1es
c. Gu1de11nes
d. Pocedues
53. Lnsu1ng fhaf fhe peop1e espons1b1e fo pofecf1ng fhe companys assefs ae
acfua11y d1v1ng fhe pogam 1s an examp1e of:
a. 1he De1ph1 appoach
b. 1he fop-doWn appoach
c. 1he boffom-up appoach
d. 1he fechno1ogy-d1ven appoach
54. ln fems of 1nfomaf1on secu1fy, Whaf 1s fhe oppos1fe of ava11ab111fy?
a. De1egaf1on
b. D1sf1buf1on
c. Documenfaf1on
d. Desfucf1on
55. Whaf Wou1d be fhe oppos1fe of fhe ClA e1emenfs of 1sk managemenf?
a. M1suse, exposue, desfucf1on
b. Aufho1zaf1on, non-epud1af1on, 1nfeg1fy
c. D1sc1osue, a1feaf1on, desfucf1on
Page 7
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
d. Conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, ava11ab111fy
56. Why 1s 1f 1mpofanf fhaf a secu1fy po11cy addess fhe confo1 of commun1caf1ons
fesf equ1pmenf?
a. 1esf equ1pmenf 1s eas11y damaged.
b. 1esf equ1pmenf can be used fo boWse 1nfomaf1on on a nefWok.
c. 1esf equ1pmenf 1s d1ff1cu1f fo ep1ace 1f sfo1en.
d. 1esf equ1pmenf musf a1Ways be ava11ab1e fo ma1nfenance pesonne1.
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 fechn1que e11es on 1nd1v1dua1 o sma11 goup
1nfev1eWs du1ng fhe f1sf ound of 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng and e11es on much moe
face-fo-face 1nfeacf1on du1ng 1afe ounds of dafa ogan1z1ng and epof1ng fhan
does fhe fad1f1ona1 De1ph1 fechn1que. lf 1s suggesfed fhaf fh1s pocess 1s bofh
eff1c1enf and effecf1ve as a mefhod fo obfa1n1ng 1nsf1fuf1ona1 consensus on
eseach needs and p1o1f1es.
b. lncoecf. 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 fechn1que e11es on 1nd1v1dua1 o sma11 goup
1nfev1eWs du1ng fhe f1sf ound of 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng and e11es on much moe
face-fo-face 1nfeacf1on du1ng 1afe ounds of dafa ogan1z1ng and epof1ng fhan
does fhe fad1f1ona1 De1ph1 fechn1que. lf 1s suggesfed fhaf fh1s pocess 1s bofh
eff1c1enf and effecf1ve as a mefhod fo obfa1n1ng 1nsf1fuf1ona1 consensus on
eseach needs and p1o1f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 fechn1que e11es on 1nd1v1dua1 o sma11 goup
1nfev1eWs du1ng fhe f1sf ound of 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng and e11es on much moe
face-fo-face 1nfeacf1on du1ng 1afe ounds of dafa ogan1z1ng and epof1ng fhan
does fhe fad1f1ona1 De1ph1 fechn1que. lf 1s suggesfed fhaf fh1s pocess 1s bofh
eff1c1enf and effecf1ve as a mefhod fo obfa1n1ng 1nsf1fuf1ona1 consensus on
eseach needs and p1o1f1es.
d. Coecf. 1he mod1f1ed De1ph1 fechn1que e11es on 1nd1v1dua1 o sma11 goup
1nfev1eWs du1ng fhe f1sf ound of 1nfomaf1on gafhe1ng and e11es on much moe
face-fo-face 1nfeacf1on du1ng 1afe ounds of dafa ogan1z1ng and epof1ng fhan
does fhe fad1f1ona1 De1ph1 fechn1que. lf 1s suggesfed fhaf fh1s pocess 1s bofh
eff1c1enf and effecf1ve as a mefhod fo obfa1n1ng 1nsf1fuf1ona1 consensus on
eseach needs and p1o1f1es.
a. Coecf. 1h1s o1e does nof Wok W1fh vendos pefa1n1ng fo poducfs.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s o1e does nof Wok W1fh vendos pefa1n1ng fo poducfs.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s o1e does nof Wok W1fh vendos pefa1n1ng fo poducfs.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s o1e does nof Wok W1fh vendos pefa1n1ng fo poducfs.
a. lncoecf. 1hey ae bofh fypes of sepaaf1on of duf1es confo1s. 5p11f
knoW1edge means fhaf moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo
comp1efe a fask. Dua1 confo1 means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n
fhe fask.
b. Coecf. 1hey ae bofh fypes of sepaaf1on of duf1es confo1s. 5p11f knoW1edge
means fhaf moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo comp1efe a fask.
Dua1 confo1 means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n fhe fask.
c. lncoecf. 1hey ae bofh fypes of sepaaf1on of duf1es confo1s. 5p11f
knoW1edge means fhaf moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo
comp1efe a fask. Dua1 confo1 means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n
fhe fask.
d. lncoecf. 1hey ae bofh fypes of sepaaf1on of duf1es confo1s. 5p11f
knoW1edge means fhaf moe fhan one peson knoWs fhe 1nfomaf1on necessay fo
comp1efe a fask. Dua1 confo1 means fhaf moe fhan one peson musf paf1c1pafe 1n
fhe fask.
5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he Naf1ona1 5ecu1fy Agency`s lnfomaf1on 5ysfems 5ecu1fy
Ogan1zaf1on {l55O} 1nsf1fufed a pogam fo 1mpove secu1fy pofecf1on fo
Ame1ca`s compuf1ng 1nfasfucfue. 1o he1p ach1eve fh1s goa1, fhe l55O des1gned fhe
lnfo5ec Assessmenf Mefhodo1ogy {lAM}, a h1gh-1eve1 {1eve1 l} sfandad1zed base11ne
ana1ys1s of fhe lnfo5ec posfue of an aufomafed pocess.
b. Coecf. 1he Naf1ona1 5ecu1fy Agency`s lnfomaf1on 5ysfems 5ecu1fy
Ogan1zaf1on {l55O} 1nsf1fufed a pogam fo 1mpove secu1fy pofecf1on fo
Ame1ca`s compuf1ng 1nfasfucfue. 1o he1p ach1eve fh1s goa1, fhe l55O des1gned fhe
lnfo5ec Assessmenf Mefhodo1ogy {lAM}, a h1gh-1eve1 {1eve1 l} sfandad1zed base11ne
ana1ys1s of fhe lnfo5ec posfue of an aufomafed pocess.
c. lncoecf. 1he Naf1ona1 5ecu1fy Agency`s lnfomaf1on 5ysfems 5ecu1fy
Ogan1zaf1on {l55O} 1nsf1fufed a pogam fo 1mpove secu1fy pofecf1on fo
Ame1ca`s compuf1ng 1nfasfucfue. 1o he1p ach1eve fh1s goa1, fhe l55O des1gned fhe
lnfo5ec Assessmenf Mefhodo1ogy {lAM}, a h1gh-1eve1 {1eve1 l} sfandad1zed base11ne
ana1ys1s of fhe lnfo5ec posfue of an aufomafed pocess.
d. lncoecf. 1he Naf1ona1 5ecu1fy Agency`s lnfomaf1on 5ysfems 5ecu1fy
Ogan1zaf1on {l55O} 1nsf1fufed a pogam fo 1mpove secu1fy pofecf1on fo
Ame1ca`s compuf1ng 1nfasfucfue. 1o he1p ach1eve fh1s goa1, fhe l55O des1gned fhe
lnfo5ec Assessmenf Mefhodo1ogy {lAM}, a h1gh-1eve1 {1eve1 l} sfandad1zed base11ne
ana1ys1s of fhe lnfo5ec posfue of an aufomafed pocess.
a. lncoecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s espons1b1e fo accuafe use of fhe 1nfomaf1on and
shou1d noma11y pov1de W1ffen aufho1zaf1on fo use access.
b. lncoecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s espons1b1e fo accuafe use of fhe 1nfomaf1on and
shou1d noma11y pov1de W1ffen aufho1zaf1on fo use access.
c. Coecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s espons1b1e fo accuafe use of fhe 1nfomaf1on and
shou1d noma11y pov1de W1ffen aufho1zaf1on fo use access.
d. lncoecf. 1he dafa oWne 1s espons1b1e fo accuafe use of fhe 1nfomaf1on and
shou1d noma11y pov1de W1ffen aufho1zaf1on fo use access.
a. lncoecf. On1y pesonne1 d1ecf1y 1nvo1ved 1n fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an shou1d
have a copy of fhe p1an, Wheeas a11 emp1oyees shou1d be aWae of fhe confenfs of
fhe ogan1zaf1on`s genea1 secu1fy po11cy.
b. lncoecf. On1y pesonne1 d1ecf1y 1nvo1ved 1n fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an shou1d
have a copy of fhe p1an, Wheeas a11 emp1oyees shou1d be aWae of fhe confenfs of
fhe ogan1zaf1on`s genea1 secu1fy po11cy.
c. Coecf. On1y pesonne1 d1ecf1y 1nvo1ved 1n fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an shou1d
have a copy of fhe p1an, Wheeas a11 emp1oyees shou1d be aWae of fhe confenfs of
fhe ogan1zaf1on`s genea1 secu1fy po11cy.
d. lncoecf. On1y pesonne1 d1ecf1y 1nvo1ved 1n fhe d1sasfe ecovey p1an shou1d
have a copy of fhe p1an, Wheeas a11 emp1oyees shou1d be aWae of fhe confenfs of
fhe ogan1zaf1on`s genea1 secu1fy po11cy.
a. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy`s ma1n pupose 1s fo pov1de defa11ed sfeps fo
pefom1ng spec1f1c secu1fy acf1ons.
b. Coecf. A secu1fy po11cy`s ma1n pupose 1s fo pov1de defa11ed sfeps fo
pefom1ng spec1f1c secu1fy acf1ons.
c. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy`s ma1n pupose 1s fo pov1de defa11ed sfeps fo
pefom1ng spec1f1c secu1fy acf1ons.
d. lncoecf. A secu1fy po11cy`s ma1n pupose 1s fo pov1de defa11ed sfeps fo
pefom1ng spec1f1c secu1fy acf1ons.

a. lncoecf. 1he dafabase adm1n1sfafo {D8A} hand1es fechn1ca1 maffes, nof

access aufho1zaf1on fo dafa, Wh1ch 1s hand1ed by fhe dafa oWne.
b. lncoecf. 1he dafabase adm1n1sfafo {D8A} hand1es fechn1ca1 maffes, nof
access aufho1zaf1on fo dafa, Wh1ch 1s hand1ed by fhe dafa oWne.
c. lncoecf. 1he dafabase adm1n1sfafo {D8A} hand1es fechn1ca1 maffes, nof
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
access aufho1zaf1on fo dafa, Wh1ch 1s hand1ed by fhe dafa oWne.
d. Coecf. 1he dafabase adm1n1sfafo {D8A} hand1es fechn1ca1 maffes, nof access
aufho1zaf1on fo dafa, Wh1ch 1s hand1ed by fhe dafa oWne.
a. lncoecf. Comp11ance mon1fo1ng sev1ces ae nof paf of fhe pocess used fo
ensue 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. Comp11ance mon1fo1ng sev1ces ae nof paf of fhe pocess used fo
ensue 1nfeg1fy.
c. lncoecf. Comp11ance mon1fo1ng sev1ces ae nof paf of fhe pocess used fo
ensue 1nfeg1fy.
d. Coecf. Comp11ance mon1fo1ng sev1ces ae nof paf of fhe pocess used fo
ensue 1nfeg1fy.
a. Coecf. kes1dua1 1sk 1s fhe secu1fy 1sk fhaf ema1ns affe confo1s have
been 1mp1emenfed.
b. lncoecf. kes1dua1 1sk 1s fhe secu1fy 1sk fhaf ema1ns affe confo1s have
been 1mp1emenfed.
c. lncoecf. kes1dua1 1sk 1s fhe secu1fy 1sk fhaf ema1ns affe confo1s have
been 1mp1emenfed.
d. lncoecf. kes1dua1 1sk 1s fhe secu1fy 1sk fhaf ema1ns affe confo1s have
been 1mp1emenfed.
a. Coecf. Mosf secu1fy 1nfus1ons ae caused by emp1oyees, and a11 uses musf be
pope1y fa1ned 1n secu1fy pacf1ces.
b. lncoecf. Mosf secu1fy 1nfus1ons ae caused by emp1oyees, and a11 uses musf
be pope1y fa1ned 1n secu1fy pacf1ces.
c. lncoecf. Mosf secu1fy 1nfus1ons ae caused by emp1oyees, and a11 uses musf
be pope1y fa1ned 1n secu1fy pacf1ces.
d. lncoecf. Mosf secu1fy 1nfus1ons ae caused by emp1oyees, and a11 uses musf
be pope1y fa1ned 1n secu1fy pacf1ces.
a. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on sysfems aud1fos shou1d conducf egu1a 1ndependenf
aud1fs and pov1de epofs fo fhe sen1o managemenf on fhe effecf1veness of fhe
secu1fy confo1s.
b. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on sysfems aud1fos shou1d conducf egu1a 1ndependenf
aud1fs and pov1de epofs fo fhe sen1o managemenf on fhe effecf1veness of fhe
secu1fy confo1s.
c. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on sysfems aud1fos shou1d conducf egu1a 1ndependenf
aud1fs and pov1de epofs fo fhe sen1o managemenf on fhe effecf1veness of fhe
secu1fy confo1s.
d. Coecf. lnfomaf1on sysfems aud1fos shou1d conducf egu1a 1ndependenf aud1fs
and pov1de epofs fo fhe sen1o managemenf on fhe effecf1veness of fhe secu1fy
a. lncoecf. 1esf ansWes and hea1fh cae 1nfomaf1on ae examp1es of 1nfomaf1on
fhaf cou1d be des1gnafed as a m1no secef, buf Wou1d nof cause se1ous damage 1f
d1sc1osed. 1hey cou1d be cons1deed 5ens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed {58u}.
b. Coecf. 1esf ansWes and hea1fh cae 1nfomaf1on ae examp1es of 1nfomaf1on
fhaf cou1d be des1gnafed as a m1no secef, buf Wou1d nof cause se1ous damage 1f
d1sc1osed. 1hey cou1d be cons1deed 5ens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed {58u}.
c. lncoecf. 1esf ansWes and hea1fh cae 1nfomaf1on ae examp1es of 1nfomaf1on
fhaf cou1d be des1gnafed as a m1no secef, buf Wou1d nof cause se1ous damage 1f
d1sc1osed. 1hey cou1d be cons1deed 5ens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed {58u}.
d. lncoecf. 1esf ansWes and hea1fh cae 1nfomaf1on ae examp1es of 1nfomaf1on
fhaf cou1d be des1gnafed as a m1no secef, buf Wou1d nof cause se1ous damage 1f
d1sc1osed. 1hey cou1d be cons1deed 5ens1f1ve buf unc1ass1f1ed {58u}.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. Managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo pofecf1ng a11 assefs d1ecf1y o
1nd1ecf1y unde fhe1 confo1. 1h1s 1nc1udes 1n1f1af1ng coecf1ve acf1ons When
fhee ae secu1fy v1o1af1ons.
b. lncoecf. Managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo pofecf1ng a11 assefs d1ecf1y o
1nd1ecf1y unde fhe1 confo1. 1h1s 1nc1udes 1n1f1af1ng coecf1ve acf1ons When
fhee ae secu1fy v1o1af1ons.
c. lncoecf. Managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo pofecf1ng a11 assefs d1ecf1y o
1nd1ecf1y unde fhe1 confo1. 1h1s 1nc1udes 1n1f1af1ng coecf1ve acf1ons When
fhee ae secu1fy v1o1af1ons.
d. Coecf. Managemenf 1s espons1b1e fo pofecf1ng a11 assefs d1ecf1y o
1nd1ecf1y unde fhe1 confo1. 1h1s 1nc1udes 1n1f1af1ng coecf1ve acf1ons When
fhee ae secu1fy v1o1af1ons.
a. lncoecf. 1heafs, 1mpacf, and pobab111f1es ae a11 e1emenfs of 1sk. Confo1s
ae deve1oped fo addess fhe 1sk and ae nof an e1emenf of 1sk 1n fhem.
b. Coecf. 1heafs, 1mpacf, and pobab111f1es ae a11 e1emenfs of 1sk. Confo1s
ae deve1oped fo addess fhe 1sk and ae nof an e1emenf of 1sk 1n fhem.
c. lncoecf. 1heafs, 1mpacf, and pobab111f1es ae a11 e1emenfs of 1sk. Confo1s
ae deve1oped fo addess fhe 1sk and ae nof an e1emenf of 1sk 1n fhem.
d. lncoecf. 1heafs, 1mpacf, and pobab111f1es ae a11 e1emenfs of 1sk. Confo1s
ae deve1oped fo addess fhe 1sk and ae nof an e1emenf of 1sk 1n fhem.
a. lncoecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an has fhe espons1b111fy fo ma1nfa1n1ng and
pofecf1ng dafa. 1h1s o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo.
b. Coecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an has fhe espons1b111fy fo ma1nfa1n1ng and
pofecf1ng dafa. 1h1s o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo.
c. lncoecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an has fhe espons1b111fy fo ma1nfa1n1ng and
pofecf1ng dafa. 1h1s o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo.
d. lncoecf. 1he dafa cusfod1an has fhe espons1b111fy fo ma1nfa1n1ng and
pofecf1ng dafa. 1h1s o1e 1s usua11y f111ed by fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo.
a. lncoecf. 1he besf aufomafed foo1s 1nc1ude We11-eseached fheaf 1nfomaf1on
and sfaf1sf1cs. us1ng one of fhese foo1s he1ps fo ensue fhaf no e1evanf fheaf 1s
b. lncoecf. 1he besf aufomafed foo1s 1nc1ude We11-eseached fheaf 1nfomaf1on
and sfaf1sf1cs. us1ng one of fhese foo1s he1ps fo ensue fhaf no e1evanf fheaf 1s
c. lncoecf. 1he besf aufomafed foo1s 1nc1ude We11-eseached fheaf 1nfomaf1on
and sfaf1sf1cs. us1ng one of fhese foo1s he1ps fo ensue fhaf no e1evanf fheaf 1s
d. Coecf. 1he besf aufomafed foo1s 1nc1ude We11-eseached fheaf 1nfomaf1on and
sfaf1sf1cs. us1ng one of fhese foo1s he1ps fo ensue fhaf no e1evanf fheaf 1s
a. Coecf. lnfeg1fy 1s fhe guaanfee fhaf fhe message senf 1s fhe message
ece1ved, and fhaf fhe message Was nof 1nfenf1ona11y o un1nfenf1ona11y a1feed.
b. lncoecf. lnfeg1fy 1s fhe guaanfee fhaf fhe message senf 1s fhe message
ece1ved, and fhaf fhe message Was nof 1nfenf1ona11y o un1nfenf1ona11y a1feed.
c. lncoecf. lnfeg1fy 1s fhe guaanfee fhaf fhe message senf 1s fhe message
ece1ved, and fhaf fhe message Was nof 1nfenf1ona11y o un1nfenf1ona11y a1feed.
d. lncoecf. lnfeg1fy 1s fhe guaanfee fhaf fhe message senf 1s fhe message
ece1ved, and fhaf fhe message Was nof 1nfenf1ona11y o un1nfenf1ona11y a1feed.
a. lncoecf. A fheaf 1s an evenf o acf1v1fy W1fh pofenf1a1 fo cause ham fo
1nfomaf1on sysfems o nefWoks.
b. lncoecf. A fheaf 1s an evenf o acf1v1fy W1fh pofenf1a1 fo cause ham fo
1nfomaf1on sysfems o nefWoks.
c. lncoecf. A fheaf 1s an evenf o acf1v1fy W1fh pofenf1a1 fo cause ham fo
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
1nfomaf1on sysfems o nefWoks.
d. Coecf. A fheaf 1s an evenf o acf1v1fy W1fh pofenf1a1 fo cause ham fo
1nfomaf1on sysfems o nefWoks.
a. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe oppos1fe of d1sc1osue.
b. Coecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe oppos1fe of d1sc1osue.
c. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe oppos1fe of d1sc1osue.
d. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe oppos1fe of d1sc1osue.
a. Coecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay {l1lL} 1s fhe de
facfo sfandad of besf pacf1ces fo l1 sev1ce managemenf. l1lL Was ceafed because
of fhe 1nceased dependence on 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy fo meef bus1ness needs.
b. lncoecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay {l1lL} 1s fhe de
facfo sfandad of besf pacf1ces fo l1 sev1ce managemenf. l1lL Was ceafed because
of fhe 1nceased dependence on 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy fo meef bus1ness needs.
c. lncoecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay {l1lL} 1s fhe de
facfo sfandad of besf pacf1ces fo l1 sev1ce managemenf. l1lL Was ceafed because
of fhe 1nceased dependence on 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy fo meef bus1ness needs.
d. lncoecf. 1he lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay {l1lL} 1s fhe de
facfo sfandad of besf pacf1ces fo l1 sev1ce managemenf. l1lL Was ceafed because
of fhe 1nceased dependence on 1nfomaf1on fechno1ogy fo meef bus1ness needs.
a. lncoecf. Wh11e fhe ofhe depafmenfs shou1d pov1de 1npuf fo fhe secu1fy
po11cy, fhe deve1opmenf shou1d be oveseen by a bus1ness opeaf1ons manage.
b. lncoecf. Wh11e fhe ofhe depafmenfs shou1d pov1de 1npuf fo fhe secu1fy
po11cy, fhe deve1opmenf shou1d be oveseen by a bus1ness opeaf1ons manage.
c. Coecf. Wh11e fhe ofhe depafmenfs shou1d pov1de 1npuf fo fhe secu1fy
po11cy, fhe deve1opmenf shou1d be oveseen by a bus1ness opeaf1ons manage.
d. lncoecf. Wh11e fhe ofhe depafmenfs shou1d pov1de 1npuf fo fhe secu1fy
po11cy, fhe deve1opmenf shou1d be oveseen by a bus1ness opeaf1ons manage.
a. Coecf. lnfomaf1on secu1fy spec1a11sfs may have fhe fechn1ca1 knoW1edge of
hoW secu1fy mechan1sms shou1d be 1mp1emenfed and conf1gued, buf fhey shou1d nof be
puf 1n pos1f1on of dec1d1ng Whaf measues shou1d be app11ed. 1h1s fask 1s beffe
ass1gned fo sen1o managemenf, Who 1s espons1b1e fo secu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on
and fhe pofecf1on of 1fs assefs.
b. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on secu1fy spec1a11sfs may have fhe fechn1ca1 knoW1edge of
hoW secu1fy mechan1sms shou1d be 1mp1emenfed and conf1gued, buf fhey shou1d nof be
puf 1n pos1f1on of dec1d1ng Whaf measues shou1d be app11ed. 1h1s fask 1s beffe
ass1gned fo sen1o managemenf, Who 1s espons1b1e fo secu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on
and fhe pofecf1on of 1fs assefs.
c. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on secu1fy spec1a11sfs may have fhe fechn1ca1 knoW1edge of
hoW secu1fy mechan1sms shou1d be 1mp1emenfed and conf1gued, buf fhey shou1d nof be
puf 1n pos1f1on of dec1d1ng Whaf measues shou1d be app11ed. 1h1s fask 1s beffe
ass1gned fo sen1o managemenf, Who 1s espons1b1e fo secu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on
and fhe pofecf1on of 1fs assefs.
d. lncoecf. lnfomaf1on secu1fy spec1a11sfs may have fhe fechn1ca1 knoW1edge of
hoW secu1fy mechan1sms shou1d be 1mp1emenfed and conf1gued, buf fhey shou1d nof be
puf 1n pos1f1on of dec1d1ng Whaf measues shou1d be app11ed. 1h1s fask 1s beffe
ass1gned fo sen1o managemenf, Who 1s espons1b1e fo secu1fy of fhe ogan1zaf1on
and fhe pofecf1on of 1fs assefs.
a. lncoecf. Mon1fo1ng fo phys1ca1 1nfus1on 1s moe a phys1ca1 confo1 fhan a
fechn1ca1 confo1.
b. lncoecf. Mon1fo1ng fo phys1ca1 1nfus1on 1s moe a phys1ca1 confo1 fhan a
fechn1ca1 confo1.
c. Coecf. Mon1fo1ng fo phys1ca1 1nfus1on 1s moe a phys1ca1 confo1 fhan a
fechn1ca1 confo1.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
d. lncoecf. Mon1fo1ng fo phys1ca1 1nfus1on 1s moe a phys1ca1 confo1 fhan a
fechn1ca1 confo1.
a. lncoecf. kIC 22 def1nes add-on secu1fy as "1he efof1ff1ng of pofecf1on
mechan1sms, 1mp1emenfed by hadWae o soffWae, affe fhe |aufomaf1c dafa
pocess1ng] sysfem has become opeaf1ona1."
b. lncoecf. kIC 22 def1nes add-on secu1fy as "1he efof1ff1ng of pofecf1on
mechan1sms, 1mp1emenfed by hadWae o soffWae, affe fhe |aufomaf1c dafa
pocess1ng] sysfem has become opeaf1ona1."
c. lncoecf. kIC 22 def1nes add-on secu1fy as "1he efof1ff1ng of pofecf1on
mechan1sms, 1mp1emenfed by hadWae o soffWae, affe fhe |aufomaf1c dafa
pocess1ng] sysfem has become opeaf1ona1."
d. Coecf. kIC 22 def1nes add-on secu1fy as "1he efof1ff1ng of pofecf1on
mechan1sms, 1mp1emenfed by hadWae o soffWae, affe fhe |aufomaf1c dafa
pocess1ng] sysfem has become opeaf1ona1."
a. lncoecf. A vu1neab111fy 1s a sysfem Weakness fhaf can be exp1o1fed by a
b. lncoecf. A vu1neab111fy 1s a sysfem Weakness fhaf can be exp1o1fed by a
c. Coecf. A vu1neab111fy 1s a sysfem Weakness fhaf can be exp1o1fed by a fheaf.
d. lncoecf. A vu1neab111fy 1s a sysfem Weakness fhaf can be exp1o1fed by a
a. lncoecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
b. lncoecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
c. lncoecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
d. Coecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy.
a. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 obecf1ves of a secu1fy pogam, buf fhe ma1n
p1nc1p1es 1n a11 pogams ae conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy.
b. Coecf. 1hee ae sevea1 obecf1ves of a secu1fy pogam, buf fhe ma1n
p1nc1p1es 1n a11 pogams ae conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 obecf1ves of a secu1fy pogam, buf fhe ma1n
p1nc1p1es 1n a11 pogams ae conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy.
d. lncoecf. 1hee ae sevea1 obecf1ves of a secu1fy pogam, buf fhe ma1n
p1nc1p1es 1n a11 pogams ae conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy.
a. Coecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe pevenf1on of fhe 1nfenf1ona1 o un1nfenf1ona1
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of dafa.
b. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe pevenf1on of fhe 1nfenf1ona1 o un1nfenf1ona1
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of dafa.
c. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe pevenf1on of fhe 1nfenf1ona1 o un1nfenf1ona1
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of dafa.
d. lncoecf. Conf1denf1a11fy 1s fhe pevenf1on of fhe 1nfenf1ona1 o un1nfenf1ona1
unaufho1zed d1sc1osue of dafa.
a. Coecf. lf a secu1fy po11cy 1s dev1afed fom, fhe ogan1zaf1on musf be
pepaed fo accepf 1sk.
b. lncoecf. lf a secu1fy po11cy 1s dev1afed fom, fhe ogan1zaf1on musf be
pepaed fo accepf 1sk.
c. lncoecf. lf a secu1fy po11cy 1s dev1afed fom, fhe ogan1zaf1on musf be
pepaed fo accepf 1sk.
d. lncoecf. lf a secu1fy po11cy 1s dev1afed fom, fhe ogan1zaf1on musf be
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
pepaed fo accepf 1sk.
a. lncoecf. 1he cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof be geafe fhan fhe cosf of
ep1ac1ng fhe assef 1f pofecfs. ln fh1s case, an assef va1ued af $1,000,000 W1fh an
exposue facfo of 30 pecenf g1ves an 5LL of $300,000. W1fh an AkO of 5 pecenf,
fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy {ALL} 1s $300,000 mu1f1p11ed by .05 o $15,000.
b. lncoecf. 1he cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof be geafe fhan fhe cosf of
ep1ac1ng fhe assef 1f pofecfs. ln fh1s case, an assef va1ued af $1,000,000 W1fh an
exposue facfo of 30 pecenf g1ves an 5LL of $300,000. W1fh an AkO of 5 pecenf,
fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy {ALL} 1s $300,000 mu1f1p11ed by .05 o $15,000.
c. Coecf. 1he cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof be geafe fhan fhe cosf of
ep1ac1ng fhe assef 1f pofecfs. ln fh1s case, an assef va1ued af $1,000,000 W1fh an
exposue facfo of 30 pecenf g1ves an 5LL of $300,000. W1fh an AkO of 5 pecenf,
fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy {ALL} 1s $300,000 mu1f1p11ed by .05 o $15,000.
d. lncoecf. 1he cosf of fhe counfemeasue shou1d nof be geafe fhan fhe cosf of
ep1ac1ng fhe assef 1f pofecfs. ln fh1s case, an assef va1ued af $1,000,000 W1fh an
exposue facfo of 30 pecenf g1ves an 5LL of $300,000. W1fh an AkO of 5 pecenf,
fhe annua11zed 1oss expecfancy {ALL} 1s $300,000 mu1f1p11ed by .05 o $15,000.
a. lncoecf. 1he exposue facfo 1s a measue of fhe magn1fude of 1oss o 1mpacf
on fhe va1ue of an assef.
b. Coecf. 1he exposue facfo 1s a measue of fhe magn1fude of 1oss o 1mpacf on
fhe va1ue of an assef.
c. lncoecf. 1he exposue facfo 1s a measue of fhe magn1fude of 1oss o 1mpacf
on fhe va1ue of an assef.
d. lncoecf. 1he exposue facfo 1s a measue of fhe magn1fude of 1oss o 1mpacf
on fhe va1ue of an assef.
a. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1nvo1ves 11ff1e guessWok, as opposed fo
a qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s.
b. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1nvo1ves 11ff1e guessWok, as opposed fo
a qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s.
c. lncoecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1nvo1ves 11ff1e guessWok, as opposed fo
a qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s.
d. Coecf. A quanf1faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s 1nvo1ves 11ff1e guessWok, as opposed fo a
qua11faf1ve 1sk ana1ys1s.
a. lncoecf. 1he comb1naf1on of a fheaf W1fh a vu1neab111fy 1nceases fhe 1sk
of 1nfus1on fo fhe sysfem.
b. Coecf. 1he comb1naf1on of a fheaf W1fh a vu1neab111fy 1nceases fhe 1sk of
1nfus1on fo fhe sysfem.
c. lncoecf. 1he comb1naf1on of a fheaf W1fh a vu1neab111fy 1nceases fhe 1sk
of 1nfus1on fo fhe sysfem.
d. lncoecf. 1he comb1naf1on of a fheaf W1fh a vu1neab111fy 1nceases fhe 1sk
of 1nfus1on fo fhe sysfem.
a. Coecf. Annua1 1oss expecfancy 1s fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by fhe
annua11zed afe of occuence.
b. lncoecf. Annua1 1oss expecfancy 1s fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by
fhe annua11zed afe of occuence.
c. lncoecf. Annua1 1oss expecfancy 1s fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by
fhe annua11zed afe of occuence.
d. lncoecf. Annua1 1oss expecfancy 1s fhe s1ng1e 1oss expecfancy mu1f1p11ed by
fhe annua11zed afe of occuence.
a. lncoecf. Aud1fs do nof p1ay as s1gn1f1canf a o1e as ofhe e1emenfs of
secu1fy When 1f comes fo ma1nfa1n1ng ava11ab111fy.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
b. Coecf. Aud1fs do nof p1ay as s1gn1f1canf a o1e as ofhe e1emenfs of secu1fy
When 1f comes fo ma1nfa1n1ng ava11ab111fy.
c. lncoecf. Aud1fs do nof p1ay as s1gn1f1canf a o1e as ofhe e1emenfs of
secu1fy When 1f comes fo ma1nfa1n1ng ava11ab111fy.
d. lncoecf. Aud1fs do nof p1ay as s1gn1f1canf a o1e as ofhe e1emenfs of
secu1fy When 1f comes fo ma1nfa1n1ng ava11ab111fy.
a. lncoecf. quanf1faf1ve pov1des foma1 cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s and qua11faf1ve
does nof.
b. lncoecf. quanf1faf1ve pov1des foma1 cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s and qua11faf1ve
does nof.
c. Coecf. quanf1faf1ve pov1des foma1 cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s and qua11faf1ve does
d. lncoecf. quanf1faf1ve pov1des foma1 cosf/benef1f ana1ys1s and qua11faf1ve
does nof.
a. lncoecf. A11 1sks need fo be pope1y 1denf1f1ed and assessed. A11 1denf1f1ed
1sks need nof be e11m1nafed because 1f 1s ae1y poss1b1e and nof cosf effecf1ve.
b. lncoecf. A11 1sks need fo be pope1y 1denf1f1ed and assessed. A11 1denf1f1ed
1sks need nof be e11m1nafed because 1f 1s ae1y poss1b1e and nof cosf effecf1ve.
c. Coecf. A11 1sks need fo be pope1y 1denf1f1ed and assessed. A11 1denf1f1ed
1sks need nof be e11m1nafed because 1f 1s ae1y poss1b1e and nof cosf effecf1ve.
d. lncoecf. A11 1sks need fo be pope1y 1denf1f1ed and assessed. A11 1denf1f1ed
1sks need nof be e11m1nafed because 1f 1s ae1y poss1b1e and nof cosf effecf1ve.
a. lncoecf. Confo1s ae 1mp1emenfed fo m1f1gafe 1sk and educe fhe pofenf1a1
fo 1oss.
b. lncoecf. Confo1s ae 1mp1emenfed fo m1f1gafe 1sk and educe fhe pofenf1a1
fo 1oss.
c. Coecf. Confo1s ae 1mp1emenfed fo m1f1gafe 1sk and educe fhe pofenf1a1 fo
d. lncoecf. Confo1s ae 1mp1emenfed fo m1f1gafe 1sk and educe fhe pofenf1a1
fo 1oss.
a. Coecf. lf 1s an 1nfenaf1ona1 sfandad fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy managemenf.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s an 1nfenaf1ona1 sfandad fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy managemenf.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s an 1nfenaf1ona1 sfandad fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy managemenf.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s an 1nfenaf1ona1 sfandad fo 1nfomaf1on secu1fy managemenf.
a. lncoecf.
- Cob11 1s a sef of besf pacf1ces {fameWok} fo 1nfomaf1on {l1} managemenf.
- CO5O Was ceafed by fhe Comm1ffee of 5ponso1ng Ogan1zaf1ons of fhe 1eadWay
- CO5O 1s a mode1 fo copoafe govenance and Cob11 1s a mode1 fo l1 govenance
- CO5O dea1s moe af fhe sfafeg1c 1eve1 Wh11e Cob11 focuses moe af fhe opeaf1ona1
b. Coecf.
- Cob11 1s a sef of besf pacf1ces {fameWok} fo 1nfomaf1on {l1} managemenf.
- CO5O Was ceafed by fhe Comm1ffee of 5ponso1ng Ogan1zaf1ons of fhe 1eadWay
- CO5O 1s a mode1 fo copoafe govenance and Cob11 1s a mode1 fo l1 govenance
- CO5O dea1s moe af fhe sfafeg1c 1eve1 Wh11e Cob11 focuses moe af fhe opeaf1ona1
c. lncoecf.
- Cob11 1s a sef of besf pacf1ces {fameWok} fo 1nfomaf1on {l1} managemenf.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
- CO5O Was ceafed by fhe Comm1ffee of 5ponso1ng Ogan1zaf1ons of fhe 1eadWay
- CO5O 1s a mode1 fo copoafe govenance and Cob11 1s a mode1 fo l1 govenance
- CO5O dea1s moe af fhe sfafeg1c 1eve1 Wh11e Cob11 focuses moe af fhe opeaf1ona1
d. lncoecf.
- Cob11 1s a sef of besf pacf1ces {fameWok} fo 1nfomaf1on {l1} managemenf.
- CO5O Was ceafed by fhe Comm1ffee of 5ponso1ng Ogan1zaf1ons of fhe 1eadWay
- CO5O 1s a mode1 fo copoafe govenance and Cob11 1s a mode1 fo l1 govenance
- CO5O dea1s moe af fhe sfafeg1c 1eve1 Wh11e Cob11 focuses moe af fhe opeaf1ona1
a. lncoecf. Ava11ab111fy 1s mak1ng sue fhaf dafa 1s access1b1e When and Whee 1f
1s needed.
b. lncoecf. Ava11ab111fy 1s mak1ng sue fhaf dafa 1s access1b1e When and Whee 1f
1s needed.
c. lncoecf. Ava11ab111fy 1s mak1ng sue fhaf dafa 1s access1b1e When and Whee 1f
1s needed.
d. Coecf. Ava11ab111fy 1s mak1ng sue fhaf dafa 1s access1b1e When and Whee 1f
1s needed.
a. lncoecf. Managemenf 1s a1Ways u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo compufe-based
1nfomaf1on sysfems secu1fy.
b. lncoecf. Managemenf 1s a1Ways u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo compufe-based
1nfomaf1on sysfems secu1fy.
c. Coecf. Managemenf 1s a1Ways u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo compufe-based
1nfomaf1on sysfems secu1fy.
d. lncoecf. Managemenf 1s a1Ways u1f1mafe1y espons1b1e fo compufe-based
1nfomaf1on sysfems secu1fy.
a. lncoecf. lnappop1afe d1sc1osue 1s a conf1denf1a11fy goa1, nof an 1nfeg1fy
b. lncoecf. lnappop1afe d1sc1osue 1s a conf1denf1a11fy goa1, nof an 1nfeg1fy
c. lncoecf. lnappop1afe d1sc1osue 1s a conf1denf1a11fy goa1, nof an 1nfeg1fy
d. Coecf. lnappop1afe d1sc1osue 1s a conf1denf1a11fy goa1, nof an 1nfeg1fy
a. lncoecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of educ1ng 1sk fo an accepfab1e
1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng fhaf 1eve1.
b. lncoecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of educ1ng 1sk fo an accepfab1e
1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng fhaf 1eve1.
c. Coecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of educ1ng 1sk fo an accepfab1e 1eve1
and ma1nfa1n1ng fhaf 1eve1.
d. lncoecf. k1sk managemenf 1s fhe pocess of educ1ng 1sk fo an accepfab1e
1eve1 and ma1nfa1n1ng fhaf 1eve1.
a. lncoecf. 1he spec1f1cs of hoW hadWae and soffWae shou1d be used ae
noma11y coveed by sfandads, nof by fhe copoafe secu1fy po11cy.
b. Coecf. 1he spec1f1cs of hoW hadWae and soffWae shou1d be used ae noma11y
coveed by sfandads, nof by fhe copoafe secu1fy po11cy.
c. lncoecf. 1he spec1f1cs of hoW hadWae and soffWae shou1d be used ae
noma11y coveed by sfandads, nof by fhe copoafe secu1fy po11cy.
d. lncoecf. 1he spec1f1cs of hoW hadWae and soffWae shou1d be used ae
noma11y coveed by sfandads, nof by fhe copoafe secu1fy po11cy.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he d1sc1osue of fade secefs cou1d se1ous1y ham a company and
shou1d be c1ass1f1ed as conf1denf1a1, fo use W1fh1n fhe company on1y.
b. Coecf. 1he d1sc1osue of fade secefs cou1d se1ous1y ham a company and
shou1d be c1ass1f1ed as conf1denf1a1, fo use W1fh1n fhe company on1y.
c. lncoecf. 1he d1sc1osue of fade secefs cou1d se1ous1y ham a company and
shou1d be c1ass1f1ed as conf1denf1a1, fo use W1fh1n fhe company on1y.
d. lncoecf. 1he d1sc1osue of fade secefs cou1d se1ous1y ham a company and
shou1d be c1ass1f1ed as conf1denf1a1, fo use W1fh1n fhe company on1y.
a. Coecf. va1ue 1s fhe f1sf common1y used c1fe1a fo c1ass1fy1ng dafa 1n fhe
p1vafe secfo.
b. lncoecf. va1ue 1s fhe f1sf common1y used c1fe1a fo c1ass1fy1ng dafa 1n fhe
p1vafe secfo.
c. lncoecf. va1ue 1s fhe f1sf common1y used c1fe1a fo c1ass1fy1ng dafa 1n fhe
p1vafe secfo.
d. lncoecf. va1ue 1s fhe f1sf common1y used c1fe1a fo c1ass1fy1ng dafa 1n fhe
p1vafe secfo.
a. Coecf. 8ase11nes pov1de fhe m1n1mum 1eve1 of secu1fy necessay fhoughouf
fhe ogan1zaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 8ase11nes pov1de fhe m1n1mum 1eve1 of secu1fy necessay fhoughouf
fhe ogan1zaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 8ase11nes pov1de fhe m1n1mum 1eve1 of secu1fy necessay fhoughouf
fhe ogan1zaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 8ase11nes pov1de fhe m1n1mum 1eve1 of secu1fy necessay fhoughouf
fhe ogan1zaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Confo1s can be pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, o coecf1ve.
b. lncoecf. Confo1s can be pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, o coecf1ve.
c. Coecf. Confo1s can be pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, o coecf1ve.
d. lncoecf. Confo1s can be pevenf1ve, defecf1ve, o coecf1ve.
a. Coecf. Lach 1fem 11sfed 1s paf of fhe 5ev1ce 5uppof secf1on of lnfomaf1on
1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay.
b. lncoecf. Lach 1fem 11sfed 1s paf of fhe 5ev1ce 5uppof secf1on of
lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay.
c. lncoecf. Lach 1fem 11sfed 1s paf of fhe 5ev1ce 5uppof secf1on of
lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay.
d. lncoecf. Lach 1fem 11sfed 1s paf of fhe 5ev1ce 5uppof secf1on of
lnfomaf1on 1echno1ogy lnfasfucfue L1bay.
a. lncoecf. Po11c1es ae h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs, be11efs, goa1s, and obecf1ves as
We11 as fhe means fo fhe1 affa1nmenf fo a paf1cu1a subecf aea.
b. Coecf. Po11c1es ae h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs, be11efs, goa1s, and obecf1ves as
We11 as fhe means fo fhe1 affa1nmenf fo a paf1cu1a subecf aea.
c. lncoecf. Po11c1es ae h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs, be11efs, goa1s, and obecf1ves as
We11 as fhe means fo fhe1 affa1nmenf fo a paf1cu1a subecf aea.
d. lncoecf. Po11c1es ae h1gh-1eve1 sfafemenfs, be11efs, goa1s, and obecf1ves as
We11 as fhe means fo fhe1 affa1nmenf fo a paf1cu1a subecf aea.
a. lncoecf. A secu1fy pogam shou1d use a fop-doWn appoach, mean1ng fhe
1n1f1af1on, suppof, and d1ecf1on come fom fop managemenf and Wok fhe1 Way doWn
fo m1dd1e managemenf and sfaff membes.
b. Coecf. A secu1fy pogam shou1d use a fop-doWn appoach, mean1ng fhe
1n1f1af1on, suppof, and d1ecf1on come fom fop managemenf and Wok fhe1 Way doWn
fo m1dd1e managemenf and sfaff membes.
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5ecu1fy Managemenf Pacf1ces-P4.fxf
c. lncoecf. A secu1fy pogam shou1d use a fop-doWn appoach, mean1ng fhe
1n1f1af1on, suppof, and d1ecf1on come fom fop managemenf and Wok fhe1 Way doWn
fo m1dd1e managemenf and sfaff membes.
d. lncoecf. A secu1fy pogam shou1d use a fop-doWn appoach, mean1ng fhe
1n1f1af1on, suppof, and d1ecf1on come fom fop managemenf and Wok fhe1 Way doWn
fo m1dd1e managemenf and sfaff membes.
a. lncoecf. 1he oppos1fe of ava11ab111fy 1n a secu1fy sfucfue 1s desfucf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he oppos1fe of ava11ab111fy 1n a secu1fy sfucfue 1s desfucf1on.
c. lncoecf. 1he oppos1fe of ava11ab111fy 1n a secu1fy sfucfue 1s desfucf1on.
d. Coecf. 1he oppos1fe of ava11ab111fy 1n a secu1fy sfucfue 1s desfucf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
ava11ab111fy. 1he oppos1fe fo fhaf Wou1d be d1sc1osue, a1feaf1on, and desfucf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
ava11ab111fy. 1he oppos1fe fo fhaf Wou1d be d1sc1osue, a1feaf1on, and desfucf1on.
c. Coecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and ava11ab111fy.
1he oppos1fe fo fhaf Wou1d be d1sc1osue, a1feaf1on, and desfucf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he ClA f1ad sfands fo conf1denf1a11fy, 1nfeg1fy, and
ava11ab111fy. 1he oppos1fe fo fhaf Wou1d be d1sc1osue, a1feaf1on, and desfucf1on.
a. lncoecf. 1esf equ1pmenf musf be confo11ed. lf cou1d a11oW a ma11c1ous
peson fo fap 1nfo 11nes, o sn1ff 1nfomaf1on fom fhe nefWoks. 1hee 1s no need
fo a noma1 use fo have such hadWae o soffWae.
b. Coecf. 1esf equ1pmenf musf be confo11ed. lf cou1d a11oW a ma11c1ous peson
fo fap 1nfo 11nes, o sn1ff 1nfomaf1on fom fhe nefWoks. 1hee 1s no need fo a
noma1 use fo have such hadWae o soffWae.
c. lncoecf. 1esf equ1pmenf musf be confo11ed. lf cou1d a11oW a ma11c1ous
peson fo fap 1nfo 11nes, o sn1ff 1nfomaf1on fom fhe nefWoks. 1hee 1s no need
fo a noma1 use fo have such hadWae o soffWae.
d. lncoecf. 1esf equ1pmenf musf be confo11ed. lf cou1d a11oW a ma11c1ous
peson fo fap 1nfo 11nes, o sn1ff 1nfomaf1on fom fhe nefWoks. 1hee 1s no need
fo a noma1 use fo have such hadWae o soffWae.
Page 1
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
qu1z Name = 1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof one of fhe sfages of fhe DhCP 1ease pocess?
1. D1scove
11. Offe
111. kequesf
1v. AcknoW1edgmenf
a. A11 of fhem
b. None of fhem
c. 1
d. 11
2. 1he Wo1d W1de Web 1s a nefWok fhaf 1s an ove1ay on fop of fhe
a. v1fua1
b. P1vafe
c. 1usfed
d. Ana1og
3. 5W1fches may fhe fechno1og1es of and .
a. hubs and b1dges
b. 81dges and oufes
c. NefWok adapfes and hubs
d. 81dges and nefWok adapfes
4. A sW1fch 1s a mu1f1-funcf1ona1 nefWok1ng dev1ce fhaf can opeafe W1fh1n sevea1
O5l 1ayes. Wh1ch 1aye can a sW1fch nof funcf1on 1n?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
5. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng med1a fypes 1s fhe mosf eas11y fapped?
a. 1W1sfed pa1
b. 8aseband coax1a1
c. 8oadband coax1a1
d. I1be
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s mosf es1sfanf fo fhe env1onmenf?
a. lnfaed
b. Iee space opf1cs
c. 5afe111fe
d. I1be opf1cs
7. D1spes1on 1s a cond1f1on fhaf affecfs Wh1ch cab11ng fype?
a. 1W1sfed pa1
b. 8oadband coax1a1
c. D1ecf1ona1 anfennae
d. I1be opf1cs
. L1ecfomagnef1c 1nfefeence {LMl} Wou1d have no 1mpacf on Wh1ch of fhe
a. I1be opf1cs
b. Cafegoy 5 fW1sfed pa1
c. 8oadband
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
d. Cafegoy 3 fW1sfed pa1
9. A c1cu1f-sW1fched connecf1on 1s a phys1ca1, connecf1on.
a. Pemanenf
b. v1fua1
c. 1empoay
d. 5haed
10. Whaf fype of med1a access mefhod do Lfhenef LANs use?
a. Po111ng
b. 1oken pass1ng
c. 1oken sha1ng
d. C5MA-CD
11. 1he W1e1ess sfandad 02.11 has mafued ove fhe pasf feW yeas, buf on1y fWo
pov1s1ons have been W1de1y adopfed. Wh1ch fWo ae common1y accepfed?
a. b, g
b. a, b
c. a, g
d. c, d
12. X.25 Woks af fhe and 1ayes.
a. Phys1ca1 and 1anspof
b. NefWok and Dafa L1nk
c. 1anspof and Dafa L1nk
d. NefWok and Phys1ca1
13. Iame e1ay 1s a s1mp11f1ed ves1on of .
a. D5L
b. X.25
c. l5DN
d. 5DLC
14. lsochonous pocesses e1y on .
a. 11me consfa1nfs
b. Confenf va1ab1es
c. Lo check1ng
d. Ma1fomed packefs
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng funne11ng pofoco1s 1s nof We11 su1fed fo d1a1-up?
a. lP5ec
b. PP1P
c. PPP
d. L21P
16. A v1fua1 p1vafe nefWok 1s a funne11ng pofoco1 p1us .
a. Lncypf1on
b. D1g1fa1 s1gnafue
c. D5L connecf1on
d. 8us fopo1ogy
17. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng secu1fy assoc1af1on fechn1ques uses mu1f1p1e 1ayes of
pofoco1s fhough lP funne11ng?
a. lfeafed
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
b. 1anspof adacency
c. Lncapsu1af1on
d. kep1ay
1. An effecf1ve mefhod fo sh1e1d nefWoks fom unaufhenf1cafed DhCP c11enfs 1s
fhough fhe use of on nefWok sW1fches.
a. DhCP snoop1ng
b. AkP pofecf1on
c. DhCP sh1e1d1ng
d. AkP cach1ng
19. MPL5 offes fhe fo11oW1ng benef1fs, excepf:
a. Pefomance chaacfe1sf1cs can be sef.
b. vPNs can be ceafed 1n comb1naf1on W1fh end use app11caf1ons.
c. Laye 2 sev1ces can be ove1a1d.
d. Mu1f1p1e 1ayes can be e11m1nafed.
20. lP5ec uses fo key managemenf.
a. lkL
b. MPL5
c. PPP
d. NA1
21. lP ves1on 1nc1udes 12-b1f addess1ng and 1nc1udes qua11fy of sev1ce
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 3
22. An affack fhaf sends ouf an ove1oad of uDP packefs fom a spoofed souce so
fhaf an ove1oad of lCMP uneachab1e ep11es f1ood fhe v1cf1m 1s ca11ed a .
a. Iagg1e
b. Wom
c. Log1c bomb
d. kemedy
23. Wh1ch affack 1nsefs an 1af1ona1 va1ue 1nfo an oves1zed packef mak1ng 1f
d1ff1cu1f fo fhe desf1naf1on oufe fo e-assemb1e 1f?
a. kemedy
b. P1ng of Deafh
c. Gab1e
d. 1eadop
24. lCMP 1s a 1oW-1eve1 lnfenef opeaf1on message pofoco1 fhaf 1s used befWeen
gafeWays and hosfs. lf uses sevea1 message codes. Whaf Wou1d a code 3 mean?
a. Commun1caf1on adm1n1sfaf1ve1y poh1b1fed
b. lP heade Was bad
c. 11L exp1ed
d. hosf unknoWn, nefWok uneachab1e
25. lGMP 1s based upon fhe mode1 1n hoW 1f shaes 1nfomaf1on W1fh
mu1f1casf oufes.
a. Pub11sh and subsc1be
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
b. un1casf on1y
c. 5end and ece1ve
d. 8e11-La Padu1a
26. Name seves and eso1ves ae fhe fWo p1may componenfs of .
a. DN5
b. lCMP
c. lGMP
d. PGP
27. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe mosf common affack on DN5 seves?
a. Po1son1ng
b. I1ood
c. P1ng
d. Masquead1ng
2. AkP fab1es ae bu11f .
a. Manua11y
b. Dynam1ca11y
c. Dynam1ca11y o manua11y
d. unconvenf1ona11y
29. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of h1each1ca1 ouf1ng?
a. 1he eg1on of a node fhaf shaes chaacfe1sf1cs and behav1os 1s ca11ed an A5.
b. Lach A5 uses lGP fo pefom ouf1ng funcf1ona11fy.
c. LGP 1s used 1n fhe aeas &quof,befWeen&quof, each A5.
d. CAs ae spec1f1c nodes fhaf ae espons1b1e fo ouf1ng fo nodes oufs1de of
fhe1 eg1on.
30. Wh1ch pofoco1 Was bu11f fo sca1e We11 1n 1age nefWoks, suppof h1each1es,
and suppof fhe s1mu1faneous use of mu1f1p1e pafhs?
a. klP v1
b. O5PI
c. klP v2
d. LGP
31. kemofe access epesenfs fhe besf oppofun1fy fo a hacke fo sfea1 conf1denf1a1
1nfomaf1on. Of fhe fo11oW1ng vu1neab111f1es, Wh1ch 1s nof 1nheenf W1fh emofe
a. 5offWae on 1apfops can be eas11y exp1o1fed.
b. lnfenef connecf1ons ae nof secue.
c. 5ess1ons ae nof aufhenf1cafed.
d. D1agnosf1c pofs on nefWok1ng dev1ces can be fagefed.
32. lnsfanf messag1ng fechno1ogy 1s exfeme1y popu1a 1n fhe copoafe Wo1d, buf 1f
b1ngs W1fh 1f a hosf of secu1fy pob1ems. Whaf 1s nof fue of lM?
a. lnfegafed d1ecfo1es ae fagef 11sfs.
b. Affackes use sc1pfs aga1nsf lM.
c. Mosf lM have encypf1on funcf1ona11fy buf feW uses enab1e 1f.
d. I1eWa11s can be eas11y bypassed.
33. Jake 1s an l1 adm1n1sfafo Who 1s concened abouf fhe vu1neab111f1es fhaf
ex1sf W1fh 1nsfanf messag1ng aound h1s off1ce. he knoWs fhaf 1f 1s vey popu1a
fhoughouf fhe company, espec1a11y W1fh uppe managemenf, so he musf fead 11ghf1y
When f1ghfen1ng secu1fy. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng acf1ons shou1d Jake avo1d?
Page 4
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
a. lnsfa11 f1eWa11s on deskfops
b. ve1fy cenfa1 f1eWa11 1s b1ock1ng unappoved messag1ng
c. Popose a lM secu1fy po11cy
d. kesf1cf a11 conf1denf1a1 dafa fom be1ng senf ove lM
34. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a den1a1-of-sev1ce affack?
a. 1eadop
b. D1cf1onay
c. 5muf
d. 1CP 5yn
35. Cenfa1 aufhenf1caf1ng sysfems shou1d pefom fhee p1may sev1ces. Wh1ch
sev1ce 1s nof one of fhem?
a. Accounfab111fy
b. Aufhenf1caf1on
c. Aufho1zaf1on
d. Conf1denf1a11fy
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ndusfy sfandad fo pov1d1ng epos1fo1es fo
secu1fy-e1afed dafa, such as cypfogaph1c keys, passWods, o use lDs?
b. ChAP
c. Pkl
d. 5NMP
37. A11 of fhe fo11oW1ng ae fue of Nl5+ excepf:
a. Does nof suppof MD5 passWod encypf1on
b. uses 5ecuekPC
c. h1each1ca1 1n nafue
d. 5uppofs obecf access esf1cf1ons
3. 1s a d1ecfoy sev1ce des1gned fo e11m1nafe fhe need fo
dup11caf1on acoss many compufes of conf1guaf1on dafa such as use accounfs, hosf
names and addesses, p1nfe 1nfomaf1on and NI5 d1sk mounfs on 1nd1v1dua1 sysfems,
1nsfead us1ng a cenfa1 epos1foy on a masfe seve, s1mp11fy1ng sysfem
a. Nl5
b. Nl5+
c. Ye11oWPages
d. DN5
39. DCL 1s an aufhenf1caf1on sysfem fhaf m1os kebeos 1n many Ways. Who
deve1oped 1f?
a. Open Goup
b. kon k1vesf
c. N5A
d. M1cosoff
40. 1he nefWok pe1mefe concepf esf1cfs access fom segmenf fo segmenf v1a
a. Choke po1nfs
b. Lncypf1on
c. vendo segegaf1on
d. 1usf mode1s
Page 5
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
41. Wh1ch 1s unfue of a packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11?
a. h1gh secu1fy
b. App11caf1on 1ndependence
c. Pefomance sfengfh
d. Lxce11enf sca1ab111fy
42. Wh1ch 1s nof a p1may goa1 of qo5?
a. Confenf-based f11fe1ng 1s ach1eved.
b. J1ffe and 1afency ae managed.
c. Ded1cafed bandW1dfh 1s ma1nfa1ned.
d. D1ffeenf faff1c fypes can co-ex1sf {vo1ce, v1deo, dafa}.
43. Wh1ch O5l 1aye hand1es f1oW confo1?
a. 1anspof
b. Dafa L1nk
c. Phys1ca1
d. NefWok
44. Many app11caf1ons ae ab1e fo fansm1f ove one phys1ca1 med1um af fhe same f1me
by fhe use of .
a. Mu1f1p1ex1ng
b. kouf1ng
c. IoWad1ng
d. Asynchonous pofoco1s
45. A node fhaf sends and ece1ves af fhe same f1me can pefom Whaf fype of
a. Iu11-dup1ex
b. ha1f-dup1ex
c. un1casf
d. Mu1f1-dup1ex
46. ln 1CP, Whaf does a sequence numbe do?
a. Guaanfees message de11vey
b. D1sassemb1es and e-assemb1es packefs
c. Iuncf1ons as a fau1f code 1nd1cafo
d. ls used 1n mu1f1p1ex1ng
47. An AkP cache Wou1d pov1de Whaf fype of 1nfomaf1on?
a. lP and MAC addess1ng
b. use acf1v1fy dafa
c. I1eWa11 specs
d. l1 adm1n1sfafo d1sc1a1mes
4. 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1 cons1sfs of fWo mao componenfs: fhe
and .
a. use Agenf C11enf, use Agenf 5eve
b. use Agenf C11enf, use Agenf 5ev1ce
c. use C11enf, use 5ev1ce
d. use ugenf C11enf, use ugenf 5eve
49. An aufonomous nefWok 1s confo11ed by hoW many enf1f1es?
a. One
b. 1Wo
c. 1hee
Page 6
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
d. Moe fhan 10
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf.
1he fou-sfep DhCP 1ease pocess 1s:
- DhCPDl5COvLk message: 1h1s message 1s used fo equesf an lP addess 1ease fom a
DhCP seve.
- DhCPOIILk message: 1h1s message 1s a esponse fo a DhCPDl5COvLk message, and 1s
senf by one o numeous DhCP seves.
- DhCPkLquL51 message: 1he c11enf sends fhe 1n1f1a1 DhCP seve Wh1ch esponded fo
1fs equesf a DhCP kequesf message.
- DhCPACk message: 1he DhCP AcknoW1edge message 1s senf by fhe DhCP seve fo fhe
DhCP c11enf and 1s fhe pocess Wheeby Wh1ch fhe DhCP seve ass1gns fhe lP addess
1ease fo fhe DhCP c11enf.
b. Coecf.
1he fou-sfep DhCP 1ease pocess 1s:
- DhCPDl5COvLk message: 1h1s message 1s used fo equesf an lP addess 1ease fom a
DhCP seve.
- DhCPOIILk message: 1h1s message 1s a esponse fo a DhCPDl5COvLk message, and 1s
senf by one o numeous DhCP seves.
- hCPkLquL51 message: 1he c11enf sends fhe 1n1f1a1 DhCP seve Wh1ch esponded fo
1fs equesf a DhCP kequesf message.
- DhCPACk message: 1he DhCP AcknoW1edge message 1s senf by fhe DhCP seve fo fhe
DhCP c11enf and 1s fhe pocess Wheeby Wh1ch fhe DhCP seve ass1gns fhe lP addess
1ease fo fhe DhCP c11enf.
c. lncoecf.
1he fou-sfep DhCP 1ease pocess 1s:
- DhCPDl5COvLk message: 1h1s message 1s used fo equesf an lP addess 1ease fom a
DhCP seve.
- DhCPOIILk message: 1h1s message 1s a esponse fo a DhCPDl5COvLk message, and 1s
senf by one o numeous DhCP seves.
- DhCPkLquL51 message: 1he c11enf sends fhe 1n1f1a1 DhCP seve Wh1ch esponded fo
1fs equesf a DhCP kequesf message.
- DhCPACk message: 1he DhCP AcknoW1edge message 1s senf by fhe DhCP seve fo fhe
DhCP c11enf and 1s fhe pocess Wheeby Wh1ch fhe DhCP seve ass1gns fhe lP addess
1ease fo fhe DhCP c11enf.
d. lncoecf.
1he fou-sfep DhCP 1ease pocess 1s:
- DhCPDl5COvLk message: 1h1s message 1s used fo equesf an lP addess 1ease fom a
DhCP seve.
- DhCPOIILk message: 1h1s message 1s a esponse fo a DhCPDl5COvLk message, and 1s
senf by one o numeous DhCP seves.
- DhCPkLquL51 message: 1he c11enf sends fhe 1n1f1a1 DhCP seve Wh1ch esponded fo
1fs equesf a DhCP kequesf message.
- DhCPACk message: 1he DhCP AcknoW1edge message 1s senf by fhe DhCP seve fo fhe
DhCP c11enf and 1s fhe pocess Wheeby Wh1ch fhe DhCP seve ass1gns fhe lP addess
1ease fo fhe DhCP c11enf.
a. Coecf. 1he Wo1d W1de Web and fhe lnfenef ae fWo fems common1y 1nfechanged
as fhe same fh1ng by fhe aveage compufe use. 1hey ae nof fhe same fh1ng,
hoWeve. 1he Web ex1sfs on fop of fhe lnfenef and 1s a se1es of pages connecfed fo
one anofhe by hype11nks.
b. lncoecf. 1he Wo1d W1de Web and fhe lnfenef ae fWo fems common1y
1nfechanged as fhe same fh1ng by fhe aveage compufe use. 1hey ae nof fhe same
fh1ng, hoWeve. 1he Web ex1sfs on fop of fhe lnfenef and 1s a se1es of pages
connecfed fo one anofhe by hype11nks.
c. lncoecf. 1he Wo1d W1de Web and fhe lnfenef ae fWo fems common1y
Page 7
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
1nfechanged as fhe same fh1ng by fhe aveage compufe use. 1hey ae nof fhe same
fh1ng, hoWeve. 1he Web ex1sfs on fop of fhe lnfenef and 1s a se1es of pages
connecfed fo one anofhe by hype11nks.
d. lncoecf. 1he Wo1d W1de Web and fhe lnfenef ae fWo fems common1y
1nfechanged as fhe same fh1ng by fhe aveage compufe use. 1hey ae nof fhe same
fh1ng, hoWeve. 1he Web ex1sfs on fop of fhe lnfenef and 1s a se1es of pages
connecfed fo one anofhe by hype11nks.
a. Coecf. 5W1fches comb1ne fhe fechno1og1es of hubs and b1dges. 1hey acf as hubs
by enhanc1ng pefomance and acf as b1dges by d1sf1buf1ng faff1c fo d1ffeenf
b. lncoecf. 5W1fches comb1ne fhe fechno1og1es of hubs and b1dges. 1hey acf as
hubs by enhanc1ng pefomance and acf as b1dges by d1sf1buf1ng faff1c fo
d1ffeenf nefWoks.
c. lncoecf. 5W1fches comb1ne fhe fechno1og1es of hubs and b1dges. 1hey acf as
hubs by enhanc1ng pefomance and acf as b1dges by d1sf1buf1ng faff1c fo
d1ffeenf nefWoks.
d. lncoecf. 5W1fches comb1ne fhe fechno1og1es of hubs and b1dges. 1hey acf as
hubs by enhanc1ng pefomance and acf as b1dges by d1sf1buf1ng faff1c fo
d1ffeenf nefWoks.
a. Coecf. 5W1fches do nof opeafe 1n fhe Phys1ca1 1aye, O5l Laye 1. 1hey make
packef foWad1ng dec1s1ons {Laye 2}, and spec1f1c sW1fches ex1sf fhaf make
dec1s1ons based upon Laye 3 and Laye 4 dafa 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 5W1fches do nof opeafe 1n fhe Phys1ca1 1aye, O5l Laye 1. 1hey make
packef foWad1ng dec1s1ons {Laye 2}, and spec1f1c sW1fches ex1sf fhaf make
dec1s1ons based upon Laye 3 and Laye 4 dafa 1nfomaf1on.
c. lncoecf. 5W1fches do nof opeafe 1n fhe Phys1ca1 1aye, O5l Laye 1. 1hey make
packef foWad1ng dec1s1ons {Laye 2}, and spec1f1c sW1fches ex1sf fhaf make
dec1s1ons based upon Laye 3 and Laye 4 dafa 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 5W1fches do nof opeafe 1n fhe Phys1ca1 1aye, O5l Laye 1. 1hey make
packef foWad1ng dec1s1ons {Laye 2}, and spec1f1c sW1fches ex1sf fhaf make
dec1s1ons based upon Laye 3 and Laye 4 dafa 1nfomaf1on.
a. Coecf. 1W1sfed-pa1 cab11ng 1s vey common and 1nexpens1ve buf can be eas11y
fapped. lf 1s common1y used 1n sma11 off1ce bu11d1ngs due fo 1fs d1sfance
b. lncoecf. 1W1sfed-pa1 cab11ng 1s vey common and 1nexpens1ve buf can be eas11y
fapped. lf 1s common1y used 1n sma11 off1ce bu11d1ngs due fo 1fs d1sfance
c. lncoecf. 1W1sfed-pa1 cab11ng 1s vey common and 1nexpens1ve buf can be eas11y
fapped. lf 1s common1y used 1n sma11 off1ce bu11d1ngs due fo 1fs d1sfance
d. lncoecf. 1W1sfed-pa1 cab11ng 1s vey common and 1nexpens1ve buf can be eas11y
fapped. lf 1s common1y used 1n sma11 off1ce bu11d1ngs due fo 1fs d1sfance
a. lncoecf. I1be opf1cs Wou1d be mosf pofecfed fom env1onmenfa1 fheafs.
lnfaed s1gna1s can be 1mpacfed by heavy a1n, fee space opf1cs can be affecfed by
fog, and safe111fe fansm1ss1ons ae affecfed by Weafhe d1supf1ons, such as c1oud
cove, a1n, and snoW.
b. lncoecf. I1be opf1cs Wou1d be mosf pofecfed fom env1onmenfa1 fheafs.
lnfaed s1gna1s can be 1mpacfed by heavy a1n, fee space opf1cs can be affecfed by
fog, and safe111fe fansm1ss1ons ae affecfed by Weafhe d1supf1ons, such as c1oud
cove, a1n, and snoW.
c. lncoecf. I1be opf1cs Wou1d be mosf pofecfed fom env1onmenfa1 fheafs.
lnfaed s1gna1s can be 1mpacfed by heavy a1n, fee space opf1cs can be affecfed by
fog, and safe111fe fansm1ss1ons ae affecfed by Weafhe d1supf1ons, such as c1oud
cove, a1n, and snoW.
