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2 Paksha Bal
Paksha can be loosely translated as a fortnite. However in Jyotish term, Paksha is the duration between
conjunction and opposition of the Luminaries. The duration from Conjunction to pposition is the time
when the Phase of !oon increase and is termed as "a#in$ !oon, which in Jyotish parlance known as the
%ukla Paksha. "hereas the duration from opposition to conjunction, the phase of !oon decreases and is
termed as "anin$ !oon, which in Jyotish Parlance known as &rsna Paksha.
The 'enefics are stron$er in the %ukla Paksha and the !alefics are stron$er in the &rsna Paksha. This
forms the basis for calculation of the paksha bala. The benefics are Jupiter, (enus, well associate !ercury,
whereas the malefics are %un, !ars and %aturn. The paksha bala of the !oon is ) rupas *+), virupas- at
the end time of .ull !oon and /ew !oon. The Paksha bala of the !oon $oes down to 0, virupas, durin$
the middle of the pakshas.
.ind the an$ular distance between %un and !oon. 1f the an$ular duration e#ceeds +2, de$rees, deduct
the same from 30,. The de$rees so obtained when divided by 3, which will indicate the Paksha 'ala of
each of the benefic 4rahas. The Paksh 'al of benefic should be deducted from 0,, which will $o to each
malefic, as Paksh 'al.
Varahamihira: Strength of Planets: The Shadbala - I file:///E:/T.S.RAO/T.S.RAO-1/ASTROLOGY/may-2014/webpage/Var...
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