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8lg-Ch: uenluon
ueslgn and Analysls
of AlgorlLhms l
1lm 8oughgarden
8lg-Ch: Lngllsh uenluon
LeL 1(n) = funcuon on n = 1,2,3,.
[usually, Lhe worsL-case runnlng ume of an algorlLhm]
C : When ls 1(n) = C(f(n)) ?
A : lf evenLually (for all sumclenLly large n), 1(n) ls bounded
above by a consLanL muluple of f(n)
1lm 8oughgarden
8lg-Ch: lormal uenluon
lormal uenluon : 1(n) = C(f(n)) lf
and only lf Lhere exlsL consLanLs
such LhaL
lor all
Warnlng : cannoL depend on n

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