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
d. Coecf. I1be opf1cs Wou1d be mosf pofecfed fom env1onmenfa1 fheafs.
lnfaed s1gna1s can be 1mpacfed by heavy a1n, fee space opf1cs can be affecfed by
fog, and safe111fe fansm1ss1ons ae affecfed by Weafhe d1supf1ons, such as c1oud
cove, a1n, and snoW.
a. lncoecf. D1spes1on 1s fhe spead1ng ouf of 11ghf pu1ses, Wh1ch ove1ap fhe
peced1ng o upcom1ng pu1ses. 1h1s 1s mosf peva1enf 1n f1be opf1c cab11ng.
b. lncoecf. D1spes1on 1s fhe spead1ng ouf of 11ghf pu1ses, Wh1ch ove1ap fhe
peced1ng o upcom1ng pu1ses. 1h1s 1s mosf peva1enf 1n f1be opf1c cab11ng.
c. lncoecf. D1spes1on 1s fhe spead1ng ouf of 11ghf pu1ses, Wh1ch ove1ap fhe
peced1ng o upcom1ng pu1ses. 1h1s 1s mosf peva1enf 1n f1be opf1c cab11ng.
d. Coecf. D1spes1on 1s fhe spead1ng ouf of 11ghf pu1ses, Wh1ch ove1ap fhe
peced1ng o upcom1ng pu1ses. 1h1s 1s mosf peva1enf 1n f1be opf1c cab11ng.

a. Coecf. I1be opf1cs have a sfudy g1ass o p1asf1c cas1ng fhaf makes fhem
1mmune fo LMl. LMl can esu1f 1n fansm1ss1on fau1fs, espec1a11y 1f fhe cab11ng 1s
unde heavy 1oads. A1fhough fhe ofhe cho1ces a11 have d1ffeenf degees of LMl
vu1neab111fy, f1be opf1cs Wou1d be fhe mosf es1sfanf fo fh1s fype of fheaf.
b. lncoecf. I1be opf1cs have a sfudy g1ass o p1asf1c cas1ng fhaf makes fhem
1mmune fo LMl. LMl can esu1f 1n fansm1ss1on fau1fs, espec1a11y 1f fhe cab11ng 1s
unde heavy 1oads. A1fhough fhe ofhe cho1ces a11 have d1ffeenf degees of LMl
vu1neab111fy, f1be opf1cs Wou1d be fhe mosf es1sfanf fo fh1s fype of fheaf.
c. lncoecf. I1be opf1cs have a sfudy g1ass o p1asf1c cas1ng fhaf makes fhem
1mmune fo LMl. LMl can esu1f 1n fansm1ss1on fau1fs, espec1a11y 1f fhe cab11ng 1s
unde heavy 1oads. A1fhough fhe ofhe cho1ces a11 have d1ffeenf degees of LMl
vu1neab111fy, f1be opf1cs Wou1d be fhe mosf es1sfanf fo fh1s fype of fheaf.
d. lncoecf. I1be opf1cs have a sfudy g1ass o p1asf1c cas1ng fhaf makes fhem
1mmune fo LMl. LMl can esu1f 1n fansm1ss1on fau1fs, espec1a11y 1f fhe cab11ng 1s
unde heavy 1oads. A1fhough fhe ofhe cho1ces a11 have d1ffeenf degees of LMl
vu1neab111fy, f1be opf1cs Wou1d be fhe mosf es1sfanf fo fh1s fype of fheaf.
a. Coecf. C1cu1f sW1fch1ng esfab11shes phys1ca1, pemanenf connecf1ons fom fhe
f1me a ca11 beg1ns fo fhe f1me 1f ends. 1he connecf1on 1s nof shaed, 1f 1s a
p1vafe end-fo-end connecf1on fhaf 1s bu11f When a ca11 goes up and fon doWn When
fhe ca11 ends.
b. lncoecf. C1cu1f sW1fch1ng esfab11shes phys1ca1, pemanenf connecf1ons fom
fhe f1me a ca11 beg1ns fo fhe f1me 1f ends. 1he connecf1on 1s nof shaed, 1f 1s a
p1vafe end-fo-end connecf1on fhaf 1s bu11f When a ca11 goes up and fon doWn When
fhe ca11 ends.
c. lncoecf. C1cu1f sW1fch1ng esfab11shes phys1ca1, pemanenf connecf1ons fom
fhe f1me a ca11 beg1ns fo fhe f1me 1f ends. 1he connecf1on 1s nof shaed, 1f 1s a
p1vafe end-fo-end connecf1on fhaf 1s bu11f When a ca11 goes up and fon doWn When
fhe ca11 ends.
d. lncoecf. C1cu1f sW1fch1ng esfab11shes phys1ca1, pemanenf connecf1ons fom
fhe f1me a ca11 beg1ns fo fhe f1me 1f ends. 1he connecf1on 1s nof shaed, 1f 1s a
p1vafe end-fo-end connecf1on fhaf 1s bu11f When a ca11 goes up and fon doWn When
fhe ca11 ends.
a. lncoecf. Lfhenef LANs use Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on
Defecf1on {C5MA-CD}. ln fh1s mefhodo1ogy, each dev1ce s1gna1s 1fs 1nfenf fo fansm1f
so fhaf ofhe dev1ces W111 nof b1ock fhe fansm1ss1on acc1denfa11y.
b. lncoecf. Lfhenef LANs use Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on
Defecf1on {C5MA-CD}. ln fh1s mefhodo1ogy, each dev1ce s1gna1s 1fs 1nfenf fo fansm1f
so fhaf ofhe dev1ces W111 nof b1ock fhe fansm1ss1on acc1denfa11y.
c. lncoecf. Lfhenef LANs use Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on
Defecf1on {C5MA-CD}. ln fh1s mefhodo1ogy, each dev1ce s1gna1s 1fs 1nfenf fo fansm1f
Page 9
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
so fhaf ofhe dev1ces W111 nof b1ock fhe fansm1ss1on acc1denfa11y.
d. Coecf. Lfhenef LANs use Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on
Defecf1on {C5MA-CD}. ln fh1s mefhodo1ogy, each dev1ce s1gna1s 1fs 1nfenf fo fansm1f
so fhaf ofhe dev1ces W111 nof b1ock fhe fansm1ss1on acc1denfa11y.
a. Coecf. 02.11b enfoces a 11 Mbps dafa afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency bands, and
D1ecf 5equence 5pead 5pecfum {D555}. 02.11g Was af1f1ed 1n 2003 fo offe
backWad compaf1b111fy W1fh 02.11b 1n fhe same nefWok. lf enfoces 54 Mbps dafa
afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency band, and OIDM.
b. lncoecf. 02.11b enfoces a 11 Mbps dafa afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency bands, and
D1ecf 5equence 5pead 5pecfum {D555}. 02.11g Was af1f1ed 1n 2003 fo offe
backWad compaf1b111fy W1fh 02.11b 1n fhe same nefWok. lf enfoces 54 Mbps dafa
afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency band, and OIDM.
c. lncoecf. 02.11b enfoces a 11 Mbps dafa afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency bands, and
D1ecf 5equence 5pead 5pecfum {D555}. 02.11g Was af1f1ed 1n 2003 fo offe
backWad compaf1b111fy W1fh 02.11b 1n fhe same nefWok. lf enfoces 54 Mbps dafa
afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency band, and OIDM.
d. lncoecf. 02.11b enfoces a 11 Mbps dafa afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency bands, and
D1ecf 5equence 5pead 5pecfum {D555}. 02.11g Was af1f1ed 1n 2003 fo offe
backWad compaf1b111fy W1fh 02.11b 1n fhe same nefWok. lf enfoces 54 Mbps dafa
afe, 2.4 Ghz fequency band, and OIDM.
a. lncoecf. X.25 1s a packef-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf 1s used by
fe1ecommun1caf1ons sev1ces fo dafa-on1y faff1c. lf 1s a subsc1be-based sev1ce
fhaf opeafes W1fh1n fhe NefWok and Dafa L1nk 1ayes.
b. Coecf. X.25 1s a packef-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf 1s used by
fe1ecommun1caf1ons sev1ces fo dafa-on1y faff1c. lf 1s a subsc1be-based sev1ce
fhaf opeafes W1fh1n fhe NefWok and Dafa L1nk 1ayes.
c. lncoecf. X.25 1s a packef-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf 1s used by
fe1ecommun1caf1ons sev1ces fo dafa-on1y faff1c. lf 1s a subsc1be-based sev1ce
fhaf opeafes W1fh1n fhe NefWok and Dafa L1nk 1ayes.
d. lncoecf. X.25 1s a packef-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf 1s used by
fe1ecommun1caf1ons sev1ces fo dafa-on1y faff1c. lf 1s a subsc1be-based sev1ce
fhaf opeafes W1fh1n fhe NefWok and Dafa L1nk 1ayes.
a. lncoecf. Iame e1ay 1s vey s1m11a fo X.25, buf 1f has emoved fhe eo
check1ng fhaf Was done on fhe nefWok. Iame e1ay hand1es fh1s fask af fhe end
node, Wh1ch he1ps fo 1mpove speed damaf1ca11y.
b. Coecf. Iame e1ay 1s vey s1m11a fo X.25, buf 1f has emoved fhe eo
check1ng fhaf Was done on fhe nefWok. Iame e1ay hand1es fh1s fask af fhe end
node, Wh1ch he1ps fo 1mpove speed damaf1ca11y.
c. lncoecf. Iame e1ay 1s vey s1m11a fo X.25, buf 1f has emoved fhe eo
check1ng fhaf Was done on fhe nefWok. Iame e1ay hand1es fh1s fask af fhe end
node, Wh1ch he1ps fo 1mpove speed damaf1ca11y.
d. lncoecf. Iame e1ay 1s vey s1m11a fo X.25, buf 1f has emoved fhe eo
check1ng fhaf Was done on fhe nefWok. Iame e1ay hand1es fh1s fask af fhe end
node, Wh1ch he1ps fo 1mpove speed damaf1ca11y.
a. Coecf. lsochonous pocesses musf de11ve dafa W1fh1n sef f1me consfa1nfs.
App11caf1ons ae fyp1ca11y v1deo e1afed Whee aud1o and v1deo musf mafch pefecf1y.
volP 1s anofhe examp1e.
b. lncoecf. lsochonous pocesses musf de11ve dafa W1fh1n sef f1me consfa1nfs.
App11caf1ons ae fyp1ca11y v1deo e1afed Whee aud1o and v1deo musf mafch pefecf1y.
volP 1s anofhe examp1e.
c. lncoecf. lsochonous pocesses musf de11ve dafa W1fh1n sef f1me consfa1nfs.
App11caf1ons ae fyp1ca11y v1deo e1afed Whee aud1o and v1deo musf mafch pefecf1y.
volP 1s anofhe examp1e.
d. lncoecf. lsochonous pocesses musf de11ve dafa W1fh1n sef f1me consfa1nfs.
App11caf1ons ae fyp1ca11y v1deo e1afed Whee aud1o and v1deo musf mafch pefecf1y.
Page 10
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
volP 1s anofhe examp1e.
a. Coecf. lP5ec 1s a funne11ng pofoco1 used 1n LAN-fo-LAN vPN so1uf1ons Whee 1f
can hand1e mu1f1p1e connecf1ons af fhe same f1me. PP1P, PPP, and L21P ae popu1a
pofoco1s used p1ma11y 1n d1a1-up env1onmenfs.
b. lncoecf. lP5ec 1s a funne11ng pofoco1 used 1n LAN-fo-LAN vPN so1uf1ons Whee
1f can hand1e mu1f1p1e connecf1ons af fhe same f1me. PP1P, PPP, and L21P ae popu1a
pofoco1s used p1ma11y 1n d1a1-up env1onmenfs.
c. lncoecf. lP5ec 1s a funne11ng pofoco1 used 1n LAN-fo-LAN vPN so1uf1ons Whee
1f can hand1e mu1f1p1e connecf1ons af fhe same f1me. PP1P, PPP, and L21P ae popu1a
pofoco1s used p1ma11y 1n d1a1-up env1onmenfs.
d. lncoecf. lP5ec 1s a funne11ng pofoco1 used 1n LAN-fo-LAN vPN so1uf1ons Whee
1f can hand1e mu1f1p1e connecf1ons af fhe same f1me. PP1P, PPP, and L21P ae popu1a
pofoco1s used p1ma11y 1n d1a1-up env1onmenfs.
a. Coecf. A funne11ng pofoco1 a1one does nof make a vPN. 1h1s 1s a common
m1sundesfand1ng. A vPN musf 1nc1ude bofh a funne11ng pofoco1 and encypf1on.
b. lncoecf. A funne11ng pofoco1 a1one does nof make a vPN. 1h1s 1s a common
m1sundesfand1ng. A vPN musf 1nc1ude bofh a funne11ng pofoco1 and encypf1on.
c. lncoecf. A funne11ng pofoco1 a1one does nof make a vPN. 1h1s 1s a common
m1sundesfand1ng. A vPN musf 1nc1ude bofh a funne11ng pofoco1 and encypf1on.
d. lncoecf. A funne11ng pofoco1 a1one does nof make a vPN. 1h1s 1s a common
m1sundesfand1ng. A vPN musf 1nc1ude bofh a funne11ng pofoco1 and encypf1on.
a. Coecf. ln an 1feafed assoc1af1on each funne1 can o1g1nafe o fem1nafe af a
d1ffeenf lP5ec s1fe a1ong fhe Way. 1h1s mefhod suppofs mu1f1p1e 1ayes of nesf1ng.
b. lncoecf. ln an 1feafed assoc1af1on each funne1 can o1g1nafe o fem1nafe af
a d1ffeenf lP5ec s1fe a1ong fhe Way. 1h1s mefhod suppofs mu1f1p1e 1ayes of
c. lncoecf. ln an 1feafed assoc1af1on each funne1 can o1g1nafe o fem1nafe af
a d1ffeenf lP5ec s1fe a1ong fhe Way. 1h1s mefhod suppofs mu1f1p1e 1ayes of
d. lncoecf. ln an 1feafed assoc1af1on each funne1 can o1g1nafe o fem1nafe af
a d1ffeenf lP5ec s1fe a1ong fhe Way. 1h1s mefhod suppofs mu1f1p1e 1ayes of
a. Coecf. DhCP snoop1ng ensues fhaf DhCP seves can ass1gn lP addesses fo on1y
se1ecfed sysfems, 1denf1f1ed by fhe1 MAC addesses. A1so, advance nefWok sW1fches
noW have capab111fy fo d1ecf c11enfs foWad 1eg1f1mafe DhCP seves fo gef lP
addesses and esf1cf ouge sysfems fom becom1ng DhCP seves on fhe nefWok.
b. lncoecf. DhCP snoop1ng ensues fhaf DhCP seves can ass1gn lP addesses fo
on1y se1ecfed sysfems, 1denf1f1ed by fhe1 MAC addesses. A1so, advance nefWok
sW1fches noW have capab111fy fo d1ecf c11enfs foWad 1eg1f1mafe DhCP seves fo gef
lP addesses and esf1cf ouge sysfems fom becom1ng DhCP seves on fhe nefWok.
c. lncoecf. DhCP snoop1ng ensues fhaf DhCP seves can ass1gn lP addesses fo
on1y se1ecfed sysfems, 1denf1f1ed by fhe1 MAC addesses. A1so, advance nefWok
sW1fches noW have capab111fy fo d1ecf c11enfs foWad 1eg1f1mafe DhCP seves fo gef
lP addesses and esf1cf ouge sysfems fom becom1ng DhCP seves on fhe nefWok.
d. lncoecf. DhCP snoop1ng ensues fhaf DhCP seves can ass1gn lP addesses fo
on1y se1ecfed sysfems, 1denf1f1ed by fhe1 MAC addesses. A1so, advance nefWok
sW1fches noW have capab111fy fo d1ecf c11enfs foWad 1eg1f1mafe DhCP seves fo gef
lP addesses and esf1cf ouge sysfems fom becom1ng DhCP seves on fhe nefWok.
a. lncoecf. Mu1f1pofoco1 1abe1 sW1fch1ng {MPL5} g1ves sev1ce pov1des fhe
ab111fy fo ceafe vPNs W1fhouf fhe need of end use app11caf1ons.
b. Coecf. Mu1f1pofoco1 1abe1 sW1fch1ng {MPL5} g1ves sev1ce pov1des fhe
ab111fy fo ceafe vPNs W1fhouf fhe need of end use app11caf1ons.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
c. lncoecf. Mu1f1pofoco1 1abe1 sW1fch1ng {MPL5} g1ves sev1ce pov1des fhe
ab111fy fo ceafe vPNs W1fhouf fhe need of end use app11caf1ons.
d. lncoecf. Mu1f1pofoco1 1abe1 sW1fch1ng {MPL5} g1ves sev1ce pov1des fhe
ab111fy fo ceafe vPNs W1fhouf fhe need of end use app11caf1ons.
a. Coecf. lnfenef key exchange {lkL} 1s used W1fh1n lP5ec fo negof1afe and
aufhenf1cafe keys.
b. lncoecf. lnfenef key exchange {lkL} 1s used W1fh1n lP5ec fo negof1afe and
aufhenf1cafe keys.
c. lncoecf. lnfenef key exchange {lkL} 1s used W1fh1n lP5ec fo negof1afe and
aufhenf1cafe keys.
d. lncoecf. lnfenef key exchange {lkL} 1s used W1fh1n lP5ec fo negof1afe and
aufhenf1cafe keys.
a. lncoecf. lP ves1on 6 1s on1y 1n 11m1fed use cuenf1y buf 1s expecfed fo be
fhe nexf b1g fh1ng. lf 1mpoves addess1ng s1ze, qua11fy of sev1ce, addess
aufhenf1caf1on, and message conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy.
b. lncoecf. lP ves1on 6 1s on1y 1n 11m1fed use cuenf1y buf 1s expecfed fo be
fhe nexf b1g fh1ng. lf 1mpoves addess1ng s1ze, qua11fy of sev1ce, addess
aufhenf1caf1on, and message conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy.
c. Coecf. lP ves1on 6 1s on1y 1n 11m1fed use cuenf1y buf 1s expecfed fo be fhe
nexf b1g fh1ng. lf 1mpoves addess1ng s1ze, qua11fy of sev1ce, addess
aufhenf1caf1on, and message conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy.
d. lncoecf. lP ves1on 6 1s on1y 1n 11m1fed use cuenf1y buf 1s expecfed fo be
fhe nexf b1g fh1ng. lf 1mpoves addess1ng s1ze, qua11fy of sev1ce, addess
aufhenf1caf1on, and message conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy.
a. Coecf. A fagg1e affack 1s s1m11a fo a smuf affack. 1he affacke boadcasfs
uDP packefs fhaf ae spoofed W1fh fhe v1cf1ms addess as fhe souce. 1he v1cf1m 1s
fhen unp1easanf1y sup1sed fo ece1ve a f1ood of lCMP &quof,uneachab1e&quof,
b. lncoecf. A fagg1e affack 1s s1m11a fo a smuf affack. 1he affacke
boadcasfs uDP packefs fhaf ae spoofed W1fh fhe v1cf1ms addess as fhe souce. 1he
v1cf1m 1s fhen unp1easanf1y sup1sed fo ece1ve a f1ood of lCMP
&quof,uneachab1e&quof, esponses.
c. lncoecf. A fagg1e affack 1s s1m11a fo a smuf affack. 1he affacke
boadcasfs uDP packefs fhaf ae spoofed W1fh fhe v1cf1ms addess as fhe souce. 1he
v1cf1m 1s fhen unp1easanf1y sup1sed fo ece1ve a f1ood of lCMP
&quof,uneachab1e&quof, esponses.
d. lncoecf. A fagg1e affack 1s s1m11a fo a smuf affack. 1he affacke
boadcasfs uDP packefs fhaf ae spoofed W1fh fhe v1cf1ms addess as fhe souce. 1he
v1cf1m 1s fhen unp1easanf1y sup1sed fo ece1ve a f1ood of lCMP
&quof,uneachab1e&quof, esponses.
a. lncoecf. Oves1zed packefs musf be d1sassemb1ed by a oufe and fhen
e-assemb1ed af fhe1 desf1naf1on. 1eadop affacks 1nsef a confus1ng va1ue 1n fhe
packef fhaf makes 1f v1fua11y 1mposs1b1e fo fhe f1na1 ouf1ng dev1ce fo
e-assemb1e 1f.
b. lncoecf. Oves1zed packefs musf be d1sassemb1ed by a oufe and fhen
e-assemb1ed af fhe1 desf1naf1on. 1eadop affacks 1nsef a confus1ng va1ue 1n fhe
packef fhaf makes 1f v1fua11y 1mposs1b1e fo fhe f1na1 ouf1ng dev1ce fo
e-assemb1e 1f.
c. lncoecf. Oves1zed packefs musf be d1sassemb1ed by a oufe and fhen
e-assemb1ed af fhe1 desf1naf1on. 1eadop affacks 1nsef a confus1ng va1ue 1n fhe
packef fhaf makes 1f v1fua11y 1mposs1b1e fo fhe f1na1 ouf1ng dev1ce fo
e-assemb1e 1f.
d. Coecf. Oves1zed packefs musf be d1sassemb1ed by a oufe and fhen
e-assemb1ed af fhe1 desf1naf1on. 1eadop affacks 1nsef a confus1ng va1ue 1n fhe
packef fhaf makes 1f v1fua11y 1mposs1b1e fo fhe f1na1 ouf1ng dev1ce fo
Page 12
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
e-assemb1e 1f.
a. lncoecf. A 11sf1ng of lCMP messages 1nc1udes:
0 Lcho ep1y {p1ng ep1y}
3 De11vey fa11ue {hosf unknoWn, nefWok uneachab1e}
4 5ouce quench
Lcho equesf {p1ng equesf}
11 11me fo 11ve {11L} exp1ed {used by faceoufe}
12 lP heade Was bad
13 Commun1caf1on adm1n1sfaf1ve1y poh1b1fed
b. lncoecf. A 11sf1ng of lCMP messages 1nc1udes:
0 Lcho ep1y {p1ng ep1y}
3 De11vey fa11ue {hosf unknoWn, nefWok uneachab1e}
4 5ouce quench
Lcho equesf {p1ng equesf}
11 11me fo 11ve {11L} exp1ed {used by faceoufe}
12 lP heade Was bad
13 Commun1caf1on adm1n1sfaf1ve1y poh1b1fed
c. lncoecf. A 11sf1ng of lCMP messages 1nc1udes:
0 Lcho ep1y {p1ng ep1y}
3 De11vey fa11ue {hosf unknoWn, nefWok uneachab1e}
4 5ouce quench
Lcho equesf {p1ng equesf}
11 11me fo 11ve {11L} exp1ed {used by faceoufe}
12 lP heade Was bad
13 Commun1caf1on adm1n1sfaf1ve1y poh1b1fed
d. Coecf. A 11sf1ng of lCMP messages 1nc1udes:
0 Lcho ep1y {p1ng ep1y}
3 De11vey fa11ue {hosf unknoWn, nefWok uneachab1e}
4 5ouce quench
Lcho equesf {p1ng equesf}
11 11me fo 11ve {11L} exp1ed {used by faceoufe}
12 lP heade Was bad
13 Commun1caf1on adm1n1sfaf1ve1y poh1b1fed
a. Coecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a mefhod of a11oW1ng
mu1f1casf fansm1ss1ons fo fake p1ace 1n LAN env1onmenfs. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of
one-fo-many and many-fo-many de11vey mefhods. lGMP fakes on fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of
fhe &quof,pub11sh and subsc1be&quof, mode1 on1y 1n fems of hoW 1f hand1es lP
subsc1pf1ons W1fh mu1f1casf oufes.
b. lncoecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a mefhod of a11oW1ng
mu1f1casf fansm1ss1ons fo fake p1ace 1n LAN env1onmenfs. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of
one-fo-many and many-fo-many de11vey mefhods. lGMP fakes on fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of
fhe &quof,pub11sh and subsc1be&quof, mode1 on1y 1n fems of hoW 1f hand1es lP
subsc1pf1ons W1fh mu1f1casf oufes.
c. lncoecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a mefhod of a11oW1ng
mu1f1casf fansm1ss1ons fo fake p1ace 1n LAN env1onmenfs. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of
one-fo-many and many-fo-many de11vey mefhods. lGMP fakes on fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of
fhe &quof,pub11sh and subsc1be&quof, mode1 on1y 1n fems of hoW 1f hand1es lP
subsc1pf1ons W1fh mu1f1casf oufes.
d. lncoecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a mefhod of a11oW1ng
mu1f1casf fansm1ss1ons fo fake p1ace 1n LAN env1onmenfs. lf 1s a comb1naf1on of
one-fo-many and many-fo-many de11vey mefhods. lGMP fakes on fhe chaacfe1sf1cs of
fhe &quof,pub11sh and subsc1be&quof, mode1 on1y 1n fems of hoW 1f hand1es lP
subsc1pf1ons W1fh mu1f1casf oufes.
a. Coecf. Doma1n Name 5eve {DN5} 1s a g1oba1 nefWok of name seves fhaf
fans1afe hosfnames 1nfo nume1ca1 lP addesses. 1he fWo ma1n componenfs of DN5 ae
fhe name seve and fhe eso1ve. 1he name seve ho1ds dafa and esponds fo uses
W1fh equesfed 1nfomaf1on. 1he eso1ve W111 1n1f1afe equesfs W1fh ofhe name
Page 13
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
seves When fhe o1g1na1 cannof pov1de fhe ansWe.
b. lncoecf. Doma1n Name 5eve {DN5} 1s a g1oba1 nefWok of name seves fhaf
fans1afe hosfnames 1nfo nume1ca1 lP addesses. 1he fWo ma1n componenfs of DN5 ae
fhe name seve and fhe eso1ve. 1he name seve ho1ds dafa and esponds fo uses
W1fh equesfed 1nfomaf1on. 1he eso1ve W111 1n1f1afe equesfs W1fh ofhe name
seves When fhe o1g1na1 cannof pov1de fhe ansWe.
c. lncoecf. Doma1n Name 5eve {DN5} 1s a g1oba1 nefWok of name seves fhaf
fans1afe hosfnames 1nfo nume1ca1 lP addesses. 1he fWo ma1n componenfs of DN5 ae
fhe name seve and fhe eso1ve. 1he name seve ho1ds dafa and esponds fo uses
W1fh equesfed 1nfomaf1on. 1he eso1ve W111 1n1f1afe equesfs W1fh ofhe name
seves When fhe o1g1na1 cannof pov1de fhe ansWe.
d. lncoecf. Doma1n Name 5eve {DN5} 1s a g1oba1 nefWok of name seves fhaf
fans1afe hosfnames 1nfo nume1ca1 lP addesses. 1he fWo ma1n componenfs of DN5 ae
fhe name seve and fhe eso1ve. 1he name seve ho1ds dafa and esponds fo uses
W1fh equesfed 1nfomaf1on. 1he eso1ve W111 1n1f1afe equesfs W1fh ofhe name
seves When fhe o1g1na1 cannof pov1de fhe ansWe.
a. Coecf. When an affacke coupfs a DN5 seve by chang1ng fhe hosf-fo-lP
e1af1onsh1p 1nfomaf1on, fhe fab1e 1s sa1d fo be po1soned. lf 1s a common affack on
b. lncoecf. When an affacke coupfs a DN5 seve by chang1ng fhe hosf-fo-lP
e1af1onsh1p 1nfomaf1on, fhe fab1e 1s sa1d fo be po1soned. lf 1s a common affack on
c. lncoecf. When an affacke coupfs a DN5 seve by chang1ng fhe hosf-fo-lP
e1af1onsh1p 1nfomaf1on, fhe fab1e 1s sa1d fo be po1soned. lf 1s a common affack on
d. lncoecf. When an affacke coupfs a DN5 seve by chang1ng fhe hosf-fo-lP
e1af1onsh1p 1nfomaf1on, fhe fab1e 1s sa1d fo be po1soned. lf 1s a common affack on
a. lncoecf. Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} fab1es ae bu11f e1fhe dynam1ca11y
o manua11y. keep 1n m1nd fhaf sfaf1c AkP enf1es can be bu11f, hoWeve, fh1s can be
d1ff1cu1f fo manage. W1fh dynam1c enf1es, 1f an addess 1s nof found, fhe node
W111 aufomaf1ca11y boadcasf a message fo a11 nodes ask1ng fo fhe coecf addess.
1h1s dynam1c pocess keeps AkP fab1es updafed and accuafe.
b. lncoecf. Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} fab1es ae bu11f e1fhe dynam1ca11y
o manua11y. keep 1n m1nd fhaf sfaf1c AkP enf1es can be bu11f, hoWeve, fh1s can be
d1ff1cu1f fo manage. W1fh dynam1c enf1es, 1f an addess 1s nof found, fhe node
W111 aufomaf1ca11y boadcasf a message fo a11 nodes ask1ng fo fhe coecf addess.
1h1s dynam1c pocess keeps AkP fab1es updafed and accuafe.
c. Coecf. Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} fab1es ae bu11f e1fhe dynam1ca11y
o manua11y. keep 1n m1nd fhaf sfaf1c AkP enf1es can be bu11f, hoWeve, fh1s can be
d1ff1cu1f fo manage. W1fh dynam1c enf1es, 1f an addess 1s nof found, fhe node
W111 aufomaf1ca11y boadcasf a message fo a11 nodes ask1ng fo fhe coecf addess.
1h1s dynam1c pocess keeps AkP fab1es updafed and accuafe.
d. lncoecf. Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} fab1es ae bu11f e1fhe dynam1ca11y
o manua11y. keep 1n m1nd fhaf sfaf1c AkP enf1es can be bu11f, hoWeve, fh1s can be
d1ff1cu1f fo manage. W1fh dynam1c enf1es, 1f an addess 1s nof found, fhe node
W111 aufomaf1ca11y boadcasf a message fo a11 nodes ask1ng fo fhe coecf addess.
1h1s dynam1c pocess keeps AkP fab1es updafed and accuafe.
a. lncoecf. GafeWays ae des1gnafed nodes fhaf ae espons1b1e fo ouf1ng fo
nodes oufs1de of fhe1 eg1on. Aufonomous sysfems {A5} ae eg1ons of nodes fhaf
shae common aff1bufes. lnfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {lGP} hand1es ouf1ng fasks
W1fh1n each A5, Wh11e Lxfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {LGP} funcf1ons &quof,befWeen&quof,
each A5.
b. lncoecf. GafeWays ae des1gnafed nodes fhaf ae espons1b1e fo ouf1ng fo
nodes oufs1de of fhe1 eg1on. Aufonomous sysfems {A5} ae eg1ons of nodes fhaf
shae common aff1bufes. lnfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {lGP} hand1es ouf1ng fasks
W1fh1n each A5, Wh11e Lxfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {LGP} funcf1ons &quof,befWeen&quof,
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
each A5.
c. lncoecf. GafeWays ae des1gnafed nodes fhaf ae espons1b1e fo ouf1ng fo
nodes oufs1de of fhe1 eg1on. Aufonomous sysfems {A5} ae eg1ons of nodes fhaf
shae common aff1bufes. lnfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {lGP} hand1es ouf1ng fasks
W1fh1n each A5, Wh11e Lxfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {LGP} funcf1ons &quof,befWeen&quof,
each A5.
d. Coecf. GafeWays ae des1gnafed nodes fhaf ae espons1b1e fo ouf1ng fo nodes
oufs1de of fhe1 eg1on. Aufonomous sysfems {A5} ae eg1ons of nodes fhaf shae
common aff1bufes. lnfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {lGP} hand1es ouf1ng fasks W1fh1n each
A5, Wh11e Lxfe1o GafeWay Pofoco1 {LGP} funcf1ons &quof,befWeen&quof, each A5.
a. lncoecf. 8ecause klP cou1d nof sca1e We11 1n 1age nefWoks, Open 5hofesf
Pafh I1sf Pofoco1 {O5PI} Was ceafed. lf suppofs h1each1es and fhe s1mu1faneous
use of mu1f1p1e pafhs.
b. Coecf. 8ecause klP cou1d nof sca1e We11 1n 1age nefWoks, Open 5hofesf Pafh
I1sf Pofoco1 {O5PI} Was ceafed. lf suppofs h1each1es and fhe s1mu1faneous use
of mu1f1p1e pafhs.
c. lncoecf. 8ecause klP cou1d nof sca1e We11 1n 1age nefWoks, Open 5hofesf
Pafh I1sf Pofoco1 {O5PI} Was ceafed. lf suppofs h1each1es and fhe s1mu1faneous
use of mu1f1p1e pafhs.
d. lncoecf. 8ecause klP cou1d nof sca1e We11 1n 1age nefWoks, Open 5hofesf
Pafh I1sf Pofoco1 {O5PI} Was ceafed. lf suppofs h1each1es and fhe s1mu1faneous
use of mu1f1p1e pafhs.
a. Coecf. Lapfop soffWae 1s nof a spec1f1c fagef of emofe access affacks.
5offWae on 1apfops may o may nof confa1n vu1neab111f1es, buf fhe ea1 open doos
fo hackes depend upon fhe nefWok used fo connecf and fhe dev1ces sef up fo a11oW
emofe access.
b. lncoecf. Lapfop soffWae 1s nof a spec1f1c fagef of emofe access affacks.
5offWae on 1apfops may o may nof confa1n vu1neab111f1es, buf fhe ea1 open doos
fo hackes depend upon fhe nefWok used fo connecf and fhe dev1ces sef up fo a11oW
emofe access.
c. lncoecf. Lapfop soffWae 1s nof a spec1f1c fagef of emofe access affacks.
5offWae on 1apfops may o may nof confa1n vu1neab111f1es, buf fhe ea1 open doos
fo hackes depend upon fhe nefWok used fo connecf and fhe dev1ces sef up fo a11oW
emofe access.
d. lncoecf. Lapfop soffWae 1s nof a spec1f1c fagef of emofe access affacks.
5offWae on 1apfops may o may nof confa1n vu1neab111f1es, buf fhe ea1 open doos
fo hackes depend upon fhe nefWok used fo connecf and fhe dev1ces sef up fo a11oW
emofe access.
a. lncoecf. lnsfanf messag1ng app11caf1ons ae1y have encypf1on capab111f1es
bu11f 1n. 5c1pfs can be used aga1nsf fhe pogam. Mosf can be eas11y pov1s1oned fo
bypass f1eWa11 confo1s. 8uddy 11sfs seve as 1nsfanf fagef 11sfs fo affackes.
b. lncoecf. lnsfanf messag1ng app11caf1ons ae1y have encypf1on capab111f1es
bu11f 1n. 5c1pfs can be used aga1nsf fhe pogam. Mosf can be eas11y pov1s1oned fo
bypass f1eWa11 confo1s. 8uddy 11sfs seve as 1nsfanf fagef 11sfs fo affackes.
c. Coecf. lnsfanf messag1ng app11caf1ons ae1y have encypf1on capab111f1es
bu11f 1n. 5c1pfs can be used aga1nsf fhe pogam. Mosf can be eas11y pov1s1oned fo
bypass f1eWa11 confo1s. 8uddy 11sfs seve as 1nsfanf fagef 11sfs fo affackes.
d. lncoecf. lnsfanf messag1ng app11caf1ons ae1y have encypf1on capab111f1es
bu11f 1n. 5c1pfs can be used aga1nsf fhe pogam. Mosf can be eas11y pov1s1oned fo
bypass f1eWa11 confo1s. 8uddy 11sfs seve as 1nsfanf fagef 11sfs fo affackes.
a. lncoecf. A1fhough esf1cf1ng conf1denf1a1 dafa fom be1ng senf ove lM 1s a
good 1dea fom a secu1fy sfandpo1nf, 1f m1ghf nof be fhe besf dec1s1on fom a
caee sfandpo1nf. 8ecause uppe managemenf uf111zes lM and 1f 1s 11ke1y fhaf fhey
dea1 W1fh conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on egu1a1y, fh1s acf1on m1ghf be foo aggess1ve.
b. lncoecf. A1fhough esf1cf1ng conf1denf1a1 dafa fom be1ng senf ove lM 1s a
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
good 1dea fom a secu1fy sfandpo1nf, 1f m1ghf nof be fhe besf dec1s1on fom a
caee sfandpo1nf. 8ecause uppe managemenf uf111zes lM and 1f 1s 11ke1y fhaf fhey
dea1 W1fh conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on egu1a1y, fh1s acf1on m1ghf be foo aggess1ve.
c. lncoecf. A1fhough esf1cf1ng conf1denf1a1 dafa fom be1ng senf ove lM 1s a
good 1dea fom a secu1fy sfandpo1nf, 1f m1ghf nof be fhe besf dec1s1on fom a
caee sfandpo1nf. 8ecause uppe managemenf uf111zes lM and 1f 1s 11ke1y fhaf fhey
dea1 W1fh conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on egu1a1y, fh1s acf1on m1ghf be foo aggess1ve.
d. Coecf. A1fhough esf1cf1ng conf1denf1a1 dafa fom be1ng senf ove lM 1s a
good 1dea fom a secu1fy sfandpo1nf, 1f m1ghf nof be fhe besf dec1s1on fom a
caee sfandpo1nf. 8ecause uppe managemenf uf111zes lM and 1f 1s 11ke1y fhaf fhey
dea1 W1fh conf1denf1a1 1nfomaf1on egu1a1y, fh1s acf1on m1ghf be foo aggess1ve.
a. lncoecf. D1cf1onay affacks ae passWod-e1afed affacks fhaf can be
cafego1zed as bufe-foce affacks as We11. 1he ofhe fypes ae a11 geaed fo b1ng
doWn a sev1ce o affack a nefWoks ava11ab111fy.
b. Coecf. D1cf1onay affacks ae passWod-e1afed affacks fhaf can be cafego1zed
as bufe-foce affacks as We11. 1he ofhe fypes ae a11 geaed fo b1ng doWn a
sev1ce o affack a nefWoks ava11ab111fy.
c. lncoecf. D1cf1onay affacks ae passWod-e1afed affacks fhaf can be
cafego1zed as bufe-foce affacks as We11. 1he ofhe fypes ae a11 geaed fo b1ng
doWn a sev1ce o affack a nefWoks ava11ab111fy.
d. lncoecf. D1cf1onay affacks ae passWod-e1afed affacks fhaf can be
cafego1zed as bufe-foce affacks as We11. 1he ofhe fypes ae a11 geaed fo b1ng
doWn a sev1ce o affack a nefWoks ava11ab111fy.
a. lncoecf. 1he bas1c sev1ces pefomed by a cenfa1 aufhenf1caf1ng sysfem ae:
aufhenf1caf1on {Who fhe use 1s}, aufho1zaf1on {Whaf fhe use can do}, and
accounfab111fy {Whaf fhe use has done}.
b. lncoecf. 1he bas1c sev1ces pefomed by a cenfa1 aufhenf1caf1ng sysfem ae:
aufhenf1caf1on {Who fhe use 1s}, aufho1zaf1on {Whaf fhe use can do}, and
accounfab111fy {Whaf fhe use has done}.
c. lncoecf. 1he bas1c sev1ces pefomed by a cenfa1 aufhenf1caf1ng sysfem ae:
aufhenf1caf1on {Who fhe use 1s}, aufho1zaf1on {Whaf fhe use can do}, and
accounfab111fy {Whaf fhe use has done}.
d. Coecf. 1he bas1c sev1ces pefomed by a cenfa1 aufhenf1caf1ng sysfem ae:
aufhenf1caf1on {Who fhe use 1s}, aufho1zaf1on {Whaf fhe use can do}, and
accounfab111fy {Whaf fhe use has done}.
a. Coecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s an 1ndusfy sfandad
fo secu1ng and sfo1ng d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. lf 1s compaf1b1e W1fh v1fua11y any
p1affom/vendo and 1s pefecf fo sfo1ng secu1fy-e1afed 1fems.
b. lncoecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s an 1ndusfy sfandad
fo secu1ng and sfo1ng d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. lf 1s compaf1b1e W1fh v1fua11y any
p1affom/vendo and 1s pefecf fo sfo1ng secu1fy-e1afed 1fems.
c. lncoecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s an 1ndusfy sfandad
fo secu1ng and sfo1ng d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. lf 1s compaf1b1e W1fh v1fua11y any
p1affom/vendo and 1s pefecf fo sfo1ng secu1fy-e1afed 1fems.
d. lncoecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s an 1ndusfy sfandad
fo secu1ng and sfo1ng d1ecfoy 1nfomaf1on. lf 1s compaf1b1e W1fh v1fua11y any
p1affom/vendo and 1s pefecf fo sfo1ng secu1fy-e1afed 1fems.
a. Coecf. NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ysfems {Nl5} 1s a d1sf1bufed dafabase sysfem fhaf
1efs compufes shae sefs of f11es. Nl5+ offes add1f1ona1 funcf1ona11fy expand1ng
upon egu1a Nl5. lf does suppof MD5 passWod encypf1on.
b. lncoecf. NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ysfems {Nl5} 1s a d1sf1bufed dafabase sysfem
fhaf 1efs compufes shae sefs of f11es. Nl5+ offes add1f1ona1 funcf1ona11fy
expand1ng upon egu1a Nl5. lf does suppof MD5 passWod encypf1on.
c. lncoecf. NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ysfems {Nl5} 1s a d1sf1bufed dafabase sysfem
fhaf 1efs compufes shae sefs of f11es. Nl5+ offes add1f1ona1 funcf1ona11fy
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
expand1ng upon egu1a Nl5. lf does suppof MD5 passWod encypf1on.
d. lncoecf. NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ysfems {Nl5} 1s a d1sf1bufed dafabase sysfem
fhaf 1efs compufes shae sefs of f11es. Nl5+ offes add1f1ona1 funcf1ona11fy
expand1ng upon egu1a Nl5. lf does suppof MD5 passWod encypf1on.
a. lncoecf. Nl5+ 1s a d1ecfoy sev1ce deve1oped by 5un M1cosysfems fo ep1ace
1fs o1de Nl5 {NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ev1ce}. lf 1s des1gned fo e11m1nafe fhe need
fo dup11caf1on acoss many compufes of conf1guaf1on dafa such as use accounfs,
hosf names and addesses, p1nfe 1nfomaf1on and NI5 d1sk mounfs on 1nd1v1dua1
sysfems, 1nsfead us1ng a cenfa1 epos1foy on a masfe seve, s1mp11fy1ng sysfem
adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5+ c11enf soffWae has been pofed fo ofhe un1x and un1x-11ke
p1affoms, nofab1y L1nux.
b. Coecf. Nl5+ 1s a d1ecfoy sev1ce deve1oped by 5un M1cosysfems fo ep1ace
1fs o1de Nl5 {NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ev1ce}. lf 1s des1gned fo e11m1nafe fhe need
fo dup11caf1on acoss many compufes of conf1guaf1on dafa such as use accounfs,
hosf names and addesses, p1nfe 1nfomaf1on and NI5 d1sk mounfs on 1nd1v1dua1
sysfems, 1nsfead us1ng a cenfa1 epos1foy on a masfe seve, s1mp11fy1ng sysfem
adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5+ c11enf soffWae has been pofed fo ofhe un1x and un1x-11ke
p1affoms, nofab1y L1nux.
c. lncoecf. Nl5+ 1s a d1ecfoy sev1ce deve1oped by 5un M1cosysfems fo ep1ace
1fs o1de Nl5 {NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ev1ce}. lf 1s des1gned fo e11m1nafe fhe need
fo dup11caf1on acoss many compufes of conf1guaf1on dafa such as use accounfs,
hosf names and addesses, p1nfe 1nfomaf1on and NI5 d1sk mounfs on 1nd1v1dua1
sysfems, 1nsfead us1ng a cenfa1 epos1foy on a masfe seve, s1mp11fy1ng sysfem
adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5+ c11enf soffWae has been pofed fo ofhe un1x and un1x-11ke
p1affoms, nofab1y L1nux.
d. lncoecf. Nl5+ 1s a d1ecfoy sev1ce deve1oped by 5un M1cosysfems fo ep1ace
1fs o1de Nl5 {NefWok lnfomaf1on 5ev1ce}. lf 1s des1gned fo e11m1nafe fhe need
fo dup11caf1on acoss many compufes of conf1guaf1on dafa such as use accounfs,
hosf names and addesses, p1nfe 1nfomaf1on and NI5 d1sk mounfs on 1nd1v1dua1
sysfems, 1nsfead us1ng a cenfa1 epos1foy on a masfe seve, s1mp11fy1ng sysfem
adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5+ c11enf soffWae has been pofed fo ofhe un1x and un1x-11ke
p1affoms, nofab1y L1nux.
a. Coecf. Open Goup deve1oped fhe d1sf1bufed compuf1ng env1onmenf {DCL}
sfandad fhaf 1s vey s1m11a fo kebeos. lf 1s a fameWok fhaf neve caughf on 1n
fhe 1ndusfy even fhough 1f spec1f1ed 1fs oWn aufho1zaf1on fechn1ques, Wh1ch Wee
1ack1ng 1n kebeos.
b. lncoecf. Open Goup deve1oped fhe d1sf1bufed compuf1ng env1onmenf {DCL}
sfandad fhaf 1s vey s1m11a fo kebeos. lf 1s a fameWok fhaf neve caughf on 1n
fhe 1ndusfy even fhough 1f spec1f1ed 1fs oWn aufho1zaf1on fechn1ques, Wh1ch Wee
1ack1ng 1n kebeos.
c. lncoecf. Open Goup deve1oped fhe d1sf1bufed compuf1ng env1onmenf {DCL}
sfandad fhaf 1s vey s1m11a fo kebeos. lf 1s a fameWok fhaf neve caughf on 1n
fhe 1ndusfy even fhough 1f spec1f1ed 1fs oWn aufho1zaf1on fechn1ques, Wh1ch Wee
1ack1ng 1n kebeos.
d. lncoecf. Open Goup deve1oped fhe d1sf1bufed compuf1ng env1onmenf {DCL}
sfandad fhaf 1s vey s1m11a fo kebeos. lf 1s a fameWok fhaf neve caughf on 1n
fhe 1ndusfy even fhough 1f spec1f1ed 1fs oWn aufho1zaf1on fechn1ques, Wh1ch Wee
1ack1ng 1n kebeos.
a. Coecf. 1he nefWok pe1mefe concepf ecogn1zes fhe need fo sepaafe sens1f1ve
nefWoks fom non-sens1f1ve nefWoks and accomp11shes fh1s by us1ng choke po1nfs fo
b1ock segmenf-fo-segmenf access.
b. lncoecf. 1he nefWok pe1mefe concepf ecogn1zes fhe need fo sepaafe
sens1f1ve nefWoks fom non-sens1f1ve nefWoks and accomp11shes fh1s by us1ng choke
po1nfs fo b1ock segmenf-fo-segmenf access.
c. lncoecf. 1he nefWok pe1mefe concepf ecogn1zes fhe need fo sepaafe
sens1f1ve nefWoks fom non-sens1f1ve nefWoks and accomp11shes fh1s by us1ng choke
po1nfs fo b1ock segmenf-fo-segmenf access.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
d. lncoecf. 1he nefWok pe1mefe concepf ecogn1zes fhe need fo sepaafe
sens1f1ve nefWoks fom non-sens1f1ve nefWoks and accomp11shes fh1s by us1ng choke
po1nfs fo b1ock segmenf-fo-segmenf access.
a. Coecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s offe 1oW 1eve1s of secu1fy, one eason 1s
fhe1 1nab111fy fo sceen by pofoco1. hoWeve, fhey ae app11caf1on-1ndependenf,
h1gh1y sca1ab1e, and pefom af a h1gh 1eve1.
b. lncoecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s offe 1oW 1eve1s of secu1fy, one eason
1s fhe1 1nab111fy fo sceen by pofoco1. hoWeve, fhey ae app11caf1on-1ndependenf,
h1gh1y sca1ab1e, and pefom af a h1gh 1eve1.
c. lncoecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s offe 1oW 1eve1s of secu1fy, one eason
1s fhe1 1nab111fy fo sceen by pofoco1. hoWeve, fhey ae app11caf1on-1ndependenf,
h1gh1y sca1ab1e, and pefom af a h1gh 1eve1.
d. lncoecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s offe 1oW 1eve1s of secu1fy, one eason
1s fhe1 1nab111fy fo sceen by pofoco1. hoWeve, fhey ae app11caf1on-1ndependenf,
h1gh1y sca1ab1e, and pefom af a h1gh 1eve1.
a. Coecf. qua11fy of sev1ce 1s a bus1ness comm1fmenf fo cusfomes fo pov1de and
guaanfee 1eve1s of sev1ce by uf111z1ng ex1sf1ng fechno1og1es. 1he ma1n goa1s of
qo5 ae ma1nfa1n1ng ded1cafed bandW1dfh, confo111ng 1ffe and 1afency, and mak1ng
sue d1ffeenf faff1c fypes can co-ex1sf.
b. lncoecf. qua11fy of sev1ce 1s a bus1ness comm1fmenf fo cusfomes fo pov1de
and guaanfee 1eve1s of sev1ce by uf111z1ng ex1sf1ng fechno1og1es. 1he ma1n goa1s
of qo5 ae ma1nfa1n1ng ded1cafed bandW1dfh, confo111ng 1ffe and 1afency, and
mak1ng sue d1ffeenf faff1c fypes can co-ex1sf.
c. lncoecf. qua11fy of sev1ce 1s a bus1ness comm1fmenf fo cusfomes fo pov1de
and guaanfee 1eve1s of sev1ce by uf111z1ng ex1sf1ng fechno1og1es. 1he ma1n goa1s
of qo5 ae ma1nfa1n1ng ded1cafed bandW1dfh, confo111ng 1ffe and 1afency, and
mak1ng sue d1ffeenf faff1c fypes can co-ex1sf.
d. lncoecf. qua11fy of sev1ce 1s a bus1ness comm1fmenf fo cusfomes fo pov1de
and guaanfee 1eve1s of sev1ce by uf111z1ng ex1sf1ng fechno1og1es. 1he ma1n goa1s
of qo5 ae ma1nfa1n1ng ded1cafed bandW1dfh, confo111ng 1ffe and 1afency, and
mak1ng sue d1ffeenf faff1c fypes can co-ex1sf.
a. Coecf. I1oW confo1 1s fhe pocess of manag1ng dafa fansm1ss1on befWeen
dev1ces so fhaf fhe ece1v1ng dev1ce does nof gef oveWhe1med W1fh faff1c. 1he
1anspof 1aye hand1es fh1s pocess.
b. lncoecf. I1oW confo1 1s fhe pocess of manag1ng dafa fansm1ss1on befWeen
dev1ces so fhaf fhe ece1v1ng dev1ce does nof gef oveWhe1med W1fh faff1c. 1he
1anspof 1aye hand1es fh1s pocess.
c. lncoecf. I1oW confo1 1s fhe pocess of manag1ng dafa fansm1ss1on befWeen
dev1ces so fhaf fhe ece1v1ng dev1ce does nof gef oveWhe1med W1fh faff1c. 1he
1anspof 1aye hand1es fh1s pocess.
d. lncoecf. I1oW confo1 1s fhe pocess of manag1ng dafa fansm1ss1on befWeen
dev1ces so fhaf fhe ece1v1ng dev1ce does nof gef oveWhe1med W1fh faff1c. 1he
1anspof 1aye hand1es fh1s pocess.
a. Coecf. Mu1f1p1ex1ng fechno1og1es a11oW many fansm1ss1ons fo f1f on a s1ng1e
med1um. A mu1f1p1exe 1s fhe dev1ce fhaf enab1es fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
b. lncoecf. Mu1f1p1ex1ng fechno1og1es a11oW many fansm1ss1ons fo f1f on a s1ng1e
med1um. A mu1f1p1exe 1s fhe dev1ce fhaf enab1es fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf. Mu1f1p1ex1ng fechno1og1es a11oW many fansm1ss1ons fo f1f on a s1ng1e
med1um. A mu1f1p1exe 1s fhe dev1ce fhaf enab1es fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
d. lncoecf. Mu1f1p1ex1ng fechno1og1es a11oW many fansm1ss1ons fo f1f on a s1ng1e
med1um. A mu1f1p1exe 1s fhe dev1ce fhaf enab1es fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
a. Coecf. Iu11-dup1ex fansm1ss1ons a11oW end uses fo send and ece1ve dafa af
fhe same f1me W1fhouf 1nfeupf1ons o co111s1ons.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
b. lncoecf. Iu11-dup1ex fansm1ss1ons a11oW end uses fo send and ece1ve dafa af
fhe same f1me W1fhouf 1nfeupf1ons o co111s1ons.
c. lncoecf. Iu11-dup1ex fansm1ss1ons a11oW end uses fo send and ece1ve dafa af
fhe same f1me W1fhouf 1nfeupf1ons o co111s1ons.
d. lncoecf. Iu11-dup1ex fansm1ss1ons a11oW end uses fo send and ece1ve dafa af
fhe same f1me W1fhouf 1nfeupf1ons o co111s1ons.
a. Coecf. 5equence numbes ae popu1afed W1fh1n packefs as a Way of ensu1ng fhaf
fhe message 1s de11veed fo fhe appop1afe desf1naf1on and 1s fom fhe appop1afe
b. lncoecf. 5equence numbes ae popu1afed W1fh1n packefs as a Way of ensu1ng
fhaf fhe message 1s de11veed fo fhe appop1afe desf1naf1on and 1s fom fhe
appop1afe sende.
c. lncoecf. 5equence numbes ae popu1afed W1fh1n packefs as a Way of ensu1ng
fhaf fhe message 1s de11veed fo fhe appop1afe desf1naf1on and 1s fom fhe
appop1afe sende.
d. lncoecf. 5equence numbes ae popu1afed W1fh1n packefs as a Way of ensu1ng
fhaf fhe message 1s de11veed fo fhe appop1afe desf1naf1on and 1s fom fhe
appop1afe sende.
a. Coecf. An AkP cache W111 shoW fhe mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on of an lP addess fo a
MAC addess.
b. lncoecf. An AkP cache W111 shoW fhe mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on of an lP addess fo a
MAC addess.
c. lncoecf. An AkP cache W111 shoW fhe mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on of an lP addess fo a
MAC addess.
d. lncoecf. An AkP cache W111 shoW fhe mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on of an lP addess fo a
MAC addess.
a. Coecf. 5lP cons1sfs of fWo mao componenfs: fhe use Agenf C11enf {uAC} and
use Agenf 5eve {uA5}. 1he uAC 1s fhe app11caf1on fhaf ceafes fhe 5lP equesfs
fo 1n1f1af1ng a commun1caf1on sess1on. uACs ae genea11y messag1ng foo1s and
soff-phone app11caf1ons fhaf ae used fo p1ace volP ca11s. 1he uA5 1s fhe 5lP
seve, Wh1ch 1s espons1b1e fo hand11ng a11 ouf1ng and s1gna11ng 1nvo1ved 1n volP
b. lncoecf. 5lP cons1sfs of fWo mao componenfs: fhe use Agenf C11enf {uAC} and
use Agenf 5eve {uA5}. 1he uAC 1s fhe app11caf1on fhaf ceafes fhe 5lP equesfs
fo 1n1f1af1ng a commun1caf1on sess1on. uACs ae genea11y messag1ng foo1s and
soff-phone app11caf1ons fhaf ae used fo p1ace volP ca11s. 1he uA5 1s fhe 5lP
seve, Wh1ch 1s espons1b1e fo hand11ng a11 ouf1ng and s1gna11ng 1nvo1ved 1n volP
c. lncoecf. 5lP cons1sfs of fWo mao componenfs: fhe use Agenf C11enf {uAC} and
use Agenf 5eve {uA5}. 1he uAC 1s fhe app11caf1on fhaf ceafes fhe 5lP equesfs
fo 1n1f1af1ng a commun1caf1on sess1on. uACs ae genea11y messag1ng foo1s and
soff-phone app11caf1ons fhaf ae used fo p1ace volP ca11s. 1he uA5 1s fhe 5lP
seve, Wh1ch 1s espons1b1e fo hand11ng a11 ouf1ng and s1gna11ng 1nvo1ved 1n volP
d. lncoecf. 5lP cons1sfs of fWo mao componenfs: fhe use Agenf C11enf {uAC} and
use Agenf 5eve {uA5}. 1he uAC 1s fhe app11caf1on fhaf ceafes fhe 5lP equesfs
fo 1n1f1af1ng a commun1caf1on sess1on. uACs ae genea11y messag1ng foo1s and
soff-phone app11caf1ons fhaf ae used fo p1ace volP ca11s. 1he uA5 1s fhe 5lP
seve, Wh1ch 1s espons1b1e fo hand11ng a11 ouf1ng and s1gna11ng 1nvo1ved 1n volP
a. Coecf. Aufonomous nefWoks ae bu11f h1each1ca11y Whee one goven1ng enf1fy
manages faff1c f1oW.
b. lncoecf. Aufonomous nefWoks ae bu11f h1each1ca11y Whee one goven1ng
enf1fy manages faff1c f1oW.
c. lncoecf. Aufonomous nefWoks ae bu11f h1each1ca11y Whee one goven1ng
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P1.fxf
enf1fy manages faff1c f1oW.
d. lncoecf. Aufonomous nefWoks ae bu11f h1each1ca11y Whee one goven1ng
enf1fy manages faff1c f1oW.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
qu1z Name = 1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2
1. 1he 1s an lL1I-def1ned s1gna11ng pofoco1, W1de1y used fo
confo111ng mu1f1med1a commun1caf1on sess1ons such as vo1ce and v1deo ca11s ove
lnfenef Pofoco1 {lP}.
a. 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1
b. kea1-f1me 1anspof Pofoco1
c. 557
d. volP
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof cons1deed a pass1ve affack?
a. 5poof1ng
b. NefWok sn1ff1ng
c. W1efapp1ng
d. 1aff1c ana1ys1s
3. Whaf does fhe fem "pheak1ng" pefa1n fo?
a. 5pamm1ng ma11 seves 1n fhe hopes of b1ng1ng fhem doWn
b. Ioofp1nf1ng and pof scann1ng nefWoks
c. Iaudu1enf use of fe1ephone sev1ces
d. Compom1s1ng funne11ng pofoco1s
4. Whaf does a packef sn1ffe do?
a. lf pefoms pof scans and foofp1nf1ng.
b. lf 1denf1f1es cab11ng fau1fs.
c. lf defecfs hang1ng modems nof pofecfed by fhe f1eWa11.
d. lf capfues faff1c fo dafa ana1ys1s.
5. Whaf can be used fo compom1se and defeaf ca11back secu1fy?
a. Pass1ve W1efapp1ng
b. Ca11 foWad1ng
c. Packef spoof1ng
d. 8ufe foce affack
6. Wh1ch 1s nof cons1deed a f1eWa11 ach1fecfue used fo pofecf nefWoks?
a. 5ceened hosf
b. 5ceened subnef
c. NA1 gafeWay
d. Dua1-homed hosf
7. Packef-sW1fch1ng 1nfasfucfues ae safe env1onmenfs because .
a. lf 1s hade fo sn1ff faff1c s1nce fhe compufes have v1fua1 p1vafe
b. 1hey ae usf as unsafe as non-sW1fched env1onmenfs.
c. 1he dafa 11nk encypf1on does nof pem1f W1efapp1ng.
d. 5W1fches ae moe 1nfe111genf fhan b1dges and 1mp1emenf secu1fy mechan1sms.
. Whaf funcf1ona11fy hangs up on a emofe ca11e and 1ooks af a fab1e of pedef1ned
phone numbes?
a. Ca11e lD
b. kA5
c. Ca11back
d. NO5
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
9. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pofoco1s 1s cons1deed connecf1on o1enfed?
a. lP
b. lCMP
c. uDP
d. 1CP
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Lfhenef fansm1ss1ons ove a LAN?
a. 1aff1c 1s senf fo a gafeWay fhaf sends 1f fo fhe desf1naf1on sysfem.
b. 1aff1c 1s busfy 1n nafue and boadcasfs dafa fo a11 hosfs on fhe subnef.
c. 1aff1c sfeams and does nof boadcasf dafa.
d. 1aff1c 1s confa1ned W1fh1n co111s1on doma1ns buf nof boadcasf doma1ns.
11. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pox1es cannof make access dec1s1ons on pofoco1
a. App11caf1on
b. Packef f11fe1ng
c. C1cu1f
d. 5fafefu1
12. A secu1fy concen fhaf 1s peva1enf 1n d1sf1bufed env1onmenfs and sysfems 1s
a. knoW1ng fhe pope poxy and defau1f gafeWay
b. knoW1ng Whom fo fusf
c. knoW1ng Whaf aufhenf1caf1on mefhod 1s mosf appop1afe
d. knoW1ng hoW fo eso1ve hosfnames
13. Wh1ch pofoco1 1s common1y used fo aufhenf1cafe uses on d1a1-up connecf1ons?
a. PP1P
b. lP5ec
c. ChAP
d. L2I
14. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shoWs fhe sequence of 1ayes as Layes 2, 5, 7, 4, and 3?
a. Dafa L1nk, 5ess1on, App11caf1on, 1anspof, and NefWok
b. Dafa L1nk, 1anspof, App11caf1on, 5ess1on, and NefWok
c. NefWok, 5ess1on, App11caf1on, NefWok, and 1anspof
d. NefWok, 1anspof, App11caf1on, 5ess1on, and Pesenfaf1on
15. Whaf 1s anofhe name fo a vPN?
a. 1anspof sess1on
b. 1unne1
c. Lnd-fo-end connecf1on
d. 8andW1dfh
16. When secu1fy 1s a h1gh p1o1fy, Why 1s f1be cab11ng used?
a. lf has h1gh dafa fansfe afes and 1s 1ess vu1neab1e fo LMl.
b. lf mu1f1p1exes dafa, Wh1ch can confuse affackes.
c. lf has a h1gh degee of dafa defecf1on and coecf1on.
d. Dafa 1nfecepf1on 1s nexf fo 1mposs1b1e.
17. Why ae ma1nfames cons1deed moe secue fhan LAN env1onmenfs?
a. 1hey have feWe enfy po1nfs.
b. 1hey have sfonge aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms.
c. 1hey have moe aud1f1ng and encypf1on 1mp1emenfed.
d. 1hey ae acfua11y Weake fhan LANs.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
1. Whaf does 1f mean When compufes commun1cafe 1og1ca11y and phys1ca11y W1fh each
a. 1hey speak phys1ca11y fhough heades and fa11es and 1og1ca11y fhough v1fua1
b. 1hey speak phys1ca11y fhough PvCs and 1og1ca11y fhough 5vCs.
c. 1hey speak phys1ca11y When connecfed fo a backbone nefWok and 1og1ca11y When
fhey speak fo each ofhe W1fh1n fhe same LAN.
d. 1hey speak phys1ca11y fhough e1ecfons and nefWok cab1es and 1og1ca11y fhough
1ayes 1n fhe O5l mode1.
19. hoW does dafa encapsu1af1on Wok W1fh fhe pofoco1 sfack?
a. Lach 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1 mu1f1p1exes ofhe packefs fo fhe dafa as 1f 1s
passed doWn fhe pofoco1 sfack.
b. Lach 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1 adds 1fs oWn 1nfomaf1on fo fhe dafa as 1f 1s passed
doWn fhe pofoco1 sfack.
c. 1he packef 1s encapsu1afed and goWs as 1f hops fom oufe fo oufe.
d. 1he packef 1s encapsu1afed and goWs When 1f 1s passed up fhe pofoco1 sfack.
20. 5ysfems fhaf ae bu11f on fhe O5l fameWok ae cons1deed open sysfems. Whaf
does fh1s mean?
a. 1hey do nof have aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms conf1gued by defau1f.
b. 1hey have 1nfeopeab111fy 1ssues.
c. 1hey ae bu11f W1fh 1nfenaf1ona1 pofoco1s and sfandads so fhey can eas11y
commun1cafe W1fh ofhe sysfems.
d. 1hey ae bu11f W1fh 1nfenaf1ona1 pofoco1s and sfandads so fhey can choose
Whaf fypes of sysfems fhey W111 commun1cafe W1fh.
21. volPs 1nfegaf1on W1fh fhe 1CP/lP pofoco1 su1fe has boughf abouf 1mmense
secu1fy cha11enges because 1f a11oWs ma11c1ous uses fo b1ng fhe1 1CP/lP
expe1ence 1nfo fh1s e1af1ve1y neW p1affom, Whee fhey can pobe fo f1aWs 1n bofh
fhe ach1fecfue and fhe volP sysfems. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s one of fhe mosf
se1ous concens When 1mp1emenf1ng volP?
a. Lack of aufhenf1caf1on
b. Lack of aufho1zaf1on
c. Lack of 1denf1f1caf1on
d. h.235 compom1se
22. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pofoco1s Woks 1n fhe fo11oW1ng 1ayes: App11caf1on,
Dafa L1nk, NefWok, and 1anspof?
a. I1P, AkP, 1CP, and uDP
b. I1P, lCMP, lP, and uDP
c. 1I1P, AkP, lP, and uDP
d. 1I1P, kAkP, lP, and lCMP
23. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of fhe Pesenfaf1on 1aye?
a. Addess1ng and ouf1ng
b. Dafa synfax and fomaff1ng
c. Lnd-fo-end connecf1on
d. Iam1ng
24. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye?
a. Lnd-fo-end connecf1on
b. D1a1og confo1
c. Iam1ng
d. Dafa synfax
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
25. Whaf fakes p1ace af fhe 5ess1on 1aye?
a. D1a1og confo1
b. kouf1ng
c. Packef sequenc1ng
d. Addess1ng
26. Whaf 1aye does a b1dge Wok af?
a. 5ess1on
b. NefWok
c. 1anspof
d. Dafa L1nk
27. Wh1ch besf desc1bes fhe lP pofoco1?
a. Connecf1on1ess pofoco1 fhaf dea1s W1fh d1a1og esfab11shmenf, ma1nfenance, and
b. Connecf1on1ess pofoco1 fhaf dea1s W1fh addess1ng and ouf1ng of packefs
c. Connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 fhaf dea1s W1fh addess1ng and ouf1ng of packefs
d. Connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 fhaf dea1s W1fh sequenc1ng, eo defecf1on, and
f1oW confo1
2. Wh1ch pofoco1 1s desc1bed as a "besf effof" pofoco1?
a. 1CP
b. 5PX
c. uDP
d. AkP
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes 1CP vesus uDP pofoco1s?
a. 1CP pov1des moe sev1ces and 1s moe e11ab1e, buf uDP pov1des moe secu1fy
b. 1CP pov1des a besf-effof de11vey, and uDP sefs up a v1fua1 connecf1on W1fh
fhe desf1naf1on.
c. 1CP 1s e11ab1e, and uDP dea1s W1fh f1oW confo1 and ACks.
d. 1CP pov1des moe sev1ces and 1s moe e11ab1e 1n dafa fansm1ss1on, Wheeas
uDP fakes 1ess esouces and ovehead fo fansm1f dafa.
