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Mrs Jamelia H.

A Reid-Cato
Park Avenue, Mt Hope

August 11, 204

The Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
The Port of Spain International Waterfront Centre
1A Wrightson Road,


Below are the Constitution Amendments tabled in Parliament on Monday 4th August 2014 by The
Honourable Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar.

Term Limits for office of The Prime Minister: This will create unnecessary complications within the
governing party - incumbent Prime Minister remains as Political Leader of the party while someone else
is installed as Prime Minister this is a recipe for PUPPET LEADERSHIP!!

Right to recall MPs: Section 49 of the constitution makes provision for all possible infractions which calls
for the removal of a MP!! This proposed amendment makes no sense at all!! The process to trigger the
recall is convoluted and it is highly unlikely that any MP will be recalled via this method!

Run off ballot: This is a blatant attempt to introduce Proportional Representation via the back door!!!
What is wrong with 'The First Past the Post' system where a strong 3rd party can influence the final
results?! This amendment seeks to entrench a two party system in Trinidad and Tobago!!

We are calling on the Honourable Prime Minister and her Parliament to immediately "Recall" these
proposed amendments to the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago.


Mrs Jamelia H.A Reid-Cato
Park Avenue, Mt Hope

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