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng f1eWa11 fypes keeps fack of each ongo1ng d1a1og befWeen
1nfena1 and exfena1 sysfems?
a. Packef f11fe1ng
b. C1cu1f-1eve1 poxy
c. 5fafefu1
d. App11caf1on-1eve1 poxy
31. 1h1nNef 1s anofhe name fo Whaf fype of Lfhenef 1mp1emenfaf1on?
a. 108ase1
b. G1gabyfe Lfhenef
c. I1be
d. 108ase2
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng funne11ng pofoco1s Wou1d be used 1f funne1ed
commun1caf1on needed fo fake p1ace ove lPX, A1M, o fame e1ay?
a. PP1P
b. L21P
c. lP5ec
d. PPP
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
33. 1he nefWok fopo1ogy 1n Wh1ch a11 compufes ae connecfed fogefhe 1n a
non-un1fom fomaf1on 1s ca11ed Whaf?
a. Mesh
b. k1ng
c. 5fa
d. 8us
34. lf an exfena1 oufe f11fes faff1c befoe 1f enfes fhe nefWok and anofhe
sceen1ng dev1ce mon1fos faff1c befoe 1f enfes fhe 1nfena1 nefWok, Whaf fype
of ach1fecfue 1s fh1s?
a. 5ceened hosf
b. 5ceened subnef
c. Dua1-homed f1eWa11
d. Dua1 subnefs
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue of app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s?
a. Pov1de a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhan c1cu1f-1eve1 f1eWa11s
b. h1de nefWok 1nfomaf1on fom exfena1 enf1f1es
c. One poxy pe sev1ce 1s needed
d. lmpove nefWok pefomance
36. A nefWok segmenf 1ocafed befWeen fhe pofecfed and unpofecfed nefWok 1s
ca11ed a ?
a. honeypof
b. 5afe zone
c. DMZ
d. vPN
37. ln Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng aeas does app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s have an
advanfage ove packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s?
a. App11caf1on 1ndependence
b. 5ca1ab111fy
c. 5ecu1fy
d. Pefomance
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pofoco1s ep1aced 5LlP?
a. lP5ec
b. L21P
c. L2I
d. PPP
39. Packefs fhaf confa1n ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fhe1 heades ae efeed fo as
a. 8oadcasf1ng
b. 5ouce ouf1ng
c. IoWad1ng
d. Po1son1ng
40. Whaf dev1ce Woks af fhe Phys1ca1 1aye fo amp11fy e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s befWeen
nefWok segmenfs?
a. 5W1fch
b. koufe
c. kepeafe
d. GafeWay
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng volP commands coespond fo fhe1 pofenf1a11y devasfaf1ng
a. 1he bye command causes volP dev1ces fo c1ose doWn Wh11e 1n a convesaf1on.
b. 1he checksync command can be used fo eboof volP fem1na1s.
c. 1he esef command causes fhe seve fo esef and eesfab11sh fhe connecf1on.
d. 1he esfab11sh command causes an unaufhenf1cafed c11enf fo assoc1afe fo a seve.
42. ln Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fopo1og1es ae a11 compufes connecfed fo a cenfa1
a. 5fa
b. 8us
c. Mesh
d. 1ee
43. AkP boadcasfs messages on fhe nefWok fo f1nd Whaf?
a. lP addess
b. MAC addess
c. koufe
d. hosfname
44. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fechno1og1es uses f1be opf1c 1ngs fo connecf d1ffeenf
nefWoks and 1s a MAN fechno1ogy?
a. A1M
b. 1oken k1ng
c. IDDl
d. Iame e1ay
45. Whaf 1s fhe cenfa1 hub ca11ed 1n a 1oken k1ng nefWok?
a. 5fa
b. MAu
c. P8X
d. MuA
46. Whaf 1s fhe max1mum cab1e 1engfh of 108ase2?
a. 500 mefes
b. 15 mefes
c. 5 mefes
d. 100 mefes
47. Lfhenef uses Whaf fype of access mefhod?
a. C5MD
b. Po111ng
c. C5MA
d. 1oken pass1ng
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue of a c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWok?
a. Acfs as a ded1cafe v1fua1 connecf1on
b. ls connecf1on-o1enfed
c. usua11y ca1es vo1ce faff1c
d. has va1ab1e de1ays
49. ln Wh1ch fechno1ogy do d1ffeenf uses shae fhe same nefWok med1um?
a. D5L
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
b. Cab1e modem
c. D1a1-up
d. l5DN
50. hoW many beae channe1s does a 8kl l5DN sev1ce have?
a. 23
b. 24
c. 2
d. 1
51. A WAN fechno1ogy fhaf uses 53-byfe ce11s and has 1oW de1ay 1eve1s 1s ca11ed:
a. A1M
b. Iame e1ay
c. X.25
d. 5MD5
52. 1he 1oss of s1gna1 sfengfh as 1f fave1s 1s ca11ed:
a. Cossfa1k
b. Affenuaf1on
c. No1se
d. Peamb1e
53. ln fW1sfed-pa1 cab11ng, fhe f1ghfe fhe W1e 1s fW1sfed, fhe moe es1sfanf fhe
cab1e 1s fo:
a. Affenuaf1on and beak1ng
b. Caus1ng f1e hazads
c. lnfefeence and affenuaf1on
d. Coos1on
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. Coecf. 1he 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1 {5lP} 1s an lL1I-def1ned s1gna11ng
pofoco1, W1de1y used fo confo111ng mu1f1med1a commun1caf1on sess1ons such as
vo1ce and v1deo ca11s ove lnfenef Pofoco1 {lP}. 1he pofoco1 can be used fo
ceaf1ng, mod1fy1ng and fem1naf1ng fWo-pafy {un1casf} o mu1f1pafy {mu1f1casf}
sess1ons cons1sf1ng of one o sevea1 med1a sfeams.
b. lncoecf. 1he 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1 {5lP} 1s an lL1I-def1ned s1gna11ng
pofoco1, W1de1y used fo confo111ng mu1f1med1a commun1caf1on sess1ons such as
vo1ce and v1deo ca11s ove lnfenef Pofoco1 {lP}. 1he pofoco1 can be used fo
ceaf1ng, mod1fy1ng and fem1naf1ng fWo-pafy {un1casf} o mu1f1pafy {mu1f1casf}
sess1ons cons1sf1ng of one o sevea1 med1a sfeams.
c. lncoecf. 1he 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1 {5lP} 1s an lL1I-def1ned s1gna11ng
pofoco1, W1de1y used fo confo111ng mu1f1med1a commun1caf1on sess1ons such as
vo1ce and v1deo ca11s ove lnfenef Pofoco1 {lP}. 1he pofoco1 can be used fo
ceaf1ng, mod1fy1ng and fem1naf1ng fWo-pafy {un1casf} o mu1f1pafy {mu1f1casf}
sess1ons cons1sf1ng of one o sevea1 med1a sfeams.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1 {5lP} 1s an lL1I-def1ned s1gna11ng
pofoco1, W1de1y used fo confo111ng mu1f1med1a commun1caf1on sess1ons such as
vo1ce and v1deo ca11s ove lnfenef Pofoco1 {lP}. 1he pofoco1 can be used fo
ceaf1ng, mod1fy1ng and fem1naf1ng fWo-pafy {un1casf} o mu1f1pafy {mu1f1casf}
sess1ons cons1sf1ng of one o sevea1 med1a sfeams.
a. Coecf. A pass1ve affack means fhaf an affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng
somefh1ng, buf 1s mon1fo1ng a connecf1on. Pass1ve affacks can be ca1ed ouf
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
fhough sn1ff1ng, faff1c ana1ys1s, o W1efapp1ng. An acf1ve affack means fhe
affacke 1s cay1ng ouf some fype of acf1v1fy. Acf1ve affacks can be Do5, bufe
foce, o d1cf1onay affacks.
b. lncoecf. A pass1ve affack means fhaf an affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng
somefh1ng, buf 1s mon1fo1ng a connecf1on. Pass1ve affacks can be ca1ed ouf
fhough sn1ff1ng, faff1c ana1ys1s, o W1efapp1ng. An acf1ve affack means fhe
affacke 1s cay1ng ouf some fype of acf1v1fy. Acf1ve affacks can be Do5, bufe
foce, o d1cf1onay affacks.
c. lncoecf. A pass1ve affack means fhaf an affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng
somefh1ng, buf 1s mon1fo1ng a connecf1on. Pass1ve affacks can be ca1ed ouf
fhough sn1ff1ng, faff1c ana1ys1s, o W1efapp1ng. An acf1ve affack means fhe
affacke 1s cay1ng ouf some fype of acf1v1fy. Acf1ve affacks can be Do5, bufe
foce, o d1cf1onay affacks.
d. lncoecf. A pass1ve affack means fhaf an affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng
somefh1ng, buf 1s mon1fo1ng a connecf1on. Pass1ve affacks can be ca1ed ouf
fhough sn1ff1ng, faff1c ana1ys1s, o W1efapp1ng. An acf1ve affack means fhe
affacke 1s cay1ng ouf some fype of acf1v1fy. Acf1ve affacks can be Do5, bufe
foce, o d1cf1onay affacks.
a. lncoecf. A pheake 1s a fype of hacke fhaf spec1a11zes 1n fe1ephone faud.
1h1s can be ca1ed ouf by econf1gu1ng a fe1ecommun1caf1on dev1ce, soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, o affack1ng a company`s P8X sysfem.
b. lncoecf. A pheake 1s a fype of hacke fhaf spec1a11zes 1n fe1ephone faud.
1h1s can be ca1ed ouf by econf1gu1ng a fe1ecommun1caf1on dev1ce, soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, o affack1ng a company`s P8X sysfem.
c. Coecf. A pheake 1s a fype of hacke fhaf spec1a11zes 1n fe1ephone faud.
1h1s can be ca1ed ouf by econf1gu1ng a fe1ecommun1caf1on dev1ce, soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, o affack1ng a company`s P8X sysfem.
d. lncoecf. A pheake 1s a fype of hacke fhaf spec1a11zes 1n fe1ephone faud.
1h1s can be ca1ed ouf by econf1gu1ng a fe1ecommun1caf1on dev1ce, soc1a1
eng1nee1ng, o affack1ng a company`s P8X sysfem.
a. lncoecf. A sn1ffe 1s a foo1 fhaf capfues fames fom a nefWok fo v1eW1ng
puposes. Mosf sn1ffes puf fhe sysfems NlC 1nfo pom1scuous mode so fhaf a11
faff1c can be mon1foed.
b. lncoecf. A sn1ffe 1s a foo1 fhaf capfues fames fom a nefWok fo v1eW1ng
puposes. Mosf sn1ffes puf fhe sysfems NlC 1nfo pom1scuous mode so fhaf a11
faff1c can be mon1foed.
c. lncoecf. A sn1ffe 1s a foo1 fhaf capfues fames fom a nefWok fo v1eW1ng
puposes. Mosf sn1ffes puf fhe sysfems NlC 1nfo pom1scuous mode so fhaf a11
faff1c can be mon1foed.
d. Coecf. A sn1ffe 1s a foo1 fhaf capfues fames fom a nefWok fo v1eW1ng
puposes. Mosf sn1ffes puf fhe sysfem`s NlC 1nfo pom1scuous mode so fhaf a11
faff1c can be mon1foed.
a. lncoecf. A emofe access seve can be conf1gued fo dop a emofe use`s
connecf1on and ca11 h1m back af a pedef1ned numbe. lf ca11 foWad1ng 1s enab1ed,
fh1s secu1fy measue can be compom1sed.
b. Coecf. A emofe access seve can be conf1gued fo dop a emofe use`s
connecf1on and ca11 h1m back af a pedef1ned numbe. lf ca11 foWad1ng 1s enab1ed,
fh1s secu1fy measue can be compom1sed.
c. lncoecf. A emofe access seve can be conf1gued fo dop a emofe use`s
connecf1on and ca11 h1m back af a pedef1ned numbe. lf ca11 foWad1ng 1s enab1ed,
fh1s secu1fy measue can be compom1sed.
d. lncoecf. A emofe access seve can be conf1gued fo dop a emofe use`s
connecf1on and ca11 h1m back af a pedef1ned numbe. lf ca11 foWad1ng 1s enab1ed,
fh1s secu1fy measue can be compom1sed.
a. lncoecf. NefWok addess fans1af1on {NA1} maps pub11c fo p1vafe addesses
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
and does nof pov1de faff1c mon1fo1ng capab111f1es. 5ome f1eWa11s pov1de NA1
sev1ces, buf fhe goa1s of fhe sev1ces ae d1ffeenf. 1he ofhe ansWes desc1be
bas1c f1eWa11 ach1fecfues, mean1ng Whee fhey can be p1aced W1fh1n an
b. lncoecf. NefWok addess fans1af1on {NA1} maps pub11c fo p1vafe addesses
and does nof pov1de faff1c mon1fo1ng capab111f1es. 5ome f1eWa11s pov1de NA1
sev1ces, buf fhe goa1s of fhe sev1ces ae d1ffeenf. 1he ofhe ansWes desc1be
bas1c f1eWa11 ach1fecfues, mean1ng Whee fhey can be p1aced W1fh1n an
c. Coecf. 1he ofhe ansWes desc1be bas1c f1eWa11 ach1fecfues, mean1ng Whee
fhey can be p1aced W1fh1n an env1onmenf. NefWok addess fans1af1on {NA1} maps
pub11c fo p1vafe addesses and does nof pov1de faff1c mon1fo1ng capab111f1es.
5ome f1eWa11s pov1de NA1 sev1ces, buf fhe goa1s of fhe sev1ces ae d1ffeenf.
d. lncoecf. NefWok addess fans1af1on {NA1} maps pub11c fo p1vafe addesses
and does nof pov1de faff1c mon1fo1ng capab111f1es. 5ome f1eWa11s pov1de NA1
sev1ces, buf fhe goa1s of fhe sev1ces ae d1ffeenf. 1he ofhe ansWes desc1be
bas1c f1eWa11 ach1fecfues, mean1ng Whee fhey can be p1aced W1fh1n an
a. Coecf. 5W1fched env1onmenfs use sW1fches fo a11oW d1ffeenf nefWok segmenfs
and/o sysfems fo commun1cafe. When fh1s commun1caf1on fakes p1ace, a v1fua1
connecf1on 1s sef up befWeen fhe commun1caf1ng dev1ces. 51nce 1f 1s a ded1cafed
connecf1on, boadcasf and co111s1on dafa ae nof ava11ab1e fo ofhe sysfems, as 1n
an env1onmenf fhaf uses on1y b1dges and oufes.
b. lncoecf. 5W1fched env1onmenfs use sW1fches fo a11oW d1ffeenf nefWok
segmenfs and/o sysfems fo commun1cafe. When fh1s commun1caf1on fakes p1ace, a
v1fua1 connecf1on 1s sef up befWeen fhe commun1caf1ng dev1ces. 51nce 1f 1s a
ded1cafed connecf1on, boadcasf and co111s1on dafa ae nof ava11ab1e fo ofhe
sysfems, as 1n an env1onmenf fhaf uses on1y b1dges and oufes.
c. lncoecf. 5W1fched env1onmenfs use sW1fches fo a11oW d1ffeenf nefWok
segmenfs and/o sysfems fo commun1cafe. When fh1s commun1caf1on fakes p1ace, a
v1fua1 connecf1on 1s sef up befWeen fhe commun1caf1ng dev1ces. 51nce 1f 1s a
ded1cafed connecf1on, boadcasf and co111s1on dafa ae nof ava11ab1e fo ofhe
sysfems, as 1n an env1onmenf fhaf uses on1y b1dges and oufes.
d. lncoecf. 5W1fched env1onmenfs use sW1fches fo a11oW d1ffeenf nefWok
segmenfs and/o sysfems fo commun1cafe. When fh1s commun1caf1on fakes p1ace, a
v1fua1 connecf1on 1s sef up befWeen fhe commun1caf1ng dev1ces. 51nce 1f 1s a
ded1cafed connecf1on, boadcasf and co111s1on dafa ae nof ava11ab1e fo ofhe
sysfems, as 1n an env1onmenf fhaf uses on1y b1dges and oufes.

a. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of a ca11back sysfem 1s fo pov1de anofhe 1aye of

aufhenf1caf1on. Io an affacke fo successfu11y compom1se fh1s sefup and obfa1n
unaufho1zed access she Wou1d need fo be af fhe pedef1ned phone numbe o
econf1gue fhe fe1ephone company`s equ1pmenf fo foWad fhe ca11 on fo he.
b. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of a ca11back sysfem 1s fo pov1de anofhe 1aye of
aufhenf1caf1on. Io an affacke fo successfu11y compom1se fh1s sefup and obfa1n
unaufho1zed access she Wou1d need fo be af fhe pedef1ned phone numbe o
econf1gue fhe fe1ephone company`s equ1pmenf fo foWad fhe ca11 on fo he.
c. Coecf. 1he goa1 of a ca11back sysfem 1s fo pov1de anofhe 1aye of
aufhenf1caf1on. Io an affacke fo successfu11y compom1se fh1s sefup and obfa1n
unaufho1zed access she Wou1d need fo be af fhe pedef1ned phone numbe o
econf1gue fhe fe1ephone company`s equ1pmenf fo foWad fhe ca11 on fo he.
d. lncoecf. 1he goa1 of a ca11back sysfem 1s fo pov1de anofhe 1aye of
aufhenf1caf1on. Io an affacke fo successfu11y compom1se fh1s sefup and obfa1n
unaufho1zed access she Wou1d need fo be af fhe pedef1ned phone numbe o
econf1gue fhe fe1ephone company`s equ1pmenf fo foWad fhe ca11 on fo he.
a. lncoecf. 1CP 1s fhe on1y connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 11sfed. A
connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 pov1des e11ab1e connecf1v1fy and dafa fansm1ss1on,
Wh11e connecf1on1ess pov1des une11ab1e connecf1ons and does nof pom1se o ensue
Page 9
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
dafa fansm1ss1on.
b. lncoecf. 1CP 1s fhe on1y connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 11sfed. A
connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 pov1des e11ab1e connecf1v1fy and dafa fansm1ss1on,
Wh11e connecf1on1ess pov1des une11ab1e connecf1ons and does nof pom1se o ensue
dafa fansm1ss1on.
c. lncoecf. 1CP 1s fhe on1y connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 11sfed. A
connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 pov1des e11ab1e connecf1v1fy and dafa fansm1ss1on,
Wh11e connecf1on1ess pov1des une11ab1e connecf1ons and does nof pom1se o ensue
dafa fansm1ss1on.
d. Coecf. 1CP 1s fhe on1y connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 11sfed. A
connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1 pov1des e11ab1e connecf1v1fy and dafa fansm1ss1on,
Wh11e connecf1on1ess pov1des une11ab1e connecf1ons and does nof pom1se o ensue
dafa fansm1ss1on.
a. lncoecf. Lfhenef 1s a vey chaffy pofoco1 because 1f a11oWs a11 sysfems fo
hea each ofhe`s boadcasfs. 1he fechno1ogy has many co111s1ons because a11 sysfems
have fo shae fhe same med1um.
b. Coecf. Lfhenef 1s a vey chaffy pofoco1 because 1f a11oWs a11 sysfems fo
hea each ofhe`s boadcasfs. 1he fechno1ogy has many co111s1ons because a11 sysfems
have fo shae fhe same med1um.
c. lncoecf. Lfhenef 1s a vey chaffy pofoco1 because 1f a11oWs a11 sysfems fo
hea each ofhe`s boadcasfs. 1he fechno1ogy has many co111s1ons because a11 sysfems
have fo shae fhe same med1um.
d. lncoecf. Lfhenef 1s a vey chaffy pofoco1 because 1f a11oWs a11 sysfems fo
hea each ofhe`s boadcasfs. 1he fechno1ogy has many co111s1ons because a11 sysfems
have fo shae fhe same med1um.
a. lncoecf. App11caf1on and c1cu1f ae fhe on1y fype of poxy-based f1eWa11
so1uf1ons 11sfed hee, fhe ofhes do nof use pox1es. C1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s
make dec1s1ons based on heade 1nfomaf1on and nof fhe pofoco1`s command sfucfue.
App11caf1on-1eve1 pox1es ae fhe on1y ones fhaf undesfand fh1s 1eve1 of
ganu1a1fy abouf fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s.
b. lncoecf. App11caf1on and c1cu1f ae fhe on1y fype of poxy-based f1eWa11
so1uf1ons 11sfed hee, fhe ofhes do nof use pox1es. C1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s
make dec1s1ons based on heade 1nfomaf1on and nof fhe pofoco1`s command sfucfue.
App11caf1on-1eve1 pox1es ae fhe on1y ones fhaf undesfand fh1s 1eve1 of
ganu1a1fy abouf fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s.
c. Coecf. App11caf1on and c1cu1f ae fhe on1y fype of poxy-based f1eWa11
so1uf1ons 11sfed hee, fhe ofhes do nof use pox1es. C1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s
make dec1s1ons based on heade 1nfomaf1on and nof fhe pofoco1`s command sfucfue.
App11caf1on-1eve1 pox1es ae fhe on1y ones fhaf undesfand fh1s 1eve1 of
ganu1a1fy abouf fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s.
d. lncoecf. App11caf1on and c1cu1f ae fhe on1y fype of poxy-based f1eWa11
so1uf1ons 11sfed hee, fhe ofhes do nof use pox1es. C1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s
make dec1s1ons based on heade 1nfomaf1on and nof fhe pofoco1`s command sfucfue.
App11caf1on-1eve1 pox1es ae fhe on1y ones fhaf undesfand fh1s 1eve1 of
ganu1a1fy abouf fhe 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s.
a. lncoecf. D1sf1bufed env1onmenfs b1ng abouf a 1of moe comp1ex1fy and
dasf1ca11y 1ncease fhe d1ff1cu1fy of access confo1. 51nce you noW have many
d1ffeenf app11caf1ons, dev1ces, sev1ces, and uses 1f 1s much moe d1ff1cu1f fo
knoW Wh1ch enf1f1es fo fusf and fo Whaf degee.
b. Coecf. D1sf1bufed env1onmenfs b1ng abouf a 1of moe comp1ex1fy and
dasf1ca11y 1ncease fhe d1ff1cu1fy of access confo1. 51nce you noW have many
d1ffeenf app11caf1ons, dev1ces, sev1ces, and uses 1f 1s much moe d1ff1cu1f fo
knoW Wh1ch enf1f1es fo fusf and fo Whaf degee.
c. lncoecf. D1sf1bufed env1onmenfs b1ng abouf a 1of moe comp1ex1fy and
dasf1ca11y 1ncease fhe d1ff1cu1fy of access confo1. 51nce you noW have many
d1ffeenf app11caf1ons, dev1ces, sev1ces, and uses 1f 1s much moe d1ff1cu1f fo
knoW Wh1ch enf1f1es fo fusf and fo Whaf degee.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
d. lncoecf. D1sf1bufed env1onmenfs b1ng abouf a 1of moe comp1ex1fy and
dasf1ca11y 1ncease fhe d1ff1cu1fy of access confo1. 51nce you noW have many
d1ffeenf app11caf1ons, dev1ces, sev1ces, and uses 1f 1s much moe d1ff1cu1f fo
knoW Wh1ch enf1f1es fo fusf and fo Whaf degee.
a. lncoecf. 1he ofhe pofoco1s 11sfed ae used fo funne11ng and/o vPN
connecf1v1fy, nof use aufhenf1caf1on. ChAP uses fhe cha11enge-esponse mefhod of
aufhenf1caf1ng a use.
b. lncoecf. 1he ofhe pofoco1s 11sfed ae used fo funne11ng and/o vPN
connecf1v1fy, nof use aufhenf1caf1on. ChAP uses fhe cha11enge-esponse mefhod of
aufhenf1caf1ng a use.
c. Coecf. 1he ofhe pofoco1s 11sfed ae used fo funne11ng and/o vPN
connecf1v1fy, nof use aufhenf1caf1on. ChAP uses fhe cha11enge-esponse mefhod of
aufhenf1caf1ng a use.
d. lncoecf. 1he ofhe pofoco1s 11sfed ae used fo funne11ng and/o vPN
connecf1v1fy, nof use aufhenf1caf1on. ChAP uses fhe cha11enge-esponse mefhod of
aufhenf1caf1ng a use.
a. Coecf. 1he O5l mode1 1s made up of seven 1ayes. App11caf1on {Laye 7},
Pesenfaf1on {Laye 6}, 5ess1on {Laye 5}, 1anspof {Laye 4}, NefWok {Laye 3},
Dafa L1nk {Laye 2}, and Phys1ca1 {Laye 1}.
b. lncoecf. 1he O5l mode1 1s made up of seven 1ayes. App11caf1on {Laye 7},
Pesenfaf1on {Laye 6}, 5ess1on {Laye 5}, 1anspof {Laye 4}, NefWok {Laye 3},
Dafa L1nk {Laye 2}, and Phys1ca1 {Laye 1}.
c. lncoecf. 1he O5l mode1 1s made up of seven 1ayes. App11caf1on {Laye 7},
Pesenfaf1on {Laye 6}, 5ess1on {Laye 5}, 1anspof {Laye 4}, NefWok {Laye 3},
Dafa L1nk {Laye 2}, and Phys1ca1 {Laye 1}.
d. lncoecf. 1he O5l mode1 1s made up of seven 1ayes. App11caf1on {Laye 7},
Pesenfaf1on {Laye 6}, 5ess1on {Laye 5}, 1anspof {Laye 4}, NefWok {Laye 3},
Dafa L1nk {Laye 2}, and Phys1ca1 {Laye 1}.
a. lncoecf. A vPN sefs up a p1vafe and secue funne1 by encapsu1af1ng and
encypf1ng dafa. 1h1s a11oWs dafa fo be safe1y fansm1ffed ove unfusfed nefWoks.
b. Coecf. A vPN sefs up a p1vafe and secue funne1 by encapsu1af1ng and
encypf1ng dafa. 1h1s a11oWs dafa fo be safe1y fansm1ffed ove unfusfed nefWoks.
c. lncoecf. A vPN sefs up a p1vafe and secue funne1 by encapsu1af1ng and
encypf1ng dafa. 1h1s a11oWs dafa fo be safe1y fansm1ffed ove unfusfed nefWoks.
d. lncoecf. A vPN sefs up a p1vafe and secue funne1 by encapsu1af1ng and
encypf1ng dafa. 1h1s a11oWs dafa fo be safe1y fansm1ffed ove unfusfed nefWoks.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s vey d1ff1cu1f fo fap 1nfo a f1be 11ne, and f1be does nof
ad1afe s1gna1s as fhe ofhe cab1e fypes do.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s vey d1ff1cu1f fo fap 1nfo a f1be 11ne, and f1be does nof
ad1afe s1gna1s as fhe ofhe cab1e fypes do.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s vey d1ff1cu1f fo fap 1nfo a f1be 11ne, and f1be does nof
ad1afe s1gna1s as fhe ofhe cab1e fypes do.
d. Coecf. lf 1s vey d1ff1cu1f fo fap 1nfo a f1be 11ne, and f1be does nof
ad1afe s1gna1s as fhe ofhe cab1e fypes do.
a. Coecf. 1h1s 1s a e1af1ve and genea1 sfafemenf. Ma1nfames ae moe c1osed
sysfems and Wok 1n moe c1osed env1onmenfs When compaed fo fhe d1sf1bufed
env1onmenfs We Wok 1n foday. Ma1nfames usua11y have a sma11e numbe of enfy
po1nfs, Wh1ch ae genea11y vey confo11ed.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a e1af1ve and genea1 sfafemenf. Ma1nfames ae moe c1osed
sysfems and Wok 1n moe c1osed env1onmenfs When compaed fo fhe d1sf1bufed
env1onmenfs We Wok 1n foday. Ma1nfames usua11y have a sma11e numbe of enfy
po1nfs, Wh1ch ae genea11y vey confo11ed.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a e1af1ve and genea1 sfafemenf. Ma1nfames ae moe c1osed
Page 11
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
sysfems and Wok 1n moe c1osed env1onmenfs When compaed fo fhe d1sf1bufed
env1onmenfs We Wok 1n foday. Ma1nfames usua11y have a sma11e numbe of enfy
po1nfs, Wh1ch ae genea11y vey confo11ed.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s 1s a e1af1ve and genea1 sfafemenf. Ma1nfames ae moe c1osed
sysfems and Wok 1n moe c1osed env1onmenfs When compaed fo fhe d1sf1bufed
env1onmenfs We Wok 1n foday. Ma1nfames usua11y have a sma11e numbe of enfy
po1nfs, Wh1ch ae genea11y vey confo11ed.
a. lncoecf. 5ysfems, of couse, commun1cafe phys1ca11y us1ng nefWok cab1es o
a1Waves. 8uf fhey a1so commun1cafe 1og1ca11y. An I1P pofoco1 on one sysfem speaks
fo fhe I1P pofoco1 on anofhe sysfem and 1s nof aWae fhaf many ofhe pofoco1s,
dev1ces, and cab1es ae 1nvo1ved. Pofoco1s, sev1ces, and app11caf1ons commun1cafe
1og1ca11y, and fh1s commun1caf1on 1s fansm1ffed ove phys1ca1 means.
b. lncoecf. 5ysfems, of couse, commun1cafe phys1ca11y us1ng nefWok cab1es o
a1Waves. 8uf fhey a1so commun1cafe 1og1ca11y. An I1P pofoco1 on one sysfem speaks
fo fhe I1P pofoco1 on anofhe sysfem and 1s nof aWae fhaf many ofhe pofoco1s,
dev1ces, and cab1es ae 1nvo1ved. Pofoco1s, sev1ces, and app11caf1ons commun1cafe
1og1ca11y, and fh1s commun1caf1on 1s fansm1ffed ove phys1ca1 means.
c. lncoecf. 5ysfems, of couse, commun1cafe phys1ca11y us1ng nefWok cab1es o
a1Waves. 8uf fhey a1so commun1cafe 1og1ca11y. An I1P pofoco1 on one sysfem speaks
fo fhe I1P pofoco1 on anofhe sysfem and 1s nof aWae fhaf many ofhe pofoco1s,
dev1ces, and cab1es ae 1nvo1ved. Pofoco1s, sev1ces, and app11caf1ons commun1cafe
1og1ca11y, and fh1s commun1caf1on 1s fansm1ffed ove phys1ca1 means.
d. Coecf. 5ysfems, of couse, commun1cafe phys1ca11y us1ng nefWok cab1es o
a1Waves. 8uf fhey a1so commun1cafe 1og1ca11y. An I1P pofoco1 on one sysfem speaks
fo fhe I1P pofoco1 on anofhe sysfem and 1s nof aWae fhaf many ofhe pofoco1s,
dev1ces, and cab1es ae 1nvo1ved. Pofoco1s, sev1ces, and app11caf1ons commun1cafe
1og1ca11y, and fh1s commun1caf1on 1s fansm1ffed ove phys1ca1 means.
a. lncoecf. Dafa encapsu1af1on means fhaf a p1ece of dafa 1s puf 1ns1de anofhe
fype of dafa. 1h1s usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s app1y fhe1 oWn
1nsfucf1on sef 1n fhe fom of heades and fa11es. As a dafa package goes doWn fhe
O5l, o pofoco1 sfack, of a sysfem, each pofoco1 fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved adds 1fs oWn
1nsfucf1ons. 1h1s pocess 1s evesed af fhe desf1naf1on.
b. Coecf. Dafa encapsu1af1on means fhaf a p1ece of dafa 1s puf 1ns1de anofhe
fype of dafa. 1h1s usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s app1y fhe1 oWn
1nsfucf1on sef 1n fhe fom of heades and fa11es. As a dafa package goes doWn fhe
O5l, o pofoco1 sfack, of a sysfem, each pofoco1 fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved adds 1fs oWn
1nsfucf1ons. 1h1s pocess 1s evesed af fhe desf1naf1on.
c. lncoecf. Dafa encapsu1af1on means fhaf a p1ece of dafa 1s puf 1ns1de anofhe
fype of dafa. 1h1s usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s app1y fhe1 oWn
1nsfucf1on sef 1n fhe fom of heades and fa11es. As a dafa package goes doWn fhe
O5l, o pofoco1 sfack, of a sysfem, each pofoco1 fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved adds 1fs oWn
1nsfucf1ons. 1h1s pocess 1s evesed af fhe desf1naf1on.
d. lncoecf. Dafa encapsu1af1on means fhaf a p1ece of dafa 1s puf 1ns1de anofhe
fype of dafa. 1h1s usua11y means fhaf 1nd1v1dua1 pofoco1s app1y fhe1 oWn
1nsfucf1on sef 1n fhe fom of heades and fa11es. As a dafa package goes doWn fhe
O5l, o pofoco1 sfack, of a sysfem, each pofoco1 fhaf 1s 1nvo1ved adds 1fs oWn
1nsfucf1ons. 1h1s pocess 1s evesed af fhe desf1naf1on.
a. lncoecf. An open sysfem 1s a sysfem fhaf has been deve1oped based on
sfandad1zed pofoco1s and 1nfefaces. Io11oW1ng fhese sfandads a11oWs fhe sysfems
fo 1nfeopeafe moe effecf1ve1y W1fh ofhe sysfems fhaf fo11oW fhe same sfandads.
b. lncoecf. An open sysfem 1s a sysfem fhaf has been deve1oped based on
sfandad1zed pofoco1s and 1nfefaces. Io11oW1ng fhese sfandads a11oWs fhe sysfems
fo 1nfeopeafe moe effecf1ve1y W1fh ofhe sysfems fhaf fo11oW fhe same sfandads.
c. Coecf. An open sysfem 1s a sysfem fhaf has been deve1oped based on
sfandad1zed pofoco1s and 1nfefaces. Io11oW1ng fhese sfandads a11oWs fhe sysfems
fo 1nfeopeafe moe effecf1ve1y W1fh ofhe sysfems fhaf fo11oW fhe same sfandads.
d. lncoecf. An open sysfem 1s a sysfem fhaf has been deve1oped based on
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
sfandad1zed pofoco1s and 1nfefaces. Io11oW1ng fhese sfandads a11oWs fhe sysfems
fo 1nfeopeafe moe effecf1ve1y W1fh ofhe sysfems fhaf fo11oW fhe same sfandads.
a. Coecf. 5lP-based s1gna11ng suffes fom fhe 1ack of encypfed ca11 channe1s
and aufhenf1caf1on of confo1 s1gna1s. Affackes can fap 1nfo fhe 5lP seve and
c11enf commun1caf1on fo sn1ff ouf 1og1n lDs, passWods/PlNs, and phone numbes.
b. lncoecf. 5lP-based s1gna11ng suffes fom fhe 1ack of encypfed ca11 channe1s
and aufhenf1caf1on of confo1 s1gna1s. Affackes can fap 1nfo fhe 5lP seve and
c11enf commun1caf1on fo sn1ff ouf 1og1n lDs, passWods/PlNs, and phone numbes.
c. lncoecf. 5lP-based s1gna11ng suffes fom fhe 1ack of encypfed ca11 channe1s
and aufhenf1caf1on of confo1 s1gna1s. Affackes can fap 1nfo fhe 5lP seve and
c11enf commun1caf1on fo sn1ff ouf 1og1n lDs, passWods/PlNs, and phone numbes.
d. lncoecf. 5lP-based s1gna11ng suffes fom fhe 1ack of encypfed ca11 channe1s
and aufhenf1caf1on of confo1 s1gna1s. Affackes can fap 1nfo fhe 5lP seve and
c11enf commun1caf1on fo sn1ff ouf 1og1n lDs, passWods/PlNs, and phone numbes.
a. lncoecf. D1ffeenf pofoco1s have d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he O5l mode1 1s
an affempf fo concepfua11y desc1be Whee fhese d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es fake p1ace
1n a nefWok1ng sfack. 1he mode1 1s bas1ca11y fy1ng fo daW boxes aound ea11fy
fo peop1e fo beffe undesfand fhe sfack. Lach 1aye has spec1f1c funcf1ona11fy and
sevea1 d1ffeenf pofoco1s fhaf can 11ve af fhaf 1aye and cay ouf fhaf spec1f1c
b. lncoecf. D1ffeenf pofoco1s have d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he O5l mode1 1s
an affempf fo concepfua11y desc1be Whee fhese d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es fake p1ace
1n a nefWok1ng sfack. 1he mode1 1s bas1ca11y fy1ng fo daW boxes aound ea11fy
fo peop1e fo beffe undesfand fhe sfack. Lach 1aye has spec1f1c funcf1ona11fy and
sevea1 d1ffeenf pofoco1s fhaf can 11ve af fhaf 1aye and cay ouf fhaf spec1f1c
c. Coecf. D1ffeenf pofoco1s have d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he O5l mode1 1s
an affempf fo concepfua11y desc1be Whee fhese d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es fake p1ace
1n a nefWok1ng sfack. 1he mode1 1s bas1ca11y fy1ng fo daW boxes aound ea11fy
fo peop1e fo beffe undesfand fhe sfack. Lach 1aye has spec1f1c funcf1ona11fy and
sevea1 d1ffeenf pofoco1s fhaf can 11ve af fhaf 1aye and cay ouf fhaf spec1f1c
d. lncoecf. D1ffeenf pofoco1s have d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es. 1he O5l mode1 1s
an affempf fo concepfua11y desc1be Whee fhese d1ffeenf funcf1ona11f1es fake p1ace
1n a nefWok1ng sfack. 1he mode1 1s bas1ca11y fy1ng fo daW boxes aound ea11fy
fo peop1e fo beffe undesfand fhe sfack. Lach 1aye has spec1f1c funcf1ona11fy and
sevea1 d1ffeenf pofoco1s fhaf can 11ve af fhaf 1aye and cay ouf fhaf spec1f1c
a. lncoecf. 1he Pesenfaf1on 1aye does nof have any pofoco1s fhaf Wok fhee,
buf has sev1ces fhaf cay ouf dafa fomaff1ng, compess1on/decompess1on, and
encypf1on/decypf1on pocesses. Puff1ng dafa 1nfo a sfandad1zed fomaf a11oWs fo
a 1age subsef of app11caf1ons fo be ab1e fo undesfand and 1nfepef 1f.
b. Coecf. 1he Pesenfaf1on 1aye does nof have any pofoco1s fhaf Wok fhee,
buf has sev1ces fhaf cay ouf dafa fomaff1ng, compess1on/decompess1on, and
encypf1on/decypf1on pocesses. Puff1ng dafa 1nfo a sfandad1zed fomaf a11oWs fo
a 1age subsef of app11caf1ons fo be ab1e fo undesfand and 1nfepef 1f.
c. lncoecf. 1he Pesenfaf1on 1aye does nof have any pofoco1s fhaf Wok fhee,
buf has sev1ces fhaf cay ouf dafa fomaff1ng, compess1on/decompess1on, and
encypf1on/decypf1on pocesses. Puff1ng dafa 1nfo a sfandad1zed fomaf a11oWs fo
a 1age subsef of app11caf1ons fo be ab1e fo undesfand and 1nfepef 1f.
d. lncoecf. 1he Pesenfaf1on 1aye does nof have any pofoco1s fhaf Wok fhee,
buf has sev1ces fhaf cay ouf dafa fomaff1ng, compess1on/decompess1on, and
encypf1on/decypf1on pocesses. Puff1ng dafa 1nfo a sfandad1zed fomaf a11oWs fo
a 1age subsef of app11caf1ons fo be ab1e fo undesfand and 1nfepef 1f.
a. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye, 1n mosf cases, 1s fhe on1y 1aye fhaf
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
undesfands fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe sysfem 1s Wok1ng 1f, Whefhe 1f be Lfhenef,
1oken k1ng, W1e1ess, o connecf1ng fo a WAN 11nk. 1h1s 1aye adds fhe necessay
heades and fa11es fo fhe dafa, Wh1ch fames 1f. Ofhe sysfems on fhe same nefWok
us1ng fhe same fechno1ogy on1y undesfand fhe spec1f1c heade and fa11e fomaf
used 1n 1fs fechno1ogy.
b. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye, 1n mosf cases, 1s fhe on1y 1aye fhaf
undesfands fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe sysfem 1s Wok1ng 1f, Whefhe 1f be Lfhenef,
1oken k1ng, W1e1ess, o connecf1ng fo a WAN 11nk. 1h1s 1aye adds fhe necessay
heades and fa11es fo fhe dafa, Wh1ch fames 1f. Ofhe sysfems on fhe same nefWok
us1ng fhe same fechno1ogy on1y undesfand fhe spec1f1c heade and fa11e fomaf
used 1n 1fs fechno1ogy.
c. Coecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye, 1n mosf cases, 1s fhe on1y 1aye fhaf undesfands
fhe env1onmenf fhe sysfem 1s Wok1ng 1f, Whefhe 1f be Lfhenef, 1oken k1ng,
W1e1ess, o connecf1ng fo a WAN 11nk. 1h1s 1aye adds fhe necessay heades and
fa11es fo fhe dafa, Wh1ch fames 1f. Ofhe sysfems on fhe same nefWok us1ng fhe
same fechno1ogy on1y undesfand fhe spec1f1c heade and fa11e fomaf used 1n 1fs
d. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye, 1n mosf cases, 1s fhe on1y 1aye fhaf
undesfands fhe env1onmenf fhaf fhe sysfem 1s Wok1ng 1f, Whefhe 1f be Lfhenef,
1oken k1ng, W1e1ess, o connecf1ng fo a WAN 11nk. 1h1s 1aye adds fhe necessay
heades and fa11es fo fhe dafa, Wh1ch fames 1f. Ofhe sysfems on fhe same nefWok
us1ng fhe same fechno1ogy on1y undesfand fhe spec1f1c heade and fa11e fomaf
used 1n 1fs fechno1ogy.
a. Coecf. 1he 5ess1on 1aye 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng hoW app11caf1ons
commun1cafe, nof hoW compufes commun1cafe. Nof a11 app11caf1ons use pofoco1s fhaf
Wok af fhe 5ess1on 1aye, so fh1s 1aye 1s nof a1Ways used 1n nefWok1ng funcf1ons.
A 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1 W111 sef up fhe connecf1on fo fhe ofhe app11caf1on
1og1ca11y and confo1 fhe d1a1og go1ng back and fofh. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s a11oW
app11caf1ons fo keep sfafe of fhe d1a1og.
b. lncoecf. 1he 5ess1on 1aye 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng hoW app11caf1ons
commun1cafe, nof hoW compufes commun1cafe. Nof a11 app11caf1ons use pofoco1s fhaf
Wok af fhe 5ess1on 1aye, so fh1s 1aye 1s nof a1Ways used 1n nefWok1ng funcf1ons.
A 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1 W111 sef up fhe connecf1on fo fhe ofhe app11caf1on
1og1ca11y and confo1 fhe d1a1og go1ng back and fofh. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s a11oW
app11caf1ons fo keep sfafe of fhe d1a1og.
c. lncoecf. 1he 5ess1on 1aye 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng hoW app11caf1ons
commun1cafe, nof hoW compufes commun1cafe. Nof a11 app11caf1ons use pofoco1s fhaf
Wok af fhe 5ess1on 1aye, so fh1s 1aye 1s nof a1Ways used 1n nefWok1ng funcf1ons.
A 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1 W111 sef up fhe connecf1on fo fhe ofhe app11caf1on
1og1ca11y and confo1 fhe d1a1og go1ng back and fofh. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s a11oW
app11caf1ons fo keep sfafe of fhe d1a1og.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5ess1on 1aye 1s espons1b1e fo confo111ng hoW app11caf1ons
commun1cafe, nof hoW compufes commun1cafe. Nof a11 app11caf1ons use pofoco1s fhaf
Wok af fhe 5ess1on 1aye, so fh1s 1aye 1s nof a1Ways used 1n nefWok1ng funcf1ons.
A 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1 W111 sef up fhe connecf1on fo fhe ofhe app11caf1on
1og1ca11y and confo1 fhe d1a1og go1ng back and fofh. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s a11oW
app11caf1ons fo keep sfafe of fhe d1a1og.
a. lncoecf. A b1dge W111 on1y ead heade 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye
and no h1ghe because 1f makes foWad1ng and f11fe1ng dec1s1ons based on Whaf 1s
he1d W1fh1n fh1s heade, Wh1ch 1s fhe MAC addess.
b. lncoecf. A b1dge W111 on1y ead heade 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye
and no h1ghe because 1f makes foWad1ng and f11fe1ng dec1s1ons based on Whaf 1s
he1d W1fh1n fh1s heade, Wh1ch 1s fhe MAC addess.
c. lncoecf. A b1dge W111 on1y ead heade 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye
and no h1ghe because 1f makes foWad1ng and f11fe1ng dec1s1ons based on Whaf 1s
he1d W1fh1n fh1s heade, Wh1ch 1s fhe MAC addess.
d. Coecf. A b1dge W111 on1y ead heade 1nfomaf1on 1n fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye and
no h1ghe because 1f makes foWad1ng and f11fe1ng dec1s1ons based on Whaf 1s he1d
W1fh1n fh1s heade, Wh1ch 1s fhe MAC addess.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
a. lncoecf. 1he lP pofoco1 1s connecf1on1ess and Woks af fhe NefWok 1aye. lf
adds souce and desf1naf1on addesses fo a packef as 1f goes fhough 1fs dafa
encapsu1af1on pocess. lP can a1so make ouf1ng dec1s1ons based on fhe desf1naf1on
b. Coecf. 1he lP pofoco1 1s connecf1on1ess and Woks af fhe NefWok 1aye. lf
adds souce and desf1naf1on addesses fo a packef as 1f goes fhough 1fs dafa
encapsu1af1on pocess. lP can a1so make ouf1ng dec1s1ons based on fhe desf1naf1on
c. lncoecf. 1he lP pofoco1 1s connecf1on1ess and Woks af fhe NefWok 1aye. lf
adds souce and desf1naf1on addesses fo a packef as 1f goes fhough 1fs dafa
encapsu1af1on pocess. lP can a1so make ouf1ng dec1s1ons based on fhe desf1naf1on
d. lncoecf. 1he lP pofoco1 1s connecf1on1ess and Woks af fhe NefWok 1aye. lf
adds souce and desf1naf1on addesses fo a packef as 1f goes fhough 1fs dafa
encapsu1af1on pocess. lP can a1so make ouf1ng dec1s1ons based on fhe desf1naf1on
a. lncoecf. uDP 1s common1y efeed fo as a "besf effof" pofoco1, buf fh1s
1abe1 desc1bes any connecf1on1ess pofoco1, nof usf uDP.
b. lncoecf. uDP 1s common1y efeed fo as a "besf effof" pofoco1, buf fh1s
1abe1 desc1bes any connecf1on1ess pofoco1, nof usf uDP.
c. Coecf. uDP 1s common1y efeed fo as a "besf effof" pofoco1, buf fh1s
1abe1 desc1bes any connecf1on1ess pofoco1, nof usf uDP.
d. lncoecf. uDP 1s common1y efeed fo as a "besf effof" pofoco1, buf fh1s
1abe1 desc1bes any connecf1on1ess pofoco1, nof usf uDP.
a. lncoecf. 1CP 1s a connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1, mean1ng 1f pov1des a moe
e11ab1e connecf1on, confo1s dafa f1oW, pefoms eo defecf1on and coecf1on,
and sefs up a v1fua1 connecf1on. uDP {o any connecf1on1ess pofoco1} does nof
pov1de any of fhese sev1ces.
b. lncoecf. 1CP 1s a connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1, mean1ng 1f pov1des a moe
e11ab1e connecf1on, confo1s dafa f1oW, pefoms eo defecf1on and coecf1on,
and sefs up a v1fua1 connecf1on. uDP {o any connecf1on1ess pofoco1} does nof
pov1de any of fhese sev1ces.
c. lncoecf. 1CP 1s a connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1, mean1ng 1f pov1des a moe
e11ab1e connecf1on, confo1s dafa f1oW, pefoms eo defecf1on and coecf1on,
and sefs up a v1fua1 connecf1on. uDP {o any connecf1on1ess pofoco1} does nof
pov1de any of fhese sev1ces.
d. Coecf. 1CP 1s a connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1, mean1ng 1f pov1des a moe
e11ab1e connecf1on, confo1s dafa f1oW, pefoms eo defecf1on and coecf1on,
and sefs up a v1fua1 connecf1on. uDP {o any connecf1on1ess pofoco1} does nof
pov1de any of fhese sev1ces.
a. lncoecf. 5fafefu1 f1eWa11s use sfafe fab1es fo keep fack of each sfep of
commun1caf1on befWeen sysfems. 1h1s pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhan
packef f11fe1ng, because 1f makes access dec1s1ons based on fhe sfeps fhaf have
a1eady been comp1efed 1n fhe d1a1og.
b. lncoecf. 5fafefu1 f1eWa11s use sfafe fab1es fo keep fack of each sfep of
commun1caf1on befWeen sysfems. 1h1s pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhan
packef f11fe1ng, because 1f makes access dec1s1ons based on fhe sfeps fhaf have
a1eady been comp1efed 1n fhe d1a1og.
c. Coecf. 5fafefu1 f1eWa11s use sfafe fab1es fo keep fack of each sfep of
commun1caf1on befWeen sysfems. 1h1s pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhan
packef f11fe1ng, because 1f makes access dec1s1ons based on fhe sfeps fhaf have
a1eady been comp1efed 1n fhe d1a1og.
d. lncoecf. 5fafefu1 f1eWa11s use sfafe fab1es fo keep fack of each sfep of
commun1caf1on befWeen sysfems. 1h1s pov1des a h1ghe 1eve1 of pofecf1on fhan
packef f11fe1ng, because 1f makes access dec1s1ons based on fhe sfeps fhaf have
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
a1eady been comp1efed 1n fhe d1a1og.
a. lncoecf. 108ase2 1s ca11ed 1h1nNef because 1f uses fh1n, f1ex1b1e coax1a1
cab1e fhaf 1s easy fo Wok W1fh. lfs nefWok segmenf 1engfh 1s 15 mefes and can
pov1de up fo 10 Mbps bandW1dfh.
b. lncoecf. 108ase2 1s ca11ed 1h1nNef because 1f uses fh1n, f1ex1b1e coax1a1
cab1e fhaf 1s easy fo Wok W1fh. lfs nefWok segmenf 1engfh 1s 15 mefes and can
pov1de up fo 10 Mbps bandW1dfh.
c. lncoecf. 108ase2 1s ca11ed 1h1nNef because 1f uses fh1n, f1ex1b1e coax1a1
cab1e fhaf 1s easy fo Wok W1fh. lfs nefWok segmenf 1engfh 1s 15 mefes and can
pov1de up fo 10 Mbps bandW1dfh.
d. Coecf. 108ase2 1s ca11ed 1h1nNef because 1f uses fh1n, f1ex1b1e coax1a1 cab1e
fhaf 1s easy fo Wok W1fh. lfs nefWok segmenf 1engfh 1s 15 mefes and can pov1de
up fo 10 Mbps bandW1dfh.
a. lncoecf. L21P can funne1 fhough nefWoks fhaf 1ncopoafe many fypes of
pofoco1s, such as X.25, A1M, and fame e1ay. PP1P and lP5ec can on1y Wok ove
lP-based nefWoks. L21P does nof pov1de any encypf1on and musf be comb1ned W1fh
lP5ec 1f fh1s fype of pofecf1on 1s needed. L21P Was deve1oped by comb1n1ng fhe besf
of fhe L2I and PP1P pofoco1s.
b. Coecf. L21P can funne1 fhough nefWoks fhaf 1ncopoafe many fypes of
pofoco1s, such as X.25, A1M, and fame e1ay. PP1P and lP5ec can on1y Wok ove
lP-based nefWoks. L21P does nof pov1de any encypf1on and musf be comb1ned W1fh
lP5ec 1f fh1s fype of pofecf1on 1s needed. L21P Was deve1oped by comb1n1ng fhe besf
of fhe L2I and PP1P pofoco1s.
c. lncoecf. L21P can funne1 fhough nefWoks fhaf 1ncopoafe many fypes of
pofoco1s, such as X.25, A1M, and fame e1ay. PP1P and lP5ec can on1y Wok ove
lP-based nefWoks. L21P does nof pov1de any encypf1on and musf be comb1ned W1fh
lP5ec 1f fh1s fype of pofecf1on 1s needed. L21P Was deve1oped by comb1n1ng fhe besf
of fhe L2I and PP1P pofoco1s.
d. lncoecf. L21P can funne1 fhough nefWoks fhaf 1ncopoafe many fypes of
pofoco1s, such as X.25, A1M, and fame e1ay. PP1P and lP5ec can on1y Wok ove
lP-based nefWoks. L21P does nof pov1de any encypf1on and musf be comb1ned W1fh
lP5ec 1f fh1s fype of pofecf1on 1s needed. L21P Was deve1oped by comb1n1ng fhe besf
of fhe L2I and PP1P pofoco1s.
a. Coecf. A mesh fopo1ogy 1s one fhaf does nof pov1de fhe nefWok sfucfue of
fhe ofhe fhee menf1oned fopo1og1es {bus, sfa, 1ng}. ln a paf1a1 mesh fopo1ogy
a11 compufes ae connecfed 1n some Way {fhe lnfenef 1s a good examp1e}. ln a fu11
mesh, each compufe 1s connecfed fo each and evey ofhe compufe. A fu11 mesh
fopo1ogy pov1des fu11 edundancy, buf equ1es a 1of of cab11ng.
b. lncoecf. A mesh fopo1ogy 1s one fhaf does nof pov1de fhe nefWok sfucfue
of fhe ofhe fhee menf1oned fopo1og1es {bus, sfa, 1ng}. ln a paf1a1 mesh
fopo1ogy a11 compufes ae connecfed 1n some Way {fhe lnfenef 1s a good examp1e}.
ln a fu11 mesh, each compufe 1s connecfed fo each and evey ofhe compufe. A fu11
mesh fopo1ogy pov1des fu11 edundancy, buf equ1es a 1of of cab11ng.
c. lncoecf. A mesh fopo1ogy 1s one fhaf does nof pov1de fhe nefWok sfucfue
of fhe ofhe fhee menf1oned fopo1og1es {bus, sfa, 1ng}. ln a paf1a1 mesh
fopo1ogy a11 compufes ae connecfed 1n some Way {fhe lnfenef 1s a good examp1e}.
ln a fu11 mesh, each compufe 1s connecfed fo each and evey ofhe compufe. A fu11
mesh fopo1ogy pov1des fu11 edundancy, buf equ1es a 1of of cab11ng.
d. lncoecf. A mesh fopo1ogy 1s one fhaf does nof pov1de fhe nefWok sfucfue
of fhe ofhe fhee menf1oned fopo1og1es {bus, sfa, 1ng}. ln a paf1a1 mesh
fopo1ogy a11 compufes ae connecfed 1n some Way {fhe lnfenef 1s a good examp1e}.
ln a fu11 mesh, each compufe 1s connecfed fo each and evey ofhe compufe. A fu11
mesh fopo1ogy pov1des fu11 edundancy, buf equ1es a 1of of cab11ng.
a. lncoecf. A sceened subnef f11fes exfena1 faff1c and passes 1f on fo fhe
f1eWa11 {fhe second sceen1ng dev1ce} and fhen on fo fhe 1nfena1 nefWok. A
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
sceened subnef ceafes a DMZ by us1ng fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. A sceened hosf 1s
a sceen1ng oufe fhaf 1s 1n fonf of a f1eWa11, buf does nof ceafe a DMZ.
b. Coecf. A sceened subnef f11fes exfena1 faff1c and passes 1f on fo fhe
f1eWa11 {fhe second sceen1ng dev1ce} and fhen on fo fhe 1nfena1 nefWok. A
sceened subnef ceafes a DMZ by us1ng fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. A sceened hosf 1s
a sceen1ng oufe fhaf 1s 1n fonf of a f1eWa11, buf does nof ceafe a DMZ.
c. lncoecf. A sceened subnef f11fes exfena1 faff1c and passes 1f on fo fhe
f1eWa11 {fhe second sceen1ng dev1ce} and fhen on fo fhe 1nfena1 nefWok. A
sceened subnef ceafes a DMZ by us1ng fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. A sceened hosf 1s
a sceen1ng oufe fhaf 1s 1n fonf of a f1eWa11, buf does nof ceafe a DMZ.
d. lncoecf. A sceened subnef f11fes exfena1 faff1c and passes 1f on fo fhe
f1eWa11 {fhe second sceen1ng dev1ce} and fhen on fo fhe 1nfena1 nefWok. A
sceened subnef ceafes a DMZ by us1ng fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. A sceened hosf 1s
a sceen1ng oufe fhaf 1s 1n fonf of a f1eWa11, buf does nof ceafe a DMZ.
a. lncoecf. 8ecause app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s Wok af such an 1nf1cafe
1eve1, fhey fyp1ca11y educe fhe ovea11 nefWok pefomance. App11caf1on-1eve1
poxy f1eWa11s 1ook af fhe dafa pay1oad fo make access dec1s1ons and can defecf
ma11c1ous code and commands, Wh11e fhe ofhe f1eWa11 fypes cannof.
b. lncoecf. 8ecause app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s Wok af such an 1nf1cafe
1eve1, fhey fyp1ca11y educe fhe ovea11 nefWok pefomance. App11caf1on-1eve1
poxy f1eWa11s 1ook af fhe dafa pay1oad fo make access dec1s1ons and can defecf
ma11c1ous code and commands, Wh11e fhe ofhe f1eWa11 fypes cannof.
c. lncoecf. 8ecause app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s Wok af such an 1nf1cafe
1eve1, fhey fyp1ca11y educe fhe ovea11 nefWok pefomance. App11caf1on-1eve1
poxy f1eWa11s 1ook af fhe dafa pay1oad fo make access dec1s1ons and can defecf
ma11c1ous code and commands, Wh11e fhe ofhe f1eWa11 fypes cannof.
d. Coecf. 8ecause app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11s Wok af such an 1nf1cafe
1eve1, fhey fyp1ca11y educe fhe ovea11 nefWok pefomance. App11caf1on-1eve1
poxy f1eWa11s 1ook af fhe dafa pay1oad fo make access dec1s1ons and can defecf
ma11c1ous code and commands, Wh11e fhe ofhe f1eWa11 fypes cannof.
a. lncoecf. Dem111fa1zed zones {DMZ} pov1de a buffe and he1p pofecf fhe
1nfena1 nefWok fom fhe unfusfed, exfena1 nefWok. A DMZ can be ceafed by
seff1ng up fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. On1y fhe necessay sysfems shou1d be p1aced 1n
fhe DMZ, s1nce fhey W111 be fhe f1sf ones accessed by peop1e fom fhe lnfenef o
unfusfed nefWok.
b. lncoecf. Dem111fa1zed zones {DMZ} pov1de a buffe and he1p pofecf fhe
1nfena1 nefWok fom fhe unfusfed, exfena1 nefWok. A DMZ can be ceafed by
seff1ng up fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. On1y fhe necessay sysfems shou1d be p1aced 1n
fhe DMZ, s1nce fhey W111 be fhe f1sf ones accessed by peop1e fom fhe lnfenef o
unfusfed nefWok.
c. Coecf. Dem111fa1zed zones {DMZ} pov1de a buffe and he1p pofecf fhe
1nfena1 nefWok fom fhe unfusfed, exfena1 nefWok. A DMZ can be ceafed by
seff1ng up fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. On1y fhe necessay sysfems shou1d be p1aced 1n
fhe DMZ, s1nce fhey W111 be fhe f1sf ones accessed by peop1e fom fhe lnfenef o
unfusfed nefWok.
d. lncoecf. Dem111fa1zed zones {DMZ} pov1de a buffe and he1p pofecf fhe
1nfena1 nefWok fom fhe unfusfed, exfena1 nefWok. A DMZ can be ceafed by
seff1ng up fWo oufes o f1eWa11s. On1y fhe necessay sysfems shou1d be p1aced 1n
fhe DMZ, s1nce fhey W111 be fhe f1sf ones accessed by peop1e fom fhe lnfenef o
unfusfed nefWok.
a. lncoecf. Poxy f1eWa11s pov1de beffe secu1fy as fhey acf as m1dd1emen
sepaaf1ng fhe fusfed and unfusfed nefWoks. 1hey acfua11y beak fhe connecf1on
and do nof a11oW exfena1 uses fo have d1ecf access fo 1nfena1 esouces.
b. lncoecf. Poxy f1eWa11s pov1de beffe secu1fy as fhey acf as m1dd1emen
sepaaf1ng fhe fusfed and unfusfed nefWoks. 1hey acfua11y beak fhe connecf1on
and do nof a11oW exfena1 uses fo have d1ecf access fo 1nfena1 esouces.
c. Coecf. Poxy f1eWa11s pov1de beffe secu1fy as fhey acf as m1dd1emen
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
sepaaf1ng fhe fusfed and unfusfed nefWoks. 1hey acfua11y beak fhe connecf1on
and do nof a11oW exfena1 uses fo have d1ecf access fo 1nfena1 esouces.
d. lncoecf. Poxy f1eWa11s pov1de beffe secu1fy as fhey acf as m1dd1emen
sepaaf1ng fhe fusfed and unfusfed nefWoks. 1hey acfua11y beak fhe connecf1on
and do nof a11oW exfena1 uses fo have d1ecf access fo 1nfena1 esouces.
a. lncoecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf Pofoco1 {PPP} ep1aced 5LlP because 1f offes moe
capab111f1es such as eo coecf1on, beffe suppof of aufhenf1caf1on,
encapsu1af1on of pofoco1s ofhe fhan lP, and compess1on of heade 1nfomaf1on.
8ofh pofoco1s ae encapsu1af1on pofoco1s used fo cay dafa ove se1a1 11nes.
b. lncoecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf Pofoco1 {PPP} ep1aced 5LlP because 1f offes moe
capab111f1es such as eo coecf1on, beffe suppof of aufhenf1caf1on,
encapsu1af1on of pofoco1s ofhe fhan lP, and compess1on of heade 1nfomaf1on.
8ofh pofoco1s ae encapsu1af1on pofoco1s used fo cay dafa ove se1a1 11nes.
c. lncoecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf Pofoco1 {PPP} ep1aced 5LlP because 1f offes moe
capab111f1es such as eo coecf1on, beffe suppof of aufhenf1caf1on,
encapsu1af1on of pofoco1s ofhe fhan lP, and compess1on of heade 1nfomaf1on.
8ofh pofoco1s ae encapsu1af1on pofoco1s used fo cay dafa ove se1a1 11nes.
d. Coecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf Pofoco1 {PPP} ep1aced 5LlP because 1f offes moe
capab111f1es such as eo coecf1on, beffe suppof of aufhenf1caf1on,
encapsu1af1on of pofoco1s ofhe fhan lP, and compess1on of heade 1nfomaf1on.
8ofh pofoco1s ae encapsu1af1on pofoco1s used fo cay dafa ove se1a1 11nes.
a. lncoecf. 5ouce ouf1ng uses fhe packef heade 1nfomaf1on fo defem1ne
desf1naf1ons. lf a packef has fh1s ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n 1fs heade 1f can
ove1de fhe oufes fhaf oufes ae conf1gued W1fh. koufes shou1d be conf1gued
fo 1denf1fy souce ouf1ng packefs and dop fhem 1nsfead of a11oW1ng fhem passage.
b. Coecf. 5ouce ouf1ng uses fhe packef heade 1nfomaf1on fo defem1ne
desf1naf1ons. lf a packef has fh1s ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n 1fs heade 1f can
ove1de fhe oufes fhaf oufes ae conf1gued W1fh. koufes shou1d be conf1gued
fo 1denf1fy souce ouf1ng packefs and dop fhem 1nsfead of a11oW1ng fhem passage.
c. lncoecf. 5ouce ouf1ng uses fhe packef heade 1nfomaf1on fo defem1ne
desf1naf1ons. lf a packef has fh1s ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n 1fs heade 1f can
ove1de fhe oufes fhaf oufes ae conf1gued W1fh. koufes shou1d be conf1gued
fo 1denf1fy souce ouf1ng packefs and dop fhem 1nsfead of a11oW1ng fhem passage.
d. lncoecf. 5ouce ouf1ng uses fhe packef heade 1nfomaf1on fo defem1ne
desf1naf1ons. lf a packef has fh1s ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n 1fs heade 1f can
ove1de fhe oufes fhaf oufes ae conf1gued W1fh. koufes shou1d be conf1gued
fo 1denf1fy souce ouf1ng packefs and dop fhem 1nsfead of a11oW1ng fhem passage.
a. lncoecf. kepeafes ae s1mp1e dev1ces fhaf he1p exfend fhe nefWok by
amp11fy1ng a s1gna1 so 1f can pass on fo fhe nexf segmenf. OfheW1se fhe s1gna1
Weakens {affenuaf1on} and may nof be dec1pheab1e by fhe ece1v1ng sysfem.
b. lncoecf. kepeafes ae s1mp1e dev1ces fhaf he1p exfend fhe nefWok by
amp11fy1ng a s1gna1 so 1f can pass on fo fhe nexf segmenf. OfheW1se fhe s1gna1
Weakens {affenuaf1on} and may nof be dec1pheab1e by fhe ece1v1ng sysfem.
c. Coecf. kepeafes ae s1mp1e dev1ces fhaf he1p exfend fhe nefWok by
amp11fy1ng a s1gna1 so 1f can pass on fo fhe nexf segmenf. OfheW1se fhe s1gna1
Weakens {affenuaf1on} and may nof be dec1pheab1e by fhe ece1v1ng sysfem.
d. lncoecf. kepeafes ae s1mp1e dev1ces fhaf he1p exfend fhe nefWok by
amp11fy1ng a s1gna1 so 1f can pass on fo fhe nexf segmenf. OfheW1se fhe s1gna1
Weakens {affenuaf1on} and may nof be dec1pheab1e by fhe ece1v1ng sysfem.
a. lncoecf. Affackes can 1mpesonafe a seve and 1ssue commands such as bye,
checksync, and esef fo volP c11enfs. 1he bye command causes volP dev1ces fo c1ose
doWn Wh11e 1n a convesaf1on, fhe checksync command can be used fo eboof volP
fem1na1s, and fhe esef command causes fhe seve fo esef and eesfab11sh fhe
connecf1on, Wh1ch fakes cons1deab1e f1me. 1he esfab11sh command causes an
unaufhenf1cafed c11enf fo assoc1afe fo a seve.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
b. lncoecf. Affackes can 1mpesonafe a seve and 1ssue commands such as bye,
checksync, and esef fo volP c11enfs. 1he bye command causes volP dev1ces fo c1ose
doWn Wh11e 1n a convesaf1on, fhe checksync command can be used fo eboof volP
fem1na1s, and fhe esef command causes fhe seve fo esef and eesfab11sh fhe
connecf1on, Wh1ch fakes cons1deab1e f1me. 1he esfab11sh command causes an
unaufhenf1cafed c11enf fo assoc1afe fo a seve.
c. lncoecf. Affackes can 1mpesonafe a seve and 1ssue commands such as bye,
checksync, and esef fo volP c11enfs. 1he bye command causes volP dev1ces fo c1ose
doWn Wh11e 1n a convesaf1on, fhe checksync command can be used fo eboof volP
fem1na1s, and fhe esef command causes fhe seve fo esef and eesfab11sh fhe
connecf1on, Wh1ch fakes cons1deab1e f1me. 1he esfab11sh command causes an
unaufhenf1cafed c11enf fo assoc1afe fo a seve.
d. Coecf. Affackes can 1mpesonafe a seve and 1ssue commands such as bye,
checksync, and esef fo volP c11enfs. 1he bye command causes volP dev1ces fo c1ose
doWn Wh11e 1n a convesaf1on, fhe checksync command can be used fo eboof volP
fem1na1s, and fhe esef command causes fhe seve fo esef and eesfab11sh fhe
connecf1on, Wh1ch fakes cons1deab1e f1me. 1he esfab11sh command causes an
unaufhenf1cafed c11enf fo assoc1afe fo a seve.
a. Coecf. 5fa fopo1og1es use a cenfa11zed dev1ce fo connecf a11 dev1ces, fhe
cenfa11zed dev1ce 1s a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue.
b. lncoecf. 5fa fopo1og1es use a cenfa11zed dev1ce fo connecf a11 dev1ces, fhe
cenfa11zed dev1ce 1s a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue.
c. lncoecf. 5fa fopo1og1es use a cenfa11zed dev1ce fo connecf a11 dev1ces, fhe
cenfa11zed dev1ce 1s a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue.
d. lncoecf. 5fa fopo1og1es use a cenfa11zed dev1ce fo connecf a11 dev1ces, fhe
cenfa11zed dev1ce 1s a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue.
a. lncoecf. 1he Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} knoWs fhe lP addess of a
dev1ce and boadcasfs messages 1n ode fo f1nd fhe mafch1ng MAC addess. AkP sfoes
fhe lP and MAC mapp1ngs 1n an AkP fab1e.
b. Coecf. 1he Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} knoWs fhe lP addess of a dev1ce
and boadcasfs messages 1n ode fo f1nd fhe mafch1ng MAC addess. AkP sfoes fhe lP
and MAC mapp1ngs 1n an AkP fab1e.
c. lncoecf. 1he Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} knoWs fhe lP addess of a
dev1ce and boadcasfs messages 1n ode fo f1nd fhe mafch1ng MAC addess. AkP sfoes
fhe lP and MAC mapp1ngs 1n an AkP fab1e.
d. lncoecf. 1he Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP} knoWs fhe lP addess of a
dev1ce and boadcasfs messages 1n ode fo f1nd fhe mafch1ng MAC addess. AkP sfoes
fhe lP and MAC mapp1ngs 1n an AkP fab1e.
a. lncoecf. I1be D1sf1bufed Dafa lnfeface {IDDl} 1s a h1gh-speed
foken-pass1ng fechno1ogy fhaf offes fansm1ss1on speeds of 100 Mbps. lf 1s used as
a mefopo11fan aea nefWok {MAN} fechno1ogy, mean1ng 1f connecfs d1ffeenf nefWoks
fogefhe. {IDDl can be used as a LAN fechno1ogy, buf fhe Cl55P exam efes fo 1f
ma1n1y as a MAN fechno1ogy.}
b. lncoecf. I1be D1sf1bufed Dafa lnfeface {IDDl} 1s a h1gh-speed
foken-pass1ng fechno1ogy fhaf offes fansm1ss1on speeds of 100 Mbps. lf 1s used as
a mefopo11fan aea nefWok {MAN} fechno1ogy, mean1ng 1f connecfs d1ffeenf nefWoks
fogefhe. {IDDl can be used as a LAN fechno1ogy, buf fhe Cl55P exam efes fo 1f
ma1n1y as a MAN fechno1ogy.}
c. Coecf. I1be D1sf1bufed Dafa lnfeface {IDDl} 1s a h1gh-speed foken-pass1ng
fechno1ogy fhaf offes fansm1ss1on speeds of 100 Mbps. lf 1s used as a mefopo11fan
aea nefWok {MAN} fechno1ogy, mean1ng 1f connecfs d1ffeenf nefWoks fogefhe.
{IDDl can be used as a LAN fechno1ogy, buf fhe Cl55P exam efes fo 1f ma1n1y as a
MAN fechno1ogy.}
d. lncoecf. I1be D1sf1bufed Dafa lnfeface {IDDl} 1s a h1gh-speed
foken-pass1ng fechno1ogy fhaf offes fansm1ss1on speeds of 100 Mbps. lf 1s used as
a mefopo11fan aea nefWok {MAN} fechno1ogy, mean1ng 1f connecfs d1ffeenf nefWoks
fogefhe. {IDDl can be used as a LAN fechno1ogy, buf fhe Cl55P exam efes fo 1f
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
ma1n1y as a MAN fechno1ogy.}
a. lncoecf. Lach compufe 1n a 1oken k1ng nefWok 1s connecfed fo a Mu1f1sfaf1on
Access un1f {MAu}, Wh1ch acfs as a cenfa1 hub. 1he foken W111 go aound fo each
compufe connecfed fo fh1s cenfa11zed dev1ce 1n a co11apsed 1ng. 1he fopo1ogy, 1n
fh1s examp1e, 1s a phys1ca1 sfa Wh11e fhe fechno1ogy Woks 1n a 1og1ca1 1ng.
b. Coecf. Lach compufe 1n a 1oken k1ng nefWok 1s connecfed fo a Mu1f1sfaf1on
Access un1f {MAu}, Wh1ch acfs as a cenfa1 hub. 1he foken W111 go aound fo each
compufe connecfed fo fh1s cenfa11zed dev1ce 1n a co11apsed 1ng. 1he fopo1ogy, 1n
fh1s examp1e, 1s a phys1ca1 sfa Wh11e fhe fechno1ogy Woks 1n a 1og1ca1 1ng.
c. lncoecf. Lach compufe 1n a 1oken k1ng nefWok 1s connecfed fo a Mu1f1sfaf1on
Access un1f {MAu}, Wh1ch acfs as a cenfa1 hub. 1he foken W111 go aound fo each
compufe connecfed fo fh1s cenfa11zed dev1ce 1n a co11apsed 1ng. 1he fopo1ogy, 1n
fh1s examp1e, 1s a phys1ca1 sfa Wh11e fhe fechno1ogy Woks 1n a 1og1ca1 1ng.
d. lncoecf. Lach compufe 1n a 1oken k1ng nefWok 1s connecfed fo a Mu1f1sfaf1on
Access un1f {MAu}, Wh1ch acfs as a cenfa1 hub. 1he foken W111 go aound fo each
compufe connecfed fo fh1s cenfa11zed dev1ce 1n a co11apsed 1ng. 1he fopo1ogy, 1n
fh1s examp1e, 1s a phys1ca1 sfa Wh11e fhe fechno1ogy Woks 1n a 1og1ca1 1ng.
a. lncoecf. 108ase2, o 1h1nNef, shou1d on1y have a nefWok segmenf 1engfh of
15 mefes. Affe fhaf fhe s1gna1 can degade.
b. Coecf. 108ase2, o 1h1nNef, shou1d on1y have a nefWok segmenf 1engfh of 15
mefes. Affe fhaf fhe s1gna1 can degade.
c. lncoecf. 108ase2, o 1h1nNef, shou1d on1y have a nefWok segmenf 1engfh of
15 mefes. Affe fhaf fhe s1gna1 can degade.
d. lncoecf. 108ase2, o 1h1nNef, shou1d on1y have a nefWok segmenf 1engfh of
15 mefes. Affe fhaf fhe s1gna1 can degade.
a. lncoecf. Lfhenef uses Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on Defecf1on
{C5MA/CD}, Wh1ch mon1fos fansm1ss1on acf1v1fy on fhe W1e. A compufe fhaf Wanfs
fo fansm1f dafa W111 11sfen fo see 1f fhe 11ne 1s c1ea befoe puff1ng dafa onfo
fhe W1e. 1h1s 1s done fo he1p avo1d co111s1ons.
b. lncoecf. Lfhenef uses Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on Defecf1on
{C5MA/CD}, Wh1ch mon1fos fansm1ss1on acf1v1fy on fhe W1e. A compufe fhaf Wanfs
fo fansm1f dafa W111 11sfen fo see 1f fhe 11ne 1s c1ea befoe puff1ng dafa onfo
fhe W1e. 1h1s 1s done fo he1p avo1d co111s1ons.
c. Coecf. Lfhenef uses Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on Defecf1on
{C5MA/CD}, Wh1ch mon1fos fansm1ss1on acf1v1fy on fhe W1e. A compufe fhaf Wanfs
fo fansm1f dafa W111 11sfen fo see 1f fhe 11ne 1s c1ea befoe puff1ng dafa onfo
fhe W1e. 1h1s 1s done fo he1p avo1d co111s1ons.
d. lncoecf. Lfhenef uses Ca1e 5ense Mu1f1p1e Access W1fh Co111s1on Defecf1on
{C5MA/CD}, Wh1ch mon1fos fansm1ss1on acf1v1fy on fhe W1e. A compufe fhaf Wanfs
fo fansm1f dafa W111 11sfen fo see 1f fhe 11ne 1s c1ea befoe puff1ng dafa onfo
fhe W1e. 1h1s 1s done fo he1p avo1d co111s1ons.
a. lncoecf. 8ecause connecf1ons musf be esfab11shed and fem1nafed W1fh each
sess1on, fhee ae ped1cfab1e and f1xed de1ays W1fh c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWoks.
Packef-sW1fch1ng connecf1ons W111 have va1ab1e de1ays because fhe packefs can fake
d1ffeenf pafhs and be queued af d1ffeenf 1nfemed1afe dev1ces.
b. lncoecf. 8ecause connecf1ons musf be esfab11shed and fem1nafed W1fh each
sess1on, fhee ae ped1cfab1e and f1xed de1ays W1fh c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWoks.
Packef-sW1fch1ng connecf1ons W111 have va1ab1e de1ays because fhe packefs can fake
d1ffeenf pafhs and be queued af d1ffeenf 1nfemed1afe dev1ces.
c. lncoecf. 8ecause connecf1ons musf be esfab11shed and fem1nafed W1fh each
sess1on, fhee ae ped1cfab1e and f1xed de1ays W1fh c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWoks.
Packef-sW1fch1ng connecf1ons W111 have va1ab1e de1ays because fhe packefs can fake
d1ffeenf pafhs and be queued af d1ffeenf 1nfemed1afe dev1ces.
d. Coecf. 8ecause connecf1ons musf be esfab11shed and fem1nafed W1fh each
sess1on, fhee ae ped1cfab1e and f1xed de1ays W1fh c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWoks.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
Packef-sW1fch1ng connecf1ons W111 have va1ab1e de1ays because fhe packefs can fake
d1ffeenf pafhs and be queued af d1ffeenf 1nfemed1afe dev1ces.
a. lncoecf. A mao secu1fy concen of cab1e modems 1s fhe facf fhaf ne1ghbos
use fhe same coax1a1 nefWok and can mon1fo each ofhe`s faff1c.
b. Coecf. A mao secu1fy concen of cab1e modems 1s fhe facf fhaf ne1ghbos
use fhe same coax1a1 nefWok and can mon1fo each ofhe`s faff1c.
c. lncoecf. A mao secu1fy concen of cab1e modems 1s fhe facf fhaf ne1ghbos
use fhe same coax1a1 nefWok and can mon1fo each ofhe`s faff1c.
d. lncoecf. A mao secu1fy concen of cab1e modems 1s fhe facf fhaf ne1ghbos
use fhe same coax1a1 nefWok and can mon1fo each ofhe`s faff1c.
a. lncoecf. 8as1c afe 1nfefaces {8kl} l5DN sev1ce pov1des fWo beae, o 8
channe1s, and one D o confo1 channe1. Dafa 1s fansfeed ove 8 channe1s and fhe
ca11 sefup, ma1nfenance, and feadoWn fake p1ace ove fhe D channe1. Pkl l5DN
sev1ce pov1des 23 8 channe1s and one D channe1.
b. lncoecf. 8as1c afe 1nfefaces {8kl} l5DN sev1ce pov1des fWo beae, o 8
channe1s, and one D o confo1 channe1. Dafa 1s fansfeed ove 8 channe1s and fhe
ca11 sefup, ma1nfenance, and feadoWn fake p1ace ove fhe D channe1. Pkl l5DN
sev1ce pov1des 23 8 channe1s and one D channe1.
c. Coecf. 8as1c afe 1nfefaces {8kl} l5DN sev1ce pov1des fWo beae, o 8
channe1s, and one D o confo1 channe1. Dafa 1s fansfeed ove 8 channe1s and fhe
ca11 sefup, ma1nfenance, and feadoWn fake p1ace ove fhe D channe1. Pkl l5DN
sev1ce pov1des 23 8 channe1s and one D channe1.
d. lncoecf. 8as1c afe 1nfefaces {8kl} l5DN sev1ce pov1des fWo beae, o 8
channe1s, and one D o confo1 channe1. Dafa 1s fansfeed ove 8 channe1s and fhe
ca11 sefup, ma1nfenance, and feadoWn fake p1ace ove fhe D channe1. Pkl l5DN
sev1ce pov1des 23 8 channe1s and one D channe1.
a. Coecf. Asynchonous 1ansfe Mode {A1M} 1s a ce11-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf
pov1des exfeme1y fasf and eff1c1enf connecf1on pafhs. lf uses f1xed 1engfh ce11s
afhe fhan packefs.
b. lncoecf. Asynchonous 1ansfe Mode {A1M} 1s a ce11-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf
pov1des exfeme1y fasf and eff1c1enf connecf1on pafhs. lf uses f1xed 1engfh ce11s
afhe fhan packefs.
c. lncoecf. Asynchonous 1ansfe Mode {A1M} 1s a ce11-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf
pov1des exfeme1y fasf and eff1c1enf connecf1on pafhs. lf uses f1xed 1engfh ce11s
afhe fhan packefs.
d. lncoecf. Asynchonous 1ansfe Mode {A1M} 1s a ce11-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy fhaf
pov1des exfeme1y fasf and eff1c1enf connecf1on pafhs. lf uses f1xed 1engfh ce11s
afhe fhan packefs.
a. lncoecf. Affenuaf1on occus When e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s 1ose sfengfh as fhey
fave1 acoss W1es. 1h1s 1s because fhe e1ecfons encounfe es1sfance as fhey
b. Coecf. Affenuaf1on occus When e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s 1ose sfengfh as fhey
fave1 acoss W1es. 1h1s 1s because fhe e1ecfons encounfe es1sfance as fhey
c. lncoecf. Affenuaf1on occus When e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s 1ose sfengfh as fhey
fave1 acoss W1es. 1h1s 1s because fhe e1ecfons encounfe es1sfance as fhey
d. lncoecf. Affenuaf1on occus When e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s 1ose sfengfh as fhey
fave1 acoss W1es. 1h1s 1s because fhe e1ecfons encounfe es1sfance as fhey
a. lncoecf. 11ghf1y fW1sfed cab11ng ensues sfong s1gna1 sfengfhs and feWe
no1se 1nfefeences. 1he d1ffeenf cafego1es of u1P have a d1ecf coe1af1on on
fhe amounf of fW1sfs 1mp1emenfed fo fhe W11ng.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P2.fxf
b. lncoecf. 11ghf1y fW1sfed cab11ng ensues sfong s1gna1 sfengfhs and feWe
no1se 1nfefeences. 1he d1ffeenf cafego1es of u1P have a d1ecf coe1af1on on
fhe amounf of fW1sfs 1mp1emenfed fo fhe W11ng.
c. Coecf. 11ghf1y fW1sfed cab11ng ensues sfong s1gna1 sfengfhs and feWe
no1se 1nfefeences. 1he d1ffeenf cafego1es of u1P have a d1ecf coe1af1on on
fhe amounf of fW1sfs 1mp1emenfed fo fhe W11ng.
d. lncoecf. 11ghf1y fW1sfed cab11ng ensues sfong s1gna1 sfengfhs and feWe
no1se 1nfefeences. 1he d1ffeenf cafego1es of u1P have a d1ecf coe1af1on on
fhe amounf of fW1sfs 1mp1emenfed fo fhe W11ng.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
qu1z Name = 1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3
1. A neW va1anf fo fad1f1ona1 e-ma11 spam has emeged on volP nefWoks, common1y
knoWn as .
a. Zeus messages
b. 5ess1on m1gaf1on messages
c. 5Pl1
d. 1unne11ng spam
2. A fe1ephone sW1fch 1ocafed on a companys popefy W1fh a d1ecf connecf1on fo
fhe phone companys cenfa1 off1ce 1s ca11ed a:
a. hub
b. P8X
c. koufe
d. 8PX
3. A one-fo-many fansm1ss1on 1s ca11ed:
a. Mu1f1casf
b. 8oadcasf
c. un1casf
d. 51mp1ex
4. Wh1ch O5l 1aye do oufes Wok af?
a. Dafa L1nk
b. 5ess1on
c. 1anspof
d. NefWok
5. 8ackbones fhaf connecf bus1nesses fo WANs, fhe lnfenef, and ofhe bus1nesses,
usua11y v1a 5ONL1 nefWoks, ae ca11ed:
a. MANs
b. WANs
c. vPNs
d. vLANs
6. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng dev1ces fyp1ca11y Woks af fhe App11caf1on 1aye and acfs
as a pofoco1 fans1afo fo d1ffeenf env1onmenfs?
a. 5W1fch
b. GafeWay
c. 81dge
d. hub
7. Wh1ch 1s a Phys1ca1 1aye sfandad fo fansm1ff1ng dafa ove f1be opf1cs 11nes?
a. 5DD
b. 5ONL1
c. Iame e1ay
d. X.25
. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng can pov1de up fo 45 Mbps of bandW1dfh?
a. 8kl
b. 13
c. 11
d. Pkl
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
9. A h1gh-speed fechno1ogy fhaf 1s a1Ways on and can pov1de dafa afes up fo 52
Mbps 1s ca11ed:
a. D5L
b. l5DN
c. D1a1-up
d. ChAP
10. Wh1ch 1s nof fue of ded1cafed 11nes?
a. Moe secue fhan us1ng pub11c nefWoks
b. Connecf fWo 1ocaf1ons
c. lnf1ex1b1e and expens1ve
d. use packef-sW1fch1ng fechno1ogy
11. Pay1ng fo a guaanfeed amounf of fame e1ay bandW1dfh 1s ca11ed:
a. Clk
b. 5vC
c. qo5
d. LlN
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a ea1 fheaf 1n W1e1ess commun1caf1on?
a. Lncypf1on 1s nof ava11ab1e 1n W1e1ess fechno1og1es.
b. uses cannof be aufhenf1cafed as fhey move fom one AP fo anofhe.
c. No dafa 1nfeg1fy can be pefomed as uses move fom one AP fo anofhe.
d. Lavesdopp1ng can uncove faff1c ana1ys1s and AP and sfaf1on 1ocaf1on can be
13. Whaf cannof be accomp11shed by a man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack?
a. D1g1fa1 s1gnafue
b. Masquead1ng
c. 5ess1on h1ack1ng
d. 5poof1ng
14. hoW does PP1P pov1de pofecf1on?
a. 1hough encypf1on
b. 1hough encapsu1af1on
c. 1hough encypf1on and encapsu1af1on
d. 1hough ChAP and ALP
15. hoW does a 5OCk5-based f1eWa11 pov1de pofecf1on?
a. 8y pov1d1ng one poxy pe pofoco1
b. 8y acf1ng as a poxy
c. 8y deny1ng any access affempfs fom 1nfena1 enf1f1es
d. 8y 1nspecf1ng pofoco1 commands
16. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe besf def1n1f1on of a sockef?
a. A 5ess1on 1aye 11nk
b. A MAC addess and a pof numbe
c. An lP addess and a pof numbe
d. An lP addess and a MAC addess
17. Wh1ch f1eWa11 makes access dec1s1ons based on1y on addesses and pof numbes?
a. C1cu1f-based poxy
b. App11caf1on-based poxy
c. 5fafefu1
d. Dua1-homed
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s equ1ed fo LAN and WAN cenfa11zed access confo1
a. 51ng1e po1nf of fa11ue
b. kADlu5 and 1ACA5+
c. 5ysfem W1fh dafabase of aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on
d. Connecf1on fo l5P
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a eason compan1es 1mp1emenf oufes and packef
a. 1o pov1de confenf f11fe1ng
b. 1o pov1de pofecf1on fhaf 1s fanspaenf fo uses
c. 1o pov1de c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy pofecf1on
d. 1o pov1de app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy pofecf1on
20. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes an AkP affack?
a. Pope lP fo MAC addess fans1af1on 1s nof a11oWed, Wh1ch causes masquead1ng.
b. 1Wo lP addess and fWo MAC addesses ae used.
c. A kAkP sev1ce 1s po1soned v1a DN5 esouce ecods.
d. An AkP fab1e 1s comp1efe1y de1efed.
21. 1he use of secue cypfogaph1c pofoco1s such as ensues fhaf
a11 5lP packefs ae conveyed W1fh1n an encypfed and secue funne1.
a. kea1-f1me 1anspof Pofoco1
b. 5ess1on ln1f1af1on Pofoco1
c. 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy
d. PP1P
22. Why ae nefWok sn1ffes dangeous fo an env1onmenf?
a. 1hey can be used fo 1aunch acf1ve affacks.
b. 1he1 pesence can cause many fa1se pos1f1ves.
c. 1he1 pesence and acf1v1f1es ae nof aud1fab1e.
d. 1hey can access sens1f1ve dafa W1fh1n app11caf1ons.
23. Whaf 1s fhe e1ecfon1c phenomenon fhaf a11oWs dafa fo escape 1n a bund1e of
nefWok cab1es?
a. 1LMPL51
b. Cossfa1k
c. Affenuaf1on
d. Cove channe1s
24. Wh1ch 1aye of fhe O5l efeence mode1 dea1s W1fh pov1d1ng e11ab1e and
fanspaenf dafa fansfe befWeen end po1nfs of a sess1on?
a. NefWok
b. Dafa L1nk
c. 1anspof
d. 5ess1on
25. koufes Wok af Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1ayes?
a. NefWok
b. 1anspof
c. 5ess1on
d. Dafa L1nk
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
26. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a good def1n1f1on of asynchonous commun1caf1on?
a. LoW dafa fansfe afe us1ng on1y one channe1 fo fansm1ss1on
b. h1gh dafa fansfe us1ng many channe1s
c. h1gh-speed fansm1ss1on confo11ed by e1ecfon1c f1m1ng s1gna1s
d. 5equenf1a1 dafa fansfe, us1ng b1fs famed W1fh sfaf and sfop b1fs
27. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pofoco1s 1s cons1deed fo be connecf1on1ess?
a. lCMP
b. 1CP
c. 55L
d. vPN
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pofoco1s does nof map fo fhe 1anspof 1aye of fhe O5l
efeence mode1?
a. 1ansm1ss1on Confo1 Pofoco1
b. 5equenced Packef Lxchange
c. use Dafagam Pofoco1
d. lnfenef Packef Lxchange
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a LAN fansm1ss1on fechno1ogy fhaf 1s suscepf1b1e fo
co111s1ons, and pov1des a mechan1sm fo efansm1ss1on?
a. Lfhenef
b. 1oken k1ng
c. A1M
d. App1e1a1k
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng cou1d be cons1deed an advanfage of foken pass1ng ove
Ca1e 5ens1ng Mu1f1p1e Access {C5MA} med1a access fechno1og1es?
a. lnexpens1ve fo 1mp1emenf
b. Co111s1on defecf1on
c. Co111s1on avo1dance
d. Co111s1on suppofed by fhe pofoco1
31. Whaf 1s fhe ecommended cab1e fhaf W111 a11oW fo a 100 Mbps dafa afe?
a. 108ase2
b. 1008ase2
c. Cafegoy 3
d. Cafegoy 5
32. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof cause s1gna1 affenuaf1on?
a. Asynchonous s1gna1s
b. Cab1e ma1funcf1ons
c. Cab1e beaks
d. Lengfh of fhe cab1e
33. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng use baseband fansm1ss1on?
a. CA1v
b. Lfhenef
c. Cab1e modem
d. AD5L
34. Wh1ch fansm1ss1on fype sends a packef fo mu1f1p1e spec1f1c compufes?
a. Mu1f1casf
b. 8oadcasf
c. un1casf
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
d. 51mu1casf
35. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of fhe AkP pofoco1 1n fhe 1CP/lP pofoco1 su1fe?
a. keso1ves names fo lP addesses
b. keso1ves lP addesses fo names
c. keso1ves MAC addesses fo names
d. keso1ves lP addesses fo MAC addesses
36. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng dev1ces does nof pass boadcasf 1nfomaf1on?
a. kepeafe
b. koufe
c. 5W1fch
d. 81dge
37. On a f1eWa11, Whaf 1s a funcf1on of a sfafe fab1e?
a. 1o pov1de v1us defecf1on
b. 1o f11fe v1uses
c. 1o fack packefs
d. 1o defecf spyWae
3. Wh1ch one of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a p1may componenf o aspecf of f1eWa11
a. Pofoco1 f11fe1ng
b. Packef sW1fch1ng
c. ku1e enfocemenf eng1ne
d. Lxfended 1ogg1ng capab111fy
39. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue abouf an app11caf1on poxy f1eWa11?
a. 8effe pefomance fhan non-poxy f1eWa11s
b. Woks on a11 seven 1ayes
c. lnspecfs dafa W1fh1n fhe packef
d. Lx1sfs on1y fo a 11m1fed sef of pofoco1s
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue abouf l5DN?
a. kequ1es bofh 8 and D channe1s
b. 5uppofs vo1ce, v1deo, and dafa fansm1ss1on
c. 5ends confo1 1nfomaf1on ove fhe 8 channe1
d. uses fhe same W1es as ana1og med1a
41. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des a fameWok fo enab1e many fypes of
aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques fo be used du1ng PPP connecf1ons?
a. ChAP
b. PAP
c. LAP
d. 5-LAP
42. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a d1sadvanfage of PP1P?
a. On1y Woks ove lP
b. Comes bund1ed W1fh fhe opeaf1ng sysfem
c. Lasy fo conf1gue a neW 11nk
d. lf 1s fee
43. 1he app11caf1on 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP mode1 equafes fo Whaf 1aye 1n fhe O5l
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
a. App11caf1on
b. 5ess1on, 1anspof, App11caf1on
c. App11caf1on, 5ess1on, Pesenfaf1on
d. App11caf1on, 5ess1on, 1anspof
44. Nof evey dafa fansm1ss1on 1ncopoafes fhe 5ess1on 1aye. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe funcf1ona11fy of fhe 5ess1on 1aye?
a. Lnd-fo-end dafa fansm1ss1on
b. App11caf1on c11enf/seve commun1caf1on mechan1sm 1n a d1sf1bufed env1onmenf
c. App11caf1on fo compufe phys1ca1 commun1caf1on
d. Pov1des app11caf1on W1fh fhe pope synfax fo fansm1ss1on
45. ln fhe 1CP/lP mode1, Whee does fhe 5PX pofoco1 es1de?
a. hosf-fo-hosf
b. lnfenef
c. NefWok access
d. App11caf1on
46. ln fhe 1CP/lP mode1, Whee does fhe 8GP pofoco1 es1de?
a. hosf-fo-hosf
b. lnfenef
c. NefWok access
d. App11caf1on
47. 1he O5l Dafa L1nk 1aye 1s boken doWn 1nfo fWo sub-1ayes. Wh1ch of fhe
fo11oW1ng 1s fhe coecf lLLL sfandads fo fhese sub-1ayes?
a. 02.1 and 02.2
b. 02.3 and 02.4
c. 02.3 and 02.5
d. 02.2 and 02.3
4. ln fhe 1CP/lP mode1, Whee does fhe PPP pofoco1 es1de?
a. hosf-fo-hosf
b. lnfenef
c. NefWok access
d. App11caf1on
49. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of fhe Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1?
a. Pov1des a sfandad 1nfeface fo fhe NefWok 1aye pofoco1
b. Pov1des fhe fam1ng funcf1ona11fy of fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye
c. Pov1des addess1ng of fhe packef du1ng encapsu1af1on
d. Pov1des fhe funcf1ona11fy of convef1ng b1fs 1nfo e1ecf1ca1 s1gna1s
50. Whaf 1s fhe pof ange fo We11-knoWn pofs?
a. 0-1024
b. 1-65,565
c. 1-1023
d. 0-1023
51. Whaf 1s fhe pope ange fo a C1ass D lP nefWok?
a. fo
b. fo
c. fo
d. fo
nu11240.0.0.0 fo
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
52. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of C1ass1ess lnfe-Doma1n kouf1ng {ClDk}?
a. 1o a11oW fo fhe fad1f1ona1 c1asses fo be used moe eff1c1enf1y
b. 1o exfend fhe lP addess space fo 12 b1fs 1n s1ze
c. 1o pov1de moe secu1fy fo nefWok faff1c
d. 1o a11oW fo moe eff1c1enf ouf1ng
53. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of a packef f1me-fo-11ve?
a. Pofecf aga1nsf souce ouf1ng
b. Lnsue fhaf a packef does nof conf1nue fo be oufed foeve
c. Lnsue fhaf a packef confa1ns fhe coecf fanspof heade 1nfomaf1on
d. Pofecf aga1nsf Lok1 affacks
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. 5Pl1 {5pam ove lnfenef 1e1ephony} causes se1ous 1oss of volP
bandW1dfh and 1s a f1me-Wasf1ng nu1sance fo fhe peop1e on fhe affacked nefWok.
8ecause 5Pl1 cannof be de1efed 11ke spam on f1sf s1ghf, fhe v1cf1m has fo go
fhough fhe enf1e message. 5Pl1 1s a1so a mao cause of ove1oaded vo1cema11
b. lncoecf. 5Pl1 {5pam ove lnfenef 1e1ephony} causes se1ous 1oss of volP
bandW1dfh and 1s a f1me-Wasf1ng nu1sance fo fhe peop1e on fhe affacked nefWok.
8ecause 5Pl1 cannof be de1efed 11ke spam on f1sf s1ghf, fhe v1cf1m has fo go
fhough fhe enf1e message. 5Pl1 1s a1so a mao cause of ove1oaded vo1cema11
c. Coecf. 5Pl1 {5pam ove lnfenef 1e1ephony} causes se1ous 1oss of volP
bandW1dfh and 1s a f1me-Wasf1ng nu1sance fo fhe peop1e on fhe affacked nefWok.
8ecause 5Pl1 cannof be de1efed 11ke spam on f1sf s1ghf, fhe v1cf1m has fo go
fhough fhe enf1e message. 5Pl1 1s a1so a mao cause of ove1oaded vo1cema11
d. lncoecf. 5Pl1 {5pam ove lnfenef 1e1ephony} causes se1ous 1oss of volP
bandW1dfh and 1s a f1me-Wasf1ng nu1sance fo fhe peop1e on fhe affacked nefWok.
8ecause 5Pl1 cannof be de1efed 11ke spam on f1sf s1ghf, fhe v1cf1m has fo go
fhough fhe enf1e message. 5Pl1 1s a1so a mao cause of ove1oaded vo1cema11
a. lncoecf. A p1vafe banch exchange {P8X} 1s a dev1ce used W1fh1n compan1es fo
pov1de mu1f1p1e sev1ces fo uses fhoughouf a bu11d1ng o fac111fy. 1hee ae
sevea1 secu1fy concens pefa1n1ng fo P8X, defau1f conf1guaf1ons and passWods
shou1d be changed, ma1nfenance modems shou1d on1y be enab1ed When used, phone b111s
shou1d be conf1nua11y ev1eWed, and unused codes shou1d be d1sab1ed.
b. Coecf. A p1vafe banch exchange {P8X} 1s a dev1ce used W1fh1n compan1es fo
pov1de mu1f1p1e sev1ces fo uses fhoughouf a bu11d1ng o fac111fy. 1hee ae
sevea1 secu1fy concens pefa1n1ng fo P8X, defau1f conf1guaf1ons and passWods
shou1d be changed, ma1nfenance modems shou1d on1y be enab1ed When used, phone b111s
shou1d be conf1nua11y ev1eWed, and unused codes shou1d be d1sab1ed.
c. lncoecf. A p1vafe banch exchange {P8X} 1s a dev1ce used W1fh1n compan1es fo
pov1de mu1f1p1e sev1ces fo uses fhoughouf a bu11d1ng o fac111fy. 1hee ae
sevea1 secu1fy concens pefa1n1ng fo P8X, defau1f conf1guaf1ons and passWods
shou1d be changed, ma1nfenance modems shou1d on1y be enab1ed When used, phone b111s
shou1d be conf1nua11y ev1eWed, and unused codes shou1d be d1sab1ed.
d. lncoecf. A p1vafe banch exchange {P8X} 1s a dev1ce used W1fh1n compan1es fo
pov1de mu1f1p1e sev1ces fo uses fhoughouf a bu11d1ng o fac111fy. 1hee ae
sevea1 secu1fy concens pefa1n1ng fo P8X, defau1f conf1guaf1ons and passWods
shou1d be changed, ma1nfenance modems shou1d on1y be enab1ed When used, phone b111s
shou1d be conf1nua11y ev1eWed, and unused codes shou1d be d1sab1ed.
Page 7
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
a. Coecf. A mu1f1casf goes fom one souce fo sevea1 desf1naf1ons. 1he
desf1naf1ons fhaf ece1ve fhe dafa have chosen fo paf1c1pafe and accepf dafa fom
fh1s souce. A un1casf 1s a one-fo-one fansm1ss1on, and a boadcasf 1s a one-fo-a11
b. lncoecf. A mu1f1casf goes fom one souce fo sevea1 desf1naf1ons. 1he
desf1naf1ons fhaf ece1ve fhe dafa have chosen fo paf1c1pafe and accepf dafa fom
fh1s souce. A un1casf 1s a one-fo-one fansm1ss1on, and a boadcasf 1s a one-fo-a11
c. lncoecf. A mu1f1casf goes fom one souce fo sevea1 desf1naf1ons. 1he
desf1naf1ons fhaf ece1ve fhe dafa have chosen fo paf1c1pafe and accepf dafa fom
fh1s souce. A un1casf 1s a one-fo-one fansm1ss1on, and a boadcasf 1s a one-fo-a11
d. lncoecf. A mu1f1casf goes fom one souce fo sevea1 desf1naf1ons. 1he
desf1naf1ons fhaf ece1ve fhe dafa have chosen fo paf1c1pafe and accepf dafa fom
fh1s souce. A un1casf 1s a one-fo-one fansm1ss1on, and a boadcasf 1s a one-fo-a11
a. lncoecf. A oufe 1s a Laye 3 dev1ce fhaf 1ooks af dafa he1d W1fh1n fhe
nefWok heade fo make dec1s1ons on hoW fo gef fhe packef fo 1fs desf1naf1on.
81dges Wok af fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye and epeafes Wok af fhe Phys1ca1 1aye.
5offWae gafeWays Wok af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.
b. lncoecf. A oufe 1s a Laye 3 dev1ce fhaf 1ooks af dafa he1d W1fh1n fhe
nefWok heade fo make dec1s1ons on hoW fo gef fhe packef fo 1fs desf1naf1on.
81dges Wok af fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye and epeafes Wok af fhe Phys1ca1 1aye.
5offWae gafeWays Wok af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.
c. lncoecf. A oufe 1s a Laye 3 dev1ce fhaf 1ooks af dafa he1d W1fh1n fhe
nefWok heade fo make dec1s1ons on hoW fo gef fhe packef fo 1fs desf1naf1on.
81dges Wok af fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye and epeafes Wok af fhe Phys1ca1 1aye.
5offWae gafeWays Wok af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.
d. Coecf. A oufe 1s a Laye 3 dev1ce fhaf 1ooks af dafa he1d W1fh1n fhe
nefWok heade fo make dec1s1ons on hoW fo gef fhe packef fo 1fs desf1naf1on.
81dges Wok af fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye and epeafes Wok af fhe Phys1ca1 1aye.
5offWae gafeWays Wok af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.
a. Coecf. Mefopo11fan aea nefWoks {MAN} fyp1ca11y use 5ONL1 o IDDl 1ngs fo
connecf bus1nesses fo fhe W1de aea nefWok {WAN}, ofhe MANs, fhe lnfenef, and fhe
fe1ecommun1caf1on nefWoks. 1hey ae efeed fo as backbones because of fhe h1gh
speed af Wh1ch dafa can fave1 ove fhem compaed fo LAN fype fansm1ss1ons.
b. lncoecf. Mefopo11fan aea nefWoks {MAN} fyp1ca11y use 5ONL1 o IDDl 1ngs
fo connecf bus1nesses fo fhe W1de aea nefWok {WAN}, ofhe MANs, fhe lnfenef, and
fhe fe1ecommun1caf1on nefWoks. 1hey ae efeed fo as backbones because of fhe
h1gh speed af Wh1ch dafa can fave1 ove fhem compaed fo LAN fype fansm1ss1ons.
c. lncoecf. Mefopo11fan aea nefWoks {MAN} fyp1ca11y use 5ONL1 o IDDl 1ngs
fo connecf bus1nesses fo fhe W1de aea nefWok {WAN}, ofhe MANs, fhe lnfenef, and
fhe fe1ecommun1caf1on nefWoks. 1hey ae efeed fo as backbones because of fhe
h1gh speed af Wh1ch dafa can fave1 ove fhem compaed fo LAN fype fansm1ss1ons.
d. lncoecf. Mefopo11fan aea nefWoks {MAN} fyp1ca11y use 5ONL1 o IDDl 1ngs
fo connecf bus1nesses fo fhe W1de aea nefWok {WAN}, ofhe MANs, fhe lnfenef, and
fhe fe1ecommun1caf1on nefWoks. 1hey ae efeed fo as backbones because of fhe
h1gh speed af Wh1ch dafa can fave1 ove fhem compaed fo LAN fype fansm1ss1ons.
a. lncoecf. 5offWae gafeWays ae moe comp1ex dev1ces fhan fhe ofhe menf1oned
dev1ces because fhey 1ook W1fh1n fhe fame fo ga1n moe fhan usf addess and
ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1ans1af1on may need fo be pefomed When enf1f1es on fWo
un11ke env1onmenfs need fo commun1cafe, as 1n a Nove11 and M1cosoff nefWok us1ng
pop1efay pofoco1s. {A1fhough gafeWays can Wok af d1ffeenf O5l 1ayes, fhe
Cl55P exam usua11y pufs fhem af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.}
b. Coecf. 5offWae gafeWays ae moe comp1ex dev1ces fhan fhe ofhe menf1oned
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
dev1ces because fhey 1ook W1fh1n fhe fame fo ga1n moe fhan usf addess and
ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1ans1af1on may need fo be pefomed When enf1f1es on fWo
un11ke env1onmenfs need fo commun1cafe, as 1n a Nove11 and M1cosoff nefWok us1ng
pop1efay pofoco1s. {A1fhough gafeWays can Wok af d1ffeenf O5l 1ayes, fhe
Cl55P exam usua11y pufs fhem af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.}
c. lncoecf. 5offWae gafeWays ae moe comp1ex dev1ces fhan fhe ofhe menf1oned
dev1ces because fhey 1ook W1fh1n fhe fame fo ga1n moe fhan usf addess and
ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1ans1af1on may need fo be pefomed When enf1f1es on fWo
un11ke env1onmenfs need fo commun1cafe, as 1n a Nove11 and M1cosoff nefWok us1ng
pop1efay pofoco1s. {A1fhough gafeWays can Wok af d1ffeenf O5l 1ayes, fhe
Cl55P exam usua11y pufs fhem af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.}
d. lncoecf. 5offWae gafeWays ae moe comp1ex dev1ces fhan fhe ofhe menf1oned
dev1ces because fhey 1ook W1fh1n fhe fame fo ga1n moe fhan usf addess and
ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1ans1af1on may need fo be pefomed When enf1f1es on fWo
un11ke env1onmenfs need fo commun1cafe, as 1n a Nove11 and M1cosoff nefWok us1ng
pop1efay pofoco1s. {A1fhough gafeWays can Wok af d1ffeenf O5l 1ayes, fhe
Cl55P exam usua11y pufs fhem af fhe App11caf1on 1aye.}
a. lncoecf. 5ynchonous Opf1ca1 NefWok {5ONL1} 1s a sfandad fo f1be opf1c
cab11ng and uses se1f-hea11ng nefWok 1ngs. 5ONL1 desc1bes fhe 1nfefaces fhaf can
be used ove f1be 11nes and fhe s1gna11ng fhaf musf be emp1oyed. 5ONL1 Woks af fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
b. Coecf. 5ynchonous Opf1ca1 NefWok {5ONL1} 1s a sfandad fo f1be opf1c
cab11ng and uses se1f-hea11ng nefWok 1ngs. 5ONL1 desc1bes fhe 1nfefaces fhaf can
be used ove f1be 11nes and fhe s1gna11ng fhaf musf be emp1oyed. 5ONL1 Woks af fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
c. lncoecf. 5ynchonous Opf1ca1 NefWok {5ONL1} 1s a sfandad fo f1be opf1c
cab11ng and uses se1f-hea11ng nefWok 1ngs. 5ONL1 desc1bes fhe 1nfefaces fhaf can
be used ove f1be 11nes and fhe s1gna11ng fhaf musf be emp1oyed. 5ONL1 Woks af fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
d. lncoecf. 5ynchonous Opf1ca1 NefWok {5ONL1} 1s a sfandad fo f1be opf1c
cab11ng and uses se1f-hea11ng nefWok 1ngs. 5ONL1 desc1bes fhe 1nfefaces fhaf can
be used ove f1be 11nes and fhe s1gna11ng fhaf musf be emp1oyed. 5ONL1 Woks af fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.

a. lncoecf. A 13 can pov1de 45 Mbps of bandW1dfh and 1s fhe same as 2 11

11nes. 11 11nes pov1de up fo 1.544 Mbps, and a facf1ona1 11 1s a facf1on of fhaf
bandW1dfh. 8kl 1s an l5DN sev1ce fhaf pov1des up fo 144 kbps.
b. Coecf. A 13 can pov1de 45 Mbps of bandW1dfh and 1s fhe same as 2 11 11nes.
11 11nes pov1de up fo 1.544 Mbps, and a facf1ona1 11 1s a facf1on of fhaf
bandW1dfh. 8kl 1s an l5DN sev1ce fhaf pov1des up fo 144 kbps.
c. lncoecf. A 13 can pov1de 45 Mbps of bandW1dfh and 1s fhe same as 2 11
11nes. 11 11nes pov1de up fo 1.544 Mbps, and a facf1ona1 11 1s a facf1on of fhaf
bandW1dfh. 8kl 1s an l5DN sev1ce fhaf pov1des up fo 144 kbps.
d. lncoecf. A 13 can pov1de 45 Mbps of bandW1dfh and 1s fhe same as 2 11
11nes. 11 11nes pov1de up fo 1.544 Mbps, and a facf1ona1 11 1s a facf1on of fhaf
bandW1dfh. 8kl 1s an l5DN sev1ce fhaf pov1des up fo 144 kbps.
a. Coecf. D1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {D5L} uses coppe W1es fom fhe cenfa1
off1ce fo fhe end use and 1s a1Ways connecfed, mean1ng fhe use does nof need fo
e-esfab11sh a connecf1on. 1h1s 1s fue of fhe fechno1ogy, buf fhe sev1ce pov1de
pov1d1ng fh1s sev1ce m1ghf on1y a11oW a connecf1on fo a cefa1n f1me pe1od.
A1Ways-on fechno1og1es ae fagefed by affackes because fhe sysfem 1s a1Ways
connecfed and ava11ab1e.
b. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {D5L} uses coppe W1es fom fhe cenfa1
off1ce fo fhe end use and 1s a1Ways connecfed, mean1ng fhe use does nof need fo
e-esfab11sh a connecf1on. 1h1s 1s fue of fhe fechno1ogy, buf fhe sev1ce pov1de
pov1d1ng fh1s sev1ce m1ghf on1y a11oW a connecf1on fo a cefa1n f1me pe1od.
A1Ways-on fechno1og1es ae fagefed by affackes because fhe sysfem 1s a1Ways
connecfed and ava11ab1e.
Page 9
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
c. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {D5L} uses coppe W1es fom fhe cenfa1
off1ce fo fhe end use and 1s a1Ways connecfed, mean1ng fhe use does nof need fo
e-esfab11sh a connecf1on. 1h1s 1s fue of fhe fechno1ogy, buf fhe sev1ce pov1de
pov1d1ng fh1s sev1ce m1ghf on1y a11oW a connecf1on fo a cefa1n f1me pe1od.
A1Ways-on fechno1og1es ae fagefed by affackes because fhe sysfem 1s a1Ways
connecfed and ava11ab1e.
d. lncoecf. D1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {D5L} uses coppe W1es fom fhe cenfa1
off1ce fo fhe end use and 1s a1Ways connecfed, mean1ng fhe use does nof need fo
e-esfab11sh a connecf1on. 1h1s 1s fue of fhe fechno1ogy, buf fhe sev1ce pov1de
pov1d1ng fh1s sev1ce m1ghf on1y a11oW a connecf1on fo a cefa1n f1me pe1od.
A1Ways-on fechno1og1es ae fagefed by affackes because fhe sysfem 1s a1Ways
connecfed and ava11ab1e.
a. lncoecf. One of fhe b1ggesf advanfages of ded1cafed 11nes 1s fhaf fhe
connecf1on 1s p1vafe, mean1ng fhaf 1f 1s nof a shaed med1um. 1h1s chaacfe1sf1c
pov1des moe secu1fy. Ded1cafed 11nes ae usua11y much moe expens1ve fhan
pub11c-sW1fched fechno1og1es as 1n fame e1ay, X.25, and 5MD5.
b. lncoecf. One of fhe b1ggesf advanfages of ded1cafed 11nes 1s fhaf fhe
connecf1on 1s p1vafe, mean1ng fhaf 1f 1s nof a shaed med1um. 1h1s chaacfe1sf1c
pov1des moe secu1fy. Ded1cafed 11nes ae usua11y much moe expens1ve fhan
pub11c-sW1fched fechno1og1es as 1n fame e1ay, X.25, and 5MD5.
c. lncoecf. One of fhe b1ggesf advanfages of ded1cafed 11nes 1s fhaf fhe
connecf1on 1s p1vafe, mean1ng fhaf 1f 1s nof a shaed med1um. 1h1s chaacfe1sf1c
pov1des moe secu1fy. Ded1cafed 11nes ae usua11y much moe expens1ve fhan
pub11c-sW1fched fechno1og1es as 1n fame e1ay, X.25, and 5MD5.
d. Coecf. One of fhe b1ggesf advanfages of ded1cafed 11nes 1s fhaf fhe
connecf1on 1s p1vafe, mean1ng fhaf 1f 1s nof a shaed med1um. 1h1s chaacfe1sf1c
pov1des moe secu1fy. Ded1cafed 11nes ae usua11y much moe expens1ve fhan
pub11c-sW1fched fechno1og1es as 1n fame e1ay, X.25, and 5MD5.
a. Coecf. Comm1ffed 1nfomaf1on afe {Clk} 1s a pem1um sev1ce offeed by
sev1ce pov1des 1n fame e1ay nefWoks fhaf guaanfees a company a spec1f1ed
amounf of bandW1dfh. Iame e1ay 1s busfy 1n nafue, mean1ng fhaf a company may
have access fo a 1age amounf of bandW1dfh unf11 fhe nefWok gefs busy. lf a
company needs fo ensue 1f W111 have a cefa1n amounf of bandW1dfh a1Ways ava11ab1e,
1f W111 have fo pay fh1s exfa afe.
b. lncoecf. Comm1ffed 1nfomaf1on afe {Clk} 1s a pem1um sev1ce offeed by
sev1ce pov1des 1n fame e1ay nefWoks fhaf guaanfees a company a spec1f1ed
amounf of bandW1dfh. Iame e1ay 1s busfy 1n nafue, mean1ng fhaf a company may
have access fo a 1age amounf of bandW1dfh unf11 fhe nefWok gefs busy. lf a
company needs fo ensue 1f W111 have a cefa1n amounf of bandW1dfh a1Ways ava11ab1e,
1f W111 have fo pay fh1s exfa afe.
c. lncoecf. Comm1ffed 1nfomaf1on afe {Clk} 1s a pem1um sev1ce offeed by
sev1ce pov1des 1n fame e1ay nefWoks fhaf guaanfees a company a spec1f1ed
amounf of bandW1dfh. Iame e1ay 1s busfy 1n nafue, mean1ng fhaf a company may
have access fo a 1age amounf of bandW1dfh unf11 fhe nefWok gefs busy. lf a
company needs fo ensue 1f W111 have a cefa1n amounf of bandW1dfh a1Ways ava11ab1e,
1f W111 have fo pay fh1s exfa afe.
d. lncoecf. Comm1ffed 1nfomaf1on afe {Clk} 1s a pem1um sev1ce offeed by
sev1ce pov1des 1n fame e1ay nefWoks fhaf guaanfees a company a spec1f1ed
amounf of bandW1dfh. Iame e1ay 1s busfy 1n nafue, mean1ng fhaf a company may
have access fo a 1age amounf of bandW1dfh unf11 fhe nefWok gefs busy. lf a
company needs fo ensue 1f W111 have a cefa1n amounf of bandW1dfh a1Ways ava11ab1e,
1f W111 have fo pay fh1s exfa afe.
a. lncoecf. W1e1ess faff1c can be eas11y eavesdopped upon. 1aff1c ana1ys1s
1s Wafch1ng fhe behav1o of faff1c 1n fhe hope of uncove1ng 1nfomaf1on nof
1nfended fo fhe eavesdoppe. Access po1nf {AP} and sfaf1on 1ocaf1on can be
uncoveed by sn1ff1ng faff1c. lnfeg1fy and aufhenf1caf1on shou1d nof be affecfed
1f a use moves fom one AP fo anofhe and encypf1on 1s ava11ab1e 1n W1e1ess
Page 10
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
fechno1og1es, efeed fo as W1ed Lqu1va1enf P1vacy {WLP}.
b. lncoecf. W1e1ess faff1c can be eas11y eavesdopped upon. 1aff1c ana1ys1s
1s Wafch1ng fhe behav1o of faff1c 1n fhe hope of uncove1ng 1nfomaf1on nof
1nfended fo fhe eavesdoppe. Access po1nf {AP} and sfaf1on 1ocaf1on can be
uncoveed by sn1ff1ng faff1c. lnfeg1fy and aufhenf1caf1on shou1d nof be affecfed
1f a use moves fom one AP fo anofhe and encypf1on 1s ava11ab1e 1n W1e1ess
fechno1og1es, efeed fo as W1ed Lqu1va1enf P1vacy {WLP}.
c. lncoecf. W1e1ess faff1c can be eas11y eavesdopped upon. 1aff1c ana1ys1s
1s Wafch1ng fhe behav1o of faff1c 1n fhe hope of uncove1ng 1nfomaf1on nof
1nfended fo fhe eavesdoppe. Access po1nf {AP} and sfaf1on 1ocaf1on can be
uncoveed by sn1ff1ng faff1c. lnfeg1fy and aufhenf1caf1on shou1d nof be affecfed
1f a use moves fom one AP fo anofhe and encypf1on 1s ava11ab1e 1n W1e1ess
fechno1og1es, efeed fo as W1ed Lqu1va1enf P1vacy {WLP}.
d. Coecf. W1e1ess faff1c can be eas11y eavesdopped upon. 1aff1c ana1ys1s 1s
Wafch1ng fhe behav1o of faff1c 1n fhe hope of uncove1ng 1nfomaf1on nof 1nfended
fo fhe eavesdoppe. Access po1nf {AP} and sfaf1on 1ocaf1on can be uncoveed by
sn1ff1ng faff1c. lnfeg1fy and aufhenf1caf1on shou1d nof be affecfed 1f a use
moves fom one AP fo anofhe and encypf1on 1s ava11ab1e 1n W1e1ess fechno1og1es,
efeed fo as W1ed Lqu1va1enf P1vacy {WLP}.
a. Coecf. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s When an affacke 1nsefs hese1f 1nfo an
ongo1ng commun1caf1on befWeen fWo sysfems. 1he use spoofs he 1denf1fy fo foo1 fhe
ofhe enf1f1es, Wh1ch 1s an examp1e of masquead1ng. 1he affacke can fhen h1ack
fhe sess1on, mean1ng fake ove fhe sess1on. 1h1s can be done by k1ck1ng one of fhe
uses off by pefom1ng a den1a1 of sev1ce. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues can pevenf
man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks because aufhenf1caf1on fakes p1ace.
b. lncoecf. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s When an affacke 1nsefs hese1f 1nfo
an ongo1ng commun1caf1on befWeen fWo sysfems. 1he use spoofs he 1denf1fy fo foo1
fhe ofhe enf1f1es, Wh1ch 1s an examp1e of masquead1ng. 1he affacke can fhen
h1ack fhe sess1on, mean1ng fake ove fhe sess1on. 1h1s can be done by k1ck1ng one
of fhe uses off by pefom1ng a den1a1 of sev1ce. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues can pevenf
man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks because aufhenf1caf1on fakes p1ace.
c. lncoecf. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s When an affacke 1nsefs hese1f 1nfo
an ongo1ng commun1caf1on befWeen fWo sysfems. 1he use spoofs he 1denf1fy fo foo1
fhe ofhe enf1f1es, Wh1ch 1s an examp1e of masquead1ng. 1he affacke can fhen
h1ack fhe sess1on, mean1ng fake ove fhe sess1on. 1h1s can be done by k1ck1ng one
of fhe uses off by pefom1ng a den1a1 of sev1ce. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues can pevenf
man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks because aufhenf1caf1on fakes p1ace.
d. lncoecf. A man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affack 1s When an affacke 1nsefs hese1f 1nfo
an ongo1ng commun1caf1on befWeen fWo sysfems. 1he use spoofs he 1denf1fy fo foo1
fhe ofhe enf1f1es, Wh1ch 1s an examp1e of masquead1ng. 1he affacke can fhen
h1ack fhe sess1on, mean1ng fake ove fhe sess1on. 1h1s can be done by k1ck1ng one
of fhe uses off by pefom1ng a den1a1 of sev1ce. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues can pevenf
man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks because aufhenf1caf1on fakes p1ace.
a. lncoecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf 1unne11ng Pofoco1 {PP1P} 1s a M1cosoff v1fua1
p1vafe nefWok {vPN} pofoco1. lf pov1des encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch means 1f
e-packages fhe o1g1na1 fame and encypfs 1f. 1h1s a11oWs fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace v1a an unfusfed nefWok, such as fhe lnfenef. L21P 1s a pofoco1
fhaf pov1des usf encapsu1af1on, nof encapsu1af1on and encypf1on.
b. lncoecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf 1unne11ng Pofoco1 {PP1P} 1s a M1cosoff v1fua1
p1vafe nefWok {vPN} pofoco1. lf pov1des encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch means 1f
e-packages fhe o1g1na1 fame and encypfs 1f. 1h1s a11oWs fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace v1a an unfusfed nefWok, such as fhe lnfenef. L21P 1s a pofoco1
fhaf pov1des usf encapsu1af1on, nof encapsu1af1on and encypf1on.
c. Coecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf 1unne11ng Pofoco1 {PP1P} 1s a M1cosoff v1fua1
p1vafe nefWok {vPN} pofoco1. lf pov1des encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch means 1f
e-packages fhe o1g1na1 fame and encypfs 1f. 1h1s a11oWs fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace v1a an unfusfed nefWok, such as fhe lnfenef. L21P 1s a pofoco1
fhaf pov1des usf encapsu1af1on, nof encapsu1af1on and encypf1on.
d. lncoecf. Po1nf-fo-Po1nf 1unne11ng Pofoco1 {PP1P} 1s a M1cosoff v1fua1
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
p1vafe nefWok {vPN} pofoco1. lf pov1des encapsu1af1on, Wh1ch means 1f
e-packages fhe o1g1na1 fame and encypfs 1f. 1h1s a11oWs fo secue commun1caf1on
fo fake p1ace v1a an unfusfed nefWok, such as fhe lnfenef. L21P 1s a pofoco1
fhaf pov1des usf encapsu1af1on, nof encapsu1af1on and encypf1on.
a. lncoecf. Poducfs fhaf ae based on fhe 5OCk5 f1eWa11 fechno1ogy ae
c1cu1f-1eve1 f1eWa11s. 1h1s means fhaf fhey on1y 1ook af packef heade 1nfomaf1on
{addess, pof numbes} fo make access dec1s1ons. 1hey do nof 1ook 1nfo fhe packefs
pay1oad fo ev1eW pofoco1 commands o pov1de a poxy pe sev1ce. 1hose ae
chaacfe1sf1cs of an app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy poducf.
b. Coecf. Poducfs fhaf ae based on fhe 5OCk5 f1eWa11 fechno1ogy ae
c1cu1f-1eve1 f1eWa11s. 1h1s means fhaf fhey on1y 1ook af packef heade 1nfomaf1on
{addess, pof numbes} fo make access dec1s1ons. 1hey do nof 1ook 1nfo fhe packefs
pay1oad fo ev1eW pofoco1 commands o pov1de a poxy pe sev1ce. 1hose ae
chaacfe1sf1cs of an app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy poducf.
c. lncoecf. Poducfs fhaf ae based on fhe 5OCk5 f1eWa11 fechno1ogy ae
c1cu1f-1eve1 f1eWa11s. 1h1s means fhaf fhey on1y 1ook af packef heade 1nfomaf1on
{addess, pof numbes} fo make access dec1s1ons. 1hey do nof 1ook 1nfo fhe packefs
pay1oad fo ev1eW pofoco1 commands o pov1de a poxy pe sev1ce. 1hose ae
chaacfe1sf1cs of an app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy poducf.
d. lncoecf. Poducfs fhaf ae based on fhe 5OCk5 f1eWa11 fechno1ogy ae
c1cu1f-1eve1 f1eWa11s. 1h1s means fhaf fhey on1y 1ook af packef heade 1nfomaf1on
{addess, pof numbes} fo make access dec1s1ons. 1hey do nof 1ook 1nfo fhe packefs
pay1oad fo ev1eW pofoco1 commands o pov1de a poxy pe sev1ce. 1hose ae
chaacfe1sf1cs of an app11caf1on-1eve1 poxy poducf.
a. lncoecf. A sockef 1s fhe comb1naf1on of a node addess and a pof numbe.
When a connecf1on 1s made befWeen fWo sysfems, fhe packefs need fo confa1n fhe
addess and pof addess of fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng sysfem. 1h1s 1s so fhaf fhe
packef can be pope1y oufed fo fhe ece1v1ng sysfem and fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs
Who fo ep1y fo.
b. lncoecf. A sockef 1s fhe comb1naf1on of a node addess and a pof numbe.
When a connecf1on 1s made befWeen fWo sysfems, fhe packefs need fo confa1n fhe
addess and pof addess of fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng sysfem. 1h1s 1s so fhaf fhe
packef can be pope1y oufed fo fhe ece1v1ng sysfem and fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs
Who fo ep1y fo.
c. Coecf. A sockef 1s fhe comb1naf1on of a node addess and a pof numbe. When
a connecf1on 1s made befWeen fWo sysfems, fhe packefs need fo confa1n fhe addess
and pof addess of fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng sysfem. 1h1s 1s so fhaf fhe packef can
be pope1y oufed fo fhe ece1v1ng sysfem and fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs Who fo
ep1y fo.
d. lncoecf. A sockef 1s fhe comb1naf1on of a node addess and a pof numbe.
When a connecf1on 1s made befWeen fWo sysfems, fhe packefs need fo confa1n fhe
addess and pof addess of fhe send1ng and ece1v1ng sysfem. 1h1s 1s so fhaf fhe
packef can be pope1y oufed fo fhe ece1v1ng sysfem and fhe ece1v1ng sysfem knoWs
Who fo ep1y fo.
a. Coecf. A c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11 1ooks af heade 1nfomaf1on fo make
dec1s1ons on Whefhe a packef 1s deemed accepfab1e fo access. 1h1s 1s a d1ffeenf
appoach fhan app11caf1on-1eve1 f1eWa11s, Wh1ch 1ook af fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fhe
pay1oad of fhe packef. A sfafefu1 f1eWa11 ma1nfa1ns a sfafe fab1e fo keep fack of
each commun1caf1on d1a1og fak1ng p1ace befWeen sysfems and makes access dec1s1ons
based on fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fh1s fab1e.
b. lncoecf. A c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11 1ooks af heade 1nfomaf1on fo make
dec1s1ons on Whefhe a packef 1s deemed accepfab1e fo access. 1h1s 1s a d1ffeenf
appoach fhan app11caf1on-1eve1 f1eWa11s, Wh1ch 1ook af fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fhe
pay1oad of fhe packef. A sfafefu1 f1eWa11 ma1nfa1ns a sfafe fab1e fo keep fack of
each commun1caf1on d1a1og fak1ng p1ace befWeen sysfems and makes access dec1s1ons
based on fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fh1s fab1e.
c. lncoecf. A c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11 1ooks af heade 1nfomaf1on fo make
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
dec1s1ons on Whefhe a packef 1s deemed accepfab1e fo access. 1h1s 1s a d1ffeenf
appoach fhan app11caf1on-1eve1 f1eWa11s, Wh1ch 1ook af fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fhe
pay1oad of fhe packef. A sfafefu1 f1eWa11 ma1nfa1ns a sfafe fab1e fo keep fack of
each commun1caf1on d1a1og fak1ng p1ace befWeen sysfems and makes access dec1s1ons
based on fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fh1s fab1e.
d. lncoecf. A c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy f1eWa11 1ooks af heade 1nfomaf1on fo make
dec1s1ons on Whefhe a packef 1s deemed accepfab1e fo access. 1h1s 1s a d1ffeenf
appoach fhan app11caf1on-1eve1 f1eWa11s, Wh1ch 1ook af fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fhe
pay1oad of fhe packef. A sfafefu1 f1eWa11 ma1nfa1ns a sfafe fab1e fo keep fack of
each commun1caf1on d1a1og fak1ng p1ace befWeen sysfems and makes access dec1s1ons
based on fhe 1nfomaf1on W1fh1n fh1s fab1e.
a. lncoecf. A cenfa11zed access fechno1ogy musf have a dafabase of use
1nfomaf1on and aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on so When uses equesf access fhe1
cedenf1a1s can be pope1y checked. kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae examp1e of cenfa11zed
access confo1 fechno1og1es.
b. lncoecf. A cenfa11zed access fechno1ogy musf have a dafabase of use
1nfomaf1on and aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on so When uses equesf access fhe1
cedenf1a1s can be pope1y checked. kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae examp1e of cenfa11zed
access confo1 fechno1og1es.
c. Coecf. A cenfa11zed access fechno1ogy musf have a dafabase of use
1nfomaf1on and aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on so When uses equesf access fhe1
cedenf1a1s can be pope1y checked. kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae examp1e of cenfa11zed
access confo1 fechno1og1es.
d. lncoecf. A cenfa11zed access fechno1ogy musf have a dafabase of use
1nfomaf1on and aufhenf1caf1on 1nfomaf1on so When uses equesf access fhe1
cedenf1a1s can be pope1y checked. kADlu5 and 1ACAC5+ ae examp1e of cenfa11zed
access confo1 fechno1og1es.
a. lncoecf. koufes can pov1de packef f11fe1ng fhough fhe use of access
confo1 11sfs {ACLs}. 1hese ACLs ae compaed fo 1ncom1ng and oufgo1ng faff1c and
on1y fhe packefs fhaf ae ouf11ned as accepfab1e ae a11oWed fhough. Packef f11fes
cannof pov1de confenf f11fe1ng because fhey do nof 1ook fhaf deep 1nfo fhe packef,
and fhey do nof pov1de app11caf1on o c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy pofecf1on. 1hey ae
fanspaenf fo uses because When uses equesf fo access a esouce on fhe ofhe
s1de of fhe oufe, fhey do nof have fo 1og 1nfo fhaf dev1ce o do anyfh1ng spec1a1.
1he pofecf1on fakes p1ace W1fhouf fhem knoW1ng abouf 1f.
b. Coecf. koufes can pov1de packef f11fe1ng fhough fhe use of access confo1
11sfs {ACLs}. 1hese ACLs ae compaed fo 1ncom1ng and oufgo1ng faff1c and on1y fhe
packefs fhaf ae ouf11ned as accepfab1e ae a11oWed fhough. Packef f11fes cannof
pov1de confenf f11fe1ng because fhey do nof 1ook fhaf deep 1nfo fhe packef, and
fhey do nof pov1de app11caf1on o c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy pofecf1on. 1hey ae
fanspaenf fo uses because When uses equesf fo access a esouce on fhe ofhe
s1de of fhe oufe, fhey do nof have fo 1og 1nfo fhaf dev1ce o do anyfh1ng spec1a1.
1he pofecf1on fakes p1ace W1fhouf fhem knoW1ng abouf 1f.
c. lncoecf. koufes can pov1de packef f11fe1ng fhough fhe use of access
confo1 11sfs {ACLs}. 1hese ACLs ae compaed fo 1ncom1ng and oufgo1ng faff1c and
on1y fhe packefs fhaf ae ouf11ned as accepfab1e ae a11oWed fhough. Packef f11fes
cannof pov1de confenf f11fe1ng because fhey do nof 1ook fhaf deep 1nfo fhe packef,
and fhey do nof pov1de app11caf1on o c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy pofecf1on. 1hey ae
fanspaenf fo uses because When uses equesf fo access a esouce on fhe ofhe
s1de of fhe oufe, fhey do nof have fo 1og 1nfo fhaf dev1ce o do anyfh1ng spec1a1.
1he pofecf1on fakes p1ace W1fhouf fhem knoW1ng abouf 1f.
d. lncoecf. koufes can pov1de packef f11fe1ng fhough fhe use of access
confo1 11sfs {ACLs}. 1hese ACLs ae compaed fo 1ncom1ng and oufgo1ng faff1c and
on1y fhe packefs fhaf ae ouf11ned as accepfab1e ae a11oWed fhough. Packef f11fes
cannof pov1de confenf f11fe1ng because fhey do nof 1ook fhaf deep 1nfo fhe packef,
and fhey do nof pov1de app11caf1on o c1cu1f-1eve1 poxy pofecf1on. 1hey ae
fanspaenf fo uses because When uses equesf fo access a esouce on fhe ofhe
s1de of fhe oufe, fhey do nof have fo 1og 1nfo fhaf dev1ce o do anyfh1ng spec1a1.
1he pofecf1on fakes p1ace W1fhouf fhem knoW1ng abouf 1f.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
a. Coecf. AkP {Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1} f1nds MAC {Med1a Access Confo1}
addesses fo lP addesses. lf boadcasfs a equesf and on1y fhe sysfem W1fh fhe lP
addess W1fh1n fhe boadcasf doma1n esponds. AkP fakes fhe MAC addess fom fh1s
esponse and p1aces 1f 1n 1fs AkP fab1e. An affacke can man1pu1afe fh1s AkP fab1e
so fhaf faff1c W1fh fhe coecf lP addess goes fo an 1ncoecf MAC addess. 1he
faff1c goes fo fhe affackes MAC addess 1nsfead of fhe 1nfended ece1ve.
b. lncoecf. AkP {Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1} f1nds MAC {Med1a Access Confo1}
addesses fo lP addesses. lf boadcasfs a equesf and on1y fhe sysfem W1fh fhe lP
addess W1fh1n fhe boadcasf doma1n esponds. AkP fakes fhe MAC addess fom fh1s
esponse and p1aces 1f 1n 1fs AkP fab1e. An affacke can man1pu1afe fh1s AkP fab1e
so fhaf faff1c W1fh fhe coecf lP addess goes fo an 1ncoecf MAC addess. 1he
faff1c goes fo fhe affackes MAC addess 1nsfead of fhe 1nfended ece1ve.
c. lncoecf. AkP {Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1} f1nds MAC {Med1a Access Confo1}
addesses fo lP addesses. lf boadcasfs a equesf and on1y fhe sysfem W1fh fhe lP
addess W1fh1n fhe boadcasf doma1n esponds. AkP fakes fhe MAC addess fom fh1s
esponse and p1aces 1f 1n 1fs AkP fab1e. An affacke can man1pu1afe fh1s AkP fab1e
so fhaf faff1c W1fh fhe coecf lP addess goes fo an 1ncoecf MAC addess. 1he
faff1c goes fo fhe affackes MAC addess 1nsfead of fhe 1nfended ece1ve.
d. lncoecf. AkP {Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1} f1nds MAC {Med1a Access Confo1}
addesses fo lP addesses. lf boadcasfs a equesf and on1y fhe sysfem W1fh fhe lP
addess W1fh1n fhe boadcasf doma1n esponds. AkP fakes fhe MAC addess fom fh1s
esponse and p1aces 1f 1n 1fs AkP fab1e. An affacke can man1pu1afe fh1s AkP fab1e
so fhaf faff1c W1fh fhe coecf lP addess goes fo an 1ncoecf MAC addess. 1he
faff1c goes fo fhe affackes MAC addess 1nsfead of fhe 1nfended ece1ve.
a. lncoecf. 1he use of secue cypfogaph1c pofoco1s such as 1anspof Laye
5ecu1fy {1L5} ensues fhaf a11 5lP packefs ae conveyed W1fh1n an encypfed and
secue funne1. 1he use of 1L5 can pov1de a secue channe1 fo volP c11enf/seve
commun1caf1on and pevenfs fhe poss1b111fy of eavesdopp1ng and packef man1pu1af1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he use of secue cypfogaph1c pofoco1s such as 1anspof Laye
5ecu1fy {1L5} ensues fhaf a11 5lP packefs ae conveyed W1fh1n an encypfed and
secue funne1. 1he use of 1L5 can pov1de a secue channe1 fo volP c11enf/seve
commun1caf1on and pevenfs fhe poss1b111fy of eavesdopp1ng and packef man1pu1af1on.
c. Coecf. 1he use of secue cypfogaph1c pofoco1s such as 1anspof Laye
5ecu1fy {1L5} ensues fhaf a11 5lP packefs ae conveyed W1fh1n an encypfed and
secue funne1. 1he use of 1L5 can pov1de a secue channe1 fo volP c11enf/seve
commun1caf1on and pevenfs fhe poss1b111fy of eavesdopp1ng and packef man1pu1af1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he use of secue cypfogaph1c pofoco1s such as 1anspof Laye
5ecu1fy {1L5} ensues fhaf a11 5lP packefs ae conveyed W1fh1n an encypfed and
secue funne1. 1he use of 1L5 can pov1de a secue channe1 fo volP c11enf/seve
commun1caf1on and pevenfs fhe poss1b111fy of eavesdopp1ng and packef man1pu1af1on.
a. lncoecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae foo1s fhaf ead nefWok faff1c as 1f passes
ove a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC}. When affackes use fhese 1f 1s cons1deed a
pass1ve affack because fhe affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng anyfh1ng o mod1fy1ng
packefs. 5n1ffes ae nof defecfab1e o aud1fab1e, fhus an adm1n1sfafo Wou1d nof
necessa11y knoW fhaf one 1s 1nsfa11ed and Wok1ng W1fh1n he nefWok.
b. lncoecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae foo1s fhaf ead nefWok faff1c as 1f passes
ove a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC}. When affackes use fhese 1f 1s cons1deed a
pass1ve affack because fhe affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng anyfh1ng o mod1fy1ng
packefs. 5n1ffes ae nof defecfab1e o aud1fab1e, fhus an adm1n1sfafo Wou1d nof
necessa11y knoW fhaf one 1s 1nsfa11ed and Wok1ng W1fh1n he nefWok.
c. Coecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae foo1s fhaf ead nefWok faff1c as 1f passes ove
a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC}. When affackes use fhese 1f 1s cons1deed a pass1ve
affack because fhe affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng anyfh1ng o mod1fy1ng packefs.
5n1ffes ae nof defecfab1e o aud1fab1e, fhus an adm1n1sfafo Wou1d nof
necessa11y knoW fhaf one 1s 1nsfa11ed and Wok1ng W1fh1n he nefWok.
d. lncoecf. NefWok sn1ffes ae foo1s fhaf ead nefWok faff1c as 1f passes
ove a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC}. When affackes use fhese 1f 1s cons1deed a
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
pass1ve affack because fhe affacke 1s nof acfua11y do1ng anyfh1ng o mod1fy1ng
packefs. 5n1ffes ae nof defecfab1e o aud1fab1e, fhus an adm1n1sfafo Wou1d nof
necessa11y knoW fhaf one 1s 1nsfa11ed and Wok1ng W1fh1n he nefWok.
a. lncoecf. When W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe o ae 1n c1ose pox1m1fy,
cossfa1k can occu. Cossfa1k means fhaf s1gna1s fom one W1e sp111 ove and
d1supf s1gna1s on anofhe W1e. u1P has d1ffeenf cafego1es and af1ngs. Many of
fhe af1ngs pefa1n fo hoW f1ghf1y fhe W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe. 1he
f1ghfe fhe fW1sf1ng, fhe 1ess vu1neab1e fhe W1es ae fo cossfa1k.
b. Coecf. When W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe o ae 1n c1ose pox1m1fy,
cossfa1k can occu. Cossfa1k means fhaf s1gna1s fom one W1e sp111 ove and
d1supf s1gna1s on anofhe W1e. u1P has d1ffeenf cafego1es and af1ngs. Many of
fhe af1ngs pefa1n fo hoW f1ghf1y fhe W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe. 1he
f1ghfe fhe fW1sf1ng, fhe 1ess vu1neab1e fhe W1es ae fo cossfa1k.
c. lncoecf. When W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe o ae 1n c1ose pox1m1fy,
cossfa1k can occu. Cossfa1k means fhaf s1gna1s fom one W1e sp111 ove and
d1supf s1gna1s on anofhe W1e. u1P has d1ffeenf cafego1es and af1ngs. Many of
fhe af1ngs pefa1n fo hoW f1ghf1y fhe W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe. 1he
f1ghfe fhe fW1sf1ng, fhe 1ess vu1neab1e fhe W1es ae fo cossfa1k.
d. lncoecf. When W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe o ae 1n c1ose pox1m1fy,
cossfa1k can occu. Cossfa1k means fhaf s1gna1s fom one W1e sp111 ove and
d1supf s1gna1s on anofhe W1e. u1P has d1ffeenf cafego1es and af1ngs. Many of
fhe af1ngs pefa1n fo hoW f1ghf1y fhe W1es ae fW1sfed aound each ofhe. 1he
f1ghfe fhe fW1sf1ng, fhe 1ess vu1neab1e fhe W1es ae fo cossfa1k.
a. lncoecf. Pofoco1s opeaf1ng af fhe 1anspof 1aye ae espons1b1e fo
e11ab111fy. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s ae espons1b1e fo fhe sess1on esfab11shmenf,
ma1nfenance and beakdoWn, buf ae nof espons1b1e fo dafa fansfe 1fse1f.
b. lncoecf. Pofoco1s opeaf1ng af fhe 1anspof 1aye ae espons1b1e fo
e11ab111fy. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s ae espons1b1e fo fhe sess1on esfab11shmenf,
ma1nfenance and beakdoWn, buf ae nof espons1b1e fo dafa fansfe 1fse1f.
c. Coecf. Pofoco1s opeaf1ng af fhe 1anspof 1aye ae espons1b1e fo
e11ab111fy. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s ae espons1b1e fo fhe sess1on esfab11shmenf,
ma1nfenance and beakdoWn, buf ae nof espons1b1e fo dafa fansfe 1fse1f.
d. lncoecf. Pofoco1s opeaf1ng af fhe 1anspof 1aye ae espons1b1e fo
e11ab111fy. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s ae espons1b1e fo fhe sess1on esfab11shmenf,
ma1nfenance and beakdoWn, buf ae nof espons1b1e fo dafa fansfe 1fse1f.
a. Coecf. 1anspof 1aye pofoco1 1nfomaf1on does nof addess 1nfomaf1on fhaf
1s va1uab1e fo fhe funcf1on of ouf1ng. koufes ma1n1y Wok af Laye 3 {fhe NefWok
1aye}, buf Layes 1 and 2 ae sf1pped aWay 1n fhe pocess.
b. lncoecf. 1anspof 1aye pofoco1 1nfomaf1on does nof addess 1nfomaf1on
fhaf 1s va1uab1e fo fhe funcf1on of ouf1ng. koufes ma1n1y Wok af Laye 3 {fhe
NefWok 1aye}, buf Layes 1 and 2 ae sf1pped aWay 1n fhe pocess.
c. lncoecf. 1anspof 1aye pofoco1 1nfomaf1on does nof addess 1nfomaf1on
fhaf 1s va1uab1e fo fhe funcf1on of ouf1ng. koufes ma1n1y Wok af Laye 3 {fhe
NefWok 1aye}, buf Layes 1 and 2 ae sf1pped aWay 1n fhe pocess.
d. lncoecf. 1anspof 1aye pofoco1 1nfomaf1on does nof addess 1nfomaf1on
fhaf 1s va1uab1e fo fhe funcf1on of ouf1ng. koufes ma1n1y Wok af Laye 3 {fhe
NefWok 1aye}, buf Layes 1 and 2 ae sf1pped aWay 1n fhe pocess.
a. lncoecf. Asynchonous commun1caf1on dev1ces, 11ke modems, musf f1sf agee
upon a commun1caf1on afe. 1he commun1caf1on 1s nof synchon1zed 1n fhaf fhe
dev1ces 1nvo1ved can send dafa af W111, send1ng a sequence of b1fs famed W1fh sfaf
and sfop b1fs fhaf ae eassemb1ed 1nfo dafa af fhe ece1v1ng end. 5ynchonous
commun1caf1on dev1ces, on fhe ofhe hand, defem1ne a synchon1zaf1on scheme and
commun1cafe dafa 1n a sfeam.
b. lncoecf. Asynchonous commun1caf1on dev1ces, 11ke modems, musf f1sf agee
upon a commun1caf1on afe. 1he commun1caf1on 1s nof synchon1zed 1n fhaf fhe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
dev1ces 1nvo1ved can send dafa af W111, send1ng a sequence of b1fs famed W1fh sfaf
and sfop b1fs fhaf ae eassemb1ed 1nfo dafa af fhe ece1v1ng end. 5ynchonous
commun1caf1on dev1ces, on fhe ofhe hand, defem1ne a synchon1zaf1on scheme and
commun1cafe dafa 1n a sfeam.
c. lncoecf. Asynchonous commun1caf1on dev1ces, 11ke modems, musf f1sf agee
upon a commun1caf1on afe. 1he commun1caf1on 1s nof synchon1zed 1n fhaf fhe
dev1ces 1nvo1ved can send dafa af W111, send1ng a sequence of b1fs famed W1fh sfaf
and sfop b1fs fhaf ae eassemb1ed 1nfo dafa af fhe ece1v1ng end. 5ynchonous
commun1caf1on dev1ces, on fhe ofhe hand, defem1ne a synchon1zaf1on scheme and
commun1cafe dafa 1n a sfeam.
d. Coecf. Asynchonous commun1caf1on dev1ces, 11ke modems, musf f1sf agee upon
a commun1caf1on afe. 1he commun1caf1on 1s nof synchon1zed 1n fhaf fhe dev1ces
1nvo1ved can send dafa af W111, send1ng a sequence of b1fs famed W1fh sfaf and
sfop b1fs fhaf ae eassemb1ed 1nfo dafa af fhe ece1v1ng end. 5ynchonous
commun1caf1on dev1ces, on fhe ofhe hand, defem1ne a synchon1zaf1on scheme and
commun1cafe dafa 1n a sfeam.
a. Coecf. lCMP 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n fhe 1CP/lP pofoco1 su1fe fhaf pov1des lP
node 1nfomaf1on af fhe NefWok 1aye. Wh11e 1fs ob, paf1cu1a1y 1n fhe case of
1fs o1e 1n fhe PlNG uf111fy, 1s offen fo defem1ne a dev1ce`s connecf1on sfafe, 1f
1s cons1deed a "connecf1on1ess" pofoco1 1n fhaf 1f dea1s on1y W1fh messag1ng and
sfafus check1ng.
b. lncoecf. lCMP 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n fhe 1CP/lP pofoco1 su1fe fhaf pov1des lP
node 1nfomaf1on af fhe NefWok 1aye. Wh11e 1fs ob, paf1cu1a1y 1n fhe case of
1fs o1e 1n fhe PlNG uf111fy, 1s offen fo defem1ne a dev1ce`s connecf1on sfafe, 1f
1s cons1deed a "connecf1on1ess" pofoco1 1n fhaf 1f dea1s on1y W1fh messag1ng and
sfafus check1ng.
c. lncoecf. lCMP 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n fhe 1CP/lP pofoco1 su1fe fhaf pov1des lP
node 1nfomaf1on af fhe NefWok 1aye. Wh11e 1fs ob, paf1cu1a1y 1n fhe case of
1fs o1e 1n fhe PlNG uf111fy, 1s offen fo defem1ne a dev1ce`s connecf1on sfafe, 1f
1s cons1deed a "connecf1on1ess" pofoco1 1n fhaf 1f dea1s on1y W1fh messag1ng and
sfafus check1ng.
d. lncoecf. lCMP 1s a pofoco1 W1fh1n fhe 1CP/lP pofoco1 su1fe fhaf pov1des lP
node 1nfomaf1on af fhe NefWok 1aye. Wh11e 1fs ob, paf1cu1a1y 1n fhe case of
1fs o1e 1n fhe PlNG uf111fy, 1s offen fo defem1ne a dev1ce`s connecf1on sfafe, 1f
1s cons1deed a "connecf1on1ess" pofoco1 1n fhaf 1f dea1s on1y W1fh messag1ng and
sfafus check1ng.
a. lncoecf. lnfenef Packef Lxchange {lPX} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf ex1sfs af fhe
NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l efeence mode1. A good Way fo emembe fh1s 1s fo
menfa11y assoc1afe lPX W1fh lP, lPX/5PX 1s fhe su1fe of pofoco1s used o1g1na11y 1n
Nove11 NefWae nefWoks.
b. lncoecf. lnfenef Packef Lxchange {lPX} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf ex1sfs af fhe
NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l efeence mode1. A good Way fo emembe fh1s 1s fo
menfa11y assoc1afe lPX W1fh lP, lPX/5PX 1s fhe su1fe of pofoco1s used o1g1na11y 1n
Nove11 NefWae nefWoks.
c. lncoecf. lnfenef Packef Lxchange {lPX} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf ex1sfs af fhe
NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l efeence mode1. A good Way fo emembe fh1s 1s fo
menfa11y assoc1afe lPX W1fh lP, lPX/5PX 1s fhe su1fe of pofoco1s used o1g1na11y 1n
Nove11 NefWae nefWoks.
d. Coecf. lnfenef Packef Lxchange {lPX} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf ex1sfs af fhe
NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l efeence mode1. A good Way fo emembe fh1s 1s fo
menfa11y assoc1afe lPX W1fh lP, lPX/5PX 1s fhe su1fe of pofoco1s used o1g1na11y 1n
Nove11 NefWae nefWoks.
a. Coecf. Lfhenef fansm1ss1ons use C5MA/CD {Ca1e 5ens1ng, Mu1f1p1e Access,
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
Co111s1on Defecf1on} and efansm1f dafa affe a co111s1on us1ng a andom pocess fo
avo1d fufhe co111s1ons.
b. lncoecf. Lfhenef fansm1ss1ons use C5MA/CD {Ca1e 5ens1ng, Mu1f1p1e
Access, Co111s1on Defecf1on} and efansm1f dafa affe a co111s1on us1ng a andom
pocess fo avo1d fufhe co111s1ons.
c. lncoecf. Lfhenef fansm1ss1ons use C5MA/CD {Ca1e 5ens1ng, Mu1f1p1e
Access, Co111s1on Defecf1on} and efansm1f dafa affe a co111s1on us1ng a andom
pocess fo avo1d fufhe co111s1ons.
d. lncoecf. Lfhenef fansm1ss1ons use C5MA/CD {Ca1e 5ens1ng, Mu1f1p1e
Access, Co111s1on Defecf1on} and efansm1f dafa affe a co111s1on us1ng a andom
pocess fo avo1d fufhe co111s1ons.
a. lncoecf. ln a foken-pass1ng nefWok co111s1ons on fhe nefWok med1a ae
ma1n1y nonex1sfenf, as on1y fhe sfaf1on fhaf has fhe foken 1s a11oWed fo fansm1f
b. lncoecf. ln a foken-pass1ng nefWok co111s1ons on fhe nefWok med1a ae
ma1n1y nonex1sfenf, as on1y fhe sfaf1on fhaf has fhe foken 1s a11oWed fo fansm1f
c. Coecf. ln a foken-pass1ng nefWok co111s1ons on fhe nefWok med1a ae ma1n1y
nonex1sfenf, as on1y fhe sfaf1on fhaf has fhe foken 1s a11oWed fo fansm1f
d. lncoecf. ln a foken-pass1ng nefWok co111s1ons on fhe nefWok med1a ae
ma1n1y nonex1sfenf, as on1y fhe sfaf1on fhaf has fhe foken 1s a11oWed fo fansm1f
a. lncoecf. Coax1a1 108ase2 a11oWs fo 10 Mbps on1y, 1008ase2 ex1sfs buf 1s moe
expens1ve fo 1nsfa11 fhaf Cafegoy 5, and Cafegoy 3 u1P on1y a11oWs fo 10 Mbps
dafa afe. 100 Mbps dafa afes can be ach1eved ove Caf. 5 u1P by 1mp1emenf1ng a
Iasf Lfhenef nefWok.
b. lncoecf. Coax1a1 108ase2 a11oWs fo 10 Mbps on1y, 1008ase2 ex1sfs buf 1s moe
expens1ve fo 1nsfa11 fhaf Cafegoy 5, and Cafegoy 3 u1P on1y a11oWs fo 10 Mbps
dafa afe. 100 Mbps dafa afes can be ach1eved ove Caf. 5 u1P by 1mp1emenf1ng a
Iasf Lfhenef nefWok.
c. lncoecf. Coax1a1 108ase2 a11oWs fo 10 Mbps on1y, 1008ase2 ex1sfs buf 1s moe
expens1ve fo 1nsfa11 fhaf Cafegoy 5, and Cafegoy 3 u1P on1y a11oWs fo 10 Mbps
dafa afe. 100 Mbps dafa afes can be ach1eved ove Caf. 5 u1P by 1mp1emenf1ng a
Iasf Lfhenef nefWok.
d. Coecf. Coax1a1 108ase2 a11oWs fo 10 Mbps on1y, 1008ase2 ex1sfs buf 1s moe
expens1ve fo 1nsfa11 fhaf Cafegoy 5, and Cafegoy 3 u1P on1y a11oWs fo 10 Mbps
dafa afe. 100 Mbps dafa afes can be ach1eved ove Cafegoy 5 u1P by 1mp1emenf1ng
a Iasf Lfhenef nefWok.
a. Coecf. Cab1e ma1funcf1ons, cab1e beaks, and fhe 1engfh of fhe cab1e have
d1ecf coe1af1on on fhe poss1b111fy of Weaken1ng a s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s affenuaf1on.
b. lncoecf. Cab1e ma1funcf1ons, cab1e beaks, and fhe 1engfh of fhe cab1e have
d1ecf coe1af1on on fhe poss1b111fy of Weaken1ng a s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s affenuaf1on.
c. lncoecf. Cab1e ma1funcf1ons, cab1e beaks, and fhe 1engfh of fhe cab1e have
d1ecf coe1af1on on fhe poss1b111fy of Weaken1ng a s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s affenuaf1on.
d. lncoecf. Cab1e ma1funcf1ons, cab1e beaks, and fhe 1engfh of fhe cab1e have
d1ecf coe1af1on on fhe poss1b111fy of Weaken1ng a s1gna1, Wh1ch 1s affenuaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Lfhenef 1s a baseband fansm1ss1on mefhod fhaf equ1es a d1ecf
cuenf be app11ed fo fhe W1e, h1gh vo1fages epesenf1ng a 1 b1f and 1oW vo1fage
1oads epesenf1ng a 0 b1f. 1h1s d1ffes fom boadband, fhe mefhod fhaf fhe ofhe
poss1b1e cho1ces use. 8oadband mefhod a11oWs mu1f1p1e channe1s on fhe same med1um,
Wh1ch 1n fun a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e s1mu1faneous dafa
b. Coecf. Lfhenef 1s a baseband fansm1ss1on mefhod fhaf equ1es a d1ecf
cuenf be app11ed fo fhe W1e, h1gh vo1fages epesenf1ng a 1 b1f and 1oW vo1fage
1oads epesenf1ng a 0 b1f. 1h1s d1ffes fom boadband, fhe mefhod fhaf fhe ofhe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
poss1b1e cho1ces use. 8oadband mefhod a11oWs mu1f1p1e channe1s on fhe same med1um,
Wh1ch 1n fun a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e s1mu1faneous dafa
c. lncoecf. Lfhenef 1s a baseband fansm1ss1on mefhod fhaf equ1es a d1ecf
cuenf be app11ed fo fhe W1e, h1gh vo1fages epesenf1ng a 1 b1f and 1oW vo1fage
1oads epesenf1ng a 0 b1f. 1h1s d1ffes fom boadband, fhe mefhod fhaf fhe ofhe
poss1b1e cho1ces use. 8oadband mefhod a11oWs mu1f1p1e channe1s on fhe same med1um,
Wh1ch 1n fun a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e s1mu1faneous dafa
d. lncoecf. Lfhenef 1s a baseband fansm1ss1on mefhod fhaf equ1es a d1ecf
cuenf be app11ed fo fhe W1e, h1gh vo1fages epesenf1ng a 1 b1f and 1oW vo1fage
1oads epesenf1ng a 0 b1f. 1h1s d1ffes fom boadband, fhe mefhod fhaf fhe ofhe
poss1b1e cho1ces use. 8oadband mefhod a11oWs mu1f1p1e channe1s on fhe same med1um,
Wh1ch 1n fun a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e s1mu1faneous dafa
a. Coecf. Mu1f1casf a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e uses fo ece1ve a packef, Wh11e
boadcasf means fhaf a11 uses on a g1ven nefWok W111 ece1ve a packef. un1casf 1s
used 1f on1y one compufe 1s fhe 1nfended ec1p1enf, and s1mu1casf efes fo
s1mu1faneous1y boadcasf1ng a pogam on 1v and on ad1o.
b. lncoecf. Mu1f1casf a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e uses fo ece1ve a packef, Wh11e
boadcasf means fhaf a11 uses on a g1ven nefWok W111 ece1ve a packef. un1casf 1s
used 1f on1y one compufe 1s fhe 1nfended ec1p1enf, and s1mu1casf efes fo
s1mu1faneous1y boadcasf1ng a pogam on 1v and on ad1o.
c. lncoecf. Mu1f1casf a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e uses fo ece1ve a packef, Wh11e
boadcasf means fhaf a11 uses on a g1ven nefWok W111 ece1ve a packef. un1casf 1s
used 1f on1y one compufe 1s fhe 1nfended ec1p1enf, and s1mu1casf efes fo
s1mu1faneous1y boadcasf1ng a pogam on 1v and on ad1o.
d. lncoecf. Mu1f1casf a11oWs fo mu1f1p1e uses fo ece1ve a packef, Wh11e
boadcasf means fhaf a11 uses on a g1ven nefWok W111 ece1ve a packef. un1casf 1s
used 1f on1y one compufe 1s fhe 1nfended ec1p1enf, and s1mu1casf efes fo
s1mu1faneous1y boadcasf1ng a pogam on 1v and on ad1o.
a. lncoecf. AkP makes fhe connecf1on befWeen fhe addess1ng pofoco1 {lP} and
fhe phys1ca1 addess of fhe lP node, ca11ed fhe MAC addess. AkP 1nc1udes
componenfs fo eso1v1ng, cach1ng, and announc1ng fhe MAC addess of a g1ven lP
b. lncoecf. AkP makes fhe connecf1on befWeen fhe addess1ng pofoco1 {lP} and
fhe phys1ca1 addess of fhe lP node, ca11ed fhe MAC addess. AkP 1nc1udes
componenfs fo eso1v1ng, cach1ng, and announc1ng fhe MAC addess of a g1ven lP
c. lncoecf. AkP makes fhe connecf1on befWeen fhe addess1ng pofoco1 {lP} and
fhe phys1ca1 addess of fhe lP node, ca11ed fhe MAC addess. AkP 1nc1udes
componenfs fo eso1v1ng, cach1ng, and announc1ng fhe MAC addess of a g1ven lP
d. Coecf. AkP makes fhe connecf1on befWeen fhe addess1ng pofoco1 {lP} and fhe
phys1ca1 addess of fhe lP node, ca11ed fhe MAC addess. AkP 1nc1udes componenfs
fo eso1v1ng, cach1ng, and announc1ng fhe MAC addess of a g1ven lP node.
a. lncoecf. koufes ae dev1ces W1fh a b1dg1ng funcf1on, and fhus W111 pass
boadcasf 1nfomaf1on fom non-oufab1e pofoco1s. koufes can b1ock a11 boadcasf
faff1c fom pass1ng.
b. Coecf. koufes ae dev1ces W1fh a b1dg1ng funcf1on, and fhus W111 pass
boadcasf 1nfomaf1on fom non-oufab1e pofoco1s. koufes can b1ock a11 boadcasf
faff1c fom pass1ng.
c. lncoecf. koufes ae dev1ces W1fh a b1dg1ng funcf1on, and fhus W111 pass
boadcasf 1nfomaf1on fom non-oufab1e pofoco1s. koufes can b1ock a11 boadcasf
faff1c fom pass1ng.
d. lncoecf. koufes ae dev1ces W1fh a b1dg1ng funcf1on, and fhus W111 pass
boadcasf 1nfomaf1on fom non-oufab1e pofoco1s. koufes can b1ock a11 boadcasf
faff1c fom pass1ng.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
a. lncoecf. A sfafe fab1e 1s used 1n sfafefu1 packef f11fe1ng fo fack packefs.
b. lncoecf. A sfafe fab1e 1s used 1n sfafefu1 packef f11fe1ng fo fack packefs.
c. Coecf. A sfafe fab1e 1s used 1n sfafefu1 packef f11fe1ng fo fack packefs.
d. lncoecf. A sfafe fab1e 1s used 1n sfafefu1 packef f11fe1ng fo fack packefs.
a. lncoecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s a componenf of a ouf1ng dev1ce. A11 of fhe
ofhe cho1ces epesenf sfandad f1eWa11 feafues.
b. Coecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s a componenf of a ouf1ng dev1ce. A11 of fhe ofhe
cho1ces epesenf sfandad f1eWa11 feafues.
c. lncoecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s a componenf of a ouf1ng dev1ce. A11 of fhe
ofhe cho1ces epesenf sfandad f1eWa11 feafues.
d. lncoecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s a componenf of a ouf1ng dev1ce. A11 of fhe
ofhe cho1ces epesenf sfandad f1eWa11 feafues.
a. Coecf. I1eWa11s fhaf acf 1n a poxy fash1on musf pass fhe packef up fo fhe
poxy soffWae on fhe f1eWa11, fhus degad1ng pefomance. 1h1s ab111fy fo Wok on
a11 1ayes of fhe packef, and even fo be ab1e fo f11fe based on fhe dafa W1fh1n a
packef 1s a key advanfage of app11caf1on poxy f1eWa11.
b. lncoecf. I1eWa11s fhaf acf 1n a poxy fash1on musf pass fhe packef up fo fhe
poxy soffWae on fhe f1eWa11, fhus degad1ng pefomance. 1h1s ab111fy fo Wok on
a11 1ayes of fhe packef, and even fo be ab1e fo f11fe based on fhe dafa W1fh1n a
packef 1s a key advanfage of app11caf1on poxy f1eWa11.
c. lncoecf. I1eWa11s fhaf acf 1n a poxy fash1on musf pass fhe packef up fo fhe
poxy soffWae on fhe f1eWa11, fhus degad1ng pefomance. 1h1s ab111fy fo Wok on
a11 1ayes of fhe packef, and even fo be ab1e fo f11fe based on fhe dafa W1fh1n a
packef 1s a key advanfage of app11caf1on poxy f1eWa11.
d. lncoecf. I1eWa11s fhaf acf 1n a poxy fash1on musf pass fhe packef up fo fhe
poxy soffWae on fhe f1eWa11, fhus degad1ng pefomance. 1h1s ab111fy fo Wok on
a11 1ayes of fhe packef, and even fo be ab1e fo f11fe based on fhe dafa W1fh1n a
packef 1s a key advanfage of app11caf1on poxy f1eWa11.
a. lncoecf. 1he 8 channe1s ae fo send1ng dafa, and fhe D channe1 1s used fo
send confo1 1nfomaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 1he 8 channe1s ae fo send1ng dafa, and fhe D channe1 1s used fo
send confo1 1nfomaf1on.
c. Coecf. 1he 8 channe1s ae fo send1ng dafa, and fhe D channe1 1s used fo send
confo1 1nfomaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 1he 8 channe1s ae fo send1ng dafa, and fhe D channe1 1s used fo
send confo1 1nfomaf1on.
a. lncoecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LAP} 1s nof a spec1f1c
aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm as ae PAP and ChAP. lnsfead, 1f pov1des a fameWok fo
enab1e many fypes of aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques fo be used du1ng PPP connecf1ons. lf
exfends fhe aufhenf1caf1on poss1b111f1es fom fhe nom {PAP and ChAP} fo ofhe
mefhods such as one-f1me passWods, foken cads, b1omef1cs, kebeos, and fufue
b. lncoecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LAP} 1s nof a spec1f1c
aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm as ae PAP and ChAP. lnsfead, 1f pov1des a fameWok fo
enab1e many fypes of aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques fo be used du1ng PPP connecf1ons. lf
exfends fhe aufhenf1caf1on poss1b111f1es fom fhe nom {PAP and ChAP} fo ofhe
mefhods such as one-f1me passWods, foken cads, b1omef1cs, kebeos, and fufue
c. Coecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LAP} 1s nof a spec1f1c
aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm as ae PAP and ChAP. lnsfead, 1f pov1des a fameWok fo
enab1e many fypes of aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques fo be used du1ng PPP connecf1ons. lf
exfends fhe aufhenf1caf1on poss1b111f1es fom fhe nom {PAP and ChAP} fo ofhe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
mefhods such as one-f1me passWods, foken cads, b1omef1cs, kebeos, and fufue
d. lncoecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LAP} 1s nof a spec1f1c
aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sm as ae PAP and ChAP. lnsfead, 1f pov1des a fameWok fo
enab1e many fypes of aufhenf1caf1on fechn1ques fo be used du1ng PPP connecf1ons. lf
exfends fhe aufhenf1caf1on poss1b111f1es fom fhe nom {PAP and ChAP} fo ofhe
mefhods such as one-f1me passWods, foken cads, b1omef1cs, kebeos, and fufue
a. Coecf. 1h1s m1ghf be a neg11g1b1e d1sadvanfage 1n foday, buf 1f shou1d be
ecogn1zed fhaf fhe moe ecenf1y deve1oped funne11ng pofoco1, L21P, a11oWs fo
funne11ng ove lPX and 5NA as We11 as 1CP/lP.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s m1ghf be a neg11g1b1e d1sadvanfage foday, buf 1f shou1d be
ecogn1zed fhaf fhe moe ecenf1y deve1oped funne11ng pofoco1, L21P, a11oWs fo
funne11ng ove lPX and 5NA as We11 as 1CP/lP.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s m1ghf be a neg11g1b1e d1sadvanfage foday, buf 1f shou1d be
ecogn1zed fhaf fhe moe ecenf1y deve1oped funne11ng pofoco1, L21P, a11oWs fo
funne11ng ove lPX and 5NA as We11 as 1CP/lP.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s m1ghf be a neg11g1b1e d1sadvanfage foday, buf 1f shou1d be
ecogn1zed fhaf fhe moe ecenf1y deve1oped funne11ng pofoco1, L21P, a11oWs fo
funne11ng ove lPX and 5NA as We11 as 1CP/lP.
a. lncoecf. 1he app11caf1on 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe App11caf1on, Pesenfaf1on, and 5ess1on 1ayes 1n
fhe O5l mode1.
b. lncoecf. 1he app11caf1on 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe App11caf1on, Pesenfaf1on, and 5ess1on 1ayes 1n
fhe O5l mode1.
c. Coecf. 1he app11caf1on 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe App11caf1on, Pesenfaf1on, and 5ess1on 1ayes 1n
fhe O5l mode1.
d. lncoecf. 1he app11caf1on 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe App11caf1on, Pesenfaf1on, and 5ess1on 1ayes 1n
fhe O5l mode1.
a. lncoecf. 1he commun1caf1on befWeen fWo p1eces of fhe same soffWae poducf
fhaf es1de on d1ffeenf compufes need fo be confo11ed, Wh1ch 1s Why 5ess1on 1aye
pofoco1s even ex1sf. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s fake on fhe funcf1ona11fy of
m1dd1eWae, Wh1ch a11oW soffWae on fWo d1ffeenf compufes fo commun1cafe.
b. Coecf. 1he commun1caf1on befWeen fWo p1eces of fhe same soffWae poducf fhaf
es1de on d1ffeenf compufes need fo be confo11ed, Wh1ch 1s Why 5ess1on 1aye
pofoco1s even ex1sf. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s fake on fhe funcf1ona11fy of
m1dd1eWae, Wh1ch a11oW soffWae on fWo d1ffeenf compufes fo commun1cafe.
c. lncoecf. 1he commun1caf1on befWeen fWo p1eces of fhe same soffWae poducf
fhaf es1de on d1ffeenf compufes need fo be confo11ed, Wh1ch 1s Why 5ess1on 1aye
pofoco1s even ex1sf. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s fake on fhe funcf1ona11fy of
m1dd1eWae, Wh1ch a11oW soffWae on fWo d1ffeenf compufes fo commun1cafe.
d. lncoecf. 1he commun1caf1on befWeen fWo p1eces of fhe same soffWae poducf
fhaf es1de on d1ffeenf compufes need fo be confo11ed, Wh1ch 1s Why 5ess1on 1aye
pofoco1s even ex1sf. 5ess1on 1aye pofoco1s fake on fhe funcf1ona11fy of
m1dd1eWae, Wh1ch a11oW soffWae on fWo d1ffeenf compufes fo commun1cafe.
a. Coecf. 1he hosf-fo-hosf fanspof 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1
Wou1d be equ1va1enf fo fhe 1anspof 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1. 1h1s 1s Whee fhe 5PX
pofoco1 es1des.
b. lncoecf. 1he hosf-fo-hosf fanspof 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1
Wou1d be equ1va1enf fo fhe 1anspof 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1. 1h1s 1s Whee fhe 5PX
pofoco1 es1des.
c. lncoecf. 1he hosf-fo-hosf fanspof 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
Wou1d be equ1va1enf fo fhe 1anspof 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1. 1h1s 1s Whee fhe 5PX
pofoco1 es1des.
d. lncoecf. 1he hosf-fo-hosf fanspof 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1
Wou1d be equ1va1enf fo fhe 1anspof 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1. 1h1s 1s Whee fhe 5PX
pofoco1 es1des.
a. lncoecf. 1he lnfenef 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo fhe NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee a11 ouf1ng
pofoco1s Wok.
b. Coecf. 1he lnfenef 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo fhe NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee a11 ouf1ng
pofoco1s Wok.
c. lncoecf. 1he lnfenef 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo fhe NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee a11 ouf1ng
pofoco1s Wok.
d. lncoecf. 1he lnfenef 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo fhe NefWok 1aye 1n fhe O5l mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee a11 ouf1ng
pofoco1s Wok.
a. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo funcf1ona1 sub1ayes,
Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1 {LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC}. LLC, def1ned 1n fhe lLLL
02.2 spec1f1caf1on, W111 commun1cafe W1fh fhe pofoco1 1mmed1afe1y above 1f, fhe
NefWok 1aye, 1n e1fhe connecf1on o connecf1on1ess mode. 1he MAC W111 have fhe
appop1afe1y 1oaded pofoco1s fo 1nfeface W1fh fhe pofoco1 equ1emenfs of fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye. 1he lLLL MAC spec1f1caf1on fo Lfhenef 1s 02.3, 1oken k1ng 1s
02.5, W1e1ess 1s 02.11, efc. 5o When you see lLLL sfandads as 1n 02.11, 02.16,
02.3, and so on, fh1s 1s efe1ng fo fhe pofoco1 Whaf 1s Wok1ng af fhe MAC
sub-1aye of fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye of a pofoco1 sfack.
b. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo funcf1ona1 sub1ayes,
Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1 {LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC}. LLC, def1ned 1n fhe lLLL
02.2 spec1f1caf1on, W111 commun1cafe W1fh fhe pofoco1 1mmed1afe1y above 1f, fhe
NefWok 1aye, 1n e1fhe connecf1on o connecf1on1ess mode. 1he MAC W111 have fhe
appop1afe1y 1oaded pofoco1s fo 1nfeface W1fh fhe pofoco1 equ1emenfs of fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye. 1he lLLL MAC spec1f1caf1on fo Lfhenef 1s 02.3, 1oken k1ng 1s
02.5, W1e1ess 1s 02.11, efc. 5o When you see lLLL sfandads as 1n 02.11, 02.16,
02.3, and so on, fh1s 1s efe1ng fo fhe pofoco1 Whaf 1s Wok1ng af fhe MAC
sub-1aye of fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye of a pofoco1 sfack.
c. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo funcf1ona1 sub1ayes,
Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1 {LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC}. LLC, def1ned 1n fhe lLLL
02.2 spec1f1caf1on, W111 commun1cafe W1fh fhe pofoco1 1mmed1afe1y above 1f, fhe
NefWok 1aye, 1n e1fhe connecf1on o connecf1on1ess mode. 1he MAC W111 have fhe
appop1afe1y 1oaded pofoco1s fo 1nfeface W1fh fhe pofoco1 equ1emenfs of fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye. 1he lLLL MAC spec1f1caf1on fo Lfhenef 1s 02.3, 1oken k1ng 1s
02.5, W1e1ess 1s 02.11, efc. 5o When you see lLLL sfandads as 1n 02.11, 02.16,
02.3, and so on, fh1s 1s efe1ng fo fhe pofoco1 Whaf 1s Wok1ng af fhe MAC
sub-1aye of fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye of a pofoco1 sfack.
d. Coecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye 1s d1v1ded 1nfo fWo funcf1ona1 sub1ayes, Log1ca1
L1nk Confo1 {LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC}. LLC, def1ned 1n fhe lLLL 02.2
spec1f1caf1on, W111 commun1cafe W1fh fhe pofoco1 1mmed1afe1y above 1f, fhe NefWok
1aye, 1n e1fhe connecf1on o connecf1on1ess mode. 1he MAC W111 have fhe
appop1afe1y 1oaded pofoco1s fo 1nfeface W1fh fhe pofoco1 equ1emenfs of fhe
Phys1ca1 1aye. 1he lLLL MAC spec1f1caf1on fo Lfhenef 1s 02.3, 1oken k1ng 1s
02.5, W1e1ess 1s 02.11, efc. 5o When you see lLLL sfandads as 1n 02.11, 02.16,
02.3, and so on, fh1s 1s efe1ng fo fhe pofoco1 Whaf 1s Wok1ng af fhe MAC
sub-1aye of fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye of a pofoco1 sfack.
a. lncoecf. 1he NefWok Access 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe Dafa L1nk and fhe Phys1ca1 1ayes 1n fhe O5l
mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee PPP Woks.
b. lncoecf. 1he NefWok Access 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe Dafa L1nk and fhe Phys1ca1 1ayes 1n fhe O5l
mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee PPP Woks.
c. Coecf. 1he NefWok Access 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe Dafa L1nk and fhe Phys1ca1 1ayes 1n fhe O5l
mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee PPP Woks.
d. lncoecf. 1he NefWok Access 1aye 1n fhe 1CP/lP ach1fecfue mode1 Wou1d be
equ1va1enf fo a comb1naf1on of fhe Dafa L1nk and fhe Phys1ca1 1ayes 1n fhe O5l
mode1, Wh1ch 1s Whee PPP Woks.
a. Coecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye has fWo sub1ayes, fhe Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1 {LLC}
and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC} 1ayes. 1he LLC pov1des a sfandad 1nfeface fo
Whaf eve nefWok pofoco1 1s be1ng used. 1h1s pov1des an absfacf1on 1aye so fhaf
fhe nefWok pofoco1 does nof need fo be pogammed fo commun1cafe W1fh a11 of fhe
poss1b1e MAC 1eve1 pofoco1s {Lfhenef, 1oken k1ng, WLAN, IDDl, and so on.}
b. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye has fWo sub1ayes, fhe Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1
{LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC} 1ayes. 1he LLC pov1des a sfandad 1nfeface
fo Whaf eve nefWok pofoco1 1s be1ng used. 1h1s pov1des an absfacf1on 1aye so
fhaf fhe nefWok pofoco1 does nof need fo be pogammed fo commun1cafe W1fh a11 of
fhe poss1b1e MAC 1eve1 pofoco1s {Lfhenef, 1oken k1ng, WLAN, IDDl, and so on.}
c. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye has fWo sub1ayes, fhe Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1
{LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC} 1ayes. 1he LLC pov1des a sfandad 1nfeface
fo Whaf eve nefWok pofoco1 1s be1ng used. 1h1s pov1des an absfacf1on 1aye so
fhaf fhe nefWok pofoco1 does nof need fo be pogammed fo commun1cafe W1fh a11 of
fhe poss1b1e MAC 1eve1 pofoco1s {Lfhenef, 1oken k1ng, WLAN, IDDl, and so on.}
d. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye has fWo sub1ayes, fhe Log1ca1 L1nk Confo1
{LLC} and Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC} 1ayes. 1he LLC pov1des a sfandad 1nfeface
fo Whaf eve nefWok pofoco1 1s be1ng used. 1h1s pov1des an absfacf1on 1aye so
fhaf fhe nefWok pofoco1 does nof need fo be pogammed fo commun1cafe W1fh a11 of
fhe poss1b1e MAC 1eve1 pofoco1s {Lfhenef, 1oken k1ng, WLAN, IDDl, and so on.}
a. lncoecf. Pof numbes up fo 1023 {0-1023} ae ca11ed We11-knoWn pofs, and
a1mosf evey compufe 1n fhe Wo1d has fhe exacf same pofoco1 mapped fo fhe exacf
same pof numbe. 1haf 1s Why fhey ae ca11ed We11-knoWn-eveyone fo11oWs fh1s same
sfandad1zed appoach.
b. lncoecf. Pof numbes up fo 1023 {0-1023} ae ca11ed We11-knoWn pofs, and
a1mosf evey compufe 1n fhe Wo1d has fhe exacf same pofoco1 mapped fo fhe exacf
same pof numbe. 1haf 1s Why fhey ae ca11ed We11-knoWn-eveyone fo11oWs fh1s same
sfandad1zed appoach.
c. lncoecf. Pof numbes up fo 1023 {0-1023} ae ca11ed We11-knoWn pofs, and
a1mosf evey compufe 1n fhe Wo1d has fhe exacf same pofoco1 mapped fo fhe exacf
same pof numbe. 1haf 1s Why fhey ae ca11ed We11-knoWn-eveyone fo11oWs fh1s same
sfandad1zed appoach.
d. Coecf. Pof numbes up fo 1023 {0-1023} ae ca11ed We11-knoWn pofs, and
a1mosf evey compufe 1n fhe Wo1d has fhe exacf same pofoco1 mapped fo fhe exacf
same pof numbe. 1haf 1s Why fhey ae ca11ed We11-knoWn-eveyone fo11oWs fh1s same
sfandad1zed appoach.
a. lncoecf. Coecf. C1ass A: fo
C1ass 8: fo
C1ass C: fo
C1ass D: fo
C1ass L: fo
b. lncoecf. Coecf. C1ass A: fo
C1ass 8: fo
C1ass C: fo
C1ass D: fo
C1ass L: fo
c. lncoecf. Coecf. C1ass A: fo
C1ass 8: fo
C1ass C: fo
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P3.fxf
C1ass D: fo
C1ass L: fo
d. Coecf. C1ass A: fo
C1ass 8: fo
C1ass C: fo
C1ass D: fo
C1ass L: fo
nu11lncoecf. Coecf. C1ass A: fo
C1ass 8: fo
C1ass C: fo
C1ass D: fo
C1ass L: fo
a. Coecf. C1ass1ess lnfe-Doma1n kouf1ng {ClDk} Was ceafed because 1f Was c1ea
fhaf ava11ab1e lP addesses Wee unn1ng ouf as moe 1nd1v1dua1s and copoaf1ons
paf1c1pafed on fhe lnfenef. A c1ass 8 addess ange 1s usua11y foo 1age fo mosf
compan1es, and a c1ass C addess ange 1s foo sma11. 5o ClDk pov1des fhe
f1ex1b111fy fo 1ncease o decease fhe c1ass s1zes as necessay.
b. lncoecf. C1ass1ess lnfe-Doma1n kouf1ng {ClDk} Was ceafed because 1f Was
c1ea fhaf ava11ab1e lP addesses Wee unn1ng ouf as moe 1nd1v1dua1s and
copoaf1ons paf1c1pafed on fhe lnfenef. A c1ass 8 addess ange 1s usua11y foo
1age fo mosf compan1es, and a c1ass C addess ange 1s foo sma11. 5o ClDk pov1des
fhe f1ex1b111fy fo 1ncease o decease fhe c1ass s1zes as necessay.
c. lncoecf. C1ass1ess lnfe-Doma1n kouf1ng {ClDk} Was ceafed because 1f Was
c1ea fhaf ava11ab1e lP addesses Wee unn1ng ouf as moe 1nd1v1dua1s and
copoaf1ons paf1c1pafed on fhe lnfenef. A c1ass 8 addess ange 1s usua11y foo
1age fo mosf compan1es, and a c1ass C addess ange 1s foo sma11. 5o ClDk pov1des
fhe f1ex1b111fy fo 1ncease o decease fhe c1ass s1zes as necessay.
d. lncoecf. C1ass1ess lnfe-Doma1n kouf1ng {ClDk} Was ceafed because 1f Was
c1ea fhaf ava11ab1e lP addesses Wee unn1ng ouf as moe 1nd1v1dua1s and
copoaf1ons paf1c1pafed on fhe lnfenef. A c1ass 8 addess ange 1s usua11y foo
1age fo mosf compan1es, and a c1ass C addess ange 1s foo sma11. 5o ClDk pov1des
fhe f1ex1b111fy fo 1ncease o decease fhe c1ass s1zes as necessay.
a. lncoecf. 1o ensue fhaf packefs do nof conf1nua11y fansvese a nefWok
foeve, lP pov1des a f1me-fo-11ve {11L} va1ue fhaf 1s decemenfed evey f1me fhe
packef passes fhough a oufe.
b. Coecf. 1o ensue fhaf packefs do nof conf1nua11y fansvese a nefWok
foeve, lP pov1des a f1me-fo-11ve {11L} va1ue fhaf 1s decemenfed evey f1me fhe
packef passes fhough a oufe.
c. lncoecf. 1o ensue fhaf packefs do nof conf1nua11y fansvese a nefWok
foeve, lP pov1des a f1me-fo-11ve {11L} va1ue fhaf 1s decemenfed evey f1me fhe
packef passes fhough a oufe.
d. lncoecf. 1o ensue fhaf packefs do nof conf1nua11y fansvese a nefWok
foeve, lP pov1des a f1me-fo-11ve {11L} va1ue fhaf 1s decemenfed evey f1me fhe
packef passes fhough a oufe.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
qu1z Name = 1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e
Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1?
a. Pop1efay W1e1ess LAN aufhenf1caf1on mefhod deve1oped by C1sco 5ysfems
b. Pov1des dynam1c keys and mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on
c. A11oWs fo c11enfs fo e-aufhenf1cafe fequenf1y
d. kep1aces WLP
2. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof fue of lPng?
a. uses a 12-b1f addess1ng space
b. lP5ec 1s 1ncopoafed 1nfo fhe pofoco1.
c. kequ1es NA1
d. Confa1ns aufoconf1guaf1on funcf1ona11fy
3. Why 1s 1f eas1e fo a epeafe fo "c1ean up" a d1g1fa1 s1gna1 fhan an ana1og
a. An ana1og s1gna1 can have an 1nf1n1fe numbe of sfafes.
b. An ana1og s1gna1 d1scefe1y epesenfs b1nay va1ues.
c. 1he encod1ng pocess 1s 1egacy.
d. D1g1fa1 s1gna1s ae moe fag11e fhan ana1og s1gna1s.
4. Whaf 1s a beacon1ng funcf1ona11fy 1n a foken-pass1ng fechno1ogy?
a. Lnsues fhaf a fau1f doma1n neve occus
b. Lnsues fhaf on1y one fame 1s on fhe nefWok af a f1me
c. A11oWs fhe compufes fo commun1cafe W1fh each ofhe fhough fhe foken
d. Lxc1udes a m1sbehav1ng compufe fom fhe 1ng
5. hoW ae IDDl and IDDl-2 d1ffeenf?
a. IDDl-2 pov1des h1ghe bandW1dfh.
b. IDDl-2 a11oWs fo f1xed bandW1dfh fo be ass1gned.
c. IDDl-2 Woks ove f1be.
d. IDDl-2 1s an acfua1 sfandad, Whee IDDl 1s a de facfo sfandad.
6. Whaf 1s fhe 1mpofance of us1ng p1enum-afed cab11ng 1n bu11d1ngs?
a. 1hey ae noncombusf1b1e
b. 1hey he1p ensue human safefy
c. 1hey 1ncease speed and bandW1dfh
d. 1hey ae made ouf of po1yv1ny1 ch1o1de
7. C1aude has been fo1d fhaf he needs fo 1nfegafe lGMP 1nfo fhe copoaf1on
oufes. Whaf fype of funcf1ona11fy 1s fhe company Wanf1ng fo a11oW?
a. Lxfe1o ouf1ng
b. lnfe1o ouf1ng
c. lnsfanf messag1ng
d. Mu1f1casf1ng
. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a chaacfe1sf1c of a foken-pass1ng fechno1ogy?
a. Chaffy
b. Defem1n1sf1c
c. Co111s1on-o1enfed
d. 8usfy
9. kev1n has seen an 1ncease 1n lCMP faff1c go1ng foWad fhe company`s Web seve.
Page 1
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
lf has nof been a 1of of lCMP faff1c, so he 1s nof sue 1f he shou1d be concened
o nof. Whaf k1nd of affack fhaf cou1d be go1ng on?
a. Iagg1e
b. Do5
c. 81fhday
d. Lok1
10. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of a mu1f11ayeed sW1fch?
a. qo5
b. h1gh speed ouf1ng
c. Can use MPL5
d. Woks on1y af fhe Dafa L1nk 1aye
11. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of a fag 1nfomaf1on base pefa1n1ng fo sW1fch1ng?
a. 5NMP agenfs keep dev1ce sfafus 1nfomaf1on 1n fh1s dafabase.
b. MPL5-enab1ed dev1ces use 1f fo keep fack of fhe d1ffeenf nefWoks.
c. 1h1s 1s necessay fo vLAN conf1guaf1on fo fake p1ace.
d. lf a11oWs sW1fches fo bu11d nefWok fopo1og1es fo pofecf aga1nsf Do5 affacks.
12. 5am has dec1ded fo move fom a sfaf1c ouf1ng pofoco1 fo a dynam1c ouf1ng
pofoco1 W1fh1n h1s LAN. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe ma1n advanfage of us1ng a
dynam1c pofoco1?
a. koufe fab1es can noW be bu11f manua11y so fhaf 5am can have moe confo1 ove
Whee faff1c 1s oufed fhoughouf h1s nefWok.
b. koufe fab1es W111 nof be mod1f1ed usf because a oufe goes doWn o 1s
c. koufe fab1es W111 be dynam1ca11y bu11f and mod1f1ed.
d. koufes W111 noW be encypfed W1fhouf fhe need of manua1 conf1guaf1on by 5am.
13. John Was exp1a1n1ng fo Dusfy fhaf fhee has been exfens1ve oufe f1app1ng, Wh1ch
has caused exfeme de1ay 1n fhe1 WAN and LAN connecf1ons. Whaf 1s John efe1ng
a. Ava11ab111fy of oufes has conf1nua11y changed
b. koufes Wee unde affack fom hackes send1ng uDP packefs W1fh 1ncoecf oufe
fab1e updafes
c. Womho1e affacks Wee be1ng ca1ed ouf
d. 5evea1 oufes Wee go1ng off-11ne fo an unknoWn eason
14. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe d1ffeence befWeen a 11nk-sfafe and a
d1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng pofoco1?
a. A 11nk-sfafe pofoco1 uses moe mef1cs fhan a d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1 When
mak1ng a oufe dec1s1on.
b. A 11nk-sfafe pofoco1 makes ouf1ng dec1s1ons based on fhe numbe of hops
befWeen fhe souce and desf1naf1on and a d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1 makes fhe dec1s1on
based on d1sfance.
c. A d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1 1ooks af fhe congesf1on of a 11nk and a 11nk-sfafe
pofoco1 does nof.
d. A d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1 bu11ds a moe accuafe ouf1ng fab1e fhan a
11nk-sfafe pofoco1
15. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng has a pope mapp1ng befWeen fhe pofoco1 and fhe
a. O5PI 1s a d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1.
b. klP 1s a 11nk-sfafe pofoco1.
c. lGkP 1s an exfe1o ouf1ng pofoco1.
d. 8GP 1s an exfe1o ouf1ng pofoco1.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
16. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes hoW 8GP 1s cons1deed fo be a comb1naf1on
of 11nk-sfafe and d1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng pofoco1s?
a. lf bu11ds a nefWok fopo1ogy 11ke a d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1 and updafes
pe1od1ca11y as a 11nk-sfafe pofoco1.
b. lf sends updafes 11ke a 11nk-sfafe pofoco1 and bu11ds a sfaf1c fab1e 11ke a
d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1.
c. lf bu11ds a nefWok fopo1ogy 11ke a 11nk-sfafe pofoco1 and updafes pe1od1ca11y
11ke a d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1.
d. lf makes oufe dec1s1ons based on hops 11ke a 11nk-sfafe pofoco1 and updafes
pe1od1ca11y 11ke a d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1.
17. Whaf 1s a ouf1ng po11cy and Whaf 1s 1f used fo?
a. lf sfafes fhe fype of faff1c fhaf 1s a11oWed access fo nefWok esouces.
b. Adm1n1sfafos can app1y f11fes and ass1gn We1ghfs fo oufe mef1cs.
c. lf 1s de1ved fom fhe ogan1zaf1ona1 po11cy and sfafes Who can ma1nfa1n ouf1ng
d. lf sf1pu1afes fhe fype of confo1s fhaf musf be puf 1nfo p1ace fo pofecf
d1ffeenf fypes of faff1c.
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng confo1s Wou1d sfop affacks fhaf ae ca1ed ouf by
man1pu1af1ng oufe oufe fab1es?
a. Aufhenf1caf1on
b. ACLs
c. I11fes
d. MlCs
19. Pau1 1s a nefWok adm1n1sfafo of fhe ACML W1ed and W1e1ess LANs. One of h1s
eng1nees says fhaf fhey have expe1enced Womho1e affacks ove fhe 1asf monfh. Whaf
does fh1s mean?
a. Affackes ae send1ng lCMP packefs fo mod1fy fhe1 oufes.
b. 1Wo affackes have been Wok1ng fogefhe af d1ffeenf p1aces of fhe nefWok.
c. 5omeone has been send1ng unso11c1fed messages fo 81uefoofh-enab1ed dev1ces.
d. lnsfanf messag1ng has been used fo a11oW fhe Womho1e Wom 1nfo fhe env1onmenf
20. Whaf 1s fhe counfemeasue fo Womho1e affacks?
a. Aufhenf1caf1on
b. Longe 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfos
c. 1klP
d. Leashes
21. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5} uses a
fo enab1e aufhenf1caf1on W1fh an aufhenf1caf1on seve.
LAP-1L5 esfab11shes a 1L5 encypfed funne1 fo fac111fafe
a. One-f1me passWods, fWo facfo
b. kebeos, f1ckef
c. Pub11c key lnfasfucfue, cef1f1cafe-based
d. 5L5AML, fokens
22. 1oby has been asked by h1s boss fo sef up a fhee-f1eed conf1guaf1on W1fh1n
fhe company`s nefWok. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fh1s fype of
a. 5ceened hosf
b. 5ceened subnef
c. 1Wo sceened subnefs
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d. Mu1f1-homed ach1fecfue
23. 5am and a foens1cs feam 1nvesf1gafed and caughf a hacke fhaf had been
affack1ng sysfems W1fh1n fhe1 nefWok. 5am uncoveed a comp1efe fopo1ogy of fhe1
nefWok, a1ong W1fh lP addesses, sev1ces unn1ng, and accounfs fo each and evey
dev1ce on fhe nefWok. Whaf d1d fhe hacke mosf 11ke1y cay ouf fo obfa1n fh1s
a. Zone fansfe
b. Pof scans
c. Lok1 affacks
d. 5muf affacks
24. Ju11e has been fo1d fhaf he company has been fhe v1cf1m of a DN5 po1son1ng
affack. Whaf Wee fhe sympfoms fhaf Wee mosf1y 1denf1f1ed fo 1nd1cafe fh1s fype of
a. koufes Wee m1souf1ng packefs.
b. 1aff1c Was bypass1ng f1eWa11s.
c. uses Wee ab1e fo bypass fhe company`s poxy seve.
d. Web ed1ecf1on Was occu1ng.
25. 1he counfemeasue fo DN5 po1son1ng 1s DN55ec. hoW does 1f Wok?
a. A11 DN5 seves encypf fhe dafa senf back and fofh befWeen fhem.
b. A11 DN5 seves d1g1fa11y s1gn messages befWeen fhem.
c. A11 DN5 seves aufhenf1cafe fo fhe equesf1ng c11enfs.
d. A11 c11enfs and DN5 seves cay ouf mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on.
26. kafhy Woks 1n an a11-W1ndoWs env1onmenf and has been fo1d fhaf a un1x nefWok
needs fo a1so be sef up fo suppof some neW app11caf1ons fhaf cannof un on W1ndoWs
sysfems. 5he has ead fhaf she needs fo sef up an Nl5 seve. Why Wou1d she need fo
sef fh1s up?
a. 1o a11oW W1ndoWs and un1x c11enfs fo shae f11es fhough a v1fua1 f11e sysfem
b. 5ecu1fy puposes
c. 1o 1nc1ude a fype of f1eWa11 fhaf Woks 1n un1x env1onmenfs
d. Cenfa1 adm1n1sfaf1on
27. hoW does Nl5 pov1de funcf1ona11fy 11ke a DN5 seve?
a. lf has a cenfa1 hosf fab1e.
b. lf foWads hosfname fo lP mapp1ng equesfs.
c. lf ca1es ouf zone fansfes.
d. lf confa1ns conf1guaf1on f11es.
2. 1Wo monfhs affe kafhy sef up he Nl5+ seve she found ouf fhaf passWod f11e
had been capfued and bufe foced. Whaf mosf 11ke1y fook p1ace fo a11oW fh1s fo
a. kafhy acc1denfa11y chose secu1fy 1eve1 3 When she Was conf1gu1ng fhe seve.
b. 1he Nl5+ seve Was conf1gued fo be backWads compaf1b1e W1fh Nl5.
c. unaufho1zed zone fansfes fook p1ace.
d. kafhy d1d nof encypf fhe passWod f11e on fhe seve.
29. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1?
a. A pofoco1 des1gned fo access d1ecfo1es fhaf fo11oW fhe X.500 sfandad
b. A pofoco1 des1gned fo access d1ecfo1es fhaf fo11oW fhe X.400 sfandad
c. A pofoco1 des1gned fo access d1ecfo1es fhaf fo11oW fhe X.509 sfandad
d. A pofoco1 des1gned fo access d1ecfo1es fhaf fo11oW fhe X.300 sfandad
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an aff1bufe of LDAP d1ecfo1es?
a. uses d1sf1ngu1shed names
b. uses aff1bufes
c. uses va1ues
d. uses fup1es
31. Whaf 1s fhe pupose of an LDl and hoW does 1f e1afe fo a va1ue-added nefWok
a. 5fandad1zed e1ecfon1c commun1caf1on. A vAN pov1des fhe necessay 1eve1 of
secu1fy fhough vLANs.
b. 5fandad1zed e1ecfon1c commun1caf1on. A vAN 1s a sev1ce bueau fhaf pov1des
fh1s fype of sev1ce.
c. 1echno1ogy fhaf connecfs supp11es and fhe1 cusfomes. A vAN pov1des fhe
aufhenf1caf1on p1ece fo fhe fansacf1ons.
d. 1echno1ogy fhaf connecfs supp11es and fhe1 cusfomes. A vAN pov1des fhe
paymenf gafeWay fo fhe fansacf1ons.
32. Compan1es can use p1vafe lP addesses fo fee, 1nsfead of pay1ng fo pub11c
addesses. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s an 1ncoecf p1vafe lP ange?
a. fo
b. fo
c. fo
d. fo
33. Mon1ca has a cho1ce of seff1ng up sfaf1c, dynam1c, o pof nefWok addess
fans1af1on {NA1}. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a coecf mapp1ng befWeen fhe fype of
NA1 and 1fs funcf1ona11fy?
a. 5faf1c uses a &quof,f1sf come f1sf seved&quof, funcf1ona11fy fo fhe one lP
addess 1f shaes befWeen a11 sysfems.
b. ln dynam1c NA1, each p1vafe addess has a pub11c addess mapped fo 1f af a11
c. Pof NA1 uses one p1vafe addess fo a11 sysfems on fhe nefWok.
d. 5faf1c NA1 uses moe pub11c addesses fhan fhe ofhe fypes.
34. Why Wou1d a hacke be d1sappo1nfed once she f1gued ouf fhaf fhe nefWok she 1s
Wanf1ng fo affack 1s us1ng NA1?
a. lnfena1 addesses ae h1dden.
b. lnfena1 compufes have anofhe 1aye of f1eWa11 pofecf1on.
c. 1hee 1s on1y one enfy fo fhe nefWok.
d. NA1 1s hade fo compom1se fhan mosf f1eWa11s.
35. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fue When compa1ng LAN and WAN pofoco1s?
a. WAN env1onmenfs can 1nfoduce moe eos 1n fansm1ss1on, so fhese pofoco1s
ae usua11y connecf1on-o1enfed.
b. LAN env1onmenfs can 1nfoduce moe eos 1n fansm1ss1on, so fhese pofoco1s
ae usua11y connecf1on-o1enfed.
c. WAN pofoco1s ae usua11y connecf1on1ess because fhey have fo fansvese so many
d1ffeenf nefWok fypes.
d. LAN pofoco1s ae usua11y connecf1on-o1enfed because of fhe amounf of
co111s1ons fhaf can fake p1ace on fhe nefWok.
36. ln packef-sW1fched env1onmenfs, oufes and sW1fches W111 make dec1s1ons on fhe
besf oufe fo a packef fo fake. 1h1s 1s Why d1ffeenf packefs of a message can
a1ve ouf of ode, as fhey d1d nof necessa11y a11 fo11oW fhe same pafh. Whaf
fechno1ogy do fhese fypes of pofoco1s use fo make fhe pafh dec1s1ons?
a. 11me D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
b. Ca1e 5ens1ng Mu1f1p1e Access
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
c. 5faf1sf1ca1 11me D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
d. Iequency D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
37. 1om 1s fo1d fhaf h1s nefWok needs fo be 1sochonous fo meef fhe demands of fhe
neW app11caf1on fhaf fhe company puchased. Whaf does fh1s mean?
a. lf needs fo pov1de qua11fy of sev1ce.
b. lf needs fo pov1de aufhenf1caf1on befWeen fhe c11enf and seve pof1ons of fhe
neW soffWae.
c. lf needs fo 1nfegafe LAP and kebeos fo suppof fhe app11caf1on.
d. lf needs PvCs sef up fhough fhe WAN connecf1on.
3. 5hane`s company 1osf fhe1 WAN 11nk due fo sevee Weafhe cond1f1ons. 1he
company expe1enced a 1oss of $240,000 ove fhe fou hous fhe1 Web seves Wee
unab1e fo accepf cusfome puchases. 5hane has been fo1d fo 1mp1emenf a backup
opf1on, so fhaf company W111 nof go fhough fh1s aga1n. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng Wou1d
5hane 1mp1emenf?
a. MPL5
b. D1a1-on demand ouf1ng
c. lGMP
d. L1nk-sfafe edundanf po1nf-fo-po1nf connecf1on
39. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of lD5L?
a. Pov1des up fo 12 kbps 1n bandW1dfh
b. 5o1uf1on fo 1nd1v1dua1s Who cannof gef 5D5L o AD5L
c. keaches up fo 36,000 feef fom a pov1de`s cenfa1 off1ce
d. Pov1des up fo 34 kbps 1n bandW1dfh
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng fechno1og1es pov1des fhe bandW1dfh fhaf 1s equ1va1enf fo
a 1-1 11ne?
a. AD5L
b. hD5L
c. lD5L
d. D5L
41. Io fWo d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons fo commun1cafe v1a safe111fe 11nks, fhey musf be
W1fh1n fhe safe111fes 11ne of s1ghf and .
a. Aea
b. D1sfance
c. Coveage
d. Ioofp1nf
42. 1echno1og1es fhaf do nof equ1e a use fo go fhough a d1a1-up pocedue fo
connecf fo a sev1ce pov1de`s cenfa1 off1ce ae efeed fo as a1Ways-on
fechno1og1es. Affackes 11ke fhese sysfems because fhey ae a1Ways ava11ab1e fo be
affacked and fo be used fo affack ofhes. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof cons1deed
an a1Ways-on fechno1ogy?
a. AD5L
b. Cab1e modem
c. l5DN
d. 5D5L
43. Jan has been fo1d by fhe nefWok adm1n1sfafo fhaf fhe vPN he sef up needs
pov1de fanspof adacency. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes Whaf fh1s means?
a. Moe fhan one secu1fy pofoco1 1s conf1gued fo fhe vPN faff1c.
b. PP1P needs fo be conf1gued fo be used W1fh L21P.
c. A PP1P funne1 needs fo be conf1gued fo go fhough an lP5ec funne1.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
d. An L5P lP5ec vPN needs fo be sef up.
44. 5ean has conf1gued d1ffeenf vPNs fo d1ffeenf oufes dafa W111 fake. 1h1s 1s
because dafa fhaf 1s fave11ng W1fh1n fhe 1oca1 nefWok 1s cons1deed fo be af a
1oWe 1sk of be1ng compom1sed When compaed fo When fhe dafa fave1s oufs1de of
fhe 1oca1 nefWok. Whaf 1s fhe fem fhaf desc1bes Whaf 5ean has sef up?
a. 1anspof adacency
b. lfeafed funne11ng
c. Mu1f1p1e funne11ng ach1fecfue
d. Mu1f1p1e adacency
45. 5pead specfum Woks af Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng O5l 1ayes?
a. 1anspof
b. NefWok
c. Dafa L1nk
d. Phys1ca1
46. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes hoW fequency hopp1ng spead specfum
{Ih55} d1ffes fom d1ecf sequence spead specfum {D555}?
a. Ih55 uses a ch1pp1ng sequence.
b. D555 pov1des a h1ghe bandW1dfh.
c. Ih55 1s used 1n fhe 02.11a sfandad.
d. D555 1s used 1n fhe 02.11a sfandad.
47. Whaf 1s fhe ch1pp1ng code 1n D555 used fo?
a. lf 1s made up of sub-b1fs fhaf ae comb1ned W1fh fhe o1g1na1 b1fs befoe
fansm1ss1on and pov1de pa1fy pofecf1on.
b. lf 1s made up of sub-b1fs fhaf ae comb1ned W1fh fhe o1g1na1 b1fs befoe
fansm1ss1on and pov1de encypf1on pofecf1on.
c. lf 1s made up of neW fequenc1es fhaf ae comb1ned W1fh fhe o1g1na1 b1fs befoe
fansm1ss1on and pov1de pa1fy pofecf1on.
d. lf 1s made up of neW fequenc1es fhaf ae comb1ned W1fh fhe o1g1na1 b1fs befoe
fansm1ss1on and pov1de encypf1on pofecf1on.
4. Why does D555 pov1de moe bandW1dfh When compaed fo Ih55?
a. A h1ghe numbe fequenc1es 1s used.
b. Dafa fave1s 1n paa11e1.
c. 1he a1go1fhm 1ncease fhe hopp1ng speeds.
d. Dafa 1s compessed befoe be1ng modu1afed on fhe ad1o Wave.
49. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s fhe pope mapp1ng?
a. 02.11 uses Ih55.
b. 02.11a uses D555.
c. 02.11b pov1des up fo 1 fo 2 Mbps.
d. 02.11b pov1des up fo 52 Mbps.
50. Whaf 1s fhe e1af1onsh1p befWeen a bas1c sev1ce sef {855} and 55lD?
a. A goup of W1e1ess dev1ces ae segmenfed 1nfo a 855 and ass1gned an 55lD va1ue.
b. A goup of W1e1ess dev1ces ae segmenfed 1nfo an 55lD and ass1gned a 855 va1ue.
c. 1he 855 de11neafes fhe access po1nf and W1e1ess dev1ces, and fhe 55lD
de11neafes fhe W1e1ess and W1ed dev1ces.
d. 1he 55lD de11neafes fhe access po1nf and W1e1ess dev1ces, and fhe 855
de11neafes fhe W1e1ess and W1ed dev1ces.
51. 5ome W1e1ess env1onmenfs aufhenf1cafe W1e1ess dev1ces befoe fhey ae a11oWed
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
access fo fhe W1ed env1onmenf, v1a 55lD and/o MAC va1ues. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
besf desc1bes fhe doWnfa11 of fhese appoaches?
a. 8ofh ae eas11y capfued fhough bufe foce affacks.
b. 1he 55lD 1s boadcasfed by fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and fhe MAC addess 1s
boadcasfed by fhe access po1nf.
c. 1he MAC 1s nof boadcasfed by fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and fhe 55lD addess 1s
boadcasfed by fhe access po1nf.
d. 8ofh ae senf 1n c1eafexf.
52. Whaf spead specfum 1s used 1n fhe 02.11a sfandad?
a. Ih55
b. D555
d. 55lD
53. 1he 02.11a sfandad pov1des a h1ghe bandW1dfh fhan 02.11 and 02.11b. Wh1ch
of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s a chaacfe1sf1c of 02.11a fhaf 1s nof shaed by 02.11 and
a. Max1mum d1sfance fhaf fhe W1e1ess dev1ce shou1d be fom fhe access po1nf 1s 25
b. lf uses 1klP 1nsfead of WL8.
c. lf uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1nsfead of fhe kC4 a1go1fhm.
d. lf 1nceases fhe key1ng mafe1a1 fo encypf1on.
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. 1he L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP} 1s a
pop1efay W1e1ess LAN aufhenf1caf1on mefhod deve1oped by C1sco 5ysfems. lmpofanf
feafues of LLAP ae fhe use of dynam1c WLP keys and mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on {befWeen
a W1e1ess c11enf and a kADlu5 seve}. LLAP a11oWs fo c11enfs fo eaufhenf1cafe
fequenf1y, upon each successfu1 aufhenf1caf1on, fhe c11enfs acqu1e a neW WLP key.
LLAP may be conf1gued fo use 1klP 1nsfead of dynam1c WLP.
b. lncoecf. 1he L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP} 1s a
pop1efay W1e1ess LAN aufhenf1caf1on mefhod deve1oped by C1sco 5ysfems. lmpofanf
feafues of LLAP ae fhe use of dynam1c WLP keys and mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on {befWeen
a W1e1ess c11enf and a kADlu5 seve}. LLAP a11oWs fo c11enfs fo eaufhenf1cafe
fequenf1y, upon each successfu1 aufhenf1caf1on, fhe c11enfs acqu1e a neW WLP key.
LLAP may be conf1gued fo use 1klP 1nsfead of dynam1c WLP.
c. lncoecf. 1he L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP} 1s a
pop1efay W1e1ess LAN aufhenf1caf1on mefhod deve1oped by C1sco 5ysfems. lmpofanf
feafues of LLAP ae fhe use of dynam1c WLP keys and mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on {befWeen
a W1e1ess c11enf and a kADlu5 seve}. LLAP a11oWs fo c11enfs fo eaufhenf1cafe
fequenf1y, upon each successfu1 aufhenf1caf1on, fhe c11enfs acqu1e a neW WLP key.
LLAP may be conf1gued fo use 1klP 1nsfead of dynam1c WLP.
d. Coecf. 1he L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP} 1s a
pop1efay W1e1ess LAN aufhenf1caf1on mefhod deve1oped by C1sco 5ysfems. lmpofanf
feafues of LLAP ae fhe use of dynam1c WLP keys and mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on {befWeen
a W1e1ess c11enf and a kADlu5 seve}. LLAP a11oWs fo c11enfs fo eaufhenf1cafe
fequenf1y, upon each successfu1 aufhenf1caf1on, fhe c11enfs acqu1e a neW WLP key.
LLAP may be conf1gued fo use 1klP 1nsfead of dynam1c WLP.
a. lncoecf. lP ves1on 6, a1so ca11ed lP Nexf Geneaf1on {lPng}, has an addess
space of 12 b1fs, has aufoconf1guaf1on {Wh1ch makes adm1n1sfaf1on eas1e}, has
lP5ec 1nfegafed, buf does nof equ1e NA1. NA1 Was deve1oped s1nce lPv4 addesses
Wee unn1ng ouf. 1he lP addess s1ze cou1d make NA1 obso1efe fo fhe pupose of
sav1ng pub11c addesses.
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
b. lncoecf. lP ves1on 6, a1so ca11ed lP Nexf Geneaf1on {lPng}, has an addess
space of 12 b1fs, has aufoconf1guaf1on {Wh1ch makes adm1n1sfaf1on eas1e}, has
lP5ec 1nfegafed, buf does nof equ1e NA1. NA1 Was deve1oped s1nce lPv4 addesses
Wee unn1ng ouf. 1he lP addess s1ze cou1d make NA1 obso1efe fo fhe pupose of
sav1ng pub11c addesses.
c. Coecf. lP ves1on 6, a1so ca11ed lP Nexf Geneaf1on {lPng}, has an addess
space of 12 b1fs, has aufoconf1guaf1on {Wh1ch makes adm1n1sfaf1on eas1e}, has
lP5ec 1nfegafed, buf does nof equ1e NA1. NA1 Was deve1oped s1nce lPv4 addesses
Wee unn1ng ouf. 1he lP addess s1ze cou1d make NA1 obso1efe fo fhe pupose of
sav1ng pub11c addesses.
d. lncoecf. lP ves1on 6, a1so ca11ed lP Nexf Geneaf1on {lPng}, has an addess
space of 12 b1fs, has aufoconf1guaf1on {Wh1ch makes adm1n1sfaf1on eas1e}, has
lP5ec 1nfegafed, buf does nof equ1e NA1. NA1 Was deve1oped s1nce lPv4 addesses
Wee unn1ng ouf. 1he lP addess s1ze cou1d make NA1 obso1efe fo fhe pupose of
sav1ng pub11c addesses.
a. Coecf. lf 1s moe d1ff1cu1f fo exfacf ana1og s1gna1s fom backgound no1se
because fhe amp11fudes and fequency Waves s1oW1y 1ose fom. 1h1s 1s because an
ana1og s1gna1 cou1d have an 1nf1n1fe numbe of va1ues o sfafes, Whee a d1g1fa1
s1gna1 ex1sfs 1n d1scefe sfafes. A d1g1fa1 s1gna1 1s a squae Wave, Wh1ch does nof
have a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues of fhe d1ffeenf amp11fudes and fequenc1es of an
ana1og s1gna1.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s moe d1ff1cu1f fo exfacf ana1og s1gna1s fom backgound no1se
because fhe amp11fudes and fequency Waves s1oW1y 1ose fom. 1h1s 1s because an
ana1og s1gna1 cou1d have an 1nf1n1fe numbe of va1ues o sfafes, Whee a d1g1fa1
s1gna1 ex1sfs 1n d1scefe sfafes. A d1g1fa1 s1gna1 1s a squae Wave, Wh1ch does nof
have a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues of fhe d1ffeenf amp11fudes and fequenc1es of an
ana1og s1gna1.
c. lncoecf. lf 1s moe d1ff1cu1f fo exfacf ana1og s1gna1s fom backgound no1se
because fhe amp11fudes and fequency Waves s1oW1y 1ose fom. 1h1s 1s because an
ana1og s1gna1 cou1d have an 1nf1n1fe numbe of va1ues o sfafes, Whee a d1g1fa1
s1gna1 ex1sfs 1n d1scefe sfafes. A d1g1fa1 s1gna1 1s a squae Wave, Wh1ch does nof
have a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues of fhe d1ffeenf amp11fudes and fequenc1es of an
ana1og s1gna1.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s moe d1ff1cu1f fo exfacf ana1og s1gna1s fom backgound no1se
because fhe amp11fudes and fequency Waves s1oW1y 1ose fom. 1h1s 1s because an
ana1og s1gna1 cou1d have an 1nf1n1fe numbe of va1ues o sfafes, Whee a d1g1fa1
s1gna1 ex1sfs 1n d1scefe sfafes. A d1g1fa1 s1gna1 1s a squae Wave, Wh1ch does nof
have a11 of fhe poss1b1e va1ues of fhe d1ffeenf amp11fudes and fequenc1es of an
ana1og s1gna1.
a. lncoecf. lf a compufe defecfs a pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok, 1f sends a beacon
fame. 1h1s fame geneafes a fa11ue doma1n, Wh1ch 1s befWeen fhe compufe fhaf
1ssued fhe beacon and 1fs ne1ghbo doWnsfeam. 1he compufes and dev1ces W1fh1n fh1s
fa11ue doma1n W111 affempf fo econf1gue cefa1n seff1ngs fo fy and Wok aound
fhe defecfed fau1f.
b. lncoecf. lf a compufe defecfs a pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok, 1f sends a beacon
fame. 1h1s fame geneafes a fa11ue doma1n, Wh1ch 1s befWeen fhe compufe fhaf
1ssued fhe beacon and 1fs ne1ghbo doWnsfeam. 1he compufes and dev1ces W1fh1n fh1s
fa11ue doma1n W111 affempf fo econf1gue cefa1n seff1ngs fo fy and Wok aound
fhe defecfed fau1f.
c. lncoecf. lf a compufe defecfs a pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok, 1f sends a beacon
fame. 1h1s fame geneafes a fa11ue doma1n, Wh1ch 1s befWeen fhe compufe fhaf
1ssued fhe beacon and 1fs ne1ghbo doWnsfeam. 1he compufes and dev1ces W1fh1n fh1s
fa11ue doma1n W111 affempf fo econf1gue cefa1n seff1ngs fo fy and Wok aound
fhe defecfed fau1f.
d. Coecf. lf a compufe defecfs a pob1em W1fh fhe nefWok, 1f sends a beacon
fame. 1h1s fame geneafes a fa11ue doma1n, Wh1ch 1s befWeen fhe compufe fhaf
1ssued fhe beacon and 1fs ne1ghbo doWnsfeam. 1he compufes and dev1ces W1fh1n fh1s
fa11ue doma1n W111 affempf fo econf1gue cefa1n seff1ngs fo fy and Wok aound
fhe defecfed fau1f.
Page 9
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. IDDl-2 pov1des f1xed bandW1dfh fhaf can be a11ocafed fo spec1f1c
app11caf1ons. 1h1s makes 1f Wok moe 11ke a boadband connecf1on, Wh1ch a11oWs fo
vo1ce, v1deo, and dafa fo fave1 ove fhe same 11nes.
b. Coecf. IDDl-2 pov1des f1xed bandW1dfh fhaf can be a11ocafed fo spec1f1c
app11caf1ons. 1h1s makes 1f Wok moe 11ke a boadband connecf1on, Wh1ch a11oWs fo
vo1ce, v1deo, and dafa fo fave1 ove fhe same 11nes.
c. lncoecf. IDDl-2 pov1des f1xed bandW1dfh fhaf can be a11ocafed fo spec1f1c
app11caf1ons. 1h1s makes 1f Wok moe 11ke a boadband connecf1on, Wh1ch a11oWs fo
vo1ce, v1deo, and dafa fo fave1 ove fhe same 11nes.
d. lncoecf. IDDl-2 pov1des f1xed bandW1dfh fhaf can be a11ocafed fo spec1f1c
app11caf1ons. 1h1s makes 1f Wok moe 11ke a boadband connecf1on, Wh1ch a11oWs fo
vo1ce, v1deo, and dafa fo fave1 ove fhe same 11nes.
a. lncoecf. NefWok cab11ng fhaf 1s p1aced 1n fhese fypes of aeas, ca11ed
p1enum space, musf meef a spec1f1c f1e af1ng fo ensue fhaf 1f W111 nof poduce
and e1ease hamfu1 chem1ca1s 1n case of a f1e. A bu11d1ng`s venf11af1on usua11y
fakes p1ace fhough fh1s p1enum space and 1f fox1c chem1ca1s Wee fo gef 1nfo fhaf
aea, fhey cou1d be eas11y spead fhoughouf fhe bu11d1ng 1n m1nufes. Nonp1enum
cab1es usua11y have a po1yv1ny1 ch1o1de {PvC} ackef cove1ng, Wheeas p1enum-afed
cab1es have ackef coves made of f1uoopo1ymes.
b. Coecf. NefWok cab11ng fhaf 1s p1aced 1n fhese fypes of aeas, ca11ed p1enum
space, musf meef a spec1f1c f1e af1ng fo ensue fhaf 1f W111 nof poduce and
e1ease hamfu1 chem1ca1s 1n case of a f1e. A bu11d1ng`s venf11af1on usua11y fakes
p1ace fhough fh1s p1enum space and 1f fox1c chem1ca1s Wee fo gef 1nfo fhaf aea,
fhey cou1d be eas11y spead fhoughouf fhe bu11d1ng 1n m1nufes. Nonp1enum cab1es
usua11y have a po1yv1ny1 ch1o1de {PvC} ackef cove1ng, Wheeas p1enum-afed cab1es
have ackef coves made of f1uoopo1ymes.
c. lncoecf. NefWok cab11ng fhaf 1s p1aced 1n fhese fypes of aeas, ca11ed
p1enum space, musf meef a spec1f1c f1e af1ng fo ensue fhaf 1f W111 nof poduce
and e1ease hamfu1 chem1ca1s 1n case of a f1e. A bu11d1ng`s venf11af1on usua11y
fakes p1ace fhough fh1s p1enum space and 1f fox1c chem1ca1s Wee fo gef 1nfo fhaf
aea, fhey cou1d be eas11y spead fhoughouf fhe bu11d1ng 1n m1nufes. Nonp1enum
cab1es usua11y have a po1yv1ny1 ch1o1de {PvC} ackef cove1ng, Wheeas p1enum-afed
cab1es have ackef coves made of f1uoopo1ymes.
d. lncoecf. NefWok cab11ng fhaf 1s p1aced 1n fhese fypes of aeas, ca11ed
p1enum space, musf meef a spec1f1c f1e af1ng fo ensue fhaf 1f W111 nof poduce
and e1ease hamfu1 chem1ca1s 1n case of a f1e. A bu11d1ng`s venf11af1on usua11y
fakes p1ace fhough fh1s p1enum space and 1f fox1c chem1ca1s Wee fo gef 1nfo fhaf
aea, fhey cou1d be eas11y spead fhoughouf fhe bu11d1ng 1n m1nufes. Nonp1enum
cab1es usua11y have a po1yv1ny1 ch1o1de {PvC} ackef cove1ng, Wheeas p1enum-afed
cab1es have ackef coves made of f1uoopo1ymes.
a. lncoecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s used
fo epof mu1f1casf goup membesh1ps fo oufes. When a use chooses fo accepf
mu1f1casf faff1c, fh1s means fhaf she becomes a membe of a paf1cu1a mu1f1casf
goup. lGMP 1s fhe mechan1sm fhaf a11oWs he compufe fo 1nfom fhe 1oca1 oufes
fhaf she 1s paf of fh1s goup and fo send faff1c W1fh a spec1f1c mu1f1casf addess
fo he sysfem.
b. lncoecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s used
fo epof mu1f1casf goup membesh1ps fo oufes. When a use chooses fo accepf
mu1f1casf faff1c, fh1s means fhaf she becomes a membe of a paf1cu1a mu1f1casf
goup. lGMP 1s fhe mechan1sm fhaf a11oWs he compufe fo 1nfom fhe 1oca1 oufes
fhaf she 1s paf of fh1s goup and fo send faff1c W1fh a spec1f1c mu1f1casf addess
fo he sysfem.
c. lncoecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s used
fo epof mu1f1casf goup membesh1ps fo oufes. When a use chooses fo accepf
mu1f1casf faff1c, fh1s means fhaf she becomes a membe of a paf1cu1a mu1f1casf
goup. lGMP 1s fhe mechan1sm fhaf a11oWs he compufe fo 1nfom fhe 1oca1 oufes
fhaf she 1s paf of fh1s goup and fo send faff1c W1fh a spec1f1c mu1f1casf addess
Page 10
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
fo he sysfem.
d. Coecf. lnfenef Goup Managemenf Pofoco1 {lGMP} 1s a pofoco1 fhaf 1s used
fo epof mu1f1casf goup membesh1ps fo oufes. When a use chooses fo accepf
mu1f1casf faff1c, fh1s means fhaf she becomes a membe of a paf1cu1a mu1f1casf
goup. lGMP 1s fhe mechan1sm fhaf a11oWs he compufe fo 1nfom fhe 1oca1 oufes
fhaf she 1s paf of fh1s goup and fo send faff1c W1fh a spec1f1c mu1f1casf addess
fo he sysfem.

a. lncoecf. 5ome app11caf1ons and nefWok pofoco1 a1go1fhms Wok beffe 1f

fhey can commun1cafe af defem1ned 1nfeva1s, 1nsfead of Wheneve fhe dafa a1ves.
ln foken-pass1ng fechno1og1es, faff1c a1ves 1n fh1s fype of defem1n1sf1c nafue
because nof a11 sysfems can commun1cafe af one f1me, buf on1y When a sysfem has
confo1 of fhe foken. Chaffy, co111s1on-o1enfed and busfy a11 desc1be Lfhenef
b. Coecf. 5ome app11caf1ons and nefWok pofoco1 a1go1fhms Wok beffe 1f fhey
can commun1cafe af defem1ned 1nfeva1s, 1nsfead of Wheneve fhe dafa a1ves. ln
foken-pass1ng fechno1og1es, faff1c a1ves 1n fh1s fype of defem1n1sf1c nafue
because nof a11 sysfems can commun1cafe af one f1me, buf on1y When a sysfem has
confo1 of fhe foken. Chaffy, co111s1on-o1enfed and busfy a11 desc1be Lfhenef
c. lncoecf. 5ome app11caf1ons and nefWok pofoco1 a1go1fhms Wok beffe 1f
fhey can commun1cafe af defem1ned 1nfeva1s, 1nsfead of Wheneve fhe dafa a1ves.
ln foken-pass1ng fechno1og1es, faff1c a1ves 1n fh1s fype of defem1n1sf1c nafue
because nof a11 sysfems can commun1cafe af one f1me, buf on1y When a sysfem has
confo1 of fhe foken. Chaffy, co111s1on-o1enfed and busfy a11 desc1be Lfhenef
d. lncoecf. 5ome app11caf1ons and nefWok pofoco1 a1go1fhms Wok beffe 1f
fhey can commun1cafe af defem1ned 1nfeva1s, 1nsfead of Wheneve fhe dafa a1ves.
ln foken-pass1ng fechno1og1es, faff1c a1ves 1n fh1s fype of defem1n1sf1c nafue
because nof a11 sysfems can commun1cafe af one f1me, buf on1y When a sysfem has
confo1 of fhe foken. Chaffy, co111s1on-o1enfed and busfy a11 desc1be Lfhenef
a. lncoecf. Lok1 1s acfua11y a c11enf/seve pogam fhaf 1s used by hackes fo
sef up back doos on sysfems. A compufe 1s affacked and fhe seve pof1on of fhe
Lok1 soffWae 1s 1nsfa11ed. 1h1s seve pof1on &quof,11sfens&quof, on a pof, Wh1ch
1s fhe back doo fhaf an affacke can use fo access fhe sysfem. 1o ga1n access and
open a emofe she11 fo fh1s compufe, an affacke sends commands 1ns1de lCMP
packefs. 1h1s 1s usua11y successfu1 because mosf oufes ae conf1gued fo a11oW
lCMP faff1c fo come and go ouf of fhe nefWok. 1h1s 1s because lCMP has been seen
as a bas1ca11y ben1gn pofoco1, s1nce 1f Was deve1oped fo nof ho1d any dafa o a
pay1oad. 1he ofhe affacks do nof use fhe lCMP pofoco1.
b. lncoecf. Lok1 1s acfua11y a c11enf/seve pogam fhaf 1s used by hackes fo
sef up back doos on sysfems. A compufe 1s affacked and fhe seve pof1on of fhe
Lok1 soffWae 1s 1nsfa11ed. 1h1s seve pof1on &quof,11sfens&quof, on a pof, Wh1ch
1s fhe back doo fhaf an affacke can use fo access fhe sysfem. 1o ga1n access and
open a emofe she11 fo fh1s compufe, an affacke sends commands 1ns1de lCMP
packefs. 1h1s 1s usua11y successfu1 because mosf oufes ae conf1gued fo a11oW
lCMP faff1c fo come and go ouf of fhe nefWok. 1h1s 1s because lCMP has been seen
as a bas1ca11y ben1gn pofoco1, s1nce 1f Was deve1oped fo nof ho1d any dafa o a
pay1oad. 1he ofhe affacks do nof use fhe lCMP pofoco1.
c. lncoecf. Lok1 1s acfua11y a c11enf/seve pogam fhaf 1s used by hackes fo
sef up back doos on sysfems. A compufe 1s affacked and fhe seve pof1on of fhe
Lok1 soffWae 1s 1nsfa11ed. 1h1s seve pof1on &quof,11sfens&quof, on a pof, Wh1ch
1s fhe back doo fhaf an affacke can use fo access fhe sysfem. 1o ga1n access and
open a emofe she11 fo fh1s compufe, an affacke sends commands 1ns1de lCMP
packefs. 1h1s 1s usua11y successfu1 because mosf oufes ae conf1gued fo a11oW
lCMP faff1c fo come and go ouf of fhe nefWok. 1h1s 1s because lCMP has been seen
as a bas1ca11y ben1gn pofoco1, s1nce 1f Was deve1oped fo nof ho1d any dafa o a
pay1oad. 1he ofhe affacks do nof use fhe lCMP pofoco1.
d. Coecf. Lok1 1s acfua11y a c11enf/seve pogam fhaf 1s used by hackes fo
Page 11
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
sef up back doos on sysfems. A compufe 1s affacked and fhe seve pof1on of fhe
Lok1 soffWae 1s 1nsfa11ed. 1h1s seve pof1on "11sfens" on a pof, Wh1ch 1s fhe
back doo fhaf an affacke can use fo access fhe sysfem. 1o ga1n access and open a
emofe she11 fo fh1s compufe, an affacke sends commands 1ns1de lCMP packefs. 1h1s
1s usua11y successfu1 because mosf oufes ae conf1gued fo a11oW lCMP faff1c fo
come and go ouf of fhe nefWok. 1h1s 1s because lCMP has been seen as a bas1ca11y
ben1gn pofoco1, s1nce 1f Was deve1oped fo nof ho1d any dafa o a pay1oad. 1he ofhe
affacks do nof use fhe lCMP pofoco1.
a. lncoecf. 1odays Laye 3, Laye 4, and ofhe 1aye sW1fches have moe
enhanced funcf1ona11fy fhan Laye 2 sW1fches. 1hese h1ghe 1eve1 sW1fches offe
ouf1ng funcf1ona11fy, packef 1nspecf1on, faff1c p1o1f1zaf1on, and qua11fy of
sev1ce {qo5} funcf1ona11fy. 1hese sW1fches ae efeed fo as mu1f11ayeed sW1fches
because fhey comb1ne Dafa L1nk 1aye, NefWok 1aye, and ofhe 1aye
b. lncoecf. 1odays Laye 3, Laye 4, and ofhe 1aye sW1fches have moe
enhanced funcf1ona11fy fhan Laye 2 sW1fches. 1hese h1ghe 1eve1 sW1fches offe
ouf1ng funcf1ona11fy, packef 1nspecf1on, faff1c p1o1f1zaf1on, and qua11fy of
sev1ce {qo5} funcf1ona11fy. 1hese sW1fches ae efeed fo as mu1f11ayeed sW1fches
because fhey comb1ne Dafa L1nk 1aye, NefWok 1aye, and ofhe 1aye
c. lncoecf. 1odays Laye 3, Laye 4, and ofhe 1aye sW1fches have moe
enhanced funcf1ona11fy fhan Laye 2 sW1fches. 1hese h1ghe 1eve1 sW1fches offe
ouf1ng funcf1ona11fy, packef 1nspecf1on, faff1c p1o1f1zaf1on, and qua11fy of
sev1ce {qo5} funcf1ona11fy. 1hese sW1fches ae efeed fo as mu1f11ayeed sW1fches
because fhey comb1ne Dafa L1nk 1aye, NefWok 1aye, and ofhe 1aye
d. Coecf. 1odays Laye 3, Laye 4, and ofhe 1aye sW1fches have moe enhanced
funcf1ona11fy fhan Laye 2 sW1fches. 1hese h1ghe 1eve1 sW1fches offe ouf1ng
funcf1ona11fy, packef 1nspecf1on, faff1c p1o1f1zaf1on, and qua11fy of sev1ce
{qo5} funcf1ona11fy. 1hese sW1fches ae efeed fo as mu1f11ayeed sW1fches because
fhey comb1ne Dafa L1nk 1aye, NefWok 1aye, and ofhe 1aye funcf1ona11f1es.
a. lncoecf. When a packef eaches fhe sW1fch, fhe sW1fch W111 compae fhe
desf1naf1on addess W1fh 1fs fag 1nfomaf1on base, Wh1ch 1s a 11sf of a11 of fhe
subnefs and fhe1 coespond1ng fag numbes. 1he sW1fch appends fhe fag fo fhe
packef and sends 1f fo fhe nexf sW1fch. A11 of fhe sW1fches 1n befWeen fh1s f1sf
sW1fch and fhe desf1naf1on hosf W111 usf ev1eW fh1s fag 1nfomaf1on fo 1nd1cafe
Wh1ch oufe 1f needs fo fake 1nsfead of ana1yz1ng fhe fu11 heade.
b. Coecf. When a packef eaches fhe sW1fch, fhe sW1fch W111 compae fhe
desf1naf1on addess W1fh 1fs fag 1nfomaf1on base, Wh1ch 1s a 11sf of a11 of fhe
subnefs and fhe1 coespond1ng fag numbes. 1he sW1fch appends fhe fag fo fhe
packef and sends 1f fo fhe nexf sW1fch. A11 of fhe sW1fches 1n befWeen fh1s f1sf
sW1fch and fhe desf1naf1on hosf W111 usf ev1eW fh1s fag 1nfomaf1on fo 1nd1cafe
Wh1ch oufe 1f needs fo fake 1nsfead of ana1yz1ng fhe fu11 heade.
c. lncoecf. When a packef eaches fhe sW1fch, fhe sW1fch W111 compae fhe
desf1naf1on addess W1fh 1fs fag 1nfomaf1on base, Wh1ch 1s a 11sf of a11 of fhe
subnefs and fhe1 coespond1ng fag numbes. 1he sW1fch appends fhe fag fo fhe
packef and sends 1f fo fhe nexf sW1fch. A11 of fhe sW1fches 1n befWeen fh1s f1sf
sW1fch and fhe desf1naf1on hosf W111 usf ev1eW fh1s fag 1nfomaf1on fo 1nd1cafe
Wh1ch oufe 1f needs fo fake 1nsfead of ana1yz1ng fhe fu11 heade.
d. lncoecf. When a packef eaches fhe sW1fch, fhe sW1fch W111 compae fhe
desf1naf1on addess W1fh 1fs fag 1nfomaf1on base, Wh1ch 1s a 11sf of a11 of fhe
subnefs and fhe1 coespond1ng fag numbes. 1he sW1fch appends fhe fag fo fhe
packef and sends 1f fo fhe nexf sW1fch. A11 of fhe sW1fches 1n befWeen fh1s f1sf
sW1fch and fhe desf1naf1on hosf W111 usf ev1eW fh1s fag 1nfomaf1on fo 1nd1cafe
Wh1ch oufe 1f needs fo fake 1nsfead of ana1yz1ng fhe fu11 heade.
a. lncoecf. A dynam1c ouf1ng pofoco1 means fhaf 1f can d1scove oufes and
bu11d a ouf1ng fab1e. koufes use fhese fab1es fo make dec1s1ons on fhe besf oufe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
fo fhe packefs fhey ece1ve. A dynam1c pofoco1 can change fhe enf1es 1n fhe oufe
fab1e based on changes fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe d1ffeenf oufes.
b. lncoecf. A dynam1c ouf1ng pofoco1 means fhaf 1f can d1scove oufes and
bu11d a ouf1ng fab1e. koufes use fhese fab1es fo make dec1s1ons on fhe besf oufe
fo fhe packefs fhey ece1ve. A dynam1c pofoco1 can change fhe enf1es 1n fhe oufe
fab1e based on changes fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe d1ffeenf oufes.
c. Coecf. A dynam1c ouf1ng pofoco1 means fhaf 1f can d1scove oufes and bu11d
a ouf1ng fab1e. koufes use fhese fab1es fo make dec1s1ons on fhe besf oufe fo
fhe packefs fhey ece1ve. A dynam1c pofoco1 can change fhe enf1es 1n fhe oufe
fab1e based on changes fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe d1ffeenf oufes.
d. lncoecf. A dynam1c ouf1ng pofoco1 means fhaf 1f can d1scove oufes and
bu11d a ouf1ng fab1e. koufes use fhese fab1es fo make dec1s1ons on fhe besf oufe
fo fhe packefs fhey ece1ve. A dynam1c pofoco1 can change fhe enf1es 1n fhe oufe
fab1e based on changes fhaf fake p1ace fo fhe d1ffeenf oufes.
a. Coecf. koufe f1app1ng 1s a fem fhaf efes fo fhe consfanf changes 1n fhe
ava11ab111fy of oufes. lf a oufe does nof ece1ve an updafe fhaf a 11nk has gone
doWn, fhe oufe W111 conf1nue fo foWad packefs fo fhaf oufe, Wh1ch efeed fo
as a b1ack ho1e.
b. lncoecf. koufe f1app1ng 1s a fem fhaf efes fo fhe consfanf changes 1n fhe
ava11ab111fy of oufes. lf a oufe does nof ece1ve an updafe fhaf a 11nk has gone
doWn, fhe oufe W111 conf1nue fo foWad packefs fo fhaf oufe, Wh1ch efeed fo
as a b1ack ho1e.
c. lncoecf. koufe f1app1ng 1s a fem fhaf efes fo fhe consfanf changes 1n fhe
ava11ab111fy of oufes. lf a oufe does nof ece1ve an updafe fhaf a 11nk has gone
doWn, fhe oufe W111 conf1nue fo foWad packefs fo fhaf oufe, Wh1ch efeed fo
as a b1ack ho1e.
d. lncoecf. koufe f1app1ng 1s a fem fhaf efes fo fhe consfanf changes 1n fhe
ava11ab111fy of oufes. lf a oufe does nof ece1ve an updafe fhaf a 11nk has gone
doWn, fhe oufe W111 conf1nue fo foWad packefs fo fhaf oufe, Wh1ch efeed fo
as a b1ack ho1e.
a. Coecf. D1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng pofoco1s make fhe1 ouf1ng dec1s1ons on fhe
d1sfance {o numbe of hops} and a vecfo {a d1ecf1on}. 1he pofoco1 fakes fhese
va1ab1es and uses fhem W1fh an a1go1fhm fo defem1ne fhe besf oufe fo a packef.
L1nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s bu11d a moe accuafe ouf1ng fab1e because fhey bu11d
a fopo1ogy dafabase of fhe nefWok. 1hese pofoco1s 1ook af moe va1ab1es fhan usf
numbe of hops befWeen fWo desf1naf1ons. 1hey use packef s1ze, 11nk speed, de1ay,
1oad1ng, and e11ab111fy as fhe va1ab1es 1n fhe1 a1go1fhms fo defem1ne fhe besf
oufes fo packefs fo fake.
b. lncoecf. D1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng pofoco1s make fhe1 ouf1ng dec1s1ons on
fhe d1sfance {o numbe of hops} and a vecfo {a d1ecf1on}. 1he pofoco1 fakes
fhese va1ab1es and use fhem W1fh an a1go1fhm fo defem1ne fhe besf oufe fo a
packef. L1nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s bu11ds a moe accuafe ouf1ng fab1e because
fhey bu11d a fopo1ogy dafabase of fhe nefWok. 1hese pofoco1s 1ook af moe
va1ab1es fhan usf numbe of hops befWeen fWo desf1naf1ons. 1hey use packef s1ze,
11nk speed, de1ay, 1oad1ng, and e11ab111fy as fhe va1ab1es 1n fhe1 a1go1fhms fo
defem1ne fhe besf oufes fo packefs fo fake.
c. lncoecf. D1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng pofoco1s make fhe1 ouf1ng dec1s1ons on
fhe d1sfance {o numbe of hops} and a vecfo {a d1ecf1on}. 1he pofoco1 fakes
fhese va1ab1es and use fhem W1fh an a1go1fhm fo defem1ne fhe besf oufe fo a
packef. L1nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s bu11ds a moe accuafe ouf1ng fab1e because
fhey bu11d a fopo1ogy dafabase of fhe nefWok. 1hese pofoco1s 1ook af moe
va1ab1es fhan usf numbe of hops befWeen fWo desf1naf1ons. 1hey use packef s1ze,
11nk speed, de1ay, 1oad1ng, and e11ab111fy as fhe va1ab1es 1n fhe1 a1go1fhms fo
defem1ne fhe besf oufes fo packefs fo fake.
d. lncoecf. D1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng pofoco1s make fhe1 ouf1ng dec1s1ons on
fhe d1sfance {o numbe of hops} and a vecfo {a d1ecf1on}. 1he pofoco1 fakes
fhese va1ab1es and use fhem W1fh an a1go1fhm fo defem1ne fhe besf oufe fo a
packef. L1nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s bu11ds a moe accuafe ouf1ng fab1e because
fhey bu11d a fopo1ogy dafabase of fhe nefWok. 1hese pofoco1s 1ook af moe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
va1ab1es fhan usf numbe of hops befWeen fWo desf1naf1ons. 1hey use packef s1ze,
11nk speed, de1ay, 1oad1ng, and e11ab111fy as fhe va1ab1es 1n fhe1 a1go1fhms fo
defem1ne fhe besf oufes fo packefs fo fake.
a. lncoecf. 1he 8ode GafeWay Pofoco1 {8GP} enab1es oufes on d1ffeenf A5s
fo shae ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on fo ensue effecf1ve and eff1c1enf ouf1ng befWeen fhe
d1ffeenf nefWoks. lf 1s common1y used by lnfenef sev1ce pov1des fo oufe dafa
fom one 1ocaf1on fo fhe nexf on fhe lnfenef.
b. lncoecf. 1he 8ode GafeWay Pofoco1 {8GP} enab1es oufes on d1ffeenf A5s
fo shae ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on fo ensue effecf1ve and eff1c1enf ouf1ng befWeen fhe
d1ffeenf nefWoks. lf 1s common1y used by lnfenef sev1ce pov1des fo oufe dafa
fom one 1ocaf1on fo fhe nexf on fhe lnfenef.
c. lncoecf. 1he 8ode GafeWay Pofoco1 {8GP} enab1es oufes on d1ffeenf A5s
fo shae ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on fo ensue effecf1ve and eff1c1enf ouf1ng befWeen fhe
d1ffeenf nefWoks. lf 1s common1y used by lnfenef sev1ce pov1des fo oufe dafa
fom one 1ocaf1on fo fhe nexf on fhe lnfenef.
d. Coecf. 1he 8ode GafeWay Pofoco1 {8GP} enab1es oufes on d1ffeenf A5s fo
shae ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on fo ensue effecf1ve and eff1c1enf ouf1ng befWeen fhe
d1ffeenf nefWoks. lf 1s common1y used by lnfenef sev1ce pov1des fo oufe dafa
fom one 1ocaf1on fo fhe nexf on fhe lnfenef.
a. lncoecf. 8GP uses a comb1naf1on of 11nk-sfafe and d1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng
a1go1fhms. lf ceafes a nefWok fopo1ogy by us1ng 1fs 11nk-sfafe funcf1ona11fy and
fansm1fs updafes on a pe1od1c bas1s 1nsfead of conf1nuous1y, Wh1ch 1s hoW
d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1s Wok.
b. lncoecf. 8GP uses a comb1naf1on of 11nk-sfafe and d1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng
a1go1fhms. lf ceafes a nefWok fopo1ogy by us1ng 1fs 11nk-sfafe funcf1ona11fy and
fansm1fs updafes on a pe1od1c bas1s 1nsfead of conf1nuous1y, Wh1ch 1s hoW
d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1s Wok.
c. Coecf. 8GP uses a comb1naf1on of 11nk-sfafe and d1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng
a1go1fhms. lf ceafes a nefWok fopo1ogy by us1ng 1fs 11nk-sfafe funcf1ona11fy and
fansm1fs updafes on a pe1od1c bas1s 1nsfead of conf1nuous1y, Wh1ch 1s hoW
d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1s Wok.
d. lncoecf. 8GP uses a comb1naf1on of 11nk-sfafe and d1sfance-vecfo ouf1ng
a1go1fhms. lf ceafes a nefWok fopo1ogy by us1ng 1fs 11nk-sfafe funcf1ona11fy and
fansm1fs updafes on a pe1od1c bas1s 1nsfead of conf1nuous1y, Wh1ch 1s hoW
d1sfance-vecfo pofoco1s Wok.
a. lncoecf. NefWok adm1n1sfafos can app1y f11fes and We1ghfs fo fhe
d1ffeenf va1ab1es fhaf ae used by 11nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s When defem1n1ng
fhe besf oufes. 1hese conf1guaf1ons ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed fhe ouf1ng po11cy.
b. Coecf. NefWok adm1n1sfafos can app1y f11fes and We1ghfs fo fhe d1ffeenf
va1ab1es fhaf ae used by 11nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s When defem1n1ng fhe besf
oufes. 1hese conf1guaf1ons ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed fhe ouf1ng po11cy.
c. lncoecf. NefWok adm1n1sfafos can app1y f11fes and We1ghfs fo fhe
d1ffeenf va1ab1es fhaf ae used by 11nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s When defem1n1ng
fhe besf oufes. 1hese conf1guaf1ons ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed fhe ouf1ng po11cy.
d. lncoecf. NefWok adm1n1sfafos can app1y f11fes and We1ghfs fo fhe
d1ffeenf va1ab1es fhaf ae used by 11nk-sfafe ouf1ng pofoco1s When defem1n1ng
fhe besf oufes. 1hese conf1guaf1ons ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed fhe ouf1ng po11cy.
a. Coecf. hackes send lCMP messages fo oufes fhaf confa1n sfafus 1nfomaf1on.
1h1s sfafus 1nfomaf1on may 1nd1cafe fhaf a oufe 1s doWn o congesfed. koufes
accepf fhese messages W1fhouf equ11ng fhe sende fo aufhenf1cafe. lf fhe oufe
equ1ed aufhenf1caf1on, fhese fypes of affacks Wou1d nof be successfu1.
b. lncoecf. hackes send lCMP messages fo oufes fhaf confa1n sfafus
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s sfafus 1nfomaf1on may 1nd1cafe fhaf a oufe 1s doWn o congesfed.
koufes accepf fhese messages W1fhouf equ11ng fhe sende fo aufhenf1cafe. lf fhe
oufe equ1ed aufhenf1caf1on, fhese fypes of affacks Wou1d nof be successfu1.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
c. lncoecf. hackes send lCMP messages fo oufes fhaf confa1n sfafus
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s sfafus 1nfomaf1on may 1nd1cafe fhaf a oufe 1s doWn o congesfed.
koufes accepf fhese messages W1fhouf equ11ng fhe sende fo aufhenf1cafe. lf fhe
oufe equ1ed aufhenf1caf1on, fhese fypes of affacks Wou1d nof be successfu1.
d. lncoecf. hackes send lCMP messages fo oufes fhaf confa1n sfafus
1nfomaf1on. 1h1s sfafus 1nfomaf1on may 1nd1cafe fhaf a oufe 1s doWn o congesfed.
koufes accepf fhese messages W1fhouf equ11ng fhe sende fo aufhenf1cafe. lf fhe
oufe equ1ed aufhenf1caf1on, fhese fypes of affacks Wou1d nof be successfu1.
a. lncoecf. An affacke can capfue a packef af one 1ocaf1on and funne1 1f fo
anofhe 1ocaf1on on fhe nefWok. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhee ae fWo affackes af
each end of fh1s funne1 {Wh1ch 1s efeed fo as a Womho1e}. Affacke A cou1d
capfue an aufhenf1caf1on foken fhaf 1s be1ng senf fo an aufho1zed use, and fhen
send fh1s foken fo fhe ofhe affacke, Who fhen uses 1f fo ga1n unaufho1zed access
fo a esouce.
b. Coecf. An affacke can capfue a packef af one 1ocaf1on and funne1 1f fo
anofhe 1ocaf1on on fhe nefWok. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhee ae fWo affackes af
each end of fh1s funne1 {Wh1ch 1s efeed fo as a Womho1e}. Affacke A cou1d
capfue an aufhenf1caf1on foken fhaf 1s be1ng senf fo an aufho1zed use, and fhen
send fh1s foken fo fhe ofhe affacke, Who fhen uses 1f fo ga1n unaufho1zed access
fo a esouce.
c. lncoecf. An affacke can capfue a packef af one 1ocaf1on and funne1 1f fo
anofhe 1ocaf1on on fhe nefWok. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhee ae fWo affackes af
each end of fh1s funne1 {Wh1ch 1s efeed fo as a Womho1e}. Affacke A cou1d
capfue an aufhenf1caf1on foken fhaf 1s be1ng senf fo an aufho1zed use, and fhen
send fh1s foken fo fhe ofhe affacke, Who fhen uses 1f fo ga1n unaufho1zed access
fo a esouce.
d. lncoecf. An affacke can capfue a packef af one 1ocaf1on and funne1 1f fo
anofhe 1ocaf1on on fhe nefWok. ln fh1s fype of affack, fhee ae fWo affackes af
each end of fh1s funne1 {Wh1ch 1s efeed fo as a Womho1e}. Affacke A cou1d
capfue an aufhenf1caf1on foken fhaf 1s be1ng senf fo an aufho1zed use, and fhen
send fh1s foken fo fhe ofhe affacke, Who fhen uses 1f fo ga1n unaufho1zed access
fo a esouce.
a. lncoecf. 1he counfemeasue fo fh1s fype of affack equ1es fhe use of
1eashes, Wh1ch ae usf dafa fhaf 1s puf 1nfo a heade of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 packefs.
1he 1eash esf1cfs fhe packef`s max1mum a11oWed fansm1ss1on d1sfance. 1he 1eash
can be geogaph1ca1, Wh1ch ensues fhaf a packef sfays W1fh1n a cefa1n d1sfance of
fhe sende, o fempoa1, Wh1ch 11m1fs fhe 11fef1me of fhe packef.
b. lncoecf. 1he counfemeasue fo fh1s fype of affack equ1es fhe use of
1eashes, Wh1ch ae usf dafa fhaf 1s puf 1nfo a heade of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 packefs.
1he 1eash esf1cfs fhe packef`s max1mum a11oWed fansm1ss1on d1sfance. 1he 1eash
can be geogaph1ca1, Wh1ch ensues fhaf a packef sfays W1fh1n a cefa1n d1sfance of
fhe sende, o fempoa1, Wh1ch 11m1fs fhe 11fef1me of fhe packef.
c. lncoecf. 1he counfemeasue fo fh1s fype of affack equ1es fhe use of
1eashes, Wh1ch ae usf dafa fhaf 1s puf 1nfo a heade of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 packefs.
1he 1eash esf1cfs fhe packef`s max1mum a11oWed fansm1ss1on d1sfance. 1he 1eash
can be geogaph1ca1, Wh1ch ensues fhaf a packef sfays W1fh1n a cefa1n d1sfance of
fhe sende, o fempoa1, Wh1ch 11m1fs fhe 11fef1me of fhe packef.
d. Coecf. 1he counfemeasue fo fh1s fype of affack equ1es fhe use of
1eashes, Wh1ch ae usf dafa fhaf 1s puf 1nfo a heade of fhe 1nd1v1dua1 packefs.
1he 1eash esf1cfs fhe packef`s max1mum a11oWed fansm1ss1on d1sfance. 1he 1eash
can be geogaph1ca1, Wh1ch ensues fhaf a packef sfays W1fh1n a cefa1n d1sfance of
fhe sende, o fempoa1, Wh1ch 11m1fs fhe 11fef1me of fhe packef.
a. lncoecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}
uses a Pub11c key lnfasfucfue {Pkl} fo enab1e aufhenf1caf1on W1fh an
aufhenf1caf1on seve. LAP-1L5 esfab11shes a 1L5 encypfed funne1 fo fac111fafe
cef1f1cafe-based aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
uses a Pub11c key lnfasfucfue {Pkl} fo enab1e aufhenf1caf1on W1fh an
aufhenf1caf1on seve. LAP-1L5 esfab11shes a 1L5 encypfed funne1 fo fac111fafe
cef1f1cafe-based aufhenf1caf1on.
c. Coecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}
uses a Pub11c key lnfasfucfue {Pkl} fo enab1e aufhenf1caf1on W1fh an
aufhenf1caf1on seve. LAP-1L5 esfab11shes a 1L5 encypfed funne1 fo fac111fafe
cef1f1cafe-based aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lncoecf. Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}
uses a Pub11c key lnfasfucfue {Pkl} fo enab1e aufhenf1caf1on W1fh an
aufhenf1caf1on seve. LAP-1L5 esfab11shes a 1L5 encypfed funne1 fo fac111fafe
cef1f1cafe-based aufhenf1caf1on.
a. lncoecf. 5omef1mes a sceened-hosf ach1fecfue 1s efeed fo as a
s1ng1e-f1eed conf1guaf1on. A sceened subnef 1s efeed fo as a fWo-f1eed
conf1guaf1on. lf fhee ae fhee f1eWa11s fhaf ceafe fWo sepaafe DMZs, fh1s can
be ca11ed a fhee-f1eed conf1guaf1on.
b. lncoecf. 5omef1mes a sceened-hosf ach1fecfue 1s efeed fo as a
s1ng1e-f1eed conf1guaf1on. A sceened subnef 1s efeed fo as a fWo-f1eed
conf1guaf1on. lf fhee ae fhee f1eWa11s fhaf ceafe fWo sepaafe DMZs, fh1s can
be ca11ed a fhee-f1eed conf1guaf1on.
c. Coecf. 5omef1mes a sceened-hosf ach1fecfue 1s efeed fo as a
s1ng1e-f1eed conf1guaf1on. A sceened subnef 1s efeed fo as a fWo-f1eed
conf1guaf1on. lf fhee ae fhee f1eWa11s fhaf ceafe fWo sepaafe DMZs, fh1s can
be ca11ed a fhee-f1eed conf1guaf1on.
d. lncoecf. 5omef1mes a sceened-hosf ach1fecfue 1s efeed fo as a
s1ng1e-f1eed conf1guaf1on. A sceened subnef 1s efeed fo as a fWo-f1eed
conf1guaf1on. lf fhee ae fhee f1eWa11s fhaf ceafe fWo sepaafe DMZs, fh1s can
be ca11ed a fhee-f1eed conf1guaf1on.
a. Coecf. 1he p1may and seconday DN5 seves synchon1ze fhe1 1nfomaf1on
fhough a zone fansfe. Changes fake p1ace fo fhe p1may DN5 and fhen fhose
changes need fo be ep11cafed fo fhe seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo
conf1gue fhe DN5 seve fo on1y a11oW zone fansfes fo fake p1ace befWeen fhe
spec1f1c seves. Io yeas noW affackes have been cay1ng ouf zone fansfes fo
gafhe vey usefu1 nefWok 1nfomaf1on fom v1cf1ms` DN5 seves. unaufho1zed zone
fansfes can fake p1ace 1f fhe DN5 seve ae nof pope1y conf1gued fo esf1cf
fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
b. lncoecf. 1he p1may and seconday DN5 seves synchon1ze fhe1 1nfomaf1on
fhough a zone fansfe. Changes fake p1ace fo fhe p1may DN5 and fhen fhose
changes need fo be ep11cafed fo fhe seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo
conf1gue fhe DN5 seve fo on1y a11oW zone fansfes fo fake p1ace befWeen fhe
spec1f1c seves. Io yeas noW affackes have been cay1ng ouf zone fansfes fo
gafhe vey usefu1 nefWok 1nfomaf1on fom v1cf1ms` DN5 seves. unaufho1zed zone
fansfes can fake p1ace 1f fhe DN5 seve ae nof pope1y conf1gued fo esf1cf
fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
c. lncoecf. 1he p1may and seconday DN5 seves synchon1ze fhe1 1nfomaf1on
fhough a zone fansfe. Changes fake p1ace fo fhe p1may DN5 and fhen fhose
changes need fo be ep11cafed fo fhe seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo
conf1gue fhe DN5 seve fo on1y a11oW zone fansfes fo fake p1ace befWeen fhe
spec1f1c seves. Io yeas noW affackes have been cay1ng ouf zone fansfes fo
gafhe vey usefu1 nefWok 1nfomaf1on fom v1cf1ms` DN5 seves. unaufho1zed zone
fansfes can fake p1ace 1f fhe DN5 seve ae nof pope1y conf1gued fo esf1cf
fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
d. lncoecf. 1he p1may and seconday DN5 seves synchon1ze fhe1 1nfomaf1on
fhough a zone fansfe. Changes fake p1ace fo fhe p1may DN5 and fhen fhose
changes need fo be ep11cafed fo fhe seconday DN5 seve. lf 1s 1mpofanf fo
conf1gue fhe DN5 seve fo on1y a11oW zone fansfes fo fake p1ace befWeen fhe
spec1f1c seves. Io yeas noW affackes have been cay1ng ouf zone fansfes fo
gafhe vey usefu1 nefWok 1nfomaf1on fom v1cf1ms` DN5 seves. unaufho1zed zone
fansfes can fake p1ace 1f fhe DN5 seve ae nof pope1y conf1gued fo esf1cf
fh1s fype of acf1v1fy.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
a. lncoecf. A DN5 po1son1ng affack means fhaf an affacke pov1des a DN5 seve
W1fh an 1ncoecf hosfname fo lP mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s affack 1s usua11y ca1ed
ouf fo po1nf uses fo an 1ncoecf Web s1fe.
b. lncoecf. A DN5 po1son1ng affack means fhaf an affacke pov1des a DN5 seve
W1fh an 1ncoecf hosfname fo lP mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s affack 1s usua11y ca1ed
ouf fo po1nf uses fo an 1ncoecf Web s1fe.
c. lncoecf. A DN5 po1son1ng affack means fhaf an affacke pov1des a DN5 seve
W1fh an 1ncoecf hosfname fo lP mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s affack 1s usua11y ca1ed
ouf fo po1nf uses fo an 1ncoecf Web s1fe.
d. Coecf. A DN5 po1son1ng affack means fhaf an affacke pov1des a DN5 seve
W1fh an 1ncoecf hosfname fo lP mapp1ng 1nfomaf1on. 1h1s affack 1s usua11y ca1ed
ouf fo po1nf uses fo an 1ncoecf Web s1fe.
a. lncoecf. lf DN55LC {DN5 secu1fy, Wh1ch 1s paf of fhe DN5 81nd soffWae} Was
enab1ed, fhen When a DN5 seve ece1ved a esponse fom anofhe DN5 seve, 1f
Wou1d va11dafe fhe d1g1fa1 s1gnafue on fhe message befoe accepf1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on
fo make sue fhaf fhe esponse Was fom an aufho1zed DN5 seve.
b. Coecf. lf DN55LC {DN5 secu1fy, Wh1ch 1s paf of fhe DN5 81nd soffWae} Was
enab1ed, fhen When a DN5 seve ece1ved a esponse fom anofhe DN5 seve, 1f
Wou1d va11dafe fhe d1g1fa1 s1gnafue on fhe message befoe accepf1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on
fo make sue fhaf fhe esponse Was fom an aufho1zed DN5 seve.
c. lncoecf. lf DN55LC {DN5 secu1fy, Wh1ch 1s paf of fhe DN5 81nd soffWae} Was
enab1ed, fhen When a DN5 seve ece1ved a esponse fom anofhe DN5 seve, 1f
Wou1d va11dafe fhe d1g1fa1 s1gnafue on fhe message befoe accepf1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on
fo make sue fhaf fhe esponse Was fom an aufho1zed DN5 seve.
d. lncoecf. lf DN55LC {DN5 secu1fy, Wh1ch 1s paf of fhe DN5 81nd soffWae} Was
enab1ed, fhen When a DN5 seve ece1ved a esponse fom anofhe DN5 seve, 1f
Wou1d va11dafe fhe d1g1fa1 s1gnafue on fhe message befoe accepf1ng fhe 1nfomaf1on
fo make sue fhaf fhe esponse Was fom an aufho1zed DN5 seve.
a. lncoecf. ln a un1x env1onmenf, sysfems use cefa1n sysfem conf1guaf1on
f11es, and 1n a nefWok 1f 1s usua11y eas1e 1f a11 of fhe sysfems confa1n 1denf1ca1
conf1guaf1on f11es. lnsfead of ma1nfa1n1ng fhese f11es 1nd1v1dua11y fo each
compufe, Nl5 1s a Way fo have a11 of fhese conf1guaf1on f11es sfoed and
ma1nfa1ned 1oca11y. 1h1s a11oWs fo cenfa1 adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5 has no ea1 secu1fy
b. lncoecf. ln a un1x env1onmenf, sysfems use cefa1n sysfem conf1guaf1on
f11es, and 1n a nefWok 1f 1s usua11y eas1e 1f a11 of fhe sysfems confa1n 1denf1ca1
conf1guaf1on f11es. lnsfead of ma1nfa1n1ng fhese f11es 1nd1v1dua11y fo each
compufe, Nl5 1s a Way fo have a11 of fhese conf1guaf1on f11es sfoed and
ma1nfa1ned 1oca11y. 1h1s a11oWs fo cenfa1 adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5 has no ea1 secu1fy
c. lncoecf. ln a un1x env1onmenf, sysfems use cefa1n sysfem conf1guaf1on
f11es, and 1n a nefWok 1f 1s usua11y eas1e 1f a11 of fhe sysfems confa1n 1denf1ca1
conf1guaf1on f11es. lnsfead of ma1nfa1n1ng fhese f11es 1nd1v1dua11y fo each
compufe, Nl5 1s a Way fo have a11 of fhese conf1guaf1on f11es sfoed and
ma1nfa1ned 1oca11y. 1h1s a11oWs fo cenfa1 adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5 has no ea1 secu1fy
d. Coecf. ln a un1x env1onmenf, sysfems use cefa1n sysfem conf1guaf1on f11es,
and 1n a nefWok 1f 1s usua11y eas1e 1f a11 of fhe sysfems confa1n 1denf1ca1
conf1guaf1on f11es. lnsfead of ma1nfa1n1ng fhese f11es 1nd1v1dua11y fo each
compufe, Nl5 1s a Way fo have a11 of fhese conf1guaf1on f11es sfoed and
ma1nfa1ned 1oca11y. 1h1s a11oWs fo cenfa1 adm1n1sfaf1on. Nl5 has no ea1 secu1fy
a. Coecf. A hosf fab1e 1s a f11e fhaf confa1ns hosfname-fo-lP mapp1ngs. lf 1s
used 1n fhe same Way fhaf DN5 1s, buf 1f 1s a f11e fhaf compufes can use fo map a
hosfname fo a spec1f1c lP addess 1nsfead of a fechno1ogy o a poducf. 1h1s 1s Why
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
Nl5 1s somef1mes compaed fo DN5, because fhey bofh pov1de fhe necessay mechan1sms
fo compufes fo be ab1e fo uncove fhe lP addess of a sysfem.
b. lncoecf. A hosf fab1e 1s a f11e fhaf confa1ns hosfname-fo-lP mapp1ngs. lf 1s
used 1n fhe same Way fhaf DN5 1s, buf 1f 1s a f11e fhaf compufes can use fo map a
hosfname fo a spec1f1c lP addess 1nsfead of a fechno1ogy o a poducf. 1h1s 1s Why
Nl5 1s somef1mes compaed fo DN5, because fhey bofh pov1de fhe necessay mechan1sms
fo compufes fo be ab1e fo uncove fhe lP addess of a sysfem.
c. lncoecf. A hosf fab1e 1s a f11e fhaf confa1ns hosfname-fo-lP mapp1ngs. lf 1s
used 1n fhe same Way fhaf DN5 1s, buf 1f 1s a f11e fhaf compufes can use fo map a
hosfname fo a spec1f1c lP addess 1nsfead of a fechno1ogy o a poducf. 1h1s 1s Why
Nl5 1s somef1mes compaed fo DN5, because fhey bofh pov1de fhe necessay mechan1sms
fo compufes fo be ab1e fo uncove fhe lP addess of a sysfem.
d. lncoecf. A hosf fab1e 1s a f11e fhaf confa1ns hosfname-fo-lP mapp1ngs. lf 1s
used 1n fhe same Way fhaf DN5 1s, buf 1f 1s a f11e fhaf compufes can use fo map a
hosfname fo a spec1f1c lP addess 1nsfead of a fechno1ogy o a poducf. 1h1s 1s Why
Nl5 1s somef1mes compaed fo DN5, because fhey bofh pov1de fhe necessay mechan1sms
fo compufes fo be ab1e fo uncove fhe lP addess of a sysfem.
a. lncoecf. Nl5+ 1s backWad compaf1b1e W1fh Nl5, Wh1ch opens up a ho1e fo
hackes fo exp1o1f. lf a hacke`s sysfem has Nl5 c11enf soffWae, and fhe Nl5+
seve 1s conf1gued fo be backWad compaf1b1e, fhe Nl5+ seve can access f11es
W1fhouf f1sf hav1ng fo be aufhenf1cafed and aufho1zed. 5o fhe hacke can gef fhe
passWod f11e and sfaf cack1ng aWay.
b. Coecf. Nl5+ 1s backWad compaf1b1e W1fh Nl5, Wh1ch opens up a ho1e fo
hackes fo exp1o1f. lf a hacke`s sysfem has Nl5 c11enf soffWae, and fhe Nl5+
seve 1s conf1gued fo be backWad compaf1b1e, fhe Nl5+ seve can access f11es
W1fhouf f1sf hav1ng fo be aufhenf1cafed and aufho1zed. 5o fhe hacke can gef fhe
passWod f11e and sfaf cack1ng aWay.
c. lncoecf. Nl5+ 1s backWad compaf1b1e W1fh Nl5, Wh1ch opens up a ho1e fo
hackes fo exp1o1f. lf a hacke`s sysfem has Nl5 c11enf soffWae, and fhe Nl5+
seve 1s conf1gued fo be backWad compaf1b1e, fhe Nl5+ seve can access f11es
W1fhouf f1sf hav1ng fo be aufhenf1cafed and aufho1zed. 5o fhe hacke can gef fhe
passWod f11e and sfaf cack1ng aWay.
d. lncoecf. Nl5+ 1s backWad compaf1b1e W1fh Nl5, Wh1ch opens up a ho1e fo
hackes fo exp1o1f. lf a hacke`s sysfem has Nl5 c11enf soffWae, and fhe Nl5+
seve 1s conf1gued fo be backWad compaf1b1e, fhe Nl5+ seve can access f11es
W1fhouf f1sf hav1ng fo be aufhenf1cafed and aufho1zed. 5o fhe hacke can gef fhe
passWod f11e and sfaf cack1ng aWay.
a. Coecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s a c11enf/seve
pofoco1 used fo access nefWok d1ecfo1es, as 1n M1cosoff`s Acf1ve D1ecfoy o
Nove11`s D1ecfoy 5ev1ces {ND5}. 1hese d1ecfo1es fo11oW fhe X.500 sfandad.
b. lncoecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s a c11enf/seve
pofoco1 used fo access nefWok d1ecfo1es, as 1n M1cosoff`s Acf1ve D1ecfoy o
Nove11`s D1ecfoy 5ev1ces {ND5}. 1hese d1ecfo1es fo11oW fhe X.500 sfandad.
c. lncoecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s a c11enf/seve
pofoco1 used fo access nefWok d1ecfo1es, as 1n M1cosoff`s Acf1ve D1ecfoy o
Nove11`s D1ecfoy 5ev1ces {ND5}. 1hese d1ecfo1es fo11oW fhe X.500 sfandad.
d. lncoecf. L1ghfWe1ghf D1ecfoy Access Pofoco1 {LDAP} 1s a c11enf/seve
pofoco1 used fo access nefWok d1ecfo1es, as 1n M1cosoff`s Acf1ve D1ecfoy o
Nove11`s D1ecfoy 5ev1ces {ND5}. 1hese d1ecfo1es fo11oW fhe X.500 sfandad.
a. lncoecf. 1he LDAP spec1f1caf1on Woks W1fh d1ecfo1es fhaf ogan1ze fhe1
dafabase 1n a h1each1ca1 fee sfucfue. 1he fee has 1eaves {enf1es} W1fh un1que
d1sf1ngu1shed names. 1hese names ae h1each1ca1 and desc1be fhe obecf`s p1ace
W1fh1n fhe fee. 1he enf1es can def1ne nefWok esouces, compufes, peop1e,
W1e1ess dev1ces, and moe. Lach enfy has an aff1bufe and a va1ue. A fup1e 1s used
1n a e1af1ona1 dafabase, nof a h1each1ca1 dafabase.
b. lncoecf. 1he LDAP spec1f1caf1on Woks W1fh d1ecfo1es fhaf ogan1ze fhe1
dafabase 1n a h1each1ca1 fee sfucfue. 1he fee has 1eaves {enf1es} W1fh un1que
Page 1
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
d1sf1ngu1shed names. 1hese names ae h1each1ca1 and desc1be fhe obecf`s p1ace
W1fh1n fhe fee. 1he enf1es can def1ne nefWok esouces, compufes, peop1e,
W1e1ess dev1ces, and moe. Lach enfy has an aff1bufe and a va1ue. A fup1e 1s used
1n a e1af1ona1 dafabase, nof a h1each1ca1 dafabase.
c. lncoecf. 1he LDAP spec1f1caf1on Woks W1fh d1ecfo1es fhaf ogan1ze fhe1
dafabase 1n a h1each1ca1 fee sfucfue. 1he fee has 1eaves {enf1es} W1fh un1que
d1sf1ngu1shed names. 1hese names ae h1each1ca1 and desc1be fhe obecf`s p1ace
W1fh1n fhe fee. 1he enf1es can def1ne nefWok esouces, compufes, peop1e,
W1e1ess dev1ces, and moe. Lach enfy has an aff1bufe and a va1ue. A fup1e 1s used
1n a e1af1ona1 dafabase, nof a h1each1ca1 dafabase.
d. Coecf. 1he LDAP spec1f1caf1on Woks W1fh d1ecfo1es fhaf ogan1ze fhe1
dafabase 1n a h1each1ca1 fee sfucfue. 1he fee has 1eaves {enf1es} W1fh un1que
d1sf1ngu1shed names. 1hese names ae h1each1ca1 and desc1be fhe obecf`s p1ace
W1fh1n fhe fee. 1he enf1es can def1ne nefWok esouces, compufes, peop1e,
W1e1ess dev1ces, and moe. Lach enfy has an aff1bufe and a va1ue. A fup1e 1s used
1n a e1af1ona1 dafabase, nof a h1each1ca1 dafabase.
a. lncoecf. lnsfead of us1ng pape puchase odes, ece1pfs, and foms, LDl 1s
fhe fechno1ogy fo pov1de a11 of fh1s d1g1fa11y. A va1ue-added nefWok {vAN} 1s When
a company pays anofhe company {sev1ce bueau} fo deve1op and ma1nfa1n fh1s LDl
1nfasfucfue fo fhem.
b. Coecf. lnsfead of us1ng pape puchase odes, ece1pfs, and foms, LDl 1s
fhe fechno1ogy fo pov1de a11 of fh1s d1g1fa11y. A va1ue-added nefWok {vAN} 1s When
a company pays anofhe company {sev1ce bueau} fo deve1op and ma1nfa1n fh1s LDl
1nfasfucfue fo fhem.
c. lncoecf. lnsfead of us1ng pape puchase odes, ece1pfs, and foms, LDl 1s
fhe fechno1ogy fo pov1de a11 of fh1s d1g1fa11y. A va1ue-added nefWok {vAN} 1s When
a company pays anofhe company {sev1ce bueau} fo deve1op and ma1nfa1n fh1s LDl
1nfasfucfue fo fhem.
d. lncoecf. lnsfead of us1ng pape puchase odes, ece1pfs, and foms, LDl 1s
fhe fechno1ogy fo pov1de a11 of fh1s d1g1fa11y. A va1ue-added nefWok {vAN} 1s When
a company pays anofhe company {sev1ce bueau} fo deve1op and ma1nfa1n fh1s LDl
1nfasfucfue fo fhem.
a. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng 11sfs cuenf p1vafe lP addess anges:
1he lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy {lANA} has eseved fhe fo11oW1ng fhee
b1ocks of fhe lP addess space fo p1vafe 1nfenefs: fo {10/ pef1x} fo {172.16/12 pef1x} fo {192.16/16 pef1x}
b. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng 11sfs cuenf p1vafe lP addess anges:
1he lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy {lANA} has eseved fhe fo11oW1ng fhee
b1ocks of fhe lP addess space fo p1vafe 1nfenefs: fo {10/ pef1x} fo {172.16/12 pef1x} fo {192.16/16 pef1x}
c. Coecf. 1he fo11oW1ng 11sfs cuenf p1vafe lP addess anges:
1he lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy {lANA} has eseved fhe fo11oW1ng fhee
b1ocks of fhe lP addess space fo p1vafe 1nfenefs: fo {10/ pef1x} fo {172.16/12 pef1x} fo {192.16/16 pef1x}
d. lncoecf. 1he fo11oW1ng 11sfs cuenf p1vafe lP addess anges:
1he lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy {lANA} has eseved fhe fo11oW1ng fhee
b1ocks of fhe lP addess space fo p1vafe 1nfenefs: fo {10/ pef1x} fo {172.16/12 pef1x}
Page 19
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf fo {192.16/16 pef1x}
a. lncoecf. 5faf1c NA1 means fhaf one pub11c addess 1s a1Ways mapped fo fhe
same p1vafe addess. Dynam1c NA1 Woks unde fhe "f1sf come f1sf seve" mefhod.
Pof NA1 pov1des one pub11c lP fo a11 sysfems. 5faf1c NA1 uses fhe mosf lP
b. lncoecf. 5faf1c NA1 means fhaf one pub11c addess 1s a1Ways mapped fo fhe
same p1vafe addess. Dynam1c NA1 Woks unde fhe "f1sf come f1sf seve" mefhod.
Pof NA1 pov1des one pub11c lP fo a11 sysfems. 5faf1c NA1 uses fhe mosf lP
c. lncoecf. 5faf1c NA1 means fhaf one pub11c addess 1s a1Ways mapped fo fhe
same p1vafe addess. Dynam1c NA1 Woks unde fhe "f1sf come f1sf seve" mefhod.
Pof NA1 pov1des one pub11c lP fo a11 sysfems. 5faf1c NA1 uses fhe mosf lP
d. Coecf. 5faf1c NA1 means fhaf one pub11c addess 1s a1Ways mapped fo fhe same
p1vafe addess. Dynam1c NA1 Woks unde fhe "f1sf come f1sf seved" mefhod. Pof
NA1 pov1des one pub11c lP fo a11 sysfems. 5faf1c NA1 uses fhe mosf lP addesses.
a. Coecf. NA1 1s nof a f1eWa11 fechno1ogy. And usf because NA1 1s be1ng used
does nof mean fhaf fhee 1s on1y one enfy po1nf fo a nefWok. NA1 maps p1vafe
addess fo pub11c addesses. A11 packefs 1eav1ng fhe nefWok W111 have fhe addess
of fhe NA1 dev1ce, so a hacke cannof see fhe 1nfena1 addesses.
b. lncoecf. NA1 1s nof a f1eWa11 fechno1ogy. And usf because NA1 1s be1ng used
does nof mean fhaf fhee 1s on1y one enfy po1nf fo a nefWok. NA1 maps p1vafe
addess fo pub11c addesses. A11 packefs 1eav1ng fhe nefWok W111 have fhe addess
of fhe NA1 dev1ce, so a hacke cannof see fhe 1nfena1 addesses.
c. lncoecf. NA1 1s nof a f1eWa11 fechno1ogy. And usf because NA1 1s be1ng used
does nof mean fhaf fhee 1s on1y one enfy po1nf fo a nefWok. NA1 maps p1vafe
addess fo pub11c addesses. A11 packefs 1eav1ng fhe nefWok W111 have fhe addess
of fhe NA1 dev1ce, so a hacke cannof see fhe 1nfena1 addesses.
d. lncoecf. NA1 1s nof a f1eWa11 fechno1ogy. And usf because NA1 1s be1ng used
does nof mean fhaf fhee 1s on1y one enfy po1nf fo a nefWok. NA1 maps p1vafe
addess fo pub11c addesses. A11 packefs 1eav1ng fhe nefWok W111 have fhe addess
of fhe NA1 dev1ce, so a hacke cannof see fhe 1nfena1 addesses.
a. Coecf. Commun1caf1on eo afes ae 1oWe 1n LAN When compaed fo WAN
env1onmenfs, Wh1ch makes sense When you compae fhe comp1ex1fy of each env1onmenf.
WAN faff1c may have fo fave1 hundeds o fhousands of m11es and pass fhough
sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of dev1ces, cab1es, and pofoco1s. 8ecause of fh1s
d1ffeence, mosf LAN med1a access confo1 pofoco1s ae connecf1on1ess and mosf WAN
commun1caf1on pofoco1s ae connecf1on-o1enfed. Connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1s
pov1de e11ab1e fansm1ss1on, because fhey have fhe capab111fy of eo defecf1on
and coecf1on.
b. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on eo afes ae 1oWe 1n LAN When compaed fo WAN
env1onmenfs, Wh1ch makes sense When you compae fhe comp1ex1fy of each env1onmenf.
WAN faff1c may have fo fave1 hundeds o fhousands of m11es and pass fhough
sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of dev1ces, cab1es, and pofoco1s. 8ecause of fh1s
d1ffeence, mosf LAN med1a access confo1 pofoco1s ae connecf1on1ess and mosf WAN
commun1caf1on pofoco1s ae connecf1on-o1enfed. Connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1s
pov1de e11ab1e fansm1ss1on, because fhey have fhe capab111fy of eo defecf1on
and coecf1on.
c. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on eo afes ae 1oWe 1n LAN When compaed fo WAN
env1onmenfs, Wh1ch makes sense When you compae fhe comp1ex1fy of each env1onmenf.
WAN faff1c may have fo fave1 hundeds o fhousands of m11es and pass fhough
sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of dev1ces, cab1es, and pofoco1s. 8ecause of fh1s
d1ffeence, mosf LAN med1a access confo1 pofoco1s ae connecf1on1ess and mosf WAN
commun1caf1on pofoco1s ae connecf1on-o1enfed. Connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1s
pov1de e11ab1e fansm1ss1on, because fhey have fhe capab111fy of eo defecf1on
and coecf1on.
d. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on eo afes ae 1oWe 1n LAN When compaed fo WAN
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
env1onmenfs, Wh1ch makes sense When you compae fhe comp1ex1fy of each env1onmenf.
WAN faff1c may have fo fave1 hundeds o fhousands of m11es and pass fhough
sevea1 d1ffeenf fypes of dev1ces, cab1es, and pofoco1s. 8ecause of fh1s
d1ffeence, mosf LAN med1a access confo1 pofoco1s ae connecf1on1ess and mosf WAN
commun1caf1on pofoco1s ae connecf1on-o1enfed. Connecf1on-o1enfed pofoco1s
pov1de e11ab1e fansm1ss1on, because fhey have fhe capab111fy of eo defecf1on
and coecf1on.
a. lncoecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s based on 5faf1sf1ca1 11me D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
{51DM}, Wh1ch ana1yzes sfaf1sf1cs on fhe va1ous poss1b1e oufes fo make fhe
dec1s1on on fhe besf oufe fo a packef.
b. lncoecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s based on 5faf1sf1ca1 11me D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
{51DM}, Wh1ch ana1yzes sfaf1sf1cs on fhe va1ous poss1b1e oufes fo make fhe
dec1s1on on fhe besf oufe fo a packef.
c. Coecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s based on 5faf1sf1ca1 11me D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
{51DM}, Wh1ch ana1yzes sfaf1sf1cs on fhe va1ous poss1b1e oufes fo make fhe
dec1s1on on fhe besf oufe fo a packef.
d. lncoecf. Packef sW1fch1ng 1s based on 5faf1sf1ca1 11me D1v1s1on Mu1f1p1ex1ng
{51DM}, Wh1ch ana1yzes sfaf1sf1cs on fhe va1ous poss1b1e oufes fo make fhe
dec1s1on on fhe besf oufe fo a packef.
a. Coecf. App11caf1ons fhaf ae f1me sens1f1ve, such as vo1ce and v1deo s1gna1s,
need fo Wok ove an 1sochonous nefWok. 1h1s means fhaf a11 of fhe componenfs 1n
fhe nefWok fhaf ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng fhe necessay un1fom f1m1ng Wok
W1fh a common c1ock and ae pope1y synchon1zed.
b. lncoecf. App11caf1ons fhaf ae f1me sens1f1ve, such as vo1ce and v1deo
s1gna1s, need fo Wok ove an 1sochonous nefWok. 1h1s means fhaf a11 of fhe
componenfs 1n fhe nefWok fhaf ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng fhe necessay un1fom
f1m1ng Wok W1fh a common c1ock and ae pope1y synchon1zed.
c. lncoecf. App11caf1ons fhaf ae f1me sens1f1ve, such as vo1ce and v1deo
s1gna1s, need fo Wok ove an 1sochonous nefWok. 1h1s means fhaf a11 of fhe
componenfs 1n fhe nefWok fhaf ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng fhe necessay un1fom
f1m1ng Wok W1fh a common c1ock and ae pope1y synchon1zed.
d. lncoecf. App11caf1ons fhaf ae f1me sens1f1ve, such as vo1ce and v1deo
s1gna1s, need fo Wok ove an 1sochonous nefWok. 1h1s means fhaf a11 of fhe
componenfs 1n fhe nefWok fhaf ae espons1b1e fo pov1d1ng fhe necessay un1fom
f1m1ng Wok W1fh a common c1ock and ae pope1y synchon1zed.
a. lncoecf. D1a1-on Demand kouf1ng {DDk} a11oWs a company fo send WAN dafa ove
fhe1 ex1sf1ng fe1ephone 11nes and use fhe pub11c c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWok as a
fempoay fype of WAN 11nk. 1h1s fechno1ogy 1s a1so 1mp1emenfed as a backup 1n case
fhe p1may WAN 11nk goes doWn. lf pov1des edundancy and ensues fhaf a company
W111 sf111 be ab1e fo commun1cafe 1f somefh1ng happens fo fhe p1may WAN
commun1caf1on channe1.
b. Coecf. D1a1-on Demand kouf1ng {DDk} a11oWs a company fo send WAN dafa ove
fhe1 ex1sf1ng fe1ephone 11nes and use fhe pub11c c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWok as a
fempoay fype of WAN 11nk. 1h1s fechno1ogy 1s a1so 1mp1emenfed as a backup 1n case
fhe p1may WAN 11nk goes doWn. lf pov1des edundancy and ensues fhaf a company
W111 sf111 be ab1e fo commun1cafe 1f somefh1ng happens fo fhe p1may WAN
commun1caf1on channe1.
c. lncoecf. D1a1-on Demand kouf1ng {DDk} a11oWs a company fo send WAN dafa ove
fhe1 ex1sf1ng fe1ephone 11nes and use fhe pub11c c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWok as a
fempoay fype of WAN 11nk. 1h1s fechno1ogy 1s a1so 1mp1emenfed as a backup 1n case
fhe p1may WAN 11nk goes doWn. lf pov1des edundancy and ensues fhaf a company
W111 sf111 be ab1e fo commun1cafe 1f somefh1ng happens fo fhe p1may WAN
commun1caf1on channe1.
d. lncoecf. D1a1-on Demand kouf1ng {DDk} a11oWs a company fo send WAN dafa ove
fhe1 ex1sf1ng fe1ephone 11nes and use fhe pub11c c1cu1f-sW1fched nefWok as a
fempoay fype of WAN 11nk. 1h1s fechno1ogy 1s a1so 1mp1emenfed as a backup 1n case
fhe p1may WAN 11nk goes doWn. lf pov1des edundancy and ensues fhaf a company
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
W111 sf111 be ab1e fo commun1cafe 1f somefh1ng happens fo fhe p1may WAN
commun1caf1on channe1.
a. lncoecf. lD5L pov1des D5L fo cusfomes Who cannof gef 5D5L o AD5L because
of fhe1 d1sfance fom fhe cenfa1 off1ce. lf 1s capab1e of each1ng cusfomes Who
ae up fo 36,000 feef fom fhe pov1de`s cenfa1 off1ce. lD5L opeafes af a
symmef1ca1 speed of 12 kbps.
b. lncoecf. lD5L pov1des D5L fo cusfomes Who cannof gef 5D5L o AD5L because
of fhe1 d1sfance fom fhe cenfa1 off1ce. lf 1s capab1e of each1ng cusfomes Who
ae up fo 36,000 feef fom fhe pov1de`s cenfa1 off1ce. lD5L opeafes af a
symmef1ca1 speed of 12 kbps.
c. lncoecf. lD5L pov1des D5L fo cusfomes Who cannof gef 5D5L o AD5L because
of fhe1 d1sfance fom fhe cenfa1 off1ce. lf 1s capab1e of each1ng cusfomes Who
ae up fo 36,000 feef fom fhe pov1de`s cenfa1 off1ce. lD5L opeafes af a
symmef1ca1 speed of 12 kbps.
d. Coecf. lD5L pov1des D5L fo cusfomes Who cannof gef 5D5L o AD5L because of
fhe1 d1sfance fom fhe cenfa1 off1ce. lf 1s capab1e of each1ng cusfomes Who ae
up fo 36,000 feef fom fhe pov1de`s cenfa1 off1ce. lD5L opeafes af a symmef1ca1
speed of 12 kbps.
a. lncoecf. hD5L {h1gh b1f afe D1g1fa1 5ubsc1be L1ne} pov1des 1-1 {1.544
Mbps} speeds ove egu1a coppe phone W1e W1fhouf fhe use of epeafes. kequ1es
fWo fW1sfed pa1s of W1es, Wh1ch many vo1ce gade u1P 11nes do nof have.
b. Coecf. hD5L {h1gh b1f afe D1g1fa1 5ubsc1be L1ne} pov1des 1-1 {1.544 Mbps}
speeds ove egu1a coppe phone W1e W1fhouf fhe use of epeafes. kequ1es fWo
fW1sfed pa1s of W1es, Wh1ch many vo1ce gade u1P 11nes do nof have.
c. lncoecf. hD5L {h1gh b1f afe D1g1fa1 5ubsc1be L1ne} pov1des 1-1 {1.544
Mbps} speeds ove egu1a coppe phone W1e W1fhouf fhe use of epeafes. kequ1es
fWo fW1sfed pa1s of W1es, Wh1ch many vo1ce gade u1P 11nes do nof have.
d. lncoecf. hD5L {h1gh b1f afe D1g1fa1 5ubsc1be L1ne} pov1des 1-1 {1.544
Mbps} speeds ove egu1a coppe phone W1e W1fhouf fhe use of epeafes. kequ1es
fWo fW1sfed pa1s of W1es, Wh1ch many vo1ce gade u1P 11nes do nof have.
a. lncoecf. 1oday, safe111fes ae used fo pov1de W1e1ess connecf1v1fy befWeen
d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons. Io fWo d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons fo commun1cafe v1a safe111fe 11nks,
fhey musf be W1fh1n fhe safe111fes 11ne of s1ghf and foofp1nf {aea coveed by fhe
safe111fe}. 1he sende of 1nfomaf1on {gound sfaf1on} modu1afes fhe dafa onfo a
ad1o s1gna1 fhaf 1s fansm1ffed fo fhe safe111fe. A fansponde on fhe safe111fe
ece1ves fh1s s1gna1, amp11f1es 1f, and e1ays 1f fo fhe ece1ve.
b. lncoecf. 1oday, safe111fes ae used fo pov1de W1e1ess connecf1v1fy befWeen
d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons. Io fWo d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons fo commun1cafe v1a safe111fe 11nks,
fhey musf be W1fh1n fhe safe111fes 11ne of s1ghf and foofp1nf {aea coveed by fhe
safe111fe}. 1he sende of 1nfomaf1on {gound sfaf1on} modu1afes fhe dafa onfo a
ad1o s1gna1 fhaf 1s fansm1ffed fo fhe safe111fe. A fansponde on fhe safe111fe
ece1ves fh1s s1gna1, amp11f1es 1f, and e1ays 1f fo fhe ece1ve.
c. lncoecf. 1oday, safe111fes ae used fo pov1de W1e1ess connecf1v1fy befWeen
d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons. Io fWo d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons fo commun1cafe v1a safe111fe 11nks,
fhey musf be W1fh1n fhe safe111fes 11ne of s1ghf and foofp1nf {aea coveed by fhe
safe111fe}. 1he sende of 1nfomaf1on {gound sfaf1on} modu1afes fhe dafa onfo a
ad1o s1gna1 fhaf 1s fansm1ffed fo fhe safe111fe. A fansponde on fhe safe111fe
ece1ves fh1s s1gna1, amp11f1es 1f, and e1ays 1f fo fhe ece1ve.
d. Coecf. 1oday, safe111fes ae used fo pov1de W1e1ess connecf1v1fy befWeen
d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons. Io fWo d1ffeenf 1ocaf1ons fo commun1cafe v1a safe111fe 11nks,
fhey musf be W1fh1n fhe safe111fes 11ne of s1ghf and foofp1nf {aea coveed by fhe
safe111fe}. 1he sende of 1nfomaf1on {gound sfaf1on} modu1afes fhe dafa onfo a
ad1o s1gna1 fhaf 1s fansm1ffed fo fhe safe111fe. A fansponde on fhe safe111fe
ece1ves fh1s s1gna1, amp11f1es 1f, and e1ays 1f fo fhe ece1ve.
a. lncoecf. l5DN emu1afes a d1a1-up connecf1on and equ1es fhe use fo go
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
fhough a d1a1-up pocedue.
b. lncoecf. l5DN emu1afes a d1a1-up connecf1on and equ1es fhe use fo go
fhough a d1a1-up pocedue.
c. Coecf. l5DN emu1afes a d1a1-up connecf1on and equ1es fhe use fo go fhough
a d1a1-up pocedue.
d. lncoecf. l5DN emu1afes a d1a1-up connecf1on and equ1es fhe use fo go
fhough a d1a1-up pocedue.
a. Coecf. lP5ec can be conf1gued fo pov1de fanspof adacency, Wh1ch usf
means fhaf moe fhan one secu1fy pofoco1 {L5P and Ah} 1s app11ed fo a packef.
b. lncoecf. lP5ec can be conf1gued fo pov1de fanspof adacency, Wh1ch usf
means fhaf moe fhan one secu1fy pofoco1 {L5P and Ah} 1s app11ed fo a packef.
c. lncoecf. lP5ec can be conf1gued fo pov1de fanspof adacency, Wh1ch usf
means fhaf moe fhan one secu1fy pofoco1 {L5P and Ah} 1s app11ed fo a packef.
d. lncoecf. lP5ec can be conf1gued fo pov1de fanspof adacency, Wh1ch usf
means fhaf moe fhan one secu1fy pofoco1 {L5P and Ah} 1s app11ed fo a packef.
a. lncoecf. lP5ec can a1so be conf1gued fo pov1de 1feafed funne11ng, Wh1ch 1s
funne11ng an lP5ec funne1 fhough anofhe lP5ec funne1. lfeafed funne11ng Wou1d be
used 1f fhe faff1c needed d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on af d1ffeenf uncf1ons of
1fs pafh. Io examp1e, 1f fhe lP5ec funne1 sfafed fom an 1nfena1 hosf fo an
1nfena1 bode oufe, fh1s may nof equ1e encypf1on, so on1y fhe Ah pofoco1 1s
used. 8uf When fhaf dafa fave1s fom fhaf bode oufe fhoughouf fhe lnfenef fo
anofhe nefWok, fhen fhe dafa equ1es moe pofecf1on. 5o fhe f1sf packefs fave1
fhough a sem1-secue funne1 unf11 fhey gef eady fo h1f fhe lnfenef and fhen go
fhough a vey secue second funne1.
b. Coecf. lP5ec can a1so be conf1gued fo pov1de 1feafed funne11ng, Wh1ch 1s
funne11ng an lP5ec funne1 fhough anofhe lP5ec funne1. lfeafed funne11ng Wou1d be
used 1f fhe faff1c needed d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on af d1ffeenf uncf1ons of
1fs pafh. Io examp1e, 1f fhe lP5ec funne1 sfafed fom an 1nfena1 hosf fo an
1nfena1 bode oufe, fh1s may nof equ1e encypf1on, so on1y fhe Ah pofoco1 1s
used. 8uf When fhaf dafa fave1s fom fhaf bode oufe fhoughouf fhe lnfenef fo
anofhe nefWok, fhen fhe dafa equ1es moe pofecf1on. 5o fhe f1sf packefs fave1
fhough a sem1-secue funne1 unf11 fhey gef eady fo h1f fhe lnfenef and fhen go
fhough a vey secue second funne1.
c. lncoecf. lP5ec can a1so be conf1gued fo pov1de 1feafed funne11ng, Wh1ch 1s
funne11ng an lP5ec funne1 fhough anofhe lP5ec funne1. lfeafed funne11ng Wou1d be
used 1f fhe faff1c needed d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on af d1ffeenf uncf1ons of
1fs pafh. Io examp1e, 1f fhe lP5ec funne1 sfafed fom an 1nfena1 hosf fo an
1nfena1 bode oufe, fh1s may nof equ1e encypf1on, so on1y fhe Ah pofoco1 1s
used. 8uf When fhaf dafa fave1s fom fhaf bode oufe fhoughouf fhe lnfenef fo
anofhe nefWok, fhen fhe dafa equ1es moe pofecf1on. 5o fhe f1sf packefs fave1
fhough a sem1-secue funne1 unf11 fhey gef eady fo h1f fhe lnfenef and fhen go
fhough a vey secue second funne1.
d. lncoecf. lP5ec can a1so be conf1gued fo pov1de 1feafed funne11ng, Wh1ch 1s
funne11ng an lP5ec funne1 fhough anofhe lP5ec funne1. lfeafed funne11ng Wou1d be
used 1f fhe faff1c needed d1ffeenf 1eve1s of pofecf1on af d1ffeenf uncf1ons of
1fs pafh. Io examp1e, 1f fhe lP5ec funne1 sfafed fom an 1nfena1 hosf fo an
1nfena1 bode oufe, fh1s may nof equ1e encypf1on, so on1y fhe Ah pofoco1 1s
used. 8uf When fhaf dafa fave1s fom fhaf bode oufe fhoughouf fhe lnfenef fo
anofhe nefWok, fhen fhe dafa equ1es moe pofecf1on. 5o fhe f1sf packefs fave1
fhough a sem1-secue funne1 unf11 fhey gef eady fo h1f fhe lnfenef and fhen go
fhough a vey secue second funne1.
a. lncoecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of spead specfum fechno1og1es. 1hey
d1ffe 1n fhe1 appoaches, buf fhey ae a11 fechno1og1es fhaf modu1afe dafa onfo
fequenc1es. 1hey ae spec1f1caf1ons fhaf d1cfafe hoW s1gna11ng W111 fake p1ace 1n
WLAN env1onmenfs.
b. lncoecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of spead specfum fechno1og1es. 1hey
d1ffe 1n fhe1 appoaches, buf fhey ae a11 fechno1og1es fhaf modu1afe dafa onfo
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
fequenc1es. 1hey ae spec1f1caf1ons fhaf d1cfafe hoW s1gna11ng W111 fake p1ace 1n
WLAN env1onmenfs.
c. lncoecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of spead specfum fechno1og1es. 1hey
d1ffe 1n fhe1 appoaches, buf fhey ae a11 fechno1og1es fhaf modu1afe dafa onfo
fequenc1es. 1hey ae spec1f1caf1ons fhaf d1cfafe hoW s1gna11ng W111 fake p1ace 1n
WLAN env1onmenfs.
d. Coecf. 1hee ae d1ffeenf fypes of spead specfum fechno1og1es. 1hey d1ffe
1n fhe1 appoaches, buf fhey ae a11 fechno1og1es fhaf modu1afe dafa onfo
fequenc1es. 1hey ae spec1f1caf1ons fhaf d1cfafe hoW s1gna11ng W111 fake p1ace 1n
WLAN env1onmenfs.
a. lncoecf. D555 uses a ch1pp1ng sequence, pov1des h1ghe bandW1dfh fhan Ih55,
and 1s used 1n fhe 02.11b sfandad.
b. Coecf. D555 uses a ch1pp1ng sequence, pov1des h1ghe bandW1dfh fhan Ih55,
and 1s used 1n fhe 02.11b sfandad.
c. lncoecf. D555 uses a ch1pp1ng sequence, pov1des h1ghe bandW1dfh fhan Ih55,
and 1s used 1n fhe 02.11b sfandad.
d. lncoecf. D555 uses a ch1pp1ng sequence, pov1des h1ghe bandW1dfh fhan Ih55,
and 1s used 1n fhe 02.11b sfandad.
a. Coecf. D555 fakes a d1ffeenf appoach by app1y1ng sub-b1fs fo a message. 1he
sub-b1fs ae used by fhe send1ng sysfem fo geneafe a d1ffeenf fomaf of fhe dafa
befoe 1f 1s fansm1ffed. 1he ece1v1ng end uses fhese b1fs fo eassemb1e fhe s1gna1
1nfo fhe o1g1na1 dafa fomaf. 1he sub-b1fs ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed a ch1p, and fhe
sequence of hoW fhe sub-b1fs ae app11ed 1s efeed fo as fhe ch1pp1ng code. 1hey
Wok as pa1fy. lf a b1f 1s coupfed du1ng fansm1ss1on, fhe ece1v1ng sysfem uses
fhe sub-b1f fo ebu11d fhe o1g1na1 b1f.
b. lncoecf. D555 fakes a d1ffeenf appoach by app1y1ng sub-b1fs fo a message.
1he sub-b1fs ae used by fhe send1ng sysfem fo geneafe a d1ffeenf fomaf of fhe
dafa befoe 1f 1s fansm1ffed. 1he ece1v1ng end uses fhese b1fs fo eassemb1e fhe
s1gna1 1nfo fhe o1g1na1 dafa fomaf. 1he sub-b1fs ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed a ch1p,
and fhe sequence of hoW fhe sub-b1fs ae app11ed 1s efeed fo as fhe ch1pp1ng
code. 1hey Wok as pa1fy. lf a b1f 1s coupfed du1ng fansm1ss1on, fhe ece1v1ng
sysfem uses fhe sub-b1f fo ebu11d fhe o1g1na1 b1f.
c. lncoecf. D555 fakes a d1ffeenf appoach by app1y1ng sub-b1fs fo a message.
1he sub-b1fs ae used by fhe send1ng sysfem fo geneafe a d1ffeenf fomaf of fhe
dafa befoe 1f 1s fansm1ffed. 1he ece1v1ng end uses fhese b1fs fo eassemb1e fhe
s1gna1 1nfo fhe o1g1na1 dafa fomaf. 1he sub-b1fs ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed a ch1p,
and fhe sequence of hoW fhe sub-b1fs ae app11ed 1s efeed fo as fhe ch1pp1ng
code. 1hey Wok as pa1fy. lf a b1f 1s coupfed du1ng fansm1ss1on, fhe ece1v1ng
sysfem uses fhe sub-b1f fo ebu11d fhe o1g1na1 b1f.
d. lncoecf. D555 fakes a d1ffeenf appoach by app1y1ng sub-b1fs fo a message.
1he sub-b1fs ae used by fhe send1ng sysfem fo geneafe a d1ffeenf fomaf of fhe
dafa befoe 1f 1s fansm1ffed. 1he ece1v1ng end uses fhese b1fs fo eassemb1e fhe
s1gna1 1nfo fhe o1g1na1 dafa fomaf. 1he sub-b1fs ae co11ecf1ve1y ca11ed a ch1p,
and fhe sequence of hoW fhe sub-b1fs ae app11ed 1s efeed fo as fhe ch1pp1ng
code. 1hey Wok as pa1fy. lf a b1f 1s coupfed du1ng fansm1ss1on, fhe ece1v1ng
sysfem uses fhe sub-b1f fo ebu11d fhe o1g1na1 b1f.
a. Coecf. Ih55 pufs dafa on d1ffeenf fequenc1es. lf does nof use fhe Who1e
specfum af one f1me, as D555 does. D555 sends dafa doWn a11 ava11ab1e fequenc1es
af one f1me, 1nsfead of hav1ng fhe dafa hop fom one fequency fo fhe nexf.
b. lncoecf. Ih55 pufs dafa on d1ffeenf fequenc1es. lf does nof use fhe Who1e
specfum af one f1me, as D555 does. D555 sends dafa doWn a11 ava11ab1e fequenc1es
af one f1me, 1nsfead of hav1ng fhe dafa hop fom one fequency fo fhe nexf.
c. lncoecf. Ih55 pufs dafa on d1ffeenf fequenc1es. lf does nof use fhe Who1e
specfum af one f1me, as D555 does. D555 sends dafa doWn a11 ava11ab1e fequenc1es
af one f1me, 1nsfead of hav1ng fhe dafa hop fom one fequency fo fhe nexf.
d. lncoecf. Ih55 pufs dafa on d1ffeenf fequenc1es. lf does nof use fhe Who1e
specfum af one f1me, as D555 does. D555 sends dafa doWn a11 ava11ab1e fequenc1es
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
af one f1me, 1nsfead of hav1ng fhe dafa hop fom one fequency fo fhe nexf.
a. Coecf. 51nce D555 sends dafa acoss a11 fequenc1es af once, 1f has a h1ghe
dafa fhoughpuf fhan Ih55. 1he f1sf WAN sfandad, 02.11, used Ih55, buf as
bandW1dfh equ1emenfs 1nceased D555 Was 1mp1emenfed. 8y us1ng Ih55, fhe 02.11
sfandad can on1y pov1de a fhoughpuf of 1 fo 2 Mbps. 8y us1ng D555 1nsfead,
02.11b pov1des a dafa fhoughpuf of up fo 11 Mbps.
b. lncoecf. 51nce D555 sends dafa acoss a11 fequenc1es af once, 1f has a
h1ghe dafa fhoughpuf fhan Ih55. 1he f1sf WAN sfandad, 02.11, used Ih55, buf as
bandW1dfh equ1emenfs 1nceased D555 Was 1mp1emenfed. 8y us1ng Ih55, fhe 02.11
sfandad can on1y pov1de a fhoughpuf of 1 fo 2 Mbps. 8y us1ng D555 1nsfead,
02.11b pov1des a dafa fhoughpuf of up fo 11 Mbps.
c. lncoecf. 51nce D555 sends dafa acoss a11 fequenc1es af once, 1f has a
h1ghe dafa fhoughpuf fhan Ih55. 1he f1sf WAN sfandad, 02.11, used Ih55, buf as
bandW1dfh equ1emenfs 1nceased D555 Was 1mp1emenfed. 8y us1ng Ih55, fhe 02.11
sfandad can on1y pov1de a fhoughpuf of 1 fo 2 Mbps. 8y us1ng D555 1nsfead,
02.11b pov1des a dafa fhoughpuf of up fo 11 Mbps.
d. lncoecf. 51nce D555 sends dafa acoss a11 fequenc1es af once, 1f has a
h1ghe dafa fhoughpuf fhan Ih55. 1he f1sf WAN sfandad, 02.11, used Ih55, buf as
bandW1dfh equ1emenfs 1nceased D555 Was 1mp1emenfed. 8y us1ng Ih55, fhe 02.11
sfandad can on1y pov1de a fhoughpuf of 1 fo 2 Mbps. 8y us1ng D555 1nsfead,
02.11b pov1des a dafa fhoughpuf of up fo 11 Mbps.
a. Coecf. When W1e1ess dev1ces Wok 1n 1nfasfucfue mode, fhe AP and W1e1ess
c11enfs fom a goup efeed fo as a bas1c sev1ce sef {855}. 1h1s goup 1s
ass1gned a name, Wh1ch 1s fhe 55lD va1ue.
b. lncoecf. When W1e1ess dev1ces Wok 1n 1nfasfucfue mode, fhe AP and
W1e1ess c11enfs fom a goup efeed fo as a bas1c sev1ce sef {855}. 1h1s goup
1s ass1gned a name, Wh1ch 1s fhe 55lD va1ue.
c. lncoecf. When W1e1ess dev1ces Wok 1n 1nfasfucfue mode, fhe AP and
W1e1ess c11enfs fom a goup efeed fo as a bas1c sev1ce sef {855}. 1h1s goup
1s ass1gned a name, Wh1ch 1s fhe 55lD va1ue.
d. lncoecf. When W1e1ess dev1ces Wok 1n 1nfasfucfue mode, fhe AP and
W1e1ess c11enfs fom a goup efeed fo as a bas1c sev1ce sef {855}. 1h1s goup
1s ass1gned a name, Wh1ch 1s fhe 55lD va1ue.
a. lncoecf. 1he 55lD 1s usua11y equ1ed When a W1e1ess dev1ces Wanfs fo
aufhenf1cafe fo an AP. Io fhe dev1ce fo pove fhaf 1f shou1d be a11oWed fo
commun1cafe W1fh fhe W1ed nefWok, 1f musf f1sf pov1de a va11d 55lD va1ue. 1he
55lD shou1d nof be seen as a e11ab1e secu1fy mechan1sm because many APs boadcasf
fhe1 55lDs, Wh1ch can be eas11y sn1ffed and used by affackes. lf fhe AP 1s
conf1gued fo equ1e a MAC va1ue fo aufhenf1caf1on, fh1s dafa 1s a1so senf 1n
c1eafexf fom fhe W1e1ess dev1ce.
b. lncoecf. 1he 55lD 1s usua11y equ1ed When a W1e1ess dev1ces Wanfs fo
aufhenf1cafe fo an AP. Io fhe dev1ce fo pove fhaf 1f shou1d be a11oWed fo
commun1cafe W1fh fhe W1ed nefWok, 1f musf f1sf pov1de a va11d 55lD va1ue. 1he
55lD shou1d nof be seen as a e11ab1e secu1fy mechan1sm because many APs boadcasf
fhe1 55lDs, Wh1ch can be eas11y sn1ffed and used by affackes. lf fhe AP 1s
conf1gued fo equ1e a MAC va1ue fo aufhenf1caf1on, fh1s dafa 1s a1so senf 1n
c1eafexf fom fhe W1e1ess dev1ce.
c. lncoecf. 1he 55lD 1s usua11y equ1ed When a W1e1ess dev1ces Wanfs fo
aufhenf1cafe fo an AP. Io fhe dev1ce fo pove fhaf 1f shou1d be a11oWed fo
commun1cafe W1fh fhe W1ed nefWok, 1f musf f1sf pov1de a va11d 55lD va1ue. 1he
55lD shou1d nof be seen as a e11ab1e secu1fy mechan1sm because many APs boadcasf
fhe1 55lDs, Wh1ch can be eas11y sn1ffed and used by affackes. lf fhe AP 1s
conf1gued fo equ1e a MAC va1ue fo aufhenf1caf1on, fh1s dafa 1s a1so senf 1n
c1eafexf fom fhe W1e1ess dev1ce.
d. Coecf. 1he 55lD 1s usua11y equ1ed When a W1e1ess dev1ces Wanfs fo
aufhenf1cafe fo an AP. Io fhe dev1ce fo pove fhaf 1f shou1d be a11oWed fo
commun1cafe W1fh fhe W1ed nefWok, 1f musf f1sf pov1de a va11d 55lD va1ue. 1he
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P4.fxf
55lD shou1d nof be seen as a e11ab1e secu1fy mechan1sm because many APs boadcasf
fhe1 55lDs, Wh1ch can be eas11y sn1ffed and used by affackes. lf fhe AP 1s
conf1gued fo equ1e a MAC va1ue fo aufhenf1caf1on, fh1s dafa 1s a1so senf 1n
c1eafexf fom fhe W1e1ess dev1ce.
a. lncoecf. 1h1s sfandad uses a d1ffeenf mefhod of modu1af1ng dafa onfo fhe
necessay ad1o ca1e s1gna1s. Whee 02.11b uses D555, 02.11a uses OIDM and
Woks 1n fhe 5 Ghz fequency band.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s sfandad uses a d1ffeenf mefhod of modu1af1ng dafa onfo fhe
necessay ad1o ca1e s1gna1s. Whee 02.11b uses D555, 02.11a uses OIDM and
Woks 1n fhe 5 Ghz fequency band.
c. Coecf. 1h1s sfandad uses a d1ffeenf mefhod of modu1af1ng dafa onfo fhe
necessay ad1o ca1e s1gna1s. Whee 02.11b uses D555, 02.11a uses OIDM and
Woks 1n fhe 5 Ghz fequency band.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s sfandad uses a d1ffeenf mefhod of modu1af1ng dafa onfo fhe
necessay ad1o ca1e s1gna1s. Whee 02.11b uses D555, 02.11a uses OIDM and
Woks 1n fhe 5 Ghz fequency band.
a. lncoecf. 02.1x pov1des pof aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhaf a11 faff1c 1s
esf1cfed unf11 fhe use 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed. 02.1x does nof have anyfh1ng
fo do W1fh encypf1on. Lxfens1b1e Access Pofoco1 {LAP} exfends fhe fypes of
aufhenf1caf1on fypes.
b. lncoecf. 02.1x pov1des pof aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhaf a11 faff1c 1s
esf1cfed unf11 fhe use 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed. 02.1x does nof have anyfh1ng
fo do W1fh encypf1on. Lxfens1b1e Access Pofoco1 {LAP} exfends fhe fypes of
aufhenf1caf1on fypes.
c. Coecf. 02.1x pov1des pof aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhaf a11 faff1c 1s
esf1cfed unf11 fhe use 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed. 02.1x does nof have anyfh1ng
fo do W1fh encypf1on. Lxfens1b1e Access Pofoco1 {LAP} exfends fhe fypes of
aufhenf1caf1on fypes.
d. lncoecf. 02.1x pov1des pof aufhenf1caf1on, Wh1ch means fhaf a11 faff1c 1s
esf1cfed unf11 fhe use 1s pope1y aufhenf1cafed. 02.1x does nof have anyfh1ng
fo do W1fh encypf1on. Lxfens1b1e Access Pofoco1 {LAP} exfends fhe fypes of
aufhenf1caf1on fypes.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
qu1z Name = 1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5
1. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a chaacfe1sf1c of Pofecfed Lxfens1b1e
Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1?
a. Aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 used 1n W1e1ess nefWoks and Po1nf-fo-Po1nf connecf1ons
b. Des1gned fo pov1de moe secue aufhenf1caf1on fo 02.11 WLANs
c. Des1gned fo suppof 02.1X pof access confo1 and 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy
d. Des1gned fo suppof passWod pofecfed connecf1ons
2. Ju11e has 1eaned fhe 02.111 sfandad 1nc1udes 02.1x. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng
besf desc1bes fhe 02.1x fechno1ogy?
a. lf exfends fhe fypes of aufhenf1caf1on fhaf can fake p1ace.
b. lf a11oWs a use fo aufhenf1cafe us1ng kebeos, smaf cads, o one-f1me
c. lf offes pof aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lf 1ncopoafes a sfonge encypf1on a1go1fhm.
3. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof an 1denf1f1ed f1aW 1n fhe W1ed Lqu1va1enf P1vacy
{WLP} pofoco1?
a. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfo Was foo 1ong.
b. 1he Wong encypf1on a1go1fhm Was chosen.
c. 1hee 1s no mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on equ1emenf.
d. ln1f1a11zaf1on vecfos ae eused.
4. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes fhe 1empoa1 key lnfeg1fy Pofoco1`s
{1klP} o1e 1n fhe 02.111 sfandad?
a. lf pov1des 02.1x and LAP fo 1ncease fhe aufhenf1caf1on sfengfh.
b. lf equ1es fhe access po1nf and fhe W1e1ess dev1ce fo aufhenf1cafe fo each
c. lf sends fhe 55lD and MAC va1ue 1n c1phefexf.
d. lf adds moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo fhe kC4 a1go1fhm.
5. 1he 02.111 sfandad has fWo ma1n componenfs fo 1f. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf
desc1bes fhese fWo componenfs?
a. One componenf uses AL5 fo a11oW fo backWad compaf1b111fy. 1he ofhe componenf
uses fhe 1klP a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and C8C-MAC.
b. One componenf uses 02.1x fo a11oW fo backWad compaf1b111fy. 1he ofhe
componenf uses fhe 3DL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and C8C-MAC.
c. One componenf uses 1klP fo a11oW fo backWad compaf1b111fy. 1he ofhe componenf
uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and C8C-MAC.
d. One componenf uses CCMP fo a11oW fo backWad compaf1b111fy. 1he ofhe componenf
uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and C8C-MAC.
6. WLP has a 1ong 11sf of secu1fy vu1neab111f1es. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng desc1bes
Why fhe a1go1fhm fhaf Was chosen by fhe WLP Wok1ng goup Was nof fhe besf cho1ce?
a. lf`s a sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch has an 1nheenf def1c1ency 1n 1nfeg1fy.
b. lf`s a sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch has an 1nheenf def1c1ency 1n key s1ze.
c. lf`s a sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch has an 1nheenf def1c1ency 1n be1ng vu1neab1e fo
man-1n-fhe-m1dd1e affacks.
d. lf`s a sfeam c1phe, Wh1ch has an 1nheenf def1c1ency 1n be1ng vu1neab1e fo
spoof1ng affacks.
7. When a fechno1ogy fhaf 1s comp11anf fo fhe 02.1x sfandad 1s 1mp1emenfed, Whaf
ae fhe fhee ma1n componenfs fhaf ae 1nvo1ved?
a. Access po1nf, aufhenf1cafo, aufhenf1caf1on seve
b. 5upp11canf, aufhenf1cafo, kADlu5 seve
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
c. 5upp11canf, kADlu5 seve, aufhenf1caf1on seve
d. 5upp11canf, aufhenf1cafo, aufhenf1caf1on seve
. Pefe has sef up a W1e1ess LAN fhaf 1s comp11anf W1fh fhe 02.111 sfandad. 1h1s
1mp1emenfaf1on uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm. 8efoe a use of a W1e1ess dev1ce 1s
aufhenf1cafed, Whaf fype of faff1c 1s a11oWed fo go fom fhe use fo fhe
aufhenf1caf1on seve?
a. DhCP, 5M1P
b. DhCP, POP, I1P
c. Aufhenf1caf1on faff1c
d. Lncypfed faff1c
9. D1ffeenf vendos have 1mp1emenfed va1ous so1uf1ons fo ovecome fhe
vu1neab111f1es of WLP. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng pov1des an 1ncoecf mapp1ng befWeen
fhese so1uf1ons and fhe1 chaacfe1sf1cs?
a. LLAP equ1es a Pkl.
b. PLAP on1y equ1es fhe seve fo aufhenf1cafe us1ng a d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe.
c. LAP-1L5 equ1es bofh fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and seve fo aufhenf1cafe us1ng
d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes.
d. PLAP equ1es fhe use fo pov1de a passWod.
10. Whaf ae fhe va1ues fhaf ae used by 1klP 1n fhe encypf1on and decypf1on
a. 55lD, WLP key, lv
b. lv, MAC, WLP key
c. WLP key, 855, 55lD
d. 55lD, MAC, lv
11. Den1se found ouf fhaf she has been a v1cf1m of a 81ueack1ng. Whaf does fh1s
a. 5omeone senf an unso11c1fed message fhough he PDA.
b. 5omeone capfued he c1phefexf dafa.
c. 5omeone spoofed a message, Wh1ch caused a Do5.
d. 5omeone soc1a1 eng1neeed he.
12. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng does nof desc1be a d1ffeence befWeen WAP and 1-mode?
a. WAP uses a makup 1anguage based on XML.
b. 1-mode 1s popu1a ma1n1y 1n As1a.
c. 1-mode uses a makup 1anguage based on XML.
d. WAP 1s popu1a ma1n1y 1n Nofh Ame1ca.
13. Why ae packef f11fe f1eWa11s nof a1Ways a compefenf counfemeasue aga1nsf
1nsfanf messag1ng {lM} affacks?
a. 1hey ae fhe besf fype of counfemeasue fo fh1s fype of fheaf.
b. 1hey cause an 1nfena1 den1a1 of sev1ce When dea11ng W1fh lM faff1c.
c. 1hey can defecf Woms fhaf ae be1ng fansm1ffed fhough fh1s faff1c fype.
d. lM c11enfs can econf1gue fhemse1ves fo Wok on a pof fhaf 1s open on fhe
14. lf a company Wanfs fo a11oW fhe1 1nfena1 emp1oyees fo use 1nsfanf messag1ng
among fhemse1ves, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d be 1mp1emenfed?
a. Copoafe lM seve
b. lP5ec and NA1
c. L21P and PP1P
d. lGMP
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
15. hoW does fhe Doma1n Name 5ev1ce mafch lnfenef un1fom esouce 1ocafo {ukL}
a. W1fh fhe acfua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe c11enf pov1d1ng fhaf ukL
b. W1fh fhe acfua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe seve pov1d1ng fhaf ukL
c. W1fh fhe v1fua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe c11enf pov1d1ng fhaf ukL
d. W1fh fhe v1fua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe seve pov1d1ng fhaf ukL
16. Wh1ch pofoco1s ae used fo secu1ng vPN connecf1ons?
a. 5/MlML and 55h
b. 1L5 and 55L
c. lP5ec and L21P
d. PkC5#10 and X.509
17. Wh1ch of fhese common backup mefhods 1s fhe fasfesf When used on a da11y bas1s?
a. Iu11 backup
b. lncemenfa1 backup
c. Iasf backup
d. D1ffeenf1a1 backup
1. M1o1ng 1s anofhe name fo Wh1ch kAlD 1mp1emenfaf1on?
a. kAlD 1eve1 2
b. kAlD 1eve1 3
c. kAlD 1eve1 5
d. kAlD 1eve1 1
19. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1s nof a common f1eWa11 funcf1on?
a. Logg1ng lnfenef acf1v1fy
b. Lnfoc1ng an ogan1zaf1on`s secu1fy po11cy
c. Pofecf1ng aga1nsf v1uses
d. L1m1f1ng secu1fy exposues
20. A paf1cu1a d1sk d1ve sysfem has 39 d1sks: 32 d1sks of use sfoage and 7
d1sks of eo ecovey cod1ng. Whaf fype of sysfem 1s fh1s?
a. kAlD 1eve1 2
b. kAlD 1eve1 0
c. kAlD 1eve1 1
d. kAlD 1eve1 5
21. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng besf desc1bes a 5YN f1ood?
a. Many neW 1CP connecf1ons 1n a shof pe1od of f1m
b. Lxceed1ng fhe 11m1f of 1CP connecf1ons on a sysfem
c. Den1a1 of sev1ce affack fhaf sends a sfeam of ACk packefs
d. Den1a1 of sev1ce affack fhaf sends a sfeam of 5YN/ACk packefs
22. LAN dev1ces fhaf fyp1ca11y exam1ne fhe enf1e packef ae ca11ed:
a. koufes
b. 8oufes
c. 5W1fches
d. GafeWays
23. 1o obfa1n an lP addess fom a MAC addess, Whaf mechan1sm 1s used?
a. kevese Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {kAkP}
b. Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {AkP}
c. Dafa L1nk 1aye
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
d. NefWok Addess 1ans1af1on {NA1}
24. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng 1ayes dea1s W1fh Med1a Access Confo1 {MAC} addesses?
a. Dafa L1nk 1aye
b. Phys1ca1 1aye
c. 1anspof 1aye
d. NefWok 1aye
25. Whaf k1nd of affacks ae fhe 1oWe 1ayes {Phys1ca1, L1nk, NefWok, 1anspof}
unab1e fo pofecf aga1nsf?
a. P1ggyback
b. 8ufe foce
c. Den1a1 of sev1ce
d. Confenf-based
26. Of fhe fo11oW1ng aufhenf1caf1on mechan1sms, Wh1ch ceafes a pob1em fo mob11e
a. Addess-based mechan1sm
b. keusab1e passWod mechan1sm
c. One-f1me passWod mechan1sm
d. Cha11enge-esponse mechan1sm
27. An lP spoof1ng affack can be besf c1ass1f1ed as a:
a. 5ess1on h1ack1ng affack
b. Pass1ve affack
c. Iagmenfaf1on affack
d. 5n1ff1ng affack
2. 8efoe ClDk {C1ass1ess lnfenef Doma1n kouf1ng} became common, nefWoks Wee
ogan1zed 1n fems of c1asses. Wh1ch Wou1d have been fue of a C1ass C nefWok?
a. 1he f1sf b1f of fhe lP addess Wou1d be sef fo 0.
b. 1he f1sf b1f of fhe lP addess Wou1d be sef fo 1 and fhe second b1f sef fo 0.
c. 1he f1sf fWo b1fs of fhe lP addess Wou1d be sef fo 1 and fhe fh1d b1f sef fo
d. 1he f1sf fhee b1fs of fhe lP addess Wou1d be sef fo 1.
29. Whee 1s a DMZ 1ocafed?
a. 8eh1nd fhe f1sf lnfenef f1eWa11
b. ln fonf of fhe f1sf lnfenef f1eWa11
c. 8eh1nd fhe f1sf nefWok acf1ve f1eWa11
d. 8eh1nd fhe f1sf nefWok pass1ve lnfenef h11P f1eWa11
30. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng desc1bes fhe managemenf of emofe compuf1ng fechno1ogy?
a. kemofe Access 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kA5M}
b. kemofe 8ehav1o 5ecu1fy Managemenf {k85M}
c. kemofe Conf1denf1a11fy 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kC5M}
d. kemofe lnfeg1fy 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kl5M}
31. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fa1se?
a. L1nk encypf1on encypfs a11 fhe dafa a1ong a spec1f1c commun1caf1on pafh.
b. L1nk encypf1on pov1des pofecf1on aga1nsf packef sn1ffes and eavesdoppes.
c. W1fh 11nk encypf1on, 1nfomaf1on sfays encypfed fom one end of 1fs ouney fo
fhe ofhe.
d. W1fh 11nk encypf1on, use 1nfomaf1on, heade, fa11es, addesses, and ouf1ng
dafa fhaf ae paf of fhe packefs ae encypfed.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
32. 1ACAC5+ has sevea1 advanfages ove 1ACAC5. 1hese do nof 1nc1ude:
a. Lvenf 1ogg1ng
b. 1Wo-facfo passWod aufhenf1caf1on
c. 1he capab111fy fo a use fo change h1s passWod
d. 1he capab111fy fo secu1fy fokens fo be esynchon1zed
33. Of fhe fo11oW1ng cho1ces, Wh1ch ae nof emofe use managemenf 1ssues?
a. va11daf1on of fhe use of emofe compuf1ng sysfems
b. hadWae and soffWae d1sf1buf1on
c. use suppof and emofe ass1sfance
d. Access badges
34. When pov1d1ng fe1ecommun1caf1ons conf1nu1fy, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng mefhods
1nvo1ves fhe use of a1fenaf1ve med1a?
a. A1fenaf1ve ouf1ng
b. D1vese ouf1ng
c. Long hau1 nefWok d1ves1fy
d. Lasf m11e c1cu1f pofecf1on
35. 5ecue 5he11 {55h-2} 1s a sfong mefhod fo use When:
a. Pefom1ng c11enf aufhenf1caf1on
b. Pefom1ng seve aufhenf1caf1on
c. Pefom1ng hosf aufhenf1caf1on
d. Pefom1ng guesf aufhenf1caf1on
36. A fa11ue-es1sfanf d1sk sysfem:
a. Lnab1es conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and a1ef1ng of fhe1 fa11ue
b. Lnab1es conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and aud1f1ng of fhe1 fa11ue
c. Lnab1es conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and cha1n1ng of fhe1 fa11ue
d. Lnab1es conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and c1ea1ng of fhe1 fa11ue
37. Whaf`s fhe d1ffeence befWeen a b1dge and a oufe?
a. A b1dge connecfs mu1f1p1e nefWoks, a oufe exam1nes packefs fo defem1ne
Wh1ch nefWok fo foWad fhem fo.
b. 81dge and oufe ae synonyms fo equ1pmenf used fo o1n fWo nefWoks.
c. A b1dge 1s a spec1f1c fype of oufe used fo connecf a LAN fo fhe g1oba1
d. A b1dge Woks af fhe L1nk 1aye, a oufe Woks af fhe NefWok 1aye.
3. A W1de aea nefWok {WAN} may pov1de nefWok connecf1v1fy and sev1ces v1a:
a. lnfeconnecfed nefWok segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfenefs, and v1fua1 p1vafe
b. lnfeconnecfed Nef8lO5 segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfanefs, and v1fua1 p1vafe
c. lnfeconnecfed Nef8lO5 segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfenefs, and v1fua1 p1vafe
d. lnfeconnecfed nefWok segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfanefs, and v1fua1 p1vafe
39. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s opeafe af:
a. 1he App11caf1on 1aye of fhe O5l mode1
b. 1he 5ess1on 1aye of fhe O5l mode1
c. 1he NefWok 1aye of fhe O5l mode1
d. 1he Pesenfaf1on 1aye of fhe O5l mode1
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
40. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue?
a. NefWok-based lD sysfems common1y es1de on a d1scefe nefWok segmenf and
mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf segmenf.
b. NefWok-based lD sysfems W111 nof es1de on a d1scefe nefWok segmenf and
mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf segmenf.
c. NefWok-based lD sysfems common1y es1de on a d1scefe nefWok segmenf and do
nof mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf segmenf.
d. NefWok-based lD sysfems do nof es1de on a d1scefe nefWok segmenf and mon1fo
fhe faff1c on fhaf segmenf.
41. One advanfage of pox1es 1s fhaf fhey:
a. Pov1de a s1ng1e po1nf of access, confo1, and 1ogg1ng
b. Musf ex1sf fo each sev1ce
c. Ceafe a s1ng1e po1nf of fa11ue
d. Do nof pofecf fhe base opeaf1ng sysfem
42. Wh1ch backup mefhod makes a comp1efe backup of evey f11e on fhe seve each
f1me 1f 1s un?
a. Iu11 backup
b. lncemenfa1 backup
c. D1ffeenf1a1 backup
d. 1ape backup
43. 8ackups do nof addess:
a. Ava11ab111fy
b. kecovey
c. lnfeg1fy
d. Conf1denf1a11fy
44. 5ouce packefs ae cop1ed and senf fo mu1f1p1e desf1naf1ons on fhe nefWok v1a
Wh1ch LAN fansm1ss1on mefhod?
a. Ovecasf
b. un1casf
c. Mu1f1casf
d. 8oadcasf
45. Common mefhods of mu1f1p1ex1ng dafa do nof 1nc1ude:
a. Ana1yf1ca1 mu1f1p1ex1ng
b. 11me-d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng
c. Asynchonous f1me-d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng
d. Iequency d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng
46. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng sfafemenfs 1s fue?
a. A poxy seve shou1d be connecfed d1ecf1y fo fhe exfena1 nefWok.
b. A poxy seve shou1d have ouf1ng enab1ed.
c. A poxy seve shou1d be 1ocafed beh1nd a f1eWa11.
d. A poxy seve shou1d a11oW access fom exfena1 c11enfs.
47. keg1sfeed pofs, eg1sfeed by fhe lANA, ae des1gnafed as Wh1ch of fhe
a. Pofs 12 fo 255
b. Pofs 1024 fo 49151
c. Pofs 1025 fo 65535
d. Pofs 1024 fo 32767
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
4. Wh1ch fype of D5L affa1ns doWnsfeam and upsfeam speeds of 1.544 Mbps ove fWo
coppe fW1sfed pa1s?
a. hD5L
b. 5D5L
c. AD5L
d. vD5L
49. Whaf does fW1sfed pa1 cab11ng cons1sf of?
a. One 1nsu1afed W1e 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen
b. 1Wo 1nsu1afed W1es 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen
c. 1hee un1nsu1afed W1es 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen
d. One un1nsu1afed W1e 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen
50. Ceaf1ng one 1age d1sk by us1ng sevea1 d1sks 1s used 1n Wh1ch kAlD
a. kAlD 1eve1 0
b. kAlD 1eve1 1
c. kAlD 1eve1 2
d. kAlD 1eve1 3
51. Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} 1s p1ma11y des1gned fo pov1de:
a. Conf1denf1a11fy
b. Cypfogaphy
c. D1g1fa1 s1gnafues
d. Access confo1
52. hoW does kAlD 1eve1 1 m1o dafa?
a. 8y copy1ng fhe dafa onfo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks
b. 8y mov1ng fhe dafa onfo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks
c. 8y esfab11sh1ng dua1 connecf1v1fy fo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks
d. 8y esfab11sh1ng dua1 addess1ng fo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks
53. Commun1caf1on dev1ces:
a. Musf opeafe af d1ffeenf speeds fo commun1cafe
b. Musf opeafe af fhe same speed fo commun1cafe
c. Musf opeafe af d1ffeenf speeds fo 1nfeacf
d. Musf opeafe af h1gh speed fo 1nfeacf
54. When ceaf1ng a vPN, Wh1ch 1s 1ess 11ke1y fo be used?
a. L21P
b. PP1P
c. lP5ec
d. L2I
55. 55L 1s des1gned fo opeafe W1fh1n Wh1ch fWo 1ayes of fhe O5l mode1?
a. App11caf1on and Pesenfaf1on
b. App11caf1on and 5ess1on
c. App11caf1on and 1anspof
d. App11caf1on and NefWok
56. When send1ng moe fhan one s1gna1 s1mu1faneous1y ove one phys1ca1 c1cu1f,
Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d be used?
a. koufe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
b. Mu1f1p1exo
c. C5u/D5u
d. WAN sW1fch
57. ln an 1nfanef env1onmenf, Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng shou1d nof be dopped af fhe
1nfena1 nefWok`s f1eWa11?
a. lnbound packefs W1fh fhe 5ouce kouf1ng opf1on sef
b. koufe 1nfomaf1on exchange pofoco1s
c. lnbound packefs W1fh an 1nfena1 souce lP addess
d. Oufbound packefs W1fh an exfena1 desf1naf1on lP addess
5. Wh1ch 1aye esfab11shes commun1caf1ons befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 dev1ces ove a
phys1ca1 11nk o channe1?
a. 1anspof 1aye
b. Dafa L1nk 1aye
c. NefWok 1aye
d. Phys1ca1 1aye
59. Lach dafa packef 1s ass1gned:
a. 1he lP addesses of fhe sende and fhe ec1p1enf
b. 1he lP addesses of fhe sende and fhe hosf
c. 1he lP addesses of fhe sende and fhe node
d. 1he lP addesses of fhe sende and fhe nefWok
60. An affack 1n Wh1ch fhe affacke spoofs fhe souce lP addess 1n an lCMP LChO
boadcasf packef so 1f seems fo have o1g1nafed af fhe v1cf1m`s sysfem, 1n ode fo
f1ood 1f W1fh kLPLY packefs, 1s ca11ed a:
a. 5YN f1ood affack
b. 5muf affack
c. P1ng of Deafh affack
d. Den1a1-of-sev1ce affack
61. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng kAlD 1eve1s doub1es fhe numbe of had d1ves needed?
a. kAlD 1eve1 0
b. kAlD 1eve1 1
c. kAlD 1eve1 2
d. kAlD 1eve1 5
62. Wh1ch of fhe fo11oW1ng kAlD 1mp1emenfaf1ons uses 1nfe1eave pa1fy?
a. kAlD 1eve1 1
b. kAlD 1eve1 2
c. kAlD 1eve1 4
d. kAlD 1eve1 5
63. Of fhe fo11oW1ng packef fypes, Wh1ch can be eas11y den1ed W1fh a sfafefu1 packef
a. lCMP
b. 1CP
c. uDP
d. lP
64. Laua 1s seff1ng up an off1ce fo he home-based accounf1ng bus1ness. Wh1ch fype
of backup sysfem 1s besf 1n a home o sma11 off1ce s1fuaf1on?
a. quafe-1nch caf1dge d1ves {qlC}
b. D1g1fa1 11nea fapes {DL1}
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
c. mm fape
d. D1g1fa1 aud1o fape {DA1}
AnsWes Lxp1anaf1ons
a. lncoecf. PLAP {Pofecfed Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1} 1s a ves1on of
LAP and 1s fhe aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 used 1n W1e1ess nefWoks and Po1nf-fo-Po1nf
connecf1ons. PLAP 1s des1gned fo pov1de moe secue aufhenf1caf1on fo 02.11 WLANs
{W1e1ess 1oca1 aea nefWoks} fhaf suppof 02.1X pof access confo1 and 1anspof
Laye 5ecu1fy. lf 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encapsu1afes LAP W1fh1n a pofenf1a11y
encypfed and aufhenf1cafed 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {1L5} funne1.
b. lncoecf. PLAP {Pofecfed Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1} 1s a ves1on of
LAP and 1s fhe aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 used 1n W1e1ess nefWoks and Po1nf-fo-Po1nf
connecf1ons. PLAP 1s des1gned fo pov1de moe secue aufhenf1caf1on fo 02.11 WLANs
{W1e1ess 1oca1 aea nefWoks} fhaf suppof 02.1X pof access confo1 and 1anspof
Laye 5ecu1fy. lf 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encapsu1afes LAP W1fh1n a pofenf1a11y
encypfed and aufhenf1cafed 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {1L5} funne1.
c. lncoecf. PLAP {Pofecfed Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1} 1s a ves1on of
LAP and 1s fhe aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 used 1n W1e1ess nefWoks and Po1nf-fo-Po1nf
connecf1ons. PLAP 1s des1gned fo pov1de moe secue aufhenf1caf1on fo 02.11 WLANs
{W1e1ess 1oca1 aea nefWoks} fhaf suppof 02.1X pof access confo1 and 1anspof
Laye 5ecu1fy. lf 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encapsu1afes LAP W1fh1n a pofenf1a11y
encypfed and aufhenf1cafed 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {1L5} funne1.
d. Coecf. PLAP {Pofecfed Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1} 1s a ves1on of LAP
and 1s fhe aufhenf1caf1on pofoco1 used 1n W1e1ess nefWoks and Po1nf-fo-Po1nf
connecf1ons. PLAP 1s des1gned fo pov1de moe secue aufhenf1caf1on fo 02.11 WLANs
{W1e1ess 1oca1 aea nefWoks} fhaf suppof 02.1X pof access confo1 and 1anspof
Laye 5ecu1fy. lf 1s a pofoco1 fhaf encapsu1afes LAP W1fh1n a pofenf1a11y
encypfed and aufhenf1cafed 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {1L5} funne1.
a. lncoecf. 1he 02.1x sfandad offes pof-based nefWok access confo1.
b. lncoecf. 1he 02.1x sfandad offes pof-based nefWok access confo1.
c. Coecf. 1he 02.1x sfandad offes pof-based nefWok access confo1.
d. lncoecf. 1he 02.1x sfandad offes pof-based nefWok access confo1.
a. Coecf. 1he def1c1enc1es W1fh1n fhe o1g1na1 02.11 sfandad 1nc1ude no use
aufhenf1caf1on, no mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on befWeen fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and access
po1nf, and a f1aWed encypf1on pofoco1. 1he 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo Was foo sma11 and
nof d1ffeenf fo each packef fhaf 1s fo be encypfed.
b. lncoecf. 1he def1c1enc1es W1fh1n fhe o1g1na1 02.11 sfandad 1nc1ude no use
aufhenf1caf1on, no mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on befWeen fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and access
po1nf, and a f1aWed encypf1on pofoco1. 1he 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo Was foo sma11 and
nof d1ffeenf fo each packef fhaf 1s fo be encypfed.
c. lncoecf. 1he def1c1enc1es W1fh1n fhe o1g1na1 02.11 sfandad 1nc1ude no use
aufhenf1caf1on, no mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on befWeen fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and access
po1nf, and a f1aWed encypf1on pofoco1. 1he 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo Was foo sma11 and
nof d1ffeenf fo each packef fhaf 1s fo be encypfed.
d. lncoecf. 1he def1c1enc1es W1fh1n fhe o1g1na1 02.11 sfandad 1nc1ude no use
aufhenf1caf1on, no mufua1 aufhenf1caf1on befWeen fhe W1e1ess dev1ce and access
po1nf, and a f1aWed encypf1on pofoco1. 1he 1n1f1a11zaf1on vecfo Was foo sma11 and
nof d1ffeenf fo each packef fhaf 1s fo be encypfed.
a. lncoecf. 1klP adds moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo be used by fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocess. 1h1s adds moe andomness fo fhe
pocess so fhaf fhe encypf1on cannof be eas11y boken.
b. lncoecf. 1klP adds moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo be used by fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocess. 1h1s adds moe andomness fo fhe
pocess so fhaf fhe encypf1on cannof be eas11y boken.
c. lncoecf. 1klP adds moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo be used by fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
du1ng fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocess. 1h1s adds moe andomness fo fhe
pocess so fhaf fhe encypf1on cannof be eas11y boken.
d. Coecf. 1klP adds moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo be used by fhe kC4 a1go1fhm du1ng
fhe encypf1on and decypf1on pocess. 1h1s adds moe andomness fo fhe pocess so
fhaf fhe encypf1on cannof be eas11y boken.
a. lncoecf. Compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s fhaf a1eady have a WLAN sefup, can app1y
02.111, Wh1ch uses 1klP. 1klP pov1des moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
fhaf 1s used W1fh1n WLP. Compan1es fhaf have nof yef dep1oyed a WLAN, can use fhe
pof1on of fhe sfandad fhaf uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and uses
b. lncoecf. Compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s fhaf a1eady have a WLAN sefup, can app1y
02.111, Wh1ch uses 1klP. 1klP pov1des moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
fhaf 1s used W1fh1n WLP. Compan1es fhaf have nof yef dep1oyed a WLAN, can use fhe
pof1on of fhe sfandad fhaf uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and uses
c. Coecf. Compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s fhaf a1eady have a WLAN sefup, can app1y
02.111, Wh1ch uses 1klP. 1klP pov1des moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
fhaf 1s used W1fh1n WLP. Compan1es fhaf have nof yef dep1oyed a WLAN, can use fhe
pof1on of fhe sfandad fhaf uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and uses
d. lncoecf. Compan1es and 1nd1v1dua1s fhaf a1eady have a WLAN sefup, can app1y
02.111, Wh1ch uses 1klP. 1klP pov1des moe key1ng mafe1a1 fo fhe kC4 a1go1fhm
fhaf 1s used W1fh1n WLP. Compan1es fhaf have nof yef dep1oyed a WLAN, can use fhe
pof1on of fhe sfandad fhaf uses fhe AL5 a1go1fhm 1n counfe mode and uses
a. Coecf. 5feam c1phes, by defau1f, have a def1c1ency 1n fhaf someone can
capfue a message and mod1fy fhe b1fs W1fhouf fhe ece1ve be1ng ab1e fo 1denf1fy
1f. 1h1s 1s because fhe message W111 decypf pope1y.
b. lncoecf. 5feam c1phes, by defau1f, have a def1c1ency 1n fhaf someone can
capfue a message and mod1fy fhe b1fs W1fhouf fhe ece1ve be1ng ab1e fo 1denf1fy
1f. 1h1s 1s because fhe message W111 decypf pope1y.
c. lncoecf. 5feam c1phes, by defau1f, have a def1c1ency 1n fhaf someone can
capfue a message and mod1fy fhe b1fs W1fhouf fhe ece1ve be1ng ab1e fo 1denf1fy
1f. 1h1s 1s because fhe message W111 decypf pope1y.
d. lncoecf. 5feam c1phes, by defau1f, have a def1c1ency 1n fhaf someone can
capfue a message and mod1fy fhe b1fs W1fhouf fhe ece1ve be1ng ab1e fo 1denf1fy
1f. 1h1s 1s because fhe message W111 decypf pope1y.
a. lncoecf. 1he 02.1X fechno1ogy acfua11y pov1des an aufhenf1caf1on fameWok
and a mefhod of dynam1ca11y d1sf1buf1ng encypf1on keys. 1he fhee ma1n enf1f1es 1n
fh1s fameWok ae fhe supp11canf {W1e1ess dev1ce}, fhe aufhenf1cafo {access
po1nf}, and fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve {usua11y a kADlu5 seve}.
b. lncoecf. 1he 02.1X fechno1ogy acfua11y pov1des an aufhenf1caf1on fameWok
and a mefhod of dynam1ca11y d1sf1buf1ng encypf1on keys. 1he fhee ma1n enf1f1es 1n
fh1s fameWok ae fhe supp11canf {W1e1ess dev1ce}, fhe aufhenf1cafo {access
po1nf}, and fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve {usua11y a kADlu5 seve}.
c. lncoecf. 1he 02.1X fechno1ogy acfua11y pov1des an aufhenf1caf1on fameWok
and a mefhod of dynam1ca11y d1sf1buf1ng encypf1on keys. 1he fhee ma1n enf1f1es 1n
fh1s fameWok ae fhe supp11canf {W1e1ess dev1ce}, fhe aufhenf1cafo {access
po1nf}, and fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve {usua11y a kADlu5 seve}.
d. Coecf. 1he 02.1X fechno1ogy acfua11y pov1des an aufhenf1caf1on fameWok
and a mefhod of dynam1ca11y d1sf1buf1ng encypf1on keys. 1he fhee ma1n enf1f1es 1n
fh1s fameWok ae fhe supp11canf {W1e1ess dev1ce}, fhe aufhenf1cafo {access
po1nf}, and fhe aufhenf1caf1on seve {usua11y a kADlu5 seve}.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf

a. lncoecf. lf fh1s WLAN 1s us1ng fhe AL5 a1go1fhm, fhaf means 02.1x 1s a1so
be1ng used, Wh1ch 1s pof aufhenf1caf1on. No faff1c ofhe fhan aufhenf1caf1on dafa
1s ava11ab1e fo fhe use and h1s W1e1ess dev1ce unf11 pope aufhenf1caf1on has
faken p1ace. Affe fh1s happens, fhe uses W1e1ess dev1ce can ece1ve 5M1P, DhCP,
and a11 ofhe fypes of faff1c.
b. lncoecf. lf fh1s WLAN 1s us1ng fhe AL5 a1go1fhm, fhaf means 02.1x 1s a1so
be1ng used, Wh1ch 1s pof aufhenf1caf1on. No faff1c ofhe fhan aufhenf1caf1on dafa
1s ava11ab1e fo fhe use and h1s W1e1ess dev1ce unf11 pope aufhenf1caf1on has
faken p1ace. Affe fh1s happens, fhe uses W1e1ess dev1ce can ece1ve 5M1P, DhCP,
and a11 ofhe fypes of faff1c.
c. Coecf. lf fh1s WLAN 1s us1ng fhe AL5 a1go1fhm, fhaf means 02.1x 1s a1so
be1ng used, Wh1ch 1s pof aufhenf1caf1on. No faff1c ofhe fhan aufhenf1caf1on dafa
1s ava11ab1e fo fhe use and h1s W1e1ess dev1ce unf11 pope aufhenf1caf1on has
faken p1ace. Affe fh1s happens, fhe use`s W1e1ess dev1ce can ece1ve 5M1P, DhCP,
and a11 ofhe fypes of faff1c.
d. lncoecf. lf fh1s WLAN 1s us1ng fhe AL5 a1go1fhm, fhaf means 02.1x 1s a1so
be1ng used, Wh1ch 1s pof aufhenf1caf1on. No faff1c ofhe fhan aufhenf1caf1on dafa
1s ava11ab1e fo fhe use and h1s W1e1ess dev1ce unf11 pope aufhenf1caf1on has
faken p1ace. Affe fh1s happens, fhe uses W1e1ess dev1ce can ece1ve 5M1P, DhCP,
and a11 ofhe fypes of faff1c.
a. Coecf. C1sco uses a pue1y passWod-based aufhenf1caf1on fameWok ca11ed
L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP}. Ofhe vendos, 1nc1ud1ng
M1cosoff, use LAP and 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}, Wh1ch ca1es ouf
aufhenf1caf1on fhough d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes. And yef anofhe cho1ce 1s Pofecf1ve
LAP {PLAP}, Whee on1y fhe seve uses a d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe.
b. lncoecf. C1sco uses a pue1y passWod-based aufhenf1caf1on fameWok ca11ed
L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP}. Ofhe vendos, 1nc1ud1ng
M1cosoff, use LAP and 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}, Wh1ch ca1es ouf
aufhenf1caf1on fhough d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes. And yef anofhe cho1ce 1s Pofecf1ve
LAP {PLAP}, Whee on1y fhe seve uses a d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe.
c. lncoecf. C1sco uses a pue1y passWod-based aufhenf1caf1on fameWok ca11ed
L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP}. Ofhe vendos, 1nc1ud1ng
M1cosoff, use LAP and 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}, Wh1ch ca1es ouf
aufhenf1caf1on fhough d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes. And yef anofhe cho1ce 1s Pofecf1ve
LAP {PLAP}, Whee on1y fhe seve uses a d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe.
d. lncoecf. C1sco uses a pue1y passWod-based aufhenf1caf1on fameWok ca11ed
L1ghfWe1ghf Lxfens1b1e Aufhenf1caf1on Pofoco1 {LLAP}. Ofhe vendos, 1nc1ud1ng
M1cosoff, use LAP and 1anspof Laye 5ecu1fy {LAP-1L5}, Wh1ch ca1es ouf
aufhenf1caf1on fhough d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafes. And yef anofhe cho1ce 1s Pofecf1ve
LAP {PLAP}, Whee on1y fhe seve uses a d1g1fa1 cef1f1cafe.
a. lncoecf. 1he pofoco1 1nceases fhe 1engfh of fhe lv va1ue and ensues fhaf
each and evey fame has a d1ffeenf lv va1ue. 1h1s lv va1ue 1s comb1ned W1fh fhe
fansm1ffes MAC addess and fhe o1g1na1 WLP key, so fhaf even 1f fhe WLP key 1s
sfaf1c fhe esu1f1ng encypf1on key W111 be d1ffeenf fo each and evey fame. {WLP
key + lv va1ue + MAC addess = neW encypf1on key.}
b. Coecf. 1he pofoco1 1nceases fhe 1engfh of fhe lv va1ue and ensues fhaf
each and evey fame has a d1ffeenf lv va1ue. 1h1s lv va1ue 1s comb1ned W1fh fhe
fansm1ffes MAC addess and fhe o1g1na1 WLP key, so fhaf even 1f fhe WLP key 1s
sfaf1c fhe esu1f1ng encypf1on key W111 be d1ffeenf fo each and evey fame. {WLP
key + lv va1ue + MAC addess = neW encypf1on key.}
c. lncoecf. 1he pofoco1 1nceases fhe 1engfh of fhe lv va1ue and ensues fhaf
each and evey fame has a d1ffeenf lv va1ue. 1h1s lv va1ue 1s comb1ned W1fh fhe
fansm1ffes MAC addess and fhe o1g1na1 WLP key, so fhaf even 1f fhe WLP key 1s
sfaf1c fhe esu1f1ng encypf1on key W111 be d1ffeenf fo each and evey fame. {WLP
key + lv va1ue + MAC addess = neW encypf1on key.}
d. lncoecf. 1he pofoco1 1nceases fhe 1engfh of fhe lv va1ue and ensues fhaf
each and evey fame has a d1ffeenf lv va1ue. 1h1s lv va1ue 1s comb1ned W1fh fhe
fansm1ffes MAC addess and fhe o1g1na1 WLP key, so fhaf even 1f fhe WLP key 1s
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
sfaf1c fhe esu1f1ng encypf1on key W111 be d1ffeenf fo each and evey fame. {WLP
key + lv va1ue + MAC addess = neW encypf1on key.}
a. Coecf. 81ueack1ng 1s When someone sends an unso11c1fed message fo a dev1ce
fhaf 1s 81uefoofh enab1ed. 81ueackes 1ook fo a ece1v1ng dev1ce {phone, PDA,
1apfop} and fhen send a message fo 1f. Many f1mes someone 1s fy1ng fo send someone
e1se fhe1 bus1ness cad, Wh1ch W111 be added fo fhe v1cf1m`s confacf 11sf 1n fhe1
addess book.
b. lncoecf. 81ueack1ng 1s When someone sends an unso11c1fed message fo a dev1ce
fhaf 1s 81uefoofh enab1ed. 81ueackes 1ook fo a ece1v1ng dev1ce {phone, PDA,
1apfop} and fhen send a message fo 1f. Many f1mes someone 1s fy1ng fo send someone
e1se fhe1 bus1ness cad, Wh1ch W111 be added fo fhe v1cf1m`s confacf 11sf 1n fhe1
addess book.
c. lncoecf. 81ueack1ng 1s When someone sends an unso11c1fed message fo a dev1ce
fhaf 1s 81uefoofh enab1ed. 81ueackes 1ook fo a ece1v1ng dev1ce {phone, PDA,
1apfop} and fhen send a message fo 1f. Many f1mes someone 1s fy1ng fo send someone
e1se fhe1 bus1ness cad, Wh1ch W111 be added fo fhe v1cf1m`s confacf 11sf 1n fhe1
addess book.
d. lncoecf. 81ueack1ng 1s When someone sends an unso11c1fed message fo a dev1ce
fhaf 1s 81uefoofh enab1ed. 81ueackes 1ook fo a ece1v1ng dev1ce {phone, PDA,
1apfop} and fhen send a message fo 1f. Many f1mes someone 1s fy1ng fo send someone
e1se fhe1 bus1ness cad, Wh1ch W111 be added fo fhe v1cf1m`s confacf 11sf 1n fhe1
addess book.
a. lncoecf. 1-mode uses a makup 1anguage based on h1ML {compacf h1ML} and 1s
popu1a ma1n1y 1n Japan. WAP uses a makup 1anguage based on XML and 1s popu1a
ma1n1y 1n fhe u.5.
b. lncoecf. 1-mode uses a makup 1anguage based on h1ML {compacf h1ML} and 1s
popu1a ma1n1y 1n Japan. WAP uses a makup 1anguage based on XML and 1s popu1a
ma1n1y 1n fhe u.5.
c. Coecf. 1-mode uses a makup 1anguage based on h1ML {compacf h1ML} and 1s
popu1a ma1n1y 1n Japan. WAP uses a makup 1anguage based on XML and 1s popu1a
ma1n1y 1n fhe u.5.
d. lncoecf. 1-mode uses a makup 1anguage based on h1ML {compacf h1ML} and 1s
popu1a ma1n1y 1n Japan. WAP uses a makup 1anguage based on XML and 1s popu1a
ma1n1y 1n fhe u.5.
a. lncoecf. Many f1eWa11s do nof have fhe capab111fy fo scan fo fh1s fype of
faff1c fo uncove susp1c1ous acf1v1fy. 81ock1ng spec1f1c pofs on fhe f1eWa11s 1s
nof usua11y effecf1ve because lM faff1c can use common pofs fhaf need fo be open
{h11P pof 0 and I1P pof 21}. Many lM c11enfs W111 aufo-conf1gue fhemse1ves fo
Wok on anofhe pof 1f fhe1 defau1f pof 1s unava11ab1e and b1ocked by fhe
b. lncoecf. Many f1eWa11s do nof have fhe capab111fy fo scan fo fh1s fype of
faff1c fo uncove susp1c1ous acf1v1fy. 81ock1ng spec1f1c pofs on fhe f1eWa11s 1s
nof usua11y effecf1ve because lM faff1c can use common pofs fhaf need fo be open
{h11P pof 0 and I1P pof 21}. Many lM c11enfs W111 aufo-conf1gue fhemse1ves fo
Wok on anofhe pof 1f fhe1 defau1f pof 1s unava11ab1e and b1ocked by fhe
c. lncoecf. Many f1eWa11s do nof have fhe capab111fy fo scan fo fh1s fype of
faff1c fo uncove susp1c1ous acf1v1fy. 81ock1ng spec1f1c pofs on fhe f1eWa11s 1s
nof usua11y effecf1ve because lM faff1c can use common pofs fhaf need fo be open
{h11P pof 0 and I1P pof 21}. Many lM c11enfs W111 aufo-conf1gue fhemse1ves fo
Wok on anofhe pof 1f fhe1 defau1f pof 1s unava11ab1e and b1ocked by fhe
d. Coecf. Many f1eWa11s do nof have fhe capab111fy fo scan fo fh1s fype of
faff1c fo uncove susp1c1ous acf1v1fy. 81ock1ng spec1f1c pofs on fhe f1eWa11s 1s
nof usua11y effecf1ve because lM faff1c can use common pofs fhaf need fo be open
{h11P pof 0 and I1P pof 21}. Many lM c11enfs W111 aufo-conf1gue fhemse1ves fo
Wok on anofhe pof 1f fhe1 defau1f pof 1s unava11ab1e and b1ocked by fhe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
a. Coecf. Compan1es can 1mp1emenf copoafe lM seves so fhaf 1nfena1
emp1oyees commun1cafe W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on`s nefWok on1y.
b. lncoecf. Compan1es can 1mp1emenf copoafe lM seves so fhaf 1nfena1
emp1oyees commun1cafe W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on`s nefWok on1y.
c. lncoecf. Compan1es can 1mp1emenf copoafe lM seves so fhaf 1nfena1
emp1oyees commun1cafe W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on`s nefWok on1y.
d. lncoecf. Compan1es can 1mp1emenf copoafe lM seves so fhaf 1nfena1
emp1oyees commun1cafe W1fh1n fhe ogan1zaf1on`s nefWok on1y.
a. lncoecf. 1he Doma1n Name 5ev1ce mafches lnfenef un1fom esouce 1ocafo
{ukL} equesfs W1fh fhe acfua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe seve fhaf 1s pov1d1ng
fhaf ukL.
b. Coecf. 1he Doma1n Name 5ev1ce mafches lnfenef un1fom esouce 1ocafo {ukL}
equesfs W1fh fhe acfua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe seve fhaf 1s pov1d1ng fhaf
c. lncoecf. 1he Doma1n Name 5ev1ce mafches lnfenef un1fom esouce 1ocafo
{ukL} equesfs W1fh fhe acfua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe seve fhaf 1s pov1d1ng
fhaf ukL.
d. lncoecf. 1he Doma1n Name 5ev1ce mafches lnfenef un1fom esouce 1ocafo
{ukL} equesfs W1fh fhe acfua1 addess o 1ocaf1on of fhe seve fhaf 1s pov1d1ng
fhaf ukL.
a. lncoecf. vPN connecf1ons ae secued us1ng lP5ec and L21P.
b. lncoecf. vPN connecf1ons ae secued us1ng lP5ec and L21P.
c. Coecf. vPN connecf1ons ae secued us1ng lP5ec and L21P.
d. lncoecf. vPN connecf1ons ae secued us1ng lP5ec and L21P.
a. lncoecf. 1he 1ncemenfa1 backup mefhod on1y cop1es f11es fhaf have been
ecenf1y changed o added. On1y f11es W1fh fhe1 ach1ve b1f sef ae backed up.
A1fhough fh1s mefhod 1s fasf and uses 1ess fape space, 1f has some vu1neab111f1es,
such as fhe facf fhaf a11 1ncemenfa1 backups need fo be ava11ab1e and esfoed fom
fhe dafe of fhe 1asf fu11 backup fo fhe des1ed dafe 1f a esfoe 1s equ1ed.
b. Coecf. 1he 1ncemenfa1 backup mefhod on1y cop1es f11es fhaf have been ecenf1y
changed o added. On1y f11es W1fh fhe1 ach1ve b1f sef ae backed up. A1fhough fh1s
mefhod 1s fasf and uses 1ess fape space, 1f has some vu1neab111f1es, such as fhe
facf fhaf a11 1ncemenfa1 backups need fo be ava11ab1e and esfoed fom fhe dafe of
fhe 1asf fu11 backup fo fhe des1ed dafe 1f a esfoe 1s equ1ed.
c. lncoecf. 1he 1ncemenfa1 backup mefhod on1y cop1es f11es fhaf have been
ecenf1y changed o added. On1y f11es W1fh fhe1 ach1ve b1f sef ae backed up.
A1fhough fh1s mefhod 1s fasf and uses 1ess fape space, 1f has some vu1neab111f1es,
such as fhe facf fhaf a11 1ncemenfa1 backups need fo be ava11ab1e and esfoed fom
fhe dafe of fhe 1asf fu11 backup fo fhe des1ed dafe 1f a esfoe 1s equ1ed.
d. lncoecf. 1he 1ncemenfa1 backup mefhod on1y cop1es f11es fhaf have been
ecenf1y changed o added. On1y f11es W1fh fhe1 ach1ve b1f sef ae backed up.
A1fhough fh1s mefhod 1s fasf and uses 1ess fape space, 1f has some vu1neab111f1es,
such as fhe facf fhaf a11 1ncemenfa1 backups need fo be ava11ab1e and esfoed fom
fhe dafe of fhe 1asf fu11 backup fo fhe des1ed dafe 1f a esfoe 1s equ1ed.
a. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os dafa fom one o moe d1sks fo anofhe d1sk o
sef of d1sks. Lach d1ve 1s noma11y m1oed fo an equa1 d1ve fhaf 1s updafed af
fhe same f1me, fhus a11oW1ng fo ecovey fom fhe ofhe d1ve 1f one d1ve shou1d
b. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os dafa fom one o moe d1sks fo anofhe d1sk o
sef of d1sks. Lach d1ve 1s noma11y m1oed fo an equa1 d1ve fhaf 1s updafed af
fhe same f1me, fhus a11oW1ng fo ecovey fom fhe ofhe d1ve 1f one d1ve shou1d
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
c. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os dafa fom one o moe d1sks fo anofhe d1sk o
sef of d1sks. Lach d1ve 1s noma11y m1oed fo an equa1 d1ve fhaf 1s updafed af
fhe same f1me, fhus a11oW1ng fo ecovey fom fhe ofhe d1ve 1f one d1ve shou1d
d. Coecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os dafa fom one o moe d1sks fo anofhe d1sk o sef
of d1sks. Lach d1ve 1s noma11y m1oed fo an equa1 d1ve fhaf 1s updafed af fhe
same f1me, fhus a11oW1ng fo ecovey fom fhe ofhe d1ve 1f one d1ve shou1d fa11.
a. lncoecf. I1eWa11s he1p fo enfoce a company`s secu1fy po11cy and 11m1f
secu1fy exposues by f11fe1ng faff1c pass1ng fo and fom fhe lnfenef and fhe
copoafe nefWok. A f1eWa11 does 1og lnfenef acf1v1fy buf does nof fyp1ca11y
pofecf aga1nsf v1uses.
b. lncoecf. I1eWa11s he1p fo enfoce a company`s secu1fy po11cy and 11m1f
secu1fy exposues by f11fe1ng faff1c pass1ng fo and fom fhe lnfenef and fhe
copoafe nefWok. A f1eWa11 does 1og lnfenef acf1v1fy buf does nof fyp1ca11y
pofecf aga1nsf v1uses.
c. Coecf. I1eWa11s he1p fo enfoce a company`s secu1fy po11cy and 11m1f
secu1fy exposues by f11fe1ng faff1c pass1ng fo and fom fhe lnfenef and fhe
copoafe nefWok. A f1eWa11 does 1og lnfenef acf1v1fy buf does nof fyp1ca11y
pofecf aga1nsf v1uses.
d. lncoecf. I1eWa11s he1p fo enfoce a company`s secu1fy po11cy and 11m1f
secu1fy exposues by f11fe1ng faff1c pass1ng fo and fom fhe lnfenef and fhe
copoafe nefWok. A f1eWa11 does 1og lnfenef acf1v1fy buf does nof fyp1ca11y
pofecf aga1nsf v1uses.
a. Coecf. 1h1s fype of d1ve 1s kAlD 1eve1 2.
b. lncoecf. 1h1s fype of d1ve 1s kAlD 1eve1 2.
c. lncoecf. 1h1s fype of d1ve 1s kAlD 1eve1 2.
d. lncoecf. 1h1s fype of d1ve 1s kAlD 1eve1 2.
a. lncoecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s a fom of den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1n Wh1ch an
affacke sends a success1on of 5YN equesfs fo a fagefs sysfem.
b. Coecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s a fom of den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1n Wh1ch an affacke
sends a success1on of 5YN equesfs fo a fagefs sysfem.
c. lncoecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s a fom of den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1n Wh1ch an
affacke sends a success1on of 5YN equesfs fo a fagefs sysfem.
d. lncoecf. A 5YN f1ood 1s a fom of den1a1-of-sev1ce affack 1n Wh1ch an
affacke sends a success1on of 5YN equesfs fo a fagefs sysfem.
a. lncoecf. GafeWays ae p1ma11y soffWae poducfs fhaf can be un on compufes
o ofhe nefWok dev1ces. 1hey can 11nk d1ffeenf pofoco1s and exam1ne fhe enf1e
b. lncoecf. GafeWays ae p1ma11y soffWae poducfs fhaf can be un on compufes
o ofhe nefWok dev1ces. 1hey can 11nk d1ffeenf pofoco1s and exam1ne fhe enf1e
c. lncoecf. GafeWays ae p1ma11y soffWae poducfs fhaf can be un on compufes
o ofhe nefWok dev1ces. 1hey can 11nk d1ffeenf pofoco1s and exam1ne fhe enf1e
d. Coecf. GafeWays ae p1ma11y soffWae poducfs fhaf can be un on compufes
o ofhe nefWok dev1ces. 1hey can 11nk d1ffeenf pofoco1s and exam1ne fhe enf1e
a. Coecf. 1he kevese Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {kAkP} sends ouf a packef fhaf
1nc1udes a MAC addess and a equesf fo be 1nfomed of fhe lP addess fhaf shou1d be
ass1gned fo fhaf MAC. D1sk1ess Woksfaf1ons fhaf need fo obfa1n fhe1 lP addess
fom fhe nefWok may use fh1s pocess.
b. lncoecf. 1he kevese Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {kAkP} sends ouf a packef
fhaf 1nc1udes a MAC addess and a equesf fo be 1nfomed of fhe lP addess fhaf
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
shou1d be ass1gned fo fhaf MAC. D1sk1ess Woksfaf1ons fhaf need fo obfa1n fhe1 lP
addess fom fhe nefWok may use fh1s pocess.
c. lncoecf. 1he kevese Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {kAkP} sends ouf a packef
fhaf 1nc1udes a MAC addess and a equesf fo be 1nfomed of fhe lP addess fhaf
shou1d be ass1gned fo fhaf MAC. D1sk1ess Woksfaf1ons fhaf need fo obfa1n fhe1 lP
addess fom fhe nefWok may use fh1s pocess.
d. lncoecf. 1he kevese Addess keso1uf1on Pofoco1 {kAkP} sends ouf a packef
fhaf 1nc1udes a MAC addess and a equesf fo be 1nfomed of fhe lP addess fhaf
shou1d be ass1gned fo fhaf MAC. D1sk1ess Woksfaf1ons fhaf need fo obfa1n fhe1 lP
addess fom fhe nefWok may use fh1s pocess.
a. Coecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} fansfes 1nfomaf1on fo fhe ofhe end of
fhe Phys1ca1 11nk. lf hand1es phys1ca1 addess1ng, nefWok fopo1ogy, eo
nof1f1caf1on, de11vey of fames, and f1oW confo1.
b. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} fansfes 1nfomaf1on fo fhe ofhe end
of fhe Phys1ca1 11nk. lf hand1es phys1ca1 addess1ng, nefWok fopo1ogy, eo
nof1f1caf1on, de11vey of fames, and f1oW confo1.
c. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} fansfes 1nfomaf1on fo fhe ofhe end
of fhe Phys1ca1 11nk. lf hand1es phys1ca1 addess1ng, nefWok fopo1ogy, eo
nof1f1caf1on, de11vey of fames, and f1oW confo1.
d. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} fansfes 1nfomaf1on fo fhe ofhe end
of fhe Phys1ca1 11nk. lf hand1es phys1ca1 addess1ng, nefWok fopo1ogy, eo
nof1f1caf1on, de11vey of fames, and f1oW confo1.
a. lncoecf. LoWe 1aye pofoco1s do nof 1nfeacf W1fh dafa confa1ned 1n fhe
b. lncoecf. LoWe 1aye pofoco1s do nof 1nfeacf W1fh dafa confa1ned 1n fhe
c. lncoecf. LoWe 1aye pofoco1s do nof 1nfeacf W1fh dafa confa1ned 1n fhe
d. Coecf. LoWe 1aye pofoco1s do nof 1nfeacf W1fh dafa confa1ned 1n fhe
a. Coecf. 1he addess-based mechan1sm 1s used fo esfab11sh1ng connecf1ons, nof
aufhenf1caf1on. 1h1s 1eaves mob11e uses open fo vu1neab111f1es.
b. lncoecf. 1he addess-based mechan1sm 1s used fo esfab11sh1ng connecf1ons, nof
aufhenf1caf1on. 1h1s 1eaves mob11e uses open fo vu1neab111f1es.
c. lncoecf. 1he addess-based mechan1sm 1s used fo esfab11sh1ng connecf1ons, nof
aufhenf1caf1on. 1h1s 1eaves mob11e uses open fo vu1neab111f1es.
d. lncoecf. 1he addess-based mechan1sm 1s used fo esfab11sh1ng connecf1ons, nof
aufhenf1caf1on. 1h1s 1eaves mob11e uses open fo vu1neab111f1es.
a. Coecf. lP spoof1ng affempfs fo conv1nce a sysfem fhaf 1f 1s commun1caf1ng W1fh
a knoWn enf1fy, fhus g1v1ng an 1nfude access. 1h1s 1s a fype of sess1on h1ack1ng
b. lncoecf. lP spoof1ng affempfs fo conv1nce a sysfem fhaf 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh a knoWn enf1fy, fhus g1v1ng an 1nfude access. 1h1s 1s a fype of sess1on
h1ack1ng affack.
c. lncoecf. lP spoof1ng affempfs fo conv1nce a sysfem fhaf 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh a knoWn enf1fy, fhus g1v1ng an 1nfude access. 1h1s 1s a fype of sess1on
h1ack1ng affack.
d. lncoecf. lP spoof1ng affempfs fo conv1nce a sysfem fhaf 1f 1s commun1caf1ng
W1fh a knoWn enf1fy, fhus g1v1ng an 1nfude access. 1h1s 1s a fype of sess1on
h1ack1ng affack.
a. lncoecf. Lach c1ass confa1ns a b1ock of addesses fhaf ae eseved fo
p1vafe nefWoks and ae nof oufab1e acoss fhe pub11c lnfenef. Io C1ass C, fhe
eseved addesses ae fo
Page 15
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
b. lncoecf. Lach c1ass confa1ns a b1ock of addesses fhaf ae eseved fo
p1vafe nefWoks and ae nof oufab1e acoss fhe pub11c lnfenef. Io C1ass C, fhe
eseved addesses ae fo
c. Coecf. Lach c1ass confa1ns a b1ock of addesses fhaf ae eseved fo p1vafe
nefWoks and ae nof oufab1e acoss fhe pub11c lnfenef. Io C1ass C, fhe eseved
addesses ae fo
d. lncoecf. Lach c1ass confa1ns a b1ock of addesses fhaf ae eseved fo
p1vafe nefWoks and ae nof oufab1e acoss fhe pub11c lnfenef. Io C1ass C, fhe
eseved addesses ae fo
a. Coecf. kIC 2647 def1nes a DMZ as a nefWok segmenf o segmenfs 1ocafed befWeen
pofecfed and unpofecfed nefWoks. A DMZ 1s 1ocafed d1ecf1y beh1nd fhe f1sf
lnfenef f1eWa11.
b. lncoecf. kIC 2647 def1nes a DMZ as a nefWok segmenf o segmenfs 1ocafed
befWeen pofecfed and unpofecfed nefWoks. A DMZ 1s 1ocafed d1ecf1y beh1nd fhe
f1sf lnfenef f1eWa11.
c. lncoecf. kIC 2647 def1nes a DMZ as a nefWok segmenf o segmenfs 1ocafed
befWeen pofecfed and unpofecfed nefWoks. A DMZ 1s 1ocafed d1ecf1y beh1nd fhe
f1sf lnfenef f1eWa11.
d. lncoecf. kIC 2647 def1nes a DMZ as a nefWok segmenf o segmenfs 1ocafed
befWeen pofecfed and unpofecfed nefWoks. A DMZ 1s 1ocafed d1ecf1y beh1nd fhe
f1sf lnfenef f1eWa11.
a. Coecf. kemofe Access 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kA5M} 1s def1ned as fhe managemenf
of fhe e1emenfs of fhe fechno1ogy of emofe compuf1ng.
b. lncoecf. kemofe Access 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kA5M} 1s def1ned as fhe managemenf
of fhe e1emenfs of fhe fechno1ogy of emofe compuf1ng.
c. lncoecf. kemofe Access 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kA5M} 1s def1ned as fhe managemenf
of fhe e1emenfs of fhe fechno1ogy of emofe compuf1ng.
d. lncoecf. kemofe Access 5ecu1fy Managemenf {kA5M} 1s def1ned as fhe managemenf
of fhe e1emenfs of fhe fechno1ogy of emofe compuf1ng.
a. lncoecf. ln 11nk encypf1on, packefs ae decypfed af each hop and encypfed
aga1n. lnfomaf1on sfay1ng encypfed fom one end of 1fs ouney fo fhe ofhe 1s a
chaacfe1sf1c of end-fo-end encypf1on, nof 11nk encypf1on.
b. lncoecf. ln 11nk encypf1on, packefs ae decypfed af each hop and encypfed
aga1n. lnfomaf1on sfay1ng encypfed fom one end of 1fs ouney fo fhe ofhe 1s a
chaacfe1sf1c of end-fo-end encypf1on, nof 11nk encypf1on.
c. Coecf. ln 11nk encypf1on, packefs ae decypfed af each hop and encypfed
aga1n. lnfomaf1on sfay1ng encypfed fom one end of 1fs ouney fo fhe ofhe 1s a
chaacfe1sf1c of end-fo-end encypf1on, nof 11nk encypf1on.
d. lncoecf. ln 11nk encypf1on, packefs ae decypfed af each hop and encypfed
aga1n. lnfomaf1on sfay1ng encypfed fom one end of 1fs ouney fo fhe ofhe 1s a
chaacfe1sf1c of end-fo-end encypf1on, nof 11nk encypf1on.
a. Coecf. A1fhough 1ACAC5+ pov1des beffe aud1f fa11s, evenf 1ogg1ng 1s a
sev1ce fhaf 1s on1y pov1ded W1fh 1ACAC5.
b. lncoecf. A1fhough 1ACAC5+ pov1des beffe aud1f fa11s, evenf 1ogg1ng 1s a
sev1ce fhaf 1s on1y pov1ded W1fh 1ACAC5.
c. lncoecf. A1fhough 1ACAC5+ pov1des beffe aud1f fa11s, evenf 1ogg1ng 1s a
sev1ce fhaf 1s on1y pov1ded W1fh 1ACAC5.
d. lncoecf. A1fhough 1ACAC5+ pov1des beffe aud1f fa11s, evenf 1ogg1ng 1s a
sev1ce fhaf 1s on1y pov1ded W1fh 1ACAC5.
a. lncoecf. Access badges ae nof a concen of emofe use managemenf.
b. lncoecf. Access badges ae nof a concen of emofe use managemenf.
c. lncoecf. Access badges ae nof a concen of emofe use managemenf.
d. Coecf. Access badges ae nof a concen of emofe use managemenf.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
a. Coecf. A1fenaf1ve ouf1ng 1s a mefhod of ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on v1a an a1fenafe
med1um such as coppe cab1e o f1be opf1cs.
b. lncoecf. A1fenaf1ve ouf1ng 1s a mefhod of ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on v1a an
a1fenafe med1um such as coppe cab1e o f1be opf1cs.
c. lncoecf. A1fenaf1ve ouf1ng 1s a mefhod of ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on v1a an
a1fenafe med1um such as coppe cab1e o f1be opf1cs.
d. lncoecf. A1fenaf1ve ouf1ng 1s a mefhod of ouf1ng 1nfomaf1on v1a an
a1fenafe med1um such as coppe cab1e o f1be opf1cs.
a. Coecf. 55h 1s a sfong mefhod of pefom1ng c11enf aufhenf1caf1on.
b. lncoecf. 55h 1s a sfong mefhod of pefom1ng c11enf aufhenf1caf1on.
c. lncoecf. 55h 1s a sfong mefhod of pefom1ng c11enf aufhenf1caf1on.
d. lncoecf. 55h 1s a sfong mefhod of pefom1ng c11enf aufhenf1caf1on.
a. Coecf. One feafue of a fa11ue-es1sfanf d1sk sysfem {IkD5} 1s fhaf 1f
enab1es fhe conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and a1ef1ng 1n case of fhe1
b. lncoecf. One feafue of a fa11ue-es1sfanf d1sk sysfem {IkD5} 1s fhaf 1f
enab1es fhe conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and a1ef1ng 1n case of fhe1
c. lncoecf. One feafue of a fa11ue-es1sfanf d1sk sysfem {IkD5} 1s fhaf 1f
enab1es fhe conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and a1ef1ng 1n case of fhe1
d. lncoecf. One feafue of a fa11ue-es1sfanf d1sk sysfem {IkD5} 1s fhaf 1f
enab1es fhe conf1nuous mon1fo1ng of sysfem pafs and a1ef1ng 1n case of fhe1
a. lncoecf. A b1dge connecfs fWo nefWoks af fhe L1nk 1aye, a oufe connecfs
fWo nefWoks af fhe NefWok 1aye.
b. lncoecf. A b1dge connecfs fWo nefWoks af fhe L1nk 1aye, a oufe connecfs
fWo nefWoks af fhe NefWok 1aye.
c. lncoecf. A b1dge connecfs fWo nefWoks af fhe L1nk 1aye, a oufe connecfs
fWo nefWoks af fhe NefWok 1aye.
d. Coecf. A b1dge connecfs fWo nefWoks af fhe L1nk 1aye, a oufe connecfs fWo
nefWoks af fhe NefWok 1aye.
a. lncoecf. A W1de aea nefWok {WAN} may be p1vafe1y opeafed fo a spec1f1c
use commun1fy, suppof mu1f1p1e commun1caf1on pofoco1s, o pov1de nefWok
connecf1v1fy and sev1ces v1a 1nfeconnecfed nefWok segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfanefs,
and vPNs}.
b. lncoecf. A W1de aea nefWok {WAN} may be p1vafe1y opeafed fo a spec1f1c
use commun1fy, suppof mu1f1p1e commun1caf1on pofoco1s, o pov1de nefWok
connecf1v1fy and sev1ces v1a 1nfeconnecfed nefWok segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfanefs,
and vPNs}.
c. lncoecf. A W1de aea nefWok {WAN} may be p1vafe1y opeafed fo a spec1f1c
use commun1fy, suppof mu1f1p1e commun1caf1on pofoco1s, o pov1de nefWok
connecf1v1fy and sev1ces v1a 1nfeconnecfed nefWok segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfanefs,
and vPNs}.
d. Coecf. A W1de aea nefWok {WAN} may be p1vafe1y opeafed fo a spec1f1c use
commun1fy, suppof mu1f1p1e commun1caf1on pofoco1s, o pov1de nefWok connecf1v1fy
and sev1ces v1a 1nfeconnecfed nefWok segmenfs {exfanefs, 1nfanefs, and vPNs}.
a. lncoecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s ae ouf1ng dev1ces fhaf 1nc1ude access
confo1 funcf1ona11fy fo commun1caf1on sess1ons and sysfem addesses. 1h1s fype of
f1eWa11 can opeafe af e1fhe fhe NefWok o 1anspof 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
b. lncoecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s ae ouf1ng dev1ces fhaf 1nc1ude access
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
confo1 funcf1ona11fy fo commun1caf1on sess1ons and sysfem addesses. 1h1s fype of
f1eWa11 can opeafe af e1fhe fhe NefWok o 1anspof 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
c. Coecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s ae ouf1ng dev1ces fhaf 1nc1ude access
confo1 funcf1ona11fy fo commun1caf1on sess1ons and sysfem addesses. 1h1s fype of
f1eWa11 can opeafe af e1fhe fhe NefWok o 1anspof 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
d. lncoecf. Packef f11fe1ng f1eWa11s ae ouf1ng dev1ces fhaf 1nc1ude access
confo1 funcf1ona11fy fo commun1caf1on sess1ons and sysfem addesses. 1h1s fype of
f1eWa11 can opeafe af e1fhe fhe NefWok o 1anspof 1aye of fhe O5l mode1.
a. Coecf. NefWok-based lD sysfems common1y es1de on a d1scefe nefWok segmenf
and mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf nefWok segmenf. 1hey usua11y cons1sf of a nefWok
app11ance W1fh a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC} opeaf1ng 1n pom1scuous mode,
1nfecepf1ng and ana1yz1ng fhe nefWok packefs 1n ea1 f1me.
b. lncoecf. NefWok-based lD sysfems common1y es1de on a d1scefe nefWok
segmenf and mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf nefWok segmenf. 1hey usua11y cons1sf of a
nefWok app11ance W1fh a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC} opeaf1ng 1n pom1scuous mode,
1nfecepf1ng and ana1yz1ng fhe nefWok packefs 1n ea1 f1me.
c. lncoecf. NefWok-based lD sysfems common1y es1de on a d1scefe nefWok
segmenf and mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf nefWok segmenf. 1hey usua11y cons1sf of a
nefWok app11ance W1fh a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC} opeaf1ng 1n pom1scuous mode,
1nfecepf1ng and ana1yz1ng fhe nefWok packefs 1n ea1 f1me.
d. lncoecf. NefWok-based lD sysfems common1y es1de on a d1scefe nefWok
segmenf and mon1fo fhe faff1c on fhaf nefWok segmenf. 1hey usua11y cons1sf of a
nefWok app11ance W1fh a nefWok 1nfeface cad {NlC} opeaf1ng 1n pom1scuous mode,
1nfecepf1ng and ana1yz1ng fhe nefWok packefs 1n ea1 f1me.
a. Coecf. 8y ensu1ng fhaf a11 confenf f1oWs fhough a s1ng1e po1nf, pox1es
pov1de a checkpo1nf fo nefWok dafa, Wh1ch 1s an advanfage.
b. lncoecf. 8y ensu1ng fhaf a11 confenf f1oWs fhough a s1ng1e po1nf, pox1es
pov1de a checkpo1nf fo nefWok dafa, Wh1ch 1s an advanfage.
c. lncoecf. 8y ensu1ng fhaf a11 confenf f1oWs fhough a s1ng1e po1nf, pox1es
pov1de a checkpo1nf fo nefWok dafa, Wh1ch 1s an advanfage.
d. lncoecf. 8y ensu1ng fhaf a11 confenf f1oWs fhough a s1ng1e po1nf, pox1es
pov1de a checkpo1nf fo nefWok dafa, Wh1ch 1s an advanfage.
a. Coecf. 1he fu11 backup mefhod makes a comp1efe backup of evey f11e on fhe
seve evey f1me 1f 1s un.
b. lncoecf. 1he fu11 backup mefhod makes a comp1efe backup of evey f11e on fhe
seve evey f1me 1f 1s un.
c. lncoecf. 1he fu11 backup mefhod makes a comp1efe backup of evey f11e on fhe
seve evey f1me 1f 1s un.
d. lncoecf. 1he fu11 backup mefhod makes a comp1efe backup of evey f11e on fhe
seve evey f1me 1f 1s un.
a. lncoecf. 8ackups a11oW fo dafa ecovey 1n fhe case of d1sasfe and pofecf
and/o esfoe 1osf, coupfed, o de1efed 1nfomaf1on, fheeby pesev1ng fhe dafa
1nfeg1fy and ensu1ng ava11ab111fy.
b. lncoecf. 8ackups a11oW fo dafa ecovey 1n fhe case of d1sasfe and pofecf
and/o esfoe 1osf, coupfed, o de1efed 1nfomaf1on, fheeby pesev1ng fhe dafa
1nfeg1fy and ensu1ng ava11ab111fy.
c. lncoecf. 8ackups a11oW fo dafa ecovey 1n fhe case of d1sasfe and pofecf
and/o esfoe 1osf, coupfed, o de1efed 1nfomaf1on, fheeby pesev1ng fhe dafa
1nfeg1fy and ensu1ng ava11ab111fy.
d. Coecf. 8ackups a11oW fo dafa ecovey 1n fhe case of d1sasfe and pofecf
and/o esfoe 1osf, coupfed, o de1efed 1nfomaf1on, fheeby pesev1ng fhe dafa
1nfeg1fy and ensu1ng ava11ab111fy.
a. lncoecf. W1fh mu1f1casf, a souce packef 1s cop1ed and senf fo spec1f1c
Page 1
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
mu1f1p1e desf1naf1ons on fhe nefWok.
b. lncoecf. W1fh mu1f1casf, a souce packef 1s cop1ed and senf fo spec1f1c
mu1f1p1e desf1naf1ons on fhe nefWok.
c. Coecf. W1fh mu1f1casf, a souce packef 1s cop1ed and senf fo spec1f1c mu1f1p1e
desf1naf1ons on fhe nefWok.
d. lncoecf. W1fh mu1f1casf, a souce packef 1s cop1ed and senf fo spec1f1c
mu1f1p1e desf1naf1ons on fhe nefWok.
a. Coecf. 1he mefhods fo mu1f1p1ex1ng dafa ae genea11y f1me-d1v1s1on
mu1f1p1ex1ng {1DM}, asynchonous f1me-d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {A1DM}, fequency
d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {IDM}, and sfaf1sf1ca1 mu1f1p1ex1ng.
b. lncoecf. 1he mefhods fo mu1f1p1ex1ng dafa ae genea11y f1me-d1v1s1on
mu1f1p1ex1ng {1DM}, asynchonous f1me-d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {A1DM}, fequency
d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {IDM}, and sfaf1sf1ca1 mu1f1p1ex1ng.
c. lncoecf. 1he mefhods fo mu1f1p1ex1ng dafa ae genea11y f1me-d1v1s1on
mu1f1p1ex1ng {1DM}, asynchonous f1me-d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {A1DM}, fequency
d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {IDM}, and sfaf1sf1ca1 mu1f1p1ex1ng.
d. lncoecf. 1he mefhods fo mu1f1p1ex1ng dafa ae genea11y f1me-d1v1s1on
mu1f1p1ex1ng {1DM}, asynchonous f1me-d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {A1DM}, fequency
d1v1s1on mu1f1p1ex1ng {IDM}, and sfaf1sf1ca1 mu1f1p1ex1ng.
a. lncoecf. lf 1s a besf pacf1ce fo e1fhe use fhe poxy funcf1ona11fy of a ea1
f1eWa11 o puf a f1eWa11 1n fonf of a poxy seve fo pofecf 1f.
b. lncoecf. lf 1s a besf pacf1ce fo e1fhe use fhe poxy funcf1ona11fy of a ea1
f1eWa11 o puf a f1eWa11 1n fonf of a poxy seve fo pofecf 1f.
c. Coecf. lf 1s a besf pacf1ce fo e1fhe use fhe poxy funcf1ona11fy of a ea1
f1eWa11 o puf a f1eWa11 1n fonf of a poxy seve fo pofecf 1f.
d. lncoecf. lf 1s a besf pacf1ce fo e1fhe use fhe poxy funcf1ona11fy of a ea1
f1eWa11 o puf a f1eWa11 1n fonf of a poxy seve fo pofecf 1f.
a. lncoecf. Pof numbes ae d1v1ded 1nfo fhee anges: fhe We11 knoWn pofs, fhe
eg1sfeed pofs, and fhe dynam1c and/o p1vafe pofs. 1he eg1sfeed pofs,
eg1sfeed by fhe lANA {lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy}, ae pofs numbeed
1024 fo 49151.
b. Coecf. Pof numbes ae d1v1ded 1nfo fhee anges: fhe We11 knoWn pofs, fhe
eg1sfeed pofs, and fhe dynam1c and/o p1vafe pofs. 1he eg1sfeed pofs,
eg1sfeed by fhe lANA {lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy}, ae pofs numbeed
1024 fo 49151.
c. lncoecf. Pof numbes ae d1v1ded 1nfo fhee anges: fhe We11 knoWn pofs, fhe
eg1sfeed pofs, and fhe dynam1c and/o p1vafe pofs. 1he eg1sfeed pofs,
eg1sfeed by fhe lANA {lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy}, ae pofs numbeed
1024 fo 49151.
d. lncoecf. Pof numbes ae d1v1ded 1nfo fhee anges: fhe We11 knoWn pofs, fhe
eg1sfeed pofs, and fhe dynam1c and/o p1vafe pofs. 1he eg1sfeed pofs,
eg1sfeed by fhe lANA {lnfenef Ass1gned Numbes Aufho1fy}, ae pofs numbeed
1024 fo 49151.
a. Coecf. h1gh-afe d1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {hD5L} de11ves 1.544 Mbps of
bandW1dfh each Way ove fWo coppe fW1sfed pa1s. 5D5L a1so de11ves 1.544 Mbps buf
ove a s1ng1e coppe fW1sfed pa1. AD5L and vD5L offe a h1ghe bandW1dfh doWnsfeam
fhan upsfeam.
b. lncoecf. h1gh-afe d1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {hD5L} de11ves 1.544 Mbps of
bandW1dfh each Way ove fWo coppe fW1sfed pa1s. 5D5L a1so de11ves 1.544 Mbps buf
ove a s1ng1e coppe fW1sfed pa1. AD5L and vD5L offe a h1ghe bandW1dfh doWnsfeam
fhan upsfeam.
c. lncoecf. h1gh-afe d1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {hD5L} de11ves 1.544 Mbps of
bandW1dfh each Way ove fWo coppe fW1sfed pa1s. 5D5L a1so de11ves 1.544 Mbps buf
ove a s1ng1e coppe fW1sfed pa1. AD5L and vD5L offe a h1ghe bandW1dfh doWnsfeam
fhan upsfeam.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
d. lncoecf. h1gh-afe d1g1fa1 subsc1be 11ne {hD5L} de11ves 1.544 Mbps of
bandW1dfh each Way ove fWo coppe fW1sfed pa1s. 5D5L a1so de11ves 1.544 Mbps buf
ove a s1ng1e coppe fW1sfed pa1. AD5L and vD5L offe a h1ghe bandW1dfh doWnsfeam
fhan upsfeam.
a. lncoecf. 1W1sfed pa1 cab11ng 1s a e1af1ve1y 1oW-speed fansm1ss1on med1um,
cons1sf1ng of fWo 1nsu1afed W1es fhaf ae aanged 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen.
b. Coecf. 1W1sfed pa1 cab11ng 1s a e1af1ve1y 1oW-speed fansm1ss1on med1um,
cons1sf1ng of fWo 1nsu1afed W1es fhaf ae aanged 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen.
c. lncoecf. 1W1sfed pa1 cab11ng 1s a e1af1ve1y 1oW-speed fansm1ss1on med1um,
cons1sf1ng of fWo 1nsu1afed W1es fhaf ae aanged 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen.
d. lncoecf. 1W1sfed pa1 cab11ng 1s a e1af1ve1y 1oW-speed fansm1ss1on med1um,
cons1sf1ng of fWo 1nsu1afed W1es fhaf ae aanged 1n a egu1a sp1a1 paffen.
a. Coecf. kAlD 1eve1 0 ceafes one 1age d1sk by us1ng sevea1 d1sks. 1h1s
pocess 1s ca11ed sf1p1ng, as 1f sf1pes dafa acoss a11 d1sks. 1h1s 1mpoves
pefomance, buf 1essens fau1f fo1eance by mak1ng fhe enf1e dafa vo1ume unusab1e
1f one of fhe d1sks fa11s.
b. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 0 ceafes one 1age d1sk by us1ng sevea1 d1sks. 1h1s
pocess 1s ca11ed sf1p1ng, as 1f sf1pes dafa acoss a11 d1sks. 1h1s 1mpoves
pefomance, buf 1essens fau1f fo1eance by mak1ng fhe enf1e dafa vo1ume unusab1e
1f one of fhe d1sks fa11s.
c. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 0 ceafes one 1age d1sk by us1ng sevea1 d1sks. 1h1s
pocess 1s ca11ed sf1p1ng, as 1f sf1pes dafa acoss a11 d1sks. 1h1s 1mpoves
pefomance, buf 1essens fau1f fo1eance by mak1ng fhe enf1e dafa vo1ume unusab1e
1f one of fhe d1sks fa11s.
d. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 0 ceafes one 1age d1sk by us1ng sevea1 d1sks. 1h1s
pocess 1s ca11ed sf1p1ng, as 1f sf1pes dafa acoss a11 d1sks. 1h1s 1mpoves
pefomance, buf 1essens fau1f fo1eance by mak1ng fhe enf1e dafa vo1ume unusab1e
1f one of fhe d1sks fa11s.
a. Coecf. 1he lP Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} seeks fo pov1de
conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy by encypf1ng dafa fo be pofecfed and p1ac1ng fhe
encypfed dafa 1n fhe dafa pof1on of fhe lP L5P.
b. lncoecf. 1he lP Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} seeks fo pov1de
conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy by encypf1ng dafa fo be pofecfed and p1ac1ng fhe
encypfed dafa 1n fhe dafa pof1on of fhe lP L5P.
c. lncoecf. 1he lP Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} seeks fo pov1de
conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy by encypf1ng dafa fo be pofecfed and p1ac1ng fhe
encypfed dafa 1n fhe dafa pof1on of fhe lP L5P.
d. lncoecf. 1he lP Lncapsu1af1ng 5ecu1fy Pay1oad {L5P} seeks fo pov1de
conf1denf1a11fy and 1nfeg1fy by encypf1ng dafa fo be pofecfed and p1ac1ng fhe
encypfed dafa 1n fhe dafa pof1on of fhe lP L5P.
a. Coecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os fhe dafa fom one d1sk o sef of d1sks by
dup11caf1ng fhe dafa onfo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks.
b. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os fhe dafa fom one d1sk o sef of d1sks by
dup11caf1ng fhe dafa onfo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks.
c. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os fhe dafa fom one d1sk o sef of d1sks by
dup11caf1ng fhe dafa onfo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks.
d. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 m1os fhe dafa fom one d1sk o sef of d1sks by
dup11caf1ng fhe dafa onfo anofhe d1sk o sef of d1sks.
a. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on dev1ces musf opeafe af fhe same speed fo commun1cafe.
b. Coecf. Commun1caf1on dev1ces musf opeafe af fhe same speed fo commun1cafe.
c. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on dev1ces musf opeafe af fhe same speed fo commun1cafe.
d. lncoecf. Commun1caf1on dev1ces musf opeafe af fhe same speed fo commun1cafe.
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
a. lncoecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed fhe besf vPN so1uf1on fo lP
b. lncoecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed fhe besf vPN so1uf1on fo lP
c. lncoecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed fhe besf vPN so1uf1on fo lP
d. Coecf. L2I {Laye 2 IoWad1ng} pov1des no aufhenf1caf1on o encypf1on. lf
Was meged W1fh PP1P 1nfo L21P. lP5ec 1s noW cons1deed fhe besf vPN so1uf1on fo lP
a. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue 5ockefs Laye {55L} 1s a common1y used pofoco1 fo
manag1ng fhe secu1fy of a message fansm1ss1on on fhe lnfenef and opeafes af fhe
App11caf1on and 5ess1on 1aye.
b. Coecf. 1he 5ecue 5ockefs Laye {55L} 1s a common1y used pofoco1 fo manag1ng
fhe secu1fy of a message fansm1ss1on on fhe lnfenef and opeafes af fhe
App11caf1on and 5ess1on 1aye.
c. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue 5ockefs Laye {55L} 1s a common1y used pofoco1 fo
manag1ng fhe secu1fy of a message fansm1ss1on on fhe lnfenef and opeafes af fhe
App11caf1on and 5ess1on 1aye.
d. lncoecf. 1he 5ecue 5ockefs Laye {55L} 1s a common1y used pofoco1 fo
manag1ng fhe secu1fy of a message fansm1ss1on on fhe lnfenef and opeafes af fhe
App11caf1on and 5ess1on 1aye.
a. lncoecf. Mu1f1p1exos enab1e moe fhan one s1gna1 fo be senf ouf
s1mu1faneous1y ove one phys1ca1 c1cu1f.
b. Coecf. Mu1f1p1exos enab1e moe fhan one s1gna1 fo be senf ouf s1mu1faneous1y
ove one phys1ca1 c1cu1f.
c. lncoecf. Mu1f1p1exos enab1e moe fhan one s1gna1 fo be senf ouf
s1mu1faneous1y ove one phys1ca1 c1cu1f.
d. lncoecf. Mu1f1p1exos enab1e moe fhan one s1gna1 fo be senf ouf
s1mu1faneous1y ove one phys1ca1 c1cu1f.
a. lncoecf. Noma1 oufbound faff1c has an 1nfena1 souce lP addess and an
exfena1 desf1naf1on lP addess. 1aff1c W1fh an 1nfena1 souce lP addess shou1d
on1y come fom an 1nfena1 1nfeface. 5uch packefs com1ng fom an exfena1 1nfeface
shou1d be dopped. Packefs W1fh fhe 5ouce kouf1ng opf1on enab1ed usua11y 1nd1cafe a
nefWok 1nfus1on affempf. koufe 1nfomaf1on exchange pofoco1s 11ke klP and O5PI
shou1d be dopped fo avo1d hav1ng 1nfena1 ouf1ng equ1pmenf be1ng econf1gued by
exfena1 agenfs.
b. lncoecf. Noma1 oufbound faff1c has an 1nfena1 souce lP addess and an
exfena1 desf1naf1on lP addess. 1aff1c W1fh an 1nfena1 souce lP addess shou1d
on1y come fom an 1nfena1 1nfeface. 5uch packefs com1ng fom an exfena1 1nfeface
shou1d be dopped. Packefs W1fh fhe 5ouce kouf1ng opf1on enab1ed usua11y 1nd1cafe a
nefWok 1nfus1on affempf. koufe 1nfomaf1on exchange pofoco1s 11ke klP and O5PI
shou1d be dopped fo avo1d hav1ng 1nfena1 ouf1ng equ1pmenf be1ng econf1gued by
exfena1 agenfs.
c. lncoecf. Noma1 oufbound faff1c has an 1nfena1 souce lP addess and an
exfena1 desf1naf1on lP addess. 1aff1c W1fh an 1nfena1 souce lP addess shou1d
on1y come fom an 1nfena1 1nfeface. 5uch packefs com1ng fom an exfena1 1nfeface
shou1d be dopped. Packefs W1fh fhe 5ouce kouf1ng opf1on enab1ed usua11y 1nd1cafe a
nefWok 1nfus1on affempf. koufe 1nfomaf1on exchange pofoco1s 11ke klP and O5PI
shou1d be dopped fo avo1d hav1ng 1nfena1 ouf1ng equ1pmenf be1ng econf1gued by
exfena1 agenfs.
d. Coecf. Noma1 oufbound faff1c has an 1nfena1 souce lP addess and an
exfena1 desf1naf1on lP addess. 1aff1c W1fh an 1nfena1 souce lP addess shou1d
on1y come fom an 1nfena1 1nfeface. 5uch packefs com1ng fom an exfena1 1nfeface
Page 21
1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
shou1d be dopped. Packefs W1fh fhe 5ouce kouf1ng opf1on enab1ed usua11y 1nd1cafe a
nefWok 1nfus1on affempf. koufe 1nfomaf1on exchange pofoco1s 11ke klP and O5PI
shou1d be dopped fo avo1d hav1ng 1nfena1 ouf1ng equ1pmenf be1ng econf1gued by
exfena1 agenfs.
a. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} esfab11shes fhe commun1caf1ons 11nk
befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 dev1ces ove a phys1ca1 11nk o channe1.
b. Coecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} esfab11shes fhe commun1caf1ons 11nk
befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 dev1ces ove a phys1ca1 11nk o channe1.
c. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} esfab11shes fhe commun1caf1ons 11nk
befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 dev1ces ove a phys1ca1 11nk o channe1.
d. lncoecf. 1he Dafa L1nk 1aye {Laye 2} esfab11shes fhe commun1caf1ons 11nk
befWeen 1nd1v1dua1 dev1ces ove a phys1ca1 11nk o channe1.
a. Coecf. Lach dafa packef 1s ass1gned fhe lP addess of fhe sende and fhe lP
addess of fhe ec1p1enf.
b. lncoecf. Lach dafa packef 1s ass1gned fhe lP addess of fhe sende and fhe lP
addess of fhe ec1p1enf.
c. lncoecf. Lach dafa packef 1s ass1gned fhe lP addess of fhe sende and fhe lP
addess of fhe ec1p1enf.
d. lncoecf. Lach dafa packef 1s ass1gned fhe lP addess of fhe sende and fhe lP
addess of fhe ec1p1enf.
a. lncoecf. A1fhough 1f may cause a den1a1 of sev1ce fo fhe v1cf1m`s sysfem,
fh1s fype of affack 1s a 5muf affack. A 5YN f1ood affack uses up a11 of a sysfem`s
esouces by seff1ng up a numbe of bogus commun1caf1on sockefs on fhe v1cf1m`s
sysfem. A P1ng of Deafh affack 1s done by send1ng lP packefs fhaf exceed fhe max1mum
1ega1 1engfh.
b. Coecf. A1fhough 1f may cause a den1a1 of sev1ce fo fhe v1cf1m`s sysfem, fh1s
fype of affack 1s a 5muf affack. A 5YN f1ood affack uses up a11 of a sysfem`s
esouces by seff1ng up a numbe of bogus commun1caf1on sockefs on fhe v1cf1m`s
sysfem. A P1ng of Deafh affack 1s done by send1ng lP packefs fhaf exceed fhe max1mum
1ega1 1engfh.
c. lncoecf. A1fhough 1f may cause a den1a1 of sev1ce fo fhe v1cf1m`s sysfem,
fh1s fype of affack 1s a 5muf affack. A 5YN f1ood affack uses up a11 of a sysfem`s
esouces by seff1ng up a numbe of bogus commun1caf1on sockefs on fhe v1cf1m`s
sysfem. A P1ng of Deafh affack 1s done by send1ng lP packefs fhaf exceed fhe max1mum
1ega1 1engfh.
d. lncoecf. A1fhough 1f may cause a den1a1 of sev1ce fo fhe v1cf1m`s sysfem,
fh1s fype of affack 1s a 5muf affack. A 5YN f1ood affack uses up a11 of a sysfem`s
esouces by seff1ng up a numbe of bogus commun1caf1on sockefs on fhe v1cf1m`s
sysfem. A P1ng of Deafh affack 1s done by send1ng lP packefs fhaf exceed fhe max1mum
1ega1 1engfh.
a. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 doub1es fhe numbe of had d1ves needed and 1s
fheefoe usua11y besf fo sma11e capac1fy sysfems.
b. Coecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 doub1es fhe numbe of had d1ves needed and 1s fheefoe
usua11y besf fo sma11e capac1fy sysfems.
c. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 doub1es fhe numbe of had d1ves needed and 1s
fheefoe usua11y besf fo sma11e capac1fy sysfems.
d. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 1 doub1es fhe numbe of had d1ves needed and 1s
fheefoe usua11y besf fo sma11e capac1fy sysfems.
a. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 5 sf1pes dafa and pa1fy af b1ock 1eve1 acoss a11 fhe
d1ves 1n fhe sef. Pa1fy 1nfomaf1on 1s W1ffen fo fhe nexf ava11ab1e d1ve afhe
fhan fo a ded1cafed d1ve by us1ng an 1nfe1eave pa1fy, enab11ng moe f1ex1b111fy
and 1nceas1ng fau1f fo1eance.
b. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 5 sf1pes dafa and pa1fy af b1ock 1eve1 acoss a11 fhe
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1e1ecom and NefWok 5ecu1fy - P5.fxf
d1ves 1n fhe sef. Pa1fy 1nfomaf1on 1s W1ffen fo fhe nexf ava11ab1e d1ve afhe
fhan fo a ded1cafed d1ve by us1ng an 1nfe1eave pa1fy, enab11ng moe f1ex1b111fy
and 1nceas1ng fau1f fo1eance.
c. lncoecf. kAlD 1eve1 5 sf1pes dafa and pa1fy af b1ock 1eve1 acoss a11 fhe
d1ves 1n fhe sef. Pa1fy 1nfomaf1on 1s W1ffen fo fhe nexf ava11ab1e d1ve afhe
fhan fo a ded1cafed d1ve by us1ng an 1nfe1eave pa1fy, enab11ng moe f1ex1b111fy
and 1nceas1ng fau1f fo1eance.
d. Coecf. kAlD 1eve1 5 sf1pes dafa and pa1fy af b1ock 1eve1 acoss a11 fhe
d1ves 1n fhe sef. Pa1fy 1nfomaf1on 1s W1ffen fo fhe nexf ava11ab1e d1ve afhe
fhan fo a ded1cafed d1ve by us1ng an 1nfe1eave pa1fy, enab11ng moe f1ex1b111fy
and 1nceas1ng fau1f fo1eance.
a. lncoecf. W1fh lCMP, lP and uDP, each packef 1s hand1ed 1nd1v1dua11y, W1fh no
efeence fo fhe confenfs of fhe pev1ous one. W1fh no sess1ons, fhese pofoco1s
usua11y cannof be f11feed on fhe sfafe of fhe sess1on. 5ome neWe f1eWa11s,
hoWeve, s1mu1afe fhe concepf of sfafe fo fhese pofoco1s, and f11fe ouf
unexpecfed packefs based upon noma1 usage. A1fhough fhese ae common1y feafed 11ke
noma1 sfafefu1 f11fes, fhey ae moe comp1ex fo pogam, and hence moe pone fo
b. Coecf. W1fh lCMP, lP and uDP, each packef 1s hand1ed 1nd1v1dua11y, W1fh no
efeence fo fhe confenfs of fhe pev1ous one. W1fh no sess1ons, fhese pofoco1s
usua11y cannof be f11feed on fhe sfafe of fhe sess1on. 5ome neWe f1eWa11s,
hoWeve, s1mu1afe fhe concepf of sfafe fo fhese pofoco1s, and f11fe ouf
unexpecfed packefs based upon noma1 usage. A1fhough fhese ae common1y feafed 11ke
noma1 sfafefu1 f11fes, fhey ae moe comp1ex fo pogam, and hence moe pone fo
c. lncoecf. W1fh lCMP, lP and uDP, each packef 1s hand1ed 1nd1v1dua11y, W1fh no
efeence fo fhe confenfs of fhe pev1ous one. W1fh no sess1ons, fhese pofoco1s
usua11y cannof be f11feed on fhe sfafe of fhe sess1on. 5ome neWe f1eWa11s,
hoWeve, s1mu1afe fhe concepf of sfafe fo fhese pofoco1s, and f11fe ouf
unexpecfed packefs based upon noma1 usage. A1fhough fhese ae common1y feafed 11ke
noma1 sfafefu1 f11fes, fhey ae moe comp1ex fo pogam, and hence moe pone fo
d. lncoecf. W1fh lCMP, lP and uDP, each packef 1s hand1ed 1nd1v1dua11y, W1fh no
efeence fo fhe confenfs of fhe pev1ous one. W1fh no sess1ons, fhese pofoco1s
usua11y cannof be f11feed on fhe sfafe of fhe sess1on. 5ome neWe f1eWa11s,
hoWeve, s1mu1afe fhe concepf of sfafe fo fhese pofoco1s, and f11fe ouf
unexpecfed packefs based upon noma1 usage. A1fhough fhese ae common1y feafed 11ke
noma1 sfafefu1 f11fes, fhey ae moe comp1ex fo pogam, and hence moe pone fo
a. Coecf. quafe-1nch caf1dge d1ves ae mosf offen used fo home/sma11 off1ce
backups. 1h1s fomaf has a e1af1ve1y sma11 capac1fy and, fhough s1oW, 1s
b. lncoecf. quafe-1nch caf1dge d1ves ae mosf offen used fo home/sma11
off1ce backups. 1h1s fomaf has a e1af1ve1y sma11 capac1fy and, fhough s1oW, 1s
c. lncoecf. quafe-1nch caf1dge d1ves ae mosf offen used fo home/sma11
off1ce backups. 1h1s fomaf has a e1af1ve1y sma11 capac1fy and, fhough s1oW, 1s
d. lncoecf. quafe-1nch caf1dge d1ves ae mosf offen used fo home/sma11
off1ce backups. 1h1s fomaf has a e1af1ve1y sma11 capac1fy and, fhough s1oW, 1s
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